#I doubt they’ll get an actual minute together in the last two episodes
a winter lover needs her jacket
a/n: one-shot, huntlow, unedited. I just wanted to write something. I feel it may be a bit ooc, so forgive me in advance
“It’s not pretty to look at, is it?” Hunter asked Willow, surprising her. 
She fumbled, embarrassed she had been caught staring, “Uh?”
Hunter turned his attention away from the map he was scrutinizing to smile at her. His smile was smaller then it had been in the human realm, and she didn’t think it would ever reach his eyes again. 
“It’s okay, Willow,” He shrugged, “you can give it to me straight,” He gestured to his face, “ugly, right?” 
Her heart dropped down into her stomach. A few weeks had passed since they had first returned to the demon realm. It had been emotional, to say the least. Heartfelt and heartbreaking, but their home, in some ways, was still here. Their small world—smaller then the human realm—seemed even smaller, broken up by the Collector and his sick, childish games, but witches were the resilient kind. The band of rebellious survivors they had been lucky enough to reunite with weren’t going down without a fight.
Today, they had set up base camp in the ruins of some town she could no longer recognize. It was a disorienting feeling, but not unfamiliar. For the most part, she swallowed down her discomfort, like she had been since the Day of Unity. It was starting to wear on her though, acting like everything was fine or going to be fine, just as she and Gus had agreed to do back in the human realm for Luz and Hunter’s sake.
Maybe if Willow could gauge how useful her part in this fight was, she’d feel better, but it seemed that even Ms. Noceda, who was quite literally a fish out of water here, knew more then she did. She recognized that these doubts and worries were just a culmination of her anxiety, but the obvious lack of transparency and trust amongst the grown-ups was slowly clawing at her sanity.
In the human realm, when it had just been the five of them, it had all felt so simple. Getting home had been their only goal, and they had all been in the same clueless boat on how to go about doing that.
Here, back home, it was like she had forgotten how frustrating everything could be, how little the adults listened, how everyone seemed to have their own secrets, and how small she actually was. Even in her own friend group, everything that should have been said was not being said. To her, it seemed there was a lot of very crucial, very important stuff to talk about, and anytime she tried talking about anything, she was kept a safe arm-length distance away.
Like for example, Hunter was a Grimwalker. At this point, she knew Luz had been aware, and was sure Gus had been too. And yet, no one was talking about it. 
Or, better yet, tonight’s debriefing. No one had told her it was happening until she accidentally walked in on the tail end of it. A group of adults, including Ms. Noceda, had surrounded Luz and Hunter, talking in hushed tones and worried glances. They had disbanded when Hunter had noticed her, and Luz had tried dragging her back to Gus and Amity. 
“I just need my jacket,” She had explained, shaking the other girl off, “I’ll be right out.” 
And now, she had her jacket, but she wasn’t interested in leaving the tent. Instead, she stared at Hunter. Standing there, prior to being caught, she had thought about giving him a piece of her mind. It wasn’t fair, she knew why, but he hadn’t been the same after stepping through the portal. He was avoiding her, and he was making it obvious. Secrets aside, his avoidance stung. She had thought they were friends, but maybe, she had been wrong. Maybe everything in the human realm had been finite. Their relationship born out of convenience, not shared history. And maybe she could have dealt with his cold shoulder (she was unfortunately well acquainted with rejection), if he wasn’t also avoiding Gus. That was where she drew the line.
But then she thought about how lifeless and limp his body had felt across her lap, soaked to the bone with dirty graveyard pond-water, and the heart wrenching panic that had consumed her. She had thought about that moment more times then she could count. She thought about it every time Hunter left her and Gus behind, and she knew that maybe her friendship wasn’t important to him, but titan, his was important to her. 
And then, of course, because how could she not, she thought about Flapjack. It was a fleeting, painful, and guilty thought. Because it was her secret. The one thing she would never admit. The relief she had felt when it had been Flapjack and not Hunter. 
The thought made her sick. It killed the words sitting on her tongue, so she had stood there, and instead of saying anything at all, she had stared. What could she say to him, thinking something like that?
“Ugly?” She finally spoke after finding a handful of coherent words, “What do you mean?” 
He tilted his head, smirking, “the scars. Don’t worry, they’re—” He glanced into a broken mirror, “—I get it.” 
His eyebrows furrowed the same way they always did when he was mulling over anything from the insignificant ants on the sidewalk to Belos. Generally, she found it endearing. Hunter was bad at masking his emotions when he didn’t have a, well, actual mask. 
She found nothing endearing about it right now. Chewing on her words, she crossed the space between them until she could lean comfortably against the table next to him. She didn’t know if she had the words she needed to explain what she had been thinking about with all of her anger, hurt, and guilt swelling, then cresting. She did know, however, that she hadn’t been standing there thinking about his looks, or lack thereof, in his opinion. She wanted to be offended that he would ever think of her as so shallow, especially after all they had been through together, if it didn’t make her so sad. 
“I don’t think your scars are ugly,” She crinkled her nose, “don’t say that about yourself.” 
He snorted, glancing away from her and back to the map, “sure.” 
Willow frowned, trying her hardest to rationalize the way he shuffled a few inches away from her. 
“You should find Luz and Gus,” he turned his head at an angle so she couldn’t see his eyes.
“Are you not coming?” She crossed her arms, trying to nonchalantly take a peek at the map he seemed so invested in, but Hunter was too quick for her. He started to fold the end closest to her up, seemingly reorganizing the space. She knew him well enough by now to know that was his polite way of dismissing her. Hunter didn’t want her to read the map, just like he hadn’t wanted her to read the book on Gravesfield’s witch hunters. 
He fiddled with a stack of books, “I’ll catch up.” 
“I can—“
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“—wait.” She teetered off awkwardly, deflating.
She was barely able to stop herself from rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” That, or something like it, was all she heard from him nowadays.  
“Well, okay,” She sighed, now knowing she really had been dismissed, “but Hunter?”
He turned away from her to place a few items in a chest, but hummed in acknowledgement. 
She wet her lips. In truth, she still had nothing to say. They hadn’t had a chance to talk one-on-one in so long, she didn’t know where to start. She hadn’t even had the chance to personally say how sorry she was about Flapjack, but still, no words came to mind. She could find nothing to say. Or at least, nothing right to say. Things like I’m sorry, or I’m here for you, felt so...empty and impersonal. And not one hundred percent truthful. Because she wasn’t really sorry sorry. She wasn’t sorry Hunter wasn’t dead. She couldn’t decide if that was evil, or selfish, or cruel, but it was how she felt.
Instead, she blurted the next thing that came to mind. Anything was better then nothing at this point, anyway, if it meant staying in his presence just a few seconds longer. 
“I’m serious.” She reached out and tugged the back of his shirt, pulling him to her, “your scars? They’re not ugly. Do…do you really think that?” 
He turned slightly, putting his most prominent facial scar on display. “Well, they’re certainly not pretty. People stare; you were staring, so...” He trailed off, shrugging again. 
She quirked a brow at him, tilting his chin towards her so she could look at him in full. Despite the way his eyes widened with surprise, his body followed her direction.
“Now, I’m staring,” Willow chided. She looked at him for good long minute, pursing her lips in thought as he fidgeted under her gaze before continuing, “Is there something in particular I should be looking for? Because there’s definitely no way you’re talking about my friend like that.”
There was a beat, and then Hunter snorted and rolled his eyes, “okay, har har, I get it. I’ll be nicer to your friend.”
“Thank you,” She met his smile with a wider one of her own before relaxing.
“They’re going to call for dinner soon, and I’ve got to—” he started backing away from her, but she pulled him closer, positioning him between her knees as she hopped up onto the table, Then, gently, she cupped his face between her hands, “—um, h-hi?” He finished with a nervous laugh.
Willow was too focused to really notice the way Hunter’s whole face seemed to flush as she continued her assessment of him, turning his head this way and that.
“Do they hurt?” She hummed, gently rubbing the pad of her thumb over the scar tissue of his right cheek. While there were a few bumps, she was surprised to find the skin there was extraordinarily soft.
“U-uh, no,” Hunter’s voice cracked, which usually made her giggle, “not anymore really.”
She frowned at that, “so it had, though? It had hurt?”
He shrugged, his face warm to the touch, “I’m okay.”
Don’t worry. I’m okay. It’s fine. He was always playing the martyr, she was beginning to suspect he enjoyed it. She let out an exasperated huff, shaking her head fondly before meeting his eyes.
Eye contact with Hunter never lasted long, but at this proximity, it lasted mere milliseconds. She was able to hold his gaze for maybe .5 seconds before his eyes flitted down her face then quickly to the door.
“Well, I still don’t see anything ugly, Hunter,” she teased; now, carding her fingers through his hair, pushing the fringe up and off his forehead, “just nothing.”
“Thanks, um, you too,” he said after clearing his throat, and then cringed, lips twitching into a wince as he corrected himself, “like, I mean, I don’t see anything ugly either.”
“Oh!” She teased, peering at him from over the rims of her glasses, “Was there supposed to be?”
His eyes widened, and he stuttered through another sentence, “No! No! I didn’t mean it like that. You’ve never...there’s never been anything ugly about you. You’re, uh...”
“I’m...?” Willow slipped her glasses back up the bridge of her nose, urging him on.
She was now acutely aware of the red that scrawled across his face, and it would have made her just as flustered if she didn’t know who Hunter was, and how easy it was to embarrass him. It wasn’t like he was flustered because of her, but she still enjoyed it. It felt...normal, like nothing bad was beyond the tent they stood in, just her and Hunter talking again. She didn’t want it to end.
“Pretty.” He finally choked out, settling on the same socially appropriate adjective Willow would have used to save her feelings too.
And she had the good grace to be appropriately humbled, “Aw shucks, thanks, Hunter. You’re pretty too,” He opened his mouth, likely to argue, but she talked over him, “I mean, look at your hair! It’s the palest blonde I’ve ever seen!”
His hair was still long, or maybe, now, even longer from when they had first reentered the portal back into the demon realm. Though, she would admit, she was a bit biased towards his last haircut, she liked his hair long or short. He didn’t seem to have a preference either.
She pulled her fingers through the almost shoulder length strands, marveling at how impossibly soft the tresses were.
Her attention fell back to his eyes a moment later. The difference in color was still slightly jarring, and if there was anything that she would stare at, it was that. She had grown used to his previous eye color. Actually, she had been embarrassingly fond of it.
In some lights, his eyes had glowed a reddish-pink, in others a dark mauve, and no matter what, they seemed to twinkle like precious jewels.
Willow had thought his eyes had been so interesting, she caught herself staring at them often. It should have clicked earlier that he was a Grimwalker. In the abomination track, she had learned about the fabled “creature.” While Grimwalkers weren’t abominations, since Grimwalkers were sentient, the process in which they were created involved the same magical techniques, plus a significant amount of complicated wild magic involving the other magic tracks that Emperor Belos had banned long ago.
(The irony was not lost on her.)
The magic behind Grimwalkers was about the only thing she could confidently say she paid attention to during her time in the abomination track, and that was because it was the only time an abomination Professor mentioned plant magic, so of course, she had paid attention.
Now, his eye color was brown. A good brown. The color was a warm kind of brown that felt less exotic and more homey, and made her think of honey, and for whatever reason, hugs. Or at least, soft things, which she had come to associate with Hunter now as opposed to the sharp and jaded boy she had met all those months ago.
“Your eye color was so pretty before, but this color,” she paused, smiling at him as she again pushed his hair off his face, “I think it really suits you.”
It was her turn to break eye contact, hoping her tone hadn’t admitted too much.
She was in luck, he didn’t notice a thing. Instead, his face twisted and he looked away. Hunter from the human realm was gone in an instant, leaving behind Hunter from the demon realm.
“Caleb had brown eyes,” Hunter spat, pulling away from her, though not far enough that he had stepped away from her entirely.
Willow bit the inside of her cheek. Hunter had never mentioned Caleb before, at least, not to her, but she was semi-aware of who the man was thanks to a bunch of half-whispered gossip and context clues. It was obvious how much this admission tore him up, and she was, again, confronted with the horrifying fact that she had nothing to say to that.
Willow had her dad’s eyes. She was smart enough to know this wasn’t anything like that.
However, she could see the storm brewing behind his eyes, and every second that ticked by where she didn’t say something, his features only grew darker. This, she felt, was a crucial moment, and she had to say the right thing, so she decided to tell him her honest truth.
“Flapjack had brown eyes.”
“What?” He asked after a beat of the absolute heaviest silence she had ever had the displeasure of sitting through.
“Flapjack had brown eyes.” She repeated, “And I...I see who I know in you, and I knew Flapjack, and those are his eyes. Not Caleb’s. And they,” She tried again, taking a deep breath, “they suit you.”
“Flapjack’s?” He echoed, his voice very small and very far away.
“Mhm, and anyway, I may not know who this Caleb guy is, but,” Willow shrugged with what she hoped was a bashful smile, “still not bad looking.”
He didn’t respond to that right away either, but he no longer looked like he was ready to attack, and she counted that as a personal win. With a sigh that could have also been a laugh, he ran his fingers through his hair, and she watched the lock of hair that had never know any kind of rhyme or reason, pop out and fall back down across his face.
“Hunter?” She twisted a finger around the forlorn lock and gave it the slightest tug, watching as Hunter’s pupil’s dilated, “We’ll see you at dinner, right?” 
“Yep,” He breathed, swallowing, and then gestured to the mess around them, “I just, um,” His eyes fluttered closed and he shook his head, thinking something she wasn’t privy to, “gotta put this stuff away.”
Understanding this was his polite way of asking for a moment, Willow hopped off the table. Given how close Hunter was to her, their chests grazed against each other as she stood and she could feel her face tingle with a sudden, embarrassed warmth. Sometimes she forgot how much space she could take up, but he didn’t move away.
“Don’t take too long, okay?” She said, peering up at him over her glasses once again, “We miss you.” And then she realized, if she didn’t say what she really meant, she’d never find the courage to say it later on, so quickly, she corrected herself, “I miss you. A lot. So, stop avoiding me, okay?”
“I’m not av—”
She put a finger to his lips, shushing him, “You could be Boscha’s Grimwalker for all I cared, but you’re Hunter to me, so no more, okay?”
He nodded with an unwavering gaze, and didn’t so much as whisper, but moved his lips against her finger, “Okay.”
Willow let her finger fall away from his mouth, and winked, “see ya at dinner then.”
“Yeah,” He nodded again, “see you then.”
She smiled, giving his lock of hair one more playful tug before saying her final airy goodbye.
“Byeee,” He copied, waving as she walked out of the tent.
It wasn’t until later that night, while in the dinner line with Gus, mulling over her conversation with Hunter, that she realized she had forgotten something crucial.
”Willow!” Gus cried out in surprise as she smacked her forehead, “What the heck!”
“I forgot my jacket!”
Hunter watched Willow leave with his heart lodged hard and fast in his throat. When the tent flap fell down behind her, he allowed himself to suck in a gulp of much needed air, melting into a random chair like a puddle.
“Whoa,” he breathed, still sinking with relief as the areas Willow—Willow Park—had touched and caressed, tingled, and he licked his lips.
Then, he pinched the top of his hand, hard, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He registered the pain, heard himself hiss, but still couldn’t believe it. Good things didn’t just happen to him like that?
Without thinking, he glanced at the broken mirror hanging to his side. Its once smooth surface now had a million fissures shooting off in different directions, likely damaged when the Collector had first attacked, and a cracked reflection stared back at him. This time he didn’t see the face of a man he didn’t know, but himself. A deep red flush that traveled from the tips of his ears down to the base of his neck was just beginning to fade as his heartbeat evened out. He forced himself to take another deep breath, gaze falling to his mouth, only for him to blush again as he thought of the measly few inches Willow’s mouth had been from his own. 
Again, he looked at the whole of his face. His. Not Caleb’s. And breathed, enjoying the pink of his cheeks, why it was there, and the excited gleam in his eye. He hadn’t looked so alive in a good few weeks. The last time he had enjoyed what he had seen in the mirror, he had been in the broken down “club house” back in the human realm with Flapjack.
His gladerstone-heart-thing let out a hard pang at the thought of his palisman. He felt guilty all of the sudden, that he could even fathom enjoying anything at all without his very first loved one right by his side. Tears gathered quickly in the corner of his eyes—
Flapjack’s eyes.
Willow’s words echoed in his head, making him smile all over again as he stared a little deeper into his irises. After awhile, he let out a little whistle, like the one Flapjack did when he said hello, and just the sound of it forced a laugh—thick with tears—from his mouth.
“Hey buddy,” he sniffled at his reflection, wiping snot away with the back of his hand. “I miss you.”
He knew from personal experience how nice that was to hear.
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strqyr · 1 year
So after thinking about it for a good nine minutes at work today and after just watching The Indecisive King, I’ve decided the crown Aka the Relic of Choice is IN the tree. I am not good at long theories but come ON the first king making decision he did was about a Tree That Fell (and broke a fence). It’s a relic that has no practical use, meaning that Oz putting it in the Ever After means he would’ve had no use for it himself. I don’t know about the sword but the lamp can only answer 3 questions every 100 years and the staff can only make and keep one new creation at a time and it destroys the last thing it makes to create a new one. ALSO I guess the moral or good end of The Indecisive King is that one person having to carry the burden of making all the rules and knowing too much on their own leads to that person being burnt out and second guessing themselves. I still have no idea what’s really going on with Alyx and what truly happened to her both the first time and then with Jaune, but we don’t have the full picture. “Share your burden with me. Let me wear the crown so I may understand.”
“This crown… it gives a glimpse into the future, to a decision that must some day be made.”
“If you only concern yourself with the future you will miss the good things right in front of your eyes. Life is full of decisions, but you must trust yourself to do the right thing when the time comes. YOU must keep living.”
They don’t know how to stop Salem, they don’t know what’s waiting for them back home, they don’t know if they can do all they’ve been asked to do. But the point is that none of them are doing it alone. None of them have All the answers but Together they might just find one. If there IS a sacrifice that’s a choice they’ll have to make. And if not there’s probably going to be one last little mind puzzle they have to answer for themselves before the path home is revealed. We know the sword is in Vacuo. If the crown really is at the ruins then things will end where they started which is at Beacon which is what I personally would like, for them to go back to Beacon I mean. But the crown has a very good chance of being in the Ever After and I’m on team tree until the next four episodes prove me wrong haha
Also the cat endlessly seeking knowledge via all their questions and the opening of the story which is “Is knowledge the answer to all your problems? Surely being more informed leads to smarter choices.” Idk it’s giving the gang isn’t asking the right or interesting questions bc they’ve been trying to stick to a path that fundamentally will not work for them by virtue them not being in the Book but the Location of the Ever After and their very presence would’ve changed things even if they were in the literal book.
Team Tree!
you know. i could see it. i mean it depends if ozma knows about the ever after and how to get there (i don't think he would leave the crown in the ever after without ever having a way to get it back).
alternatively it could be that the door that leads to remnant (if such door actually exists) is somehow connected to where the crown is, so the crown would still be on remnant, but in a place that would still have (magical) protection as i doubt the other side of the door to the ever after is just. out there for everyone to walk through.
main reasons i find this compelling is bc of 1. the connection between choice and knowledge, 2. the ever after is definitely playing around with these two concepts, with the curious cat asking questions (and answering them, and also highlighting the importance of asking the right questions) and the whole thing with the crossroads that requires making choices between two options (but is that the only way to go through it? deciding to go with neither is a choice as well.) and 3. well.. there's is a big tree in the ever after, and the vault of knowledge also had a tree with some magical properties. like. the trees, i do not understand them, but they do compel me so.
there's also the "a place like these vaults" instruction team rwby gave ambrosius for the central platform, from where they then fell to the ever after, so. the possibility is there that the vaults are connected to the ever after in some way—if not directly, then like. being in the same realm or something. perhaps acting as in-between? the vaults have similar effects within them as did the white void where the god of light brought ozma from afterlife.
i think there's a good possibility that there's something here, but how exactly it all fits together, i'm still unsure about.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Let It All Come Crashing Down
Batbrother x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Past Assault/Abuse
Author's Note: One of my favorite episodes of Criminal Minds was always the one where Morgan came face to face with his abuser. The dialogue at the end of the episode fits Batbrother's past too. But, this does mention past assault. If this is a triggering subject, please don't read. -Thorne
When he’d told Dick about the incident when he was seventeen, he didn’t expect it was going to come back full front. He’d kept tabs on the man whenever his former CO would move bases, when he promoted, when he eventually retired and relocated to Gotham City, opening a military assistance center. It was a farce, and he knew it. A place where the old CO could still continue his reign of fear on those still in the military and those outside.
He stared at the screen in the Batcave, ignoring the bickering of his youngest sibling and his father’s oldest friend, recounting every moment that led to the mission. A woman his age found dead, murdered, the brother charged with the crime. All evidence supported the facts, but (Y/N) knew. He knew deep down something else was going on, especially when he learned that the brother had attended the center in Gotham.
“Isaac Keegan is going to be sent to Blackgate tonight,” Bruce murmured. “He won’t last the night.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “He didn’t do this.”
His father glanced at him. “How do you know?”
“Doesn’t matter how I know,” he retorted with mild annoyance. “But I know who really did this.” He turned, glancing at Ghost-Maker. “Think you can get Isaac out of the armed van and back here without anyone dying?”
The vigilante cocked his arms over his chest. “Of course. But why do you wanna talk to him?”
“I don’t. But I need him alive long enough to get a confession out of the real killer.” (Y/N) answered, looking at Tim with a gaze that had his younger brother’s spine going straight; he could feel the seriousness ebbing from his older brother. “And I’m going to need your help with this.”
He didn’t like stepping into enemy territory without protection. He felt naked without his nano suit, even more so without his sidearm, but the last thing he needed was for the metal detectors in the building to go off and let the remaining people inside know he was there.
Slipping down the halls, he took a moment to catch his breath before he turned the corner into his old CO’s office.
The older man looked up, eyes widening at the sight of his former subordinate. “(Y/N)? Is that—you’re alive?”
“I am,” he answered and Davis’ face split into a fake smile.
“I thought you’d died years ago in Afghanistan.”
“Not exactly.” (Y/N) kept away from the desk, away from close contact; he knew he could take the man, but he wanted the confession first before they came to blows, if they did. “I heard about Jessica Keegan.”
Davis frowned. “It’s a shame what happened to her. Even more so a shame that Isaac was the one who did it.” He shook his head. “I thought he was doing to well with his treatments too.”
(Y/N) tapped the device in his pocket. Now Tim. “Except that Isaac didn’t kill Jessica.”
“Excuse me?”
“All these years, I’ve kept my mouth shut,” (Y/N) said. “I’ve let you go on being a hero. Admiral Davis, the great war hero.”
“What in the world are you talking about?” Davis questioned, face contorting in confusion and the younger man scowled.
“God, I was so afraid of you when we were in Afghanistan,” he admitted. “I was afraid of going to Command about it all. Afraid of losing every promotion and achievement I was being given.” (Y/N) stepped forward, expression shifting to anger. “But that’s how you’ve always worked, isn’t it? You made sure there was a helluva lot to lose if someone came forward, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you think you remember about Afghanistan,” Davis said. “But—”
“No, no, no,” he interrupted. “See it’s not what I remember that’s going to hurt you, Davis. The business between us has been over way too long ago to matter.” (Y/N) explained. “You’re protected by a statute of limitations and that’s my fault.”
Davis shrugged. “Then good evening.”
He glared. “You set Isaac up! You knew his sister wanted him to call someone about you. So you killed her and framed him as a distressed veteran?” (Y/N)’s face pinched as he accused, “You killed her because you knew someone was going to piece it all together and come after you, didn’t you?”
“Now you’re just throwing accusations around.” Davis replied and (Y/N) slapped a decoration off his desk.
It shattered and he shouted, “God, I should’ve told someone about you when I was in Afghanistan! When you were ‘training’ me.” He took another step forward, voice lowering dangerously. “Well, you know what happens in cases like this? Once that dam breaks, the flood comes.”
He raised a finger. “One servicemember stands up, just one. And then another one, and another. Because they’re not afraid of your repercussions anymore—they know they’re not alone.” (Y/N) tipped his head up. “Isaac Keegan is your dam.”
For the first time since they’d started speaking, Davis showed his anger as he barked, “Whatever lies Isaac told you—”
“I didn’t do a damn thing to you or to Isaac—”
“One by one, they’re going to pile up until there’s so many accusations, you can’t say that they’re all lies!”
Davis thrust his hands to his chest. “Do you have any idea how many men and women I helped promote? How many lives I’ve saved with my service?” He gestured to (Y/N). “Look at you! You would’ve been dead in a shallow grave if I hadn’t helped you.”
“Yeah, well that shit wasn’t for free, was it?” (Y/N) demanded, throat tightening with emotion.
“I pulled you out of the gutter.” Davis murmured.
He shook his head, the tears of anger flashing the pain from his voice. “I pulled myself out of the gutter! All the way to the top military squads! I did that!”
“You’re saying I had nothing to do with making you who you are?” Davis questioned, a look of offense on his face.
(Y/N)’s rage cooled, shoulders sinking back as he raised his head and admitted, “No Davis. Actually, I’m saying you have everything to do with making me who I am.” He gazed at the man. “Because of what you did to me, I’m the man who’s going to spend the rest of his life making sure abusers of power like you face the consequences.”
“(Y/N),” Davis comforted. “I never meant to hurt you.” His expression turned sympathetic. “You could’ve said no.”
He turned his head away, jaw clenching so hard it hurt, then he looked back at him, and two men turned the doorway. (Y/N) watched Davis’ eyes widen in shock.
“Quinton Davis, you’re under arrest for the rape and murder of Jessica Keegan.” The two military police officers walked around (Y/N), and each took an arm.
Davis shifted. “I’ve helped a lot of veterans and service members.” He started thrashing. “Nothing in this goddamn city is going to be the same with me. Without the center, who’s going to look after them?”
His expression hardened. “Wayne Enterprises will. I will.”
“Wait a minute damnit!” he looked at (Y/N), pleading, “(Y/N), please, isn’t there anything you can do for me?”
(Y/N) got in Davis’ face. “You can rot in hell.”
He watched the MP’s drag away the screaming man before letting out a shaky breath and reaching up to his chest, yanking off the necklace that had the camera built into it. Tim had no doubt cut the feed by now and he shoved it in his pocket, free hand coming up to wipe away the tears in his eyes.
“What happens now?” the young man asked, dark circles under his eyes making him seem wearier.
(Y/N) sighed. “There’s going to be a trial. Davis will face the consequences.”
Isaac frowned. “I’m going to have to testify, aren’t I?”
“Yes. But I know who the prosecutor is. She’s good. She’ll nail Davis to the wall for everything.”
“I…I don’t know if I can do it.”
He reached out and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Then do it for Jessica.”
“I miss her.” Isaac whispered, head lowering as he sniffed. “I should’ve spoken out sooner.”
“I know,” (Y/N) murmured. “I feel the same.”
His head cocked up, teary eyes gazing into (Y/N)’s. “Will you be there?”
“I’ll probably be called by the prosecutors to testify.” He shrugged. “But with the statute of limitations, I don’t know how much it’s going to weight in our favor.”
“But you already told the world about your past with Davis?” Isaac said. “We—we all watched it live.”
“That was just the start.” (Y/N) said. “We have to see it to the end. For all the servicemen and women he abused over the years.” He turned, looking at Nightwing and Red Hood. “They’ll take you back to your apartment.”
Isaac nodded, starting to follow, then he stopped and looked back at (Y/N). “How’d you go on after Afghanistan?”
He met the young man’s eyes, then he glanced at his family. “I was still needed. Still am.” (Y/N) turned back to Isaac. “You never forget it…but it does get better.” He stuck his hand out. “And I’ll be there when you need me.”
They shook hands and he watched Isaac walk off with his brothers before he turned and moved to the railing overlooking Gotham Bay. A multitude of emotions swirled in his chest, but a sense of relief rested on his shoulders, and he let his head drop, the tears starting to drip down his cheeks.
Someone’s hand rested between his shoulder blades, followed by a deep voice comforting, “It’s okay, son.”
He shook his head. “I should’ve said something earlier.”
“It’s not your fault,” Bruce affirmed. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
(Y/N) looked up, gazing at his father. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” the man murmured, expression soft. “But why didn’t you come to me?”
He paused, inhaling shakily as he said, “It only lasted for a short time. I was promoted and inducted into the super soldier program.” He shrugged. “By the time I finally wanted to tell someone, Davis had already left the compound and too much time had passed for it to matter.”
(Y/N) gazed out at the water. “It’s not over…but the world knows what he really is now. And all the people who suffered are going to see justice.”
Bruce leaned on the railing next to him. “You don’t show many signs of a survivor,” he noted. “You keep it all under wraps.”
“I learned during the super soldier program that there are worse things than what happened to me.” (Y/N) sighed. “Davis’ abuse might be what makes me so hateful of abusers, but when I started the team, I refused to let it control me and my life.” He raised his head. “I was going to live my life to the fullest, with whoever I wanted and even if I never told anyone, that was going to be the one part of me no one would ever take away.”
His father observed him for a moment then he stood, nudging (Y/N) until he did too; they looked at one another, a father and a son, and Bruce said, “I’m proud of you, (Y/N). For everything.”
(Y/N)’s mouth opened and snapped shut once, twice, a third time, then he raised one hand to cover his eyes as the lower half of his face twisted in pain, the other fumbling blindly for Bruce. His father caught him, one strong arm wrapping around (Y/N)’s back, the other pressing his son’s head to his shoulder.
“I’m here son,” he murmured. “I’m always going to be here.” He pressed his lips to the young man’s temple. “And I love you son. So much.”
“I love you too, dad,” he choked out, holding onto his father for dear life.
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awu-wangxuan · 3 years
I've watched the first two episodes of the veil (kdrama) and I'm obsessed ???? hence I need to get some thoughts off me because ASJDVKFJGFK this drama seems to be sooooo good and interesting and I'm already hooked to its premise!
so first of all: I was not expecting and nor was I ready for such a huge snack to be given to us as a male lead. I am absolutely not familiar with the male actor, I personally have never seen him acting and omg. the shock I had when he appeared for the first time ??? this drama needs to put some warnings ahead and not for the gorey or more disturbing scenes, BUT FOR HIM. like watch out, this dude is gonna come with his huge ass and ripped af muscles and do the utmost to make you feel like he's impregnated you through a screen. i was left speechless, astonished, incapable of putting together any coherent thought and yeah. just watch out for him.
secondly, it was really long since the last time I watched a spy drama/tv show, so the fact that the veil seems to be very well made and nicely paced is already super intriguing for me. I love spy dramas and I love them even more when the male lead is as good looking and hot as nam goong min. besides his looks, he is also super fitting for the role that he's playing, like there wasn't a single minute where I doubted his ability in playing a spy. he looks like he was born for this role, idk he's just so perfect!!! also we have gangs and drug lords involved, lots of action, a little bit of disturbing / more gorey scenes which make the whole thing look a lot more real ... I mean, just looking at quality, it seems like you're watching a western tv show or movie and I'm in no way saying this because those shows are better, but mostly because of how explicit / fast pace the content is. the action scenes are phenomenal as well, and I love how we have a male lead that's not your typical kdrama male lead that solely goes down the road of goodness and kindness and whose only aim is to protect those who are weak, but more like a hunk that wouldn't think twice before punching you if that would get him closer to his aim. he's super goal-oriented and cold and aggressive, but I also appreciate how they didn't shy away from showing his weaker sides. like his loneliness, his ptsd, depression, everything which comes along with his job. it feels much more real and authentic to watch something like this, so truly, good job to the script writers!
they didnt show much of the other characters but I'm already in love with yoo je yi!!! now tbh I didn't understand who is the actual female lead of the drama, but if it's her it would perfect!! she gives the right amount of contrast with han ji hyuk's character and I already love those little glimpse of chemistry we got from the first two episodes!! I believe that, if well developed, they could make a really interesting couple and I don't necessarily mean it in a romantic way (although I would like it better if they had a little bit romance ... it's just that I don't think this is where the drama wants is heading towards). I mean, she has the right personality to make him open a little a bit but also to oppose his black-and-white way of looking at things, his recklessness and toughness. so I'm really looking forward to whatever these two will do as partners and to how staying with each other will change their personality. also, I think soo yeon is the other female lead of the drama, but I don't kinda get her role so far. hopefully they'll give us more hints on whether she's going to be a positive or negative character, in all frankness I'd appreciate the second option more, just to have more variety in the cast.
regarding the plot, the premises were laid in a very stable way, the storyline doesn't seem to be rushed and I feel like almost everyone was given a good enough introduction and time to be 'settled down' as characters. I'm absolutely loving the dark vibes, the politics and the intrigues, the whole idea of guessing who's the traitor inside the organisations, etc (so cliché, but this shit gets me every time). some things aren't exactly clear to me, as the fact of why on earth does a top class spy have his identity, name, face and position revelead to the enemies and is still somehow allowed to work on the field, knowing he could get killed in any moment, but oh well that's kdrama for you.
so, to sum up: I'm loving this drama so far and I hope it will keep its initial pace and level of intelligence and not just turn into trash after few episodes. it does seem to be very promising in my opinion and the fact that the total number of episodes is 12 is kinda relieving me from the fear of them dragging the story in the second half. I definitely recommend it to all of you, especially because I'm craving for more thoughts / opinions / fan content from y'all <3
ps I see how in kdramas 2021 is slowly turning into the year of the dilfs, I see it and I'm absolutely not complaining
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: RUN Episode 131
by Admin 1
I know I’ve probably said this about literally every episode but this one was so fun! Admin 2 and I were honestly laughing almost the entire time while also trying our best to follow along their “debates” and just taking in all the chaos. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Quick recap: in this episode we’re at the pool that belongs to the same hotel at which they had lunch at the end of the previous episode and the objective is twofold--not get wet and win a debate. That’s basically it, it’s like the mint chocolate debate episode but even more hilarious and with the addition of wet Bangtan.
Something I truly love is how it took vmin exactly 57 seconds (which includes the 18 second long intro) to find some kind of ‘reason’ to hold/shake hands behind JKs back. Because of course they did.
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After the whole “mess” that ensued after the Titanic preview picture was posted yesterday, I can basically just say one thing--there was literally no need whatsoever to get all anxious and uncertain about the picture, or anything the shippers made out of it. As always the best course of action, which is the one I usually apply, is waiting until we get the full thing so we have context for what we’re shown in the picture/teaser/scene. It’s like that scene at the end of one of the ITS episodes where Jimin goes to JK to tell him about a supposed leak in his room which was taken way out of context and proportions until we got the next episode a week later and the actual events were completely different from anything and everything that was theorized. 
So, what’s the lesson? Wait until we get the full thing, dear fellow vminnies, that way we can avoid making each other anxious and unsure.
Anyway, let’s get into it by starting with the ‘warm-up’ which consisted of one-on-one “battles” where the members stood on these floating foamy mats being held by two staff members and having to make each other fall into the water by playing the hand pushing game. 
Yoongi VS Jimin -- I like how the two shortest members went against each other, which I’d assume might’ve had something to do with Yoongi’s shoulder and how chances of Jimin hurting him due to his height/size/weight were the smallest as opposed to Namjoon or even Hoseok. Maybe I’m imagining/overthinking things but it seemed like Jimin was a little hesitant/careful in how he approached the game and in the way he touched Yoongi, which honestly is very thoughtful and cute of him if that’s true, considering his shoulder and all. In the end Yoongi, after they basically goofed around more than actually tried to push each other, offers a deal of just doing it once properly, ending in both of them falling in the water since Yoongi leans forward, hugs Jimin and drags him down with him.
Tae VS Hobi -- These two might’ve been the quickest, given how Hobi said he’s scared at least three times and Tae basically use a moment to ‘attack’ where Hobi was distracted by the fact that a moment prior he thought Tae almost would’ve hit him in the face with his forehead on accident. That lucky did not happen, but Hobi did end up in the water and Tae remained on the float and completely dry.
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Namjoon VS Seokjin -- Now these two, how can I put my thoughts/feelings into cohesive words and sentences instead of just a long key smash? They were hilarious, and their round definitely took the longest out of all of them, both trying to make the other fall yet simultaneously seeming like they weren’t trying all that hard since neither wanted to land in the water? After all before the game started Seokjin did complain how the RUN crew told him they wouldn’t have to get into the water. And yet, in the end, after a visible moment of contemplation, Namjoon hugs Seokjin (who hugs him back) and they fall into the water together (when I tell you how much I love them, wow).
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JK VS Jimin --Here’s where we get the Titanic moment while JK and Jimin stand on the float and are being pulled to the middle of the pool, the members immediately jumping in with Hobi going “Jack, come back” in a breathy voice while Yoongi (?) sings the melody of My Heart Will Go On and everyone is laughing. It was an absolutely hilarious and cute moment. What made me laugh the most during the whole thing were the Jimin heads used to hide whatever, which I as a joke called the “Victoria’s Secret Fantasy Bra (Head Edition)” while talking to Admin 2. During the game itself Jimin and JK are hilarious, slapping each other’s chests and trying different tricks to make the other fall, showing how amazing their core strength and balance is, but eventually Jimin shoves JKs chest and JK falls into the water, winning the game since Jimin “cheated” and thus lost.
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Seokjin VS Tae -- Interesting to note is how Jimin remained in the water and close by while these two were playing. Seokjin and Tae though somehow seemed the most chaotic out of all of them, despite Seokjin offering that they should just do it in one go...which didn’t work out. They leaned into each other twice while laughing before starting to “wrestle” until Tae put his arms around Seokjin’s waist and basically threw him into the water while subsequently being pulled after him and falling in as well. Sometimes I think we forget how strong Tae is (though after his BE_log earlier today I doubt we’ll forget that again any time soon).
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Once “warm-up” was done, the members were split into two groups of three while one person, the MC, sat in the middle in a glass box (though missing the front glass panel). The rules were established and we basically figured out that there are water canons in front of the seated members and a bigger one releasing water onto the member sitting in the middle. They got words and things they were not allowed to do/say since otherwise they would get splashed.
Safe to say they all fairly quickly looked even more like very wet puppies. I mean look at Yoongi and his cute curly poodle hair, adorable!
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The debate portion itself was about “crunchy or soft cereal”, “eggs of peas on jjajangmyeon” and “firm or soft peaches” and truly more chaotic shouting than actually debating. The team members and the “MC” changed for each round, which lasted 11 minutes each. Who debated what was chosen by the crew (or the MC). My highlights for the cereal debate (besides Seokjin cutely complaining how he prefers his cereal soggy and Namjoon equally cutely telling him to just pretend he likes it crunchy) were Yoongi (who was team soggy cereal) and his argument that since Kendrick Lamar eats soggy cereal, that’s basically the winning argument, Namjoon arguing that since “cereal” and “crunchy” both start with a c that’s the only right answer, and Tae arguing that if you eat chocolate cereal it’ll melt and you’ll additionally get chocolate milk so obviously soggy cereal is better. The jjajangmyeon portion had discussions about prices, as well as Hobi (team peas) arguing he doesn’t like seeing animals in pain (which was quickly countered by JK saying he’d just eaten pork before the episode) and Tae generally being appalled by having to argue in favor of peas since he doesn’t like them yet used the argument that his dad likes them so if you argue against them...well. 
And finally the peaches debate had Tae and his galaxy brain using their Chilsung Cider ads as argument and how the peaches in it were firm since they bounced and thus they are better, which JK tried to counter by pointing out that those were just CGI to which Tae basically said he’s insulting their beautiful ads, how dare. I also love how Jimin, who was on Tae’s team, went along with whatever nonsense argument Tae came up with as though it was the most logical one in the world. Just lovely soulmate things, we love to see it. Speaking of nonsensical arguments, you have to give points to Namjoon for his ability to sound like he’s making perfectly sensible and logical arguments while doing, well, the exact opposite. Or Yoongi who just bs-ed his way through the entire thing while acting totally serious about it.
Can we please have a quick look at the following screenshot:
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And now, can we please talk about how everyone is nicely sitting in their designated place with space between them...and then there’s vmin who are like magnets because “Space who? We don’t know her”. 
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Admin 2 asked me to add their comment/thought about how it looks juuuuust a little as though vmin may or may not have been holding hands below the table, which, I mean, we’ll never know but, at this point (especially after the BE unit unboxing video) I wouldn’t even be surprised if it were true.
At one point when Seokjin became the MC the water kept on coming and coming and the members were desperate to figure out what was the thing they were doing that caused it. Jimin thought it could be the caps that some of them wore, so without hesitation or question, he took off Tae’s cap (bless Jimin for giving us another view at wet hair Tae, truly) and then, I swear, it looks like he wanted to ruffle Tae’s hair yet just a second before making contact he stops himself and instead turns his hand in like a “I’m presenting some kind of argument” way. Adorable.
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A final note goes out to the fact that they are wearing white button downs which, I mean, makes perfect sense I guess? And also how the crew gave them bathrobes so they’d stay warm, I’d assume, yet very quickly those were drenched as well thanks to the water canons so it basically defeated the purpose completely. And yet, despite all the water etc they all look fantastic.
Overall it’s a hilarious episode that’ll give your stomach muscles and lungs an amazing workout. Bangtan were their chaotic, loud, and mischievous selves and honestly, I can’t wait to see what else they’ll debate in the next episode.
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thatiranianphantom · 3 years
They have actually managed to piss off every corner of the Riverdale fandom this season. Bugheads for…obvious reasons…keeping choni apart entirely, barchie being a FWB and cutting it off out of nowhere when their fans thought it would be the start of their epic romance, varchie getting them together for a steamy reunion talking about having kids etc and then breaking up 30 minutes later, veggies for having Reggie hook up with Veronica’s SISTER (lol), Kangs fans (they exist I guess) for just completely dropping that and having Fangs hook up with someone who we all previously thought was his sister……
If anyone’s wondering why there’s no one left watching live…I guess we have our explanations😂. And that’s not even me starting on the boring 35 different plot lines and misery porn of each character all season. We have our main dude getting RABIES from falling in a SINKHOLE with a RATKING for gods sake. Help us all.
That's what gets me. Like, sure, Bugheads got (and will get) burned in these last two episodes, but I'm actually in zero doubt that our endgame is assured, and am reasonably confident that they'll make significant progress, if not be back together by the end of the event.
But this episode was so clearly rewritten. I think it's too much to hope that we're already in an AU, but it sure is like being in one. Nobody is in character, they stand in direct opposition to the rest of the season. It is so clearly shoehorned in drama to create a "shocking" finale. I say this, knowing it will be a shock to nobody.
But it wasn't just Bugheads! Varchie went from "if Archie dies, you die" to completely falling apart in one episode. Chonis, even if you don't ship them, got a past tense of love, and a present tense of love to someone else, and then Drew's just....gross post. What is wrong with that man, honestly?
And all that would be bad enough, but it comes on the heels of a season that was awful in all ways, and again, I'm not just referring to Bughead.
(saying that though, the Rat King was a truly RD experience)
And to add insult to injury, you just know Roberto thinks he's an absolute genius, when he has failed in just about every way this season.
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
i'd love (if you'd like ofc) to hear your thoughts on episode 20 as a whole! i personally really really enjoyed it.. it had some very good moments not only between edser but between serkan and his dad and selin. and of course were serving that angsty, but flirty, UST that we all love! it felt like a weight was lifted off serkan and he just became even more open with her, if that makes sense? what he says to her about leaving in the latest fragman kinda shows that too.
Are you sure you want my full thoughts? Because I'm about to get long winded, like novel long winded, lol. To start off, on a superficial note, can I say that casually dressed, brooding Serkan was pretty hot? Hello, Sailor! Can we see you in pullovers and hoodies and T-shirts more often? But just happier? He was soooo sad in the opening scenes, and honestly, when you think about it, it's pretty dark that he was so messed up that he didn't leave the house or attend to any business matters for those couple of days. Very unlike him, but he's probably never been at this depth of despair before. Now, since pretty much everyone knows he wasn't leaving the house while Eda was gone, I hope someone (cough Melo cough) tells Eda, she should know that. On a similar note, Eda's friendship with the girls is so lovely. They're indeed her family. Interesting juxtaposition that she took refuge with her friends, while Serkan holed up and stayed away from everyone who cares about him. 
I agree that once we got past the dark brooding and he had the talk with his mom about how if Eda was punishing him there was still hope, he was a lot lighter. I think finally being out from under the secret did him a world of good. He can finally stop pretending to be indifferent and can just be honest about how he feels.  What the “Gitme” line in the fragman tells me, is that he’s ready to put it all out there. He’s not going to risk miscommunications or hurt feelings anymore. Which is amazing and should lead to great things in the next couple of episodes.
More under the cut (a lot more):
I absolutely agree about the scenes between Serkan and his dad and Serkan and Selin. The writing was really terrific and Kerem just knocked both of those scenes out of the park. Serkan's suppressed fury was palpable, and it was extremely cathartic to finally watch him let loose on both of them. The scene with his father went deeper in the family trauma and it was so interesting to hear Serkan say outright to both of them that the reason he moved onto the property was because Aydan couldn't leave and his dad was never there, and was never there for him as a father at all. Which we saw from the beginning when Alpteken was actually at the house but refused to attend his son's engagement party. Regardless of the fact that Serkan sprung Eda on them, not walking 50 feet to make an appearance at your son's engagement party is an asshole move. I wonder how long he's been cheating on Aydan? Years? It's interesting how she foreshadowed that revelation to Ayfer, like she knew.
Also I can't believe he was just cavorting around a luxury hotel in Istanbul. The whole Bolat family are obviously figures in the upscale social scene, anyone who knew Aydan or Serkan could have easily spotted him with that woman and gleefully spread the gossip back. Did he want to get caught? Jerkoff.
As for Selin, we been waitin' for that explosion since she sold her shares without telling Serkan!  I like that Serkan was kind to her after Ferit left her at the altar, it spoke to him taking responsibility for the part he played in trying to manipulate her out of that relationship. However, she took advantage of the new, kinder Serkan (the one that exists courtesy of Eda) and went way too far into unstable territory. I, and many other people, were so confused about why Selin was so angry about uncovering the truth of the accident, like what right did she have to be that angry over it, to stomp over to his house, barge in uninvited and accuse him of being a liar at top decibel levels? Thank goodness the writing acknowledged that it was not her place, and that was the thing that enraged Serkan. They actually allowed him to say, "How dare you come to my house, and I don't owe you any explanations." Also, I'm glad he laid out his feelings for Eda, and his lack of feelings for her. Look... that is rough. Hearing from an ex that they never loved you.  But how she could have been in any doubt, after seeing the changes in him since Eda is beyond my comprehension. She even said early on, It's like there's two Serkans, the one before you met Eda, and the one after. For whatever reason it's like she thought Eda could come in and affect him, and then she could step in and get the Serkan who was in love with Eda, not the rigid, cold one who was in a relationship of convenience with her.  DELUSIONAL.
There was so much more about this episode I loved. It was nice to see Ayfer blossoming in her new business and getting a glimpse of Fifi's past. She comes from a society family, does she? I liked that Ferit helped them. I do agree that impressing Ceren was probably on his mind, but I like to think he's also just a nice man and he likes Ayfer and wanted to genuinely help as well. Interesting that we found out that Ferit's mom never liked Selin. Curious since you'd think she'd look great on paper, perhaps it was because of the speed at which they were moving, and I think she also stood them up, right? That made me like Ferit's mom a bit more than I otherwise would have. 
Aydan was in her element getting back to her charity work, I loved the way she plotted to put her name forward for the leadership position. She's just so savvy. That's why I'm glad she's now TeamEda!  Imagine what a formidable duo Eda and Adyan will make in this world, we saw a glimpse of it last week, but they'll be unstoppable! 
The contract was a neat device. I really appreciate how it was used. One of the things that Eda feels like she can't trust is the way Serkan has tried to control her. As I've said before, I think he's really trying to control the situation. And while that doesn't really make a difference to Eda in this instance, it does make a difference to me as a viewer. If he were being controlling in the sense of trying to dictate what she says or who she is, that would be upsetting. But that's not it, he really loves her for who she is already and he's not trying to change that, he's just, as I said, trying to control the situation. We know that he likes to think everything through and always has a plan and in this instance he was just trying to protect her, but she's right that he can't do that in a relationship. Proving to her that he can cede control is important and that's exactly what the contract did. We saw him do it willingly and blindly and it was actually really beautiful. Obviously, the Serkan apology to Erdem was hilarious, but more than how much I enjoyed how funny it was, I enjoyed how delighted Eda was by it. She loved every minute of it and it was so nice to see her relax a minute and genuinely laugh both at and with Serkan. Additionally, I think she was pretty surprised that he'd followed through with it. Lots of layers to that scene.  
The charity meeting he engineered was also pretty fun to watch. I loved how he calls Engin in to join them with no prep and then just expects Engin to reel off a bunch of good ideas for the girls education initiative. Good times. And Leyla rushing in to let him know that Melo had quit was hilarious, I love that Serkan was like "the whole situation is right here" meaning that Eda was in the room so whatever Leyla had to tell him could not possibly be important. Only Eda is important! LOL. Then Serkan doesn't even think before looping Engin in to go immediately hire Melo. You know what I hope this means!? That my crackship Mengin might actually sail!!!!  LET'S DO THIS MENGIN!!!!  Oh... I know, the show seems really committed to the mismatched duo of Engin/Peril, but I really think Engin and Melo are better suited to one another. And now maybe they'll get scenes together. Piril can dump him for being too... him, and Melo can help him pick up the pieces. They would be Serkan and Eda's big-hearted, teddybear couple friends!  
Watching Eda blossom creatively and professionally while working with Serkan has been a joy. She doesn't stand in awe of him at all as a person, but she does a little professionally, and it's wonderful to see how no matter how angry she is with him or where they are in their relationship she always craves his feedback, takes in his critiques and suggestions, and basks in his praise. While she didn't want his help with her schoolwork, I can't help but wonder if he ever comes up at school. I mean she's in the tabloids with him, and since he's extremely relevant to the field of study, and specifically to that school since he built the library, do her classmates ask her about him? Or does she mention something she did or learned working at ArtLife while in class? Inquiring minds want to know.
As for Eda's resolve to keep things professional, that pretty much was DOA. She definitely challenged him to break the contract there in that room, and I think she actually wanted him to do it, though I’m not sure how she would have reacted. she wants him, but she wasn’t there yet. She knows resistance is futile, deep down she recognizes her own feelings and his and knows they'll never stay away from one another and it's only a matter-of-time, but I think she needs this. She needs for him to understand what it means to be in a relationship, she needs him to know that he can't make decisions without her, and she needs to be sure he's ready to be a partner. Thankfully, he made a lot of headway in demonstrating all of those things in this episode. He signed without reading, he was willing to do anything and everything she asked, and while he's still him (asking Leyla for intel) he respected her wishes while still being there for her in a real way throughout the episode.  
Poor Eda fainting, but it's really romantic that he's always there to catch her. I assume this narcolepsy or whatever it is, like her claustrophobia, is related to the trauma around the retaining wall collapse and her parents' death. It was sweet the way he convinced her to let him be there when she met the contractor, and then during the confrontation he didn't intervene, he let Eda say what she needed to say and was there to move the guy along when it was time. He was pretty much perfect. I know we all NEEDED him to hug her, both Eda and Serkan NEEDED it as well, but she wasn't ready to ask for him yet and he was smart enough not to push it. But the loooooooooonging. 
It's a small detail that she asked him to deal with the paps and he went home and set about doing just that. Hopefully whatever he was doing will lead to the revelation that Selin is the one who planted the story in the first place. I need that, we all need that. And just when you think it's too late at night, he does their "thing" and shows up at her place with Sirius. So dang sweet. I like that he was respecting her pretense about colleagues while at the same time just outright saying, "I'm worried about you. Are you okay?"
The next day's car ride left me in a puddle. Serkan just out there telling her that he would do anything for her. But he didn't push it on her, he waited until she asked. He did a great job of pacing himself through the episode. I find it so romantic that she told him that he couldn't watch her speech. If they were together and settled and happy, I'd think she'd want him front row, center, but in their current state he just affects her too much. She'd be focused on him, worried about what he thought, distracted by him, he just sends her mind whiring and her pulse racing.
Though, it's pretty telling and super sweet that the first thing she wants to know when he approaches her afterward is what he thought of the speech. Oh, Eda, you're not fooling anyone. His opinion is most important to you, pretty much in all things. This scene gives us something that rarely happens, Engin being tone deaf and not reading the room!! WTF was wrong with him? Interrupting like that? Dude knows that Serkan is in a situation here, you don't interrupt for really no reason like that! Get your head in the game, son! Your his wingman, you help, not hinder!
The way Eda blushed and looked pleased every time he complimented her this episode was something else. She's trying to keep emotional distance, and he's breaking the rules when he does it, but still it makes her day. She's never portrayed as a vain character, at all, so it's just so sweet how his words and his compliments affect her. No one else can make her feel like that. 
Serkan was pretty sly in making his case as well. He gets her a bit mushy telling her she lights up the room and then brings up her speech and how it might apply to him. He was right in that she probably hasn't considered things from his perspective. How devastating it must have been for him to learn the truth. I want her to go back and piece together the timeline. She knew something wasn't right with him at the mall when she gave him the robot. Maybe it will help her deal with this if she realizes he had just learned the secret. She knew there was more to the story with the cut on his hand. Knowing he was so upset he put his hand through a coffee table might give her some perspective on his state of mind and why he acted the way he did.  But mostly I want him to tell her he overheard her conversation with Ceren. I think it's important for them both to confront how things unraveled if only to help prevent future miscommunications. 
Poor Eda having a good time using her powers of persuasion to tease Serkan into helping his mother only to find out that she had convinced him to auction himself off for a dinner date! I enjoyed her momentary discomfort at that. Welcome back, jealousy. Strictly work colleagues do not get jealous when one goes out to dinner with someone else, just saying, Eda.  And that smooth bastard bid on himself so he could go out with her only. We should have known! 
The conversation prior to the runway show was priceless, Eda's animosity and reserve sort of disappear and she's just unsure enough of what she's about to do that his reassurances are exactly what she needs.  And how Kerem Bursin can blush on demand, I don't know, but Serkan be red during that conversation, lol. 
I really loved all of Serkan's reactions as the ladies walked the runway. For Selin he was stone-faced and bored looking, for Fifi he gave a sly smirk as she passed as an acknowledgement of how different, and nice, she looked all cleaned up, Melo got the huge grin, we didn't really see Ceren since the camera was stuck on Ferit, but for Piril he gave her the fond, encouraging smile like he was proud of his friend. And then Eda. I don't even know what word to use for it. Enraptured? Dumsquizzled? Fuckstruck? Yes, let's go with fuckstruck. I'm not sure he remembered to breathe while she was walking, he was so affected by her.  This boy has it bad for this girl, ya'll. 
After that, the end was a punch in the gut. Our poor babies have been through so much, they really deserved to have that nice dinner.  Damn you, Selin! Obviously this was a delaying tactic, because once they sat down to dinner, you know they would have worked it out, so we wait. But the reconciliation is coming, don't you worry. I'm feeling it within the next 2 episodes for sure. 
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Odin’s Ward ~ Chapter 6
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/630198057513943040/odins-ward-chapter-5
Pairing: Loki x Fem Reader
Word count: 2882
Warnings: None
Y/n: 18 // Loki: 20 // Thor: 24
Y/n’s POV
“It is quite surprising that Prince Thor has not yet gotten serious in his courting habits.” Lady Naerys pushes a lock of copper hair out of her eyes in indignation. “For what it’s worth, I am a wealthy, eligible woman of noble birth.”
Lady Kare nods in solemn agreement. “He will be King in the next hundred years or so. It is time he commits to a wife.”
“I don’t know,” I smirk, thinking back to Thor’s gallivanting. “I think Prince Thor is quite satisfied with his current way of doing things. I’m sure when the time is right, he will settle down.”
Lady Naerys rolls her eyes. “Oh, as if you would know.”
Her easy dismissal of me strikes a nerve I did not know I had. I straighten, my voice quickly becoming tight with annoyance. “I would, actually. He happens to be one of my good friends.”
Lady Naerys lifts her goblet as if to take a sip of her wine, but instead uses it as a ‘cover’ so she can attempt to discreetly gossip with Lady Kare. “It seems as if she has shared his bed also.”
I sputter. “I have not!”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” A cold, mean smile crosses Lady Naerys’ pinched face, and I know her apology lacks sincerity. “You’re more likely to be spending your nights with his brother.”
“Clearly the lesser of the two,” Lady Kare chimes in with a boldness uncharacteristic of her usually demure demeanor.
I grit my teeth and clench my fists so tightly that spikes of pain shoot up my arm. “That is not true—none of that is true!” We’re standing in a central corridor in the palace, and my voice has grown quite loud, echoing easily off the stone walls. I don’t care. “We have grown up together and friends is all we are. Besides! Even if I was spending my nights with Loki, it would be none of your business!” Their eyebrows shoot up at what they likely hear as an admission. I hasten to clarify. “But I’m not. And Loki is in no way the ‘lesser of the two.’ He is thoughtful, and intelligent, and a great friend and one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, and anyone would be lucky to have him!”
Lady Naerys looks like she’s just won a prize. “Loki? You do not use his proper title? How…familiar.”
“Ugh!” I throw my hands up in frustration. “I guess you lack the intelligence necessary to—”
“Hello, Lady Naerys, Lady Kare, Lady…Y/n.” Loki has materialized behind me and I can hear the barely restrained humor in his voice.
Oh he must be loving this.
I mentally roll my eyes. The two women hastily curtsy, and I do a stilted version of the same.
Loki comes to stand by my side, his hands clasped politely behind his back. “May I borrow Lady Y/n? There is a book I would like to discuss with her.”
Lady Kare curtsies once more and immediately goes to leave, but Lady Naerys is slower to follow. I can see in her eyes that she, like me, suspects Loki’s book explanation to be a ruse. She keeps her gaze locked in our direction until she finally turns the corner.
As soon as the two are gone, Loki throws his head back in laughter. “I could hear you yelling from halfway across the castle! My, my, you do get angry. Best not let anyone else see you behave this way. They’ll resurrect Nanny Idsol and place you back under her care.”
“Ugh.” I close my eyes and look to the ceiling. “Do not bring up that horrible woman. I cannot take any more annoyance today.”
He holds up his hands in mock-surrender. “As you wish. What were you arguing about? I could hear the sounds of yelling but not discern words.”
“Oh, you know….” I try to be nonchalant. “Just little, random things.”
His eyes sparkle. “Ah, yes. You are well-known to be upset by the prickling inconveniences of life.”
I huff. “Fine, if you really want to know.” I lower my voice to a hush, and he leans in to better hear me. “Lady Naerys and Lady Kare are quite vexed that Thor has not chosen a wife—specifically one of them—and when I defended him, they turned on me.”
He knows that’s not all of it. “And then…?”
I huff again for good measure and cross my arms. “And then they first insinuated that I am sleeping with Thor, and when that didn’t work, determined that I am sleeping with you.”
Emotion flickers quickly across his face, disappearing behind a cool mask before I can decipher any specific reaction. I consider telling him the true reason for my anger, that they were talking badly about him, but decide against it. It seems too vulnerable to admit that, and I don’t want to make him aware of people’s dwindling opinions of him. Best to just keep that to myself and let him think I was defending my own honor.
Loki expresses his regret. “My pulling you away probably didn’t help. I shall speak to them at once and get this cleared up.”
“Oh, no.” I throw out an arm before he can get away. “Let me stop you right there. You going to defend me would probably just solidify the idea in their heads that we’re together. Don’t worry about it, anyway.” I shrug. “I’m mostly over it now that they’re gone.”
He chuckles. “Though she be quick to anger, she forgetteth fast.”
I roll my eyes and give him a little shove. “So what did you want me for, anyways?”
His eyes light up, and I can’t help but feel warm at the happiness on his face. “I found a lovely spot in the forest while on my last hunting expedition, and I can’t help but get the feeling that you would adore it. Will you accompany me?”
He thought of me while he was away? My heart gives a little flutter.
I freeze.
Why did it do that?
Loki stiffens, noticing my less-than-enthusiastic reaction. “Of course, given the suspicions of the ladies at Court and what that could do to your reputation, I couldn’t possibly expect—”
“Woah!” Getting over my little episode, I stop him before he can take back his offer. “Forget what everyone else thinks. I would love to go with you. When do we leave?”
He smirks and reaches for me.
“Oh, Loki—wait!” But I’m too late, for his arms have encircled my waist and we are catapulted into a sea of darkness.
I’ve teleported with Loki a few times before, yet it surprises me every time. The complete lack of sound and light, the nothingness. I wrap my arms around Loki’s back to anchor myself and bury my face in his chest in hopes of avoiding the nausea I know is coming. Within the next second, I hear the unsettling woosh of air as we re-enter a place with sound and my closed eyes are assaulted with light. The first true sound I register is Loki’s laugh bubbling from deep in his chest.
“You asshole!” I pull a hand from around his back and smack him in the chest. “Every time!” I go to hit him again, but he catches my wrist.
“Attacking a prince of Asgard and using rude words? You’ll be jailed for this, surely.” The mischief in his eyes betrays the words I already know to be untrue.
I shrug and step away from him. “Your call. Just know that you’ll have to come by every day and entertain me, otherwise, I’ll get destructive.”
He chuckles. “I have no doubt about that.”
“Good then, so we’re agreed. I get to torment you relentlessly with no consequences.”
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, and I give a toothy grin. “So, where’s this place you wanted to show me?”
“If you would turn around, Lady Y/n.”
Fighting the urge to roll my eyes for the umpteenth time since seeing him five minutes ago, I do as he says.
What I see is so beautiful and personal that it can only be the product of magic.
It’s a lovely meadow. Tall trees stretch to the sky, their leafy branches creating a canopy so the ground is shrouded in dusk. To the right edge of the meadow rests a clear blue pond that is the epitome of relaxation. Even the smell is wonderful—light, airy, and fresh. Yet none of these is the meadow’s most impressive feature, for it is filled with flowers in every pleasing shade of purple and green. It does not escape me that purple is my chosen color and green, his.
I exhale, unable to do anything more than stare.
I turn to see Loki looking oddly shy: hands clasped behind his back and an expectant smile on his face.
“Oh, Loki, this is wonderful!”
He lets out a breath he had apparently been holding and beams. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Like is an understatement. This place is…perfect.” I turn to stare in awe once again at the meadow.
“I—” he clears his throat. “I know you like flowers, so…” He trails off and comes to stand beside me, joining in my admiration of the meadow.
I don’t believe for a second that this place exists naturally, nor that Loki just ‘happened upon it’, but I assume he has his reasons for not wanting to tell me he crafted this place himself, so I let it go for now.
“Can we stay? Or do you have business to attend to?”
He inclines his head towards me in a little bow. “My day is yours.”
My heart does that funny thing again, except this time…I’m not as tempted to ignore it.
“Shall we?” He extends an arm to the entrance of the garden, allowing me to walk in first. I do so slowly so I can take it all in.
My first priority is to examine each individual flower in extensive detail. Loki does not protest and accompanies me to each and every one, promising that before we return to the castle, I shall have a bouquet. After what has surely been nearly an hour, I take a break from admiring the flowers and recline near the pond. With a flourish of his hand, Loki procures a blanket and we sit upon it.
Something unsettling occurs to me, and I look nervously over my shoulder. “Loki, shouldn’t we have guards? What if we were to be attacked?”
He smirks. “Not to worry. I am much better equipped to protect us. The guards would only get in my way. Besides,” his smirk deepens. “I feel quite safe in your presence, what with you being equipped with a dagger and all.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “How did you—”
He shrugs. “A clever guess. Why do you feel the need to keep it on you while inside the castle? You know the guards have been ordered to defend you with their lives.”
A feeling of unease settles upon me. I don’t want anyone to die for me. “It’s just a precaution. And even if I don’t ever use it in battle, perhaps one day I’ll finally snap and cut off Lady Naerys’ pretty blonde hair.”
At this, he throws his head back in laughter, and I can’t help but join in.
I like this, I realize. I like when Loki and I are together, alone, just talking and laughing. I like being in his company. And it seems as though he enjoys being in mine, as well.
“Alright, stand up,” he orders, pushing himself off the ground.
He offers a hand that I take, allowing myself to be pulled up. “If you insist on keeping your dagger on you at all times, you may as well be properly educated in how to use it.”
I beam. “You’re going to teach me again!”
He nods, procuring a dagger of his own from who knows where. “Alright, first you want to get into a stance that will allow you to have the most control.”
The next two hours are spent concentrating on my form and different ways to block and land jabs. I’m not especially good, but Loki says it should be enough to defend myself until someone more skilled than I can come along.
We sit back on the blankets, both a little tired. “Will you teach me again sometime?”
He nods. “Of course, the next time we can both sneak away.”
I take one of his hands in mine. “Thank you, Loki. For everything.”
A smile breaks across his face. It’s one of my favorites of his smiles. No tricks, no hidden emotions, just plain joy. “You’re welcome, Y/n.”
We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes before realizing that it’s time to eat. Loki immediately makes a basket of food appear.
I grin teasingly. “Awe, you packed us a picnic!”
He rolls his eyes. “No, one of the kitchen maids did. I simply brought it with me.”
We distribute the food on the blanket and get to eating, having worked up quite an appetite during our lesson. A feeling nags at me, tugging on my stomach. I try to ignore it, but soon realize that I can do no such thing.
“Loki?” I trail off, losing my confidence.
He eyes me with concern, noticing the somber tone of my voice. “Yes?”
I take a breath, then let it out before forcing myself to ask the question weighing on my heart. “When my father calls me home and I’m married off, will we still be friends?”
Now his mood matches mine. He’s silent for a moment, pursing his lips and looking past my shoulder. Finally he speaks. “It is my truest wish.”
I lower my head to stare at the ground. “That’s not the same as yes.”
He sighs. “Once you’re a married woman, it won’t be proper…” he chuckles, surprising me. “But then again, when has that ever stopped us? Look at us now, sneaking away without chaperones to learn tricks with a dagger. Perhaps we can make it work. I will certainly try my best.”
I nod solemnly. “And I will do the same. I suppose that’s all we can hope for.”
He attempts to lighten the mood. “However, you have not yet been called back, so I say we do not let sadness saturate our evening. In fact, I suggest you look up.”
“Look up?” Confused, I tilt my head towards the sky and gasp as he takes me by surprise once again.
The leafy canopy above is slowly retreating to hug the tree branches, allowing us to see beyond them to the night sky speckled with stars. I can only turn and smile at Loki, who has a mixture of joy and fondness on his face. We lay back on the blanket and stare into the night sky. We don’t say anything. We just lie side by side, arms touching, and take in the majesty that is the night.
“Y/n….” I feel a hand on my arm, gently shaking me awake. “Y/n.”
I squeeze my eyes tightly before opening them, revealing the amused face of Loki hovering above me.
I chuckle, pushing him out of the way so I can sit up. “Hi.”
“I contemplated leaving you here since you so rudely fell asleep, but I decided to be gentlemen and merely mess with your hair.”
A jolt of panic burns through my stomach and I bring my hands to my hair, dreading to reveal what he could have done to it. Within seconds, I realize that he’s only joking. My hair is fine.
“You are the worst.”
He throws his head back and laughs with abandon. “Your face was quite entertaining.”
“Mm, I’m sure.” I can’t, however, help from laughing a little myself. “Did I sleep long?”
He shakes his head. “Not really. We should be getting back, though. Dinner is soon and I can’t imagine how it would look if both of us were absent from the high table.”
That sets me into motion, and within a minute I am ready to leave. Loki gives me a little more warning this time, so I’m more prepared for the teleportation back to the palace. We reappear outside my bedroom door and quickly step away from each other, not wanting to look suspicious if anyone were to walk by.
“Lady Y/n, I thank you for a wonderful evening. I shall see you at dinner?”
I curtsy. “Yes, Your Highness, you shall.”
He bows, kisses my hand, smirks at the silly rules of Court we must follow, and walks away.
I glance down the hall to make sure nobody saw any of that, and am satisfied at the lack of people around. I open my door and quietly enter my room. The first thing I see upon entering is a beautiful bouquet sitting on my table, made up of flowers from the meadow. Just as Loki promised. Once again, my heart flutters.
Oh, Y/n. You’re in for it now.
A/n Hello again! Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to the tag list :)
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/632631074124660736/odins-ward-chapter-7
Tag list: @80strashbag @dark-night-sky-99
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hopevalley · 4 years
Season 8, Episode 4: Welcome to Hope Valley
Another fun episode, everyone. I’m finding that, this season, I’m genuinely looking forward to each episode. Let’s hope things stay that way!
Scene 1: Awkward Library Encounter
Elizabeth walks in on Lucas sleeping in the library early in the morning; he stayed up all night and didn’t go to bed.  He tells Elizabeth that he managed to save the oil derrick before it was ruined in the fire, and I’m sure he was trying to make the numbers come out in the books and all that. Elizabeth is there to get some books to give to the Canfield children since everyone else is bringing stuff over to welcome them to town.
It’s a pretty awkward scene, probably because he was mean to Elizabeth last episode (though nothing he said was untrue lol). They then talk about Nathan’s trial a little bit, but it doesn’t really go anywhere beyond Lucas saying that “evidentially” Nathan was not “entirely” exonerated. 
Scene 2: The Canfields
Elizabeth brings over the books. Apparently they’re from Jameson. Angela is blind and is schooled at home by Minnie, her mother. Minnie asks Elizabeth if she wants to stay for breakfast, but Elizabeth politely declines as school is starting soon. Elizabeth makes it clear that Angela is welcome at school, too, but Minnie cuts her off and thanks her; it’s very clear this is not an idea she’s willing to entertain.
Not much to say about this scene. I would die for the Canfields.
Scene 3: The Train Station
Lee and Rosemary meet Lee’s sister Susannah and niece Rachel. They’re in Hope Valley for three days. It comes off a little silly because they were no doubt on the train longer than three days, but...eh. It’s all good. Rachel is cute and thought the train ride was...divine.
Scene 4: Inquiry Part One
Bill is on the “witness stand” in the inquiry “trial” and he details the events of the prisoner transfer. The short version of this is that Bill did not see the woman discharge her gun; he was looking at the mountie who had drawn his. Hargraves suggests that perhaps the woman fired her rifle due to Nathan’s actions—actions Bill was incapable of seeing.
This is probably the first scene we get where it’s incredibly clear that Superintendent Hargraves just straight-up has it out for Nathan. Meh.
Scene 5: Infirmary
Carson is looking for his stethoscope but it’s around his neck. He’s been called away to assist in a modern surgery. Carson tells Faith that they’ll figure things out and Faith admits that right now it feels like they either have to stop working together, or stop seeing each other, and she doesn’t like either option. Carson suggests a date to talk things over when he comes back from his trip.
Molly interrupts them about to kiss, and tells Faith it sounds like they’re working things out. Faith admits that it feels like the status of their relationship changes from minute to minute. Molly...then...asks...Faith for her advice?
Like if Faith isn’t that secure in her relationship, why ask her? My only thought would be that Faith would keep it to herself...unlike some other women in town lol.
Scene 6: Barber Shop
Jesse and Mike deliver some small things to the barbershop and we get exposition about how Jesse is in the doghouse after the whole motorcycle thing. I want to say this is a good scene because it continues the flow of the last episode (and we get to see what happens), but... I dunno. It was just okay, I guess.
Scene 7: Thirsty Rachel
Rachel and Susannah make it to town and Rachel is a thirsty girl. Specifically for Jesse when he walks by.
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I kind of hope this isn’t a “plot” that’s dropped suddenly, but...eh.
Scene 8: Fort Clay
Allie is afraid of what will happen to Nathan and tells Elizabeth that she’s worried because Nathan’s been in trouble before; he was suspended when he was stationed at Fort Clay. Fort Clay was Jack’s last post, and nobody seemed to know that that was where Jack was last stationed. Big shocks all around.
This would be...more believable if it hadn’t been three years, and if we didn’t have the most obnoxious man in the world in town already who would have looked into Nathan’s past before trusting him fully. (Hint: I’m talking about Bill.)
I just find it super hard to believe that Bill wouldn’t know this lol. I guess we have to assume that if Bill did look, he only looked at Nathan’s last posting (Ft. Simpson) and didn’t go back to the previous post before that, which was Ft. Clay.
Scene 9: Elizabeth talks to Joseph
Elizabeth speaks with Joseph about the kids. She wants him and Minnie to know that Angela is welcome at school for real...and Joseph says he knows, but Minnie is protective of Angela and would prefer to keep schooling her herself.
Elizabeth talks about wanting to learn how to teach a blind student and says she understands why Joseph and Minnie are protective of Angela, but...Joseph tells her she doesn’t actually know, and that he doesn’t expect her to really understand it. He’s exceedingly kind in the way he states this, too. Like he knows Elizabeth grasps the basic concept, but cannot see the whole picture. He’s right, of course. Elizabeth literally cannot understand it.
Scene 10: Inquiry Part Two
Nathan gets raked over the coals some more, and him and Hargraves are kind of rude to one another. Bill tries to act as Nathan’s lawyer even though it’s not a court of law. Bill objects to Hargraves’ questions to the point where all the men are at each other’s throats and they call a recess.
It’s kind of nice to see Bill being unreasonable for the right reasons, actually. He so rarely gets to do that anymore... Feels good, feels organic, thank you.
Scene 11:Early Dinner
Susannah is a joyless strict woman I guess, and Elizabeth confides in Rosemary that she heard Nathan was stationed at Ft. Clay. Elizabeth feels bad about Nathan never telling her the truth about it and Rosemary suggests that...maybe Nathan didn’t want to bring up something that would be hurtful to her. Elizabeth thinks maybe there’s something he’s not telling her though-- like a reason he wouldn’t want to bring it up.
Scene 12: Bill talks to Nathan
Bill confronts Nathan about the “incident” where he was suspended at Fort Clay, and the short version is: Nathan disobeyed the newly promoted Hargraves’ orders and acted on his own. He made the arrests himself but Bill is firmly on Hargraves’ side in that Nathan still disobeyed orders.
Bill admits that it doesn’t sound like the Andrew Hargraves he knew, but Nathan reminds Bill that he knew Hargraves before he was promoted. Bill asks Nathan if he ever met Jack and Nathan says he did not ever have the honor.
It seems clear there’s something more going on there... My guess is that Nathan was part of the team that recovered the bodies of the men that died (specifically Jack’s).
Anyway, Bill tells Nathan he should get some sleep and be ready to come in swinging when they reconvene in the morning. “And this time, take my advice!” This confused me at first, but he means that Nathan should take the advice he literally just gave him: to get sleep and come in swinging.
Scene 13: Early Dinner
Gustav tells Lucas he’s spending too much time trying to manage the oil business: “When a man wears two hats, one is sure to fall off.” This comes up because Lucas thought he did the ordering for the saloon but didn’t.
Rachel calls a meal “delish” to the annoyance of her mother. (Delish was in print in 1920 at least, and was probably used well before that, so this is not as inaccurate as it might feel.)
There’s some awkward conversation about Rachel’s future (she wants to do something exciting). It’s the worst.
Scene 14: Jesse and Clara
Jesse and Clara have a chat about buying things without talking to one another first and everything is okay and fine again. 
The camera pans over to Nathan and Allie. He tells her he’ll always be there for her and that’s...that.
Scene 15: The Motorcycle
Lee tries to sneakily get on the motorcycle to avoid spending time with his uptight sister. Rosemary tells him that she’s sure Susannah wants to ask them something. Lee tells her it’s really none of their business how Susannah raises Rachel.
Scene 16: Cooper Goes to School
Cooper gets introduced to the class and the Canfields sit outside listening in on it. He tells the class about his sister. Angela confesses to wanting to play with kids her own age. She’s lonely. Minnie is worried about how the other kids are going to treat Angela, but Joseph feels Hope Valley will be different.
Minnie promises to think about it.
This makes me excited for the potential of a friendship between Angela and Allie. ;o;
Scene 17: Inquiry Part Three
Nathan doesn’t try very hard in the courthouse tbh. Bill makes his chair thud loudly so that he can find an opening to speak his mind. “It’s not an objection...you just happened to all be looking my way, so...”
He says it’s possible if Nathan had complied with the woman’s order to release her brother, that they all could have died.
Nathan seems...slightly amused by this?
Scene 18: Piano Woman
Angela climbs up on the wagon to play the piano and it’s nice. There isn’t much else to this scene but there didn’t really need to be much else. It’s clear Angela has a passion for music.
Scene 19: Molly’s Glow-Up
At the dress shop, Molly tries on the dress Dottie sent over from Union City but feels uncertain about it. Rachel suggests a necklace & sash to complete the look. She admits to Rosemary she’s trying to catch someone’s eye, and Faith tells her she will, looking like that!
Molly decides to buy it.
Rosemary tells Rachel to find something she likes in the shop, and that she can wear something from it.
Scene 20: Piano Part Two
Jesse and Elizabeth take Cooper home as Jesse was planning to help Joseph move his piano. Elizabeth seems moved by Angela’s playing. I have to admit I like this scene specifically for the fact that music would be a very popular and enjoyable pastime at this time period because there wasn’t a lot else to keep a person occupied, so it was nice to see it here.
Elizabeth has a heart to heart with Minnie about Angela. Minnie admits she wants Angela to feel safe and encouraged and also tells Elizabeth that she doesn’t understand how cruel people can be. Elizabeth says that wouldn’t be allowed in her classroom (which is silly cause if people say shit, she can’t take that back even if she disciplines a child, you know what I mean?).
But she also tells Minnie that she’ll never stop trying to understand how things are for Angela, or for Minnie, and she won’t stop trying to help. I think Minnie kind of ‘gets it’ but isn’t ready to let go just yet.
Scene 21: Tension at the Coulters
Rosemary brings Rachel home wearing the Freedom-Alls (and a lot of makeup). Susannah tells her to change right away. Rosemary tries to intervene and Susannah says that Rachel will be working her the family store. Lee tells Susannah not to talk to Rosemary like that. Everyone is upset. 
Scene 22: Bill Confronts Hargraves
While Ned and Florence are on a date in the background, Bill confronts Hargraves about doing the right thing instead of just trying to end Nathan’s career out of some petty grudge he’s feeling. 
I think this scene functions specifically to show us that Hargraves doesn’t actually think he’s being petty, or that he’s abusing his position of power, but part of what Bill is telling him is helping him to see that that’s what he’s doing. It just doesn’t click until later.
Bill storms out of the room only barely acknowledging Molly as he leaves.
It clearly hurts her feelings and Florence rushes over to tell her how hot she looks. Molly’s like, “Yeah I know, I’m hungry and looking amazing. Let’s eat.” And then says “When it comes to Bill it’s all about the long game.”
I need me some of that confidence.
Scene 23: Susannah Apologizes
Susannah apologizes for speaking that way to Rosemary (first to Lee and then to Rosemary herself). She then asks Lee and Rosemary to let Rachel live with them for a little while, because she feels they can do better for Rachel than she can, since she’s so much different than Rachel is.
Lee doesn’t want to agree to it, but the answer is an instant yes from Rosemary.
On the plus side, they do talk about how when Susannah was Rachel’s age, she was a caretaker already for their father and never had a chance to live a youthful life. That was a nice touch.
Scene 24: Allie’s Speech
Allie tells Elizabeth she’s gonna bust into the courtroom and give them a piece of her mind and Elizabeth doesn’t try to stop her... she just...kind of lets it happen.
Allie busts in just as Hargraves is about to read his recommendation (a two page long spiel). 
Allie says Nathan is all she has and he’s like a father to her. Elizabeth gently coaxes Allie out of the room while everyone looks either moved or uncomfortable lol. Hargraves puts down his speech and decides to drop the inquiry. Lol.
I really wish we’d gotten a scene with Bill and Hargraves after this, just to get more insight into that... but eh. I already posted my minor nitpicks on the scene.
Scene 25: Susannah Leaves
That’s the scene lol. She apologizes a little to Rachel for not being better. But it’s mostly a wholesome little scene. Lee seems really NOT on board letting Rachel live with them, though. Yikes.
Scene 26: Carson Returns
Carson brings back a gift for Faith and it’s a doctor bag embroidered with her name. Very nice. It would be more meaningful of a gift if he’d gotten it for her well before the whole “not treating her equally” thing.
Scene 27: Molly
Molly is standing outside and Florence approaches her to ask what’s up. Molly tells her that she’s outside ‘cause Carson came back and Florence tells her that she needs her own office.  I really do like the way these two talk.
Florence tells Molly again that she looked amazing last night (GAY!!!! I mean, I’d ship it) and Molly says “I did, didn’t I?”
Bill walks by and greets them and then says, “Molly, that was some dress.”
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The best part is Florence’s face.
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Molly says, “$23.00 well spent!” and they walk off together.
Hey y’all, $23.00 in 1918 is $400.00 today. Yikes?
Scene 28: Jinx! Buy me a soda!
Clara and Fiona run into each other and say something at the same time, so they both also say, “Jinx, buy me a soda!”
I literally could not find any information about the history of this saying, though one person did say it dated at least back to 1913 when their great-grandmother would say, “Snap! You owe me a soda!” It feels more 1950s to me than rural 1918 speech, so I personally would not have included this phrase in the writing just for that reason, but...I guess at least it has energy to it.
Fiona mentions that she’s going to visit her family and suggests maybe Clara could run the barber shop while she’s gone.
Scene 29: Elizabeth and Lucas, and also Nathan on the Side
Elizabeth decides to be the first to reach out. She apologizes to Lucas for hurting him and he accepts her apology but tells her he had no right to be mean to her.  He apologizes too.
She tells him that she told Nathan she can’t give him what he wants and she won’t be seeing him anymore. So Lucas asks what that means for the two of them, and she says they’ll have to see.
Lucas seems very pleased about that.
Nathan approaches Elizabeth and she tells him that she knew the Mounties would reach the right decision and asks him why he never told her that he was stationed at Ft. Clay. 
He says he meant to tell her but after so much time had passed he didn’t know how to bring it up. He tells her he never met Jack but is kind of evasive about it, which again suggests he did meet him...just possibly...not when Jack was alive.
I still feel it’s going to be that he recovered the body or something like that. Oh, or worse, that he recovered Jack from the landslide but he wasn’t dead yet and possibly even died in front of Nathan.
I really hope if they go that route that Jack didn’t say anything about Elizabeth to Nathan, because that would...make things really weird.
This episode had fewer scenes in it than the other episodes, and did more “sweep camera over to the next scene so that the transition is seamless” and that kind of camerawork is really...working for me. It looks nicer and helps things feel less disjointed. You might also have noticed we have fewer massive closeups and a lot more long/wide shots (of people walking or sitting together). I’m really enjoying that, too.
I hope y’all’re looking forward to the next episode as much as I am. :)
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Order 23 Job
leverage 2.03
Nate: Nobody wants to see this guy just get a slap on the wrist, Ronald, I mean, but killing him? He's a thief, not a murder.
literally !!! this !!!
I’m not even going to go into current events but no matter what someone has done, ESPECIALLY if they haven’t had a trial yet they do NOT deserve to be killed or murdered or anyone (side eyes the US police system). I said what I said.
- - - - -
Ronald: He was smart, responsible, and Armenian, like us.
Nate: Yeah, well, they call these affinity crimes, people who prey on fellow members of ethnic groups
- - - - -
Hardison: Eddie's new address in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, is the original "Club Fed".
Eliot: He's got his own nine-hole golf course. Vegan menu.
Hardison: This dude can play Frisbee with the guys from Enron in the quadrangle.
Eliot: I hate those guys. 18 months in a country club, this guy.
Parker: Yeah, and then when he gets done, he gets to come home and collect his hidden cash
we love to see the ot3 angry about the same things while sitting close together
+ eliot is wearing a flannel in this one
- - - - -
parker doing a happy dance in the vents when she knocks the guy out
- - - - -
(Hardison unpacks computer monitors and sets up a workstation while a video feed of Parker making the bed plays on a laptop. Hardison plays audio sounds on the laptop)
Nate: Hey.
Hardison: Hey. I put speakers in Eddie's room and every 3 feet down the hallway. So if you want to hear footsteps coming toward you, you slide the cursor this way. (demonstrates) And walking away, this way. I made you a master audio file with all the stuff we recorded, plus the sound effects. You mix them any way you want. You're the dj
that’s actually really smart
- - - - -
Parker: All right, well, here's the stuff from the van plus almost everything from the list. (opens a bag) And by the way, nurses haven't worn skirts with white stockings since the '70s. Sorry.
(hardison and eliot share a look)
dumb idiot boys that think it’d be funny to see their future gf in an old nurse uniform
- - - - -
Hardison: If you don't give me that shirt--
Eliot: Listen to me, son, you need those fingers to type on your little keyboard, don't you?
Hardison: So you know, a bully is just a cowboy with low self-esteem.
Eliot: What was that, now?
Hardison: I said what?
Eliot: My insecure ass is gonna be wearing this shirt
- - - - -
Parker: You're not claustrophobic, are you, Mr. Maranjian? (pushes him down the hall, leaning down to whisper in his ear) Because you've got nothing to be afraid of.
- - - - -
(Eliot stops to look at the boy, who looks up at him with tears in his eyes)
Hardison: So, say I mention "The Search for Spock", what do you do?
Eliot: I don't have a TV.
Hardison: Everybody has TVs. Dead people have TVs. Damn it.
(Hardison walks away, but Eliot remains, looking at the boy and his father)
- - - - -
Nate: See, y-you tell someone they have a bunch of symptoms and the information gets processed in the executive center of the brain, right? It's job is to question assumptions, start an argument. But if you suggest symptoms, you can bypass all that.
Parker: Like subliminal advertising?
Nate: It's actually neurolinguistic programming, you know, the gateway to the amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain. You asked what we're selling. That's-- that's what we're selling.
Parker: So we're selling...
Nate: Fear.
Parker: Oh. Fear.
Nate: Yeah.
Parker: Cool.
Nate: Yeah
- - - - -
Parker (looking at monitor): Wait, his nose. Is that...
Nate: real blood?
Eddie: I'm-- I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding!
Nate: Yes. Yes, it is.
Eddie: Hello?! Can anyone hear me?! Please!
Parker: Did you just give a guy a nosebleed with the power of your mind?
Nate: Amygdala mania. Hmm. Almond tonsils.
Parker: Is it just me, or has Nate gotten a little sadistic since he quit drinking?
Sophie: Is it just me, or does that make him even more attractive
- - - - -
Hardison: Eliot, can you talk? What's Charlie doing?
Eliot: I haven't gotten there yet. (looks into room with Trent and his son)
Hardison: No wonder I couldn't hear you on my coms. Eliot, stop checking out the nurses and get your ass down to Charlie!
Eliot: I'm on my way, all right? Shut up.
(Eliot takes out his earbud and walks into the exam room to Trent)
Eliot: Excuse me, sir. Can I talk to you for a second, please
eliot cares SO MUCH
- - - - -
(Eliot grabs Trent’s arm and bends him over the railing)
Eliot: That bruise on his cheek's a week old. The one on his neck is three days. He get that falling, too?
Trent: You don't believe me? Ask him.
Eliot: Why, huh? So I can hear how well his daddy taught him to lie?
Trent: If you're gonna arrest me, go ahead. I'll be out in five minutes.
Eliot: I ain't gonna arrest you.
(Eliot nearly throws Trent over the railing letting him dangle for a moment before throwing him back against the wall. He opens Trent’s wallet and looks at his license)
Eliot: Randall Trent, 73 Austin Street. (puts wallet in his pocket) I got my eye on you now.
Trent: How many guys don't even see their kids? I bet this place is full of deadbeat dads. But a man who provides for his family, who shows his son a firm hand, he's the bad guy? Go back to your speed traps.
(Trent leaves the stairwell. Eliot looks pissed)
eliot is SO ANGRY I love my kind-hearted man
also high key I really thinks this gives an insight as to what his childhood was like
like,,, he saw the signs RIGHT AWAY. he was primed to notice them. he saw right through any act that man would have pulled because he saw what was truly going on, and things like that hit harder and closer when they’ve happened to you or someone in your life
- - - - -
Sophie: You know, I once had to play six parts in "Nicholas Nickleby" and Mrs. Squeers and Phib had a bloody song together.
- - - - -
on today’s edition of non-weapons-that-eliot-uses-as-weapons, we have eliot using the morgue body cabinet doors and a gross morgue body part (?) bowl
- - - - -
(Eliot puts Charlie on top of one of the bodies in the drawers and closes him inside before putting his earbud back in)
Hardison: You think you can just ignore me, like I don't have any feelings, like I never sat there, never listened to you talk all night about tryin--
Eliot: Hardison, have you been talking the whole time?
Hardison: I wouldn't have had to if you didn't turn off your daggum com
hardison worries about eliot and gets angry when he takes his coms out because he cares
- - - - -
Hardison: Oh, man. Come on.
(Hardison moves to tug Eliot before he heads off. Eliot looks from the boy to the police coming into the hospital before entering the boy’s room and pulling the curtain)
Eliot: Hey. How's the arm, my man?
Randy: It's okay.
Eliot: Yeah? My name's Eliot. What's your name?
(police officers continue to move through the hallways)
Randy: Randy.
Eliot: Randy. Oh, I like that name. (sits on bed) I got an uncle named Randy. There sure are a lot of cops around here, huh? You know, if you wanted, you could go up to one and tell them what happened to your arm. Hey, Randy. You don't have to be afraid anymore.
Randy: Dad knows these cops, you know? They come to my house. They'll drink beer. I mean… I can't
this is so, so sad but also hardison’s casual touching and intimacy with eliot gives me life
- - - - -
this is the one episode parker is tased and not the one doing the tasing
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- - - - -
- - - - -
(Eddie uses the stunner to knock Parker out. As soon as he moves away, she gets up, lifting her shirt to show a vest)
hmmm I wonder what type of vest she used to block the electric shock ???
- - - - -
(team walks out of the courthouse and heads down the stairs)
Nate: So, here's everything you need to know about criminal law. Every crime has two elements, Actus reus, the act itself, and mens rea, Literally "The Guilty Mind."
Hardison: Wait. Now you're a doctor and a lawyer?
Nate: Yes. Now, for escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape.
Sophie: Wait, so if, let's say, a prisoner was taken hostage during a jailbreak then he wouldn't be guilty of escape.
Nate: That's a perfect example.
Hardison: Kiss ass.
Nate: Which brings us back to our friend Eddie and how the brain reacts to fear. In the heat of the moment Eddie didn't ask himself a simple question, who would doubt his guilty mind?
- - - - -
Bob: Damn right it is. You and your partner, you're all right. I don't know how to thank you, though.
(Eliot looks at Bob for a long moment, then pulls Trent’s license from his pocket and hands it to Bob)
Eliot: Do one thing for me.
Bob: You got it.
[Exterior Apartment]
(Bob knocks on the door and Randy opens it)
Bob: Randy? I'm Deputy United States Marshal Robert Corville. I'm from Boston. I think you and I need to talk.
Trent: Who are you talking to out there? (pulls door open wider and sees Bob)
Bob: Come on.
(Randy looks at Trent then follows Bob out of the apartment)
Bob: It's all right, son. Come on. You're gonna be okay, Randy.
(Bob gives Trent one last look before moving away. From down the street, Eliot watches as Bob and Randy get into a car and drive away)
eliot watching over to make sure the kid was okay in the end? my HEART
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Wow it’s been a minute since I’ve been on this blog it seems the last update I did was talking about moving back in with my parents which happened right before the pandemic. Well things have been a shit show since then I’m sure we’ve all had a shitty time since Covid started. It’s been very fucking rocky I kinda wanna start using this blog again as it’s a really good source of positivity and I feel I could use that but also a place to come and vent every now and again about my own mental health struggles. My Grandma died and we had to go to Spain for her funeral like 2 weeks ago we went out for 2 weeks so my mum and her brother could also help get things sorted for my Granddad as she used to take care of all their finances and important stuff. Especially since he’s legally blind & on dialysis & not very well himself.  My living situation has progressively gotten worse since moving in and it’s led to the point I am no longer able to stay at home not that my parents are kicking me out but there was an incident that led to bruises around my neck earlier this year so It’s ultimately best we move out for my own sake.  We are currently trying to get that sorted me & my fiancé but there’s massive delays in benefits right now & I have no idea when they’ll actually give me an assessment date for my PIP application. However I have got the wheels in motion for the other benefits I need and recently we both got approved saying yes we are not able to work nor expected to look for work which means we’ve had an increase in our benefits. I have been physically not well that started the year before Covid I was under a ton of stress & facing issues w/ my mental health team at the time which only got resolved last year and when I say resolved not much really got done but I at least made a complaint with PALS went through the process & at the very least they took me back under their care realising a severely manic patient under crisis team care twice in two months relapsing in self harm & having multiple A&E visits means hey maybe she does need to see a psychiatrist & maybe discharging her on anti depressants without a mood stabiliser of any kind was a really stupid and shitty thing to do when I have Bipolar & anti depressants WILL cause manic episodes without the intervention of other medications.  This is a whole thing I could rant about forever though as you can see this bitch is still bitter. On the upside half the team that was treating me has now left (the good ones left sadly) but it’s an upside because it means when I move out I’ll be put under a different mental health team as I’m moving out off the area they cover. The fact that so many of the good people have left my current mental health team is a good thing in terms of it makes the move less scary bcos all the good ppl have left this team anyways so whats to lose at trying a new team in which I have just as much of a chance of them being shit as the replacements for those who have left my current team. It still sucks though and I totally had a meltdown and cried today when my Occupational Therapist said she was leaving for 12 months because she was going to help me adjust with the move to the new place and it’s scary not having that like I could still get support potentially from the new team I’m under if they have an OT I can see but it’s like not the same as it’ll be someone new I’ll have to build up a whole new level of trust with. Anyways I might come back and use this more I say might mostly because I am all over the place and who really knows. I’ll no doubt be active but not necessarily very often as I am probably going to have to start getting my shit together, sorting through stuff, packing and so on.
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
hey! i was just wondering if you think spn will actually make destiel canon by the finale? it seems like in interviews they're trying to let us down gently w/a cas death (which possibly makes it seem like cas's ending might be related to his empty deal?) + all the parallels between saileen and deancas, and it looks like dabb and co (while not rly bringing arcs into conclusion and generally making a mess of spn) are fighting to make it canon, i was wondering what ur take on it was, esp after ep09
Oh, my dear, my heart is swelling with love for those two right now. I just watched the show through from 12x19-15x13 and I swear, that moment they share in 15x12, clinking those glasses and sharing all those smiles was like balm. It’s not even five minutes of screen time, and still it was like, okay, yes, good, thank you for the room to breathe. :D
It seems to be that Cas hearing Dean’s prayer has ushered in some much earned peace between them. They’re shown to be on the same page and taking each other’s side unquestionably. Dean trusting Cas’ judgment regarding Jack without pause. And that’s a good word for it: there’s trust between them, mutual respect, understanding. It’s so lovely, isn’t it?
So, there’s this line that’s sort of stuck with me. Actually, there are two things that have stuck with me (apart from all the gorgeous symbology baked into every episode) and it’s that the word “complete” has been mentioned twice.
Once in reference to Mary in Heaven, and once by Amara in reference to God.
Then we have a line that’s recurred twice: I had to die to get what I want.
The fact that its spoken verbatim twice made my antennas perk up a bit. It may mean nothing, as some things in this narrative sometimes do mean nothing, but it’s still interesting to take these things into account: that we’re searching for completion and that sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to die.
So. Will Cas die?
I don’t think so. I don’t think so for many reasons that I’ve laid out here (I just posted this) (it was like you read my mind that this was coming today), but foremost because I cannot see how him dying does anything for his character arc, or for his joint journey with Dean.
You know, dark!Kaia (Kaia’s Shadow) going back to the Bad Place (Kaia’s unconscious) and accepting the ending waiting there, releasing our!Kaia back to the world where she belongs, makes me think, more than ever, that the integration of the main character’s Shadows are a necessity. 
The Empty, way I see it, is representative of Cas’ Shadow, his unconscious, all the repressed and suppressed emotions of guilt, shame and doubt that has kept his self-worth down until Jack came on the scene. 
And this is just my reading of this situation, but I’m not sure I can see Cas defeating the Empty in the Empty, if you know what I mean? The last time Cas intruded, the Empty made him suffer greatly. I don’t think Cas holds any sway there, nor should he. 
To me, the weapon our conscious has against our unconscious ruling our decisions, is our ability to grow aware of our own impulses, our own thought patterns, and making choices to break away from them.
I think Cas can only beat the Empty through making a choice and, well, for a long time I’ve felt that choice should be to become human, because by making a final choice of who he is and who he wants to be, he brings himself into awareness, integrating his Shadow in the process, and narratively nullifying the Empty’s hold on him, since humans don’t go to the Empty when they die: they go to Heaven. 
But that’s wishing and hoping and speculation, of course.
Here’s where the Destiel question comes in though.
Do I believe they’ll make it canon?
Personally, I can’t think of anything more a part of our story than the love story between those two, but I know what you mean. You mean a representative, tangible, clear, statement type of making it canon. Textualising it, so that there’s no room for doubt whatsoever. No more arguments, no more queer baiting complaints, just Destiel in plain sight. Undeniable. 
I do and I don’t.
Watching these last few seasons through again made me realise what a different feel to them this last season has, because the emotional stakes for Dean and Cas have everything to do with what they mean to each other. Yeah?
Dean taking his anger out on Cas and it pushing Cas into a turning point where he chose to leave, to move on, which was a moment of clear independence a statement of his sense of self-worth, and it in turn pushing Dean into a turning point where he faced a side to himself that he’s needed to name since forever, admitting to not having any control of himself, which is something he has to acknowledge if he’s to move into trusting himself fully, all of this has been gosh darn breathtaking to get to witness.
And having them land back in this ease, where they work together seamlessly as a team, being kept together more than not, the framing of them, all of this makes me feel like they could give us canon Destiel. I’m not going to say they absolutely won’t. 
I believe the writers want it. I believe the actors want it. But, again, that’s just what I take from the narrative itself, because the subtext is stronger than ever this final season. 
Especially with Sam and Eileen being reunited.
Because it’s been that clear parallel you mentioned, but it’s been that clear parallel to those of us who see it. The echoes of the Saileen romance that trace through the Destiel progression won’t be as resounding to those that don’t.
And because of that, at this point, I also feel quite reserved with my belief that Destiel could become canon. Because there’s so much, but there’s also nothing. There’s so much for us to enjoy, there’s so much evidence they keep throwing at us that the writers support this reading of their story, but still, there’s nothing, really, to let on that they’re building towards these two men, at some point, declaring their love for each other.
There has been zero textual foreshadowing of that.
There have been throw away moments, like the cop flirting with Dean, for example, but he frowned at that, and then got sincerely flirted with by a woman, so that deescalated that very quickly. 
There was Dean at first rejecting Garth’s compliment of “You smell SO good”, becoming uncomfortable, to then, by the end of the ep, tell Garth he didn’t smell half-bad either.
And there was that amazing moment with Cas calling out Sam being “sexually intimate” with Ruby and Dean repeating the words as if he can’t believe Cas even knows how to pronounce them.
So, there’s... you know, stuff?
But it’s not foreshadowing if it can be overlooked by the wider audience.
That said.
This show isn’t about this love story of ours. The fact that it’s so downplayed could mean that what we’ll get is something textual, but extremely subtle. I mean, for me, lingering eye-contact and a shared smile in a context that makes us understand they’re choosing each other would be enough.
If, by canon, you mean do I think we’ll get them kissing, then the answer is I want to believe that we might get that, because they could build towards that on the foundation of ease and trust that they’ve put down over the last few episodes and they could build it effectively, but I just don’t know if the studio (who own the characters) is onboard. 
My hope is that they are, because the topic of healthy representation is so hot right now, and the question of the longevity of Supernatural to the younger generations (you know, you young ones who are proving exceedingly more open-minded and looking for something beyond the superficial brothers-hunting-monsters aspect of the show) would bank on the show opening itself up to the possibilities of solid representation already seeded throughout its run.
But Dean has flirted with more women than men this season. You know? I mean, he hasn’t flirted with any men. So. 
Look, I’m not going to say I don’t think we’ll get it, because I don’t know. 
I watched S15 yesterday and finished it today and suddenly I feel this wave of hope that it actually might happen, because they’ve already changed how Dean and Cas interact, they’ve given them so many scenes with just the two of them, and we have Sam clearly meant to end up with Eileen, and doesn’t Dean and Cas deserve that same happiness? That same sense of completion? That internal peace of loving unconditionally and being loved in return?
Sam and Eileen could be foreshadowing. These writers are subtle and they could be gleefully rubbing their hands together at the thought of springing textual Destiel on the GA, you know? The green light from the studio might make them diabolical. *sadism* And I love that thought.
Because that’s been the point of the love story for me, this slow, slow build to the moment when Dean and Cas have reached a point in their progression when what they’ll have together is a healthy, balanced, loving relationship because they’ve both let go of the past and are looking to the future.
But I won’t expect textual Destiel. If we do get it, I’m going to treasure it as a big cherry on top of an already perfectly inviting and exquisite pie.
What I do believe, more than ever, that we’re getting, though, is closure. Even if it’s only at the subtextual level, I believe that those of us who read the subtext will have Destiel verified beyond a shadow of a doubt. And yes, I will be quite surprised and disappointed if we don’t get that. Because of how these first 13 episodes have been shaped and how strong the subtext is in them.
I believe we’ll end on a hopeful note.
And wouldn’t that just be gratifyingly phenomenal?
(it really would) (honestly I just need to know that they are happy and alive and together and well and finding peace and carrying on) (you know?) (thank you and amen) :)
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chaser-mw · 4 years
Game changer
(Based off of BTS Run where they play the pc games)
Paring: taehyung/reader
Genre: crack, fluff
Au: best friend to lovers
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, bad bitch energy, friendly teasing, sexual tension
You all headed to the set where the boys were filming bts run, they had invited you because you’re their best friend but also because they needed an eighth person so the teams were equal. You arrive and you can tell obviously Jungkook and Taehyung are excited as they would spend hours on end playing over watch or pubg. You had tried to play overwatch with the help of Jungkook but nearly threw a fit after he had tricked you into killing one of your own team members. Now pubg was a different story, you had been playing pubg since you were fifteen after being influenced by the boys at school. Playing pubg was like breathing to you.
You play the first few games of the episode with a clumsy hand, usually placing moderately in fourth or fifth. Jungkook and taehyung play each game with little to no struggle, even if the had never played the game, filling in the first and second spot each round. “Hey Jungkook, wanna take it easy on us for a bit?” you complain after he had won again for the nth time. “Then I would lose and that’s no fun.” he chuckles with a smirk hanging on his lips. Everyone else just quietly grumbles except for taehyung, knowing he’s also doing a lot better than everyone else.
Once you finish the first episode you get a little 5 minute break to have some snacks and chat for a little bit. You hang near hobi and the snacks not really saying anything while overhearing jimin, Namjoon, and yoongi complain about how it’s not fair that Jungkook and taehyung are allowed to play. You laugh in your head thinking about how pretty much every game they came in third last to dead last. You remember that pubg is the last game to play and you get excited to yourself as you plan on busting taehyungs ego by showing him who the REAL boss at pubg is. “Okay, everyone back together. Cameras on in 60 seconds!” You hear one of the staff yell, you all head back to stand in a line in front of the computers to pick teams. One to the camera crew staff members counts down from 3 to 0 on his fingers to let you and the boys know the cameras are rolling.
“Okay the next game we’re gonna play is pubg, here we will split you into two teams and you will fight against each other. There will be 3 rounds and the team that wins the most will win a prize of a 3 hundred thousand won gift card!” You see everyone’s faces light up at the thought of the prize even though you are standing amongst literal millionaires. “Each team will have a captain, team 1’s captain is Taehyung since he plays the most and team 2’s captain will be y/n since she asked.” Taehyung gives you a weird look as the staff member mentions that you’re the second captain. See about six months ago taehyung found out you play pubg by seeing it on your phone, you both thought it would be fun to FaceTime and play duos together when you’re not at their dorm. He hadn’t asked how long you’d been playing so one night when you were playing duos you decided to play it up as if you were a newbie. You have always been told you’re not a good actress or liar but somehow he fell for it, you had unexpectedly kept this act up for a bit longer than you had expected. You couldn’t help it, he looked and sounded so cute when he would give you little tips and you couldn’t help but adore how soft he would get for you and how he would always reassure you it was okay when you died or needed supplies. Saying things like “it’s okay, I got you covered.” Or “don’t worry, I’m right beside you and I have more bullets just in case you need some.” with his sleep filled voice. You spent many nights internally yelling at yourself for almost falling asleep to his voice or imagining his smile while he gently speaks to you.
So when he heard you were the other captain, he couldn’t help but look at you like you have 3 heads while also trying to contain his laughter. You played rock, paper, scissors to see who would pick their teammate first and you won. ‘Off to a good start’ you thought to yourself as you now had the chance to pick Jungkook knowing that’s the reason taehyung looked so annoyed losing at rock, paper, scissors.
You face your whole body towards taehyung with serious eyes and a slightly cocky smirk. “Jungkook” you say looking him dead in the eyes, Jungkook quickly moves to stand behind you with a giddy smile on his face. You can tell he’s excited for this game too. “Jin-hyung” taehyung says while still staring into your eyes trying to figure out what’s going on with you and why you look like you just stole his girlfriend. “Yoongi” Everyone is slightly taken by surprise as he has been in second last place every game but he moves to your side regardless. Your smirk doesn’t falter as you continuously stare at taehyung trying not to get distracted by his unbelievably handsome face. It takes more effort than you accounted for.
“Hobi-hyung” he says with cocky tone but you know by the way his eyes look at you that he is utterly clueless to what’s about to happen and he feels scared that he may be the only hope for his team. J-hope isn’t the best but is very persistent, you somewhat regret not choosing him as you know he will do everything taehyung says and do it exceptionally well. Taking him down will be a challenge but you’ve played long enough and known these boys long enough to know exactly how to take everyone down, including your own team.
“Jimin” you name your last teammate and revel in the fact that you won rock, paper, scissors. You don’t mean to offend anyone but can’t help but be at least a little grateful Namjoon isn’t on your team. He is an amazing human being and truly a breath of fresh air but he has probably never even heard of pubg never mind actually played it, though neither has jimin.
You internally thank your clever mind for asking about future Bts run episodes a few months back. You had heard of speculations of an episode like this and immediately backed it up saying it was their best idea yet. On that same day you set up a whole plan on how to secretly surprise and destroy taehyung at pubg. When you say it out loud it sounds silly but it will be worth more than gold just to see his face, if your plan works.
“Each team gets a 1 minute huddle to discuss, a timer will go off at one minute and you will return to the computers sitting with your team.” Your team makes a huddle and Yoongi and jimin look slightly worried no doubt thinking they’ll be killed first. “Okay, Jungkook I want you by my side always, I know games like these are your forté so I’m not worried about you. Yoongi, as you have probably never played this they will be on your ass like crazy. Let’s keep it that way, taehyung will most likely send Namjoon and hobi after easy kills like you and jimin so I want you to keep their attention on you. Jimin, you are the final puzzle piece. I need to you to do the same as Yoongi while also complimenting and flustering taehyung as much as possible. But not too much to where he notices, just enough to make him blush.” The timer goes off seconds after you finish your little speech, not forgetting to mention to leave taehyung for you and you can’t help but feel proud of your plan. Yoongi being the old soul he is, is 110% being labeled an ‘easy target’ by the other team along with jimin. Putting jimin in blush control has to be the idea you smiled the most about, you know how easily taehyung can be flustered and when he is he can’t focus. And that’s exactly how you plan to get him.
Once everyone has settled into their seats, seconds before the game starts you give everyone a once over making sure they remember their duties. They confirm and you put your game face on, you don’t think you’ve ever taken a game so seriously. It’s like you can’t focus on anything but taehyung and you find that this isn’t the first time that’s happened.
They follow you the whole way til you drop at your location and just as you thought you already hear footsteps heading towards Yoongi. “Yoongi, do you have any weapons?” “No.” He responds meekly with a hint of fear and you think it’s more of fear of letting you down but it’s only making you happier. The closer Yoongi is to you the closer a member of the other team is and the easier you can slowly take them out one at a time. “No rifle, siper, hangun??” You quickly ask fearing Yoongi will be killed quicker than you expected. “No.” This time it’s definitely fear. You can see that the footsteps are close and it seems that Yoongi is just running around him. Jungkook is hiding on the roof one of the buildings, you told him to tap your hand or look at you when he sees someone from the other team, you hear Namjoon mumbling something to himself and that’s when you feel it. Jungkook ever so slightly taps the side of your hand, gunshots fire and Namjoon goes silent. The amount of players in the corner goes from 8 to 7 and you allow a smirk to creep onto your face.
“Headshot” Jungkook says just loud enough for you to hear. “Nice” you give him a light high five when you catch sight of the next poor soul. “Taehyung I wanna find youuuuu.” Jimin whines from your side or the table. You can’t help but chuckle a little as it actually does slightly fluster taehyung. As jimin goes running off to find taehyung of course, not really part of the plan as he will most likely get himself killed but that’s not the issue right now. The issue right now is Jin heading your way with a gun pointed right at you, thankfully you were able to pick up a military helmet and bulletproof vest from the drop box so even after the few shots Jin takes at you, you still have full health. You hide in the building and wait for Jin to move closer. Jungkook seems to be on the move for hobi but still staying relatively close enough to help you if you need it.
You park yourself right at the top of the stairs where you can get Jin first, and seeing as he is wearing a police bulletproof vest, killing him should be quick and easy.And it is. Jin groans from the other side or the room “Yah I thought you loved me so much you would die without me!” You laugh at that but continue on with Jungkook. Jimin got himself killed by hobi a little while before you killed Jin and you and Kook head that way assuming taehyung is over there seeing as Jimin headed that way. You creep along in a crouch hoping for the best coverage from the bushes but you hear a zip and about eight more bullets fly right past you into Jungkook causing him to die.
At this point you slightly get worried but decide not to question you’re abilities, you know how good you are with a good scope and with your 6x scope you should be able to spot hobi like a sore thumb. And you do, now it’s just you and taehyung. “Hm it’s just you and me now, wanna surrender?” “Mhmm I guess it is, now why would I do that?” You question. “Oh well I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings, I know you’ve only been playing for a little while but sometimes you have to lose-“ taehyungs eyes go as wide as saucers. While he was talking you found his location easily as he didn’t move his character. “Hm? What was that?” You chuckle loudly as he is still left speechless, Jungkook throws another high five your way with a lot more weight to it this time and a hard slap is heard throughout the room, followed by two more. You couldn’t have asked for things to go anymore perfect. You all stand up and you give taehyung a hug out of sympathy and he looks like he’s a kid learning the abc’s for the first time.“H-how?? I can’t believe that just happened??!” “I wanted to play a little joke on you, I would say it worked.”You can’t help but say it with the biggest smile on your face. ‘He looks adorable’ is all you can think right now and his pout makes you feel a little bad for lying to him you have to admit it, his reaction was totally worth it.
You and the guys finish up the the filming and grab your things to go home. As you pack into the car with Yoongi, taehyung, Jin and hobi, you notice the slight pout on taehyungs face is still there and decide to sit beside him. “Hey are you okay? I didn’t think it’d hurt your ego this bad?” You attempt to comfort him but it seems that it only makes the slight blush on his cheeks worse. He chuckles “Nah, I’m not that butthurt I’m just sad that you didn’t tell me, we could’ve been the iconic killer pubg duo! IKPD, what about that that doesn’t sound absolutely sick!” You all let out a hearty laugh at that. “That does sound dope, well now we can be the IKPD.” He smiles at that. “So how did you get so good? When we were playing you needed help with basically everything, I think I have less kills then the amount of times I have saved you.”
You tell him the whole story along with the plan and he looks more interested in staring at you than actually listening. He can’t help it though, he is already so enamoured with you. The late FaceTime calls, playing pubg and sometimes just the multiple hour late night talks really created a place for you in his heart. But something about you secretly being really good at pubg and making a plan that revolves around him made his heart swell. He has to be honest he really wasn’t listening completely to you just hearing while admiring your beauty in the terrible car light. He is baffled with how you look so good when the lighting is so bad but what he doesn’t know is you’re asking yourself the same thing. Once you finish your little speech you yawn mumbling something about how you’re so tired from staying up last night with taehyung but all he can focus on is your head on his shoulder and your soft snores ricocheting from you to him. He thinks he’s about to explode and melt at the same time, he can’t help the feeling of wanting to take care of you. After so many months of babying you on pubg he realizes he’s doing it in real life as he slowly takes off his coat to put around you. He wraps it around your frame carefully not to wake you or knock your head. You snuggle a little closer adorably enjoying his warmth and he doesn’t think his cheeks can get any rosier until your lips unintentionally bush against his neck. You decide to place a light kiss there and sleppily mumble a thank you. He freezes, his mind automatically going into overdrive. He’s dreamt about moments like this, the way you talk to him and act around him convincing him he was just a bro was the only think stopping him. But this, bro’s don’t do this. You slightly wince thinking that was the wrong move and you quickly pull your head away, a heavy blush not too far behind.
You look out the window watching the city buildings past by and you’re so completely embarrassed until you feel a finger brush under your chin and pull your head to face the owner. Taehyungs looking at you with the softest look of adoration and he can’t help but think he’s never been more in love with you. “You’re adorable when you’re embarrassed.” He says it as if he’s so cool but his mind is racing and he’s very much not cool. His heart pulls him to focus and not get lost in your eyes. His finger lifts your head up to face his and he leans in. You start to realize what’s happening and relish in the fact that your one and only dream for the past 3 months is coming true. You lean in as well and wait for the connection of your lips, you’re so close you can feel his breath on nose and if you moved less than half an inch closer his lips would be on yours. He moves to fill the gap as you’re so close BUMP! You go over a speed bump and you’re in the parking lot for his building.
Everyone piles out of the car and not wanting to be locked in you both get out as well. You walk into the building and up to their dorm, with taehyung playing with his rings and you holding your elbow, both of which are very clearly nervous habits and you both know it too. Once you get inside everyone is there and obviously you’re not gonna pull taehyung into a kiss in the middle of the living room so decide to wait. It’s almost dinner time so you a few of the guys ask you would like as take out is tonight’s delicacy. You decide on Chinese from a place not too far that you’ve all been to one time or another. The tension between you and taehyung is so noticeable even the other members catch on. Also the fact that the both of you are strangely quiet but what they think the state of your relationship is, is completely opposite to whats going on. They assume you’ve fought because of pubg but really you’re just two fools in love but too scared to say anything. After dinner is finished up and the table has been cleared, you join the boys in the living room chatting with Jin about something, you’re not really focused as you’re mind is clouded with the events in the car. What would’ve happened if you kissed? Is he ignoring you now because he’s embarrassed? All your thoughts pause when grabs you off the couch by your hand and pulls you to his room. Once the door is closed he pushes you against the back of it “I’ve wanted to this for so long.” He immediately grabs your face with one hand and your waist with the other. It takes a second for your mind and heart to catch up but you finally kiss him back realizing what’s happening. Of course his lips feel like silk pillows but you swear you hear fireworks. You only realize how long you’ve wanted this just when he pulls away to catch his breath. You stare into his eyes and already miss his lips on yours. “You’re the only win I want.”
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
I've read your take on the new season. I do believe that Betty and Jughead will eventually be back together, but it seems it will take a while. B*rchie will be explored and Jughead will apparently date Tabitha. Do you think the writers could wait until the end of the season to reunite Bughead?
Thank you for sending me this! I purposely left it till the end because this may get long. 
I made that post awhile ago, and I am still basically sticking to it, but some small things have changed. First of all, when did we hear that Jughead will date Tabitha? You may be right but I’d also be skeptical. Jughead’s romantic plate is a bit full. Actually, his plate, in general, is quite full with the season’s mystery and both Betty and Jessica. We know Riverdale doesn’t delegate well, and it doesn’t stop to take a breath in between plotlines. This has been accused of being the Jughead Jones show, but the reality is we can’t spend the entire time on Jughead and he's already quite busy. 
As to where the season will go, my guess is the following, accompanied by gifs from Dr. Horrible:
☞ The first episode, it has been said, is not bughead-heavy. The bed scene isn’t in this episode and it features very little prom. Likely, what happens here is Veronica sings Archie’s song and she finds out about the kiss. 
☞ In 5x02 and 5x03, they reveal the (*deep sigh*) auteur. It’s likely Charles and/or Chic, because Wyatt Nash’s last filmed episodes were these two. Likely, Jughead finds out here, and it is where the bed scene occurs. This is also when Bret comes back and I am hype. I literally cannot wait to see him stare longingly at Jughead again. I want to see the shrine to Jughead we all know Bret has, or the lock of Jughead’s hair that Bret strokes lovingly every night. Sean Depner, the love of my life, would agree with this. FP leaves in this episode, and what I’m getting is that he has carte blanche to come back, and he and Alice will probably not break up. Best for everyone. Can’t imagine Skeet’s phone is ringing off the hook. My money, frankly, is on Varchie breaking up here, but Bughead staying together. They will time jump at the end after graduation, so you’ll likely see a few minutes at the end of 5x03 that take place after the time jump. Long-ponytail Betty is likely from here, and we will see Jughead with someone who is *gasp* not Betty. 
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☞ I would guess that 5x04 is all setup. They will introduce us to where the Core 4 are seven years later. Jughead’s (ex?) girlfriend, Veronica’s husband, Archie in the army, Betty working for the FBI. Exposition all over the place. TBF, I am oddly excited for this episode. I want to see adult Core 4. I think, despite how fast Riverdale moves through things, setup is needed here. They’re putting the show in a completely different place. That needs some time. Jughead is apparently an alcoholic now? Awesome. I am sure they’ll handle that with all the sensitivity they do everything with. 
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They’d be called back to Riverdale (maybe Jughead and Toni are still there?) at the end of this episode. I swear to god Riverdale, if you tell me that any of these kids didn’t graduate, I will finally take this shitshow out of your hands. We may see the Core 4 reunite at the end of this episode. We’ll also see that Toni is pregnant now. My bet’s on surrogacy. You guys ever watched Hamilton? Remember “...and Peggy?” Well, “...and Kevin!” 
☞ Actual reunions start in 5x05. It’ll likely be super awkward. I’ve said it before, I hope there’s not actual anger. It’s been seven years. I get being hurt, I get it being awkward, but it’s been nigh on a decade, so I hope there’s not active anger, since that’s childish as hell. If speculation is right, though, Betty will spend time with both Jughead (case) and Archie (we’ll get there.) We can expect pining. I love pining. Longing looks? Bring it on. We got so few scenes before Bughead got together, and I thrive off the auto shop scene in 5x06. It’s so angsty. I die. Anyway, this is when we introduce the new Biggie Baddie. Mothmen, apparently. This is our first villain that is not an organic Riverdale villain. I miss villains like Buffy wrote them, but god, I sat through some S2 Evil-Hiram plotline and it made me long for stupid shit like mothmen because that plot was boring. 
☞  Look, I ain’t going to lie to you. I have no idea how they’ll tie in the mothmen plotline since like, mothmen don’t murder? But we all know that’s just secondary to the romantic stuff. I’m going to reiterate that regardless of how this shakes out, I could not be less interested in a full season of drama. However, in 5x06/5x07, we’ll likely see some Barchie. If there is sad!Dating, it’ll likely happen here, paired with some Bughead angst. Spoilers also tell us that Chad comes to Riverdale and is jealous of Varchie’s “friendship?” That requires at least a few scenes of them together, so we’ll likely see Varchie pining too. 
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☞ I’m going to go out on a limb and say they’d probably currently be filming episodes 8 and 9. Chad is already there, as is Tabitha. The recent casting spoilers that came out will probably be in this episode, up to episode 10. I am going to say it’s likely that this’ll be about mid-season, which means the explosive action for the couples will probably happen here. Most indications of people I’ve spoken to say the couples will likely be back by mid-season(ish). So by the time the casting spoilers role is in the show, Barchie will be on its way out. This seems very mid-seasony to me. It’s usually right before a break and it entices people to come back for the back 9. So around episodes 8-10, expect rising action. 
☞ I very much doubt that Barchie will last past episode 12. The back 9 of the season will be pretty standard Riverdale fare - mystery and couple drama, but likely nothing as dramatic as the end of S4 or beginning of S5. As I said, Riverdale doesn’t delegate well. They do not breathe between plotlines. They grab the bit between their teeth and run. 
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☞ Few stray observations: Veronica is married, and still tied to her family. That’s not as easy to leave behind as a short-term relationship. I would say I wonder how they’re going to get her out of that, but like, it’s Riverdale. Do also wonder if they’re going to forget about the alcoholism plotline. I would like to link the writer’s to the TVTropes page on Chekhov’s Gun. If it’s not essential, Riverdale, don’t include it. Also a bit curious to see how Choni reunite, since they inevitably will. And how they’ll write the baby out. 
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(this is a wonderful interpretation of my relationship with this show. The show is Captain Hammer. I am Dr. Horrible.) 
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
An Endless Hope (1/9)
After a horrendous blizzard falls over Gotham, Tim undergoes a sharp change in character before disappearing. Upon discovering what has become of him, Stephanie sets off on a solo journey in a magic realm to bring him home, meeting some faces which seems awfully familiar along the way.
New fic time! Archive Of Our Own Link Click Click!
“Can’t believe he’s gonna be forty-five.”
“I know, right?”
“Bruce’ll be an old man soon.”
Tim tutted, herding Stephanie down an aisle with the metal cart he was pushing. “Don’t tell him that.”
Stephanie scoffed. “What? Has he got a younger clone of himself in a giant egg somewhere ready to pop when someone utters those words?”
Tim stopped pushing the cart, turned ninety degrees, and gave Steph an indescribable look.
“I was being sarcastic, Tim.”
Tim said nothing, then slowly rotated back to push the empty cart, Stephanie trailing behind.
They’d gone to the garden centre because Stephanie was willing to look everywhere and anywhere for inspiration for Bruce’s upcoming birthday. Tim, ever dutiful, followed along. It was a rubbish time of year to go to a garden centre – late January – as the entire place was filled with on sale Christmas decorations and half dead flowers that would no doubt complete their journey to the grave if buried in the frigid soil. The poor choice of plants was reflected in the number of customers, of which there were maybe three others trailing up and down the greenhouse aisles.
“I guess that’s not fair,” Stephanie continued to voice to the relative silence, only the distant tinny music and the dodgy wheel squeaking as they rolled along filled the lulls in conversation. “That would make Alfred positively decrepit.”
“And that he is not.” Tim said very firmly.
“No…Oooh?” Stephanie became distracted. “Oh, Tim look at these!”
Heaving the cart round the corner after her with an almighty sigh, he found her standing next to small potted flowering plants. Stephanie was pilfering through them, looking for particular colours.
Tim peered at one of the little cards slotted in the soil and chortled.
“Roses? Really? Steph I’m not sure roses are gonna cut it for Bruce’s forty-fifth.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that you big baboon—”
“’Scuse you.”
“– I’m looking at these for us, not him.”
Tim gazed at Stephanie. Stephanie, in her bright blue hand knitted beanie that she had made for herself over the Christmas break to distract from finals. Stephanie, in an oversized fluorescent plastic jacket (the kind that belonged in an early episode of Power Rangers) that somehow managed to make her look twice as wide than she truly was. Stephanie, with her flushed cheeks from the cold and little pearly teeth showing off in a big grin, golden hair bunched up into two pigtails that fell down her back.
Tim couldn’t help it; he melted a little at the sight of her.
“You’re staring.” She murmured, not looking away from her task.
Tim sucked on his teeth. “Maybe I want to. That allowed?”
“Sure. You have my permission.”
Tim pecked her on the cheek, causing Stephanie to laugh like a snorting pig. With a little happy noise, she found the two plants she wanted. One lilac and one deep red bunch. They didn’t look like ordinary roses to Tim, not like the kind you would pick up from a convenience store in a small bundle for an anniversary. No, these roses were flatter and broader, and he could see a number of buds on both sets of plants.
“I want these.” Stephanie said. “Help me pick two nice boxes to put them in?”
“Do we have space on the windowsill?”
They didn’t have a garden. Not truly. Though Tim’s apartment did allow roof access, it was not really the place to be growing a little garden. They also didn’t really have a balcony to fill with plant pots. Places for greenery were limited in their home.
“They’ll fit.”
Tim nodded, and she sat them down in the cart. A moments silence passed, and she pouted.
Sighing, Tim breathed, “What is it?”
“Ask me why I want them.”
Nodding with his entire torso, Tim moved off, heading towards glazed plant pots and boxes.
“Why do you want them?”
“’Cause they’re pretty.” She skipped after him and saw as he ran his tongue along his teeth, amused at her glib nature. “Aaaaaand, I wanna do an experiment.”
“Yes. I gathered you like those.”
“Steph.” His tone was a gentle warning.
“’Kay, ‘kay. Sorry. I just thought…” She paused, tapping her nails against a terra cotta pot. The sound was nice to listen to. “Well, you know how people say you should live together before you get married? To make sure you can actually stand being around each other twenty-four-seven?”
Tim clenched his jaw and nodded. “Yes?”
Stephanie said nothing, gnawing her lip. Tim tried to comfort her, to reassure her, by smiling, but even he felt it come across more like a grimace. Setting the empty pot back down, Steph leaned over and selected two narrow glazed boxes, ones long and slim enough to slot on their windowsill.
“It’s the same with kids. You gotta do a test run first. A proper test run. And I don’t mean what I did when I was fifteen.” She laughed uncomfortably, then looked very sad. Tim went to grab her hand, but she snatched it back and snorted, bravado back in place. “It’s a challenge. We can’t have a kid until we can keep a pet –”
Tim couldn’t help it, he finally butt in, exclaiming, “Who said we’re having children?”
But Stephanie soldiered on, “—And we can’t keep a pet until we can look after a plant. Both of us.”
“I… I’m nineteen Steph. We can get a plant in ten years or so.”
Weird conversation.
Stephanie sighed, setting the plant pots in the cart. “I feel old. Much older than twenty sometimes.”
“We’ve been through more than what some people experience in a lifetime.”
She patted his cheek. “I guess so.”
“You can still be a kid.” Tim said later as they loaded up his car. No luck with finding anything for Bruce, but at least their living room windowsill would look nice. “There’s no timeline for this kind of stuff. Well, in your own head at least… society may side eye it but honestly –”
Stephanie slapped the trunk down with a loud slap and changed the subject. “I’ll think of something else. Don’t suppose he’d want a scarf or anything?”
“If you made him one Steph, I’d think he’d like that.”
“Huh.” They both got in the car, Tim in the driver’s seat, Stephanie googling nearby craft stores. “There’s a thought. I can pick up some nice wool round campus on Monday.”
Tim paused after he lit the ignition, eyebrows furrowed in thought. A moment passed, then he turned the car back off, and rotated to look Stephanie in the eye. Warily, she watched him.
“You mean it,” He asked, “about the whole plant thing?”
She growled, growing defensive. “I want to look after something and do it well. Sue me that it’s just starting off with a plant.”
“No, no. I get that. I mean do you not feel like a kid anymore?”
The bubbling anger melted away, and she cooed sympathetically. “Do you?”
“Did I ever?” Huffing, he tapped the steering wheel, then he looked distinctly guilt ridden. “No. That’s not fair. I did. Especially compared to you.”
“My childhood was mediocrely bad, Tim, but I did have one.” She tugged his earlobe. Tim frowned at her downplaying her pain, as always. It was impossible to get her to be serious about herself nowadays. Tim’s pain she took seriously. Cassandra’s pain she took seriously. Damian’s pain she took seriously. Her own pain though… “No comparing hurt. How does that help you or me?”
“I know, I know,” He conceded. Then he was silent, musing something still.
Stephanie’s hand moved from his ear to his jaw, cradling it. Lowering her tone, she asked,
“Where’s your head taken you?”
“I’m gonna be twenty this July.”
“Mhhmm! It’s a big one. The end of your teenage years.”
“I just… don’t know if we’ve got to do everything we should have done. I mean, so much of our adolescence was taken up with…” He trailed off. “And what makes an adult an adult anyway? I mean, look at Bruce.”
“I try not to.”
Tim actually giggled. “I just mean, he has the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old.” A sudden idea came to Tim, and he perked up in his usual manner once hit by his clever notions. “Hey, how about we travel over the summer?”
Tim started the car back up and began the drive to his apartment on Park Row.
“It’s your final year at college, and you’ll be turning twenty-one in August. I’ve got my twentieth in July. Let’s do one last hurrah. Go to Disneyland.”
As they exited the parking lot Stephanie burst out laughing.
“Is that what childhood is? A trip to Disneyland?”
“No!” He exclaimed, face red. “No, that’s not what I meant… I just mean… I just mean…”
“Be selfish for a while. Forget all those responsibilities for a few weeks?”
“Yeah. You deserve that.” Breathing a sigh of relief, he smiled. Stephanie had a knack for cutting through to the bone of an issue. She understood what he was trying to say.
“So do you.” She smiled and tapped his cheek fondly, then settled in for the drive.
They got stuck for twenty minutes trying to cross from one island to another, but it didn’t bother either of them. Stephanie playfully being bad at singing at whatever nineteen eighties anthem came on over the radio. Tim knew she was just playing. She was as good a singer as she was a pianist – unpractised and a little clumsy – but it caused Tim to stop and watch every time. Her screeching to Take on Me was not her best effort, but it made Tim smile all the same.
She snatched the keys and rushed inside when they got back, leaving Tim to trundle behind her, balancing pots and flowers in his arms.
“I seriously have to look after this plant?” He moaned. With a grunt he got down on the floor by the window, setting everything out in place.
“Yes,” muttered Stephanie, throwing towels on the floor and reading instructions online of how to transfer plants from pot to pot. She had thought ahead – for once – and realised that maybe flinging dirt around would damage the living room rug.
Stephanie had moved into his apartment last August, about four months after they had returned to being a couple. For honest and goodness for real this time.
Dick and Babs had made many a teasing (but fond) comment. Cassandra and Duke had been happy, but largely unaffected by the decision. Damian had not been impressed. Jason really didn’t care.
Bruce had said nothing, which was somehow more worrying than his usual disapproving grunts.
So they had, for the most part, been left to it. Stephanie had swiftly turned the apartment (and the Nest) into as much her space as Tim’s. He didn’t mind, as she had a knack for clutter which made the town house feel less like a base and more like a home. Nothing made him feel more happy than coming home from Wayne Enterprises to see Steph sat on the floor, battered laptop on the coffee table, highlighted pages and mugs scattered everywhere, as she screwed up her face trying to write another essay on John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s theories on social contracts. The normality was an anchor, one he had so desperately needed in recent years.
Stephanie, meanwhile, had relished the chance to have her own space. To leave her mother had been hard, harder than she had realised at first, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t on the phone with her twice a week, and still compelled to attend scrabble night every Friday (Tim semi reluctantly in tow occasionally). She just hadn’t realised how difficult it would be to leave again. Even if it was, this time, under totally normal circumstances. Every kid has to move out, right? And it’s not like she’d never see her mother again, right? Stephanie’s mother was an adult, she could take care of herself. Steph wasn’t needed to watch her night and day.
But still, there were days when she craved her mother’s morning waffles, or warm shaky hugs.
Tim was a pretty good substitute though.
Speaking of, Tim crawled over to her, snuggle bug that he was, not so subtly looking for affection. He grabbed one of her pigtails and tugged the elastic off so he could braid her hair. She really had let it grow to a ridiculous length, long enough for Bruce and Babs both to chide her. One day it would get caught, or someone would grab it, or it would catch fire or something. The honest reason for letting it grow was…well it was embarrassing and shallow.
Steph sat quietly, letting Tim very carefully and methodically Dutch braid her hair, as she read. Even now, after several months reunited, she could tell he was still testing boundaries. Not just with what she was comfortable with, but also himself. Casual intimacy. Frightening stuff. Well, maybe for him. Steph adored the attention and giving attention in return. Tim’s affections were not to be tolerated, or even endured. They were something to enjoy and indulge in. They were something to grow obsessively fond over, especially after the dry spell of their late teen years. She had got it back and was not going to let it go again so easily.
So, she let him hold her hand whenever he reached for it. She let him lean against her during long hours of stakeout during patrol. She let him kiss her whenever he wanted. She wanted it too. Constantly. Like she was playing catch up with the last three years.
Tim finished one braid then shuffled around so he could start the second. Stephanie sat still until he finished his task, then signalled for him to pay attention as she moved her lilac roses into their new home. He observed carefully, as Tim never half-assed anything, then he cautiously began to pack fresh soil into his glazed box. Stephanie watched him and his concentrated face. Furrowed brows, chewed lips, unsure but steady fingers. Very slow. Very methodical. Textbook job.
He looked at her when he was done though, expectant of some sort of comment. Still desperate for approval.
“Good.” She said, raising her eyebrows. She sat the two boxes on the windowsill, slotting them into place. “Now don’t let it die.”
“Before you all head out for the night, I believe you have some gifts that require opening Master Bruce.”
Bruce peered over the half-eaten slice of cake Alfred had baked yesterday evening and swallowed dryly.
Tim could tell Bruce was just a little disappointed at the showing for his birthday. He would never admit it, no, no, but still. Dick, Jason, and Babs’ absence was noted. They had been good though and posted their presents ahead of time. Well, Dick and Babs had. Jason had sent a card. Which was both more than he had done some years and less for others, so the family all took a card as a good thing. Babs had wrapped up a large basket of bat memorabilia that would unironically get usage up and downstairs.
Dick had forwarded a photo album. Bruce’s lower lip had wobbled (once) on the first page, then he did not look any further into the album and shut it. Probably would cry over it at four am later this morning bundled up in bed. Or at least that’s what Tim imagined he would do.
Cassandra had made an actual teapot during her day classes. It was very cute, albeit just a little lumpy. Damian had done a painting. Duke had bought a pair of nice cufflinks. Tim had been as subtle as a brick to a glass greenhouse and had bought two vouchers for a fishing trip. Bruce had noted to check his diary tomorrow, hearing the pleading in the present for alone time.
Stephanie rested her present reverently on the table in front of Bruce. He eyed it and her a little suspiciously, which Tim tried not to get offended over on Steph’s behalf. He knew she had worked stinking hard on the present. Harder than anything she had ever made for herself. Not as hard as the gloves she had made Tim late last year though. No, he had seen her cursing up a storm trying to get those black and red fingerless mittens right, but she had – just in time for Christmas.
Point was, Stephanie worked hard when she sewed/knitted/embroidered, and Tim hoped Bruce wouldn’t do anything too callous when he opened the gift.
She had indeed knitted a grey-blue zig zag patterned scarf. It was thick, warm, and long. She had carefully embroidered the edges with golden thread. It was nothing short of a labour of love.
Bruce saw this, did the thing where his lip quivered, and quietly thanked Stephanie.
“Happy Birthday!” She replied, smiling brightly.
“It’s very well made.”
“I tried.” She teased gently. Tim squeezed her hand.
“Can I see?” Duke asked, to which Bruce handed it over. Duke whistled. “Can I get one too?”
“Sure.” Stephanie shrugged, still grinning. “It will cost you though.”
“Aw, no fair.”
The wind picked up then, howling louder than it had all day. The windows of the manor creaked, and even in the dark, everyone could see the sudden blizzard that had begun.
“Snow?” Cass asked. “Since when?”
“The weather does that. It changes.” Duke noted with a shrug. Even so, he seemed to regret speaking the more the wind screamed.
“No. Not like this. Rain sure. Sleet sure. Not a blizzard.” Tim peered out the window. “That doesn’t come from nowhere.”
Tim watched as there was already a solid layer of ice on the floor, the snow less like fluffy crystals and more like hail. The skies above churned rolled up clouds. It was harsh and ugly.
“No way.” Duke murmured, seeing the weather deteriorate.
Stephanie did not miss Bruce silently sigh at his pile of presents, the physical proof of how fortunate his life had become in recent years, despite the sometimes oppressive setbacks. It was just a moment, then the Bat was in place.
“Let’s head out. This doesn’t look natural. Split up and hunt for causes. Manmade or otherwise. Help anyone who seems stranded.”
Damian finally piped up. “Are we splitting into pairs?”
He crept towards Stephanie. Without Dick in Gotham she remained the person he was most keen (if Damian could be such a thing) to work alongside. Bruce notwithstanding.
“Damian go with Duke. Cassandra with me. Stephanie and Tim.”
Well never mind.
Stephanie pinched Damian’s cheek, and he groaned and twitched away, running downstairs.
They all made their way to the cave, Alfred opening up the clock, when Stephanie looked back, seeing Tim was still stood, still as a statue, watching through the glass.
“Tim?” She called.
His right hand twitched, hanging limp next to his thigh, at the sound of her voice. Almost reluctantly, he replied,
“Ready to go?”
She held out her hand for him to take, though he was still looking out the window. Slowly he turned at the hips, head remaining still, staring at the storm. When her hand found his, he shuddered, like the warmth of her fingers and palm shot straight through his arm and up through his chest and head. He finally whipped round to look at her and smiled tightly.
“Ready. Sorry.”
Stephanie said nothing and pulled him away from the window.
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