#and also. your gf just knocked your best friend unconscious. she wants to run away and not help her. and you run away with her.
uitzinnigmp3 · 10 months
guys i dont think this season is that good anymore actually sorry
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butchford · 3 years
Prompt: AruYuki + Pink in the Night
"And I know I've kissed you before, but
I didn't do it right
Can I try again, try again, try again"
Rewrite verse bc if I did canon adjacent I don’t think I could Take It. Also u know its bad when after all the other essays ive typed out i put a readmore on This One.
To begin with it’s… nothing much. Or at least that’s what they both try to think. Yuki sits at the side of Aru’s hospital bed at two in the morning still trying to process why they’d ever take a knife to the back from Yuki’s own father to protect his mother. And Yuki doesn’t know at all how to feel about, well, Anything. He’s grateful but at the same time he’s… concerned. If anything he doesn’t want Aru to suffer the fallout of his own family’s personal issues despite the fact Aru probably saved his mother’s life. And… fine. Maybe just maybe Aru has wormed their way into Yuki’s heart and thoughts and the blood rapidly pulsing through his veins as he takes their hand in his. “Thank you,” Yuki says aloud in nothing more than a whisper to make sure they don’t wake up. A coward as always, he thinks to himself as he thanks Aru in the only way that feels right to him: a kiss on the lips. And it tastes like a hospital and their lips are unnervingly cold against his, but it’s gentler and longer than anything he’s given Yuno, who’s been disturbingly quiet as well as respectful of Yuki’s space since Aru found her alone in her house after the kidnapping fiasco, to the point of allowing him time alone with Aru “your mans a hottie” Akise. And maybe it’s more than just a thanks. Yuki allows himself against his better judgment to brush some of their hair out of their face and hold their hand a little longer. He remains at their bedside but makes sure there’s no indication of his actions should they wake. And of course Aru’s been semi conscious the whole time but so out of it on pain meds they think the whole thing is a sick dream; a fabrication of a reality they could only ever pray for. So neither of them speak of it, despite the fact Minene saw the moment of truth but figured it would be best for the two to figure it out on their own accord.
The next time it’s Yuki slumped unconscious in Aru’s arms after having been thrown back into a wall by an explosion while distracting the mayor’s men so Yuno could snipe him in the vault. Blood runs from the corner of his mouth and his nose as Aru runs their fingers through his hair and mutters desperately “please wake up please wake up please Yuki… please don’t leave me” with no avail to the point where, even with Minene and Nishijima and Mao and Hinata and Kousaka looking on, they cup his cheek and choke out “I never got to tell you that I…” and they close the narrow gap between their lips and his, tears mingling with blood as Aru barely audibly says “I love you, Yuki; I’m completely undone without you. Please just… know this in your heart.” And with that Yuki coughs and shakes and his eyes flutter open to make out the dust in Aru’s hair and the blood smudged against their face from his; it tones down their otherwise borderline angelic appearance in Yuki’s eyes between the crimson eyes and halo of a mess of hair against their skin marred over with scars like constellations. More tears, a genuine “Yuki you’re alive!” that outdoes their last given after being kidnapped, a thousand thoughts in a mind still buzzed from being unconscious interrupted by a single clear I don’t care, a thumb numbly caressing their cheek and wiping a smudge of blood off of their pale skin, a pair of lips clumsily colliding with theirs but they’re so relieved and downright ecstatic to the point where the taste of coppery blood and dust means less than nothing to them, a quiet “I love you too; I think I have for a while now,” an embrace that threatens to crack his ribs and a few barely contained sobs. Minene ruefully tearing her eyes away from Nishijima for a brief second to say “let’s get a move on, lovebirds” and a flash of Mao’s camera are the only thing that breaks the two of them apart from an embrace best described as “if I let my grasp loosen I’m sure you and this moment will both disappear.”
Yuki watches his beloved torn apart at the seams before his eyes and all he’s allowed to do is hold what remains of them as Kousaka desperately punches something into their phone as for once Yuki is rendered speechless. Silence. They begin to mend back together. Tears begin to flow freely from his eyes as he waits for them to say something, anything. When their eyes flutter open as Yuki’s tears fall onto their face and they say with wide eyes and a shaky voice, “I-I’m…. Yuki do you mind cutting the waterworks for a second I don’t need rain for the theatrics at the given moment,” Yuki cutting them off with a firm kiss and a “don’t you EVER pull that on me again I swear to fucking god” and the second Aru regains their breath they say, “Speaking of which, I-I’m not human. Deus created me to spy on this game of his without my will or consent and the second I faced him he decided I had lived beyond my usefulness and that’s why I… I’m not. I’m not real.” And Yuki just says “Damnit Aru you’re the most real person I know, nobody else would put themself in harms way over and over for their friends and help out a terrorist who was starving in a river and… and bother to try to respect me and understand me and…” and this time Aru sits up and turns around to face Yuki and smiles at them with such fondness despite the tears in their eyes and cups his cheeks in their hands and earnestly says “Deus asked me for any proof I was a real being with any will of my own; he asked what my strongest emotion was during my existence. And do you want to know what I responded with? You; my love for you, Yuki” and with that they gently pull Yuki in for a genuine kiss; one without the haste of the threat of death. One without the aftertaste of blood. One that promises that there will be more regardless of where the future leads, so long as the two of them are together it doesn’t matter. “You really are an angel, Aru.” “I can make you regret that statement so so quickly, but thanks for the sentiment.” “Fresh from the grave dug by gods hand and you still… I stand by my sentiment.” And Aru has the audacity to laugh and that in itself makes Yuki realize just how… natural his thing for Aru is. It lacks the “is this repayment is this real is this just out of what I believe to be obligation” that he had with Yuno, who converses with Mao and Hinata intently in the corner. Aru is Aru and that in itself is enough to tug at Yuki’s heartstrings.
When they’re in the final stages of their plan to kill Deus, the remaining diary holders, Hinata, Mao, Kousaka, Nishijima, and Aru are all gathered together in the cathedral of causality with the same intent: to put an end to the game that’s costed countless lives. Aru’s hand is firmly held in Yuki’s, Yuki knowing damn well just what is probably going through their head and trying to ground Aru despite the fact his own fingers tremble and his entire body feels numb. Aru puts their free hand on Yuki’s shoulder and gazes into his teary eyes; vermillion into indigo; blood into water. And they say “just in case this should go horribly wrong, given that we’re literally facing off against fucking God of all things…” they trail off. They hesitate. Their lips tremble and their eyes burn and their throat closes in emotion but they still manage to do what they intended to: place a final kiss to Yuki’s lips despite they can barely feel it from the numbness of their lips and they can narrowly register Yuki’s hands moving to their hair and their neck and they feel as though they will collapse as Yuki wraps them in a bone crushing embrace the second they pull away. “We’ll be fine; we’ll make it and that’s a promise.” “Since when are you one for confidence?” They manage to joke despite dedicating all of their attention to memorizing Yuki’s embrace and Yuki’s voice and Yuki’s horrible taste in fashion and Yuki’s awful blue eyes and— “Since you refused to let me happily race to my own demise and I couldn’t get rid of you in the same way a stray cat follows you around; plenty of space but a fondness you can’t shake that starts to take root in your heart and—“ “Did you really just try to, with romantic intent, compare me to a stray cat” “Aru what the fuck do you want from me” Yuki laughs through his tears “I don’t know, another kiss couldn’t hurt” “if this doesn’t kill you I will” “You prommy?” “Forever and always, asshole” Aru buries their face in the crook of Yuki’s neck for one final time “Good.”
And after the killing game is out of the way they’re basically inseparable; Yuki sneaking into Hinata’s family manor, which Mao, Yuno, Nishijima, Minene, and Aru moved into thanks to Hinata not wanting to wander its extensive halls like a ghost anymore and figuring you know what why shouldn’t she let her two gfs and their lameass gay detective friend and their weird bisexual parents move into the otherwise vacant estate, nearly every night his mother is at work which is a great majority of them. So Yuki will sneak in at midnight despite Aru giving him a key nearly every night with him usually falling asleep on the couch and Aru falling asleep on top of him like an oversized cat an hour of pacing later. And finally one night Aru finally remembers what they’ve been haphazardly planning out for months and drags Yuki to the roof on a particularly clear night and they go “I know it’s not much and I plan to one up this inevitably but you always said you wanted to look at the stars with a loved one and I’d hope you’d consider me a loved one because good fucking god Yuki I’m positively enamored with you and I—“ and Yuki cuts them off with a kiss that knocks the wind out of their lungs. “Of course I consider you a loved one, you asshole,” Yuki teases tearfully and Aru pauses and blurts out “Oh so I hit this one out of the park huh” and yes they’re the Worst and more than a little rough around the edges but the way the starlight faintly illuminates their white hair into a halo and makes their constellations of scars glow just a little bit and fine maybe the way their scarlet eyes widen and soften at the sight of Yuki makes him equate them with the equivalent of Yuki’s personal guardian angel. “Enjoying the view” they taunt goodheartedly, knowing damn well Yuki’s been staring at Them for the past minute straight. “Fuck you, maybe I am gayass” and Yuki wraps his arms around them and lets his head rest on their shoulder and god maybe just maybe after Everything they’ll be ok.
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hustcns · 6 years
helloooo we r back with another child. this one isn’t a total piece of garbage i promise. as always HMU on here or discord to plot or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to u! 
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[ brie larson, cisfemale, she/her, 28 ] AGNES by GLASS ANIMALS? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of ROMY HUSTON. maybe because they’re SANGUINE but also OBSTINATE. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since MAY of 2014 in 512 and have 0 ROOMMATES.
tw: car accident, drug use, addiction, death.
ok so!! romy is one of my few canadian characters oddly enough??? she was born in montreal but grew up in edmonton of all places. tragic for her, really, that place is the WORST.
anywaY she’s always been a v sporty kid!!! she’s an only child so her parents put her in sports to keep her busy and she had no complaints. she tried a bit of everything but stuck with track and ringette. she eventually gave up ringette tho to put her full ass heart into track. she’s a speedy mother fucker. runners high is her fave thing in the world. 
her whole life was athletics in high school tbh. didn’t do much outside of school other than track? her social life was practically non-existent bc she was basically being seasoned to become a professional athlete to like......she kind of grew to be a lil awkward. never really learned how to properly make friends. kinda kept to herself.
car accident & injury tw! a car accident in senior year left her in the hospital for what felt like forever and ruined her chances at track scholarships for college. bitch fucked up both legs and had never been more miserable. recovery was slow and difficult and physiotherapy was frustrating and she felt like giving up every day. she just wanted to RUN. when everyone went off to college, she was still stuck in her recovery process. it felt like life was passing her by.
her injuries left her stuck in a rut. one thing led to another and she got herself into a LOT of trouble. drug use & addiction tw! she became a pretty heavy drug user. getting high was an escape from her constant misery and self-pity. she literally moved into a trap house with her gf ava and some other randoms....that was just her life. adsjfdfjk. ppl be getting stabbed and shit and she’s just shooting up and forgetting what planet she’s on. classic edmonton stuff. but very tragic.
overdose & death tw! it was only a matter of time before things went even further downhill. she woke up one afternoon to find her girlfriend unconscious. dead thanks to an overdose that romy didn’t ever see coming. it was fucking awful and the shambles of her life fell apart even more, but it kind of knocked some sense into her. she was guilty that it didn’t happen to her instead. lost bc the only person she really cared about was gone. even though their relationship wasn’t necessarily the best, she ceased contact with her parents after graduation so she had no one. but she went crawling back to mom & dad and they accepted her with open arms and saw she got the help she was desperate for.
she got treatment and completed a 90 day program and she’s been sober just over 5 years now!!!!
it was difficult to stay sober in edmonton after treatment. too many triggers lurking around every corner, so she decided to get a fresh start!!! moved to baltimore, got her own place, started to get her life back together. she started running again which rly helped her with avoiding relapse. whenever she feels like she’s in a rut again, she hits the gym or goes for a run.
so.....she’s basically a gym rat now. a health freak. but she loves it. it clears her head and keeps her going and runners high is still her favourite thing. she got rly into boxing as well.
she has a new outlook on life since treatment!!! she feels like she’s been given a second chance and she’s rly about living life to the fullest. she’s optimistic af and doesn’t deny herself little pleasures. 
she obviously doesn’t drink or anything like that but she still enjoys going to bars and dancing and doing karaoke and all that good stuff. she loves a virgin margarita!!!!
even though she’s generally a very kind and helpful gal, she rly is all about keeping negativity out of her life so she isn’t like.....so soft that she’s gonna let u walk all over her u know??? she’ll CANCEL u. 
all things considered she really is a tough gal. she STRONG. a very supportive friend. very protective. she can knock your lights out but probably won’t. stubborn as all hell.
fuckin.....always wearing some athleisure shit??? but the bitch KNOWS how to dress up just u wait and SEE. 
she’s that rly annoying morning person who’s up at like 5am to go for a  run DISGUSTING. every morning. no matter the weather, shes OUT there.
dating is kind of difficult for her??? she’s.....still very much that same awkward gal she’s always been and flirting isn’t her strong suit. she gets v easily flustered and kind of crawls into a shell on dates. she is also kind of closed-minded when it comes to dating tbh??? she misses ava and knows what it’s like to really click and love someone and if she doesn’t feel that instant connection, she isn’t really going to waste her time ig??? if that makes sense. so if she doesn’t feel that ‘spark’ right away she’s not gna keep seeing someone. even tho she really should be out there getting to know people and experiencing new things she’s a major hopeless romantic and she’s waiting for her MOVIE MOMENT that probably will never come
but like....she’s still dated ppl ofc she’s just kinda wary ig
dont waste her time 2k19.
she works as a personal trainer & she’s also an amateur boxer as well!!!!
another bi queen comin at u
i dont really know what else to say so i’ll just stop????
u can find her very empty pinterest board HERE.
pls plot w her
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Losing a part of what you are: (Request)
Prompt: A Peter Parker imagine pls? His gf Y/N got kidnapped by Hydra.She is also like family to the rest of the avengers.They find her&bring her back.But shes not the same.When Steve found her she tried to attack him.Hydra put a false memory in her head where she things that Hydra is good&the avengers bad.When peter goes in the cell tony keeps her Y/N remembers him for a second&tells him to get out cause she doesnt want to hurt him. She attacked the others but not him. You can end it how you want--Anonymous
Note: Torture, memory lost, descriptive violence, no happy endings, Angst
Words: 1440
Requested by: Anonymous
“What! What do you mean (Y/N) was taking!!” Peter demanded to Tony who was suiting up to go with the others and get her from the Hydra base she had been taken to. “Peter stay here.” Tony said as Peter’s eyes widened. “Excuse me? (Y/N) is my girlfriend! I have to go after her!” He exclaimed when Tony stopped him by placing a gloved hand over Peter’s chest. 
“And (Y/N) is my responsibility. Now do as I say and stay. Here.” Tony spoke sternly as Peter opened his mouth to protest before sighing as he flopped down onto the communal couch. “Fine.” He huffed angrily as Tony’s helmet came over his head. “Avengers move out.” He commanded before the roof opened up as he took off, leaving Peter at the complex alone. He was upset, but mostly worried for the love of his life as he glanced out the window, watching the Quinjet leave.
(Y/N) struggled against the bonds of the chair when she looked up to see an older man towering over her. “W-What do you want for me?” She asked as he smiled. “You are important to the Avengers. You are stronger than any of them, but you don’t show your full potential.” He explained as (Y/N) growled, struggling harder when they started connecting wires to her head. 
“Get off me! Go away!” She cried when he gripped her by the hair and yanked back, holding her still as she hissed at the burning sensation from her scalp. Her eyes snapped shut when he finally let go of her hair as she panted softly, tears brimming her waterline. When she finally opened her eyes she looked to see the guy smirking down at her causing her to swallow. “Turn on the machine boys. She’s ready.” He said, taking a step back as fear consumed (Y/N)’s body.
Her hands were trembling as they gripped the metal chair tightly before this agonizing pain of what felt like her skull was being slowly ripped open and hot water was being pour over it. She let out a scream of pain as blood trickled down from her nose while her eyes snapped shut from the intense spasm through her brain. Suddenly she stopped moving altogether as she slumped in the chair when the agent stopped the machine.
 “It is done.” He said to the older man who smirked down at her. “Excellent. Unlock her and we need to leave.” He said as they nod collecting their things before unlocking her from the chair. “The Avengers will be here in five minutes.” He said the older man who looked to him before looking to her. “Don’t worry. She’ll stop them long before they get to us.” He chuckled before they all went out the back entrance.
The moment they came out the Avengers kicked down the door and noticed (Y/N) sitting in the chair, unconscious. “Cap, get (Y/N).” Tony said detecting three lifesigns on his scanner. “Bucky, Natasha with me.” Tony said as Steve went up to her when suddenly a knife was shoved into his shoulder causing him to cry out. He was kicked backwards as he slammed heavily against the wall when everyone froze seeing the dark look in her eyes.
 “Shit, what happened?” Tony asked. “It’s too late. They already broke her.” Bucky said before charging towards her as she jumped up onto the chair and flipped over him when he stopped her fist from hitting his side. Steve gripped the handle of the blade before ripping it from his shoulder as he growled softly in pain. “Tony, Clint and Natasha go after the others. Sam, Bucky and I will take care of (Y/N).” He said to them.
“But Steve--” Tony started to protest. “Go! Now!” He barked as the three went into action while Steve, Bucky, and Sam faced what use to be their friend. “You’ll all die!” She exclaims before kicking Bucky back against the chair when she turns and blocks Steve who tried to swing at her. They had been fighting for a good half an hour as Sam blocked her attacks. 
“I can’t fight her. She’s just a kid!” He huffed as (Y/N) smirked. “You’re weak.” She said before breaking Sam’s arm at the elbow causing him to cry out. She was tackled to the floor by Steve as she struggled against him when he lifted up her head before snapping his eyes shut as it collided with the ground. Steve slumped before he panted for a moment, looking back to the other two who looked just as beaten as he felt. “Come on, we need to move her now.” He said as they nod.
The ride back on the Quinjet was quiet as Tony checked over her when he came to the front with the others. “She’s damaged… They took out all the good memories with us and implanted ones where we’re the bad guys. It’ll take me months before I figure out how to fix her.” He sighed softly slumping down into the pilot seat. “We can’t tell Peter.” Bucky said, sitting up. “He’ll find out eventually. He’s a smart kid.” Tony counters. 
“Tony’s right, Bucky. We’ll just have to… put her in Loki’s old cell until we figure out something.” Steve explained. “So you’re going to keep her up like a caged animal?” Sam asked, frowning. “What else can we do Sam? If we let her out there she could kill a lot of people. She’s… She’s Hydra now.” Steve mumbled gripping the handles of the Quinjet. “It’ll be best for her to regain some things.” Bucky explained to him.
The rest of the ride home was in awkward silence. After they got back Steve, Bucky, and Natasha took (Y/N)’s unconscious form down to the holding cell. The moment the elevator opened to the communal room Peter shot off the couch and ran over to them. “Where’s (Y/N)? Is she okay?” He demanded almost immediately as Tony stepped out of the suit. 
“Kid, calm down.” Tony placed his hands onto Peter’s shoulder when Peter quickly knocked them away. “Where. Is. (Y/N)?” He asked as Tony sighed softly. “You can’t see her right now Peter.” He murmured as Peter frowned. “What? Why not?” He asked causing Tony to wince. “Because she’s… She’s unstable.” Tony looked like he was questioning if he used the right wording. “Please Mr. Stark… I have to see her.” He said when Tony rubbed his temple for a moment.
“Alright, she’s downstairs in a holding cell until we figure out how to get rid of the Hydra implanted memories. Be caution Kid… She’s not the same person right now.” Tony explained, placing his hand on Peter’s shoulder as Peter nods before running to the elevator. He had to see her, had to make sure that she was okay, because now he was terrified from what Tony just told him.
 The doors to the elevator opened and Peter went down to the hallway, seeing Steve, Bucky, Nick, and Natasha all standing there together. “(Y/N).” Peter called as the four look to him. “Kid, wait. I think you shouldn’t see her right now.” Bucky said as he pushes past him. “Let him.” Nick said before anyone could stop him. He saw her in the cell, sitting with her head between her knees as he swallowed softly. “(Y-Y/N)?” He asked, placing his hand on the glass.
(Y/N) looked up with a murderous glare before her eyes immediately softened at the boy standing in front of her. Memories of them laughing together, kissing, holding hands, and everything flooded her mind as her eyes widened. “P-Peter?” She asked as they four at the doorway to the cells froze when they heard her call Peter’s name. “Yeah (Y/N), it’s me. Peter… Your boyfriend.” He gave her a dorkish grin when she smiled back before shaking her head. 
“Peter, you need to leave. Like right now.” Her voice started to tremble as tears flooded her eyes. “What? No, I’m not going anywhere!” Peter snapped. “Please! I don’t want to hurt you! I attacked the others I--” She covered her ears and cried out as Steve and Bucky came down, grabbing Peter. “Stop! Let go of me! Please! Wait! (Y/N)!!” Peter cried out, feeling tears of his own trickling down his face as they dragged him towards the door when (Y/N) looked up at him with an expressionless face. “Hail Hydra.” She spat in a monotone before the shut, closing Peter off from the one he loved.  
Permanent Tag: @kanupps06 @lehumbletrashcan @hortonhearsahoeblr @madamrubrum @tillielynn16 @ididntasktogetmadedidi @eliza-hamilton-helpless @archy3001 @inselaire @breezy1415 @tremendouslyelegantstrawberry​ @donttalktomewhenimreading @txcountrybelle @i-am-a-dragon @abbywro-blog @shayna-winchester @doctorcelina @impossiblepizzapeace @ek823
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thesoundofmadness · 7 years
Memory Loss (Lloyd  Reader oneshot)
"LLOYD! WATCH OUT!" Y/n calls out as she jumps infront of him to take the time punch for him. She feels something like a intense shock and flys backward onto the hard concrete of the road. Her head hits the ground first, then her arm. "Y/N!" Everyone calls out. Lloyd runs over and picks her up. Tears fill his eyes. Her vison blurred. Everyone else just stood there, stunned and not knowing what to do. She starts to whisper into his ear. "Lloyd....please defeat the Time Twins. For Ninjago, for Master Wu, for your Dad, for me....please" She then looks the blonde boy in his eyes. He places his hand on her cheek and kisses her. It was a way for him to tell her he loved her before she fell unconscious. She realeses the kiss and hugs him again. "I love you....." She says quietly before she falls limp in his arms. Tears continued to fall as her hugged her tightly. "Y/n...no.....you're the most important person to me. More important than anyone else. Please....no! He sat there and cried into her shoulder fora few minutes. Everyone ran over. "Oh no...." "Y/n!" "First Zane, then Dad, then Master Wu and now Y/n. Why? Why? What did I do to deserve this?! Why?! It should have been me! Not Y/n! Why?!" He then wiped his tears away. "No. We have to stop the time twins. I have to stop them. " He handed the (h/c) (hair colored) girl over to Kai, drew his sword and pointed it at the time twins. All he could think about was Y/n. All he could feel was anger He ran towards the time twins. Aderinline was pulsing through his body. As he fought, flashbacks played infront of him like a movie. For about 3 minutes (pretty much as long as the song is) he fought the time twins. He then finally knocked them down to the ground, took the timeblades, used the reversal one on Y/n to get her to stop rapidly aging, then opening back the time portal and everyone went through it.
Lloyd woke up in his room. He got up from the light green bed and stretched. It has been 5 months since Y/n got knocked unconscious and put in a coma. Those past few months hadn't been the best for anyone, more specficly Lloyd. He just felt like something was missing. He knew what was missing was Y/n. Ever since the accident with the time twins, his world just hasnt been as bright and colorful as it was when Y/n was there. It just didn't feel right at all. He then walked out of the room to the kitchen, made some cearal and ate it. There was this lingering feeling that this whole thing, was his fault. He felt this before. He first felt it when his dad died and then when he got possessed by Morro. This time it was different. This time it was stronger than before. When he feels like this, he distracts himself from the feeling untill it goes away but he just couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Y/n. It sucked thinking about it all the time and feeing like that but he just could not shake it.  He got up from his spot, washed out the bowl and put it by the sink. He then walked over to Y/ns room. He's been avoiding going in there since the accident. He took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in. He moved her legs and sat on the bed next to them. Y/n was asleep peacefully. It was adorable. It was like looking at a flower ready to bloom, even though this flower wasnt ready to bloom yet. He missed her smile, the way her hair smelled after a shower, how they would always stay up 'till like 3 am watching MLP on netflix (If you dont like MLPm screw you. MLP is awesome), them training together, everything. He hated not being able to do anything. He felt like he should have done something. He didn't know what but just something to let her know he was there. It wasn't right without her there. There was no one to tell him the most insteresting things at dinner, no one to joke around with, no one. When he does it with someone else it just doesnt feel right. He sighed. "It sure is weird without you here Y/n." He says. " I know you cant hear me and I dont except you to hear me, but I just need to get this out." He went on to explain some stuff about how much he misses her, how when she wakes up, he would tell her his feelings for her and that kind of things. Y/n stirred. Lloyd raised an eyebrow. Must be because she's been stiff for the past 5 months. He thought. She stirred again and slowly opened her eyes. "Y/N?!" Lloyd tried not to yell but accidently yelled. She grabbed her head. "Agh. Please d-dont be so loud. My head hurts really bad." "Uh.. s-s-sorry! I was j-just surpised thats all." He says with a chuckle. "Its okay. Um..forgive me for asking but who are you and who is Y/n?" He was shocked at first but them remember she got a pretty bad concussion so got over it quickly. Shit what do I say?!  "You look and sound familer but I just cant put my finger on it." He started playing with his fingers. "Uh...you are Y/n and i'm Lloyd. We were uh...." I could tell her that she was my GF and save having to explain my feelings to her. Nah that wouldn't be right. "We were what?" She asks. Her beautiful (e/c) (eye color) eyes were looking at him with confusion. "We were uh friends. Yeah! Friends before you lost your memory." "Ohhh. That explains some stuff. Alright Lloyd. You seem trustworthy and I feel like I should trust you so I'll believe you. Now where are we?" "Uh we are in your room in the Airjeztu Temple. Come on,lets go to the living room so I can explain some stuff that you need to know. Let me help you up." He says with a smile. She smiles back. She swung her legs over the bed and tried to stand. She just fell back onto the (f/c) (favorite color) bed. Lloyd put his arm on her lower back and pushed her up. She leaned onto Lloyd for support. "Try to take it easy okay? I dont want you getting hurt again." "How long was I out?" "5 months" Her eyes widened when she heard that. "5 months?! Must of been a pretty bad accident" "Y-yeah it was. Just be glad you didnt die. If you did I wouldn't know what to do." "What do you mean by that?" He blushed. "N-nothing! L-let's go to the living room. She gave him a 'are you sure about that?' look but then brushed it off. They just met, or re-met, she didn't want to get to deep into his bissnus.
"So you're telling me, we are ninja. We have these 'elemental powers' that allow us to do certain things. You're the Master of Energy and I'm the Master of (element)?" "Yep. We go around protecting Ninjago from bad guys. We're actually pretty good at it." "And we defeated alot of people using them?" "Yea." "Apart of me is telling me not to believe you, while another is telling me you're saying the truth. Are you really telling the truth?" Lloyd made a little energy in his hand.  "Woah. You arnt lying." "I'm not one to lie. How is your head?" "It still hurts but not as much as it did at first" Y/n took a sip of her tea. "Are there any other elemental masters on our team? Or in general?" "Yeah! Theres Kai Master of Fire, Jay Master of Lighting, Cole Master of Earth, Zane Master of Ice and Nya Master of Water. There's also our sensei, Master Wu and my mom Misako but they arnt elemental masters." "Oh. Okay. Where are they?" "Well, you see. We help run a tea shop in Ninjago City. They are there now. I stayed back because there needed to be someone here to make sure something doesnt happen to you." "Do they know i'm awake?" "No, not yet. I still need to tell them." "Why dont you do it right now? I dont mind." "Well, i kinda wanna make it a surpise. I have not idea why I just do." "Okay! I'm okay with that!" She smiled at him and he smiled back. You have no idea how much I missed your smile (n/n) (nickname). Lloyd sighed. "Is something wrong Lloyd?" He shook his head. "It's nothing." "Are you missing the way I was before the accident you wont tell me about?" He looked at her with a shocked expersion. "H-how did you know that?!" "You just seemed like you were missing something. I know that look on your face, I just dont know how I know." He looked at her with a smile. "You'll figure it out. And yes, I'm missing you before the accident but I'll through it. Dont worry. I'll do everything I can to help you get your memory back alright?" She nodded. He pat her head as he heard voices outside. She blushed alittle. "Lloyd! We're home!" Cole called out. Y/n raised her eyebrow (if you cant just pretend you can) "Guys guess what!" "Did Y/n- HOLY CHRIST SHE DID WAKE UP" "Hi!" She waved to everyone. They all had there mouths open. "Why didnt you tell us?!" "I wanted it to be a surpise." "Okay okay, before anything. Y/n do you know who we are?" Kai asked. "Uh...you look familer but I dont think I know you. You guys are the rest of the Ninja right? Lloyd told me about you guys but I wanna make sure" They all nodded simultaneously. After re-introducing themselves, Zane did a check to make sure nothing was wrong/ broken. At dinner, the ninja caught you up to everything that happened. The snakes, the nindroids, the ghosts all that stuuf. (Except Nadakan. Only Jay can remember. He doesnt like talking about it.) They also explained how you lost your memory. "Wait what? We went back in time, I got hit with one of the 'timeblades' and got knocked out?" "Yeah pretty much." "While you flew back, you hit your arm and your head pretty badly. Your arm is fine now but your head, not so much. You got a concussion. That's why you lost your memory Y/n." "Ohhhhh okay. I understand now. Anything else I should know?" "Lloyd has a crush on you." "I DO NOT." Lloyd yelled after Kai said that. "Why'd ya kiss her right before she passed out then?" She blushed. Hard. So did Lloyd. Both of your faces where redder than Kai's gi. "Hahahhahaha. I'm just kidding. Lloyd never did that." For some reason, she felt like they were lying but just shrugged. "Uhhh......" "WELL IMMA GO TO BED NOW GOODNIGHT" Lloyd quickly got up, cleaned off his plate and left, still with the blush on his face. "Did he really kiss me?" "Yep. Dont tell him I told you that though." "Okay. I wont. Well, im gonna head off to bed too. Night Kai" "Night Y/n"
Im gonna be posting alot of these. Hope you enjoy them!!!  
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