#and also i don't know anyone around me that has been poisoned by gas
quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
So we been DMing. And thought the greater group would like this odea I had.
FFM is in a volcanic ring, so it goes to show that it's likely an active volcano as well. What if the first time MK sees Wukong's kaiju form is due to an impending eruption?
It was a beautiful day put when MK and Wukong were having a training session when the mountains shook and trembled, interrupting the two monkeys as the play fought. MK was confused about the matter, but shrug it off thinking he and Wukong had been too rough and caused the tremors. It certainly hadn't been the first time.
Wukong, who is a monkey born of the earth and knows the mountain better than anyone else, knows better.
He immediately cuts the training short and tells MK to get off the mountain. All training is canceled until further notice, and he is to stay clear of the place unless instructed otherwise. That tremor was the first warning sign of an impending eruption, and it was a large one, too.
MK had gone home that day confused, wondering why his mentor had suddenly kicked him off the mountain. When he tells his friends, he can't even answer why Wukong had done so as he had been so desperate to get MK to safety the king had forgotten to tell him what the problem even was! This will lead to a problem when the eruption happens, because the whole group wasn't going to let MK be kicked fork training without an answer and they decided to go confront Wukong, not realizing they were stepping foot on an active volcano within hours of a Cesuvius level eruption
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Wukong goes full "General-King-Mode" during this time. He can't risk his subjects (demonic and wild) or his beloved island from getting hurt in the eruption.
Wukong breathes steady but nervous, all things are going to plan. The volcanic ring around FFM isn't just a useful security measure - but also evidence of previous redirected eruptions. The danger is ultimately caused by heat and gas being under pressure beneath the earth. Normally all Wukong has to do is punch a hole in the magma chamber every so often to "let off steam".
He calls upon begrudging allies like Macaque (using his portals to evacuate the monkeys) and Iron Fan (to redirect the poisonous fumes). Red Son and DBK are even involved since they are super-heat resistant (DBK literally walks through a waterfall of lava with dinner during "The First Ring") and can help punch holes into the crust to help ease the pressure beneath the earth. Royal sea dragons like Ao Guang are on call to minimize any tidal waves caused in the eruption's wake.
It's a mutual understanding between the immortals. Wukong never wants devastation like The Burning to ever happen again.
He can't let innocent people be hurt by-
MK, waving from Sandys' ship: "Hi Monkey King!! Wukong, furious with worry: "I thought I told you to go home!" MK: "I did go home! And me and the guys are worried why you sent me away like that? If that earthquake was sign of something bigger then we could help!" Mei: "Yeah! And my parents got weird and flew off after the earthquake too! We shouldn't be kept in the dark like this!" Wukong: "Guys, listen very, very carefully; I sent MK home so suddenly because The Island is About to BLOW!!" The Noodle Gang, looking furiously at MK: "WHAT!?" MK, wincing with realisation: "Oooooo... I don't think we can help with that." Wukong, eyes glowing red: "YA THINK!?"
Whilst Wukong is partially to blame for not explaining himself clearly, he isn't blamed for his sheer worry. This isn't some tangible enemy he could defeat, but Nature itself.
Eventually Wukong feels this terrible pit in his stomach. Like his heart is about to burst out of his chest.
Huaguoshan itself is about to blow.
And all his friends are in its' path.
With a Heaven-shaking roar he activates his War Form.
Macaque activates his own, forcing the entirety of the Noodle Gang through one of his portals (boat included) a safe distance from the island. In the shadow's eyes is no longer fear as he once felt towards his mate's form, but adoration.
Wukong plunges to the bottom of the sea beneath the island chain, digging through the silt and rock until he reaches the mantle. With each new punch he releases a new viscous explosion of magma that violently shoots to the surface like an underwater bomb. But with each new punch, the pressure beneath the island itself lessens.
He feels no pain from the heat - it's not comparable to the True Fire he felt within the Furnace.
Around him miles away in all four cardinal directions, sea dragons (including the Ao-Long couple) come to his aid; redirecting the waves away from the cities and islands that would be swept away in the tide.
Above the waves, Iron Fan gets to work fanning the fires and clouds of poisonous sulphur away from the island, a skill she perfected from protecting her home in the Flaming Mountains. (Tang in particular squees at see her in action, followed soon by PIF's own husband).
DBK and Red Son are running along the existing volcanic ring - destroying the old chimneys and opening new channels in the hardened basalt to ease the load off of the King's shoulders. Red Son's fiery mane even seems to be increasing in volume the longer they work to release the heat.
Soon it seems like the ring of fire has been built from the mantle-up.
The Gang are watching the whole thing with amazement. Depending on what happens in between, they may actually try and help the Demon Bull fam with their efforts.
Mei gets a crash course in her own sea-dragon abilities when she has to direct the waves away from Sandy's boat. Her and Red Son laugh, teasing that for a sea dragon, she's more familiar with flames than water!
Pigsy might not be able to withstand the heat - but the indestructible, size altering rake he inherited can! He slingshots it towards DBK's waiting hand - the nine teeth of the rake making nine times the amount of new chimneys in the mantle.
MK is tempted to follow the Monkey King below the waves, but the gentle hand of Sandy (and the not-so-gentle hand of Macaque's kaiju form) stop him from leaving the ship.
As the tremors quiet and the spouts become less frequent, the peak of Huaguoshan seems to "sneeze", and settles back to normalcy as if no great danger was a foot.
After many tense minutes, the Monkey King emerges from the sea - cloaked in salt and lava like he was born from the core of the earth itself.
Macaque makes an appreciative growling sound before slinking his way through the water to greet his King.
All three face of the King are confused. Confused and afraid. Not because his mission failed, far from it.
But because he honestly didn't expect the reaction of his allies;
MK: "MONKEY KING!! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!" Mei, emerges from the waves: "WE ROCKED!!" Red Son, victory-hugging his parents: "We certainly did rock!" Tang: (*fainted from fanboy-ing too hard*) Pigsy, catching Tang: "YOU DID GREAT, KING!!" Sandy, softer shouts: "I don't think anyone else could have done that!"
Wukong is so taken aback. They... aren't afraid of him??
Each face of the King blushes beneath the yellow-orange glow as the cheers fail to cease. The Demon Bull couple applauding their sworn brother's courage to let his inner self free after so long.
Macaque sidles up to his King. The Shadow's bandage-like tendrils examining Wukong's golden body for injuries or burns. His soft but deep voice whispering into his mates' now-matching six ears.
Kaiju!Macaque: "I t o l d y o u, P e a c h e s. B E A U T I F U L."
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Songs by my Favourite Band That I Would Assign The Dead Poets.
so if you couldn’t tell by the cover photo, my favourite band is Twenty One Pilots. They’ve been my favourite band ever since around 2014, and I plan on getting a tattoo related to them soon!
knowing most songs quite well, i decided i’d relate songs to our lovely poets!
please enjoy! i’ll link the full songs as well!
also- might have to make a part 2. the possibilities are running through my brain!
Neil Perry:
Neal is a person who keeps all of his struggles internalized. We never witness him talk about any of his struggles until his breaking point when he is no longer allowed to pursue acting.
Which is why I find the first few sets of lyrics very fitting, because in reality, it seems only Todd had a slight idea of what was happening. Even then, that could be pushing it.
I feel this song encapsulates Neal’s worries and how they all eventually add up, and suddenly disappear.
No I’m not crying stfu.
key lyrics!:
And you will never know (won't you go to someone else's dreams)
What I'm thinking of
So won't you say goodnight (won't you go to someone else's head)
So I can say goodbye
And you will never understand (haven't you taken enough from me)
What I believe
So won't you say goodnight (won't you torture someone else's sleep?)
So I can say goodbye
I start to part two halves of my heart in the dark and I
Don't know where I should go
And the tears and the fears begin to multiply
Taking time in a simple place
In my bed where my head rests on a pillowcase
And it's said that a war's lead but I forget
That I let another day go by
I want to be afraid but it seems that these days
I'm caught under water and I'm falling farther
My heart's getting harder, I'm calling my father
Am I screaming to an empty sky?
Empty sky, no way, that's me
'Cause one half of my heart is free
Empty sky, no way, that's me
'Cause the other half of my heart's asleep
Todd Anderson:
This song is one of their more heavier pieces in terms of poetry. All of the lyrics are symbolic, intuitive.
It talks about how our brains travel to the darker side of thoughts the more you think about it, and the longer you look at things.
I just think this song really captures some dreadful thoughts in Todd’s brain, but in his more classic, poetic styles.
This song is one of my favourites :)
key lyrics!:
My brain has given up
White flags are hoisted
I took some food for thought
It might be poisoned
The stomach in my brain
Throws up on to the page
Does it bother anyone else
That someone else has your name?
I don't understand why everything I adore
Takes a different form when I squint my eyes
Have you ever done that?
When you squint your eyes?
And your eyelashes make it look a little not right?
And then when just enough light
Comes from just the right side
And you find you're not who you're suppose to be?
This is not what you're suppose to see
Please, remember me? I am suppose to be
King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing
Something happened to my imagination
This situation's becoming dire
My treehouse is on fire
And for some reason I smell gas on my hands
This is not what I had planned
This is not what I had planned
Charlie Dalton:
My Blood.
This song to me represents absolute loyalty to your friends and family. We’ve had no shortage of Charlie always looking out for the Dead Poets and avenging Neal after his death.
I always think about my closest friends when listening to this song, so I felt it was only right. I think it’ll make more sense in the key lyrics.
They have my whole heart your honour.
key lyrics!:
When everyone
You thought you knew
Deserts your fight
I'll go with you
You're facing down
A dark hall
I'll grab my light
And go with you
When choices end
You must defend
I'll grab my bat
And go with you
Stay with me
No, you don't need to run
Stay with me, my blood
You don't need to run
If there comes a day
People posted up at the end of your driveway
They're calling for your head and they're calling for your name
I'll bomb down on them, I'm coming through
Do they know I was grown with you?
If they're here to smoke, know I'll go with you
Just keep it outside, keep it outside, yeah
If you find yourself
In a lion's den
I'll jump right in
And pull my pin
And go with you
Steven Meeks:
Guns for Hands.
I feel like he also holds deep concern for all of his friends. Maybe not as outright and stubborn as Charlie, but he has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to his friends.
He seems like the type of friend to divert and distract rather than take the problem on full-throttle. He may be able to listen, but he gets scared when giving advice. His worry still haunts his mind, though.
It also just has his boppin kinda energy that I think he just radiates. Sunny man.
key lyrics!:
I know what you think in the morning
When the sun shines on the ground
And shows what you have done
It shows where your mind has gone
And you swear to your parents
That it will never happen again
I know, I know what that means
I know
That you all have guns
And you never put the safety on
And you all have plans
To take it, to take it
Don't take it, take it, take it
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep
But I can't, but I can't, when you all have
Guns for hands, yeah
Let's take this a second at a time
Let's take this one song, this one rhyme
Together, let's breathe
Together, to the beat
But there's hope out the window
So that's where we'll go
Let's go outside and all join hands
But until then you'll never understand
Gerard Pitts:
House of Gold.
This is just a really sweet song for a really sweet man <33
He’d introduce it to the poets and they sing it during meetings sometimes. It never fails to bring a smile to his face.
I also feel he loves it because he’s very loyal to his family. His mother, to be specific. A momma’s boy in secret, but also not really in secret.
key lyrics!:
She asked me, son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold
And when your father turns to stone
Will you take care of me
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease
Let's say we up and left this town
And turned our future upside-down
We'll make pretend that you and me
Lived ever after, happily
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Richard Cameron:
March to the Sea.
This song reminds me a lot of conformity. How we’re all just mindlessly walking to an endpoint, sometimes with no inspiration or desire to be free or do something different.
We know he is all about conformity.
I like to think Cameron is conflicted with following rules, but he falls under the pressure of his authority figures to actually be free.
key lyrics!:
There's miles of land in front of us
And we're dying with every step we take
We're dying with every breath we make
And I'll fall in line
A stranger's back is all I see
He's only a few feet in front of me
And I'll look left and right sometimes
But I'll fall in line
And as we near the end of land
And our ocean graves are just beyond the sand
I ask myself the question
Why I fall in line
Then out of the corner of my eye
I see a spaceship in the sky
And hear a voice inside my head
Follow me instead
Then the wages of war will start
Inside my head with my counterpart
And the emotionless marchers will chant the phrase
"This line's the only way"
And then I start down the sand
My eyes are focused on the end of land
But again, the voice inside my head says
Follow me instead
Take me up, seal the door
I don't want to march here anymore
I realize that this line is dead
So I'll follow you instead
So then you put me back in my place
So I might start another day
And once again, I will be in a march to the sea
Knox Overstreet:
Tear in my Heart.
Could really only think of this one because it seems like his only personality trait is being creepily in love
Sorry not sorry
The lyrics just show the hopeless devotion and vulnerability to somebody you love. Tyler Joseph had wrote this for his wife, Jenna :)
key lyrics!:
Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
That you're alive and have a soul
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how
She's the tear in my heart
I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been
My heart is my armour
She's the tear in my heart
She's a carver
She's a butcher with a smile
Cut me farther
Than I've ever been
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danny-chase · 3 years
Warnings: violence, blood, realism in comics, me mentioning things stans want to ignore to make a point, you don't have to consider them canon, I'm just making a point don't hurt me
Right. Been seeing dialog about Jason's decision to give up guns that i feel is missing a few points.
1. Bruce is traumatized by guns. Yeah he jumps in the line of fire every night but that doesn't mean he isn't scared of/triggered by them:
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[Image ID: Oracle!Babs and Robin!Tim roll/walk through the clocktower. Babs: (about guns) Hates them. But doesn't fear them. Tim: Not the way he jumps in the line of fire night after night. Babs: Line of fire... Babs: I was afraid of them for a long time. I'd go faint at the sight of a gun on TV. Tim: You have reasons, Barbara. So does Batman. Babs: But I. worked through them. Babs: Maybe Bruce hasn't. Maybe he's not the rock we thought he was. Tim: He bought a gun as therapy? Babs: Look at the facts. He bought it just like any other citizen. Like he wanted to experience it as someone else would. Tim: I don't think- Computer: Keyword media search alert. Tim: What's that? End ID]
Birds of Prey (1998) #40
Bruce's opposition of guns is partially based in trauma - it's not completely a moral stance or completely logical rule. Jason giving up guns is for himself, but it allows him to be closer to Bruce and for Bruce to be more relaxed in his presence -> can make their relationship closer.
2. [X] weapon isn't even lethal. Getting cut/hurt + no health care = possible death from infection -> shooting a henchman with regular bullets in the foot can be lethal. Or cutting them with a batarang.
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[Image ID: A girl walks home getting off the school bus. Girl: "Mama, I know you don't want to hear this, but --" She opens the door to an empty run down house. Girl: "Mama? Mama are you --?" She opens up the bathroom door, revealing her mother sweating and bleeding out on the ground, trying to press a towel to a wound on her side. Her mom is wearing a henchman outfit for the H.I.V.E. Girl: "Mama!" Mom: "Why -- Why are you home so soon?" The girl holds her mom in a sitting position. Girl: "This isn't the flu. You said you had the flu." Mom: "I -- I will be better soon. I just need to rest." Girl: "You need a hospital, mama." Mom: "No. If they find out -- they'll take you away from me. Send me back to Guatemala." The final panel shows a wisp of Ravens cape, the view zoomed out. Girl: "I know you want to protect me, but you need help now -- no matter what happens later." Raven: "Maybe I can help." End ID]
Titans: Titans Together #4
Similarly could ppl stop acting like rubber bullets are non lethal, everything the batfam uses can be lethal and cause scenes like above. Literally none of them can claim moral high ground they've all thrown batarangs in people's faces (off the top of my head, Jason nailed Dick with one in the face in BoC and Bruce got Jason in the neck in UTRH so there's the two characters at odds).
3. Jason/Bruce has never hurt an undeserving person. Jason isn't a mass murderer and you're slandering him. Bruce is the best dad ever you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.
...did you miss the times he tried to kill Tim? Or sprayed Dick with fear gas? Or shot Damian in the chest (not rubber bullets mind you). All of this happened in Battle of the Cowl. He poisoned 82 prisoners indiscriminately in Batman and Robin (2009) #23, went around killing random "thugs" in Brothers in Blood arc of Nightwing. Is it slander if he did it? Idk. If anyone can answer that lmk but everything is canon now so the point is moot.
And let me also say if everythings canon Bruce has also hurt/hit/abused his family (i don't have the specific issue numbers but runs that I've seen bad dad Bruce in are The New Titans, Batgirl (2000), Nightwing (1996), Tom Kings crap, RHATO rebirth, etc. I don't feel like going into detail but if hard pressed i will) don't try to paint me as a Bruce or Jason apologist/hater please
Also literally see the panel above 💀 the mom is an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala with an engineering degree she can't use because the US gov is literally fucking flaming garbage, so she had to take that job to provide for her daughter. Quit thinking extrajudicial murder/vigilantism is a woke take. No. Stop. Bad. Criminals have rights for a reason.
Can you choose to call the above things Jason and Bruce have done ooc and bad writing. Yep. Go ahead, be my guest. Just it's weird to me that ppl always seem to do it for one character and not the other. Like... that's not productive dialogue? And yeah both Jason and Bruce stans do this i just happened to see a post from a Jason stan so he got to be shamed first. If you think i think my fave is wrong, i literally made a post publically shaming him at one point, and wrote an entire fic dedicated to me pointing out why i think characters would hate him the most 🤷‍♀️ if someone read a comic that shows your fave in a bad light don't call them stupid for not liking that character just point them in the right direction and if you don't want to. Don't. Just block them. I'm tired of watching ppl act like their better than each other because they don't consider things canon (unless you stan a minority character and don't consider their racist/sexist writing canon in which case, same, you're the best ppl in this fandom)💀 or referencing fanon as canon and telling ppl to go read more comics 💀
Anyways the takeaways I've come out with are, this debate between the two is more than just morals, they've both wronged each other, and trying to simplify it down into victim and abuser is just - missing nuance and ignoring their full histories in my opinion and kinda just ends up flattening both characters and making both of them less relatable
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nemesis-nexus · 5 years
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Darkest Greetings and Salutations My Family, how is everyone? I am doing fabulously, I have a new lease on life and I feel great, it gets a little dizzying but nothing I can’t handle! The only thing that I am NOT looking forward to is the severe cold snap that they say we’re going to experience this week, the coldest it’s been in over a century they're saying, oh joy! And now I shall do my impression of a popsicle encased in an iceberg! Hopefully it won’t be as bad as they say but for right now:
Full Beaver Moon 2019
HAIL THE ANCIENT FAMILY! The Full Moon is upon us and it is a treasure whose worth is beyond calculation. As I sit in contemplation of the things that have happened over the years, I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders! The shining Moon has been the one thing that has the ability to neutralize any stress I might be dealing with and enables me to meditate on any situation for any length of time. When I sit outside in front of my Altar I can feel the energy flowing all around, especially when the wind starts blowing! The strength of each gust always increases the deeper I go, this is how I know that the energy is moving and the feeling while it’s happening is indescribable! Of course this occurs if one does a ritual inside their home and the feeling is similar but it’s not quite the same as being out in it!
As I looked out my front door I saw the Full Moon in the sky, lighting up the darkness so effortlessly and never asking for anything from anyone to provide this light that so many have relied on to make their way to wherever they were going at night without having to worry about walking off a cliff or into a fight with a beast they had no intention of disturbing! The moon itself is a wonder that many take for granted especially now because people are so busy developing their cities and literally flooding them with artificial light that they all but forget about the Moon and the Stars above them and why?
Because they can’t see them and because they can’t they take for granted that both will always be there since they have always been there. What these people fail to realize is that many of the technological advances that we have now come from studying the Moon and Stars! For example we know that the waves in the ocean respond to the pull of the Moon energy, when you know how waves will react at almost any given time and how high they will get you then can build walls along the shoreline to protect the city. You can also determine when a good time to set sail to a remote location will be as the sea is a harsh mistress and she takes no prisoners!
Tonight’s Full Moon was named the Beaver Moon by the Algonquin Tribe of North America, it was so named because this is the time of year when they would begin to lay traps to catch as many beavers as possible so as to fashion their furs into clothing warm enough to survive the very harsh Northern Winter! As someone who lives in the same general area I can say there are times when I wish I had a few beaver furs to withstand the cold!
During this Full Beaver Moon it is clear that we need to reevaluate many things about ourselves as a species; petty selfishness and instant gratification has lead us to the crossroads we are currently at and to the governments we have, the question is do we fight it or do we work with it and decide among OURSELVES if we like what the current and future ruling bodies have to say? Only one of these roads will determine whether we are taken seriously on any level, especially a political and more importantly an environmental one!
The other thing that has lead us to where we are is that we have forgotten ourselves on a Spiritual level and the proof of that is in our willingness to allow the Earth to be drilled into, fractured and blown open for its oil, gas, uranium and copper deposits, even if it means leveling yet another mountainside or National Park! We wonder why mudslides are occuring, it is due to strip-mining for mineral deposits! If there are no rocks or trees in place to keep the soil from moving, all that is needed is just enough rain to create mud that when it is on an angles WILL begin to start sliding downward! Who cares if ANOTHER THREE THOUSAND acres of rainforest is cleared to make room for grazing lands for cattle? Why should we care, after all the only thing that trees and vegetation do is provide us with OXYGEN! So what if we tear up the woods and natural habitats of Wildlife, how dare they want their homes to remain UNINVADED? Then we bitch and moan about how Coyotes, Bobcats, Wolves and OTHER predators are showing up in the streets and eating the Humans pets! They are doing this because they don’t see a difference between a dog and a badger! MEAT IS MEAT and if we want them to continue to hunt in the woods then we need to LEAVE THE WOODS ALONE!
Humans have forgotten what it means to coexist with the very ecosystem which enables it to live, instead choosing to believe that they are superior, then they don't know what to do when an Earthquake, Tornado or Tsunami strikes! They need to remember they are part of the system, not above or below it, we exist in MIDDLE SPACE and it is absolutely imperative that we work with it for the sake of the survival of the whole!
The reason we have the kind of intelligence we do is not a freak accident, but intentional! We were given the intellect to oversee the goings on of our respective parts of the Earth and to live in conjuction with it! To enjoy life and to protect that which is the most import to ALL of our survival - the thing that Ninhursag, Enki and Ningizheda created and what the Ancient Family as one functioning unit oversees - the HEART (EARTH) of our very existence!
As I gaze upon the Moon I can’t help but wonder if all humans will ever wake up to what they are doing, but one thing I do know for certain is that there are many who have woken up and can see what is happening, not just on a physical level but “between the cracks” if you will, they keep to themselves what they see because they know what’s to come and they also know most humans would deny it even if they were told! There is a reason why the Moon Pool and Trail look so hypnotic on the water… It is the silent voice of the Cosmos calling out to us, whispering those memories we all possess of a life beyond what we are currently living!
Father I implore you to help those whose allegiance to the almighty dollar has led them to not only jeopardize the LIFE giving element of Water, but to sue for the right to endanger it while brutalizing any and all humans trying to protect it! Remind them that not only is it a RIGHT, but that it is a NATURAL ELEMENT, of which EVERYONE deserves access to a clean, NONINDUSTRIAL tainted supply! Remind them that they are not more important just because they have more human currency, nor will they curry favor in your eyes for denying others that which you provided us ALL with simply because they feel entitled to do so!
If we keep on the course we are currently on, cutting down the trees, burning through the rainforest and other wooded areas, stripping the mountiainsides, blasting the ground and gutting the mineral deposits, poisoning the air and water, drilling the shale and messing with fault lines, we are going to cause a global disaster unlike we have ever seen before and we will bring it all down on ourselves!
Great Father who keeps track of everything, I implore you to not lose hope in us just yet because there ARE those who are still fighting and who are not willing to back down! We know that you did not give up on the human race the last time but everyone has their breaking point and if you do decide enough is enough, we are ALL in very real trouble and there will be no escaping the consequences of our actions or the wrath of the Ancient Family! I will not back up or back down to any human regardless of their aggression, until the very last breath leaves my body I will continue to strive, to move forward and to help others do the same!
Even though things seem bleak, even though the future is uncertain, we will continue to move ahead as we know that we can get through whatever rough time or arduous situation because we have our Blessed Father on our side and he has no problem telling us to get our shit together and be ready because we never know just what may be around the corner or on the horizon!
While you won’t fight our battles for us, we know that we are able to combat any situation ourselves because we were created in the image of the most glorious Beings in all the Multiverse! We also know that if we are ever in need of guidance that you will be there to help us along! You may not always use human words, sometimes instead choosing nature’s vocabulary, however if we pay close enough attention we know just what it is you are saying!
Endearing and Fierce Father, I know that we will get through these hard times, I know because as stubborn as people are they are also scared of the unknown and I think once those fears are ABLE to be cast aside that people will calm down. It sickens me that those who are rioting in the streets are most likely only doing so because it’s staged! That they would allow themselves to be bought off like that is a human embarrassment!
On this Full Beaver Moon I wish everyone glad ridings and the comfort of Friends and Family to keep you warm through the rest of the Autumn and straight through the Season of Death! I wish you the peace that comes with taking care of your own and doing what you can to help those that need it! I wish you the presence of mind to always stand up for what is right and to always stand against injustice no matter what form it takes or who the aggressor is! Most of all I wish you Spiritual Guidance and Healing to help you with whatever issues you may be facing, do not ever be afraid to ask Father or any member of the Ancient Family for help when the burden becomes too much for one person to carry! No man is an island and the Family will always stand by us so long as we do our part and do not expect anything especially for them to do all the work!
“If you understand or if you don't,
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a Universal Justice
And the Eyes of Truth
Are ALWAYS watching you.
"When The First Frost Falls And Covers The Ground,
When The Air Hangs Cold And No Creatures Are Found,
When The Earth Is Hardened And The Bears Take Slumber,
When The Birds Fly South Flocking In Number,
When The Snows Are Calling, The Heat On The Run,
When The Leaves Have Fallen And The Autumn Is Done,
We Come Together By Respect And Gratitude Led,
To Say Thanks For Father's Generosity And Put The Earth To Bed!
We Batten Down The Hatches And Get Ready For Winter,
The Resources Become Scarce, The Conditions Are Bitter,
But We Have No Anxiety And No Fear,
For Father Has Taught Us How To Prepare!
With The Skills We Knew And The Skills We Were Taught,
We Gather Our Rations From Father's Great Lot!
Through The Death Season We Will Pull Through,
Until Spring Comes Again And The Rebirth Is Due!
We Take Care Of Ourselves And Of Each Other,
To Ensure The Survival Of Our Sister And Brother!
Never Doubting The Support Of Our Family,
Knowing Always We Are One Even Though We Are Many!"
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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