#and crowleys bowler hat.
frmulcahy · 1 year
Omg I love your good omens with the chapter illustrations! My old copy was like that too but I lost it. Do you mind sharing the info so I can try to find a used copy like it?
Hi! So I’ve seen from some folks’ reblogs that a lot of different editions have them! I’m not sure of all of them. Someone reblogged with a photo of a funky orange cover that I’ve never seen before.
I lovingly refer to mine as The Creepy Moon Cover (even though they’re technically Earths lmao they just remind me of the 🌚🌝 emojis.) It’s published by Ace Books under The Berkeley Publishing Group and mine is a tattered copy I got off of Thriftbooks.com several years ago.
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If anyone knows if the classic black and white covers or any other editions have the funky linocut illustrations please chime in!
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All the cute things I can remember my Dad saying during the Good Omens ending:
"Oh Crowley, get over it, you know you're a sweetie."
"Yeah Muriel's not dumb, they're just innocent and naïve, like Aziraphale used to be."
"I'm with Aziraphale, don't hurt the books 🥲"
"I don't blame Gabriel I'd fall in love with Beelzebub too I like their cute little bowler hat." Me: "Yeah its shaped like a fly!" Dad: "Pretty dang cute."
Sings along with Gabriel and Beelzebub as they're fading away together (i was singing too)
"Good on you Crowley for tidying up the bookshop."
"Come oooon Metatron they need to go to breakfast hurry up."
A little teary-eyed through the whole break up
"So the Metatron was trying to split them up, because Crowley would never want to go back to heaven, he just wants Aziraphale."
"Come on Aziraphale you don't want to do this"
Nods sagely during the Kiss™: "Yep."
"I forgive you" "What do you mean :'("
"No no no, come on don't leave Aziraphale :'("
"I don't think its gonna take Aziraphale that long in heaven to say fuck this and run back to Crowley"
"Well that was pretty sad, but its definitely not the end, they'll get together in the end for sure."
He's officially an ineffable husbands shipper we've done it gents we've won 🥂
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ineffableigh · 1 year
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 2
Ran out of characters. See previous post here! [linky]
We resume during Muriel's initial visit to the bookstore. They're having a nice look at a cupperty.
Crowley arrives in a bluster with all his plants - we've only seen him angrily say No about the Bentley and yet he seems to be going along with it anyway. He asks the important question: why not take the train? Why go by car? It's an eight hour drive each way! Train or even plane is WAY FASTER!
Crowley's the one that does the 'humans are weird/a few days' line for some bloody reason. Crowley what are you doin' man lol pick a better lie!
It feels Important that we see so many one on one moments with Nina, but not Maggie. Like we're building Nina as a character, but not really Maggie, y'know?
The show also really wants us to see how uncomfortable Nina is with discussing her love life at all, but everyone in the story just kind of blows past it.
"Dance Macabre" in the Bentley eh? A tone poem about Death calling the dead from their graves to dance for him? Like, I dunno, Gabriel says later in his Tempest line? A piece that quotes Dies Irae?
I love the musical conflict going on in the background once Crowley takes control of the Bentley's Vibes back lol.
Interesting that we have an entire moment to see that Beez is unhappy with the status quo in Hell, and the lack of recognition for all the work they seem to constantly have to do down there. Especially since we hear later they're very 'short staffed'.
Crowley moving seemingly random books from upstairs to downstairs, cosplaying a bookseller (ostensibly). Seems very chill about chatting gravity with Jimbriel, and we get our first Direct Fly Callout. Might be the second, not sure re: 'flyswats' when the archangels visited.
Pub imagery: Jesus raising Lazarus on one side, and the 'butcher' Dalrymple on the other side. Hmmm two sides of Heaven anyone?
It has to involve Aziraphale somehow because the Production Designer had that painting of Jesus done with the tomb opening being exactly like the 'eastern gate' of Eden in s01. Seems like a big effort to go to if not to draw parallels!
I find it interesting that Aziraphale a) seems super excited to hear about the 'Masons' b) there's a lodge next door to the pub, but c) we don't investigate that OR the person Gabriel was with. Y'know, the little shaggy haired demon with a bowler hat covered in flies? Normally would be quite conspicuous, yes? We know that Azi knows what Beez looks like from the end of S01.
Post-minisode we cut DIRECTLY to Aziraphale at the graveyard. What did he do between the pub and then? Did he walk there, drive there? Another huge gap to account for that's just swept under the rug.
Convenient that No Regerts and Friend are there, both being comically intense tough guys openly talking about Grindr lol. Just hanging out in the fog with no phone minutes left like ya do. Very convenient they were there, though I'm not sure what the advantage of that phone call even was. It's so strange a scene across the board that it feels like something is missing.
Back in town, Maggie is chasing Nina to talk about getting stuck in the cafe. I don't know what it is about their talks but to me they feel strange, or at least Maggie's side does. Might just be a by-product of us not seeing Nina 'acting like it's Maggie's fault' but it all feels very out of the blue, y'know? Always when Nina's busy working and can't really escape.
"I'm not your type." "You have no idea." Maggie SHE HAS A PARTNER AND SHE JUST SAID THE PARTNER SUSPECTS CHEATING, NOW IS NOT THE TIME LOL. See what I mean about Weird Vibes though?
Sudden Tempest Prediction from Gabriel. Very weird that he has these moments, either by forcing himself or these triggers. Do you have to be Empty to channel God?
Multitude of Shax Visions - this sequence seems odd to me. We've seen Shax impersonate a human once, yes, but this back to back thing seems unusually competent for her. I do wonder if we're getting a Crowley's Very Stressed Perspective thing going on here. Poor lad sure is stressed.
I was wondering how Shax figured out where Aziraphale was, but I bet she probably just tried to teleport to the Bentley like most demons seem to when Crowley was in it, but probably got punted outside by the Invitation Only magic. Or something.
The interaction with Shax here is really weird, though. It seems purely designed to freak Aziraphale out rather than actually get information. She says now she knows Gabriel is in the bookshop, but nothing about the discussion actually pointed to it any more than she would have known beforehand.
Shax then goes on to tell Beez that Gabriel is in the bookshop. Why she's so confident, I still don't really know, like I said above. All she knows is both the Husbands are being obfuscating dorks, but maybe that's enough.
Also like, Beez, you maybe should have just. Gone to the bookshop? Instead of attacking it? When you know Hell is short staffed? This is a Weird Plot Point too, if Beez just wants Gabriel. Why go straight to war?
As they're bringing Crowley's plants back to the car I hear glass shattering??? What's up with that??
Azi you dingle why are you hiding the Shax visit from Crowley. They really DON'T talk and for no good reason.
Next Instalment: [Linky]
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v-lilith-v · 1 year
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[photo id: One the top left is a portrait of Crowley, with his head slightly tilted up and he is tearing up. To his left are lines from a conversation between him and Aziraphale in parentheses; "Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever" to which Crowley responds "No, i suppose it doesn't". To Crowley's right is Aziraphale, Looking very sad and about to cry. To his right is another conversation quote in parentheses; He says "I forgive you" and Crowley says "Don't Bother". In between them are the lyrics from Coming Home by Falling In Reverse; "Even if it's hard". In the middle right of the page is continuing of the lyrics; "Even when i'm far". On the bottom of the page is Crowley dancing around because he's on hallowed grounds, and Aziraphale holding Crowley because he's drunk on laudanum. Between those two instances is the final part of the lyrics for this piece, "I will always be there". /End id]
(oh, Crowley. nothing lasts forever. No, i suppose it doesn't.)
Even if it's hard
(I forgive you. Don't bother.)
Even if i'm far
I will always be there
part two:
i was gonna stop here but i have more ideas so i'm gonna keep going lollll
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panthera-dei · 1 year
I love Westerns. I love dorky old black-and-white TV show Westerns that I watch with my grandfather. I love the Louis L'Amour paperbacks that I used to "borrow" from my father. I love the copy of True Grit (arguably the best Western novel ever, in my opinion) that my mother gave me once. I also love over-the-top space opera Westerns and sneaky thematic Westerns that crop up in genres that you'd think aren't Westerns at all. (If it stands at the junction of past and future, there's a good chance that it's a Western.)
Because of this, I have this recurring fantasy of Crowley in a purple brocade suit and a silk bowler hat with a smooth ribbon, perhaps even with a fancy cravat. Maybe even a robber-baron cane to twirl between his fingers. I crave seeing this man in Gilded Age opulence. What would be more luxurious (read this word in its Elizabethan meaning of "lustful" or "sinful") than seeing Crowley in an overly elaborate Pullman car, sipping whiskey from a glass decanter whilst rattling into a frontier being built by the forces of greed, hope, and sweat?
Somebody write or draw this for me. I have zero actual talent to do it myself. <sigh>
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urlocalsadkid-l · 9 months
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^^ you !! [painting, bluebells, grey, winter, thomas thorne (ghosts), universe city, ice, the empire state building, sharks]
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me !! ^^ [reading, venus fly trap, forest green, autumn, man bun crowley, new york, dino nuggets, aziraphale’s bookshop, pigeon in a bowler hat]
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you <33 (painting, orange lilies, burnt orange, wimter, hunter (TOH), you give the exact vibes of a city in my state but like i can’t say that so i just looked up small island city, crepes, lake, crow)
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me!! (baking, wildflowers, deep blue, wimter, Victoria Spring, Manhattan, strawberry lemonade, forest, bat)
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good-omens-covers · 4 years
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August 25 or 31(?), 2019 (2017?), Published by Прозорец (Window)
Translator: Светлана Комогорова-Комата (Svetlana Komogorova-Komata)
Cover artist: Киро Мавров (Kiro Mavrov)
ISBN: 978-619-243-028-3
Language: Bulgarian език: Български
Title: Добри поличби (Dobri Polichbi)
Thanks to @alas-the-void-screams-back​ for extra information!
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flameslikeanything · 5 years
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That nightingale is still singing somewhere.
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[id: badly edited image of a mini sweet red bell pepper and a green potato with the cartoon eyes of Larry and Bob from Veggie Tales. The pepper also has green sunglasses and a purple snakeskin print bowtie edited on, and the potato has a brown bowler hat and purple pocket square. ]
Crowley is a bell pepper LARPing as a super hot chili pepper, Aziraphale is an unassuming potato that's a little green and will kill you.
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aziraphales-inc · 4 years
Published illustrations
The coverart of a book has significant effect on what the reader imagines, so it stands to reason that fanart of an illustrated character tends to be influenced by said illustration. As a post-show fan with little to no idea where to start looking for 90s era fanart, I have decided to compile published illustrations and coverart to gain a rough understanding to how people have visualized Aziraphale before the current social media boom.
There are numerous covers for Good Omens, so I have chosen to only present ones where Aziraphale is clearly visible. I have also chosen to disregard various more abstract depictions, such as those of Josh Kirby or Hadyn Cornner. This post will unfortunately not cover most art associated with local translations.
1990: David Frampton
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The earliest depictions of Aziraphale are the woodcut illustrations by David Frampton. In these, Aziraphale appears to be a dark haired winged person wearing a suit and a bowler hat. Interestingly enough, these appear to be some of the only official illustrations where Aziraphale does not have blonde hair.
1991: Graham Ward
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The Aziraphale of Graham Ward is a blonde, white, seemingly middle aged man who bears some resemblance to Simon Cowell. He has golden wings and a halo, and he’s wearing a dress shirt and a red overcoat. He also has a beard.
I believe this cover is the earliest published illustration where Aziraphale is depicted as white and Crowley is depicted as an ambiguously brown person of color. This seems to be a fairly popular combination in fanart over the years.
2001: Eikasia
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A French publication of Good Omens depicts Aziraphale as blonde and white with long floppy hair, a goatee, and a moustache. He’s wearing round glasses and a brown dress shirt. He has a golden halo and golden wings.
The blonde long hair + round glasses combo seems to be extremely popular to this day, but especially so during the “SuperWhoLock” age of Tumblr. The Latvian publication of 2014 has a similar Aziraphale without the beard.
2006: Douglas Smith
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Possibly the most well known canonized depiction of Aziraphale outside of Michael Sheen, Douglas Smith’s illustration of Aziraphale is a black and white ink drawing on a black background. It is one in a pair of covers, where the other one is an illustration of Crowley in the same style on a white background. Smith’s Aziraphale has parted and combed light hair, a thin halo, and wings. He is wearing a light suit with a bow tie and sneakers.
This illustration seems to have inspired the looks of musical Aziraphale (played by Lachlan O'Brien) and the outfit of show Aziraphale (played by Michael Sheen). The parted haircut seems similar to the 2006 coverart by Jim Burns (below).
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Classical angels
There are some illustrations that use classical art of angels to represent Aziraphale. For example, the clip art style 2019 cover by Paul Kidby is comprised of alternating pictures of an angel and a demon. A more obvious example of this is the Dutch 2010 cover (below), which is a modified picture of the 1666 oil painting The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Luca Giordano. The implied Crowley on this cover is from a different painting, the name of which I do not know.
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The classical Christian Renaissance and Baroque paintings of angels as blonde, fair, vaguely androgynous humans with wings have undoubtedly shaped the way artists have visualized Aziraphale. We see some conscious subversions of these visuals in fanart, particularly with the increasing interest in the later 2010s for Aziraphale as a person of color, but the published depictions seem to be largely those of a blonde, white man with wings.
Post show
After June 2019, when the Amazon miniseries was released, the fan depictions of Aziraphale have been predominantly based on the show. Good Omens has been published with a special coverart featuring the series actors Michael Sheen and David Tennant.
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Michael Sheen’s Aziraphale is white and middle aged with white hair. He is wearing an old fashioned tan suit with a long overcoat. He has a bow tie and brown oxford shoes. He is typically depicted as fat or soft and having white wings.
It seems that there has also been a resurgence in original book-based character designs of Aziraphale post show. This is likely a result of the increased interest in the story altogether, though it may be partially motivated by spite. With the fandom having grown to an unforeseen active size, it is possible to observe distinct “show fandom” and “book fandom” sections with vastly different preferences and norms.
The main source for this post is isfdb.org. Some of the coverart is from the blog good-omens-covers.
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cloverthegrand · 4 years
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More DiP artworks
1. Repaint of Hans Holbein’s “Portrait of a Nobleman with a Hawk”.
2. Repaint of Rene Magritte’s “Man in a Bowler Hat”.
3. Crowley wanting to protect the poor, injured dove. This one’s not based on any paintings.
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orpheusilver · 4 years
god the pcs for my current campaign are fucking wild tho. in ascending order of batshit insanity, we have:
1. mobius, a pretty average cyberpunk protagonist with a gun and some weird potions, uses he/they pronouns, holder of the brain cell
2. avi wolfblood, a paladin of athena who wiped out all the wolves on the continent as training for killing every demon in hell, somehow avoided the cyberpunk dystopia his whole life
3. mr crowley, elderly metal guitarist, once shredded so awesomely that the flesh melted off his hand and he accidentally summoned a demon which he then killed on-stage and stuffed its soul into his guitar, only in hell cause he needs inspiration for his next album, wears wizard robes and a bowler hat, owns severely
there's another pc called croissanta who fucked one of the demons and is looking for her half-demon son, but the player didn't show up to the first session so she doesn't count yet
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v-lilith-v · 1 year
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[photo id: a graphite drawing i did; on the top is Beelzebub (feminine androgynous demon with short hair wearing all black, a bowler hat, and a sash) and Gabriel (masculine slightly larger angel with short hair wearing a long light coloured coat) Smiling, Holding hands, And facing each other. Above their heads are lyrics from the song Coming Home by Falling In Reverse; "Hate must never win". To the right of that and behind Gabriel is the Good Omens Metatron quote "The point was never to end the war, but to win it!" In parentheses. Below that and in line with Gabriel's back are the continuation of the lyrics; "Even when we're worlds apart". Further Below that and in line with Gabriel's knees, the Aziraphale Good Omens quote "I am an angel, You are a demon." in parentheses. On the bottom of the page below Beelzebub and Gabriel is Aziraphale (Masculine angel with short hair wearing a light coloured suit) and Crowley (Masculine demon with short hair wearing a black suit and black sunglasses) Smiling and toasting at the ritz. Between them, again the lyrics are continued; "Your love is not a sin". /End id]
Hate must never win
(the point was never to end the war, but to win it!)
Even when we're worlds apart
(you are an angel, i am a demon.)
Your love in not a sin
part one:
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wildenessat221b · 5 years
November 1989, Berlin
In November 1989, Aziraphale had been standing with his arms folded behind his back and a blank expression on his face, in West Berlin. It had been an unremarkable, grey-blue, overcast day, which Aziraphale retrospectively felt deserved some sort of pathetic fallacy. He had a tan leather hold-all in his hand, filled with a deli sandwich, a tartan scarf and a thermos of hot chocolate, and was wearing his cream coat and purple bow tie, topped off with a muted bowler hat.
 He was trying his very best not to be hopeful. Hope had failed him quite a few times in the past few decades.
 There were people in front of him with sledgehammers. They were putting their sledgehammers to very good use – the kind of use that he told himself those higher up (not a pun – penthouses dwellers) were referring to when they spoke about ‘giving weight to a moral argument.’ They were using their sledgehammers to cross divides, tear down divisions and literally break down barriers.
 The dust was getting up his nose and marking his specially patented brogues. His irritation about being dirtied was for once, in great opposition with his personality, mild.
 People were cheering, crying and cheer-crying and it was becoming steadily more difficult not to be hopeful.
 A chunk right in front of him fell to the floor, dispersing into indistinct chalky matter. It felt like an invitation, though to what he wasn’t sure.
 Until he was.
 On the other side of the wall, as familiar as he always was regardless of when they’d seen each other last, was Crowley. His sunglasses were oversized and dragonfly-like, his leather-clad shoulders a little too padded (even for the 80s) and his jeans were hanging awkwardly around his thighs. He had parallel smudges of soot on each of his cheeks and his long hair was streaked with grey dust.
 Aziraphale thought he looked wonderful, from the contented but fatigued smile on his face right down to the sledgehammer in his hands.
 He hadn’t seen him and didn’t until they were nursing a Scotch each in Munich a week later.
 It was a quiet, modest little bar, the kind where they’d most certainly know you if you lived within a twenty-mile radius. The light and music both drifted lightly over the table. Aziraphale took a sip and eyes Crowley carefully. His smile when he spoke wasn’t quite smug, but it wasn’t quite not smug either.
 “I saw you, you know. At the wall. Or the lack of wall rather. The tearing down of the wall. Initial tearing down of the wall. Initial attempts at - “
 “Yeah, I get it, I was there.”
 “With a sledgehammer,” Aziraphale said with a raise of the eyebrows.
 Crowley nodded vigorously.
 “Well of course! Most evil, I think you’ll agree. Vandalising and destroying and crushing and… vandalising.” The sip Crowley took of his scotch could be described by some as sheepish.
 “Oh yes, positively diabolical.”
 “Less of the ‘positively’ thank you. Just think of all the cleaning up they’ll have to do.”
 “Gosh, hardly bears thinking about.”
 “All that time they could have spent… doing charitable works… or saving the dolphins.”
 “You absolute wile.” He took another sip. “I tried ever so hard to stop you.”
 “Thought you might have.”
 “I must be getting lax in my wile thwarting.”
 “Must be. You’ll have to go to thwarting night school.”
 There was a pause. More scotch was poured. Aziraphale drummed his fingers on the table.
 “You know, my side were actually quite in favour of the wall coming down.”
 “Is that so?”
 “Indeed. Something about years of political tension…,” he waved a hand in the air in a poorly acted dismissive gesture as he spoke, “Symbols of harmony… turning point in the history of humanity… type… things.”
 Crowley’s mouth quirked up at the corner, then quickly dropped again as he folded his lips over one another.
 “Funny that.”
 “How so?”
 “Both of our sides being equally in favour,” He pronounced every syllable, a tell-tale sign that the tongue of a lying serpent was dwelling in his mouth.
 “Your side is in favour is it?”
 “Oh yeah. They sent me.” He took another sip, far too quickly. Aziraphale was fairly certain that if he could see his eyes behind the sunglasses, they’d be staring rather intently at the table. “Obviously.”
 “To do some…”
 “Smashing. Like you saw.”
 “Well…” Aziraphale’s features settled into a smirking pout, “It looks to me like you did a smashing job.”
 “Aziraphale, for the love of-“
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a-z-i-r-a-fell · 5 years
Crowley: look at that little gay man in a bowler hat and colorful tie!!
Aziraphale: Just because he wears colorful ties doesn't mean he's gay! He could just like colorful ties :)
Crowley: I love him.
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👀 A secret tunnel you say? Does it lead to anywhere interesting per chance?
Missy, "It leads to a room filled with different colored bowler hats... Also some posters like Loki from the Avengers, Crowley from Good Omens, a few Slytherin one, and Steg from Steven Universe for some reason?"
Imag *Picking up a rainbow hat*, "Why is this one filled with mustard?"
Pranks, "I may or may not have already known about this place..."
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