#when they Most need minato there????
itischeese · 1 year
anyways i fully believe that canonically madara and/or zetsu made her do it with a slave seal because the alternative leaves me too salty to mention.
YESSSSS. I'm of the opinion that while the seal didn't fully control her, it wrecked her ability to think rationally and also probably made her mind fixate on the idea that she had to die or everyone else would.
Either way, the seal having an Effect on her that pushed her to do it makes so much more sense than her (canonically incredibly intelligent and compassionate) not considering the danger she would leave Kakashi in, or the fact that their teacher is a teleporting seal master...
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woodblxssomcrowned · 3 months
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kegareki · 2 years
"rei," you might ask, "why the fuck are you making genin teams for the parents in naruto? why are you giving them jounin-senseis and intended specialties?"
my answer is "i cannot fucking tell you. to torture myself i guess"
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Can I request yan!husband's Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato and Madara pretty please? ❤️❤️
❝ 🍥 — lady l: I guess you can say I have a crush on Minato after reading this, but can you blame me? 😟 Anyway, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, slight mention of murder, jealousy and pure fluff.
❝🍥pairing: yandere!hashirama senju, yandere!tobirama senju, yandere!minato namikaze and yandere!madara uchiha x female!reader.
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Hashirama Senju
Hashirama is a loyal husband and completely devoted to his wife. He sees you as a Queen, so to speak, and he will adore you completely, from head to toe. You are the reason for the things he does, for his goal of making Konoha a good place for you. Creating a new world so that you are happy and secure is his priority.
He wants you to be happy above all else, of course, with him by your side. Hashirama can't imagine a good future without you by his side and he doesn't even want to think about that possibility. You are everything to him and the thought of losing you fills him with despair.
Hashirama has his responsibilities as Hokage and takes them very seriously, so he can't always spend all his time by your side, even if he wants to. So to try to make up for the moments you spend apart, he likes to keep something of yours with him, a physical or emotional memory that helps him feel close to you, even when you are far apart.
In the moments you are together, Hashirama dedicates himself completely to you. He is attentive and always seeks to understand your needs and desires, doing everything he can to meet them. Whether he's preparing a special dinner, taking you on a peaceful walk through the woods, or simply listening intently to what you have to say, he strives to make you feel loved and valued.
Hashirama is also extremely protective. He makes sure you are safe and happy, using his skills and influence to create an environment where you can thrive. His eyes shine with pride and affection when he talks about you, and everyone around knows that you are the light of his life. Everyone knows that you are deeply loved by him and that they should respect you. Hashirama will not accept otherwise.
Despite his role as a leader, Hashirama never neglects his role as a husband. He prioritizes you, balancing his obligations with moments of tenderness and affection. He believes that his strength as Hokage comes from the love and support he receives from you, and he always acknowledges this publicly, praising its importance in his life. Hashirama is not possessive, he is just protective and he will protect you with everything in him.
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Tobirama Senju
Tobirama is a complete worshiper of his wife. He loves you deeply, with everything in him, and he wants to be worth it for you and that's why he's so dedicated to being strong, to being the best he can be for you. He would be willing to abandon everything for you and build a new world where it would just be you. Tobirama wants to be the best version of himself for you, endlessly dedicating himself to being strong and competent so that he can love and care for you as you deserve.
Despite his outward confidence, Tobirama occasionally feels insecurity, although he does not easily admit it. He strives to be worthy of his wife, deeply wanting to believe that he is good enough for you. For Tobirama, nothing is more important than your happiness, because you are the center of his world and the reason for all his love and dedication.
When insecurities arise, he becomes more protective and affectionate, seeking to validate his love and worth. His wife is the center of his universe, and your happiness is Tobirama's top priority. He loves you very much and the idea of ​​losing you hurts and he knows he won't let that happen under any circumstances.
Tobirama is somewhat jealous and possessive, although he tries not to reveal it. The jealousy he feels is a reflection of his deep passion and fear of losing what he holds most dear. Although he doesn't explode into jealous rages, his change in behavior is noticeable. He becomes more attentive and needs reassurances of his wife's love, wanting to ensure that his feelings are reciprocated and that he has no reason to fear the loss of his beloved.
He's not the traditional romantic type, but he shows his love through physical touch. Holding hands, exchanging glances, sweet smiles and hugs are Tobirama's favorite ways to show affection for you. He gives you lots of gifts too, carefully choosing items that he knows will please you or have special meaning for both of you. Although he prefers physical touch. He believes that actions speak louder than words, and his main way of showing affection is through physical touch.
Tobirama is a devoted and passionate husband, he will never let you doubt for a second that you are not loved by him. Sometimes he may seem cold and distant, but he loves you and shows it in everyday life. You are more important to him than anything else, than anyone else and he will make sure you know that for the rest of your lives.
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Minato Namikaze
Minato is the very definition of a passionate husband dedicated entirely to his wife. He puts you above everything and everyone, you are always his priority in any situation. He puts you on a pedestal, does all your wishes and in return all he wants is your love and devotion. Minato treats you with deep respect and admiration, almost as if you were a Queen, and perhaps for him you are, always attending to your wishes and desires.
For Minato, love is an exchange of affection and devotion. He does everything for you without hesitation, often anticipating your needs before you even express them. One of the most special ways Minato shows his love is through cooking. He loves preparing your favorite meals, putting all his heart and skill into each dish. Cooking for you is more than a chore; it is an expression of his love and dedication.
Besides cooking for you, Minato is extremely affectionate. He likes to shower his wife with kisses and hugs, always looking for ways to physically show you how much you mean to him. Carefully chosen gifts that he knows you'll love are also part of his love routine. These gestures are a way for Minato to constantly reaffirm his commitment and devotion.
Minato is extremely overprotective of you. His protective instinct is intense and immediate, and he is always alert to any threat or situation that could put your safety or happiness at risk. This instinct is not just physical, but also emotional and mental. He does not tolerate anything that could cause any kind of harm to his wife. Any possible threat to you will be dealt with quickly and without regrets.
Minato is not typically jealous, but his deep devotion to you can occasionally spark a feeling of protectiveness that can be mistaken for jealousy. He completely trusts you and the love you share, but like any person in love, he may feel a twinge of insecurity in specific situations. He won't blame you, he knows it's not your fault that you're so perfect that you attract others.
If there's anyone you know you can count on for anything and everything, it's Minato. He loves you and protects you fiercely. You are the most important person in his life and he wants you to know that and he will make you know it every day of your life. He will make you happy forever.
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha is a somewhat distant husband at first but there is no doubt that he loves you, after all, for him to get married, it is because you mean something to him. He is not conventionally passionate and devoted but you know that Madara loves you, that he cares about you through his actions.
He tends to be more distant and sometimes difficult to read due to the fact that he doesn't know how to express his feelings for you through words very well. Madara shows his love through gestures, such as giving you a gift he knows you will like or more subtle touches, such as holding your hand, kissing your cheek and being affectionate.
Madara, with his reserved and introspective nature, can be an enigma when it comes to expressing feelings. He is not the type of person who will make grand declarations of love or grand gestures. Instead, he prefers to show his affection in more subtle and meaningful ways that often go unnoticed by those who don't know him well.
An example of his love for you is that he can take time to listen to you attentively even when he is busy with his own plans and responsibilities. This act, although simple, is a clear sign that he values ​​what you have to say and cares about your opinions and feelings. Additionally, Madara can show his love by ensuring you are happy and well taken care of, using his skills and resources to ward off any threats that may arise.
Madara is very possessive and this possessiveness, however, is accompanied by a deep sense of responsibility and care. Madara is not possessive out of insecurity or petty jealousy, but out of a protective instinct and a desire to keep what he loves safe. He firmly believes that his presence and protection are essential to the well-being of those he holds dear. You are his and no one should take away what belongs to him. If they try, Madara will be quick to eliminate them.
Madara Uchiha may seem like a distant husband at first, but his actions speak louder than words. He shows his love in a practical and thoughtful way, always looking for ways to make you feel valued and loved. Over time, you learn to read these silent displays of affection and understand the deep love he has for you, even if it's not always evident. Madara is reserved but he can become more open with you because he trusts you completely.
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mixelation · 2 months
first part of velocity (unproofed bc i am running out the door) ->
Minato was stressed. 
“Then Orochimaru has Shiranui,” Danzo intoned, dead confident even though Shikaku’s report on the situation had included dozens of unknowns. “No one else in the area could pose a threat to a Jounin of Konoha.”
“We still don’t know anything about this new village,” Minato pointed out, “or what clans joined it. There could still be lone actors–”
“Please,” Danzo interrupted, unimpressed. “No Sound ninja could disappear a Jounin so thoroughly.”
“With all due respect,” Minato said tightly, “you have not been on the frontlines in decades. Does anyone who’s actually been to Sound have any thoughts?”
Had Minato even invited Danzo to this meeting? He barely even remembered calling the meeting. Meetings just happened, now that he was Hokage. Turns out that’s all being Hokage was: things happened, and then instead of doing anything about them, Minato sat around listening to high ranking ninja explain their opinions. Oh, and sometimes he stamped things. Forms. Proposals. Budgets. Paperwork.
Four years ago, Minato had been spending most of his time on the frontlines. Going from the most hands-on possible approach to this had been a rough transition, and he had perhaps relied too heavily on the ancient Hokage's Council as a result. 
The war was slowly coming to a stop now, and he could definitely make some moves to bring in younger people with more recent experience. But for now, he had to work with what was in place. For this meeting, that was Shikaku, an ex-field commander he’d nab in the hallway because she’d been stationed in Sound, and a bunch of old people. 
“Danzo-sama is right in that we’ve knocked out most of their known major players,” the ex field commander drawled. “But you never know, out there in the boonies. They’re not like us; they just let any ninja wander around and chop up whoever they want.”
To illustrate this, she held up her right arm, which ended not with a hand but with a wiry assistive device meant to let her hold a writing utensil. 
“...right,” Shikaku said slowly. “Inuzuka last caught his scent near the new… village, if we’re calling it that… but we can’t pin it on them, and we also can’t eliminate some other third party.”
Genma had only been officially missing a scant thirty hours. He’d been en route between camps for normal restationing and missed his check-in. If he were most ninja, this would not have warranted a meeting. It probably would have been dealt with locally, shoved into a summary report, and Minato probably wouldn’t have found out for days that anything at all had happened. If this had been at the height of the war, even someone like Genma might have gotten this treatment. 
But the war was waning, and Genma was part of the Hokage’s guard. As someone intimately familiar with Minato’s personal life and the inner workings of Hokage tower, Genma was important enough to warrant a quick investigation, and they had the people and time to dedicate to it. 
“Why was Shiranui even in Sound?” Koharu asked. 
Minato leaned back in his seat, biting his thumbnail in thought. He really didn’t see the need to have a full guard inside the village, and morale at field camps was usually better when popular Jounin like Genma were hanging around. Minato had seen it as more useful to have him running chores out in the field. 
It was true that a Hokage’s guard would be a great hostage, if some nefarious player wanted to re-escalate war. 
That would be so many meetings, Minato thought. He really couldn’t have that. 
The meeting wrapped up with barely a plan in place, as was what happened at many meetings. Shikaku would send word to both camps to re-sweep the area, and then Minato would add it to his agenda at yet another meeting to rearrange people to put together a tracking team instead of just one random Inuzuka who happened to be on duty. 
Miraculously, one of his afternoon meetings was canceled. Someone had died. Such was life as a shinobi. 
“I could move up your meeting with the fruit vendors’ union,” his secretary said. 
“Please don't,” Minato replied. He hated talking to those guys. 
His secretary left, and Minato immediately felt antsy. It was very rare he had an hour free like this in the middle of the day. What could he do? Take a nap? Kidnap Naruto away from his babysitter for a playtime speedrun? Bother Kushina? He glanced at the clock. No, Naruto would be down for a nap and Kushina would be meeting with the Academy headmaster about their curriculum on storage scrolls again… 
Minato glanced down at the mess of paperwork on his desk. He really, really didn’t want to do any of it right now. How was his job both stressful and boring? He liked being free to see his little family most evenings, and he mostly liked acting as a leader. But he’d thought he’d get more time to just be a ninja. 
Actually, he thought. Was he not his own boss? Was there not a pressing problem he couldn’t just solve right now?
Sound Country had been home to several major ninja pathways, camps, and battles during this war. Minato had plenty of Hiraishin markers scattered around, including along the path Genma would have taken between camps. 
Minato found Genma in about eight minutes of searching, several hundred meters off the normal route. 
“Hokage-sama!” Genma cried in evident relief. His face was one Minato had seen often in his lifetime but not so much in the last few years of mainly administrative work: the instant relief of a man who’d consigned himself to death, now realizing that he was going to live. 
Minato shot him a reassuring smile even as his eyes darted around the clearing. There were no ninja in the area, but Genma was currently trapped within the glowing walls of a massive blue-green chakra barrier. It had an unusual shape, delineated by stalks of bamboo at the corners of an irregular pentagon. 
Well, this shouldn’t be too difficult to dismantle. Minato might be off the battlefield, but he was still up to snuff on all things fuuinjutsu. He stepped up the closet bamboo shoot, which had a seal carved… into it…?
“What happened?” he asked Genma as he eyed the seal. This was… not a normal piece of fuuinjutsu. Hmm. 
“There was a little girl,” Genma started. He sounded incredibly stressed as he described the sequence of events: Genma had encountered a local civilian girl on his trek. He recognized her as belonging to a nearby village and being one of the local women and children who’d occasionally barter with Konoha field camps. She’d sprained her ankle, and he’d stop to help. 
“But then she… I don’t know, she… the barrier…”
 Then this random civilian girl had activated a barrier and left Genma. Sure. Why not. 
“Are you sure she’s not a ninja?” Minato asked, frowning at the seal. He could recognize it as a barrier seal, but there were like seventeen things going on with it he didn’t understand. A civilian could activate certain types of ninja-made seals in theory, but not this one. 
“No, she’s the soap girl!” Genma bemoaned. “She shows up sometimes to sell shitty soaps. There’s no way she’s a ninja.”
But then, Genma continued in a clearly upset sort of ramble, she’d asked him if he was well-hydrated and how much water and food he had on him, and just left. 
“I’ve been here at least two days,” Genma said. 
“The barrier lasted that long?” Minato asked. “Impressive.”
“Impressive?” Genma repeated. 
“It’s a fairly chakra-heavy barrier,” Minato replied. Genma continued to stare at him with what looked like a vaguely scandalized expression. “Usually to maintain something like this long-term, you’d need to put a lot of chakra in at the beginning– usually done with multiple people, and definitely not by a child– or you’d need to be actively maintaining it. This little girl never came by? No other ninja?”
Genma stared at him, wide-eyed, his mouth hanging open. Minato raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
“Well, no,” Genma said after a few moments had passed. “Can you please get me out before we debrief?”
Ah, Minato supposed Genma was a little freaked out by the prospect of his own untimely death, withering away in a random barrier by what seemed to be the random whims of a child. That was fair. Minato turned back to the seal. 
He looked at it some more, then moved around to the next bamboo shoot, and then the next. 
“Huh,” he said. 
“Hokage-sama?” Genma asked. 
“I have no idea how to undo this,” Minato said, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. 
Genma was looking at him in horror now, but Minato could feel a certain giddiness building in his stomach. Finally, something interesting! What was going on with this seal? He could tell a bunch of the mystery components had to do with pulling chakra, but from where? The bamboo itself? Minato had heard stories from Kushina of ancient Uzushio seals using length of living kelp, twisted into seals that could pull on chakra as long as the kelp was alive. But those were supposed to be legends! 
“Hokage-sama, are you smiling?” Genma whined. 
“It’s just really interesting,” Minato defended. He was going to save Genma, okay? “I’m going to get my notes.”
It only took Minato a minute to teleport to his office, dig up a notebook with enough blank pages, and then teleport back. Genma still gave him a look of deep betrayal that he’d left at all. 
Minato was pretty good at multitasking, so he quizzed Genma on details of how the seal had been activated while copied the location of the seals and took etchings of them. 
“She didn’t mention any name at all?” Minato confirmed. “No boss she’s working for?”
Minato really, really wanted to meet whoever had made this nightmare of a seal. He wanted to know how they’d come up with it, and then quiz them if they new more seals like this, that could use chakra from natural sources, and then maybe have this person to dinner to just talk fuuinjutsu with him and Kushina all night. 
Except they were in an enemy nation, so probably Minato would have to settle for imprisoning this person and then interrogating them via Yamanaka mindwalk. Boo. 
Also, on top of the wild chakra source, the barrier was just really well made. Genma had not just been sitting around for two days; he’d executed several earth jutsu to try and burrow out, but the barrier extended underground. It even stood up to a rasengan. Minato couldn’t even destroy the five bamboo shoots powering the whole thing, because they were integrated into the walls of the barrier itself. 
“This person must have troubleshooted this a lot,” Minato said, squinting at one of the seals. This thing matched no reports of anything Konoha had seen during the war. How could they have never noticed this person running around?
Genma was clearly starting to panic again. 
“Sir, what are you going to do?” he asked. “I’m out of water and food.”
Minato cocked his head to the side, thinking. He did have another meeting he really had to go to, as much as he wanted to stay here and geek out over this cool new seal. He could teleport over to the nearest camp, tell them where Genma was so they could put a guard on him, and then come back later with Kushina. Could they safely bring Naruto? He always felt guilty when they had to leave the kid alone in the evening…
Then, they heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. They weren’t particularly loud, but they were definitely civilian. Genma shut his mouth, and Minato turned to the source, eyebrows raised. 
The person got close enough that he could see the outline of a figure through the bamboo. The person was small, clearly a child. Then they clearly realized they’d made a terrible mistake and turned to flee. 
Minato shot forward, grabbing the kid by the back of her yukata. She matched the description Genma had given of the kid who’d trapped him: dark curly hair and eyes, around eight. She stomped over to the clearing like a civilian who was used to navigating bamboo, and then for the briefest moment where she’d attempted to run, made it very clear she was a ninja in training. 
So. That was interesting. 
Minato pulled her into the clearing and set her down on her feet. She was technically an enemy who had put an important Konoha Jounin in a situation which might actually kill him, but also she was a little kid. Minato hated having to kill or bully kids. 
“Hi there,” he said, shooting her his most child-friendly smile. 
“Reina, you horrible little brat!” Genma yelled, banging his fists on the wall of the barrier. 
Reina ignored him entirely, eyeing Minato up and down with deep suspicion. She was either extremely confident the barrier could completely contain Genma, or she’d recognized Minato as the greater threat, or both. 
“Don’t worry,” Minato said. “I’m not going to hurt you. Just answer some questions as best you can, and you won’t even get in trouble, okay?”
“Oooh, you’re going to be in so much trouble when I get out!” Genma screamed. 
“Ignore him,” Minato said, then winked playfully at her. 
Reina’s lips thinned and she looked doubtful. But she also didn’t even spare Genma a glance as she shouted threats at her. 
“Look, I’m not going to kill him,” Reina said finally. “I was… even coming to feed him.”
She produced a beat up looking bag of dried fruit from her pocket and held this up as if it were evidence. There were only a few pieces left. If Minato hazarded a guess, he’d say it was left over from her own snack and then forgotten in her pocket. 
“Right,” Minato said slowly. “Listen, I don’t really care that you trapped him.”
(“WHAT?” Genma yelled.)
“But I really want to know, Reina-chan,” Minato continued, trying to look as friendly as possible even as Genma continued to bluster in outrage, “do you know who made this barrier?”
Reina’s brows furrowed slightly, studying his face. Minato smiled back encouragingly. He eyes finally darted over to the barrier. 
“Oh,” she said, as if realizing something. “Oh. Yeah, of course that’s what you’d want. Ummm.”
She fidgeted with the bag of dry fruit in her hands, crinkling the plastic under her fingers. The label was faded with time and the wear and tear of riding around in a child’s pockets, but it was one of the brands Konoha included in their ration packs for field camps. She’d likely gotten it from a field camp. 
“Did someone show you the trap?” Minato asked gently. 
“Uh, well,” Reina replied. “About that…”
Reina didn’t seem to be too afraid to talk to him, but she also seemed to be afraid of whatever the answers to his questions were. This made sense to Minato. If she was a ninja living in this area, she was probably associated with this new “village” Orochimaru had made. It would be logical to fear he’d turn violent if she brought up Konoha’s most notorious missing-nin. 
Briefly, Minato wondered if the seal was Orochimaru’s design. Setting up and then abandoning a trap such that a child might take advantage of it was not something Orochimaru was likely to do, but perhaps he’d developed the fuuinjutsu and someone else had set it up. 
Except, no– that wasn’t really aligned with Orochimaru’s skillset. Orochimaru was a prolific fuuinjutsu user, but he wasn’t a true master. Under Konoha he’d never shown interest in developing new fuuinjutsu beyond some modifications to seals useful to his research. Not even he could wake up one day and spontaneously invent what looked like an entirely new field of fuuinjutsu. 
Minato felt like fidgeting himself with excitement. If it wasn’t Orochimaru, maybe dinner wasn’t completely off the table. 
Reina still hadn’t answered, so Minato tried, “I know you’re an Oto-nin, and that our villages don’t really get along. But I promise I just want to know who made this seal. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
He did his best “don’t worry, I’m here to save you and you’re not going to die” smile. Reina tilted her head back, eyes narrowing. 
“Okay,” she said. “Nothing bad will happen to me? I have your word?”
“Um, yes,” Minato said. 
“So if I go back to my boss and tell him I gave up fuuinjutsu secrets to the Hokage, he won’t do anything bad?”
“No,” Minato replied slowly, and Reina looked at him like he was deeply stupid, the type of look only a little kid could level at an adult. It was the type of unimpressed expression he now only ever got from his own child. “Well,” Minato corrected. “I won’t do anything to you, and my friend here won’t either.”
He shot Genma a look. Genma glared back at him but shut up. 
“So I don’t have your word that nothing bad will happen,” Reina concluded. 
Gods above, Minato thought, starting to feel annoyed. His meeting was in fifteen minutes, but he wanted the identity of this fuuinjutsu user so bad. Why do they have to make kids so smart?
“At least ask her to get me out of here,” Genma said, keeping his voice level this time, although there was a hint of desperation in there. 
Minato had not asked for this, because he had assumed the girl had simply known of the trap and walked Genma into it, and was therefore unlikely to know how to deactivate it. But she eyed Minato up and down again, and then said:
“I’ll let him out, but you have to keep your word.”
Then she pulled a brush and a bottle of ink from her sleeves and walked over to the nearest bamboo shoot. Minato followed her, holding back the urge to ask her about fifteen questions. She was eight. She probably had no idea how the seal worked. 
“You know, my clan kicked me out,” Reina said conversationally as she applied ink directly to the barrier as it hummed over the wood of the bamboo. Who the hell taught her to do that? No one did that. That would have been Minato’s “well, nothing else worked” level attempt at breaking it. “I don’t have any biological family to defend me or look after me. My clan only lets me stay around because uniting the clans means other people take care of me. Really, I’ve been looking for a way to escape.”
“Uh huh,” Minato replied, watching her hands as she painted characters over the ones etched into the bamboo. A counter-seal then… what a bizarre way to design something, to only be able to undo it by painting a brand new seal on top. That barely left room for any error, although he supposed the benefit was that this approach had made it so Genma couldn’t just break the bamboo, and even someone like Minato would need days of work to come up with a counter-seal. 
Reina made no errors in her counter-seal, and so she didn’t blow them all up or screw up the seal such that no one could take it down. The walls of the barrier fizzled away, and for a second Genma looked like he was on the brink of tears. 
“Hey, stand down,” Minato chided when Genma made a move towards them and Reina tensed. Had Genma not been listening to their whole conversation? 
Genma obeyed, standing at attention while also scowling at Reina. 
Reina stared up at Minato expectantly, the ink brush still in her hands. The counter-seal had melted into ink stains on the bamboo and the surrounding grass when the barrier lifted, and Minato considered asking her to draw it again for him to make sure he got all the details. 
Still, who on earth had taught such a young child such advanced fuuinjutsu? Minato flipped his notebook to a new page and eyed Reina. 
“Reina-chan,” he said slowly. “Who is your fuuinjutsu teacher?”
“Oh, um,” she said. “Oto encourages… self study…?”
He stared down at her. 
No way. No fucking way. 
“Sir,” Genma said. 
“About your promise,” Reina started. 
Minato had his stupid meeting in two minutes, and it was vital to keeping the village running or whatever. He didn’t have time to unpack this right now. 
“You said your clan kicked you out?” he asked Reina. 
“Yes,” she confirmed. “So if you could just drop me off in–”
“So you don’t have family you’d miss?” he asked. 
“Uh… no?”
Right. This was perfect. He took her hand, then grabbed for Genma’s forearm. He teleported all three of them into his office. 
“This isn’t–” Reina started, for the first time showing actual fear. 
“It’s okay,” Minato said, patting her on the head. Children liked that, right? Well, Naruto hated it, but Academy kids loved when he paid attention to them. “Genma, go get checked out at the hospital and then come back for a debriefing.”
“Um, yessir,” Genma said, eyeing Reina and looking completely unsure of the situation. 
Minato actually couldn’t wait to quiz Reina on what the fuck was going on in Oto. How much fuuinjutsu did she actually know? How had she gotten the idea for the wild bamboo seal? Did Orochimaru maybe have old Uzushio materials lying around that Minato and Kushina should know about?
“Hokage-sama,” his secretary said, entering the office, “the Hyuuga clan representative… who is this child?”
Right. His meeting. He’d have to hold off on talking to her. If she were an adult, the protocol would be to stick her with T&I. But she wasn’t an adult; she was an increasingly frightened looking child. If he stuck her in T&I, he’d not only create a ton of red tape for himself to interact with her, but she might end up too freaked out to talk to him as soon as he wanted her to. 
“Genma,” he said, deciding on the best course of action. “On your way down, drop Reina-chan off with Kushina.”
Genma sighed. “Sure, Hokage-sama,” he said, sounding deeply unhappy. 
There. Now Minato could have his fun little dinner. 
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
happy birthday!
can I request some more hokage's daughter or marrying rich please? or anything else Naruto!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5
The first part of the exam is a joke.
Sort of literally, because thanks to Naruto the Konoha Twelve all know the real purpose of the test, but also because Sasuke is able to answer all of these questions without even cheating. He knows Naruto can too, and the only reason Sakura even passed is that her theoretical knowledge is so advanced that it carried her past her mediocre ninjutsu and truly abysmal taijutsu, so this is a walk in the park for her.
Hinata, Neji, and Shikamaru are able to answer on their own as well and everyone else had already decided on their cheating strategy beforehand. The answers might not really matter, but they have to keep up appearances here.
When they get to the Forest of Death, Naruto leads them up to the trees, then says, “I’d ask if you were followed, but I figure you’d find that insulting.”
Sasuke has no idea what she’s talking about until the air next to her shimmers and then Itachi is sitting there. “You insult me all the time.”
“Aniki?” he asks incredulously, then glares at Naruto. “I hate when you don’t tell me the whole plan.”
Sakura pats him on the shoulder sympathetically.
She shrugs. “He’s just backup. Just in case. Remember-”
“Keep an eye on Gaara, don’t let him kill any Konoha shinobi, and if he looks like he’s loosing control or if I need backup, send a clone,” Itachi says. “Are you going to tell me why you’re so worried about Gaara in particular? He’s got a high death count, but that’s not exactly unusual.”
At least she hasn’t told Itachi everything either.
“You can trust him,” Sasuke says, even though Naruto knows that, even though he wouldn’t be here if she did it.
Even with those she trusts, it’s hard for her to lay all her card on the table, to trust them with everything. In a lot of ways, she trusts her parents. But she doesn’t tell them – well, most things.
Naruto looks away guiltily, then gives a short nod, but doesn’t say anything.
Sasuke sighs. “He’s like Naruto.”
Itachi is a genius. He understands what he’s saying immediately and his eyes widen. “That’s not in his file.”
If Itachi doesn’t know, then Minato probably doesn’t either. He would have told his Anbu. Sasuke knows that Naruto had worried that he’d hid it from her deliberately.
“I could be wrong,” Naruto says, even though she’s not, even though she wouldn’t be this worried and going to this much effort if she doubted herself at all. “He’s not exactly like me though.”
“His seal,” Itachi says. “It doesn’t keep them completely separate like yours does?”
Sasuke keeps his expression relaxed from years of practice.
“Right,” she says. “So don’t try and fight him head on, okay? We’ll help you.”
Itachi presses his lips together then nods, disappearing in a swirl of leaves.
“Come on,” Sakura says, “the sooner everyone else collects a scroll, the sooner we can get to the tower ourselves.”
Naruto nods, forming the Ram and a half dozen copies of his best friend pop into existence.
Meeting up with everyone would draw too much attention to themselves and splitting up to keep an eye on the teams is asking for trouble. Luckily, Naruto’s shadow clones are able to bridge that gap.
Not that she’s supposed to know how to do those, but Sasuke has lost count of the number of Naruto’s secrets he’s keeping.  
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iicloudyiiddyy · 1 year
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CLINGY- Most likely of them all to become a stalker, too emotionally attached, it’s a must to have you in their life. They just can’t do it without you! I need hugs and I need kisses and I need you to look at me! Tsk. Tsk. Such Needy little things. 
“Where you going? In town near the shore? Oooo! Let me come!”
Ready to create shrines (already did) about you. Wants you. Needs you. Craves you. Your attention on  is more of a life source than food and water for them. Has videos & pictures of you. (They touch themselves to it) anything to remind them that you are with them, not with that bitch. Always trying to take you away from. Someone should teach her a lesson. They will throw a fit if you tell them that you can’t hang out with them today or that you are to busy and it’s because they will cling on to anything that tells them that you choose them, that you hang out with them because you like it, because you love it, I mean what could be more important than them?
-> Hange , Sasha , Krista (AOT) Hinata , Nishinoya , Yachi, Atsumu (HAIKYUU) Hinata , Ten-Ten , Konan (NARUTO) Gon , Pakunoda (HUNTER X HUNTER) Tanjiro , Mitsuri , Rengoku (DEMON SLAYER) Izuku , Kirishima , Twice (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
————— OBSESSIVE - They are nothing but a slave to their own obsession. They revolve around you. How you sleep, what you eat, and what you say can drive them in a tizzy! Even the smallest of things can make them stay up at night and fantasize. Everything about you is in and on their mind. Your smell. Your eyes. Your body. Your touch. Must know about you. You’re their passion, and the root of their curiosity. They steal your worn-out clothes, your perfume, your panties & your pens. Anything to get a glimpse into who you are, to aid there dirty fantasies. 
-> Jean , Falco , Erwin(ATTACK ON TITAN) Tanaka , Kenma (HAIKYUU) Kiba , (NARUTO) Nobunaga (HUNTER X HUNTER) Akaza , Muichiro (DEMON SLAYER) Sero (MY HERO ACADEMIA) Sal Fisher, (SALLY FACE)
POSSESSIVE- Yours. Hers. His. Theirs. Mine. They get off so bad with these words, rubbing their thighs together at just the mere thought of it. They must dictate and decide everything for you, you are theirs after all. You can eat this and this, don’t even think about trying that though and stay away from your Aunt Susan. Why? Cause I said so now do it. They want to direct the things you do. Make the things you do because of them. Power and ownership is what makes them choke you , watching as you sputter and struggle and only when they think that you’ve learned your lesson in disobedience that they stop. Just give it up, the sooner you stop fighting them and their decisions the better. 
“ Good girl, now who do you belong to? That’s right. That means when I say for you to take my cock you fucking do it.”
-> Levi , Ymir (ATTACK ON TITAN) Kageyama , Tsukishima (HAIKYUU) Madara , Sasuke, Neji , (NARUTO) Chrollo , Machi , Kurapika , (HUNTER X HUNTER) Obanai , Sanemi , Muzan , Kokoshibu (DEMON SLAYER) Shigaraki , Aizawa (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
SUBMISSIVE -  You need a dog? I can bark. You need a shoe cleaner? I have a mouth. They are by your feet within seconds of you uttering their name. They love serving you, being needed by you. I mean as long as your there they are fine with literally anything. Willing to do anything. Would give you everything if you so much as asked.     
“Please! Please, tell me you want me! Tell me you love me!”
Will give up their dignity, pride and humanity for you. All you have to do is ask. Their worst nightmare is you throwing them out. Deciding that you are better off without them. Your aren’t and they will prove it to you. 
-> Armin , Floch , Gabi (ATTACK ON TITAN) YACHI, Terushima, (HAIKYUU) Sakura , Minato (NARUTO) Leorio, (HUNTER X HUNTER) MITSURI , Enmu (DEMON SLAYER)
MANIPULATIVE - Gaslight, gate-keep, girl boss, blackmail. Will use every single tactic and ploy in the book to get you to stay.
“How could you! You did this to me! Made me so weak and useless without you! I can’t breathe when you aren’t around! I’ll fall apart without you! It would be all your fault!”
They know what they are doing, know that you are too sweet to leave in fear of what would happen to them. So you stay and let them rule and command your life, you would be falling apart of the amount of emotional torture and manipulation that they put you through and they would be all shits and giggles. You aren’t leaving. You’re going to stay here with them through heaven and hell. 
-> Eren, Connie , (ATTACK ON TITAN) Kuroo, Oikawa (HAIKYUU) Naruto, Shikamaru, Itachi (NARUTO) Phinks (HUNTER X HUNTER) Uzui, Shinobu , Daki ( DEMON SLAYER) HAWKS , toga (MY HERO ACADEMIA)
SADISTIC-  You thought possessive YAN! was bad? Oh…sweetheart here they come…the minute they set their eyes on you you were theirs, and to ensure that they spread lies and cause rumors. Anything to get you alone,by yourself and hurt. Come crawling to them. Stay with them. Never leave them, you have no one else anyways. They will play nice with you, let you think that they are here to protect you that you are safe when you are the farthest thing from it. They will coo at you saying how cute you are, all small and fragile with only them by your side before smashing their fist on your head, they shudder at your pain.Not cause it grosses them out. No! No! Quite the opposite. They are drooling for your despair. Seeing you like this on your knees, tears streaming down your face as you sob in pain. God. How could they not want you? 
They don’t dilute themself into thinking that this is for you or your safety. No, this is for them. They not only blush at the thought of you in pain but also for the fact that it’s because of them. They get off seeing you beg and babble. Gasp and scream for them to stop as you collapse on their cock. They giggle at your fruitless efforts, silly thing, you should know by now that your crying only makes them want to do it more. The power goes to their head, intoxicated at seeing you whimper in fear of them. They love you so much . They want to see you so helpless and out of power. To have your pleasure, pain and thoughts in their hands is nothing but a dream for them.
-> Levi, Zeke (ATTACK ON TITAN) MADARA (NARUTO) FEITAN (HUNTER X HUNTER) Sakusa kiyoomi?? (HAIKYUU) MUZAN (DEMON SLAYER) Dabi, Keigo (MY HERO ACADEMIA) ( ᴡʜʏ ᴅᴏ I ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ʏᴀɴ sᴏ ʜᴏᴛ)
DELUSIONAL - Anything and everything is the problem but them. It must by the color of his shirt that’s making you look at him with such disgust. Green isn’t his color.. everyone knows that... You love them though. It’s the only explanation for how you act, running away when seeing them, you should be more forward with your feelings! They feel the same way! You’re just playing shy when you were dodging their kisses. 
When you were yelling on how much you don’t want this. Tut, tut. Playing hard to get? We love each other. We’re made for each other. I love you and you love me. Now stop beating around the bush and come here.
“I only hurt you because of my love. My feelings. You feel the same way. You should understand. I’ll make you understand.”
-> Marco, EREN ( ATTACK ON TITAN) Sugawara , Yaku (HAIKYUU) ALSO SAKURA , Lee , Gaara (NARUTO) Shizuku , Cheetu ( I’m sobbing I dont know why I find that cheetah ant so hot)(HUNTER X HUNTER) Tomioka (DEMON SLAYER)
SAFE GUARD-   Extremely overbearing. Must know where you are at all times, has to not only be aware but also have an opinion in what you are doing. 
“You want to go where? Why? Here with me is perfect. Fine. Stop crying you can go, but I’m coming with you.”
Just accept it. You aren’t shaking them off. They watch, study & perceive, if not for you then for them, for their peace of mind . They love being your knight in shining armor (even though you didn’t need one) your protecter.
They keep you ‘safe’, and that fact alone is their pride and joy. I mean, what would you do without them? You need them. They don’t need you.( that’s what they tell themselves) you should be more grateful.
-> Mikasa , LEVI (ATTACK ON TITAN) Daichi , (HAIKYUU) Itachi , kakashi (NARUTO) Machi , Uvogin, killua, illumi (HUNTER X HUNTER) Akaza , Gyomei (DEMON SLAYER)
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( ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ @cafekitsune ♡︎) ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ɪғ ᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ ʙʟᴏɢs ʙʏ ʟɪᴋɪɴɢ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢɢɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ! I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ᴅɪᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴏɴᴇ! Dᴏɴᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇɴᴅ ᴀ ʀᴇǫ!
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Reasons for submission under the cut
relatable as an adult
he is just an overworked guy who was told to watch some kids w LOTS of issues
needs therapy
good presence and guidance in Narutos life
cares about and is dedicated to his students very much
he is just cool
he is trying his best despite what he has been through in the past
is up for having fun but still knows when to be serious
was a narcissistic shit but grew out of it
has good intentions
wonderfully complex and well developed character
incredibly resilient and supportive
a sad and deeply broken man
always willing to give his life to protect them and his other precious people
just wanted everything to be ok for once in his life
hated Danzo
his friendship with Gai is adorable
the way he teases Tenzo is fun
he’s known as cool and aloof but in reality he’s a huge dork
Gai would want him to win
was instrumental in the success of the story - he may not have won against Madara, but he put fear in him and had it not been for hacks, he would have decimated him where no one else could
believes whole-heartedly in his student to the point of dedicating his life to making him a splendid ninja
came from nothing, worked his way up from nothing, and is now considered to be one of the greatest shinobi to have come out of the Hidden Leaf. People know and fear him
made Itachi bail. That man was ready to fight everyone else, but packed it up when Gai came on the scene
kicked Jiraiya in the face and never properly apologized
great salesperson - always has a spare jumpsuit to give to passers-by and hook them on his favorite brand. True influencer and fashion icon
had a bowl cut before it was cool
was a great friend to Kakashi, and was there for him during the highs and lows of his horrifically stressful life. Arguably saved Kakashi's life with his constant support, and the story could not have happened without him. Is considered by Kakashi - one of the most powerful and infamous shinobi in the world - to be his equal and his best friend
loves kids. Supports his own students like he was their father, and equally takes pride in Naruto and protected Sasuke after Sasuke's first run in with Itachi
in the anime, he is shown to be hard on the outside but clearly permissive in that he would sneak Chouji food in the middle of a mission and try to push Naruto into figuring out who Minato was
confident in himself and confident in others - he is everyone's biggest cheerleader and he isn't just talk; he'll work hard with you. When he says he'll do something, nothing will stop him and he will follow his promises even when no one is watching.
hot. Man has pretty privilege
amazing, supportive teacher and friend
he is always trying to be positive in such a dark world and cheer up those around him
he's so good to Lee, Tenten, and Neji, you can just tell how much he cares about those kids
his speech to Lee was super moving. He knew Lee was scared and made sure to be there for him
he was ready and willing to die to defeat Madara in order to save the others
an actual decent upstanding father figure
unbridled whimsy
excellent tits
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dark-konohagakure2 · 4 months
Kushina forcing her daughter to suck her pussy and ass while she makes dinner? 🥺
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tw: incest, parent/child, dubcon, pussy eating, rimming, mommy kink, praise, grooming
All characters depicted are 18+
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Kushina is a very dedicated housewife, she wants her dearest Minato to have a clean home and warm meal to come back to, but sometimes she needs some help with that. Luckily for her she has the sweetest and most helpful little daughter in the world.
Minato is a great lover in the bedroom, but he can't always be home, so Kushina sometimes has to rely on her daughter to get some release. She's usually reluctant to do such dirty things to her own mother, but Kushina is surprising good at talking people into things despite her red-hot temper.
Kushina will be cooking dinner for the whole family while her daughter is on her knees underneath her, using those cute little lips of hers on her mother's perfect holes, eating out her pussy and ass while Kushina occasionally moans in pleasure and praises her sweet little daughter's efforts.
Her daughter is even better at eating her out than Minato is, much to Kushina's delight, so she'll have her daughter do it for her almost every time the two of them are home alone and the boys are out of the house for the day.
"Ohh~! Right there, sweetie..! That's my good girl! You always know just how to make Mommy happy, don't you?"
She's a very loving mother, letting her daughter eat something so very sweet even while Kushina is busy cooking something that's almost just as tasty for the whole family, she's just so generous when it comes to her beloved family.
Kushina will be a bit too busy cooking to pay a lot of attention to her daughter, but she'll be sure to praise her efforts and give some directions on how to pleasure her mother properly.
She can't help but be proud of her daughter's oral skills, her tongue expertly pleasuring her mothers soaked pussy and rim, Kushina is very glad that all that training she gave her in those areas didn't go to waste.
The red haired woman can be as loud as she wants when moaning in pleasure, since her husband and son are out of the house, so Kushina will be very verbal when she's about to climax.
"Good job, honey. Now make Mommy cum one more time before Daddy gets home, and I'll tell him all about what a good girl you've been today..."
Kushina won't tell Minato about their daughter's "skills" unless he outright asks about it, and if he does, maybe the three of them can do some extra special family bonding together next time.
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dulcibella-dreams · 7 months
Makoto or Akihiko with a smug and assertive f!reader? 🙏 love ur work
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Akihiko Sanada and P3 male protag with a smug and assertive f!reader
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SJJSKSKSJSJSJSJSJJSKS sorry I saw this in my inbox and got like a happy attack because like :( ty. Thats literally so sweet :( I will be doing both of the boys! Because as much as I am pushing my 'fill Tumblr with Makoto fics' crusade, Akihiko was my first love (p3p was crazy). I assume this is more a dot pointy request rather than a story like request? I am so sorry if you meant the latter 😭 either way, I hope you enjoy and WOW this authors note is long <3
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Akihiko Sanada
- Ohhhh.....his little fangirls *despise* you.
- Not only because you're all personal with THE Akihiko
- But because to them, you're *disrespecting* him.
- Your teasing, your advances and your initiative kisses were absolutely vile.
- Akihiko though, he loves your affections...when...well, when he gets the memo.
- We all know he's the king of missing social cues.
- But when you throw a confident: "Hey Aki... Looking good!"
- It's a two way street.
- A) He absolutely does not recognise your intent was to flirt with him and thinks you're hyping up like Junpei would or something (he's stupid)
- B) Awkwardly standing there and cartoonishly rubbing his head as he awkwardly laughs and stutters. (he's stupid)
- He IS blushing. You make him blush really easily, actually. It starts from his neck and quickly creeps up, turning his whole face a sheen of pink. His ears are redddd though...
- After a moment of his brain making the windows reboot sound, he throws out the most DISMEMBERED ATROCIOUS NONSENSICAL SENTENCE YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR *LIFE*
- "h-haha girl...you...you...you're more...more even...even..?..."
- you literally have to shush him (affectionately)
- If you're feeling particularly malicious ..
-You'd reach up and wrap your fingers around his collar, pulling him towards you, mere inches from your lips. After a moment, you'd give him a sweet, tender kiss.
- You'd think he'd have some fight in him, quite literally being a boxer
- but it's not like he doesn't like when you're assertive....
- If anything, it's a reminder you really do love him. That you do want him. That you're not superficial, something he deals with literally everyday.
- He loves you, so so much and will probably randomly blurt it out at the most inopportune moment.
- Most likely when you're at hagakure together <3
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Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato
- He is incredibly perceptive, absolutely unlike Akihiko
- He'll pick up on every glance from across the room, every underlying meaning of the things you say.
- Should you try, your little attempts to embarass him will always be fruitless
- He will literally respond with a blank face and say "That'a cute."
- If instead you're assertive when it comes to physical affection, he won't say it (nor show it), but...he absolutely melts for it.
- Absolutely so stupid, butterfles in his stomach, weak knees for it.
- Running up to hug him once he comes back to the dorm.
- Initiating kisses, hugs from behind, reaching for his hand while you walk to school- you name it.
- He'll always be calm about it, and half of the time you're just trying to elicit a reaction from him
- "Try as you might, you know my charms work on you." You'd joke.
- "The only chance you have is if you use Marin Karin..." You tried not to laugh. You laughed anyways.
- Trying to be smug with Makoto was an uphill battle, but it was so, so fun
- And it probably just ended up with you two laughing.
- You were always proud of that fact, actually.
- No-one makes him laugh...except you, apparently.
-He needs someone strong spoken and assertive like yourself, because you're his perfect counterbalance.
-Overall, while being smug and assertive with him is pretty much ineffective, it does indicate your interest, and maybe, could even create a medium for flirting to occur...
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raikirikiri · 2 months
obito kamui-ing into kakashi’s apartment every night to use his sharingan to subtly control kakashi’s dreams. it depends on his mood. sometimes he makes kakashi dream of team minato, all happy and alive, especially when he’s feeling cruel or merciful. those two feelings tend to blend together for him during his akatsuki days. but those dreams leave both kakashi and obito empty and melancholic the morning after and over time, they become less and less frequent in obito’s catalogue of dreams he gives kakashi. when he’s feeling kind, not merciful but kind, like the boy he used to be, he’ll give kakashi happier dreams, ones that won’t ache in the morning. playing with his hounds, silly rival challenges with gai, drinking with tsunade, training naruto. the mornings after those dreams, kakashi is lighter, happier and more open. he isolates himself less and seeks out the people he considers friends. obito sort of hates himself and kakashi the next day but, again, over time, that hatred sort of goes away and gets replaced with an annoying sense of fondness and pride. every time he feels proud of making kakashi’s days less miserable, obito gags just a little bit.
but perhaps the most important dreams obito plays with are the nightmares. around the kyuubi attack, around the anniversaries of team minato’s individual deaths, the week leading up to sakumo’s suicide. those dreams are the ones obito is most wary of. it confuses him when he wants to turn those nightmares into something completely different, something that would take away kakashi’s pain and anxiety. he never does, because part of him thinks kakashi should always be hurting, especially around rin’s death. but when he knows kakashi is dreaming of sakumo, obito is a little more understanding. he can’t completely shift the nightmare, he doesn’t want the asshole to get too suspicious, but he does his best to take away the feeling of guilt. he tries to lessen kakashi’s burden when it comes to his father, and when it comes to minato too.
after a few years of meddling with kakashi’s subconscious, obito starts inserting himself into dreams. his adult-self. he doesn’t know why or how or really remember the circumstances that made him want to in the first place. but he does. he puts himself next to kakashi on a beach in the land of waves. he puts himself in the pastures of the land of rice kakashi likes to let his hounds run around in. he puts himself on the other side of naruto when kakashi is eating with him at ichiraku. he never interacts, not really but he’s there in kakashi’s periphery. he makes himself forgettable and unrecognizable but there enough for kakashi to feel a little mournful in the morning and obito to feel a sense of longing.
obito wishes there was more he could do with kakashi’s dreams. he wishes he could manipulate them into turning kakashi against the village. he wishes he could make himself into a konoha jounin in real life. he wishes he could be more for kakashi than a blurry specter in his dreams. but obito has his role to play and kakashi has his. he needs kakashi to continue to be himself. for all he longs and wants, he has a plan and he will follow through so when kakashi does finally eternally dream, obito can be there. he can be there and kakashi will be able to see him and hug him and love—
obito will finish the plan. he’ll make kakashi dream forever. even if all he desperately wants is to be there with kakashi during the waking day
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awearywritersworld · 2 years
Gojo Satoru x Reader summary: you and gojo have been more than friends for years, but when geto massacred all those civilians, it left him broken. years later, he finally realizes he needs to pick up the pieces. w/c: 2.1k warnings: smut, kinda angsty, but also fluffy, creampie, gojo being vulnerable, sex with feelings a/n: lovers to it's complicated to maybe we can fix things vibes, fem!reader, softdom!gojo, *NSFW under the cut* masterlist
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A steady, slow percussion reaches Gojo’s ears as he stands outside your door late one evening. His hand rises to knock against the wood, though he wonders if you can even hear it over the music. Just as his knuckles are about to meet with the door once more, the melody grows quieter and he listens to your soft footsteps approach. When the door swings open, revealing you on the other side, the sight alone makes the ever-present burden on Gojo’s shoulders feel less crushing.
“What are you doing here?”
A dark shirt hangs loosely from his frame and your eyes trail down to his exposed collarbones before they dart back up to his face. He looks tired and worn, but so do you. 
“I just finished that mission, the special grade in Minato.” 
His words don’t necessarily answer your question, but you still move aside to let the man in. He notices the drink in your hand for the first time when you bring it to your lips and take a small sip.
Your relationship with Gojo is complicated, a fact that weighs heavily in your chest. It wasn't always this way. 
At first, it was simple. You’d never explicitly called yourself a couple, though your actions toward and feelings for one another were those of lovers. Your relationship was left undefined, sure, but never complicated. 
That was years ago, though--- before Geto massacred those civilians, before he tore his best friend's heart to pieces.
You alone had been there to see Gojo’s inevitable breakdown. You would never forget how his voice cracked as he cursed the cruel world and malevolent gods that presided over it. His hair had fallen over his eyes, but they were still shining brightly despite the tears that flooded them. 
Those memories, seared into your mind, make it hard to stay mad at him. Even though he disappears for days at a time and hides his feelings behind that cocky nonchalance... You remain by his side nonetheless.
As he steps past you and into the room, he squeezes your hip in greeting. The warm, dim lighting of the room brings him a small sense of ease, even as violent images from the mission wrack his mind. He moves toward your small kitchenette, making himself a drink to match your own. 
You watch as the amber-colored liquor pours over the ice and fills his cup, grimacing at the sight. You know he hates alcohol more than most things. “Minato was that bad, huh?"
He tilts his head back and lets the liquor run down his throat, trying and failing not to wince at the sensation. He wipes at his lips before nodding, “yes.” 
You sit down on the sofa and he grabs the bottle from the counter before joining you, sitting close enough that your thighs touch. He tops off both your drinks, then leans back, slings an arm around your shoulders, and relaxes into the cushions. You whisper your thanks. It's silent for a little while, save for the quiet music.
“I didn’t think saving people would be such a bloody endeavor," you begin. You're no stranger to the gory reality rattling around in his head at the moment. "Wanna talk about?"
He does and he doesn't spare you any of the details regarding his last 48 hours. Over the course of his recollection, you shift so that you're situated more snugly into his side, your fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt as you listen intently. He chokes up toward the end, struggling to recount the worst and final part.
You place your hand above his knee. "I'm sorry you couldn't save them, 'Ru. I know how impossible it is to endure, let alone talk about."
He doesn't say anything for a moment, just presses his thigh into your touch. When he takes the last sip left in his glass, it doesn't sting as much now that he's reached the bottom.
“Well, I’ve got no secrets, baby.. Not with you, anyway. Just dirty shame.” 
Your features soften and you know the meaning behind his words doesn't pertain to cursed spirits alone.
"You should try to forgive yourself."
You look up at him to find that he's already peering down at you. He wants to tell you he can't ever possibly do that. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't regret how he's treated you over the years.
"You're so pretty," he says instead.
You reach up to pull the blindfold from his eyes, which he lets you do without protest. The praise had made your stomach stir, but the intense look swimming in his irises increases it tenfold.
"So are you."
He leans over and places his empty cup on the table. The loss of contact almost makes you shiver, but it's only a moment before his warmth returns and he reaches up to caress your cheek.
He leans in, closing his eyes and brushing his nose against yours lovingly. When his lips find yours, they taste like whisky, but they're still impossibly sweet.
His movements are slow and deliberate, his hand creeping to the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair in hopes of keeping you close. His other hand finds your waist, tugging you toward his lap.
You oblige, shifting to straddle him without breaking the kiss. Your hands rest on his chest, noting the way it rises and falls deeply beneath your palms. He pulls away ever so slightly.
"Tell me you're mine," he pleads desperately against your lips.
"Always have been, 'Ru," you answer honestly.
It makes his heart squeeze and he grabs your face with both hands, pulling it back so that he can really look at you.
"You're so sweet to me."
His tone takes you off guard and all you can do in response is press your lips against his once more. This time, however, it's more fervent--- sloppy, even--- as your hands grab at the other's clothing.
Quickly, you're both left only in your underwear and your now exposed skin is hot against his own. You can feel that he's hardened beneath you, so you press yourself against him and let out a small noise at the sensation.
He grabs your hips tightly and his cock begins to strain against his boxers. As you move, you can feel every ridge of it through the thin fabric.
"Off," you mutter, slipping a finger under his waistband and pulling at it.
He stands, easily supporting your combined weight, and lays you down on the couch. He clumsily slides the boxers down his thighs, his cock slapping against his stomach in the process. The sight of it has you rubbing your thighs together impatiently.
He kneels between your legs, pulling them apart, and pushes your panties to the side. A groan passes his lips in appreciation when he runs a finger up your slit, already slick for him.
He litters your thighs with kisses, moving along so slowly it makes your core begin to ache. By the time he reaches where you need him most, you're squirming under his hold.
His nose nudges your clit as he kisses you there and you exhale sharply.
"Satoru, please," you whine.
Unable to deny you, he hums and slips a finger inside, curling it up to hit that one spot he knows you like.
You clench around his finger, sending a shudder through both your bodies, and you mewl in a way that makes him realize how needy you are.
"N-No," you stammer, pushing his hand away despite the pleasure it was bringing you. A thin sheen of sweat has appeared on your forehead. "Need you inside."
Your plea makes his cock throb painfully and he wastes no time in positioning himself over top of you. He gently presses your thigh to your chest and enjoys one of his favorite views in the world. Lining himself up with your entrance, he rubs his head along your folds.
Leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead, his lips linger there for a moment.
"Fuck, (y/n)," he murmurs in your ear just before pushing in.
A guttural moan escapes his throat when he first splits you open. Once he's filled you to the hilt, he stills, his fists clenching. He'll never tire of the way your warm, tight walls make him feel.
"I'm yours too, you know." He takes his first thrust and relishes in how your mouth falls open in response. "All yours."
Gojo picks up the pace and you grab at his back and bicep, leaving harsh red marks beneath your fingernails. You feel so full it's dizzying.
"Just like that," you encourage him.
He looks down to where you're connected. Everything about the moment is like a drug to him--- your pretty pussy clenching around him, your breathy moans in his ear, his skin flush against yours.
He reaches down to your clit, sliding it between his fingers and rubbing firm, steady circles there. His eyes shift to your face. "Look at me."
You listen obediently, your eyes growing hazy. His mirror your own, heavy-lidded with pleasure. He pushes your other thigh to your chest to match the first. "This feel good, baby?"
You nod up at him with parted lips and flushed cheeks. His mouth finds your neck, leaving a mix of messy kisses and bites from your shoulder up to your ear. "C'mon, cum for me. I know you're a good girl."
You whimper from the over stimulation and feel your core tighten, your thighs tensing. Your grip on his bicep strains and your eyes screw shut. He knows you're close.
"Tsk, tsk," he chides, "I said look at me, sweetheart."
"'M sorry," you cry softly as your eyes pop open.
He hums, a small smile on his face. His gaze is unyielding. Possessive, in a way.
There's a light feeling in the pit of your stomach. "Satoru-"
"I know, baby." His voice is honeyed, "go 'head."
At his words, you feel your climax roll through you, the powerful sensation reaching every single part of your body. Your legs tremble weakly and Gojo thinks the strangled sound you just made was delightful.
He's in heaven. Your pussy is pulsating around his cock and you're still holding his gaze, all fucked out and beautiful.
"You feel so fucking good," he growls.
His hips begin to snap against yours at an unforgiving pace, but his movements soon become irregular.
"Can I fill you up?" He's all but pleading with you.
"Please." He takes satisfaction in the fact that you sound just as desperate as he does.
His hand moves to grab your hip. His is grip painful but elicits a moan from you that pushes him over the edge.
Your name falls from his lips in the same way a sinner begs for heaven. His final strokes are sloppy, but he still nestles himself inside you as deeply as he can
Gojo lowers his face to yours and you kiss along his jawline, before leaving a love bite on his neck. You feel his cock twitch inside you one last time. He rests like that for a little while, but eventually finds the strength to push himself back up.
He's pleased when he takes in the harsh marks he's left on your skin, a reminder that you're his. You watch him intently and Gojo can't help himself--- he leans down to nip at the fragile skin of your collarbones just a little more.
Afterward, he shifts so that he's spooning you, even if the small couch offered little space. Burying his nose in your hair and closing his eyes, his arms tighten around you.
"I love you," he offers.
It's not like you'd never heard Gojo say that he loves you, it's just something you hear a lot less ever since Geto-
You try to shift your mind away from that, staying quiet for a moment. You feel your eyes sting and you will yourself to keep it together.
Turning toward him, he's softened enough that he falls out with the movement. His cum runs down the crease of your thigh and you're left feeling empty.
Propping yourself up, you lean down and press your lips to his forehead. Your eyes well up once more, but this time, you can't make the tears disappear.
"I love you," you finally whisper against his skin.
When you pull away, you know immediately that he's noticed your watery eyes. Loving him has been the hardest thing you've ever done.
He knows that.
Instead of saying anything (he was liable to ruin the moment were he to speak, he knows that too), he pulls you into his chest and strokes the back of your head soothingly.
There's that dirty shame.
But he'll try to forgive himself because it's what you asked. Because he has to fix things before he loses you, too.
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sakuraharuno156 · 4 months
Canonical difference between Sasuke and Naruto in terms of their canon parings - a rant
1. There are two caveats that I'll provide at the end with explanations behind them.
2. It will be in parts because i want to provide manga as proof, and Tumblr has a limit of pictures I can add.
Now to the point
Who is the most important person in life for Naruto and Sasuke?
Let's start with Naruto, because for anyone who has read the series, it's obvious.
For Naruto it's SASUKE.
No doubt. Comparing importance of Sasuke and importance of Hinata in Naruto's mind is laughable. Saying that Hinata is more important - is straight up delusional.
Naruto, after a thought that someone can try to k*ll Sasuke, even tho he knows Sasuke is stronger than most of the universe:
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Devastated. Hyperventilating. Unable to breathe.
Naruto, after thinking he destroyed the WHOLE VILLAGE, every villager, including Hinata:
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Sad, sure, not sad enough to check on her, even tho he was in sage mode so he could feel she was literally dying.
Naruto, after seeing Hinata nearly die to the point she had to be hospitalized and felt the effects of it months after:
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I'll fight you Neji.
(I'll also like to remind everyone that Naruto did jump at Neji, but not because of Hinata but because he called her a "loser" and said that every looser would stay a loser, which Naruto took personally. Even that whole fight means to Naruto not revenge for Hinata, but a revenge for saying that loser will lose. Read the manga.)
Naruto, after Kabuto just mentioned Sasuke's name:
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Sasuke went there on his own will, but just the thought of losing him was too much for Naruto.
Naruto, thinking Hinata died protecting him. The only person that has ever said she loves him, to the person who wants love the most - dead:
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Naruto - surprised, terrified even, but not bat shit crazy. He needed Pain to talk shit and say about love causing hatred. Pain had to continue the whole "everyone is gonna die" narrative for Naruto to explode. He can become Kurama in seconds, but he needed Pain to continue - to explode.
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And then he didn't even check on her.
Naruto, thinking Sasuke died for him. Without the whole "I love you" stuff. Just a friend protecting him:
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(A reminder, it was when the seal was very strong. Naruto wasn't using so much of Kuramas chakra, so it was WAAAY harder for him to go into Kuramas mode.)
Then Naruto checking on Sasuke (when he was certain that Sasuke died) and crying out of happiness when Sasuke turns out alive
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And last but not least, Naruto ready to die with Sasuke. Saying it eith smile on his face. No mention of Hinata even tho it was right after her love confession:
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You can ship NaruHina, but saying that Naruto would chose Hinata over Sasuke is a different level of delusional. The whole plot of the series is that Naruto would do anything for Sasuke. He would k*ll for Sasuke and die for Sasuke.
Sasuke is the most important person in Narutos life. Anyone who says differently has NEVER read the manga or just uses wishful thinking instead 🤷‍♀️
I would even go further and say that the moment when Naruto was telling Minato about finding love that is not exactly like Kushina - he was talking about Sasuke. But it's not per se canon so I'm gonna keep it out 🤷‍♀️
Two caveats:
1. They would obviously put their children first - above anyone. So children are beside the point.
2. We are going to base it on canon material only. Anything that wasn't written by Kishimoto is irrelevant. So no, we are not taking novels or movies. It would be too long and it's not canon 🤷‍♀️
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honeybeedrabble · 11 months
Hi ! Could i request a mafia au with a dark mafia boss kakashi x reader when you have the time please ?
omg wait… this is so good
I’m Your Man (i) : Kakashi x AFAB!Reader
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CW: kidnapping, dark(ish) Kakashi, mafia boss!kakashi, mean!kakashi, intimidation, fear tactics, touching (F recieving), masturbation (m), somnophilia (??), lmk what i missed !!
18+ MDNI !!!
Konoha had changed. Nobody was sure when the change had started or even when it had gotten that much more apparent, but it hasn’t been the happy hidden leaf it was known to be in a while. If anyone had to pinpoint it, it would probably be after Sarutobi was reinstated as Hokage. The death of Minato Namikaze was no small setback, not when Kakashi had been his beloved student.
When Minato died, Kakashi was broken. The people he knew and loved had finally all left, he had nothing but his fathers shattered legacy to his name, and with his pride, ego and mental health completely damaged, he needed to rebuild it one way or another. And rebuild it he did.
Kakashi noticed how shit the economy was, with missions being more expensive by the day, people to barely afford them. He knew that people needed work done for cheap, he also knew people needed other kinds of work done for cheap. Assassinations, smuggling, money laundering, robbery- you name it Kakashi could get it done. And if not him, one of his trusted accomplices. So what better way to help the people while rebuilding his clan’s reputation than to create his own “community”?
“And what did this mystery client say about payment?” Kakashi asked, twirling a pen between his slender fingers.
“He said he would deliver the other half after it’s been carried out.” Yamato said, reaching into his pocket for a small picture of a man and a younger woman- you. Yamato gave Kakashi the photo, and Kakashi stared at it for a moment. The photo of your terrible father and your kind, innocent, unknowing face. He felt a strange pang in his stomach, a fluttering in his chest as he examined your features.
“No... payment is upfront, it always has been.” Kakashi said monotoned, not looking up from the photo.
“That’s what I told him. However this new client of ours is stubborn. He said the most he would do half up front and half after the bounty was over.”
“Just what is so peculiar about this man in this photo? Why do we need to bring him down? Why should I care about this drama?” Kakashi asked, tearing the photo in half, stuffing the piece with you in his pocket.
“The man in the photo hasn’t been taking any deals with our client. He didn’t tell me much but he’s bad news. The clients run out of options and he really needs for the deal to go through.” Yamato trailed off. Kakashi withdrew the crumpled photo of you from his pocket, then set it on his large wooden table. He tossed the photo of your father down next to it and stared down at the torn photo.
“Well then, Yamato… Go make him an offer he can’t refuse.”
It was late. Far too late, but you knew you needed some fresh air. Air away from your fathers strange deals and brusque demeanor. That was until the world went black and you woke up in a room you didn’t recognize. The walls were high and a dark crimson color, the floor a dark oak and the drapes halfway drawn, the soft pitter-patter of the rain hitting each window had your mind racing. Was it raining when you had left? Was it still the same night? What time was it? Most importantly- where were you?
“She’s awake?” A voice asked curiously. You looked around the dark room, trying to find the source of the question.
“H-Hello?” You called nervously, your breath shaky.
“Good job, idiot.”
“SHH! Both of you!” You froze. Three. Three. Different. Voices, None of which you had recognized.
Suddenly the large door from the other side of the room opened and you nervously hid behind a small blanket covering your waist, laying back down on the bed.
“What are you three- GOD DAMMIT YAMATO! I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU TO KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF THIS!” A large voice boomed. You shuddered under the blanket, eyes closed tight in hopes this were a dream and you would wake up anytime soon. But the rain falling against the buildings windows kept you terribly present in the moment.
“I-I’m sorry boss! I don’t know how they got in!” Presumably Yamato had said.
“They should be in bed by now! Just get them out- NOW!” The man yelled. You heard some shuffling along with the three previous voices murmuring something before the large door opened and the light pouring in from the outside of the room had vanished.
Heavy footsteps approached where you lay and you couldn’t stop your shaking. A few tears escaped your tightly shut eyes, silently praying that this wasn’t real. You felt a large hand grab at your ankle, pulling you out from under the blanket. You yelped as you were pulled out of the bed and dragged across the floor, scratching the hard wood in hopes to stop the movement. Tears fell down your face and you let out terrified whimpers, your fate uncertain.
“Would you stop flopping around like some kind of fish out of water?!” The voice asked. You were able to grab a corner of the blanket and pull it close to you.
The hand dropped your ankle and you sat down with your forehead against your knees and the blanket draped over you while you cried into your lap. You heard a heavy sigh and the sound of the man sitting in a chair or sofa. You could see the room around you light up and the sound of a small lamp being switched on.
You gathered enough courage to look up at the seated man infront of you. His legs were man spread wide as his temple rested against his fist, arm propped up on the arm of the leather chair. He was quite handsome, if only you could see more of his face. Still you were scared, and hid behind your legs once again.
“What am I going to do with you?” He asked rhetorically, mostly to himself. You looked helpless seated in front of him, your small cries making him unable to focus on a single train of thought.
“W-Who are y-you?” You asked with a shaky voice, sounding much less intimidating than you had hoped for.
“Do you seriously not know who I am?” He asked, slightly amused. You shook your head and he removed his head from his hand, his hands rubbing up and down his thighs while he sat up.
“My name is of little to no importance to you, seeing the position you’re in.”
“What position- what are you going to do with me?” You asked, unsure if you wanted to know the answer.
“For the next few days you will be in my custody until my client sees fit.”
“Who’s your client?”
“Why would I tell you?” Kakashi asked with a sneer, knowing fully well he wasn’t certain who the client was.
You cried again, feeling your stomach start to go sour with worry.
“Oh Gods…” kakashi huffed, standing up and walking over to you. He grabbed your blanket and threw it to the corner of the room. You gasped, slowly backing away from him. He grabbed you by your collar and brought you to his level, looking you up and down, looking at the real you the same way he would look at your picture.
When you finally gathered the courage to look at him again you realized he was wearing a hidden leaf headband over his eye. Your breath hitched as he made eye contact with you.
“Y-You’re Kakashi of the sharingan…” you said softly. He growled and dropped you, you landed to the floor with a thud and a grunt.
"Great..." He loomed over you, staring down at your frightened position on the ground. He backed away towards the giant door and flipped on a light switch, the room instantly lit up and you looked around.
Not much to write home about. An above average sized room- it looked like a guest room by the lack of furniture and personality. You looked at the single bed you had woken up on previously, a pillow and a sheet lay on top.
"Is this supposed to be my room?" You asked, looking out the rainy window. All you saw in the dark outside was a thick forest. Great.
"Yeah." Kakashi responded curtly.
"Do I get a tour of this place?" Kakashi whipped around, his brow furrowed.
"Were you born yesterday or something, girl? No! No you don't get a fucking tour- for gods sake this isn't a hotel! You're not even going to be leaving this room."
"W-What if I need to go to the bathroom?"
"I'll have someone escort you across the hall." You hung your head, wishing you hadn't even stepped a foot outside for that god forsaken walk. You felt a hand spread across the top of your head, the feeling brought you out of your self pity.
"If you're quiet and you don't cause me or my crew any trouble... I can almost guarantee your safety." His tone was much softer, yet it still held its authoritative and firm presence. You looked up at him, eyes red with sorrow and fear.
"Almost?" His hand left your head, retreating back to his side as he clenched his gloved fist.
"Truth be told, I'm not sure what's in store for you." Your nerves weren't settled, he might as well have not even given you that small moment of hope.
Kakashi watched as you imagined your fate, assuming your father had gotten mixed into the wrong crowd and now your life was at stake. He couldn't take it anymore, for some reason he felt the need to comfort you.
"...Its late... Get up, girl." He said. You slowly got up, the light in your eyes completely dulled. Kakashi came behind you and roughly grabbed your upper arm, leading you to your bed for the next few nights. Or weeks. Months maybe? Years...?
He jostled you over on the side of the bed and you got on top and curled into a fetal position facing away from him. He walked over to where he threw your blanket then picked it up, crushing it into a large ball shape and throwing it at you on the bed. He walked over to the light switch and flipped it off, the small lamp still keeping the room dimly lit.
Kakashi took one last look at you then shut the heavy door behind him. The last thing you heard was the sound of the lock on the outside being locked and a few footsteps retreating down the hall. You grabbed the blanket and threw it over yourself, crying into the only pillow on the bed.
It took you about half an hour to get all your tears out, huffing exasperated breaths under the security of the lone blanket, only to fall asleep as your exhaustion took over.
You opened your eyes and saw the silver haired man on top of you, his heavy weight against your body crushing you against the mostly firm mattress.
"Don't be scared..." He spoke low in your ear, his fingers playing with the drawstring of your pajama shorts. Your breath hitched when his hand moved further south, his finger tracing the seam of your shorts down to your crotch, cupping your heat.
Your heart raced, unsure whether or not to trust him. The way his fingers worked, sliding under the leg holes and caressing the bundle of nerves underneath with his finger tips. You whimpered, unable to move under his presence. You held onto his muscular shoulder, your legs parting on their own.
"Good girl..."
Kakashi couldn't sleep, he was worried about this deal. What could this client want with your father? Why was he stuck with holding you hostage and who the hell even was this client in the first place? He decided to walk to the kitchen for a late night snack or even a drink to put him to bed. As soon as he left his bedroom he could hear the sounds of your moans from down the hall. He hurried over, an ear pressed to the large wooden door.
"K-Kakashi..." He heard you sleepily moan his name and his eyes widened. He rushed over to his office, pulling open drawer after drawer, digging for your bedroom key. He found it and ran back to the outside of your room. Sticking the key in and quickly- yet quietly- opening your door.
He watched you stir under the covers, gentle whimpers escaping your lips every so often. His blood set a fire to his loins, a tent pitching in his expensive pants. His gloved palm went to his groin, pressing against the hard on growing underneath.
Maybe this is what he needed? Not a drink, not a snack, but an orgasm. He didn't like the idea of getting off to his prisoner, especially not when he wasn't sure if everyone else was asleep. But who cares? Nobody. Not when it's Kakashi who's the man in charge.
He undid his belt, unzipping his zipper and freeing his cock from the confines of his boxers, fingers wrapping around the base of his shaft. With his other hand, he lowered his mask, then let saliva pool in his mouth before slowly letting it fall onto the head of his cock.
His hand slid up his shaft, gathering the warm spit in the palm of his hand and bringing it back down to his base. He sighed, cock gently throbbing in his grasp. It twitched when he heard you moan again, tossing in your sleep. You rolled over, eyes still shut in a deep sleep, yet facing him in the doorway. He put his mask back over his face, then started to speed up with his movements, hips thrusting into his fist when it reached the base of his cock.
You looked so peaceful, gently whimpering in the lonely room, the sounds of kakashis wet thrusts into his hand breaking the silence. Kakashi's glove was covered in his spit and precum, the now glossy leather only increasing the amount of pleasure brought to him. He slid his hand up, finger running along the head of his sensitive dick. He let out a broken grunt, fingertip circling the slit at the top, playing with the sticky precum.
He wondered what your mouth would feel like, how tight the fit would be if he were all the way down your throat. He watched as you let out a slightly louder moan, soft lips parting while he yearned to be between them. With a few more pumps to his thick member, he reached a level of ecstacy he forgot was possible, ropes of cum spilling down his leather clad hand and down onto his expensive pants, unbothered by the mess.
"Shit, shit..." He grunted softly to himself, his grip tightening on its own as the warm liquid kept flowing out. When he had finally finished he had caught himself against the door, hand still around his cock.
Kakashi tucked himself back into the confines of his boxers, zipping back up his black dress pants and buckling his shiny belt. He closed your door back up and locked it, walking back to his room and sitting down on his bed. He dug through his pocket and held the small key to your door in his hand. He looked at it for a while before shoving it under one of his many pillows and getting undressed for bed.
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mixelation · 29 days
hahahaha what’s the most unhinged thing tori says about her everyone-thinks-he’s-fake-bf aka minato
(this is an async ask)
nah she makes up weird shit but people don't think she's lying. that's what making lying fun <3 what would be unbelievable is if she told people she was in some sort of situationship with a famous ninja. people believe her BECAUSE she's saying weird lies
i think it's fairly normal small talk for The Time and Place to ask women in their early 20s about if they're married yet, because what else would young women be doing? so tori will be like "well, i have a boyfriend, but we got separated when our village was burned down and he had to go down into fire country for work--" and whatever granny asked her about her love life will nod along sympathetically. and then tori will be like "i'm worried about him because he is so sweet and there's ninja down there and they're mean :( also he is a huge book nerd and i don't want him doing physical work, i think he'll injure himself. anyway can you give me advice on what to cook for him? here's all the vegetables that give him gas" and the granny walks away from the interaction like "what a nice young lady. i sure hope her boyfriend doesn't keel over from dehydration so they can get married"
the BEST interactions are when she can get people to be like "it's dangerous out there. you need someone who can protect you and you boyfriend sounds... well. have you considered perhaps dating someone like my nephew instead?" like tori wouldn't ACTUALLY sic minato and a rando innocent farm boy but oh my god it would be so funny if she did. please.
on the flip side i think she's been caught at least once looking at minato's bingo book page with a huge silly grin on her face and had to suffer through a tired old civilian explaining to her that even if he's handsome, he would kill her on sight. please look at his stats he is a very dangerous man!!
tori: oh, i am looking 👀
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thanatos1dahilias · 7 months
I have a lot of akimina headcanons i need to share!! -Akihiko and Minato are both very touchy, I imagine Akihiko more so, but when in Tartarus they can't be more than 2 inches away from one and other. Everyone has probably stopped asking why Akihiko is always on the team. -Minato is tired all the time so I think Akihiko probably tries to find ways to help his boyfriend sleep. Whether that's laying with him until he falls asleep or buying him meds -Akihiko is also in general very overprotective on Minato when it comes to fighting. If Minato gets hurt just slightly he'll be constantly asking "are you okay? do you want to take a break" and shit like that. He's also the one who ends up taking attacks for Minato the most and he get's scolded for it. -Akihiko doesn't take care of himself that much either so Minato's always finding ways to get Aki to, or trying to help him. If he noticed Akihiko didn't eat breakfast or dinner he'll offer to make/buy him something, or if he notices Akihiko seeming more tired he'll suggest they watch a movie because Akihiko probably falls asleep watching movies a lot -They try so damn hard to be subtle about their relationship but EVERYONE notices like immediantly after if happens (besides Junpei, hes a bit slow)
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