#and guess what I have to help my housemate deep clean the house on the weekend
dreamyberry · 1 year
Someone told me you’re never gonna be 100% happy anyway. So what are we here for? Heartbreaks and paying the rent and distracting yourself with hobbies 2 hours a week to forget you’d rather be d3ad?
#I thought I could have. anew beginning but I keep feeling terrible#and I also have to look for a new home thanks to my landlord#who happily told me she’s excited to get new people in the house 2 days ago#in a way it could be good to change air#go to a bit nicer city maybe#but idk how hard it will be#i feel so emptied out#think of him and want to cut my throat#I am a burden to myself#I’m so sick of hoping I die in a car accident I have been doing that since I am 14#had a 2 year break and here I am#I just hope I manage to see some friends or so-called people#and guess what I have to help my housemate deep clean the house on the weekend#apparently I heard he said on the phone friends of him from Germany are coming on Monday#so I guess that’s it#the only tiny reason I would be sorry about if I die is my parents#my colleague/boss told me I am really lucky to have parents like that after he met them#I feel so much like a failure#I was brought into this world and all I can hope for myself is to stop living#I want to go to a therapist but as I am stranded and probably will have to change municipality I probably have to wait applying for it#I’ve never felt like I needed it more than now#I’ve had multiple times people saying I’m too silent which to me is total bullshit but anyway#when I start talking I go on too long especially about mental things and I end up feeling ashamed#at least with a therapist I wouldn’t be ashamed cause it’s their fucking job to just listen or ignore me but I will let it out and not feel#so cool:(#why can’t I be happy like in 2018#the only year where I could actually answer I was feeling good and like wanted to show it
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alienpossession · 2 years
Part 3: Spread a Little Wider (Jeff)
Aiden decided that its best to continue the construction of the house to not raise any suspicion. So he, Ricardo and Max decided to stick around in the property to also ensure the safetiness of the rest of their being while instructing the rest of the workers to go back into their respective after-construction life. Of course Aiden cannot let them leave without a handful of souvenir from the extraterrestrial world, and when they are ready, he set those infected puppet to the outside world ready to wreck a little havoc to the rest of the human population
Jeff White sidelined by injury in his sophomore year of university and his career simply never returned after that. In order to keep up the study despite losing his football scholarship, he worked in construction owned by his father's friend. Too bad the place that simply became the source that continued his uni life also ended his life as he knew it when the alien goo infected him just a couple hours ago. Now, he's more than ready to make the rest of his college friends turned into the same cause as him with the little help of the things stored in his massive carry-on
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He lived together with some friends that has been living with him since freshman year. The rule is for upperclassmen to no longer use dorm facilities and since Jeff is in his senior year, he's clearly not eligible for dorm any longer. But he and his dorm-mate and 2 juniors managed to rent a rather decent house fitting for 6 college kids who all love to workout and have frequent guests so they have no complaint whatsoever.
Trent just finished his classes late into the afternoon at 5 PM when he arrived in the house, but it seemed a little quiet, except for the lulling yet deep baritone voice of what he recognized as Jeff's voice coming from the kitchen. So Trent decided to swing by and take a peek on what his bro's doing before headed to his bedroom
"Hey bro, meal prep?"
"Oh hell yeah, you wanna come and have a taste?"
"Hmmm, I guess it's not gonna hurt,"
But Trent came for a little surprise as Jeff turned around and shown him a rather stuffed belly while smiling awkwardly
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"Glad I could share this with you bro,"
And just like that, Jeff grabbed Trent's head and then lodged copious amount of black slime right into Trent's mouth. The junior year student couldn't put up a fight as he eventually overtaken by the invading goo that quickly gained control of his body.
After the sloppy takeover/kiss from Jeff, Trent simply swiped the goo around his lips with his hands and give it a lick
"Umh so nutritious. Okay, now this makes the two of us. Shall we wait for the others or should we search them and give them a little surprise?"
"Don't you have a party to attend?"
"Oh yeah, Phi Kappa Alpha. But it's still tomorrow though. It's daytime pool party,"
"And who said that they wouldn't have a pre-game tonight? You know how Pike rolled. Infect the brothers before tomorrow's party and I'll wait here to get the rest of the housemates,"
"Sick, I like it,"
"What the fuck you two been talking about?"
A sharp and slightly terrified looking sound comes from the front of the kitchen. It's Gary's voice, and beside him, is Jae, the other two housemates,"
Jeff and Trent glared at the two smaller yet still muscular guy and decided that play pretend won't cut it, so they just simply do a full-front attack to the two that tried to run the quickest they can to exit the house. But the alien enhanced Jeff's and Trent's already insane physicality and stamina and that left both Jae and Gary subdued in less than a minute. The two writhed on the floor fighting for their dear life when both Jeff and Trent simply smiled wickedly and opened their mouth to let black shiny goo sludged down from their mouth to fill and overrun Jae's and Gary's system. Not long after that, the two also taken over by the alien sludge
"We should clean up. My girlfriend is coming,"
"And a nerd is going to tutor me,"
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"Hm, the more the merrier. Okay then, Trent, change your clothes and go to Pike. Take control of as many frat boys as possible. You two take care of your own subjects and I'll handle the two housemates, sounds solid?"
"Okay then, disperse,"
The alien inside Jeff runs the memory to really make sure what he spot in the human's memory was correct. And yeah, the two housemate left are two fucking muscle monster.
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Well, he can certainly take them down, but this might be the toughest battle he will have to face so far
Meanwhile, 10 minutes later, Trent is already standing outside Pike, ready to spread out a little blessings to the blissfully unaware frat bros of Phi Kappa Alpha
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fuwaprince · 4 months
hey. are you okay friend?
No, I'm not and c'est la vie! Sometimes you're okay and sometimes you're not. Thanks for checking in sweet friend 🫂 I hope you're having a beautiful day! 💕
Yesterday I helped Mr. Leonard deep clean his home that we're still trying to save and this morning I unfortunately headed back to the hag house I reside in! He was so nice. Sent me home with half his cookies and told me to share with the people who were kind enough to give me a ride. I didn't even mean to stay over last night but I was just so tired after cleaning... I slept for a whole 10 hours! Kind of a miracle for me. I must've been comfortable
Soon as I got back to the hag house and started to microwave my usual (a single jumbo corn dog), I was rudely interrupted and told by the biggest bitch here that I am no longer a part of the household even though I am living here for the next 30 days still???? They can deny the reality (that I have been part of this house since the day I moved in) and believe in whatever delusion they so badly want to- fine!!! But the sucky part is that they say I can no longer help myself to the food my fucking rent covers because of that decision... Wackadoodle :/ Funny how the carpet slides around. They're literally fattened up by greed. They're willing to starve me down to nothing if it means I'll die faster than I can move out. Whatever it takes to drive me away I guess since the other terror tactics just didn't work! She was giving me attitude and rude comments. Other housemate blasted trans hate (happy pride btw). Got defensive af over their food in their kitchen :/ whatever
Good news is that I reapplied for food stamps after a friend motivated me to. I'm fucking praying that this time my fucked up mother doesn't sabotage it by denying me my fucking mail again like she did last time which resulted in me starving/withering all summer of last year! I should've had it this whole time... Hopefully it gets processed soon. Phone interview will take place once the weekend is over... I hope there's a way to expedite it.
If I had my own PO box then I wouldn't have to depend on my mom actually giving me my mail... I don't have a key and don't live there with her anymore but this mailing address won't work. The people here tamper with my belongings out of hate. Why? Who knows. I try not to think about the whole "what if I was a pure white lesbian instead of a brown trans traitor? Would they respect me then?" rabbit hole. I don't care. Even if I was respectable to them, I wouldn't be their friend based on how they'd treat others. Anyways, yeah. Coming back home sucks. People are mean. My heart rly hurts and keeps acting up. Stings and feels like I'm going to pass out from time to time. It's hurting more than usual and bothering me as I type this
My on and off boyfriend also texted me saying he got hit by a car a few hours ago (he's okay, apparently.... Although I question since he refused to go to a hospital). Stresses my poor heart out to hear that tbh. But yeah. Maybe I'll go on a night walk or something. I hate this house that I'm in. If Mr. Leonard lived any closer I would just walk back there and beg him to let me in. I would feel better if I was out of here and around compassionate people. I'm gonna be okay
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
an: something short and sweet for johnny t.
requested kiss challenge: spin the bottle kiss
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pairing: johnny x reader | words: 1.5k |rating: 💙
sum: best friends who flirt nonstop leads to no one in the house believing the two of you are strictly friends. a game of spin the bottle leaves Johnny in his feelings when he’s not the one you kiss.
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Friday. Family Night. 9 p.m.
The message was written on the whiteboard, posted on the refrigerator door. After realizing everyone was free at the same time—for the first time in weeks—Charlie had put out the request demand.
Friday morning, she sent out a gentle reminder text to the group chat.
📲 : Have your asses home by 8:30.
The unspoken rule of never upsetting Charlie brought everyone home on time. Showers were taken, food acquired, and a bonfire lit by the time the sun had set.
Three pizzas and half a case of Corona deep, you all have put the stresses of the week behind you.
Charlie stands on a rock, her cell phone recording. Jakes hasn’t even bothered to turn around to watch the action unfold. He’s focused on finishing his slice of pizza, his head shaking as you catch his eye. The newest addition to the house, Mike, is watching with a mixture of horror and admiration. Briggs sends Paige a wink as she proudly watches her dare unfold.
The only one missing from the group is Johnny.
The latest victim of the bottle, Johnny has stopped a nearby group of women, passing on the beach, in their tracks. Stripped, he walks towards the waves. The latest additions to his audience bring a grin to his lips.
“All the way in, J-Man!” Briggs calls as Johnny comes to a stop at the shoreline.
Johnny doesn’t need words of encouragement. He runs directly into the water. The cheers he gets become muffled as Johnny disappears beneath the surface of the darkened waves. Upon his return to the group, Johnny manages a quick bow before reaching for his discarded pile of clothes.
Charlie swipes them, prompting the smile on Johnny’s face to stretch into a grin.
“Stop being shy,” Charlie giggles as Johnny's eyes briefly drift to the camera. “Own your dare--”
“Charlie!” Tossing Johnny a nearby towel, Jakes rolls his eyes. “Don’t encourage him.”
“Shut up, Jakes." Johnny allows Charlie one more view of his smile before he rolls his eyes. "You can’t say anything for someone who won’t even play with us.”
“I don’t have to,” Jakes smiles as he watches Johnny wrap the towel around his waist. Lifting the crust in his hand, he adds. “I supplied the food.”
Johnny kisses his teeth as he picks up his hoodie.
“Man, whatever. We��re supposed to be bonding with Mikey.”
“I don’t know how me seeing your ass is helping us bond, Johnny.”
“Awe,” Charlie giggles. The kiss she presses against his cheek causes Jakes to roll his eyes. “Don’t be jealous. It’s a great ass.”
“It is,” Paige teases as Johnny sends a wink her way.
Rubbing his palms together, Johnny takes his seat alongside Charlie before reaching forward. The empty beer bottle sits atop one of the pizza bottles, waiting to be spun. The rules are simple. You spin the bottle. You get to ask a simple question once the bottle stops spinning: truth or dare?
“Ya’ll ready?” Johnny’s eyes briefly pass over the circle before giving the bottle a spin.
You all watch as it spins, the bottle a blur, making it impossible to guess who its next victim will be. As the bottle begins to slow, it teeters towards Paige, who sits on your right, before rolling to a stop on you.
A smile finds Johnny’s lips as you pass Paige your drink.
“Alright, baby girl, what'll it be? Truth or dare?”
Despite the length of the game, this is your first time being asked the question. Everyone watches as you silently consider Johnny's question.
According to Mike, truth is the safest route to go. There aren’t many secrets left amongst you and your housemates. You beg to differ. There is one secret you would prefer to stay hidden. With that being the case, you only have one option.
“Alright, JT, dare,” the mischievous glint in Johnny’s eyes causes you to shake your head. “Go ahead, lay it on me.”
Johnny knows the rules. No dares can be repeated.
“Since skinny dipping is out,” Johnny’s gaze remains on you while his voice trails off. To no surprise, he leaves a dramatic pause. His hand strokes his chin as he considers the possibilities. “I dare you to...kiss your favorite person here.”
“Oh my goodness, Johnny!” Paige groans.
“What?” The wide, innocent brown eyes Johnny sends her way prompts Paige to toss her napkin towards him. “It could be anyone.”
“My favorite person?” You ask.
“Yep,” Johnny nods, watching as your eyes slowly scan the smiling faces of your friends.
“And I can kiss them anywhere I want?”
Johnny’s brow raises as he considers your question. He opens his mouth to speak, but Paige quickly drowns him out.
“Nope, you can’t add anything else, Johnny.”
Your eyes linger on Briggs. His gaze is playful as his bottle stops just short of his lips.
“Take it easy on me, sweetheart,” he grins. The widening of Johnny’s eyes causing him to add. “I’m down to give you free rein. Kiss me wherever you like.”
“Sorry, Pauly.” A smile finds your lips as you push yourself up. “I might have to catch you next time.”
Paul’s hand finds his heart, his eyes briefly closing as he sighs, “damn.”
You dust the sand off your shorts before stepping over the pizza box. There are only two people sitting before you. Despite the dare being his request, Johnny cannot suppress the butterflies that awaken as your gaze briefly studies him.
The smile on your lips grows as your gaze shifts to Charlie.
The rare sound of laughter drifts from Jakes as you settle on your knees before a smiling Charlie.
“Where do you want it, Miss. DeMarco?”
Charlie’s brow arches as her eyes drop to your lips. “Surprise me.”
You both share a soft smile as you take her face in your hands. The kiss you leave against her lips does not last longer than ten seconds, but it is enough to leave Johnny wide-eyed.
After a few more rounds, everyone decides to call it a night. A few hours of sleep will be needed for work tomorrow. You’re in the kitchen, seated on the island, preparing to bite into the last slice of pizza when Johnny swipes it.
“Hey! What the hell?”
Johnny ignores your widened gaze. He pauses, taking the largest bite he can before picking up the discarded beer bottle alongside you. Adding it to the trash bag in his hand, Johnny continues his execution of trash duty.
“Johnny, I was going to eat that?”
You shift, trying your best to catch sight of him as he rounds the island.
“I’m on kitchen duty,” his words come out muffled through a mouthful of pepperoni. “Whoever cleans up gets the last slice.”
Your nose scrunches. “Since when?”
Your question is met with the clanking of bottles as Johnny drops two more into the black trash bag.
“Since now.” Johnny takes a second bite before tying off the bag. “If I were your favorite person, I would’ve shared. But I'm not so...”
You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Johnny sits the bag by the back door before coming to a stop alongside you.
You watch as he takes his time finishing the slice of pizza. As he reaches the crust, Johnny glances up to find your arms crossed over your chest. The pout on your lips brings a grin to his.
“Want the last bite?” He offers the crust, narrowly avoiding the shove you send his way.
You shake your head, draining the last of your beer. Johnny silently nibbles on the crust in his hand, his mind trying the best way to ask the question.
You know it’s coming before your empty bottle can touch the countertop.
“I’m not jealous—so don’t take it that way,” Johnny starts as he pushes himself off his elbows.
“I don’t know why I would.”
“But I thought we were best friends—”
“Charlie’s my best friend too.”
The sweet smile on your lips causes Johnny’s eyes to narrow. “But who’s your best friend?”
“Johnny—” The giggle you release does little to ease his expression.
"What? I'm being serious."
"Yeah? So am I."
His expectant gaze remains as it dawns on you that Johnny is awaiting an answer to his question.
“I mean, say an OP went wrong, and you had to save one of us—”
“I would save both of you.”
The matter-of-fact tone in your voice causes Johnny to pause. He shakes his head.
“In this situation, you can’t—”
“In a hypothetical situation, I can’t do whatever I want?”
“Fine, I’d save Charlie.” You respond. Johnny’s mouth falls open in disbelief. “She’s a way better shooter than me. I would need her to cover me. Then both of us could save you together.”
Johnny’s gaze drops to the empty bottle sitting on the counter. “That’s messed up.”
You tip the bottle forward as you take in the pout settling on his features. You point it towards him. Laying the bottle on the counter, you watch Johnny study it.
The corner of his lips turns up in a soft smile as you place a kiss against his cheek. You leave a second one for good measure.
“So, I am your favorite?” Johnny grins as you meet his gaze.
Your lips briefly meet his, the action leaving Johnny wide-eyed as you hop off the counter.
“Don’t tell Charlie,” you giggle as you head up the stairs.
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rio/johnny tags: @kimljn @binooo98
main tags: @crowngold @cant-decide-at-this-moment @wiccanmetallicrose @themarkblues @gemini0410 @the-jer-bear @leahnicole1219 @abbiesthings @trhett21 @trulysuccubus @starrynite7114 @awkwardtayler @toni9 @queenbeered
@kaystacks17 @richonne4life @cocotheclown @oscars-wifeyyy @jennisdirtyimagines @sadeyesgf @ughdontbeboring @myakai13 @linziland13 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @rosieposie0624 @appropriate-writers-name @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @beiroviski @making-starsdance @seize-the-droid @chaneajoyyy@siempremamita @relaxing-najee @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @toni9
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kattwritesuwu · 3 years
Can I request a Clingy!monsterTom x Depressed!Reader? Maybe with cutting and suicidal thoughts?
I sure can!!! I LOVE angst!!!!!
Fandom: Eddsworld
Character: Tom
Reader: Depressed
Fic type: Comfort/angst
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: This WILL heavily mention suic/de, blood, and perhaps other triggering topics, read at your own risk!!
Notes: People, I'm not trying to make depression and similar illness romantic, this is simply for comfort.
I hate everything.
Well, not everything, but the majority, y'know? Everything just...sucks. Life in general, it's all terrible.
People are terrible. Sure, I've found a few choice people that aren't the bane of my existence, but even they have their flaws.
Am I saying that I'm some heaven sent angel? Hell no I'm not. I'm just as terrible if not more! I hate everyone, including myself.
Am I lying? Yeah. Do I have a crush on someone? Yeah. Am I gonna do something about it? Nope.
Why should I? It's not like I'll be here longer anyways...
I'm planning to kill myself.
Am I scared? Kind of. But at this point I don't care. I'm always scared anyways. Always on my guard around people.
Most people don't know the fear and pain of constantly feeling...numb.
It's not like I never feel anything, it's just so rare. My most common emotion is pain. I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But all I can ever being myself to do is cry, and even that's a rare occurrence at this point.
I feel so alone.
Friends? Yeah I have a few.... they're all a bit odd in their own way. Can't complain though, they're like family to me.
My real family? Not many immediate ones, plus, I moved to England five years ago. They called me everyday for the first couple of months. Nowadays, I can barely get a text back... I get that they have their own lives in their respective country, but man, it just makes me so cold-feeling...
I guess where I was going with this, is that I'm scared. Not of my inevitable death, but everything else.
I'm scared of anything and everything now that I think about it. I don't exactly mean common fears they talk about in elementary school, I'm talking real world problems.
I'm scared of failure, not sure why. I've failed enough in my life....it shouldn't even faze me at this point.
Im especially scared of people.
My friends? Yeah them too. What if I make a fool of myself and they think I'm an idiot? What if I make the wrong move, and they hate me? They probably hate me enough as it is...
That why I won't confess to Tom. He'll hate me afterwards. There's just no point in ruining something for nothing in return.
These were the thoughts that ran through my head as my arms and legs were sliced up by a blade driven by my own hands. It's wasn't like it hurt. All it really did was sting, I'm just that used to being hurt, I suppose.
As I was wrapping up my little 'session' I heard a knock on my door,
"(Y/N)! You in there? It's dinner time! I made breakfast for dinner!" A British accent leaked through my door.
I didn't scramble around at the thought of him walking in, my door was locked after all. It's not like I'm that stupid.
" I'll be there in a few minutes, Edd." I spoke back in a raspy voice, not bothering to yell. Edd has good ears, he can somehow hear a whisper from across the house.
It takes me a minute or two to get up and walk into the bathroom that connects to my room. I stumble a bit with the loss of blood.
Once I get in there I take a quick shower, just barely long enough to stop the bleeding and make it appear as if you just took an actual shower.
Once I get out of the shower, I slip on my (favorite color) hoodie.
That was an easy part of hiding my self abuse. Everyone in the house wore a hoodie of their own designated color.
I also slipped on a longer article of clothing to go onto my legs. Couldn't let them see my thighs either.
Once I finished the rest of my cleaning up, I headed out of my little bathroom, and in front of my door. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and walked out.
I got about halfway down the stairs before a screech startled me, causing me to trip a bit,
" (Y/N) IS HERE! YAY!" The high pitch British scream could only belong to the narcissistic ginger known as Matt.
Once I got my balance back into my feet, I continued down the stairs and greeted Matt with a wave.
" Yeah she lives here, idiot. She's not going anywhere." A deeper voice had spoken, I turned around and Tom was there as expected. I smile shrunk a bit at his last comment.
" Sup (y/n)." You snapped out of your thoughts and responded with a casual 'yo.'
The three of us then heard a thick accent cursing in the kitchen, no doubt it was Tord,
" For jævla skyld! Just let me have the last piece!!"
Sure enough, when we walked into the kitchen, Edd and Tord were fighting over the last piece of bacon. I let out a sigh, and the two boys finally acknowledged our existence. That alone didn't stop their argument though.
I didn't even bother attempting to break up the fight, I never could anyways. Their little fuss always ends one of two ways. Edd steals the bacon from under Tord's nose, or vise versa.
I just grabbed a small portion of food, and sat down.
I knew I would be gone by the end of tonight...but I wanted to taste Edd's cooking one last time.
Something interesting happened, instead of one of the two boys getting the bacon, they halved it and sat down. Of all my four years living in this house with these people, they've never shared their bacon.
Dinner wasn't as talkative as it usually was when we all ate at the table. Usually we'd all have a big group discussion about our day, or week. Tonight was quiet, giving me an opportunity,
" Hey, guys?" Each one of their heads turned to me, and Edd signalled me to continue,
" I just wanted to say, thank you." Their brows furrowed but I held out a hand to tell them to let me finish,
" You four have helped me with so much over the past few years. From when you let me live here when I couldn't find proper housing situations, to letting me borrow the car. I just wanted to formally tell you all how grateful I really am. You are truly the kindest people I've ever met." As I went on talking, I realized how bad of an idea this actually was.
I mean, will they get suspicious? I'm just showing gratitude right? It shouldn't sound like a cry for help or anything...
As I snapped out of thought for the fiftieth time today, I notice that all of the boys have some type of smile on their face, even Tom!
Edd was smiling like a proud mother,
Matt was smiling giddily,
Tord had a smug, 'cool guy' smile,
And Tom had the smallest smile that made my heart melt.
I awkwardly continued my fake smile, and sat down.
Conversation continued on as would on a normal night, with the topic being past pleasant memories.
I volunteered to wash the dishes, it was the least I could do. There was only one problem. For some ungodly reason, Tom had insisted on helping me.
I couldn't figure out why at first, untill it dawned on me that he probably needed something from me.
So as I scrubbed the forgetten food off of the ceramic plate, he rinsed and dried them. We did this in silence, aside from the running water. Tom's the first one to break the tension filled silence,
" So, how have you been?" It was such a simple question, I could have simply faked a toothy grin, and said that I was great. I could have thanked him for asking. I could have asked him back.
But I only did one of those things.
" I've been doing just as good as I always do." I reply with a small sad smile. I tear my eyes away from the dish water," How about you? You've been awfully quiet tonight."
He chuckles lowly," Just had a lot on my mind, trying to face some of my problems, that's all." I stop what I'm doing and look over at him,
" Do you want to talk about it? I think the others are asleep already."
Normally when Tom is having any type of problem, he comes to me for advice, or even just for someone to listen to him rant when he's drunk. I even gave him a spare key to my room if he ever needs me while I'm asleep. He's offered the same for me, but I told him that I have a counselor. I try not to lie to my housemates all the time, only when necessary.
He simply shakes his head in response," Nah, this is one I have to deal with on my own," I sigh,
" Alright then, but keep my offer in mind. Just try to remember to see me before I go to bed, I'm...going to bed early tonight. I have something to do tommorow." He nods in understanding.
After we finish the dishes, we say our goodnights,
" I'll see you in the morning, (y/n)." I give one last fake smile,
" Same to you, Tom. Sleep well." I see him nod and walk down the hall as I close my door and lock it for the final time.
I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. All I see is a monstrosity of a person glaring back at me.
The bags under my eyes had only gotten worse after the sleepless nights I spent writing my suicide note.
I decided to skip reading over it one last time, I want nothing that could alter my decision at hand here. If I read my dying love letter that's written to Tom, I might stop myself in some kind of silly hope that everything could be okay again. It was too late for all that now.
So, I grabbed my blade that had served me well over the years, and stepped into the bathtub. I didn't cry, I didn't shake in fear of what I was about to do. I sadly smiled instead. As I took my hoodie off, revealing a tank top that no one knew I owned. I set my hoodie softly onto the floor, and turned on the hot water.
I took a deep breath in, and sigh, grabbing my blade and getting to work on my first artery. It took me a couple tries to find it.
But once I did, it started the red tint in the once clear bath water. I took in a shaky breath, adjusting to the dizziness of loosing so much blood so quickly.
At this point I couldn't even hear the bathwater running, everything was muffled.
I reached to turn it off, and a hand was placed onto mine. It takes me a good second to register that there was someone next to the tub, yelling my name right next to my face.
I try my best to focus on who could have caught me. Yet it's so difficult to take in my surroundings at this point.
So as I stare at the person beside my bathtub with fading eyes. I feel pressure on my wound, and see something being wrapped around it.
I start panicking, trying to say no, to let me die.
But I just can't. I just watch as my life is saved against my will.
Suddenly I can see that I'm moving, I can't figure out how until I notice the arms carrying me bridal style to a soft surface. That's when I lost consciousness for the next hour.
I didn't exactly 'wake up' more like fazed into existence. It's like I just gradually became aware of what was around me.
I became aware of the sobs coming from my bedside, and of the pressure squeezing my hand.
I forced my eyes open and tried to sit up. Yet I instantly regretted my decision, pain shot throughout my body. I glance over to my hand and up the....purple arm....
Who is this? Or perhaps I should say, what is this?
It's some kind of...monster? Hybrid? It looked kind of human... I could only see the torso and up. Even then, the arms grew bigger the farther down the arms stretched, and turned a deeper and deeper shade of purple. Horns poked out of the head laying slightly onto my shin, poking me a bit.
" Am-" I hold my throat. That hurt. I clear my throat of the mucus and start again as the unknown monster wakes up,
" Am I dead?"
The monsters head shoots up, and I can't help but recognize the 'eyes' that I've grown to love.
" T-Tom..."
He tries to smile for me, but it twists into a sad frown as his black orbs start to water,
" (Y/n)....(y/n) you're...y-you're okay! You're okay..." He said this over and over again as he cupped my cheeks with his transformed hands.
I grab onto his forearm to steady his shaking. This was starting to scare me.
I had never seen this man shed a tear in front of me, yet alone bawl into my shoulder like he was doing now,
" Tom, it's okay, I'm right here." I whispered this, and many other reassurances into his ear. Confirming to him that it was going to be okay and that, to my displeasure, I wasn't going anywhere.
He seemed to get angry after a few minutes, he ripped himself away from me and took hold of my shoulders,
" WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T RIGHT HERE? WHAT IF I HADN'T OF WALKED IN!! WHAT THEN HUH? YOU WOULDN'T BE RIGHT HERE!!! YOU'D BE GONE!! I would have...lost you..." He slid down the side of my bed as he finished his outburst. He sat crying into his knees.
I didn't know what to do. Is he mad at me? But despite the questions, I acted without thinking.
I began to run my fingers through his hair, almost brushing it. He seemed surprised at first, before he leaned into my touch.
" I'm sorry Tom. I didn't think it would effect you like this..." All was silent for a few moments. Until,
" Why..?" He sniffled a few times before I could respond.
" Why? Why what?" He looked up to me,
" Why would you try to leave me?" I couldn't even bring myself to say anything after that. Tom seemed to sense the frog in my throat, and continued,
" You don't realize, (y/n). You don't realize how special you are. To your family, your friends. I mean bloody hell (y/n)! What about us?! Edd would be heartbroken! And how are we supposed to explain something like that to Matt?" I avoided the possible eye contact and twidled my thumbs in my lap,
" What about me (y/n)? How am I supposed to go on living with myself if you, the love of my life, killed herself?" My mind went blank. He took my hand in between both of his,
" I know this isn't the greatest time for this, but if it'll boost your self esteem even a little bit, I don't care about embarrassing myself. (Y/n) (L/n), I am deeply in love with you, and have been since you moved in. I've loved you since you helped me to bed when I came in drunk all those years ago. I've loved you since you beat my Pac-Man score at the arcade, I acted so mad, but you were just so cute so excited like that... (Y/n)... Please let me help you love yourself by loving you..."
By the time he was done with his speech, I was in tears, a small frown on my face. He seemed to get the wrong idea as he instantly dropped my hand and got up,
" I got the message, I'll just uhm... I'll just g-" I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him in for a kiss.
We could both tell that there would be many more to come.
I'm sorry if it's extremely long, I just love to write angst haha...
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English."
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader + Best Friend!Fred
Words: 2.1k
Summary: George is irresistible and you’re quite good at pranks. 
Prompt: Requested
103: ““Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English."
(I tried to come up with a prank, turns out I’m not very mischievous!) 
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You were usually quite adamant. Stubborn beyond belief. Once you had your mindset, nothing could stand in your way nor change your mind. But, sadly, you did have a weakness. The muggles would call it “kryptonite,” but you would just name it “boyfriend.”
“Please? Please Y/N?” his brown eyes softened and his lips turned downwards into a pout. He held his hands out in front of him, clasped so tightly. “I swear on my life, I will love you till the day I die.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “No. No Georgie, absolutely not.”
“Why!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
“You know why!” 
“I promise you, it’d be really really really funny.” you bit your lip in temptation, George’s eyes didn’t cease to make your knees go weak. “And how,” he kissed you on the cheek, “could I,” another kiss, “even pretend to think,” kiss, “about doing this without my,” he presented you with a long and wet kiss making you squeal and attempt to push him away, “lovely, beautiful and smart girlfriend?”
You laughed. You admit, George Weasley was damn persuasive and charming, but you’d never tell him that fearing his head would grow larger than a pumpkin. “Alright alright, you cheeky little bastard. I’ll help you.” George jumped up in with excitement and began to kissing your face with fast little pecks. “You’re lucky I love you. What’s the plan?”
George’s face turned from pure exhilaration to a sheepish grin, “Well...”
“George...” you said warningly, “what is it?”
“We don’t actually,” he twiddled his thumbs, “have a secure plan yet for the prank.”
“George! Then why would you- I- you are so frustrating sometimes.”
“Yes, I’m fully aware, dear. But, that is why we need your help.”
“Come back to me when you have a fully thought out plan, then we’ll talk.” You pat his cheek and then sat down on the courtyard bench only to be pulled up to your feet again.
“You’re one of the brightest witches in our year-”
“Try ‘universe’” you snorted back,
“Yes! Precisely. See, you already know how bloody wicked you are. With your head combined with ours, there’s no way this prank can go wrong.”
“That’s what someone would say before a prank goes terribly wrong,” you pointed out. George hushed you with his finger and slung his arm around your shoulders.
“Let’s not focus on the negatives,” he said rather quickly.
“Well,” you huffed and gathered your bag that was draped over the bench, tucking it over your arm and pushing against George for warmth, you succumbed to George’s begging, “Fine. I guess the prank will maybe be funny.”
“It will be, my love. Just you wait.”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this and I, wait.” you scanned the grass, “where’s Fred?”
“He’s in detention cleaning the broom closet,”
“For what?”
“Erm- a prank gone wrong?” George sent you another sheepish look before steering you away to Gryffindor tower.
“Fred, push over, will you?” you hissed quietly. Your focus was greatly inhibited by the twins beside you giddy with excitement. 
“I can’t believe we’ve pulled this off,” Your boyfriend rocked back and forth on his heels. 
“Brilliant. We’re absolutely brilliant,” Fred said. He must’ve noticed your annoyed face because he also slapped his hand on your shoulder too, “But, brilliance only comes in three. Cheers, Y/N.”
“Mhm,” you hummed sarcastically before finishing the final touches on the prank. “Fine! I’ll admit it, this prank is a work of art.”
“Yes!” George planted a kiss on your cheek, “Finally! Nothing is more attractive than a confident woman,”
“Don’t make me regret this, Weasley.” You placed your back against his chest, he automatically wrapped his arms around you, smelling your hair.
“I think we’ve finally outdone ourselves, no one will forget our names. George, the charming. Fred, the clever, witty, exuberant, respected, provocating, absolutely dashin-”
“Get on with it, Freddie,” you laughed,
“and of course, the maid of honor, the mastermind, Y/N Y/L/N the... nice?”
“The only thing you could come up with is ‘nice’? Do you even know what ‘exuberant’ means?” 
“Let’s not get caught up on the specifics,” Fred waved his hand and stared in amazement. You giggled a bit, reminded of before when George had said a very similar thing to his twin. They really were a pair of wonder.
“Whatever. Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” you turned and pointed to George and then yourself.
“Oi, and what about me?” Fred asked, insulted.
You tapped your lip in feinging to be deep in thought, “you act dumb, then you won’t really have to change that much.”
“Ouch!” Fred gasped and covered his mouth, “George, are you going to say anything to your woman?” 
George shook his head and stared at you with a look one would simply call love, “My lady said what she said.”
“You’re more whipped than I thought,” Fred rolled his eyes with a hint of a smile.
The three of you bounced away, pushing each other in the corridors and giggling about how magnificent this prank would be. By the time dinner rolled around, you were shaking anxiously. Sure, you’ve pulled pranks before but those were simple. Setting a dung bomb off or setting free a bunch of skrewts was amateur compared to this. This? This was a high scale, perhaps maybe even expulsion, worthy prank. But, watching George wink at you from across the table made your heart flutter. Fred sat next to you, whispering to Lee Jordan,
“You’re in for a treat,” Fred’s face turned smug,
“Oh bloody bollocks, Fred, if I’m going to eat something tonight that will turn my nose into a pig snout, I will goose you into the next dimension,” Lee warned.
“Relax, Jordan.” Fred’s eyes pointed towards the ceiling,
“Let me rephrase then if anything goes into my hair, my wand is going straight up your arse.”
“On my honour, Lee, nothing will happen to you.” You assured him, pinching his arm softly.
“But after you see it, you’ll go mad and kiss our feet,” George smiled wildly, his body fidgeting with excitement. Students began to walk in steadily, each reaching their table and taking a seat and chatting like birds. Almost everyone was at dinner before the twins, you and Lee all excitedly huddled together to watch Professor Dumbledore rise to the podium. 
“Wait for it,” you whispered under your breath. Dumbledore’s hand began to rise slowly, initiating the dinner to commence. Delicious meals of roast beef, potatoes, gravy, and peas flooded the table. The smell nearly distracted you from the prank, however, George squeezed your hand making you more anxious and exhilarated. The twins began to count down under their breath as Dumbledore’s hand began to fall.
“Three.” George said,
“Two.” You chimed,
“One.” Fred’s lips smirked.
For a second, nothing happened. It almost made your heart sink, thinking your prank had failed. However, your thoughts were proven wrong when the floating candles above the Great Hall exploded. Streaks of red paint sprayed the other houses and narrowly missed the teacher’s table. Students screamed in surprise, feeling the red ink stain their clothes and hair. Immediately, the Gryffindor table erupted into laughter. Their laughter only increased louder and heavier when the ceiling above the dinner tables popped and rained gold glitter that fluttered around and landed on top of people’s heads. You, especially, had charmed the remaining gold to form the letter’s “Gryffindor Rules,” above the teacher’s table. Some students began to laugh out of sheer surprise and some of your housemates began to clap. However, it was the Slytherin table that started to curse loudly. They shouted angrily and quickly tried to wipe the paint off of them. However, George had patted you on the back earlier for this idea, you had enchanted the paint to become more pigmented and darker if anyone tried to rub it off.  
“Professor Dumbledore, EXPEL them at once!” You heard someone yell from the Slytherin tables, a few people joined in and agreed.
“Alright,” Lee wheezed, trying to catch his breath, “that was bloody brilliant. Congratulations, I’ve never felt more proud of you lot.”
The three of your sneakily high fived before Dumbledore tried to calm down the students. If you looked closely enough, you could see a gleam of amusement in Dumbledore’s eyes before he spoke,
“Children, please. Calm down.” He waved his wand, attempting to remove the paint from the student’s bodies. Nothing. Nothing seemed to work. Even McGonagall tried and couldn’t seem to lift the paint nor the glitter. Gryffindor students continued their laughter and praised the Weasley twins. 
“Please return to your dormitories and wash up. We will continue the dinner in one hour. However, whoever has pulled this prank will receive extreme punishment.” McGonagall warned. Immediately students rose up and hurried to their common rooms. A few Ravenclaws and a handful of Hufflepuffs commended the three of you whilst the Slytherin house shot sharp daggers your way. Pride filled your chest as you stood.
“That was-”
“Bloody amazing.” The twins said together.
George lifted you up in the air, twirling you before putting you down and Fred doing the same. You giggled and shoved them away.
“We did it! Did you see the look on Slytherin’s slimy faces? They’ll never forget this,” George kissed you multiple times before throwing himself at Fred.
“Genius.” Fred pressed a chef kiss to his lips, “Oh, we are absolute geniuses. We pulled it off!”
You froze, hearing someone clear their throat from behind you. “And what exactly is ‘it’?” McGonagall asked, arms crossed and eyebrow raised. Her face was terrifying to look at, it was as if you were disappointing your mother or even worse, grandmother. She tapped her foot, looking at the three of you, an irritated look was clear on her pursed lips. 
“Uh, uh.” you stuttered, “Ne parle pas anglais?” you butchered French terribly, but it was the only thing your mind could possibly think of in such circumstances. Nudging George with a harsh bump into his ribs, he jumped and said,
“I don’t know! I don’t know anything. I don’t know anything about any paint. I can’t see it! I’m uh, blind. ” George sputtered making you facepalm.
“And I’m dumb.” Fred nodded, agreeing with George completely. 
“George!” you groaned, “I said deaf, not blind.” 
“There’s a difference?” George asked, confused. Fred sighed and put his face in his hands. You smiled guiltily at your Professor.
“You three. Detention. Tomorrow morning at seven, sharp.”
“For what, Professor?” you asked innocently,
“It is rather insulting you have to ask, Ms. Y/N. But, to be specific, the paint you have so generously covered the student body with.” 
“But, Professor? What paint?” you asked curiously, waving your hand around to draw her attention to the students near you. George and Fred’s eyes turned too, watching as the red stains and gold glitter slowly begin to lift itself off of the students and disappear into thin air. McGonagall’s lips parted before darting her eyes to look at even more students who looked at their clothing and hands confusedly, seconds before, sticky crimson covered everywhere they could touch, and next? Nothing. George’s eyes bulged and Fred’s lips turned from a nervous frown into a grin.
“I see you’ve gotten better with your charms and spells,” McGonagall faced you finally,
“I’ve learned from the best.” you sent her a smile, “Surely, we cannot be given detention without proof, right Professor?” 
“Yes, Professor. We’ve done nothing wrong.” George slung his arm around your shoulder. 
“We’re entirely innocent!” Fred added.
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” All three of you declared. 
McGonagall looked at her students again, hummed in disapproval, turned on her heel and clicked back to the Great Hall.
Before you can fully register what’s happening, George presses his lips to yours in a delighted and thrilling kiss. His hands are on your butt, pulling you closer and passionately kissing you. He pulls away breathless, “I’m mad for you, woman. How the hell did you do that?”
You shrugged, “You two truly must learn one very, a key important part of a prank. Always have a getaway plan.”
Fred’s face was shocked as he slowly bowed to you, “My Queen.”
“Stand, Fred the Exuberant. Join us, George the Charming and Y/N the Lovely. We must attend our feast.” You lifted your hand and posed regally before you all burst into fits. You wrapped your arms around George and Fred and strutted into the hall. “By the way, Georgie, do you really not know the difference between deaf and blind?”
“Does it matter? You’re obviously the smart one of the group.” Your boyfriend leaned and smooched you once more. 
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Hey how do you think that would be a reverse version of GW? Like, instead of Galo getting the whumpees, the seven of them somehow, through a legal technicality, get a Galo that was Bethany's slave?How donyou think they'd all be, in this situation?
I would like to clarify that Galo and Bethany are NOT related in this version.
"... an old paramour," Greyson stated, hedging an explanation. Bethany had been, well, significantly too old for him, at the time. But he'd liked that.
Even so, he wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to disclose his past questionable relationships with his housemates.
"And what did she leave you, exactly?" Evan asked, wearing his joggers and leaning against the doorframe, Lilah dressed similarly and walking past him with a deep pull from her water bottle.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Greyson said, passing him the letter. Lilah propped her arm up on his shoulder, only to be dislodged as he propped his arm up on her head. The two leaned in and read the letter together, their faces screwing up at almost the exact same moment.
"Well that's cryptic," Lilah said, taking the page from Evan's hand and flipping it over, checking the blank back. She handed it back to Greyson, who nodded his assent.
"So my bet's on bird," Evan said, ganking Lilah's water bottle and finishing it off.
"Evan!" Nyla called from the other side of the house, "Have you sent me your portion of the mortgage yet?"
"I thought the point of buying a house was to get away from landlords," Evan muttered to Lilah, who snorted.
"Doing that now!"
Sasha entered and gently shoed the athletes out. "I n-need to get st-started on dinner."
She placed her hand on Greyson's shoulder. "It'll be fine. Maybe it's j-just a dog?"
Greyson shrugged, sighing. He wondered why he'd even been IN the woman's will at all.
"N-now move. I'm cooking."
Greyson smiled playfully back, bumping his hip to Sasha's, and left. He found Nyla rifling through the rest of the mail.
"Are you sure that's all they sent you?"
Nyla huffed, letting the letters smack against her skirt. "Why couldn't they have had a lawyer write to us or something? Anything to save a dime, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be preparing for!"
"We can run to a pet store the day it gets here. If not, a night in the garage won't kill it," Greyson assured. Also, wasn't HE supposed to be the one preparing? He set his hand on her shoulder. "You worry too much."
"I worry exactly the right amount, thank you," Nyla said, whapping him with the mail. As she walked towards her office, she called out, "Lilah, you'd better have put those in the hamper!"
"Does it bring you joy to endlessly nag?!"
"I live in a house with four other people!"
Greyson chuckled. He was also probably overthinking this. It was weird, and definitely unexpected, but it would all be fine.
That was a human person.
Tall, with choppily short hair, kneeling in their front entryway between Evan and Lilah's running shoes and the narrow side table Nyla used for mail and key rings.
That was a human person.
They all looked to each other, wondering what to do, and this was technically Greyson's problem, which meant he was the one who should do something about this. Why. Why this. Why him?!?!
When it became undeniably obvious that the other four were waiting on him and the silence was stiflingly uncomfortable, Greyson cleared his throat and stepped forward.
"Hello?" He hadn't meant for it to sound like a question.
"Hello master," the slave returned, skirt fisted with shaking knuckles.
"I am Greyson," he cleared his throat again, "What's your name?"
Oh Greyson was so out of his depth.
"So uh, you're Bethany's pet? Ex pet?" Evan asked, and Greyson was relieved someone else had said something.
"Yes master."
"This is weird," Lilah stated, shifting anxiously from foot to foot with jittery energy. "This is fucking weird. Why did your ex girlfriend give you a slave? Why were you dating someone who likes slavery?! Greyson what the fuck!"
"Okay deep breaths!" Nyla ordered loudly, everyone complying instantly. "This is. Unexpected," she agreed. "But let's not get out of hand. Galo, sweetie, would you please stand up?"
"Yes mistress."
"You don't need to call anyone master or mistress."
"Ma'am is fine. Let's get you settled in. You can probably stay in Sasha's room at the moment, who'll sleep with me?"
Sasha nodded.
"Okay, good. Are these all of your belongings?" Nyla asked, gesturing at Galo's duffle bag, who nodded again.
"Okay, great. This way."
Greyson was so, so grateful to know Nyla. So glad she was in his life. Her competence was unparalleled.
"I-I'm going to make d-dinner."
Galo followed his mistress, who he wasn't going to call mistress, to a baby blue room with impressionist paintings hung from the walls, leaned up against each other, stacked against the desk and dresser. Canvases were just about everywhere, but it didn't seem messy. Just full.
"This is Sasha's room but you can stay here until we figure all this out. Oh! My name is Nyla, sorry, I spaced on that, we'll get you introduced to everyone properly once... once we settle down."
Galo bowed, hand crossed over his chest.
"This is just a little unexpected. We hadn't known you were--human."
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
"No, no, no need to apologize. Just some information lost in the pipeline. Why don't you settle in and... we'll chat more at supper."
His mistress left, closing the door behind her, and Galo was left standing in the center of a room that wasn't his.
He took a shaky breath. Well. They'd accepted his name, at least, which was nice. Maybe someday he'd tell them about... him being a man. Maybe. Definitely going to wait and see on that one, he wasn't interested in a repeat of what had happened last time he'd told an owner he was a man.
There were five of them.
Galo sank to his knees, duffle bag hitting the floor, his hands covering his mouth. There were five of them.
He was a fairly gigantic failure at keeping one owner off his back, how was he ever going to please five?!? And the little one had been so angry with his presence--he would have to show his gratitude to Mistress Nyla, later, for stepping in.
Oh god, what would they use him for? This house was no estate--maybe they would just have him clean. Yeah, maybe, maybe he could just clean for them and stick to the shadows and he would be ignored.
A hysteric peal of laughter bubbled out of him.
Yeah, right.
But for some reason, that... did seem to be the case. They ignored him. Mistress Sasha and Master Evan especially seemed to have no idea what to do with him, and would awkwardly prompt him to leave them alone if he guessed their routines wrong and ended up in the same room as them.
Master Greyson made earnest attempts to speak with him, which Galo responded to as best he could. But the conversations were stilted things. The most successful ones hinged around Mistress Bethany, and Galo always found himself stressed and exhausted after talking about her.
Mistress Lilah seemed to find him a curiosity, asking him questions and prodding him into helping her with her "Influencer Gig," which mostly involved holding light sources or cameras for her. She would occasionally do up Galo's hair and makeup, and Galo tried very, very hard not to show how miserable that made him. To smile and be grateful and not waste her product and time with babyish tears.
Mistress Nyla was his favorite. She had him help with the household chores and spoke kindly to him. She would praise and sometimes touch him. Conversations with her were... trickier, though.
Mistress Nyla has a very good memory. She would ask questions, know things he'd told Master Greyson or Mistress Lilah, gently pull his life's story from him. She would sometimes make him ask uncomfortable questions about himself, too, about his place as a slave, which--he knew better. He knew better!
She would stop, when he started shaking, though. Ask him to please go clean the kitchen or bathroom or fold laundry. It made him feel weak. A useless, manipulative slave who cried to get out of situations he didn't like.
"It's okay, Galo," she sometimes murmured, petting his hair and letting him kneel at her feet with his head in her lap. "You're being good for us. It's alright sweetie."
Master Evan didn't like talking to Galo. So he knew better. But one day, a couple friends of Master Evan's had come and gone, and one of them--
Not that Galo wanted to assume, or presume, but she'd. She had looked.
"Yeah, she's trans," Master Evan confirmed, looking desperately uncomfortable. Galo would find a way to apologize later. He just. He had to. He.
"And that's okay?" he blurted gracelessly, instinctively flinching back for two reasons.
"Yeah? I mean, yes, absolutely, I respect and support her 100%."
Galo fidgeted with his skirt, something Mistress Bethany had bought that he wanted little more than to burn.
"Are... do you, wanna tell me something?" Master Evan asked, also not making eye contact. "Or, maybe tell Nyla something, since I dunno if I'm really the guy to, uh." He gestured at himself and Galo bit his lip.
"The others are also, okay with, uh?"
"Being trans. Yes. It's not bad... bro? We're all chill and respectful here. Oh you know Sasha? Sasha's like, super smart, and knows all about this stuff, she could talk to you about this?"
"Yes sir," Galo said, knowing he'd overstayed his welcome the moment he'd opened his mouth.
"Cool. Chill. Yeah. Okay then," Master Evan said, and left the room quickly.
That night Galo had found a pair of Master Evan's sweatpants and a couple of old t-shirts on his bed.
The next time Lilah pulled Galo to help with her Influencer Gig, she'd done his makeup and hair and he had cried, to see a man who looked like him staring back from the mirror.
Mistress Nyla took him shopping. She held his hand, both literally and metaphorically, with increasing frequency as he started to transition and actually began to feel like this new house was his home. That these people weren't going to hurt him, that they maybe even liked him. Almost.
Mistress Sasha had him help her move her remaining belongings from the blue room. His room. They were, officially and permanently, making her old room his. Her paintings were either hung up throughout the rest of the house or set into storage in the garage. He helped her carry whatever else was left into Mistress Nyla's--now hers and Mistress Sasha's--room and organize so Mistress Nyla didn't work herself into a fit over the clutter.
"Thank you," he said quietly, crouched in front of the dresser and slipping some of Mistress Sasha's less-used attire into the drawers.
"For, giving me your space, ma'am." For everything. For all of it.
Mistress Sasha crossed over to him and sat in the floor where he was, opening her arms to him. He leaned in, slowly wrapping his arms around her and pressing his face to her shoulder.
"You're part of the f-family now," she said warmly. "Of c-course."
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Something Familiar
Chapter 1: Conditional Exchange
Sharing his house with someone else after years of living alone took some getting used to. And while he was a horrible patient, Silas was a great housemate. Daniel didn’t know how much of that came naturally to Silas, and how much of it was his fear of getting kicked out. He’d done enough prying already so he wasn’t all that inclined to ask. That and Silas has only just started talking to him after they had made their contract. The contract was a simple thing; Daniel would provide healing and a place to stay in exchange for magic. The conditions were that Silas remain in an animal form whenever Daniel had company or patients; and Daniel couldn’t alter Silas’s consciousness or state of awareness without explicit permission to do so. It was a small thing and Silas still hadn’t spoken to him anymore than what was strictly necessary for three and a half months. Of course things had come to a head eventually because Daniel had never been one to mind his own business. In a fight that he had ultimately caused, he learned a whole lot more about what Silas had been through than he had ever thought he would be allowed to know. Exactly how many traumatic things their contract had brought back to the fore front of his mind. It had made Daniel feel sick and he had done what he could to make it up to Silas. Which amounted to leaving the house for a little over a week so Silas could have room to breathe.
Understandably, things changed after that. Daniel learned to tread more carefully around Silas and made more of an effort to learn about his situation. It was admittedly something he should have done before they made the contract. It was too late to change anything though, as it had already been drawn up and sealed. They still agreed to new unspoken rules and began to live more like housemates than contracted partners. He spent a lot of time teaching Silas about the things he had missed. Silas taught him long forgotten healing magic and a few secrets that had been lost when the shapeshifter settlements had been destroyed. They used very little magic and almost felt like cheating compared to what he was used to. Daniel was tentative to call them friends, but at the very least they were no longer strangers in the same space. Silas often had horrible nightmares. Daniel was woken up pretty often to his cries of fear or pain, and on some occasions screaming. Though the nights those dreams didn’t wake Silas were the ones that worried him most. In the morning he would find Silas on the balcony watching the sunrise with tea or coffee in his hands, still steaming but long forgotten all the same. Some days he would be crying silently, and some days he would be blank and neutral; but there was always this hollow distance darkening his eyes.
As soon as he woke up Daniel knew he would find Silas on the balcony. The night had been a quiet one with no screaming and no tears. Which meant whatever had chosen to haunt him would be doing so in his waking hours instead. Daniel wished almost desperately that there was something he could do to help, but Silas never answered him when he offered. He would just look at him with that dark oppressive distance in his eyes. So lost to whatever memories that had chosen to torture him that Daniel was unable to reach him. He took his time to get out of bed and ready for the day. Silas wouldn’t be ready to talk for a while, and it didn’t matter when Daniel came up to check on him. Despite knowing that it wouldn’t be eaten until it had long gone cold if at all he still made Silas breakfast. Though he had gained some of it back, Silas was still concerningly underweight. Daniel made his way up to the balcony with the try. There Silas stood. As close to the edge of the balcony as he could get with the railing in his way. There were trying tear tracks on his cheeks and the steam of his coffee was curling away into the morning light. He always used the same mug. A pale nondescript thing that he had found in the back of one of Daniel’s cabinets. The difference today was that the distance in his eyes was somehow darker, and he held the mug in a white knuckle grip.
Whatever was after him this morning had to be particularly painful. As it always did, Daniel’s curiosity weighed heavily on him. He knew better than to ask though. Silas never answered him when he was like this. Which is exactly why Daniel nearly jumped out of his skin when he spoke. “There were three of us you know.” His voice was flat as he spoke. There was no emotion to it, not even pain. His grip tightened on the coffee cup and Daniel feared it might break. Silas didn’t seem to notice, “That made it out. Me and then two of my brothers. I lost them in our mad dash to get out, and now I don’t even know if they are alive.” He blinked and fresh tears rolled down his cheeks, “After everything we had been through I couldn’t be bothered to stay. I ran like a fucking coward and sold myself out in a desperate bid to survive. Some fucking brother I am.” For all his wishing that Silas would speak his mind, Daniel didn’t actually know how to respond now that he knew. Saying that he was sorry felt hollow and fake, and not to mention it was too little way too late. He couldn’t really relate; he and Simon had parted ways amicably. Daniel set the tray down and tried to gather his thoughts. Figure out a way to bring Silas some long overdue comfort. If there was even a way to soothe such deep regret.
He was out of his depth and grasping at straws at this point. “In a few weeks you’ll be healed enough to safely handle mildly strenuous activity. We could go looking for them if you would like.” “Why? So you can add them to your collection?” Came the sharp reply. Angry and emotionless at the same time, “So you can have a complete set of the last shapeshifters known to man?” “No.” Daniel said firmly, “So you can have some damn closure and a place to go once this contract is up. I actually want you to be safe believe it or not.” There was a long rather uncomfortable silence as Silas came back from whatever distant place in his mind that held him. His shoulders slumped as he came into the posture of a man defeated by his own thoughts. He set the mug down on the table beside the tray and Daniel saw the start of a crack. He would have to mend it one of these days so Silas could keep using it. “I’m sorry.” Silas said eventually. “You have been nothing but kind to me, and yet I still fear completely offering you my trust. You may very well be the only human with my best interests at heart and I keep pushing you away.” He finally turned to face Daniel and there was a deep sadness to his eyes, grief hung over him, “I'll think about it but that is asking a lot of faith from me; and for now I think I would rather be alone.”
“I understand.” Daniel kept his voice level though it took him a lot of effort, “I’ll be in the house if you need me.” Silas gave an absent nod and Daniel went back inside. Perhaps he shouldn’t have offered at all. Looking back, it did seem like he had malicious intent in that. He hadn’t meant it that way of course, but all of the humans Silas had ever met had been unspeakably cruel to him. Daniel should have been more careful with his words, or just kept the idea to himself. It was too late now of course, it was out there now and there was no taking it back no matter how badly he wanted to. He set about cleaning the house to keep himself occupied. He wasn’t expecting any patients today, so barring an emergency, all he had to keep his mind busy was cleaning an research. Had he been feeling particularly ambitious, he might have started on a travel plan; but he didn’t want it to seem like he was trying to push Silas toward an answer. He sighed quietly, “Good to know I still have a knack for getting in over my head when it comes to trying to help. Some things never change I suppose.” It was just his nature to be overly concerned for those around him to the point of being an annoyance it seemed.
The afternoon was slowly turning to evening by the time Silas was ready to be around him again. He didn’t say a word though. Just walked into the kitchen and began to clean his dishes. Daniel was at the table going over his medical books and making a list of things he would need to pick up the next time he went into town. He was glad to see Silas had at least eaten something while he battled with his thoughts. Silas seemed a little more composed now at the very least. That made him feel a little better, even if it didn’t shake off his guilt. “I’m sorry Silas.” He eventually said, “For this morning. It was insensitive and out of line.” Silas laughed and the sound was dry and humorless. It was an unpleasant shock to Daniel. He had never heard Silas laugh and this was definitely not the context he had wanted to hear it in. “Was it?” He asked sharply, “Are you rescinding your offer to help me find my only remaining relatives then?” “Well no.” Daniel started. “I just - I wanted you to know that I meant no offense by it. I feel like I’ve messed something up, and I want to know how to fix it.” He sighed quietly, “I hate seeing you so upset.”
Silas deflated some and that same posture of defeat returned, “It’s a matter of learning to trust you. My entire life so far has been spent fearing humans. I just have to keep in mind that you haven’t posed any danger to me yet.” He looked down, “I’m sorry for being so... defensive, I guess would be the word for it.” “You’re alright.” Daniel said gently, “These things take time. Even at that you have a lot of trauma to work through and - “ “Daniel stop.” Silas cut him off, “I need someone to listen to me not psychoanalysis. Believe me, I am well aware of my trauma and the power imbalance of our dynamic. I don’t need a reminder.” “Right.” He replied, “It can be hard to turn my doctor off sometimes.” “I understand. It’s the only way people will acknowledge you so it has become your primary mode of existing.” He said, apparently he was out for Daniel’s soul today, “You’re more than that to me you know. You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a friend actually.” “First of all ow. Secondly, what happened to not psychoanalyzing one another?” He replied with a laugh, “I’m glad you almost think of me as a friend.”
Silas smiled and Daniel was pretty sure it was the first real smile he had ever seen from him. “I figured that you’ve done it to me enough times that I deserved a turn.” “Fair enough.” Daniel began to pick up his books and put them away. His list was as complete as it was going to get until he ran inventory. “How many weeks?” Silas asked after a long stretch of silence, “Until we can leave?” Daniel paused for a moment as he thought about it, “Six if you mind your limitations; eight to twelve if you keep ignoring them.” Silas frowned, “That was a lot more than I was hoping.” “You’ve been stubborn.” He remarked, “Agitating old injuries and coming away from your little excursions with new ones. You need rest.” “Fine.” He said as he looked toward the bookshelf, “I’ll be a better patient from here on out. Six weeks to look for a place to start should be enough.” Daniel smiled, “Of course it will.” Silas nodded his agreement and retreated back into his thoughts. He took traveler’s guides and the few maps Daniel had then settled on his bed to look them over. Daniel started to run inventory of his supplies and started on a list of traveling provisions. They would have to be ready for anything. Daniel had never traveled farther than the town after finding his place here; and the world had changed a lot since Silas had been in it last. They were venturing out into the unknown.
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kiarcheo · 3 years
Meowsunderstandings 3/3
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
Some folks on the server asked for a third part and I caved. Hope you like it.
Part 1             Part 2                  OR                   can read on ao3 here
‘You won’t believe what–’ Catalina proclaims loudly as she enters the house.
‘Won’t believe what?’ Anne asks.
‘I was talking to Kat.’
‘What about me? You're my girlfriend.’
‘Where was I when you asked? And she is my Kat.’
Said girl is curled up on the couch, head in her cousin’s lap, content expression on her face at having her head scratched.
‘Oh,’ Catalina breaths out, ‘I see it now.’
‘See what? Also what do you mean where you were? Why am I the one supposed to ask?’ Anne dislodges Kat as she gets fired up. The younger girl lets out a whine. ‘Sorry Kitty.’ Anne goes back to petting her. ‘You said you only sleep with people you are dating. We sleep together so we’re dating.’
Kat rolls off the couch with a groan. ‘Do you really need to discuss this when I’m here?’
‘Sorry, Kat,’ Catalina apologises, ‘blame your cousin.’
Catalina ignores Anne’s protest and fishes her wallet out from her purse. ‘Why don’t you go out and do something with Cathy? I just left her and she told me she is free all afternoon.’ She hands Kat some money.
Kat looks between the notes and Catalina. ‘You do know I have a job, right?’
‘Just take them. Make me feel better about kicking you out from your own place. Again.’
Kat sighs. ‘I wish that for once you’d have your “discussions” at Anne’s.’
Cathy raises her eyes from her laptop. ‘Kat!’ she beams at her. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you had plans with Anne.’
‘Catalina told me you’d be here.’
‘Oh?’ Cathy’s smile freezes. ‘What did she say?’
She knows she didn’t manage to come across as nonchalant when Kat frowns. ‘I don’t want to bother you.’
‘No, no,’ Cathy splutters hastily, ‘you know I’m always happy to see you, I was just...curious.’
‘If you are sure...’
Cathy pushes a chair away from the table with her foot in a wordless invitation. ‘Yes, I am.’
‘By the way, she just suggested for us to do something together,’ Kat says sitting down. ‘She and Anne had to discuss some stuff.’
‘What is it this time?’ Cathy is quite sure she had never met a couple that bickers as much as they do.
‘Whether sleeping together automatically makes them girlfriends or not.’
‘Let me guess...Anne thinks yes and Lina thinks no.’
‘Bingo. But we all know how their discussions end so I had to vacate the house to avoid being scarred.’ Kat shivers at the thought. ‘But anyway, she said you’d be free and perhaps we could do something...she even gave me money.’ She stops to think about it. ‘I wonder if that’s how it feels to have a parent.’
‘Look what they got us!’
‘Us?’ Catalina eyes the kitten currently in Anne’s arms, eyebrow raised. ‘As far as I know you don’t live here and your studio doesn’t allow pets.’
'We got her for you,’ Jane tells her.
‘But we can take care of her together!’
‘We already have a Kat to take care of,’ Catalina reminds her.
‘Yes! Me!’ Kat pipes up from her spot in the sunlight, twisted into a frankly painful-looking position.
Jane tilts her head. ‘How are you comfortable like that?’
‘She is flexible like that,’ Anne comments, before glaring at them. ‘Minds out of the gutter.’
‘Too late,’ Anna mutters nudging Cathy.
‘Her name is Catherine,’ Jane informs Catalina.
‘Are you kidding me?’
‘Nope.’ Jane hands her a certificate. Indeed CATherine is written there.
‘That’s going to be confusing.’
‘You tell me,’ Cathy mumbles.
‘You can’t change her name. Wouldn’t want her to have an identity crisis, would you?’ Jane insists.
Suspicious, Catalina looks at her friend. Then at the others. Anna is avoiding her eyes. Cathy is staring at Kat, of course. Anne is cooing at the kitten in her arms.
‘Fine by me.’
She doesn’t know what game they are playing, but she will play anyway. And win.
‘How are things at home?’ Jane hasn’t heard anything about how CATherine is settling, and she is curious.
‘I left the cats having a deep conversation.’
Catalina’s words get the other two girls’ attention too. She quickly taps on her phone and then turns the screen towards them, starting a video.
Kat is lying on her belly, CATherine in front of her.
‘I just want to make some things clear. I’m the first Kat of the house, okay?’
They stare at each other in silence, until she snaps her fingers in front of the cat. ‘Meow if you understand that.’
The animal headbutts her hand.
‘Is that a yes?’
‘Can you send it to Cathy?’ Anna asks as the video ends. ‘What? You want it, right?’
‘Well, yes, but,’ Cathy, who had hit her on the arm, stammers.
‘Were you going to ask for it?’
Catalina gives Anna an appreciative look. Seems like she isn’t the only one working on the matter.
‘Anne, stop stealing Kat’s food,’ Catalina rubs her temple.
‘What? She is not going to miss one or two grapes.’
‘And a whole chocolate bar.’
‘Isn’t that bad for Cat?’ Anna doesn’t know a lot about cats, but she knows it’s bad for dogs.
‘See, she agrees, I’m doing it for your own good!’
‘Wait. Which Cat are we talking about? Kat or Cat!Cat?’
‘Do you really think I would eat cat food? You know what? I don’t think I want to know the answer.’
Jane is on the phone with Catalina when she hears a crash. ‘Everything alright?’
‘Cat is high, misjudged the distance, fell off the couch and took the lamp on the side table with her,’ Catalina tiredly informs her. ‘It has been like this all afternoon.’
‘Anne had the brilliant idea to get catnip so now I got a hyper cat. And a useless housemate who is just filming it rather than help!’ she adds pointedly.
‘Come on, Cata! It’s hilarious!’
‘Oh, that Cat.’
‘I think we made a mistake,’ Jane whispers leaning over Anna.
‘What? Why?’
‘Can you tell when Catalina is talking about Kat...and when she is talking about CATherine the cat? I’ve tried to get her to use Cat the cat but apparently it doesn’t flow.’
Jane suspects that her friend knows exactly what she is doing, but she can’t complain too much when she was the first one who tried to mess with her getting her a cat named CATherine…to share with a girl named Katherine and nicknamed Kat.
‘KatKat,’ Catalina calls.
‘What if human Kat is Kat and CATherine the Cat is cat!Cat?’ Anna proposes, before chuckling at her friend. ‘Lina, I think she is ignoring you,’ she tells her, as the pet doesn’t even spare her owner a look.
‘What’s up?’ Kat pops her head into the room.
Jane turns to her girlfriend as Catalina talks with Kat about whatever she had called her for. ‘You were saying?’
‘What are you looking for?’
Cathy jumps at the voice and then at how close Kat is when she turns her head to look at her.
‘Cata asked me to give you a hand.’
‘She asked me to get a new sponge, but I can’t find it.’ Cathy shares with her, eyes back to roving through the shelves of the pantry.
‘We don’t keep those here.’ Kat frowns. They are with the other cleaning supplies. ‘Why would–’ As she tries to turn the handle, she encounters resistance. ‘Catalina!’
‘Cathy needs to tell you something,’ is the reply.
Kat turns to face her, curious expression on her face.
‘I,’ Cathy’s eyes dart around, ‘I thought you were a cat,’ she then blurts out.
‘What??’ Catalina echoes Kat from the other side of the door.
‘Look, I can explain, it made sense, and I was not the only one, it was Catalina’s fault actually–’
‘As in...animal cat,’ Kat interrupts Cathy's rambling.
‘Yes?’ Cathy hesitantly confirms with a wince. ‘Are you upset? Say something please?’
‘It explains a lot of things,’ Kat finally says.
‘It does?’
‘Is that why you got Cata CATherine? The actual cat?’
‘That was not my idea.’ Cathy wants Kat to know that.
They then hear Anne’s voice. ‘What was that?’
Catalina is not very convincing as few seconds later Anne wrenches the door open.  
‘What is this?’ she asks glaring at Cathy, realising the close proximity to her cousin.
‘Ask your girlfriend, she locked us in.’
Cathy can guess what Lina was trying to do, or trying to get her to do, but she isn’t going to admit that to Anne. Not when Kat doesn’t know...and not when Anne is already glowering at her like that.
A scowl now directed at Lina, who however appears unfazed, merely grumbling, ‘You are all useless.’
‘What did I do?’ Kat pouts, slinking out of the pantry.
‘Nothing, you're perfect.’ Catalina smiles at her.
‘I didn’t do anything,’ Anne points out.
‘And you locked me in a closet?’ Cathy feels the need to remind her friend.
‘It had been a long time since I had to come out of a closet,’ Kat chuckles.
‘Since you changed your major to Joan?’
‘Stop it!’ Anne snaps at her girlfriend. ‘If I never hear that again, it will be too soon.’
‘Who is Joan?’ Cathy is not jealous. She is not.
‘Kat’s first crush.’
‘Changing my major is a song from a musical. And she was my first girlfriend,’ she corrects her cousin. ‘She used to play in a band with Anne’s best friend.’
‘She doesn’t anymore?’
‘No. But thankfully not because Anne broke her fingers like she wanted to,’ Kat sends her a reproachful look.
‘She should have respected the code.’ Anne shrugs, no trace of guilt.
‘The code?’ Cathy isn’t sure she wants to know the answer.
‘Kat is off-limits.’
‘I’m not,’ Kat counteracts, ‘and stop scaring her, or she’ll never ask me out.’
‘You know?’ Catalina and Cathy then ask at the same time.
‘I...hoped?’ Kat smiles at Cathy gingerly.
‘You hoped I would ask you out?’ There is disbelief in Cathy’s voice, as she peers at her crush.
‘I don’t sleep with just anyone, you know? Anne and Cata, but they are family.’
‘I don’t like this.’
‘Nobody cares, Anne.’
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
‘Not too much! And I want her home by ten!’
‘Ignore her.’
‘I’m serious!’ Anne insists.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep her busy.’
‘Thank you but also ew.’
Catalina laughs at Kat. ‘I so look forward to teasing you two!’
‘Absolutely not! And certainly not on a first date!’
‘If we live by your words, we slept together already, so we are girlfriends–’
Cathy isn’t sure what possessed her but the last thing she sees as Kat grabs her hand and starts to walk away is Catalina holding Anne back and using a foot to close the door.
‘She is going to kill me, isn’t she?’
‘Don't worry, I'll protect you,’ Kat squeezes her hand, ‘I can take her.’
Cathy has no doubt about it. As if she could ever forget the first time she had met Kat. What worries her is when Kat won’t be there...so she sets out to avoid being alone with Anne.  
Which she manages to do successfully until one night out, when she finds herself sitting in a booth, boxed in between Jane and Anna. Kat and Catalina are nowhere to be seen when Anne plops down on the opposite bench, gleeful glint in her eyes as she plants her elbows on the table, folds her hands and rests her chin on them.
'Well, well, well, the day of reckoning finally arrived.’
‘What? What's going on?’ Jane looks from Cathy to Anne and back.
‘It’s been weeks, why don’t you let it go?’
‘Let it go? Let it go? Never! You, you...Katnapper!’
‘What do you have against kips?’  
Cathy knows what she means though. ‘Does it count if she is willing?’ Probably not a good idea to antagonise an already-worked-up Anne, but she can’t help herself (and the drinks she already had don’t help her either).
‘You defile my Kat and-’
Anne stops, taken aback. ‘Not?’
‘Not your business.’
‘Kat is my business.’
‘I’m not going to talk about it with you. If Kat wants to share, she will.’
Cathy stands firm despite the glare and Anne finds herself half-annoyed and half-impressed.
‘We are talking about human Katherine, right?’
Before Cathy can say anything to Jane (which would have been a sound WTF), Kat skids to a stop by their booth, breathless.
‘We need to go. Now,’ Catalina says, already pulling Kat towards the exit.
‘What happened?’
‘Cata kneeled a guy so we had to beat it.’
‘She did what?’
‘To be precise, she tapped him on his shoulder, waited for him to turn around, kneeled him in the groin, told him “she said no, capullo” and then we skedaddled.’
Anne turns to Catalina after Kat’s explanation. ‘No more making fun of me, then.’
‘I was not banned.’
‘Because you ran.’
‘Because I’m smart.’
‘Are you saying I’m stupid?’
‘You okay?’ Cathy asks while the bickering carries on.
‘Yeah.’ Kat shrugs. ‘It’s never nice, but I know I can always count on Anne and Cata–’
‘And me. I might be tiny but I’m fierce.’
‘You’re a cutie, that’s what you are.’ Kat cups her cheeks and pecks her on the lips. ‘But thank you.’ She kisses her again.
‘What is this?!? What are you doing?’
Kat sighs at her cousin’s interruption, leaning her forehead against Cathy’s. Then she straightens up, sliding an arm around the shorter girl. ‘Kissing my girlfriend? To thank her?’
‘She didn’t even do anything!’ Anne protests. ‘It was all Catalina!’
‘I can kiss your girlfriend to thank her then.’
‘What? No!’
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battybumboy · 4 years
He had fallen | | Thomas Thorne
No ones catching on to the Ghosts x reader bandwagon that I have built but this wagon isn’t gonna fall to pieces, not on my watch! Here it is... Part three of the Falling series!
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Part one is Here
Part two is Here! Incase yous missed it!
Enjoy part three...
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ - contains a scene of PTSD. You can still read at your own risk but 🔥🔥🔥- means a trigger warning. When you get to the second set of 🔥🔥🔥-s then it is clear.
“JULIAN!” came the angry shout of a very upset Thomas Thorne. It was the fifth time that week that said ghost had upset the poet... and it was only Wednesday.
Alison, one of the two only living residents of the house, was in the kitchen cleaning out the fridge. She, and every other resident of the large house (except for her very much alive and very much oblivious husband) had heard the commotion. The only thing was... every time Alison had came to check what was wrong, all she was met with was a silent, sulking Thomas and a smug and, if he were alive, very punchable look on the trouserless Tory’s face.
No one knew what Julian was teasing the poet about but it seemed to be serious enough to be kept quiet although Julian’s new muse was getting all too tiring for the other housemates.
“Can that mewling loaf not be so bothersome for ONE DAY?” The pirate said, smacking her head upon the table as she sat with Kitty, Mary and Fanny. The four ladies liked to gossip, (as much as Fanny complained of the unladylike behaviour) so Alison untucked a few chairs and placed down a few empty teacups as if it were a real tea party,
“I should think not. It’s rather like we don’t get any peace and quiet around here.” replied Fanny, as she looked to Y/N in agreement,
“I think we should all be friends! Just like N/N, you get along with everyone”
“It does take a lot of my patience” Y/N replied, truthfully,
“It woulds be more quiets if we weres” Mary countered
“Quite.” The previous owner of the house agreed, correcting her posture before failing to grasp the teacup.
“Right, you lot can stay here if you like. I’m going to try and get to the bottom of this.” Alison said, throwing an old bit of Brie in the bin before strutting out of the kitchen.
“I’m coming with!” Kitty exclaimed excitedly, following Alison upstairs.
“I might as well see what all that racket is about”
“Sames.” And with that, everyone except the pirate had left the table.
She was wise enough to know that the closest thing they were going to get to an explanation out of Thomas was a wave and a mumble of “you wouldn’t understand” before a small sigh.
She hadn’t the faintest clue what was wrong with the poet but it was clear he was avoiding her and ignoring the offer to talk to her. She knew it was nothing to do with her but deep down she was scared he had started to dislike her company. This caused for the pirate to try and get in his good graces again by giving him space but she was unsure if it was helping.
Y/N continued to stare into her teacup again, listening for anyone. It had felt like forever and just when she was about to go up and check on them, there came a thunderous slam.
The feeling of being mentally dragged back to the past filled Y/N’s vision.
Y/N I am sorry. But as I have said. You shouldn’t have came home.
You’re not welcome here anymore. It had to be like this. It just had to.
“Henry... what have... Hen-”
I’m so sorry. You picked your side.
A slight sob
The feeling of being dragged
I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t want to do it. Honestly.
Sleep now Y/N... Captain L/N... the greatest pirate.
You can sleep... I’m so sorry...
”L/N? Are you okay? Oh my god she’s crying! That’s a tear!”
“We can see that, Kitty” came Julian’s reply.
Suddenly pulled back to reality, the pirate realised that everyone was crowded around her in the kitchen. The feeling of vulnerability had suddenly dawned on her... a feeling she hated.
“Uh- I’m fine. I’m not crying, I just got watery eyes. It’s fine!”
“You don’t look fine. You’re shaking, mate.” Pat said from beside her, oh gods, no getting out of this one.
“I’m fine! I promise! I just thought about s-someth-thing... a bit too hard. I’ll be okay in a moment.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Alison asked earnestly, “It’s ok if you’re not.”
“I know...” Y/N sighed, not liking the fact she might’ve worried the others. “I’ll be fine” she forced a smile that seemed to convince almost everyone. “Thank you for you concern though.” slowly the crowd dispersed from around the table and went to do else-what elsewhere... but Y/N noted how Thomas hadn’t shown his face. She was fine. It didn’t bother her. Why would it? She was fine.
Robin was the last in the room. He looked Y/n in the eyes before sitting down in Fanny’s abandoned seat,
“You’re not okay.” He started, Y/N looked at him, eyebrow raised,
“You sad, I see in eyes”
“It okay to be sad. No one happy all time.” He said sincerely, placing a hand on her shoulder,
She sighed and paused. This man. (If he counted as a man) had seen everything, he was there as soon as she’d died, back to when Button house was a lowly field, “Well. Yes, I’d say I’m rather sad.”
“Want to talk? It ok if you don’t”
She contemplated for a single second before smiling softly then looking down at the oak wood table,
“I guess I spent my life sailing away from my problems, my family, my life and every untaken opportunity. I had no husband or children to call my own... only a few friends and miles of sea. But... when I came home, my past decided to shoot me in the back and toss me away. It hurts... even though it was hundreds of years ago. But It got better and, even though I’m over it and it being centuries ago... I occasionally remember.”
“I understand. It been a long time for both of us- I sometime remember too. It turn out okay. We die, the world move on but we always remember when we could move on too.”
“You made my death feel less lonely, Robin. I’ve never been able to thank you properly for that. So, thank you.”
“Thank you too. I needed friend. I was lonely and you turn up so I was happy for company. After years being alone. I wait and wait. Then you came and I wasn’t alone.”
She smiled. Robin was her best friend, nothing more. They both understood each other and at times when they felt most alone, the other always turned up out of the blue.
Thomas walked past the kitchen, wondering why everything went so quiet when suddenly he heard the angelic voice of a fellow ghost,
“I had no husband or children to call my own... only a few friends and miles of sea. But... when I came home, my past decided to shoot me in the back and toss me away.”
“Thomas! Julian has something to say to you!” Came a muffled call from the east wing.
The poet rushed away from the kitchen quietly in order not to disturb the two hushed voices. He clambered up the stairs thinking about what she said and a mix of emotions stirred within him.
He was partly angry at himself for eves dropping but the anger melted to sadness at her words. And suddenly he realised... maybe she needed to be there for her as well.
Thomas regretted ignoring her for his own sake, not realising she had been feeling down too. He just didn’t want the pain in his heart and the butterflies in his stomach and the feeling of not being able to stop staring at her charming (almost handsome) beauty and-
Suddenly it hit him. The realisation he never wanted to have but everything added up... the way he felt warm around her and sorrowful without her. The fact that he could barely look at her without his (unnecessary) breath hitching and the way he felt like he’d been blessed every time she gave one of her smiles reserved just for him...
He had fallen.
So sorry it took so long and for major sad :/ It was originally planned to be happy until I realised you guys still don’t have a clue who Henry is. I hope you enjoyed part 3! 🍯xx
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green-eyed-weirdo · 4 years
Chick Magnet
The one with the chick and the duck.
For Bechloe week 2020 - Day 4; Baby Farm Animals!
Also check out the awesome artwork by @sketchywave here.
Read on AO3 or below.
Chloe has just finished her first year of vet school. As kind of a summer job thing, she has started helping out at the local animal shelter. Beca had been so supportive of her dreams when she first told her she wanted to go back to school and study to be a vet. The two best friends knew it was gonna be a struggle for a bit though. They’d been living together as roommates in New York City for two years now, and with Chloe going back to school full time, Beca would be the sole provider for the both of them.
Beca has been working as a music producer at a small record label in the city for the majority of those two years. She was working very hard on making her dreams a reality, so she understood why Chloe would want to do the same. She had no problem supporting them both for the time being.
Working with animals was Chloe’s passion. Ever since starting at the shelter six weeks ago, Beca had come to realize just how much Chloe cared about their well being. They’d basically had a new house guest every weekend. A dog that needed to be cared for over the weekend, a kitten that was without a mother and had to be bottle fed, Chloe took it all on. Beca didn’t really mind, she knew it was a temporary solution and she loved watching Chloe with the animals. Especially the baby animals. She even liked to cuddle them herself sometimes.
On her way home from the animal shelter late thursday evening, Chloe knew she was pushing it this time. She had texted Beca earlier in the day, informing her she was bringing home babies again tonight. She conveniently left out what kind of babies, and that they weren’t just guests this time.
She had been working the late shift today, which means she only started her shift around 3pm. Shortly after she’d gotten behind the desk, a man rushed through the door, dropped a cardboard box on the counter and left just as quickly. Chloe had been a little apprehensive as she noticed the box had holes in the top.
As she tentatively lifted the lid to check inside, she heard a small squeak and her heart swelled about two sizes. Inside the box were a tiny baby chicken and a small duck, snuggled up together in a towel. Chloe hadn’t been able to contain herself and picked them up to give them some love.
After the veterinarian that was volunteering that day checked them over and declared both of them healthy, Chloe was torn about what to do with them. She couldn’t just leave them in the kennel room with the dogs and cats. They were so small, they’d get scared. So she decided they’d probably had a rough enough day as it was, put on an oversized hoodie, put the babies inside and sat back down at the front desk. The cardboard box with the towel stood underneath her desk, so she could put them down for a bit if she needed to go take care of something.
As her shift neared its end and she was helping Ellie, one of the staff members clean up, she’d dared to ask what would happen to the baby chick and duck. Ellie and Chloe had become friends since working together. She knew how much Chloe loves the animals, so she tried to be as sensitive as she could with her answer. “We can only keep animals that have a good chance of getting adopted, Chloe. I’m afraid a chicken and a duck are not that lucky in New York City.”
Chloe felt a lump in her throat as she asked the next question. “What will happen to them if they don’t get adopted?”
Ellie had looked at her sympathetically as she knew Chloe was not going to like this answer. “They will probably need to be put down. As much as we hate to have to do that, we just can’t keep them here.”
Chloe felt her eyes sting with tears. She couldn’t let that happen to these cute babies. She would take them home. Surely Beca will understand.
That’s what has led her here. Standing in the hallway of their apartment building, cardboard box in her hands, a little apprehensive of going inside. But there was no going back now. So with a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped inside. The living room was silent with only one light on.
She could hear music coming from the back of the apartment, so she figured Beca was probably working on her music in her bedroom. “That’s good”, Chloe thought. This would give her some time to get the chick and duck settled in her bedroom and then cautiously break the news of the new housemates to Beca.
Luckily Chloe had been able to borrow a heat lamp from the shelter, so she would be able to keep the chick and duck warm for the night. She put the lamp on her desk, plugged it in and turned it on. She situated the box just right underneath the lamp, so the babies would be all warm and cosy in their towel. She would find a nice, fresh blanket for them in the morning. She took another deep breath and walked towards Beca’s bedroom.
Beca looks up from her laptop when she hears a soft knock at her door. Chloe stands smiling at her in the doorway. “Hi Bec, how was your day?” Chloe walks into the room and plops herself down onto Beca’s bed.
“It was good, got a lot of work done. Just another full day tomorrow and I might be able to have a weekend off.” She saves the project she had been working on so she can give her full attention to Chloe. “How about you? What was this text about you bringing home babies. Where are they?”
Chloe can’t help but notice Beca actually looks excited for their new housemates, but then she realizes she’s not told her best friend the whole truth yet. “Yeah, my day was good. Look Bec, these babies... they’re not our usual kind of guests.” She stands up from Beca’s bed and motioned for Beca to follow her. “They were brought into the shelter today, and they don’t have the best chances of getting adopted. I couldn’t just leave them, you know?” She explains while Beca follows her into her bedroom.
Chloe holds her breath for a moment, when Beca doesn’t say anything. She looks to where Beca is standing, looking into the cardboard box. “Bec? Say something please…” Chloe is not sure what is going on in Beca’s head right now.
Beca clears her throat, “okay, ehm… not what I was expecting, at all. How long are they staying?”
Chloe looks back at the sleeping chicken and duck. “Well, what I forgot to mention earlier… I’ve kind of ehm… adopted them.”
Wide, stormy blue eyes look straight into her own, as Chloe sees the shocked expression on Beca’s face. “You did what? Adopted them? Chloe!”
“I know, Bec, I should’ve asked you. But listen,” Chloe grabs Beca’s hands and pulls her from the bedroom, away from the sleeping birds, “if they don’t get adopted, they will be put down.” She whispers the last part as to not let them hear her. “Their chances of getting adopted in New York City are not good.”
“Because they are FARM ANIMALS, Chloe!” Beca’s voice gets a little louder.
“But Bec, they are babies! What was I supposed to do. I couldn’t just leave them. I just couldn’t.” Beca sees the tears in Chloe’s eyes and softens immediately. She takes a step towards Chloe and pulls her in for a hug. “I know, Chlo. It’s okay.”
She has to admit, Chloe’s big, caring heart is easily one of the things she loves most about her. And the chick and duck are pretty damn cute. They’ll make it work.
Friday was always a pretty busy day for both Beca and Chloe. Unbeknownst to the other, both women always tried to finish up as much work as they could, to be able to spend time with the other over the weekend.
This particular Friday, Beca had left the apartment fairly early to make sure she’d get all her work done before the end of the day. Chloe had the day off and had made plans to go to lunch with a friend from vet school. After a broken first night with the new babies, Chloe decided to text her friend and cancel their plans. The chick and duck obviously needed time to adjust and she would stay home with them to try to bond.
After her morning routine, Chloe decided to let the babies explore the apartment on their own. She called Aubrey for a long overdue catch up and while they talked, she kept her eyes on the wandering birds. “And Beca is okay with you keeping poultry in your apartment?” Aubrey asked when Chloe told her about the previous day.
“Yeah, I mean… kinda? She didn’t necessarily jump for joy…”
“Does she ever?”
“Aubrey!” Chloe laughed “I think she just understood how much it meant to me. And if it doesn’t work out, we can just find them a new home from here or something.” Chloe was just sort of thinking out loud now.
“It’ll work out, Chloe. Beca can’t say no to you, even if she wanted to.” A small smile grew on Chloe’s face at that last part. She really wanted to be more than just friends with Beca, but she wasn’t sure about Beca’s feelings. She fervently hoped Aubrey’s last comment meant what she thought it did.
Over the course of an hour, the phone call with Aubrey covered all the topics they could think off. They talked about vet school, Aubrey's job, how both their parents are doing and Aubrey’s most recent tinder date, which hadn’t been a success.
Aubrey eventually brought up Beca again, but this time, to ask how Chloe was coping with her crush on the girl. “It’s going okay, I guess. Sometimes I think she might feel the same way. I don’t know, I just don’t want to mess up what we have if she doesn’t.”
“Chloe, I don’t think you have to…” Aubrey was cut off by a loud gasp at the other end.
“No no no no” Chloe ran back into the living room and dropped to her knees to look under the couch. She had been so wrapped up in her phone call, she had walked to the kitchen to get herself a drink and completely forgot the babies for a moment. As she walked back in, she just saw the tiny tail of the duck disappear behind the couch.
“Chloe, what’s going on? everything okay?” Chloe peered underneath the couch and saw both birds looking back at her. She let out a sigh “yeah, I’m fine. I just took my eyes of the babies for one minute and they hid underneath the couch. I have to go catch them, I’ll call back later.” They quickly said their goodbyes and Chloe stood up to move the couch. After a battle of about fifteen minutes, she finally had both babies back in the cardboard box and plopped down on the floor next to them. “Don’t scare mommy like that again, okay?” she said to them in a baby voice and smiled as they made the cutest little noise back. “What am I going to do with you guys?”
Late in the afternoon, after two more search and rescue operations, Chloe figured she had to find some way she wouldn’t have to put the little birds in a box, but also wouldn’t have to keep an eye on them 24/7. She’d put them back in the box hopefully for the last time, so she could quickly run to the store just around the corner from their apartment block. She hoped they would have something she could built a little fence with, so they’d be free but contained while they were still so little. She was sure they could be left wandering around once they would get bigger.
Chloe is sitting on the floor of the living room. Next to her, in the middle of the room stands a oversized pet playpen. She knew the playpen had been to big for the babies when she bought it, but she figured they would still be able to use it to keep them in one place when they were bigger, whenever her and Beca would both be out. All around her on the floor are pictures of the Bella’s and Chloe’s family and the tv is playing one of the Bella’s ICCA sets. She’s so engulfed in talking to the little birds, she doesn’t hear the door to the apartment open and close behind her.
From her position at the front door Beca can see Chloe holding up a picture of the two of them, looking at each other under an umbrella. Beca really loves that picture. “Look guys, that’s Beca., your other mom.” She hears Chloe explain while pointing at the tv. She then proceeds to hold up the picture so the chick and duck can see. Beca swears it’s almost as if the chicken actually looks at the picture. She laughs at herself for even thinking it. The baby chicken lets out a soft squeak “yeah, I know” Chloe sighs, “she’s beautiful, isn’t she?” another soft squeak is heard. “She’s a different kind of ‘chick’, but I love you both very much.” Suddenly the duck decides to join in the conversation with a loud quack. “yes, I love you too.” Chloe laughs.
Beca smiles at the scene in front of her and she feels a warmth go through her body. She realizes she’s been standing by the door, lurking like a weirdo for too long. She puts her bag down on the floor and walks into the living room. “What am I looking at?” Chloe’s head snaps up, eyes wide for a second before they soften and she smiles at Beca.
“I was just showing the birds our family. Can you go get that picture of your dad and Sheila?” Beca lets out a sigh as she tries to keep from yawning.
“Is it okay if we pick this up tomorrow? I’m so tired, I was planning on going straight to bed actually.”
“Are you serious right now?” Beca can see the change in Chloe’s mood and is confused for a moment.
“Ehm, yeah? Chlo, I’ve had a really long day, I just…” Beca’s sentence trails off when she sees a flash of hurt in Chloe’s eyes.
“Excuse me? I stayed home all day so somebody could be here with our chick and duck. I cancelled my plans and everything.”
“Hey! who was up from 2am until 4am last night, trying to get them to go back to sleep?” Beca fires back.
“You don’t think I wake up when you get up?” Chloe asks irritated. “Oh, here it comes!”
“yes! here it comes, Beca. I'm stuck here all day! Then when you finally come home, you spent 2 seconds with us and expect to just go to bed? I don't think so.” Chloe is on a roll now. She knows she’s being a little unfair but can’t seem to stop herself.
“Hey! I need my sleep. I've been working all day!” Beca says in a frustrated tone. “And you dont think taking care of these babies is work?” “That's not what i said, Chloe.”
A silence falls between them for a moment and they both let out a tired sigh. “Have you noticed that ever since we got our chick and duck, we’ve been fighting more than we used to?” Chloe asks in a more tentative tone.
“We got them yesterday, chlo.” Beca almost laughs at her best friends dramatics but is able to hold it back. “Well, maybe we weren’t ready.”
She sees the disappointment on Chloe’s face and hates that she’s the reason for it. Beca breathes out in defeat. “I’m sorry Chlo, you’re right.” She slumps down on the floor next to Chloe. “Tell me about you guys’s day.”
The two best friends usually spent their free Saturdays together. After their fight the night before, Beca realized Chloe had indeed spent her entire free Friday cooped up in the apartment with the birds. So this particular Saturday, she urges Chloe to call her friend from vet school to reschedule their lunch for today.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here alone with them?” Chloe asks attentively. “Of course, Chlo. We’ll be fine. Look, you’ve been inside this apartment all day yesterday. You deserve to go out. But ehm, I was thinking…” Chloe looks at her with a cheeky smirk, waiting for the next part of the sentence.
“Maybe you could bring back the groceries on your way home from lunch?” Chloe laughed at that. Trust Beca to do something nice and get something out of it for herself too.
“Sure Becs, I know how much you hate grocery shopping. Just this once though. Next week you’re coming with me again.” She winks at Beca before turning around to get her phone and call her friend.
In the two hours Chloe had been gone already, Beca had done her laundry, made herself lunch and cleaned up the apartment. As she looked at the pet playpen from her position on the couch, she realized she was bored out of her mind without Chloe. She normally never had a day off without her best friend, and she just didn’t know what to do without her.
She was brought out of her thoughts by a loud quack from the duck. “You miss her too?” she asked the duck and immediately shook her head. “I’m literally going crazy, why am I talking to a fucking duck?” she thought. Yet, as the duck quacked again, she found herself doing it again: “I know what will cheer you up…” She stood from the couch and opened the playpen “come on guys!” she said as she walked into the bathroom. The chick and duck dutifully followed her inside, loudly quacking and squeaking as they did. Beca laughed as she looked behind her, “I can’t believe that worked”, she whispered.
About twenty minutes later, Chloe opens the apartment door and frowns when she finds the living room empty. As she puts the bags with groceries on the counter, she hears Beca’s voice coming from the bathroom. She peeks inside and almost melts to the scene before her. There her badass best friend is, sitting on the toilet next to a completely filled up bathtub. The duck is happily splashing around in the water and Beca cradles the tiny chicken in her hands, while she quietly sings: “with a quack quack here and a quack quack there…” Chloe watches them adoringly for a moment, before she remembers the groceries and returns to the kitchen to put them away.
Chloe tries to hurry putting away the groceries, so she can join Beca and the birds in the bathroom. As she put the last item away, she realizes she doesn’t hear singing anymore. She walks back to the bathroom and overhears Beca talk to the birds in the softest voice. “Just wait until your other mommy gets back and joins in the fun. You guys, she has such a beautiful voice. God, I love her voice.” Chloe smiles and steps closer to the door. Just as she pushes it open a little further, she hears Beca say: “You guys want to know a secret? I don’t just love other mommy’s voice. I love her, very much.” Beca’s sentence trails off as the bathroom door opens and she sees a teary eyed Chloe standing in the doorway.
The color drains from Beca’s face as she looks at Chloe with wide eyes. “Shit, Chlo. I’m so…” Chloe cuts Beca off with a watery laugh as a tear rolls down her face: “I love you, too.”
Beca, still holding the tiny chicken in her hands, stands up from the toilet. “You do?” She asks with an uncertain smile. “Yeah”, Chloe breathes out as she takes a step closer to Beca.
She sees her best friend look down at her lips fleetingly and before she can even really think about it, she closes the gap between them. They share a soft first kiss that, for both women, feels like coming home. That is until they are rudely interrupted by a loud quack coming from the bathtub. Both women burst out laughing and as Beca looks down at the duck she says: “I know dude!”
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eeveevie · 4 years
loose lips
Rosie just wants to have a quiet night of studying, but that changes when she learns Butch is causing a ruckus at Moriarty's Saloon. After collecting him and taking him home, he says a lot more than he intended while under the influence.
Unprompted, but I’ve been sitting on this idea for a long while. I make reference to this in a few of my other one-shots since I go back and forth between pre-relationship and developing-relationship fics for these two. 
Butch DeLoria x Rosie Sheridan (Lone Wanderer)
3200 words | [read on Ao3]
Sitting upstairs in Craterside Supply, Rosie was immersed in her research, reading over the extensive notes she had taken after investigating the colony of mirelurks in the Anchorage Memorial. The work on the Wasteland Survival Guide was a welcome distraction, allowing her to keep her mind busy until the Brotherhood provided her with a solid lead on where to find a G.E.C.K. Moira had set up the private sanctuary in her shop a few months ago, more than happy to give the vault-dweller a quiet place to study. Even though Rosie had her own residence within Megaton, it was difficult to get any work done when she had Butch DeLoria as a housemate.
Ever since finding him in Rivet City, he’d been her constant companion—annoying and distracting at first, but gradually became someone she could rely on. He made an effort to be less of a jerk, owning up to the mistakes of his youth, and performing thoughtful gestures of kindness for her unprompted. Rosie wouldn’t admit it aloud, but it was nice having him around. The more she got to know him as her friend, the more she realized they had a lot in common. Unexpected from the boy who used to stick gum in her hair. Now, he watched her six with a loaded pistol and cooked her breakfast (sometimes—when he remembered to set an alarm, that is). She liked him—a lot more than she wanted to.
Rosie could hear Moira teasing her about the redness in her cheeks—little red potatoes—all dreamy-voiced as she expressed desires for the two to ‘circle up’ and have babies. Assuming by the order of things, it had to be Wasteland slang for marriage, which was horrifying for so many reasons. Maybe it was a bad idea to confide in her shopkeeper friend about her potential feelings for Butch. Now she’d never hear the end of it when all she wanted was peace and quiet.
Just as Rosie refocused on the lines in her journal, the metal door to the shop creaked open, disrupting her train of thought—descended from local crabs, I’d call them…
Moira’s chipper voice echoed downstairs. “You’re back so soon?”
Rosie glanced to her Pip-Boy to confirm it was past store hours. She grumbled to herself, wondering if Butch had gotten bored and decided to come collect her for a more fun activity—it wouldn’t be the first time. Distracting, she reminded herself, for completely different reasons than before. She didn’t want to parade around town with his arm slung around her shoulder—or did she?
“Ugh,” she groaned, hand sliding across her face and smudging her glasses. Rosie stood and leaned over the railing, prepared to reprimand her companion when she realized Butch wasn’t even the one standing in the doorway.
Mitch, Craterside Supply’s mercenary was disgruntled as ever, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. Moira paused from cleaning the countertop to look at him, giving him the full attention she gave anyone she talked to.
“It’s your night off, Mitch! Shouldn’t you be enjoying it instead of standing there like you always do?” she ended her sentence with an easy sounding laugh, something Rosie wished she could emulate.
The merc muttered something incoherently, lips set in a fine line when he regarded his employer. How the two got along was anybody’s guess. Rosie imagined it had something to do with the frequent exchange of caps—though, Moira’s glowing personality seemed to melt even the coldest of hearts.
“There’s a problem at Moriarty’s,” Mitch explained, briefly.
“Oh no!” the redhead exclaimed, more intensely than the mercenary expected. “Is everybody alright?”
Mitch let out a deep sigh and let his eyes roam to where Rosie was perched, silently eavesdropping on their conversation in clear view. She sheepishly backed away before stepping back, realizing it was a little late to pretend she hadn’t been listening. He gestured to her with a jutted-out thumb.
“It’s that other vault-kid you like so much,” he said, with just enough distain in his voice it verged on resentment. Rosie wanted to smile, thinking the mercenary was jealous of Moira’s affections towards the younger visitors. Her mind was preoccupied, however, when she realized he was talking about Butch. “That boy can’t hold his liquor. He’s no Jericho, but he’s still a rowdy drunk.”  
Rosie felt a rush of disappointment at the information. She had hoped that Butch would stop spending so much of his free time at the Megaton saloon, wasting his caps on alcohol. This behavior seemed like a step back in the wrong direction, backsliding into his old, rebellious ways. Maybe she was wrong to think that people could change—that Butch could change. Regardless of how tumultuous she felt at the moment, Rosie knew she couldn’t sit idly by. So much for staying in and studying.
“I’ll go,” she said as she descended the stairs. “Before something worse happens.”
Mitch smirked. “Moriarty already had him drink the moonshine, and we all know what’s in that.”
“Oh, my poor sweet potato,” Moira cooed, tilting her head to the side in a sympathetic gesture. Rosie pressed a hand to her mouth, trying not to retch at the thought—she’d heard the rumors—and sent a silent prayer, hoping they weren’t true on Butch’s behalf. Her shopkeeper friend looked at her. “Do you need any help?”
Rosie shook her head, doubting that either of them would be of any real assistance. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Moira. Thank you again.”
“You’re very welcome,” she replied with a bright grin. “Take care of widdle Butch, now, okay?”
Rosie could only nod and fled from the building before her friend could embarrass her with any suggestive comments or innuendo. The last thing she needed was for the mercenary to know about her unrequited crush.
Moriarty stood outside his establishment as Rosie approached, smoke in hand as he overlooked the night sky. He noticed her just as she made to slip by to the entrance, in no mood to want to speak to the surly man.
“Aye, if it isn’t Miss Sheridan,” he crooned, feigning pleasantries. “Here to collect yer loverboy?”  
She huffed, clenching her fingers into fists before relaxing. Better to kill him with kindness, she reminded herself. “I hope he hasn’t been too disruptive,” she said, forcing a smile.
“The boys’ entertaining, I’ll give ‘em that,” Moriarty replied. “See for yerself. May haf to hire ‘em for the bar—”
Rosie turned on her heel, tuning out his accented words as she pushed through the sturdy metal door to the bar. She rarely visited the saloon, and the stench of booze and nicotine overwhelmed her as soon as she crossed the threshold. Immediately she found who she was looking for, sitting at the bar with his back to her so all she could see was the Tunnel Snakes embroidery. Butch. He was hunched over the counter, empty beer bottles and glasses surrounding his frame. It had only been a few hours since she’d last seen him, but apparently he’d been busy.
“One—one mrr,” he slurred at Gob, who stared at him with a mix of pity and annoyance. “Jus one!”
The ghoul bartender sighed, shaking his head. “Kid, you ever hear of alcohol poisoning?”
Gob noticed Rosie standing in the entranceway and relaxed, though his expression became much more sympathetic. “Better sober up, unless you want to disappoint your best gal.”
Butch perked up, swiveling around in the barstool so fast that he nearly toppled out of the seat altogether. She rushed to steady him, wincing at how much heavier he seemed—maybe it was all the beer and whiskey. With one arm wrapped around his torso, she held him upright against the bar.
“Stitches!” he greeted, awkwardly slinging an arm around her shoulder and dragging her close for a sideways hug. “Here!”
She nodded, choosing to ignore him for the moment and glanced to Gob who was studying their exchange. “Did he drink all these?” she asked, pointing to the display bottles.
“Sure did,” Gob answered. “Would not stop talking about growing up in the vault, and then leaving the vault. Talked a lot about you, actually.”
Rosie blinked, her heartrate steadily increasing. “What?”
The bartender gave a dismissive shrug. “But then he started singing, which soured the mood.”
Despite herself, Rosie smiled, amused by the thought. Plus, he’d been talking about her—she didn’t know what about, and he’d been drinking—but that certainly made her emotions aflutter.
“You’re cute when you smile, Stitches,” Butch mumbled, head titled to the side as he stared up at her with a sideways, dreamy smile.
Rosie instantly felt her face flood with heat. Gob smirked at the two and all she desperately wanted was to get out of sight from him and Butch. Speechless, she fumbled through her skirt pockets for a handful of caps, placing them on the counter, implying it was for the mess and for any unpaid drinks. She tightened her hold around Butch’s waist, holding onto the arm wrapped around her shoulder as counter-balance as she hoisted him from the barstool.
Gob watched the two. “Got him?”
“Ssshe’s got me!” Butch answered for the both of them with a beaming grin.
Rosie clenched her teeth, sucking in a breath as she adjusted him again, nudging at his feet so he’d support the weight of his own legs. It was a futile effort, but she’d helped carry heavier people with her father down in the vault. She could help an inebriated Butch walk back to her house across town…maybe. Gob still moved from behind the bar to push open the front door to make her exit easier. Caught up in the moment, she offered him a passing remark.
“If you hear a loud crash, we’ve fallen from the rafters. Please send our bodies to Moira,” she instructed sardonically. “For science.” 
x ------- x
Butch was of no help in the journey across town. Rosie would’ve guessed he had fallen asleep if it weren’t for the occasional drag of his feet and giggle, followed by an incoherent stream of words. All the while, she couldn’t help but wonder what had led to his sorry state—why’d he chosen to drink so much in the first place. Rosie knew he had the penchant for it—a bad habit learned from his mother—she was naïve to think the pattern would drop now that he was on the surface. Thinking back to her medical training and knowledge on addictive personalities, it wasn’t always so easy. The best thing she could do was to be there for him—he had done the same for her when she went through the paces of the emotional trauma of her father’s death—maybe the Wasteland was finally getting to him. Regardless, she could be a supportive friend. Friends—that’s what they wanted to be, right?
What if she wanted more?
Rosie ignored Butch’s confusion and pushed open the front door, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process.
“Good evening, Miss Sheridan,” Wadsworth greeted as soon as they entered her Megaton home. “Oh, and Mr. DeLoria, he appears to be incapacitated. Do you require assistance?”
Rosie nodded as she continued dragging his body along side hers towards the stairs. The robot-butler instantly floated over, gently sliding a metal appendage under his other arm to assist in carrying him up to the second floor.
“Do you need the bathroom?” Rosie asked him, repeating the question when Butch shook his head too quickly. “Are you sure?”
“I ain’t gonna hurl,” he assured, a whine in his voice.
She was more worried about him pissing his pants but wasn’t about to embarrass him (or herself) by stating the fact out loud. Wadsworth continued to help carry him to the smaller bedroom, depositing him on the edge of the mattress where he promptly flopped backwards, arms flung to the side.
“I shall fetch you some water!” the Mister Handy exclaimed, whizzing away to perform his task.
Rosie exhaled like she had been holding her breath since leaving Moriarty’s, wondering if her pulse would ever settle. She glanced over her shoulder to find Butch sprawled out on his bed, legs dangling off the edge and boots twitching against the metal flooring. It would’ve been an amusing sight, if he weren’t so intoxicated. With another sigh she approached, quietly sitting down next to him.
“I’m taking your boots off,” she explained, looking up at his face to see his eyes were closed.
He hummed in response. “Oh-kay.”
One, two clunky black combat boots fell to the floor with a clang, and Wadsworth returned with a bottle of purified water. After another whirl of his robotic arms, he left the room, leaving the two alone. Rosie tapped Butch on the knee with the bottle.
“Sit up,” she instructed, shaking him harder when he didn’t move. “You need to drink some water.”
Slowly, he lifted himself onto his elbows, head rolling like it contained bricks instead of a squishy brain—she wondered sometimes if that were actually the case. He pushed himself up and swayed close, lips quirked up in a smirk.
Rosie bit her tongue at the foul stench emanating from his mouth, wishing Wadsworth had brought bubblegum as well. Oh well—Butch could worry about his hygiene in the morning—no doubt his hair would be a mess too. She pushed the purified water into his hand and guided it to his mouth, sliding away only when he started to drink on his own. When it was empty and sitting on the nightstand, he began wriggling out of his leather jacket, only to get the sleeve stuck on his Pip-Boy, as expected. Rosie shifted around to help him, half-standing, half-kneeling on the bed as he almost resisted her help, until he noticed their compromising position. As soon as his Tunnel Snakes jacket and Pip-Boy laid discarded on the foot of the bed, he wrapped an arm around her waist, nearly knocking their heads together.
“If ya’ wanna get closer to me, that’s all you gotta say, girl,” he muttered, sending sparks across her skin.  
Impulsively, she pushed away, standing upright, almost falling backwards from how dizzy she felt. Butch looked up at her, steely eyes glazed over in mild confusion. She needed to set the situation straight immediately, before boundaries were crossed and feelings were hurt. Her feelings.
“That’s not what’s happening right now,” she spoke quickly, waving her hands.
He followed the movement of her fingers, and she wasn’t sure if he understood. The silence stretched on for too long, Butch staring at her with doe-eyes, the softest hint of a smile. Why wasn’t he saying anything? And why couldn’t she say anything back? Rosie thought about forfeiting and leaving him as he was when there was the most subtle change to his expression, brows furrowing as his eyes flickered across her face.
“I—I don’t feel so good,” he mumbled before falling backwards.
Rosie jumped into action, shifting his body so he was laying properly along the bed, repeatedly checking his vital signs to ensure he was only passing out from exhaustion and not acute liver poisoning. Eventually, she moved his jacket and Pip-Boy aside, pulling the blanket over his body so she could better tuck him in—if he got chills during the night, he’d appreciate the warmth. Just as she was pushing herself off the bed, Butch’s finger’s tightened around her wrist.
“Hey, don’t,” he murmured into the pillow, one eye peeked open. “Stay?”
Rosie was about to protest when he smiled, and her chest tightened with a kind of yearning she was only recently familiar with. She didn’t want to leave him, not now, not ever. Through the good, the bad and the drunkenly. Even if he didn’t feel the same way about her, romantically—she’d find a way to get over it—just as she’d done before in the vault. Without offering him an answer, she scooted towards the headboard, leaning her back against it and stretching her legs along the sheets next to his body. Butch eyed her, but he surprisingly didn’t make a snarky remark about her choosing not to snuggle up close. Instead, he lifted his head and plopped it right into her lap, hooking his arm loose around her legs.
More silence fell over them, more quiet that Rosie didn’t know what to do with. She didn’t know where to put her hands, wringing them awkwardly by her chest as she studied Butch’s profile. His eyes were closed, usually coifed hair now a wavy mess hanging down his forehead. Hesitantly, she rested her fingers there, pushing back the black strands, studying the faint constellation of freckles she’d never noticed before dotted across his skin. When she noticed his smile increase she repeated her movements, steadily combing her fingers through his hair and across his scalp in a calming motion that reminded her of being cradled as a toddler in her father’s arms. This was far more intimate, however.
“Love you Rosie,” he mumbled into the fabric of her skirt.
She froze immediately, staring at his face wide-eyed and frantic. What? What? Her heart seized to beat for a second before fluttering to life so rapidly, it felt like she was going to have a stroke. He had to be drunk still, or she had to be dreaming. Or both. Maybe she was inebriated. As the thoughts swirled in her head, sending her into a panic, Butch continued, unaware of her stunned reaction.
“You’re my best friend.”
Rosie swallowed the lump in her throat, but only found herself conflicted. So it wasn’t romantic love, but…platonic? That was still one hell of a confession, coming from Butch, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t letdown. Even with all the sudden fear that settled over her, it didn’t compare to the disappointment she felt now. Though, it wasn’t the first time she’d had unrequited feelings, and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. That didn’t mean she was about to throw away a friendship forged from a rocky past.
Butch hugged her knees a little tighter. “You’re all I got left, ya’ know? The only one who’d take care of a sad sack like me.”
Rosie smiled, brushing her thumb across his forehead in an affectionate sweep. Completely unsure of what to say, or how to respond, she hoped it was enough. She was sure that he would’ve never said these things to her sober, anyways. If she said anything now, he wouldn’t remember, so it was better to enjoy the moment while it lasted. As soon as he was asleep, she would sneak away and decompress in her own room, try to sort through the emotional weight of it all. She decided that if he didn’t recall tonight in the morning, she’d not bother with bringing it up to him again—no need to embarrass him—even if she’d remember it forever. Rosie thought about what he said, realizing it was true. Butch was all she had.
Maybe one day, she’d tell him too.  
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Sorry it took so long! With whats going on with school starting I’ve been distracted and busy. I’m going to try my best to find time to write and get more chapters for y'all!
Read on Ao3
(Chapter bellow the cut)
“After mom died, dad changed. When I told you about all the fun times I had with him, I wasn’t lying. He was a great dad until her death. But after… not so much. He had good days but those were few and far between,” Dean took a deep breath, “The only reason I stayed is because I couldn't leave Sam with him and wouldn't have been able to take him with me. If I called child services we would be separated and I needed to protect him.”
Dean looked back up to Cas and saw his sad, questioning eyes.
“It’s ok, Dean. Take all the time you need.” Cas repeated.
Dean sat for a second before continuing, “I kept Sam out of the worst of it. He hardly remembers anything that happened. I learned Dads warning signs and would try to get Sammy out of the room and distracted before anything happens.”
A look of understanding followed by anger and sadness washed across Cas’s face. “Did he… hurt you?”
Dean drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “I could never be the son he wanted. I was always a disappointment to him. I still am. All he wanted was a strong son who would get married to a beautiful woman and give him some grand kids. And I… I couldn’t even do that.”
“Dean, that's ok.”
“No, Cas, it's not. What kind of son can't even give his father his dying wish? What kind of son is so broken that he couldn't protect his own brother?”
Cas opened his mouth to reply but Dean held up a hand to stop him.
“It started when I was 13,” Dean rubbed his wrists. “, He was so disgusted and revolted by me. He broke my arm one night and wouldn't drive me to the hospital because he refused to let someone like me in his car. I had to walk. Once that cast was off, it began.
I managed to hide them from Sam but one night, dad saw them. He looked even more disgusted that I was so weak. Sam says that it's only proof of how strong I am to be able to be here today, walking and talking. Dad had different opinions on that. He believed that it was a sign of weakness and that you can only get stronger by getting used to pain.”
Cas had scooted closer to Dean. He had tears in his eyes and Dean guessed he was going to start crying soon if he continued but he needed to tell Cas what happened.
“The first time dad caught me with… a guy… was about a year after that,” Dean struggled to get the sentence out. “He threatened the other guy then beat me to the point I couldn't walk for the next week without a limp. That wasn't even the worst of it.”
Tears had begun flowing down Deans cheeks and gathering at his chin. Cas’s cheeks were also wet with tears but unlike Dean, his eyes held a spark of rage behind the sorrow.
Dean stopped talking. He looked at Cas’s face and into those stunning blue eyes. As they sat, Cas’s face changed from a look of anger to a sad sort of admiration. Why he looked so awed by the puny mess of a man he is, Dean didn't understand.
Cas brought his hand to Deans face, cupping his cheek and used his thumb to wipe away a tear. He pulled Dean into a tight hug, rubbing gentle circles on his back and quietly shedding his own fair share of tears.
Dean collapsed into the embrace, letting the walls down and he began to sob into Cas’s shirt. He wrapped his arms around Cas and grabbed his shoulders, clinging to him with an almost bruising amount of strength.
“That's it, Dean,” Cas whispered. “Let it out. It's ok. I've got you.”
Cas continued to whisper words of comfort to Dean until he couldn't cry anymore. He just sat there, breathing in large shuddering breaths and trembling with each exhale. Dean began to relax, letting his grip on Cas loosen and he leaned further into his housemates body.
“Thank you for talking to me, Dean.” Cas spoke softly, “I can’t imagine what you went through. You’re so strong to have lived through all that and still be here today. So brave to have stayed and protected your brother. You’re a hardworking, kind man who is a survivor and one of the best big brothers I have ever seen.”
Dean leaned off Cas’s shoulders but still kept his arms around him. He looked into Cas’s gentle eyes. They were a bright, clear blue, even in the dim light of the room. Cas was looking at Dean with awe and pity. He looked proud, despite the redness around his eyes and the wet streaks on his cheeks.
“You… Do- Do you really mean that?” Dean whispered in surprise.
He had expected Cas to leave or to tell him to get help and stay away from him. He thought that once Cas had figured out how broken and weak Dean really was that he would stop being friends with him.
But instead he was in awe of Dean. He held sympathy in his expression and hugged Dean. He let Dean cry into his shoulder and even shed tears of his own.
“Of course,” Cas smiled, “why wouldn't I?”
Dean stared at Cas. He looked deep into those lightning blue eyes. He wants Cas. Kind, handsome, oblivious, Cas. Dean could get lost in his eyes, his voice, his warm touch.
But Dean can’t. Cas deserves better. Someone who is less broken and can give him back as much as Cas gives. Someone better than Dean could ever be.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” Dean asks.
Cas’s smile grows and nods his head slightly, “Sure, you can pick.”
Dean slowly pulls away from Cas’s arms and walks over to the stand under the TV. He opens a drawer and skims over all the different DVDs. He decides on Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, and puts the disk in the player before settling back down on the couch with Cas.
“I don’t think I’ve seen this movie before.” Cas says curiously.
“What! Dude, its fucking Indiana Jones! How have you never seen it before!” Dean gasps.
“Well, I never got to see many movies because my parents disapproved of them. They were both pretty religious, hence the angelic names of me and my siblings.”
“Well now we gotta watch all the good movies before you find your own apartment! I CAN NOT let you live the rest of your life without seeing these!” Dean’s heart sank a bit at the thought of Cas leaving but he shoved the feeling down and started the movie.
The movie started and Cas began watching intently, enthralled by Dr. Jones and his adventure. As the movie went on, Dean began to grow tired. He was leaning against Cas’s shoulder and paying way more attention to that then the movie.
Dean’s eye lids grew heavy and his head fell onto Cas’s shoulder. Cas shifted his arm to make it a bit more comfortable for Dean, reaching around him to pull the blanket higher around his shoulders.
Dean fell into a restful sleep, tucked into Cas’s side. Maybe things will get better.
For the third time now, Dean woke up warm and happy. His body ached due to the awkward position they fell asleep in on the couch last night, but he was still happy.
When Dean yawned, he felt Cas begin to stir beneath him so he leaned up off Cas’s shoulder so he could stretch out.
The house was still an eerie quiet. He would ask Cas about opening up the windows later, but first, coffee.
Dean stood off the couch with a groan, his back popping. He made his way to the kitchen, his feet dragging slightly on the floor as he walked.
After turning on the coffee machine, Dean got out a box of pancake mix, bacon, and a few eggs before getting to work. He found a box of blueberries in the fridge, popping one in his mouth before sprinkling a few onto the pancake sizzling on the skillet.
The scent of coffee bought a ruffled Cas trudging into the kitchen. He grabbed a mug for himself and one for Dean, filling them both with coffee but adding sugar and creamer to his own before taking a long sip.
Cas settled in one of the chairs across the island, taking drinks from his mug every once in a while as he watched Dean cook.
“Where did you get all the furniture for the house?” Cas asked in a gruff(more so than usual) voice.
“I found a shit ton of it in the basement. There are still a few chairs and tables down there but I haven't got to cleaning it out yet.” Dean said before flipping another pancake.
“I haven't seen the basement yet, we should check it out later.”
“Dude, what have you seen?” Dean laughed
Cas looked up at him with a confused look before finally understanding, “I have seen enough cooking shows to know that that is going to burn if you leave it there any longer.” He said,  accusingly pointing at the pancake Dean was neglecting.
Dean laughed and flipped the cake, it was a bit brown but would still taste fine. Once he plated up the food, Dean handed a plate to Cas and took the seat next to him at the island.
Dean took time eating his breakfast. He wanted to spend time with Cas, and each time he finishes one thing he's doing with him, it opens a chance for Cas to leave. If Dean could stop time, he would. He would stop it in this moment so he could savor it for years.
The morning sun shone through the windows and he was warm and his belly was full of good food. He was sitting beside a person who makes Dean feel happy and forget about his pain for a while.
Stopping time would keep Cas there. Dean would figure out his feelings and Cas would be there to help him the whole time. He wouldn't be alone again.
But Dean is like salt on watercolor. Cas would eventually grow sick of him and if not, he would move to his own apartment somewhere else and find someone else who is better than Dean could ever be.
“Dean, are you all right?” Cas placed his hand gently on Dean’s shoulder.
“Uh, yeah, sorry. Just a bit spaced out.” Dean lifted his head from where he was staring at the counter and smiled at Cas.
“Thank you for breakfast. I’m going to go and shower if that’s all right.”
“No problem, buddy. I’ll clean up the kitchen and take a shower myself I guess.”
Cas smiled a bright, wide smile before shuffling out of the kitchen. Dean could hear his gentle footfalls as he walked up the stairs. Dean grabbed Cas’s plate and stacked it on his own before carrying it over to the sink.
He began to rinse the plates, loading them into the dishwasher when a cold chill crept up his spine. Dean spun around, fully expecting to see the shadow creature lurking behind him, but the room was empty and temperature completely normal.
Dean turned back to the sink and quickly finished doing the dishes. He wiped the counters and put away the leftover food before heading out of the room.
He began walking up the stairs, using the railing to help his bad knee. He reached the first landing where the stairs split when he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. Dean turned and almost swore we saw the creature slipping around the back of the stairs but decided it would be best to ignore.
When he finally made it into the shower, he welcomed the rush of warm water on his skin. He took his time washing the shampoo out of his hair and watching the bubbles slide down his body and into the drain. He steps out of the shower and grabs a towel from the rack and dries off.
Dean wrapped the towel around his waist and went to the closet to get a fresh pair of clothes. Once dressed he picked up the towel he discarded on the floor and went to hang it back up in the bathroom but stopped in his tracks when he saw the reflection of the shadow looming over his shoulder in the mirror.
He spun around but was surprised to see nothing there. He turned back around to the mirror but it was only his face looking back. He released a shaky breath and hung up the towel.
He needs to get out of the house for a bit. Dean made his way downstairs and put on his boots before grabbing his keys off the table by the door. He grabbed the door handle and was about to pull it open when he heard Cas call his name.
“Hello, Dean. Where are you going?” Cas asked from the library.
“Just going for a ride,” Dean paused for a moment, “Wanna come with?”
A bright smile lit up Cas’s face that made Dean feel all happy and warm inside and he nodded his head.
Cas stood and put on his own shoes, following Dean out of the door and closing it behind him. They walk to Dean’s car and get inside.
Dean settles into his seat and buckles his seat belt and looks over to Cas who was still buckling in. He could smell the warm honey scent of Cas’s body wash with subtle tones of something that could only be described as ‘Cas’.
Cas looked up and met Dean’s gaze, a small smile spread across his face. Dean gave a big grin of his own and started up Baby. She rumbles to life and Dean feels relaxed surrounded by the sweet smell of Cas and the soft purr of the impala.
He pulls out of the drive and onto the long rolling street. “Wouldn't It Be Nice” by The Beach Boys was playing quietly from the impala’s speakers, a feeling of bliss floated through the air. It was in the breeze that brushed against Dean’s face and rustled Cas’s dark hair as they drove over the gentle hills.
Cas let his arm dangle out the window, his hand riding the wind. He looked so peaceful leaned up against the door, a soft smile on his lips and his lightning blue eyes sparkling with life as he gazed out the window.
Thank god they were on a back road with not many cars because Dean only had his eyes on the road 50% of the time he was driving. He reluctantly pulled most of his attention to the road once they reached town.
They drive past the array of small local shops and a few chain stores.
“Dean! We should go get some fish for the pond!” Cas exclaims and points out the window at a small pet store sitting between the hardware store and TF store.
How did Dean miss that when he went to get the stuff for the pond from that little hardware store?
He pulled Baby into the small lot and parked right in front of the little pet shop. As soon as the car was in park, Cas was out of the door and waiting excitedly for Dean to follow.
A small bell rang above the door as they entered the shop.  A tall man with long gray hair and a short beard walked out of a back room and stood behind the register.
“Hello, my name's Cain. How can I help you today?” The man asked
“Hi, I’m Dean and this is my friend Castiel. We just fixed up an old fish pond in the back of our house and were looking for some fish for it.” Dean replied.
“Outdoor fish are in the tank in the back corner. By the empty tanks” Cain said, gesturing towards the back of the store.
Cas thanked the man and made his way back to the large tanks of koi and goldfish. He walked right up to the glass and watched the fish with the intensity of a child. It was cute.
Dean walks up behind Cas and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Do you want to pick out some fish?” Dean asks.
Cas nods and Cain walks over with a few small plastic tubs and two nets. He hands one to each of them and slides over some stools so they can reach the tank better. Dean fills his tub part way up with water and begins trying to catch a big orange and black fish darting along the side.
By the time he catches the fish, he sees that Cas has 2 already in his tub and has started on a new one. Dean finally gets a second fish in his and closes a lid on the top. Cain takes the tub and sets it on the counter by Cas’s.
They each catch one more fish--Dean a bright orange one and Cas a white speckled one-- And put them in a tub before stepping off their stools and heading over to the register.
Cain told them a bit about care and maintenance for the fish before ringing them up and saying goodbye. Cas took all three tubs stacked nicely on top of each other in his lap once they got to the car.
The ride home took much longer but Dean didn't mind. He had to drive slower(Cas kept asking) so it wouldn't shake up the fish too much. He enjoyed watching how fascinated Cas was by the small orange fish.
“Have you ever had a pet before?” Dean asked, glancing over at Cas.
Cas lifted his eyes away from the fish, “No, have you?”
“No but I helped take care of Sammy’s dog, Bones, sometimes.”
“We should name them.”
“We should give the fish names.” Cas repeated.
Dean and Cas spent the rest of the ride discussing the names of their 6 new fish. By the time they reached home, they had decided on the names Buddy, Cinnamon, Ralf, Carl, Debbie, and Fiona
Dean helped Cas carry the fish to the back and adjust them to the water before carefully dumping them in the pond. They watched the fish swim loops around their new home. Cas’s arm was pressed against Dean’s, the touch warm and solid.
Dean stayed there for a moment, wanting to savor the feeling. He heard his stomach grumble and looked over at Cas who was still watching the fish. Dean checked his watch, 5:37pm.
“I’m gonna start on dinner. Burgers sound alright?” Dean asked Cas.
“That sounds great, thank you, Dean.” Cas smiled u[ at him before looking back at the fish.
Dean stepped away and went into the house, taking his shoes off in the sun room before entering the kitchen. He pulled a package of ground beef from the fridge and set to work on the meat.
He sliced up some potatoes and seasoned them up before laying them in a pan and placing them in the oven. Dean grabbed the plate of raw patties and carried them out to the old grill by the shed.
Cas had gotten out a lawn chair and his journal and was writing while watching the fish. Dean smiled at how cute he looked hunched over that book, his bottom lip tucked under his teeth and brows furrowed in concentration.
This was so perfect. The smell of burgers cooking on the grill, the warm air and soft breeze, his adorable friend memorized by his new goldfish. Even Dean’s knee felt better than normal.
When the burgers were done, Dean carried them back inside on the plate and set them on the counter. He pulled the fries out of the oven and sprinkled them with salt before getting some buns and two plates and serving up the food.
He tucked two bottles of beer under his arm and picked up the plates off the counter, using his shoulder to push open the doors and head outside.
Cas had set up another chair beside him while Dean was inside and was now looking out at the trees. Dean had discovered a while ago that Cas was fascinated by nature and all its wonders but he didn't know how cute it was to see Cas looking in awe at everything from inchworms to the moss on a rock.
Dean walked up and held out the plate for Cas. He took it and set it on his lap, reaching back up for the beer Dean was offering.
Once Dean sat down in his own chair, Cas picked up the burger and examined it in his hands before taking a bite. He groaned then took another huge bite out of the burger.
Dean chuckled. “It’s even better when you chew it.”
Cas set the half of the burger he hadn't eaten yet and swallowed his bite, turning to look at Dean. Dean felt his mouth go dry as he watched Cas’s neck muscles work as he very visibly swallowed his food.
“The food is great, Dean, thank you.” Cas said.
“Yeah, no problem.” Dean replied, still in a haze.
Cas practically inhaled the rest of his food and set his plate on the ground when he finished. He sat back in his chair slowly sipping his beer while watching the fish swim lazy circles in the pond.
Dean finished shortly after, relaxing into his chair with his own beer.
“Man, six siblings must’ve been crazy. One was hard enough.” Dean sighed
“The age differences made it a bit easier I guess. I never really got along with any of my older siblings other than Gabriel, but even he could be an assbutt. Anna and I got along really well until she left to live with her boyfriend.”
“What’d the others do that made you not like ‘em so much?”
“Micheal was always about himself. He was the oldest and bossiest of us all but Lucifer is a close second there. Luci was always the ‘bully’ of the house. The one to take your stuff and break it or glue tacks to the seat of your chair. Uriel was such a rule follower and do-gooder that he was no fun to be around, I don't think he even has many friends. Naomi is sly and manipulative. She is easily one of the smartest members of the family in the sense that she can get whatever she wants from you with little effort on her part.”
“Man, they sound like dicks.”
“They weren't that bad once you got used to it but I was glad to leave that house.”
“I would be too. Sammy and I always got along pretty great. Whenever we fought, we would make up by the end of that day or the next morning. He was always such a great kid.”
“And you're a great big brother, Dean. Sam is lucky to have you and not someone like Micheal or Lucifer. Not even Gabriel was as good as you are and he was the nicest one of my siblings.”
Dean felt heat rise in his cheeks and a faint prickle of tears in his eyes. “I- uh- thanks. You- you said Anna left to live with her boyfriend, right?”
“Yes. She got with someone she met in high school. He was abusive and manipulative. He had her cut us off and leave.”
“Man, that's terrible.”
“I don't think about them much other than Gabe. I never really knew my mother and my father was a neglectful alcoholic so I don't enjoy thinking about my family much.”
“Well I guess we both had pretty sucky childhoods. But hey, look what we have now! We have a fish pond! ”
Cas laughs and Dean joins in. They finish their beers in comfortable silence, watching the sun set beneath the trees and listening to the bubble of the pond's waterfall.
Dean takes Cas’s plate and sets it on his before taking it inside the house. He rinses them and loads them in the dishwasher. He’s drying his hands on a dish towel when Cas comes inside.
They go upstairs and go to their separate rooms to get ready for bed but shortly after, Cas comes back to Dean’s room and they both curl up under the blankets together.
Cas rolls towards Dean and drapes an arm over him and they snuggle up under the sheets, relaxing at the sounds of each other's breathing. Dean falls asleep happy and warm, completely unaware of the inky black shadow grinning at him from the dark corner of the room.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 5 years
When the Dust Settles
Prompt: Whumptober Day 17, “Stay with me”
Summary: Silver Shepherd stumbles into his girlfriend's apartment after a fight gone wrong, and try as she might, she's not equipped to handle his injuries.
Warnings: Blood, aftermath of violence
Tagging: @peribloke (ask to be tagged!)
Read on AO3 (Full Whumptober Series)
Roxanne Moore’s night starts simply enough. She eats dinner (leftover Chinese) and goes to her apartment living room to sit on the couch and read the latest novel that’s captured her attention (a coming-of-age story off the bestseller list). But barely a chapter in, she hears the sound of her kitchen window unlatching, and then a series of thunks as something – no, someone – tumbles from the window to the counter to the ground.
Roxy freezes and prepares to grab something for a weapon, until she remembers that her apartment is on the third floor. There’s only one person who could come in that way – and only one reason why that person wouldn’t just knock on her door. She gets up, throwing her book aside, and dashes to the kitchen.
Sure enough, lying on the floor and groaning is Silver Shepherd. He’s probably aching from his fall through the window…or from whatever’s making him bleed all over the floor.
“Gabe, what the hell!?” Roxy shouts.
“Hey, doll,” Silver answers, looking up at Roxy and grinning sheepishly. “Um, can I crash here tonight?”
“I mean – I – I guess,” Roxy manages. She rushes to help Silver up, and in the process, gets a glimpse of an awful gash in his side, soaking his silver suit deep maroon. “What happened to you??”
“Stopped a mugging,” Silver says, wincing and gasping as Roxy helps him walk, “Thought there was one guy, but there was…was two…” He slumps suddenly in Roxy’s arms, and she yelps as she struggles to pull him along.
“Hey, stay awake!!” she cries, pulling him onto her dining table. Silver, ever the gentleman, always insists on bleeding on Roxy’s easily-cleaned surfaces rather than her fabric couch. She runs back to the kitchen for the first-aid kit, but it seems hopelessly unequipped to handle Silver’s injury. “How long ago did this happen? Why didn’t you go home??”
“Couldn’t,” he gasps, “Too far away.” Silver pulls his mask off as Roxy comes barreling back to him, and she sees how drawn and pale his face is.
“Okay, okay, okay, this isn’t – I can deal with this,” Roxy rambles, half to Silver and half to herself.
She pulls gauze out of the first-aid kit and presses it to Silver’s wound – hard but not too hard. She’s done as much before; gotten Silver stabilized after a bad altercation and let him sleep it off in her apartment. Roxy’s no doctor but she has common sense, isn’t squeamish, and doesn’t mind helping Silver heal if he needs it. He always apologizes profusely later for scaring her and bleeding on her table, and often takes her out somewhere once he’s better to make up for it.
But this time seems worse. Roxy keeps gauze pressed over the wound until it soaks through, then replaces it with more, and the wound keeps bleeding. Silver, meanwhile, looks worse and worse as seconds pass. His skin is white like bone, he shivers, and his eyes keep falling shut.
“Gabe, hey, stay with me!!” Roxy cries, panic starting to get to her, “I already told you, stay awake!”
“Can’t,” Silver gasps.
“Then we need the hospital,” Roxy insists, pulling away from Silver’s gash to wipe her hands on a towel and grab her phone. The amount of blood that gushes out without Roxy to put pressure on the wound solidifies her course of action.
“No,” Silver groans, “No hosp’l. Dark’ll be mad, had ta…bail me out last time…”
“You got shot three times defending a hostage! How can he get mad at that!?” Roxy demands.
But she’s been told about Silver’s housemates; she knows what kind of person Dark is, she knows there’s a reason Silver never lets her meet the people he lives with, not even his friends. There’s too much risk. Even her knowing about them is a risk, but a calculated one: It’s easier to avoid something when one knows what it is.
“Fine, no hospital,” Roxy mutters, growing frustrated as tears start to burn the corners of her eyes. “But what, then!? I can’t fix this, Silver!!”
“Noooo,” Silver whimpers, making a face like a kicked puppy, “Don’ cry, doll, s’okay…” He flops his hand out, seeking Roxy’s.
“Gabriel Markus Fischbach, if you die on me I swear I’ll never forgive you,” Roxy growls, breath hitching. She pulls off Silver’s glove to hold his (cold, trembling) hand.
“Get m’ phone,” Silver breathes, “Call…Doc…”
“Okay.” Roxy lets go of Silver’s hand with a jolt. “Okay!”
She dives for Silver’s phone pocket and pulls out his cell. She types the passcode (Silver told her what it was ages ago, even though she insisted he didn’t have to) and looks through his contacts. This is new; she’s never been in Silver’s phone. It’s surreal to see the names he’s talked about there as people she could theoretically talk to right this moment. But she quickly finds the contact labeled “Dr. Iplier,” and taps the button to call. Silver’s talked about him before, about how he’s the doctor for Silver and his housemates, about how he’s one of the nicer people in the house. After a few rings, the phone picks up.
“Hey,” says a voice, similar to Silver’s but a little older, a little more tired. “Silver? What’s up?”
“Actually, um, this is Roxy,” Roxy says, “Silver’s girlfriend.” She glances at Silver, whose eyes are only half open. Her awkwardness falls away as fear takes back over. “He’s in my apartment, he got stabbed, but he won’t let me call an ambulance! He told me to call you, please tell me you can get here–”
“Where’s your apartment?” Dr. Iplier cuts her off with the same no-nonsense tone that Roxy hears from the doctors in medical shows.
Roxy tells him, voice starting to shake.
“Hurry,” Roxy gasps, “I’m trying to keep him awake, but he’s bleeding so much and he won’t–” The sob sneaks up on her, cutting her off.
“Hey, don’t give up now,” Dr. Iplier says, a gentle edge to his serious tone, “Keep pressure on the wound and I’ll get to you as fast as I can.” He pauses. “Silver’s important to me, too. I promise I’ll hurry.”
“Okay, okay,” Roxy gasps. “See you.”
Dr. Iplier hangs up first, and Roxy is left to drop the phone back down on the table and scramble for the gauze again. Silver moans as she presses it into his wound.
“Sorry, baby, I’m sorry,” Roxy whispers, too close to tears to put any strength in her voice.
“Ro, hol’–” Silver coughs, flecking blood across his lips. “Hol’ m’ han…”
“I can’t right now,” Roxy whimpers. Her vision starts to blur, but she keeps pressing on the wound, keeps trying to stem the bleeding. She didn’t know this much blood could fit in a person.
Silver passes out a few minutes later, and Roxy’s in too much shock to even scream at him to wake up. She still cries, though, and hopes with all her heart that his futile plea for Roxy to hold his hand doesn’t end up being his last words.
When she hears a loud, rapping knock on the door of her apartment, it takes her a long moment to force herself away from Silver’s side to let Dr. Iplier in.
She hangs back to let him work and sits in her wooden dining chair, shivering like Silver did before he lost the strength to. She can’t speak out loud, but she does in her head.
“Stay with me,” she thinks at Silver, over and over, “Stay with me, Gabriel, stay with me.”
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bardanameeks · 5 years
The Masquerade Ball
Who: @doveportdanam​ and @doveportcharles​
When: 29th February
Notes: Charlie and Dana spend time at the ball to then go home with each other in the hopes of sex, ends up with them cuddling until they fall asleep. 
Dana was glad she was spending time at the masquerade ball working behind the bar, she was just gutted she couldn't drink the drinks but she also accepted it because there was not much she could do. She was glad her dress covered her baby bump, because she still wasn't sure what to do. She stood there as she looked over at the bar before noticing Charlie at the bar and she let out a slight smile before she looked over at him for  a moment, "Well Hi, don't you look handsome." She smiled slightly looking at him.
Charlie was already a few drinks in. He didn’t really know what to expect when he game to this thing but it seemed like everyone was having a good time and Charlie liked when people had a good time, it made him happy seeing people with smiles on their faces. He’s taking a sip of his whiskey on the rocks when Dana approaches him. He gives her a sincere smile and he can feel himself blush slightly at her comment. “Hey...I just kinda threw this on, no biggie.” He shrugged with a small laugh. “You look beautiful, you shouldn’t be behind the bar working, you should be out there dancing, having fun before you can’t anymore.” Charlie mentions.
Dana stood there as she looked at him and laughed at his response, she knew he was still trying to get to grips with what was about to happen to his life. “Of course that’s how you’d play it out! Don’t lie you wanted to look hot!” She laughed a little before smiling a little, “Thank you. I mean I can still dance, I just can’t drink. No matter what baby bump I have I will still be able to rock some kind of moves and still look hot.” She smiled over at the guy, “I just volunteered to work behind bar to help everyone out and make the night more bare able because I can’t be drunk. So will you get drunk for me?”
Charlie circled the bar to come up behind it, next to Dana. “You never know who’s watching. Of course I wanted to look good.” He chuckles with a wink. He brought his hands up to her shoulders and massaged her skin gently. He always got sort of handsy when he had been drinking. “You should take a break, go dance or sit for a sec. I can watch over the bar if you’d like.” He tells her sincerely
Dana smiled as he looked over at him as he walked behind it, this was probably the first time they had been this close in a while. She smiled and laughed, "Of course you did, And I don't blame you, but you know you don't need to look good to catch a girls attention." She laughed a little before she felt his hands on her shoulders, she knew she should probably stop him but she didn't care to at that moment. "But are you sure? Like I offered to do this but you didn't." She asked looking over at him for a moment.March 9, 2020
Charles didn’t say anything to that. He felt like his attention catching days were gonna be over soon anyway. Soon he’d have a kid and who knows how much things will change. He squeezed her shoulders once more before dropping his hands. “I’m sure, go, have fun, gets some food. I’ll watch over things here.” He told her as he started to clean some things up. “Talk me up to the ladies and fellas.” He winks
Dana looked over at him as he stopped touching her shoulders and she felt like she had hurt him in some way. She smiled softly as she nodded, “well if you’re sure I will go. I will try my best.” She smiled as she left the table and danced a little before she hugged a friend and then walked back to the table, “How was I?” She laughed a little.
Charles served a few drinks, flirted with some guys and girls as he watched the pregnant girl dance. He was glad to give her a break so she could have fun, after all she was basically making a human being in her body. That seemed exhausting.  As she comes up to the bar he pours her a cup of cold water. “Here, you need to stay hydrated.” He says with a soft smile. “You were great. Really.” He wiped down the bar and looked over at her again.
Dana looked at him as she took the cup of water and took a sip of it. She smiled, “Thanks for that. I needed it.” She smiled as she placed her hand on her bump. “Well I am very glad you think I was great. So how was the bar?”
“You don’t want to take a seat? You’ve been on your feet for hours.” He tells her. “Bar was fine. Nothing special.” Charlie grabs another cup with ice and pours himself some more whiskey. The alcohol is making him sweat so he pulls on his bow tie, loosening it up and unbuttoning some of his shirt underneath.
Dana sighed, “But I am meant to be serving, and I promised I wouldn’t let this get me down or stop me from doing something.” She smiled before looking over at him for a moment, “Are you okay?”
“Dana, you’re pregnant. That doesn’t make you weak for wanting to take care of yourself and stay healthy. You can’t over work yourself, it’s not good for you or the baby. I’m sure there are other staff that can take over.” He says as he takes another sip of his drink. He wasn’t mad or anything, maybe a just a bit agitated that Dana maybe wasn’t taking care of herself. And he didn’t want to tell her what to do but he didn’t want anything as to happen. He was getting more used to the idea that soon he’d have something that was his to care for and if anything happened to his child he didn’t know what he’d do. “I’m fine. Just hot.”
Dana sighed and looked down for a moment, “I guess you’re right I’m just not used to slowing down.” She sighed a little looking over at him for a moment, she was glad that he was finally seeing the fact that he cared. “Well did you wanna go outside for fresh air, I’ll come with?”
Charlie bites his lip and sighs. He can feel his anxiety bubbling up again and he hated it. His anxiety was the reason he had showed up at Peyton’s last time and found out about his feelings for her. He figured it would go away and he was just feeling lonely because he was drunk, but the feelings continued to linger. He didn’t know what would happen if he went outside with Dana. He tends to do stupid shit when he’s drunk and lonely, like sleep with Dana in the first place.  But shut happens, right? Maybe he wants to like Dana in the way he loves likes Peyton. It definitely would be easier if they dated since they were having a child together. But what if he couldn’t commit? What if he ends up cheating on her like he did with his first serious girlfriend? God, his mind was racing. Maybe he did need fresh air. He nods. “Okay.” He whispers at Dana.
Dana stood there, she looked around for a moment as she ran a hand through her hair. Her life was changing and she had to accept it. She could sense something was wrong and she didn’t know what but she shrugged and walked towards the door, “So what’s going Charlie? Seriously are you okay? I know the last time we properly spoke well over text it wasn’t great and I’m sorry about that.”
Charlie walks with her and composes himself once again. He was fine, it was just the alcohol talking. As soon as they’re outside he takes a deep breath and the chilly air helps ground him. “Yeah, I’m good, I’m fine.” He tells her. He can’t break down now. He can’t be weak for Dana. He needs to be strong, be her rock. Not the other way around. “Like I said, it was just hot in there.”(edited)
Dana stood there, she ran a hand through her hair for a moment, as she let the cold hit her for a moment and she smiled, “if you say so but I don’t think it’s because you’re hot but I’m not going to push you.”
Charlie purses his lips and nods. “Good.” He tells her and he can feel himself reverting back into the closed up asshole he didn’t mean to be. He just hated talking about his feelings with others. He really only trusted Peyton with that. He finishes his drink and sets the cup down on a ledge before turning to Dana. She did look extra glowy and pretty. “Do you think it would be a bad idea if we slept together again?” He asks her.
Dana stood there as she ran a hand through her hair for a moment and shrugged for a moment. Was there a part of her who wished they could communicate like people who were together could? Yes but she knew it wouldn’t happen with them. She laughed a little, “well I couldn’t get more pregnant so, I wouldn’t say no.”
Charles knew this wasn’t the best idea but with all the alcohol clouding his judgement he didn’t really care. “Wanna come back to my place?”
Dana looked at him, she had to question it, she was meant to be working bar, but she had craved sex for a longtime especially since being pregnant so when he offered she wouldn’t say no.”Well sure I would love to.”
Charlie grinned as he headed back inside and slipped a staff member a couple large bills so he could watch over the bar before calling an Uber for him and Dana. “You have all your stuff with you?”(edited)
Dana hadnt come with much, just her leather jacket she had on her. She smiled looking over at the guy beside her, “I have everything.Dont you worry.”
Charlie nods and walks them out to their car and he opens the door for Dana, getting in after her. The drive back to Charlie’s place wasn’t long. He lived near by in a nice area of town, next to the beach. His house was a very decent size and well kept. On arrival he once again helped out Dana and walked her to his place. And as the alcohol was wearing out he was becoming tired. He honestly wasn’t even in the mood for sex, he just wanted someone around. His house was too big for just him.
Dana was unsure as to why she agreed, it’s not like she was drunk. At this point it was possible that she just wanted company since her housemate probably had Avery over after the party. As she walked to his place, she walked in and looked over at him for a moment. “This might be the first time sober in your house.”
Charlie let out a small laugh. “Well, I certainly am not sober.” He says as he takes off his coat and sets in on a chair he has in the entrance. He then leads her up the stairs to his bedroom. His bedroom is the the entire upper level of the house and includes it’s own walk in closet and huge bathroom. “Do you mind if I get more comfortable? Do you want to get out of that dress? Take off your shoes. You can’t be comfortable in those heels.” He says as he’s shrugging off his shirt.
Dana looked over at him for a moment and laughed before she followed him up the stairs. She made it up but felt worn out by walking up the stairs. She nodded, “Go for it. I mean the heels ain’t comfortable so you know I was planning on taking them off.” She laughed a little as she took her shoes off, as she tried to undo her dress herself.
After Charlie takes off his shirt he goes into his closet, taking his pants off and slipping on a pair of joggers and grabbing a Graphic tee. He ends up grabbing a two maybe Dana wanted one. When’s he coming back he sees the woman struggling to undo her dress and Charles comes up behind her. “Hey, here, let me help.” His fingers follow down to the zipper and he slowly undoes the dress.
Dana was happy to just be around someone tonight, it was comfort. As Charles helped her with her dress, she couldn’t help but be happy, “Thank you, that really is helpful.” She smiled looking over at him now that the dress was undone but part of her felt uncomfortable getting out of the dress completely in front of him for some reason.
He nods and takes a step back to let her undress, after a moment he remembered that he had brought her a shirt. “Oh, here. I brought you this so you could be more comfy.” He hands her the shirt but doesn’t bother putting his on. He was still running hot. Her turns around to grab the remote off his bedside and turns on the tv, just to make it less awkward, then he lays in his bed, surfing the channels. “What do you wanna watch?”
She smiled as she looked at him, “Thank you.” She smiled looking over at him for a moment, she heard the TV and she ran a hand through her hair as she slid the dress on and then put the shirt he gave her. She looked at him, “Sounds cheesy and cringe kind of but maybe Madagascar?”
He raises a brow. “Huh, so you got a thing for Alex the lion I see.” He chuckles and nods. “I do guess Ben Stiller could be sexy.” He smiles and he searches for the movie on Netflix. He also makes a space on the bed for her to join. “Are you gonna lay with me or what?”
Dana laughed a little, “Well his voice is pretty great and I love lions.” She laughed a little as she soon noticed him make space for her and she nodded as she joined him on the bed before glancing at him for a moment.
“Are you ogling me?” He asks with a smile. “I know I’m pretty but don’t objectify me please.” He says jokingly to her. In all honesty Charlie loved the attention. He knew he was good looking and he loved getting compliments.
Dana laughed a little as she ran a hand through her hair shaking her head for a moment,  “Can’t help it. Sorry.” She laughed as she shrugged for a moment.
Charlie grinned as he turned to face her. “Okay, I guess I can make an exception for you but only you.” He reaches out to push her hair back from her face and sighs. “You’re really pretty. This baby is gonna be really pretty.” He looks down between them to her belly. Her bump was already noticeable but it didn’t freak Charlie out. Inside Charlie felt excited almost. Maybe he really did want this but he was just afraid of not being good enough. “Do you think I’m gonna be a good dad?”
Dana smoked and laughed a little, “I am glad that you will make an exception for me.” She smiled as she watched over at him and smiled for a moment, “Thank you. I hope the baby is pretty. They will have my prettiness and you’re good looks.” She smiled fir a moment before nodding, “ I really do think you will be a great dad, you just need to believe in yourself more.”
Charlie nods with a soft smile, his arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “It’s gonna be gorgeous, people will be jealous.” He chuckled softly. “You’re gonna be such a good mom. I know it.” He tells her quietly as his hand rubs her lower back.
Dana smiled softly, as time went be she was getting excited to be a mom it all scared her but it was excitement fear now. She smiled, “Well you’re sweet to say that. I hope I will be a good mom.”
Charlie leans forward and kisses her forehead. “You will be.” He nods. He shifts his body slightly so that he can lay on her chest, his arms wrapped around her as he gets comfortable.
Feeling his kiss on the forehead made her smile for a short moment before she saw him move. Her natural response was to stoke his hair as laid on her chest.
Charlie leans into her touch feeling better than he had in a long time. He felt comfortable and safe and he loved her fingers combing through his hair. It relaxed him and he could feel a wave a sleepiness hit him. He let out and a soft enjoyable groan.  “ ‘m sorry we didn’t have sex tonight.” He mumbles softly.
Dana sat there as she continued to stroke through his hair for a moment as she looked at him as he spoke, “You don’t have to be sorry.” She smiled as she felt relaxed for once.
“Okay.” He says quietly, his eyes starting to flutter closed. He was exhausted. “You’re gonna stay the night, right?” He asked  hopefully.
She laid there for a moment, “if you’ll let me stay then yes I will stay the night.” She said through a quiet yawn.
Charlie nods as a response and his grip loosens a bit as he begins to drift off to sleep. It had been quite a night but he felt like things were finally falling into place.
Dana felt comfortable and relaxed and as she noticed he had fallen asleep, she slowly drifted off too.
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pixieungerstories · 6 years
Housemates - 2
(Pictures are on Patreon since Tumblr won’t let me) In which we learn many things about the guys.  Including Bazur’s absentmindedness about pants.
“This is ridiculous,” Kevin declared.  He was currently a shadow humanoid wearing a wooden box as shorts.  “No one wants to work for us, guys.  The only reason we are getting applications is that Bazur said ‘diverse’ instead of ‘monstrous’ and it only takes one of us answering the doorbell to figure that out.”
Thea shrugged, “It got better once Bazur stopped answering the door in a leather jock strap.”
Kogan laughed.  “But then he has to wear pants all the time.”
Derick rolled his eyes, “Dude!  Pants!  It’s a thing!  It should be the minimum level of clothing here anyway!  I don’t want to head into the kitchen for a snack and find someone running around with their ass hanging out.”  He turned to Bazur, “You just aren’t that cute.”
Bazur frowned, “This is my house!  And anyway, Thea and Dren don’t have to wear pants.”
Dren looked up from the bowl of soup he was slowly absorbing.  “I can wear pants.  I do at work.”
Tristan considered all of this.  “She can’t be any worse than the last one.”
Kevin grinned, showing off a mouthful of needle-like teeth, “The last one was really into you.”
“The last one was objectifying me.”
Kogan cleared his throat.  “You know we aren’t paying enough for this to be a full time job, right?  We can’t all just keep being slobs.  Whoever we get will be here to help, not do all the work for us.  No leaving soup out when you are done with it Dren.  We just got rid of the ants.”
Dren shrugged, “I never leave my dirty dishes out.”
Bazur nodded, Dren never did.  Derick never did, he couldn’t stand the smell.  Kogan kept his space military level clean.  No, that was a not so subtle dig at him, Thea and Kevin.
But mostly Kevin.
The tenants  weren’t exactly clear what Kevin did for a living.  He kept odd hours.  He never talked about it, and he always paid  in cash with small bills.  At one point Dren and Tristan had gotten drunk and speculated on Kevin being some sort of stripper.  Kogan had laughed his great booming laugh and put five dollars on Kevin being a smuggler.
It didn’t matter.  No one had been able to find out.
Bazur knew, but he wasn’t talking.
In the end, they cleaned before the interview.  No point in scaring her off too soon.  Bazur made sure to book the interview when the boys would be out.  He was dressed and ready to go an hour before she was due to show up.  He spent his time pacing.
The problem was the house was huge.  The maid services he had contacted had all quoted hundreds of dollars a week and that didn’t include cooking or menu planning, a task that was universally despised in the house.  It hadn’t been easy to clear the junk out of the attic, but including room and board was their best chance at getting someone.  Humans didn’t eat much, and the campus was mostly human.
Hell, the whole town was mostly human.  Dren was the only gelatinous Bazur had ever seen in town, and he had been hired specifically to work with autistic kids.  The man was practically a living stim toy.
Bazur jumped when the doorbell rang.  He was shocked when he opened the door.  So was she, but she recovered first.  He knew that Vincensia was a fourth year biochem major at the U.  He knew she had won a scholarship to pay for her tuition.  He wasn’t expecting her to be beautiful. And outgoing and friendly in a way that went beyond what most people brought to the table when talking to not humans.  Bazur managed to fumble through most of the house tour on auto pilot after having done it so many times before.
He was doing fine until she asked about porn.
At that point he was sure it was over.
He was shocked that she agreed to come to dinner.
Oh hell!  She was coming to dinner!  What were they going to feed her?
That night it was pizza take out.  Three pepperoni, one ham and pineapple, one vegetarian, and (because KEVIN) one pineapple and sardines.
Bazur was surprised.  No one asked.  Finally after this third beer, Kogan belched and asked, “Did this one even make it through the door?”
“Yeah, she did,” Derick said. “I could smell her in my room when I got home.
“She’s coming for dinner on Friday.”
There was a moment of stunned silence.
The room erupted in sound.  Everyone started yelling.  Tristan wanted to know what she thought of the tour.  Krogran wanted to know what species she was.  Dren wanted to know what she looked like.  Thea wanted to know if she was freaked out by his room.
Bazur waited for them to run down.  “Human, gorgeous, Italian - so you know her cooking will be amazing, lives with her parents, didn’t freak out about there being a drider or a mimic, but she wants her mom’s approval before she takes the job.  And I’m pretty she if we let either her or her mom sit on Kevin, all bets are off.”
They all went quiet at that.
“Um… “ Tristan started, “When you say gorgeous...”
“Long dark hair, huge dark eyes, creamy skin, Sophia Loren’s curves,” Kevin answered.  “I can’t believe she’s coming back to meet us losers.  She could make five bills in five minutes at a strip club.”
“She has concerns about the workload.  She made a fair point, we advertised as a good job for a student, but if she needs to spend all of her out of class time cleaning up after us, she won’t have time to study.  She estimated that cooking supper and washing up was a ninety minute job all on her own. I said we would organize taking care of the washing up if she needed.  She was worried that-”
“Holy shit!” Kogan interrupted, “If she is planning on taking an hour to make dinner, she is cooking from scratch!”
They all stopped to consider this,
Dren nodded slowly, “It only takes 15 minutes to throw a frozen pizza in the oven.”
Thea blinked, it was impressive.  “We can’t fuck this one up guys.”
They all looked at Kevin.  He was currently human shaped, if humans came in wood grain and had a lock set over his groin.
They cleaned the kitchen.  They had twelve place settings.  Each of the guys had two and using someone else’s was a hanging offense.  Each of them had his own pattern on his dishes.  Dren had plain white from Ikea.  Thea’s were black and square. Kogan’s were beige stoneware.  Derick’s were stainless steel.  Tristan’s were blue enamelled and came from a camping store.  Bazur’s were Belleek.  The Claddagh pattern.
Kevin…. Well Kevin’s were vintage novelty plates from Las Vegas featuring pin up girls.
Everyone knew that.  They had just never really considered how that would look to an outsider.
“What?” Kevin demanded.  “Hey, they aren’t the ones where the girls clothes fall off when the plates get warm.”
Dren looked horrified, “Is that a thing?”
“Yes,” chorused Kevin, Tristan and Kogan.
Bazur shook his head.  “She can use my other set.  I guess if she moves in, I’ll buy more dishes.”
They had decided to order in take away.  Derick was out collecting a car full of Chinese food.  Kogan wandered over to the fridge.  It was full of beer.  There were also pickles, ketchup and mustard and an elderly jar of mayo.  “We are going to need to get her a separate fridge for cooking.”
Dren yelled from the dining room, “Does anyone even know if the stove works?”
“It works just fine!” Bazur yelled back.
Kogan raised an eyebrow.  Bazur came over and tried turning on the burners.  They all lit.  Both men breathed a sigh of relief.  Kogan opened the drawer under the oven.  It was full of dust, mouse shit and cheap tin pots from the fifties.  He looked at Bazur, “You buy her a fridge and I’ll buy her new pots, mixing bowls and plates.  Deal?”
Bazur nodded slowly.
“I’ll pitch in for a stand mixer,” Thea said from the ceiling, making the other two jump.  Once they were looking up at him, he added, “And Kogan is getting the short end of the stick.  Outfitting a kitchen costs way more than a fridge.”
“She’s here!” Dren called.
Thea ran across the ceiling and down a wall, beating them all to the door.  He wrenched it open and froze.  
The girl’s eyes went wide then she blinked and blushed and said, “Wow!  Um, sorry!  I’ve just never met a drider before.  Or, you know, um seen one.  Argh!  I’m being rude!”  She held out a hand, took a deep breath and said, “Hi! I’m Vinny!”
Thea ran up a wall, across the ceiling and up the side of the the staircase.
Vinny looked a Bazur.  “Sorry.  Um.  I’m not exactly off to a good start.  But I brought cannoli for dessert.”
Derick was walking up the walk with a huge box of dinner, “Wow!  Homemade cannoli?”
“Uh, yeah, like an audition.”
“You’re hired!” he announced.  “Hell, forget the job, will you marry me?”
Vinny blinked, “No.  But I will have an eggroll if you brought any.”
“OK.” he said easily as he walked past her.  “Clear a path, food coming through!”
Kogan and Dren headed to the dining room.  Derick followed with the box of food.  Vinny was still standing on the step.  Bazur smiled, “Come on in. They are all really excited to meet you.”
Vinny gave him a funny look.
“I scared off your drider and you aren’t wearing pants.”
“Oh! Shit!  Um.  I’ll go get pants.  I’m sure Thea just went to get Tristan.”
Vinny still didn’t come in.  “Is the no pants thing going to be a thing?”
“NO! Um… maybe?  I’ll get better at it, I promise.”
“Uh-huh.” Now she came in.  She hung her coat on the hall tree and headed into the dining room.
(Sticker promotion runs until Feb 2, 2019, see Patreon for details)
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