#and boss ass women
rougeclasslover · 3 months
Taking a picture every time I think about Misty Quigley
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carcinized · 2 years
the way that rebecca convinced zava to join richmond wasnt by sweet talking him the way rupert did because that isnt what she's good at and what worked was her brutal honesty and straightforwardness. i loved that the writers allowed her to take on rupert (& win) but stay true to herself and not become him
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little-red-fool · 3 months
I’ve heard about the infamous sauna audio drama so I decided you know what I’ll give it a listen but fucking hell.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Thinking filthy, disgusting thoughts about Endeavor again.
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shesus-crisp · 3 months
ok first thoughts on Shadow of the Erdtree:
basic enemies do more damage than Maliketh
Rellana is more fun than 95% of the main game bosses combined, and i really liked the main game
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
im littchhherally so over constantly putting 220% into every conversation and getting the most dry and uninterested/uninteresting replies in existence.
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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so like for fun i was thinking about my unsorted OCs like my various standalone OCs who dont have a clear story with a cast of multiple characters and I was like MAYBE i should try pressing several together like theyre dolls and see what happens and sticking Siren and the honkfather together has been making me laugh
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kodzuken · 5 months
it’s actually really interesting to see how some of us were treated fighting to view lucy as a complex character who didn’t deserve the hate buddies sent her way, accusing her of being the most horrible woman to ever exist in part due to her role in buck’s cheating arc versus the rather unanimous support and delight for eddie cheating on his girlfriend. it’s just interesting to me
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keezychid · 7 months
Hi! (again)
I've metamorphisized (that's spelled wrong but i don't care)
I'm Keezychid! A spoonerism of Cheezykid, my @ on almost all other platforms
I'm still...
a mega Avatar fan (ATLA and James Cameron)
a good omens fan (don't mention season 2 I'll cry)
a minor (and I still make sex and potty jokes >:)
dating my 3-in-1 boyfriend <3
Still looking for moots! Add me if you think I'm cool
Now for some updates!
-I'm YELLOW now! -I'm mega questioning my sexuality so expect a lot of posts about that -I'm on T! yay! (16 months) -I'm gonna focus my blog more on my art (I'm an aspiring painter) and content (I'm a writer and I have a small youtube channel that I want to focus on more, but it's a struggle given that I'm still in school)
-Actually this blog is whatever tf i want it to be -I'm gonna talk a bit less about my political/social beliefs, but I will still very much reblog the things I find important. If you don't like what I reblog, deal with it or DM me; I don't want to litter my page with dumb internet arguments -I'm newly into the fandoms I have tagged in this post, so if you like those PLEEEEASEEE talk to me about them
Good to see y'all again :D
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icedout-pacemaker · 7 months
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you can never make me hate her. cry about it.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
In your latest thenamesh special force au Gil said he doesn’t trust them to keep her safe.
What if something happens that puts Thena in great danger and Gil rushes to protect and safe her? Bonus if he carries her in his arms!
"Fall back! I repeat, fall back: area is not secure!"
"Move in!" Gil announced before any order was given. Technically he was second in command in Thena's absence, him and Kingo being the most senior Agents present. He didn't need to hear anything else.
Thena was in danger, and he wasn't going to allow it.
The junior agents were scattered around, some having been taken out as soon as they were in the building.
Gil hauled one up by the collar of his shirt, "what the hell happened in here?!"
Kingo put a hand on his friend's shoulder, squeezing as best he coudl over their thick layers of protective gear. "Take it easy, Gil."
"Th-They were waiting," the young agent squeaked out. "We didn't know until all units were in the building. Something came through the vents, then they jumped us."
Gil dropped the kid to the ground again, stepping around his body and proceeding with caution around every corner. "Eyes up, masks on, people!"
Kingo hand signalled the rest of the unit following behind them. Kingo leaned closer to Gil, "Boss was in the third unit to enter."
Which meant she shouldn't have been too far in the building by the time things went wrong. Gil walked around their comrades as they proceeded. "Tell medical about all these stupid kids."
"Come on, man," Kingo admonished. "You were all buddy-buddy with these 'kids' less than a week ago."
"And if anything happened to Thena, I'm gonna have them all kicked out of the agency or worse."
Kingo gave up on trying to talk him out of it, knowing it was a lost cause. Gil and Thena both weren't the best at being particularly logical when it came to one another. "Focus, Gil."
It only managed to rile him up more, because it wasn't Thena's soft voice telling him that. "Fuck you."
"Okay, good talk," Kingo sighed until they came across the most troublesome area. "Shit."
Clearly they had put up a fight on both sides. Agents were sprawled about, but so were some of the low level participants of the operation they were busting.
She was a few feet away from the rest of them, probably having tried to go further in before whatever was in the vents had incapacitated her as well. She had even pulled off her bulletproof vest, probably to check herself for injury after being shot at.
"Thena!" Gil rushed over to her, practically sliding on his knees to reach her. He pulled the inner material of his collar down from his nose and mouth, pulling her up into his arms.
It was in complete disregard for protocol. He didn't check for her injuries first, he didn't wake her and ask her the standard 'can you speak',. 'can you breathe', etc. He pulled her into his arms and all but shook her in his desperation to see her open her eyes again.
"Gil?" she groaned out, pinching her brows together as she came to.
"Thena," Gil gasped out in relief, pulling her closer and cradling her head protectively. "You're okay!"
"What are you doing here?" she frowned, glaring at him out of one eye (with some blood from her forehead having gotten in the other). "You were ordered to wait as backup."
"I know, but the kids blew it and we had to move in," he scoffed, reaching into his standard issue cargo pants and fishing out what was definitely not a standard issue handkerchief. He wiped some blood from her eye before dabbing at her forehead. "Can you stand?"
Thena nodded up at him, "it looks worse than it is. All that really happened was we spooked them out the back of the trap. Tell me we were waiting for them at the rear."
"Yes, we got 'em all," Gil chuckled, letting her grip his sleeve in need and then release it almost immediately. He frowned at her, "I know I asked if you can stand, but are you sure you should be on your feet?"
"It's fine, Gil," Thena attempted to protest, although she didn't actually succeed in attempting to pull herself up out of his arms. "Just...I'm just...jus-"
Gil shook his head. Whether it was blood loss or a concussion or the gas, he wasn't about to let her try walking by herself. Medical would have his head for moving her without their permission, and the higher ups probably wouldn't be happy with him either.
Thena would be livid once she woke up again.
But Gil picked her up in his arms, carrying her like a bride back the way they came, past the rest of the agents also being collected in the aftermath of the disastrous operation. He had no sympathies for the kids being picked up off the ground. Not with Thena lying limp in his arms as she was. He bent his head down close to her, "almost there."
"Gil," she sighed, drifting in and out of it as he carried her. "M'fine."
He smiled down at her. She would absolutely have his badge for thinking she looked kind of cute when she was sleepy, but he could keep that thought to himself. "Yeah, you seem real fine, Boss."
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thesnacken · 9 months
You ever see someone else's outfit and are like "that's BULLSHIT, I should be wearing that, they're not even doing anything interesting with it!"
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madsgotmadagain · 2 years
In honor of it, I have a book recommendation: Rejected princesses
TW FOR R@pe, violence, and more, look up the trigger warnings before purchasing
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Rejected princesses by Jason Porath is about real women who we never learned about in history class, but were totally bad ass and should be known
One of my favorite stories was about a bisexual French actress(?) Who burned down a convent to bang a nun and could totally beat your ass.
Jason also worked for either Disney or Pixar and there's some really cool art in the book. Dude also did his research to these girls, and there's SO MANY IN THERE.
However, the book does have some major trigger warnings to look for, but the stories are also sorted 1-5 levels, with 1 being very tame I could read this to a kid, 5 being incredibly graphic.
But yeah, if you like kick-ass women, check out this book. Happy womens day!
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whimsycore · 1 year
White queers don’t understand that drawing, writing, or following people of color doesn’t inherently make themselves antiracist. Then they cog up advocacy and activism positions and intact the same violence on their coworkers that are a part of the group they’re uplifting.
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shaaaaaaar · 2 years
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this was the first time i’ve beaten mouthpiece. i don’t know what happened. i don’t know why it happened. i dont know how i bullshitted my ass through no vanguard mouthpiece for my first win. i barely fucking won too, mouthpiece was strolling his ass up to the blue box when he died
we take it i guess
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garbagequeer · 1 year
as much as i love being a hater and hating on men which i think is so so justified i just also really hate it when people try to argue that no men in your life = the way to feminist utopia. im always like i really want you to look at some statistics about single mother households right now. then come back and tell me to my face not living in feminist utopia is a skill issue
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