#and good boy gone bad is great it was one of my first txt songs
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lee-sanghyeok · 2 months
txt for the kpop groups thing
Thanks for sending this, Imène!
fan or not:
Yes, very much so. To me, they're the perfect image of what a k-pop boy group is supposed to look like. They just really have that it-factor and every member is an all-rounder in my opinion. I've seen them live as well and they're absolutely unreal on stage.
how long i’ve been a fan:
Like many, I've discovered them with 'Good Boys Gone Bad', so I've been a fan since 2022. I honestly think the song is a little bit silly, but I really liked their sound and performances, so I began to listen to and watch more of them.
first song i heard by them:
'Good Boys Gone Bad' ; the emo boy anthem of 2022.
first mv i saw:
I honestly can't remember. I focus mostly on music show performances, so music videos are secondary to me. One I vividly remember watching for the first time was '0X1=LOVESONG' though.
first bias:
Yeonjun. With how omnipresent he is, being on every variety show and being an Inkigayo MC for a while, it's kind of inescapable. Plus, he's obviously an incredible singer, dancer and performer. There's a reason he's called the fourth gen it-boy, so he definitely dazzled me.
current bias and why:
Soobin. After seeing him live, it's hard not to go crazy for him. He really attracts your eye when he performs. (And he's obviously very handsome)
bias wrecker(s):
Yeonjun and Beomgyu. Yeonjun for the aforementioned reasons, and Beomgyu because his vocals and artistry are absolutely insane to me. Fully takes me aback each time.
favourite song:
That's difficult. I really like "Growing Pain", "Quarter Life", "Deja Vu", "Blue Spring", "Run Away", "Tinnitus" and "Fairy of Shampoo"
favourite mv:
the "0X1=LOVESONG" MV. It's their best music video in terms of storytelling and it really sold their concept of boys coming of age and telling stories of and about youth.
favourite era:
I think their most recent comeback with "Deja vu" just really hit for me. I love it when boy groups make songs like that and each year they come more into their own, so I really enjoyed this one.
favourite choreography:
Their debut choreography for 'Crown' is simply iconic. I have to choose that one. It's so commendable that they went with such a hard choreo to start their debut with.
who i think is the best-looking:
Soobin. Each time he shows his forehead, a hundred moa's die.
who i think is the cutest:
Taehyun! He has such big eyes and such a sweet smile. He's really adorable to me. Close second is Kai. He seems like a giant teddy bear.
best singer:
In my opinion, Yeonjun has the most range, but Beomgyu has the better vocal ability. So it depends on the type of song, but I think Beomgyu is just a bit better.
best dancer:
Honestly, OT5. They're very well-balanced to me.
best rapper:
That has to go to Yeonjun. He's a great rapper and I like his tone.
an unpopular opinion about the group/members (if i have any):
Usually fans aren't a big fan of English releases, but they managed to always release fun songs. "Coming back for more" is a banger and I love Anitta's part.
send me a kpop group and i'll answer 🗣️‼️
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yongbokalli · 7 months
Beomgyu Imagine
Prompt: You get assigned seats in class, and you get seated next to the nerdy kid in the back
Song Recommendations: Blue Hour by TXT
Idols Mentioned: Beomgyu, Hanni, Lily, Han, Yeosang
Warnings: Nothing really. First write. Gyu stutters.
DM Me for requests! I DO NOT write smut. I am a minor.
All GIFS go to rightful owners!!
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I walk into school and walk to my friends. I see them all talking, but I can’t help but notice the boy sitting at the end of the lunch table. He’s sitting alone and I sorta feel bad. I would notice him glance up at us every once in a while. He always has those cute, round classes that fit perfectly on his face. His black hair always swept on his face, nicely. He’s always drawing, or reading a book. I’ve never seen him with a phone out. I wonder what his name is.
It’s a new semester so my classes have changed. I look at my schedule on my phone. Algebra, English, Art, Tech. I sigh, algebra is still my first class. I begin walking to class once the second bell rings. I check my phone for the time 7:28. I walk inside the classroom and notice that it’s all the same kids from last semester. Well, some are gone, and there’s some new kids. I notice the boy from the cafeteria is in this class, he’s sitting in the front in the corner.
My teacher walks in and walks to his desk, sitting down. He takes attendance and everyone sits in groups with their friends. I go to the back corner and sit next to Hanni. “Hey, Y/n.” “Hi Hanni.” She begins to talk about the boy she likes but I tune her out, looking at my phone. I nod my head occasionally hoping she thinks I’m listening until she goes back to her phone.
My teacher stands up and says “We’re getting new seats, everyone stand up.” Everyone groans but eventually gets up. We all walk to the front of the room and look towards our teacher. “I’m starting at the back row. Lily, Han, Hanni, Yeosang, Y/n, Beomgyu.” We all go to our seats, and I realize that the boy from the lunch room is Beomgyu. He has a pretty name.
I set my stuff down next to me and take a seat. I take out my phone and look at it for a bit until everyone is in their seats. I put my phone down and look up at the board. My teacher starts passing out papers and everyone gets one. We’re starting a new unit, great. I take out a pencil from my bag, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Beomgyu digging in his bag.
I hear him mumbling small words like, ‘Shit’ ‘I could’ve sworn it was here.’ I look at him, “You okay?” He looks up at me, eyes wide. “O-oh yeah! I’m good!” He quickly puts his bag down, then looks up at the board writing notes. Weird…
We begin writing the notes, when I hear a snap next to me. I look over to see Beomgyu’s pencil in half. “Shit.” He mumbles, looking at me. “Do you have a pencil?” I nod, getting into my bag. I take out the pencil and put it on his desk. “Thanks.” He smiles at me. I smile back at him and look back at my paper. I begin writing notes again.
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Everyone finishes their work and they all start talking amongst each other. I sit on my phone for the next 20 minutes, minding my own business. Until I hear my name being called. I pause my music and take out one of my Airpods. I look over and see Beomgyu saying my name.
“Yes?” I say, a little annoyed. “I was wondering if you want to t-talk more. I’ve noticed you in the morning, and you’re very i-intriguing. I-I-I’m not a c-creep or anything, I just think you’re p-pretty.” He says, stuttering. I smile at him, “Sure! I’d love to talk to you more. I’m Y/n.” I put my hand out to shake it. “Beomgyu.” He smiles at me. “Nice to meet you Beomgyu.” “You too, Y/n/n.”
Part 2?
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yukiakaren · 7 months
Kpop title track ranking: TXT
In this series I’ll be ranking kpop groups/soloists title tracks based on my taste.
To say I've struggled with liking TXT is an understatement. I'm not sure is it just the "small brothers of BTS" thing with all the baggage that comes with that did it or what. But throughout the years I've warmed up to them quite a lot. Also, for me, doing this ranking is a reason to give all the title tracks a good listen, whether I had really given them a chance before or not. And the honorable mentions have some dang awesome songs that I highly recommend checking out.
0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You) ft. Seori - When this came out I was absolutely in love with it. Now, I'm not as hyped as I was but it's still a great song deserving the number 1 spot for sure.
Sugar Rush Ride - This one did not peak my interest when I first listened to it when it came out. But now after more listens I feel like finally I'm getting it. And ranking it within their other title tracks this started to feel like the correct spot for it.
Can't You See Me - This one is cool and even I couldn't ignore it when it came out. Quite the Halloween appropriate type of song but it really works and isn't limited to just that one time of the year. I really like it. However, there is this one repeating sound in it, like coins clanking together or something similar, which really annoys me now that I realized it. And with me that is always unfortunate. I gotta hope I can be unbothered by it in the future.
Run Away - This one I did listen to quite a bit after starting to like Can't You See Me and it is pretty nice one still. The mixture of quite bright sound but at the same time having hint of something darker in it makes it interesting to me.
Good Boy Gone Bad - Let's start by saying I straight up despised this when I first heard it. So, I'd say I've come a long way to now actually kinda liking it. Giving it a ranking was still a difficult thing to do. I guess the lingering feeling of "Should I really like this?" keeps it from getting any higher than this.
LO$ER=LO♡ER - Despite the cool rock influences it just lacks something with me and I can't really pinpoint what exactly. A fine song though.
Blue Hour - One I haven't really listened to but still knew the song. Fine and cheerful but not something I'd search out for.
Crown - I haven't really listened to this one much. For the cutesy type of song it's pretty good. But again there was this sound, a beeping noise of sorts, at one part of the song and that fits in the same category as the one in Can't You See Me. It really bothers me and I can't unhear it now that I spotted it. Otherwise, it is a pretty nice song, it just a shame that the noise is there.
Chasing That Feeling - This one very much feels to me that it should have been one of those full English releases that they did during that time. Very US/western radio play getting type of song to me. Unfortunately, that is coming from someone who's mostly avoiding the current radio hits. A fine song but I'm not the audience for it.
And here are the honorable mentions aka some lovely B-sides to check out: We Lost The Summer - After some confusion I figured out that this one wasn't a title track so I'll start by shouting out this one. Yup, it is one of those 2020 songs, but ignoring lyrics, it's such a vibe! Anti-Romantic - First TXT b-side I ended up checking out after running into it too often in different contexts. It's a nice one for sure. Back For More (TXT ver.) - Out of the full English releases I found myself quite liking this one but the featuring part took me out of it. But now I found this version and can actually recommend this one! Opening Sequence - The hype this one has gotten is fully deserved on my book. It's so dark and moody, just the way I like it. Farewell, Neverland - I just learned that this song exists and I'm so happy that I did! During first listen I read the lyrics at the same time. Then second listen I checked their It's Live performance of it and for the third listen I just listened to the audio. At that second listen I felt a little moved by it and at the third listen I got properly teary-eyed. After listening to a couple of their other newer b-sides I went back to this and just started bawling my eyes out. Damn it's impressive and I'm totally in love with it! I don't think I've ever been able to capture a raw reaction to a new song that I end up loving like this, so I felt like writing it out properly here.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 11 months
Comeback Celebration: Current Top 10 TXT Songs
I was planning to release this the day the album came out! But then life did a life and I didn't; but now life, out of spite, is doing even MORE of a life, so I'm running away from my problems for an hour or so to talk about some nice songs that bring me joy!
1. Dear Sputnik
Dancing around my living room to this one will never get old! But I do feel like this is a weird choice, since I think if you asked me on-the-spot what my favorite TXT songs are, "Dear Sputnik" wouldn't even come up in the conversation. I guess I've never really adjusted to edgier TXT--like, I can't truly process that the "Our Summer" guys also released "Frost"--so most of the time I just forget that their darker stuff is actually theirs. But I really do love this song, which I realized more and more over the week-ish process of making this list. There's something so... guttural?... about it that makes it a real standout--it just gets better, and more thrilling, the more closely I listen to it.
2. Crown
I actually don't listen to this one all that much--definitely less than anything else on this list--but that's because it's such a perfect time capsule, dragging me back completely to a set of memories that I just can't emotionally handle revisiting very often. (I swear, most days just hearing those little beep things could make me cry.) And I can't not admire it for that, for just how immersive the listening experience is. Also, it's basically a perfect song--even through my tears, I can see that!
3. Our Summer
Same thoughts as "Crown", but I find revisiting "Our Summer" slightly less soul-crushing--if that's better or worse, I'll let you decide! Anyways, brushing the sudden flood of 2019/2020-era memories aside, the vocal layering here really suits them!
4. Ghosting
Yeah, I loved this comeback (see: the honorable mentions). I love how silky-smooth "Ghosting" in particular sounds, even though, when I listen more closely, there are SO many different textures playing against each other, all carefully placed to create a super-cohesive, but still interesting, listening experience--it really feels like a lot of care went into this one, and I think that's what makes it such a cozy classic for me. Plus, I just love shiny-sounding guitar!
5. Magic
A carbonated drink in song form. I'll admit, I don't know exactly how or why I love "Magic" so much, but here we are! (Which is exactly how I feel about sparkling water, come to think of it?)
6. I Know I Love You
Road trip anthem!! I probably wouldn't be nearly as attached to this one if that chorus wasn't absolutely EVERYWHERE on the internet in 2021, but, you know, it's not a bad chorus to have ringing in your head 24/7, either.
7. Can't We Just Leave the Monster Alive
My embarrassing affection for tropical house has become a recurring bit on this blog now, I guess. Well, here's another tropical house track I'm still not over! (Just you wait for my Chung Ha top ten list...)
8. Drama
I like the nice piano sounds!! They make my soul happy, like hugging a stuffed animal or eating crunchy things :) Oh, I guess the rest of the song has nice energy, too! But I'm mostly here for the piano, sorry...
9. Farewell, Neverland
I really underestimated this song--at first, I was just okay with it, thinking it was pleasant and sort of catchy, a song that's not bad to leave on loop for a while, but there are great production choices all over the place (the PERCUSSION.) that have given it a lot of longevity for me.
10. Everlasting Shine
Every single chorus in this one is Awesome and makes me Very Sad. The vocal performances here are real standouts!
Honorable Mentions: Fairy of Shampoo, the blue hour album cover (no not the song just the album cover), Wishlist, Way Home, Anti-Romantic, Good Boy Gone Bad, Thursday's Child Has Far To Go
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My top 20 kpop songs of 2022
Long time no see!!! It's been a while since I wrote in this blog but I thought I would come back to give you my favorite things of kpop and korean dramas of 2022. First off my favorite songs of the year!
H.M. IVE- Love Dive. Fun song. Honestly I didn't like it the first time I listened to it but it's just so catchy.
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20. Mamamoo-ILLELLA. Mamamoo always brings the vocals and this is a feel good song for me.
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19. Got the beat-step back. This was released in January and the lyrics left a lot to be desired but the vocals are just insane. I mean BOA, Winter, Seulgi and Wendy, is there more to say? Of course Hyo and Karina killed it too!!
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18. Red Velvet-Feel my rythm. This song grew on me. At first I thought it was fun yet weird but as most Red Velvet songs I ended up loving it.
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17. Crush ft. J-hope- Rush hour. Crush came back with a bang this year and you know you can count on him delivering vocals but I wasn't expecting to see him do this style of song and has a bit of a Pharrell Williams vibe. J-HOPE rap style went very well with it.
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16. ENHYPEN-Polaroid love. Catchy and sweet pop song. This song brightens up my day when I listen to it.
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15. AESPA-GIRLS. The fourth episode in their saga against the villain Black Mamba comes to an end with this song. And it brings everything we've come to love from Aespa: great vocals, crazy beat changes and a fun storyline.
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14. JAY PARK-Bite. I've always loved Jay Park's vocals more than his rap but in this song both of them shine.
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13. TREASURE-JIKJIN. I didn't know how I felt about the beat on the chorus the first few times I listened to this but once again I got hooked and became addicted to it.
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12. NCT DREAM-GLITCH MODE. In some ways NCT DREAM has become my favorite NCT sub unit. They just have a great energy and this song has the right amount of witty lyrics, harmonies and a catchy chorus.
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11. KEY-GASOLINE. I was about to post this entry when I realized I had left this song out of my list! I don't know why it slipped my mind when this was just EPIC and I'm not talking just about the MV. KEY has really made it this past couple of years when it comes to variety shows so without much to prove he really went all out for this year's comeback. It was almost like he saw the gap TAEMIN left and was like I'm gonna give you everything that is missing in the industry right now: bold styling choices, with a beat full of charisma and a crazy choreo. Why? Because he can.
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10. SEULGI- 28 Reasons. Seulgi made her solo debut and it was amazing. For me she is a female Taemin. Not only can she execute complex choreos but she proved she is full of charisma. The lyrics of this song are dark about a toxic relationship but the beat and Seulgi's vocals make it a song you won't get tired of.
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9. CHEN-LAST SCENE. If you have a beating heart this song will hit you right in the feels. The first time I listened to it I cried and I'm not a crier. He can convey so much with his voice. Our talented Kim Jongdae is back from the military so all we can do is enjoy his music.
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8. WINNER-I LOVE U. I can't get enough of this silly love song. Kang Seungyoon's high notes, Jinwoo's sweet vocals and the rappers witty lyrics make this such a pleasant listen. Definitely one of my most played songs of the year.
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7. TAEYEON-INVU. This dance song with off the charts vocals made Taeyeon look different to me. We all know she can sing it all but this song was such a trend and it was no surprise she made it to the top of the korean charts.
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6. Zico-Freak. Zico does it all. Singing, producing, rapping and dancing. Such a fun song about being a freak in a apocalyptic world.
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5. TXT-Good boy gone bad. Not gonna lie. When TXT debuted I wasn't a fan but this year they really stood out for me. And my favorite song of them is this one. I love the chorus, the attitude an the vocals.
4. KANG SEUNG YOON-Born to love you. According to Spotify this was my most listened kpop song of the year. Honestly I was surprised because the first time I listened to it I was like cute song but I wish Seungyoon had chosen more of a belter because I love his head voice high notes. But it's so addictive. Bang Yedam is a great producer and I hope he does more of it now that he left TREASURE.
3. BIG BANG-Still life. This song is bittersweet. We all expected a grand comeback from BIG BANG after their military service. Scandals and the pandemic pushed it until this year. Sadly we only got one song and as of today only GDRAGON and TAEYANG remain with YG so we don't know how long it will take to get another comeback. However the song itself is another BIGBANG master piece. The lyrics that talk about the past. My favorite part: Taeyang's vocals.
2. BLACKPINK- Pink Venom. It seems I just keep repeating myself but when I listened to this song I was put off by the chorus. Then again fast forward a month and I found myself obsessed with this song. The old school rap beats with the trendy dance beat is just crazy good and also so YG.
1. Be'O-Love me. I said this last year but I fell just like half of Korea for BE'O in Show Me The Money. And sometimes in reality shows they do great and then when they release their stuff afterwards I don't necessary love it but BE'O can do no wrong in my eyes these days. His songs tend to be straight forward and have uncomplicated beats and this feel good song just made my 2022 happier.
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hijirikaww · 2 years
ok bgs- nct, atz, enha, blank2y, &team, txt, oneus, cravity, bts, treasure, tnx, seventeen, exo, wei, victon, e’last, xdheroes, skz, onlyoneof, ab6ix and p1h
ggs- g-idle, aespa, twice, itzy, nmixx, ive, lessrafim, newjeans, kepler, pixy, purple kiss, red velvet, snsd and lapillus
phew 😭😮‍💨
Oooooo awesome!!! Alright alright let's see here~
I am more of a bg fan in general so probably know more of those..
NCT? Hell yeah. Don't know enough of the subgroups though tbh. Resonate? Badass. Kick it? Whoo! Make a wish? This is actually how I first found them!! so coooooooollllll. Boss? Rocking. Regular and love talk?? English AND korean versions??? Oh my lord. Also more sexy than they are allowed to be. Baby don't stop is where I first saw Ten whom became my bias! Nct Dream is the only subgroup I happened to follow more closely because I got so hooked on the hello future album. But 127 and U are probably my favourites overall. You could say I just love their badass vibes and how they drop beats. Definitely some of my favourite songs 💯👌🏻
ATEEZ?! I MEAN HELL YEAH 😆 definitely my ult group- found them through Hala Hala and have been hooked ever since. Best bois. Amazing music. Love it.
Enha - does that stand for enhypen? In which case hell yea! I followed then since debut, probably like most people atm since they are so new, and think they are so cute! But so young! Babies! I wish them all the best :) Sunoo is the cutest ray of sunshine though.
Blank2y and &Team - no clue! Lemme listen to some... blank2y sounds cool, I know a lot of people who happen to be into &Team, now I know what they mean :)
Txt - I know they have a lot of hype about them but I'm not THAT deeply into them. Some nice music though, Kai is adorable. Am currently learning good boy gone bad choreo :)
Oneus - back in college a friend introduced me into them through Valkyrie and that song still lives in my mind!!!
Cravity- again I know people who love them but I don't know them all that well, but I love cloud 9.
Bts - well everyone knows them by now!
Treasure - ooooohhh! So I love the versatility of my three fave songs of them! I found them first through treasure, lovely and happy! Then Jikjin - ma gawd can I rave to that. And I love hello because it is such a happy choreo to dance! Wheey!
TNX - never heard of them, but I dig the way they drop beats! I'll listen to them more :)
Seventeen - great! Love the members, great music, always great albums and themes and looks!
Exo - such a legend. So many good songs. Love them.
Wei - also not known, but it sounds well made!
Viction - yet another group I hear a lot about, but don't know much of. As I'm listening - I didn't know Mayday was theirs, nice!
E`last - dangerous is very cool!
Xdheroes - is a bit of a hit or miss for me, I dig their songs but some take such funky twists that they kind of lose me halfway through.
Skz - badass, they write great songs, 3racha is badass, they really have awesome rappers. Bang chan is such a cute leader, the Aussies are adorable with their accents and Felix's low voice is legendary. All great guys 💯 arguably the group I know second best after ATEEZ.
OnlyOneOf- libido is one of my guilty pleasures to listen to for sure. I love their daringness and energy and performance. My first reaction tho was 'omg they look so young, are they even consenting adults. Is is okay for me to look at them?' Only to find out they are all a minimum of three years older than me lol. They look like babies :) as long as they feel comfortable doing wat they are doing and not pressured - I'll support them!
Ab6ix is awesome, they deserve more love! Love their rapping skills and vibes. Their music always makes me happy and groovy!
P1h - Keeho LOL legend. Great music too though, very badass vibes. Makes you feel cool hehe.
//I'm gonna split it here cuz lord this is getting long sorry aksjdjs
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‘LOSER=LOVER’ Lyric Analysis
Released with The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE, August 2021. 
Ahh we made it. To the song that made my brother become a MOA. 
Really? Out of all of the songs you could pick, you picked this one? The title track with the short-ass name and the lyrics that barely make sense? Sure, the choreo was great and it was well produced, and YEONJUN’S SKIRT was amazing, but this one? I ain’t one to diss people for joining a fandom too late, but ‘CROWN’ is an objectively superior song and title track (I hope you read this and feel it in your soul, @daily-aspirin). 
Anyhow. Please ignore the above.
The song was unusual for TXT. It had a RIDICULOUSLY short name (boo, Hitman Bang, do better!), and didn’t follow their typical magic-youth storyline. Instead, it came straight out of the same vein as ‘20cm’ and ‘LOVESONG’ - the story of a group of boys growing up and experiencing romance for the first time.
‘20cm’ left off with the boys having a crush and doin their best to get closer to that person, and ‘LOVESONG’ left us with them in the honeymoon phase of a budding yet codependent and unhealthy relationship. Now, we are on the next leg of the journey, as they are... well, still in the honeymoon phase, but the codependency GROWS, I tell you! They are now literally tied to this person, using them as an escape from the world and its hardships, and feel worthless without them. As the lyrics of this song imply (and the lyrics of ‘Good Boy Gone Bad’ explicitly state,’ they are trying to become their partner, to crawl under their skin and be protected from their own dark thoughts and the world. But, of course, this isn’t how it works, and we can feel the underlying problems of this relationship.
But, although these things are clear to see from the lyrics as a whole (and, honestly, are informed a lot by the MV), when you look at the lyrics closer, they start to get a little... odd?
When this song first came out, I looked at the lyrics and had no clue what they were talking about. ‘Lover with a $ sign is a loser?’ What the hell is that?
And, you know, after looking through TXT’s other songs and analysing this one and everything... I still have no clue what they are going on about half of the time here. It’s more of a sentiment analysis with this one, I think, than full-on, deep lyrics. It does have the connection to FREEZE through LOVESONG and LOSE=LOVER both having symbols and numbers involved in the titles and lyrics. So, that motif is there, I guess.
So, that was a lot. Maybe we should just have a look at the actual song :|
Full lyric analysis below the line.
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The last line here is also translated as, ‘Beyond this fucked up world.’
Wow, TXT. I guess it’s like that then.
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The first two lines here are also, ‘My hand clutching yours, it’s all banged up.’
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The first three lines of this verse are also translated as, ‘I couldn’t win, fighting, bleeding, I’m sick of it. If I can’t have it, I fucking keep it low. Crying, crying, crying, forget it now.’
It’s pretty similar but still interesting to look at.
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The second line of this verse is also, ‘Laugh out loud like you’ve gone crazy.’
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I still have no clue what exactly they are trying to convey through this whole chorus bit. I’m so confused. It makes no sense in any variation/possible meaning of the lyrics I can discern. 
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The last three lines of this last verse are also, ‘Wings spread and broken, flyin’ to forever but can’t help falling.’
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The last three lines of this verse are also, ‘even the fall is beautiful, I gladly sink to the other side of the sky.’
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‘Sea’ in the last line here is also translated as ‘ocean.’ I like ‘sea’ better, but it doesn’t really make a difference in this context.
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Okay, but how hard would it be to make the title something like ‘I escaped the world into your arms’ or ‘Together we ran away from this grey world,’ or something???? Hitman Bang? ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!
That would literally fix 99% of the song’s problems, honestly. 
Is this just another representation of The Chaos Chapter? Make the titles so wacky and full of symbols and things, both to be so random, and to make poor members of the fandom like me go insane, and thus to spread the chaos even further?!?
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what-if-nct · 2 years
The Dreamies! And if they have already been asked then TxT please
I'll do both
my bias order: Jaemin, Renjun & Jeno, Haechan, Chenle, Jisung, Mark.
my current favourite song by them: I've been listening to Dnyl a lot lately. It deserves so much more love. It's the only dream song without Mark and Haechan that I feel should stay as it is. Like it's so perfect as is. We need Hrvy back.
member I want to be best friends with: Jaemin, like he just seems like a great friend. Like I just love him, I just wanna vibe with him. And when he's all charged up I'd encourage him and join him. My fellow Leo bestie.
member I’d want as my sibling: Renjun, i just want to be his big sister and watch after him, and take care of him and cheer him on when he gets in school fights. And take him for pizza when he wins.
Who I like to pair any of the members with (romantically or otherwise): Norenmin, clearly the best best friend trio. Honorable mention to Renhyuck.
if I own any albums of theirs (if so, pictures): Sadly no, but I will after I get all the dolls I want. I can't buy two unnecessary things at once. It's how I miss manage my spending.
if I have any posters of them (if so, pictures): Again, does Resonance count? Jaemin & Renjun look so good in that poster.
my bias order: Yeonjun, Heuning Kai, Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun. Yeonjun was the one who beckoned me over and still as in love since I first saw him. Kai, immediately my son. My little Leo son. Beomgyu my trouble maker son. Soobin most precious giant. And Taehyun I'm still figuring out how i feel.
my current favourite song by them: Good boy Gone Bad has been on repeat in my mind when it isn't Charmer.
member I want to be best friends with: Beomgyu. He's the epitome of a chaos and fun. Also I'd rather be on his side then not on his side.
member I’d want as my sibling: Kai, my baby brother I'd protect and take care till he's 40.
who I like to pair any of the members with (romantically or otherwise): I love Beomgyu and Yeonjun's dynamic. It's the best to watch.
if I own any albums of theirs (if so, pictures): no, not yet. But one day.
if I have any posters of them (if so, pictures): No but maybe one day.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Where you should be
Chapter 3: Nemesism
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Genre: Hobi x oc
Warnings: this series contains stalking, blackmail, and similar stressful/fear inducing situations. Also unrequited love, which is perhaps the most terrifying of all.
Word Count: 3.8k
Guys! Last chapter was a bit of a downer lol. I wish I could say that all of this gets resolved quickly and easily, but that’s no fun. So enjoy!
Nemesism (n.) frustration or anger directed against oneself
The next morning I hardly see Hobi. He eats early, making me a smoothie and leaving it on the counter with my name.
Well, with a sticky note that says ‘Sunny’.
I can hear his music blasting from his room where he’s getting ready, it’s loud enough that he doesn't hear my loud breathing as I close my eyes and try to focus on just getting through this morning.
When it’s time for us to leave Hobi walks out into the living room to find me standing awkwardly before the window, staring out of it like I just might flee the scene before he can see me.
“Do-yun sent a car for you, it should be outside.”
They’re the first words he says to me all morning, and they have me turning around from where I stand before the window, the meaning behind his words enough to rake through my already shredded heart.
Just as I begin to speak he turns away, starting to walk from the room. A heartbeat later finds me striding toward him, throwing caution to the wind.
“Jung Hoseok, don’t you dare do this to me. Don’t you dare,” I jump in front of him, putting a stop to his escape. He keeps his eyes trained on the hallway beyond. “You’re going to start being all weird and distant, and I can’t...I can’t-”
My voice breaks a little until I’m suddenly drowning in tears. I’m just as shocked as Hobi is, and I bring my hands up to my face, trying to stop the flow.
“I- Ha-rin, I didn’t mean to-”
My face is burning with embarrassment as I realize that I have no right to be bawling like a baby in front of the man that just confessed his love to me last night. He has every right to be distant and angry, yet here I am sobbing before him.
But I want him.
I want him so bad. And he’s standing less than a foot away, that sad expression swimming in his eyes as he brings me into his arms, his cheek resting atop my head.
Don’t ever let me go.
“We’re a mess, aren’t we?” Hobi mumbles.
I laugh through the tears, melting into his embrace as Hobi laughs along. How can we still be laughing even after we’ve put our hearts through so much pain?
Standing there with my face pressed up against his shoulder, crying and laughing at the same time, the realization of my feelings for him hit me hard and fast. Sure, the foundation has been laid for a while now, but standing here with my heart in pieces and completely unable to pick up Hoseok’s shattered heart, I know what I feel.
There’s a difference between wanting someone and loving someone.
If I just wanted Hoseok, I would have bailed out on any sort of integrity I have left and told him right then and there that I was an idiot. That I couldn’t stand not being around him. That I want to be his, and I want him to be mine.
Yet, I love him.
Which is exactly what has me extracting myself from his arms, apologizing, and heading straight out the door.
I only allow myself to look back once as I close the door, clutching my things in my arms. There he stands, still facing the hallway. Clinging to his sweatshirt in his fists as though it’s the only thing keeping him on the earth.
Sitting in the back of the black SUV, I wonder how I can feel such different emotions at once. There’s peace knowing I did what I had to do.
And there’s loneliness, cursing my name for throwing away what was sure to be a cure.
June 2019
“That sounds great,” I say into the mic. “Come out here and listen to it, then we’ll go from there.”
Soobin, Hueningkai, and Beomgyu exit the recording booth and head into the studio. They crowd around me, leaning in to listen to the latest version of the song.
We’ve been in here for about an hour now, going over a rough version of a new song for them. It’s been nice to have them around, I’m usually pretty alone in my studio. Other than the occasional visit from Dohyeong or Pdogg, I tend to have my space.
Space is...good.
We’ve just started listening to the recording when there’s a knock on my door. Swiveling around in my chair, I grin as I see who the visitor is.
“Well well,” I muse. “Look who decided to drop in.”
Dohyeong smiles back at me, saying hello to the other boys. “How’s it going?”
I shrug. “Good. We’re just working on some stuff. What’s up?”
“I was actually coming to steal you away for a bit. I need a second opinion on something. Unless you’re busy…?”
Glancing at the other boys, they wave me away. “Will it take long?”
“No, not too long.”
Getting up from my seat, I laugh as Hueningkai immediately takes the vacant seat. “Take your time,” he croons, enjoying the seat of power. The other two boys instantly start bickering over the chair, making me roll my eyes endearingly at them.
“I’ll be back soon. Don’t delete anything.”
I follow Dohyeong out the door, taking the stairs as we head up to the next floor where his studio is.
“So how’s it been going?”
Dohyeong is one of the only people I ever really see around the Bighit building these days. Other than TXT and a handful of other producers, it’s a ghost town on my floor of the building.
I guess I never noticed how little traffic there was on my floor before. I always had one visitor popping in.
Ever since February, Hoseok has been scarce. While he didn’t seem to be angry anymore, he certainly hasn’t gone out of his way to seek me out. I can’t say I blame him.
It’s made it a little easier, I think. Not seeing him everywhere I go has allowed me to buckle down and get to work without feeling sorry for myself.
“It’s been good. Pretty steady. What are you working on that you wanted me to look at?”
We’re just entering his studio as I finish my question, and I nearly fall flat on my face as we walk through the door.
It would appear that Dohyeong was not working alone. In fact, the entire rapline is here with Pdogg.
Namjoon paces back and forth on one side of the room, hardly even noticing my presence when I walk through the door. Yoongi sits in a chair beside Pdogg, chatting with him about the track.
Hoseok sits on the sofa in the back of the room, his elbows on his knees as he stares forward, lost in thought.
His hair is black now, so different from those honey-brown highlights I swooned over a few months ago. Now he looks much sharper, like a force to be reckoned with.
He looks dangerous.
“Really Dohyeong?” I try to keep my tone light as everyone in the room turns to look at me. “Second opinion?”
Dohyeong shrugs, moving to sit before his computer. “If I told you I needed your opinion, you would’ve told me to ask Pdogg or something.”
Pdogg chuckles, nodding along knowingly. “Nice to see you, Sunny. You never come around anymore. Too cool for us now?”
It takes every fiber of my being for me to not look at Hoseok.
“Just been busy,” I mumble, coming to stand beside Dohyeong’s chair. “How’ve you been?”
Pdogg shrugs. “Same old same old.”
Namjoon strides forward, never one to get bogged down with awkward small talk. Not when there’s work to be done. “Hey, Sunny. Would you mind listening to this for us? I think we’ve all been listening to it for so long that we can’t get a fresh perspective on it.”
I nod, settling down into the chair beside Dohyeong and slipping a pair of headphones on. “Anything I need to know going into it?”
Yoongi chuckles from behind me, causing me to turn about in my chair. In the process, I can’t help but peek over at Hoseok.
He’s looking right at me already, every bit of his attention honed in on me. My eyes graze his, and the momentary eye contact leaves me sparking with electricity.
“Well, Hoseok wrote most of this, so it’s his fault if it sucks.” Yoongi smirks at his friend, earning himself a glare in return.
I force myself to laugh along with everyone else, wincing internally as Hoseok leans back against the sofa and crosses his ankle over his knee.
Has he somehow become better looking over the past few months?
“Good to know,” I mumble, turning back to the screen. Dohyeong nods at me, starting the track.
From the corner of my eye I can see that everyone else has gone back to pacing or chatting, so I take the time to lean back against my chair and close my eyes, really taking it in.
I can definitely tell that Hoseok inspired a lot of this track, it sounds like him. RM starts it off, his voice gruff as he delivers the lyrics, painting a picture in the way that only he can.
Suga joins in on the chorus, and I frown. His voice is nearly drowned out from the heavy drums in the background. I make a mental note to tell them as much.
It’s not until the bridge that J-hope makes an appearance.
My heart begins to pound in my chest, and my eyes fly open as I stare at the monitor. I watch the small numbers counting down until the end of the song, begging them to pick up the pace. Hoseok’s voice lodges itself into my mind, and for a moment the words end it before it can begin are replaced by the phrase he keeps spitting out again and again.
You moved on before I could move you.
You moved on before I could move you.
You moved on before I had a chance to move-
My knee hits the bottom of the desk as I rip the headphones off my head, tossing them onto the desk before launching out of my chair. Everyone freezes where they sit, looking at me with various levels of confusion.
Hoseok is the only one in the entire room that has yet to react to my sudden actions. He keeps his eyes down, picking at something on his sleeve. His chest doesn’t move as he refuses to breathe.
“Drums are too loud in the chorus, Yoongi.” I bite out the words, ripping my attention away from Hoseok. “They’re drowning out your voice.”
Yoongi nods slowly, his mouth hanging open as he stares at me. “Ok.”
Namjoon steps forward, hands outstretched as though trying to grasp the situation. “You didn’t even finish the song, though. Isn’t there anything else?”
I’ve already taken several steps toward the door, Hoseok’s voice ringing through my mind unceasingly. Turning to shake my head at Namjoon, I feel as though somebody set me on fire. “No. Sounds great. Sorry,” I lie, I really couldn’t care less. I have to get out of here. “I’ve got to go check on the boys.”
The door gives way and I’m out into the hallway, striding toward the elevator like my life depends on it. I decide against it once I get there, heading into the stairwell beside the elevator and making it down a total of five steps before I collapse and sit with my head between my legs.
You moved on before I could move you.
The walls are caving in on me as I sit in the stairwell, and I close my eyes tight against them. Eventually it becomes too much to handle, and I find myself launching up and climbing up the stairs.
I’m not completely sure how tall the Bighit building is, but it’s definitely tall enough that I’m a panting, sweaty mess by the time I clear the final floor. Staring at the door, I push through it and find myself in an empty hallway.
The sound of music coming from what I assume are training rooms at the end of the hallway meet my ears, and as though in a trance I gravitate toward the sound.
The music gets louder and louder as I approach the room. The door is closed, so whoever is inside must be blasting it. Leaning up against the wall just outside the room, I close my eyes for just a moment.
The bass vibrates through the floor, accompanied by the persistent music that seems to know just how horrible I’m feeling inside.
For the first time in my life, I understand why people say that there’s only a thin line between love and hate.
Standing here with my back pressed against the wall, I feel so much hate. It’s overwhelming, overtaking my senses as I clench my fingers into fists. If my eyes were open, I’m sure I would be seeing red.
Instead, I’m picturing my contract in my mind. The music swells as I picture signing that contract over and over again, laughing at the thought of ever getting to know any idols past a purely professional level.
There’s so much anger in me as I think over the past few months, remembering all those hours spent alone in the studio. Staring at my monitor, the same scene from Hoseok’s apartment playing over and over again in my mind as I try to pretend like nothing happened. The way I held my breath every time I heard footsteps coming down my hallway, some pathetic piece of my praying that it would be Hobi, coming with a bag of food and a sheepish smile, telling me that being friends was enough for him.
I should know better by now; I live in a world where Hoseok is a stranger to me now and I’m back to taking the bus.
Still, in those slower hours in the studio I find myself wondering what it would be like if I could tell him that I do love him. I love him still, four months later. That all of this was some horrible rule I had to follow in order to save us both.
But even in this world how could I look him in the eyes that once gazed at me so softly and tell him that he’ll move on? That he’ll find someone that is free to love him?
Hate is an addicting feeling, I realize. Hate is so much safer than love. Love requires you to make the right decision, even if it means you’ll come out lacking.
The music stopped.
My eyes open to find myself almost in another world. The hallway hasn’t changed at all, but the absence of the booming music almost makes it easier to breathe. Suddenly I’m no longer drowning in my feelings, but rather observing them.
The sound of someone nearly hyperventilating has me pushing off the wall, rushing over to the closed training room and throwing it open before another thought can cross my mind.
Even though the door flying open should have alerted the occupant to my presence, they don’t notice me as I stand in the doorway.
Hoseok sits with his back against the far wall, his knees pulled up to his chest as he runs his hands through his hair and over his face. He’s still wearing the same clothes as he was less than fifteen minutes ago in the studio downstairs, but it’s clear he was just working out in them. Most likely dancing, if I’m going to make a guess.
How did he get up here so fast?
Frozen in the doorway, I go over my options. They’re quite simple, seeing as there’s really only two.
First, turn and leave. Run away before he sees me. It’s tempting, especially because it already looks like I’m invading his privacy.
And second.... “The song wasn’t that bad.”
Hoseok’s head shoots up so fast that I’m afraid he hit it against the wall. His eyes are wide and he looks quite frankly exhausted. I wince at the look he gives me.
“What...” his voice is raw and I wonder how it got like that. He shakes his head, looking down at the floor.
I take one step forward, then one step back. Hoseok’s eyes shutter as he watches my uncertainty, but he makes no move to say anything else.
So tired.
He looks so drained. Like someone took a giant spoon and ladled out all of his leftover emotions, leaving him a drained well that is just waiting for another rain.
Suddenly the thought of me hiding in my studio and replaying this entire awkward experience in my head seems more horrible to me than talking to Hoseok, so I take another step inside the room. His eyes never leave the floor.
“Is everything...” I shake my head, trying to gain some courage. Did my heart always beat this hard around him before? “Is everything alright?”
Hoseok chews on the inside of his cheek as he ponders my stupid question. Then, almost as if changing clothes, his expression changes. Brightens, almost.
I can still see the dark storm clouds hovering over his head, though. No matter how brightly he smiles at me now, those rain clouds aren’t far behind.
“Fine.” He brushes his hair away from his face, reverting back to the meticulous Hoseok I know. “Did you see...?”
I frantically shake my head, earning a look of profound relief on Hoseok’s part. “No! No, I was just-” I pause, not entirely sure of what to say. Running from my undying love for you and the hate of what we’ve become doesn’t seem very appropriate.
Hoseok raises his brows, rising to his feet but remaining on the opposite side of the room. “Just what?”
“Just...going for a walk.”
“A walk?”
I cringe as Hoseok takes a long look at me before turning away and heading toward the speaker system in the corner. “Do you have a tendency to take walks to the top floor?”
Is that worry I’m sensing? I realize with a start that perhaps Hoseok spends a lot of time up here, and I think that the lack of visitors on this floor might have something to do with that.
“...no.” Watching Hoseok’s back, which remains visibly tense, I take a step backward. “I should probably get going.”
He nods once. “Ok.”
“I…” Why can’t I form a proper sentence around this man? “Sorry. Bye.” Turning on my heel, I stride out of the room as quickly as possible, keeping my eyes ahead of me as my heart nearly pounds out of my chest. Throwing the door to the stairwell open, I don’t stop moving until I’ve returned to my studio.
Beomgyu jumps out of my chair when he sees me come in, his smug victory smile wiped off his face.
“Is everything alright?”
Well isn’t that the question of the day. “Yep. Did you guys listen to the track?”
Soobin steps up. “Yeah, it sounds great. We were just going to pass it along-”
“Perfect. I’ll export it to your project manager right now.”
In my peripheral I can see the three boys exchanging glances, but I pay them no mind. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll be mortified and apologize, but right now I would really like for them to leave.
They shuffle out, mumbling their farewells. Hueningkai turns around at the last moment. “Do you want me to leave the door open or close it?”
Swiveling in my chair, wave him off. “Closed, please.” He does just as I ask, and suddenly I’m alone in the studio listening to their retreating footsteps.
Closing my eyes, I gather the strength to get up and lock the door. Something tells me that I won’t want to be interrupted for a while.
I’ve just risen from my chair when an envelope slides under my door, making my breath catch in my throat. Hurried footsteps rush down the hallway, but I don’t bother to open the door to see who it is.
Picking up the envelope from off the floor, I frown when it isn’t labeled. It’s simply a white, blank envelope. Ripping it open, I unfold a piece of notebook paper.
I know who you are, but do you know who I am?
Bighit can’t save you now, Jung Ha-rin.
Instantly my heart rate kicks up as I read those words over and over again. Rushing to my door, I pull it open to see who left this horrible note only to find the hallway empty. Standing there in the middle of the corridor, I fight the urge to rip the note to shreds and cry in a corner.
The sound of me barging back into my studio and slamming the door shut reverberates throughout the entire floor, but the sound of my heart pounding drowns out the noise. I hold the note back up to my eyes, practically panting as I read it again.
“What is happening?” I whisper.
When I leave later that night, I still have no idea what’s going on. I leave earlier than usual, although it’s still dark. Mentally cursing myself, I decide to just hope for the best. With my luck today, I’ll be kidnapped or something before I can even make it to my apartment. 
I sent a picture of the note to Bang PD along with a short explanation of what happened. He told me that he would review the security cameras to get a look at who it was that delivered the message, but advised me to catch a ride with someone rather than taking the bus.
So naturally I’m taking the bus.
Sulking at the bus stop while keep my eyes and ears open for any suspicious activity, I can’t help but laugh a little.
Today sucked.
Just as the bus pulls up, I feel my phone vibrate. Scrambling onto the bus and sitting in the first available seat, I pull my phone out and nearly choke when I see what message I just received.
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I can’t help the sound that comes out of me upon seeing his message - it’s a mixture of a groan and a sharp intake of breath, resulting in a coughing fit. The people closest to me glare and scoot farther away but I don’t care.
Staring down at his message, I have to breathe slowly and deeply in order to stop myself. As much as all of this is a dream...the note I carry in my pocket reminds me of all that’s at stake here.
Bang PD’s words accompany the note, repeating themselves over and over again in my mind as I punch out a reply. 
End it before it can begin. 
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Shoving my phone back into my pocket before I give into temptation, I jump off the bus as my apartment complex comes into view. Keeping my head down, I hurry up to my apartment. 
As soon as I enter the apartment I’m rushing to my room, grabbing a box from under my bed and rummaging through it until I find what I’m searching for. 
“There you are.” Holding up a staff photo from when I first started at Source entertainment, my eyes zone in on one of the male staff members on the far end. 
Now just add a hood, a bit of scruff, and crazy eyes. What is my old co-worker doing hanging around my apartment complex? And if my hunch is correct, what was he doing in the Bighit building today?
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txthots · 4 years
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An estimation and analysis of Yeonjun’s chart
-virgo sun, scorpio moon- [See this is why it took me so long to get his chart out- Personally i think that he also exhibits some libra moon sign traits too in the way he comforts those he cares about (ex; the time beomgyu cried and he was the first one to come and comfort him). But in order for me to get his rising sign to be aquarius the time had to match up accordingly, but I also do see him having a scorio moon, too (i have a scorpio moon i feel like we share a lot of the same feelings). plus his moon is riiiggghhtt there next to libra, like one degree away so really with the time i feel like we can take both moon signs into considerations. After all, this is just an estimation!]
okay so. virgo sun males? greedy in bed. same for libra sun males, but the thing is, virgo suns tend to be more apparent about it; they’re picky as shit too. with his sun in virgo and his moon in either scorpio or libra (for the sake of convenience let’s just agree that he’s a scorpio moon) he is most likeluy a fuckboy. Probably got his feelings hurt once and just be getting his dick wet left and right, and then be like “oh that one girl in like the 8th grade really messed me up bro.” sike fkajrgsrrjkn probably not to that extent. We dont know if he really is one by just looking at his birth chart, but just know that the fuckboy potential is there! Scorpio moons are also very intense in bed, and then virgo suns are just into that kinky shit. these two together.... whew the DRIVE on this boy. wait till i get to talking about his venus.
-aquarius rising. I feel like he has an aquarius rising because of his sense of style and the way he carries himself. He’s got some kind of cocky air about him(not in a bad way, he just knows who he is and he’s confident in himself and his abilities). Not in the same way as like, say a leo rising would, but it a more subtle and less loud way. For example, in their first showcase that they were doing in america, the rest of the members were freaking out because it was one of their first real performances as a group... but all Yeonjun kept saying was “We’ll do good. Don’t worry.” cool as a cucumber. Confident. sexy.
that being said he’s confident in his abilities and he’s got this ambition that doesn’t seem to quit so. like i said his DRIVE. hes probably got stamina for DAYS, dog. But just be aware that aquariuans (or at least, most aquarians I know) have this complication with wanting to be loved and having attention/wanting a LOT of space. The ones I have experience with generally don’t like to show much affection and are very shy with it, so if you’re looking for aftercare then you’d probably have to initiate it and he’d probably be awkward with it and kwEKJFS WAIT TILL I GET TO HIS VENUS IM GOING TO GO INTO DETAIL MORE ABOUT THIS OKAY
-mercury in virgo. Oh god lol. If he don’t like something you will surely hear about it. But i don’t think he’s the type to nitpick at something youre self conscious about, just things he knows that you can easily fix within five minutes. my mom is a mercury in virgo. just know that if you do something weird in bed he will call you out on it when you two are alone and when he wants an upper hand... “you say im weird but you did that thing with your feet like 2 nights ago what the fuck was that? Yeah? That’s what i thought shut up.” Also. Puts you in your place. sharp with his words and says all the right things. Probably into dirty talk and will definitely be the one to initiate something kinky between you two. His mercury is also in the 7th house, so he definitely like’s hearing his partner’s feedback!!! Very important to him.
-Venus in leo. venus square saturn. And venus in the 7th house..... LORD. okay. SO venus in leo is definitely a great place to have your venus in!! Leo venuses can go all out for their lovers, give big and grand displays of affection, and be super attentive and genuine. definitely one of my favorite venus placements. these are the type of people who will go all out for their partner, most likely are more into giving than receiving, and just LOVE to take their time with their partner.... HOWEVER. his venus is square his saturn.......... LISTEN. lISTEn. I’ve dated a person who has their venus in leo but their venus was square saturn, just like Yeonjun’s. All i can say is that sex was amazing. Very intense, very pleasurable, it felt very genuine, and then it was kinky as all hell and the STAMINA. I was edged MULTIPLE times, and i think the longest time we went on was about 4-5 hours(you have to take into account that this person has different placements as yeonjun though, so other factors could probably come into play with that being said). felt like i was on cloud nine most of the time and i’d finish overstimulated and shaking and sweaty. BUT it was a VERY off and on thing. people with venus square saturn on their natal charts tend to be very closed off with their romantic feelings and their relationships in general. It doesn’t mean that they’re incapable of love, because they definitely are capable! it’s just that it’s very hard for them to continue expressing it without feeling uncomfortable. for example, do you guys remember that one time where txt were in new york, and all the fans crowded around them and showed them a lot of love? It seemed that all the other members were amazed by it, and of course him receiving that kind of love can give him a warm feeling but it can also make him very uncomfortable. He looked like he wanted to get out there real quick and i noticed that he wasn’t saying a lot... I felt that he liked it, but he wasnt in the condition to project how he felt! But of course our yeonjun has moments where he is very flirtatious and loyal to MOA (just as a leo venus would) and truly does love them, so that kind of balance is something that he has to work out in his saturn return.
-sag mars, mars conjunct pluto, mars in the 10th house. FIrey sex, literally. Sagittarius is a fire sign and they just know how to take charge. ho god, his future partner is going to be so lucky. takes the lead, is spontaneous, overall just sexy. He’s also so confident to begin with, and on top of that he’s got his mars conjunct pluto, so he’s intense, he’s passionate, and he’s got this inner strength (both physical and inner strength). he will break you. period. Both pluto and mars being rulers of scorpio, there’s a very scorpio feeling about his sexual nature and dare i say....... yeonjun is mf hung................... anyway his mars being in the 10th house, he knows he is passionate and he wants to be recognized for it. But he can get carried away, and he needs to work on balance (for example, he needs to show you he loves you with ways other than his dick!).
oh god, my head hurts. Okay
-jupiter in taurus in retrograde, in the 2nd house. Puts high value in money, food, and good sex. If you can’t put it down right he might just be gone lol. definitely an ass man. again, he has a tendency to take things to excess and needs to find a good balance.
-saturn in retrograde in the 3rd house in taurus. this just further perpetuates the idea that has a hard time expressing himself. don’t expect him to get all loveyy dovey lol. If he has a one night stand dont expect any kissing or cuddling after lol
-uranus in aquarius, conjunct his ascendant, in retrograde and in the first house. I think this makes him uranus dominant and aquarius dominant? wild when he dont care about people he really just dont care. Idk how else to put it. anyway for one, this makes him has a rebel attitude. He probably gets off on the fact that like, your parents or your best friend dont like him lol. has a bit of a 4d personality, and AGAIN, another aspect that further perpetuates that he cannot fully express himself. i feel so sorry for this man because i have a 3rd house stellium..... could not be me.
-jupiter and moon square neptune, neptune in retrograde, neptune in the 1st house in aquarius. highly in tune with your feelings. Perceptive and sympathetic. He knows what makes you feel good without you even having to say it. You could bring something up that you really liked that he did last night and he would be like “yeah, I noticed i should probably do that more often.” very creative in bed too.
-neptune, ascendant, and uranus sextile pluto, pluto in the 10th house, pluto in sag. a bit of a control freak lol.  sex is probably a spiritual thing for him or something. definitely a dom, idk why i didnt say that earlier because so many things on this dudes chart screams dom. his power... this dude is literally so transformative. im serious. You know that song.... i feel like a whole.... brand... new.. bitch....... thats you after one night with yeonjun sfiuhewhK. also a crative genius in every aspect. incredibly ambitious
-lilith in sag, lilith in retrograde, lilith in the 10th house. Likes foreign partners. prolly got a hoe in every state, county, country, he been to ngl. his karmic duty is to have more faith in others and trust a little better. again, a bit of a rebel
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sadistic-second · 3 years
Forbidden Fruit
There was a dim light bleeding in through slits in the curtain. The only other source of light in the room was the faint glow of a cigarette. In the distance, perhaps in another room, there was an obscure hum of music playing. Were it at any other volume, it might have been considered loud. Obnoxious. What was it that had been said about the kind of music he liked to listen to? It’s not his fault that metal was the only kind that drowned out all the ghosts of his past.
Outside the storm raged on, the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the window. A flash of lightning overwhelmed the lamp and bled through the cracks in the curtain. Ever so briefly, a man was illuminated. Flaming red hair. Black suit. White shirt. Darkness fell upon him again. Another flash of lightning revealed more about him. Bandages across his nose, one on his cheek. Wrapped around his chest, his forearm. No more worse for wear than usual.
A deep inhale brightened the cancer stick betwixt his fingers. An exhale later and a billow of smoke covered his face. A small cough followed suit before a groan escaped. Eyes closed, his mind began to wonder. What had brought him here on a night like this? Painful memories and a need to forget.
Leather creaked as the body began to shift, the free hand reaching for something. A small device was produced and a thump began to navigate through the different apps and screens. Eventually, he found what he was looking for and opened a text message, addressing it to a particular person. But this was where he hesitated. What was he going to say?
[txt]: Do you remember the night when we first met?
There was a moment of hesitation, thumb hovering over send. A sigh escaped him and his phone was placed on his knee. Did he want to send that? Was it even worth it? A small ten minute argument was had with himself. The message was sent and he sat there, waiting. The recipient was probably asleep anyway. Not like he would get a response.
The redhead shifted in his seat, sinking further into it. His eyes slowly fell shut, sleep beginning to take him at last. However, his body jolted awake at the sound of a gunshot. The only reason he didn't draw his own was the vibration on his knee. A response? This late at night? Interesting.
[txt]: Idiot, do you know what time it is?
Eyes darted over to the clock on the wall. In the darkness, he couldn't see. A flash of lightning two minutes later told him it was somewhere around three in the morning. Why he didn't just look at his phone? Probably because he was too busy thinking of other things.
[txt]: I still remember the taste of you on my lips.
It seemed far too risky to be talking like this. So why? The man could just blame it on being drunk. Figured that would be the retort that he got back. But after five minutes he figured he was being ignored. Not a surprise. Not even in the slightest.
"Should have known better than to send that. Fuck, what are you thinking, Reno?"
That's just it that. He wasn't thinking. Instinct had kicked in at this point. His fingers were moving mechanically on their own. Maybe he should just take a shower. Get clean, get himself into bed. A good night's rest should put him back on track.
His phone was on the coffee table. The Turk had finally managed to stand up, stretch. His bones, joints, popped and ached. Maybe, just maybe, he should stop getting into street fights in Wall Market when he was feeling destructive. There had to be a better way of dealing with his frustrations.
[txt]: Is this why you aren't sleeping? You're reminiscing?
That. That wasn't the response he expected. Stunned, his brain scrambled around in an attempt to figure out what to say. His voice stammered as if he could be heard. What, what was he supposed to say?
[txt]: You've never known the feelings you brought out in me. You opened up my cage and set my spirit free.
Stop. These were personal thoughts. Private feelings. Things to be kept secret, never to see the light of day. If anyone were to learn of these things, they could be used against him. So why . . .
[txt]: Are you suggesting that I put you back into it? Perhaps some time locked in a cage will set you right.
Heh. Of course, they would say that. Why wouldn't they say that? That had to be the most appropriate thing said or done all night.
[txt]: I just wish I could go back to the place and time.
Relive that night over and over again. Do some things differently. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be spending the night alone if he had changed even a slight thing. But it hadn't been anything to do with that night. It had been events that had transpired afterward. Those were the things that he wished he could change the most.
[txt]: And do what?
As if that idiot didn't know. Ugh. Reno would have preferred a verbal conversation now. The ability to speak without thinking would have been great. Damn the consequences at that point. This whole text conversation made him have to analyze every little thing he wanted to say and it was digging at him the entire time.
[txt]: Watch the way you move under the neon lights.
Not the riskiest thing he had ever sent. But it was pretty high up there. Wouldn't have doubted the recipient wasn't the only one reading these. What must they be talking about? What were the chances they were even alone right now?
[txt]: Is that right? Is that all?
If he didn't get a pink slip in the morning for this alone, he would be surprised. Thumbs idled just above the screen. What was he supposed to do now?
[txt]: I still think of you when I'm alone at night.
Take that however one willed it. Here he was, sitting in the dark of his apartment during a thunderstorm, smoking. No alcohol. Just some quiet time alone with his thoughts. If he'd been drunk, maybe he would have gone right to sleep and bypassed all of this. Then no one would have to know of his one weakness.
A response arrived, but not how he figured it would come. A name and picture flashed on his screen, a loud gunshot ringing through his living room. His eyes merely stared at the vibrating device until it stopped. "One Missed Call" flashed on the screen. A couple of seconds later, a text message popped up.
[txt]: Answer your phone. I won't call again if you ignore it.
A few seconds later, it rang again. He answered it before the gunshot even had time to cock.
"If I make a dinner reservation for tonight around 8pm, do you think you can show up in one piece?"
"S-sure. Where we going, Boss?"
"Just meet me in my office. That's all you have to do."
"Alright, yeah. Yeah, I can do that."
"Now get some sleep, Reno. I won't forgive you if you fall asleep on me during our meal."
There was an audible click from the call hanging up. There was a small smile creeping along his lips as he shook his head.
"Heh. Of course, Boss. Whatever you want. Your wish is my command."
Leaving his phone to charge on his nightstand, the Turk decided a shower before bed wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Guess who, it's me. Ya boy. Back with another short inspired by a song I've been listening to. Forbidden Fruit by Hallway Swimmers. It felt really good to be writing something again.
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
NOTES:  January 2nd, Saturday
chapter six: the long way home
Levi saw the notification as he was still holding Mikasa’s phone.
He thought about erasing it for a moment but thought it wasn’t fair to Mikasa. She was an adult now, she had to make her own choices.
Besides, Levi hadn't been perfect in relationships when he was her age.
He would give the Jaeger boy this second chance but if Eren hurt Mikasa again, he would bury him where no one would find him.
No matter what Mikasa said.
He walked over to Mikasa and handed her the phone.
“Make whatever decision you’ll regret least, “ he told her before walking away.
Mikasa was confused about what Levi had said to her until she looked down at her phone. She had a text from Eren. Suddenly, she became very aware of her lyrics. The song was about Eren, there was no doubt about it.
“Do you see all these followers we have now? Look, the band’s instagram is blowing up! We didn’t even livestream from that one!” Sasha exclaimed, pulling her from her thought.
“We didn’t but it looks like someone posted the video Niccolo sent you on his band’s Instagram,” Annie said as she turned her phone around. “He tagged the band and all of us in it.”
The Restorationists would like to introduce @NoName to their biggest fans. Great song! Looking forward to your next livestream! Who thinks we should collaborate with this awesome girl band? @potatogirlsasha @ladyymirlangnar @historia_reiss @femaleleonhart @ackerman_mikasa
PING! Mikasa’s phone went off again. She looked down at the screen.
Eren had sent her two texts.
Did he watch?
What did he think of the song?
What if he hated it?
What if he thought the whole band was a joke?
Would the lyrics she wrote make him mad and not want to tell her the truth?
"I don't know about you but I'm exhausted," Connie said as he stretched.
"Really? I'm running on a post concert high!" Sasha exclaimed.
"It wasn't even a concert. It was one song!"
"Why do you have to ruin my fun, Connie? It was good and you know it!”
“I never said it wasn’t good. I just said that it was only one song.”
“You two argue like a married couple,” Ymir pointed out.
“We do not!” Connie and Sasha said at the exact same time.
“I’m with Connie though, I’m exhausted,” Jean chimed in.
Thunder cracked through the sky.
“Great, that’s all going to freeze on the driveway again,” Levi pointed out as he sat down on the couch. Sawney crawled up into his lap.
“I really don’t want to drive in that,” Connie said. “Levi….”
“Fine,” Levi answered already knowing what Connie was going to ask.
“And you say you don’t miss them,” Hange remarked as they picked up Bean from the floor.
Mikasa’s phone felt like it was burning in her hand. She wanted to look, she really did. However, she did not want to see the messages in front of everyone.
It would have to wait.
Eren could wait.
A few hours later, it had become an acceptable time to go to sleep. Mikasa excused herself from her friends and disappeared into her bedroom.
She finally clicked on the notification that sat on her home screen.
Eren Jaeger:
Nice song. I mean that. You’ve always been really good with lyrics. I’m still trying to get to your
Eren Jaeger:
The bridge was my favorite. You should sing more.
So he had heard then.
What did she even say to that?
Thanks for breaking my heart so we could get some of the best songs we’ve ever written?
No, that sounded stupid.
Why was it so hard to talk to Eren now?
Why was it so awkward?
Oh right.
Because he had gone and ruined everything because he thought she was going to run away from him.
She could write songs about her break ups, her friends’ break ups, and compose lyrics that exposed her soul for all to see.
Yet she could come up with a single reply to Eren’s text?
She wanted to chuck her phone at the wall in frustration.
She felt filled with rage again.
Why was she so damn angry anymore?
She knew why.
All of her problems led back to Eren.
She heard Armin tell everyone downstairs that he was also going to bed.
Mikasa took this moment to step out of her room.
“I need your help,” she said as she grabbed Armin’s arm and pulled him into her room.
She explained everything: the kiss at the club, the meeting at the graveyard, the song that she had written to lines with Eren in the moment, the DUI Eren had, going back to Eren’s house, the kiss at his house,how she had told Eren that Eren needed to go explain everything to her and Armin, the awkward conversation with Zeke at Eren’s house, and finally, she showed him the text messages.
When she was finished, Armin spoke.
“He doesn’t need to explain anything to me.”
“What? Armin, he hit you.”
“Only because I hit him first. That was only because of what he was saying to you. I stopped speaking to Eren because of you. He was hurting someone I love, I wanted to put an end to it. You would do the same if I said those things to Annie or if Annie said those things to me. You’re the one he needs to explain everything to, not me. If he tells you and you forgive him, I will forgive him too.”
Leave it to Armin to make her feelings into something logical. He wasn’t wrong though.
“What do I do then?”
“Whatever you want to do, Mikasa. It’s not up to any of us.”
Ymir loved Historia, more than she could ever express in words. She was actually really bad with words and she didn’t know how to get better at them. Her jealousy was a large part of her problems. Maybe it was because she had waited so long to confess her feelings to Historia. She had to sit there, watching the woman she loved date other people.
It was 1:00 am when she left her room. She had given up on trying to sleep for the time being. It wasn’t like they had had anything planned for the following day anyway. She should have been tired seeing as how they had started moving at 7:00 am on the previous day.
But sleep evaded her.
When she made her way downstairs, she saw Mikasa sitting in the sunroom. Mikasa’s headphones were plugged into the keyboard. Ymir watched as she played for a moment before going over and lifting the headphones off of Mikasa.
This caused Mikasa to jump, Ymir laughed.
“What are you doing up?” Mikasa asked as she removed her headphones completely.
“Couldn’t sleep. You?”
“I couldn’t either,” she responded before handing Ymir her phone.
There were two text messages from Eren on it.
“So are you going to reply?” Ymir asked before she handed the phone back.
Mikasa shrugged, “I’m not sure what to say. So I came here to write but none of the lyrics make sense. They’re all just....words.”
“Lyrics tend to be words, you know?”
Mikasa glared at her.
“Do you ever think you’re overthinking it? I mean, there’s not much being said there. He likes your lyrics, he likes your voice. Just say thank you and be done with it, simple enough?” Ymir asked as she sat down on the piano bench next to Mikasa.
“Do you think I should give him a second chance?”
Ymir shrugged, “that’s something you have to answer for yourself.”
“Would you?”
Ymir paused, wondering if her and Historia were in the same situation if she would forgive her.
The answer was simple, she would.
If Historia said awful things to her, then explained, she would forgive her.
Her love for Historia never had strings attached.
It had been unconditional.
She knew Mikasa was the same way with Eren.
She had seen the pain she knew too well when they had gone to high school together. She had seen how Mikasa longed to be the one dancing with Eren just like how she had longed to be the one dancing with Historia.
“I’d make him explain. Then go from there but staying up all night, that’s not going to help you. Go to sleep, wake up tomorrow with a clear head.”
Mikasa simply nodded before she turned off the keyboard.
Ymir sat in the sunroom for a moment.
She really should have taken her own advice.
She should go to bed and wake up tomorrow with a clear head.
So Ymir went back to bed.
After about twenty minutes of tossing and turning, Ymir got out of bed. She went into Mikasa’s room and collapsed on the empty side of Mikasa’s bed.
“Still can’t sleep?” Mikasa asked her.
“No, you?”
“We’re a mess, aren’t we?”
Mikasa laughed. “We’re the same.”
“Why do we keep sacrificing our happiness for others? Why can’t I just tell her what I’m feeling and that I hate that she left for a few days? That I hate how easy it is for her to throw everything away. Why did I let her just brush my feelings off as a joke and continue acting like they were a joke all of high school? That I proposed marriage so many times as a joke but I was being serious? I want to marry her. I want a stupid white picket picket fence surrounding a stupid house where we live happily married. Why can't I just tell her that? Why can't I just say you hurt me and I don't think you want me as much as I want you?"
“Because you know it’ll hurt her too.”
Ymir grabbed the pillow from behind her head and smothered her own face with it.
“We’re stupid,” Ymir mumbled.
“That we are. Goodnight, Ymir.”
“Goodnight, Mika.”
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mykpopconfession · 4 years
Tumblr media
It's long but hey, thank you so much for allowing me to share my thoughts as kpop is something I do enjoy but I like to look at it from other points of view, how it looks to me from various perspectives, not just as face value kpop fans have tantrums every time something isn't right or whenever idol does something so small and irrelevant it becomes a scandal… shocking but idols are humans and won't always perform to the fans standard.
Fans bitch and whine about how the standard of kpop industry is too harsh yet it's not the industry that is encouraging it, it's the fans themselves, they cant accept minor mistakes and everything gets taken out of context while fans claim they know the idols… ie: Jennie's “lazy” scandal.
Yet they don’t scrutinize the idols whenever they are sexist, colorist, ageist, misogynist, racist, because they can “do no wrong” or their fans, will come to save their asses… even the flipping companies encourage it because they want them to be younger. After all, it's more appealing??? but what 25+-year-old fans are going to be drawn to teens in a group? I don't even find itzy, txt appealing and their whole group’s image is directly for those of teenagers and below, the music/dances, the image, it’s all catered that specifically of a younger audience, shame, I would’ve liked them otherwise.
The younger the idols = the better publicity and the higher chances of gaining popularity by getting into “scandals” for the lack of maturity and social awareness nor are they likely to take accountability and just do whatever they please anyway because they’re idols and their fans will still claim that their age isn’t a problem or because they’re a child/teenager/minor then its okay kpop idols are so out of touch with reality that when they have some form of criticism they start banning and suing left right & center… because they live as though everyone is going to fall head over heels for them and blindly accept everything they do because most kpop fans are already blinded by their idols and cant accept when an idol says or does something disgustingly wrong nor can they accept mild criticism without getting their pitchforks out.. its a cult, no denying it. 
As lovely as the choreography might be I don't want to watch the idols if they are doing any of the above: dancing overly provocatively (especially when they may be on the minor age scale), twerking or grinding the stage or anything overly sexual at that. 
Kpop fans lap it up because its socially acceptable to objectify the idols and make them appealing because of their “dancing/performance” when it is turning them into some trend because they “danced” overly sexy/cute, that's all they amount to is the dancing side of it
TBH I found it intriguing at first but now every kpop group tries to have this “sexy” look and it just doesn't work. it’s like asking a foreigner to be interested in kpop when they act cute except its not normal to appear cute over here, it's only going to appeal to those who maybe find it intriguing or different from their own culture. 
Yet cute/sexy is all kpop idols can amount to even if it looks so uncomfortable and unpleasing to watch. alas they are idols, they’re not humans, they can twerk, dance provocatively and act cute all because the fans will enjoy it no matter what it is or who it is… age isn’t even considered but the younger the better they stand a greater chance. 
Which is like bighit canceling everyone of the older generations who maybe possess the same talent but with a maturer image and behavior… its both ageist and sexist, why is it some huge fetish that just boys in or around 1999 only for their new survival show thing i-land? I find it… odd more than exciting or interesting cause I know its just typical for the members to be more younger but less appealing to older generation cause I have nothing that I’d relate too I don't even relate to the TikTok trend because that's all it is, another trend or bandwagon. yet everyone treats it as being this incredible new thing that suddenly acceptable for young folk even though it brings so much disgusting behavior/drama along with it, its a recycled version of the vine but worse, in the same sense this is what kpop does, recycle groups once they’re less appealing to make way for the same groups but look slightly different. 2ne1/blackpink, BTS/txt yet the fans don't say nothing about how it is encouraging the sexual appeal and almost asking for fans to thirst over them because this is what “dance” supposedly should be. sexy/cute nothing in between, it's saying that idols should portray this image cause it’s more appealing than the music itself. if the male idols show their abs/skin even better, females? wear the most uncomfortable looking clothing and ur good to go. 
The kpop sounds now have become about the group's image, level of popularity, as opposed to actual talent, creative freedom and ability to give off a genuine performance that doesn’t include anything generic or robotic image. its got to be loud, bright, vivid because its all for the dance/sexual appeal of both the male and female gender is almost aligned with the concept for it.
The lyrics can be as disgusting as they please because its okay, its only kpop. any lyrics are acceptable, bts got called out for their lyrics in one song yet not in any of the others? same for other groups, so few call out the lyrics because lyrics mean nothing. it's about the visual appeal of the groups and the kind of fame they gather from it alone so you can have the visuals but do the bare minimum and not have much stage presence but be classed as a main singer or dancer, its okay fans will lap it up no matter what it is. also, I’ve noticed the same sound being used across several groups depending on the concept of the song… repetitive much? why does kpop fear change or standing out? why get idols to become something they are not ie: whitening their naturally beautiful dark skin, have idols who don’t need to, lose weight. it's not the company its the idols encouraging it because it's acceptable and normalized to be anything other than thick, natural and healthy. 
Ppl act like trying to shove kpop into the western music genre will make it appeal any better, the fans act like they couldn’t see the racism coming, but that's what happened bts were forced into a culture that had nothing to do with them because in western we generally hop from one bandwagon to the next and just roll with it since it's popular it must be good.
ie: one direction, psy, 5 seconds of summer and now bts… how do so many don't see the pattern nor did they see bts coming? you expect Asian artists to become greatly admired over here too but when you shove it in ppl’s faces and try to get it to become the next big thing, not everyone is gonna see the appeal I honestly feel like it's been forced… not by the companies but by the international fans. now instead of trying to gain popularity in their home country kpop groups try too hard to appeal to the western market… you can’t even deny how vastly generic bts’ music has become SINCE they hit the American music awards or whatever it was. note: they didn’t even win awards for their music, but simply their popularity is what got them there
I loved boyz with fun, despised boy with Luv yet because they’ve been in the American industry’s eyes they put it out what has become popular just using their language… well sometimes, even idol, what could’ve been a great song with a nice meaning missed some marks, as in the overuse of auto-tune has become almost normal for them? vs using natural vocal abilities, I'm no coach but straining one's voice to hit a high note in a slow song doesn’t sound healthy. when all bts have done in the past is upbeat music is why they struggle to maintain high notes in slow songs because they’ve followed the same music style for so long then suddenly changed it so their voices don't match softer songs… which I’d appreciate more of instead of just dark lyrics and over-hyped upbeat poppy music.
ie: I loved the sound for serendipity, but the lyrics weren’t as good and Jimin kinda struggled to sing it well enough both in-studio and live, however its one of my more favorite songs. I’d also appreciate a slower gentle song that isn’t about a relationship too thanks looking @ you euphoria. 
You think it's about the music, lyrical side of it but I disagree, it's merely the concept of yet another boy group that's sadly taken over in the most overbearingly forced way possible and you all act like the racism wasn’t going to occur. nct had an incredibly shit time in America during their tour its because it's not meant for America, its trying force kpop to become something it's not just to fit in with western music taste. I miss when they did full songs in Korean now they do English full versions with hella cringe-worthy lyrics and expect them to blow up or become the next big thing. 
I’ve been walking with the cheese and the queso????? if ur happy and u know it clap ur hands???? theses ones make me laugh more than wanting to listen repeatedly, they throw them in there simply to appeal to western music, no matter if its a bad lyric, doesn't make sense or is cringe-worthy. 
Kpop is built for Korean consumption it's great to see it's expanded however, its in the wrong directions for the wrong appeal. bts did not pave the way when psy also existed the same year they debuted. bts tried to get a following in America but failed because naturally psy was almost made fun of for just being an Asian doing what he does best yet the hype quickly dyed down & everyone moved on until bts came into the scene… so far behind than when they should’ve gone viral years before. not the companies fault but merely the appeal of the image/music wasn’t suited to the western music genre so when they become familiar more with America they switched the songs to sound pop-like… nothing wrong but less appealing than their original image/music, which I prefer, I’d say it started to change with not today era. 
The only reason being bts have stuck around now is because of the boy group concept even if the lyrics aren’t that great when translated into English, they’ve already tried and IMO, failed to push their music into the western music industry and they’ve won awards solely based on the fandom/popularity alone kpop has become less and less about the music, energy of the performances, now it's about if they look right together as a group. how the group as a whole appeal to the fans and what makes the fans blinded by them… which is essentially their sex appeal, whether the idols are grown women or men or even teenagers, who might be uncomfortable with fans lusting after them. whether they’re dancing sexy or acting somewhat cute doesn’t matter because it's become acceptable and a must if you want to be an idol so fans can thirst over them. 
Sorry not sorry but kpop has become much less about the music itself and see what is trendy puts it to music and calls it the next big thing. which is a shame I love the language I love how it sounds in the songs & I also love that it encourages me to learn the language that's more appealing than the group image/songs itself but they’re letting looks matter to the point where groups are mistreated abroad by both media and fans alike all because of this group image concept. nct getting mixed up with bts was pure racist but how can they fail to tell how different they are? wait, no, any Asian boys in a group must be considered to be bts… see its just one hype train after the other, even Astro got mixed and when parasite become popular and rightly won the awards some were racist. Trump's comment was appalling but at least he got the country right, yes, everything that's become popularised in America is from South Korea, gold star for that. 
Its the concept of boy groups. not the music itself. if it were music then day6 would have a similar appeal, gain the same momentum as bts/nct have done, yet because they differ from the typical dance style boy group they won't gain the same effect as their counterparts, bts / nct & whoever else. 
Yet they’re still appealing to the wider international audience and did very well with their tours, same for the rose, they don’t trend in the same way boy groups do but have some form of appeal because it’s a different concept/image style altogether than the way bts / nct, etc are put together but still they don’t have the same effect as some of the more dance-based groups have because its a different genre but still from the same industry…
Different genre means less appealing or less popular but I’d say day6 are doing better, producing a greater amount of pleasing music, with reasonable lyrics but don't receive the same amount of popularity. compare to bts / nct who follow similar styles mixed up of what is trendy and call it a day. whereas kpop dance groups throw anything out there and its okay cause fans will lap it up too.
It's not the song that got blackpink to Coachella, its purely the appeal of yet another young women based group, again solely so they can push the feminism, girl power movement through their “songs” but it's their image of youthful cutely acting girls that gains the attention of western men/women… little mix tried it so why not blackpink, heck even fifth harmony failed to maintain the popularity because the appeal wasn’t there in the songs, but they were females in a group, therefore, they must have some form of appeal to the public / recent trends, bandwagons
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
Hi! 😊👋
I just wanted to say that I got into TXT because of you (and one or two other people) on tumblr. Your posts about them made them seem so sweet. I also was really mesmerized? Pulled in my Yeonjun? I'm not sure what words to use, but I was like who is that? 😂
So I looked them up and I Stan now. I was also curious about your bias and also your favorite song of their's . (The fist song and music video I saw was good boy gone bad first and I love it!)
Hope you're doing well!
Oh my gosh hello 🥺 First of all this is so sweet bc while I’ve casually liked txt since debut I’ve only stanned them really for a month now 😂😭 I’m really happy that I could help in some way for you to get into them, they’re truly lovely ppl~
Also yeah Yeonjun definitely has that effect on ppl (me included) 😂 he’s not only very charismatic but also very talented and may I say endearing haha 🥰
I’m very much Yeonbin biased. I initially got into txt bc of Soobin and he’s just my absolute favorite, but after a while I couldn’t deny that I also biased Yeonjun 👏🏼😂 but I’m also just an avid ot5 lover they’re all so fun haha and oof I love their whole discography really, but my favorite song is 0X1=LOVESONG it’s the song that really had me paying attention to them last year, I almost stanned them back then but then ended up forgetting to go back after the repackage </3
GBGB is such a great song! It’s the reason I decided to look them up again! the song itself is great plus the message and the overall ep is *chef’s kiss* (lonely boy is one of my favorite songs too) and the mv is so good, the performance video is even better imo just bc I love the entire choreo from GBGB
Thanks for sending this ask feel free to send any others any time this really made me smile to know I helped turn someone into a moa haha 😂😂👍🏼👍🏼
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the7thcrow · 2 years
it’s 3:45 am on may 9th, so y’all already know what time it is…
✨corynn’s first thoughts on txt’s thursday’s child EP✨
thursday’s child: when i heard the teaser i already knew this was going to be my fav. it’s so fun? i can’t explain it but the instrumental just touches my soul. if my vibe as a person was a song, it’s this. can’t wait to drive around in my car while listening to this, it’s my new anthem idc idc.
good boy gone bad: i feel like i’m being yelled at but in a really good way lmao. this is being added to the workout playlist asap. i believe this is the title track (?), and i think it’s great. all the applause.
lonely boy: pretty interchangeable with #2 tbh. another song i could tell i was really going to like from the teaser. it’s got a strange and bouncy, almost kinda off vibe that i just really like in a song.
trust fund baby: this is really good. like i don’t have much to say, it’s just a really good song lmao. only reason it’s not higher is bc A: the ones above it are so good, and B: i can tell it’s not going to be one a reach for super often bc it has a very specific mood and vibe to it.
opening sequence: it’s a shame this is at the bottom bc it’s also genuinely a banger. just a bit stagnant which is why it’s last, but i’m not complaining. it’s also very good, and opens the EP very nicely.
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