#and all i get are 'feathers help protect them from the cold by making a pocket of air!'
powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Google is getting progressively, frustratingly more useless.
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shapard · 7 months
Feather of Fate🕊️
Lucifer x seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
Michael is an Asshole
Near death experience
An Angel cries
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Chapter 3 < Chapter 4 > Chapter 5
Lucifer was on edge. 
What is Michael doing here? 
Why Michael of all? The one that hates him more than anything. 
Michael was standing in his home destroying the peace Charlie and you had.
The peace you enjoyed so much that he wanted to keep. 
For the sake of you two.
His inner demon wanted to rip Michael limp from limp.
Its craving to use Michael’s blood to paint the town in pure gold with his blood.
Lucifers feather rustle out of anger.
“You would never pay me a visit Michael. We both know that.” After all it was his Fault.
Michael and Gabriel gave him the Idea to begin with.
And in the end they were the one who let him fall into this personal nightmare.
In hell. 
Lucifer almost lost his life because of them.
Meanwhile confusing was written all over your face. 
Michael? The Arch angel? 
Your brain was working on overload. 
Slowly it started to click. You completely dismissed the thought that Lucifer is an arch Angel.
An offspring from God himself. 
The Soulmate bond let you feel Lucifers rage, and his urge to protect you and his daughter.
It pushes you to stay put and to have faith in him. 
Lucifer was still in a protecting pose to protect you.
He didn’t even realize when he was in front of you.
In a blink of an eye, he saw himself protecting you with his wings. Making them larger and covering you.
What was wrong with him?
Was it because you grew close in these last days, or was there more?
Has he caught feelings for you?
It made sense. Common logic.
His train of thoughts were Interrupted by Michaels speech.
“You’re clever as ever. But I do have to disappoint you. I’m not here for you, but rather for that seraphim behind you.” Michael’s gaze moved from Lucifer towards you. 
His pure blue eyes bored into you, you felt almost naked under his stare.
You fiddled with the hem of your dress hoping it will help with your anxiety that started to build up in your system.
You heard an animalistic growl coming from Lucifer. 
“You better get the fuck away Michael.” 
It is terrifying. Lucifer is terrifying. You should be scared, but you aren’t. 
You found this utterly attractive. 
Lucifers horns were showing in all their might and all you could do was looking at them in awe. 
Michael was still staring at you, Ignoring Lucifers threat.
It fueled Lucifers Anger even more, the lights started to flicker in the hotel. 
Sweat pearled down from Charlie’s face.
She’s never seen her father that pissed before. Not even with Alastor nor Adam.
His eyes showing nothing but crimson red. But he remained calm in front of his older Brother. 
It would’ve scared Michael if he was a mere lower-class Angel or a demon in Hell. 
But he was the Arch Angel Michael, nothing scared him except his father God and Gabriel. 
He started to smirk showing his pearl white teeth, and it settled off you.
Lucifer and Michael looked so similar, same hairstyle, same face.
There was a huge difference between these two though. Michael was cold, his aura was dark and with nothing but anger and Ignorance.
Meanwhile Lucifers Aura was warm, like a hot bath that was pure relaxation. His aura was white and pure.
Maybe it was the bond. But you see a foul soul when there's one.
But one thing they had in common, and that's their pride.
You don’t have a good feeling about this.
He wants something, but what?
What can be so special in here that an Arch Angel comes down here and confronts his brother?
What makes you so special that Michael would come down here?
Michael's predatory gaze was following your every movement making you want to run or plead for your life. 
Lucifer widened his wings shielding you from the other Arch Angel.
You sigh in relief; you don’t want to spend any second longer with Michael's stare.
Not with the way he was looking at you.
Like a treat he could eat for breakfast.
“You should leave.” Lucifer’s eyes never left Michael’s.
All what he did was starting to laugh at Lucifer, “Aww, Little Lucifer protecting a fallen Angel How cute.”
In the next moment Michaels wings spread and he flapped them to create a hurricane like wind blow.
Wind blew softly in your face, Lucifers wings helped that you didn’t fly away from the force. 
With a crash Nifty flew into the alcohol bar, leaving a mess with broken bottles. Husk frowned, “Oh great.”
The whole crew hid behind the staircase to take cover from the Arch Angel.
Michael whistled. “You seem to grow a liking towards that girl.” He pointed at him then at you, “what happened with Lilith? Cheating on her?” Lucifer gritted his teeth and took a step forward. 
He wants to crush Michael skull on this hellish floor. Drawing an abstract painting in pure Gold on a red canvas.
“That’s none of your business.” Michael gasps at him, holding his mouth with his hand. Acting all shocked. 
You could swear Lucifer was ready to bounce on him.
His devil tail flicked dangerously from side to side.
That’s what Michaels want. 
He wants to see Lucifer loses control and letting his guard down. 
He wants to piss his little Brother off. And Lucifer fell for it. His pride is taking over not thinking correctly.
Your feet carried you towards Lucifer, grabbing his shoulder to stop him. “Luci, don’t. That’s what he wants.” 
He didn’t look your way but stopped in his track. 
This disappointed Michael.
Usually this works, it always worked. Why not now?
He came here to have fun with you and Lucifer, but you ruined it for him.
“You are listening now to a random bitch?” 
This was the last straw for Lucifer. No one talks to you like that.
Lucifer flew up to get more speed when he flew back down to kick Michael in the stomach. That send Michael flying towards the nearest house.
Leaving nothing but ruins from the building.
Coughing he looked where Lucifer was, nowhere to be seen.
Confused he threw stones in every direction trying to hit Lucifer. 
Lucifer laughed at this useless attempt. “That’s what you’re doing now? Throwing stones? Who's the Bitch now?”
His heart started to race out of fear.
He whipped his head frantic searching for his enemy. 
A howling laugh vibrated through hell and a crash followed it. 
Lucifer punched Michael hard into the floor letting Michael see black for a minute. 
The earth shook under the force making you slump down at the sudden ground movement. 
Michael spit out one of his Paper white teeth, it was covered in golden blood.
Michael realized that Lucifer got stronger and could easily get rid of him.
But that can’t be true, that’s not fair.
“Fuck.” He screamed as he heard Lucifers laugh from joy.
Michael panicked; he still couldn’t see Lucifer anywhere.
He was scared to death. 
Sweat covered his injured now dirty white skin. His golden head piece had a slight crack in it. 
How can I get away from here? 
Then he remembers.  
You were his compass right now and Michael can use you.
Use you to cause mental damage to Lucifer.
Lucifer stepped out of the dark, stalking slowly forward like a predator to their prey.
Michael crawled back. His hand slipped on a small rock making him fall on his back. 
Lucifer took the opportunity and charged forward. Michael dodged his attack just in time, flying towards your direction in 200km/h. 
Searching for Lucifer in the distance, you saw someone flying towards you.
Your eyes widen in excitement, thinking it is Lucifer. 
You walked slowly towards him, only to see that this is not your Lucifer. 
This Aura, so dark and it was scary.
It was Michael. 
You started to run to the opposite direction, you knew he would catch you easily if he wants to.
But you won’t give up without a fight.
Michael’s hair was all a mess, he looked like a maniac who lost control.
Blood all over his white attire and dirt all over him. 
He grabbed your wrist lifting you up in the air. 
You screamed, kicking your feet all around you. 
For the first time in decades, you seem scared of heights.
Not having wings comes with fear from heights. Not being available to fly when you fell. Getting crushed by gravity wasn’t exactly how you planned on dying. 
Your scream was quickly caught the attention from Lucifer, out of panic he teleported his way to you. 
His tail swayed dangerous from side to side as he looked at the disgusting mutt of a brother holding you up with your wrist. 
Pain and fear were written all over your demeanor and for the first time in this battle he felt scared.
Scared that he’ll do something to you.
Scared that if he interferes, you’ll die.
Michael Shaked you a bit to piss off Lucifer more. As if you were a mere piece of meat laid on display in an auction house.
Meanwhile he swung you around your sleeve of your dress slipped down revealing the apple mark on your wrist. 
As fast as you could, you tried to pull the sleeve back up, but Michael stopped you. 
Michael raised an eyebrow at you, what was your plan?
He took a glance at the thing you tried to hide, and oh did he never forget that mark. 
You share the same mark like him.
Like Lucifer. 
“Really? That’s all the fuss why you’re doing all of this?” You looked away in shame. 
Michael was to say at least very confused. You were ashamed of being Lucifers soulmate? He would be too, but you clearly enjoy his presence way too much to hate this. 
Then it clicks, “Ohhh, he doesn’t even know.” You bitt your lip, showing Michael that his speculation was Indeed right. 
Lucifer was standing there at his friendlier form, observing the scenery above him. 
He doesn’t know what? 
You knew this would happen at one point. 
You hid it very well the couple days, even though your heart was aching for that man. To tell him the truth.
But you were afraid. Will he reject you? Or does he even enjoy your presence, when he finds out the soulmate bond makes him feel that.
Michael pulled you in front of his face, you two were so close that you could feel his breath on your lips.
“You’re not better than your mother. To keep a secret that huge and so small,” His hand stroked your mark, it started to burn in your wrist making you scream in terror. 
It felt like someone was burning a piece of iron into your cold skin making your blood underneath boil. 
You felt hot and lightheaded.
You wiggled your whole body, trying to get out of Michaels grasp. 
The tears that fell out of your eye collides on Lucifers face; his clawed fist clenched hard the claws shoving into his palm drawing blood. 
Michael ripped a piece off your long-sleeved dress showing your mark towards Lucifer. 
Lucifers eyes widen, no that couldn’t be. 
He searched in your eyes the answer, but you looked away, ashamed. 
And it hurts him. Why didn’t you tell him? 
He unconsciously rubbed his mark on his wrist which started to itch since Michael touched yours.
Now everything made sense for him. 
Why he felt that kind of euphoric, why he felt so in love. Why his heart ached for you every time you’re not there.
That’s why he was so attracted to you. 
And you lied to him. God knows how long. 
He is mad at you, but he won’t lose you out of his anger. 
You were his last chance, his nemesis. 
He must get rid of Michael before he can deal with you. 
Meanwhile you struggled in Michael death grip on your wrist. Your hand felt numb with no blood getting pumped in it.
“I can’t kill you Y/n. But I can cause you pain which will hurt him even more.” His eyes shifted towards Lucifer smiling from ear to ear. 
His laugh that rippled through his ribcage made you cringe.
 His hands let you fall out of his grip. Before you could relax, thinking he would let you go. He grabbed your hair making you wince. 
He pulled out a little dagger and pressed it against your neck. “Let’s see if your blood is still golden.” 
Lucifer flew as fast as he could towards you stretching his arm towards Michael and you. Michaels words echoing in Lucifers brain. Let’s see if your blood is still golden.
But it was too late.
His knife slashed a cut on your neck, golden blood started to gush out and you started to choke on your own blood. 
It was hard to breath, every time you tried to take the oxygen in your lungs, blood filled them which made you cough and choke every time. 
Michael let you go, disgusted that your blood spilled on his cloths. 
He removed his golden strand out of his face smiling widely at Lucifer. 
“Next time I make sure to you two will never see each other. Farewell.” With that he teleported away leaving a mess in hell behind him.
Lucifer punched into the cement where Michael was standing. 
His heart stopped when he heard you choking from your own blood. 
Rushing to your side he pressed on your wound tight. “Please, please don’t die.” 
All you could feel was pain, and the warmth of Lucifer by your side. 
And there it was again, the warmth of his powers flowing into your system. 
it was calming. Making you almost forget the pain you’re in. 
Lucifer was on the edge of crying. 
Forgetting that you didn’t tell him that you were his soulmate. 
All he could think about is that you were slowly dying.
He feels useless.
Charlie watched the scene, feeling bad for her dad.
He told her that he has a soulmate, someone who is his other half.
But since he fell, he’d never see them. 
It was sad to see his depressed expression when he thought about it.
But now he found out in the middle of the battlefield that he found her. And now he may lose someone precious. His other half. The reason he still had faith.
She looks at her father saying a mantra all over and over again. 
Please don’t die, please, please Y/n don’t leave me. Please.
He felt alone like he did when Lilith left him, but this is not the same. 
You’ll never come back. Leaving him with an empty void in his heart that cannot be filled. 
He survived the void that Lilith left in him. 
But not you, his soulmate that helped him without even knowing. 
Every night he thought of you. Not even in a sexual way. 
He held the duck he made for you tight to his body to feel comforted in some kind of way. 
And it all makes sense. But it may be too late.
Here you were, slowly dying in his hands. Passed out from your blood lost. 
His tears dropped down on your lips making you feel the salty sweet substance. 
An Angel cries.
Your neck wound started to close making him sigh in relief.
you have lost a lot of blood, and it was still life threatening but the bleeding was stopped.
You have a chance to survive this.
He stroked your cheek softly removing the dirt that was on your face. 
He pressed his forehead on yours in a comforting way.
“Please wake up.”
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A/n: 👀 Soooo, how y'all doing? Thank you to all who are writing so sweet comments<3
Hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️
@ayanazoldyck @marydragneell @lunaryasha @cherry-cola-100 @lxkeee @latersgates-steven @fandom-crashlanding @cupidsgift
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ameliaenya404 · 1 month
couldd i request a dabi or hawks short fic or hcs of comforting a user who has night terrors alot?
Yess of course!! 🩵🩵🩵 (I couldn't choose who to do so I did both of them 😭)
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Dabi has his fair share of experience when it comes to night terrors. Seketo peak haunts his nightmares often, but he's learned to manage them over the years. But when he's abruptly woken up to you screaming, he freaks the fuck out. Once you wake up he's all over you, kissing your tears away. His voice is heavy with sleep as he holds you and whispers sweet nothings to calm you down. He doesn't mind getting up to grab you a glass of water or a cool wet cloth to wipe away your cold sweat. If you don't want to go back to sleep immediately he's perfectly okay with holding you, playing little games with you, or getting you whatever you need to relax. He gives great massages.
Once you've calmed down and your nerves are no longer shot, he'll tangle up with you in bed, keeping you close and pulling you impossibly closer every chance he gets.
"Just remember, doll. You're god in your mind, you're safe here."
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Hawks has also had night terrors before, mainly from his commission days. He doesn't view them as a big deal when he gets them because he tends to be desensitized to most things he goes through, ensuring it's fine. But the minute you have them? Public enemy number one. His poor baby, he HATES when you get them because while it's happening there's not much he can do. If it helps he'll turn on the ceiling fan when you get them, the cool breeze slightly making it better. But he feels useless while it's happening until you wake up. He already had his feathers bring him a washcloth and a bottle of water, so he's prepped when you wake up crying or screaming. He calms you down quickly, hero training coming in handy for something atleast. Letting you gulp down your water and breathe for a moment before he tugs you close. Holding you against his chest and kissing your temple, having you rest your head against his chest so you can focus on his heartbeat and breathing. He'll braid and rebraid a small piece of your hair to keep occupied while he tells you how much he adores and cherishes you. Telling you softly that you are safe and how he'll protect you no matter what.
"Rest your eyes, dove. You're safe,"
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desi2go · 6 months
Fluffy mornings
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pairings: Changbin x reader
Warnings: fluff
summary: you and Changbin enjoy a morning on a day off together.
author's note: Happy birthday Hyunjin!
You loved mornings like this.
Changbin layed next to you. Well, technically, above you. His head layed on your chest while his hands circled your waist. Even his leg was over yours.
He was still deep asleep, even though it was already past eight. It was his day off so he could sleep all day long. And he definitely deserved it.
Yesterday night, you two decided to go to a bar to dance and drink a bit. And if you are honest, you didn't thought that you'll be home late. But that wasn't so bad. It was also your day off.
The sun that perked through the curtains woke you up. As you saw your boyfriend laying on your chest, you couldn't help but chuckle.
Your short king loved to cuddle, especially because you were slightly taller than him, just a few inches.
But every time you cuddle, he demands to lay on top of you. Even in his sleep, he liked that. And you felt so safe in your strong boyfriends arms. He was like a big blanket that was thrown over you and brought you not only comfort but also warmth.
He was your personal heater. Whenever you cuddled, you never need an comforter.
In thoughts, you brushed through his curly black hair, detangling some strands.
In sleep, he sighed and snuggled even more up into you. You smiled and messaged his scalp.
You were so jealous for his beautiful silky hair. You wished, you had such great hair.
You stayed like this for a while until you felt him stirring in your arms. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned. He turned his head and layed his chin on your chest. A sleep driven smile danced over his rosy lips.
"Morning" he whispered.
"Morning, sleepyhead" you answered.
He snuggled further into you. You laughed at his clinginess. "My cussion moves too much" he grumbled at the vibration of your chest.
"Sorry, my love. But I need to go to the bathroom, ya?" Only with protest, he lifts his body from you and gave you free.
Quickly, you jumped out of bed because you knew that Changbin would try to catch you again. You slipped into your house shoes to protect your feet from getting cold.
They were stray kids themed, well technically dwaekki themed. They were pink and on the front was the face printed on them. Even his up standing ears were sewed on the fabric.
You bought them a year ago when your boyfriend was on tour and you missed him so much. Via a video call, you showed them to him and he loved them. Sometimes, you need to fight for them because he wears them too.
In the bathroom, you brushed your teeth and used the toilet. Then, you decided on making breakfast.
You quickly re-entered the bedroom to throw over one of Changbin's hoodies and saw that he was still sleeping. Deeply, you inhaled his scent. It was like coming home. You made your way to the kitchen.
You chose to make some eggs with bacon. Without big noises, you pulled out a frying pan from a cabin. You waited till the pan was heated, then, you cracked the eggs and fried them.
Two strong arms circled around your waist and sneaked under the hoodie.
"You didn't come back" he complained and placed a feather light kiss on your neck.
"Sorry, wanted to make some breakfast" you answered and flipped the eggs.
"Smells amazing" he stated and caressed your sides. "You're wearing my hoodie" he added.
"Yeah, I was cold. Do you like it?"
"Of course, sweetie. But why do you choose a hoodie over me, your personal heater?" He exclaimed.
"It seemed that my personal heater was charging" you answered playfully and fried the Bacon.
"Fortunately I'm here now and can warm you up" he mumbled into the fabric of the hoodie. Even through the thick hoodie, you felt his comforting warmth. Just slightly, you leaned against the strong chest and enjoyed the moment.
You loved mornings like this.
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Can I request Aasimar Tav headcanons (with astarion)? I barely see anything about Aasimar Tav since it's a mod to get in game
Astarion x Protector Aasimar!Tav
Aasimar are pretty new as a race and there are three main types: Protector, Scourge and Fallen.
Protector Aasimar is filled with the power of goodness to protect the weak, root out evil anywhere, and stand tirelessly in the path of darkness. From a young age, they receive advice and guidance that encourages him to resist evil.
Scourge Aasimar is filled with a divine energy that blazes within. It fuels a strong desire to destroy evil - a desire at best firm and at worst all-consuming. Many aasimars wear masks to shield themselves from the world and focus on containing this power, removing the mask only during battle.
Fallen Aasimar is touched by the forces of darkness in their youth or turn to evil as an adult. Their inner light has been replaced by shadow. Instead of angelic wings, they have skeleton ones which aren't fit for flying but good for intimidation.
I am going to do Protector Aasimar for you, and later I will do Fallen Aasimar for another request I have. If you want Scourge Aasimar or another vision of the character, let me know in the inbox!
You are born of celestial blood, a descendant of angelic creatures.
Raised among humans, your skin is pale, and metallic freckles scatter over your perfect face.
Your eyes are perfect silver, the glow in the dark.
A ghostly halo crowns your head.
And what is the most important, you have wings.
They are big and strong, you learned to fly before you learned to walk.
Your patron is Myllandra, a cold and distant creature.
Torn between two worlds, you are neither a celestial nor a human.
Not immortal, your lifespan is even shorter than one of a half-elf.
Your patron gives you orders and you have to follow them even if it means you ignore someone's sufferings.
You are given an order - you need to lead the fight against the Absolute.
If it means someone dies in the process, it's not your problem.
But you must not fight the Selunites' wars against the Sharns.
Don't look for the Night Song.
You obey and abide, cold and distant as you've been taught.
But the tadpole cuts your connection with your patron, forcing you to make decisions on your own.
You suddenly can decide whom to help. You can have fun. You can fall in love.
Astarion is absolutely bewildered by you.
An aasimar! A descendant of angels!
And, gods, your wings!
They are wonderful!
Your blood tastes divine in the truest sense.
And Astarion sort of corrupts you, teaching you to be selfish, to cherish material things - everything which was forbidden to you.
But the moment comes and he realizes he can't lie anymore. You are too pure, too honest, it's unfair to play games with you.
He confesses and waits for the divine punishment.
Instead, you hug Astarion wrapping him in your wings.
Corrupted and free, you are still an aasimar.
Now, when you are together, he often caresses your wings in public.
He especially loves cleaning the feathers of blood and gore.
And putting ointment on your back to ease the muscle pain after flying.
You are shocked to see the Night Song.
An aasimar! Just like you!
But why were your patron's orders like that? What is going on?
You act according to your ideals and win the war on your own terms.
When it's all over, you are ready to cover Astarion with your wings from the sun but instead…
He doesn't burn.
Your blood gives him temporary resistance.
Your patron is back.
Myllandra is pissed.
She spares you the details of how much you have interfered with the divine plan and what a horrible creature you are.
As a punishment, she rips your wings off.
The pain is so unbearable you want to die.
Now you are locked in some interdimensional prison, restrained with chains and cursed with never never-ending pain of having your wings torn.
You've lost track of time, your life is only pain and suffering, the divine punishment for everything you did.
The thing is -
You aren't alone.
You hear the distant sounds of fighting, of some cruel battle outside the walls of your prison.
And then your chains are broken with the Orphic Hammer.
"Fuck, what has this bitch done to you", you hear the exhausted voice.
Of course.
Astarion isn't afraid of some angel who thinks too much about herself.
He is here. Along with the Night Song and the Selunites.
It takes you time to forget your imprisonment. The pain. The desperation.
What is worse, is the changes in your body.
You have the chronic pain in your back. Your skin is much darker than it was. Your eyes return to their "natural" grey color and don't glow in the dark.
Though, your blood still protects Astarion from the sunlight.
Even your patron can't take everything from you.
Together, you stay with the Selunites.
You are still Protector Aasimar - and there are plenty of ways to live up to your ideals.
Together, you are a peculiar couple.
A mutilated aasimar and a vampire, both in the Selunites' armor, go to the darkest and most cursed places to be heroes and adventurers.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe 
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signedeclipse · 1 year
May I please request fluffy and nsfw headcanons hantengu ( and his other forms) with chubby fem s/o? Please and thank you.
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Hantengu [X Reader]
In which Hantengu and his clones enjoy their s/o to their fullest.
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Hantengu may be horrified, even of literally standing, but he will go to great lengths to make sure other demons don't even so much as know you exist
Think of a hidden away home where you are safe from nosey demon slayers, something he can easily protect from other of his kind and his enemies
The thought of you hurt just kills him, and he climbed the ranks a lot just by having the mindset of living for you
When you're alone, Hantengu is a very possessive person due to his jealousy and envy
He wants you to feel good, he wants to see you depend on him, he knows he could easily overpower you and dangles that over your head, albeit slightly unknowingly
He'll wrap you in his own silky clothes, just to praise your gorgeous body; lots of light scratch marks from his claws
Kind of a sugar daddy energy but he's lovely
Sekido despises his clones and other people, so he is happy just sitting in a room with you alone
You give him peace, and he loves when you'll run your hands through his hair or wash it for him because it helps ease his near permanent headache
You're soft and warm, unlike most the cold stone like individuals he meets, so he likes to rest his head on your chest
Behind closed doors? You know how some guys smack their s/o's ass when they walk by? He lightly zaps yours just to see you jump
Jealous/hate fucking is real with this one, but 10x worse than Hantengu
He wants to see hickeys the darkest they can get, he wants to see you clinging to him that your nails are breaking into his skin, he wants to protect and fuck you into the bed until you can't move
Karaku just adores seeing you fawn over his body
I mean, he mostly shows it off for you, and he loves feeling your fragile hands trace him all over
He doesn't purr but he makes little hissing noises as a way of showing he's happy and really relaxed
While he may be quite the kinky one, nothing beats having you sat on his lap cockwarming him
Seeing you get all flustered and embarrassed when you try to ride him while he stares straight at you only makes him harder
He loves his strength, because he knows no one else could treat you this good, he'd never let them
No, no he won't move his hips, if you want him so bad surely you can fuck yourself onto his cock, come on!
If you frustrate him enough, he'll pin your thighs down and fuck you so hard you'll lose your sight for a couple of minutes
Aizetsu really enjoys being all tangled up with you; he wants to have your arms linked, hands held, so on
He gets really silent once he has you defending him from any of the clones usual harassments, and appreciates you for seeing the good in him
In bed, he's the kind to 'pity' you with his words
"You poor thing, it feels so good you're crying...my poor weak girl can't handle it, can she?"
He'll be physically gentle with you, not much marking or bites, but he will overwhelm you until your eyes are so full of tears because he just loves seeing it
Urogi is just so sleepy with you what can I say
He expels so much energy flying, fighting, using his attack and bickering with his clones that once he's alone with you he just wants you to sleep with him
His wings are very strong but when new feathers come in he likes when you take the time to prune him and break the new feathers shells for him
Might smack you with his wing lightly because he thinks you make a funny noise when you get a face full of feathers
When he gets into a sort of 'heat', he just loves fucking you roughly, hell he will do it out in a wild if he's really feeling it, he wants to get dirty
Just wrap his wings around you so you're nice and snug against him, unable to crawl away as he feels you spasm on his cock for the nth time 
he is very light so it's a lot easier for you to overpower him but he doesn't mind introducing restraints if he needs to
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Authors Note - I love Hantengu so much and I have really wanted to get my thoughts out on the clones because a lot of the things I see about them just don't rub me how I would like! Thank you for requesting and please enjoy, Anon!
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naffeclipse · 11 months
I had a thought while working today since I saw something baby penguin related
What if harpy!y/n already had a lil baby penguin of their own when they meet eclipse? How would reactions ensue, eclipse's, sun and Moon's, and the lil penguin's themself?
Just imagining eclipse marveling how the baby is even softer than y/n-
Oh my gosh, the thought of this is making me melt!
Already parent Harpy!Y/N is hyper-vigilant of any threats to their chick. They keep far from the water and are always cuddling their baby to protect them from the sub-zero temperatures. Their penguin harpy young has soft, gray downy to help her through the cold but it's still not enough without a parent's help. Y/N only leaves their baby to get food and that's only for seconds.
Y/N does notice a prowling siren in the waters. That's all the more reason Y/N evades and hides as far as possible from the icy coast, but the baby needs food. Y/N can't stay away forever. They tremble in fear at what harm a siren might bring to them and their little girl.
Y/N returns from one of those rushed hunting trips, fish in their mouth, when they stop in absolute horror to find a large orca siren holding their baby in his clawed hands and crooning over the soft fluff of the little one. Y/N flies towards their chick—knowing full well that they do not have a prayer in this fight to defend their young—but are gobsmacked when the siren catches them and neatly places their baby back in their flippers.
Eclipse doesn't let the beautiful harpy go. Of course, not. He needs to tell them that he is so thrilled to finally meet them and how lovely their little one is. Y/N is still in panic mode, waiting for the violence to begin and how to shield their little girl from it, but it never comes. Eclipse is all sharp teeth and curiosities. He can't wait to bring the two harpies to meet his adoptive young—what a beautiful family they'll make!
Y/N is still terrified for their baby's sake but Eclipse is so insistent (grabby) and then, oh, there are two siren young. Y/N is tittering between "this siren is going to feed my baby to his babies" and "oh... they look cold..."
It takes a long while for Y/N to be okay with Eclipse holding their baby and to believe that the siren young can be cared for in their own harpy manner, but eventually, they all form a little motley unit!
Sun and Moon are larger than the chick and love grabbing fistfuls of that fluff because that's what they do with harpy Y/N's feathers but baby chick isn't okay with that, so, the little sirens are taught to be gentle. Siren young are a bit more durable than Hapry offspring. The baby chick, however, has two warm and snuggly buddies now.
The little girl harpy is so intrigued by all the commotion! She knows something's not right when her parent isn't happy with the weird black and white fish holding her, but she loves playing with the other smaller fish, and she wants to be tough and play rough like them and sing like they do!!! But she chirps a lot and her notes are quick and shrill. She loves Eclipse like a father and she loves her harpy parent, too.
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
Schneider returns as a Carbuncle.
This is the first chapter of the Schneider Caruncle fic I've been screwing around with. The whole thing may never make it online, but I can share this bit (until I get embarrassed and delete it).
The story is called Tarocco.
Orange orchards.
Doves in flight.
Bullets and bloodstains.
Her thoughts shifted into abstraction before she could collect them. The river of time flowed steadily and she drifted on its current along with trickles of Dust. How long has she been here? Perhaps she's always been here. It didn't matter since she will never know the answer.
Or so she thought.
A two-dimensional line appeared before her, beckoning her to grab hold. Someone's calling her. She grasped the line and it reeled her out of the currents of time. Dust convened around her, giving her spirit a physical body but it wasn't enough. She needs more before she reaches her destination wherever that might be–
Crimson eyes opened to the sight of a golden spinning wheel. The currents of time were neither cold nor wet as they receded away from her.
“The wheel summoned a Carbuncle?” A voice asked from behind her.
She sprung onto all fours–
Fours. That didn't sound right. She looked down at her chocolate colored paws and then behind her at a ridiculously fluffy tail.
She can't fight like this! She's no bigger than a kitten! How did this happen? She glared at two young women observing her. One's wearing a ridiculous top hat concealing her face. The other had a head of fiery long hair.
“Shall I take care of it, Timekeeper?” The redhead raised her wand. Green eyes honed in on the furball in front of her like a hound on a rabbit.
The Carbuncle extended her claws in response and bared her fangs. She won't go down with a fight against this! This! Old woman!
“That won't be necessary, Sonetto. The wheel must have brought her here for a reason.”
Her words failed to allay the Carbuncle’s hostility. She's been in this situation before. She can't remember when or how, but the feeling of being cornered felt at home in her anxious body.
She's going to slash that stupid hat into ribbons and scratch out her target's eyes the moment she gets closer. If she's lucky, the bodyguard will be too busy helping her friend to chase her while she makes her escape.
Top Hat crouched down on one knee like a prince about to propose. “Hello, my name is Vertin and this is my assistant Sonetto. We're not going to hurt you.” Sonetto nodded but her gaze didn't soften in the slightest. She tensed as Vertin lowered herself within the bristling Critter's reach. Sonetto's free hand gripped the back of Vertin's jacket, ready to yank her away at a moment's notice. What a protective little dog this “Vertin” has.
A memory laced in gold and coated in slime pricked at the back of the Carbuncle's mind but it refused to surface. She's too focused on the opening before her to dwell on them. She approached Vertin cautiously.
The gullible fool extended her hand. “Can you understand us? Nod your head if you can.”
The Carbuncle resisted rolling her eyes. What next, roll over? Play dead? She nodded and nudged the offered hand with her head. Feather light fingertips scratched under her chin in a way that was loathsomely comforting. Stick to the plan. Be strong. She's not a pet! Ugh, this form is messing with her mind and Vertin finding the sweet spot behind her ears wasn't helping her focus. A genuine purr escaped her throat against her will.
“See, Sonetto? She's friendly. We should bring her back with us.”
That snapped her out of her trance.
The Carbuncle locked eyes with her prey, finally able to see past the brim of her hat–
Hair like threaded silver. Tempestuous gray eyes rivaled storm clouds. A sweet splattering of freckles across her nose.
Oh no, she's gorgeous.
Vertin gave a small smile when the Carbuncle nuzzled her hand. “Would you like to come home with me?”
An echo of a memory played in her mind.
“What if I say, I can provide you with shelter?”
The Carbuncle pushed herself into Vertin's arms. Shelter. This person will protect her. She can feel it.
The scent of rain. A red umbrella. A stolen kiss.
Vertin scooped her up and held her against her chest. “I'll take that as a yes. You'll be safe with us while we figure out why you're here.”
The rhythm of Vertin's heart stirred something in the Carbuncle.
“Don't forget my heartbeat on the right.”
The memories slipped away as quietly as it came when Vertin pressed her face into her fluff. An interesting decision for someone she just met. Not that she was complaining.
“She's so soft! Sonetto, you need to feel this.”
Now she's complaining. She hissed as the other girl neared.
Sonetto yanked her hand back. “It appears she only likes you.”
“She'll warm up to you, right?” Vertin said, removing the fluff from her face. “Let's head back with the others and introduce our newest member.”
The introductions to the other members were anticlimactic. It seems as though a Red-Eyed Carbuncle isn't the strangest thing Vertin's brought home.
Vertin gave her a grand tour of her land. Apparently the entire space around them existed in her Suitcase and she provided shelter for her crew of arcanists. She gave them sanctuary like a benevolent lord over their people.
And now Vertin is her lord too.
“And this tower collects Dust,” Vertin explained. The Carbuncle perked up. Maybe if she gathers more Dust she can take on a more useful form! Seeing her excitement, Vertin shifted her in her arms to give her a better view. She knew she was supposed to be admiring the tower but now she's so close to her lord's face.
What a view indeed. Her eyelashes are so long. They reminded her of feathers when she blinked.
“A growing Carbuncle needs their fair share of Dust. I'll make sure you get get your fill.” Ah, what a generous lord. When was the last time someone took care of her? Memories of dollar bills and black coats spilled into her head.
Eleven older sisters. A stressed mother. An unanswered prayer.
She provided for all of them. Does that same family float amongst the currents of time like she did? Her ears flattened against her head as she struggled to put names to blurry faces.
Vertin stroked her head. “Are you alright?”
She isn't.
But she's better off with Vertin for the time being. She'll gather as much Dust as she can until she can find herself again. She purred to assure her keeper that she's fine.
Her lord didn't look convinced. “Maybe Mr. Apple can make a translator for you. He told me stories about a puppy he made one for in the past.”
“Vertin, are you still playing with that Dust bunny?” Regulus shouted from the direction of the main building. The self proclaimed rock pirate raised her shades. Amber eyes settled on the duo. “C'mere and crack open a Dr. Papper with me! It's a new flavor.”
“Ok, but let me show her the orchard first. Last thing, I promise,” Vertin answered. “She's one of us now so she needs the whole tour.”
“She?” Regulus balked. “How can you tell that's a little lady in your arms?”
Vertin looked down at the Carbuncle who met her eyes, just as curious. “I don’t know. It felt right.” She lowered her voice like a guilty child. “Did I get it right or…” The Carbuncle licked her cheek and extinguished her doubts. It's the closest thing to a kiss she can give. “Regulus, did you see that?” Vertin scratched behind her ears again. “I was right. You're such a good girl.”
Tingles ran down her spine. Perhaps life as a Carbuncle isn't so bad.
The burnette shook her head. “Yep, after seeing that I'm convinced that's another girly alright.”
“What do you mean?”
Regulus smirked without elaborating. “Don't keep me waiting too long!” She vanished inside before Vertin could respond.
Vertin tightened her grip on the Carbuncle. “One last stop.”
The orchard had a few different trees. A peach tree, an apple tree, a plum tree. However, near the back was an orange tree.
It smelled like home.
“Do you like this one? It's my favorite too. Tarocco blood oranges. They're supposed to be the sweetest oranges in Sicily.” She walked over to the tree and placed her palm against it with a somber shadow in her eyes. “Sotheby and Druvis made this orchard possible. The trees will bear fruit if we give them a special potion.” She glanced back at her fuzzy friend nestled in her arm. “Although, I'm not sure if you can eat these.”
The Carbuncle would have gasped if she could. She mewled and caressed Vertin's cheek with her own. Simply being near the tree brought her images of a grand orchard. Her…uncle's?
The branches were so high and her hands were so small. An older sister helped her pick the ones out of reach. Another helped her carry the overflowing basket.
The more she struggled the more formless the memories became.
This must be a sign that she is exactly where she is meant to be. Dust, shelter, and bridges to old memories. Vertin was right, she must be here for a reason.
“Are you trying to persuade me by acting sweet?” She received another mewl in response as well as another Carbuncle kiss on her jaw. It worked. “Alright, alright. I'll let you try a tiny bit. If all goes well, you can have more.” She made her way back to the main building. “I never asked your name. Do you have one?”
Probably. But she doesn't remember. She shook her head.
“Is it alright if I give you one for the time being?”
She nodded. Her lord could call her Fuzzball or Pochi for all she cares. As long as Vertin holds her like this, she can be anything. “Tarocco, because you're so sweet.”
It's sappy. Lame. Almost embarrassing.
And it made Tarocco melt in her arms.
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Hi could you do a Morpheus x reader where the reader is krypton (like supergirl) and they are husband and wife and the reader protects him but the bad guys uses him to get to the reader and they use the green kryptonite which causes the reader to pass out and he catches the reader and carries them to their shared bedroom and waits till the reader wakes up and have a happy ending
Potato Chips
Dream of the Endless x Krypotian!Reader
Summary: "Ah, yeah. I can't seem to catch a break," I groan, "one moment I'm buying potato chips, next thing- BANG! Shot with kryptonite."
Word Count: >600
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mervyn 'i will die for y/n' pumpkinhead, nightmare!dream, protectiveness, fluff?, typos, etc.
A/N: hi nonnie i had a similar request to yours before so i did this alshfasfh and i hope you like it (: Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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"My love," is the first thing that my senses register when I relapse into consciousness.
I rouse with a cold sweat. I feel a hot hand on my cheek. My eyes flutter open-- or at least I feel them flutter open. I rub my eyes with my palm and release a groan.
"How are you feeling?" the voice grumbles, deep and loud. It echoes through every crook and chamber; it rings in my ears, effectively waking me up.
I open my eyes, finding I was laid in darkness. I sit up from the cushions and blink rapidly, as if willing the color and light back into my eyes. It doesn't work. But then I see something glimmering in darkness; there were specks of shimmer. Instinctively, I knew it was Dream's eyes.
I reach out to his cheek, "Dream? What's going on?"
The room vibrates when he speaks, "you were hurt."
I straighten up. Yeah, that would explain why I can't see in the dark right now.
I take a moment to think back on the events that happened prior to being submerged in this darkness. Why was it so dark anyway? Am I in the Dreaming?
And then it clicks.
"Ah, yeah. I can't seem to catch a break," I groan, "one moment I'm buying potato chips, next thing- BANG! Shot with kryptonite."
"I removed the shard from your side," he speaks tightly. I do my best to really focus on his face but it was just too dark for me to see.
"Dream, why is it so-"
CRACK! There is a loud creaking sound, followed by a voice that steps in with an orange light, "BOSS!"
A similarly orange pumpkin head draws near. The cigarette in his mouth is lit by the candle in his hand, "I finished the torture room."
"Torture room?" I mumble back.
Dream pulls his face away from me and looks at his scarecrow servant. Mervyn does not look at his master at all, even as he says, "very good."
"Wait- what tort-"
"I ordered every nightmare to have at it with the miscreant who was stupid enough to mess with our lady."
Our lady? So he- "Wait- hold on. Why is there a torture-"
Dream pulling away makes my words go dry, that, and finally seeing his form with the help of the one light in the room. I suddenly wish I hadn't looked. He rose up to the ceiling, body long, spindly, dark, matted in material I couldn't make out. He had feathers? Scales? Horns? Claws? Appendages? He was terrifying; a true nightmare, so much so, when my breath caught in my throat, I am stunned and forced to look away.
"Very good, Mervyn," his voice bellows, making a shiver run down my spine.
I feel him look at me. I cannot look back.
"My love," my Nightmare speaks, "I will return in a moment."
I can only squeak in response.
Slowly, the darkness in the room dissipates. When the light touches us again, I turn to Mervyn, who blows out his candle.
I release a sigh, "what was he?"
"What do you mean, milady?" Mervyn takes his cigarette between his fingers.
"I mean Dream! He was-" I place my hands on my head, "he was horned! And- and gooey and -"
"You mean you actually looked?" Mervyn chuckles in surprise, "wow. Love is wild. I've never once felt inclined to look at my lord when he was in nightmare form," he puffs some smoke, "don't worry. It's not for you. It's for the bozo that shot you."
I raise a finger at that, "so the torture room-"
"My best work to date," Mervyn says, "of course," he begins to walk off, "I had to work last minute and overtime," he grumbles on his way to the door, "but, I mean, at least, for once, it's not entirely irrational-" he slams the door on his way out.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi I am 🪷 Aron from couldninetonine
And I have a request for you if it ok.
Can I request yandere platonic sage , sky, time, warrior, four x child zoni reader.
Like the reader is rauru and queen Soni little baby half breed daughter. Half elf and half zoni. And they found her in her little bubble pod that a flower a lotus. And how they fell for her big doe eyes and big ears. And teaching her the ways and have her call them papa's and how they keep her safe. Please and thank you
omg hi! I love cloudninetonine! It is totally okay to request!
I haven't done a lot of platonic yandere, but this seems fun!
Imagine them calling the boys their papa bc her real dad is dead lmao-
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・❥・@lovanmari and @wayfayrr I got some DILF Sage for yall
・❥・Sage as a dad. First off-- who in their right mind is trusting him with a kid?
・❥・Nah, I kid, I kid. When he's given a child, one so small and innocent and one that he connects with? It burns something within him.
・❥・He was a child soldier (I think canonically BOTW Link was in the army by age twelve?), and when he sees this small child who's relying on him? He swears they'd have a better life than he ever had.
・❥・He absolutely refuses to let his child anywhere near anything sharp, too hot, too cold, explosive, etc.. If there's any chance at injury, his flower bud isn't going anywhere near it.
・❥・You know that his kid is eating like royalty. Every single day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And dessert. And you know that dessert is the best damned thing in the world.
・❥・Sage as a dad is probably just as unhinged, but in more protective way? Lynel look in their direction? Here kid, look at this butterfly, Papa will be right back- He's back within three minutes tops and look! He's got the fur for a new blanket for you!
・❥・Cece tries pinching your cheeks? He's glaring down at her, daring her to try.
・❥・Someone tries offering you a treat because your just so adorable? He knows his kid is cute, nice try. Nothing is getting past him. He's a bit of a helicopter parent.
・❥・Not a bit. It's a lot.
・❥・He loves playing with your big ears, ones that you'll grow into, flopping them about even as you get red-cheeked and angry at him.
・❥・He'll make it up to you eventually :)
・❥・He also spoils you absolutely rotten. He has his rules, yes, and expects you to follow them, but his rewards are things like trips to the Zora Domain or a sand seal ride in Gerudo. Never Eldin. Are you kidding that's an active volcano site?!?!
・❥・The sages are one-thousand percent your personal body guards. You don't go anywhere without your dad and at least one sage.
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・❥・Sky is absolutely smitten from the start.
・❥・You look at this man and tell me he's not dad shaped. You can't.
・❥・He doesn't even care to learn what a Zonai is. All he knows is there are none here and your all alone and your his now. He doesn't make the rules
・❥・He is also another protective dad, but he's a little more willing to let you experience the world around you. You wanna see those flowers over there? He's following! You wanna go for a dip in the river? Great idea, he's helping you! You can go explore, but never alone.
・❥・He absolutely introduces you to Crimson right away. Crimson is the perfect co-parent guardian. Crimson is always pulling you into her side, ruffling her feathers and grooming you.
・❥・Like you become Sky's kid and Crimson's chick. They are two halves of a whole soul so it makes sense.
・❥・HFHFDOFDHN imagine sleeping on Crimson's back while Sky leads the two of you through a forest or sum ;^;
・❥・Or soaring through the sky with you pointing at every cloud you pass and Sky harnessing you to his chest while Crimson flies much slower than normal.
・❥・Sky can cook basic things, but he definitely spends more time with village moms and elders learning more.
・❥・He for sure carves toys for you out of wood. Like trains or maybe a doll of Crimson.
・❥・You get the fluffiest blankets stuffed with Loftwing feathers
・❥・Groose is such a good uncle-sidebar. Even if Sky isn't...jazzed about letting you out of his sight, he will trust Groose. For an hour.
・❥・Which he is within earshot of for fifty seven minutes.
・❥・He's kind of torn between letting you be with Zelda-- who adores you-- and not. she's the reincarnate of Hylia. What if you get dragging into the wretched reincarnation curse as well?
・❥・He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy let alone his fletchling.
・❥・Fi for sure has a beacon on you at all times.
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・❥・He's more...withdrawn when it comes to first meeting you
・❥・Afterall he's in a war.
・❥・but...so are you. And you are so much younger than he is.
・❥・and what self-respecting parent would let their child wander so far? None that deserve their child.
・❥・So you become his. He doesn't do take backsies.
・❥・When you stutter out that your old, irrelevant, unworthy father was a Zonai, he does take that with some caution.
・❥・But no one even knows what a Zonai is. Ravio has a general idea-- a race blessed by the gods-- but thats as far as he gets.
・❥・That's okay. You were his now and he didn't care what you were. You were perfect just the way you are <3
・❥・Wars as a dad is probably pretty strict. But he lets you out of his sight more than the previous two.
・❥・You get schooled and have friends, but are expected home right away.
・❥・He doesn't like your friends. Not a chance. But because he's such a public figure he needs to give you a semi normal life.
・❥・Which means those dumb friends and parent interventions and schooling and hours away when you could be spending time with him!?
・❥・He probably sneaks you out of school often to go for treats at a bakery or a swim in a river. What are they gonna do, tell the Hero no?!
・❥・Artemis loves you. He trusts her with you while he's dragged away for things he cannot control. She has the power of Sheik on her side and proved her worth to him in battle.
・❥・You definitely have a fairy on you at all times which reports back to him.
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・❥・Fours is so fun for one reason and one reason alone.
・❥・the minish.
・❥・They probably are the ones to alert him about your presence, giving their small knowledge of the Zonai race.
・❥・They chirp and chitter at him until he brings you back to the home he shares with his grandpa (Uncle? It's one of the two). The older male was out at the moment leaving Four to figure out what he's going to do with you.
・❥・Obviously he keeps you. No one else can handle such a task! You're so delicate and so rare and the minish already love you.
・❥・So your his. no ifs ands or buts.
・❥・The forge? Off Limits.
・❥・It's too hot with too many sharp pointy things and open flames and its dirty.
・❥・Not for his kid.
・❥・When it comes to cooking, he can do it, but like sky, he's not overly good.
・❥・but! You guys can learn together. Under his strict supervision. Where you sit at the counter. Away from the fires and knives. It's a bonding experience.
・❥・Back to the minish, they love you. They love playing with you and calling your attention away while your dad deals with someone whose watching you a little too closely.
・❥・They leave small trinkets for you all the time! Which four keeps in a box. Because you could choke.
・❥・He's also another one to make your toys! Little metal horses and wooden doll houses.
・❥・If he needs to run out for a few errands or something, he's not leaving you with anyone. Oh no not his kid. No, he's splitting. Two stay with you, three depending on the errand, while the other runs out.
・❥・You aren't allowed the Four sword. Ever.
・❥・He would never wish that upon you. Even if you love the colors and it helps you differentiate between green and red and blue and Violet.
・❥・Thats probably how you learn some of your colors in fact.
・❥・Even as you grow up, you cannot get away with anything. The minish are snitches and it would do you good to learn that. And fast.
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vilavi-2 · 1 year
Day 2: LoA Damian x Hero Raven
Damiraeweek 2023 @damirae-week
I'm working on a continuation of my Nanda Parbat story from Chap 23 of Feather Collection. I've still got a lot to get through, but here's a sneak peek! (sorry it's a lil rough)
It’s the middle of Raven’s second winter in Nanda Parbat, just as fiercely cold and cruel as the first. With the Himalayas locked in an icy grip, most stewards and soldiers have been reassigned to warmer, more productive posts. Only a token force of loyal elites remains at the compound to keep the elemental damage at bay and protect it from anyone foolish enough to brave the snowed-in passes, icy climbs, and whiteout stormy skies. And should all those defenses fail, it would only bring them face-to-face with Ra’s and Qalb al Ghul, ready to defend their seat of power.
It’s the best winter of his life, Damian decides, pale green eyes locked implacably on hers. Raven narrows her own back at him before dropping them to the fan of playing cards in her hands. She bites her lower lip thoughtfully, and he can feel the slight tap of her foot next to his thigh. She has so many tells, it’s hard to pick his favorite. Still, he doesn’t let his gaze wander to appreciate the bare legs on either side of him, or the flash of Raven’s chest and collar through the loosened pankou knots of her blouse. He instead sits cross legged in front of her with deliberate stillness until she plucks two cards from her hand and lays them face down on the mattress. 
“Two,” she says with casual confidence. Damian deals them to her obligingly, smirking at the victorious glint in her eyes when she studies her new hand. It’s not that Raven is a bad liar, or easy to read. It’s that it never even occurs to her to hide from him anymore. As it should be, beloved. Damian looks at his own cards, and exchanges three of them, face devoid of expression as he returns to scrutinizing her.
“I’m in,” Raven replies in that same confident tone. “Robe.”
His lips tick up slightly and Raven betrays a slight hesitation, instantly looking back at her cards as if to make sure she saw them right. 
“Call. Shirt.” He motions to her to show her hand and she bites her lip again before slowly turning them around. A flush of diamonds. Damian gives an approving nod. “That’s good,” he tells her. But judging from her light frown and the accusation in her violaceous eyes, she knows she’s beat. He shows her his hand, finally allowing himself a victorious smirk. Full House. “But not good enough.”
Raven’s glaring — pouting, really — but she still undoes the knots down her front and lets him push the garment off her shoulders. Only four rounds in and she’s down to her bra and underwear. Damian hasn’t even gotten his robe off yet.
"How did I let you talk me into this?" she grumbles, hugging her chest and rubbing her arms. A hearth and several well-fed braziers keep the worst of the cold out, but her skin is still breaking out in gooseflesh, disrobed as she is. Raven’s practically sitting in his lap already, so it’s easy to pull her the rest of the way, settling her against his chest and curling both arms hard around her. She burrows into him, as she always does. 
“I have no idea why you agreed,” Damian answers, smiling to himself. “You have no aptitude for games, ya amar.” She grumbles an incoherent, indignant sound. He drops a kiss on her bare shoulder. 
Nanda Parbat is on winter rations. Rice and millet, salted meat, pickled vegetables. None of her precious teas or anything resembling a delicacy has been able to get through in months. There’s a few cases of amber wine held in reserve to help prevent anyone up here from getting too bored or stir crazy. Not anyone’s idea of a good time.
Except that Raven's here, with him, and unlike last winter when they were still bound in secrecy Damian doesn't have to worry about a future where she might not be. Her crown hangs on one of their bedposts, glinting in affirmation of that fact.
Definitely the best winter of my life, he thinks.
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 1 month
Parley part 4
Some fuckery going on here. Fucked up magic, shadow sex, a possessive, furious devil. You've been warned...
'I'd ask you the same question, little mouse.' Raphael stared at the darkness pouring from her mouth. 'Your eyes...' His own widened in awe, and he seemed unable to help himself. Drawn inexorably forward, he kissed her again, fingertips tightening on the scars he'd left on her shoulders. Tav felt the darkness within her snarl, a stinging crash of cold against the devil's invading tongue. He reeled back again, gasping.
Tav could say nothing. She was merely a vessel for something raging within, a screaming, territorial magic. She watched as the darkness cradled her body, a physical barrier between her and the master of the house.
'Whatever I do with this cage,' said Raphael, wide-eyed, 'I cannot get at you, and it is your soul that I want... why can't you come of your own free will?' He surged forward, his hands still on her shoulders, now entirely shrouded. It seemed to hurt him, but he only dug in his claws, rutting against her desperately. 'But if this creature within will not set you free, I will be the one. Come to me, here. Here, in this bed. Let me melt away the cold.' His lips found the pulse in her neck, and the strange hostile magic in her heart surged out; Tav was barely aware of what was happening, only that the devil was screaming, clawing at his throat.
Tav stared in horror as he doubled over, coughing up clouds of dark. The shadows around her moved to shroud her entirely, tendrils creeping up her thighs, making her jerk back at their icy touch. She cried out and the devil's head snapped up, his eyes furious as they found hers.
'Oh, little mouse, I fear you have underestimated your wizard,' he growled. 'Malevolent, deep magic like this... he's protecting you from me. And worse...' He yowled in frustration. 'He can touch you.'
It was true. The shadows curled around her throat, pressed like thumbs to the creases at the tops of her thighs, like fingers into her mouth. Cold, everywhere. It stroked over her tongue, pushed between her thighs, tightened around her wrists. Raphael watched in horrified fascination as Tav's cries were muffled, gooseprickles erupting over her entire body; she was veiled in darkness now, shivering against the cold.
He's been lying to you, came Raphael's words, unbidden.
'Stop!' snarled the devil, reaching to pull Tav from the tangle. It only held her tighter, surging into her throat and curling in her belly, relentless and unable to tire. Her back arched off Raphael's bed, her hands crushed into his sheets, and he could only watch helplessly as she came with a wordless scream, with nothing to do with him at all. As though having proved the point, the shadows dissipated. Tav lay, chest heaving, gasping.
'Enough.' He was furious. Her somewhat fragile state forgotten, he loomed over her. 'Tell me you want to leave,' he said, a commanding ring to his voice. 'Tell me you don't want this. Tell me now.'
Tav shook her head. 'I can't.' It was fascination or something else, she wasn't sure, but she was content to remain where she was. The shadows threatened to spill over but she ignored them. Perhaps once will be enough to sate his curiosity. One time.
The devil did not need more than that. Frenzied, he grabbed her by the hips, lifted her as though she weighed only a feather, and thrust inside her, growling with satisfaction as she screamed. He crushed their lips together again, pulling at her bottom lip, held her wrists over her head as he slammed into her over and over with wild abandon. She was soft and pliant, already spent, so he moved her as he wanted, her body small in his infernal hands. He dwarfed her, but she was strong. She could take it. The cries and whimpers that he pulled from her were sweet as nectar, the plush give of her yielding so deliciously to him.
'Those boys know nothing,' he hissed into her ear. 'Tonight you're mine.'
She did not tell him that even as she came, even as he spilled inside her, the shadows were roaring in triumph inside her chest.
This is what you wanted, she thought as Raphael lay beside her, still within her. But why, Gale?
@bluerosetarot @dansnotavampire @further-than-forever
@forget-me-maybe @poetryvampire @sasha199 @wandawillow
@boufsy @owlseeyoulaterpal @lanafofana @amorgansgal
@auroraesmeraldarose @aryancunin @miradelletarot @marlowethebard
@crimson-and-lavender @reeseykins @medra-gonbites
@roguishcat @weaverofnetheril @galedekarioswifey @hyperfixationstation128 @lastlight-inn
@astarryvamp @feedthepheasants @dabigstinky @dreamingofthewild @ladyofcrowsandcoffee
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flutteringfable · 1 year
i’m having corrupted and dragon (you decide if those are separate aus or not) venti on the brain uh…. rb/comment with your finest headcanons and/or fic recs,,,,
here’s some hcs as payment <3
dragon venti!!
has dark blue horns and a tail. his tail has feathers and scales, think kinda like dvalins!
purrs when he’s happy!!!! i love the idea of him wrapped around you and purring so loud he sounds like a motor
will pull you close with his tail if he’s feeling protective. just wraps it around your waist and *yoink*
also just likes having his tail wrapped around you in general. it’s very soft, and his tail scales are more like those of a snake, so it’s surprisingly comfortable!
he can keep his wings hidden with his magic, but sometimes if he’s especially excited or irritated they’ll appear so he can flap them.
has some scales on his face and in various places on his body. depending on how much dragon he’s showing, they get sharper or softer. typically they’re snakelike, like his tail scales.
he’s really warm, despite not having fire abilities. if you’re cold, he’s happy to sprawl out on top of you and act as a blanket!
likes to make nests out of blankets and your clothes. missing a favorite shirt? well, too bad, it’s venti’s now.
dragons are typically protective of their nests, even if they know the person approaching doesn’t mean any harm, but venti is immediately happy to let you snuggle up in his. sometimes asks if there’s anything you’d like added, since you spend so much time napping with him there.
corrupted venti!!
gonna preface this by saying i do NOT have a background in writing possessive/yandere characters so sorry if this turns out a little cringe or not as spicy and edgy as you’d like lmao
despite being corrupt, he’s still the god of freedom. you’re never restrained from exploring or hanging out with other people, but venti does request that you at least let him know when you leave.
likes to be around you whenever he can, probably scares people a little as he stares at them from behind or beside you.
loves days when he can have you all to himself. don’t expect to get up at a reasonable time; venti’s gonna hold you so close that the comfort (and basically being trapped) will keep you in bed.
since you’re around him so much, you probably end up falling into corruption as well. maybe not as majorly as venti, but still enough to notice.
will protect you at all costs. will show up literally anywhere and everywhere to keep you safe, and celestia help whoever or whatever decided to attack you, because venti won’t be offering mercy.
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arkiwii · 11 months
I saw in one of your other posts that you said you had so many headcannons about Silence's bird arms. I'd love to hear some of them if you have the time! (Love how you draw her btw <3)
ow man the Silence's wings headcanons, on my way to throw them at ur face, hope you will enjoy them
So of course I go from the principle she can shapeshift her arms into wings and arms whenever, which is pretty much canon already
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but i have headcanons on when and why she shapeshift them;
- when needing to feel comfortable. It helps her to destress, it's quite comfortable and soft to feel feathers, and well, it literally lifts a weight off her shoulders, since wings are lighters than arms. So it tends to also happen when she's sleepy
- when feeling cold, of course hands tend to freeze, but not feathers! keep her arms all warm and can be used as a big wing blanket protection. well sadly, because it's owl wings, so owls feathers, she avoid showing her wings when it's raining, because owls feathers aren't waterproof, they get all soggy. on the contrary, she rather have arms when it's hot, but sometimes can use wings to fan herself
- bird hugs! yes what, she enjoys giving wing hugs sometimes, they're soft and comfy, especially to Ifrit, mom bird behavior. and since she's not very tactile, having wings rather than arms make it less awkward to her
- when surprised or scared, it's kinda instinctively that it happens. so it can lead her to drop whatever she has in her hands at this moment. thankfully, it's hard to surprise her because she has a very good hearing, but Kafka sometimes managed to, leading to some experiments being lost on the ground...
- to assert dominance. yes, she does the defensive owl pose. she's so short and small, so she tries to make herself look bigger, especially when arguing with Saria (who thinks this is very cute). it doesn't really work because she just become a fluff ball, but it can be impressive, probably
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- she would also tend to lose feathers due to stress, she can sometimes have the habit to pick her own feathers when really nervous or stressed, which is of course not very healthy, it's good to stop her when you spot her doing it. she tries to not but habits aren't all easy to get rid of
- a last one because I was talking about it yesterday, special wing sleeves! basically, i imagine her clothes are made in a way to allow her wings to be free with a zipper, example image i did
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Thank you again for answering my ask last week. I absolutely love that you included Nephilim wings in it. I adore your lore around those and seeing the importance of the gifted feather. The most fragile of poisons is a wonderful 'verse and I'm excited to see more of it, so for Writing Wednesday:
Alec keeping Magnus physically close, tucked up in his wings, so he can better see to his needs/dote on him/protect him and Magnus reveling in being given this place of honor and being close to his boy
yes! i loved filling it! so happy to do more
so here we go and i hope you enjoy it!
Alec shuffles on Magnus’ balcony and dusts the first layers of snow from his wings. He’s making a mess all over Magnus’ home and he scowls, trying to figure out how to clean it up.
“Oh darling, I have magic for that.” Magnus says, something sweet in his voice and before Alec can protest, he snaps his fingers.  He doesn’t waver and for all Alec knows, cleaning magic could be effortless. Still, with how the shadowworld is acting lately and with how many dangers keep popping up, he’d rather Magnus save his magic.
“You don’t need to exert yourself.” Alec reminds him, hand going out to cup Magnus’ own hand with his own. “I don’t mind a little cleaning if it means saving your magic for when you need it.”
Magnus makes a soft noise and then Alec is being backed into the door. It rattles against his spine but any thoughts of structural integrity flee when Magnus bites his bottom lip.
It’s instinctive, to open his mouth and let the whining complain he has slip free. It’s awful, how mean Magnus is being because Alec can feel and hear him chuckling against the corner of his mouth. His lips tender and his teeth sharp as they teased at Alec’s jaw.
“Magnus—” Alec gets out, not sure if he’s trying to remind Magnus that they’re still outside and then, because he doesn’t want Magnus getting cold, he wraps his wings around them both.
Magnus will be warm under Alec’s wings and they can keep kissing, both things that Alec is pleased by.
It also means that once again, Alec can relax knowing that Magnus is safe under his reach.
Alexander is like a large cat, if cats had feathers of course, Magnus muses.
Alexander is starved for touch and attention and while he tries not to be obvious, it’s clear that he’s desperate to be able to depend on someone. Magnus intends to be that for him, once he figures out how gentle his boy properly of course. Right now, Alexander is too skittish to fully trust him.
Alexander is still too hesitant, too careful of burdening Magnus just yet, but Magnus will get him there in the end.
Right now, he’s amused by Alexander curiously pacing around Magnus’ primary lair. He’d already made sure it could accommodate the width and height of Alexander’s wings and from the pink of Alexander’s neck, he’s noticed.
Magnus pats the small table on the floor and the cushions around it. Alexander sits and looks at the food, curiously wary as he carefully sniffs the air and then looks at Magnus in exasperation.
“Is there a reason there is every kind of edible fowl on this table, Magnus?”
“Indulge me in a spot of cannibalism?” Magnus asks, unable to help himself when Alexander’s scowl turns into a pout and his boy huffs, rolling his eyes as he blatantly ignores Magnus’ glee. “Alright, I’m sorry darling. This was a bit mean of me,” from the twitching of Alexander’s lips, it’s not truly hated. “I will suggest the duck for you, hmm?”
Alexander nods and reaches out, mouth opening to no doubt ask a question and instead Magnus picks up a spoon and feeds him a bite. Alexander blinks at him in surprise before carefully chewing and then, with a very put out sigh, he opens his mouth again.
Magnus is curious just how much he can milk out of Alexander doting on him so much, because it’s quickly becoming his favorite pastime.
“Can I bring you breakfast?” Magnus asks, because Alexander is going to need to leave him soon and Magnus isn’t happy or ready for that just yet. 
“Should you be coming to the Institute so much?” Alexander asks and his wings hesitantly press up to Magnus. “Is that safe for you?”
“I’m quite sneaky when I want to be.” Magnus assures him, leaning into the feathers that are ruffling against him sweetly. “You let me worry about getting to you and you just keep your hunters in line, hmm pretty boy?”
Alexander scowls, the way he always does when Magnus teases him about how gorgeous he finds him. Then, his boy gives a soft smile and leans forward to kiss Magnus’ cheek.
It’s so damn endearing that Magnus reminds himself not to ruin this for himself when he just wants to grab Alexander and portal them away.
Once again, Magnus wears a low, open shirt with Alexander’s feather resting against his skin. It makes several shadowhunter swallow with envy and look away, not daring to glare at him.
They don’t know who Magnus is, they only know he has their leaders favor and they loathe him for it with jealousy, not contempt.
It’s a pleasant change and Magnus smirks as he walks past them and to Alexander’s office, pleased to note that the minute he’s seen someone is opening Alexander’s door.
Rain from Berlin still coats Magnus face and Alexander is hurrying across the room, feathers reaching out to flutter over Magnus’ face.  It’s incredibly intimate and there are at least two other witnesses but his boy doesn’t pull away.
Magnus summons the food directly to the middle table and then he kneels next to it and pats his thighs, smirking at Alexander.
Magnus is given a dry look but Alexander joins him all the same, kneeling and letting his wings spread out rather than pulling them in.  It means that Magnus is resting against powerful, soft feathers while Alexander slowly eats the protein heavy curry that Magnus got him.  He seems ravenous and his wings tremble in little exhausted shakes around him.
Magnus understands better now just why nephilim wings are considered so intimate.  So much of alexander’s body is betraying him with letting Magnus know what it wants and needs.  It’s with careful, firm hands that Magnus starts to shake out the various feathers and when Alexander goes still, cautious over his bowl, Magnus says nothing
Slowly, Alexander offers more and more access to his wings and even lifts them up, baring access to his primary feathers, eating carefully as Magnus twists him this way and that.
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diddybok · 1 year
born to die | minho
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all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in anyway represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: minho x gn!reader
➩genre(s): ANGST, fluff, smut, non-idol!au, switch!minho
➩warnings: death, smoking, pet names, sexual themes (18+) sex (unprotected- pls use protection!), explicit language, people watching (not sexual!) [anything else i have missed]
➩summary: a story based on the song ‘born to die’ by lana del ray. minho was the chosen victim i’m afraid.
➩wc: 5k (5,046)
➩author’s note: i am so sorry.
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don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry.
Cold, wet, miserable. The transition from autumn to winter makes itself known harsher than it has ever done before. As the wind cries, an acrimonious chill soars through the air looking to communicate with the souls that are derived of their light.
Minho walks down the desolate street playing with his lighter. A custom made lighter; a muted grey with the engraving of a peacock feather on it. A gift he got on his birthday from an old friend. It packs quite a punch he must say.
He takes one last long drag from his cigarette, taking back the nicotine to fill his lungs before freeing the smoke to dance through the smog. It feels familiar, the taste of nicotine on his tongue. It has been a while since he has smoked. He didn’t miss it per-say, but fuck did it have its way of ebbing the pain.
A brown weathered bench comes into his line of view. He sits at this bench so much that he has assessed the best and worst parts of it to sit on. He collapses down, slightly off-centre and releases a long sigh.
Dawn is his favourite time of the day. The route he can walk with his eyes closed allows him to pass by the type of people he finds pleasure in watching. Minho was adroit at reading people. He much preferred to observe rather than enter a conversation in which he would need to cue his laughs and pretend to be sympathetic towards people who, he concluded, deserved nothing but to get castrated.
05:29am, right on time. Paul flits around the corner and continues down the path. Minho monitors the morning runner closely, counting his steps. Usually Paul does four hundred down this path before he is out of sight. His strides are longer today, seems he wants to get his run over and done with.
Minho likes Paul, though he’s never interacted with him. He needs not to, him watching from afar every dawn for the past ten months has made Paul the closest person he can refer to as a friend in his life currently.
Sad? Far worse. Depressing.
Things in his life changed drastically when you left him. You…your name leaves a vexatious taste in his mouth. It ire’s him just how easily you ruined him. He didn’t think he could possibly hate anyone on this planet as much as he does you. All because you broke the promises you made him.
He hates you. He doesn’t think he will ever stop hating you. He can’t, he won’t.
The friends he did have, he casted them aside. Dropped them like a tree ridding itself of its leaves. Every now and then one of his old friends, Chris, checks up on him. Whether it be sending him a letter -Minho had blocked his number- or a care package. He can’t deny the fact that it really pisses him off.
There goes Vanessa, or as people formally call her, Miss Phillips. He discovered that she is a teacher who specialises in helping children with special needs. Minho is quite fond of Vanessa. He usually likes to guess what style her hair will be next. She untucks her hair from her coat, braids. He hisses and shakes his head slightly as he guessed wrong again.
Minho reaches for the cold flip lighter and runs his thumb over the engraving. Never one to believe in superstitions, he thinks about the argument on whether a peacock feather brings good or bad luck.
It attracted the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in this world. For that, he was beyond grateful for this small object. Until the thing that was so beautiful became cold, unknown, and cause him the worst ache of all. Ache from the heart that shattered into many, many minuscule pieces. One that he knows can never be meticulously mended.
He shouldn’t be thinking about that, about you. His therapist strongly advises against such and directs him to remember his two little people he keeps an eye on. ‘Paul and Vanessa, just think about Paul and Vanessa. You have formed some sort of relationship with them in which you have developed a fidelity. They aren’t any the wiser, but they are a reason for you holding on and gravitating your mind to moving forward.’ His therapist had said.
Minho’s hands start to shake and not due to the cold air. He curses to himself as he opens his cigarette box to find it empty. He was perturbed by his thoughts and needed to rid his growing anxiety before he has an attack.
The universe astutely discerns the situation, for a small friendly body rubs against his calf. Purring fills his senses and he looks down to see the stray cat staring up at him.
The cat seems to mimic his every move. He lifts an arm, the cat lifts its paw to touch his leg. He tilts his head, the cat does the same. If Minho clenches his fist tightly in his lap, then the cat rubs on his calf to soothe him.
It doesn’t take long for a decision to be made, for he and the cat coalesce. He gently picks it up and continues his journey home. The cat immediately becoming the third most important thing in his life.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
come and take a walk on the wild side. let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain.
“In here!”
Minho follows the sound of your voice, finding you snuggled up in a blanket snacking on some popcorn and listening to some music. You turn to acknowledge him and he physically feels his heart swell. The way you look at him with such light and love is enough for it to be his main source of oxygen. God he is painfully in love with you.
“Hello my darling, how was work?” You ask with a tilt of your head. His heart skipped a beat.
“It was irritating,” he moves to lay on you, resting his head on your stomach as your hands find their way to his head, “Chris is annoying me again.” He says with a roll of his eyes. You chuckle lightly at that.
“Did he put his lunch in your designated spot in the fridge again? Or was it that he offered you an iced latte instead of an Americano? Oh! Maybe he asked whether you were free this weekend and asked you to hang out? Or-”
You are cut off with a rambunctious groan that makes you erupt in a fit of laughter. Minho goes to roll off you irked by your teasing, but you trap him with your legs and apologise by smothering his face in kisses.
Hearing just some of the things that he relayed to you about his days at work made him sound ridiculous for even being annoyed at such things.
You have an extraordinary way of doing that. Reminding him that he’s being too pessimistic about life without explicitly saying so. He realistically doesn’t need to be pessimistic anymore. Not when he has you in his life, you are warm sun to shine through his cold grey skies.
It’s astounding just how long he was able to survive before you. You have moulded him unknowingly into a man capable of loving someone to an extent which is unearthly. He is your paean to how beautiful love can be and you are his saviour.
“What’s going on in that pretty head?” You ask, rubbing your hands up and down his back. It should not surprise him how well you know him.
“Do you know how much you mean to me? I can’t breathe without you Y/n. That’s frightening. I never thought I could genuinely be so happy. I never knew what love was until you y’know?” Minho says.
He can feel your breath quicken and your heartbeat increase, but you’re silent. So he continues.
“I truly think, no, I know you make me a better man. I don’t know why I am being sentimental right now, I think you have me in a lifelong trance.” He lifts his head up, resting his chin on your chest. He watches a tear fall from your eye. He wishes in that exact moment, that he could read people’s minds. Read your mind.
“Why must you do that to me unprovoked?” You sob. It’s his turn to comfort you as he manoeuvres his way out of the position you both currently hold. He lifts you gently and places you on top of him to which you bury your face in his neck.
The pitter-patter of rain starts to make itself known as the weather mimics your mood. Minho enjoys the rain though, it soothes him. Much like you soothe him. It’s strange, he can see the similarities between you and droplets of rain. Both refresh and cool him down when he’s too hot. Both make sounds that immediately puts him into a tranquil state. Both necessary to the world to make the flowers bloom and the grass look greener.
You are his rain.
He runs his fingers along your spine as you mutter incomprehensible words. If he had to guess you are telling him that he’s a villain for making you feel such a way randomly in the day. You referred to him as such before.
Minho is a prick, albeit a lovable one; a prick nonetheless. He loves the way you react to his spontaneous outbursts of reasons why he loves you. Maybe it’s the way you look so adorable when you cry. Maybe it’s the way you will always cling to him after he does so. Whatever the reason, it only makes his heart grow fonder.
The room is filled with your sniffles here and there, low music, and the sound of heavy rain hitting the window.
Minho lays with you, his eyes closed, swaying you gently.
“Do you want to go and play in the rain?” He says breaking the rhythm of sounds.
“Do I want to go and play in the rain?” You echo, laughing, “No, I don’t want to get my hair wet.”
“You can wear my hoodie and my raincoat?” He suggests. You look up at him, sitting up fully. He just smiles at you, awaiting your response.
“You really are serious…wow.”
“It’ll be fun, come on!” He exclaims picking you up with him as he gets up from the sofa. He goes to grab a hoodie of his, one of your favourite ones to wear. He tucks your hair inside of the hood and pulls the drawstrings to tighten it around your face.
He laces the string with a bow and kisses the tip of your nose. He then runs to get his raincoat and swiftly encloses you inside of it. He laughs at you.
“What?” You say feigning annoyance with a tilt of your head.
“Nothing…” He hums with laughter. “You just remind me of an Ewok” He laughs pinching your cheeks. You scrunch your face up due to the attack of his fingers and try to bat him away.
“You basically just called me a tiny bear.” You groan.
“My cute tiny bear. Come.” He grabs your hand and leads you towards the front door so you can both put on your shoes. He glances you way, shooting you an ‘Are you ready?’ look, to which you just roll your eyes at him.
He doesn’t give you another second to change your mind, him basically lifting you off your feet and into the empty street. You squeal as the rain comes down hard, instantaneously soaking both Minho and you.
Minho closes his eyes and raises his head to the sky, letting the rain trickle down his face. He laughs and then looks down at you. Staring up at him, you look at him like he is the only person ever. He scans your face, taking in your beauty. He is too in awe to speak, instead choosing to try and contain his smile by biting his lip. It doesn’t work.
“I’ll love you forever.” You say loudly over the rain. Minho’s heart stops beating for several moments.
“Promise me that, my love.” He says, cupping your face in both of his hands. His thumbs rest just beneath your eyes and he wipes the water away from them.
“I promise.”
He kisses you deeply, lovingly, passionately. And the both of you stand there in the pouring rain, smiling through your kisses and failing to suppress your laughter.
It was in that moment, that you two were the only people in the world. The two brightest of stars, conjoining to rival the sun.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
choose your last words, this is the last time
Minho paces back and forth in front of your driveway before approaching your door. He messed up big time, so he keeps being told by your friend Jeongin. He has always found your friends tiresome. Why being sent a paragraph long text of middle finger emoji’s is warranted for his jealousy? He will never know.
He isn’t quite sure how to say he is sorry for what he did. He trusts you. Of course he trusts you, it’s you. You would never do anything to hurt him, let alone in spite of his childish moods.
He musters up enough courage to knock on your front door. Yet as he was about to, he retracts his hand. What if this is something you will never forgive him for? That can’t possibly be an outcome of all this. Can’t it?
He backs away from the door, pacing again. To any of your neighbours, he must look like some creep trying to talk himself into breaking into your house. It’s best he just be brave and-
He freezes in his tracks as he sees you in your pyjamas, carrying a trash bag. If your face didn’t hold that nasty scowl directed towards him, he would have thought you looked cute in the set he got you for your birthday. You clear your throat. Right, he is here to plead his case.
“Hey…bin collection day tomorrow?”
An awful start.
You brush past him, throwing the bag into the bin. He watches you awkwardly, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
You walk back inside, but open the door wider. Taking that as his cue to go inside, he scurries in, sure to be quick as to keep the warmth inside.
You immediately head to your room and he sheepishly follows, acting as if he doesn’t know the layout of your house by memory.
As you both enter your room, you go off to the bathroom to wash your hands. He sits and waits for you on the bed. His attention momentarily drawn to the window where he sees drops of rain run down the glass. He smiles softly before returning to his solemn state.
The bed dips beside him and he has to force himself not to stare at the side of your head. The remote control to your television gets thrown into his lap. He looks down, then up at you confused.
“Pick something. Give yourself a couple of minutes to calm down and then say what you have to say.” You speak assertively.
He does as you say without question. Even if you are mad at him, you still know that he can struggle with righting his wrongs. Oh how he loves you.
A few minutes pass and Minho does indeed feel calmer. Enough to start the conversation he is still, slightly, scared to have.
“I am sorry. I had no right to tell you what to wear that night. I also acted like a dick to every single person that approached you, even your friends. That was not cool of me. At all.” He starts.
His eyes meet yours and it takes everything in him to not cower away in embarrassment. The reality of his actions settling in.
“You are beautiful. I know that, everyone else knows that. I think I just got annoyed by people gushing to me about you and how they would love to be with you.” He turns to the window again, watching the rain as it gets heavier.
“It triggered a protective side of me, well, a primal one.” He looks towards you now as you sit against the headboard, waiting for him to continue. “You’re mine and I didn’t want people to think they even had a chance with you.”
“Surely you would only think that if you didn’t completely trust me.” You argue, raising an eyebrow.
Minho starts to fiddle with the remote. Casting his eyes away from yours in embarrassment.
“That, would be a viable response to that yes. But I do trust you! I promise. You haven’t given me any reason not to trust you I just-” He cuts himself off, holding back on what he truly wants to say.
He hears you sigh and you move to place your hand on his forearm. You stroke his arm softly with your thumb, letting him take his time. He really appreciates this side of you.
“I haven’t been feeling like I am enough for you. I don’t feel good in my body as of late and I think those insecurities translated through my actions of how I ministered to our relationship,” Minho takes a long, drawn out breath before continuing. “I think I was trying to drag you down with me into the same state of mind. For that, I am sorry Y/n.” He finishes looking up at you as his eyes shimmer from the fresh tears that threaten to fall.
You two stare at each other for a little while longer, the silence making Minho more panicked. You crawl over to him and straddle his lap, taking him by surprise. Your hands finding their rightful place in his hair, stroking softly.
“Thank you for apologising to me. Make sure to also apologise to the many of my friends you rubbed the wrong way,” You chuckle lightly. “But thank you for opening up to me and telling me what has been troubling you.” You take a deep breath and release with a sigh. “It doesn’t mean that I am completely happy with you, but I do want to show you that you are beautiful. You are everything and more to me Min.” You say smiling softly.
Minho swallows, his eyes blinking rapidly as he listens to you. He places his hands on your hips and strokes them softly. He may not be able to respond right now, the words caught in his throat. So he wants to let you know that he hears you.
“This is a conversation that needs to be finished when emotions aren’t as strong. However, I have failed as your lover to not make you feel like you’re enough. To not make you feel as if you are the sexiest man I have ever laid my eyes on.” You tantalisingly move your hips on his crotch.
The way his body responds to you will never cease to amaze him. All it takes is you sitting on top of him, hell, one look when you stare at him with those eyes and he is ready to go.
Gyrating slowly and pressing down on his now evident erection, a small whine escapes his lips. You smile at that and lift your shirt up off your body. Grabbing his hands, you lift them up to your chest for him to pay attention to your nipples.
He immediately began pinching and rolling them between his fingers. Your moans elicits a thrust of his hips up into your heat. Wanting more, you grab his head and he understands what you want of him. His eyes flutter closed and he attaches his soft lips to the bud, sucking and swirling his tongue. Releasing beautiful moans, he gets off to the salacious image of you using him at any given time to make him suck your nipples.
“I love the way you love my nipples Min. Love the little sounds you make.” You throw your head back in pleasure. “All reasons why you are the sexiest man I know.” You mewl softly.
He switches nipples frantically. Always eager to please you. Only you. He craves every little thing about you. The way your lips taste, the way you taste. The way your body shudders around him as he takes you whenever you let him.
He is love drunk off of you. You are like a drug to him and he wishes to consume you ‘til his dying breath.
The way you grind your hips down on him is unholy, it is like you are trying to make him cum in his pants. He is close, so close. His moans turning into desperate high pitched whimpers.
You halt your movements and hover above his lap. Swallowing the noise of disappointment with your mouth on his. Your tongue claiming the entirety of his mouth. You are so filthy and he loves it.
You catch his bottom lip between your teeth, dragging it slightly before gazing up at him with those eyes. You run your hands from his shoulders down his body, painfully slowly.
His head falls back into the pillow as he looks up at the ceiling, fighting the urge to just pull his pants down enough for him to free himself and fuck you senselessly until he is a shaking mess.
He knows better than to do that though. He wants to be good for you. Your good boy.
You pull down his joggers and his underwear and he shivers slightly. You hum in approval and kitten lick the head of his cock.
“Y/n, bunny, please don’t tease me!” He squalls. He thinks maybe he is being punished for his behaviour. It’s the only way to explain the way you stroke him at a leisurely pace.
“Hush, let me appreciate you. M’gonna make you feel good love” You mumble more to yourself than to him.
Before he could protest anymore, he sharply intakes a breath. The way your lips mould around him so deliciously. Taking him down your pretty little throat. How did he get so lucky to find someone that riles him up as much as you do?
His hands reach down to lightly tug your hair, using it as a handle as he guides your head up and down. Your mouth felt so good. It always feels so good.
He simply can’t control the needy whimpers and whines that are released from his throat. The sound doing so much as to turn him on even more. He has to be careful, he doesn’t want to finish like this, not before you anyways. That is just selfish, what man doesn’t let his gorgeous little pet finish before him?
He pulls you off of him, catching you by surprise. His eyes are dark now, as if a switch was flipped. He comes to his senses, his mission to grab back the reigns and take control. He inhibits you wiping the drool from your mouth as he pulls you into him and crashes his lips into yours.
You moan into his mouth and he is sure to swallow every one. He flips you onto your back, lightly pinning your arms in place. You are breathtaking. Just looking at the way your body glistens with sweat in the moonlight. Looks so tempting, so inviting. Like he wants to create a masterpiece with your empty canvas.
He kisses every part of your body, painting a picture with the little marks he leaves in his wake. His mouth hovers over your heat, breathing softly before planting a chaste kiss.
“Oh kitten…you are dripping.” He says with a devilish grin. “Is this all for me?” He asks tilting his head as he now looks up at you. He concludes that your mewling won’t satisfy him with the answer he wants to hear.
He squeezes your thighs roughly, causing you to look down at him. He just looks up at you with those gorgeous black eyes, his smile charming.
“I believe I asked you a question. Is my darling already too fucked out? I haven’t even touched you in the place you so desperately need me yet. Did you have your fun, having the control hm?”
“Yes, yes it’s all for you Min.” You whine attempting to squeeze your thighs together, but he is quicker than you. Spreading them wide his kisses litter just around your centre. His teasing merciless as you writhe beneath him.
“Min please, no more teasing. Need your mouth on me.” You beg, pushing your hips up to meet his face. He moves back, amused by your neediness.
“Well if that’s what my little kitten wants, then it’s what my little kitten should get hm?”
Your body shudders as he goes down on you. Lapping up your juices like a man who has been starved for weeks. He feels your hands in his hair and it turns him on. He can’t help but to rut against the bed to relieve some of the tension. The sounds, the sight, it is all truly so vulgar. Yet he loves nothing more than to please you.
After all, his name does sound prettiest when it is you moaning it in frantic desperation.
He makes you come undone three times and before he could get to four, you had pushed him away. Catching your breath as he knelt beside you and admires you. Admires the way the sweat trickles down the valley of your chest. The marks that colour your skin so deliciously. The way your eyes are closed tightly and your mouth open, no doubt getting a little dry.
He places an open mouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue providing the moisture that was being lost due to your heavy intake of air. He releases your lips and you make a noise of surprise as he opens your legs and situates himself between them, pushing into you slowly.
He has to still himself or else he will quite literally combust. You feel so good wrapped around him. You always feel so good. He opens his eyes to you already staring up at him Your eyes are overflowing with desire and he has to take a mental picture.
“You intoxicate me. How is it I feel such burning passion whenever I am around you?” He starts to move within you, slowly, intimately, as he takes a deep breath. “I belong to you Y/n. I promise that I will never live a day without telling you that.” His strokes get deeper.
You are a babbling mess. He can’t decipher anything you say, so he swallows your attempt with his mouth on yours. It isn’t until he can taste salt that he realises he is crying. So much for keeping the control. He pulls away and places his arms beside your head, his pace still slow and deep.
“Look at me my darling,” He says with a shaky voice. He watches you flutter your eyes open. “Promise, mmh, promise me you will never leave my side.”
“I promise you.” You say, your own voice faltering no doubt being consumed by a ray of emotions. He drops his head into the crook of your neck, his tears now flowing down your neck. He feels your arms tighten around him. One hand on his back, one hand in his hair, stroking softly as you mutter ‘I love you’ over and over again.
He made love to you that night until the sun graced the sky. Never falling short of telling you just how much he adores you.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
we were born to die.
It’s been a year now. A year of watching Paul and Vanessa, two months since he brought Dori home. Other than those three main factors in his life now, Minho is still miserable.
Much like the weather this morning as it downpours. He’s learnt to hate the rain since the end of his relationship with you. There isn’t much to like, not anymore.
He walks the same route he always does. His shoes are getting muddy, the path littered in grass clippings collated by the water. It proves to be extremely bothersome to see the grass stick to his shoes. Especially on a day like today, if grass is the thing that sets Minho off into a fit of rage; so help anyone who pisses him off on his way home.
Life is cruel. It will give you one thing you wish to cherish forever, to love until you can’t love no more. Makes you feel found when you were lost for so long. Gives you happiness, makes you feel alive like you can accomplish anything the world throws in your direction.
Then it takes it away. Just like that. The thing you had wished to cherish, perishes. Strips you of your ability to love. When you were finally found, you become lost again. Takes your happiness, makes you feel as if you’re rotting inside like you can’t will yourself to try and overcome the obstacles the world throws in your direction.
Living a life like that is revolting. A life in which you feel your only purpose of being born was to die. Minho laughs bitterly to himself. Born to die. Ironic because no matter what people tell you, that is always going to be the outcome of all life.
As he stands with the flowers in his hand, he isn’t sure whether it’s his tears or the rain. Perhaps both as they start to trickle down the petals and collate in the pistil.
He kneels, unbothered about the grass and mud stains he is to get on the knee caps of his trousers.
Resting the flowers against the polished marble, his fingers journey over the name etched in the stone.
Your name.
His hand falls from the gravestone and situates themselves next to his head that has now pressed itself firmly into the ground. He sobs as he bows over you.
He loves you. He doesn’t think he will ever stop loving you. He can’t, he won’t.
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i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
130 notes · View notes