#and come on he almost died in her lap they deserve a moment
a winter lover needs her jacket
a/n: one-shot, huntlow, unedited. I just wanted to write something. I feel it may be a bit ooc, so forgive me in advance
“It’s not pretty to look at, is it?” Hunter asked Willow, surprising her. 
She fumbled, embarrassed she had been caught staring, “Uh?”
Hunter turned his attention away from the map he was scrutinizing to smile at her. His smile was smaller then it had been in the human realm, and she didn’t think it would ever reach his eyes again. 
“It’s okay, Willow,” He shrugged, “you can give it to me straight,” He gestured to his face, “ugly, right?” 
Her heart dropped down into her stomach. A few weeks had passed since they had first returned to the demon realm. It had been emotional, to say the least. Heartfelt and heartbreaking, but their home, in some ways, was still here. Their small world—smaller then the human realm—seemed even smaller, broken up by the Collector and his sick, childish games, but witches were the resilient kind. The band of rebellious survivors they had been lucky enough to reunite with weren’t going down without a fight.
Today, they had set up base camp in the ruins of some town she could no longer recognize. It was a disorienting feeling, but not unfamiliar. For the most part, she swallowed down her discomfort, like she had been since the Day of Unity. It was starting to wear on her though, acting like everything was fine or going to be fine, just as she and Gus had agreed to do back in the human realm for Luz and Hunter’s sake.
Maybe if Willow could gauge how useful her part in this fight was, she’d feel better, but it seemed that even Ms. Noceda, who was quite literally a fish out of water here, knew more then she did. She recognized that these doubts and worries were just a culmination of her anxiety, but the obvious lack of transparency and trust amongst the grown-ups was slowly clawing at her sanity.
In the human realm, when it had just been the five of them, it had all felt so simple. Getting home had been their only goal, and they had all been in the same clueless boat on how to go about doing that.
Here, back home, it was like she had forgotten how frustrating everything could be, how little the adults listened, how everyone seemed to have their own secrets, and how small she actually was. Even in her own friend group, everything that should have been said was not being said. To her, it seemed there was a lot of very crucial, very important stuff to talk about, and anytime she tried talking about anything, she was kept a safe arm-length distance away.
Like for example, Hunter was a Grimwalker. At this point, she knew Luz had been aware, and was sure Gus had been too. And yet, no one was talking about it. 
Or, better yet, tonight’s debriefing. No one had told her it was happening until she accidentally walked in on the tail end of it. A group of adults, including Ms. Noceda, had surrounded Luz and Hunter, talking in hushed tones and worried glances. They had disbanded when Hunter had noticed her, and Luz had tried dragging her back to Gus and Amity. 
“I just need my jacket,” She had explained, shaking the other girl off, “I’ll be right out.” 
And now, she had her jacket, but she wasn’t interested in leaving the tent. Instead, she stared at Hunter. Standing there, prior to being caught, she had thought about giving him a piece of her mind. It wasn’t fair, she knew why, but he hadn’t been the same after stepping through the portal. He was avoiding her, and he was making it obvious. Secrets aside, his avoidance stung. She had thought they were friends, but maybe, she had been wrong. Maybe everything in the human realm had been finite. Their relationship born out of convenience, not shared history. And maybe she could have dealt with his cold shoulder (she was unfortunately well acquainted with rejection), if he wasn’t also avoiding Gus. That was where she drew the line.
But then she thought about how lifeless and limp his body had felt across her lap, soaked to the bone with dirty graveyard pond-water, and the heart wrenching panic that had consumed her. She had thought about that moment more times then she could count. She thought about it every time Hunter left her and Gus behind, and she knew that maybe her friendship wasn’t important to him, but titan, his was important to her. 
And then, of course, because how could she not, she thought about Flapjack. It was a fleeting, painful, and guilty thought. Because it was her secret. The one thing she would never admit. The relief she had felt when it had been Flapjack and not Hunter. 
The thought made her sick. It killed the words sitting on her tongue, so she had stood there, and instead of saying anything at all, she had stared. What could she say to him, thinking something like that?
“Ugly?” She finally spoke after finding a handful of coherent words, “What do you mean?” 
He tilted his head, smirking, “the scars. Don’t worry, they’re—” He glanced into a broken mirror, “—I get it.” 
His eyebrows furrowed the same way they always did when he was mulling over anything from the insignificant ants on the sidewalk to Belos. Generally, she found it endearing. Hunter was bad at masking his emotions when he didn’t have a, well, actual mask. 
She found nothing endearing about it right now. Chewing on her words, she crossed the space between them until she could lean comfortably against the table next to him. She didn’t know if she had the words she needed to explain what she had been thinking about with all of her anger, hurt, and guilt swelling, then cresting. She did know, however, that she hadn’t been standing there thinking about his looks, or lack thereof, in his opinion. She wanted to be offended that he would ever think of her as so shallow, especially after all they had been through together, if it didn’t make her so sad. 
“I don’t think your scars are ugly,” She crinkled her nose, “don’t say that about yourself.” 
He snorted, glancing away from her and back to the map, “sure.” 
Willow frowned, trying her hardest to rationalize the way he shuffled a few inches away from her. 
“You should find Luz and Gus,” he turned his head at an angle so she couldn’t see his eyes.
“Are you not coming?” She crossed her arms, trying to nonchalantly take a peek at the map he seemed so invested in, but Hunter was too quick for her. He started to fold the end closest to her up, seemingly reorganizing the space. She knew him well enough by now to know that was his polite way of dismissing her. Hunter didn’t want her to read the map, just like he hadn’t wanted her to read the book on Gravesfield’s witch hunters. 
He fiddled with a stack of books, “I’ll catch up.” 
“I can—“
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“—wait.” She teetered off awkwardly, deflating.
She was barely able to stop herself from rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” That, or something like it, was all she heard from him nowadays.  
“Well, okay,” She sighed, now knowing she really had been dismissed, “but Hunter?”
He turned away from her to place a few items in a chest, but hummed in acknowledgement. 
She wet her lips. In truth, she still had nothing to say. They hadn’t had a chance to talk one-on-one in so long, she didn’t know where to start. She hadn’t even had the chance to personally say how sorry she was about Flapjack, but still, no words came to mind. She could find nothing to say. Or at least, nothing right to say. Things like I’m sorry, or I’m here for you, felt so...empty and impersonal. And not one hundred percent truthful. Because she wasn’t really sorry sorry. She wasn’t sorry Hunter wasn’t dead. She couldn’t decide if that was evil, or selfish, or cruel, but it was how she felt.
Instead, she blurted the next thing that came to mind. Anything was better then nothing at this point, anyway, if it meant staying in his presence just a few seconds longer. 
“I’m serious.” She reached out and tugged the back of his shirt, pulling him to her, “your scars? They’re not ugly. Do…do you really think that?” 
He turned slightly, putting his most prominent facial scar on display. “Well, they’re certainly not pretty. People stare; you were staring, so...” He trailed off, shrugging again. 
She quirked a brow at him, tilting his chin towards her so she could look at him in full. Despite the way his eyes widened with surprise, his body followed her direction.
“Now, I’m staring,” Willow chided. She looked at him for good long minute, pursing her lips in thought as he fidgeted under her gaze before continuing, “Is there something in particular I should be looking for? Because there’s definitely no way you’re talking about my friend like that.”
There was a beat, and then Hunter snorted and rolled his eyes, “okay, har har, I get it. I’ll be nicer to your friend.”
“Thank you,” She met his smile with a wider one of her own before relaxing.
“They’re going to call for dinner soon, and I’ve got to—” he started backing away from her, but she pulled him closer, positioning him between her knees as she hopped up onto the table, Then, gently, she cupped his face between her hands, “—um, h-hi?” He finished with a nervous laugh.
Willow was too focused to really notice the way Hunter’s whole face seemed to flush as she continued her assessment of him, turning his head this way and that.
“Do they hurt?” She hummed, gently rubbing the pad of her thumb over the scar tissue of his right cheek. While there were a few bumps, she was surprised to find the skin there was extraordinarily soft.
“U-uh, no,” Hunter’s voice cracked, which usually made her giggle, “not anymore really.”
She frowned at that, “so it had, though? It had hurt?”
He shrugged, his face warm to the touch, “I’m okay.”
Don’t worry. I’m okay. It’s fine. He was always playing the martyr, she was beginning to suspect he enjoyed it. She let out an exasperated huff, shaking her head fondly before meeting his eyes.
Eye contact with Hunter never lasted long, but at this proximity, it lasted mere milliseconds. She was able to hold his gaze for maybe .5 seconds before his eyes flitted down her face then quickly to the door.
“Well, I still don’t see anything ugly, Hunter,” she teased; now, carding her fingers through his hair, pushing the fringe up and off his forehead, “just nothing.”
“Thanks, um, you too,” he said after clearing his throat, and then cringed, lips twitching into a wince as he corrected himself, “like, I mean, I don’t see anything ugly either.”
“Oh!” She teased, peering at him from over the rims of her glasses, “Was there supposed to be?”
His eyes widened, and he stuttered through another sentence, “No! No! I didn’t mean it like that. You’ve never...there’s never been anything ugly about you. You’re, uh...”
“I’m...?” Willow slipped her glasses back up the bridge of her nose, urging him on.
She was now acutely aware of the red that scrawled across his face, and it would have made her just as flustered if she didn’t know who Hunter was, and how easy it was to embarrass him. It wasn’t like he was flustered because of her, but she still enjoyed it. It felt...normal, like nothing bad was beyond the tent they stood in, just her and Hunter talking again. She didn’t want it to end.
“Pretty.” He finally choked out, settling on the same socially appropriate adjective Willow would have used to save her feelings too.
And she had the good grace to be appropriately humbled, “Aw shucks, thanks, Hunter. You’re pretty too,” He opened his mouth, likely to argue, but she talked over him, “I mean, look at your hair! It’s the palest blonde I’ve ever seen!”
His hair was still long, or maybe, now, even longer from when they had first reentered the portal back into the demon realm. Though, she would admit, she was a bit biased towards his last haircut, she liked his hair long or short. He didn’t seem to have a preference either.
She pulled her fingers through the almost shoulder length strands, marveling at how impossibly soft the tresses were.
Her attention fell back to his eyes a moment later. The difference in color was still slightly jarring, and if there was anything that she would stare at, it was that. She had grown used to his previous eye color. Actually, she had been embarrassingly fond of it.
In some lights, his eyes had glowed a reddish-pink, in others a dark mauve, and no matter what, they seemed to twinkle like precious jewels.
Willow had thought his eyes had been so interesting, she caught herself staring at them often. It should have clicked earlier that he was a Grimwalker. In the abomination track, she had learned about the fabled “creature.” While Grimwalkers weren’t abominations, since Grimwalkers were sentient, the process in which they were created involved the same magical techniques, plus a significant amount of complicated wild magic involving the other magic tracks that Emperor Belos had banned long ago.
(The irony was not lost on her.)
The magic behind Grimwalkers was about the only thing she could confidently say she paid attention to during her time in the abomination track, and that was because it was the only time an abomination Professor mentioned plant magic, so of course, she had paid attention.
Now, his eye color was brown. A good brown. The color was a warm kind of brown that felt less exotic and more homey, and made her think of honey, and for whatever reason, hugs. Or at least, soft things, which she had come to associate with Hunter now as opposed to the sharp and jaded boy she had met all those months ago.
“Your eye color was so pretty before, but this color,” she paused, smiling at him as she again pushed his hair off his face, “I think it really suits you.”
It was her turn to break eye contact, hoping her tone hadn’t admitted too much.
She was in luck, he didn’t notice a thing. Instead, his face twisted and he looked away. Hunter from the human realm was gone in an instant, leaving behind Hunter from the demon realm.
“Caleb had brown eyes,” Hunter spat, pulling away from her, though not far enough that he had stepped away from her entirely.
Willow bit the inside of her cheek. Hunter had never mentioned Caleb before, at least, not to her, but she was semi-aware of who the man was thanks to a bunch of half-whispered gossip and context clues. It was obvious how much this admission tore him up, and she was, again, confronted with the horrifying fact that she had nothing to say to that.
Willow had her dad’s eyes. She was smart enough to know this wasn’t anything like that.
However, she could see the storm brewing behind his eyes, and every second that ticked by where she didn’t say something, his features only grew darker. This, she felt, was a crucial moment, and she had to say the right thing, so she decided to tell him her honest truth.
“Flapjack had brown eyes.”
“What?” He asked after a beat of the absolute heaviest silence she had ever had the displeasure of sitting through.
“Flapjack had brown eyes.” She repeated, “And I...I see who I know in you, and I knew Flapjack, and those are his eyes. Not Caleb’s. And they,” She tried again, taking a deep breath, “they suit you.”
“Flapjack’s?” He echoed, his voice very small and very far away.
“Mhm, and anyway, I may not know who this Caleb guy is, but,” Willow shrugged with what she hoped was a bashful smile, “still not bad looking.”
He didn’t respond to that right away either, but he no longer looked like he was ready to attack, and she counted that as a personal win. With a sigh that could have also been a laugh, he ran his fingers through his hair, and she watched the lock of hair that had never know any kind of rhyme or reason, pop out and fall back down across his face.
“Hunter?” She twisted a finger around the forlorn lock and gave it the slightest tug, watching as Hunter’s pupil’s dilated, “We’ll see you at dinner, right?” 
“Yep,” He breathed, swallowing, and then gestured to the mess around them, “I just, um,” His eyes fluttered closed and he shook his head, thinking something she wasn’t privy to, “gotta put this stuff away.”
Understanding this was his polite way of asking for a moment, Willow hopped off the table. Given how close Hunter was to her, their chests grazed against each other as she stood and she could feel her face tingle with a sudden, embarrassed warmth. Sometimes she forgot how much space she could take up, but he didn’t move away.
“Don’t take too long, okay?” She said, peering up at him over her glasses once again, “We miss you.” And then she realized, if she didn’t say what she really meant, she’d never find the courage to say it later on, so quickly, she corrected herself, “I miss you. A lot. So, stop avoiding me, okay?”
“I’m not av—”
She put a finger to his lips, shushing him, “You could be Boscha’s Grimwalker for all I cared, but you’re Hunter to me, so no more, okay?”
He nodded with an unwavering gaze, and didn’t so much as whisper, but moved his lips against her finger, “Okay.”
Willow let her finger fall away from his mouth, and winked, “see ya at dinner then.”
“Yeah,” He nodded again, “see you then.”
She smiled, giving his lock of hair one more playful tug before saying her final airy goodbye.
“Byeee,” He copied, waving as she walked out of the tent.
It wasn’t until later that night, while in the dinner line with Gus, mulling over her conversation with Hunter, that she realized she had forgotten something crucial.
”Willow!” Gus cried out in surprise as she smacked her forehead, “What the heck!”
“I forgot my jacket!”
Hunter watched Willow leave with his heart lodged hard and fast in his throat. When the tent flap fell down behind her, he allowed himself to suck in a gulp of much needed air, melting into a random chair like a puddle.
“Whoa,” he breathed, still sinking with relief as the areas Willow—Willow Park—had touched and caressed, tingled, and he licked his lips.
Then, he pinched the top of his hand, hard, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He registered the pain, heard himself hiss, but still couldn’t believe it. Good things didn’t just happen to him like that?
Without thinking, he glanced at the broken mirror hanging to his side. Its once smooth surface now had a million fissures shooting off in different directions, likely damaged when the Collector had first attacked, and a cracked reflection stared back at him. This time he didn’t see the face of a man he didn’t know, but himself. A deep red flush that traveled from the tips of his ears down to the base of his neck was just beginning to fade as his heartbeat evened out. He forced himself to take another deep breath, gaze falling to his mouth, only for him to blush again as he thought of the measly few inches Willow’s mouth had been from his own. 
Again, he looked at the whole of his face. His. Not Caleb’s. And breathed, enjoying the pink of his cheeks, why it was there, and the excited gleam in his eye. He hadn’t looked so alive in a good few weeks. The last time he had enjoyed what he had seen in the mirror, he had been in the broken down “club house” back in the human realm with Flapjack.
His gladerstone-heart-thing let out a hard pang at the thought of his palisman. He felt guilty all of the sudden, that he could even fathom enjoying anything at all without his very first loved one right by his side. Tears gathered quickly in the corner of his eyes—
Flapjack’s eyes.
Willow’s words echoed in his head, making him smile all over again as he stared a little deeper into his irises. After awhile, he let out a little whistle, like the one Flapjack did when he said hello, and just the sound of it forced a laugh—thick with tears—from his mouth.
“Hey buddy,” he sniffled at his reflection, wiping snot away with the back of his hand. “I miss you.”
He knew from personal experience how nice that was to hear.
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love-belle · 1 year
i love u forever !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which she's a baker and he's in love — even with a few incidents involved.
for when you want to spend the rest of your life laughing with them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // carlos sainz x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - hiiiii :) back in my active era mid term is OVERRRRR !!!!! will be posting max's version for how u get the girl soon <3 i love u sm thank you so much for reading :)
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, lilymhe and 785,527 others
yourusername not pictured - carlos almost dropping the cake with LIT candles on my lap
tagged carlossainz55
username OH MY GOD
username why are u so pretty
username he should come with a hazard warning
*liked by yourusername*
username i wanna keep u in my pocket and feed u berries
-> yourusername omg
charles_leclerc i thought you learnt your lesson after the oven incident
-> yourusername it was a moment of weakness, i have definitely learnt my lesson now
-> username the oven incident????
-> username don't be shy drop the details 😁
username that is so carlos of carlos
-> username FRRRR like i thought that spatula incident on her ig live would be enough to convince her
landonorris knowing carlos, i'm surprised he didn't actually drop the cake
-> yourusername he got so damn close to it
username she's so cute i wanna bite her
-> yourusername please don't
-> lilymhe yeah only i can do that
-> carlossainz55 say what now
-> yourusername my love LOOK AWAY
username lily and y/n never beating the gfs allegations
username omw to wife her up ☺️
carlossainz55 keyword ALMOST
-> yourusername there shouldn't be an almost at all
carlossainz55 so pretty
-> yourusername all you
carlossainz55 mi amor ( my love )
-> yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
carlossainz55 i love you but please stop making me your assistant in baking
-> yourusername i will stop at MUFFIN
-> landonorris i giggled
-> carlossainz55 no that was bad
-> yourusername LMFAOAOA SORRY
username hahahahah!!! hellO there
username died gone deceased six feet under decomposing rotting
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 879,625 others
carlossainz55 of course she had to stop and take pictures
tagged yourusername
username actual parents
username and i cried
username ME WHEN.
carmenmmundt love 💒💓
*liked by carlossainz55*
username no bc my life's purpose is to go to her bakery like i HAVE to
username no bc they're THE f1 couple and i love them so ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and she's soooo sweet like hello
charles_leclerc tell her i miss her and that she needs to bake those macaroons again
-> carlossainz55 she says no
-> charles_leclerc see i KNOW she would never say that
-> yourusername charles!!!!! come over tomorrow!!!!!! i'll bake whatever u want and bring alex 🤍
-> alexandrasaintmleux i love you 🤍
username i NEED to know if carlos is still her taste tester bc i know my man was suffering when she was still a beginner
-> username fr like he was out here fighting for his life everyday
username time to hug a tree at 283 mph
username seriously i deserve someone like this wtfff
username carlos ur catching these hands idgaf
landonorris please bring her apple pie
-> carlossainz55 no
-> yourusername yes******* i'll send some with carlos 🫶🏼
-> lilymhe you're not coming to the next race 💔💔💔
-> yourusername no im sorry my love💔💔💔💔
-> carlossainz55 no don't call her my love
-> lilymhe okayyyy stay salty
username listen im soooo happy for y'all but i DON'T need to be reminded that im painfully single every time i open this app
yourusername ofc i had to
-> carlossainz55 of course you did
yourusername why the last photo.
-> carlossainz55 my favourite ❤️
-> yourusername bye
yourusername i loveeeee you
-> carlossainz55 same
-> yourusername 🤺 say 🤺 it 🤺 back 🤺
-> carlossainz55 i loveeeeeeeeeeee you
username sigh.
username alr me when 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
*yourusername added to their instagram stories*
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2K notes · View notes
sanemisstalker · 1 year
Idk why but like I really wanna die in somebody’s arms- it’s like such a beautiful but sad way to die?
(**kny spoilers**)
kinda like how Mitsuri died in Obanai’s arms bc that was such a heartbreaking moment but it also was kinda sweet at the same time? Idek anymore 😭 ty for your time btw <3
I hate to be that guy and point to your username, but I think dying in Giyu's arms would be the worst emotionally. I think it'd be actually devastating.
CW// Death / Implied Major Character Death/ Implied Suicide/ Angst
A part of me reasons that Sanemi could handle it about as well as he handles anything else. Poorly, but he'd continue like he always does. That's all he can do because he thinks anything else is a show of extreme cowardice and he doesn't deserve to feel that way.
But when you're in his arms, dying, more color is dissapearing, and he's fighting to see your face past the tears- he's wailing and screaming, and trying to command you to come back. That normally works. Maybe he's gotten scary enough to scare death, but no. He'll never be enough to fend off the inevitable.
I don't think Shinobu would be much different. She has an astonishing amount of hate in her heart. Enough to patch up the wound long enough for her to pretend it isn't there anymore.
You'd be lying in her arms, and all of it would be beating against her head. Every word you ever said, every piece of medical knowledge she had, and for her to be the only one able to know just how incapable she was of saving you- She'd start begging a higher power, probably, begging you to be strong in her stead- save yourself because she's not strong enough.
Rengoku wouldn't cry until you fully slipped away, doing all he could to muster his voice flat- you needed comfort, obviously. He knew it wouldn't heal the wounds, nothing could, but he was still denying that to keep his smile wide.
You wouldn't be in his arms but on his lap, his hand sweeping hair from your fading eyes. I think He'd sit there for a while. For too long, just trying to prevent tears, because you wouldn't make a move to wipe them.
Tengen would hurt, bad. You're in his arms, and he's rocking you, and he's having a panic attack- He'd deny it the hardest. For the longest.
There's a notable difference, Tengen understood, between the weight of a breathing person, and a dead body. He knew that difference the second you slumped against his shoulder, and his knees hit the ground. He'd try to wake you up, tell you to stop the act, it isn't funny, because God, what else could he do but joke in a half witted prayer to hear your laugh.
Fuck me , man. I don't think he's emotionally strong enough to handle anymore loss. He's already disliked by his peers, by himself, god, and everyone who breathed. You were the only person willing to talk with him- to waste time on him. To love him.
The imagery for this one is vivid- the rain. Ironic. Even in his own element he couldn't save you. He's hunched over you and mimics your shallow breathes, protecting your face from the down pour.
You can't get the words out to say how much you really, deeply love him. He keeps shushing you, trying to conserve your energy- He's panicking, too, hands unsure of their need. There were so many wounds, he couldn't possibly tend to them all.
The poor boy would whisper a beg- to let him go in your stead. He couldn't be left alone to survive again. Not again. He had too many lives he was carrying on his shoulders. Too many souls he was responsible for reaching heaven with, and he was never that good a man.
He's not asking God, he's asking you. And how cruel you were to not let him die.
'I can't- Y/N, I can't do this again.' He'd sound close to vomiting. A certain animalistic sound to his voice. Guttural, almost. 'You-You-God- no-no-n-'
But you'd be gone, unable and unwillingly to give him to permission he so desperately needed. Not deserved, He'd remind himself.
He'd all but rot next to you. The second your last breathe loosed, he'd stop breathing, too. Days would go by. Unmoving. Unfeeling.
I truly believe he'd die with you that day.
283 notes · View notes
blackmoonowl · 1 month
alright prompt time, maccrready with prompt 12
"H-how long have you been standing there?"
Robert Joseph MacCready
Summary: MacCready can't get himself to confess, so he's taken to digging through your stuff for some sort of comfort.
Word count: 1,08K
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MacCready didn't have the guts to tell you how he really felt.
Part of him was afraid of loving someone a second time only to lose them again, and he knew he wasn't the easier person to love either. The worst that could happen is losing you completely, and he couldn't bear that thought. The mercenary's eyes darted across your belongings tossed throughout your home in Sanctuary. Luckily for him, you were out to deal with the other settlers. He held back a curse as he gave into his urges.
Leaning down, he carefully opened the bag you always carried during your travels. It sounded loud in contrast with the silence of the home, and MacCready prayed you wouldn't walk in on this pathetic display. He'd just have to put everything back later; he doubted you would notice if he placed everything back after he was done. The mercenary's mind raced as he went through the stuff you had picked up on your travels. MacCready groaned as he pulled some junk out of your bag.
"Don't know why you bother with this crap, I wouldn't even use this junk to decorate my house," he grumbled, glancing back into your bag to see what other goodies you had taken with. His annoyance faded a whole lot quicker than it came, as his eyes landed on a stash of caps.
"Ohoho," he chuckled to himself, a grin showing his rotted teeth. "I see someone owes me a drink." He shook the metal box slightly, the ringing of the caps sounding like music to his ears. "Guess we're set for at least a while." With some hesitance, he put away the caps again. "Let's see what else you've been hauling around." That's what he convinced himself this was, anyway, just taking stock of your items. But deep inside, he was looking for something specific.
The smirk morphed into a softer look, almost a frown as he pulled out what he had been really looking for.
His fingers closed around your vault suit, his eyes gazing over the golden '111' etched into the back of it. The mercenary's calloused thumbs traced them, part of him wondering if he could try it on some time.
After some hesitation, he hugged the material close to him. He wasn't sure what had brought him to his point. You brought back feelings, feelings he thought died with his late wife. The fact that warm, comforting feeling crept back at the thought of you scared him. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he buried his face into the material. The familiar scent of you entered his nostrils. His cheek rubbed against the material as his eyes fluttered shut for a second before they opened again.
"I must look like some sort of idiot," he muttered to himself as lowered the vault suit in his arms. "I don't deserve you, like I never deserved her." With a deep sigh he brought the denim fabric back to his face, nuzzling it slightly. He may not ever get a second chance; he wasn't even sure how it would work as he missed Lucy still. Despite that his mind wandered, a possible future with the two of you. The mercenary got comfortable with the idea...
Until he heard you clear your throat right behind him. MacCready froze with his hands still clutching your clothes. His heart was in his throat as he cursed in his mind.
"I'm back... is... is everything alright?" you awkwardly spoke up as you saw your stuff strewn about and your mercenary friend getting comfortable with your old suit.
"Sh- crap!" MacCready dropped the article of clothing into his lap, a red color creeping up on his cheeks. He could practically feel your eyes bore into the back of his head. Mentally scolding himself, he turned to you. The mercenary couldn't believe he had been caught off guard like that, he should have been able to hear you coming. You just stood there for a moment, and he made no attempt to get up. There was a moment of tense silence before he spoke up again.
"H-how long have you been standing there?"
MacCready's voice almost cracked midway through the sentence. He was pretty sure no excuse was going to make this sight look remotely normal.
"Just a few minutes tops," you replied, closing the door behind you. Under your arm was a basket with some vegetables and mutfruit you had plucked from the settlement’s fields. "What are you doing?"
"I was just... looking for the...” MacCready couldn't think of anything, sighing He couldn't tell you he was looking for the figure, not when he was practically inhaling your scent from the vault suit. "Damn... this is awkward. Can... can we just forget this ever happened, please?" he hopefully pleaded, almost wincing at the desperate tone.
"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me if there's anything on your mind," you reassured your friend as you walked closer. MacCready pursed his lips, trapped in this situation with the person he trusted most in life.
"No... I'm fine, I just need more time is all," he muttered as he placed the vault suit away again. The former Lamplighter felt like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar, and he hated it.
"If you say so." You couldn't help but crack a small smile as you watched the man awkwardly sit on the floor, his brows furrowed, and eyes cast aside. "But if you wanted to try my vault suit on, all you had to do was ask." The joke left your lips, causing MacCready's face to run even hotter.
"Thanks... I'll keep that in mind," he mumbled in response, pulling himself to his feet. The young man knew he had to get himself together, and now you were even more suspicious than you probably already were. His eyes were shadowed under the cap of his hat as he watched you unpack your dinner for the night.
Damn... he had to get himself together.
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deadpool15 · 9 months
Ch.3 You and Me
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It all happened so fast that I had never experienced sex. Well, good sex, they say uts better with someone you love. My first time happened right after graduation. To be honest, it wasn't even a good enough first time. If coming fast was a sport, that guy would've had an award. Then, again, he also didn't make me come at all. When I asked, he made it seem like it was me. "Oo, you're so beautiful it's too bad something is wrong with you, you know." Imagine someone being so bad at sex they have the audacity to blame you. Shi-oh was absolutely mortified by the story, claiming the guy deserved to die for being such a sad lover. I just thought after all these years I wasn't able to. I never tried to masturbate. To be honest, I found the whole thing kind of weird. I wasn't worthy of much, so why would pleasure be any different.
I'm sitting there on Shi-oh lap as we told each other stories of our happiest moments together. Then he leaned in, catching me off guard. My breath started to escape me, and everything seemed to speed up. "Are you nervous, baby? I haven't done anything yet." It was hard to concentrate when he was so close, and I was leaning in even more due to his hand being my only source of balance. "You know how this turned out before, don't you?" Of course we had tried before or more, so I had. He told me that he didn't want it to simply happen in a place of inconvenience. "Yes, I quite remember. In my office you tried to slut yourself out because of your sister correct." Hearing him bring up such a jealous moment for me, made me hit him in the face. I get up trying to get away from him. "You know how I feel about her." He laughs blindly, staring at me while pulling me back under him and slowly taking off the only piece of clothing I had on. "You are right. You could never compare to Nam-soon. Because you're so much better, in completely different universes, baby. And only one of you has my heart. Can you guess who?"
I stared at him, yet before I could answer, my words got caught in my throat, finally staring at his chest. I hadn't realized he had unbuttoned my, well, his shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, so my breasts were being guarded by nothing but the shirt, so he could easily move out the way. "I seem to know, yet it's almost like you forget." He pushed the shirt out of the way, and I shivered when the cold air hit my nipples. Before I could complain about the cold, Shi-oh had taken one of my breasts directly into his warm mouth. My back arched, head hitting the pillow while he held my back up to bring him closer. "W-wait..baby..fuck." He let go of my breast and proceeded to blow a gust of his breath onto it. I moaned at the feeling. This wasn't like my first time at all. "My little baby was so in a rush to go feel good, and now she wants to wait. Just don't know what you want, do you?" The words died right on my tongue when I felt his bulge right rubbing against my pussy.
"Pretty girl is so confused, isn't she? It's ok, baby. I'll make it better." He had pushed the shirt further, and as I finally came back to my senses, I tried to remove it before he stopped me. "No, don't take it off. I wanna be all over you. Fucking you with a piece of my clothing on you will be the best option don't you think?" I couldn't even begin to respond to him when he grabbed my waist and moved his fingers down to push my panties to the side. His eyes landed right on my wet soppy cunt, he wouldn't remove his eyes. Almost as I'd he was in a trance. Feeling shy, I tried to close my legs. "You close those legs, and I will stop right here right now. Open uo baby, I wanna take a nice long look." Hearing those words, I blushed, slowly opening up my legs. "Yes all fucking mine." I moaned hearing his words, feeling his breath moving closer to my cunt. He kissed my thighs, ignoring the very place I needed him most. I knew exactly what that meant. He expected me to beg. My pride wouldn't let me, but my desperation seemed to be winning this war.
He knew I would crumble soon. Sucking and leaving marks all over my thighs. Watching my cunt grow wetter and wetter by the second. "Baby...please...I'll be so good for you. You know this." He moved his head upward, kissing my knee. "You will. My little baby is so desperate and wet, isn't she? Fine, I'll play nice." And just like that my suffering ended, when he pushed his head directly into my cunt. Licking, sucking and eating me like I was his last meal. He pushed two fingers into me, and God did it feel amazing. "Fuck..y-yes..soo...goood." He simply made eye contact with me casuing me to be flustered, but as I go to look away he grabbed my breast firmly and squeezed it in his large palm. Letting me know he wanted me to watch. He started to play with my nippple while pushing his fingers in and out faster. Sucking down on my clit hard. It slowly became too much for me. I started to thrash away from him. He noticed and pulled my thighs to wrap around his head, pushing me even closer to him. I became even more overwhelmed by the second. Before I knew it, I had squirted. I was so taken aback by everything that I immediately started to apologize.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know I could do that. I've never come before, so that was like completely different. I'll clean." He cut me off my slamming his lips onto mine. Completely stopping my thoughts. "You just squirted all over my face." He looked at me in shock. "I know, Shi-oh, I've seen, and I'm already embarrassed enough." I said shyly while he grabbed my closed thighs, pulling them apart again. "W-wait, what are you doing?" He looked at my cunt in amazement. Like, I'd just given him some price. "Your going to do that again, but this time on my cock. You can do that for me, right baby?" I was shocked by his words. Finally taking a moment to stare at his appearance, I noticed his face was still caring for my juices. He was practically covered in it. I try to wipe his face clear. "No, I wanna fuck you with it all over us. All dirty for you." I had never seen this side of him before. He was always so collected and to himself.
He looked like a man possessed. Yanking my panties down completely while placing his thumb on my clit. "Shit...baby..I'm still s-senstive." He smiled down at my figure before pushed down his pants, making the bulge that I had seen before more noticeable. "I know that's the best part." He started to take off his boxers, I couldn't imagine how hard he was right now. Finally, there was nothing stopping us. No clothing in between us. Looking down, I took in the sight of how large he truly was. Thinking about it now, I was scared. "B-baby, that's not going to f-fit." He pushed my thighs open further, taking as much room as he needed. "Don't worry. I'll make it fit." He started kissing my face, while my cum was still dripping on his face. Basically, it's soaking me in it as well. And then he pushed inside. "F-fuck." I was losing all my sense as he pushed further inside. "Almost....there." and finally, he bottomed out. Everything was different, it's felt as if my mind was gone to another place and my body was floating on clouds.
One thing was for sure, I had never felt so full in my life. Shi-oh stared at my pussy as it gripped his cock. Practically choking him. He hunched forward, and I opened my arms to hold him. I just wanted to feel all of him. Being full of him was a new feeling, though. "F-fuck..your so tight." He was praising me while kissing my jaw and neck. Then he started moving, I had never felt so good in my entire fucking life. I never wanted it to end. "Said it wouldn't fit, it's almost like your cunt was carved just for me baby. Just to take me." He leaned near my ear and whispered. My legs wrapped own his waist. Needing him closer than he already was, it just wasn't never enough. "Taking me so fucking well. Bet you're loving this, aren't you? That little boy couldn't give you this." I whined hearing his words, "n-no..one..but..y-you." Before I know it, he was slamming into me at the speed of light. Panting in my eye before flipping us over, leaving me on top. He felt deeper at this angle. I still held him close, wrapping my body around him. Never wanting to let go. He bounced me up and down. "S-so..b-big." My brain could only mutter out his size over and over again. He pushed our lips together again covering us in my cum.
Dipping his finger down to rub my clit and then moving it back up to place on his tongue. I leaned forward sucking onto his tongue. It was filthy, and dirty. But it loved every second of it. "My nasty little baby, who knew you would be such a whore?" I moves back from him placing my hands on his thighs to gain leverage, "wanna be your whore, only for you." He was shocked and while in that state of shock I reached up, on the tip was inside of me before I moaned and slammed myself down on he length. I'm doing it again and again, leaving him a whimpering mess. This is what I wanted, to leave him so vulnerable in front of me. "Gonna cum baby f-fuck." I pushed myself down further while moving to wrap my arms around his shoulders, yanking his hair to place kisses on his neck. I whispered in his ear, causing him to fall apart and rut inside of me. "Come inside, wanna feel you for days. Want it inside, Shi-oh." Hearing this, he finally came shooting his load directly into me, and I came right with him. As I make way to move, he stops me. "Gotta make sure it takes. Your nice and warm baby. Need to stay inside."
Shoutout all the beautiful souls who waited for me to get out of my rut. The writing block is over. Hit me up, yall.
Chapter 4 is coming soon.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Always Behind You Part 3 (Eddie X You)
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A/N: I bare you this final part <3. I really love these two and would love to write a epilogue or two down the road. They deserve it and deserve to be happy.
So do you! Never forget that your feelings are valid and you are not alone <3.
Warnings: This one (like the others) is emotionally rough. It will make you feel. Reader gets into a sticky situation with someone from their past that involves a gun being pulled and the reader and Eddie getting hurt. Parts of the show are mentioned and retold especially Patrick's demise. Smut (lose of virginity), lots of fluff, and all the angst. Eddie and the reader struggle to heal from their traumas. I think that's it!
Word Count: 4404
“Whoa! Wait. Wait. Wait!” Eddie jumped from the boat and pushed Steve violently against the wall, holding a broken beer bottle to his throat. 
You watched with wide eyes as Dustin tried to reason with the broken man before you. He released Steve from his hold and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Eddie sunk to the floor clinging to his makeshift weapon, murmuring things no one could understand. 
You tried to hide your tears as he explained what happened with Chrissy. 
“I didn’t know what to do so I…I ran away.”
The gang explained to him about their past adventures; things they had explained to you while searching for him. 
“Just stay here. We’ll come back in the morning with some food and more information, okay?”
“I’m not leaving.”
“Y/N,” Robin reaches for your arm but you pull it away.
“No! I’m not leaving him. Not…tonight anyway. Just go… we’ll be fine.”, you muster a smile before they sigh in defeat. You slowly sink to your knees in front of Eddie, placing your hand on his knee. “Baby…”
“I just left her there, Y/N. I ran away and I left her there, alone.”, his voice broke as he spoke. 
 You slide up into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and pull him to your chest. “Eddie, I’m sure you did everything you could to save her.” His fingers dig into your back as his head turns into your body. 
“Sweetheart, I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do.” Eddie’s tears soaked into your shirt as your fingers pressed him closer against you. 
“I know, baby. I know. Your safe now, okay? We’re going to get through this. Together.”
You squinted into the room as your eyes began fluttering open. It was now dark outside and the only light on was the one near Eddie’s bedside table. 
“I’m right here, princess.” Before you can do anything, you hear a window shut before the bed shifts as his body moves behind you. His arm came into your view as he places a fantasy book he was reading on the table. His lips kiss your shoulder as he pulls you flush to his chest.
“How did you sleep?”
“I know. You’ve been snoring for like four hours.” You felt his lips curl into a smile against your skin as you laugh. 
There’s a silence that falls between you two that feels like before. Before Vecna and Eddie being on the run. Before he almost died and the turmoil in the town. Before all the pain that you two continue to carry. You wished you could freeze this moment in time. 
“Eddie?” He answers you with a soft hm. “I forgive you.” His chest deflates as he exhales before gently turning you to face him. “There’s nothing to forgive but you’re right. I don’t want to be angry or scared anymore.” Your fingers reach up to brush away a strand of loose hair. “Thank you for what you did. I’m proud of you and I love you.”
His lips gently landed on your own as your body turned into his. 
“Do you forgive me?”, you whisper.
Eddie never once blamed you for what happened in the upside down. Even after your revelation of forgetting to close all the vents, he never felt like what happened to him was your fault. He knew, however, if he told you that again you still wouldn’t believe him. The problem was that you blamed yourself and no matter how many times he told you there was no reason to, it wouldn’t sink in. So, he decided to tell you the next best thing…what you wanted, no, NEEDED to hear. 
“Of course, sweetheart.” His fingers gently caressed your face, moving your hair back and out of the way so he could look into your eyes. “I love you so much, Y/N. I think things are going to be different now. We’re going to start being more open with each other and finally start living our lives again.”
You nodded as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. 
“I love you to, Eddie.”
“Have…have you ever done this before?”, you whisper up to him as he positions himself on top of you.”
“Uh, no.”, Eddie nervously shakes his head. “So, if I’m bad at this, I’m sorry.”
You flash him a nervous smile of your own. “I wouldn’t know. This is all new to me to.”
He pushes up on his elbows as his palm tenderly pets the top of your head. “I feel kind of bad we’re doing this in my van. I wanted this moment to be perfect.”
As you lean up to kiss his lips, you lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist. “It is perfect because I’m with you.”
“You’re such a dork.”, he exhales as he laughs. Eddie’s eyes meet your own as he reaches down and guides his cock to your entrance. “I’ll go real slow, ok?” 
You nod, wrapping your hands around to his shoulders as you cling to him and wait. His hair tickles your face as he looks between your bodies, watching himself as he pushes his tip into your core. 
“Oh…oh fuck.”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“No…I’m sor—I just…fuck that feels so good already.” Eddie pushes in another inch and with the resistance of your walls you already feel full of him. As he slides further in, you hiss and his head immediately shoots up to scan your face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…no…I’m fine. It hurts a little but please…don’t stop.”
He nods as his forehead falls to your own. Your eyes watch his face as it scrunches in focus and pleasure. The fact that you have this effect on him turns you on and you feel your pussy grip tighter around him as his mouth goes slack. 
“Fuck, baby. You can’t…you can’t do that.”, he smirks.
“I can’t help it. I like watching your face as you fuck me.” Eddie groans as he kisses your lips, gliding his tongue along yours. When his hips finally connect with your own, you’re both beyond ready for movement. “Please, Eddie. Make me cum.”
The man pulls his head back to look down at you as he begins really thrusting into you. You whimper, dragging your nails down his back as he stretches you open. 
“Does it feel good, sweetheart?” 
You nod your head aggressively as you snake your hands into his hair. “Harder, baby. Please.”
His eyes roll back as his head falls next yours, honoring your request as you both cling to each other. 
“Mmm—Eddie, I’m almost… fuck your cock feels so good.”
The boy practically growls in your ear as his lower half slams into yours, hitting every sensitive spot inside of you. You scream and pant his name repeatedly as the warmth in your tummy explodes. The metalhead pushes up onto his for arms, watching your face as you come undone. That sight alone was all he needed to push him over the edge as his rhythm faltered and he spilled into the condom wrapped around him. 
Eddie carefully pulled out of you and rolled on to his back, reaching down to remove the condom and throw it in a bag nearby. When he turns back around to face you, he finds you already on your side as you lean your forehead against his. 
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m ok. Just really tired now.”, you giggle. “What about you?”
“You have no idea, baby.” You laugh harder as you scoot closer to him and he wraps his arm around your waist. “I love you, princess.”
Your eyes scan his face as his own slowly drift shut as his thumb absently rubs your skin. A small smile forms on your lips as you begin to drift off as well. 
“I love you to, freak.”
A few months had gone by since you and Eddie had your big fight and he was right, things had become much better. You were much more open with each other and worked hard on healing through your traumas. 
Since Chief Hopper’s receptionist retired, you applied for the job at the station and he hired you on the spot. It eased the metalhead’s mind to know that you were surrounded by people who could protect you should the situation arise. The man himself got a job at Family Video with Steve and Robin which comforted you knowing he was with friends. 
You two had begun house hunting hoping to get out of the trailer soon and give Wayne some space. He confided in you that after everything he really didn’t mind you two staying with him but he understood that “you kids want to start your lives”.
One night you and the gang went to the Hideout to watch Eddie play with his band which he hadn’t done in a long time. He was always nervous people might violently react to seeing his face. Once he got on stage though, it was like he never left and no time had passed. He was in his own world and perfectly content as his fingers ran seamlessly across the strings. 
The town was still more or less the same but they progressively got less aggressive when it came to the murmurs and stares. 
Tonight, you were extremely excited because you and Eddie were going to a concert outside of town for a little special date night that you both hadn’t had in a while. 
“Got a hot date tonight, Y/N?”
You playfully scrunched your nose at Hop as you continued to quickly file your paperwork with the goal of getting out on time. The phone at your desk rang and you slid over in your chair to pick it up. 
“Hawkins Police Department. This is Y/N.”
“Hello there. I-I may just be overreacting but I wanted to call and be safe.”
“No problem, sir. What’s going on? How can we help?”
“I live across from 2121 Holland Rd and I think some kids are doing some drugs or something. I saw that long haired boy with that…what was it called…Hellfire? Go in there. Usually, I leave it alone but it sounded like someone crashed into something. I hope no one got hurt.”
“No…no…it’s a…a good thing you called. I’ll, um, send someone over there right way.”
Goddamn it, Eddie. 
He promised you he would stay away from that house especially with the memories it carried for him but maybe a friend talked him into it or someone who knows Rick. 
“Who was it, Y/N?”
“Oh, um, just a wrong number. I’m done for today so I’m going to head out.”
“Ok, have fun!”
You knew Eddie couldn’t afford to get in trouble again so you decided to drive over there and handle things yourself. 
“Oh my god! I’m so bored.”, the metalhead whined as he leaned over the counter. 
“Calm down, Munson.”, Robin chuckled. “You’re almost out of here. Are you going to tell Y/N about the house tonight?”
“Yeah, after the concert. I thought maybe after we could drive by it and I could surprise her with a tour.”
“Aw. How cute.” She reaches out to jokingly pinches his cheeks as he swats her hand away. 
The phone behind him rings and he is grateful for the distraction. 
“Family Video. This is Eddie.” Robin glares at him as he answers the line incorrectly. 
He straightened up immediately, something was wrong. “Baby, are you ok?”
“You are the reason…innocent people died…and now it’s time for…you to suffer.”, you sobbed. 
He knew this wasn’t you. You would never say things like this to him. Eddie reached for a pen and wrote something on a piece of paper before flashing it at Robin. 
“Call Steve NOW. Y/N in trouble.”
She nodded as she ran to the other side of the counter so she could do what he asked. 
“Sweetheart, everything’s going to be ok. I’m always right behind you, right?” He felt so helpless as you cried harder. This must have been what you felt when he didn’t follow you through the gate, when you were literally worlds apart. “Can you tell me where you are?”
He heard your voice again but this time it sounded far away. 
“Please don’t make me do this. He didn’t kill anyone, Andrew.” The metalhead heard what sounded like you being hit and he saw red. Suddenly Andy’s voice filled the receiver. 
“Hey, freak. Remember what I said. I wonder how you would feel if something happened to someone you cared about.”
“Let her go. Your problem is with me, not her.”
“No Munson, my problem is with all of the people allowing you to get away with killing my friends; the people I LOVED! Hopper might not care but I do and it’s time for you to get what you deserve.”
“Andy…don’t do this. If you take her away from me…I swear to God there is no where you could hide.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not hiding. I’ll be right here. Right where Jason almost had you. It’s time to follow through.”
A dial tone rang in his ear and he promptly jumped over the counter. “Robin, Ricks house!”
“You suck at this.”, you giggle making Eddie grin. “You’re throwing little objects into a wide can. It shouldn’t be that hard.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I don’t think I’ve seen you make one either.”
“Yeah well, I’m not a freak like you so I have an excuse.”
The man lightly pushes you before his eyes remain on your face as you keep trying to toss things into the can in front of you both. He wraps his arm around you and tenderly kisses the top of your head. 
“I’m glad you’re with me. I mean, I hate that we’re hiding like this but… you have no idea how scary it was out here by myself. I hid in the boat and just kept…replaying the images of Chrissy in my head, you know?”
You scoot closer to his side as you reach for his other hand to intertwine your fingers with his own. 
“I know, baby. Everything’s going to be okay, though. Dustin seems pretty confident he can help you.”
“Yeah, my freedom is in the hands of that little pain in the ass.”
“You love him. Don’t lie.” Eddie stifles your laugh as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
The sudden sound of a car pulling up gets both your attentions as you quickly duck down. He makes a hand gesture for you to stay where you are as he looks out the window.
“Shit. It’s Jason.”, he whispers. You hand him the walkie talkie and he tried to call the gang to no avail. You both remain where you are as he occasionally pokes his head out to see if they were still there. As night fell you noticed his panicked eyes continue to dart back and forth as he tried to figure out what to do. 
You reached out to rub his jeaned knee comfortingly and his head swiftly turned to glance at you before sighing, taking your hand in his, and kissing the back of it.
“Dustin, please. Please. Are you there?”, Eddie pleaded into the device. Tapping his shoulder, he turned around and followed your index finger to where it was pointing at the boat under the tarp. “Nevermind. Come on, baby.”
As he slowly and quietly begins to row the boat across the lake, you breathe a sigh of relief thinking you two have gotten away unnoticed. 
“Hey, freak! Where do you think you’re going, huh?”
The boy bolts to a standing position, verbally arguing with the motor of the boat as he tries to start it. 
“Eddie…”, you call his name, trying to get his attention as you watch the jocks remove their shoes and jackets and dive in. “Eddie!”
“No? Okay.” He smacks the machine in annoyance and moves forward to grab the oar as he rows as quickly as he can away from them. In a last-ditch effort, he swings it in their direction as they catch up to the boat but when Patrick suddenly stops and descends into the water everyone freezes. 
“E-Eddie?” The other boy abruptly raises into the air startling the metalhead into the lake. You watch with fear as everything he described happens in front of your very eyes. Patrick falls from right as the boat tips as Eddie flops back in and hastily paddles away. 
After you make it across, he grabs your hand and you both run in no particular direction before he finally stops, leaning against his knees as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Did…did you see…he just…his body just…” Eddie’s eyes shoot to you as you babble incoherently and promptly yanks you into his arms, pressing your head to his chest. “You were right. You were right. You were—”
“It’s ok, sweetheart. You’re ok. I’ve got you.”
Eddie peaks into the window and sees you leaning against the wall on the floor. You looked terrified as you bled from your nose. He quietly went around back and climbed into a nearby open window, falling to the floor.
“How stupid do you think I am, Munson?”, Andrew mocked as he pointed a gun in his direction.
Eddie’s eyes met his as he slowly lifted up is arms showing he wasn’t armed. 
“Very if you thought it was a good idea to take my girlfriend.”
Andy hit him in the stomach, grabbing the man’s arm, and tugging him into the living room as he tossed him on the floor. 
“Eddie!”, you cried crawling forward to check on him. “Please, leave him alone!”
The former jock pulled the metalhead’s hair back as he crouched towards his face. “Admit it. I want to hear it out loud that you killed them.” He tried to push back against his grip but Andy just hit him again before placing his sneaker on his chest and pointing the gun in his direction. 
You started to feel helpless all over again. You needed to distract him to buy more time but how? You closed your eyes and it was as if time stopped.
You saw Eddie staring at you through the gate before giving you a small smile. Him sacrificing his life by cutting the rope and leading the bats away. Him protecting you so you could live your own life and be happy. 
“I don’t regret it. Even if I had died, you gave me the best years of my life, Y/N. You loved this freak for who he was. I got to make you laugh and see that beautiful smile every fucking day. I’ve never loved anything as much as I love you. And if the last thing I ever did on this planet was save your life? I don’t regret it.”
“I’m going to count to three, freak. One…two—”
“I did it.”
Both heads turn to look at you as your eyes open and you angrily glare at Andrew as you rise to your feet. 
“I did it. I killed them.”
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?!”, Eddie growls.
“It’s ok, Ed. You don’t have to cover for me anymore. It’s…it’s nice to finally get it out.”
“You’re…you’re lying.”
“Am I? I saw him leave the school with Chrissy that night. I couldn’t believe he would have the audacity to cheat on me, let alone with a fucking cheerleader. I followed them back to the trailer and while Eddie was in his room…”, you shrug. 
“Baby, stop!”
Andrew kicks him hard and he curls into his body as the other man removes his foot, slowly heading for you. 
“The kid from the paper? He was getting too close so I had to do what I had to do.”
“Patrick? Jason?”
“Oh, sweetheart.”, you mocked him as you sarcastically giggled. “Patrick was so much easier than the rest of them. He and Jason found us in this house right here. That stupid little boy was so easy to tackle and tear apart.”
“You be quiet! Shut the fuck up! I’m going to enjoy this. Any last words?”, he shouted as his hand held you against the wall.
“Now? What the hell does—”
Steve’s bat connected with Andrew’s side as the boy howled in pain and collapsed on the floor. He quickly kicked him with his foot before holding him down and pointing the bat in his face. 
“You are so lucky this isn’t my barbed wire one, you fucking dick. Are you two ok?”
Eddie wabbled to his feet and shuffled over to you, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“You’re so fucking stupid, you know that?”
You both breathily chuckle before you crash your lips to his.
“If the last thing I did on this planet was save your life, I don’t regret it.”, you repeat his words back to him.
He pulls you into his arms and you both cling to each other tightly, you two finally understanding the other when it came to that night in the upside down.
You walked into your first class that day feeling completely out of your element. Your mother insisted on this stupid, itchy corduroy skirt because “that’s what proper ladies wear.” Add in the ponytail that was pulling your hair back so tight you felt like your face was being yanked off your skull and you had the trifecta of uncomfortableness.
You hugged your books to your chest as you quickly found a desk and waited for class to begin. 
“Looks like we have the freak in our midst today.”, someone laughed. Your eyes shifted up to see a boy you had never spoken to before glare at the student before shuffling further into the room. 
When his brown orbs found yours, you felt like you had known him forever. He softly smiled and took the seat behind your own. 
“Hi. I’m, uh, I’m Eddie.”
“I’m Y/N. I like your shirt. Judas Priest has some amazing music.”
The boy’s eyes widened as he scanned you over from head to toe. “Wow. I wouldn’t expect a girl like you to know Judas Priest.”
“Define ‘girl like me’.”
“Um… a girl who looks like she stepped out of a cheesy sitcom. Not that you don’t look beautiful! I mean, I think you look really pretty. I just… shit. I’m fucking this up.” He extends his hand out and grabs your own. “Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Eddie.”
You giggle at his nervousness as you two continue to talk. After class ended, you gave him a little wave and said that you’d talk with him later before meeting your friends across the way. 
“Why were you talking to Edward Munson?”, one girl snickered. 
“Yeah, I heard he and his dad used to commit crimes together before he got locked up. The only reason he’s not in juvie is because his uncle made a deal with the sheriff.”, another followed. 
“That doesn’t make any sense. Plus, he seems really sweet.”
All the girls stare at you like you’ve gone crazy.
“Y/N, stay away from him. That freak is going to drag you down with him.”
You turned down the hallway where Eddie had headed after he left the classroom. He had stopped by his locker and was putting things inside of it before pulling out a book that read “Dungeon Master Guide”. A young lady that walked by dropped her notebook and without hesitation he quickly bent down to get it so he could hand it to her.
A small smile spread across your face at the action. 
“I have a feeling I’m going to marry that freak one day.”
“Can I look now?”
“No, you stubborn weirdo. Give me one second!”, Eddie huffed playfully as you continued to keep your eyes closed. 
It had been a few days since the incident with Andrew and he was now currently cooling his heels in the penitentiary nearby. It shook you both up for a bit but you guys had come far enough that you were able to work through what happened and Eddie even admitted he felt like he understood you better.
“Time froze and I just…pictured my life without you…”
“Baby, it’s ok. I-I get it now to. Doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass if you do anything like that again but…”, you giggle.
You knew everything wasn’t perfect. Things would never go back to how they used to be but things were slowly heading in the right direction. 
“Ok, princess. Open ‘em now.”
When you did as he asked, you were met with a house you didn’t recognize. The living room you were standing in was spacious and had a cute little fireplace. As you moved closer to it, you noticed there were already picture frames up on the mantel of you and Eddie on dates that you took pictures of. 
The metalhead watched you carefully as you headed towards the kitchen, running your fingers along the tiles on the countertop. You turned to head down the hall, finding two rooms; one was empty and the other had most of Eddie’s things inside of it including his bed, dresser, and, of course, guitar. As you looked around further, you noticed both your clothes were in the closet and your essentials were placed neatly in the bathroom. 
“Tomorrow, some guys Wayne knows are bringing a couch for the living room and a table for the dining room.” He gestured towards the empty room behind him. “I figure we can do whatever you want with this room here until we…you know…I mean if you still want kids. With everything that’s happened, I understand—”
You jumped into his arms and brought your lips to his as he smiles against your kisses.
“Do you like it?”
“Baby, oh my god. I love it. This is our house?”
“Yes, ma’am. We can finally live the life we always talked about before Vecna and everything. We need to get you some more things. I know you didn’t have much when you moved in with me and Wayne. I want you to feel comfortable, sweetheart. You’re safe and I’m going to take care of you.”
“WE are safe and WE are going to take of each other.”
@emma77645 @bohemianrhapsody86 @micheledawn1975
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff Needs a Hug - Chapter Three - Series
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Summary: Since joining the team, Wanda Maximoff has captured all of your attention, even if she has no idea about this. In a six-part story, you'll do your best to give her everything she needs and maybe she never thought she deserved it. Along the way, you two might end up realizing you were in love with each other the whole time.
Warnings: (+18), Friends to lovers, smut in the last few chapters, slow burn, conversations about self-love and individual worth, mentions of anxiety, past trauma, avengers being a family, canon-fix, a lot of magic. Words: 5.234k
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Chapter Three - Wanda Maximoff needs a family
Steve Rogers gets vulnerable in a fight, and that ends with you being unconscious.
Well, Wanda is a great fighter now, and all her training and your insistence that she does not fear her magic make her easily the strongest member of the team.
So when Lagos happens, Wanda doesn't hesitate to protect Captain America. You don't hesitate to protect civilians.
The little trick is Wanda's magic grows in strength every day, and when you fly in to absorb the whole bomb held with her power, it's more powerful than you expected. It would have brought that building down, but it only brought you.
Wanda doesn't leave the infirmary until you wake up, and she's not talking to Steve.
You are only unconscious for a while, maybe two whole days, but then you suddenly wake up, as if you are still in the fight. Wanda jumps up in fright, and Natasha, who has come to check your vitals, almost knocks the equipment to the floor.
"Christ!" She exclaims but you are holding your wrists up, confusion on your face.
"Fuck, where is... what..." You mutter confusedly, falling silent when Wanda suddenly jumps on you, hugging you tightly by the neck.
You flinch because she is crying. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Natasha leaves the room, exchanging a look with you and you hug Wanda back, holding her on top of you.
"Don't be silly, this was all Rumlow's fault. You have nothing to apologize for."
"You could have died."
"I don't die-"
"Stop saying that, it's not true!" Wanda cuts you off with a shove to the shoulder, despair in her gaze. Her face was wet with tears. "You get hurt. And I hurt you. I don't know what I would do if I had... if you-"
"I won't die on you, I promise." You cut her off with a small smile, bringing your hands to her wrists. "We will get very old, and you will lie in a chair one day and fall asleep. And I will rest when you are gone. Deal?"
"You are so dorky." She retorts with a whiny laugh, and you smile affectionately.
"Why, this it's like that movie you like. Up, right? We'll be like Carl and Ellie." 
Wanda feels a soft pink on her cheeks and looks at you with a certain curiosity. She almost asks if you are thinking of marrying her like the characters, but the question dies on her tongue when the door opens again.
"I'm glad you're awake, Y/N. We have problems." It's Steve, half-heartedly interrupting the moment. You sigh wearily, keeping a firm grip on Wanda's waist as she makes mention of leaving your lap.
"Do I get five minutes to recover, Captain Rogers?" You sneer, and he sighs.
"The problem affects Wanda, Y/N." He retorts, and you frown immediately, growing tense. Wanda looks at the captain, but his expression doesn't make things any better.
General Ross' visit is not at all pleasant. Wanda can feel his aura too, and it's tiring to absorb all those bad intentions at once.
When the General turns on the television in the conference room to the news of the day, and the newscasters complain about the unmonitored attitude of the Avengers, the danger of Wanda's abilities, and how irresponsible it was to have someone hurt their own team, let alone other civilians, things get worse.
She blinks and you've broken the television - General Ross rolls between shards of glass, the whole team standing in shock. And the gun of the agent who came with him directly pointed at your head.
"Attacking the Secretary of State is a federal crime. You're coming with me." Says the man, but you look at him in fury and he shudders, the grip on the gun shaking. 
"Y/N, don't." It's Nat, trying to put some sense into your head. Although the television is destroyed, you can still hear in the commode the sounds of reporters arguing over whether Wanda should be considered a terrorist.
You turn to Tony. "Why did you bring them here, Stark?"
Iron Man swallows dryly but doesn't hesitate. "It's time for us to take responsibility for our actions, Y/N."
"Like you did with Ultron?" You challenge back, and he falls silent, looking away.
The agent lowered his gun, probably realizing it was ridiculous, and went to help his boss stand, cleaning the shards from his suit. Ross turned angrily to you.
"This will not go unpunished, Miss L/N. You have 48 hours to give us an answer." He threw thick Accords Files on the table, but you locked your jaw, staring at him unflinchingly.
"Do you really have the audacity to threaten me? I can break your spine with one breath." 
The man turned pale with fear, taking large steps backward with the agent at his side. "If I come back here, it will be with a team. I'll put you in a cell-"
"We'll see how this turns out, Ross." You cut him off with a nod toward the door. "Get out of my home. Let the adults talk."
Vision escorts them out, to give the agents some kind of reassurance that they would not be attacked by you again.
You don't sit down, unlike the rest of the team, because Natasha pulls you into a private room, and spends a good thirty minutes arguing about how you've lost your mind and made things worse. You are no happier than before when you go back to the common room, where the team discusses the Accords, and you see Tony bring up an emotional appeal with the boy who died on Sokovia.
You cut his story with a "Did you apologize to her?" 
Tony frowned in confusion at the question.
"Excuse me?"
You didn't hesitate. "With the boy's mother, Tony. You looked into her eyes, and said, I'm sorry that I made a mistake even if it was with the greater good in mind, and that it cost your son his life."
Tony swallowed dryly, blocking the tablet. "I was in shock. She left before I even-"
"Search for her then." You insist. "This is all about your guilt, after all. Check the guest list for your fancy event. Find her, apologize. Ask if there's anything you can do to ease her pain. Anything, a memorial, donations. Be respectful. That's taking responsibility, Tony. Not selling yourself to the government and standing against your friends."
Stark steps forward, a mixture of anger and guilt on his face. "That's not what I'm trying to do!" He justifies himself. "We've gone on too long without supervision. You saw all the damage we caused, so much destruction!"
"We were saving people!" You insist seriously. "There was no one else, Tony. No one would stand up to the Chitauri army, the earth would literally be destroyed. We're getting back on track after we lost Shield, and that's just why Ross is all over us. He wants a group of superhumans working on his behalf, any country would want that. Do you think the Accords is about the American government being the good guys? It's a facade. We will be their puppets, and people will keep dying, only this time, we don't get the blame."
Stark is stubborn and leaves the room angry. You don't follow him because you see him immediately pull his cell phone out of his pocket, and you know that it is because he will consider your suggestion.
Your next attitude is to sigh loudly and turn to where Wanda is sitting. She bites her tongue when you approach her, and you make an annoyed face at the synthesizer sitting next to her.
"Excuse me, microwave." You kick his direct foot lightly, and Vision frowns.
"I'm sitting here, Miss."
"And I don't give a shit." You retort, and the next touch is a harder push that causes him to lose his balance to the side of the couch. Vision moves begrudgingly, and your expression softens completely when you sit down next to Wanda, one arm behind her shoulders and the other hand on hers in your lap.
Natasha disapproves of your behavior, commenting on your aggressiveness, but you ignore her completely, staring at Wanda.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" You ask meekly. "I hope you're not letting that bullshit Ross put up get to your head."
Wanda swallows dryly, overwhelmed by the whole thing. She pulls away from your touch and stands up.
"Sorry, I… need some time." She leaves the room, and you cross your arms, more annoyed than before.
Steve sighs, and a hand pushes his hair back.
"We need to make a decision." Sam recalls. "And I know she didn't mean to, but Y/N made our deadline shorter."
"There is no decision, if we don't sign, we will be criminals." Rhodes declares. "It may mean nothing to some of this team, but to those of us who are just flesh and blood, without super serum or super something, it means losing everything. I am grateful for the Avengers, for all that it means, but I am not willing to turn my back on my homeland and lose all my achievements for a piece of paper."
To everyone's surprise, you nod to Rhodes and are completely calm when you say, "I understand, James. Do what is best for you. Each of you must think of all the consequences."
Nat leans in gently, her elbows propped on her knee.
"What about you, Y/N? What are you going to do?" 
You give a sad smile. "Wanda is all I have, I'll stand by her. No matter what."
Nat and Steve exchange a look. He begins. "That's not true, you have us... "But he cuts himself off, his cell phone vibrating in his pocket. 
Him leaving the room kind of just proves your point.
"This should be a collective decision." Nat insists looking at everyone. "Either all the Avengers sign it, or no deal. We shouldn't have sides, we're a family."
You sigh impatiently at the exchange of guilty looks among the team.
"I'd say we should offer Vision as a peace deal..."
"Y/N!" Natasha scolds you, and Sam and Rhodes laugh softly. You raise your hands in surrender.
"Hey, it was just an idea!"
But Vision uncrosses his hands in his lap and adjusts himself on the couch. "Actually, Miss Y/N, given my nature, I could serve as a peace settlement."
The team is surprised, you especially because it was just a joke. You give a nervous laugh after exchanging a look with Nat, "Dude, I was kidding. You're a pain in the ass, but you're still part of the team. I wouldn't offer you up as a sacrifice."
Vision laughs shortly, nodding. "Don't worry, miss. I think we can work all this out peacefully.” He declares, and once Stark is back in the room, he adds: “And Tony can help us."
Wanda's room was dimly lit because of the closed curtains. You didn't mind, walking over to the bed, and crouching over the pile of blankets on top of it.
"May I join you, Fort Princess?" You asked in a whisper, and Wanda resisted the urge to complain about how you turned off the news as you came in. 
"Yeah." She retorted with her voice muffled by the pillow. You pushed the covers aside to get in from underneath, and Wanda couldn't even resist the instinct to hide her face in your ribcage. "Why don't you hate me?"
Your shock is so great that you think it's a joke. Your hand goes to her hair, twisting the brown strands between your fingers. "Why on earth would I hate you?" You retort almost indignantly. Wanda sniffles softly.
"They do." She mutters, and you know it's about the television. "And I hurt you. And everything that's happening is my fault."
"That's not true." You say immediately, your tone firm but not repressive. "This has been going on for some time, Wands. Ever since Shield went down, Tony bought the team name. It's pure politics, honestly. There is no state organization representing us, so technically we are a military group made up mostly of American-born people who fight battles around the world. It was a ticking time bomb and Lagos was just the excuse they needed it."
She hugs your tighter, trying to believe your words. You move a hand down to her back, and Wanda takes a deep breath as your hand enters her blouse, and your fingers caress her skin directly. It's instinctive, she realizes because you don't even seem to notice what you're doing as you go back to talking about how the meeting with the team happened and how you're going to deal with all of this together.
"[...] Vision is going to be our cash cow." You comment with good humor. "He offered himself to have some sort of protocol in his source code, whatever the UN requires of it. A guarantee that there is someone monitoring the Avengers' activities. But if you ask me, we shouldn't answer any country. The Avengers should protect the Earth as a whole, because to the rest of the universe, we are one. No borders."
Wanda pulls her head away from your chest to look at you. "Isn't that what Vision was created for? Or rather, Ultron. To protect the earth as one."
You raise an eyebrow at her. "You and Tony have been talking." You state somewhat teasingly, and Wanda twitches her nose, laughing off. She tries to pull away, but you firm the grip on her waist, skin to skin, and she bites her tongue, tensing gently against you.
"Don't go. Stay here with me." You pout and sound very small all of a sudden. Wanda looks at you with uncertainty. You swallow dryly. "I feel that things might change from now on. I just want to... stay with you for a moment."
Wanda smiles warmly, returning to her previous position. She listens to your heartbeat get slower until it seems like you are going to fall asleep. But suddenly, you are whispering.
"I'm sorry about the scene with Ross. I lost my temper."
She looks up, and you have your eyes closed. The hand on her back draws patterns on her skin, but Wanda has gotten used to it. She loves it.
"It's okay, you were just defending me."
You chuckle, your cheeks rosy. "I guess so. Quite chivalrous, don't you think?"
It's Wanda's turn to giggle, and she takes advantage of the fact that you have your eyes closed to admire your features. "Yes, very charming." She joins in on the joke. You chuckle, licking your lips before speaking again a moment later.
"Hydra used to reward me." You state in a husky voice. "Whenever I...lost myself to the rage. I'd cause real damage, a disaster. They made sure I knew it was because I was powerful, that they were proud. I don't... I try really, really hard not to be like that. But sometimes, it feels like they're still in my head."
Wanda settles over you, her fingers tracing a path from your collarbone to your face, landing on your eyelids for a moment. "I don't agree." She murmurs. "I've been looking around this beautiful mind of yours. You've freed yourself of them. But old habits die hard. And as you said yourself, you were just being chivalrous."
You open your eyes at her, and Wanda pulls your hand away. "Beautiful mind? That's a new compliment."
She laughs, rolling her eyes. "I can take it back-"
"No, it's irrevocable." You interrupt with a smile. "And, I do indeed have a beautiful mind. And a beautiful face, and an incredible person-"
Wanda interrupts you as she grabs the pillow and throws it in your face, turning your cocky joke into a laugh. A mild pillow war begins between you, and somehow, Wanda manages to knock you out of bed.
She laughs guiltily, a hand on her face as you sit on the floor.
"Dirty move, Maximoff. Dirty move." You retort smiling, crawling back onto the bed and throwing yourself down beside her. "Come on, let's watch something or I'll fall asleep on you."
"You'll fall asleep anyway." She comments, using magic to turn on the DVD. You chuckle, settling against her as the television turns back on, now to an episode of Addams Family. "You know that eventually, we're going to have to leave the room and face reality, right?"
"That's absurd. I intend to live under your blankets with you forever." You retort casually, staring at the television. Wanda thinks her heart has stopped and tries to push down all the emotions welling up in her chest. This is not friend talk, this is something else.
"I'm not opposed to that." She handles whispering back, her heart racing in her chest. You give a little corner smile at the sound you can hear in her rib cage, which she doesn't catch because she's pretending to pay attention to the sitcom. 
But in the end, you are both just paying attention to each other.
"So the Haus des Meeres has these giant turtles, they are incredibly beautiful, you have to see the pictures I took for you!" 
Wanda smiles warmly at your stories, leaning a little over the kitchen counter to get a better look at the polaroid photos you are showing her in the video call. The background behind you is a hotel wall, and as soon as you stop telling about the tours, she teases:
"And here I thought Vienna was a business trip. I would have gone with you if I had known it would be so much fun."
You huff softly. "First, I wish you were here, okay? One hundred percent. Nat and the Prince are super busy and I'm all alone. Pretty boring if you ask me."
Wanda sighs. "And how are things going, Y/N? With the accords and everything?"
You shrug, using the towel on your shoulders to dry your wet hair from the recent shower. "Fine, I guess. Everyone was tense at the conference of course, with all that trouble. Good thing I can smell sulfur, huh?" You joke, and Wanda gives a small smile, still not believing the whole thing. Three days ago, Nat had gone to the meeting with the United Nations concerning the Sokovia Accords. You went along with her request, to publicly apologize to General Ross for your behavior at the compound. Your presence, and your abilities, were the only reason that the public attack on the building had been prevented. The King of Wakanda was in a hospital, but he was in stable condition. And Prince T'Challa was thinking of making some sort of deal with the Avengers, in gratitude for you preventing his father's death. 
You, on the other hand, were bored in a hotel room now.
"And what happened to him? The Winter Soldier?" She asked. You sighed.
"Steve went after him. After I caught Zemo using the poor guy's face." You repeated the story to your friend, as you repeated it to the police, and to T'Challa. "He's just another victim of the fall of Sokovia if you ask me. It was arrogant of us to think that no one would try anything after what we did there."
"We did what was necessary." Wanda retorts, and you know it's more for herself than for you.
Giving a small smile, you nod. "Zemo is in prison, Nat interrogated him too. He seems to know some important things, but I think it's going to be treated as confidential. She's been acting strange, and T'Challa is even worse with secrets, so I'm here. Locked in a hotel room."
Wanda raises an eyebrow. "Except you're not locked in. You've visited all the tourist spots in Vienna, haven't you?" She taunts, making you laugh.
"You know what, smarty-pants, I can't wait to get back. I owe you a trip to the beach."
"Don't worry-" Wanda cuts herself off because a synthesizer appears behind her on camera. She stands up properly, smiling at him. "Oh, hey Vision, come to say hi to Y/N!"
You force a smile, resisting the urge to say you have no interest in talking to him at all so as not to upset Wanda.
Vision nods absently. "Wanda, I thought we were going to cook together."
"Oh, that's right. Y/N I have to go, it's getting late for lunch here in America. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
You mumble your goodbyes, and as soon as you turn off the tablet, you are throwing the towel away and preparing a suitcase to return home.
There was a 99 percent chance that the Accords would be revoked. That was T'Challa's opinion after the King of Wakanda withdrew his support - as soon as the powerful Wakanda was revealed to the world - and with it, several countries withdraw their nations as well. 
You also received a dozen or so gifts in the mail, thanking you for your heroic act at the conference. Someone made a blog for the Iron Angel and you turned so red when Natasha showed it to the team in the conference room that Wanda couldn't stop laughing.
The Avengers were at peace for the moment. Even though Vision still had new code in his algorithms that would force him to make tough decisions when necessary, the team was in no danger of breaking up.
The problem came from the outside. And by mail.
You were planning a holiday in Hawaii with Wanda, courtesy of Tony's money when red vials and pictures of children arrived for Natasha.
Steve received the package with a confused laugh. "Is this some kind of prank?" he asks curiously, but when Nat sees the pictures, she looks like she is going to faint. He frowns in concern immediately. "Nat, is everything okay?"
The redhead gasps, looking about to cry. "Yelena." She whispers, and grabs the items from Steve's hand, rushing off toward the labs.
"Who's Yelena?" Sam asks from the couch, also worried about the reaction. 
You drop the trip flyers in Wanda's lap and stand up with a tense sigh. "Yelena is Nat's sister."
You declare surprising everyone. But you are busy pulling your cell phone out of your pocket. "I have to call Barton." You say, walking off in the direction Nat went off.
Wanda is not surprised by the postponement of the trip - The news that the Red Room is still in operation, and the whole plot with Nat's family that no one but you or Clint knew about, has everyone intrigued. Of course, Tony wants a full team operation, but Nat thinks this is the kind of thing to be done in a smaller number so that Dreykov doesn't have a chance to escape again.
And she wants your help, of course. And you would never refuse.
"I promise I'll be back before you can miss me. And then we'll take a vacation, with coconut water and shrimp on the hot sand." You assure her on the phone, it must be the last time you will be able to call her in a few days, at least during the approach to clue Yelena's whereabouts.
"I don't mind the wait, detka. Just be safe, and come back in one piece. With the whole team." Wanda whispers back, and you smile affectionately. 
"I will."
"Say goodbye to your girlfriend, we're late." It's Barton, and you raise your middle finger at him before muttering your goodbyes to Wanda, unaware that she heard what he said and is blushing on the other end of the line. 
You adjust the costume around you while Clint does the same in front of you. "We're going to jump in how many minutes?"
"One minute!" Natasha shouts from the driver's seat. The spaceship goes into autopilot as soon as she gets up. 
"I hear Tony is looking for new recruits for the team." Clint comments making the final adjustments to the parachute. "Maybe some of the widows wanted to join the Avengers."
Natasha snorts softly, and you laugh. "You see, Barton? She's already terrified that Yelena might be cooler than her."
Clint laughs, and Nat grimaces. "Shut up you two."
You are intrigued by Yelena, that is a fact. Natasha, to provoke you, says that it is a crush. But that's not true, because you know what a crush feels like, and you have a good reference in your head, and in your heart, for it. 
Yelena is quick and sarcastic like Nat, but there is a sweetness about her. And she seems to like you too.
And when the fight with Antonia - The Taskmaster - takes you by surprise for the difficulty, she is the one who tends to your injuries.
"You've never fought someone like you, have you?" She assumes, cleaning the cut on your upper arm. Clint and Natasha are in the room, exchanging information about the final approach to the Red Room.
You snort in a laugh. "She's not like me." You say. "She can copy my moves, but there is no one like me. Hydra made a point of that."
Yelena frowns in curiosity. " Your powers came from a magic stone, didn't they?" She questions, sliding an alcohol-soaked cotton swab across the cut that makes you whimper softly.
"Yep. The blue one." You retort. "And it was a lot more painful than knife cuts." You joke managing a small smile. "I was born in Norway, you know. They found me there, stole me from my family, and put me in a laboratory. Kind of like how Dreykov does, but younger. The general doesn't take babies, does he?"
"No, they recruit from the age of four." She replies sadly, and you tense up as she begins the first stitch. "That's when they can assess your potential profile."
"Fucking sickos." You mutter, and she hums in agreement. "They took me when I was a baby and I grew up in a lab, being trained by a machine and a bunch of agents. It was Natasha and Steve who found me after New York and sent me free."
Yelena steals a glance at her sister in the other room, and there is a soft hesitation. You feel bad for saying that, knowing that Nat didn't save her as she did for you. "I'm glad she was there for you."
You sigh. "You two should talk. About everything." 
"Maybe later." Yelena cuts off seriously. "We have work."
You don't push it, and you wouldn't have time to. Clint hands you a cell phone the next moment, and the small image of Wanda makes you jump with excitement.
"Hey, Wands, I missed you!" You comment, smiling when she says the same. You don't notice the insinuating exchange of glances between Nat and Clint. "How are things going over there?"
"I should be the one asking that, detka. I haven't heard from you in days." She mutters and you shrug, bad choice because the pain from the bruise makes you groan in pain, and Yelena complains about you getting in the way of stitches. Wanda frowns in curiosity. "Who is...?"
"Oh, Wands, I have to introduce you to Yelena Belova." You interrupt by turning your cell phone to the blonde girl stitching your arm. "See, we barely met and she's already bandaging me up!" You joke managing to make the blonde girl roll her eyes as she laughs.
"Love at first sight I'd say." Natasha teases, and you grimace, giggling awkwardly. You mumble confusedly, but Wanda is no longer smiling.
"Maybe it's dangerous for me to keep calling. You're obviously fine. I'll talk to you when you get back." Says the witch, hanging up without another warning. 
You stare at the phone in confusion, and Clint shakes his head. "That was so mean, Romanoff." Barton comments, taking the cell phone from your hand.
"What just happened?" You ask confused. Yelena finishes her point.
"Your girlfriend got jealous of me, of course." She replies as if it's obvious, and you turn the color of Nat's hair.
"S-she's not my girlfriend."
Yelena raises an eyebrow. "But she calls you babe and phones you in the middle of a mission?"
"W-we're friends. Best friends." Yelena doesn't buy that one bit, and Nat gives her a gentle slap on the shoulder. 
"Don't even try to understand. Come on, we have to go over the plan." Says the widow, pulling her sister lightly to go to the other end of the room. Luckily, the subject of the call is forgotten by them.
After the RedRoom collapses, the Widows' serum is finished, and Yelena has killed Dreykov, she decides to free her colleagues around the world. Of course, it's going to be a side job for Nat, and she assures that Yelena could count on the full support of the Avengers for this.
You can't resist and end up inviting Yelena to join the team. She gently refuses, stroking the stitches she has made in your arm.
"I think it would be fun to be in your company, but that's just not me, Y/N. The whole superhero thing." 
You nod in understanding. "Can you visit at least? I'd like to, and I'm sure Natasha would too."
"Of course, detka." She says and you twitch your nose softly.
"It's kind of weird when you're the one who says it." You confess making her laugh.
"Yeah, because we're just friends."
"What's that supposed to mean...?"
"Think about it on the way back." Yelena says before hugging you in farewell.
The trip to New York is kind of tiring, but you have a dozen new photographs to show Wanda.
But she is not at the compound. Vision is the one who welcomes you.
"She left something for you, Miss L/N." He says, handing you a white letter in Wanda's handwriting.
If you are reading this it means that it took you long enough and I have already traveled. A few days ago we received a visitor. A Master of the Mystic Arts from Nepal. That is where I am now. She wanted to talk about my magic and warned me that the internet didn't work very well there. And that if I accepted the training, I should spend some time in meditation.
I will leave the address in the letter. I am sorry to postpone our vacation again, but I guess I think you would understand this.
I can't wait to see you again.
You read the address before turning to Synthesized with a grimace. "Did you get a letter too?"
He crossed his arms. "She said goodbye to me personally, Miss L/N."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Show off."
You let the team know that you were traveling after Wanda the same day during lunch.
"We'll be back soon, I think. She has some kind of training." You explain half uncertainly, and Steve smiles.
"Take all the time you need, Y/N. We're not going anywhere." He jokes, and you smile, glancing around the crowded table for a while. 
There are empty seats that never belonged to anyone, and you think that someday, new Avengers might occupy those spots.
"See you guys soon." 
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lipstickitty · 6 months
I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Two
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800+ words
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS GO AWAY!! demon!reader, talk of death, language, cute fluffy flirty Jake
You weren’t left wondering when you’d hear from Jake for very long- he’d texted within the hour to find out when your shift was over. He truly was adorable, you thought. He just radiated warmth and he had the sweetest smile. Your human self would’ve been absolutely smitten, which is part of why you couldn’t let things get too far with him. Demon or no, you still hated the thought of taking from those who hadn’t done anything to deserve it.
So you wouldn’t take from him, you’d promised yourself. You’d be his friend, get to know him, selfishly bask in his warmth and try to provide some of your own. Better to have him as a friend than nothing at all, right?
To: Jake
‘Hi Jake! I’m done here at 6, if you still wanna meet for coffee there’s a lovely little cafe across the street!’ You added a little smiley face emoji and pressed send before getting back to work.
You finished your shift out, giggling at the thought of meeting Jake for coffee. You deposited all your work items in your locker before grabbing your purse and walking out the door, trying not to let yourself feel the disappointment of not having a message from Jake. He’d read it- maybe he’d gotten busy and forgotten to reply? Or something had come up? You tried to keep a neutral face as you trudged across the street to the cafe, thinking even if you wouldn’t have the desired company, maybe the coffee would be a nice pick me up.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a moment to center yourself, forcing a smile on your face as you walked in the door. What you hadn’t mentioned to Jake before was that this was a cat cafe- you come in and get your coffee, then there’s lounging areas all over the store where you can sit and cuddle all the lovable cats waiting to be adopted. You came here after almost every shift, loving the company and the environment. You found cats to be an excellent judge of character and knew they were craving love and affection just the same as you.
You walked in the front door, greeting the usual employees, and made your way to your usual spot to set your bag down. To your surprise, you were met with none other than Jake, sitting on the same couch you usually perched on, with a little tuxedo cat purring in his lap while he scratched its ears. Your heart instantly melted and you felt a twinge of guilt at being so upset he hadn’t texted back. He’d been sat here, taking in the cats’ company, sipping on a coffee and waiting on you.
“Y/n, you made it! Here, I got my drink already but I left my card up at the counter for you, order whatever you want!” He said with a bright smile, placing a small kiss on the cat’s soft forehead. Fuck, how are you supposed to stay away from him when he’s just the sweetest soul?
You made your way up to the counter and ordered your usual, chatting with the barista while you waited for your beverage. “He’s cute, who is he?” She whispered in your ear, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Just a customer from the shop who wanted to get a coffee, no funny business!” You whispered back, giggling.
“Y/n! He’s hot! And look at him snuggled up with Cookies, that cat doesn’t like anyone but you!!!”
“He is, but I’m not looking for anything right now. We both just need a good friend.” You sighed out.
“Well look no further babe, he found you.” She gave a knowing wink and handed you your drink, turning around to get back to the task at hand.
Over coffee and cat cuddles, you learned a ton of details about Jake’s life- his family, his friends, the rock ‘n roll band he played in with his brothers, anything he wanted to share. You just delighted in hearing his velvety voice no matter what he was saying. You shared some details with him, albeit an edited version- you told him that you’d grown up pretty poor, your parents died when you were young, and you were just trying to make something of your life. You had your job and your apartment and your friends, you came and spent time with the cats at the cafe after work, and you were perfectly happy with that. Despite years of trying and failing, you still managed to convince yourself that if you said you wanted nothing else enough times, you would start to believe it yourself.
At closing time, you’d reluctantly said your goodbyes to Jake, the baristas, and the cats, and given Jake a friendly hug goodbye. He asked you when you worked next, and if you wanted to grab coffee again after. You of course agreed. Whether you were ready for it or not, it seemed you had a new nightly coffee date.
Tags: @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @gracev0609
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davinashifts333 · 1 year
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BLUE EYED WONDER PT. 2 (Isaac x Witch!SO):
⚫️summary; Days go by and Y/N and Isaac had kept in contact the night of his father’s death even resulting in him running away to her house because he felt safer there.
⚠️warnings; mentions of abuse, Coach Lahey because yes he is a whole ass warning his damn self, Isaac and Y/N mentions of smut or i guess, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT FOLKS!), underage drinking (PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT PARENTAL SUPERVISION OR PERMISSION), sexual intentions, swearing, 18+ ONLY!!! k thx bye.
February 24th, 2011. A day that has been mentally, physically and emotionally imbedded in my life. It was pouring rain so I decided to throw on a cozy movie and make some dinner, I had thought to order in but chose to have some wine while I made my mom’s famous pasta dish she used to make us. In the midst of cooking up some chicken I get a sharp pain in my head, a sign of someone nearby was not okay. I walk over to the door after turning the stove off and abruptly open the door to find a completely soaked Isaac with his hand up to knock.
“Isaac? What are you doing here so late and why di-..” I stopped myself as his sorrow found it’s way into my chest. Empathy is really a bitch. I pull him into the house by his hand and guide him to the couch.
“I.. I didn’t want to bother you or Derek.. I just.. He.. My dad..” His mind was a literal war zone trying to come up with a sentence but before he could finish I already knew. His vividly recent memory shone in my mind and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The height difference not so evident while he sat. I slowed my heart rate for him to focus on and stood there calming him for a moment.
Whispering to him that it would all be okay only to result in his cries growing more and more broken, his arms eventually finding their way around my waist as his body weight began to give into the pain. It killed me to see a once so bright and bubbly kid who loved action figures and comic books become such a broken and abused teen. I wished I could’ve ripped his dad’s head off and rid Isaac of the pain sooner. I’m guessing he heard my heartbeat begin to quicken because he lifted his head from my chest and began speaking through sniffles.
“Y/N, you okay? You don’t need to deal with me if it’s too much, I’m so.. I’m sorry, I should leave..” He stood up frantically and I grabbed his hand stopping him from beelining to the door.
“Hey.. Hey.. You are not a burden Isaac.. You are someone who’s been hurt for a long time and you never even deserved it.. Your dad.. He’s sick.. But you? Are a beautiful, loving and undoubtedly loyal person..” My voice trembles on the last few words and Isaac steps closer. Eyes puffy and red, cheeks stained with the agony that he must have felt for so many years on end with no help. He leans in and presses his forehead to mine.
“Why didn’t we meet sooner? Why couldn’t I have told you that I liked you back in middle school?” He asks almost begging the universe for an answer but before I could even take a breath to say anything he replaces his forehead with his lips.
“Why couldn’t I have been aware?” I finally respond, his breath warming my usually cold cheeks as our faces stay centimeters apart.
“Would you hate me if I said I really wish we were naked right now?” He lightens the mood, a trauma response to get over what he had just went through.
“One, I could never hate you. Two, I actually expected it from you sooner but I guess two weeks of finally getting to know one another is enough for me to give in..” I couldn’t even continue speaking before his lips melted into mine. It wasn’t hungry but also wasn’t desperate it was almost natural to us how quickly we gave in.
He starts walking me back to the couch, lips reaching every point he can before he sits and pulls me onto his lap, his hands roaming my body as if they were made for it. In a split second my sweater was on the floor along with his rain soaked pullover and his cold skin met mine.
“Isaac..” He pauses, the only noise in the house was now our pants and the movie that was still playing in the background.
“I’ll stop if you want me to.. I don’t want to force you or rush you into anything but god.. You’re just so beautiful I couldn’t help myself..” His words like poetry, making it harder for me to resist.
“I don’t want to stop but.. Fuck it..” My hands cup his face and this kiss was more passionate. He slides his hands up my bare back unclasping my bra and throwing it on the ground as I fumble with his jeans. He chuckles and stands up to undo them himself and I follow by removing my shorts.
“Jump.” He says and I oblige. He carries me down the hall to my room and instead of tossing me on the bed he lays me down so softly, like he was afraid to break me. He removes his briefs and as I take in the sheer beauty of not only his body but him in general and in the blink of an eye he was hovering over me.
“You can always back out now..”
“I’ve waited forever to even kiss you, Lahey. I’m not waiting any longer.” With that he rips my panties off and his lips trail up my legs, to my breasts, my neck and I notice he slowed his pace down.
“Stop being a tease and fuck me.”
“See Y/N/N, I don’t want to fuck you. I want to feel.. every.. inch.. of.. your body.. and unravel it..” He says between kisses causing a moan to escape my lips.
He slowly makes his way between my legs and lines up with my entrance. Our eyes locking one more time before he slowly thrusts into me. A wave of ecstasy and a sting of pain is all I felt before his hips began to gain a rhythm. The room fills with pants and moans as we give into one another. His hands on my hips gripping tighter by the minute before he swiftly snakes an arm around my waist and lifts me onto his thighs, never slipping out. He hits every spot of pleasure in my body at once and I feel a tight feeling beginning in my stomach. His lips make their way back to my neck as my arms tighten around his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
“Fuck, why didn’t we do this sooner.”
“Shhh, just enjoy it baby.” I moan and the night ensued. Isaac and I had finally given into our bodies and I never wanted it to end. Almost an hour goes by of us edging and teasing the other and his thrusts start becoming sloppier. His deep voice moaning my name into my neck as he picks up the pace only makes my body vibrate with pleasure and soon after he cums deep in me.
“Shit.. That was..”
“Totally worth the wait.” I conclude and he turns over placing a more loving kiss to my lips.
“Totally.” We laid there entangled in each other for what felt like hours until I looked over and the clock read 2am.
“I should get going but, I don’t know if I want to.”
“You can stay the night, or as long as you need.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. We could take a hot shower, or bath, put up dinner, or eat dinner if you’re hungry and just be here. Calm.”
“No. Not calm. Safe.” I move the disheveled curls from his forehead which was thinly covered in a layer of sweat and turn onto my side.
“So much for a first date.. I wanted to take you to that nice Italian place in downtown before doing this..”
“There’s always time for that but this was perfect. I mean knowing that I make you feel safe? That’s all I need.” He lays his head on my chest and quickly slips into a deep sleep.
Who knew I would fall for my brother’s beta.. My childhood neighbor.. A guy I had a crush on for years but never said anything to because I wasn’t aware of shit..
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and I grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet before heading out the kitchen to see Isaac trying to save my previously forgotten meal from the night before. Tiptoeing behind him, I wrap my arms around his torso earning a chuckle from him. He turns around to meet my gaze and leans down to kiss me good morning.
“You know I could hear you right?”
“I grew up in a household full of werewolves, I was never successfully sneaky.” I smile laying my head on his chest.
“You know we have to throw this out right? It’s already going bad. And I will 100% make you dinner or.. try to tonight..”
“Tonight? Mr. Lahey are you proposing we have an actual date?”
“Well Miss Hale, I am. I gotta romance you up before I make you feel as good as I did last night.” His cheeky comment making my face heat up, remembering the events of not even eight hours ago. We spent that day talking, reminiscing and just connecting more as one. And need I say, it was a memory i’ll hold onto forever.
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youwouldntlietopapa · 4 months
Keys to Change - Chapter Three
Rating: 18+
Features: Secondo x OC (Ophelia)
Tags: domestic fluff, developing relationship, anxiety, talking like grown-ups
(Also available on AO3)
Secondo sat in his quarters alone. Too lost in his thoughts to even hear the soft music playing. The key in his hand had been cold when it picked it up, but he’d been holding it so long, it had almost disappeared from his focus. Almost. The weight of it still felt heavy against his palm. Not just a key, but the weight of expectation and worry and change. Even knowing it was what he wanted, needed, and the least she deserved. Change was change and it always felt uneasy and uncomfortable. 
And what if she says no? The vindictive voice at the back of his mind hissed no matter how many times he tried swatting it away. It buzzed in his ear like a mosquito again and again. She has a safety net now, a place to run away from you. Why would she give that up when you keep giving her reasons to flee? 
“Silenzio.” He growled at no one, scrubbing his face with his hand. It had been going like a broken record all afternoon and it was giving him a headache. Secondo grabbed his glass and drained the last of his drink in the hopes it would dull the refrain. Not that the two before it had. 
He frowned, considering whether or not to brush his teeth before Ophelia turned up. Caught between hating the way it felt like a lie and hating that she’d know as soon as she stepped inside and worry. She carried enough worry already without him adding to the pile and he tried not to consider how much of the pile had already come from him. Every time he got close to the thought he could feel the anxiety prickling under his skin, like a thousand white hot needles, and he ended up tugging at his already loosened collar still feeling like it was choking him. 
Are you really so broken that you can’t manage to be happy for this? That your first thought isn’t of the joy but the possibility of failure? There will be no hiding it from her, you know… Secondo opened his mouth to snap another pointless order for silence when a knock at the door stopped him dead. 
Standing, he straightened his clothes and tucked the key into his pocket. Forcing his face into something that almost passed for relaxed. 
“Buonasera, amore mio.” The smile came easier as she stepped past him. Moreso when he closed the door and she slipped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. Secondo wrapped one arm around her, combed his fingers through her hair, and kissed the top of her head. Keeping his voice quiet as if there were anyone to overhear. “Stai bene?”
“I’m all right.” She answered softly but sincerely, burying her face in his chest for a long moment and breathing in the familiar smell of him. “Just a very tedious day spent wishing I was here, with you. Or anywhere with you, really. Preferably as far away from my inbox as I can get.”
He chuckled, gently leading her to the living room. “Sono felice di sentire che mi classifichi così in alto.”
“Mmmm… yes, much higher than yet another email from Bishop Fawkes asking about the status of the manuscript I told him would be ready in two weeks.” She followed him gladly and climbed into his lap the moment he was sitting. “Come un uomo possa essere un tale rompicoglioni senza nemmeno aver bisogno di essere lì di persona, non lo saprò mai.”
“You want for me to threaten to kill him?” Secondo smirked, ducking down to kiss her neck. “Or just kill him?”
“Oh, that is tempting. Let me sleep on it?” She teased. 
His hands found her hips and pulled her a little closer. “Of course, amore. Tomorrow.”
Ophelia’s hands cradled the back of his head, pulling him into a proper kiss. No rush, just the quiet peace of their private time with no clock to watch or people to worry about. It felt like something… normal. Or as close as Secondo was sure he’d ever really gotten. 
No matter how much he hated it, no matter how much he was hated in return, he was Papa’s son. And people knew it. There had never been any hiding it. Never any real chance to just be… Secondo. To be normal. He’d been carrying the weight of expectation and the training to lead for as long as he could remember. And the knowledge that he was not wanted or cherished for longer than that. So long that he’d been sure that it had eaten the heart out of him decades before. 
But there he sat, looking at the person he’d handed his entire heart to, felt safe enough to relinquish control over it to. Wondering what he’d ever done to deserve even a fraction of it all. The key in his pocket feeling lighter just having her there. 
She leaned closer, kissing the deep lines between his brows. Carved by too many years frowning.“Hai intenzione di dirmi perché tuo fratello era davvero nel tuo ufficio oggi? E' lo stesso motivo per cui hai bevuto?” She didn’t sound upset. Asking as if she expected not to get a real answer. Too familiar with the way he processed things. 
“I don’t know that I call it drinking, tesoro.” He sidestepped the question. “You worry too much.”
Everything about Ophelia’s expression screamed I do?!? But, instead, she simply asked, “Another day like yesterday?”
“No, no.” His hands drifted from her hips up her sides, under her sweater. Running his fingers so softly over her skin, it bordered on tickling. The corners of his mouth turned up watching her squirm until she swatted his hands. “Terzo comes only to talk. No business. Only family, si?”
“Now I know something must be wrong.” She smirked. 
Secondo laughed. Tipped his head back and laughed. “We talk sometimes! I swear to you! We talk and not fight, once or twice maybe a year.” 
Ophelia laughed with him, relaxing again and stealing a kiss. “Of course. The annual civility day. I’ll mark that in my calendar, shall I?”
“Mmm… is hard to predict. The stars align just right and Terzo is not a pain in my ass for once.” He nodded seriously. “On my life, Ophelia, there is nothing to worry for. I tell you when there is, no?”
“You do. I know you do.” She hugged his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. “So what were you two talking about? Or is it a private brother conversation?”
“Not so much.” Secondo’s voice dropped into something much softer. His hands wandering up under her sweater again. Savouring her warmth and the opportunity to be close. The uncomplicated intimacy of it. “We talk about you.”
Ophelia sat back and blinked at him, looking uncharacteristically shaken. “About me?”
“With Terzo?”
“Is it something I did?” 
Her look turned worried and Secondo’s smile vanished immediately. Cupping her cheek and kissing her softly. “Perché ti amo, Ophelia. Ti amo e voglio dirlo a tutti quelli che ascolteranno.”
She stared back into his mismatched eyes, so close her nose nudged his. “Mi stai mentendo?”
“I don’t lie to you. You know this. I talk to Terzo and it comes down to this. Maybe more words, but it means the same.” His lips brushed against hers again. “I talk to him because I think this morning that I don’t treat you like I should.”
“Secondo-” She started to protest, but he cut her off with another kiss. 
“No, is true. I promise before that I do better. And still I need to do better. Last night, you remind me. Again.” He stared at her with an intensity that always made her feel as if he could see right into the depths of her soul. 
“I told you, I want to take care of you.” Ophelia insisted. “And you do take care of me. Always. I don’t want you beating yourself up over something that isn’t true.”
“Listen to me, si?”
She stopped and sat still, giving him her full attention. 
“Ho bisogno di te qui, Fay. Con Me. Non voglio chiederti se verrai qui o se resterai qui per la notte. Voglio venire a casa da te. Voglio sapere che sarai qui perché è il tuo posto. Voglio... voglio una casa, non solo un appartamento dove vivo. E mi sto rendendo conto che non c'è casa senza di te.” His hand found hers. Pressing something metallic and warm into her palm, closing her fingers around it.
She stared into his eyes while he spoke, not interrupting. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to if she tried. Not with that damnable lump in her throat. 
“Ho bisogno di te, amore mio. Ti voglio qui. Permanentemente. Vieni a vivere con me. Ti prego. Rinuncia ai tuoi alloggi e fai di questa la tua casa. La nostra casa.” 
Ophelia opened her hand and looked down at the freshly cut key, trying to blink away the tears. Thinking back to the man who’d told her once that he wasn’t sure if he could ever give her more, if there was a future, who was so afraid to say the word love out loud. 
“Mi vuoi qui, anche se questo significa spostare le tue cose? Risistemare? Cambiamento?” She asked softly, eyes locked on the key. 
“Si.” His hands rested, still as stone, against her skin. Trying to keep himself anchored. 
“Anche quando i nostri programmi non sono allineati? Quando stiamo combattendo? Quando hai voglia di tempo da solo?”
“Soprattutto allora.”
For a moment that felt like forever, she searched his face. Looking for any sign that he was hesitant or unsure. But there was nothing. Only a certainty that didn’t leave any room for doubt. Her hand caught his and she stared down at his fingers. Trying to swallow the urge to cry. “You… would do all that… for me?”
Secondo’s voice was soft when he spoke again. His hand giving hers a gentle squeeze. “Look at me, Ophelia.”
She took a breath and looked up at him again. 
“There is nothing I don’t do for you. I don’t tell you I think change is easy. But… I want you here more than I need to stay the same.”
Her hands cupped his cheeks and she kissed him again. Deep and passionate. The sort of kiss he still hadn’t quite gotten used to, even after all their time together. To be met with love like that, that wasn’t in advance of a need or a demand. But because she meant it. Secondo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against himself. Until he could feel her heart pounding against his own. 
“You still don’t give me an answer, amore.” He whispered. 
Ophelia pressed her forehead to his. “Of course I will. You know I will. Without a second thought. Because there is nowhere I would rather be.” She smiled and kissed him again. “Is that what you were so worried about? That there was even a possibility I might say no, vecchio?”
“You sound like Terzo.” He grumbled, though it only got an amused smile from her. “I don’t think is so crazy to worry you maybe come to your senses and run from here.”
She smiled a little wider. “Now? After this long? Oh no, my love. No. I am yours. Even before I am His.” Her head tilted toward his personal altar. “I am yours. Completely. And I wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world.”
“I am yours. Always, Fay.” He smirked. “Don’t ask me to say before His.”
“I would never.” Something in her grin turned wicked and her hips rolled against his. “But we should celebrate, don’t you think?”
Secondo’s chest rumbled, his hands getting a grip on her ass, already moving to stand. Taking her with him, not that she protested. “Si. I think we use our bed the first time for something more than sleep.”
“Buonasera, amore mio.” = Good evening, my love.
“Stai bene?” = Are you all right?
“Sono felice di sentire che mi classifichi così in alto.” = I'm happy to hear you rank me so highly.
“Come un uomo possa essere un tale rompicoglioni senza nemmeno aver bisogno di essere lì di persona, non lo saprò mai.” = How one man can be such a pain in the ass without even needing to be there in person, I will never know.
“Hai intenzione di dirmi perché tuo fratello era davvero nel tuo ufficio oggi? E' lo stesso motivo per cui hai bevuto?” = Are you going to tell me why your brother was really in your office today? Is it the same reason you've been drinking?
“Perché ti amo, Ophelia. Ti amo e voglio dirlo a tutti quelli che ascolteranno.” = Because I love you, Ophelia. I love you and I want to tell everyone who will listen.
“Mi stai mentendo?” = Are you lying to me?
“Ho bisogno di te qui, Fay. Con Me. Non voglio chiederti se verrai qui o se resterai qui per la notte. Voglio venire a casa da te. Voglio sapere che sarai qui perché è il tuo posto. Voglio... voglio una casa, non solo un appartamento dove vivo. E mi sto rendendo conto che non c'è casa senza di te.” = I need you here, Fay. With me. I don't want to ask if you are coming here or if you're going to stay the night. I want to come home to you. I want to know you'll be here because it is your place. I want... I want a home, not just an apartment where I live. And I am realising that there is no home without you.
“Ho bisogno di te, amore mio. Ti voglio qui. Permanentemente. Vieni a vivere con me. Ti prego. Rinuncia ai tuoi alloggi e fai di questa la tua casa. La nostra casa.” = I need you, my love. I want you here. Permanently. Move in with me. I beg you. Give up your quarters and make this your home. Our home.
“Mi vuoi qui, anche se questo significa spostare le tue cose? Risistemare? Cambiamento?” = You want me here, even if it means moving your things? Rearranging? Change?
“Anche quando i nostri programmi non sono allineati? Quando stiamo combattendo? Quando hai voglia di tempo da solo?” = Even when our schedules don't align? When we are fighting? When you want time alone?
“Soprattutto allora.” = Especially then.
"...vecchio” = old man
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alpydk · 5 months
The Circling Sky (Part 9)
TW - mentions of suicide, abuse, just general angst overall But this chapter has a little comfort and smut - Yay...
She pondered her next question afraid it would be too insensitive. “And you’ve not thought of doing something like that since?” “There were times after that day when I considered it, on the journey, at Moonrise, in the city. I’d always believed I was destined for something magnificent, promised it almost by my peers growing up, even by Mystra herself...” Gale sighed, the idea still one that still haunted him on some lonely nights. “Maybe it’s what I was meant to do.”
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Grief had proven a strange emotion to Lissa as the days had passed. The first couple had felt almost overwhelming with her mind constantly being driven in circles about how she should cope with the situation. She’d been alternating between a sense of peace and then a wave of despair and still, it made no sense as to where each would come from. She’d held herself together aside from quiet moments alone or in the arms of Gale but as this day had begun, she’d woken feeling exhausted. She could feel her defences breached and her emotions running high, small comments causing her to snap before having to rein herself back in.
She walked alone beside the wagon, kicking up dust and trying to focus on a singular stone that would catch her boot as she walked. She was tired of grief now, annoyed by how much it was taking out of her, annoyed at how it was all for him. He didn’t deserve this much energy from her after he had taken so much. It had only been a few days and she knew it would go on for longer, for years in some cases but that was far from what she wanted. She had hoped that her poem would have caused her to move on, given her some acceptance and yet she kept going back to this same point. There was no denying, she’d seen him dead. But anger, anger burned in her ever so brightly, the only real emotion that felt productive. And anger made way for guilt; at her words, before he died, her behaviour whilst he was alive, her anger now he was dead. Just a repeating cycle she could not escape, never escape.
Her foot rolled on the stone, and she fell to the floor unexpectedly, the sound of a bottle smashing in her bag. It leaked the contents of wine which she had grabbed to drink with Gale once they reached the city and she saw how it lapped around her fingers mixing with the small rocks and earth. 
The pain of the gravel under her palms was nothing in comparison to the ache in her chest, the sudden tightness of her throat as the deep sobs came without warning from the sound of the crash of glass. She saw the image of her father, the first time he had ever lost his temper whilst drunk, a plate thrown past her head smashing on the wall, the fear paralysing her young body. 
She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move as she felt the tears fall onto the dirt below her. The world ceased to exist as she drowned in the memories of her life with him, of being hit, of lies, of hurt and pain, and loneliness and heartache. Her whole life nothing but moment after moment of longing to be free only to still be a prisoner to him once he was gone. His death had changed nothing, still, he was everything and everywhere. 
The hand on her shoulder barely registered as she gasped for breath trying to regain her composure, apologies being whispered between breaths. She felt Gale lower himself to bring her into a hug and she tried to push him away, to not be seen like this, to not be controlled. 
“It’s me, Lissa, it’s me.”
She pressed into his chest with her hands, her strength failing her, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closer. “I’m sorry...” she wept, her mind clouded by the thoughts of her father, and her sobs breaking through harder. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...” 
Gale stroked her hair as she cried, this moment of mourning needing to take place. He watched as the wagon continued without them, the travellers on board gossiping and looking their way, but he cared not. He held her as her body trembled, words of love, anger, and guilt being spoken, his only wish to bring her some morsel of comfort.
“How did you get through things?” Her voice was hoarse as she spoke after the tears that had been shed. They were some ways away from the caravan and were moving slowly to catch up. Gale knew they only had a few days of their journey left and was in two minds of the pace he wanted to travel by: quickly for the news of Tav, or slowly for the same reason.
“I’m not sure if I ever did if I’m quite honest with you.”
He saw how she turned away from him with a disappointed expression.
“That’s not to say things didn’t improve for me though. A year ago, I was... well, let’s just say I was in a state that one might describe as forlorn. I’d prepared to leave Waterdeep permanently before I was taken onboard the Nautiloid.” This was the part of the tale he’d not told anyone, even Tav for fear of being judged, for fear of being seen as weak; his voice quiet as he uttered the unspoken words, embarrassed by his past. “I’d condensed my life down to a few magical items and set off in search of a remote location. One where I sought to end it all.”
She gasped slightly at his words. “What? I mean... Shit... I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s quite alright. I’ve not spoken of it with anyone before now. Oh, the shouting that came from Tara when I got home to find she’d discovered my letters was something to behold.” He chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but his words let him down. “Before that moment it seemed I was doomed to succumb to the trials and tribulations of my condition. I just wanted it to be on my own terms though, somewhere far from civilisation, where I could cause no further harm.”
“You would have really...?”
He nodded, his eyes shadowed by the memory. “Yes. For the things I had done, for what I felt I was destined to do. It was the only clear solution presented to me at that time. It was by sheer fluke that I ended up in the predicament I did, with a tadpole companion becoming one of my saviours.”
She pondered her next question afraid it would be too insensitive. “And you’ve not thought of doing something like that since?”
“There were times after that day when I considered it, on the journey, at Moonrise, in the city. I’d always believed I was destined for something magnificent, promised it almost by my peers growing up, even by Mystra herself...” Gale sighed, the idea still one that still haunted him on some lonely nights. “Maybe it’s what I was meant to do.” 
She shook her head adamantly. “No. Not you.”
“My dear, Lissa. Do not worry. As said, I am past all that now. Those days are over, and I am moving forward onto much better things.” His face brightened at her concern for him, glad to have this one person in his life right now, no matter the struggles they were both suffering through. “But that is not what you originally asked. You asked me how.”
The desperation in her voice came through clearly, a small wavering as the tears threatened to break through once again. “Gale, just before you continue. Promise me you’ll come to me if you think like that again. I know right now I’m... we’re... well, I care about you.” 
He smiled but gave no further answer to her request. “I kept going thanks to those around me, like how you are here for me now, and I am here for you. But ultimately it came down to one simple concept: of just trusting in their words. That the version they saw of me, the one that I believed was broken and destined for a tragic end, was worthy of love, that I, believe it or not, was good enough.” Gale took her hand in his, squeezing lightly. “You are already everything you need to be. You just need to recognise it.”
The words were simple, no elegance or poetic prose, no musings of a goddess needed to get the message across; this message was as Tav had given him and he hoped Lissa would accept it, as he had. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re too good to me... but thank you.”
The evening had rolled around, and Gale walked through the forest near the caravan’s camped location. The dark shadow of the last few days had passed, leaving him a little more hopeful as to what he might find once he reached the city. He could hear water in the near distance, a cascading rhythm as it hit the rocks and base below and as he followed the stream, arriving at a clearing, he stepped out from between the trees. 
Moonlight shone down reflecting on the pool, illuminating the small area and the body of Lissa standing, bathing near the rockface. He watched as she ran her hands through her hair pushing away the excess water that had settled, how her body arched slightly, letting cool drops fall onto her face, washing away all the tension in her body. Gale approached slowly and quietly, not wanting to interrupt the spectacle in front of him. As she turned, she spotted him but rather than panic, shunning him away, she held out a hand, her face bright and full of desire.
His eyes drifted over her, over the way her skin glimmered from the precipitation, the way her hair sparkled under the moonlight. She turned from him, and he saw the curve of her hips, the subtle sway as she let the water run down her body. He removed his clothes, placing them in a pile to the side near hers and joined her, the sound of the waterfall blocking any other noises around them.
Lissa placed a hand on his face, feeling the wet bristles under her palm, the soft curve of his cheek, the presence of his flesh close to hers. No words needed to be spoken for what they both yearned for, just a longing in the eyes of one another, tender kisses upon glistening flesh. The water flowed over them both as their hands explored each other with a newfound want, no longer of lust or a need to escape, but a deep love and bonding of their souls. 
He pushed her back gently to the rockface, never taking his eyes from hers, and lifted her leg to bring it to the height of his hip, causing it to wrap around him. As he sunk himself into her, he felt the brief tug of his hair, the hunger that she communicated of wanting his moistened lips on hers. He was eager to obey, letting his tongue entwine with hers, letting the rhythmic movement of her body pull him into her, dictating the pace. 
His muscles tightened as he tried to control his lust for her, he wanted her, needed her with every essence of his being but he would not make the same mistake as last time. He savoured the taste of her, the warmth of her mouth, the tenderness of her kisses. He could feel the pressure building from her, her face burying itself into his neck, the whispers of moans breaking through the din of the waterfall. Her movements became more wanting, unrelenting and he knew it would not be long before he would have to give in to his own craving. His body trembled as she clenched herself around him, her nails digging lightly into his back, and he let himself join her in the wave of ecstasy that overtook them both. 
All that could be heard was the murmuring of the waterfall washing away their sins, their problems, their pasts.   
They sat by the campfire together wrapped in a single large blanket, Lissa’s bag drying a short distance from them, her book in tatters with the pages dyed red. Their bodies were close to one another, an unspoken need for each other’s physical contact and Lissa would catch Gale glancing at her now and again, a small blush creeping on her cheeks. She rested her head on his shoulder, content with the world around her for the moment. “When we reach the city, could I stay with you for a while? At least until I’m on my feet.”
He delicately kissed the top of her head. “My love, I’d have it no other way.”
You told me just to write, And not think of what if. To take a leap of faith, And trust what I feel.
So that’s what I’ll try, In every aspect of life. From the poems and stories, To the choices at night.
From holding your hand, To a stroke of your face. Everything I’ve avoided, Always thinking what if.
I take that chance now, All thanks to you. I throw away my what-ifs, To say I love you.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Continuation of this post.
When Sam enters the room, Amber is there stroking Tara's hair and glaring at Wes, who sits in a chair at the foot of the bed. Tara's not paying attention to either of them, lying with her eyes closed.
She opens them when the door opens. She's never been more shocked in her life. "Sam?" Tara's voice is soft, uncertain. Her face in that moment is so open and fragile. Sam moves forward, crouching down, and takes Tara's hand in hers.
That snaps Tara out of it, her face hardening. She pulls her hand away. "What are you doing here?" her voice is hard, cold. She can't look Sam in the eye.
"What am I doing here? You were attacked! You almost died." Sam's voice turns from baffled to frustrated. She knew Tara would be upset with her, but this... where was this apathy coming from, where was the girl she left behind?
"So what, now you suddenly care about me? After, like, 5 years?" Tara scoffs, eyes meeting Amber's. Wes is hovering by Sam, face open with concern.
Sam eyes the two guests, gaze lingering on Amber the longest. "Can I have the room please, I'd like to speak with my sister alone." Her tone is terse, it's an order, not a request.
Wes nods, backing away to the door, but he doesn't leave just yet. Amber glares at Sam, before checking in with Tara, who gives a small sharp nod. "You sure?" "I'll be fine." "Don't let her get to you." Amber leaves with a kiss to Tara's forehead. The two guests leave, closing the door behind them.
Sam sits at the end of the bed, hands folded in her lap. Tara won't look at her. "Wes told me some of what's been going on with you..." she says. The words have an immediate effect on Tara, her face clenching with anger, intense eyes burning her way. She speaks through gritted teeth, "he had no right. You have no right to know anything about my life. You left. What I do is none of your concern, so why don't you just head on back to where you came from. Go home, wherever that is these days."
Her words break Sam's heart. She knows she deserves them. She realises in this moment - looking her furious and broken little sister in the eyes - that she would do anything to fix this, to take back the last 5 years, to tell her the truth. She has to tell her the truth.
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dyadhogs · 5 months
“alright spill it. what's going on with you?”
amy had jumped, not just because of the forcefulness of the question but that fact sticks had very much just appeared in her face, the badger pushing the book amy had been staring at for the last hour away to look the hedgehog dead in the eyes. 
sticks was never subtle with certain approaches. 
“what are you talking about…?” and amy was never coy about playing the clueless one when the moment called for it.
“don't play dumb with me.” again, the badger refused to back down and merely took a step back to jam her hands on her hips. her eyes never left amy. “why are you sulkin’ around inside? and why haven’t you gone to check on sonic? togetherness and compassion is like your whole shtick.”
she had expected this to come up again, but amy still looked at the ground and just shook her head solemnly. “i just…don't feel like it.”
the badger snorted, not buying it. she hadn’t the very moment amy had uttered those same words back at the hospital, after the hedgehog had snuck away after sonic had woken up and refused to go back unless she was almost dragged by the rest of the team. it was so out of character that everyone had noticed her odd behavior, and all of them were worried about it. 
but while the boys tended to sonic it was up to sticks to get to the bottom of amy’s strange aversion. and she wasn’t going to stop until she did. something even amy knew, and dreaded. 
the way sticks stared at her said as much. “try again.”
amy could feel her chest tighten, and her fists followed suit on her lap, clutching at her dress. “i don't think it's a good idea…”
“but why, ya always – ?” it was as far as the badger got before amy let out a loud, distressed noise and buried her face in her hands.
even so sticks heard her wail perfectly. “because everything that happened was my fault!”
sticks blinked, confused. That was not what she expected. “no, it –”
“yes it was!” amy snapped, shooting to her feet so fast that the badger took a step back. there was an anger on the hedgehog's face, marred by the tears that had welled in her eyes. the dam had broken, and she started to ramble, fists at her sides. “i'm the one who had to go find the crystal, i’m the one who took it back to the sire, and then i couldn’t stop metal and eggman from stealing it! i couldn't even defend myself when they brainwashed me, and i ended up hurting sonic because of it! and even after he managed to bring me back, i still had to be saved and he almost died because of it! tell me how none of that is my fault!”
the hedgehog's voice had reached a crescendo, cracking as she started to openly cry. there was no stopping it and sticks frowned. she had never seen amy this bad before, and it was a little alarming, but she wasn’t giving up. that’s not that friends did. 
“do you really think he thinks that?” the badger’s voice was unnaturally calm, soft even, and she only continued when amy forced herself to look at her friend. she was greeted with a small smile. “you really think that if he thought ya deserved any of what eggman or metal did he would have saved ya? sonic may have some serious flaws but he's never been that vindictive and ya should know that.”
all amy could think to do was shake her head again. she wanted to believe that, she really did but… “you don’t even know that…”
sticks groaned, exasperated, hands planted on amy’s shoulders to force the other to look at her. “yes i do! we all do! he missed you, just like the rest of us.” 
when the hedgehog said nothing, stick just rolled her eyes. this was getting ridiculous. “what are ya going to do? avoid him for the rest of forever?”
that seemed to have struck something, and the hedgehog frowned, contemplating. she knew she couldn’t do that, but how was she supposed to face sonic now? she didn't have the first idea how to apologize, and every time she looked at him….all she could see was him that day, motionless and bleeding. how was she supposed to forget that?  “i don’t know…”
“well, i do,” sticks said without missing a beat, giving amy's shoulders a gentle squeeze. “ya need to get your butt out there and go talk to him. then our group can be whole again and things can go back to normal.”
there was doubt in the hedgehog's expression, but there was something else there that finally gave the badger a little bit of hope. she knew pressing anymore was a bad idea, but she needed to say one last thing. 
“it’s your choice in the end, but ya seriously need to think about this before ya cut ties or whatever you plan to do, and even if ya do…he deserves an explanation.”
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multistoty · 2 years
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Hope loved her birth home, but it would be hard to hear the laps of waves outside the Arbattior being an orphan. klaus was dead. Murdered before he even knew about his own grandchild. There was so much to worry about that she hadn’t even had the time to worry over the length of dragon back. It was more getting their and making sure Aemond did not commit some sort of war crime than anything else. There wasn’t time to be little girl who lost her favorite person. No time to imagine how the ocean would look refracted off his violet eye or how much crimson on him would make her want to drag him down for another heir of sorts. He didnt seem angry even with the fear. Excited even which helped her feel better Her face tilting further into the crook of his neck running gentle circles there.The feeling of his skin putting the artist at better ease. the soft brush of his own in her curls made the girl ease slightly. Queen and king of two thrones. And this child could not be known about until things were happier and safer. She owed the child growing in her that much at least and had vowed to protect his heart. Hope would have her own sort of farewell with her family once the dust settled. klaus was a loved father, husband, and brother regardless of his kingship.Queen. That word was much more than whispered affections or moans now. HIs comment about relaxed and calm mad her almost laugh. Two words that were the last thing in her mind at the moment. This all hung on her shoulders. He could help. He wanted too and she’d give him that even if letting anything or anyone else outside of her fingertips would help. An odd part of her was angry Klaus had died. How dare her father leave this earth so soon. let himself die, but that was the odd ways love found itself fighting for. While she knew well that it was his first child, Hope was glad to hear it once more. He deserved to raise his son or daughter in Westeros safe and happy. She would have to make sure that he had himself some sort of forged dagger strapped in eye line so many details could keep them off of the emotional journey with her father. She knew the honesty in his words even if she struggled to pay attention anywhere else than the soft nature of his skin settling her shaky ones. “You will not take a knife to the chest!” Hope roars. “Nope. My child will not lose a father so soon. Our child. If I am to rest, I need not worry about my foriegn prince getting himself into worries. - I’m so happy to be a mother. I feared I might never be but this could be a war zone. I was called the people’s princess for a reason. We are a team on all accounts always. I will help you to know how to help me. I enjoy bossing people around. It’s- people don’t talk about the pain that comes with these coronations and how your supposed to work and push through it. As if a queen feels no pain. I love you, aemond, and I will never be worthy of you or all you’ve given me.”
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harghoes · 2 years
Ghost of You
pairing: billy hargrove x reader
warnings: angst, canon death, not proof-read lol
tags: @karasong @megmeg-chan @dameronology​
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July 4th, 1985 was the day tragedy struck. For most people, it was the fact that Starcourt Mall had been destroyed somehow. For Joyce Byers, it was because the person who believed her most died. For you, it was the tragedy of losing your loved one by a monster from a different dimension. 
You watched as the Mind Flayer's slimy tendrils speared through his body, but if the final limb had not pierced his chest, you know he would have survived. You watched as his body dropped to the floor. Max’s scream barely registered in your hazy consciousness. You rushed towards him, the black blood sticking to and coating your legs. 
Resting his head in your lap, he looks up at you. He tries to smile but it looks more like a pained grimace. You smiled down at him whimpering, “Hey. It’s alright. It’s okay, Billy.” You know you’re lying to him.  There’s nothing okay with the way blood is trickling from his mouth. You take a glance down his body, noticing the blood seeping into his white tank in the neon lighting of Starcourt Mall. You look in his eyes again before saying, “You can rest now, Billy, I’ll take care of us. We’ll be fine.”
More blood coughs from his mouth as he mutters his final words, “I’m sorry.” Witnessing life drain from his eyes, pupils dilating, was the most difficult experience of your life. The moment he took his last breath, a sob wracked through your body. Max pulled you close to her in a forceful hug. Sobbing into her shirt, you couldn’t get his final words out of your head. 
The funeral was the worst part. Many people showed up, but no one who knew the real Billy Hargrove, and the people who sat there that day to watch him die didn’t bother to attend. It was a closed casket with just his senior yearbook photo sitting at the front of the church. Sat in the front row, staring at that picture of him smiling while tears streamed down your face, the only thing grounding you was Max’s hand gripping yours. 
Neil Hargrove, the man who made Billy’s life a living hell, was drunk off his ass. It was clear that he didn’t want to remember this day, but he deserved to after everything he did to Billy. He was more aggressive than usual, which always happens when he has a drink or two. You sat between him and Max, trying to protect her from his wrath as much as possible. It was clear Susan wasn’t going to defend Max against Neil. She never had in the past. Billy had always been the protector in his own way, and now that role is yours. 
At the visitation, Susan came up to you. It was unlike her to come by herself to talk, Neil always being around, and it surprised you. She had started up a simple conversation with you before the alcoholic was stomping over.
“Thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to us,” She was talking about the boy like she had been there to keep him safe from his poor excuse of a dad, “I am glad we could have you here. I know it would mean a lot to Billy. And I know Billy was a little rough around the edges, but he was always sweet on you.”
As she finished talking, Neil appeared. He listened to her final words before letting out a scoff. You were preparing yourself for his words, knowing that you can’t truly make a scene, but you knew that what he had to say was far from the truth. 
Neil finally opened his mouth, “Don’t lie to ‘em, Susan. Billy only cared about you as much as any of the other whores he brought around,” Taking a deep breath to save face, he had continued on, “In fact, why were you sitting in the front row? That’s reserved for family.” 
For a moment, time stopped. Every single intrusive thought you’d ever had about hurting Neil Hargrove almost won. Your face held no emotion as you stared at him. You angrily tilted your head, nearly about to give into the impulse to punch him right in the nose, you catch a flash of red. Turning your attention to Max, you had seen how lonely she looked standing in the corner of the Hargrove-Mayfield living room, knowing that if you were to give this man the righteous indignation that he deserved, you would no longer be able to fulfill the promise to Billy Hargrove. 
That promise you made is the only thing keeping you from bruising this man like he had his son countless times. But it’s not enough to keep you from putting him in his place. You had turned your attention back to Neil, furiously staring at the blue eyes which are perhaps the only thing he has ever given Billy of worth. 
All the venom in those years of watching what he did to Billy came out in your next words. 
“You are not going to talk to me like that at your son’s funeral,” You pointed an accusatory finger at him, “Not when I know for a fact that Billy cared for me more than anyone else in his life, he told me as much when he told me he loved me.” More tears spilled from your eyes as you snarled,  “Billy had too much respect to hit you, but I don’t. He was your son, I am not. Any respect I had for you died the moment Billy took his last breath.”
Neil was visibly taken aback, but there was a creeping thought that if there weren’t other people around you wouldn’t be as safe.
You took one final look at him before spitting, “I will lay your ass out if I so much as hear from you again. Don’t think I won’t.” Looking over at Susan, you said through your teeth, “My condolences,” before you are marching your way to Max. You grabbed her hand and dragged her out of that broken home, determined to make her feel not as isolated anymore.  
The funeral was two weeks ago now. Sifting through the remnants of Billy Hargrove was difficult, but you were plowing onwards through your life, more for Max than for yourself. Pretending to be strong turns out to be easier than actually being strong. The reality is that every moment without Billy is misery. The way that the oxygen filling your lungs is like razor blades, the beating in your chest seems weaker, and every single step taken throughout the day feels heavy with the knowledge that he’s six feet below your feet. 
The early morning walk that you had decided to take to clear your head wasn’t making you feel better. Not only were your previous thoughts plaguing you, but as the sun rose the summer day got hotter and hotter, and the brown leather jacket that had once been Billy’s hung around your shoulders since you refused to remove it. The smell of him was the only sort of comfort available to you these days. 
Sticking your hand in the pocket, you feel a cylindrical object. Confused, you wrap your hand around it and pull it out. Opening your hand, you quickly realize that it’s a film canister. Shaking the canister to see if it’s empty, you hear something clatter on the pavement. Looking down, you notice the lid and the roll of undeveloped film. 
Crouching down to pick it up, the memory dawns on you as to how this got into your pocket. Hastily, you are grabbing the film and throwing it back into the canister. Popping the lid back on, you are in hysterics. Praying to whatever God is out there that this single film reel wasn’t ruined, but knowing deep down that it was. 
That canister was in your pocket because Billy had given it to you. Five weeks ago, he had tossed it at you while asking if you would develop it for him. Five weeks ago, you promised him you’d develop them that afternoon. Five weeks ago, he was still alive. 
The memory comes flooding back to you, it was one of the most truly happy moments you can remember having with him. Taking photos on the camera you had gifted him for his birthday this year. You remember how he smiled so genuinely when you took that first candid photo of him, accusing you of catching him when he wasn’t ready. You took another right after, catching the mildly scandalized look on his face. He was all blurry laughter and quick movement in his attempt to catch a photo of you, only to capture your equally blurry, bubbly laughter. 
You filled up that film with clandestine, innocent photos of the two of you on a day that didn’t seem as important as it inevitably would become to you. When it was full, he had given it to you while you were in his room, only to be forgotten about in the bottom of that brown leather jacket pocket. All of the things that you had thought were more important than that single roll of film paled in comparison now, because those had been the last photos you would ever take together. 
You were on your feet in an instant. Running to the film store that was on the corner square of downtown, the tears were flowing down your cheeks at the thought that you may have ruined one of the last things he had given you. Your stomach turns violently, anxiety shooting up your spine, as you realize that you have royally fucked up. 
Reaching the store, the bell announces your desperate attempt to fix what you’ve broken. The employees startled at your frantic appearance, and you’re glad that there’s no other customers in the store so you can go directly to the employee. You are slamming the canister on the counter before he could even speak. 
“Please tell me if this can be developed. Please tell me it’s not ruined!”
Your frenzied tone has him moving into action right away. He grabs the canister from the counter, and takes a look at you. 
He simply asks you, “What happened?” before you are explaining how you dropped it. Trying to express how important that film is, he finally starts to move towards the back room. He says he’ll take a look at it before disappearing. 
Guilt and worry overtake you. You’re chewing on your lip violently, watching the second hand on the clock tick by. It feels like forever waiting for him to return from the backroom and when he finally does, you can tell by the look on his face. The film is ruined. You destroyed it. There is nothing you, or anyone, can do to get those memories of Billy back. 
The overwhelming urge to cry takes over as you feel the pressure in your eyes and in your nose. The man tries to tell you that the film is destroyed, but that doesn’t matter now. He gently asks if you want to keep it or if he can throw it away. You snatch the container from him before turning to rush home. 
Arriving at your house, you see a certain redhead sitting on the front steps. You are quick to wipe the tears from your face, hoping to bury the heartache deep enough that the girl might not see it. You attempt to put on a smile by the time you reach her, but you already know that she’s seen right through you. If there was one thing that her and Billy had in common, it was the ability to read you like an open book. 
Max’s smile drops as she takes in your state. At this very moment you were trying to be strong for her. You had made that promise to Billy and you weren’t about to break it so early. 
But this fourteen year old girl was bearing witness to it, and while you know that this is not the worst thing that she has seen in her short lifetime, the guilt that comes with the understanding that dawns in her eyes is there all the same. 
The exhaustion of it all weighs on you. You collapse onto the stairs alongside Max. The silence is deafening between you but there is an understanding in the way she looks forward, away from you, so that you can have this small privacy in your grief. 
Max breaks the silence, and you’re grateful because you aren’t able to form words. She glances at you from her peripheral, making sure you’re listening.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry since the funeral,” she starts, “You have been strong for so long. Must be tiring.” 
She turns her head to look at you, and you return her gaze. You look into her eyes, and even though they weren’t biological, you almost swear you see a glimpse of Billy in the determination in her eyes. 
Max grabs your hand before softly promising, “I’m not the only one who needs to be looked after, y’know? Billy could be an asshole sometimes, but he’d want you to be okay too.” 
Tears glaze over your vision. You grab the back of her head before pulling her into resting your foreheads together, closer than two sisters could ever be. You both stay like that for a moment, eyes closed, just accepting the comfort brought on by the other. The bittersweet knowledge that you have both lost Billy, but you still have each other to rely on, blankets you. 
Pulling away, you reach into the pocket of Billy’s jacket. Fishing out the ruined film, you hold it in your hands before speaking to Max,
“I ruined this film. It was the only photos Billy and I had together.” You take a deep breath to try and push away the tears.
Max speaks softly, “Your love was more than photos. You still have memories of him, we all do.” 
Sighing, you know she’s right but it doesn’t make it sting any less.
 “That doesn’t matter, Max.” You breath shakily, “I don’t have any pictures of him. He exists now, only in my memories.”
Max pulls you into a hug, and the sound of your sobs fill the silence. She squeezes you tight to show you that she is there. When your sobs finally die down, she is mumbling in your ear.
“Billy exists in more than those photos. He is in the jacket that you’re wearing.” She leans away from the hug to look at you, “He is the grief you are feeling. He is that stupid Saint Christopher necklace you have.” 
She rests her hand on your shoulder before sighing out, “He is the love that you hold. He is the reason that you’ll always be my sister.” She wipes her own tears away before speaking with a small laugh, “We’ll never be free from his dumbass.” 
This gets a chuckle from you before you’re pulling her closer. 
“Sister, huh?” 
 Max halfheartedly shrugs before saying, “Yeah, I always wanted one.” 
She was right. Grief had pulled you apart but even now Billy was piecing you back together. After all, he had brought you a sister and he had left his own permanent mark on your soul. 
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ncitygirls · 3 years
forgive - hyunjin x f reader
angst, fluff, smut, royal au, 4.1k
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to die just as one graduates to motherhood is the tragic fate of countless women of your time. though there is no shame in falling victim to eve’s curse, one does feels a deserving sense of pride in their ability to look the devil in the eye and turn one’s cheek. to crawl through the forest of death and drag oneself towards the light. many are denied the privilege of survival. living is a sign from the heavens that perhaps there is a reason for such trials. that strife is a lesson in one’s journey, a meaning to life.
but to die before bearing your husband a son is a fate you would readily accept in place of the dark nothing you nearly surrendered to. the thought drifts into your mind the moment your greatest trial and grandest reward shifts in your arms, your daughter’s wails slowly rising in pitch and frequency as you smile loftily at her bundled form in your lap. she sings a song most would call unbearable. the screech so shrill, it pierces through even the most impenetrable guard. but never through you. you could continue to find peace in the deafening sound had it not been for your husband. your dear, sweet husband.
your king.
your king, whose presence thus far escaped you. that is until he asked, just a decibel louder than the wailing infant, “could you please settle her, sweet?”
“oh,” you glance at his rigid form, across your living quarters, to find his pretty scowl trained on his heir, only softening when his eyes meet the familiar orbs of his queen. “my apologies, hyunjin. is she distracting you?”
“no,” he breathes, allowing his head to fall back on the loveseat, his sculpted cheek puffs. “it’s just annoying.”
“it?” your eyes quickly return to him, only to be met by the back of his morning paper. “i do hope you are referring to the sound itself and not to your child, my love?”
“does it matter?” he sighs, realising moments too late that the room has stilled. “my dear, i did not mean to offend.’
“of course not, your highness,” ah, ‘your highness’. you call on the title in the times you wish to hurt him most. “she is but a child, of course you meant her no offense. i ask for your mercy, sire.”
“i sense hostility in you.”
“shall I call on a nurse for you, your grace?” he wonders for a second what the reason could be before you readily come to his aid. “it is most unlike you to use sense of any kind.”
“that was out of turn-”
“me? my king, you believe it is i who is out of turn?” hyunjin knows there is no answer to such a question. because yes would present grounds for annulment and no would mean he is wrong. and kings cannot be found in the wrong. “not the new father who refers to his daughter as ‘it’? of course it is not he who is speaking out of turn, not when he is a king.
“when he is a man.”
“ah, ‘men are the source of all the world’s ailments’, must we hear excerpts from your manifesto again, my love? it is only noon,” he assumes you hear only humour in his tone and decides to take it a step further. “is it in your plans to fill the house of hwang with women just to spite me?”
“oh,” you breathe, smiling softly as he watches, “is it a son you desire, hyunjin? is that what you want?” his eyes squint as he watches his love rise to place his only heir in the cot before you glide over to him, sweetness vanishing from your eyes as you succumb to your wrath. “you want a son, king hyunjin? then give me one.”
“leave us.” the servants standing by flee the room, quick to abandon a maid who halts as hyunjin blocks her path. “take the child.”
she takes a hurried step towards your child before she is stopped once more. “take my child and i will take your hand.” the poor girl is quick to abandon her king’s direct order before fleeing the scene, closing the door as she departs.
a biting silence takes the place of the bodies that once filled the chamber, thickening every corner of the room. minutes pass before hyunjin realises you have no further interest in him. “if it were not for the fact my heart beats for you, my beloved, i too would take my leave.”
“your heart? is that what beats in your chest, hyunjin? a heart?” he scoffs, unbothered by the deflection masked by your jab. “kings are meant to rule, not jest. do not humour me.”
“was your tea cup mistaken for a bedpan?”
“i almost died, jinnie!” he withers as you tremble, your eyes misting as you try to find someone resembling your beloved in the man sat across from you. “i almost lost my life bearing you the heir you prayed for, only for you to treat her with the same regard one does a child born in illegitimacy.” he wishes to deny it, and you see it too. but your eyes are alight and hyunjin swears he sees his end in them. “she is your child, hyunjin. and should she be your only, she will wear your crown with pride and rule as well as any boy ever could.”
“i know that.” your scoff stung like a strike to the cheek and winds him like a blow to the gut. “i do. y/n, i swear it to you.”
“then perhaps you should act like it.” he finally sees what fuels your rage and rests behind your eyes: disappointment. “you cannot love me and not my kin, jin. i won’t allow it.”
“my love,” he reaches for you but you repel, moving instead to the babbling baby. “you mistake my desire for a son as a lack of joy for my daughter.” pulling your hands from the sides of the cot, he dwarfs them with his own. “i love her with everything i have in me. i swear.”
“had my father received me as you did our child, i would not believe that to be the case.”
“forgive me, my love.” you’re quick to cast your gaze elsewhere, ignoring his puppy eyed plea. “i will pray the heavens take mercy on me, but i need you to first. please believe me when i say i love her. i do. she is half of the greatest woman to ever walk this kingdom, i worship her.”
“then why? why the cold shoulder? why treat her this way?” he suddenly finds himself unable to answer, opting instead to rock the baby, basking in her glow. with a soft sigh, you raise a hand to his cheek, offering him reprieve as he burrows into your palm. “what troubles you?”
“nothing, my love.” your disbelieving gaze sends his shoulders south, his whole frame sagging. “it’s just my dealings with the courts.” of course. the courts. “i spent every night bowed in ceaseless prayer. i prayed for your health, for your life, for our child. i prayed until bruises formed on my knees, my love. and still i prayed. but as i prayed for my family, they prayed only for my successor, for a boy.” though you find it impossible, he manages to lower himself further. folding himself into you, almost in two, hiding his long face from view. “once I caught wind of their talks with the lord, i condemned it. i condemned any prayer against my wishes but the court can do as they please in their solitude and i know we do not rule on fear but after her birth, for the first time in my life? i wished we did.” it was inexplicable, the difficulty you had beholding an enraged hyunjin, the skin curving around his knuckles and jaw as they tightened with every word he uttered, your heart tightening in kind. “i wanted to make heads roll, to end them for the disregard they paid my child, my family, my wife.” it starts to make sense now, his grinding teeth and red rimmed eyes. his late and sleepless nights. the nights hypnos granted him even a slither of reprieve were spent clinging to you, a cold sweat soaking the sheets, puzzling you beyond belief. it all makes sense. “the courts have filled me with doubt. they warned of foreign enemies who would hear of our heir, of our girl. that they would see her as a sign we are weak, that we are lesser.”
“but how can they speak in such a way? we are ahead of such things.”
“my love, you must see past the likes of lord kim and baron han. the rest of the men in my court are old, and stuck in old ways. our nation has not seen a queen on the throne since the likes of my widowed great, great grandmother.” his hands cup your face, bleary eyes blinking back the tears his heavy words summoned. “i love you, y/n. and i love her. all i want is for you both to be safe. but i live in constant fear that i cannot keep you safe with enemies outside our walls and evidently within.”
“hyunjin, my love,” he settles at the soft spoken call of his name, the loving address soothing his forlorn heart. “i will burn the court to the ground before they bring harm to my kin. or to you.” it is not unlike you to let your anger consume you. in fact, it is but a facet of what made him fall in love with you. what continues to bother him is the fact he was not the first to make such a bold promise. “my love?”
“fret not, my queen,” his nimble hands gather his daughter from her cot, his lips pulling in a soft grin as the child gargles, reaching up for him. “it is just, with my brains and your ferocity, i believe this hwang might be the greatest queen- no, ruler levanter has ever seen.”
“forgive me, my love,” the apology fills the space to his left, from where your temple rests on his shoulder, fingers toying with his undershirt. “but you do not suggest that this girl will be inheriting her brains from her father-”
“watch your mouth.”
“watch it for me.”
“careful,” he warns, dropping his lips to yours for a brief peck before withdrawing but an inch, “i might just give you that son you asked for.”
“careful, or i might just let you.” your rebuttal has him fanning your lips with a breathless chortle, urging you to rise to the tips of your toes and connect your lips to his once more. when you withdraw, he follows, resting his forehead on yours, smiling softly as your eyes meet. your voice is barely a whisper as you enquire, “what do we do now, my love?”
“now, i will handle the courts,” huffing, hyunjin places a kiss to the crown of his daughter’s head, smiling as he does. “i am afraid you will just have to handle everything else.” the regret in his words do not match the smirk on his lips, though he confesses, “i do not envy you, my love.” placing the baby in the cot once more, he pulls you into his chest, resting his cheek at the uppermost point on your head. “but i will keep you both safe. i put my life on it-”
“sire,” you warn, leaning up to kiss his neck. “your life is no longer yours to wager.”
“is that so?” hyunjin only grins at your assured affirmation. “my queen, is there anything that is mine in this kingdom?”
“me.” even after all these years, hyunjin is undone by you. from your matter of fact utterance, a breathless admission of submission to your glowy eyed gaze, eyes shining with pure adoration. “i belong to you.”
“you do?” he sighs when you nod, the small bounce of your head forcing his own head up and down. his eyes and hands slowly trail down your arms stilling at your fingers. slipping his digits between yours, he raises them to his pouted lips, slowly pressing each one with a kiss so soft and so sweet, you nearly jump as he speaks. “and these? do these belong to me?”
“yes, sire.”
“good,” he breathes, joy flashing behind his eyes. “and what about this?” he whispers against your lips, his plump lips tangling with your own. only after playing with your tongue, sucking on the muscle and swallowing your whines does he ask, “is this smart mouth of yours mine?”
“all yours.”
he nods in agreement, fingers gliding down the side of your neck, dusting over your chemise to cup you over your stay. only to find you bare. “were you that hastened to join me for tea?”
“no,” you laugh, hitting his chest as he pulls you closer, enjoying feeling your near bare chest on his. “i breastfeed.” you love your king. for as slow as he is, he is twice as loving. you watch realisation dawn on him not once but twice, a slight pout stealing his lips, exaggerated by their natural downturn. “what is it?”
“i just,” he stops, laughing to himself. “i just realised these-” he cups your tender breasts, thumb barely dusting the sore nubs. “-they’re no longer mine.”
“hyunjin!” his laughter picks up before it stills, the sleeping princess nearly awoken by the delight of her parents. “no, they’re on loan.”
“that’s fine.” he sighs, ducking his head to kiss the center of your chest. “i’ll wait.”
“i’m proud of you.”
“thank you,” your pride does not last long, as he lowers his hands to cup your ass and pull you flush against him. through your chemise and slip, you feel him. all of him. he deftly slips his tongue between your gasping lips, filling your mouth in ways that force your panties to dampen, the fabric soaking with every roll of his hardening cock to your aching slit. “but this is mine,” he reminds you, leaving no room for misunderstanding. “do you understand?”
“yes, who?”
“yes, your grace.”
“good. now, go get a nurse for the princess.” the king proclaims, emphasising his point with a firm slap to your ass as you almost sprint out of the room. as you return with the nanny, you feel your heart swell to almost double its size. you find hyunjin by your daughter’s basket, a soft lullaby floating in the air as he gathers her in his long, folded arms. you watch him pass her to the nanny, his fingers passing over her puffed up knuckle, in awe of her inherent daintiness. “sleep well, my dove.”
you fear he might have forgotten you as the two leave and he stares in quiet longing. you finally approach him as his sniffles begin. “hyunjin?”
“i have missed her.” he whines, wet eyes cast skyward, guilt staining his face. “i have been a terrible father-”
“no.” your scold has his gaze falling, his shining eyes searching your frowning face. “not terrible. never terrible. just a little distant.” you soften as he nods, understanding pouring into him as you craddle his face in your palms. “you know now.”
“yeah,” he agrees, leaning to press a wet kiss to your lips. “please forgive me, my love.”
“there’s nothing to forgive.” you hum against his pouting lips, moulding your mouth with his as you try and tear him from this spell of despair. “come sit,” you whisper, guiding him towards his original seat.
when he lowers into it and feels you lower in kind, though to the ground, he frowns deeply. “i-” he stalls as you palm him through his slack breeches, fingers gripping him through the fabric. he grinds up into your closing fist, eyes squeezing shut as you momentarily silence him. the peace is short lived as he moans, realising what you’ve done to him. “i wanted to pleasure you.”
“and you will,” you quickly assure him, smirking when his frown deepens. “once i pleasure you.”
“fine.” he concedes, crossing his arms as you unfasten his breeches. you glare at him through your lashes until he huffs, stiffly raising his hips to allow you room to lower his garments down his thighs. “is there anything else i can do for you, mrs hwang?”
“that is all.” you chortle, fanning the reddened, leaking head of his cock. the sound forces a smile on his face until your tongue glides against his glistening slit. he almost chokes when you gaze up at him suddenly, eyes full of too much love for one king to fathom. “you just relax, okay?”
he can barely make himself nod as he fills your sight with his lovesick smile. “i don’t deserve you.”
“i know.” you rise to your knees to swallow his retraction, enjoying the lurid way he melts under the touch of your lips and palm. you offer languid strokes up and down his length, thumbing at his slit as he practically dribbles down himself. “jinnie, you’re making a mess.”
“‘m sorry.” the whine isn’t worrisome, but rather his second admission of guilt. with a gentle shake of your head, you raise your unsoiled hand to his lips, smearing your mingled saliva across his chin.
“i like you messy,” you admit, watching his eyes glaze over at your confession. “you’re always so proper now. you were never like that.” you squeeze him tighter at his base as you speak, dragging up the length of his cock, forcing a mewl from his throat as he releases his bitten, spit slicked lip. “remember when you were still a prince, and i just a lady?” he nods dumbly, head rolled to the side as drool pools on the corner of his mouth. “you used to fuck me in the greenhouse as it rained on a starry night. and behind the guards’ stables. even in the old maid’s quarters-”
“tha-that’s because we couldn’t anywhere else.”
“true,” you tut, wiping his chin as he fucks up into your closed fist. “yet now the kingdom is yours, you only ever fuck me in the castle.”
“but i always fuck you well.” when you just smile his hips falter, brows knitting as you massage his tensed thigh. “say it.”
“say what?”
“that i always fuck you well.”
“you do fuck me well,” you knowingly half agree, pumping him in your tight fist before he grabs your wrist. only a few seconds pass but the small fire ignited by your defiance burns for an eternity. the warm embers blazed to a full village fire when you squeeze at his base, moving to restart your ministrations. hyunjin only scoffs, clicking his tongue with a soft shake of his head. “a king’s ego should not be so dependent on his queen-”
before you can finish, his fingers cling to the base of your neck, squeezing in a way that traps the words in your throat. he feels you swallow, his dark eyes watching how you struggle to breathe. it’s dizzying. the way he eyes you, flitting between your expanding chest and gasping mouth. he presses the back of his hand to your chin, tilting your lips toward his mouth as he leans in. “it seems my ego rests on the mocking words of my smart mouthed wife,” he whispers into your open mouth, sucking softly on your bottom lip. “so, my queen, mightn’t you humour me? tell me that which i desire to hear.”
“you-” he senses an unfitting retort on your tongue and tightens his grip, marvelling at the delicious way your eyes roll back. he only loosens when theu water, gleaming in pitiful surrender. “you always fuck me well.”
“like i will now.”
“li-like you will now.”
“good,” he grins, proud of your slow but gratifying progress. helping you stand, hyunjin gathers the hem of your chemise in his fists, hiking it up to your waist before placing the fabric in your waiting hands. he feels for your undergarments, fingers gliding along the soft skin of your belly, purposely missing the waistband of your panties. he watches your breathing change with every long second he teases you, missing your sex in obvious ways. when you whine he only tuts, watching a frown kiss your features. “it’s not nice to be kept waiting, is it?”
“no,” you mumble, jutting out a full blown pout. “please touch me, hyunjin.” you too can sense your lover’s utterances before they are ever fully realised. like now, when he smirks, knuckles dusting over your throbbing heat. “properly.”
your emphasis has him chortling, the sound delighting you in ways you cannot explain. how long had it been since you had him like this? warm and open, delighted by the trivialities of foreplay. excited by your pending coitus. it brings a sudden joy to your heart, and, to your husband at least, an inexplicable grin to your bitten lips.
“what tickles you, my love?”
“i just missed you.” you confess, not too dissimilar to his earlier realisation. “i want you happy always.”
“oh,” he breathes, finally pinching your panties and sliding them down past your ankles. “one can feel nothing but joy when you are near.”
“is that so?” you hum as he pulls you to his lap, his thumb dipping into your soaking cunt before slow dragging it along your swollen clit.
“it is so,” he affirms, offering soft pecks to the taut skin of your neck. “it’s why i married you.”
“really- oh,” words stick in your throat as he dips a lone finger in you, his thumb still circling as he presses against your walls. your lips find his in your daze, somehow still embarrassed by the awe with which he regards you. your hips roll against his cramped hand, chasing the beginnings of a tightening coil in the base of your belly. “you’re still infatuated with me?”
“always.” he removes himself without leaving your lips, swallowing your taunt as he guides you onto his awaiting cock. time stills for a moment as you adjust, brain whirring as you both realise the time that has passed since you had him like this. your throbbing walls clamped around his pulsing cock. the subtle tremor of his thighs as you sink onto him, buttocks resting in his waiting palms. he offers a gentle squeeze, one of comfort and question. “can you move?” you nod against his skin, damp forehead pressed to his as he guides your motions with gentle tilts of his wrists. his tongue slips into your mouth, readily lapping at your own as you wrap your arms around his neck. his hands rise to your hips in time, guiding you with a firmer grip, enjoying the slow rock of your hips on his aching cock. he feels you squeeze around him as he sucks on your tongue, his thighs shaking with a looming orgasm. he pulls you in closer, lifting you inches in the air before leaving your slippery lips. before you can even think to protest, hyunjin snaps up into you at a steady pace, enjoying the mewls he conjures from you.
“jinnie, i’m- i-”
“it’s okay,” he groans, on his own verge of release. “it’s okay, my love. let go.”
and you do. moments later you let go, loudly soiling his lap and favourite loveseat as he fucks into your soaking cunt. seconds later he follows you, head thrown back as he releases in you, fearful of nothing but the stained upholstery as he thanks the lord above that you are his wife.
“you owe me a new chair.” he says suddenly, still panting as you pepper soft kiss along his shoulder blade. “and new breeches.”
“it is you who is to blame, sire.” he watches with a raised brow as you rest on his knees. “you always fuck me so well, how could i help myself?”
“ah, right.” he folds when you laugh, the sound forcing his hands upward, along with the corners of his lips. “forgive me, my love.”
“i love you.” you whisper instead, settling against his chest as you both ignore the compromising position you’re in. “so much.”
“and i you,” he swears. “always.”
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