#and brand them as toxic yaoi
crushpomegranates · 9 months
okay but how is bloodweave toxic
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bumblingbabooshka · 12 days
Crossover Crack Ship Toxic Yaoi
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Important!: In these scenarios, Spock and Bones are just normal people to Tuvok and the Doctor and NOT practically historical figures whom they may or may not have read about and looked up to. This is just person-to-person and vibe-to-vibe. 'Winning' in this context means 'most interesting' or 'speaks to your heart more' - which brand of toxicity is emitting the most enticing siren's call? Vibes and potential points of friction under the cut.
S/T Overview: Spock and Tuvok have canonically clashed in the past, with Tuvok "speaking out against" his more radical ideas. (Though that obviously hasn't happened in this scenario, since their personalities are the same I don't see why it wouldn't) I can imagine that if they were on the same ship for any length of time, Spock would be compared to Tuvok and it would remind Spock of being back on Vulcan slash negative. Tuvok frequently dictates what is and is not Vulcan in casual speech, leading to even more avenues for direct comparison and not-so-subtle digs. I can imagine Tuvok seeing Spock as reckless and inappropriately emotional, especially since in this scenario there is no historical-figure-spock who's proven himself to be a wise and revolutionary thinker whom Tuvok respects. I can imagine there's something here about Kirk since I don't think Tuvok would mesh well with him and might outright dislike him. Tuvok negs Spock about playing chess instead of kal-toh, which he canonically thinks is leagues above chess - the game for baby idiots. Dr/B Overview: Bones canonically distrusts tech and would absolutely not take a holographic doctor well, especially as the only Doctor on board his ship. They are both prone to being snide and neither are great about interacting with women but would 100% view the other as being worse. The Doctor often talks about how he's better because of his holographic nature (despite his clear longing to be more Human) and this would infuriate Mccoy because no stinkin' hologram could ever compare to Human hands! A Human heart! They are both prideful and resolute in what they think is right, which I imagine would often be in conflict with one another. What does it mean to be Human? What does it mean to be alive? Loud opera singing during work hours. Both want romance and are unlucky in love but would immediately blame the other for their own romantic blunders. What kind of woman would want YOU? The Doctor would lecture Mccoy about his drinking and peer over his shoulder making corrections to every little thing he does because it's not Perfect[tm] like what HE can do. But if you're fine with being subpar... These are just the vague shapes in my head, if you have other potential avenues for toxicity that sparks YOUR interest/joy please feel free to share them in the reblogs, notes, etc!
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okay so here's a random brain thought about billford
I like it. Like just in general. I like Ford worshipping Bill like he's a god. I like Bill being obsessed with Ford. They're adorable in a fucked up sort of way and I want to watch them be so bad for each other. They deserve to crash and burn and fucking die in each other's arms, strangling each other to death as they kiss with their last breath.
Or something. idk i'm only a fanfic writer who is starting a new facet of his gravity falls obsession.
"Oh, but why don't you write fanfic about them then-" I don't own the Book of Bill, for starters, but more importantly, I'm new to the fandom. Like. I finished watching this show like three WEEKS ago. My first fic in this fandom was posted on the 19th. Like I'm brand spanking new to this fandom and I have no idea what's going on. (By some divine intervention I have read Dipper Goes to Taco Bell and I still have nightmares about it.) I know the base show and a few human Bill designs from just passing them but that's it. Oh, and video essays.
Billford was canon to me before I even knew it was basically canon anyways. It BAFFLES me how people look at them and don't see toxic old man yaoi. Seriously, like, they're so stupid and gay and horrible for each other. I'm fucking consuming these Billford posts like I'll die if I don't. They're so good. I love toxic horrible old man yaoi, I love Billford, I'm reading the Book of Bill by osmosis at this point.
And SURE, it's a Disney show and Disney censorship is pretty famous at this point. Pretty much nothing is gayer than Disney censorship. So of course you can't actually get it from the show, but like. They're so gay. So old man. So yaoi. You feel me? Am I even making sense anymore?
My point is, keep making Billford content because I love it. Stay tuned for trans Dipper rants in about an hour if I don't go to college first.
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corioheinous · 9 months
Currently writing a post-Blue Lock aged-up kaisagi fic on ao3 and have been struggling so hard with creating a solid foundation for both characters’ Characterizations. but man did it become easier when I realized how many possibilities there are to explore when making Isagi juuust a little bit obsessed with Kaiser. Like we all know Kaiser is a lot a bit obsessed with Isagi (read: tearing his hair out and choking himself over it every other week) but I think it’s fun to explore Isagi’s quieter, most likely unwelcome obsession with Kaiser. Because at the end of the day, all toxic yaoi situationships are at least somewhat of a two-way street.
There’s a great paradox in which Kaiser embodies everything about a professional football player that Isagi wants to become (and look I know Noa exists but they’re not. they’re not foils in the same way okay that guy is pushing 40) while simultaneously being the most infuriating and annoying bastard in the world to him. Isagi recognizes Kaiser’s raw talent and the years of practice he’s put into developing his techniques as both very intimidating qualities to have in a rival and inspirational ones. Because they’re not impossibly far out of reach; these techniques (particularly metavision) are ones Isagi already employs on the field everyday, just has yet to master them at the extraordinary level Kaiser has. Isagi wants to beat Kaiser at his own game, using his own moves, and has unconsciously allowed Kaiser to become a sort of model for him in the process. Despite the fact that he hates the guy’s guts, he’s mirroring his best qualities to the point where even fans can see that they would synchronize well together if they just let themselves.
But Isagi would never let himself. He’s stubborn. He despises Kaiser. He probably sees a rosebush growing on the side of the road and lets it ruin his day. He’ll probably bear ill will toward anyone with blue hair and pronouns for years down the line. Which is why it’s so fun to be writing a more mature version of Isagi, one who has probably put a lot of that childish resentment behind him. Because when you remove his resentment toward Kaiser, you’re still left with some irritation, yes, but the bulk of it is admiration. It’s Isagi letting Kaiser rile him up more than he pisses him off. It’s Isagi wanting to butt heads with Kaiser both on and off the field. It’s Isagi buying a shirt/hoodie/pair of boxers with a rose pattern on it for no reason he could possibly fathom on his own. It’s a quiet, repressed brand of obsession that might take them both off guard when it comes to light, but it’d be a beyond brilliant moment when it does.
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ratsbypaulzindel · 6 months
have you ever thought to yourself "hey wouldnt it be cool if there was an oc story made by two guys and it was about a haunted waterpark slash arcade in a fake town in a real state". you probably haven't. but if you have youre in luck! more under the cut ok.
rainforest floods is a terrible no good ocverse made by me and my good friend crawford @dykeseesgod. everyone in it sucks and is horrible except maybe one or two side characters. it's set in the podunk middle of nowhere town of timberline, new mexico, and more specifically a waterpark/arcade called rainforest floods (title drop).
also the waterpark SUUUCKS like its budget is nothing they are in debt. the managers havent paid taxes in 15 years. anyway these are the employees. theyre bad
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and these are the co-managers. theyre even worse (and also toxic old man yaoi. these refs were drawn by the aforementioned crawford)
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anyway yeah. they get up to wacky hijinks in what will ideally be a tv show coming out in one million years. they're also horrible and tragic. most of it is bruce's fault. some of its not though!
ok also here's some other side characters.
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^ running gag that nobody knows her name except kelsey who has a huge crush on her.
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^ unnamed girl's younger brother who is constantly faced with horrors and torment at the hands of the rainforest floods employees. dont get me wrong hes annoying as fuck but he didnt deserve to run on that hamster wheel. (ref also drawn by ford)
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^ jeff's girlfriend. also the coolest person in timberline new mexico. worlds most unimportant minor character but she is wonderful and loved by the producers (me and cosmo)
rainforest floods stupidity logic is a thing me and robbie came up with to explain why all the characters are idiots who dont find things out that are important to the plot too soon.
there's a chain gimmick restaurant that andy's whole family runs except him. its like italian food but its like also magicians. their tagline is "so good its practically magic". andy hates it.
kyle has a curse on him so that nobody remembers or recognizes him outside of like. his family. so the rff employees arent even targeting him for their shenanigans on purpose theyre all just weird freaks.
kelsey gives unnamed girl the company landline as her phone number because shes stupid and a ghost and doesnt have a phone.
the employees all get together on wednesdays in the breakroom and compare evidence on whether or not andy and bruce are together romantically. its the one thing that truly bonds them all together.
vincent: is a watchmojo fan, had his first kiss as beethoven in his 12th grade production of dog sees god confessions of a teenage blockhead (2004), gets really christian in some episode subplot, is not a swiftie but he is a gaylor, wishes he was jonathan sims sooooo bad, types like a toddler who was just given a keyboard.
vincent also ruined rainforest floods' lobby playlist
also there's a brand account that we run and post on whenever we feel like it. its more of a sounding board for ideas we may explore more in the future. its fun but it may be a bit difficult to get the full idea with the execution so :-( sorry you wont fully understand our wonderful and hilarious visions
annnd i think that's it. yay worlds silliest yet most tragic oc story. ok bye ^_^
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constelationprize · 6 months
would love to know more about Stuart and wip #4 <3
I have so many thoughts about Stuart it's not even funny. I remember always being a bit fascinated with him in my original read of AFTG in 2019 because he is, and I say this with all the love in my heart, kind of an Uncle Ex Machina. And this year when I came back and did my reread (re-listen?) of the books that fascinaiton returned tenfolds.
The thing about Stuart that keeps getting me is that his original revenge plan against Nathan was insane. And the way that he went about it was even worse. Like, here is the list of steps he went through: 1) Found out Kengo was diyng, calculated that he could deal a blow to Nathan as long as it doesn't piss off the Moriyamas too much 2) Allied himself with the FBI, a foreign government agency, despite being himself the head of a criminal syndicate, even though that could have very easily gotten him branded as a narc 3) Planned to wait until Nathan was released, invade his house while he was killing someone, massacre his inner circle, and probably deliver a dramatic speech as he beat up Nathan and left him for the FBI to find 4) Upon getting to point 3, found his nephew being tortured, confirmed his sister was dead, and promptly changed his plans to kill Nathan on the spot 5) Has now broken his deal with the FBI and permanently removed a Moriyama asset instead of just incapacitating him 6) Left his recently-tortured 19yo nephew to sort things out with the FBI and dipped back to England fully expecting to be executed by Ichirou 7) Somehow managed to talk himself out of this and not only stay alive but become an asset to a syndicate bigger and more powerful than his 8) Profit.
That is insane. He cannot keep getting away with this. How can a man with three appearences have this much chaos going on.
So this WIP is mostly an character study, following Stuart as he grieves Mary and tries to adjust to the changes being part of the Moriyamas bring. It is also about him trying to find out how far he can Manipulate Manspain Manwhore out of situations.
Reason number two behind this WIP was that I was actually surprised to find out that this entire fandom was sleeping on Ichirou/Stuart. They have like 19 tagged fics! That is a crime! Have we lost all respect for toxic yaoi?
I really like playing with foils and parallels and contrasts and in the process of plotting this fic I found a lot of them in the Stuart and Ichirou dynamic. For one, they do have a pretty big age gap (14 years in this fic), but while Stuart has all the experience, it's Ichirou who has all the power in their relantionship. Ichirou who has inherited an empire but is stuck in his father's shadow and Stuart who has an established reputation but lost all his autonomy. Stuart who risked everything to avenge his sisters and Ichirou who killed his brother.
Also, I have a pretty strict Death of the Author stance and thus don't consider Nora's tweets or the EC canon, but I do find the fact she said that eventually Ichirou gets Stuart killed in a suicide mission so he can get a younger head on the Hatford branch (and that Stuart knew that it was going to happen eventually and was fine with it) very intriguing. They are two very ruthless, manipulative people, and I want to play with them like barbie dolls.
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00queasy00 · 6 months
9 Fandom Folks To Get To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @cealesti!! :3c
Three ships you like:
oh god this is hard okay okay uuhh the ones on my mind rn 1. tomarrymort / soulseeker (hp) - i find them so iconic, you know? their ideals, their parallels, their similarities, there seems to be new things to discover about them at every turn, just keep putting them in situations and watch them wreck havoc. the soulseeker fandom is filled with so much amazing amazing people so kind and creative, i feel like i have accidently stumbled upon the holy grail, the paradise that never ends <3 2. radiodust (hazbin hotel) - i ship them as literally the queer-coded villains that have nothing in common, yet they bond over being the meanest hottest couple in the hotel together and know the ideal make-up brands to go into territory battles in. theyre like two drama queens on different ends of the spectrums. i like them toxic, i like them dramatic af, i like them in pink and red hahaha XD 3. lawlight (death note) - tbh im fairly new into the ship, despite being a longterm death note fan :0 i was more into mellodramattic before lawlight era hit me recently lol. i love how people, pretty much, turn them into their personal anime yaoi dolls and force them to kiss lol.
First ship ever:
uuummmmm im thinking hetalia ??? XD uh England and America <3 i can never get over the angst. the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay dynamic.
Last song you heard:
La Vie en rose (alastor cover) by Paranoid DJ Please check out PARANOiD DJ's fan songs for hazbin / helluva, theyre so good!!! The Lucifer, Alastor, Stiker, and Verosika songs are my faves!
Currently reading:
Vicious Circle by Bakuko, cyberslut404, estnedo I barely started chapter 1, so no thoughts yet besides I am excited to check this story out !! The Emporer and The Star by wynnebat I am rereading this story <3 I enjoy it so much and the confusing and deadly feeling Harry is having with his Seer abilities.
Currently watching:
I am actually watching a few things rn, I jump around a lot depending what I am watching with who: -Gurren Lagann - my lovely partner never seen it! i had to change that! one of my fave fave core animes. -Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - a comfort show with gorgeous. gorgeous designs and a fun twist of traditional ghost folklore. -Heartstopper Season 2 - my wife loves the comic, so here we are. -Trolls Dreamworks Movies - watching with friends <3 the designs are so adorable and are very fun! i am always so blown away with how creative the team uses different craft textiles throughout the movies! the second and third movie are my fave <3 theyre like an hour and half long each! fairly short, but i HIGHLY RECOMMEND for a good time!! -Harry Potter Movies - watching with friends on saturdays <3
Currently consuming:
Water!! Stay hydrated folks!! <3
Currently craving:
to listen to magnus archive from the beginning again -- but rather wait for the whole story to be revealed first before restarting it again x_x
Tagging (no pressure!!): @raehb336, @i-dream-of-libraries, @liquidluckandstuff, @laserswordtraining, @chaos-bear, @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts, @tommarvoloriddlesdiary, @isalisewrites, @cloverwoodss, @kagariasuha @duplicitywrites @crowcrowcrowthing and whoever wants to join! if you havent been tagged and see this, I TAG YOU! come join its fun :3
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bhaalble · 1 year
just want to say yr astarion meta is goated! the head writer being explicit abt it being a narrative decision from above re: good end/evil end for companions explains a lil abt why the conclusion feels two-dimensional and limited. but the fetishisation interp feels so lacking. esp given what could be his place in the meta narrative of the game - the poor little meow meow effect!! fandom fav whose behaviour is boiled down to a good/bad end rather than the journey. which is a lil disconcerting when he is arguably one of the most opportunistically fantasy racist of the partyz disclaimer: i’ve enjoyed astarion and wanted to enjoy him more, but some of discussions around him. BONKERS. cheers for putting yr thoughts out there
Thank youuu I’m glad its resonating. I really was genuinely so baffled when the fetishization read hit because. Beyond just being an incredibly simplistic read of his character and the various poor coping mechanisms he has I also felt it was completely disconnected from the actual experience of playing the game. The idea that you’re doing this only to sate some horny vampire dom fantasy is honestly, slightly batshit (no pun intended) unless you presume the reader is going in already knowing what the endings will be and the specific relationship dynamics that will inspire. The average player going in completely blind doesn’t have a lot of reason to assume “this will probably make him my sexy vampire master”. Particularly when you can ascend him without romancing him! Which in fairness to the writer: is why we don’t go off discord screenshots for literary analysis most of the time.
Genuinely I don’t have an issue with the Ascended ending being considered the “bad” ending! It’s not a good person choice to make. You’re killing 7000+ people. Even beyond that logistic concern it's very clear from the entire journey there how much Astarion’s own fear and trauma are weighing on him making this decision. You can see it most clearly when you find Sebastian. He’s suppressing a lot of horror and a lot of his empathy to focus entirely on getting back at Cazador in the most intimate way he knows how. Even if I think there’s more good that comes with it than people give it credit for its not a problem for me that this ending is canonically “the bad one” and also that most people would prefer to avoid it. Not everyone is going to be in for the toxic yaoi bullshit I have a bottomless appetite for.
My problem primarily is. Ok so I don’t particularly subscribe to the “power fantasy” view of gaming. I think its far, far more useful to understand rpg gaming as an exercise in collaborative storytelling. Players may go for outcomes they would want irl, but they are just as likely to go for what sounds interesting or makes them feel good or sound fun to play. But pretending for a moment that I do believe that worldview: Literally every choice you make in a game can be argued to sate some kind of fantasy. GOOD ending Astarion, at least from how a lot of people who are really attached to it talk about it, seems to definitely appeal to a lot of player fantasies about Fixing Someone, about taking a partner who’s devastatingly attractive and making yourself invaluable to them by virtue of being their emotional support. And there’s nothing wrong with that fantasy! There’s a reason it has its appeal. But my question then becomes: why is only one group of players being put under scrutiny then? Why do players who prefer to explore a version of Astarion who is firmly attached to his ideas of power and security have to reflect on how they view him, but players who fixate on making him a better version of himself “just doing what’s best for him”? The kind of relationship Ascended Astarion has to the player would be deeply unhealthy in real life. In real life, though, people who are deeply fixated on therapizing their partner and finding someone to “fix” can also be their own brand of toxic.
To be clear: that’s intentionally a bad faith reading. I don’t sincerely believe people who like Astarion’s good end are all secretly control freaks who want to make their partners emotionally dependent on them. I don’t even believe that’s necessarily what they want for Astarion! No matter how many “I can fix him” jokes there are I don’t actually believe trying to talk him out of Ascending is in some way taking away his agency (largely because. He doesn’t have agency. He’s lines). But why pick and choose. Why problematize one fantasy over the other, particularly when problematizing that fantasy can lead you to make some pretty severe assumptions that may not be entirely accurate.
Returning to your other point, that really is the crux of it. People understand Astarion as a flawed character, they understand him as closed off and mean and rude and selfish. But because those traits are trauma informed, they tend to push the responsibility for dealing with that onto the player character. Its our job to fix him, its our job to make him feel safe and know there’s a better way and model kindness so he knows how to show it to others. And none of those are WRONG things to do. They’re just also not necessarily things every player signed up for, and certainly not every player character. Interacting with a traumatized person doesn’t come with a binary choice of “be their full time mommy/therapist and be actively invested in solving their every problem” and “don’t give a shit about them as a person and hope they explode”. Wanting Cazador out of Astarion’s life doesn’t have to come part and parcel with wanting to wrap Astarion in a blanket. Calling him a jackass when he’s racist to gnomes or Gur or kobalds or goblins doesn’t exclude also enjoying his commentary on other matters. When I build a PC I’m building a relationship between two people with independent wants, needs, flaws, and biases. My gith sorcerer is vocal in pointing out when Astarion is being an asshole as a defense mechanism; they also will secure him pretty much any power he wants because to them that’s part of their internal directive to protect him. By contrast my human wizard tends to align more with his self-interested choices. The worm’s in our heads, there’s no time to help strays if we can’t help ourselves. But its also why they’ll eventually be the one to talk him out of ascending. Don’t we deserve some peace after all this? Don’t we deserve a chance to retire and not trade one war for another? Aren’t you sick of this place, and of him?
Anyways. You. Probably were not looking for a full-tilt essay only broadly related to your points. I just have a lot of thoughts on this guy. He’s a character I’ve been looking for in media for a very long time and its actually pretty frustrating to watch a lot of the meta in fanon be so simplistic and also, generally pretty condescending to both the character and people who want to engage with him in a way more complex than “do you want him to be a good healthy boy or a bad unhealthy boy?"
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heta-micronomics · 8 months
May I ask about your KugSea thoughts? I'm starting to get interested in the pairing and want to talk about them..
The post about Peter running away from Kug (we should find a human name for him...) after Kug tried to kiss him was the blueprint for me. Now, I'm imagining Kug and Peter trying to figure out romantic gestures.. except it's more silly than it is "cute" because they're both merely creatures.
I usually use the name Fritz for Kugelmugel. It's my special brand of sad irony. He looks like dollar store Prussia and shares the name of one of Prussia's most fondly-remembered humans. Funny to me, lol.
In all honesty, I'm not sure what first made me first start shipping them. They kinda just popped up one day. In the past I've shipped MolSea, IceSea, SeaChelles, HongSea, AeriSea, toxic yaoi AmeSea in that one 2P AU... but ngl, none of them have hit me like these two.
For one, they're both founded on pretty similar principles: the preservation of art. Kugelmugel is literally art, and Sealand was founded by radio pirates fighting British censorship. I imagine they both like pushing boundaries and seeing just how far they can take things.
How far is too far? Who will stop them? Who can stop them?
For reference, I write Peter as being instinctively obedient. He was born into the military. He was bred to serve and taught to obey. But "Sealand" was a radical change, and the premise went against everything he had learned prior. Now, he tries to take up a leadership role. He's one of the better-known micros and wants to create something substantial, and for the most part, he loves it. He loves being a little bastard. But that gets exhausting. It's against his basal nature.
Kugel, on the other hand? His energy stems from disobeying. Experimentation and radical ideas fuel his creative process, and that's what keeps him going. He makes his own rules and enforces them, just like Austria. Peter let's him take the lead sometimes, and it's a relief.
For Fritz, he admires Peter so, so much. I imagine that given Austria's more classical art tastes, he'd have a lot of exposure to religious imagery and tends to subconsciously superimpose that onto a lot of things (autism). Peter is older than him, more powerful, and more well known. They're both prone to obsession, and Fritz's adoration borders on worship. Peter's his muse, his living art piece. He's an angel/Madonna/Christ figure/etc to Fritz. There's almost an air of idolatry/objectification, though it's accidental.
Peter matches him obsession-wise. He latches onto anyone who gives him affection or attention, and Fritz sure does that. Unfortunately, he takes after England in that he gets protective and possessive of him. I compare him to a dog a lot because it's true. Peter will resource guard Fritz out of fear of him leaving or being taken away.
How healthy they are for each other is debatable. But they DO make some crazy shit lmao.
Fritz gives art expertise while Peter handles engineering and building. They're rambunctious and unpredictable. I like to think they try to recreate all those weird "internet iceburg" vids like Soup. Avi. No real reason except they can and they want to freak some people out.
Also, I'm pretty sure Austria would not like Peter lmao.
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matchaflavored · 1 year
what was it abt trrd that makes u rly like their dynamic? what tropes do they hit on the viola barometer
OMG yani... u r seriously a real one. love u. I will talk in place of myself from three years ago, when I was in that weird period where I was testing the waters between character dynamics in twst. The very first episode with Heartslabyul absolutely hit me like a truck. I wasn't really expecting the writing to be as compelling as it was (despite being a Yana fan and being diehard for her work, the Disney branding made me not take it very seriously), and I was like, oh wow, realistic toxic relationships between teenagers with no autonomy over their emotions and circumstances?! This rules! And you can apply this to a lot of the dynamics in twst, but besides the fact that treyrid is the very first one you encounter, I find Trey himself a refreshingly unique character. I guess a lot of people enjoy more emotionally transparent characters, because it feels affirming and enjoyable to see certain dynamics expressed a certain way, but when there was only like four stories out for each character I was like 'Wow, for a guy who gets defensive about people questioning him about Riddle, a lot of the fundamentals of his character and motivations revolves around Riddle!'. 'But Viola! He's been openly exasperated, dare I say, even annoyed at Riddle! And not in the funny bickering yaoi way, also doesn't placating as a motivation make Trey's feelings towards Riddle artificial!' I was super surprised too when I read his stories (in a good way)! Can this man both love someone and resent what he's going through by proxy of that person's uncontrollable circumstances? The answer is yes! And so much material support these conflicting feelings that I feel like are attuned to more realistic relationships. That was, by far, the biggest appeal to me. Conflict in relationships can be more than just aimless bickering but "oh the bickering is actually because they totes have the hots for each other!". It's unspoken words, self-doubt... it's questioning who you are and who they are. Their relationship is imperfect, by account of something that is out of their control, but they choose to care and support one another unconditionally. Trope wise... treyrid was (is? it's more was) somewhat a codependency, in which Riddle used Trey as an emotional tether and Trey took advantage of Riddle's superficial vices in order to subdue his guilt over he and Riddle's shared trauma. A queen and her knight... but in the end, both of them know they're above those experiences and the influence they have in each other's lives is definitely a net positive. Omg I know you don't go here but even if this is like the baseline there's still so much about them that makes me go crazy... You know how Kircheis met Reinhard as a kid and went 'I, with my tiny child body, have decided that I will dedicate my life to support this other kid whose life sucks because I see that they are more than that.' That is literally what happened with Trey and Riddle when they were kids. Insane power tripped pretty boy with his kind gentle giant friend who acts as his moral compass for a majority of their appearances together. Said friend also challenged pretty boy's authority and pretty boy felt betrayed because they felt like the unconditional bond they had was breaking. Good stuff.
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chainsawprophecy · 6 months
when the news broke back in november that ao3 was blocking fics promoting a ceasefire/freeing palestine and banning users who spoke up about palestine like half of the pornsick fandom brained idiots immediately started defending them because noooo the cummies :( they can't go a day without their toxic yaoi cummies :((. or what the fuck ever. it is vile that ao3 is asking for 50k in the MIDDLE. OF MASS GENOCIDE SIEGE WARFARE. and there are some people who will defend them to the death over "muh freeze peach" bitch i hope you choke. the venn diagram between the assholes donating to ao3 and people who have "be gay do crime" patches on their brand new artificially distressed "punk aesthetic uwu" jackets but call the cops on anyone having a mental episode and cross the street when they see homeless people is a fucking circle. oh my god i am so tired of all this fucking garbage
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finitevoid · 11 months
soren isnt specifically into incest. He likes the mess of portspas incestuous ambiguity. He hates usuk because the way its usually protrayed is corny and weeby. probably into pruaus for the same reasons he likes portspa: incest (?) toxic yaoi. Having the means to reject being relatives despite being related. I REPEAT HES NOT INTO INCEST HE JUST LIKE S THAT IT MAKES YAOI TOXIC SOMETIMES
Of course ike knows about his yaoi obsession.
stefans parents abandoned him. They were both beorc hes like 1/32 lion its hilarious. He lives in the same group home soren was at. This home is his branded colony actually except he runs none of it its just disproportionately branded and stefans like Mi gente :). He tries to organize them but theyre all too traumatized to give a shit. I believe stefan will be a great revolutionary one day but hes still in his struggle era.
When soren got adopted he was 100% convinced almedha was going to do horrible things and soren just wanted him to shut up. Nothing soren can tell stefan will convince stefan on almedha. Stefan like soren is the resentful of people better off than him type so i need to put out there that stefans fully convinced sorens situation actually got worse. But also stefan wants the absolute best for his fellow branded soren so he would never resent soren for living his best life :)
stefan nearly killed the person he shot but he survived. No one snitched and stefans just living his life. he doesnt bring weapons to school because of the metal detectors and he hides his guns in the bushes outside his home in case he gets searched. #me characters am i right
is your #i hate it here tag intentional. Did you mean to compile those two posts
what do you mean. i was complaining about [redacted state that i live in] getting dark at 6 pm already. the winter post made me think about how by december its going to get dark at 3 pm here like not as a joke
i didnt think he would be but i was curious if hes coping or not. is he getting into fights online about it. does he like mpreg. omegaverse?
im sorry his parents suck and are beorc. Tjats sad. im cheering for his revolutionary future but i guess first he needs a felony or two. is threatening to shoot up a school a felony ? its gotta be a crime
thats hilarious. nothing soren says makes him believe hes chilling ? how does stefan feel about greil. i know he doesnt like ikey poo. you betrayed me for that beorc etc
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a-sentimental-man · 11 months
HELLO I have some ships for the ask game :3
bkdk (ofc)
togachako (OFC)
melimei (melissaxmei)
togachakotsu (obligatory rare pair children)
sorry if this is too many feel free to ignore some of them lmao
answering this was very fun ty em!!
bkdk (ik it isn't toxic yaoi i just wanted bingo LMAO)
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togachako (yes i answered this before too but u can't stop me from posting this TWICE. )
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melimei (i have not heard of this one SHSHHSSH pls tell me more)
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rodydeku (u will probably get a different answer when i actually watch the movie and also. get over my bkdk brainrot (that's probably not happening fuck))
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momojirou (og lesbians!!!)
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togachakotsu (WAHHHHHH I LOVE THEM)
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elfyourmother · 4 years
you know...even in that long ass post I never even talked about how cosplay totally fucked with my head wrt gender also
my partner in crime was my white passing mixed white German/South Asian best friend and if I didn’t know anything about misogynoir or colorism before we started cosplaying together I sure found out quick. She absolutely got the lion’s share of attention regardless of what costumes we had on. I didn’t begrudge her the attention, she was a sweetheart and very talented—she made all our stuff.
But folk used to sometimes knock me over to get photos of her at events. Like literally they would step directly in front of me, as if I wasn’t standing there talking to her. Sometimes people would literally ask me to take photos of them with her—even when we were clearly part of a group cosplay, characters from the same show, etc. After a while I felt like her handmaiden or retainer, there to carry her things or something. And she was totally oblivious to all of it—the one time I very timidly brought it up, she said it was because I needed to build my self-confidence like she did and watch Top Model to learn how to pose etc etc. As if I could build any kind of self confidence when people literally treated me as if I were invisible.
One night when we were hanging out, after we’d seen Bebe Zahara Benet perform at a local gay bar and were walking along the West Side Highway drunk af, she was going on about how I should cosplay more dudes because I would make such a gorgeous boy, like I was a bishounen, and another drunk ass acquaintance with us was co-signing her (this other person is toxic af and has always been insanely jealous of me for reasons I still don’t understand).
I know she didn’t mean anything cruel by it, quite the opposite, but it severely hurt me and I didn’t realize just how badly it did until just now as I’m recalling it and I’m literally crying remembering it like the pain is fresh, even though this happened well over 10 years ago
in her ignorance she didn’t understand how loaded a statement that was. She crossplayed before like it was nbd. But no one would ever question her womanhood out of the costume, not with her hourglass figure and vast tracts of land and long hair and striking blue eyes. No one treated her like Unwoman or Off-Brand Girl when the binder came off. It was just a costume.
(The one time I did crossplay it was Duo Maxwell—my fave Gundam Wing pilot—and I was hounded the whole day by 1x2 shippers and 1 Heero crossplayer specifically to the point I was deeply uncomfortable. This was the era of “free hugs!” and glomping and yaoi paddles at cons. We were years from Cosplay is Not Consent, and needed it very badly.)
meanwhile I was tall, flat chested, dark skinned. the “opposite” of girl according to everyone ever. so ofc I had no business playing at being one. real women had curves after all. To me, my friend’s statement was co-signing that, banishing me to the wastes on Unwoman, where I really belonged, even if she didn’t mean it that way. It felt like she was agreeing with everyone who ever stepped over me to bask in her feminine glory.
nobody at the Ren Faires we frequently looked anything like me and so I would wear pants and be a pirate even though I desperately wanted the bodices and flowery skirts and Elizabethan gowns. It was very much Not For Me, I was told subtly and not. so I tried to fit myself in the space where I belonged. I hated how I looked in feminine Ren garb because of it—I still hate my body and prolly always will at this point in my life. I hate the idea that it can and should limit my expression and presentation.
And I realize it’s why I react so viscerally to androgyny being forced on me and why I don’t think I’m “really” a dude—if I’m not 100% a woman, it’s mixed with something else entirely. I don’t like it being imposed on me because of other people’s expectations any more than I liked my mom forcing me into dresses when I was a kid. maybe one day I’ll feel comfortable with it, the way I eventually embraced femininity with a vengeance when I discovered the goth scene and chose it on my own terms in my own way. In theory, divorced from all this, I don’t have an inherent problem w it—I have always gravitated toward gnc men, and maybe there’s a little gender envy there? But for me it can’t be divorced from all this, and feels too irrevocably tied up in misogynoir.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
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