#and cinder leaves her little calling card
bestworstcase · 2 years
How much of Ironwood's decision making do you think is informed by his semblance? Or is it a non-factor?
ooh this one is fun because i don’t agree with ✨any✨ of the common takes that i’ve seen across the spectrum from “mettle is auto-brainwashing” to “mettle is just the trigger he pulls on a gun”
and i need to preface by saying that i have adhd, and i experience EXTREME hyperfocus. extreme like i work from home and enjoy my job so i accidentally pull 14-16 hour days about 2-4 times a month because i’ll get going on a task after lunch and blink and it’s four in the morning. extreme like before i went on meds i needed to set alarms for mealtimes to avoid starving myself to death and that still only worked half the time. extreme like i have to be careful about reading books because i will not stop reading until i’m finished and very long books can prevent me from sleeping multiple nights in a row.
that said i do not and have never experienced hyperfocus as involuntary. i am always surprised by how much time has elapsed, because it never feels like more than maybe half an hour tops and it is always actually more like 10+, but for me hyperfocus is preceded by about 15-20 minutes of normal focus during which i’m fully aware of what my brain is doing and am able to step away if the thing i’m doing isn’t something i want to sink the rest of my day on.
it’s both a fairly debilitating symptom and something that i make a deliberate choice to do for a variety of reasons that are not especially important here. there is risk-benefit analysis involved.
this is basically how i think mettle works, with the sole difference being that hyperfocus requires a specific kind of trigger [complex high-interest tasks] and mettle does not, so ironwood can induce this state at will for any task. besides that, my interpretation of mettle is that it’s deep hyperfocus on a particular task, lasting anywhere from a couple minutes (for very short-term goals) to an entire day but averaging around 8-10 hours at a time for anything involved (paperwork, strategizing), possible to interrupt with difficulty, and involving a mildly altered state of consciousness in the form of a dramatic reduction in sensory and temporal processing i.e. no perception of time passing and inability to perceive sensations like hunger, fatigue, discomfort, people talking to you without getting your attention first, and so forth. it does not cause changes in personality or cognitive function, nor inhibit decision-making except insofar as it takes conscious effort to step away from the task.
mettle as described is “like an iron resolve […] that powers him to [keep going], almost like a very stubbornly, narrow focused mindset on things […] to push himself to do what he’s decided he’s gonna do” or to “push himself through something like searing the flesh off your arm, like if this is the goal he needs to accomplish, everything else goes by the wayside.” and for some inexplicable reason this has been widely interpreted to mean that mettle is a switch ironwood can flip to make himself willing to kill people. no! mettle is how he’s able to flay and cauterize his own arm to escape watts’ trap! mettle is how ironwood keeps himself awake and lucid for a solid forty-eight hours after his fucking arm gets amputated! mettle is why he’s composed and reasonable at the top of volume seven and gradually unravels into an unhinged frazzled lunatic over the months that follow because he’s using his semblance to force himself past the limits of what his body is physically able to endure.
ironwood is a soldier born and raised and indoctrinated into a military state that never quite escaped its prewar fascism. he was always perfectly willing and able to kill people at the slightest justification—“if you were one of my men i would have you shot” was, um, not a joke. that’s who he is. that’s what atlas molded him into, same as it molded clover and harriet and elm and vine and marrow and winter and goddamn near everybody else it touched who didn’t have the means to get out.
mettle didn’t turn ironwood into a murderer—atlas did.
but hyperfocus is not a healthy superpower, ok? it feels fucking great to effortlessly glide through a week’s worth of work in a single afternoon but you have to balance that against the physiological and psychological toll that will take if you try to make that your normal. it’s a day of absolute peak performance and then a crash, and you have to be able to crash. you HAVE to let yourself rest. hyperfocus feels like infinite energy and that feeling is a lie your brain tells you after unplugging all the early warning systems so that your body can’t interrupt you with petty things like hunger or pain, and you HAVE to remember that.
ironwood goes off the fucking rails in volume eight because he believes that lie. he desperately needs to eat and sleep and take it easy while his body recuperates from losing an arm, but mettle can make all of that pain and exhaustion fade away—only it doesn’t actually. the physiological need is still there, getting worse for every minute he spends neglecting it. all through volume seven it’s building up and up until it hits a critical mass after he flays his arm and his cognitive functioning just fucking implodes because his brain physically does not have what it needs to work correctly anymore and the result is this sudden explosion of acute irrationality and emotional lability that just keeps rapidly getting worse and worse and worse because ironwood keeps trying to brute force his way through it with mettle.
i have done this. it sucks. for me the stakes were high school so it mostly looked like a prolonged meltdown and some screaming fights over college applications, but the underlying psychological mechanism driving ironwood’s dramatic tailspin is exactly hyperfocus run amok. in its worst extremity unmanaged hyperfocus is just a horribly destructive and insidious form of self-harm and it will make you completely fucking batshit until you stop.
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sir-adamus · 4 months
"if Ruby hadn't lied to Ironwood, he never would've become a villain"
wrong; Ironwood turning had nothing to do with being lied to and everything to do with him being a massive control freak
first off - Ruby omitting certain details from Ironwood because she had justifiable reasons not to trust him (thanks to both experience with Oz and Lionheart both being liars who almost got the whole group killed in different ways, and seeing the state he'd left Mantle in) is not the damning action some people like to characterise it as (it is, however, pretty damning on Ironwood's part that he's openly comfortable turning Mantle into a barely functional police state plagued by monsters and only competently protected by one person)
second - Ruby very much did tell him the truth. when the situation turned dire, she decided he'd proven himself trustworthy enough at that point and he was given the whole truth, which he took reasonably well at the time. so the lying wasn't the issue
nah, the issue was when his trauma button got pressed and he started jumping at shadows, he was more than willing to lash out at anything he perceived as a threat to his authority, namely, Blake and Yang telling Robyn about Amity. instead of arresting her, like he'd ordered them to, because he demands "loyalty" (read: subservience)
and like, Blake and Yang told Robyn because they didn't think arresting her for actions she was taking without full context for what was going on (and so were thoroughly justifiable - and honestly justifiable anyway, Ironwood had exactly zero actual grounds for taking away necessary supplies from Mantle, because the Amity project could wait, people's lives, surprisingly enough, are more important. this was early foreshadowing that Ironwood couldn't give a flying fuck about the people under his jurisdiction), and this was following Ironwood repeatedly refusing to even talk to Robyn at every request to do so
which was later proved to be the entirely correct decision because Robyn was then willing to work with him when the heat went out in Mantle
(oh also he actually had zero justifiable grounds on which to arrest Robyn, hence sending in two huntresses in some trojan horse bullshit to attempt to blackbag her off the streets with no official call for her arrest)
it only became a problem when Ironwood's precious feelings got hurt by Cinder leaving a calling card (which he immediately ascribed to Salem because the man's ego is as big as the moon and he sees every action from Salem's subordinates as her personally targeting him when she clearly doesn't give a shit about him), and he screamed at them for questioning and defying his orders and not falling in line as good little brainless robots like the rest of his subordinates
it was never about the lying, it was about a paranoid, scared little man thinking he's owed mindless obedience because he's In Charge
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rwby-roman-red · 10 months
[RWBY: Roman Red] Prologue ~ Faust at the Bargaining Table
After a successful bank heist, Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan's celebration is interrupted by a mysterious woman... calling herself Cinder Fall. She makes a tempting offer Roman can't refuse.
[RWBY fanfic, canon-compliant alternate timeline. Character focus: Roman Torchwick, Neopolitan, Cinder Fall. Chapter under the cut.]
[Preamble] [Next Part]
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“I’m telling you, this was way too easy. Lifting a security card was really all it took? You’d think there’d be at least a little more to banks nowadays than tricking a scan…”
Roman Torchwick, notorious Vale criminal, punctuated his comment with a little laugh. His partner across the table smiled, stifling an inaudible chuckle with a dainty touch of the back of her hand to her mouth. The grin of Neopolitan - the crux in the successful theft - always lifted Roman’s own mood, whether she was simply playing along with him or enjoying herself just as much.
Once again, Roman and Neo had carried out a theft of one of Vale’s many banks, robbing the people of the city blind by simply disguising themselves as bank guards, using a stolen security card to access the vault, dumping as much Lien as they could get away with into a truck and driving off as if it was a normal transport. By now, the van in question was thoroughly torched and laying in the bottom of a river, leaving the thieves with a sizable portion of unmarked cash to use as they will. So why not rent out the private booth in the club of his former greatest enemy and have a date night with his partner? Roman saw nothing wrong with it.
In fact, Roman was in the middle of drinking some of the most expensive booze on Junior’s menu when there was a knock at the door. He let out a sigh, slumping back slightly into his chair. “Can’t a guy get a minute with his date?” Roman asked rhetorically, putting his glass down and lifting himself out of his chair.
Neo’s face was touched with a light frown at the interruption, but surely it wouldn’t last long. They’d be out in no time, and… She had a bad feeling. Through the open glass wall of the room, her eyes landed on the raised DJ’s stand. DJ Deadb3ar was mixing like normal, but he was talking to a strange individual. A young man, looking to be in his early 20s like her. Silver hair… Eyes looking towards the private booth…
Her attention snapped back onto Roman as the door opened, a familiar face in a stark white dress visible at its entrance.
“Roman.” The woman crossed her arms, clearly not happy to be here.
“Little Lil Miss Malachite.” Roman crossed his own arms in a teasing manner. Ever since he’d learned that the Malachite sisters - Brat #1 and #2, as he used to call them - were hiding from their mother by bodyguarding Hei Xiong Junior - Lil Miss Malachite’s enemy - he’d held it over their heads. It was his way of getting back at them for all the bother they’d put him through in their childhood. Oh, and that time they tried to kill him, but that mattered less than the annoyance from having to babysit the girls in their teens.
“You’ve got a visitor.” The Malachite replied.
Melanie’s voice was dry and bored. Roman could tell she couldn’t care less… but he could. The only ones aware of his presence should be Junior, the staff, himself and Neo. Roman typically went to great pains to keep himself off the radar - after all, now that the police weren’t working for the Xiong family, they had proper incentive to actually do their jobs. Getting sloppy was always a risk for the crime lord… one that had cost him more than a few nice hotel rooms. Having someone track him down to Junior’s wasn’t a good sign. Whoever this was, they were either waiting for him or tailing him, and neither option made him particularly comfortable.
Of course, it helped that his potential stalker was a sight for sore eyes.
“Well~ Hello, gorgeous.”
As Melanie stepped to the side and descended back to the club itself, Roman took in the features of the woman before him. She had stark black hair, cut short and covering her left amber-touched eye. A red short dress with gold embroidering resembling an arrowhead on its front was held up by a strap crossed and circled around the lady’s neck, matching separated sleeves leaving the shoulders uncovered and connecting to her middle fingers. He didn’t allow his eyes to dance any lower than her midsection, but Roman could guess just what wasn’t covering the thighs and below. Her skin was a soft and warm complexion, touched by a light smile, almost feeling like a warm campfire…
Oh, she was dangerous. Roman already had his guard up.
“You’re Roman Torchwick, yes?” The woman asked, lightly touching the back of her right hand to her chin with a slight sway of her hips.
“Depends on who’s asking.” He replied, leaning against the doorframe.
“A potential…” She sat on the word for a brief moment. “Business partner. I have ambitions for Vale, and I thought it would do me well to put in a word with the boss around these parts.”
From her high position, Neo smirked at the sight of Junior at the bar, scowling for no discernable reason.
“You thought right.” Roman gave a little smile himself. Turning on his heel, he casually walked back into the booth, extending a hand for the woman to take. “Neo, drop the blinds, will you? We’re talking business.”
With a light nod and a smile as if playing the role of a flight attendant, Neo rose from her seat and moved to the blinds, closing the shutters of the room as the woman shut the door behind them. Roman walked back to the table in the center of the room, plucking an extra chair from its edge and placing it next to Neo’s chair as he did. Quickly relocating their drinks, Roman and Neo took seats right beside each other - the woman sitting at the other end.
“So, you know my name, but I seem to know nothing about yours.” Roman inquired. “Just who are you, beautiful?”
“Cinder.” She replied.
“Cinder~” Roman looked back to Neo with a teasing tone, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Neo lightly pouted, making a show out of not liking the attention Roman was giving this other woman. Roman lightly poked her on the nose in response, giving off a light laugh before turning back to the mysterious woman. “That’s a nice name. Nice dress, too. So what exactly are you coming to me for? You seem to have an idea of my reputation.” “That I do.” She smiled. Cinder’s face shadowed, still keeping the same warm smile on her face. “Roman Torchwick, come all the way from Mistral. You and your partner not only pulled one over on Lil Miss Malachite, but took Hei Xiong out at the same time. How impressive. That was - what - a few years ago? And they’re still crippled in Vale thanks to you.”
Neo didn’t like this.
Enough of playing the airheaded secretary. Shifting herself to place her back to Roman’s chest, Neo kicked her foot under the table, her heel catching the handle of Hush and pushing it into her waiting hand. The umbrella was in Cinder’s face in seconds, Neo’s hand hovering over the trigger to extend its blade and impale the crimson-garbed woman through the eye.
Cinder didn’t seem to be concerned.
“Alright, you’re clearly informed.” Roman’s voice had a bit of venom to it as he leaned in. “I’m not a fan of people I don’t know knowing my secrets. But… you did say you’re here for a business opportunity. Was that code for trying to blackmail a crime boss, or-?”
“How would you like to become the most notorious Dust thief in the world?”
Cinder’s words hung in the air. Silence for several seconds. Roman’s own words were cut off as his brain was running at the possibility, Neo glancing back to her partner with a concerned look-
Slowly, Roman pushed Hush to the side, removing the threat from Cinder.
An ambitious ember was in his eyes.
“...go on.”
NEXT: Criminal Business as Usual
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billerak · 23 days
Time for the sequel! My volume 1 post did great, a grandiose 3 notes. I can already smell the internet fame. Clearly, the fans want what I have to offer (That being: incredibly random thoughts and my always correct opinions), and I am here to give it to them.
Anyways when we last left off: We'd just stopped a grand robbery of dust in the docks! Well, Penny did most of the work, but it's the thought that counts. The ending was kind of abrupt! What wonders will V2 have to offer? How much of a mess will it make of things? I wonder!
Ep 1: We start the volume and the first thing Mercury does is… flirt? The way the line is read is so fucking awkward tho, lmao. I know the tukson scene was meant to be tense and menacing but, and I know I said I wouldn't do this much, but it's important here: The voice acting doesn't really sell the scene. It's not laughably awful or anything, it's just not very strong. Wow, Blake and Yang actually get an interaction where Blake actively replies to her! How wonderful. Thank you Ruby, that IS the current circumstances in which you find yourselves! The audience appreciates you for the explanation. Wow Neptune look at you I'm sure you'll be a super important character moving forward, relevant, always in the depths of the plot. No comments about the food fight. 10/10. Still my favourite secene from RWBY. Now Glynda I understand your frustration but everyone else ran away, these eight stuck to the food fight and wrecked each other's shit, I'd be impressed if I was the teacher of a combat school. I love Roman. He's a little shit. I'd bash his head in if I could, but that's why I love him. He's underutilized but his VA is clearly having a lot of fun and it seeps into the character. Do you think cinder uses her powers to make her eyes glow for effect at all times or only when she's tryning to be menacing?
On the Bees: Wow look an interaction! Clearly this has convinced me the writers had planned for it all along.
Ep 2: I do like Ironwood's always had that subtle tension to him. He's a man with good intentions but too much goddamn power for his own good. Leaving aside te absolute stupidity of a 'semblance' they gave him which was of course never mentioned in the show because it makes no goddamn sense. This is a general complaint I have, not only with RWBY but with pretty much all shows I've ever watched: JUST USE REAL BOARD GAMES. PLEASE. CALL THEM SOMETHING ELSE BUT MAKE THEM THINGS THAT ALREADY FUCKING EXIST. The only person I've ever seen who makes 'fake board/card games' funny is ProZD and dude literally makes a living out of playing and reviewing those. Anyways that's a me thing, otherwise it's a fine scene. Better than fine, really, because WHITE ROSE BABEEE THAT'S 2 EPISODES IN A ROW WHERE THEY'VE HELD EACH OTHER LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO "But Neptun-" Nepwho? Ah, blue haired guy. Right. He exists. Aight I'll just say my piece here because I don't wanna be saying the same through the whole volume: The whole Weiss/Neptune thing is just horribly heterosexual people writting terrible heterosexuality. Neptune's entire personality is being heterosexual. Literally. If a gay character acted the same as him, he'd be criticized for having 'gay' be his personality, or he'd be considered a token gay, or smth. Seen it a million times. Comes out of nowhere, any time Weiss does or say anything involving Neptune I wanna unalive myself, the two have the chemistry of water, and I consider this fanbase got off lucky that Neptune ended up being only a plot device to get Jaune to move along his own arc. So yeah any time anything happens with Neptune, unless I state otherwise, assume I'm vomiting loudly. … Honestly Blake and Weiss are kinda shippable here. 'Nooo blake why won't you talk to me- I mean us you promised' gay ass. Anyways while I understand Ruby and Yang going with the stupid plan and Blake has personal reasons for it… It does feel a bit OOC for Weiss to agree because, well, she's fucking right. These four are just students and they only managed to deal with Roman and the White Fang last time because Penny came in clutch. They're fucked if they do this alone. How… old is cinder? I'd say she couldn't pass herself for a student due to credentials but we know salem has Lionhart by the balls so… ???
On the Bees: Weiss and Blake had a nice moment.
Ep 3: You know, I never understood what Jaune saw in Weiss. Like, ok, she's probably cute at first sight. But she's fucking insufferable otherwise. Her team can deal with her but I'd fucking despise her v1-3 self if I went to the same school as her. I prefer the other outfits tbh. Where… Where was Sun hanging from? He was like, some ways away from the window, but there was nothing there to hang to. I guess his semblance could help but would he really- Yeah he would. Ruby here know's what's up and she wants none of it. NONE. It may look like Ruby is making fun of Weiss, but she doesn't understand that's just flirting. But her heart pulls her two ways, OH NO. By the end of this story, she must choose- Well, no, not really, since one of the options is literally twice dead. (yes I ship Nuts n' Dolts too, sue me) Weird that Weiss didn't ask to see Winter when the woman said she was around, given that later it seems like she'd give an arm and a leg to speak to her. Ok, the reveal that Penny is a robot rings a bit… hollow, since, uh, we already knew that. Her back literally opens into blades, the weird thing really is Ruby not knowing.
On the Bees: Nuts.
Ep 4: OOOOH that's why it's called Nuts n Dolts, innit. Normally I'd say the Ruby/Penny friendship feels forced, but this is probably the only two people in this show where something like this works. Penny has no real frame of reference for friendship and Ruby is just like that. Once again Blake and Sun out here exploring Blake's past together, nothing narratively important going on! Roman is so charismatic. Honestly I'd like to pound his- Oh hi Neo didn't see you there. Ok, see what I mean with "Adam could've made the jump"? Look at Blake and Sun here. Jumping gaps way larger here. I guess he was too stunned for too long or smth idk. Cool fight scene. Gonna be honest, I fucking hate that the fandom took these combo attacks for ship names. Like the concept is cool and all but at least back in the day following ship discourse could be so fucking annoying. Anyways here we have our first canonical explanation of how Yang's semblance works. "With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back". Which implies she needs to take the damage to get a boost, something something equivalent exchange, but it wasn't something that was happening first volume. Unless we count 'getting a hair cut' to be taking a hit. That being said, I still wonder what's stopping her from, idk, hitting herself or asking someone else to hit her before a battle (assuming she can predict a battle is coming, ofc) to at least have some energy stored up in a safe environment instead of having to risk tanking hits from her enemies. Never quite understood how Neo's semblance works. It's illusions but they leave behind a physical glass form. But how exactly does it make her vanish? In most cases it doesn't feel like she's creating a flat screen surface but just a second body and… teleporting away. Feels like Blake's semblance but more overpowered, but also she can make anything out of it as shown later… Ah, whatever, I don't think the writers think about it too hard, making sense of it is impossible.
On the Bees: Well, they had their ship name called out.
Ep 5: While I love Pyrrha winning against team Cardinal, I have to wonder… why was she even fighting all four? Were the teachers like "Cardin your team is so shit all four of you against Pyrrha seems fair, go fight" or what. See what I mean? Mercury clearly thinks of his discovery of Pyrrha's semblance as something interesting, but Ozpin himself says they make extensive tests to the people entering Beacon. Even if semblances aren't a matter of 'public' record, Cinder later gets into the systems, so couldn't she just have just… checked then? I understand the 'blake needs to relax' bit but also, trying to force her into the dance? Sun clearly has a crush on her so him asking makes sense but the rest of team RWBY probably should've been more like "you need to fucking sleep" rather than trying to get her into a dance. I really like Pyrrha and I am really sad the crux of her character is "crush on Jaune." She has a lot of interesting shit to explore WHY IS THIS HER FOCUS. Like it's RIGHT THERE. A girl prodigy with an amazing semblance that everyone places on a pedestal. But instead of being about her it's about fucking Jaune.
On the Bees: Well Weiss continues to be the one pressing Blake to be more open. Is their ship name Checkmate? No, doesn't sound right. Uh… Black and White? No. Grey… Monochrome? That one sounds familiar. May be it (Yes, I wrote this as I thought about it. No. I'm not cutting it down). Anyways whatever the ship name is, so far I kinda dig it more than bumblebee. It's amazing really.
Ep 6: Here it is bois the big chapter for bumblebee oh boi let's gooooo Aight Yang attracting Blake with a laser is pretty hilarious. The Jaune/Ren moment did make me chuckle too. Comedy seems to be on point (for my tastes) this episode. Nora/Ren not being 'together together' is a point they make many times and I only ask… why? Nora isn't subtle about her crush on Ren. I guess Ren is quiet and timid but it's clear- Hey wait why is their ship name 'renora'. Don't they get a combo name? I know I complain about them but like. Feels unfair anyways. Other ships involving them get the stupid combo names. Why not them? What was I saying? Oh right it's clear they have a thing going on and like, they've known each other all their lives. This isn't made a point of until like, 7 volumes in. Eh, idk. Honestly, very impressive Pyrrha can just walk and talk normally with that knife—well, more of a fucking sword—on her back. Bla bla Bees conversation comments at the end let's move on. Oh hey that's Qrow's emblem isn't it? Who designs the emblems anyways. The owners of them? Some are unique, some are inherited. They're kinda like Cutie Marks tbh. Jaune offering a White Rose to Weiss, clearly a reference to THE BEST SHIP. MAYBE 2ND BEST SHIP IDK I'M TORN HERE. ENDGAME CONFIRMED BOIS. Blake's first dance is asked for but she still goes to the dance explicitly with Sun. Of course that is meaningless, nothing here ever built them up to have a thing and it is clear Blake never had absolutely any interest in him whatsoever. Anyways look at those background characters. All heterosexual, not a single w/w m/m pairing dancing, other than the 5 seconds of Blake and Yang. The pinnacle of queer representation right here, folks! Ozpin is a little lying shit but I guess experience does let him give good advice.
On the Bees: Ok. I want you to understand something. This? This is the F I R S T time Blake and Yang have a long, one to one conversation. In the show. Volume and a half in. They're not only teammates, they're partners. Ruby and Yang had a couple of conversations. Weiss and Ruby have had many. Even Ruby and Blake, famously interacting very little, had that conversation about books and fairy tales when first meeting. I don't care about the fact that they've spent months together at this time. That's not the point. The point is this conversation? It's the first actually shippable moment between them. Anything prior is /nothing/. You couldn't fucking write a developing relationship out of them with the interactions they've had before this point. From here on out at least there's a base to work with. That established, it's not the best base. Blake isn't her 'usual self' here. She's exhausted and in a terrible mood. The scene is mostly taken over by Yang's backstory. The conversation is Yang trying to make a point. It's a good conversation, and it finally establishes an interaction between them that doesn't feel loose. It's just a conversation I think would've been far more effective if we'd first seen them have more interactions under normal circumstances. Yang does wink at Blake and 'saves her first dance'. I believe this is the only time in this show where she's flirtatious towards a girl. Wonder why they didn't go togehter to the dance, instead of, well, I already said it above.
Ep 7: What was Jaune gonna do here? Beat up Neptune? Don't get me wrong I find him vomitive, as stated before, but the guy doesn't really deserve a beating for not agreeing to a dance, you know? Or was he heading towards Weiss? Kind of unclear, but he did look kinda angry so I assume he was going after Neptune. Like I get Pyrrha being drawn to Jaune for his ignorance of her and I do think that now it makes some sense she may be into him but I still don't buy how into Jaune she originally was. I do like this conversation between Pyrrha and Jaune, though. And, despite everything, this may be the only moment with Neptune that's genuinely funny. The 'I can't dance' part I mean. Usual applies to everything else. Nora and Ren are dancing, and Blake and Sun are… /still/ dancing? I can only assume they took a break, or they just really like dancing. Still not a single background gay! Dress moment is another Top 10 scenes of the show tbh. Throwaway gag turned funny/wholesome moment. Normally I'd call out the synchronized dance but these are hunters I can assume they have the reflexes to pull it off… assuming Jaune leads, anyways. Ah, yes, the legendary terrible running across rooftops scene. Here it is. It's legendary and terrible and funny. For real though I think I've seen worse animation moments before. I think it's just that this one likes like 5 whole ass seconds and gets full focus. Really? Karate chop? I know it's probably for the memes but girl, you can summon crystal blades at a distance. I reckon using those would be more effective. So… who picks the lockers and brings them back to the school after they hit, anyways? Is tehre a fine related to misuse of the feature? It can't be cheap, between reparations to the ground of wherever the locker hits, the damage to the locker itself, and the fuel used to launch it. RWBY giving pursuit and not immediately throwing away the shoes is the most unbelievable thing that has happened yet in this show. I… what? I don't understand teh architecture here. Did Cinder run all the way back to beacon? is the tower connected to beacon? That cut was real strange. Still no background gays! No but guys RT was really forward thinking they were totally queer-minded and had planned bumblebee from the beginning, clearly caring about rep and all that! They just coudln't be bothered to spend a single minute making two men or two women dance.
On the Bees: WAIT IT'S CALLED BUMBLEBY? NOT BUMBLEBEE? WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME, I MUST HAVE LOOKED STUPID! I'm gonna keep calling it bumblebee, idgaf. anyways I think this may be the only time we see Jaune's knees? I'll keep you posted.
Ep 8: APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY WAS CRACKED! I WAITED FOR SO LONG!!!! What has that to do with RWBY? Uh, nothing. What was I doing? Oh right rewatching. Anyways- Never fully understood why Ruby wouldn't go to Ozpin about the info before. Sure they were breaking rules but sis this is a lot bigger than you four. The dog. Right. Forgot he existed. I will forget it again. How… how does war work in Remnant, anyways? If you take to a battlefield, Grimm would eventually overrun both forces. It'd be a three-way fight constantly. You'd think kingdoms in general wouldn't ever bother with war. Right? Ozpin giving the job to RWBY instead of a more experienced team could be considered as the reason it all fell apart really.
On the bees: I actually just finished ep 10 and thought this chapter's notes looked weird and that's cuz this episode had literally nothing despite ample chance and I forgot to add this section.
Ep 9: I like Ooblek or however that's written. He's never relevant again aftert his arc but this is how you make secondary characters memorable. "By giving them a gimmick?" Yes! That's actually exactly how you do it! Ace Attorney is an expert at this! Still don't like the dog. Also no huntsman we've ever seen has a dog, right? Weird. See, this seems to imply the Goliaths here are like, the same as Beowulfs or whatever that just lived that long. but… This is later retconned. As far as we know, Salem just creates whatever the hell she needs, and Grimm don't change forms over time. It does appear like they gain more armor over time… sometimes anyways. Like, they probably do grow within a single 'species', but these goliaths aren't any different than the newborns we see later. I also do like Ooblek's motivation. That is a valid reason to be a teacher in this shitty nonsensical world.
On the bees: They, uh. Talk. For like one minute. Weiss is also there.
Ep 10: I appreciate this conversation but here's the thing: Blake speaking of her semblance this way implies they're aware semblances are, well, tied to their characters. This isn't necessarily a problem, if maybe a bit on the nose, but then… wouldn't it also imply everyone should consider what their semblance means? What does Sun's semblance say about himself? That he's always willing to lend a hand? What about, idk, Pyrrha? How does metalbending (And yes, it's metalbending, not polarity, she makes shit levitate not just attract or repel from herself) tie to her personality? Is it just a reflection of her prodigious skill? You'd think it was the other way around. Yang's is obvious (She prefers rolling with the blows), Weiss's too (it's a hereditary semblance), and Ruby's… well, depending on whether we consider the V7/8 development a retcon or not it could change meaning, but let's say it's meant to represent how she's always rushing ahead. So, this being said, woudln't character development change one's semblance? It would be interesting, in fact. Maybe Ruby's semblance wasn't always what it later is, but her experiences changed it. Maybe the inconsistency in Yang's semblance is a reflection of this. I know I'm thinking too hard and nobody ever thought about it, but it's sort of a Jojo's stands situation. In Jojo, your stand is a manifestation of your soul and can develop alongside you. Ruby, girl, NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. Ruby, girl, you have SUPER SPEED. HOW HAVE YOU NOT TRAINED YOURSELF TO ACTIVATE IT WHEN SHIT LIKE THAT HAPPENS TO YOU. Ruby, girl: you. have. SUPER. SPEED. RUN AWAY. I know he says he's stupid but he really kind of is. Wouldn't 'underground city' be the first place you look at when looking for crime organizations?
On the Bees: Uh… yang calls out to Blake first? Sure, let's go with that.
Ep 11: RUBY GIRL YOU HAVE S U P E R S P E E D RUN AWAY FUCKING HELL YOU'RE NOT EVEN TIED YOU JUST WOKE UP SO YOU CAN'T BE SPENT Jesus, FUCKING FINALLY WHY EVEN TRY TO FIGHT IF YOU'RE THIS USELESS. Which makes no sense, tbw. Crescent Rose, even if it was built with ultralight metals, would still require strenght to use just based on the recoil those shots have and the balance of the whole thing. Ruby should pack a punch. Anyways giving your MC super speed in any capacity is a problem because of shit like this. Superspeed is the most powerful of the 'basic' superpowers (That is: Strenght, Flight, Speed and Endurance. Most stories with superpowers include these 4 in some capacity and speed tends to be the most limited one). I like the bombs moment. It's pretty funny. See what I mean? Ruby shooting herself like that means her arms must take the recoil! Even if we take Aura into account this girl should be at least decently strong. I… could do without the dog moment. Like… it's just more offputting than anything else. Ooblek does take another paladin by himself, which is nice to see, in the 'oh yeah he's a step above the MCs' way. Why does Weiss suddenly give Blake the dust bullets? Why not before? Why not… idk, talk to her about it? Why even make them? Did Weiss ask for them? If so, again, why not give them to her before? I mean I know the answer is probably 'Monty fight scene had this thing and writers had to scramble to fill in the gap' but still. Why does Yang have that moment with Neo? They've only had that one 'interaction' which wasn't particularly personal before. See? The WF leader(?) here makes some sense. We know the Schnees have beef with the Faunus and the White Fang (That being, they're slaver pieces of shit and all that). And, uh, Blake against Roman is… I get what they're going for, but… Idk, I feel Ruby and Roman would've felt more natural. Given they do have that in V3 so I'll let it pass. Man, I love Roman so much. Have I said that before? The biggest crime in early RWBY is not giving him enough screentime, really. I love the theory that he doesn't even have Aura unlocked, since he's clearly not the best fighter out there, man's just very skilled at doing his job. Which doesn't often involve fighting wannabe hunter teenagers. It's why he's basically knocked out after so few blows. Weiss should do the 'haste' glyph thing a lot more often really. Action economy, girl! Everyone knows it's the key to win! I wish Neo had more of a… thing. Like, in general. Her fight against Yang is great, but how the hell did she get that skilled? Why's she working for Roman? Why does she care for Roman so much that she later becomes obsessed with killing Ruby so hard that when she thinks she's done she loses all purpose in life? Not really sure how to feel abotu Raven here. At least we got the Yang backstory to even explain there's something going on there but it feels so… random. And why is Neo so scared? What does she know? Why would she know it? SHE HAS NO BACKSTORY And THIS is why you want your general population with their fucking Aura unlocked!
On the Bees: Man the second Dual Destinies turnabout is kind of a chore so far. Like, I figured pretty much everything by the middle of the first day and I still got another day of investigation and trial to go through? I think the case could be improved considerably by just not showing the face of the killer. I know it's ace attorney tradition to show you the first couple of killers, but still. I like Simon well enough I guess. What happened to Gavin? I don't remember him being fired at the end of AJ.
Ep 12: Jaune taking command, nice. Was that foreshadowing for Ren's backstory? Honestly, not a huge fan of this fight. It's supposed to be super big in scale but I guess the budget didn't allow it? It also feels like it kinda lacks momentum. Also didn't we just spend like 3 episodes exploring Ruby doesn't have physical strength? Why's she kicking the Grimm like that? Don't get me wrong, this makes more sense, I'm just confused. I know it's a common complaint that team Coffee shows up here to steal the show for a bit, since they barely get any screentime ever. It's a fine complaint, understandable. I… actually kinda like it. Also ONE OF THE GUYS IS HOLDING OATHBRINGER. WHAT'S HIS NAME. GREEN GUY. Based. I feel like we should have seen a few adult hunters showing up, though. Non-teachers I mean. Huh. Ironwood did always have his sinister authoritarian vibes. I like that. I still love roman. And that ending dream thing huh. I'm sure the eventual meeting of these two will be totally worth it.
On the bees: Did you know I have written more Ami/Minori (from toradora) than the rest of the internet combined? Irrelevant to RWBY I just wanted to let you know.
For an extra this volume: I watched some of the shorts! I think these were the ones around by V2? Or maybe up to V3? Idk.
WoR "Dust": I assume V6 retroactively kind of explains Dust as the literal dust old humanity was turned into? Which is why it can interact with Aura? Very fucked up, but I like it. I'm on the fence on whether I think they had the creation myth figured by this point or not, but I do think they probably had the rough draft for it. Anyways this short doesn't really add much? It explains the 4 basic types and that you can mix them to make new ones, but everything else we probably could've figured ourselves.
WoR "Kingdoms": Ok so, Vacuo and Vale share a continent, while the other two are in split continets. Just taking note for later, not sure how relevant it becomes. In a worldbuilding sense, I don't think it's very reasonable to actually believe small towns could ever be built outside of big cities protected by natural barriers. Most people are clearly useless in a fight against Grimm, and honestly, just leaving the city shoudl be more than enough nervousness and doubt to attract hordes of them.
WoR "Grimm": Not much to say here, other than just generally wondering why Salem wouldn't just wipe out humanity herself sans a small amount of people who she could pin as Oz and the maidens. And don't say she couldn't have: If she can create that giant whale thing she could've done so a couple thousand years ago when technology wasn't so advanced. If you told me she was purposefully playing this game with Ozma, trying to keep it somewhat fair, I'd understand, but she clearly isn't. Oh well.
Anyways, I think I enjoyed this volume more than the last! Which is weird, I think people consider this to be the weakest of the first three. Idk, despite everything, I found the overall pacing to be slightly better, and we get some deeper info on our characters which is always appreciated. Not much else to say in general, but hey. Also yes, it's still a mess.
Also I'm fairly certain Pyrrha still not passing the bechdel test.
Also, if by any chance you're reading this, Crimson: 1) Why. Why do that to yourself. 2) Last volume you kept flipping your shit at me shipping whiterose and such (and other stuff but idrc about that). You seem to be unaware of the concept of chemistry. Ruby and Weiss are shippable because they have chemistry. Ruby and Penny are shippable because they have chemistry. Actually, all the characters I mentioned as potentially shippable displayed fair amounts of chemistry. And that's always my main concern with bumblebee. Sorry, but "vibing" while not interacting is very much NOT chemistry. It's kind of the opposite. Right now, with the information these two volumes have offered, I could write a lot of dynamics with a certain amount of ease. Bumblebee… not so much, because their interactions are still blank fucking slates. And I'm sorry to say this, but no, emptiness isn't 'complexity' or 'depth'. The only complex thing here is the fucking mental gymnastics you're doing to justify not only every bumblebee moment but also the show's writing as if it was flawless and perfect lmao.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
How would Yang and Winter explain to Ruby and Weiss that they are both with Jaune? And how would the younger sister respond to that?
In a living room, Yang and Winter are sitting on a couch, ready to make an announcement to their sisters. Her sisters are sitting on the other side of them and each one is sitting in her own chair.
Yang: Ruby
Winter: Weiss
Yang: We are calling you here today because we have something to announce to you.
Winter: It's about our love life.
Weiss: *surprised* You two are dating!
Ruby: *Smiles* Oh I can't believe it!
Yang: No we are not, well partly yes, but it's not just us two dating.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Winter: Let me show you. *She glances back toward a door* You may come in!
Jaune: Excuse me.
Jaune opens the door and sits between Yang and Winter.
Weiss: Wait, don't tell me that-
Ruby: You guys are dating jaune!!!!!
Yang: *Hugs his arm* Yep
Winter: *Hugs his other arm* Affirmative.
Weiss: Wha-! When, Why, How?!!
Winter: Well, I think that's very easy to explain. *To yang* Do you want to start or should I go first?
Yang: I go first. You see Ruby, it all started when Beacon fell. You wanted to go save the world, but I stayed home depressed. I should have gone with you, but I didn't. Then when I saw you in Mistral and you told me your stories of your trip, that made me notice Jaune. He being the weakest of our group followed you all the way. He had the courage that I and the rest of our team don't have to follow you into the unknown. He protected you, motivated you, and even helped our uncle when he was hurt. How can I not fall in love with someone like that?
Ruby: Well, if you put it like that...
Yang: Also look at those muscles, so big and strong. And his hands, oh god, his hands are big and manly. Every time he-
Jaune: *Blushing and tries to look serious.* Yang, I think that is too much information for them.
Yang: Oops, sorry.
Winter: Well leaving that aside. In my case, it was the same. Weiss, when you got here I was surprised. I didn't think that you would be able to leave everything behind and face anyone who is in your way. But that's my fault, for me you've always been my little sister. You have grown up so much.
Weiss: *Smiles* Thank you, Winter.
Winter: And when you told me about your adventures, I realized that you are capable of much more. But even knowing this, that didn't stop me from worrying about you. When you told me that you almost died at the hands of Cinder, I wondered "How many times was my sister in a situation so close to death?" That scared me. But then you told me how you survived. Jaune used her semblance to heal such a serious wound. He saved your life and he gave me more time to spend with you. After that I began to observe him and I noticed that he is an excellent leader and a great friend. He always takes care of the weak and goes out of his way to be stronger so he can help you. A man with that heart is hard to find. So I took a leap of faith and fell in love with him.
Weiss: Winter, I didn't know you felt this way.
Winter: And I agree with Yang. He is so hot, every time I see his chest exposed, I just want to throw him on the bed and-
Jaune: *Blushing* Winter, please behave.
Winter: Yes Daddy~
Weiss: Daddy?!
Ruby: Ok, but that doesn't explain why you two date him at the same time.
Yang: *Blushing* Well, is a funny story.
Winter: *Blushing* Indeed. You see, when I watched him I realized that Yang was also interested in Jaune. So I got more aggressive.
Yang: And then I realize how aggressive she was flirting with my Jaune, so I started doing the same
Winter: We did many things to get our Jaune's attention.
Weiss: Like what?
Yang: A touch of leg here, showing a nipple there.
Weiss: Winter, tell me you didn't do such indecent things.
Winter: I didn't do those things.
Weiss: Thank god.
Winter: I let him feel my ass at our workouts.
Weiss: *Covering her face in embarrassment* Oh my Oum.
Ruby: So then what happen?
Yang: Well I decided to put all my cards on the table, and I took a risk.
Ruby: What did you do?
Yang: I paid a night visit to Jaune.
Weiss: How indecent!
Yang: But I wasn't the only one with that idea. Winter appeared at the same time.
Winter: The two of us, after seeing each other outside her door, started fighting.
Yang: Jaune then shows up and stops us. He let us into our room and asked why we fight
Winter: So I, well, the two of us used that opportunity to tell him that we're in love with him and ask him who he would pick.
Weiss: *To Jaune* And you said you'd take them both?! You're disgusting!
Jaune: I actually turned them both down.
Weiss: What?!
Ruby: Why?
Jaune: After what happened to Pyrrha, I was scared to approach another woman and see the same thing happen to her. I don't know what I would do if that happened. Also, they are good friends of mine and I didn't want to lose that. It was complicated for me.
Winter: Yang and I, hearing that, took a look at each other and at that moment we realized. Jaune deserves to be happy.
Yang: That night, we both decided to go out with him.
Jaune: I tried to refuse, but…
Winter: ..But we didn't take no for an answer.
Yang: Once in bed, we were very convincing~
Winter: It was an exciting night~
Jaune: *Blushing* Please, stop.
Winter: I love it when you blush.
Yang: You look so cute.
Weiss: I can not believe it?! This is so-!
Jaune: Weiss, I understand how you feel. I know it's unusual, but I want you to know that I love Winter and Yang with all my heart. I would never do anything to hurt them, and I promise you in the name of the Arc family, that I will never stop loving them and protecting them.
Ruby: You love them that much?
Jaune: Yes
Ruby: *Smiles* I see. I wish you guys happiness.
Yang: *Happy* So you accept our relationship?!
Ruby: Yes I do.
Winter: Weiss, what about you? Do you accept our relationship?
Weiss: I... I... *Looks at Jaune* If you hurt my sister, I'll throw you to the Grim!
Jaune: Yes ma'am!
Winter: *smiles* Thanks Weiss. You have no idea how much your approval means to me.
Weiss: *Blushing* Whatever.
Yang: Well, since this came to light. Jaune, Winter, and I have a date at a new restaurant in town. So see ya.
The trio gets up and leaves the room.
Weiss: You know Ruby, you were very calm for most of the conversation. You behaved very mature, not like me. How embarrassing. Do you want to go get something to eat?
Weiss: Ruby? Did you hear me?
Ruby: FUCK!!!!
Weiss: Ruby?!
Ruby: Why did it take me so long to tell Jaune how I feel?! Why didn't I listen to Nora!! Now Winter and Yang are enjoying his sexy body! No, I won't let it end here! If he was able to accepted both of them. One more person would not make much difference, right?
Weiss: Ruby you're scaring me.
Ruby: Just wait Jaune, I will become your woman. *Evil laugh* HAHAHA!!!
Ruby then uses her semblance to get out of the room.
Weiss: I need to lie down.
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vecnawrites · 4 years
Two Flavors Of Delicious Chocolate
Jaune Arc was a normal guy, if one asked him. He was moderately strong, reasonably intelligent at most things, skilled at a few. If one had asked him if he would have two girls fighting for his attention, he would have laughed. However, the fact of the matter was, he DID have two women wanting him. And they would do what it took to get that fact into his head...
(Hooooolllllyyyyy Fuuuuucccckkkkk...this one got away from me! This is my second commission, from The-Wayward-Arc. I loved the idea, and it became this! An art piece is connected to my AO3 page for this one, and more should be coming when I can commission the artists!)
Jaune Arc liked to think that he was a reasonably intelligent individual. After all, he always scored at least middling in both Grimm Studies and History, and the highest in Tactics and Situational Defense and Assault. Even Weiss was admittedly (and more than a little begrudgingly) impressed by that.
...so how in the name of any God or Gods listening did he not notice this!? He looked back and forth between the two, admittedly extremely beautiful women glaring at one another before him.
One was Emerald Sustrai, a chocolate skinned, carmine eyed, mint haired beauty, with thick curves that drew the eye of every male, and even some of the females, as she walked (even him. What? He treated women well, like he had been taught. He wasn’t fucking blind), her hips swaying back and forth and bringing attention to that absolute shelf of a rear end she had. That wasn’t to say her chest had nothing to offer, as her breasts looked perfectly sized for his hands, perky and firm.
Her personality was confident, and a bit sarcastic and snarky, although that usually came out only when faced with people she wasn’t too fond of, like Cardin or her own teammate, Mercury...although in the latter, he was pretty sure it was part of how they acted with one another. Like how Yang teased Weiss.
The other was May Zedong, another incredibly beautiful classmate of his, with muted maroon colored hair styled in a way that covered her left eye, leaving only the right gray-blue orb visible, and a black beanie keeping her hair in place. She had that wallflower air about her, generally going around unnoticed by most unless a teacher asked a question, even by her own teammates (something that made him seethe), but he had always noticed her and sought to talk, even if it was only some minor casual conversation over class notes. He wasn’t going to let her feel as alone as he did before coming to Beacon.
One would think that the girl was nearly flat, maybe a double-a cup (like Weiss supposedly was, don’t ask how he knew), but that was a lie. The girl was more stacked than Yang and even Professor Goodwitch were! Her breasts had to be as large as her own head! Again, it wasn’t like he was a pervert, but having seven sisters made him able to tell when a woman was binding or stuffing her bra to either remove attention or gain it.
And he could understand why, honestly. May was almost cripplingly shy, more nervous than Ruby or Velvet when called upon by staff or someone else. She seemed to revel in being invisible and unnoticed.
But now they were both before him, glaring at one another; Emerald looked like she wanted to, as his elder sister Saphron liked to say, “Slap A Bitch”, and even the shy and bashful May looked ready to try and claw out Emerald’s eyes with her fingernails.
“If you think your shy ass can make him happy, you’ve got another thing coming! What are you two going to do, hold hands while hiding in the shadows?” Emerald snorted, popping her hip and placing her hand on it, smirking darkly at the beanie-wearing sniper.
May glared, only one being visible doing nothing to hide the intensity. “At least I didn’t have to flaunt myself like a whore to get Jaune’s attention! He always noticed me, even without knowing about my tits!”
He could see them about to fight, and his body moved before his brain did, placing himself between them and giving them both a stern look (something perfected by dealing with mischievous younger twin sisters), silently telling them both to stop.
Both huffed, curling into his sides and glaring at one another, static seeming to form between their gazes.
He tugged the two girls who had captured his heart over the semester close to him and closed his eyes, recalling exactly how this started…
Start Of The Week
Emerald Sustrai had known little in the way of happiness or of comfort for most of her life. Growing up an orphan in Vacuao, she had lived on the streets and been forced to scrounge and steal in order to survive. She had been tempered and hardened by such a thing, her heart steeled to do what was necessary, even if it wasn’t right.
She had managed to steal, scrimp, and save enough to catch a flight to Vale, and apply to Beacon. She hated Vacuao, and wouldn’t set foot in Shade for a second if she could help it. She knew that they held a ‘survival of the fittest’ ideal, and after living it for most of her life, she wasn’t going to be going through it at school, where she was supposed to be able to trust the people who she teamed up with to watch her back!
Getting to school and getting through initiation, she had been partnered with Cinder Fall, an enigmatic, but intelligent and resourceful woman who used a bow and arrows and Fire Dust. Her other partners were Mercury Black, a silver haired smart ass with prosthetic combat legs, and Neopolitan, a mute midget with a weird ass reinforced parasol for combat of all things. But even Emerald couldn’t deny that they were skilled and effective at killing the Grimm in the forest.
But she was still missing something...or rather, someone. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew that she was more likely to die before retiring, so she wanted to find someone...maybe they would last, maybe they wouldn’t. But before the year’s end, she would be free of this pesky virginity!
But...surveying the available males made her wince. Mercury? No, it was a bad idea to have sex with a teammate. She had enough to worry about, she wasn’t going to have to worry about her own teammate as well.
Brawnz Ni? Arrogant, and full of himself. She wasn’t going to give him a bigger ego. Roy Stallion? He was okay, but not her type. Nolan Porfirio? Too passive.
Lie Ren? Nice, but taken, going by the ginger with the hammer constantly hanging off of him. She would not ruin a relationship, thanks...or risk having her kneecaps obliterated by a combination War Hammer/Grenade Launcher.
Team CRDL?...Pfft, she’d sooner stick a slim teasing vibe in her pussy and seal it up to be tormented for the rest of her life before letting one of those slimeballs touch her.
But Jaune Arc...he was interesting. Kind, but not to the point of being walked over, as evidenced as he corralled his (possibly certifiably crazy) teammate, Nora Valkyrie. Not the strongest, but not the weakest, reasonably intelligent, although his strongest points were tactics and applied strategy, being the only student to be actually acing the class. He...he would work. He was handsome, in that goofy, awkward way, messy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, awkward, charming smile...and always doing small acts of kindness, even if he never got thanks for it.
The one problem? His partner, the Invincible Girl. She couldn’t tell if they were together, hell, she couldn’t tell if the redhead even liked him in that way! She looked at him softly, but it wasn’t seemingly the way that a lover looked at another lover.
An elbow nudged her, and she looked to see a head of multicolored hair, heterochromic eyes and a cocky smirk. She deadpanned at Neo. “What is it?” she asked, scowling as the shorter girl wagged her eyebrows as she glanced over at Jaune, making her scowl deepen.
“Don’t even, Neo…besides, aren’t you a card carrying member of the ‘Lady Lover’ society?” she asked, knowing that Neo much preferred females, having seen her eyes roaming over the stacked blonde on Team RWBY, Yang Xiao Long. She couldn’t see it, but she wouldn’t mock the pink, white, and brown haired girl for her interest.
Neo shrugged, almost saying “I can appreciate looks, can’t I?” before nodding over to the corner. Following, she felt her heckles rise almost instinctively, lip curling up in anger as she saw what Neo was referring to.
In the corner was the quiet May Zedong. Now, Emerald had nothing against the quiet girl who hid herself in the corners and hardly ever spoke up unless she was directly spoken to. One would think herself a complete and utter wallflower, non-threatening. But, May Zedong was a sniper. She preferred to wait and strike when it was best for her. And right now, her lovesick blue-gray eye was locked right on her future man. This would not stand. “I’ll be back to the dorm later, Neo...I have to...talk...with someone.”
Neo tapped a finger against her lips as she watched her teammate stalk off, an intense look in her crimson eyes, before shrugging and heading back to the dorms. On one hand, she hoped her teammate knew what she was doing...on the other, she would take her amusement where she could get it.
May Zedong was used to going unnoticed among a crowd. She knew she wasn’t the beauty that most huntresses-in-training were, feeling as though she had really plain features. Slightly narrow face, only one eye (a grimm attack when she was young taking the other one), she felt even her hair was limp and unappealing, even if it was a unique maroon color. Even her own teammates paid her no second glance, instead preferring to fawn over the likes of Yang Xiao Long, Cinder Fall, and Pyrrha Nikos.
A small, extremely bitter part of her knew that she could get any boy’s attention if they knew what she hid under her hoodie or uniform top. She had been extremely ‘blessed in the chest’ as it were, going from almost flat bee stings to Double-G cups in the span of her teenage years, and was only able to hide the damned things by an expensive, dust enhanced binder that made her look like she was barely a B-cup.
But while she could easily get any guy, she didn’t want to rely on her tits to do so. She’d only attract creeps to her, who only wanted her for her breasts. She’d never let that happen. She wanted to be liked for who she was, not her chest.
She had come to Beacon with her clothes, some personal items and her Sniper Rifle/Climbing Axe, Opening Gambit, hoping that she could find some happiness with a boyfriend while at Beacon, the risks of her survival until she was thirty drilled into her head by her mother.
So far, she had dealt with nothing but disappointment. Her own teammates glossed over her as a woman without so much as a second glance, even her own partner, Nolan. Hell, Brawnz had thought she was a boy until she had said otherwise. CRDL were assholes. Mercury Black gave her the creeps. He just...stared at people sometimes. Without blinking. Lie Ren was cute, but he was claimed, even if he didn’t know it yet. Nora Valkyrie clung to him like a baby koala did to its mother.
But Jaune...he...he was nice. He was kind. He noticed her, always went out of his way to talk to her, even if it was a simple ‘hello’ in the halls! Her heart beat faster and she could feel her cheeks heat up as she thought of being held in his arms, just being accepted for who she was-
“Zedong.” May was cruelly ripped from her fantasy by the curt voice of Emerald Sustrai, a dark skinned beauty that turned more than a fair few eyes with her teasing smile and swaying hips. But currently, there was no smile on her face, instead there was a severe look that made her heart race, this time not from a happy fantasy with a potential boyfriend, but from adrenaline flushing through her body as her fight or flight instincts went wild. She swallowed.
“Y-Yes, Emerald?” she asked, cursing internally as she stuttered, despising the weakness. She flinched as a cocoa skinned hand slapped right on the wall next to her.
She leaned close, allowing her to smell her scent (cherry blossoms, very pleasant), and carmine eyes narrowed. She leaned even more forwards, until May could feel the verdette’s nose poking her own. “What are you getting at, staring at my future boyfriend like that?” she growled.
May blinked, before the words registered in her brain. She scowled back, her body making more adrenaline and scowling at the surprised looking Sustrai. “You. Don’t. Own. Him.” she growled angrily. “I know he’s not dating anyone right now.” despite her anger, she felt worry when she saw a glint appear in Emerald’s eyes, her lips turning up in a smirk.
“Really…?” Emerald murmured to herself, tilting her head, “I figured, but its nice to have confirmation...that will make it much easier...especially since I don’t have to worry about potentially ruining a relationship…” she licked her lips. “Thanks for the information, wallflower. Do yourself a favor: stay away while I go for him. I’m not cruel, but you’re honestly bound only for disappointment if you go up against me.” she smirked. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to go claim.”
Pulling away from the beanie-wearing girl, Emerald turned and walked away, making sure to sway her hips and let the girl know what she was dealing with.
May breathed harshly as the adrenaline slump kicked in, not unlike when she was out of combat. She flushed, not only from shame that an altercation from a fellow student made her feel like she was going against a Grimm, but from anger. To be told, ordered, not to pursue the one boy that gave her the time of day, that held her interest...that wouldn’t fly. She obviously couldn’t use her tried and true method of waiting for the right moment to strike. She would have to go out of her comfort zone and attempt a strike normally…she glared at the retreating Emerald, her blue-gray eye narrowing. It was on. Tomorrow, the battle would begin!
Emerald smirked as she looked herself over in the mirror. She had ‘borrowed’ a few skirts from both Cinder and Neo, who were both smaller in the hips than she was, and loved the effect it had when placed on her thicker frame.
The material of the skirt clung to her ass nicely, even coming up a bit and showing off just a bit of her plump cheeks. A quick sway of her hips made her chuckle, as it showed off more of her ass, just enough that it could confuse...and arouse...those who saw her. Especially since she had forgone normal panties, instead wearing one of her thongs, the string being swallowed up by the split between her cheeks.
Sure, she had only one person in mind, but teasing others was good fun too. She knew enough that Jaune didn’t have the best self-image, either, so when they got together, it would do his ego a bit of good that he had a girl on his arm that everyone else lusted after.
“So this is what you wanted to borrow our skirts for…” a dash of red dusted Emerald’s cheeks as she looked up to see her partner, Cinder, leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest, watching her.
Emerald cleared her throat and forced the redness away from her cheeks. She knew that she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Cinder wasn’t loose, but she had shared her bed with a few boys before, generally civilians from Vale on the weekends. That way, she didn’t have to worry about them ‘getting attached’.
“So, who’s the lucky boy that managed to catch your attention, my dear Emerald?” the inflection of Cinder’s tone was more that of ‘leader’ than ‘friend’, meaning that Cinder wanted to know to make sure it didn’t affect the team. They may not be number one team of the year (that belonged to JNPR), but they weren’t far behind it.
“Jaune Arc.” she replied, her tone soft, watching her dark haired team leader close her eyes and nod, lips tilting upwards a bit. “Hmm, not a bad choice...you could certainly do worse…” opening her golden eyes, she smirked. “Best of luck. I know many others have been eyeing him, not just the girl you spoke to yesterday. If rumors are right, even a second year is interested in him...that rabbit faunus, Velvet something.” she hummed, her smirk growing a bit even as Emerald stiffened. “Go get him, girl.”
May Zedong stood in Team BRNZ’s locked bathroom, gathering her courage. She knew that this was going to be risky, but the potential payoff was worth the potential discomfort.
She stood naked in front of the mirror, looking over her body critically. Her large breasts, larger than her own head, jutting form her chest proudly. Most girls would consider it a point of pride, she however, considered them a point of shame and embarrassment, to be hidden away.
Carefully, she gently cupped the heavy swells, hefting them and contemplating them. The skin was smooth, not a single flaw to it, not a blemish nor a beauty mark. Her nipples were large and puffy, a horizontal slit showing that they were inverted, another oddity of her body that she disliked, along with how brutally sensitive her chest was. She always got wet simply by rubbing them, and playing with them intently could make her cum.
Letting her breasts go, she slid her hands along her sides, trailing them along her flat, toned belly and to her hips, twisting her upper body this way and that, glancing at her breasts from profile, a weak smile forming on her face as she saw the jiggle.
Glancing between her legs, she looked at her freshly waxed core. She had never liked more body hair than necessary, something she knew was shared by almost all Huntresses-in-training. Turning around fully she looked over her shoulder and pushed her butt outwards, taking a look at her rear. She knew it had nothing on Emerald’s, or even several other girls, like Velvet Scarlatina’s from second year, but it was a nice shape and firmness, something that maybe Jaune would like to grab? Spank it as he played with her sensitive tits and fucked her soaking pussy, turning her into a gooey puddle of lust in his skilled hands?
She shook herself out of her fantasy and straightened up, grabbing her panties and slipping them up her legs and covering herself, then her uniform skirt. Turning back around, May gnawed at her lower lip as she looked at her binder. She glanced at it, then down at her chest, before sighing and grabbing it, beginning the process of flattening herself down to look ‘normal’.
But as she did, a naughty thought, a wicked thought, filled her head. She would gradually start loosening her binder, until she could proudly go without the damned thing...or at least have it loosened enough that people-that Jaune-saw her as the young woman she was.
Strapping it on, she tightened it until she reached her normal almost flat state, before loosening it a bit, her breasts pushing the material a bit more outwards. Grabbing her uniform blouse and tie, she put them on, looking at herself in the mirror.
A hint of redness formed on her cheeks. She looked...she looked feminine. Her shirt bulged a bit, going from nearly flat to respectable. Was...was this what she could look like? She smiled softly as she brushed her hair, making sure her bad eye was covered before putting on her beanie to keep her hair down.
“You can do this, Zedong.” she whispered to herself, steeling herself for the day, and the battle, to come. “It’s no different than combat...time to hunt.”
Jaune Arc woke up feeling odd that day. Not like he had forgotten to study for one of Oobleck’s tests (thankfully, Pyrrha and Ren helped remind him and Nora of those), but more that something...interesting...was going to happen to him. He wanted to hide in his bed and just believe the world outside the dorm room didn’t exist, but knew that he couldn’t do that.
“Jaune?” he glanced to see Pyrrha, his partner in arms, and closest friend at Beacon, looking at him worriedly. He gave her a weak smile. Both he and Pyrrha knew each other’s darkest secrets. For him, it was his falsifying his transcripts and sneaking into the school untrained.
For Pyrrha...it was a more touchy subject. She had been forced to be this perfect girl, someone untouchable, indomitable...she hated it. She also feared how people would react when they learned that she had never felt any type of romantic feelings nor had ever felt sexual desire. Never even found joy in masturbation, even. They had both been blushing hard as she admitted that.
The reveal to one another had only brought the two closer as both friends and partners, and they both felt comfortable telling one another everything. So, he decided to tell her the truth. “Just have this weird feeling that today is going to be interesting…”
Pyrrha hummed. “Interesting? Or...interesting?” she asked, sending a look over at Nora, who was happily chatting with Ren. Jaune shuddered. “It feels between that, but I hope to god its not the latter…” he said softly, making Pyrrha nod. They both loved Nora dearly, but she was a handful, and they didn’t need more than one of her.
Shaking their heads, both redhead and blonde gathered their things, preparing for the day.
Jaune sighed as he made his way to Study Hall. Once again, Oobleck had managed to speak so fast during his class that he was going to have to do extra studies for it. As he was about to enter, he stumbled a bit, his arm lashing out to catch whoever knocked against him, although his breath still left him when he hit the wall, and (the bigger reason) something soft pressing against his groin. Opening his eyes he glanced down to see one of his year mates, Emerald Sustrai, pressed against him, her...ample...rear settling between his thighs perfectly, pressing against where his cock was sure to bulge if she kept moving like that, wiggling that ass of hers! He watched as her eyes opened (a beautiful red shade, he thought), and she looked back at him, a small gentle smile forming on her face.
Emerald smirked to herself. Step One was complete, ‘accidentally’ stumbling into Jaune and making it so her best ‘asset’ was pressed against him. Now for Step Two, Teasing.
Putting a small smile on her face, Emerald made sure to subtly shift her backside against him, wanting to see what he was packing. She knew he wasn’t small, god knows that she heard Winchester bitching about how that size ‘couldn’t be possible without drugs’.
“Thank you for grabbing me...your name’s Jaune, right? I’m Emerald...sorry for being so clumsy!” she chuckled awkwardly, inwardly loving the red hue to his cheeks...and the pressure she could feel start being placed on her ass. She was surprised. From what she could tell, he wasn’t even truly hard yet, but she could feel him pressing quite firmly between her ass cheeks! Redness seeped into her own cheeks, this...this was something special.
Before she could say anything more, her world spun as she was picked up and gently placed onto the floor again, hearing Jaune frantically apologize before taking off in almost a sprint, leaving her there, shocked and soaking her thong.
A smirk formed on her lips. “Stage one and two, complete...now for stage three later on…” she hummed happily, knowing that she could have great fun with that. She knew what fun she wanted to do next...and her semblance could surely help with it…turning, she walked away with a skip in her step, already plotting how the second phase of her plan was going to unfold…
Jaune darted into the Library, holding his books in front of him to hide his straining erection, face flushed as he made his way to the back of it, to his preferred table for studying. That had been mortifying. He desperately hoped that he wouldn’t be getting looks later due to his ‘perversion’. It would be his luck.
Setting his books on the table, he took a seat and sighed, willing his erection away so he could focus on his studies. Jaune cracked open his history text, knowing that the dry words within would slaughter any arousal ruthlessly.
“...Jaune?” he lifted his head, hearing the voice of May Zedong, a girl that he was reasonably well acquainted with. Her voice was soft, and he didn’t know if it was because they were in the library, or because of her natural shyness. But he smiled softly.
“Hey May, how are you…?” he blinked as he noticed that she had loosened her binder (he knew she wore one, but he hadn’t known it was that tight), her chest protruding more outwards, giving her a generous looking C-Cup. He gave it the barest glance (he wasn’t going to apologize for being a guy. He knew girls looked too) before locking eyes with her. He could tell she was embarrassed, but her smile was genuine.
May’s heart was beating faster than it had ever had. She felt all the eyes on her as she moved around her day, and she had only loosened her binder a bit! She could only imagine how people, how Jaune, would react when they saw her true size. She felt her heart skip a beat as he glanced at her chest, but her feels swelled even more as his eyes were only there for a second before locking on her face. “Do...do you mind if I sit here?” she asked, nervously fumbling with her own book for Tactics class. It was Brawnz’s, but she had ‘borrowed’ it so she could actually have something to talk with her crush about.
Her heart warmed as her crush nodded with an affirmative, now, it was time to make her initial chink in his armor. “W-would you mind helping me with Tactics? I could help with History in exchange?” she offered. Fortunately, she was a fair hand in History, being in the top five of the class.
Jaune swallowed. “S-Sure!” he stuttered a bit, his nerves jumping a bit at being alone with a pretty girl. Hopefully this would go better than just before he entered the library?
Jaune was wrong. It was worse. May had always felt comfortable around him, and it showed; she sat next to him, scooting her chair as close as she could get it, practically leaning against him, squishing her chest against his arm. This had the additional effect of getting him to notice that her blouse wasn’t buttoned all the way, giving him a tantalizing view into her cleavage, something he knew no other man saw.
He hated himself. He knew that May was afraid of being objectified, just like Pyrrha, but here he was, having the urge to stare at her. Every glance he made not only made his cock twitch, but his embarrassment and shame grow.
May was pleased, very pleased. She could see the subtle shifts in Jaune’s body, his cheeks flushing like her own were. She wasn’t going to make her final strike now, that would come later. She pressed herself more firmly against him. “...thank you for helping me, Jaune. It helped and I really enjoyed spending time with you.” she said honestly. “...can we study together again?” she asked hopefully, looking into those startling blue eyes.
She smiled as he nodded. “Thank you!” she grabbed him in a hug, although she failed to immediately notice that she pulled his head down to her chest, pressing his face against the exposed tops of her breasts. But even when she did, she only hugged him tighter, despite the redness on her cheeks.
Jaune stiffened, in more ways than one. For not the first time, he bemoaned being so large. Why couldn’t he have been more normal sized like Ren was? Her scent invaded his nose, vanilla and cinnamon, and his cheeks burned, even as his cock swelled and began making a distinct shape down the inner thigh of his uniform slacks. He had to act fast, before she thought him nothing more than a complete pervert!
May squeaked as Jaune quickly slipped out of his arms (unknowingly putting a delicious pressure on her sensitive nipples, making her panties soak. In a flurry of activity, Jaune collected his books and notes, rapidly saying, “It’s been great, May! We should study together again sometime! Sorry, I just remembered I had something important to do! Talk to you later!” he blurted out, before dashing off, leaving an aroused May sitting at the table.
She licked her lips, having seen the distinct ‘manprint’ that her crush had running down his inner thigh. She rubbed her thighs together. She knew that he was big, but not that big…
She swallowed and grabbed her things, standing and deciding to head back to the dorm. Walking away on slightly shaky legs, she knew she would be taking a long personal shower when she got to the dorm room.
Reaching the dorm, Jaune threw himself face first on the bed, face red and eyes wide. Had...had that really just happened? Did two beautiful girls just...what had happened?! Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he forced his aching cock to calm. One good thing about being surrounded by so many beautiful girls all his life, he gained an almost semblance-like ability to force his cock down.
He sighed as it thankfully shrank down and calmed, even though his balls still felt the effects of the arousal that had flooded through him not too long ago. He closed his eyes and sighed. Hopefully, this would just be a one off thing...something that he could laugh about year later on.
Poor Jaune. He had no idea what he was in for.
Two days had passed since the initial incidents, and Jaune had attempted to put them form his mind. Granted, it was impossible really when the two subjects of his thoughts were constantly there, smiling, waving, greeting him.
Considering neither of them were screaming ‘pervert’ or spreading rumors about him, he guessed things were good between them, leading him to wave back and smile awkwardly. Of course, Yang had to make jokes about it, acting as though him getting female attention was something noteworthy…
...and he supposed it was, considering his luck with Weiss. That didn’t mean he needed to hear the jokes about how he was finally getting attention from the ladies.
Rolling his eyes, he sighed and stood. “Very funny, Yang...now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to head off and go anywhere but here.” he said, standing and heading off, distantly hearing Ren, Nora,  Pyrrha, and even Ruby going off on her sister. Bless them.
As he left, he failed to notice carmine eyes watching him, following his every move. And both failed to see the calculating blue-gray eye.
Jaune sighed as he placed the barbell back down on the rack, wiping sweat off of his face and neck with his workout shirt. His muscles burned nicely, and he felt pleased with himself. He had come a long way from the unmuscled noodle that had sneaked into Beacon.
Now, while he wasn’t the best warrior, he could certainly hold his own, no thanks in part to his wonderful Partner and teammates. He knew that he would have been dead by now without them.
“Oh, hi Jaune! You decided to get a workout in too?” his eyes widened as he turned and saw Emerald walking up to him. His mouth went dry and he bit his tongue to try and stave of the twitch in his shorts as he saw what she was wearing.
A tight sports top held her sizable breasts snugly in almost a shelf, while she wore sinfully tight black shorts that looked almost painted on. And he was only seeing her from the front. He both desired, and dreaded, seeing what they looked like from behind. ‘Danger, Danger, Jaune Arc! Abandon The Area!’ his mind screamed as the beautiful young woman walked forwards, her hips swinging.
“H-Hi, Emerald…” he mumbled, eyes darting everywhere for help, but heart sinking when he realized they were alone in the gym. He quickly scrambled for an excuse. “Sorry, but I have to go…”
Emerald pouted. “Are you sure? I need to do some squats, and it would really help if someone spotted me...would you, please? I don’t want to overdo it…” she bat her eyes a few times, not overdoing it, but still pulling the ‘sweet demure girl’ act.
She barely resisted the urge to smirk when Jaune nodded, instead cheerfully going, “Great, thanks! Only going to do a few sets today, since I know classes aren’t far away, but there’s enough time to get a quick workout in, along with a nice hot shower! That’s always nice after a workout to ensure you don’t cramp, right? Feeling the hot water running over your body...there’s nothing like it!”
Jaune bit the inside of his cheek as the beautiful girl put the image of her standing under the shower head, the steaming water running over her trim, curvy body...he could feel himself getting hard in his shorts.
Emerald smiled as she slowly turned around, making sure to highlight her ass in these sinfully tight shorts of hers. She had honestly outgrown them, but had kept them around for reasons even she didn’t know...until now, at least.
Bending down and grabbing the barbells, making sure to push her ass out, she smirked when she heard a stilted intake of air. “Ready?” she asked, raising herself up, not waiting for an answer before dropping herself, pushing her ass out hard, quickly falling into a rhythm of rising and falling, making sure to showcase her ass and thighs.
Jaune was hard, unable to stop his cock from getting fully hard and stretching out his shorts lewdly. As embarrassing as that was, he preferred that to it sliding down his leg and peeking out to say hello to the world. He was just very grateful she was facing away from him, otherwise he knew this would end badly.
Emerald smirked widely as she performed her squats. Jaune had apparently not noticed the mirror across from them, and she had a perfect view of how hard he was staring at her ass...and how hard he was in response. She licked her lips and her core tingled, warmth bubbling up in her belly as she imagined being speared by that cock.
Despite loving the fact that Jaune was captivated by her ass, she knew she had to finish up sadly. But she wasn’t going to let that end her fun, there would be plenty of chances to tease him later. So, as she went down for her final squat, she rocked backwards, letting out a squeak as both she and Jaune hit the mat, her ass squashing against his cock.
Jaune groaned piteously as his cock was pressed down by those soft cheeks, just like two days ago, as Emerald rubbed her head and-oh god-squirmed on top of him, his balls going haywire. He bit his tongue to avoid making any sound that could tell Emerald exactly what was happening underneath her.
Forcing his eyes open, he saw her rubbing the back of her head, before glancing back, although not down, much to his relief. He twitched as she shifted more, her ass rubbing against his cock. ‘Oh, fuck, she needs to stop!’ he thought, panicked.
Emerald had to hit Jaune with her semblance, she couldn’t keep the smirk off her face anymore as she subtly wiggled her plump ass on the thick meat stick underneath her. “Ow…” she whined piteously, rubbing the back of her head, “Are you okay, Jaune? I hope I didn’t hurt you!” she asked, forcing the weight of her ass on his cock more, loving the panicked look on his face. She was glad that they were alone and that her ass was facing him; she was soaked.
The groan that hit her ears made her smirk, more teasing to be had then. “Did I hurt you?! Hang on, let me see where I landed!” she slowly dragged her ass down Jaune’s cock and placed herself on the mat, turning around-
-only to see Jaune up already and rushing to the showers, hunched over. She blinked, before she smirked, standing up and slowly following, intending to find him and watch what she knew he was doing. Maybe even ‘help’.
She herself failed to notice her follower, the blue-gray orb narrowed in anger.
Jaune groaned as he stood naked under the shower spray, one hand on the wall and the other performing what was known as a ‘tactical jerk’, rapidly tugging at his cock, trying to bring himself to orgasm before anyone else arrived.
“Fuck...why...how did she not notice?” he groaned, his cock and balls aching terribly as he pumped hard on his cock. “She can’t have not felt it…” even now, he could feel the warm squeeze of her ass on him, almost a phantom sensation that drove him wild.
He moved his hand for a moment, only for his eyes to snap open as a warm squeeze seemingly did envelop his cock, a tight warmth that made pre spurt from his tip. Looking before him, he saw nothing, but sniffing, he smelled the scent of cherry blossoms, just like the girl who he had been spotting. The sensation began to move, confusing him utterly, but the pleasure made him quickly forget thinking about it too hard.
Emerald smirked at a job well done. Jaune was wrapped in the throes of her semblance and she had stripped and slipped in front of him, capturing that massive cock in her ass. She hummed to herself as she began to rub that hot hard flesh, her ass moving along it, her own honey leaking down her inner thighs. She knew they would have to be swift, after all, people could come into the gym or its showers anytime. But she knew enough that Jaune had to be close. She just needed to...make...him...cum!
Jaune released a broken sound as his balls finally began to release, his cock spitting his copious seed all over the wall in front of him, much to his shame, his cock throbbing and balls pumping out a massive amount of cum, utterly painting it white.
Shame filled him, and after a quick rinse, he swiftly dried off, dressed and made his way out.
Under the spray of the water, Emerald hummed to herself as she rinsed herself clean. While she couldn’t see how much cum was on her backside, she could definitely feel the warmth that coated her. She chuckled. “Step three, complete…” she murmured. She would hunt him down again and next time, she would ask him out. She was sure he’d be all for it.
Hidden in the shadows of the corner, a tear-filled blue-gray eye stared at Emerald in rage. May knew about Emerald’s semblance, and she knew that Jaune didn’t see what had really happened. Slipping away, she wasn’t going to give in. No, she was going to fight for Jaune!
Creeping back, she May skulked out of the showers, already preparing for her next move. She needed to do something special.
Jaune sat in Survival Class, an elective course, but one he found damn useful. Even as he looked over the diagrams that they were working on today, he knew his mind wasn’t in it, it going back to the scene in the Gym earlier with Emerald. Glancing around, he supposed it was okay, though...after all, there seemed to be low turnout for the class today. As an elective, you came when the class had something you wanted to learn in it.
He sighed as he felt his cock, still semi hard, twitch in his slacks. He still felt phantom feelings of her rear on his lap, like when he was in the shower…
“Hi, Jaune! Can I sit with you?” he looked to the side, hearing May’s voice, only to choke as he turned. May’s chest had grown again, and now matched Yang’s size. He quickly shook himself though, knowing that she would hate gawking. “S-Sure, May.” he stuttered, watching as she happily took the seat next to him, her breasts bouncing slightly as she settled. Glancing around, Jaune noticed that they were the only two in the classroom, which filled him with a bit of trepidation, but he trusted May. He knew she wouldn’t do anything to embarrass him.
He heard the door opened and a flush filled his cheeks as he saw Emerald enter in her uniform, looking up and waving at him, although her smile seemed...dimmed. He didn’t know what caused that and would have thought more on it, but he was distracted-incredibly distracted-by May leaning into his arm again as she pointed out something in the book. If anyone asked, he wouldn’t be able to tell them, since his entire focus was on the softness pressing against his arm.
While Jaune was...preoccupied, both Emerald and May were having a stare down, giving one another very ugly looks, unimpressed with the fact of what the other was doing or did. Their eyes were cold, and if one looked closely, it would seem like lightning was crackling between the two beauties. May was happy that she had arrived first and foremost and was able to sit next to Jaune, while Emerald was incised for the same reasoning.
After a moment, Emerald smirked, immediately making May stiffen, wondering what the devious verdette had in mind.
Heading over to the table that held the books they used for the class, Emerald wasn’t going to let Zedong get in the way of her snagging her future boyfriend. She’d just get the sight that Jaune was going to be able to enjoy whenever he wanted, too! She laughed to herself as she stretched straight out over the table, feeling her skirt rise and rise, cool air brushing over the skin of her ass...the dual gasps made her smirk and glance over her shoulder, using her semblance to hide the blatant action, her cheeks red, even though she thought this was so hot…
Both Jaune and May stared in shock as Emerald’s skirt moved up more and more, until the entirety of her ass was completely exposed, the smooth chocolate skin taut and unblemished. More to the point, she was lacking underwear, letting them see everything.
May was horrified. She had no idea that Emerald was going to be that blatant with her wants! She knew that it wasn’t an accident, either! She could see her shifting her stance (subtly, of course) to arch her rear up and make it spread a bit! Glancing at Jaune, she was disheartened to see him staring with a dark blush on his cheeks, although she could understand it. Acting quickly, she did the first thing that came to mind to get his attention back.
Jaune’s mouth went dry as he saw her cheeks spread, allowing him to glimpse the darker circle of skin between the half moons, and the plump, pouty lips just beneath. He lost his battle keeping his cock soft, the shaft swelling with blood and pitching a massive tent in his slacks. He didn’t know how long he stared at the enticing image before he heard a squeak, and the wind was knocked out of him as he fell out of his chair and onto the floor, something warm landing on his crotch, making him freeze in horror.
Glancing down, he saw May, planted face down on his crotch, her cheek rubbing up against his hard shaft, her warm hand on his thigh, her breath seeping through his clothes and brushing over his balls; his cock ached.
May had attempted to put her hand over Jaune’s eyes, but slipped and slammed into him, taking them both to the ground. As the dizziness faded, she felt something hard poking her cheek and noticed that she was taking in a wonderful, musky scent. One that made her pussy clench in her panties. Opening her eye, her face burned as she realized somehow she had ended up face first in Jaune’s lap. Her eyesight grew hazy and stung as tears of humiliation filled them. She hadn’t meant for this!
She threw herself up and back, looking down at the ground and tried to take in a breath to calm herself, but all that came out was a loud ‘Hic!’ as burning hot tears began to stream down her face, falling onto her skirt. She couldn’t bring herself to look up at her crush, knowing that she would see the most disgusted look on it-she froze as strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to his chest. “It’s okay, May...its okay...it was an accident…”
May buried her face into her crushes chest, taking deep breaths of his scent, her emotions settling and her love for Jaune growing as he comforted her after that humiliating experience. She snuggled against him, letting herself relax to the powerful thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat.
Neither noticed Emerald stomping out with a scowl.
Another two days had passed, and while things had been slightly awkward between him and May, it wasn’t bad enough that they couldn’t interact with one another. However, today was an off day for classes (something about a staff wide meeting? He didn’t really care enough to confirm it), so he was planning on heading to one of the indoor pools. Oddly enough this meeting coincided nicely, since the team had reserved it today anyway. Now, instead of a few hours after classes, they had the entire day to laze away in it if they wanted. Which they were going to.
Nora laughed as she changed into her swimsuit in the middle of the room, uncaring if her teammates saw her naked. None of them batted an eye, used to Nora’s wild side by now. “This is going to be great! How often do we say that we get to just sit by and swim in a pool all day?” she asked.
“We don’t, since the pools are always filled up on the weekends, and we don’t want Pyrrha in a swimsuit appearing in the tabloids. Its bad enough people are taking photos of her in classes, for God’s sake.” Jaune sighed, shaking his head as his closest friend and partner blushed.
“I’m sorry!”
“No, Pyrrha, don’t be sorry that other people don’t know boundaries.” Jaune said, patting her on the shoulder. His partner looked very attractive in her modest two piece bikini, but he knew that people would only be able to admire from a distance. After all, most of them never had the nerve to speak to her, and even if they did, Pyrrha, being on the Aromantic Asexual side of the spectrum, wasn’t cruel enough to lead them on.
A knock on the door drew their attention, and glancing to make sure his teammates were decent, Jaune moved over to the door, opening it to see…“May? Hey, what’s up?” he smiled as he saw his shy friend in front of their dorm room.
May blushed brightly as she saw the boy she loved without a shirt and wearing only swimming trunks, her mouth going dry as her eye roamed over her muscled form. Feeling warmth bubble up in her belly, she cleared her throat and spoke, hoping her voice didn’t crack. “I...I came to see if you wanted to hang out...but I can come back later?” she asked hopefully, hoping that she got some time with her crush today...without her trying to muscle in.
Pyrrha blinked. While she may not feel it herself, she could see that May was attracted to Jaune. Hell, she likely would be attracted to Jaune if she was capable of feeling those types of emotions. He was a great man. She smiled and moved forwards. “We’re going to the pool, May. Would you like to join us? The more the merrier?” seeing the beanie-wearing girl’s surprised look, she winked from behind Jaune’s shoulder.
May had to bite the inside of her cheek to avoid the face-splitting smile she wanted to reveal, instead managing to say, “A-are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother...or get in the way of team time.” she nearly winced, since most of the time she was left out of ‘Team Bonding’ stuff in BRNZ, since she was the only girl.
She didn’t see Jaune’s eyes soften, but she did hear him. “It’s not bother to spend time with a friend, May. You’re welcome to come. We’d be glad to have you.” she couldn’t keep the joy off her face this time as she smiled wide. “Thanks! I’ll go get my suit! Which pool are you heading to?” she asked. This could be her chance! And it looked like Jaune’s own partner, Pyrrha freaking Nikos, approved of her going for him!
“The smaller one on the West side of the dorms. More private.” left unsaid was they chose that one to make sure Pyrrha had peace, since it was one of the few of them that didn’t have windows to the outside, meaning no loiterers attempting to hide with cameras. It may have been against the rules and punished harshly, but that didn’t stop perverts in their attempt to get pictures of swimsuit malfunctions.
“Thanks! I’ll go grab my suit!” in a burst of emotion, she hugged him, before darting off back to her own dorm to get her suit. She had thankfully bought one in case she ever had the courage to do something like this.
Granted, it wasn’t ideal, since preferably, it would just be her and Jaune, but at this point, with what Emerald had been pulling, she couldn’t afford to stay her usual self anymore...besides, worst came to worst, she had her semblance to fall back on.
Entering her empty dorm, she dug her bikini out of the bottom of her dresser, blushing at the thought of Jaune seeing her in it, wondering what he would saw when he saw how large her breasts were, before shaking her head. Now wasn’t the time for talk, it was time for action. She wouldn’t allow anything to stop her.
May was pouting. Honest to god pouting. Why? Apparently, Team RWBY had overheard Pyrrha and Jaune inviting her to the pool, so they invited themselves! And what’s worse, Emerald had found them and gotten an invite too! But she wasn’t going to let an extra five people stop her! She was going to get Juane’s attention!...right after her knees stopped trembling.
She stood before a mirror in one of the small changing rooms, wearing her bikini. The bottoms were a pretty lavender color, and a modest side-tie in style. The top, however...well, it was a bikini...in theory. The two tiny triangles covered her puffy, inverted nipples for sure, but a good portion of her pink areola was still visible.
Her blush was dark, almost taking over her face, but she wasn’t going to be deterred! She was going to go and show her crush what she had to offer!
Knock! Knock! May looked at the door, seeing the outline of someone’s shadow underneath it. Part of her hoped it was Jaune, but she knew he was too much of a gentleman to do such a thing unless someone else was there. “Hello?” she was proud her voice didn’t crack.
“May? Are you okay?” her shoulders relaxed when she realized it was Pyrrha and not Emerald here to taunt her. She had seen the smug look that the verdette had on her face as she went into one of the changing stalls herself.
“Yes, thanks! On my way out!” she called, gathering her clothes and putting them into her bag, making sure that they wouldn’t go ‘missing’ mysteriously. Standing and moving to the door, she opened it to see the redhead standing outside.
Despite the embarrassment, she couldn’t help but feel amused when Pyrrha’s eyes went wide, the normally reserved girl blatantly staring at her chest. She chuckled, making her breasts bounce. “Take a picture, maybe?” she teased, getting the redhead to rapidly shake her head and back up, looking incredibly flustered.
“I’m sorry!” Pyrrha yelped, before calming and taking a deep breath, looking May in the eye. “May, are you sure you feel comfortable wearing that? I mean, there’s more than just Juane out there…” May felt her eyes widen. “I can tell you like him, and honestly, on some level, I think he likes you too, but Juane...he’s not unintelligent, but he has a very low sense of self-worth.”
May nodded. Anyone could honestly see it. The blonde seemed to hold himself to an impossible standard. “But, I think you’re good for him, so let’s go and you can make his eyes pop out.” Pyrrha chuckled, and May nodded, her heart rising as she realized she had a great ally in Pyrrha.
As they headed back to the pool area, they could hear voices, Yang talking predominantly. “Damn, Em. How do you hide that? It’s bigger than Blake’s?” May’s expression soured, knowing exactly what Yang was talking about.
Emerald had happily shown off her thong bikini to May, revealing the same amount of ass that she had shown off in Survival Class the other day. She knew that Jaune was likely just as embarrassed as he was then...but he was likely to be more when he saw her.
“Oh, its a bit difficult, but a good skirt or pants does wonders!” Emerald’s voice was cheerful, but she could hear the hidden dislike within it; then again, May knew that Emerald had no real respect for those who flaunted themselves. Hell, she could honestly say that she had never seen Emerald act like this before until she decided she wanted Jaune.
As Pyrrha reached for the door, May took a deep, calming breath and nodded. Showtime.
Emerald smiled to herself. It was so easy to tease Jaune like this! And with the little wallflower out of the way, she had full access to him! Just a little longer and she was sure he’d be interested in spending some time alone with her on their free day…
The door opened and her jaw, and she was sure everyone else’s jaws dropped. Where had the shy little wallflower gotten the courage to wear something like that? Off to the side she heard huffing and jealous murmurs from Schnee, which at any other point would make her laugh, if she wasn’t so shocked.
Instead of being downright flat, like she had thought, the mousy girl had tits bigger than Xiao Long! When the hell did that happen?
May ignored everyone’s expression, from Yang’s shock, to Weiss’s not so little amount of jealousy, to even Nora grabbing Ren by the head and shoving his face into her own sizable chest; her attention was solely on Jaune, who was staring at her with awe. Filling her with strength.
Walking up to him, she sat down next to him. “H-How...how do I look?” she didn’t care what the others thought of her, Jaune’s opinion was the only one that mattered. If he didn’t like it, she had wasted her time!
She watched his throat bob as he looked over her body, making the warmth bubbling in her lower belly grow, wetness beginning to form in the bottom of her swim bottoms. “Y-You look wonderful.” she smiled as his voice cracked a bit.
“Thank you.” she said, relieved. She was happy that he wasn’t disgusted by how lewdly...large...her breasts were.
Time passed, the group having fun, or as much as they could have while stewing in jealousy over Emerald’s and May’s attributes.
Both Jaune and May were swimming together, making Emerald frown. There were too many people to use her semblance effectively, but maybe she could make it so they were misdirected...a smirk appeared on her face as she moved slowly through the water, weaving her semblance.
May was enjoying herself greatly, she and Jaune had stopped for a few moments and relaxed, Jaune sitting on the edge of the pool, and May floating before him in the water. She smiled at him, happy that this was going well. But now, she needed to talk to Jaune. “Jaune...I need to tell you something.”
Jaune looked down at May with a smile. “Yeah? What is it, May?” he asked. This...this was very comfortable. He truly enjoyed spending time with her, and even Emerald; she had sat with her and May and they had just talked. And despite the embarrassment of all this week, he found himself attracted to Emerald, just as he was May. It had been a very pleasant day.
May looked up at Jaune. This was it, she was going to do it! “I wanted to tell you-” her eyes widened as she felt her top slipping. Cheeks turning dark she saw Jaune’s eyes widening so she knew he noticed it to.
Before panic set in, she activated her sembalnce and pushed herself closer to Jaune as her top slipped off and began to float away, pressing her breasts onto his lap. She took several deep breaths as her heart rate calmed down. Looking up, she blushed more as Jaune was definitely noticing her now, especially if the poke on the underside of her breasts told her anything.
Jaune glanced around rapidly, waiting for the laughs, the shrieks, the mocking, the perverted jokes, but nothing came. In fact, none of them were even looking their way. Looking back at May (doing everything he could to not stare at those magnificent breasts, massive with puffy, inverted nipples, the flush from her face extending down to the top of them), he gave her a confused look. “H-How?”
Emerald agreed with Jaune. ‘Yes, how?!’ pulling off her top was supposed to embarrass her! Not basically make her set her tits on their crush’s lap!
May blushed. “I...it’s my semblance. When activated, anything surrounding me is...normal, for lack of a better word. It helps during combat, or in embarrassing situations like this, but I really don’t like using it much...but I left you and Emerald out of it...because…” she swallowed. “We both like you, and Emerald used her semblance on you in the gym showers!”
Jaune’s head spun. “I...what? You...you like me?” he asked, stunned. A nod from May. “Emerald does too?” another nod. “Sh-she used her semblance on me in the gym showers? How?” he asked. He was fairly certain he would have would noticed her doing something to him…
May blushed. “Her...her semblance is Hallucinations...she made it so you didn’t notice her in the shower with you…” his cheeks burned as he remembered the incredible heat and tightness that wrapped around his cock, bringing him to a swift orgasm. “Th-that was her?” he asked, mortified.
May bit her lip. “She does like you, just like I do...she just doesn’t...well, neither of us have ever...tried to get a boy, you know?” she glanced to her side, seeing a shocked Emerald looking at her, holding her top in her hand. Looking back up at Jaune, she smiled weakly. “Can we talk? We...we can go to one of the empty study dorms?”
Looking between the two beauties, Jaune swallowed and nodded. “Y-Yeah...I...I think that would be a good idea.” he said, quickly reaching over and plucking May’s top from an unresisting Emerald’s hand and handing it to the maroon-haired girl to put back on.
After May’s breasts were covered up (a part of Jaune mourning the loss of the beautiful sight), the trio gathered their things and left the room, uncaring that the moment that the door closed and May dropped her semblance around them, the room descended into confusion over where the three went.
Now, here the three of them were, in a student study dorm, the girls having swiftly gotten into another argument when they settled in here before he stopped them. He wasn’t going to let this ‘competition’ for him go on any longer. He wouldn’t deny that the two girls were beautiful, and he felt for both of them...his eyes hardened. It was time to take charge. Clearing his throat, he looked between the two of them.
“Now, both of you have been enjoying teasing and tormenting me this past week...that means, both of you are going to be fixing this.” he gestured to his tented pants, his hard cock jutting outwards. “Are we understood?” Jaune growled. “Now, don’t waste my time...clothes off.”
Neither Emerald nor May would admit it out loud, but they were soaked. Jaune taking charge and demanding that they finish what they had started by teasing him so was...hot. Instantly, they began tugging at their own clothes, shirts being tossed to the side, bra and binder falling to the ground, skirts, thong and hip hugger panties following, leaving both naked and dripping before their lover’s, hopefully boyfriend’s, eyes.
Jaune licked his lips, his cock straining in his pants as he looked over their bodies. They really were beautiful, and some part of him still couldn’t believe that they were truly interested in him...but the eager looks on their faces...those weren’t fake. They were real.
He walked around them, close but not so close her touched them, reaching out and just brushing his fingers along her backsides, watching with lust as goosebumps rose up from their skin. Jaune’s nostrils flared as he smelled a sweet fragrance wafting up from below, making his cock throb.
While Emerald’s ass was larger and more soft, his fingertips sinking into the fat cheeks, one couldn’t that deny the firm heart shape of May’s rear end was delightful as well.
Moving around to their front, he hummed, placing a hand on each girl’s hip, slowly and teasingly drawing his callused hands upwards. He chuckled at their their trembling, smirking at their needy whines. “Really?” he chuckled, “You two are begging for it already? I mean, you both tormented me all week...maybe I should leave you both on the brink for an entire week before finally taking you?”
Jaune didn’t know where all this confidence was coming from, but he did know that he felt empowered by the looks of panic and fear the two girls had, followed by immediate pleading to not do something so cruel to them, that they couldn’t take a whole week of being on edge-
“Like you had no problems letting me?” he asked. “You have a weeks worth of teasing and blue balls to make up for. I’m not cruel, so...if you promise not to tease and then refuse to follow through anymore after tonight, I can forgive you.”
Both May and Emerald breathed a heavy sigh of relief as they realized they weren’t about to be as teased and tormented as Jaune had been. It would have been hell! They were both already dripping down their inner thighs with need! Both shivered, releasing keens as Jaune’s hands moved down again, cupping their soaking cores. He did nothing, just cupped their slits. It didn’t take either of them long before they were grinding themselves shamelessly against his palms, shuddering and moaning as the callouses on his fingers and palm rubbed over their slick, sensitive skin.
It didn’t take long for them to break, both keening and trembling as they came hard, squirting along his palms, faces flushed darkly as they both realized they had cum in less than three minutes, but Jaune looked...he looked amazed, not amused.
Both slowly came down from their intense orgasms, watching with flushed faces as their lover contemplated their juices on his fingers, before tasting them, licking them clean and making their pussies clench.
The girls looked at another, and nodded. For now, they were on the same page. They had drove the man they both wanted to fits, and it was up to them to make it up to him.
Jaune blinked as he saw Emerald whisper rapidly to May, who blushed fiercely, but nodded. Before he could ask, both acted, moving him and having him sit on the bed. Glancing between them, the both looked at him softly. “We did you wrong, Jaune...we treated you as though you were a prize to be won, although among all the men here, you are one…” May began, looking ashamed, her blue-gray eye looking down, before it snapped back up as she realized what she was staring at.
Despite the situation, both Jaune and Emerald chuckled, before Emerald sobered and continued. “We’re going to make it up to you...be the best girlfriends we can be. We promise.” seeing Jaune’s shocked look, she smirked. “You heard right...you hit the jackpot, tiger!”
Glancing at May, Emerald nodded again, and May slipped down onto her front, her upper body held up by her elbows, while the verdette girl turned around, setting her plump rear on his thigh. “We couldn’t decide who would get to please you first, and well, our assets are quite opposite to one another, so I thought, “Why shouldn’t our forgiving boyfriend get the luxury of a titjob and an assjob at the same time?”...oh! I can tell some part of you likes that thought!”
Both May and Emerald giggled from how hard Jaune’s cock was twitching, obviously imagining what they were about to do. Locking eyes with their new boyfriend, both moved, sandwiching and engulfing Jaune’s large shaft between their impressive endowments.
Jaune groaned darkly, his cock feeling as though it was being utterly smothered by four large, warm pillows. Opening his eyes, he saw both Emerald and May looking at him with equal amounts of lust, and glancing down...he barely saw his tip emerging through the twin cleavages. He huffed, his fingers digging into the sheets by his body. He could feel his balls churning already, but knew that he was nowhere close to cumming.
He took deep breaths, as they started to move in tandem, in such a way that he was wondering if they hadn’t practiced this beforehand. “Fuck...you two…” his voice was almost a growl, something that disturbed him, but he could see the effect that it had on his two new girlfriends. Both were looking at him with lust in their eyes, their movements getting even more frantic, his cock slipping in their cleavages, his tip popping up and out between them as they fell, Emerald’s rear and May’s breasts squishing against his thighs.
“Like it, lover?” Emerald asked, eyes hooded halfway. “I...I won’t lie...I’m getting wet just feeling this thing between my cheeks...how about you Zee?” she asked.
May blinked at the nickname, but smiled softly. “Y-Yeah...this...this is really turning me on…” she was mortified at saying that out loud, but she wasn’t going to lie about the fact that her juices were streaming down her inner thighs. It didn’t help that her sensitive nipples were dragging along the soft skin of Emerald’s rear end.
Jaune groaned as both of them worked harder and faster, getting him closer to his end, growling as both stopped their movements, leaving him on the brink again. He scowled lightly as both moved off of him, although it lessened a fair bit as they leaned over and kissed him. “Don’t worry, baby…” Emerald smirked, “We’re going to get you off, we just don’t want to waste all that’s in here,” Jaune hissed as two different hands cupped his large balls, rubbing the swollen and packed spheres gently. “by letting it spit out onto our tits or ass, that’s all. We want it in us…”
May hummed softly, kissing Jaune again and getting lost in the addictive feel of his lips. Pulling away from his lips, she rubbed her nose against the blonde’s, pressing her tits against him. “We want you to fill us up...I tasted it before, I want it in me. No condoms, I’m on the shot...I...I want to feel it raw…” her cheeks burned, but Jaune only smiled softly, reaching down and cupping her cheek.
“If you’re sure...is it alright that she goes first, Em?” Juane asked, giving the cocoa-skinned verdette a glance, knowing that May had far more self-image issues than she did. The carmine-eyed girl pouted, but nodded. It would give her a chance to contemplate her own problem.
Emerald hadn’t hadn’t renewed her birth control. She hadn’t bothered resuming the shot; after all, why get something that you weren’t going to use at all? Now she was kicking herself. She’d figure out something. There was no way that May was going to be the only one fucked tonight!
Jaune kissed May again, which the buxom beauty accepted eagerly, moaning softly as Jaune’s tongue prodded at her lips. Clutching at him, May slid her body over his, enjoying the feel of his body pressing against her own. A small whimper escaped her lips as her sensitive nipples rubbed against his chest. Her pussy clenched around nothing as she pulled back from the kiss, a thin line of saliva stretching between their lips several inches before breaking. “Make...make love to me, Jaune...please don’t make me wait…”
Jaune kissed her again swiftly, rolling them over so May was on her back and he was looming above her.
May blushed, completely exposed before Jaune’s gaze. Her GG-Cups were on full display, her areola puffy and engorged, although her nipples were still tucked away in their little slits. Her trim legs were spread wide, exposing her soaked core. Even her milky, scarred eye (a testament to a Grimm attack when she was young) was uncovered from its hidden shield of her hair. She should have felt mortified. But with Jaune’s hungry gaze on her...she only felt...desired. Like a woman. She released a keen as Jaune leaned down and pressed kisses along her neck and collarbone, his fingers roaming her sides.
A squeal erupted from her mouth as Jaune’s firm hands grasped and toyed with her breasts, the callused digits almost sinking into the soft flesh. She squirmed and shook beneath him as his fingers rubbed over her sensitive areola, teasing the sensitive nubs.
Pulling back, Jaune stared into her visible eye as her face scrunched up, feeling her hips arching and rubbing up against him. He chuckled. “Sensitive there, are we?” he asked letting his index fingers and thumbs trace around the protruding flesh, his hard cock throbbing hard as he watched the busty girl squirm and writhe. This was breathtaking.
May was mortified! She couldn’t cum from just having her nipples teased! She wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, she wouldnnnnnn’t-a shameful keen escaped her mouth as Jaune’s fingers pinched, her nipples popping out of the small slits they hid in; her core clenched, her pussy squirting her fluids onto her thighs and on the sheets. With a whimper, she covered her face with her hands, not wanting to see the laughing expressions that she was sure both had.
Jaune was the furthest he had been from laughing in a while. He had never remembered be so hard in his life. Sharing a glance with Emerald, who looked just as shocked, Jaune grinned and slipped his hands down to May’s toned thighs, gripping them and spreading them a bit wider, slipping between them, the tip of his cock a hair’s breadth away from her soaked core.
Emerald, sick of being left out, leaned down and gently pulled May’s hands away from her face, looking into her embarrassed...sister-girlfriend?...she looked into May’s eye. “Come on, Zee...Jaune’s about to make you his...don’t hide behind your hands for this…” she smiled as she watched May’s eye immediately shoot down to see Jaune’s cock moments away from breaching her core.
Jaune smiled softly as he moved just a bit, allowing his head to touch her sticky lips. “Are you ready? I want confirmation…” he looked May directly in the eye, refusing to move further without her okay. He watched May nod, staring directly down at their potential joining.
That wouldn’t do. “I need you to tell me with words, May…” he said softly, rubbing his cock along her soaking lips gently. “I want to hear your beautiful voice telling me you want me to fuck you…” he hummed, turning his head and planting kisses on her toned calf muscle, running his nose along the smooth skin as May released small squeaks of sound, but nothing resembling words. He was patient. He had waited this long, he could wait until she found her ability to talk.
Fortunately, Jaune didn’t have to wait long. Emerald hummed and gently cupped one of May’s tits. “If you don’t tell him, he won’t fuck you. If he won’t fuck you, there’s no need for him to be where he is. It will be my turn. He’ll be fucking me. You wouldn’t want me to go first, now would you?” she asked, seeing May’s eye widen in panic.
“NO! Fuck me, Jaune! Don’t fuck her first! Please, I want it! I need it! Fill me with your cum!” May cried out, bucking her hips upwards, trying to take Jaune’s cock into her core. There was a beat of silence before her her lightly tanned face turned dark red, her cheeks resembling dark cherries.
“Heh, such a naughty girl, and a screamer to boot!” Emerald chuckled, gently fondling May’s breast, feeling heat flow off of her. “Don’t worry about it sweetie, its just us. But you heard her, stud; fuck her and fill her up!”
Jaune took a deep breath. While both had used their semblances to please him before; Emerald giving him that assjob in the gym showers while hidden from him and May had used her own to rest her breasts on his lap in front of everyone at the pool, he had never done this. He wanted it to go well.
“Looking at May, he smiled as he slowly began to push his way into her core. Huntress-in-training she may be, but she was a virgin and he wasn’t small. So he was slow to enter her and spread her open. He watched her face as she mewled and squirmed underneath him, digging her fingers into the sheets, gasping for air and whining for more.
Finally, Jaune bottomed out, his hips pressing against May’s, his own face tense as her walls were rippling and flexing tightly around his cock. She was hot, scorching even. Combined with her internal movements, it felt like she was constantly cumming around his cock. The look on her face only made him think more that she was cumming.
Slowly he pulled back, watching May’s face pinch and hearing the weak mewl coming from May’s mouth, feeling her thighs trembling in his hands. He watched her arch as he thrust back in, pleasure hitting him hard as well.
Seeing May starting to relax, Jaune knew it was time. Shifting his grip in her thighs, Jaune began to move faster, making May’s visible eye widen as he suddenly began to pound into her, loud smacks and claps filling the room as flesh smacked against flesh, pale hips colliding against tanned ones, Jaune’s swollen balls smacking into May’s toned ass.
Emerald stared jealously at May’s ecstatic face, before deciding that May shouldn’t be the only one having any fun. Sitting up, she carefully shifted so she was kneeling over her face. “It’s only fair I get off too, you know…” she teased, before plopping down and placing her pussy on May’s mouth, her ass covering the rest of the girl’s head. She moaned as May immediately started lapping away at her core, her tongue surprisingly skilled for a girl who had never eaten pussy before. She smirked as she saw Jaune’s eyes fill with lust, but she had to readjust herself as she nearly rocked off of May’s face as Jaune began fucking her even harder, his grip on the maroon-haired girl’s legs shifting a bit more.
Her eyes widened as Jaune lurched forwards, almost bending May in half, locking her legs down, putting her into a mating press and slamming into her. She threw her head back, a choked cry escaping her mouth as May screamed into her pussy, sending vibrations along with the sensations of that surprisingly wicked tongue. She released a choked cry as she came hard, squirting over May’s face.
May could see and hear nothing, could only smell Emerald’s intense scent of cherry blossoms and natural musk, could only taste her sweetly tangy arousal, and feel...oh Gods above, could she feel Jaune fucking her, bending her in half, making her his breeding bitch-her slick pussy clenched around him in sudden orgasm, a wail of pleasure leaving her mouth, being muffled by the slick flesh that hadn’t moved from her oral cavity. She thrashed underneath her two lovers, bucking upwards and trying to get more and more pleasure, to receive Jaune’s cum and become his woman.
Jaune growled as May clenched and flexed and squirmed around him, her juices leaking around him and dribbling down onto his pulsing balls. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back too much longer. This was, these two were too erotic to maintain calm. “C-Cumming!” he groaned, hearing May squeal eagerly as his balls rose and fell, his sack squeezing as his thick cum spurted out of his tip, forcefully filling up the maroon-haired girl’s core.
May cried out into the soaked flesh above her, heart singing as Jaune filled her up, claiming her body as his, and his alone. No other man would stretch her out, would fill her up...no other man’s seed would ever take root within her.
Feeling Emerald slip off of her face, she inhaled deeply the sweet air and stared at her lover. Feebly, she raised her arms, wordlessly asking for a hug. She moaned as she found herself scooped up into strong arms and smelling Jaune’s musky scent, her core flexing and rippling around his still twitching cock. “...Love you…” she moaned, nuzzling against him. “Love you too, May…” he hummed.
Jaune slowly, very slowly slid his still hard cock from May’s body, both staring at the veritable waterfall of semen that spilled from her pussy and onto the sheets. May managed a giggle. “You really did fill me up…” she whispered in an awed voice. Looking up at Juane, she kissed him. “You’re going to be doing that again soon...”
Emerald let the two have their moment, before she pouted, reaching down and gently squeezing Jaune’s balls, quickly gaining his attention. “I...I haven’t renewed my birth control yet, but I want it raw too…” she pouted. She cursed herself at the fact that she hadn’t thought of something as simple as birth control. Her eyes brightened. “You can fuck my ass.”
The blunt manner of speech made both May and Jaune gape at her, although Jaune’s sticky, twitching cock told Emerald that he really liked the idea. She slowly spun around on the bed, pushing her ass out and giving it a wiggle. “I know you want to~” she teased. “I don’t mind...after all, it is my best feature~”
Reaching back, she grabbed her cheeks and spread them, revealing her winking little pucker to her audience of two. Glancing over her shoulder she smirked, seeing both her boyfriend and fellow girlfriend staring. “You’re nice and lubed up due to Zee, so c’mon, lover...claim what every boy’s thought about!”
She watched with amusement as Jaune reached out for her almost zombie-like, his hands grabbing her ass and squeezing tightly, making her moan as his strong fingers sank into her flesh. “Yeeeasssss…don’t be afraid to get rough with it…” she groaned, getting wetter and wetter from Jaune’s rough handling.
A guttural moan spilled from her lips as Jaune’s strong hand slammed against her bubbly backside, making the cocoa-colored flesh ripple and sending a pleasant sting through her body. SMACK! Another one on her opposite cheek made her juices start sliding down her inner thighs.
Repeated spanks covered her ass, falling in a random pattern, sometimes going from cheek to cheek, other times he spanked a single cheek several times, the sting building until it became almost painful, the fire between her thighs growing and growing and growing until-
Jaune stopped.
A piteous whine escaped her lips, looking over her shoulder desperately at him, seeing him smirking. “You’re not going to get to cum that easy, Emerald…” she felt a slick feeling, and knew that it was Jaune’s cock. It slid between her cheeks, the cum slicking up her crease and covering her tight little pucker. A bit of adjustment and she felt his tip poking the small circle. Her pussy quivered. “Please…” she keened.
Jaune thrust.
Emerald’s eyes widened as Jaune bottomed out in one go, hips slapping her stinging rear as all ten inches of cock spread her wide. “Fuck!” she groaned, gripping the sheets as Jaune drew back until just his tip was still inside her, then plunging back in again. Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Jaune’s thrusts were rhythmic, and every time he bottomed out her ass cheeks were spanked hard by his hips. Broken moans spilled from her lips even as her own juices dripped down from her pussy and onto the bed, dark spots forming and growing in size.
Seeing May looking at Emerald hungrily, Jaune smirked and spun them around, much to the dark-skinned girl’s shock. Her carmine eyes widened as May spread her legs, revealing her cum stuffed pussy. “Eat me, Emerald...you made me do it to you, so its only fair...and hey, you get to taste Jaune! Won’t that be great?” she teased.
Emerald could smell it, the tangy, slightly bitter scent of their mixed arousal, her mouth watering as she found herself leaning forward…
...only for May’s legs to wrap around her head and drag her in, smushing her face against the maroon-haired girl’s cream-filled core. “MMMMMPPPHHH!” she whined, only making the one-eyed girl moan and Jaune rail her ass even harder.
May watched as her boyfriend railed her sister-girlfriend, and said sister-girlfriend sucked and licked and slurped away at her soaking pussy, sending pleasure through her body.
Jaune slammed into Emerald’s ass, enjoying watching the ripple of her flesh jiggle as his hips slammed into her, watching May moan and clutch at the Verdette’s hair as she was eaten out. He fucked her hard and powerfully, giving her all of the aggression that he hadn’t given May. He could tell she loved it, just like he did. She was already cumming, her anal walls squeezing bearing down on his cock, her juices spilling down her thighs.
He knew that he was close too, but he wanted to wait, hold out for May to cum again...lurching forwards, he began to slam himself against her, his balls slapping against her pussy, sending droplets of her cum flying as he slammed his lips against May’s.
“MMMMMMHHHHPPPPPHHH!!!” the trio moaned in unison, their screams of passion drowned out by their flesh.
May squirted hard, covering and almost drowning Emerald in a mix of her cum and Jaune’s, while Emerald sprayed the sheets with her clear cum as they came in unison.
Jaune, however, growled as his balls snapped taut and he began to pump his cum deep into Emerald’s backside as he devoured May’s lips, their tongues tangling against one another.
Slowly breaking the kiss and moving away, all three panted for air. “F-Fuck…” Emerald gasped, her head slumped on May’s inner thigh, licking her lips of May’s and Jaune’s cum. May was speechless, her massive chest heaving as she fought to get back her breath.
Jaune rolled his hips slowly, letting the last drops of his cum side from his cock as he slowly pulled back, watching in awe as Emerald’s ass gaped, his cum spurting out as the formally tight little hole struggled to close.
Grabbing his lovers and shifting them, Jaune slumped in the bed, followed by two female bodies, May and Emerald each grabbing an arm and pulling it close, his limbs being swallowed up by May’s massive cleavage and Emerald’s more modest one. Their legs entwined with his as they relaxed, their heartbeats finally calming down and breathing returning to normal.
“Ah, hah...that was...that was…” Emerald slumped against Jaune, trailing off, unable to come up with the words necessary for what she honestly was feeling. May hummed, nuzzling against Jaune’s shoulder. “...Perfect…” was the only word she said, and despite the fact that she had been Emerald’s worst enemy not two hours ago, the mint haired girl found herself agreeing.
“Yeah...perfect…” she hummed, closing her eyes and resting against her new boyfriend as fatigue finally hit her. She knew that she wasn’t done, not by a long shot. She may have agreed to work together with May tonight to make sure they both got what they wanted, but that didn’t mean that she was going to be passive all the time...the next morning, she was going to wake her boyfriend up with her mouth.
...little did she know, May had the same idea, dreaming of driving Jaune wild with her own talented tongue.
A Week Later
“Jaune? Are you okay?” Pyrrha asked, looking at her closest friend in concern as they studied in one of the study dorms. His face was flushed and a fine sheen of sweat was on his forehead. He looked at her and smiled, although it seemed strained. “I’m just fine, Pyr. T-Thanks for asking!” he said, although his voice was tense. Tilting her head, Pyrrha nodded and going back to her work.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, despite the immense pleasure that flooded through him. Looking down, he narrowed his eyes at a naked May beneath the table as she swallowed the head of his cock in her mouth, while her breasts swallowed the shaft, eyes bright as she looked up at him happily.
That wasn’t the only thing happening. Before Jaune in the middle of the study dorm, on top of the table he and Pyrrha were sitting at, was a naked Emerald. She had changed positions several times already, from doing exercises in booty short that showcased her magnificent ass, like Yoga and squats (reminiscent of the teasing she did to him in the gym), to belly dancing, to stripping herself of her bottoms and twerking, clapping those fat cheeks together, to the position she was in now, sitting on the table before him, legs spread lewdly and cupping one of her breasts as she openly fingered herself in front of him.
Jaune wondered how he had gotten so lucky. He had two beautiful girlfriends, both of them surprisingly adventurous...to the point of Emerald using her semblance to keep his partner from noticing anything odd as they both played with him...and each other.
Jaune bit his lower lip to contain the groan as he came hard, coating May’s face and tits in a thick, gooey mask of his cum. Eyes brightening, Emerald turned and hopped off the table (making sure to wiggle her ass in his face as she did so), crawling underneath it and immediately attacking May, kissing her deeply as they both began to scoop up his cum, moaning happily as they devoured his seed.
His cock, having lost none of its rigidity even with the massive cumshot he had painted May with, twitched. As he watched, both his girlfriends leaned forwards, pressing their lips to the head of his cock. Right next to his partner. Who remained oblivious due to Emerald semblance.
God...he loved his life right now.
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realrollypratt · 3 years
Dasey Fics: self promo
A list of complete works.
❀ For a Good Time, Call... | E | 18,518 words
Summary: She spotted the little white card on her desk. What even was this? A phone sex company? Was she really that desperate?
PWP - Phone Sex - Dom/Sub Undertones
❀ ∞ | E | 13,629 words
Summary: Their first kiss is… nothing like Derek would have planned - if he were in the habit of planning this sort of thing.
High School - Secret Relationship - Sneaking Around - First Time
❀ Stay (collab. with UntoldGalaxies) | E | 29,637 words
Summary: "It’s intense. Like you’re drawn to someone so much it hurts to stay away. Like your lungs are being crushed. You can't stop thinking about them when they're not around. And when they are? It's… like a spark could set the whole room on fire.”
University - Drunk Confessions - Porn With Some Plot
❀ Matching Steps (collab. with UntoldGalaxies) | M | 14,499 words
Summary: Casey downloads the dating app Cinder and accidentally swipes right on Derek.
IM Story | Online Dating | Angst
❀ White Petals | M | 5,451 words
Summary: As you grew up, she’d rely on you to scare off stupid boys who were picking on her. She only allowed you to do that. Everybody thought it was cute, then, that her twin brother was so protective of her.
TWINCEST - Second Person POV
❀ the road not taken looks real good now | T | 2,073 words
Summary: She knew, deep down, that one week-end wouldn’t be enough, in the long run.
Holiday Fic - Angst & Fluff
❀ Sweet Talk With a Hint of Sin | E | 9,365 words
Summary: Sometimes she wondered if pain was all they had to give each other.
Porn With Some Plot - Dom/Sub Dynamic - Dom!Casey/Sub!Derek - BDSM Lite - Breathplay
❀ Go Home, Cupid. You’re Drunk! | T | 1,854 words
Summary: It’s Valentine’s day. Derek is horny and Casey is oblivious. Might give you an urge to facepalm, and cavities~
VDay Fic - Bantering & Flirting - Oblivious Casey is Oblivious
❀ and they were roommates! | G | 455 words
Summary: Casey and Derek are stuck together during lockdown.
Short Fic - Lockdown & Quarantine
❀ Undress to Impress | M | 567 words
Summary: Casey comes home drunk and Derek regrets his entire life.
Short Fic - Drunk!Casey
Please leave a kudo and a comment to let me know your thoughts! :)
Also: come join the Dasey Discord! (DM for link!)
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mardereads19 · 3 years
Elriel Month 🌸🦇
Day 11:
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Continuation of Day 3: Spies at Work.
Elain had managed to convince the carriage males that Rhys’s stunt with the wagon had been real. They’d all drunk up her story as if it was good wine and looked at her like she was the price for the night. She hadn’t even been in the carriage ten minutes when the boasting had begun, a competition on who could impress her more. No doubt they thought that the winner would get her to bed. Elain had smiled demurely, but had let her eyes roam their faces and bodies whenever one spoke, as if she herself couldn’t wait to pick one of them.
The juicy information, though, had begun spilling out after more than an hour of carriage ride.
“We come here with confidential business to take care of,” said one of the males. In the dark, it was difficult to make out all their features correctly, but this one for sure had a mustache.
“They’ll try to impress you,” Rhys had said to her just before he had left her on the road for her mission. “That’s exactly what we want. As much as you can, get them talking and they’ll do the rest.”
So far, he’d been right.
“Confidential?” Elain tucked a strand of hair behind an ear and allowed a little of her glamour to fade. The male’s eyes drank her in. All of them greedily looked at her. Elain couldn’t deny it felt uncomfortable, but Azriel was outside. She knew none of them would remain alive if one of them so much as touched her against her will. “That means you’re all important right?”
The male who had conceded to take her with them smirked. “That’s right. We only work for the most powerful male out there.”
Koschei confirmed.
The carriage stopped and the males eagerly exited, all hoping to be the one to help her down. In the end, it was the same male who had helped her up who extended a hand to her now. He was clearly the leader of all of them. The rest looked at him with disdain and envy, all wanting to be him, to have his authority.
Elain took his hand with a smile and limped her way down the carriage. When she looked up, she noticed they were on the bar she had known was down the road, close to the market she had supposedly been on her way to.
“Look at the map,” Azriel had ordered in Rhys’s study earlier today. “These Fae males will expect you to recognize the buildings and locations. You need to at least have an idea of what is there.” He’d pointed to one of the squares on the map. “This is a bar called The Wicked Glen, it’s most likely they’ll take you there. They’ll want you to drink and lose your ground. It’ll be easier to sway you to dance with them or leave with one of them.”
Elain had seen him clench his jaw and she’d known he did not like what she was being put to the task to do. They had been alone, so she’d reached out her hand to brush her thumb along his cheekbone. “Where will you be?”
Azriel had leaned in to her touch and his eyes had met hers. “I’ll be with you —behind you, around you. You won’t be alone.”
“You’ll keep me safe?”
Azriel, the one to usually keep his distance whenever their friends and family were around, had been the one who tilted her face up and leaned down to kiss her. It hadn’t been any kiss either, but a gentle kiss, a soft kiss to let her know how much he cared. He’d leaned his forehead against hers when they’d broken away.
“There will not be a second where I will not be looking out for you. There won’t be a moment where I am not focused on you. No one will hurt you, Elain.” In his hazel eyes, Elain had seen his promise. “No one will hurt you.”
Elain nodded her head against him. She believed him. “I’ll get the information Rhys needs.”
“I know you will. I have no doubt in you.” There’d been worry in his eyes, but his words had rang true. He’d not been worried that she might fail, he’d been worried of what could be done to her. Worried for her.
But his certainty in her? It had been enough to push away her own doubts.
Now, she followed the male from the carriage into The Wicked Glen. She caught a shadow swirling to their left from the corner of her eye. She ignored it, but it gave her comfort. Azriel was here somewhere.
Her heart told her he was on a branch to her right and she knew that if she glanced there now, she’d see him. She had become highly aware of his presence, knowing exactly were he was even when she hadn’t seen him appear.
When she and the male had taken a seat at the bar, she glanced around for the others. The rest had already wondered off to find dancing partners or to some tables where games of cards were being played. One of them was waiting for the restroom and another one of them was at the bar, too, though farther down. They had given up on her, relenting their chances to their leader, though it didn’t seem like they did it willingly.
Elain counted all the exists and windows —three and two respectively— and noticed what was nearer that she could use as a weapon if anything went south.
A shot of tequila was placed before her on the counter. The male from the carriage turned to her. “Drink up, sweet face.”
Azriel was on the roof, looking down through the skylight just above the bar. Elain had dragged her shots as much as she could, just now finishing her third. It had been forty-four minutes since they had gotten here and the male had barely shut up once.
A fourth shot was placed on the counter and Elain took it, but did not raise it to her lips yet. Instead, she smiled prettily at the male and played with a strand of her hair. It did not matter, the male looked annoyed. He had barely drank anything since they got here, no doubt waiting for her to get drunk so he could take advantage of her.
Stand down, the shadow nearest to him whispered in Azriel’s ear. He glared its way, but it was right. Azriel had fisted his hands and was close to winnowing inside the bar regardless Rhysand’s instructions to stay—
Look, another shadow told him.
Azriel looked bellow to see the male running a finger over Elain’s arm. Her eyes had begun to look glassy, the alcohol getting to her at last, and her movement to slap his hand away had been sluggish. The male allowed his fingers to tangle inside her hair and pulled her closer. She smiled, but Azriel noticed her fingers twisting in her dress. He knew her tells enough to know that meant she was afraid.
It was enough.
Azriel winnowed to the entrance of The Wicked Glen and silently made his way to the bar. Everyone who took notice of him stopped what they were doing to gawk and frown. His ears might have been round, like a human’s, but he had wings. And armor. He was still a Fae in the human side of the Continent. He knew some people here were Fae in hiding, but the rest assumed they were all human.
“How would you like to dance?” The male was asking Elain as Azriel approached, his hand tilting Elain’s face. His intent to kiss her neck.
Elain’s eyelids were dropping, but she managed to stop him with her hands over his chest. “I’m not interested in dancing.”
The male’s brow furrowed. “How about having another drink?”
“How about stepping away before I gladly make you cinders?”
The male looked up at Azriel with anger first and then with confusion. Something in his eyes came alive, like he was waking up from a dream. “Who the hell are you, Illyrian?”
“I’m sure you know the answer to that question.” Shadows slithered around their feet, others rising to fix Elain’s hair.
She looked up at Azriel with so much relief that he considered spilling the male’s guts right here on the floor for ever making her afraid in the first place.
The male raised his eyebrows as he regarded Azriel and Elain, how the shadows were fixing her dress as she stood —somehow the skirt had been pushed up— while the rest of the shadows prepared to attack.
“I know who you are, Shadowsinger.” The male smirked. “My boss knows who you are. And now, he knows what makes you weak, too.”
Elain frowned. “What are you talking about?”
The male looked at her. Azriel fisted his hands, but he told himself that it would not be correct to make a bigger scene than the one he had already created.
“History tends to repeat itself, sweet face.” He chuckled before spitting at Azriel’s feet. “Soon you’ll understand.”
Elain intertwined her fingers through Azriel’s and they were winnowing away before anyone could say anything else.
Once they were farther away, but not yet in the glade Rhys had chosen as their place to stay a few nights while they figured out what business had brought Koschei’s males to the Continent, Elain leaned into Azriel. He took her face in his hands and studied her. “How are you?”
Elain laughed. “Drunk.”
Azriel did not share her laugh. He held her at arms length and looked her over.
“I’m not hurt, Azriel. He wasn’t rough with me.”
“He shouldn’t have placed a finger on you in the first place.”
“I could’ve handled him.”
“You were drunk and scared.”
“I was playing a part. Weren’t you the one who taught me how to use give aways to my advantage?”
Azriel opened his mouth to speak but shut it. Then opened it again, “You were relieved when you saw me.”
Elain smiled, “I’m always relieved when you come around.”
They stayed silent for a few seconds. Had Azriel sabotaged their mission, one that had been under control?
“Possibly,” Elain answered, though she was smiling at him. “You know Rhys is going to kill you, right? An Illyrian from the Night court was on Human Territory and he messed with Koschei’s men.”
Azriel ran his hands through his hair.
You’re screwed, a shadow said in his ear.
Azriel glared at it for the second time tonight. You were the ones who told me to look, he answered.
Elain laughed, “You were worried about me. All of you were.”
A shadow floated over a flower and another placed it over her her ear. She laughed again. Azriel felt his heartbeat skip a beat and couldn’t help but wrap his arm around her waist, his other hand cupping her cheek. Suddenly, the shadows found places to stand guard at a good distance, giving them their privacy.
Elain traced Azriel’s left eyebrow with her index finger. “You are hazy to me right now, you know? But your eyes... They’re like a lighthouse calling me home.”
Azriel took a deep inhale, smelling her scent, reassuring himself that the worst was over, that she was back in his arms. “Did I ruin the mission?”
Elain shook her head, “No, you didn’t.” She smiled and, even with her glassy drunk eyes, Azriel felt his knees go weak under him. “I could have gotten more out of him, but I’m sure Rhys will be satisfied with what we got.” She wrapped her arms behind his neck. “Would you like me to tell you?”
“Not now,” he said. “Now I just want to look at you.” Elain’s face softened to tenderness. Her eyes roamed his face. He did the same, noticing the moment Elain let go of the glamour and her whole Fae splendor shined through. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Inside and out. And he had been so blind tonight with his worry and fear that he had not been able to tell she was putting all his lessons to use. He had believed her fake give aways, her mask of defenseless girl. He should have known better.
“Azriel,” she said, his name like a prayer from her lips. He lowered his head closer to her. She met his eyes, and what he saw in them quieted everything in his mind. “Tell me you love me.”
They had not said it yet. But it was there. It was in every secret glance and touch. In every time they made love and kissed and trained. It was in the way they gravitated towards each other and how they helped each other reach the light. But they had not said it yet.
And right now, with her looking at him like that, with that damn flower tucked over her ear and his own relief at having her in his arms...
Azriel opened his mouth to say that truth that had been in his heart for a long time when she doubled over and heaved all she had drank at the bar.
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aubins · 3 years
character deep dive.
stolen from.   here. but converted by cece, thank you ! name.   yuri leclerc
height.   171 cm
strength.   ★★☆☆☆
dexterity.   ★★★☆☆
health.   ★★☆☆☆
energy.   ★★★☆☆
beauty. *   ★★★★★
style.   ★★★★☆
hygiene.   ★★★★★
* they are a pretty boy and they’re happy to remind you if you forget
perception.   ★★★★☆
communication. *   ★★☆☆☆
persuasion.   ★★★★☆
mediation.   ★★★☆☆
literacy. **   ★★★★★
creativity.   ★★★☆☆
cooking.   ★★★★★
tech savvy    ★★★☆☆
combat.   ★★★☆☆
survival.   ★★★★☆
stealth.   ★★★★☆
street smarts.   ★★★★★
seduction.   ★★★★☆
luck.   ★★★★☆
handling animals. ***   ☆☆☆☆☆
pacifying children.   ★★★☆☆
* have you SEEN the cindered shadows dlc they can’t communicate for shit lmao but on a more serious note, yuri’s one to keep their cards close to their chest, even when it comes to people who are ostensibly their friends. they make the active choice to not communicate these things. it’s a matter of trust—not that he does not have any for his companions, but that the one person they can always trust is themself. they are the sole factor they are sure that they can control.
** yuri had some basic education under the old man when they were younger—mostly consisting of learning to read and write, with a few other things sprinkled throughout when they were curious about something and thought to ask. they receive a more formal education under house rowe, and then the academy, within the limits of what they could feasibly learn in four to five years.
*** i’m sorry yuri but you are allergic. you will just sneeze all over them.
intelligence.   ★★★★☆
happiness. *   ★★☆☆☆
spirituality.   ★☆☆☆☆
confidence.   ★★★★☆
humor.   ★★★☆☆
anxiety. **   ★★☆☆☆
patience.   ★★★★☆
passion.   ★★★★☆
nice   ☆☆★☆☆   mean
brave   ☆★☆☆☆   cowardly
pacifist   ☆☆★☆☆   violent
thoughtful   ★☆☆☆☆   impulsive
agreeable   ☆☆★☆☆   contrary
idealistic   ☆☆★☆☆   pragmatic
frugal   ☆★☆☆☆   big spender
extrovert   ☆☆★☆☆   introvert
collected   ☆★☆☆☆   wild
ambitious  /  possessive  /  stubborn  /  jealous  /  decisive  /  perfectionist
* it’s not that they’re unhappy, exactly, but they’re not completely satisfied. there’s so much more that they’d like to accomplish, still. so many more people that they still want to help, so many wrongs that they still want to right, so many people that they still want to protect. i’m not sure they’ll ever be completely satisfied, but i think one day they’ll be able to step back and think i’ve done enough here, it’s time to leave it to the rest.
** rarely ever for themself; they just have a lot of people to look after and worry for.
charisma.   ★★★★★
empathy.   ★★★☆☆
generosity.   ★★★☆☆
wealth. *   ★★☆☆☆
honest   ☆☆☆★☆   deceptive
leader   ★☆☆☆☆   follower
polite   ☆☆★☆☆   rude
political   ☆★☆☆☆   indifferent **
* but enough that they have a small fortune worth absconding with, apparently.
** not because they want to be, but since abyss’ existence depends entirely on what’s happening on the surface with the church, they pay attention, if not much else.
higher power. *   ★★☆☆☆
fate / destiny.   ★☆☆☆☆
magic.   ★★★★★
soulmates.   ☆☆☆☆☆
good and evil. **   ★☆☆☆☆
luck.   ★★★☆☆
* yuri acknowledges the existence of sothis, but they’re not very spiritual. prayers are done out of habit rather than any actual devotion to the goddess. their death quote is literally them calling the goddess a “wicked little creature,” so if they’ve any opinion on her i can’t imagine it’s an overtly positive one.
** yuri acknowledges things might be “good” or “evil;” this is more so in the sense that they don’t believe it to be so black and white that things can be lumped into one category. they’re completely aware that not everything they do is right or moral, even telling a kid that they shouldn’t ever say that they want to grow up to be like them. but at the same time, they know that they’re helping people in this way, are if they were working within the confines of the law then they wouldn’t be getting much done at all. do the ends justify the means and all that.
family.   ★★★★★
friends.   ★★★★☆
love. *   ☆☆☆☆☆
home. **   ★☆☆☆☆
health.   ★★★☆☆
praise.   ★☆☆☆☆
justice.   ★★★★☆
truth.   ★★★☆☆
power.   ★★★☆☆
fame.   ★☆☆☆☆
wealth.   ★★☆☆☆
others' opinions. ***   ★★★★★
* it’s not so much that romantic love wouldn’t be a priority for them than it is the fact that they presently aren’t involved with anyone. if they had a partner it would be much higher, but they’re not actively looking at the moment.
** while yuri cherishes the idea of having a home to return to, some place cozy and warm to call their own, they do flat out say that the only place they’ve had to call home for a while now has been a “dark, wet back alley.” abyss notwithstanding, there’s just ... not exactly a home for them to go back to presently, and certainly nothing for them to prioritize.
*** personally, others’ opinions of them wouldn’t rank very high, but they still have a reputation to uphold. for those reasons, they’re very conscious of the way people perceive them, whether it be positively or negatively.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Amity”
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Welcome back, everyone! I hated this episode.
As in, I’m nominating “Amity” for the Most Stupid Episode of RWBY award. Was there some cool action? Yes. Good Penny development? Mm hmm. Some surprise cameos in the Maya Engine? You know it. Was all of it almost entirely undermined by the sheer number of times I went, “Wait, what?” over the course of twenty minutes?
Sadly, yes.
But let’s start at the beginning.
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We get a gorgeous opening shot of Amity Tower and, aesthetics aside, my first thought was, “There’s no one around to protect it?” I mean, this was Ironwood’s super secret project. Watts just tried to sabotage it a few hours ago. Prior to the reveal that Amity wasn’t finished (cough), Team RWBY was trying to convince Ironwood to give calling others a chance, but you’re telling me after all that there’s not a single guard there? Pietro, Maria, and Penny just waltzed up without any problems? The only reason it might be abandoned—yes, even with a grimm attack looming—is if it was useless. Because remember, it was supposed to be useless. Unfinished. Not worth protecting in its current state because its current state is non-operational. That would have explained why Ironwood would leave it undefended, yet as we’ve known since the premiere, Amity was apparently finished by magic at some point, leaving the question of why it’s unguarded (or why Ironwood wouldn’t want to use it himself for something) up in the air. Pun not intended. 
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So these three have free rein to do whatever they want and what they want to do is, apparently, blow up the dust mine. Love that we spent an entire volume worrying about dwindling resources! I’d find the sacrifice justifiable under the circumstances if this Amity plan weren’t so foolish. Also, I’m not going to pretend that I know anything about explosives and whether providing that kind of “thrust” would actually work, but in this case I think RWBY’s sci-fi/fantasy status gives it a pass.
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Penny, however, isn’t so sure. “Dad? This… does not seem like a very good idea.” Yeah. Pietro gives a short speech about good ideas not necessarily being best ideas, which would have been a great perspective to adopt for the series’ massive Ironwood arc, not a three minute solution to a problem I didn’t even know existed until now.
Pietro also weirdly teleports during this scene? He’s talking to Penny outside of the tower, tinkering with things, and then the next sentence he’s suddenly deep inside it. I mean, based on the dialogue this sentence could have come later, but it doesn’t read that way given that they were just chatting. It feels like a continuous conversation. He was outside one second, now he’s not. 
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During all this Maria is doing… something with a mech. That she got from who knows where. I really don’t know what the point of this was besides a very brief airship fight, but I’m just happy Maria is doing something. In fact, she’ll do far more later in the episode—we’ll get to that—so congratulations, RWBY, we can officially ignore half of your Maria square on the bingo card. Keep her alive for the next nine episodes and you’re golden. 
Our trio has the message ready to go which they recorded… when? Sometime before everyone split based on the fact that Ruby is standing in the Happy Huntress’ hideout. This episode throws out a LOT of information that seems to come out of nowhere and doesn’t hold up well in terms of timing. Or, you know, general sense. Take, for example, the next exchange between Penny and Pietro. She wants to stay here in case no one is able to come help Atlas and Pietro panics about her staying with them, heavily implying that they’re leaving leaving. Once they go up they can’t come back down because otherwise… why not just send out the message, land, and then Penny goes off again to help? Later in the episode landing seems inevitable and then it seems planned for—what, are Pietro and Maria just going to hang up there forever? So what’s the conflict here?
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Specifically, what’s the conflict for Penny? Amity should just be a quick side mission she completes before heading back into battle. Why does she care about doing what’s essentially an errand while Ruby nurses Nora back to health? She’s not missing anything. I’m having a hard time understanding why she’s acting like getting the message out means she’s removed from the fight indefinitely. Pietro, however, makes a little more sense if we read it simply as him not wanting Penny to be involved in the fight, period. As we see later, he fears for her safety and will do everything he can to keep her here with him, safe: “I’m your father. I’m telling you, you belong on Amity.”
Penny gives a sad “Yes, sir” and Maria chides Pietro with, “Don’t you think Penny has had enough people telling her what to do?”
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Oh boy. There’s so much wrong with this line. The general demonization of ever following orders, even when those orders are sound. The comparison between Ironwood’s new villainy/his “bootlickers” (“Yes, sir”) and a father’s justifiable fear. Ignoring that Ruby has also been giving orders and no one is reminding her that Penny is an autonomous person capable of deciding things for herself. Where was this sort of chiding when she took away Penny’s scroll and spoke for her to Ironwood?
So Penny, of course, flies up and I guess provides them with the launch sequence or something? She sort of perks up and makes tech noises, then the tower is ready to go. Just like that. 
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Pietro makes a joke about not having time to install seatbelts.
Funny, shouldn’t there be safety measures for the people operating the tower? If the tower was finished and ready to go? 🙃
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Everything is going to plan until Cinder shows up, melting a giant hole while Neo pilots the airship through it. So she came! Too bad she’s not going to achieve anything. Despite the stowaways, the bomb Penny left goes off and the dust mine explodes in a massive cloud of color, sending Amity up into the sky. This pops up on Ironwood’s feed and he gives an ominous “It’s time.”
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For the first minute or so no one can move due to the pressure and Cinder takes the time to taunt Penny some, saying she expected her friends to be here and, since they’re not, she’s just “a tool to be used.” While she lashes verbally she also summons a massive number of swords. When they’re able to fight Penny is briefly overwhelmed…
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…Until Maria comes to her aid!
“Get away from her, you bitch!”
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That was great. If anyone other than Tyrian was going to curse, you know it had to be our snarky grandma. So I’m cheering, watching Maria make use of her (acquired off screen) tech to help, despite the fact that she’s too old to fight anymore and—
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Okay, here’s my problem with this battle. First of all, Cinder’s group should have decimated them. This is an experienced Maiden (see: Raven fight) with a grimm arm vs. a girl who only got the powers a few hours ago. I know a few weeks back I mentioned how insanely powerful Penny is in theory, but that was before she was nearly taken out by the Ace Ops. You know, the group who was all knocked unconscious by a bunch of half-trained, exhausted teenagers. So the comparisons here don’t make Penny look too good. More importantly—because Cinder doesn’t have a great track record anymore either—she’s backed by ‘I was kicking a Maiden’s ass before she whipped out her magic’ Neo and ‘I can make anyone see anything and I just mentioned last episode that I’ve been working on this semblance’ Emerald. They are a power team. Who is Penny backed by? A non-combat scientist and a woman who stopped fighting years ago.
I have no problem with Maria being powerful. In fact, after her Grimm Reaper reveal I had hoped we’d see her fight, both to give the group a power to aspire to—here’s what a fully trained huntress with experience looks like. This is what our personal inspiration and a huntress beloved by the world looks like—and to have an older fighter providing diversity. Sure, there’s Ozpin, but he reincarnates into young bodies. Maria is a Mexican coded, disabled, old as balls fighter and that’s AWESOME. Problem is… she never fought. She hobbles around with her cane, using it in a way Ozpin never used his, implying that she really needs it. She’s not spry anymore. Every time there’s a battle she’s in an airship or other tech, providing help through the use of an assistive device. She never offers to train anyone. We never see her accompanying a group—like JNOR—to provide extra protection. During the grimm attack Maria exchanges a fearful look with Pietro and then presumably hides in his shop off screen. Why has the story been ignoring Maria when she can fight like this? How can she fight like this when we haven’t seen her throw so much as a punch since we met her? 
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I mean, this is Neo! Neo. One of the most powerful, non-Maiden fighters we’ve seen to date. She took out Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Oscar without breaking a sweat, but a few minutes with Maria has her collapsed on the ground?
Something is very wrong with this fight. Either the writing nerfed Neo to allow Maria to win, or the writing has been pushing one of the most powerful characters off screen, relegating her to comic relief. Maria should be insanely powerful given her Grimm Reaper status. I had come to accept that she was powerful and, like people in real life, simply lost that with age. Now, the story suddenly reveals that this was never the case.
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During all this Emerald helps Neo one (1) time, despite presumably standing there watching the entire fight. Before it begins Neo randomly decides to turn into Ruby, but then has dropped the illusion by the time we return. Maria is laughing like a loon for the first half of the battle. The only reason she (briefly) looses is because she gets distracted. Then Penny K.O.’s Neo’s aura with a single blast.
See, this is why I rarely enjoy the fights anymore. Beyond that fact that I thought some of it was rather lackluster compared to our Penny vs. Ace Ops fight, it just doesn’t make sense. There’s moment after moment that has me scratching my head and if you’re going, “Huh?” at the screen the whole time, it’s pretty hard to get immersed in the story.
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During all this they reach the necessary altitude to broadcast, but it won’t go through because of a “stabilizer fail.” You mean the giant hole that Cinder blew in the side of the tower? 
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Never mind that everyone except Penny should be dead by now. How are they breathing up there? It’s like if someone blew a hole in your airplane and everyone just went about their tasks as usual. 
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You’ve gotta input the code, Penny.
I joke, but Pietro does start desperately typing. I guess because stabilizers might be fixed with a code or something? Anything is possible in this show.
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It’s the Penny vs. Cinder fight that I’m bored with though. At least before Cinder manages to nearly the powers. I think part of it is because we already got this fight last volume, partly because they don’t do much that we haven’t seen from them both before: Penny flies around a lot, Cinder tosses variously summoned weapons, etc. Details I did appreciate though were the return of Cinder’s arrows and the fact that she didn’t let Penny lead her from Amity for long. Look at our villain making a smart decision!! Love that.
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Cinder starts destroying the tower instead and Penny asks why she’d want to serve Salem. “I don’t serve anyone and you wouldn’t either if you weren’t built that way!” Penny looks sadly down at Pietro and for one horrible moment I thought the story would actually have her buy into that nonsense, but then Penny rallies and announces that she chooses when to fight because she wants to protect those she loves.
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Penny has some really great moments here. What’s less great is the setup for them. I mean… why is Pietro in danger? Penny is clearly trying to keep the top portion of the tower from collapsing after Cinder’s attack, but you’re telling me the tech-obsessed scientist hasn’t put flight capabilities into his chair? That’s not how he got way up high on the outside of the tower, it was just a random hatch or something? When every piece of tech in RWBY serves triple-duty, the Atlas tech mastermind hasn’t included the one thing in his massive chair that would save him here? It’s all very… “Really?” Especially when Cinder is smart enough to realize that Penny cares about the tower, but not realize she cares more about her dad. Just grab Pietro and threaten him, demanding that Penny stand down so Cinder can grab the powers. Penny, horrified by her father’s potential death (and ambivalent about having this responsibility in the first place) lets her. Something other than this weird setup of destroying the platform itself. 
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Penny’s scream though is fantastic. Kudos to Taylor for that moment. So yeah, Cinder starts taking the power—did she get a bit then, like with Amber?—before Penny rallies and knocks her off. From then on Cinder doesn’t stand a chance. Emerald reappears to provide assistance in the form of an illusion, except that Penny’s tech allows her to see through it with ease. The real Cinder is marked with ‘Danger’ and Penny takes her out easily once Cinder doesn’t think she needs to dodge anymore.
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I should be feeling something considering that Penny just won a battle against the woman who orchestrated her murder volumes back, in the exact same place where she died… but I’m not. Penny’s resurrection was shrugged off. Amity was used for joke license parties. I’m endlessly confused about what message RT is aiming for in regards to Penny’s autonomy (a real girl, but hackable) and this fight has been a collection of power ups, power downs, or skills just conveniently not working. What improvements has Emerald made to her semblance? This is everything we’ve seen from her before. When did we establish that Penny’s android nature makes her immune to techniques of this nature? I don’t mind that she is immune—in fact, it’s a cool skill to give her—I just wish this sort of stuff didn’t suddenly appear in the story only when the plot most needs it to. Or, to be more charitable, it would be a cool reveal if the rest of the fight held up better. I don’t mind a, “Hell yeah, Penny had the trump card she needed to win!” if the whole scene wasn’t Team Cinder being oddly weak the whole time. The most they manage to do is escape via Emerald threatening to fill the tower with holes from her gun… after the tower has had a hole blown through it, shot with flaming arrows, and had two of the beams keeping it in place melted. The most Cinder accomplishes here is unintentionally putting Penny in a position where she falls when she’s hacked. That’s it.
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The villains should have won. Not just because of the team dynamics making victory a very likely outcome, but because allowing the group to successfully get their message out was one of the worst things RWBY has done to date. 
Gimme just a moment to get there. 
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Amity is drifting back down, out of the range they need to send the broadcast, so Penny offers to “hold Amity in place” until the message is done. Pietro freaks out… why? He starts to say “Even just the temperature out there—” implying that the cold and altitude can kill Penny, except she fought Cinder outside no problem. Literally minutes ago. Hell, Cinder was fine outside and she’s not an android. 
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There’s that massive hole letting the atmosphere in too. I’m so confused by these conflicts that randomly appear and, as such, I can’t take the emotion attached to them seriously. How can I be invested in Pietro’s worry about this killing Penny and Penny offering to sacrifice herself when I don’t understand why it’s dangerous to begin with? 
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And it is treated like a sacrifice. Penny tells him that she’s trying to “live her life,” kisses Pietro as a sort of goodbye, and spends a few moments enjoying the beauty of the night sky. 
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She’s acting like she’s about to die and yet none of this comes across as particularly dangerous. Indeed, Penny pushes Amity for as long as Ruby’s message needs her to and then, presumably, would have come back inside, a-okay, if she hadn’t been hacked. This is like that Parks and Rec moment:
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Except it’s treated seriously. Penny is doing something mundane based on what we’ve seen her do before and the fact that this cold/pressure isn’t negatively impacting anyone else who experiences it, let alone the android. So why is the story trying to convince me that this is a death sentence?
Combine this with Penny’s origins: she was built to “save the world.” That’s why Pietro created her, to fight these exact sort of battles. So why is he so resistant to her doing just that? I’m not saying he can’t change his mind and grow to love her as more than a tool—in fact, their relationship is one of the few things I’m enjoying about this volume—I just wish we’d seen how that came about. When did Pietro move from building Ironwood a weapon to having a daughter? Back in Volume 3 he was on Ironwood’s side about Penny not having friends or going out because it was too dangerous for someone like her. She has secrets to maintain and responsibilities to prep for because she was, first and foremost, created for a specific task. We get an inkling through is admission that he can’t bear to see her die again that Penny’s first destruction really changed his view of her, but all of that happened off screen. We had a whole volume with Pietro prior to this where we might have watched him struggle with his new understanding of Penny as his child, rather than dumping this on us literal seconds before she engages in this non-sacrifice. We know almost nothing about Pietro except what tiny scraps we’ve been told, so dramatic lines like, “I don’t care about the big picture, I care about my daughter!”—while wonderful—appear to come out of nowhere in regards to his development. It’s jarring. Early RWBY presented Pietro as a morally ambiguous scientist aligned with Ironwood, then he suddenly became a scientist who loved his creation in Volume 7, the scientist who betrayed Ironwood, then Volume 8 has Penny dropping “Dad” left and right and Pietro willing to throw away helping a kingdom for her sake. When did all these changes happen? Where’s the progression?
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Also, I hope people understand that this is why the world needs someone like Ironwood. Is it heartwarming that Pietro wants to ditch their plan at the last second for the sake of his daughter? Hell yeah. Is that good for the millions of other people who would like their own family members to survive this war too? Nope. “I don’t care about the big picture,” while human and great characterization, is dangerous when the rest of the world depends on you. Whoever runs this show doesn’t have the luxury of saving their preferred, individual life at the expense of everyone else.
So Penny goes out and gets Amity high enough for Ruby’s recording to start, complete with her acting funny-awkward for the first few seconds.
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The cameos we get throughout this? Excellent. The speech itself? Rather horrifying. So the good: we get glimpses of everyone else in this show that the story has essentially left behind. Saphron, Terra, and Whitley start things off. 
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(Interesting that Whitely went to his father’s office rather than his room...) 
Sun and Neptune (even though that “Dude” again messes with tone).
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Ilia getting a call from Ghira.
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The group sitting with a recovering Nora while Ruby watches her own words with the most ridiculous expression.
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Tai, desperate not to lose the one link to his daughters he’s seen in years. (Side note: I’m not interested in any of the Tai hate. He’s still at home because the writers don’t know what to do with him and because Ruby literally ran away. Are people made at Ghira and Kali for not running after their daughter too? No, because they’re minor characters that the story needed to sideline.)
Tyrian, sitting beside a very pleased looking Salem... 
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(Love that she’s petting him.)
Even the shop dude!
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I’m thrilled to see her. In the sense that I love getting her in the new engine, but I’m salty that she’s unlikely to become an important part of the story again. In fact, there are so many characters at this point that she shouldn’t be re-incorporated, just because that would bloat the cast even more. That… and did they really have to give her massive cleavage? The darker glasses are fine—even if I personally found them a bit distracting compared to her original lenses—but seriously, why does a woman always reappear with even bigger breasts?
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At this point everything in RWBY has a sour taste attached to it because it’s been handled so badly for so many years. It’s only now, watching them do many of the things I wanted them to do volumes ago, that I realize how badly they’ve played themselves. RT messed up so many core aspects that when they re-appear they can’t hope to provide the same sort of enjoyment we would have gotten if they’d never been dropped and/or messed up to begin with.
Case in point: Ruby’s speech. I’m not going to cover the stupidity of telling the world about Salem because I’ve already talked about that to death on my blog, but I do want to add that Ruby managed to accomplish that dubious task in the absolute worst way possible. I need a list for this one.
So, about RWBY ruining core parts of its story? We had a whole volume about how horrifying learning about Salem’s immortality was, something we never resolved because the cast randomly went from thinking they’d entered a doomed war to being #confident about how they’ll win. But at the very least they’ll be careful and considerate when they tell others that very demoralizing info, right? Ha. Ruby never even uses the term “immortal.” She mentions Salem being around for “centuries”—which, remember, was info the group also had but never put two and two together—and then says that “Just because she can’t be destroyed doesn’t mean she can’t be beaten.” What does that mean to people who have never heard of Salem before now? Ruby doesn’t even explain who she is! What’s a “force” in this context? A person? An entity? Endless grimm? She gives the people nothing here.
Alongside just casually dropping that Salem has been around for “centuries,” Ruby says that she is “a force we’ve faced before,” as if the world has ever had to deal with an outright attack from her. No, Ruby. They haven’t faced this before. That’s the point.
“I know the idea of Maidens and Relics seems crazy”—does she even mention them before this?? I don’t think she does. Ruby just name dropped two things and never bothered to explain wtf they were.
Also, great job telling the whole world, filled with bad guys not already aligned with Salem, that there are two powerful, mystery things out there that they can now start hunting down. That’s why Ozpin decided to keep the Maidens quiet in the first place. He says in Volume 3 that people were killing them when they knew they existed.
She tells everyone that Glynda and Theodore can vouch for all this information, just casually dropping that responsibility into their lap. I mean, can you even IMAGINE being Glynda right now? This kid you taught for one year heads back home after your school falls, you lose touch with the inner circle after Ozpin dies, and then said kid suddenly appears on every scroll and TV in Remnant, telling the entire world that YOU, personally, can explain to them the things you’ve helped keep hidden for a good portion of your adult life. You are one of two people they can now turn to for answers. If I were Glynda I would be furious.
She also says that Theodore and Glynda “might even be able to organize a way to fight back” RUBY. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE INNER CIRCLE WAS? A KNITTING CLUB? WHAT ELSE HAS OZPIN BEEN DOING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS EXCEPT “ORGANIZING A WAY TO FIGHT BACK”? 
“But, sadly, General Ironwood can no longer be trusted.” Wow. That’s one hell of a simplified take to give to a world already working under the incorrect assumption that Atlas caused the Fall of Beacon, an assumption Ruby admitted was wrong to Cordovin. So let’s unite the world except for this one leader, right? So much for practicing what you preach. 
“If she was really unstoppable she wouldn’t have acted with such caution before now.” Oh boy, that’s risking a lot on Ruby’s interpretation of Salem’s motives. After eight years even we, the audience, don’t know why Salem didn’t attack until now, so where did Ruby get the idea that it must be because she fears them? That’s not the real explanation based on how happy Salem looks while hearing the message. When did Ruby even think about this? Outside of Nora’s realization that maybe someone other than Ozpin could beat her, we haven’t seen the group discuss Salem at all, but now Ruby thinks she has everything figured out? I honestly want her to explain her thought process here. Does she think Ozpin was mistaken about the immortality business and if he’d just had the guts to unite everyone and attack her, Salem would have been defeated lifetimes ago? 
(Funny how that was Ironwood’s plan...) 
Ruby ends with another call to band together because “That’s how we’ll win!” complete with smiling energy.
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With the exception of the cameos I hated every moment of this. The unclear reason why Ruby thinks bringing the world together is the answer in the face of how badly that’s gone each and every time others have done it, Amity magically becoming available for them to use, her dropping in random beliefs we’ve never seen her express before, turning the whole world against Ironwood, failing to actually explain any of this… I mean, imagine you’re in Remnant’s place for a second:
This child (looking entirely unprepared) suddenly hacks every device and tells you that the most powerful kingdom in the world is under attack. Who is attacking it? It’s someone you’re familiar with! But not really. It’s Salem. Who’s Salem? I won’t say, but she’s responsible for every bad thing from the White Fang to the grimm themselves. Those Relics and Maidens, those are real crazy sounding, huh? Oh, I forgot to say what they are? Nm that’s not important. Talk to my old teacher and someone I’ve never met if you’re confused. What is important is that we all come together. Except Ironwood. I don’t trust him. But I expect you all to trust everyone else, including me! Because we can totally win against this “force” I haven’t defined. You should help us. In whatever non-specific way you choose. Should you come to Atlas and save us all from the confusingly explained attack we’re under? Fight an immortal enemy somehow, with the forces you don’t have, cross who knows how many miles in under a day? I don’t know. You all can figure the preparations part out :) 
If I were watching I would, at best, think this was a prank. At worst I’d be panicking over a whole lot of scary information, none of which I understand. Which in this world brings grimm.
Ruby should, in an internally consistent story, have just caused a massive number of attacks across the globe. She should be responsible for the biggest mass grimm death Remnant has ever seen. In fact, that’s my final hope for the series. I want the world to lose its mind at this confusing, terrifying announcement, from rioting in the streets to grimm swarming major cities. Ruby is left dumbfounded at the destruction she’s caused. No one can—or will—come to assist Atlas. The Kingdom falls, taking plenty of civilians with it. Ozpin escapes and is finally allowed his anger, wanting to know how the safety measures he spent lifetimes building were undone by her in one profoundly stupid move. Ironwood (if he’s still alive) coldly tells them that they could have left and saved who and what they had at the time. Ren is proven right.
I need this story to decimate our heroes, humble them, and then let them rebuild. Teach Ruby something and let her grow from it, making up for her mistakes as she goes. Because for two and a half seasons now we’ve watched this girl commit one horrible act after another—whether it’s attacking allies or unintentionally giving the world the most damaging message possible—and something needs to come out of all that.
Can’t say I’m too hopeful of seeing that though :/ 
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The rest of the episode isn’t any better. Ironwood continues his stupidity streak by trusting Watts to do the hack himself. I really can’t believe this is what his character has been reduced to. Granted, it appears as if Watts really did do what he was asked, it’s just that none of them could have known Penny would be outside of Amity and at the height of an airplane when her systems went offline. That trust does, however, allow Watts to nab Ironwood’s crushed scroll before he’s taken back to his cell. Because, you know, at this point Ironwood is so stupid he just chucks personal tech at a villain and thinks nothing of it. 
Also... all this happens before the jail scene last episode when Watts was returned, but after Ruby’s group gets to the Schnee manor. The bingo board is getting another check.
Ironwood says that “It seems Polendina’s proxy trick worked.” So Pietro deliberately built Penny with this kill switch (for lack of a better word) embedded? In this villain!Ironwood world, is the story ever going to acknowledge that Pietro is far from innocent, having helped to create and support all the things people hate about how Ironwood (supposedly) interacts with Penny? 
Penny’s hack doesn’t take until Ruby’s message is complete, because of course it doesn’t. 
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Yang’s group is all excited—“That was the broadcast!”—despite not having a signal last episode. If they can use their scrolls at the outpost, why didn’t they call for help?
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Penny then says “I love you” to Pietro before she—maybe?—falls to her second death. I don’t know. This absolutely deserves a longer rant because either Penny was resurrected for a brief, narratively meaningless existence before dying again, or we’re expected to believe that she’s falling far and fast enough to become a meteor, but will turn out just fine. Perhaps the show will forget that Pietro said he couldn’t rebuild her again. I pretty much expect it at this point. 
(Either that, or Pietro will sacrifice himself for Penny. Coming at it from a father-daughter relationship, I like the idea. As a black man dying for his white daughter in a show notorious for how it has handled its race allegory... ehhhh.) 
Then, we end this episode with “a river of grimm.”
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Seriously, am I the only one who laughed during that moment? It sounds ridiculous. What does that even mean, “a river of grimm”? Did Salem expand her territory somehow? Is this the same grimm soup she makes them out of? What, can she just cover the whole world with grimm making goo now? Out of everything that could have been coming out of the ice, THAT’S what we end on? 
I think this episode may have broken me lol. There was so much that I knew I was meant to be invested in, so many moments trying their hardest to be emotionally compelling… and only the tinniest slivers of it worked. I want to care about Penny falling. I want to care (more) about an unexpected Glynda appearance. I want to be cheering for Ruby’s message getting out, but it’s all just so badly done. I ended this episode feeling like I had watched a RWBY parody rather than an episode. Like for funsies someone had pulled together the most ridiculous ideas they could think of, like:
The villains come and then immediately leave again, like in Fury Road except in this case that’s not the point of the story.
Super powerful fighter gets her ass kicked by laughing grandma.
Nonsensical sacrifice going on but give it just a hint of ~real~ emotion.
Huge reveal for the rest of the world but the message with be near incomprehensible.
Toss in random characters we haven’t seen in years, people love that.
End the episode with grimm soup flowing towards the kingdom.
It honestly feels like someone set out to write an absurd episode, but then gave it just enough artistry that the viewer finishing the vid goes, “Why am I actually invested in this omg lol.” Except when that’s your canon we’ve got a problem.
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I don’t know. At this point RWBY is so broken I can’t even articulate everything that’s continually going wrong when we get an episode like this one. For anyone who may have missed it, we’ve got two more episodes before a six week hiatus and frankly I’m glad. Mostly because I obviously want our crew to have the time they need to keep their sanity intact during the hell that is 2020 and the likely hell that will be 2021, also because that will give them time to spruce up the second half of the volume… but there’s also a part of me that’s just glad for a break. There are still pieces in RWBY I enjoy (like the Hound, or dad!Pietro, always Ozpin) and I love writing these recaps, but it says a lot about the writing that I hear we won’t get RWBY for two solid months and I am, at best, indifferent. Can’t mess up what you don’t air, right? 😂
Man, this bingo card… it’s getting three marks today. “Two day timeline wreaks havoc on continuity,” “Needless episode cliffhanger” (grimm river??), and “The team gets Amity up and running.” Yet we somehow STILL don’t have a bingo. Amazing.
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Alright, I’m done. If you enjoyed this episode, bless you. I’m really glad. Please enjoy it for the both of us. And pray for us all over the next two weeks 💜
121 notes · View notes
littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Sooo…about my predications for the RWBY V8 Finale…
While I voiced before that I wasn’t going to make a finale bingo card, I did say that I wanted to share my predictions or rather hunches for the events of the finale. As always, like with anything I do, these are all just ideas of how I personally believe things might end based on all that’s happened for this season. Well some of them are, others are just things I’d personally love to see happen for the finale and you could probably tell which ones those are by simply reading them.
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….And now for some squiggly predictions for the V8 finale….
 Oscar uses the rest of the kinetic power stored in the Long Memory to aid his friends and the refugees of Atlas and Mantle against the Batman Grimm which conveniently alerts the attention of their allies from Vacuo (meaning SSSN and CVFY) who arrive just in time to finish the job in the most epic of character reentrances, calling back to the finale of V2.
 Penny EITHER suffers another chillingly gruesome death (for pure unadulterated CRWBY showrunners messing with the audience shock value) at the hands of Cinder Fall, far worse than the one she endured back in V3 OR…conveniently gets knocked straight out of the final fight to Vacuo to return as a (minor) supporting character for V9 since her story is officially complete.
 Cinder gains another win for the villain side as she succeeds in claiming the Relic of Creation for Salem, pilfering it right from underneath Penny’s nose.
 Winter kills Ironwood and has an emotional moment where she mourns his death, crying for the first time ever in the series.
 Pietro Polendina magically reappears for the finale after eight episodes to stop Watts in a last minute battle of wits like the opening foreshadowed.
 Salem conveniently returns in the final scene of V8 but SURPRISE MOTHERF***KERS, Salem will not be the main antagonist moving forward to V9 because Cinder; now armed with the power of the Staff of Creation; decides to betray Salem; no longer desiring to play noble pawn but make herself queen instead; thus proving it was meant to be her all along as the final villain of RWBY and the Cinder fans rejoice because their girl did not die this season despite the NUMEROUS fan theories proclaiming that she would!
 Harriet Bree dies as a result of her own ignorance and Qrow, despite his semblance, gets to live another day because the showrunners still need him alive for the inevitable STRQ flashback backstory that was teased for V9.
 RWBY EITHER all fall prey to the void and end up separated in the Other World with the season leaving us on Ruby alone in a mysterious Other World OR…only WBY fall to the Other World and Ruby is the lone survivor to make it to Vacuo on Remnant, no longer having her team by her side because the shot from the opening of her falling through darkness still reaching out to the light of the Staff of Creation as the Grimm drag her down was meant to be taken more symbolically---to symbolize Ruby losing her unquantifiable spark of hope and falling prey to depression and other negative thoughts and feelings as a result of her teammates “dying” before her very eyes.
 The Rosegarden duo DO get to share a hug before V8 officially concludes after all but it’s Oscar offering Ruby one in comfort after she is left traumatized by the “death” of the team; providing a nice callback to the first RG moment to kick off this season. V8 started with Ruby coming to Oscar’s aid and being there to comfort him during their ride back to reunite with their friends in Mantle. So imagine how interesting it would be if V8 ended with Oscar coming to Ruby’s aid emotionally, returning the same comfort she provided him before. Just a thought.
 And that’s all folks!
Look, now I am no ways a psychic of any kind. I’m just a humble squiggly squiggle meister who is very curious about how this season is going to clock out and wanted to share some ideas of how I think it would. Since the V8 opening has been flashing the whole “Happy? Never Again” in our faces all season, there is no way in SH*T that I’m not gonna assume this season will end on a not-so positive note for our heroes.
I really wish to believe that the “Happy? Never Again” line was directed towards Ruby specifically. I really wish to believe that V8 will end on Ruby never being the same “happy go lucky protagonist” full of hope ever again after this season.
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While she’s definitely matured a lot over the seasons, at her core, our little red rose has always maintained her spark of hope up until this point. While we saw this season challenge Ruby on that notion; it didn’t quite really go anywhere concrete. This is why I’m thinking that the finale will end bad for Ruby---at least on an emotional level.
I’d like to think that V8 will end off on breaking Ruby to the point that she won’t be herself ever again. She would lose her spark and V9 would be about her recovery---slowly regaining it through the love, care and aid of the loved one she still has who she has helped and inspired over the seasons.
At least…that’s how I would love V8 to end. Words aren’t enough to describe how much I want V9 to focus on Ruby.
But like I said, this is how I’d like for things to shape up. How the actual canon will end is dependent on the showrunners. So for what it’s worth, I hope it’s good. That being said, see you guys tomorrow for the finale.
 ~ LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 804: Phoenix:  Part I / III
Fed, dressed, and caffeinated, RWBY + JNR sat around the table with their cards in their hand. A tiny noise could be heard.
"I do believe we are under attack." Ren voiced.
"You call that an attack?" Yang asked, "More like a cry for attention."
Ren's face was slightly judgemental before returning to a much more neutral look. "Indeed."
"Aurora?" Weiss asked.
"Mistress." Aurora affirmed, and walked passed the table to the staircase.
"Aurora was here?" Nora asked, "She's like always here."
"Indeed." Ren stated.
"Almost as much of a stalker as Ilia." Nora continued.
"That's your cue to come out." Blake said, and a Ilia returned to her ordinary colouration, appearing in the nude.
"Oh, shit, I mean, Hi Ilia, I mean?.." Nora tried to say.
"I assure you she meant no offence." Ren said from beside her.
"No." Ilia said. "I don't know why I would take offence. Honestly, I do have a terrible habit of stalking Jaune..."
"I wouldn't say terrible." Jaune said to her, and she looked at him with disbelief.
"Why Jaune?" Ruby asked her.
"Because he gives me strength?" Ilia asked, "How to describe it? He is solid."
"That he is." Yang added.
"Implacable." Ren added.
"And he is the one who has most taken me under his wing." Ilia stated.
"He has indeed done that." Weiss added.
"I'm so sorry..." Blake pleaded, but Ilia held up her hand. There was a pregnant silence as she breathed in deeply.
"You don't have to apologize." Ilia stated, "I know what I asked for. I know that you denied me. I know that you don't want to give me the false impression. I understand why you want to keep me at a distance. I'm following you because I don't have any other choice."
"You don't need to..." Blake tried to say.
"I'm not doing it because I don't have a choice." Ilia pleaded, "I just don't know what choice to make."
"She's here to learn how to choose?" Ruby asked.
"That seems a decent summary." Weiss stated.
"I fell for Adam." Ilia continued, "Not like Blake did, personally, no, I fell for him spiritually."
"Personally, she fell for Blake, right?" Nora asked. Ren sighed while placing a hand on her shoulder, letting out a grumbling affirmation.
"I know how toxic, and diseased, and destructive, and spiteful Adam is." Ilia said. "I just need help finding the difference between him, and what we thought he was."
"Which was?" Nora asked.
"Justice." Blake stated. Ilia nodded.
"Jaune might not be justice, but he his fairness." Ilia said, "And maybe that's what I need help with?" she asked.
"And for the record," Jaune interjected, "while she might - technically - be stalking me, like all the time, I actually count on it, nowadays."
"Indeed?" Weiss asked.
"Well, it has saved me a couple of times." Jaune said.
"He does have like a really good point." Yang added.
"Question?" Nora said, raising her hand, and everyone turned to look at her, "If Ilia gets to be naked, does that mean the rest of us get to be naked, or is she like special?"
Everyone looked at Jaune as he hung his head in his hands. He then breathed in deep as he looked at Nora. "You know what?, she is special." Jaune stated, and Nora seemed to accept that.
"Because it's for her Semblance?" Ruby asked, and Jaune nodded. "That makes sense."
"So?" Yang asked, "Just so we're clear, everyone can wear less clothes because of their Semblance, right?"
"From the girl wearing short-shorts and a tube top?" Blake asked.
"Didn't see you complaining." Yang replied.
"Not complaining." Blake voiced.
"Then what?" Nora asked.
"I believe," Ren interjected, "she is pointing out that Yang is already, shall we say, scandalously dressed?
"You judging, yo?" Yang asked him.
"Not in the slightest." Ren said with a smile.
"Sorry." Yang replied, "You're just like really hard to read. Still weird having Jaune staring at a naked woman who's not, you know, us?"
"I concur." Weiss stated. "Though I am perhaps not as well advised about relationships such as ours."
"Meaning?" Ruby asked.
"We're writing the rules as we go along." Blake stated.
"I'm pretty sure not staring at other naked women should be one of them." Yang added.
"It's not like he told her to get naked?" Ruby asked.
"Alright, true." Yang replied. She then looked at Ilia, "If she's going to be naked and not, you know, chameleon, could she pretend to have clothes?"
Ilia shifted to give the impression we was wearing a teddy with stockings, garters, and long gloves.
"I am not sure if that is any better." Weiss stated, "Jaune-dear seems to be even more enthralled."
"Maybe General Ironbutt can come up with something?" Yang asked, and everyone glared at her. "General Ironheart?"
"Implying he has heart?" Qrow said as he walked into the room, followed quickly by Aurora. "I think your little friend has something to say to you."
"Indeed." Aurora stated. "It seems Cinder would like to speak to you."
"About?" Weiss asked as the others quickly stood up. She found Jaune standing up, who effortlessly lifted her to a standing position.
"Everything." Aurora simply stated.
"And Yang?" Qrow asked.
"Yeah?" Yang replied.
"I like Tinman." Qrow said with a smile.
"Okay, yeah, but General Tinman sounds kind of weird." Yang stated.
"Perhaps mechanical onomatopoeia?" Weiss asked.
"General Clank." Blake added, as the group turned to the stairs.
"I like it." Yang said, and stepped towards the stairs, and then paused, looking at Ilia. "And naked-butt?"
"She does like stalking me." Jaune casually said as he reached the stairs, causing Yang to do a double take.
"Shit, man, now that you've got confidence, I don't know if we can keep up with you?" Yang asked.
"The secret," Weiss quipped said from a few paces behind him, "is to anticipate his movements and respond before he makes them."
"Uh-huh?" Yang asked, "It sounds like Little Bit is rubbing off on you."
"Perhaps she is?" Weiss said with a light blue hue.
* * *
RWBY + JNR + Qrow, Ilia, and Aurora walked out into the garden.
"We apologize!" Emerald shouted.
"She might," Mercury interjected, "but I'm not! You didn't exactly give us a choice!"
"What?!" Jaune harshly shouted, "Do you want?!"
"To talk, obviously!" Cinder snapped.
"Maybe a little less bitter and harsh." Mercury voiced.
Cinder glared him before looking back to the others, trying her best to smile. Jaune walked towards her. "What did you want to talk about?"
"Oh, you know?," Cinder asked, "everything you hoped and feared."
"And why the hell are you waiting until now?!" Yang shouted.
"Last resort." Cinder stated. "I has hoping to just disappear, but what I'm going to say here will ensure that Salem hunts us to the end of Remnant."
Jaune looked between everyone else, and they all looked back at him. He looked at Salem for a moment. "I want Neo here." he said.
"How could you?" Emerald asked, and Cinder's good hand flew up to silence her. "I'm sorry."
* * *
Jaune walked down the stairs with his thunderous footfalls. Taiyang and Raven quickly jumped to their feet, Raven trying her best to act innocuous. Jaune looked at them curiously before giving Neo a questioning look. Neo puckered up her lips and made smooching noises. Jaune looked at Tai and Raven before shrugging, and walked up to Neo.
"Alright, so, long story short, Cinder's going to spill the beans." Jaune said, and paused, letting it sink in. She then looked at him questioningly. "I want you there?" She gave him a double take and then looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world. "Maybe?" he asked. And she gave a him a shocked look. "But I don't want to kill you?" he asked, and she gave him the same look once again. "Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to rip the cell bars off, and then I'm going to hug you, and if you're on your best behaviour, I'm going to tell you where we hid your possessions."
A hundred expressions passed Neo's face as she processed this information.
"Are you going to say anything?" Raven asked Taiyang.
"If it was up to me, they wouldn't have kept them in the first place." Taiyang nervously said. "I'm really just doing the best I can."
Jaune took a step towards the cell, and Neo's head snapped to him. Her conclusion was that he was obviously lying. Her faith waned slightly as he grabbed the first bar, and all of her senses failed her as he tore it off. Bars rained down behind him, bouncing around the room. Taiyang looked at them fearfully. Raven looked at them curiously. Neo had taken full leave of her senses, and it took some time for them to return. When they did she found herself in his arms, arms that seemed to encircle her completely. He then stepped away, and her thoughts had not caught up on her.
"Alright, so, the rules are simple, no trying to kill Cinder." Neo angrily protested. Jaune was turning away but paused and turned back, "Or Ruby." Neo angrily pouted.
"Well, whatever's happening," Raven said as Jaune turned around, "I think we should join the party." She then turned to follow Jaune.
"We both know how much of a party girl you are not." Taiyang said, turning to follow her. Raven tried to act angry but found herself smiling.
Everyone had arrived in the garden except Taj who was waiting in his airship, assuming that... something... was going to happen. Jaune walked into the centre of the garden, Neo trailing behind him, while on the other side Cinder walked in as well. It then started to rain.
"Oh, super!" Jaune shouted, "Don't I have such great luck!" he cried as the noise started reverberating off the walled garden.
"We can probably blame this one on me!" Qrow shouted.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Roman for the character ask? XD
`Plushie, I love you for sending me this because I was excitedly telling you that I hoped someone sent me this.
I’ve been writing non-published fan fics (with plushchrome/why-i-hate-rwby-now) and we usually ‘split’ the writing by dividing who writes for what character. Our first RWBY fan fic featured Survived!Torchwick drifting towards a redemption arc, and I was writing for him. And almost every single RWBY fan fiction I’ve written since has featured Roman because I love writing for him so much. So this one is going to be good because I’ve worked with this character for literally years now. (Some of my headcanoned stuff doesn’t fit with canon, but oh well.)
My top three ships for the character
Roman/Glynda. Their only on-screen almost interaction was their fight in ep 1 in which Roman acted annoyed at the sight of her and got Cinder to fight her instead of him, but boy golly could these two have one tension fueled ‘once in a dream’ sort of romance. Roman/Neo is something I don’t personally ship, but I do like the concept and every time I see concept art of it, my heart melts a little. Funnily enough, I also like the concept of Roman/Oz, but only as ‘Roman always used to tease him by flirting with him.’ (Honorable mention to two OCs who’d take the slots under Glynda if they existed. XD)
My three least favorite ships for the character
Roman/Cinder is a massive no, considering she’s the one who got him into the whole big mess in the first place and then essentially left him for dead. I mean, it’s clear Roman’s into her and they could have divorced couples energy, but boy howdy, this would be toxic in the not fun way. Pass. Roman/Tyrian is something I just don’t vibe with, I feel like Roman has enough street smarts to not instigate or tolerate any romantic vibes with Tyrian. XD Also Junior/Roman. This is apparently called Crimedads? Roman’s the only crimedad I need, I don’t want anything to do with Junior or his disgusting behavior or his stupid looking club.
My biggest criticism for the character
I feel like my biggest criticism is actually the way he’s been used (or rather, not used) after his death. I feel like it was a mistake to wait to bring Neo back until the sixth season, and to not really delve into her backstory and not paying much attention to Neo’s growth. It makes her feel like less of a character and, by extension, makes Roman’s death feel like a weaker motivation for it and makes it matter less to the audience. RWBY’s attempts to be a ‘slow burn’ often leave a lot to be desired, and Roman as a motivation for Neo is no exception to that.
My favorite thing about the character
He was the perfect villain for the first three seasons. He was more of a comic book villain than something we were supposed to take really seriously. He was a real threat, but he was also fun, colorful, he had a great voice actor, some slight sympathetic vibes, but still an obviously selfish, obviously bad guy that - like Watts - it doesn’t feel wrong or complicated to hate or love or love to hate him. His comic book villain vibes still had a little more under the surface, which was perfect for the looser, kids-fighting-monsters fun romp with deeper stuff under the surface. That’s why a part of me doesn’t mind the fact that Roman died, even though I think he could’ve been used after volume 3. They would’ve had to change some of Roman in order to fit in with the new more serious, in-depth storyline, and it might’ve taken some of the charm away from his character.
A headcanon I have about them
Buckle up, because I can’t pick just one. Roman came from a long line of Huntsman and Huntresses and it was a family tradition thing, but he actually really wanted to be a Huntsman for many of the same reasons Ruby had wanted to be one, even past family tradition. Roman’s Hunter parents died when he was young, and he was raised mostly by his aunt and uncle in Mistral, though his family tradition was to attend Beacon, so that’s where he went to school. His aunt and uncle (also Hunters) died while he was attending Beacon in his second year. He had a versatile skillset and was really into weapons construction and strategy, but didn’t apply himself very well in school and never went on to the two vs two rounds in the Vytal Tournament. He started experiencing depression during his time in school, which only started getting worse after he (for messy reasons that I can’t take the time to explain here,) was basically forced to run away with Neo (five years younger than him) during his last year of Beacon, dropping out and living on the streets and starting a life of crime in his increasingly desperate attempts to support her and take care of her. Eventually, he stopped working for criminal masterminds who he always had problems with and thought didn’t do good enough jobs and became one himself. And this one doesn’t line up with canon, but in my fan fictions, I always wrote Roman to have a passive ‘survival’ semblance that triggered when his parents died, that keeps him alive even in really bad circumstances (and even after getting eaten by a Grimm, in the fic. XD) His semblance kept him alive, but it also slowly shifted his moral code to accommodate what he needed to do to survive, and would block out grief sometimes (for instance, he never fully grieved his parents.) Obviously, this doesn’t fit with the canon where he does die in that Grimm, but boy howdy, it made him such a good character to write for in fan fictions.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I know I said that I was glad that the writers killed him, but I might not do that tbh. If I was making a re-write, it’d be more for me than anything else, and I think if Roman had survived, it could be really good and fun. For one thing, he had a connection and some element of personal tension to Ruby and Blake and Neo had some of that with Yang, and that’s something that was lacking later. Roman and Neo could’ve been used to introduce Salem’s castle, faction, etc, and they could’ve been really good as unsure, out of their depth villains that start influencing Mercury and Emerald a bit more as well. But I don’t think I’d go whole hog on any redemption arc and use Roman and Neo as more gray, wild card type characters who are against Salem and have a line of what they think is wrong, but are still dangerous and violent and selfish themselves. 
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Roman’s character allusion to Romeo Candlewick is relatively loose. You can twist Roman into fitting it, as Candlewick wastes his time in idleness until he’s transformed into a jack-ass and then dies of exhaustion. But I definitely think that they mostly leaned into Disney inspired gimmicks like his red hair, hat, and cigar smoking. And more than that, I agree that he’s more based off of the Fox / Honest John Foulfellow, the deceptive conman who tries to trick Pinocchio in the book by pretending to be lame and attempting to kill him, only to wind up really becoming lame and impoverished and hungry. In the Disney version, he’s a more comical conman who expresses some hesitance on tricking kids into going to Pleasure Island and is being threatened into it, but had no problems with other cut throat villainy with no concern over how it affects Pinocchio. He uses a cane (but doesn’t fake a limp,) and his line delivery and body language is kind of close to Roman. Although this is yet another allusion that’s more based on Disney than the original, I think, I tend to not mind this one so much.
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corpse--diem · 4 years
Tell That Devil | Josephine & Erin
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @corpse–diem & a special guest (npc) SUMMARY: Erin’s past comes back to haunt her and tries to make a deal. CONTENT WARNINGS: none
Painted concrete brick walls jutted upward, connecting at the top to create a building as uninteresting and identical as the rest that lined this road. This one was different though. While the street outside murmured quietly, chaos and violence rattled the interior, alive and thriving. Erin hadn’t wanted to believe the rumors or even the flyer that had somehow made its way to her door--a small ‘fuck you’ from someone inside that building, no doubt. She had to know, had to see these walls for herself to believe it. Showing her face in this area was as stupid as it was dangerous, so she’d risked the trip down Amity Road on her own.
The moment she turned the corner, dread swarmed every part of her as she realized the rumors were true. The Ring had been rebuilt. An old anger filled her as she watched from across the street, watching the paying audience discreetly slip in and out. “Motherfuckers,” she murmured on a humorless laugh, shaking her head slowly. The blood, rubble and fire were long gone. Just another mess that had been wiped clean and rebuilt with ease. No real, permanent change was possible in this world, was it? Not when one Roy fell, three more popped up to take the reign. Her naivety stung harsher the longer she stood there, hood drawn to hide her features. She’d taken down her Roy and fought the good fight but this wasn’t her fight anymore. Eyes were starting to burn through her, suspicious and sharp and likely not far from making an unfortunate recognition. Time to get the hell out of there.
She was halfway down the street when her eyes turned up at the sound of another pair of feet coming towards her. She almost missed it but a second glance nearly knocked her onto the sidewalk, eyes wide and horrified. “You,” she hissed, feet planted firmly in place as she tried to ground the rest of her. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Josephine wore a smug smile. She’d felt it long before she’d seen the other woman. The anger that had festered deep inside of Erin had grown now, and it was calling to Josephine louder than the roar of the crowd inside. Hands in pockets, striding with ease, she had followed the taste of it all the way down here and wondered what it was Erin could have possibly seen in this place to evoke such anger. She’d almost wished she’d stayed in White Crest long enough to have watched it happen in real time, but another pull had dragged her away from the town. Being back didn’t feel so different, really-- the town was nearly the same, it was as if she’d never left. She held her arms out in a fake curtsy and bent to greet Erin before sticking her hands back into her pockets and pulling out a cigarette and lighter. “It’s me,” she said simply before flicking the lighter. “Oh, so sorry,” she held out the box, “did you want one?”
How long had it been since Josephine had left Erin on that curb or since she had come home to find her decomposing father tearing apart her office and office assistant? She didn’t know how but she’d nearly forgotten the events of last year in light of everything that had followed. Erin’s jaw set tightly and she shook her head, stuffing her hands into her jacket pocket. This wasn’t happening. She was supposed to be done with all of the nonsense that last year had brought, including Josephine. “No,” she answered curtly, only just noticing the way her body stiffened, boiling over with a long forgotten rage. “What are you doing here?” She asked, skipping right to the point, eyes narrowed sharply in her direction. “Usually when you fuck someone’s life over and skip town, you don’t come back.”
Josephine just shrugged and patted out the box before sliding it back into her jacket pocket. “Suit yourself,” she said, winking. Lit up her own and gave it a puff as she contemplated how to answer Erin. Held it in her hand as she looked back over at her. “Is that what you think I did?” she asked, then, flicking some of the ash away before taking another swig. “Interesting.” She looked at the building behind them, leaning over to glance at it, before looking back at Erin. “Can you believe it? I heard this place blew up. Must make you pretty…” she paused, for effect. Josephine liked to add a little drama to her appearances, “angry.” She reached out with her free hand and tapped Erin’s chest. “Wanna fill me in on why? Whatever happened with your father wasn’t my fault. I was just doing what you asked for. I just wanted to show you that that anger inside of you could be used for something better.”
There was something about the way Josephine seemed so unbothered right now. Did she truly not understand the trauma she had inflicted on her way out of town? That unearthing her recently deceased father to roam the streets like a George A. Romero movie wouldn’t leave an impact on her? “Really? Because it feels like that was one-hundred percent your fault,” she spat back. Fuck. Erin was angry. And she hated that Josephine knew that. How did she know that? “It did,” Erin confirmed, her jaw set tightly after she answered, but gave her nothing more than that. She didn’t deserve it. “Something better? Something better?” She almost laughed, not because anything that Josephine was saying was at all funny, but because it was almost unbelievable. Again. “Get out of my way,” she shook her head, scoffing as she tried to brush by her, walking through the cigarette smoke.
“What’s that saying?” Josephine mused, resting her hand on her hip as she drew in another puff. “Don’t shoot the messenger?” She watched Erin with an interested eye, feeling the anger flowing through her as if it were in her own blood, her own veins. She chewed her lip, shrugged. “If I recall, correctly,” she started out slowly, turning to watch Erin brush past her and head towards the door, “you were the one who made the wish.” She flicked her cigarette and let some of the cinders fall to the ground. “You’ve gotta admit, though, don’t you? That just for a moment-- a tiny moment-- it felt good, didn’t it? Yelling at him, getting your frustrations out. It’s what you wanted, after all, isn’t it?” She let her head tilt to the side, as if contemplating her next words. “Why are you so afraid of your own anger?”
“That’s not what happened, that’s not what I wanted and you know it. You set me up and then you just--” Erin shouted back, her frustrations getting the best of her. A few heads turned their way and she felt their eyes falling onto the two of them. Her face burned and she was probably flushed and she hated the way this woman could rile her up only moments after a year of absolutely nothing. She huffed out a breath, trying to contain herself. Her voice leveled with some effort. “You just fucking left.” Skipped town and left Erin to deal with the aftermath of dear old decaying dad. She could still hear the sound of his head thumping to the ground after Alain’s sword sliced through his neck. The blood dripping from his chin onto her mother’s antique rugs. Josephine’s last question left her more unsettled than she was prepared for. Erin cast another glare in her direction. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” was all she could manage.
“Oh, yikes,” Josephine said, frowning. She took one last long puff of her cigarette before dropping it and putting it out with her heel. “Is that what you think happened? Listen, sweetheart,” she shoved her hands deep into her pockets, before pulling out a little business card with her name on it. “You’re not my responsibility. You sought me out, you made a wish, and you got to deal with whatever consequences your own actions gave you. I don’t control the wishes, Erin, the people who make them do. All my magic does is take what’s in here,” she pointed at Erin’s chest while simultaneously pressing the business card to her with her finger, “and makes it real. So you can deny all that anger all you want, honey, but you can’t hide it from me.” She let go and backed up. “So...do you wanna start again or would you rather go watch a pointless fight that ends in death? I heard they’ve got a bugbear on the docket tonight.”
“I asked you out for drinks, not a midlife crisis.” The longer Erin stood there, the hotter the blood coursing through her burned. This woman had some fucking nerve. “Not your responsibility? You tricked me into making a wish and used your fucking magic to unearth my dead dad without my consent but it’s not your responsibility?” She grabbed the card pressed against her without thinking, wide eyes staring incredulously in Josephine’s direction. Was there something she wasn’t understanding here that was apparently allowing the other woman to absolve herself of all blame? She didn’t want to go anywhere with her but she couldn’t pretend her curiosity hadn't peaked. Briefly, her eyes flitted around them. Whatever minor scene they may have caused had settled, attendees focused on the match that was starting inside the building. She tried not to think about it. Wasn’t anything she could do. She shook her head, glancing at the words on the business card. “What even are you?”
“Is that not a midlife crisis? If I remember correctly, you cried after I kissed you,” Josephine pointed out. She couldn’t help it-- egging people on was part of herself. Part of what she was. “Tricked you?” It was her turn to balk, suddenly. “Oh no. No, no, no. I did not trick you, Erin Nichols. I used your words against you. What’s that famous saying? Careful what you wish for? If you hadn’t known the word wish was dangerous, you do now. How did you learn about fae? Or magic? Or undead? Did anyone hold your hand through that? You and I both know you’re not actually angry at me,” she explained, “you’re angry at your helplessness. That, I can feel clearly.” She tapped the card in her hand. “I’m the solution to all your problems. What I am is more than magic. Spellcasters have nothing on me.”
Josephine kept pushing and pushing. Why was she doing this? Did she get a kick out of it? Was it feeding into whatever mysterious thing she kept alluding herself to be? A fury, she recalled suddenly. Whatever magic she was, it had taken three witches to remove her father from this world, she remembered. Erin could feel how close she was, and it was getting harder to force the anger that came with her familiar presence. When she was close enough to tap the card in Erin’s hand, something snapped. Something that had been there for a long time now, something that Josephine already knew, somehow, was boiling under the surface. Something that Roy’s destruction hadn’t been able to destroy within herself. Her fist flew through the air, connecting with Josephine’s jaw. Her knuckles pounded, aching with the impact but her anger struck too hot for her to notice. “You don’t know anything about me.” She shook out her hand but kept coming towards Josephine, her anger and bravado overshadowing her legitimate fear of the woman. “I am not some helpless human you can fuck around with and I sure as hell don’t need you anywhere in my life.” They were standing in front of the proof of that. “Stay away from me. Do you understand?”
The act was not really a surprise, but Josephine still couldn’t help but recoil with it. That was what happened when you got punched, after all. Kinetic energy and all that. Her head had whipped to the side and a small trickle of blood came from her now split lip. Wiping her chin, she licked the remainder of it off as she turned back to face Erin. The wound was already stitching itself up. She smiled. “Nice right hook,” she said, rolling her neck to stretch out the kink. “Obviously,” she said, wiping her hand on her jacket, “I know more about you than you’re comfortable with. But, fine.” There was a sense of relinquishing in her voice as she shrugged again, shaking her head. “I’ll be leaving town soon, anyway. But think about what I said. If you want power, real power, to stop things like this--” she gestured to the new Ring, brimming with fans swarming in and out-- “then you know how to reach me.” With that said, she deposited her hands back into her coat pockets and started heading towards the building. “Oh, and-- maybe ice that hand. Otherwise, it’ll hurt in the morning.”
Real power. Her hand throbbed and all she could see was red, but those words kept echoing in Erin’s mind. The pain in her hand wasn’t even worth it. She didn’t feel any better and it was healing right before her eyes. There was a metaphor there between that and the newly reconstructed Ring, she was sure, but she was too annoyed to find it. Real power. What did that mean? Josephine’s words were as enticing as they were infuriating--much like who she seemed to be as a person--and she knew she should have crumpled the business card. Tossed it away and forget this whole interaction ever happened. But she couldn’t. And she didn’t. “Don’t hold your breath,” she murmured darkly. She didn’t want anything to do with her. She didn’t need whatever power she was offering. She’d taken down a supernatural crime lord. Being human didn’t have to mean weak. She didn’t need whatever Josephine was offering. Her eyes fell onto the Ring again, then to the man who brushed by her on his way inside. Like it’d never happened. Fuck this. She turned on her heels, not willing to give Josephine even another moment of her time and headed back up the sidewalk. She didn’t need this right now and she sure as hell didn’t need her.
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shichiro1995 · 4 years
18 year old Amity: *(sitting in a fancy restaurant with Luz)* So.., this is the first time I've ever gone on a date with a girl before.
18 year old Luz: *(laughs)* Well, last time I went on a date, I, uh... I've never actually been on a date before.
Amity: *(smiles)* Oof. Sounds rough.
Luz: *(shrugs)* Yeah, well, if I've learned anything in life, it's that you take the good with the bad. I'm just glad I could take you out tonight. You wouldn't believe it, but I've actually had this reservation for... a while?
Amity: Place seems pretty upscale. Don't tell me... four snail signs on Yelp?
Luz: Yep. And I budgeted for the menu. I have exactly enough for two drinks, two entrees, and either an appetizer or dessert.
Amity: Hey, don't sweat your bank account hun. I'm mad liquid.
Luz: *(blinks)* Seriously?
Amity: (laughs) No! When my parents kicked me out for being gay, I had sixteen hundred snails, a wand, and a gift card in my pockets!
Luz: *(eyes widen)* Oh my god!
Amity: *(cringes)* Oh, shit, was that oversharing?
Luz: No! I'm just..... sorry that happened to you.
Amity: *(smiles softly)* Hey, if it never did, I wouldn't have gotten to be with you. *(smirks)* So, you know... good with the bad.
The waiter, Samuel, walks up to them.
Samuel: Good evening. I'm Samuel, and I'll be your server for tonight. *(puts a menu on the table)* Here's the drink menu, and let me start you off with some water. Sparkling or still?
Amity: I'll take sparkling.
Luz: Ooh, sparkling. I'll take--
Samuel: *(ignores her)* Wonderful! I'll be back soon. In the meantime, definitely take a look at those appetizers. I suggest the clams. *(gives Amity a flirty look)* They go down smooth. *(walk away)*
Luz: *(shrugs)* I was never into clams myself.
Amity: You definitely don't seem like a shellfish person.
Luz: *(blinks)* ...Was that a pun?!
Amity: *(chuckles)* No, you're right, you do look like a shrimp.
Luz: *(laughs and hides her face in her hands)* Oh my god!
Amity: Sorry, but it was right there.
Luz: Honestly, I was not expecting this sense of humor!
Amity: Why, 'cause I'm a witch?
Luz: *(smirks)* No, because when it comes to jokes, you're a little green!
Amity: *(laughs)* OH! Zing!
Luz: *(wipes a tear of laughter from her eye)* Though I will admit, being a witch played a part in it.
Amity: *(smirks)* Well then, how about when we get back to the owl shack, I'll cast a spell on you?
Luz: *(blushes)* That is......oddly exciting!
Amity: I thought about saying "Make you a love potion," but--
Luz: *(shakes her head)* Yeah, no.
Samuel returns.
Samuel: Hey, there. Have we had a chance to look at the menu?
Luz: Oh, maybe we should do dessert over apps. 'cause this white chocolate souffle sounds amazing! It says-
Samuel: *(leans over to Amity as Luz continues reading the menu)* You know, we actually have a special today: tornado rossini on dried fruit brioche with Madero wine sauce, *(flips out a piece of paper, which he puts in front of Amity)* and my number.
Amity looks at him with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
Luz: --and we already have white chocolate, and it's called "vanilla"! *(lowers the menu and sees what's going on)* Um... something happening--?
Amity: Just a sec. *(to Samuel)* So, you serious?
Samuel: Dead serious. I get off at ten, and then I can get you off at 10:30.
Luz: *(confused)* What is he--?
Amity: *(stands up)* Alright, Sammy, three things. First, you wouldn't make it past 10:05. Second, you wouldn't live past 10:06. Third, we're still waiting on our waters. So if you value your job and/or life, you're gonna take this knife, *(picks up a knife and holds it to Samuel's throat)* cut the bullshit, and get us our goddamn Pallegrino!
Luz: *(wide eyed)* Holy sh--
Samuel: *(pulls back in fear)* Okay, fine! Could have just said "no." *(mutters as he walks away)* God, don't need to be a bitch about it.
Luz: *(gasps)* Excuse you? *(stands up)* I'm going to give you five seconds to apologize for what you just said.
Samuel: *(smirks as he sees her round ear)* Or what, human? You gonna call your mommy on me?
Luz swiftly places a glyph onto the table, burning it to cinders instantly.
Luz: *(calmly)* Apologize.
Samuel: *(stammers in fear)* I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Please don't hurt me!
Luz: Oh, um... *(hands Samuel a bag of snails as she leaves)* For the table.
Amity: And here's your 20% dickhead! *(throws her gift card at Samuel)*
Samuel: *(weakly)* This is expired.
Luz: *(places her jacket on Amity's shoulders as they walk down the street)* I am so sorry for that.
Amity: Don't apologize for him, or at all. *(bumps Luz's shoulder gently)* That was amazing. 
Luz: Well, I couldn't just let him talk to you like that. *(smirks)* You know, there's a burger place not even a mile away from here. Cheap. Friendly.
Amity: *(sighs happily)* Titan on a sesame bun, I could go full Blair Witch on a cheeseburger right now! Let's do it.
Luz: Oh wait, crap! I just gave all my money away for that table.
Amity: Don't worry. *(kisses Luz on the cheek)* My treat.
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amnesicmaiden · 4 years
V-day remembrance
Being able to look all over her gifts in her room, Seira was remembering so vital things from her journey of giving everyone a gift so they knew she was thinking of them and place a smile on their face.
Myrrh was a sweetheart, even if the chocolate was bitter what was important was her heart was in the right place as well as well she made sure to place the small lynx plush Pram given her on the bed. Oh, just thinking of how Ansel was so surprised about the gift with that look on his face. She had to smile to now a simple gift can be effective!
Of course, all the smiles she did make lighten up her face as well. Ambriel, Bagpipe, Eyjafjalla, Exusiai, Cardigan, she saw a smile on Talulah’s face she thinks. . . kinda! it was sure something! She may need to tell Brionac about V-day for next time.
Then there was W. . . So, yeah, there’s was her. . .
Closure giving her a box. . .Huh, taking a bite of one she feel her sanity restored by a small amount. Who knew recovering metal sanity was so easy?! plus a discounts regardless discounts are always good! Then there was that “get out of jail card” from silk . What could that honestly mean?!.  She also gotta have to be more careful with Reed.
Speaking of being careful. Those times she had to bolt. . . She swears she shiver when she notice a certain someone behind her well at least she has protection. Then she looked as those cookies with icing. . .YES! Although with Ace she felt he may say something to her later. . .
Giving chocolates to Crownslayer? Of course that was a smart choice, at least that’s what Seira thought. Well, Crownslayer did gift something back so that reinforce how smart she is!
To think Rope would lay of the teasing- wait, oh no it has been a day or two already she should be careful now! and Castle-3 sure was a gentlebot buying her a drink even as she ask for something more fruity with lots of cherries. She was relieve to know that Hibiscus was alright. . . Thank goodness. Thinking of her, she should open that blue box on her desk.
Seira was thoughtful for many, no matter what so she of course had to give Alena. Hopefully that bought some joy to her day. Oh and there was spot, glad that chocolate was fine with him! . . . She felt bad about Dobermann, she completely forgot that she was allergic to chocolates. Did she knew in the first place. . . REGARDLESS! She better remember for next time!
She of course have to give the other Doctors a gift too! Like Doctor Kramer! They all do their hard work in their own way so of course they should be thought of as well! She couldn’t believe she thought that Not Doctor. . . She meant riptide’s gift was an actual slug for a moment. You know since she thinks the only doctor that would eat slug is Weird Doctor. As well Doctor Cinder, to think she was think of Doctor Seira as well how thoughtful! Even Weird Doctor got her something and what she got she felt like she got REALLY lucky from a gacha machine! SHE GOT A 6* TIER GIFT SURELY!
Indra. . . Well, Seira was glad she didn’t went out and show of her muscles because she swore she thought she would do such a thing. Lava seemed pleased well. . . she did say thank you. And Bison, she couldn’t tell him then and she was sure he would learn what she had meant. . . maybe. He’ll be fine!
Every time she sees Jessica she gets the feeling of patting her head and wanting to make sure she’s okay. . .B-but she couldn’t just do that! Still at least some chocolate was something! Something was indeed a word she would described when she was giving Warfarin Chocolates. . . Her eyes glance her being a little close but she turned tail since there was many others she had to give chocos too! Like Folinic . . . Seeing her go back to work reminded her of how focus on work Kal’tist is.
The Doctor avoided answering Ignis’ question about money . . . It would be for the best. Oh, and Liskarm if only she knew after she saw Seira who was all that determined and passed out in front of Kal’tist who was last. . . She now wonders if anyone was aware of that. . .
Of course in cases like Sussurro Seira didn’t need anything back! After all this was for them not for herself! Still she was surprised how quickly Vermeil took those chocolates and unwrapping them.
With Balroth she didn’t need that half-nugget  but perhaps it would be rude not to accept it. She would shake the girl’s hand happily and tell her thanks. Still she oped that Balroth was happy with the gift. Oh hey and she got that 20% discount. . . Remember discounts are always good! A wild saying came out of Zima, after all Seira just thought of making everyone happy. . . Like popukar, hopefully she will eat the chocolates before they go bad or melt. Speaking of melting she couldn’t help but chuckle from Ifrit’s words and learning everyone is getting something. At least fire wasn’t caused. . . Again. Oh yeah and there was Faust just taking zooming off with the gift. Wonder what he planned to do after leaving like that. While shining and nightingale seemed to her thankful for their gifts.
It’s was nice to know Rosa was thinking of the other girls, a reliable big-sister like is what Seira thought of her. While Seira remembering that hug from Mudrock was a nice. . . oh wait, she remembers since she could still feel it. As well, to think Texas would offer her a pocky stick! She had to accept that! Actually, does Texas and Ambriel get pocky from the same place? Then with Skadi, Seira hopes that she will enjoy the gift!
Although she was quite worried when thinking about Asbestos, after all she bought those chocolates en masse! At least Istiglal was happy with the gift and her card was warm heartening. While Nian was really enthusiastic and her chocolates really didn’t make her worried if she can get used to FrostNova’s candies- Seira placed her hand to where her heart is as, just thinking back she felt her heart warm up, her hand going onto her cheek that was kissed and her eyes looking to the drawing that she place above her desk. Oh no her eyes are starting to water, don’t cry Seira! she told herself! Shaking it off, she prevented tears to fall down! Ah right! The box of chocolates Grani given her, it was nice to see she was happy but gosh! Seira was just SO TEMPTED to give her pineapples covered in chocolate. . . Some other time. Magallan grin was really reassuring that she was happy about the gift and Gavial was thankful for it at least. But. . . Greythroat’s question, no. . . she wasn’t worried since she believed no one would have. No matter what it was her goal to give everyone a gift and if someone got upset she will deal with it directly. With Ch’en she was just thankful she accepted the gift, Seira didn’t need a present back. . . Maybe Ch’en could use a little more rest she was awfully tired although is that anything new? Ah right, and that red velvet cake slice that Hoshiguma given her made the Doctor lick her own lips. She was right that Seira indeed like her cakes and other sweet goods. Hoshiguma also gave that Big Sister feel. . . Especially when she picked her up some time ago. Oh right! Saria oh gosh. . . She was stricken was surprised with her offer instead of chocolates. She. . . So she ask her politely if she could undertake a Risk 18 mission since she needed someone to help with that. Then she remembers the times where she felt her heart pounding, the first being with Gravel pulling her close to her and have them do a dance. Her face cover had came off during it, revealing the full blush that was on the Doctor’s face, the surprise look her red eyes was given the assassin while her long blue hair hang down. With all of sudden a rose stem in her mouth after a kiss! SO SMOOTH! HOW COULD HER HEART NOT BE POUNDING AFTER THAT! Her maiden heart was calling for more but she had to resist as she still needed to give gifts to others. . .! . . .Then there was Silverash and his own way of being smooth! He’s like some. . . like some. . . smooth criminal! The feel of his hand holding onto the edge of her fingertips and even when he let go she froze in place for only a short moment. All she could do was tell him she hoped he enjoys the chocolates and runs off! and while there was the smooth moments, there was the moment that made her. . . Lose some blood as it leak down her nose. That was Blaze who was laying on the table being wrapped by only pink ribbons and her words, the winking of her eye, the wriggling of her eyebrows and hips! If Elysium hadn’t come in she would had shed her mask and enjoyed some heated time with Blaze! OH GOD, HER NOISE IS BLEEDING AGAIN! She looked at the cake with the latter, the necklace Elysium given her she may just wear when she’s in her more causal clothing, and tasty berry choco from Lappland among the other bad of chocolates. of course, there was other moments but gosh. . . the loss of blood and the pounding of her heart made it quite hard to remember more.
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