#buck cheating was always Lucy’s fault
kodzuken · 5 months
it’s actually really interesting to see how some of us were treated fighting to view lucy as a complex character who didn’t deserve the hate buddies sent her way, accusing her of being the most horrible woman to ever exist in part due to her role in buck’s cheating arc versus the rather unanimous support and delight for eddie cheating on his girlfriend. it’s just interesting to me
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outrunningthedark · 9 months
Will Kristen ever admit that the reason the audience hates Lucy is her fault? Plus, why would Arielle come back? She got so much hate the first time, the hate continued when PA girl let it out of the bag when Lucy was back, and the hate continued through the airing of her scenes. If I was Arielle I wouldn't accept the call from 911 TPTB.
Anon! The funny part is that *if* Tim is back (I say yes, idc idc) Kristen probably won't have to speak again??? So her choices as show runner outside of whatever was decided with Natalia and Marisol (the two "unanswered questions") don't have to be explained??? I guess being "demoted" comes with its advantages, in this case?🤔 Even though I did not care for BL or Lucy, I always said I felt like Kristen did AK dirty. Sold her some BS about the fan base/the audience welcoming her because they hate TayKay and a firefighter fits better than a reporter. Then when AK realized cheating was NOT what people wanted to see (for anyone, probably, but Buck? Evan Buckley? The man who gets left behind?), she tried to backtrack and put the focus on Lucy as a character who could exist without a romance or at least a tease of one. Clearly, it was too little, too late because the editors were already cutting her scenes within weeks of that first (and only) kiss. Not gonna knock her for taking a job opportunity that was only gonna come around once, but I feel like if she had more awareness of what, exactly, she was stepping into she would have thought twice about accepting a role with no guarantees.
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paopaupaus · 2 months
Taylor Kelly is written as the ultimate Man-dream-girl and (sometimes) a pick me
Ok i have to say this because: I HAVE NEVER LIKED TAYLOR
i think that she is her own person, independent, strong, morally minded and very passionate about her job. On the other hand i also think that it is true what Chimney said once, that Taylor is the Buck 1.0 to Buck 2.0. She is written to be that way, it’s not her fault.
At first we see her confident about her sexuality and her partners (and we love that), unattached and driven. But i couldn’t help but notice that when they started making her into a love interest she sort of lost some qualities. I think that they (the writers) made her to be this loving understanding partner who is who Buck needed, but i don’t feel like it’s her.
What i mean with the ultimate-dream-girl is that she is supposed to be an independent strong and dignified woman, yet she said that she didn’t even think that Buck should have told her about kissing Lucy. She says “i can forgive the cheating” like? i never in a million years would imagine myself, or her!, say something like that. You work through things, you communicate, she never wanted to talk about the hard stuff.
That’s just what i don’t like, she always felt like a plot device for me. She supposedly loves Buck so much, she trusts him and shares with him her secrets, deeply hidden secrets, and confides in him that she would never want the public to know about her past.
She is putting all of her trust in Buck, making him believe that she could have his, but has she earned it? or more accurately, does she deserve it given her actions?
When Chim and Hen tell her and Buck their concerns about Jonah she clearly said Off The Record. She betrays Buck and the 118, no regrets and no remorse.
She tells Lucy, no more than two chapters prior to this, that the 118 ARE Buck’s family, and warns Lucy to not come in between that because it would break Buck. And then she is the one to turn the 118 on Buck by revealing Jonah’s story, she almost made him lose his job, the thing that as she states, is most important to him.
Back to communication, she proposes that Buck and her start over, have a clean slate and to forget anything ever happened. This is a pattern, and i was SO PROUD to see Buck stand for himself and tell her that no, they would have their fresh start but no longer together.
I’m sure i’m forgetting more thoughts on this but i just had to get it out of my system, be free to comment but just know that this is my opinion, you can have your own but i don’t wanna fight, i respect the Taylor that is passionate about her job, not the one who hurts and betrays.
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carameldrizzl3 · 3 months
Second Best
Let's start off with the obvious, I think this could be either Taylor or Abby. Overall, in my opinion it’s Taylor. But for the sake of it, we’ll start with Abby.
“I'll never forget how stupid in love I felt
I'll always regret how I couldn't ever tell
That you walked a little faster, left me behind”
Well I’m no analysis person or writer but Buck literally always gave abby everything because he was obsessed with the idea of this strong independent woman, wanting him. (Also because I like to believe he loved Abby but for the sake of my memory and this stuff, I'll say he was infatuated but not in love.) Alsp pertaining to that last line, it’s not like Abby was “walking faster” but she was already so far ahead in life that it would take Buck longer to get where she’s at (literally and figuratively.) Also NOT saying it’s Abby’s fault or anything (even though i don't like her character) but their relationship was always a game of catch up in my opinion. Buck told Bobby that he didn't mind being in a committed relationship with her but he felt as though with Abby he had to grow up faster (which he was oh so willing to do for her btw.) But ofc it was worth it (sorta/partially/not rlly)
“You've given me nothing to miss
Honestly, life has been much better since
I spoke to you last
Why am I still wondering
If I stand a chance or if you'd have me back?”
Of course he missed her but after she didn't contact or come back for years, he obviously started to get over her (those months were definitely hell tho) but of course that train crash made the memories come back. Also doesn't help that she came to visit Buck and in his mind made him think that he had a chance with her again which was obviously quickly shut down by the ring on her finger. After they talked at that park/cliff area he sorta got the closure he needed and his life has been (sorta/not really) uphill since.
Now we’ll go to Taylor:
“Held me in close as you thought of your past
I love way too much
Oh, this hurts to confess”
I dunno why i added the first line but i guess i was thinking about how taylor opened up about her past to him, however it's literally not relevant. uhh..so..yeah. 
But OMFG when she was like “I kinda love you for it” and he was all like “wut” and it was like an ‘i love you’ moment, I LITERALLY DIED. I WAS KICKING MY FEET THEY WERE SO CUTE WTF. And I believe he truly did love her. YES he kissed Lucy but when she betrayed him (after he did her by cheating) and the rest of the 118, I'm sure it was hard for him to accept that this was the person he had fallen in love with. Definitely hurt on some nights.
“Everyone warned me you were a bad idea
I never listen
Maybe I will next year
When I've walked a little further into my life
Fallen in love and left you behind”
I don’t know if they ever warned Buck about her, but that relationship was definitely a bad idea. We already know that reporters and anybody that works for the government don't go well together, not based on personality but because sometimes reporters try to seek out highly secretive information from their partners. So..uh..yeah. An example of this would be the firefighter incident (I done forgot his damn name chy..) and also when bobby was under the influence (the brownie episode), and she recorded him talking about something private and personal and wanted to publish it. (obviously she was denied but her intentions were there) anyways I'm a bucktaylor lover fight me. I want what they had (minus the lies and cheating and uh.. mishaps)
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I just …. cant with this Lady anymore …. Its like shes - intentionally trying to piss off fans of this show in general - not ONLY buddie fans.
The theme across interviews has been … “well in my head” and how she just sees it like “it got talked about offscreen” “i don’t see a reason for it to ever come up again” …. uh maybe because its A PART OF THE STORY?!
because thats what your SUPPOSED to be creating here lady! A story!
She seems legitimately pissed off that fans “see things that aren’t there” and are “interpreting it differently then what we’re meaning for them to” …. but at the same time not wanting to write a full story!
CLEARLY, you have all of these things in YOUR head that aren’t there. LITERALLY … And basically asking viewers to just write the rest of the story for themselves - BUT only the way you’ve written it in you’re head.
Don’t be pissy because fans of the show flesh out you’re story better then you!
She literally admitted that they shoved Taylor into the story where she didn’t belong - because Megan West was available to fill in when other actors fell through. No wonder her story felt so stiff and sudden and just uncomfortable at times …. it wasn’t supposed to be there! It felt forced because it was being forced! And while I’m not a fan of the character - there are people who are - so i wont attack her because this isn’t just about Buddie fans anymore - its about 911 fans! Megan West has taken so much negative critique over the fact that her character didn’t belong and how it didn’t make sense for to be apart of the particular story happening at the time …. And ill admit, the way she reacted bothered me … but…. How much can somebody actually take before they snap? I still don’t agree or like some of it but I do feel a little more sympathy for her …. It wasn’t her fault. She was doing her job … the writers not doing theirs is out of her control.
Then to say that there was more they had ALWAYS (not well she was available when nobody else was) wanted to do with the Taylor character …. To now reduce her to a catalyst for Bucks to ask himself if he’s SETTLING and to further reduce her to “she was there” …. Its so fucked up … and now they’re doing it again with the new character of Lucy … instead of making her her own character that we could become another Ravi or Albert … somebody who sticks around longterm – not “maybe till the end of the season” …. Another strong female firefighter … (nope cant have TWO longterm) shes going to be another Taylor, Lena, Ana or Shannon …. A Woman who they bring in to “shake things up” ( mind you this means in some-kind of sexual way for all but Lena) do something to advance Buck or Eddies character in some way … in this case for Buck to cheat on his girlfriend, lead her on, then realize HE is settling for HER… where he will then have his Eureka moment of oh we need to breakup … sorry your homeless now? And then move on to Lucy who he feels a spark with that he hasn’t felt in awhile ….
But Lucy is only going to be around until “around the end of the season” so that means she will just be there to give Buck what he needs to either feel better about himself or realizing he needs to work on himself (like Ana did for Eddie) and then poof, bye bye Lucy.
I keep seeing all of these posts about parallels between Bucks season 3 arc and Eddies season 5 arc but … I just don’t think that they’re putting that much thought into the story development anymore!
She literally said - “hopefully people will just forget about the wonkiness of the first half of the season” …. Lady, the “wonkiness” that you’re talking about was how out of character everyone was, how PAST STORYLINES AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GOT FORGOTTEN - how the hell are you going to blame scheduling for the fact that you just threw out not only 4 1/2 seasons of Bucks character development by having him cheat on his girlfriend and then proceeding to not only not tell her but then go even further by asking her to move in with him - making her believe that he is in love with her and wants a future with her …. when literally only just - jesus - 10 -TEN! episodes ago he was sitting in front of Eddie telling him how he had been in Anas shoes - in love with somebody and knowing they weren’t all in and how much it hurts …. how staying with somebody - because your kid loves them (or because its the most functional relationship you’ve ever had or because she was … oh my god …. pre-sad and you didn’t want to hurt her ) isn’t enough. Meaning that this woman already put it out there into the world that that isn’t something Buck believes in …. I guess in her head he changed his mind offscreen …. or you know was just hoping that would be one of the wonky things we’d all forget about.
And part of the excuse for the first half of the season was scheduling right? So the response to that is add MORE characters … then to say .. well we have soooo many great actors and sooo many more that want to work with them … we don’t really have time for everyone to get screen-time. Ok … so … maybe … MAYBE – focus your attention on the characters who made the show? (who made your job) Whose stories pulled viewers back every week … who made fans fall in love with them and NOT on how many new characters you can create or big names you can pull. Stop writing 35 small storylines nobody has enough time or information to care about and focus on a few fleshed out INTERESTING ones that viewers will want to come back for …. Write a STORY – GROW your CURRENT characters don’t create throw away ones … go back and find the plot of what made not only this tvshow but the one that it got left in your hands for!
How was this woman put in charge of a show? I understand the whole time and two shows and everything … I get it – I understand it …. I do not understand the choice of her. Every-time this woman opens her mouth in an interview she insults SOMEBODY … I could actually feel the eye-roll when she was asked about who will be supporting Eddie through his breakdown … like ok we all get it lady you aren’t a fan of Buck and Eddie ever being together – trust us we ALL get it … calm down …. Nobody is personally attacking you by thinking “hey those two dudes would be good together. “ I don’t understand where her hostility is coming from. Even her answer about Tim Minear sounded aggressive to me …. Like … like she was upset somebody was pointing out (probably not intentionally) that she wasn’t 100% in charge. That she didn’t have final say …. And then to be like “and we don’t want Tim to die” …. Like … wow … I just …. Im both at a loss for words and have way too many … I mean I think this is … the longest thing I have ever written on here. I don’t normally … which is probably I have no clue how to fix the spacing on here … I am so sorry to anyone (if anyone) reading my rant. 1600+ words and still there is SOMETHING i know im forgetting … ugh its going to bug me … anyway…
Its just … it is very obvious that this woman is not a Drama writer …. She DOES NOT seem to be enjoying anything about it OTHER than – yeah I’m in charge now (mostly) so I can fuck with these characters however I want and say whatever I want … nobody can stop me …. It all feels very power-trippy to me …. Like … she got away with the lazy writing and story development (LACK OF!!!) in 5a and now she just thinks she can do whatever she wants with (TO!!!!!) the show because viewers LOVE these characters and actors! so much that …. We’ll just keep coming back. … the actors man … we all know how much they all love working on the show …. They make it so obvious when they don’t agree with, or understand their characters actions … and … if an actor doesn’t understand their character – ESPECIALLY one they have spent FOUR YEARS developing and becoming IT SHOWS! And if an actor becomes so frustrated with the lack of continuity in their character (this isn’t improve it’s a Drama television show!) they will eventually have to walk away … its their career …. No matter how much they love the show or character or fans ….
Anyway …. Like I said this woman whose name I cant even write because she makes me so angry … should not be in charge of this show … or even writing for it. She wants small short stories … to not have to remember thing like past storylines or plot or character development …. She does t even want to write for the same characters consistently but to have new character all the time – because that doesn’t need to be thought out …. Oh my god …. This woman needs to be writing for The Simpsons …
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thefandomchic · 3 years
If anyone wants to yell with me about 5x11 or 3x11 please just message, I’m serious.
What the ever loving fuck was that. Who the hell green lit Buck fucking cheating. That is not who Buck is. That man waited MONTHS for Abby, whom didn’t even deserve it. Im so mad I can’t even get my words out. Why the hell would he cheat on a woman who is in love with him?! Now, let me make this clear I am not of BuckTaylor as a relationship. They aren’t a good match, but no one and I mean NO ONE deserves to be cheated on.
On top of that Eddie’s comment to Bobby was not okay, he knows the trauma that Bobby has. He knows the guilt. I’m really disappointed.
Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. I’m not 100% mad. Was it not okay of her to ignore Buck’s discomfort? Yes, absolutely. But she is not at fault for Buck’s actions. He continues with the fucking kissing (read cheating). So it is not on her.
I have a really bad feeling that they made Buck cheat because that’s the bullshit “Bi” stereotype. The fandom has obviously been advocating for that rep for a while. I get the horrible feeling that they had him cheat so that they could pull the “aren’t you glad we didn’t make him bi?! It would’ve been horrible for the community!” card.
Onto slightly lighter feelings.
Hen my dear, I hope you get your bestie back soon! She was smart telling Buck to be honest. I do wish she smacked the ever loving crap outa Buck tho.
Bobby, your wife is amazing. Shower that woman with whatever she wants, pronto. Eddie is going through his own lawsuit-era.
Athena love of my life. As always you are amazing. Nothing to add. She’s just amazing.
Christopher same as Athena, love you, absolutely amazing, show stopping, and perfect. Thank you for knocking sense into your father.
Loved the episode!
I’m glad that Carlos didn’t shoot the guy. What happened after was shit tho (rip gamer dude). He felt so much guilt, and the camera panning was actually genuine, really liked it. Grace was also screwed over, she was also obviously really guilty.
Their whole detective plot was amazing, and they got the piece of shit that pulled that bull. Carlos deserves that ‘Detective’ title. Grace deserves on too.
Judd you did a good job, thank you for the video game facts and every more important. Reassuring Grace. TK you also did good.
Give me more freakin Nancy damn it.
Mateo my dear, good eyes! Paul I love you, you deserve more screen time. Same for Marjan and Tommy!!! All of them!
Owen, Owen, Owen. I’m so damn tired of this man. If they had given the chemical part over to Nancy and TK, had them bounce ideas off each other, it would have been perfect! But no, more Owen. Truly I’m tired of ‘em. I don’t need to know about his love life. Not kidding, I skipped all of his parts and ended the episode not at all lost. He is not the main character, I want more of everyone else.
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alidravana · 3 years
Trying to find an excuse for Buck to cheat by saying that Taylor isn't giving him something he needs in the relationship (ie. attention, intimacy, whatever) is a bunch of b*llsh*t and you should all know better. The only person here to blame is Buck. Lucy didn't know he had a girlfriend and Buck was the one that went back in for a second kiss, without saying anything.
Cheating is always the cheater's fault, never the one who is being cheated on.
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iwillbeinmynest · 6 years
Hydrangeas- Bucky x Reader(f)
Authors Notes: This is the first of three flower drabbles. Thanks to @renanyx for this request and for providing the meaning since it wasn’t on the list (hey, I’m just glad you sent on in!!) 
Word Count: 1.2k ( so.. not really a drabble)
Notes/Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of blood, fluff
Hydrangeas = vanity and boastfulness
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  She got on his nerves. All Y/N ever did was talk about how amazing she was. It wasn’t every word out of her mouth but it was definitely any time she had the opportunity to bring it up. She would talk about her accomplishments at S.H.I.E.L.D. and how she’d always been the one to save the mission. She talked about how many awards she had and all the fantastic ways she’d achieved them.
But here’s why it makes Bucky twitch. Not once, in her nine months of working with the Avengers has she actually been seen in combat. Sure, she flys out with them but somehow, every time, something comes up that she can’t actually go out in the field with them. And if she is in the field, no one has ever seen her fight off anything bigger than a chihuahua.
Today’s mission was no different.
Bucky heaved his breaths as he ran to meet up with Nat and Steve who were both fighting off the same group of mercenaries.
“I’m almost there!” Bucky huffed. “Y/N how close are you?”
“Too far, I’m not going to make it to them in time. There’s a small group on my six that I’m trying to shake.”
Bucky shook his head. Go figure. Probably another excuse to hang back.
Steve joined in the conversation,his voice strained with combat. “You need back up?” He shouted between punches.
“No,” She answered. “I’ll be fine. It’s just gonna take me a minute.” She grunted shortly after her last word.
Bucky’s first thought was that she should win an award for selling the concept that she was actually fighting but something about the way her breaths were labored and how her mic seemed to pick up a clatter and shuffling of feet had Buck second guessing himself.
 “Seriously, Y/N, do you need me to head your way?” He asked.
She never answered.
“Buck,” Steve started.
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky turned sharp to his right, towards Y/N’s last location. “I’ll be there in less than one.”
Something started to unsettle in Bucky’s stomach. “Y/N,” He called. Still no answer. “Y/N, don’t play games, are you okay?
As he came through the tree line into a small clearing he saw an unconscious Y/N, bloodied and lying on the ground. He surveyed the area as quick as he could and when the coast was clear he dropped to his knees beside her. He carefully patted her cheek.
“Y/N. Y/N, come on, wake up.” He touched the com in his ear. “Steve, she’s been beat pretty bad. I’m taking her back to the jet.”
Steve cursed. “Okay, get her out of there. We’re almost done here thanks to Tony’s fly by.”
Bucky scooped her up and she woke with a hiss. Y/N clutched her side and groaned.
He let out a sigh of relief. “At least you’re not faking it.”
“Faking what?” She furrowed her brows and wrapped an arm around his shoulders to help steady herself in his arms.
“Come on, no one’s seen you fight since you got here. We all have our theories about you.”
The hurt on Y/N’s face made his regret admitting that. “And what was your theory?”
“I didn’t mean it.” He lied. Bucky paused for a moment as they came across a small stream in the forest. He found a narrow spot a few yards north of their location and headed upwards along the bank.
“What was it?” She pressed.
“I-” He huffed. He really didn’t want to tell her but, it was his fault she was even asking. “I had my doubts that you’ve even been out in the field.” When she silently let out the breath she’d been holding he tried to defend himself. “Your too arrogant for someone I’ve never seen take a swing. It was just a theory.”
“And how does you finding me like this effect your theory?” She winced when he held her closer as he walked down a small incline.
“Actually, I’m not sure.”
“Let me make it easy for you.” She looked away from him, unable to meet his eyes. “The week after I was told I was being transferred to your team, I took a hit. A big one. I got shot in my side, twice.”
Bucky noticed the fingers that clutched her side twitched.
“It took all of my energy to hide it from all of you. And I was doing great until Rogers decided to spontaneously spar with me. He reopened my stitches and then yelled at me for keeping it from him. He’s been making sure I’m always last to the fight to try and give me as much healing time as possible.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say but he sure did feel like a jerk. And what’s more, he was mad at Steve for not putting and end to the night when the whole team sat around gossiping about what Y/N’s secret was.
“I’m not mad at you. It’s what I get for keeping it from you all. And don’t be mad at Steve, I begged him not to say anything.”
Bucky stopped and set her down.
Y/N stood slightly hunched in favor of her left side. She knew what he was doing so she lifted her shirt and showed him the two angry red scars that marred her skin above her hip bone.
Bucky shook his head and stepped closer to her. He took her hands and turned them over twice in examination. Then he looked her up and down and took in just how many hits she’d just taken. By this time tomorrow most of her skin would be black and blue. Her lip was busted and her eye was starting to swell.
Bucky picked her back up and continued back to the jet; it wouldn’t be much further now.
“I’m happy to report that my theory has been busted.”
 “How do you figure? For all you know I gave up and took it?”
He shook his head again. “Nope, not with hands like yours. You’re knuckles are bruised and bloody, I’m pretty sure your left hand is broken and there’s skin under your fingernails. You fought. I believe that one hundred percent.”
Y/N examined her nails and smirked before she huffed. “I lost though.”
“Doesn’t matter as long as you tried. I just feel like a jerk for thinking you were so vain and fake.”
“Don’t be. It was vain, I was just trying to impress all of you since I couldn’t actually show you what I can handle.”
Bucky ducked his head as he entered the jet from the back ramp. “Well, how about, when you’re all healed up, We have a fight night. You can even fight me if you want. I’ll take it as payback.” Bucky set her down on the med table and smirked.
“You better not cheat and let me win.” A smile danced at the edge of her lips.
Bucky bit back another grin. “Scouts honor.”
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I think I can see why the decision to make Buck the "victim" here. Making Taykay walk as the victim will invite more backlash to Buck and Lucy and they don't need more of that after the kiss KR and Tim thought to be "interesting" was critically panned by everyone. They had a plan/hope to keep Lucy in the team, and she would've never recovered if the cheating had consequences on Buck's love life because, you know, people always blame the girl when it's the heating guy's fault. It makes sense after all /sarcasm but it turns out to be futile effort since people are still mad at her inclusion because of various reasons.
Really, that cheating arc is so stupid they should've never done that. It's one of the signs the writers/showrunners don't think of future consequence when writing anything.
(tagging @randomwhee because I saw your prev tags about developing L and this answer is my perspective.) Right. There was nothing wrong with deciding that Buck should be the one to leave first this time, but the way Kristen went about it made things messier (more confusing) than necessary. Here's what I think. Lucy was meant to be introduced, have some "obvious" chemistry with Buck, and then the show would make a decision on the relationship as the season progressed depending on how the audience reacted to it. (Which is why Kristen told the media that they'd see what happens going forward re: where Lucy's story would lead.) Though it would have pissed people off (*raises hand*), the most logical choice would have been to break BT up in the episode after Buck meets Lucy, after he finally talks to Maddie at the latest because he does feel the attraction and he maybe *almost* acts on it, but backs off and realizes he shouldn't be stringing his gf along. (He's a clinger and he needs to change that!) Then Kristen would have had the rest of 5B to incorporate the flirtatious behavior and play up the will they/won't they dynamic as intended. (Literally took me sixty seconds to come up with. How embarrassing for these writers.) But because Kristen enjoys messing around with the characters now that she's got more influence, she thought it made a better story for Buck, the golden retriever in human form, to cheat, and tarnished both his characterization and any chance her new fave had of gaining the majority's approval. And since reminding people of that slip up was not going to help change any minds, the show had to push it aside and instead make the split the fault of TayKay only. (If Kristen thought it was integral to Buck's story, to his "regression", she would have kept going despite the backlash. [The season] ain't over 'til it's over and all that.) If I were a TayKay fan I'd have been pissed, too. If you want to break them up, the show already set up her not having enough time to balance relationship and career in 5x01 and 5x03. Just keep going with that - she loves him, but she'll never love him more than her career, or they're not on the same page about marriage and kids - and have Buck say they both deserve to be happy, and yeah, people would have felt bad for Buck, but TayKay gave it her best effort (in the eyes of the general audience) and it just didn't work. You make peace and move on.
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