#and being a med-nin
itischeese · 1 year
anyways i fully believe that canonically madara and/or zetsu made her do it with a slave seal because the alternative leaves me too salty to mention.
YESSSSS. I'm of the opinion that while the seal didn't fully control her, it wrecked her ability to think rationally and also probably made her mind fixate on the idea that she had to die or everyone else would.
Either way, the seal having an Effect on her that pushed her to do it makes so much more sense than her (canonically incredibly intelligent and compassionate) not considering the danger she would leave Kakashi in, or the fact that their teacher is a teleporting seal master...
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ninyard · 4 months
Nin, light of my life. I wanna know how you hc Andrew and Aaron's relationship after college. I love doomed by the narrative sibling relationships but I honestly can't see either of them losing contact with one another considering how much they fought to stay in orbit.
I’ve very briefly talked about Aaron/Andrews relationship post TKM but honestly okay this is just one of many opinions on everything but I don’t really think they keep in contact THAT much until there’s a reason to but hear me out
I think maybe two years post TKM, in a session with Betsy, Aaron says something about Drake/Andrew and it’s as if there’s a switch that has been flicked on their relationship. They don’t really talk that much, still, but they have a really fucking raw and honest conversation that day. Andrew is receptive, and they’re talking, and it’s just so deep and intimate it’s not like any conversation they’ve had before.
There’s a lot of things tarnished but changed in their relationship by both the death of Tilda and the death of Drake. Aaron can’t help but see Andrew differently once he finds out about Drake, and maybe that’s something they talk about more, because it really humanises Andrew for him. Like a LOT. It’s like, “Okay, now there’s a reason why he is the way that he is. He’s not just an asshole for fun.” Andrew can’t help but see Aaron differently when maybe at some point he compares Tilda to Cass, putting up with abuse (by Drake/by Tilda) just to feel loved, to feel like you have a place. I don’t know. A lot of things change about how they see each other, but they still don’t feel like they could be…friends? Theyll be able to have a joke once in a blue moon, or they’ll talk to each other if there’s nobody else to talk to, but they’re not exactly texting each other for advice. Aaron still doesn’t trust him around Katelyn, and Andrew is fine with that.
They take pictures with each other at their graduations, though, and Andrew goes to his med school graduation and has drinks with him the day he becomes Dr Aaron Minyard, and every now and again they’ll text each other something that reminds them of each other. Like Andrew will text Aaron: “You” And it’s just like a meme about being a doctor or something
etc etc etc
but I believe this if Katelyn were to get pregnant, or they were getting married, or either of them finally had to chance to be a real loving caring family, they’d come together and be in much better contact with each other. Like their texts would look like this but it’s SOMETHING you know??? It’s a relationship they never had before?? Idk
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I think in their real adult lives, with families and careers and people to look after that isn’t themselves, it’d bring them together a whole lot more than anything else. They both realise this is an opportunity to be different than their families, to raise their lineage in a more loving environment than what they grew up in, you know? Andrew sees an opportunity to break the cycle, and maybe he mentions this to Bee or Neil and they’re like yeah you’re right. You’re an Uncle now. You’re a brother-in-law.
I think at the end of it all, continuing on their families becomes the thing to bring them the closest together. I think then, maybe they’ll have a drink and laugh and sing together at some Christmas holiday sometime in the way way way distant future. Maybe they’ll go fishing together while Katelyn is minding the baby. I can see them being brothers then.
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ircn-mvn · 7 months
Alpha/Alpha 3
Note: I'm back! Also I'm not sure where I'm going with this tbh...
TW: Omegaverse, obvi. Questioning (Secondary Gender)? Potential Dysphoria?
The whine did escape him in the end. Kakashi felt mortified for all but two seconds before he felt Iruka’s body against his. Strong arms brought him toward a firm chest and it was the best feeling in the entire world. He couldn’t remember the last time he had experienced this level of safety. Was it before his father’s death or while on Minato-Sensei’s team? 
It sure hadn’t been the case since he had become the one in charge. 
Kakashi had never dreamed of becoming a Captain or Jonin-Sensei. He wanted to be good. To be better than his father, and that was all. Being responsible for his own life was more than enough pressure.
Being an alpha had been convenient — expected of him on some level — but if acting as an omega brought him such comfort, he would keep doing it. Gladly.
Kakashi realized he was way past caring what his peers thought of him. 
Omega Kakashi couldn’t be worse than Friend-Killer Kakashi.
And, also it wasn’t a fully conscious decision on his part, Kakashi wasn’t the type to do things by half. He always had greater control over his scent. He could erase it without patches and only used them because it was still safer and a way to keep quiet. It didn’t take much effort to turn his fresh pine scent into a sweeter one more akin to pine resin. 
Syrupy was a word used to describe omegas’ scents, right?
Iruka smelled of black tea, paper, and… driftwood. It was a homey scent and nothing like their peers who usually smelled smokey and/or bitter. Kakashi wanted to cover himself with Iruka’s scent, or better yet, have the other alpha actively cover him with it. 
Kakashi pressed his uncovered nose to Iruka’s left scent gland while avoiding rubbing his own scent on the other’s skin. He didn’t want to ruin it.
They stood like that for a short while and months — years — of tension progressively left Kakashi’s body. He trusted Iruka to carry more and more of his weight. 
His alpha wouldn’t let him down after all.
Iruka didn’t know what to think. He had somehow managed to coerce Kakashi into following him to the hospital. Well, more like he had dragged him by the hand. 
His face was still flushed from the public display when Shizune ushered them into a room, Kakashi, Kurenai, and him. The others had been rebuked by the med-nin’s glare and were waiting — more like pacing — in the corridor.
Shizune had Kakashi and Iruka sitting side by side on a bed. The other alpha’s scent kept peaking up and down, and he had once again gotten rid of his face cover. Iruka watched, concerned, as Kakashi took openly deep breaths as if he couldn’t quite get enough air in his lungs. 
Kurenai stood silent in a corner, only there because of Iruka’s pleading gaze.
Tsunade arrived soon after and she frowned as she noticed Iruka.
Great. He knew this was going to come back to bite him in the ass one way or another.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you an alpha, Sensei?” Tsunade asked.
“I am.”
Iruka swallowed past the lump in his throat. He knew something was wrong with Kakashi but was mostly worried he had somehow made it worse. 
Genma had mentioned Kakashi wasn’t smelling right. His normal scent was fresh, not sweet, and yet the alpha’s scent had gone from pine resin to butterscotch — sycamore syrup, Kurenai had called it — seemingly trying to entice Iruka into resuming their previous embrace. 
Anyone who didn’t know any better would have pinned Kakashi as an omega if crossing their paths as they were on their way to the hospital. 
Tsunade didn’t add anything at first. She put on a pair of gloves before turning her attention to Kakashi. He didn’t budge nor showed any sign of aggressivity as she moved closer. She touched his shoulder first, then moved up to his neck. He tensed and Iruka squeezed the hand that had remained in his all this time. 
It didn’t feel right. Kakashi would probably hate that Iruka had seen such an intimate episode of his life when he got better but, if he got comfort from his presence, then Iruka wasn’t going to chicken out.
“His scent glands are swollen,” Tsunade said. “He is pumping way too many hormones into them to modulate his scent.”
She sighed.
“Do you hear me, brat?” She was looking Kakashi straight in the eyes now. “If you have a problem with being an alpha, you come to me. You don’t fuck up your hormonal balance even more than it already is.”
Kakashi didn’t answer but Iruka could tell he was listening and thinking. Calculating even. 
A small eternity passed before the alpha tilted his head at a forty-five angle — a familiar dog-like gesture. 
“Can you really do it?” he asked. His voice was rough from misuse. “Change my designation?”
Iruka bit his lips to silence any noise that threatened to escape his mouth. 
He shouldn’t be hearing this. They barely knew each other. Granted every time they interacted tended to be life-changing for one of them if not both but still. 
Iruka’s only consolation was that the other three seemed as surprised as he was… except they recovered faster and soon looked thoughtful.
“If it’s about your aggressivity problem, we don’t have to go that far,” Tsunade said at last. “I could give you something to lower your testosterone… or we could target your problem at its root and try scent therapy.”
Kakashi wrinkled his nose at the mention of scent therapy.
“I’m not spending my days plastered to some omega,” he said.
Which, rude. But Iruka guessed it wasn’t a statement against omegas per se. 
“Who said anything about pairing you up with an omega, brat?” Tsunade replied. “I was rather hoping Iruka-Sensei would agree to let you keep cuddling him.”
Wait, what?
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audaciousanonj · 4 months
Kakashi VS Cooties: part one
"Rin, I've figured out what's wrong with Obito." Kakashi said, solemn. "He's clumsy, overly emotional about strange things, he wants people's attention, and he makes kissy faces."
Rin raised an eyebrow at that last one. "That's… an interesting list." she said, "What did you conclude?"
"Obito," Kakashi said, making a serious face that looked adorable on a nine year old, "has cooties."
Rin used all her training as a med-nin to hide a smirk. "I suppose those are some of the signs of what people call 'cooties'," she said, "but you're forgetting the most important trait"
"What?" Kakashi said, frowning adorably.
"Cooties, no matter the strain," Rin said, voice deceptively serious, "are known above all else for being highly contagious."
Kakashi stared blankly at her, before his face fell in slowly dawning horror.
Rin knew she shouldn't, but honestly this was hilarious and Kakashi needed to be wrong every once in a while about nonharmful things. This would, as Sensei would say, build character. "Yes, even just a touch from someone infected can infect you as well... say, didn't you and Obito make the seal of reconciliation after sparring earlier today?"
"OBITO GAVE ME COOTIES?!?" Kakashi yelped. Behind him, Sensei made a choked-off noise.
"If you're right and Obito has cooties, it is indeed too late for you." Rin said, carefully not confirming anything. She could mislead all she liked, but she drew the line at misdiagnosing.
[part two]
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i-left-my-room-tidy · 11 months
i wanna shift but i feel like i made myself too OP and similar to some characters now lost all interest (i’m a med-nin, genjutsu user who can control bijuu, proficient in water and lightning style, fast as shisui, regenerative abilities, some sealing etc)
[thanks for this ask!]
just wanted to start this off by apologising for the late reply! uni has been really clogging up sm stuff for me lately lmao (oof same goes to the other blog, for anyone looking at that one).
i completely relate to what you mean, though! i myself have scripted to be OP as well lmao. and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that—so long as you know what you're doing, and you can deal with the consequences that come with it. as I've already put in past posts, my own abilities in my Naruto DR are supposed to be way beyond anyone else's, though of course i still get into trouble every once in a while. that's my only condition for myself: to be able to struggle so i can actually learn through the process(es).
the list of abilities you gave is really interesting imo. it's good to be well-rounded, especially in a world such as Naruto's. if anything, i really would recommend it, even if you have some reservations about it. that's not to say you have to, necessarily, but it's what I'd go for—especially after what i experienced in my own DR.
yours could be different, mind, but the thought remains up in the air. i scripted that my DR stick as close to the canon worldbuilding as possible—meaning, for instance, that all the violence would still be there. trauma is there. I've made my peace with it both, and I'm coping well enough as i do so.
what makes it all easier for me to deal with is my 'OP-ness' in this DR lmao. power really does make a difference. bit of a machiavellian take there, but that's the truth of it—at least, in that reality. and with it; not only did my own motivations to keep shifting keep steady, but the experiences I've had with other people there also served to give me some life lessons along the way.
being everything that you want to be in your Naruto DR isn't inherently bad. there's absolutely nothing wrong with achieving all those things—considering a lot of us want to be just like the characters we've seen and loved in our CRs, and continue to be like that for the sake of shifting itself. i suppose what really makes the difference is how you use those abilities, and how you get around to justifying doing what you do.
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naurasweetarudesu · 5 months
Skarloey buffed external resistance but not internal too
Skarloey, having his head bleeding out: "Oh, this? It's just a scratch. Don't worry about it." 😄
Also Skarloey, when bedridden because of flu: "Rhen, I don't think I'll make it to 160 years-" 🤧💀
Rheneas, annoyed while pouring some Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa into a spoon for Skarloey: "Stop being so dramatic and take your meds!" 😠
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
"So~. I have just heard an incredible rumor, Tsunade-hime."
Tsunade looks up from her desk at the source of her interruption. Orochimaru is, once again, sitting in her office. Despite the fact that he is not actually allowed to be in her office, or even Konoha period.
He had been sitting in her office for the past 26 minutes, gloriously smug, clearly waiting for her to react. But Tsunade was one of the very few people alive who had known Orochimaru when he was a bratty twelve-year-old, and knew, better than anyone else, that the only way to win against Orochimaru was to ignore him.
She'd also neglected to throw him out because it served as an effective deterrent against people trying to bother her with paperwork on her lunchbreak.
"Yes~! You see, I happened to stop by Hatake's office on the way here, and Naruto, it seems, has somehow reacquired a new arm~."
She knew exactly where this was going and she would not give him the satisfaction of facepalming. It was beneath her.
"And, well, as someone who, in the past, had been rather unceremoniously denied your own services in that regard, I couldn't help but wonder how, exactly, he'd come by such a miraculous replacement. Not a hint of chakra strings controlling it! Absolutely marvelous work, really."
She would not give him the satisfaction.
"So, I took a look in your records - oh, the security seals might need replacing, by the way - and what do I find but Miss Sakura Haruno's studies on adapting hashirama-cells to create prosthetic limbs!"
She changed her mind, this was worse than chuunin attempting to foist Hatake's paperwork onto her when they couldn't find him, despite her being retired.
"Really, how the times have changed~. When she does it, it's a medical miracle, but when I do it, it's 'a violation of human rights' and 'a crime against nature' and 'morally reprehensible'."
Incomparably worse.
"Tsk tsk, Tsunade, letting something so heinous happen under your watch. In Konoha General Hospital, no less! Not even a hint of a back-alley lab or anything! Using your own grandfather's useful corpse like that, what would sensei say~?"
"You...!" She growled, ripped a chunk off the corner of her desk, and threw it at him, causing it to pass harmlessly through where his head had been and knock a whole in the wall behind him.
"Would it kill you to go bother Sensei with this shit for once?!"
"And now you're just giving me permission to use forbidden jutsu? Tsunade, dear, you'll get a reputation for nepotism at this point! But I'll keep it in mind~."
She decided that she needed a new desk anyways, and threw a second, larger chunk at him, which proceeded to knock the door off it's hinges.
"Oh, dear, look at the time! I really must be going. We really need to do this more often, Tsunade-hime~."
As he slithered off into the hallway, past the terrified group of med-nin and one chuunin with a binder who had been waiting for her, he called over his shoulder - "Sorry about the desk, by the way. It looked expensive! Did Tenzou make that for you~?"
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bokuwa-tobi · 11 days
THINKING ABIUT MEDNIN ISMS….. ahhhh. I’m gonna go into ino though actually. Ino actually has good basis for being a med nin with her mind transfer. off the bat she’s more of a passive combatant than an active one, so being a mednin is a good addition on top of what she already had. also considering her family basis in tni…. Like. being a med nin can work and be interesting if it was just utilized Properly and not just handed off to almost every woman because. Woman. and in particular I think ino would actually be great for it. being a med nin would have to come with so much knowledge over the human body, there’s no way you’d only pick up on how to heal it and not how to exploit it. even if med nin weren’t explicitly “taught” how to weaponize their knowledge im sure some of them would go “what if I used this knowledge for……. something else..” ESPECIALLY— as mentioned in the kk backstory episodes w/ kanabi bridge, med nin are so rare they will often be captured and kept alive by enemy shinobi to heal their own ranks. it would Not be crazy for a med nin stuck in enemy territory forced to heal the enemies ranks to try and remarkably Fuck Up their patients in ways they can get away with. thus I propose the true like,,, “Measure” of a great med nin is actually their ability to do as much harm as they can undetected. because that is cool.
anyway in my own personal naruto ino is just this unbelievably beautiful woman who’s doing up flower bouquets and you see her on the street and go wow…most traditionally ideal woman…… she must be sweet as pumpkin pie <3 and then at her real job she’s splitting skulls every other day for fun.
Oh my god! you see pretty flower shop girl in the battlefield… and she’s a medic…………..traditional ideal woman… a few hours later ino is back at her Real Job where she’s the most..um.. “persuasive” tni agent.
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doomwhore · 10 months
Naruto characters who are dorky as hell when initiating sex
KAKASHI: kakashi may read porno in public and always have a stoic face but, in the end, he's a dork. He's awkward, not used to intimacy and nervous. His face will go all red and he'll say
"U-um, babe, you wanna...yknow?"
NARUTO: naruto is bold and brash, and quickly gets past his shyness but is still super awkward. He's loud and energetic in everything he does. A dork, but in an adorable way.
"Hey! Hey! We should go in the bedroom!"
SAKURA: super, super, super shy and awkward in the beginning of the relationship. She just, is so nervous! What If you think she's a pervert!? As a med-nin, she knows it's natural but she can't help but be insecure when asking. She'll go red as a tomato each time and it takes atleast a year to get her to stop being so shy.
"I- um..I think we should..i- yknow what, never mind! Cha!"
HINATA: it's hinata.
TSUNADE: she hasn't fucked since Dan died, which is almost 50 years. She feels like a virgin again. She sure as hell isn't shy but gets frustrated at her own nerves and ends up coming off a little angry.
"Hey, you, come here." Tsunade will say with a pout and a slight blush.
IRUKA: sweet, sweet, sweet man. Is so sacred of coming of as pushy or gross. It's almost too sweet. He'll put his hand on the back of his head and put on a fake smile and say..
"Um, heh, if you, er, wouldn't mind..."
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aikoisms · 5 months
[ this is a canon-divergent oc !! ]
Aiko Inuzuka
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age ; 27
dob ; nov. 27th
place of birth ; Amegakure
residence ; Konaha
occupation ; kunoichi of Konaha , demon hunter
height ; 5’1”
hair color / type ; blonde, long and wavy
eye color ; grey, right one is slightly brighter than the other
fighting style ; taijutsu
hobbies ; playing ukulele and reading romance novels
love interest(s) ; itachi uchiha & genma shiranui [ with a touch of Kakashi. Just look at the man. ]
pinterest board | peep all my aus OTL
[[ wip ]]
[ if you have a question about Aiko’s lore lemme know or ask her :3 ]
Some things about Aiko; she was born in Amegakure to unknown parents, [ I know who her parents are. ] given to a small church in Amegakure. The nuns raised her, teaching her basic ninjutsu and med-nin until she was able to learn alongside the other promising ninja—with a unique focus on spy work and manipulation.
Aiko’s childhood was spent being an orphan in Amegakure, witnessing firsthand the destruction of war. She watched the other orphans and acted as their big sister. She was always first to throw hands if someone was outta line, baring her teeth to anyone who laid a finger on any other orphan.
The Inuzuka clan adopted her, specifically Tsume Inuzuka. She is the younger sister of Hana Inuzuka and older sister of Kiba Inuzuka. She attended school and eventually became a ninja of the leaf. She became friends with various ninja of her age.
Aiko is a short woman with very long blonde hair. She has grey eyes, fair skin and painted on red marks beneath her eyes in the Inuzuka style. She has pointed and painted nails.
She wears a modified kimono with slits on either side. She has thigh-high black socks attached to heeled ninja tabi.
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mira--mira · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what are your opinions on Minato Namikaze.
I guess for both in and out of Oot-verse
For Oot-verse you've mentioned about how a lot of the "shinobi families" are really just ex-Senju and while some authors make the Namikaze a small clan, I'm fairly sure that's not canon. Do would you consider him of the Senju bloodline in the Oot-verse. Since that would play better into the fact that actual civilian born are discriminated against since he was never used as an example of how far civilian born shinobi can go.
But like for a demented AU. instead of Sarutobi summoning the Terrors, let's make it Minato's problem's. Since we already know a lot of his repertoire was inspired/based off of the work of Tobirama, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to just fiddle around with old seals and oh no Kushina I think I'm a dad, I just made two kids pop out of nowhere, I didn't cheat on you I swear, please stop laughing and help me.
Tbh I have a mixed bag of feelings for Minato bc I don't really dislike him as a character but a lot of circumstance/plot devices around him. I hate the "Child of Prophecy" plot point, I dislike that he's the Fourth Hokage in a similar vein, I despise Jiraiya, etc. Minato is a character that, similar to Hiruzen, suffers from other areas of the plot and lore being created first and then he's slotted in to fill gaps but this does absolutely no favors to his character, especially as he's supposed to be a paragon of Konoha. And then there's Minato trying to impress Kushina by taking her dream of being Hokage and doing it for her. That is not romantic, but the hand of the author is so obvious I feel like I can't really blame Minato fully for that.
Ultimately he's a character I don't really love but not because his actions specifically. I do like more light-hearted fics and art where he's a house husband and living his best life.
You are correct though for OoT! I do consider him part of the Senju bloodline and he would been Senju Minato if Hashirama hadn't cast off their name. He's firmly a 'clanless' shinobi, not a 'civilian' one in that universe. I don't want him to be too closely related to the main line but it does cast Tobirama being irritated at him for using his jutsu and Naruto attributing it to Minato in a funny light to me. Tobirama stomping around complaining about the Senju Youth (TM) not giving credit to his ancestors, thinking just because he had time to tweak things and/or improve them make them his jutsu now is hilarious to me.
Ooh that would be a fun AU! Terrors in the previous generation instead of Naruto's 😂 Madara would bully Obito, trying to shape him into a proper Uchiha and Obito low-key hates him, but he's a polite boy and Madara is undeniably the most powerful 12 y/o Obito has ever seen and he's trying to impart some of that knowledge and power to Obito too makes him very conflicted. Obito constantly makes running tallies of 'who's worst today: Madara or Kakashi?'
Since Pakkun attacking Madara wouldn't have happened in this AU, I think Hashirama would like a younger Kakashi quite a lot. He might remind him of Tobirama in a way and He'd make it his mission to try and get the kid to lighten up/give him some knd of big brother figure to depend on since he'd lost his father.
Both would be decent friends with Rin. Madara because he catches onto Obito's crush immediately and decides to stick his nose into it and finds Rin reasonable and level-headed. She admires Kakashi but doesn't romantically like him like Obito thinks (mostly bc by god the girls need other motivations besides boys and Kakashi's age is a timeline headache of it's own). She sees Obito as a friend, not really interested in more at this point because she's focused on her own goals to be a great med-nin. She seeks out Hashirama on her own similar to Sakura to ask him to teach her, but she's much more respectful to Hashirama than Sakura is to him. I really like jinchuriki!Rin so that'd be part of this AU 100% and then a lot of her arc would be mastering that power through medical ninjutsu somehow.
Eheh this is becoming about Rin, back to Minato. I like to think his reasoning to 'keep' the terrors would be "It's great practice Kushina before we have kids" and Kushina, an Uzumaki, clearly recognizes Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara is like...:my dearest husband...this is both a terrible and BRILLIANT idea. If we can handle them, will be pros" (let Kushina be a little impulsive and wild plsss). The big issue would be them trying to keep the terrors because...the Uchiha haven't been massacred at this point. Madara would want to be with them but the Uchiha leadership is have a crisis because that is Uchiha Madara and they made him into a Ghost and banished him and Amaterasu turned away from them because of it. But also the coup is brewing and maybe this is a second chance to do it over. Either way, the only thing that unites the clan at this point is the belief that Madara will either be their salvation or damnation again.
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sukirainbow · 1 year
OC: Naka
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Name: Naka Village: Amegakure Rank/Speciality: Med Nin Chakra nature: Earth Family: Mother of Suko, lost her husband and older son Age: 56 Birthday: 28 August (virgo) Bloodtype: O- Height: 1m75 Weight: 62 kg lean body type Hair color: dark brown Eye color: dark brown Complexion: that pale ass skin that doesn't tan but cook in the sun Clothes: Dress simply, wear comfortable and light clothing under the protective mednin gear Gender: Cis Woman
Personality: She's calm and generally quiet like Suko, although she's more extroverted than him, especially with younger people. She is tired from all the grief, and want to protect her last child as much as possible from a horrible death. Helps Suko process his trauma. She feels extremely protective toward younger generations, feeling very angry at the current state of her country. She feels like it's her and other adult's responsibility to make sure the younger generations get taken care of and get to life in good conditions.
Hobbies: sewing, reading
Backstory: She lost her husband and her older son while her village was attacked. Fearing for Suko, she decided to move to Amegakure to make sure Suko would at least be safe behind walls instead of being at risk in a small village. Being a medic in her village, she decided to keep her activity going when settling in Amegakure with Suko, who was trained by her, by her side.
Suko and her met the first Akatsuki while traveling to the village, and again when Suko brought home a trio with an injured Yahiko to their clinic. Naka was quickly overcome with the will to help them, understanding that the organization had no medic. She mentored some of the first akatsuki members to teach them medical procedures and medical ninjutsu, as well as welcoming them in her clinic for free whenever they'd be in need of care.
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nyaselfshipcorner · 2 years
Extremely self indulgent movie "not-a-date" scenario [SFW]
"Suko, do you want to go see that movie with me Friday night?"
Nagato's voice repeated in the med-nin's head all day long. This is all he could think about ever since Nagato asked him that a few days prior. Of course he said yes. Spending time with Nagato was one of the highest joy he experienced. Nagato told him Konan and Yahiko were leaving for a mission so they wouldn't be there with them. And no one else was available to come, not even Daina, the akatsuki's film nerd. They would be just the two of them.
Suko finished tidying up the infirmary before excitedly leaving to get ready.
They never really got out much, so they struggled putting together a nice outfit for the date. Suko surprised themself with that thought and had to shake some sense into their brain.
"Nonononono, don't think of it as a date, it's not a date, just a friendly outing."
And yet, Suko wanted to look as nice as possible for Nagato.
At 6pm, Suko arrived at the rendezvous place, in front of the cinema, nervously playing with their hair. They had decided to tie it into a messy bun, their front bangs still free. They had thought since Nagato liked Konan a whole lot, imitating her hairstyle could be a good idea.
Nagato arrived soon after looking around for Suko. When their eyes met, Suko saw him freeze with wide eyes before coming closer.
"Suko, you look... Very nice. This is so different from what you usually wear I almost wasn't sure that was you at first."
Suko giggled, happy to have provoked that reaction. He was wearing a light yellow raincoat over a grey blouse tucked into a dark blue skirt. He didn't wear skirts often, but he thought he would be appropriate for a date.
"This is the first time I see you wearing a skirt I think. You look good in it."
Suko was so happy to receive these compliments from him. They were also overjoyed to notice Nagato had dressed up too. He was wearing a dark brown haori over a teal shirt and black pants. These colors looked so nice with his vibrant red hair.
"Nagato you look so nice too."
Just as he hoped, Nagato blushed a little and smiled from being complimented.
The two of them bought their tickets and bought a bucket of popcorn before sitting in the dark theater in one of the middle row. The room was almost empty.
The movie started, Suko had already ate almost half of the popcorn.
"Nagato don't hesitate to take some... Sorry I'm terrible I just keep eating them."
"That's okay, I'm glad that you're enjoying it."
"Still, dont feel like you have to leave it all to me, take some too."
Nagato chuckled and took a handful to reassure them.
And so Suko put the bowl in between them to encourage him to take more.
What Suko dreamed of happening eventually happened, they both reached for it at the same time. Both distracted by the movie playing, they didn't notice it about to happen and their hand met in the sugary bucket, making them both shiver and looked at each other. They both retracted their hand, their fingers gently brushing against each other as they did, then stared at each other, flustered.
"I'm sorry i-"
"No, no, it's me. Go ahead."
Suko had felt his heart take off when their hands met. It would be very hard to forget the sensation and focus back on the movie.
The bucket was eventually emptied with their common effort, and Suko now felt sleepy. They probably didn't get enough sleep last night... And the food and dark room made it hard to stay awake. The cinema seat didn't feel comfy enough suddenly, they felt their head naturally wanting to rest against Nagato.
Suko violently pushed away that idea, why would he do that. They were just friends. Nagato wouldn't let him.
Or would he?... After all friends can rest on each other it's not that weird.
Nagato noticed him being sleepy, and gently he passed his arm around Suko, holding his head and gently nudging him to lean against him.
"You can put your head against me if you want. You'd be comfier that way."
Suko couldn't believe that just happened. He rested his head against Nagato as he still had his arm around him. Their heart was being loud, it definitely wasn't a dream.
Nagato felt glad he managed to make this move, but that's as far as he dared to take things tonight. Both of them managed to focus on the movie somehow, despite their fluttering heart and the overwhelming happiness they were feeling.
After the movie ended, they had to go out in the cold night. The sun had set and the rain was pouring lightly. Nagato opened his umbrella and covered both of them with it.
"Can I walk you home, Suko?"
"I'd love to yeah."
Suko was so happy he asked. Not only did he felt nervous walking back home alone in that outfit, he also really wanted to spend more time with him. They discussed the movie as they walked, their pace as slow as possible.
But eventually they reached Suko's flat door.
"This was really nice. I like hanging out with you Nagato. Love to do it with the others but... It's also nice just the two of us."
The redhead was grinning, blushing a little.
"It was so nice to be just with you, yeah."
A silence then followed, as they both awkwardly looked at each other. Suko would have loved to invite him in. To keep talking with him all night long, even invite him to stay for the night. But it was too early. And Suko was too shy to even dare ask anything. Nagato was dying to be asked to stay too, but he wasn't that much brave in relationships. He timidly smiled once more.
"Well then... Goodnight Suko. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yes, see you tomorrow, Nagato."
Suko put the key in the door as Nagato started to walk away. Then he stopped, his heart craving one last exchange with Nagato before he left.
"N-Nagato, wait !"
The redhead turned around, intrigued and hopeful. Suko ran to him and hugged him which made him blush. Holding tightly for a few minutes, Suko pushed his last efforts for one more thing.
Pulling on his haori to make him lean down a little, Suko pressed a kiss on his left cheek. Nagato froze down for a lil while, cheeks burning and mouth agape, processing what just happened. He then pulled Suko back into a hug, and both of them stayed like this under the rain for a little while, not wanting to let go of each others.
Suko eventually let go, looking at him one last time before getting back home.
"See you tomorrow Nagato, get back home safe!"
He smiled, one of his terribly cute warm smile and waved back at Suko walking to his flat.
"Sleep well Suko, see you tomorrow."
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healheir · 5 years
All I want is during the interlude before shippuden and post-sakura passing the chunin exams, is for Sakura to just be a member on every Konoha 11 team and to lend her skills and to learn what it really means to be a combat medic.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Oh gods this means team 7 is back as Aizawa, Izuku, Shoto, and Yaomomo. That's such a scary fucking combo and it works So Good!
Sakura had a lifetime of Med-Nin experiance and frontline combat as well. This time around Yaomomo is going to know exactly what foods are the best for her, exactly what's needed to make enough weapons for the team, and how to be a whole fucking badass.
Sasuke is motherhenning his new family but just you wait. Him with a much better mastery of the quirk and all his weapons training going into ua is low-key terrifying ngl. All I can see is him and naruto fucking up Stain in the worst ways and taking one of his katana as a fucking trophy and a blatant message not to fuck with His People.
Naruto coming into this world and getting OFA from someone who mirrors the ideals Jiraiya had one upon a time and fucking running with it. Naruto has Experiance with unstable and Volitile powers OFA is no different. He would probably be in much better shape physically than izuku as a kid before getting OFA, his energy had to have some outlet. I can also see how naruto could shift his focus from struggling to keep up physically like his first life onto honing his battle strategy even further for this life.
Oh they are going to be absolutely terrifying. Just, within a week the entirety of the staff of UA knows they're staring at the next Big 3 of UA and probably the next 3 Top Heroes overall.
No one is expecting them to have the type of versatility they show in combat either but they do.
Yaomomo is fucking strong and she's dropping poisons and med equipment without blinking. She's in excellent shape and even if she has a fondness for creating all of her items with sakura motifs etched onto them no one can fault her because she's flawless.
Shouto obviously has a fuck off strong quirk too so no one is expecting the goddamn hand-to-hand skills or the fact that he can use a fucking sword??? Also dude has the ultimate resting serial killer face anytime Izuku isn't within sight or if he has to interact with anyone that isn't a literal child, so he's extra intimidating.
Izuku's quirk is a nightmare to think about and the power output he's capable of is unsettling. But this Izuku's also been doing Toad Style Taijutsu since he was a toddler so his fighting style is goddamn wild. And yeah his younger years were pretty lonely just like last time but he's fine with it because he might not have had friends his age (the quirkless title is still a burden and, honestly, a lot of the kids are high-key terrified of him) but he had Kurama from the start and a mom this time that he is still kind of unsure what to do with. So he keeps himself busy and he's mentally older now with decades and decades of experience being Hokage behind him so school isn't a challenge for him this time around because he figured out how he learns ages ago and he absorbs everything pretty quickly.
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i went to riot fest and here are my bests/worsts from each day:
day 1 bests:
we were really close to the stage for the TBS set
blue dress (flight attendant?) gerard
MCR closed with cancer
day 1 worsts:
security made me throw out more than half my meds and my wallet chain
there was no crowd control for the TBS/MCR pit
i almost passed out from people rushing the stage during TBS and then not backing up when told to (heat exhaustion, not being able to breath)
getting shitty looks from people when i was trying to get out of the pit before MCR started so i didn’t pass out. people didn’t want to let me out and they made it very clear
day 2 bests:
being at the barricade for the front bottoms set
the feeling of everyone around me grabbing me/pulling me up when i fell down in the TFB pit
the entirety of yellowcard. i’ve never genuinely moshed before this but holy fuck it was so much fun. they played ocean avenue in order so the song ocean avenue was played 3rd, but then they played it again at the end of the show as a closer and it was so fucking cool
day 2 worsts:
they ran out of the front bottoms merch before we could buy any
the immediate fear i felt when i fell down in the TFB pit (the TBS/MCR pit had me a little scared of how the crowd would be, but everyone was really nice)
day 3 bests:
being at the barricade for kid sistr
getting the kid sistr set list (then getting it signed by their bassist Sara)
being barricade for weathers, i fucking love weathers. they closed with c’est la vie it sounded so good
being at the barricade for midtown (gabe saporta my beloved <3)
being at the barricade for the maine. i forgot how much i liked this band, their set was so good
being at the barricade for the academy is… i’ve been hyping the academy for months now i’ve been so excited to see them, i haven’t shut up about it. (@sincerely-sparrow can attest to this) they’re one of my favorite bands and it was so cool so see them live. william beckett (my beloved <3) has such good stage presence
getting one of the picks security was throwing into the crowd after the academy set. it has the band name on it and everything. i’m turning it into a necklace and never taking it off (i’m so totally normal about this)
day 3 worsts:
the academy merch fucking sucks. i made a shirt to wear so it was okay but i still would’ve liked to have real merch (the shirt i made said “the academy fucking was…)
they academy didn’t get to play their encore (snakes on a plane with midtown) and sound cut their mics when a few of them went back out on stage. we could see gabe saporta side stage ready to come on and everything. they played a few songs that weren’t originally on the set list so they went over their time, but it wasn’t even 10 yet. NIN was still playing, sound easily could’ve let them play one more song
all in all riot fest was fun. it was my first time going and i would definitely go again if the line up was good. plus chicago is kind of fun
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