#and because i didn't wanna miss out on finding out who tf The One Who Waits is on the rest of this season of Doctor Who (hilarious)
nerevarbignaturals · 1 month
doing crisis intervention for a suicidal kid at work while literally having yoinked myself back from jumping off a bridge last Thursday. solidarity. the blind leading the blind. we out here surviving in spite of my brain's best attempts to off me and your brain's best attempts to off you. we got this, kiddo.
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babysun412 · 7 months
Nct Drean Reaction: You surprise him after being long distance
Being so far apart from you has him thinking about you 24/7. He never shuts up about you to his members and constantly relates everything back to you. He writes songs about you, poems about you, he even writes letters he plans to give you when he sees you. Everytime you get off a call with each other he sits in silence for a moment and wishes you were there with him. Most of his saddest moments are the second you say goodbye on the phone.
So when he opens his bedroom door after a long day of practice and sees your bright smiley face. He can't help but tackle you in the biggest hug he can. You both land on top of his bed and his face is pressed in your neck as he says "No way" over and over again. He refuses to let go of you for the rest of the day.
"Holy shit, you're here. I love so much baby. Oh my god-"
I honestly think he would cry. He would seem the least affected by being in a long distance relationship but it would secretly hit him the hardest. One of his favorite things is just to be with you. He tries to make the most out of the time you do get to see each other but in the end it always feels too short. The texts and calls keep him going throughout the day but he wants nothing more but to see your smile in person again.
You walk into the practice room after Jaemin picked you up and helped you surprise him. Renjun was the only one in the room and once he saw you through the mirror...he broke. His mouth was wide open in disbelief as he went straight into your arms. You couldn't help but coo as he cried gently into your shoulder, whispering how much he missed you. You would try to calm him down but he was ready to find a way to keep you by his side for good.
"I missed you... please stay."
Jeno is %100 the member who would call and text you the most. He'll call to ask simple questions like what to grab at the grocery store or he'll even call when he's gaming just to hear your nagging. He gets so sad when you don't answer even though he knows it's probably for a good reason. He just wants to share his thoughts with the only person he always wants to hear them.
He got sad when you didn't answer his call. Like where tf are you? This is your regularly scheduled Jeno time. He'd be speechless when he sees you making dinner in the kitchen. You'd so causal about saying hello before laughing at his frozen state. You would giggle as he runs towards you and picks you up in a hug. But before you can say anything he would pull you into the most passionate kiss of your life.
"Shh, I wanna kiss my baby."
Haechan (Donghyuck)
Donghyuck just loves affection so it would be hard for him to do long distance. You would both call and text each other a lot but some days it's just not enough for him. He would beat himself up for being sad that you aren't there because he knows it's not your fault. But sometimes he just feels so helpless on how to feel better. He just misses you so much.
For the first time ever, he doesn't say a word when he sees you in the dressing room after his concert. Your smile would begin to fade when he doesn't say anything but as soon as you get closer he pulls you as close as you can get to each other. His face would bury itself in your neck as he would breathe in the scent he missed so much. He would not let you out of his arms for the longest time and you would both stand in the middle of the dressing room hugging despite the other people around.
"Please just hug me and pet my hair."
Jaemin tries to be as present in your life as possible when you are apart. He memories your daily schedules and is always reminding you to eat and get enough sleep. Taking care of you is something that takes his mind off the distance between you. He wants you to know that he's doing well too so that you can have no worries when you finally see each other again. Unfortunately, that's not how everything works sometimes.
You had come to surprise him at his dorm and he almost screams in joy after he walks through the door. He would run to you with a smile and hug you as tight as he can. But what he doesn't expect is for you to start crying into his chest. You felt like in order to keep him happy that you needed to pretend to be happy too. You felt like you needed to hide how much you missed him but you can't anymore. Jaemin would feel awful seeing you cry and his top priority would be to make you happy again.
"Baby, we can do so much while you're here! We can go on dates and hold hands and kiss and have s-"
"JAEMIN!" *Smack*
"I was gonna say sleepovers! But I mean~"
"Na Jaemin."
Chenle understands that you have your own life and schedules but he would struggle with the fact you can't just maneuver them around whenever you want. Why can't you just take your lunch break when he gets a chance to grab his own food? Why can't you just skip class when he finally has a break in his schedule to call you? He's not mad about it or anything but he just gets worried if you both aren't able to find time for each other then your relationship might fall apart. It would mean everything to Chenle when you come to surprise him.
His mom was actually the one who suggested for you to come surprise Chenle. He was finally going to be visiting his home and his mom talked about how much he's been talking about you. So when Chenle sees you standing in his bedroom in his house in his home country...he realizes you're the one. Neither of you had said I love you yet and the second he sees you it's the only thing he's able to say.
"I love you."
Jisung would be another one who doesn't show how much the distance affects him. He thinks about you a lot more than you know. He's always wondering what you are doing or when he sees something funny he instantly sends it to you because he knows it'll make you laugh. Jisung would like to have that close, cute and cheesy relationship with you but he respects the reasons on why you're both apart. He doesn't want to seem selfish by complaining about the distance.
When he enters the dark room, he thinks that his hyungs are doing the obvious birthday cake surprise. What he doesn't expect is for his hyungs to scream happy birthday and show you standing behind them. His mouth would drop open and he'd look around like he's questioning if this is real. Once you go to hug him, he would press your foreheads together and nuzzle the tip of your nose with his. The closeness he's been craving for finally being fulfilled.
"Happy Birthday, baby."
"You're finally here."
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jkkrs love to lie.
"Why is tkk hanging out TWICE means that their relationship has deepen?!" Twice?
- bowling
- bowling again
- restaurant (after bowling I think)
- hotel
- theatre
- premiere - filmed by jk not hybe stuff ;)
- ski resort (not confirmed but still a rumor)
- some place, I don't know where. V posted the pics on ig (the day before jin and jk was leaving korea)
- tae said to jk during the ig live "see you tomorrow". (So it means the met again and we don't know where)
- tae mentioned that he was playing with jk
- jk's home
- Jimin's practice at hybe
jimin said he didn't visit jk's home
jimin said he couldn't go to gym
Then we had: jimin and hobi dates (x2); jimin and yoongi at hybe; jimin said he sees yoongi and hobi the most, jimin and rm at nike event.
This is what we know. I understand why you're mad
"I think." So I'm gonna go ahead and scrap anything u mentioned and then followed up with "I think." Cool? Cool.
Bowling. Once. Scrap the second one. Hotel doesn't count because it was for work, other members were there and so was black pink and V is fucking Jennie. So scrap that too. Musical. Sure. Premiere. Sure. Ski resort. Bullshit. Some places you don't know where? 🤣🤣😂 anon. If you're gonna come at me at least know the place. Jesus. V was playing with JK video games online. So scrap. V said see you 2morrow. You're speculating. So scrap. JK's home. Okay, sure.
So you're here with 4 confirmed sightings and u want me to be mad? About what exactly? I'm confusion.
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You know what I'm mad about? That you missed the following:
BTS playing This or That. First question. Tropical Island or hiking. Jikook each look at each other's answers First. Luckily they're the same
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Question 2: Restaurant or eating out. Jimin immediately looking at JK's answer. JK says eating out. Jimin doesn't look very happy.
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Jimin goes ahead and comments about cooking at home and what does JK do? He changes his answer. His man had spoken. 😌
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The game continues. Couple still looking at each other's answers First. I mean, this is the norm btw if you've been paying attention during RUN BTS. Oh, anon. Almost forgot about you. JK don't give 2 shits about V's answers. Moving on.
Now my favourite part. This was before Bam btw. So next question: Dog or cat. JK says dog of course but Jimin says both. JK tries to tell him to say dog.
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Jimin doesn't change his answer. JK is like "babe tf are you doing? Dog. Thumbs up."
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But Jimin doesn't budge and here we get a pouty JK. Poor baby wasn't happy 😔
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Now why was it so important to JK that Jimin choose dog? Why does Jimin's answer matter? 😂😂😂 Again, I would like to reiterate: JK👏🏾 DOESN’T 👏🏾CARE 👏🏾WHAT 👏🏾KIM TAEHYUNG👏🏾 HAS👏🏾 TO 👏🏾SAY. HE 👏🏾ONLY CARES👏🏾 WHAT 👏🏾ANSWERS 👏🏾JIMIN 👏🏾IS GIVING. 👏🏾👏🏾
Also this isn't BH content so I'm not sure how it can be categorised as FS but I'm sure you'll find a way. 😂
P.s lets not feel too bad for JK. They did get a dog and I'm pretty sure Jimin is allergic to cats so its all good. JK has Bam. So he got what he wanted. 😁😁
Next question: JK totally cheats here and their answers end up matching.
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Things to note:
Jimin looked at JK's answers throughout
JK looked at Jimin's answers throughout.
They each wanted the other to choose the same answer as each other.
Jimin made JK change his answer and succeeded.
JK failed in making Jimin change his answer
As a Tkkr you're the one who should be mad that JK only ever prioritises Jimin.
But you already know this, don't you? Its why your insecurity brought you to my blog?
This or that game here for those who wanna confirm for yourselves. I recommend watching the cat or dog part. Hilarious 🤭
In conclusion: Jikook is real. Taekook is something made up by
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And even now that you have proof of hangouts, your ship isn't any realer than it was before, unfortunately. Sucks to be you. It's sad, I know. Here. Have a tissue
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notf1obsessed · 2 months
A Little Flirting Hurt No One (Charlos): you can find the full fic on here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55395409
Chapter 8: Double Date
Charles: Pierre i think I fucked up
Pierre: tf u did this time
Charles: agreeing to be Carlos's fake boyfriend
Pierre: yeah mate u fucked up big time
Charles: SO?
Pierre: what u want me to do
Charles: HELP ME?
Pierre: I'm not a therapist Charles
Charles: va te faire foutre
Charles slammed his phone down in frustration.
Looks like he's on his own for this one
It was the Monday after the Grand Prix and most of the drivers were still here.
Time to get things moving; the faster he makes Lando admit his feelings to Carlos the less he has to be his boyfriend.
And what better way to do that than a double date.
He picked his phone.
Charles: hey mate, wanna go out today
Lando: sure what time
Charles: dinner would be good
Charles: i was wondering though, how about u bring Oscar
Lando: why
Charles: well i mean u two are dating
Lando: HOW
Charles: Carlos told me
Lando: u and Carlos don't even talk
Charles: were dating
Lando: lol imagine
Charles: I'm serious Lando
Charles: yes now r u bringin Oscar or should i call of the double date
Lando: fine yeah sure
Charles: k I'll text u the address
Please don't be a dumb idea.
He goes to text yet another person.
He really is on a texting spree.
Charles: mate so this may be the best or worst idea I've ever come up with
Carlos: what did u do
Charles: i made plans for a double date with lando and Oscar
Carlos: u made plans with the person I'm hopelessly in love with it
Charles: I know but it's the best way for him to realize how much he likes u
Charles: the problem is acting like a couple tho
Carlos: leave it to me I'm an expert at flirting
Charles rolled his eyes at the message.
Charles: I'll come pick u up at 7, k
Carlos: okay see u mon camiro
His eyes dart to the time
He decides to play a game to pass the time.
After a couple of rounds, it was 6 and he needed to get ready.
He quickly sent Lando the address before hopping in the shower.
He decided on wearing his most flattering clothes (the sluttiest) so that Lando could really see who he was missing Carlos out on.
That fit being a white button up, keeping the first 2 open and a pair of jeans.
He decided he'd keep his silly jeans for another day.
He quickly styled his hair before checking Carlos's room number. On the same floor, better for me.
He knocked twice on the door before it opened.
Carlos was wearing a white vest with a button up shirt over it, all undone and a pair of denim jeans.
His hair was damp from the shower, Charles had never seen him so dressed up before.
And he would be lying if he said he didn't look hot.
"Ready to go, mon amour?"
"Yes mi querido"
They arrived at the place at exactly 7. The traffic was a pain in the ass so it took them about 30 minutes to arrive.
The restaurant was dimly lit, candles and roses at every table.
A bit too romantic for the occasion.
Beautiful paintings hung on the walls, the ceramic floors blinding whoever steps on them.
Their eyes searched the restaurant for Lando and Oscar.
Lando was endlessly conversing, or rather telling, with Oscar. Upon noticing them, he quickly gestured over to the table, "Over here!"
Charles grabbed Carlos's hand, who didn't protest, to take them over.
They sat in front of them, Lando facing Charles and Oscar facing Carlos.
It was safe to say that Oscar and Carlos were unhappy with this arrangement.
Especially after their on track banter.
The silence was most definitely not awkward; so of course Carlos wasn't thankful when the waiter came.
Lando being the picky eater he is, ordered chicken nuggets.
Oscar ordered the shrimp; specifically because Lando would try and steal his food later and he hates seafood
Carlos ordered the grilled chicken, and Charles being the basic bitch he is, ordered pasta.
"So when did you two start dating?" asksed Lando with a mouth full of chicken.
"Recently actually," replied Charles, not wanting to say they started fake dating a week ago, "how about you two?"
"Last season actually, around October."
Charles picked up on the hurt in Carlos's eyes.
He dropped his hand to grip Carlos's, trying to comfort him.
And also keep up the illusion.
It must've worked because he felt Carlos relax into the touch.
At this point, Carlos had gotten fed up with all the small talk and decided to take things a step further.
A little more dangerous.
He wore a smug smile, "Here try this mon carino"
Charles tried to grab his fork but Carlos shook his head.
He lifted the fork up to Charles's mouth and slowly fed him, making sure he savored every moment of it.
Both Lando and Oscar looked very taken back, but neither Carlos nor Charles payed any attention to it.
Taking the fork out of his mouth, he lent into his ear, a seductive tone coating his lips.
"So what do you think, amor?"
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fand0mswithbunny · 8 months
the second golden bolt tournament premiere review/analysis 🔩
Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and gentlethems to the first of many Battlebots episode reviews and analysis. I was going to do a liveblog but I feel asleep not even half way through and I finished the episode earlier today. If you haven't seen the new episode I highly suggest you do, there's a lot of things that went down and its just a good premiere and episode, but if you haven't you might wanna scroll. (also this is going to be a long one who prepare your nuts people YES I MEANT WHAT I SAID.)
First of, I wanna start with the changes with this show and the differences between this season and the last one. The most notable one is the removal of the matchup with the gatekeeper from the last season. I thought they were going to reveal it in the end or make it so that the final competitor standing does not know who they're fighting until near the end, but no! They don't even mention it beforehand at all in the episode and the last bot standing instantly goes to the finals. Idk why they removed it, I THOUGHT THEY WERENT BUT I GUESS NOT?? Based on the little clips they showed at the start they showed Will Bales, and I thought this was because Hypershock was going to be a gatekeeper for this season but IDK THEY REMOVED IT?? I do kinda miss that aspect of the show because its what made it more interesting for sure but it did really caught me off-guard with it. Maybe Hypershock will be in one of the brackets? Or maybe they just won't compete at all. Idk, its just something I thought was worth mentioning because I couldn't really find it being discussed anywhere. Also I love Kenny's Key and their.... interesting connotations. Aside from that there's no big changes, so let's get to the fights themselves! SHREDDIT BRO! vs Skorpios - Wow. Whoever predicted Shreddit Bro was going to come out like Minotaur on this one should be given an gold medal WHAT AN OPENING FIGHT. Idk what Evan Arias did to the robot before this but they're looking like a beast out there. The Bro™ was so dominant and all over Skorpios the full fight, if you showed this fight to someone who's never seen the show they'll think its some top tier contender for the title. NO ITS JUST SHREDDIT BRO AND THEY JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE- also I just realized Zach look kinda as his bot was being counted out UEUEUEUEUE I WANNA GIVE HIM A HUG :( YOU TRIED YOUR BEST PRODUCERS JUST REALLY FUCKED THEM OVER BY GIVING THEM A DRUM </3333333 Overall great opener, really good start for Shreddit Bro.
Rotator vs Terrortops - Idk if I have much to say about this fight as much as the last one, but Terrortops didn't do too bad here, they survived a while against Rotator which is not easy. But yeah, this was Rotator's fight to win and its pretty satisfying seeing them be so dominant again.
Switchback vs Kraken - WOAH YOU GUYS IT WENT TO THE JUDGES HOW SHOCKING! Yeahh Kraken got pretty beaten here, I realized these two are pretty similar in design but Switchback just kept delivering the hits. I don't have anything else to say except good performance from Switchback and this is Matt Spurk's TENTH loss in a row since Rusty jabbed Kraken's face out. Like that is just brutal. SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN A HUG AND A GOOD OPPONENT PLS </333
Valkyrie vs Ominous - I'm starting to see a pattern here that all the winners had something to prove and has mostly really improved since last season. I thought Ominous would've held on a bit better because of that big plow but yk. yeah. This fight was honestly the best they've performed in a while until the next fights, like I think something simultaneously clicked for all the winning teams in the pits and they decided to POP TF OFF- and honestly?? good for them. good for them.
(okay that took a while to write but its okay. just. 3. more. fights.)
SHREDDIT BRO! vs Switchback - Okay if Minotaur and Shreddit Bro doesn't happen in season 8 I'm rioting. BUT ALSO Switchback, yk in the first 5 seconds WASNT DOING BAD and then he lost the chain. At that point The Bro™ the starting chewing away at him like he was Minotaur. SERIOUSLY HOW? BUT ALSO IM REALLY IMPRESSED. Like I love how this episode was just full of twists and turns and the fandom were collectively shocked at how out of nowhere their wins and dominance are. LIKE THAT LAST HIT WAS INSANE and usually Switchback's pretty durable and bulky. I think if they can figure out a way to protect the wheels, maybe some armor, and get their weapon to not hit the floor, they can be a force to be recon with. (also ik what I described is basically Minotaur but listen let Evan cook okay.) This was the fight I started becoming a Broliever one would say. I believe in the bro that brolieves in me. ooh yeah gottem. (im not mentally stable someone help)
Rotator vs Valkyrie - We all knew producers were going to hype up this rematch and it did not disappoint. Both robots held up really well against each other but Rotator's plow was a really good choice. I do think that Rotator would've had a chance if they'd boxrush them, but otherwise Valkyrie was winning this. Credits to Lucy for staying aggressive and if there were more time I think the plow and side armor would've been completely ripped out. I do prefer the first fight but this fight was still really good.
Okay. That was a lot of fights. But lets take a break and get on with the AWARDS!! First off, the Excellence in Sportsmanship went to Rory Mangles of Monsoon. I didn't know who he was at first but when I was looking through Reddit and seeing the stories, yeah, this guy deserves it. What an absolute chad. This did get me thinking, with this award and the Founder's Award, it got me thinking that these awards can now be awarded to an individual person and not just a full team which is really cool. Now onto the Most Destructive which NOT ONLY DIDNT GO TO SHITTIDE BUT WENT TO MY BOY HUUUUUUGE!! WOOOOOOOO YEAHHH BABY!! THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR, THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!! ahem Okay seriously I thought it was either going to Shittide or Copperhead 100% and I understand why ppl would be surprised at this BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING WE TAKE THIS W. EAT SHIT ETHAN. Onto the Grant Imahara: Best Design Award goes to RIPperoni and honestly I didn't see it going anyother way, maybe except Horizon but theyre design wasn't performing well, so RIPperoni was really the only pick. And finally, the Founder's Award which goes to Martin Mason! HONESTLY REALLY DESERVED he is the spirit of the sport and overall he just seems like such a great guy. Good for him. Good for him. Now, with all that aside, its time for the finals.
SHREDDIT BRO! vs Valkyrie - Coming into this fight I wanted The Bro™ to win because of their story, but Valkyrie really did good by breaking their drum, but Evan did amazing trying to adapt and get Valkyrie to break their spinner. Just shows that even when Evan is being this cool guy character he's really smart and tactical. I'm so excited for what's to come from this bot and congrats to Evan. Good for him. Good for him.
This episode was a really good start to the season and next weeks episode is a really stacked lineup. I personally think Black Dragon, and MadCatter or Whiplash are my picks for the finals but I'm personally rooting for my boy REESE EWERT FROM FUSION LETS GOOO REESE FUCK THEM UP!! As for SHREDDIT BRO!, I think they lose against Sawblaze, a pretty good chance against Tantrum, and 50/50 against End Game. THINK ABOUT IT we live in a timeline where SHREDDIT BRO has a good chance at beating the former champions. LET THAT SINK IN THE DOOR. I do kinda think the pacing was kinda off this episode but overall this is a really good start to the season, a solid 8/10 episode for me.
ok now im going to sit down time to rest. good night tristate area.
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evansbby · 1 month
I'm so late but I just have to talk about my DILF story because I need y'all to know while many (maybe most tbh) DILFs are trash, there are some good ones out here!!!!
Okay so first of all you gotta meet the DILF organically and not on any dating app! Obviously my friends and many women have had bad experiences with even the DILFs they randomly met IRL but you still have a better chance than on Hinge so remember that babes <3 Put yourself out there and pray hard 😭
I met my DILF through friends of friends. I'm lucky enough to be friends with rich people who are popular and know everyone soooo I'm always meeting and interacting with all kinds of people. My friends are also freaky AF so meeting old men is a norm 😭 Atp, I don't even ask how tf they know these people lol. I'm just here for a good time!!!!
So a few years ago, I met this one DILF and he was unlike any guy I'd ever met (I never expected to meet a guy so amazing, seriously). First, I quickly realised he was autistic like me (my friends don't agree because they been hurt but autistic men do it better 😌). We automatically clicked and we became really close friends instantly. I was 21 when we first met and he was 39.
He has triplets but his ex wife (here's where I kinda got the ick: they were childhood sweethearts and dated their whole lives and I have dealt with too many men like that to not know better 😖) has full custody of the kids and are raising them with her fiancé at the time (they've been married a long time now), one of the men she had been cheating on him with and the one who got her pregnant 😗.
Anywayz he had been divorced for a few years already but I was sooooo scaredddd. We had insane sexual tension between us from day 1 that we tried to deny but we also had this friendship and bond..I didn't know what to do. And my friends weren't helpful 😒 They just wanted me to hop on his dick and get over with it smh.
One day a horny demon possessed me and I just started kissing him while I was chilling at his house 🙈 (I also stopped having sex when he entered my life sooo there's that). He kissed me back really hesitantly. Like he would kiss me passionately for a few seconds and then just stop as I kissed him all over his face and neck. After some time of him doing that, he pushed me off of his lap and said he doesn't wanna take advantage of me I'm much too younger than him etc (I was 23 and he was 41). Girlllll the horniness was really in control cause I really told this man "You can take advantage of me all you want" 😭 which left him speechless lmao
We ended up talking it out though haha and after centuries of me telling him "Yes I want this I want you the age gap isn't a big deal" we scheduled a date. The first date happened and he wasn't gonna have sex with me until a while after to show how much he respects me (his words) but I begged him like crazy 🙈 and after the first few dates where I was a huge tease hehe we made love in his bedroom. TMI but he was the first man I've ever met (didn't know they even existed....) to spend most of the time eating me out front and behind 🏃‍♀️ He worshipped my body and the foreplay was insane he really kissed all over my body so slowly and gently I came by the time he was making out with my thighs🏃‍♀️ He focused on me the entire time I knew I had to wife him up 😊😚
So we're married now. Really betraying my people for this beautiful white man 😖 We recently agreed that we wanna have kids soon 😌 So remember girlies you gotta manifest and believe in yourself. You can and will find a good DILF 🧚‍♂️
Your high standards will bring good things 💞 I have had the worst experiences with men you could ever think of and I was still able to meet my soulmate 😚 It will happen for you all I promise!!!!
Yeah, I think you hit the lottery with this rich and thoughtful dilf who sounds like he’s AMAZING in bed too 😭😭😭 OKAY WERK MISS Y/N
Also I’ve noticed so many of y’all are the ones who make the first move! I love that for you guys! Personally I’ve never made the first move bc I have the crippling fear of being rejected !! 🤠🤠 BUT MAYBE I SHOULD START MAKING THE FIRST MOVE SINCE IT HAS WORKED FOR SO MANH OF YOU 😂🥹
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
spoiler alert : it's not alien abduction
tw : everything triggering, read at your own risk
so i almost comitted suicide several times around the 24th-25th
it all began when i was a child but we don't have time for that crap so i'm gonna cut to the chase.
Recently things has been pretty hard for me with financial issues and stress over what the fuck i'm doing with my life, not to mention the ridiculous pressure my parents put on me (in a way that i had told them would not be effective on me as it would just cause me harm esp to my mental health that both my parents, esp my mom, decide to ignore) and my extended family, and what i want, and it was all just ridiculous. Not to mention something specific happened recently that kinda just made me gave up because it felt like a betrayal, abandonment, and the way it happened was just so absolutely unfair and out of the blue like i wasn't even informed of what happened until i seek for answers myself. It was just horrible and i was really going to go through with it. I had suicide notes ready and everything and i could've decided to do it on the 23rd but it was yunho's birthday and i wasn't gonna miss that so my options were on the 24th or 25th bc my parents were gone and had anything happened, i wouldn't be rushed to the hospital.
I was alone and i felt alone despite having one last friend to talk to but that friend was just sooooo so so so far away and idk it felt hopeless. It wasn't until i accidentally hinted to someone about what i was gonna do and they figured it out and after a whole shenanadoodles (at first this person was like "i can't be selfish, i can't keep you here because who tf am i?") and some words used on me, that person accidentally canceled my self destruction. It was literally something that no one had ever said to me in a sense of the intention and the words used. It was literally "you can't go anywhere now, you're staying to write for me" and it wasn't the sentiment that i HAVE to live for this person now, but it was the fact that i was given a purpose. this person wanted me and they have plans for me and that gave me an immediate feeling of security. It's so stupid, i know but it happened. That was what happened and i'm still at shock because that person said they didn't even know that it would work.
if someone goes to you, telling you they wanna end their life, i implore you to NEVER say "don't do it, but i'm not gonna stop you". because that kinda feels like you don't care and by god, this person is already suicidal now you're telling them that YOU wouldn't care whether or not they leave ???????
i can't speak for other people with suicidal tendencies or behaviour but i'm so glad to have the friends that i have rn. I used to say i don't have much friends but oh my god after being open about this, i realized how many friends i have and how easy it is to ask someone to be your friend.
I'm sharing this to not upset anyone but because i want my blog to be a very transparent and open space. I don't feel normal because i don't see people sharing about their experience esp with suicidal behaviour and/or tendencies bc it's a taboo and it's potentially triggering. that's why i don't feel normal and it makes me think that since i'm not welcomed, i'm not like anyone, i should just not be here. Someone told me to remove myself from uncomfortable situations and i took it to a whole new level. It didn't occur to me how much people cared for me and seriously, i'm just so very thankful. I know i have a long way to go and i'm gonna have more hardships to come, but right now i feel like the people who i have around me can help me even by just doing stupid shit like sending ateez pics or telling a random annecdote or even frantically trying to find a topic that can distract me.
this space that i have created is a safe space. I personally don't get triggered by other people's experience but i get it. honestly, i want to make a safe, open space for people but i just don't know how to. but that's basically what happened to me this past week.
to everyone who are still with me today, i want to thank all of you so much and while i don't know how to thank each of you privately or directly, i just want you to know i love you so much. God the love i received these past couple of days has just been making my heart feel full and honestly it kinda feels like i'm gonna pee. but eh what do i know.
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athania1309 · 1 year
I reincarnated as Penelope Eckart chapter 4
I'm backk from the dead TT
-click clack-
"ahh~" i streched my arms "this is nice all of their intimacy went up thankfully i managed to coax reynold with food"
~flash back~ (why because i said so :)) )
Penelope's pov
-grumble grumble- "...." damn it got late fast just reading  "sighh i wanna eat some cake" i was currently at the library finding some books with valuable information I could get my hands on for spell books, fighting techniques, history books and etc. practically everything i could get my hands on why was i in the library you ask because i was trying to avoid everyone after sneaking out of my room
i got down from the stairs and walked around quietly trying to find the kitchen to see if i could cook something up since i didn't want to make problems for the chef
~8 minutes later~ 
Finally geez why tf is the kitchen so hard to find around this place damn my short height
i looked around and saw some ingredients "wooowww this place is heaven there is so much stuff here" looking around i saw some rice grains "thank you lord for this blessing" i geuss this world also has rice i've been looking for this shit i can't stand those tiny fancy dishes they keep on serving me sure they're great but i want to eat in large portions i got to worked grabbed some, after washing them i got to the stove
"how do you work this....."
after what felt like ages on trying to get it to worked i finally figured it out with some fire magic that i learned by hand yep this is progress "i miss my electric stove T^T" 
I found some pork and made some ~adobo~ which then smelled like heaven after i put everything together i looked heavenly now this is good food "thank you for the meal" but before i could eat someone barged in "WHAT TF DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" oh.... its reynold "i cooked because i wanted to eat im eating cause im hungry" "hahh watch your mouth rat even so who taught you how to cook" reynold yelled, oh shit shit shit what do i tell him oh right "my mom taught me how to cook edible food before she died" i lied but then he seemed to believe it ~grumble grumble~ dis he just- "pfft bwhahahahaha was did my cooking smelled to good for you" his face flushed bright red how cute "if you want some you could've just said so you little tsundere~" "...." pfft he's redder than a cooked crab i gave him a my bowl "here ya go" " huh?"
"didn't you want to eat here take mine I'll just get some more" he took the bowl and looked at it with hesitation probably since this type of dish probably isn't known in this world as he took a bite he chewed for a while before spitting it out "are you trying to poison me why is it so fucking salty" "duh bitch since your supposed to eat some with vinegar" "watch your mouth rat" "your the one who cussed first" i got my portion and some vinegar and put it in the table "try it" 
~30 minutes later~
"ahh im full~~" surprisingly me and reynold got along after some food and pep talk hihihihiii this dude is such a cute baby "are you gonna cook again?" he piped in huh... "probably why" "if so tell me then its new eating something like this" he got up then left
STATS: Victory
Mission acquired  reynold's tsundere side banished 
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apompkwrites · 2 years
HI just read the Scaramouche post
first of all, I am in love with it. I will come back to this post in a week because it is so good I am going to read it repeatedly making out with your writing fr it's so good I am eating it up it's delicious
second of all, I want to give (Name) a happy ending like I want Collei to take (name) while escaping and then later when the Traveler comes to Sumeru Collei gives (Name) to Traveler because Traveler recognized them as Ei's creation and so they're taken back to Inazuma to be repaired and when they come back to Sumeru Collei gives them a big hug since it's the first time they are free and repaired. Scaramouche who is that? I just want mutual bonding between Collei and (Name) after being abandoned and experimented on and forming a friendship.
also (Name) possibly getting a vision (possibly Dendro because of them wanting to know more of what they've missed since becoming an experiment and then finding out that they actually love the process of learning things) or like ending up traveling with the Traveler and writing to Collei because they are both adorable
also, possible plot twist? I can't imagine that Scaramouche would allow the experimentation on his baby sibling like imagine he became a harbinger because he was promised his sibling would be cared for and then THAT happened which is one of the reasons why he bails from the fatui, because they didn't keep their promise (and ofc he comes back for (Name))
my tiny hamster brain is running so hard rn the wheel is spinning at a pace previously unknown. I never thought it could spin this fast.
I know the possibility of this happening is very low I just need to share before I knock tf out.
TLDR: The Scaramouche post made me irrationally invested and now I want (Name) and Collei to be besties and (Name) to be repaired because they are precious. possible plot twist? where Scaramouche didn't intentionally abandon (Name)
I should finish the Black Sheep designs
eeee i'll be honest, when i saw scara's cutscene my writing brain said "that one. that one. make it worse" and here we are.
will (name) ever get a happy end? mmmmaybe.
i do wanna point out that the fic started with (name) being in awe of all the colors when they were born. but now they have now eyes so "where did all the pretty colors go?"
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
"I'm just a guy who takes photos for fun"
Saitama is an anonymous photographer whose pictures are in a professional level. He simply sells them (at normal prize, for less than what they really cost) to a bussiness man who runs a photography gallery. This place holds photos from lots of different artists, but the public's favourite exhibition is always Saitama's. Genos is an amateur photographer and when he discovers Saitama's work, he decides that he needs to find that guy to improve himself. He first asks the man who buys the photos, but he won't reveal anything (because then, Saitama would become famous and he wouldn't get those high quality photos at such cheap prize). Genos surfes the internet, but nobody knows Saitama's identity, so he tried to investigate on his own. One day he wants to take a photo from a bridge, somehow stumbles and his camera almost falls into the water, but Saitama casually cathes it in the nick of time. They start talking and eventually become friends. Saitama gives Genos advices and tricks and sees that Genos is more skilled than he thinks.
Genos doesn't know who Saitama is until he goes to his apparment and sees all the pictures hanging and is like "OMG is you, I've been searching for you, you're my idol." Saitama begs Genos to not tell anyone and he finally agrees...but only if he takes Genos as disciple. Saitama accepts, resigned. Genos starts making a name for himself, but still thinks there's something missing: his main inspiration, his opus magnum. However, after spending one afternoon together, Genos wants to take a picture of the beautiful sunset. While he tries to find the perfect angle, the lens stops on Saitama (and Genos realizes the beauty of his sensei XD) "I'm sure someday you will find your muse, Genos." Genos looks through the camera, takes a picture without Saitama noticing and then stares, realizing he has already done it. I just made this because I liked the idea of Genos looking at his sensei as if he were a masterpiece.
Okay, maybe Genos does polaroid photography on the side as well? Like he takes professional photos to earn money and make a name for himself, and then the polaroid photos are a side thing he does just cuz he loves the aesthetic. Then, at some point, he tells Saitama this in passing or Saitama finds his polaroid camera and he tells him that.
Saitama suggests "Hey, maybe we could take a selfie with it then? I think that'd look nice in polaroid." And Genos is internally over the moon. He agrees to it, of course (but if anyone asked later on why he had a photo of him and some bald guy in his wallet, he'd say it's only because he was fulfilling his sensei's request and he didn't know where to put the picture afterwards cuz he didn't want to throw it out), and they take the photo together.
He puts it in his pocket to develop, and for a while, they go on with photography lessons, walking around abandoned streets and snapping pictures. ("There's photo potential everywhere, Genos," Saitama had said, "Even in the grimy ruins where there's no signs of life. The fact there's nothing and no one to touch this area anymore is beautiful." Genos looked on at him with admiration and awe.)
It's only when they end their little trip and he goes home that he remembers the polaroid, and promptly takes it out. And he does not know how to describe it to anyone else that wasn't himself that the small, soft, gorgeous, and enchanting smile he had the fortune of capturing in that white-framed photo was single-handedly the light in his dark room, the first bloom of spring, the Northern Lights from a mountain view. It's one of two things he would never give away.
Not even to that other thing—person. Not even to him, he wouldn't give the photo.
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lavenders-writing · 2 years
my epic and official review of FMN by @sipsteainanxiety below the cut <33
okay starting off with ch 27:
the eye contact through the mirror,, good shit right there
this is random but i keep thinking about the baby and i feel so :(((( and DDDDD: PLEASE they gotta be a family again i am beggingsgfhgf
"you could still pull up. i'll sure she'll understand" okay i pull up--
"gotta get that quality time in with your girl" amen sero, amen
"cowabummer, dude" HJDFK SERO I LOVE YOU he's really coming in here with some hit lines isnt he
he;s so nervous :(((( just wanna wrap him in a big hug he deserves one
the thought that bakugou, who's extremely calculated, is willing to just risk it all just to be with the person he loves means SO much my heart is aching but like in a good way
the art AWWWWWshfgfddsk he is SO. yeah love him
Dr BitchAss McGee better step back alright im not playing around this time bc katsuki is sad again and that is NOT allowed in this household
if this man doesnt stop clicking at me i swear im gonna click him into the next dimension
this bitch is keeping me in a WAREHOUSE??? didnt your mother teach you how to treat a lady smh
this woman sounding like the Joker by talking about society like get your clown ass away from me im not batman
lady im sorry your partner died but i literally barely remember that incident because SOMEONE took my memory so why tf am i here i mean i understand that youre trauma dumping but find a better outlet, sis <3
oh heres bitchass mcgee in the corner okay lemme at him
"you bounced back though, didn't you?" okay untie me and then say that to my face
YEAHHHH WOOOOO KATSUKI COME IN AND KICK SOME ASS WITH ME love how this violence will hopefully bring us together <3
AAAHHH i didn't think i'd be in the notes!!! tysm ily <333333 !!!!!! i wanna draw this lady now sjfhdg i have a mental image of her already
okay time for ch 28 hgskdghasghsdf
these two bitches with one needle trying to beat us like just accept defeat, sweaty <3
i should go back and take his wallet and socks; wallet bc it's funny and i can give it to the police and socks bc then he'll be very unconfrotable and thatll ALSO be funny
this lady has rabies or something omg
bitch stop playing with me like im a puppet this isn't some wack version of coraline where youre the other mother okay put me down i'll bite you
when i said to put me down i did NOT mean like that
YEAHHH WOOOHOOOO IM A BADASS what a power couple omg
AAAHHHHGHH YES this friendship with eijirou is EVERYTHING
mother and father, please give me my child back immediately :) (threat)
YES uncle ei awwwww my HEART omg
kissed sunsets awwwww PLEASE thats so cute
the fact that he kept everything where is was, like the SNEAKERS, im,,,, my heart hurts he missed yn so muchAND TH EBOOK AND THE MUG AND THE NOTES HNMNGMHNFHMNHMFNNFH IM IN PAIN!!! ABSOLUTE AGONY!!!!!!!!!
amazing job AS ALWAYS this had me absolutely captivated omg <33333
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azucarian · 3 years
Hello there darling. Good day/evening, how are you? I hope you're doing great or just fine<3 May I request a head canon for Toman or Tenjiku [If you can ^^] with a fem! member reader who is practically known for being an 'it girl' [If you don't know, you can look it up in google :)] I hope this is fine with you, if you have too many request. It's fine to ignore this one! I just don't want to pressure you <3
Hello anonie!! I'm doing amazing thank you, I hope you are too~
I researched about what an "it girl" was and I do have a basic idea (although there we two separate definitions, I went with the older definition?? I really hope that's okay!) I also only wrote for Toman because, even though I have an obsession with Izana and the Haitani brothers, I literally know the bare minimum about Tenjiku <3
She's Toman's token "it girl", and not even the Haitani brothers are confident enough to challenge her
Characters - All of Toman
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✰ before we begin, the original definition of an 'it girl' is a woman who achieves success and greatness through non-sexual means - a woman who is genuinely talented (and very beautiful regardless) and doesn't use her sexual assets as a way to gain popularity/favourability
✰ you were the hot-shot of toman; for no other reason than you were smoking hot and kick ass
✰ the dudes who disrespected you quickly learned to pipe tf down the second you floored a guy twice your size who called you a "pretty little thing that needed to get dicked down"
✰ he also got beaten up by draken because?? you're 15?? and he looks about 20??? yeah, he knows you can handle yourself but he wanted to beat him up for self-satisfaction
✰ you were constantly a worrying variable in fights - once again, you were really strong and amazingly intelligent but you could also easily be overpowered (like anyone else in the gang) by a group of people
✰ and, unfortunately, as a young girl, a lot worse things could be done to you compared to your male counterparts
✰ mikey is stupidly protective of you and, as a result, everyone else takes on the designated role of your protector - you always know someone's following you around (tbh, it's usually baji bc he's constantly kicked from toman meetings for fighting with other members)
✰ mitsuya definitely uses you as a model for new outfits and lets you keep them - never seems to learn that you'll end up ripping them up fighting other people, but i don't think he cares because at least you look cute as fuck fighting those dumb mfs
✰ you definitely knew draken the longest - your mom was one of the brothel staff and you both hung out a lot whilst she was working (it was also one of the reasons you worked towards not using your body as a way to gain half-hearted respect - you had seen men disrespect your mom left, right and fucking centre and it annoyed you)
✰ so, yes, draken is your protector and, no, you can't tell him to stop
✰ chifuyu lowkey had a school boy crush on your for about a week - and then he got really scared of you when you kicked a delinquent in the no-go zone without even flinching (he totally didn't cover his own subconsciously, no ma'am)
✰ nahoya and souya definitely become your partners in crime; you're an oddball trio - the smiley boy who was the most evil, the angry boy who was soft-hearted and the pretty faced girl who could kick ass (welcome to 4th division ig)
✰ baji coddles you, even though he's perfectly aware of your capabilities - he spoils you rotten with gifts, food, etc.
✰ when buying food he's just like "i wanna see you with your chubby cheeks again!" because you definitely had chubby cheeks when you met them LMAOO he missed your chubbiness, even though you're still perfect to him <3
✰ okay but takemichi admires the ever loving fuck out of you - he idolises you and you find it adorable (you can tell the difference between admiration and love, so you know he's not crushing on you and betraying hinata)
✰ you probably taught koko how to be a bit better with money (which works out in later life, during his bonten days - idk if that's good or bad tho LMAO)
✰ and, for inui, you probably teach him how to fight in heels bc hot bitches gotta look good when fighting (you both become the self-dubbed 'pretty bitches' and i'm not kidding, everyone's intimidated despite the satire name)
✰ girls nights with yuzuha, emma and hinata - i don't make the rules, it just happens and it's fun as hell (mainly because the trio try everything in their power to mess your hair or make up - but you just end up an attractive mess instead) hakkai joins girl night sometimes bc he likes getting his nails painted by you
✰ ngl it probably gets a bit overbearing being constantly underappreciated based on your gender - but you prove everyone wrong and fight to prove your point
✰ i'm not gonna lie to you either - hanma and kisaki are fucking terrified of you after you collared them after a toman meeting
✰ "do dumb shit like what you did in moebius again, and i'll make sure you piss blood for the rest of your life"
✰ and then, boom, you go back to your polite self - not a single trace of your vulgarity left
✰ overall, you love your gang and they love you - a collaboration of love and appreciation <33
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ballorawan740 · 2 years
SCP Scenarios: When you're a Yandere (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
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Warning: Yandere!Reader
Requested by: Idk_uwu_simp
Let's be real here... I was planning on writing this
(NGL I feel like I might write more Yandere!Reader hc as opposed to the many Yandere!SCPs y'all have requested - Like I enjoyed writing them and all, it's just that I don't generally see many Yandere!Reader headcanons out there and I do find it slightly more difficult to write, no matter how accurate I get their personalities)
SCP 073 (Cain)
Probably would think that you're a little protective (?) of him when he first saw you blow up in front of someone
Doesn't really think much about it tbh
Wouldn't really notice your Yandere traits until you managed to trick him into staying in your room
You somehow managed to fool everyone as well by saying that something just happened to Cain and he left the foundation
Meanwhile, you tied up Cain and blindfolded him while he was asleep since you can't exactly knock him out or drug him without it being reflected back to you
As Cain woke up, he, of course, would be in shock and disbelieve
Poor Cain thought that you were all cute and bubbly and feisty, but turns out, you've just kidnapped him and transported him elsewhere (You also managed to trick some guards into transporting papa Cain away from the foundation)
Would definitely panic and kindly ask you to untie him and him swearing that he won't tell anyone
You kinda just guilt-tripped him into everything and Cain just tried to get away from you
As smart as he is, Cain finds it difficult to not feel guilty about everything, so he just comes back to you
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
First of all, how and why tf are y'all such a Yandere for this guy? Like boi, just how?
Your Yandere trait didn't come out until much later considering that Abel is the one protecting you and being the possessive one
I feel like Able can be quite dense about it, even if you’ve shown signs of a typical yandere
Even Cain and 343 is concerned af for him because they couldn’t get you off his back
Abel becomes more concerned once you’ve managed to lock him in and he can’t even do anything
Like he’s just been tied up and locked in his own box
Poor guy even tried to call for help but nobody was able to help him
Iris tried to persuade you but you knew well enough to not do such a thing
Some guards tried to let him out as well (only because Abel promised to do whatever they say as long as he’s away from you, his lover)
Most likely is terrified of you
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Thinks you’re just being cute and all when you became more protective of this adorable blob (I mean, who wouldn’t?)
Didn’t think much of it since the foundation agreed that if they were dating this adorkable orange blob, they’d be protective of him too
You somehow managed to let your possessiveness get the better of you so you kidnapped out favourite orange blob boi and locked him up in a cage (mainly because you were annoyed by the kindness he's shown to everyone)
The foundation realised much later that 999 went missing (not kidnapped at all or anything), only because they wanted to pet the blob and to feed him some sweets
Poor blob boi was terrified so much to the point he almost died from a heart attack (not because he was the personification of diabetus)
Would try to reason with you, but you being such a yandere scare him to pieces
Definitely would just hide in the corner until you left and would wonder why you turned into someone like his father
SCP 682 (Hard to destroy reptile)
Would think you're quite pure and bubbly which disgusted him for a bit
Definitely would have a soft spot for you because he's such a Tsundere and he wouldn't admit it knowing that everyone (including 079) would tease him about it
Would then give in and ask if you could stay in his cell for a while to which you agreed (Why tf are you a yandere towards him? It's not like anyone would wanna date him and all...)
This definitely fueled your obsession with him as you began to interrogate his whole entire life existent
Caught on much later about your obsession with him which does give him the creeps (Suprisingly)
Would 'kindly' ask the researchers if they gave you something that made you that way and they said no
NGL the researchers was somewhat concerned for 682 and tried to remove you from his cell
You not wanting to made their job much harder and you ended up killing whoever stood in your way and made your way back to the lizard which did give him such a fright
Not you causing a containment breach or anything
682 would ask 079 for some help but you somehow managed to disable that AI
You somehow found a way to trap 682 in a small cell somewhere not even the foundation can track either of you
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
The doctor would catch on pretty quickly since he's quite observant
Wouldn't think much of it at first through
That's until you decided to drug him and tie him up on a small bed
Would be concerned af when he wakes up and realizes that he can't call for help
035 was the first to notice that there was a problem because 049 was meant to meet him at 12 and he never showed up
The foundation called 035 a bluff but they soon found out on the CCTV camera that someone went into 049's cell and kidnapped him
They wouldn't have guessed that it was you since you were all covered up and acted all innocent (even though you were the literal spawn of satan)
Meanwhile, 049 would just panic even though he looked calm on the outside
Probably tried to bribe you to let him go but you just crawled up on him and ignored his pleas
Found a way to escape you and then be recaptured by you again
This time you've decided to manipulate and transport him elsewhere and made sure that there were cameras set up to watch over him
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Just like 049, 035 would notice your unusual behaviour even though you both met not too long ago
Probably tried to trick you into giving in and telling him why you acted in that way
The yandere side of you was menacing which gave 035 quite a scare (and that's saying something)
You somehow became a master at manipulation (taught by 035 when he thought you were just a naive and innocent child)
Managed to trick most of the staff that you had no idea where 100 of the D-class were and that you assumed 035 just breached the foundation and escaped
In fact, 035 did breach the foundation, but he tried to make a run for safety only to be captured by you
For whatever reason, you were immune to his telepathy so you weren't inclined to wear him
Gave him a new D-class every so often - By drugging the D Bois and tying them up, then removing 035 and putting it on their face
035 has never felt so terrified in life and even tried calling out for help
049 wondered where 035 was seeing that it was out of the ordinary for him to just take off just mere minutes after causing the breach
The foundation tried to find the mask but ended up finding a dummy mask instead
They even reported you missing and assumed that it was 035 who kidnapped you (oh the irony)
SCP 105 (Iris)
Wouldn't have noticed unless someone pointed it out since she trusts you so much and assumed that your yandere trait was just you being all cute
Found out she was wrong way after your yandere side appeared
There were times where you tried to persuade her to leave the foundation which was tempting but something about you just rubbed the wrong way on her
Asked to stay with Dr James Dantensen but she wasn't able to stay with him long since the foundation prohibited that from happening so she asked to stay with Cain and Abel temporarily
343 did notice odd behaviour with the both of you so he decided to check up on you both
Iris spilled what happened between you both while you denied all accusations while 343 tried to get into your head which resulted in you blackmailing the so-called reality-bending God
A couple weeks after this incident Iris found herself locked up in a cabin far from the foundation and near a cave
She swore to never tell anyone but you refused to let her off because you're just that obsessed with the young woman
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Would try to mind his own business since your arrival at his cell
Try and act cute in front of the old man, he would find you all innocent and bubbly and would try and protect you at all cost
If anything, the foundation would think he's the yandere but they definitely thought wrong
Your Yandere trait wouldn't appear until much later since 106 is pretty antisocial anyways, staying in his cell all day and occasionally diving into his pocket dimension with a new d boi
It only appeared when this crazy fangirl decided to get close to 106 and 106 just stood there in shock like the old man he is
And you took this the wrong way, you decided to lock the girl and torture her until you were satisfied all the while 106 was forced to watch
You then bribed the rusty old man into taking you both into his pocket dimension and you managed to somehow lock him in with his abilities passed onto you (Let's just say you're an SCP here)
106 was shivering from you being such a terrifying yandere and wondered if it was the scientists that gave you some magical pills to make you that way
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Your yandere side of yourself appeared when some guy decided to mock 096
You would more often than not, tell 096 that you're doing all this for his own good and him being naive (somehow)
Is secretly intimidated by you because of your possessiveness
You would constantly tell him to stay in his cell while you go out to murder someone
Would be stunned if he sees you next to his victims (Since he would normally go out of his way to murder whoever saw his face and you somehow got there before he did)
Thinks you're like a demon God angel person
The foundation would high-key be intimidated by how fast you can do things
Not 096 banging on the dor for help while you just sit there reading a book
SCP 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman)
His police buddies would be concerned af since they didn't see your Bobby for quite a while (By that I mean a few months)
They did ask you where he was to which you lied and said he went travelling (Which was an obvious lie, but they didn't question it)
Turns out you've decided to lock up your man in shackles because you didn't want him to get hurt (and not because some old woman was staring your man down with those hungry eyes)
Definitely gave the poor policeman a few bruises by accident
Your man would try to run away which was a success for a couple hours
The other bobbies saw him and wondered what had happened
Some even tried to ask if his holiday went well to which confused him
Before he can warn everyone about you, you magically appeared and took him back, telling everyone else that some random tourist had tried to beat him up
SCP 079 (Old AI)
Is intimidated by you being a yandere, knowing that you can just pull the plug
You would threaten him if he doesn't do as you say and he does obey since you were extremely good with computers
Would try to contact 682 only to find out that giant mf lizard is passed out somehow
Tries to escape containment while you're asleep which wasn't successful since the MTF caught on when the breach happened
You would temporarily disconnect 079 and move him away from the foundation
Would be stunned when he wakes back up and is terrified since he can't exactly connect to other networks since you're in the middle of nowhere
If you had to leave the perimeter for more than 10 minutes, you would connect a tracker onto 079 as well as a CCTV to monitor him
SCP 343 (God)
(Let's just say you're an anomaly here just to make life easier)
Would be shocked and terrified at the same time which then scares the foundation because if 'God' is terrified, then so would everyone else
343 swore you weren't like this when he first met you, and at the time he knew you were quite special (Cuz I mean we all know you're into having a sugar daddy)
Never even predicted the fact that you'll be a yandere and kidnap him into another dimension to scare him
Not the foundation trying to look for the 'used car salesman' (we're besties for life if you understood that reference)
Would genty use his abilities just to get you back to safety and to talk some sense into you (which is quite ineffective anyways)
Probably tried to bribe you and wore to never tell anyone and that he'll stay with you for life, which was a tough bargain which you accepted
343 realised later that you were going to use your magical abilities to lock him up
SCP 173 (Sculpture)
Well this peanut is stuck in containment which is fun
Even better for you since you're a yandere :D
173 would think you're insane (He's not wrong tho)
Probably tries to teleport himself out from your sight and to cry out for help - most likely asked Clef (which is a bad idea in and of itself)
Doesn't work because nobody believes a sweet, little, innocent angel like you would try and pull a yandere on him
It'll be quite easy to keep 173 contained in a sealed room which is rather dark since there's a small ruby candle lit up in the corner and you just sitting there in awe
Poor 173 would just curl up in the corner and try to get away from you
All you did was get closer to him and giggle which made the statue poop himself and actually cry hooman tears
SCP Scarlet King
(Ah- Another one where y'all are just another anomaly just so I don't get high blood pressure, a stroke and a heart attack with everyone in the comments asking how it's possible for (Y/N) to pull a yandere on 1 of the most powerful SCPs and keep my demon husband contained somewhere not so romantic and isolated af )
Likewise to 343, Scarlet King would be terrified af knowing that you've become such a yandere
Begins to think you're the actual demon ruling the underworld instead of him and the foundation agreed
Would ask his 7 brides to save him since all his kids ran away
Of course, the brides didn't and even if they could, they wouldn't be able to save that demon
It's the first time anyone had felt bad for him
He even swore to leave everyone in peace for another couple of millennia which even shocked 343
That Deer God would just sit in the background and eat some popcorn while he watches everything unfold (which is a mood XD)
The foundation did try to get you off the Scarlet King since him leaving everyone in peace for a couple of millennia was an amazing offer
It's probably the only promise he would keep, knowing that if they were able to contain you away from that demon
Somehow you managed to make your own hell and locked out demon boi in there for quite some time
You lovingly called it 'playtime' even though SK calls it torture
Dr Jack Bright
Shocked when he found out
Everyone just assumed that you were just being your usual self, being all crazy and chaotic with Bright
That was until they saw Bright's horrified expression every time he notice that you're in the same facility as him
Tries to get away from you, but every time he does, you just find your way back to him in an instant
Not even Clef and Kondraki can help much since they're just as terrified of you as Bright is
Dr Glass would try and restrain you but fails
Everyone agrees that you're just insane
Moreso than Dr Bright and that's saying something
Even experienced your 'love' in a small cell and just cried for days once he got out because he was a 'good boy'
Dr Simon Glass
Glass is a delicate member of staff in the foundation
So as you became a yandere, you just casually told him that it's for his benefit, even though he knew something was up
Tries his psychological tricks on you and it just doesn't work at all
Like somehow you managed to go full circle on him and did a flip so he ended up answering his own questions
Whenever Glass would try to flee from you, you would just manipulate and use his sown tricks to keep him locked up
Bright and Clef tried their best to save my 2nd hubby our psychologist
Kondraki even got dragged into the mess and everything just fell apart
Everyone else seems to think that Glass was just feeling unwell
The O5 council wasn't able to do much (only because you're part of the O5)
Dr Alto Clef
If people thought that Clef being an intimidating and selfish wreck of a human being was bad, then they know nothing about you
Everyone seemed to enjoy your company and assumed you were just soft and was safe to be around
Turns out, you do have a dark side, one that you don't show to anyone except for 1
Clef was an unlucky man and although he was quite a person to be around, he did his job perfectly, so not having him around made life so much harder
Even Kondraki and Glass agrees with that, knowing that Clef was quite problematic
Clef would often be gone for days at a time, months even if you felt the need to kidnap the man
Everyone assumed that he wanted to keep p a good lifestyle for himself and took a break, even though the breaks were long and frequent
Everytime Clef returned, he got more and more bruises on his body and he looked even more exhausted to which Bright and Kondraki teased him about them
Didn't take long for them to figure that you were the one who kidnapped Clef and did unimaginable things to him (take it as you will)
Even tried to get Glass and the council for some help but couldn't since they have barely any evidence to support that claim
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Aside from Dr Glass, Bright and Clef, everyone seemed to think that you were just as, if not more anti-social than he is
Although that may be the case, it was far beyond why you're constantly quiet and bossy all the while sticking to Kondraki like glue
Swore that you have the looks of an angel but deep down, you're a demon
Every time someone tried to get close to Kondraki, you would give them a stare and take Kondraki back into your shared room
Poor guy just wanted some fresh air and some coffee and here you are not giving him enough personal space
Glass tried to persuade you to give him some time to himself but you were stubborn and refused, so you just went wherever he did and just stood by him in silence
Or at the very least, you gave him a bit of space while stalking him and hiding in the corner (like the shy and introverted person you are)
Clef even caught you once trying to stalk Kondraki but assumed you were just playing hide and seek until Kondraki told him he wasn't playing and that he had no idea
Unlike most on the list, you were quite lenient with Kondraki albeit quite clingy and wouldn't take no for answer
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When season 4 episodes were being released, i felt like every single gaming youtuber was shitting on Louis’ character. I remember really wanting to watch other peoples play through but i couldn’t find someone who didn’t constantly make fun of Louis… It really soured things for me
oop yeah when the episodes were coming out and people were posting LP's, it was hard to find decent play throughs that didn't shit on him, especially after ep2 came out. My theory is most youtubers weren't apart of the fandom, they took everything at face value, they finish the episode and then don't touch or think of the series until the next episode comes out. So they just see Louis is upset and don't stop to try to understand why, they just see he's mad at Clementine and god forbid anyone have anything but happy fuzzy feelings for Clem at all times lest the world swallows itself whole.
Nothing annoys me more than the whole "Clementine has never done anything wrong and if you so much as look at her wrong, I will ensure your demise because Clemmy is my baby and she's the only one that matters" thing that youtubers have. Such a disservice to how great of a grey character she is. Like don't even get me started on ANF play throughs and the behavior toward her ugh
I didn't watch play throughs for TFS because I could play the game myself and any I did try to watch usually rubbed me the wrong way. But y'know not everyone can play the game for whatever personal reasons, so it does suck when there aren't any play throughs that takes the routes you wanna see. I've been there, I feel that. And there are some good runs where people did Louis' full route and loved him, they're just smaller channels. There used to be a list someone had of everyone who romanced/saved Louis, but for the life of me I can't remember who made it... hmmm....
I know another thing that used to annoy people about play throughs, and this is a problem that ep2 has, but plays who did like Louis more still didn't pick to hang out with him because of how that choice is presented, then they ended up saving him but missed out on his romance/best friend route which does put a damper on the story.
I could go off about how the choice was presented and how the writers justified it but that's a whole other discussion.
But yeah, I feel ya, anon. I've been there, I've watched play throughs that soured other games/characters for me in the past and it's not fun.
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
So let's talk about Link Click.
I was contemplating whether to make it in individual posts or just... Write EVERYTHING in a long one.
But I picked the latter, so buckle up and bear with me.
Or y'know, just Scroll past this if you don't wanna go through a prolonged ramble about some series ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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(spoilers for... Pretty much the whole thing down there ⬇️)
How much can we traumatize Cheng Xiaoshi: the series
So let's start with the characters
And by that I just mean the trio, I'm not gonna talk about everyone because... well yeah.
1. Qiao Ling
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She's really pretty + doesn't have a bad personality. That's about enough for me to like her.
As you may know, She was the one in charge of bringing in business. Almost all of the cases were brought in by her.
I love how everyone assumed the person who ran the shop was an old lady, and how that pisses Qiao ling off. 👌
2. Lu Guang
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A white haired anime boy. We all know what happens to these...
That aside, I'm a sucker for bleached/ white hair... So.. 😳😳😳
He's the calm type, which I find adorable. Even his voice was pretty soft, I think it fit him well.
I especially adore how he was like, basically Cheng Xiaoshi's common sense? He was always there like "dude, no. Think man. I beg you" though... Ahm the other barely listened to him so...Oof?
He seemed to be so done with Cheng Xiaoshi's shit, but like in an affectionate way.
3. Cheng Xiaoshi
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The writers either absolutely loved or just straight up hated this guy. No like seriously, out of all three of them he was the one who had to live through every single painful story... The poor guy can't catch a break.
If you haven't already guessed, he's my favourite. I mean come on! An emotional, reckless, somewhat irrational dumbas with a tiny ponytail?? How can he NOT be my favourite?
His bromance with Lu Guang is so sweet AND his relationship with Qiao ling just brings me joy.
PLUS I LOVE ME A NOT COMPLETELY SERIOUS CHARACTER. Seriously imagine the exact same series but EVERYONE is fully Serious. I still need my dose of dumb characters y'know.
Though his recklessness did get out of hand at some point... But THEN IT PAYED OFF....but then it didn't.. i- ANYWAY
I think he had the most growth in the series. And you know me, character growth? SIGN ME TF UP.
I'll be talking about the lesson/s he learned in a little more detail...later in the post.
Now let's talk Concept
The idea of two characters, one being able to see some of the events occurring around the time a picture is taken, and the other being able to ENTER thsoe pictures of a certain span of time, helping solve different people's issues/ major cases is just GENIUS!
I can't stress how much I enjoyed going through snippets of different stories while also remaining in the same plotline.
*cough* Cheng Xiaoshi definitely did not though *cough*
It was beautiful seeing different people's lives and struggles through the eyes of a character that, just like me, is just experiencing those scenarios for the very first time.
Unlike Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi didn't know what was going to happen, He was genuinely sad, angry, happy...etc whenever a certain event would occur, and he'd drag the viewers along with him ( AT LEAST ME.)
It's just really good ok , I didn't expect to love it as much as I did! 😭
That aside,
Let's talk about...
The events.
I'll talk about each case/story on its own because... Well yeah. The finale... Gets its own bit.
(I'm not going to be talking about all of them in order because of the Emma thing)
1. Lesbian Noodles
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I don't care what anyone says, that's basically what this one was.
It was the sweetest out of all them, and arguably the least troublesome.
Just two gal pals, a secret noodle ingredient, and a lot of cuteness.
And may I just say they're both Extremely gorgeous?
It was simply a short bittersweet story, with lessons like "People change" and stuff.
2. The kidnapping (Ft. Rip-off power rangers)
So uh. I kinda loved this one because
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She got what was comin' for her.
Basically long story short, A child had gone missing , his parents both coped very differently.
Now due to my lack of knowledge about mental illness, I won't talk about the mother much. All I'll say is that it was pretty painful.
As for the father, I loved how determined he was to find his son, and how patient he was with his wife. He was just all around great.
Now as one of his attempts to find his lost son, Father man fella decides to go to ask our beloved thruple trio for their vague magical help. And they agree because duh.
Cheng xiaoshi goes through his usual daily dose of trauma, this time by getting drugged and kidnapped by a human trafficker who for some reason believed in ghosts.
Thankfully, it all works out and he beats the hell out of her + gives her some trauma of her own so we good.
I just like how this whole one worked out, and somehow had a good ending.
Also we get this:
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*chef's kiss*
3- College romance
Eh it was fine. But compared to the rest of the cases I didn't really feel much coming out of it. Like aside from the fact that at the end... We think the girl whose name I can't remember is dead or something ( which...well yeah) and the whole.... Strange person calls them ( which later leads to my favourite part of the whole series). That was pretty cool.
But yeah the whole thing was just... Two people who liked each other, one probably confessed his love to the other at a very stupid time. Dude, she's drunk. Like tell her tomorrow or something. OR EARLIER. But anyways... Some parts were funny.
DON'T GET ME WRONG THOUGH IT WAS GOOD I just prefer the others over it.
4- *incoherent sobbing noises*
Ah where do I start with that one?
Okay so trauma. Lil ponytail man got a lot of it in this one.
He had to first get attached to a basketball team, a cute girl and a mother figure
Then just have them all
Wonderful, Lots of fun!
I actually teared up at the end of that one, and judged myself pretty hard for it but we good.
It was just really heartbreaking seeing the very end of it I guess. Plus it was the most down-to-earth out of all of them in my opinion? ( Literally... because earthquake...um...yeah i'll heard out)
I also felt it was really different from the rest, because this time, Cheng Xiaoshi was SUPPOSED to change some stuff. Mostly because the result in the end would still remain the same: everyone fucking dies.
I completely understand why Lu Guang refrained from telling Cheng Xiaoshi everything, but I couldn't help but feel bad for Cheng Xiaoshi anyways. It was really heartbreaking seeing him think he was fixing stuff by delivering the messages, only to discover eveyrone was going to die anyway... Then when he thought he could at least save the mother, turns out Lu Guang never intended to have them save her anyway, and she STILL DIES.
The whole scene with him being hugged by the mother as she dies was just... God just stab me, it'll hurt less.
When all is said and all is done though, it was honestly my favourite case.(not to be mistake. for favourite episode... That's a different story).
Mostly because of the basketball match that took place. I mean come on.... A BASKETBALL MATCH. AN EPIC BASKETBALL MATCH. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
Also this guy was very entertaining:
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5-Emma's fucked up life
okay uh can... Can someone like... Give Emma a hug please? GIVE THE POOR LADY A REASON TO LIVE.
This poor woman was driven to KILL HERSELF because of all that she's been through.
Like... Like let's recap her life shall we?
She grew up with a pretty average but happy family, and eventually left to work in the city like she always wanted to.
Pretty good so far right? Yeah.
Then she gets promoted. Oh that's goo-
Her boss harrasses her, and offers her money from fuilthy sources to keep her mouth shut about a certain issue.
She's stuck at work almost 24/7 and eats takeout, but not just any takeout ONES WITH LITERAL WORMS?????? and if that wasn't enough, she has to deal with her boss trying to smooch her every now and then.
Sounds horrible right?
There's more.
When Cheng Xiaoshi does his thing and sends a message that she misses her parents on her behalf, she decides to finally go see them... And we think she's gonna have a happy ending.
Until some blonde 2000s low-budget hacker movie cosplay shows up and asks if she wants him to drive her to the Station.
That's when we know She's fucked.
And we find out that SHE DIED.
But that wasn't all there was to it, she wasn't killed, nonononono, it gets even more depressing.
So she gets in the car, ok? Then turns out it's not just any blondie, IT WAS THAT ONE RICH BLONDIE WE THINK IS A SERIAL KILLER. He chokes her under the claim that she'd stolen his money (which I never fully understood whether she actually did?)
OH BUT WAIT she doesn't die yet.
Thankfully, Cheng Xiaoshi with his wonderful timing yells out/ screams on terror because it's
*Que Funky music* just another day in traumatown 😄
So blondie leaves an unconscious Emma in the car, and goes out to see who just yelled. He finds no one, cuz... Cheng Xiaoshi clicked out of the photo,and goes back to the car, driving her to the hospital. BUT SHE WAKES UP. HE THINKS SHE'S A ZOMBIE NOW???. LMAO WTF? Then a car accident happens.
He gets crippled, and she's STILL ALIVE, but is literally so done with everything, she walks to the nearby bridge, ready to DIE.
Now, it's time for my favourite part of the whole series
The Finale
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That aside , the finale just made me really satisfied, we finally got to see Cheng Xiaoshi's growth displayed, and everything he learned Throughout the series payed off in one smartass Masterplan to lure in crazy blondie and have him arrested.
The part where Cheng Xiaoshi catches up with Emma and delivers his wonderful speech about all that he'd learned from the lives he had to live was just wonderful.
We see Cheng Xiaoshi finally come to terms with what he'd been struggling so long to understand. The past is the past, and it can't be changed. The present is what we have, and what we should focus on, and the future is what we can always fiddle with through the present.
Allthroughout the series, tweaking the past never did anyone any good. It only made things worse, brought about endless regrets, and maybe involved people that wouldn't have even been inconvenienced if the past wasn't changed.
Cheng Xiaoshi finally realises this.
The past, has passed. Let it be.
If People were to spend their present days wallowing about the past without looking forward, they would end up deeply regretting that.
The past is something one should learn from, but never aim to change. We aim to change our future. And that's through our present.
And when Cheng Xiaoshi came to that realisation, it helped him divise a plan to capture the blondie, and made him - just- more efficient and mature.
And I honestly thought that was gonna be like a... Sentimental good ending or something, where Emma lives and stuff y'know?
But the series really went: Fuck you, and your happy ending, HAVE A FINAL PLOT TWIST SUCKERS.
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I can't even begin to say why I find this amusing. The series literally pulled a sike on us, and I'm all for it.
I was just there staring at the screen like
I don't even know if I'm in awe or if I'm sad about Lu Huang. LIKE SO MANY CONTRASTING EMOTIONS ALL AT ONCE.
But to be fair it's refreshing to see.Happy endings aren't always exciting or satisfying.... And despite all the pain this one brought, I personally think it was... SOMETHING.
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fureliselost · 3 years
vld rewatch s2e1
- no k+lance screenshots in this one, friends
- why does lance scream "keith, shiro!" when they're being thrown across space? I mean, I get shiro, but they could easily have had lance scream hunk or pidge's name. Like, ok, they were the first to be flunked out of the portal thing, but uhhhhhh-nnecessary
- pidge my beloved
- these two eps were kinda boring tbh
- skipping the coran and allura loop because, as funny as it is, it's only funny the first time
- shiro is always dying
- emo coran was noice
- "my name is keith, i'm so emo"
- pidge is the real mvp in vld
- reminder that allura can hold adult coran w no problem
- now that I've actually watched the entire series and know that shiro has a terminal illness, it makes a lot more sense that he'd been preparing to pass keith the reigns from the start. I mean, in this situation, it was likely that they'd get help, but who knows when is the next time he'll get into trouble and if shiro's illness will act up or smth
- thace, my beloved
ep 2
- "i'm just shocked we hit a planet, pidge said 90 % of space is empty" "well, apparently, pidge was wrong"
- look at lance being dismissed again
- so they're just repeating hunk and lance's dynamic from s1e1 where "lance wants to go out seek something, hunk doesn't wanna go, hunk goes anyway, they find something"
- lance is an alien fucker through and through
- like seriously, as long as it's slightly anthropomorphic, Lance is turning thatway
- lance has lighter sleep than hunk
- lance coulda probably escaped if he actually made an effort
- lance is just rolling with it
- man they have a turtle!
- friendly reminder that lance missed 13 days in the 3rd grade for a stomachache he didn't have and he's cuban soooooooooooo, if you're latino u know what I'm talking about
- hunk versus lance is awesome
- dam, lance knows his soccer
- the baku is scary shit
- lance coming up with a sollution because he's smartttttt
- this gay fucking shit
- yes, people gotta trust lance, he's smart
- yesssss, the BOM flashbacks
- shut up, keef, you're about to fuck up the mission
- is it ulazzzzzz
- lance got 'im
- dam, allura be cursig
- i won't even complain about quiznak being used for a replacement swear-word because it literally saved my skin once
- ok, but lance is right that looking scared around the prisoner is not a good strategy
- k+lance screenshot, fianlly
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- it's a pretty gay fold in space
- this ro-beast shit was so much bs
- ok, ulaz was accusing them of telling 2 mins ago, why is he sacrificing himslef tf
- shiro is so sad
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