#and during that time period you learn more not only abt her
yangbbokari · 1 year
OT8 SKZ making a bet on you - Hyung Line
Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader
Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU
Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities. I think that abt it
Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them
A.N: Not proof read at all and I had this idea pop up inside my head instead of actually finishing my ksm fic
Parts: Maknae line Part 2
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BANG CHAN: You've always trusted Chan with every fiber in you so it was a little unexpected when you just so happened to overhear his phonecall. It wasn't as if you intended to listen to it. But how could you not when you knew he was talking about you.
You were walking by his home studio when you heard him call your name. Assuming that he was calling for you, you almost went in. But, when he continued to talk you figured he was on call. So you stood by the door waiting for him to say some nice words about you. Blushing and smiling in the process. But what you didn't expect to hear was,
"...yeah, I'm not even going to lie, toying with her was hella fun. I won the bet so pay up." You couldn't believe you ears. But you stood there just to see how things would esculate. All you needed was for him to say he loved you. Except, thats not what happened. He just chuckled. CHUCKLED!? "That's what I'm saying! She thinks I'm her protector or whatever. She gets so annoying sometimes and I can't stand it but-"
That was all you needed to hear before bolting out of the house. 7 years of trust, love and bonding down the drain because of some stupid bet. Or maybe you were the stupid one. Stupid for ever believing in his lies in the first place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE MINHO You're currently locked up in a janitor's closet crying to yourself and thinking about how dumb you must've been. There was no warning signs. There was no subtle hints. There was nothing but a lethal bomb ticking off. Ticking off till you completely lost it all.
You thought prom was going to be the best night of your life. That was until you witnessed the most horrific sight.
Minho asked you out to prom during your lunch period unexpectedly. He was one of the most popular boys in school and you were well... a loner. He even offered to take you to dinner to convince you to go with him. But you agreed because this was the dream of like every girl in the school.
He picked you up at 6:30 sharp and drove you to the school. You could barely contain your excitement the entire time. The two of you walked in together but he refused to let you hold his hand. Let alone putting your arm around his. You brushed it off as, "he's not comfortable with it yet." But it was soon discovered that he didn't want to be seen with you at all.
You were enjoying your night but then you excused yourself to the bathroom. When you made it back to the dance floor, Minho was nowhere to be seen. So you went to search for him. You wish you hadn't done that. There he was, in the middle of the science lab, making out with the head of the cheer team. You held you breath as you stood still in the hallway. Still in shock to what you were witnessing. Not to mention what you were hearing.
Minho was saying it with his own mouth and it left you in disbelief. "So, I took that loner girl out to prom. Does that finally win me a chance with you? You know how long I've been waiting for you."
"Don't you think you'll break the poor girl's heart?"
"Oh c'mon! You said if I took that trashy loner to prom then you'd be more than willing to be mine. Please? You already kissed me so it has to count."
Loner girl? That's all you were in the eyes of other people. You should've known sooner. No popular jock would actually ask you to prom. No one would even talk to you. What were you thinking? So you made a run for it to a janitor's closet, making sure no one else was around and sat down, crying to your heart's content. Guess prom wasn't the best night of everyone's life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEO CHANGBIN All you wanted was space. Space for a little while. Your heart wasn't ready to feel that and your brain wasn't ready to believe it. You didn't want to believe it. Did he even really love you all these years or were you just a mere joke to him and his friends?
You had just returned from work and saw Changbin sitting on the couch. You gave him the key to your apartment two months after you guys started dating. This marked your fifth month. Changbin was clearly nervous as he turned the rings on his finger and bounced his leg up and down. Slowly, you approached him. "H-hey, Baby. Everything alright?"
His eyes shot up to you and he was sweating from all the nervousness. "Uh, y/n, I didn't hear you coming in! I-I just wanted to talk about something with you. Something very serious." Changbin put on the best stern face he could. With a concerned face, you look at him. “Are you okay? Did something happen?” He looked like he was on the verge of tears. You were concerned but you wanted to hear him out first.
“Whatever I tell you, just remember that I love you very much and what’s coming out of my mouth right now is of the past. So… I actually started dating with you because… because..” He sighed heavily before continued. “…me and the members made a bet to see if I could make you mine and I agreed. B-but I really love y-”
You cut him off not wanting to hear anymore than you already did. “I think I need some space right now.”
“Baby, I- I said I need some space.”
Locking yourself in the bedroom to cry, clenching at the fabric in front of your heart. How could you fall to their game all this time? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HWANG HYUNJIN Movie night went wrong… you guess you could say.
The boys and you were settling down for a movie when you scrolled across “To All The Boys I Loved Before”, when Jisung began laughing.
“Yah! Do you guys remember when we made a bet to see who y/n would fall in love with first.” The chubby cheeked boy said. The rest of them laughed and went along with it until they noticed the silence between the both of you and Hyunjin.
“Wh-what!?” You stuttered out. Tears were streaming down your face by now. “WHAT!?” Confused was the perfect word to describe you in the situation. They all turned to you as Felix asked, “Did Hyunjin not tell you?”
Your head shook as you looked between Hyunjin and the other members. Back and forth, back and forth. You wanted to immediately tear your ears off. Open your head, take your brain out, and erase the horrible memories you had just gained.
Tears blinded your eyes as you ran out of the room and before you knew it, out the house. As you ran you could hear Hyunjin calling your name. But you were too grief-stricken to stop and look back. Maybe you should’ve never came here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you guys enjoyed. I had this on my mind for like a week and I had to write it down before I lost inspo😭 Lemme know if y’all want a part 2. Maknae line is coming soon though❤️
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tearwolfe · 4 months
could u info dump abt the puppy detective au?
pretty pwease
(no joke i just like reading that type of thing ruikasa is cool)
so the AU takes place in a world where most people are "monsters" in a modern setting. this means that any common type of monster has accommodations! vampires can purchase blood from stores (with ID), there's comfortable forms of restrainment for werewolves during their crazed period, etc. humans DO exist, but are pretty uncommon. rui used to be a human until he was turned into a werewolf. how was he turned? i'll figure that out eventually.
tsukasa is a vampire who works as a detective or private investigator of sorts. he dresses like that because he is dramatic and wants to give a sherlock holmes-ish type of vibe, despite the fact that that is Not his time period. you know tsukasa. he has rui help him with cases! rui's got a good nose, and an even better brain, so he's often the one to come to conclusions, while tsukasa does the groundwork. they stick to smaller, sillier cases (such as finding lost cats, investigating cheating scandals, etc.). once i figure out a storyline, i do want them to start making discoveries about Something Big and Bad but i need to figure out what first..
as per my usual ruikasa AU, rui and tsukasa's relationship is Vague. do they kiss? yes. do they hold hands and cuddle? yes. do they consider themselves boyfriends? well. they have more important things to think about right now! everyone pretty much knows they're an item.
when it comes to vampires in this AU, human blood is best for them (nutritionally, and keeps them fuller for longer), but they can get by on other monster blood. human blood is more expensive in stores since it's harder to come by. rui is a werewolf. but you know what rui USED to be? a human. he's still got the Human Vibe to him so tsukasa is LUCKY. he still buys blood when he needs to so he doesn't bleed rui dry but. you know these two..
werewolves transform during the week of the full moon each month. during the majority of the week, they are still fully capable of controlling themselves and can go about daily life. however, during the day OF the full moon, they lose control and can become quite dangerous. tsukasa locks rui up in their apartment closet to keep himself and rui safe.
rui is selectively mute, so he doesn't really talk much unless he needs to or if it's for a bit. he's fluent in sign language, and tsukasa is currently learning. nene is also fluent in sign language.
nene is a siren and rui's childhood friend. she has a fishlike appearance— gills, fins, and the like— but only grows a mermaid tail when submerged in water. she can walk around on land fine unless she falls into a body of water, then it takes a little while for her tail to turn back after she's dry. i'm still working on her role (and emu's, i need to figure out what monster she is still).
as for other characters.. they exist, but i'm still thinking about it. akito and ena are both blood werewolves, and saki is also a vampire, but that's about as far as i've thought of. i'll be marinating on it whenever i need new characters...
(i think it would be funny if mafuyu and tsukasa were exes. wouldn't that be splendid? i love relationship drama).
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spiderlandry · 1 year
bunny — jake sully
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Description: Jake always called you bunny. You were determined to get the meaning out of him.
Pairing: Jake Sully x GN!Reader
Warnings/Tags: heavy use of ‘bunny’ as a pet name, courting and talks of mating, jake being a little shit, just fluff, angst if you squint, unedited. also tsu’tey is alive bc i said so!
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: dont like this that much tbh. been feeling kinda insecure abt my writing lately so thats not helping lol
(Dialogue in italics is spoken in English, normal text is Na’vi)
You weren’t a stranger to the language barrier that existed between you and Jake. It was more prevalent during his training period, when you had taken over after Neytiri bargained with her parents in transferring the role to you. At first, it was a burden. Teaching a dreamwalker who had no place in the clan. But you also had a soft spot for Grace, who taught you what she could about their own culture.
Eventually, it became fun. There was a point where you realized you no longer saw him as responsibility, but rather as a companion.
Now, as the clan was making great progress after the war, Jake asked many eclipses ago if he could begin courting you. You were touched by his insistence on following tradition, though it was the least he could do. Still, he learned to weave (albeit badly at first), make accessories, and most importantly, speak your language. There were even times when Norm, whom you visited occasionally when Jake did, grumbled at how much better he’d gotten—referencing back to when the marine struggled getting it through his thick skull until you came along.
But there was just one thing that perplexed you. Even though Jake adopted the Na’vi language with an open heart, there was one word he refused to shake from his daily vocabulary: bunny.
When he first said it to you, you thought it might have been a slip-up. He was just learning how to make better landings with his ikran, and when you teased that he’d never be able to keep up with you, he said, “You don’t know what you’re in for, bunny.”
With ears flat against your head at the sound of a foreign word, you brushed him off and flew away, beckoning him to chase you once more.
Then, the war happened.
You didn’t hear it out of his mouth again until he began to court you, much more recently. The second time was when he greeted you outside your kelku with a serving of fruit wrapped in a leaf, one morning. This time, he said: “Rise and shine, bunny. I got something special for you.”
“Do you take me for a fool, Jakesully?” You replied.
His eyes widened upon hearing his entire name, likely fearful that he said something wrong. After all, he was still getting used to Na’vi customs.
You snickered at his reaction, “Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?”
“Bunny. A human word.”
He smirked, that cocky little shit. “It’s just a term of endearment. Come on, eat. I brought you food.”
You took the item from his hand and invited him in.
A few more eclipses passed—he was busy in his role, training and working with Tsu’tey to make sure everything is in order, yet he found pockets of time during the day to be next to you while you did your part.
Jake was starting to spend more and more of his downtime in your kelku. It was common for you to wake up before dawn to see Jake already waiting outside, often with food and something he made.
Gifts were already piling up in your home. Around this time, it was customary for the other party to propose an official union to whom they were courting, but it seems Jake hadn’t gotten the courage just yet. Though, you never refused a gift; the poor man was trying his best to—in his words—be worthy of you. The sentiment and his reasoning made your heart swell, but there was one problem: he would not, for the love of Eywa, let up on calling you bunny.
Whenever you questioned him, his smirk only grew. You understood that Jake took pleasure in teasing you, hell, you teased him a lot more, but you no longer wanted to give him that satisfaction.
So, you devised a plan.
Jake, having been used to the growing intimacy that came along with courtship like the hugs and kisses, was taken aback when he was suddenly deprived of it.
He didn’t think much of it at first. When you no longer invited him into your home because you wanted to get started on your tasks early, he commanded you for your dedication and followed your example. But it kept happening, over and over again.
Then, you didn’t grin like you usually did when he kissed you on the forehead before leaving. Though he recognized the familiar purple hue on your cheeks, he began to worry that he was too overbearing or you’d lost interest. Or both.
He and Tsu’tey were sparring as an example for the younger warriors when his opponent noticed how easy it was to defeat him that day.
“Losing your touch, Jakesully?” Tsu’tey grinned, going for a hit against Jake’s side, the other one barely dodging it in time.
“No, man.” Jake stepped it up significantly, channeling his anger into the fake fight.
They kept going, quipping back and forth until Tsu’tey was able to hold him down and say, “Tap out, Jakesully.” His knee put pressure on Jake’s chest, “If you know what’s good for you.”
They continued training throughout the day, but Tsu’tey ended it early.
“What is troubling you, brother?” He pulled Jake aside away from the crowd as they left training grounds.
Talking to him couldn’t hurt, Jake thought. “You know Y/N well, right?”
“We have been friends since we were babies, so yes.”
“They’ve been…distant, lately.”
Tsu’tey laughed, a glint in his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” (In truth, you told Tsu’tey about your plan.)
After a beat, Jake stared at him with a bewildered expression. “What, that’s it? No advice?”
“You should have known better.”
Tsu’tey walked away, leaving Jake to stand there and wallow in his misery. (Misery may be a little farfetched. But it sure felt like that.)
Arriving home with a newfound determination after taking a deep breath, he trod lightly toward your kelku. He couldn’t hear you inside, but tapped on the door anyway.
“Look, bunny.” He sighed, not caring the stares others are shooting him. His dignity did not matter if it meant he could keep you. “I’m sorry for whatever I did. Can we talk? You—you know…I haven’t said it yet but I love you. I see you. Please let me in.”
One of your neighbours, seeing Jake grovelling outside your home, interrupted him.
“They are not home, Jakesully.”
He turned. “Do you know where they are?”
“They went out into the forest.”
“What? Why?”
“We don’t know.”
The sterile smell of the lab invaded your nostrils, your nose scrunching up on instinct and involuntarily giving one of the scientists angry eyes as they handed you a mask. You were familiar with the place, but you’d never been here without Jake.
“Where is Norm?” You tried not to run into their tiny workspaces, hissing when your foot hit the corner of a table. When the scientist didn’t answer, you took it upon yourself to wander around.
He appeared from around a corner. “Hey, what’s up?” He looked behind you. “Where’s Jake?”
“I did not bring him.”
“Alright, well.” Norm was speechless for a moment. “What do you need?”
“I need you to translate a word.”
“Um—sure, go right ahead.”
With Norm’s perplexed look, you waited patiently. Within a moment, he said, “Well…a bunny is an animal.”
“What does it mean to call someone that?”
“It depends on the context, but it’s likely a term of endearment. Why, is Jake calling you that?”
Growing impatient, “Show me this animal.” Before he can respond, “On your little touch pad.“
“Uhm. Sure. Of course.”
When he grabbed one and showed it to you, there were no words, you only stared at him for an explanation.
“Bunnies are—were—rare on Earth. They’re considered very cute because of their fur and small size.”
“But I do not have any fur. Nor am I small.”
He strained his head to make eye contact with you. “You’re right. But I think it’s just a cute nickname—“
A loud banging cut his sentence short, followed by a distressed sounding Jake saying, “Norm!”
You stayed back and watched as Norm excused himself to greet Jake at the door, disappearing into the corner. It was close enough you could hear their conversation.
“Hey, Jake, I was just—“
“I need your help.” He sounded out of breath. You snickered.
“Well let me get—“
“No time! I need to find Y/N—“
Deciding you had enough of hearing him so concerned, you strutted into his line of sight.
Jake‘s breath stuttered at the view of you. His hair was disheveled, tail swishing in all kinds fo directions. He closed the distance, then, suddenly remembering something, stayed frozen a few inches away. He scanned your figure, and satisfied, he began to breathe normally.
“I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? I flew around with Bob and you were nowhere to be seen, they said you went into the forest and you—“
You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. “I am fine, beloved. I was here the whole time.”
“Here?” His voice cracked, more out of exhaustion. “But you never come here.”
“I needed to ask Norm a question.”
Jake glanced at the man mentioned for a second, who shrugged. “What for? You could have asked me.”
“That is the problem, I did ask you.”
At his furrowed brows, you explained. “I needed to know what you meant by bunny!”
“I told you it was a term of endearment.”
“But you never explained why,” you frowned.
“Look, I was coming to tell you something. Norm, can you leave?”
Relieved at no longer having to hear your lover’s quarrel, “For sure.”
Jake’s large hand snaked up to your neck, pulling you closer. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“For whatever I did. I don’t know what I did, but you can tell me and I’ll try to make it up.”
“Are you losing interest? Because if that’s it—mmph!”
You covered his mouth with your hand, holding back a smile.
“I should apologize. I was just playing with you.”
“Hm?” You felt his lips purse under your palm.
“You kept teasing me with bunny, and I didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of my frustration. It was not serious, love.”
Removing your hand, he silenced you this time by slotting his lips over yours, subsequently smiling at the prospect of you not actually being mad at him.
When he pulled away, both of you were beaming.
“I have something else to tell you,” he licked his lips, your eyes gravitating toward it. “I love you. I see you. Can we—um…” He seemed to lose confidence, losing his footing in the words.
“Say it.”
“I want to mate with you. I want to be your mate. Be with you forever, please?” His eyes softened, searching yours for any sign of rejection.
Yet, he found none. He found only what he has found in you countless times, and that’s a simple emotion: happiness. At least, it was simple when it came to you. You made it that way.
“So? What do you say, bunny?”
You playfully slapped his chest. “Of course. Forever.”
Additional A/N: the ‘bunny’ nickname was inspired by stargirlrchive’s fic here
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun facts abt residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 2
Continuing with the Ikevamp radio findings (& some stuff w/the VAs) I have episodes 4-7 this time!!! (also pls take this with a grain of salt bc idk how much of this is canon according to Cybird)
Episode 4: It’s just Vincent and Sebas’s VAs!!
Morishi emphasizes that he’s a special guest, not a permanent part of the show, Makki says that there should prob be only one MC. They settle on Morishi being a guest-regular
Vincent’s learning to sing the song Sebas taught Leo in episode 1 & 3 (for anyone curious, the original song is called Ii yu dana [いい湯だな] by the Drifters [ザドリフターズ] and it was a song the group sung at the end of their TV show/stage from the 70s–late 90s. Sebas knowing that song would mean he was alive during this time period)
Sebas hears him hum, Vincent is embarrassed, telling him to forget he ever saw him singing
During the day, Vincent saw Sebas cutting and sorting the gardens, to which Sebas references Nippon Mukashi Banashi (Folktales of Japan) where so many Japanese folktales start with a character cutting grass/weeds
Vincent recalls that Theo called MC “hondje” and “dog”, worries that she might be offended at those names
Sebas reassures him that MC has a strong spirit, and shouldn’t worry abt her much
Sebas comments that while Vincent and Theo are siblings, they have completely different personalities
Vincent answers that many people have stated this, wonders what he has to do to make others believe that they are brothers
Sebas has Vincent do impressions of Theo, starting w/Vincent calling Sebas “hondje” but Vincent just calls him “wanchan” (doggy/puppy) instead
Sebas makes a weird/loud noise, saying that that’s just an angel playing with a puppy (the part where Sebas loses his sanity. Actually he’s losing more of it as the episodes continue)
Vincent relents, quietly mumbling “hey, hondje” to Sebas
Sebas says he’s so close, just needs to be a bit more intimidating
Vincent repeats “hey, hondje” with more determination, Sebas replies “I have received Master Vincent’s ‘hey hondje!!!!’” (Sebas is crazy I swear)
Sebas pressures Vincent to say “I will make you my dog,” like Theo, to which Vincent questions if Theo has ever said that
Sebas quickly answers yes, forcing Vincent to say the phrase but worded more respectfully “I will make you my dog, okay?” (peer pressure is never okay, ESPECIALLY concerning Vincent)
Sebas is satisfied with the result, saying that the two brothers are really related
Sebas confesses that he just wants to see Vincent as a sadist and Vincent just sweat-drops
In this episode’s “Can you tell me… your name?” segment… (aka my fav part of the livestream—lol it’s not even the skit in the thermae) 
Sebas’s chosen line was “I’ve boiled the pumpkin” (this was done during Halloween, that’s what’s with the pumpkin). There were a lot of food-related names, so Sebas would say “Cucumber, I’ve boiled the pumpkin” or “Miso soup, I’ve boiled the pumpkin” and many others (mushroom, pig, tomato, sweet potato, radish, shiitake, hanpen)
There was also one in which Morishi said “Aramaki, I’ve boiled the pumpkin” to which Makki replied “thank you,” and another with “Vincent, I’ve boiled the pumpkin”
Episode 5: feat. Theo’s VA Sato Hisanori & Earl Rose (ローズ伯爵)
First episode where there is video in the livestream (it was previously just audio)
(I love watching VAs play their roles so this episode is prob one of my favs)
Sato realizes what kind of crazy show this is when he has to say “konvampire” instead of “konbanwa” (good evening) as a greeting. I feel like every guest other than Tsuda has said this (at least implied) but Sato just straight up says this
Sato calls Makki “nii-san” (big brother) when they first greet each other, referencing their roles as Vincent and Theo (also, fun fact, the two VAs are born in the same month of the same year)
Sato asks the viewers who they like the most out of Vincent, Theo, and Sebas. The viewers overwhelm them with calls of “Vincent!!!”
Sato asks for them to stop, changing questions, asking the viewers who wears the best clothes out of three (Makki, Morishi, and Sato). The viewers still say Makki, though there are some saying Sato
Earl Rose is a guest for this episode. He is the lord (read: owner) of the vampire cafe in Ginza. (he’s basically here to promote the ikevamp collab w/his Vampire Cafe) Sato looks freaked out/uncomfortable by the earl. The three eat the collab foods and drinks provided (it looks pretty good tbh)
Vincent sinks down to his shoulders in the waters, Theo can’t find him for a bit
Theo and Vincent enjoy spending time w/each other
Sebas can hold his breath underwater (in a hot bath) for 5 min. He did so to not interrupt the two brothers’ conversation (Sebas becoming more and more ooc)
Vincent stated that his previous record was 3 min 46 sec. Sebas said that “as a butler of this mansion, I shall keep on improving” (Theo doesn’t know what the heck is happening, but Vincent seems to be enjoying himself so he let’s go)
Vincent & Theo have never fought (as expected of such bros. Now that I’m rereading this I’m sure this is reinforced in various routes so maybe I don’t need this info)
Sebas (who tries to create some tea---figuratively) asks Vincent what he would do if his pancakes were covered by tons of syrup by Theo, to which Vincent replies “I will give those pancakes to Theo.”
Sebas switches over to Theo, asking him what he will do if Vincent steals his syrup before he can eat the pancakes. Theo answers “Easy. I’ll give the pancakes to my brother. It would mean that he wanted to eat pancakes so badly that he would steal the syrup”
There’s around 2-3 times where Theo almost gets angry at Sebas and Vincent has to stop him (pats his head and stuff)
Theo asks why Sebas is acting weird, to which Vincent believes its bc he’s working too hard, so they should help him out & fulfill his hopes/wishes
Sebas has a voice recorder??? Theo doesn’t know what it is
Theo doesn’t approve being recorded, but Sebas goes to Vincent for protection, who calms Theo
OK I don't talk about this segment much but for the first time since the episodes’ release, there was a tie in the votes in the drawing segment (van Gogh’s drawing section) between Morishi and Makki. Usually, they’ll give the best voted piece to a randomly selected winner w/the VA’s signature, but instead of giving out both pictures, they gave out Makki’s art piece (bc he’s van Gogh lol)
(they didn’t do the “Can you tell me…your name?” segment this episode, but this episode is legendary in my mind!!! So funny and entertaining)
Episode 6: No special guests!! Just Sebas and Vincent
Makki finally lets the viewers choose the official position of Morishi (guest, regular-guest, regular, or dyungyun). He’s officially the dyungyun (でゅんぎゅん) It’s an exclamatory phrase meaning exciting/heart-beating I think… I’ve been watching 6 episodes of the radio but I still don’t know what that phrase means exactly
Welcome to another episode of Sebas slowly losing his sanity! In today’s “I love yu” segment, Sebas makes his appearance by jumping into the baths!!!
Apparently Sebas has an urge to swim when he sees the large baths, and even is a first-class swimmer (スイミング一級) I think it’s a scale on how great he is at swimming, and it would mean he’s pretty good
Vincent has also seen him swim butterfly (idk if it's in the baths or in a pool but imagining Sebas swimming butterfly in the hot baths is amusing)
Vincent likes eating the motsunabe (もつ鍋), a type of hotpot that Sebas made
As an adult, Vincent spends his Christmas season painting, but as a child, he would spend time w/Theo baking cakes, decorating trees, or playing in the snow
One time, Theo cried when a snowball hit him in the face
The two decide to do yaminabe (闇鍋) w/the residents. It is when you darken the room, and anyone can put anything in the hot pot. Vincent’s curious what the others will decide to put in the hot pot.
They created a new segment in the show called “Vanmana Involuntary Awards 2017” (ヴァンなま勝手にアワード) where they review the year 2017 with things related to Ikevamp and the radio. The first award is the most popular phrase which ended up being voted as “dyungyun”. The second is deciding on the best artwork produced in the “van Gogh’s drawing section” with the winning piece being a drawing by Makki titled “A woman being kabedon’d by an Ikemen in a dark room” (yes that’s the title). The third is voting on what the viewers want ikevamp to do in the future (ex. Voice drama CDs, more livestreams, raiding Ikesen, etc.) with the winning choice being to raid Ikesen. And in turn, it is implied that Ikesen would raid Ikevamp. The last is asking the viewers if there has been any change (physically, mentally, emotionally) ever since they started watching the radio, with the most votes on the viewers being more interested in Morishin and Makki.
AND of course, my fav segment “Can you tell me… your name?” Vincent’s chosen line was very nice “Christmas? I don’t need anything. All I want is (y/n) alone.” 
BUT Sebas’s chosen line is (drumroll please…) “(y/n), did you write your New Year’s greeting card?” and the first name he called out was “Santa-san, did you write your New Year’s greeting card?” AND I CAN’T STOP LAUGHING
Other names used were reindeer, postbox, and dyungyun (most were legit names tho)
They also did a third phrase where after saying (y/n), Sebas and Vincent will say a line, and I guess the staff felt bad for Sebas or smth bc he has legit lines in all of the available options. It was decided that Vincent would say “(y/n), I love you,” (大好きだよ) and Sebas would say “I love you” (愛していますよ) after Vincent (Both mean the same thing, just worded differently. Vincent's "Daisukidayo" would prob be closer to "I like you" meanwhile Sebas's "Aishitemasuyo" would be "I love you" if I were to be very specific)
I thought people would submit serious names (many did) but there were names like ice, carbonara, butter, napolitan (many varieties of pasta). There was also Rose and the two VAs were like “Earl Rose??? You watch this???"
Episode 7: feat. Comte’s VA Horie Kazuma
OMG Comte’s VA has such a sexy cool voice I can’t
So I didn’t know this, but you can talk to Vincent on Amazon Alexa?? I don’t have one so idk if it still works but apparently it’s called “Vincent’s time” (フィンセントの時間) and Vincent can tell you the time of day and you can talk to him and stuff??
Video showing Vincent's Time here part 1 part 2 part 3
It’s so funny how similar Horie is to Comte bc Makki and Morishin will be loud and talkative while Horie just watches over the scene like a parent
ANYWAYS for the thermae skit…
It’s rare for the others to meet Comte in the thermae since Comte baths at a later time than the others
The topic of today’s thermae episode is mainly about the construction they have in the baths (prob in another part of it??) Sebas came back running after looking at it, Comte and Sebas told Vincent not to worry about it (WHAT IS HAPPENING OVER THERE??? we'll never know...)
Vincent wants to paint scenes he’s never seen so he’d like to go out to various places
After living for so long, Comte said he’s starting to lose the concept on the importance of New Year’s and New Year’s resolutions (this episode was broadcast on Jan of 2018)
Vincent says that Comte’s like a father, to which he replies, “Haha, I’m not like a father. When you call me something as young as a ‘father,’ it makes me feel embarrassed. I’m probably way older than you two think I am”
Sebas replies, “Oh, of course. None of us know how old Comte actually is”
Comte continues, “It’s rude to ask a vampire their age. Besides, men like to keep their secrets hidden.” To which Sebas is like “As expected of le Comte. That is admirable.”
According to Sebas, Jean has a breast fetish?? Sebas apparently knows nothing else abt Jean other than that single fact
So… the “Can you tell me… your name?” is *chef’s kiss* amazing as usual
Comte’s line was “(y/n), I won’t let you go” and for one of the names, he said “Aramaki, I won’t let you go” & you can tell the staff were laughing. 
So Sebas… his chosen line was “(y/n), isn’t this bed a bit hard?”
There was “Comte, isn’t this bed a bit hard?” and Horie replies “No,” in his Comte voice & it’s amazing. There’s also “Aramaki, isn’t this bed a bit hard?” and Makki replies “Yup.”
Other notable names include bed, obachan (Auntie), Morishima (yes the VA’s asking himself) and employee (店員さん)
Also Morishi does voice-percussion at the end of the stream and… I’ll just say it’s interesting :))
(Also the updates will prob be daily since I've watched & have the next couple parts written already. I just have to watch the last couple & write about it, which should be done soon)
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poisoned-pearls · 2 months
Enzi Bucchi Lore drops (aka random facts)
She grew up with a LOT of Faraja’s hand-me-downs. Ruggie may be in a better financial position now but he is NOT passing up free shit.
the hand-me-downs only stopped once Enzi got to 5’1 and stayed there, while Faraja went on to be around 6ft. She still will ruffle through any old stuff Faraja wants to get rid of tho.
she is actually very highly ranked in her own town! Bc hyenas pass title/social ranking down to their youngest, she got the title of metaphorical Queen from grandma Bucchi (who will never die to me I’m sorry her and Epel’s grandma get immortality). She plays a LOT into hyena body language, and tries to establish herself as a worthy leader as soon as possible. Does this mean she can be a bit aggressive and unhinged at times? Yes- but it’s most often just to make sure no one tries to take her title. Show no normal signs of aggression and she backs off pretty quickly
speaking of which, oh my god she was kinda a little shit in the time period RIGHT before she got her title but when she knew she was gonna get it. I just can’t wait to be king energy. Terror to the town. Ruggie would yank her up by the back of her shirt a lot during this era
her prosthetics are entirely paid for by the royal family. Leona got ruggie a meeting time so he could go rant their ears off abt how THEY should pay for her legs bc it’s THEIR orphanage THEY endorsed and run (one of many but still) that neglected her so much that she got an infected bite by a wild dog. He got what he wanted though! (And someone in the financial department definitely groaned when enzi got into athletics, bc now they have to pay for a running leg too)
SPEAKING OF SPORTS! She plays soccer!!! That’s not even apart of her school it was just a HUGE thing with all of the neighborhood kids and a large part of their town and she’d play constantly. Still does!
also she can kick like hell. Her non amputated leg is jacked as shit to compensate when she just, exists without her leg on. When she gets a good kick in she can LAUNCH a ball. Football teams would love her (<- has never played football)
she goes to school in the city! Takes a subway in the morning. The savanna has had a lot more development in rural areas so she uses it to go to the closest magic school
she found out she could use magic one day when she was 12 bc she was too lazy to get up and put on her leg. She just groaned, did a little hand grab (it’s halfway across her room) and the thing SHOT out at her and right into her grasp. She screamed dad so loudly ruggie full on thought she’d woken up without her ears.
anyways the reason she’s not at nrc is actually bc she found out abt her magic so late. Ruggie couldn’t transfer her into any magic school until she was 15, and couldn’t send her to nrc with literally like, basically no training. He did what he could before she was 15 but still, needed legit classes.
speaking of- she’s actually very quick at learning magical things. Does it mean she’s always super good? No, but she rarely ever actually fucks up smth. If she needs a fireball she’s gonna have a fireball! It may be only the size of a ping pong ball but hey! The kid over there had 17 different things fly out of their wand, so that’s a win for her!
she does eventually transfer to nrc tho! Is it for her gf?…….. no comment
no but actually it’s only like 60% for her gf she also got a frantic call from Faraja being like “Enz I don’t trust any of these idiots.” (Faraja did not have a Dan(tm) in her dorm)
Anywaysss thank you @snowwhite0430 for the idea/prompttt
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love-toxin · 2 years
ellie we literally can't talk abt pokemon without talking about miss rika,, i love her
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Like. Effortlessly cool. Canon nickname-giver. I was going buckwild during her battle and I'm not even sorry about it. I could NOT stop thinking very unwholesome thoughts during her interview segment either......like......you can't put a woman in a suit at a desk across from me and not expect me to lose my damn MIND!!! I wanna piss her off just so she makes me pay for it, and dearly. I'M GONNA GO OFF UNDER THIS CUT AND I CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!
Bear with me on this train of thought here: imagine being a repeat challenger of the Championship Challenge. Your pokemon aren't bad (you don't think, anyways) and you've trained for hours and days on end to try and beat the Elite League, to the point of even begging the gym leaders for rematches to try and improve your skill or pick up some tip you didn't notice before. But without fail, every single time you try, you never end up getting past Rika--the first of the Elite Four, the easiest one to beat, is somehow so hard of a challenge that you stay awake at night wracking your brain for some strategy to beat her. Even worse is that you're older than half the kids that challenge the whole circuit, and you hate the feeling of all these ten year olds beating out your grown adult ass as they fly by each challenge while you're left crawling.
You can't just build a whole new team to counter her alone, or else you'll just get crushed by the others. You can't build a new team period unless you wanna put off claiming that Champion title until you're geriatric, so you're kinda screwed from both angles. And the worst part? The main reason why you keep failing is because every time you get a new strategy--have your pokemon learn new moves, train them up, swap out one pokemon for another--she somehow one ups you the next time you go to challenge her again. Like she has some kind of insane bug planted in your cellphone or something where she can hear everything you say, because how in the world does she keep coming up with new counters every time you try? Sometimes she even has new pokemon altogether, which from the accounts of other people who have tried it, is almost unheard of for the Elite Four to switch up their teams so often. Or at all!
The answer comes when you finally hit a wall. You're sure you've come up with the best counter to her moves, that your pokemon are all well-equipped to withstand whatever she decides to throw at you this time--and despite all that, you lose again. Badly, this time.
So for the first time, you ask her outright. How do you keep beating me? And although she puts on that lazy tone as she chuckles back "You just aren't paying enough attention, sweetheart" when she's met with a cold stare, her lips finally seem to loosen as she flashes you a smirk.
She admits that she likes watching you squirm. She saw that look on your face the first time--the only time she's legitimately beat you--and she couldn't believe how satisfying it was. Maybe she just doesn't best nearly as many trainers as her tougher counterparts, but something about the slump of your particular shoulders and the pout on your perfect lips is the reason why she refuses to budge and let you slip by. Really, it's not as sinister of a reason that you expected--she just made very careful decisions about each change she made, and followed your trail of logic to make sure she stayed one step ahead of you, and you in particular. In fact, there's probably been more people than ever that have gotten past her since she first battled you, since she's paid all her attention to blocking you alone. And as shocking as it is to hear her freely admit that, you still have some residual frustration from being bested again that you can only work up the smallest, crudest words as an answer.
"You're mean." You huff, pouting once more and shoving your arms across your chest. You'd stomp your foot if you didn't know she'd tease you for it, cause you'd look like even more of a petulant child than you already do, but you really are that mad. Isn't that against League rules, or something?!
"Poor baby...I'd feel worse if you didn't look so cute, honestly. My bad, bunny." Nooooo, no, you can not fold under that cheesy smile and the softness twinging that nickname. She will not, you repeat, not use those charming good looks and that undeniable tension you've felt between you two to seduce you....even though you've kinda dreamed of that. You didn't exactly spend all those restless nights just thinking about her battling style, after all...."You want Rika to make you feel better, honey bunny?"
You're not even sure how she got so close, how her hand is on your arm now, stroking her leather-clad fingers up and down your skin while she maneuvers herself to slide in behind you. She's still gentle, careful, touch light enough that you could brush it off if you wanted--but you instead find yourself slowly leaning into it, nuzzling into her lips as she presses kisses to your temple and coos at your sweetness, how you feel so soft and warm against her. Angelic, more like, you're as precious as an angel aren't you? You hate that you squirm at that compliment, looking up towards the ceiling to try and wipe that giddy, small smile that's creeping across your lips away. It doesn't hold though, you can't keep the charade up forever--eventually you're wiggling a little more into her, teasing at the possibility of her getting a little more unprofessional than she already has been in secret. And finally, you get what you want out of it. You get her low, smooth voice in your ear, a slight rasp to her last few words as she grips your hips hard enough to hear the leather stretch.
"I'll take my gloves off for this 'match', kay? And let's find somewhere a little more private....I think you'll enjoy it more if you can go all out, honey."
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poisonouspastels · 1 year
Anon forgot time exists. I would really love to hear more about Groda's transition from antagonist to basically house cat! Her character really fascinates me and I love a good redemption arc.
Hey no worries at all!! I've actually been talking to Atlas a lot abt Groda lately (he's #1 Groda fan I'm pretty sure) so I can actually copy/paste some of the stuff I've talked abt previously! And to anyone who needs to do some additional catch up reading, I talk about a lot of her past history here, and a bit about more recent (but also still past) events here. But!!! Talking about her (rather long) transitional period specifically, that pretty much started the moment that she got (unwillingly) taken home by the main 4 players after her defeat. Given she held Rana hostage for a few days, among other things, fair's fair. The main focus point though was after everyone getting back to somewhat decent health, Herobrine using his magic was able to find a way to block Groda from using it on her own, hence creating a longer term solution than just having her tied up forever effectively. Groda, without her magic, is a goddamn sitting duck. No Wardens, no turning people to stone, no way to fight back other than a half-hearted slap fight at best. Unfortunately her loss of the ability to use magic ALSO means almost no one could understand her anymore. Previously, thanks to her magic, the Galactic language was basically auto-translated to the players as Commonspeak (her lips actually wouldn't fully sync up with words she spoke, something that was noted by Rana during her time stuck with her in the caves), but now she'd only be reduced to Galactic at its purest form. Fortunately due to Herobrine's self-taught learning of the language (albeit a VERY butchered version of it being self taught), he at least was able to still understand her and communicate in some regard. Or perhaps you could consider that unfortunate for him, given the only weapons Groda had left to use was her words, and he had to be the brunt of actually understanding that and teaching her Commonspeak. On the contrary, soon after this revelation Rana would try and learn Galactic to try and make Groda more comfortable with the current circumstance and maybe feel more motivated to put in the effort. She's not very good at it, but it's the thought that counts! Groda did pick up rather quickly on Commonspeak though, since it and Galactic aren't too far apart in translation. Once she picked up enough on the language to be able to communicate basics (and maybe curse words she would pick up on from Alex), she would soon be getting her hands dirty for once in her life and actually doing field work with Rana, not only to carry her own weight in chores but also to get her more in touch with the new world and being an actual PERSON after her long lived royal life. With time, learning more of Commonspeak and taking in the world around her with the people who were willing to even TRY and help her change for the better, she started to realize more and more how badly her actions managed to inadvertently fuck everything up. How much the world had changed because of what she unleashed, and the weight of her actions fully dawning on her. Which I give this important note of Groda's characterization to:
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She gets better slowly with time of course, its all just taken day by day and she learns more and more to do things for herself and to help those around her. I think one of my favorite turning points for her though is when Rana and Herobrine bring home a Sniffer egg they found in some old wreckage at sea. (Sniffers being a species in this instance that went extinct because of the Wither being unleashed by her) Groda is dumbfounded to see the thing even intact at ALL, and hesitant to hope that it may still harbor life at all, but she does take it upon herself to care for it until it does indeed eventually hatch! She names him Bear :)
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Thank @beegswaz for the art of them together im obsessed with it Another important arc for her character, arguably the most important one is when she's spotted by the Wither Cult and is eventually pursued directly by White Eyes upon her finding out that Groda is still alive. Upon the (deadly) confrontation between White Eyes and the main 4 + Groda, she shows her truest colors:
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After the dust settles, White Eyes is brought home much like the same way Groda once was (albeit unconscious this time around) and a way to free her of the Wither's influence will eventually be found. And though the mere sight of Groda brings her to a rage even now (very understandable), Groda takes some solace in the fact that she for once can think with 100% unbiased confidence that she did the right thing.
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beannary · 1 year
hi idk if you were serious or not abt asking you abt evolution but i would love to learn more abt evolution if u want to talk abt it !! :]
I was being so serious!!! This has just taken me so long to answer because I couldnt figure out what part of evolution I wanted to talk about as if this is the only time id ever be able to talk about evolution on this blog askldjhfkalsjhdf
I've been thinking a lot lately about the grandmother hypothesis, which is the hypothesis for why female primate life expectancy is longer than the period in which the female is reproductively active for. (also wait i cant remember if this hypothesis applies to other animals as well or if it only applies to primates? ive really only studied both human and non-human primates so im a little bit clueless when it comes to evolution of other animals)
Like ok so hold on let me back up
So any biological organism has a life goal, and that is to reproduce as much as possible to make as many offspring as possible to ensure that your genes are being passed on to next generations. So when talking about evolution, an organism basically wants to have the best genes that allow it to survive long enough to reproduce, as well as reproduce as much as possible, and to ensure that their offspring reach reproductive age.
Now there are many different strategies to reach these goals, but for female animals that have low reproductive frequencies they have to expend a lot of energy in order to ensure that their offspring reach reproductive age. And when i say low reproductive frequency i mean like ok take humans for example, like you have a single baby and that takes nine full months, in that time the mother has to expend a lot of energy in order to grow the fetus, and then once the baby has been born, the mother then has to expend 18 years of energy raising the child till its an adult. Of course in humans this is different because like we dont live just to reproduce but thats what i mean with like female animals having to use up a lot of energy in order to pass on their own genes.
So basically, if a female animal's life goal is to reproduce as much as possible then why would they continue to live once they are no longer fertile? Basically the grandmother hypothesis is that females live longer than they are fertile for in order to help their own daughters raise their young.
It's super common at least in primates AGAIN CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW MUCH ALL MY INFORMATION IS PRIMATOCENTRIC I HAVE A BACKGROUND IN ANTHROPOLOGY AND PRIMATOLOGY NOT ANY OTHER SORT OF BIOLOGY but its super common for first time primate mothers to lose their first few infants, and by lose i mean the infants will die because the mother is inexperienced. And that loss of life is like SUPER costly to the mother because she just spent x amount of time growing that baby and during that time she missed out on being able to reproduce so now not only is she back to square one but she essentially just wasted all that energy. BUT that mother that just lost an infant? well she has a mother, and that mother who is now a grandmother has tones of experience raising infants and is less likely to have an infant die on her. So the grandmother hypothesis is basically that females live past reproductive age in order to help their own daughters raise infants, which helps the grandmother ensure her own genes are being carried on for more generations by making sure her daughter is reproductively successful.
there are a lot of other really neat examples of like this sort of mothering? where like females with infants rely on the help of other females to raise their children. i just think its neat :)
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flutteringfable · 1 year
horse girl (gender neutral) kaeya hcs bc i am also a horse girl (gender neutral)
oh yeah baybeeee time to be a horse nerd for the benefit of my fanfictionssss <3
kaeya isnt a huge favorite character of mine but as an equestrian myself i love thinking abt his own horse experiences lol. also soft-ish ragbros content because i desperately want them to be happy *shakes fist at hoyoverse*
warnings: mentions of character death, major spoilers for kaeya and diluc’s story (mostly what’s covered in the manga), and possible contradictions to the canon timeline? like idk if i got stuff right about the timeframe/age of kaeya being adopted, joining the knights, etc but hopefully it can be overlooked since it isn’t a major part of the hc list lmao
kaeya has loved horses his whole life
both his original father and diluc’s had horses, so he’s been around them a lot
when he was little, he spent all his time playing in the stables
by the time he was around 10-12, a little bit after he was taken in by the ragnvindrs, he could care for the horses by himself
crepus would ask him and diluc to help him name new foals
he started learning to ride almost immediately after getting better at caring for the horses
diluc and kaeya would follow crepus on horseback through the wilds of mondstadt sometimes when they accompanied him for errands
after crepus died, kaeya taught himself, and surprisingly became rather skilled
i like to think that there was a period where kaeya and diluc were close immediately following crepus’ death before they drifted apart
so, kaeya taught diluc a lot of what he knows now about horseback riding
when kaeya joined the knights of favonius cavalry, he felt right at home
he learned some vaulting and one-handed skills from training with the other knights
so now he’s REALLY good
he excitedly tells diluc everything he learns whenever he can
diluc listens, but this is during the period when they started to drift apart, so he feels the smallest twinge of jealousy
regardless, a small part of him is proud of kaeya, and he does his best to voice this since he doesn’t want to dampen his brother’s mood
nowadays, kaeya likes to go for quiet rides around windrise on his days off
(context + horse nerd rambling incoming!
for those of you who might not know, most horse’s “names” are nicknames! domestic horses have what i can only describe as “legal names” or as they’re more commonly known, “show names.” these names are typically structured similarly to actual names, with two words (“shooting star”), but some people will use phrases (“a walk with grace”) or titles of movies, songs, etc (“dark side of the moon” “candy crush”). i don’t wanna bore you with the details here, but if you’re interested just look up how horses’ show names are chosen! okay back to the kaeya horse girl hours)
kaeya bought his own horse about three years after he joined the cavalry
she’s a fresian (very pretty breed i love draft horses so so much mwah my big fluffy babies) named shining miracle
kaeya calls her miracle or mira for short
everyone in mondstadt knows mira
kaeya sometimes walks her through the city on patrols, and will almost always be stopped by people leaving gentle pats on mira’s neck and saying hello
during the windblume festival and weinlesefest, kaeya likes to braid cecilias and windwheel asters into her mane.
mira is gentle and soft tempered, so even in the most chaotic of festival settings she will stand quietly
during festivals she gets lots of extra treats, and bakers in mond have taken to making special horse-friendly treats especially for her
needless to say, she’s very well taken care of by both kaeya and the entirety of mondstadt
sometimes, when he’s stressed or otherwise upset, kaeya will take mira out to the shore and gallop her up and down the beach
(with breaks, of course. no matter how pent up he may be, kaeya would never push mira to exhaustion because of it)
okay if anyone has more questions about mira and kaeya i would be so so happy to answer them i’m kind of obsessed
hoyoverse give us horses to ride ingame challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (look i know that would make it feel more like a zelda clone but come ONNNN i want a pretty horse)
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andie-cake · 2 years
my autism has been vindicated, so here's my ziggs high school hcs yippee
not technically school-related, but they realized they were nonbinary during the summer before they started high school. their parents sent them to camp idonwannabang bc they were caught smoking weed (abstinence includes abstaining from drugs, don'cha know), they saw the whole "pink shirts for the girls, blue shirts for the boys" thing, and a very specific part of their brain that they didn't know existed went "hm! don't like that!". by the halfway point of their freshman year, they'd learned what "nonbinary" meant and went "oh that me".
on that note, tom was the first teacher they told abt them being nonbinary. they'd already told their immediate group of friends, and just about every other student in their grade kinda figured it out via gossip, but they were particularly nervous about telling their teachers about it. tom- being the absolute Dad that he is, was immediately super accepting and encouraging, which was a gigantic weight off of ziggs' shoulders. they just really like tom in general, and they were super bummed when he had to leave after jane's passing. on the flipside, they were absolutely overjoyed when they started working at perky's buds and learned that their new boss was "mr. houston's" sister-in-law. you've heard of the queer kid who's super tight with their english teacher, get ready for the queer kid who's super tight with their shop teacher.
they dated steph lauter for about half a year, had a relationship with the hatchetfield bee for nearly 3 years (they were actually each other's prom dates!), and did at one point reciprocate deb's old crush on them (though that never went farther than the occasional flirty banter). also, ruth flemming got super into them after they were nice to her Once, but they never found out about that before graduating. (this bitch is getting long, so i'm putting the rest under a cut)
they never really gave a shit about hf high's weird "cool kid vs. loser" hierarchy thing, nor did anyone else in the smoke club, really. this is ziggs "tried to 'peace and love' their way out of a tense conversation" nolastnamegiven we're talking about here. which made it all the more surprising to them that max jägerman was like, weirdly chill with them. like, yeah ziggs is a grade above max. but max has been a known menace since 1st grade, has been known to torment students in grades higher than him if they were particularly unpopular, and also significantly taller and more athletic than ziggs. max's influence over hf high only grew stronger as the years passed, and while ziggs wasn't scared of him per se, they did occasionally worry that he would suddenly decide that they were no longer cool and start turning people against them. only occasionally. but it never happened, and to this day ziggs doesn't really know why max was so cool with them- a pacifistic, unathletic, trans, autistic stoner.
oh yeah, ziggs is super autistic, also. they'd been diagnosed sometime either just before or during middle school. they didn't think it really affected them all that much, but then high school happened, and Oh No Now It's A Problem. the high stress and general chaos of high school made them kinda prone to sensory overload. of course, cool kid ziggs didn't need their peers to see them having a meltdown in school, can you imagine the gossip if that happened? so, if they felt sensory overload coming on, it was off to the restroom to hide in a stall and wait it out, even if it took two whole periods to get their bearings. unless it happened during lunch period, at which point they'd go to tom's classroom and ask to spend their lunch period there (which he always allowed bc again, tom is everyone's dad).
that whole situation kinda caused them to wall off their more negative emotions for a long time. like, ziggs is generally a cool, funny, confident kid, but there's still a small part of them that believes they don't deserve to be as well-liked as they are. imposter syndrome at its finest. so, they felt as though they'd lose all that goodwill if they ever let those self-doubts and negative emotions and (to an extent) their more noticeably autistic mannerisms show themselves. as a result, they got good at hiding all that stuff away, and it wasn't until after graduating high school and going to work at perky's buds that they learned not to repress all the "ugly" stuff. and even then, it took a while.
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
Still can't sleep (and I actually want to, but it just. Isn't happening yet) so I'm mulling over edizzy thoughts/fic ideas, but one in particular is sticking hard rn, like-
I sort of want to do a kind of. I don't know the right word for it right this minute, but essentially it breaks down just how close they were/are and how intertwined they are like
In a modern au it would be someone making them do what my old therapist said she sometimes had couples do when they came to her for couples therapy. Not necessarily the first thing, but sometimes among the first things, to help crack the shell open. Have them sit and list all the little things they know abt each other, and the things they find silly to remember abt the other or the endearing things/quirks/habits (that maybe have turned to fond or less fond irritation versus endearment even.) Just write it down, and take a minute or two to reflect on the trust and vulnerability required to learn some of those things abt another person, and remember why you let yourself be that trusting and vulnerable, and ask yourself if you still want/feel that sort of connection or not. One answer isn't better than the other, and it's couple dependent on which answer is the better one for them as unique individuals in a relationship unique to them.
In canon time period I'm not totally sure how I'd intro it, so that might wind up more of a 'izzy talking to jim and they wind up discussing these things he knows abt ed, meanwhile stede is doing the same thing with ed, later jim goes to stede like "dude holy shit those two HAVE to talk" and stede's just "yeah they do but i don't know what arts and crafts project to sit them down with so that they might open up enough to go over stuff. Please tell me you have craft ideas" and we end up with some eventual edizzy discussion/also maybe shared art project bc i do like the idea of that mirroring the s1 flag project' thing?
I just. Have so many little ideas for the things ed and izzy know abt each other.
Roach bemoans (in a fondly frustrated for Izzy way, not a because of Izzy way) giving Izzy massages to help him heal post gunshot wound and to just. relax for five fucking minutes. Ed's sat there in the galley snacking, thinking abt how he knows exactly which knots in Izzy's back are worst to work out, but he also knows exactly how to do that. But to tell Roach what to do for that would be an incredibly intimate and vulnerable thing both for him and Izzy and it feels warm and like home but it aches at the same time. When did he last do that for Izzy? He can't remember. He wishes he did.
Stede is fussing over trying to put together better lunches for Ed when he goes fishing with Fang (bc Roach is already making lunch for everyone else by then and has asked Stede to help out by making sure Ed's separate more easily transportable lunch is taken care of) and just. mildly losing his mind bc he can't keep sending jars of marmalade and little else (even if Ed ultimately doesn't mind that too much.) Izzy sits in the overstuffed chair in Ed and Stede's quarters and bites his tongue bc he has an entire fucking multi-course meals menu for Ed that he's memorised without even trying to over the years. But he'd feel like an ass just busting that out; Stede should have the chance to learn these things abt Ed as their relationship progresses. That was part of what made it special for Izzy and Ed, after all. They know each other's safe foods and favourite over expensive treats that they used to only have when they could steal them, and he can't shut off the flow of memories even when Stede asks him why he's tearing up during a discussion abt food.
There's so much. So many little niches. They know which parts of each other's bodies have the worst pains and aches and creaks, some from old poorly healed injuries, others from age and overuse and the way sailing and their work can be so incredibly physical some days. They know just as well how to make the other come undone underneath their hands and fingertips. Be mindful of Ed's knee and back, Izzy should take it slower when his neck and back ache (and now his leg and torso too.) If you kiss directly at the base of the back of Ed's neck while fucking him from behind, leaned over him with him on his hands and knees on the bed, he'll almost always wind up coming untouched. Holding Izzy's hands up over his head while riding him and gently teasing him to let go will at least 8 times out of 10 result in him being instantly undone and an adorably blushy mess abt it.
He could tell you exactly the sort of blankets and quilts Ed prefers between the warmer and colder months, down to designs and the sort of materials used to fill and cover them.
He knows exactly how Izzy likes his clothing to fit, even if he can't ever fucking convince Izzy to buy much of anything new, and he has fucking tried!!
On that note, they can recite each other's current measurements, blood type, allergies, phobias, and more without having to think abt it. it's as easy as breathing or being asked something abt themselves.
Only towards the end of the fic, both modern au and canon time period, do either of them pause and go
"...oh. what happened to us?" with fearful and confused tears in their eyes because it wasn't always like this. Maybe it could be more like it used to be, again. Maybe they can't entirely undo what was done to them or to each other, but they can love and care and look out for each other.
And this time, sitting sobbing and vulnerable they can let themselves admit they never stopped, the love was so interwoven in it all too that they stopped noticing it. They let it become background noise versus a pronounced and acknowledged sound special to them both (and to those who have or might share them, like Jack and Stede.) And that on its own isn't necessarily bad, being comfortable with each other and letting the love sit as it will isn't bad. But everything else going on, their own past unaddressed traumas, and the outside stresses of their lives and trying to survive turned it into something unhealthy and hurtful.
it hurts horribly to lay it all out like that. Feels like being flayed open while alive.
But the next few days after sees them able to talk again, really talk, like they used to. They can be close again and occupy that very particular space in each other's lives, while letting each other have more (ed has stede and in my mind for this fic izzy has at least three or more crew members that have been taking it slow but are absolutely down bad for him)
It's not exactly what they had before. It never will be, it can't be. And they both come to terms with that.
But it's better than what things had become, and they have time and space now to keep working on it.
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frecht · 8 months
I know its not the same to type it but I'm loving reading your posts and tags about licence plates. PLEASE tell me everything. If you want ofc
of course i want to!!! i dont even know where to begin. when i was a kid my parents introduced me to the license plate game when i was obsessed w the states and going through a bit of a patriotic phase....when i was 5 my dad had a license plate app on his phone solely for me to track them on. i have tracked all 50 states + dc but not all on the same list (the list on my old phone was missing montana and the list on my new phone is missing wyoming).
and last year when my mom and i visited ireland she mentioned that i should see if i could get all the counties. and her friend who we were travelling with helped me bc he knew all the codes but i didnt (at that point) and i know this is a thing with most european plates i think but ireland is the one i know the most thoroughly -- the best thing abt their license plates is that you can tell where theyre from from a distance bc there's a code in the number for each county. it kind of is the best numbering system ever bc it's 2 or 3 numbers for the year it was registered (2 if it was before 2013, 3 if it was after, with the last 2 digits of the year and a 1 or 2 depending which half of the year it was registered in), 1 or 2 letters for the county (most of them are 2 but the big ones like dublin and cork and galway get one letter*), and then a number for which number car it was to be registered during that time period. which is the BEST because it makes it easier to memorize the number (i still know my mom's friend's car's plate off the top of my head bc it was the 12th in its county during the time period) and it actually tells you things abt the car. and the plates stay with the car through multiple owners so you might buy a used car and re-register it but it gets to keep its license plate which i also really like. i also really like this system bc once you figure out a solution for years repeating every century it can go on forever. the only thing i dont like about the irish license plates is that there's no required font so sometimes theyll be in this really compressed ugly font instead of the one that most of them are
im trying to learn the uk codes to get as many of those as i can next but those are a little bit harder bc there are so many more. however uk plates are very easy to identify because they very very rarely have a country code on them (i thought they never did but i was watching a tv show and saw one w little strip that said gb once) and the back one is yellow while the front one is white
anyway i really think the united states should implement a similar system. perhaps not per state (like 132-MD-[number] for my mom's car would be a bit obscene considering how many cars im sure people are buying esp in like texas) but perhaps if we could keep having different styles for each state and then this sort of numbering system with the counties within each state i would really like that.
also if youre from the us have you noticed that virginia license plates are the only ones where the number/letter pattern is in a serif font?? because i have and i hate it. it is very ugly. AND apparently it isn't even a real font. it's just like a collection of jpegs for each letter.
*this also changed i forget which year...2013 or 2014 and it used to be that in limerick and waterford and tipperary there were multiple codes, l for limerick city and lk for the county/ w for waterford city and wd for the county/ tn for tipperary north and ts for tipperary south but now it's all t/wd/ and i forget whether limerick is l or lk.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
4x4 kick the ballistics
I thought "this is going to be a plot heavy episode, probably caskett heavy bc it is going to be castle heavy" but then it was very ryan heavy & we learned some esposito stuff too. so so super excited for this ep. I really enjoyed it during my family watch. this i sprobs going to be the only episode I have time for today bc I'm going to spend so long on it & I really should only watch one today anyway. sjkdfakjsdfhdh excited
Gates killed those last two women (& attempted to kill another), not tyson. Y'all said his gf was safe bro! you did NOT say where gates was! That's why he asked! He didn't need to know abt his girl bc you already let him know she was fine! Also he may have been the 3xk all along but gates killed those girls! Also why didn't castle let ryan know what was going on? Tyson just hit him twice & ryan was done for! Got a concussion too. Not all concussions knock you out but all KOs give you concussions.
Mm cement, just like my daddy. Going to be a chopped up dead body in there. Little bro told me that bodies float in cement. Or yk maybe a whole body.
Yeah I still have scars that pull, not much anymore tho, it has been long enough. I actually thought she was like on her period at first or smth. What if the construction guys rinsed off the cement, would that have been easier? Ah buried her in the sand to make sure she was in there & wouldn't float. RC: Execution style murder, cement trucks…can anyone else say mob hit? I'm looking at concrete evidence right here.
Why did you use the ballistics favour you had today? Espt's shirt is interesting, looks more Ryan than Espt tho. Patterned (plaid or smth), dark, purple-ish I think, p neutral tho, collared, long sleeved. Badge around neck. Ryan is wearing typical ryan stuff. Jacket, shirt, tie, vest. Oof, parents lost their only child. You know, I can see the focus is in certain places in this ep, when I first watched it I didn't notice. Here their desks are back to back btw. Who sits across from espt & who sits across from ryan? find out WHEN she cancelled
there is not nearly enough cement in her hair Good, lanie said 12-midnight to specify it was night not noon. Oof, my christowitch heart. Maybe he didn't let her pray, maybe she just,,, was praying.
Good that becks started with "we didn't find drugs in her system" Good mom. He wouldn't meet my eye.
finnbar is a name? oh gosh i feel nauseous & in pain I just started my period today-ish. time to read that vent fic i wrote with ftm!ryan. Construction.
I love relationships that stay friends *doesn't say goodbye before hanging up* Do they have an intercom? ig she could tap on the glass just as well. Was she moving the computer to make room or bc she was angry? "my man finn" JE looks excited, KR looks bugged JE: w- hh- ? .. that's good news. KB: *looking at ryan*... KB: Ryan, it's a match to your old service weapon. & we've already seen the intro so we KNOW this is 3xk but they don't know it's related. "it's yours" it WAS yours, it is not yours anymore. the "it's" makes it sound like "is" which makes it sound like he killed her. The shock on his face. So good. & espt also looks upset, along with becks too ig. & then the intro is a different colour, this is a serious episode! The music is different! I love it!
This is a frickin gbeautiful scene, this is what it feels like to be off my meds. Man looks fricking angry Looks like he's going to court or smth. Where is he? Just standing outside the precinct? Why? What floor are y'all on? Also when did espt get here? Oof the music. What's with the timeline? He was in the observation room, then outside, then up again with gates.
"Castle was with you?" I don't care whose fault it is. All I care about it mitigating the damage. I really respect gates.
RC, he cares abt his friends, when ryan comes out of gates' office speedwalking: u ok? KR, being honest: I will be when Jerry Tyson's in cuffs. (meaning he is not ok rn but he ain't saying that.) Yeah the MO was weird to me KR, upset & making a joke that I find funny even tho the situation sucks: Yeah, must have mentioned that when I was out cold on the floor. RC: ... You know Ryan, none of this is your fault. The fact that he used your gun– KR, That weapon was issued to me by the city of New York. I let it out of my hand (he beat u up bro) and now a girl is dead. *sounding like he's going to cry* So please do not tell me that it's not my fault. Man could use a hug but wouldn't accept it. I'd expect this to ba a more castle centric episode since he was the one 3xk left alive "you failed to stop me, more ppl will die bc of you" yk that thing. I'm glad they made it ryan centric too. RN I actually feel like castle is blaming himself for ryan's upset.
multiple withdrawals bc she didn't want to raise attention...? RC: Or Tyson. He stalked his victims before he killed them. JE: KB: why are they just staring bro?
I like how this is castle centric too: It's like I've been holding my breath for a year waiting for this day to come. A whole year of wondering about him, hating him, dreaming about him, trying to think like him, but still having no clue how to catch him. MR, i love her: Your playacting once helped save New York City, as I recall. Be there for your friends. Stand beside them. Work together. That's plenty useful. Trust me.
I've seen this before, I'm p sure the boyf couldn't see her bc he was you-know-what
Holy crap that was a great scene. Whips the paper around, all three sitting behind espt, wow. who is "him" tho? idak & I've seen this before
Girl he said he didn't know Strapped meaning carrying a gun or strapped as in he's like wearing a chastity belt? 3am or pm? I like how beckett is in here with ryan. She's usually leading the investigations, but Ryan needs to be at the front.
& good, castlesito is out back in case ppl try to escape. Castle asks espt abt ryan <3 rysposito are such good friends. RC: So, how's Ryan holding up? JE: *considers what to say* JE, actually facing castle, smth men seem not to do: Three days after my last tour in Iraq, I'm at a diner with friends. A car backfires. My friends look around, I'm under the table. (cool, some esposito backstory too) RC: JE: . Ryan's just waiting for the next hit. *castle nods* ok but you know what I need a fic of that, I need the aftermath. What happens, he comes out from under the table all sheepish like "heheh, forget that happened" & casually orders eggs? What happened bro?
Weird how they are there in the mirror
Wait espt is driving, how does he have his gun pointing out the window? Hey wasn't ryan a narcotics cop? Also narcotics are technically only from opium products, not ALL drugs.
beckett's outfit is nice. She has a vest on over her shirt.
KR: Who's Ben Lee? SC: Who's Ben L --? Son of Clifford Lee.  KR: *understanding face* JE: *looks at ryan bc espt does not understand* Mmm dim sum Ah yes, the immigrant parent. She's just some kid! She doesn't have any undercover exp! & ryan looks mad! (in a quiet way) SC: Twice a week she was in their house. I told her I would drop the possession charges if she brought me some solid intel on Lee's criminal operations. She said okay. And somehow she tipped them off and they killed her. KR: KR: *looks over at espt* KR: That is it? SC: I just handed you a solid lead, what do you want some more? What is this? KR: Yeah. How about the truth? KB, in obs room where ryan can't hear her: Come on, Ryan. Keep it together. KR: You expect us to believe that you work a case for years and then one lucky Saturday night you just happen to roll up on the perfect CI? *lower* See, I did my time in Narcotics, Carver, huh? I know a shortcut when I hear one. SC: Not you, Ryan. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were accusing me of something untoward. KR: *stands up* SC: Whoa, hey. KR: You targeted Jane Herzfeld. *JE looks slowly from ryan to carver* You planted those drugs in her car and then you made her help you out. *voice jumping* You-- you sent her in there alone! No back up, no protection, and now she's dead! SC, nice & calm: Yeah well, I didn't make her dead. KR: Hell, you didn't. You may have not pulled the trigger, but you're as guilty as the creep who did. *projecting* SC: What about you, man, hmm? Look at yourself. Word around the house is that that creep used your gun. (where tf did he learn that rumour?) What kind of cop can't keep a hold of his own weapon? *stands up* *ryan pushes him, then grabs him & pushes him against the wall* KR: What did you say to me huh? KB: Let's go. KR: Say it! Hey, I want you to say it! Say it to my KB: Break it up. *pulls ryan off him* Break it up. We're all cops here, okay? (thinking about castle) SC, keeping his eyes on ryan with only the occasional glance to the person he's speaking to: If you're done, I think I'll take my leave now. KB: Yeah. Thanks for your help, Carver. SC: You got it. (seth walks off & they all watch him leave, coincidentally ending up facing Ryan who ended up closest to the door. Ryan looks down a bit, still angry but probs ashamed. He sighs.) KB: What are you trying to do? You want the Captain to come in here? *ryan doesn't answer* Go cool off. *ryan walks out, placing his hand on the doorframe. Castle looks back at beckett & espt tilts his head* "go cool off" is at least a masculine way of saying "hey sweetie do you need to take a break?"
Ooh good scene with the coffee. [KR is making coffee, KB passes the sugar. Ryan nods thanks.] KB big sister moments: Guy's a jerk. [Ryan scoffs a laugh and nods.] KR: When I started in Narcotics, I was so green I--I didn't know how things got done. *chuckles* One day there was this major bust, street gang cooking meth. They were stacking up guys in the bullpen, taking their statements one by one. Place is a zoo. I'm answering phones in the squad. Girl on the line, name of Alicia, asking for my lieutenant, so I call out across the bullpen "Hey, Lieu! Alisha's on the phone for ya." [Beckett chuckles.] KR: It was her tip got these guys nailed and all of them just heard me call out her name. *beckett stops smiling at his silly little mistake bc she realizes how serious this silly mistake was* Searched all day and all night looking for her before the gang could get word back to the street that she was a nark. KB: Well, did you find her? KR: I did. I got her into Witness Protection, but…that was the stupidest thing I'd ever *laughs* done as a cop. [Beckett smiles and shakes her head.] KR: Until the day Jerry Tyson got the drop on me and stole my weapon. KB: KR, looking mad again: Carver is a jerk…but he's got a point. (except it wasn't you being stupid it was someone beating u up, which, idk if that's any better.) & yk what, mature of him to admit that a jerk has a point. KB, softly: Come on. *points with her head* My knowledge of where things are sucks. I see them coming out of the break room but idk where it is. I need a floor plan.
I love getting a bit of ryan history. I also like his voice here. There is a significant amount of vocal fry, which usually happens at the end of speaking or when getting quieter. He's tired.
KB, probs cheering him up by taking him around: You up for a trip to Chinatown? KR, serious: Hell yeah. JE, probs also trying to include his friend, besides, ryan always is with espt: Yo. Uniforms at Grand Central caught a break. They found a clerk who works at a mailbox center around the corner who says he rented a box to Jane on the day she died. I'm gonna go check it out. You want to roll with me? KR, with his big sister: No, I'm with Beckett.
KB: Wading through 4 years of prison records it's…a lot of work. RC, the man who tails sexy beckett & skips out on paperwork: I don't mind. bc he feels guilty & also wants to help his friend
Love chinatown
*focuses on That Guy's face for a sec* *they sit down* clifford (retroactively): please, sit Wow boys lookin real tiktok-like & this is in what 2012? Bad cop, ryan was right. Unless cliff is lying. Philip being vocal. You REALLY ruled out carver? wow acab. Ur household staff is on ur payroll u'r mafia ofc they can confirm ur alibi. Say thank you, pigs!
Lots of files castle bringing home Girl u'r going to go to college shut up again with the not really. I love when the b plot comes in.
did ryan change his shirt today? JE: She was looking to get out of town, but she wasn't going alone Ah the good old days when your doctor makes you go to the desert or the seaside, "you're dying & the only cure is a vacation" I mean like we need to start doing that again. My mom: prescription label? The bottle: *actually doesn't have one* you can TELL he's too tall for the clothes? That would be a weapon <3 nice transition.
wait different clothes, castle's already home, it must have transitioned to the next day lil bro: rhyming. Guy, alibi, lie
KB: Castle, we just got some bad news, so no hypotheticals. Just give us a name. RC: Well, I have to start at the beginning-- KB: Name. RC: Jin Hai Li Chang. KB+KR: ? KB: Okay, start from the beginning. RC: Thank you. So I realized last night, 3XK would never give a cop's gun to a friend. A--a gun that hot would be a--a curse, not a blessing, but he would give it to an enemy. Oh yeah, where I live all the chinese kids have their english name legally there as well as their chinese name legally there. Tyson is insane. KR: But...Philip and Tyson were sworn enemies. Why would Philip accept the gun? RC: The two eventually became friends. KB: It happens. (boys) RC: Not with Jerry Tyson. That guy doesn't have any friends. He's a psychopath. He wanted payback and he was willing to wait. So insane.
student tutor is nit romeo & juliet, informant gang is romeo juliet, student teacher is fanfiction Why is espt talking but the cam is in ryan? I get it this is a ryan centric ep but I want to lipread
Ryan *all philosophical*
FM: You here to let me out? KR, sleeves rolled up: Not to let you out, Finn. To set you free. FM: (scoffs/laughs) You cops, man. What's that supposed to mean? "Set me free"? KR, sitting down chill: The truth, Finn. The truth sets you free. (all catholic-like) I've been looking for it all night. I finally found it. Who knew the truth would be hiding in a juvie report from 1996? *crosses legs* You got grabbed up moving paper for a Chinatown bookie. Do you remember who bailed you out? Hmm? Clifford Lee. You've been working for the Lees for years. Little jobs, because, well, Finn, let's face it, you're kind of a screw up. But you wanted more. So when you found out Ben Lee needed a tutor, you recommended your ex, Jane, thinking it would earn you points with the family. And you watched it all go sideways. Jane and Ben fell in love, *sits up* decided to leave town. You thought, what if the family blamed you? (I thought he DID kill her actually) Because no one leaves the family business. Not even for love. So, you tried to make her change her mind, *stands up* and you fought, but you couldn't change her mind. So, you made a call to Philip, and then Philip went and got Jane. [Ryan slams the evidence bag with Jane's cross necklace against the cell gate.] KR: Remember this, Finn? I talked to her mother. *Finn has started to cry* She says you gave this cross to Jane on her 21st birthday. She was holding it when she died. For comfort. Because she knew she was gonna die. She was so afraid. Oof my folk catholic heart, this hurts so good.
I mean yeah, keep the heat on you might get smth, but they might sue bc u r harrassing them. Ryan lower your voice when talking to your boss like that VG, calmly: Take the rest of the day off, Ryan. I've actually been thinking for a while that Ryan should not be on this case. *ryan stalks off real fast* VG, while he's out the door: You need to clear your head! (he does.) JE: *looks at her then also stalks out* *castle follows* KB: *uses two fingers to sassily close the door behind her*
*they all sit for a sec bc nobody knows how to proceed* *Ryan grabs his gun & coat & whatever from his desk and walks off* JE: Where're you going? KR: I'm gonna do just like the Captain said, take the rest of the day off. *flips his keys in his hands* KB: JE: *follows ryan*
This scene reminds me of when espt went with Ike & ryan followed him. It's just like that moment. JE: Hey. Wherever you're going, I'm going with you. KR: It's my fight. JE: And you don't want me getting involved. It's my case, too. And you're my partner. (<3 <3 <3) KR: I'm taking a run at Ben Lee. JE: The Lees will have him locked down. I'm betting his old man won't let him go out in public alone. KR: Then I guess we can't go in there looking like cops.
Oh my
[Ben Lee does his homework, watched by the bouncer/bodyguard from the dim sum. Esposito comes in dressed like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.]
Tumblr media
(tho college does have ppl of all ages) JE: Oh, snap! Is that Philip? JE: Yo, what's good, son? I ain't seen you in a minute. Man, how've you been? BL: He thinks I'm my brother. STUDIERS: Shh! Quiet. BL: Happens with the Gwailo. JE: What's up? BODYGUARD: Move along. JE: Man, why you touching up on me? Hey, man, you better check your totem. Hey, Philip, tell them that we boys. Tell your boy, Thor, that we boys. BODYGUARD: Go outside. You can call Philip on his cell later. [The bodyguard casually wrestles Esposito out of the library.] JE: Philip, tell him! You've changed, Philip.
Ok so a note on the costumes: in lotr & the hobbit they dressed ppl up in costumes that made them look shorter, the actors weren't actually THAT short, but their clothes created that illusion. This is what is going on here
& while espt looked insane, ryan looks somewhat normal. What's up with his hair tho? Ryan puts the pic in his pocket oof
KB: What the hell were you two thinking, going to see Ben Lee when Gates specifically said "stay away"? (gates DID say to stay away bro) JE: Who's gonna tell her, Beckett? Not me. Ryan, are you planning on telling the Captain what we did? KR: Not me. Castle? RC: Who, me? No way. *while taking a photo of them dressed up like that XD* KB: Nice, smartass. My question is, why did they go to the precinct dressed like THAT? also where did they get these outfits? I can see that Ryan would have this stuff but espt looks insane. If u didn't want gates to find out, don't come back looking like... that & then gates comes out like "detective ryan there's someone here ot see you" meaning she knows he's here & she sees him looking like this & knows ben has asked to see him.
Remember that time that girl on tumblr was like watching a movie with a sexy guy in it & she clenched her jaw so hard she had to see the dentist? Yeah that's how I feel.
Ryan's got a tshirt on, I ain't ever seen him like that. Ben just has a folding table in the middle there to study at? wtf bro? tbh I understand Philip: Sometimes it's a gift, not knowing the truth. RC: Ben was supposed to lead Philip to a confession, not force a confrontation. Well he knows how the mob works this is the way to get it No philip KNOWS to dance around it & he knows it's right wow that's a heck of a threat ... & it tipped philip off The music is great btw, who's the composer?wair wati wait philip just pulled a gun on his own bro? (tho he didn't seem to take the safety off or bring up the bullet) Bruh he put his hands behind his back so u could cuff him, you throw him to the ground like that? WOAH BEN PULLED A GUN I like how philip still cries "ben no" when ben gets shot. Still cares When do you do chest compressions? I just looked it up. The internet is great. "If they do have a pulse but aren't breathing, give them CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) until help arrives." I thought you only gave chest compressions if they had no pulse. "If there is no pulse or breathing within 10 seconds, begin chest compressions." I thought that there was smth LIKE cpr but just for breathing.
Castle's smile... Poor guy, his deal he wants 15-25? Wow that's usually smth ppl try to get OUT of KB: with parole in 10 for giving us Tyson's new alias and I need to give the D.A. a recommendation. This might be our chance to get 3XK, Castle. RC being smart: No. It's a setup. Jerry Tyson gave that gun to Philip Lee knowing he would use it, so there's a good chance he knew we'd eventually get to Philip. KB: Maybe. So what? RC: So, nothing Tyson told Philip would be the truth. Giving Philip Lee a good deal for bad information? That's just another win for Jerry Tyson. KB: Are you sure? RC: Sure enough. Jane Herzfeld deserves justice. *gets up*Life in prison for Philip Lee. No deals. We'll get 3XK. And we'll do it right. KB: KB, smiling: Damn, Castle. Look at you, thinking like a real cop.
KR & JE are taking down the murder board. JE watches KR.
KB: Hey, guys? Hey, you could look a little happier. Today was a win, right? (except ryan said he would be ok ONCE THEY GOT 3XK IN CUFFS.) KR: Well, I keep thinking about Seth Carver, sending Jane into the Lee's all alone, no backup. Do I really get to call myself a better cop? RC: You are a better cop, Kevin. (OOF THE FIRST NAMES) You're a better man, because you didn't send him in there alone. JE: Hey, there's your boy. [Ryan turns around to see Ben Lee escorted in by a Witness Protection officer.] KR: Ben. Good to see you back on your feet. JE: Hey, that was a pretty impressive performance back there. RC: Yes, you have a future in stunt work, my friend. (So HOW MUCH of that was a performance?) KR: Guys, this is Marshall Mike Drooen from Witness Protection. He's escorting Ben to his new home in Los Angeles. MIKE DROOEN (nods): Detectives. Ben, your plane leaves in an hour. BL: Thanks. I…just need a minute. [The others give Ben and Ryan some space.] BL: Thank you. I wouldn't have had the courage to do what I did without you. KR: Well you have your life back now. Live it on your own terms. It's what she wanted. [Ryan hands Ben a picture of live Jane. Ben leaves.]
Castle: *clears his throat loudly while preparing drinks* RC: Let's, uh… keep this party a little quiet though, alright? If the Captain hears, I'm sure she'll blame me. KB: Who's gonna tell her? Not me. You? JE: Nope. KB:And what about you, Ryan? KR: Mm-mm. KB: Well then, I think we're good.
Bro they already made a toast Mum guessed this was his wedding speech. To bravery and commitment. To love and sacrifice.
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celiadelrio · 3 years
re: prev post abt detective and femme fatale
exactly that but it's celia and mc 👁👄👁
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ace-ace-attorneys · 2 years
what are your favorite headcanons for 7 year gap phoenix? (i am such a sucker for beanix hehe as you can probably already tell <3)
i may have guessed from the profile pic alone if nothing else ;)
so! beanix thoughts incoming (warning for being disorganized and messy ahah):
- i think that he and Miles had already been in a relationship for a few months when Phoenix got disbarred. Miles tried incredibly hard to support him and be there for him, but instead of relying on him Phoenix just got more and more withdrawn. eventually they broke up, although it was more of a mutual separation where they both knew they'd end up back together eventually
- Miles was torn because on one hand he felt like Phoenix was pushing him away because he was depressed, and he didn’t want to let that happen, not when Phoenix had been there for him at his darkest times. But at the same time he wanted to respect Phoenix’s wishes and understood that Phoenix needed some time to figure out who he was, a) without his badge, and b) without Miles, having built his identity around those things for so long.
- So they separate for a while and Miles does his best to give Phoenix space although he does check in on him and Trucy periodically to make sure they’re okay. and when they do get back together Phoenix is in a better place and they're both just all around more ready for a serious relationship
- Trucy is the #1 thing that keeps Phoenix going, especially at first- not just because he has an obligation to care for her, but just her herself. she drags him out on walks and invites people over and reminds him to take his meds every day and helps him cook dinner and does so many things that made life more bearable for him
- and for a while he feels guilty about letting his little daughter take care of him, but eventually he realizes that this is her way of showing her gratitude for how he'd taken care of her and trying to do the same for him the best way she knows how. they take care of each other <3
- i am so absolutely torn between “the ‘grape juice’ was actually alcohol and he struggled a bit with alcoholism during the 7yg” and “no it was actually just grape juice the man really does love grape juice”. i cannot decide which one i like better because i think both are great takes for different reasons
-he hangs out with Maya on the weekends and they mostly sit around in their sweatpants complaining and gossiping and eating junk food. a couple times she dragged him out to a bar to do karaoke. she also jumps at every opportunity she gets to babysit Trucy
-i don't think he was ever in the best of physical shape but he definitely gains a significant amount of weight during the 7yg. it's not really a big deal to him but he does get a little self-conscious abt it when he thinks about how the people who knew him before must think he really let himself go. maya, who has always been on the chubbier side, points out to him that chubbier people are softer to hug. trucy concurs. as silly as it sounds, it makes him feel a lot better
-he and Trucy have a bunch of silly little family routines/inside jokes/things that only the two of them know about. they play a game every night and they do best 2 out of 3 rock paper scissors to determine who gets to pick. when they go for a walk the first person to spot a wild animal gets to choose what they have for dessert that night. every year for Christmas Trucy buys him the weirdest pair of socks she can find, and he buys her the most outlandish hat he can find and they both have to wear them the next day. every time they leave the house they race to see who can get their shoes on and be ready first. they play the floor is lava. once a month they stay up all night watching horror movies and eating ice cream directly out of the tub.
-at first the piano thing is very much just a cover for Phoenix's real job at the club but he figures he should learn just enough to be believable, and in the process he discovers it's actually pretty fun and kind of meditative, and starts trying to learn for real. Trucy joins in and is immediately way better than he is. (he's a little put out by this but she cheekily promises to give him pointers)
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falcqns · 3 years
idk if you would do something like this: but maybe going immediately cold turkey with bucky’s winter soldier mask was too abrupt for him. he wore it for so long so what if he had to taper off wearing it & wears it sometimes for comfort. he obviously has insecurity built around it & feels poorly abt doing it sometimes but he feels scared sometimes without it at first. maybe a little writing abt how his s/o handles that & is sweet & kind to him about it?
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (platonic)
warnings: angst, fluff, Fury yelling.
a/n: hope you enjoy!
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you were a little shocked the first time he put it on.
you knew he was having an off day, and you were treading carefully around him, not wanting to upset him.
he was touching his face constantly, and would cover his mouth, and only then would he calm down. you asked him what was wrong and he shook his head, his hand still clamped over his mouth. you shook away the thought, and went about your day.
a few hours later, you couldn’t find Bucky. you looked around the entire compound, before asking F.R.I.D.A.Y where he was. she informed you he was in your shared room, and when you went there, your heart melted.
he was curled up in the blankets, asleep with his Winter Soldier mask on his face. you sat next to him and played with his hair until he woke up. when he made eye contact with you, he got a terrified look on his face and ripped the mask off as fast as he could, breaking it accidentally.
he looked at it with a frown, and you decided to ask.
“do you like wearing the mask?” you asked, and he nodded.
“it makes me feel safe. i know i was never safe with HYDRA, but when i had this and the goggles on, i was able to be myself. i was able to cry in secret because if i cried around the agents they’d beat me and make fun of me.” he said, and you wrapped your arms around him in a hug.
“why don’t i take it to Tony, i’m sure he could fix it for you?” you asked, and he nodded.
an hour later, the fixed mask was back on his face, and he was sound asleep again.
after that, it was his safety net, and grounding tool. you learned quickly to bring it everywhere in your purse, because after everything he went through, he was prone to PTSD flashbacks. when he had them, he would shake and hyperventilate, sobbing until the mask was on his face. once the mask was on his face, he would be calm, and you would be able to get him out of whatever was causing him trauma.
everyone else was afraid of him when he wore the mask, fearing that it would trigger Winter, although it never did.
there was a terrible incident where Bucky and the other Avengers were in a meeting with Fury about an upcoming mission, and while looking through some of the photos of the secret HYDRA base they were going to be raiding, when Bucky seized up, and started shaking like a leaf, fear present on his face.
he looked around for you, Steve, or Tony, but you three weren't present at that meeting, as you and Steve had been on a mission the day before and were on your mandatory rest period, and Tony had a meeting with contractors for a new addition to the compound. he knew you always had the mask with you for incidents like this, and if you weren't there, Steve would have it, and if neither of you were there, Tony had a replacement made out of nanoparticles so all he would have to do it press a small circle to the back of his neck and it would form.
his breathing became erratic, and Maria was the first to notice.
"Bucky, you okay?" she asked, and everyone grew concerned when he didn't respond, his eyes locked on the pictures on the screen. Thankfully, Fury noticed and swore before shutting the screen off. The second the screen went dark, Bucky broke down into tears. he buried his head in his hands, and wasn't responding to anyone.
"what does he normally do to calm down?" Maria asked, her hands resting on Bucky's shoulders as she evaluated him. Fury became agitated when everyone just looked at each other, shrugging.
"NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW TO HELP HIM?" he shouted as Bucky's shaking became worse, his sobs growing.
Bucky fell forward off the chair, and curled into a ball on the floor, Maria's hands running through his hair in a feeble attempt to clam him.
thankfully, Steve burst through the door with the mask in hand. you were out grocery shopping, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted him to Bucky's distress.
"come on bud, sit up," Steve asked, and Bucky refused to budge. eventually he manoeuvred Bucky so his head was on his bent legs. he pulled his hands away from his face, and instructed Maria to hold them so he could put the mask on. the second Steve got the mask on his face, Bucky immediately calmed, and melted into Steve's touch.
after a few moments, Steve stood Bucky up, and the pair of super soldier walked out of the conference room Bucky's breathing still slightly erratic.
meanwhile, in the conference room, Fury was still yelling.
"please make a note in Barnes's file that he has the mask for PTSD reasons." and Maria nodded, jotting the information down on a sticky note.
Steve had gotten Bucky into the living area, and was sitting on the couch, Bucky in his arms. before the war, him and Bucky shared the occasional hug, but usually they only cuddled during the winter because Steve could never retain body heat.
after Steve rescued Bucky however, him holding him became a regular thing. Bucky said it reminded him of before the war, and it comforted him at the same time. Bucky told him that Steve still smelled the same, and it made him feel at home.
"you okay, punk?" Steve asked, and Bucky nodded.
"m'okay. thanks for helpin' me." he said, and Steve chuckled.
"i'm with you til the end of the line, you know that."
at that moment, you walked through the door, groceries in hand, and an angry look on your face. you dropped the groceries and walked over to the two boys.
"is he okay now?" you asked, and Steve nodded, unraveling himself from Bucky and standing up.
"yeah, he's good. Fury told you what happened?" he asked as he walked over to the groceries.
"yep. and I'm pissed. I get that the team is a little nervous around him, but they should still know how to help him. I mean, he wears the mask a lot, this shouldn't be an issue." you said, your arms wrapping around the still masked Bucky who was drifting off to sleep.
"I agree."
as you watched him fall asleep, you wished internally that the team would just take the time to get to know him a little better.
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