#and eomers is a mix between film and my own
How do you think Grima would dress in a modern AU? I admit that I tend to imagine him dressing super-warm (man's always cold no matter the temperature), wearing lots of layers that hide his frame, lots of dark color palettes (blacks, greys, that sorta thing) with the occasional splash of color (like golds, maybe greens or purples every once in a blue moon), but I'm interested to hear how you think the snake man would dress in a modern setting! And how would it stack up next to Eomer's wardrobe?
Eomer: I have 500 colours, though many are variations of reds, greens, blues, and golds.
Grima: i wear black.
Eomer: I know. You're my tiny snaky summer goth.
We're talking Grima at the height of his power? Whatever form that might take in this world. I think he dresses well. One of my annoyances with the films is how he is dressed (the costume team is phenomenal and did a fantastic job, but I didn't like PJ's vision).
He comes from nothing, is self-made to a certain degree, and aside from his skills/education/etc., he relies on people's good opinion of him and trust in him to succeed in life. Therefore, he's going to dress to impress, so to speak.
Visual representation of status and power are important, especially in the societies Rohan is modelled on and I don't see why Rohan would be any different. Therefore, Grima as chief advisor to the king, and whatever other sundry roles in the household/court he may have held, would dress accordingly. He represents the crown! he needs to look the part.
His face might be unfortunate, but his clothing would be immaculate. He also would dress with psychology in mind: how can I use my appearance to dominate the room/impose my will/manipulate people/get what I want etc.
Anyway, in modern day the same logic still applies. So he'd be wearing designer stuff if he can manage it. Regardless, everything would be well tailored and good quality. Certainly on the warm side, as I also subscribe to the fandom headcanon that he's cold all the time.
I also absolutely agree that his palate would remain dark - lots of blacks and greys and blues-so-dark-could-be-black. I can see him adding a bit of dark purples or maroons to the mix. Maybe dark, forest green. Rich and dark.
In his off hours, that's where I see the layering coming in. That man would own an absurd amount of sweaters that he lounges in. Eomer is like, 'There is no way you need fifteen sweaters.' and Grima is like, 'excuse me, I own eighteen, I'm currently wearing three of them. And yes, I do need them.' Eomer replies, 'It's August! It's 32 degrees out there!' Grima bundles up more and nests on the couch.
Eomer: ahhh my weird snake boy(?)friend(?) who is unable to regulate his internal temperature.
Grima: some of us aren't walking furnaces. Eomer.
Grima has been known to steal Eomer's clothes which are too large for him but it allows greater layering opportunities when home and watching bad tv shows.
Eomer: I was planning on going out with Theodred for drinks and I was going to wear that cardigan you have on.
Grima: Too bad. Find a new cardigan, horse boy. I'm wearing it while I'm being anti-social and watching VEEP. I have four other layers on under it. I'm so pleased with myself.
Eomer: you are a very, very strange person.
Grima drinks his post-work beer and slides deeper onto the couch.
For comparison to Eomer, it's mostly colour contrast. Eomer wears more colours on the whole, and while they're also on the rich side they're not nearly so dark. I suspect their sense of style is very different but I'd have to sit on it and think about it before I could land on exact distinctions between them. I can also see Eomer, on the whole, going more casual than Grima. He'd wear jeans to work, nice chic fashionable formal jeans, but jeans regardless. Compared to Grima who is always in proper dress slacks etc.
thank you for the ask! :D :D
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rohadefunctblog · 2 years
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Eomer and Gimli have an unusual score to settle.
Or maybe they’re just diehard fanboys. 
Part 1 of a little comic i’m doing about that scene in rotk where eomer and gimli discuss their love for different hair colors. Part 2 should be up in a couple weeks!
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