#and don't make me start on about his manipulative ass lmfao
kelin-is-writing · 2 years
i have complex feelings about hawks like.....fanon? twist the character so he's not himself anymore? yeah sure love the guy. Canon???? Hate the mother fucker. Despise him. I LOVE hearing you talk shit about his nasty ass.
i honestly don’t care what peoples do with him in fanon, that’s up to them.
BUT in canon??? ohh in canon this bitch can get killed off and end up to hell, for as much as i care ☺❤
happy that me talking shit about that nasty birdshit face gives you a good time 😘
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leaderincrows · 5 days
I mean I do agree with you that this was a selfish act. But I wanted to add something. Rafayel didn't ask to be the sea god or whatever he was. I think it's reasonable to assume before he gave his heart to mc he didn't get to listen to his heart or have much of autonomy. Similar to Xavier or just the typical prince trope. I think while a selfish and morally questionable act,him giving mc his heart was an important and necessary thing for him to do.
Rafayel reminds me of the concept of angels in myths/art. Made to serve and serve only,with no choice but to live on forever doing so without ever even thinking about their own desires. If they choose to not be mindless workers 24/7 who will do the gods work? Who will make people's wishes come true? Who will help them? These questions might seem mindless if you haven't consumed as much angel media as me but I find the dilemma very interesting. Even though I clearly lean more towards angels and gods having autonomy. The show miracle workers was the start of this pondering I think. Wings of desire is a good one too. Angels last mission love is a kdrama with similar concept. Just recommending stuff incase you get interested too.
I disagree with your comparison to angels. Angels serve an ultimate authority and Rafayel "served" mortal people he was able to wipe out completely, it's an entirely different dynamic. You seem pretty set on viewing him as a victim who shouldn't be blamed for his wrongdoings, which I'm sure he's a victim to an extent (manipulation) but that doesn't absolve him of what he did. My thing is that he still did it and I'm not convinced there was no other way. Babygirl was a whole ass ocean god.
The last few years I've noticed more and more people across many fandoms feel like they can only enjoy characters who are morally correct and without flaws, because they want to stay up high on their imaginary pedestal of moral superiority. So what happens is they twist canon to fit their view of the character, seemingly ignoring things like *cough* the way he seems to not give a shit if mc dies as a result of him abandoning her in the water, or in the nest.
And I don't get it lmfao. Rafayel has such a unique love hate relationship with mc and y'all wanna just. Look away. Like why?? Because this is a toxic relationship where mc has a very unfair and dangerous power over him and he's forced to navigate this all alone?? That's an interesting dynamic!! It makes the story juicy!!
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slutforsnow · 9 months
Lady With Lousy Luck
Part two of "A Pretty Girl Playin' With The Big Boy's" (<-link to pt 1)
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CW/TW// guns, Billy is his own warning (so is Jesse, but this aint abt him LMAO), shooting, talk about abusive/manipulative ex and old friend, scars, forced marriage (?), shooting, grooming
Summary: Violet hangs with Billy and Jesse as they go shooting and get to know each other
A/N: Oh. My. Satan. GUYS ILY FOR GIVING PART ONE A CHANCE TY😭😭🫶🏼🫶🏼 also I might proofread that cause I posted it at 2am LMFAO if you guys have any writing tips/notice any misspellings lmk (also this is after the scene where he helps Kathleen working before he goes shooting with Jesse)
"Vi, why did you bet so much?" Jesse inquired as they walked to the make-shift shooting area after leaving Billy to let him join and check up on his ma. She shrugged, not really knowin' why herself.
"Don't know, just felt like it." As she spoke, she was rubbing her arm red and raw from how hard that gambler had grabbed her. She scowled as they walked, biting the inside inside of her cheek. The gambler had looked too similar to her ex. Shaking her head, she shuddered, trying to rid the image of her ex's face from her mind. 'Outta sight, outta mind my ass.'
"What's Billy like?" She questioned back, avoiding the topic of why she shuddered or bet so much.
"How d'you mean? I've told you he's a pretty damn good gunslinger for his age." Jesse looked at his younger sister with a raised brow.
Violet looked at Jesse with a look that could pierce through anything."Not like that, dumbass, I mean, is he a good person or somethin'." She swore that Jesse was messin' with her with how he shrugged. She was goin' to slap this man. She didn't care how much older he was.
"He's pretty quiet, hardworking," Jesse began, stoppin' for a moment to relax. "Loves his ma, Kathleen, and little brother, Joseph, to death. He hates his step-father, and between you and me, I can't blame him for that—but other than that, he keeps to himself."
Violet nodded, leaning against a tree and looking up at the blue sky. She watched the clouds go by as the pair waited for Billy to arrive, and she remembered how defeated Billy looked back at the saloon.
She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about it. She decided to be nice decided to give Billy her winnings from poker to him. She figured it would be a nice 'thanks for savin' my ass' sort of gesture.
When Billy arrived, Violet watched them shoot the targets from a spot on the grassy plains behind them.
She was mesmerized by his focus and draw. How the muscles in his hand flexed when he drew his pistol and fired. She had to admit, it was hot and so was he–but not just physically. Billy was respectful, a gentleman, funny, loyal, and powerful. She knew he'd be a good friend in the long run, so she planned to at least become his friend.
As Jesse and Billy conversed about guns and how to modify them, Violet started to rub her bruise again. It was a reminder. A painful reminder of the man she hated. The one who almost ruined her life and ended her life of innocence.
She laid down in the grass, laying like a starfish, and sighed. 'When I find you, Henry Antrim, I'll kill you.'
After a few minutes, Jesse came over kicking Violet in the side, which earned him a kick to the knee.
"I'm awake, what," She groaned out, sitting up. Jesse rolled his eyes before dropping his sister's hat on her face.
"Goin' piss, entertain Billy," He said, before deeper into the trees to relieve himself as the bathrooms were too far of a walk from their place.
"Hi again, ma'am," Billy greeted, tippin' his hat down to Violet and sitting down in the grass next to her.
She laughed softly and playfully pushed him in his side as she sat up.
"No need to call me ma'am, Billy, I'm perfectly okay with being called Violet."
"But wouldn't you find that disrespectful?" He questioned, taking his hat off.
"Nah. I ain't really fond of being called miss or ma'am. Not after my ex," Violet stated, grabbing her lucky make-shift knife and stabbing the dirt as she looked at Billy. He looked nervous to be talking to a woman around his age. Alone.
"Oh... we'll... what exactly did he do? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, the short story is... he popped my cherry before I was ready. He and an old friend of a mine also sort of... controlled and manipulated me to think it was fine despite being 16 he was, I think, maybe mid-to-late 40s. Said it was love, but...it wasn't," She explained, gripping her blade hard before throwing it at a tree down by the targets, and it stuck into the trunk.
Billy was taken aback by the sudden drop of what happened and why she hated her ex so badly. Finding no words to say, Billy hesitantly put a hand on her back and rubbed her back in a comforting manner. Violet had originally shuddered at the touch and had gone to shove him off, but instead... she relaxed. She half-leaned into his touch, finding comfort and warmth from the cold and distant man. Billy didn't speak, but Violet didn't want him to. Most people asked how she could be so stupid or yell at her for being dumb. But Billy offered comfort, and she found solace in it.
As a few minutes passed, Violet suddenly sat up remembering something. "Oh shit, I almost forgot!" Billy looked down at her puzzled as she fished out her winnings from poker. When she finally grabbed the large wad of cash, she pressed it firmly into his rough and calloused hands.
"Here," She said, smiling up at him as the wind blew her curls out of her face.
Billy stared, puzzled. She was giving him her winnings and didn't understand why.
"Why are you giving me your winnings...?" He asked, slowly closing his hand around the wad of cash and coins.
"Cause you saved my ass- besides, I planned to buy you a drink, but my brother gave me a look that said we needed to get out of there now. Figured money would be a better alternative after hearin' about the mining accident," She answered, playfully hitting him in the shoulder as he stared at her in awe.
Billy didn't really understand the whole concept of love at first sight, but he did know one thing; this woman was his soulmate.
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eriochromatic · 10 months
I am in love with the wha cross guild designs. Can you say something more about them? Like the thought process behind them and stuff.
sure! What I focused on first is how Mihawk, Buggy, and Crocodile's motives and personality would translate into the WHA world (I need a loose story first to be motivated before delving into the design!)
tbh I think with one piece's characters so focused on freedom and living without constraint, all pirate characters would technically be brimhats LOL (and Coco's arc of realizing the flaws of the current insitution is quite similar to Koby and the marines).
Devil fruit powers are easy to translate into seals tattooed on the skin (hence wha!Buggy's seal on his chest letting him split his body and wha!Crocodile's on his hand giving him sand manipulation). Mihawk is more interesting since he doesn't have a devil fruit, so naturally wha!Mihawk also doesn't have tattooed seals. Another way for a witch to become a brimhat is dabbling in forbidden seals, so wha!Mihawk has cursed seals on Yoru instead (which makes him a brimhat without modifying his body)
As for cornerstone character traits in the original: Mihawk is the greatest swordsman, Buggy is… just vibing LMFAO, and Crocodile is ambitous/power hungry/looking to rule his own kingdom. Obviously the greatest swordsman title means nothing in WHA, so wha!Mihawk instead is a great artificer, with Yoru being the strongest magic imbued weapon in existence. I'd like to think Yoru's seals were initially within guidelines, but Mihawk felt those rules were suffocating Yoru's potential, which is when he started using cursed and forbidden seals instead, all for the sake of Yoru becoming stronger.
Buggy I'd imagine is kind of like how Iguin is introduced in Coco's past- as a solo traveling witch mingling amongst common folk rather than being in a community of fellow witches. I think he'd be addicted to that feeling of superiority he'd get from being a revered witch in the eyes of the common people, so he's probably the head of a traveling circus troupe (where he's the only witch) touring the countryside (keeping a relatively low profile in the realm of witches, never staying in one place too long so the Knights Moralis don't go after him). Buggy's definitely not as altruistic or eager to help those in need as witches are supposed to be in WHA society, but of course he'd put on a good show to entertain the masses.
Eolio mentioned something interesting in chpt 53 ("We can be as in the tales of yore. King and witch, side by side"). There might've been more references to this concept of a monarch/person in power with a witch as their advisor (I just can't find it at the moment a;sldkfs) but I'd imagine that's what Crocodile would be doing. Like Buggy, I think he also gets a sense of superiority by being alongside commonfolk (vs Mihawk who's goal is to genuinely just make the strongest weapon possible and not interested in mingling with others). But instead of Buggy's route of mingling with commoners, Crocodile would definitely go the more sinister route- find some easily manipulated king or high lord and get into his good graces, eventually becoming the witch operating in the shadows and whispering machinations in his liege's ears. We don't know much about the pennisula yet and how far the witches' institution reaches so I don't know the exact position of power Crocodile feels safe aiming for without the Knights Moralis coming for his ass (a ruler might be too obvious lol but then again Crocodile tried to take over Alabasta right underneath the World Government's noses so who knows).
As for the designs themselves: Mihawk's fluffy plume being reminiscient of a brushbug is what started this entire idea for me, so I knew I had to add that in somehow. For each character I picked an overarching motif/theme I wanted in the character design, as well as adding in WHA design elements. WHA characters all tend to have large cloaks to cover their body while writing seals, and even though Cross Guild is all brimhats, nobody starts out as a brimhat so I'd imagine a large cloak or something top heavy would still be familiar to them even if they don't care about covering seals anymore.
For Mihawk I leaned a bit more into the vampire theme than his usual (cloak silhouette is bat like, plus the additional crosses everwhere. His sleeves aren't exactly attached to his jacket (like OPLA) and I also added that detail in the pants haha. I think Yoru is the real star here with all the seals on it, the two big ones are actually modified seals from the Ars Goetia (since they're supposed to be cursed after all); the top one is Glasya-Labolas (manslaughter and bloodshed) and the bottom one is Ronove (taker of old souls). The flower pattern on his sleeves is also not as paisley looking since it doesn't fit with the WHA artstyle, but there's so much hatching that at the end of the day I don't think it mattered lol. His cloak is the least cloak like since he needs to be able to swing that sword HAHA also he's not interacting with normal humans much anyways, usually he only interacts with witches that try to challenge him. Personally I think wha!Mihawk is quite bad at drawing seals on the fly- his specialty is being able to carve complex ones on metal perfectly so they'd be suitable in a fight later.
Buggy I went full medieval jester mode (I always tend to lean toward that aesthetic for Buggy rather than Joker Batman anyways haha). A couple of star motifs here and there, as well as slashed sleeves to reinforce the slicing and dicing of his body. Overall there's just a lot of vertical and horizontal lines on his body for that purpose. I really wanted to let Buggy's beautiful hair down since WHA's style is lovely with that kind of flowing hair. Oh all three of them are also wearing slyph shoes!
Crocodile's coat is directly inspired from Iguin's (esp for that scale motif); overall I wanted to incorporate flowy ornaments for him since I'd be drawing a lot of flowing sand; hence all the tassels on his cloak and sleeves. Cutouts are there for him to use sand manipulation more effectively. I know in canon both for him and Buggy the clothes also are affected by devil fruit powers but I don't think that would be the case here- Buggy's clothes also probably have seals in them and no one would be able to see if he's on stage but I think for Crocodile, since he'd be working with normal humans more he does have to be more cautious about things (hence why he also has a more traditional cloak compared to the others). Sand hat for coolness also for convenience bc he can just dissipate the sand if he's trying to disguise himself (like how Ininia's ribbons can appear normal instead of brim shaped). I also gave him a smoking pipe instead of a cigar because the pipe can be used as a red herring of sorts- to outsiders it might appear the pipe being the source of power (like for Mihawk's sword) but Crocodile's sand manipulation ability has the same scope as canon.
ANYWAYS that's probably a way more detailed response than you expected but hopefully that was interesting to read my thought process behind things! even though i captioned it Cross Guild I guess it ended up being more East Blue/Alabasta saga personalities than actual post Wano Cross Guild dynamics haha
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zxphy · 1 year
Okayy so you wanted some ideas, right? I saw your incel! Scaramouche post and I was wondering what your thoughts are on a yandere incel! Xiao? It's a popular idea but I really love it and maybe you could write it for Fem! Reader or Gn! Reader if you don't write fem! Readers
☆ No bitches?
Yandere! Incel! Xiao x Fem! Reader
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Tws/cws: Xiao, misogyny, women beating, domestic abuse, use of the word "retard", implied noncon, fem aligned reader lmfao, gaslighting, doxxing, rape and murder threats, and non consensual groping. Multiple spelling mistakes are present. Both you and Xiao are 18.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Xiao was your best friend since childhood, but as you both got older into adult hood, he started acting different.
A lot more grabby and forceful. He was unable to get a girlfriend or get laid, so he went to reddit and 4chan to vent his frustrstions, there he met lots of people just like him.
He may or may not have asked them "why do women not like me", getting multiple misogynistic replies. Bro was easily manipulated then turned into a self proclaimed "incel" in about a month. He believed everything his new group of friends said.
He always talked about his discord servers and his gross friends to you, saying how they give him the best advice and their misogynistic views about how women should know their place and yada yada.
You started to hang out with him less and less, as Xiao grew incredibly insufferable. Just being near him made you uncomfortable, you were scared of even being in the same room as him.
Even though you hardly talked to him, yiu still interacted online because hey! He's been your best friend since birth you don't have the heart to end the friendship.. :(
The less time you spent with Xiao, the more time you spent with Aether, one of his best friends. Xiao obviously took notice of thst, and his huge crush on you did NOT help.
Xiao considered himself a nice guy, thinking he deserved sex from "females". Complaining that girls only want Chads who just use them for their body and leave, as if incels aren't the same thing but worse.
You wanted to help him you know.. NOT have that mindset, but his stupid 4chan friends kept encouraging his disgusting way of thinking!! :(
At sometime, Xiao eventually confessed his love for you. But honestly, you kind of expected that to happen considering you were the only chick that even looked in his direction, let alone talked to him. You let him down as lightly as you can, trying not to set him off. Cause from what you heard, self proclaimed incels usually never take "no" for an answer and take every rejection personally.
"I'm sorry Xiao, it's not you.. it's me." Oh it's definately him.
"But I'm a nice guy! I'll treat you well and get everything you want. I have a job, I can spoil you!" Ah. That would make sense as to where he gets all the money to blow on hentai from.
"I just don't have any feelings for you besides platonic ones. I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." You begin to sweat, praying you didn't set him off.
Xiao looked down to the ground at his feet and sighed. "I understand." You sigh in relief, until Xiao says this,
"Can I at least have a hug?" Oh fuck.
You begin to sweat more and nodded slowly, "S-sure man.." you open your arms out for a hug and Xiao embraces you tightly, good fucking god he smells disgusting. When was the last time he showered?? It should be common knowledge that axe body isn't a substitution for showers. The scents clash in a way that make your nose hairs burn and your toes curl. It took everything out of you to not gag.
But on the other hand, Xiao was in heaven, you smell so good! His face is in your hair and he takes a big whiff and he shudders, obviously enjoying himself. It's been forever since he's been so close to a girl, let alone YOU.
His hands slowly trail down from your back and get lower, eventually he had his hands on your ass and gave it a a light squeeze. You push him away and laugh nervously and wave him good bye, leaving him by yourself.
Days go by and you started getting mysterious phone calls, text messages and messages on your social media from anonymous people. Majority of them being death and rape threats.
U stupid bitch why did u leave him to go fuck his best friend??
And another,
Im gonna rape u then kill u in an alleyway u deserve it stupid whore.
And another,
I know your address.
And another...
Get ready to get raped!
And... another.
He's gonna put you in your place, whore.
One time you even got a phone call and it qqs just a guy heavily breathing into the phone then threatening to rape you and then bury your body in the woods for "rejecting a perfectly nice guy."
At that point it was kind of obvious as to why you're getting such threats. Either Xiao has been using alt accounts and throwaway numbers or he had doxxed you to his other "nice guy" friends. You were honestly pissed, was he THAT butthurt because you didn't want to have sex with him? He needs to get a fucking life. Xiao used to be an amazing guy, your best friend, but now his stupid "nice guy" phase tore you both apart. You thought the rejection went well, that he'd be normal about it, but then he goes doxxing a girl because she didn't want to have sex with him? What the fuck?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started looking for Xiao's number, you hit him a message.
Xiao. Read 1:44pm.
XIAO. Read 1:57pm.
I know what you did. Read 2:00pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Xiao did you fucking doxx me?? Are you retarded? What the fuck is wrong with you, people keep threatening to rape and kill me you fucking ass wipe. Read 2:01pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Im sorry just meet me at my place
What?? No dawg, I'm not gonna go to your fucking house, I wanna know why you fucking doxxed me, we were literally best friends before you became a fucking misogynist. Why did you doxx me?? Read 2:02pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Come over and ill tell u
Kys. Read 2:02pm.
You shoved your phone back in your pocket and you huffed. Who does that fucker think he is?? All because you wouldn't date him!!
You being you, you still went to his home to get answers. He didn't deny doxxing you which ulset you even more. His dick probs got hard just by you texting him. (He did :3) You're sick of sll the threats, you just want it to stop. You just want Xiao to stop his bitchless behaviour. Now you're gonna do something about it.
You walk up to the lavish home and knocked on the door. Of course Xiao still lives with his dad instead of doing something productive like going to colledge like his twin sister Ganyu. You folded your arms and waited. You assumed that Mr. Zhongli wasn't home because you heard some random porn game from the third story window, Xiao's room.
You knocked again, but this time louder. You heard the game pause, then a door slamming, then rapid footsteps going down stairs. You hesrd a voice from behind the door.
"Are you the delivery guy?" *Xiao.*
"No fuckwad." You replied back. The door slowly swung open, revealing Xiao. He looked a lot more gross than you remember, he looked incredibly dishevled, with messy greasy hair, a random tshirt with very suspcious stains and dandruff on it, baggy gray sweatpants that aldo had a suspcious stain, but this time on the crotch area, and a pair of perscription glasses, the frame kind of similar to yours. But what you really could not get over, was the smell. He smelled like he hasn't showered in months, he smells entirely of spoilt food, semen, body odor and sweat. Disgusting.
"You look and smell like shit." You push past Xiao and walk into the lovely home.
"You came." He mumbled.
Of course you came, you wanted to know why the fuck he'd doxx you. He grossed you out comepletely, he was a digusting good for nothing freak. Xiao was actually a nice guy, he got good grades, was super sweet to everyone and made his father proud.
Xiao avoided eye contact and told you to follow him to his room, so you both could talk. You shook your head, feeling uneasy.
"Mr. Zhongli isn't home, why not talk here?" He ignored your question and walked up the stairs. You followed behind but kept a reasonable distance. Reasonable being several feet.
Xiao opened his bedroom door and you were immedately met with a horrible stench, his room smelled like him but worse. It smelt like semen, piss and shame. His room was covered in hentai posters and anime girl figurines, his clothes thrown all over the floor, and in the corner there was a really expensive looking gaming set up.
He could afford a multi-monitor gaming set up but not deoderant?
What couldn't go unnoticed was the collection of stiff socks gathering in a pile near his bed.
"Xiao what the hell? Your room is a fucking biohazard, feels like I need a gas mask and a hazmat suit just to be in here." You felt sorry for his father, you couldn't imagkne what it feels like having a son just like Xiao.
You walked into the room, being careful of wjere you step, Xiao sits in his gaming chair and then types a message into his Discord chat. He then got back up and cleared a space on his bed, throwing whatever was previously there onto the floor. "You can uh.. sit there."
You shook your head, but then you looked back at Xiao and he looked like he was about to cry. You felt bad so you sat anyway. You're definately burning this skirt when you get home.
You got a proper look around the room, not only seeing the weird posters, but pictures of you.
Xiao sat in his gaming chair and swung side to side, he looked nervous. Sweating as he looked at you.
You finally spoke up breaking the awkward silence. "So Xiao, why did fuck did you doxx me?" Xiao stayed silent and looked away from you. This really set you off. "Don't ignore me you asswipe! I've been getting threats of violent rape, I home you know you committed a cyber crime!"
"Relax, (Name.)" Xiao said still not looking at you. "It's not that serious." You scoffed and felt yourself getting more mad.
"Not that serious? NOT THAT SERIOUS?? Xiao! For the love of fucking christ, people are threatening to kill me! Why would you doxx me?!" You raised your voice at him, and you saw him get more nervous.
"Well.. I-I don't know I just. Me and you were like really close, but then you started fucking Aether.." You huffed, even more angry than before, "God fucking damnit Xiao! I'm trying to not fucking strangle you, but you're making it so hard!" You stood up and continued yelling, "You were so cool until you started acting like this! Kf course women won't like you if you keep thinking that she's gonna hop on your gross cock, Xiao! No one wants your tiny penis, I can assure that!"
You folded your arms and contued, "Sorry you feel so offended because I feel SAFE around Aether! He doesn't talk about how women's only purpose is to have kids and serve her mans or whatever, unlike YOU!"
Xiao fumbled with the draw strings on his sweatpants, "I-I don't know I uh just thought that you'd like me I g-guess.."
You face palmed. "Xiao. You doxxed me because I didn't want to date you? Dude! I explicitly told you that I have zero attraction to you. I only have PLATONIC feelings for you man. We had a good friendship but your gross ways ruined it-"
Xiao interupted you, "I'm a nice guy (Name), I'll treat you right. You're not like other females.."
"Oh my fucking god, Xiao..." you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I cannot believe that you think any girl would want to date YOU! A gross, disgusting people of shit incel like you! You're retarded if you think any girl would want your gross penis inside of her!"
Xiao stood up, "Fuck you (Name)!" You staggered back, surpised of his sudden outburst.
"Females like yourself are the problem. All you do is fuck chads and leave actjal nice sigmas in the dust!"
You blinked before letting out a laugh. "PFFTT!!! Dawg! Fuck this shit for real, and you know what? I'ma go to Aether's place to fuck him! How doed thst make you feel, Xiao? You gonna cry??" You flicked him off before getting up, walking to leave the room.
Suddenly your arm gets grabbed and you're pulled back, thrown onto the floor. Xiao gets on top of you and punches you square in the nose. You let out a loud squeal of pain.
"Xiao what the fu-" Xiao picks you up from under your arms and puts on on his bed, he starts feeling up your body, his hands trailing up yojr skirt, fumbling with the hem of your safety shorts.
You kicked him in the stomach and punched him in his face, Xiao staggered back and held his stomach as his glassed fell off his face, you took the chance and pushed him off you and ran.
Unfortunately for you, you tripped on the wires spewn about his room and you fell, Xiao took this opportunity and turned you around and kicked you until you stopped fighting. As an extra measure, Xiao grabbed your head, lifted it slightly then slammed it back down into the floor. You gripped your head in pain and whined.
"Xiao? What the fuck.." you wince. Xiao once again picks you up, and drops you onto his head, his hands trailing up your skirt. He lifts it slightly and pull down your safety shorts revealing your panties. His obvious erection poking through his sweatpants. Xiao went back to his gaming chair and once again started typing on his discord server, before getting up and locking his bedroom door. Too busy holding onto your head and lightly crying in pain, you had not noticed that he actually did lock the door.
The teen walked back over to you, took your shoes off and peeked off your safety shorts. He got close to you and whispered into your ear, "How does it feel to be put in your place?" He slapped you playfully.
Xiao shoved down his pants, his hard cock springing out. He hasn't shaved in a while, revealing curly black n green pubes covering his pelvic area. The tears that were threatening to fall, have fell, hot tears flowing down your cheeks hoping that Xiao isn't gonna do what you think he's gonna do.
"Xiao please. Don't do this.." You looked up at him in fear. Xiao ignored you and pulled off your panties, revealing your pussy. He threw them into a random direction. He pressed himself against you.
You're struggling to process what the fuck is going on, you're being held down, Xiao's dick is rubbing against you and half your clothes are missing.
Xiao then tore off your tshirt and threw the shreds in another random direction, then took off your bra, groping your chest the second he saw your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty.. and you're all mine." Xiao took his fingers and spread apart your lips, revealing your lovely pink insides. Xiao shoved two of his fingers inside of you just to test and you yelped.
"Fuck yeah, you're tight as balls." Xiao removed his fingers and quickly replaced his fingers with his thick cock.
He then slammed inside of you, putting his hands around your neck.
You're his now.
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I honestly think I got a little too into it, anyway I hope you guys enjoy! :3
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downsteepy · 1 year
i made a post abt leon so i want to make one abt ada now . this will be even more incoherent than my leon post bc my thoughts abt ada are a lot less organized lol.
mainly just talking abt how ppl mischaracterize her despite ... literally everything. i'll probably mention re4r spoilers if that matters to you! i'll only make brief mentions to separate ways, so please be wary of that stuff :)
i feel like a lot of resident evil characters get mischaracterized, but ada seems to get it the worst imo. a lot of people seem to just take her at face value and they're so stuck on portraying her as manipulative or that she just doesn't care abt leon which is. not even true LMFAO
ada's been shown to care very much abt leon! she's saved his ass a lot despite the fact that she literally doesn't even need to. she could see him in trouble and just leave, but she doesn't because she.. cares about him? like i don't know why people like to close their eyes when it comes to this stuff.
i would like to bring up the umbrella chronicles, specifically ada's side story, death's door. death's door shows ada's escape from the NEST, and after she escapes from the sewers, she goes to meet with one of her contacts, who she finds dead. a computer powers on to show wesker, and as soon as he mentions her having aided leon, she seems to tense up almost. ada isn't really outwardly emotive for the most part, but the way i viewed her tensing up in that moment was something maybe close to anger?
obviously it could be me reading too much into it or reading it wrong, but she definitely didn't seem too happy as soon as leon's name left his mouth lol. yes it could also be because of him saying that she betrayed him, but ultimately it could've been a mix of the two.
i do want to try and tackle re2r now which is going to be kind of messy so bear with me if i word something weird.
i think re2r is where a lot of people grab on to the idea of ada strictly only ever manipulating leon and using him. and i'm not going to type out this big long thing and act like ada definitely didn't use leon for her own goal, because she did!
THAT BEING SAID, she does also express care for him. when leon gets shot in the shoulder, she patches him up and uses her trench coat to cover him up. did she have to? absolutely not. she could've just left him there without helping him, but she did!
ada really is not as cold and emotionless as some people like to portray her as, and i think acting like she's incapable of actually caring abt leon is genuinely just. dumb?
i'll jump to re4r now because the dogshit takes i've had to see abt ada even to this day kills me. a lot of them do seem to center on how people viewed her in 2r, but hopefully with the release of separate ways people start opening their minds abt her a little more.
i think 4r does a very good job showing how ada cares about leon! i don't want to dip too much into separate ways since i haven't played it yet and i've only watched a handful of things abt it, but like. she does do a lot of things to help leon during the story of 4r. she gets saddler's attention so that leon can help ashley. she does a LOT of things for leon very willingly! she very willingly helps leon and it really isn't just bc she's wanting to use or manipulate him lol.
there's so much to ada's character that people just don't understand and don't seem to want to understand, which does suck a lot. a lot of people do seem to think she's a bad person because of the work she does, and i have seen some people say that she Obviously Doesn't Care about this or that. not to bring up the ending to re4r but the moment wesker mentions that there would be billions of casualties, you can see her change in body language, and she immediately takes control of the chopper. yes, ada is morally grey, but ada isn't inherently a bad person. the point of morally grey characters is that they aren't supposed to be viewed as 100% bad OR 100% good.
ada's moral greyness seems to be a very weird point of contention for people, and while i do get preferring characters that are more direct about their motivations, i feel like having characters that are morally grey bring a lot to a story. if you have a cast of characters that are always 100% good or 100% bad and there's no hint of moral greyness, it's.. kind of boring?
like idk, personally i like that ada is more morally grey. i think it compliments how leon is very much hellbent on helping and saving as many people as he can.
i do think a lot of the dislike or outright hatred towards ada is bc of how people view + treat leon, which sucks. really ultimately, as naive as leon may be sometimes, he's not a baby. i think a lot of this also comes from general mischaracterization of leon, but that's a post for another day since this is already incredibly long LMFAO.
tl;dr: ada isn't a bad character just because you don't like her. ada isn't a bad person because of her being morally grey. i think watering her down to "bad and manipulative" without looking at the rest of her character is doing her a disservice. i'm not really saying all of this to be like "you HAVE to like ada NOW" but i do just want people to understand her a little more 😭
also really ultimately capcom is like. very bad at writing women so that doesnt really help.. anyway. thanks for looking at my long ass post abt how ada isnt bad and a bunch of other stuff
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youremyheaven · 6 months
girl your moon post was so accurate for me too! my father has rohini rising and is such a narcissist and a master at gaslighting. he resorted to manipulating ppl's perspective of me ig so they wouldn't believe me when i started calling him out after a liiiifetime of his crap. he is extremely two faced and a lot of ppl find him really sketchy, but those he manages to fool he fools really well. the only positives of this is that at least i can see these patterns in people easily. frankly, confronting a liar is so taxing bc even if you do manage to outsmart them they'll just make some excuse. like girl. i also know this hasta moon girl that is a pathological liar and every time i see her i just can't take anything she says seriously bc i just always feel like she's lying out of her ass ab the most menial stuff. her family has had issues w her bc she skipped school for months and no one knew ab it bc she would tell such bold lies like, "call my teacher. here, have the phone so you can talk to her ab my grades" and everyone was like, ig she's doing well in school otherwise she wouldn't offer to call? i genuinely worry thinking ab what if i have a kid and they have a moon nakshatra and express it negatively like this omg i'll go crazy. anyways thank you for your post it was so interesting to see such thoroughly explained examples 🤍 it reminded me of ariana grande as well who just seems so shamelessly manipulative to me too. like when she's like "for total transparency i'll say that..." i'm immediately like ok. so you're lying 😂
im glad 😭😭😭that my Moon post resonated with so many of you, it means so much to me
Im so sorry about your father. I agree with what you said about confronting liars, I confronted someone about something deeply hurtful that they said to me and they literally said "i don't remember" 😭😭 idk how these people sleep at night bro like do they not have a conscience??
I'm happy every time some shady person is exposed in the media, including Ariana who I've found sus for yearsss ,, it's so hard to be an intuitive bc u can't even explain why u feel the way u do so no one believes you when u say that somebody is not what they seem on the outside, u get torn apart for speaking the truth but sooner or later the truth will be seen and will be heard and I truly believe that.
I hope you remain protected from abuse of all kinds in the future and always surrounded by kindness and support. 💛💛
GIRLIEEE what u said about kids is sooo 😭😭I do think about that from time to time but i believe that kids are a manifestation of our karma so the more we focus on bettering ourselves and thereby bettering our actions, we can design our lives to be drama free. What kind of children we have depends on what kind of parents we're capable of being (and you are completely in control of how you behave/treat others) so don't feel too powerless about ur future kids!!! Focus on yourself and your healing and the rest will flow💛💛💛 also if you believe in manifestation 👀just believe that you'll manifest healthy and wonderful children
This blog is a hobby of mine but what makes all my research and writing meaningful is the fact that not only do I get to learn more about astrology, I get to reach people who perhaps might benefit from the things I share. I love to hear about your guys experiences related to the things I post bc sometimes I genuinely wonder like is anyone even reading my 5k words slander on a nakshatra lmfao
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your experiences, I appreciate it so much 💛and i believe many others will also feel seen
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silversnake888 · 2 years
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hiii, i just saw your post and i thought i’d ask a couple questions about my birth chart:
1) I really want to become an actress and model, but I guess I’m not sure what I want “my brand” to be, you know? so, i guess my question is is there a specific aesthetic (modeling) or genre (acting) that I should stick to? or like what should the vibe be? lol hope that makes sense
2) I really wanna know how you think my Saturn 6H placement would manifest with my other placements in mind, your thoughts on that would be great :)
3) I’m going through my Saturn in 1st transit right now😭 ik, im a Saturn native so it shouldnt be too crazy, but its gonna be there for a couple years so what do you think I should expect or take away from it? hopefully a glow uppp🤒🤒
4) I reaalllyy wanna know more about my Lilith in Taurus in the 4H bc i heard its a “baddie” placement but likkee i still feel like i look like a dork bc i used to be an ugly duckling LMFAO but any if your thoughts on how it would manifest would be great💓
tysm in advance if you get to me <333
Hello! Thank you for the ask.
People often neglect the 6th house when it comes to fame. It is your daily life, so like many celebrities' daily life, they are hounded by fans online or outside. Your fama asteroid shines a light on your specific fame daily, which is cancer-related: you might get famous from being vulnerable to your fans. I think relatability is a heavy part of fame, because the 'greats' of any medium had works that were amazing but invoked emotion into the listener/audience. Your moon is in the 11th house too, so social media might be a great place for that. I think any acting work that deals with displaying emotions might work for you.
Your Saturn is trine Uranus, so you are able to balance traditions and non-traditions easily. Likewise, your Juno is trine Saturn so your life partner can help you greatly in your daily life. I can't say that your Saturn will affect your Fama asteroid due to your Fama sign having no aspects at all.
Since I don't know your solar return chart I'm only basing my interpretation of Saturn in the 1st transit strictly. You will be pushed to be independent this year, and go after what you want. Saturn might restrict you at first with your goals, but if you are consistent you will flourish. Your self-identity might feel very 'Capricorn'-like because of Saturn, meaning you might even feel you're getting more serious about yourself and your life destiny. You will most likely be introduced to new people with a distinct Capricorn energy, but in career/business affairs this is great.
Your Lilith sign shows the lack of control over yourself and others. I'm not surprised you were an 'ugly duckling' because Taurus rules venus so naturally you were shamed for your lack of beauty. I assume this is when you're young, so don't take that to heart because anyone thinking your kid-self is hot needs to go to jail lol. Due to his wound in your early life, you will continue to keep this wound about not being attractive enough, so you need to be careful of people who try to manipulate you based on your insecurity. Most likely, you developed this wound at home. However, once you start to break free of feeling 'pretty enough' is when you can excel. You need to shed that wound you developed at home, and work towards your reputation (10th house) shedding that energy. It's not wrong to feel that the pure Lilith energy is something you want to embody, but Lilith is so raw and volatile that it can bite you in the ass too. So, keep cautious with what you wish for haha.
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ariaisabitch · 3 years
My reactions to Love Is Blind S2 E2
Ok so it's starting right with them seeing each other. That was such an awkward run. Awwww ok never mind they're cute. THE WAY SHE HELD HIS NECK OMG
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They're kissing a lot sheesh. I wonder if these people watched the first season. Like do they all know they're gonna go to the same resort, cause last time it was kept a secret.
OMG ITS JARETTE AND IYANNA!! He said "our home" omg love him. 30 more seconds LOL. ah shit, I forgot about Mallory.
I love Mallory too. Aww I like Jarette and Mallory too. Fuuuuck.
I don't know how I feel about this never have I ever. I feel like I'm interrupting something 😭. Sir that blanket is very conveniently placed.
Awww no don't show me Natalie all by herself I will cry. Ew no, I swear if Shaina try's and comforts her I will puke. Ok never mind she walked out. Go yell at his ass girl!
Oh god. I feel like she's just going for Shayne because there's no one else that interests her. Why's he saying completely opposite things between the girls 😭 DID HE JUST? HELLO? AND SHE JUST? GIRL DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? Ok it's fine he didn't propose it was just girlfriend. I don't think that counts, right?
Bro you don't got a romantic connection with them both, you are just looking to get laid by Shaina and you like how Natalie likes you. God he's such a dick. Shaina girl just walk out. Please for ffs. Spare us this cringey pain. Ik he is not gonna pull the water works to try and keep her. YES SHES WALKING OUT. I HATE YOU BUT IM STILL PROUD YOU DID WHAT NATALIE WAS AFRAID TO.
Why does the men's courters couch look exactly like my Dzadzu's couch? Like exact. IS HE SERIOUSLY STILL GOING WITH THE MANIPULATION? BRUHH?
Ok Deepti and Shake both make me uneasy. They both proudly admitted to only dating white blonde people. That's just.. icky to me. Girl you were just talking about how you don't like him and now you're talking about him being the one? Sheesh.
GOOD. YOU BETTER FEEL EMBARRASSED ABOUT BEING A SUPERFICIAL DICK! OMG HE'S PROJECTING? Ok wait he's actually being pretty self aware. He's admitting to being a dick pretty easily. That's pretty mature of him. +3 points for Shake. Still at -7 tho.
Ok workout montage, I see you girls.
I can't tell if it's cute that Shake calls her Deeps or not. Ok he's being pretty mature right now. Oh jeez he has a slow-mo walk. He's gonna propose isn't he? And of course she'll say yes. I mean he's not dressed up like the other guys usually are, but he's being very sweet right now so he gets a pass. A solid -4 right now. Deepti is so pretty dude omg. Am I gonna see them meeting this episode? I'll be upset if not. Them meeting will determine if I like them or not 🤔 LMAO I SOUND LIKE IM SOME COUPLES THERAPIST ANALYZING THE SHOW
Back to Iyanna, my love. Aww she's being so open. Bro she's my favorite, love her. Jeez I like Mallory too. Ok I like them better. I like Jarette more with Iyanna. Fuck ok he's admitting something to her that not many people know. HOLY SHIT BRO. YOU GOOD MY GUY? HIS FRIEND ST@BB3D HIM!? Ok at least he's being honest to her about Mallory. Jarrett with Mallory and Iyanna is the new Barnette with Amber and Jessica. OMG EVEN THE NAMES RHYME. NOT EVEN A COINCIDENCE I TELL YOU.
Ok here's the real test, will he tell Mallory about Iyanna...? HE DIDNT!? NOOO JARRETTE DONT BE LIKE BARNETTE! THEY'LL TALK IN THE COURTERS. Awwww poor Mallory. I hope they actually do talk to eachother. Oh no, now she's back with Sal. I swear if they get uncomfortably sexual again I'm skipping forward. Oh ok, he's singing something. Ok this is pretty cute. I thought it was gonna be like that one guy from the new Too Hot to Handle season, but he's actually pretty good and not cringey.
OH OH SOMEONES MEETING EACH OTHER?? ITS SHAKE AND DEEPTI! Oh ffs Shake I gave you points for not being superficial and now you're talking about immediately slapping her ass. You're back to -6. WHY DOES HE KEEP CONTRADICTING HIMSELF!? One sentence he's talking about not caring about appearance, the next he is hoping she's beautiful. "he wants the most attractive woman in the room" GIRL YOU ARE! YOURE SO PRETTY! DEEPTI LOOK AT YOURSELF YOURE GORGEOUS!
Ok ok they're at the doors let's see if it cuts off to the next episode or not. I can't see my watch time. Ok it's the same episode! Awww he's star struck. He literally looks at her like I want to be looked at. That's adorable. Ok that was cute until the booty part. Ok it's fine she said she likes that stuff. AWWW HE TOUCHED HER FEET. Ok ok maybe it's just cause I'm a lesbian. She really like his behavior that I find icky so he's gonna go to 2 points, no more negative. I can't tell if he looked at her like that as she walked away because of her ass or because he was still star struck by her in general.
Ok we're back to Jessica 2.0. Oh god he left a ring in the pod for her. Oh she didn't respond to that very happily. Are they just not gonna address the ring? She does not look very happy. She looks like she's in pain. AW ITS HIS MOMS RING!! Ok ew I don't like how he's attracted to someone that reminds him of his mom. That's freaky. This is not gonna last long, I'm calling it. HUH? SHE SAID YES?? She had to have done that through stress, she would be more happy. She's literally Jessica 2.0. Didn't get chosen by her #1, so settles for her #2, yet unsure about it. Either that or she's just really drowned in shock.
Ok she's sitting down and crying. Yes girl, it's terrifying, but it's more about how you go through with this. It's about how you handle those obstacles. Is he worth going through the obstacles or not?
Ew we're back to Coach Steve. And that's an insult to the actual Coach Steve. Is he gonna propose for real? Natalie please, this is your last chance. OH FUCK ITS NOT NATALIE!? ITS SHAINA!? Bro you are absolutely fucked. How have you not distinguished their voices right now? LMFAO HIS FACEEE. Jesus why is she talking to him again? She's literally Jessica 2.0.
Said yes to Marrying Kyle, but goes to talk to Coach Steve impersonator to tell him she still likes him.
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olwolo · 3 years
I'VE COME BC OF NIKI STREAM AND OH GOD- we are getting the character development man I'm so fucking excited I really want her to kick his ass omg LMFAO but YES I watched her stream even tho I'm late and busy with college bc syndicate priorities, their streams are a must watch for me :(( so good, so good. The only bad side of ur new art is that I already changed my lockscreen to the last angsty tommy one so like I'M STILL CONSIDERING if I'll change it again but I already accepted that my lockscreen is a olwolo property so like :// anyway back to tubbo design, I don't dig the hybrid thing all that much as well (maybe bc everybody relates it to schlatt lol) but since I saw the long ass bangs I just adapted my whole tubbo design just to fit that lol it's so nice and looks SO CUTE! and I struggle with eyes so like I really like it ok! and about wilbur being a bastard yeah I feel that since the first stream bc the way he treats my boy,, yikes. And for some reason I love it but it's probably bc I adore how cc!wilbur treats the dsmp like,,, lore and stuff so I'll always cheer for him unless techno is on the opposite side lmao but YES I'LL KEEP U UPDATED WHEN I WATCH IT!! Also random but, any thoughts for slime man design? I always look forward to your design for characters tbh lol 🧨
i was about to post the syndicate birthday art and then niki started streaming and absolutely killed me with her acting hhhfjk and after the wholesome techno stream it really was like a brick to the head but it was so good!!! and yeah i never really got the appeal of hybrid design for tubbo but whoever came up with the long bangs is a genius. and i love the headcanon that he grew them out not to accidentaly make eye contact with ranboo since he dislikes it! it's really cute! and like i said before i'm very hesitant to call s1!wilbur manipulative but revivedbur very much is that and i hope c!tommy realizes he isn't in the 'right place' and gets away from him. still i enjoy how cc!wilbur portrays his character so much and i can never get enough of him!!! and for c!slime i have like a basic idea of how he looks like but i need to work on the outfit still! i put a sketch under the cut:
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i came up with the idea of him wearing one of those toy glasses that have like, fake eyeballs on a spring and just drawing an eye on a lense to look more human because i think it's funny
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antthonystark · 7 years
I just saw your last anon and the tags and it's like, there's Alec hate on my dash right now and it's making me sick. Someone is accusing that Alec didn't "do enough" to try to help Magnus in the last episode when he thought they switched bodies and we need to stop "excusing" him for it and that the episode was shitty writing, etc. Meanwhile I'm just sitting here thinking how incredible that episode was and I don't even care lmfao.
yeah i saw that post lol like people are…..….let me just quote myself from here (lol so pretentious and self congratulatory im sorry): 
“people don’t even try to even think for a second why - it’s all just, he was wrong, he didn’t know, he didn’t notice, he listened to jace instead of his gut, he should be sorry, why didn’t he know, etc. etc. but the point of it is that it was basically an impossible situation - the point was that we knew, but knowing alec’s position – not knowing, being cautious and logical by nature, and having seen valentine’s reprehensibility and manipulations up close and personal – we would understand why it was such a difficult judgment and situation to be in without pointing fingers in blame like little tiny children 
but like…..tbh they overestimated the fandom lol“
first of all….obviously, if we’re talking about the writing, then the gaping hole is the fact that alec could have “tested” fake magnus in some way and then gotten confirmation of the switch and all would have been a-okay. but….this is television….that’s the same reason clary and jace would never do a DNA test to figure out their true identities instead of the 4 dramatic reveals we’ve had…drama on tv doesn’t always make sense. so first of all, i’ll give you this - he could have checked, the episode couldve ended in 15 minutes and magnus would be shaken up but overall  fine and we probably wouldn’t be seeing as drastic of repercussions as we’re likely going to see in his arc in episodes to come. this is absolutely 100% fair enough. i agree that he could have and should have checked in some way, but i also posit that this is TV and sometimes that means heightening tension and suspending a bit of disbelief, but to each their own, not everyone has to agree with that being a necessary evil in tv writing. it’s also true that it likely could have been avoided in some way, but until we know the implications of what happened in this episode, im not going to judge whether it was a good or a bad call
but let’s think about it just in terms of the actual narrative here, not thinking about TV writing and drama and all that. 
[under the cut]
like…..people are putting a bit too much on alec’s shoulders (i.e.”it’s all his fault” instead of “it’s partially his fault but the circumstances were extreme” which is more reasonable to me) instead of even trying to understand the situation at all. this is the kind of manipulation that valentine excels, and revels, in. jace knows it, and because of that, alec knows it. 
(and listen, in this post i’m not talking about him going along with the rogue execution necessarily, which is a whole can of worms, but just rather this assertion that he “should have done more” or “should have known.” with the execution thing, i really think his involvement was more a case of his lingering doubt not letting him just turn the other cheek and let her do what she was going to do regardless, but also alec has an authority problem and i hope this is the start of an arc that deals with that but like i said it’s a can of worms and this is a tangent it’s not what im talking about right now lol)
 like, to us, valentine popped into the story as clary did, he’s been around for like a couple months. but you know ………….the uprising – includingvalentine’s massacre of both downworlders and shadowhunters – that’s notancient history in the shadow world, right? it happened in alec’s lifetime. it’s extremely recent history in that regard –he was a baby, sure, but I don’t think people fully appreciate how recent itwas, and how significant an event it was in the shadow world. and it wasn’tjust some general war – no, the war and murder and massacre (and attemptedgenocide) was tied directly to one individual and his followers, thatindividual being valentine. just try to put yourselfin alec’s shoes there for just a second however you can, and the way that hewould view valentine just based on that fact alone, just based on what he wouldno doubt have grown up hearing about from his parents and his parents’ friends(some of whom died at valentine’s hands), and likely from history books andshit…valentine has been a symbol for depravity and massacre in the shadow world ever since the uprising, the most loathed figure in recent history - like look at how alec reacts when he finds out his parents were in the circle, calling it “unforgivable.” 
so you have that, and then you have the fact that alec has seen very close and firsthand how much valentine can utterly and cruelly twist someone’s mind - that someone being one of the closest (if not the closest) people in alec’s life. alec has seen firsthand the horrible abuse and manipulation that jace has been put through by valentine, alec had to comfort jace who was broken and crying in his arms because valentine put him through so much just an episode ago. alec saw how valentine convinced jace that there was darkness in him (as early as 1x13 after the fight with hodge you see alec trying to make jace snap out of it) – like, that’s not insignficant here either
and bearing in mind that alec and magnus haven’t been dating for a huge amount of time yet - yes, they love each other, yes they’re meant to be, but we all know that there’s lots about magnus that alec doesn’t know yet anyway, so there’s also that + then you have the anger at “valentine” for trying to manipulate his relationship with magnus in order to try and save his own ass which also motivates him against “valentine” in the episode, bearing in mind that that’s what alec perceives to be happening, because based on what we have seen so far in terms of valentine’s actions and the realm of what is possible in the universe, that is absolutely the most logical conclusion to draw
basically what i’m trying to say is that it’s really really easy for us to say that alec “should have known” or “could have done more” but i think that presents a misunderstanding of the way that alec has had to view valentine. certainly, like i said before, alec has a very big flaw with his valuing of authority  sometimes superseding his better judgment, and that very significantly plays into this especially at the end when you can see some doubt, but not enough to stop her. but what i disagree with is people putting the entire onus of it on alec’s flaws and alec’s actions, rather than understanding what a difficult dilemma of a situation it really was for him. like i said in my quoted text, it was framed as an impossible circumstance - that’s what made the episode work, that’s what drove the suspense and the tension - it wasn’t a bug, it was the main feature lol. 
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