#and also the bio page is set up differently as well
wip · 11 months
Hi there! I am a long time user (over a DECADE on my original blog), but this is a brand new blog I just made, on the web, after seeing a post about the creation process for new blogs and wanting to test it myself. I like the suggestion that people follow some tags to start, to help put some good stuff on their For You page! However, you'll also notice that this blank blog with a generic name and default appearance looks an awful lot like a bot. And there is also an influx of spam bots right now as well - @changes always tells us to report those when there's a new wave of them, and we usually block them too. I think I've managed to discern the difference after looking at the suggested names vs some actual bots, but most people can't. Suggesting random names for new users (which is fine on its own), sending them to an unskippable page where they have to follow *people* (not just tags) before they've had a chance to explore the site, and not ever pointing them in the direction of their personalization settings (which are buried in the new layout) is going to end up with a lot of new users getting blocked and reported as spam! Perhaps after the tag following page, you could redirect people to the Blog Settings page, where you can have informative pop-ups suggesting people add a profile picture and header that reflects their personality/interests, and point out the description section to "Tell people about yourself!" You could make the page skippable if you think it would discourage people who just want to jump right in, but it would be really useful. I see on the app that a section like that comes up when you go to your own blog, but I think it should be a step in the sign-up process, before you follow anyone. Skippable, but encouraged. (Also, the requirement to follow individual blogs REALLY needs to be skippable) Encouraging new users to have a profile picture, header, and personalized bio would really help in preventing real users from getting blocked by all the cool blogs they're trying to follow who think that they're spam bots! Getting blocked for no reason won't encourage new tumblrs to stick around! Please, encourage some individuality from our new internet neighbors, so they can become our internet friends 💙
Answer: Hey, @lefttragedysandwich!
Thanks for getting in touch with this. We are very aware of this situation, and we are trying to find the best way to solve it—without just adding more steps to onboarding, which (unfortunately) most people won’t do.
This, in turn, just adds friction to signing up for Tumblr, which means fewer people sign up to join us. Which means fewer internet neighbors, let alone less individuality. 
But this is an important question to answer, and we are grateful you raised it with us. As and when we have a good solution, we’ll announce it on @changes. Keep your eyes peeled, and hopefully, it won't be too long.
—The Tumblr WIP Team. 
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Commission work - The Sea Four - poly! Sea three x Reader
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Notes; Reader is trans masc (has had top surgery, no bottom surgery-is on T)- non-bio kid of Hades (more apprentice kinda thing with Hades seeing reader as his son cuz reasons), poly ship with Uma, Harry, and Gil.
What was originally supposed to be a normal day on the isle, aka running errands for your boss-kinda father figure; Hades. Had turned into something completely different, you had just been heading back to Hades lair when your boyfriend, Harry Hook; came racing up to you, his eyes alight with mischief and near bloodlust.
“(y/n), darlin’, love, firelight, babe-“ you turned, covering the blabbering pirates mouth with your hand, raising your brow at him. “What?” you said with a low sigh, licking your lips as Harry pried off your hand and got into your face, his hook caressing your jaw. “Guess who’s on tha’ isle~” Harry purred, his eyes flashing a slight red and you knew it could only be one person that would make him react this way.
“The dragon bitch is back?” you asked, voice turning dark and sinister, a sadistic smirk growing on your face. Harry just giggled, his hand moving from yours to rest on your shoulder, almost bouncing in place “aye~ and Uma ‘as a plan, she told me ta come get ye” you hummed and nodded, taking Harry's hook from your jaw and shaking it about.
“I’ll be there in an hour, gotta drop the last of the supplies at Hades place” Harry huffed but nodded, grabbing your head and kissing your cheek, rubbing the shaved hair on your head before he bolted off, cackling as you tried to swipe at him for doing that. “Dork” you muttered fondly, shaking your head at your not all, there-there, boyfriend.
Then again, your other boyfriend wasn’t all, there-there either. Gil wasn’t exactly known for his brains, unlike Harry who liked to act kinda stupid to make people underestimate him. The thought made you snort, both your boyfriends were a bit-stupid-mostly on purpose, while you and your girlfriend held the brain cells most of the time.
Well, considering Uma was captain, it was kinda a requirement for her to have the brain cells, though once in a while she let Harry have a turn with it, which led to…sometimes very explosive ideas from him. you chuckled as one of those ideas came to mind, taking out your key to Hades lair and unlocking the front gate, pulling opening the creaking iron gates and stepping inside, spinning on your heel to close and relock the gates before descending into the tunnels, blue lights flashing overhead to illuminate the abandoned mineshaft.
Soon you made it to Hades lair, setting the hefty bag full of food on the floor “Got your stuff” you muttered, spinning on your heel to leave as soon as you could to help Uma plan for revenge when you heard Hades whistle, pointing at you as you turned to face him slowly “c’mere kid” Hades muttered, sitting up properly in his minecart seat and gesturing for you to come closer.
You sighed, stepped up onto his little platform, and crossed your arms “What’s got you in a rush?” Hades asked; a slightly teasing tone to his voice “Got a hot date with your pirates?” you didn’t hesitate to answer his question truthfully “Mal’s back on the isle”
Hades just stared at you, and you could tell he really didn’t care that his biological kid was back on the isle “And Uma wants me to help plan revenge, something about fairy pie” Hades hummed, leaning back in his chair and examining his nails. “Alright, have fun, don’t kill her” you snorted with a nod, knowing Uma had too much planned to kill Mal, saluting him as you turned and left the lair; beelining it to the chip shop.
You let out a cough as you burst into the chip shop, feeling a strong set of arms catching you as you tried to jump down the steps to the main floor “hi Gilly” you grunted as Gil laughed loudly, carrying you over to the main table and setting you down, standing behind you as Uma raced about the shop; trying to keep up with her work while also trying to plan for her revenge against Mal.
Soon enough Uma was finally able to sit down, you, Harry, and Gil surrounding her as she went over the several plans within her mind; one of which Harry wasn’t all too keen to “Wait?!” Harry screeched, slamming his hands on the table, staring wide-eyed at Uma “wait?!?! Why would we wait?! She’s righ’ there, ripe fer the pickin’ and ye want ta wait!!?!”
“She’ll expect us to go after her right away, if we wait, she lets her guard down, if we wait; she makes a stupid move, and then we strike, (y/n) you still got that bleach from doing your hair?” Uma asked you, reaching over and grabbing your arm gently, and you nodded, spinning your turquoise tentacle ring that sat on your left pointer finger. “Good, we’re fucking up her new do” Uma gestured faintly to her hair; which even after seven years still faintly smelled of rotten shrimp, which Uma hated even if Harry adored it since she smelled like the ocean.
Gil snickered at the thought, then gasped “Oh! We can egg her too!” Uma pointed at Gil, an evil smirk on her lips “tha’tta boy Gil, your plan you supply, go get some eggs” Gil nodded, kissing your cheek before he turned and bolted out of the chip shop to go prepare for his part of the ‘humiliate Mal’ plan.
Uma pulled Harry back to the table, holding his wrist as he pouted down at her “I know, I know, just wait; wicked things come to those who wait, and I mean that in both ways” Uma muttered out and Harry licked his lips, glancing up at you with hungry eyes. You smirked, crossing your arms and sitting down next to Uma as she continued to plan.
Only twenty minutes later, Gil burst back into the chip shop, bag full of eggs and eyes sparkling with opportunity “KING BEN’S ON THE ISLE!” Uma stood so fast her chair clattered to the floor, the crew and the customers all staring at him with wide unbelieving eyes “Evie, Carlos, and Jay too! They’re all here! Saw em at the market, Evie tried to dress ‘im up but even I could see through that in a second! He wasn’t even wearing a different color! And he had his symbol!” Gil laughed, waving his hands about as he rambled; walking closer to Uma whose eyes sparked with a new plan for freedom. “I mean-how thick could ya get?”
Uma covered his mouth, her other making a shushing gesture then she turned to Harry “You know what I’m thinkin’, go” Harry grinned, that feral one that sent everyone but you, Gil, and Uma running; and nodded, pressing a hard kiss to Uma’s cheek then grabbing your hand, barking for Gonzo and Bonnie to follow as you all went to go kidnap king Ben.
Harry would not stop giggling as you got closer to the rotten fours hideout, and you could hear the traitors talking as you slowed to a stop at the end of the alleyway. “What now?” Gonzo asked as Bonnie rested her chin on your shoulder to get a better look at the three vks that sat at the bottom of the stairs, squinting as your earring reflected in her eyes.
“We wait,” you said simply, holding Harry’s shoulder as he almost tipped forward in his excitement “from what I’ve seen, Ben is…naive, about the isle, and if they dressed him in his colors and symbol, he’s gonna walk off on his own” you muttered and Harry giggled again, his eyes flashing red within the darkness of the alleyway.
And just as you predicted, Ben came slumping down the alleyway, looking very rejected and sad “idiot” you muttered, watching as Gonzo and Bonnie grabbed him and easily tied him down, the two laughing quietly with Harry as Ben was gagged. “Welcome ta tha’ isle yer majesty~” Harry purred, kneeling to get in the horrified Ben’s face, that snappy smile on his lips before he stood and turned to walk down the alley, reaching back and grabbing your hand so you could make sure the vks got the message.
“Ben…BEN!” Evie called out desperately for the king, the three traitors taking a sigh of relief as they saw Harry, who they thought was Ben, get closer “Ben don’t scare us like that!” Carlos took a wide step back when “Ben’s” shadow split into two, and they stepped into the light, one wearing a maniacal grin and the other looking almost bored, their (e/c) eyes gleaming almost yellow under the burning alley lights.
“Don’t scare ye~? that’s our specialty ~” Harry purred, tilting his head just so as Evie curled her lip, Jay getting into Harry’s face “Harry,” Evie breathed out, Harry leaning towards her with a smirk, but only just so as Jay snarled at him “What did you do with Ben!?”
Harry furrowed his brows, as if he didn’t know what they were talking about! Then he gasped, turning back to point down the alleyway “oh! We uh, nicked him~!” Harry hummed a bit, his grin sharp as he turned back to the traitors, Carlos keeping his eyes on you as you absentmindedly flipped a blade between your fingers. “yeah, um, and if ye want’ta see ‘im again, aaa’ve Mal come to tha’ chip shop tonight~” his voice went serious and he made a gesture that made it clear that if Mal didn’t do as asked, Ben was toast “Alone.”
“Uma wants,” your voice interjected now, a small sing-song tone to it as you smirked at Evie, who was probably the only other person in the group to know why your being here would piss Mal off “a little visit~” Harry giggled a bit, turning to Jay who was glaring at him “aww, Jay~” He gave Jay a once over, pouting a bit at the ex-thief “Seems like ye lost yer touch~” Jay tried to jump Harry only for Evie to hold him back, and you quickly held the back of Harry’s neck to tell him to calm it down before any of you got into a scuffle.
Harry just giggled, turning to Carlos and barking like a dog, hoping to scare the younger vk but Carlos just stared at him, clearly over his phobia of dogs. Harry hummed, turning on his heel and starting to whistle, your hand going from his neck to his shoulder as the traitors stared after you; before Jay started to climb the side of the warehouse to tell Mal the bad news.
“Message delivered” you announced as you entered the chip shop, Harry helping Gonzo and Bonnie get the king nice and comfortable in the brig as you informed Uma of the successful kidnapping. “Mal will probably be here soon” Uma hummed, sliding another order onto a table, to which the pirate said it was wrong but silenced themselves with a glare from you. “Good” Uma muttered, waving you off “Go make sure Harry isn’t torturing him, we both know he goes off the rails when he’s excited” you hummed with a nod, and walked off, grabbing the back of Harry’s neck as you walked up behind him, stopping him mid-sentence as he was taunting Ben.
“Don’t spoil the fun darling” you whispered in his ear, smirking as you felt a shiver go down his spine starting from his neck. “C’mon, let his majesty get some rest, he’ll need it for tomorrow” you muttered, mock bowing to Ben and taking Harry to the captain's quarters, where Gil was already waiting at the edge of the bed, happily indulging in some of the rare candies the isle got that Uma kept in a locked drawer in her room.
“Hi! How was the kidnapping!” Gil asked, crossing his legs on the bed as Harry went to join him. You leaned back as Harry’s boots went flying across the room as he kicked them off; chuckling as he flopped on top of Gil, laying heavily on the just larger teen. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Harry muttered back to Gil, snuggling into Gil’s neck, and relaxing into Gil’s arms as he wrapped them around Harry “Uma will be here soon” you announced as you picked up the boy’s boots, setting them near the door “She just needs to make the deal with Mal” Harry and Gil hummed, sharing a look before slowly getting up and walking towards you as silently as they could.
“You grab my hips, I toss your ass onto the bed,” you said almost too calmly as Harry's hands hovered above your body, groaning as you didn’t even turn around to stare at him. “Gil same to you” Gil pouted, taking his hands back from your torso as you walked away from them, sitting in the captain's chair to take off your boots “You know the rules, we wait for the captain.”
Harry let out a grumbling whine as Gil sighed and went back to the bed, going back to the rare candy as Harry slumped over to you, half hanging off your shoulders as you sat up in Uma’s chair, glazing over the papers on her desk before standing and half dragging Harry back to the bed, where you sat down and let out a cough as Harry practically sat on your lap.
“Bit heavy my dear” you muttered, running one of your hands up his leg, smirking as he hummed happily, Gil looking a bit left out before your other hand rested on his thigh. “But we wait” Harry groaned, falling back till his torso rested next to your hips and his hands trailed up your arm that now was on the bed holding you up as your other hand tapped Gil’s thigh.
Gil rambled on about what real candy would taste like when you all got off the isle, about how the ocean would smell, about anything that came to his mind while you waited for the captain. You and Harry listened in intently, and at some point, you laid down with Harry, his head resting on your shoulder as you trailed your fingers up Gil’s broad back.
Soon-Uma entered, looking triumphant. “Did ye do it!?” Harry gasped, sitting up with his legs on either side of your left thigh. “Did ye behead the pixie~!?” Uma hummed, walking right up to Harry and cupping his face, smirking as he leaned into her hands “No, not yet but~” she turned to you, her eyes flashing with victory “it’s the wand for the crown~ tomorrow, at noon-sharp-Mal will bring us the wand in exchange for the king. We will be free~!”
Gil cheered as Harry whooped, throwing his hands up as Uma laughed, throwing her head back as you smirked, your hand resting on Harry’s hip. “Congratulations captain, a job well done as always” you whispered, smirking as she rested her hands on your knees and leaned towards you, a…spicy, smirk on her lips. “All thanks to you, my boys” she whispered, turning towards Harry as he leaned into her space, Gil doing the same; wanting attention just like Harry.
“Shall we celebrate?” you purred, lifting your leg just enough to rub your knee into Harry’s crotch, smirking as he whined a bit, a pink flush already taking over his cheeks as Uma laughed, taking his jaw and staring into his half-lidded eyes, watching as Harry’s hips rocked against your leg. “We shall” Uma purred, kissing Harry deeply as you happily watched the show, Gil doing the same as Harry whimpered and groaned into Uma’s mouth, your leg rubbing up against the hardness growing in Harry’s pants.
Uma pulled away from Harry’s lips, rubbing her thumb on his bottom lip which was stained with her lipstick “Strip” she commanded, her eyes glazing across the three of you as she stepped back, sitting down in her chair to watch the show as you obeyed, Harry almost tripping over himself as he ripped off his jacket and shirt, getting caught in his belts as you slid off your jacket.
“Dork” you muttered, taking off your shirt and then helping Harry get out of his, rolling your eyes as he grinned sheepishly at you “See what happens when you rush? You get all caught up” you muttered, huffing as you felt his hands on your chest, his thumbs rubbing the scars beneath your pecs. He wasn’t listening to you at all, just looking at you, his eyes as soft as his soul. “My beautiful god” Harry whispered before kissing you, and you melted into him, Uma’s warms wrapping around your waist as Gil went to Harry, kissing the nape of Harry's neck as Harry and Uma explored your torso.
You huffed again as Uma’s hand dipped into your pants, her fingers trailing over your hardened T-dick. “Uma” you whispered, falling back into her arms as she hummed, resting her chin on your shoulder as she watched Gil copy her actions to Harry, Harry’s face flushed dark red as Gil rubbed the head of Harry’s dick.
“Gil, you get Harry, (y/n), you get Harry and I~” Uma said as she sank her teeth into your shoulder, sending a shiver down your spine as Harry gasped, tipping back into Gil’s arms as Gil rubbed his thumb across the slit of Harry’s head. “A-aye cap-mmm~” Harry tried to say, his knees buckling as Gil set a good-sized hickey into the crook of Harry’s shoulder.
“Gladly” you muttered, grabbing Uma’s hand and tossing her into the bed, smirking as she gasped “but as the captain, I think you should be the one receiving, not giving; for all your hard work” you looked back at the boys, Harry desperately gripping onto Gil’s arms as Gil looked up at you, his eyes flashing with hunger “Don’t you think?”
The two nodded and Gil went back to work on Harry, pulling his pants and underwear off as you turned back to Uma, placing gentle kisses on her jaw and down her neck, your free hand popping open her corset and caressing her hip “Just let us do the work tonight, okay?”
“Okay,” Uma breathed, moaning into your mouth as you kissed her, lifting her hips to help you remove her underskirt as Harry flopped on the bed next to Uma, both breathing heavily as you and Gil pulled away.
“Fuck yes” Harry panted, turning and leaning into Uma, taking her cheeks and kissing her as Gil went to work on Harry, his eyes glancing at you as you spread open Uma’s legs and licked your lips. “Bon Appetit (y/n)” Gil joked, holding back a laugh as Uma let out a long moan into Harry’s mouth.
You stood at the gangplank, Gil high above in the crow's nest on lookout, while Uma and Harry taunted the king, all four of you had a bit of a pep in your step. One that only a few of the crew understood, the others just thought you were all hyped for your freedom, which you were.
Soon enough Harry was pacing the deck behind you, keeping his eyes on the king and Uma as they talked, his hook brushing against the small of your back every once in a while “stop that you’re going to run the wood through” you muttered, and Harry scoffed, sniffing a bit as he turned on his heel once again.
“Harry!” Uma called for the first mate and he practically skipped over, all too happy to finally hook the king. Soon, about twenty-five minutes later, Mal and her little friends came out from the tunnel, a girl you knew wasn’t a vk following close behind.
“Hey, guys!” Gil called from above, an eager grin on his face “they’re here!” the crew laughed, leering at Mal as she walked up to the other side of the gangplank, her vivid green eyes glaring into yours, a hint of poison swimming within them. You smirked, knowing why she was staring at you in such a hateful way.
Some would say Mal hated you more than she did Uma, and she hated Uma a lot.
“Welcome!” Harry’s voice echoed behind you, pushing the king towards the gangplank as he threw his arms out in a very dramatic pose, bowing out as Uma laughed, stepping into the limelight as you grinned at Mal, following after Harry to make sure he didn’t do anything rash as Uma took command of Mal’s attention. “Finally!”
“let’s get this party started shall we?” Uma purred, rubbing her hands together as mal huffed, taking the wand from Carlos and meeting Uma in the middle of the gangplank. “Wand for the crown dragon breath, or your little king is going down” Harry cackled from his spot at the gangplank, pushing Ben till he was practically tip-toeing off the edge.
Mal just huffed, as if she was more annoyed by the whole situation rather than worried for her, apparently, ex-boyfriend. Mal stepped forward to hand Uma the wand, but Uma simply narrowed her eyes and held her hand up “Hold up…too easy,” Mal dared to look offended “Why don’t you give it a test drive?”
You grinned at the look of clear panic on Mal’s face “We wanna see it work~” the pirates all cheered at Uma’s words and commanded Mal to give the wand a whirl, Uma looking over her shoulder at you to give you a feral grin. Mal was fumbling, she didn’t expect Uma to ask for an example and Mal hasn’t as hard to read as she thought she was.
“What’s wrong Malsy?” you purred, coping Harry’s sharp yet lazy smile as she glared at you, not happy to hear your voice “Can’t produce any spells for us? Something wrong with the wand~?”
Mal just huffed, turning on her heel to face her friends, Carlos subtly nodding at the dog that had suddenly appeared on the docks. You narrowed your eyes, licking your lips as Gil walked up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as you glanced between Mal and the dog. “oh, and nothing too big or else Ben’s shark bait~” Uma said, her voice serious yet teasing as Harry giggled, hanging Ben over the plank while Mal glared at Uma.
Mal huffed again, turning to the dog again “Although it seems absurd/turn your bark into a word!” Mal flourished the wand, but nothing came from it, nor did anything physical happen to the dog. Your eyes narrowed, the fairy godmother's magic was one of the only magics to exist behind the barrier, a safety precaution or some bullshit like that.
So why was there no magic, if Mal had in fact brought the real fairy godmother's wand?
Something was up. You had never trusted Mal, and honestly, you didn’t trust her to keep up her end of the deal even if it mean her little boyfriend's life was on the line. You came back to reality as Uma commanded Harry to bring Ben over, Harry looking a bit disappointed at the fact that he wouldn’t be sending Ben to swim with the sharks as he dragged the king over to the gangplank.
Ben was forced to his knees, making you and Uma coo as Mal gasped at Harry roughhousing the king. Uma held out her hand, demanding the wand, Mal mirrored her, demanding Ben. Uma just licked the inside of her upper lip and nodded at Harry, keeping her eyes on Mal “Cut ‘em loose Harry”
Harry glanced between Uma and Mal, groaning about how he never got to have any fun as he sliced the rope binding Ben’s ankles and wrists. Ben quickly grabbed Mal’s arm, Uma stopping him from moving any further as Mal handed over the wand. With a grin from Uma and a sneer from Mal; the wand was yours.
“Yes!” Uma cackled, spinning around to run into the middle of the crew, you and Harry staying back slightly to keep anyone from taking the wand back. Your eyes narrowed as the vks rushed to get back to the tunnel, Mal having to push Ben back since he kept trying to get the wand back. Something was up, no one, not even Mal would give THE fairy godmother’s wand up that easily.
“Okay okay okay,” Uma hushed the crew, pointing the wand to the sky, her trapped magic humming as she hurriedly spoke an incantation to set the isle and its children free “by the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!” the crew cheered, Harry’s eyes bright with hope that died out as nothing happened.
Uma’s nose twitched, examining the wand closely before realizing what had happened “NO!” Uma screeched, snapping the plastic wand over her knee “YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN EVERY TIME!” Ben’s eyes widened at the easy break of the wand, suddenly realizing the same as Uma as you and Garry glared at the vks, mostly Mal. “GET THEM!”
You drew your sword, yelping as smoke suddenly enveloped the ship; you squinted, seeing Carlos through the smoke as he launched smoke bombs at the crew. “The one-time Mal plans ahead” you muttered, cracking your neck and stepping through the smoke, walking right towards Mal; glaring at the smug-looking girl.
You rushed her, chuckling as she nearly immediately bucked under the pressure of your blade. “c’mon Malsy, didn’t you say you could beat me under a table? What was that, seven months ago?” you taunted, easily blocking her weak blows, she had no idea how to use a sword. She was much better using her fists and knives, and even then-she always had Jay do her dirty work.
You quickly and easily backed her into the dock railings; using your sword and arm to block her in, pressing her down against the railing. “what’cha gonna do now mini-Mali~” you purred, using Hades lil ‘nickname’ for Mal, her eyes flashed green-rage flooding through her veins at that name; she hated being compared to her mother. She let out a scream, kicking you in the gut.
You stumbled back, coughing a bit as you held your lower stomach, shaking your head to regain your senses as Mal ran off. She was little, but man her boots packed a punch. “lil brat” you muttered, regripping your blade and running off after the purple imp. you ended up running into Jay as he was going to meet Harry on the upper dock; it was a short clash, because you knew Harry wanted a proper fight with the son of Jafar, so you quickly spun around and fought the Asian Auradon girl.
“And you are?” you asked twisting your blade around to pin hers to the docks. She smiled, a bit too nicely “Lonnie~! Mulan and Shang’s daughter.” you grinned, chuckling as she easily unpinned her sword and swung at you “cool, honestly they’re my favorite of you Auradon bores.” Lonnie let out a small ‘aww’; holding her hand to her chest “Thank you~! I’ll let them know”
You nodded, bowing a bit before you both delved back into the fight; you swiped above her head, smirking as she skillfully dropped down and twisted on her feet in an attempt to knock you over. You leaped back, redirected a stab to your thigh, and grabbed her wrist, tugging her up and around to the other end of the docks.
After a few more swings and jabs, you had her nearly pinned to the dock rails; you wouldn’t kill her-that honestly wasn’t your style, but as you were about to knock her out-you felt a sharp-blinding pain going from your right shoulder to your left hip.
“FUCK!” You screamed out, feeling heat blooming across your back as your legs buckled. “oh shit” you heard someone mutter from behind you. You turned, seeing Jay with blood on his sword, and his face pale. “oh shit!”
“(y/n)!” you heard Gil yell out, he shoved Ben away, sending the king flying back as he bolted towards you; Lonnie and Jay quickly turned on their heels and ran away from you. His hands caught your arm as you sunk to your knees, feeling a wet heat consume your back and soak into your clothes. Jay had sliced open your back.
“fuck fuck fuck” Gil muttered under his breath, the battle behind him continuing on as the crew attempted to either get the king back, or take the core four down. You grit your teeth as Gil carefully pushed your shirt and jacket up, wincing as he saw the extent of the injury. “Man that’s deep” he muttered, flicking your elbow as you wheezed out a small ‘that’s what she said’.
“Dammit, nothing I can do right now” Gil muttered, hovering his hands over the long and open wound “Stay here, I-I need to go get Uma” he muttered, getting to his feet and grabbing his sword, running towards the battle as you adjusted yourself slowly to sit down properly, wincing as pain flared down your back and shoulders.
Soon purple smoke exploded up on the docks near the tunnel that connected to the garage-and the king disappeared, leaving the pirates confused in the smoke. Mal then kicked down the bridge and Uma screamed, pushing everyone out of the way as she raced for the other shortcut-hoping to cut Mal off.
“(y/n)!” Harry yelled out as Gil pulled him over, Gil bit his lip at Uma’s absence but he understood what she was doing and ran over to you with Harry. “fuck-I’m going ta kill him” Harry muttered darkly, taking your hands and helping you stand; his lip curling over his teeth as you cried out in pain. “that’s it, I’m carrying ye” Harry snapped, picking you up and carrying you onto the ship and into Uma’s quarters “Gil, get Des ‘n the medical pack from me room”
Gil nodded and ran back out of the room, grabbing who and what Harry asked for. You huffed and winced as Harry and Desiree cleaned and stitched up your back, nearly breaking Gil’s hand as he held it out to you in comfort. Harry kept grumbling to himself as he bandaged your back; shorting a bit as you muttered how this hurt less than when you chopped off your tits.
“Shut up” he grumbled, sitting up on his knees and kissing the side of your head, pressing his forehead against your shaved hair. “Don’t try to joke yer way out of this” you just laughed, screwing your face a bit as Harry stitched off your bandages. “that’s how I cope, let me joke through my trauma pleaseeee.” you groaned, laying pathetically on the bed as Gil and Harry stood, cleaning up the mess and going out to make sure everything outside was in order; Harry now the acting captain until Uma returned.
A few hours later, you were woken up from a very hard nap as Bonnie slammed on the door, her face peeking through the gap with a…nervous? Look. “(y/n), your dads here and he won't leave, help” she croaked before she sprinted into the room, Hades form stepping through it a moment later, which made him bend down to fit through the door.
“Hades, go away.” you groaned, mostly ignoring how Bonnie called him your dad as he stomped over to you, his platform boots making the floor creak with effort. “Also not my dad-“ Bonnie audibly snorted at that, and waved you off; sneaking out of the room as Hades stared you down. “What?” you grumbled, very much wanting to go back to sleep.
He just stared; his arms crossed like a disappointed parent. “You are not allowed to make that face” you said with a snarky smirk, pointing at his face “Stop making that face” he just deepened the look, narrowing his eyes and tightening his arms “noooooooo”
He couldn’t help the small smirk on his lips at your whining “I might not be your dad, but as your employer kinda father figure person-no bullshit till your healed. I’m putting Harry in charge of you.” You looked at him, as if he was almost stupid; but you realized Harry would actually tie you down to the very bed you lay on to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid.
He himself had zero impulse control, but hell be damned if you did anything stupid when hurt. “fineeee” you huffed out, face planting back in Uma’s pillow and waving Hades off “fine.” He stared at you for a long moment, then huffed, gently patting the back of your head and walking out’ you could hear him talking to Harry but you were already falling back asleep.
“she’s, gone?” you asked, carefully leaning against the headboard of Uma’s bed as Harry gave you an update on the night before-aka what happened at cotillion. Uma appeared, spelling Ben, had almost taken down the barrier, went full sea-god on everyone's ass, and then just-swam away. You knew she had a bigger plan behind her surrender, so you knew she didn’t just give up-she was looking at the bigger picture.
But as of now, she was gone-not a trace of her to be found.
Harry nodded from his spot in front of you, one of his legs tucked under the other that was gently laid across your lap; Gil was laying down behind him-staring at the wall in a near depression.
In just one day, everyone had felt the strain of Uma’s absence, she was an important person on the isle, in your relationship, and in the crew-she was a captain in more ways than one. You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck as you leaned forward, resting your elbow on your knee; wincing as your back flared with pain.
“Dammit, Jay” you grumbled, closing your eyes as you carefully stretched until the pain went away. Harry’s hand found yours, and you looked into his eyes-his pretty ocean blue eyes surrounded by black that were looking so concerned-for you. “I’m fine, it’ll be like a month before I can move without pain but-I’m fine” he just hummed, his eyes dropping down to your fingers as Gil sat up, resting his chin on Harry’s shoulder.
“Do you wanna borrow my razor (y/n)?” Gil asked, pointing at your face. You just rose your brow in confusion, reaching up to feel some scruff on your jaw. “ah, that-nah” you muttered, moving your arms in a way to make the shaving motions just-put too much strain on your back muscles “shavings gonna have ta wait, besides” you glanced at Harry, who was almost starry eyed at the idea of you having a beard-even if it was just scruff “I think Harry likes the idea”
Gil laughed, shaking his head as Harry leaned up and kissed your jaw, watching as you fondly rolled your eyes at the action. You three would be okay, a bit lonely and lost without Uma; but you would be okay.
Harry dyed his hair black and ripped the sleeves off all his jackets and sleeves; Harry was not okay-man went full emo. Gil had to hold him down as you fixed his shit.
“i-what?” Mal asked, almost offended as Hades flipped the ember between his fingers, his yellow eyes staring, almost bored, into her green ones “no-no way.”
“No dice then. You want the ember? (y/n) goes with you; god knows if you have a lick of sense with knowing how to use it.” Hades said in a near-snarky tone, a lazy smile on his lips. Mal huffed, gritting her jaw as Celia stood, pretty confused, at the top of the stairs. She knew you were closer with Hades than most-he had called you his kid before (not realizing he had, and you immediately chucked something at him if you were around to hear him call you that) but for him to bargain the ember, for your freedom?
Wasn’t really like him. Mal just stared at Hades; her eyes hard. Then she closed them, holding out her hand again “Fine. (y/n) comes with” she snapped, not happy with the idea, not happy at all.
Because-what did you have-that she didn’t?! Why would he-her biological father-chose some-random dude like you?! You were just an errand boy for Hades, why did you get special treatment?!
Why did you get the father she had wanted since she was a baby?
Mal turned on her heel as Hades placed the ember in her palm; stomping up the mine shaft stairs, Hades reminded her that if the ember got wet-it was game over.
“Noted, let’s go find (y/n)” Mal grumbled, rushing right past the mine bike and pouting down the mineshaft-Celia doing her best to keep up. It didn’t take long to find you; you were where you always were; the lost revenge. “imp” you muttered in ‘greeting’ as you finished checking up on the last of the ropes and sail anchors, turning to Mal with crossed arms, your lip curling up to give her a sneer as she stood at the other end of the gangplank; Celia right behind her-who seemed much happier to see you. “What do you want?”
“I needed the ember, and Hades told me I couldn’t have it without taking you with me off the isle” Mal grumbled, palming the ember as she glared at you; practically foaming at the mouth as you just rose your brows, pointing at the ember “But-you have it? You could’ve just easily left with it”
Mal froze for a solid five seconds, as if just realizing-yes-she could’ve just, left. And Hades wouldn’t know until after the fact. “Dammit” Mal groaned, face palming, then she shook her head “just-I keep my promises-let’s go” you stared for a moment, then blinked; furrowing your brows as Mal started to walk off, then looked back at you-wondering why you weren’t following. “Come on!”
“What do you even need the ember for? That thing is basically just a battery drainer but for magic?” you muttered, slowly following after Mal as she groaned and muttered curses beneath her breath “Audrey has the scepter, couldn’t get the wand, ember is the next best bet-end of story!” Mal yelled as you walked through the tunnel-Mal easily redirected towards the inner workings of the isle; walking through the market towards the alley where Celia took the lead, so you and Mal followed her into the arcade.
“What's (y/n) doing here?” Evie asked as she joined Mal’s side, intertwining their hands as Mal sighed, clearly wanting to pitch her nose but she had no free hands. “you got the ember?” Jay asked, keeping his eyes on you as you stood in the background-not really wanting to be there; you had first-mate shit to do.
“That's what (y/n) is doing here” Mal muttered, holding the ember tight against her thigh “Hades made a deal, (y/n) goes with us, I get the ember” Carlos, Evie, and Jay looked pretty surprised at those terms; because-Hades would willingly give up his ember to get some-errand boy-off the isle?
They all leaned sideways from behind Mal to look at you, seeing you just staring at all the arcade games, smirking as you saw one you and Harry had hacked a bit back.
“Alright then” Carlos mumbled, shaking his head as Mal asked if they got the bikes back. “the only way back is the bridge” Mal muttered laughing a bit as Evie mumbled about her comfortable heels. Jay grabbed their arms, a deep frown on his face “yeah, we need the remote to access the barrier-and-I uh, left it with my bike” Jay muttered, wincing as Mal just stared at him.
“Man, we have lost our touch” Carlos groaned, rubbing his face as Celia stepped forward, grabbing something from her bag “I lifted it off of you” Celia announced, lifting the golden barrier remote into everyone's view; Jay and Carlos lit up at the sight. Mal and Evie looked proud. “I thought it could be important, and it was-so” she handed the remote to Jay, who grinned and nodded.
“Nice” he muttered, reaching out and patting her arm; turning on his heel as Mal called for the bridge. “let’s go” Mal muttered to you, avoiding your eyes as you snorted and strut after the group.
“We did it, we made it!” Harry and Gil had jumped through the barrier after you, Harry grabbing your collar and planting a heated kiss on your cheek; making you laugh as Gil bounced around-before they noticed the other vks, staring at them as if they were insane.
“Hey guys~” Harry cooed, grabbing your hand and bowing a bit “we’re just comin’ for a wee visit~!” he shared a grin with Gil and started to walk forward, only to be pushed back by Carlos. you closed your eyes, huffing into your hands as the boys started to fight, Carlos and Harry shoving at each other until Carlos bumped into Mal, who had been failing to get the boys to calm down; making her drop the ember.
“No!” Mal screeched, alerting Harry of the ember's importance and he quickly kneeled and scooped the ember right out of Mal’s grip, sending the ember into the sky and over the ocean. Mal screeched out again, watching her only chance to save Auradon drop into the ocean right before her very eyes-unable to do anything about it.
You felt your heart skip a beat as a familiar turquoise-colored tentacle popped out of the waves and caught the ember, Uma rose up a second later and shook her head to give a bit of a dramatic flair to her already dramatic entrance. Uma smirked, raising the ember high in the air, taunting Mal with it “Drop something~?” Uma purred, cackling as Mal yelled for her to give it back.
“Uma!” Harry and Gil yelled out, all too happy to see her; Harry almost fell into the water to hug her if it wasn’t for your hand on his neck. Uma grinned up at them, tilting her head happily as she waved “That’s my name~”
She made eye contact with you, and winked, giggling at the flash of happiness within your eyes, your grin almost rivaling Harry’s. Uma locked eyes with Mal again, taunting her with a smirk as she curled the ember tightly between her tentacles and dove back into the water-Mal yelping out in panic; she couldn't lose the ember!
Everyone watched in near awe as a tower of swirling water began to rise, soon exploding and soaking everyone, you looked behind you at the other side of the bridge as everyone else searched the waters, wondering if Uma had just-left. She hadn’t, there she was, on the bridge, holding the ember with that wonderful smile of hers.
“hey boys~” she purred, laughing as Harry and Gil whirled around to look at her, Mal only looking frustrated and annoyed. Harry cackled, holding out his hook as he practically skipped over to Uma, her pinkie curling around his hook in greeting as he welcomed her back.
“Welcome back~” Harry purred, getting a good look at her to make sure she wasn’t hurt before settling behind her, his eyes on the other vks to make sure they (Mal) didn’t do anything stupid. Lest they face the wrath of Uma’s boys. “Where have you been?” Gil asked, frowning a bit as he stepped up to Uma “it’s been like-two years”
“Planning her revenge no doubt” Mal snapped, scrunching her nose in anger as Uma scoffed and rolled her eyes; she actually hadn’t, she had been enjoying her life outside the isle and sunbathing on the beaches Auradon had to offer “It’s not all about you Mal” Uma taunted, all too happy to shove that fact in Mal’s face.
Mal just rose her brow, as if saying ‘so? I’ll make it about me’ (if yall don’t know/can't tell by now, I don’t like canon Mal :/) “I was looking for a hole in the barrier, to let everybody out? And you know what I found boys?” Uma completely turned her back to Mal, knowing her boys would protect her if needed while also telling Mal ‘you aren’t worthy enough to have my guard up around you’. “it’s way better out there than we thought!”
Uma’s eyes sparkled as she began to recount what she had seen while outside the barrier “there's this thing that looks like a furry rock, called a coconut; and fish so big you can dance on their backs!” Uma turned back to Mal, the purple-haired girl just crossing her arms with a sour look on her face. “and they’ve kept it all for themselves?” Uma taunted as Harry made a small clicking noise with his tongue, shaming the vks for withholding the freedom of Auradon from the vks still on the isle.
“Whatever,” Mal said with a roll of her eyes, holding out her hand for the ember; somehow expecting Uma to just-give it back. “I need that, to break a spell.” Uma chuckled a bit at the demand while Carlos provided some insight, something that actually might have Uma decide to help instead of dooming Auradon.
“Cast by Audrey, sleeping beauties daughter” Uma actually looked a bit surprised at that, she had seen the once brown-haired princess before on the news; she always seemed so much like her mother. But Uma knew to never judge a book by its cover, and that princess must’ve held some dark secrets if she had cast such a spell as the one covering Auradon.
“So, the good guys the bad guy?” Uma laughed, turning back to her boys who just smirked at her “hmm, well-I might not give it back” she pursed her lips; clearly just trying to antagonize Mal “see what happens~”
“Uma, it is not the time for games, people's lives are in danger!” Mal yelled out, quite dramatically; making Uma snort while you and Harry started laughing, Gil rolling his eyes as Harry leaned towards him with a sharp grin.
Uma glanced back down at the ember, slowly making her way towards the edge of the bridge without Mal noticing what she was actually doing “Guarantee me, that every single villain kid that wants to; can get off the isle” it was a solid deal, the isle’s freedom in return for Auradon’s safety. But Mal just huffed, throwing her hands up as if she didn’t have the power to promise such a thing (which, she really doesn’t??? she’s lady of the court, girl ain't the queen yet)
“I can’t do that” Mal sneered, her lip curling slightly as Uma just rose her brows, rolling her eyes as she went towards her boys, you and Harry giving her an opening to the edge as she whirled back around and held the ember over the water. “Can’t do that? Well, how about now!”
“DEAL!” Mal yelled out, her eyes wide with panic, but she quickly tried to save face; trying to seem as if she wasn’t at all worried about Uma extinguishing her only hope to save her new home. “Deal.”
Uma smirked, pretending to stumble and nearly drop the ember, cackling as Mal let out a panicked semblance of a word; Evie reached out to stop Uma from doing anything more “Uma!” Mal almost looked mad Evie was trying to help, glaring at the blue haired girl “her word is good” Uma rose her brow, knowing Mal was a creature of lies, and you saw how Mal’s eyes flickered to the bridge for a moment.
She felt guilty over something, she had that same tell since you were all kids; something her mother had tried to beat out to no avail. Your eyes narrowed, keeping your eyes on Mal as Uma pursed her lips, her eyes on the ember as she stalked towards Mal; who still kept her hand out, still expecting Uma to just hand over the ember. Uma sucked on her teeth before shoving the ember into her vest pocket, smirking as Mal huffed and crossed her arms like a pouting child who lost their toy “I’ll still keep this, for the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own?” Uma chuckled, leaning towards Mal with a sinister yet knowing smirk “Think again.”
Mal just glared, clearly not happy about the situation. She took a moment to glare at you, her nose scrunching in anger as you laughed with your boys, taking Uma’s waist as she turned to you “this is a job for pirates~!!” Harry cackled and gave Uma a solid palm smack, Gil taking her shoulder and looking very excited for the adventure to come.
Uma rubbed her hands together, excited to see if Mal would swallow her pride and accept Uma’s offer or if she would pull a Mal. Mal glared full-heartedly at you and Uma, her eyes beginning to glow but Jay quickly de-escalated the situation and pulled Mal back by her arm, muttering something into her ear.
Her eyes went off the side for a moment, as if contemplating something, then she huffed, clenching her jaw “fine.” She snapped lowly, tilting her head in a way that told Jay to take over for talking; since Mal wanted to be a pouty baby. ‘for a leader, she’s real bad at getting along with anyone’ you thought to yourself, and she had been that way since you were all young, another trait handed down from her parents. Yes, parents. As in both Hades and Maleficent, both stubborn assholes who didn’t like to share.
So really, it was no wonder Mal was a stubborn bitch who refused to meet in the middle.
With the nod from Mal, Jay nodded back, turning to gil and Harry; glaring. “where are our bikes?” bikes? What bikes? You glanced at Harry, who started to giggle, Uma looking just as ‘what did you two do?’ as you did. “oh yeah” Gil laughed, gesturing back towards the isle with that smile of his “we crashed em~!”
Jay and Carlos looked pissed, and you would be too if you didn’t give a fuck. Harry nodded with a cackle, beginning to act out revving the bike and driving it off a ramp, then it crashing and exploding. He giggled at Jay’s reaction, pointing at his face and turning to Uma to see her reaction. She just rolled her eyes with a fond snort.
Your eyes drifted to Evie as she stepped forward, and you wondered when she had gone from the fake ditsy fashionista to mom friend. “Here’s a thought?” Evie said loudly, Harry hiccupping as she interrupted his teasing laughter, she sounded almost completely over everyone being at each other's throat, Auradon was on the line and fighting between each other wasn’t going to help “we could try to be friends? Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences.”
Mal just started at Evie like she was insane, as if she would ever consider being friends with shrimpy and homewrecker. Mal turned, glaring at you and Uma as you both just stared at Evie, wondering why she was doing this now and if there was a point to it.
“yeah?” Evie encouraged with a smile, looking towards Mal, who just blinked at her, Jay and Carlos staring hard at Gil and Harry. Evie then reached into her sleeve and pulled out a small red drawstring bag that held several blue gumballs “Who wants gum?”
“Do you carry that with you everywhere?” you asked, pointing at the bag, Evie nodded with a grin “that’s weird” Evie snorted slightly, still smiling. When she noticed everyone else staring at her like she was crazy, her smile dropped slightly, her lips pursing as she shook the bag “no?”
Uma rolled her eyes, hands on her hips as she turned on her heel and began to lead the way towards Auradon “let's go” Mal let out a sharp noise, holding up her hand, you and Harry rolling your eyes at Mal’s need to control everything. “No. I’m in charge” Mal glanced around, seeing her side of the group had no complaints, while Uma’s side glared at her, one looking just-so bored (you, you were very bored, and over Mal’s stupidity) “let’s go”
With that, Mal started off, Uma snorting as she did; knowing she was getting under Mal’s skin with little effort, she was going to enjoy tormenting Mal during this little joint rescue. Evie sighed, taking a gumball and popping one into her mouth, sliding the bag back into her sleeve and following after her fellow vks.
After what felt like two hours of walking, the group of mismatched vks made it to the Auradon prep gardens, all pausing at the sight of dozens of students sleeping away. Clearly not willingly. “they’re asleep” Evie whispered as if she was afraid to wake anyone up “all of them.”
“Spelled by your princess” Uma muttered, moving further into the gardens, eyes peeled for any sign of danger while the Auradon-bound VK’s were too busy paying attention to their phones, trying to get ahold of their loved ones. Well, minus Jay, who made sure the spelled students were okay.
Gil followed Jay around while you and Harry kept close to Uma, though Harry did go off to snatch a wallet or two. “five, four, three, two, one” you muttered to Uma as you counted down the time until Jay would step in and stop Harry, to which-he was right on cue. “you do,” Jay said as he took the stolen cash from Harry, continuing Harry’s little ramble about him deserving compensation for joining the rescue mission “me not squashing you like a bug” Harry just giggled at Jay’s threat, tossing the now empty wallet on the white metal table and taking his hook, getting into Jay’s face with a maniac grin.
“Think I’m scared of you Jay~?” Harry cooed; his eyes bright with the urge to shove his hook through Jay’s jaw. Jay just glared right back, the two boys straightening up as Mal and Uma called for them to cut their shit out. Harry huffed, giving Jay a dark glare as he walked away, soon Harry made his way back to you and Uma, pouting as he did so.
“Hey, we have to play nice, for now,” you muttered, taking Harry’s free hand “you and Jay can hash at it later, right now; we focus on Auradon and the kids” Harry glanced at you, and huffed, but nodded; leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“fine” he grumbled, perking up as Evie called for everyone's attention, her eyes wide with terror and shock as she stumbled away from a statue of a frightened girl “Ha-Hannah turned to stone” Evie whispered, Jay catching her shoulders as Evie’s hands went to cover her mouth.
“holy shit” you muttered, walking up to the stone girl and resting your hand gently on her shoulder, the stone was ice cold, nothing compared to the comfortable temperatures of the school grounds.
 “All right everyone stay on your toes, we’re not dealing with just a sleeping spell anymore” Jay muttered, and his words rang sharply in everyone's chest this was no longer just a race to find Audrey and stop her from sending everyone off to sleep, this was to stop her from doing worse.
Hanna gave no notion of life within her stone-turned eyes, Audrey had invertedly killed her, and however more people she had turned to stone. “since we’re here” Uma said as she passed by the statue “let's check the school, even if that princess ain’t here we might find a clue” Mal pursed her lips, glancing to the side before she spoke up “No”. Uma slowly turned back, not liking the tone of Mal’s voice, as if Uma’s suggestion was stupid. “Audrey went after the crown, so, I think it's safe to assume she went after Ben and the castle next?” she looked to her friends to see if they agreed, and they nodded, it was in fact the most logical answer. Mal nodded back, happy to know they agreed. “then that’s where we'll go.”
Uma licked her lips, turning back on her heel to step closer to Mal, her shoulders back in defense “says who?” Uma challenged; Mal just frowned, stepping up to copy Uma’s movements, her eyes narrowed with warning “says me” Mal spat back, the two girls getting almost nose to nose as they glared at each other.
“says you and that’s supposed to mean something to me?” Uma huffed, tilting her head up slightly as she tilted closer to Mal, who was about to insult Uma right back when you and Evie spoke up, interrupting their little tough talk.
“Guys,” the two said, already tired of their bullshit, you continued to speak as Evie shook her head at Mal, telling her to knock it off with the whole holier than thou bit. “we don’t have time for your bickering, yet here we are watching you two bitch as if we’re not on a time crunch now.” you hissed, stepping closer to the girls and pushing them apart, glaring at Mal as she smacked his arm.
“Don’t touch me” Mal snapped, surprising her friends with the venom in her voice, one not even heard for Uma. You just glared, unaffected by it, then raised your brow “Then get you’re shit together, ain't leaders supposed to be level-headed? And not wasting time picking fights?” Mal let out a low hiss between her teeth, pouting a bit, not wanting to admit you were right.
So she just turned to her friends, stepping away on her right foot “to the castle” with that, she was off, her friends at her heels as the pirates and Celia lagged slightly behind; Harry’s arm once again around your shoulder, Gil holding your free hand.
Uma peeked over her shoulder, smiling at the sight of her boys, she had missed them so much and she couldn’t be happier to be with them again; now she just had to endure mal and her goons and they would be home free.
They were bickering again. You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. They really couldn't just-chill for five minutes, could they? Nearly the entire way to the castle they had bickered, and now you were inside the castle, looking for Ben; they were once again-bickering.
“Bet you lost sleep thinking ‘bout me being on the loose” Uma hummed, crossing her arms as she, Evie, and Mal strut down the hall of armors. Evie sighed, giving you a glance that clearly said she was over the two’s bullshit. You just huffed back with a chuckle, feeling the same; you loved Uma, but her and Mal’s little shit fest wasn’t all that fun to listen to for the thousandth time.
“No, dragons don’t really lose sleep” Mal spat back, trying to keep her cool, but with another glance from Evie; you knew she was bull-shitting, she had lost sleep, while Uma simply went about with her freedom. You let out another huffed chuckle, ending up next to mal while Evie stepped between the two girls, trying to get them to chill out “I wonder what fried shrimp tastes like~?” Mal wondered aloud, attempting to intimidate Uma to no avail, only succeeding in annoying her by bringing the stupid shrimp thing back up.
“Can you two not do this? I thought we were looking for Ben, who could be in danger, and yet here we stand as if waiting for coffee~!” you said in a snarky tone, glaring at Mal as she huffed and turned to sneer at you, her eyes alight with near hate that didn’t seem to be completely directed at you.
“Shut it, gravedigger, no one asked you” Mal spat, flinching as Harry, Uma, and Gil let out a loud offended noise at your defense; Uma grabbing Mal’s shoulder to get Mal’s attention back on her. You didn’t care much about her little insult; it was hardly one anyways; so you used to be a grave digger so what?
Though with how Mal was basically royalty on the isle, and now almost royalty in Auradon, she might be a bit classist, and a grave digger was one of the lower classes of any society, at least to Mal.
“What the hell is your problem with him?!” Uma practically yelled, her lip curling over her teeth as Harry glared at Mal over Uma’s shoulder “You’ve been practically bullying him all day, If it's me you gotta problem with; take it up with me, don’t take it out on him!” Mal sputtered for a moment, unable to tell Uma the truth about why she hated you but Harry, accidentally, saved her ass; calling out in panic as the suits of armor surrounding the walls of the room jerked to life.
“Girls, cut tha’ shit! we ‘ave a problem!” he yelled out, grabbing Uma’s arm as the two knights nearest to the group turned to them, pink smoke flowing from their visors. Mal gasped in fright, bumping back into Evie and Gil as Audrey’s voice echoed from the knights “It would be wise to listen to the pirate, Malsy~ your pride will be your downfall” Audrey hissed, and the knights soon attacked, the horde slowly and loudly making their way to the group.
“Run, run!!” you yelled, pushing at Mal and forcing her frozen form to move, everyone made a run towards the doors, only for the way to be blocked, Celia on the other side of them holding Dude in her arms, her eyes wide with fright.
Luckily she was out of the way, and hopefully would stay safe. “no choice, we hav’ta fight!” Harry yelled, grabbing a sword from a nearby holster and slashing at a knight that just came a bit too close to Uma, the blades clashing against each other.
You sighed, taking one long look around the room, you were heavily outnumbered; this wasn’t going to be easy. Hopefully, Mal and Uma could get their shit together long enough to get through this, cuz hell if you were dying by enchanted armor.
You tossed down the sword you had taken from the wall holsters, cracking your neck as the rest of the boys celebrated with each other, Harry and Jay chest bumped; Carlos and Gil did the same a moment later, their previous plights with each other forgotten for a moment.
That is until Mal and Uma almost high-fived and immediately jumped away from each other in disgust, Mal wiping her untouched hand on her pants. The boys cleared their thoughts uncomfortably, joining their respectful leaders. You sighed, shaking your head and joining your boys, closing your eyes as Uma’s hand curled around your jaw, her thumb against your scruff which she grinned at.
You heard a huff of distress from Evie, and you let out a sigh of your own; knowing what she was about to say “Guys come on!” Evie cried out, glancing between the toppled knights, and the two groups “this was so great! All of us, working together! Everything was easier, right? Just-think about it-if we all stop-bickering with each other” She gave a stern look to both Uma and Mal; Mal glancing away while Uma rolled her eyes “We can maybe save Auradon before tomorrow, huh?”
Evie looked around, hoping to see some compromise from either side, Mal just pouted, while Uma sighed; seeing Evie’s point but not wanting to budge unless Mal pushed aside her pride. Evie let out a long sigh, seeing that neither girl was going to budge, she put her hands on her hips, pursing her lips as she tried to think of a way to get everyone to *at least* stop being at each other's throats.
A slow smirk grew on her face, if they wouldn’t willingly get along, she could embarrass them into it. “I know what we can try~” Evie sang, giving Carlos a small side glance, stifling her laugh as Carlos subtly shook his head, begging her not to do it. “An ice breaker.” Mal, Carlos, and Jay all groaned, Mal covering her face in practical 2nd hand embarrassment as Evie brushed her hair back and turned to the pirates, her eyes sparkling with devious intent.
The pirates look suddenly fearful for their lives, all leaning away from Evie as if that would protect them from her ‘ice-breaker’ “Now” Evie started, clapping her hands together and beaming at the pirates “You say something you really like about the person, and then they return the favor~ okay? I’ll start” she got a good look at each of the pirates, slightly laughing through her nose as she did so.
Gil just looked utterly confused, Uma was just looking back at her as if she was crazy, Harry was-legit holding his breath and looking away-like a child in trouble, and you-you were nearly doing the same as Uma; through your arms were crossed and you were biting the inside of your lip-hoping she wouldn’t choose you.
“Harry,” Evie finally decided, Harry groaning lightly as he closed his eyes and finally released his breath “great accent” Harry blinked-not expecting Evie to-actually compliment him-something that was actually his-not his ability to fight, or how scary he was-but something that was-him. He blinked at her again, furrowing his brows a bit as Evie beamed and gestured for him to go. “Now you go~”
Harry pursed his lips, slightly debating on whether or not to go along with the little game when Uma interrupted it, holding up her hands and stepping forward “okay-where does this cheerleader bunk down? We may not find her there, but we might find a clue about where she actually is? We’re wasting time here as it is.”
Evie pouted a bit; she could tell Harry was about to speak but-Uma had a point “Evie?” Mal said, taking Evie’s hand and leaning into her point of view “I love you,” Evie beamed and echoed her words back “and as much as I hate to admit it-Uma’s right” Uma looked surprised to hear Mal say those words. Evie only looked delighted to hear that, finally! Some progress~!! “Audrey clearly knows we’re here, and what we’re trying to do-we need to find out where she is, and where ben is-if we’re going to save Auradon. The longer she has the scepter-the more powerful she becomes and the harder it’ll be to save her and Auradon”
Evie frowned and nodded, squaring her shoulders as Uma stepped up, looking right at Mal “yeah-so-where does she hang out usually? We’ll need to start somewhere.” Mal huffed, furrowing her brows as she thought, Evie providing the much-needed information “actually” Evie muttered, tapping her chin “she’s still in the dorms” Mal gasped and tapped Evie’s shoulder in revelation, remembering why Audrey was still in the dorms.
“Right! Because of summer school!” at this, Harry burst into laughter, so the precious spoiled princess was still in school? Summer school?? “What?! summer school?” you glanced at Hartry, huffing as he bumped your shoulder and then grabbed Uma’s “Summer! School! No wonder she wants revenge~” he ended with a pitched giggle, hiccupping as Mal clapped her hands together loudly and interrupted him.
"Okay! I need you guys” she looked to both sets of boys on either side of the room “to go find Ben. we will meet up at Evie’s in, two hours. Okay? We” she gestured to herself, Evie, Uma, and Celia “will go to the dorms to look for any clues on Audrey.”
Uma hummed, pursing her lips a bit-seeing the perfect opportunity to mess with Mal “Sounds like we’re going with my plan, I’m jus’ saying” Mal rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in exasperation, not wanting to admit Uma’s plan was a smart one “It was kind’ve the obvious plan." Mal snapped, scrunching her nose as Gil loudly announced that Uma had thought of it first, Uma turned to him with a snarky grin “Right so my plan?” you and Harry nodded in agreement while Mal threw up her hands again and stormed off, Uma quickly catching up as to not let Mal take the lead again.
You sighed and tilted into Gil’s side as he threw his arm over your shoulder, glancing back at Evie to make sure she was following before the six of you(plus dude) split from the girls, following Dude into the forest where Ben’s cent trailed off into.
You huffed as you all came to a stop a few miles into the woods that surrounded the royal castle; wondering where the king had gone. Dude was sniffing around towards the path that apparently led to the enchanted lake-his head perking up towards the left of the path. You blinked, remembering the marks that covered the walls and flowers of the castle-that all seemed to originate from the hallway where Ben’s office apparently was.
You had to wonder-what if Audrey turned Ben into a Be-“so-you got any idea why Mal hates you so much?” you jumped as Carlos’ voice suddenly broke through your train of thought, glancing to the side to see the freckled teen, his hands on his hips as he joined you in watching Dude smell for Ben.
You shrugged “Don’t know, and I don’t care. Whatever beef she’s got with me is entirely her own. I mean-I do got problems with her, but that relates to Uma. As far as I know, I’ve never done anything to her to make her so” you waved your hand in a vague gesture that Carlos easily understood “iffy towards me.” Well, you did have a small idea, but that was her bullshit and her bullshit alone. It wasn’t your fault or choice her deadbeat dad chose some random kid over his own.
Carlos slowly nodded, smiling a bit as he saw Gil and Jay chatting away over the blueberry bush, Harry in the background pouting away “so how long have you four been tougher?” you laughed, shaking your head, honestly-you didn’t even remember when you had gone from friends, to a fling, to a full relationship with the sea three-it just-kinda happened.
“bold of you to assume it’s a relationship” you teased, fully implying that it was in-fact a relationship and not a fling. Carlos just snorted, crossing his arms “yeah, that’s what Mal, Evie, n Jay think; I think im the only one who's caught onto you four. Mal keeps betting the fling will burn out, Evie thinks ya’ll will get married, and Jay doesn’t really care…or at least he tries to say he doesn’t.” you had to cover your face to stop your laughter, because oh my gods the core four(minus Carlos) were fucking betting on you and the pirate's relationship.
“They got nothing better to do?” you chuckled, covering your face again as Carlos rolled his eyes with a shrug “you’d think huh? I can't wait to see Mal’s face whenever ya’ll announce your relationship.” You snorted at his words, perking up as Harry let out a piercing whistle and started walking after Dude who was suddenly bee-lining into the forest.
“yer mutt’s goin’ off on ‘is own pup!” Harry snapped out, Carlos quickly following after the taller pirate as you, Gil, and Jay followed their lead-Dude led the group deeper and deeper into the forest, following a trail of deep claw marks on the trees and forest floor; setting a nervous feeling into everyone's gut as they followed Dude.
Still no sign of Ben.
Where the hell was he-you spun around at the sound of something heavy cracking leaves and sticks on the forest floor, and it didn’t sound like it was alone. It sounded like there were several sets of footsteps-all walking on fours. You turned back around, seeing Gil and Carlos both looking where you had been a moment before; Harry and Jay still following dude.
You opened your mouth to call for them to stop when a terrifying roar broke through the almost eerie silence of the forest. You turned, screaming with Carlos and Gil as a stone lion pounced towards you, its pearly jaw wide open in preparation to snap your neck through.
You hit the floor with it on your chest, your hands pressed to its nose and chin and pushing back against the stone, eyes wide in panic. “FUCK” you yelled out, planting your boot on its smooth underbelly and pushing-but alas-you were only human, and 80 pounds of stone pressing on you like an actual lion was not looking good.
Your head hit the floor again, your vision upside-down as you saw Harry being pinned, screaming as a pair of jaws bit into his shoulder, Jay and Gil being cornered into a tree, as another lion circled Carlos and Dude; the fourth lion eyeing the group-as if determining which boy to make its meal.
Harry screamed again, his voice breaking as he sobbed in immense pain. You looked back at him, tears burning at your eyes as you felt a heat burn at your inner left wrist-almost feeling like a fire was sparking at your skin. “Harry!” you yelled out, giving one final shove to the lion on top of you, not bothering to look as you somehow pushed it off of you and it landed a few feet away, looking shocked you had done that.
You ignored the sudden burst of strength and bolted over to your boyfriend, the flurry of adrenaline and fire licking up your skin making you ignore the even larger lion-like figure that leaped over you towards Gil and Jay, the stone lion crumbling under its form.
You slammed into the lion that was pinning Harry, clenching your jaw as it ripped away from Harry’s shoulder and ripped his skin further, making him scream out in pain as the lion crashed into a tree and made it topple over-the lion's head cracking off from the impact.
“fuck-Harry!” you yelped, practically straddling your injured boyfriend, his free hand desperately grabbing at your thigh as you tried to figure out how to help him-the skin and clothes on his shoulder horribly mangled and bleeding rapidly. “fuck-fuck fuck!”
Your shoulders were grabbed and you were pulled back, you nearly bit whoever grabbed you but you calmed when you noticed a girl with dark long hair and a water gun spraying Harry, his wounds healing in an instant. “the fuck?” you whispered, but you pushed the how away and hugged Harry tightly as he sat up, wincing as the girl got the back of his shoulder as well. “oh my gods-don’t you ever do that again!” “call it payback fer Jay slicing yer back” Harry grunted, giving jay a sharp grin as he winced and rubbed the back of his head, muttering a small apology, Ben-BEN!(who was…very furry and had fangs?) hanging off his side, looking worried.
“Is he okay?” Ben asked, a slight lisp to his words, you turned back to Harry, who nodded, seeing his bite wound was gone, not even a scar. “thank the gods, actually-thank you Jane” jane, the girl with the water gun, nodded with a small smile, leaning into Carlos’ side as he hugged her.
“Ignoring furry Ben and magic water,” Gil suddenly said, grabbing your shoulder and making you stand “how in the hell did you do that? You can't even beat me in arm wrestling on a good day?” you furrowed your brows, wondering what he meant when he pointed at the decapitated lion and the other than you had pushed off of you(which was now crumbled to pieces thanks to Ben). you shrugged “adrenaline?” you questioned, not really knowing what you had done that was so miraculous, you had heard some people were able to access something akin to superhuman strength in times of need or desperation, yours was saving your boyfriend.
“I don’ think so” Harry muttered, pointing at your left inner wrist, where your leather bracelet was beginning to smoke. You yelped and ripped it off, seeing an indent in the inside of it, in the same shape as your tattoo-which was Hades’ symbol-one he made you get around 15 years old “so people know you’re under my protection” he had said.
Maybe he had given you much more than just protection.
“Fucking Hades” you grumbled, rubbing the tattoo-it was hot-like a lit ember. He really just had to do the most, didn’t he? Mal was going to be so fucking pissed.
Whatever-she should really direct at her dad though, it’s not like you chose him to give you so much attention. You didn’t mind it, but gods he was a weird one.
It took nearly an hour to get to Evie’s place-which-you had to admit was very nice. As you walked up the path to the patio/front doors(?), Mal and Uma threw open the doors, Mal bolting up to Ben as Uma met you and Harry halfway, eyes widening as she saw his torn shoulder. “what happened?!” Uma yelped, gingerly taking the ripped jacket fabric and folding it away from his skin, the fabric still stained with his blood-yet there was no injury to be seen.
“Audrey sent stone lions at us” you muttered, squeezing Harry’s free hand as he offered his hook to Uma, a small smile of comfort on his lips as Uma took it with her pinkie “one of ‘em went after Harry and got his shoulder bad-Jane” you nodded over to her, still holding the water-gun. “healed him with that magic water, so-no permanent damage”
Uma sighed in relief, waving her hand over Harry’s shoulder and fixing his clothes. Harry hummed with a smile, shaking his shoulder-happy to have his clothes back to normal and taking Uma in a hug-quietly asking her if she was okay. She nodded and patted his shoulder, then went to Gil to check him over.
You turned to Harry, smiling as he looked down at you, his thumb rubbing your exposed wrist after he took your arm. “you gonna tell her?” Harry asked quietly, meaning Uma-since you apparently had been fully claimed by Hades-her uncle. You shrugged “don’t really see a point to, might’ve been a one-time thing” you muttered back, leaning into his shoulder as everyone gathered up, Mal letting Ben/the group know about the clue they(Uma) found at Audrey’s dorm.
Harry led you over to Uma and Gil, Gil eating an orange that he somehow got. “we all think Audrey might be at Fairy cottage, any idea where that might be?” Mal asked, biting the inside of her lip as Ben nodded, crossing his arms as he glanced off to the side “yeah, Audrey took me there every fairy godmothers day…where is FG when you need her" he grumbled as an afterthought, everyone looking to Jane at that. She shrugged, suddenly looking crestfallen “I wish I knew” Jane mumbled, and then Carlos was at her side, a small red box in his hands-looking a bit flustered.
You turned away at that, letting them have their moment. Suddenly, it was decided that Jane and Doug would go out to look for FG, Uma stepped up to suggest they have some extra muscle, since-well-Doug wasn’t the best guard. Gil volunteered himself, and everyone announced they would feel better if he did go. Including Doug.
And soon enough, the three were off, leaving everyone else to plan for the fight/sneak attack on Audrey. Mal’s gaze caught on your inner left wrist as you passed by her to go inside, and she felt a small fire of jealousy ignite in her chest-but she ignored it for the moment, there were more important things going on than her daddy issues.
“so-you were just-stringing us all along??? And then what? then what Mal?? What were you going to do when we all realized-no more kids were coming off the isle? What was your plan??” Uma seethed at Mal, her eyes glowing with unparalleled anger. Mal stumbled with her words, stepping back as Uma stepped forward “were you just going to keep lying??? Keep dragging it on till you were backed into another corner?! What the absolute fuck mal!?!”
Uma threw her hands up, spinning on her heel and storming away from Mal, who looked worse than a deer caught in headlights. “I cannot believe I let myself trust you, that I let myself forgive you!? You never changed, you’re still that lying snide rotten no-good bitch!” Mal gasped for breath, shaking her head and trying to regain her footing but Uma just whirled around on her, getting in her face once more. “fuck you Mal. And here I thought I could be friends with you again, I thought Auradon did you good. All it did was put a wolf in sheep's clothing.” With that-Uma shoved Mal back, snapping her head towards the forest and storming off-you and Harry following behind her.
You stepped closer to Uma as you walked further into the forest-away from Mal-and grabbed her hand, squeezing it as she clutched it tightly, shaking in your grip. She was just-so angry-so angry she just wanted to stop and cry-she really couldn’t believe she let herself trust Mal again. Mal had done nothing but hurt her over and over again, and yet Uma let herself trust Mal again….only to be hurt-again.
Harry was just as angry, though his anger was quiet-and sad, his eyes downturned to the floor, his breath shaking and hook hanging limply from his fingertips-he had failed Uma-he promised to protect her and he failed, he let Mal hurt her…again.
As you crossed the threshold of Auroria castle courtyard-you heard Mal running up behind you, panting for breath and sounding heartbroken, an extinguished ember in her hands. “Uma!” Mal called out, her eyes and cheeks red and wet with tears “Uma-please-stop-please! We have a chance if we do this together!”
Uma stopped in her tracks, glaring into Mal’s red-rimmed eyes, uncaring for the sob fest Mal was offering “your friends kick you to the curb?” Mal just looked sad-her lip wobbling “good” Uma snapped, baring her teeth a little, and about to continue forward to find Gil, then get the hell outta Auradon after making a stop at the isle for the crew.
“Uma,” Mal started again, holding her hands up in near surrender “Ben-Ben saw something in you, and-and I finally saw it too; you-you care, about everyone! On the isle, your friends, hell even us four who-who practically left you all for dead three years ago” Uma frowned, trying to recall when she had cared about the four, but remembered the moments she protected them during the battle with the nights, and when she had helped Mal at the starter castle. “please-please help me, Auradon is worth saving, if not for me-then the kids that deserve to be here-I know I did a stupid thing and im sorry but” Mal sobbed, offering the ember that was black as coal-hoping Uma could help her reignite it. “please…”
Uma just stared, almost moved by her words-but-Harry, being done with Mal and her constant betrayals, took one look at Uma, and made a decision to not let Mal get the chance to hurt Uma again “you talk pretty” Harry snapped, glaring down at Mal, who suddenly realized he was also there “but-she’s already made up ‘er mind” Harry ended in a whisper, looking back down at Uma, not wanting to overstep her boundaries.
She looked back up at him, realized what he was doing, and nodded, looking back at Mal “you got yourself into this mess Mal, you get yourself outta it. Let’s go.” Uma patted Harry’s chest and grabbed your hand, the three of you moving around Mal and away from her.
Uma held her head up high as you entered the other side of the forest, taking the path you had taken from Evie’s place to hopefully find where Gil had gone. You all stopped at the sudden dragon roar that echoed through the forest and Uma turned on her heel, furrowing her brows as bright green fire and pink flashes of light illuminated the spaces between the trees.
Uma snarled to herself, turning again and kicking a tree, you and Harry jumping back to give her space as she cursed loudly “This is stupid, this is stupid-this is so fucking stupid!” Uma finally yelled out, turning and bolting back towards the castle, you and Harry close behind. “are we helping Mal all of a sudden?!” Harry yelped out, puffing as you chased after Uma. You shrugged, your feet nearly sliding out from under you as you came to a sudden stop-Audrey was on one of the spires of the castle, Mal flying around her attempting to do-something-you didn’t know what.
But you heard someone screaming out in fear and panic-and it sounded like “Celia!” Uma yelped, regaining her senses and bolting forward again, you and Harry once again at her heels “Mal doesn't stand a chance without the ember, and without the ember, Ceila’s gonna get hurt!” Uma hurriedly explained, running towards the battle between Audrey and Mal-Mal attempting to ignite the ember with her dragon fire-only for nothing to happen.
Audrey took Mal’s moment of confusion with the ember to strike her wing and chest-the ember flying out of her claw and sending Mal spiraling to the ground, a pained roar echoing across the courtyard. The ember hit the grass along with Mal-who whined and rubbed her scaley face into the dirt crater she had created with her crash.
Audrey cackled from her place upon the spires, pink lightning crashing into the sky, Celia screaming as she was held tight to Audrey’s side, the scepter nearly pressed to her face in a threatening motion.
“shit-where the ember go?!” Uma yelled, running up to Mal to assess the damage done by Audrey, while you and Harry turned to look for the dropped ember. You spotted a slight spark in the dark of the grass, bolting over and grabbing the dark ember; flipping the crystal in your fingers “got’cha” you muttered, wincing as you felt your wrist burn again, eyes widening as the ember begin to relight, your wrist tattoo glowing the same color. You sighed and shook your head, fucking Hades.
You turned, about to get the ember to Mal and Uma when a strike of lightning missed you by only a few inches, Harry and Uma calling your name in panic. You looked up, seeing Audrey looking right back down at her, eyes locked onto the sparking ember-her eyes lit with rage.
“oh, shit” you muttered, taking a leaping step back as she sent another bolt at you, clearly trying to stop you from reigniting the ember. Uma and Harry called your name again, and you turned, seeing  Mal looking right at you-her dragon eyes wide with panic. You grunted as you were blasted off your feet, rolling into the hit and soon standing back up-looking down at the ember that was still sparking-waiting for you to put a little more juice into it.
You looked up, seeing smoke curling into the sky, still Audrey's magic; but not the same spell she had been using. Something told you; you couldn’t be able to dodge this one. You took a deep breath, clutching the ember in your hands and reeling your arm back, throwing it just as lightning came down from the sky, hitting you just as the ember left your fingers-glowing a bright blue as it ignited at the last second.
Harry let out a wail, bolting towards you-or well-were you used to be-now there only stood a statue-mid throw and face set into determination. “(Y/N)!!” Harry screamed-dropping his hook into the grass and cupping your face, tears polluted by his eyeliner streaming down his face.
Uma stared in shock, the ember sitting limply in her hands, Mal next to her staring in shock, her dragon eyes blinking rapidly-you-you had just sacrificed yourself…to-to save Auradon? Mal huffed quietly, jumping as the sky above darkened with clouds, rain suddenly falling upon them like sheets. Mal turned, eyes widening as Uma began to emit a glow from her body, her necklace echoing like a homing beacon.
The ember dropped to the grass and Mal quickly picked it up with her claws-watching in near horror as lightning and thunder coursed across the sky-Uma staring at Audrey with a stare that could kill a god. Audrey stared back, looking very frightened. “oh I fucked up” Audrey muttered, screaming as Uma suddenly appeared in front of her in a flash of lightning and punched her in the face, sending Audrey off the spire.
Harry looked up as thunder crashed in his ears, his hands on your shoulders as he stepped closer to you, hoping whatever Uma had tapped into wouldn’t hurt you. Celia was suddenly at his feet in a swirl of teal-looking dizzy and confused before she jumped up and hugged his waist, the two watching in near awe as Uma hit Audrey over and over again, flashes of lightning marking her sudden teleportation skills as Audrey was blasted back with a powerful tunnel of water. Audrey gagged, dropping the scepter and bending over, hugging her stomach after Uma hit her right in the gut.
“How-fuckin-dare-“ Audrey cursed, eyes widening as Uma came to a sudden stop, her eyes glowing gold as Mal rose up behind her, roaring as her wings spread wide-the ember glowing brightly in her hands. “Don’t you Auradon brats know?” Uma snarled, tilting her head down dangerously “villains never win.” In a bright flash of blue light-Audrey dropped to the floor, the scepter dim once more and the queen's crown rolling off of Audrey’s head, the princess cleansed of the evil magic.
Uma let out a shuddering sigh, turning and bolting over to Harry-the pirate still holding your stone form-Celia still clinging to him-letting him go in favor of Uma-who quickly took the girl in her arms and made sure she was okay before she slipped under Harry’s arms and held your face-sobbing at the cold feeling against her fingers “(y/n)” she whispered, rubbing her thumb against your cheek.
Uma’s lip wobbled, years in her eyes as she nearly collapsed; she had just gotten her boys back, and now one was a statue. Harry held her tight as her legs shook, pressing his cheek to the top of her head as she sobbed into her hands. They turned as Mal’s friends burst out of the tree line on the opposite side of the courtyard, Mal looking overjoyed to see them. “you’re okay!” Mal cried as she transformed back into a human, jumping into Evie’s arms. Evie let her have the hug, but still looked very upset with Mal.
Mal suddenly pulled back, her eyes wide “But-if you guys are okay-then why isn’t…” Mal turned, looking towards you, wondering why you were still stone. Uma frowned, overhearing Mal and turning to her “What? what do you mean?” Uma cried, and Mal bit her lip “They-Audrey turned them to stone” Mal gestured to her friends and fiancé “but-with her defeat and they turned back-so-why?” Mal gestured to the defeated Audrey, and then to you-still stone. “Why didn’t (y/n) turn back?”
Uma glanced between you and Mal, then pointed at the ember “use the fucking-dumb thing-undo it!” Mal swallowed, seeing Audrey was dead asleep-and she could sense the spells Audrey cast were turning against her-and Mal wasn’t sure the ember could reverse this-as far as she knew-it was just a power drainer. “i-I don’t think I can use it to do that” Mal whispered, bowing her head as Uma let out an enraged cry, Harry holding her tight, hiding his face in her hair, his shoulders shaking a bit.
Did-did they just lose you? Did they risk their fucking lives just to lose one of the loves of their lives??? In what way was that fair?! It was deadly quiet in the courtyard as Uma sobbed in Harry’s arms, the two grieving for their lost love-oh god-what would they tell Gil?
Mal realized-the relationship between the four pirates-were much more serious than she thought…idea! “Uma!” Mal suddenly yelped out, running over to her and sliding to a stop next to her “you three-you love (y/n), right?” Harry and Uma glanced at each other, then at (y/n), then they nodded “and you all love each other?” they nodded again, and Mal grinned, gesturing to (y/n)’s stone form “remember what you said earlier, to Evie?” Uma furrowed her brows, wondering what Mal meant “True loves kiss?” Mal encouraged, hoping that helping the pirates help get (y/n) back-would ease the guilt she felt (about multiple things) “works every time?”
Uma swallowed harshly, stepping away from Harry and towards (y/n)-biting the inside of her lip as Harry followed her. “you think that’ll work?” Uma asked quietly, not really talking to anyone. Mal nodded- stepping back and covering her mouth as Harry and Uma stepped closer to you. “yeah-I think you might need Gil though” Mal muttered, jumping as Uma waved her hand-Gil appearing in a swirl of teal.
He looked utterly confused; before a heartbroken expression spread across his face at the sight of you “What happened?” Gil cried, rushing to his lover’s side, reaching out to take your outstretched hand. Uma quietly muttered the events that had happened only minutes before and Gil slowly nodded, understanding what they had to do.
Mal turned with a glance from Harry, making her ‘friends’ do the same. With their backs turned, the three pirates each took a place close to you, Uma was on your front, her hands on your shoulders, Harry on your left, and Gil on your right. They all took a deep breath and leaned in, pressing their lips to your skin (Uma to your lips), all stepping back after a long moment, holding their breaths as they waited all too long to see if their kisses worked.
The tension fell from their bodies as the stone began to crack and crumble away from your body, your chest rising with a deep breath as your upper body was freed from your stone prison. “That was fucking terrifying” you muttered, collapsing into your beloved’s arms, wrapping your arms around Harry’s waist as Uma buried her face in your neck, soaking your jacket with her fresh tears of relief.
You hummed, feeling Gil wrapping his arms around you, Uma, and Harry, squeezing the three of you tightly and comfortably “Thank the gods that worked” Gil muttered, making the others nod in agreement. You pulled away slightly, pecking Harry’s lips, then Uma’s, then Gil’s, bringing them all back in for another hug “I love you” you whispered, and they all whispered it back.
It was decided that Hades would be brought over to Auradon to hopefully save Audrey from her rebounded spells; and Uma, Harry, you, Gil, and Celia; would return to the isle as well-to protect the kids still there. in the meantime-Ben had a few rooms set up for you four-but you all clambered up in one room anyway-not caring for how scandalized FG looked at the idea of four people dating at one time-but she quickly got over it-spelling the bed into one that could fit you all.
Hours later-after Uma, Harry, and Gil had settled-you couldn’t sleep, wandering about the halls of Beast castle-trailing your hands upon the claw marks Ben had set into the walls. You ended up in the library, sitting on one of the window seats, a book resting in your hands, the pages flipping idly by once in a while as you read.
You heard someone walk up about an hour into your reading, you glanced up-seeing Mal in her pajamas, looking like she had seen a ghost. She was probably still reeling from the fact that everyone turned against her after she revealed her lies-and from the fact she had been the deciding factor in Audrey’s turn to evil. You hummed as she stepped closer, flipping the page of your book as you finished the page. She climbed up onto the window seat with you, sitting cross-legged across from you, staring at you while you continued to read.
You glanced up after a few minutes, seeing her just-still staring at you, her hand clenched around the glowing ember. “yes?” you muttered, closing the book and setting it aside, leaning back against the window seat wall. Mal huffed, curling gin on herself, hugging her legs as her eyes went down to the ember “why did he choose you?” Mal asked quietly, her nose scrunching slightly-finally airing out the question that had been bugging her for so many years now-the reason she had been so mean to you.
You sighed, letting your head hit the wall behind you “he-he who? I hate the pronoun game Mal.” Mal rolled her eyes, tossing the ember at you, you easily caught it, spinning it between your fingers “Hades. My dad. Why did he choose you? Why did you get him? why did you get my dad when I was left with my crazy mother” Mal hissed, pouting as you let out a low sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
“look-Mal” you leaned towards her, resting your elbows on your knees “I don’t know. And frankly-I don’t care. but-“ Mal was about to yell, you could tell, so you quickly held your hand up-stopping her from doing so “-I do understand why you care-and I agree, it’s not fair to you. You’re his kid, his biological kid, and yet he didn’t claim you. It has to sting, I get that, my actual parents shunned me for being trans-“ Mal frowned, remembering the day your biological “mother” chased you down the market street-cursing your dead name to the heavens about how you were such a disappointment, and how god would never forgive you.
Your father had disowned you the same day, throwing all your stuff out of your house. It had been the same week you had become a grave digger. But you didn’t care about that now-you had a better family, your pirates-your….boss/father figure that was actually Mal’s dead-beat dad. “-so believe me-I do get not being wanted by your parents.” You reached out, taking Mal’s hand.
A tear streaked down her cheek, her face crumpling and she sniffed “its-just…he found someone worth changing for…but I just wish it was me” Mal sobbed, her father-her father who abandoned her when she was a baby, not even old enough to remember him ever holding her-had easily taken in a child that wasn’t his own-becoming a father of someone not his blood.
Honestly-she was proud of that change-she-she just wanted to be the reason he did. You hummed at her words, tilting your head slightly, encouraging her to continue. Mal sniffed again, tears streaming down her face “because if he changed for you, it means-it means-I wasn’t worthy enough for him to change.” You let out a long sigh, gripping Mal’s hand tightly.
“He’s an asshole Mal, it’s not hard to admit” Mal snorted, wiping away her tears with her free hand, yet they still kept coming “he’s an asshole who ignored his kid for some random one who couldn’t care less about him-you did deserve to have a proper parent, everyone does. So fuck him. I don’t know why he chose me-and I don’t care-but blame him for that shit-that was all his choice-“ you leaned towards her, tipping up her chin and giving her a small grin “but don’t blame me for his choices, don’t blame me for his assholery-you don’t wanna be judged by your parents right?”
Mal suddenly flushed, realizing how much of a hypocrite she had been “Then don’t do the same for me, okay?” Mal let out a long shaking sigh, nodding and wiping her tears, letting out a whimpered apology to you-a true heartfelt apology “I’m so-so sorry (y/n)” Mal whispered, her shoulders slumping. “I shouldn’t have treated you the way I have these last years-just because of my dad being a butt” you snorted “i-I’m so sorry.”
You smiled, taking her hand again “Apology accepted.” Mal sated at you, her eyes filling with years again “Now if you can give that kinda apology to your friends, and make up for your choice-I’m sure they’ll accept your apology too” Mal rolled her eyes, sliding off the window seat and starting to walk away “Mallll”
“I will-I promise. Thank you (y/n), goodnight….and I’ve changed my mind on the barrier thing” Mal muttered as a final word as she walked away, making you grin-flipping the ember in your fingers, your eyes flashing yellow with the gift of hades.
“She actually apologized to you? Mal??”  Uma asked as she looked up at you from your lap, Harry’s head tucked into your shoulder as Gil lay across his chest. It had only been a few hours since the four of you returned to the isle-Hades probably being transported back to the isle by now-hopefully after successfully waking Audrey. But the four of you had settled into Uma’s cabin upon your return-finally able to enjoy each other's company.
 You nodded with a hum, curling a strand of Uma’s braided hair around your fingers, shrugging as Harry let out a scoff “she did-actually admitted why she hated me n stuff” you muttered, dropping your hand into Harry’s that rested on your stomach “Girls got a lotta parental issues-it’s a wonder she hasn’t gone to therapy yet.”
Harry let out a loud snort, shaking his head as he got comfortable in your side, Gil rearranging himself to do the same.  “The day she goes to therapy, is the day I’ll give Jay a hug” Harry joked-giggling as you wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him up to kiss the top of his head. he easily turned that into a full kiss-soon turning heated as he pulled himself up and wrapped his arms around you, his tongue poking at your bottom lip.
You chuckled into his mouth, letting him explore your mouth as Uma’s warm hands drifted under your shirt, her thumb caressing the scars across your chest. “Getting frisky are we?” you purred as Harry pulled away, his soft lips trailing down your scruffy jaw, his hands cupping the back of your head.
Gil laughed as he sat up from Harry’s torso-moving to sit on your other side and taking off his shirt “honestly-you got turned to stone a few days ago-I think we all need a bit of tlc” you let out a laugh, soon interrupted by Uma’s lips as Harry’s attached to your neck, his hands trailing down to your waist, sliding under your boxers.
You hummed into Uma’s mouth as Harry’s fingers trailed over the sensitive nerve that was soaked with your slick-his fingers eventually venturing inside you-pressing against your g-spot. You moaned into Uma’s mouth, rocking your hips into Harry’s fingers, Harry’s still-clothed cock rocking up against your thigh. Gil watched the show with excited eyes, his hand resting on his thigh as the other trailed up Uma’s arm as she continued to lavish you with kisses.
“you wanna fuck or be fucked (y/n)” Gil asked, drawing his hand Under Uma’s Shirt, undoing her bra. You hummed at the question, licking your lips as Harry’s palm rubbed against your nerve. You smirked, turning to Harry, grabbing his chin-forcing him to look up at you, his eyes dilated and half-lidded-his cheeks bright red “fuck me my pretty pirate” you purred, chuckling as he leaned up and kissed you heavily, Uma leaning back to enjoy the show, taking off her shirt as Gil rubbed her back-her clothes joining Gil’s on the floor.
“kiss me sunshine boy” Uma purred, giggling as Gil took her face and kissed her, Harry climbing on top of you as Uma was moved to Gil’s lap. You watched Gil lavish Uma with his lips, Harry taking your pants and sliding them own-allowing you to sit up and take off your jacket and shirt. You kissed Harry as he popped back up, smirking as he moaned, his nimble fingers curling around your wrists, thumb rubbing your exposed tattoo.
“Love ya bug” you whispered to Harry as he pulled away, his lips swollen, he smiled at you and kissed you again, echoing your words back as your arms wrapped around his waist.
“love ya too (y/n)”
Sorry for not doing full smut!!! Not really in a mood for that heh. But daaaaaaaaaaang this took me WAY too long to write T_T I think I got this commission way back in September-and now its nearly Christmas-legit less than a week away-but-! Hey! I got it done before the new year!!! But yeah-this will be the last of my harry fics for now-unless I get very inspired. My commissions aren’t closed tho-so-don’t be afraid to ask-I just will limit what I write about if it’s about Harry(aka no d3-that was what fucked me over on this fic)
But anyways-thank you @random-thoughts-004 for being so patient while I wrote this!!!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@anythingbutmar @dai-tsukki-desu @imtryingthisout @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap @thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
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bks-blogs · 5 months
101DS Series Bible Commentary Pt. 1
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How's it goin', my dedicated pups? Danuki here! Later tonight, I'll begin the live-tweet of the official 101 Dalmatian Street Pilot Episode, stating by reading through the series bible first!😁
Hope you dedicated pups are ready!👏🥳
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So… Let's start by looking into the series bible! The first set pages doesn't really show anything special.
It basically gives us the rundown on what we know about 101 Dalmatian Street. But the concept art of the Dalmatians residence shows, how much the series had evolved during the first stages of production.
To sum it up, the house looks nothing like the Radcliffe's former residence with how the structure was designed and aligned with other buildings.
A first sign that the show originally may not have been planned to take place in the original 101 Dalmatians film from 1961. Or if it was still planned to be set in the film's timeline, maybe at a different location?🤔
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We were able to learn more about an unused plot element of Dodie Smith (The author of the original 101 Dalmatians book) being the eccentric owner of Delilah Dalmatian and living on a faraway island. Well... actually, not Dodie Smith, but the name of this unseen character is Dodie McDot. As the name suggests, McDot has a weird obsession with spots, and an eccentric artsist who makes his living off of spot-related art. But at the time when the art world grew bored of his work, he ended up broke. This unseen character is FULL of mystery, and I hope for the staff adresses his character in some shape or form in a possible Season 2.
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The series Bible gives us a little bit more info of what we know about the two parents of 101, Delilah and Doug.
We get more insight of how the recent generation of 101 Dalmatians came together: Each parent bringing 15 pups of their own, while rescuing 54 from the streets, pet shops and shelters.
My dedicated pups, I think this may probably be the most canon backstory if the writers of the show decide to go with it in a potential second Season!😁
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Nothing really new to know in the bios of Dylan and Dolly. Just basically gives us what we know about our favorite duo throughout the first season.
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The first page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, there's nothing new we know about the members, aside from what we know watching through the 52 episodes of the series. And apparently, the 15 siblings had a bit of a different color scheme. Triple D originally had different shades of pink, possibly to stand out more, Dorothy's collar was originally light blue, and DJ supposedly was planned to have a black ring around his left eye.
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2nd page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, nothing new to learn about, but we do know that the Dimitrios do get a mention among the some of the other 101 brothers and sisters, despite not being in the series bible.
So, it's very possible the Dimitris were given their own designs after the success of the pilot.
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Next up, we get a look at the early concepts of the Dalmatians residence, as well as a black-n-white (Get it?) ref of the final designs the Dalmatians', Clarissa's and Constantine's houses. As the houses are modeled after the buildings in the UK, the designs chosen for the buildings are quite obvious. Of course, we also get a look at the early designs of the pinpoints in Camden, like the Canal and the Barista!
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Now let's take a peak at the friends and Neighbots of 101 Dalmatian Street! Here we get a better clarification of Clarissa's friends, Prunella and Arabella. Apparently they seem to secretly enjoy the Dalmatians' antics unlike Clarissa. Also... I may be the only one here, but I actually kinda like Arabella's early design with the white fur, the black tips on her ears, and the pink accessory she was originally going to wear! Now, for Constantine! So, apparently in the Bible, aside from what we know about him in the actual series, Consantine is a YouTuber, making videos talking about meanings of life. We also learn why we never see his human in the show. He's a Russian Architect who travels the world as part of work, meaning he's almost never home.
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Going through the next batch of pages featuring Dylan & Dolly's friends and foes, let's take a look at the most obvious ones.
For starters, Fergus originally had red eyes in the pilot, and apparently those were still present in his final design before removing them altogether for the final product. I'm honestly glad they did it, cause I'm sure children watching the show would be asking their parents why Fergus' eyes are red.😂
Ignoring the red eyes though, Fergus' early pilot design definitely looks badass compared to final one, but I'm cool with either one of them.😁
We also learn that Roxy's pet human is a gamer girl, which my explain why our goofy rottweiler jumped at the opportunity to play Poodlewolf with Dylan in "The Perfect Match".🎮
Then there's Hansel, who was originally name Heathcliff. Apparently, he was originally supposed to be the leader of macho huskies, and Dylan and Dolly are too nervous to interact with him (Much like how Dylan was nervous meeting Roxy, I suppose). That concept was likely ditched in order to make Hansel a more sensitive, soft person with a cowardly personality. Which is what makes him cute, IMO!😍
Lastly, we get a look at a early concept design of Godfrey. Our Golden Retriever was originally going to look much younger in the early show concepts. We also learn that he's an overly cautious dog who senses danger possibly everywhere, which may explain his paranoid reaction to the mention of the fictitious Camden Kraken in "Long Tongue Day".😛
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We also get a look at one of Hunter De Vil's 2nd-to-final design alongside Cuddles! I honestly think this would actually make a great wardrobe for a reformed Hunter in a possible future Season of the show.
We also get a little backstory between Hunter and Cruella De Vil and how Cruella raised Hunter to hate Dalmatians through twisted bedtime stories. (Yeah, Best Aunt of the Year, am I right, my dedicated pups? LOL)
We also learn that Hunter is 12-years-old in the show, and apparently he takes from his Dad with his obsession with fluffy, spotted Dalmatians.
And… is it just me, or does Cuddles look a bit like Sgt. Tibbs at first glance? Maybe it's the early design, idk.🤔
To be Continued in Part 2!!
@disneytva @mandareeboo @msitubeatz @adrigummi @alioks-blog @aapaperbag @carlycmarathecat @cadpig101 @doglover502 @egonoidea @fenrisarts @ghostindeedee @higburger @incorrect101dalmatians @jayofthetrees @julie-ghouls @kit-c0re @notsoblackandwhite101 @polarpace @rahitoshi @rainbowchromatic @stoatfloat @straysketches @themilesfox @t00nified @versailercat @xfangheartx @samtheangelfox @cachicabra @chelledoggo @dramatic-disraeli @derektahki @aquarellewolf-blog @hyperaura @deadyoung45 @avalanchesparkgrenade @101dalmatianstreet @natedraws @retroartpup @julie-ghouls @mariakarmakova @mnmarsart @ratrrriot @marylikesstuff @marieecarlat @ninjaaa-go @pawreadingpup @sk4w-ro4r @aquarellewolf-blog @mel-toons @seisai1751 @egonoidea @triocat
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manasurge · 1 year
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Mourynn, my GW2 OC's bio page! This is just meant to be a simplified breakdown of her character where I will branch out (lol) to all the other aspects in detail in their own separate posts/drawings. I just wanted her bio to me more visual instead of all just text, and I also included some inspirations with a little background info to fill in some blanks (which will be expanded upon later as well). to note: - she does, for the most part, follow the canonical Commander storyline, except not EVERY part and with not the same exact personality of the in game player character either (tbh I don't think anyone's Commander OCs do so I suppose this is obvious lol) - allowing her to still play the Commander role (to a slightly lesser degree but still just enough) allows me to integrate her into all areas of Tyria, and with a more diverse set of experiences and characters to interact with and keep her involved in the major storyline (ESPECIALLY with the Elder Dragon storyline. I'm going to have lots of fun with those interactions and experiences) - this also opens more doors for giving her unique experiences in these different zones with different characters that don't happen in game (since it's easier for me to work with an existing storyline instead fo fully creating a new one. Uses up less of my brain battery) - this also allows me to poke fun at some things in game with Mourynn in character bc I have SO many things saved up that are highly amusing to me and this way I can use a bunch of my saved screenshots to my potential. - I'm also taking advantage of a bunch of plot holes and other spans of time (such as the Firstborn Era before the Secondborn came about) Her dragon form will have it's own page (with inspirations) since there is lots I still need to design and showcase, and I wanted it to have it's own separate focus! Everything will make more sense once it's all done (such as explaining how a firstborn and scion(?) are to exist at the same time, I have a fun way to which I wanna explain it once I'm done the dragon bio page). I'll also have a separate breakdown of her Elite spec and showing/explaining what it does and how it works bc it was a lot of fun to create.
Anyways this is a VERY self indulgent OC, and since I only ever make one OC (since they're almost always a self-insert to some degree with me), she's going to be very spoiled and will allow me to give her lots of attention and have fun with all the dynamics. I also can't mentally handle more than one OC bc that is WAY too overwhelming for me lol.
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wisehearts · 1 month
sometimes it feels like non-english speaking parts of byler fandom are waaay more chill about everything. they usually treat byler like any other ship and don't try to put byler on this pedestal that english speaking fandom tries to do. in my local fandom, people openly write E and M-rated fics and draw somewhat spicy art. meanwhile in english speaking fandom, you have to either create a separate account for it or post your fic and art anonymously. and I understand that people do it to not get harassed but I don't get why people even feel the need to harass someone over a piece of fiction.
also I noticed that in my local fandom, people don't make a big deal of noah 'scandal'. people are either completely unaware of it (because they generally don't care about the cast) or aware of it and don't think it's a big deal.
idk I mainly interact with an english speaking fandom but sometimes I go to my local fandom and damn, it's so chill there compared to here. I just hope that someday english speaking fandom will get normal..
sorry I believe this was sent after I reblogged the will in the dress art and yep, I agree! In my other fandoms people love flocking to the non-english speaking content for some good stuff. I appreciate their carefree, mature and sane energy so much!
I think fandom has changed a lot in recent years, the general culture online has gotten worse and leaves the older people in fandoms confused as hell because it just wasn't like this not long ago. even for media where characters were younger like st (at least from my memory). because you're right, there isn't a reason to harass someone over fiction and the general rule was block and scroll, don't mass report and chase people off, but now everyone feels a need to virtue signal and show that they have the best morals (while setting the queer community back decades with all the conservative rhetoric and beliefs as they do so). And of course there's the case of these people never having been in a fictional fandom before, not knowing how it works and treating these fictional characters like they're real people. getting defensive as if they can be harmed, and so not treating byler like any other (probably older teen or adult character) ship.
I do wonder how much they notice how different the western side of the fandom is because I know one consistent now well known artist drew byler with mike grabbing will, a bed clearly drawn in the corner, with 💞at night💞 written on the page, and the caption saying "what will happen next?" and when they got a bunch of comments going 🤨 and asking if it was dirty they said no and added "no sex 😇" to their bio. and I just can't help but wonder if that was them realizing the western fandom is hostile and saving their ass, or what.
I'm glad to hear your local fandom is relaxed, I hope it gets better here too! It has been slowly tbh but... I think we'll really have to see once the party are aged up. lots of people only care about characters if they're adults or older teens so we might get an influx of mature adults to help reshape the space. I just want a normal fandom too
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
HMMM. well, depending on your definition of weird, there's probably several. i went down quite the rabbit hole looking up facts about albireo (a star in the constellation cygnus) while plotting out the core four space adventures fic i have yet to post, but i mean who doesn't love astronomy wikipedia pages???
the most fun big research deep dive i've gone on anytime recently though was the blue-banded goby one. i was thinking about ways to write kryptonian biology as different from human, and then started thinking abt how a lot of mammals have largely bimodal models of sexual dimorphism, but other parts of the animal kingdom do it differently. blue-banded gobies are really cool because they're bidirectional hermaphrodites, so they just change their sex to whatever's more convenient, and can undergo that change multiple times in their life cycles!!!
i skimmed a few papers, but this one ("Structural changes in the ovotestis of the bidirectional hermaphrodite, the blue-banded goby (Lythrypnus dalli), during transition from ova production to sperm production") was my favorite. there's a set of fish in there who both transitioned from producing ova to sperm and i think about them often. it's just so funny to me. this is so funny to me. oh we're both girls so neither of us can fertilize eggs? not to worry i'll grow some spermatogenic tissue-- wait. what are you doing.
overall i just love doing scientific research, especially in biological fields (im a bio student with preclinical laboratory experience so like. its my jam!!!). i also did a whole bunch of reading on various melliferous plants before writing a sex pollen fic. the research in question influenced all of one (1) line in said fic. BUT!! it was still fun fhjkds
Writers' Truth & Dare Ask Game!
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irrealisms · 8 months
You dont have sex because you're waiting for marriage or because being gay is a sin?
man i dont remember posting anything abt not having sex/celibacy/being side b before this ask, idk what this was inspired by. it's probably bait (and, quite frankly, it's none of your business why i'm having or not having sex) which is why i waited almost a full week to answer but i'm going to answer it anyway (once) because i want to be open about this. if you or anyone else is interested in having a discussion on why i believe the things i do, send me a message or an ask off anon. i'm much more willing to be vulnerable in a setting that isn't "anon question that is probably bait".
as a clarification that will probably mean very little to my secular followers but will be appreciated by my side b followers (and hopefully at least mean something to my side a Christian followers): i reject this dichotomy. i'm celibate because i'm gay--but i don't think being gay is a sin. i am gay. i do not believe my existence is a sin. i believe that i've found many beautiful and true things from being gay, and that God made me gay for a reason. i am glad i'm gay, and i don't wish i were straight or pray to become straight. so, so much of side b advocacy within the Church is focused around making it clear that, while being gay comes with different temptations than being straight, it is not a sin to be gay. (note also: different temptations. not "being gay comes with temptations and being straight doesn't".) it would be a slap in the face to not start with that. i share a lot of thoughts on this with eve tushnet, who's also a side b Catholic lesbian; this post was incredibly meaningful to me on my journey, but check out her blog if you want more.
but also, yeah. i don't have sex because i converted to Catholicism with the intent of obeying the Church's doctrine. i note in my bio that i obey the doctrine of the Church. and, well, i can't get gay married as a Catholic, and i'm not supposed to have extramarital sex. so i don't i know that there are side a Catholics, many of whom i respect, but i'm not one of them. i don't believe in "ex-gay" therapy or "pray the gay away" and i don't think that being gay is inherently sinful, but (and here's the part that i assume you're reading for) i do believe that having gay sex is a sin. i follow the teachings laid out in the Catechism, to the best of my ability and understanding. that's in my about page. right now, for me, as a lesbian: that means celibacy. the Catechism is pretty clear on that, imo. i don't talk about this often because most of my friends (and, for that matter, tumblr followers) are queer non-Christians, many of whom have trauma around Christianity and Christian homophobia (which is, to be clear, very real, even if you agree that gay sex is a sin). but like... i'm just living my life. i go to Mass on Sundays and i fast during Lent (or get permission not to from the local priest, when my eating disorder makes it a health concern) because doing otherwise would be a sin; not having sex (or masturbating! which was/is tbh much harder for me to give up than partnered sex! but people ask a lot less about that, because it's less discourse bait and more clearly none of anyone else's business) is the same sort of thing, to me. was it hard (is it hard)? yes, sometimes. but God doesn't just ask me for sacrifices that are easy. maybe some day i'll change my mind again and become side a or deconvert altogether. maybe i'm wrong about things! but this is where i'm at right now.
for what it's worth, i'm happy. i don't hate myself. as mentioned earlier, i'm glad i'm gay and i don't want to be straight. my life is full of love--from friends, family, God. celibacy has had its downsides and painful moments for me, but it's also had its upsides and moments of joy. i've been able to deepen and prioritize and value my friendships. it's been valuable and beautiful and worth it. fundamentally: i believe what i believe, and i'm living true to that. if you want to unfollow me for this, go for it. if you want to filter it, my tag for religion + queerness + being side b is #too gay to live too trad to die.
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electricea · 2 months
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Anonymous sent - 💡 for the munday ask thing ! ( Munday Communication Meme - Accepting! )
💡- Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
Being completely honest, it's something I try to avoid if I can - it's not that I don't think other muns have these amazing and cool bio pages, I'm in awe of people and their ideas every day but I'm also very cautious about ideas rubbing off on me, subconsciously or not, so even though I may read or like a headcanon post - I try not to let it influence my own writing - if someone has a cool idea going that's good for them and I'm happy for them, but I don't want to end up copying their idea - and that's not to say I set out to copy, but an idea can get wedged in my mind and I might write about it not realizing or remembering where it was originally pulled from, so I don't really get inspired by that. If it's a meta post written generally by just a Tumblr blog and not by another mun, I might agree with it and headcanon it as well - since to me there's a difference about being inspired by some meta post that a fan made and a meta post that another mun worked really hard on and thought out, themselves. Still love reading everyone's meta/headcanon/bio posts!
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Spidersona/OC timEE!!
This is my duder (+a Pete)! Their name is a mix of arachnid and cryptid, and I’m so excited to do some multiverse doodles with them! :-D
(Ofc click for details and info. Some possibly squicky skin/body things mentioned. Short IDs in ALT, full image descriptions below cut)
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Image descriptions:
Image 1:
An OC reference sheet. It is titled “The Arachtid” in varying shades of blue text. The character stands on their own to the left, their suit’s front and back designs to the right.
The character out of the suit is a partial skeleton, surrounded in places by dotted lines to indicate an invisible body. There are some veins and bits of old skin still stuck to the skeleton, and they are missing their right hand, and most of both their legs. They have clawed fingers, and there is an extra set of pale eyes sitting on the skull further up from the empty sockets.
The body of the suit is grey. There are yellow guards on the wrists, matching the yellow boots/legs, and a yellow star shaped symbol on the chest. All three are overlayed with a greenish-glowing web pattern. The face and shoulders of the suit are blue, leading down to a spider’s face coming out of the neck area just above the star. Legs also reach for the star from the shoulders and upper arms. Matching colored spiders sit on the hips of the suit, facing the center. The eyes on the suit are a light blue outlined in pale yellow, an extra eye above each to match the extra eyes on the skeleton. The hands of the suit have claws as well. Additionally, the back shot shows the open palms of the suit colored in a light yellow that fades out from the center of the palms. On the back of the costume, blue spider legs come down from the back of the neck to pull up yellow webbing that spills down into the pattern of the boots and legs.
Multiple labels point to different parts of the designs. The first batch is around the skeleton. The first one reads “invisible body around all of it” with arrows pointing to different points on the skeleton. The next points to the extra eyes and reads, “Mutated extra set of spider eyes (can see in the dark, regular sockets can’t).” The next points to veins visible wrapping around the bones of the left arm, reading, “Some veins, bones, and skin still around.” Below that is a label pointing to dark puncture wounds on a patch of skin on the skeleton’s ribs that reads, “Bite from spider.” An arrow points between the clawed hands of the skeleton and the clawed hands of the suit, reading, “Mutated claw fangs. Can do scratching damage/cling to things, and can flex down and inject a venomous bite at will.” The next label points to the extra set of eyes on the suit, reading, “Extra eyes for extra eyes.” An arrow below points to the small yellow web shooter on the back of their wrist. The label reads, “Web fluid comes from bones (don’t ask). Shooters help to aim it better!” The last label points to the head and shoulders of the back of the suit and reads, “Head and shoulder coloring forms a spider.”
Image 2:
The same page as before with some changes. The skeleton remains, but the suit design is covered up and replaced with a bio. Above the skeleton is also a small drawing of an alternate Peter Parker (described later). The skeleton is labeled as being 5 feet 5 inches or 165 centimeters. A small note to the side says they died at 20.
The biography is in bullet points and has small doodles next to most of them. It reads:
No current non-hero name (likes to take suggestions)
Was bitten by an escaped early trial of the spider experiment that would go on to bite Peter Parker. And died from it. (Accompanying doodle is a skull with X eyes and the tongue sticking out)
Corpse mutated, reacting to radioactive alterations laced with mystic enhancement, and a few years later, they reanimated (accompanying doodle is a bony arm reaching up out of dirt)
Became friends with the Peter Parker Spider-man of their world who had become a hero in the meantime. Peter helped to get them into hero work (accompanying doodle is of both their heads next to each other with happy eyes)
They’re not exactly a hero duo but they work together a lot to protect NYC and are good friends :-) (accompanying doodle of their fists bumping in-suit)
Keeps their suit on in public/in any spiderverse visits since taking it off can gross people out
They don’t mind their form though, they’re vibing, and make a lot of jokes with friends about being strange and gnarly (accompanying doodle of a cut off zombie wrist giving an invisible thumbs up, the hand outlined in dotted lines)
Hangs out with the supernatural heroes from their world a lot
Doesn’t really remember who they were before they died, and doesn’t feel comfortable looking into it (accompanying doodle of Arachtid sitting on the edge of a building a night, swinging their legs)
Invisible body doesn’t cover some remaining skin bits and they mess with them sometimes
Can’t die? Probably? They don’t need to eat or drink but they do get tired and sleep, which is basically like being dead again. Already dead otherwise though.
From Earth-62819
The third image is a close up shot of the Peter doodle. It has “Peter!” written on the left in dark aqua, red, and dark blue letters. There’s a small shot of his head without the mask on where he’s smiling. He has short curly brown hair, brown eyes, a hooked nose, and stubble.
Next to that is the design of his costume. Its base is a slightly orange-tinted red, the accents and designs either dark blue or dark aqua. His mask’s eyes are white, outlined in blue with blue web lines coming down from the bottom of his eyes to his cheeks. He has aqua fangs coming down from the inner corners of his eyes as well. A large blue spider design takes up his chest, the fangs clamped around his neck and the legs going up over his shoulders, down to his upper arms, and down into the sides of his costume. The sides of his costume are blocks of dark blue.
His gloves start dark blue at the forearm, and then the fists are aqua, spider fangs and legs coming down over the wrists to make the fists look like a spider’s abdomen. At Peter’s waist, dark blue webbing connects the blue blocks on the sides of the suit to the start of the solid blue of the legs. Just above the knee the color changes to aqua, the top edges looking like a mass of crawling spiders.
There is a small design for the back of the suit to the right. It shows the edges of the legs and fangs from the chest design just reaching over the shoulders. There is a dark blue triangular web pattern starting in the center of the back and connecting down to the blue color blocks on the sides of the suit.
/end of ID.
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jungleboy-cruise · 7 months
When I was 18, I attended The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I did not get invited back for a second year. This used to devastate me. I didn't understand why they didn't think I worked hard enough, and I thought this meant I couldn't be an actor. This heavily set back my career as an actor and in my confidence in my acting ability.
Now look back on that time and my view is a little different. I was only 18. I was fresh out of high school and fresh out of my mother's house. I didn't know I had Fibromyalgia yet I just had heavy unexplained pain and fatigue that caused me to be able to practice outside of class a lot less often as my peers. I had just gone off my ADHD medication for the first time in my whole life. I know this was dumb of me, but I couldn't keep getting it in LA. I never figured out how to get it without my mom's help who lived elsewhere. If you know anything about AADA, you know about the 50-page bios. (I have the demigod mixture ADHD and dyslexia) my dyslexia made IPA for Voice and Speech really hard for me, so there were assignments I didn't do well.
I was also finally out of my mother's house for the First Time. I moved from a conservative mountain town to West Hollywood. I was away from my abusive mom, able to do whatever I wanted in a big city. I went out a lot. I should not have done this, but eh, what are you gonna tell an 18 year old in this situation. I imagine that me using my limited energy for going dancing or to Disneyland every weekend was hurting my ability to practice outside of class as often as I should have.
I'm not trying to defend myself and say that I should have gotten invited back. I'm 24 now, and I'm turning 25 next month. It's been 7 years, and I can finally admit that they should not have invited me back. That version of me was not ready. I was never rested, unmedicated, undiagnosed, and unfocused. I wish more than anything that I waited for now to go to acting school. I wish so badly that I could go back now that I feel like I can truly actually do it well. But I can't. I already did it at 18 and fucked it up. I don't know how I'm gonna get acting training like that again. I haven't properly acted in years so I really need it. I'm gonna have to get an acting class on Skillshare or something.
The moral of the story is do not go to college right out of high school even if you know exactly what you want to do already. Let yourself grow into your adult life first and do it when you're ready, or you will be sorry!
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curlyybear · 7 months
Welcome to my Den
Hii, I'm Curly, or Bear, or CurlyBear, I'm 19, he/they
This page is a place to explore and indulge in fatness as something that is beautiful and sensuous. I use he/they pronouns, and I'm comfortable with basically any version of a femme word with the word "boy" attached onto it lol. I'm also very into hypnosis and experienced in the field.
I'm switchy, but will focus more on being a Dom on this page. 20 bucks is 20 bucks, though.
DMs are open, but please only message if you're 18+ I'm currently setting up a variety of pages for you lovely folks to be able to feed the bear, but as of right now I have an OF and a Twit as well as this, and other avenues for tipping will be in the works. Will also probably be getting into audios as well.
My Kinks
I am not a feeder/feedee, I have no intentions of gaining weight in the real sense, however, I do enjoy fantasy about food play and weight gain, and will happily devour anything sent my way. I am this fat, I've been this fat, and I'm gonna stay this fat. (235 pounds, if you're curious.)
Yes: queer feedism, weight gain, light intox kink (weed), biting, primal play, Hypnosis (I'm the hypnotist, shocker, right), size difference, body worship, findom, any t4t stuff, light CNC
 Hard Nos: detransition kink, humilation, death feedism, gore, piss/scat, vomit, ddlg (though the term Daddy is okay), incest, blood
Under 18s or no age in your bios.
People over 30.
Anyone I want.
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ninjakitten1699 · 1 year
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I said it before and I'll continue saying it until otherwise. This OC actually isn't even of my own creation. Sam here belongs to my longtime online friend @samzart.
She’ll still go into my OC tags because well she’s been here for so long I can’t part with her and I don’t want her lost. I might as well post her now since she’s introduced in my latest Ninjago fic set in my AU.
Name: Samantha Rose Snyder Nicknames: Sammie, Sam Age: 17 Gender: Female (She/Her) Race: Human Appearance: She is a human woman who has tan skin and long wild hair. Her left eye is a turquoise blue and her right is (Nope). She is littered in scars along her body from her time in the (can't pry these from me) She is first seen wearing a tight fitting kimono she grew into and torn up pants that turned into shorts with a pair of ruined sandals due to the negligence of the (Spoilers).
Height: 5’5” (165.1 cm) Weight: 114 lbs. (at the very least) Hair style: Long wild dark hair (season one to seven)/Braid (season eight and onwards) Hair Color: Brown Pod (on here, otherwise its called Treehouse here. Either way the hex code is still 35211E) Eye Color: Left- Turquoise Blue (Hex Code: 69CFD1), Right - (Soon to be revealed. Unless you knew her from my friend on DeviantArt then it's not much of a secret.) Skin Tone: Sepia (Hex code: A96A4F)
Weapon of choice: Light and fast weapons. Bow and arrows, daggers, and her father’s sword the Blade of Winds. Element: Wind/Air Manipulation Abilities:
Air Augmentation via The Blade of Winds aka The “Golden Weapon” of Wind. The blade can cut through anything (Ghosts are an exception of course since they are air. Whenever Djinn are in their floating form, the blade in ineffective.). It’s made completely out of gold yet weighs no more than a feather. Sam’s father used to take it with him into battle. (Sam’s mother was the elemental master of wind) Basically think Razor Wind
Aerokinetic Combat- Exactly what it says on the tin.
Wind Generation - The ability to generate wind. It can be a gentle breeze or a powerful, highest category hurricane. (In the beginning, it varies depending on her emotions. Later on, she gains more control on this after her true potential.)
Weather Manipulation - By controlling both hot and cold air (As seen on the main Air Manipulation page)
Air Defense - Able to use wind to defend oneself.
Personality: Before her trauma, she was cheerful, "tomboy-ish", competitive, and generous. After years of her trauma however, she turned out shy, quiet, isolated but still she was kind. Unfortunately she is also not so confident. She will do anything to protect those she loves, so much so it puts her in harm's way. She doesn't like to "speak out of turn" because of the discipline she had received and doesn't question things or talk back. She'll eventually gain some backbone after living on her own and wit the Ninja. Occupation: Kunoichi Affiliations: The Ninja (currently), Elemental Masters, Serpentine Rebellion (formerly) Hometown: (Unknown) Village
Status: Alive
Bio: (Spoilers)
Relationships: Viktor and Daya: her parents. Deceased due to Serpentine War. Synthia: Younger sister. Lost to the War as well. Cole: He is.. was a close friend. Unfortunately due to circumstances, he has little memory of her and only recently began finding pieces after his true potential (presumably since his mind was more open, it allowed other things to open up too.) He eventually becomes her significant other long after their meeting.
Fun Facts:
As stated above, this OC, Sam, is not one of my creations. If you don't know her as one of @samzart's OCs then perhaps you know her from here. Why does Sam look different? Because I still have contact with the creator and the design of the OC had changed and I only wish to emulate that change. Unfortunately the creator is not that active on some parts of the online world as far as I know.
Yes you read the Blade of Winds right. It's not a true golden weapon like the main four Ninja's weapons. It only looks that way with its metal, much like many other gold weapons that were made in universe and on sets.
While her father did wield the Blade of Winds, it is actually her mother that has the Elemental Power of Wind. How was it acquired if Morro exists? It's more than likely possible that Sam could be younger cousins with Morro. Sam wouldn't know this until season five when Morro appears.
Her village was never given a name since it would only be relevant due to backstory. If it does appear, it'll more than likely remain nameless due to it being in ruins.
The fic she's introduced in did have another name but it didn't fit, so now it's called "Hidden Among the Wind" I know the chapters that are out currently (like the prologue to maybe chapter three if I looked at everything I planned right) feel a little slow right now, but I promise you it'll snowball from there.
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backdaft · 2 years
How Old are (Retool Era) Johnny and Carl?
Contrary to the fanon wiki result that appears when you search "How old is Johnny Bravo?" on Google, Johnny does not age between seasons (excluding the Valentine's Day special) — nor is he ever supposed to be a teenager. Neither is Carl.
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In the original Season 2 bible by Partible and MacFarlane, Johnny answers his age as "legal." While the mini pitch bible for Season 1 doesn't give him any specific adult age either, this was later elaborated on in canon as "twenty-something."
The roadblock here is that those bibles were scanned in 2020. The retooled Warner Bros. era bible (mini or full) still has not shown up online in any form. This leaves the Partible bible, character bios, old comics and books as the only sources to glean anything from.
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It can be presumed "legal" was changed to (or used alongside) the family-friendly "twenty-something" as Johnny is referred to in the Cartoon Network: Name That Toon trivia book. Name That Toon appears to use Season 2-era bios only, although a mix of Season 1 and retool quotes are used on a different page.
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Carl's age is never given in Name That Toon, likely because he's introduced as Johnny's old best friend from high school. However, a card printed in the Cartoon Network Starring comic states his age as "early 20s." If the retooled bible had the same set-up for introducing characters, this could mean Carl wrote that himself or it was otherwise listed. It's slightly more specific than "twenty-something," so I'm usually of the opinion that it was not made up for the card. His full name isn't listed, but it isn't in Name That Toon either. Carl's favorite hobby is listed as "looking at spores," which is backed up by this corner of his room.
However, Suzy's age on her comic card is listed as an even vaguer "very young." The pre-retool bible and most bios give her an age between 6 and 8. Maybe this gives less credibility to "early 20s." To be fair, Suzy is also simply described as a little girl in Name That Toon. She was written to be in the first grade in the "To Sea or Not to Sea" comic story despite being in the 4th grade in canon. Could just be an inconsistency problem.
In canon, it is implied that Johnny and Carl are around the same age in "Carl Be Not Proud." It's confirmed outright that they're the same age in "Freudian Dip" when Carl comments that he's three weeks older than Johnny. If he's not in his early 20s, he's undoubtably a "twenty-something."
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Johnny's age isn't listed on his card, which may have been left out to make room for the long joke here. His height (one inch taller,) weight, turn-ons and turn-offs are listed in a very similar way to the pre-retool bible profile.
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The hair and eyes sections of the cards could very well be added on / not in the bible at all, as I'm not too sure "Eyes: Black" on Carl's or "sensitive to light" on Johnny's would've been included. Ultimately, "early 20s" / "twenty-something" are the closest to a canon age for the two.
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gateskp · 8 months
This is a story followers from Twitter and BSky know, but since I'm getting into Tumblr, I figured I'd share.
I'm very much in love with my best friend from college. He is the unrequited love of my life. I refer to him as The One I Love. And tonight I fell in love with him all over again.
In college, people thought we were dating because we were (and still are) so close. We did have class together every single day for a full semester and then class together multiple times a week for semesters after that. We'd hang out in the bio student lounge and watch TV on his laptop together. I made him a Pokeball birthday cake for his 21st birthday because he is a ridiculous nerd and loves Pokemon (no shade, I'm also a ridiculous nerd). When we had evening classes that ended at 9pm, I'd drive him home to make sure he got home safe and quickly. He made me laugh and smile and enjoy, y'know, living, which was something I didn't always enjoy in college.
We...did a lot of things that could definitely be construed as couple activities. But we were not a couple. Just very close, excellent complements of each other, with a hint of feelings on my part.
Side note: It's actually fairly entertaining to look back on because in our practical lab classes, our professors deliberately paired us up because we worked so well together (the assumption being because we were a couple).
Side note 2: He is a very attractive guy imo, and I semi-jokingly call him a ridiculously hot nerd. I'm queer and fall somewhere in ace land, so I do enjoy admiring him but there's nothing sexual about our relationship. Which I think has helped it in a good way.
He calls me every week and we talk. Like. For 2-3 hours *every week*. This has been going on for literally 2 years. Originally he started calling me to talk about shows we were watching, but now we talk about anything and everything. There's a lot of venting about grad school (we're both PhD-ing) and just...being there for each other. I love it. He listens to me ramble and he tells me stories and interesting tidbits and whatever. It's very give-and-take. Our weekly calls strengthened and cemented my feelings for him.
He knows my feelings because 2 years ago (?? how has it been that long) I wrote him a(n 8 page) love letter conveying my feelings and that led to a very awkward conversation about how feelings were not returned. I still think we use different language to describe similar things BUT ANYWAY. I respect that we don't see things the same way, much as it may hurt. That's what it means to love someone, respecting their feelings and experiences and personhood.
Side note 3: I have this secret fantasy about what our future could look like and I'm not going to let it go until there's no hope at all. He is one of the most important people in my world, and I truly only want the best for him. His health and happiness is tantamount to nothing, and whatever role I play in that, so be it. If he found another person who brought him even a fraction of the feelings he brings me, I'd officiate the wedding myself. What matters more than anything else is that I have my closest friend in my life and we remain close. Whatever it takes...
What's amazing(?) is that our relationship...it's gotten even stronger since then. That conversation was...A Lot...but I think it made whatever we have even stronger. It definitely didn't get worse.
I look forward to to our calls. They're part of my routine, I deliberately set aside this time on Thursday nights for him. I do not allow things to be scheduled for Thursday nights. Thursday nights are for The One I Love and no one else.
When we're talking to each other...I feel connected to another person. The world exists outside of my day-to-day bubble. I feel like...when I talk to him, I feel like there's a person who cares about what happens to me.
One night a couple of years ago I told him about my mental health struggles. It was something I don't think he fully recognised I was dealing with in college. But I was really struggling and having a hard time and I just couldn't pretend everything was okay on the phone. So I asked him if I could tell him, he said yes, so I told him everything. And it was really hard for me to do that, there was a lot of starting and stopping and stuttering (I stutter a lot anyway, this was worse). And at the end of it all, I told him that I knew what I just said was a lot and I understood if he needed some space or didn't want to talk for a while or whatever, because that's how people reacted in the past. There have been people who've decided to stop being friends with me because this is too much, and I understood if he felt that way because it's a lot. I wouldn't hold it against him.
And he just said "I'm still here." He said he wasn't going anywhere. And he hasn't.
More than once I've made self-deprecating jokes because how else does one deal with their terrible mental health and he reminds me that he cares. He has confidence in me when I don't. Once I texted him on a Friday night and told him to tell me something good that happened to him that day because I was having a really tough night and needed to hear something positive was happening in the world. He responded by calling me and being there for me.
We trust each other with things that no one else knows. It means the world to me that he'll tell me things that he won't tell anyone else, and I will take his secrets to the grave. Trust is...complicated for me. But I trust him. He won't hurt me. It's something I've had to really come to terms with, here is someone who I can be vulnerable around who won't hurt or manipulate me.
Last year I saw him for the first time since 2017 and it was like no time had passed at all. We spent 4 days together. I took him to see his first Broadway show, Hadestown, which was the only show he's ever been really eager to see. He took me to see SPACE at the Illuminarium because he knows how much I geek out over space, how awe-inspiring I find it. He talked me out of dropping $700 on a Flash comic, which was extremely wise. I tried and failed to cook, which he doesn't let me forget. He got me hooked on anime, which was apparently his deviously secret plan all along (which shocked me but I absolutely love it). I "made" him split half a gallon of Blue Bell ice cream with me because I hadn't had it in years (it took 0 effort, the man has no control when it comes to sweets and I tease him about it constantly). We helped his friend move. We sat on the couch on our laptops silently enjoying each other's presence.
It was truly the best long weekend I've had in who-knows-how-long. If the rest of my life looked like that weekend, I think I would be happy. Genuinely wonderfully happy and enjoying life.
The day I had to leave, I completely lost it. He gave me a goodbye hug and I completely broke down on his shoulder because I'd just had the best weekend in living memory and was going back to my quickly-approaching preliminary exam and having issues with my advisors. He knew all of this. I sobbed on his shoulder, and he held onto me. He didn't let go until he knew I stopped crying and was safe to drive. (I cried on and off the entire 7 hours drive)
I have pictures of us from this trip on my desk in lab, and they always make me smile, they have so much positivity associated with them. They also made it onto my Christmas card.
I'm going to see him again next month when I run the marathon in his city. We have a growing list of things to do which is entirely dessert places he wants to take me to, because we both love dessert and sweets. Tonight we were talking about when I might come down. I told him it's completely up to him because he has to put up with me and my bullshit. The race is on a Sunday, so I'd come down as early as the Tuesday before.
He doesn't know his schedule yet because science and experiment timing can be tricky. But he might be taking Wednesday off. He said he already plans on spending all day Thursday with me.
Tonight I fell in love all over again.
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meeblo · 1 year
I'm now realizing that while I've had it as my tumblr banner and said my blog had spoilers for it in my bio, I don't think I've ever actually posted anything about TBWF. Figured I'd make a post about it to recommend it to those who've never heard of it.
The Boy Who Fell (https://www.boywhofell.com/comic/ch00p00) is a longrunning webcomic by @boggmann, otherwise known as starfleetrambo (or SFR, or suffer). The comic started I believe as early as 2009 or 2010, before migrating to a different website in 2015.
Here is the synopsis as the website itself gives it:
The Boy Who Fell revolves around an innocent, softhearted and almost-spineless boy named Ren who suddenly finds himself in Hell after accidentally falling off a school rooftop. He is then forced to partake in a tournament full of powerful and vicious beings in order to attain his only way of going home: an all-powerful wish from the ruler of Hell himself. As the story progresses, lines between allies and enemies are blurred, dark pasts are revealed, political issues come to light and all the while, Ren slowly realizes that in order to survive this journey, he might have to give up the very things that make him human.
Don't let the tournament structure mentioned in the blurb give you the wrong expectations: the series is highly character focused and very tightly plotted. The series is neither power fantasy nor focused on power scaling, and it doesn't have filler fights. Every fight shown is shown for a reason and matters for the characters involved; unimportant fights are left off screen or breezed through quickly to devote more time to the character conflicts that really drive the series.
If I had to pick one thing that I think is the series' greatest strength, it's the characters and their arcs. Characters are complex and multilayered, with fascinating development as they progress in some areas while backsliding in others. This lends a multidirectionality to every character's growth as different aspects of them are changing for better or for worse at a given time due to various influences. Characters will attempt to influence each other positively, helping greatly in some regards but unknowingly reinforcing their own harmful biases in the other character. Characters may appear helpful and benevolent while toying with or corrupting someone to their own ends or simply for amusement. Seeing the cast, especially Ren, get both noticeably better and noticeably worse in various ways lends a richness to the story that makes every interaction gripping to read.
The story is quite good at slowly building up to reveals and recontextualizing prior events. As mentioned above, characters have biases and the things Ren learns are filtered through those biases. Seeing things through a new lens when those biases are confronted, made clear, or shaken off is fascinating. While the early sections of the comic are less complex than later on as the author gets much more skilled at, they are fascinating to reread due to the amount of things clearly planned out and set up from very early on. Characters who are vitally important 50 chapters later will be foreshadowed from the first handful of chapters of the series, or just straight up appear if you know where to look. Characters read entirely differently when you know what they were saying honestly and what was deception, or when you know the backstory that drives them to act how they do.
The series is initially black and white, with an art style that makes a distinctive heavy use of screentone. Later on, the series transitions to full color in chapter 29. The art gets very good as the series goes on, with some very well set up page structures and paneling that is easy to read while also being dynamic and enhancing the tone of each scene. The series reads right to left by the way.
The series also has a few spinoffs of varying lengths, such as Springtime of Yuuth, an AU where Ren never got dragged off the roof that has a romance focus mixed with working through more down to earth problems in Ren's life, Watchtower and Mapmaker, following a young demon boy who lives in a tower in the desert, Falltime of Ren, a sort of crossover with SoY in which the Ren from the main series gets to spend a brief emotional time in the world of SoY before returning to hell again, The Forest, a prequel chapter exploring some of the backstory of two major characters introduced later in the story (this one costs $5 but it's 200% worth it), Yuu vs the Cosmic Unknown, which is a short goofy Scott Pilgrim parody with eldritch exes rather than evil exes, and Spirit Bathhouse, the NSFW one.
The series and its spinoffs are currently on an indefinite hiatus while the author works on getting her PhD, but the series is absolutely worth reading (and rereading and rereading again) while it's ongoing. Leave positive comments and wish the author well on their PhD if you enjoy the series!
I'm generally bad at judging these sorts of things but I guess trigger warnings for blood at some points? Rarely there's gore. TW for manipulation and gaslighting. Is that a thing people need trigger warnings for? I'm not sure.
Here's the link to the first page again. I'd avoid looking ahead in the archive, some chapter covers are spoilers. Likewise, just going to boywhofell.com without anything else in the link takes you to the latest page, so watch out for that.
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vikjaycecodex · 2 years
*This is a copy of a desktop page! We recommend you read this version directly on your browser for better readability, and to always have the most up to date version.
Champion Skins are an in-game cosmetic option present in multiple League related properties! Aside from giving champions a refreshed design, skins can also offer new voicelines, animations, and wholly new backstories set in Alternate Universes – or ‘What If’-style iterations on their canon selves.
A growing narrative element (and “cast” of characters) is a major feature of League’s most popular Skin Universes. While League itself is not a story-progression game, these universes are explored through tie-in material such as champion bios, short stories, music, animations, comics, merch, spinoff games, TV shows, promotional illustrations and more.
This page will focus on champion skins for Jayce and Viktor across all League-related games, with the addition of Blitzcrank whenever an universe is shared.
I do this because I love you. But then again mostly because I hate looking for ref images and finding blurry webps.
⚙ If you’re looking for a full Art References page, click here ⚙
The remainder of this page details Skin Universes, Summaries, and Skin Spotlights. Skin and Universe summaries are extracted directly from the League Client or the League Wiki, denoted by quotation marks.
This page will be updated whenever relevant. (last: JAN/2023)
1. Shared Universes
2. Individual Skins
3. Spinoff Content
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CODEX TAG — AU: Full Metal | League Wiki Universe Page
➢ CONTEXT HAZARD:  Current bios attached to these skins were retroactively written, and thus make for an incomplete representation of what they were supposed to convey.
Full Machine Viktor is one of Viktor’s original duo launch skins —the second being Prototype Viktor— and at time of release, the set was a representation of Viktor at different stages of his Evolution in the 2011 canon universe. (You had Default Viktor as his cyborg self, Prototype being the mostly-human self and Full Machine being, well, Full Machine.) Full Metal Jayce was also Jayce’s original launch skin; and at the time taken as a what-if style representation of a Jayce that accepted Viktor’s proposal to work together in the 2011 canon universe. This speculation was further bolstered by internal game files referring to this skin as ‘Sentinel Jayce’, and released concept art featuring a fully mechanized version of Jayce’s default outfit under the title ‘Sentinel Armor Apollo’ —"Apollo" was Jayce’s internal development name.
These skins were mixed in with the ‘Heavy Metal’ Universe as part of the 2016 Narrative Overhaul; though the execution of that move left some fans displeased. Jayce is now an international entertainment robot gladiator, while Viktor’s full evolution has been downgraded to a ‘janitorbot’. Fanwork of these skins may still refer to their original context.
“Audiences gather from all over the world for a chance to witness the greatest robot fighters throw down in RiotCorp’s gladiatorial arenas, eager for the chance to be crowned the Full Metal Robot Fighting League Champion or break down trying.”
“Backed by RiotCorp as the Full Metal Fighting League’s first corporately sanctioned champion, Jayce has dethroned Pantheon and won the hearts of audiences worldwide—especially those who realize they gain 15 Riot Points every time they cheer his cyclonic blasts.”
(Skin Spotlight)
“Created from the same circuitry as the Full Metal champion, Jayce, Viktor was cast into the tunnels beneath the robot fighting arenas to serve as a janitoribot—while his twin was groomed for glory, simulcast en español. Upgrading himself with the cast-offs of the destroyed, he has sworn la venganza.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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CODEX TAG — AU: Battlecast | League Wiki Universe Page
“Set in a dystopian future where an army of robots with living brains seek to extinguish or convert all life, champions are transformed into cyborg terrors as a part of Viktor’s glorious evolution, while some rebel against it.”
“The glorious revolution is here! Assembling an army of machines with living brains, Viktor marches against the combined forces of his enemies—with only a scrappy human-led resistance keeping him from total world domination.”
“The creator of the Battlecast machine army, Viktor has perfected the art of transplanting living brains into low-tech, mass-produced weapons. But his work is far from complete, and even now he tinkers on newer, deadlier creations to crush all who oppose him.”
(Skin Spotlight)
“While many presumed him dead, Jayce’s sudden return to the Resistance has been heralded by some as a miracle and others as a curse. Burdened by guilt, he still blames himself for his failure to halt Viktor’s rise. Only time will tell if Jayce can turn the tide.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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CODEX TAG — AU: Zenith Games | League Wiki Universe Page
“It’s 2122, a year of firsts for the Zenith Games. Robot referees are taking to the field, the sport of Hammerjack is making its competitive debut, and after years of talks, augmented humans are finally allowed to compete. All that’s left is seeing who will win.”
“Jayce invented Hammerjack as a showcase sport for humanity’s new augmented abilities. Nothing else tested athletes across so many directions and terrain, and with this being its first year in the Zenith Games, he intends to show everyone what THE sport of the 22nd century looks like.”
(Skin Spotlight)
“Originally a bomb defusal robot, Blitzcrank was made a referee because of their ability to make split-second adjustments to stay ahead of the prodigious athletes. Only later did everyone realize that the bot’s background made them unusually effective in defusing the intense… disagreements that often arise.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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CODEX TAG — AU: Death Sworn | League Wiki Universe Page
➢ CONTEXT HAZARD: While technically not part of the same ‘skinline’ both of these skins have been released during League’s seasonal Harrowing events (which feature a different skinline every other year) making them both Halloween specials.
AKA the Spirit Halloween champion variants.
“On a cold, dreary night, a pioneering inventor was tried and hanged for preaching his glorious vision of the future—a world in which the living knelt before the dead. Death had to admire Viktor’s conviction, and sent him back into the mortal world, blessed with powers beyond imagination.”
Death Sworn Universe Page
(Skin Spotlight)
“Once nothing but a simple cauldron, Blitzcrank was enchanted, brought to life in order to assist Miss Fortune in her beguiling bewitchments.”
Trick-or-Treat Universe Page
(Skin Spotlight)
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Woops! This was one of Viktor’s original duo release skins showing off potential stages of his evolution, so it has no bio. You can read his champion bio instead! Fanwork usually slots this appearance on the timeline between Viktor being expelled from school & forging his current armor, so it goes on ‘Academy Years.’
(Skin Spotlight)
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Valentines 2015 Skin. Comes with seasonal cards!
“Power, wealth, and glamour collide in the penthouses and exclusive clubs of Nox Vegas, where truly beautiful people hold the world in their palms. Yet as night falls on the city of lights, the knives come out—influence is the name of the game, and nobody likes to lose.”
“You’re a scholar. You’re an inventor. You’re the man of the hour and the hour is now, yesterday, and tomorrow. Don’t just be the father of invention—be the ivory god of substance, class, and style. It’s you, Jayce. It’s always been you.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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May 4th celebration skin. This skin originally had no bio, but it launched with a Star Wars reference based marketing blogpost. It has been since ported to Wild Rift, where it got a visual cleanup and its own biography blurb.
“Opposed to balance in all measures,Jayce has gone down a path he cannot return from. He has sworn vengeance upon Chosen Master Yi and all he stands for.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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This skin was featured in the Official Psyops Theme, and Viktor himself is an easter egg in the Songbird Cinematic. PsyOps is canonically set 40 years after the ‘Artic Ops’ skinline.
“The crown jewel of military black ops, the PsyOps unit are an elite team of psychic soldiers deployed against rogue militaries and supernatural threats. Officially, they don’t exist. But when conventional warfare won’t cut it and the stakes are no less than the fate of the world, PsyOps answers the call.
A psychic paramilitary unit of fearsome power, the Black Rose Group hopes to create a new global order with their ferocious human bioweapons.”
“Leader of the rogue military known as the Black Rose Group, Viktor is a psychic technomancer whose vision for a utopian world was abandoned when he suddenly departed High Command decades prior. Obsessed with an alien ‘gate’ uncovered during the Arctic Ops event, his experiments into human bioweapons would allow him to breach it and upend the global order.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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TTRPG universe with a meta layer; champions are players who built fantasy characters going on a quest. Dungeon Master Viktor was originally going to be a part of this Skinline, but never made it to release due to the position of dungeon master being considered ‘too niche’. Though not all was lost: Jayce’s skin bio still highlights a playful rivalry relationship with his offscreen dungeon master.
This skin was featured in two comics (off canon) and a rp style short story. (LoR has introduced new exclusive Riftquest skins in 2022, but they focus on a separate DnD group.)
“Danger lurks in the land of Runeterra! Powerful monsters, dastardly sorcerers, and mythical creatures roam unchecked! Gather your friends and create your own adventure for 3-5 players, vanquishing evil with each roll of the die. Do you have what it takes to save the world, and become a legend of RIFTQUEST?”
“A noble paladin who has inexplicably mastered science and engineering, Jayce Brighthammer is a stout ally no foul creature can best! Unless that foul creature is a loophole in the rulebook, since Jayce likes to get any advantage over the Rift Master he can.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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Shonen superpower school universe. I’m sure you can guess the reference from the title. This skin launched with multiple promos and an animated short for latinoamerica.
“Scattered across the globe, the God Weapons morphed society into one driven by power. These sentient monuments call to those who are worthy and bestow their gifts upon their subjects, aiming to expand their conquest in this war-torn world. To be chosen is a badge of honor, instilling fear into any who may oppose them.”
“A prestigious 2nd year whose face is known throughout the wider city of Durandal, Jayce is the class president, head of the world-renowned Luminary Club, and prodigious inventor of miraculous Jayce-branded technologies. He hopes his inventions will prevent the kind of tragedy that struck him in his youth, though he refuses to speak about what that was.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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“At the height of the industrial revolution, travelers begin pouring into the untamed west, searching for fortune and prosperity among the unknown horrors of a cruel and ancient world. It is a time of brave gunslingers and rotten scoundrels, inscrutable gods, and savage demons.”
Weird West AU. This universe has been fleshed out with extensive short stories.
“Gunslingers and lawmen ride beneath the merciless sun of the high frontier, chasing survival and salvation in equal measure. Heaven is rubble, hell is empty, and all the devils are here.”
“Many a road to Hell was paved with good intent. Dr. Viktor may be the Mechanical Devil’s kept engineer now, but his work began as charity: trying to “rehome” the souls of the dead in clockwork bodies, in order to circumvent mortality itself. Shame that Mordekaiser saw the good doctor’s kindness and struck him a deal he could not deny.”
Alt Splash Concepts
(Skin Spotlight)
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ARCANE JAYCE  | CODEX TAG — Woops, we dont cover Arcane.
(Skin Spotlight)
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This skin is a Wild Rift battlepass exclusive, and launched with a showcase animation. It is unconfirmed if this skin is part of the Silver Age Universe, though it is listed as such for having a superhero theme.
An official speedpaint of this splash was uploaded to youtube! One of the splash concepts may feature Amaranthine.
“By day, Jayce is a genius inventor and pillar of the community; by night, Jayce dons a costume and patrols the streets of Topside as his alter ego Hextech Man! Wielding his trusty hextech hammer, Jayce will stop at nothing to protect his people.”
(Skin Spotlight)
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Legends of Runeterra exclusive. Gilded skins have no conventional universe or character bios; they are broadly set at a lavish Progress Day party in Piltover, though apparently not the ‘main canon’ one. Aesthetic > Lore skinline.
⚙ Spinoff Content ⚙
➢ In the comic Punches and Plants: Series 2, Alternate versions of Jayce & Viktor in a modern/fantasy universe have 'retired’ from their hero and villain positions to take up toymaking and other nerdy hobbies.
➢ In a Space Groove short story released exclusively in Chinese channels, Disco Pirate Jayce appears as part of Disco Pirate Miss Fortune’s crew. Both skins remain unreleased.
➢J&V Animated Stickers from LoR
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