#and given that nothing is up yet on that front I can't access it
cluescorner · 6 months
Limbus updates: I sleep
ESGOO uploads the final part of his suffering trilogy: Real shit
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hyewka · 2 years
boyfriend | c.bg
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summary; choi beomgyu is a name that means different things to different people. to you, he's the pest that you can't quite get rid of. he's always around to bother you, embarrass you, all of the above. unfortunately his hatred for you ends up ruining your chances with his best friend, choi soobin. and now all the years of effort you've spent tolerating him dissipates.
you've had enough of his bitchy attitude.
warnings; sub!beomgyu, harddom!reader, degradation like this is mean (as i can get with beomgyu) lol, slight mommy kink, overstim, dacryphilia, nipple play (m receiving), titty sucking, bed humping, attention whore gyu + praise kink, dumbification ?
w.c; 4.3k
a/n; the god of titles..am i right (note sarcasm) this originally had more plot but it took too long to edit so i kept this simple, straight to the action 😭
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When you were on your way to the address Soobin had suggested to hangout at, you felt giddy all over. You met the boy a few weeks ago yet you’ve grown attached to him rather quickly—he was a gentleman if you ever knew one.
Though, he did end up ghosting you for a few days. But hey, he just invited you over to his flat! Maybe all those days of him going completely ghost had just been a tactic to keep you on your toes, in which case, he succeeded. Or maybe he was just busy. At least with that thought process, you wouldn’t feel like an idiot for getting so clingy over him. 
And this time, it isn’t under the pretense of a stupid school project either, but an actual, official, one on one hang with Soobin.
The smile on your face as you knock on the door couldn't be any larger even as you internally scold yourself, attempting to fight the way your body naturally responds to the thought of the guy who's been plaguing your thoughts for weeks now. 
He was just too darn cute, everything about him to you was pure, and you couldn’t help but want to bask in the shine he radiates. It really couldn't be helped—the wait on Soobin opening his door being spent on quickly looking over your reflection for the umpteenth time through your phone screen, in hopes of tidying yourself even more.
When it opens though, your smile is with no sort of extraneous effort, wiped, faster than a lightning bolt as you narrow your eyes, a million questions popping in your head.
Before you could say something, the boy in front of you is the one who scoffs, just as surprised at seeing you at his doorstep. "Why are you here?"
You blink twice, then thrice, trying to understand why the hell he— Beomgyu was here. It doesn’t make sense—well, until it did. 
Beomgyu was Soobin’s other half, best friend they call it. It was like the gods purposefully wanted to torture you—they didn’t even make sense together!
Unfortunately for you, you’ve known Beomgyu for an estimate of at least two years so you’ve grown to know what he was like. Beomgyu was this annoying brat who had nothing good to say, Soobin…the complete opposite. He was a romantic, a sweetheart—
This—this was supposed to be a date! 
“I should be asking you that…” through the sharpness of your tone, it was obvious you detested the boy—but you still stood there, with no sign of hatred, your face completely neutral. Which you know pisses him off as his upper lip twitches—he hates you don’t give him the satisfaction of a frown and you know it. 
That’s off your mind rather quickly due to your quick disinterest in his response, trying to get a glimpse of the apartment with the little crack Beomgyu's body had given you access to, your neck craning to look for the boy you came here for in the first place. Unfortunately, Beomgyu obstructs your view, catching onto what you were doing, arms pressing on the doorframe as he clicks his tongue at you, as if to mockingly disapprove of your actions. 
See? He was such a little bitch! He even had the audacity to wear a large grin, as if he just succeeded in his master evil plan.
Still, you push your annoyance down, already exasperated that you had to exchange two interactions with him. “Where’s Soobin?”
“Where’re your pants?” he retorts—a little too proud of his comeback. Your eyes quickly look down at your outfit, which, god how embarrassing. If this wasn’t the date you thought it was going to be, the dress you’re wearing would look absolutely ridiculous.
“Can you—ugh, can you just tell me if Soobin’s here?”
Beomgyu opens his mouth to say something until the person you’ve been meaning to see shows up behind him. Soobin. Again, it’s like you’re under a spell as your eyes turn into one with sparkles in them as if you’ve just been graced by an angel.
You wave your hand at him meekly, your mood taking a complete one eighty. Beomgyu catches that, his smirk faltering, immediately turning behind. You guess he didn’t notice the older boy’s presence.
Soobin’s smile widened at the recognition of you, the darned dimples you loved so much making show. "You made it!"
He ushers Beomgyu to make way for you—the boy rolling his eyes before practically stomping off inside the flat. Beomgyu had issues, and you weren’t going to be the one to unpack them.
You focus on slipping your shoes off until Soobin’s honey-like voice halts your movement temporarily, your smile freezing. “I thought we could game, you know, to get closer as friends. Beomgyu already set it up and everything!” 
His excitement is evident in his tone and god, you want to facepalm yourself—of course. This wasn't a date. He said ‘as friends’, as friends! You weren’t going to huddle up in his bed watching movies, no, you were going to game. You sigh, looking up to give him a smile as if you approve. 
But you don’t. It’s not even one of those moments where you’d realize spending time with someone you like is what ‘truly matters’. 
Because it’s a lot worse than you imagined. First, Beomgyu didn’t only set up the game for you and Soobin, he was joining you and Soobin. Which, great, can it get any less romantic? Second, Beomgyu situated himself conveniently between you and Soobin—so, yes, it can get a lot less romantic. Third, the majority of the time, you sat trying to tug down your short dress, truly a less than fitting dress for an occasion like…this. Due to that, your already lacking gaming skills are affected, which then creates the perfect opportunity for Beomgyu to berate you. How fun.
Under the stress of the game, you reacted pretty negatively to his yelling, your anger bubbling up. Finally, Beomgyu snapped, demanding you to get off the game. You’d agree under normal circumstances but he was pissing you off, so you’re stubborn, not exiting the lobby. 
“Y/N, come on, please?” You almost gasp, looking at Soobin with offense but he doesn’t budge, urging you with his eyes to quit. He’s supposed to be on your side! 
You couldn’t stand this any longer. You throw the controller, which earns another yell from Beomgyu but you don’t care to process it as you pick up your purse, heading out. 
What a bust.
“Baby—Y/N, what’s up with you?” Soobin’s voice is exasperated, hand on your wrist in an attempt to stop you from reaching out to the door knob. You turn around to face him. Fuck, you couldn’t believe him! He can’t be this oblivious can he? “What’s up with me? What’s up with me?” 
“What’s up with you? You ghosted me for four days straight. No calls, no texts. You ignore all my attempts at communication, practically telling me that you don’t want to talk to me anymore then suddenly, lo and behold, you invite me over to your apartment?”
He gulps, eyes fluttering down to the floor. “I-it’s not—”
You interrupt him. “But, what, as friends? I don't get it. Do you not like me or something?" You aren’t typically the type to cry over getting rejected, but it sure as hell felt like you would break at any moment right now—even if he just hesitates for a few seconds. You feel stupid, for liking him so much.
Soobin looks up at you with wide eyes, shaking his head. "No—no it's not that!"
It’s like a switch, how your heart soars from the floor that it metaphorically dropped to. He didn’t not like you. You don't even think to ask more questions on his reasons for treating you like shit and completely dodging your calls after you finished the project—love is blind they say. "Do you like me?" Your voice is small, eyes glinting with a tinge of hope as you study his movement.
Fortunately, it’s not hard to gauge what he means when he nods. 
It was enough for you to smile, pulling him into your body, your back hitting the wall of the narrow hallway, reaching to pull him in a kiss by his nape. You liked this about Soobin, you didn't have to question anything about him because he seemed too innocent. He immediately reciprocated, lips as soft as you imagined, a strawberry lip balm you hadn’t noticed he put on leaving a sweet taste.
Before it could turn into anything more, Soobin subtly pulls away from you, and you can’t control the way your eyes flutter open in the confusion when you pick up on what he’s muttering. “We can’t…fuck, I can’t do this.”
You raise a brow, and suddenly he’s completely detached from your hold, large empty space between the two of you. “Y/N, I…I can’t do this to him—” Your confusion gets worse as you try to keep up—who was him? Unfortunately, you don’t get questions in as Soobin rambles to no end.
“I like you, I really really do but…he’s my best friend! And—and I just can’t go behind his back like this. You’re his girl and…and I should—I’m gonna go…” 
“Soobin…wait—huh?” You try to gather your thoughts as fast as you can to respond but Soobin slips on his shoes, dismissive of you and is already out the door—you couldn’t even ask where the hell he was going, he just leaves.
“You’re still here?” you turn your head at the voice, seeing Beomgyu with the controller in his hand. “Where’s Soobin?” 
You narrow your eyes at the lanky boy, his hair messy, cheap clip-on piercings on his ear..your brain working wires and…it clicks. Soobin’s best friend? Beomgyu. His girl? You weren’t dating anyone, most people knew you were fucking around with Soobin—so, someone lied to him. Lied to him about you dating Beomgyu… of all people.
You sneer, not believing the conclusion you’re about to get to. You walk towards him in strides and he looks at you with wide eyes, stumbling back a little. Accusatorily, your finger pokes at his chest with your first claim. “Are you fucking insane?” 
He’s quick to swat your hand off him, brows furrowed. “The hell? Are you?” 
You can’t help but scoff. Normally, you’d never jump to conclusions in respect to letting the alleged guilty plead their case, but with Beomgyu? You knew how he was—he’d do anything to make you miserable. This wasn’t too far out of his alley. You thought his fixation on annoying the shit out of you was silly at first and you could’ve cared less to respond back, but now? To hell with that!
You poke at his chest again, his feet going backwards the more you push. “Beomgyu, you know what you did.” you seethe, “You told Soobin that we’re fucking… dating? Dating!” A thud sound is the only thing you hear, the controller he was holding dropping on the floor.
His face pales almost comically, eyes widening as his lips parted like he couldn’t believe you found out. Could he be any more obvious? You push him again with your finger pointed at his shoulder, with a lot more force. “What? Did you think your stupid lie wouldn’t find its way back to me?”
“I—I didn’t do that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You were already fuming, but with his weak denial, you’re sure smoke was cartoonishly seeping out of your ears.
You scoff, turning your head away from the boy for a second to keep your cool. “Don’t piss me off.” your voice low had Beomgyu pathetically cowering rather quickly—it felt like any minute and he’d cry. You take a deep breath in, dropping your hand to your side. “I’ve done absolutely nothing to you Beomgyu. Nothing, nothing! So what’s your reason, huh? For hating me so much?”
His eyes widened once more. “I don’t!” he sputters. “I don’t hate …you. I don’t hate you.”
You furrow your eyebrows, was he fucking with you again? 
“That doesn’t make sense!” you yell, and he flinches, “Are you even hearing yourself? Why else would you spend so much time making fun of me, annoying the fuck out of me, and–and…” The crease of your forehead flatten out slowly as you realize what was happening.
No way. There’s no way.
You corner him, his back hitting a door, eyes down as he feels yours pierce him. "Do you… like me?” it’s the second time you have asked the question today, yet they couldn’t be any more of a difference in tone.
You feel your stomach churn when he doesn’t say anything—not denying anything, still unable to hold eye contact.
“You’re—you’re such a fucking loser!” you yell, throwing your hands up. His face falters, hurt evident on his face. You just want to rip his hair out, he had no right to feel hurt! He was a manchild, still believing that pulling on a girl's ponytail showed that he liked her. "So what? You planned to tell every guy approaching me that you were my boyfriend? Because you were too much of a pussy to make a move?"
Heat rushed to his cheeks, adamantly shaking his head. “No! No I wouldn’t! Even if I made a move you…you would’ve ignored me and, and I—”
“How long have you liked me?" you interrupt his ramble, saying it softly, barely hearable, though the tone of your voice is one of disgust, humiliating to the boy.
"F-for a while! You would've noticed if you weren't so… dumb." he mumbles the last part, still not being man enough to look you in the eye. You’re intrigued that he could still muster up an insult hurled towards you. Fucking bitch.
Suddenly an ugly feeling erupts in your chest—revenge. Make him feel the humiliation you suppressed every time he played a prank on you, talked down on you…
You look down at the boy’s crotch and he noticeably gets flustered, hands going discreetly over his clothed dick. “What are you l-looking at?!” 
Your lips curl before you close the small distance between the two of you, your breasts purposefully pressed against him as you whisper in his ear. “Bet you jerk off this stupid dick of yours thinking about me, fucking whore.”
“N-no…” he says unconvincingly. 
You could feel his breath on your neck—hot and heavy, which spurs you on, slowly moving his hand out of the way for you, after slight resistance, he pathetically lets you. You promptly grab his dick through the restraints of fabric, and he gasps, a whimper following shortly after when you start to slowly palm him. The moment you feel the bulge growing his pants, you halt your movement, removing your hand from his crotch all together. He lets out a strained whimper, hand blindly looking for yours to put it on his clothed dick again, but you cut it short with another whisper, “Show me.”
“H-huh?” he breathes out, still lost on the brief handjob he got from you. You pull your head away from the side of his, facing him, “Show me how you fuck yourself thinking of me."
Beomgyu’s eyes shoot open, processing what you just asked of him.
You reach for the doorknob to the side of Beomgyu and push open the door, to your luck, it was a bedroom. You casually go inside, leaving a frozen Beomgyu in the hallway before he finally follows behind. 
“I’m—I’m not going to do that.” 
You plop down on the singular cushion chair in front of the bed, “Sure you are.” 
“You like me so much don’t you? Or was that just a front?”
It’s funny how quick he is to shake his head, denying your claim. “I do like you!”
You cross your leg over the other, signaling your hand to the bed in front of you. “Go on then, prove it to me.” you can’t help but sneer. Though you would never admit it, your excitement was over the roof.
You like this, you like seeing him so small under your gaze, walking over to his bed with his head down—fringe going over his eyes. It was a sight to see, the boy who’s been nothing but a nuisance to you following your every order like a dog under the mercy of his owner.
“I don’t have all day Beomgyu. I have an exam to study for tonight.”
He’s been sitting on the bed, very hesitant to do anything and it was ruining your mood. “Soobin would’ve been faster.” you mutter, and he catches that, immediately standing up to pull his sweats down to his knees, his boner outlined on his boxers. You’re satisfied, his face already red.
You watch intently, every move, as his poor dick is finally pulled out from the restriction of his underwear. You don’t even get a good look until Beomgyu’s laying on his tummy, raising his hips slightly until it falls again—then again, his pace fastening as he feverishly rutted onto the bed, his cute muffled whimpers against the sheets filling the room.
“Oh my god,”  you clasp a hand over your mouth in an attempt to hide your amusement, “You hump your bed?”
“S-shut up…” he barely says it over his cries, teeth biting down on his lips.
You pout mockingly. “What if I don’t wanna?”
He looks at you through his tear-stained lashes, hips still moving against his bed, “G-gonna fuck you—” your expression turns grim waiting for him to finish his sentence, “Like a bitch.” 
The audacity of the trembling grin on his face is enough reason for you to reach for your phone from your purse. “What are you doing?” 
You don’t care to respond, pressing the red button—three, two, one, and record. What? You weren’t going to do anything with it, you just wanted to tease him a little bit, get him to feel a little too much shame to bite back.
He seems to catch on to what you were doing pretty quickly, it’s not like you were discreet about it— holding your phone horizontally in front of your face. “Beomie, don’t you feel disgusting for liking your best friend’s crush?” you narrate loud enough for the recording, and he only whimpers, burying his face into the sheets of the bed.
You're surprised he responds. “I l-liked you first—hnng–” his voice is muffled, barely understood through his moans.
“Oh really? Too bad I only fuck good boys like Soobin and not misbehaving ones like Beomie…” you taunt.
“No, no, no!” he cries out, shaking his head uncontrollably, tears staining his cheeks, “Am gonna be a good boy, gonna be a good boy I—” he chokes momentarily on his incoherent sob, hiccuping as hips don’t relent, moving on their own, “I promise, I promise.”
 You stand up from the chair, slowly nearing his feverish figure. 
You’re grateful you decided to get closer, everything was in a lot more detail, his restrained moans magnified to your ears. “Is the little pup crying?” you mock again, making sure to push your phone’s camera in front of his teary face. Which gets the waterfall to run down even faster, he was so so humiliated. 
You grab his hair with one hand and he cries out when you forcefully pull his head back—at least to get a better view. “Pup is drooling so much, aw…” 
He was—light trickles of saliva were seeping from the corner of his lips down to under his cheek. “God, you get like this when thinking of my pussy? Guess I’d have to give it to you huh…"
You almost laugh when he moves his head on his own, nodding profusely like a dumb bitch. “Pathetic.” You let go of his sweaty hair almost in disgust, his head falling onto the mattress with a final exasperated whine, his hips slowing—finally crashing down. 
You tilt your head curiously, before rolling your eyes and taking it upon yourself to turn over his limp body, getting his fucked-out face on camera, and another treat—his dick. White semen was spurting out the poor swollen cock of his, staining his shirt. It was a cute sight, almost too cute you decided that you might actually look over this video back at your dorm.
You gently raise his shirt up to his chest, which was rising then falling, trying to catch his breath. You almost coo at the reveal of his pink nubs, pouting. “Aw, look. Beomie’s nipples are sensitive.” You rub one nipple with your fingertip, getting the boy to flutter his wet lashes open, letting out a sigh of pleasure, his body getting worked up once more. 
It’s a shame you have to turn off your phone, tossing it to the side of the bed, but it was restraining you, the loss of capturing Beomgyu’s moans for a longer period doesn’t linger.
“You like this?” you say, pinching his nipples and he gasps, mouth hanging open, throwing his arms over his forehead as he nods. “Yeah? Wanna see your face.” He shakes his head, and you twist. A shriek comes from him this time, hand still covering half his face.
You click your tongue, disapproval of his noncompliance, and shove your thumb in his watering mouth. Pressing down on his tongue, you meant for it to be a punishment, but like a pervert, he starts sucking on it. You’d never say this to anyone aloud, you’d never admit how you felt your panties uncomfortably sticking to your pussy at the sight of him drooling over your thumb, sucking so earnestly. 
Fortunately, the thumb gets his arms off his face, as his hand reach down. Your eyes trail, and widen seeing that he was jerking off. 
“You're such a whore. Acting all high and mighty but you get off from sucking a thumb?” you mutter lowly, hand still playing with his bud. He shakes his head dumbly, his words muffled and slurred as he tries to rebut. You don’t let him, pressing down his throat, making him gag, tears gathering up in his eyes again.
You pull your thumb out which is now wet with his spit. Your upper lip quirks up at the warmth. “Ugh, disgusting.” you whine, wiping your thumb on the boy's face. It was his spit anyway.
He squirms, still rapidly going up and down on his length as his glossy eyes fixed on yours. His lips tremble before he stutters out, “Am I—am I doing good for y-you?"
Beomgyu was adorable when he chased after your approval, so you couldn’t help but throw him a bone to feed off of. You part his hair, the ones sticking to forehead because of sweat, giving him a small nod. “Doing so good Beomie,” you purr.
That sets him off, his pace quickening. “C-cumming, cumming—” he blabbers, mind hazed as strained moans pour out his mouth, his dick slapping his tummy, coating it with his cum.
You take a quick second to rake your eyes over the boy's state until you conclude the end— the fun is over. Awe. You couldn’t even get yourself off. You reach for your phone, before getting up to the chair you left your purse on. “Clean yourself up. You don't want Soobin finding you like this.” you comment absentmindedly— turning to look at him again is a mistake.
Beomgyu was jerking off his softened dick, for whatever reason. Your eyes widen, panic seeping in your tone. “Beomgyu, what the hell? Stop it! You’re overstimulating yourself!”
He shakes his head, "Want you to call me Beomie." You peer at him, the boy frantically going up and down on his shaft until finally getting his dick hard again, tip swollen red. Poor boy.
His hand rakes up to flick at his nipples, holding eye contact, and you furrow your eyebrows. What was he doing exactly?
It doesn’t take long for you to find out. “W-want you to fuck me, wanna make you feel good.” he slurs, barely breathing through his moans, mouth hung open dumbly.
You could refuse and berate him, you could make fun of him…but truth be told, your pussy sucked into nothingness at the sight of Beomgyu looking like such a mess. “Want me to fuck you?” you ask. Beomgyu is shameless enough to nod profusely. You now know you had to work on your self control because in no time, your panties drop down to the floor, as you waste no time to walk over to Beomgyu and climb on top of him swiftly. Whatever, you could excuse this by saying you were just giving him what he wanted.
Before sinking down on his dick, you spit a few times on your palm, impatiently palming his shaft, coating it with your saliva, earning you a groan from the boy under you. 
You were right about Beomgyu overstimulating himself a little too much because his eyes roll to the back of his head the moment your flush of skin connects. "Can't talk now can you?" you breathe out, fucking yourself with his dick. 
"Hm, you're so pretty like this, using your mouth to shut up," you pull out your breast quickly out of the neckline of your dress, stuffing Beomgyu’s mouth with your nipple. He immediately starts sucking, even as you’re sure he was completely out, "...And suck my tits like a stupid baby."
You gasp when he bites down on your sensitive nipple, and his hips buck forward, your pace getting faster on his dick. Suddenly, you feel his cock pulsate, and warmth shoots up inside of you. 
Well, shit. “Fuck! You stupid pervert, did you just cum inside me? Fuck, so disgusting…” you groan, slapping his bare chest as you yourself attempt to reach your own orgasm, your pussy contracting around his dick.
Finally it crashes down, your chest heaving trying to catch your own breath. You’re a damn second before berating Beomgyu for cumming inside you but he had his eyes half open, mouth separating from your nipple before he gave you a shaky smile—and then just like that, he was out cold.
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2nd a/n: lowkey thinking of a part 2 where mc ends up dating soobin but still fucks around with beomgyu from time to time lol just humiliating the fuck out of him bcs hes desperate for some pussy
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atinystaypixie · 1 year
Talk to Me
Warning: Pussy slaps (we love those), unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it), sexual content nun too crazy it's sex
18+ MDNI!!
Ony walked into your shared bedroom to see your figure tangled in the sheets. He knew you weren't sleeping which gave him the confirmation that you still weren't in a good mood. On a normal night, if you had gone to lay down before him you would turn to greet him to the warmth of the bed with open arms ready to cuddle. However, tonight wasn't a normal night. You had been giving him attitude all day which eventually led to an argument between you two.  Ony was trying his hardest to understand why you were upset to begin with, but you wouldn't take the time to explain. Instead, you decided to give him a "fuck it, I don't even want to talk about it anymore," and storming off.
You weren't one to express your emotions easily and Ony was always understanding of that. He was one to take his time with you and maintain clear communication. It was part of the reason you loved him so much. You felt bad for acting this way but putting your thoughts into words was harder than having an unjustified attitude. 
"Baby," you hear the handsome man call out to you as you feel the weight of the bed sink. He is now sitting behind your back. "Baby, I can't know what's wrong unless you tell me. I've been trying, but I can't figure out what's making you so upset." He says in a soft voice still trying to be gentle and patient with you. 
Again, he is met with silence from your side. Now he lightly shakes your shoulder and you respond with a shrug strong enough to throw his hand off of you. This causes the man to become agitated, that patience that you valued so much running thin. He had been at this with you for hours. After all the space and room he gave you to voice your problems, the man didn't know what else to do with you.
"Ma, Imma give you five seconds to fix yourself before I do." The way his voice dropped an octave caused your breathing to still for a second. The second being too long because you felt his weight disappear from behind you. All too quickly, Ony snatched the cover off and wrapped his hand around your ankle. Your world suddenly speeding as he drugged you to the edge of the bed and sat you up. Curling his finger around your chin and staring directly in your face as he now stood in front of you shirtless with only his sweats on. The intensity of his close proximity makes you avoid his deep glare. He didn't appreciate you not looking him in the eyes causing him to tug your chin before speaking. "Look at me," you shyly met his glaze making him hum in appreciation at your obedience. "This gone be the last time I ask you so don't make me repeat myself. What. Is. Your. Problem?" He punctuated every word to get his point across that he wasn't playing with you.
You start mumbling your response, making him cut you off. Pulling closer to you so that his mouth was directly to your ear and his cheek was pressed to yours, "nah. Nah. Speak up like you did earlier when you lost your mind and cursed at me, baby". Your bottom lip started to tremble, “Daddy,” you whine almost inaudibly. Ony let out a small laugh in a breath of air before pulling back to look you in the eyes and dropping his slight smile. “That was yo chance, ma.”
Ony removed his hand from your face to wrap both arms around your thighs and move you to the center of the bed. He spread your pretty, chocolate thighs giving him access to your clothed pussy. “All day, ma. Chance after chance. Yet you still acting up on me for,” suddenly you felt a sharp slap straight between your legs, “nothing!” Ony finished his sentence harshly after he delivered the slap to your pussy. You tried to pull your legs closed but failed due to his large frame being there, “Daddy, wait-” another slap given to your clothed cunt stopped you from finishing your sentence. “Nah, you didn’t want to talk, remember. Keep doing what you was doing. I don’t want to hear it right now.” Ony slapped your pussy three more times before moving to take your booty shorts off revealing your bare pussy to him. You weren’t wearing panties which gave him the sight of your slick starting to spill from your aching cunt.
He rubbed his thumb down your slit then around your folds spreading your arousal. “Giving me attitude for nun then get wet for me? Cute.” This time Ony gave repeated slaps to your exposed clit making you whine in pleasure and pain. He reached his hand that was now covered in your juices and stuck his fingers in your mouth. You started sucking them as he rubbed them on your tongue holding eye contact with you. “That’s my good girl. Why couldn’t you be like this all day?” He removes his fingers and shoves his ring and middle finger into your dripping hole letting his palm stimulate your clit as he roughly rubs your insides. You grab his wrist trying to slow his actions which causes him to take your hand and pin it above your head. “Move, baby. I haven’t even started with you yet so just take it like a big girl.” He says soothingly, the opposite of the assault he is doing on your leaking cunt. Your voice sounds throughout the room as you moan out from the pleasure he is giving you. Squeezing around his fingers, juices dripping down to the bed. Orgasm nearing you start speaking,”Daddy! Baby, please. I’m going to cum.” That’s enough for Ony to halt his actions and lick your wetness off his fingers.
“You’ll talk for that, huh?” He says unamused. He goes to remove your shirt admiring your brown skin, the perkiness of your breast, and your slightly darker, erect nipples. He runs his large hands up and down your sides to sooth you after the ruined orgasm before bringing one hand to the back of your neck and giving you a kiss for the first time tonight. It’s nasty. Tongue on tongue, saliva swapping, smacking sounds. It’s got you drunk off of him, so drunk you almost don’t hear him say “open your mouth, ma”.  When you do, he grabs your throat and spits into your mouth. He starts kissing you again then trails down to your neck sucking and biting at the skin. Ony takes one of your nipples in between his fingers and squeezes it causing you to throw your head back giving him more access to your neck. Your mouth hangs open letting out gasps and moans which Ony takes notice of. “Oh? Now you can open your mouth? Good, let’s put it to use.” He removes his sweats and leans against the headboard with you now infront of him. Dick hard with a slight curve, vein running down the side, and precum dripping from the tip.
He moves your goddess locs hanging in your face behind your ear and runs his thumb over your bottom lip. In his other hand, he grabs his hard dick and strokes it a couple of times, making you drool at the sight. Ony knows the look in your eyes all too well. You’ve never been one to resist his cock. He bites his lip as he slides his leaking tip over your lips before parting them and slowly guiding the head in. You happily wrap your lips around him excited to have him on your tongue. He pulls back out before pushing your head down on his cock completely. Taking a moment to enjoy the warmness and pulsing of your throat as it adjusts to his intrusion, Ony moans and lovingly rubs your cheek. “Yea, baby. This is a much better use for your mouth.” 
After a moment, he pulls your head off of him and watches as your saliva strands disconnect from him. Ony moves you to lay on your back and aligns himself with your pussy. Rubbing his dick between your wet slit causing you both to moan. Your hips moving against his seeking the pleasure he always gives just to be met with a strong hand stopping your movements as he continues to tease you. “You’ll get what I give you. Closed mouths don’t get fed, but you ain’t never heard that obviously.” He taps the heavy member against your bud and slides it to your opening. Circling the entrance and pushing just the tip in making you suck in a breath. He grabs your legs and puts one over his shoulder and pushes the other one open. 
“You gone start talking now?” He asks starting to feed you slow, deep thrust. Pushing all the way in and pulling almost completely out before starting again. “Come on pretty girl. Tell Daddy what’s wrong.” He kisses your ankle keeping his rhythm, making your brain foggy. You try to speak but it comes out scrambled due to him hitting your deepest parts and being able to feel every inch of him. “Fuck, bae. Please!” Was your response, only focused on being split open by his dick. It wasn’t what he was looking for. Speeding up his strokes, watching you say incomprehensible sentences Ony presses his weight to you and grabs your hands. You squeal out at the way you can feel him rubbing at your sweet spots even more at this angle. He interlocks your fingers and talks with his lips brushing against yours, “come on, ma. Talk to me.”
He suddenly starts giving you harsh thrust. Rough enough that your body jerks and the bed shakes. You can feel him everywhere. Against your lips, between your fingers, pelvis to clit, walls to dick, and his large frame wrapped between your legs. The stimulation is too much. You can’t help but to squeeze around him and squirt, wetting his abdomen and the sheets. He pauses, “now you just pissing me off.”
Ony pulls out and flips you on your stomach with your ass up and face down. He doesn’t give warning, just sliding back in and giving quick, mean strokes. He brings his hands down, slapping both of your ass cheeks at the same time. You’re screaming into the sheets now due to overstimulation. Ony is merciless. Tired of pleading with you and patience gone. He reaches around to rub at your puffy clit causing you to try to move away. He pulls you back, “stay fucking still.” He doesn’t care to hear you begging him to slow down. The only thing he cares about is when he hears your broken rushed out sentence, “missed you!” 
He pulls you up to him, back to chest, “what was that, mamas?” He questions slowly his thrust slightly giving you room to speak. “I just missed you, Daddy. Just wanted your attention.” He turns your head and captures your lips. He smiles and says, “there you go baby. Keep talking to me.” He starts to speed his thrust up again making you moan as you speak, “Just needed - shit- just needed you. Missed ahh spending time with you.” You feel another orgasm approaching, “please let me cum, Ony” you plead with him.
“Go head, ma. I’m right behind you.” He kisses you through your orgasm. Your cum leaking down his shaft as he fills up your clenching hole. Ony lay you both on your sides without pulling out. “I’m sorry, ma. I didn’t know you felt that. You know I would have made more time for you in a heartbeat.”
“I know, baby. I just felt clingy and didn’t want to annoy you.” The man had been working more lately and you were feeling the effects of the extra time spent away from him.
He kisses your cheek and tightens his hold on you, “don’t ever think you annoy me baby. I love you in every way possible. Next time just talk to me.”
Thoughts of a Slutty Virgin - 🧚🏽‍♀️
This was longer than I expected. Ending was bleh. Tbh i didn't even know what was gone happen next
Pixie's Masterlist
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eeveebitches · 1 year
movie. || Roman Roy || smut
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Pairing: Sub!Roman Roy x F!Reader
Summary: Roman wants you to stop watching a movie and pay attention to him, so he goes about it the best way he can think of.
Word count: 1.812
18+ only! More under the cut
Warning(s): SMUT, aka 18+ only! Sub Roman, oral sex (f receiving) praise kink, coming untouched/in pants
A/n: based on a request i got!! tysm for the inspo :)) my requests are also still open!
You're watching a movie when he comes in.
Grin wide, eyes tired and hair messed up beyond relief. He jingles the spare keys you gave him in the air, spotting you on the couch. "Got in with our key," he says matter-of-factly as he throws his shoes off, walking over to you.
Ever since you gave Roman a spare key to your home, he's been visiting you with no warning. It's not the fact that he was growing co-dependent on your time that piqued your interest, though. It's always been how he refers to the key.
He used to just say 'the spare key', clearly tense as he struggled to find comfort in his intrusion. Then it became 'your key', which he said with the tiniest smile. When he started calling it 'my key' you would fight back a grin. He was clearly indulging himself with this.
What the implication of this new 'our key' situation is, you have no idea. Better to keep it unspoken, like you two usually do.
"What're you doing?" You only look away from the screen for a second to watch him walk over to you, before returning your attention to the screen. "Watching a movie," you tell him rather dryly. He lets out a huff, plopping himself next to you on the couch. "Well, I'm here now, so screw your movie." 
His hand shoots to snatch the TV remote away from you, but before he can do so, you yank it away. "The movie is almost done, just watch it with me or something," you mumble out, transfixed on the riveting plot in front of you.
"So what, your shitty B-roll movie trumps quality time with the number one bachelor of America?" You don't even respond this time, you simply keep your eyes on the movie. Roman groans, head dramatically falling back as he stares up into the ceiling. "What am I even supposed to do while you melt your brain with numbing media consumption?"
Again, no reply. Just a meager shrug. 
Roman, at first, wants to glare at you. Maybe smack your arm, then go to your kitchen and purposefully make a shit ton of noise, so you're forced to stand up and pay attention to him. But as he stares at you, he can't help but notice a small amount of red lace peaking from under your sweatpants.
Then a much better idea to get your attention pops up.
Wordlessly, he removes himself from the couch and instead kneels down in front of you, hands awkwardly resting on your thighs as he stares up at you. "Uhh, what're you doing, Romes?"
"G'na eat you out," he plainly tells you, lips twitching up into a smirk. "Roman, have you ever given anyone head?"
He shrugs, hands slowly pulling your sweatpants down. You do wanna finish this movie, but you're also curious to see where this goes, so you help him by slightly lifting yourself up, so he can properly remove them. "No, but I'm like Leonardo Davinci, naturally talented and amazingly hot. I can do this easily," he states with confidence that is clearly a facade.
Roman's pupils are dilated as he stares at your lacy red panties. His hands shake as he pushes your legs apart, giving him better access. You hum with intrigue, giving his hair a quick pet before yet again focusing yourself on the movie. "Whatever you say, Davinci."
You weren't expecting him to start out with a kiss atop of your underwear. It's awkward, yet sweet, which you reward with another stroke of his hair. The air is tense as he slowly moves your panties to the side, and ever-so-slowly, he dips in.
With a sharpened tongue he experimentally licks the inside of your folds. You shiver at the sensation, keeping your hand casually rested on his head. For a moment there's nothing, before Roman's head turns up to look at you.
You flush at the sight of him looking up from you like that, eyes wide and unknowing as he's kneeling in between your thighs. His obedience is like second nature to him, and in moments like these you revel in it.
"Can you, like, give me a tiny hint on what to do? Or else I'm just gonna bite your clit off," he huffs, face already reddened.
"Try flattening your tongue a bit, for one. Just take your time, Romes."
And that he does.
Carefully, he laps at your folds. Places his hands back on your thighs, keeping them open as his eyes flutter shut. Just as suddenly as he got on his knees for you, he places his entire mouth on you, roughly sucking on your cunt. You gasp at the sensation, hand clutching at his hair as he suctions onto you.
The groan he lets out as he tastes you is guttural, like he was a man starved and you were his last supper. As he removes himself from you with a sinful 'pop', he lets out an airy laugh. "Jesus, this is, uh... fuck," he whispers out before delving right back in, madly licking and sucking wherever he can reach.
He can't stop himself from letting one of his hands drop from your thighs, using it to palm at his growing hardness. "Shit Romes, you're doing good," you groan, struggling to pay attention to the movie when Roman's tongue is a single movement away from circling your clit.
"Only f'r you," he desperately gasps out, only taking a second to get air back before focusing his full attention on the small bundle of nerves he's finally located. He isn't as hesitant as you would've thought he'd be-- he wastes no time roughly sucking on your clit, shamelessly moaning as he feels you twitch and writhe from his touch.
"Fuck, you're doing so good baby, keep doing that." You grab a handful of his hair and forcefully pull him closer. He moans pathetically at the movement, at the way he's suffocating in your juices. 
The wet noises he's making are absolutely sinful, and if it wasn't for his relentless mouth you would've joked about his eating manners. His mouth and nose are shiny with your wetness, and he pays it no mind, drilling his tongue inside of you without a care in the world. "W'na please you," he moans against you, his own hips stuttering as he stops palming himself, cock painfully restrained in his dress pants.
"You're such a good boy for me, Roman, you're doing so fucking good." His eyes screw shut as he groans against your clit, the vibrations leaving you to gasp for air. It's all just too much, the pleasure combined with the desperate noises he's letting out sending you into cloud nine.
He whines at your every noise and your every word. It's like his heart is going to burst out of his chest, and when you yank at his hair he can't hold himself back. With a muffled groan he releases his load, only slightly faltering in his pace before continuing to practically torture your pussy.
"My sweet pup, eating me out so well, so proud of you," you moan with a fistful of his hair in your hand, only half-aware of Roman's own predicament. Your words of praise alone are overstimulating, but he can't stop himself from lapping up your juices.
He pulls away for a moment, gasping for air as he looks at you, face glistening.  "You're so fucking wet, I just w'na live here," he groans out, before roughly sucking on your clit.
You don't know if it's the hungry moans he keeps letting out or the blinding pleasure he's giving you that pushes you over the edge. Thousands of blinding white stars cover your vision as your entire body stiffens, a gargled moan escaping your throat as you push Roman's entire face into you one last time. 
He moans against your slick cunt, weakly lapping at you as you slowly come down. Even when you whine at the overstimulation of it all, he keeps at it, tongue busying itself with cleaning you up. For a moment you think you can even hear him gulp, whining as you try to pry him off of you.
Reluctantly, he pulls away, carrying a serene expression. With lidded eyes he looks up at you, and the question he asks almost makes you cum again on the spot.
"Did I do good for you?"
You let out an airy chuckle. "Yeah, you did."
Roman groans as he stands up, and only now you see the dark stain at the front of his pants. "Oh my god, did you?--"
"Shut up, yes." You giggle as he awkwardly stands up to place a small kiss on your lips. Your hand shoots to grab the back of his neck, deepening the kiss, and you hum as you taste yourself on his tongue. He moans into your mouth, a sound you happily swallow before pulling away. "You did very good, Roman. Didn't realize you're a total perv for giving oral," you hum out as he waddles yo your bathroom. 
"And I didn't realize you were a total slut for it," he retorts, keeping the bathroom door open as you hear him shuffling out of his pants. "Where's my shit?" 
You pull your panties up, but simply remove your sweatpants, before walking over to your bedroom and quickly fishing out a fresh pair of pants, a shirt and some boxers for him. The amount of times he's made someone drop off fresh clothes for him to your apartment has caused an influx of items for him to wear when he's with you.
With a light grin you walk towards the bathroom, handing Roman his things as you sit on the closed toilet seat. "I'm happy you were able to enjoy yourself, too."
Roman shrugs. "Yeah, I mean, I ruined my fucking pants, but it was also fucking hot." 
"You win some, you lose some," you hum as you watch him remove his blouse and replace it with the shirt. "You should definitely let me do that again, by the way. Just-- ask whenever you want a real man to make you cum," he mumbles out, avoiding the eye contact you're trying to make with the mirror he's in front of. 
"You're just saying that because you're a total pussy-loving freak, aren't you?" He groans at your words as he finishes dressing himself, walking out of the bathroom with you in tow. You chuckle at the TV-- the credits are rolling. "Can you please not say kinky shit to me, my dick is in recovery mode right now, thanks."
The two of you plop onto the couch, legs tangling as you grab the remote and put on a show the two of you usually watch together. "Seriously though," Roman suddenly pipes up,
"you taste really good."
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End - Chosen: Part 2
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When I remember the game, I mostly remember the outfits. The frills and ornate designs. In another life, I adored them. Now? They disgust me.
They disgust me because I know EXACTLY what it takes to make each and every dress the heroine so thoughtlessly runs through. Flinging herself through mud and climbing up trees in the name of be "plucky". Tearing them for bandages, as though she is not a SAINT with the power of the very GODS at her finger tips. All manner of so called "cute" actions that... that in reality?
Are thoughtless.
Needlessly, cruelly thoughtless.
It takes months to make even a single one of those dresses. Months. Heavy magic is involved. They defy gravity, are delicate and soft in ways no normal cloth could ever BE. The jewels on them? Ha. You think those came from earthly mines? Who could AFFORD that? No one. Not a single soul.
I once worked on some. For the daughter of a Duke. Awkward little thing. In turns, arrogant and insecure. More lonely then anything else. I was the first girl her age that WASN'T trying to use her for family or stab her in the back. It flustered her terribly. She kept coming up with reasons the dress "wasn't right" just so she could delay having to go home.
Never did admit to wanting to be friends.
But she DID graciously allow me to send her letters. Visit, on occasion.
I... I truely hope she made it out alive, when her Dukedom fell. Her family guarded the western front for generations. She was so stubborn. I... I doubt she fled. But in my heart? I hope she did.
I hope she was selfish.
Everyone else gets to be. That BITCH, gets to be. So why not her? Why not that insecure child? Bratty and bold? Why not Cordelia, who only ever wanted to make her bastard of a father proud? Why... w-why not me?
My anger isn't gone, when I open my eyes. But my exhaustion and sorrow are far stronger. I can't feel my magic. It would be a suprise too. What fool, after all, captures a Mage then let's them keep their access? Even a mouse is dangerous, given enough time, as the saying goes. And I was no mouse.
I hang in a remarkably pretty room, for a dungeon. My arms do not even strain. I suspect I am partially floating. Not enough for leverage, but enough that my weight is not hanging from my arms. I am merely anchored by them. It has the added benefit, I suspect, of keeping me from using the floor to aid in any escape plans.
There is a comfortable chair placed in front of where I hang. Ominous. Is my suffering going to be a show then? Some amusement? They'll be disappointed. I refuse to give them the satisfaction. I know people break. But I'll bite my tongue long befo-
My dark musings are cut off, by the quite sound of a door opening on well oiled hinges into a dead silent room. The crisp step of a powerful man, assured of his place, his path. The door is behind me, yet I already know who has just entered the room. Fear, rage, and confusion have already SEARED that scent into my brain. I will die knowing it.
I grit my teeth and refuse to acknowledge him.
"Awake and already in quite the mood, I see. Understandable, I suppose, Grandlearner." The MONSTER who has me, muses, his voice terribly pleasant. "You were in quite the wretched state. Still are, unfortunately, but we will be fixing that."
I want to hiss like a cat. It is beneath me. Would probably do nothing but amuse him. But I suddenly understand the animal more then I ever have before. If he gets near me, I will BITE. I swear to the very gods I DISPISE. I will do it!
He strolls into my field of vision holding a silver serving tray. Little dishes of finger foods. I have a sinking suspicion but immediately shove it away. No. No, it is probably for him. The tray is placed upon a side table, next to the chair. He hasn't looked at me directly yet. Merely fussing as though hosting a guest.
He stands up, finished. Turns. And SMILES.
The fear I have been so desperately trying to control breaks from of my desperate hands. I jerk back in the chains, as far as I am able. Cold sweat beading up across my skin. I can't run. Even if I could, this close? I'd never make it. But primal instincts do not listen to reason. Run, run, RUN! It HOWLS in my brain.
There has never been a more dangerous man.
He is not even threatening me.
He's just not hiding.
He hums, amused as I shake. Gentle steps forward. Gloved hands I can not escape. They cup my face as my lungs feel like they are burning with panic. Brain certain he is moments from tightening his grip, brutally, and snapping my neck. It never comes. His hands dangerously gentle. Stroking my cheeks possessively.
"Look at you... so malnourished. Barely trained at all. My poor Grandlearner," he all but sighs, as though he is looking at the proof of some great crime. Some failing against him. "Look how useless that boy has been. Dropping you in battlefields to do his job for him, while he goes panting after children a fraction his age. A lecherous failure at every turn. More a temple's dog then a mage."
The air has slowly turned to burning ice, as he grows angrier. But his eye flicks down to meet mine, no longer staring through me, but AT me. And his smile warms. It is a manic, mad man's warmth. Like the burning of a city. He slides his hands down to cup my neck, cradle my head. I freeze. Too afraid of the hands on my neck to protest as he leans forward to press a kiss to my forhead.
"Mmmm, but enough of that. No more bad thoughts. Let us focus on the now. You, my dear child, need to eat. And I have so much to LEARN about you! So many years lost between us. I have brought several dishes for you to try."
An incredulous laugh found itself trapped in my throat. Is he serious? He has me chained up like a trophy, has BUTCHERED my men, unknown intentions towards me, and he... what? Wants me to eat adorable little snacky treats?
He is completely serious.
And, I find out, has no problem forcing me to open my mouth. If I "can not behave myself", that is. I see, all to clearly, what his plan is. Stockholm Syndrome. Brainwashing. But... but being AWARE of something does not stop it from WORKING on you. How long can I hold out?
Longer then this cycle? Will he remember, as I do? Try to find me again? I don't know. Without my magic, I can not fight the fear. Even with my magic... he is the dragon to my ant. I can not even hope to match my Master, much less HIS Master. And the legendary Arch-Mage of Red? It would be easier to drain a lake with a spoon. Move a desert handful by handful.
Hands that have slaughtered countless, card themselves through my hair, as I am once again forced to eat some little decadence that tastes like ash and ruin on my tounge.
"See? Isn't this so much better?" He croons, too close and triumphant. A mockery of doting grandfather's everwhere. "With Grandmaster here, you'll never have worry about a thing. We'll correct your training, get you back where your supposed to be, and together? Fix this broken world. Be GODS. You'll be such a shining little God, sweet one. Spring, perhaps? We can pick the domain you want together~"
"I'll help you kill them. Take their heart and devour it. Then? Nothing will ever be able to take you from me ever again. No, not ever, ever again."
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xoioel · 1 year
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parings: Momo x Reader
genre: SMUT
warnings: SMUT, Fluff, cunt smacking, g!p Momo, breeding, mommy kink, spanking, spiting in mouth, mean momo??, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it yall)
summary; You haven’t getting the attention you need and now your giving momo a attitude
note: Momo is soo fucking hot like ifykyk, im soo down bad for her like yall don’t understand. I was front row at the MetLife Concert and She waved at me!!
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You weren't one to express your emotions easily and Momo was always understanding of that. She was one to take her time with you and maintain clear communication. It was part of the reason you loved her so much. You felt bad for acting this way but putting your thoughts into words was harder than having an unjustified attitude.
"Baby," you hear the beautiful woman call out to you as you feel the weight of the bed sink. She is now sitting behind your back. "Baby, I can't know what's wrong unless you tell me. I've been trying, but I can't figure out what's making you so upset." She says in a soft voice still trying to be gentle and patient with you.
Again, she is met with silence from your side. Now she lightly shakes your shoulder and you respond with a shrug strong enough to throw her hand off of you. “Leave me the fuck alone bitch, just let me the fuck be” You say to her not even thinking before you ran your mouth. This causes the girl to become agitated, that patience that you valued so much running thin. She had been at this with you for hours. After all the space and room she gave you to voice your problems, the girl didn't know what else to do with you.
"Y/n, Imma give you five seconds to fix yourself before I do." The way her voice dropped an octave caused your breathing to still for a second. The second being too long because you felt her weight disappear from behind you. All too quickly, Momo snatched the cover off and wrapped her hand around your ankle. Your world suddenly speeding as she dragged you to the edge of the bed and sat you up. Curling her finger around your chin and staring directly in your face as she now stood in front of you shirtless with only her bra and shorts on.
The intensity of her close proximity makes you avoid her deep glare. She didn't appreciate you not looking her in the eyes causing her to tug your chin before speaking. "Look at me," you shyly met her glaze making her hum in appreciation at your obedience. "This gone be the last time I ask you so don't make me repeat myself. What. Is. Your. Problem?" She punctuated every word to get her point across that she wasn't playing with you.
You start mumbling your response, making her cut you off. Pulling closer to you so that her mouth was directly to your ear and her cheek was pressed to yours, "Nan. Nah. Speak up like you did earlier when you lost your mind and cursed at me, baby". Your bottom lip started to tremble, “Mommy,” you whine almost inaudibly. Momo let out a small laugh in a breath of air before pulling back to look you in the eyes and dropping her slight smile. “That was yo chance, love.”
Momo removed her hand from your face to wrap both arms around your thighs and move you to the center of the bed. She spread your pretty, chocolate thighs giving her access to your clothed pussy. “All day, Love. Chance after chance. Yet you still acting up on me for,” suddenly you felt a sharp slap straight between your legs, “nothing!” Momo finished her sentence harshly after she delivered the slap to your pussy. You tried to pull your legs closed but failed due to her harsh hold on your leg.
“Mommy , wait-” another slap given to your clothed cunt stopped you from finishing your sentence. “Nah, you didn’t want to talk, remember. Keep doing what you was doing. I don’t want to hear it right now.” Momo slapped your pussy three more times before moving to take your booty shorts off revealing your bare pussy to her. You weren’t wearing panties which gave her the sight of your slick starting to spill from your aching cunt.
She rubbed her thumb down your slit then around your folds spreading your arousal. “Giving me attitude for nothing then get wet for me? Cute.” This time Momo gave repeated slaps to your exposed clit making you whine in pleasure and pain. She reached her hand that was now covered in your juices and stuck her fingers in your mouth. You started sucking them as she rubbed them on your tongue holding eye contact with you.
“That’s my good girl. Why couldn’t you be like this all day?” She removes her fingers and shoves her ring and middle finger into your dripping hole letting her palm stimulate your clit as she roughly rubs your insides. You grab her wrist trying to slow her actions which causes her to take your hand and pin it above your head.
“Move, baby. I haven’t even started with you yet so just take it like a big girl.” She says soothingly, the opposite of the assault shes is doing on your leaking cunt. Your voice sounds throughout the room as you moan out from the pleasure she is giving you. Squeezing around her fingers, juices dripping down to the bed. Orgasm nearing you start speaking, “Mommy! Baby, please. I’m going to cum.” That’s enough for Momo to halt her actions and lick your wetness off her fingers.
“You’ll talk for that, huh?” She says unamused. She goes to remove your shirt admiring your brown skin, the perkiness of your breast, and your slightly darker, erect nipples. She runs her hands up and down your sides to sooth you after the ruined orgasm before bringing one hand to the back of your neck and giving you a kiss for the first time tonight. It’s nasty. Tongue on tongue, saliva swapping, smacking sounds. It’s got you drunk off of her, so drunk you almost don’t hear her say “open your mouth, slut”. When you do, she grabs your throat and spits into your mouth. She starts kissing you again then trails down to your neck sucking and biting at the skin.
Momo moves your boho braids hanging in your face behind your ear and runs her thumb over your bottom lip. In her other hand, she grabs her hard dick and strokes it a couple of times, making you drool at the sight. Momo knows the look in your eyes all too well. You’ve never been one to resist her cock. She bites her lip as she slides her leaking tip over your lips before parting them and slowly guiding the head in.
You happily wrap your lips around her excited to have her on your tongue. She pulls back out before pushing your head down on her cock completely. Taking a moment to enjoy the warmness and pulsing of your throat as it adjusts to her intrusion, Momo moans and lovingly rubs your cheek. “Yea, baby. This is a much better use for your mouth.”
After a moment, she pulls your head off of her and watches as your saliva strands disconnect from him. Momo moves you to lay on your back and aligns herself with your pussy. Rubbing her dick between your wet slit causing you both to moan. Your hips moving against her seeking the pleasure she always gives just to be met with a hand stopping your movements as she continues to tease you. “You’ll get what I give you. Closed mouths don’t get fed, but you ain’t never heard that obviously.” She taps her heavy cock against your bud and slides it to your opening. Circling the entrance and pushing just the tip in making you suck in a breath. She grabs your legs and puts one over her shoulder and pushes the other one open.
“You gone start talking now?” She asks starting to feed you slow, deep thrust. Pushing all the way in and pulling almost completely out before starting again. “Come on pretty girl. Tell mommy what’s wrong.” She kisses your ankle keeping her rhythm, making your brain foggy. You try to speak but it comes out scrambled due to her hitting your deepest parts and being able to feel every inch of her. “Fuck, bae. Please!” Was your response, only focused on being split open by her dick. It wasn’t what she was looking for.
Speeding up her strokes, watching you say incomprehensible sentences Momo presses her weight to you and grabs your hands. You squeal out at the way you can feel her rubbing at your sweet spots even more at this angle. She interlocks your fingers and talks with her lips brushing against yours, “Come on, princess talk to me.”
She suddenly starts giving you harsh thrust. Rough enough that your body jerks and the bed shakes. You can feel her everywhere. Against your lips, between your fingers, pelvis to clit, walls to dick, and her sexy body wrapped between your legs. The stimulation is too much. You can’t help but to squeeze around her and squirt, wetting her abdomen and the sheets. She pauses, “Now you just pissed me off.”
Momo pulls out and flips you on your stomach with your ass up and face down. She doesn’t give warning, just sliding back in and giving quick, mean strokes. She brings her hands down, slapping both of your ass cheeks at the same time. You’re screaming into the sheets now due to overstimulation. Momo is merciless. Tired of pleading with you and patience gone. She reaches around to rub at your puffy clit causing you to try to move away. She pulls you back, “stay fucking still.” She doesn’t care to hear you begging her to slow down. The only thing she cares about is when she hears your broken rushed out sentence, “Missed you!”
She pulls you up to her, back to chest, “what was that, Mamas?” She questions slowly her thrust slightly giving you room to speak. “I just missed you, Mommy~. Just wanted your attention.” She turns your head and captures your lips. She smiles and says, “There you go baby. Keep talking to me.” She starts to speed her thrust up again making you moan as you speak, “Just needed - shit- just needed you. Missed ahh~ spending time with you.” You feel another orgasm approaching, “Please let me cum, Mommy~” you plead with her.
“Go head, pretty girl. I’m right behind you.” She kisses you through your orgasm. Your cum leaking down her cock as she fills up your clenching hole. Momo lays you both on your sides without pulling out. “I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t know you felt that. You know I would have made more time for you in a heartbeat.”
“I know, baby. I just felt clingy and didn’t want to annoy you.” The manager had been working you more lately and you were feeling the effects of the extra time spent away from her. She kisses your cheek and tightens her hold on you, “Don’t ever think you annoy me baby. I love you in every way possible. Next time just talk to me.”
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© xoioel — do not copy, translate, or share my work.
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yjwhatif · 2 years
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In case you can’t read my horrible writing…
We may have been denied seeing everyone in wedding attire but we did get to see everyone in their funeral attire which is pretty cool - there’s always something fun about seeing everyone in different clothes from usual... Even if it is for the unfortunate event of a funeral.
THE RUNAWAYS ARE HERE! You know the first thing I noticed about this shot was that Ed was in it… who scrubs up very nicely I might add… though he and Asami clearly had their growth spurts between the end of s2 and Wallys funeral because they were the smallies of the group and are now towering over previous tallie Tye! It genuinely makes me so happy that they’re all here - they really didn’t need to be given they hadn’t been associated with the heroes very long or know Wally beyond being kid flash, but the fact that they did go to the funeral is so compassionate and respectful - I love it!
Are Dinah's eyes on Bart? If they are, that's a really cool detail that I am obsessed with... Though, I don't know if they actually are, both her and Ollie seem to be looking more in the direction of Red tornado or something off panel... Which is more of an odd choice that I can't quite interpret... That being said, Dinah looking at Bart shows a need to check on him and acknowledge he may not be alright, out of everyone who she knows will definitely be struggling - Artemis, Dick, the other OGs, the rest of wally's family - and yet her focus is on the new kid from the future who would probably down play how affected he is by wally's loss... She's clearly tuned in on more than he'd want anyone to see... There's no hiding from Black Canary!
My boy Bart needs a hug right now! He looks so sad and isolated from everyone despite being surrounded by so many people - his chair is pulled away from iris's, disconnecting him from the other flashfam, there's probably guilt/imposter syndrome at being included with all wally's close family when he's only been around for a few months - obviously he does deserve to be there but I feel like he’d much prefer to be at the back and out of the way that front row. He’s looking at nothing/the ground - lost in his own thoughts/memories of past losses, his posture is hunched as he tries to make himself as small as possible - probably not wanting to be noticed or acknowledged in any way… basically he needs a hug! Also it is always wrong seeing Bart separated from Ed and Jaime - boy needs his besties!
Like when Artemis was “killed”, Conner’s natural response is to be angry before tearful, which I actually quite like - grief shows itself in different ways and it’s just as valid a response… it’s also interesting to see how M’gann is focusing on Conner, aware of how hurt he will be but not trying to physically connect/comfort him as they are still broken up at this point and maybe doesn’t want to overstep.
Perdita can’t even look at the tomb stone, possibly trying to hold back her tears.
Artemis, Dick and Kaldur’s reactions are all heartbreaking - Artemis is clearly trying to hold it together but is on the brink of completely breaking down while her mum, Barbara and Brucely crowd around her. Dick is full on sobbing - which is something we’ve never seen him do and shows just how affected he was by Wallys loss - his closest friend and confidant was gone. Then there’s Kaldur, who isn’t actually showing much visible reaction - which is very Kaldur - holding in whatever emotions he may definitely be feeling because he doesn’t want to access that side of himself… it’s interesting that dick and Kaldur seem to have opposite overall grief responses - dick broke down immediately then proceeded to disconnect from dealing with his feelings over s3, while Kaldur avoided dealing with his built up negative feelings from the beginning and has only just put his effort into working through his grief.
I like the idea that Garth is looking at Kaldur (though it may actually be that he’s looking at Artemis or Dick - a lot of the eye lines are difficult to properly pinpoint) If it is Kaldur he’s looking at, then that shows hes thinking about him and checking in on him - they were good friends once - and while they may not be as close anymore, Garth’s focus on him illustrates that he still cares and understands that Kaldur probably isn’t okay.
There is so much emotion coming from Dick/Artemis/Mrs. West that it’s attracting the attentions of Denny, Karen and Roy… maybe even Red Tornado and Jaime as well. I love seeing who people are looking at!
It genuinely threw me for at least 10 seconds as to which batkid was between Bruce and Cassie… and then I remembered when this was set and that it’s obviously Tim (🤦‍♀️)… though he does look remarkably similar to s1 Dick Grayson.
La’gaan is looking very suave in that outfit… though also very upset which is really heartbreaking!
Poor uncle Dudley - could everyone not just shuffle over a little bit so he could be fully in the shot?
It’s cool to finally see Freddy for the first time, who, as pointed out by someone on Twitter, is actually sat on plastic man as a chair - which is ridiculously brilliant - I did think it was an odd colour scheme for the chair to have compared to everyone else’s!
Love Alfred keeping a watchful eye on everyone at the back.
I did not expect this to be what Hawkman looks like under the mask!
Let’s talk Dr. Fate… Mr. ‘Doesn’t-Care-About-Anyone-Else’ being at Wally’s funeral is so powerful and one of my favourite things about this shot - this is a choice Nabu is making which shows respect for someone he had a brief connection with previously… also, he’s not fully visible so it could be no one else actually knows he’s there which plays into their assumption that he doesn’t care about anyone - but him being there shows there is some level of care/compassion. I really do find Nabu to be such a fascinating character in this show!
And those are my current thoughts on this shot - I think it’s absolutely brilliant and I’m so glad we go to see it! RIP Wally.
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duelistkingdom · 5 days
i can feel you all around me
Summary: she's not gone. she's still there. in the life stream.
Rating: T
Ships: Tifa Lockhart/Aerith Gainsborough
Author’s note: written for @sapphic-september with the prompt of "undead" and also partly for @millenniumpuzzle. hope i did your girls justice. aerith is technically dead in this but also in theory she isn't.
read on ao3 / support me on kofi (battle city & up supporters get early access) / join my discord (18+)
Tifa swore she'd been here before, but her mind was blanking on when. She felt too serene, but something was tamping her emotions down, leaving her unable to react. Her mind could sense something wrong, and yet whatever was impacting her made it difficult to care. The contradictions were annoying. She felt like she needed to rest, actually. Just let whatever was ensnaring her take her away. Aerith was here too, and so inviting. She was smiling, like nothing was wrong. "Tifa," she said, and oh, she liked the way Aerith said her name. "It's good to see you again."
Except... no. This wasn't right, was it? Her mind was sluggish, trying to figure out what was so wrong about this scenario. Aerith smiling at her was fine - she did that all time. It hit her just a little too late. "We're in the lifestream," Tifa said, immediately looking around. It'd been obvious - Mako surrounded them. How had it eluded her? Whatever the reason, Tifa didn't like it. "We need to get out of here."
"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," Aerith said with a laugh. "Don't you remember what happened?"
Her stomach lurched as it all came rushing back: Aerith had died. And yet here she was, standing in front of her, fully alive. The two realities didn't make sense. Tifa knew there was only one way any of this made sense, but it wasn't an option she was quite willing to accept. Still, she had to ask. "Am I... dreaming?"
Aerith tilted her head thoughtfully, and Tifa recognized that look. It was the "it's complicated" expression - one that she wore whenever she was trying to best think of a way to explain any given situation. "Well, you see, I think something happened when you also fell into the Mako," Aerith said, tapping her chin. She grinned, and laughed, shaking her head. "Then again, what do you think?"
"I think that..." Tifa paused, trying to piece together the information she had. She could smell flowers in the air - ones she didn't have names for. That wasn't something that happened when she dreamed. She reached to press her hand to Aerith's, and was shocked by the fact it felt fully solid. She could smell and feel here, so perhaps it wasn't entirely a dream. It couldn't be real, but it couldn't be just a dream. "We both fell into the Mako. Together." Aerith nodded, stepping closer. She could feel warmth radiating off her like she was still alive, and her stomach churned. "Am I... dead?"
"Don't think so," Aerith said, pressing a feather light kiss to her lips. The floral perfume ensnared Tifa for a moment, grinding all thoughts to a halt. She could catch a whiff of Aerith's shampoo, and her hair brushed against Tifa's shoulder. "Nope. Definitely still alive."
"But you're not," Tifa said, shaking her head. "I saw it happen. You died. I can't be here with you, and not dreaming. But... this isn't like any dream I've ever had. You're... I don't like this."
Aerith's eyes went wide, and she dropped Tifa's hand. She wished she could cram the words back into her mouth and have Aerith's hand back in hers again. It'd been too long since she'd gotten to hold her in her arms, and she was desperate for her touch. It didn't matter what the truth was if she could stay here with Aerith. "Don't you dare think about that," she scolded. Tifa looked back up at Aerith, stunned at the reaction. She seemed genuinely upset by something. "You can't stay here. You have to go at some point, you know."
"So this place is real then," she countered, her eyes wide. If this place was real, then she had to stay here with Aerith. There was no point in going back if it meant she could be with the love she'd lost too young. She made an accusatory point to Aerith as she said, "You know where we are, and you're not telling me. Why won't you tell me where we are?"
"As I just said: you can't stay here. Technically... you're not even supposed to be here," she said softly, before giving a big smile. The same big smile she gave whenever she was really upset about something but trying to be brave. "I have things to do here. You have things to do before you can come back here. Tell Cloud to not be so miserable all the time for me, okay? And tell Zack... tell Zack I'm sorry I couldn't meet up with him."
It was too late that Tifa realized where they were, and that her time here was running out. She could hear her name being called by a frightened Cloud, even if she couldn't see him. Tifa rushed forward to give Aerith one last desperate kiss - one last kiss to last a lifetime - as she woke up to stare into a pair of Mako colored eyes that were not Cloud's. "Aerith wanted to tell you she's sorry."
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ambertrulife · 6 months
So, it's a deal then ? - Hazbin Hotel AU
Hey ! New story I writed ! It's in the same timeline that my other storie, but you can read it without knowing them ! Please enjoyed !
WARNING : This text is for mature audience. Nothing explicit but mention to sexual attraction and other sensuality. We're talking about Angel after all !
Lucifer watched his daughter and Angel laughing as they splashed water on each other. It was a hot day in the Hell, and the activity Charlie had proposed to further their redemption was to make a garden. This required patience, seriousness, kindness and perseverance. The Princess of the Hell had said that they also had some land, so it wouldn't be a problem to set it up. Each day, one person would be assigned to look after the garden. This would add responsibility and cooperation, which she felt were essential if they want to gain access to Paradise.
The truth, Lucifer knew, was that she wanted to do a few things outside the hotel in the heat. If everyone had understood this, no one had told her anything.
Vaggie and Adam were turning over the stony soil, while Husk and Nifty were removing the stones as they went along. Charlie and Angel, for their part, were starting to plant the seeds they had chosen and watering them copiously. At one point, Charlie had spilled water on herself while talking to Vaggie. Angel had teased her gently, telling her that she didn't need to "get wet" any more by looking at her girlfriend. Charlie had then innocently poured her watering can over Angel's hair. And so the battle began.
Lucifer was away from the group, sitting on a bench, watching them enjoy themselves. In particular, he was watching Angel Dust. The young man's face was radiant as he enjoyed himself with his daughter, a far cry from the sensual mask he wore in public outside the hotel. He seemed serene and teasing, yet respectful towards his friends. He'd come a long way since Lucifer moved into the hotel a month ago. It had been... odd for the angel to see any good in God's creation, Omnes to his friends. It had condemned him to suffer the consequences of his actions, to see only the bad in the freedom he had granted mankind. For a long time, he had lost all desire to fight and had shut himself away in his guilt, but his daughter had given him a tiny but valiant hope. He hated himself for clinging to it so tightly, but he couldn't help it, as he once had when he was the one on the front line.
He took a breath to banish these ramblings and concentrate on Pornstar. Based on what he knew of winners, at least the definition they'd had before he'd been ejected from Paradise, then Angel fit the criteria. Compared to what his daughter thought, you didn't have to be perfect to pass St Peter. Lucifer looked pained. One day he'd have to explain to his daughter how it all worked.
He shook his head: still! Angel fit the profile for going to Heaven. The question was: why hadn't anything turned up yet? There had to be a glitch somewhere.
Suddenly, a telephone rang and Angel stopped playing. In a panic, he reached into his pocket for the phone and looked at the screen. A dejected expression appeared on his face. Charlie gazed at him gently and compassionately.
"It's been a month since he called you," she said as she placed a hand on one of his arms.
Angel turned to her with a false smile on his lips.
"Don't worry, Dollface!" he said as he backed away from her touch. "That just means vacation's over!"
He looked at his phone again and, with almost imploring eyes, said to Charlie:
"Gotta go."
He then quickly took a long stride away as he answered.
When he saw his daughter so sad, Lucifer stood up and approached her. He laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Is everything all right, sweety?" he asked. She gave him a saddened look.
"It's nothing, Dad," she replied. "It's just that I'm sad I can't help him more."
"What do you mean?" questioned the angel. "What's going on?"
Charlie frowned, watching him as if he were mocking her. Then the realization struck her with an expression of surprise.
"Oh, yeah!" she exclaimed "You don't know! The person who just called him is Valentino, his boss."
Lucifer nodded. "And? They're not on good terms?"
Charlie seemed surprised, then laughed a little.
"I'm sorry!" she apologized when she saw her father's hurt expression. "It's that I forget you haven't been involved in the affairs of your kingdom for a long time."
Nice way of saying never, he thought. But he didn't look up.
"So, who is this Valentino?" he asked.
"An Overlord." replied his daughter. "He possesses Angel's soul."
Lucifer remained silent, then frowned.
"He's quite free to be chained up," he declared, puzzled.
"He negotiated his contract well," sighed Charlie. "He's totally owned only in the studio. He's free to have a life outside."
The angel nodded in understanding: he didn't know this Valentino, but he couldn't have been very powerful. A sinner with a lot of strength would have drawn up a much stricter contract to give himself more power. Or else, he wasn't very clever or impulsive.
Suddenly, a click occurred in his mind. Angel ... this was the reason why nothing had happened, potentially. Wobbly or not, the deal was there, binding him to the Hell! So he wasn't "pure".
Lucifer ran a hand over his chin. His brain was firing. If Pornstar really wanted access to redemption, then this contract would have to go. However, it wasn't a simple matter, really. He didn't have many options open to him to release Angel from his obligations.
He didn't move when his daughter told him she was going to continue working. A plan was beginning to form in his mind.
Angel was exhausted and aching all over. The bondage ties were hurting him and his position was not pleasant. They had been shooting various scenes for hours, chaining them together at breakneck speed. Valentino had told him he had some catching up to do and would work two days in a row if necessary. Pornstar was exhausted, both mentally and physically. It was torture, a real punishment.
He'd always enjoyed pleasuring himself, whether through sex or drugs. Feeling high, even beyond his body, gave him a sense of ecstasy that evaporated almost immediately. When he was on Earth, he'd told himself that if he wanted to live fully fulfilled, then he'd have to find a way to always be high or fucking. He couldn't do it, his Mafia family wouldn't let him, with their "don't touch the merchandise" rules. When he finally died of an overdose after being held too long, he vowed to live his life as he saw fit. Valentino saw the opportunity and Angel threw himself body and soul into this Hell.
He still loved sex and drugs. But this? What he experienced every time he walked into that damn studio? No, he didn't like it. It wasn't what he wanted, but it was too late now.
One of the guys who was supposed to fuck him pulled on the ties to straighten him out. Angel was shaped like a wheel, his wrists tied to his ankles, his legs spread to give access to his private parts. He was sausage-like in this curved position, which was causing his back a lot of pain. He wanted to wince in pain, but a glance to the side dissuaded him.
Valentino was sitting in his director's chair. He watched him in detail as he smoked with his cigarette holder, pink smoke wafting around him. Those eyes, hidden behind those dark glasses, ordered him to play along, on pain of reprisal. He had no choice. He closed his eyes to prepare to resume shooting. The director was about to say action when suddenly the sound of the studio door resounded instead of a voice.
"Hell-o everyone!" exclaimed someone whose tone was familiar to Angel.
He glanced towards the entrance, as did most of the people in the room, and paled as cries of surprise echoed around.
Lucifer stood there in his handsome white suit and top hat. His cane with the apple at the end twirled in his fingers as he strode into the room, looking around.
"Nice decor, really!" he exclaimed. "Nice outfit!" he said to a thong-clad sinner "You're right, in this heat, you might as well be of the least pomp!" He turned to a totally naked sinner: "Nice nudity! It suits you perfectly!"
He soon reached the stage. He leaned on his cane as he looked at the décor: a BDSM room with lots of mirrors. He rested his eyes on Angel for a few seconds, then quickly turned them away to look in the direction of the chairs.
"So who's the conductor?" he asked, cheerfully.
Valentino then stood up and, from the height of his stature, detailed the little King with amusement.
"It's me, Your Majesty," he said in a suave voice as he brought his hand to one of Lucifer's, bending down as if to kiss his hand. Lucifer anticipated the move and shook his hand firmly.
"I really like your productions!" he exclaimed. He walked over to Valentino's chair and sat on it, in a relaxed but regal pose. "I've come to see the magic at work!"
The butterfly demon had a fierce expression on his face, but the angel didn't even seem intrigued. He was still looking at him with angelic eyes, a sincere smile on his lips. If Angel hadn't seen that expression a thousand times when Alastor and Lucifer were arguing, he could almost believe the King was innocent. This was far from the case. He had clearly shown his dominance.
"Are you fond of my movies?" asked Valentino, his tone of voice unchanged, despite his apparent annoyance.
"Oh yes! I especially like: "To fuck or not to be fucked." ! The suspense of whether he'll get to ejaculate is exhilarating!"
Angel winced and turned his head to avoid anyone seeing his blush. It was all in vain with the mirrors everywhere. Knowing that Lucifer had seen the studio's less-than-popular movie bothered him. He was his friend's father, after all.
"Oh, you know it?" asked Valentino. Angel could see in the mirror that he seemed flattered, anger giving way to pride. "My most philosophical film! Inspired by Hamelet, as you may have noticed."
"Subtle, indeed." said the King with admiration in his tone. Similarly, if Angel hadn't known the character, he would have thought he was sincere. But he was clearly mocking Valentino. No one seemed to notice. "But with his own message! Really clever!"
"So, you've come to see my upcoming movie?" questioned Valentino as he turned the director away from his seat to sit next to Lucifer.
"I'd love to see how you direct the actors and shoot the sets," enthused Charlie's father. "I love magic and movie is not something I've mastered! It would be an honor to see how you do it."
Valentino was clearly won over and intoxicated by the compliments.
"You may stay, Your Highness." he said simply, in a sensual, enticing voice. "I'd be delighted to show you the steps involved in editing the images."
Angel sent a shiver down his spine and couldn't help looking directly at Lucifer. His voice... Oh, for fuck's sake. It was beyond the pale. It had awakened a desire so deep within him that it was devouring him, as if suddenly an irresistible craving infiltrated his soul and spread to every nook and cranny, touching the most remote and far-flung parts that even he didn't know existed. It simply wasn't human.
Everyone in the room seemed to be in the same state as Angel, especially Valentino, who looked at Lucifer with eyes filled with lustful appetite. The King had a much softer, more inviting gaze, and an almost innocent smile that made him look candid. This added to the desire that was now flowing through the veins of everyone in the room.
"You know," Lucifer finally said, in a subjective tone. "You're good at enhancing the body and transcribing ecstasy. But you know what? There's a little something missing from your productions."
With his cane, he tenderly stroked the butterfly demon's chin. Angel saw a shiver run through Valentino's body.
"Lust." whispered the King, still in the same voice. "I could teach you the secrets of carnal pleasure and debauchery. Secrets that only Asmodeus himself knows."
The Overlord swallowed and bit his lip.
"I could become your producer," proposed Lucifer, gently sliding his cane across Valentino's neck. "You'd have the approval of the King of Hell and gain in power, while I'd gain in popularity."
Lucifer rested his pupils on the butterfly demon's neck, before languidly moving his gaze up to the Overlord's myopic eyes.
"It's win-win, isn't it, Val?"
"Yes." growled the butterfly in a voice dark with desire.
Angel noticed a gleam light up in Charlie's father's eyes, and he held out his hand to Valentino. The Pornstar watched the scene with curiosity, although his mind was slightly foggy. Strangely enough, he felt he was missing something, and that hand ... why did Lucifer's hand look so powerful?
"So, is it a deal then ?" asked the Devil.
The Overlord, totally hypnotized, directed one of his hands towards the outstretched hand of the King of Hell. Just as they were about to make contact, the sound of a television being switched on was heard, and Vox violently ejected Valentino's hand from Lucifer's grasp.
"Your Majesty!" exclaimed the TV demon, positioning himself between the butterfly demon and the King of Hell. "It's an honor to see you on our premises! You arrived unannounced, no one saw you come in! Rest assured, if that had been the case, you would have been welcomed like a King!"
Lucifer looked frustrated.
"And you are?" he asked, pointing at him with his cane.
"Vox, Your Highness!" replied the latter, bowing. "But you must have heard of me, since you know Valentino?"
Lucifer blinked in confusion, then laughed.
"Yes, of course!" he exclaimed. "There are three of you, aren't there? The Vees?"
"Perfectly," agreed the moving TV. "We've joined forces to provide Hell with entertainment worthy of their interest."
"Good idea!" enthused Lucifer, but with much less enthusiasm than before.
"That's why you'll forgive me this little interruption!" continued Vox, jerking Valentino to his feet. "Your proposal is appreciable, but you'll understand that we'll have to discuss it amongst ourselves, won't we?"
The butterfly demon seemed completely confused, lost in thought, as if he'd just come out of an enchantment. Vox shook him a little before pushing him further into the room.
"Make yourselves at home!" exclaimed the TV demon. "We'll be right back!"
"Of course." whispered Lucifer as the two Overlords moved away.
Angel watched the scene with interest. He tried to pick up the pieces and see what was playing out before his eyes. He felt he was missing a vital piece of information, but he was having trouble concentrating. Like Valentino, he felt foggy, as if he'd been on drugs (which he hadn't been for a while). He watched Lucifer, his chin in his hand, as Vox and Valentino chatted in hushed but passionate tones.
Finally, Charlie's father laid eyes on Angel and another gleam appeared in those pupils. So he got up and approached the actors at bed level. He passed like a snake between the guys surrounding Angel and ended up in front of the Pornstar. The spider looked at the angel with an expression of absolute embarrassment. He was embarrassed that someone from the Hotel should see him in this state. His pupils landed in those of the King, who raised an eyebrow and turned his head towards one of the actors.
"So, is this what gets you youngsters hard?" he asked. "A little puppy tied to a tree looking at you with a puppy dog look?"
He pouted disapprovingly as he turned his attention back to Angel, who shivered. His gaze was powerful, domineering and self-assured, yet his expression was relaxed and suggestive. He rested his cane on Angel's knee.
"You know what gives me a hard-on?" questioned Lucifer.
He began to very slowly slide his cane over the Pornstar's thigh, offering him enough contact to feel his presence but not enough to be entirely satisfying. He groaned as the King began to speak again, in the same voice he'd used with Valentino.
"It's seeing desire develop in your partner's body. To feel, without even having to touch, the curves undulating beneath you clamoring for attention with insatiable hunger. Just with your voice, to provoke a lust so great that the pleas were while, on your side, you try to keep buried inside you that ball of lust that grows as your senses awaken and make you notice the smallest details, the slightest smells, the slightest ripples in the air, that make your mind open to the whole universe and amplify the orgasm you're about to have."
As he spoke, the cane floated down to Angel's private parts. Angel was on the verge of exploding, not understanding what was happening. All he wanted was Lucifer. He wanted to beg him to go further, to offer him everything he had, if only to have more than he was giving him. He didn't care that he was the King of Hell. He didn't care that he was Charlie's father. He didn't care that he'd ever seen him in a red onesie with a duck-covered yellow apron and dolphin slippers, hair tousled into antennae on his head and drool dripping from the edge of his mouth. Right now, all he wanted was his body inside him. He set his eyes on Lucifer's, who wasn't looking at him. He seemed to be observing one of the mirrors.
He was about to beg when, suddenly, the touch on his skin disappeared. Lucifer lost all glamour and, with a buffoonish grin, nudged the actor closest to him.
"But hey!" he exclaimed, "what do I know? Not like I de-flowered the world's first virgin!"
He paused for a few seconds to think.
"And the second, come to think of it," he finally said before shrugging. "Anyway, I'll leave you to your work!"
He walked quietly away towards the exit.
"Hey"A digital voice called out to him. Angel saw Lucifer turn to Vox who, next to Valentino, had an indecipherable expression on his face. "See you in three days at noon for a business lunch."
The King smiles.
"With pleasure," replied the angel, before disappearing into one of the portals.
The Pornstar suddenly realized that Vox had just invited the Devil to his table.
Angel was in his room, lying in bed, Fat Nuggets in his arms. When he'd returned to the hotel, he'd feigned a headache and headed for his sanctuary. He was stroking his pig, still reeling from what had happened.
He'd just seen Lucifer in action. Not fighting, not revealing his angelic power, but truly as the Original Sinner. It had taken Anthony several hours to realize what had happened: the King of Hell had almost made a contract with Valentino using his demonic powers. When Vox had stepped in and tried to regain control of the situation, Lucifer had used his charms on Angel to draw the Overlords' attention and make them reconsider his proposal.
The spider couldn't understand why the angel had done it. What did he have to gain by making a contract with the Vees? He'd talked about popularity. Was that the reason?
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door. He raised his head to look at it. It must have been Husk bringing him a drink. It was his little habit when he felt Angel had a bad day. His heart filled with affection for the cat demon.
"Enter!" he said, straightening up on his bed to greet the bartender. His surprise was complete when he saw someone much smaller enter the room.
Lucifer stood there, drink in hand, and looked at him with an apologetic smile. He was still wearing his suit, but his top hat had disappeared somewhere in the Hotel.
"Hey." he said. He handed him the glass. It was one of the drinks Husk made for him when he needed it most.
The sinner hesitated for a few moments before finally taking the drink. He didn't think he was in any danger, but in all honesty, he wasn't too sure. His thoughts seemed to show on his face as Lucifer sighed before sitting down cross-legged on the floor.
"I wanted to clarify the situation," said the King at last.
"That you used me to try to get the Vees in your pocket?" quipped Angel. "No need to explain, man, I get it."
The angel frowned but smiled all the same.
"Yeah, that's why I want to talk with you. Because clearly, you haven't understood," he declared calmly.
"Oh, because I'm too stupid for that, huh?" scoffed the sinner. "I saw you wanted to make a deal with Valentino, you know?"
"It's true," confirmed Lucifer. "I wanted to make a contract with that moron. And if the other TV head hadn't intervened, then I'd have achieved my objective."
"Your goal?" questioned Angel. "To have Valentino's porn network to gain popularity?"
"So I can cancel your deal," declared the King.
Angel's eyes widened in surprise and he dropped his glass. It crashed to the floor with a crystalline sound, the alcohol spilling onto the carpet. He placed his hands around his body, as if to protect himself.
"You can't do that," he said, simply.
"Of course I can," Lucifer sighed. "It's just a matter of having the right contract closures. If he'd shaken my hand then as producer, all decisions would have fallen to me, including whether or not to keep an actor."
The spider looked at him without understanding. No, without wanting to understand.
"I would have forced Valentino to tear up whatever connects you," Lucifer sighed, running a hand over his face. "Frankly, it would have been easy if that square-headed cocksucker hadn't interfered."
Angel wanted to cry. He'd just realized how close he'd come to being free. To no longer having a chain on his wrist. He looked at the angel.
"And you couldn't have just killed him?" he asked. Lucifer gave him a knowing look.
"No," he replied. "Unfortunately, a contract has to be terminated by the person who initiated it. If the person dies, then it's over. The parties are doomed to follow them to the end. You never get out of an agreement."
The sinner rubbed his head as tears finally rolled down those cheeks. Good God, what had he done? This was even worse than he'd thought.
"Why are you doing this?" said the spider in a trembling voice. Lucifer stared at him. "Why do you want to free me?"
The King of Hell closed his eyes. His features were desolate.
"If redemption exists," says Lucifer, "then you'll never be entitled to it as long as you have a contract."
Angel burst into tears. He felt more and more trapped as the discussion went on. He'd got himself into a real mess. Then, unexpectedly, he felt an embrace take his head and place it gently on his chest. The Devil had just stood up and hugged him, caressing his hair as he did his daughter's.
"Shh." he said, softly, tenderly "Don't worry, kid. I got this."
Angel let himself go in the embrace. It was so warm, so welcoming, so frank, a far cry from what he'd felt earlier in the day, when he'd caressed him with his cane.
Ironically, he much preferred this contact to the old one.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Cannot Not Love (Maglor x Reader)
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Pairing: Maglor x Reader
AN: Just wanted to feel that angst before I go slep slep. Really no plot but just angst to appease the mellow gods of Tumblr. This is inspired by a show that I have binged the entire day today :)) So now it's your problem :))))
Summary: "You cannot do this. You cannot continue loving him at this cost. At your cost. You cannot force him to love you."
Warning: Two very depresso people.
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"You all claim that this is a scheme," you turn around to face your sisters. Who stare at you with pity in their eyes. "That the Feanorian aims to use me to gain access to a world he left ages ago, but there is nothing there. You claim that he wants to regain his lost status through me." You pause, you try to reign your bubblings frustration, your traitorous thoughts that you would not dare say out loud but all fails.
Your heart has burst open from all the pain that has accumulated for so long."It was me," you tell your sisters. "I sought him, he did not seek me. I did not care for my injured feet, for my family, for my dignity, for my duties when I heard his song. I wandered, looking for him like a crazed elleth. But he…he did not even look at me. He did not care enough to acknowledge my presence," the pain of Maglor's indifference blooms in front of your eyes.
"Even after all this time he did not...he did not look," your hands tangle into your messed up hair. You crouch into yourself. Trying to escape from the thrumming ache in your every pore. You try to escape it to no avail.
"He left. He considers me nothing, not a friend, nor an enemy. I am nothing to him," you support yourself on the chaise. "How could one taking advantage be so uncaring? If he wanted my father's wealth, our status, or even his past he could have used my appreciation for him." You would have let him. You would have given him everything.
But he does not need you. You are not good enough. "It's me. I am the one living in a dream where he cares for me."
You reminisce about the past where you loved him. Hidden deep in your heart, there has always been love. A secret affection for the one whose eyes never met yours. You should stop loving him. You should not care for his songs, his harp, his music, his reserved laughter, his pain but you can't help it. He is a part of you that you cannot abandon.
"Y/N, father would never approve of it. Not with a kin-slayer…" your sister shakes your shoulders as if waking you from a nightmare. "Maglor made a choice similar to the one he made back then. He does not love you, Y/N," her words pierce your heart, and it leaves you gasping for air.
"Think about our parents, us siblings, about yourself. Does our love fall short of his?" Your sister cups your face as she seats you on the chaise. Her hands untangle your fingers from your hair. "You cannot do this. You cannot continue loving him at this cost. At your cost. You cannot force him to love you."
"And what about forcing someone to not love?" Your sisters look ready to argue, but you continue. "Fine, then. I will not leave this room. I will live burning in this prison-like confinement, but neither you, father, nor Maglor can stop me from loving him." You have tried so hard but nothing has stopped you or your heart. The tears in your eyes make it harder to see the world. The noise of your own heartbeat drowns every other sound.
Your aggrieved hiccups and your sobs leave your throat tight and aching. I am not capable of not loving him." It is a confession laid bare in your broken voice. "I...I love him. That's all I can do."
In the end, you are left with a heart that still beats for him, even though you know it may never be reciprocated. You are a captive of your own emotions, bound by a love that refuses to release its hold on you.
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In the deep, unfrequented paths of the forest, Maglor finds himself with a harp and a song on his lips. His words blend into lyrics of a creation he does not seek yet he cannot stop. He sings with his eyes closed and rests his back against the grating bark of a tree.
Prancing deers, preening peacocks, nimble squirrels surround him with their own contributions to his song. It is peaceful, and for a fleeting moment, the pull of his oath, the call of the Silmarils, and the weight of guilt from his crimes dissipate into the embrace of nature's harmonies.
Yet, even in his music, there is a secret waiting to be revealed, a temptation lurking within his grasp. An incomplete scenery waiting to be completed by its painter. And when he finally opens his eyes, he finds you.
Standing in front of him, your hands stretched in an elegant posture, your feet moving to the rhythm of his song, your hair flying in the air like a cascade of silk. You dance, not for an audience, but for the pure joy of the moment, and it captivates him.
You pause gracefully when his song comes to an end, your eyes meeting his with an intensity that sends a shiver down his spine. There is something in your gaze that both draws him in and scares him the most.
An emotion so profound that Maglor cannot bring himself to bear it. He has always seen it in your eyes, ever-present, and it lingers even after all that has come to pass. Maybe that is why he cannot bring himself to confront it. He cannot fathom accepting a gift given so selflessly, for he believes he is unworthy of such pure affection.
As the echoes of his music fade, the forest seems to hold its breath, as if anticipating the moment that follows. You step closer to him, the distance between you narrowing with every heartbeat.
There is an unspoken understanding between you, a connection that transcends words. For a moment, time seems to stand still, and the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you.
He knows just the way your dance completes his song, the way his notes complete your steps. You both complete the incomplete in each other. He has known it for the longest time. And you have too.
There is not a single accusation in your eyes. No complaints about his actions, just him. He sees himself. Your delicate gown trails on the forest floor behind you, while your feet bleed onto the soil of Aman.
Blood has followed him here. Into your life. A reminder of his fate. A fate that would follow you. He cannot...the stage of your union with him remains untouched.
Maglor flees from the love that has knocked on his door. As he has done for all of your confessions. Unworthy, he is not worthy of accepting it as he was in the past.
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girlbob-boypants · 5 months
Climbs inside your inbox. And what if I want to hear about azure and rahas dynamic :3?
LMAO okok yeah fair I should've expected this.
Under the cut. This is a ramble.
So in the start of the Crystal Tower arc, Azure considers Graha to be something of a...petulant brat. Often reminding him of a child who thinks being given a job means they're a grownup now. Of course, this was back when Azure was MUCH quieter, so he said nothing. Just judged with his mean gay stare.
As their time in the Tower continues, Azure does warm up *slightly* to Raha. Since Azure is newer to studying magic than...literally everyone around him in this scenario, the two end up talking a lot. Especially since Azure has a crash course in Allagan magic that no one else has had access to yet (Ymhitra is still writing the research paper).
Raha is a giant dork so obviously he's enamored with the WoL the entire time (loser). Doesn't pick up on the fact that Azure doesn't particularly like him and that stubborn drive to be friendly is what gets Azure to warm up.
When Raha decides to give up his life to the tower to preserve it, Azure is...frankly offended. The Allagans deserve no such sacrifice, in his opinion, and for it to be done by someone with such a zest for life and a hard childhood infuriates him. He openly says "fuck their wishes." and calls them monsters/warmongers who have no right to make demands of anyone.
The last thing Raha heard from Azure was "You are a fool and an imbecile and I wash my hands of this." before the au ra stormed off.
Their dynamic at the start of SHB is JUST as one sided as it is in CT if not moreso. Because G'raha Tia is a fool and an imbecile and Azure wishes he could wash his hands of all this.
In truth, I think Raha would think Azure hates him and would hate him more if Azure knew the truth. And that's part of why the Exarch keeps his identity a secret.
Azure is so skilled at being cold and making a person feel judged. And the Exarch has been kidnapping his friends' souls and seemed to genuinely think approaching Azure like a friend would be fine.
But Raha can't help being enamored with how kind Azure is to other people. Particularly the twins. He's sweet and supportive and quick to protect people. A storybook hero, truly. And easy to romanticize.
It makes what Raha is asking Azure to do twist the knife in his gut that much more.
This will now get less thoughtful cause eepy and I've been rambling.
Their relationship picks up towards the end. They enjoy an old man/disabled moment sitting together. What with all that Crystal and Azure fucking. Dying. Raha has all sorts of feelings about Azure saying "I've always wondered what it'd be like to go on an adventure just for fun."
Post reveal and Emet defeat, the two actually start to talk. Azure apologizes. Graha apologizes. Azure tells Graha to keep apologizing, reminding him the list is quite long.
The Scions note how quickly the two seem to get along once Azure gets over his frustrations. They just...click well together.
Feelings turn romantic quickly, but nothing comes of it. The two share lingering touches.
Raha wishes Azure wasn't so...comfortable being in revealing clothes now.
Things become *actually* romantic at some point post return to the Source. Come sit in Azure's lap babygirl.
I'm skipping EW for now but Raha has to accept the fact that his new boyfriend comes with two teenage adopted children. Insert Yshtola laughing at the little family in front of her when Alisaie, Raha, and Azure are all reading with the first two falling asleep.
Ok enjoyyyyyyyyyy.
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fungal-wasted · 2 years
To know the wishes of a long gone bug. A messy character analysis of Leif.
I have absolutely nothing planned except a few ideas rotating on my brain, so, get comfortable, and let me rant to you about Leif from Bug Fables. Heavy spoilers for Leif's request. you're warned.
So let me begin this by asking, why do you think Leif refers to himself in plural? Is there only one answer? I don't mean to answer the question for sure, but to just illustrate a possibility.
We all know that Leif tends to use the royal we to refer to himself, ever since the start. Except in one scene. Once Team Snakemouth has uncovered the secrets of the laboratory, and they've beaten Zommoth, they witness recordings showing the cordycepsbeing discarded and taking Leif's body. For ease of writing this, I will refer to the entity uncovered as a "they".
The first time "Leif" breaks out of his speech pattern is to say "I am a failure".Then they proceed to explain what they have gathered. They were meant to be a Zommoth prototype, take a body and wield it to their will. Yet for reasons we do not know the details of, they failed to do so, being discarded. They did, however, end up attaching themself to a moth that had died in the area: Leif.
It is then explained that because of this, they were able to have access to Leif's memories: what he cared about, where he lived, who he was. And in this time, after so long, They are convinced that everything Leif has is now theirs. After all isn't that what they're meant to do? They take over the host body, they become it and pilot it to their will.
Except, in a way, their will is alligning with Leif's.
Well... they can't really know for sure, Leif is gone. But they see a world outside, they see people and causes he cared about, and once given an opportunity to discover it all, how could they deny their wish to look for it? Leif was caught in a situation that ended his life, but... if someone could do fulfill all he had left to do, if someone knew him better than anyone could from the outside, why would they not try to honor him?
But how can yoou know for sure? And that's a question that can't be truly answered.
I think, when we read "we" from "Leif of Team Snakemouth", what we see is this new entity, who knows deep down it's not Leif, but who knows what he did and who wants to do the right thing, speaking for both. They can't really replace him, this knowledge is dreadful, and yet, it's the best they can do. They can't be apart, or what's left of Leif is going to be gone. What's left of themself is going to be gone, too.
And they both want to live, because they have both found a reason to stay.
Vi and Kabbu are so important in this journey too. They met "Leif of Team Snakemouth", and they like that bug. This Leif isn't even pretending anything. They follow what they would do, based on what Leif has left for them, and all the new experiences they have. But it's still a difficult position to be in because they have... simply taken Leif's place.
Vi and Kabbu are accepting of this situation. They never met the moth that died in Snakemouth, but they know the one who... who became their friend. To them, that is Leif.
And yet for the Leif in front of them, it's harder to reconcile. What they have left is to honor Leif. See what he would have liked to see, do what he would have liked to do, and maybe, one day, give his family the closure they need.
This Leif is now two wills, that have found a way to stick together. The old Leif has started a story, that the New Leif is resuming. And now, knowing the truth and seeing the acceptance of friends, Leif can move on. He can be himself, be both of them, be someone that made it out of the cave.
I think in the end, knowing the truth means that st least on some level, they can stop feeling like they're tricking everyone else. They can be Leif, this new bug that made it out of Snakemouth, and they can honor Leif, the moth that scouted so long ago.
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I think I just finished writing the most emotionally cathartic piece of writing I have ever put myself through?
I have made myself genuinely upset.
The lengths I went through to twist kind words into something that serves a religious viewpoint more than the tangible person right in front of you someone is claiming to want to help.
It sucks that I feel like I have to outgrow my first creative expressions created while coming out as trans.
But I can't help but see Dungeons and Dragons and 1st Edition Pathfinder as incredibly fucked up settings that there is just no place for me to really feel like I can express myself unless I am burning those settings to the ground.
There is just... something so much better beyond the next few pages that I will write.
Fuck who is right or wrong.
Fuck who is likely to live or die.
I want you to focus instead on how the most expressive these characters will ever be is when they have chosen violence.
I love Astraea dearly. But I have contextualized her words in such a way that you should probably hate her right now.
And yet this next chapter is going to show her in the state where she is most euphoric.
Cerya deserves a better world than the one I have confined her to.
But this is the one she has and is willing to fight for.
I probably deserve to be charging more than $2 with the way the country I am living in is headed.
But I'll be fine.
I'll fucking deal with it and thrive within oppressive systems like I always have.
It's probably so much of why Ayre speaks to me.
Anyway, the next three week's chapters are available for early access only on my patreon. Everything else is available on Scribblehub or available via pdf and epub on the Patreon.
My stories will forever remain free in some form or another. Even if the sites I post them on go poof, I'll find some way to share them with the world because this is what brings me the most joy to spend my time doing.
If I did not have to slave away to prop up Capifalism under the penalty of being denied food, hosing, and meds, I would do nothing but write epic fantasy create art for queer people who defy categorization to find themselves in.
Being a patron for early chapters is all I feel comfortable asking for.
What I want more than anything else is to know what my writing meant something to people.
And already I have seen a few absolutely share my vision.
Ayre is my miserable would-be-machiavellian Vampire Prince who shares a body with their Dead Sister that has given them incredible body dysphoria.
Surrounding themselves with moon elves, foxkin, dolls with limited agency, and a succubus, Ayre is the character I am using to work through finding self worth and reasons to build trust with other people even when in an environment that demands you diminish and compromise who you are.
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Gerudo Sun x (M) Reader
A slightly edited version of the commission I finished yesterday, featuring Gerudo Sun. Idk.
This isn't smut. But there's some suggestive stuff in here for reasons. More romance comedy than anything else.
A simple chest made of processed palm, decorated with the royal insignia. Inside it awaits a range of potential gifts; from armor, to food, to clothes. Though the gift itself remains undiscovered by virtue of the tightly locked lid, for sake of it's protection.
None but its desired recipient are allowed to access the contents of the chest.
No one outside of the gift giver and the recipient were allowed to know the contents of the chest.
And thus it remained tightly locked until the room was empty and secure, so that no prying eyes could behold whatever it was that resided inside.
The only two to remain were the Golden Gerudo Knight and the visiting Hylian Knight. Otherwise known as the one who had given the gift, and the one who was meant to receive it.
None would dare intrude upon them now that the doors were shut. And none would be so brazen as to remain hidden in hopes of spying.
Prince Sun; the Golden Knight, might have had a gentle disposition about him, but he was not opposed to punishing those who dared to cross him.
With the room secured, the Hylian Knight set out to open his unexpectedly given gift.
For as unassuming as the chest itself was, there was no doubt something precious inside. Gifts given by royalty were rarely anything but expensive. Now it was just a matter of finding out what sort of unexpected, unsolicited luxury had been bestowed upon the visitor.
The Prince contently waits as the chest is opened. A soft, somewhat mischievous smile remains present on his features all the while.
The Hylian opens the chest.
For a moment, all seems well. He observes the item inside. Beautiful rose gold silk. The material is clearly of the highest quality and no doubt the product of a skilled seamstress.
At first, he assumes it to be traditional Voe clothing. Attire which is seldom made by virtue of the fact that male Gerudo are so rare.
If not expressly given permission by the Gerudo King, the male Hylian never would have been allowed to set foot in this place as is. So just being here is an honor in its own right.
It's only after lifting the material out of the chest to better observe it that he realizes what he's been given.
Not traditional Voe clothing at all. It's arguably not even traditional Vai clothing.
Unless Gerudo have their own traditional version of lingerie. Which this attire most definitely is.
The silken material is so sparse that it would hardly cover the better known aspects of the female anatomy, yet alone his more masculine parts.
Needless to say, the Hylian Knight finds himself frozen for a moment from the shock of it all.
He most certainly wasn't expecting this manner of gift. Especially not after having learned how infuriatingly oblivious the Prince is when it comes to flirting.
Weeks of failed flirting attempts and then this is how the Prince decides to display interest? With a gift of Gerudo lingerie to be opened in private and in front of him?
Well. Sun is nothing if not bold.
Though that revelation does not prevent the Hylian from blushing so intensely that his pale cheeks turn rosy pink.
He can't even bring himself to speak when he snaps his attention over to the Golden Knight. All that he can do is open and close his mouth repeatedly like a fish struggling to breathe.
The Prince offers a soft chuckle in response to his obviously flustered demeanor.
"So. It's come to my attention that you've been trying to seduce me for quite some time now~" Sun trills, his voice falling from his lips like sickeningly sweet honey. He then leans forward in his seat, his soft smile growing into a more obvious one as he does.
"I thought I'd make up for lost time and hand you your means of success~ As an apology for my incompetence and as an invitation to give it one more go." He adds, explaining why it is that he's up and given the other such suggestive attire.
The Hylian feels his cheeks burn brighter in response.
This was one hell of a way to confirm mutual interest.
"R-right now?!" The Hylian eventually manages to sputter out, having it just regained use of his tongue.
Sure, he wasn't against complying with this request. Some part of him was eager to try the clothes on, even if only to see what it looked like on him.
But it certainly caught him off guard to be given this request so brazenly and out of the blue.
The Prince readjusts himself in his seat so that he can rest more comfortably in it.
"Only if you're comfortable with it." He calmly replies.
"Let me make it clear. You're under no obligation. The clothes are a gift and they are yours to keep, regardless of if I ever get to see you in them. I respect you as another Knight and respect you further as a guest in my home." He explains, making it clear to the other that they were in no way being forced to go along with his request. He then shifts so that he can cross his legs.
"And I'll apologize now if I've overstepped. Moon was so kind as to point out that you've been trying to get my attention… But thinking on it now, perhaps I've been misinformed and came on too strong." He mutters, almost sounding annoyed with the idea that his brother might have given him inaccurate information.
Or perhaps he was upset with himself because he had jumped straight to such a high stakes show of infatuation in response.
When it came down to it, neither of the Princes were all that great at romance. Being Royalty in a virtually all female environment came with downsides. Among them being the inability to tell casual romantic gestures from the general care offered to them by their subjects.
They only ever noticed the more extreme of the advances, because they stood out in comparison. And as a result, Sun and Moon had likely come to believe that extravagant gifts and brazen offers were the norm.
Having finally found someone he's interested in courting in turn, he must be flustered in his own right now that he's realized that maybe he came on a little too strong.
Or much too strong.
He genuinely has no means of reference to compare to for the sake of figuring out how big of a blunder he has made.
The Hylian Knight honestly can't help but feel a little bad, given the context. Sun didn't mean any harm, he just genuinely didn't know how to be subtle when it came to romantics.
But the fact that he was reciprocating the feelings was a good enough start. And again, the Hylian had no issues with putting on the clothes.
Anything that came after would just be a bit up in the air. He genuinely wasn't sure as to how quickly he would be ready for that level of intimacy.
Sun's proposition would definitely move things along a lot faster than he was prepared for. So things were going to be a bit touch and go from this point onward.
The Hylian let out something of a shaky sigh.
"Can I… Put this on in private?" He tentatively asks.
Ultimately he wasn't even sure that he was allowed to make the request, despite what the Prince had said. He somehow felt like he was expected to disrobe and redress in front of them.
Though, that was most likely just the nervousness getting to him.
"Of course." Sun replies in kind. He then motions towards a doorway leading into another room. The doorway in question is covered by a pretty silk sheet, making it impossible to see what's on the other side.
"The washroom is through there." He states, easily explaining what the mystery room is.
That's all the Hylian needs to know to be convinced that that's where he should be if he wants to change. So he quickly but politely scurries off with his new clothes so that he can get changed.
He ducks behind the curtain, confirms that the room is empty, and then double checks to make sure that the Prince isn't spying.
Not that he thinks that they would. Sun is a very respectful man. But again, he's very nervous and out of his comfort zone so that's making him behave strangely. It's just anxiety doing what it will to make him jump to false conclusions.
With the room as secure as it's going to get, he sets out to change.
His Hylian attire definitely isn't suited for this harsh desert climate. Even with the aid of special elixirs and the shade of the building, the Gerudo environment is nearly unbearable.
But the sapphires embedded in the waistband of silken attire have a mystical cooling effect. And the rubies protect him from the heat itself.
There's even topaz to shield him from the potential shock of an invading electric monster.
If not for how little physical protection the material provides, the attire might make for excellent armor.
He might actually be tempted to wear it beneath his standard clothes, all things considered. It's such a waste for the lingerie to provide him so much elemental protection when it's supposedly only meant to be worn in the privacy of the bedroom.
There's so little cloth he'd likely be able to make it fit inside of his usual clothes without issue.
The attire slides on nice and easily.
The silk is soft and comfortable. Tightly woven and more than suitable to be used as material for crafting armor. If there was more of it. And the rose gold hue of the silk goes surprisingly well with his natural skin tones.
It is beautiful. Comfortable. Useful.
But far from practical. It covers so little that he could hardly refer to it as clothing.
The top is basically a veil that drapes over his shoulders and chest. It is so thinly woven that his chest is visible through it. The pink of his tests blends in well enough with the color of the silk that it's not overtly obvious, but the shape can still be seen if anyone bothers to look.
God forbid he got it wet. No doubt nothing would be left to the imagination.
The bottoms are basically a fancy loincloth. The material is thick enough that he cannot see through it, but there's so little that he could move in any direction and something would be put on display. If he put one leg out farther than the other his genitals would wind up in full display.
The part on the back that was meant to cover his ass only really hid the seam between his cheeks. If he sat down the material would probably get bunched up between them.
But at least that way it might be more secure and keep him better covered. The only downside was that it would look more like he was wearing a broken thong.
The saving grace was that the facial covering would at least hide his blushing cheeks. The veil worn upon his face was by far the most modest aspect of his attire, and he was surprised that it was even included.
Sun certainly had… Tastes.
They weren't bad tastes, per say. But they were definitely a bit more extreme than the Hylian would have imagined, given how polite and formal they generally are.
The Hylian needs a few minutes to steel himself once dressed.
He feels naked in these clothes and given how little they cover, he might as well be. So he needs a little while to emotionally prepare himself before he steps out into the next room.
He finds Sun waiting for him with his eyes closed and his finger tapping against the side of his seat.
It's hard to determine whether he's upset or just in deep thought. There is no doubt a lot on his mind, given the circumstances.
The Hylian awkwardly clears his throat to let the other know that he's changed and ready to be perceived.
Sun's jaw literally falls open as soon as he lays eyes on the other. He appears to be completely and utterly transfixed by what he sees.
"Oh! Uh… Wo-wow-ow~" He stammers, clearly flustered but in a positive sort of way. The sort of way that says "I like what I see very, very much".
The Hylian can't help but be a bit surprised, to say the least.
That was the first time that he's ever heard the Prince stammer. Be it from embarrassment or otherwise.
Even when cold and shivering, Sun always kept perfect control over his mouth and tongue. He never stuttered.
So that was a pretty good indication for just how enamored the Prince was seeing him all dressed up like this.
Maybe there was a benefit to wearing this Gerudo lingerie. It was certainly refreshing to see the Prince so flustered.
And it gave him a bit of a boost in confidence to see that even the mighty Golden Knight of the Gerudo desert could be flustered.
Not to mention a bit of an ego boost for being the one to successfully embarrass him.
He can't help the smile that tugs at his features.
Thankfully the veil hides it. That gives him more room to play coy.
Now,the fun part was going to be seeing how far he could push before he overstepped boundaries.
"... Does this please you, my Prince~?" He coyly asks, having spotted his opportunity to further fluster the royal.
And he clearly succeeds, as is noted by how the Golden Prince begins to awkwardly stumble over his own words when he tries to offer a response.
He opens and closes his mouth multiple times in rapid succession. Oftentimes he makes a sound, but he isn't so much speaking as he is just making a series of startled noises.
He is well and truly flustered.
"Yes." Sun eventually mutters, having finally gotten control of his tongue.
The pale patches on his cheeks allow his blush to easily stand out. So the Hylian can clearly see the rosy hue that has overtaken his face.
And it's certainly uplifting to see the other blush. The closest he's ever gotten is seeing their cheeks flush from the cold. But that is an entirely different scenario.
He almost feels bad seeing how overwhelmed the Prince has gotten. They're so inexperienced in terms of romance that now that they've seen what their dramatic show of affection leads to, they've realized how unprepared they actually are.
They were not ready to go this far. Neither of them were.
So now would be a good time to respect those freshly discovered boundaries and walk away from this with a funny, albeit awkward story to remember.
"Are you alright~?" The Hylian sweetly asks, though he can't help the soft laugh that escapes him. It's reassuring to know that he isn't the only one who's gotten flustered by the situation.
Sun hides his eyes behind his hand and turns away abruptly, further accentuating the fact that he is heavily embarrassed.
"I-I think my gift is a little, ah, too extravagant." He admits, stuttering still despite the effort that he's put into composing himself.
"You look amazing! Just to be clear. But I greatly underestimated how little that attire would cover…" He adds, further explaining the reasoning behind his flustered state.
It's not that he doesn't like what he sees. Jesse is absolutely gorgeous.
But they haven't even kissed yet and now he's realized that maybe a more subtle approach to courtship would be more desirable.
Apparently he is not as bold as he thought he was. And he's discovered this fact the hard way.
It would be a lie to say that the Hylian wasn't at least a little amused by the situation. Poor Sun just copied the dramatic displays of his more obvious female suitors by doing something dramatic for attention. And now he's realized the importance of the laid back approach that has so consistently gone over his head.
He still doesn't understand. But he knows that this is a battle that he's not prepared to take on. Not as he is now.
"Should I change clothes?" He asks, laughing a bit as he does.
Sun can only bring himself to nod in response. He doesn't trust himself to speak further at the moment.
"How about I put on my normal clothes and we go somewhere for lunch?" He suggests, making his way back to the washroom to get back into his original clothes. Though he's actually just going to put them on over his lingerie.
Because the lingerie offers protection from fire, ice, and electricity. It'll keep him at a comfortable temperature no matter where he is. There aren't any merchants available to him that would sell him such a unique, useful item. So he would be a fool not to wear it.
As is, Sun said that he could keep them so he was going too.
"... Could I trouble you to go Keese hunting with me?" He eventually manages to ask.
He wasn't so sure about the romantic aspects of courting anymore. But Keese were easy to hunt and it was a good excuse to go somewhere to spend alone time with the Hylian.
They could travel for a while. Bond. Talk. Sort themselves out in the dating department and then move on from there.
No fuss. No stress. No pressure from snooping civilians who mean well but screw everything up regardless.
It would be a good way for two warriors to bond. And it wasn't as though either of them had more pressing matters to attend too at the moment.
There follows a long pause as the Hylian ponders his response.
"Ice Keese are a rare find. And I'd like to get out of the desert for a while." The Hylian eventually replies.
He likes the idea of low-stakes monster hunting. And going to the mountains would be a good way to get some climbing in. He loved being out there in the snow.
Plus, with the right weapon, he could kill most enemies in a single hit.
"Sounds like a plan~" Sun replies in kind.
A trip to the nearby mountains did sound nice. And there were berries out in that area that he was particularly fond of.
That would be a good way to start their courting process properly.
And who knows. Maybe they could share a sleeping bag on a cold night or two. Just to get a general feel for each other.
Not in a sexual way, mind you. Just in a cuddling and quality time sort of way.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
I keep thinking about the thread you did on twitter about pato & indycar & socmed, because my experience has been... exactly what you wrote 😅
I started following pato on instagram way before I even knew what indy was because (and I know this sounds super stereotypical but heh) he was cute – that's it. I can't remember if he'd done some kind of mclaren team related content, but I went to his profile, saw some content I liked, followed him.
Tbh even now that I've looked indycar up a bit and I know some more stuff about the series, I doubt I'll ever actually get around to watch a race – first of all is kind of hard to properly do it from italy, but also I know nothing about these people?? or the teams, even? like there are 34 (!!) drivers listed, and I only know a small handful of them by name only, and I actively know something about just pato and grosjean & ericsson (and only because they used to be in f1). Most of the other people/accounts connected to indy have really dry accounts sadly.
I think it's a bit of a shame, really – indycar seems like an interesting and varied series with fun potential, but it's hard to approach if you're not super keen on the engineering aspect or if you're not american (sorry 🙈). I think formula E as a whole has been doing a much better job at attracting new fans, but tbh I don't know what indycar could try to do on that front (apart from improving their socmed game as you say)? Like, doing something together with F1 during race weekends in the US would be super interesting, even though it'll probably never happen because of f1's snobbery or w/e
Anyway. Very long message just for me to say that you were right 😂
For those who don't follow me on Twitter, this is the thread we're talking about.
1st -- do I follow you on Twitter?
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding among IndyCar executives all the way down to the drivers about social media but also about why Drive to Survive was so powerful for F1 (and how DTS/social media actually go hand in hand) and for a lot of the new fans (which surveys are showing that the female 18-35 demographic is a large part of these fans coming in) DTS gave people a chance to actually connect with F1 drivers and above all else, it's these connections that fans make (and continue to make) with the F1 drivers that are really powering the popularity of the sport forward. And social media comes into play because it gives the fans a way to make continued connections (even if the connections are motorsport related).
And I really think that if IndyCar had figured this out, they could have really used social media to capitalize and interest these new fans by providing these fans with information about these drivers to be able to connect with them and IndyCar has just completely and totally missed that (but our dear Pato has not). And it's really a shame because I think IndyCar has really awesome drivers in terms of talent but also in terms of willingness to allow fans access to themselves but also, IndyCar drivers tend to be REALLY NICE and super down to earth.
IndyCar has and has had for a long time an issue with marketing. Like I'm talking, issues that go back decades (even before the split). Like my friend lives in the DFW area (near Texas Motor Speedway) and like she heard absolutely NOTHING about the race. Like if I hadn't been flying in to go to the race, she would have been none the wiser that a race was happening in the area. So that's a really big thing that IndyCar needs to fix if they want to bring new fans (or even existing fans to the track). There seems to be this idea that like if the on-track product is good, people should be showing up but that's really not the case.
So like, I'm not surprised that IndyCar has really dug in their heels about social media given their history with marketing. They're starting to move forward with better social media strategies but has the Moment passed? Maybe. I'm not sure yet.
And it's a shame that their social media is weak because even motorsport fans like you that might not necessarily want to watch every race (or any races), they're still striking out because just because fans aren't watching every race on NBC (TV ratings are a hot topic among IndyCar fans), doesn't mean they can't interact on social media with drivers (and that's still a good thing because people will see their friends interacting with IndyCar social media and that will interest them and maybe they'll interact on social media and watch a race. So it's like -- getting fans to watch every single race and being hardcore fans doesn't have to be the end goal, you know?
But yeah, I wish drivers would do vlogs, get on TikTok, do more things that don't have anything to do with racing because I think new/prospective fans would reallllly respond well to that content. It also drives me crazy to hear drivers bitch about like how F1 drivers are so popular and yet be annoyed that they have to even just have social media profiles like there is just some huge disconnect.
ANYWAYS a very long response to say thank you for validating my opinion 😂 but also, if you can't tell, i have LOTS of thoughts about indycar/social media
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televinita · 11 months
Loki/Sylvie is currently whipping my brain into an absolute frenzy because a) they're back! I'm ready! hit me!, but also b) like nothing has happened that I can cling to yet, so I've churned up all this shipping energy in preparation but there's no place for it to vent. Which is giving me insomnia.
So last night, I was on YouTube putting in I-don't-even-know-how-many random keywords trying to call up...something for my voracious mind to settle and snack upon, and after a bunch of meh I somehow I hit a trifecta of new-to-me-AND-ALSO-PERFECT comfort-cuddle times:
Supergirl 2x14: Kara & Mon-El, the latter of whom has a whatever face despite my respect for this crossing over from fiction to reality in a much healthier way than her previous costar relationship, but that matters zero percent because WHAT IS HAPPENING, WHAT IS THIS PERFECTLY POSED COUCH SNUGGLE COMPLETE WITH FOREHEAD KISSING. (ignore the disruptive ending of the clip)
2. Hellcats, the show I know about but have never seen anything from, featuring my dashing reliable fave Matt Barr, 1x18: basically THE EXACT SAME SCENE AS ABOVE?? anyway I can't focus on anything being said because I am obsessed with how his hand never stops moving, constantly running soothing motions over her back except once when he briefly pets her hair (!) before tightening into a full hug. This is like watching a 10.0 gymnastics routine. Everything choreographed to my exact peak desire.
(stay tuned I am definitely coming back to them at some point; this has gone from "would be nice to see someday" to "banging down the doors demanding access")
3. And then I stumble into "it's alright, I'm here," which by the title alone is already making me sit up straighter, "a short film about depression" (interest rising) where "a young man has a depressive breakdown in front of his unsuspecting friend" [seems more like girlfriend. given the kissing and all.]
And it...is just the entire standard contents of my daydreams, splashed out for the world to see. This is the kind of stuff I run when I lack new content or am bored with the old content and just need maximum cotton fluff STAT, this is what happens. All the tears, all the comfort via at least five differet varieties of cuddling, including falling asleep together.
And then for an EXTRA layer, I can't stop obsessing about how the lack of polish not only makes this look far more real compared to the above to, this...is actually what I've experienced in life. Like exactly. Complete with not knowing exactly what to do or say except to Be There and offer uncertain but earnest hugs and reassurances, because how do you imitate what you've seen on TV when it's real and it turns out all the observational study in the world does not actually prepare you to be good at it. But you try and it seems to help, at least for a bit, maybe. It's kind of overwhelming to see yourself in a scene like that.
(Side note: the actress in particular is such a highlight; I hope she finds more things to act in because she has such quiet but compelling charisma. But adding to the "televinita this is your life" feeling -- roughly my body type? her hair the exact length and color of mine, thicker but otherwise the same style, complete with slight frizz that I don't even realize is a thing until I see it catching the light on film and recognize mine does that too? I am losing my mind)
Anyway I would like to bless whatever the equivalent of book fairies* are for sending this set my way; I've never had this kind of luck with finding clips before but this is everything I needed and with perfect timing, too.
*it's the much less romantic, cold-hard-science of unfeeling algorithms, ain't it
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