#and chuuya gets his awareness back by then and realizes that a) dazai giving up the antidote is what saved him and b) dazai is technically
syoounn · 3 months
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•Their reaction confessing to them (both of you are already married)
•Characters: Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor
As you said to him that you'll say something serious.. his eyebrows furrowing in slight concern at your seriousness. He looked at you, waiting intently as he studied your face.
“… and what is it, Doll?”
"I think im in love with you.." you said, trying to be more serious and trying not to smile.
Chuuya blinked at your words, his mind taking a few moments to process your meaning since it didn’t seem like a serious situation at first. Once he realized you were joking, his face softened into an amused smirk.
“I’d hope so, Doll. We are married after all.” He replied, poking your side.
Chuuya chuckled at your fake pout, finding your silliness utterly endearing. He shifted slightly, so he was hovering over you, his forearms placed on either side of your head.
“And here I thought you were telling me something serious for a moment.”
"I was really serious!" you protested.
“Oh really?” Chuuya pulled away to look you in the eye, his smirk still present on his face. He raised an amused eyebrow at you.
“So you’re telling me you’ve just realized you love me? After goddamn years of us being together?”
He then chuckled again at the absurdity of the situation and poked your side.
“I hope you aren’t just trying to get my attention, because I can give you attention in another way.” He murmured, his smirk turning into a grin as his hand moved to rest on your hip.
With that, he finally gave the attention you wanted that night.
You've said those words, making him clearly amused by your comment.
Bella, you think?” He replied, his voice taking on a slightly sarcastic tone. He knew you were likely just being cute, but his curiosity was piqued nonetheless as you nodded.
“So, let me get this straight..” Dazai said, his tone still playful as he leaned in closer to you, his breath brushing against your ear.
“You think you’re in love with me..?” He repeated slowly, his smirk growing wider as he waited for your response.
“And here I thought you’d know how you felt about me..” Dazai teased, his playful eyes studying your expression.
“After all… we’ve been together for so long..” He murmured, his voice dropping an octave lower.
He leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
“But for some reason… you only think you’re in love with me..?”
“I’m wounded..” He murmured, his smirk turning into a playful pout. Feigns heartbreak dramatically, placing a hand over his heart and letting out a melodramatic sigh.
You felt bad.. as you cuddled him, giving him some affection. Dazai chuckled at your sudden change of tone, letting out a soft sigh when you cuddled into him. He wrapped his arms around you securely, pulling you closer to his body. He smiled slightly as he felt your warmth against him.
“That’s more like it.” He murmured, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He kissed the top of your head affectionately, his hand slowly rubbing gentle circles on your back.
You continue to pamper him for more affection, not aware he literally manipulated you for doing that. A victorious smirk can be seen on his face as you spoil him.
As you confessed to him, Fyodor quirked an eyebrow, a glint in his indigo eyes. He slowly approached you in a few, long strides, closing the distance between you. He loomed over you, towering over your much smaller frame. His dark hair fell over his face, partly obscuring his gaze.
"Now, now, dear, don't act like a foolish schoolgirl with a childish crush."
He gently pushed you up against a wall, trapping you with his body, pinning you in place. He leaned down so he could whisper in your ear. "You are a respectable woman, a devoted wife. Act as such, please."
You nodded nervously.
Good girl. He murmured before gently biting your earlobe. Fyodor's hand moved from your hip to your lower back, pulling you flush against him. His body completely towered over you, and he let out a quiet huff of amusement when he felt you shiver against him.
I guess no more playing silly at your husband.
I'll make more characters, i promise. (。≧Д≦。)
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Heyy! I hope you’re having a lovely day/night! I would like to request a yandere ADA dazai alphabet please. Thank you :)
Yandere Armed Detective Agency Osamu Dazai Alphabet
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Author's Note: No problem! After this alphabet is done, I think I'm gonna write Chuuya's next.
Warnings: Mental Abuse, Murder Mentioned, Death Mentioned, Suicide Mentioned, Possessive Behavior, Clinginess, Masochism, Sadism, Self Hatred (Dazai), Manipulation, Minor Gaslighting, Physical Assault, Implied Torture, Torture Mentioned, Sexual Abuse Mentioned and Somewhat Implied, Possible Anime Spoilers If You're Not On Season 4, and Trauma.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Just like in the Port Mafia Alphabet, Dazai is extremely affectionate and he's probably even more affectionate now.
He loves sitting in your lap, kissing you, buying you gifts and flowers, and he loves having all your attention.
There is some evidence in the manga that kinda implies he's a yandere in canon sooo.
He's kinda like a cat, if he wants your attention he'll get it.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
ADA Dazai is less likely to kill people now after Oda's death and the promise he made to him. Plus, he can get rid of his competition in ways that don't make him have to kill.
He can literally cut them out of the picture and they'd still be alive.
If he were to kill though, fragments of his former/true self will surface. It'll be scary.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Firstly, you and Dazai would officially be dating once his yandere tendencies sink in, and he wouldn't kidnap you. He'll slowly become more an more possessive and toxic, and that's when you realize what you got yourself into.
Dazai let's you go out on your own, but that's because he makes sure you're painfully aware that anything you do, he'll know or find out about. Dazai is way too smart to hide things from him for long periods of time.
And you're no secret to anyone. Everyone, even his enemies, know about you. So he is a little worried that Fyodor might do something to you when he isn't there.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Ehhh, depends.
Dazai is, how can I say this, extremely pushy and persistent. He's a womanizer, and the way he is with the woman he ask to do a double suicide with, he'll do the shit to you but worse.
Like, for example, if he wants a hug and you say no, he'll cling to you and whine and whine and whine, like what he does to Kunikida, and you'll eventually give in to him just to shut him up.
Due to his lazy and childish nature, it's easy to forget how dangerous Dazai is and can be. This nature of his makes it so easy to ignore his possessive behavior.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Dazai rarely lets you see how bad he's really doing. He can be crying in the living room at the thought of him losing you, remembering Oda's death, and just his own self hatred, but the moment you come down stairs he's wiping his tears and puts on his flirtatious, childish, lazy and teasing act back on.
It's hard to read Dazai because you never know what he's thinking. It's hard to know how much he's really hurting inside.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Amused. I see Dazai as a masochist with some sadistic tendencies. He'd beg you to hit him more, hit him harder. He'll pin you down to the table and beg you to hit him, to fight back, be his cute little feisty girl/boy.
You'll eventually start crying and he'll feel bad, but only a little bit. Don't forget, the worst part about Dazai is his torture methods, if you go to far you'll see why Dazai was so dangerous in the PM.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
If you were to actually escape, Dazai would've known about your plan way before you actually did it.
The thing is, Dazai as a yandere feels more like a toxic boyfriend than a capture. So I wouldn't call it escaping, I'd call it breaking up with him.
Dazai would let happened, but don't think you're free to go. I'd say the perfect time to escape is right before Dazai gets arrested by Jouno. Because 1, he won't be able to find you directly, and 2, it can buy you some time.
Dazai would've known, he'd see it coming, he just has to wait for this entire thing to get over with. Once the whole prison thing is over, you'll find him lying down on your couch, saying that he was sorry.
Dazai is so pushy and persistent that you'll eventually get back with him, but this time, it's just a little bit worse.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
If you ever push him too much to talk about his life in the PM, or more specifically Oda. It would cause him to snap.
Now Dazai in ADA wouldn't want to hurt you physically, but he never said he wouldn't.
The more the persist with him about it the more hostile he becomes. He'll eventually pin you to the ground with a gun to you head, asking you if you wanted to die. His eyes would be empty like they were in the PM, his old habits are slipping through again.
You'll scream and cry, begging him to not kill you. He wasn't even going to, he didn't take the safety off. He'd lick and kiss your tears before picking you up and dragging you to your room. The next day you'd wake up with your arms and legs covered in bandages, dried tears sticking to your face, and Dazai sitting next to you with an empty smile on his face, but you can see the cried tears on his face. Whatever he did, you don't want to know, and it's obvious he regrets it.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Dazai doesn't really see a future for himself. He wants to end his life in a double suicide with you, that's all he wants.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Dazai doesn't get jealous easily, but when he does it's hard to tell.
There's two kinds of jealously with Dazai, fake jealousy and serious jealousy.
Fake jealousy is when it's extremely obvious. Dazai is whining, clinging to you, begging for kisses and attention, this is mostly common when the two of you are with Chuuya, or anyone Dazai likes/works with. Dazai isn't actually jealous, he's just being annoying.
Now serious jealousy is extremely rare. When he's jealous he's quiet, and he has his arm around your waist or shoulders. He could feel his eyes twitch.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Annoying. He's like a really clingy boyfriend. He's cuddling with you, and if you work at the ADA, he'd beg you to do his paperwork if Kunikida said no and if you say no too he'll whine and whine.
Dazai likes to tease you and whisper the most sexual or teasing things your ear until you walk off, them he'd start laughing and beg you to come back to him. Like I said, it's easy to ignore his red flags.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Like all the other woman he asked to do a double suicide with. But then the longer he spent time with you, the harder in love and obsession he had for you fell. He'd officially ask you out in a beautiful park, it'd be so peaceful.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Dazai's true colors are both dangerous and tragic. Dazai is tragic character, no doubt about it. Rarely anyone has seen them, including you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Dazai doesn't really sexually punish you as often or really in general until his PM counter part. The reason why, eh, it just happened.
Dazai punishes you mentally, physically is rare, mental though is consistent. It breaks you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You surprisingly have a lot of freedom. The right he takes away though is the fact that he'll never let you break up with him or leave him long term.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Dazai is a pretty paitient person.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die, he'd break down. Everything he loved and cared about either left him or died, that's why he was so scared to get attached to anyone. He shouldn't have let himself get attached to you. He'd be pretty empty, he'd try to keep up his facade, but when alone he's crying and just wanting to end his suffering.
Leaving and or breaking up with him I already answered.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He never abducted you in the first place.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I'd say it gotta do with his past. I don't see him ever getting any love and care for the majority of his life. Chuuya pretty much being his first friend, or at least the first friend around his age, Ango's betrayal and losing Oda who he cares a lot about. Dazai is scared of getting attached, or too attached to anyone, because he's scared that he'd lose them because that's what happened in the past.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If you're crying because of him he'll leave you to it. If someone else made you cry he'd comfort you while your sitting in his lap, crying into his shirt while he rubs you back while saying it'll be ok.
If you isolate yourself he'll whine for you to let him in. If you continue to refuse he'll sigh and give up, he'll probably go bother Kunikida mext.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He doesn't kidnap you, lots of freedom, feels like a normal relationship most of the time.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Good luck finding those. I don't think anyone has out smarted him just yet, correct me if I'm wrong. But if you think you can successfully do it, you're funny.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Dazai worships you. He'll do anything for your attention and praise.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
You got into a consenting relationship at first. I'd say a few years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Possibly, it depends.
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nxtsnw · 2 years
Hello I saw you opened request. Can I have how Dazai and Chuuya act when they have a crush on someone? Thank you💕
— a.n. hihi, I am sorry for my lateness; my hiatus lasted a little longer. hope u will like it<3
— gender: fluff !!
— characters: chuuya, dazai
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. If he had a crush, it would be clear to everyone but him. Every single time he tried to deny it, it would only serve as further evidence of his feelings.
. He will deny as much as possible that he has feelings for you. He will get to the point of being about to lose the opportunity, or even he would only realize his crush after losing it...
. Despite this I think he would yet be "jealous" when it comes to you and would keep any possible admirer keeping clear -Even with strong manners if necessary - He would do it almost unconsciously.
. He will likely try to get as close to you physically as he can. Simple greetings from a distance, hugs at first sight, and even hand-to-hand touch as you get closer all count as greetings.
. Chuuya would try his hardest to look you in the eye for as long as he could, but he would end up flushing more and avoiding his gaze instead. Uncontrollable blushing, especially on the tips of the nose !!
. Anonymous gifts! You can even get the impression that they are made by him. Who else would gift you a bottle of wine so pricey and rare?
. He'll reveal to you a side of himself that he usually keeps hidden. I don't mean to say that he would allow himself to be perceived as weak by you on the opposite. He would be happy to show you what he so jealously guards.
It's late at night and you've been dreaming for a while. The light slumber was, however, broken by a knock at the door. Who knows, maybe he missed you because he was the one that came to see you.
He'll invite you to go for a walk with him under the excuse that he can't sleep. Hence, you would find yourself walking side by side on a night when only the moonlight prevented the sight from causing you to fall somewhere. Nothing about it was romantic. You were still wearing your pink unicorn pajamas and seemed to be mostly sleeping.
The figure of the red-haired boy sparkling in the moonlight captured your half-closed eyes. He would confess his feelings when your head was still fogged with sleep and the only sound you could hear was the wind rustling. He might murmur something to himsel and he would clear his throat several times, before speaking aloud. Imagine trying to grasp what your friend was muttering when you already had trouble understanding where you were. So you smiled and nodded, unaware of his repeated confessions.
You were aware of his lack of patience. 
"Listen. I like you"
Soon after, maybe dreading your response, he would turn to go back. Chuuya had even considered the possibility of tricking you into thinking it was all a dream if you refused...
. I thought a lot about how he would act around his crush even though we know "dazai likes all women". I think it would take him a long time to truly understand what exactly that particular emotion that everyone refers to as love is.
. He might have even tried it, but in such case, he would basically be lost and uncertain of what to do. I can imagine him admiring his crush with a gaze that is something between lost and frightening.
. I believe it would take some time for him to consider her feelings to be real, sincere, and concrete. "Oooh so I'm in love," he might think, and then break out in hysterics or simply widen his eyes in disbelief.
. He might spend long periods away from you before returning as if it was nothing; eventually, when his feelings for you grow, he might start to talk about them with you and give you kind of "explanations".
. It would be difficult to tell his feelings apart because he would be flirting with you nonstop and, as we all know, his first technique of approach would be double suicide (again, I don't think he understands them all that well either).
. When he becomes aware of his feelings, he stops flirting with you, almost as a sign that his sentiments were genuine?. Yeah,,,it would be a bit confusing to actually deal with him...
. He wouldn't reveal his emotions until you took the initiative. "Oh I like you too, I think I love you y/n".
Well, as I have already said, I think you would confess first. 
You know, hiding and denying your emotions will only cause them to increase, which will cause a maximal eruption of them. 
It was late at night when you decided to reveal to Dazai your true feelings the following day. 
You liked to think of the night as a friend, as the one who offers the truest, most seek advice from the depths of your heart.
Your confession should have been nothing extravagant or ridiculous; it had to be something natural and spontaneous. It was important to liberate yourself from the enormous burden you had been carrying for far too long.
The day passed quickly, yet you didn't even catch a glimpse of that boy's shadow. You searched all over for him, but in the end, you gave up and returned home defeated. You thought a lot while you sat in your room, you were genuinely persuaded that this was the right day. 
After that, until dusk, this thought remained. Until you heard the bell you reached the door at 8.34 p.m, and there you saw your friend, Dazai, waiting for you with two boxes of pizza.
There was no specific reason, he simply wanted - these were his words to your astonished expression. So you ended up in your room, where you and your friend lay in the fading light of a few candles and stared at the ceiling. Every shade was distorted because you were exhausted. Yet it wasn't scary; it was the opposite. The sound of your crush's laughter was the backdrop to those visions you had because you were tired. You were over the moon at the time, so what on earth could go wrong!  You wished that you could continue to live forever and repeat that same moment.
You said, knowing the consequences: "Sometimes it feels so nice when you're in love." He gave you a quick glance before responding: "So you are in love?? Who is the lucky person who has caught your heart??"
You spoke all of "you" in one breath.
After that, you then looked away, you wouldn't have made eye contact for a second longer.
"Oh, my dumbass y/n I've liked you for a long time already." was his only reply..
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astralspen · 5 months
Now, normally, Dazai was never into celebrating. But today, oh today was different. Today, it was Chibi's birthday. Dazai had decided to skip work for the perfect chance at getting under the slugs skin today. He could deal with Kunikidas complaints on missing work pretty much all of last week tomorrow. He went into a brightly colored and well lit shop, and as swiftly as he came in, he was gone with a white plastic bag now in tow. He looked particularly cheery walking on the sidewalk, and he enjoyed his peaceful little stroll all the way to Chuuyas house. The closer he got, the more excited he became. He couldn't wait to see the slugs face when he barged into the orange haired man's apartment, and especially the face said man would make at the wonderful gift he was going to get.
Dazai had gotten to the door and then entered the pin to get in. Silly Chibi, never changing the lock code after all these years. He busted through the door, though he didn't break it this time. He would be a little courteous today, considering the date and all. Though, when Dazai didn't hear an angry slug yelling, or even him running over to the door to see what the noise was, he became a little confused. Was Chuuya really not off today? He thought that Koyou had convinced him to take the day off. Maybe it didn't work? But if that was the case, then why were the extra locks on the door not turned on?
“Chibi~ Where are you~ it's rude to hide from your owner you know!”
No reaction? Did something happen? Dazai finally actually stepped into the apartment, and carefully closed the door behind him. Then, cautiously, he looked around the apartment for any signs of the little slug. When he glanced over the couch, he saw Chuuya, but something was off.
Sure, he was in his hilariously adorable pajamas, and even wore the pants Dazai gave to him forever ago as a prank gift. The old joke mug was on the table too, but neither of those were really unusual. After all, Dazai had done this on Chuuyas off days before, and this part was actually relatively normal. He had teased Chuuya a lot about using old gifts from Dazai a lot. Nearly every time he visited, in fact. But no matter what, Chuuya still continued to use them religiously. Even on days Dazai stayed over, he would see Chuuya drinking out of the World's Best Dog mug calmly in the morning, see how he changed into those stupid sheep pants every night. No, what was weird was that Chuuya seemed out of it.
He was staring at an old picture in a worn wooden frame, and it was like Chuuya had lost all awareness of the world around him.
Now, that wouldn't do. How was Dazai supposed to sufficiently annoy the Chibi when he was like this? So he walked up right behind Chuuya, making sure to be silent so Chuuya wouldn't notice him and hide the picture. When he saw it, everything clicked. What did Dazai do in response?
He flung his arms around Chuuya from behind of course!
“Chibiiiiii! You can't neglect your owner like this! What's the point of visiting if my dear little dog won't even pay attention to me?”
Dazai had said it in his most sing-song and pouty voice possible. Chuuya had finally snapped out of it. And swung his head back to look at Dazai.
“huh!? What the hell, Mackerel!? The fuck are you doing at my place!”
“Your hat must have finally eaten your brain if you hadn't realized what day it is! Why wouldn't I visit my dear dog on such a special day~”
“stop calling me your fucking dog! Of course I didn't forget what day it is! I just thought you had the sense to remember that I don't fucking celebrate it. Did the agency finally make you lose all your damn sense?”
“Chibis so mean! I even bothered to get you a present, and you still bully me!”
There, Chuuya had finally put the picture down on the table.
“I swear to fucking God if you got me a replacement for that dumbass slug shirt I'm throwing you out the damn window.”
“Rude! I would never reuse the same joke!”
“Yes the fuck you would!”
“Hmph! Well, either way, I got you something even better!”
This was my first time grabbing a writing snippet so sorry if it starts and ends weirdly TAT Hope you like it though and of course Happy Birthday to our little mafioso!
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originalaccountname · 10 months
i loved your post about dazai's relationship with chuuya vs oda. regarding this section:
"But Chuuya also serves as Dazai's wake up call (cue Dead Apple soundtrack) and keeps him from slipping too far. Yes Chuuya punched Dazai square in the face, but it was because Dazai was seeing an ally's death as an opportunity for him instead of a death. And it worked! Because Dazai then got into action not 2 days later to start on ending the conflict that had already been ongoing for over 2 months!"
i was always under the impression that Dazai didn't really care about reaching executive status (pretty sure i read it in canon somewhere, just can't remember where, but correct me if i’m wrong), & my assumption was that, even in that interaction with Chuuya, he was already setting his plan into motion (planting the microscope reference, maybe trying to get Chuuya out of the way so Dazai could confront/get captured by Shibusawa? etc).
plus, Dazai brought up letting mori plan things, & i don’t think mori would let Dazai just do nothing to help end the feud. he gives pretty free reign as long as if benefits/doesn’t have negative effects on the PM. i read that punching situation as Dazai lying about not caring & letting everyone die, but i’d love if you could expand on your thoughts!!
ps: thank you so much for your bsd analyses & meta... i consider you one of the best sources for accurate, unbiased, factual, canon compliant literary analysis of bsd & i appreciate your insight & research so much :)
🥺 that is both flattering and a reminder for me to always fact check myself hdsgfsj
First, plugging the complete Dragon's Head prologue by Asagiri again for everyone to read.
This is interesting and not an angle I really thought to look at it from!
I don't think Mori was actively planning to end the feud because they say the PM didn't suffer many losses in Fifteen and the SB epilogue specifies they mostly kept away from the fighting:
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According to the prologue's timeline, there are 9 days between Dazai meeting Oda in a slight panic after a close encounter with Shibusawa (day 61) and Chuuya punching him for his comment (day 70). It's two days later (day 72) that Dazai confronts Shibusawa and vanishes. Chuuya finds Dazai and unleashes Corruption 15 days later (day 87).
What I would have said happened is that Dazai did not consider the conflict his problem for the most part, though he was aware of the recent developments. Then, the newly released Shibusawa got the Colonel, and his attempt at a joke about Chuuya and his' ongoing rivalry while telling Chuuya about the Colonel landed him a punch in the face. Chuuya was actually mad at him (rare) and announced he'll be doing something about the conflict, even without Dazai. Two days later, Dazai has a whole operation ready to go.
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In this scenario, Dazai just dropped the microscope joke for fun and later used it because Chuuya would be able to recall their last conversation and find the tracking device and understand what he had to do. Chuuya's punch was a wake up call to recenter his priorities, because Dazai does care about people, but grew too detached in this case and had to be brought back.
Now, the scenario you're suggesting I understand like this: Dazai passively keeps track of the events of the conflict to be ready just in case. Then, they release Shibusawa into the fray, things go from bad to worse, and the Colonel is a casualty. Dazai starts planning to stop this guy before he becomes an even bigger threat, and antagonizes Chuuya as part of said planning. He shows Chuuya the Colonel's death to put him up to pace, and the open seat comment was to purposefully make Chuuya mad and push him away.
This second option could also give a new meaning to Dazai anxiously going to Oda, when Oda inadvertently met Shibusawa days earlier, either because Dazai was already neck-deep in planning, or as one of the moments he realized everyone he knew could be the next victim:
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It would also make Dazai a bit less random here:
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Maybe the real scenario is somewhere between the two. Maybe Dazai really was trying to make Chuuya react like usual by making him realize one of them would probably be granted the title shortly, but it was too much too soon. Maybe telling Chuuya about the Colonel's death was also his way of warning him that everyone was at risk out there.
We don't know when the Colonel died, but it had been 9 days since his scare with Oda, so perhaps Oda being so close to this threat made him really conscious of the danger. Maybe the short jokes with the microscope really was Dazai setting the scene for when he would soon confront (and probably lose to) Shibusawa, as he had had enough time to plan his next move by then.
There's also Ango we need to plug somewhere in there, with his records of the deceased PM members during the conflict, and Dazai who was accompanying Oda on cleanup duty for said deceased members. He had seen the dead, he had seen someone record them as people (and decided to befriend him). Dazai said he joined the PM to witness death, and he was basically neck-deep in it, perhaps it made the idea of seeing his close ones in their position too real, especially once Shibusawa showed up.
I think there's plenty of room for interpretation in all this information actually, if you bother to try to make the pieces fit. Asagiri is always going on about how ~mysterious~ Dazai is when he's not that complicated, come on, but there are times like this where the nebulous character motivations make that ~mystery~ shine because there could easily be more than one answer, depending on the reader.
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circinuus · 2 years
Do you think dazai would like me or love me?👨‍🦲. I'm like super quite. I have people telling me that I should open up more or talk more. But when I'm close with anyone they think I'm the best person ever, and funny. I can talk if people approaches me first. But I ahve this bland look going on my face. And definitely I'm pretty since I get a lot of compliment hahaha not braging lmao ;) I'm really fun to be around when people are close to me. I like wishing people birthday at 12:00 am. And social anxiety gets me all the time :))))
hii anon! I love how the option is whether he will like or love you. I'll do you one better: he'll adore you.
he'll adore you, regardless of whether will it be a romantic or platonic attraction. hey! dazai definitely likes pretty people and I'm betting chuuya's whole wine collection the first thing he'll do when he sees you is taking your hand in his, talking about how absolutely gorgeous you are. (and likely another lover's suicide offer, but ignore that). then, curiosity! have a bland resting face? quiet and isn't one to approach other people first? bet. that won't be enough to stop dazai's unstoppable force. you both will fit right like a puzzle. don't worry, he can see through you and he'll pry you open just soon enough :)
going past the initial interest, dazai will know he was right. he now has more reason to stick around because of your pleasant personality. it's interesting how people can change with different given situations and company. dazai is fascinated by your reactions, and curious of the developments of your relationship over time. what if he flirts with you? oh! that reaction is so cute! you flirt back? oh? that's interesting. may the best one wins. you're funny and you're fun. how about joining his daily shenanigans of annoying kunikida? dazai will be ecstatic.
wishing people's birthday at 12 am is honestly very sweet and caring of you :') not everyone makes the time to remember other people's birthdays. dazai, after knowing you better, is completely aware of how caring you can be. but no amount of anticipation would be enough to prepare him for your perfectly-timed "happy birthday!" mail, or the canned crab you gift him either in the morning after, or right then and there--on the midnight of June 19 with your impromptu visit to his dorm. man will freeze. serves him. maybe he will feel a little bit guilty the next time he's leaving you alone in a crowd. he means you no harm, of course. he handles the social interactions without question when you feel like it's too much for you. but let's be honest, he definitely wants the best for you and he's bound to give you a lil nudge to help you with the social anxiety ^^
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okay anon forget that dazai guy 🙄/hj can i be your friend instead? ❣️
edit: okay I just realized it was a yes/no question instead of like/love 🤦‍♀️ either way my point still stands
♡ @ashthemadwriter
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monstersqueen · 1 year
bsd beast but dazai never got memories from canon.
atsushi still ends up in the mafia and akutagawa in the ADA, odasaku is still alive and writing, main difference (at first glance) is that it took longer for dazai to become boss of the mafia. (in short, mori was out of ideas to make him keep going on, so he faked his death and made him boss) , and that he never met akutagawa, and gin is still with her brother. pratically the only think that brings this dazai any kind of joy is to torment chuuya.
well, that and his weekly drinking session with two strangers whose identity he is careful not to know. he already knows that one of them at some point was working in the government and spying on the mafia, but it was years ago ! who knows what he does now. and anyway it was long ago. he might be confusing him with someone else. if he knows he's drinking with the new mafia boss he's not saying anything.
ango absolutely knows he's regularly drinking with the mafia boss and a member of the agency, but if the other two don't know each other's identity, he's not going to tell them, and so he's not going to tell them his identity either. anyway this is NOT a place where he drags his work and rank and status and allegiance in, so. might as well not matter. (this is two people he would absolutely betray the government for. if they don't know they can't ask him. if they don't know he'll never have to choose. (if they don't know he'll never have to live with them not even asking him to choose, just rejecting him, but he doesn't know to fear that outcome))
odasaku has no idea. he knows dazai-kun is the loneliest person alive, and that ango is a man of secrets. he's aware there might be something about their lives that they're hiding, but he thinks he knows all he needs to about them. (he's right. but if he knew what they're hiding, he might change his mind, depending on how confident he is that he knows them)
this lasts either to
the day when work happens and ango touches the Book and has a complete meltdown upon witnessing canon and also all the verses where odasaku dies and realizing that one constant is that the only way for odasaku to live is for him and dazei never to be friends, and also that he's in a lie of a world and that he's going to have to face them without telling them, because he can't tell both (people who know the truth count limit), and anyway they don't deserve to be cursed with this knowledge, or to
the day where dostoievsky/DoA go after the books andFukuchi/Dostoievsky/whoever lose but odasaku dies in the process
akutagawa and atsushi inevitably meet, and because it's not canon (no 'akutagawa attacked atsushi for the bounty and says the worst things to kyouka') nor regular beast (no dazai to push them into fighting) just start dating. that does immediately out dazai's identity, and ango's. ... and then we're back to point one or two.
(for info this version of dazai and ango have spent tonight having a discussion in my head where ango tries not to give too much information to dazai and odasaku but dazai keeps figuring too much out. ango planned to get an ability user to erase his memories, except he knows that one way or another odasaku is going to die and he can't forget that.)
(also ango and dazai call each other dazai-san and sakuaguchi-kun in this universe, and no one calls odasaku that; ango uses 'oda-san' and dazai uses sakunosuke. odasaku addresses them the same way they address each other because he picked it up from them)
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larathia · 2 years
BSD Rewatch (12/27)
So I just re-marathoned the “Dazai, Chuuya, 15 years old” episodes and I have some THOUGHTS.
* Seriously, Dazai was related to the Old Boss. Maybe the old boss was his dad, or an uncle, but it was SOMETHING. The old boss did Dazai some kind of favor. Something Dazai thought mattered enough to give the apparition his thanks. (This is why I kind of lean toward maybe an uncle or close friend of Dazai’s family, but...well. So very little is known, could be anything.) And Dazai doesn’t call him ‘boss’ all the time. At least once, he calls him senpai. which is freakin’ tantalizing but also impossible to interpret.
* Natsume was watching Mori in these early months. Seeing if the guy could pull off leadership of the mafia. There’s...a degree of humanity? to Mori that he very much does not have later on. He hasn’t had to crawl through a lot of filth yet. But he very much intended to get Dazai under his thumb, and Chuuya too, and in doing that he got control of the Mafia.
* Really, as tantalizing as this story is in the little snippets it reveals about Dazai, the whole plot revolves entirely around Chuuya. EVERYONE wants to control Chuuya - or rather more accurately, Chuuya’s power. The Sheep use chains of guilt and obligation. Dazai learns from the Sheep and manipulates Chuuya through Chuuya’s sense of nobility and honor. Mori manipulates Chuuya by dangling what Chuuya most wants to know. Rimbaud just wants to force Chuuya to obey (which, yeah, that ending was inevitable). But it’s all about controlling Chuuya, beginning to end.
* SKK shippers love to say Dazai is often ‘nice’ to Chuuya. Gotta say, I realized on this rewatch why Dazai does that, and it’s not friendship. It’s manipulation. Dazai saw, when Chuuya was interacting with the other Sheep, that Chuuya sees himself as a kind of noble, a kind of king, and that he actually believes in ‘noblesse oblige’. (Or if you want the modern Marvel phrase, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.) Yes, Dazai interrupting in the cafe set the sheep against Chuuya - but that was a fringe benefit. It wasn’t the goal.
The goal was to manipulate Chuuya. The Sheep meant nothing to Dazai - not even an annoyance. Only Chuuya was the potential threat. By freeing the Sheep hostages, in front of Chuuya, in front of the other Sheep, Dazai created in Chuuya a sense of obligation. He now owed Dazai. (Not because Dazai said anything, because he pointedly didn’t. But because that’s how Chuuya’s mind works.) Chuuya now HAD to see the mission through; in a sense, he’d been paid in advance and now couldn’t (honorably) back out.
It STILL works on Chuuya even in the ‘now’. The only difference is that Chuuya’s come to be aware that yeah, that IS what Dazai’s doing - and he hates that, but it still works. (When they’re up against Lovecraft, Chuuya actually says it. “I hate when you say [that it’s my choice]. It always means I have no choice at all.”) He’ll yell forever that Dazai can’t “give him orders” - but Dazai knows he doesn’t have to. Just yank on the chains of Chuuya’s honor, and Chuuya will do it all himself. It’s kind of impressive really.
I kind of want to see an AU now where the person that finds 8 year old Chuuya isn’t one of the Sheep, but an off-duty cop. I want to see a little Chuuya that has that sense of honor/nobility, raised to believe in the rule of law. Just how much of the Yokohama underground would get wiped out, do you think?
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scriveyner · 2 years
always summer #21: deep throating | bungou stray dogs |👿🐯 | #kinktober 🔞| ~1500 words
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Akutagawa was not the world’s earliest riser. He was marginally aware of the fact that Atsushi somehow had the druthers to wake early and go for a run, usually accompanying the other meathead who was currently under the same roof and also got up at the ass-crack of dawn, but as long as no one required his presence at such tomfoolery he was content to liberate Atsushi’s pillow and wrap around it like a koala, passing right the fuck back out.
Continue on ao3 or:
It was gloomy and grey when he finally deigned to wander out of bed; he’d expected some manner of ridiculous bullshit but he only encountered Atsushi sitting upside-down on the brown couch, head brushing the floor and legs hooked over the back of the seat. It was giving him a headache to look at the weretiger sitting like that, so he proceeded to the kitchen for his coffee before returning and realizing that Atsushi hadn’t even noticed he’d been by, an old, wired controller in both hands and attention on some game.
“What are you doing?” Akutagawa asked, coffee cradled in both hands.
Atsushi’s feet kicked in surprise, the small avatar on the screen missed a jump and a sad jingle played. “Fuck!” He curled into a mostly upright position in an impressive display of core strength and glared at Akutagawa. “That was my last life!”
The game had returned to some menu screen, archaic and pixelated and playing a jaunty, if annoying, tune. “Where did you get the game system?”
“Where else, Dazai-san.” Atsushi swung his legs off the back of the couch and sat on the furniture like a normal human being and not an overgrown housecat. “He found a few things at that antique store Chuuya-san had to keep pulling him out of yesterday, this was one of them.”
Chuuya had, in fact, had to literally drag Dazai out of the mall by the back of his shirt, so this did not surprise Akutagawa in the slightest. “Sounds about right for Dazai-san.”
“Yeah.” Atsushi hit a button on the controller and started the game over, fresh on the beginning level. “I’m trying to see how far I can get in one go, it’s more difficult than it looks.”
Akutagawa said nothing and simply observed from behind the couch. He truly had little interest in the game himself, but Atsushi was clearly enjoying challenging himself with it, and for some reason that made him more content to watch. Eventually, he seated himself on the couch beside Atsushi, slightly amused by the handwritten piece of paper labeled “KING SHIT’S SEAT” that was taped to a specific cushion on the blue couch opposite them. “Chuuya-san’s handiwork?”
“He was cleaning it again last night when I went to get a snack,” Atsushi’s eyes were glued to the screen. “He’s still pretty pissed.”
“That’s fair.” Akutagawa glanced at the closed door to the master bedroom, noticing a piece of paper taped to it as well but unable to read it from this distance. “They’re out again, I take it?”
“Until tomorrow.” Atsushi was quiet for a moment, focused. “Wonder what they’re doing, gone overnight.”
Akutagawa was quiet as well. They’d been here nearly a month now, and no one had made a single mention of when they intended to return to Yokohama, and their regular, daily lives. He took a sip of his coffee and watched as Atsushi mistimed a critical series of jumps and ate it once again, this time straight into the maw of a cartoonish purple pixel beast. “You aren’t very good at this game.”
“Shut up.” The tip of Atsushi’s tongue had worked its way out of the corner of his mouth as he played. “Like you could do better.”
“It is not difficult to master pressing buttons, weretiger.”
Atsushi groaned as he died again. Akutagawa leaned forward and placed his coffee on the table, and then held his hand out for the controller. Atsushi glared at him, then at the controller, and finally groaned and surrendered it for Akutagawa to try his luck.
“I think,” Akutagawa said thoughtfully, “we should sweeten the pot.”
“What pot?”
“Whoever lasts the longest gets to order the other one around for the rest of the day.” Akutagawa wet his lips and cast a weather eye over Atsushi, already calculating the innumerable ways he could wreck Atsushi’s shit.
“What? No, you’re gonna strip me naked and walk me around on all fours on that leash again, I can already see it in your eyes.”
Akutagawa raised his eyebrow. “So, you concur that I will easily win our little challenge?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Okay then,” Akutagawa said, and smirked. “Whoever lasts the longest.”
“You’re going to ridiculous lengths to get me naked today,” Atsushi said and crossed his arms. “But I’ve been playing this thing all morning, you’re not going to stand a chance.”
“We’ll see,” Akutagawa said, and hit start.
Atsushi was…not that great at video games.
He knew it, of course, and had on more than one occasion asked Kyouka-chan to help him clear a level in something he was playing on a handheld or on his phone, but he was reasonably sure Akutagawa didn’t know; until he watched Akutagawa easily clear the level that he’d startled Atsushi enough to plummet to his death on; the same level it took him most of the morning to get to.
So, he was gonna lose and probably spend the rest of the day naked with a vibrator in his butt and on a leash.
Atsushi considered this.
Well, if he was gonna lose anyway…
The victory music played again as the level transitioned into the next stage. Akutagawa was leaned back in the seat, one elbow on the armrest and attention laser-focused on the screen—he seemed to have entirely forgotten about Atsushi’s presence on the couch. So, Atsushi shifted, crept his hand over the cushions, and positioned it just barely brushing Akutagawa’s leg.
Not even a flinch.
All right then. There was a non-zero chance he’d lose a limb, as there always was with Akutagawa and distractions, but Atsushi took a breath and press the heel of his palm between Akutagawa’s legs.
That got a reaction.
“Fuck,” Akutagawa hissed, but the sprite on the screen did not fall, running forward still. He couldn’t seem to spare Rashomon, but he spat, “weretiger, don’t you fucking dare.”
“If you stop playing, you forfeit,” Atsushi hummed and moved his hand from outside of Akutagawa’s shorts to inside. It took a creative bit of maneuvering to keep his head out of Akutagawa’s line of sight, and he slid off the couch and onto the carpet, settling between Akutagawa’s legs and listening gleefully as Akutagawa cussed him up and down and didn’t do a single thing to stop him.
He mouthed around the head of Akutagawa’s cock, darting his tongue into the slit, hand stroking him up and down slowly. He wasn’t quite hard, but the liberal application of Atsushi’s tongue took him there without fail, and he listened to Akutagawa’s breath stutter as Atsushi nuzzled along the length of his cock.
The music on the television behind him was joyful, another level transition, this time between the game’s worlds, and the brief respite would only last half a minute, but that was enough time for Akutagawa to grab Atsushi by the hair, yanking his head up and glaring down at him, chest heaving, and face flushed.
“What?” Atsushi asked lazily, aware his lips would be bruised by now, some of the fluid that had leaked from Akutagawa’s cock gathered at the corner of his mouth. “Are you going to forfeit?”
Akutagawa snarled, but then his eyes darted back up as the game resumed, no pause options for him. Atsushi took his time, mouthing along it, licking and sucking and mouthing him; he tried, very carefully, to swallow around Akutagawa and get him into his throat, but they weren’t positioned ideally for it, Akutagawa too far back in his seat.
He wasn’t truly certain at what point he’d started enjoying Akutagawa’s taste, but he couldn’t get enough of it, tongue laving over the head as fluid kept beading there; he felt Akutagawa go absolutely rigid, clenching, and trying to keep himself contained. Atsushi would have none of it, shifting his other hand to cup Akutagawa’s balls, squeezing them as he stroked, mouth fastened around the head of his cock.
Akutagawa said, loudly, “fuck!” and threw the controller down, grabbing Atsushi by the head and instead of pulling him off, pushing his cock into Atsushi’s mouth and holding him there as he came, straight down Atsushi’s throat.
Atsushi coughed and choked as he came up off Akutagawa’s dick, he managed a laugh between the coughs as he spat fluid into his hands. “You forfeit,” he cackled because he’d kept an attentive ear and didn’t hear the death jingle until well after Akutagawa was climaxing.
Akutagawa stared down at him, one hand curled now in his rucked-up shirt as he panted, face flushed. Then he nudged the controller with he elbow and put his foot on Atsushi’s shoulder, pushing him back in one smooth motion.
“Your turn,” he said, breathless.
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
Any ideas on how you think the prison crew are gonna get out of their situation? I've been thinking on it and I just think it'd be kinda boring if Gogol just saves them. All of the build up just for bloop portal! I really want there to be a more satisfying resolution to it
Ooh, so, I had this idea that Gogol was gonna show up to the command room where Dazai and Sigma are, congratulate them on a job well done and game won and offer the antidote to Dazai.
And Sigma's gonna be pretty happy up until he notices Dazai isn't, that there's something wrong, and Gogol looks at him knowingly and goes "Unless of course, you didn't win." And Dazai gives him the bitterest, angriest smile possible.
Sigma looks confused and Gogol goes on another monologue about how "you see the prison that friendship is?? this is what I'm talking about!"
And while he's putting the pieces together Dazai takes the antidote and offers it back to Gogol in exchange for Chuuya's life.
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"Don't shoot a dead body so pointlessly"
Today I will be discussing the scene from the anime/light novel 15 in which Chuuya kicks Dazai's gun, as suggested by my the one and only: @ryuuaka713 !!!
When I first saw this part in the anime, I didn't really grasp the concept of the scene. Of course, Chuuya kicking the gun from Dazai's hands and basically telling him to not disrespect the dead shows us a glimpse of Chuuya's humanity and where his moral code stands but... Did Chuuya's move impact Dazai in any way?
Well, the answer is yes! (obviously).
Firstly, lets take a look at Dazai's point of view. Dazai was 14 years old when he first joined the port mafia, therefore his view on the world was grim and dark, his view on humans was no exception. I always have believed that Dazai's view on humans was as clouded as Atsushi's, if someone was on the bad side they were bad and if someone was on the good side they were good. Of course, that view changes when he meets Chuuya and Oda. But beforehand, ive always thought that Dazai was the kind of boy who thought that everyone who was involved in mafia and gangs probably indulged themselves with power and homoicde. But Chuuya proved him wrong.
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Dazai has always been a mysterious character, what I mean by that is that we rarely ever know how he is truly feeling. But usually when he is around Chuuya his mask comes off for a small moment, in this case Dazai couldn't hide his feelings of shook and amusement.
As its stated in the text, he had an expression of wonder—he was astonished, he was shooked, he was amused. He did not expect a former gang leader and killer to respect the dead. But on a grimer note, this made him realize how cruel and inhuman he is in comparasion to someone who is pretty much in the same position as him and the same age as him, to Dazai this was a wake up call, and this made Dazai's gap from humans to become even bigger, the fact he is reffering to Chuuya, a literal gang leader as an "ordinary boy" speaks volumes on where he believes his own humanity stands, moreover—he feels devoid of his humanity and Chuuya became a walking reminder of that.
Wierdly enough, this scene sort of reminds me of when Chuuya uses corruption and Dazai has to stop him, bringing him back to his roots, to his humanity. But similarly to Dazai, Chuuya feels this sort of void or this sort of reminder that there is a possibility that he may not be human and Dazai is Chuuya's walking reminder of this too.
Thie gun scene wasn't the only time that Chuuya gets frustrated with Dazai's cruelty, especially since Chuuya does see Dazai as human and is aware that Dazai can be more than just an emotionless mafioso.
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Similarly to the past scene, Dazai disrespects the dead. In this case he disrespects a deceased mafia executive. And Chuuya reacts violently, punching him across the face and saying the one thing that could hurt Dazai the most, that no one would believe that he is human.
Dazai's face here speaks louder than his words ever will. You can tell that he is hurt. But he wasn't just hurt by Chuuya's words, at least, thats not how I view it. When Chuuya punched Dazai, it made Dazai realize that he crossed the line, that he said something that to someone as human as Chuuya was cruel and inhuman, giving Dazai once again a wake up call that he is lacking his humanity. After the punch, Dazai says "Im human too, you know?" which seems like a desperate way of trying to presuade himself out loud that he is human. The hurt look in his face shows us the realization that he feels that he will never achive his humanity, and that he will be trapped in this sick and twisted mindset forever.
But no matter how Dazai feels about himself, that will never change his complete admiration and appreciation for Chuuya, as a partner and as a human.
Of course, all that changes after Oda's death. But before Oda, it was Chuuya who was indirectly changing Dazai's perspective on himself and humanity.
Andddd thats it for today guys!!! Thank you for reading!!
Ps: I have gotten an overwhelming amount of inboxes so I will be answering them soon, just be patient:)
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nikadoesanart · 4 years
Dazai living in a shipping container analysis
I’ll be talking about the “pros” and “cons”, if you can even call them that, of Dazai living in a shipping container near a dumping site. Also I am using what architecture knowledge I do have on the subject of container homes.
This is on the longer side so brace yourself. Also Stormbringer spoiler warning, in case that wasn’t realized yet.
Before I actually start I’ll preface this by saying that I’m a former architecture student but it was with a design focus. I have also previously designed a shipping container home so although I have some knowledge, it does have its limitations.
Also this will be updated when the fan translations get to this part of Stormbringer. Currently, I’m getting the information from chazukekani and popopretty’s summaries and translations, so please check them out too!
As a general reference for what to expect of a shipping container home, the average shipping container is 8 x 20 ft or 8 x 40 ft. As a more visual example, here is a portion of the container house I designed. Note that it’s total length is 30ft because I have two 20ft long containers stacked on top of each other, with a 10ft offset. The space beyond the sliding doors is a balcony and can basically be ignored for the purpose of this analysis. With the pictured dimensions, you can consider it to be insulated from the outside, so as not to sacrifice internal space. Despite this, you can see that it feels fairly cramped even with minimal furniture (a sink, toilet and shower unit in the bathroom and a bed, desk, and wardrobe closet in the master bedroom).
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Dazai’s current living arrangement
Now for comparison, let’s first take note of what’s known of Dazai’s living conditions for comparison.
he’s living in an illegal dumping site, and there are toxic substances coming from the ground because of this
“Not even a field mouse would dare to approach it.” (Popopretty)
the area is not on the map and Dazai lives near the center of it (which can easily be one of the worst parts in terms of health and safety)
the container was previously “used to export passenger cars overseas” (popopretty)
his only furniture is a fridge, (exhaust) fan, desk/table, a chair, and a bare light bulb
no one would approach “not just because the place itself was weird. It was because no one could predict how Dazai would react if someone approached his private residence.” (Popopretty)
it’s been a year since he’s joined, yet no one trusts him → he could’ve been living here since before he joined but we don’t know as of yet
he’s sitting in complete darkness, lightbulb off and door shut, until Verlaine opens the door and walks in
Verlaine asks if he’s living here because he’s afraid of property taxes but Dazai claims that he’s afraid of Verlaine. He’s not actually addressing his choice of location because he only corrected Verlaine on what he fears, and gives no actual explanation for why he chose to live here.
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The “pros”
Naturally unapproachable location. Even if Dazai being PM Dazai wasn’t a factor in people staying away, the nearby smell alone means no one would normally approach it, much less suspect a Port Mafia executive of all people to be living there. It’s also unmapped territory so even less reason for him to be found. This means enemies and allies alike would have a more difficult time trying to find him (ie. to come for his life) and there’s unlikely to be anyone else around. After all, if even a mouse won’t go there why would a whole person live there?
It costs him nothing. Not that it’d make a difference with what we can assume of his financial wealth. He has money, likely more than Chuuya who lives in a nice apartment in a nice area, yet chooses to live in a shipping container in an illegal dumping site. This is beneficial for Dazai, since there’s no paper trail or record of where he lives, which goes right into my 3rd point.
Ease of abandonment. Considering his whole goal at the time is to off himself without troubling others in the process, it makes sense that he’d want to leave minimal traces behind. No unpaid rent or mortgage, no one on a waiting list to move into a nice place, and no personal belongings or attachments. This winds up being a pro/advantageous when he does leave the PM since there wasn’t a trace to follow him with in the first place. He can simply grab his few things of importance and find a new shipping container or abandoned building outside of the PM’s territory. In fact, he might’ve even been able to stay there or in that general area since no one dares to approach it in the first place.
The “cons”
Or should I say say the dangerous living conditions he’s in. I don’t find them surprising because again, he doesn’t have a long term plan to live at this point. He doesn’t have much reason to care about what happens to himself, as we can deduce from his overall disregard towards being constantly injured and in danger for example. This is also where the architectural stuff comes into play.
Let’s start with the most visible one, lack of insulation. With a shipping container home, you can insulate from the inside and lose about a foot of interior space in each direction (6 in. off each wall) or from the outside and lose the aesthetic of the textured walls. Either way, it costs time and money to do it. We know it’s not insulated from the inside because of the illustration and, in my opinion, it’s very unlikely that Dazai would’ve gotten it insulated from the outside because at the very least, it would make his container stand out among the others nearby. You need to insulate a container home because they get very hot or cold in the summer and winter respectively, as they are made of metal. I’ve heard that at the very least, Japan’s summers are HOT.
This one is a little harder to confirm and will likely be updated as fan translations are released, but a likely hazardous set up for electricity and (hopefully) plumbing. If you don’t have the insulation on the inside but you still have your electrical and plumbing, it can possibly become both a visual mess and a safety hazard. It’s possible that he kept it all in the back portion of his container for example, or maybe he has it taped to the floor or walls somewhere, but that also brings the question of where it’s connected to on the outside. Since he’s on a dumping site, then where’s the electrical going to go at the very least? Sure he can use nearby public facilities but every day? He has a fridge, single lightbulb and a fan but where is the power is connected to? In terms of plumbing, I think it’s equally likely he found a Porta potty nearby or there’s (hopefully) some sort of public or PM owned facility nearby. Really, his hygiene, especially during the PM days when he was (as far as we the audience are aware) likely at his lowest, can easily become its own separate question/discussion for another day. After all, we’re just talking about the condition of his container in this post.
The possible fumes and chemicals left over. The paint on shipping containers is meant to withstand the sea water splashing on to them, so it may contain harsh chemicals. And we know that his container was used previously to ship cars overseas, but that still leaves the possibility for things to have leaked on the inside at this time. We don’t actually know if it’s been used more than once, but seeing as we do have a usage history, I’d say there’s a fair enough chance for it to have been a single use container. Still, chemicals could’ve previously leaked and the paint may be a concern in the long run. It’s also possible that it has begun rusting as well, due to the metal being exposed to the likes of sea water. Also, let’s not forget the toxic substances from the illegal dumping site itself, possibly going into the container over time.
Also as far as we can tell, there seems to be a lack of windows. This means no natural light, aside from opening a whole door. Keep in mind that windows can help with indoor temperature control, not just natural light.
Living in a dump site, especially an illegal one. This one should speak for itself but I’ll list some concerns anyway. Seeing as it’s illegal, we can probably just forget about regulations altogether, much less any possible existing ones being followed. This means that there can be literally anything from hazardous waste material, to dangerous and sharp objects on the ground, to who knows what kind of smells and fumes, etc. In short, not a safe area to live in, for health concern reasons at a minimum.
Again, my knowledge on shipping container homes themselves is limited and I do recommend checking out Belinda Carr’s videos on some of the downsides of them from a professional’s POV.
7 reasons why shipping container homes are a scam
Responding to comments: shipping container scam video
Also, just because Dazai was making presumably LARGE amounts of money obviously doesn’t mean that he has to spend it all or live luxuriously if he doesn’t want to. It’s not that hard to infer why Dazai did choose to live in such conditions and I mainly wanted to draw attention to how these conditions can affect him, with both the advantages and disadvantages.
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along-came-atsushi · 4 years
The way Dazai protects Atsushi
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When we imagine someone who is protective, mostly it is a person who bursts into a fit of rage or someone who heroically and willingly throws away their own life if it means to protect others. A good example for this would be Kunikida’s actions on several occasions. Dazai is less a person to obviously show rage or to heroically throw himself in front of someone.
Which doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care at all, it’s quite the contrary. And it’s sometimes very subtle and tricky, because he always has plans within plans and tries to achieve several goals with a single plan.
I will only focus here on Dazai’s actions that solely have to do with Atsushi. I’m not going to bring up every single hidden agenda or goal Dazai is also trying to achieve.
In addition, this post has been tagged as #Dazatsu just to be safe. But of course it can be read from a platonic POV.
Beware: Spoilers starting from chapter 83 and for 55 Minutes!
How Dazai gets Atsushi into the ADA
Dazai practically tricked and then it may seem like he pressured Atsushi into joining the ADA, even after Atsushi already said that he doesn’t want to join:
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The reason for Atsushi’s refusal was not that he didn’t want to join, because he just simply didn’t want to join. But because he lacks the self-confidence in taking a task like this. He doesn’t believe in himself and his abilities and thinks he isn’t fit for the job. This lack of self-confidence together with the fact that Atsushi constantly gets pushed by either people around him or his circumstances to keep relying on himself rather than others runs like a red string through his story.
Dazai on the other hand sees a great potential in Atsushi. In the moment where Atsushi saved him from drowning, he already planned to team him up with Akutagawa. Not only because of their abilities and their compatibility in battle. But because Atsushi would be the person to “teach Akutagawa how to put that sword away”. In other words: to value life. Which is something that Dazai wasn’t able to teach Akutagawa (I covered this in another meta and won’t explain it here any further).
Another reason is that the things Dazai states above are simply the truth: If Atsushi doesn’t join, then there is nothing the ADA can do to help him (or it would be much harder and complicated for them). He needs to do everything a normal adult in society has to do, which is harder for Atsushi than other people, since he has been abruptly kicked out of his orphanage without any further help or assistance. Not to mention that he is perceived as a monster and not in control of his own ability, and therefore a wanted criminal and dangerous ability user. This could lead Atsushi in either getting killed or falling into the hands of other shady organizations who have far worse intentions for him. Saying the above is less Dazai trying to manipulate Atsushi and more him just telling what would happen and to be realistic.
Having Atsushi join the ADA for Dazai does not only help Atsushi to live a safer life and make it easier for Dazai to keep an eye out for him, but also to give Atsushi the chance to safe other people in the progress.
The Entrance Exam
Since Atsushi refused there was no way for Dazai to have him join the ADA the easy way and then only later testing if he really was worthy of being a true member. Just like it has been the case with Dazai’s entrance exam (Dazai freely joined the ADA after being recommended and was perceived as a new member immediately. Only during his first case with Kunikida was he secretly being tested of being worthy, which he succeeded). Therefore, a plan under a pretext was needed in order to test Atsushi and convince him to join.
During the ADA’s meeting for planning Atsushi’s entrance exam (which is told in the first part of the ‘Untold Story of the ADA’ novel) Dazai anticipated that Atsushi would either convince the bomber (played by Tanizaki) or somehow defuse the bomb himself. Neither of his predictions happened, instead Atsushi was willing to sacrifice himself so that he could protect others. This selfless action honestly surprised Dazai, which not many people are able to achieve, because he always predicts their actions:
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Since it’s been hinted by Dazai that he already lost other people close to him in his life, even before Ango’s betrayal and Odasaku’s death, Atsushi’s action probably could’ve served as a trigger for him. He had to realize that there is a possibility that Atsushi would sacrifice himself to protect others. Especially since he doesn’t deem his own life as worthy and has been told many times to be useless and to “just die in a ditch somewhere.”
“Stalking” Higuchi
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Dazai immediately recognized Higuchi to be a PM member and that she’s contacting the ADA under disguise for ulterior motives. The scene with Higuchi is a good example that Dazai does many things which either annoys other people (flirting with her) or are seen as him just being lazy and/or fooling around (listening to music and singing), while in reality he is already following a hidden plan.
Flirting with Higuchi distracts her and everyone else from Dazai slipping a wiretap in her jacket. It helps him to let everyone just act naturally without the possibility of revealing anything by accident. Furthermore, it makes people underestimate Dazai, because for everyone else he was just fooling around.
Due to the reason that the PM contacted the ADA under disguise as soon as Atsushi was their new member could have been already suspicious for Dazai, suspecting that it has something to do with Atsushi and was not just a regular attack on the ADA. Later on, this gets confirmed when it’s been stated that The Guild set a bounty on Atsushi for some reason.
Is Dazai following Atsushi around?
When Atsushi accompanies Ranpo on his murder case Dazai surprisingly shows up:
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This meeting could be just a coincidence, of course. After all it’s just Dazai fooling around again (or in this case, trying to commit suicide again). But since the case with Higuchi has shown that Dazai loves to pretend to do something else, when he in reality is following a hidden agenda, it might be that he showed up there on purpose. Maybe just to see how Atsushi was faring and to eventually intervene if something serious would happen (like he did when Atsushi and Akutagawa were fighting for the first time). Especially with the PM on Atsushi’s tail now.
In chapter 84 it has been revealed that Dazai indeed does have an eye on Atsushi. When he can’t do that himself anymore, he makes sure to ask Akutagawa to keep an eye on him instead:
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Going far for Atsushi’s sake
After getting to know about the bounty, Dazai lets himself get captured by the PM on purpose, without informing any other ADA members, and stays inside the prison until seemingly a right time draws near. He is willing to do this, even though he knows full well that he is perceived as a traitor and that certain people will not welcome him with open arms.
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When Chuuya mentions that he suspects that Dazai must be here for a certain reason, Dazai then states that he does all of this mostly for Atsushi. He even goes so far as to provoke a second punch in the face from Akutagawa, by belittling him in saying that Atsushi is a better subordinate than him, after Akutagawa threatens to kill Atsushi.
Probably the most visible scene where Dazai openly shows anger and shock towards someone hurting Atsushi (or hurting someone he cares about in general) is during the incident with Q:
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He doesn’t act like this again the second time when Atsushi brings him the doll to nullify Q’s ability, even though the whole city is in chaos. He’s also less concerned about Naomi and Haruno in that moment and more focused on Atsushi during this. Which doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care at all for others, knowing that Naomi and Haruno are able to handle their situation (which is confirmed by them later). But it also shows that Atsushi is his main priority.
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Throughout the story Atsushi slowly notices this himself. At first he is hesitant to believe that he is Dazai’s “most trusted subordinate” and worries that Dazai might be mad with him should he go overboard with something (e.g. during 55 Minutes when he was able to surprise Dazai who was hiding in the trash can).
He only ever claims to have Dazai’s trust, if it means to provoke Akutagawa (which he does for a different reason, but I’m not going to expand on this here). Later, he even wonders how Dazai would react/look if Akutagawa came back with the news of him having died: 
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Which means that Atsushi’s former mentality of people not caring should he die gets replaced by having someone actually be mad/sad about this.
Hiding his “dark side”
It may not be that visible in the anime, since some scenes are either left out or interpreted for the sake of jokes. But the manga makes it clear that Dazai struggles with guilt because of his own past (e.g. when Atsushi asks the other ADA members what they’ve done before joining the ADA, aside from everyone else Dazai looks away. This suggests that this question and the closely related memories of it are uncomfortable for him. Another example is his reaction when he asks Kyouka how many people she has killed).
Dazai is well aware that he can’t hide his past from Atsushi forever and that he sooner or later will find out. This is then almost immediately revealed to him by Akutagawa.
However Dazai still tries to hide his “dark side” from Atsushi. Apparently, he doesn’t want him to see that he’s capable of being cruel or that Atsushi may become too aware of anything that could reveal more of Dazai’s past and the things he has done. During certain situations Dazai purposefully doesn’t let Atsushi go or stay with him:
1.) When he pushed Atsushi out of the room to “interrogate” Kouyou:
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2.) When he pretended to need to use the bathroom, because he knew they were being followed:
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3.) When he meets Ango:
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(Even Kouyou comments on how Dazai lets Atsushi out of certain business.)
The reasons for this may be that he’s afraid to reveal this “dark side” of him to Atsushi and that he doesn’t want to drag him into the business of the underworld. It could also be that he’s afraid that Atsushi might see him in a different light and that he’ll turn deprecating towards him. As of now Atsushi doesn’t know the full extent of Dazai’s past and actions. But due the fact that he’s aware that Dazai was a former PM member (an executive even), he must also be aware that some answers will be frightening. Furthermore, he must also already have some ideas about Dazai’s past.
Throughout the story Atsushi has been shown to be sympathetic with different characters, trying to understand their actions or the reason that drives them. Even when these characters fought against or tried to kill him in the past (Kyouka, Lucy, Akutagawa, Fitzgerald, Sigma). Therefore, I doubt that Atsushi will see Dazai in a different/negative light, should his past be fully revealed. But this is something Dazai may not anticipate, since he doesn’t see himself as a good person and as someone worthy of redemption.
Dazai believes in Atsushi
Dazai has an overwhelming believe in Atsushi and his abilities. He reassures and compliments him from the very beginning:
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“Nice, Atsushi. You’re like a real detective already! It’s such a joy to see you grow up so fast!” [After being send back in time] “Ha-ha-ha! I never thought you’d be able to scare me like that! You’ve grown Atsushi!” – 55 Minutes
“Oooh!” Dazai squealed in excitement. “Look at you, Atsushi! Impressive!” – 55 Minutes
Contrary to Atsushi, who struggles to acknowledge his own self-worth and has little to no faith in his own abilities.
This is the reason why Dazai sometimes pushes Atsushi (not only literally but also figuratively) to do things on his own, whenever he realizes that Atsushi is hesitating. He’s throwing him in at the deep, in order for Atsushi to learn more self-confidence:
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He sends him on several missions alone (e.g. sneaking into the Moby Dick) or with other people (e.g. Akutagawa), because he knows that Atsushi is able to do this, even without him:
“[…] It’s up to you to prove the detective agency’s innocence and set us free. You can do it, right?” Atsushi knew – Dazai only asked people if they could do it when he was certain they could. – 55 Minutes
Atsushi’s actions get firmly planned into Dazai’s predictions, knowing that he will choose the right decision:
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This great believe in Atsushi gets also noticed by other people (e.g. Mark Twain and Akutagawa):
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In return
Dazai’s positive influence on Atsushi also has a positive effect on his psyche: The headmaster’s voice and image inside his mind – the person who always drags him down, tells him to be useless and that he will “not make it” – slowly gets replaced by Dazai’s voice and image – the person who cheers him up and tells him to believe in himself:
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It’s no doubt that Dazai was the person who helped Atsushi to live a better life and he is perceived as “the man who saved me” by Atsushi himself. For this reason and his self-confidence Atsushi admires Dazai and is grateful to him.
But on the other hand, Atsushi was also willing to save Dazai despite his dire situation. Not only does Atsushi put Dazai on a pedestal, it is also Dazai who puts Atsushi on a pedestal and who sees him as the person able to help, protect and maybe even change others.
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voidix · 3 years
So my dear friend @kittytudor and I were discussing some takes the fandom has on Dazai and especially his interactions with Mori and I thought I’d share
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I really hate the train of thought that goes like “they’re super smart so they know life has no meaning and nothing matters” like that’s cynical for no reason whatsoever and just nihilistic
Yea when you are intelligent you see all the bad in the world and feel like you’re powerless to stop it a lot of times but the things is
You know scientists see beauty in everything geologist will get excited about literal dirt a marine biologist about a gold fish. When you’re intelligent you see all the bad but also all the good
However it’s easier to see the bad and often times it clouds your view but part of the healing process is starting to see beauty and happiness in the smallest things and I think that’s a journey Dazai is slowly going on.
So I really don’t think intelligence is the issue here and I’m gonna assume you’re an edgy bastard if you say so
I feel like Dazai’s issue is more the environment than anything and the lack of meaningful relationships. I know we clown the scene where he says actually living is okay now 1 day after meeting Chuuya but here is the thing. This might have been the first time he had someone his age who wanted to hang out with him or even less just someone his age who tolerated him. I personally know nothing about his life pre mafia but you can assume it wasn’t a good life if at age 14 you decide the bloody mafia is preferable to wherever you’re at at the moment
In my opinion Mori didn’t encourage it per se but he didn’t try to stop it either I really think that for him he did not expect Dazai would go through with it (again) and /or as cruel as it sounds if he actually did it which Mori didn’t think was likely he had one less rival to worry about but I really think that’s Mori’s reasoning for staying “neutral” for lack of a better word on this issue
That being said I’m sure being surrounded by death and suffering did not do any good for an already depressed 14/15yo
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Which leads me to the second point. I really don’t think Mori expected Dazai to leave or tried to make him leave. For Mori Dazai was a powerful asset because of his ability and because of his intelligence that y’all are obsessed with. So why would you want to push that person away and it’s not like he was encouraging him to suicide here which would make much more sense than wanting him to leave.
And I have evidence
I’m gonna start it with: Oda did not die to set an example I don’t think so no. In his conversation with Chuuya he said something like “being a leader means making sacrifices for the well being of the group” or something like that and that’s what he did here.
He sacrifices Oda to get the permit.
The strange thing is I do think Mori meant what he said to Chuuya that he is a leader but also a servant to the mafia he wants the mafia to gain more power and that’s why he did what he did to get the permit.
I do think it could be a lesson to Dazai but not in the “if you cross me this is gonna happen to you” because Oda didn’t cross him Oda didn’t want power he is the last person who was interested in that. I think if anything it was more a lesson as in “when you take over this is something you’ll have to do and I’m showing you how it’s done”
Evidence for that is he was chuckling when he mentioned that possibility that Dazai would kill him and take one someday. And I agree that Mori
Wouldn’t mind if that was better for the Mafia. Like he wouldn’t make it easy for him and he wouldn’t give up but if he is defeated he wouldn’t be angry or annoyed because like I mentioned above I do think he was genuine when he said he is also a servant to the Mafia
My other piece of evidence is that when he showed Dazai the permit he seemed proud of what he’s done. The way he presented it and the entire scenario he seemed proud more than smug. If he really wanted Dazai out I feel like he would’ve been more smug about the whole thing and we know he can do that well.
And obviously there is also the fact he offered him not once but twice to come back. And what’s interesting is that the first time the offer was secret like he sent Gin and Higuchi and it was in a shady ass tunnel
Now the other time is where it gets interesting because it was very public in front of Dazai’s colleagues the black lizard and Fukuzawa.
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Now Mori is a smart guy but also he has a sense of pride as we learned so I really don’t think he would risk being humiliated in front of Fukuzawa of all people just to mess with Dazai and he seemed genuinely surprised when Dazai said “you kicked me” and he didn’t offer him to just come back no he offered to be back as an executive and having Dazai decline and clown him in front of Fukuzawa like that I don’t think he would risk that if he was just playing
The thing is Mori is smart but he has tunnel vision in my opinion. He was so focused on getting the permit he forgot that this plan has consequences that aren’t just “we get the permit”
And also one of Mori’s issues is that he never takes into consideration people’s emotions. You can predict human Behavior to a certain degree a lot of times you can know what to
Say or what to do to get a certain result but the thing is humans aren’t algorithms they don’t always operate on logic they have emotions. And these emotions can be so strong that they override any crumb of logic left which is something I think Mori fails to understand. That’s why he didn’t expect Dazai to leave he forgot about the emotional factor.
That’s what Mori lacks but Dazai has and my evidence for this is a scenario we laughed at because it was presented in a funny way but I think that’s something that shows that Dazai is better at this 4D chess game than Mori.
On the Moby Dick he knew that Akutagawa would abandon everything to talk to him. If Dazai only operates by thinking about logical Behavior he wouldn’t have told Atsushi to do this but he realises that the emotional factor is one of the strongest drives humans have.
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And you know I think Mori knows that when it comes to 4D chess Dazai would defeat him but he doesn’t mind that he isn’t scared of that. In dead Apple he couldn’t have possibly known the whole business with the pill but he told Chuuya to interfere. Mori has a strange sense of trust towards Dazai even now that they’re part of different sides.
I think Mori is has always been aware that although he says he does Dazai doesn’t actually want to die and I think the scene with the hyper and hypo tension medication in 15 shows this. If you actually want to die why would you Mix medicine with effects that cancel out each other and Mori is a doctor he knows this. That’s why I think he didn’t expect Dazai to commit and that he believes Dazai actually wants to live and because of that he will try and preserve himself and by extension Yokohama which is why he told Chuuya to go in dead apple, which is why he let Akutagawa go on the Moby Dick in season 2 because he realized Dazai wanted him to go there and he trusts Dazai to a certain degree .
I really feel like his underestimated the emotional factor and this will ultimately lead to his downfall. Like he didn’t expect Dazai to leave he wouldn’t expect anyone to react super emotional to god knows what he’ll do and thereby underestimate their response to that which will make him meet his end.
I don’t think the “you kicked me” is Dazai in denial he acted ok emotions or at least that’s not the whole thing. I think that Dazai’s reasoning for saying that is this:
Oda died so Mori can get more power which was part of Mori’s plan all along so looking at the bigger picture it was Mori’s plan and actions who drove me out of the Mafia so he basically “kicked me out”
Also I wanna add that I feel like Mori because he underestimates the emotional factor he doesn’t understand to this day why Dazai left like he knows it’s related to oda he can follow that train of events but in his mind it doesn’t make logical sense why Dazai would do that which is why he didn’t manage to win Dazai over back to The Mafia because in his mind be doesn’t know the logical reason why Dazai left which is also another reason why he was so surprised when Dazai said he kicked him
Also I’d like to add that I really don’t think he felt threatened or wanted to just get rid of him
Dazai was already suicidal so if it would very easy to make it look like that. And like I mentioned before if it was the best choice for the Mafia I really don’t think Mori would be that bothered about being replaced by Dazai.
I also don’t think he thought Dazai would be more useful on the outside because once again why lose a valuable addition like that
And it’s not like
He wanted to use him
As a spy or anything we know that would’ve been arranged differently see Ango
So Mori the logical guy he is wouldn’t want his enemies to have someone with Dazai’s ability because that’s a pain in the ass and also
He wouldn’t want an insider like Dazai to join his enemies and spill all his secrets. Dazai had a very high rank and like I said I don’t think Mori expected him to leave so he had no reason to hide things from
him so even without his ability he would be a very strong asset to the Mafias enemies so there is no way Mori would think he is more useful on the outside since
1. we already said mori has tunnel vision he couldn’t possibly predict that much that he thinks Dazai is better out
2. We established that he isn’t afraid of him
3. He wouldn’t want the ability and the information to fall into his enemies’ hands
4. If he was actually scared and wanted to get rid of him making it seem like suicide or actually driving him to suicide would be much easier especially since mori is a doctor
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So yeah this is long thanks if you read until the end it was super fun to write this id love to know what others think I’m sorry if it’s a bit unorganised it’s copied from my notes app
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kinkykite · 4 years
Spending your day off together
warning: fluff ahead!
My first Bungou Stray Dogs Post! 
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The real event here was not your day off, but the night before your day off. It was the first time in awhile since both of you had the same day off. This was, of course, on purpose because Mori knew what happened when you two got to spend a day off together, let alone a full weekend. Needless to say, Chuuya brought out some wine for the two of you to enjoy after weeks of working nonstop. 
“It’s so nice to finally be able to relax and spend time together,” Chuuya says, as he pours you a glass. 
“Indeed it is. What would you like to do this weekend?” 
“Oh I think you know what I would like to do this weekend my dear...” You blushed at the thought of it. It had been awhile since you two could be intimate with each other. You giggled as he winked at you. You grabbed a book and laid in Chuuya’s lap while he sipped on his wine. 
“Do you want me to read out loud?” 
“Mmm maybe for a bit my dear,” you started to read while he drank and ran his fingers through your hair. Your dear Chuuya is a bit of a lightweight though and after a couple glasses, he was wasted. You gasped as he gently grabbed the book from your hands and then chucked it across the room. “Now I can see your beautiful face my baby,” he says while squishing your cheeks. He then leans down and places a sloppy kiss on your lips. You scrunch your face because he wreaks of alcohol. He pouts when he sees your reaction and lets you go and tries to get up. You quickly get up yourself and catch him as he was falling over. 
“Let’s get you to bed, Chuuya.” He complies very easily, saying how he is going to treat you so well tonight and how much he loves you and misses spending time with you. You feel your cheeks heat up; even though you know he’s drunk and spitting nonsense, you can’t help but smile at his comments. He was so endearing when he was drunk. You plop him down on the bed and he passes out instantly. You get in bed with him and watch him sleep for a bit before drifting off as well. 
The next morning, you would wake up to a grumpy Chuuya. He would definitely try to brush off his words and actions from the night before, but you wouldn’t let it go. 
“If you mention it one more time I’m going to...” 
“Going to hmm?” You mock him. 
“Oh you’ll see...”
“Will I? ;)” Oh you definitely will see. Of course this was Chuuya’s plan for the weekend after all.....
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“Let me sleep for just another few minutes pleasseeee,” Dazai begs you. 
“We’re supposed to go on a date today Dazai, please get up this was literally your idea...” he looks into your eyes and pouts. 
“Fine. But only if you give me a kiss first,” he smirks at you. His hair was all messy and he had morning breath. You lean in, closer to his face, and then flick him on the forehead. 
“Nice try my dear.” He snarls at you. 
“Oh you’ll pay for that later,” you roll your eyes, and turn away from him before he can see your flushed cheeks. He rolls out of bed and starts to get ready. You take this opportunity to sit for a bit and read. You hadn’t been reading for more than 10 minutes before you realized it had become silent again. “I swear if he went back to bed...” you mumbled. Sure enough you walk back into your shared bedroom to see Dazai all cuddled up in the sheets again. 
“Hey, seriously?” you scold him. He rolls over and looks at you, then opens his arms. 
“Can we stay and cuddle in bed all day instead of going out?” You think for a moment before deciding that it wasn’t very often you two could genuinely spend the whole day doing nothing. “Please baby~~” you ignore him and start changing back into you pajamas. He cheers like a little kid. You pull up the covers and get underneath them and he scoots closer to you and pulls you into his arms. You snuggle your head into his shoulder and sit like that for a few minutes. He lets go of you then grabs your face and starts showering you with kisses. You giggle as he kisses you all over your face. You wrap your arms around him and pull him into a deep kiss. 
“I love you Dazai,” you say gazing into his eyes. 
“I love you more...” 
“I doubt that,” you tease him. 
“I’ll prove it!” 
“Then prove it!” 
I think you can guess what that ended up leading to.... 
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Honestly he is a bit shy to meet you out in public. Working with you was one thing, but meeting you outside of work was completely different. Not many people are aware of the two of you being together, so if anyone saw you two casually having a date in town they would be quite shocked needless to say. 
But you wanted to go shopping on your first day off in forever and Akutagawa happened to have the day off as well. You weren’t originally planning to even bother asking him to tag along but when he asked if you had plans for your day off you were surprised. He was casual about it, but this would be your first real date together. You told him that you were planning on going shopping and he said he wouldn’t mind tagging along with you. 
“You want to go shopping...with me...on YOUR day off??” 
“Well if that’s what you want to do then yes. The only thing I want to do is spend time with you on my day off,” he says blankly looking at you. You tsk and feel your cheeks heating up. “I’ll meet you there tomorrow at noon, we can get lunch first.” You were honestly just dumbfounded by this man. But you obviously weren’t going to say no. 
It was 11:20 and you were already anxious to meet Akutagawa. You had been ready for nearly 30 minutes already and wondered if you should leave early. You could definitely find something to do while you sat and waited for him, so you decided rather than just sitting at home you would walk to the area you said you would meet him at. By the time you got there it was about 11:40. But to your surprise, Akutagawa was already waiting there. He looked up from his watch and made eye contact with you. You thought you saw a smile on his face, but you could be wrong. 
“I guess you couldn’t wait either,” he says chuckling. You just stared at him with wide eyes. ‘Who is this dude?’ you thought. His eyebrows raised as he looked at you. “Are you okay....?” 
“Weird...” you say, walking down the street towards a restaurant. He follows behind you. After eating, you walk around finding places you wanted to shop at. After leaving one of the many stores you stopped in, Akutagawa hesitantly grabs your hand.  
“I thought you didn’t like being touched, Aku,” he turns to you and just blinks for a few seconds before answering. 
“Mmm, not really, but if it’s you then I guess it’s okay.” You let go of his hand and squish his cheeks together to see his reaction. He snarls at you, but he doesn’t push your hands away. Then you decided to take things one step further and you laid a smooch on his lips. When you pull away you see him with wide eyes and his cheeks were bright red. 
“Do you like that?” 
“Well I don’t dislike it....” 
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hi! I just read your angst with Chuuya and Dazai, and my God wasn’t that a tasty, juicy, beautiful angst. I LOVED IT. I would love to see a Kunikida x Reader angst from your pen (because I love torturing myself). Kunikida is in love with the reader, but he refuses to accept his feelings and distances himself from her every passing day, and he has to endure the suffering of losing her to Dazai as he sees that they grow closer and closer (romantically) every day.
I hope this idea inspires you 💕
Did someone say torture👀😏 I love hurting myself n others by writing angst, n baby, this is an AMAZING idea.. the amout of pain..wow😈
Kunikida doppo x fem! Reader x Osamu Dazai
Warnings: angst, bit of fluff, but mostly angst, slight swearing.
Word count: 1,557
Biggest Mistake
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"Good morning, Kunikida-san!"
You greet him as you walk in the office.
He merely grunts in reply. Your heart pains at this. Were you so non-ideal for him? Did you not fulfill even one of the qualities of his ideal woman? Whenever you tried talking to him, he would shut you out. Does he hate you? If yes, then why? Did you do something to offend him?
You sigh, walking over to your desk. The air was getting awkward, and it didn't help that you both were the only ones here.
Then again, maybe Kunikida wasn't feeling awkward at all. He just simply doesn't care.
Taking out your laptop from the bag, you set it up on the desk. You had a few files to submit by the end of today. They would take up atleast two hours of your time. If you got started now, you could have the rest of the day to fool around.
You opened it, but couldn't bring yourself to start your work. You logged into your Gmail to pass time, instead.
Hello belladonna!
I am writing this to you to get permission from you. May I please have the permission to rob you of an hour of your day, today?
Mr. Handsome
You giggled at his antics.
Hello Mr. Handsome,
Are you proposing a date?
The Woman ;)
You have never had a dull moment with Dazai before. Ever since he has set his mind to woo you, you have had quite an interesting time. He obviously liked you. Did you like him back?
Well, earlier, not really. Your heart used to belong to Kunikida. But he never seemed to give a rat's ass about you. So you tried to move on. That's when you realized just how charming your other coworker is.
At first, it felt wrong to like Dazai in a romantic way. You had just been heartbroken over the fact that your long time crush just doesn't like you, and pursuing Dazai felt like you were making him a replacement.
But then again, you had never even told Kunikida that you liked him, so he had never actually 'rejected' you. He only conveyed it through his actions and rude comments. You even thought that maybe he's just a tsundere, but soon realized that the man just doesn't like you at all.
Dazai was quick to realize what was going on. At first, he had tried to bring you two together by using his tricks, like forcing Kunikida into the same room as you and locking it from the outside, pretending to have pranked him and not realized that someone else was already in there. He had tried to get Kunikida to open up to you, too. But that man was born with a stick up his ass, and even Dazai's manipulative schemes weren't enough to make him confess. Dazai knew that Kunikida actually liked you back. He was well aware of his colleague's affections and the fact that he was going through a denial phase. Kunikida couldn't accept that he liked you because he still had a few years left to find himself a wife. His ideals prevented him from wooing you. Besides, he was not one to be crystal clear about his emotions. So he pushed you away. Whenever you tried to talk to him, or approach him, he would push you away with his rude words.
Dazai, obviously, understood that. He also knew that if you tried hard enough, you could get Kunikida to open up. But that was a tiring path to take. It would drain you of your mental peace, and by the time Kunikida actually accepts his feelings for you, you would be too tired to give a fuck. You'd have given up by then. It would break your heart and torture your sanity.
Dazai would be there for you, if you decide to choose that path, that is, but he also liked you. He had liked you ever since you joined the ada. He hadn't approached you yet, because he was aware of his coworker's feelings. He respected Kunikida's emotions, and had decided to back off. But there were so many times when he wanted to abandon his respect for the blonde, and just confess to you. He was slowly falling for you, and he knew that it scared him, but he couldn't live another day knowing that he was sacrificing a chance of being with someone he truly adores, for a man who wasn't even ready to admit that he has feelings for you. He couldn't do that. He loved you a bit too much.
So he decided to fuck Kunikida's feelings and stupid decisions, and just woo you himself. If you reject him, he would be fine, because atleast he tried. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't even try.
He was pleasantly surprised to watch how you fell for him over the days. He could notice how you changed bit by bit, blushing at things that you would have laughed off earlier. You both were really close friends before he started flirting with you, and it was funny watching you get flustered at things that he used to do often as a friend.
Such as now. He was standing outside the office, peeking in through a crack in the doorway. He watched as you read his email and grinned, your ears turning red. You typed a quick reply, and sat with your chin on your palm, your eyes dreamy.
He watched you and subconsciously smiled at your adorable face.
He read your reply on his phone, and smirked at the sherlock reference. Both of you had binge watched the entire series together.
Dearest woman,
That's quite bold of you! If you so desire to go on a date with this handsome man, who is he to deny the wish of such a beautiful woman? I shall pick you up at 1pm. Be ready, dearest.
Mr. Handsome ♡
He watched you read his reply and shake your head, amused at his choice of words. He then decided to make an entrance.
"Good morning Bella! And you too, Kunikida-kun."
He smiled at you.
You greeted him, and smirked.
"So, Mr. Handsome, you mean to drag me out of here at 1, but where do you intend to take me?"
He smirked back at you, leaning on his elbows on your desk, closing majority of the space between your faces.
"Where do you want me to take you, hmm?"
He was so close to you, you could feel his breath on your face. You gulped at the intoxicating aura that this man carried.
"Where do you have in mind?"
He lifted one palm, and traced a pattern on your cheek with his finger. He traced the shape of your lips, making you part them slightly. Licking his own lips at the sight, he began leaning closer to you, eyes focused on your rosy lips.
Just as he was about to reach his destination, Kunikida cleared his throat.
"Get to work, both of you."
You both parted, looking away. You were beyond embarrassed. But you were also angry. You wanted to know what was going to happen, although you had a slight idea. You hated Kunikida for interrupting you.
Kunikida couldn't bear to watch what would have happened if he hadn't intervened. He couldn't bear to see you kiss another man. He knew that he was being stupid, but he just couldn't loose you. He wanted to confess to you, too. He had realized that he loved you, but it was too late now. You had already given up on him, and had found Dazai. He couldn't ruin it for you now. So he ignored you when you greeted him, shouted at you even though you didn't do anything wrong and gave you the cold shoulder to keep you away. Besides, you looked happy pursuing Dazai. Maybe he was the right man for you. It pained Kunikida to think this way, but it was the truth. You were better off with someone else. Maybe he just isn't right for you.
As he watched you and Dazai smile at each other from your positions on your respective desks, he couldn't help but notice your blush. You used to blush at his actions earlier. Now you don't even smile at him. He is the one to blame for that. But he felt a pang in chest, anyway.
Watching you with Dazai would suck all the happiness out of him. He would forever mourn the fact that he let you go. He ruined a potential relationship. Only now does he realize just how much he cares for you. Now, he could never have have you.
Abruptly standing up, Kunikida walked over to the washroom, avoiding any of your gazes.
Closing the door behind him, he took off his glasses, placing them in his front pocket.
Gripping the basin, he leaned into it to support himself. He looked into the mirror, and saw a defeated man look back at him, with blonde hair and tired eyes, desperately holding back his tears. What a pathetic state he has brought himself to. If only he had loved you before.
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