#Reader x Peter Parker
orangeboulevard · 8 months
Seven: Climb (Venom!Reader x AndrewGarfield!Spiderman)
Summary: Peter Parker should know that anything can go wrong will go wrong on his patrols.
Word Count: 578
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"I do not understand you!" A voice with an odd inflection and guttural tone bombarded Peter's ears.
"We can't just eat anyone, okay? Why is that so hard to understand?"
Peter noted a different voice, its sound was much kinder to Peter's intensified hearing but its actual words left him stupefied. Peter Parker, clad in his Spider-Man costume, had been absentmindedly scaling the side of a building on his patrol when he found himself eavesdropping on a very unusual conversation.
"You said 'bad people', he was clearly a bad person, he was stealing!" The first voice argued.
"Stealing baby wipes and diapers! We don't eat people like that." Peter had to keep himself from leaping from the wall, there were cannibals on that rooftop! Cannibalism is definitely on his list of no-nos.
"Human morals are too complicated to understand. My own race follows no such stupid rules, it is as your Darwin would say 'survival of the fittest'."
"That's why you're on Earth because you're definitely not the fittest-" This statement was met with an indignified roar that almost made Peter shit himself. "-And how do you even know about Darwin?... Have you been on the internet again!?"
"I told you no web surfing while I sleep!" "It is very boring! I cannot help myself!" "I can't believe you!"
Peter had heard enough damning evidence to bring these people in, the strange and sick cannibals that they were, so with a swift movement- he launched himself up and landed on the roof. Oddly, he only found one person instead of two. He tilted his head and almost jumped back in sheer fear as the person transformed into a dark towering beast.
"Aw, is the little spider afraid? You should be. The tasty meal that you are."
"There will be no eating or snacking of any kind, thank you very much!" Peter squeaked out, feeling very much out of his depth with this new adversary. 
The huge creature scrambled towards him on all fours eliciting an unmanly shriek from the young man as he flung himself out of reach of it. It turned to follow him but before it could, it transformed back into the recognisable shape of a human. Peter let out a shaky breath as you held your hands up. 
"Sorry, sorry! Spider-Man, right? Aw, man. I'm a huge fan. Sucks we have to meet like this." Peter felt whiplash at the difference in the interactions, he couldn't respond with how perplexed and dumbfounded he was.
A serpentine black sludge erupted from your neck, it curled around to face you, and all of its razor-sharp white fangs were born, "I am hungry, I do not care about who Spider-Man is or your attraction to him!"
You splutter, face heating up, "What? No, I'm not- such slander! How preposterous!"
Peter ran a gloved hand down his face before leaping down to be face to face with you, "I'm sorry but what the hell is going on right now? What IS that? Do you have a sentient tapeworm?"
"Sorry! Not a tapeworm, sorry!"
You cough and stuff your hands into your pockets, and you begin to ramble, "He's just an alien, picked him up a while ago, and he's just uhh carnivorous. Don't take me to the police, please, you're so sexy ahaha."
Peter tilted his head in confusion.
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asideinitially · 2 years
AN: hello, wow I’ve finally made a fanfic. It’s been a while… I’m also doing different fanfics to such as Steve Harrington, witcher, starwars and others I don’t want be just tied down to Spider-Man stuff.
And I want say thank you to @xthescarletbitch for helping me with this fanfic. ♡
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Summary; you have crush one and only Peter Parker; turns out he had eye for another.
You left your black limo and felt your older brother’s eyes on you. He watched as your father, Norman Osborn, fixed your coat. “There are high expectations, Y/N,” he said as he straightened out your fabrics. “You are an Osborn.”
You scoffed internally as if you weren’t fully aware of the fact. “Always father,” you muttered and waved to your brother, Harry, who waited by the school entrance. “Always.”
You walked towards the entrance and began to fiddle with your school bag. “Good morning, brother,” you said with a small smile. “I’m surprised to see you at school for once.”
Harry rolled his eyes and gave a lazy smirk in response. “Dad was bugging me about my grades and college,” he shrugged. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint the Osborns,” He glanced around the campus quickly. His eyes landed on Peter Parker, who was seemingly enamored of Gwen Stacy as they conversed.
You also felt yourself staring at the sight and just disassociated. “Y/N,” Harry said with a serious tone and turned to you quickly. “Uh, let’s get to class,” You raised your eyebrows in concern and squinted your eyes. Harry never liked school, so why the sudden change of heart to go straight to class? He always skipped the first period or never went to any class.
“I don’t know why you’re acting odd, but it’s my free period,” You stated, fixing your school bag.
Harry was running out of distractions as Gwen and Peter grew closer. When your attention was turned to the two again, you felt your heart drop. You didn’t realize that something was going on between the two of them.
“They’re together?” you asked in defeat, followed by a sigh. Harry shrugged and shook his head. “Y/N, believe me, I didn’t know.”
You didn’t want to listen to your brother’s words, so you rushed into the crowds of people in the school halls. Harry groaned loudly, kicking the door to the school entrance. He felt conflicted about whether to approach the problem and solve it or to go for a smoke and relax. He chose the latter and caught Peter’s eye as he walked towards the smoking area, lost in thought.
“Hey Harry, are you okay?” Peter asked him worriedly and watched as his best friend sat on the floor, puffing the toxins into his lungs.
“I wish I could say I was good,” Harry stated, closing his eyes. He leaned his head back on the solid wall. Peter grew concerned and sat down next to his friend. Harry ran his fingers through his hair and let the smoke puff out of his mouth.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Peter asked, holding his legs. Harry bit his lip and looked at his ruined converse shoes.
“Sure,” Harry sighed and let the smoke drop onto the floor. “I have a friend who likes my other friend, but they are taken. My friend likes them so much, but the other friend can’t see it.”
Peter listened gently and began to think of an answer. “Maybe you should tell the person who has this crush to open up to the person and see how it goes.”
Harry blinked a couple of times and looked at Peter, who was now staring at the clouds passing by. “Yeah, maybe,” Harry said, flicking the smoke out of his hands and pushing up. “Thanks, Parker,” Harry said, leaving Peter in the empty smoking area.
*Late that night at the Osborn house*
You were listening to “Mary on a Cross” as you typed away on your laptop, writing an essay. There was a gentle knock on your door. You answered it and found Harry with a sandwich and a drink.
“Hey, little sis,” Harry said, coming in and placing the plate on your bedside table. He proceeded to sit on the bed.
“Oh. Hey Harry,” you uttered, closing the laptop lid and looking at your nails.
“I know this is kind of a dick move,” Harry began, rubbing the back of his head. You raised your head to meet his eye and stared at him. “Peter is coming over.. to study with me.” He said it with such quickness that you could hardly process the words.
“YOU WHAT?” you shouted, nearly kicking your expensive laptop onto the floor. Harry watched as you darted to your wardrobe, throwing clothes everywhere. He sighed as he shook his head and watched you panic around the room. “Mary on a Cross” was still blasting from the speakers. You threw on the cutest outfit you recently bought and began to fix your makeup.
“Girls are so odd,” Harry said, leaving you at the panic station. You looked in the mirror and bit your lip, remembering what you saw this morning. Why were you dolling up for a taken man? Sighing, you flopped back onto the bed and closed your eyes as the music played.
-one hour later-
Peter came on time and sat with Harry, eating pizza and laughing about something that happened in their science class. You sat by your bedroom door, peaking at them, too scared to move from the spot. Harry saw your glance and decided to ask Peter about Gwen.
“So you and Gwen Stacy, huh?” Harry asked, taking another cheesy slice of pizza from the box.
“Gwen?” Peter asked, confused by the question, and leaned back, looking at Harry.
“Aren’t you two together?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrows and taking a bite from the pizza.
Peter laughed loudly and shook his head. “Gwen and I? No chance, dude. She wanted someone to tutor her with math.” You felt your heart leap and began to dance oddly around your room, praying they couldn’t see or hear you. You grew aware of what you had on, a t-shirt and shorts because you found no point in looking sexy when the man you desired was taken.
“We were searching for reasons
To play by the rules
But we quickly found
It was just for fools.”
You sang the words and rocked out to the music you were blasting. You almost didn’t notice Harry and Peter glancing at your room door. It wasn’t until you did an air guitar movement and fell backward out of your room that you realized this. Peter had a clear view of you, and your cheek crept to a deep shade of red as Harry couldn’t hold back his laughter. Harry kept laughing as Peter slowly helped you up.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Peter asked, concerned, and gave you a small smile.
“Uh, um. Yes, I’m okay,” you said in a stutter, staring into his brown eyes. Peter gave you a warm smile and kept staring into your eyes.
“Good song choice, by the way,” Peter said, still helping you to regain your balance.
“You like this song, too?” you asked with a small smile and bit your lip. Peter nodded and smiled before sitting back down next to Harry. Harry looked at Peter and then at you and rolled his eyes.
“Y/N has a crush on you, Peter,” Harry said, tired of the antics.
“HARRY!” you snapped, going bright red. You were too stunned to move.
“What? It’s true, and I’m tired of hiding your secret from Parker.” Harry said, crossing his arms. He began to leave the room before turning back to you both. “Oh, and Peter likes you back.”
Your eyes widened as you stared at Peter, who was as red as you were. “You like me?” you asked, stunned, staring at Peter.
“Um, yes. I thought you wouldn’t date a guy like me. So…” Peter said, rubbing his neck and looking away.
You inched closer to Peter and grabbed his collar, kissing him slowly. Peter closed his eyes and kissed you back, one of his hands gripping your waist slightly and the other tangled in your hair. You’ve never felt so happy as when you and Peter kissed. You’ve waited so long to taste his lips, and when it was terrific.
I hope you all enjoyed; thank you again to @xthescarletbitch for helping me and more coming in future ✨💕
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meanjellybeans · 11 months
I’m looking for a fic i read a year ago and idk how to find it!! 😭
It’s a reader x tasm!peter parker where he somehow gets into her apartment and they start to date but she still hasn’t seen his face, but after a few months she’s waiting for him by the movies and he surprises her but at first she doesn’t realize it’s him because he’s not wearing the mask!?
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fluffyseapancakes · 2 years
Day 11: Competition
Hey everyone, so a few days ago I lost someone very close to me. Because of that I haven’t had the motivation to write but I decided to push myself and continue with TickleTober. I may try to go back and write fics for the days that I missed, but here is today’s prompt. I hope you like it. 
“This is silly,” you glance at the cup of water in your hand. 
“Oh c’mon Y/N it’ll be fun!” Your best friend Peter Parker grins at you, “didn’t you say you were bored like a minute ago?” 
“Yeah, but I was thinking we could watch a movie or something, not…whatever this is.” 
“Just give it a shot,” Peter laughs, “all you have to do is take a big swig and whoever spits out the water first loses.” 
You sigh and shake your head, “What are the rules?”
“Fine,” you put the cup of water to your lips, “piece of cake.” You sip the water and hold it in your mouth, Peter does the same and you notice that he’s already grinning. So easy. 
You both stare at each other for a minute, waiting for the other to break. You look at Peter stoically while he is clearly struggling to hold the water in his mouth. 
After a while you feel boredom hit you again so you lean forward and poke Peter’s belly, he recoils, suddenly he lunges forward to poke your belly but you expertly dodge his attack. Thank goodness I’ve been training with Nat, you think to yourself smugly. Quickly you stick out your arm and squeeze Peter’s side, he lets out a muffled squeal and drops of water dribbles down his chin. 
Screw it.
You lunge at him, knocking him down to the ground. Before Peter could react, you scribble your fingers against his sides and belly, paying close attention to the area around his belly button and where the bottom of his ribs end. He spits out the water, spraying you slightly in the process, and he screams with laughter. You move onto his hips, drilling your thumbs into the little dips, he bucks up and slaps the floor with his hand as a sign of surrender. You grin and swallow the water in your mouth. 
“I win,” you giggle, scribbling your fingers against his belly again. Peter giggles hysterically and swats your hand away.
“T-That was cheating,” he gasps out. 
“You never said physical contact was against the rules,” you smugly get up and head out the room, “I need to get changed. You could’ve at least tried to spit away from me.” 
Before you could reach the door, Peter grabs his web shooters and aims at you, a stream of web fluid wraps around your legs and you fall to the floor. He gleefully strolls over to you and straddles your hips. 
“What’s the thing that Cap always says?” He forms his hands into claws and slowly descends on your belly, you giggle and try desperately to escape with no luck, “Oh yeah, ‘I can do this all day.’” Peter suddenly attacks your belly and sides, causing you to let out a surprised squeal. 
You two don’t notice Tony standing at the doorway watching Peter tickle you to pieces with a fond look on his face. He chuckles softly and heads back to his workshop, silently wishing that you and Peter can stay happy like this forever.
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Literally no one missed me but I’m cleaning up my storage so I’m gonna post the social media AU I made in middle school
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thatboisus · 8 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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aphrcdites · 1 year
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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l0caltiredgirl · 9 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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moonxnite · 9 months
y’all ever fantasize about a fictional character a little too hard to the point you’re convinced you should be admitted to a mental hospital?
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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kurogxrix · 10 months
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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c1nnam00n · 6 months
me seeing that my fav character barely/doesn’t have any fanfics OR imagines
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asideinitially · 2 years
N/A; I’ve been feeling bit low recently; so this story turned kind of sad, kind of happy. I hope you guys enjoy.
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“I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes
Don't wanna let the pieces fall out of place
I was only just a breath removed from going to waste
'Till I found salvation in the form of you
Your grace, your grace, your grace”
It started raining, and Peter Parker was sitting on the roof.
He saw you walk away from the building with your long black coat and an umbrella covering your face.
He rose slowly and again covered his face with the mask.
Peter knew he had lost you, just after that argument.
He was able to see the pain behind your eyes, the posture of your body that changed as you walked through the door.
He knew you were gone the moment you whispered "goodbye Pete."
He had no choice but to look at you from afar.
He hasn't felt the touch of yours for so long, but he knew it hurt.
You haven't spoken to Peter for months, you knew he has been lingering around.
You met someone new, you didn't feel a spark like you did with Peter.
"Morning beautiful" Sam smiled, approaching you and taking you in his arms.
You gave him a feeble smile, and sat down in the diner booth and looked into his eyes.
When you ordered dark coffee, you started playing with your fingers.
"So, Sam," you said with a glimmer of happiness in your voice.
Sam smiled and looked at you.
"How was your job?" you asked, struggling to make conversation.
Sam leaned back in the booth and started talking about his marketing ideas.
You felt Peter Parker's brown eyes dwell upon you.
Because Sam was always talking about marketing and sales, you couldn't stop imagining Peters' lips on yours.
It was inappropriate to think that those thoughts, you're not together any more.
Peter was looking from the rooftop, and feeling that you were feeling something about him.
Peter escaped while you were walking out of the diner with various emotions.
-few hours later-
Huddled on the couch with a blanket and a notebook. There was a slight noise in the balcony of the fire escape.
Moving slowly, you started to open the window, see the masked hero looking you.
"Y/N." Peter said and sighed in the mask.
You blinked slowly and crossed your arms, feeling the cold New York wind hitting you.
“Can I come in, please.” Peter said
You nodded slowly and stood back for him.
Peter went inside and took off the mask, before he looked at you.
“Y/N. I love you, I'm such a fool to let you go, " Peter started talking and pacing.
You saw him express his feelings, and you didn't know how to handle the whole thing.
"Peter, I feel the same thing." You said slowly and a little closer.
Peter smiled a bit, and looked at his feet.
“Me and Sam.. He's been fighting a long time, he didn't love me either, maybe I felt like I missed you.” You said, and you bite yourself on the lip.
Peter approached and sealed the breach between you and kissed you for a long time.
You missed this and missed him…
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percabething · 6 months
when the fandom is so small that everybody knows everybody
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bethsvrse · 1 month
me staring at my ceiling after y/n does the most FLABBERGASTING thing ever
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itshelia · 3 months
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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