#and all the other foxes
ineedibuprofen · 1 year
im thinking about the aftermath of drake and andrew and im thinking of andrew being sent to the hospital and im thinking of neil stepping up and telling kevin andrew was more important than exy and going downstairs to get their delivery food and saying up until everyone fell asleep and making sure everyone is okay and sleeping with his back against the wall to watch the door and make sure his teammates are okay because he's learning to care for other people and he cares about them and he's not nathaniel anymore
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sunflowerius · 3 months
one of my favorite things about aftg is that in any given conversation not related to about, like, three things (exy, Andrew, and the mafia) Neil is just. entirely checked out. he was there for the first sentence of that conversation and immediately clocked out once he realized there would be no Stick Ball Talk.
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lazorbeanz · 1 month
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TAILS FINALLY GOT SOME POPCORN!!! (Well for a minute there anyways lol) 🙌🍿
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 months
My hc is that not only do Neil and Kevin host their own Exy Podcast as a side hobby but at one point Kevin is explaining a very funny Exy anecdote and the two of them Crack up so hard that the fans realise that Kevin's real non-public persona laugh is filled with cute hiccups and snorts. And that Neil Jostens laugh is adorably wheezy
The public would be OBSESSED (like me)
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yrsonpurpose · 8 months
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Alex & Henry ± Henry insulting Alex (affectionately)
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exhuastedpigeon · 9 months
You know what I really want from season 7? I want another Buddie blow up like the grocery store.
I want Eddie, whose done a whole lot of healing to yell at Buck that Buck needs to be back in therapy because he died and of course that's going to change him but he doesn't even recognize Buck sometimes anymore because Buck won't let Eddie in.
I want Buck yelling right back that Eddie's moved on with his life since the shooting, why won't he let Buck do the same after the lightning.
I want angry tears and confessions through gritted teeth. I want everything they've swept under the rug and not talked about to come spilling out in Buck's kitchen.
I want Eddie telling Buck with pain dripping from his voice that "I see you, I've always seen you, but now I don't think I know you anymore. You won't let me know you anymore."
I want Eddie leaving Buck's loft after he says it and tells him that he can still see Christopher, but maybe for now the two of them should just be coworkers because Eddie needs time and space before he can be Buck's best friend because he isn't sure he knows him anymore.
I want Eddie crying in his truck after the conversation and Buck crying on his new couch, clear that he doesn't find it comfortable. I want the episode to end on a shot of both of them crying in their own spaces, so clearly alone.
Then I want the next episode to be so clearly uncomfortable between them. They still work together seamlessly, but that's it. They're awkward and tense around each other, they can't even look at each other between calls. I want it to be 10x more awkward than their first couple shifts together. I want looks exchanged between the members of the 118 when Buck and Eddie aren't looking.
And then I want the episode to end with Eddie pacing around his living room, clearly torn and then grabbing his keys only to open the front door to Buck standing on his doorstep looking at Eddie's house key like he isn't sure he's still allowed to use it.
I want Eddie to hold Buck's face like it's something so fucking special and Buck to do the same. I want a kiss that's biting and angry that melts into something soft and tender.
Cut to them in Eddie's bed, the sheets a mess, the comforter on the ground and Buck says something like "You've always seen me, even the ugly bits that I don't want people to see. That's why I'm so scared"
And then Eddie kisses Buck soft and sweet and says something like, "There's nothing about you that's ugly Buck."
The episode ends with them starting round two.
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eddiebuckley-diaz · 2 months
Tommy saying he has to leave after kissing Buck is something I have to talk about…
Because instead of just saying “yeah gotta go!” and leaving Buck to flounder and worry and feel used, Tommy does the opposite
Tommy wants to stick around, wants to be there, and wants to be with Buck. And he says so by the way he adjusts Buck’s shirt, by maintaining eye contact, explaining it, and Buck isn’t left to spiral right after the kiss.
And after Buck’s little “okay” that still holds a sense of awe and maybe not being super present (which can’t blame him, I mean have you seen Lou), Tommy still assures Buck of his place by asking for a date.
It’s all these things that add up to Tommy making sure Buck is a priority and Tommy will keep that as a promise.
Buck deals with abandonment and not feeling right in the world, and Tommy is there to say “hey, in this world, in my world, you can feel safe and free to be you.”
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studioboner · 1 year
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happy wholesome wednesday everyone
plus the sketch
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crunchy-rocc · 3 months
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get to meet them next month ….. everyone start cheering
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
I’ve talked about this before but the scene where Eddie comes home to Buck after a date w Ana is actually so fucking special to me,,, like the way they act like a married couple talking about their kid. If you erase from your memory what he was doing before, you could eaaaasily think he’s coming back from work and asking his husband if their kid is asleep and if there’s any dinner left bc he’s hungry
Casually telling him “you’re a miracle worker” while rolling his sleeves, and Buck smiling fondly, leaning on the corner, going “I’m just a good negotiator.” It’s insANE actually, like properly crazy.
Mind you they’re supposed to be best friends & Buck’s allegedly doing him a favor watching Chris, yet I’d be willing to bet he had been cooking, and watching tv barefoot in cute lil socks before putting his child to bed and tucking him in with the promise that his other dad would come home soon enough to read him a story
Married, coparenting– it’s all insane behavior for the directions I’m assuming they gave them. Like what did the director say to Ryan and Oliver????? HOW WAS IT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE IF NOT IN LOVE ???
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scarletfish · 3 months
I hurt my feelings while writing this daylight savings prompt by realizing that there is exactly one other person in the world who can understand the depth of Kevin's betrayal in TKM.
there is ONE other person on the team who knows what it's like to make a deal with Andrew, for whom deals are sacred, and watch him break it for the butcher's son.
that person is Aaron.
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toughpaperround · 1 year
You just know that Captain Bobby Nash has never managed to officiate a wedding and it's been bugging him ever since he got sworn in.
He was hoping someone(s) from the A-shift would provide... now fingers crossed...
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be-queer-do-arson · 11 months
"Baltimore reunion scene" this "shower scene" that you know what the actual best, most underrated andreil scene is? The scene on the bus in the kings men where Neil and Andrew sit together and spend three hours just talking. Neil, the pathological liar, spent three hours giving Andrew truthful information for free. Andrew, who's so withdrawn he quit taking for days and no one noticed, gave out details of his life, for free, for three hours. No games or trades involved.
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lazorbeanz · 2 months
Happy Wednesday y’all
Weekly reminder that Sonic and Tails are BROTHERS and BROTHERS only 😊🔪
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camelspit · 2 months
keefe pov for an entire book in the human world is such a funny concept. i hope it switches genres from fantasy to contemporary romance. shannon dive full in and have him pine for sophie for 400 pages straight with little to no plot. take the final leap shannon.
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hirakiyois · 1 year
christopher is going to have the weirdest perception of romantic love when he grows up because his parents were broken up or fighting or in and out of the picture when his mom was alive, and then when his dad finally started dating again he kept his girlfriend an arm's length away at all times and had panic attacks whenever someone accurately perceived that relationship as romantic. but this strange guy that his dad made his best friend on his first day on the job in la now helps chris with his math homework and with baking cookies for his class and takes care of him when his dad is hospitalised and organizes holiday get-togethers so chris can spend them with his dad and is literally always a call away for both of them and keeps the doors of his house eternally open for them and takes him to the zoo all the time. and you'll never believe which of these people eddie apparently actively tried to kiss.
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