#and again I'm a Marvel fan
littlerosetrove · 2 years
I already knew it before this last episode, but She-Hulk was a miss for me. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really like it either. I am a Marvel fan, but a critical one. 
Let me try to keep my overall thoughts brief, and keep in mind that this is how the show and characters came across to me.
The writing and storytelling was generally sloppy and kinda disjointed. 
The only fully formed character was Jen while literally everyone else was a walking stereotype of some sort, and just one dimensional caricatures. Even so, I still didn’t learn all the much about Jen. What I did get was: she’s a lawyer (not a great one either), I think she wants to date but is satisfied with hook-ups I guess, kinda self-centered, honestly a bit dismissive and belittling towards her cousin Bruce, and......???? 
Clearly part of the story was supposed to showcase Jen coming to terms and peace with living her life as Jen and She-Hulk. To me her “acceptance” wasn’t executed well. Her only inkling to even be a superhero came up in the second to last episode when Matt Murdock, a stranger, told Jen she can do good as a lawyer and as She-Hulk. Until that point, Jen had no interest in being a superhero. She only used She-Hulk to get attention.  Even by the end of the series, and in the last episode, where She-Hulk/Jen says something about being a lawyer and a superhero, I just.... didn’t buy it. The show, to me, did a poor job of convincing me that Jen 1) wants to be a superhero, and 2) is on her way to being a superhero. 
She-Hulk never cared or thought about property damage the entire time, nor did she seem to think about the fact that 99.9999% of the people she was confronting are human and easy for her to kill or seriously harm. My favorite example is her throwing a fucking car at Daredevil when she had no clue if he is super-powered or not. 
The “pairing” (re: they had a little banter I guess and slept together once) of Daredevil/Matt and Jen didn’t work for me. It felt very contrived and forced. While the actors themselves have some chemistry, that doesn’t make up for the fact that the writing for their characters coming together or whatever, just didn’t work for me. I do not care to see more of them together in the future of the MCU. 
The writers really used the fourth wall break in the last episode as a cop out to actually concluding some storylines and the show as a whole in any satisfying way. In some way the fourth wall break of Jen/She-Hulk saying, “No no, let’s do this ending differently” worked for me, but mostly not. Just *sighs* nothing really felt like it mattered. 
I also never cared for the show’s constant “men bad” approach. 
To reiterate, I don’t hate this show, but I don’t particularly like it either. I also don’t hate Jen, but the show didn’t really endear me to her or She-Hulk despite the actress playing her trying her best. If there’s a second season I don’t know if I’ll watch it. At most I’ll read spoilers about it just to keep up with the MCU overall. 
EDIT: I was reading reviews on this show and someone made a great point: She-Hulk/Jen legit got out of criminal charges by demanding to speak with the manager. Holy shit. 
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stackthedeck · 9 months
Gwenpool is not Gwen Stacy and she is not Deadpool how many fucking times do we have to go over this
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not-the-blue · 1 year
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world's greatest archer
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lady-of-the-spirit · 6 months
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Eternals (2021) / The Carnivorous Lamb, Agustin Gomez-Arcos, trans. William Rodarmor / "Like The Dawn", The Oh Hellos / "I'm not calling you a liar", Florence + The Machine
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all-that-jazz-93 · 3 months
of COURSE you're a marvel fan
This might be the funniest anon hate(?) I've ever received
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amoneki-ramblings · 4 months
you’ve been gone for two weeks, did something happen? :(
not meaning to intrude btw
I was actually thinking of making a post about this because I also realized it's been a while; basically school has been kicking my ass Hard lately, so I haven't really had time to indulge in my tg hyperfixation (I even had to put another pause on reading the manga, even now I'm only typing this after finishing an essay draft orz)
Not to mention I've been getting slightly sidetracked with another hyperfixation, though with all the work I've been swamped with I haven't really had much time for content making either way, and I apologize greatly for that !! There are Ideas I've been wanting to get to all this time, I just need to take some time to really crackdown on my schoolwork, but once I get through it I'll be back on my bullshit /threat don't worry LOL
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https-dandelion · 3 months
i rewatched captain america the first avenger and all of a sudden i am a child/tween/13 year old obsessed with marvel again. i miss the old mcu so much it aches my heart and i didn't realise i could feel this way about movies but those movies raised me
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Given how Canon!Patton is squeamish about spiders...
I think it's funny how Begottten!Patton basically became an adopted younger brother to Virgil... who is a nightmare being that is VERY MUCH arachnid-themed.
And that Pat likes Spider-Man a bunch too.
But I think it's a "spiders are scary unless they're Virgil or Spidey" sort of situation. Kid knows the difference.
(NEVERMIND that Janus's brood consists of at least three other nightmare beings - themself and the twins...)
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Strategizing my silly show rewatches to see what will produce The Most Emotion in me. And then soundly debating on whether or not that's actually a good idea
#ramblings of a lunatic#I probably think abt this too hard. thats the tism for you!#I'm gonna finish frog show 1b and then probably rewatch some of the willow and amity centric eps of s1#before starting 2A (but also i might rewatch eclipse lake AGAIN bc i watched it today and got reminded of how good it is-#-and then paused to be like. but what if i enhanced the experience even more)#the willow eps rewatch is in prep to rewatch asias (HELLO FAV EPPY SODE!!!) and as a treat to myself cause i love her-#-and theres so little of her in 2A (willow fans were genuinely the strongest ppl during this time. gus fans 2 but at least they got ttlgr)#BUT I ALSO LOVE AMITY she occasionally posseses my brain but not often! i normally leave the Amity scholarship to others on here#(namely eliot yardsards and smokey smokestarrule bc they have elevated amity opinions)#but i wanna study her like a bug myself sometimes!! eclipse lake reminded me of that. she's not well!!!#plus with some s1 eps back under my belt the blow of how fucking brutal s2B of the owl show is might be somewhat softened#it's my fav stretch of the show tho don't get it twisted. i love the slow build of 2A#AND the sheer marvel of quality despite circumstances that is s3 specials#and yes even the silliest of s1 eps#but 2B is just unbeatable to me personally. best emotions associated with it#but I am finishing s1 of frog show before i get to do All That#and then i might rewatch the rest of frog show to hold me down til the finale airs#tbh rewatching amphibia and remembering how much i love it and how insane it still makes me gives me comfort in the face of toh ending#just because something's over doesn't mean it stops giving you the same feelings that it did before or that you stop loving it!#obviously I'm hoping for more one day bc of how the show was cut short. i personally really want those comics danas talked about#but the show is still gonna be there when it's done and i can still be insane abt it for however long i want#and that's nice y'know?#oh god this got too sincere#ANYWAY. current watch pattern is going 1B of frog show -> bits of s1 and then 2B of owl show -> 2A frog -> s3 owl#fun times. owls and frogs
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
All the people killing Loki in that poll don’t actually hate his character (or at least not that much) but actually hate his fanbase. Which to be honest… as another Loki fan, yeah I get it.
I gotta admit as a fellow member of Loki's fanbase I also hate his fanbase 😭
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
When do we stop shaming people for not having read the comics? Dead serious. It's time to accept that maybe not everybody can find every Moon Knight, Spiderman, and She-Hulk issue cover to cover and read it.
Cuz my Marvel Comics app charges like $15 per issue when there's oh maybe about 12000 comics from the past 50 to 80 years I need to read to understand the MCU and I only get the first 4 pages of each for free. I have no choice but to google the most iconic pages of Civil War or YouTube videos that have to paraphrase 45 X-Men issues in 12 minutes to explain the ToP 15 EaStEr EgGs YoU mIsSeD iN tHe fInAlE oF lOkI, or Marvel Wiki in hopes to understand slivers of the dynamic of character's relationships, the scope of their powers and abilities, every B list character's background story, who hasn't Tony Stark gone out with, the moral ambiguity of the Punisher, who joined the Avengers and then quit and then rejoined and then quit again, why Felicia Hardy is an Iron (?) Cat (?) etc etc etc and hope to understand characterisation, tone, and accuracy of events in order to judge the quality of cinematic adaptations to source material I only have access to like 6% of.
So next time you want to explain how every MCU movie is unwatchable and when someone who likes it disagrees you retort with "they've never read the comics" like please send a check for three hunnit to get them started on some comics, Mr Geekier-Than-Thou Comic Guru. C'mon buddy, help me out, open your purse. Otherwise like honestly shut up. I can't speak for everyone, but my lack of comic reading is because I'm lower middle class and don't have hundreds of dollars to gain access to a century of comics. Not because I'm an illiterate neanderthal that can only take in information through pretty moving pictures or whatever elitism fans with access to comics have. I have many hobbies that I can't sustain financially. Others don't have enough time to sit down and read 90 Fantastic Four issues. Some people just don't care because paper pages don't explode on in 3D with action music blasting in the background.
And thank you to all the nice geeks that don't gatekeep Marvel and make helpful videos or internet posts that are meant to help guide people into better understanding of the comics and how the movies pertain to them. Especially the ones that were there when the MCU was just in phase one. And even the OG Spiderman, F4 and X-Men films before then. It couldn't possibly cover everything, but it's helped a lot through the years ❤️
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no-mercy-bby · 2 years
imma be honest i had absolutely no intentions to watch she hulk but once you said my bby matt was in the trailer i think i’ll take a peek at it now🫣
NO CAUSE ME TOO- like the cgi for she-hulk still looks so weird (why did the cgi her hair completely different when she's in her hulk form?.. And why not give her more muscles?...) BUT MATTY IS IN HIS FUNKY YELLOW AND RED SUIT-
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lostandfoundpress · 2 years
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When I put together this book press, I already had this 500+ page project in mind and I was afraid it wouldn't fit. nice to know I could still comfortably go bigger! (not that this might not present its own issues later)
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sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
rooster teeth is too cowardly to ever make grimmons canon. I don't want anyone to get their hopes up just to have them crushed so I'm saying this out of the gate: they won't do it. they don't have the guts.
but if you pin your hopes on canon grimmons anyway, and it doesn't happen, I reserve the right to say 'i told you so'.
I'm not doing this to be mean, I consider it harm prevention. protect yourselves from certain disappointment, and consider rt is still a company who will do things to exact views, money and emotional investment from you and are not interested in what you want beyond what will benefit them. they WILL string you along as long as it's profitable.
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odyhat · 2 years
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I love this so much, my head hurts.
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xiuhunsoo · 1 year
v controversial opinion but im tired so
people who shit on a certain actor called benedict need to stop with their unnecessary hate bc he has in fact the range he's just made some absolute shit decisions regarding his acting career and i will fight to death to say that he could do in fact roles like the doctor if it would not be the year of the lord 2023 and if the scripts and such wouldn't suck ass :')
ok that's all
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