#and as i was trying to get my grip to lift my bike up this dude started putting his bike up
superblysubpar · 1 day
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series masterlist | my blog is 18+
chapter summary: A bet is proposed.
the song: honey by halsey
2,563 words | please see the masterlist for general warnings
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Hawkins, Indiana - the past
  Your fingers tightened around the handlebars, palms damp and grip too loose for your liking. A deep furrow seems permanent between your brows, resting under the cherry red plastic that brought you into this mess. Their words ringing in your ears like a jingle of a commercial - annoying and unable to ignore if you tried. 
  “What a girl - she needs a helmet to ride a bike?”
  And if that comment alone wasn’t bad enough, Steve Harrington had to chime in. Leaning over his own handlebars, smirking, daring you to challenge him. 
  “What you need it for anyways? Not like you were planning to go down the destroyer. Bet you were just going to Benny’s for ice cream.”
  The other boys had snickered, Steve’s smirk grew into a full wattage, cocky, grin. That is until you lifted your chin, kicked up dust directly at him as you turned your bike and said: 
  “Cute you still call it the destroyer. I’ve been biking down that hill for years. How about I show you and buy you an ice cream cone afterwards Harrington?”
  Boys ‘oo’ed’, Steve’s jaw clenched, and your chest filled with some sort of powerful and addicting feeling as you biked towards your lie. 
  Which now sits in front of you. The legend so aptly named by the Hawkins population of thirteen and under due to it’s sheer height and the gravel that sat below it. A hill way out near the Quarry, it took half the day to bike there and back - if you still had your bike after that is. It was the tallest point in Hawkins aside from a grassy hill teens would sneak away to. 
  From the top of the destroyer, you could see the whole town, all the way down to the bottom of the Quarry, the road, and where it turned to gravel to lead to the sort of landing at the base of the pit. 
  It was the point the hill turned to gravel that truly gave the bike killer its name. If one somehow got the courage, or in your case straight up stupidity and false confidence for brains, to decide to go down the hill, your speed by the time you reached the bottom would be too much and the gravel was a relentless enemy. 
  You’d heard stories of bikes skidding, of scratched up, bruised limbs. There was even a tale of one boy who toppled over his handlebars and popped his shoulder out of place. 
  And you’d told Steve Harrington you’d been going down it for years. 
  His voice was far quieter than you were used to hearing, like he wanted you to have to lean in and listen to what he was about to tell you. 
  When you turned to tell him you didn’t care for what he had to say, you were shocked to find his cheek pulled between his teeth, wavy hair pushed up at odd angles like he’d run his hands through it a few too many times. Steve wrapped his fingers around his own handlebars tighter, like if his grip was strong enough, yours would be too, straddling his bike next to yours and gulping as he looked down the hill. 
  “What?” You finally asked, fingers toying with the straps of your helmet. 
  “I don’t think you should do this…” 
  As the boys whispered behind you, you frowned and didn’t dare think about how Steve’s voice wobbled a little, like there was some real emotion behind the warning. 
  Like he cared. 
  “I’m truly touched you were able to scrounge up enough brain cells to force a thought, but I have never and will never care what you think Steve Harrington.”
  That same swelling feeling of triumph filled your chest when the other boys laughed and Steve’s ears started to turn as red as your helmet. 
  Steve ignored the laughing, voice a twinge stronger than before as he said, “You’re gonna get hurt.”
  “I’ve done this hundreds of-“
  Steve said your last name, grabbed your handlebars. His golden eyes burning with something as he practically begged you to listen to what he was trying to say.
  “You’re being stupid.”
  From this close, you could see more freckles along the bridge of his nose, see that his eyes weren’t brown but had a little green in them. You could smell lemonade and sunblock and something about it all made you panic. Made you push him off and add extra bite to your tone, hoping your words stung him.  
  “Yeah? Well, you’d know all about stupid, Harrington.”
  And then you pushed off, the call of your name drowned out by the wind rushing past your ears. 
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  Hawkins, Indiana - the present
  Your eyes roll almost in time with Harrison Ford’s. A man who’s currently on the suspended screens because he has some weird thing about a movie with him being on while he’s flirting. Like Harrison’s energy is in the store with him, a guiding wingman. 
  What a tool. 
  Eddie’s lips quirk up in a lopsided smirk across from you when your shoulders tense at the shrill giggle to your left. You roll them back, then your head from side to side. Your fingers meet to form the goal post again, elbows sticking to laminated sheets screaming about summer deals and most definitely some sort of residual soda spill.
  “So,” a deeper voice than what you know it to typically sound like catches the tail end of the giggle, “If I were to call this number right now-“
  “I’m not home, silly,” another forced giggle interrupts. 
  Eddie sighs when you straighten up again, your teeth snapping at a red vine as you watch the hand reach forward and tuck a perfect blonde ringlet behind an ear, then linger. 
  “Well,” he leans in, voice stickier than the honey of his eyes, “If you were home…I’d call you.” He taps the tip of her nose with the pad of a finger, then flashes a smile brighter than the overhead fluorescents. “And ask you if you’d be free for a movie tonight?”
  Robin snorts next to your ankle behind the counter. Green vest covered shoulders rising as they shake with somewhat silent laughter and her head hides between her knees, tapes scattered on the floor around her. 
  Your head shakes back and forth in baffled amazement. It’s like an accident - you can’t help but watch  the wreck that’s about to-
  “And if I were home to answer, I’d tell you to pick me up at 7.” 
  The red vine falls from your mouth onto the counter, as you watch a little piece of paper leave manicured fingers and slip into the front pocket of his gray polo.
  A paper football smacks your nose as Eddie sighs out of his. As her hips sway under tight denim, haloed by the bright sunshine when the trill of the door chimes on her exit, the overpowering scent of vanilla and peaches continues to suffocate. 
  Steve Harrington turns to you all with a cocky grin. He pulls the digits scrawled in loopy font out of his pocket and nestles it between brown leather and green bills before returning the wallet to his back pocket with a pleased sigh. 
  “Oh yeah, I’m back.”
  And then he high fives the TV.
  Not just a tool - a whole box of them.  
  Steve turns when you snort, eyebrows raised at you as he takes his place behind the counter again. 
  “Something funny?” He asks, reaching toward your box of red vines. 
  “Real funny,” you admit, snatching them closer, “That you think anything about that interaction means you’re back.”
  Your waist hits the counter as you step out of his reach when he takes another forward with a tilted head. His fingers just miss the red candy when he huffs. 
  “Enlighten me, babe.”
  “Don’t,” you hiss, “Call me babe.”
  The counter digs into your back, Steve leans in closer, mint and cedar beginning to overpower the peaches, and you hate that you don’t mind the difference. 
  Steve’s lips smirk, a freckle just above his top one lifting as he tsks, “Wow. Not gonna even acknowledge my big brain word?”
  “Would you like a round of applause, Harrington, for correctly using the word enlighten?” 
  He grins, he nods, his fingers snatch a piece of the licorice up, “Yeah. Yeah I would.”
  You catch the end of the candy, shaking your head with a scoff. “She called you big boy.”
  Robin, whom you don’t want to admit you’d forgotten was even behind the counter with you, sighs, loudly.
  “Wow. Thanks. I had just forgotten.”
  Steve tugs on the candy between the two of you with raised eyebrows and a look of annoyance. “And?”
  You tug harder, and Steve dares to take another step closer with it, knuckles brushing yours that lay limply next to thighs almost touching. 
  “And, that means you didn’t do a thing except let rumors of what’s underneath your too tight Levi’s spread like the rash you’ve probably given to half this town.”
  Another tug of the candy, though gentler this time, pulls you closer, plastic crinkling against your abdomen as he proudly whispers, “Not rumors, babe.”
  “Call me babe,” you practically growl, “One more time. See what happens.”
  “Okay,” Steve tilts his chin in a challenge, fingers twitching on the candy, “Ba-“
  The red licorice disappears with a flash of silver metal, snapped between white teeth before it’s waved around dramatically.
  “While this is super fun to watch. She’s not wrong Stevie.” Eddie shrugs. 
  Steve takes a step back, red Nike swoosh flashing as he kicks at thread bare carpet. “Sure. She’s never wrong.”
  You have to physically stop yourself from sticking your tongue out at him. 
  Eddie hoists himself up onto the counter, chain tapping and clanking against things as he gets down just as quickly he sits when you snap your fingers and point to the ground. 
  He raises his hands in surrender at you, then waves at Steve with a squint of big, brown eyes. 
  “You’re not back. You barely had to put in any work with that cutie. She was making heart eyes at you from the parking lot, man.”
  Steve holds his arms out at his sides, like he’s innocent. “Just because girl’s know I have a sizeable-“
  “Ew,” you snap another bite of candy. 
  “Appendage-” Steve continues, ignoring you. 
  “You’re sick,” Robin delivers in a monotone from her stack sorting. 
  “And they know I know what I’m doing with it,” Steve talks over Robin in their well-oiled banter, “Doesn’t mean I don’t have to work hard.” Steve dares to place his fingers over his chest and continue with pride dripping from each word, like he truly believes and is proud to say, “I still have to put in the work to look good, to flirt and think on my feet. I have to pull out the Harrington charm. It’s not my fault I have more than other guys to work with.”
  Eddie ponders what Steve is saying thoughtfully, he places his hands behind his back and paces, nodding his head carefully. 
  “Maybe so,” Eddie sighs dramatically, gesturing with a bow to Steve, “We cannot all be gifted with such well-endowment.”
  “I truly hate it here,” Robin says to the ceiling while Steve beams. 
  You tilt your head at Eddie, trying to figure out where he’s going before he gets there. 
  He slaps his hands on the counter, metal clanking against glass displaying candy as he proclaims, “I propose a challenge.”
  Steve snorts, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter next to you, his elbow nudging yours. “What, like a duel?”
  Your eyes roll as you dig your elbow into his, pushing him away. 
  “Intriguing, but maybe another time. I’m fresh out of jousting materials I’m afraid,” Eddie grins. “No, I think, to really know if you’re back, to prove this,” he waves his hands at the entirety of Steve, “All takes real work and you’re not just coasting on what the good lord gave you, you’d need to use it on someone who’s unsuspecting. Someone,” Eddie purses his lips, “Who isn’t already swooning over the mere thought of you.”
  Robin spins, blue eyes alight with intrigue. “Hold on. I’m listening.”
  Steve tilts his head, “You want me to get the number of a girl who hates me?”
  Robin grins like it’s the best things she’s ever heard, but Eddie shakes his head, tugging on a curl. “No. Too easy. I think you need to sleep with her.”
  Your mouth drops open in disbelief and Robin whistles low and slow. 
  Eddie pretends to hold up a scroll, reading from air in a theatric voice, “I, Eddie Munson, declare that Steve Harrington cannot get the next girl to walk through this door of thy Family Video to have sex with him. The rules shall be that Harrington may only pursue said girl after careful consideration of her un-swoonability by yours truly, and will have one week to prove his charming capabilities. The stakes? One hundred dollars. Does Steve Harrington accept such a bet?”
  You scoff, “You’re both not actually making a bet on-“
  Steve’s hand slaps into Eddie’s, both boys smirking as they shake on it. Steve waves his other hand in the air, all nonchalant while confidence oozes out of him. “Next girl that walks through that door, I’m going to fuck. Easy.”
  “Unbelievable, You’re both unbelievable.” Your words are lost on deaf, egotistical ears.
  Eddie nods, he grins with shoulders raised at Steve. “Right. Since you’re back, easy peasy.”
  “Her ass and tits will be squeez-ied.” 
  Robin boos, cupping a hand around her mouth. 
  You gesture to her, “That? That’s what you finally have a problem with?”
  Robin shrugs, grinning, “I’m off the clock in one minute. Then he’s your problem.” She looks at Eddie, “Still able to give me a ride home?”
  Eddie nods, “I am but only the ladies driver,” he turns to you with a snap, “Speaking of, think you left your vest in my van, doll.”
  “Oh shit, thanks,” you bounce around the counter as Robin heads into the back. The door chimes as you squint into the late afternoon summer sun, sneakers kicking pebbles on the way to Eddie’s van, when it hits you. Suddenly. Wonderfully. Beautifully. 
  Your vest is sitting on the counter next to your red vines. 
  You spin, gravel crunching beneath your heels as you look at the front of the store.  
  Heavy steps thud against the ground as you race towards it, meeting a frantic Steve at the set of glass double doors.
  He grips the handles, wild eyes and shaking his head no, as he holds them closed and you tug to open them, grinning. 
  Eddie bows behind Steve as Robin cackles. 
  “What’s the matter Harrington,” you call through the doors, enjoying the way his jaw pulses, “Why can’t I come inside? Enlighten me.”
  Steve’s gaze traces your face, it lingers on your smile before it meets your eyes. 
  A challenge in both sets of glares, neither of you willing to back down. 
  He let’s his hands fall from the handles and rest on his hips as the chime trills overhead with your step inside. 
  You bat your eyelashes, you press the back of your hand to your forehead and pretend to faint against the glass. 
  “Good luck, big boy.” 
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Tag List - thanks for your endless patience and excitement for this, but please let me know if you'd no longer like to be tagged:
@ash5monster01 @madaboutjoe @foreverinwanderlust @the-fairy-anon @scarletwitchgf
@curlsincriminology @siriuslysmoking @redbarn1995 @starry--sarah @starksbabie
@taccobelle @angst-lasagna @blckburd @crownofdecit
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orcelito · 1 year
oh yea i was also so late in leaving for my lab today that there was NO way i'd be biking in time. but i managed to catch the bus bc there was a spot for my bike so i got there on time after all <3
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cyber333angel · 24 days
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a few people wanted the drabble of sitting on jjs face so here it is!
your boyfriend had been away on a pogue adventure all day leaving you alone in your shared apartment. needy for him but not having him here to help you release, you tried everything from your small hands (which couldn’t do the job, not like jj’s calloused and rough hands which gets you in all the right spots) to the little pink bullet vibrator jj keeps in a drawer when he plays with you(only climaxing when he has his dick buried deep inside of you holding the vibrator to your clit). none of it was doing what you really needed it to do like your jj so you text him. moving your panties to the side and taking a selfie of your painfully wet cunt you text him, “want you home jayj..” with an attachment.
jj’s phone pings in his back pocket, taking it out he sees a message from you“hooooly fuck..woah..uh guys there’s like a family emergency back home like—a car crash a terrible terrible crash so imma dip and we can “reconcile” this like tomorrow, yeah?” the pogues look at him with a disgusted face, and john b speaks up, “ew dude, we know it’s your girlfriend. you better come back tomorrow we have a lea—oh whatever.” he stops talking, seeing jj put on his helmet and get on his bike, starting the gear. about 10 minutes later jj bust through the door to see you in silk but slightly sheer pink, nightgown.
he basically pounces on you right then and there. grabbing your head and kissing you deeply, exchanging saliva from the both of your tongues. jj pulls back “babycakes you can’t send me something like that and..wear something like this. it’s bad for my heart im telling ya.” you giggle at his deprivation, taking your hands and lifting your skirt up you show him your exposed cunt. “s’achey down there jayj.. need you to make me cum!” wet slick dripping down your thigh, jj almost throttles “oh jesus..you drive me fucking crazy.” he grabs you from the waist, hoisting you up on his shoulder and runs into your shared bedroom. making out with you he lays his head down on the pillow, grabbing you to straddle his chest. “get on top sweet girl, if y’re so needy you can ride my face.” you whimper at the suggestion and shake your head frantically. “jayj I cant do that! what if I suffocate you!” he rolls his eyes “baby the best way to die would honestly be in between-“ you cover his mouth with your hands preventing him from finishing the embarrassing sentence. “okay okay! ill do it.”
“atta girl.” you get closer to jj’s face, thighs hovering over him as you grip the headboard. “papa your face is gonna get messy!” he gets impatient with your excuses “that’s just fine sweet cheeks, but this not what mean-“ he grabs your thighs and pulls you down to mouth, mumbling “dis is what I meant.” you shiver at the contact, jj thrusts his tongue up into your cunt, slurping at your juices. “y’always taste so fuckin delicious baby..fuck.” he moves to your sensitive bud sucking knit gently and rolling it in his mouth “angh, jj your makin me feel s-so good, oh god!” he hooks his arm from under your thigh and starts rubbing your clit, sticking his tongue back into your pulsing hole. “go on princess, try to grind that sweet pussy on my tongue.” you grip the headboard, helping your balance to move your lower body forward and backwards in a slow pace. “mmmh it feels so good papa! oh your gonna make me cum!” you hear the squelches of your needy cunt and you clench around jj’s tongue. grinding yourself across his face to climax, your clit stroking on him. “f-fuck papa..s’good..” you mind going blank from the intense climax, you twitch and hover off jj’s face falling on his chest. jj sits up grabbing you by the shoulders to hug you, seeing the wet spot seethe through his pants. “well fuck babydoll..all your fussing made me cum too..shit.”
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joonsmagicshop · 3 months
Stress Relief Series Part 3- JJK
 Summary: A couple weeks ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that
Paring: Jungkook/Reader
Rating: 18+/M
Word Count: 5K
Tags: Smut, Dom Jungkook, hair pulling, cock sucking, fingering, eating out, denied orgasm, degrading name calling.
Authors Note: This is part three of stress relief. Boy did I have fun with this one. Thank you to everyone who is reading this series I very much appreciate it.
Part 1 (intro)
Part 2
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Your phone buzzing on your bedside table woke you out of a deep sleep. No one ever texted you this late, let alone called you and you fumbled in the dark to reach for your device feeling disoriented and slightly panicked as you finally grasped it, and without even looking at the display you answered the call.
“Hello?” You said trying to keep the phone against your ear as you sat up to turn on your bedside light.
“Um Hi.” Came an unfamiliar deep male voice.
You froze, hand on the phone as you tried to figure out who the heck was calling you.
“Um, who is this?” You asked as you finally flicked on the light to bathe the room in a soft yellow glow.
“It's um…Jungkook. Did I call at a bad time?”
You sat up straighter and tried to smooth down your hair as if he could somehow see you through the phone.
“Um hey? Sorry, I just… What's up?” You said trying to orient yourself to what the hell was going on as the numbers on your alarm clock changed to midnight.
“Um, not much. Are you sure you're okay?” He asked as you could hear his voice echoing through what sounded like an empty parking garage.
“Yeah, I just… You woke me up that's all.” You admitted biting your lip.
“I did? Wait? Oh fuck.” He said, which made you giggle. He must have just realized the time and you could hear shuffling and cursing on the other end.
“I'm so sorry we just got done dance practice and it was…well something… and I didn't even check the time I just called wow I am so sorry.” He said in a rushed apology.
“It's okay. Really.” You assure him as you kick the covers off your body, suddenly feeling hot knowing the reason he was calling.
“I am so sorry for real. Today was just a really bad day.” He says with a pause as you lift an eyebrow. You know what he is hinting at which makes you grin.
“Yeah. Do you need to come over? Maybe let me… help you out.” You purr as you can hear him groan on the other end.
“Yeah, please. Fuck. Hobi was on my ass all day and I could really use some help. As long as it's not too late for you.” He says.
It was already past midnight and you knew you had an early work day tomorrow. The reasonable part of your brain told you to tell him that it can wait until tomorrow and you could be well rested for the upcoming day. After all, Jimin had just come over two nights ago.
The words that came out of your mouth were a different story though.
“I'm sure you know the address?” You whisper already getting out of bed and trying to clean up the place a bit.
“I do. As long as you don't mind that it's kinda late. I have my motorcycle so I can be there pretty quick.” He says and the image of him driving through the dark city on a bike to get to your place is so hot it makes you gasp.
You hear him chuckle through the phone and you steady yourself.
“As long as you don't mind I'm in the clothes I sleep in.” You tease as you make your way to the kitchen and flick on the light.
“Mmm and what kind of clothes do you sleep in beautiful.” He coos. You grip the kitchen counter and bite your lip.
He was good.
Too good.
“Well, why don't you come over and find out Kook? I'll give you a hint though. It's not much clothing.” You admit as you hear him groan and you giggle as your stomach flips.
“God this is so fucking hot already. I haven't even met you and you're already making me hard.” He says lowly.
You feel your stomach turn at that little fact.
“Yeah. You like it when I talk dirty?” You say already feeling your body heat up under your too-big tee shirt and black booty shorts.
“And here I was thinking I'd be the dominant one tonight,” Jungkook responds as you can hear some shuffling around on his end.
“I mean if you want to be dominant you can be. Nothing stopping you. I don't mind.” You hold your breath as you wait for his reply.
“Today was a pretty rough day. I wouldn't mind taking some frustration out.” He says in a low voice that sends shivers down your spine.
“Then do it. Come over.” You respond feeling your core aching already.
“Fuck your perfect. Okay, I'm leaving now. I'm maybe Fifteen minutes away.” He says as you can hear his bike roar to life.
“Drive safe!” You yell over the bike's noise as the line goes dead.
You stared at the city below as you waited for him, keeping an eye out for a black motorcycle among the Sunday night traffic but your gaze kept flicking upward to the almost cloudless sky and the stars that were peaking out against the beautiful black backdrop.
Exactly fifteen minutes later you hear the distinct knocks at the door which sent your heart racing as you walked over to answer it.
When you opened the door he was standing there, in black jeans with a black unzipped motorcycle jacket over top. His hair was a stylish mess and he was nipping softly at his lip ring as you stepped aside so you could let him through.
He shucked off his jacket to reveal a tight black tee shirt underneath and he put his helmet on the floor by his shoes.
You stared at him in awe. The pictures you had seen of him over the years didn't do him justice. He was absolutely stunning in person and when he shot you his signature bunny smile with his nose scrunch you swore you could have died happy right there.
“Hi.” He said softly as you watched his doe eyes trail from your toes to your head.
You kept on what you had worn to bed and suddenly felt shy under his piercing gaze. His pink tongue darted out to lick at his lips and you squirmed.
“Hi.” You said back to him.
You both stood still sizing each other up, time seemed to stand still as well as neither of you made a move.
“God you're…wow.” He said, finally breaking the silence which made you blush and shift on the spot.
“Well thank you. You are pretty wow yourself.” You teased as he grinned and you reached out a hand. He took it and you slowly led him through your apartment to your bedroom.
As Jungkook crossed the threshold you let go of his hand and waited as his eyes shifted around taking in your bedroom.
He finally stopped gazing around and his eyes fell on yours once more, the air was thick with tension and you felt goosebumps rise on your skin as you stepped towards him.
You laced your arms around his shoulders and you looked up into those beautiful doe eyes.
“Heard you had a rough day?” You said softly as his gaze dropped to your lips.
You smirked.
“Yeah.” He muttered biting his lip as he stared at you.
Your hands carded through the soft hairs at the nape of his neck and Jungkook melted into your touch.
“Wanna take your bad day out on me? Take out all that frustration” You asked keeping your voice low as you stood closer to him and continued to play with his hair.
You could tell he was nervous so you did your best to ease him into it, make him feel comfortable, making him feel like whatever he wanted to do was allowed.
“Fuck. Yes, please. I want to….be a little rough with you if that's okay. ” He almost choked out as you pressed a soft kiss against his jawline, his eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of your warm lips against his cold skin.
It was still a little too early to bring out his motorcycle but he just couldn't wait any longer. The boys had advised him against it saying he could not afford to get a cold before the tour but Jungkook had missed riding so much he said screw it and took it out a couple of days ago.
He will admit, that the ride tonight was chilly, it didn't help he was going over the speed limit rushing to get to you.
Jimin hadn't said a word when he came into the dance studio a couple of days ago but by the subtle nod he gave Taehyung and the silly grin he wore on his face Jungkook knew what had happened.
And there was just something about the choreography that was giving Jungkook, who is usually good at everything, a really hard time.
So after Hobi scolded him for the sixth time today he decided tonight would be the night.
He did feel bad for reaching out to you so late but Hobi was getting on his last nerve and he could feel frustration brewing deep inside of him and he didn't want to say something he would regret.
He loved Hobi, he loved all the guys, but something about this dance was just not clicking with his brain and it was making him frustrated and annoyed.
“You okay?” Your soft voice brought him back as he stared at you.
“Yeah, I just. Sorry, I was thinking about today.” Jungkook said as you slowly spun him around and backed him up until his legs hit the bed.
You slowly placed a hand on his chest and pushed him down so he was lying flat. Without a word, you climbed on the bed and straddled his jean-clad thighs shivering at the feeling of his jeans against your bare skin.
He sat up to wrap his arms around you as you pressed soft kisses to his cheeks and jawline. Peppering them slowly and taking in the scent of his skin.
Your hands worked under his tight tee shirt as you ran them up and down his toned torso. Jungkook let out a sigh as you continued to kiss down his neck sucking lightly as you went.
But something was wrong.
Jungkook wasn't doing anything. At all.
His hands remained on your hips holding you steady. No moans or sighs were leaving his mouth instead his eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed as if he was trying to remember something.
You pulled back and he opened his eyes.
“Jungkook? You okay?” You asked scooting back on his lap and staring into his eyes.
“Yeah, I just. Fuck Y/N I'm so sorry. I'm still thinking about today and how I just can't get this dance right and how Hobi kept getting mad at me.” He said hanging his head.
Your heart ached for him. You knew Jungkook was too much in his head to enjoy himself. That he was having a hard time letting go of what happened today.
He was a perfectionist at heart and you knew he worked hard, they all did, which was why you agreed to this in the first place.
“Do you want to just hang out? We don't have to do anything if you don't want to.” You say softly cupping his face and running your thumbs along the apples of his cheeks.
He pushes his face into your shoulder as you stroke his hair.
“I want to. Fuck Y/N I want to so bad you're so fucking hot and I'm so pent up I just can't stop thinking about today. I'm so damn trustfrat- no frustrated.” He corrects which has a smile tugging at your lips.
You knew what Jungkook wanted. He wanted to be a little rough and finally have control. He was just having a hard time getting into that head space so you decided to help him.
“It's okay Jungkook. It's not your fault Hobi is pretty good at a lot of things. I mean he's a great dancer, he's really pretty, and he has nice fingers long and so delicate. I'd imagine he would be a good fuck too.” You say ticking off your fingers as you list all the things you imagine Hobi is good at.
You knew you were riling Jungkook up which would hopefully get him out of his head.
He stared at you, mouth parted as you smiled down at him, hands tangled in his hair as you slowly played with it.
“You think he's a good fuck?” Jungkook asks, his voice dangerously low which makes goosebumps break out on your arms and legs.
“I mean I wouldn't know, but I'd imagine he would be.” You tease as you stare down at him, seeing him get madder by the minute.
“You think he's a better fuck than me? Just like he's a better dancer than me?” He asks voice lower and tongue nibbling at his lip ring again.
You didn't want to hurt his feelings, you really didn't. You also didn't want to say the wrong thing so you simply shrugged.
Which set Jungkook off.
He pushed you off his lap in one swoop and spun you around to pin you to the bed.
You gasped when you felt his hands grab your arms roughly and shove them against your back, pushing your face into the mattress as his body caged yours, breath fanning over your cheeks as you squirmed under him.
“You're such a fucking brat you know. Do you think Hobi is a better fuck than me? A better dancer than me? I'll ruin you so when Hobi does get his chance with you it won't even compare.” Jungkook growled low in your ear as he pressed his warm body into yours.
You whimpered under him as he released one arm to grab at your chest and pull your body up so you were pressed flat against him.
His breath was ragged in your ear as he let go of your arms, keeping one hand pinned to your chest and the other hand playing with the hem of your big tee shirt.
His fingers slowly slipped under the shirt and you gasped when they made contact with your warm skin. His hands were calloused and cold as he traced an invisible line up your thigh. His fingers trailed up up up, thumb flicking over your hipbone which caused you to jolt against him.
“Jungkook. Please.” You said barely above a whisper as you felt your core throb with a need so severe you almost cried out.
“Please what?” He asks darkly as his hand finds its way up your stomach and to the underside of your breast. He softly groans when his thumb flicks over the sensitive nipple and you moan out still caged against his body.
“Please touch me.” You plea feeling his hard cock press against your back. You try to shift your hips back to grind against him but he pushes out his knee stopping you from getting any closer.
“I am touching you.” He teases as his hand comes to squeeze at your breast and his lips descend upon your neck as he starts to kiss and bite at the skin.
Sweet moans leave your lips as Jungkook works both your breasts in his hand. Alternating between left and right, keeping you pinned against him with his other hand pressed firmly against your collarbone as you whine and cry out.
“Mm, you sound so sweet.” He coos as he releases his hold on you and flips you around so you are facing him, you shrink under his dark gaze as he puts a hand on your shoulder and forces you to the ground.
The second your knees hit the floor he is already tugging your hair back and you know what he wants.
Even in the low light of your bedroom lamp, you can see the hard strain of his cock in his jeans and your hands come up to fumble with the button and zipper.
You are quick to get them undone and pull his pants and boxers down. His hard cock spring free and slaps against his stomach. It's long and veiny and the head is stained a pretty red color that has your mouth watering and your core throbbing.
“Your going to suck my cock like a good girl got it. Then I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll forget your own name.” He promises as your tongue darts out and you lick at the precum which is oozing out of the head of his cock.
“And no hands. You're going to use your mouth only and suck me off.” He says which has your hands staying pinned at the side of your body as you suck his cock head into your mouth.
He lets out a loud groan above you as you suck him. Hallowing out your cheeks, you flick your wet tongue over the head making his legs slightly shake. His precum is salty in your mouth and you widen your jaw more as you take him down inch by inch.
His hands are tightening in your hair and you feel tears pool in your eyes as your nose finally hits his trimmed pubes.
Jungkook is moaning above you and you gag on his cock, trying to relax your throat as much as you can as you swallow around him.
“Shit” He cries above you as you stay right where you are. Breathing deep through your nose and fighting every instinct in your body that's telling you to pull off and get some air.
His hands tighten in your hair and he forcefully pulls you off his cock.
You gag as it slips out of your mouth and you look up at him.
His cock is wet with your saliva and hanging right in front of your face. You move towards it to suck him off again but he pulls you back by your hair forcefully, just that action alone has your scalp stinging and your pussy throbbing.
“You're too good at that.” He admits as he helps you to your feet and you grimace slightly when you can feel the amount of wetness that was pooling between your legs. You were surprised you didn't leak through your shorts.
“Take off your clothes. Now.” He demands as you scramble to pull your shirt over your head and your shorts down at the same time.
Your body was thrumming with need as you stood fully naked in front of him.
“Still think Hobi would be a better fuck than me?” He asks with a tilt of his eyebrow, challenging you to say the wrong thing.
You shiver.
“Still not sure about Hobi. Taehyung however…” You said with a smile as Jungkook frowned and grabbed at your wrists again. You smirked when he threw you down on the bed and crawled up to meet you. His body between your legs his eyes dark and locked on yours.
You felt caged and trapped but in the best way.
This man was about to wreck you
and you couldn't wait.
“What am I going to do with you? I tried to shut you up with my cock down your throat and that didn't seem to work out too well because you're still acting like a fucking brat.” He says as he places both his hands against either side of your head caging you in and pressing his naked body against yours.
His cock curves up against your stomach and you moan.
“Maybe you should finally fuck me. Or do I have to wait for Hobi-Hyung?” You taunt shifting your hips and trying to get his cock head closer to your leaking core.
“Nah I'm gonna tease you and edge you until you beg to be fucked by my cock and my cock only. Then I'm going to fuck you so hard it will ruin anyone else fucking you for the rest of your life. Got it?” He asks.
Swiftly he moves down the bed and to the floor as he throws your legs over his shoulders. You gasp when he wastes no time and plunges his tongue into your wet core.
Your whole body arches off the bed as he smacks a tattooed hand down on your hips to stop you from thrashing under him as he licks and sucks at your pussy.
Your hands are gripping the sheets as you force yourself to keep your eyes open as you stare at his mop of black hair in between your legs. His tongue licks at your folds in a way that has your legs shaking and you can feel your body start to spasm at his movements.
Your orgasm approaches fast and you are a whining squirming mess as you try desperately to push your core closer to his mouth, to get him deeper, to get him to dull the ache that has been between your legs since he walked through the front door.
“Jungkook pl-please.” You whine above him feeling your orgasm approaching quickly. You want to cry when he pulls away and stares at you darkly. His tongue darted out to lick at your wetness coating his lips.
“Fuck!” You yell out frustrated as you sit up to look at him. He looks so smug, so happy with himself.
He presses soft kisses to your legs as he lets you come down from your almost orgasm. Your body is still throbbing and you squeeze your eyes tight as you let out several deep breaths.
Just when you feel your heart rate start to slow Jungkook plunges a finger in your pussy without warning, causing you to jolt and sit up to stare at him, eyes wide when he adds another finger and starts to pump them in and out of your body slowly.
You grip the sheets once more as you moan out his name. You grind your hips down to meet his thrusts and you are glad to see this time he isn't stopping you, instead letting you fuck yourself on his fingers which is hot as hell and has your stomach twisting.
When he curls his fingers against your front wall you moan out and arch into his touch. You are close again and feel your body tensing and shaking.
“Jungkook! Fuck. Please.” You beg out as the start of your orgasm begins to show itself but Jungkook is too quick and he withdraws his fingers which has you groaning and complaining above him.
“You gonna stop acting like a brat?” He asks as he sticks his fingers in his mouth and licks them clean.
Your pussy throbs at the sight.
You want to push him a little more.
Poke the bear one more time.
You could tell he was holding back slightly.
You wanted him to take full control.
So you opened your mouth and said the words he most definitely didn't want to hear.
“I bet Hobi would have fucked me by now.”
Jungkook's eyes widened at your disobedience and he stood up off the floor and climbed on the bed.
He was quiet, too quiet as he stared down at you.
“You really don't know when to shut the fuck up do you?” He asked voice dangerously low as he stared you down.
“On your knees face the headboard I won't be asking twice.” He demanded as you scrambled to do what he said.
You felt him get off the bed and reach for something in his jeans. You turned your head to see him grabbing a condom and when he climbed back on the bed he sent a hard smack to your ass which had a surprised gasp leave your mouth.
“Didn't say you could turn around did I?” He asked as you shook your head.
He rolled the condom on and teased his hard cock head against your slit.
You tried your best to stay still but your core was aching to be filled so you tried to subtly shift your hips back, which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
“You want my cock so bad? Fine.” He growled as he plunged into you with one deep long thrust which had you burying your face in your pillow and crying out at the stretch of his cock against your soaked walls.
Your body arched off the bed as Jungkook gave you merely seconds to adjust to his length as he began to pound into you.
His hands were rough against your hips as he held you steady and used you as his own personal fuck toy. You were whining and begging as he fucked you hard and fast, the sounds from your mouth and skin slapping were making you dizzy with arousal.
“Fuck you're so tight and wet.” Jungkook grits out as he grabs your hips harder and slams into you with such force you have to hold yourself steady so you don't go through the headboard.
You are strung too tight, Jungkook's earlier teasing has you closer than you thought you would be and when he hits a spot deep inside of your body you cry out completely breaking down.
“Jungkook please-fuck-fuck-please.” You beg and plead as the coil of pleasure gets tighter and tighter and you feel yourself start to lose control.
“Nu-uh you can't cum until I say so.” He demands as he slaps your ass once more and slows his thrusts.
The whole thing is maddening and you are a mess under him as your arms collapse and your face pushes into your pillow.
Tears are streaming down your face as he keeps his thrusts slow and shallow.
You just want to cum
Every cell in your body feels on fire and you feel like you will completely unravel in minutes.
“Please Jungkook Fuck please make me cum. Please” You cry out as he traces small circles on your hips and kisses your back.
“Now that depends. Do you think you've been a good girl? Do you think you deserve to cum after what you said to me?” He asks, hands gripping your hips and forcing you to get back up on all fours.
“Please Jungkook. I'll be good. Please fuck me. Please.” You cry out not even aware of half of the words coming out of your mouth as his thrusts start to very slowly pick up the pace.
“Then say it. Say, I'm the best fuck you've had.” He says darkly giving your ass another smack and massaging the tender skin.
Your brain is foggy, your arms are shaking and you are pretty sure you'll die if you don't cum soon. Your walls flutter weakly around his cock as he is giving you just enough to keep you horny but not enough to make you cum.
“Jungkook you are the best fuck I've ever had-shit!” You cry out when he grips your hips and slams back into you.
Your body is shaking as you thrust back on his cock desperate to get to the peak and finally orgasm.
“Fuck your body is made for me. Say it!” He cries out as his thrusts become erratic and you know he is just as close as you are.
“My body is yours! Jungkook! Only yours! Fuck- c-close so close.” You warn him as he smacks your ass one more time and that sets you over the edge.
You cry out his name, half sob half scream as you finally cum. You are a spasming mess as you ride out your own high, you hear him curse above you and he pushes his body into yours as he kisses your shoulder blade and cums hard into the condom.
You finally collapse as your arms give way and your face pushes into the pillow as you cry out in relief.
Jungkook is still inside you but also collapses on top of you as you both breathe heavily and try to come back down.
After a couple of minutes, he slides his softening cock out of you and you whine at the soreness between your legs and your ass as you flip over to face him.
You watch his retreating back as he throws the condom out and heads through your apartment to the bathroom.
You take several deep breaths and stare at the ceiling trying to process what the hell just happened when he returns with a warm towel and a shy smile.
“I figured we could get you kind of cleaned up while I run you a bath.” He admits as he hands you the towel and reaches for his discarded clothes on the floor.
“No no bath tonight I'm so tired and it's… shit.” You finally look over at the clock to see it is almost two in the morning.
You were surprised no one came knocking on the door voicing a noise complaint.
Jungkook's gaze followed yours and he cursed under his breath, face breaking out in a smile as he carded his hands through his slightly sweaty and definitely messy dark hair.
“What time do you work?” He asks softly as you finish cleaning yourself up and throw the towel in the direction of your laundry basket.
That would be a tomorrow problem.
Well, I guess a today problem.
“Um, I have to be up in about four-ish hours.” You say with a soft laugh as you reach for your big tee shirt on the floor.
“How about this? Instead of a bath and dinner, I order you coffee and send it to your workplace. Is that okay? I feel bad for keeping you up so late.” He says as you nod and he smiles.
“That would be great Jungkook. Also, I want to apologize. I wanted to get you out of your head and rile you up to help you feel comfortable with taking control. I didn't mean anything I said. Honest.” You admit as he shoots you the softest and sweetest smile.
“I know that. And I want to thank you for helping. Really I feel… Well fuck I feel amazing honestly.” He says with a laugh as he gets up from the bed and you follow him to the front door.
“Coffee tomorrow…well, I guess later today I promise.” He says with a wink as you open the door for him and he collects his things.
“Sounds like a plan.” You say as he stops and stares at you.
“You're staring Kook.” You tease him as he blushes and bites his lip.
“I know I just… Can I text you again… sometime? Like can we do this again?” He asks looking nervous.
Your heart melts a little bit. You just can't help it.
“Of course Jungkook. Anytime.” You say with a smile as he winks at you and leaves you with a silly grin on your face and a soreness between your legs.
And when the coffee came the next day around ten in the morning from a very expensive coffee shop you'd never dream of ordering from you couldn't help but grin when you saw a little note taped to it with a winky face.
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h0ttestgrlinm0urgu3 · 6 months
Sean Anderson [journey 2] x fem! reader
submissive Sean☆
WARNING 18+ smut
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[ swearing, cursing, dirty talk if you squint, sub/dom dynamics, riding, ✋🏿job ]
you are responsible for what you read
Sean gets in trouble and invites you over.
a/n *could be better, I used to write on wattpad awhile ago so imma lil ass*
it's around 10 pm when your boyfriend Sean texts you, not a hello, or a how are ya' babe, just a "come over". already knowing he got into something you threw on your jacket and headed over.
Sean's mom Liz never had problems with you coming over this late... fortinutly for you, the door was opened by Hank, shawns step dad.
' ain't happenin' ' he says, not even letting the door open fully before he started. 'you know what your little friend in there did?' his questioning sounding like a tired high school guidance counselor. responding by shaking your head no he continues 'he broke into a place, some satalite shit, oh my bad, stuff, and not only that' he says in a could you just belive it voice. ' he crashed that little dirt bike of his' finishing leaning back on the door crossing his arms with a smirk that could have been compared to a teen when they snitch on their older sibling. 'yea kristen said she'd seen the cops outside of the mcbrooms house. is he hurt?' you question not letting him into the fact that Sean told you what he was planning in advance 'nope' says Liz popping in the doorway,' but he got a nice swim,' she says, chuckling. 'go up there and check on him, will you?' she asks politely, moving Hank out of the way.
knocking on the door before entering, you see shawn at his desk looking over some paper. 'what is that?' you questioned while placing your head on his shoulder reading the paper but having no clue what it said. ' i think its from grandpa ' he says not taking his attention off of it. ' has to be '
'you know what it says?' you question after placing a kiss on his check and going to sit on his bed. 'not yet but ill figure it out' he says taking a final look at the paper letting out a breath before placing it onto his desk and making his way over to his bed where your sitting with your back to the wall, he lays his head on you lap looking up to you with a grin 'i did it' he says proudly. 'yes you did baby' you laugh, leaning down for a kiss.
when you go to break it he pathetically trys to follow your lips. ' you also almost got arrested ' you say as you look down at his beautiful face taking it into your hands and squeezing his cheecks, giving him barley a peck of a kiss.
'you also crashed your bike' giving him another worthless peck. 'had a busy night' you finish before giving him an actual kiss letting his face go. 'yea i did' he says, giving you a shit eating grin.'wanna make it busier?" he says doing the weird eyebrow thing that his step dad always does that makes you tear up every time you see it. 'no busy boy, i think you've done enough for tonight.' you say laughing, which gives him the impression that you were joking.
popping up onto his knees and lifting his shirt up. causing you to laugh even more, you ask 'baby what are you doing?' making him stop his actions before his shirt is even all the way over his head 'getting busy' he says in a defeated tone not taking the shirt from over his face, but from the redness spreading across his cheast you could tell he was embaressed. ' aww ' you say as you match him getting on your knees sitting back on you feet as you take your acrylic nail from his adams apple, that was barley showing from under where the shirt lay, all the way down to the button of his jean.
he kept his arms up, letting out soft pants as he pushed the fabric of the shirt that still covered his face into his mouth.
leaving little kisses a top of where his jeans covered him from the world. 'this what you want, huh?' trailing your finger up his cheest and letting your hand grip his kneck when it got there. taking your other hand you pull the bottom of the shirt down just enough to see his face 'what you wanted a reward because you've had a busy day' you say in a slightly condecinding tone that he definitely catches abd lets out a whimper 'yes' in response.
'ive had a very busy day' nodding his head as to verify that he indeed had a long day. you can't help but find him so damn hot when he's embarrassed and horny. leaning back, you tell him to take his shirt off. quickly ridding himslef of his shirt you next tell him to remove his pants
'your gonna be my god boy right?'
cut to you sitting on his bed back against the wall, fully dressed with Sean only in his boxers sitting between your legs with his back to your cheest. his hands sit under your thighs as precouction since he can never seem to keep his hands to himself.
your nails drag up and down, from his happy trail to his cheast, before you let your hand rest on his buldge over his boxers. 'my busy baby must be so tired.' you start as you message him over his boxers. 'so worked up doing all this running around', grabbing his face with his other hand you turn his face to look at you before you kiss him.
pushing his neck higher to push more into the kiss. he starts to whimper, moving his hips against your hand.
pushing his face away from yours with an offended look you scoft at him.' was i not doing enough for you?hmm?' you say as you remove your hand from his dick. 'desperat ass bitch cant even wait and i was trying to be nice' you say as his eyes start to widen ' wait baby no.' Sean starts as you push him off of you. 'wait baby. thats not what i meant.' he says as he lets out a nervouse chuckle. 'baby please' he says to you as you grip the edge of his boxers before pulling them down. 'oh my god' he says, giving up his pleading as you rap your hand around the base of his dick. he was nice and hard leaking waiting for whatever you wanted to give him.
you climb into his lap, taking your hand from his dick you bring it to your mouth and lick your hand, palm to fingers, instantly bringing it down to the tip of his cock. he lets out the most beautiful groan with a 'fuck'. as he closed his eyes you add tighter pressure on his tip before dragging your hand to the base of his dick and back to the tip. you start off slow listening to his panting as his hands grip the sheets upder you. gradually speeding up your pace when his cock starts to leak you focous more of your attention on the tip.
he's a mess now opting to squeeze his hand over his mouth than to trust himself. sweat covered forhead, eyes tightly shut, Sean repeatedly brings his hand from his mouth wanting to speak, but every time, it meets with a pathetic whimper or a breathy moan.
finally finding his voice he squeezes his thighs together resisting any pleasure given to him 'please, god you gotta let me fuck you' he begged finally opening his eyes to take in the veiw.
letting out a moan followed by an 'oh fuck' as your hand falls to the base of his cock raising your hips so you were hovering over him. moving your panties to the side under your skirt swipping his dick up and down your pussy collecting the juices as you go before letting it rest under your entrance ' shawn baby ' taking your free hand to grab the one that was previously covering his mouth, bringing it to yours leaving gentel kisses on his palm. he lets out a breathy 'yes'.
releasing your weight and welcoming his cock inside you trying but failing at keeping in a moan at the delicious feeling of him stretching you. letting out a ' fuck' as your clit grazed his pelvis. once you were used to his size of his cock you brought the hand that was still holding his letting it rest on your thigh with the other one. he's breathing heavily as you bring one hand to his cheast using it to hold your weight and bringing your other to push his head to the side, pushing his face into the sheet under you. 'you consider this fucking me?" you tease as you slowly start to rotate your hips. despertaly trying to shake his head (yes of course) under your hand you move it letting his face up ' stay quiet for me baby' you say as your now free hand finds its home on Seans neck grasping as you start to ride his cock.
letting your head fall forward with a 'fuck', feeling him so deep inside you honestly made you forget what you came over for in the first place. with all his effort he snaps his hips to meet you as your ride him. 'fuck baby' leaning down to kiss his neck your throw your ass back riding him harder. 'im gonna come fuck' is all you can say before your pussy sqeezese his dick as you come Sean not folllowing to long after. as you both try to desperatly catch your breath you raise off of his cock letting the cum drip down onto him before you pull your panties back.
removing your clothes and cuddling up beside him pressing wet kisses all over his face.
a knock on the door breaks you both from your little world
'I guess ypur spending the night' says hank through the door.
okay honest how was that... bc I feel like I could do better because I'm a whore and I love shit like this but also this might be all you get cause I'm also a ragging virgin 😭.
*not pre read by anyone but me*
so if Grammer or spelling is off... blame me. or don't. I'm not mad either way.
leave feedback or just shit you might wanna read.
~ Daisy Baby
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cultofdixon · 4 months
Please don’t take my sunshine away
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Saviors War ended. Doesn’t mean vendettas don’t exist. The archer just wished those who hated him would fuck with him and not someone as important as you • ANGST/SFW • TW: Major injuries / Blood loss / Concussion / Discomfort
Requested by: Anon
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“You are one impatient man when it comes to your other half”
Daryl brought his attention toward the front door where Maggie stood with a tired expression on her face with an equally tired infant in her arms.
“Sorry if me leavin’ woke you both”
“No no. Hershel was the one to wake me but that’s what you sign up for with babies” Maggie smiles at her son who finally relaxed in her embrace. “Now why are you up? Y/N is going to be here in the morning”
“That. That’s exactly why”
“Again, impatient” She laughs bringing herself to sit on the steps as Daryl pushes himself off the pillar to sit beside his friend. “She’ll get here when she’ll get here”
Nothing could go wrong.
It was starting to become unbearable. The waiting for his partner even if he was occupied for most of the day.
Daryl decided to take his bike out of the community for his break, thinking Y/N’s car must have run out of gas on the way over so he would bring one over. But before he even left, Siddiq stepped through the gates with Enid who’s shadowing him to become a medic. They were coming from Oceanside after doing check ups and the route from that community and Alexandra merge at a point when heading toward the Hilltop. So he could’ve seen anything on his way over.
“No, we didn’t see a car on the way over”
“There were a lot of walkers in a single spot that we took care of and it was just a dead deer.”
“So you really shouldn’t worry about Y/N” Siddiq instantly went to where Daryl was thinking as Enid nodded nervously.
“Yeah well she hasn’t turned up. I gotta head out there and see what’s happenin’.” Daryl got on his bike about to start it when Siddiq laid a hand on his shoulder giving him a worried look.
“I’ll get Maggie’s radio. Just in case”
Daryl nodded, gripping onto his radio subconsciously.
This isn’t right?
Eugene told me this car had its maintenance done. Why is it being like this?
Fuck—-FUCK, where are the breaks?!
Who messed with the brea——
Y/N flinched awake after the initial crash as she slowly lifted her head off the steering wheel feeling the throbbing stiff pain in her chest. Her ribs were broken. The pain wasn’t only there. Her whole body ached and given the shaking from the shock, so much more happened. The blood loss was getting to her, how long has she been out? She went to reach for her pack in the passengers only to notice the glass shards embedded in her right arm. Staring at what caused pain on one side of her resulted in a realization that she couldn’t feel her other arm. Before she could even try and touch it, her lungs constricted causing her to cough into her hand noticing the blood and that’s when the tears started.
She’s going to die out here.
Then it clicked to her. Where she crashed and how far she was from the Hilltop, it shouldn’t go unnoticed if Y/N pressed down on the horn. She tested it at first to make sure that the horn was still connected but then she remembered it’s not the old world. Walkers littered the earth and just from testing it could’ve triggered one over.
But the smallest test caught the archer’s attention as he drove near the sound and took out walkers nearby.
The honk was only once, and then suddenly consistent.
Daryl followed and killed the walkers near the sound as it came clear what happened…or at least why she didn’t show up…
Fuck fuck fuck Daryl quickly ran to the driver’s door after dropping his bike. He forced the door open seeing the damage for himself as he struggled to keep his composure.
She felt him gently bring herself against the seat to check her pulse and thankfully it was there for him.
The sound of the radio buzz caught Enid’s attention from their inventory re-check as she quickly grabs it.
“Hello? Daryl?” She says watching Siddiq turn around to face her and eye the radio.
“It’s bad. It’s really fucking bad”
“We’ll see you soon” Enid stopped pressing their radio tossing it onto the counter and quickly cleaning up what they were doing.
“Once you put that box away, go inform Maggie and Jesus. Maybe someone can shorten the walk over here and drive Y/N the rest of the way back. Then come back and help me set up for anything” Siddiq states watching Enid not even wait another moment and sprint out of the infirmary.
They managed to connect to somebody who was on their way to the Sanctuary. The quick detour to pick up the two was the only easy part. The driving with a pretty much broken person in the vehicle was one of the first few difficult things to handle.
“Maybe drive fucking smoother?!” Daryl snaps at the driver who was already trying his best not to hit any bumps along the way but it is a dirt road to Hilltop compared to the others.
The gates opened the second they heard the car pulling up. Jesus accompanied Siddiq and Enid with helping Y/N get to the medical trailer but Jesus was mainly there to block Daryl the second the two medics got their patient.
“You seriously gonna keep me from her?!”
“Do you even see yourself? She’s going to feel worse seeing all of her blood on your person”
“How the fuck would you know that?! She’s not even awa—-“ Both Daryl and Jesus turned toward the shout coming from the medical trailer as the archer didn’t hesitate to shove the skilled fighter out of his way.
When he entered, Y/N was awake and trying to get Siddiq’s assessing hands away from touching her injuries. Her hands shook when trying to shove him away as he couldn’t stop paying attention to her left arm that was barely moving. He directed Enid to pin her as he gently—as best as he could, grab her shoulder watching her retract her entire body resulting in another shout of pain to escape her. Daryl noticed they cut her shirt to access the injured better and saw the deep blue and purple bruising from her ribs breaking. He was frozen in place, everyone expected him to try and intervene but how could he? He doesn’t know how to handle these things.
Siddiq noticed his presence after a while and glared at the man along with it directed to Jesus. “Get him out of here!” He barked as Jesus quickly grabbed Daryl.
“Come on. Let them work” He struggled to pull Daryl away as he instantly broke out of his grasp stepping over to the situation.
“Jesus I told you—-“
“If I grabbed him now, who knows what you’ll need to fix next” Jesus snaps back only to turn his attention to the doorway when Maggie called out for him needing his assistance.
Daryl gently rest his hand on Y/N’s head causing her to turn her attention onto him. Tears spilled from her bruised blooded face as she couldn’t think of anything to say but she instantly relaxed the best she could given her body ached when Daryl started to shush her in a calming manner. When her body finally relaxed, Siddiq gave Enid a nod for the okay to start working on her while he got an IV in her arm.
“You’re doing great, sunshine…you’re doing great” Daryl whispers brushing away the hair in her face. He glances up noticing Siddiq’s hesitation in popping her shoulder back in place, but once they agreed through the silence. Daryl stood up holding her carefully but also pinning her.
“It will only last a few seconds. I’ll be quick”
“It’s gonna be alright” Daryl reassures Y/N as she watches Siddiq get to work with fixing the dislocation.
After popping her shoulder back into place, she passed out. It scared the few working on her but Siddiq reassured that it was from the shock subsiding and the blood loss of course. Which led Daryl to reveal he’s a universal donor to Siddiq when Enid went to give Maggie an update.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay with this?”
“No, but she needs it” Daryl sat down in the offered seat as Siddiq went ahead with preparing his arm.
“I won’t tell anyone else. I know why you’re doing it now but again—“
“Yeah I get it, Siddiq. Just…yeah hurry up” The archer looked away when he put the needle in, not because he’s squeamish but because this brought weird memories.
After doing the blood transfusion, Daryl stepped out for a moment applying pressure to his arm giving them time to stitch the deep gashes and finish with cleaning and bandaging. He noticed the truck that Rick normally drives being by the Barrington house and when he brought himself into the vicinity there was more than just Rick in the building.
“Daryl, just…the man we needed right now” Rick clears his throat avoiding his eyes as Maggie and Michonne’s worried expressions caught the archer’s attention.
“What happened?”
“We investigated further on what happened to your partner” Jesus started the conversation but no one wanted to say it.
Which easily drove Daryl nuts.
“Spit it out”
“Someone cut the brake wires to the vehicle Y/N was driving” Michonne stated watching him tense. “then when we asked around Alexandria—more specifically the recent Saviors we took in. One of them threatened Y/N before she left”
“And the Saviors aren’t all too bright. They didn’t want her to crash the car” Rick finishes handing Daryl the list of Saviors they are shipping out of Alexandria.
“They did that…expecting me to fucking drive the car and crash?”
“Knowing you, you would’ve been able to crash…safely. Regardless. We are moving those Saviors back to the Sanctuary and—-“
“That’s all you’re ever gonna do. My fucking partner, my WIFE, almost died because some fucking Saviors are still out for me. Or hell they wanted her dead so I would finish the fucking job that y’all didn’t do that night on the hill” Daryl scoffs stepping away from the conversation as Maggie cut through the group letting them take care of the situation for themselves.
“Mags I’m sorry for bringin’ it up again. But I can’t listen to—-“
“You’re right” Maggie grabbed his shoulder making him stop and turn to her. “You didn’t say it but you’re right that their decision for handling this situation is wrong. They should’ve exiled them or worse. But can we at least focus on right now? Y/N is alive. Doing alright. And I’m recommending you both to live here until she’s well enough or hell. Permanently.”
“Y/N wouldn’t agree to the permanently thing. She spent too much time rebuilding our house…it’s just gonna take a while”
“I know and you both can spend that while, here. Or the Kingdom with Carol and Ezekiel. Literally anywhere until she’s ready to go back.”
Daryl didn’t have anymore words on the matter while his anxiety had a chokehold on him. Unexpectedly, the tears spilled as his thoughts raced and while Maggie had too many thoughts herself on the matter…she pushed them aside and brought her arms around her friend keeping him close as he latched onto her.
“She could’ve died…and left me all alone”
“You know she’s a fighter…you’re going to be stuck with her forever” Maggie laughs softly holding him for as long as he wanted.
Soon Daryl found himself seated beside Y/N’s gurney staring at every bandage, every bruise, her swollen face, and her arm strapped to her chest. He next focused on the rise and fall of her chest, afraid of the possible stop. But that never came and she was going to be okay…
“Hey…” Daryl smiles warmly gently kissing Y/N’s forehead as she had been asleep for three days since the accident. He stuck by her side the entire time for the moment she opened her eyes.
“Hi…” Y/N gave him a tired smile even with the bit of pain coursing through her, thank god the drugs helped with it. “You’re dumb”
“For?” He scoffs feeling her hand touch the bruise he got from the IV. “Yeah well, I ain’t losing yea so”
“Mm. Would’ve been out longer if you didn’t.” Y/N kept her hold on him for him to get the hint to sit on the edge of the bed letting her non-strapped arm rest in his lap feeling his hand rub up and down her arm gently. “Gonna take a lot to keep me out”
“Good” Daryl leaned over kissing her lips before pulling away to get one good look at her. “I love you…so much”
“Mm getting sappy, Dixon” She teases patting his leg as he took her hand into his squeezing it and bringing it up to his lips. “I love you, and I’m here. I’m alive. So stop worrying for right now…”
“Yes. For now” Daryl mumbles to himself as Y/N gave him a certain look that lead him to lifting her up enough for him to slip in beside her bringing her into his embrace.
She’s okay
She’s alive
And they are going to pay.
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loveharlow · 1 year
just thinking about the motorcycle scene and if TR was in it but her and JJ aren't dating but they've always liked each other and the idea of him dying really makes her realize that she loves him.
“JJ! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” I shouted to the blonde who was riding alongside Topper’s truck with a dangerous glint in his eye. Topper was driving with Sarah in the passenger seat. Cleo, Pope, Kiara, and I were crowded into the trunk of the vehicle.
“JJ…” Pope uttered, most likely sensing that his friend was about to make a bad decision. A very, very bad decision.
JJ glanced over at us before shaking his head and sucking his teeth. “Top, keep driving!” Was all he said before his bike was distancing itself from the truck, from us.
I whipped my head back and forth between the two idiotic blonde drivers. “Why is he slowing down?” I questioned, heart racing, wind whipping around my face and hair as my hands gripped the edge of the truck as it gained speed down the road. Now is the not the time to make bad calls. “Guys, why the hell is JJ slowing down?!”
“I don’t know, Y/n!” Kie yelled, all four us in the back trying to keep our eyes on JJ’s figure that was growing more distant. We saw his bike stop abruptly in the middle of the road, so much force behind the sudden movement, or lack of, that it lifted its back tire.
“What’s he gonna do?” Cleo inquired. 
“I don’t know.” Pope started, fear in his eyes for his friend that he saw more as a brother. “I don’t think he knows either.” Even from our far away position, we could still see JJ clear enough to catch his movements — his hands picking up a rock as his bike blocked the middle of the road.
“He’s trying to get himself killed…” Kiara mumbled. 
“Or maybe he’s just tryna get rid of the cops.” Topper added semi-optimistically, most likely just thinking of any reason not to turn around and go get him. 
I could’ve sworn my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw JJ rev up his bike engine and start driving towards the blinding cop car, rock clenched tightly before he beamed it at the windshield of the flashing car, causing it to drift slightly off-road.
What the fuck is he thinking?
“Topper, turn around!” I yelled desperately, whipping my head to face Topper and Sarah in the forefront of the vehicle.
I could see Topper's eyes go back and forth between the rearview mirror and the road ahead of him, sputtering before finding the words to respond. “Wha- No! I am not turning this truck around! Do you all just have a death wish!?”
“Topper, just turn the fucking truck around!”
“Not gonna happen!”
I cursed under my breath before turning around to spot JJ once more. Only this time, the cop car had turned around and begun chasing him.
“No, no, no…” I spoke lowly watching the scene unfold before my eyes.
“Topper, stop the truck.” Sarah said firmly. If he didn’t listen to any of us, maybe he’d listen to her.
“No, I’m not stopping the truck.” He scoffed as if it were the most ridiculous idea known to man.
Kie, Pope, and I banged and slapped on the back window, pleading for him to stop the truck. There was no way in hell we were leaving JJ behind. Not tonight. Not ever.
“I’m not going to jail for y’all!” Came Topper’s semi-muffled voice through the glass. It's a little too late for that, asshole. Luckily, after some pleading from Sarah, the truck came to a halt.
“Turn around!” Cleo and Pope exclaimed simultaneously. But the truck hesitated to move. What are they doing? Looking through the window I could see Sarah giving him some sort of pep-talk. Oh my-
I slapped the window so hard the palm of my hand stung like pins and needles, their heads turning quickly and their eyes wide. “We don’t have time for this! Turn the truck around and drive!” Then the screeching of tires was heard, the four of us in the back drifting to one side as Topper spun the car and raced back in the direction of JJ.
After Topper refused to turn left, Sarah took control of the wheel and that’s when we caught sight of him again.
“There he is.” Pope pointed up the road where we could clearly see the flashing red and blue lights and red dirt-bike in front of them, both vehicles going so fast they looked like one big blur. 
“What is he doing?” Kie asked, her voice shaky.
“Turn right!”
I put a hand on my chest as it suddenly became harder to breath. The air passing us by felt cool on my exposed skin and my ears grew hot. Then there was a hand on my shoulder — Cleo.
“Breathe.” She said slowly. “We won’t let anything happen to him. And neither will you.” I took a big gulp of air and nodded, trying to refocus my vision.
“He’s on the overpass…” Sarah said, astonished.
Looking up, I found him easily but there was a car headed straight towards him. One he apparently didn’t see because it was within seconds that JJ’s bike swerved off the road, breaking the rail as it came crashing down.
“JJ!-” I tried to warn even though I knew it would serve no purpose now.
Topper’s truck screeched to a stop as we covered our faces from the debris. 
No. No way.
I hopped out of the truck, the others filing out behind me.
“Jayj!” Kiara yelled, searching mindlessly for our friend who wasn’t there.
All I could do was stare at the bike underneath the tire of the truck, nearly smashed to pieces and no JJ in sight. My eyes burned with tears and my hands balled into fists, fists so tight that my palms burned where my nails were digging into them. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
“Maybe he’s up on the bridge.” Pope suggested. And I don’t know why but his optimism made me angrier.
“His bike is down here!” I said bitterly. “Why the hell would he be up on the bridge?” I spat.
My eyes never left the sight of the destroyed bike, not even when I heard his voice or the familiar heavy scuffling of his boots on the concrete.
“I wish I could say I did that on purpose.” I heard him say, the sound of him dusting something off traveling to my ears. “But that was the gnarliest powerslide I’ve ever done.”
“You’re alive!” Pope yelled, and that’s when I allowed my eyes to travel behind me, catching sight of the blonde that I was stupidly in love with standing without a single scratch.
Pope embraced him tightly as they laughed, Topper making some comment about how it was ‘gnarly’ as if this was some fucking joke.
Sarah pushed him before pulling him in for a hug, Kiara with a sad expression as she shook her head at him. “Don’t ever do that again.” She said seriously, but pulled him into his third hug of the night nevertheless.
However, when he was released from her hold, his eyes met mine. He threw his arms out weakly. “What? No, ‘thanks for getting the cops off our asses, JJ’?” 
My eyebrows creased together in the slightest of motions, my head tilting to the side before my feet were dragging me towards him. “Is this funny to you?” I asked lowly, hurt.
“C’mon, Y/n/n.” He started, head rolling on his shoulders.
"No, tell me, is this a joke to you JJ?"
“You should be used to stuff like this by now.” He tried to deflect, placing the hat back on his head.
He barely finished that sentence before I roughly shoved his shoulders, my backpack lifting from my back a little and him stepping back a few feet from the force. “I’ll never get used to the idea of you dying, JJ! But it seems like you already have and I'm not okay with that! Okay?! I'm not...” And that was when the first tear fell, but I couldn’t care less. Or maybe it was that I cared too much.
His face, however, softened at the sight. “Listen, I’m sorry.” He apologized, coming back to stand in front of me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders to pull me into a hug. “Okay? I’m sorry, I-” He stumbled over his words for a moment. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I won't do it again, alright?”
I hesitantly hugged him back before Pope’s voice was heard again. “The pleasantries are nice but we should really get out of here.” 
JJ and I let go of one another, not without a glance that was longer than it should’ve been. 
“Hey!” Came the voice of an angry police officer. “Hey, you kids! Don’t move!” JJ and I bolted, heading for the open doors of the waiting truck. “Stay right there- I said, stay right there!” The officer kept trying to no avail.
When we were inside, JJ and I slammed the door shut just before Topper sped away.
General Taglist — @livlaughquinn
JJ Maybank Taglist — @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot @maybankslover
feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
hi hi hi i saw ur requests were open, no pressure ofc just wondering if u could do smth like rafe (established bf) giving reader the silent treatment for like weeks and shes so confused because she doesnt know what the hell she did to piss him off so she decides to confront him about it and just angst -> fluff yk??
also i literally love you and your fics so much u dont understandddd <3333
Miscommunicated Silence
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Sex in The Beginning.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
A/N: You are literally the sweetest. You made my day and I love you too, anonymous. I know Rafe isn't pissed at her, but I can't imagine Rafe being mad at Y/N for any reason because he gives me such she can do no wrong vibes like how he is with Ward.
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Rafe’s head throws back in pleasure as his dick spews his hot seeds into the condom. His arms grip Y/N to him as they both come down from their high. She carefully lifts herself from him and goes to get some clean clothes from his drawers. “Where are you going?” Rafe questions, expecting her to stay the night. She comes over to give him a peck on the lips, “I want to stay, Rafey. But I have an early meeting tomorrow morning and my house is closer to work than yours. Plus, we both know that if I stay here, I’m going to run late because of that tongue of yours. Bye, I love you.” “I love you too. Drive safe, Baby,” he calls out, watching her leave with a soft look. 
Y/N has been trying to text Rafe all week but he hasn’t been answering her at all. Every time she sees him in public, he somehow doesn’t see or hear her and then disappears when she gets close enough to him. She tries meeting him at Tannyhill, yet he is never there according to his various family members. She would be more worried if she didn’t know that he is ignoring her. His text receipts, only on for her, shows that he is reading them. In all their years of dating, Rafe has never gone more than twenty-four hours without talking to her. So she isn’t sure what she could’ve done for him to give her the silent treatment for a week. It couldn’t be because she had to leave after sex last week because it wasn’t the first time one of them decided to sleep at home after sex because it was easier for them the next morning. 
Her anger towards the way he is icing her out finally over takes her and so she’s had enough. “Y/N, Rafe isn’t home,” Wheezie tries to argue, but Y/N knows it is not true. His truck and his bike are in the driveway and she knows Kelce and Topper are playing golf without him, so he couldn’t have been driven somewhere by them. Y/N gently nudges her way inside, “I know that isn’t true Wheez, I need to talk to him.” Wheezie doesn’t stop her as she runs up the stairs toward his room. She throws his door open with a slam to find him shirtless on his bed, scrolling through his phone. His annoyance flashes through him as he looks up to yell at the person. He freezes at the sight of his angry girlfriend. “I don’t know what I did, but we are never going to fix anything if you keep ignoring me,” she yells, placing her hands on her hips. She waits for a response and her anger grows to fury when he doesn’t answer. She violently shakes her head, “Are you really going to continue this childish game?” 
She stares at him and he can only return the stare with a hint of pleading she isn’t sure what to make out of it. “You know what? If this is how you deal with your problems, then maybe we shouldn’t be together,” she spins on her heels, storming toward the door. With her back to him, she doesn’t see the tears and panic cross his face. He rushes forward, wrapping his hand around her wrist. It is gentle enough that she can break from his hold, but as she turns to yell at him, she can see the pain in his eyes. This causes her to worry. If he is willing to show emotion to her at this moment and still not say something, then something must be wrong. His mouth opens, “P-Please don’t go.” The words that come out are so low and raspy that she wants to get him to a doctor immediately to check on him. “What’s wrong with your voice?” she worries, placing her hands on his cheeks. He holds his finger up and goes to get a notepad and pen from his desk. 
It takes him a second to write on the notepad before he hands the pad to her. I lost my voice this week. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or at least answer my texts. You don’t need to talk to do that,” she questions, giving him the pad back so he can respond. I was embarrassed about why I lost my voice. And texting always leads to phone calls with you. You know just talking to you isn’t enough, I love hearing your voice. “How did you lose your voice?” He gives her a sheepish look and then writes the answer down. I think I lost it when we had sex last week. I must have been too loud. She giggles at his words, looking up to see him looking away. “Aww, Rafey. Don’t be embarrassed. I think that’s hot. I love it when you are loud for me. It lets me know that I am making you feel good,” she explains, wrapping her arms around his neck. He brings his head to her neck and gives it a kiss. She plays with his hair to help stop his tears from spilling. He pulls away from her and writes something down. I’m sorry I ignored you, but please don’t break up with me. Y/N gives him a soft look and then a kiss on the lips. “It’s okay, Rafey. I forgive you.”
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rubiehart · 1 month
hi baby!!!
jj would teach me how to ride a bike and i would immediately driving into something i shouldn’t of. (totally not inspired by real events)
omgg be more careful babes!! but i love this ask as a girl who can’t ride a bike.. oops.
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jj’s got two one hand on the leather bike seat, the other on the dip of your waist, keeping you firmly on the seat, and not letting you topple over, like you’d done many times before.
you pedal the pedals faster as he speed walks behind you, his hands not moving as he praises you. “see? you got it. total pro now.” he says with a little more confidence than you’d like, loosening his grip a little as your top half gets a little wobbly.
“jayj, don’t let go!” you squeal as you feel his calloused hands leave your skin, the gravelled path underneath your wheels making the bike harder to push forward, you desperately try to control the handle bars, seemingly failing when next thing you know you’re on the hard floor with grazed knees and palms.
jj jogs over to you, leaning down to asses the damage. “damn. ‘m sorry babe, totally thought you were ready. that’s my bad.” he says, hands rising in surrender and you pout, laying your hands flat to show him your injury.
“ooo, that must’ve hurt real bad, huh sunshine?”
“real bad.”
he winces dramatically as you whine. he nods, one arm hooked under your knees and the other cradling your back as he lifts you up, bridal style, the dead grass crunching under his combat boots.
“let’s get you fixed up and we can give this shit a whirl another day. ‘s no biggie.”
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jongseongsnudes · 3 months
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warning; 😪😪😪 1.2k words. masterlist.
the events of last night feels like a distant fever dream, especially because you wake up entirely alone in the large hotel room.
like you expected, the space beside you is empty, the cold, untouched sheets very telling that the man hadn’t even slept there. in fact, there’s nothing in the room that even suggests of his presence at all.
what you do notice is the massive white dior shopping bag, along with your suitcase and a new plane ticket on the small table. the table you and him blatantly ruined with your dirty deeds just last night.
inside the dior bag was a white dress with a pricetag the equivalent of your weekly wage. it was truly a beautiful dress, but something about it made you feel off. uncomfortable even.
you weren’t dumb. you’ve heard of the numerous affairs within the office between other secretaries and their bosses, often stemming from the constant closeness of the job. you assume this, between you and mr park was also one of those cases.
sex with absolutely no strings attached.
what you didn’t expect was how abruptly he ended things, the man literally abandoning you here in a whole different country without a word. like trash. you know you shouldn’t be upset by it but you are. and now this so-called gift... did he see you as some escort?
before you knew it, you were dressed and standing by the hotel’s entrance, waiting for your ride to the airport. in your grasp was your suitcase and the extravagant gift you planned to return.
“jay’s assistant?”
“oh- mr wang right?”
there stood nicholas, mr park’s friend from yesterday. the man was truly a sight to see. tall, handsome, dressed in a leather jacket, some dark denims, and with hair slicked back.
“that’s me! where’s jay? how dare he leave a beautiful lady waiting by herself?”
his words make you chuckle, your cheeks heating slightly at the random compliment. “he went back to seoul. i’m heading to the airport now, but what are you doing here sir?”
“sir? please. call me nicholas,” he runs his hand through his hair with a laugh, “i came to pick up my bike that jay left and to visit my dad’s hotel.”
ah. so this was his dad’s hotel chain. man was rich rich. and hot.
“hop on, i’ll take you.”
mr wang doesn’t give you much of a choice, and you don’t mind it either way.
the weather was much nicer today, clouds no longer covering the sky. you could actually see everything along the way this time, the breath-taking view of japan and of course, mr wang’s back.
you figured you might have a thing for a man’s backside.
“thank you for the lift sir, the views were so beautiful!”
“again with sir,” he rolls his eyes and hands you your bags, “i’m heading to seoul soon, perhaps then you can take me around.”
“oh definitely!”
“well then,” he hands you his phone, and you just stare at him blankly for a second before realising what he meant. you quickly add your number and watch him drive off, the man no longer a distraction to what had been on your mind before that.
your boss.
*knock knock*
“come in.”
to say you were nervous would’ve been quite the understatement. you didn’t know what to expect on meeting him for the first time since that night, or how to act. or more importantly, how he’d act.
“good morning, sir. i have your breakfast and coffee.”
and there in the cold office, sat the man who clouded your thoughts for the entirety of yesterday. you know you shouldn’t give yourself a headache over the whole situation but you can’t help it.
the way he held you, hand grasping your waist, fingers deep inside of you...
get a grip park! you’re at work!
trying your best not to trip on your heels and spill the food, you walk over to place the tray in front of him. as always, the man doesn’t stray away from paperwork, even when you’re standing there in front of him.
“you have a meeting at 10 with mr lee of lee manufacturers. i have prepared the documents on your desk,” you wait for a moment before continuing, “if there’s nothing left sir, i’ll take my leave.”
you’d be lying if you said the lack of acknowledgment wasn’t disappointing, but at least it told you something. that what happened that night, very much meant nothing to him. and it shouldn’t to you either.
once back outside, you’re met with taehyun coming down the hallway, in his hands a massive bouquet of beautiful flowers.
“these are for you, someone delivered them to front desk just now.”
“me?” you take the bouquet and flip open the little card.
“hope you will love these flowers that are as beautiful as you. see you soon.” - wang.
“wang? who’s that?” taehyun says over your shoulders, just as mr park’s door opens and out comes the man.
he stares at the flowers in your arm for a moment then at you, eyes glaring a hole right through your face.
then he leaves.
the rest of the day is spent alone, dealing with mr park’s paperwork while taehyun accompanied the man on schedules outside.
“miss park, it’s 8pm.”
you almost fall out of your seat from mr park’s sudden voice, the man now standing in front of your desk. you were so focused on your work to even hear the ding of the lift or his footsteps.
it’s then that you realise how dark it had actually gotten outside the windows, an indication that you should’ve gone home long ago.
“ah- sir, i just needed to finish some paperwork,” you were quick to stand, “but why did you come back sir? did you forget something?”
“come into my office.”
you do so without question, trailing behind the man into his office as he goes to pull something out from behind his desk. it’s the white dior shopping bag, the very same one you had put there in the morning when you arrived earlier than him for once, wanting to return it without fuss.
“what is this?” his tone is cold, eyes glaring directly at you.
“i can’t accept such an extravagant gift from you, sir.”
the low scoff he makes catches you off guard, not expecting such a reaction from him at all. your entire body goes tense when he begins walking back over to you, his eyes focused entirely on you.
he’s making you nervous again. the way he’s watching you, the way he’s smirking at you. it all reminds you of that night.
mr park stops when he’s right behind you, his chest slightly pressing into your back. he’s so close, his cologne surrounding you like his hand that’s now gently clasping onto the back of your neck.
“but you can accept flowers from nicholas? right pretty?”
taglist; @jeonjungkookkk @soobsbby @astra-line​ @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @axartia​ @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​​ @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @muffinminnie @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​@stell-y @skzenhalove​    
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lyssasdrafts · 3 months
— AFTERGLOW (azriel x reader)
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015: “ just wanna lift you up, not let you go. ”
masterlist previous next
‼️‼️ written portion below the cut ‼️‼️
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you’d never felt more at peace.
you’re holding onto azriel’s back, your head laying on his shoulder as he starts up the motorcycle. he drives slowly at first, your heart beat suddenly beginning to race as he starts going at a faster speed, causing you to grip onto him tighter.
a smile passed your lips, though no one could see it since he’d insisted on you wearing his helmet. although the view goes by fast, you try to enjoy the scenery you pass by. nothing but the sound of his cycle and the wind, the lighting below the sunset, and that feeling of gratification within you. you could get used to this, you think to yourself.
he stops at a spot near the mountains, it’s a quiet place with no one else nearby. he helps you off his bike and the two of you find a bench to sit down on. it starts to get darker outside and you talk until the stars start to show themselves.
“so,” he smiles, “was the ride worth the hype?”
you admire the way his eyelashes fluttered in the moonlight. how the shine in his eyes reflects the stars above you. he’s beautiful, you think.
“yes! definitely,” you laugh, “thank you.” and maybe you were starting to fall in love with him, too.
the atmosphere is calm, so relaxing that you find yourself yawning and resting your head on his shoulder.
in your haze, you blurt out a question.
“azriel,” you say, no longer sounding as sleepy. he turns his head at you.
“why did you drop out?”
he stays quiet for a moment, was there something deeper there? you wait until he throws the question back at you, “well, i could ask why you chose to stay at velaris,” he chuckles.
you know that he was joking, but recently you’ve learnt that trust is a two way street. if you wanted him to talk to you about these things, he would appreciate you doing the same.
“honestly, i wouldn’t know where else to go,” you begin. “i’m mostly chose to go to velaris because that’s where nesta went. she’s basically my sister from another mother…”
“did you have anyone else?”
“other than her sisters and maybe lucien, no.” you shake your head. “we grew up together and they were all i had, i was… mostly alone as a kid.” you saw the way his demeanor shifted, something sparked in his eyes, signaling that the same thing resonated with him too. it was on the tip of his tongue, but he respectfully let you continue.
“i know that my mom loved me, but she was too focused on work. i was always over at the archeron household instead,” you smile, thinking of your childhood memories. “i admire her though, it probably wasn’t easy since… you know, my dad wasn’t there.” you chuckle thinking of the trouble you probably caused both your famillies.
“it must’ve been hard raising me while she worked on her corporate business. maybe people at school thought i was probably stuck up and well… i’m not really the easiest person to get closer with.” you lift your gaze from the ground to look at azriel, listening attentively. you give him a smile and a content look, telling him that it’s okay now.
it’s okay because i have you now.
“anyways, it’s your turn,” you chuckle, “what about you?”
azriel hesitates before he looks you in the eyes and realizes it’s okay. “i had a single mom too, y/n. and i didn’t really have any siblings either, i’m an only child. i guess we have that in common.” he tries to force a smile at the thought.
you nod, “you have step-siblings, right?”
“yes, but they’re—” azriel is interrupted by his phone ringing, the bright lockscreen causing a strain to your eyes under this lighting. you don’t see the contact name, but you see him visibly tense up after reading it. though he’s still at a loss for words, he picks up the call, getting up to be a few feet away from you, just out of your earshot.
you’d never seen him as upset as he was during that entire phone call, he mutters a “i’ll get back to you,” before putting it on hold and walking over to you.
“i’m sorry, y/n.”
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hearing more about y/n’s backstory and perspective… hopefully we’ll get azriel’s too
spoiler: i think y/n might be in love too 🫶
who do you think called azriel?? 👀👀 you and cassian both tried reaching him before cassian got rhys to call him
@ithan-holstroms-girl @strangelycami @fell-in-luvs @goldenmagnolias @glam-targaryen @acourtofdreamsandshadows @bloombb @mp-littlebit @gamarancianne @stqrgirlies-blog @peachcontour-blog @azriels-shadowsinger @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @chessebookgirl @fairywriter-oracle @thelov3lybookworm @corvusmorte @evergreenlark @marina468 @405rry @azrielsmate3 taglist is open!! lmk if you want to be added
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : sano manjiro, ryuguji ken, hanma shuji, haitani rindou + (akashi) sanzu haruchiyo
ღ warnings — f. reader, reader wears a skirt / dress for easy access, exhibitionism / public sex, teasing, slight mirror sex in rindou’s, v slight pussy eating / fucking on his bike in mikeys, needy / impatient boys, alcohol mention in rindou’s, they call you ‘theirs’ a lot.
ღ note — jjk version. look exhibitonism is my favourite so i rly couldn’t help myself i am not sorry :,)
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you went on late night drives a lot on his bike and maybe it was the way the city painted you a little golden that always had his cock twitching in his pants. but even when he’s parked up by his spot at the sea with you by his side, you’re still so quick to do what he says when he asks you to bend over his bike.
your knuckles are almost white with how tightly you’re gripping onto the handles of mikeys bike from where he’s got you bent over it, you’re panting and squirming and you feel your insides clench till you hiccup when mikey drags his tongue up from your clit to your fluttering hole, swallowing loudly before his tongue is swirling around your clit with strong purpose. “mikey, w-what if someone sees.” you whimper, almost vibrating beneath him as he continues to explore you with his tongue, slurping at your slick before he’s pulling away with a wet disconnect and a low hum, his thumb coming up to roll over your sensitive bud a few times while he pulls out his cock. “‘ts fine, this city is mine anyway.” mikey sighs, an almost content sound before his palm is resting against your ass, spreading you ever so slightly until his commanding aura is looming over you and you lift your hips, allowing him to sink into your sloppy cunt as he pushes you tighter against the cool metal pressed against your chest below you. “s-so tight.. relax, baby—fuck.” he drawls, blonde hair messy as it falls along his eyes and you try not to let your own roll back at the still blissful stretch, the city lighting behind you both from where you’re parked at the dock. his fingers grope almost a little too hard at your hips before he leans over you, pressing his chest against your back as he finally bottoms out with a hiss. “you’re mine, too.. right? i’ve got you.”
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you’d been so damn needy while he was trying to work at the shop, visiting him when he’d let you know he was working late but you came with that doe-eyed look and the little skirt you know he loves, making his jaw clench when you whine about him hurrying up so you both can go home—because you also know that he can never say no to you.
“k-kenny! ‘ts too much.” you mewl and draken bites back a low groan at the honeyed tone of your voice as he continues to thrust into your sloppy cunt, his thick hands almost curling into fists at the sides of your hips where he’s bunching up your skirt and keeping you pressed tight against the wooden bench underneath you. “you can take it princess, fuck—were so damn needy a minute ago.” there’s a few stray tools and papers splayed across the floor from where he swiped them aside with his forearm, his mind preoccupied with fucking you against the surface that you were just so prettily whining from as you sat and watched him work. your body feels like it’s crumbling with each crushing thrust, driven by the strength in draken’s huge body as his cock expertly glides along the spots that have pleasured tears gathering at the corners of your already hazy gaze. “you gonna fuckin’ behave after this, yeah? gotta let me work, baby—shit.” your fingernails scratch at the revealed skin of his chest where his overalls have haphazardly fallen off his shoulders, revealing the broad muscle underneath as he sinks into your plush cunt. the blunt head of his cock feels like it’s kissing every part of you and you feel him thicken, throb inside your spasming walls before one of his calloused hands are trailing between your bodies to messily rub his name into your clit with his thumb. “that’s it, s-so fuckin’ tight, holy shit—good girl.”
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you really should’ve expected this outcome when you decided to visit shuji at his office, looking so pretty as he grins wickedly at you—allowing his amber eyes to hungrily eye you immediately when you enter the room. shuji’s chin is propped against his hands while the city continues to live behind him through the wall length window, maybe it’s about time he really showed you the view.
your mouth is dropped open with heavy breaths as your chest heaves but your words feel clumsy when you choke on shuji’s name, his hips rolling into yours languidly from where he has you pressed against the window, facing the brightly lit city despite the darkness of night—your body twitching when he glides past your sweet spot and you feel him breath a chuckle along the sensitive dip of your shoulder when he leans in. “look at our city, baby. pretty, right? shit—doesn’t even come close to you.” shuji hums and you feel your toes curl and relax at how deep his cock reaches, feeling it twitch against the needy pull of your cunt before he’s bouncing his hips into yours. “holy shit.. gonna make sure every one of ‘em know you’re mine, baby.” he drawls, pulling you back tighter against his chest and you hear him grunt against your skin when you squeeze down around him at his words, following the low sound with a playful nibble against your neck. “fuckin’ hell, that’s what i’m talking about, gorgeous~” the room feels dizzy beneath your feet, your tits jiggling against the cold glass of the window everytime shuji’s hips slap against yours, and you’re sure your slick is dripping messily down your thighs with how loud the squelching sounds are echoing through the walls. you feel the man behind you curse roughly as his pace stutters, one of his tattooed hands tracing along your body until one of his slender fingers is tapping at your cheek for you to finally turn and meet his heavy, amber gaze. “i’m the only one that gets to see this pretty fuckin’ view though.”
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the fact your boyfriend’s gang owned a club definitely had its perks. especially when it came to nights out when you were looking too fucking pretty and he looks too delicious in his suit, lavender hair complimenting the heaviness of his gaze as he drinks in the very sight of you, patting his lap as a silent command.
rindou is barely even discreet when he lets his head fall back against the cushioned booth behind his, his fingers tightening in the flesh of your ass where your dress is just barely covering up the fact that his cock is buried deep in your plush walls, as you both sit in the gang’s vip corner in the club. “holy shit, baby.” the blunt head slides along every one of your sweet spots perfectly when he discreetly rolls his hips up into yours, and you feel like he’s igniting every nerve ending in your body when his dark, violet gaze cuts up into you as he takes another long swig of the amber liquid in his tumbler. “r-rin, we’re gonna get caught—“ you whimper, mind cloudy with pleasure and you notice how handsome he looks in the club lighting, the different colours reflecting off the rings on his fingers while it also compliments his features, making your thighs shake as you pull another gruff exhale from your boyfriend as he grins at you. you feel rindou’s palm smooth over your burning skin before he pulls you closer, making your back arch to press your chest against his as he pushes his cock deeper—bliss surging through you as he uses the new position to begin a shallow pace, pushing against the sensitive spots inside of you as bliss surges through your veins. “yeah? but look how fuckin’ pretty you look, angel.” he grunts, ring adorned fingers tightening along your jaw until he’s tilting your gaze to the wall of mirrors to your side, allowing you to take in your already fucked out appearance before he follows it with a particularly sharp thrust that has your mouth dropping open to moan. “see, f-fuckin’ killin me.”
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it was easy to wind sanzu up, waiting until he’s driving you both home to let your fingers trace up the inside of his thigh just so you can watch his pretty jaw clench, knuckles tightening around the steering wheel as he tries so hard to ignore the throbbing of his cock. but he never could, because he can’t resist you—so it’s only a few seconds before he’s pulling over and pulling his seat back to let you climb on.
“that’s it, angel. doing s—fuckkk—so fuckin’ well.” sanzu groans and you feel his warm palm smooth along the back of your neck to pull you deeper into the kiss as he greedily swallows your moans, his other hand tightening around your hips to pull you even closer against his chest as you bounce on his lap. “haru!” you gasp, whispery and choked when you feel his pretty cock glide against the spot that makes your whole body twitch above him, pulling a groan from the pink-haired second in command as he lifts his lashes to look at you. “so wet, pretty girl. t-that feel good? so s-spoiled.” sanzu hisses, the force of his hips making your body clap against his inside the suddenly stuffy car as the windows fog. “yes, haru—so good!” you slur and a vexatious smirk stretches his lips at the needy sounds falling from your ample lips, but your pussy feels like it’s trying to suck him in deeper, the muscles in his chest expanding with a shakey inhale as he tries to catch his breath. but his pace only grows faster, more eager and messy as he loses himself in the needy pull of your body and the sight of you so lost in pleasure—taking a slow, ragged breath as he sinks into your plush walls. you feel like you’re melting above him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and your walls clench tighter around him when you bounce your hips down to meet his thrusts, feeling sanzu curse roughly when his pace stutters before he’s smearing messy kisses along your skin, trailing them along your cheeks. “gonna m-make me fucking cum, princess.. you want that? gonna take it for me?”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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spidernuggets · 4 months
hey hey girly anon here🎀
I was thinking about some jason hcs about what if jaaon and reader were hiding from a vilain but they had to hide by like pulling into an alleyway and like making out lmfao
I think with civillian reader would be so cute bc he like saves her n stuff
Idk how to word this properly but i love what u do sm
i like the way u think anon
Jason Todd x Reader
Sooo Jason definitely gave you some sort of emergency contact button. It's quick and easy, but you left it at home in another jacket or something like that.
But you think "Oh well, nothing bad's happened before."
It's dark, and you wanna get home as soon as possible so you take the shortcut that Jason told you so. many. times. not to go through. But you go that way anyway.
You run into, idk, let's say Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane. Crane has a new liquid toxin he invented, and since you just so happened to run into him, he believes you'd be a great test subject.
As soon as Crane gets close to you, Red Hood swings in, tackling him to the ground. He tells you to run and that he'll be right behind you.
You hide yourself into a nearby alleyway.
A very narrow alleyway.
When Jason is running around, trying to find you, you call out to him. So, he finds you, runs to you, and squeezes in with you. There's barely extra room. Jason's frantic and asking if you're okay or if Crane hurt you, but you're so distracted with his chest all puffed out right at your face.
Jason takes his helmet off because he's just so worried for you that he needs to breathe. But you ruin that opportunity by pulling him in for a kiss. It was supposed to be a sweet kiss. A little "thanks" for him for saving you.
But the kiss lasts longer than intended, and like two seconds later, the two of you have your tongues down each other's throats. You feel Jason's grip tightening around your waist, and your fingers tug against the hairs at the back of his neck.
The two of you almost didn't hear the "Come out wherever you are," from Crane.
When the two of you finally broke the kiss, Jason sighed because the moment was cut short. He pulled out the pistols from his holsters and was about to step out of the alley to fight Crane, but you pulled him by the collar of his leather jacket, crashing your lips against his for another starved, wet kiss before telling him to kick Scarecrow's ass.
Obviously, Jason does beat Crane's ass. Scarecrow's unconscious on the road and GCPD.are on their way because Jason has better stuff to attend to. Like his girl patiently waiting for him to come back.
"Where were we," he grunts, his hands finding their way to your ass.
He lifts you up, pinning you against the brick wall, kissing you once more.
This goes on for a while until the glare of red and blue lights appear from around the corner.
"We can continue this at home?" You suggested. Jason was quick to nod, pulling you towards his bike, wasting no time to drive the two of you to your shared home.
This isn't the first time it's happened, btw.
You have a tendency to be out at night. Is it to see Jason in action because you can't resist how good he looks? Yeah, maybe. But it's usually only minor criminals around the parts that Jason patrols. Jonathan Crane showing up was a happy accident. Either way, Jason still looked so fine while fighting.
Unfortunately, the two of you have no shame. You just loved Jason too much to care about your surroundings. So when you are out and about, and Jason is on patrol with Dick or Bruce, he's always out to see if you're wandering the streets.
One time, he saw you getting mugged, but then you kicked the criminal where the sun don't shine.
"That's my girl," he'd say to himself. Then he'd come right in front of you, pulling you to a secluded area, pulling you into a heated kiss.
But you hear someone calling out for him, but the two of you decide to ignore it. But you hear someone clear their throat.
You two turn your head and see Dick awkwardly standing their and Bruce behind him, shaking his head in disapproval.
Jason just scoffs and kisses your forehead, telling Bruce and Dick that he'll be back on patrol after he brings you home <3
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strawberymilku · 4 months
Playing Dangerous
featuring: Police!Leone Abbacchio x Fem!Reader
genres: nsfw!, crimes, mention of: thugs, arson, mafia, car sex, oral sex, blowjob, dirtytalk, one night stand, fingering, doggy style, praises, police theme, corrupt, minor gunplay
a/n: i was rewatching jojo, and ive been wanting to write a police smut with lana del rey lyrics as prompt, and my bf wnted to collab so i just had to write it. not proofread yet. might do part 2 for it. word: 4k, a bit long but it was worth it.
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The woman was speeding for sure, but Abbacchio could doubt if she was the witness or the culprit for committing arson, Abbacchio heard the sound of the motorcycle approaching, and he turned to face the direction in which it was coming. It was heading straight in his direction-? He wasn't sure if the person on the bike was who he suspected it to be, but he raised his revolver as the bike came closer..it certainly looked suspicious...
"Why you?!" she yelled, cursing, he was brave enough that he did not care if he died to get her, pulling him on the side of the motorbike, with a swift dash, saving his life as he was at the back of her motorbike. It was the work of the Stand for sure, but sadly the man couldn’t see Stands like that yet but just felt someone lift him on her motorbike. That certainly caught him off guard. Was she just riding directly into him? The situation was unclear...Was she trying to run him over? To escape-? He was surprised at how quickly she acted. He could have been killed if it hadn't been for her, which meant..she couldn't be the arsonist, but she still looked suspicious..and yet she saved his life... Yet her actions are justified yet "Kill me later, what is wrong with you, you would be run across in my wheels," she had a gangly Italian accent, still on the motorbike with huge speed. "Am I getting a ticket for speeding too?" she said sarcastically. He looked at her back where a group of thugs were still chasing over her. Leone had a stunned look on his face. She was certainly lively, and rather..crude. He certainly wasn't expecting that attitude from a potential arsonist, but for some odd reason he didn't feel threatened by her- in fact, he was rather intrigued- she hadn't even noticed his police uniform. After a few moments of stunned silence, he finally replied
"Ah...I'm a police officer. But I can't just let anyone ride at such high speeds..why are you speeding away from people?" "They are after me, whaddya think," she went into different roads taking a lot of turns as the gang lost track of her, after minutes of having the stranger at the back, they stopped in a random alleyway, with a big sigh, she realized it was the cop, not that she’s afraid of him anyways. "It's my job to keep the streets safe and look out for suspicious behaviour- like someone on a motorcycle riding at dangerously high speeds in a residential area."
The suspicious behaviour mentioned included the arson incident at the local gas station that happened not a day ago. Although he didn't outright believe her, he decided to look into her claim. For now, he'd only ask questions to get a grip on the situation.
"May I ask what you were doing around that area where the suspected arson took place?"
"Arson? You think I'd commit arson-" Her lighter got pulled from her pocket, he was daring enough to get that from her leather jacket. "No, please, I'm a smoker," she pulled out her cigarettes to counter his proof. The policeman took a second to think. It would be highly unusual for someone to commit a criminal offense like arson just to cover up smoking. At the same time, he had no evidence proving her guilty yet. He decided to ask another more personal question.*  
"Why were they on your tail to begin with? Do you know why these gang members were after you?" That was a sensitive topic for a mafia’s daughter, no way she could leak her identity out like that. "Yes I do, I have my own reasons, which place was getting burned again?" she tilted her head, as she was demanded to show her license, but she looked reluctant to show it.
 There was still the issue of the gang members after her that he had to inquire about.
"The Shell station at the corner of Via Maddaloni and Via Caracciolo."
"I was at a Hilton Hotel I swear, you can get the evidence," she raised her arms, showing everything from her pocket. Everything seemed suspicious to Abbacchio, no way he could get information out of her mouth like that, so the best way was to flip her body quickly, putting her hands at his back as he slapped the metal handcuffs on her wrists, locking it. He was unsure why he did that but he believed this was the best way. She sighed, "My dad will be killing me if he finds out I’m going to be late,” it was too much for just speeding up in a motorbike.
He couldn’t help but raise a small smirk. Her hands being cuffed behind her back gave him a fair idea of what he could do to her.
"I suppose you aren't very much of a good girl?"
*"Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer,"* she replied still with her hands on her back as she was forced to walk back to where his car was. He let out a small laugh. It was rather amusing how easily she was acting so calm over being handcuffed and detained. Even if this incident would end up being a dead end for the arson case, he was still curious. She was just detained for being a suspect, just yet. Things are getting exciting.
"And exactly what is your name, miss?" 
“Y/N,” she grunted still feeling her wrist already from the handcuffs. “Well then Y/N, too bad, you will be a warrant for, ‘reckless driving, running through stop signs, driving at dangerously high speeds, running through red lights- and for suspicion of arson. You have the right to remain silent,” he said in a stern tone, he couldn’t help but smile at her rolling her eyes. *"No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure,"* she tried to pout her lips to use a charm on him, thinking he would let her go this time.
Abbacchio's smirk grew wider, as he tried not to laugh at her attempt at seduction.
"I don't think a pout will suffice for an excuse in court."
Her attitude was amusing he thought. Usually, people would be acting aggressively, but she seemed to have accepted the situation quite easily.
"Ah yeah, my dad told me not to talk to the police, because I can demand rights for a lawyer," she tried to rethink again, trying to stay silent as they slowly walked back to his car. She had the attitude of a spoiled teenager, but he couldn't help but be amused. Usually, people would be threatening legal action, not talking about their parents, but she was a different case.
"Your father told you not to talk to the police..? Is he one of those who would try to bribe officers to avoid arrest?"
"Oh really, does he?" she grinned, still using her legs to take sweet sweet time back to the car, it was taking so long than usual just to stall time as much as she could. She was certainly being flirty for someone who had just been arrested.
"If you're expecting me to be charmed you certainly have a poor way of showing it."
Though she certainly was charming..but he'd rather stay professional at the moment. He’s a committed policeman after all. "Am I going to jail for this?" her shoulders slouched at him trying to repeat what she committed as if he were his mom. “Like, *the house is already on fire right, I swear I’m not a liar,*” she added to him to second guess his decisions.
Abbacchio gave her a skeptical look. She definitely wasn't being completely honest. But what she said about the house being on fire definitely seemed more believable than her being the arsonist. It seemed like these gang members came after her for something else. He decided to ask just to confirm his suspicions.
“I’m not asking about the arson crime, I’m asking how are you related to those thugs, it’s very dangerous you know,” he tried to squeeze more questions to get more information out of her.
The girl didn’t reply, it was indeed a chilly night, her lips were quivering from the cold, even if she had the leather jacket on her. “Are you cold?” he asked with concern in his eyes, his hands on her handcuffs, yet pulling her close to him, trying to walk back where he came from.
*“Well, I'm a little shaken, but I'm fine, thanks for asking.”* she smiled at him to look up at him with her eye smile.
"Did you owe them money? Did you have their illegal drugs? What's your ties to these gang members?" "Tell me do you always work so late?" she didn't answer his question, as she had the right not to though. She was very charming, but also very stubborn- he almost found it admirable. Maybe he should've taken her up on her earlier offer of charm. She seemed very confident in her ability to seduce him. It could be the right moment to give in to temptation.
"It's my job to watch the late night shift, what does my work schedule have to do with your involvement with gangs?"
*"Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on?"* she tried to pull it out but it was not to avail. Still, she didn’t give up yet to flirt with him. Abbacchio gave her a small laugh at the girl, this was the moment for which he was hoping. That is, she was very much starting to flirt with him- so now was the perfect time to reciprocate. 
"Are you sure you're not trying to get me to take the cuffs off?"   
It might just be wishful thinking, but it certainly looked like she was trying to flirt. He was hoping for it anyway, and now she had given him the right opportunity by attempting to pull her cuffs off... But he must stay professional right?
*"Let's get in the back of your cop car, officer?"* she asked a question, still finding ways to flirt with him last minute possible. Finally, they arrived at the car that had printed ‘Polizia’ on it. “Playtime is over, get in the car,” he tried to stay in a demanding tone. The ‘officer’ word did get the man inhaled deeply, oh the things he could do with her right now, as he placed her in the backseat of the car, respectfully, restraining himself from touching her. He’s a good policeman, he couldn’t be doing that. *"You can ask me anything you want, anything, like anything,"* she smiled as he slowly fell for her trap, he decided to sit in the backseat, for a while, closing the car door behind him, and locking it, giving her a dirty smirk. Abbacchio chuckled and shook his head at her flirtatious comments, yet he also realized just how tempting the situation was.
"Anything, hmm?"
He thought for a bit. His mind started to wonder as he looked down at her. She was very appealing.
"What would you do, if I decided to uncuff you- right now?" "I don't know, officer," she looked at his lips then back to him. "You do like purple lipstick, don't you, what is it? Givenchy brand?" she joked, in between, giving a mysterious appeal to the policeman wanting to give in to his desires.
"Good guess. Though I may need more than just your beauty alone to convince me."
"Like what, officer?" she leaned closer towards his neck, it was rather a risqué attempt, she was down to play with fire too, from the looks in his eyes. Leone bit his lip slightly but he still tried to hold back, he wanted to stay professional and focused. But his heart couldn't help but race as she got close. He wondered how this would end...if there was a way he could fall for the trap.
The smell of her perfume hit his nose making it that much harder to focus. He was very tempted. She seemed to have been waiting for him to reply for a minute now. *"Do you have a girl? I don't see a ring on your finger?"* she'd be the one asking questions here instead, how the tables have turned, touching his chest on his police uniform, with her fingertips. This made him raise an eyebrow, the question she had just asked was a little unexpected. Though given he was staring directly at her lips he couldn't deny that he was rather tempted to take it as a sign. But he decided to answer nonetheless.
"I don't have a girlfriend..not at the moment anyway." "*Well that's interesting, have you thought of dating a* **mafia's daughter?**" she replied, dropping the biggest hint of all time, until he realized, no wonder why the gang was after her. He should let her go right? The thought of having her as a girlfriend was still tempting..her attractiveness, her flirtatious attitude, it was too much to ignore.
"Are you offering?" "Maybe I am, offering you a taste?" she leaned closer towards him slowly. It was obvious, that she a tease, still not kissing him, just yet, but their faces were just inches apart. Abbacchio held his breath. Her words were tempting, her attitude was tempting..and her lips were certainly tempting- all she had to do was just close the space between them and they'd be locked in a passionate kiss...
He felt like he might die if he didn't go through with their kiss. He wanted to play her game and play it perfectly. Her words had been tempting since she said them and he could only answer with one answer. 
Abbacchio took in a deep breath and nodded his head. **The flames are getting higher, and so is his desire. It's kind of exciting, don't you think?
"Am I playing a dangerous game, officer?" she teased, still not kissing him, just yet, she wanted to see how far this would go.
The policeman was gritting his teeth in anticipation. It was a dangerous game she was playing, and he knew he shouldn't play it. She was involved with the mafia after all. But the temptation was too much to pass up. He had to do it. The smell of her perfume still lingered, making it much more inviting.
"It's a very dangerous game." 
Abbacchio finally caved in. He knew he couldn't control himself anymore. He closed the distance and pulled her towards him, giving in their passionate kiss. She crashed on her lips softly, melting right down on this gothic policeman, without shame, he was worth a one-night stand, but she didn't really care, their kisses became hotter and hotter each second, he gripped her body, forcing her onto his thighs, looking up at her. Their kiss has started to deepen. His lips brushed against hers as he pulled her even closer. This girl..she was too irresistible. Her flirting and teasing, even the danger of her being involved with the mafia. He just wanted more. She touched his badge and looked up at him. "Abbacchio was it?" she kissed him once more, not enough of his kisses, at this point the purple lipstick has been worn off at this point, some even staining her lips.
"That is my name, yes." "So officer~" the way she said was so enticing, 
"What am I supposed to do now?" she felt his hands roaming all across her body, as if he owned her right here, no tonight, he could do whatever he wanted for tonight. 
"Will I be forgiven for this, officer?" she was like a crime he must commit just for tonight, a sin he wouldn't regret doing, for sure.
"I guess I'll have to figure out how to punish you for this..for now though, I'm sure you don't mind my hands on your body, hmm?"
His smile was quite teasing too and even though he was trying to appear professional, it was clear he was enjoying this quite a lot. He leaned back in and began kissing her again. He gave her a look that told her he was enjoying this as his hands stayed firmly on her hips. “Let’s make this exciting for the both of us,” he pulled out his revolver from his waistband, pointing at her head. He must tried it out at least, he needed to have the upper hand as well. "Officer, I will do anything to repent," her words were dripping as if it was made of honey, she wasn’t even fazed the gun barrel was pointed at her head, biting her lips. Things have gotten out of hand. "You will, will you?" he grinned of mischievous how he liked her under his power.
"How about you tell me what you'd do to repent- and I'll think about it and see if it's enough of a punishment for you." "First, I'd unbuckled that belt of yours and..." her eyes trailed downwards at the seat at the bulge forming in his navy blue pants and up to his golden purple eyes, that would be enough for his imagination to do the rest of the work. “Okay then, get to work, don’t just be an all talk,” he pressed the revolver harder on her skin, geez this man was full of sass, which made her actually take off his pants, obeying his orders, just as he wanted her to. "Oh, please don't shoot me yet, Mr Polizia, I will be good," she unravelled his hard cock from his underwear, palming it between her small hands trying to please him, her handcuffs were still on.
"So you'll be a better girl if I don't shoot you?"
He looked down at her with a teasing and tempting look, she was really quite the girl. This was the most teasing, dangerous girl he had ever come across on the job. “You know your small hands aren’t in good use, use your mouth,” he demanded, pointing the gun directly at her and even though he wasn't gonna shoot, she could clearly see the barrel against her. He looked at her with a teasing grin. She looked so pretty under him, and all the power he had on her. She nodded at his orders, bending down, licking his wet tip for a while, which made him have a satisfying moan, his impulse made him push his right hand on her head, pushing her mouth closely for the blowjob. His breath was shaky already as he felt every part of her mouth on his dick, he felt as if he was on cloud nine, it was all worth it. Worth it from a tiring shift, she was trying to suck him good, she looked like she was an expert at this, feeling his tip pushed against her throat, she was trying to be his only little good girl, a good girl just for Mr Policeman right here. Oh, how he’d wish he could possibly want her every night. Her mouth was starting to tire her, as all her saliva was all around his base, “Abbacchio, sir, are you satisfied yet?” she looked up at him for his mercy, for his approval, for his attention, with those orbs. “Not yet, I wanted to cum on your face,” he pointed the gun at her, demanding to resume her lips to work again. Her head bobbed again and again, trying to please him as much as she could, deepthroating him, her tongue twirling on his length. She liked how much vocal he was, praising her, for her good use of the mouth.
“My god, you weren’t lying when you said you will have your mouth in good use,” that was the best blowjob he received in his life so far, feeling every orgasm trying to rip from his heated skin. After minutes of torturing her throat, he finally gave in, painting on her face with his white liquids, with a satisfied smug face. “Uh, uh, uh, mi amore,” he had a menaced look over her with a tsk, “Who said I was done with you?” for a policeman like him, having stamina could be true. He bent her over, his gun still pointing at her. The time to show who is the monster here, not giving her a break.
“Look here, girl, *if you can't stand the heat. Then stay out of the fire,*” he groped all over breasts, throwing the gun away on the floor of the car. She happened to listen all to his command, like a good little girl, he pulled down her bottom clothing, his fingers trying to play her folds through her underwear, trying to tease her. “Oh, your cunt is wet here, *you might get what you desire*,” he put the underwear aside, rubbing on her clit, trying to gain some moans from her. Things are starting to get interesting. “I’m not putting on anything, yeah, just to warn you,” his cock tried to get between her wet folds, just like that. “I-uh, policia, please don’t you have a condom-” her mouth was shoved with the finger he got her pussy juices on. “Lick it up,” she couldn’t deny such requests from the hot officer, licking it, while he kept pounding her behind her back. Not enough, he needed to feel every wall of her just like that. “I’m going raw, so shut your pretty mouth like that,” He had an enormous speed, gripping her waist, her arms against the tinted glass, the car starting to fog up from the movements, “Listen here, little girl, and listen good,” he raised her body good, her boobs all over the window glass at this point, she screamed more as her G spot has been getting all this abuse from the sudden position.
“Please, please, have mercy on me, officer-” her words were cut as he pushed his fingers in her throat, attempting to shut her mouth. This man is indeed wild, the luckiest night for a girl like her. **”Even if you scream, or beg me to stop, or have mercy, I’m not stopping,”** he rutted inside her cunt as if it was meant to be shaped by his large cock.
“Not until I’m satisfied,” he hummed, using it as if she was a toy she was made just for him to fuck her. Her cries and moans filled the whole street, think to their luck no one was in the streets, a few maybe. Do you this man cares? No? **“Not like you can stop me anyways, hmm?”** he didn’t stop his thrusts, her pussy aching from all the movements, their moans were in unison. She was already tired at this point, getting the slaps on her buttocks, his hand making her chin move just to kiss him as he kept railing behind her back, his lusts and desires being fulfilled by this one girl. “If you keep doing like that, I might-” she panted for air, she needed for a moment there, “I might, cum~” her body squealed in pleasure, holding all her sanity.
It was prolonged sex for sure, he finally had to urge to orgasm, he pulled out in time, cumming all over her body, she really looked pretty as if he was the artist, painting more cum on the belly. “Know your place, just like that,” he looked coldly into her eyes, he didn’t have time for this right? The aftercare was little, he threw her tissues and a bottle of water he had in the car, putting on his clothes, he did let her go this time, unlocking her sore wrists, and going back to his driver seat. 
He did drove her back to her motorbike was at, even opening the door for her to get out, after minutes of silence, he kissed her forehead softly, like a gentleman would, before he finally let her go. But one thing for sure is that it was one of the best nights he’d ever had with a girl. A sucker for romance, *lovin’ a hurricane*
part 2?
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xetswan · 3 months
Unknowing- Intruder
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[two] [three] [four]
"Hey [Name], Sam's been calling the line." Charlie tells me as I scarf down a buttered toast.
Ever since I found out that I can eat food again it's been my favorite thing to pass time.
Even if I don't need it. I've missed the taste of everything. "Mm," I finished the food in my mouth.
"What'd he say?" I ask before taking another bite of food.
Every single time I eat too I know I look like I haven't eaten in days. Like a starved child.
"Just that he needs to talk to you about something important." My dad simply shrugs his shoulders, taking a berry off my plate and popping it in his mouth.
"Think he's pregnant?" I jokingly ask only to get hit in my shoulder. "You're stupid." He shakes his head.
"What? I can't be a teen mom, dad. I'm telling you. He'd be on his own." I say with a mouthful of food.
"Yeah because we need another [Name] in the universe." Charlie sarcastically speaks aloud. I let out a gasp. "Rude." I finish off my plate, standing up to put it in the sink. "You should seriously speak with him soon, he's blowing up the line. I'm about ready to throw it away." He half-heartedly jokes, even though he was a little serious.
"I'll get to it soon." I sigh, I stretch out my limbs, twisting my sides.
"You've been gaining some muscle." Charlie suddenly says out loud. "You think?" I lift both my arms, flexing off the muscles I obviously knew were there. Just feeling a little cocky lately.
"Okay, show off." He nudges me.
I smile, grabbing my leather jacket from the hook, throwing it on. Bella comes downstairs and then I hear a car pull up.
"You wanna eat something, Bella?" Charlie asks, she only shakes her head, putting her sweater on as well. "Alright, you two have a good day." He tells us, we both wave on our way out the door.
At the school, I sit on my bike, waiting for Jasper and Alice. In my jacket I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. It's tight against my arms, almost close to not zipping up anymore.
"Hey lovebug." I feel a hand land on my thigh, squeezing it tightly. "Hey." I smile back. I go to say something to Jasper as well but a roar of another motorcycle erupts into the parking lot.
Bella and Edward get out of the Volvo. Jacob climbed off his own bike, striding towards them. "Jake!" I furrow my eyebrows, watching my sister get excited to see her once best friend. I grip onto Alice's hand that was still on my thigh.
"Hey, Charlie said you left town." He states. "Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella questions him back. "Just checking to see if you're still human." I lean back listening to their conversation. My arms crossed. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..."
"Wait, what?" Bella cuts him off, confused. I glance at my partners. They already told me what happened.
"You didn't tell her?" Jacob glares at Edward, this is where I stand up and join them. Alice and Jasper stay in proximity just in case.
"Just leave it alone, Jacob." I tell the wolf who seems shocked by my words. "Tell me what?" Bella asks.
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about." Edward shortly explains.
'Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town too? I can't believe you got [Name] in on it too." Jacob scoffs in disbelief, I roll my eyes. "You should leave. Now." Edward warns him. I stand straighter, hands on my hips as I stand beside Edward.
"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants." Jacob spits it out knowing that's exactly what we want hidden. "Victoria? Alice's vision." My sister realizes.
"We were trying to protect you." Edward tells her sincerely. "By lying to me. [Name] you too? You two are like- we're gonna talk about this." She points between Edward and I. "But, you. Why haven't you called me back?" Bella questions Jacob. "I had nothing to say." He answers.
"Well, I have tons." Bella walks closer to Jacob. "Hold on. Hey. Bella." Her boyfriend attempts to stop her.
"Edward, you have to trust me." She pleads with him. "I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." Edward exclaims. He lets her go and she jogs to Jacob, climbing on his bike.
"Hey, [Name]. Before I leave. You should really talk with Sam." He then smirks to himself as Bella wraps her arms around his waist. "Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." I hear my sister tell the boy.
"Hold on tight." He kick starts the bike, driving off.
As they drive past, Edward just watches. "Want me to go?" I look at him. He glances over at me, bowing his head slightly down.
"Your sister is stubborn." He then nods his head, motioning for me to go.
I headed over to my bike, Alice and Jasper were still standing there. "You can't go, [Name]." Is the first thing to leave Alice's mouth.
"Babe, it's alright. Would you rather Bella be on the rez alone? I'm the only one that can go and not get threatened." I remind her to which she glances up at Jasper but knows I'm right. Her eyes flickering back down to the ground.
"She's right," Jasper starts off at Alice then at me. "Just be careful please, darling." He brings me into a small kiss.
"Of course, I'm a fucking hybrid. Who's going to threaten me beside the Volturi?" I whisper, knowing only they could hear. Alice slaps my arm, even though she knows it's a joke she doesn't find it funny. Jasper does though which helps my ego a little bit.
"Alright, don't worry, my love. I'll call you right away when we leave the reservation." I promise her, kissing her cheek but before I can let go she pulls me in for another kiss. "Good." She mumbles under her breath, letting me go.
I get on my bike, kicking up the stand as I start it. "I love you both." I mouth, both of them smiling in return as I drive off.
Pulling into the rez, the energy was different than it had been before. People aren't glaring me down as I drive past. Instead I got smiles. Even if they were small. Billy was also already on his porch as if he had been expecting me even though Sam was the one who requested to speak with me through Jacob.
Speaking of, the large man is right behind the older one. To which I rolled my eyes at. "Hi, Billy." I smile, not acknowledging Sam.
"Well, you've gotten some muscle on you." Billy grins in return. I park my bike then flex my arms through the jacket I was wearing, just like I did with my dad.
"How's being a hybrid?" He rolls his wheelchair down to get closer to me as I was walking toward him.
"It's alright. Love being able to eat food again without it tasting like sand." I half-joked. There was definitely some truth to that sentence.
"I bet. I'm gonna have to set up a feast for you someday." He looks up at me.
"I would love that." I grinned. Then as quick as he was cheerful, it went quiet. Billy became solemn.
"You're always welcome here, [Name]. The pack agreed to stay neutral. More than that, they are very welcoming. You should learn both sides of yourself." He tells me, grabbing onto my hand I could tell he wanted to feel my warmth.
So I let him. I think back to the agreement I had made with my partners. Swearing that I would never turn into a wolf unless absolutely necessary.
"Thank you." I bow my head momentarily. "You don't plan to do that though, do you?" Billy quietly asks me, not in an angry or upset way. But knowingly. My silence of course answers for me.
Sam scoffs, "of course you don't." He shakes his head, finally putting himself into the conversation. "Excuse me?" I cross my arms, glaring right at him.
"Those bloodsuckers, they told you not to and since you're their little bitch you do exactly as they say." He gets in my face, I step back so Billy doesn't get hurt.
Knowing that I can barely control myself after my emotions I close my eyes for a split second. Taking in deep breaths. Slowly, in and out... 
"Sam, she's stronger, back off before something stupid happens." Billy warns him, placing a hand on his arm to stop him but Sam shoves it off.
"I want an answer. They convinced you to not use it, didn't they?" His shoulder presses against mine and that's when I shove him away from me. His body flailing backwards to the dirt.
"I didn't come for this, I barely even came here to talk to you. I'm here to make sure Jacob isn't reckless with my sister. I angrily spat at the man who's getting up off the ground.
"Why I don't turn into a wolf is my business. Not yours. Never will it be yours." I got in his face this time. "I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I do not want you near me. So stop trying." I push off of him, this time a lot softer but it does cause him to lose his balance just a little bit.
"I'm sorry for the show, Billy. I'll see you some other time." I looked him in the eye, ignoring Sam who was just standing there now. "It's alright, your sisters in the garage." He points, I thank him as I walk away from them.
Before I enter the garage I hear Jacob getting upset. "You knew this was gonna happen." I hear Bella say. "Not in a month." He argues, he;s pacing. I stand outside quietly knowing that they can't sense me. Something that is a part of being a hybrid. No one can catch my scent or presence.
"I mean, not before you've even lived! Or before I could... for a second." He pauses to think about his next choice of words.
"For a second I thought... But he's got his hooks in you so deep." He growls out "I decided this, not him." Bella argues with the werewolf.
"Bella, they're not even alive. It makes me sick. Better you really be dead than one of them." He says out of anger and as much as I want to go in there and back my sister up I know she wouldn't want that right now.
"I can't believe you said that Edward was right. I shouldn't have come. She mutters and I frown from hearing the pain in her voice. I hear Bella step forward to leave. "Bella, come on. Please, I'm sorry." He says but I'm starting to question if he's even sincere anymore.
I hear her step further into the garage and uncover something. "We should stick to safer subjects like motorcycles." She speaks up to cut the tension in the air.
"Only thing safe about you on a motorcycle is when you turn it off." Jacob teases and I use this as a cue to join in. "Ain't that the truth." I walk in with a smirk. "Hey, no need to gang up on me." My older sister frowns as Jake and I laugh.
Bella and I get home late and when we walked in our father was right there in the kitchen. "You know the Cullens could at least respect meal times." Charlie tells us. "We were with Jake." Bella says and I hum too.
"Oh... Good, did you speak with Sam while you were over there?" he asks as I was smelling something unfamiliar in the house, it was mainly in Bella and my room.
"Uhm, yeah yeah." I was a little distracted but the conversation was quickly cut off by a knock on the door.
"I'll give you guys some privacy then." Charlie walks out into the living room. Edward walks in after Bella lets him in but I'm trying to smell the scent more, not being able to put my finger on where it's from.
I quickly went up the stairs to my sister's room first.
"What's going on?" Bella asks. "[Name] smells something. It's strong, I smell it as well. Something's wrong." He follows behind me. They watch as I'm checking things out. Touching the things this person touched.
"Edward, [Name], what's wrong?" My sister worriedly questions us. "Someone's been in here." Edward says for me.
Alice comes to my side as we all gather in the Cullen's living room. "Who was it? Someone we know?" She quizzes us.
"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent, neither did [Name]." Edward tells everyone. "A nomad passing through?" Esme asks.
"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella and [Name]s father alive." Rosalie argues. I suck on the inside of my cheeks at the thought of Charlie getting hurt. Alice hugs my arm tighter for support. Jasper then bursts through the door.
"His scent disappeared about five miles south of their house." He tells everyone before waking up to me. Taking my hand into his, planting a kiss on Alice's head as well.
"Someone's orchestrating this." Edward states the obvious. "Victoria?" Carlisle says. "I would've seen her deciding." Alice shakes her head ruling the redhead out.
"It has to be the Volturi." Edward butts in. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice again disagrees. "So we keep looking." Emmett speaks.
"We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house. I think [Name] can handle herself along with helping us." Carlisle gives me a small smile.
"Another protection call?" Rosalie interjects. "Rosalie." Esme warns.
"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch our dad and search for the intruder and for Victoria and keep yourselves fed." Bella agrees with the beaut.
"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward explains.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have [Name], and I have..." She stops herself then glances up.
"What?" Edward questions but I already know what it is.
I apologize for how long this took lol. I was very busy with a bunch of stuff I had to deal with moving lol. I also have a new cat and he has so much energy lol
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader (Biker!Joel AU)
Word Count: 2,228
Summary: Joel’s been away on a trip and when he returns you’re the only thing on his mind (just like you were the whole time he was gone). 
Author’s Note: He’s baaaaaaack because I’m in love and while this is related to my other two Biker!Joel stories you can find on his Masterlist HERE you don’t need to read them for this one. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the sweet @firefly-graphics thank you love! 
Warnings: lots of fun, flirty fun and soft fluffy fluff 
Thank you to Esquire for these amazing photo! 🥰
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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“Are you ever going to give that back to him?” your friend Dan asks as you shrug on the soft leather jacket.
You press your nose to the collar and inhale, lifting your shoulders with a contented sigh before replying, “nope!” with a pop of the p.
“He’s already outside” your other friend and coworker, Jade exclaims excitedly.
It had been a long and boring week of work at the bar and no Joel. He had been away on a trip and had only just returned today.
His first stop was you.
You grab your small bag and rush out the door of the backroom, waving goodbye before nearly running to the front door of the bar.
You can already hear the rev of engines and when you step into the afternoon sunshine you immediately look for him.
When at first you don’t spot him your eyes move to the row of bikes and you scope them out, certain you’ll be able to find his quickly.
Then your eyes land on the black and sleek bike, big, but not overly decorated and with giant shiny tailpipes off the back.
“Hi sunshine.”
You spin around and meet his eyes.
A week was too long.
His broad shoulders and muscular arms are on full display and his thick thighs are straining against his tight dark wash jeans.
His eyes hold you hostage and you feel a rush of warmth all over your body before you launch yourself into his arms. He catches you easily and buries his face in your neck.
“Joel,” you whisper, finally releasing your tight grip and sliding down his body.
He wastes no time kissing you and you hear the loud whistles and whoops of the rest of the guys behind you.
Your fingertips slip into his vest and you brush them over his warm skin, toying with his chain. You give it a light tug and he moans against your lips, sliding his hands down to your ass.
The hollers get louder.
“As much as these fuckers would love a show, I ain’t givin’ it to ‘em darlin’,” he grumbles, but his expression is warm. “Been waiting to see you all week. Let’s go.”
You wave at the guys over his shoulder and get nods and winks in return before Joel grabs your helmet.
“Thank fuck we’re back,” one of the guys yells in Joel’s direction. “We’ve had to deal with his grumpy ass for a week!”
You barely contain your giggle but try to hide your face in Joel’s chest.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up fuckers,” he scoffs and then dips his head to kiss your smiling lips.
When you lift your head he plops his helmet on top and throws you a lopsided smirk.
You ignore the guys and the rest of their playful jabs and ask, “how come you never wear one?”
“I do,” he says, “for longer rides.”
“Then how come I have to?” you pout.
“Because if anything happened to his beautiful face I’d never forgive myself,” he simpers before grabbing your chin and kissing you again.
“And we need to zip this up, the wind is chilly.”
He pulls his jacket more tightly around your body and takes the zipper between his fingers, slowly dragging it up.
“Dan asked if I was ever going to give his back to you…I’ve been wearing it all week and I plan on keeping it.”
You smile with feigned innocence and he tugs you closer until his lips are brushing yours and whispers, “good, this way everyone knows you belong to me.”
His words send a shiver down your spine and you press yourself against him with a kiss.
When you break apart he gives your waist a squeeze and chases your lips before throwing his leg over his bike.
He adjusts himself and revs the engine, your breath hitching at how good he looks straddling it.
“Darlin’” he warns, throwing you a no-nonsense look. “Get on.”  
You get on behind him and wrap your arms around his stomach.
You’ve gotten used to riding with him but even so nothing compares to when the bike first roars to life and he gets out onto the road to really open the throttle.
You don’t even know where you’re going but it doesn’t matter as you press yourself against his back and enjoy the ride.
He slows when you reach a familiar spot off road and when he pulls down the dirt path and kills the engine your whole face lights up in a smile.
“Are we having another picnic?” you ask when he takes off your helmet.
“Yea we are sunshine,” he answers as he opens one of the saddlebags and pulls out a blanket and a small cooler bag.
You follow him to a spot behind the trees, shady but still sprinkled with the sun’s rays that filter through the leaves. Rolling hills lay in front of you, the pale yellows, vivid greens, and colorful flowers giving them texture and depth.
“It’s so beautiful,” you whisper. “I’ll never get tired of looking at it.”
“It is darlin’,” he replies softly, “and neither will I.”
Feeling the heat of his eyes on your face, you turn to look at him and feel the breath leave your body at the intensity of his stare and when you realize the implication of his words it almost makes you sway on your feet.
He tears his eyes away and lays out the blanket, unloading the bag of goodies.
The moment he settles on the blanket you sit and crawl over to him until he has you in his lap, his arms circling you and his hands smoothing along your back.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he groans against your lips.
Your fingertips comb through his hair and you wiggle in his lap, feeling just how true his words are.
“Actually I do,” you answer with a grin.
He growls playfully and grabs you around the waist, making a smooth move to flip you over and lay you on your back.
“Mm but now I’m gonna show you just how much darlin’.”
And with desperation you match, he kisses you, hungry and with intention as his fingers dance along your inner thigh.
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The late afternoon sun is still warm but your bare skin pebbles in the cool breeze. Joel grabs his jacket and drapes it over you, cradling you closer to his chest.
“I need to feed you,” he whispers but doesn’t move.
His free hand is resting behind his head and his other is wrapped around you, his features soft and his eyes closed.
You stare and reach out to stroke his cheek, feeling the welcome soft bristle of his beard against your fingertips.
He catches your hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to the back of it. When he releases you, you can’t resist the urge to brush your fingers over his mouth.
Drawing your thumb down his lower lip, you ask, “what’s your favorite color?”
“What?” he asks, bemused.
“Your favorite color? What is it?”
“Hmm,” he muses, looking up at the sky.
Then he lifts a finger and points. “That color.”
“Sky blue,” you say. “Good choice.”
“Yours sunshine?”
“The color of the ocean…turquoise I guess you would call it.”
“I love being by the ocean,” he says softly.
Your fingers move down to his chest and you trace his tattoo before curling them around his chain.
“Favorite book?”
This time he doesn’t wait a moment in answering and says, “The Count of Monte Cristo. I love a good adventure book.”
“That’s one of the best,” you agree, mulling over your answer as he waits to hear it.
“This is a hard one for me,” you explain. “I love books.”
He tucks you closer and ghosts his fingers over your skin, not seeming to care if you take all afternoon to decide.
“The Princess Bride,” you finally say.
“Another adventure and a love story” he adds.
“You’ve read it?” you ask excitedly.
“Definitely. It’s on my top ten list,” he answers.
You settle into him and think of another question as you fingers continue to move over his bare skin.
“Do you want another tattoo?”
He quirks a brow and silently watches your fingers as they smooth over the outline of the ink on his skin.
“I’m sure I’ll get another,” he says, “’specially since you seem to like ‘em so much.”
He grins at you before he winks and gives you a soft kiss.
“What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken on your bike?”
He considers the question for a few seconds and then turns to study your face.
“This trip. This is the best.”
“Joel,” you whisper, your lips parting to say more but he silences any further words with his mouth, the kiss soft and tender before he pulls away and asks, “favorite food?”
Your lips turn up into a smile and you tap your chin.
“Probably pizza…no! Pancakes! Well, maybe waffles? Chicken wings!”
He starts to laugh and rolls you over so he’s settled between your legs and has you pinned to the blanket.
“I think you’re hungry sunshine. Time to eat.”
“But what about you? What’s yours?” you ask as you start to get yourself dressed.
He watches you, his lips twitching with a grin.
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Once your stomach is full and Joel’s had his dessert, you stretch out on the blanket with a happy sigh.
“You ready for a riding lesson darlin’,” Joel drawls as he absentmindedly runs his calloused fingertips along your arm.
You sit up with widened eyes.
“ME? Ride…your bike?”
“You want to learn right?” he teases. “And I have one more place I want to take you before the sun sets.”
“Maybe you should just ride…it’s probably safer.”
“Nah, come on darlin,’ you can do it.”
He packs up your things and secures them in the saddlebags before helping you into your helmet. His leather jacket is already cocooning you in his warmth and smell but you don’t budge from the spot next to his bike.
“You know how to get on,” he says lightly.
You let out an exhale and look down at your feet.
Strong fingers grip your chin and he lifts your eyes. “Sunshine, you’re gonna be fine and I’m going to be right there with you. I wouldn’t let you ride if I thought it wasn’t ok.”
You nod with renewed determination and swing a leg over the bike. It’s harder to get situated without Joel’s body and it takes you a minute to find your balance.
“Ok, so now what?” you ask, staring at the handlebars.
No answer.
You turn to catch him staring at you, his eyes dark.
“Sorry darlin,’ but fuck if that isn’t hot as hell…hang on.”
He pulls out his phone and snaps a picture before he drinks you in one last time and saunters over to help.
He explains what all the necessary buttons and levers are and shows you how to start the engine and walk the bike around a bit.
It’s much too big and heavy for you but he’s at your side the whole time and he’s patient and sweet.
“You’re doing so well darlin.’ Gonna have to get you your own bike soon.”
You beam under his praise and he slides on behind you, cradling you between his thighs and resting his arms on either side of yours.
“This isn’t the safest,” he starts, “in fact it’s illegal to ride this way, but it’s just a short trip to where we’re going and it’ll give you a feel of what it’s like to be in the front seat.”
He kisses your neck and holds you securely between his muscular thighs before starting the engine and taking off at a slow speed. You squeal in delight and put your face to the wind.
The short trip takes you uphill until you hit a secluded and narrow road that leads to a dead end.
You don’t hear it until Joel shuts the engine and you take off your helmet.
The smell of the salty sea air and the crash of the waves takes over and you walk to the edge of the small cliff to look down.
The ocean sweeps out to the horizon, it’s blue color dotted with sparkling diamonds every time the sun catches a wave’s crest. Rugged rocks line the shore below and the pink and orange hues of the setting sun glow brightly against the darkening sky.
“It’s not quite turquoise,” Joel whispers as he slides up behind you and wraps you in his arms, holding you against his chest.
“But it’s so beautiful,” you finish as you snuggle closer.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says as he turns you in his arms and draws you closer.
“I don’t know why all the guys say you’re so grumpy,” you tease lightly. “You’re such a softie.”
He leans in close, his nose bumping yours before he catches your mouth in a long, slow kiss that leaves you breathless and shaky.
When he pulls away he holds your gaze and it’s like a warm caress that sweeps over your skin. Something sparkles in his eyes, something familiar and his voice is rough with emotion when he murmurs, “I love you sunshine.’”
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@sstan-hoe @blackwidownat2814​ @justkinsey​ @laineyreads​ @beccablogsthings​ 
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