#and also i have left over butter masala from the other day :]
your-neighbor-bear · 4 months
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAR!!! I hope you have a wonderful day full of everything you wish for :D
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clatterbane · 2 years
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Tonight's delight: my first Curryout Night in likely going on a year now! Because I got a craving.
Went with Art Of Spices delivery through Wolt, because they had good reviews and it looked like the location was a straight shot away to haul the stuff here.
Also picked them in particular since side dish vegetables don't really look to be common on menus here; it's full main dish size portions or nothing. I like to get more variety, and would have just picked two or three veggie dishes plus either a saucy meat main dish or, like, chicken tikka appetizer to round things out. But, Art of Spices was one of the places offering mixed thali options.
Great! Only they don't let you pick the specific dishes you want. I guess that also cuts down on the ordering indecision, when pretty much everything sounds tempting!
So, I decided to go with the Premium Thali. Sure, just fuck me up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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(Courtesy of Google Translate again.)
Which just defaulted to saying chicken plus two vegetables, etc. through Wolt--so I didn't know to specify further in the order comments.
What I ended up getting:
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The main container, which I was obviously already scooping some out of. Basmati with cumin, what looks to be some very thick tarka dal, and what turned out to be saag aloo with the potato chunks stealthily hiding under the surface of the spinach when I opened it up. 😅
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Plus..."Peneer Tofr 😑"? (ETA: Way better than I could produce in any Indic script, of course! Or maybe even handwritten Latin, depending on the day.)
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Aha. Looks like maybe some Butter Paneer made with tofu instead? 🤔 They are listing Paneer Butter Masala on the menu.
I also didn't get any raita on the side--and, they were saying to specify if you wanted any of the vegetarian dishes made as vegan. It is SO much easier to find food here to suit basically any kind of special dietary requirements, as I've mentioned before.
So, I am guessing that what happened here was maybe some confusion with ordering through Wolt, so without further info they decided to play it safe and default to vegan. (Though, they do even offer Oatly yogurt as an option in the lassis, so you'd think they might also use that for vegan raitas. 🤔)
But sure, just fuck me up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It all looks and smells good.
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My first round, dished up. I was expecting to get at least two meals out of it, from the description. Given my capacity lately, though? Looks more like three with rice left over, unless I go totally vegan ham later.
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The Masala Pappadoms, which I figured might just be flavored with some spices. But nope, they went with a chaat approach.
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Most of the masala powder, crispy sev, cilantro, etc. like you'd use on Bhel Puri or other chaat dishes have mostly just fallen to the bottom here. Which should at least help keep the pappadoms from sogging out under the fresh herby bits as much, before I can munch them all down! Can scoop back up as needed.
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Finally, the big cup of mango lassi, which turned out to be practically a spoonable fruity yogurt dessert. 😁 And is incidentally sitting right next to the insulin pen case, which is too appropriate!
Most of that is stashed in the fridge for later, though I did go ahead and drink like 25% of it thinned down with a little milk. Absolutely delicious, if no doubt a huge carb bomb even with the dairy yogurt rather than oat! (Haven't had Oatly's yet, but this tasted more like dairy.)
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And now, for a cup of my own house special half-assed pseudo-masala chai, to help everything settle!
Very satisfying meal, as I had hoped. With some actual vegetables that I didn't have to cook, and everything. May need to order from them again, when I get the urge for more vaguely North Indian restaurant curry.
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A jared appreciation post and recap of yesterday
I drove down to NC on thursday and so far being here has been SO nice. Jared’s parents went to asheville for the weekend so we’ve had the house to ourselves and tbh we’ve been having a good ass time.
Yesterday I woke up early and ran 6.5 miles before anyone else was awake, it was hot af and humid af but I saw a lot of other people out and made a point to wave to everyone because we could probably all use some extra friendliness rn. I came back and jared made tofu chilaquiles and coffee and we sat out on the porch and ate slowly and just talked for hours and it was soOoOo nice. Then we had leftovers from the night before for lunch, jared turned his into a chana masala naan pizza which was honestly kinda genius. Then he was like “since you drove 10 hours yesterday I wanted to make today a spa day for you” and he had bought candles and massage lotion and stuff and I was like wtf you sweet angel!!!
Then it thunderstormed for a bit and I sat out on the porch and it was the best. We got all dressed up and actually got to go out to eat because NC is pretty opened up- we got whiskey drinks and sushi (that was aMAZING! one roll had mandarin orange slices and sweet chili sauce on top).
Then we came home and watched 13th which I highly, highly, highly recommend in light of what’s going on in the world rn. I actually knew a good deal of the stuff they were talking about already which felt good to be informed on. I took a class called hip hop and politics last spring where we analyzed song lyrics and films and talked about the role of the federal government in criminalizing marginalized groups and how the “war on drugs” was basically a load of shit. Anyway- the documentary goes really in depth on it and I think everyone should watch it.
Halfway through the documentary we grabbed frozen custard, something I’ve always wanted to try, and then came home and ate and finished it. Also the moon! Looked so cool! It’s the orange-y light third from left in the bottom pic even though the pic does not do it justice whatsoever lol.
Jared has been SO sweet since I’ve gotten here (I mean...he always is but like, over the top). He bought me flowers and he went to trader joe’s to get groceries I would like and he bought special bread at a local bakery and picked up dark chocolate sunflower butter cups he saw at TJ’s because they looked like something I would like. He even fricken went out and bought the conditioner I use so I would have it here since my hair is crazy. And last night he paid for dinner and we always just split it so that was just...such a sweet gesture. I love him!
I’ve been feeling weird about posting anything personal on here because I don’t want to detract for the larger important convos going on, but I honestly use tumblr as my own photo diary esentially and I want to be able to share these little moments and look back on them. I’ve been putting more of my social justice energy into my real life rather than the internet but have been more vocal on instagram and fb because that feels more organic to me.
Anyway! Hope y’all are all doing okay sending a hug to ....everyone
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The Murderess from the Grunewald (14): Getting Closer (1)
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(”Katze” by rihaij)
Six months ago -  Some hours after Jamie’s Second Attorney’s Visit to Prison
         4 pm. Jamie drove his car into the parking lot in front of Claire's house. Finally alone. Finally, time to think about everything without being interrupted. A few minutes later, he carefully opened the door to Claire's house and when Adso didn’t show up he entered. First, he went into the kitchen, pulled up the window blind and looked at the two bowls on the ground. Both were empty. He rinsed out the drinking bowl and filled it with fresh water. Then he opened the cabinet containing the cans with the cat food. For fun and to see if the animal would really eat it, he chose a can of ‘Veggie Royal’. He reached for the can opener and started to work. Only seconds later he heard the kitchen door, which he had only ajar, open with a strong push. Immediately after that, the claws of four paws stitched themselves into his pants. In surprise and because of the sudden pain, Jamie dropped the can opener.          "Ah! Let go of my pants you wee beast!" 
         He reached for Adso, who was sticking his whole body to Jamie's right leg and slowly started to work upwards. With some difficulty, Jamie was able to release his leg from the cat. He put it down on the ground and held it by the neck for a moment. Then he looked at his pants. Adso's claws had pulled some threads that were now sticking out of the fabric.          "Look at what you have done, you greedy something! That was a whole new pair of pants. I will bill your mom for it. Then you will get vegetables for the next six months and you can forget about 'Sea Fish Royal'."          The cat looked grumpy and made growling noises. Jamie released Adso and sighed.          "Yes, you are right. I already sound like a judge. But I am the lawyer of your mom Claire and not yours ... "          Adso let out a bloodcurdling 'meow'.          "Yes, I understand.”
         Jamie sighed.          “I miss her, too, although I saw her two hours ago. Come on, let's eat."          After emptying the contents of the can into Adso's bowl, Jamie searched the kitchen cabinets for a plate. He grabbed the sandwiches he had bought on the way. Then he reached for the bottle of Pepsi Light he had taken with him from the trunk of his car. He sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat his first sandwich. While doing so, he watched as Adso chewed on his 'royal vegetables'.
         "Well, if it were 'Chicken Royal', you would have eaten it all out by this time, wouldn't you?"          Adso did not pay any attention to Jamie but made a grumbling sound.          The cat was still chewing on the vegetables when the red-haired can opener had already devoured his second sandwich. After finishing his meal, Jamie wanted to dispose of the paper bags into the bin. But when he opened it, he realized that he was already full. He took the bag from the bucket and while doing so, he noticed various food packages. Two blue boxes of the "Azora" type of biscuit from Bahlsen fell out of the bucket. Claire must have a weakness for that kind of biscuit. He tied the garbage bag and put it in front of the kitchen door. Then he began to open one cupboard door after the other. The packages he'd seen in the trash had made him curious. Behind the first door, he found cleaning equipment and a roll of garbage bags. Under the sink stood cleaning agents, sponges, small brushes and shoe polish. He didn’t open the second door under the sink. There was the cat food. He already knew that. Then he turned to the small cupboards above the sink and the oven. One of these cabinets contained a large number of little cans with loose tea. 
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(”Tee” by Tomasz_Mikolajczyk)  
         In another cabinet, he found muesli varieties, crispbread, muesli bars, ready-made soups, mashed potatoes powder, dumplings, and baking ingredients. The third small cupboard contained a number of tiny glasses with different spices: white and black pepper, salt, sugar, cinnamon, anise, ginger, paprika, tikka masala, cardamom, turmeric, cumin, caraway. curry. In the upper compartment of the long cabinet on the other side of the counter, he found cans and jars of fruit and vegetables. Under this compartment was the refrigerator. He opened it and found nothing except some apples, a packet of butter and three packs of different cheeses. He decided that he would take a closer look at these cabinets when he had more time. Then he also would make a list of all the foods. It would certainly be useful to know which foods she preferred. 
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(”Lebensmittel” by RitaE) 
         After he had provided the garbage can with a new bag, he left the kitchen. That was the moment, he noticed that Adso had disappeared. Jamie went to the first floor and entered the bathroom. A disgusting smell rose to his nose. He remembered, that he had noticed it the day before, but now it seemed to be even more penetrating. Then his eyes fell on the cat toilet, which stood in a corner of the bathroom.          "Uhh. No!"          Another thing he would have to take care of from now on.          "Irfrinn."
         Jamie pulled up the shutters of the bathroom window and opened it.  The rush of fresh air was a blessing. Now he noticed the plants that stood on the windowsill and beside the bathtub. It dawned on him that he would have to care for these too.          "One more job," he sighed.          Jamie left the bathroom and walked over to Claire's bedroom. He had no words for the chaos that displayed itself in front of his eyes. Claire had told him about her arrest and how rude the police had dealt with her, but he had not expected that. In front of a dressing table, he saw an antique-looking white chair that had been broken into several pieces. Besides the bedside table lay a broken porcelain vase. The mattress of the bed had been raised and then only provisionally laid back on the bedstead. Pillows and blankets were scattered all over the room. The doors of the wardrobes stood open. Apparently, they had been searched. No effort had been made to return the garments to the compartments from which they were pulled out. It would take several hours of time and effort to restore order to this room again. He cautiously climbed over some of the things lying on the ground. Then he opened the window blind and the window. Letting in the fresh air would be the first step. When he was on the way back down to the living room, he noticed a hatch embedded in the ceiling leading to the loft. What would it hide? He hurried down to the kitchen and opened the cupboard in which he had spotted the cleaning equipment. Between broom and scrubber, he found a pole with a born hook.          "That's what I was looking for," he said quietly as he pulled the pole out of the closet.         Back on the first floor, he led the born hook through the small eyelet, which was attached to the attic hatch and pulled at it. The hatch opened and slowly an extendable staircase glided towards him.
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(”Attic Stairs, pulled down”by Scott Arneman [CC BY-SA 3.0 - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 - from Wikimedia Commons)
         Carefully, Jamie climbed the stairs. When he stuck his head through the hatch, at first he saw nothing. Then he felt a kind of railing to the right and left of the hatch. At the right post of this railing, he felt an attached remote control as he knew it for radio-controlled sockets. He pressed all four buttons and immediately different lamps went on in the room.
         "Clever!"         Jamie got out of the hatch, entered the floor and looked around in surprise. Instead of a dusty and cobwebbed loft, he found a kind of combined living room and study. As he looked around, he suddenly remembered a conversation with his former colleague Marcel. When Jamie was housesitting the apartment of a friend when Marcel came along for a visit. As he entered the apartment, Marcel looked around and said: "Every house speaks a language. Every house tells a story. And if we look closely, the house will tell us its story." Jamie was ready to watch and to listen carefully. He wanted to hear Claire's story. The story she hadn’t told him yet. Her story. Who was she?          “What story are you telling me, Claire? Talk to me, I'll listen ... attentively." 
         On one of the gables of the roof stood shelves with books and other trifles. Framed black and white photographs hung on the other gable wall. He went to the pictures and looked at them closely. One showed a middle-aged man with a beard and topee in front of an ancient building. Jamie knew instantly what place it was. It was the temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Luxor. The man in the picture had to be Claire's uncle Lambert. Another photo showed him with a young girl beside the feet of a colossal statue. Jamie suspected that this photo showed Claire and her uncle in front of the foot of one of the Ramses statues at the Great Temple of Abu Simbel. Another picture showed her and her uncle riding on camels. Jamie started to giggle. He would give a lot to see something like that with his own eyes - Claire on a camel. Before he came to look at the other pictures, he suddenly noticed how Adso stroked his legs.
         "How did you come here?"          He bent down and stroked the cat.          "Will you at least behave yourself?"          The cat gently squeezed his head into his hand.          "Hm. Seems so."          Jamie stretched and looked around the room. Seen from his right side was a large wooden box with metal fittings. He walked over to it and saw that a lettering had been placed on the upper side of the box: "Q. L. Beauchamp." Apparently, the box once belonged to Claire's uncle. What would it contain? Jamie resisted the desire to open it. Right next to the box stood a small black leather sofa. A beige pillow and a dark red rug lay on top of it. In front of the sofa stood a coffee table. On it, he found Claire's laptop in front of a flat screen. Again, he resisted his curiosity to open the laptop. Then he remembered the second gable wall, the one where the bookshelves stood. Most of the books were older books dealing with archaeological topics and countries where Lambert Beauchamp had been active. But there were also some newer publications. Among them, Jamie discovered Tim Jeal's book "Stanley - The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer," as well as various books by the British Archaeologist and Egyptologist David Rohl. He immediately recognized the spine of ‘A Test of Time’. Next to it stood ‘The Lords of Avaris’ and ‘From Eden to Exile’.
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(Picture: Private)
          Several times he tapped his right leg with the palm of his hand, whispering:
         "Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire. Undeniably, your uncle was a very unconventional man."
         Jamie smiled and turned to the other side of the roof. In the middle, there was a modern tilting window with a sunshade. Underneath stood a simple wooden desk with a modern desk chair. The desk was tidied up. On the left side, he saw some books and notebooks. Each of these notebooks was bound in leather. Year figures were printed in golden letters on the spines. He picked up the notebook closest to him and opened it. At the sight of the lines, he realized that it was a diary. Claire's handwriting was beautiful, bright and consistent. He closed the book without reading and put it back in its place. A modern desk lamp stood on the right side of the desk. Like the floor lamp next to the couch and the floor lamps next to the bookshelves it lightened up when he had touched the remote control at the post of the railing. Next to the books on the desk, he noticed an open calendar in front of it a pen tray. Everything was clean and orderly. Then his eyes fell on the writing pad. There was a book wrapped in a leather cover with a silver fountain pen in a loop at the right edge of it. It was probably Claire's current diary. 
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(”Traveler’s Notebook” by AnnaBetlejewska) 
         Jamie gently stroked it with his right hand. No, he would not open it. He already felt like an intruder. This was obviously Claire's personal refuge. He was glad that the police didn’t cause disorder or damage here. He knew from other cases what traumatic consequences a house search could have for the people affected. The unimpeded invasion of a person's privacy always had consequences. For most of the people who experienced such a search, their sense of security was damaged for many years. Had the police even discovered this room? He doubted it because he could not believe that otherwise, they would have left behind Claire's most personal records. Especially her diaries would have been of great interest to the prosecutor. Also, her laptop would have been confiscated. 
         He went back to the little black sofa and sat down. Then he took the pillow and then the blanket and smelled it. Was that Claire's smell? He wasn't sure. Suddenly Adso crawled out from under the coffee table, jumped into the seat next to him and scrambled onto his lap. Jamie sighed. Then he started to scratch the cat. Meanwhile, he let his eyes wander carefully around the room again.
         “This room tells me a lot about your mom, old boy. She is a very disciplined and organized person, right?  That doesn’t fit into the picture of the act she was accused of. If she wanted to kill a person, she wouldn’t cause as much chaos as the person who killed Frank Randall. No, that’s not the way she thinks and works.” 
         The cat purred under his hands.
         “Besides, your mom is a smart woman. With her medical knowledge, she would undoubtedly have found other ways to get rid of the old crook. If she had really wanted to kill him, she would certainly have done so in a way that no one could have proved it to her. No, the bloodbath in Grunewald does not suit her at all.”
         Adso stretched. The cat climbed from Jamie's lap and walked over to the pillow. Like Jamie just before, he smelled it. Then he looked questioningly at Jamie and meowed.
         "It seems we both miss her."          The cat answered with some more meows. Jamie didn't know how long he'd sat on the sofa with Adso. But when his stomach started to growl, he knew it was time for dinner. He set the cat carefully on the ground.          "Come on, we have to go."
         He got up and looked around the room again. Then he went to the desk. He gently stroked the backs of Claire's diaries. Finally, he put his left hand on the book that lay on the writing pad and stayed that way. Then he broke free and headed for the stairs.
As always: Thank you for reading and the comments you left. If you have questions, just sent me a DM or put it in the comments. You are very welcome :) - Next time, read: “Secret Whitsun Holidays on Rügen (6): Sharing Joy and Sorrow (4)”
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alghawy7blog · 3 years
GM Diet Guide||How Lose Weight ||Best Diet To Lose Weight
Welcome to the 21st century, where modern man has perfected the art of "Fast Food". It may not be completely true, but thanks to the era of the "Global Village", there is hardly any cuisine left in the work, which has not been the victim of this trend. It certainly is the need of the hour in the fast paced world, where so many people no longer have the time or patience to cook healthy food at home. It is ironic how the very population on whose shoulders the world economies are being built, are on the unhealthiest diets in the world.
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Thanks to these realities, a considerable portion of this population is suffering from diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. These are nothing but the direct results of these unhealthy food habits and lazy lifestyles. The youthful population is willing to work itself to death in today's day and age of competition, not realizing that they can do more with a healthy body. High Cholesterol is just the beginning. It can lead to severe heart-related ailments resulting in a shorter lifespan.
It is about time, that people should pay attention to this horror and address it by changing their lifestyle. In order to combat these modern evils, there are two major steps that should be taken. Firstly, change your diet. If you are what you eat, then you should only eat the good stuff. As a youngster, you should look to be ripped and always be ready for swimsuit season. To achieve this goal, you need to plan a step by step plan to measure your progress. Try to eat more raw foods like fruits and salads. You may even want to consider looking into the GM diet. You can try out this week-long plan once every month. It is excellent for detoxifying your body helps to lose up to 5-7 kilograms or 12-14 pounds in a week. Keeping weight in check is a great to fight high cholesterol.
Secondly, start dragging your rear end to the gym. It is unacceptable that a girl or a guy in their twenty's or thirty's being out of shape. There is no simply no excuse. Exercising should be part of your daily routine. Regular exercise boosts your metabolism and overall wellness. High Cholesterol levels are no match for a healthy lifestyle. Carve out at least an hour of light workout every day, and rest on Sunday.
Remember, the future of the human race depends on the youth of the world. So always keep this in mind, that when you do make it big, you better look like a million bucks as well.
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You may love it or you may hate it, but I am very sure, if you are seeking for weight-loss methods, you can never ignore it. General Motors Diet or popularly known GM Diet, ranks highest in the most-sought diet charts. Surprisingly, I have yet not found any information about GM Diet on any of the official sites of General Motors (update me if I have missed any).
Various sites, blogs and forums have discussed about GM diet, but in a scattered manner. My primary intention behind this post is to represent various facets of this diet plan and to give a comprehensive overview, based on the experiences of my own as well as of my friends.
This diet plan was introduced at a general meeting of General Motors Corp. on 15th August 1985, initially intended for the use of the employees of General Motors company, to facilitate wellness and fitness. It was granted by the United States Agricultural Department and the FDA, further tested by the Johns Hopkins Research Centre.
It was designed as a 'De-toxification diet program', to improve ones metabolism through its cleansing systemic effects, reflected by an improved disposition and a feeling of well being. As an end-result, a weight loss of 4-6 kgs was expected within the program-week.
Here is the day-wise diet plan and its dietary significance. I have added few things from my experience and experiments, which worked.
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Day 1:
Fruits of any kind (except bananas) in any quantity. The most preferred fruits are the melons and cantaloupes, due to their high water content. In addition, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water.
By eating fruits, you are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Fresh fruits are nature's perfect food, providing all essential elements needed to sustain life. Fruits are also a good source of antioxidants and are fiber-rich. Fruits are also considered as a negative-calorie food, thus burning more calories for its digestion than those provided.
Believe me, I have done GM diet twice and have found this day the most difficult one. Firstly because of the sweetish taste of all fruits, and further due to an intense craving for bread or spices, that one develops towards the end of the day. The solution for this is the Soup to break the monotony of the fruity taste.
Day 2:
The day can start with a large baked potato with one pat of butter for breakfast. It definitely fills you with complex carbohydrates to start your day after the first sweety-fruity day.
For the rest of the day, you should eat all sorts of vegetables of your choice, raw or cooked. Vegetables have very less calories, high in nutrients and fiber. There is no limit on the amount. This should be added with drinking at least 10 glasses of water.
One can also mash a baked potato, add some onion & curd, and spice it up with chaat masala & red chilli powder and pinch of salt.
Day 3:
This day consists of a combination of fruits and vegetables of your choice, except banana & potato. In addition, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water. Potato is avoided on this day since the carbohydrates are available from the fruits that you eat.
One can do varieties of salads mixed with fruit slices. If you take more cucumber and melons, it's more likely to lose weight than any other vegetables or fruits. Adding a curd to vegetable salad, in a 'raita' form will make it more palatable towards the evening, when it gets monotonous.
Day 4:
A day when you can eat nothing but eight bananas coupled with three glasses of milk. It is not mandatory to eat 8 bananas; you can have less as well. In fact, you might feel satisfied within 4-5 bananas within the whole day. This is the day when you can clearly feel your food-craving diminishing significantly. It feels divine, to get over your 'desires'. Do not forget to drink at least 10 glasses of water, as always.
Bananas will act as a provider of carbohydrates that is easy to digest, coupled with sodium and potassium reserve.
Day 5:
This is considered as a 'Feast day', where you should eat up to two portions of lean beef (10 oz.) combined with six whole tomatoes - as a source of fiber. On this day, you should increase your daily water intake to at least 14 glasses. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid getting produced. You will experience colorless urine on this day.
Beef is a source of proteins & iron, and thus an alternative can be paneer (tofu - soya paneer for better results) coupled with mushrooms for the vegetarians. Many people have recommended rice as a replacement to beef, but if one considers the nutritive contents, rice can not be the right surrogate.
Day 6:
Another day with beef and vegetables. Today you can eat any amount of beef combined with cooked or raw vegetables. Keep your daily water intake to 14 glasses. You can add the Soup to add some spice to your day.
Iron and proteins from the beef or paneer-mushroom combination, while fiber and nutrients from the vegetables. Till this time, you must have experienced an energetic feeling and an awareness of the power of natural food items.
Day 7:
The food intake on this day should consist of a bowl of brown rice with fruit juices and any vegetables you want to eat. Drink 14 glasses of water.
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The juices will break the fast (?) providing the essential nutrients along with the vegetable stuffing. The brown rice provides the carbohydrates.
Now you must be at least 4 kgs lighter than day one, yet more energetic and free from the cravings for high-calorie stuff.
The Soup:
The following soup is a modified version of the GM Wonder Soup since it is not possible to get the Lipton Onion soup mix everywhere, as suggested in GM Soup. The modified soup goes parallel to the 'rassam' or 'saaram', served in south India. This soup is allowed to be consumed in large quantities throughout the program. It is intended as a supplement to your diet.
Boil few large-cut onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and celery in water. Add the sambhar masala for the taste. You may also add tomato-puree (but with the skin) instead of tomatoes to make it thicker. One can season it with herbs and flavorings. You may also add: asparagus, peas, corn, cauliflower, green beans or finely chopped mushroom.
General instructions for all days:
You may squeeze a lemon to flavor the water that you drink every day.
No alcohol of any kind since it adds empty calories.
Salt should be used as less as possible.
Use artificial sweetener, in case you can't stay away from the sweet taste.
No fruit juices till day seven.
Black coffee or tea is allowed.
You may repeat the schedule, if you want further weight loss, but it is suggested that you should take a gap of at least two weeks in between two schedules.
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Now the most important part: the doubts, accusations and myths.
"It works just by losing the water content of the body and not actually a fat loss."
a.    Firstly, there is no mention of restricting the water intake on any day. How can one lose only water if we are consuming at least 10-14 glasses of water every day, added with the unlimited quantity of soup and the water contained in the melons, fruits and vegetables?
b.    It basically acts on the principle of 'negative calorie foods' where you are consuming certain foods that demand more calories to burn themselves than what they provide themselves. High-fiber food stuffs you but doesn't provide the required calories, instead demands more calories to burn themselves, which is derived from the stored energy-deposits.
"Skin gets dry and you may lose your hair during and after the GM diet."
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a.    At least I have not met anyone in my acquaintance complaining of this, but found this on few blog-posts. The reason can be insufficient amount of water intake and not supplying enough protein sources on specific days.
"It is a temporary loss and you regain all lost weight in couple of weeks."
a.    Obviously, if you resume your high-calorie food once again. It is not difficult to lose weight, but to maintain it. Malvika, my wife who is a dietician, always recommends a maintenance diet program after the GM diet schedule as follows:
i.    Only liquids in the form of soups, buttermilk or fruit juices for dinner on three consecutive days in a week. This should be followed endlessly, until you want your weight to bounce back.
ii.    Drink plenty of water as if you are on GM diet.
iii.    Exercise regularly.
"It's just a Crash-diet and a Fad, nothing else!!"
a.    First of all, it is not promoted as a weight-loss diet, but a Detox diet that cleanses your system from within. Weight loss is just a by-product of it.
b.    Even if one looks at it as a 'crash-diet', it surely will not harm you, but will 'move' your weight in the least period, thus motivating many who tend to leave their regular diet and exercise regimens within first month, for not getting desired results. Once you can 'see' your weight dropping, it boosts your will to try further.
c.    As said above, it is futile unless you back it up with a maintenance program. You can not be on GM diet for lifetime, nor you can or should do it every month. Instead use is as an initial-motivator and switch to a liquid-dinner course later.
I myself have done GM diet twice. The first time I was very sincere in following it. Thanks to my wife and my mother, who made all arrangements for the foods on each day. I lost 4 kgs towards the fifth day. I could not lose any further on the last two days and I presume that to the rice I ate, as a substitute to the beef. The lost weight remained there for a month, in spite of not maintaining it actively. I could have lost at least half a kilo more, if I would have stayed away from the rice, which in any case I do not like to eat.
The next time I started it, but had to leave it in between due to some unavoidable circumstances. But had seen significant change in my weight and the energy level for the four days that I followed it.
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The most significant gain has been with my lipids coming down to normal. I have had really bad lipid levels for two years and after following GM diet twice, being on statins and taking self-prescribed homeopathic medicines for the same, the latest levels of lipids were perfectly within normal limits. The credit goes to the high-fiber rich GM diet as well.
If followed sincerely, GM diet has a definite positive effect of its own on our metabolism. I agree that it is not an end in itself, and one needs to maintain the metabolism by appropriate food habits and exercise regimen. GM diet can not be a 'quick & easy' substitute to 'efforts', but surely can be a booster for those who have never seen their weight going downhill, providing a 'kick-start'.
As Malvika says, 'one should take a diet that s/he can follow for the lifetime...' and that's true! You can never have GM diet for everyday, since there are so many delicacies around to enjoy, but for that we need to have a balanced metabolism, so that we can give them their due justice.
Realistically, about half the population will admit that they are unhappy with their physique. However, losing weight is not as difficult as many would believe. All it takes is willingness to commit and a little bit of effort on your behalf. Okay, honestly, it takes a great deal of effort and dedication, but it is definitely worth it in the end.
We have a special new diet plan to help you lose weight and slim down in just 7 days! This diet plan is the top vegetarian diet to lose weight safely and effectively!
GM Vegetarian Diet 
This vegetarian version of the GM Diet Plan consists of vegetables, legumes, fruits and limited starches. In order to prep your body for this diet, you should eliminate alcohol during the diet, as well as few days prior to starting the plan. This is important as alcohol retains water as it increase the uric acid level, which then prevents the body from detoxifying naturally.
Another key factor of The GM Vegetarian Diet is to drink up to eight to 10 glasses of water per day. As you will be greatly cutting back on the number of carbohydrates you would normally consume, water will act as your main source of energy during this time. Not only will it speed up your metabolism, but it will help naturally remove those extra, unwanted pounds.
For those who have tried this plan previously, or who plan to continue beyond the initial seven day period, it is recommended that you give your body a break for two to three days prior to resuming the diet. This will give your body time to adjust to the new level of nutritional consumption and help reduce any stress on your system as well.
Day 1:
Warning: the first day is always the hardest so try to resist any temptations! Today you will be partaking of fruits only. With the exception of bananas, litchi, mango and grapes; you can eat any fruits in any quantity you wish. However, the most beneficial fruits include melons, strawberries, lime, pomegranate, apples and oranges. You can have up to 20 servings of fruit only today.
Day 2:
Instead of all fruits, today you are only able to consume solely vegetables. However, you can eat as much as you want. Boiled, steamed, roasted, and raw... anything but fried or battered! You should begin your second day with a baked or boiled potato with a just a teaspoon of butter. This will provide your body with the proper amount of carbohydrates and energy required for the day. However, after this, you can only consume veggies.
Limit yourself to only one potato today. If you want to add some zest to your meals, simply add a pinch of basil or oregano. Day 2 is basically a calorie-free day, however, it is chock full of essential vitamins, nutrients and plenty of fiber! If you can survive Day 2, you definitely have what it takes to stick to this diet!
Click here to take the best weight loss product. Score about 30 IBS from the first week. Just imagine that
"Disclaimer" : When someone clicks on the link in the article and buys the product, I will get a little commission. I like the explanation
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thuthao080800 · 4 years
I make a version of these cinnamon rolls nearly every year for Christmas. The first time I made them was in 2010, inspired by the version in Lotta Jansdotter’s book. They’re beauties. Everyone LOVES them. The base recipe is for a version of Lotta’s beautiful, homemade, hot from the oven, loaded with sugar and spice, golden, buttery, classic cinnamon rolls.
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Cinnamon Roll Basics
To make cinnamon buns you start by making a buttery yeast dough. I know some of you shy away from yeast-based recipes, because of perceived difficulty, but these really are fun to make. One thing to know, they do take time. You’ll need to let the dough rest and rise at various points, but most of that time isn’t active, so don’t let that deter you. Also, once you get the hang of things, you can play around with all sorts of different fillings in future batches. If you want to explore something beyond cinnamon sugar, the filling can be anything from jam, a sweet compound butter, a flavored cream cheese filling. Have fun, experiment, and use this recipe as a jumping off point.
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How to Make Cinnamon Rolls: The Process
Making cinnamon rolls goes like this. Mix the dough. Let it rise. Roll it out. Put down the filling. Roll. Slice. (Freeze here, if you’re going that route). Another rise. Bake. Lotta sprinkles her cinnamon buns with pearl sugar before baking, which gives them a nice crunchy top, but I know a lot of people like a thick slathering of icing – to the horror of some Swedes, I might add. Sometimes I serve these w/ raw sugar on top and icing on the side, and often use the icing from these hermit cookies. 
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I’ve made little tweaks over the years reflected here. Above you see a version of the cinnamon rolls topped with icing. Alternately, you can do a simple sugar sprinkle before baking. I include instructions for both below. You can also play around with the flour. I’ve done versions with a percentage of rye and also whole wheat flour, for a kiss of rustic-ness. There are some great insights in the comments as well.
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Make Ahead Magic
One of the great things about these cinnamon rolls, is that you can prepare them ahead of time. You can even freeze the pre-baked rolls. The night before you’re ready to bake them, leave them to thaw, covered, on your counter, and bake them in the morning. 
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To Make A Cinnamon Swirl Loaf:
This is an easy tweak to the below cinnamon roll recipe & results in a beautiful, braided loaf. Don’t be intimidated – it looks much more difficult than it is. Promise! The basic jist is this: instead of slicing your two tubes of tightly rolled cinnamon roll dough into individual buns, slice each tube lengthwise with a sharp knife and arrange them side by side, cut side up. See the illustration below to understand how to braid the strands. You should now have four “strands.” If you are having trouble slicing, try getting your knife a bit wet, and clean between each cut.
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To braid: Pinch the top ends together. Now, take the left strand and move it over two strands (to the right) and under one strand back to the left. Switch to the other side: take the most right strand and lift it over two strands to the left and back under one strand to the right. Repeat, alternating from left side to right side until the loaf is complete. I find it easiest to say out loud, “over two under one, over two, under one.” Pinch the ends together and carefully lift and tuck into a 9×5 loaf pan. It really doesn’t have to be perfect, just aim for a reasonably tight braid.
Continue with the recipe as written, allowing the twisted loaf to rise in a cozy spot. You’ll bake at the same temperature noted in the recipe, but for longer with the twisted loaf – closer to 30 minutes. And with a loaf like this, where you run the risk of a doughy interior if you under bake, I like to use an instant read thermometer to make sure the interior hits about 190F. If the top of your loaf darkens before the dough is cooked, tent a piece of foil over the top for the duration of the bake.
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More Ideas:
There are a lot of way to go from classic cinnamon rolls to something else. Here are some of the ideas that have come up over the years. For the vegans out there, Shannon notes, “1 cup wheat whole wheat flour and used coconut milk and a flax egg. Topped with nutella and whipped cream.” I make a version of the icing with creme fraiche, always a hit, but buttermilk is great too, and easier to come by.
Danielle had this to add,” I added 1 tsp of a medicinal masala chai spice blend I ordered on etsy, and it put these over the top!” I love this idea, and heartily encourage experimenting with other spice blends as well. I make these at times with a cinnamon, rose petal, sesame blend. Also, hard to go wrong by using a bit of lemon zest in the bottom of your baking dish.
Hope you love these as much as we have over the years! If you’re looking for breakfast recipes don’t miss this healthy granola, or the best waffle recipe (seriously!), these classic pancakes, a loaded frittata, tofu scramble, Herb Cream Cheese Scrambled Eggs, and the baked oatmeal is always popular.
Continue reading Favorite Cinnamon Rolls on 101 Cookbooks
Nguồn: 101 Cookbooks https://www.101cookbooks.com/cinnamon-rolls/ Xem thêm: https://thuthao080800.blogspot.com https://hocnauan.edu.vn/day-nau-an/mon-chay
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troop2017 · 4 years
A continuation of my lockdown ‘journal’…   Click here for the 1st instalment
I did fairly well on Monday (Day 13) with staying off social media and games, although I lapsed a little towards the end of the day.  (I need to write the day every now and then as otherwise they all meld in together; in other words I don’t know what day it is!!)  Today is Wednesday (aka Day 15)
Wednesday 1st April 2020 (I’m not really expecting there to be many April Fools jokes today)
Current Day of Social Distancing (following government guidelines):
15, but I’m writing about 13 & 14 (as it’s still before 8am on Wednesday, day 15)
Days spent on my own while Calv works (as an HGV driver)
Les Mills workouts completed
5* (well 3 1/4 as Body Balance really isn’t my thing…)
3* x sh’bam
1 x Body Combat (the ‘how to’ – will do a proper workout next time)
1/4 x body balance – I never could do it, but thought I’d have another go.  The one I chose involved pulling legs towards me by the ankle.  My right ankle (injured almost 5 weeks ago while playing netball) still isn’t ready for this.  So I gave up 😦
Bring Sally Up (Sally Squat’s)
5* – I still haven’t had to cheat again 🙂
5* – I’m managing to add 5 seconds each day (I’m now up to 40 seconds and VERY pleased with myself)
1 – I haven’t plucked up the courage to try again after last time but have every intention of doing so tomorrow (I think it’s Thursday tomorrow)
No walk on Saturday – that was the day we had our visit trip to the supermarket under these current conditions.  I was dreading it!  It was also my 1st time out in a car for over 2 weeks.
At Asda the queue snaked all the way across the front of the store and into the car park.  Everyone was standing patiently 2m apart, although we did see someone give up and go back to their car ( we did wonder if they were thinking it might be quieter later – I wouldn’t have thought so!)
We were let in 1 (or 1 couple) at a time as people finished their shopping and left.  Inside the store there were arrows on the floor to try to dictate the direction of flow.  People were clearly trying to follow these, but it’s not easy is it?  Most people were observing the 2m rule but, again, there were a couple who simply didn’t seem to understand it and would come barrelling towards you.
All in all though not a bad experience and we got everything we wanted/needed.
After dropping some bits off to my dad – he’s 85 and seems to be coping quite well with the lockdown (he has lots of books!)  He’s following all the advice to the extent that he refuses to go out into the back garden despite us all telling him that this is allowed!
Anyway, I digress.  On the way home as we pulled onto the Delme roundabout the van in front of us hit a swan, which came flying over the top of the van to land in front of us.  Of course we stopped and put the hazards on as did the car behind us.  After about 5 mins of being sheltered by us and the guy behind (and me trying to ring the RSPCA, who didn’t pick up) the swan seemed to get over it’s shock and stood up to waddle onto the centre of the roundabout – it knew exactly where to go to be safe.  Hopefully it was just shocked.
I eventually managed to persuade Calv to come out for a walk later on on Sunday, by which time there was a bracing wind.  We managed to avoid this on the way back up the hill by taking the bridleway up past the crematorium.
My walk on Monday (day 13) included stepping over the barrier in front of a footpath just before the road bridge over the motorway.  The foot traffic thinned out as I climbed higher towards my goal (I’d always wanted to take this path to see if it would take me directly to the footpath over the motorway – it didn’t).
I did see a little girl with her dad checking out the house (right beside the barrier) that recently had a car buried in it’s front room.  There is no reason for the barrier itself to be there – I wonder if it was just laziness or thoughtlessness that means it’s there?  Or does it have to extend a certain length either side of the bridge?  Who knows!
I found myself walking through local roads that I’d heard of but never walked through (they’re all within minutes of my house!)
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Barrier across the Footpath
Yesterday (day 14) I found that the bottom of my road was quite congested and much changing of direction and crossing of the road was required to negotiate my way safely home  🙂
3* – Yesterday, (day 14) I wasn’t really in the mood for a full on workout so decided on the WiiFit.
I was proud of myself for finishing off though with Sally Squats, some crunches (numbers upped on previous days) and the obligatory plank 🙂
Trips to the van ‘larder’
So far I have visited most days and had to procure the following:-  (a * denotes a change from my previous post)
2* bottles squash
2 packs of teabags – the small packs you get in big boxes
1 box green teabags
4 tins baked beans (Branston)
3 tins of chopped tomatoes
2 tins butter beans
1 tin haricot beans
1 jar of pesto
1 jar of Ragu
1 jar of jam
1 packet of caster sugar (very important)
Garam Masala
Several bottles/cans of beer and cider
1 bottle of wine
1 jar of coffee
1 box of pasta
2 packs of Mexican style rice
2 x toilet rolls
Also now:
4 tins of tuna
Jar ground coriander
1 tin of custard
Several stock pots
1 box jaffa cakes
Conversations on HouseParty/other video calls
6 so far on HouseParty / 7/8 on FB or WhatsApp / 1 Google hang-out with work colleagues
I’m still finding that I’m talking to people much more.  I’m still not very good at phone calls though!
Watching Homes under the Hammer
I watched most of this on Monday (day 12 🙂
Watching TV in general during the day
SHOCKER – neither Neighbours of Emmerdale were on yesterday (day 13)!!
I’m still not struggling with abiding by the social distancing, but it’s only been a couple of weeks – let’s see what I’m saying this time next week (especially as it looks as though Calv is likely to be at home with me by then!!)
I hope you’re all coping as well and finding plenty to do to occupy your time.
Above all, stay home, stay safe and call someone if you’re struggling (that includes me if you know me xx)
Until the next time xx
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  My CoronaVirus Distancing in Numbers – Days 13 & 14 A continuation of my lockdown 'journal'...   Click here for the 1st instalment I did fairly well on Monday (Day 13) with staying off social media and games, although I lapsed a little towards the end of the day. 
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fatlier1-blog · 5 years
Everything a Paralympic Gold Medalist Does (and Eats) in a Week to Stay Fit
Sweat Diaries
Paralympic athlete Michelle Konkoly shares her Sweat Diary.
A class at The Bar Method. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
Welcome to Sweat Diaries, Be Well Philly’s look at the time, energy, and money people invest in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle in Philly. For each Sweat Diary, we ask one Philadelphian to spend a week tracking everything they eat, all the exercise they get, and the money they spend on both. Want to submit a Sweat Diary? Email [email protected] with details.
Who: Michelle Konkoly (@michellekonkoly), 26, from Midtown Village
What I do: Second year medical student at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
What role healthy living plays in my life: Healthy living means taking care of my body by buying, preparing, and eating nourishing foods; getting plenty of sleep; and keeping my body strong, flexible, and conditioned by doing a diverse array of exercises. In 2011, I suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury that left me with a spine and heel fusion, and permanent weakness in my legs.  Since my injury, I have learned never to take anything my body can do for granted — I had to start from scratch to learn to walk again, and lost 30 pounds of muscle during my recovery.  After re-learning how to walk, I got involved in the Paralympics and won two gold, one silver, and one bronze medal in sprint freestyle swimming events at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Paralympics! I’m proud of my muscle because I know how far I had to come to get where I am today.  Now, I’m focusing primarily on school, but I still go to swim meets when I can.
Health memberships: I purchased the “New Client Special” at Bar Method Rittenhouse, which 30 days unlimited for $99. I also have a membership at the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center, which was included with tuition.
Michelle Konkoly trains in the Jefferson pool. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
7:10 a.m. — Alarm goes off, and I wake up and am out the door within five minutes to head to the pool at Jefferson. Fortunately, it’s only a three-minute walk!
7:30 a.m. — Swim at the Jefferson pool.  It’s a 20-yard pool, which is shorter than most pools, but we make it work!  One of my classmates swims with me and we do a tough 4000 yard aerobic workout. I swim faster than when we did the set last week so I am pumped!
8:45 a.m. — Showered, I walk back home and take my corgi, Ollie, out for a walk.
9:40 a.m. — Walk back to Jefferson’s campus for class and stop at dry cleaners on the way.
10 a.m. — Small group class. I eat my breakfast of papaya, pineapple, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds with a homemade latte (two shots and soymilk).  Someone brought in Isgro’s cannolis so I have to eat half of a cannoli as well!
11 a.m. — Facilitate a group for the first year medical students, and have another cup of coffee. Swimming in the morning makes you a special kind of tired.
12 p.m. — Walk to the University Health Center to get the PPD shot I need for volunteering. While I’m waiting, I snack on two leftover paleo chocolate chip cookies I made over the weekend.
2 p.m. — I finally get home, and eat lunch of a kale salad with avocado, carrots, tomatoes, and homemade carrot ginger dressing, plus slice of whole grain bread and some chocolate-covered almonds.
3 p.m. — I head to the Jefferson Library to overview the material for the week. I have three clementines and half a bottle of kombucha I got from the new Sprouts Market last week.
5:45 p.m. — I get home and walk Ollie to Washington Square Park. I finish an almost-empty bag of Skinny Pop kettle corn before I head to barre.
6:45 p.m. — Barre class at Bar Method Rittenhouse.
8 p.m. — Barre doesn’t make me nearly as hungry as swimming, but I’m still excited for my dinner that I prepped yesterday: sushi bowls!  I top some sushi rice with calamari salad my roommate didn’t want, plus some broccoli, edamame, pickled ginger, and nori strips. I also have some almonds and dates.
9 p.m. — Ok, the hunger caught up with me.  I go a little overboard on after dinner snacks tonight and have a sundae of tahini squares with an Enlightened fudgesicle, half a banana and coconut whip, and a slice of chocolate pumpkin bread. I went on a baking spree over the weekend and now have all these goodies sitting around tempting me.
10:30 p.m. — Finish studying and head to bed.
Daily total: $0
Weight lifting to work on fast-twitch muscles. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
8:14 a.m. — Woke up without an alarm. I try to give myself one day a week to sleep in. Once out of bed, I take Ollie for a walk and then eat half a banana and half a slice of chocolate pumpkin bread.
9:15 a.m. — At the Jefferson gym, and I do a one-hour lift, focusing on upper body explosiveness. I have a swim meet coming up in December, and since I swim sprint freestyle, power and fast-twitch muscle work is so important!
10:30 a.m. — Come home, shower, and make a latte to drink as I listen to this morning’s recorded lectures.
A smoothie bowl for lunch. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
12:15 p.m. – Make a smoothie bowl for lunch! I’m obsessed with my Vitamix blender. I make a smoothie out of frozen bananas, peaches, and spinach, almond milk, and Orgain vegan peanut butter protein powder, topped with homemade granola, cacao nibs, chia seeds, coconut, and fruit.  I finish off lunch with some chocolate covered almonds and salted almonds.
1 p.m. — I spend most of the afternoon continuing to work though this morning’s lecture material on dermatology. I walk into to Walgreens as a study break and buy tweezers and a pack of gum ($5.20).
2:45 p.m. — Finish the Sprouts kombucha, along with some more tahini bars (they’re so good!) and some fresh pineapple.
5 p.m. — I get ready for a Jefferson Gala event tonight at the Philadelphia 201 Hotel.  I Uber over with some friends and the venue is gorgeous!
Cake for dessert. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
6 p.m. — At the reception, I have three pieces sushi and a glass of Champagne. For dinner, we’re served bread and salad, and I request the vegetarian entrée of risotto, carrots, and broccoli rabe. I’m not strictly vegetarian, but try to eat less meat whenever possible! Dessert is a beautiful chocolate mousse cake with fresh berries.
9:30 p.m. — Uber back home and walk the dog. I’m craving something crunchy, so I grab a few handfuls of Special K out of the box before getting into bed.
11 p.m. — Bed!
Daily total: $5.20
Michelle Konkoly has an unlimited membership at The Bar Method. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
7:10 a.m. — Alarm goes off and I’m off to the pool.
7:30 a.m. — Swim a 3200-yard workout by myself. Today I used parachutes that are tied to my waist to add extra resistance. It’s tough but really helps me increase my sprint speed and power. I shower at the pool and then come home to walk Ollie.
10 a.m. — Grab my backpack and head to class.  I eat my yogurt with fruit and chia seeds and a latte — I make this breakfast the night before so I can just grab it and go.
12 p.m. — Class ends and I come home. I’ll never get over how hungry swimming makes me in comparison to other workouts!  I grab a couple almonds and pieces of caramel corn before taking Ollie out.
12:45 p.m. — Lunch is a bowl of kale, sushi rice, tofu, carrots, broccoli, and pickled ginger, plus a bit of spicy mayo on top! I also have an apple from when I went apple picking with my mom and sister last week.
2 p.m. — I head to the library and have three clementines as a snack.
3 p.m. — Every Wednesday we have “Cookie Hour” with the applicants interviewing at Jefferson. Current students can come to mingle and of course grab a cookie! Today they have strawberries and mini cheesecakes too, so during my break from the library I head over and have one of each!
5 p.m. — Come back home and have a snack before walking Ollie: a small bowl of Special K with cashew milk and freeze-dried strawberries and almonds.
6:45 p.m. — Barre at The Bar Method. It’s been fun to have the flexibility to try new workouts, rather than having to focus 100% on swimming, like I was during the time leading up to Rio.
Homemade sushi for dinner. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
8 p.m. — Finally time for dinner! I use my sushi bowl meal prep ingredients to make two homemade rolls and have a glass of wine with them.
9 p.m. — As I’m sending emails and studying, I make a bag of light natural popcorn and mix in a few pieces of caramel corn.
10 p.m. — We still have Halloween candy lying around, so I have a couple pieces (Reese’s are my favorite!) before walking Ollie and heading to bed.
Daily total: $0
Enlightened ice cream from Sprouts. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
7:10 a.m. — Alarm goes off and I snoozed it for eight minutes.  I almost never hit snooze, but I knew no one was joining me for my swim this morning, so I wouldn’t be holding anyone up if I was a few minutes late!
7:35 a.m. — Swim a 2,900-yard workout.  It’s certainly on the shorter end, yardage wise, but today I used a bungee tether that attaches me to the wall so I can swim continuously against the resistance for the length of my 50 free race (about 30 seconds).  It’s a great way to simulate an Olympic length (50m) pool in our 20 yard pool!  The tether is no joke — my arms are always burning by the end!
9 a.m. — Showered and walked home, then walked Ollie.
9:35 a.m. — Made my favorite smoothie bowl again.
10 a.m. — Head back to campus for class, and drink my latte.  One of my classmates brought in candy, so I have two mini Kit Kats.
12 p.m. — Come back home and have a piece of chocolate pumpkin bread with pumpkin butter while watching lectures.
12:30 p.m. — Eat half of a GIANT apple, plus a kati roll from Masala Kitchen — one of my friends had some extras after an event.
2:30 p.m. — Spend most of the afternoon studying at home, and eat the other half of the giant apple.
4:15 p.m. — Have a pre-dinner snack of bowl of Special K with half a banana, freeze dried strawberries, dates, golden raisins, and soy milk. I also have a cup of pineapple spirulina kombucha.
6:15 p.m. — I take Ollie on a long walk, then have dinner: a kale salad with the rest of my sushi rice, tofu, bit of edamame, and a quarter avocado, plus a bowl of defrosted frozen mangoes, strawberries, and pineapple with coconut flakes.
7 p.m. — I have another event for the first-year med students on campus, so I walk back over. For some reason there’s so much candy around this week!  I have two mini packs of gummy worms as I catch up with my friends at the event.
8:30 p.m. — Come back home and have a true dessert: chocolate! I love Enlightened ice cream, and found a new flavor — black cherry chocolate chip — at Sprouts last week. I eat the whole pint happily as I’m studying, along with a piece of chocolate and two more tahini squares.
10:30 p.m. — Bed!
Daily total: $0
Spaghetti squash pasta for dinner. Photograph courtesy Michelle Konkoly.
6:38 a.m. — Alarm goes off and I grab a squeezable applesauce packet to eat on my walk to barre.
7 a.m. — Barre. It’s great to get my workout out of the way so early on Friday. I always feel like my posture is so great after barre, too!
8 a.m. — I walk Ollie and make my smoothie bowl. Today I use up some frozen strawberries instead of peaches, and get in some last minute studying as I eat it.
9 a.m. — We have short quizzes every Friday — this week was all about various skin conditions.
10 a.m. — Head back home and have two and a half slices of chocolate pumpkin bread with pumpkin butter as I do some chores and cleaning in my apartment.
11:30 a.m. — I make a homemade iced latte, and have a ThinkThin protein bar and a mini Rice Krispie treat as I do laundry.  I’m heading out of town for a wedding this weekend so I’m trying to get ahead on my normal weekend chores!
12:15 p.m. — I walk Ollie to Washington Square Park and call my dad to catch up as we walk.
1 p.m. — I get a pedicure and gel manicure in preparation for the wedding ($42 with a coupon).
2:30 p.m. — When I get back home, I have a little bit of leftover tofu with a quarter avocado, kale, and edamame, plus the rest of the pineapple spirulina kombucha.  I also finish up the final crumbs of a container of homemade granola, mixed with cacao nibs and golden raisins.
4 p.m. — I spend the afternoon prepping my study schedule for our exam week next week, and have a tiny apple and half a container of Greek yogurt with cinnamon and chia seeds.
6:45 p.m. — I start making dinner, which is really meal prepping for next week! I have four little breadsticks and a bit of olive tapenade while I roast a spaghetti squash.  I make a chickpea/nutritional yeast “cheese sauce” for the squash, and mix it all together with some sun dried tomatoes and Kalamata olives.  I also roast up some leftover veggies from a veggie tray.
7:30 p.m. — I pour myself a glass of white wine as I eat my spaghetti squash creation. The sauce turned out so creamy!
8:30 p.m. — My roommate offers me some of the red wine she brought back from Italy, so of course I have to try it.
9:30 p.m. — I finish up packing for the wedding and have an Enlightened fudgesicle and three pieces of candy for dessert.
10 p.m. — Bed! I have an early train to DC tomorrow, so I’m calling it a night!
Daily total: $42
Weekly Totals
Money spent: $47.20
Swim workouts: 3
Barre classes: 3
Strength workouts: 1
Smoothie bowls: 3
Glasses of kombucha: 4
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Source: https://www.phillymag.com/be-well-philly/2018/11/29/michelle-konkoly-swimmer-food-diary/
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hoppingaround · 5 years
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Day #1 of UK trip in Manchester with chithi, Madhu and chitya :)
I'm going to copy paste chithi's account of the day as she does such a good job of explaining things and events of the day :)
Day 12 : 27th June 2019, match day, girls day-out day and Dishoom day*
Appu and Niveditha arrived. 910am? Hot breakfast of rava upma and apple, ID filter coffee.
The men headed out to Old Trafford and the girls arattaied, and then headed to Altrincham - market town in West Manchester. Trams full day ticket. Very useful.
Arattai continues. Explored the small market with kiosks full of wonderfully smelling food. Thursday is trinkets and antiques day in Altrincham - interesting to see shop selling only dog leashes, dog sweaters, dog coats etc. Remarkable 😜.
We spotted an old Indian rupee in an antique shop. Also saw what is called a eudimonium.
Lunch in a vegetarian kiosk - tried polenta fries with mayo, Jamaican jack wrap and banana +peanut butter smoothie. Great food 😊
Macchiato at Caffe Nero for Niveditha. Pen pencil purchased at a quaint Japanese shop. Walked around the shopping high street of Altrincham. Decided to visit the IWM, North again.
Tram station. Passed Old Trafford exactly when Dhoni hit a six in the last over. Crowd was cheering rapturously - cdnt resist the temptation to get down and go to the stadium. Also possible to meet the match goers - innings break coming up soon. Got down quickly, met the threesome, selfies, chatted excitedly - the atmosphere was electric in the last over, what with chants of Dhoni, Dhoni...
Sea of blue in the stands, hundreds of Indians
After the brief meeting with Appu, Madhu and Sampath walk to IWM. Passed thru the Manchester United stadium, which is very close to the cricket stadium also. Less than 10mins.
The stadium is huuuuge. More after the stadium tour tomorrow 😎. The ManU Enterprise is very impressive and amazing. It is on a scale that was much more than what I had imagined.
IWM after a longish walk. Hot sun. Niveditha was very impressed. We had about 90mins to tour the museum today.
Today we watched a 5min documentary abt Al-mutanabi street bombing in Iraq. Also a huge exhibit from the World Trade Center air crash of 2001. A mangled piece of steel which formed part of the structural columns of one of the skyscrapers. Tragic memories.
Left the museum around 5, went to Media City tram station and took a tram back home.
The junta came home around 730? Brought victory back home. And then we all set out to Dishoom for dinner.
Appu had painstakingly studied their menu online, talked to many people who recommended it. Brilliant choice 👌.
The place has got a few more things out of the ordinary, other than of course the food. For one, no reservations - once we get in and book a table, we are handed a pager which is expected to buzz when a table has freed up and has been allocated to us. We also got instructions that at least one person of the group should wait at the restaurant and we need to be in the signalling radius of the paging system.
But all this hanky panky was justified by the food. Well worth the wait!
The waiter attending to us explained the menu, various sections of the menu, the recommended dishes in the small plates (pav Bhaji is classified in small plates here, BTW), main course, dessert and drinks sections of the menu. Have never seen this before in a restaurant. In fact he took the trouble to repeat everything twice at 2 ends of the table for us, since there was so much noise around us 😅
Dinner was a sema jolly affair with pav Bhaji, chilly cheese toast, grilled paneer and pineapple Tikka, chole batura and sheera, lassis, tulsi-sour, masala chai, jackfruit biriyani with raita, wonderfully creamy dal makhni, roomali roti, kulfis, kala-khatta gola ice.
Podhuma 😜🤗😜🤗.
Deserving special mention is their toilet. With "souchalay", "mahilayen" and "purush" written in Gujarati Each WC has a wash basin inside with brass fittings and not to mention the rosewood toilet seats 😅😅. Niveditha's recommendation to please visit the toilet. 😃😃.
Walked back home. Piccadilly arcades, Market square and then via northern quarter. Deserted alleys. Bought onions for hot breakfast tomorrow at a 24hr SPAR outlet. Home at about 12am.
Sema fun. US junta had Airbnb cancel their stay for some power failure problem. So innum super and we all stayed together.
Retired for the day. The boys in eager anticipation of the next day's stadium tour.
Good night 😘
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swseats · 5 years
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    We all have beliefs about ourselves. We make authoritative statements about how we view ourselves in the world. Ideas we build up over time. “I don’t wait in line for restaurants.”, “I don’t do vegetables!”, “I’m not a fan of chocolate”! I understand them all. Well perhaps not the last one, but for the most part, I get it. We all make pronouncements about ourselves and, through our actions, try very hard to have them be true. But it seems that the world conspires to move us off of our mark almost as soon as we utter the words. Digging in my heels used to be my reaction when this would happen to me, but I’ve begun to think that may not be the right response. How do we give up some of the perceptions we hold about ourselves and accept a new way of thinking?
I’m not a Cake Guy.
   Growing up, we were pretty much a pie household. I have no real recollection of my mother ever baking cakes. Not that she didn’t like cake, I just don’t really recall it happening. From my youth, I have two distinct dessert memories. At one point my mom discovered a recipe for a fruit cobbler that had a cake like topping. Less like a biscuit and more like a cake. I can remember giving it a serious side-eye when it came out of the oven and how the smell filled the kitchen with sweetness and just a hint of cinnamon. Since I was always eager to eat baked things while they were still warm, I quickly dug a spoon in, breaking through the golden-brown topping and scooping out a good sized portion for myself. The cooked syrup was clear and you could see flecks of spices suspended tantalizingly around the perfectly uniform and soft peach slices. The hot liquid had soaked into the fluffy topping like water into a thirsty sponge and I kept eating and eating, even though I had managed to burn the roof of my mouth on that first bite.
   The second memory that sticks out to me is my grandmother’s peach pie. I can still see her yellow Pyrex mixing bowl with the white flowers around the rim. While she was alive, Grandma would bake peach cobbler in that bowl. I would walk through her front door and immediately get wrapped in a blanket of freshly baked cinnamon, nutmeg and canned peaches. I would breathe in deeply to catch all of the homey comforting aromas. She would make it just for me because I was her favorite (It’s really okay if you don’t mention that to my siblings -- or my cousins, but we know the truth). As you can see, for me growing up, there was not a lot of cake going on. Of course at large family gatherings and church functions there was the ubiquitous 7-Up cake or for birthdays a store/bakery bought sheet cake with the super sweet shortening frosting that always left a slick coating of grease on the roof of your mouth. Just like wax on a hardwood floor. But that was about it. Cake was what you got from somewhere else, pie you made at home.
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I’m a Pie Guy
   Don’t get me wrong. Carving out a large piece of soft sweet chocolate cake and, after taking a bite, making that yummy face, is definitely gratifying. But if I had my druthers, I’d choose pie any day. Sticking my fork into a tender crust who’s flakiness tastes slightly of butter and sugar. Savoring the brightness of the sweetened berries and juices. The texture of the strawberry and rhubarb that remind you of the first few days of Spring. Or Fall being represented by the velvety texture and warm flavor of ginger spiked pumpkin or masala infused sweet potato. I am a lover of pie. I am a Pie Guy. But sometimes the universe conspires and pushes you to see things differently.
Oh, cake.
   In baking, as in life, there is an exception to every rule. My self imposed Achilles Heel was my kids. Years ago when we decided to have children, I announced that my kids would always have a homemade cake, made from scratch, for each of their birthdays. Why I made this declaration was most likely new parent hubris. Also I likely thought at the time that busting out two cakes a year couldn’t be that hard. Famous last words. Because once you go down that slippery slope, there is no going back. The Universe not only has other plans, but also a wicked sense of humor. Just one exception is all it takes.You get asked for cake when it’s not a special occasion. You say yes. Then you get asked to make cakes for people you’re not related to. Okay! You get asked for cupcakes, which are nothing but a multitude of miniature cakes. Sure, why not? And then there is the buttercream! It’s not just making the cakes. Oh no. They can’t go around all naked. They have to be dressed with something. And since frosting is not my thing -- store bought frosting trauma perhaps -- I make buttercream. And before you ask, yes there is a difference. Over the ensuing years I have learned to lean into my resistance to cake baking. I’ve had to let go of this idea that cakes weren’t my thing, and once I did, I actually started enjoying the cake making process. Plus my kids won’t let me off the hook. They keep asking for a cake. Year after year. Children can be so cruel. Now I’m the pie guy who bakes cakes. And cupcakes. And makes his own buttercream. Because, I’ve discovered, if you’re going to be pushed off your spot, you might as well go all the way. It’s easier to just embrace the moment and accept this is who you’ve become. It’s okay to let go of that old idea of yourself and go with who you are now.
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foodtrails25-blog · 5 years
No Onion No Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao is a easy and nutritious recipe with Paneer and Bell Peppers,flavoured with Kadhai Masala. A quick and delicious option for lunchbox or busy weekday dinner.
It is good to have even without anything,just  on it’s own . This goes well with Mint Cucumber Raita or any Mix Veg Raita. My kids like to have it with some butter on top. When I pack it for their lunch in thermos flasks, I put some butter on hot rice so that kids can enjoy some warm buttery rice for lunch in school.
Kadhai Masala is a spicy and flavourful spice mix of Red chillies and coriander seeds and is used to flavour curries like Kadhai Paneer, Kadhai Mushrooms and Kadhi Mix Vegetables. I have used this spicy mix to make a no onion no garlic Pulao with soft paneer and crunchy bell peppers.
My kids too like this Pulao and many times I pack it in their lunchbox. Moms are always on look out for new and interesting dishes that they can pack for their kids lunch and liked by kids also. This Pulao has  everything that kids like to have Paneer and Bell Peppers and of course rice. A one pot filling meal. You can adjust the spice level in this pulao as per the spice tolerance of your kids.
Steps for making No-onion No-Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao
The Pulao can be made from leftover steamed rice/jeera rice or you can make fresh rice for pulao. You can use store bought Kadhai Masala or make it at home..refer to my Kadhai Mushroom post. For the vegan option you can use Tofu or Mushrooms and skip cream from the recipe. You can add a tbsp of almond meal for creaminess.
First step in making this is to cook rice. Rice should be soaked for at least 15 mins. Cook rice with whole spices till almost done. We do not want  a mushy rice it should be just like the way we cook for making Biryani.
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Next step is to make Paneer and capsicum gravy.In a pan saute paneer and bell peppers for 1-2 minutes.. The bell peppers should not lose the crunch. You can fry these separately also. Make tomato masala and add paneer and bell peppers to it. Mix nicely with masala.
Add cooked rice and mix in masala with very light hands , cover and keep on low flame for 5 minutes. Fluff lightly and serve hot.
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Let’s see the recipe for No-Onion No-Garlic Steamed Rice
No-Onion No-Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao
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No Onion No Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao is a easy and nutritious recipe with Paneer and Bell Peppers,flavoured with Kadhai Masala. A quick and delicious option for lunchbox or busy weekday dinner.
2 Cup Rice
1/2 Cup Paneer/Indian Cottage Cheese Cubes
1/2 Cup Mixed Bell Peppers
2 (Medium)
Ginger piece(small about 1/2")
1 Cup Tomato Puree
1-2 Green Chillies(optional)
1 tbsp Fresh Cream
1-1.5 tbsp Kadhai Masala
1-2 Whole Red Chillies
2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
2 Bay Leaf
4-5 Cloves
1 Star Anise
1 Cinnamon Stick( Small)
Wash rice 2-3 times and soak for 15-20 minutes. Puree tomatoes ginger and green chilli and keep for later use.
In pan take enough water around 6-7 cups, add whole spices and few drops of oil. Add rice once the water starts boiling.
Cook rice till almost done. Drain rice. Rice should not be mushy. Keep aside. You can take it out in a flat dish so that the rice grains do not stick together.
In a heavy bottomed pan, add oil when it is hot, add paneer and bell peppers and give a quick stir. Saute for 1-2 minutes.
Take out the paneer pieces and bell peppers, keep aside. Do not over fry, as paneer can gets hard and bell peppers turn mushy.
In the same pan, add cumin seeds, bay leaf and whole red chillies(optional) and add tomato puree cook for 2-3 minutes, add the powdered spices, salt  and kadhai masala.
Add rice and mix with light hands, taking care not to break the rice grains,
Cover the lid and keep on low flame for 5 minutes.
Once, done fluff lightly with fork and serve hot.
You can use homemade Kadhai Paneer Masala or store-bought. For homemade Kadhai Masala, click here. 
For Vegan version, skip Paneer, add Tofu or Mushrooms as per your choice. 
You can have it without any curry on side. This goes well with Mint Cucumber Raita or any Mix Veg Raita. My kids like to have it with some butter on top. I always put some butter on hot rice so that kids can enjoy warm buttery pulao for lunch in school.
Do try my version this this No-onion No-Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao. A perfect recipe for the potlucks, picnic or weekend brunch parties.
Do visit my social media accounts.. FB, Pinterest and Instagram. Whenever you make this,do post on my FB page or tag me on Instagram.  Pin the recipes for later use.
If you like my work, then do hit the follow button and subscribe to the blog to get notifications on new posts and share the blog with your loved ones. I promise won’t spam your mailbox 🙂.
This is 14th in my series of A-Z Biryani/Pulao/Khichdi dishes, that I am taking to Mega Blogging Marathon April’19.
Day 14. N. No-Onion No-Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao
This is an event where I along with a group of fellow bloggers are blogging everyday about Biryani/Pulao/Khichdi dishes this whole April, with Sundays off.
My earlier posts for the event..
Day 1. A.. Aloo Matar Ki Tehri
Day 2.  B..Broccoli Mushroom Pulao
Day 3 . C..Chana Dal Khichdi
Day 4. D..Dhaniya Pulao
Day 5. E.. Easy Steamed Rice in Instant Pot with Pot in Pot Method
Day 6. F.. Fresh Mint and Peas Pulao
Day 7. G.. Gatte Ka Pulao
Day 8. H.. Hari Moong Dal Khichdi
Day 9. I.. Iyengar Puliyogare(Instant)
Day 10. J.. Jeera Rice
Day 11. K.. Kashmiri Pulao
Day 12. L.. Lucknowi Veg. Dum Biryani
Day 13. M..Mixed Veg Pulao
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#99
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  No Onion No Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao No Onion No Garlic Kadhai Paneer Pulao is a easy and nutritious recipe with Paneer and Bell Peppers,flavoured with Kadhai Masala.
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Top ten popular Indian dishes
Whether it is brand, sports, actor, movie, politician, food & drink, we rate different categories and their value in terms of their popularity. How popular a particular thing is…..we believe that is good, most of the time it is right also.
 How a particular thing does gains popularity or becomes famous? When people like it more and more then that particular thing becomes famous among the people because the spread of word plays a vital role in the popularity of anything.
 So here as in my topic mentioned above I am presenting you top ten popular Indian dishes….we may observe that when we usually search for any delicious and tasty recipes we search like
Popular dishes,
Popular cuisines,
Popular breakfasts,
Popular sweet recipes,
Popular snack recipes,
Popular nonvegetarian recipes
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 So like this, we believe that whichever dish is popular it is very good to taste and enjoyable as food because here the logic is so many people liked this dish means the dishes or recipes have been tasted which have something unique and delicious taste compared to other dishes.
So like these popular things become more popular, so here we will discuss top ten Indian dishes which are most popular.
We will start with breakfast as our day starts with breakfast, in this category we have many different breakfast recipes, in them, dose recipes which are most popular among the Indians especially in south India, and it is like a staple breakfast food.
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This breakfast is becoming very popular in all over world, because of its varieties, taste and deliciousness and enhances the taste when we eat this crispy plain dosa with aloo curry and coconut chutney.
 As we talked about the south Indian breakfast recipes, now let’s come to the north Indian recipes and their paratha recipe which is their most popular breakfast and it is like a national breakfast.
 Aloo Paratha is stuffed with cooked and mashed potatoes and roasted with oil. Aloo Paratha is a simple yet tasty alternative to chapathi, which you can have any time for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.
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 The good thing about Paratha is that it does not need any special Curry, even with curd also it gives a good taste. Try in your Kitchen and serve with butter to get more taste, especially kids will love this because they can eat parathas by making it as a roll.
Now after breakfast recipes here will talk about one more popular vegetarian recipe called vegetable biryani.
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 Biryani does not require any introduction because it is one of the most famous category of rice recipes, we have much famous non-veg biryani recipes and in between them, it has its own group of biryani lovers and followers.
 Veg biryani or vegetable biryani which is prepared with different healthy vegetables and with some masala used for nice flavor which makes this delicious and healthy too.
If you want to prepare delicious vegetarian recipes for someone, veg biryani is one dish you can prepare and it never goes wrong.
 Now coming to the non-vegetarian recipes… In this category the non-veg starter recipes are most popular for example. Onion Chicken Kabab, which is very much famous among the non-veg lovers. Why do you want to go to a Restaurant when you can bring the restaurant to your home!!!... Restaurant Style Tasty Crunchy Chicken Kababs can be prepared at home by just following this simple & Easy Recipe...Try this at the comfort of your home and serve it among your loved ones and watch them munching and asking for more.
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 One more popular category of food is non-veg biryani recipes
What is a Biryani without some succulent pieces of chicken wrapped in a perfect blend of aromatic spices and herbs??? Yes, all the non-veg biryani lovers know this taste of delicious biryanis… That’s why I am sharing one of the most popular recipes which fall in this type of categories which is called Chicken Dum Biryani. Most commonly basmati rice is used to prepare this One Pot Recipe which tastes better when it is cooked in the cooker. This recipe can be prepared in two ways one is kachhi method and another one is a pakki method.
 Try this perfect Dish in your Kitchen whichever way or method you like or prefer and enjoy the delicious biryani!
In the coastal regions which are surrounded by sea,river or beaches their seafood recipes are famous.
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 Ayala Fish Fry MackerelFishFry Recipe… Mackerel Fish which are commonly found in the Indian Ocean and surrounding seas are also known as Bangada, Bangde, Ayala, Kumula in various Indian Languages. This Recipe comes in Sea Food Categories and it is a simple and easy recipe, which is one of the most popular fish recipes. This is Healthy Food which can be prepared with very few ingredients, especially for Sea Food overs.
 Now coming to snacks and cookies, cookies are commonly used with evening coffee/Tea as a tea time snack.
Here I like to mention one cookie or you may call it as biscuits because these are famously known as biscuits here in India, tutti fruiti cookies or Karachi biscuits. These biscuits are not only popular in India even these are very famous biscuits in our neighboring countries especially in Pakistan, this biscuit is also named after the city of Pakistan called Karachi.
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 Try this World famous Karachi Biscuits Recipe Kids will definitely love this one, Easy to make and fun to serve...do try this at home and share how it turned out to you.
As we are talking about snacks or time pass foods here I like to share one recipe which is my favorite too.
 One street food which will make you drool literally when you hear the name of it and that is Pani Puri, which is one of the most popular snacks of India. Popular street food in North India it is also known as Golgappa.
 Nowadays many people are afraid of eating outside pani puri because of hearing unhealthy ways of preparing puris. Don’t worry Prepare this crunchy puris for pani puri at home and enjoy the pani puri street food in a healthy way with same flavor and taste of Pani as outside.
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 And you may be thinking of how I left out mentioning any baking recipes which are most popular among all. Here I will share one cake recipe, a flavor of cake most popular which you can get in any category of cake recipes and it is chocolate flavor recipe.
 Do you want to learn Cake making??? And still, you are a beginner? For that, I think this Cake Recipe is perfect to start with a simple and yet Delicious Cake called Eggless Chocolate Cake.
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 It can be used as a base for any cake recipe, which can be prepared with very few ingredients even without egg and butter. As in its name eggless, without egg also the cake is moist with soft and beautiful texture and taste. Prepare cake in your Kitchen and celebrate happy moments with self-made cake.
 Any meal, we would like to end with one recipe and that is sweet dishes or deserts recipes as India is filled by many cultures and it follows different languages, culture, food and the way of leaving.
In this, the sweets also have different names, in different languages of the Indian states or region, a sweet is called by numerous names.
 One common name is "Mithai" commonly its main ingredients are sugar, milk etc.
So here we get different region dishes like
North Indian sweets
South Indian Sweets
Festival sweets
But here I like to end with one simple sweet recipe called semiya payasam or shavige payasam which is prepared in all over India.
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 Semiya Payasam is one sweet recipe which can be prepared during any simple occasion to big festival season. It is one of the simple yet popular tasty Payasam recipe, which can be prepared even by bachelors or newbies just under a few minutes. Try this quick and delicious sweet dish and enjoy with family.
I hope you all like the popular recipes from all over India
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twilight-resonance · 4 years
Cooking Adventures
It occurred to me earlier while I was writing the other post that this is one I could write, too, and might be fun. It’s a list of all the new recipes that I’ve tried since the beginning of COVID shelter-in-place, and how they turned out. Because I can. And because I want to. End results rated out of 10.
Daal -- ?/10 I’m going to be honest, this one we made way back in March and never made again, and I don’t remember how it turned out. Relatively unnotable would be my guess, given I don’t remember it and we never made it again.
Shakshuka -- 7/10 This one turned out pretty decent. I don’t know that it was really shakshuka proper - I only skimmed a few recipes but mostly made it up on my own. I also added chickpeas for extra substance. I’d say it turned out good overall, I’m just not a huge fan of eggs most of the time and cleaning the cast iron afterwards is a pain. 
Paneer -- 7/10 Had been curious to try this for a while because it turns out that paneer is very easy to make. The most difficult part was not having cheesecloth to squeeze and drain it - we had to use a bandana instead, and it still smells like funky milk even after a couple washes. The paneer itself was pretty decent, though, and again pretty easy.
Mattar Paneer -- 6/10 The mattar paneer, on the other hand, was not. It was easy enough to make, but the gravy came out tasting wrong. I wish I had some idea of what spices needed adjusting, but I had no idea. It’s this and aloo gobi that I would love to find better recipes for - I haven’t liked any of the homemade ones I’ve tried yet.
Hash Browns -- 10/10 Not a big deal, I just hadn’t made ‘em from scratch before. It turns out it’s pretty easy. Later on we ended up taking some potatoes that were about to go bad and grating/rinsing them all into hash browns, then freezing them for later use. It worked pretty well, and the birds got to pick at the potato scraps left over when we brushed the drying towel off on the pack porch.
Pierogis -- 1/10 Terrible. I love pierogis, but I may never attempt to make them again. One part our kitchen is small and doesn't have enough room to roll out the dough properly; one part, the flavors for the shell and the filling both turned out wrong somehow (how do you fuck that up???); one part, it was a whole lot of work and a terrible mess for something that ultimately wasn’t that good. It’s store-bought from now on.
Tikka Masala -- 10/10 Turned out great. We had a bunch of spare veggies and some extra cream around, and the end product was delicious. Especially over some saffron rice. We have definitely made this one a couple times since. It uses almost a cup of spices though, so good gods. Oh - I suppose I ought to mention for context that Hearthsnail and I are both vegetarian, so this would have been vegetable rather than chicken.
Banana Bread - 10/10 I’d made banana bread before but didn’t like the way it came out, so I tried another recipe this time. A bit of an odd one, but the banana bread turned out really well - moist but not too moist, and not too sweet. This is another one we’ve made several times at this point, although it’s hard to catch the bananas in the right stage of ripeness (again, odd recipe)- you have a window of about a day, maybe two.
Broccoli-Potato Fritters -- 8/10 This was one recommended to me by the pen pal who didn’t work out. We had a bunch of broccoli that was going to go bad, and so decided to try it out. It was good! First time cooking it the cheese browned too much to the point where it got a bit acrid, second time cooking was better. It’s basically broccoli, egg, pre-hashbrown, onion, and some spices fried up like latkes. Goes well with sour cream.
Churros -- 10/10 Between this, the fritters, and some third thing I can’t remember, we’ve been experimenting with frying food more than we might have otherwise. Churros are... dangerously easy and fairly easy to clean up after too. We used the Disney recipe, and oh man, are these ever delicious. We typically have enough left to eat for breakfast the following day, too. Good gods.
Breakfast Hash - 11/10 Remember above when I said we had a bunch of frozen pre-hashbrown lying around? Some morning I had a craving for something specific that I didn’t know what was and ended up throwing the hashed potato along with a bunch of veggies (bell pepper, green onion, tomato) and cheese and an egg in a pan with some spices, and It. Was. Amazing. It also tasted like vegetarian sausage, somehow, and had the filling quality of such as well. Really easy to do with leftover bits and pieces, and very tasty.
Baked Ziti -- 7/10 There’s a place we used to go out to occasionally for date nights where we’d normally get baked ziti, and it seemed easy enough so I figured I’d try it. It was decent, all in all - not hard to make, and tasty enough. I think I would have wanted a way to fill the insides of the pasta with a bit more cheese, though, so that it baked on and was a bit more browned. 
Lemonade -- 9/10 Fruit’s been hard to come by for various reasons, so we ended up doing lemonade to try to at least get something fruity. It was a bit of a process, and my hands stung from all the lemon juice afterwards and felt like I’d accidentally bleached them, but the lemonade was good. If not quite as lemony as I’d’ve liked - we ended up having to toss a couple of the lemons and thus the proportions were unbalanced - but it was very tasty, and the cold juice was yummy.
Baked Potato Soup -- 9/10 Have done potato leek soup before and loved it, but leeks are somewhat large and take up precious car space during the big grocery trips. So I tried baked potato soup instead, and it was pretty good. Not quite the same, and some of it accidentally burned to the bottom of the pot and that wasn’t good, but otherwise not bad.
Potato Tacos -- 10/10 So good. Hearthsnail had a night where he wanted more traditional tacos - just meat and cilantro and onion, except we don’t eat meat, so potatoes are the stand in because potatoes are great. And these were great. I’ll confess to using tater tots because there’s a kind we get with some spices already added and they make a good base for breakfast burritos, but I added more spices with the rest of the ingredients and it was so fucking good. Especially with sour cream and a bit of avocado, and chili pepper tortillas. Perfect.
Cupcakes -- 6/10 My birthday was towards the beginning of shelter in place back when the grocery supply chain was more fucked, so I never got to do a birthday cake. We finally found cake flour, so I tried doing a white cake recipe and making a confetti cake (but cupcake-sized). The recipe was out of the Cake Bible so it should have been good, but it ended up like the last time I tried making white cake - dense, dry, and a bit too much like cornbread. So that was disappointing. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but it seems to be consistent, whatever it is. 
Buttercream -- 6/10 I’m also not sure what I did wrong here, because I’ve even made this buttercream recipe before and it turned out fine. This time, not so much. Best guess is the butter hadn’t thawed/softened all the way, but that only explains part of the problem. Probably it needed to be whipped more, but I tried for like 20 min and couldn’t get any more air in it. So not so great. I’ll have to try another recipe next time.
So that’s the roster so far. I have ingredients to try making cinnamon buns from scratch next; I also wanted to do bananas foster, but all of the bananas were very green when we last went to the store so nothing doing there. My fiance’s also tried a few new things - fried rice and egg drop soup come to mind - but they’re his, not mine, so I didn’t write ‘em up here. :) 
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Butter chicken cravings under the Munich lockdown
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/butter-chicken-cravings-under-the-munich-lockdown/
Butter chicken cravings under the Munich lockdown
Munich [along with the entire federal state of Bavaria in Germany] went into serious lockdown a little after mid-March, and rules began to be eased a little last week. I left India two months ago, and have been living with my parents since — my original plan had been to take a month-long break to travel.
For the first one or two weeks of the lockdown, I cooked everything I had missed about German cooking. It was largely Bavarain cuisine and all very ingredient-focussed, from the vegetable varieties to the different cuts of meat, and the beef.
But the other day, I was feeling nostalgic for Indian foods like chole bhature and butter chicken or murgh makhani. So I made some butter chicken [and live-streamed it on Instagram]. I have already got a few responses from my followers who tried out the recipe.
The main vegetable market in Munich is somewhat like a sabzi mandi in Delhi: produce is brought here and dispatched to every place nearby. The only difference is that we get a wider, global variety of vegetables here; from Spanish tomatoes to asparagus from France, and even kumquats. So every morning, after a cup of coffee, I walk to the local vegetable market nearby to check what has been brought fresh and what is in season.
I plan my cooking based on what I see and buy here, and not vice versa. For example, I made a summer salad with strawberries and some rhubarb that I soaked in gin and sugar, since rhubarbs are a bit more sour this time of year. Pumpkins are also in season, so I made some pumpkin soup. As are white garlic and walnuts, which we use to make pestos and chutneys.
I also made babi panggang, which is an Indonesian fried pork dish that is my father’s favourite. And then, we have made shepherd’s pie, a Bavarian pork roast, and skrei [Norwegian cod]. We also made some homemade pasta — about five times the usual amount — and used it over a few days.
My family loves cooking, and each meal is spent discussing and planning the next. About twice a week, my mom and I cook together. She is very competent in the kitchen, and sometimes she surprises us with a Thai curry, or a spaghetti aglio e Olio pepperoncino. Everything she makes is very fragrant and spicy.
Butter chicken (serves 4); by chef Christiaan Stoop
Ingredients for the first marination (20 minutes): 900 gm chicken breast (boneless); 10 ml lemon juice; 4 gm red chilli powder; 5 gm Salt
Ingredients for the second marination (12 hours): 200 gm hung yoghurt (curd); 5 gm dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi); 20 ml neutral oil (grapeseed oil or sunflower oil); 20 gm ginger and garlic paste; 5gm garam masala powder
Ingredients for the tomato based gravy: 20ml oil (neutral flavour); 1 onion (chopped); 5 ripe tomatoes (chopped); 20g ginger and garlic paste; 2 pieces fresh green chillies; 30 gm cashew nuts (soaked in water for one hour); 5 gm red chilli powder; 10 gm garam masala powder; 150 ml tomato puree; 200 ml chicken stock; 80 gm butter; 80 ml cream; 5 gm dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi); salt; pepper
Method for marination: Cut the chicken in rough chunks. First marinate chicken with lemon juice, chilli powder and salt for 20 minutes. Next, marinate again with the hung yoghurt, dried fenugreek leaves, garam masala, oil and ginger and garlic paste. Cover and rest the marinated chicken inside the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. The longer the better.
Grill the chicken in a grilling pan. Do this with oil and in batches. You do not want to fry all the chicken meat at the same time. Fry on the highest flame so you get a nice brown colour on the chicken Ensure that the meat is cooked through and that is tender. Let the chicken chunks cool down. Set aside.
To make the butter chicken: Once everything above is done, heat a wide pan with butter and oil. Add the chopped onions and tomatoes. Fry until it gets slightly coloured. Now add your garam masala powder, ginger and garlic paste, chillies, red chilli powder and cashew nuts. Fry this till it turns fragrant. Now pour your chicken stock and tomato purée into the pan. Add salt and taste. Let this simmer for minimum 15 minutes. Let this cool down for 5 minutes and blend this mixture in a food processor or hand blender while adding your butter and cream. Once the gravy is smooth, strain it through a fine sieve. Bring the mix again into a pot and bring to a boil for three minutes. Taste and season again.
Add the chicken and simmer for another three minutes. The chicken should become hot and soft. Taste, season and finish it off by adding cream and cold butter. Garnish the butter chicken with extra fenugreek leaves and extra cream. Serve this along with rice, naan or as shown in the picture with my favourite bread, a paratha.
In this series, some of India’s popular chefs and restaurateurs will be sharing their lockdown cooking habits and recipes with us.
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jessiewre · 4 years
Day 34
Fri 7th Feb
Breakfast of a spanish omelette each (if its boring for you to read, imagine eating it every day) and then we organised our lovely tent. It really is a lovely tent.
Our clothes had become so incredibly boggin that we weren’t sure we could wait any longer to get them cleaned. But the $8 per bag was putting us off. 
We organised our clothes to see which items we could maybe hand wash and which were essential...Then we got a laundry bag to see how much we could squeeze into it. Turns out the answer is 48 items.
One of the most satisfying things when travelling is handing in your laundry 🧺 and one of the others is getting the clean items back.
Annoyingly though there were about 8 items we couldn’t fit in so I volunteered to wash them by hand with our new detergent soap bar. I was being a super nice person cos I am one of course. But also Phil was super keen to do travelling research and make calls and I usually find this works better when he starts off alone. Doesn’t need me there getting distracted on my phone and trying to show him videos on an MP with her shoulder exposed.
I found the laundry area and like a good woman I washed them clothes in a bucket and proudly hung them up. I wondered if it had been a mistake to wash the travel pillow as it had absorbed about 19 gallons of water, but it was too late now. It hung on the line, sodden and dripping, and I hoped it wasn’t still wet when we left the next day or it would be rotten and damp by the time we arrived.
In the time I’d been gone, Phil had done some excellent research and found an article about a backpackers guide to the Masai Mara, then he managed to reserve us a tent at this recommended campsite.
Philly Tours Atol Protected © was alive and well.
After that, we chilled by the pool and enjoyed the nice (non-eco) camp. Phil had another soup but I wanted something different so suggested heading out somewhere.
Phil said he didn’t want to go, so I said I was going to go anyway. I definitely thought with that threat, he would just join me but he completely pied me off and told me t have a lovely time. FFS.
Then I realised what a beautiful opportunity this was and turned & ran back to the tent to get organised.
I happily skipped off to the entrance to get my Uber and luckily my top notch tour guide Phil chased after me to give me the wallet that I’d forgotten to pack.
Going MatBronze Cafe alone felt like a very rebellious move and I defo had a swagger to my step. I grabbed a nice little table near a plug socket and set up my iPad ready to do some writing and blogging.
Well that went down the pan didn’t it. Bloody Philip Schofield completely distracted me and I mainly spent my time watching a load of This Morning clips of him hugging Holly Willoughby.
The cheese, tomato and pesto panini went down a treat and the side salad buffet plate completely threw me, as I only picked up 3 pieces of the roasted aubergine. Which turned out to be the FAR tastier roasted sweet potato slices DAMMIT I should have taken more of them. This tormented me somewhat, then I realised I had plenty of food and I should let it go...😬
It took a lot of strength but I managed to save a third of my panini to take back for Phil. Tried to get back for the last bit of sun but was just fading away from the pool. Eek I remembered the soaking cushion and gathered up all the items I’d washed. Yep, it was still wet. I found a patch of grass with sun still on it and laid it there for some panic sunbathing.
Phil went for a run and I showered - god bless the solar powered hot water - and I packed up our stuff ready for another travel day.
By the time Phil was back and we were ready to go, we reached the Mall after 8pm when all the shops were CLOSED apart from a big supermarket. Considering our main reason for going there was to get a Kenyan SIM card, it was pretty dumb of us.
We were really hungry so it was also dumb of us to go into the supermarket, as we walked around a little dazed, unsure what we were even buying. We took a photo as we went up the escalator thing and then a security woman ran over to us and stopped Phil to say EXCUSE ME SIR, no photos allowed in this store!
She didn’t make us delete it though so YAY WE STILL HAVE THIS REALLY BORING PHOTO.
After picking up various items and shouting out the outrageous prices (Jess! 8 dollars for 4 pain au chocolat!), we bought water, noodles, hand sanitiser, bananas and peanut butter and got the hell outta there.
Dinner options at the mall were limited but we went for the safe and trusted chain option of Java cafe. We sat in the nice outdoor area but a massive bug landed on Phil (a nice big locust) and he practically dislocated his hip in shock as he jerked forward to get it off. We had to move tables after that as he was convinced there would be more bugs targeting him. 
Nice food - MASALA FRIES oh yeah, roasted tomato soup and a Greek salad - and an even nicer waiter who provided us glasses and ice to drink our own water. Just call us the Moneysavingexperts.
We ordered an Uber to head home and as we walked towards the pick up point, I could see our vehicle but there were people getting into it. I began to pick up the pace but Phil as all like ‘Ah its fine, they’ll realise its not there’s in a minute’.
I knew something was up, and ran over to the drivers window just as he was driving away to say ‘Excuse me this is our Uber!’
The 3 drunk locals began to laugh their heads off as they realised they’d been busted and were like ‘Help us out, let us have it’.
Uh no dude, I do not want to pay for your journey home you UBER THIEVES.
Straight to bed with alarms set for early doors, casual trip to the Masai Mara lined up for the next day.
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troop2017 · 4 years
Rather than write a full-on journal of my time during this period I thought I’d go for more of a Bridget Jones style tome (having finally watched Bridget Jones’ Baby last night – loved it 🙂 )
Also today I am trying to stay off of Social Media and also the games that I play on my phone (WordBlitz, Sudoku, ConnectOne).  Wish me luck!!
Monday 30th March 2020
Current Day of Social Distancing (following government guidelines):
12 (18 if you count the time we spent in France), but let’s stick with 12 – which is since we got home
Days spent on my own while Calv works (as an HGV driver)
Les Mills workouts completed
4 (well 3 1/4 as Body Balance really isn’t my thing…)
2 x sh’bam
1 x Body Combat (the ‘how to’ – will do a proper workout next time)
1/4 x body balance – I never could do it, but thought I’d have another go.  The one I chose involved pulling legs towards me by the ankle.  My right ankle (injured almost 5 weeks ago while playing netball) still isn’t ready for this.  So I gave up 😦
Bring Sally Up (Sally Squat’s)
4 – only had to cheat the 1st time, but boy does this hurt!
3 – I’m trying to add 5 seconds each day (I’m now up to 30 seconds and, whilst you may not be impressed by this, I am!)
1 – well sort of.  I put on my ankle support and had a go.  I managed 1/2 mile before my calves called a halt.  I kept having to stop to stretch.  So my run stayed as more of the walk it was originally intended to be.  I’ll have another go tomorrow.
The 1st couple of days that we were back were spent sorting out the van, so I was backwards and forwards, up and down the steps and stairs.  It should count as a long walk really!  Saturday we had to brave the supermarket and I haven’t been out yet today (that’s an afternoon pleasure)
If I do need anything (that I can’t get from the van, like bread or milk) I’m trying to shop local and incorporating this into my daily walk.
Everybody that I’ve come across has been very good with the social distancing, although it still feels wierd to cross the road when you come across someone else walking…
I’ve also found it quite sad to see funeral directors waiting outside the crematorium, with no family members in attendance.
In the shops social distancing is being observed (although there’s always the odd 1 person who doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on 😦 )
I know this is no longer fashionable.  In fact I’ve heard people saying things like ‘Who even has a WiiFit anymore?’  Well, me.  I do.  And I still like it 🙂
On the WiiFit + I can do a ‘step’ class to get my steps up for the day (as I’m still participating in FitBit challenges).  I can also do the fun stuff that keeps me sane.  Perhaps I’ll put the Active on at some point for a proper workout.
Trips to the van ‘larder’
As many of you know we are currently supposed to be touring around Europe – right now we should be somewhere in Italy heading for Rome.
My point being the van was well stocked up with essentials that we have had trouble getting in Europe previously (beans, tea-bags, salad cream etc.)
As we are hoping (there always has to be hope even if it’s rather forlorn) to maybe get away for a month or 6 weeks of this trip (we were not aiming to be home until mid August) we have left all non-essential food in the van for the time being.  When I need something I visit the van-larder.
So far I have visited most days and had to procure the following:-
1 bottle squash
2 packs of teabags – the small packs you get in big boxes
1 box green teabags
4 tins baked beans (Branston)
3 tins of chopped tomatoes
2 tins butter beans
1 tin haricot beans
1 jar of pesto
1 jar of Ragu
1 jar of jam
1 packet of caster sugar (very important)
Garam Masala
Several bottles/cans of beer and cider
1 bottle of wine
1 jar of coffee
1 box of pasta
2 packs of Mexican style rice
In addition to food I’ve had to retrieve 1 x ankle support, 2 x VGA to HDMI cables (so that I can see my Les Mills workouts on the TV), my gym mat & kettle bell and my running belt and headphones.
At this rate I’m going to have to fully stock the van again when we can eventually go away!
Conversations on HouseParty/other video calls
3 so far on HouseParty / 5 or 6 on FB or WhatsApp
I am finding that I’m talking to people much more.  I’m not very good at phone calls but have been making the effort to keep in touch far more then usual
Watching Homes under the Hammer
Very little.  Which may surprise people who know me as I have, in the past, been obsessed with this programme!
However, I have other things to do!  Such as exercise, making dinner (tonight I’m making a Chicken Dopiaza from the Pinch of Nom cookbook), washing, ironing, reading, updating my coronavirus tracker (yes, I’m doing that – it keeps me sane!)
Watching TV in general during the day
Surprisingly little.  I watch Neighbours daily (yes, something else I still do!!), although quite often I don’t get to watch it until about 6pm!
So, so far, I’m not struggling to abide by the guidelines (rules), although I have to admit I did have a bit of a wobble on day 1 of these being more official (last Tuesday).  More of the fact that you simply have no choice in whether you interact with people.
But I got over it fairly quickly and am now finding that I still don’t have enough time in the day to do everything that I’d like to!
I really hope that others in my situation (I’m on my own throughout the day, normally until about 6pm give or take) are coping well and continue to do so.
Above all, stay home, stay safe and call someone if you’re struggling (that includes me if you know me xx)
Until the next time xx
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  My CoronaVirus Distancing in Numbers Rather than write a full-on journal of my time during this period I thought I'd go for more of a Bridget Jones style tome (having finally watched Bridget Jones' Baby last night - loved it 🙂 )
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