#- want to be caught so you convince your gf to run away instead of HELPING HER FRIEND WHO IS INJURED
uitzinnigmp3 · 10 months
guys i dont think this season is that good anymore actually sorry
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avocado-writing · 1 month
Idk if you know Mortal Kombat, especially mileena (she's my favorite) but may I please get a Wolverine and/or Deadpool with a gf who has a mutation like Mileena.
She thinks she's ugly when she uses it but the boys think otherwise 🎀
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This is (my wife) Mileena
When Wade fights with you at his side, your carnage is always prefaced with a quiet request. 
“Please don’t look.”
And, because he is fundamentally a good dude, he doesn’t.
Fuck. He really wants to, though.
The noises that you make when he turns his back to focus on a different opponent are… interesting. It sounds like a bunch of really wet celery being snapped in half to a symphony of screams. When he’s done slicing people into teeny tiny chunks he turns around and sees you standing there in a pool of blood, trying to get the stain of it off your jacket.
He’s never been so curious about something in his entire life.
You’re so lovely. Loveliest thing he’s ever met. How the fuck he managed to convince you to give him a chance he’ll never know. God, the stars, and luck must have all been on his side that day, when after you’d finished taking down a cartel he’d asked you to grab a coffee and you’d said yes. Ever since then it’s been great. He loves spending days on window-shopping dates with you, fingers intertwined as he leaves you breathless with laughter; lazing on his sofa with some stupid rom-com playing with a bucket of popcorn between you both; snuggled in his usual corner booth at his favourite pizza place playing footsie beneath the table.
Perfect. You are perfect in every way.
So if all it takes is looking away when you ask him to then it’s a pretty easy compromise.
Unfortunately what you don’t take into account is that he is an idiot.
Wade catches the sight of you in the reflection of his katana the next time you’re out on a job. He’s just liberated some dude’s head from the rest of his body and is cleaning his blade when he spots you. 
And he cannot turn away.
Your mouth is open so wide it could rival a snake’s. Rows of jagged teeth which help you dismember the man who has been caught in the vine of your tongue, struggling to get away as he screams for help. When your jaws snap shut the man is silenced. You spit out the remains of his face onto the ground beside you like discarded gum.
“Holy shit!” says Wade. You squeak when you realise he’s caught the reflection of you, covering your mouth with both hands as it returns to its normal soft, kissable line.
“Oh no!” you whisper. Wade dispatches the last guy who’s running for him with a well-aimed bullet before coming to gather you in his arms.
“Baby, hey, it’s okay!” he says quickly when it’s obvious that you’re about to cry. You look up at him with glistening eyes.
“But Wade, I look so ugly,” you manage, “I thought… if you saw… you might not want to…”
Be with me any more, are the words which hang unspoken in the air. Wade guffaws.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Babe, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Your eyebrows crease together in confusion. He wants to use his thumb to smooth it out, but instead chooses to wipe a tear off your face.
“Of course! Shit, you’ve got that fuckin’ Venom thing going on? Like Mileena from Mortal Kombat but sexier? Come on, I’d be a fool if I wasn't rocking a semi right now!”
This makes you laugh properly, from your stomach, and all your worry is forgotten.
“I shouldn’t have worried…” you sigh when you get your wits back.
“Nah, of course not. You’ll always be my boo, okay?”
You grin up at him, before an idea very clearly crosses your mind.
“Oh! That means now I can show you what my tongue can do.”
He isn’t proud of it, but that promise almost makes him cum in the suit.
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taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk @starfleetteddybear
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tywrites · 4 years
at ease [sugawara koushi]
request: "Hi could I request a Suga x reader where he is introducing you to the Karasuno team for the first time and how you think everyone would react to him having a gf? Thank you in advance! Hope you are doing well and keeping healthy"
a/n: ah first of all, tysm! i'm doing decently, i hope you're doing good too! <3 i wasn't sure if you wanted headcannons or an imagine so i decided to do an imagine bc i love writing for suga ahaha, hope you enjoy :)) also!! please leave some feedback, i'd love to know what you thought of it ♡
warnings: i don't think there's any <3
word count: 1,724
pairing: sugawara koushi x reader
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"Y/N, you really don't need to be this nervous. I promise they're gonna love you," your boyfriend assured you as you walked hand in hand down the path towards the Karasuno school gym.
Sighing, you nod at his statement. "I mean, my head knows that you're probably right, but my stomach really disagrees," you reply, praying to the lord above that you wouldn't hurl in front of his team mates. That really wouldn't be a good first impression.
Even though yourself and Suga had been dating for around three months now, you had yet to meet his team mates. This may be due to the fact that you didn't actually attend Karasuno, and instead got to know Suga back when you were in junior high. You'd both decided to go to different high schools, but still kept in touch and eventually began dating when he finally decided to ask you on a proper date.
Suga had been trying to get you to meet them for weeks, but you were able to create an excuse to get out of it every time. It wasn't a case of you not wanting to meet them, you were just genuinely terrified. You knew how much Suga cared for his friends and if they didn't like you... no, Suga wouldn't let that get between you both indefinitely. But it could put a huge strain on your relationship and you just didn't want to risk that.
Suga just made you so incredibly happy. Everything about him still gave you butterflies, no matter how long you'd known him, and he was honestly one of the sweetest people you knew. He always knew what to say to make you feel better and never failed to make you laugh. Not to mention that his smile was one of the best gifts to this Earth. He made you a better person and vice versa. And it would honestly be the worst thing ever for you to jeopardise that.
Your rambling thoughts were interrupted by Suga's melodic laughter. "Please try not to throw up, I don't think Shimizu would be very impressed with having to clean that," he chortled as he swang your hand back and forth.
The doors to the gym were in sight and you felt your heart lurch, suddenly stopping dead in the middle of the pathway, causing Suga to tug at your hand. Realising you were beginning to overthink again, Suga moved so that he was in front of you and took both of your cheeks into his hands, a gentle smile on his face. "Y/N, just try not to think about it. Yes, the team is very important to me, but so are you. You don't have anything to worry about." He paused, noticing your eyes still moving around restlessly and the slight furrow in your eyebrows. "Do you know why I want the team to meet you?"
You shook your head carefully, relishing in the feeling of his calloused hands against your skin. You felt his thumb rub your cheek soothingly as he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to your lips, your cheeks heating up under his hands.
"Because I want them to know what an amazing person I have the privilege of being in love with."
Damn. This dude really knew how to make your heart stop, huh?
He grinned cheekily at you. "So, you ready?" He asked, as he pulled away and took your hand in his once again. Taking a deep breath, you nodded at him with a small smile. You were still nervous, but with the comforting feeling of his hand in yours and the atmosphere of that quick kiss lingering, you decided that yes, you were ready.
It honestly wasn't as bad as you expected.
Yes, walking through those doors was damn intimidating to say the least, but that was the worst part of the whole thing. As you and Suga walked in, Suga leading the way, it took a little while for anyone to really notice; most of them too busy practising individually before team practise began.
In the end, Suga cleared his throat loudly and all action in the gym ceased, the sound of volleyballs bouncing decreasing steadily.
Before complete chaos erupted.
Two small boys catapulted themselves towards you, their excited jabbering blending into one as a taller boy with dark hair pulled them back before they completely bulldozed you over. It took you so by surprise that you took a step back, accidentally walking into a tall body.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed, looking up at the boy with glasses apologetically. He waved you off and went over to stand next to dark-headed boy witha bright smile who was a little bit shorter than him.
There were way too many people to keep track of, how on earth were you gonna be able to do this?
Laughing off the chaos, Sugawara stepped slightly ahead of you. "Guys! Please try not to scare my girlfriend off as soon as she walks through the door,"
There was a gasp from half the room while the others just chuckled at the statement. "Girlfriend?" A short boy with orange hair questioned, looking up at you and Suga curiously. "Is this your girlfriend, Suga-san?!"
Suga laughed lightly. "Yep! This is Y/N," he said while pulling you forward and intertwining his hand with yours. "I finally convinced her to meet you guys, though to be fair she did try to run away more than once on the walk here," he teased as you felt your cheeks darken.
You bowed your head slightly. "It's nice to meet all of you! I'm sorry it's taken such a long time for us to meet," you apologised, cursing Suga for embarrassing you. Though you were surprised to hear light laughter meet your ears.
"Please, don't be so formal," a warm voice said, causing you to look up and catch sight of Daichi. He was the only person on the team that you kind of knew, considering he and Suga were best friends. You hadn't met exactly, but you had seen him on video call when you were over Suga's house so luckily, you were familiar with him. "It's nice to finally meet you too."
After some introductions and some insistent apologies from Noya and Hinata for almost knocking you over, Daichi soon started to take hold of the situation and calm everyone down.
"We're about to start practice, but you can sit over with Shimizu if you'd like?"
"Trying to tell my girlfriend she's in the way, huh Daichi?" Suga grinned at him cheekily, patting his back.
Daichi rolled his eyes. "No, just trying to make sure that you won't be getting too distracted with her here, Suga," he teased back, allowing a discrete blush to rise to Suga's ears and neck. "Anyway, get to the court,"
You honestly got along really well with Suga's team mates! They joked around with you a lot during their breaks but you could tell how serious and talented they all were when it came to volleyball. In particular, you really got along well with Asahi (the gentle giant) and Noya, Hinata, and Tanaka (the most chaotic trio you had the pleasure of knowing.) The contrast in everyone's personalities was really refreshing and you could tell that everyone had a role to play in making the team work so well. And watching Suga while doing the thing he's passionate about, surrounded by his friends? Nothing could be better. He was in his element and you could barely take your eyes off of him.
Soon the practice began to come to an end and you were so thankful that the team welcomed you with such open arms. You went over to Suga and told him you'd wait for him outside the gym while the team went over to the clubroom to change.
"So, what'd you think of her?" Suga asked, somewhat hesitantly as he stripped off his jersey.
The boys exchanged a look of amusement and Asahi answered first. "She seems really sweet," he said with a smile.
Noya nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and she's really funny! She chased Shoyo and me around with the broom while she was helping us clean up," he laughed as he pulled on his school shoes. "I really like her!"
Continuing the conversation, the boys chatted about how much they liked you and how cute of a couple you and Suga were. Hearing them praise his girlfriend brought an even brighter smile to his face. Knowing that his friends loved you as much as he did... made him feel perfectly warm inside. Daichi reached over and slammed his hand on his back. "You did good, Suga," he said genuinely, before exiting the clubroom with Hinata and Asahi, the faint promise of buying them meat buns accelerating Noya, Tanaka, and Kageyama out the door with him. He continued getting dressed and, after Yamaguchi and Tsukishima had said their goodbyes, he headed down to the gym to pick you up and walk you home. He subconsciously smiled immediately as he saw you, your head down as you played with your phone—the screen illuminating your face in the evening darkness. Even in the bad lighting, he thought you were beautiful. And knowing the people whom he cared about liked you too, made you even more beautiful in his eyes.
As he was gazing at you intently, you looked up and caught his eyes. Grinning at him, you reached out your hand and he took it without hesitation, pulling you to him tightly. Though taken aback by the sudden hug, you allowed yourself to be swallowed by his warmth, the cool night air piercing your exposed skin. He pulled your head back from the crook of his neck in order to get a look at your face.
"So... was it as bad as you expected?" He whispered, watching as you tugged at your bottom lip with your teeth, a gesture you did a lot when he teased you. "Were my team mates terrifying?"
You giggled softly, shaking your head with a small sigh. "No. They weren't. And before you say I told you so-"
"I would never!" He gasped mockingly, acting appalled at the accusation.
You stare blankly at him. "Yes, you would,"
"Yes, I would."
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 4/? (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
Summary: Gigi and Crystal discuss things in person. Elites Only also gains a new member.
As soon as Crystal realized what was happening, she exited the Twitter app. The girl she had been talking to for months, the girl she had shared so many things with was Georgina Goode, who happened to be best friends with the girl who hated Crystal for no reason, because of course this would happen to Crystal.  
Crystal’s mind was racing, her brain instantly jumping to the worse case scenarios. Did Gigi know she was talking to Crystal this entire time? Was this entire thing just a ploy orchestrated by Dahlia to get dirt on her? Georgina was not gay, but Gigi was. Did Gigi even like her, or was Crystal just an experiment that no one would ever find out about because it was over the internet? She knew none of these theories made sense, she didn’t think Gigi had any idea who she was until now.
Gigi was freaking out. She had messaged Crystal, attempting to explain herself, but she had gotten no reply. Crystal hadn’t even read them. Panicking, she messaged Jan, hoping she would be online.
gigi: jan oh my fuckigng
gigi: …no
jan!: and why is that?
gigi: she literally goes to my school she sent me a selfie and i sent one back without saying that we’re irls and she just said what the fuck and now she wont message me back
gigi: i know u don’t like how rude dahlia is so im sorry i have to mention her but she’s literally the girl dahlia picks on for no reason i didn’t even know her name was crystal
jan!: W H A T 
gigi: what do i do
jan!: girl like i know?? this doesn’t usually happen to people.
jan!: when do you usually see crystal
gigi: i see her in the halls sometimes. she told me before that she stays mostly in the art wing tho
jan!: ok. tomorrow  go to the art wing and find her. talk to her. she’s probably not responding bc im sure it’s not a good feeling to find out the girl she’s been flirting with for months is best friends with the girl bullying her
gigi: god i feel so bad about that. i only stopped it once and i feel so bad
jan!: i love you but you’re a fucking idiot, gigi. you really are. go talk to her tomorrow and do better.
The next morning arrived faster than Crystal wanted it to. She was dreading going to school, knowing she couldn’t avoid Gigi forever. Thankfully, they did not have any classes together, but crossing paths was inevitable. The thought of seeing Gigi, even from across a crowded hallway, made her want to sob.
Her stomach started hurting because of her anxiety, but convincing her mother to let her stay home didn’t go over well. Crystal had convinced her mother at first, but as soon as she felt Crystal’s forehead to see if Crystal was running a temperature, which she wasn’t, she had insisted that Crystal stop pretending and get ready for school. She even drove Crystal to school instead of having her walk to make sure Crystal didn’t skip.
Crystal walked straight to the bathroom in the art wing. It was smaller, with only two stalls and the cell service was terrible; but it was vacant for the most part. She often stayed there when she wanted to skip class, and the only person she had ever encountered was Aiden, a shy girl from her art class. If Gigi was looking for her, this bathroom would be the last place she would look.
She had spent the morning sketching and listening to One Direction. She was in the zone, barely noticing when the door opened. Crystal didn’t bother looking up when she felt someone’s presence there, assuming that it was Aiden. “Hey, Aiden.”
“Uh,” Gigi started, “Crystal?”
Crystal’s head shot up, her eyes wide as she looked at a very relieved looking Gigi. “Oh, shit. Hey.” 
Gigi walks over to her, kneeling down to be at the same height as Crystal. “I know you’re probably upset with me, but can we talk? Please? I’ve been looking for you all period.”
Crystal nodded, moving her backpack to make a spot for Gigi to sit down. “Sorry I said what the fuck and dipped, I really didn’t know what else to do.”
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I’m going to sound like such a bitch but I didn’t even know your name until last night.” Gigi had never been good with names, only being able to remember her online friends’ names in the beginning because their name was attached to everything they did. Crystal had been known to Gigi as ‘Art Girl’ until last night.
Crystal had to laugh at that. “It’s fine. I don’t think Dahlia knows what my name is either, and I’ve lived in her mind rent free for years!”
“Speaking of her, I’m so sorry I only stopped her once. I didn’t want to get into it but I realize now that ignoring it is just as bad as joining in. Especially seeing the effects it has on you first hand, and now that I know I could’ve helped.”
Last night, Crystal gave Gigi a run down on every single color she had ever dyed her hair, and she had mentioned that she stopped dying her hair once she got into high school because she didn’t want to stick out even more, in fear of getting treated worse. It had made Gigi sad then, and knowing she could’ve changed that made her feel even worse. 
“Yeah, I don’t know how this is going to impact your real life, but no matter what I just hope you will step in next time.” 
Gigi reached over to grab Crystal’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I will never let her hurt you ever again. I care about you so much.”
They sat in silence for a few moments.
“Can I tell you something?” Crystal asked quietly, avoiding Gigi’s glance. 
“Of course. You can tell me anything.”
“I really like you. I know it’s probably weird now, since you’re not out and I’m not positive you feel the same, but I feel like I should tell you.”
Gigi smiled, placing her fingers under Crystal’s chin, lifting them up to make Crystal make eye contact with her. “I’ve been hoping you would say that.”
Crystal blushed at the contact. “Really?”
“Of course! You’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met. I would be such a fool not to like you back.”
The bell rang, interrupting their moment. Gigi pulled away, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket to check the time. “Fuck. I have a test this period.”
“It’s okay. We can talk about this later,” Crystal reassured her, standing up even though she had no intention to go to her next class, “I can send you my address and we could meet after school?”
Gigi nodded, pulling Crystal into a tight hug. “This is the most emotion I’ve ever shown at once. I thought it was going to be scary but I feel so much better. Thank you for talking to me. If I was you I don’t think I would’ve.”
“I could never not talk to you.”
Crystal decided she would stay in the bathroom until lunch. It was mostly out of laziness, as her Gigi related anxiety was long gone. Doing academics was the last thing she felt like doing now. 
She had plenty of entertainment, she had missed a lot on Twitter, and had two thousand new messages from the group chat, even though she was gone for less than a day.
crystal: im skipping class what’s up ladies
jan!: hi crystal!!!
jaida: girl where have you been?? my world has been so empty
nicky: wtf jaida stop acting like i don’t exist
crystal: ehh personal things happened so i was ia. i dyed my hair green last night tho!! look!!
jan!: omg you’re so pretty
jaida: HOT HOT HOT
nicky: crystal. marriage now
heidi: omg girl you look so good!! i love your leprosy print shirt
heidi: leprosy
heidi: girl how do you spell lepord
heidi: leopard
heidi: there we go
nicky: you did it!
jaida: so proud of you
She was relieved they didn’t question her further, but she couldn’t help but be curious about what their reactions would be if they knew what was going on. Talking to the girls again made time go by extremely fast, before Crystal knew it the bell rang, declaring it lunch time.
She hadn’t eaten breakfast due to her anxiety from this morning, and just realized how hungry she was. Collecting her stuff, she exited the bathroom and headed down to the cafeteria. 
When she was in line to pay for a slice of pizza and a bag of pretzels, she had caught the attention of Dahlia, who didn’t hesitate to express how she felt about her new hair. 
“Ew, who in their right mind would dye their hair green?” Dahlia loudly asked Gigi, making sure Crystal was in ear shot. 
Before Crystal could defend herself, Gigi spoke up. “Dahlia, can you please shut the fuck up? No one cares what you think about Crystal’s hair, it looks fine. I can hardly tolerate you being rude anymore.”
“Georgina, what the fuck? I’m not rude!” Dahlia whined, making Crystal smile. She had been slightly surprised that it happened so soon, but she was happy Gigi stepped in.
Crystal paid and made sure to wave at the girls on her way out. Gigi waved back, and Dahlia looked the other way, her arms crossed.
crystal: it’s not that i didn’t believe you but i’m shocked that actually happened..
gigi: she’s lowkey mad at me but idc
gigi: i believe you owe me ur address? 
crystal: oh that’s right!
gigi: i have cheer after school but i can come over right after
crystal: yay!!! 
The rest of the day was painfully long. Every minute felt like an hour, Crystal was even bored during her art class. She couldn’t wait to go home and talk to Gigi.
She zoned out while she was walking home, wondering what could happen tonight. Crystal would like to think that Gigi was about to kiss her before they got interrupted, or maybe she was going to ask Crystal to be her girlfriend. Anything could happen, and Crystal couldn’t really tell how she felt about it.
When she got home, she tidied up her room. Her bed was unmade, her dirty clothes were on the floor, and a couple dirty cups littered the top of her night stand. It wasn’t too bad, Crystal would usually consider this clean for her, but it made her feel slightly embarrassed now. She had the urge to fix it, even though Gigi probably wouldn’t have cared too much if Crystal left it the way it was.
After her room was clean, she still had some time to spare before Gigi would be on her way. She headed to the group chat, curious to see what chaos they were up to currently. 
nicky: ADD HER
jaida: jan please come back i hate it here
crystal: who are we adding?
nicky: JACKIE
nicky: why :(
jan!: i can’t trust you guys to not embarrass me in front of her and she is not a stan!!! she will not understand any of you!
jaida: we don’t have to embarrass you, you’ll do it yourself. we can teach jackie stan language, she’s smart and she’ll catch on
crystal: omg add her
jan!: i hate you all so much
nicky: PLS
jan!: fine.
jan! added Jackie
jan!: jackie, these are my friends. don’t believe anything they say about me.
Jackie: Oh, hello everyone!
nicky: c’mon auto caps!
crystal: hi!  
jaida: hi jackie!
heidi: i leave to play animal crossing for 15 minutes and we get a new member… smh
nicky: not just any new member! it’s jackie!!!!
jaida: the way nicky likes jackie more than jan does
heidi: that’s impossible. jan is SUCH a simp for jackie
Jackie: What? 
crystal: OMFG
Jackie: Does that mean she likes me? I’m confused.
nicky: yes!
Jackie: That’s good. I would assume that Jan likes me, especially after what we did in my car earlier.
crystal: holy fucking shit
jan!: JACKIE SHUT UP!!!!!!
Jackie: Why?
jaida: god i love it here
gigi: janet you better tell me everything later!!!
Crystal was so invested in the train wreck going on, only focusing on the messages sent by Jan and Jackie that she didn’t notice Gigi had come online until she got a notification that Gigi sent her a private message. 
gigi: im on ur street :)
Crystal ran to the door, opening it the second she saw Gigi step onto the porch. Gigi jumped, not expecting it. “Someone’s eager to see me, huh?”
Crystal blushed, letting Gigi in. “Shut up.”
Gigi kicked off her shoes and sat her backpack down next to them before letting Crystal lead her to her room. It was colorful, lots of posters and canvases covering the hot pink walls. “This is very you. I like it!”
“Thank you!” Crystal exclaimed, taking a seat on her bed and patting the space next to her. Gigi gladly sat next to her. 
“This is just really weird. 24 hours ago, I didn’t know who you were and now you’re in my bed. It’s kind of overwhelming,” Crystal blurted out, making Gigi frown. “But not in a bad way!” She clarified, “It’s just a lot to process.”
“Oh, yeah. It is a big change. Last night, I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend, but that obviously did not happen.” Gigi blushed, grabbing a throw pillow from Crystal’s bed to hide her face in. 
Crystal took the pillow away from her, sitting it next to them, “Do you still want me to be your girlfriend?”
Gigi nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t know if we should become official yet. We know each other so well, but I feel like we need to see if we vibe in person.”
“I don’t think we will have an issue with that, but I agree. Let’s take it slow. But can I try something first?”
Gigi grinned, “Yeah, what?”
“This.” Crystal whispered, leaning forward until her lips pressed against Gigi’s. Gigi kissed her back, wrapping her arms around Crystal’s neck and pulling Crystal even closer.
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P&F/GF AU: AT2D Edition! It all begins at the end (ironically enough) of the episode Not What He Seems, where Mabel doesn't press the portal's deactivation button, but as a result, she, Dipper, Stan and Soos get sucked into the portal and arrive at the Second Dimension, where Ford is a Resistance member. Before they can meet the Author, the group meet Phineas, Ferb and Perry shortly after they escaped from Platyborg for the first time, and the story continues as you see it!
WAIT I LOVE THIS? okay hang on lemme think about it for a minute how does this work...
- He doubts they're gonna find Ford, so Stan decides against explaining everything. Whatever half-assed excuse he gives is good enough for Soos and Mabel, but Dipper still doesn't trust him. Part of Stan wants to come clean, but he's convinced that if he admits he accidentally shoved his brother into another dimension for thirty years, he's going to lose not just Dipper but Soos and Mabel too.
- They run into Phineas, Ferb, and Perry on the street, and during that brief awkward moment where no one's sure if they just got caught, Mabel sees Perry and picks him up and gives him a hug. Perry does not appreciate it.
- Candace walks in on the Phineas/Ferb/Phineas/Ferb/Dipper/Mabel/Stan/Soos party to tell them to shut up — it's not Doofensday, after all — and instead of turning around and walking away, she freaks the fuck out because what is Ford fucking Pines doing here? She made it very clear when she and Ford agreed to lead the Resistance together that he needs to leave her family alone.
- How the fuck does Stan explain that he's not Ford without telling the kids that he has a secret brother whose identity he stole?
- Wait, hold the fucking phone. Ford is here?
- Idk how Stan gets out of that one, but somehow he convinces Candace to take them to the Resistance base
- Perry hears the news update and sneaks off to turn himself in. He has to listen not just to Phineas chew him out for leaving again, but to Mabel's tearful "You can't leave! What if you get hurt! It's not safe for a platypus out there by themselves!" too and the guilt sinks in real quick.
- The moment Ford walks through the door, everyone's brains malfunction. Why the fuck are there two of them?
- Stan goes in for a hug, and Ford opts to beat the shit out of him instead
- Cue A Tale of Two Stans
- Candace y33ts herself through the portal again and she has a lot of catch-up to do
- Mabel refuses to let Phineas and Ferb go save Perry without her. Dipper refuses to let Mabel go without him. Stan refuses to let them go at all, but he can't really stop them so he decides to join them
- Ford tries to stop them because this is far too dangerous for kids, and Stan would somehow fuck it up; fucking things up is what he does best, after all.
- Stan gives a very passionate speech about the fact that Mabel and Dipper are his great niece and great nephew, and if they want to save that platypus, he's helping them save that platypus, god dammit! And if Ford doesn't like that, it sure does suck to suck, but he's more than welcome to hide out in the Resistance base like a coward if he really wants to. Stan is taking his kids and he's taking Phineas and Ferb, and they're going to save Mabel's new friend platypus whether he likes it or not. It wouldn't be the first time Ford turned his back his family, after all.
- Yes, Stan does succeed in guilting Ford into coming along so now they have a guide.
- But 2D Phineas and Ferb also guilt Candace into going with them (so they can sneak aboard the mine cart) which means Ford didn't have to come at all lol sucks to be Stan
- When they rescue Perry, it's Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Perry, Soos, Dipper, and Mabel in the back cart fighting off Normbots. 2D Candace has to cut the back carts loose if she wants to get her brothers and Ford back safely. Without a moment of hesitation, Stan jumps out of his cart and runs straight for the kids. Ford thinks he's just being an idiot at first, but 2D Candace makes a comment to her brothers about family being the most important thing there is, and Ford feels a pang of guilt because he really just left his family to die :(
- "Now you have no choice but to fix my machine!" "No." "That wasn't one of your choices!"
- He also tries to get Stan to fix the machine. It doesn't seem to be planning out at first, but the moment 2D Doof threatens the kids, Stan jumps in and tells them he'll fix the machine if they leave the kids (and the platypus) alone
- Stan cannot, in fact, fix the machine; it's a very different machine than the portal he built through dimensions, and he's not entirely sure what the fuck is going on here.
- Poke the Goozim with a Stick time!
- Stan gives a heartfelt apology to Dipper, Mabel, and Soos for getting them into this. Ford happens to sneak in at that exact moment, and it's a very emotional moment for him because it reminds him of when Stan broke Ford's science project and tried to apologize, only to get thrown out of the house. If there's one thing he has to admire about his brother, it's that Stan's always ready to apologize, even when his mistakes are accidents. That's right, we're leading up to a sibling bonding moment
- 2D Candace and Ford swoop in and distract 2D Doof, giving everyone else the chance to escape. Somehow Ford ends up hopping through dimensions with them for no reason other than I want him to
- Perry gives Phineas and collar and peaces out
- They all head to the Flynn-Fletchers' where the homing device leads them to Perry's lair. Phineas, Ferb, Dipper, and Mabel all fit, but the bigger people are stuck upstairs. Stan and Ford spend the whole time arguing.
- At some point during the robot riot, Ford gets taken down. Stan thinks he's unconscious and probably dying, and he is pissed because he did not spend 30 fucking years trying to get that guy back to their dimension for him to die within the first hour. He takes out a whole bunch of robots in a fit of rage, with absolutely no idea that Ford is okay and watching the whole time (because he's not okay enough to fight; everything hurts and he craves death) which is yet another realization that maybe Stan's not quite as bad as he thought
- Once again, it's Choo Choo who saves the day
- Stan/Ford makeup session!
- And then it's time to head back to Gravity Falls before Monogram can erase their memories because we gotta leave the possibility of them meeting again and everyone lives happily ever after!
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loveau · 4 years
college!au seulgi
request: elli!! can u please do a college gf au with seulgi? i think we could all use that cute fluffiness right now 🤧 p.s. thank u for sharing ur wonderful writing ilu 💕
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major: business w/ a concentration in human resources management
minor: dance
club: prob vp of the school’s women in business club!!! she joined in the middle of her sophomore year and became vp in junior!
she’s most likely been an RA in her sophomore or junior for the upperclassmen
she was in it for the door decs before realizing she actually liked it lOL
originally was a bio major and was stressed about it, but switched to business after being an RA because she thought it was her calling???
it just fit a lot better and she didn’t have to stand there hunched over her lab work and worry about accidentally breathing in pathogens
she had declared a bio major because the plan was to go to med school if all else fails and she didn’t really know what else to do, so that was a safe option right?
never before had she been so relieved to find out that she actually really liked spending time in her business and management classes and leading her volunteer group and being an RA
she also now has an excuse to dress up super nicely for interviews and such because she had so many outfits in her closet but never got a chance to wear them out
she became so much more at ease and bubbly about it too
no more sitting in lecture halls having to recite the functions of B-cells or whatnot
it also helped to have sat down with her ARD irene who told her she might like business
it was a long process of convincing because most of it was spent trying not to keep gossiping about the other RAs on campus alfsdlknfmsdlgkn
afterwards she quits reslife so she can focus on other stuff and lives in an apartment near campus her senior year
she becomes pretty popular around campus for her happy personality and her calm energy to match, making it so easy to start a conversation with her or just hang out
seulgi will be studying somewhere in a common student area and previous residents or club mates or classmates will wave to her or stop by for a quick chat
she’s also normally p busy tho being the vp of the wib club and also making sure she’s updating her resume and leaving time on the weekends to volunteer at the animal shelter like she loves
and also making sure she isn’t spending too much on online shopping for clothes and oOPS HER FINGER SLIPPED AND NOW SHE HAS LIKE TWO TOPS AND A PAIR OF OVERALLS ON THE WAY 
but she often doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with her friends unless they plan it like a MONTH beforehand since she’s been applying and interviewing for countless internships
she was just so excited to find something that she’s super passionate about instead of biology and she kind of overloads herself on that energy akfsldgnskjgn
so of course when her friends invite her to parties or kickbacks she has to decline because she has to make the next powerpoint presentation for the club meeting and also make sure the club’s end of semester dinner is being all squared away
seulgi’s a busybody and enjoys what she does, so much that she doesn’t realize that she keeps overloading her schedule and not giving a lot of time for just herself
which usually means she also spends a lot of time cramming everything at once and might end up passing out at a friend’s place during a study session, in the middle of club meetings, or even in the library late at night
that’s just how she spent her thursday night 
she had been setting up a speech for her recruitment and selection class and had been so tired from her club meeting a couple hours before that she ended up falling asleep in the library
it was kind of cute since she had hairs slipping from her bun, some coffee stains on her sweater, ink all over her hand from notes, candy wrappers spread around her area, and her head was tipped back and her mouth wide open as she slept
okay............ not that cute
she was a mess
but it was enough for her to get startled awake by a longboard rolling across the room and hitting her chair leg quite hard
she didn’t know what happened at first and checked around only to find a somewhat empty library save the couple of students also diligently working
her laptop she left open was dead and she cursed because she didn’t save her speech and her phone was below 10%, but it was enough to tell her that it was like 3am in the morning
seulgi only noticed the skateboard because she was going to go to the bathroom to freshen up and almost slipped on it when her foot landed on the top
she caught herself and saw that there was a bottle of water and a granola bar and a note on it
‘hey, you look like you need a little refresher. i also had a spare charger in case you needed it, your laptop has been open the past hour’
sure enough there was a charger but it had been knocked to the floor after she slipped on the longboard
silently, seulgi placed the items on the table with the rest of her stuff and looked around for anyone who would have given her the stuff
except nobody was popping their head up and were all busy
plus they all had chargers with them so she didn’t know who would have given her the treats
nonetheless she opened the water bottle and felt replenished when the water hit her throat
she was so confused????? still?????
she decided to take her trip to the bathroom like she wanted to and maybe she could scope out whoever decided to give her the food and drink while she was at it
subtlety wasn’t exactly her forte either since she was craning her neck around every table and making the other students confused
eventually seulgi makes it to the bathroom and cleans herself up and when she comes back the longboard is gone and her laptop was charged for her and a new note lays on top of it?????
‘i had to go for the night, sorry about that! don’t worry about the charger, i have another one and i’ll just collect this one when i bump into you again :)’
and just like that seulgi was completely and utterly confused
she stays like that for the next two weeks or so, seeing no sign of anyone with the same longboard and she tries not to pounce at every person she sees riding one to class
it gets so bad that the prez asked if she was okay and getting enough sleep since she was so distracted during her meetings and if she called the caterer for the dinner yet asgGNSGDN
her friends sooyoung and yerim were also trying to use this as an advantage for her to get invited out to “clear her mind” as they say since she’s been so out of it lately
and they’re absolutely elated when seulgi agrees and decides to go because why not?? she’s been so stressed about finding this mystery person because she wanted to properly thank them... but also to get the laptop charger with hello kitty stickers all over it back to its owner
and also did they see she had drool running down her chin bc that was really embarrassing and she just wants to make sure if anyone saw that before she promptly packs her bags a moves to another country
she’s blushing at that don’t point it out or else it’ll get worse amsdlknsg
once they’re actually inside, she can’t help but look for any longboards by the door even though most of the people at the party came by on foot or by someone’s car since the house was relatively close to campus
sooyoung and yerim are basically pushing her further into the house as they chatter excitedly and they’re happy it isn’t a byob type of party
seulgi is basically saying she won’t drink that much because she’ll look after the two and let them go ham... for a bit..
but they’re basically like
“seulgi it’s fridaaaaay it’s fine”
“yeah! besides we know the house owner and can call joohyun if we anything”
and they’re both going “pleeeeeeeeaaaaase” and doing their best to yell it over the loud music
and before seulgi can deny any longer she’s turned to the kitchen that’s been blocked by a foldable table and there’s cup lining it and drinks all over on the counters
but she’s not distracted by the abundance of drinks and people surrounding it.........
she finds you smiling cheekily at her
“what can i get you?”
and seulgi starts sputtering over her words and she REALLY cannot get a single word out because oh my gosh who are you and are you single because UHHHHHHH her brain is going overload
and both sooyoung and yerim are already cackling at seulgi’s stunned silence and giving each other mischievous looks behind seulgi while she malfunctions
meanwhile you’re just drinking it all up with an amused smile and gleam in your eyes and oh god do you HAVE to lean against the counter like that?
seulgi can barely get a word out before you’re laughing a little and turning around to prepare three red solo cups
you pass the cups to sooyoung and yerim and they basically BOLT away to leave seulgi all alone and more importantly alone wITH YOU SOMEONE SAVE HER
you laugh at her red cheeks that shine from the kitchen lights behind you and seulgi is absolutely enamored by you at this moment
“don’t worry, i gave them more fruit juice than i did alcohol. they’ll be fine”
seulgi barely registers this and gapes like a fish to where her friends are dancing and drinking from whatever you prepared them
had she been paying proper attention like she normally does, she’s notice that yes you basically watered down the alcohol with some lemonade
“i know how crazy those two can get after a couple parties with them, so i’m making sure they don’t go overboard”
seulgi only watches as you take her cup and put it under the sink to give her water
she takes it an tries not to get giddy when your fingers brush
inner seulgi facepalms because she’s acting like she has a crush in high school
but she’s never felt this way since she switched majors???
and omg that feeling was so addicting exhibit a when seulgi overloads her schedule and now??? she just met you and can’t get enough already
“thank you” she practically inwardly screams when she realizes how meek she is but you only give her a friendly smile
“yeah! thought you could use a little refresher. i didn’t know if you wanted anything so i didn’t want to give you anything you wouldn’t feel pressured to drink. let me know if you need anything else!”
all seulgi does for the rest of the night is basically hang around the room and watch everyone get kind of crazy and make sure sooyoung and yerim are staying on their feet, but with a second set of eyes she actually feels like she has more freedom
especially since you stopped giving them alcohol and basically have been serving them just juice after they started getting past the bit of tipsiness
eventually seulgi has enough of just standing around and has had enough cups of water (she had maybe 3) to finally talk to you
before she’d been working up the courage to talk to you and had come back with a refilled cup of water but noW???
she’s ready
at least she hopes
seulgi’s marching up to you and then sooyoung is at her arm whining and sort of falling over
seulgi manages to catch her and is p disoriented by everything like what is happening is she okay??
and sooyoung is just like
“seulgiiiiiiiii i wanna go hoooome, can we get burgers?”
and before she can ask where yerim went, she suddenly pops up and joins in
“burgers? i heard burgers can we go, i was foooood”
before she knows it she’s dragged out of the house by the two and basically walking them home a couple blocks away
and now seulgi’s bummed that she didn’t get to finally talk to you like she wanted
she doesn’t even know when she’ll be able to see you again since she didn’t get your name at all and she’d be mortified by all the teasing the younger two would give her since they knew how choked up she was if she asks them who you were
she’s even kind of sulking about it and she’s so caught up in it she gets a notification from her phone that she needs to finalize things with the caterer and reserve one of the areas on campus for the club’s dinner and that reminds her she needs to shop
but as she’s on her phone she nearly swerves into somebody and it shocks her enough to bring her back to reality and she moves to apologize to the person and all of a sudden
“oh hey! you again, fancy seeing you!”
and she’s now forgotten everything since she sees you smiling at her
this time she forces herself to find her voice and not embarrass herself and it’s like her interview persona comes in and she’s got that natural confidence oozing in and she beams that pretty smile of hers right back at you
“and you too! i never thought i’d run into you again”
you laugh and all of a sudden you’re like an inch shorter and seulgi looks down and spots that you’d been riding a longboard before almost crashing into her
and she recognizes that longboard with all of the sanrio stickers on it and is that a sicker of your face with some filter on the corner of it???
but she recognizes the longboard since it’s been engraved in her mind and it just clicks for her and suddenly seulgi is scrambling to pull her backpack from behind and you just watch on like
uh r u okay? are you good? pls don’t take out some random textbook and smack me over the head with it
the hello kitty covered charger she’s been saving in her backpack is suddenly thrust into her hands and you think she’s about to stumble her words again like in those anime love confession scenes but she’s almost aggressive with it????
“i’ve been keeping this in my backpack for a few weeks! i didn’t even know what you looked like so i had no clue how to find you, do you know how stressed out you made me? you’ve been on my mind for almost a month!”
she doesn’t even realize how her words sound until you’re responding back in kind with another one of those easy smiles of yours
“sorry, i’ve been meaning to catch you sooner but i’ve so many labs back to back” you look at your phone and bite your lip nervously, something seulgi is a little too focused on “i actually have one in like five minutes, that’s why i almost crashed into you...”
seulgi finally realizes you’re wearing a white lab coat, something you’d worn in preparation since you were already rushing to be on time
your phone is thrust into her hands with the empty contact already loaded up 
seulgi quickly types in her number and even snaps a cute profile photo of her and it’s your turn to be stunned by her because wow that was an impromptu photo and hOW DID SHE MAKE IT SO GOOD????
and then seulgi is ushering you off because you have like thREE MINUTES BEFORE LAB and you’re like OH YEAH UH BYE!!!! I’LL CALL YOU????
and she shouts back with a “YOU BETTER!!”
and suddenly seulgi gets a phone call and when she picks up she can hear the wind rushing past the speaker and you’re kind of breathy since you’re reaLLY using those leg muscles to PUSH to that lab
“yEaH so UH i wanted to tell you but i didn’t get the chance since i don’t want to have to do a makeup lab??? bUT UH, i saw one of your dance performances last year and thought you were really cute!!”
seulgi vaguely remembers that because she had done a solo dance for a showcase in the performing arts department and it was basically for the students to show off what they were working on and to her it was just a homework assignment on top of like four labs and a research paper
“oh yeah! i remember that... well not really, i’d been so busy that it all just flew by”
“yeah! that was around the time you were a bio major, right? i’d been meaning to talk to you then, but i wasn’t able to since you switch majors afterwards!”
“ah, bio as well?”
she hears your voice echo and she knows you’ve entered the building by now
relief floods her system that she didn’t keep you too long 
“nah, i’m a chem major. it translates pretty well to mixing drinks, huh?”
instead of getting embarrassed and recounting that previous experience at the party, seulgi’s business confidence is suRGING and i mean IT IS LARGO and she’s like
“i can’t really say. you’ve only made me water, so i’ll have to see another time?”
at this point you’re absolutely vibrating with excitement at the proposal of a date and you quickly accept
you’d cooked it all and brought it to her apartment since you said your housemates were hosting some study session so you just offered to bring it all over
she’s also shocked you managed to find time to do all of this given the busy stem major life and how she was struggling before
but she’s also mentioning that giving her one cup of wine doesn’t mean that’s mixing up a drink so you’ll have to do this again
and it happens aGAIN when you’re at a restaurant this time and it’s a pretty nice one near campus and y’all are just chatting away about seulgi’s women in business club dinner and she invites you to be her plus one aSDFKNSLF sHE MAY HAVE BEEN TOO SHY TO SAY DATE BUT YOU GOT THE MESSAGE
bUT AT THE SAME TIME the restaurant is the one making the drinks, so you’ll have to have her over again and mix something up
and sooyoung and yerim and just so distraught lIKE GO OUT ALREADY
and seulgi’s like we are?????? WE ARE????? WE ARE GOING ON DATES AND STUFF
but they just groan out and are about to storm up to in the middle of a lab and just hand seulgi over like
when you finally do it’s funny because it’s at another party that sooyoung and yerim invite her to and you’re there mixing it up again but she didn’t realize that the first party where she met you was your house????
she’s hanging out with you in the kitchen and you’ve made her a cup of something sweet and seulgi has to admit that it is pretty good
and you just wink at her saying that your chemistry skills are actually pretty good
and you’re totally not just hanging out in the kitchen away from the sweaty dancing crowd and sticky floor you’re having your housemates clean up since you’re the drink master
you spend late nights in the library together now and you’re also most of seulgi’s impulse control when it comes to making plans and doing stuff
mainly because you’re telling her that no-no do not force yourself to go to that resume workshop you’ve been to them enough times to LEAD those
and then she gets all excited like REALLY DO YOU THINK THEY’D LET ME?!?!?!
but it’s also funny to see seulgi falling asleep against your shoulder and her mouth is hanging wide open and you’ve set so many pictures of her like that as your homescreen and been yelled at too many times to change it
and when you do change it, it’s just a different picture of her in that position from a different day
she likes to run through her speeches and presentations with you and you find it so cool that she’s so poised when doing that BUt she gets so shy when she wants a kiss but doesn’t want to say so and SHE KNOWS you know she wants a kiss
you’re constantly doing her buns for her since you’ve had some practice keeping your own hair out of your face for labs but also getting tips from other girls in your labs and lectures and when they find out the reason why they’re just like pLS YOU TWO GET MARRIED
but the closest they can see the two of you dress up together is when seulgi decides to wear her business clothes out on a date and you’ve gotten stuff to match her and now you’re basically a ceo power couple walking around campus to go return some books to the library
you sitting in on her meetings and watching with lovestruck eyes as she basically spends the good half of it also staring right back at you and when they’re in discussion or activities she just clings to your side and cuddles you
you teach her how to longboard and she’s still a little wobbly but it’s SO CUTE when she’s fearfully holding onto your hands and staring down at her feet and shouting at you to NOT LET GO AT ANY COST
eventually she gives up on that and buys a pair of rollerblades instead so you can just pull her around while she hangs onto your backpack strings while you move on the longboard
you hold her hand instead :)
she’s just laughing and giggling and being all around smiley when your hands are linked and you’re rolling around campus with her in tow
you even go to all of her dance events as well!!!
she’s been able to put a lot more effort into them since switching majors, but especially since you manage to keep her rooted and not going off doing so many things at once
she also wants to make sure she looks good for you
when does she not though??
y’all are literally tooth rotting sweet for each other
it’s the absolute cutest thing and you totally didn’t put a sticker of her sleeping face with her mouth open on your longboard........ and on your charger...... and the laptop........ and hers.... -q- zzZZZ
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
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so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:
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Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:
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With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:
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His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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steviemae · 6 years
knight in shining armor // rm
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requested by @mavelfanatic: Could you write a Reggie one shot where nick st Clair attempted to rape Reggie’s gf instead of Cheryl and he finds her just in time and beats him and after he’s all soft and protective?? Pls??❤️❤️
Your boyfriend was raging. He’s never felt so much anger in his life until the moment Cheryl told him what happened to you.
The party for the SoDale project was going well. You were here with your father, and per request of Cheryl. She didn’t want to go alone, but also didn’t want to be stuck with Veronica all night so seeing as your father was going you decided to tag along. You tried your best to convince Reggie to come, but he held football practice at a higher priority, which you didn’t mind.
You stood at the bar next to your father as he handed you a champagne flute of sparkling grape juice since you were well underage.
“I’m going to speak with Hiram. Enjoy yourself, love.” he said kissing your forehead.
“Sure thing, pops.” you said as he walked away. You leaned one elbow on the bar, sipping your grape juice while scanning the crowd for any signs of Veronica or Cheryl when you spotted the ever flirtatious Nick St. Clair walking your way with his award winning smile.
“y/n, fancy meeting you here.” he said holding his hand out. You shook his hand with a smile. He brought it to his lips, placing a small kiss along your knuckles. You jerked your hand away giving him an uncomfortable smile.
“You knew i’d be here, Nick. Don’t play dumb.” you said rolling your eyes playfully.
“I was betting on your being here. I’m hosting a little party at the Five Seasons. I invited Veronica and all of her friends, but i wanted to invite you myself.” he said. You opened your mouth to make up some lie about you and Reggie having plans but Nick raised his hand to stop you.
“Your boyfriend will be there so you really have no excuse not to come.” he joked.
“Sure, Nick. i’ll be there.” you said finishing your drink. You looked over Nick’s shoulder, hearing Veronica and Cheryl calling your name.
“Go on over, i’ll bring you girls some more drinks.” he said nodding over to them. You hesitated at first but went ahead anyway.
You chatted with the girls for a little bit, them of course asking where Reggie was because the two of you are normally inseparable. Nick came over with drinks for all of you, you took yours mumbling a quick thank you and taking a sip.
“I have to go mingle with the other guests. Daddy is the man of the hour. I’ll catch you guys later.” Veronica said bidding her goodbye. Cheryl left as well, finding her way to some handsome guy sitting at a table.
“And then there were two.” Nick said taking a sip of his drink.
“What a lovely coincidence.” you said sarcastically downing the rest of your drink. Nick watched you creepily as you sat the glass down on a tray a passing butler was holding.
“Would you like me to get you another?” Nick asked you raising an eyebrow at you.
“No thanks. I think i’m going to go find my father.” you said. You turned to walk away but lost your balance. Nick caught you before you fell. He placed his glass on a nearby table, placing his arms around your waist and walked you towards the exit.
“Wait, i wanted to talk to my dad.” you slurred.
“It’s okay, pretty. We’re going to go have some fun elsewhere.” he said as he opened the door to his car and placed you in the backseat. Little did he know, Cheryl and Veronica saw the whole thing.
Reggie bypassed the front desk already knowing where Nick’s room was because of the text invite for the party tomorrow. Cheryl, Veronica and Josie jogging to keep up with the angry football players fast walk.
“Open the fucking door, Nick.” he said pounding on the dark wood of the door, blocking him from you and Nick. after a few seconds, Reggie only grew more and more impatient and he told the girls to step back as he kicked the door in.
“You son of a bitch!” Reggie yelled grabbing Nick by the back of his jacket and throwing him to the floor. He was so angry he blacked out as his fist connected multiple times to Nick’s face.
“Reggie, okay. That’s enough. You don’t want to kill him.” Veronica said grabbing his arm before he was able to land another punch to Nick’s face.
“Reggie.” you croaked. Your head was pounding and the entire room was spinning. Reggie’s face softened and your voice brought him back to reality. He looked at Nick’s bleeding face and loosened his grip on Nick’s colar letting him drop lifelessly to the ground.
“Baby, oh my god. He didn’t touch you right? We got here in time? Please tell me we got here in time.” he pleaded.
“My head hurts.” you mumbled.
“It’s okay, baby. We’re gonna get you out of here. I’m gonna take you home.” he said picking you up and cradling your close to his body. He walked out of the room with you in his arms, the girls following behind him. He was only worried about you and making sure you weren’t violated by some privileged little boy who thought drugging girls was a good way to get laid. He was mad - no livid. But his main focus right now was to get you home and flush whatever drug Nick slipped you so you could tell him exactly what happened. Though a part of him wanted so badly to go back in that room and beat Nick until there was nothing left to him, but the way you gripped his shirt and clung to him made him stay right where he was - with you.
You woke up, your head still pounding. You felt around you, feeling the softness of your favorite blanket. You opened your eyes, taking in your room. You let out a sigh of relief. Reggie walked out of your bathroom running his fingers through his hair. When he looked up his eyes met yours and he practically ran to the bed, sitting next to you.
“How are you feeling, baby?” he asked.
“My head hurts, but i definitely feel ten times better than before. How long was i asleep?”
“A couple of hours.” he answered. The two of you sat in silence for a minute as the memories of what happened came back into your brain. You felt disgusting as you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and rested your chin against your knee.
“I hate to ask you right after, but i need to know - did he touch you?” Reggie asked softly.
“No, you guys got there shortly after we did. I don’t know how you managed that, but you did and i couldn’t be more thankful.” you said as your eyes filled with tears. You took one look at Reggie and began sobbing.
“Oh no, baby.” he said quickly moving to sit next to you and scooping your into his arms. You cried into his chest for a minute until your parents knocked and walked into your room.
“y/n. My baby girl.” your dad said sitting on the edge of the bed, “just know that this is being taken care of, though i wish i could’ve done what Reggie did. I can’t thank you enough for getting there in time, son.” your dad said.
“I’d do anything to protect your daughter, sir.” Reggie said while petting the back of your head to get you to calm down.
“Nick is going to jail, y/n. There’s no question about it. This wasn’t the first time he’s ever done something like this and i can only thank Reggie for not letting it go any further.” your mom said as she rubbed your back soothingly.
Hiram, Hermione and Veronica came a few hours later. They offered their apologies and condolences and promised to help put Nick away for what he did and what he almost did. Reggie didn’t leave your side the rest of that day - or any day after that. He felt like he was somewhat to blame for not going to the SoDale party with you, but you assured him that it wasn’t his fault whatsoever. Your father even allowed Reggie to stay the night as it gave you comfort and gave him peace of mind that you were well taken care of whenever Reggie was around.
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How I managed to bang my GF's family and friends (Part 8)
At that moment, I was jealous of my GF’s father. This is the sight he’s been enjoying every night? If I were him, I would never let her out of my sight!
 The extra stimulation caused my erect penis to slip right through the top of my shorts. Trying my best to remain unnoticed, I maintained my regular breathing while hiding my face beneath the pillow.
 She knelt down beside me, her eyes now seeing nothing else but my manhood. Her initial reluctance was slowly fading away- her hands now slowly pulling my shorts down to the top of my knees. Biting her lips with her front teeth, I could hear saliva being produced inside her mouth. Now that she is closer to my eye level, I could also properly admire her body.
 The soft satin night gown formed a protruding shape before her breasts, making it obvious that her nipples were actually quite hard at the moment. The green satin was resting on her erect nipples, accentuated by her shapely breasts.
 All of a sudden, I felt a cold sensation on my penis.
 Darting my eyes back to my lower body, I saw something I’ve been waiting for since forever. The index finger of her right hand is now sliding along the shaft of my penis. She then flipped her hand around, running the same finger in the opposite direction…
 It was ticklish yet sensual- perhaps due to her nervousness, I could feel her finger trembling lightly. Like a child afraid of being caught, her eyes were stealing glances toward the direction of my face once in a while.
 Despite this, her finger never stopped for a moment- still playing around with my penis as if she was trying to make up her mind. The uncertainty in her eyes made my member even harder- as the little sadistic demon hidden within my heart enjoys watching people trapped in a moral dilemma.
 She seemed fairly surprised by my penis getting even harder than before. Perhaps this gave her some sort of assurance, because what she did next went far beyond my imagination.
 “Use your whole hand, come on…” I thought to myself, still anticipating her next move.
 True to my expectations, her thumb soon formed a ring with her index finger, with my penis right in the centre of it. She ran her fingers up and down my meat rod, as if she’s trying her best to squeeze something out.
 However, the very next moment- her head lowered right before my eyes.
 Her luscious lips wrapped around her head of my penis faster than I can react, her fingers still jerking my shaft in slow and sensual motion. My hips started throbbing involuntarily, overwhelmed by the influx of sensation on my sensitive spot.
 What I am witnessing now is a work of art. Like a street performer doing a handstand on a basketball, my future mother in law is working the magic using her tongue. As her head is bent all the way over, I could not see the expression on her face. However, the ecstatic feeling on my penis could never lie.
 This is by far one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had in my entire life. This made me wonder how much she had been practicing prior to this- but there was simply no time for me to give too much thought to this.
 Speeding up the movement of her hands, I was about to experience ecstasy like never before…
 Whenever I have sex, I try my best to not cum that quickly in order to enjoy the ecstatic sensation just a little longer. As such, this is the first time things have gotten out of hand so rapidly.
 There was simply no way for me to hold myself back. Her fingers were relentless, dead set on squeezing out my load as soon as possible. Sure enough, within a matter of seconds- I could feel my penis reaching its limit.
 Trembling steadily on the spot, my hips went a little out of control as my penis started shooting my load. Gushing out of the tip of my penis was an insane load of cum I never thought I was capable of producing. Looking back, I would say it was at least 4 days’ worth of cum.
 The moment I started cumming, her eyebrows turned into a frown, much like her daughter’s. With our hesitation, she swallowed my load like a seasoned veteran. I was mesmerized by her actions. There was no way a healthy man can resist her charm.
 Her lips soon left my penis, with sticky drool still trailing from the tip. After such an insane load, there was no way my penis could remain erect. I could almost feel a hint of sadness in her eyes when she saw my flaccid penis-
 -and our eyes met.
 It was as if time just stopped all of a sudden. My eyes were staring straight into hers, and the dazed look on her face soon turned into one of horror and guilt.
 She sat up straight, her right palm covering her mouth.
 “Oh dear what have I done, oh no…” she cried out, visibly shaken by her own actions.
 Now then, my dear friend. If you were me, what would you have said in this situation? Your future mother in law just sucked you off behind your GF’s back- and it was obvious she was conscious of her own actions.
 If you were to ask me, there was simply no way to end this gracefully. Believing that this was the best thing to say, I allowed the following words to slip out of my mouth.
 “That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had…” I replied meekly.
 Before I could say another word, she stood up straight and walked off almost immediately.
 “Please put on your shorts. Please… nothing happened between us…” she pleaded, knowing full well that she has done something irreversible.
 Truth be told, that actually made me feel guilty about this whole plan of mine. But what’s done is done. And now, I have to do what I can to defuse this unexpected turn of events…
 “I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but that was amazing!” I continued without skipping a beat, believing this to be the best choice of words. “You’re my girlfriend’s mother, but as a healthy man, there’s no way I wouldn’t be attracted to a beautiful lady like you!”
 “…just stop, please…” she pleaded, her face now in her hands.
 Not wanting to lose the only chance I have, I continued speaking with no intention to stop.
 “There must be a reason you did… what you did…” I said, careful not to use any sensitive words. “Do you see me that way too?”
 She said nothing, her hands still buried in her arms.
 “You do, don’t you…?” I pressed on, trying my best to prevent her from running off. “I..
 I really like what you did just now… that has got to be the best moment in my life…”
 Without another word, she walked off, headed straight to her room. Shit, did I need up? Not wanting it to end like this, I followed her and tried to continue the conversation. However, she shut the door in my face before I could even formulate another sentence.
 “Please go to sleep,” she said from behind the door. “We will talk about this tomorrow…”
 And so, I did, seeing how there was no chance for me to continue the conversation. Guess its heaven or hell now. If the girls find out, I’m as good as dead. Time to grab some shut eye for now…
 But no, there’s no way I can sleep after all that. I’ve been tossing and turning in bed for a good 15 minutes. My cock is still agitated and there’s no way I can sleep like this. What’s more, my impending doom is just making me feel even worse.
 I need some sort of release. Even going for a jog would be nice. With that in mind, I left my room and went straight to the living room. 2 rounds around the neighbourhood sounds great right about now.
 Opening the door with one hand and wearing my shoes with the other, I ended up hopping around, trying to regain my balance. Perhaps it was due to the sound I was making; I heard a door creak open.
 “Are you going somewhere?” Her voice shot right into my ears, making me pause almost immediately.
 I turned my head to my side, witnessing her leaving her room.
 “I… yes, I’m going for a jog” I said, giving a on awkward smile.
 “I shouldn’t have reacted that way just now… it was my fault after all.” She replied, her answer completely unexpected.
 “Are you free tomorrow?” She asked, looking at the floor.
 There was no way I wouldn’t be free after hearing her say that…
 So, there I was, sweat dripping all over the place, with a seemingly endless stretch of road before my eyes. My GF’s mom was running in front of me, her voluptuous body glistening in the morning sun.
 “Let’s go have a little jog-” was what she said just now, smashing my erotic fantasies of her to smithereens. I thought we’ll be talking about the issue at hand and I’ll have another chance at convincing her.
 However, little did I know that we’ll be jogging in the park- and we’ve been going at it for at least 50 minutes. The weather is turning hot, and I’m not sure if I’ll last another 5 minutes.
 Just when I was contemplating if I should take a break from running, my GF’s mom started slowing down. She eventually stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me.
 “How is it? Feeling better already?” She asked with a bright smile, the embarrassment from last night now but a thing of the past. And all I could manage was an awkward laughter in response.
 “I’ve contacted a friend of mine to help you with your… problem,” she commented, eyes fixated on my crotch.
 Wait a minute.
 While I’ll admit that I’m the one who came up with this ploy, I’m not the one who decided it was a good idea to play with your future son in law’s dick. Seems to me like she’s still in denial about her needs.
 Very well then, let’s see how this will play out.
 We left the running tracks, still drenched in sweat. Her decathlon singlet was soaked through and through, showing off the sports bra she was wearing beneath the singlet. Along the way, I could observe other men- young and old, throwing dirty glances at my future mother in law. I suppose the charms of a matured lady really knows no bounds.
 To my surprise, my future mother in law wasn’t planning to rest under the HDB block. Instead, she called for the lift. Did we just run all the way to her friend’s place?
 After a short elevator ride, I followed her lead to a home just around the corner. At that point, I was actually kind of nervous. I was too tired to be nervous before, but now that my heart isn’t trying to rip a hole in my chest, I can finally think clearly.
 Perhaps sensing my nervousness, my mother in law tried to reassure me.
 “Don’t worry… everything will be fine!”
 Within moments, I could hear the door creak open. I wonder how this friend of hers is like? And how is this friend supposed to “help” me with the situation?
 My eyes widened, as the person behind the door stepped into the open…
 From behind the door, an Indian lady came forward, greeting the two of us with a bright smile. She looks like someone in her early 30s, but her bubbly attitude made her seem younger than she really is.
(Original thread: http://tiny.cc/td3x6y) (To be continued…)
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sovonight · 6 years
also for the dating sim, i originally wrote a final final date for ford back in september 2017, when i still had the energy to entertain a longer farewell.
this got cut, of course, and honestly it’s more suited for the last day of an entire summer with ford instead of the last day of 2-3 weeks, but it happened in my heart:
The week is coming to its end, and with it, your time in Gravity Falls. You can't help but feel uncertain about the end; will it come with a sense of promise, or finality?
This really began w the abducted by aliens bad ending idea but. the extended train of thought im goin for is:
ford takes u to see the ufo as a dual "sending u off w a grand sight" & "trying to convince you that gravity falls is worth coming back to-- and he is worth coming back to, too"
ford seems to show the place off to ppl particularly close to him so. rite of passage lol
TBH i dont know what ford would possibly have to show you that’s just This but it’s like one of the more mindblowing gf things and the most visually impressive location even if it is just a husk of its former self
if u did badly & continue to do badly then you call this alien stuff stupid and underwhelming and press a dead button or two to demonstrate and summon an alien prison bot thing. ford tries to keep u calm but too late, ur gone, whoops. BAD END: you rot in ancient unused alien prison
THAT SAID i'm probably gonna keep tossing ideas out and seeing where things can fit, not totally sold on this one
Last evening, you had lingered with Ford after dinner, having found another rare moment in which to enjoy his company. He'd asked to show you something, if you woke before dawn to accompany him there.
(PERFECT) (look up sunrise times) You wake before dawn, of course, the sky outside still dark. It is another few moments while you get dressed, and just as you finish putting on your shoes you hear the familiar weight of Ford's footsteps.
You open the door just as Ford's hand is poised to knock, and surprise crosses his face before it is replaced by a steady smile.
ford "I see you're eager. All set to go?"
You wake groggily to a couple hard knocks at the door, and sit up on the mattress in vague confusion for a few moments. You hear a door-muffled voice that you recognize, at length, as Ford's.
ford "[playername]? Are you ready?"
Oh. Oh, right! You were supposed to be going with Ford on some morning walk or other. You look down at your rumpled blankets and sleeping attire, and realize you have about five minutes to pull this off. You call out towards the door.
player "Almost! Just give me five minutes!"
You get dressed in record time, all as you imagine Ford impatiently checking his watch outside. You'd planned to wake up earlier, you really had, but things just didn't work out that way.
You open the door to a Ford who looks patient but perhaps a little exasperated. Oh, no-- that was way more than five minutes, then, wasn't it? Ford folds his hands behind his back, but you see his watch peeking out over the cuff of his sweater sleeve.
ford "All set to go?"
(BAD) You wake up at your usual mid-morning time to a sense of having forgotten something. You can't imagine what it could've been, but as you walk out to get breakfast, something slowly comes back to you.
Oh. Oh, no.... You were supposed to wake up early to join Ford for a walk. It can't be too late, can it? You don't see Ford anywhere, though, and as you look you run into Stan, who looks..a little disapproving.
stan "Lookin' for Ford? He left for one of his loner thinking spots in the forest."
stan "I don't know where it is, so don't bother asking."
The day is open to you now, but you're not sure how you feel about having stood Ford up.
<gen end>
player "Well, I'm dressed, but I wasn't sure what to bring."
ford "Just bring yourself. I've made preparations for the both of us, don't worry."
He offers his hand to you, and you take it.
Ford leads you out of the shack, and though the steps are as familiar as that first day you accompanied him on his search for Mothman, the warmth of his hand in yours brings an elation to your heart that you can't explain. You only realize you're smiling when Ford comes to a stop and looks back to you with a chuckle.
ford "I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy to be up so early."
ford "Here-- where we're going is usually a two day scenic hike, but I found a shortcut last summer that brings the journey down to a matter of hours."
player "How is that possible?"
ford "I don't know! Not yet, anyway. I have a hypothesis on how it works, but haven't had the time to devise an appropriate experiment. You see..."
"Ford continues talking as he leads you deeper into the forest, the faint path underfoot fading into the underbrush the further you walk. He holds onto your hand the entire way, a touching gesture that seems to become a necessity as the alternating sunlight and shadow crowd into your vision."
"There is a weight, and an emptiness, and a confusion, in the depths of the blur of the foliage you pass through. You think that if Ford hadn't been holding on to you, you would've lost him."
ford "Still with me?"
"You find that Ford has led you to a sunny, open space upon a cliff, with a view of the entire town."
player "..Yes. Yes, I think so."
ford "Good! Any thoughts on my hypothesis now that you've experienced the phenomenon yourself?"
"What? Oh no-- you'd been too preoccupied with the sensation of passing incorrectly through time and space to remember what he'd said! Time for a change of subject."
player "This view of the town is amazing! Were we going to watch the sunrise from here?"
ford "What? Oh-- Ah, the /sunrise/. Because it's before dawn. No, I just consider this the best time to travel."
ford "Though if you'd like to, nothing else I have planned is time-sensitive."
"Watch the sunrise together":
watch sunrise
"Let Ford lead on":
lead on
watch sunrise
"You move to sit on a conspicuous rock just a short distance away, and Ford joins you, a small smile playing on his face."
<he's amused 'cause now his ufo introduction can be even better>
"A comfortable quiet settles in, and though it might just be the early morning chill, all you can focus on is Ford's constant warmth by your side. Your gaze lingers, for a moment, watching him watch the sky, until you find his eyes meeting yours."
"You turn your gaze quickly back towards a view of the sky, where it belongs. At your left, Ford chuckles."
ford "You can look, you know."
"You know you should feel a little more shame at being caught, but what grows in your heart is a bright, tentative excitement."
player "And miss the sunrise?"
ford "[playername], there are plenty of sunrises left for you and I. But moments like these? They only come once in a while."
ford "It doesn't hurt to cherish them, while they last."
""You and I"?":
"Ford seems to catch himself, cheeks reddening in the brightening light of the early sunrise."
ford "I mean to say, we'll both see many more sunrises in our lives. Separately..or not."
"There's a lot of potential in that "or not"."
"(Kiss him)":
<you kiss him and it's great i guess? not really the best choice>
"I wish this moment could last forever."
ford "The earth would have to stop spinning, my dear, and then we'd be flung across the earth at the speed of its rotation."
"...The moment just ended."
"The sun comes up over the horizon, <something beautiful about its pink orange hues>"
ford "Now. Ready to see what I wanted to show you?"
"You nod, and accept the hand he offers to pull you up."
player "Is it further ahead?"
ford "Try below your feet. Stand aside, now--"
"He pushes the rock aside with ease, and you can't help but marvel at the strength he holds. He must be dedicated to his exercise regimen, whatever it might be."
<ufo section happens, ford pulls out the magnet gun the one invention that brought the two of you together in the first place, proceed on cool abandoned tech tour, he stops in one particular room for its echo sound properties, he’s like i actually scavenged-- i mean re-purposed-- parts from here>
ford "Together, we've tracked down a cryptid, battled through fictional dungeons, and faced Mabel's matchmaking. I thought having one more adventure together would be a good way to send you off."
ford "And..."
ford "I was hoping this would show you there's still more to discover about Gravity Falls than you might think. That perhaps you'd find that this place is worth coming back to, someday...even with all its faults, and weirdness."
"So you brought me to this husk of a place? It's a dump!":
"Oh, Ford...":
"Ford gives you that familiar warm smile, though the look in his eyes remains tentative."
"Consider me convinced!":
"Before you realize it Ford's swept you up into an embrace, lifting you off the ground for a joyous spin before returning you to it. He holds you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, grinning."
ford "--But wait, you understood the metaphor, right? The town as a metaphor for--"
player "Yes, Ford, I'd want to come back to see you."
"Ford laughs in relief."
ford "Did you know that the concept of a metaphor doesn't exist in some dimensions? It's ridiculous! Nonsensical! Who came up with those things?"
"His joy is infectious, you can’t stop smiling yourself."
player "Those dimensions, you mean?"
ford "Yes! I have some choice words for whatever cosmic events laid out {i}those{/i} plans."
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thelittlestspider · 6 years
*cracks knuckles* this post got long, so i had to put it behind a cut. 
💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
unstable cliffs:
joe alvarez - a disaster and a wannabe father figure to his fellow supersoldiers (a bother figure in daniel’s opinion). joe is a master at deflecting and using humor as a coping mechanism, much to the dismay of the people around him. he’s good at making snap decisions in fights, steals from rich people, likes fixing stuff, and is terrible at romance. joe and alec divorced a year or so prior to unstable cliffs due to irreconcilable differences (joe being shaken by alec’s relentless pursuit of the paranormal and the trauma caused by alec’s parents). he reconnects with carter, who he’d been forcefully separated from 11 years prior due to the fire set the ranch, eventually realizing he’s developed romantic feelings for him. he invites carter to run away with him to go on a roadtrip to escape from their problems for a while. 
carter - the very definition of “local man ruins everything.” carter has a long history of running away from his problems (and his partners). he’s constantly spaced out due to sleep deprivation, anxious, depressed, deeply insecure, and tries to disappear, failing miserably (it’s hard to disappear when you’re 6′4 and constantly fighting people picking on your partners). carter was possessed by a demon for a year after striking a deal to save matteo’s life. post-possession carter falls into a deep depression, finding it hard to connect with the others after the experience. when joe suggests the roadtrip carter accepts. 
no man’s an island:
matteo alvarez - joe’s younger brother, carter’s ex-bf. matteo left home at 18 to find his missing father, brother, and cousin, who all disappeared under mysterious circumstances. he finds carter during his search and falls in love with him, but is separated from him by a demon. later he tries to reconnect with carter post-possession, but the strain is too much for their relationship and they break up. he pursues an equally heartbroken alec as a rebound. 
alec - joe’s ex-husband. the son of a demon and a ruthless crime boss. carter’s half-brother. alec’s trying to find his footing after the divorce and the trip to hell that almost ended with the group’s deaths, but he’s floundering. 
ned miller - alec’s ghosthunting partner and a self-proclaimed skeptic. he and alec had a years long rivalry due to them refusing to admit their feelings for each other; now they’re inseparable. ned disapproves of matteo’s relationship with alec, still hurt from joe’s rejection of both he and alec. 
tiffany - a ghosthunting psychic from a small town. tiffany started ghostbusting after the tragic death of her parents, desperately trying to find their spirits so she can find closure. she and carter used to ghostbust together before carter’s decision to leave she and violet behind. tiffany almost convinced carter to come back prior to carter’s possession, but was unable to reach him afterward. 
nina - nina met the scooby gang after tiffany and carter investigated her haunted house. she developed a crush on tiffany that turned into a romance and also slowly began cultivating a friendship with carter. after the big breakup, nina is caught between her gfs, carter, and matteo, trying to keep everyone from falling apart. 
violet - violet is carter’s childhood friend, and ex-gf. she hates violence and desperately wants to live a normal life with her partners. violet helps the others rescue carter partly out of guilt and partly because he’s her friend. she hoped maybe there was a chance they could rekindle their romance, but carter leaving with joe shattered it. 
💕: what has your favorite scene been? 
unstable cliffs:
uhhhhh, so far probably the joe/carter scenes i think from day 7.
warning(s): sex mention. 
joe drifts into wakefulness slowly. he smiles as he presses his face into carter’s pillow, the scent of his shampoo both heady and comforting. the space where carter slept is warm, so he can’t have been up for long; joe finds it strange that carter always wakes up before him, despite complaining about it. minutes tick by. time flows slow and sweet as honey. he’s tempted to go back to sleep, but the want to see carter wins out, and he hefts himself out of bed with a yawn and a stretch that makes his back pop. the faint sound of carter brushing his teeth comes through the crack in the bathroom door. joe opens the door further, pleased at the sight that greets him.
carter’s hair is a mess. he’s wearing a loose fitting top with one thin strap falling off his shoulder that’s between blue and green — like the ocean, he thinks — and white shorts with pink hearts. there’s a patch of skin on his right cheek splotchy pink from pressing his face into the pillow. foamy white toothpaste leaks out of carter’s mouth into the sink while carter stares at him in the mirror mid-brush, wide eyed. his cheeks redden. brown eyes flick away from his to some middle distance and joe realizes with a frown that carter’s embarrassed for joe to see him like this.
the night before comes back to him and the other nights before it. the way carter had dressed up in that expensive lingerie to impress him, how he had focused so hard on his pleasure instead of his own, how his hands shook with nervous energy that he’s now realizing hadn’t all been from arousal. the way he always woke before joe and how he always looked neat as a pin. he wonders about the men who came before him, who made carter feel like he couldn’t just exist around them without worrying about whether they found him fuckable. the thought fills him with a sadness that makes his heart hurt as much as it sickens him.
“hey,” he says, soft. “missed you.”
carter leans down to sip from the tap, rinses his mouth, and spits. wipes his mouth with a hand towel hanging by the sink. he doesn’t look at joe. joe’s stomach twists.
“i’m sorry.”
carter looks at him then, brows pulled together in confusion. “what for?” he turns to face joe, corners of his lips turned down in a frown, and joe reaches out for him slow, giving him time to pull away. carter loops his arms around joe’s neck as joe rests his hands on carter’s waist, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth over soft skin.
“for not listening to you better.” carter blinks at him, a hesitant smile creeping over his face, head tilted like a bird listening to an unfamiliar song. he doesn’t understand what joe’s trying to say to him. what he needs him to know.
“you don’t have to impress me. i like being with you. that’s enough for me.”
carter searches his face for a moment.
“okay,” whispers carter.
“i’m gonna do right by you,” joe whispers, pressing a chaste kiss against carter’s cheek. “whatever it takes.”
carter nods, eyes shining. “me too. i just. i don’t want to lose you, because i’m not good enough.”
no man’s an island: 
for nmai i’d say…it’s either this scene:
candles sit in haphazard placements in alec’s room. cool air flows in from the open window.
the light from the candles casts shadows on alec’s face, making his delicate features seem sharper in the gentle glow. he looks almost otherworldly then, flickering between light and darkness.
“i was trying to be romantic,” alec ducks his head, cheeks pink.
“no look, i,” matteo takes alec’s hand, laying a kiss on his knuckles. “i love it. i was just stunned by…you.”
for a second alec looks surprised, eyes wide. then alec smiles.
“did i cast a spell on you?” asks alec, teasing him.
“maybe,” replies matteo. more than you’ll ever know.
or this one
warning(s): semi-graphic conversation about sex. (heed the warning)
matteo tries to put aside his jealousy because that’s what a good boyfriend does…right? he holds his hand out for daniel to shake, unsure if any of this is the right thing at all.
daniel assesses him with bored disdain, then turns to carter. “this guy? really?”
“what the fuck does that mean?” asks matteo, as carter reddens. who does this guy think he is? thinks matteo, feeling put on the defensive. daniel smirks. fucker. he tilts his head like he’s thinking hard about what he’s about to say. like he gives a shit about matteo’s feelings at all.
“you just don’t seem like his type, that’s all.” the situation is spiraling fast and normally matteo would try to derail it but fuck this guy. he wants to punch that smug smirk off his face. daniel’s smile turns razor sharp. “you’re boring. lazy. selfish. you lack imagination and intuition about your partner’s needs. i bet you just lie back and let him do all the work, don’t you? you expect it.” he glares up at matteo, eyes simmering with barely checked anger, words dripping with acid.
“then on the rare occasion you top, you probably fold him into the missionary position at exactly nine o'clock, and give him one orgasm – if you’re lucky. or you fuck him from behind because it’s easier. that way you don’t have to look at his face. afterward he probably goes into the bathroom to jerk off after you’ve fallen asleep, because carter is a people pleaser at heart, and he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. am i on the money so far, or do you want me to keep going? because i can go on and on and on.”
“daniel stop,” carter whispers. “please.”
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lesbian-octoling · 6 years
PLEASE TALK ABOUT YOUR WARRIORS/WOF OCS?? I wanna draw them!!! I love these awful books!!!
More below the cut !!!
Alright so!!! I actually had posts for each of my OCs before I accidentally deleted my WOF sideblog and never remade it :’3 So uhhhh heres some pics
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Shiver and Dreamy are half siblings on their Dad’s side. Their father was a nightwing who fell in love with an Icewing and convinced her to run away, but she lived on an island in the outskirts of the volcano in hiding. She regretted her actions, but couldn’t leave because she was in Exile for fraternizing with the enemy. They had their first egg together, Shiver, when she was still somewhat sane. She was slowly driven crazy by the heat and isolation, and Shiver often had to take care of herself.
Their father actually needed up falling in love with another nightwing, Silvertongue, and had an egg with her. However, he realized his mistake, and it a fit of panic he stole the egg from Silver and gave it to Shiver’s mother, convincing her it was her own egg in her somewhat insane state. Still, when it hatched, Shiver acted more like a mother to Dream than their real mother ever did- and their father no longer came around. 
So, Shiver and Dream need up running away, and currently live sort of as nomads, stopping wherever they want and avoiding being caught by anyone who might wish to hurt them for their species or her hybrid status. 
Silvertongue is a pure nightwing that believes that her only egg (dreameater) is dead, and became somewhat bitter after that. When she was young she found an animus touched object; a small, silver tongue piercing that makes people listen to what she says, and can influence them to believe her words are truth or to do as she says. It does not force, and if theyre strong willed, it doesnt make them, it just helps to persuade. I’m considering having her fall in love with a Raining but uhhhh ill cross that bridge when i come to it idk
Oracle is another hybrid of mine, being a nightwing/seawing.
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{these are old images, bear with me}
When they were just a small hatching, their parents took them to the searing queen and begged her to let them stay and not to hurt their hatchling. She agreed, but instead of killing the hatching, she cut out all of it’s webbing and it’s eyes and cast them into the sea.
Because of their half nightwing status, however, they have the power to see what is- it’s not the future, or the past, its simply an ability to know what is. This allowed them to live to adulthood in isolation and fear of there dragons, and eventually make home in a small sea cavern. They’ve become sort of an urban legend- some say if you find a certain cave in the sea, and bring the creature there an offering, they can give you the truth. They now have eyes made of sea glass and adorn themselves in jewels and other things they’ve collected.
Gem  is a rainwing that somehow ended up in with a clutch of Mudwings (so, not a hybrid, but raised as a Mud). He was raised along with hem, and despite knowing how different Gem is, they consider him as part of their troop. His bigwigs is Everglade, but the rest of his siblings are Toad, Cicada, Sawgrass, and Glowfly. He fought alongside them in the war, and in going so, lost his front left leg near the elbow along with a myriad of other scars. He now lives in peace with his siblings in the mud kingdom. Everyone is aware of him, but he’s nice, and a great fighter, so everyone’s pretty chill.
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Aloe is a sandwing/seawing hybrid that I haven’t actually developed much? She’s a healer though!
Meerkat is Aloe’s GF, and is pure sanding, but lost half her tail in an accident when she was young. She now works as an author and librarian, and somewhat of an inventor.
Pollywog, Catfish, and Cooter are freshwater Seawings- or, Swampwings as I like to call them. They’re essentially like.. inland, hillbilly seawings.
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{cooter isnt done lol}
I’m not entirely sure what their relationship is yet… poly? Siblings? Polly and Cat as siblings and Cooter is a while GF of one of them??? Dunno! I do know what Polly was kidnapped when they were younger, but escaped, which is why they have so many scars.
Azalea, last but not least, is pure Icewing- however, they don’t have any ice powers. This is because his brother, Floe (doesnt belong to me), is a Frostscales- much like how Peril is a fire scales. Their brother ‘stole’ all the ice from him while in the egg, which leaves him a funny pink color instead of the usual ice blue that Icewings are. His original name was Tear, named after the only pink object in the ice kingdom- open flesh.
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Because of this ridicule, and the fact they he couldn’t really bear the cold, he fled the Ice kingdom and learned that he actually really likes gardening. He also decided to rename himself Azalea after the flower and start his life over.
Aaaand i think thats all my dragons!
Brittlebones is the only warrior OC i ever really use anymore, honestly. She’s a large black oriental shorthair, who used to be a Shadowclan medicine cat, but was a warrior for most of her life.  She ended up leaving shadowclan with Mourningdove (a Windclanner i think? Maybe Thunderclan), and two other of my friends OCs i cant remember right now. She’s now a medic for the new clan they plan on starting, who’s a pack of Nomads until they can find a place to settle. Unfortunately, most of my pics of her got deleted, so the one one i Have lest is this horrible cropped pic :’3
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If you have any more questions, please, feel free to contact me!!!!!! I love talking about them :’)
Also maybe use my main @rhi-draws-things so i don't clutter this blog with non-sploon stuff
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emilyjunk · 7 years
gf @aca-trash wanted me to write this chemily but it turned into something else and i might make it into something bigger but i thought i’d post it anyway... so heres some bechemilace-ish that might become a bigger fic lol
Emily hates boys.
Okay fine, not really. She’s totally bi, so sometimes she likes boys. Like at Worlds when she kissed Benji and it was totally awesome!
But Benji graduated and they decided not to do the long distance thing even though Emily really liked him. Benji was a rare nice and sweet boy.
She’s glad her freshman year of college ended with her kissing him.
However, Benji aside, Emily is not super fond of boys right now. Mostly because she’s been living with some of the Bellas over the summer while they look for jobs and she works as a research assistant in the Psych department for some extra credits and she’s just getting like, super fond of girls.
She’s totally feeling girls right now, if you know what she means.
And when this kid Michael asked her out after their shift in the lab and she said no because she’s kind of been looking at the Her app more than the Tinder app lately, he wouldn’t take no for an answer without like, an explanation, which was so annoying. And Emily didn’t owe him anything, but boys are totally persistent and she wanted to go home and watch Tiny House Hunters with Stacie so she just told the truth. She’s not really into boys at the moment.
And at first he was like, cool with it. Sort of. She guesses he was cool with it in that annoying boy way like he suddenly got a little cocky because at least it made sense why she was saying no to going out with him, as if the only reason she wouldn’t was because she was feeling more into girls recently and not because he didn’t shower enough (in Emily’s opinion).
But then he was all “so how many girls have you been with?” and she was like, “none yet” and the he was like “then how do you know you want to date girls” and then Emily was like “I have to go bye” because he’s stupid and she’s doubted her that very thing enough herself without stupid Michael pointing it out to her!
So yeah, Emily’s fuming a little bit about how much she hates boys when she gets home. She drops her backpack on the floor with a thud and flops onto the couch, burying her head into the throw pillow with a dramatic and prolonged groan.
“Um, everything okay?”
Emily shrieks in surprise and almost rolls off the couch, but she thankfully manages to catch herself in time and sits up instead. “Chloe! Oh my stars, you scared me. I didn’t know anyone was home.”
Chloe just raises an eyebrow and sips on the straw of her Jamba Juice. “Just me.” Then she frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Emily pouts, sinking into the back of the couch again with a huff. “Boys are just stupid.”
“Mmm,” Chloe hums sympathetically and eases down next to her. She pulls her feet up under her until she’s cross-legged and turns to face Emily fully. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Emily shrugs. “I just got asked out by this guy in my lab.”
“Ooh,” Chloe coos. “Is he not nice?”
“He’s okay.”
Chloe scrunches her eyebrows thoughtfully. “Stupid?”
“No, he’s pretty smart.”
Emily slumps further into the couch. “Noooo he’s fine.” She pulls the throw pillow into her lap, her fingers fiddling with a loose string. “I just… I told him I was kind of looking to date a girl right now and he asked how I knew I was bi if I had never kissed a girl, and I don’t know. I know he’s dumb and that doesn’t matter, but also like, sometimes I can’t help but think he’s right.”
“Oh, honey.” Chloe sets her smoothie cup on the end table and grabs Emily’s hands, her face turning serious. “Em, you know how you feel and you know what you like. Don’t let some guy convince you otherwise. If you like girls, then you like girls.”
“I know, it’s just I’ve never kissed one even, so it still just feels… I don’t know.” She shrugs again. She knows her sexuality is valid and Chloe is right and all that stuff everyone is always saying when she makes Tumblr posts about this stuff and how supportive they are. She still just like, feels sad about it sometimes.
Chloe squeezes her hand. “Well, let’s do something about it then.”
“I’m trying,” Emily whines. “I go on the Her app and even went to the GSA meeting once. It’s just like, so hard to tell if a girl is also into girls and then if she does, like how do you know she likes you? GIRLS ARE SO CONFUSING!”
Chloe smiles at her, all soft and fond and tender. “I meant right now. With me.”
Emily’s stomach bottoms out. “W-what?”
“If you want to, of course. No pressure at all.” Chloe laughs. “I just thought, well, I like girls, and you like girls, and I love you, Em, and kisses are always better when the person you’re kissing loves you.”
Emily blinks, her mouth opening in surprise. “Oh. Oh like you and me kiss?”
“Like… now?”
“Mhmm,” Chloe scrunches her nose.
Emily’s brain feels like mush. “Oh. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Cool.” She clears her throat nervously. “Yeah.”
Chloe raises an eyebrow, her lips pulling up in a soft smile. “Are you sure? We don’t have to. Only if you want to.”
Emily nods frantically. “I want to.” She leans in a little, probably too over eager but like… !!!!!!!!!!
Chloe bites her lip around her grin and shifts her body closer. Emily closes her eyes as every last bit of air gets caught in her throat.
Chloe touches their lips together, slowly at first, then deepening the kiss when Emily doesn’t pull away. She tastes like strawberry smoothie and smells like her perfume, delicious and comforting and wonderful.
Emily loves it.
She whines a little when Chloe pulls away.
“How was that?”
“Yeah. Good. No! Sorry. Great. You’re great. Wow.” She traces her lips with her tongue as if she can still taste Chloe on them. She feels her eyes widening in awe. “Can we like, do that again?”
Chloe laughs, full and bright. “Totes.” Then they’re kissing again and Emily is in girl heaven.
“UMM excuse me?!”
Emily jumps and pulls away with a squeak, heat rushing into her face.
“YOU GUYS ARE HOOKING UP?!” Stacie stands there with her mouth open in shock and as Emily’s entire body probably sets on fire, Beca appears next to her, her eyes wide in confusion.
Chloe just pats Emily’s hand lightly. “Emily was just feeling like she wanted some validation about liking girls.”
“Ooooh,” Stacie grins. “The old kiss your friend thing. Love it.” Then she gasps. “Hey, I want to validate Emily too!”
Emily freezes. “You - what?”
Stacie’s long legs cross the room in three steps and then she’s in front of Emily leaning down. “Can I kiss you, too?”
“Oh,” Emily whispers, Stacie’s breath already on her lips. “S-sure.”
And then Emily like, ascends, because Stacie’s tongue is in her mouth!
Stacie giggles as she leans back, humming appreciatively. “What you think about that, Em?”
Emily like, seriously has no words, but Stacie and Chloe just smile at her knowingly, like some wise bisexual elders who have given her a spiritual awakening.
Emily would agree that’s pretty accurate.
“Your turn, Bec!” Stacie turns to Beca with a smirk and Emily glances over at her, still kind of in awe, to see Beca staring at them open-mouthed.
“What? My turn?” She snaps her mouth shut. “My turn to… to kiss… the legacy?”
Chloe and Stacie’s knowing smiles get more… knowing. Emily’s barely remembering to breathe.
“I mean, if you and Emily want to, of course,” Chloe says gently, like Beca is a fragile little mouse who might run away if Chloe says the wrong thing.
Emily wants to. She looks at Beca to find Beca staring at her.
“I mean… Emily… and, like… you guys? Me?” Beca’s mouth opens and closes a few times, no words coming out. “Er. Okay. For… for Emily’s sake, I guess. Pssh.” She clears her throat and shuffles over to the couch.
Emily’s mouth feels dry.
“Er. Are you sure you want me to?” Beca asks really quietly when she gets close enough, low so only Emily can hear.
Emily nods and leans up a little until her mouth is hovering over Beca’s. Then she presses their lips together.
Kissing Beca is different than kissing Chloe and Stacie, who kiss confidently and assuredly, playful and bright. Kissing Beca is like asking a question, a good one, one she wants to keep asking even if she never figures out the answer.
When they separate, Beca’s face is calm but pink, her eyes an electric blue that Emily wants to get lost in.
Then they’re all laughing and patting Emily on the shoulder and talking about dinner. And Emily can’t stop grinning, feeling on top of the world and happy as can be.
She literally isn’t sure how she got here, going from never kissing a girl to kissing three of the most beautiful amazing girls she’s ever met in the span of five minutes, but like.
Just wow.
Emily is hella freaking bi, and she knows it.
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heartbreakcity · 7 years
Attack of the Dodgeballs - Archie Andrews Imagine
Paring: Archie Andrews x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Bullying, death threats, swearing
Requested: Yes by @hazeofeleven -                                                                    Archie Andrews x reader where they’re dating and in gym and they’re playing dodgeball or something and reader gets nailed in the cheek by her enemy and she cries because that’s what normally happens so she sits out for the rest of the game but comes back, fiery look in her eyes and nails the girl back and Archie is so proud and brags all day about his gf. Thanks so much!!
A/ N - I hope you like this! I’m so sorry for the long wait, but here you go :)
Friday. Third period. The one hour a week you dreaded more than anything. The one hour that made you want to run in the opposite direction. The one hour which makes your life a living hell.
That one hour was gym class.
Now normally, under any circumstances you would love gym class; you enjoyed exercise, you were getting straight A’s in all classes including PE, and you were with the whole “squad”. And by “squad” it was Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Kevin Keller, Jughead Jones and the love of your life, Archie Andrews.
You used to love it all, but one day, that changed. You had never spoken about it to anyone, but over the summer, your happy feelings had been abused into insecure imperfections. What you used to love about yourself, had been completely changed. Not by yourself, but by the school “mean girls”.
The group of evil girls were known for being nasty, but you never knew how much it would hurt until you felt it first hand. Lead by their bitch of a girl Chanel Jackson, they had ruined every thing you once loved.
It started with small comments, little things that would annoy the heck out of you. But those words turned into venom, and they cut deep. They told you to kill yourself, they told you you weren’t worth anything, they even tried to jeopardise your relationship with Archie. But even though the latter failed, they made your life a living hell.
And gym class was the worst; all your flaws were on show and they knew it. They made you think that, maybe, you deserved everything they said.
As you walked into the changing rooms and opened your locker, your heard a voice that chilled your bones.
“Oh look who we have here! The local town whore!” A shrill voice came from behind you.
You turned around slowly, dreading the eyes you were about to meet.
“And how can I help you today, Chanel?” You asked, attempting to be brave, but your worried tone seeped through every word.
“Honey, you can help us all by downing a bottle of bleach!” She cheerful threatened.
The words stung your brain and heart, and you fought hard to push back the tears that began to bring your eyes.
But in the spilt second that followed, your saviours walked into the changing room; Veronica and Betty.
“Y/N,”Veronica started, shooting you a concerned look as she took in the situation, “Are they bothering you?”
“Oh no, we’re just chatting, aren’t we Y/N?” Chanel death-stared you to agree, and as much as you wanted to fight your case, you couldn’t.
Instead, you gave a wry smile to Veronica, “All good, V.”
And finally, they left, releasing the pressure of the world off your shoulders. As you turned to face your locker and began to change, Betty touched your shoulder comfortingly.
“Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Yes I’m fine, B. Promise,” you tried to convince her and yourself. But she saw right through you.
“Y/N, you can tell us anything,” she pestered.
“I said I’m fine, Betty!” You snapped all too quickly. With the just right amount of defensiveness made Veronica and Betty realise, there was definitely more to the story.
After quickly getting changed, the three of you walked into the gymnasium and headed towards your usual spot, where the boys were already waiting for you. You smiled to yourself as you saw Archie; with his bright eyes and tight fitting shirt, all your worries faded away at once.
When they saw you approach, Archie smiled at you and put his muscular arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer into his side as if he never wanted to be apart.
“Hey you,” he said, giving you a wide grin that made your heart melt.
“Hi Arch,” you said, returning the smile.
That was the power of Archie Andrews; in a bad time, he made you forget about the sadness. He made you feel safe, at home and loved. The truth was, you loved him more than life itself.
And little did you know, Archie felt the exact same way.
After a few minutes of catchup with your friends, you made and effort to blend in. You wanted to remain on the down-low for just a little while longer.
“Ok class,” Coach Clayton announced from the middle of the room. You could see Chanel and her minions from the corner of your eyes, shooting you daggers at the sight of Archie’s arm still hung loosely around your shoulders.
“Today,” he continued, we’re bringing back an old favourite…DODGEBALL!”
Everyone cheered.
Everyone…except you. If this didn’t give the bitches a chance to put you down both literally and metaphorically, then nothing would.
So you braved yourself for what was yet to come. And secretly, you wondered how much you could endure.
Sorting the teams took no time, and the first match went perfectly with your friends and yourself taking the crown.
But eventually the competition was ruled out, and the last two teams standing were yours, versus Chanels.
Archie pulled the group around him and proceeded to give a much-too-serious pep talk about tactics and positions. But you couldn’t focus on your boyfriends words, only the slight whispers that travelled from the other end of the gymnasium and the eyes that were burning into the back of your head.
“Destroy her-
“Y/N? Y/N, you there?” Archie interrupted your thoughts and eavesdropping.
He rolled his eyes, “I was saying how were going to put you girls at the back and us guys will be at the front, catching them out ok?”
You gave him a nod and supportive smile, attempting to recover your brave face.
“Alright, lets crush them!” Archie encouraged, taking his eyes off you and starting to make his way to the position at the front and centre.
”Or they’ll crush me” you whispered to yourself.
Coach Clayton reset the scoreboard and the rest of the class sat on the benches, eager to watch the match unfold.
You looked down to see your legs shaking slightly and your palms became hot and sticky. Their words rang like alarms in your head and you tried to block them, only for the volume to be turned up to max. You were too focused on controlling your breathing to notice Coach blowing his whistle to start the match, and far too distracted to catch the ball that was hurtling towards you.
Luckily, Jughead caught it just in time and returned it to the other side with force, and then proceeded to take in your petrified face.
“Are you ok?” He asked, fully concerned to why one of his best friend looked so pale and frightened all of a sudden.
But before you could reply, another voice screamed your name.
“Have this, slut!” Chanel sneered and launched a ball in your direction, only for it to miss and be picked up by Kevin.
“No foul language on the court!” Coach Clayton announced, fuming at Chanel.
“Her fault for being a whore!” She chimed back, speaking like an angel, truthfully being a devil in disguise.
“Excuse me?” Veronica accused, getting defensive and attacking her right hand minion with a ball.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Archie defended you, walking right up to the line and facing Chanel directly.
Chanel laughed, “And once again, Archie Andrews is here to save his pathetic excuse of a girlfriend.”
“I said,” Archie gritted his teeth, don’t talk to her like that.”
“Why not?” Chanel yelled to the whole class, “Y/N Y/L/N is a first class skank and we all know it. She should easily enough slit her wrists and save us from seeing her disgusting face ever again! In fact,” she turned to you, “I can happily provide the knife if you need it!” She gleefully threatened you.
And that’s when a ball flew right into your stomach, making your already churned insides feel even worse. Tears were flooding down your face as the whole class stopped what they were doing. It went completely and deadly silent as everyone took in every single second of it, and they grew horrified at what had been spoken.
Straightening your back, you felt all eyes on you.
Betty and Veronica looked horrified, whilst Kevin and Jughead looked like they were ready to rip Chanels head off.
And Archie?
Archie looked destroyed. He couldn’t bear it when someone was mean to you, and right now, seeing you hurt, it felt like his whole world had come crashing down. He felt helpless as he saw your confidence, self-esteem and happiness crumble around you, leaving you vulnerable and defenceless.
You took the silence as a sign for you to leave, and ran out of the gym back into the changing room, and broke down immediately.
What did you do to deserve this? Obviously she was just jealous, but did she need to attack you so viciously?
The doors swung open again and you were engulfed in both Veronica’s and Betty’s arms, causing you to break down even more. You remained like that for a few moments; nothing needed to be said, you just needed to know you were loved. And they proved it.
You pulled away, wiped your eyes and gave them a smile.
“Archie’s fuming, Veronica told you honestly.
“He said, and I quote ‘I will end that bitch’,” Betty informed you.
And that was the moment you realised, you didn’t have to feel this way. You had so many people who loved you and were willing to fight for you. Willing to prove their love for you. And willing to make sure you are ok. Those jealous girls lead by a sad wannabe  didn’t mean anything to you anymore, not when you had the whole of Riverdale’s finest watching your back. And you couldn’t be more grateful.
For the first time in weeks, you gave B and V genuine smiles, “Then let’s end her.”
Walking out the changing rooms for the second time around, you held your head high. Everyone fell silent from their chatter and you saw the boys looking anxiously in your direction, slightly holding Archie back from any trouble he may feel like causing.
But it wasn’t Archie they needed to worry about.
“Hey Chanel!” You called to the girl, and she turned back around to face you with a shocked look.
You gave a smirk, “ready for round two?”
“I CANT BELIVE IT!” Archie cheered for the millionth time. You were sat in the common room on your usual couches, and the whole year was congratulating you on beating the evil Chanel in your successful game of dodgeball, proving her wrong and proceeding to get her suspended for bullying.
You laughed and playfully hit his chest, “So you’ve mentioned Arch.”
He just pulled you closer in his arms and gave you a sorry look, “It’s not right what they did to you Y/N/N.”
You looked down at your blue, chipped nail polish, but your chin was lifted back up to meet Archie’s Meaningful eyes.
“I promise you Y/N Y/L/N, I am never going to let anyone hurt you ever again,” he whispered to you, letting you know that he truly meant it.
You smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips, “I love you, Arch.”
He returned the gesture and replied simply, “I love you too.”
And a generic reply it may be, but deep down you knew it was more than just love.
It was belonging to one another for the rest of your lives.
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jaynaneeya · 7 years
Happy Holidays, @roxymoron101! It’s your Secret Santa. Sorry I’m posting this so late in the day...I got kind of carried away and it turned out a bit longer than I intended. Hope you like this post-epilogue Wellenore fic!
Prompt:  Wellenore Fake dating! (Maybe someone told family about having a bf/gf and now the family wants to meet them for Xmas)
Christmas preparations were in full swing at Edgar Allan Poe’s house when science-fiction-writer-turned-time-traveling-ghost HG Wells arrived on December 23rd. HG suspected that it was the first time that this or any other holiday had been celebrated there. Edgar wasn’t really the celebrating type. But his ghost girlfriend, Annabel Lee, certainly was, and the way she lit up with joy at even the mention of lights and ornaments was enough to melt any Scrooge’s heart. She had recruited HG, in addition to all of their other ghost friends, to help turn Edgar’s bleak mansion into the most festive home in Baltimore.
As soon as HG Wells walked through the door, Annabel thrust a coil of lights into his arms. “Mr. Wells, will you please wrap these around the handrail of the main staircase?” she requested.
“Certainly,” he agreed, relieved that his first assignment was relatively simple, and he set to work. So engrossed was he in his task that he didn’t notice that he wasn’t alone.
“Hey, Costco Optical,” a voice behind him said so suddenly that HG jumped, lost his balance, and fell down the stairs. Ghosts were subject to far more laws of physics than he would have liked, but at least he couldn’t get hurt. Laying on his back on the floor, he looked up to the top of the staircase to see a horrified Lenore, who, unbeknownst to him, had just experienced an unpleasant flashback to the night of his demise.
“Sorry, HG, I didn’t mean to startle you.” She hurried down the stairs and helped him to his feet.
“That’s quite all right, Lenore. I’d hoped that as a ghost I’d be less clumsy, but alas…”
They looked at one another awkwardly for a few moments. Neither of them knew what to say. They’d seen quite a bit of each other since HG’s death, but rarely without at least three other ghosts present. Apparently, HG had been the first one to unlock the mystery of time travel, and he’d been showing others the secret. Lenore often tagged along, even after she’d learned to move through time without his assistance. They’d walked with dinosaurs and some strange futuristic creatures they had no name for, watched empires and nations form and crumble, and tried (unsuccessfully) to stop people they knew were about to become evil dictators, but through it all, they had spent no more than a few minutes alone together. HG always invited as many ghosts as he could because he knew Lenore thrived in large groups. Lenore knew HG was trying to take in as much of the past and future as he could, and she didn’t want to distract him from the only thing that made him happy to be dead, so she spent most of their trips talking to the others.
Finally, HG broke the silence. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
“Oh, right. I just wanted to know if you had any Christmas plans.”
���Well, Edgar and Annabel invited me to join them. As you know, my family…” He trailed off. Lenore knew. His family didn’t like ghosts and had tried to exorcise him when he visited them.
“I just thought you might want to spend Christmas with me. My parents wanted to bring me back, so they’re totes cool with ghosts.”
HG didn’t know what to say. Why did she want to spend Christmas with him? She never seemed to want to talk to him on their time traveling adventures.
Before HG had time to say anything, Lenore spoke again. “Also…I kind of might have told them that I have a boyfriend…”
HG had never seen her look so embarrassed. She wasn’t exactly blushing – he wasn’t sure if ghosts could blush – but she was staring at the floor when she normally had no trouble meeting anyone’s eyes. He didn’t understand. “You have a boyfriend? Is it John Proctor?”
“Ugh, no, I don’t have a boyfriend, that’s the problem! I mean, yes, John Proctor is totally hot, but he’s also totally not into me, so that was never going to work.”
HG was still confused. “So why did you tell your parents you had a boyfriend if you’re not dating John Proctor?”
“They kept bugging me about it. They were all like, ‘What did we even bring you back for? What are you doing with your afterlife? Why don’t you settle down instead of always time traveling and haunting the creepy raven enthusiast?’ I got so sick of it I told them I was seeing someone, and they asked to meet him, so…” She fought the urge to roll her eyes at his still blank face. He really could be remarkably clueless for the guy who discovered time travel. “So, will you come with me to my parents’ and pretend to be my boyfriend? Just for Christmas,” she added quickly. “My parents are totally used to my relationships only lasting a few days anyway. I wouldn’t have been surprised if one of them had died of shock on my wedding day instead of…anyway, I can tell them we broke up if they ask about you again. But hopefully if you come over for Christmas dinner, that will get them off my back for the time being. So will you do it?”
To HG’s immense surprise, his immediate reaction was disappointment that she wasn’t asking him on a real date. Then he mentally shook himself. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Lenore, he reminded himself. He enjoyed her company, certainly, and he cared about her, but he didn’t think he’d be able to handle dating her. Some of her slang made more sense now that he’d started time traveling, but he still had trouble figuring out when she was joking. And as she had said herself, her relationships usually only lasted a few days anyway. If they dated and broke up, it would ruin their friendship. So he should be relieved, he told himself, that she was only asking him to be her temporary pretend boyfriend. But he couldn’t quite convince himself. Lenore was waiting for his answer. For a moment, he considered responding with, “I’d rather go as your actual boyfriend,” but the words changed before they got to his mouth, and what he said instead was, “Why me?”
Lenore had watched him carefully as he was pondering her offer, but his expression was unreadable. She tried to respond in a way that would minimize his discomfort but maximize the possibility of a favorable outcome. “Um, because you’re one of my best friends and I thought you probably didn’t have any Christmas plans. Unless you’re, like, desperate to be around that all day.” She rolled her eyes and nodded her head toward something behind his shoulder. He whirled around to see Edgar and Annabel under a sprig of mistletoe. He hastily averted his eyes. “I mean, you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to,” Lenore was saying, “I just thought it might be more fun than watching the continued blossoming of the love that’s more than love, or whatever.”
“Of course, Lenore. I’d be honored to be your fake boyfriend for Christmas,” he heard himself say.
The Lady Ghost looked happier than he could ever remember seeing her. “Great! Meet you at 4pm on Christmas Day in front of town hall? My parents live right near there.”
“It’s a date,” he replied automatically. “A pretend one,” he added hastily.
“There you are!” Lenore exclaimed. “I was afraid you’d decided to blow me off.
HG consulted his pocket watch. “It’s 4:01.”
“I know, but you’re usually so prompt.” She began leading the way toward her parents’ house. “I assumed your secret was that if you were ever running late, you just time traveled.”
He chuckled. “You know I don’t believe in using time travel for personal gain. I’ve always had a knack for arriving on time, even when I was alive. But today I was so focused on trying to finish your present, I lost track for a minute.”
“You didn’t have to give me anything,” she insisted.
“I doubt your parents would believe you were dating someone who wouldn’t even give you a Christmas present,” he pointed out.
“Good thing I got you something, too, or I’d be feeling really awkward right now.”
HG grinned. “So I did have to get you something.”
“No. If you hadn’t, I just wouldn’t have given you your present. Here.” She handed him the bright red and green gift bag she’d been trying to hide behind her back. “Merry Christmas, HG.”
“Thank you. Shall I open it now, or-”
“Now. Somehow I don’t think my family will fully appreciate it.”
He looked inside. “You must be joking!” he exclaimed, pulling out a pair of 23rd-century goggles and immediately slipping them over his eyes. Not only could he now see the world in sharper clarity than he’d ever seen it before, but everything was accompanied by a description. Every tree he looked at had its common and scientific name appear beside it. Each house had a list of all its residents from the time it was built to the time it would be demolished (or the year 2222, whichever was sooner). Of course, taking in the world this way while walking can be quite dangerous, and unsurprisingly HG soon tripped on the uneven pavement. Lenore caught his arm to prevent him from falling. The goggles labeled her Lenore: Lady Ghost, Ghost Lady. “Did you steal these from the future?” he asked, reluctantly removing them so he could concentrate on walking.
“Of course not; I bought them.”
“Where did you get 2222 currency?” he wondered.
“I didn’t. I also didn’t buy them in 2222.”
“But I remember these,” he insisted. “We saw them in 2222.”
“Well, yeah, that’s when they were made, but I got them in 2287 in an antique shop by trading with some other antiques I happened to have.”
“That you stole from Edgar’s house?”
“Oh, please, that guy didn’t go in his attic once the entire time I was haunting him. He’ll never miss a few useless trinkets. That’s not important anyway. Do you like your present?”
“Do you even need to ask? I hope you like yours even half as much.” From inside his jacket he produced a manuscript. “Merry Christmas, Lenore,” he said, handing it to her.
“The Timeless Adventures of Eleanor the Ghost, a novel by H.G. Wells,” Lenore read aloud.
“It’s a working title,” HG explained apologetically. “And it’s only the 17th draft so it’s probably not very good yet, but I wanted you to be the first to read it. It’s the story of a time traveling ghost named Eleanor and her trusty sidekick, G.H. Waters.”
“You wrote a novel about us!” Lenore exclaimed, eagerly flipping through the manuscript.
“Well, sort of about us. That is, I, uh, used some of our experiences as inspiration. But the characters in the story time travel to solve and prevent crimes, which is something I’ve always desired but have never quite achieved.”
“Hey, you got super close to murdering Hitler,” Lenore reminded him. “We’ll have to go back and try again sometime,” she added absent-mindedly, still skimming the manuscript in awe. Sure, Edgar had written that poem with her name in it, but he’d mostly used it as an excuse to write about ravens. HG had written a whole book…
“Are we nearly at your parents’?” HG asked, abruptly breaking her reverie.
“Oh, yeah, it’s the next house.”
HG had been afraid of that. The house she indicated was bursting with people. The front door was open, and even the porch was crowded. As the ghosts crossed the front lawn, someone cried, “It’s Lenore!” and suddenly they were surrounded by people crying, “Merry Christmas!” and “So glad you made it!” and “It’s wonderful to see you!” and “Is this the new beau we’ve heard so little about?”
Lenore spoke louder than all of them. “Everyone, this is HG Wells, my boyfriend.”
“What’s HG stand for?” someone bellowed from inside the house.
“H-H-Herbert George,” he stammered.
There was a snort of derision from the bellower. “What a terrible name.”
“It’s not so bad once you get used to it,” Lenore replied defensively. “Now, will you guys let us in to the house?” She grabbed HG by the hand and they made their way inside.
“I wasn’t expecting quite this many people,” he murmured in her ear.
She looked rather sheepish. “Yeah, sorry, I was afraid if I told you how many relatives I had, you wouldn’t come. But I mean, I didn’t know they’d all be here today.”
“Are you kidding?” asked a young woman who looked a lot like Lenore. “A chance to see our favorite ghost relative and meet her ghost boyfriend? Of course we wouldn’t miss that!”
“Okay, well, here he is. HG, meet my cousin Mary…” And so it began. HG was introduced to at least 20 cousins, a dozen uncles and aunts, a brother who looked remarkably like a mustache-less Edgar, and finally, Lenore’s parents, who had both been busy in the kitchen when they’d first arrived.
“Dinner’s nearly ready,” her mother announced to the whole house before she spotted them. “Ah, Lenore, you made it! And this must be the famous HG Wells! Welcome!”
“Thank you, madam, it’s a pleasure to meet you. And you, sir,” he added, as Lenore’s father appeared beside his wife.
“Mr. Wells, I’ve heard so much about you,” he said, shaking the ghost’s hand. “Sounds like you and Lenore have spent a lot of time together – centuries in fact!” He laughed at his own joke.
“Millenia, technically,” HG added.
“So, HG, we’ve heard a bit about your recent adventures with Lenore, but where did you two meet?”
HG was surprised that Lenore hadn’t told her mother this. “At Edgar Allan Poe’s house.”
“Oh, were you haunting him, too?”
“Why, no, it was at the dinner party.”
“Dinner party?” her mother repeated blankly.
HG looked over at Lenore, perplexed. She was shaking her head at him imploringly. It dawned on him that she hadn’t told her parents about that night, and that she didn’t want them to know about it. It was time to start inventing again. “The dinner party…that Edgar hosts…periodically to reunite dead authors.”
“Interesting. Lenore always complained that he never interacted with people,” her father commented.
“Well, not very often, but sometimes we talk him into it.” HG didn’t think he was being very convincing, but he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
Thankfully, at that moment one of Lenore’s younger cousins whined, “Are we ever gonna get some food around here?” which prompted her parents to hurry back to the kitchen.
HG beckoned Lenore off to the side. “You haven’t told them about the dinner party?” he asked incredulously.
“No, I’m sorry, I should have warned you.”
“You know how terrible I am at thinking on my feet! But more importantly, why don’t you want them to know about it?”
Lenore looked at him like he’d sprouted horns. “Oh yeah, that would be a really great conversation. ‘Hey, Mom and Dad! Remember that guy I was going to marry right before I died, who killed himself before you could bring me back? So it turns out his brother had a desperate thirst for revenge, and he went on a murderous rampage in the house I was haunting to get back at me for causing his brother’s death. It’s all good, though, because most of his victims came back as ghosts, and everything’s fine now!’ Yeah, no, kind of desperate to avoid that chat.”
“Eddie didn’t only do that because of you,” HG pointed out.
“No, but I was a significant contributing factor. And I really don’t want them to think I got you all killed just so I’d have more ghost friends.”
“Who would think that?” he wondered.
“You don’t?”
“Of course not. Did you really think I blamed you for my death?” he asked, but at that moment dinner was served and the whole crowd started moving en masse to the dining room, giving Lenore an excuse not to answer.
The dinner smelled delicious. Two gigantic tables were piled with goose, turkey, ham, roasted vegetables, potatoes, pies of every flavor imaginable…HG piled it on his plate and took a bite. If he concentrated hard enough, he could very nearly almost taste it. He could tell it was scrumptious, but it wasn’t the same.
HG watched Lenore, who was sitting across from him. She looked as though she was thinking similar thoughts as she took her first bite. He began to ponder as he continued to gaze at her. She’d never told him how she felt about that night. Did she really blame herself for his death? It had never occurred to him that what happened was anyone’s fault other than Eddie, Charlotte, and Anne. He didn’t even think Guy’s death was her fault. Eddie had been utterly irrational to blame her for that. She didn’t purposely break his heart, any more than he, HG, had purposely inhaled that smoke…
Suddenly a loud clang interrupted his thoughts. He jumped; so did several other people. All the conversations had stopped, and everyone seemed to be staring at him. He looked down at his plate and realized what must have happened. He���d forgotten to concentrate on holding his fork, and it had fallen through his hand. Sometimes being a ghost was the worst. He wanted to hide under the table. But then there was another clang, and everyone turned to stare at Lenore, who had just dropped her fork as well.
“What?” Lenore asked, picking her fork up and continuing to eat as if nothing had happened. “Oh, sorry I forgot what time period I was in. In the future there’s this custom to always drop your fork after the first bite of a great meal. HG and I just came from there, so we haven’t readjusted yet.”
She winked at him, and for once he understood, though ordinarily he would have been confused by her reference to a tradition that didn’t actually exist. He smiled at her gratefully.
From then on, incredibly, miraculously, despite the surfeit of people, HG had a wonderful evening. Lenore’s relatives kept asking him questions, mostly about him and Lenore, but he found them surprisingly easy to answer. He could come up with dozens of things he liked about her, and several anecdotes about their adventures. But he never felt too much pressure to talk, and the family seemed to understand that he needed to just sit and listen some of the time. But then he found out that Lenore’s father was a bit of a history buff, and the two of them had a long conversation about various events that HG had witnessed in his travels.
Far and away the best parts of the evening for HG were those moments when he caught Lenore’s eye every time someone made an unintentional reference to one of their inside jokes. HG hadn’t realized how many they had. After about the tenth time they looked at each other and chuckled, Lenore’s father commented that he’d never seen her anywhere near as happy as she looked at that moment.
Before HG knew it, the party was breaking up. Lenore kissed her parents goodbye, then slipped her arm through his and together the two ghosts strolled down the street. When they were out of earshot from all of her relatives, she said, “Thanks HG. That was fun.”
“It was,” he agreed, chuckling nervously. “Certainly the best pretend date I’ve ever been on.”
“Yeah, me too.”
He took a deep breath and summoned all his courage. “Perhaps we should try a real date sometime.”
She stopped walking. He couldn’t look at her, terrified that he’d gone too far. But then she responded with the most beautiful four words he had ever heard: “Does tomorrow night work?”
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eatgraypes · 7 years
Taking It Slow
Character/Person : Thomas Jefferson
Pairing : Thomas Jefferson x Reader
Time : Modern
Reader’s Gender : Female
Side Note : i was listening to “She’s My Collar” by Gorillaz on repeat while writing the end and it was an experience
Warnings : hamilsquad cause they deserve their own warning, PEGGY SLUT SHAMING MARIA, mentions of sex
Possibility Of Having Another Part : no
Genre : Fluff
Request : Hi! Could you writte modern au fic where reader is Jeffersons gf and they're on some party from work. And she start talk with hamisquad and they click and Jeff notice, he come to her kiss her say something sweet and runs away. So reader has to deal with confused (and kinda terrified cuz: My god Jefferson?! Are you insane? Did he hurt you to make you date him or something?) hamisquad. And then they come home and lot of fluff. Thank you very much you're amazing! ( and sorry for bad english )
Word Count : 1870 ( my fics are slowly getting shorter and i hate it )
Summary : You make new friends at a house party Washington invited you to, and when Thomas sees you getting drunk with the people that hates him, he had to find a way to screw it up and have fun with it at the same time.
You shut the door to your boyfriend’s car with a slam. He raised an brow at you and reached across the driver’s seat to grab your purse, “was there a need to close the door that hard?”
You shrugged and tipsily plucked your bag from Thomas’s outstretched hand. “Are we goin’ in or are you gonna keep talkin’ to me?” You asked, barely able to stand straightly in your tall heels.
Thomas laughed and snaked his arm around your waist, “we’ve only been in the lot for a few seconds, darlin.’”
You groaned loudly at his excessive talking and ushered through the parking lot, hurriedly making your way over to the booming party that Peggy, a close friend of yours, was holding; dragging Thomas behind you.
Glancing around at the party from outside through the open door, you released Thomas from your hold and hopped into the party, immediately being met with the loud music and chattering.
“Y/N, you’re here!” You smiled at Peggy who swung her drink in your direction in acknowledgment of your presence. Quickly spinning around to plant a kiss on Thomas’s cheek, who had intentions of kissing longer, you sauntered over to Peggy, Maria, and Eliza who were currently dancing together, leaving Thomas upset at the loss of contact. You whistled and held up your arms, grinning, “well, well, what are you ladies doing on this fine night?”
Maria fanned herself in a joking manner as Eliza softly smiled, “oh! Nothing much, handsome! Just having fun with my girls,” Maria says, wrapping both of her slender arms around Eliza and Peggy, pulling them in.
As the four of your laughed, Peggy caught the slur in your voice. She tutted her head up in your direction.
“Did you already drink?” Eliza cut her laughter short and shot you a worried glance.
You waved a hand between you and Peggy and shrugged, “nah, just had one glass of wine.”
Maria scoffed, but before she could call the bullshit in your words, Peggy clicked her tongue, “uh huh, and Maria’s a virgin.”
“Hey!” Maria called, clearly getting flustered at Peggy’s accusation.
Peggy darted her eyes elsewhere, “hey. As a concerned roommate, scary noises come from your bedroom late at night.”
As Maria continued to protest at Peggy’s words, Eliza turned to you with a worried look cast over her face.
“If you need a ride home,” she linked her fingers together and smiled, “Alex and I can take you home.”
Before you could question who ‘Alex’ was, Peggy halted her teasing to respond to her sister’s offer for you.
“She came in with that tall guy, I think he’s her ride,” she says, removing her gaze from Maria’s slowly fading burning face to your arising burning face.
Maria laughed, her embarrassment subsiding, “she’s blushing! Who is this hot, mysterious guy?”
“First, he is the opposite of mysterious. Second, he’s my boyfriend.”
Peggy pressed a hand against her chest, feigning fake hurt, “and you never told us about him?”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed.
“So you’re going to climb up my ass about my boyfriend, but you’re not going to ask who this Alex is?” Your eyes bore into Eliza, who smiled awkwardly and shrugged, digging her heels into the floor to pass it off as lightly dancing. Peggy and Maria parted their lips, shaping them into ‘O’s’ and replacing you with Eliza as their subject of teasing.
“Ooh, who’s Alex?”
“Boyfriend? Crush? Friend? Dare I say it, sex buddy?” Maria wiggled her eyebrows along with Peggy, who nudged Eliza in the side, whose eyes were wide in disgust.
“No! We’re taking it slow.” Her eyes kept darting over to your right shoulder, and you didn’t let it go unnoticed. You turned and searched for whoever Eliza get glancing at, until your eyes caught a sight of a young man with chocolate brown hair and a green jacket. He, too, kept sneaking glances at Eliza, as she did him. 
You smirked and turned your head back around, already meeting Eliza’s terrified expression and Peggy and Maria’s clueless ones. “Y/N, please don’t-”
“Slow? I’ll go ask him myself.”
You didn’t allow Eliza to get a word in, already strutting off to Alex, or who you assumed to be Alex. God help you if it wasn’t. He was accompanied by three other guys and a few drinks that surrounded them.
He already seemed to catch your eye, he grinned, and you smiled back.
“Alex?” You asked, plucking the cup from his hands and taking a sip. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed at your free hand, lifting it to his mouth and planting a kiss on the back of it.
“Who do I owe the pleasure to for giving such a pretty lady my name?” He flirted.
You bit back a laugh and cocked your head, mimicking the grin he put on seconds ago, “your girlfriend.”
His hand immediately retreated, ignoring the loud chorus of laughs erupting from the men around him. One slapped you on the back and you almost winced from the pain, instead smiling at the feeling of pride devouring you.
“Dude, you really just hit on your new girlfriend’s friend? Game over, man.” The one that slapped your back said, his face was decorated with freckles. Alex groaned and sent a smile over your shoulder, which you assumed was for Eliza, as he immediately stopped smiling when she looked away to continue talking to Peggy and Maria.
“Don’t tell her, please? I love her, and flirting just comes naturally, and I don’t want to ruin our relationship.” He pleaded. You pursed your lips.
Despite finding his words cute, you wanted to string this on for a little more.
“It comes naturally? Damn. Can’t imagine your flirting even when you’re trying.”
The three men lurched forward in their seats, hollering and laughing loudly.
“Peut-on garder sa?” /can we keep her?/ One says, but you couldn’t understand it as he was speaking in French. The other guy in the beanie laughed loudly, throwing his head back while Freckles teased Alex relentlessly, reminding you of how Peggy and Maria were teasing Eliza and why you walked up to him and his group in the first place.
Taking one more swig of the drink that you stole from Alex, you used the drink table for support, propping your butt against it.
“Eliza’s told me you’re taking it slow. Is it true?” You asked, grabbing the three other boys’ attention. Freckles bit down on his lip to silence his laughs while Frenchie and Beanie chuckled.
Alex slowly nodded, swirling his new drink in hand. Freckles shoved his shoulder while you laughed loudly, not convinced.
“Bullshit! How long have you dated?” You slurred.
Frenchie leaned forward, wanting to hear how the conversation would go, grabbing onto Beanie’s arm to keep him from falling flat on his face.
“Uh, four months. Why?”
You snorted, “she’s not innocent. She totally fucked you on your, like, third date right?”
Alex quieted as the other three stifled their laughs behind their hands, wanting to hear his response.
“.. Yeah.”
It seemed like hours of talking to Alexander and his circle. You had almost even forgotten about your own group until they sent Eliza over to try and get you to rejoin them. You drunkenly declined with arms around Lafayette and Hercules, grinning. You’d admit, the way you turned down Eliza’s offer was a bit rude, but the alcohol was scrambling your kind demeanor.
“Never have I ever.. Fucked in public.” Hercules said, cocking his head at you.
You gasped scandalously and threw a hand over your mouth, “me? Why, I’d never!”
The boys raised an eyebrow at you and laughed, clearly not believing you.
You laughed yourself and threw your head back, downing your shot. “Fine.”
“Never have I ever.. Had a really bad significant other.” You said, knowingly grinning at Lafayette who had just finished telling a story about his crazy ex before you started this game. He groaned and raised his shot pointedly at you, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty, connard.” /shithead/ He grumbled.
You laughed and watched Lafayette go through his shot, cheering and elbowing John in the ribs until Alexander, who’s cheers were particularly loud, quieted and forcibly gagged. Everyone’s laughs came to a short to stop and shoot confused glances at Alex, who had his eyes set on an approaching figure.
“Oh, great. Who invited him?” Alex sighed.
Oblivious to who Alex was talking about, you took a peek over your shoulder and smiled at another approaching figure.
“Babe!” You shrieked, the drinks getting to you.
“Babe?” Alex mimicked, taken aback.
Thomas approached you, arms wide, and smug smile, eyes subtly going from you to Alex. Holding you in his arms, he peeked over your head and at the three boys. John sipped his drink, trying to avoid the awkward tension while Hercules and Lafayette exchanged glances.
“We’re leaving soon, babe.” Thomas says, a smile accompanying his face. Suddenly, his eyes darted over to Lafayette.
“Gilbert,” he says.
Lafayette awkwardly lifts a hand and forces a smile, “Jefferson.”
Thomas wraps an arm around your waist, not acknowledging but noticing Alex’s dangerous stares.
“Please,” his eyes shoot over to Alex’s, smiling wider, “call me Thomas.”
“Right.” With that, Thomas pulls you closer and plants a kiss on your rose bitten cheeks. You smile and giggle, playfully shoving Thomas away when he compliments your appearance.
“Washington is calling me,” he says abruptly. 
You glance around, “I didn’t hear anything.”
But before Thomas could make another excuse, he smiles, kisses your forehead, shoots one more glance at the others, then runs off, getting lost in the crowd of dancing people. You smile at your boyfriend’s retreating form, then turning back around to be met with an array of shocked expressions.
“Um, what happened to ‘never have I ever had a really bad significant other?’“ Hercules asked, speaking up for Alex, who was brooding quietly.
You chuckled nervously, “he’s the best. I don’t understand?”
Lafayette drunkenly, yet calmly, strutted up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Mon ami, if you are in danger blink twice.” /my friend/ You snorted, pushing him away and laughing into your hand.
“I’m not in danger, Laf.” You sputter.
Alex watches you horrifically, “how are you not! Are you being held captive?” Suddenly, he reaches into his pocket for his phone, already ringing up the police. You gasp and reach forward, snatching it out of his lazy grip and ending the call before they could pick up.
“Guys! I’m fine, I swear.”
Hercules narrows his eyes at you and glances over at John, who is still sipping his drink to avoid the situation.
“Thomas! What the hell was that back there?” You groaned, stepping into the car with your boyfriend’s help. He shrugged, “nothing.”
You glare at him, “nothing? Alex uninvited me to their next hangout and John had to reinvite me. Twice!”
He chuckled and turned the key in the ignition, placing a hand on your knee. You pushed his hand off of your leg and huffed, “nuh uh, no love for you.”
“Baby,” he says but you cut him off. “Don’t ‘baby’ me.” You slur. 
tjeffs did not get the suck that night
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