#and eddie is a goof for the rest of his long happy life
manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
No happy endings was so good i’ve already read it 3 times😭 The way you write eddie is so good like the way you portray him is my absolute FAVORITE. I hope you write a part two even though i know you said you like the way it ends lol. just having the reader finally get to kiss eddie would be so satisfying and eddie finally getting to relax and be loved would be *chefs kiss* nonetheless i love all of ur fics with my whole being, and thank u so much for sharing them🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Thank you so much!!! I'm glad you enjoy my fics and thank you for the message. I definitely won't write a second part, not cause I want to disappoint people, but because I am honestly flabbergasted by the suggestion that a second part even could be squeezed out from the story, but genuinely thank you.
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sempiternalmuze · 1 year
ms. americana & the heartbreak prince
eddie roundtree/loving x f!reader
description: eddie is your prince, girls are mean, and you love the boy so much that it hurts. good news is that he loves you just as much.
word count: 1.7k
warning(s): none
a/n: erm...hi!! first eddie fic and this man has been in my head for the last month non stop. bit of a fluff/hurt comfort piece. this is the first thing i've finished reading in a long time, and i have some more stuff in the works. please like and reblog, its really helps :)!!
"You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you Than I was at 16...I counted days, I counted miles To see you there, to see you there...Leave with my head hung, you are the only one Who seems to care..."
─── ・ 。゚☆: . . :☆゚. ─── ➶ ─── ・ 。゚☆: . . :☆゚. ───
Your hands were traveling all over Eddie's body, pulling at the collar of his shirt, tangled in his hair. His lips were desperate against yours, searching every part of you that you'd let him.
"Baby, I gotta go-" He gasped, breathing heavily as he pulled his lips away from yours. His hand gripped the back of your neck while the other rested against the small of your back. The crowd could be heard echoing throughout the walls of the stadium, their cheers and screams bouncing around the two of you.
You nodded, giving him a smile and one last kiss. "Walk me down to the room?" He nodded, helping you down from the amps you had found your way onto.
Eddie and you had been together for over five years, since the last half of senior year. He was quick to ask you to come with him, and you hadn't hesitated to follow him and the band out west to California.
Eddie swayed slightly as he walked you down to the back room, where the others would be, preparing to take their time on the stage. He was smiling his beautiful upturned, soft smile.
"What's got you so happy? Excited?" You asked, squeezing his bicep.
"Just thinking about how lucky I am, to have someone like you with me. If I could have anything in the world, I'd still choose you." He looked down at you.
Your chest tightened with something, filled with the love and excitement of knowing that you had him. Eddie could be a real hard ass, always getting too mad too fast. But somehow, you could never make him mad. Did you annoy him sometimes? Of course, but not as much as Billy or Graham could. Did he love to goof around with Warren? Duh, but when it came to you, it was like he didn't have anything to prove, anything to leave behind to know you would still be there after a show or a gig in a bar. And you felt great comfort in knowing that despite the drinking, the drugs, and the chance to flirt with another, he would never do anything that left you alone or in pain.
As you two arrived in front of the door you took his hand in yours, giving it a tight squeeze.
"I love you a lot." You smile, kissing his knuckles, running your fingers over the callouses that covered his fingers.
The door swung open and Warren let out a cheer, pointing his drumsticks in the air.
"Let's fucking do this!!" He yelled, a mirage of cheers coming from behind him. "Woah, sorry to interrupt lovebirds, but we have a show to put on." He laughed, pulling Eddie with him.
Eddie rolled his eyes, mouthed a quick love you, and began walking in stride with the drummer, the others quickly following behind, giving you a wave and smile.
You walked into the room, which reeked of weed and alcohol. There were three groupies sitting on the couches and lounging around the floor. They usually stayed around for a bit, went to the show, then came back to freshen up before the band got back. Usually, you and Camila would sit in the corner, talk about life with your boys, and talk about the next show. But Camila was at home, pregnant, and could not stand being around the waves of smells.
So you sat alone, leaning against the couch that was more focused in the corner, just a bit farther from the four girls that littered the room. Usually, they clung to Warren and Graham, but you weren't immune to the looks they would give Eddie, they did the same thing to Billy, whether you and Camila were or weren't here.
You sighed, leaning your head back, hearing the crowd get louder as the band began their set. The cheers were enough to make you excited to see Eddie after the show. He would be full of energy and power, seeing as this was one of the biggest crowds, based on what the sounds themselves told you.
"Hey, you're the one that's always with Eddie, right?" One of the girls called.
You looked towards her, her makeup slightly messy, hair blown back. She was smiling, and for a moment you thought she might be showing you a bit of kindness.
"Yeah, always by his side." You smiled, prideful that you made your presence around him notable.
"Mm, yeah, you should try to do that less." She smirked, her hand lifting another hill of powder up to her nostril.
You looked at her, confused about what she could mean. Your arms wrapped around one another, hugging yourself as you leaned into her words.
"Yeah, that's just like, hook-up 101. You don't want to annoy them, just give them enough to keep it up." She winked, as the girls around her laughed.
There was a sudden ache in the bottom of your stomach, the way she eyed you, the way she had let the words drip off her tongue.
"Well," You squared your shoulders, "Good thing I'm not just a hookup. Eddie and I are together, have been for a while."
"Oh, sure. I'm not doubting that, I'm just saying maybe if you acted like you were just a hook-up, he wouldn't have the need to go find one of us." She shrugged, pouting her lips.
The malice in her voice, in her eyes. There was serious pity in what she was telling you and you had no idea how to react. She could be lying, she could be just playing up a story to try and get a reaction. Why would you give her that and her friends that?
You silently grabbed your stuff and walked out. If you took one last look or said something you weren't sure if it would be with anger or tears. The crowd was still cheering, yelling out as the band began the second half of their set but the only thing you could hear was the pounding in your head.
You made your way out the area's back door, the one nearest to where the bus had parked. Teddy was right outside, smoking a cigarette.
"Hey, darling-" You looked over at him, tears welling over in your eyes. He immediately turned to you, a look of concern splashed over his face. "What's going on?"
"Nothing Teddy. Just um, you know how these girls can be." You gave him a soft smile, wiping away the tears in your eyes. He gave you a nod, saying nothing before offering you a cigarette from his pack.
You took it, lit it, and let out a long exhale as your head rested against the wall of the arena.'
"You know, I don't know how to get, sentimental. I'm not the best with words or anything, but I will tell you this: Eddie would never do whatever those girls in there said."
"It's alright Teddy, I don't need any lies or cover stories. I'm a big girl, he's a big guy, and I'll have that conversation with him." You smiled, taking another drag.
"I've toured with bands for almost fifty years and you think I'm gonna start covering them now? Look, I know how these guys tend to get. I've toured with lots of bands for a long time, and I tell you, that boy is one of the very few that has never even looked at another woman the entire time I've been here."
The tears began to well in your eyes again, that tight feeling in your chest returning. You knew Teddy was right. But there was always a small part of you to doubt Eddie even though he had never given you a reason to. You felt it could be because of what Camila had found out about Billy, and you knew everything he had put her through. You had been the one to hold her at the hospital after Julia came, as Billy was on his way to rehab. You could never see Eddie putting you through that, and for all you cared, Eddie was ten times the guy Billy had ever been.
"All I'm saying is, if anyone is gonna tell you the truth, it's that boy. And he's still going to apologize for even letting you think that way even though he had no hand in it."
So why put yourself through the what if's when you could ask the man that loved you for yourself?
"You're right." You flicked the burnt stub to the ground, and stomped it out, turning to Teddy. "Thank you, Teddy."
He smiled, and grabbed the door, letting you back inside. The show itself was coming to an end, you could tell as the chorus for Honeycomb began. You rush to a bathroom, fix your eyeliner and lipstick, fluffed your hair, then made your way back to the band's room.
As you opened the door you saw that the girls had all quieted down, trying to fix themselves up before the others returned. You weren't going to say a word, just going to let actions speak for themself.
A few minutes later, the band rushed into the room, cheering, and jumping around as the girls got up to greet whoever they wanted. You sat, waiting patiently for your boy to appear.
When he did, his eyes scanned the room, looking frantically for you. When they landed on him he made no hesitation to race across the room, dropping to his knees in front of where you sit.
"Hi baby." He smiled, catching you in a kiss. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, his around your waist as he held you close to his body. He gripped you so hard you would think that someone was going to come into his arms and rip you away from him. He shifted around, so his head rest against your lap as you played with his hair.
And all the bad feelings disappeared. Maybe one day you would have the conversation with Eddie, tell him what had been said to you, what you thought she could mean. But for now, you knew that Teddy's words rang true. Eddie was a hothead, but he wasn't a cheater. He was someone whose heart had enough room for one person, and that just happened to be you.
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Betrayal (Stan Uris x reader x Richie Tozier Reddie)
Soooo I wrote this a long time ago and put a lot of work into it but then didn’t end up being super happy about the ending and the fandom slowly dying so I never posted it. Revisiting the story and re-writing a few things I have decided to post it so ENJOY!! I couldn’t really come up with a better name if you have any suggestion I would gladly take them.
Warnings: swearing, some sexual references and mentions of sex
aged up 18/19
Bold = flashbacks 
Part 2
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You walked into the dinner on a slightly sunny morning in July. It had started to get warmer in Derry but since it was still early in the day the temp was barely out of the seventies. You sat down next to a familiar mop of perfect curls at the bar,
 "I could kill a man for a coffee right about now."
 "Is that so." The boy responded sipping his coffee from his mug. You both let out a laugh. The same waitress as always came over and immediately poured you a cup of coffee without even having to ask.
 "Thanks, Josie." You picked up two packets of sugar and dumped them into your coffee along with a little bit of creamer. After taking a sip the boy looked over to you with a small smile, 
"I guess I shall live another day".
 "Lucky you."
A moan escaped your lips as you were pushed against the wall of the bathroom, basically swallowing each other's tounges. One hand was tangled in the beautiful mess of curls the other rests on his bicep which leads down to his hand at your hip, the other at the back of your neck. Heavy and passionate were two things someone from the outside might call it but you could only feel need. The door open and closed before a voice rang out,
 "I guess you're taking the break up with Richie pretty well then?" Beverly continued over to a stall. You and Stan pulled away from each other, the Uris boy quickly making his way for the door. When he opened it he was met with an older lady and immediately apologized, squeezing his way past her. A blush very noticeable on his cheeks. She walks in and glances over to you "Wrong door" You shrugged. She shook her head knowing better and went into a stall. Beverly walked out and just laughed at you. Failing to conceal a laugh you brought a hand to your mouth. Beverly washed her hands and you both exited the bathroom and walked towards the counter. "Stan took care of it all" Josie smiled. You pulled out your wallet and handed her an extra tip anyway. She smiled and thanked you. 
"Did you walk here?" You asked Beverly as you left the dinner.
 "No Bill dropped me off." She motioned over to Bill sitting in his car, it seems Stan found it first and was leaning against the car talking to Bill. 
"No Haystack today?" 
"He's still sick," She scrunched up her nose in disgust."-But he's getting better." When you looked up at the car you could see someone sitting in the backseat. Suddenly it was like you were fighting with yourself to turn around every step that you took. Beverly looked over to you and mouthed sorry. You told them that you didn't want people taking sides, and you were glad that they didn't. But that doesn't mean it hurt any less to see someone you used to be so close with, and not even have it in you to say hello. Beverly grabbed something from the front seat before joining you by Stan, who was conversating with Bill and the boy in the back seat. You didn't even want to say his name let alone look at him so you just stared at the ground.
 "Bye Bill, see ya, Eddie." You almost winced at his name. As you, Stan, and Beverly walked over to your car you could feel Stan about to apologize. He could barely get out the word 'I'm' before you pointed a finger up at him.
 "I said no apologizing," he sighed and sat down in the passenger's seat," I said no picking sides, and I meant it you do not need to apologize for talking to one of your friends." 
"But I feel b-," 
"I told you not to feel bad either." You looked over at him and showed him a smile. "Now be my DJ, we're going over to Mike's." Stan gladly turned on the radio as Bev in the back groaned, 
"But his music taste sucks,(Y/N)!" you laughed and pulled out of the parking lot.
                                               *          *            *
Mike welcomed the three of you with a smile and directed you towards the living room. Beverly walked up to Mike as you and Stan trailed behind. You could see her whispering into his ear. Being curious as to what was short-lived once Mike turned to you and Stanley.  
"So what have you two been up to today besides playing tonsil hockey in public restrooms?" 
"Subtle. very subtle." You glared between the pair on the couch. Stan looked around the room trying to avoid the question, and you just ignored it entirely. "How's your truck coming along?" 
"Yeah did you get that part Bill said you needed?" Stan butted in. Not even looking at her you could feel Beverly rolling her eyes.  Mike just laughed at your change of subject. 
"Yeah, I just ordered it this morning. Hopefully, it will be the only part I have to order and I'll be driving you losers around in no time."  The four of you spent most of the afternoon talking about a little party you guys are throwing for Ben over here at the farm. He had been gone the most June, out visiting family, and when he came back y'all did a welcome home movie night but he got really sick. So now it was your idea to just throw a whole dang party cuz why not, the kid deserves it. Although the only thing that really makes it a party is decorations. Seeing as it'll just be the eight of you as always goofing around. 
 "I think the final question is," Mike turned around to look at you. "Are you gonna be ok with Richie and Eddie here?" 
You didn't want to answer this question. Everything seemed so different the last time you were all together. It was actually that same night, that Ben came home when you caught them. You haven't spoken to or even seen Richie since that night. Although you still weren't very keen on the idea of seeing them, you weren't even sure how it was all gonna go with your dramatic little ass, but you were gonna face it for Ben. And s' mores.
 "I guess we'll see how it goes." Stan smiled at you, completely unconvinced that this wasn't going to turn into some sort of emotional disaster for you. 
"Have you talked to him at all?" Mike asked. You looked down at your feet causing Mike to put a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
"It sucks, I know. But, next to Bev respectively, you're the toughest girl I've ever met, and Richie is gonna feel like complete and udder shit for at least a month, maybe two, but that doesn't mean that you have to. We're gonna have loads of fun and you're totally gonna forget what a shitty week you've been having." A grateful smile graced your features, 
"Thanks, Mikey." Mike looked over to Stan who was talking with Beverly and leaned in closer to you. "So what's going on with you and Stan?" Mike has been very speculative over what has been going on with you and Stanley. The two of you were in vulnerable states, both going through difficult breakups. Mike didn't want to see his friends in any more hurt than they already were, which made him highly skeptical of your and Stan's, a bit, lusty escapades.
The question through you off a bit. The thing is you hadn't really thought of much about what you and Stan were doing. Neither of you treated it very seriously and were just trying to find someone to dull the pain. It wasn't a very healthy coping mechanism and both you knew that, but anyway threw caution to the wind. For once in his life, Stanley felt out of his head. He wasn't overthinking anything, because it just felt good. And at the moment that's all he really wanted to feel, same as you. Neither of you ever stopped to think that maybe it felt a little too good. So instead of hashing out all the pain and misery the both you just though it easier to get a little horny. You've never actually slept together, but you don't think the rest of the losers believe that. The other day you were at Mr. Keene's store with Bill picking up a few things and he proceeded to throw a pregnancy test at you and said
  "Here I-I'll call Stan and tell him thu-thu-the news" You started at him shocked for a second then threw it back at him. 
"Hardy har har, you want me to track down someone who's ACTUALLY pregnant then leave the test in your mother's bathroom? Hmm, I bet that would lead to an interesting conversation now wouldn't it Mr. Denbrough." You spatted out quickly and both erupted in laughter, then Bill motioned over to Greta sitting behind the prescription pick up counter. After that, you were turning heads with all the noise and loud laughter being made.
"Umm, I don't know. It's just a bit of tension release I guess. Something easy and simple between friends." The words came out of your mouth quickly wanting to move away from the subject. That seemed to be your new hobby, avoiding subjects. You could tell that Mike wasn't trying to pry. He was just worried about the whole thing. You were gonna reassure him that everything would be fine, but for one: You didn't know that and for two: The house phone started ringing. You nodded your head towards the phone and Mike went to take of it.
"This conversation isn't over."
Stan walked over to you. "What's the conversation about?" Stan questioned. You sighed
 "Nothing. Just about us." At that moment Stan turned his head down towards your's then immediately stopped what he was doing. The next thing that was about to happen - that Stan stopped from happening - was something that told Stan that this whole thing was gonna come back to bite him in the ass. And that maybe Mike has a point being worried about you two. 
See the thing is, Stan is not a very affectionate person to someone other than who he is in a relationship with. When you are just a friend occasional hugs and a hand on a shoulder are about as touchy-feaey as Stan would get, unless it's movie night then he'll end up resting his head on someone's shoulder. If another loser was standing right beside you sensing your unease and possibly slight confusion, that Stan was sensing, it would be a totally normal Ben thing to just put a hand on your four-arm rubbing gently. And it would be a totally normal thing for Bill to lean down and press a gentle friendly kiss on the top of your head, of course not without a sly remark from Richie. 'But that's over now.' Stan thought to himself. But a thing like that, an innocent little kiss on the top of the head to comfort a friend was not a very Stanley thing to do. Yet there he stood looking slightly down, not being much over a head taller than yourself, having to stop and think to himself about what the heck he was doing. Because that was exactly what he was about to do, press a kiss to the top of your head. 'It's just an innocent kiss! That didn't even happen! Don't you dare overthink this Stan!! Don't ruin yet another good thing with stupid fucking overthinking!!' While yelling at himself in his head his gaze had never left the top of yours. Suddenly his eyes were no longer looking at your head but rather into your eyes. You had leaned your head up to notice that Stan was staring at you. 'Shit! Shit! Shit!' There goes Stan again yelling in his head.
 "Whatcha thinking about Mr. Boy Scout?" In what felt like years to him, Stan finally blinked, swallowed, then answered, 
"Nothing." And with that and much to Stan's luck, Mike walked back into the room.
 "Was just a telemarketer- anyway what are we talking about?" 
 "Absolutely nothing," Beverly smirked at you and Stan. The awkward silence didn't last long when Beverly spoke again. 
 "Uh, I have to drop off something at Richie's" 
"Count me out." The eye roll and tone in Stan's voice hurt you more then you expected. Another totally unexpected feeling was that you suddenly felt bad for Richie. He and Stan had been friends for ages.  It was this exact thing that you didn't want happening when you told everybody not to pick sides. And now you are standing right next Stan listening to the disdain in his voice when Bev mentioned Richie and it almost made you feel sick. 'Girl! Get your shit together! The last person you should feel bad for is Richie fucking Tozier! You lost a best friend because of him, its only fair he looses one too!' your mind screamed at you.’ But that still didn't get rid of that feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
The rest of them have been doing pretty alright with it, according to Bill, Bev has been a little snippy to them, but apologizes. Bill says he's Switzerland and honestly you're thankful for that but it must suck for him the most because of it. He tells Bev that he tries hard not to be mad at them, but he also feels like in doing so it's an injustice to you, so he really just tries to split his time with you guys down the middle. Mike is the true neutral out of them, he really doesn't like the confrontation but has admitted to wanting to punch them both in the teeth at least once. Ben says he is really upset at them and has been telling you that he's only not talking to them that much because he's sick and he hasn't been talking to anyone that much that isn't Bev. But you also once overheard Bill tell Stan that he hasn't even spoken a word to Eddie, on account of the fact that he was the one who introduced you and Richie and that just really struck a chord with him. You brought it up to him once but he faked a coughing fit to avoid it then changed the subject. He and Stan are the only two who have made an effort to avoid or not talk to Richie or Eddie, but as much as you tell them you just want everybody to get along and you don't want anyone else getting hurt you can't exactly control people.
                          *time skip to party*
"Eduardo, àndale, let's go!" You yell to Eddie in the car as you and Richie walk up to Bill's door. You were so excited to see Ben and were always happy to hang out with all the losers. Eddie gets out of the car as Richie opens the door,
 "Billiam, the threesome have arrived!!" You and Richie walk in hand-in-hand Eddie in short distance 
"Quit calling us that, Rich! It's fucking gross!!" Eddie shouted from the doorway, closing the door behind him. You walk into the living room to find Ben. Like always he's sitting next to Beverly on the couch so you venture over there 
"HANDSOME HANSCOM!!! WELCOME HOME!!" He blushes at your nickname and gives you a smile.
 "Thanks, (Y\N)" It felt nice to have Ben back with all of the losers. The bunch of you asked Ben questions about his trip and messed around for about an hour, before deciding to put in the movie. They all look at you and as you were leaning on Richie's shoulder. 
"The movie?" Stan questioned.
 "Oh right! It's in my car I'll be right back." 
You walked out to the car and sat down in the front seat grabbing the movie out of the glove compartment. You open the door to your car as Stan gets out on the other side. Standing in front of the car, preparing to go in, your breath hitches in the back of your throat as you see Eddie's car. Your mouth goes dry and you feel like you just want to crawl back into the car and drive home. Stan walks over to you and puts an arm around your shoulder. Suddenly he feels the same way, letting himself be affectionate like this. But when he looks down at you and sees the look on your face he throws all that aside. Stan squeezes you into his side rubbing his hand up and down your forearm. You take a deep breath and lean into him. Stan feels his heart flutter as he sees and can almost feel you finding comfort in him.  You turn your head to look up to him. You would've felt the same flutter had your mind, heart, and stomach not be so focused on your ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend.
 "It's gonna be alright. Right?" You ask, the smallness in your voice pained Stan. His nervousness was gone now, replaced with anger. Not enough to present on his face, but enough for him to hear your voice ring in his ears when he sees Eddie on Richie's lap when the two eventually get inside. 
"Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be fine. I promise." He unwraps his arm from and holds out his hand, palm up. 
"You won't start shit with Richie or Eddie?" You said lacing your hand into Stan's, the pair of them dropping down to your sides as you start for the door. Stan gives you a smile and nods 
You opened the door and entered the house again, this time with the movie. You handed it over to Bill then sat down on the couch next to Ben, on his other side was Beverly at the end of the couch. Mike sat down on the other side of you at the other end of the couch, Stan was sitting over in the recliner beside the couch on Bev's side. Eddie and Richie were on popcorn duty so they were in the kitchen. Far away enough from the loser's sight Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist while he stood in front of the microwave waiting for the popcorn. 
"Stop, Rich, they're gonna see us."
 A muffled "No they're not," came from Richie who was now snuggling his head into Eddie's neck. Eddie looked around nervously for a second. When he saw no one present he relaxed into Richie and leaned his head up against the boy's who's was in his neck. The microwave dinged and Eddie jumped. Richie laughed and let go of Eddie getting a bowl from the cabinet,
 "Scared of a microwave Eds?" Eddie dumped the popcorn into the bowl handing back to Richie,
 "Take this dickwad. And don't call me Eds!" The rest of the losers heard their usual bickering as they entered back into Bill's living room. You gave a smile to Richie and he sat down on the floor at your feet. He handed Beverly the popcorn then grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulders, leaning his head back. You laughed and your hands went to play with his beautiful, although messy curls.
"Stop! I worked really hard on these curls!" Stan smacked away your hand as Mike opened the door.
 "I just can't!! I'm a sucker for the curls." You whined. Mike laughed, smiling at his friends,
 "Come on Bev is trying to teach us yo-yo tricks." Stan let out a laugh. As you walk into the living room Bill is in front of the couch with one of Ben's yo-yo's failing to do a trick Bev is doing right next to him with ease.
 "You'll get it someday Denbrough." 
"H-h-how about you try it huh?" Bill sassed you, his eyebrows furrowed together, mouth in a pout. You couldn't help but chuckle at his frustration, which could mirror the frustration of a little boy or a toddler even. Your eyes move over to Ben and a smile grows big on your face as you pull Stan over to where Ben is patting the cushion next to him. As you sit down next to Ben your eyes wander toward the back of the room in reaction to your ears hearing laughter. You, obviously, didn't know Stan's eyes were following until you felt his person stiffen like a board 'It's gonna be alright. Right?' the look that you gave him and the tone in your voice haunting his brain, reminding himself to keep a lid on it. There they were right before you, Eddie sitting comfortably in Richie's lap, his legs hanging over the arm of the chair. Richie's arms holding him there securely. They were laughing at Bev doing funny tricks with her yo-yo behind Bill so he wouldn't see, still determined to get the trick right. You hadn't noticed you were staring until suddenly Eddie's eyes were staring right back into yours. Everyone else seemed to notice as a silence fell over the room. Mike coughed and you snapped your eyes down to the floor. 
"So are we gonna play a game or something?" Stan asked, putting a hand at the small of your back rubbing lightly. Ben saw out of the corner of his eye. He saw how your shoulders dropped as your body visibly relaxed. You had noticed it yourself. Ben looked over at Beverly and when she noticed he started quickly shifting his eye back from her to you and Stan. Bev gave him an 'I told you so' look. 
"Yeah, we got games in the closet who wants to play Clue?" 
"Yes!!" You yelled. You and Bill high-fived. 
Stan winced and rubbed his ear "Ow! That was my ear!" 
When Richie finally got the guts to look over in your direction he wasn't expecting to see your hand caringly rest itself on the side of Stan's head 
"Sorry" He heard you say with a soft laugh. One that he knew all too well. A little sign of embarrassment, but not too much that you would go shy. He could also hear the soft sympathy in your voice. He noticed something about it. Not that it was different. No, it wasn't different at all. That was the thing though; your tone wasn't even the slightest bit different from the way Richie remembers your voice sounding. Not when talking to anyone else, but when talking to him specifically. What he heard in your voice was what he had always heard in your voice whenever you would look at him with those eyes full of love and caring. 'But why would you have that tone in your voice talking to Stan,' Richie had wondered to himself. Then he saw Stanley's hand. Up at his ear when you had shouted, drop down to the small of your back. His eyes glued to Stanley Uris' thumb, as he rubbed it against the small of your back in a soothingly intimate way. It made an emotion surge throughout Richie. He didn't quite know what it was but he knew that he didn't like it. 
You were searching around a bit for Richie, confused when you couldn't find him anywhere downstairs. When the movie had finished up Ben didn't feel so good so Beverly took him home. You had gone along for the ride to get some more drinks for the rest of you. When you got back to Bill's, Richie was nowhere to be seen. When you first walked into the house you went to the kitchen with Bill to put away the soda's grabbing one for you and Bev. Going back to the living room you noticed it was only Bev and Mike. 'Geez, where'd everybody go?' You thought to your self. You looked over your shoulder to find Bill headed your way. You turned around and noticed Stan on the stairs face scrunched in frustration on the phone. 'Poor thing' You assumed he was on the phone with Patty, the two of them haven't been along too well recently. You turn back around, 
"Hey, Mike, you seen Richie or Eds?" He shook his head. 
"Richie I don't know, but I thought Eddie was talking to Stan over there." You gave him a small smile and muttered thanks before you went over to Stan. You felt bad disturbing him on the phone but he seemed almost relieved to get out of the conversation. You stuck your hand between the banisters on the stairs and tapped a finger on Stan's knee.
"Hey, have you seen Richie?" You hesitantly ask Bev. 
"He's over there by the stairs with Mike." She smiled reassuringly at you and put a hand on your shoulder. Richie saw you approach the two of them and put his head down expecting you to be there to talk to Mike. But when Mike walked away he looked up surprised.
"Hey, Rich." An awkward feeling settled in the air. 
"Hi" a hint of optimism in his voice. Richie felt relieved that you were actually talking to him, although you weren't all too thrilled about it, you wanted to get it over with. Maybe help things get back to normal. 
"Uh, thanks for letting me and Eds come to the party. I know you, Beverly and Mike planned it so, thanks." A pretty genuine smile mixed with a little unsettlement, not knowing what you were gonna do or say. 
"Well they're your friends too, and the party is for Ben anyway so." Your voice was small and fragile. Richie's felt his body relax. He didn't know if it was because the sound of your voice made me feel like the worst person in the world or because he was relieved that you weren't yelling at him. He supposed it was a little bit of both. 
"I'm surprised they all still talk to me." Upon hearing that, you immediately thought of what you overheard Bill say about Ben not talking to Eddie. 
"I truly don't think they would have cut you off forever, I mean they were your friends before they were mine-" 
"Yeah but your more likable" You chuckled and Richie smiled, 
"The truth is they had talked to me about it and I told them I didn't want anyone taking sides. But still, I think only maybe, Ben and Bev would have given you a real silent treatment. I'm sorry that Stan kinda has." 
"No, No you have nothing to be sorry for. It's all on me. But thank you. For asking them not to pick sides. It means a lot." The hallway fell silent again. 
"I don't want you to get offended or anything, I truly don't mean anything by this,-" Richie was now being overly cautious with his words, he really didn't want to hurt you more than he already has. "I was just a little surprised when Stan cut me off as he did. You two never really seemed that close, now he's practically glued to your hip." 
Richie's tone fell more toward anger as reached the end of his sentence, his mind thinking back to Stanley's hand on your back. A part of him added that in just to hear your answer. Had you already moved on? Is that why you were talking to him because you had moved on to Stan? Why did this upset him so much? When you answered with a little, 
"Yeah, honestly me too." Richie felt not just his confusion grow but also his anger.
This wasn't like Stan. If Stan would have wanted to be in a relationship with you he would have told you. 'Well maybe she just doesn't want to tell you?' 'No.' He thought 'That couldn't be it, she sounds just as confused as I do. What was Stan getting at with her?' Richie was snapped back into reality when Eddie came bounding down the stairs loud as usual, shouting, 
"Mike you're out of band-aids! You should put that on a list or something, do you know how infected cuts can get without the proper bandage or ointment?!" Richie laughed and smiled at Eddie. 
"Do you even need a band-aid?" Beverly asked amused by Eddie's usual antics.
"Well, no but still!" Eddie saw you and froze, but when he saw that you were laughing a bit he relaxed.
He had been extremely nervous to come to the party. It would be the first time all eight of you would be hanging out since you had caught him and Richie. Not to mention it was a party for Ben, and Ben hadn't even talked to him since Beverly told him what happened. Eddie couldn't even count how many times he had asked Richie if it would just be better if they stayed home together. But every single time Richie would reassure him that everything would be fine, even though he was asking himself the same damn question. Eddie was practically shaking about seeing you again. He felt so guilty about going behind your back with Richie, but he couldn't help himself. He had spent all that time in pain thinking Richie didn't love him back, so when Richie actually told him that he was in love with him. It was all Eddie could think about. All the voices in his head telling him how selfish he was being, were tearing at him, but they were pushed aside. He was so tired of longing for Richie on the sidelines. He deserved happiness too. Eddie Kaspbrak was not proud in any way of how he got it, but the happiness he felt when being with Richie was something otherworldly to him. How could he let it go? How could he let something so precious and important to him, something he wanted for so long, slip through his fingers?
"Well hey, me and (Y\N) could g-g-go over to Muh-mister Keene's." Bill threw a wink in your direction 
"I swear to god you throw one more fucking pregnancy test at me, Denbrough!"
Stan shouted, "What?" as the rest of you laughed. You had walked away as Richie's laughter died down when his mind had put two and two together. Richie then put his arm around Eddie and pressed a kiss to his head to try and calm himself down. 'I can't fucking believe he would do this to her!' 
You laughed with the rest of them and sat back down next to Stan who was looking more confused by the second. You explained what happened at Mr.Keene's to him. All of you laugh even more when you bring up framing Bill for knocking someone up. Stan leaned over and whispered in your ear 
"You did tell him we aren't actually sleeping with each other right?" You leaned over to his ear 
"Of course I did. He just doesn't believe me." You both shake your heads laughing 
"Bev and Ben didn't believe me when I told them either." 
"Yeah, I don't think Mike does either, but honestly it's not like we would really believe them if it was the other way around or something." Stan laughed,
 "I might believe Mike, but the others, probably not" 
"And what are you two whispering about?" Bev wiggled her eyebrows. 
"'Oh Stanley I love the way you cuddle up to me in the middle of the night!! You're such a good lover and such a strong man!!'" Bill squealed out in a girly voice. 
"What the fuck!!" You shouted in between fits of laughter. The whole room was in hysterics as Bill threw his arms around Mike. Richie stood by the entrance of the living room with Eddie who was dying laughing. Richie, however, was faking a laugh, trying his hardest to keep his cool. He put on a smile on his face and gave a little chuckle as he told Eddie he was going to get a drink. Mike then threw his arms around Bill the same, playing along. The pair was then pretending to make out, their hands foolishly caressing each other's bodies as they made kissing noises. Stan hoped you were too busy laughing to see the intense blush across his cheeks as he laughed as well. Lucky for him you were doubled over in laughter and lucky for you as well, as you were also hiding a blush behind your laughing. "Is that really how you see us?" You laughed asked Bill before he could answer Richie's voice was heard loud across the living room. 
"Hey, Stanley can we talk for a second?" 
Stan looked over to you. The soft expression on your face almost seemed to calm him.
"Hey, do you know where Richie went?" You asked softly. 
"I saw him go upstairs. I think." 
"Thanks, Stan." You walk up the stairs wondering what the fuck Richie would be doing upstairs. Your eyes immediately go to Georgie's room. You always got a weird feeling from that room ever since he had died. Forgetting about Richie for a second you take a few steps closer to the door of the, now forever, young boy's bedroom. You reached your hand to the handle of the door when you heard a noise coming from Bill's room. You're head snapped around at the sudden noise. You took a deep breath and headed towards Bill's room. 
"Why the hell are you in Bill's room, Richie?" you whispered to yourself. You opened up the door a crack deciding to peep on Richie in hopes of scaring him. You look into the room and see that Richie was with Eddie. Second, guessing whether or not you should go on with the scare, knowing Eddie will you chew your ass out for it, you heard your name in conversation, 
"Hold on I think (Y\N) and Beverly are back." You looked in and saw Eddie going for the windows. Before he could reach one Richie grabbed his wrist and pulled Eddie back next to him on the bed.
 "They went to go bring Ben home, they're totally not back yet just  relax." You notice the soothing tone in Richie's voice. Usually, when Eddie is freaking out over nothing Richie just sounds annoyed. You've never really heard him be soft with Eddie like that. Which drew you to the conclusion that he was being soft for a reason. 'But why would Eddie be so worried about me and Bev coming back?' You watched as Richie put a hand on Eddie's shoulder. 'What the hell is going on here?' You continued to watch Richie's hand very closely as it traveled from Eddie's shoulder up to his neck with a thumb rubbing gently behind his ear. Your confusion grew more and more with every passing second. Eddie then put his hand up to Richie's. 'surely to swat him away' you instinctively thought. Only he didn't, instead, he gently held the other boy's hand. You could feel your throat begin to dry, slowly becoming hard to swallow. You watched as Richie leaned in and rested his forehead against Eddie's. Everything in you stiffened as you begged for it all to be over. For Eddie to say, 'what in the world are you doing?'. Or for Richie to playfully shove Eddie over messing around. For the whole scene in front of you to fade away like some sort of hallucination. Hell!, maybe even for someone to say 'what about (Y\N)?' at that point you would take anything. Any sort of hesitation or wavering. But your internal pleas would never be answered. Probably never even heard no matter how loud they were screaming from inside of you. You were forced to watch by eyes that couldn't pry themselves away from the scene before them, almost like they were watching for answers or confirmation of what seems now to be what has been happening behind your back for God knows how long. You felt your stomach drop, your heart, and it plummeting down together. As Richie, confident as ever, took Eddie into his arms connecting their lips together with such passion. Your eyes couldn't watch any longer. Before you even knew what you were doing, your hand had balled into a fist and slammed itself against the white bedroom door. Two loud bangs echoed through the house: The first one from your fist connecting with the door, the second from the door hitting the wall of Bill's bedroom. Leaving a large dent Bill would have to explain to his mother later. The two boys jumped from the sound. So had everybody downstairs. Their eyes wide faces drained of any color, you wouldn't be able to think they could get any paler. But when they realized who was at the door, who made that noise. It was almost like they had turned to ghosts. Eddie looked into the eyes of his best friend. He didn't think eyes could hold so much rage yet so much heartbreak at the same time. It was enough to make him nauseous. He would have bet you good money that at that moment he would vomit. At that point, you had started to cry. Richie stood frozen his face-melting from shock into guilt as he watched the tears stream down your face. As if this wasn't humiliating enough, being cheated on with your best friend, when you turned around to run, you were met with the confused faces of all your friends, except Ben of course. 
"What happened?" Mike asked looking at you with sympathy. 
"They're fucking!" You stated with anger and betrayal. Beverly looked at the two with anger. 
"NO! No! We would never not while (Y\N) and I..." You couldn't hear the rest of what Richie was saying as you raced down the stairs to get out of there. Stan following in suit as Richie walked into Mike's room. Stan walked to the opposite side of the room as Richie closed Mike's bedroom door. Stan didn't know what Richie wanted with him, what he knew was that he did not want to be in that room with Richie, hell he didn't even want to be in that house with Richie. Stan didn't quite understand why he felt this fucking mad at Richie, all he knew was that he was this fucking mad at Richie. And with that much anger, he didn't know how to keep it in. Nor did he want to. Of course, Richie just wants to go back to being friends, he just wants his best friend back and everything to be back to normal. And that's what Stan thinks this whole thing is about. But boy was Stan unaware of the shit show that Richie was about to load on him. Stan stood against Mike's dresser, arms crossed waiting for Richie to spew some shit about, forgiveness or going back to normal, starting over. His eyes were almost already in the back of his head just thinking about it. Stan was starting to question just truly naive Richie was thinking things could just go back to nor-
 "What the fuck do you think you're doing taking advantage of (Y\N) like that!" 
Hold up, wait, WHAT! Stan looked at Richie like he had grown three heads, eye sharp like daggers, 
"What in the actual hell are you talking about?" his voice was cold and stern. Stan could not believe what Richie had just said to him. How fucking dare Richie of all people accuse him of taking advantage of (Y\N)! Richie flailed 
"I saw how she was with you, I heard what Bill said! How could you be so fucking carel-" Stan wouldn't even let Richie finish that last word. 
"Don't you even fucking say it." Stan may have looked calm before, but now you could see everything in his demeanor change. Sharp, anger-filled eyes, clenched jaw, clenched fists, with tall erect posture. Richie swallowed stopping for a second. There was still nothing changing his mind on what he believed Stan to be doing. 
"What is wrong with you, why would even think it's ok to just use (Y\N) for sex!?-" Stan was fueled with rage, he couldn't believe that Richie would think that. He has known Stan for years, and after all this time, this is the conclusion he makes about him. He watched as Richie shouted as he paced back and forth, spewing his mouth like a damn hypocrite, arms flying through the air and in Stan's face. Stan had just about had enough, 
"Cuz, of course, it never crossed your mind for even a second that I might actually care for her!" Richie was just about out of breath with anger, small pants were in between his words as he said: 
"If you really cared about her you would have left her alone not taken advantage of her while she's vulnerable." Stan didn't even need time to process that sentence before his mind had decided what would come out of his mouth. The truth. The last sentence to come out of Stan's mouth was something that Richie, the rest of the losers listening through the door, and LEAST of all Stan expected to hear. It was like something in him just snapped. The whole conversation, if you could call it that, Stan was able to keep his composure. He was never really one to yell, but something had just taken over him as he walked up to Richie,
They do say it makes you crazy. That's exactly what happened with Stan, over the year and a half that Eddie introduced her to the group and Richie and her starting dating, Stanley Uris had fallen in love with her. And it had made him crazy, either he wasn't able to admit it to himself, having had both been in relationships at the time of the meeting and falling for the young lady, or he was just that stupid and blind that couldn't see he was in love with (Y\N) (Y\L\N). Stan walked over to the door, twisting the handle, looking straight ahead avoiding all eye contact with anybody, walked out the door. (Y\N) trying to catch up right behind him.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 5 years
Traveling (A Reddie Fanfiction)
This is based off on s Reddie headcanon that @mcuwitxh and I thought up. Enjoy!
“Can I just say? Traveling with you... I love it.” Eddie held Richie’s hand as they basked over the glorious view of the sun setting over the ocean. Sipping their drinks, the couple got up and walked along the beach, holding hands.
“Now aren’t you glad that you’re dating a comedian?” Richie smiled at him. Eddie’s whole face glowed in the setting sun. He loved looking at his face. At night he dreamt about it because eight hours was too long without seeing Eddie. Falling asleep at night with the love of his life was an absolute dream after the years Richie spent alone, hugging his pillow. 
“You get to travel to some great places,” Eddie said to him. He wasn’t always able to travel with Richie due to his own job, but when he was available he took full advantage of seeing the world. Myra never wanted to travel claimed that it wouldn’t be good for his health and about countless other unimportant risks. These past four years had been the best free moment of Eddie’s entire life. 
“It’s nice when you have a travel buddy,” Richie gave his hand a tight squeeze. Looking deeper into his eyes, Eddie could sense a lingering nervousness.
Eddie giggled. “Are you hiding something from me?”
“Why would I be hiding something?” Richie goofed around, averting his gaze.
“Oh come on, I know when you’re keeping a secret from me!”
“It’s all in your mind!”
“Rich!” Eddie warned, nudging against him.
They stopped along the shoreline to admire the view. The way the sun reflected over the ocean was beautiful. Of course, they’d seen hundreds of sunsets in their lifetime, but this one had to be the best. Clouds drifted off into the sky. It was time to take a break for the night. Waves crashed against the sand, water surrounding their bare feet. 
“Hey, Eds?” Richie got his attention.
“Yeah, Richie?” Eddie asked basking in the glorious moment.
“Did you know it’s been four years since we’ve been together?” Richie asked him.
Eddie looked at him, the sun gleaming in Richie’s glasses. “Has it?”
Nodding, Richie wrapped an arm around his shoulder, bringing Eddie close. “I’m happy with you, man, even though you drive me crazy.”
“Do you always have to get personal?” Eddie teased.
And that was when Richie got down on one knee. Eddie’s heart plummeted into his stomach, covering his mouth when Richie presented him with a ring. 
“Eddie, you are the love of my life and I am so grateful to have a second chance to meet and fall in love with you. If you would like to be my husband and wouldn’t mind my annoying personality every day, would you spend the rest of your life with me?”
Was this the jello-leg feeling some couples talked about during these moments? Eddie opened his mouth but he was so overcome by emotion that he nodded his head vigorously, bursting into tears. In his first marriage, there wasn’t even a proposal. His mom introduced Myra to him and that was that. She asked, ‘well aren’t you going to get down on one knee? But you’d better not, or you’d scrape your knees!’
Eddie dropped to his knees, kissing Richie. “Yes!”
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HEY FRIEND. Do you have any HCs about the cutest OT4 Bill/Stan/Richie/Eddie spending Christmas together?
adfjkafjas this got really long and isn’t even exactly what you asked for, i’m sorryimagine them like 17 or 18 years old but it doesn’t matter very muchi should try again with actual christmas content. also all of richie’s dumb gifts and the sweater, i found on pinterest.
-the losers are celebrating christmas eve at stan’s house-stan has convinced his parents to go out for dinner so he can have a small christmas get-together with his friends-bev, ben, and mike are going to show up an hour late to give the boyfriends some time to themselves-bill and eddie show up together, bill is carrying a bunch of presents and eddie is arguing that he could carry some of it-stan helps bill get it all to the table where stan’s presents for the losers already sit in perfectly wrapped paper-bill asks where stan’s hannukah decorations are-eddie frowns at bill like “hannukah’s over already”-bill feels kinda bad that he didn’t know that but stan doesn’t really care-“don’t worry about it, bill, its not a big deal”-“i just f-feel like a shitty b-b-boyfriend, i didn’t even nuh-know”-richie has the ugliest christmas sweater anyone has ever seen-i’m talking green and red patterned with a christmas unicorn throwing up candy-stan almost closes the door in richie’s face when he sees it-“what the hell are you wearing”-“its festive, stanley”-richie dumps a bunch of presents on the table and goes to kiss each of his boyfriends-bill laughs at the sweater and lets richie kiss him-eddie physically recoils at the sight of the sweater and won’t let richie near him-richie turns to stan but stan’s like “i’m not kissing you while you’re wearing that”-richie announces if they hate it so much, they’re welcome to take it off him ;)-stan, deadpan: “we don’t have enough time for that, rich”-richie thinks that’s funny and manages to steal a kiss from stan-then richie wants his presents! and starts pawing through the pile on the table-eddie argues they should wait for everyone else-stan thinks they should let richie do what he wants cause he’ll be annoying otherwise-richie makes a point of placing the gift from eddie back in the pile-eddie is actually kind of touched that richie compromised-but richie’s already ripping into stan’s present so eddie never says so-the losers have agreed on a 5 dollar limit per present cause there’s so many people to buy gifts for, so richie’s not really expecting anything spectacular-its a bunch of post-it notes on a binder ring-richie is puzzled until he starts flipping through them and finds they say things in stan’s neat handwriting like “good for one date at the arcade,” “good for one sleepover,” “good for one (ONE!!) visible hickey”-“couldn’t just do sex coupons, huh, stan?”-“don’t make me regret giving you that, rich”-bill takes the post-it notes to read through them when richie goes to kiss stan thanks-stan indulges him, then richie is straight back to the table to open his gift from bill-its a keychain of bucky the beaver-“oh, very funny, bill”-bill thinks it *is* funny and he accepts his thank you kiss from richie with grace-eddie figures richie might as well open his gift then-richie doesn’t give eddie a chance to change his mind and tears into the wrapping paper-its a framed photo of richie and eddie from prom, the one the photographer takes when couples come in; they had to say they were friends but they linked their arms together and they’re smiling like goofs; richie hadn’t even realized eddie went back to get the photo-eddie is super embarrassed when richie gives him a more forceful kiss than stan and bill got-“get away from me with that ugly ass sweater, richie”-richie takes his post-it notes from bill and holds up the picture frame and post-it notes like “take notes, bill, this is the kind of corny shit you get your boyfriends”-“wh-whatever, the k-keychain r-reminded me of you”-richie sets all his presents safely on the corner of the table and tosses the gifts he got his boyfriends to each of them-the presents have literally the worst and lumpiest wrap job they’ve ever seen-stan picks at a lifted corner of the paper, frowning-“it won’t win awards for beauty, stan, just open it”-bill and eddie watch stan open his present first cause they want an idea of what richie might have gotten them-its a bag of goldfish crackers with a paper taped onto the front that reads “YOU’RE A CATCH”-stan is trying not to smile cause that is the lamest thing he’s ever seen-but richie demands a thank you kiss and stan gives it-bill has a bag of gummy bears with a note that says “LIFE without YOU is unBEARable”-bill laughs and pulls richie over for the thank you kiss-eddie expects something he can’t eat but its a container of peanuts with the note, “I’M TOTALLY NUTS ABOUT YOU”-richie’s not gonna tell eddie he spent like an extra 15 minutes at the grocery store trying to find something kind of healthy that eddie might eat that was still pun-able-but eddie suspects and gives richie a kiss again, tho he immediately shoos richie away cause “that sweater is gonna fucking blind me, where did you even get that”-stan gives bill and eddie their gifts from him next-“we might as well, guys”-they each get post-it notes on a binder ring as well-bill’s say things like “good for one outdoor adventure” and “good for one afternoon picnic & makeout session”-eddie’s say things like “good for one movie date with hand-holding” and “good for one full sleepover night of snuggling”-eddie is kind of emotional about it and gives stan a hug-bill waits patiently to kiss stan thank you-eddie gives bill and stan their gifts-more framed photos!!-bill’s is a strip from a photobooth that eddie has had forever of them laughing and bill kissing eddie on the cheek-stan’s is a picture stan’s mom took of him and eddie on prom night, where stan is helping eddie fix his tie and eddie is looking at stan with a little too much adoration (stan’s mom never did catch on; she was just shocked such handsome boys didn’t have dates to prom!)-“th-this is really sweet, eddie”-eddie is blushing when he gets his thank you kisses-richie pinches eddie’s cheek after-eddie slaps richie’s hand away-bill is kind of feeling bad about his presents now as he hands ‘em over to stan and eddie-“i d-didn’t know wh-what else to get with f-five b-bucks”-its more keychains-stan’s is a penguin wearing a little christmas scarf-eddie’s is a christmas-themed train-“th-they d-didn’t have m-much selection on th-those”-stan assures bill that its lovely and gives a thank you kiss-when eddie goes in for his thank you kiss, bill doesn’t lean down, which is annoying cause bill is the tallest of them and eddie is the shortest-but eddie just grabs bill’s shirt collar and yanks him down for the kiss-“seriously, bill, richie is rubbing off on you”-“s-sorry, i just w-wanted to see what you’d do”-everyone sets their gifts aside (they’ll show 'em off to the other losers later) and stan gets them to help him set up for their lil party-stan has spent most his day making bunches of christmas desserts and he rented shitty holiday movies from blockbuster-bill and eddie are pretty helpful getting the desserts set out-richie switches between stealing cookies and stealing kisses-bev, ben, and mike show up together-bev brought mistletoe and makes mike put it up in some of the doorways-this got too long to go into all the gifts but richie’s are all food puns, bill got everyone keychains, eddie has pictures for everyone, stan got the rest of the losers I.O.U.s to the movie theater, bev got each of her boys a cheap eyeshadow pallet and swore she’d do all their makeup, ben made them all friendship bracelets (of course everyone put them on immediately and made fun of him for being such a cute sap), and mike drew something special for each of them (bill is a better artist than mike but mike is pretty good; bill is super jealous that he didn’t think to draw for his losers)-they’re supposed to go home that night but all seven of them end up crashing in the uris’ living room-if stan’s parents think its weird how close stan sleeps with some of his friends, they don’t say anything-in the morning, eddie forgot about the mistletoe and gets stuck under it with ben-ben kisses eddie on the cheek-richie immediately bounds over to get under the mistletoe with eddie but eddie’s not gonna kiss richie before he brushes his teeth-richie settles for a kiss on the cheek-eddie has to get home asap because his mom was not happy when he called her the night before to say he wasn’t coming home, so he hugs richie and bill goodbye, and since stan is still sleeping, he very softly kisses stan on the forehead before he leaves-the rest of the losers spend their morning at the uris’ house-stan’s parents aren’t used to a bunch of kids celebrating christmas in their home but they put on breakfast and let them have their fun
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rassasassalin · 7 years
Might as well christen this place where I can overthink some rasslin’.  Good a night as any for it.  Gonna be taking notes as I go through Raw, and will publish under a readmore when done.  Really long, mostly just steam of conscious.  Might do a summarized thoughts later.  But probably not.  Summaries are my mortal enemies.
!!!  Dean vs Joe!  That should be a fun match!  Love Joe, love Dean, and their styles should clash pretty well.  Also, I love Joe’s theme.  And Joe talking.  He’s so damn good on the mike.  He’s got a wonderful cadence, and he’s like, the perfectly articulate heel.  So good.
I like the Roman drinks orange juice after he brushes his teeth sign.  It’s good.  I mean, it’s hella gross, but I like those kind of signs.  Good stuff.
The Roman chant is interesting.  I haven’t really heard a crowd chant for a face in a while.  Although I think it’s still arguable whether or not Roman is a face.  Still.  Good to have a crowd chanting for one.  Part of the problem, I find, with today’s rassling, nobody chants for the faces to come out and fix problems, because there is no real Top Face that, you know, does face things.
Congrats to the dude who’s wife bough him tickets.
Yeah, no duh it’s a trap, why’d Ro go out there on his own, that’s silly.  Clearly Joe and Sheazaro made some kind of alliance last week, come on boys.  Also of course look at the fight in Dean, he’s always been the one in the Shield that gets the shit kicked out of him the worst, he’s a pain magnet, that’s part of why we love him so much.
Was feeling pretty happy from that promo about Bliss and Banks fighting the first women’s match over in Abu Dhabi, but then they cut to the ring and I see a sign saying that the Browns will be the Superbowl Champs and I’ve been laughing ever since fuck me, keep living the dream my friend, keep living that dream.
Seriously tho, I’ve loved Mickey James for forever, what a legend, what an underrated gem, I hate that she’s being wasted right now.
So... I didn’t watch Tough Enough since like... idk, the third “season”, I guess you could say, and I never watch Total Divas, but... maybe I’m totally wrong, but Mandy Rose feels a lot like- just from ring attire and attitude-, a golden version of Eva Marie?  And I’m not particularly interested in that.  Like watching Paige wrestle, I’ve enjoyed Sonya from what I’ve seen from her on Main and on NXT- always down for some female Bruisers, y’know?- but Mandy just seems... Idk.  Been there, done that, seen that character a hundred times.  Unless she’s going to pull a Marlena with a... Velveteen Dream?  He’s the only openly sensual sort of rassler in the WWE right now that could follow that old spirit of Goldust- and he definitely doesn’t need a handler of any kind, to be honest.  But like, outside of that?  Don’t care.  Got the feeling she’s going to be the weak link/first one to betray Paige’s lil group.
...Omg.  Matt.  Matt, babe.  God, I wanted him to break so bad, but I just... I mean, I’m laughing, but I don’t really see this turning out well for either him or Bray?  It could be good, if treated carefully, but I just don’t trust anyone on creative to do Bray right anymore.  Which is a fucking shame, because he makes a fantastic cult leader, he was so charasmatic and scary and then they took away his fucking cult and just what is even the point?  Like even the fact that he never wins anything, I could mostly ignore or more not really care if even after a loss he was still like this looming, evil shadow ready to consume any and all that come in his path but-  Look, point I’m trying to make here is that Bray is actually supposed to be a serious character, even if they don’t make him a properly scary character anymore, and putting him up against a comedy act- and Br/Woken Matt is a comedy act, a fantastic satire, simply the best, I love him....  I don’t know.  Maybe if I knew that Matt and Bray were actually coming up with their storyline.  That’d be cool, but...  I’ll try to be optimistic, but it’ll be hard.
...The breaking the Woken, ehehehe, fuck you Impact.
Fuck my life it looks like someone is cutting their own youtube backstage promo against clips from Bray, I’m laughing and crying and- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW ABIGAIL AND YOU GUYS HUNG OUT IN BABYLON I MEAN BABY-LAWN?  Nevermind youtube promos, this is like two kids on the playground playing imaginairy war and Bray just pulled out what he thought was his trump card and Matt’s all flip turning it upside down and now Bray’ll cry to the nearest adult that Matt’s not playing the game right, he’s not allowed to change Abigail’s backstory.
God, Bray, no, don’t make me choose, I love you both- broken warriors???  Wyatt swarm????  Could we have a whole battle royal sort of thing????????  Because I’m down, I’m so down- Stop making me laugh at your laughing you fucking dweebs I’m crying, I’m actually literally crying.
Booker looks so done with everything, poor Book.
Oh.  Ohhhhh, okay, here we go, Cruiser Weights now, what are they going to- oh no, not this thing with Nia, I’m just.  I love Nia.  I don’t hate Enzo, but there’s no reason for- DREW!  oh, they acknowledged Swann.  Real quick, there we go.
...Drew’s lil’ elbow.  His oooohing.  HE’S WILLING TO FIGHT NIA!  I LOVE THIS MAN.
What do you mean Finn’s fighting Curtis?  But his neck is like, super broken guys?  No, really, come on, this isn’t fair, poor Axel.  I love that guy.  SHut the hell up Cole, he SO needs that neck brace, he got beat the heck up by the Shield, he’s hurt.  Lookit Curtis and Bo.  Look at those happy babies.  Even Finn’s happy.  This is all I need in life.
!!!!!!!!!  Curtis, no!  You need- oh, sucker punch, nice.  Noice.  Now this might be a fight.  Wow, Curtis is coming in hard and fast, I like it.  Oh no!!!  His neck again!  Poor Curtis.  Looks like it’s his curse to have to be in a neck brace for the rest of his career.  I too, hope he’s okay, Corey.
Worried about the way they keep talking about Sheamus.  I’ve been hearing things about him might having to retire soon, and now I’m super bummed because I actually really like that big Red Headed goof.  I’m gonna miss him if he does have to leave soon.  Wonder if they’ll actually give him the big singles belt one last time.  Hmmm...  Anyways... yeah, not sure I trust the whole Partners Barred from Ringside thing.  Wouldn’t hold my breath for there being no interference.
OKAY.  I’ve not seen THAT one before.  Just toss the man by the knee over your shoulder Sheamus, that’s fine, it’s cool, doesn’t make me hurt at all.  Hella nice submission, tho.  Love me some submissions.
And THAT’s why big men don’t tend to go up on the top rope.  Should listen to our beloved Gulak.  No Fly Zone for Hosses.
Alright, I hated that knee when Rollins started to use it, and it’s still not the greatest finisher I’ve ever seen him do, but at least now he looks pretty confident while doing it.  Makes a hell of a difference.
Hehehe, did asking if Dean had a strategy.  Cmon, Renee, you should know your man better than that.  Heh, thanks for the pep talk babe.
Ah, yes, and here we have a commercial for Tribute for the Troops, which I’mma watch and cry like a bitch during.  Fantastic.  And on the Base where I was born, too.  Even Better.  Looks like it’ll have some amazing matches.  And maybe Machine Gun Kelly will get attacked by KO again?  I’d enjoy that.
“Winner of the Gulak Match”- Micheal Cole, 2017
Alrighty, Swann mentioned again.
OH MY GOD DREW YOU FUCKING CUTIE SWIVEL CHAIRING AROUND SO HE CAN’T EVEN SEE MUSTAFA CLAPPING AT HIM.  Drew “There’s a lotta money working with Enzo but I’m going to casually not say how much” Gulak.  YOU HEARD IT HERE, PEOPLE ON THE STREET TALKING ABOUT HOW GREAT DREW IS.  Drew IS honorable-ish.  The chances are very slim that he’s gonna be the one that ends up stabbing Zo in the back.  Much more likely that it’s the other way around.  ORrrrrrrrrrr that the other boys on the Zo Train will turn on Zo, and Gulak will be the only one that stands by him, a true and loyal friend despite the fact that they’re such an unlikely friendship.
Never stop asking Drew whether or not he’ll fight Enzo.  He is so bad at blatantly changing the subject and I love it, he is legit a horrible politician he’s so bad at two-facing it’s beautiful and amazing.
This just in, Davari just killed Neese with a beautiful spinning discus.  I love that move.  Great move.  Rest in peace, Tony Abs.
I don’t know if the other cruiserweights are inspired by him, but I am super inspired by Drew.  I love him.  Stop badgering the man Cole.  Friends can fight each other and it doesn’t necessarily mean an end to a friendship.  Not... all the time.
Man, Musafa has such pretty moves.  Gorgeous.  I love him.  Shut up Drew, it’s not disgusting.  Don’t actually shut up, I love you.  Oh, and look at Davari taking a play out of Drews- opps, nope, Cedric not letting that happen again- AHAHA “He’s not flying he’s falling!  He’s using gravity to his advantage!”  I wish we coulda seen Drew’s face when he said that.
So... I’m thinking it’ll be Cedric vs Gulak?  Yep.  Yep, it’s Ced- oh no, oh Drew, oh his face, he looks like he’s realized that he’s in trouble.  He totally is.  There’s gonna be some retribution coming Gulak’s way.  He might still win via some duplicitous means- I’m thinking probably Enzo helping Drew get the win so that he gets what he think’s’ll be an easy win against his lackey.  Fuck me, I love Drew Gulak, what a fantastic character, what a beautiful man.
Aaaaaand Roman vs Cesaro next.  Gonna be a slobberknocker.
BUT FIRST DREW AGAIN!!!  MORE DREW!!! YAY!!!!  “Friendly Trashtalk”-  Woah, woah woah woah, how dare you Enzo!?!  Be friends with that poor boy!  YOU SHUT UP ABOUT HIS POWERPOINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
NIA IS BEST WOMAN, LOVE HER, LOVES THE POWERPOINTS, ALSO DREW IS SO FUCKING CUTE “hai nia...!”  Seriously though if they’re going where I think they’re going with Nia and Enzo, I am NOT looking forward to it.  Enzo, right now, isn’t Eddie, and Nia ain’t Chyna.  Love Nia, I really really do, but they haven’t given her enough character to BE a Chyna.  And Eddie and Chyna was a long, slow build, you know?  They worked their way into it.  You can’t just throw an oddball couple together all the time and expect it to work.  Not without any lead up.  Fucking give us hints and glimpses and work up to it.  Don’t just throw it in my face all at once and go “Here you go, isn’t this a glorious couple!?”  No.  It’s outta no where, makes no sense, there’s no chemistry, please stop.
Man, I love me some Uppercuts. And some clotheslines.  These big boys are gonna beat the shit outta each other and it’s great.  Roman doing what Roman does best- hitting people hard.  And some joint manipulation from Cesaro.  Noice.  Awwww.... that’s not nice, Cesaro.  I’m sure like, probably more than half of that crowd likes Roman.  Yeah, I’m hearing what sounds like some kids chanting let’s go Roman.  Which, I mean, you know you’re at least doing something right if you got the kiddos cheering for you.  Annnnnd, Imma have to take a break watching this because the fujiwara hold always looks super gross and I never wanna see someone’s arm actually break.  Cat has perfect timing and has decided to lay on my face.  Thanks, Cat.  Duuuuuuuude, why you gonna- yeah, see, your arm’s already damaged, don’t try to punch someone with it you big ol handsome dingus.  He’s still got a spearrrrr fuccccck that was naaaaasty I hate it when they throw each other at the ring poooooooost aaaand... yep, okay, just gonna nosell there for a second, alright, I get it.
Man... Cesaro might actually win this.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense for him to win this, storyline, but he might.  Aw... man, I miss the swing, feels like I haven’t seen it in forever.
What the hell was that, why was the ref trying to separate them?  I get so confused nowadays.  Used to be we  could trust that if a ref did something like that, it’d be kayfabe stuff.  Now refs aren’t allowed to be part of the stories, so...  Eh.  I miss when we had like, heel ref shenanigans.  Whatever, guess I’m just old.  Not a bad fight, though, in the end.  Even if that ref spot was really weird.
Seriously tho, okay, when did Lesner even come into this rivalry between Kane and Braun???  That’s so random.  Wouldn’t be against Braun taking that fucking title off of Brock so he can just go the hell away again.  Can’t stand him, hated him when he was fighting in the UFC, hate him fighting now.  Best thing about Lesner is that Heymen’s his mouthpiece, and even that is still awful because Paul being Brock’s advocate means that he’s not advocating for more deserving talent.
Yay, Asuka match where she’ll kill someone in the ring!  And then’ll she’ll get surrounded  by- oh no, someone else killed Alicia first.  Yep, okay, so there’s finally going to be a showdown.  They’ve been teasing this for a while.  They’ll probably actually attack this time.  But if they really wanted to swerve, they’d show that Asuka is actually the one in charge of Absolution, all along.  That’d be great.  Not going to happen, but I’d really love Asuka being, like, in charge of a cutthroat female gang.  That’s go serious potential.  Asuaka would make a great mob boss.
Three on one, whatever Booker, it’s still Asuka.  Yeah, see, they wouldn’t let her just-  Ooooooh, Nia!  Nice.  Super nice.  Love it.  And even Foxy!  That’s sweet, lookit her being all savage.  Ehehe, fucking Nia just standing there like yeah, you forgot to take out me, that was a mistake.
Hey look!  It’s a Kurt segment that doesn’t start out with him looking at his phone!  And Jason being mature!!!  I don’t trust it.  They’re gonna turn this boy heel.  Yeah, okay, there we go.  That’s more what I was expecting.  Duuuude, don’t tease me with an Angle Joe match.  I miss those.  Those were fantastic, and I know that you’re not going to give them to me.
I hope Deans feeling a bit better now.  Last couple of times I’ve seen him fighting he’s seemed kinda foggy and outta it.  I worry about him.
AHAHA- Aj’s been Nice?  He put a man threw a car window.  I mean, that man was a McMahon, and I kind of loved it, but still?  Pretty sure even after his face turn he’s pretty solidly on the limbo between the good and bad list this year.
If Jason costs Ambrose this match Imma not be happy.  I’m really looking forward to this match.  Joe will actually let Dean be, you know, creative with his brawling.  And that’s where Deano’s best, when he’s allowed to be unorthadox.  And Yeah, yeah, Ambrose is definitely looking more all there.  ‘S’good.  Man, I’d kinda love for Joe and Ambrose to get in a match where Joe finishes him off in a coquina clutch and Dean doesn’t tap, he just passes the fuck out.  That’s such a glorious face move, refusing to give up even as your body gives up on you.
Loving the way Ambrose is bounding off the middle rope, tha’s beautiful- oh!  A slap!  Nice!  That’s a beautiful mistake.
Jason’s enjoying the match.  Good.  Me too.  JASON, NO.  YOU STAY WHERE YOU ARE.  STOP WALKING.  Oooooh, good save there, Ambrose.  That’s my boy.  Dude.  Dude, no, Jason, don’t- what in the world is going on here?  Fuck me, Jason is going to cost Dean the- fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkk, DAMMIT JASON.  Yeah, yeah, okay, now you’re in trouble.  I DIDN”T MEAN THAT I WANTED AMBROSE TO SLEEP IN THIS MATCH, ARGH!!!!
So, uh, Deano vs Jason next week?  Or for the next year?  Because let’s face it, Ambrose holds a grudge foreveeeeer.
Hey, Titus!!!! Apollo!!!!  And... Dana... yay...  Oh!  The good brothers!  I wish that I could say Nerds with such vim and vigor.  It’s a serious gift.
Also yay, no one got killed as Braun made his way to the ring???
Okay, come on, we all know Zayn and Owens ain’t getting fired, Daniel is going to get Shane out of the picture and take over the role as ref so it’s actually fair.  Or like, idk, Hunter or Steph are going to come out and fuck someone over.. Maybe Randy will turn, because, you know, he’s got a connection to Trips and also he’s been a face for like forever in Viper years and also we’ve got that unresolved stuff with Hunter giving the Universal Championship to Kevin, soooo....  Either way, someone getting screwed, and I’m pretty damn sure it ain’t going to be out canadian boyos.
Eheheheh, reinforcing the ring.  I hope they break it in two.  I love that shit.   So much fun.  Because I’m apparently still a baby.
Ummm... Pretty sure Kane’s most monstrous moments involved his various kidnappings of pretty ladies.  Or the time he tried to kill his Paul Bearer.  But you know, what do I know, I’ve just been literally watching Kane since he first premiered AS Kane.  Sure, yeah, most “monstrous” thing he’s ever done was thrown a man in a trash collector.  Yep.  That’s it.
A countout???  Boooooo...  Also... who’s going to go fight Brock now?  Someone’s gonna get Kayfabe murdered until there’s only one left to fight Bork.
Okay, they seriously need to stop with the whole fucking with people’s throats thing.  I don’t like it, it worries me, and also they make choking gagging noises which sets off my own gag reflex which is not fun.
oh hey, look, Braun became insta-face by bringing out a table.  I love how easy to please wrestling fans are sometimes.  Kane?  You okay?  That trip looked nasty.
OOOOOH!!!!  BRAUN HAS INHERITED THE MONSTER SIT UP MOVE!!!!  THAT’S SUPER EXCITING!!!!  That looks like a passing of the torch to me.  I like it.  I like where that could be heading.  Yes, good, good end to Raw.
0 notes
rustytheshackleford · 7 years
I’m adding a “keep reading” because this is a ton of questions!
1:Full name.
Rusty Shackleford aka Michael Chipz aka Wes Mantooth aka Ryan Pitts
2:Zodiac sign.
3:3 fears.
Dying alone, drowning, suffocating (any kind of death involving being unable to breathe, really), being killed by something I can’t see/being murdered in my sleep. I have a lot of death fears lol. I’m sure I have more fears than that, but I guess I’m also scared of the future and stuff that makes me anxious.
4:3 things I love.
Wrestling, Mega64, most of my family, my friends, video games, music, calmness and serenity, food, soda, soccer, football, sports in general, booty, curly hair, art, photography, art photography, cute girls, podcasting and just being a goof and making people laugh.
5:4 turn on’s.
I probably should have saved some of the things I love for this question lol. But yes, I love my a nice t h i c c booty or even a cute small one. I just love the booty, y’all. Praise be. I also like pale skin (I like everything though, don’t get it twisted. I think growing up with the goth/emo/scene subcultures has made me love girls that just don’t go out in the sun lol), curly hair, darker hair colors, when girls bite their lip, a sense of humor, athleticism, artsy girls, cute girls, girls that sing and/or play an instrument, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers, dirty talk, intimacy, and that’s about the extent I’ll disclose before potentially grossing out my irl friends and family with nsfw stuff lol.
6:4 turn off’s.
My turn-offs are pretty normal, tbh. Just smell good and express interest in me and you’re good.
7:My best friend?
I hate choosing just ONE best friend, but one of my oldest friends who I love very much is my buddy Hassan. We’ve been friends since the third grade.
8:Sexual orientation?
Straight yo, and I’ve had time to make sure that I am in my head haha. 
9:My best first date?
I honestly haven’t really gone on too many first dates. I went on a pretty good date with the last girl I dated, so I guess that one. We met on Tinder, and after a few months of texting each other because she had to go back to her college class out-of-state shortly after we matched, we finally met in-person at this mall. It was really nice.
10:How tall am I?
11:What do I miss?
I miss a lot of things. I miss not having to stress about things. I miss how the relationship with my family used to be before I went to college. I miss intimacy and kissing and boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. I miss the beach (luckily, I’ll be going to Florida in a few days!!!). I miss a lot of dead wrestlers, Eddie Guerrero especially. I miss my friend David who committed suicide in high school. I miss having more time to play video games and to goof off. I dunno. I just miss stuff.
12:What time was I born?
No clue. My mom doesn’t remember.
13:Favorite color?
Blue. Royal blue, specifically
14:Do I have a crush?
I have a million crushes. Mostly the girls that I follow on this site! I also have crushes on Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Lorde, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Aubrey Plaza, that curly-haired chick from Broad City. What’s her name…? Ilana… (takes time to look up last name) Glazer! Yeah, she’s fine as hell. 
15:Favorite quote?
“Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.”
“Ideas are bulletproof.”
I’m sure there’s a quote from wrestling that I’ll think of later
16:Favorite place?
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
17:Favorite food?
General Tso’s chicken with cashews
18:Do I use sarcasm?
19:What am I listening to right now?
In this very moment? The sound of my fan.
In terms of music I’ve been listening to? My friend let me borrow his copy of Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp A Butterfly, so I’ve been mainly listening to that. I also alternate between Humanz by Gorillaz and Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN.
20:First thing I notice in new person?
Their voice or face, I guess?
21:Shoe size?
10.5-11 U.S.
22:Eye color?
23:Hair color? 
It fluctuates between a darkish brown to almost black
24: Favorite style of clothing?
I hate picking just one lol. If I had to pick one, I really dig how skaters dress. I’ve always been a fan since Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.
25:Ever done a prank call?
I think so?
26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now?
Navy blue
27:Meaning behind my URL?
I really like the running gag from King of the Hill where Dale Gribble goes by the fake name Rusty Shackleford. Unfortunately, that username is taken, so I decided to stylize it like the Japanese metal band Maximum The Hormone, although I guess Shackleford The Rusty would fit that theme more? Oh well. I’m a brand now. I gotta maintain it.
28:Favorite movie?
Currently, it’s Pulp Fiction. It was V for Vendetta for the longest time. Yeah, I know. Shut up.
29:Favorite song?
I have so many. Forty Six and 2 by Tool is definitely one of my all-time favorites.
30:Favorite band?
Gorillaz and Tool are fighting for my top spot on a pretty consistent basis.
31:How I feel right now?
Mostly excited for my Florida trip!
32:Someone I love.
My siblings.
33:My current relationship status.
Single af
34:My relationship with my parents.
Fine, I guess? 
35:Favorite holiday.
Christmas and Halloween
36:Tattoos and piercing I have.
37:Tattoos and piercing I want.
I have no idea lol. I can’t think of anything that I wouldn’t hate in a month. Maybe something with a number 3 because I’m a triplet? No clue. I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I did want a lip piercing for a bit, and I sometimes get back into wanting one haha.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr.
Obscurus Lupa and other people on That Guy With The Glasses had Tumblrs. Being a fan of the site at the time, I would frequent their blogs to see what kinds of questions fans would ask. Eventually, I just made one and the rest is history.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?
Ex-girlfriend? No. We’re actually still friends.
Last girl I dated? Also no. We haven’t spoken since July though.
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?
Nah. I only really like those from girls I date anyway.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
I have not!
42:When did I last hold hands?
It already feels like way too long ago. Realistically, a year or two.
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
30 minutes to an hour depending if I need to shave my beard.
44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? 
Nope. I don’t shave my legs.
45: Where am I right now?
My room.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
I guess either my friend Adam or my friend Derrick. I don’t think I’ve ever been drunk to the point of not being able to stand though lol.
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
Reasonable. Protect your ears, kids.
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49:Am I excited for anything?
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
I think so!
51:How often do I wear a fake smile?
Mostly when I go to work lol. 
52:When was the last time I hugged someone?
The other day, I believe.
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
Well, that would be pretty messed up I guess since we haven’t talked in months. I would probably try to ignore them like the coward I am.
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55:What is something I disliked about today?
Some of my friends weren’t able to hang with me today, one of which is soon going on a cross-country road trip for who knows how long, and I would like to see him before he leaves.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
There’s so many, but meeting Zlatan Ibrahimovic would be pretty dope. Also Cindy Sherman.
57:What do I think about most?
Sexy ladies and general thirsty thoughts, Magic: The Gathering, professional wrestling, what I’m going to eat next. Totally normal things
58:What’s my strangest talent?
I can make this weird belching/farting noise by puffing out my cheeks.
59:Do I have any strange phobias?
No clue. None that I can think of.
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Both! I’m very much a performer, and I also love taking photos.
61:What was the last lie I told?
I told my friend I don’t know what my plans are tomorrow when I have sort of an idea.
62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
I guess video chatting because you can get visual cues to know when to speak.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes, and yes.
64:Do I believe in magic?
Yeah, to an extent.
65:Do I believe in luck?
Also yeah, to an extent.
66:What’s the weather like right now?
It was a little cool today, but it’s gonna be warmer tomorrow.
67:What was the last book I’ve read?
This really fucked up comic series called Crossed. I last read the first issue of Crossed: Badlands. Please do not look up Crossed. There is a lot of gore, rape, and other horribly unpleasant things. It’s very morbid. 
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline?
I do!
69:Do I have any nicknames?
None that I’d like to admit online lol…
70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
I almost broke a rib while wrestling my friend once
71:Do I spend money or save it?
I spend it. I’m definitely going to start saving soon.
72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue? 
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
Yup. A couple of Mega64 posters, one of which is the new one they sent out for their Patreon.
74:Favorite animal?
I like snakes.
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Probably scrolling down this hellsite.
76:What do I think Satan’s last name is?
Christ ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
I can’t think of any specific ones at the moment. Probably older songs that trigger nostalgia for me.
78:How can you win my heart?
Gimme dat s u c c
In all seriousness, just be compatible with me and maintain interest in me.
Although given dat s u c c wouldn’t hurt.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“He did a lot of what he wanted to do in life and was as happy as he could be.”
80:What is my favorite word?
aka (prounounced awka)
I can’t think of a more serious answer that isn’t that Donnie Darko scene where the girl says “cellar door” is the most beautiful phrase in the English language.
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr?
My blog x5
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
I have no idea what I’m doing. Please send help.
83:Do I have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of, but who knows with how often my dad keeps secrets of his side of the family hidden.
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Probably a few things…
86:What is my current desktop picture?
D.C. United’s logo with their entire regular season schedule
87:Had sex?
Hahahahahahaha nope.
88:Bought condoms?
Hahahahahahaha yeah.
89:Gotten pregnant?
I would hope not. Ya know. Since I don’t have a uterus.
90:Failed a class?
91:Kissed a boy?
92:Kissed a girl?
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94:Had job?
95:Left the house without my wallet?
96:Bullied someone on the Internet?
97:Had sex in public?
Please refer to question #87
98:Played on a sports team?
Not in any sort of program. I’ve only played on recreational soccer teams. Those aren’t anything serious though.
99:Smoked weed?
100:Did drugs?
Weed is a drug, so technically yeah.
101:Smoked cigarettes?
Yeah. They’re disgusting
102:Drank alcohol?
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104:Been overweight?
Yes indeedy
105:Been underweight?
Nope. I’ve only ever been a fatty.
106:Been to a wedding?
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
Of course
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109:Been outside my home country?
Nope :(
110:Gotten my heart broken?
Hahahahahahahahahaha yes
111:Been to a professional sports game?
112:Broken a bone?
Thankfully, no.
113:Cut myself?
Not on purpose
114:Been to prom?
115:Been in airplane? 
116: Fly by helicopter?
117:What concerts have I been to?
Let’s see if I can remember them all! I’ve been to a bunch of local shows since I’ve been in a band!
DC101 Chili Cookoff 2009
Linkin Park/Mutemath
Alice in Chains/Jane’s Addiction/Coheed and Cambria/Circa Survive
The Protomen
Iron Maiden/Dream Theater
DJ Cutman
Probably a bunch of other things
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
I mean, I guess so? Nothing I would have wanted to act on though.
119:Learned another language?
I can sort-of speak German!
120:Wore make up?
I put on eyeliner one time but my mom made me take it off before we went home so my dad wouldn’t see it and be pissed lol.
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?
Please refer to question #87
122:Had oral sex?
123:Dyed my hair?
Nothing more than my bangs. And even then, it was such a shitty dark blue, you could hardly tell it apart from my normal hair color. My parents weren’t very fun.
124:Voted in a presidential election?
125:Rode in an ambulance?
126:Had a surgery?
Nothing besides getting my wisdom teeth removed
127:Met someone famous?
Only people that are famous on the internet
128:Stalked someone on a social network?
I mean, who hasn’t???
129:Peed outside?
130:Been fishing?
131:Helped with charity?
132:Been rejected by a crush?
133:Broken a mirror?
Loooooooool yeah
134:What do I want for birthday?
To be able to go to Gamedays
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
No more than two. I like the name Julia for a girl, and I have no idea what I would name a boy haha. I do like Max and Sebastian, but those are such stereotypical overly proper white parent names. Hopefully, I’ll have plenty of time to figure that out!
136:Was I named after anyone?
137:Do I like my handwriting?
Eh. It’s unique, I guess?
138:What was my favorite toy as a child?
Video games
139:Favorite TV Show?
I don’t really keep up with TV all that much anymore, but It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is one of the funniest god-damned shows on the planet. I love it so much.
140:Where do I want to live when older?
Somewhere in which I’m happy and financially secure.
141:Play any musical instrument?
I play the drums! I’ve been playing for about 11 years.
142:One of my scars, how did I get it?
My right ring finger is a little swollen and purple from what I believe was when I had a door get closed on it when I was a child.
143:Favorite pizza topping?
White sauce, chicken, and bacon. There’s also nothing wrong with a classic pepperoni.
144:Am I afraid of the dark?
Sometimes, the dark is very terrifying all alone
145:Am I afraid of heights?
Not really
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
Lol yep.
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
That’s basically my life
148:What I’m really bad at.
Picking up signals from girls that might be interested in me. I’m always just assuming that people are just friendly, and I have low self-esteem when it comes to my date-ability 
149:What my greatest achievements are.
Finishing college.
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me.
Why you gotta make me think about that?
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery.
Pay off my student loans
152:What do I like about myself?
The fact that I’m a triplet, my butt, my drumming ability, my art
153:My closest Tumblr friend.
154:Something I fantasies about.
Mostly inappropriate things
Holy fuck, that was a lot to answer! Thank you for the interest, I guess!
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