#and fun fact i cannot stand sappy shit. like over the top dramatic sappy shit
gayseyjones · 2 years
I don't think I've really talked about how much I love tragedies on here rlly b4 but oh my god. I love tragedies. there is a reason my favorite media is shit like pmmm and little nightmares etc and it's bc I just genuinely love tragedies so much. good lird
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
Do you maybe have some headcanons or Au or something for Moana x Merida? I really like that ship! 🤗and I like your moodboards with moanida! ^^
Anon I need you to know I am literally crying TEARS OF JOY because I have FINALLY received an Ask on this humble little blog and I am OVERJOYED
Yes, I would love to talk about Moanida!!!
I’ve got a few AUs I kinda play around with for them--might make moodboards of them one of these days! A couple I really like are a Mermaid AU and a Selkie AU, probably with Moana as the mermaid/selkie because of her ocean connection??? But I really like the idea of Selkie!Merida too, since it would go so nicely with selkies in Scottish folklore and all that. Either way it solves the geographical issue because they can just swim to each other!!! Also yes, these gay girls crossing literal oceans for each other is absolutely the hill I’m going to die on. I’m also a fan of a sort of Mythology/Goddess AU where like Moana is an ocean goddess and Merida is a volcano goddess of sorts akin to Te Ka with cool lava hair and scary volcanic rock skin and only Moana’s soothing ocean waters can calm her eruptive (heh, get it?) rage. And this also means FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE FORBIDDEN SAPPHIC LOVE
I thought up some just for you <3 Some are more general and some are more specific AU-focused so I tried to sort them by AU but there’s probably gonna be some overlap.
General ~Merida is THE most overprotective girlfriend. Like she knows Moana’s independent and can take care of herself, but she absolutely will not tolerate slander of or threats to her girlfriend of any kind. If Merida were to meet Maui at any period in the timeline where he and Moana weren’t really cool yet and he was still being kind of a dick to Moana, Merida would try to fight a literal demigod. She doesn’t give a single fuck. ~Once Merida hears about the Tamatoa Incident, she wants to fight every crab she sees. She also develops a taste for crabcakes and crab rangoons because she starts eating lots of crabmeat solely out of spite. Moana finds this endlessly amusing. ~Moana definitely has the braincell between them. She’s constantly having to hold Mer back and talk her down from starting shit. Merida would unleash the Rage of a Thousand Suns upon her enemies if given half the chance. ~Merida is very physically active and loves working out--she would work out twice a day if given the chance. She’s just really about those exercise endorphins. Moana makes her fresh tropical fruit bowls and tropical fruit smoothies for after her workouts. Merida adores these and eventually she absolutely refuses to drink any smoothies not made by her girlfriend. ~They’re both lowkey caffeine addicts. Merida usually loathes getting up early (unless it’s to work out or go riding with Angus) and will snap at anyone and everyone until she’s had coffee. Moana knows how to get her hands on these really amazing-tasting, obscure types of Polynesian coffee, so she hooks them up with The Good Stuff. After tasting the coffee Moana gets, Merida honestly never wants any other B-tier type of coffee again. ~They love to go sailing in Moana’s boat. In a modern AU where the boat has a motor, Merida likes to make them go really fast for the adrenaline rush and the feeling of wind in her hair. It kinda freaks Moana out to go that fast, but it’s honestly worth it for the look of absolute elation on Merida’s face, and the way she laughs and cheers the whole time. ~Sometimes they like to go out on more calm, tranquil night sails. Once they’re a ways out, they just lie on the deck and stargaze. Moana points out all the constellations to Merida and rambles about how to navigate with them. Merida just turns and watches her with this super-smitten look the entire time. ~Moana teaches Merida some Maori. She teachers her how to say “I love you,” and, at Merida’s request, how to swear. ~Sometimes Moana calls Merida Maori words Mer doesn’t understand. Merida gets mad because she thinks Moana’s insulting her. It turns out she’s just calling Merida a bunch of super sappy Maori pet names. ~Sometimes Merida and Moana just like to talk shit about people who are pissing them off IN Maori, so they don’t understand. ~Whenever Merida absolutely goes OFF on someone for saying something homophobic or sexist or whatever, Moana just stands back and crosses her arms and smirks, and says “Thaaaat’s my girl!” It absolutely never fails to make Merida blush like a madwoman and start blubbering like an idiot and lose her original point completely. ~When they fight, they are SO stubborn, petty, and dramatic about it that they can stay mad at each other for DAYS. For really bad fights, they usually end up needing a mediator (in a RotBTD+ AU, I imagine this would be Rapunzel, Anna, or Hiccup). ~Angus and Pua are best friends. No, I will not be accepting criticism at this time. They get into lots of hijinks and shenanigans, and sometimes they sneak out together and Pua likes to ride around on Angus’s back. When Pua and Angus go missing, Mer and Mo just kind of sigh like “Oh, they’re out adventuring again, aren’t they?” ~Angus also always protects Pua so he never has to be scared of adventuring again!!! Pua still remembers his and Moana’s disastrous first sailing attempt, and Angus makes sure little Pua never gets into danger like that again. ~Hamish, Harris, and Hubert ship it SO hard! Moana turns out to be really good with kids, and has even been known to assist with the boys’ mischief from time to time. They definitely think Moana’s a good person to keep their sister’s chaos in check while not being TOO much of a boring wet blanket stifling her fun. ~Sina absolutely ADORES Merida and basically adopts her and treats her like a second daughter. After hearing Merida doesn’t have the best relationship with her own mom and feels like her mom doesn’t try to understand her or respect that she’s different from her, Sina gets like...SUPER angry and and starts doting on Merida to an almost annoying extent. She never wants Merida to have to feel forced into being someone she’s not, since she saw that with Moana and how much it absolutely KILLED her to be kept away from the ocean. ~Tui is leery of Merida at first, mainly because she seems like she’s going to be a bad influence on his daughter. However, he eventually comes around to her once he sees how much she loves his daughter, and they bond over both being ridiculously overprotective of Moana. ~Fergus also adores Moana, and basically knew Merida was gay from the jump--them dating is 0% a surprise to him. He’s honestly just glad that his daughter has someone more rational and down-to-earth to prevent her from doing anything TOO stupid. ~Elinor meanwhile, traditionalist that she is, is NOT about this whole lesbian thing and would probably be pretty homophobic...at least at first (steaming hot take, I know, she’s just got tradition so far up her ass I don’t know if she’d EVER be okay with her daughter choosing not only to forego marriage to man COMPLETELY--not just delay it--but marry a woman instead, who she couldn’t produce an heir with. Also sorry but I do not like her and probably will not portray her particularly favorably in my HCs sorry not sorry lmao) Maybe she comes around, maybe she doesn’t. I’ll leave that up to your imagination. Although I am not an Elinor fan so I think you already know my take XD ~Moana is grey-asexual grey-aromantic, so she CAN be sexually and romantically interested in people, it’s just...very rare. Merida is basically the only person she’s ever wanted to legit date. Maybe she likes boys too, but she wouldn’t know--she hasn’t found any she’s into thus far. Merida, meanwhile, has always been a raging lesbian, and has had lots of crushes on girls over the years (in an AU where she has the opportunity to, anyhow--ARE there even any girls her age in Dunbroch??? XD). When her parents would read storybooks to her as a kid, she’d always finding herself getting doe-eyed over the “fair maidens” rather than the fearless, ripped warriors who saved them from danger.  No crush ever hit her quite as hard as Moana did, though. But Merida knows for a damn fact she isn’t into men--90% of the time she can’t stand them and their antics, and the only men she’s ever really felt any kind of affection for are ones in her family or ones who remind her of one or more of her family members. ~Moana makes Merida flower crowns. Merida grumbles endlessly about how “girly” they are, so Moana hunts down some black flowers to make one with so it’ll look a bit more badass and intimidating. Merida absolutely LOVES it and wears it everywhere. ~Merida teaches Moana how to horseback ride and how to shoot a bow and arrow. She’s pretty not great at either at first, but Merida is incredibly patient with her. This shocks everyone around them, because since when is Merida patient with anyone? ~Merida also teaches Moana swordplay, and they LOVE to spar with each other. Agressive flirting during sparring sessions is very commonplace. If anyone attacks either Dunbroch or Motunui, Merida and Moana are a force to be reckoned with. ~Likewise, Moana teaches Merida how to sail and some kinda basic naval combat skills (i.e. how to shoot that harpoon gun or whatever it was she used to fight the kikimora off). ~They don’t have sex that often because neither of them has that high of a sex drive, but when they do, Merida tops if a strap-on is used. ~Moana is the kind of person who just kinda sings songs to herself as she goes about her daily routine and her chores. Merida loves to listen in because she thinks Moana has the prettiest singing voice on earth. That doesn’t stop her from teasing Moana about “singing all the got dam time,” though. ~Literally ALWAYS cuddling and kissing when they’re watching something together or just doing any kinda idle activity at home together. These girls cannot keep their hands off of each other. They hold hands in public pretty much everywhere they go, and Merida yells at anyone who makes a fuss about it.
Modern AU ~They meet while Merida is studying abroad in Tahiti. Maybe because Maui (who’s Moana’s cousin or older brother or something) has a tattoo parlor, and of COURSE Merida goes in to get some edgy bow and arrow tattoo to piss her mom off. Or maybe Merida is just snorkeling in one of the coves on one of her days off, and she runs into Moana and they just Vibe. ~I also like the idea of them meeting at a bar/nightclub type place in Papeete--like maybe Maui owns the nightclub because he just likes to party like that, and he lets his little sis Moana poke around in there because he’s lowkey a terrible influence XD And maybe one night Moana’s bartending to make a little extra cash and Merida comes in and gets really drunk on like a huge Sex on the Beach or something and starts really clumsily hitting on Moana and Moana gets SUCH a kick out of it. Merida can’t remember much of the flirting the next day, but she and Moana still become fast friends. ~Merida is constantly ditching class to sneak off and go see Moana. Her grades are plummeting. ~When the semester abroad is over, they promise to keep in touch over the internet--although Moana also wants to write letters because she loves the idea of having a pen pal. Merida teases her mercilessly for being so “old-fashioned” but also doesn’t have the heart to say no. ~They end up confessing they like each other over internet chat. Merida damn well knows she’s gay and has for a while now, but she’s terrified of telling Moana she’s into her because she’s really scared Moana’s straight. So when Moana is the one who ends up confessing to Merida, Merida has literally never been happier in her entire life. ~Once Merida graduates, they decide to just say “fuck it” and move to some big seaside city together (for some reason I really like the idea of them living in Los Angeles???). Merida needs to get away from her overbearing mom and Moana just really wants to see more of the world besides the South Pacific, so away they go! ~BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS BROADWAY MUSICAL NERDS! They both fucking LOVE musicals, especially those with sapphic undertones (Wicked, anyone?), and will loudly and obnoxiously sing along to the soundtracks, much to the chagrin of all their neighbors. They’re also pretty big theater fans in general--especially Merida, always rather the dramatic type. ~At some point they save up and go to see Wicked on Broadway together. The trip ends up being one of their all-time favorites, and their fridge is covered in goofy, dumb selfies of them in New York. ~Moana goes to every SINGLE one of Merida’s archery tournaments, and every single game of any other sport she plays. Literally no one cheers more boisterously or enthusiastically than Moana does. Whenever Merida hits a bullseye or scores a goal, Moana grins and nudges the people next to her (even if they’re complete fucking strangers) and goes “That’s my girlfriend!!!” ~Merida is a goddamn punk, and is always walking around in spiked jackets, combat boots, and basically any other clothing that says “don’t fuck with me.” She tried to start a punk rock band once, but it ended up falling through because no one would sponsor Merida’s angry screamo songs about smashing the patriarchy. Moana still went to all of their tiny-ass, tacky concerts though, for the few months they were “touring” the city. ~Merida taught herself how to play electric guitar because she thinks it’s Edgy and Cool. Moana really likes to dance, and knows a fair number of traditional Polynesian dances and has even taught a class or two. Merida learns how to play some traditional Polynesian music on the electric guitar so she can play while Moana dances. The combination of hard rock-esque shredding and a very mellow island dance looks extremely bizarre to anyone watching, but the girls absolutely do not care.
@takaraphoenix I said I’d tag you in Moanida content I made and I am a woman of my word!!! Enjoy!!!
Please y’all, send me more asks about my ships!!! I love to talk about them!!!
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gingerwritess · 6 years
hmmmm another concept: "what is this?" "it's Valentine's day" "disgusting"
happy valentine’s day to you lovely, lovely people. thanks for making the world a little brighter!!
let’s make loki blush, shall we?
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“Hey Loki, wanna kiss?”
“Mmm.” Not looking up from his book, he leans over to you a little and purses his lips, clearly waiting for the kiss to come.
You bite back your laugh and unwrap the little chocolate, holding it in front of his face. He blinks and finally looks at you, squinting in confusion but taking the chocolate, inspecting it between two fingers. “And what is this supposed to be?”
What a sad, sad thing to think, someone you care for so much not even knowing what a Hershey’s Kiss is. You unwrap your own candy and pop it in your mouth. “It’s a kiss!”
There’s no mistaking the obvious disappointment on his face and he takes a tentative bite. “Shame on you. You got my hopes up.”
“Oh, you weren’t…were you hoping for a real kiss?”
He swallows and shakes his head, ardently refusing to admit that he was, in fact, hoping you would kiss him, and you catch a glimpse of his cheeks flushing pink as he buries his nose behind the book again.
What an idiot.
What an adorable idiot.
You grab the book from his hands and toss it across the room, smushing your lips to his cheek and throwing your arms around his neck. “I live to disappoint,” you giggle as he nearly falls over from the force of your hug. “Now I’ve got something else for you. Close your eyes.”
Loki raises a suspicious eyebrow. “Is my safety ensured?”
“Definitely not. Come on, eyes closed!”
He sighs and closes his eyes, holding a ready hand out to you just in case. A grin spreads over your face as you reach behind your back and pull out a stack of letters that you’ve been writing to him over the past couple months, all tied neatly together with a piece of twine, placing them in his open hand. “Okay, open your eyes.”
He winces automatically, expecting the worst, then breathes out in relief when he sees its only letters that you’ve put in his hand. “And what is this?”
“Love letters! Really sappy love letters,” you grin, pushing them towards him when he blanches. “Super gushy and full of reasons why I love you, and the stupidly adorable little things you do that make my heart pound, and a very detailed description of your eyes, and your smile, and your kiss—”
Loki’s cheeks are burning red as he lightly smacks you on the top of your head with the stack of letters. “Norns, mortal, do you ever stop?”
“Nope!” You scrunch up your nose in the biggest “sorry not sorry” grin you can manage, then pull the next gift from behind your back.
Already laughing, you shove the overflowing bouquet in his face before he can escape and he scrambles away from you, blushing like a fumbling teenager. The poor guy is beyond confused, well beyond flustered, and you haven’t even gotten to the lacy part of the gift yet.
“Stop, darling, please! What in the name of Valhalla are you doing?” He jumps off the couch, throwing his arms up to shield his face, cause you just started picking individual roses out of the bouquet and actually throwing them at him.
“Showering you with love? Can you just take the flowers? And my affection?” You toss the whole bouquet at him and luckily he catches it, a dopey grin growing uncontrollably over his face. “Pleeeease?”
Now the god is standing there amidst a scattering of roses holding a bouquet bigger than his whole top half, his face brighter red than a tomato and desperately trying to hide the smile tugging at his lips—he certainly looks far from kingly, godly, or anything regal—for once, he just looks…well, loved.
Mmhm, you did that.
“Tell me right now what is going on.” He tosses the flowers on the couch and crosses his arms, half-heartedly glaring down at you. Ignoring him, you just raise your eyebrows and smile innocently, going back to the pile of gifts you have yet to give him.
“Let’s see, here’s something fun for later…” you hold up the lacy and slightly more R-rated part of the gift, a tiny little black thing with gold trimmings, and Loki somehow turns an even brighter shade of red.
“Good gods above. Who are you?”
Out comes a box of dark chocolate covered strawberries. “We’re gonna feed these to each other, m’kay?”
He makes a strangled, shocked noise and gapes at you.
“And this,” you hold up a huge bottle of whiskey. “This is for our bath tonight.”
“Our bath?” He croaks weakly, running a hand over his flustered face.
“Mmhm. And these are for after.” You grin and toss him a pair of metal handcuffs—mostly a joke gift, cause you know he would certainly never need actual handcuffs in the bedroom—but worth every penny to see how his jaw practically drops to the floor when he snags them out of the air and he loses the ability to form a coherent sentence.
“You—these are…you want—what?” He’s blubbering like the idiot in love that he is, and your giddy laughter definitely isn’t helping. Raking a hand through his hair, he takes a deep breath and tucks the handcuffs in the pocket of his sweatpants. “Okay, you have ten seconds to explain what has gotten into you before I take matters into my own hands.”
Well, he walked himself right into that one. You sidle up in front of him and run your hands up his chest, murmuring “mmm, that sounds good to me, my king…”
“Have you been bitten?” Loki puts his hands on your shoulders and pushes you away to hold you at arm’s length, examining you and still red in the face. “Are you feeling ill?”
You stick out your tongue at him. “Yes, ya dingbat, I’ve got a bad case of feelings for your lonely ass.”
“…I despise you.”
“And you’re full of shit. You gonna kiss me now?”
“Naturally.” He rolls his eyes and grabs your waist, pulling you into a mind-numbing kiss and practically bending you backward with the force of it.
“There,” he pants when the annoying need to breathe breaks the two of you apart. “You got what you wanted, now explain yourself.”
“I looove you, doofus.”
“Yes, you’ve mentioned, but why all the gifts? Why this?” He grimaces and gingerly picks up a rose in two fingers. “And this?” He gestures wildly at the gifts strewn about the room, then yanks the handcuffs from his pocket and shakes them in your face. “And these?! Darling, what is this?”
You spread your arms proudly. “It’s Valentine’s Day! Literally a whole day that we get to devote to loving each other—basically like every other day, but this one is a little more special.”
“Disgusting,” he retches dramatically and you cannot roll your eyes any harder. “So much…affection.”
“Loki, you little liar. That’s complete and utter bullshit and you know it.” You walk two fingers up his chest to give him a good boop on the nose, much to his horror. “You love when I cuddle with you, you love when I kiss you, you love being the little spoon—yeah, of course I know that! You ain’t slick!—you’re still blushing, you cute little greasy—”
His lips are on yours before you can say another word. In a matter of seconds, he’s got you stumbling backward in search of something he can brace you against, his hand already tucked under your left thigh to lift it up and around his waist, and he’s desperately trying to quiet your only-growing laughter with an avalanche of kisses.
“Shut up,” he growls, only making you laugh harder. “Stop laughing!” He lunges forward again to smash his lips to yours, but you’re laughing too much and his teeth just ram into yours with a loud clink.
“Ow!” Clapping a hand over your mouth, you shove him lightly to get him to pause his attacks. “Geez, Loki, this is great, but chill for just a sec, would ya?”
He’s immediately all over you, inspecting your face for injuries and apologising over and over until you kiss him again just to get him to stop saying sorry.
“Sorry,” he mumbles once more against your lips, hands starting to wander. “Hold on. Don’t we have things to do?”
Loki pulls away with a pop, a devious spark starting to gleam in his eyes. “This…‘valentine’s day.’ We have to celebrate, right?” He turns on his heel and starts gathering your gifts, making a big show of slipping the lingerie in his pocket as well. “And I believe some of the festivities included fruit, alcohol, and correct me if I’m wrong, scarce clothing?”
You grab his wrist and start excitedly tugging him down the hall, heart already pounding at the prospect of celebrating Valentine’s Day, like, for real.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, babe. We’ve got work to do.”
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hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream
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