#and eagus
linkvcr · 7 months
I have got to draw more skysword npcs
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
The Yiga tried to use their world jumping magic to go after Skyward Sword Link while he was recovering from his adventure, but his crimson loftwing fought them off so viciously they all now have collective Birb Trauma
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hyrule-photographer · 1 month
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link-is-a-dork · 1 year
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chiabats · 1 year
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themask-maker · 1 year
Planning At Zelda's // Ch12 TMM
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sleptwithinthesun · 5 months
Would you be up for writing a Tim Drake allergy fic? 👀 dealer’s choice on the cause, I just don’t see enough of him around
oh, FUCK yeah. any specific idea in mind? i do have something that i'm working on but i have no idea how the motivation for that is going to go, so if you have a prompt, send it in and i'll get try to to it before the end of may (im graduating college in two weeks lol)
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basilica-gel · 1 year
now. the real question is. is link (skyward sword) right handed or left handed? like yes, he wields a sword right handed and all but he draws a bow with his left hand
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phantompanties · 1 month
I was gonna use this afternoon to write the next chapter for my zelda fic but this morning i finally managed to catch a rotom in pokemon y after spending 3 long painful luckless weeks trying and now its 8 pm and im still playing it lmao my priorites are a mess😭
Have this excerpt of the most recent chapter of it as a reminder to eat when you're hungry and rest when you need to. Your body isn't a magic machine, it needs maintenence! Also im just kinda proud of it heehee :3
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skyward-floored · 2 years
*vibrating with excited energy* You have a HC that Eagus is Link’s uncle this is great please share your Thoughts I want to hear all the Eagus and Link thoughts ❤️❤️❤️
Well it isn’t super well thought out, but I have thought about it a little :)
The basic idea being that sword-fighting kind of runs in the family, and Eagus being the sword-fighting instructor would key into that a bit. I don’t know what happened to Link’s parents, but if Eagus really was Link’s uncle then I figure that after they died, Eagus gave Link somewhere to stay until he was old enough for the Knight’s academy.
He doesn’t strike me as the most fatherly guy, so I don’t think he was quite in that role for Link, but he tried his best, and also tried to encourage Link’s skills with the sword over the years when he realized he was pretty talented. And I like my callbacks, so I think he’d be a little like Link’s uncle in alttp :)
...and while we’re on the subject, Parrow happens looks a lot like Eagus... so if Eagus was actually Link’s uncle, maybe Parrow and Orielle are Link’s cousins too..? Idk!
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kushami-hime · 3 months
CW: Telephone wav! S/higaraki being a dick and/or a brat towards listener, low ranking villain! listener, GROSS SOUNDS FROM A GROSS SICK CRUSTY MAN, sneezing, sniffling, snorting, one spit take (cuz I was sick when recording this and still very much am and this gunk has to come out eugh), S/higaraki discussing his symptoms, failed holdbacks, one sort of stifle at the end.
You've recently earned the trust of the one and only L/eague of V/illains! Only one problem...you're stuck doing grunt work. Even worse; you're stuck running errands for the currently sickly and very contagious leader of the l/eage, Tomura Shigaraki himself. Lets hope your genuine concern for his health and well being doesn't piss him off enough to dust you when you get back to base...
hiiiii Im sick but Im getting better! it was pretty rough, on tuesday my neck was so stiff I basically turned into Michael Keaton Batman where I couldnt turn my head at all like-
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so yeah there's that lol but I hope you guys enjoy another instance of half improved, half written wav script, I know a lot of you want specific scripts done in my google drive so Im sorry I havent gotten onto that, but Im hoping I will soon, until then I need to kick this bug x-x Love you guys!
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linkvcr · 1 month
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concept sketch of links family that i have in my head
i like to think owlan and eagus are 2 guys who have no romantic interest in eachother but accidentally became fathers anyway. yay forever
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Just sitting here thinking about Good Parents and writing them and giving them to y'all so you can have good parents too and just enjoy their antics <3
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hanayori89 · 4 months
🪶🪶 Lesson 7: Mandated to Miss You 🪶🪶
You weren't sure which was haunting you more.
The echo of Gaepora's dire caveat or the unnaturally smothering clutches Zelda seemed to have on Link every time you saw them together.
But, surprise! You were still permitted to participate in the wing ceremony and compete to become a knight.
But there was a catch; it came in the form of a plea bargain from the headmaster himself.
Stay away from Link and his obligation to his daughter, Zelda, who is actually the incarnation of Hylia, and be dismissed of all guilty offenses committed the past night.
Of course, you weren't going to clue Link into any of this. Any time you ran into him, you would give him a tight smile behind a curt greeting. Your toes would point in whatever direction he wasn't, and you would sprint off.
In class, you would catch him staring at you, the obvious luster of suspicion present in the darkened blue of his eyes. But luckily, Zelda was by his side, quick to make sure there was no other sight he'd rather see than her strawberry tinted pout and feathery lashes.
But you also found you didn't hate the moment both of your eyes would meet while your classmates were obliviously listening to Owlan prattle on.
Thankfully, Zelda's clingy personality, which usually made you want to gag, had become a blessing in disguise.
Besides, you had a bigger fish to fry. And that was the competition tomorrow, and why you suddenly felt so utterly uninspired.
Something inside of you shifted, and it was as if you had collected strawberries the past year with hopes of baking a strawberry shortcake, only now you no longer wanted strawberry shortcake. You weren't sure if you should chalk it up to insecurity or despondence. 
 There wasn't room for both you and Link to be supreme ruler and protector of the skies. News of Link's new title had cast you back down to the surface, in an emotional sense, and now you were left to wonder where you even belonged.
Feeling distraught, you skipped going to Eagus's dojo after school and headed straight to your room, being in there long enough to kick off your shoes before a knock sounded from the other side of the door.
Your lethargy was ever present in the disgruntled way you shouted, "Who is it?"
"It's me!" Karane's voice was way too exuberant for your current mood.
You shuffled to the door and opened it, letting her in. You didn't bother greeting her, deciding instead to plop on your bed.
"Y/N, what's the matter?"
You felt the bed shift slightly beneath her weight as she sat down next to your sprawled-out limbs.
"I'm just tired."
"You're just a liar, is what you are! You skipped going to Eagus's." Your best friend's round cheeks swallowed her cute dimples in a frown. "I'm worried. You've been weird since the whole incident with Link. You won't tell me what Gaepora said, and goddess, I still don't know how you managed to not get expelled or suspended."
You plopped over on your stomach, propping yourself up with your elbows. "I'm not sure I want to be a knight."
It was the first time you admitted it out loud, and you felt liberated.
"WHAT? But that's all you've ever talked about! You even practically cut your bond with Link, despite how painfully obvious it is that he fancies you."
"You mean how painfully obvious it is that he fancies Zelda?"
"No," Karane insisted. "You. He doesn't look at Zelda like he looks at you."
"Please. He always giggles like there are sunshine and rainbows around her. It's revolting." You couldn't believe you were talking about Link openly without trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, perhaps he does laugh and carry on with her. But when he looks at you, it's the gaze of a lovesick man. He doesn't just look at you; he devours you. It's as if he'd rather rip his eyeballs out than have to pull his eyes away. He's always turned around in class. He's always watching you from down the hall or afar. I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that it's not you that he holds a torch for."
"Karane, Link, and I aren't some characters in a novel you can ship together. The bottom line is he's with Zelda, and he'd be a fool not to be."
Because she's a goddess. You wanted to add but kept that part silent.
"No, he's a fool to not be smitten with you. Sure, Zelda is pretty. And yeah, she's the headmaster's daughter. And she's definitely popular and-"
"Ok! "You whack Karane with a pillow. "Is this supposed to make me feel better or?"
Karane laughed, swiftly ripping the pillow from your hands.
"Make you feel better? You brat! You do like him!" She hopped on top of you, pretending to smother you with the pillow.
"Mmmphh," you writhed beneath her until you overpowered her, taking the pillow and starting to pelt her with it. Both of you started to cackle like children.
"We've come a long way. So you admit you like him. Next is for you to admit he likes you too."
"I'll admit that the day you admit Pipit likes you."
"Y/N!" She blushed, lowering her pillow. "We are talking about you!"
"No, we are talking about love." You wiggled your eyebrows at her, managing to strike her with your pillow once more before she finally surrendered.
"You know what? I'm leaving! Tomorrow is the big day. Get some rest and don't doubt yourself! If you want to train later, come find me."
You didn't have the heart to tell Karane that the only thing you wanted to do was sleep.
At 12 a.m. sharp came the familiar tapping of Sava's beak on your windowpane.
You opened your window, bolstering yourself up on one elbow as you reached with your other hand to scratch the culmen of her beak.
"Ah, Sava. I was so worried! I guess I worried you too, huh? Well, we can't go far tonight. But maybe we can go to the waterfall and stargaze." She nuzzled against your hand in agreement.
You grabbed your favorite cardigan, which was oddly enough knit with wool yarn from Pipit's mom. The woman couldn't dust a surface to save her life, but she could knit you a head-to-toe outfit, no question asked.
Karane, of course, believed her cardigan was proof that Pipit's mom approved of her as a future daughter-in-law, being that she got the prettier one out of the two of us.
You chuckled to yourself as you slipped into it, the wool providing a comforting embrace against your flesh as you hopped out of your window.
You noticed that some of Sava's feathers were beginning to molt. You picked one up and twirled it around. "Feathers in droves; time to enter spring's grove." Because you lived on Skyloft, the temperature usually remained within the same idyllic parameters. But the changing of seasons as it was on the surface could be told on Skyloft through two things: Loftwing feathers and the layout of the stars in the sky.
If you were in the advent of spring, the stars would certainly be a spectacular sight to behold.
"Shall we get going, Sava?
"Go where?" Standing behind you was Link, his footwork so quiet that not even Sava had detected him. "Y/N" Link hissed, "You can't be that dense that you're going to go back to that island."
"Link! This is what I'm talking about! Mind your own business!"
"No. I don't think I will." He folded his arms and glared at you.
"What are you even doing up?" You snarled at him, "And for the record, I'm not doing anything to get myself in trouble. I've learned my lesson, okay? I just wanted to go to the waterfall." You continued to caress Sava, not bothering to look over at Link. Gaepora's caution buzzed in the back of your mind.
You breezed past Link with Sava, readying yourself to hop on her and fly up, until he nabbed your wrist and pulled you back toward him.
"What did Gaepora say to you?"
"You're awfully nosey for someone who has a lot more important things on his plate."
"I want to know. Ever since you were pulled into his office, you haven't looked at me." Even beneath his grip, you kept your eyes behind him. He ducked slightly, sticking his face beneath yours, so you were forced to make eye contact. "You're not even looking at me now!"
"I'm telling you, Link; you need to let it go!"
"No! I just want to know..." He threw your wrist down and gently sighed, "How do I redeem myself with you?"
"Every little thing about me is something you hate. You didn't used to despise me like this. This is exactly why I didn't want you to know about me or about the legend of who I am. But no matter how much you abhor me, I won't give up trying to salvage our friendship."
His voice had shifted into a euphonious, husky version of itself. You wanted to tell him to stop talking like that. To stop making you so confused. It was bad enough; he was the core reason why you wanted to forgo being a knight. But a prohibited attraction to boot was just too much. 
"And tomorrow, I'm going to protect you no matter what." His lips did a lopsided curl that made your heart thrash against your chest. "I know you, Y/N. I know you're still going to compete. But the fact that you haven't been expelled is most curious to me.
He ruffled his bangs, showcasing his chiseled features that were often hidden beneath his mess of hair. "But hating and avoiding are two different things, and right now you are avoiding me. So, tell me, did Gaepora say something? Or could it be that you are...jealous?"
"Just when you say something remotely sincere, you go and ruin it with your obscene accusations!" You began to stomp away from him, but he retrieved you by your wrist once again, this time maneuvering slow, deliberate caresses against your pulse point. The feeling of falling to the surface was less scary than the control Link held over you in that moment.
"I know Zelda and I are close. I know we are a packaged deal because of who we are, but I can assure you there is nothing to be jealous of." 
You wondered if Link could feel your pulse quickening beneath his fingertips. You kept your eyes downward at your feet. You could see Sava's head pivoting curiously.
"Look at me." Link whispered. "Please." 
But you couldn't look at him. You couldn't look at him because you knew what you would see.
You'd see your friend who you've pushed away the past year in order to chase ambition. 
You'd see your rival, the man who motivated you to wake up every morning and train until you were black and blue, all so you could be better than him.
You'd see the man you were falling for, but there was an invisible red string that matched the radiance of his crimson Loftwing, and it was tied to Zelda. Not you.
You snatched your hand away. "Just leave me alone, Link!"
You pushed past him and hopped onto Sava.
Now, in addition to Sava's feathers, there were your tears. Falling from your cheek and into the sky, where they'd evaporate into the stratosphere like you wished your love for Link would.
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link-is-a-dork · 2 years
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ym-loreposting · 7 months
Location name references in Breath of the Wild
A year or so ago, I went through the location names in Breath of the Wild and tried to find out which names reference previous things from the series. The following is an overview of everything I was able to find back then. Will be taking this region by region and adding some observations where relevant. I also think most of these names are the same in Tears of the Kingdom but I know at least a few changed, so all of this may not apply to that game. Of note is also that I am leaving out the more obvious ones like Gerudo Desert, Lake Hylia, Death Mountain and the Lost Woods as these tend to be well-known. This focuses on the slightly more obscure ones.
I do want to point out one major one though: the Hebra Region (ヘブラ地方). This is actually a reference to A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds and Four Swords Adventures. In the former two, the main name of Death Mountain in the Japanese version is ヘブラ山 or Hebra Mountain. In Four Swords Adventures meanwhile, there is a minor region on Death Mountain called Hebra's Hill (ヘブラの丘). But let's get into the more minor references.
Gerudo Region
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Arbiter's Grounds = Arbiter's Grounds from Twilight Princess
Spectacle Rock = Spectacle Rock from The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II and A Link to the Past. Many similar locations, sometimes with similar names, have also appeared throughout the series.
Koukot Plateau = the names of Koume and Kotake, who together make up Twinrova, smashed together. They appear in Ocarina of Time, the Oracle games and the memories in Tears of the Kingdom.
Mount Nabooru = Nabooru from Ocarina of Time and Nabooru Town from Zelda II.
Yarna Valley = Yarna Desert from Link's Awakening.
East Gerudo Mesa = Gerudo Mesa from Twilight Princess.
Overall, this region has few references, mostly centered around deserts and the Gerudo people. The only odd one out is Spectacle Rock, which is usually located in the north of Hyrule on Death Mountain.
South of Lake Hylia
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Parache Plains (テトラ平原/Tetra Plains) = Tetra (テトラ/Tetra)
Faron region
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Lake Floria/Floria River/Floria Bridge/Floria Falls = Lake Floria from Skyward Sword.
Martha's Landing = Martha's Bay from Link's Awakening.
Tuft Mountain = King Tuft from Tri Force Heroes.
Toronbo Beach = Toronbo Shores from Link's Awakening.
Koholit Rock = Koholint Island from Link's Awakening.
There is no real theme here, aside from the locations on Eventide Island referencing Link's Awakening, as the whole island is a reference to that game. This region also contains the only reference in Breath of the Wild to Tri Force Heroes.
Great Plateau and southwestern Hyrule Field
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Digdogg Suspension Bridge = Digdogger from The Legend of Zelda and Oracle of Seasons.
Manhalna Bridge = Manhandla from The Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons and Four Swords Adventures.
Gleeok Bridge = Gleeok from The Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons, Phantom Hourglass and Tears of the Kingdom.
Aquame Bridge = Aquamentus from The Legend of Zelda and Oracle of Seasons.
Mount Daphnes = King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule from The Wind Waker.
Lake Kolomo/Kolomo Garrison Ruins = the Lokomo from Spirit Tracks.
Forest of Time = Forest of Time from Oracle of Ages.
Temple of Time = Temple of Time from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. The appearance of the structure most closely resembles the Ocarina of Time incarnation.
The bridges here are named after bosses from the first Zelda games, which is a running theme with the bridges around Hyrule Field. The other bridges are named after bosses from the other NES Zelda game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, however.
Kakariko Village and Southeastern Hyrule Field
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Proxim Bridge (モヨリ橋/Moyori Bridge) = Aboda Village (モヨリ村/Moyori Village) from Spirit Tracks.
Owlan Bridge = Owlan from Skyward Sword.
Horwell Bridge = Horwell from Skyward Sword.
Eagus Bridge = Eagus from Skyward Sword.
Batrea Lake = Batreaux from Skyward Sword.
Nabi Lake = Navi from Ocarina of Time.
Mable Ridge = Maple from the Oracle games and A Link to the Past (GBA).
Sahasra Slope = Sahasrahla from A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds.
Telta Lake = Tatl from Majora's Mask.
Lake Siela = Ciela from Phantom Hourglass.
Pillars of Levia = Levias from Skyward Sword.
Bonooru's Stand = Bonooru from Ocarina of Time.
Pierre Plateau = Pierre from Ocarina of Time and (maybe) Majora's Mask.
The island in the southeast of Hyrule Field is centered around Skyward Sword references, while the area around Kakariko Village contains references to helpful characters from throughout the series: companions and friendly NPCs. If I had to hazard a guess, this is a general reference to the Sheikah's and Impa's supporting roles throughout the series, as Kakariko Village is their home in Breath of the Wild.
Tabantha and Hyrule Ridge
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Kolami Bridge = Komali from The Wind Waker.
Seres Scablands = Seres from A Link Between Worlds.
Breach of Demise = Demise from Skyward Sword.
This region contains relatively few references. This is of note because there is only one reference made to the Rito from The Wind Waker, which makes sense considering the Rito live in Tabantha in Breath of the Wild. However, there were a lot of named Rito that appeared in The Wind Waker and only one is referenced in Breath of the Wild. This is especially notable as there are a lot of references to individual Zoras, Koroks/Kokiri and Gorons in other regions of the map.
Northern Hyrule Field
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Carok Bridge = Carock from Zelda II.
Helmhead Bridge = Helmethead from Zelda II.
Rebonae Bridge = Rebonack from Zelda II.
Orsedd Bridge = Horsehead from Zelda II.
Mount Gustaf = King Gustaf from The Minish Cap.
Mabe Village Ruins/Mabe Prairie = Mabe Village from Link's Awakening.
Romani Plains = Romani and Romani Ranch from Majora's Mask.
Rauru Settlement Ruins/Rauru Hillside = Rauru from Ocarina of Time and Tears of the Kingdom and Rauru Town from Zelda II.
Crenell Hills/Crenel Peak = Mt. Crenel from The Minish Cap.
Thims Bridge = Smith from The Minish Cap.
Minshi Woods = Minish Woods from The Minish Cap.
Pico Pond = the Picori from The Minish Cap.
Trilby Plain = Trilby Highlands from The Minish Cap.
Here we see the rest of the bridges that reference the NES games. The eastern island and area further to the northeast in general contain many references to The Minish Cap (not pictured here is also the Trilby Valley that also references that game). Mount Gustaf to the west meanwhile is one of three mountains that references a king of Hyrule: we also have Mount Daphnes mentioned earlier and Mount Rhoam in Hyrule Ridge, which of course references king Rhoam from Breath of the Wild itself. Finally, the places named after Rauru could be named after the sage from Ocarina of Time, but it is also possible they reference the first king of Hyrule from Tears of the Kingdom. It depends on how much of Tears of the Kingdom's story was conceptualized when Breath of the Wild first released.
Lanayru Region
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Trilby Valley = Trilby Highlands from The Minish Cap.
Zauz Island = Zauz from Phantom Hourglass.
Linebeck Island = Linebeck from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
Mercay Island = Mercay Island from Phantom Hourglass.
Molida Island = Molida Island from Phantom Hourglass.
Bannan Island = Bannan Island from Phantom Hourglass.
Goponga Island/Goponga Village RUins = Goponga Swamp from Link's Awakening.
Inogo Bridge = The Indigo-Go's from Majora's Mask.
Tabahl Woods = Tabahl Wasteland from Link's Awakening.
Zodobon Highlands = King Zora de Bon XIV from Ocarina of Time.
Oren Bridge = Oren from A Link Between Worlds.
Ralis Pond = Prince Ralis from Twilight Princess.
Luto's Crossing = Laruto from The Wind Waker.
Rutala River/Rutala Dam = Queen Rutela from Twilight Princess.
Ruto Mountain/Ruto Lake/Ruto Precipice = Princess Ruto from Ocarina of Time and Ruto Town from Zelda II.
Toto Lake = Toto from Majora's Mask.
Mikau Lake = Mikau from Majora's Mask.
Lulu Lake = Lulu from Majora's Mask.
Ja'Abu Ridge = Lord Jabu-Jabu from Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Ages.
Veiled Falls = Veil Falls from The Minish Cap.
Lanayru has a pretty clear division, with the western Wetlands mostly referencing Phantom Hourglass and the eastern Great Spring containing many references to Zoras and characters relating to the Zoras. We also see a few stray references to Link's Awakening and Veil Falls from The Minish Cap. This is notable because in that game, Veil Falls act as the source of Hyrule's water, which is also often the case for Zora's Domain whenever it appears in the series (and so too in Breath of the Wild).
Lanayru Bay
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Samasa Plain = Samasa Desert from Oracle of Seasons.
Brynna Plain = Labrynna from Oracle of Ages.
Horon Lagoon = Horon Village from Oracle of Seasons.
Talus Plateau (トロイワ高原/Toroiwa Plateau) = Talus Peaks (トロイワ山地/Toroiwa Mountains) from Oracle of Ages.
Lodrum Headland = Holodrum form Oracle of Seasons.
Tarm Point = Tarm Ruins from Oracle of Seasons.
Wintre Island = Woods of Winter from Oracle of Seasons.
Spool Bight = Spool Swamp from Oracle of Seasons.
Tal Tal Peak = Tal Tal Peaks from Link's Awakening.
The area around Lanayru Bay is a hotspot for references to the two Oracle games. The stray reference to Link's Awakening (DX) also fits this theme, with it being the other Zelda game for the Game Boy Color, as well as the other Link's Awakening references in Lanayru in general.
Great Hyrule Forest
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Upland Lindor/Lindor's Brow = Linder from The Wind Waker.
Irch Plain = Irch from The Wind Waker.
Rowan Plain = Rown from The Wind Waker.
Elma Knolls = Elma from The Wind Waker.
Aldor Foothills = Aldo from The Wind Waker.
Mount Drena/Drenan Highlands = Drona from The Wind Waker.
Lake Mekar/Mekar Island = Makar from The Wind Waker.
Lake Saria = Saria from Ocarina of Time and Saria Town from Zelda II.
Mido Swamp = Mido from Ocarina of Time and Mido Town from Zelda II.
Lots of references to Koroks and Kokiri, which makes sense as the Koroks live in this area in Breath of the Wild.
Eldin Region (a.k.a. Death Mountain)
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Lake Darman = Darmani from Majora's Mask.
Darunia Lake = Darunia from Ocarina of Time and Darunia Town from Zelda II.
Gorko Lake/Gorko Tunnel = Gorko from Skyward Sword.
Gortram Cliff = Gortram from Skyward Sword.
Darb Pond = Darbus from Twilight Princess.
Medingo Pool = Medigoron from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
Gero Pond = Don Gero's Mask from Majora's Mask.
Lots of references to Gorons, as the Gorons live here in Breath of the Wild. Don Gero's Mask is probably here because it is initially worn by a Goron in Majora's Mask.
Akkala Region
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Kanalet Ridge = Kanalet Castle from Link's Awakening.
Ulri Mountain/Ulria Grotto = Old Man Ulrira from Link's Awakening.
Torin Wetland = Tarin from Link's Awakening.
Malin Bay = Marin from Link's Awakening.
Ukuku Plains = Ukuku Prairie from Link's Awakening.
Kaepora Pass = Kaepora Gaebora from Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventures.
Tingel Island = Tingle, who appears in a lot of Zelda games.
Ankel Island = Ankle from The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures and The Minish Cap.
Knuckel Island = Knuckle from The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures and The Minish Cap.
Davdi Island = David Jr. from The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures and The Minish Cap.
Akkala is a cluster for Link's Awakening references, with the reference to Kaepora Gaebora likely also tying into this. That owl's spiritual predecessor, simply called the Owl, namely appeared in Link's Awakening. The islands of off Akkala's coast meanwhile are named after the four Tingle brothers.
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