#but also the corrupted showbiz industry
celiadelrio · 3 years
re: prev post abt detective and femme fatale
exactly that but it's celia and mc 👁👄👁
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I love how he's not perfect and never has been.
I mean, yes of course he is perfect, but you know what I mean. Comparing him to the (undeniably unfair) beauty standards we have for actors and actress...he is quite different. Has always been. He isn't as tall, has a broken nose that, come on, someone spending as much time in showbiz and Hollywood as he does must know how and where to go to get that thing fixed. But did he? No. He keeps it. Doesn't care less. (Or maybe he does but case on point) and I think we can all agree that he isn't, even in his prime, a Doritos or one of the rigged, sausage-armed Marvel dudes.
(Which, no offenses. I love those too, but)
And I just want to say that's exactly why I love him. I love that he isn't 6ft tall. I love that he has that god awful nose. I love that he has double shins and soft belly and crow's feet even as a 28yr old in 1996.
Look at Eli Cash and that belly he had when he walked out of Gwyneth Palthrow's closet half naked. Imagine if that movie just came out today how much criticism he would get for not being ripped and having 8packs? He made me feel so happy about myself because hey if one of the brightest hollywood stars has a body like that so can I.
He's just...normal, you know, and I love it so much.
Now this… it’s asks like this that make running this blog worth it.
This isn’t to discredit other asks, but it’s ones like these that make you truly think.
The standard of beauty is an ever changing one. And I know we focus a lot on women and the way they get shamed for every little thing. But it’s important to remember that it’s present in men too.
Hollywood (and the entertainment industry as a whole) is a corrupt mess. And I fully agree with your comment on Eli Cash. Now, people don’t really comment on Owens body because he’s over 50. But if his look then happened now? They would have. 100%.
There’s this expectation that everyone must be perfect to have value. That’s not true.
And Owen is also a prime example that (conventional) beauty isn’t everything. He’s talented. He’s a big name. He’s got a funky nose, so what? That’s what makes him him. That’s what’s important to remember.
(Side note: He actually has gotten work on his nose, though I feel like it was either too broken to properly fix, or he said fuck it and rocked the nose anyways. Because I know that there had to have been some breathing complications that came from it, so he had to get it fixed for that. That last bit is just an assumption, but he has gotten work done.)
Also, this may just be me, but with ripped actors like Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth, people put their value in their looks. More often than not, I hear “Oh they’re so hot” instead of “Oh they’re so talented” which brings up the point that we here appreciate Owen for the talent he has, and the looks aren’t important. (Though they are a bonus.)
Anon, I also have huge dreams like you do. And trust me, it’s just as inspiring to you as it is to me to know that you don’t need to be shredded and 6 foot to succeed.
However, in my own view and perception, Owen is perfect to me. He’s beautiful and I love him. And just because you look a little different, doesn’t mean you can’t be beautiful and loved too.
This got a lot softer than I thought it would, but thank you anon. It’s refreshing to get an ask that’s not “Does Owen Wilson eat ass?” So again. Thank you.
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ruinedissonance · 3 years
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More on The Vampire Rockstar!Viego™
I thought of 2 ways on how he gets awoken from his slumber: 1) that he was either awoken by a crypt keeper (Thresh) who wanted to use the threat of the King of Vampires for their own agenda OR 2) He was awoken by the sound of music that cries out to him from beyond the grave which he thinks is the beckoning song of his long lost Queen... maybe both.
He learns the ways of humans and eventually uses their vapid and corrupt showbiz industry to make a name for himself through the use of glamor and easily becomes a world famous Rockstar, capturing the hearts and minds of the human masses to bend them to his will.
This catches the attention of his enemies, the order of Vampire Hunters called the Sentinels of Light, as well as the attention of his other vampire enemies, Pentakill.
Not only is he doing this Rockstar stint to awaken his vampiric brethren and taunt his enemies but this is also all part of his grandiose plan in an attempt to find and resurrect his long lost love  ― The QUEEN OF THE DAMNED, Isolde, by singing her lamentations and requiems which are probably ancient spells and incantations that would break her seal.
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franchiiims · 3 years
‘Pure Intentions for the Betterment of Manila Driven by Hardships Overcome; What Manila Mayor Isko Moreno is All About’
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Born October 24, 1974, Isko grew up in the slums of Tondo, Manila. As early as ten years old, while we were all probably still playing with our pool of toys, he was already awakened from the reality that their life was below the poverty line. To put food on the table, he would collect pagpag or discarded food. Sometimes they would sell pagpag to their neighbors for extra income. He spent his childhood scavenging for paper and plastic bottles as a hustle to help his family. Although he was surrounded by peers who were getting into trouble and addictions, hooked up in rugby, and causing massive street fights, he did his best to stay away from it as much as possible. He valued his future and pursued trying to achieve his family's dream for him; to finish high school. His father barely made it through fourth grade, but his child was going to be different. College would be out of the question, considering his family could barely afford his almost-free education, which cost 120 pesos. He informed Pipol that getting a degree was "almost impossible."
His classmates used to mock him at school because he was a garbage collector—there was a period when Manila Mayor Mel Lopez was running a clean and green campaign in the city, and Isko, a real trash collector, was teased by his classmates. "Mayor! Mayor!" he'd be referred to as. The youthful dreamer, however, was undeterred. He remembered, "Naiiyak lang minsan." In his thoughts at the time, he planned to continue his education beyond high school. He aspired to be a seaman. He eventually wished to be the captain of a ship. But of course, something was written in the stars that served him better.
In the wake of one of his neighbors during his adolescence, a talent manager scouted him and gave him a chance to become an actor. With his talent, charm, and perseverance, he had made his name in the acting industry. After a while, he decided to step out of the showbiz industry.
In 1998, Isko ran for city councilor for the first time. He said it was a spur-of-the-moment choice. He was having a good year that year. He reached out to then-Vice Mayor Lito Atienza and secured a spot in the campaign. He also found himself amid campaign trash-talking, which he didn't think would significantly impact him.Tondo boy was chastised for just having completed high school. His haters were dubbed "artista lang," yet he never raised a white flag against them. Yes, he was an artist. Yes, he was "just" a high school graduate. He was, however, a member of the crowd. His words we “Walang sino man ang makakapagsabi dito na alam nila ang pakiramdam niyo kapag kumakalam ang sikmura ninyo,” to audiences during the campaign. "Ako, Alam 'ko yon."
When he won, he also decided to go back to school because he was interested in politics and helping his people. He headed to UP and inquired about the institution's special programs on legislation. With the financial support of former Manila Vice Mayor Danny Lacuna, Moreno was able to take the program and finish it. But he didn't stop there. Moreno enrolled in leadership and governance courses at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and the Said Business School of Oxford.
Already knowing greater than before, Isko went on to become Manila's Vice Mayor—first under Alfredo Lim, then under Erap Estrada— for three consecutive terms. He ran for senator in the 2016 National Elections but lost.
Today, he is known to be one of the most impactful people in our country. He turned Manila into a cleaner, more balanced, and peaceful city. He is known for being an inspirational and honest mayor. He cleaned the streets, given manileños job opportunities, prevented corruption, good criticism, and feedback from his people.
Isko Moreno struggled as soon as he was out of the womb. He had nothing, and yet he is one of the most influential persons in the country to date. He is a prime example of those who had personal challenges in life but managed to overcome them. Isko promised his people and delivered despite difficulties in life, and for me, that is an actual role model to deserve to look up to.
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keishiyaaa · 3 years
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The Revilla Political Dynasty started with Ramon Revilla Sr. (born José Acuña Bautista Sr.), who had previously made his way to fame as an actor in the country. One of the most notable bills implemented by Revilla was the “Revilla Bill” which states that: “The illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if their affiliation has been expressly recognized by the father through an admission in a public document or a private handwritten instrument made by the father”. Out of his estimated eighty children however, only seven of them seemed to desire following his footsteps in one or even both of the political and entertainment industries: Marlon becoming an actor and director, Rowena a councillor in the city of Bacoor, Bong an actor, TV presenter, and senator, Princess an actress and producer, Strike the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Andeng a film producer, actress, and mayor of Antipolo city, and Ram an actor. With only a monthly salary of P35,000 to P40,000, and investments of P 416,000 to P 2.12 M in his first 9 years of governance, Revilla Sr. managed to provide a monthly allowance of P26,000 (equating to an estimate of P25M a year) to each of his children, which has always been an area of suspicion for the public. There have also been many other issues involving this family, such as the infamous murder of late actor Ramgen “Ram” Revilla, who was allegedly killed by an intruder - his sisters (who were conversing as the crime took place) were also identified as suspects. Another notable controversy caused by the Revilla family was when Ramon Revilla Jr, commonly known as “Bong” Revilla, danced to budots for his new campaign video a few months after being acquitted of plunder charges and accused of pocketing P 224 M of his pork barrel fund during his time in office.
Apolonio, Ghierin:
I don’t really pay much attention to politics. The Revilla family gave us some positives and some negatives. They gave us the “Revilla bill” where the illegitimate can use their father’s last name. They are also accused of pocketing money from the government. Although for some people they appreciate the Revilla family, while for some they do not like the Revilla family. While we were doing the research about Revilla family, I was feeling mixed emotions. I think they implemented that law because Ramon Revilla Sr had an estimated 80 childrens. Most of them when to the politics maybe in order to continue for their last name to be known.  For the Revilla bill, I think for some it is a good thing while for others it is a bad thing. I think for those people who are against they think that it is okay to have a child outside marriage.
In my own opinion the “Revilla bill” is useful for the illegitimate children for their documentation purposes. But if the Father has an outside marriage children, I think it isn’t good for the family that is legal. It’s like they are promoting for fathers to have an illegitimate child.
Gamboa, Keisha:
As the number of political dynasties and power-hungry officials continue to rise in the country, the importance of using our rights and duties as responsible citizens of the Philippines to further improve our decision-making skills and thoroughly contemplate our choices also increases, especially towards something as important as appointing candidates into influential positions. Incompetence is incompetence. Yes, everyone can make mistakes, but this common flaw shouldn’t be used as a free pass for those failures - we should hold people accountable. When politicians commit practices of graft and corruption, no matter how untrue or unintentional they claim these crimes to be, there will always be those at the receiving end of these harmful actions - the people.
The most disadvantaged of these citizens are those that (sadly) make up a big part of our population: the lower class, the poor, the less privileged, those who cannot afford necessities such as sufficient income, profitable jobs, ample food, proper shelter, and high quality medical attention because the money they had to give to the country (the government) went to projects that only benefited the wealthier class instead - or even perhaps directly to the banks of people whose luxurious lifestyles show just how much they didn’t actually need the said funds. How do you think the victims would feel seeing other, more privileged and powerful people, continue to defend and turn a blind eye to both their undeserving struggles and the blatant wrongdoings of their abusers?
Sizing up potential leaders based off of the background and history of those around them rather than their ethics and leadership skills as individuals is just ridiculous. Furthermore, do people even consider the contributions of these related people to the constitution along with their positions? How did the “Revilla Bill” positively impact our society? Doesn’t this just enable - promote, even - having extramarital affairs and abandoning one’s paternal responsibilities? Also, why are we letting political dynasties who have blatantly abused their power continue to run for even higher positions? Lastly, when are we going to realize that the amount of pesos these people have in their banks wouldn’t and shouldn’t be as high as they are if no corruption was really present?
The practice of giving influential positions to people solely because of their filial relations is far too rampant in the Philippines. Obviously, not everyone is competent enough to serve as a public official of the country, and - even more disappointingly - not everyone is educated enough to notice this either. As responsible citizens and those who are privileged to receive higher education, resources, and influence, we should stop blindly following these groups/clans/families because of what they said they would do and instead evaluate and look at what they have actually done for the Philippines prior to making these promises. These politicians were appointed by us citizens: we also hold some degree of responsibility for whether or not they repair or impair our country.
Kim, Yumin “Eillie”:
I did not study for political histories, senators, or issues of the Philippines before, and it was my first time to hear about the Revilla family too. I think I should know what is happening or has happened in this country from now on, at least until I stay here. The issues I have searched were quite shocking to me because of the cultural differences. Nowadays, most of the people raise only 2 to 3 babies or sometimes 4 in Korea, but Ramon Revilla had around 81 childrens that I cannot understand with my notions, and we are forbidden to have guns like in America or Philippines. It was a good opportunity for me to learn more about the Philippines, and I want the place or country I am staying at to be stable, developed, intelligent and safe.
Tugonon, Marc:
I used to despise the Revilla family, and I still do. I don’t think there will ever be a time or a reason my perspective will change about them. Though Ramon Revilla Sr. was a remarkable senator who served two terms, he may had notable legislative achievements, had an exemplary performance during his regime, does not mean their family should be praised already or to be put on a pedestal, because the name “Revilla” does not only apply to and represent Ramon Revilla Sr. only. It applies to all his children and grandchildren whose minds are strikingly corrupted. Take Bong Revilla as an example. He ruined his name, his whole family’s reputation by being a plunderer involved in the pork barrel scam. He was also the senator who danced budots for his campaign to get the votes of the poor so he can steal from them. The moral lesson here is to widen and really open your minds to different prejudice because it’s for the better of the whole country. If you let yourself explore, research, and thoroughly understand the people you idolize, you’re not just the one benefiting here, but the society as a whole. You can use all the knowledge you acquired and help spread awareness to those who are in favor of the evil and you could possibly change their stand and actually do the right thing; To revere those who are benevolent and have the capabilities to make change in the country.
Despite all the accusations, incompetence, and allegations against their name, their family remains nonchalant, and constantly deliberately taking advantage of what’s happening around them because they think they can somehow manipulate the natives, which is actually working, especially the poor, and it is actually very concerning. This just abundantly proves that nepotism does not do any good in politics. Those who are gifted with such a platform are just going to stand there and be pretentious with no any kind of knowledge on bettering or running the country. It is very disappointing how our country tolerates this kind of behavior. If we keep acting like we’re all blind, there will be no future for our country. Inflation, debts, poverty, abuse and many more will continue to rise. From now on, we must not support these kinds of families in the country, whether it’s in politics or showbiz or families in general who are a disgrace in the country that are constantly participating in such unlawful actions. This is for the better of us all and we shall keep fighting for justice. Velasco, James:
For me I don’t pay much attention to politics nor care about it but i'm surprised to hear Ramon Revilla, a politician, has 80 or more children and still hasn't gone bankrupt. Though Ramon Revilla may have been a great senator and a great actor, it all went down when Bong Revilla came. Accused of pocketing PHP 224 million in his Pork Barrel fund, Bong Revilla was hated and criticized by the people for plundering and corruption. Though I'm not surprised since there are many corruptions happening in the Philippines and there's nothing we can do about it. Let this be a lesson to not vote for someone just because they belong in a political or rich family and be wise to vote for the ones that will lead us to a better place to live here in the Philippines.
Guzman, N. D. (2018, October 16). The unsolved murder of Ramgen, Ramon Revilla's son. Esquiremag.ph. https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/lifestyle/the-unsolved-murder-of-ramgen-ramon-revilla-s-son-a1729-20181016-lfrm2
Guzman, N. D. (2018, October 16). The unsolved murder of Ramgen, Ramon Revilla's son. Esquiremag.ph. https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/lifestyle/the-unsolved-murder-of-ramgen-ramon-revilla-s-son-a1729-20181016-lfrm2
List of political families in the Philippines. (2009, May 30). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_families_in_the_Philippines
Political families in the Philippines: Where are they now? (2012, March 15). The Asia Foundation. https://asiafoundation.org/2012/03/14/political-families-in-the-philippines-where-are-they-now/
Ramon Revilla SR. (2007, January 12). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Revilla_Sr
Ramos, C. M. (2020, September 4). Bong Revilla: My quarantine is done. INQUIRER.net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1331145/fwd-bong-revilla-my-quarantine-is-done
Sen. Revilla's family asks for prayers, remains mum over his condition – The Manila Times. (2020, August 19). The Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/08/19/news/latest-stories/sen-revillas-family-asks-for-prayers-remains-mum-over-his-condition/757576/
The wealth of the old man Revilla. (2013, November 5). Rappler. https://r3.rappler.com/newsbreak/42959-wealth-old-man-revilla
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marctugonon · 3 years
Researchers: KIM, EILLIE
                     VELASCO, JAMES
Slides Editor: GAMBOA, KEISHA
                 TUGONON, MARC
Background of the family
Family Tree
Political History
Political Positions
Issues They Are Associated With
The Muder of Ram Revilla 
Bongbong Revilla’s Campaign Ad
The Revilla Political Dynasty started with Ramon Revilla Sr. (born José Acuña Bautista Sr.), who had previously made his way to fame as an actor in the country. One of the most notable bills implemented by Revilla was the “Revilla Bill” which states that: “The illegitimate children may use the surname of their father if their affiliation has been expressly recognized by the father through an admission in a public document or a private handwritten instrument made by the father”. Out of his estimated eighty children however, only seven of them seemed to desire following his footsteps in one or even both of the political and entertainment industries: Marlon becoming an actor and director, Rowena a councillor in the city of Bacoor, Bong an actor, TV presenter, and senator, Princess an actress and producer, Strike the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Andeng a film producer, actress, and mayor of Antipolo city, and Ram an actor. With only a monthly salary of P35,000 to P40,000, and investments of P 416,000 to P 2.12 M in his first 9 years of governance, Revilla Sr. managed to provide a monthly allowance of P26,000 (equating to an estimate of P25M a year) to each of his children, which has always been an area of suspicion for the public. There have also been many other issues involving this family, such as the infamous murder of late actor Ramgen “Ram” Revilla, who was allegedly killed by an intruder - his sisters (who were conversing as the crime took place) were also identified as suspects. Another notable controversy caused by the Revilla family was when Ramon Revilla Jr, commonly known as “Bong” Revilla, danced to budots for his new campaign video a few months after being acquitted of plunder charges and accused of pocketing P 224 M of his pork barrel fund during his time in office.
Apolonio, Ghierin:
I don’t really pay much attention to politics. The Revilla family gave us some positives and some negatives. They gave us the “Revilla bill” where the illegitimate can use their father’s last name. They are also accused of pocketing money from the government. Although for some people they appreciate the Revilla family, while for some they do not like the Revilla family. While we were doing the research about Revilla family, I was feeling mixed emotions. I think they implemented that law because Ramon Revilla Sr had an estimated 80 childrens. Most of them when to the politics maybe in order to continue for their last name to be known.  For the Revilla bill, I think for some it is a good thing while for others it is a bad thing. I think for those people who are against they think that it is okay to have a child outside marriage. 
In my own opinion the “Revilla bill” is useful for the illegitimate children for their documentation purposes. But if the Father has an outside marriage children, I think it isn’t good for the family that is legal. It’s like they are promoting for fathers to have an illegitimate child. 
Gamboa, Keisha:
As the number of political dynasties and power-hungry officials continue to rise in the country, the importance of using our rights and duties as responsible citizens of the Philippines to further improve our decision-making skills and thoroughly contemplate our choices also increases, especially towards something as important as appointing candidates into influential positions. Incompetence is incompetence. Yes, everyone can make mistakes, but this common flaw shouldn’t be used as a free pass for those failures - we should hold people accountable. When politicians commit practices of graft and corruption, no matter how untrue or unintentional they claim these crimes to be, there will always be those at the receiving end of these harmful actions - the people.
The most disadvantaged of these citizens are those that (sadly) make up a big part of our population: the lower class, the poor, the less privileged, those who cannot afford necessities such as sufficient income, profitable jobs, ample food, proper shelter, and high quality medical attention because the money they had to give to the country (the government) went to projects that only benefited the wealthier class instead - or even perhaps directly to the banks of people whose luxurious lifestyles show just how much they didn’t actually need the said funds. How do you think the victims would feel seeing other, more privileged and powerful people, continue to defend and turn a blind eye to both their undeserving struggles and the blatant wrongdoings of their abusers?
Sizing up potential leaders based off of the background and history of those around them rather than their ethics and leadership skills as individuals is just ridiculous. Furthermore, do people even consider the contributions of these related people to the constitution along with their positions? How did the “Revilla Bill” positively impact our society? Doesn’t this just enable - promote, even - having extramarital affairs and abandoning one’s paternal responsibilities? Also, why are we letting political dynasties who have blatantly abused their power continue to run for even higher positions? Lastly, when are we going to realize that the amount of pesos these people have in their banks wouldn’t and shouldn’t be as high as they are if no corruption was really present?
The practice of giving influential positions to people solely because of their filial relations is far too rampant in the Philippines. Obviously, not everyone is competent enough to serve as a public official of the country, and - even more disappointingly - not everyone is educated enough to notice this either. As responsible citizens and those who are privileged to receive higher education, resources, and influence, we should stop blindly following these groups/clans/families because of what they said they would do and instead evaluate and look at what they have actually done for the Philippines prior to making these promises. These politicians were appointed by us citizens: we also hold some degree of responsibility for whether or not they repair or impair our country.
Kim, Yumin “Eillie”:
I did not study for political histories, senators, or issues of the Philippines before, and it was my first time to hear about the Revilla family too. I think I should know what is happening or has happened in this country from now on, at least until I stay here. The issues I have searched were quite shocking to me because of the cultural differences. Nowadays, most of the people raise only 2 to 3 babies or sometimes 4 in Korea, but Ramon Revilla had around 81 childrens that I cannot understand with my notions, and we are forbidden to have guns like in America or Philippines. It was a good opportunity for me to learn more about the Philippines, and I want the place or country I am staying at to be stable, developed, intelligent and safe.
Tugonon, Marc:
I used to despise the Revilla family, and I still do. I don’t think there will ever be a time or a reason my perspective will change about them. Though Ramon Revilla Sr. was a remarkable senator who served two terms, he may had notable legislative achievements, had an exemplary performance during his regime, does not mean their family should be praised already or to be put on a pedestal, because the name “Revilla” does not only apply to and represent Ramon Revilla Sr. only. It applies to all his children and grandchildren whose minds are strikingly corrupted. Take Bong Revilla as an example. He ruined his name, his whole family’s reputation by being a plunderer involved in the pork barrel scam. He was also the senator who danced budots for his campaign to get the votes of the poor so he can steal from them. The moral lesson here is to widen and really open your minds to different prejudice because it’s for the better of the whole country. If you let yourself explore, research, and thoroughly understand the people you idolize, you’re not just the one benefiting here, but the society as a whole. You can use all the knowledge you acquired and help spread awareness to those who are in favor of the evil and you could possibly change their stand and actually do the right thing; To revere those who are benevolent and have the capabilities to make change in the country. 
Despite all the accusations, incompetence, and allegations against their name, their family remains nonchalant, and constantly deliberately taking advantage of what’s happening around them because they think they can somehow manipulate the natives, which is actually working, especially the poor, and it is actually very concerning. This just abundantly proves that nepotism does not do any good in politics. Those who are gifted with such a platform are just going to stand there and be pretentious with no any kind of knowledge on bettering or running the country. It is very disappointing how our country tolerates this kind of behavior. If we keep acting like we’re all blind, there will be no future for our country. Inflation, debts, poverty, abuse and many more will continue to rise. From now on, we must not support these kinds of families in the country, whether it’s in politics or showbiz or families in general who are a disgrace in the country that are constantly participating in such unlawful actions. This is for the better of us all and we shall keep fighting for justice.
Velasco, James:
For me I don’t pay much attention to politics nor care about it but i'm surprised to hear Ramon Revilla, a politician, has 80 or more children and still hasn't gone bankrupt. Though Ramon Revilla may have been a great senator and a great actor, it all went down when Bong Revilla came. Accused of pocketing PHP 224 million in his Pork Barrel fund, Bong Revilla was hated and criticized by the people for plundering and corruption. Though I'm not surprised since there are many corruptions happening in the Philippines and there's nothing we can do about it. Let this be a lesson to not vote for someone just because they belong in a political or rich family and be wise to vote for the ones that will lead us to a better place to live here in the Philippines.
 Guzman, N. D. (2018, October 16). The unsolved murder of Ramgen, Ramon Revilla's son. Esquiremag.ph. https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/lifestyle/the-unsolved-murder-of-ramgen-ramon-revilla-s-son-a1729-20181016-lfrm2
 Guzman, N. D. (2018, October 16). The unsolved murder of Ramgen, Ramon Revilla's son. Esquiremag.ph. https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/lifestyle/the-unsolved-murder-of-ramgen-ramon-revilla-s-son-a1729-20181016-lfrm2
 List of political families in the Philippines. (2009, May 30). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_families_in_the_Philippines
 Political families in the Philippines: Where are they now? (2012, March 15). The Asia Foundation. https://asiafoundation.org/2012/03/14/political-families-in-the-philippines-where-are-they-now/
 Ramon Revilla SR. (2007, January 12). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Revilla_Sr
 Ramos, C. M. (2020, September 4). Bong Revilla: My quarantine is done. INQUIRER.net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1331145/fwd-bong-revilla-my-quarantine-is-done
 Sen. Revilla's family asks for prayers, remains mum over his condition – The Manila Times. (2020, August 19). The Manila Times. https://www.manilatimes.net/2020/08/19/news/latest-stories/sen-revillas-family-asks-for-prayers-remains-mum-over-his-condition/757576/
0 notes
hanzi83 · 7 years
A Very Lengthy But Important Read Because of the Harassment Going On
It feels like the blogs I write are few and far in between and when I actually do it pretty much has been the same sob story with maybe a few highlighted new points that I may or may not make. It normally starts out with the intention of trying to proclaim something great like I am going to spew some grand truth about the world, but then I get sidetracked and then it all falls apart, and by the time it ends it is basically me trying to put together a bunch of random thoughts that have been floating in my head, but not knowing how to pace myself, and by the way I am writing this shit, it feels like it already heading that way right now.
It feels like the more I increase my medication or change it up a bit, the ploys and tactics reach a new level of aggression towards me, and because no one can see the beneath the surface nuances that exist, it just comes across as me being someone who just screams at the clouds while balling up his fist ready to bitch about it more on social media and since there is no concrete evidence that exist to match any of the “delusional” theories, it makes me look worse, and if I don’t say anything, they can just do it and no one will know any better or none of them will even say that this stuff goes on, because these same people in all these industries and institutions will speak about “corruption” within a limited capacity, but will never disclose that they partake in these situations to fuck with people online and their goal is to make them more suicidal.
After being banned from the Howard Stern Show in 2016, it became an open door for people in my life or random strangers online to make it seem like wanting to collaborate was out of the goodness out of their heart, and not because they know that someday there will be vindication of some sort, and their best bet is for me to feel even more insecure and just pretend people being nice to me are people who genuinely care for my mental health or well being, and it feels like they have chosen to come into my life at the right time before something is revealed and exposed. And I already discussed ad nauseam about what has happened personally with people I know, and now it seems more and more is done, when it comes to hacking my credit card, hacking my phone and playing stuff in my music apps, just small stuff to drive me crazy subtly, not to mention the overly obvious taking me out to places for a scheduled appearance, while people who are fans of mine are not allowed approaching me, because we can’t make me feel like I am kind of known at all. People only take me out for the perks they get from the system, since behind the scenes we operate on point system, which is why everyone is constantly on social media, especially when they claim they are working. Most of these people’s office jobs can be done with bots online and then the real person is on different message boards and harassing people because they are paid to. By the way, this is just all my theory by the way, again no evidence whatsoever, even though there are articles in legitimate sources talking about how government agencies have been doing this to monitor social media and starting arguments online.
Now being outspoken about system narratives and the powers that be, I have become a target. So much so, people started harassing me and posting pictures of stuff that was never posted on social media is supposed to make think that people I know personally are partaking in this, or the powers that be are forcing them to do this. People I know have utter hatred for me on a deep seated level and still hate that I have not reached out to them on some level because they want me to come crawling to them while I seem to be out of luck and still looking very pathetic in the process, but they know the change will eventually come, so these people from a particular show have approached me. I always suspect these people who approach me to come on their shows and partake are always agents of Stern in some capacity, because when you have made it that big, you are allowed access to controlling stuff from behind the scenes, and because ad nauseam I have pointed out that I believe Stern has connections to people in top level positions, even if he is not relevant in pop culture, does not mean he doesn’t have any connections, he was such a rebel that the system allowed him to continue making a living when he was supposed to be some kind of threat right? So now that he knows his time is almost up, I believe he has certain factions online who he has do his dirty work, and some of these people are funded, and then they pretend to look like they are just regular people who are struggling with something so they can relate. This one particular show that I have been sitting in on and bringing the funny and bringing the most interesting content, after months of begging me, has lied from the get go about his agenda and motives. I am glad I never fully believed him and I used that platform as practice to get my comedy chops going and actually trying to move a show along.
The recruitment process was amazing too, because first I suspected he started out as one of those anonymous trolls that were continuously harassing me and posting about me on Reddit after I explicitly told them not to, and kept misrepresenting the title, and then when this guy, who I think was the original troll doing this, showed up to my platform to get me to be on his show, he lured me in with conspiracy talk and we can talk about wrestling, yet all we talk about is Stern Show, when this guy has supposedly been shut down for playing his content on You Tube, and even if I think he is in cahoots with other scum bags I have no interest in being associated with, he created a fake feud with them, and to show proof that there is a feud, there are real lawsuits going on, or probably made up ones or some type of bullshit to make me think he is also a target, but at the same time, this dude who is getting screwed over by the show supposedly, still defends the tactics that I claim he uses or the shadiness that he was involved in, he is one of those people that are dying on the hill of “Howard is too PC” now crowds, which are the faulty crowds, because those people, I feel, are on Stern’s side and it is to make him seem like he is some leftist, when he is actually a republican and a Trump supporter, even though he claims he voted for Hilary, which is still bad to me because they are both warmonger corporatists, but since pointing it out, there has been more shit going on. The more this show continues on this platform, the more I become suspicious of all the characters on the show, whether it be some know it all republican woman who thinks she is actually talented, trying to convince me to do a conspiracy show, and tried to relate to me by stating she hasn’t had sex in a long time and that she suffers from depression, yet doesn’t seem to know a thing about it, and I guess I was supposed to be manipulated like most of the freaks on the Stern Show by saying “Oh my god, a hot chick who is depressed and also wants to talk about conspiracies, she is just like me, because she hasn’t even had sex in a long time” I never really believed her, and judging by her republican type of views, which she denies by the way, because most of the shadier ones always claim they are Libertarian for some reason, and when I call her out on her racist bullshit, she pretends people who were calling her out on it were being bullies. Her reasoning of not being racist is that she has friends of different ethnic backgrounds, so I guess problem solved.
The host of the show, as an Asian, always has this tendency to defend the white supremacist system that is in play and limits his perspective on race by claiming that if you talk about race all the time, you are a racist. And I don’t know if he feels that way, but he is clearly aiming for an alt right type of audience, especially with his willingness to bring one of those types on his show. So I start thinking about if I want to be a part of it, but the interviews with webcam girls, that aren’t the most interesting to begin with gets old and it seems more and more like he is trying to become Howard Stern, even overhyping his own numbers, wearing sunglasses indoors, having a gaggle of freaks to the side to treat like shit to some extent, but not me though, because at every turn where he tried to bust my balls I would outshine him with so much wit he would not know how to react. This guy and this chick would always deny being associated with the show, but because I feel the Stern Show people would not really allow access to other whack packers or former staffers etc, they would do so if these people were allowed. The chick for goodness sakes was in charge of High Pitch Erik’s live You Tube stream. Howard, in my opinion, would never allow anyone to profit off the Whack Pack unless he gave them their blessing, whether it is directly or indirectly.
I questioned her more and more, and the more I showed that I did not believe she is being honest about who she is associated with or who she is connected to, then she would message me and there would be admission more and more everyday and little by little. She claimed my theories about showbiz are insane and very much wrong, but then subtly lets it slip she has celebrity friends, which right there is a giveaway, because if she is associated with those types of people, of course she would not disclose what really happens, then she reveals she applied for a job with the show, and to me, once you are approaching the show, they won’t directly hire you on their show, but they will allow you to function and succeed by being loosely affiliated but never acknowledged, so right there it felt suspicious.
I was doing 5 hour shows with these people, the people they have on there were becoming increasingly annoying. It feels like they are pretending to be peaceful, by using a newer regular caller that calls into the show, and I am trying to warn him about how insane he will go by letting people and the show itself to use him, and then throw him to the side. It is amazing because he sounds as naïve as I did back in 2007 and 2008 with just being happy about being a caller on the show and not expecting much out of it, then with Wendy the Slow Adult, they seem to be helping her, but it feels like when you are associated with the show in any aspect, people will pretend they want to help you while getting their use out of you and I feel they are doing that with her as well, and because she is a friendly person and might not be as aware of these subtleties, I mean for someone who is not operating at her full faculties, she sure as hell a lot more productive than I could ever be, so maybe she should be feeling sorry for me.
As more arguments arise, it comes across like this particular host is trying his best to make people have meltdowns on his show or get people to debate, so he sends webcam girls to start political fights with me so I can go on and start with me, and you can tell it was a ploy because when I gave legit arguments back, she didn’t have any retorts, it was like she was told to, and the more I am calling him out on it, the more he gets a little frustrated, but he pretends that he isn’t upset, but will still do these tactics, and will shit on any ideas I have or any topics I want to discuss, but then gets upset if I do my own thing on my own Face Book Live or on my own Periscope. It was becoming annoying, and now I decided to take a break from the show, as well as another chick that is on, that they enjoy having her meltdown, and because she is more liberal, but still uses foul and vile language at anyone who fucks with her or says disrespectful, she suddenly becomes the problem. A bunch of those chicks on there, the host is trying way too hard to get me set up with them, it is like they want to record me or set me up for something so it can become content on his show. So after that chick and I had enough of the bullshit, the host and the republican chick get upset and start playing the meltdown she has, while not disclosing what kind of creepy shit he says to her and others, and then he just shows her messages, and my argument was if she was talking shit about me and others, obviously she felt comfortable about it, and when people in his chat told him to show his side of the chat, he picked and chose carefully which shit he wanted to show, so it would limit his incrimination in anything that would make him look guilty for talking shit.
As soon as the chick he is accusing to do all of this, she retorts on my platform about him not being able to see his kids, and describing the content of his character, and I don’t know the full story but because he was trying to create dissention about this entire thing and hating that I was doing my own thing on my platform, I said he should focus on being a better dad, and whenever you question the character of people who are supposed to be parents they start thinking you are making fun of the kids themselves, and it gets ugly because people in the chats are starting shit by saying that I am threatening his kids, which I did not do, and he loses it, and the real version came out, like he stated “You want to see the real me” like he never stated that the person I was talking to previously who was peaceful and trying to get me on his show wasn’t the real version. He threatens me and says he will make my life a living hell, and that with what he is going to do will try to make me kill myself. I call it out and say that this is what he is really about, and it kind of made him expose himself to his own detriment, because after crying about his circumstance with his kids, I felt bad, but I still didn’t feel bad that I didn’t trust him completely and I think he has been behind making my life hell, and has been promised perks. He claims he was broke, but the chick who was at odds with him asked him to buy her a new nose for 9400 dollars, and they can play it off like a joke, but obviously there was some sugar daddy type of bullshit going on. I can only assume, I don’t know for sure.
I even went at the republican chick because she hates the other chick who was at odds with the host, and they have fought nonstop on the show so many times with cheap shots being thrown out by each of them, and the republican chick always acts like she is innocent, while I believe she organizes accounts in the chat, and helps up the numbers a bit,  and she does that shit to me as well, and then always denies it, and thinks because she yells in this pretentious vocal fry tone that she is somehow telling the truth and because I eluded that she probably fucked a bunch of people from the show, and I don’t know that, but I feel like that show, much like the rest of showbiz, only allow these females this kind of access if they do special things for them, so it wouldn’t surprise me, and I never said I knew for sure, but it was more of way to get her out of my platform because she would always show up, which she denies, but there is proof from other people who were present as well, she accuses me on twitter of sexually harassing her, and for someone who was shitting on feminists and claiming some of them exaggerate, she says spreading this rumor about her is sexual harassment, when it was me merely saying I don’t believe she was telling the truth about not having sex in a while a way to relate to me and then manipulate me, There are a fair share of chicks who are deranged who loved to inject themselves in the Stern Show world and befriend the freaks, and you really think any chick who is kind of attractive, would actually be attracted or want to communicate with someone who is a psycho and pathetic, She tells me that I am psycho and not that important, yet she tried so hard to get me to believe her lies, and always showed up at my platforms, and then she denies it. She is truly fucking psychotic.
She dialed it back, but I draw the line at the accusation of sexual harassment. I don’t want to ever talk to anyone who has accused me of that when she is the one targeting me for harassment and in my opinion sent by the Stern Show to fuck with me, and it is a ploy to get me back on the Stern Show, or get me back on this other dudes show so the cycle of arguing will continue, and even though this guy said he didn’t mean his threats etc, and took it back and also deleted the video which it contained, now he is saying he is cool with me, and maybe that is true, but it could also mean he had to cover his ass for insinuating he was going to make my week a living hell and his goal of making me want to kill myself.
By the way, it started off with me not being allowed to call the wrestling show that I normally call into, and I enjoy it and have provided entertainment on that show with some well thought out hot takes, but because ex wrestler and co-host of the show Bully Ray is a fan of the Stern Show he has been giving me a hard time since he started, but it dialed back where we got a long to some degree, but because he has these right wing views, or maybe that is another work since these wrestlers are always figuring out ways to dupe us even in real life, but I noticed because I have been sleeping on the air, which could have been avoided, because the producer always checks with me to see if I am there and when they will go to me next, yet they let it go to my sleeping countless times, while pretending they are upset by it while continuing to allow it on their airwaves and made it into a bit, and I guess the ramifications being a name change was necessary, it didn’t work and it seemed like they wanted to ban me altogether, while one of the co-hosts went to bat for me seemingly. When I was asleep, Bully does goes off on how they should ban me like Stern banned me, and before he pretended like he never knew of me. People warned me when he came to that show, that he was advised by Stern’s employees to give me a hard time, don’t know if that was true, but since I have been entertaining on that show, they had to find a way to ban me from all the Sirius shows.
It isn’t a coincidence this has happened during this past weekend, and it shows that guy who’s show I was going on, has pull but he is denying it, even though he very much told me he did and he was going to get me to kill myself, and now they show up on my platforms with people in my family’s names, and or even post pictures that hasn’t been on social media. They are really trying to fuck with me and ruin my life. No media outlet will ever report on the type of harassment I am being targeted with because even they are controlled and can only do it when they are given permission to. It should be worth noting that these same people from this new show I have been on also organize on Discord, which has been revealed to be in news reports, to be where these hackers meet up to discuss how to up the numbers and plot how to fuck with people, and the host of the show I have been on always tells me to get on discord or some shit. These people are very shady and it is becoming fucking clear that these people are disturbed, They won’t allow me to just be on my own, and even my own friends and family have made deals with the devil and fuck with me on fake accounts, and then in front of my face they just embrace me. I don’t believe a god thing any of them say.
They limit me from talking or letting me get on stage to do comedy, and I am sure because I haven’t let them by my side while I try to shine, they will organize harassment when I am up on stage, and all the while injecting someone else in that world so they can latch on to him, like it was a last resort, because I didn’t cosign other people who I didn’t want to be close with again. It is all politics, and if you don’t believe there is organized ways for who gets to shine and when the can shine, and how much they can shine, then you can believe what you want, but I can sense this, and it has become a lot more clear in what is taking place. These people do this to a lot of other people, who have committed suicide, or they are so beaten down in life, they can muster up the courage to say something because the online ridicule is so organized it is not even fucking funny.
Okay now the update to this.
Now I wrote this first bit a couple of days ago, and I resisted posting it because maybe it would be a lot more peaceful, and it did end up being a lot more peaceful. The guy who said he was upset about what I said about his parenting, and while he was goading me into saying he wanted me to kill myself by causing a riff between me and some other chick, by showing her private messages of talking about me, out of irrational anger, I said “No I won’t kill myself, but your kids will probably do it when they find out their father is not shit” and then even saying I would raise them if I ever got my shit together, permitting that I do, but I won’t, and after he claimed he saw this periscope session, which is still up by the way, I don’t hide behind my irrational rants and admit when I am being pushed into saying fucked up shit, I go to that level, and it makes me feel horrible, because I don’t like going to that rant, he is starting to play it back and say that he has a reason to be relentless. He has been tempting me to come back to his platform, and because I am doing my own thing, he is using tactics of some sorts by sending people towards me, I presume, to tell me that he and others on his show think I am trolling, and it feels like a way to see the comments so I can see what these trolls are saying which is leading to them to believe it is me. Even though I was getting a lot more viewers, and have a lot of social media followers, he keeps insisting that he helped me get viewers on my platform. I admit I don’t have the most all the time, but on my own I have garnered a viewing larger, and his highest viewed show featured me on it and now he is claiming he was always bored with conspiracy talk, and this is how he lured me into coming into his show, and also with wrestling. So now after he told that chick who said me ranting about me not buying into her games, and trying to relate to me, I said irrationally she should be honest, that she fucked someone from the Stern Show, and even though I used it as an insult towards her, it is more representation of the system because in my opinion they don’t allow females to associated with their crew unless they do something sexually. It wasn’t about spreading rumors about her, but her telling me she is suffering from depression and that she hadn’t had sex in a long time to relate to me, because to me, she figured she could suck up to people with Z list notoriety and latch on to them, because once you have been in the system, you are valuable to anyone associated with you.
I just want to be done with this. I want to do my own thing, and not worry about these people, but they are going to get their revenge, after he threatened to get my week to be fucked up and drive me to suicide, he deletes his scopes, and then claims he wants to be cool and this was a bit in some ways, and it is not, yet he keeps calling me delusional, while he is drinking nonstop in his motel and getting angry because I am not getting angrier, and he is trying to push me to suicide and lose my mind. He wants me to snap even more because he is mentioning me constantly, and keeps saying that I need him, and that he is going to make my life a living hell. I blocked him from Face Book, Twitter, and now Periscope. He will not stop harassing me or sending his trolls to fuck with me. And I bet if I had gone back on his show this week, he would have stopped doing whatever he is doing. He is upset because people saw through his fake friendship that he was extending, while he talked shit about me all the time, and tried to organize meltdowns because he wants to be like Stern so fucking badly.
I have plenty of witnesses from old shows where he wanted me on and he was constantly courting me nonstop to be on his show, and then claims I am a pain in the ass. I admit I am, and I was willing to just take a break from this platform for a temporary hiatus, but now that he is throwing these jabs constantly and getting me to lose my mind, after he said he would try to get me to kill myself and that he will be this evil troll, he then covered his ass by pretending he forgave me, but then because I won’t go back on his show, he is getting even more upset. I am sick of people who pretend they are nice, and make it seem like they are in the calm, but then they are simultaneously on their platforms talking shit, and now they are spinning it like I am out of control. They are doing their best Howard Stern impression, but this dude is even more delusional than me. He claims he is the King of All Social Media, and I have 20 times more followers than this guy, and I am pretty useless and irrelevant, and it is so obvious that he is connected to the show in some regard, and I am betting that he was told that if he could keep me on his platform until some kind point, there will be some reward, and because it didn’t happen, he is taking his anger out on me nonstop, it is becoming scary.
I am putting this out there because he will just keep denying whatever he did and what he is doing, and listen I apologized for what I said about his kids, and he knew what he was doing when he was pushing me mentally, because these people want me to do something to myself or threaten them, and instead of doing that I will say something vile. I always put the disclaimer most of the time that stuff I am claiming is not necessarily true and that you should not believe a delusional piece of shit. No one believes that chick fucked a whack packer, and it was wrong for me to assume, but I feel she is lying to me, and she even offered for me to stay at her place if I was ever in New York, and she was sucking up to me about wanting to do a show with me, and every time I called her out about not being honest in who she was connected with, she would add more to the story that she was hiding, she went from just being a regular chick, and then admitting she was a part of Hollywood because she dated someone, and then she admitted she tried getting a job with the show, and then she somehow ends up doing a 24/7 stream of one of the most prominent whack packers.
I want to ignore these people and they can ignore me. I want to do my own thing. I wish them all the fucking luck, but this dude needs to put down the whine, because he is losing it even more than I am. At least I feel horrible for what I say when I say these evil things, he doesn’t have any remorse, and he is enjoying fucking with me on different levels after he threatened he would do it and make my life a living hell. Now look what he is doing. This guy I have suspected with trolling me and saying they are watching me 24/7. I wish they just end up killing me then, this will never fucking be over, and it is clear they want me to do this.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/carl-reiner-comedy-legend-and-dick-van-dyke-show-creator-dies-at-98-variety/
Carl Reiner, Comedy Legend and ‘Dick Van Dyke Show’ Creator, Dies at 98 - Variety
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Carl Reiner, the writer, producer, director and actor who was part of Sid Caesar’s legendary team and went on to create “The Dick Van Dyke Show�� and direct several hit films, has died. He was 98.
He died of natural causes on Monday night at his home in Beverly Hills, his assistant Judy Nagy confirmed to Variety.
Reiner, the father of filmmaker and activist Rob Reiner, was the winner of nine Emmy awards, including five for “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” His most popular films as a director included “Oh God,” starring George Burns, in 1977; “The Jerk,” with Steve Martin, in 1979; and “All of Me,” with Martin and Lily Tomlin, in 1984.
Rob Reiner tweeted on Tuesday morning, “Last night my dad passed away. As I write this my heart is hurting. He was my guiding light.”
Last night my dad passed away. As I write this my heart is hurting. He was my guiding light.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) June 30, 2020
In his later years, Reiner was an elder statesman of comedy, revered and respected for his versatility as a performer and multi-hyphenate. He was also adept at social media. He maintained a lively presence on Twitter up until the last day of his life. He was vocal in his opposition to President Donald Trump.
As I arose at 7:30 this morning, I was saddened to relive the day that led up to the election of a bankrupted and corrupt businessman who had no qualifications to be the leader of any country in the civilized world…
— carl reiner (@carlreiner) June 29, 2020
Reiner remained in the public eye well into his 80s and 90s with roles in the popular “Ocean’s Eleven” trio of films and on TV with recurring roles on sitcoms “Two and a Half Men” and “Hot in Cleveland.” He also did voice work for shows including “Family Guy,” “American Dad,” “King of the Hill,” and “Bob’s Burgers.”
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In 2017, Carl Reiner, his longtime friend and frequent comedy partner Mel Brooks, Norman Lear, Kirk Douglas and other nonagenarian Hollywood legends were featured in the HBO documentary “If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast,” examining the secrets of longevity in a fickle industry.
Reiner first came to prominence as a regular cast member of Sid Caesar’s “Your Show of Shows,” for which he won two Emmys in 1956 and 1957 in the supporting category. He met Brooks during his time with Caesar. The two went on to have a long-running friendship and comedy partnership through the recurring “2000 Year Old Man” sketches.
Before creating CBS hit “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” on which he sometimes appeared, Reiner and “Show of Shows” writer Mel Brooks worked up an elongated skit in which Reiner played straight man-interviewer to Brooks’ “2000 Year Old Man”; a 1961 recording of the skit was an immediate hit and spawned several sequels, the last of which, 1998’s “The 2000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000,” won the pair a Grammy.
Producer-director Max Liebman, who cast him in the 1950 Broadway show “Alive and Kicking,” also hired Reiner as the emcee and a performer on NBC’s comedy/variety program “Your Show of Shows.”
Reiner then freelanced as a panel show emcee on “Keep Talking,” as a TV guest star and in featured film roles in “The Gazebo,” “Happy Anniversary” and “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.” Reiner’s 1958 novel “Enter Laughing,” loosely based on his own experiences, was optioned for the stage by producer David Merrick. Reiner did a legit adaptation in 1963 and then directed the film version in 1967, marking his motion picture directing debut.
For Broadway he wrote and directed the farce “Something Different,” which ran for a few months in 1967-68; helmed “Tough to Get Help” in 1972; penned the book for the musical “So Long, 174th Street,” which had a very brief run in 1976; and directed “The Roast” in 1980.
In 1961 Reiner drew on his experiences with Caesar to create and produce “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” a ratings cornerstone for CBS for the next five years. Reiner made guest appearances as the irascible variety show host Alan Brady. The show won Emmys for writing its first three years and for producing its last two. In 1967, Reiner picked up another Emmy for his writing in a reunion variety show with Caesar, Coca and Morris.
Though the “Enter Laughing” movie was modestly received, Reiner continued to direct steadily over the next few decades. “Where’s Poppa?,” an offbeat comedy he directed in 1970, became a cult favorite. Similarly, two other Martin vehicles, the gumshoe spoof “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” and “The Man With Two Brains,” found bigger audiences after their release in theaters.
There were also several less-than-successful films, such as 1969’s “The Comic,” to which Reiner also contributed some of the script; two similarly titled mid-’80s misfires, “Summer Rental” and “Summer School”; “Bert Rigby, You’re a Fool”; 1990’s “Sibling Rivalry”; and a 1993 spoof of “Basic Instinct” called “Fatal Instinct.” He also appeared in most of these pics.
While the last film he directed was the 1997 romantic comedy “That Old Feeling,” starring Bette Midler and Dennis Farina, Reiner was an active presence in guest roles on television and in supporting roles in films during the 1990s and 2000s, even as he neared and then surpassed his 90th birthday.
He guested on “Frasier” in 1993; reprised the role of Alan Brady on an episode of “Mad About You” in 1995 and won an Emmy for it; and guested on “Ally McBeal,” “Boston Legal” and “House.”
Bigscreen appearances included 1990’s “The Spirit of ’76,” directed by his son Lucas; “Slums of Beverly Hills” (1998); and all three films in the “Ocean’s Eleven” series.
Born in the Bronx, he graduated from high school at 16 and worked as a machinist while studying acting. After brief stints in summer stock and on the Borscht Belt circuit, he entered the Army during WWII. His acting talents brought him to the attention of Maurice Evans’ special services unit, where Reiner first met future “Show of Shows” cohort Howard Morris. For the remainder of the war he toured South Pacific bases in G.I. revues.
He hit the ground running in New York after the war, landing a part in G.I. revue “Call Me Mister” and in 1948 appeared in the Broadway musical revue “Inside U.S.A.,” starring Beatrice Lillie and Jack Haley. Concurrently he was appearing on television as a fashion photographer in ABC’s “Fashion Story.”
In early 1950, Reiner became part of the storied team working in front of and behind the camera on Caesar’s NBC variety show “Your Show of Shows,” a 90-minute comedy-variety show that aired live on Saturday nights. The writers room was packed with future showbiz legends including Brooks, Neil Simon, Larry Gelbart, Mel Tolkin and Lucille Kallen.
After “Your Show of Shows” ended in 1954, Reiner and series regular Howard Morris moved on with Caesar to star in another NBC variety show, “Caesar’s Hour,” which ran on NBC from 1954 to 1957. When Reiner decided to shepherd his own sitcom, he teamed with producers Danny Thomas and Sheldon Leonard to produce “Dick Van Dyke Show.”
Van Dyke was the fourth partner in the production company Calvada, which has long maintained ownership of the classic comedy. “Dick Van Dyke Show” featured Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore as Rob and Laura Petrie, a version of Reiner and his wife Estelle living in the suburbs of New Rochelle while Reiner commuted to Manhattan to work on Caesar’s shows.
In 1995 Reiner received the Writers Guild’s Laurel Award, a lifetime achievement award for a career in TV writing. In 2000 he won the Mark Twain Prize for Humor, presented by the Kennedy Center. In 2009 he was presented with the WGA’s Valentine Davies Award, recognizing both his writing legacy and valued service to the guild, the entertainment industry and community at large.
He authored several memoirs and novels, including a sequel to “Enter Laughing,” “Continue Laughing,” “My Anecdotal Life” and “I Remember Me.”
In the 2003 “My Anecdotal Life,” he observed, “Inviting people to laugh with you while you are laughing at yourself is a good thing to do. You may be a fool but you’re the fool in charge.”
Reiner’s wife Estelle, to whom he had been married since 1943, died in 2008. In addition to Rob Reiner, survivors include his daughter Sylvia Anne and son Lucas.
— Cynthia Littleton contributed to this report.
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supercultshow · 4 years
Hello Supercult West! This is Supercult South Bad Movie Professor Cameron Coker (BS in “Hebrew Rock Musicals” with a minor in “Only Hippies Go To Heaven”) and I’m reaching out to you from across the country to help hype tonight’s screening of the 1980 sci-fi musical comedy, The Apple!
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The year is 1975 and Coby Recht, a successful Israeli rock producer, is signed to Barclay Records, led by French producer Eddie Barclay. However, the upstanding Recht was so put off by the villainous business practices in the music industry and his personal experience with Mr. Barclay that he and his wife Iris Yotvat spend six weeks in Paris writing a musical about conformity and rebellion while making use of biblical allegory. In the film, Alphie and Bibi take part in the 1994 Worldvision Song Festival, but despite their superior skill, are defeated by the underhanded tactics of Boogalow International Music and its leader Mr. Boogalow. The duo are then approached by Boogalow and enticed into the seedy underworld of show business and must work together to resist temptation and escape Boogalow’s evil clutches. Recht said it was “supposed to be 1984, but with music.”
It’s like 1984, but with music…and also 10 years later.
Triangles are in this year, darling. Get with it or get out of our way.
A large number of the extras and background artists appearing in this musical were cast from the American High School in Berlin. They were reportedly paid about 50 marks per day.
Corporate fascism has never looked so good!
Psst! I think that’s the Apple thing they’ve been talking about this whole time!
“Am I the devil, no, absolutely not. Am I a symbol for the devil? Here, take this pill and stop asking silly questions.”
Um, I prefer my God allegories to be a little more…ya know…lion-y.
Wait, there’s martial arts in this film? Is choreography a martial art??
Let that be a lesson kids. Don’t take drugs. You’ll become a pop star.
Now ask yourself: Is the devil gay because gays are evil or because Satan is in showbiz? Pick your poison, baby, you’re homophobic no matter what.
Recht and his wife created their story for the stage, but the show was too expensive to produce. Recht then heard that his childhood friend Menahem Golan, cousin of Yoram Globus, the very same Golan and Globus that bought Cannon films and with it created such Supercult Classics as Enter the Ninja, American Ninja, Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo, Bloodsport, and the original Highlander, was going to be visiting Israel. One face-to-face meeting later and suddenly The Apple was going to be a movie directed by Menahem Golan himself. Except, perhaps not the movie Recht had originally invisioned. Almost immediately Golan began rewriting the script to add more action and comedy. Yotvat said that Golan was turning the script into “something that was kind of corny,” and Recht stated Golan was making the story “out of touch” and “out of date.”
Over 1000 singers and 200 dancers auditioned for the film, including a dancer who had heard about the auditions from her fellow students, Catherine Mary Stewart. Recht gravitated to Stewart and even lied to Golan about her singing abilities in order to caster he as Bibi.  Meanwhile a film that Recht and Yotvat had expected to cost about $4 million was ballooning to $10 million due to Golan’s wheeling and dealing. Film locales in West Berlin kept getting bigger and more elaborate and Golan was shooting hours of extra footage that would eventually have to be organized and edited. The sequence for the track “Speed” was filmed at the Metropol nightclub, which held the Guinness World record for the biggest indoor laser show at the time. Even though Recht was spending most of his time in London recording the songs, Golan kept demanding that Recht attend shoots in Berlin. Recht recalls arriving on location to a prologue sequence that was suddenly costing $1 million alone to shoot. “He was shooting this part that never ended up on the screen because it was terrible. It was terrible. There was like 15 dinosaurs on the set. I couldn’t believe my eyes.” Nearly everything that could have gone wrong during production did including but not limited to animals getting loose on set, poor singing and dancing being dubbed over or edited together with stunt dancers, Golan nearly getting into a fist fight with the editor Dov Hoenig, and Recht and Yotvat abandoning the production to return to Israel.
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Eventually, however, the film was finished. Catherine Mary Stewart recalls Golan predicting great success for the film, citing the many elements he believed were necessary at that time. After all, it was the 80s and a new wave of elaborate film musicals like Grease, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Fiddler on the Roof, and Supercult classics like Tommy, The Wiz, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show were very ‘in’. Unfortunately, Golan’s predictions didn’t pan out. During the premier at the 1980 Montreal World Film Festival, attendees received vinyl records of the music from the film. By the end some watchers were throwing the vinyl records at the screen. A distraught Golan once said afterward, “It’s impossible that I’m so wrong about it. I cannot be that wrong about the movie. They just don’t understand what I was trying to do.”
The Apple has been the subject of many a scathing review and bizarre conspiracy theory since. Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick served as choreographers for the Apple, who later went on to produce reality shows like American Idol, Pop Idol, and So You Think You Can Dance prompting some to theorize that The Apple’s Worldvision Song Festival contest predicts the horrors of reality song and dance competitions. At the 1980 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards, The Apple was considered to be one of the worst films the critics had ever seen, but, just to add insult to injury, the film was considered too low profile to be nominated.
However, the Apple’s 2017 Blue-Ray release the world might have come around to just how so bad it’s good The Apple truly is. Austin Trunick of Under the Radar honored it as “the perfect sort of cult film – unintentionally campy, with an insane premise, great production value, and memorable songs – that most people, once they’ve seen it, spend the rest of their movie-loving lives trying to get it in front of as many other people as possible.” and the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards eventually revised their award listings awarding the Apple wins for worst director and Least “Special” Special Effects and nominations for worst picture, worst song, most intrusive musical score, and worst screenplay.
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The Apple is truly a unique implosion of a film. A simple idea about the corrupt touch of show biz corrupted by the touch of one of the most infamous men of show biz there ever was. A film too ambitious and over-the-top for the people attempting to execute on it and simultaneously too unimaginative to hold an audience. It’s irresistibly camp yet repulsively inept. It’s been called not only the worst disco musical ever made, but possibly the worst movie ever made, period, and it comes in at an unremarkable (at least for our crowd) 20% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Are you ready to taste the forbidden fruit Supercultists? I certainly am.
The power of rock… The magic of space! Supercult West is proud to present, The Apple!
The Apple Hello Supercult West! This is Supercult South Bad Movie Professor Cameron Coker (BS in “Hebrew Rock Musicals” with a minor in “Only Hippies Go To Heaven”) and I’m reaching out to you from across the country to help hype tonight’s screening of the 1980 sci-fi musical comedy, The Apple!
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hadarlaskey · 4 years
Netflix’s Hollywood is an enticing look at a town of big dreams
In 2018, Ryan Murphy signed the biggest producer contract in television history – a five-year development deal with Netflix worth up to a staggering $300 million. This is what showbiz dreams are made of, which is what the characters in his second series for the streaming giant are striving for. In the aftermath of World War Two, Los Angeles is a boomtown selling an image of stardom that few will actually achieve. Simply titled Hollywood, the seven-part limited series follows a group of young actors, directors and writers all aspiring to become legends by wooing and defying the gatekeepers with the power to make or break them.
Desire and the pitfalls of fame is a thread running through Murphy’s bountiful TV career, whether the high school musical theatre aficionados of Glee or the high profile real-life cases as depicted in American Crime Story. These shows highlight how the fantasy of stardom extends far beyond the parameters of the infamous Hollywood sign; hypocrisy and corruption have the power to poison big dreams across the United States.
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Nevertheless, this is not the first time the studio system has fallen under his creative microscope. Unlike Feud: Bette and Joan, which portrayed the legendary rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, the focus here is on a mostly fictitious group of characters looking to alter the decades-old power dynamic ruling this town. Tackling obstacles predicated on race, sexuality and gender, the first two episodes set the tone (with varying success) hinting an alternate version of the entertainment industry will follow.
‘Hooray for Hollywood’ (Parts One and Two) introduces the major players, including struggling actor Jack (David Corenswet), screenwriter Archie (Jeremy Pope), up-and-coming director Raymond (Darren Criss), and studio contract players Camille (Laura Harrier) and Claire (Samara Weaving). The leads posses plenty of charm – Tony Award-nominee Pope is an early standout – and the cast is a mix of famous names, familiar faces and newcomers, which matches the aesthetic of a story interconnecting real figures with fictional characters.
Murphy has long cultivated an unofficial acting troupe of sorts, using the same players across multiple projects and Hollywood is no different. (This is Darren Criss’ fourth time working with the producer – he recently won an Emmy and Golden Globe for playing spree killer Andrew Cunanan in American Crime Story – and Raymond’s half-Filipino remarks reflect comments the actor has made in the past about casting and race.)
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“Movies don’t just show us how the world is, they show us how the world can be,” Raymond earnestly states in a meeting while discussing his dream picture, starring Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong. This is one of several references to the power of cinema, but also how restrictive these stories are if you aren’t white (or white-passing). The conversation about diversity and the failings of this industry is important, but some of the dialogue is heavy-handed, a knowing wink that hints at the power structure twist to come. More successful is the manner in which sexuality as a commodity to be sold and sanitised (depending on which part of Tinseltown you are in) is depicted.
Knowledge of the major players and scandals of the mid-century period is not a requirement (although viewers with an in-depth interest will get a kick out of references and locations like Western Costume Co), however, pausing mid-episode to deep dive into the stories behind The Good Earth’s casting and the Peg Entwistle Hollywoodland sign suicide will prolong the viewing time. The iconic landmark is featured in an opening credits sequence that captures the lure of the industry while also revealing the show’s lack of subtlety.
Costumes by Sarah Evelyn and Lou Eyrich, coupled with Matthew Flood Ferguson’s production design, allow us to slip into this world; for anyone itching for the gap between The Aviator and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, this is it. Still, echoing the eponymous setting, there are serious flaws hidden beneath the glossy veneer.
Hollywood is available on Netflix from 1 May.
The post Netflix’s Hollywood is an enticing look at a town of big dreams appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/hollywood-netflix-series-ryan-murphy/
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wellthatwasaletdown · 7 years
"Lmao you think Irving pays journalists to say nice things about Harry?"
It’s common practice in the industry.
Something similar happened when the site published a concert review that discussed the “emotional disconnect” that the writer felt while listening to Chance The Rapper’s Coloring Book. Chance’s management, upon noticing the review, said that Chance would never work with MTV again. MTV again deleted the article. In an email to SPIN, Chance’s manager Pat Corcoran confirmed the story.
This was evidently a constant threat at MTV; the SPIN piece quotes an editor telling the staff not to cover DJ Khaled “unless it’s like, KHALED IS GREAT.” And, to be fair, that balance between pleasing artists and keeping editorial integrity is a constant internal discussion atevery music publication that depends on access to artists — which is every music publication of any size, including Stereogum. It’s long been widely understood that this is how MTV works. But it’s still striking to see just how much control the site gave over to the artists it covered. And it’s especially surprising to see Chance, an artist who gets near-universal critical praise for everything he does, effectively admitting to putting the lean on.
But the real important story is this one.
In September 2016, MTV News published a story by writer Hazel Cills titled “Kings of Leon Waste Their Moment.” The post was a short review of the band’s new single, “Waste a Moment,” which argued that Kings of Leon had failed to cash in on the promise they showed on earlier albums. “Their sound today is no longer just middle of the road,” Cills wrote. “It’s almost aggressively anonymous.” She concluded by stating that the song “plays like an imprint of the last five years of music—neither a return to Kings of Leon’s svelte roots nor a reinvention worth investing in.”
It was a fairly gentle critique of a band who, pretty much anyone would agree, is no longer putting out its best music. Still, the article became an immediate source of trouble for MTV and it was quietly deleted after the band raised concerns with executives at the network. The band has not returned SPIN’s request for comment.
Hopper called a staff meeting two days later to discuss the situation. According to an ex-staff member who attended the meeting, Hopper explained that the band became aware of the article and threatened to remove itself from the MTV Europe Music Awards. The complaint over the article went straight to executive-level corporate management, and an agreement was reached that MTV News would, at least temporarily, cease the publication of reviews under 500 words. This was because executives at MTV associated those kinds of blog posts with snarkiness and criticism, both of which were deemed detrimental to the network’s broader ability to work with artists who may be the subjects of such posts.
You know who manages Kings of Leon?
Azoff, who is now arguably the most powerful man in the music business. With the merger between Live Nation and Ticketmaster, Azoff now controls roughly 70% of the concert ticket market (via Ticketmaster), a huge swath of the live concert business (through Live Nation) and handles the careers of roughly 200 top artists (from the Eagles, Van Halen and Christina Aguilera to Willie Nelson and the Kings of Leon) thanks to Azoff’s Front Line Management.
So there you have it. Proof that Irving Azoff forced a news publication to take down a negative review of one of his artists and threatened to no longer work with them again if they didn’t. What do you think he would do for the client of his on?
Here’s more on the corrupt relationship between music journalists and the artists’ teams.
It happened again the following month, when then-staffer David Turner wrote a concert review that focused on the “emotional disconnect” he felt while listening to Chance the Rapper’s new album Coloring Book. (In December, Turner, who was no longer working at the site, posted the article to Medium without noting that it once appeared on MTV.) When the story was featured on MTV’s Snapchat Discover channel, it caught the eye of Chance’s management, who subsequently contacted MTV and allegedly said that, as a result, he “was never working with MTV again.”
On October 21, Hopper explained that the network’s Music and Talent (“M&T”) division requested that the article be deleted. SPIN obtained screenshots of messages sent by Hopper in private channels of the music team’s office Slack. Several MTV employees affirmed their authenticity, and of those that will appear later in this piece.
Regarding Chance the Rapper, Hopper said:
since some of you know a little about this already, just wanted to explain why we took down David’s Chance piece, for the sake of transparency. This information is to stay in this channel, this group. Chance and his management became aware of David’s piece via the repost on Snapchat Discover and subsequently told MTV, amid high level negotiations for linear specials, that he was never working with MTV again because of it. M&T asked us to unpublished and scrub it from social media as they attempt to repair this with him and his management. It is upsetting for obvious journalistic reasons—we stand behind everything we publish. Right now, we are unsure how it may impact Chance-related projects both in and outside of News if the relationship cannot be repaired. Everyone agrees it was a fair and reasoned piece of criticism, a rare note of dissent in the face of six other positive pieces of coverage—and so we are hoping for a reasonable outcome. If you have any questions, all of you have my email/DM/phone, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Conversations between senior staff and artist representatives on the topic of what would be accepted on the site happened with some regularity. On July 5, 2016, Hopper told the staff that MTV was attempting to book DJ Khaled for various unknown projects, telling the staff that they might have to “nix” any writing on the producer “unless it’s like, KHALED IS GREAT.”Elsewhere, interference from artist reps was so pervasive that some MTV News editors spent part of this past New Year’s Eve haggling line-by-line with a chart-topping, platinum-selling, Grammy-winning female pop star’s publicist over a post in which MTV’s editors eventually agreed to cut one sentence.
Hopper also told the staff in October that “from time to time we do show [articles] to the heads of music and talent departments so they can sign off, or answer any questions about concerns they might have,” explaining that MTV News existed in an “ecosystem” where blowback from artists due to critical articles would land in the laps of other departments at the network. In turn, this meant the editors consented to arrangements that stepped outside the standard practices of journalism. […]
Enjoy your tea.
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thepageoflands · 7 years
Okay i’m a rogue of light that likes draw, gore, writing (also reading), sing and creepypastas and invocation stuff… I’m just wondering how would be me on SBURB, like, my land, quest and that things (also love your acc)
You are the Rogue of Light in the Land of Spotlights and Stars.
The consorts of this land are in love with the stage. The planet is like an oversized Hollywood, with movies, plays, music, and every type of entertainment available. Any young consort with an ounce of talent will try their hand at the world that is acting. In the past, the stage was open to everyone, no matter what their status or skill. But recently some so called “stars” have dominated every theatre and film studio. They block out any newcomers who want to make a name of themselves, and make sure that only they and anyone willing to pay a bribe can do anything. This is surprising, as they used to be some of the most well liked figures in the business. The only clue that you have is the new type of spotlights they were testing, but that couldn't cause anything bad, could it? The Consorts say not. As the Rogue of Light, you must steal the spotlight for the left behinds in the city of stars, and make sure everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. You must also find the corruption and   it is coming from, and stop it.
The Writers Guild
When the entertainment biz started, everyone wanted to be a writer. To be able to create your own worlds? Fantastic? But the ideas haven’t been flowing as much lately, and the guild is sorely lacking in workers and writers.
Everything that is not devoted to the showbiz is dedicated farmlands, where lots of stars have come from. But the increase in acting activity has decreased the workers that are available to produce food.
The Golden Mountain
This mountain was where the first roll of films were found, as well as the first camera. The start of the movie industry was here, and the most popular maker was named after it. There used to be and still are pilgrimages here to find your acting spirit.
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thedrunkenminstrel · 7 years
Jesus I keep forgetting Sam Riegel voices Teddie and gives him what I can only think of as the ‘Twink Donatello’ voice.
For the record, hour in and no dancing.
You know, I realize I’ve harped on this a bunch but there really is something weird to me about Rise wanting her friends to come on just to do a show. She was portrayed as being fairly eyes-open about the idol industry and should know doing shit like bringing our your own team -WITH NO EXPERIENCE- is a good way to get a rep as a diva and have no one work with you. If this had opened with Rise wanting them to investigate weird TV world shenanigans via the dancing that’d be one thing but that’s not what we have now is it? Inoue tries to justify it by the investigation team making her work harder but it doesn’t really work.
‘I keep forgetting how much charm Rise has!’. Yeah, maybe when she was voiced by Laura Bailey.
Christ this is the wordiest dancing game ever, ennit?
‘Extremely plain girl’ makes her debut and leaves abruptly after a hilarious anime prat fall. I’m sure she’s a minor character we’ll never see after this scene.
Oh god Rise’s new voice actress. Oh god oh god. I forgot the pain.
aaaand I’m at the part where the new idol unit is comparing themselves to pieces of meat. One is lamb, one is chicken, etc. One of them mentions their ‘soup stock’ in a suggestive way and I’m trying to parse what the hell that could mean.
I’m not sure if this bit is supposed to be a satire on the idol industry, by turning their gimmick obsession into literally comparing idols to objects of consumption but there’s a problem. You can’t have a take that harsh on the idol industry while also having lots of fun dancing and having a bunch of newbies come in to suddenly be the best in the business. It’s like if Silent Hill 2 had a scene where you got to see Maria actually do a pole dance or something. This game is making pretensions to observations on the idol industry but it won’t commit.
More talk about the need for gimmicks. Why not do a more pleasant one? Like superheroes? Worked for the Kamen Rider Girls.
‘Corrupt producer? Is that common in the world of showbiz?’ NAOTO? ARE YOU NEW HERE? DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD ON THE WAY IN?
Oh but Rise assures Naoto it’s not actually like that. So much for satire on the idol industry.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Akshay Kumar: In Sooryavanshi, I’ve done the kind of stunts I would do in my late 20s - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/akshay-kumar-in-sooryavanshi-ive-done-the-kind-of-stunts-i-would-do-in-my-late-20s-times-of-india/
Akshay Kumar: In Sooryavanshi, I’ve done the kind of stunts I would do in my late 20s - Times of India
With Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi, Akshay Kumar is back into the hardcore action zone. A space that is close to his heart and one that he can never completely leave behind. He says, “I’m glad that I could do it all over again at 52, with the same focus and agility”. Today, as the trailer of the film unveils, the actor speaks to BT about his deep respect for our men in uniform, how his family and foundation has helped shape his career and what drove him to return to his roots — high-octane action, blended with a story that is relevant to today’s times. Excerpts…
This year, you complete 30 years in the business, and you are still going strong. In showbiz, that is considered a long run… I think I am fortunate that I lucked out with just 30 per cent hard work. I’m grateful for everything destiny and this industry have given me.
Over the past 12 months, images on social media have given us a glimpse of the kind of action that has been packed into Sooryavanshi. After a string of films like Good Newwz, Mission Mangal, Padman and Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, which covered a variety of subjects, what prompted you to perform daredevil stunts on screen, all over again? Yaar, bandar kitna bhi buddha ho jaaye, gulatiyan maarna nahi bhoolta, aur na hi chhodta hai. Woh kalabaaziyan toh karega hi na (laughs!). Honestly, I enjoy performing stunts and it makes me happy to be able to pull it off without the use of computer graphics. When you see the trailer today, you will realise that I’ve performed the kind of stunts that I used to do when I was in my late 20s and early 30s. I’ve used the techniques that I had learnt early on in my life. For instance, we have performed a chopper stunt, which I had first attempted when I was 28 years old. I’m glad that I could do it all over again at 52, with the same focus and agility. I’ve often heard the audience complain about the quality of VFX in action scenes and so, Rohit and I ensured that we don’t use VFX in at least 90 per cent of action sequences. However, I’ve realised that it’s safer to do stunts now. Rohit and his team are extremely vigilant and careful. They had worked out every scene in detail, including the action sequences.
You have done 11 films in about three years, and that’s an impressive number. While most of them worked at the box office, some didn’t hit the bull’s eye. Are you nervous about Sooryavanshi, as, in our movies, there has been a lot of growth in the action space in the last few years? All my films are important to me. In fact, my flops are dearer and more important for me because they caution me to take a step back and analyse what went wrong. I remember, there was a time when I saw 14 flops in a row. When I was working on the 14th film, I thought yeh to chal jayegi, lekin nahi chali. And then, when I thought yeh 15th film ka pata nahi kya hoga, it worked. It ended my spell of flops. So, it’s difficult to say what works and what doesn’t. My experiences have taught me that the result of a film is never in your hands. You just have to keep faith in whatever you do and give it your best. That is all that I do, and that is what I have done with Sooryavanshi, too.
It’s known that you are fascinated by roles that require you to be a ‘man in uniform’. Was that one of the reasons you agreed to be a part of this film? I have a special kind of love and reverence for uniforms because my father was in the army and I had always seen him wear his uniform, proudly. In the case of Sooryavanshi, I got a chance to revisit that space of a hardcore commercial action film. It gave me that sense of déjà vu, as I performed the kind of action that I did years ago. There’s no one better than Rohit Shetty for this. And, when he narrated the subject of this film to me, I was more than happy to become a part of his cop universe. It’s a successful, home-grown universe of heroic police officers.
You’ve also collaborated with Katrina Kaif after a considerable gap. What difference do you see in her as an actor, today? There’s a world of difference. Of course, it was fun working with her because we’ve worked together on many films in the past. She has a considerable part to play in Sooryavanshi. It has been wonderful to see her growth as an actor. Her command of Hindi has improved manifold. I remember there was a crucial scene in the film, which was intense and high on emotions. She handled it well and there are quite a few scenes, which make you realise that she has come into her own as an actor. She has shown that she is more than someone who is good-looking and a great dancer.
There have been several films in the past that have focused on the commendable work that the police force does. On the other hand, there have also been films that have created a weak imagery of the police force on screen. Rohit Shetty’s cop universe has always shown the heroism of the force. Every uniform — whether it’s of the police or the defence forces — is worn by someone, who can have a negative side or positive side. If some films in the past have shown cops with shades of grey, it’s only to say that being like that does not help. Being corrupt or doing things that are against your duty does not pay you dividends. In its own way, a film like Khakee showed the daring side of the policemen. Rohit took it a few notches higher and turned it into a series of commercial films about a saviour or heroic rakshak in a police uniform. He created a larger-than-life image of the police, which I think is commendable because these men in khaki are not as large in numbers as the aam junta, but they give their all to ensure that the city breathes in peace.
After being a part of films for so many years as an actor, and now as a producer as well, is there anything that you fear? Being scared is the first step towards doing things right. There’s good fear and bad fear in all of us. Good fear makes you cautious and helps you measure everything before you set out to do it. I have a lot of fear in me, but it’s the good fear, which makes me think things through before I start off. Of course, a wrong decision can take your career downhill. You can’t avert accidents like these completely, but some caution can reduce its impact. Today, as an actor, I don’t want to repeat myself. Even if I revisit a genre, it should be after a considerable gap. Also, the reason I don’t feel insecure and inhibited about anything, is my family. The foundation of this was laid during my childhood. Jab paise kum the, hum tab bhi khush the, aaj paise hain tab bhi utne hi khush hain. Main kya leke aaya tha iss industry mein jisko khone ki chinta karun!
How often has the outcome of something you have worked on surprised you? Too many times. In this industry, there are surprises all the time. There are times when you’ve thought that something will work, it doesn’t and strangely, something you did not bank on, works. There’s nothing that you can be too sure of in your life. You can only be sure of being a professional, doing your job and not hurting people with your words. In simple terms, mind your own business. Remembering your basics and staying connected with your roots is way cooler than forgetting them. People find it amusing that I sleep and wake up early. When people question me about it, I find that funny. When people joke about the work I pull off in a year, I feel like telling them that you can do it too, but you chose not to.
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
Can Blockchain Help ‘Fast Fiction’ Disrupt The Streaming Media Disruptors?
Can Blockchain Help ‘Fast Fiction’ Disrupt The Streaming Media Disruptors?
To understand the true power of disruption that streaming media leaders like Netflix and Spotify have brought to their respective markets, you need to follow the money.
True, industries as diverse as DVD rentals, commercial radio, and cable television have all felt the impact of such disruption – but the brunt of the changes have largely fallen on the content producers.
The pittance that Spotify doles out to the artists whose music it streams is now a well-trodden controversy. Lesser known, however, is the impact that Netflix’s business model has on the producers of the content it delivers.
While Netflix produces some of its own content, it licenses the vast majority of what its customers see – and it uses its influence in the marketplace to get access to content at bargain basement rates.
Insiders are all too familiar with Netflix’s model. “Netflix tends to license lots of product in bulk for discounted rates,” explains Gary Elmer, Director of Photography, Matchbox Pictures and Eye Line Cinematography. “Unlike pay per view, Netflix only pays once and after the initial payment no more funds are passed on no matter how many people watch the movie.”
Producing original video content is like playing the lottery.Cory Doctorow
Secondary Impacts of the Netflix Juggernaut
One way content producers are attempting an end-run around Netflix is via a new content form factor: ‘fast fiction,’ consisting of high quality short videos streamed to smartphones and other devices.
While Netflix customers can certainly view its content on their phones, the fast fiction category focuses on content that producers create specifically for handheld devices, in some cases integrating with interactive features specific to the device.
Perhaps the best-known entrant into the fast fiction marketplace is Quibi, the brainchild of showbiz veteran Jeffrey Katzenberg’s Hollywood/Silicon Valley powerhouse WndrCo, which invested a cool billion dollars into Quibi.
With the addition of tech industry stalwart Meg Whitman as CEO, Quibi is pouring its money and talent into creating top-quality content that should drive interest – and most importantly, subscription revenue – into Quibi.
What such a big budget content business model misses, however, is a way to bring a broader range of content producers into the fold.
Reinventing the Royalty System
Anybody can post original content to YouTube or Spotify, but only a small sliver of such producers can make any real money from such services. And by purchasing access to content at bargain basement rates, Netflix is doing little to encourage new producers to add their content to the mix.
Given its greenfield status, the fast fiction market is an ideal place to disrupt how content producers are paid – at least, that’s the vision of Quibi competitor Fiction Riot.
Fiction Riot’s vision: build a subscription-based fast fiction platform that fairly compensates the producers of all content on the platform, from the big-name pros to the individual crew members at shoestring startups.
Fiction Riot is the brainchild of former United Talent Agency agent Mike Esola, whose discouraging experiences as an agent led him to formulate the idea behind Fiction Riot. “Our motivation at Fiction Riot is the disintegration of revenue share royalties,” he explained.
The problem: concentration of wealth at the top. “The top tier is making more money than ever, but no one else is making money anymore,” Esola said. “Streaming was phenomenal for consumers and increased capital spend, but it led to a ‘lottery ticket’ system, where you’d need a few hits to make up for a lot of losses.”
Fiction Riot’s solution: a technology platform dubbed Ficto that brings together three groups of people: the subscribers, who pay for the service; the content producers, who earn royalties; and curators, who make money by reviewing and rating content.
An essential characteristic of Ficto – and an important differentiator – is the transparency built into the system. “We want to avoid the padding and corruption of traditional business models by rolling out a transparent royalty revenue share,” Esola explained. “I can’t tell you how disincentivized people in the business have become.”
The Path to Blockchain
This need for a royalty platform that delivered transparency to all parties led Esola to DECENT, a blockchain platform vendor that centered its DCore platform on delivering streaming content via a decentralized royalty model. In other words, DCore was a perfect fit for Ficto.
DCore provides Ficto with the best of both worlds. “We want to preserve the benefits of streaming with a verifiable way to calculate royalties,” Esola said. “We can also maintain a revenue share for every crew member.”
The DCore platform also supports utility tokens, which Fiction Riot plans to use to keep track of payments to the curators. “We’re rolling out a unique utility token to track their productivity, like a time card,” Esola added. “Tokens are just a way of keeping track.”
One of the greatest challenges of blockchain-based business models like Fiction Riot’s, however, is what I call the ‘tipping point problem’ – how can it build a subscriber base before it has a substantial library of content, and how can it afford to build such a library before it’s bringing in significant subscription revenue?
The solution: use investment dollars to seed the content library with high-quality, original fast fiction that will drive early subscription revenues. Fiction Riot already has at least 20 fast fiction series in the works, including a Ficto series connected to the upcoming action film Project Extraction starring Jackie Chan and John Cena, as well as several others based on acquired rights to various New York Times best-sellers.
Will Ficto Fly?
Fiction Riot clearly lacks the deep pockets of Quibi, and it’s not clear if its initial content investment will bring in enough subscribers for it to pass its tipping point.
However, if it does manage to attract sufficient interest from subscribers to become a viable business, then its ability to compensate both curators and content producers for the work that they do might very well disrupt how the Netflixes of the world obtain their content – and give Katzenberg and Whitman a run for their money as well.
As for the role that blockchain plays in the Fiction Riot story: it provides the transparency and decentralization that the company will need in order to scale its ambitious plans.
But make no mistake: Fiction Riot isn’t a blockchain company that hopes to apply the technology to fast fiction. It’s a fast fiction company that hopes to leverage blockchain to disrupt the behemoths in the streaming video marketplace.
Too few ‘blockchain companies’ make this distinction properly, which itself bodes well for the future of Fiction Riot.
Intellyx publishes the Agile Digital Transformation Roadmap poster, advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. As of the time of writing, DECENT is an Intellyx customer. None of the other organizations mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers. The author does not own, nor does he intend to own, any cryptocurrency or other cryptotokens, neither long nor short. Image credit: Cory Doctorow.
Source link http://bit.ly/2BGVPme
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vanessawestwcrtr5 · 6 years
Can Blockchain Help ‘Fast Fiction’ Disrupt The Streaming Media Disruptors?
Can Blockchain Help ‘Fast Fiction’ Disrupt The Streaming Media Disruptors?
To understand the true power of disruption that streaming media leaders like Netflix and Spotify have brought to their respective markets, you need to follow the money.
True, industries as diverse as DVD rentals, commercial radio, and cable television have all felt the impact of such disruption – but the brunt of the changes have largely fallen on the content producers.
The pittance that Spotify doles out to the artists whose music it streams is now a well-trodden controversy. Lesser known, however, is the impact that Netflix’s business model has on the producers of the content it delivers.
While Netflix produces some of its own content, it licenses the vast majority of what its customers see – and it uses its influence in the marketplace to get access to content at bargain basement rates.
Insiders are all too familiar with Netflix’s model. “Netflix tends to license lots of product in bulk for discounted rates,” explains Gary Elmer, Director of Photography, Matchbox Pictures and Eye Line Cinematography. “Unlike pay per view, Netflix only pays once and after the initial payment no more funds are passed on no matter how many people watch the movie.”
Producing original video content is like playing the lottery.Cory Doctorow
Secondary Impacts of the Netflix Juggernaut
One way content producers are attempting an end-run around Netflix is via a new content form factor: ‘fast fiction,’ consisting of high quality short videos streamed to smartphones and other devices.
While Netflix customers can certainly view its content on their phones, the fast fiction category focuses on content that producers create specifically for handheld devices, in some cases integrating with interactive features specific to the device.
Perhaps the best-known entrant into the fast fiction marketplace is Quibi, the brainchild of showbiz veteran Jeffrey Katzenberg’s Hollywood/Silicon Valley powerhouse WndrCo, which invested a cool billion dollars into Quibi.
With the addition of tech industry stalwart Meg Whitman as CEO, Quibi is pouring its money and talent into creating top-quality content that should drive interest – and most importantly, subscription revenue – into Quibi.
What such a big budget content business model misses, however, is a way to bring a broader range of content producers into the fold.
Reinventing the Royalty System
Anybody can post original content to YouTube or Spotify, but only a small sliver of such producers can make any real money from such services. And by purchasing access to content at bargain basement rates, Netflix is doing little to encourage new producers to add their content to the mix.
Given its greenfield status, the fast fiction market is an ideal place to disrupt how content producers are paid – at least, that’s the vision of Quibi competitor Fiction Riot.
Fiction Riot’s vision: build a subscription-based fast fiction platform that fairly compensates the producers of all content on the platform, from the big-name pros to the individual crew members at shoestring startups.
Fiction Riot is the brainchild of former United Talent Agency agent Mike Esola, whose discouraging experiences as an agent led him to formulate the idea behind Fiction Riot. “Our motivation at Fiction Riot is the disintegration of revenue share royalties,” he explained.
The problem: concentration of wealth at the top. “The top tier is making more money than ever, but no one else is making money anymore,” Esola said. “Streaming was phenomenal for consumers and increased capital spend, but it led to a ‘lottery ticket’ system, where you’d need a few hits to make up for a lot of losses.”
Fiction Riot’s solution: a technology platform dubbed Ficto that brings together three groups of people: the subscribers, who pay for the service; the content producers, who earn royalties; and curators, who make money by reviewing and rating content.
An essential characteristic of Ficto – and an important differentiator – is the transparency built into the system. “We want to avoid the padding and corruption of traditional business models by rolling out a transparent royalty revenue share,” Esola explained. “I can’t tell you how disincentivized people in the business have become.”
The Path to Blockchain
This need for a royalty platform that delivered transparency to all parties led Esola to DECENT, a blockchain platform vendor that centered its DCore platform on delivering streaming content via a decentralized royalty model. In other words, DCore was a perfect fit for Ficto.
DCore provides Ficto with the best of both worlds. “We want to preserve the benefits of streaming with a verifiable way to calculate royalties,” Esola said. “We can also maintain a revenue share for every crew member.”
The DCore platform also supports utility tokens, which Fiction Riot plans to use to keep track of payments to the curators. “We’re rolling out a unique utility token to track their productivity, like a time card,” Esola added. “Tokens are just a way of keeping track.”
One of the greatest challenges of blockchain-based business models like Fiction Riot’s, however, is what I call the ‘tipping point problem’ – how can it build a subscriber base before it has a substantial library of content, and how can it afford to build such a library before it’s bringing in significant subscription revenue?
The solution: use investment dollars to seed the content library with high-quality, original fast fiction that will drive early subscription revenues. Fiction Riot already has at least 20 fast fiction series in the works, including a Ficto series connected to the upcoming action film Project Extraction starring Jackie Chan and John Cena, as well as several others based on acquired rights to various New York Times best-sellers.
Will Ficto Fly?
Fiction Riot clearly lacks the deep pockets of Quibi, and it’s not clear if its initial content investment will bring in enough subscribers for it to pass its tipping point.
However, if it does manage to attract sufficient interest from subscribers to become a viable business, then its ability to compensate both curators and content producers for the work that they do might very well disrupt how the Netflixes of the world obtain their content – and give Katzenberg and Whitman a run for their money as well.
As for the role that blockchain plays in the Fiction Riot story: it provides the transparency and decentralization that the company will need in order to scale its ambitious plans.
But make no mistake: Fiction Riot isn’t a blockchain company that hopes to apply the technology to fast fiction. It’s a fast fiction company that hopes to leverage blockchain to disrupt the behemoths in the streaming video marketplace.
Too few ‘blockchain companies’ make this distinction properly, which itself bodes well for the future of Fiction Riot.
Intellyx publishes the Agile Digital Transformation Roadmap poster, advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. As of the time of writing, DECENT is an Intellyx customer. None of the other organizations mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers. The author does not own, nor does he intend to own, any cryptocurrency or other cryptotokens, neither long nor short. Image credit: Cory Doctorow.
Source link http://bit.ly/2BGVPme
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