#either i played my ass off since my squad was in a losing battle
shaaaaaaar · 1 year
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this was the first time i’ve beaten mouthpiece. i don’t know what happened. i don’t know why it happened. i dont know how i bullshitted my ass through no vanguard mouthpiece for my first win. i barely fucking won too, mouthpiece was strolling his ass up to the blue box when he died
we take it i guess
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet|| Megumi Fushiguro
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A/N: Uhhhh I’m back on my bullshit >:) it’s missing Fushiguro hours folks.
Word Count: 2050
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
(If you want some more in depth affection headcanons click here)
Fushiguro is someone who isn’t big on pda but makes up for it in private. In public, he’ll hold your hand but in private he’s laying i your lap while you massage his scalp. Basically, he’s a big softie that just represses his urge to cuddle until he’s alone with you.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Best friend Megumi is literally the president of the Y/N defense squad. If anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with him. Of course, you have to rein him in sometimes and remind him you can fight your own battles, but just know he’s lookin out for you.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Fushiguro loves to cuddle, but he will repress the urge to do so for as long as possible. Because of that, he doesn’t let you go, preferring to cling to you throughout the night. His cuddles are always deceptively loose too. His arms give you just enough wiggle room but the second you try to get up, it’s like fighting two pythons.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don’t think he ever really planned on settling down, Megumi figured that he’d die long before he ever got the chance to settle down. Everyday is pretty much a new experience in terms of domesticity for him, he doesn’t have plans for the future, but as long as you’re with him, he’ll be happy.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he ever had to break up with someone, he’d probably ask for help on how to do so. The first person he’d ask (regrettably) would be Gojo who’d tell Megumi to just ghost the person. After asking around some more, he figured Kugisaki’s approach of getting it over with as bluntly as possible (although less mean) was the best option.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Megumi isn’t really the type for wedding ceremonies. He’s all about commitment (even though working up to marriage for him is longer than most) but he’s not a fan of being the center of attention, so a wedding ceremony/reception wouldn’t be his thing. If you wanted a ceremony, he’d be willing to compromise somewhat but otherwise, he’s perfectly fine with just going to the courthouse.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s kind of rough around the edges. In private, he can be the sweetest, most tender soul, but in public he’ll put 7 yards of distance between you both if you try to hug him. Basically, he’s very shy, so anything that’ll draw too much attention is a no go (he isn’t opposed to linking pinkies though).
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
At first Megumi really only hugged you when he was missing you, sad, or tired. Over time though, he got better at becoming more open with his affection and he’ll hug you whenever he feels the urge to. Despite that though, his hugs still have an undercurrent of desperation in them. He holds on just as tight each time like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
He’s operating on a very strict ‘If you don’t say it, I won’t’ policy and as such this man will not say a single thing to you unless prompted. He knows deep down that he loves you and that you set off butterflies in his stomach every time you smile, but he never really thought to verbalize that until you say ‘I love you’ first.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Megumi doesn’t get jealous, he’s fought side by side with you and he knows you’re more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Megumi put a lot of trust into you by already being in a relationship so to him, it makes no sense to be jealous over you. That all being said, he’s not above the occasional side eye if someone’s getting a little too buddy buddy.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
On a normal day, his kisses are so natural, he’s so slow and the pressure is just enough to have you thinking you’ve got all the time in the world. In near death/ post-near death circumstances, he’s a little more feral. When he kisses you like that, it feels like it’s the end of the world and he’s trying to make the most of it.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Fushiguro isn’t good with kids that aren’t old enough to communicate. Older kids are fine with him, but guessing what a baby needs based on how loud it’s crying? Hard pass for him and he doesn’t even feel bad about it. The last time he had to watch a baby, he tried to leave one of his shikigami to watch it; long  story short, he had to explain to a cackling Gojo why his demon dogs wouldn’t let him leave to go to the bathroom.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Fushiguro are pretty rare. Most of the time you guys don’t really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together since most of the time there’s missions or trainings you’ll have to go to. When you do get the rare morning off, Fushiguro makes the most of it. He sleeps in and doesn’t wake up before 10 no matter what you try. When he does finally wake up, he loves cooking breakfast with you, he’s not the best cook, but he treasures the experience over anything.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Megumi are also rare as most curses come out at night and that’s kinda your guys’ job. If all goes well though, you’ll both come back a little earlier and just go straight to sleep. If it’s a late night where the curse took more out of either of you than expected, yall usually stay up and talk and snack until one of you falls asleep or the sun comes up.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes him an extremely long time to open up to you about his past. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want you to think less of him for it (especially during his problem child era). To be honest, you probably find out about certain things from other people. Once he’s cornered confronted, he’ll be completely (albeit a bit grudgingly) honest about it.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His anger is kind of weird, whereas before, he was a lot quicker to explode, bluntly telling off or even fighting whoever pissed him off, he’s changed. He tries his best to repress his emotions and as such, he comes off as patient, never expressing his true feelings/desires until pushed to the brink. 
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s the king of remembering details you mention in passing. His love language is partially acts of service so for him, remembering details about you helps him later. Oh remember that one time you needed a pen/pencil but didn’t have one? Never again, this man has a section of his shadows dedicated solely to pencils because of you. Oh what’s that, you like this random song? Guess what just got added to the playlist he made for you. Basically, while he may not look like it, he’s actually a simp and so if he can make your life easier/ make you happy, it’s worth it.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
So Megumi is someone who doesn’t play video games but is really good at them for no reason. One day, you’re playing a game of smash bros. and he’s just kicking your ass, like it was sad. Needless to say, after his 4th win, he “accidently” pressed the wrong button and let you win. He thinks you don’t know he did this but when you won, you kissed him and completely flustered him, to the point that he couldn’t play for a solid 5 minutes. 
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting that you can defend yourself, he’s still super protective of you. You’re one of the few people that he cares about in the world and he’d give everything to see you safe and protected. As for how he’d like to be protected, knock some sense into him every once in a while. He has a habit of self sacrificing so if you want to protect him, remind him that you want to keep him alive as much as he wants to keep you alive.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple. They usually consist of you and him either staying in or just hanging out at stores and the like. Every once in a while, he’ll try to take you somewhere special, like a cove he found or a festival. For most people, these may be simple dates, but Fushiguro puts so much effort into so may aspects of your dates that honestly, anything bigger would lose the personal touch your dates have.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
One of his worst habits is his self-sacrificing tendencies. Even during a baseball game, he can’t help but sacrifice himself (especially if it means his friends/ you get to get the glory). With time though, he grows out of this and realizes it’s not selfish to want the best for yourself.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s giving “I woke up like this” and it’s... it’s something. One might think the style is intentional since obviously, the look could only be achieved with gel, and to an extent, it is intentional. He might use gel to spike it a little more but the man legit rolls out of bed and chooses to leave his hair up like that.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, as much as he loves you, Fushiguro is an introvert. He needs time to just be by himself and unwind every once in a while, so he’s got no complaints if you leave him to his own devices or have to be gone for a long time.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Megumi has negative zero relationship experience. He’s never found someone that was worth the risk/ worth opening up to, hell, he just barely got friends when he entered high school. Because of this, every part of your relationship is like navigating uncharted waters.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
He’s less someone to dislike a specific thing/ personality trait, and more someone who doesn’t like different people for different reasons, ex. Todo and Mai. If he had to pick a single trait, it’d probably have to be hypocriticism.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is someone who will fall asleep spread eagle one night and the next be huddled into a tiny little section of the bed. Mercy on you if you try to cuddle because now you’re wrapped up into his unconscious acrobatic routine.
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liddolwhynot2000 · 3 years
Decisions Of a Capricorn
Summary: Levi Ackerman woke up one fine morning. In the past. Shit.
Genre: Angst, lets-change-shit, drama, liddol romance (Levixhappiness)
Pairings: Levi/Original Female Character, Levi/Petra
Warning: Manga spoilers
Chapter 2: White Poppy
Summary: Capricorns are responsible and disciplined. You always make the most practical decisions. You think about things thoroughly before acting, and you make choices based on what provides the most benefits for everyone.
Alternatively, Levi decides what to do.
Usually, when he was left alone in his office, Levi was either buried in an absurd amount of paperwork, courtesy of Erwin, or trying to sleep a little.
Today, however, he was simply sitting at his desk and staring mindlessly at the table. He didn't even feel the urge to get himself some tea, too lost in his internal monologue.
He was back in the past. The Godamn shitty past.
Eren hadn't turned into a douche bag yet. Erwin was still alive. 95% of the people that had been dead to him a day ago, were alive and well. And if he played his cards right, he could ensure that at least some of them would stay alive.
He could and would change shit.
But.. How?
Levi was a practical man. He knew his own limits when it came to plotting and planning. There was no way for him to change things in a way that wouldn't result in the rumbling. Not on his own. Only the likes of Hange or Armin or-
'Yes Levi?'
Erwin continued to work, not even bothering to look at Levi as he filled out forms for the upcoming expedition. It was late at night and the blonde commander was sitting at his desk, working away as everyone else slept. Others would think he was simply sleep deprived and that's why he was hardly paying attention to his trusted captain.
Levi knew better. Erwin was always sharp, he just preferred luring people into a false sense of security that he wasn't.
He leaned back against the couch, crossing his legs casually and took a sip of his tea.
'I've been thinking about your plan.'
'I think we made a mistake.'
At this, Erwin calmly settled his pen down and finally deigned to look at him.
Okay, time to put his plan into motion.
'We're sure that The Armoured and Colossal are like Eren right? Humans that's can transform into titans?'
'The Colossal Titan and Armoured Titan appeared five years ago. Which means whoever is inside those shitty titans, they have at least five years of experience over Eren. Taking him and my squad into a battle field where they aren't prepared for enemies like that-'
Levi could only feel relief as Erwin's expression lit up with understanding.
'It means that I judged wrong. Of course, not all titan shifters would be like Eren. They've had more time and access to their power. More time to harness it in battle. Eren has hardly had 2 months and still can't transform at will. This makes it difficult to use him as bait to lure out the traitor, because simply put, Eren won't be able to protect himself. In which case, we would risk losing our greatest weapon and... '
Watching him open the drawer and pull out the mission plan, Levi realised that he had forgotten how smart Erwin was. He could practically see the gears turning in his mind. The brilliant bastard was changing the plan as they spoke.
'Exactly. And if the Armoured Titan comes after us, we're fucked. We don't have anyone except Eren who even stands a chance against it. And that's not saying much.'
Levi liked to believe it was sheer dumb luck that Annie had come after them, rather then Reiner. They could at least still fight and capture Annie with their limited resources--Reiner would have gotten away with Eren easily.
'Do you think your squad can take on a titan shifter?'
Levi blinked and snapped out of his thoughts.
'Frankly, no. If the shifter is Eren, he'll get his ass kicked. If it's the Armoured fucker, they're dead.'
His old squad just wasn't able to take on an opponent like that. They were all prepared to take on the worst, however, Levi acknowledged their lack of creativity and improvisation. They would simply think between to kill or to not kill, which was likely what would had gotten them killed in the first place. If they had let Eren transform first and tire out the female titan before they fought her, they would have likely lived. His next squad had proven better then them because of this--for they often found ways to fight and get out of it alive against the shittiest of odds.
'Even if we tell them about the traitor?'
'If we tell them, they'll judge accordingly and try to keep Eren safe no matter what.'
If he instructed his squad of the situation beforehand, he was confident they'd get out of it alive. They weren't the best at spur of the moment thinking, but they were still extremely talented. As long as they stuck to his orders and were informed enough, they'd manage well.
'Do you think we should tell Eren?'
Inwardly, Levi winced at the mention of Eren, remembering that he still hadn't figured out what to do about him.
'Yes. The brat needs to be prepared too. And.. I think we need to give him reasons to trust us.'
Erwin raised an eyebrow at him, silently probing for more. Levi obliged.
'The brat's a Survey Corps fanboy. The hero worship will wear off soon enough. I'd rather our greatest weapon actually trust us because we give him reasons to. Don't want to risk him acting out.'
'Fair. This is rather odd coming from you, I-'
'Don't take this the wrong way. I don't trust him. But he should trust us. We're gambling lives for his shitty ass.'
'Ah. I see.'
'How much are you going to change the plan?'
'I haven't decided yet. I'll tell you by tommorow. I need to think on it a little more.'
'I just want you to let me tell my squad about the traitor. The rest is your shit to figure out.'
'... Well, you do have valid reasons so-'
Levi smirked,
'So act in whatever manner you see fit.'
Levi nodded before making to leave. His job here was done. Just as he was about to shut the door and leave Erwin to strategise, he paused.
'You might regret letting me do what I want.'
Erwin smiled at him.
'No regrets.'
Levi almost smiled back, but instead opted to shut the door.
Early in the morning, Levi walked outside in the courtyard. The sun had risen a while ago and the air had been crisp. It wouldn't be long till his comrades would be awake, so he figured a stroll to clear his mind wouldn't hurt.
Had he made the right decision? Levi honestly didn't know.
Initially, he had planned to just tell Erwin everything. About Marley, Eren letting his inner lunatic out full blast, the truth about the King. But, he had stopped himself.
Maybe it was because he had grown used to not having Erwin around, that he was making decisions on his own? Or maybe it was just that he was tired of following orders that only got people killed?
He hadn't wanted to not tell his squad about the traitor, yet he had obeyed orders and stayed quiet. Resulting in their deaths.
He hadn't wanted to go along with the battle in Stohess District, but he had obeyed orders and watched countless civillians die.
He hadn't wanted to take part in any plan that involved keeping Zeke alive but he had fucking obeyed orders and done it. The end result had been a mass genocide that none of them had been able to stop.
He knew Erwin would lead them well if he knew everything, but for now, he would prefer changing things using his own authority. It was selfish of him, but he had learned his lesson.
Ever since that dark day in that field, when he had made his decision to serve in the Survey Corps, he had always relied on Erwin. Or rather, his orders. It had been easier to let him make all the decisions and just go with it. The objective was always completed, so the cost had always been brushed aside.
Except following orders like that had only worked for singular, short term goals. When it came to the end goal, it had only led to their destruction.
Levi was scared that if he followed Erwin half blind like before, history would only repeat itself. But what if he made it worse? Erwin had always been more visionary. The brains of the operation. Levi was used to being the brawns that just did as told.
He kicked a pebble, sighing. Taking a deep breathe he closed his eyes--only for someone to bump into his chest and fall to the ground.
Levi didn't so much as step back, hardly phased. He frowned at the person rubbing their head as they half lay on the floor.
It was a woman, with startling, long red hair. A basket lay next to her, full of flowers. Some had fallen out of the basket.
'Tch. Watch where you're going.'
The woman looked up at him, vivid pretty green eyes blinked up at him in confusion. Levi raised an eyebrow, and then realisation dawned upon her. She immediately scampered upto her feet
'I'm so, so sorry--I was - I mean- I didn't mean to bump into you Captain. It was an honest mistake.'
He rolled is eyes and gestured to the flowers on the ground.
'Well? Clean up this mess'
'Oh yes, of course.'
She began hurriedly picking up the flowers, before nervously apologising to him once more and running off. Just as he was about to walk back to his office, he noticed a flower she hadn't picked up.
Holding it in his hand, he couldn't help feeling a sense of peace. It was a white poppy. Clutching it tightly, he began to climb the stairs to his office, suddenly feeling more sure of himself then ever.
Hange had told him, in one of her I- learned-something-new-so-your-eardrums-have-to-suffer sessions, about what a poppy symbolised. Peace. The end and remembrance of a war. It had been one of the last happy conversations he had with her, right before Eren had unleashed hell on them.
Peace was all Levi had ever wanted--not just for himself, but for everyone living in the walls. And he would try his damned hardest to achieve that.
Yet again, he would believe in his own decisions. This time, he would trust himself even more. Feeding Erwin little information that made sense would be easy enough, the man was intelligent enough to draw conclusions that would benefit them.
And, there were somethings he would prefer that still happened. To keep things predictable for him. Like the 57th Expedition. He would capture Annie this time around and not let the Stohess Battle occur. The wall titans and humanity existing outside the walls could be proven when Historia was made queen and they reached the basement-
Wait, shit.
Historia was still part of the Survey Corps.
Levi stared blankly at the flower on his desk, debating whether if breaking the queen's legs before she was even queen would be considered treason. Because there was no way in hell he was letting her near any danger.
Historia was a game changer. A hope for the war. Levi knew some people would still die, but Historia was one who couldn't. Eren could be replaced, Erwin could be replaced, Levi himself could be replaced, but not Historia. He would have to get her out of the fold safely-
*knock knock*
'Come in' Levi answered without a second thought. Petra entered holding a tray full of biscuits and a steaming cup of tea.
'Captain, here's your morning tea. The staff had some biscuits today too.'
'Ah. Thank you. Just put it here.'
Petra settled the tea cup and plate on his desk, catching sight of the poppy.
'That's a pretty flower captain. Where did you pick it from?'
'I didn't. I got it from some girl.'
If Levi hadn't been busy checking the temperature of his tea, he would have noticed the slightly crushed expression on his comrades face. By the time he looked at her again, the girl was saluting him.
'Petra--go tell the others we'll be doing transformation experiments with Eren today. Everyone has an hour to get ready. If anyone's late, they'll have a special sparring session with me.'
'Yes Sir!'
Watching her leave, he resolved himself. He was doing what he could for them. He would try to get them closer to peace. He found himself looking at the white poppy again, the barest hints of a smile on his face.
He might just have to thank that girl for bumping into him.
.. And look into the law books regarding what injuries to historia wouldn't count as treason. There had to be at least one right?
A/N: hope y'all liked this! Sorry I've been MIA. My dad got pnemoneia and ended up admit in the hospital. Thankfully we caught it in time, so he's recovered well now. But it's been a crazy couple of days.
Soo, I debated Levi being absolutely honest with Erwin and telling him the entire truth but I realized it wouldn't work. The story is going to be set in more changing the timeline from chapter 4 I think, when the expedition starts. I'm actually writing this as I go sooo, *laughs nervously. Also poor historia. Will Levi actually break her legs? Till next time!
(also I'm working on those asks now, so they'll come soon)
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drjackandmissjo · 4 years
firewhisky on ice, sunset and vine
you’ve ruined my life by not being mine
Chapter 3 --- previous chapter --- next chapter
Harry Potter fics Masterlist
"Sorry, Blaise. Can't today." That had been the customary answer from none other than Draco Malfoy, prefect and general pain in Blaise's ass, despite still being one of his best friends. Since they had started their lectures, there had been an incredible array of excuses left and right, but enough was enough and all the brain abled Slytherins agreed it was time for an intervention.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Theo began protesting, in his usual disarmingly calm behaviour: "You've been saying that since the year started!" he all but yelled at the blonde, visibly losing his temper already.
"I'm busy okay, back off" came a defensive reply that left something to be expected, yet refused to lead on more.
"No, we're not backing off on this anymore" said Blaise, still seated down in front of his irritating Herbology textbook. He could also feel his temper rising, but managed to keep it contained, remembering the neat way the muscles of a certain Gryffindor boy pulled wherever he scribbled a tiny note on a piece of parchment and choosing to focus on that to remain calm. He was really grateful they didn't have a legilimens in their house, otherwise things would've been even more awkward that usual. "Is this because of your new fancy position?" he asked, mustering as little discomfort as possible in his words, although the mere idea bothered him infinitely.
Draco's face paled of all its blood, eyes darting to look behind them all and to asses that nobody was spying on their conversation. "You know very damn well I can't talk about it!"
"Draco, you shouldn't keep secrets, you'll get wrinkles!" said Pansy, gazing her perfectly manicured fingers as lazily as possible. Blaise had wondered for their entire first year if she truly did not care about anything in the world or if that was an act, but quickly discovered that she cared way too much on occasion and it was smothering to say the least.
But her nonchalant remark snapped Draco out of his mind, and he replied with a hissed "Shut the fuck up Parkinson or I'll hex you into next week."
Blaise and Theo both laughed at the attempted threat, doubling over themselves in laughter as Pansy snickered sprawled over her chair. "How, may I ask, do you suppose to do so?" she asked, her blood red lips gleaming from the light of the fireplace in front of her, "You haven't been paying attention to class as much as you used to. You spend all your time daydreaming or staring at Saint Potter's tush" she added in a matter of fact way, voicing the thought they all shared.
Whether Draco was distracted by whatever dirty deed the Death Eaters wanted him to do or by Saint Potter and his rather objectively well shaped backside, formed finely by years of riding a broom and training, he was still distracted nevertheless, and that wouldn't do well on their collective well-being.
The blonde moved abruptly back, yelling such a forced "I DO NOT" that nobody in their right state of mind would believe. It wasn't as if Draco was out and proud or had even remotely hinted anything, but merely from a muggle statistic point of view, a class which his mother had forced Blaise to attend during the summer and he was incredibly grateful for, it was most probable that he was some sort of queer than anything else. He spent way too much time preparing himself to even see Saint Potter in the hallways, messing his hair and slicking it back countless of times to just "show him and his loser group of friends that we're so much better!" , to be even remotely straight. All of them would still love and care for him either way, as they would for Blaise, but the young boy understood the blonde's reluctance to share that little piece of information.
"Yes, you do, you queer puff. Don't deny it" continued Pansy, not wanting to let the subject drop and inevitably side-tracking from their original battle plan. Many headaches of Blaise's were caused by Pansy's inability to follow a scheme and still the only cure he could think of was to remove her head from her shoulders and leave it on the fireplace. That would've lightened his tension for sure!
But Draco was having none of it: suddenly as red on his face as a Gryffindor robe, he stood up from the couch and began walking away towards the dormitory door, leaving their intervention unfulfilled and useless. Another reason behind Blaise's headaches was Draco's ability to ruin all his bloody plans and intentions.
"Enough with this bullshit" he called back, looking distraught and uneasy, "I don't need your help and surely you don't need mine so kindly fuck off all of you. Let me know when you drop all this crazy shit!"
Blaise followed suit, exiting through the portrait after his friend and catching him up once he was near the staircases. "The fuck you want now?" asked the blonde, ire and hatred lacing his words. Despite it all, Blaise couldn't help but notice how his roommate was shaking, fear deep in his eyes.
He knew he should've tried to comfort, he knew he should've been patient, yet he couldn't bring himself to: while it was true that Draco didn't want to get in those awful games the adults of his family played, he still swore to fulfil whatever duty was asked from him, without mentioning it to his best friends and closest allies. He had a choice and choose to cower before the Dark Lord, he gave in to the threats and the violence and the bloody stereotype that Slytherins were evil murderers.
So when he spoke finally, they weren't kind words those that came out of him: "I would've loved to spend some time with you, you stupid bitch, even if it was studying, cause we rarely even see each other anymore. You're so busy either stalking Potter or doing Salazar knows what on the fifth floor." He saw Draco's eyes widen, the fear turning into full panic and then blow away as if nothing had fazed him in usual Malfoy Manner. Another headache was coming and Blaise wondered if he could go to Madam Pomfrey and ask her " oh hello! Do you have anything to rid me of those terrible pains inflicted by my awful Death Eater roommate, along of those terrible housemates of mine? ". Now, that would surely be an interesting reaction.
"Shut up, Zabini, you don't even know what you're talking about!" Draco whispered violently, checking that nobody was eavesdropping in the empty corridor. "Well why don't you start explaining?" he fired back, standing his ground with his full height and towering over the blonde, who looked like he was about to pass out at any given moment.
" Merde " he said eventually, after having gathered his thoughts, "I cannot talk to anyone about this, okay? Not even you, no matter how hard you push. He'll kill my mum if I don't do it!" He sounded more exasperated than scared now, as if he had already rehearsed that same conversation, probably with himself.
Still, Blaise needed all the answers he could get, "You mean…?"
" Porca puttana Eva ." He passed a hand over his face, going straight to his shortly cut hair as if to ground himself. He had had doubts, of course, anyone in their right mind would have them and he was really surprised nobody from Saint Potter's squad was onto him like a guard dog. But thinking is one thing, having those thoughts acknowledged and confirmed was another topic entirely. Blaise felt as if the ground would open up from the stone under their feet and swallow them both whole. "Worse ways to go " he thought blandly.
"Indeed. So all I can ask all of you to do is cover for me and have faith in what I'm doing."
He uttered a dry laugh, trying to hide the nervousness that conversation was suddenly giving him. "How can we do it if you don't even trust us?" he asked roughly, hurt and very pissed off.
Draco now looked in full disbelief, as if he had never enthralled the thought of someone not following him blindly before. He supposed it might be true, since in their previous years he was always eager to agree with the blonde. But after their fiasco with Umbridge, Blaise swore to took with a grain of salt everything. Including his friendships.
"How can I trust you lot? I'm marked. I swore an oath. When the time is right you'll be too and we'll take back what's rightfully ours."
"You talk like a madman, and hopefully I'll never have a seat at that table" he said, stumbling backwards. 'Rule number thirteen: men are easily lead and get foolish as soon as they get a taste for any type of power or violence. Do not become like one of those' his mother told him and he didn't plan on disappoint her anytime soon.
"I'm gonna go back and study for the quiz tomorrow, and I highly suggest you do to" he said dryly after a while, regarding his friend with as little interest and concern as he could. And he then turned around, ignoring Draco's feeble attempt to snatch his attention back. For a seeker, he was trash at his job.
As soon as he crossed the threshold of the portrait, he was flooded with questions from his fellow housemates, but they all immediately shut up at the thunderous look on his face. Theo seemed to catch on and simply raised an eyebrow at Blaise, who pointedly ignored his roommate and moved back to his Herbology textbook. There had been whispers among the Pureblood Slytherins, many parents having fallen back into old habits and already planning the coming of their children. Blaise had not truly acknowledged those words, choosing to ignore them, never revealing his disdain towards so many of his friends' families.
His father had been amongst those and had perished when his mother was still pregnant, and she and his grandparents had raised him to loathe that idiotic, medieval, misogynistic and racist behaviour. " White idiots think like that, and you are neither" had told him his mother the first time he had brought up the Dark Lord and his antics. He agreed.
Struggling to concentrate, he tried to remember if asphodel was considered by the ancient Greeks the food of the dead or of the nymphs, but his mind was full of worries.
He definitely needed to go to the infirmary for a headache remedy very soon.
"Merde" s French for "shit" cause we all know that Draco's pretentious ass swears in French "Porca puttana Eva" Is basically "Holy burning shit" literally is "that fucking bitch of Eve"
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 181: 9:59 A.M.
Previously on BnHA: Gentle continued to rassle with Deku and asked him why he wanted to be a hero. Deku said it was because of everyone who helped him and supported him and believed in him; he wanted to make them proud and “show them a brighter future.” The two of them bonded in that shounen way, and meanwhile La Brava sprinted into the woods trying to hack U.A.’s network. Unfortunately she ran into Hounddog and a bunch of Ectoplasm clones. Realizing the jig was up, she went back to warn Gentle, only to find him lying defeated on the ground, having just fallen victim to Deku’s latest Shoot Style move, St. Louis Smash. La Brava was all “let him go!!” and ran up to Deku and started adorably beating on him with her lil fists. Gentle belatedly realized that he had put her in this situation and made her into his accomplice even though she was innocent. In an attempt to get her sentence reduced, he flung Deku into the air with his quirk to try and make it look like the battle never occurred. Ecto and Hounddog then came out of the woods, and Gentle surrendered.
Today on BnHA: There is a not-as-tense-as-they-try-to-make-it-seem scene where we wait and see if the festival is going to be cancelled due to Gentle’s shenanigans. Apparently the heroes have been instructed to start the evacuation process upon “confirmation of hostile intent.” But Gentle says he is not hostile. He says he’s committed a lot of crimes, but that La Brava is innocent and was brainwashed by him, and he asks them to pardon her. Deku then comes out of the woods and the heroes ask if he fought with Gentle. Deku white lies his way out of the situation, saying that Gentle was trying to pull a prank and that the two of them had “a small dispute.” Apparently Hounddog is satisfied by that, because he reports back to the other heroes that the situation is fine, and then he and Ecto apprehend Gentle and La Brava and take them to the police. Meanwhile Deku hurries back to get cleaned up and changed, and makes it back with only moments to spare. The concert begins, with Eri watching excitedly from Mirio’s arms.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 207 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
we’re opening on a “moments earlier” flashback of Ecto being informed via his headset that a student went out shopping earlier and hasn’t come back
and now Hounddog is contacting him and saying that something’s going on near to where he is, and he’s going to borrow a few of Ecto’s clones to go check it out
Ecto’s asking if it’s an emergency, and Hounddog is giving him a ton of detail based on scent alone omg
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wow Hounddog, you’re pretty cool aren’t you. “three people, not moving any more, and they’re all freaked out and sweaty”
and look how scary he is
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I freaking love him omg
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so because the intruders have no hostile intent, the festival can still go on! what a stupid loophole! I’m so glad they exploited it lmao
you know, if this was in any way a serious villain operation, this kind of shrugging-your-shoulders approach would definitely get a few more students kidnapped and/or killed. nice to see U.A. hasn’t learned a damn thing lol
Ecto recognizes Gentle from his Youtube vids as “that villain that’s only quick to run away”
now Hounddog’s grabbing him by the collar and asking where his comrades are
Gentle says he has none
Hounddog is all “what about those injuries and the general mess in the vicinity indicating that a battle has recently taken place?”
and Gentle says he “had a stumble”
lmao. “one heck of a whoopsy-daisy there. good thing I have Life Alert”
Hounddog’s asking if it was just the two of them and Gentle says yes
oh snaaaaaaaaap
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I wonder if he knows which student? he should learn how to identify Deku’s scent specifically since it’s always him getting involved in these things. would save some time
meanwhile we’re cutting back to the student in question who is landing now
and he’s thinking back to what Gentle said earlier and he’s figured out that he was trying to protect La Brava and spare her from the full consequences of all this if possible
meanwhile Gentle is telling Hounddog, “if you’re looking for the boy, he’s just over there...”
oh have you finally learned a life lesson then
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Gentle gained +500 self awareness points! too late! but at least he got them lol
I hope Aiba has the sense to keep her mouth shut
he’s asking them to pardon her
she’s so little and cute, I’m sure they will omg
meanwhile Aiba is sobbing and clinging to Gentle and thinking no, he didn’t brainwash her, she really loves him
eh, a little of column A, a little of column B...
now Hounddog is asking Deku if he fought Gentle
well, aside from it being obvious at a glance, I’m sure he can probably smell it too
wow Deku
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look at this little green punk and his smooth white lies
anyways, so he says it’s all right now
Aiba is still clinging to Gentle and sobbing
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getting the feeling these guys can see right through Deku’s bullshit, but at the same time they can kind of figure out why he’s not being 100% truthful, and they don’t want to ruin the day for the kids and bring a storm of negative PR raining down upon U.A. either
so The Sheriff -- who we haven’t seen a while, how you doin bud -- is asking for a report!
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so he says they’ll continue to keep their guard up, but for the time being they can stand down
and they’re taking Gentle into custody and telling him he can explain the details to the police
and as they lead him away, Gentle is telling Deku that he was once enrolled in a hero course, and that he became a criminal due to the despair of having to drop out
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look how fucking massive Hounddog’s arm is oh my god
and also! yes, that’s very sweet, very nice, catharsis, etc. etc. everyone understands each other yay
fsdfkhlk now Ecto is stepping in and suddenly unleashing an array of powerful dad moves!!
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telling him All Might was worried! seeing Deku look panicked when he realizes the time, and reassuring him that he still has time to get back! telling Deku they’ll go together to pick up the things Deku lost! ECTO YOU ARE GREAT AND SO UNDERRATED OMG. DARK HORSE MVP
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getting the feeling that Aizawa would have never signed that permission slip. it was pretty irresponsible of All Might tbh. just, statistically the data shows that you don’t let Deku go off on his own. you just don’t. you don’t, All Might
and apparently the shirts say “A Band”! even for the kids who aren’t in the actual band! I wonder who came up with that name. sounds like the work of Todoroki “my hero name is Shouto” Shouto to me
(ETA: as we now know, it was actually Yaoyorozu “Shouto and I have a lot more in common than you know” Momo)
now we’re following Deku on a brief journey to pick up the bags he dropped, while he thinks to himself about how similar he and Gentle were, and that they both fought for others
okay but let’s not pretend Gentle was fighting for La Brava’s sake until the very end, though
anyway, the bags weren’t where Deku left them, but thankfully an old lady picked them up and they found them around 9:35!
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KAMINARI DENKI YOU TRULY KNOW NO FEAR HUH. that Kacchan thing really emboldened him. he came out of it alive and was all, “wow I can really get away with anything, huh?”
(ETA: okay but for real, I know BakuDeku and KiriBaku are the #1 and #3 most popular pairings in the series (going by AO3 anyway), but after reading this arc, I can’t help but feel like KamiBaku is being slept on. Kaminari’s Little Bro Energy and his willingness to test boundaries put together with Kacchan’s frankly shocking levels of compliance make for an amazing combo. the cuteness potential here is off the fucking charts)
so people are milling around and wondering what class A has in store and saying they’re excited
and of course they are, because class A famously kicks ass as we have all realized by now
and now Eri is shyly tugging at her big bro Mirio’s sleeve and asking if Deku is going to dance
and All Might is running up to Aizawa, presumably to tell him they found Deku and everything’s hunky dory now
look at all these people!
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holy shit it’s 9:59 and still no Deku in sight. fucking kid always has to make an entrance
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(ETA: apparently these are all of her fans from the commercials she did with Snake Hair Lady and Kendou. not my preferred way for Momo to get a following, but I can’t say I object to her having a following. what can I say, these people know perfection when they see it)
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(ETA: oh my god I’m so glad we got more in the next chapter though. I was prepared to take whatever we got, but for a moment I genuinely thought this was gonna be it, and after all of that buildup I’m so happy we did get the full performance and each of the characters got a little moment to shine)
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hazbin-huntress · 5 years
Uhh, just found this blog but how about “Shut up and let me help you” with OC and Cayde?
I’M SO SORRY I’M ONLY GETTING TO THIS NOWI really had no ideas but!! Due to some things that happen in Aridana’s story line and my boyfriends help, I finally have something!!And thank you so much for requesting this, I legit screeched when I saw this pls send more pretty please i live and breathe for my Bayonet aaaaasorry its long .v.If anybody wants to read more, or have me continue this or whatever, let me know!!! ^^
~~~A mission. All it was was a mission, she thought. Help one of Sunny’s Warlock friends with some deep field research with the Vex, in and out. It was never supposed to go wrong.
It was never supposed to go like this.
The Warlock’s name was Oracle-7, an Exo who primarily studies within the Vex field as to learn as much as she possibly could. After the events regarding Osiris and the looming threat of Panoptes coming marginally close to practically breaking time and reality as we knew it, Zavala was only now slightly more lenient towards researching the Vex. Of course, Sunny’s… passionate persuasiveness definitely played it’s part in getting the Titan to ease off a bit.
Oracle requested assistance from the Vanguard regarding her mission. She knew the dangers that the Vex held all too well. However, she also knows when she can’t simply go into the field on her own. The Exo discovered a few clues of a mysterious entity sighted within a few places that were known for a heavy influx of Vex, but ever since the Taken War, the Vex have become more unpredictable than ever. Knowing the risk, Oracle requested a decently skilled Guardian to accompany her, hoping the Vanguard would at least consider it before whatever this was went off the grid again.
So, with a Hunter’s natural sense of adventure, and Aridana’s natural sense of curiosity, she practically begged Zavala to let her go. He was hesitant. Sunny and Aridana both hold spots as Right-Hands to their respective Vanguard, so it wasn’t like she didn’t have the skill. It was the risk that he was worried about. It would be near impossible to fill her position if, Traveler forbid, something happened.
He didn’t want to think about how the others- Cayde, Sunny, Buck, etc.- would take it if something happened either.
But once again, with a bit of persuasion, the Titan caved, and sent her off. He couldn’t help but curse himself when a high-alert distress beacon signaled through the Vanguard communication line.
Oracle had sent the alert, her voice mildly frantic with the sounds of a battle going on in the background. “This is Oracle-7 of Fireteam Ordinance, requesting immediate assistance. The mission went off course, we were ambushed by Taken and we’re pinned!”
Zavala rushed to the coms center, moving Cayde from his original spot, despite his harsh protest. “Fireteam Ordinance, this is Commander Zavala. We’ve received your beacon and are ready to send a team effective immediate-” the Awoken was cut short by another voice suddenly coming through.
“Oracle, we don’t need a rescue squad!” a familiar Huntress’ voice rang. “We fought a war against these things and won, we can handle this!” A quick huff of mild irritation and concern sounded from the Hunter Vanguard as he snatched the microphone from Zavala.
“Ari, don’t take this the wrong way, but as great as we Hunters are, no one’s invincible. Now talk to me, what’s goin’ on?” the Exo questioned. He winced back just a bit at the sudden loud muffle that came through as a response.
“We ran into some unfamiliar Taken… thing. We have no idea what it is, honestly, but whatever it is-” Oracle’s voice cut off, a sound of an explosion going off near-by, “Damn it. Whatever it is, it’s bringing massive waves of Taken with him! We need help before someone-”
“No one is getting killed, Oracle we can handle this fine!” Aridana snapped.“We don’t know what this thing is, Aridana! Look what it did to those Vex, imagine what those Taken flames can do to us!”
The atmosphere in the room tanked. Taken flames? They might not know a lot of information about the Taken, but flames, Taken flames, that was concerning.Aridana took over the the main line, the distinct sound of a blade being swung making itself known. “Zavala, Cayde, we don’t need a rescue squad. Just ignore-” her sentence was cut short, a quick huff and a bit of a grunt left her as she dodged an attack.
Sunny was with the other two Vanguard now, worried about her friends’ safety. Her gaze quickly turned to Cayde, both Exos knowing full well the extent of Aridana’s stubbornness. The Hunter spoke through the coms once more, “I hate to say it, Ari, but you know damn well if a Warlock of all people is panicking, you should be getting the hell out of dodge.” His head turned to Sunny, who immediately responded with a nod. “Keep yourself in one piece, we’re on our way.”
Aridana harshly furrowed her brow, trying to balance focusing on the fight as well as the communication line. “Have you all gone deaf? What part of we’re fine don’t you people get?!” she snapped, followed by the sound of her signature Heart’s Wraith sounding off soon after.
Cayde narrowed his optics, “The part where you’re not an unstoppable God who can’t be killed?”
“I never said I was! If anything trying to keep a conversation in the middle of this clusterfuck is the most dangerous thing I’m doing right now, so back off and let me focus!” she said, finishing through clenched teeth.
“Or, fun idea, you quit being such a stubborn ass before you get the both of you killed, and I don’t end this conversation with the biggest migraine since the goddamn Golden Age.”
It was rare when Cayde’s tone raised into aggressive. He usually only did it when it came to high stress situations, like a losing streak in a poker game, or even his Right-Hand Hunter getting herself killed from her own stubborn idiocy. Obviously.
Sometimes he curses himself for caring so damn much about her.
The noise of their fight grew stronger over the coms as Sunny quickly made her way to the Hangar to get their ships ready. Aridana hissed through her teeth as she took a blow to the arm, a gash making itself quickly present. “For the last fucking time, Cayde, NO. We don’t need a rescue, we don’t need back-up, and we don’t need a lesson in common sense from someone who’s made more stupid decisions than I have years on my life!” she yelled.
The Exo’s hand slammed onto the dash of the coms controls, “For fuck’s sake, Aridana, for once in your life can you just shut up and let me help you?!”
“DAMN IT, CAYDE, I don’t have TIME for-”
“ARIDANA, MOVE!” Oracle’s scream cut through like a bolt of lightning. The Hunter quickly turned to find the Taken monstrosity not but a mere few inches away from her. Before she could fully react, the sound of a blade quickly rang through the air before meeting with her left arm, just below the shoulder.
The sound it made was sickening. The unmistakable sound of metal meeting with flesh, followed by the splatter of blood that resulted from the blade’s harsh yet swift movement. Two separate thuds met the floor. Aridana first, dropping to her knees while she grabbed the wound as tightly as her shaking hand could. In her shock, she didn’t even realize the second thud was the sound of her left arm, now laying limp and lifeless on the ground.
The Vanguard, however, could only tell that something detrimental happened. The sound of a blade going through flesh was irrefutable to any Guardian, let alone the Vanguard.
Cayde’s expression turned from angry to mass concern before you could blink. His hold on the microphone tightened to a practical death-grip. “Ari?” he questioned. No response. “Ari, can you hear me?”
Still no response.
“Aridana, answer me!” he said, fear practically consuming his previous tone without realizing it. Even Zavala had a deep look of concern over his normally stoic expression. The Hunter cursed as he slammed the dash of the controls once again. The only sound they could make out past the gunfire and the eerie noises of the Taken was the faint, struggling huffs of the Huntress attempting to breathe; to steady herself.
Her eyes finally met with her arm a few feet away from her. Her body and breath continued to shake as she couldn’t help but stare at the heavy flow of blood coming out of where her arm used to reside. Aridana’s mind raced as she considered bringing out Bentley just for a quick fix for now, the shock from her injury causing her to forget just how bad of a situation this had just turned into. Calling her Ghost now would be practical suicide.
Suddenly, an odd whirling sound made itself present as her eyes darted back to her arm a few feet away.
He was doing something to it. He was doing something to her arm.
The veins within the limb flowed with a sickening black, slowly coursing through it in it’s entirety. Her body filled with dread, eyes wide with an indescribable fear of the unknown that she hadn’t felt for centuries. Her voice was quiet, shaking as she struggled to get words out; to say anything.
“No… Don’t…” she spoke hardly above a whisper.
It was as if the world was silent, aside from the ringing in her ears. The Taken creature looked at her as he slowly raised his arm.
Its hand clenched shut, and the last thing that made it back to the Tower was the harshly distorted sound of…
Cayde threw down the microphone and sprinted out of the Hall of Guardians before Zavala could even think of stopping him. He raced to the Hangar, Sunny already waiting impatiently with their ships. She saw the look in his eyes and her concern was immediately replaced with a mixed emotion of fear.
“Cayde, what’s going-”
“They’re both in trouble.” he cut her off. “Aridana’s in trouble. Something happened, something very fucking bad happened. We need to go.” Cayde loaded up his Ace of Spades, turning towards his ship. He was taken aback just a bit when he noticed that Sunny had already left with her ship before he could even say the word ‘Now.’
The Vanguard let out a sigh as he transmatted into his signature ship. He gripped the controls tightly as he flew away from the tower, following the distress beacon’s signal.
“Aridana, for everyone’s sake, you better be alive by the time I get there or I’m gonna kill you.”
It was Ari. She had to be fine.
She had to be.
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go-just-me-fan · 6 years
"Welcome Home" Part 2: Take your time
(Finally, it's here! Sorry for mistakes in advance, I tried my best! And it supposed to be the final part BUT I screw it, I'll write third part as well. I have no idea when, it will take lot of time and afford but it will be here eventually. So for now, thank you so much for dropping by and I hope you'll enjoy!)
"It'z torture... I don't know if I can handle zhis anymore... It'z taking forever WHEN HE'LL FINISH?!
"Shneep calm your tits, they have to take their time it's not... magic..." said bored Marvin with little smirk.
"I still can't belive, you guys turned back and went to McDonald's instead." added Jackieboy Man with his mouth full of fries.
"It was your idea, dumbass." murmured Marv.
"Shut your face!"
Later, they all were sitting together in old Chase's van. Shneep was the driver because only him and The Cat Mask had driving licence. Cool Dad left his in... well, now Stacy's home. He didn't like to drive anyway, but Doctor and Magnificent got their licences when they were in high school and Brody couldn't be worse.
Shneep sat behind the wheel. The only thing he ordered was some bitter coffee, because "people have no idea what kind of garbage they serve here". Also he was really sleepy and that useless magician refused to drive.
Shneep considered taking that risk and let Bottle Flip Master drive, but it isn't a great idea to disturb him when he has his headphones on. These happy famielies, couples with children playing around this restaurant were making him sick. Music was his way to deal with grief and guilt. Music and Whiskey. Mostly Whiskey. But Jackie has taken away from him every bottle and JJ was keeping an eye on him in case Brody wanted to buy some new. They didn't even know that Shneep has found that alcohol and drank all of it in a secret. After that he made a promise to himself that if everything somehow will end well, he will give his money back to them and apologise. But at that moment they had more important stuff to do.
Jamson tapped Shneep's shoulder and offered him some of his cookies. JJ didn't like eat fast food but he was partial to shakes, ice creams, cakes or any kind of sweets. He could spend all of his money at once for these delicious food (that's one of the reasons why their budget was limited).
"Nah, danke" he shook his head.
"Hey, I would like some!" called Jackie. Mute Fella shared his sweets with pleasure, depite the fact Hero did not have good manners. JJ mustering all patient he got, did not say a word when Hero are with his month open. Chase and Henric didn't even give a crap.
Marv rolled his eyes.
"Didn't your mother teach you how to eat?"
"Father didn't teach ya to shut the fuck?"
"It's <shut the fuck u p>, idiot" Kit Kat corrected him with smirk, glad how he was making him angry.
"Stop correcting me!" The Most Red One yelled fed up with him. Some of his food landed on the floor. Doktah was too tired to get mad at him for that.
"Stop being wrong then!" Marvin got one cookie from JJ and started eating it "properly".
"Geez, you're truly pain in the ass, aren't ya?" murmured Jackie behind his lunch. Everyone in van (except Chase, who still listened to music, didn't pay attention to anything else) felt super uncomfortable.
The Cat Mask raised his eyebrown:"And what was that?"
"Oh, look! Mr Always Right And Ironic. Again to depress you with his superiority!" hissed Jackie throwing a grasp of fries at him.
"Hey, it doesn't mean that I'm narcissistic! It only means you are a little, whining-!"
"Everybody zilence!" commend Shneep. He switched on the engine and left the parking lot. Since then, they were sitting in tense silence.
"No wonder you were hungry, Marvin." spoke Doktor to break this embarrassment."I ztill cannot believe you ordered thiz container of nuggets."
Kit Kat snorted.
"Chicken is really important meal, furthermore I love that taste. And I share it with Chase, so it must be big!"
Chase didn't care about anything at that moment.
"You do realize was ist inside of theze, don't you?" he glanced at him in the rearview mirror.
"Yeah, that would explain why are you so disgusting. You eat what you are." Jackie showed Marv his the tongue.
"You are what you eat, imbecile!" Marvin started to losing his temper."Learn to speak for God's sake!"
"I don't have time for stupid grammar! I don't even have time to chew!" That's way he always orders only one big shake (and steals fries). "I need my strenght, coz while you are goofing around with your silly tricks, someone is trying to save the day!"
"By running away in the last moment?!" retorded Kit Kat.
Shneep stopped the car gustly. Everyone (except Chase again) looked at him confused.
"Vhat?" He got up and opened the door. "I left my chainzaw nearby. I vill be right back. Vould you help me, Jamson?" Doktah asked friendly and started heading into somewhere."Zhis two needs to get over zheir issuez."
JJ nodded and followed him, worring a bit about Chase and "these two".
Marvin pulled out his phone and was checking something suspiciously interesting. Jackie on the other hand was just staring at him worryingly. He chew on his lip nervously.
"You know what? You are right." He said after a while. The Magician looked at him tired of his "stupidity". But Boy Man continued.
"All I want to do in my life is proctecting. People, weak ones... and especially you guys. And I successively fail you. Again and again. It won't change a thing but... I'm sorry Marvin."
The Cat Mask put down his phone and looked at him concered.
"I was too busy <improving myself> and <doing my best> while you were going to collage, starting familes, getting actual jobs... And I was the one who is supposed to defend that! And I failed everyone. I am not smartass like Shneep, or family guy like Chase, or sweet ball of sunshine like JJ... Hell, I'm "superhero" and I don't even have any powers or magic like you!"
He stopped talking and stared at the floor while his eyes were filling with tears. Marvin was drained up and had no idea what to say. Jackie wiped these tears away.
"You are kinda my idol, Marv." He started talking again. "Despite having your own life and problems... You're still here. With us. To save the day even if you don't necessearly have to. You worked hard for this magic skills. And I have nothing. Maybe I even am nothing. Either way, I apologise for today. Maybe I'm little whinig bitch, but it's tense situation for all of us, you know..."
The Magician glanced at him for quite a while before he slowly said:"Jackie... This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
The Hero tried to add something but Marv interrupted him.
"You are valid. Even if I'm messing with you, that doesn't change the fact you actually formed this group to beat up this sadistic glitchy son of the bitch! Like it's so brave and smart of you to take action and ask for help? To be aware that asking for help is not sign of being weak? I appriciate that, Jackie. I'm not the one to thank here. Don't you dare to talk shit about yourself ever again!"
Jackie stared at him in complite slience while Chase was busy having still no idea what was going on and sleeping. Marvin saw litle smirk on his face.
"I knew there is lil fluff heart under that sass facade." Jackie pinched the bridge of his nose. Marv felt urge to rip off his arm.
"You will never make me say anything nice about you. Ever." whispered against his ear The Cat Mask. Boy Man shurgged joyfully and hugged him tightly.
"Hey, I thought you liked that yesterday!" he teased him.
"That...! Was long time ago and... FALSEHOOD!"
"Hey, lookz like you zwei are gut again!" Shneep was back, looked like proud father with his chainsaw and JJ behind him, dragging some blades.
"You all are dead to me" said Marv resigned.
"Acorrding to what are we going to do... pretty much" sign JJ while trying to not drop these weapons.
Chase looked up and saw that scene supriesed. He took of his headphones:"Wait, did I missed somethin'?"
And it finally happened. They busted in ready for the most horrible, wicked, gory sight but nobody prepared them for what they actually saw. Mostly because it wasn't so bad. Quite a mess, yes, but... pretty normal.
Jackieboy Man looked at Shneep questioningly. He shrugged confused as the respond. JJ grined, glad that there wasn't so bad after all.
Marvin relaxed a bit. Final Battle seemed cool but... If this motherfruscker wasn't here, well Marv wouldn't be even mad. Chase on the other hand was still nervous, he was looking around with the gun in his sweaty, shaking hands. He felt the need to escape when he heard something in other room. But instead he motioned to rest of them absolutly terrified. Jackie smieled ominously, JJ... just the opposite.
And so Boy Man rushed into room once again with Marvin and the squad not far behind.
And then, they stood face to face with their greatest fear. Everybody froze. Even suprised Anti. They was just staring at each other until Chase started screaming:
Apparantly Anti started training yoga. Fun fact: pose he was doing is called "Astavakrasana". Slowly, he stood up, raised his hands and said: "I̶̘̭̐͗͑ ̸̥̦̮̑̽͝c̸͖̠͙̃̅̕a̸͉̥̺͑̓̕n̷͉̟̭̈̀͝ ̷̘̭͚̐͐̑ë̴͎͕̟́̍͗x̶̥̣͖͐̃̈́ṗ̴̗̭̱̄̔l̴̫͓̞̄̕͝a̸̭̩̻̐͆̅ỉ̸̧͍͚̀̾ṇ̴̨͉̓͋́...
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dontcallmecarrie · 6 years
Things That Can’t Be Justified
AU of a fic idea that I have yet to make a fic for, gdi brain.
Specifically, for Welcome To The Family, wherein Natasha is a far better friend and tells Tony about HYDRA’s involvement with his parents’ deaths after she finds out Steve dropped the ball. Neither of them know who’s responsible, beyond that, though.
Warnings: not particularly Steve friendly [for obvious reasons, in-story], canon-typical violence [and a bit graphic, at that]
Tony was frozen in place, had been since he’d first seen the familiar stretch of road. Then, it’d just been mounting horror, and realization, as the video went on, and—he squeezed his eyes shut, and gritted his teeth, as a familiar figure made its way to his parents onscreen. 
He’d known it was HYDRA, this should not have been a surprise, Natasha had—but it’s so damn hard to keep his head, when he’s hearing his parents’ dying screams, and it takes all his willpower to not lash out, to focus on the objective, remember the mission, to—
Tony makes the mistake of opening his eyes just as the Winter Soldier kills his mother, and even if he hadn’t eaten anything in over twenty-four hours, still nearly loses the battle against nausea. [Oh, gods, his mom—]
No. Right. Focus on the mission, he’d known this already. 
It takes all of his focus, to not lose it. Because everything’s slotting so neatly now, the pieces clicking with the precision of a Swiss watch, and suddenly, he knows why Steve hadn’t said a word, why he’s looking so on edge right now. 
Not that Tony’s looking his way: if he does, if he sees either Steve, or the Wi—Bucky, Barnes, whatever—right now, he might just snap regardless. 
Right. Complete the objective, take care of Zemo. Right. 
He’s been silent for nearly a minute now, after the video’s played, and Ste—Rogers [like hell he was calling him Steve ever again] sounds like he’s tensing.
Tony set his jaw, squeezed his eyes shut, and held up a single hand. If it was slightly brighter than normal, well, Tony was about a hair away from losing it, okay? Even if he’d known about HYDRA, even if—confirmation was still...it still hurt. 
“Don’t, Rogers.” He gritted out, voice almost dangerously soft, now. “Don't. Because if you say another word, I might just punch you and escalate the situation, and right now I just need to complete this mission and drag your sorry asses back before Ross gets the final okay to send his hit squad and you are not making this easier on me.”
Then, not looking towards Barnes, he continued. “And you. You’re coming with, you hear? Getting your head screwed on straight, and whatever crap it is that comes with. One POW to another, here, and also as a favor to Nat because she likes you. Something about Room training? Don’t know, don’t care.”
His hand lit up with the familiar whine of a repulsor, and Tony still didn’t look away from the now-blank monitor. “You knew, Rogers. You knew, and you didn’t. Tell. Me. You goddamn hypocrite, so shut your damn mouth because I hate you so much right now—” and if his voice broke, a little, well...fuck it.
“This isn’t for you, Rogers. This is for Natasha, who had the decency to tell me about my parents, as a fuck you to HYDRA and Zemo, anyone. But. You.” No, he was not crying. Nope. Not at all. Either way, wasn’t like he was lifting the faceplate, so who cared, anyway?
Another heartbeat, and Tony pulled himself together the best he could, even as JARVIS mutely showed him a notification of the latest messages sent to Pepper, Rhodey, and Natasha. 
“You two are coming with me. If I have to drag your unconscious bodies to do it.”
...cue collaboration with Wakanda over Bucky’s treatment, and Tony being fucking frigid towards Steve from there on out, with a side of Merchant of Death. Only ever calls him Rogers, and goes “it’s Dr. Stark, to you” whenever Steve calls him Tony, and makes it blatantly obvious that Steve pissed him off but doesn’t elaborate on how. 
Literally the only reason he’s even lifting a finger to help is because Natasha’s asking him to, for some of the team, on the basis that Clint and the others didn’t know what they were getting into. 
Even then, he’s taking absolutely no shit, and more than once Natasha ends up having to “hey, your Merchant of Death’s showing” because his disdain for Steve’s leaking through slightly in how he’s handling the rest of the team, and he’s not pulling his punches legally, so they’re seeing the type of heavy hitter he can be. Especially after he takes on Ross, and wins.
Steve’s going to try to fix things. Tony laughs in his face the first time, nearly punches him the second, and goes full-on Merchant of Death the third. 
Whenever someone tries to talk about forgiveness, he scoffs, and mentions “sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things” with a smile that somehow kills the conversation. [Pity.] Natasha’s also been of no help, she’s firmly on the side of “what the hell, Steve, why the fuck didn’t you tell Tony about that?!” [which, as it turns out, is actually a pretty popular opinion, as word gradually gets out.] Tony actually gets along better with Bucky here, what with having been able to make his peace with HYDRA killing his parents before meeting him. Plus, again, I’m iffy about comics but iirc, the Winter Soldier trained Natasha somehow, right? Or something? Either way, here she remembers part of that, and because she likes him, Tony does too. 
idk what’d happen with the team in this AU, apart from the bureaucratic nightmare that’d ensue. 
This is an AU of my fic idea, simply because said fic idea wouldn’t have had Siberia in the first place; Natasha, being a better friend, would’ve gone “this is for your own good, you idiots” and tasered Steve and Bucky before they made their escape.
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bomega-zero · 6 years
The Got War
Theory Scenario (i.e. not part of the main story)
Writer: Ω
The “Got” War
War…War never change…
           We find ourselves in the final battle of the “Got” War as Hachi and Braden faces off. Their armies been ordered to cease fire. Bodies stain the field and smoke filled the sky. Braden and Hachi could be seen walking toward each other, ready for their final face off……
Braden scours the battlefield as he walks towards its center, hundreds of bodies litter the field, their flowing blood creating a muddy substance beneath his feet. His blimp was on fire and quickly losing altitude. Hachi was walking towards him from the opposite side. It was only a few months ago when Hachi left the compound after their conversation, Braden could remember the conversation vividly, Hachi making scenarios while he made up stupid ways to survive. Now they were at war. It was small things at first, from invading each other compounds for supplies, to leading hordes of zombies toward each other compound, all the way to attempted assassinations. Braden arm still itches from when he set it on fire, preventing his assassin (he was sure it was Hachi himself) from getting too close to attack. He even remembers the time Hachi pulled up on a blimp and shot down his comrades, forcing him to fire up his mini-blimp and pull evasive maneuvers around him. He lost that blimp in a fiery explosion and even broke both his legs that night, luckily his goons got to him before the zombies did. Oddly enough, the zombie population been decreasing since the war started, maybe they got killed in the war or maybe someone else took care of them, they won’t the only factions in the world after all. Staring at Hachi now, it seems that neither of them came out the worst from the war, yet. The two stopped dead in front of each other.
“Are you ready to admit that you gone get ‘Got?” (Hachi)
“Nah fam. We surviving out here!” (Braden)
“This ain’t ending until one of us gets ‘Got’ Braden!” (Hahci)
“Then let’s settle this once and for all!” (Braden)
The two raise their fists…and swung down, once, twice three times…
“Rock! Paper! Scissors!” (Braden, Hachi and all goons said in unison)
They both threw down rock.
“Again” (Hachi)
“Rock! Paper! Scissors!” (Braden, Hachi and all goons said in unison)
They both threw down scissors.
“Again!” (Hachi)
“Rock! Paper! Scissors!” (Braden, Hachi and all goons said in unison)
And again they tied. They continued again, and again, tying every time until they have tied ninety-eight times. Both exhausted, Hachi and Braden raised their arms one more time.
“Rock!! Paper!! Scissors!!” (Braden, Hachi and all goons said in unison)
They threw down their hands, revealing paper as they both fell to their knees.
“Since no one can decide, and all is played is tied, ninety-nine times, I take it upon myself to claim your lives” (?)
A rift in space open up above the battlefield and begin sucking all into it. Braden and Hachi clutched at the ground as the vortex pulled at them. Goons, battle remnants, even the blimp was pulled into the gaping hole in the sky. Everything was being dragged in and it wasn’t long before Hachi and Braden lost their gripped and too, disappeared into the darkness, allowing the rift to close up before the land too was sucked in.
           Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet…
           “Hey guys, guess who just finished rehab” Zeke walks into the room as squad powers up their game system.”
           “Ah Zeke, welcome back and congratulations man.” (Alik)
           “Yeah, congratulations” (Tatsuma)
            “I knew you could do, especially after we cured those zombies and set up this society” βlaze begin passing out refreshments.
           “Cheers, to rebuilding humanity” βlaze holds up his cup.
           “Cheers” they say in unison.
           It’s been several years since Braden found himself at hell’s gates. He has gone through a lot of pain and suffering as he passed through each of hell’s layers. Face many perils and been backstabbed at nearly every possibility from its inhabitants. But he finally made it, the last layer. The barren landscape was completely different from the rest of the layers which were covered with fire, blood, and ice. There was neither a soul here either. Completely void of anything, the darkness of the layer seemed to stretch on forever, but Braden knew better. He sensed the overwhelming pressure straight ahead of him. Hachi was here. He headed toward it, increasing his pressure with each step. He wanted him to know he was here.
           “Hachi! You get your ass out here right now!” Braden’s shout echoed for but a second before torches flickered into existence revealing a chamber in which a river of blood flowed. Hachi sat in a throne in the back of the chamber, a trident leaning on it.
           “See what happens when you don’t get ‘Got’ Braden, you end up in hell” (Hachi)
           “Nah, yo ass dragged me down here with you! None of this would’ve happen if you just stop trying to get me ‘Got,’ I had to fight all the way here and I’m getting out of here.” Braden walks into the center of the chamber.
           “Nah fam, I can’t let you do that. It’s my job to make sure no one leaves and that includes you” Hachi rises from his throne and grabs the trident. He slams it down once on the ground, summoning demons from the blood river.
           “You see causing a whole war to get you ‘Got’ got me this comfy position in hell, so it be best if I kept the one who needs to get Got down here” Hachi walks down from his throne and points the trident at Braden.
           “Get him” (Hachi)
           The demons sprung at Braden, but were all cut down mid-dash. Braden brandish a white blade with a red vein running down the middle.
           “There are many lost artifacts of war down here, like this sword made from a demon snake’s tooth. Oh but that’s not all” Braden threw down an array of weapons around him and Hachi.
           “Many weapons can be found down here, like this” Braden picks up a solid black great sword and held it up to his face. A brilliant white light shone to reveal a rune symbol, which line the sword with a shimmering white energy. Braden placed the sword on his back so he could pick up snake katana and another blue katana.
           “I’m getting out of here, and I’m not going to get ‘Got” (Braden)
           “You need to learn, you’re gonna get ‘Got’ one way or another” (Hachi)
           Resolution set in their eyes, Braden and Hachi charged each other, weapons clashing. The start of a battle that would last for eternity.
This shit was stupid……
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Monday Night Raw Review: June 25th, 2018
Hey gang, it’s Monday again. I hope everyone had a great day/weekend. Today I got up really early and took my dog out and then watched the season 2 finale of Westworld (which got me FUUUCKED up, but that’s another story lol). 
Based on what my twitter timeline told me about tonight, it might be an interesting show? I’m feeling a little uninspired tonight about the show, personally, but hopefully, the show will prove me wrong.
Let me know what you thought of the show! Was it terrible, or did you like it this week? What was your favorite match? I’d love to hear from you, about anything! Thanks for tuning in and reading and sharing. I’m super close to 100 followers (like 5 away I think!) 
Sweaty Kurt Angle and Baron Corbin opened up the show tonight, only to be interrupted by Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley, who have sort of an interesting feud brewing. They both believe that they have the tools to beat Lesnar, but apparently, there won’t be a match at Extreme Rules anymore to determine Brock’s new competitor because of his “contract”.
Basically what this means is that Brock didn’t want to wrestle and give his title up, so he called Vince and Vince said ok. Ugh.
I think this is the main reason Raw, and WWE for that matter, has been faltering for the past couple months. There’s no Universal title on the show, which means that no stories can be written around it, and new feuds can’t be built. It sucks, and it’s really starting to affect my watching, as well.
The Revival vs. Lashley/Reigns
This is a rematch from last week. Why do we need to see this again?
The Revival need to prove that they are still relevant, and it’s unfortunate that separate injuries have kept them at bay, and they haven’t really been given a chance to be on TV since their return. This was never a team I saw much of, their NXT days were during the time where I wasn’t watching, but from what I can tell about them today, they hit their peak back in NXT.
This match is just a chance for Bobby and Roman to show off their egos, which Bobby needs, at least. Bobby’s feud with Sami ended at MITB 2 weeks ago, and pushing him into a match with Roman, or Brock, could give Bobby the spotlight he needs. He’s a big guy, always has been, and he needs to be showcased as one.
This match had no momentum going into it, and while the crowd loves to boo Roman whenever they can, they are dead silent otherwise. It’s gone on too long, and either team needs to bring something different to get the show rolling. 
The Revival won with a roll-up on Roman? A little unbelievable? Roman losing on a small package is just hard to fathom, especially against a small guy like Dash Wilder, but at least the match is over. Next, please.
Curtis Axel vs. Woken!Matt Hardy
Ok, wait, why is this a great storyline now? Oh yea, because it’s actually interesting and funny and the superstars are selling it really well. 
But this match is over in a heartbeat before I can say anything else. 
Matt has been putting in time at the gym. He looks great right now. That’s it.
AoP vs. Local Talent
This is not a match AoP needs. Put them in contention for the title, not this.
We haven’t seen this team since their debut after Mania and I’m really wondering why! They were so dominating in NXT, and they’ve fallen short on Raw. I’m trying to remember if one of them was injured in their time off, but I can’t find anything that says so. 
Titus Worldwide came out, too. Does anyone care?
...but I’m not a fan of that tag match. I know Finn is just going to lose again anyway, right? 
Alexa Bliss vs. Natalya
In a super long segment before this match took place, Alexa and her friend Mickie James went off about Alexa not getting respect and thanking god for Ronda’s suspension. There was a long video package during this promo that took me out of the program, and it was basically just Alexa and Mickie picking on the crowd. Whatever.
Natalya came out with Nia and the match started.
A lot of weird moves and botches from Alexa. She did that standing double monkey flip over Nattie, and her knees are supposed to hit Nattie in the belly, but Alexa’s knees were nowhere near her belly at all!
Natalya was really putting on a clinic, debuting all of her best moves and ultimately, getting herself a win over the undeserved champ. 
Put Nattie back in the title race. 
6-Woman Tag- Riott Squad vs. Banks/Moon/Bayley
Ooh boy, are we actually getting the feud people have been asking for?
Last week, things between Bayley and Sasha finally exploded the way everyone had been hoping for, and this week, Kurt Angle says they have one more chance to get on the same page. 
Sasha does the Meteora too much. That’s my first thought.
Ember Moon is fantastic in the ring. God I love her so much. 
Personally, I’m tired of seeing the Riott Squad. All three women need to wrestle in singles matches more. The singles matches that they do always end with the other members of the team charging in and either distract the ref or attack the other woman in the match. It’s so played out, it’s tiring! It’s a trope that’s been played out too much.
Banks took the loss for her team, and Bayley straight up attacked her and threw her around the ring. The crowd loves it! Personally, I do, too! I feel like Bayley is always too much, but a heel Bayley is just what her character needs to find her way back to the top of the division. I think this has been a long time coming from Bayley. She had to endure years of being the weakest of the four horsewomen and being second best, and now she’s ready to show what she’s got!
The ONLY thing that ruined that moment was when her music played her out. It’s too preppy and happy for her recent actions.
No Way Jose vs. Mojo Rawley
I don’t care. I just don’t. And WWE is not doing a good job of getting me to care.
Strowman/Owens vs. Balor/Corbin
Well, after losing last week, Braun was tired of teaming with Finn and has decided to team with Kevin Owens tonight. 
As I’ve probably mentioned a lot over the past few weeks, I love Kevin Owens right now. His unofficial feud with Braun is hilarious, and Kevin sells it so well.
And in typical fashion, I am in tears while Finn makes his entrance. Maybe I should make a post about him soon. It’d probably be long as hell.
I am also really loving Corbin’s new look. His hair needed to go so badly, and the suits that he wears are really doing better things for his character. I don’t love the fact that he’s basically corporate Kane, but it’s fine for now. 
Kevin tagging in Braun was so good. He just smacked him in the chest and ran. It was such a cartoon moment and I loved it.
Finn is finally being allowed in this match after Baron decides that he’s had enough. Kevin steals the momentum away from Finn and keeps him in a fierce chin lock. 
Braun just literally squished Finn in a corner and Finn just melted out of the ring. My god.
This match kind of exploded as Finn and Corbin couldn’t get along. They ended up fighting all the way up the ramp and got disqualified. I mean, at least Finn didn’t take the pin. I just wish they’d let him win a match for once.
Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title
After suffering a hard loss last week to Ziggler after a distraction from Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins is looking to win back his title from Dolph.
I personally love this new angle. Dolph has been out of it for a while now, and the IC title scene is a great place for him to stay. Remember that feud he had with Miz about a year and a half ago? That was the greatest thing ever for Ziggler and Miz. 
This current storyline is rumored to lead to a huge battle between Drew and Dolph, which is set to skyrocket Drew to a top position. It’s mostly because Vince loves Drew, but it’s also because Drew is a massive star now, and he belongs at the top. I’d love to see a program with him and Kevin, or him and Braun, or Roman, or even Finn. 
Rollins seems to be controlling most of the match so far, but how long will it take for Dolph to fight back?
Not long it seems as Seth focuses on Drew for too long, allowing Dolph to get up tackle Seth. This is where Dolph’s collegiate-style will come into play as he finds a way to tucker out Seth Rollins.
This is exactly the kind of pace Ziggler likes. He keeps his opponents on the ground and wears them out with a headlock or a chinlock.
Anytime Seth looks like he’s favoring a leg, I get super nervous. An injured Seth would not be good for business right now. I know he’s probably just selling it, but stilllll you guyssss
Rollins just reversed a whip on Dolph and he launched him into the turnbuckle, blasting Dolph into the corner. For a moment, it looked like Seth finally found his footing, but Dolph sent him over the top rope and crashing to the floor, hurting Seth’s wrist on the impact.
The match gets more aggressive as it continues, and the crowd is doing their signature “this is awesome” chant, which is something that Dolph hasn’t heard about his matches in probably a long ass time. 
Seth was about to win the match, an incredible match by thE WAY, and Drew came back and pulled the ref out to stop the count. Dolph will retain because of the DQ. Dammmnnnnn
...Roman made his way down to stop the attack on Seth. Are we getting Drew and Roman?? I’m here for it. It better not be a tag match next week, though.
I feel like the last half of the show went by really fast. I guess I’m kind of thankful for that, considering there were a lot of filler moments and matches during the show. I was fine with Raw tonight, no strong feelings either way. I don’t know if I had a favorite match honestly. Did you? Let me know!
Tune in for more!
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: GM 13 - ARI - 9-2-2
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Is this a trap game? I’ll admit I’m not familiar with the concept. Arizona has been on the edge of competitive since… always? Yeah they had that conference final appearance but we’re all kinda conditioned to think they’re bad. It’s the teams that you think you should beat but have a high likelihood to surprise you that constitute trap games, right? The Yotes had a rough start but have managed to off the likes of Nashville and the Rangers to arrive in Buffalo 6 and 4. Like the Buffalo Sabres everyone is still wondering if they might actually be good. Another thing these two teams have in common is a man named Phil Housley. After bouncing around a little bit following his firing from the Sabres Head Coach position in the Spring he finds himself the assistant Coach of the Arizona Coyotes. They are certainly trying to recapture his coaching talent from his time with the Nashville Predators where he benefited a lot from a stacked defense. When Lance Lysowski, the last good hockey writer at the Buffalo News, asked Housley if he would make any changes to his time as Sabres bench boss he responded: “Those are things I’ll keep to myself”. If there’s anything Phil Housley is good at its dodging the meat of a question, eh? All kidding aside that is the best possible answer to that question. What is he going to do, activate all the suburban hockey dads and roast one of the talented player’s compete level? I think it’s safe to say he’s done with Buffalo and really doesn’t want to be pressed into any talk about it. I put the feelers for what Sabres fans feel about Phil Housley on twitter. In the most unsurprising chain of events since missing the playoffs most of y’all responded with “tHe DaY hE gOt FiReD!” There were a couple interesting responses I’ll throw in at the end of this postgame. For now let’s dive into the Sabres Episode XIII: the Return of Housley!
The Sabres came out crisp as the Autumn air in the first period. They outshot and out-chanced a Yotes side that was up to the task. Arizona made the first mistake however when Lawson Crouse got called for tripping Evan Rodrigues. The powerplay has been a canary-in-the-coal-mine for the Sabres in the early going this season. If it’s firing bangers in the first period you can tell it will be a good game for us. The games the PP wasn’t exactly spinning well were the not so pretty games a la New York, LA, Detroit and Anaheim. Mind you they won half those games. I had hardly vocalized this thought when Jack Eichel gets kicked out of the faceoff circle and proceeds to score immediately thereafter with that classic slapper. It’s Eichel’s 23rd birthday and evidently he had not scored on his birthday yet in his career on this team. There it is, Happy Birthday, bud. The game evened up a bit down the gut of the period while the Sabres still got the prettier chances. It would be another pretty goal from the increasingly nice Marcus Johansson Jeff Skinner duo. They shut down some quality O-zone time for the Yotes and went off on the rush down ice. Skinner gave the puck to Johansson who didn’t skate too far before returning it to Skinner to tap it in. They did a little crisscross in the middle there and it was just so pretty. They were out to 2-0 lead, but again the Coyotes were not missing their chances either. In spite of being boxed out over and over again by Jack Eichel and Jake McCabe, old friend Phil Kessel got his looks. Victor Hinostroza seemed to be breathing down Hutton’s neck whenever he was in the zone. This Arizona side has allowed the fewest goals in the league so far, you have to be careful with them when they do get their chances. Before the first ended Carter Hutton let in a Conor Garland tight-angle shot that was less than stellar. It was hard to see how it went in from most angles but one at ice-level showed a big 3-hole. It was 2-1 through 20 minutes of play.
The home team came out hot in the second period as well. There was a push of play in the first ten minutes where the Sabres hemmed Arizona in their zone for 1:40 continuous minutes! It got uproarious cheering from the home crowd and to be frank it sent a shiver up my spine. You watch that kind of multi-minute dominance and you almost don’t recognize the squad in front of you. They were winning quick puck battles and nailing very tight passes. They looked like they were on a powerplay, but they were roasting wolf meat 5 on 5 in that stretch! Its that kind of peak “play connected” competitiveness and actualization of real skill that makes me believe this hot start is for real. In that glorious stretch I felt this squad was really and truly back from the darkness. I think they’re for real and I feel more confident than I ever have after that stretch. Unfortunately there is somehow always a reason to be a disappointed Sabres fan and we found it as Buffalo was not rewarded for the frightfully good first half of the period. Arizona pushed back, reclaimed the edge in shots and eventually got a fluke equalizer off Hutton’s ass. It was tied at 2 going into the third period and I’d like to share Rob Ray’s joy in saying this was the most fun Sabres game yet this season but I just can’t. The third period was vintage Sabres. When I use that phrase I’m referring to the 2010s Sabres. They had no lead but decided to more or less retreat into a defensive shell. They had let the expected goals darling of this young NHL season back into the game and in the third they let them take over. Every player wearing Blue and Gold on that sheet of ice saw their corsi percentage implode and had it not been for Carter Hutton standing on his head at times there would have been no loser point as solace. Evan Rodrigues started the game out hungry. By the third period he disappeared. Jake McCabe and Rasmus Ristolainen simultaneously decided to forget two respective lifetimes of hockey training and could not pass a puck without a turnover for the life of them. Now one might say the Sabres began playing for overtime. One word answer there pals: unacceptable. Regulation wins are the currency of dynasties and I don’t care how good the Sabres have looked in extra hockey so far this season. Stop with that garbage.
Arizona earned their overtime point having shelled Buffalo with shots at a 2-1 rate in the third. In overtime they registered the only official shot on goal. Apart from an Olofsson ringer of the crossbar this was the worst overtime period I’ve seen from this new Sabres squad. As with the regulation portion of the night if Victor Hinostroza or Phil Kessel converted any of their chances this would be a darker story. At one point even Hutton caught the turtle bug and turned over the puck in the corner almost gifting the Yotes an overtime winner. It was a jaw dropping overtime in more bad ways than good ones. It went to the shootout and all it took was Nick Schmaltz outmaneuvering Hutton to sink one to seal the visitor’s victory. This one ended 3-2 Coyotes and looked like a microcosm of the Sabres play through its now completed first month of the season: gloriously fun and evidently more cohesive as a team but very much still bearing the toothless mistrust of themselves and propensity to fail to complete games. They end October 9-2-2 and I think that record is very telling. They’ll will have to sit on this surrender until Friday when they travel to Washington to take on the Capitals. I think the last third period plus of this game earned them every little bit of the nagging sensation this outcome will weigh on them in those intermittent days.
So back to the Housley memories: he got some applause when the video tribute came on the jumbotron and I don’t necessarily hate that. BUT, and this is a big but, most of us Sabres fans simply will not remember him fondly, at least for his coaching tenure. One @alexa_mallare replied with her photo of the Fire Housley sign her and her family made and put up in the 300 level for a few glorious minutes at Fan Appreciation Night last season. According to her Rasmus Ristolainen caught sight of it during warmups and got a chuckle out of it. Alexa says the team staff held Housley in the tunnel while they were forced to take it down. Heroes! Heroes, I tell you! Those last few months of the season were so catatonic someone had to show signs of life and it ended up having to be us fans. @depressedbflos replied with the Rob Ray quotes that got dug up and promptly reburied before the Housley firing. Evidently Ray was not treated right as a rookie by Housley during their playing careers and Ray still holds it against him. The quotes were from a 2003 Buffalo News piece that someone rediscovered as Housley dug his own grave that Spring. I think that was the moment that I personally realized he was done. When you’re so reviled by the fanbase you got signs going up, 15-year-old quotes coming out AND the team is losing at a record clip its over. Unfortunately Housleyisms like throwing Sobotka out there in the dying minutes of a 2-2 tie aren’t lost on Ralph Krueger. However I think we can all agree this new guy is a whole lot better at… well… everything? Everything right?
The one guy who replied a positive gif of the former coach made sure to qualify afterward that he did not endorse the coaching acumen of Housley. What a crazy time we lived through, eh? This has been the roast of Phil Housley. Thank you for coming, please like, comment and share this blog on your way out. Should we be concerned about this current team? Eh, yes in certain places. Do I think they’ll win at this clip in November: no. Do I think they’ll win more games than they lose: yes. I really feel as though 9-2-2 is something to believe in. This club is really something new. I believe it and you should too. They’ve got two games left this weekend and then it’s off to Sweden. I choose to believe, and risk being hurt. I suggest you do too. What fun would this be if we all played it safe?
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. Happy Halloween everyone.
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sharkfish · 6 years
Do you know of any long fics? I’m going on vacation tomorrow and I need something to read. Preferably, >100,000 words
i decided to ignore your request and give you fics over 75k xD i trolled through my bookmarks and this is what i found! these are almost all E rated.
(if anyone knows any of the writers that i didn’t tag, feel free to tag in replies, i always like to know when someone is recing me)
Appoggiatura by ceeainthereforthat 121k
Castiel leaves the religious commune of Heaven Farms to study classical piano after winning a full scholarship paid for by the Deanna Campbell Memorial Foundation, and answers an ad in the campus newspaper: 1 bedroom to let. Meals provided. 50mb wifi, quiet odd music student preferred.
A Room Of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow 94k
All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn’t understand.
a turn of the earth by mishcollin 95k
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
C-S-T-L by komodobits 90k
It’s been nineteen years since the beginning of the Last War, and the Alliance Army is losing land faster than it can supply good men to defend it. Their hope is the synthesis of Android Angeles, a series of humanoid machines designed without the capacity to feel, and thus enabling them to be the perfect super soldiers. In order to check their battle suitability, the first prototypes are sent down with a landing party of the men they will later replace, and Sergeant Dean Winchester is paired with Unit 5284-C-S-T-L for the assignment. Cas, as Dean nicknames him, is easy enough to work with - once you get past the emotional vacancy and blatant disregard for human life, that is - but as the squad’s tour goes on, Dean gets to wondering whether the Android Angeles are really as unfeeling as he’s been told, or if the fear of a reality in which malfunctioning prototypes will be shut down is too great for them to exist any other way.
Clean Air by anactoria 121k
Centuries after the surface of the earth was devastated by an unknown disaster, the remnants of humanity live in a series of vast underground silos, each unaware of the existence of the others.
For the inhabitants of Silo 34, the silo is the world, and the only world they know. Questions about the outside world are forbidden, and asking them is what got Dean Winchester’s parents killed. He isn’t even sure himself that they weren’t crazy.
That all changes when he hears a voice on the radio – a voice from another world.
Dream of Now by Sass_Master (series) 136k
Dean’s getting some pancakes together for breakfast when Cas saunters in after a run.
He’s trying to focus on whisking batter, unfairly distracted by Cas a few feet away, breathing heavily and shining with perspiration. Dean’s been painfully aware for a long time that Cas is pretty easy on the eyes, but he’s used to seeing Cas buttoned-up and unflappable, looking straight-laced in a stiff oxford and an unflattering trenchcoat.
Now Cas is sweating, Dean’s borrowed t-shirt clinging to his skin, flushed from exertion and Dean really can’t deal with that in his kitchen right now.
For All You Young Hockey Players Out There, Pay Attention bythursdaysfallenangel 143k
Dean Winchester knows two things about hockey, two things his dad made sure he knew. One, hockey is a guy’s sport, and two, hockey is family. Hockey meant Sam and Bobby and Benny and Victor and Gabriel and hell, his entire team. So when Victor gets traded, Russian-star-turned-new-teammate Castiel Krushnic becomes a threat. As much as Dean hates him for that, the longer he sticks around, the more he begins to threaten that first rule too. Dean’s been taught his whole life that those who play hockey should not be captivated by deep accented voices and the way a guy handles his stick, so how the hell is he supposed to justify what he’s starting to think about Cas? All Dean wanted at the beginning of the season was to win, and now all he wants to do is figure out how he feels about Cas and how to deal with it without ruining his career and tearing his family apart.
Grown-Ups Making Grown-Up Choices by Carrieosity @carrieosity​ 81k
Dean is a grown-ass man - he can take perfectly good care of himself, thank you very much. Except that sometimes the easier or more fun choices aren’t always the right or best ones, and, all right, maybe thinking ahead and working the long game isn’t his strongest suit. It’s fine! He’s fine.
When he meets Castiel, he realizes that flying by the seat of his pants may not be the best way to attract the super-serious (gorgeous, funny, genius) Alpha. Dean’s shrink has been telling him he needs to start making “grown-up choices,” and if that’s what he has to think about in order to make Cas fall for him, then he’ll give it a whirl.
Halflings by Unforth @unforth-ninawaters 103k
Ever since his wife Lisa died, Dean Winchester has been willing to do anything for his son Ben. When Ben decided he wanted to adopt a halfling, Dean said yes without hesitation - provided they did so the right way, by giving whichever half-human they decided to bring home the respect and dignity it deserved. Half-octopi Castiel isn’t exactly what they were looking for in a pet, but, then, they aren’t exactly what Castiel was expecting for owners, either.
I Can Make You Scared by Dangerousnotbroken @dangerousnotbroken 136k
So this is how it goes. Best day of Dean Winchester’s life. Loses his job, finds out he’s been cheated on, gets dumped, all in the course of one fucked up Thursday. Drinking himself into oblivion is the natural response, right? A chance encounter in a dingy dive bar gives Dean a new friend who sees his problems and likes him anyway. Now, as Dean struggles to pick up the pieces of his life, Castiel just might help him put them back together in a way he never expected.
I Wanna Get Outside (Of Me) by emwebb17 142k
Dean is a novice in the dom/sub world asked by his employer as a desperate last resort to be a sub for his recluse of a brother, Castiel. Castiel is a diagnosed OCD suffering from PTSD and agoraphobia, mysophobia, and dystychiphobia. Needless to say—he’s a mess who hasn’t stepped out of his home in literally seven years. The only times Gabriel can see traces of the way his brother used to be is when he feels in control—specifically when he has control over a sub. However, due to his idiosyncrasies and paranoia, keeping a sub around has been impossible. Enter Dean, who’s not a very traditional submissive, to try his hand at subbing for the hermit.
Living in Agony by ChasingRabbits 120k
Dean Winchester’s life is… well, it’s not great. He’s a gym teacher, he’s in his thirties, and he can’t seem to keep any part of his life straight. When the aftermath of a one-night stand goes awry, Dean is dragged kicking and screaming out of his cozy little closet and into the harsh light of reality.
Enter: Castiel Novak, the new history teacher, who knows full well that life gets crappy when you don’t allow yourself to live it in the way it needs to be lived.
Plus One by ceeainthereforthat 90k
Castiel Novak might have to attend three weddings in two months, but he’s not about to let his brother play matchmaker. His family’s Internet streaming company is too important to let a relationship steal his time, but he knows exactly what to do–hire someone to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Dean Winchester has worked five-star hospitality long enough to know how to fit in with Castiel’s crowd, and this job could score him the connections to make his acting career take off. It’s a business deal, no matter how they’re drawn to each other. When the lines of their contract start to blur into real feelings, can they withstand Castiel’s family and jealous fans working to split them up?
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt @ltleflrt 159k
When Castiel moves out of Jimmy’s house and into his own place for the first time, he saves money on buying a home by investing in a Fixer-Upper. He knows nothing about how to fix the many problems the house has, but he figures he’s smart enough to figure it out. Unfortunately it’s not too long before he learns that he’s way in over his head.
Thankfully his new neighbor Dean is a handyman, and agrees to help him out. He knows Dean has a bit of a crush on him, but he’s not taking advantage of it, really. Dean’s a great guy, and quickly becomes a good friend.
Should’ve Just Asked by Annie D (scaramouche)
Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird.
The Last Great Race by wincechesters 82k
There is a race that takes place every year in Alaska called the Iditarod, a thousand mile journey across the Alaskan wilderness by dog sled team that has come to be known as “The Last Great Race on Earth”. It is a test of endurance, of the relationship between dogs and their people, traversing mountain ranges, frozen rivers, forest and tundra.
When writer Castiel Milton is forced to spend two and a half months in Alaska at Winchester Kennels to cover the race preparations and the Iditarod itself, the only person more dismayed than he is Dean Winchester, one of his hosts. Castiel views his assignment as a punishment and is less than impressed by his surly host, and Dean distrusts the sheltered city-born writer who has invaded their home and their lives. But soon, as the Winchesters prepare for their race and Castiel learns about sled dogs and what a musher’s lifestyle is all about, they forget to hate each other and their relationship evolves into something neither of them expected.
ok this is sterek and tagged with watersports and underage but hear me out — i love this fic. stiles gets peed on at the beginning of ch9 if you want to skip it, but it’s really just about as weird in a werewolf verse as you’d imagine, and i still love the fic so. 
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis) 121k
“No,” he repeated impatiently. “I’m not a cop. I’m someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work.”
“I, uh, yeah, sorry,” Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up–the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. “Yeah, I am. I do that.”
also sterek, but hear me out – this is the first sterek fic i ever loved, and if it weren’t for this fic, i probably wouldn’t have gotten into it in the first place. 
Cornerstone by Vendelin 
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
if you read and like any of these, give the writer some comment love!!! 
and have a great vacation!!!! 
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severalbakuras · 7 years
im not prepared
(apologies to mobile users for the long post)
episode 5:
intro is a pink screen. it’s established pink is a mourning colour. hrmmm.
oh its an eyeball SHIRO
that’s not a good looking room to be in
that HAIR
hallucinating already, this is Not Good.
so he’s like totally alone in that room that is just bad practice right there. supervisor’s gonna get fucked if they get caught.
and. another shiro. one who’s kept clean-shaven. oh ok i know where this is going i think.
operation kuron is so unsubtle that i think we’re in for several layers of bait-n-switch until it turns out shiro never actually existed. schrodinger’s Shiro. shirodinger. 
he escaped waaaaaay too easily - yeah. called it.
‘stage 3′ so stage one is ??? and stage two is this guy.
ok so shiro obvs remembers some things but i find it interesting that we’ve had no internal thoughts beyond memories of the tube/surgery. like he’s not thought about voltron or the paladins or allura and coran like he has no idea if they survived or not. nothing at all by the five minute mark.
yeah you keep an eye on that boy. im sure absolutely nothing will happen to this guy.
self-cauterization holy shit.
“what killed you?” is the first spoken line of dialogue from shiro i think. everything else is just vague confusion noises and/or battle grunts iirc. we haven’t even had an internal line of thought yet (which i know don’t rly happen in this series like everyone tends to speak aloud but still he’s ALL alone). i think that’s significant, somehow.
how the fuck has he not frozen to death in that skinny suit.
“subject Y0XT39″ i will eat a raw garlic clove if this turns out to be the real shiro.
wow that’s rly bad for blood circulation like way to make him lose his hands jackasses.
so these two are space cannibals. neat.
if you’re trying to convince people of who you are why would you just say your first name? he WANTS these guys to know who he is, there’s no point being cagey. say your surname shiro go ahead.
knowledge of who the paladins are rly is being kept tight under wraps. so long as nobody ever thinks to check out any planet where galra were known to have integrated into local alien communities to the point of children.
i :) wonder :) who :) might :) do :) that :)
(i wonder how earth’s doing. everyone has family down there who misses them (besides keith since he’s living in a shack in the desert and nobody from the MILITARY-ish training academy told his dad to come pick him up apparently))
lotor i swear to fuck don’t you dare pull a dreamworks smirk DONT DO YOU DARE
so galra channels are hackable
that big guy’s totally having a SUPPRESSING FIIIIIRE moment
i rly like this winter backdrop i love being able to see the brushstrokes on the snow (like digital ones but they count).
he’s starving but he doesn’t take a single bite of the food onscreen can’t tell if suspicious or #mood bc i don’t like people watching me eat either lol
so operation kuron isn’t something widely known then or Hold up those robo-soldiers have no reaction whatsoever to a unit falling down until the hangar doors close.
ok those two guys in the cave HAVE to be in on it or shiro would’ve died on that planet. why keep the ship above a Death Planet for him to be permitted to escape to unless they had someone down on the Death Planet who could send him back to the right ship to deliver to voltron without him knowing he was being played?
like this is ALL phase 3.
‘stop spying on me’
‘do your fucking job’
i think this is the first time i’ve seen lotor angry like haggar gets under his skin so easily i hope they talk again soon. ‘I AM THE LEADER’ his VOICE damn.
ok so like i already know lotor is half-galran and he’s probably half-altean too like in the original series with the hair and all. but i don’t think haggar is his mother even though she’s also altean. he’s hyper-focused on not being like his father in that scene but he also seems the type that he’d leave a snarky comment about his mother too if she were. and she doesn’t ever refer to him as her son, only zarkon’s. she’d surely say ‘our’ son, unless she officially disowned him as part of his banishment and hates his guts but then surely he’d have at least SOME reaction to seeing her unless he was, like, literally banished at birth and doesn’t know who she is and that he’s half-altean. bc if he knew he was he’d connect the dots between ‘only altean on the ship’ and his dad v quickly.
like i do know the story behind exactly how original lotor (aka sincline) is half altean and it’s Unpleasant and makes zarkon a fucking monster and i doubt this series would even imply that that was the case here but if it did and our lotor knew this was the truth behind his parentage that could explain his lack of reaction to haggar AND his deeply intrinsic rejection of his father.
oh come ON the ship is stocked with oxygen!!!!!! why would a ship that’s intended for a robot pilot need oxygen!!!!!!!!
seven days, when he’s already in a bad way re blood loss/injury (like a healing serious wound burns calories and fluid by the truckload) and didn’t have much water to go on beforehand. if i didn’t think something was up before man.
finally, almost 20 minutes in, we finally see him think of his teammates. took long enough.
black lion notices. hrm.
episode six:
nice shooting lancFCUKING KILL THEM ALLURA
HUG YOUR SON SHIRO actually no you’re not shiro stay the fuck away from him
‘weird headache’ since this isn’t a dramatic romance show, he’s not got Invisible Anime Disease #5 so there’s absolutely a tracker in his brain.
A HUNK MOMENT THAT ISN’T ABOUT FOOD I’M CRY (like it intersects with pidge but i don’t mind it’s nice that he gets to show his own brains in what feels like forever)
shiro automatically stepping back in ‘this is what we do mode’ is SHRHCHCH. NO. even if he WASN’T a clone he’s still recovering and is missing out on potentially months of their relationships changing and being redefined. he can’t just step back in like that.
ok so like???? if there’d been more scenes like this early on??? i’d probably be totally into klance?? like keith doesn’t really grasp the depths of the issue with lance judging by how the shot holds on lance leaving and his facial expressions and all but keith tries and lance tries and there’s no cheap joke thrown in there’s no rejecting that there was any emotional connection. it’s not solved the problem lance has by any means but it’s lance opening up to keith about his vulnerabilities and worries and it’s keith doing his best to help him both as a leader and a friend and the narrative doesn’t turn either of them into a joke for it. THAT IS MY SHIT RIGHT THERE.
like i’m obvs lowkey into enemies-friends-lovers (bc otherwise i wouldn’t consider keitor or any of my other ships which i won’t name bc i’ve made it this far without comparing anything to warcraft so i won’t start now) but i guess i much prefer the friends-lovers stage. (especially when only one half of the pair considers the other as ‘enemy’ in the first place).
‘just whack it’ is a universal law that will last forever
fucking fake ass shiro he doesn’t even acknowledge keith stepping up to make a plan as leader like he always fucking wanted him to do he just sails on into his own plan without so much as a ‘sorry’. fuck you fake shiro. firo.
and keith just stands there like a lemon like this is ok ahrhfhg. firo i swear to god if you drag keith back down into the place he was on the gas planet before lance intervened i’m gonna be so mad.
interesting that we don’t get a reaction shot of lance when keith offers to stay behind instead of taking back red. considering how that was literally what the last scene between him and keith was about is all.
so clones are genetically identical so the black lion picking up on firo’s ~spark of life~ fading or whatever to rescue him isn’t odd. but the black lion knows your soul and it’s not happy.
(could be an issue when the real shiro returns tho but eh that’s a problem for futuretron)
so perhaps lotor squad isn’t in on operation kuron?
i wonder what’s being whispered during the mind control scenes.
that ship looks like a space fox... or maybe a star fox.
in two minds about this part like right now firo IS right but they DO need to actually try and confront lotor at some point. it’s ALWAYS going to be a bad time bc lotor has figured out how to use plot armor to protect himself so sometimes you just need to attack that face down trap card and face the consequences or you’ll be stuck forever yknow?
OH IT’S HER. FROM THE SHIP. COOL i was wondering if that’d come up again.
oops he’s ambidextrous.
also i think ezor might be a little crueler than she lets on, she’s got some v. vicious expressions going on in this grapple.
honestly those are both equally high priority targets, either one WILL fuck things up in the future no matter if they follow firo or keith.
now lotor how do you know they were about to attack, unless you perhaps had a direct link into the lions communication lines, which have been kinda previously established as being impossible to hack?
(so that’s one point in them also knowing about project kuron)
hooooly shit lotor’s maaaad
get your hand off him firo.
“i’m sorry i had to step in back there” step in. STEP IN. LIKE YOU WEREN’T IN CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE MISSION START TO FINISH. he sets up ‘you were the leader and you weren’t good enough’ almost on purpose..
the former isn’t true because keith still stepped down and firo commanded all their movements from the ship and the latter isn’t true because no plan survives contact with the enemy keith basically had it as under control as shiro always did. considering the circumstances he did damn well AND he scored a ‘fuck you’ point against lotor by using lotor’s own new ship to wreck the teledove.
“i thought i had it under control” ;A;
damn that’s cold haggar.
episode seven:
i’m. um. huh. those certainly were memories i’ll need to pause on later.
this dramatic scene is being ruined by all the cute little triforces floating around.
my civil war theory is officially dead now i guess. goodbye, civil war theory. it was nice to have you as a handy aversion of the whole ‘X race is like this while Y race is like this’ trope that always shows up in sci fi and fantasy and sci-fantasy~
this music is giving me jack sparrow IN SPACE vibes.
oooh the dust particle effect in the light shafts in the air is pretty and a good attention to detail.
now see like why wasn’t his spirit projection thing back in season 1 more like this??? he has a character he’s got personality he’s just like his daughter i’d actually MISS this guy if that spirit projection thing had been like his true self and not a bland whatever he was he’s so forgettable i can’t even remember what he was like.
so like galra culture has a class/caste system and is kinda militaristic. explains a lot in the future i guess.
“WHAT IS THAT” is that the same cat narti has? and oh god no he’s a dork.
oh so he married honerva? oh no. OH NO SHE BETTER NOT BE HAGGAR. DON’T DO THIS.
“it was a customary gesture” tf is that all about.
“by willow!” is that the first canon mention of a deity? cool.
so the red paladin was technically the first paladin.
this thing is eldritch as fuck.
“Am I a leg?!” god i am so sad that you’re going to die horribly i love you.
now it’s REALLY eldritch.
god she really is haggar.
so alteans definitely age then (which proves empress allura was definitely dead a long LONG time before alt-eans went all mind-controlly).
honergar’s giving me major ‘that bloodbender who’s name i’ve forgotten’ vibes.
he loves her so much im gonna cry.
so the lions cannot pick up on deceit then. they accept the will of their paladin over the safety of voltron as a whole and the other lions. they cast no moral judgement.
so there could easily be an evil voltron somewhere.
so those weird purple cloud creatures from another dimension are puppeteering the corpse of the first black paladin, taking his basic desire for power and extending it into a galaxy spanning genocidal crusade because???
their home dimension must be a fucking hell dimension if things like that are trying to escape.
that guard made it seem like they sorta knew and accepted why their planet was destroyed so i guess zarkon returning from death was such a massive cultural shock that they all fell into line. bc otherwise i find it hard to believe that every single galra would join the battle (like yeah the blades exist but they’re a tiny movement) and not question what the fuck happened to his eyes or voice or how he came back from the fucking dead or why they’re meant to suddenly hate everyone.
ok so why do most of the galra have similar glowing eyes iirc? surely the vast majority should have the normal eyes that old zarkon and lotor have but they don’t. unless like successful generals are permitted to ‘live’ forever by taking the creatures into their bodies but then like they have far too much personality for that. the loktar ogar guy for example. what gives.
that’s kind of a leap at lotor’s motives but an understandable one, they don’t know how much lotor detests being like his father so i doubt he’d do the same damn thing his father was trying to do.
he’s baaaaack and he’s got no new tricks, zombieman zarkon’s still just as thick as the last time~
lotor’s gonna be so mad. and also this doesn’t actually explain why haggar lets zarkon run roughshod all over her much better plans prior to this because she doesn’t remember being his husband until this episode.
and also also imo this means haggar definitely can’t be lotor’s mother bc when we’re seeing things coran can’t possibly know like honerva on her death bed we’re probably seeing haggar’s vision of events and he doesn’t appear to be a factor in either of their lives but she remembers their wedding perfectly.
(unless he’s a zombaby but he can’t be because his eyes don’t glow).
season four when.
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tuckerfuckingdidit · 7 years
my preferred interpretation of ct’s betrayal and the hargrove/church rivalry leans on a lot of headcanon that i could never definitively prove, but i enjoy the hell out of it nonetheless. it goes like this:
hargrove, while quietly building his empire, has acquired a lot of shit he is not supposed to have. remember how the bubble shield was called experimental? #charon. almost all of the equipment the freelancers were outfitted with was stolen from hargrove—but since he wasn’t supposed to have it, he couldn’t report the theft. (this note in particular is influenced by this life-saving timeline by @anneapocalypse​, where i was reminded in the freelancer portion of the likelihood that their equipment was illegally obtained. like, maybe wash’s emp is legal. that’s it. lmfao. anything that didn’t come standard for soldiers would have been expensive, and the project’s number one problem was funding.)
this is the basis for the hargrove/church rivalry: they each know the other is involved in illegal shit, but where leonard is focused on furthering his Goals, malcolm is being seriously inconvenienced, and becomes determined to remove leonard from the playing field the legal way, because nobody likes a goddamn thief. this is also why malcolm has the creepy ass trophy room we see in season 13. it was a very, very personal feud. 
fucking geniuses. smh.
so, while alpha squad is jetting around robbing hargrove’s facilities fucking blind, with the director insisting they need training facilities to test their (stolen) stuff, malcolm decides he needs as much information as possible on this bastard. it probably took him a while to even figure out who it was, and by the time he did, he was mad as hell. (not an impossible secret to discover though—holy shit, leonard, has anyone told you your soldiers are really fucking colorful?? seriously. like a box of crayolas. not subtle.)
meanwhile leonard is doing spiteful shit like blowing up fucking facilities housing cryogenic research just because he can’t be stopped. with charon having been heavily invested in cryo at one point, they were probably putting money into bjørndal—hell, they could have owned it.
so yeah, hargrove wants this man dead. more importantly, he wants his shit back. this is absolutely a battle of wills, and he is not allowed to lose. but he needs an insider. here’s where you can choose your own adventure: either hargrove gets lucky and an opportunity falls right into his lap, or he finds it on his own. option A gets you connie suffering the misfortune of reaching out to a unsc contact that just happens to be employed by the only man in the galaxy worse than her boss. she’s playing it safe, but when it’s clear to book it, she runs, and the rest is history.
i prefer option B, which is that hargrove figured out who the director’s people were. the building york tried to hack into had really elegant security, right? someone whose work even he had to admire. that’s the kind of people working for charon, the expertise you can buy with dollah dollah bills y’all. there’s a reason charon wasn’t exposed before this. so, malcolm puts his people to work finding out who the hell leonard’s got on his roster, and then he fucking tears their backgrounds apart trying to figure out who he can make vulnerable. one of his soldiers happens to be an old friend of connie’s, and that’s his in. (i don’t know why this nuance is so important to me; i think it’s that once you see how far hargrove will go in the chorus trilogy, the idea that he was on a steady descent through fucking people’s lives up intentionally becomes very appealing. there’s no way he didn’t realize the position he put connie in wasn’t risky as hell as far as her personal safety was concerned, so him engineering it is like sidguhdughdus.)
connie started off busting her ass in the project, and that’s why she’s rewarded with her holographic unit (because seriously, that is way too badass to give to anyone who wasn’t approaching carolina levels of awesome). but once she’s switched sides, she starts to slip out of alpha squad through a series of intentional “mistakes”—the further she is away from the top tier group, the less attention that will be paid to her while she gathers her info. and if the perception of her changes to be that she isn’t much of a threat, even better. this brings us to choose your own adventure #2: because this stands to be anachronistic with the leaderboard during the bjørndal mission, you can read her not being on the board as her becoming less aggressive as time goes by because her suspicions have flared up, or you can bear in mind that literally nothing in the story changes if ct’s early leaderboard position is switched with, say, york’s, and york was being brought along as their security detail because he was their best bet. ct then falls gradually off the board, and he moves up it. or something. (please note that i am not saying york isn’t talented, just that for the leaderboard to be such an important part of the story, it really only impacts a few characters.) i actually like option A better in this case, because i can see hargrove targeting her for her steadily declining position as well.
and so connie and Insurrectionist Boyf both end up manipulated: he thinks he’s bringing his friend over to The Light Side before she can go down with the bad guys, and she thinks she’s got an opportunity to let the cat out of the bag before the director does anything worse. neither of them is being completely truthful with the other, but both of them think a little dishonesty is worth it for the cause.
the problem is they’re both the pawns of two really corrupt men, and neither of them was ever going to win to begin with.
tl;dr - i like to read connie and the insurrectionist leader as two people with a connection made over a really tenuous foundation—a relationship that they hadn’t quite found their footing in when she died, but that left enough of an impression he refused to let go of his failure to protect her. also, imo, the director and hargrove’s rivalry gets so much juicier when you consider what could have been happening offscreen.
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takokola · 7 years
A Queen’s Quarrel
An AU Splatoon Fanfiction written by splat-tendency.
Featuring Hunni and Fiona (@rose-pink-ink)
((I did say, I was going to make an AU ship out of this. I never go back on my word~ This story includes some violence. If you're uncomfortable in conflict, this is not the story for you. As always, enjoy the story!))
"C'mon, sweetie!! Is that all you got?!?" A loud female voice, filled Hunni's ears before she land another punch to the jaw. Hunni was knocked back down to the pavement, she was bleeding from mouth and her face is slightly bruised.
Hunni ended up in an alley way, close to the Plaza. "N-Nnngg.." She winced through the beating, but she stood her ground. Before she could get up, she fell on her knees. No one has ever beaten Hunni in a brawl. That's the reason why they feared her. Her vision is hazy to look up at the pink inkling who thrashed her. Her satin jacket was almost zipped up, revealing some cleavage. And her long, flowing hair is tied up in a ponytail. The girl had a vicious glare on her face.
She held up Hunni's chin and uttered those exact words. "Sorry to burst your bubble, babe. But there's only ONE queen around here!" How did this all happen, Hunni thought. Everything was A-OK until she was getting beat up by some random girl for no apparent reason. She happens to calls herself the "Monster Queen".
1 hour, earlier..
"Alright, that's enough battlin' for today!" Hunni said, stretching her arms. Hunni's squad team, the Kriller Bees had won 5 matches in Squad Battles. Today's mode was Splat Zones and she ripped through the competition with her newly bought, Carbon Roller. She replaced her Black Inky Rider with her custom-made Varsity Jacket. It was a birthday gift from her ex, Fynn Sparks. It suits her attitude.
Once they were getting their rewards from Judd, the rest of her team were gone but Hunni. She's planning on reaching into her pocket and pull out a pack of cigarettes. She's pretty stressed out after losing three time by some Splatling user with a red satin jacket.
All she remembered was the grin on that girl's face before she turned kraken. Hunni lighted up her cigarette and took the first inhale. After a few seconds of holding it in, she exhales a cloud of smoke. The smoke traveled across the street until it disappears. She leaned against the wall and gazed into the sky. 10 minutes have passed and she wasted her cigarette on the ground with her boot.
Since she's finished with battling, she's about to get on her motorcycle and go back to her apartment. Her bike is parked by a nearby dark alleyway. She was going for the keys, until she heard footsteps from behind. She thought that a person wanted to pass her by. ("Not like I'm in a hurry or anything. I'll just move aside and let him or her pass..") Hunni moved to the right, letting the citizen pass. But nothing happened.
The footsteps were getting closer and Hunni was aware of this. That was odd for her. Whatever it is, she's got a bad feeling about this. She thought she would lose in the alley, but nothing was working. And so, she was standing in the dark alleyway with the stranger who is standing behind her.
"Alright, why the fuck are you following me?!" Hunni snapped as she turned around to see a pink tentacled inkling. She happens to be the same age as her. This is the same girl from today's ranked match.
"Oh, nothing~ Just wanna get a closer look at your jacket." The girl spoke to Hunni. "Queen Bee, was it? How cute~" She got closer to her. Her amber eyes were fixated on hers.
"Yeeeah? What's it you? You want an autograph or somethin'? She asked, backing up slightly. From Hunni's point of view, she's very stunning. But flattery won't get her out of this mess.
Suddenly, a sinister grin appeared on her innocent yet intimidating face. "Oh, sweetie.. I don't want your autograph.." She got up close and personal with Hunni. Which made Hunni's blood boils. "I want to bruise that pretty face of yours.." The pink inkling's dark tone filled Hunni's ear lobe.
"What are you-" Hunni was about to protest, until she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The pink inkling had punched her in the gut, making Hunni lose her balance. "Ooough..!" Hunni winced and held onto her gut. She was trying to see the girl while she's trying to maintain her balance.
She didn't respond as she threw a few punches, directly at Hunni. There was no mercy in the pink inkling's eyes. She stopped her assault to see Hunni's bruised up face. It was so amuzing, she lets out a sinister giggle. "Oh, c'mon! Is that the best you got?! I was expecting more from you.. How boring.." Another punch landed onto Hunni's jaw and the Queen Bee tumbled on her knees.
Hunni spat out alot of her blood from her mouth. She looked up at her with pure rage, but she was close to being knocked out. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her chin and her head was held up high.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, babe.. But there's only ONE queen here!" The pink inkling clenched her fist, tightly as she was about to put her to sleep. And then, Hunni caught her fist with one hand. "H-Huh?!" She said, taken aback.
"I don't know, why are you doing this..? But... I'm really ticked off.!!!" Hunni caught her off-guard by headbutting her to the face. She did wince from the pain in her head, but her anger masked the pain. "Did you really think you can just walk outta here like that?! You're not the only one who plays rough!!" Hunni was no pushover. It did surprised her at first, but she's not going down that easy. Hunni delivered the one-two punch and landed a direct hit, causing the pink inkling to tumble onto the ground.
The attacker got back up and riled up for more fighting. She started swinging at Hunni, but her punches were blocked and countered back by Hunni. She was trying to maintain her balance, but she couldn't keep up with Hunni's movements.
Hunni had her hand around the girl's neck, attempting to choke the life out of her. But she's not going to kill her. One punch would knock her out and Hunni will leave her in that alley way. Before she could finish her off, Hunni's stomach started to rumble with hunger.
The pink inkling stared at her with a blank expression. "W-Was... that your stomach..?" She asked, trying to breathe.
"Sh-Shut up!! I skipped breakfast, that's all!" She glared at her, while her face is a deep shade of yellow.
"T-Tell you what, hun.. I'll treat you some food, if you let me go.. Don't worry, I won't fight back since you know how to defend yourself.. I like people who fights back.." She smirked at her, looking intrigued.
An odd compromise, she thought. Hunni loosened her grip and let her breathe for air. "Fine... If you try to jump me, you'll be expecting some missing teeth..!" Hunni wiped the blood from her mouth.
"I know a good place to eat~ Oh, and we should get cleaned up." She got up and dusts herself off. "By the way, what's your name?"
Hunni's anger subsided and calmed her nerve. "Hunni.." She introduced to herself. Her face and stomach are hurting for a little bit, but she'll ignore it later.
"I'm Fiona. It's a pleasure to meet you~" Fiona smiled in a less, sinister way. "Now that we greeted each other, how about we get out of this dump. Hmm?" She walked closer to Hunni.
"Tch.. Whatever.. Hope that doesn't ruin my damn gut.." Hunni led the way. She seemed to be limping, a little. Every limp caused her to wince in pain.
After their "queenly quarrel", they were sitting by the table at a diner. When they arrived, other squids were very concerned about their health. Hunni did answer them: "We both ran into a pole." But the manager didn't buy it. Now, they are both patched up and waiting for their order.
"Let me get one thing straight, Fiona.. You fight any inkling, you see?" Hunni has an ice pack, close to her bruised face. The swelling is going to cool down, once their food arrives.
"Seems that way. I enjoy making them suffer~ Unless they know how to fight." Fiona took a sip of her strawberry lemonade. "I like a gal who is as agressive as me. And by looking at you, you seem like my type~
("Is this chick coming onto me?!") Hunni thought, taken aback. Her blush increased, but she kept a straight face. After leaving an all-girls private school, she had been bi-curious around girls. "Well.. I'm no pushover. You can already tell by now.
They continued chatting about usual stuff. How's their day?, what's their occupation?, where did you get this cool jacket? Casual enough. Hunni was glad to answer a few questions about her usual daily life. "I got this custom-made varsity jacket on my birthday, a couple of months ago."
"Even though, it has some of your blood?" Fiona pointed out some specks of dirt and dried up blood. Either from Hunni's or from hers.
Hunni rolled her eyes. "Good observation, detective.." She said, sarcastically. At least, there weren't any rips or tears. ("Huh.. I better take it to the laundry, later..")
Suddenly, Hunni's food is ready. Fiona would order as well, but she's going on a diet for reasons. "Better fuel up, hun~ No point in limping home without an empty stomach." She watched the waiter, serve her food and then left.
Hunni ordered a bacon double cheeseburger. Even though it has too many carbs, but she can't deny the taste. "Thank you for the food!" Hunni said her prayers before she chowed down.
Fiona giggled as she watched Hunni eat her meal. ("So, this is the Quenn Bee that everyone's talking about? I better keep an eye of her from now on..") She thought.
Now that Hunni was finished with her lunch, Fiona paid for the food and thank the manager for the first-aids. Fiona's done for today and ready to crash for a bit. "Well, hun. You're free to go. I had a lot of fun, messing with you~"
"You have a weird term of fun." Hunni was using a toothpick to clean out her teeth. "Man.. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to try to ride home.." Her body hasn't healed yet, but she can still ride her motorcyle.
Fiona got close to her and gave her a small sheet of paper. It was her phone number. "Here's my phone number, if you wanna hang~ But first, I still wanna toy with you some more~" She brought her hand to Hunni's chin. "The Monster Queen never let any of my prey to escape~"
Hunni grinned in a menacing way. She gripped her jacket and pulled in closer to her. "Well, this prey doesn't run or hide.. And thanks for the number." Their glares were as cold as ice. They couldn't take their eyes off each other until they parted ways.
Fiona walked away with her back turned. She looked back at Hunni, still smirking. "See you around, sweetie~" She waved at her and she left the plaza.
Hunni looked at Fiona's number with a few X's and O's. Maybe she was trying flirt with Hunni, since she's interested in strong people. Strong enough to rival with.
"Why do I get myself into these unusual situations? I'll never know.. It wouldn't hurt to chat with her from time to time." Hunni chuckled, a bit.
And so, Hunni made her way back to the same place where she got beaten up by her new friend. Her bike is still there and thankfully, no parking ticket. It didn't take long to start up the engine by turning the key. "Nng.. Easy does it." She eased on the gas before taking off into the streets.
She just wonder, how is she going to explain this to her team after their queenly quarrel? Hunni played it safe, not to tell what happened.
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High school Au complete Prompt list
So, I’ve been searching ALL of tumblr and I have managed to find these prompts. So don’t think I have to say this but… DISCLAIMER: i do NOT own any of these ideas or prompts they are literally all random and from different blogs across tumblr.
1. We both want the last seat on the bus AU 2. We have to share rooms on a residential trip AU 3. I forgot my bus pass and the driver is an asshole but you paid for me instead AU 4. Having to sit next to each other for a really long bus trip AU 5. We’re competing for top of the class AU 6. We’ve been rivals in school since year one but oh my god you’re really cute now and I crush on you so hard AU 7. I was stood up on the bus next to your seat and the bus braked really suddenly and now I’m in your lap AU 8. You found me crying in the toilets AU 9. You found me hitting the vending machine because I didn’t realise its exact change and shit that’s my bus fare AU 10. I tripped over in the canteen and I got my lunch all over you and I’m so sorry AU 11. I was trying to throw the tippex to my friend but it hit you and your blazer is stained and so is your work oh god AU 12. You put my shirt on by accident in the changing rooms can I have it back please AU 13. You’re really good at IT and i can barely make a PowerPoint omg please help me before i start crying AU 14. We met in the medical room when you’re about to throw up and I’m praying it’s not on me AU 15. I just accidentally flung a basketball at your face because my aim is terrible and holy shit you’re bleeding let me take you to the medical room AU 16. It’s sports day and I’m not going to fucking lose to you AU 17. We got partnered together for a dissection and I HATE gore AU 18. Year group game of manhunt and oh you fucker that’s my hiding spot but neither of us is moving so were both gunna have to cram in here AU 19. I thought you were my friend from behind so I just ran up and punched you omg I’m so sorry AU 20. I was making ugly faces at a friend in class and I forgot you’re right in front of me oh god you’re cute too this is so embarrassing please stop laughing.
-“There was a fire drill while you were in the shower so you had to come out to the designated area with a towel wrapped around your waist and your friend still has shaving cream on his face” au
-“My friend and I thought it was a good idea to practice volleyball inside the rec center and broke one of the lights; you were trying to fix it and the admins thought you broke it.” au
-“We got kicked out of the rec center for throwing fruit and no one told you so you have to get your stuff by climbing in through the window without getting caught.” au
-“You had a snowball and you thought that the driver coming in your direction was your classmate but it was actually a teacher so now you have to wipe off the snow and apologize” au -“We all swore off cookie clicker but now you brought it back and we started playing it again despite ourselves” au
-“We’re in Drama but you’re not so we make inside jokes about the lines or burst out into song randomly and now you’re either annoyed or amused by all this” au
-“We’re in Fencing and somehow I stabbed you below the belt and I am so sorry” au
-“We’re in an orientation session and I was looking at your name tag from the corner of my eye but you thought I was staring at your boobs” au
I’m really passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I have to shove it down your throat. Vicious battle over the only left handed desk in the room. My roommate’s boyfriend is staying over, so can I please sleep on your floor? It’s pouring and my final paper is in my backpack, so I guess we’re stuck under this tiny awning together. Do you think they’d deliver pizza here? Hey I have to photograph someone for class, will you be my model? Hey I have to take someone’s blood pressure for class, will you be my victim? I know I keep coming to the cookie shop and for some reason it’s always your shift but don’t you dare judge me– I need these for my sanity. All our friends are drunk. It’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost.
“your handwriting looks like jesus personified while mine looks like i wrote everything in the dark yet i’m writing you love letters and not the other way around this is what i get.” au “you forgot your textbook on the bus yesterday and we’re having a dress up day tomorrow and i’m gonna look so good returning your textbook so you better fucking notice me.” au “i had a dream where i was so cool you asked me to put my number into your phone but i spelled my name wrong thirty times.” au “we’re having a heritage day tomorrow and i’m bringing in food from my country and i will fucking force you to eat it if you don’t.” au “i keep on leaving sticky notes on your locker with really back pick up lines on them and you don’t know who’s doing it but it’s me.” au “I was walking to my class and i was staring at you but i tripped and twisted my ankle and now your riding the ambulance with me and now i have to come up with an excuse to tell the doctor why i hurt my ankle.” au “you tripped and injured yourself in gym class today and my first thought was ‘mmm whatcha say’ and i’m so sorry i’m not even using the meme right.” au “i didn’t know you when you were eating a banana and i perved on you on the bus but now i have a crush on you and i keep on forgetting this is how it escalated.” au “my gender suggests that i should not be taking the dancing role (lead or non-lead) i am but i’m doing it that way and just fucking deal with it.” au “i am really mad at you for a ridiculous reason and you have no idea because we don’t even talk and you don’t even know me but fuck it i’m mad.” au “my friend works on the yearbook and they’re taking photos but i stole their camera to take pictures of you and i keep on forgetting your on the yearbook team so now they have to come up with an excuse to why there are fifty pictures of you to you and the teacher.” au “i heard you were the at your martial art and i do martial arts too so all i want to do is to meet up with you at a dojo so i can kick your ass.” au “the process i have made to talk to you is so terribly slow i need my whole squad and the swat team and even the fbi to get this shit going because i can’t.” au
The teacher’s first day at a new school. The teacher’s last day at the school/of the school year. The teacher’s students are graduating. People keep mistaking the teacher for a student. The teacher has a conflict with a parent of one of their students. The teacher makes an embarrassing mistake while explaining the material. The teacher has a conflict with the headmaster/headmistress. The teacher tries to found a new club/extracurricular activity. The teacher’s students keep performing terribly on tests. The teacher shares their office with someone they can’t stand. The substitute teacher has an awful, not good day. The teacher has to chaperon a field trip. Things go horribly wrong. There’s a rivalry between two teachers. The teacher has trouble with one child in particular. The teacher’s own child is in their class.
Your character needs a tutor. Your character is the popular kid falling in love with an outcast. Your character sneaks out to meet their crush. Your character tries to confess with the help of something they’ve just learned in class. Your character sneaks away during a field trip to hang out with their Significant Other. Your character is secretly dating someone when a formal dance is announced. Your character’s crush is skipping school and your character investigates. Your character’s barely even spoken to the person they are paired with for a project. Your character and their crush get lost together on a field trip. Your character thinks their crush has been unfairly punished by the teacher. A teacher catches you character making out with someone. Your character meets someone on a school trip. Your characters pass love notes in class. Your character confesses on stage during a school production. Your character decides to skip the school dance and their crush comes over to hang out with them.
A character is falling behind in class and they’re sent to someone unexpected for help. A character is missing a lot of school and everyone is surprised by the reason. A character can’t find an elective subject that would interest them. An outsider is determined to be on an event planning committee. Character A never has a lunch. Character B offers to share with them. A class goes on a field trip. Chaos ensues. A character really wants their band to perform at a school dance. Character A forgets their textbook. Character B shares theirs. Character A is new to the school, Character B shows them around. A character is given detention for something they didn’t do. A character desperately wants to be on a sports team. The school bus gets in trouble. Someone keeps stealing Character’s things. The class goes on a field trip to a character’s parent’s workplace. Strange messages appear on the class’s blackboard.
1. Character A is tasked with showing Character B around. 2. Character A is made to sit with Character B. 3. Characters are both skipping class at the same time. 4. Character A is a tutor, Character B needs help. 5. Characters meet in detention. 6. Characters meet on a school trip. 7. One of the characters accidentally walks into the wrong classroom. 8. Characters engage in the smare extracurricular activity. 9. Characters are forced to sit together at lunch for some reason. 10. Character A sees someone harrassing Character B. 11. Character A approaches Character B about some extracurricular activity. 12. Characters meet at the Nurse’s office. 13. Character A helps Character B open their locker. 14. Character A is tasked with interviewing Character B for the school media. 15. A teacher asks Character A to demonstrate something for the class Character B is in.
“We’re the only ones in detention” “I desperately need my books but my locker is blocked and you’re the only one in the hall” “Someone wrote I’m cute in the bathroom stall and your notes match the handwriting” “I twisted my ankle and you’re the only one here strong enough to carry me to the nurse’s office but we’re both really awkward” “We were both left out when everyone was picking partners and now we always choose each other when we have classes together” “I lent you my cool pencil months ago and you still use it” “I accidentally took your notebook thinking it was mine and you have really nice handwriting and cute doodles” “You started sitting by me at lunch because I’m alone at my table but we never talk to each other” “I was really hungry but had no money and you bought me lunch even though I don’t know you” “I left my phone number on the bathroom stall wall and you text me about your day and your frustrations for a month & it’s really nice and cute but I still don’t know who you are” “I fell asleep on your couch after a party but you didn’t complain and made breakfast for the both of us” sharing a textbook and leaving each other notes and answers in page corners found their phone number in a library book dancing partners younger siblings are best friends playing romantic interests in a play “yes i understand that it’s may and this classroom is stuffy but why are you taking your shirt off and why aren’t you in trouble (not that i mind)” “i can’t believe you dropped the frog we’re dissecting on tHE FLOOR WHAT THE FUCK” “i’m fightin this person and they shoved me into u im sooo sorry- oh hey you’re cute- oH MY GOD UR KICKIN ASS MARRY ME!!! PLEASE!!!!” “you asked me to prom by filling my locker with ping pong balls that say “prom?” on them but i tripped on one and smacked my head on a locker but thanks for taking me to the nurse!!! i still want to go with you!!”
-“We are the only people in the whole school who have to share a locker and let me tell you, I’m not enjoying this either.” -“I walked into the bathroom to fix up a nosebleed, and I see you doing your hair. Ten minutes later I come back because the nosebleed is back, and you are STILL DOING YOUR HAIR WHAT THE FUCK” -“I was writing you a letter i n the middle of class confessing my crush towards you, but the teacher thought I was writing notes, so they made me read it out loud to the whole class. You are in my class.” -“Listen, I know it’s 3:00 AM, but my little sibling put my homework in the sink and totally ruined it. I need you to photocopy yours so I can finish mine.” -“You are a cheerleader for our school’s baseball team, while I am part of the team. This wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that you are insanely hot in your uniform, and I keep striking out when I’m up at bat.” -“We have to kiss in our school play, but both of us are experienced so we don’t worry too much about it. On opening night, you decide to use tongue tHIS WASN’T IN THE SCRIPT but holy shit I almost moaned onstage” -“Your cat followed me into the school today, what do I do?” -“My parents were fighting so I snuck into the school to spend the night there. Oh, your parents are fighting too? Looks like we’re band room roommates for the night.” -“We’re watching a horror movie in class, but you are the biggest wuss in the whole world, so you spent more time burying your face in my chest rather than watching the movie. -“You have one of those pens that can write in five different colours and I stole it because it’s so fucking cool.” -“We sit together in art class, and every class, you ramble on about things you are excited/passionate about. The thing is, you are really shy and don’t talk much, so this is incredibly adorable.” -“You started a support club at school for sexual abuse victims, and you and I were the only ones there.” -“For the love of all things holy, if you do not stop tapping your fucking pencil on your desk, I am going to throw a shit fit.” -“I sang a song at the school talent show that I claimed was dedicated to someone I was in love with, but I accidentally let it slip out that it was you.”
Cramming until 3 in the morning and having to sleep over at each others house AU The classic Lab Partner AU “I don’t like dressing out in front of people in the locker room can you cover me from now on” AU “We’re the only ones in detention” AU “I’m stuck in my locker and you’re the only one in the hall” AU “None of my friends are good at math and I need a tutor but you are very intimidating” AU “Someone wrote I’m cute in the bathroom stall and your notes match the handwriting” AU “I twisted my ankle and you’re the only one here strong enough to carry me to the nurse’s office but we’re both really awkward” AU “We were both left out when everyone was picking partners and now we always choose each other when we have classes together” AU “I lent you my cool pencil months ago and you still use it” AU “We were both skipping class at the same time in the bathroom but someone passed by and now were hiding in a cramped stall” AU “I accidentally took your notebook thinking it was mine and you have really nice handwriting and cute doodles” AU “You started sitting by me at lunch because I’m alone at my table but we never talk to each other” AU “I was really hungry but had no money and you bought me lunch even though I don’t know you” AU “You make two lunches every morning and give one of them to me every day” AU “I found someones graduation ring and I’m trying to figure out whos it is” AU “I left my phone number on the bathroom stall wall and you text me about your day and your frustrations for a month & it’s really nice and cute but I still don’t know who you are” AU “Our friends grouped up for prom but we’re the only two without a date lets hang out” AU “I fell asleep on your couch after a party but you didn’t complain and made breakfast for the both of us” AU
“i’m in the nurse’s office a lot with migraines and you’re always in here organizing her tongue depressors and i really don’t think you go to this school so what gives”
“Apparently I was the only one that got the email saying to wear your pajamas to school today.” “Getting really tired of teachers saying whatever they want to me and when I try and defend myself, they send me to in school suspension.” “I had to come in early to make up the test I missed last week. I’m pretty sure the school would make a fortune if they had a coffee vending machine.” “I have a near perfect GPA, but that apparently means nothing if my shorts are too short.” “I studied for this test all week! How did I only get an 8%?” “I’m not sure if that was sex ed or Sunday school.” “If you don’t do your share of the work, I’ll take your name off the project and you can take a zero. You’re not getting the grade for doing nothing.” “My locker is jammed again. I’m ready to find a lockermate and just be done with it.” “My parents didn’t believe that the homework said to only do the even numbers on the worksheet and wouldn’t let me eat dinner until I did the entire thing.” “No one told me there was a two hour delay today so I spent half an hour trying to get into the building before a police officer showed up and broke the news.” “So I found your phone number on another bathroom stall.” “The teacher caught me with my phone out and took it away. They gave it back at the end of the day and everything but my background was a picture of their face.” “The vice principal pronounced my name wrong in the morning announcements again.” “There’s a locker number and combination in the back of my textbook. Are you up for an adventure?” “Wait I’m sorry, did you say you have a cat in your locker?” “We don’t have to be friends but we do have to be lab partners.” “What do you mean you didn’t do the homework last night? I was going to copy off of you before class!” “When are they going to understand that no one in this school is interested in eating tuna melts every Tuesday?” “When my locker neighbor slammed their locker shut, my shirt somehow got closed in it and they didn’t notice so there I was with two options: Take my shirt off or wait for help and I really didn’t feel like getting sent home for dress code today.” “Yes, I absolutely think it’s a terrible idea for you to try to seduce our chemistry teacher.”
“cheerleader dates the jock” AU “jock dates jock from the rival team” AU “my lab/project partner is super cute” AU “nerd tutors popular kid who doesn’t care” AU “we’ve been sitting next to each other on the bus everyday but we never really bothered talking” AU “jock dates theatre nerd” AU “costars in the school’s musical” AU “my bf/gf is going to college and i’m still in senior year” AU “new kid looks like they need help” AU “this kid has been cutting me on the lunch line everyday i’m so annoyed what the fuck” AU “i’m too weak to get my locker open so i ask you to open my locker everyday i’m so sorry” AU “wait my best friend is super hot and amazing fuck” AU “i keep falling asleep in this class and i need to borrow your notes all the time thank u so much” AU “i found this ID and the person is super cute, now i have to go on a hunt for them” AU “two choir/band/orchestra nerds” AU “two jocks” AU “two teammates” AU “partner projects? more like i do all the work and my partner gets the credit what the fuck” AU “cute lil nerd who cares to much and lazy rebel” AU “my neighbor and i carpool and i just realized how hot they are” AU “okay listen, i’ve seen you cheating off my test, what the fuck man, don’t get me in trouble” AU “student/teacher” AU (im sorry it belongs on this list) “rich kid try hard who probably will get into an ivy and the kid who looks like they never comb their hair, how are they dating??” AU “i met you over the summer and we had this fling and now you moved here but i kinda started dating someone but i kinda still like you wow did u get hotter and more amazing??” AU
no wonder why you’re the football coach damn you’re fit au you’re so wrong i’m going to stop my lecture to tell you why au *aggressively argues for whose team is better even though they’re completely different sports* au our students think we’re dating au a student catches us texting to each other in class oh how the tables have turned au we leave each other notes on the blackboards au someone’s taking my lunches au our classrooms are adjacent to each other and we can always see each other through the door windows au i will yell at you even though both our doors are closed to shut up your class jesus christ au our students see us leave the same car in the morning and guess what they think au i’m the drama teacher and you’re the only who can actually act help me demonstrate this love scene to my students au
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