#anyway. i do not have a lot of faith but im interested to see what happens ig ???
mishapen-dear · 7 months
I read that same fic earlier and I just straight up muted the person so their works don't show up for me anymore lmao
there was also another one like that posted yesterday because the person was mad at something qBad did a couple of days ago while not at all in his right mind and amnesiac, it was odd (not shitting on the person just confused and slightly concerned)
yeah there’s. a lot of misconceptions around qbad rn lmao. It’s one of the reasons Im so obnoxious about him, tbh, so that it’s not JUST the negativity that gets spread. He’s a really good target for the hate rn, because he has a smaller fanbase and his pvp playstyle + lore lead him to all that antagonizing during purgatory, and that gets vented out into fics.
It’s genuinely really interesting, the dichotomy that seems to exist between tumblr and twitter regarding him. Ive heard nothing but slander about bbh from twitter (again, he is not faking his illness, that is a lie), but he’s got a solid enough foothold on tumblr that ive seen more hate towards the fans that the cc, here. which makes sense, given how we take over the tag almost ever day when he logs on. genuine o7 to people who find that obnoxious but thats one of the reasons i overtag so much, for blocking purposes.
anyway i think all the bbh mischaracterization means that we just need to write about him more >:D please this is a call for more bbh centric fics from people who do not hate him/know a little bit about his lore. blease he’s such a fun pov to write i promise
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smithsparker · 7 months
guys i dont think this season is that good anymore actually sorry
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stereor4t · 5 months
lesbian movies I've seen so far (review based on my tastes)
I'm going to give my opinion of the lesbian movies I've seen so far and I'm going to give them a score from 1 to 5 stars :3 it may contain some spoilers
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For the year this movie was made, I was actually surprised by the END of it(fuck the obsession with killing the protagonist). I didn’t really have much faith in it by how it stars, but man, I was so surprised, I loved it, be gay do crime. ★★★★☆
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God, this movie is my new roman empire, I didn’t know about Gia’s story, but the ending of the movie DESTROYED ME. the scene where shes talking with Linda and she says: now we have all the time in the world, I was so moved by it, I loved it. It’s currently one of my favorite movies.★★★★★
Lost and delirious(2001)
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ugh shakespearean shit, this movie touches more than one of us when it comes to the experience of liking girls. I liked it but I felt like there was a lot of wasted potential that could’ve made it great, tbh i just wanted Paulie to be happy; the fact the Piper Perabo is in it helps the score too. ★★★☆☆
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ITS THE BEST FUCKING MOVIE IN THE WORLD, GOD. I actually hated this movie before watching it ‘cause I thought it was some dumb comedy, but god, when I gave it a chance it BLEW ME AWAY. If you want to see some lesbian spies enemies to lovers shit watch debs.  ★★★★★
My summer of love(2004)
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Personally, I HATED this movie kjj, I didn’t really get ANYTHING at all, like it felt like everything was just too rushed??? like when did they even fall in love lol? Gets points just for Emily Blunt. ★★☆☆☆
Imagine me & you(2005)
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Piper Perabo again and Lena Heady THE WOMAN. This movie is ART, my fav movie, it’s beautiful, comfort movie af. The true don’t let your husband keep you from meeting your future wife. ★★★★★
Loving Annabelle(2006)
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This movie was made for all of us who once liked a teacher or profesor. I liked it quite a lot, but I feel like seize it’s true potential. Personally, I choose to think that the alternative ending it’s the true one lol. ★★★☆☆
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Again for us that like fantasizing about our teachers. I like this movie but again, I feel like they didn’t really make the most of it jskdja annoying af bitching about the same but yeah, it bothered me. Anyway, i liked the movie, and I didn’t like the ending at all,I felt bad for the poor teacher :c. ★★★☆☆
A perfect ending(2012)
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I know a lot of people hate this movie and think it’s shit, but I personally love it lol. Idk I remember that when I watched it it got me super emotional and i liked it a lot, dont care what anyone says to me it’s a good movie. ★★★☆☆
The girl king(2015)
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Didn’t like it at all, boring af, i didn’t really get it, idk, i was expecting more. ★☆☆☆☆
First girl i loved(2016)
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Im fond of this movie, it was one of the first ones I saw, the ending just made a me a bit frustrated, but I liked it, Brianna Hildebrand with a wig funny as hell. ★★★☆☆
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Rachel Weisz and McAdams DAMN. Great movie, I liked it in all aspects. Although the ending wasn’t what I expected I still liked it. ★★★★★
Tell it to the bees(2018)
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Mmm I think this movie is kinda meh, like it’s okay but I feel like it lacks something for me to like it, tho I didn’t get the ending, like I don’t understand the decisions each one took. ★★☆☆☆
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Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan!!!! I liked it but I didn’t love it, I never got to understand if Mary hated or loved Charlotte. The ending got me frustrated!!! ★★★☆☆
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The kind of movie you gotta watch after Gia, I liked it I thought it was silly, like very much teenage romcom sort of shit, like the Kissing Booth but for lesbians. ★★★☆☆
You can live forever(2022)
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I think this is a great movie, interesting story, I wasn’t expecting the whole ending sequence, what Marike says to Jamie destroyed me, in my head theyre the young version of the Disobedience ones. ★★★★★
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GREAT MOVIE, very entertaining and funny, I liked it quite a lot, it’s perfect to watch it with friends. Gigi is just like me fr best character ever. ★★★★★
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loving-n0t-heyting · 25 days
Hi! So, seeing you in my notes reminded me that I meant to ask you about that Instrumentality poll. Being as I am tumblr user 人類補完計画, I have, asyoumightimagine, a lot of interest in the topic, and I'd be very curious to hear *your* thoughts on Shinji's choice - in part because you mentioned in the tags that you were wondering whether your take aligned with the consensus view, but also because I feel like you're among the most distinctive & intellectually honest philosophical voices I've encountered on here, and I do wonder how your faith, along with your overall view on things, influences your take(s) re:EoE.
I was going to wait until the poll finally closed but i think its been plateauing for a couple of days now anyway so i might as well. This is all going to be pretty vague and mysticism-y ofc, especially given the vagueness and mysticism of the source material itself, and im going off of memory on top of that (i am not putting myself thru the emotional hurdle of rewatching EoE just for a post, sorry)
So, first off, my interpretation of shinjis ultimate choice is to reject instrumentality for all of humanity, to retain our ATFs and our individuality. And i lean towards thinking this was a mistake, on his part. I sometimes see ppl suggest that he offered everyone a choice to either join or refuse instrumentality, but i tend to think this is just projection; idr anything in the text to clearly support this
Im not really sure how to go about arguing for this position directly, beyond rebutting objections. To the extent we are given a clear explanation of what an ATF is, it is smth like the secrecy of our own thoughts and desires and personality; ie, others ignorance of those things. Ignorance is a terrible thing, just generally, in itself! Like impotence. Its terrible in proportion to the importance/value of the things one is ignorant of, and ppl are about the most valuable things there are. Thats much of whats so bad about death, which is why it makes perfect sense the dead get to join in HI as well. So, putting it all together, the presence of ATFs is a terrible imposition, and their removal thru HI is a great blessing, maybe even the greatest possible blessing. And this shows itself in the end of strife and discord and the beginning of real unity of spirit and will, but its already present in the mere dissolution of interpersonal ignorance
The narrative itself frames this as an erasure of individuality, but im not sure how to understand this. Is the idea supposed to be that we would not survive the loss of our ATFs? Im not sure thats even intelligible: the loss of our ATFs is just the lifting of certain kinds of ignorance or, in other words, the instilling of certain kinds of knowledge. Knowledge in whom? In those undergoing human instrumentality. So clearly we survive HI, if it involves us coming into knowledge, and thus being around to know these things. Is this supposed to mean our distinctive contributions to the diversity of human experience etc would all be destroyed in favour of some uniform replacement? I dont see why that would be necessary; we can certainly imagine ways ppls varying idiosyncratic quirks can all "make it into" some sufficiently rich collaborative work. Why should HI not be the same? I suppose the fact it involves everyones bodies into a homogeneous sea of yellow goop speaks against this, but my inclination is to read this as a sort of pupal stage from which a mature instrumentalised humanity can emerge. Tho thats admittedly a bit of a reach
Theres yet another negative interpretation of the "destruction of individuality" i sometimes hear: that it would somehow rob us each of our agency and ability to shape the world in accord with our desires and beliefs. This goes along with a worry that the inauguration of HI would necessarily be a violation of consent and mental autonomy, which strikes me as misguided for much the same reason. Our ignorance of one another is not an individual condition of oneself in particular one can opt in or out of irrespective of the choices of others; if my not being able to retsin my ATF is a violation of my "autonomy", why is my retaining my ATF not in turn a violation of the autonomy of the others being thereby kept ignorant of my deepest self? Mutual ignorance of one anothers mental states (including that very ignorance) is in no interesting way reducible to the ignorant subjects each having certain "individual" or "intrinsic" or "internal" states that can individually and unilaterally be shifted without affecting those of the others; it is an "external" relation. So thinking about HI in terms of individual, unilaterally revocable consent is confused; the fact it is changing is irreducibly collective, and thus consent to it and only be given or refused collectively if at all. Hopefully thats not too opaque
This reply feeds into my answer to the worry about the dilution of ones agency and control over the world. This objection makes sense against a background view on which, for an agent A to control the answer to a question Q and a distinct agent A* to control the answer to a question Q*, Q and Q* must be modally independent: any answer to the latter must be compossible with any answer to the former. Or that, if this isnt true, this is bc As control over Q or A*s over Q* must be only "limited" or "partial" or w/e. My rejection of this assumption (which is i think what lies behind the last objection about autonomy) is probably my deepest, most abstract anti-liberal commitment. Its a conception of control or freedom that i think ultimately requires a debilitatingly narrow view of what full freedom could look like, or of what facts can amount to states of a person. (For example, i think it prolly requires you to say that knowing that the sun rises, a property entailing the "external" fact that the sun rises, is not actually a state of a person, in some important sense, rather than smth like a conjunction of a state of a person and a state of the horizon/sun.) But going all the way into this would probably take a lengthy book; mb i will try to work it out slightly more precisely at some point tho
You asked how my feeling about EoE connect with my faith, and broader view of the world. This illiberal assumption is close to the heart of it. I am always tempted in this context to quote marxs comments in the 1848 manuscripts about the whole of nature being the "inorganic body of man", and i dont think im alone in seeing connections between those passages and remarks like pauls about the mystical body of the church ("So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Now there is smth for mereologists to chew on!!) And this is a trend you see elsewhere in the Christian tradition, like dantes description of the celestial eagle in paradiso xviii-xx. I was surprised, when talking to an atheist friend about my tentative support for HI, that they said my christianity made sense of my disagreement with them about this point; not bc i dont think theres a connection but bc idt of these emphases on the unity of the mystical body as particularly prominent in outsiders impressions of Christian belief
Anyway, hopefully that was at least somewhat illuminating. Thx for the kind words ^^
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m00nt4r0t · 2 years
✮ why are they addicted to you? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one
[tarot deck: tarot del toro] hiii pile one. you have the king of wands reversed, the title card of the deck, and the king of cups reversed. they’re addicted to you because there’s something about your energy that is very prominent, yet you keep it to yourself. you’re not interested in telling others what to do or teaching them how to treat you, you’d rather just rock alone and focus on yourself if someone isn’t treating you up to your standard. i feel as though you are very good at detaching your emotions from situations when you feel the need to, and this makes people crave your energy even more. if someone’s used to others being obsessed & clingy with them, you’re a shock to them because you’re not like that with them. you give off nonchalant energy, but in a very self-assured way. you know your worth and you know you don’t need to express it to everyone because you have deep inner confidence within yourself. people may get addicted to you from the moment they first see you. they also get addicted because they see you’re planting something for your future and they see that it’s going to grow to be very big and fruitful. people are wondering how you do what you do, so they’d like to stick around and learn from you. im also getting that you’re a creative person and you have a great imagination! you may be very good at creative hobbies and people are addicted to this aspect of you as well. people are also addicted to your style and the way you present yourself (makeup, hairstyles, piercings, tattoos, etc) im also getting that you can be very sweet, but also very sharp if you need to be, and people get addicted to this switch up of yours! they may have thought they could talk to you anyway they wanted just because you’re nice, but you quickly show them that your kindness is not an example of your weakness, and that you demand respect.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two
[tarot deck: spirit deluxe tarot cards] heyy pile two. for you we have the nine of cups, four of wands reversed and the five of wands reversed. they’re addicted to you because you guys don’t stop! you will finish what you’re doing even if it takes the last of your energy to do so, and then you’re going to celebrate after! you know how to release tension within yourself and with other people. people are addicted to you because you don’t hold on to grudges very much and you’re a pretty laid back person with a lot of drive and determination towards your goals. you’re also not the type to indulge in drama or conflict with others. people really like that you’re not trying to fight or compete with them unhealthily. they’re addicted to you because you don’t leave at the first sign of trouble, you tend to stick through issues and solve them if you can. if it turns out it can’t be solved, then at least you tried. they get addicted to your energy because they don’t feel the need to present themselves a certain way to be accepted by you. people feel comfortable being themselves around you. you feel like a breath of fresh air, pile two. they really appreciate you and want you to stay in their lives for the long run. some could become very selfish with your energy, so keep on eye out for that. im also getting that people are addicted to you because of the intuition and creativity you have. you may have a childlike view of the world, in which you see everything as an opportunity and you’re able to use your imagination to put your own spin on things. people are addicted to the mystical and magical energy you have. you could be very spiritual or just have a lot of faith and trust in whatever it is you believe in, and people find this to be very mysterious and alluring.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three
[tarot deck: the wizard’s tarot] what’s up pile three? you have the page of pentacles reversed, king of swords reversed and the five of swords reversed. they get addicted to you because they know that you always have something new in the works. you’re someone who has many different ideas and you’re willing to put in the work in order to bring your ideas into fruition. you’re not the type to quit just because you’ve made mistakes. you learn from your mistakes and apply what you learned so you can do it better next time. much like pile one, they’re addicted to you because of your inner power. you do not feel the need to boast or let everyone know what you got and how hard you worked for it. i’m seeing that you don’t hide it, either. you just do you and people feel the energy, they know you have confidence so stable that it’s impossible to knock the crown off your head. some people may be addicted to you because they want to try to knock the crown off your head, but that’s only because you’re a threat to their confidence and they see you as competition. i get the feeling that you don’t entertain these energies, though. you may pop out once in a while and people see that you’re doing good, but you’re not worried about what other people think of you, especially not people who want to compete with you. they’re addicted to you because you seem unbeatable. people want to be on your team or hear your side of the story. and people know that if there’s any conflict, you’re most likely not the cause of it. im also getting this energy that people who may have once been against you are now interested in being on your team because they know they won’t win against you, but they’ll definitely win with you. “if you can’t beat them, join them.” im not sure what you do that causes a lot of people to feel competitive towards you, but there’s a lot of people who wish they could beat you but they know they can’t. moving on, people are addicted to the knowledge and information you obtain. you seem to always be learning. you could have a book collection or maybe you write books yourself. people are addicted to your wisdom as well as your ability to learn so quickly and remember a lot of things.
thank you for reading and interacting! <3
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neechees · 7 months
about the whole preoccupation w incest thing amongst white people on the internet i haven't really noticed it? i am white and find it intriguing (i was incestually abused as a child and so i find it interesting how it develops in families, how people respond to it, etc (it's kind of been part of my healing process)) but i don't really see anyone being obsessed w it? maybe pointing out themes of it in media but that's kinda it? some of my mutuals, idk if they're white, but they have also been abused the same way i have and find discussing it or finding media with incest in it to be a part of exposure therapy/dealing with the trauma. id love to hear your thoughts on it :)
I've talked about this a few times in the past, but I'm posting again to make my views & boundaries known that 1. Dni if you're a "pr0shipper" & enjoy shipping incest, I do not want you here, 2. Fiction does not exist in a vacuum. Im going with the assumption that anon is not a proshitter & they're asking this in good faith. Just putting a readmore because this got long and also for anyone who is triggered by this topic
The conversation I think is surrounding proshitters ("shippers"), but I think the conversation also goes deeper into things like "incest" & "step family" being popular porn site searches that very often feature white actors, as well as those things showing up in film, book, and TV, but in romantisize/sexualized/downplayed ways written by and featuring, again, white people. So I believe generally the "obsession" part means White people who are overly preoccupied with seeing incest quite often, especially and specifically in sexualized, fetishized, and/or romantisized ways. Because personally (& I believe other nonwhite people can attest to this as well, and that's what the other posts mean to say) a lot of the people who have this overkeen interest in incest are White.
Like it's not talking about people wanting to have nuanced depictions of incest, why it's bad, how that affects people & can be extremely traumatizing, and then approaching that topic respectfully (because it should be, that's a terrible thing and showing respect for victims of it & ensuring its not, accidentally or not, endorsed or shown as "okay" or normalizing it, is important. Execution as well as intent are important & should be done with tact.) The people who are mentioned as being "obsessed with incest" as these pr0shippers who find incest "sexy", want to see it, actively search it out where it is both romantisized/sexualized/fetishized, and will apply it in fanon interpretations even when it doesn't exist in canon or this interpretation wouldn't/doesn't make sense anyway, specifically because they enjoy seeing it. They find it titillating. Quite a few of the popular users on this site who have famously defended incest (and/or pedophilia) both in real life AND as proshitters have been... White. And racist.
I think there IS a correlation between White people, proshitters (who are usually people who defend romantisized depictions of things like incest), and liking incest, because I very often seen proshitters be racist (and other types of bigoted tbh), and ALSO defend things like racist depictions of nonwhite characters, things like slavery AU's featuring Black characters, or colonizer AU's, and the like. It's a common joke (not so much of a joke tho tbh) that the more White people that exist prominently in a fandom, then the less fun it is, specifically because of racism that will then exist in that fandom. So there's this huge overlap of White fans being racist but ALSO there being a lot of fans who enjoy seeing incest in their fave medias, because of the proshitters, who do both. There was also that whole thing where a bunch of popular white users on here (many of whom ALSO defended incest) defended sexual raceplay & then called any nonwhite person (ESPECIALLY BLACK USERS) "homophobic" or "transphobic" for rightfully and correctly calling this racist.
Lots of White people like to do this thing where, if they are marginalized in some way, then they'll weaponize that marginalization against anyone who criticizes them for something (most often racism), even if their marginalized identity has nothing to do with the topic or was brought up. White women who happened to be gay called me "homophobic" and "misogynist" (even though I'm a bi woman but you know) because I talked about the nazi associations & racist inclinations of cottage core. I saw multiple White lotr fans call a specific artist "homophobic" because that artist asked that their art not be tagged as an incest ship, and that incest ship is very popular (and their art piece was depicting them as just family), but this incest ship isn't even canon, and the artist wasn't actually homophobic or against gay relationships in general. So they essentially just called this artist "homophobic" for no reason. Because they didn't want their art piece of two family members to be incorrectly interpreted as incestuous. Im even reluctant to draw fan art of some of my favorite characters who are family members, because I dont want people who ship incest to interact with it or tag it as that, and the fact that so many artists even have to ask people NOT to do this is insane.
Like it's one thing if someone analyzes media with it or might find comfort in certain characters in books or TV etc because they feel seen in their trauma, and yet can acknowledge that this isn't for everybody and not everyone processes their trauma this way, and that seeing it (incest in media) can make trauma WORSE for many people, AND that not all representations are made equally, and none of those are free from being available to criticism in approach of that representation anyway. But very often there's White fans (many who aren't even incest victims themselves, so they don't have the "I'm coping" excuse) that are offended that other people don't like seeing incest at ALL, that people will (understandably) not want to interact with them if they're a pr*shipper, and hate being reminded that treating incest like its a fun little interest that shouldn't be handled with care just because it's being featured in a fictional situation (or even sometimes when it's NOT) is pretty fucked up and even disrespectful & insensitive to incest survivors, and then chalk up any criticism of the amount of sexualized/romanticized incest as "censorship" even though that's not what's happening, and again, very often self victimize themselves and often are also racist.
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lady-margaret · 1 month
bridgerton season 3 part 1 opinion (as someone who has read all the books + is kathony biased so be warned)
after sitting and stewing on what i just watched for a few hours
i’d like to start this off by saying that due to my disappointment of the writing from the last season, i was way more gracious with this one. kate and anthony were great because of simone and jonathan; i’m not sure the writers had much to do with that.
anyway, what i’m saying is that i already knew not to expect the writers to be faithful to the source material (romancing mr. bridgerton), so i was able to enjoy myself more. additionally, polin’s book isn’t exactly a favorite of mine anyway, so there wasn’t a lot to be too disappointed with in my case.
what i liked:
penelope’s wardrobe; they hyped up the “transformation” so much and i’m glad it did not disappoint.
colin’s hot 😌
eloise’ wardrobe; someone pointed out that it had a lot of philip references, so yay 😀 (it has me worried that it’ll be her story next though, we need ben first)
eloise interacting with the other ladies of the ton was really cute and refreshing; she’s learning that despite them having different interests than her, they are still people of great value. the difference is eloise was raised in a loving and supportive family, unlike most of the others.
sibling’s g&h’s personalities coming through more (they are anthony’s children, truly).
featherington sisters as comic relief.
MARRIED KATHONY CRUMBS 💕💕💕 they carried episode 1 for me.
FRANCESCA 💕💕💕 gorgeous introvert representation.
FRANNY AND JOHN 💕💕💕 (i am both ready and NOT ready to get hurt 🥹)
book references (yay! the bare minimum!)
lord debling’s dope.
i actually do like that they gave cressida a legitimate reason to want to win the competition money to unmask LW in the second part.
the music choices haven’t disappointed yet!!!!!
colin’s line for the season is def the “well are you gonna marry me or not?” line HEHEHEHEHE i ALMOST screamed as loud as i did when john entered when he said that line to pen.
as an army, plus points for dynamite 🤭 i didn’t expect to like the orchestral version and didn’t see the vision of where they would even insert it, but i actually liveddd for it.
what i don’t really have strong feelings about:
mondrich plot; alice is beautiful but the addition of their family storyline didn’t make much of a lasting impact.
the queen; she was very meh so far.
the featherington storyline: the sisters are funny, but their whole situation mixed with the humor leads me not to take it very seriously.
violet x lady danbury’s brother: 🤷‍♀️ i don’t see it.
the “lady danbury’s brother” storyline in general is very forgettable.
what i disliked:
i think nicola and luke could use more chemistry; they fall short compared to daphne&simon and kathony (HEAVY ON KATHONY THIS IS WHY THEY REMOVED THEM FROM THE REST OF THE EPISODES SIGH)
they kinda mischaracterized colin (he spent the last two seasons being selfish and putting himself above everyone else violet, what the hell are you talking about “you never place yourself over others” 🤨)
the lack of ben time?? did he go back to the academy after taking over for anthony briefly??? what did he do besides dodging debutantes all season????
they glossed over benedict running the estate so quickly; this could have been an opportunity to draw out his storyline, especially since he mentioned that he liked having a purpose: WRITERS???? DO SOMETHING WITH THAT!
i also didn’t really care for the ben x tilly arnold plot; unless sophie’s actually a maid of her’s or something, i don’t see her point in the show besides just be another one of ben’s ever changing girl of the season.
im sorry but eloise would never SHOULD NEVER have befriended her (ex?) best friend’s bully, no matter what the circumstances. that is NOT eloise.
honestly, them revealing whistledown in the first season is really screwing with the writing; in this regard, i wish they stayed more faithful to the book and how colin finds out about LW. it all just seems so messy at this point.
so s3 starts when kathony end their honeymoon… how long was this honeymoon? math isn’t mathing cuz it couldn’t have been more than a week given that kate isn’t obviously pregnant yet in the first ep.
i know that colin and pen are longtime friends, but from how they’ve interacted with each other in the past seasons, it’s a bit harder to believe that they were close CLOSE friends; close friends to the extent of helping the other find a spouse through “lessons”? i don’t see it. that’s why i was a bit ??? when i first found out about the plot they were going with for the season (in the book, colin really just starts following her around cuz she was being sus)
i hate that they had to come up with an excuse to get rid of kathony for the rest of the episodes; i get that they’ve been running their separate households alone for most of their lives and want a break but… i don’t think they would abandon their responsibilities for an “extended honeymoon”. knowing them, running the estate isn’t gonna stop them from being wh0res!! they help each other out with the estate and are still sickeningly in love and have time for each other (in the books). i was also really hoping to see kate taking over the viscountess role. i swore they would have done something like that after that cute/awkward moment when they both respond to “lady bridgerton” in episode 1.
i get that it’s established that penelope’s one goal for the season is to get a husband, but as i know her character, she would NEVER get into races (?) or run just so she can talk to a suitor before anyone else does 😭 okay but it was funny.
i am kinda sad that they couldn’t have just let a mean character or a villain character be the villain character; yea sure, i did say that i liked that cressida had a legitimate and well thought out motive for wanting the LW reward money but, idk i could’ve lived without her storyline.
one of the BIGGEST THINGS for me is that i do not think they should have released so many clips/snippets of the show days or weeks before it came out. i understand like 1 clip, but i skipped SO MANY SCENES because i have watched them at least 5 times already on tiktok or twitter.
the two part season idea is dumb.
i’m scared for how messy part 2 will be (in terms of both writing and just how stressed i will be with the revealing of LW plot HUHU poor pen) but i’m still looking forward to it 😇😇😇 and despite all the things i didn’t like, i did still enjoy it. if i do rewatch it or not is still to be decided; s1 & s2 have such high rewatch value.
franny and john were TRULY a standout though. i cannot even begin to describe how loud i screamed when he finally said his name out loud 😭💕
verdict: the writing is getting messier, get jonathan bailey in that writer’s room ASAP
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hqbaby · 12 days
okay okay I'm team Sukuna but I'm gonna do some crazy shit theories for my sweet boy Gojo [sweet boy because HE BOUGHT A RING]
I have 2 theories:
1. NAOYA he probably babbled something or did something to reader. had to be one of the prime suspects! other suspects are: roommates, her father, Kimi.
2. SAID RING reader saw the ring and her parents came flashing to her mind. childhood trauma, fear of marriage or smth.
i can feel the angst coming. i suddenly wanna read FYI all over again until MIU is over. at least that one is finished and i know how it ends after some crazy angst. anxiety solved. here in MIU? i can feel im starting to get lost again IM HOLDING ONTO SUKUNA TILL THE END LIKE HOW I HELD ONTO SUNARIN DONT LOOK AT ME i rlly dont know how you do things or how your hands work but i have FAITH that 'exes are exes' even if you try to open a past wound and simultaneously reveal an opening for Gojo. i learned that lesson quite hard from you.
till MIU's end, sitting back here anxiously waiting, lovingly yours, #TeamSukunaPresident
PS: i love seeing your first time readers getting lost and didn't know what's really waiting for them 😆 all i gotta say to them is: ENJOY THE AMUSEMENT PARK [not just the roller coaster]. MIU would be an attraction like FYI. 🥺 congratulations in advance! 🥳
hi babe!! love hearing from you because the theories 👀 i will not confirm or deny anything for the sake of not spoiling but i appreciate you so much!!! and maybe the other readers have thoughts on these theories 👀
same though i am clinging to fyi at this point because writing miu is... taking some very interesting turns. i will say two things though:
1.) i'm not a big fan of plot twists, i don't like when things happen out of nowhere in a story. so for anyone who's worried something's gonna happen for no reason, it probably won't. and;
2.) as much as i love team sukuna, i gotta give team satoru some hope too. exes are exes... unless you're me, the girl who has gotten back together with exes multiple times 🫣
anyway that was a lot but love seeing you here babe!! glad you're enjoying the series <3
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Hi this post was from a week ago apparently I never posted it whoops
Mothman's Buffy Rewatch, Season 3, episodes 7 and 8, "Revalations" and "Lovers Walk"
"I wouldn't saying dating, but I'm going out with someone" Faith appears and wraps her arm around Buffy. I know what you are
I do not remember this new Watcher woman at all lmao
I love Buffy's bomb hat
The offense Giles takes to becoming "too American" is hilarious but also if someone told me I was becoming too American I would also take offense
There's 12 cemeteries in Sunnydale??
"Interesting lady. Can we kill her?"
Tai chi with Angel again. I do not care
No stop playing the sweet music fuck I hate this don't make them kiss again
What do Cordelia and Willow see in Xander anyway
Lmao SMG is so much shorter than Eliza
"You can trust some guys" correct! Definitely not Angel though
That guy has nice tusks
Oops Xander spotted Angel
NOO XANDER SEES BUFFY AND ANGEL MAKINH OUT if I walked in on that I would immediately yell "ew"
"So. No touching. Kind of like us." Because your relationship is illegal?
I wish Angel got arrested for sleeping with a minor actually lmao how would that change the show
This is like an intervention I'm crying
Ok Xander calling Angel is a vicious killer.. like that's Angelus not Angel are you stupid?
Lmao they actually did call it an intervention
Blaming Buffy for Ms. Calender. You asshole
Why is everyone acting like Angel and Angelus are the same guy
"Word of advice. Vampires don't usually knock. Especially in the daytime." There's other demons?? You'd think a Watcher would know that
Aww poor Faith :(
Massive projection on Willow's part
Faith and Xander bonding moment?
They're going to try to kill Angel.. wish they succeeded
LMAO THE WATCHER IS EVIL she got him good
Willow just break up with Oz omfg
Man that poor person's tombstone that got destroyed
Xander with the crossbow
Xander blames Angel with no proof he's so ANNOYING
LMAO SHE GOT ANGEL TOO that was so satisfying actually I love her
She snaps it over her knee and tries to fight Angel she's amazing
Girl fight!!
I love how the glass and the doors just disappear after that shot lmao
She got Willow girl's going three for three
The spikes digging into her skin reminded me of a springlock suit I'm so sorry
"Hey, word of advice. You're an idiot." SENT ME
Buffy just chopped her arm off so easily I'm crying
I actually love Ms. Post so much I wish she didn't die she should've been a reoccurring villain and her thing is just that she hits people in the head a lot
"Oddly enough your boyfriend, again"
"They swear there was a memo"
Aw Buffy and Faith :(
Lovers Walk
"That was my sarcastic voice" "it sounds a lot like your regular voice" "I've been told that"
Cordelia: Now you can leave, and never come back! /pos
Rip the Sunnydale sign
Dru dumped Spike LMAO
Awww he got her a pez witch that's so wholesome (it is ruined when I remind myself of Willow cheating)
"Giles. You pack like me."
"There's no going to be any rash." STOP
Joyce is actually being nice and supportive of Buffy???
Does he have to be invited in to the castle?
Drunkard Spike lol
Spike on fire 🔥 🔥
"We don't carry... leprosy."
She's going to de-love herself and Xander lmao
Aww poor lady
He's just funning
"It smells like church in here! Wait, evil church."
Aw nice try Willow
"I'm taking what's mine." oh that's not (I know he's a literal demon I'm just commenting)
He's going to get Willow to love-spell Drusilla lmao
He's sitting so close to Willow it's like he wants her to comfort him I'm crying
Oh poor Willow this scene is so uncomfortable
Why is she nicer to Spike than to Buffy
He wants some little marshmallows !!!
Whys Buffy choking him he just said he can't breathe
Oz still has some werewolf powers even when he's not in wolf form
"Well if you close your eyes and wish real hard"
"We killed a homeless man on this bench." God he's such a weirdo
"I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
Xander's head looks like caved in
Shit Cordelia and was pierced by a metal bar. Wait didn't that happen in Brooklyn 99
I didn't think the mop handle would work because it's not wood
"I violently dislike you"
Spike overusing the word "baby" is hilarious but I'm laughing at him not with him
"I just want him to talk to me again." Yeah cheating tends to hurt your significant other
"Xander. Stay away from me." LMAO?
Poor Cordy :(
I do not feel sad about Angel and Buffy not seeing each other anymore
Damn everybody ended this episode miserable (except for Spike)
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silverstonesainz · 8 months
Oh my God! I am very excited about your history with the frat! and I would like to see as much history on this topic as possible! and also to find out about the other hero drivers in this story, can you have a couple of interesting facts?
i haven't really gone too deep into the history side of things in terms of what drivers were members an such but i mean i could state the obvious ones for now and if anyone wants to chime in then feel free.
michael schumacher– i think he would've served as president at least once. and then he'd do a second term bc the chapter was convinced that they'd go downhill if he wasn't. he was sooo charismatic in his time, smooth with the ladies, but was always faithful and loyal to one. he'll always go down in history as a great brother, a legend, and someone who personified the chapter values well.
lewis hamilton– contrary to what most people would think, he never actually had any interest in serving on e-board. but he was nominated as e.vp (which he lost to another brother) and new member educator (which he got). he also served as a representative of the chapter at a lot of events as well as the connect between the chapter & the advisor/nationals. he is the reason the chapter became as diverse as it is, and he advocated for his brothers when he needed them. now, he's one of the chapter advisors, and serves as a kind of elc for the fraternity.
sebastian vettel– this man was fucking WILD. he was soooo michael's little (his last little because you know damn well michael had a whole lineage). he was a menace in his freshman year, a party animal, just a wildcard. but he aside from the fraternity, he was focused, motivated, and did so well academically. he chose to stay single for the most part until the spring of his third year, thats when he kind of settled down. he definitely served as president in his senior year, and before that was new member ed, and ritual chair. and now, he is the chapter's current advisor. shows up to meetings every now and again, and has to talk them out of crazy ideas.
kimi raikkonen– a legend. A LEGEND. i think no one thought he would ever go greek but he did. he joined for the vibes, stayed because of the friendship. and sebastian being a menace to him. still holds the record for the longest keg stand, there is a photo of the moment up in their house. he didn't have any interest in doing exec, or doing positions. but he showed up if he had the time, participated if he felt like it.
fernando alonoso– a menace from the moment he got his bid to the second he became alum. he was so competitive, and it think was arguable one of the reasons the chapter would get in trouble during his time as an active member. was an absolute rager and was down for just about everything. he was also a pain in michael's ass. he's also still an alum brother that shows up randomly and fucks with the new pledges. tell me im wrong.
jenson button– what a fucking stunnnerrr this guy was. a charmer in his own right, i'd say he was what daniel is now for the chapter. he was i think someone daniel really looked up to. and id go as far to say that jenson was daniel's big. it makes so much sense to me. jenson served as i. vp, and was also the sweetheart to multiple sororities. he was loved, and appreciated. but also so respected because he has shown and proven time and time again, that he is not a person to fuck with. also-- was definitely alongside fernando a couple times making trouble. another pain in michael's ass i think
mark webber– he was sooo active during his time– and i mean active. like he was taking every opportunity offered, every position open. he was an all around kind of guy, and super reliable. i think that he ran for president but lost, but still served on e-board anyways. i also think he was broody in some ways, and sebastian used to tease him about it all the time. i think joining the fraternity really pulled him out of his shell.
nico rosberg– everyone soooo called him britney as a pledge. i think nico was like mark in a sense where he was active in every aspect. also super competitive and did everything in his power to make sure that phi gamma theta got the w in every philanthropy event. and he got heeeeaaated if they lost. also a super charismatic guy, and i sooo see him as the kind of guy to keep his relationship super lowkey. like so lowkey you would never know he actually had a girlfriend unless you saw it with you're own eyes.
this is as far as my brain will take me but if yall got some lore to add, pls do!!!
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lanchang · 5 months
i see "hualian invented love" so often & every time im like these are the standards you're setting? either unattainably high (not all of us can be ghosties AND sculptors!!) or kind of a weird low bar depending on your point of view
trueeeeeeeeeeee yeah on the surface they have some interactions i really like and i do enjoy elements of the devotion and hc's ride or die nature can be charming when hes not being immature about it but theres not much underneath that it is just fantasy wish fulfillment and in that sense i really do get it like yeah it would be pretty awesome if a hot guy showed up and you liked hanging out with him and he already knew all the dark things about you that you were ashamed of but he loved you anyway and would defend you against anything. but also then you find out youre his entire reason for living and thinks you can do no wrong. and maybe youre like okay cool but also he doesnt really have anything else that he cares about so you never really feel like hes choosing you over anything else it kind of feels more like he has no choice at all..... and if you love him back i feel like eventually that would make you kind of sad like i wouldnt actually want that and in reality its a lot of pressure being someone's only or most significant relationship even if you really love them. also yeah they dont really ever develop or change theres a vague question of what hc's intentions are but xl isnt ever really worried about that and then they get together. its cute! but instead of them really going through anything together i feel like the backstory reveals take the place of any character development they go through because of each other. and yes hc actually does a lot because of xl but thats in the past and xl didnt know about any of it so idk its not very satisfying to me like oh it already happened.... and theres nothing from hc's point of view which could really have helped a lot. i guess it's nice that hc never loses faith and hope in xl but it might have been better if he did and then found it again. thats kind of what happens to xl and its way more interesting and its the heart of the story!!! yeah as a romance theyre fun and cute i do like them and i think they make sense in their context but there's a lot left to be desired
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camprell-art · 10 months
So, Dimentio and King Boo would plot against Luigi, which makes me curious as to how an actual interaction would go between the 3 of them. Obviously Luigi wouldn't enjoy it, but it would be more interesting then the normal interactions, seeing as how Luigi hasn't seen them both together. Would they argue on who gets to fight/kill/whatever Luigi first when it comes to it? Would they team up and fight him together? Other things that im not thinking of? I'd like to know your thoughts if you have any!
(Sorry for the long ask btw, I wasn't quite sure how to word it)
Well, as King Boo and Dimentio have the whole "King and jester" dynamic, I imagine that Dimentio would be the first to attack, he's following the king's orders and he also wants to surprise Luigi, if he fails, then King Boo could get involved, and he would be angry as hell, I remember seeing that he doesn't really care about anyone that aren't his boos, so he would be already regretting having faith on Dimentio, although he still would keep him by his side just because he can. But it really depends on the scenario to be honest.
I'll make a little story here for you :)
King Boo does his evil monolog, saying that, as a king, he got a new minion, someone to entertain him, and he would ask Luigi "What is it Luigi? Can you guess?"
Luigi is like... Idk... a jester...?
And King Boo laughs "Yes, yes, do you want to meet him? I suppose you don't, but I will call him anyway"
He won't call by his name, just say "Come here, funny man".
And now Luigi sees the iconic distortion of Dimentio's teleport, which makes him freeze in place, he feels his heart going crazy inside his body and his face pales, while the jester says "Hello Luigi, it's lovely to see you after sooooo long. Your presence is as pleasant as the sight of flowers after a harsh winter". And he's so serious it's uncanny.
King Boo laughs like a maniac now, Luigi's reaction is the sweetest thing ever, when he's done being crazy he can hear the plumber mutter, "H-how"? In complete disbelief, it was like seeing a ghost... Well, a different ghost, one that can explode you with a snap of a finger.
The monarch briefly explains how they met, emphasizing how cool it is that with so many dimensions and so many places Dimentio could find one of his mansions.
"And to show my hospitality, I'll ask my jester to entertain you a little, he has a lot of cool tricks for you to see. Have fun!" he vanishes, leaving them to fight. And Dimentio would give the scariest grin that that mask can make and go directly to harm him, now with new tricks and spells.
Also, if it was a game, it could be 3 separate boss fights with them, the first being only Dimentio, the second only King Boo and the third one they actually fight together. :)
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ebvermin · 11 months
ok really dumb rant about CV:Nocturne
Honestly, I shouldn’t really be surprised that they skipped like 300 years worth of games and went straight from CoD to Rondo, presumably following with SotN in like season 3 of it. I mean, how could they *not* bring back Alucard, y’know? And what would they even do for Christopher and Simon Belmont, just have Dracula magically resurrect like he does in the games, kinda completely invalidating the buildup to the massive fight from season 2?
And look, the legendary Simon Belmont really isn’t the most fleshed-out character, as opposed to Richter, who could actually be a really interesting character to explore in this adaptation. I mean, sure, he starts off as your typical noble hero, slaying monsters and saving maidens, the typical classic CV fare, but there’s just this lil something something in his dialogue with Dracula in Rondo that tells a much more important side to his character.
D: It is not by my own power that I am resurrected. It is a greed of humanity which calls me back. And thus, by might, I rule. Might becomes the one and only justice in this world!
R:  Of all the self-serving claptrap! The same basic faith drives all people to seek, to come together, to move forward. That surely can't be an evil thing!
D:  And yet, here I am. Do you not have any desires?
R: (hesitantly) Well...
Right there, The only moment we see Richter stagger thus far, when his true intentions are called into question. Yes, Richter is a hero through and through, but what happens after he fulfills his destiny? Of course, we see this in Symphony, where Richter’s desires cause him to be mesmerized by the Shaft, and end up resurrecting the very thing his family swore to destroy 700 years ago, just to show his own self-serving might. And, I can imagine that this very same folly is gonna happen in Nocturne as well, because you know the writers are just *begging* to do SotN! So, it makes sense why they skip to Rondo, but, they didn’t have to skip everything...
in 1748, fifty years before the events of Rondo, a man named Maxim returned from a two-year training journey, gravely wounded from an apparent attack upon him, but with no memory of his entire expedition. However, he comes bearing news that a childhood friend of his, Lydie, had been kidnapped by an evil force. And the first person he goes to, his most trusted friend...
Juste Belmont
The Grandson of Simon Belmont, and eventual grandfather of Richter, Juste is surprised to learn of the unexpected return of Dracula’s Castle, and he and Maxim leave at once to investigate. And from here, the two embark on a story of confusion, betrayal, and the folly of pride and jealousy.
You see, Maxim, despite training as hard as he can, knows that he’ll never get the same notoriety as Juste, for no other reason than that Juste is of the legendary Belmont clan. But, it’s this very jealousy that allows the spirit of Dracula to enter Maxim’s heart, slowly corrupting him and causing Castle Dracula to return in the first place, fifty years early. 
Sounds familiar?
And look, I’m not saying that Harmony of Dissonance needs an entire adaptation, i’m lying yes it does But at least a season or a few episodes dedicated to it would seriously help the story a lot! Just because Dracula isn’t alive, doesn’t mean that his spirit can’t influence the evil in people’s hearts, which would be a perfect parallel to how Richter eventually falls to his own desires. Honestly, Harmony as a whole is a really good prelude to Rondo and Symphony, and i do hope it at least gets a mention in the new series!
but if we can be real they probably wont even revive dracula anyway because he kinda just wanted to die in season 2 anyway and what are they just gonna have dracula fight alucard again after the whole “im killing my boy” speech so i guess my whole point is kinda moot unless what is he gonna revive carmilla or something sure she was actually in rondo but come on thats ridiculous
look man i just like harmony of dissonance 
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comradeboyhalo · 8 months
THERE'S NO DRAMA WITHOUT CONFLICT. How do they expect storylines to happen?? 😭
just for context anon, those posts werent arguing anything like that! it was just about missing the unconditional trust the islanders had for each other, and i was just joking that bbh never had that trust. so we're all good!
BUT im just gonna talk about your point as if its unrelated, because a lot of people in this qsmp fandom do hate conflict and its getting exhausting 💀 i get extra irritated at viewers getting mad at certain characters keeping secrets when its completely justified. baghera doesnt need to tell the world about her backstory, thats HER backstory! and honestly i dont even think cellbit and bad NEED to share every piece of lore they find with every member. yeah, itd be great if people were up to date with everything, but if they dont have the time to update 50 different people because they want to fucking build or do literally anything else than THATS FINE! THEYRE TRYING THEIR BEST ALREADY. characters are allowed to have their secrets and any conflict that stems from that is cool and interesting and viewers need to shut up about it!
also bc im a bbh blog: bad creates a LOT of conflict in the story and, yeah, hate him for that as a character, but i think people fail to realize just how much content he creates by being who he is: a miscommunicative liar, who simultaneously is one of the best secret-keepers on the server. it would be so boring if q!bad was just this perfect father-figure who always had the right advice to give and could therapy his way out of everything and was just so kind and loving to anyone. there are so many tweets that rip into q!bad for what he does to their cubito and im like....yes...now try to understand....you see how you're getting characterization from this....its valid to hate q!bad for this but please tell me you realize narratively what you get out of this...
anyways. let characters be messy. let them be wrong (@ qjaiden enjoyers...she is complicit to the federation regardless of her true alignment and that is COOL AND INTERESTING). conflict for the sake of conflict is never good but the qsmp has ALWAYS stayed balanced in its heavy and light aspects, so have some faith please and let the ccs beef with each other for fun <3.
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Same anon as the huge ass ask from before lol - 🔮
Oh, I definitely agree that in some ways R!Ciel was even more 'careful' with O!Ciel than the adults, but I feel like it manifested in different ways? Vincent and Rachel wouldn't be against O!Ciel making a name for himself away from the estate since that's what tends to be expected from a 2nd son anyway, but I don't see them having a lot of faith in him as the Earl and, by extension, the Guard Dog (again, not completely baseless given his sickness but going to affect a kid anyway). While R!Ciel I see as the type who'd say O!Ciel could do it, but of course "together with him, side by side". Although both ways ultimately feed into the idea of "unworthy to be Earl spare in the original's shadow", you know?
I remember reading the fic "Prepositions" if I remember correctly and there was a chapter where Sebastian was thinking about O!Ciel's past and the twin situation, referring to R!Ciel as "the spare he never wanted". I remember thinking Yes Yes this is it, because Sebastian's toxic ass is, imo, the first person to give such razor sharp focus to O!Ciel and not his brother. I doubt R!Ciel crossed his mind much before circumstances forced him to think about him again. Too busy becoming obsessed with the walking contradiction that is [Blank] Phantomhive.
Going from this I tend to wonder how things would have gone had O!Ciel been taken out of the cage first? I honestly do not know if R!Ciel would have managed to summon Sebastian himself. He seemed more hopeful, even if fakely so, compared to O!Ciel who spat on God's name directly (which also is quite interesting given that O!Ciel's always been featured as softer in their past while R!Ciel had the more bone chilling moments). And even if let's say he did manage to do it, would he and Sebastian ever become as enraptured (not the most canon accurate term, but close enough to obsessed) with each other as Sebaciel?
R!Ciel, at least, I see as less willing to get over Sebastian eating his brother's soul. It would probably show a lot in their interaction. He might even put more emphasis on the master-servant status difference between them. In the end though, he might become disgustingly intrigued by Sebastian at least.
In regards to Sebastian, a big factor in his and O!Ciel's bond imo is that they both started by "faking it 'till they make it". They are hugely responsible for shaping one another's persona and that element would bs missed to an extent in this scenario. Sure, Sebastian could still tutor him, but they wouldn't be together on quite the conspiracy Sebaciel have in canon with their fake identities. On the other hand though, seeing R!Ciel's "hard core" moments could be entertaining for Sebastian as well.
Long story short, does this mean Sebastian fits the trope "evil (supernatural) bad boy pays attention only to little old me forever ignored and in the background"? The jury is still out on this one.
hello and welcome back, anon, who is the love of my life
i think we’re kind of saying the same things and are generally in agreement but tbh i love putting this story under the microscope SO i will just (lmao “just”) add some (lol “some”) thoughts
i agree that rachel and vincent didn’t seem to even consider o!ciel as a possible heir. like even if they’re willing to let him strike out on his own, far away in london, they DEFINITELY do not see him as a candidate to be the Queen’s Watchdog. we’re shown that, while the twins do have some lessons together, r!ciel had lessons that o!ciel did not (im pretty sure there’s an implication that o!ciel didn’t take sword classes from the marchioness, but i could be wrong. either way there were still other lessons they didn’t share but i’d have to go back and check to know which lesson it was, exactly). for the time period, i could see this as being a normal thing, especially since second sons generally were considered spares (not going to inherent anything, aren’t the ones expected to carry on the family names, etc etc) EXCEPT when have the phantomhives done anything as it would “normally” be done. tbh i could see it being common practice in the phantomhive household that EVERYONE is taught what needs to be known to be the Phantomhive Earl because they know it’s a dangerous role to play. from vincent’s conversation with francis and francis’ skills in fighting, i think it’s safe to assume she was also brought up and prepared to take the mantle, should need be (and we know that there HAVE been female Phantomhive Watchdogs, so it’s completely plausible). my main point being: o!ciel probably would have been brought up the exact same way as r!ciel if they hadn’t already written him off
you are ABSOLUTELY correct about r!ciel seeing o!ciel as capable but in a “lets do it together!” way (probably with the unsaid “then i can cover for him if ever his sickness gets in the way”). but also i don’t think it’s purely “he thinks o!ciel could do it, if they do it together” i think on some level, for r!ciel, they HAVE to do it together. tbh might be less of “o!ciel could do it, if we did it together” and more “i can’t do it, if we don’t do it together”. he needs his brother. and we can see that in the way he’s absolutely devastated by o!ciel saying he’s going to leave
(it does make me wonder why he’s so so clingy tho. my current theory is that he grew up with the role of “Oldest Brother” being beat into his head so much that he doesn’t know who he is without o!ciel, without being the older brother. (which was probably made worse by o!ciel being sickly, both because now there’s the idea of “you have to Take Care Of your younger brother” and the added pressure of being the one and only Phantomhive Heir and added pressure there, because he can’t mess up because o!ciel can’t take over))
all of which, of course, o!ciel cannot see. instead, from his point of view, this is just more “unworthy spare” rhetoric
and like. okay so i never read the fic you’re referencing, but there’s something there. something that’s been kind of been cooking in my brain, about o!ciel’s thoughts/attitude about his brother and their relationship. of course he loves his brother, who is his protector and clearly cares so much about him, but i think he’s less. obsessed(? i don’t know if that’s the word i want to use but i can’t think of a better one) with his brother, than his brother is with him. and i don’t know if he resents his brother specifically, but he definitely has some resentment. it’s because of his older brother, who is way more perfect than him in every way, that o!ciel is a spare—and to such an extent. he admires his brother and he only thinks it’s natural, which is why i think he doesn’t blame his brother (and plays into why he goes SO pissed when r!ciel just shows up and steals his spot, after o!ciel put in so much work (was the one to put in the work) to earn (rightfully, too) the title)
but o!ciel is also amazingly full of contradictions and i think there was also a part of him that thought that without his brother, he would no longer be the “spare”. that’s probably why he wanted to move to london: to be away from his brother and prove himself capable (hence being pissed when he DOES prove himself and then r!ciel shows up to mess that all up)
which, listen, i’m not going to pretend i know how twins work (or even that all twins have the same relationship) but there really is something to be said about growing up side by side with someone from birth
BUT THEN comes sebastian who adores adores adores o!ciel. and not in the way his brother did. nor is it in the way anyone else (lizzie, his parents, etc) ever has. o!ciel has been told and shown all his life that r!ciel is perfect and preferred. r!ciel is the ideal and o!ciel is just there (he was undeniably loved, but he was also undeniably the spare). to the point that it’s obvious to o!ciel that r!ciel is the one that should have been the one to live. that r!ciel is more perfect and deserving, that it would have been better if o!ciel had been the one to die instead.
and in comes a demon who says he sacrificed his brother (he would never do that, he loves his brother!) (isn’t that what he wanted to do, in essence, on some level, by leaving r!ciel behind?), a demon who speaks as if this is something to be admired, to be praised (has o!ciel ever really, truly been praised?), a demon who o!ciel effortlessly enraptures by being himself.
(and the way that what enraptures sebastian first, what is that first spark of interest, is the way o!ciel goes about negotiating their contract, with o!ciel treating it like a chess game–the only thing he has ever been better than r!ciel at)
this is probably the first time in o!ciel’s life that anyone has loved him for him, who hasn't seen him as an extension of r!ciel (or the defective byproduct of r!ciel), who he can truly, truly be himself around (and, this is complete speculation here, but i wonder if he’s ever even had that before–if he was held back from doing things, or expected to behave a certain way, because he’s the second son, because he’s sickly). who loves him not in spite of his negative traits but because of them.
and the thing is: r!ciel never would have been able to pull this off. if he had been able to summon sebastian (and i doubt he would have; where o!ciel became infuriated when r!ciel was killed, r!ciel would have instead been devastated if o!ciel had been killed) (touching on the “he seemed more hopeful, even if fakely so” thing, he was probably being hopeful for o!ciel, forcing himself to stay positive for his younger brother, unwilling to believe that anything would happen to o!ciel. going off this assumption, if o!ciel had been taken out of the cage first, i think his death would have destroyed r!ciel, his whole foundation for his forced hope gone from beneath him. yes, we have seen r!ciel behave more bone chillingly and o!ciel more softly (and how much of that was expectation?), but there’s something about the way r!ciel’s evilness(? NOT the word im looking for but idk how else to put it) manifests–it’s a sharp, sudden thing. there’s no sustainability to it. o!ciel–who has been cast aside again and again, who has buried resentment, who is constantly, constantly comparing himself to the omnipresence that is his brother and is always, always finding himself falling short–has a capacity for loathing that his brother simply does not)
anyway, back to what i was saying, if r!ciel had been able to summon sebastian, sebastian would not have found him nearly as enthralling. sebastian might find r!ciel interesting. r!ciel is clever and is not afraid of maliciousness or cruelty. the fact that hes so young and able to be clever and cruel would be a curiosity. but he’d just be another human to sebastian. sebastian is used to death → anger → revenge. literally a cycle he sees like three times a month. r!ciel doesn't seem like he has the capability to hold the same depth of hatred as o!ciel. i feel like, where o!ciel said he is going to go on and make a name for himself, make those who targeted his family members come to him, r!ciel would demand sebastian finds who is to blame and take him to them (r!ciel would still want to kill them himself tho lol)
(what i wonder is if r!ciel would also want to avoid taking “innocent” lives, or if he would be willing to kill whoever to get to who he wants to.)
this is, of course, if r!ciel could even forgive sebastian for taking his brother’s soul. if he could find it within himself to work with sebastian for the sake of revenge. which i don't think he could, so there’s the second reason r!ciel never would have landed himself a sexy demon butler. not that he would care how sexy the butler is because he would hate sebastian on principle. r!ciel would have the relationship with sebastian that o!ciel likes to pretend they have: to r!ciel, sebastian would be no more than a tool. a means to an end.
BUT im so glad you brought up treatment of servants (you didn’t, im extrapolating) bc i am going to take this opportunity to mention what is SUCH an important fact to me, which is that o!ciel treats his staff SO WELL i love all the little hints throughout the story that add up to the obvious picture that o!ciel is the best among the nobility in terms of how he treats his staff
all this is to say, on a fundamental personality level, they’re already not working out. like, okay sure, sebastian might find it neato that r!ciel is suuuuper willing to just stab a dude. r!ciel might appreciate how efficient sebastian is about taking care of business. personally, i don’t think they’d even be together long enough to develop a relationship (as im convinced r!ciel wouldn’t play the slow game o!ciel does), but even if they were, i don’t see their relationship developing beyond being a tool/meal to the other. o!ciel’s upbringing is so inherent to sebaciel’s obsession with each other: on o!ciel’s side, sebastian is the first person to see him purely for him; on sebastian’s side, o!ciel is so so so complex in a way that is so perfectly intriguing to sebastian, and it’s a result of the way o!ciel’s been treated his whole life and how he’s internalized it and the way it now manifests.
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chihirolovebot · 4 months
i made. a PHYSMAKI!! pinterest board!!! i hope it is in character :’) but i wanted to share it with you anyways
i made a few about phys & other characters too. and OFCOURSEEE physouma aswell!!
fyi its always me sending asks about physmaki,,, i love them so much actually toxic yuri FTW!!!!
IM LITERALLY SO ILLL OHHGHG MY GOD ARE U KIDDING ??? putting some faves under the cut
FIRST OF ALL just want to go crazy bonkers stupid over the amount of dog / rabid dog imagery and pins in this board since i went so hard on the coding for harukawa and dogs in sleep awake . shes so rescued fighting dog to me and it makes me sick. the nightmarish black and red ones are so perfect for just what i imagine the inside of her head to be like the 'do not forget what i am' with the bared teeth oghhhhgh harukawa u think ur so cruel and unlovable u think u are but a weapon but phys sees u as a person</3 what the hell .
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this one first i hc that harukawa is very incapable of hiding her emotions like ANY emotions even though she tries . because i figure she never would actually have much practise hiding them as an assassin bc it was not strictly necessary + we see in the game that shes actually pretty expressive , even when it comes to stuff like being flustered by her friends or being angry ( mostly at ouma and momota lol ) . so yeah anyone this one is real harukawa's soft side for phys comes through a lot ( i hope ) .
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this is so hangar coded . oughghhhggh oh harukawa u thought u were doing the right thing at any cost and now look . look how its all fallen apart around you. 'i did it for you' and the worst part is she did !!! she truly believed she was recusing phys from someone who had kidnapped and tortured them !!!!!!! she thought she was doing the right thing + who's to say someone in her shoes wouldn't do exactly the same . i can literally imagine her saying this . of course there is a flipside which is that harukawa only thinks she's doing stuff for phys because she doesn't believe they have agency of their own ( to an extent ) and they are blinded/brainwashed by ouma so it's a pretty awful double-sided coin . 'i did it for you' but only because i didn't believe you could do it for yourself .
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well this one was just frankly evil and i think it's cool to read this from both perspectives actually . from phys's perspective this is fairly clear-cut; lover ( if we're going romantic physmaki ), hunter ( when they used to be afraid of her in the earlier chapters ) friend ( middle chapters ) and enemy ( right at the start and during a lot of chapter five ). YOU WILL ALWAYS BE EVERY ONE OF THESE because their dynamic changing and shifting doesn't discredit their journey from one sort of relationship to another . i think the nature of phys and harukawa's relationship is that it's always in danger of losing its equilibrium and sliding back into something slightly toxic or unhealthy or doomed . they probably have the most inconsistent relationship in the fic ( physouma is debatable ) and i think it's because they're never totally sure what to make of each other or where the other stands , as a threat or a friend .
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slightly repeating myself on the hangar point but this just epitomises what harukawa was trying to do in ch5 . she doesnt really know how to love and have faith in other people which is a part of why she thought phys needed saving . if she had realised like chabashira , kiibo and saihara did that phys had more agency than they were letting on , it probably wouldn't have escalated resulting in their fallout and phys' fury towards her in the investigation + trial chapters . deep sigh . in conclusion harukawa fighting dog who had to use her teeth despite not wanting to . in conclusion ouma and harukawa both thinking they had no choice other than to do the worst thing possible that they truly did not want to do because they both believed it was in everyones greater interest . only to find out that if they just paid closer attention , believed a little more , there was a choice all along .
anyways im going to go vomit . genuinely amazing board , i checked out your other ones as well and OH the physouma one was genuinely fantastic . so sososo thankful u sent me this as u can see i went bananas over it + i hope ur having a wonderful day :3
sidenote i have a bunch of pinterest boards that u may or may not have seen . if u would like i can post the link to my own physouma board :o
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