#who happily told me she’s excited to get new people in the house 2 days ago
dreamyberry · 1 year
Someone told me you’re never gonna be 100% happy anyway. So what are we here for? Heartbreaks and paying the rent and distracting yourself with hobbies 2 hours a week to forget you’d rather be d3ad?
#I thought I could have. anew beginning but I keep feeling terrible#and I also have to look for a new home thanks to my landlord#who happily told me she’s excited to get new people in the house 2 days ago#in a way it could be good to change air#go to a bit nicer city maybe#but idk how hard it will be#i feel so emptied out#think of him and want to cut my throat#I am a burden to myself#I’m so sick of hoping I die in a car accident I have been doing that since I am 14#had a 2 year break and here I am#I just hope I manage to see some friends or so-called people#and guess what I have to help my housemate deep clean the house on the weekend#apparently I heard he said on the phone friends of him from Germany are coming on Monday#so I guess that’s it#the only tiny reason I would be sorry about if I die is my parents#my colleague/boss told me I am really lucky to have parents like that after he met them#I feel so much like a failure#I was brought into this world and all I can hope for myself is to stop living#I want to go to a therapist but as I am stranded and probably will have to change municipality I probably have to wait applying for it#I’ve never felt like I needed it more than now#I’ve had multiple times people saying I’m too silent which to me is total bullshit but anyway#when I start talking I go on too long especially about mental things and I end up feeling ashamed#at least with a therapist I wouldn’t be ashamed cause it’s their fucking job to just listen or ignore me but I will let it out and not feel#so cool:(#why can’t I be happy like in 2018#the only year where I could actually answer I was feeling good and like wanted to show it
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KW 2024- Day 6: Jealousy
Day 6 of Kataang Week 2024 even though it's being posted two days late. (Event hosted by @kataang-week )
Prompt: Jealousy, Saturday, August 3rd
Word Count: 1.5 K
Rating: General Audiences (except for the mention of alcohol I guess)
Summary: Aang is not the best at containing his jealousy, especially around his employer.
This is the continuation of my Modern AU in Day 2 where Katara is a singer and Aang is her bodyguard.
It has been 5 months since Aang has been working as Katara's bodyguard, and he has been doing an exceptional job at it. Katara has started trusting him way more, and they developed a friendship. They would talk in their spare time about almost anything, and sometimes, their conversations would extend their designated time.
Today was the premiere of Katara’s new music album, and there was going to be a party with many people. It was going to be exciting, and it was going to be a very extravagant party.
Parties were not Katara’s favorite activity, but she liked celebrations once in a while, especially when they celebrated an important event or accomplishment. She was very excited for tonight, and couldn't wait for her guests to listen to the album.
“Sokka, have you seen my silver heels?” Katara asked her brother from her bedroom, who was in the halls.
“I haven't!” yelled Sokka from the halls. “Why?”
“I think we left them in one of the costume bags, which was near your room.” replied Katara.
“I'll look for them!” Sokka yelled. Katara kept getting ready and carefully did her makeup. She was looking stunning tonight, and wore a beautiful, short turquoise dress that had beautiful, sown Water Tribe embroidery. Her earrings were these silver fish that resembled the ying and yang, and her hair was up in a ponytail and adorned with Water Tribe beads.
“Hey Katara-” Aang came in, and became stunned with how beautiful Katara looked. Her eyes seemed to shine brightly with the tuquoise dress, like the stars in the sky.
“Aang!” Katara greeted happily. “Do you need something?”
“Sokka told me to tell you that we have to leave in ten minutes,” Aang said, trying to conceal his blushing.
“I’ll be ready soon,” Katara replied. Aang nodded and headed downstairs, trying to quiet his beating heart.
When Aang got there, Toph was waiting at the door with the rest of the bodyguards, and seemed to be glaring at him.
“Aang, I may be blind, but I can sense the way you feel around Katara,” Toph said from the corner. Aang almost jumped in surprise and tried to find an excuse to escape the interrogation, but because Toph was quick and had enhanced senses, there was no way out of this.
“What do you mean, Toph?” Aang asked, trying to sound innocent.
“You clearly like Katara, Aang, and it’s way too obvious,” Toph replied. “Your voice always shifts with her, and you talk to her more delicately and softer than to the rest of us. Katara is a great person, and you don’t seem bad yourself, but I will warn you: you must be very, very careful.”
“I… I will,” said Aang, feeling slightly pressured and uneased with her comments. Just then, Katara came downstairs along with Sokka, both ready for the party. They all left the house and headed to the salon where the party would be hosted.
The room’s flashing lights shone brightly in the darkness and eeriness of the place, giving it a cosmic appeal. The loud music seemde to vibrate everywhere and was loud enough to make everyone deaf. People were dancing frantically and drank obscene amounts of alcohol. Three quarters of the party had passed, and although most of the room wasn’t sober, they were having a blast.
Due to his job, Aang did not drink a single drop of alcohol, and only sticked to drinking water. Toph and the rest of the security team were also sober, and only observed alertly to see if they had to interfere. So far, there was nothing too concerning that needed the intervention of powerful bodyguards. Aang observed the whole room and tried to capture the details of people’s behavior: Some were dancing, some people were making out, others drinking, and a few talking to each other.
Aang mainly observed Katara dancing happily in the dance floor. She did not drink a lot, but was slightly tipsy. She danced with a few people Aang never saw before, and assumed that they were probably her friends. He really wanted to dance with her, but he couldn’t since he had to keep an eye on her.
Just a few minutes later, Aang saw a tan man with straight long hair that was dancing quite closely to Katara. He had his hands on her waist, and in that moment, Aang felt a new, raging feeling rising in his body. He wanted to be in that man’s place, placing his hands on the singer’s waist and moving her hips slowly to the rhythm of the dance, leaning close to her face. He wanted to be the one staring at her dreamy blue eyes and making her smile as the loud music echoed around them.
“Aang!” Katara began approaching with the man she was dancing with. “This is my friend Haru! Haru, meet Aang, my bodyguard.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Haru greeted, extending his hand to shake Aang’s hand. The young bodyguard shook it, but still feeling a tinge of jealousy in his body.
“Katara, I am going to get some drinks for us. I’ll be back!” Haru whispered in Katara’s ear, leaving her and Aang alone.
“Is Haru your boyfriend?” Aang asked very imprudently.
“What? No!” Katara laughed. “He’s just a friend! We met in the Earth Kingdom years ago, when I was starting to write music, but he is like a brother to me.”
“Oh, how interesting,” Aang replied, sounding more jealous than he wanted to. “Is Zuko your boyfriend?”
“Zuko?” Katara exclaimed. “He is absolutely not my type! Plus, he is way too busy for being in a relationship since he is the PRESIDENT of an entire nation. Why? Are you jealous?”
Aang desperately tried to find a way to conceal his jealousy, but knowing what position he was in, it was impossible. “Jealous? No!” he lied. “I was just just curious why you’re always surrounded by… other guys?”
Katara stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. “What’s that supposed to mean, Aang? Are you implying something?”
“I’m implying that it’s frustrating to see you with other guys when—” Aang stopped himself, his emotions boiling over. “When I… I care about you more than just a employee, more than just a friend!”
Katara’s eyes widened, and she took a step back. “Aang, you can’t just drop something like that on me out of nowhere!”
“Well, what do you expect me to do, Katara?” Aang shot back, his voice trembling. “Stand by and watch while you dance with other guys, wishing I could be the one holding you?”
Katara’s face softened, but her voice was still tense. “Aang, I didn’t know you felt this way. You never said anything!”
“I didn’t say anything because I work for you, and because I was scared, alright?” Aang admitted, his voice cracking. “Scared that you didn’t feel the same way; scared that I’d lose you.”
Katara’s expression softened further as she stepped closer again, her anger melting away. “Aang, I… I didn’t realize you were feeling this way, but you need to know, you mean more to me than anyone else. You’ve always been there for me whenever I needed it most.”
Aang looked into her eyes, his heart pounding. “Katara, I… I don’t want to be just your bodyguard. I want to be the one you turn to.”
Katara’s eyes were glistening with tears as she cupped Aang’s face in her hands, knowing that this was a bad idea. She didn't speak, but the way she looked at him said everything. Aang slowly leaned in, his heart racing. “Katara…” The young singer could feel Aang’s breath mingling with hers, and their lips were at a minimal distance.
Before he could finish, Katara closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his. “Gosh, she tasted so good,” thought Aang in his head, savoring the taste of liquor and lipstick in her mouth. He wrapped his strong arms around Katara’s waist, pulling her closer, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her body to his. The kiss began to intensify, and Katara nudged Aang’s tongue so she could access his mouth. The young bodyguard happily consented and let Katara access. He sneaked his tongue into her mouth and passionately caressed her lips with his, making the kisses even more intense and powerful. The world around them seemed to disappear as they kept kissing even more ardently.
When they finally pulled apart, they were both completely breathless, their foreheads touching. Katara then quickly let go of Aang’s grasp and looked completely petrified, knowing that what she just did was probably a bad idea.
“I have to go,” Katara said in a robotic, paralyzed voice. She quickly left and headed in an opposite direction, leaving Aang completely stunned and turned on. He could not believe what just happened. Everything escalated too quickly, quicker than he expected to.
Now, what was going to happen? Will Katara fire him? Will they forget all of this happened and just keep a professional relationship? What now?
What now?
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atinyjules · 7 months
Broken Melodies : Fake or True ft. Lee Jeno {ch-2}
A/n: Congratulations! You made it to chapter 2! And don't worry guys, they'll definitely meet in this chapter✨
Soo here it iss~
The mini - masterlist for this series is here
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It was finally Eunbi's first day of college and well she was READY! After having breakfast she gave her dad a hug.
"Be safe, be careful and have fun." her father told her as she nodded, excited.
"Yes, dad! Anddd don't worry...I won't get into any fights or quarrels and I most definitely won't cause any trouble." she said as her father chuckled and patted her cheek.
"I know you won't, now go have fun." he said as she nodded and left.
"Byeee~" Eunbi exclaimed for everyone in the house to hear as she made her way to the car.
"Have fun, Miss Eunbi, I'll be here to get you as soon as class ends." mr. Choi my driver said as I thanked him and got off.
"Thank you!" she exclaimed and stood in front of the gate, marvelling at the scale and grandeur of the institute.
"Neo Culture University...hm...not bad." I mumbled to myself as I entered the campus and searched for my class. I frowned to myself when I failed to find my class and looked around for help. I saw a rather cherrful looking boy walk towards my direction so I reached out to him.
"Heyy...I'm new here and I can't seem to find my class. Could you please help me?" I requested as he smiled and took the paper from my hand.
"Of course! Uhh....3-A...3A?! That's my class!" he exclaimed making me widen my eyes as we shook our hands.
"That's great! I'm Eunbi!" I introduced myself as he happily shook my hand.
"My name is Lee Donghyuck but people call me Haechan. You can call me Donghyuck or Hyuck or even Haechan...it's your wish." he said making me smile as I nod.
"Well okay Hyuck! Take me to class!" I say as he pulls me by my arm.
"You know, we have a lot of things in common. I'm amazingly handsome and you're amazingly pretty. I like leather, you seem to like leather...I mean...you do right? Like you're wearing a leather jacket." he says making me laugh as I nod.
"Yup, I love leather." I say as we high five.
"You know...your last name is awfully similar to my classmate." Hyuck said making me chuckle.
"Na Jaemin?" I say as he nods.
"How do you know him?" he asks.
"He's my elder brother of course." I say as he gasps.
"Finally! Someone who can defend me from his wrath." he says as I furrow my brows.
"Defend? Why?" I ask as he wipes away fake tears.
"He...he uses me as his punching bag." he says making me widen my eyes as I patted his back.
"Oh my Goshh...he does that?!? I am sooo sorry!" I apologize as he holds my hands.
"It's alright." he says as I help him up.
After we reach the classroom our homeroom teacher arrives to see me.
"Thank goodness you found your way here, Eunbi. I'm Professor Cho and I'll be your homeroom teacher." she introduces herself as I bow.
"It's nice to meet you, professor. I'm Na Eunbi." I say as she smiles.
"Now...we don't have any free seats so are you okay with sitting at the back?" she asks as Hyuck gasps.
"Professor...but that's Jeno's seat." Hyuck says as I furrow my brows.
I definitely heard that name before...but where?
"But we don't have a choice. But it's your wish Eunbi...but if you don't want to sit there I can exchange your seat with someone else." She says and I was going to reply when Haechan raised his hand between us.
"Because I'm a good student and a good friend...I shall sacrifice myself." Hyick says making me smile.
"Really?" Me and Professor Cho say in unison as he nods bravely.
"Well, then that's settled. Jeno and Haechan will sit together and Eunbi will sit with Renjun." she says when the door opens.
"I heard my name." a fair boy who was slightly smaller than Hyuck entered.
"Good morning, Renjun. Meet Eunbi, she'll be sitting with you for this semester if you're okay with it." Professor Cho told the boy as I smiled at him.
So he's Renjun
"I don't mind. I'm Huang Renjun." he said bringing his hand forward as I shook it.
"I'm Na Eunbi." I said and he furrowed his brows when Hyuck spoke up.
"She's Jaemin's younger sister." Hyuck saud as he chuckled.
"Explains the sharp eyes." he said making me laugh.
"Good to see the both of you are already making Eunbi feel at home. Way to go, extra points!" she says and walks away.
"Well, you're sitting here then Eunbi." Renjun says motioning to the seat on the last fourth, next to the window.
"Ohh sweet! By the way...who's Jeno?" I ask as Renjun furrows his brows.
"The Devil himself." Hyuck says as Renjun pushes him away.
"Considering you're Jaemin's sister I figured you'd know who he was. But that's okay." Renjun says making me think.
"I don't really know him...I guess its because I didn't study here. I've studied in France ever since middle school and I came back a month ago." I say as Hyuck nods.
"As expected from a family with a big wallet-ouch!" I chuckle when Renjun punches Hyuck's stomach.
"Sorry bout him, he doesn't know how to speak." Renjun says when the door is abruptly opened.
"Who's that?" I whispered and asked Renjun about the buff and strong looking person who just entered.
He looks like a thunder storm.
"Lee Jeno." He replied making my eyes widen.
Tell that to Lee Jeno!
"He's Lee Jeno?!?" I stood up and exclaimed making Hyuck and Renjun widen their eyes as Renjun pulled me back down to sit when Lee Jeno turned to look at me.
"What's your deal?" he said in a low whisper while approaching us as I stood up again.
"You're the one who beat up my brother!" I exclaimed as he raised his brows. Hyuck was quick to hold his arm.
"Yah, yah, yah....jenooo...she's new! She doesn't know anything! Let her off this time!" Hyuck pleaded and I gasped when Jeno pushed him away from his grasp making Hyuck hit the wall
"What the hell is your problem?!" I exclaimed as Renjun pulled me behind him.
"Yah, Jeno have some decency. She's a girl." Renjun warned when Jeno smirked and pushed him away as well.
"Renjun!" I exclaimed and threw a glare at him.
"The hell is your deal?!" I said when he grabbed onto my jacket and pulled me towards him.
Damn he's strong
"Na Eunbi..." He scoffed after reading my name out loud.
"Another Na? You must be kidding me." he said and that's when I decided to the one thing that came to my mind at that moment. Althought I shouldn't have done it I ended up listening to my impulsive thoughts and went for it.
Well that was unexpected-💀
That's it for this chapter! Hope y'all are enjoying it so far✨
You can find Chapter 3 here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖✨
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aceontheline · 1 year
Helluva Good Time (Maybe) (Pt. 2)
I didn't even really have to wait until Blitz sent me a text message because when I woke up the next morning, he called me. I was mildly panicking when I saw his number pop up across my screen. He told me that he was on his way and told me to wear something casual and cute. Done and done. We hang up shortly after that and I go throw on some ripped jeans and a decent t-shirt with flannel over it. I just barely put on makeup, then got some water & a light snack before I left my house. Right as I step out, there's Blitz, waiting in his van and blaring music. Clearly enjoying himself too, as I see him headbanging and giving the "devil horns" gesture with his hand. I giggle at the sight of it, knocking on the passenger side window. Sort of humiliated, Blitz asked me if I saw anything. I lied in order to humble him. He wiped the sweat from his brow and told me to get in his van. I asked where we were going.
"We're gonna stop over by that HUGE mall here in the Gluttony ring and just enjoy ourselves. Then maybe back to Imp City?" Blitz asked.
"Oh sure! I haven't been to that mall in forever! Can we invite some of my friends?" I follow up.
"Who was that girl in the coffee shop? Caitlyn? Maybe her" Blitz replies, sounding a bit huffy.
I called Caitlyn and asked if she wanted to come to the mall with Blitz and I. She said that as much as she wanted to, she couldn't today. She had a rough day at work during her night shift and needed the day to decompress. "So sorry! Hope you feel better" I said in my usual positive tone, to which she thanked me and hung up. Blitz smiled. "Looks like it's just you and me. Cool, let's go" he said happily, driving away from my house in a heartbeat.
Truly though, we did enjoy the time we spent together. Buying new clothes, seeing different stores and finally getting a moment to just sit down in a more one on one conversation. Based on his body language, I could tell that he was trying to get closer and closer to me. Blitz talked more about his job because I asked him about I.M.P and how it all worked. Then he asked me about myself. My hobbies and interests, all that good stuff. "Are you really interested?" I ask. Blitz nods firmly. I told him that since I was younger, I really enjoyed cooking. When I was back up on the surface, I even opened a side business where I sold decorated cookies and cupcakes.
I also told him that, even though I wasn't very good at it, I liked to sing. Blitz smiled and assured me that I couldn't be THAT terrible, considering all the trash he's heard on the radio. A soft smile crept up on my face, as I felt my face get warm. Was... Was I blushing? Blitz chuckled at the sight, brushing some hair out of my face. Presumably so he could see my blushing face. He gazed at me for a moment, then quickly pulled his hand away, as if he knew he messed something up. I asked him if he was okay, to which he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just thought I saw something in your hair" Blitz replied sternly.
"Probably just loose strands. Tis the consequence of having long hair" I reply, twirling a chunk of my hair.
Blitz nods and keeps talking about cooking related mishaps he's endured, like nearly setting his kitchen on fire while trying to make eggs. "I had to get better at cooking. After all, I got Loona" he insisted, looking at a picture of her. I ask if that's his adopted daughter he mentioned before. Blitz nods in response, showing me a picture of her. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place her. I shrugged this off as coincidence for now and just asked him about work again. He was talking business for a long while, before he asked me about my job and what it is I do.
Truthfully, my job wasn't as exciting as ever. I was in charge of coordinating parties and events for people. It was a lot of work, but I got a lot of money in return for it so it didn't matter. Plus, I do enjoy the feeling of organizing things, especially if they go well. Blitz asked if I helped out with anything major recently. "Yeah, Beezlebub's party actually. She was really chill through the whole thing and paid me well" I reply, showing him pictures of the venue. He looked shocked, saying that he was actually at that party, asking me why I didn't go.
I said it was because the party was on a random night in the middle of the week. I needed to work the next day, which was true. Blitz then asked me if I'd want to go to a party with him sometime. He knew my kryptonite... I agreed to go with him to one that was happening next weekend in his ring. He already looked excited, telling me all the details I needed to know. It was a bit of a larger party, but I could manage it. After talking all of this out, Blitz and I continued on then left after a while. We went back to his place in Imp City and watched some movies until...
I woke up a little while later, my head in Blitz's lap. He was looking down at me, asking me in a sarcastic manner if I was "comfy down there". I laughed in his face, hitting him lightly with the couch cushion. He and I were laughing, not realizing that we were... Also "play fighting". Blitz and I were still giggling, until he looked down over me. Both of us were blushing a bit, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest a bit. Shit... This would've been a real movie moment if he were to-
It was happening. I felt it. He smiled at me in such a way. It was... Warm. Soft. I could feel his heartbeat somehow. It was fast and chaotic. He apologized for pinning me like that and got up quickly after, hoisting me up.
"It's okay. I do dumb shit like that with my friends a lot. That was fun though" I say, returning the look he gave to me. Blitz blushed a bit.
"Heh, yeah. It was nice-" Blitz replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's getting late though. I should get you home" he finished his thought.
I nodded, putting my shoes back on and waiting for him at the front door. He and I left shortly, rushing to his van. Blitz put on some music for us to listen to on the ride back to my place. For some reason or another, he decided to get bold with me. He placed a hand on my thigh, occasionally stealing glances at me. Once we got back to my place, Blitz said he needed to ask me something. He took a deep breath and then gazed into my eyes softly. He mentioned how he knew that we met not too long ago and that we were mainly talking over texts and "Facetime", but he wanted to ask this for some time now. Blitz sighed and then asked me if I wanted to actually be his date to that party he mentioned earlier.
I suggested that we at least go out on a trial date first. Maybe a simple dinner date on a weeknight. Blitz agreed, saying that he knew a decent place in Imp City, telling me to dress somewhat decent. I agreed and hugged him before stepping out of the van. I felt him hug me in return... It was nice. Then we pulled away from each other and went our separate ways for now. When Blitz got home, we hammered out the details over text. It would be a Wednesday night, as the party was on Saturday night. It would give him and I at least a few days to see if this push in the relationship is what we actually wanted.
Knowing me though... It's exactly what I wanted. I had to become even more desirable to him, so I asked around for advice before heading to bed, having absorbed a bunch of information. I was already counting down the days until Wednesday, which seemed odd. It didn't matter. I had a little sliver of a hope for happiness.
Previous: ( Here ) ; Next ( Here )
Masterpost: ( Here )
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kandadiff · 8 months
Larger Than Life : Welcome home!
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🗣 Welcome back everyone to Larger Than Life season 2. The tea is hot, the drama is hotter and according to Gigi's outfit the weather is hot outside. lets recap, Tori nearly bulldozed the styles brothers with her huge suitcase, Gigi made friends with new addition Dylan o brein and Red Velvet took 30 minutes to decide their rooms. Oh and the record for people asking Edward about Adi only lasted 10 minutes. lets keep watching...🗣
Annoyed, Edward rolled his eyes annoyed. "I'm going to find a room." He moved back towards his bags and Gigi threw up her hands happily.
"Im so happy this season we get our own rooms! I love my sister but I had to share a room with her last season and-" she made a face, laughing towards Dylan.
"Weren't you only here for three episodes?" Edward grumbled walking towards the elevator. She frowned at him and he smirked.
"The floors are separated by decades styles." Hoodie shouted after him.
"I" Gigi said turning the attention towards herself again. "chose the 1990s the best decade!"
"I'll make sure to avoid that." Edward said pressing the elevator button and smiling at Gigi as the doors closed. She huffed and moved towards the kitchen. "Party pooper, I am going to make welcome mimosas! Help me Dylan!" she grabbed his arm tugging him to the kitchen.
🗣Okay lets recount who's in the house now. BTS, Katya, Justin, the Jenner girls, Selena, Fifth Harmony, GOT7, one direction, Big Bang and most of sweet trauma.🗣
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"this house is honestly incredible. megan markle who?" Cassie said walking into the kitchen after picking her room. She arrived with Nate, Maddy and Kat. Immediately she picked up on the more casualness of the first day and like Gigi changed into a cute bikini top and skirt. "I'm so excited to be here!" She squealed taking a mimosa from the table and taking a deep sip. She looked down at her drink and smiled wide. "This is good."
"Thanks, babes." Gigi smiled "Its my special recipe."
"Its just champagne and orange juice." Nate said drinking his own. "Nothing special."
"I add something different." Gigi sneered and Edward sucked in a breath. He thought he heard more people coming and left the privacy of his bedroom, imagine his disappointment when he saw it was just Cassie. He hated to admit he got excited when he saw Maddy hoping you be behind her but when he asked she told him you were driving her with someone else.
🗣 We miss her too Edward...lets see what our resident funny girl is doing now, shall we?🗣
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The camera cuts to your car driving down a fairly empty road. The radio was booming loud in the California air from the downed convertible top. Kali and you were singing TLC waterfalls at the top of your lungs dancing in the car.
🗣Aww I wish I could join! 🎶don't go chasing waterfalls!🎶 They look like their almost here too Ed so don't worry...okay sorry lets see who is missing from our returning guests? Oh yeah, Kay!🗣
The camera cut to a truck - my truck gifted by Negan - that Robin was driving. Unlike your car, metallica was playing lowly from the radio and a cigarette dangled from his mouth, the wind whipping our hair around as we drive. The air in the car was tense and he raised the volume of the song loudly but I winced turning it back down. Robin was upset with me, Damien had told him about me being on something yesterday. I lied and said I was just drunk (I did have a hangover this morning) but when he went through my purse for my keys he found the powdered vial I took from him yesterday and after interrogating me I admitted I took some. He had given me an attitude the whole trip here and frequently raised the volume exacerbating my headache.
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"you're so mean." I glared at him while peeling the wrapper off my breakfast sandwich. "You need to be nicer to your baby sister." He sideyed me but I rolled my eyes.
"Listen to your big brother then." He huffed. "I told you not to do it and you did it."
"Its not a big deal." I grumbled eyeing the map seeing we were 5 minutes away and he suddenly pressed on the breaks jolting me forward, nearly banging my head on the dashboard. I looked at him surprised and he laughed pressing on the gas. "Jackass."
"Dumbass." he retorted.
🗣Ahh sibling love in its purest form. Oh look! Adi's here! 🗣
You pulled up to the house, following where all the others cars were parked. You entered a huge underground garage and looked around for familiar cars and you spotted Ed's pickup truck automatically. You suck in a deep breath and park the car. Kali excited to see who's here this season, jumps out the car and grabs the bags. "Lets go bitch! I wanna see this new house!"
The new house was beautiful, huge like a castle. A large fountain sat in the center of the rounded driveway and the door looked like it was carved of stone. Kali pulled it open right away and as soon as she opened it you saw Edward. He has a beer in his hand and looked like he was headed down the hall when the door opening stopped him.
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"Need help, mama?" He asked with a smirk
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folkloreguk · 3 years
💌🧸 Brother's Best Friend
A/N: Got this request a while ago and now I'm wondering why I've never written this trope before bc this was so fun??? Lmk how you liked it! x
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), smut, size/strength kink??, choking, dom!bias (it’s kinda playful tho), brother's best friend!au, sneaking around, play fighting, lowkey getting caught but not directly?
words: ~ 4.1 k
disclaimer: I don’t mean for the age gap to be gigantic…I’m talking about anything from 1-2 years maximum tbh!!! Anything else would be weird and I’m not about that! They’re also both obviously consenting adults!
[H/N means 'his (bias) name']
In youreyes, your first meeting had been a disaster. The new spider man movie had been released only days ago, and you were adamant on seeing it. And to your luck, your older brother and his best friend had already made plans to watch it together. As a little sister, you were treated like the baby of the family, and it didn’t matter that you were far from being an infant anymore. So naturally, your brother had been condemned by your parents to bring you along. He declared his distaste in your presence by attempting to ignore you, but you were used to that. Just like you were aware of his bad moods, you knew he could change within minutes and magically turn into the sweetest, most caring big brother you could wish for.
Whatever. You didn’t need his approval to enjoy the trip to the movie theater, you told yourself. Had it not been for his best friend, who you hadn’t seen in ages. H/N and you had never properly spoken before, and the last time you saw him he had been an awkward, prepubescent boy who had appeared at your door to pick up your brother for a playdate. There was no trace of immaturity now. Instead, it was you who had morphed into an awkward, shy mess at the sight of him.
His ‘hello’ had a warm and deep melody to it which swooped you up in his aura so suddenly, you had no time to prepare. Had his smile always been this stupidly charming? Hell, it was so bright, you had to meticulously inspect the ground every time he sent a grin your way. When before you hadn’t felt guilty for being a bother, you now sure did. What impression would you leave, trailing behind the older boys like a lost puppy? What would he take you for? The annoying little sister who didn’t have friends of her own? The mood-killer, who wouldn’t understand any of the boys’ inside jokes? The anti-social, weird girl who was obsessed with fictional men, like people loved to belittle teenage girls with normal interests?
As things turned out, his initial opinion of you was quite the opposite. If only you could have spied into his brain, it would have saved you a landslide of worry. Although your brother took up all of H/N’s attention before the movie started, he noticed you a good amount. To be precise, you blew him away at first sight. Your cute laugh won him over in a matter of seconds and he liked that your merch sweater could have been stolen straight out of his own closet. He didn’t want to feel too smug, but the way you diverted your eyes away from him whenever he looked in your direction only boosted his confidence further.
Your brother might have warned him. Stay away from her. She’s off limits for you. But not a thousand vicious, older brothers could have kept him from trying to get to you. It was up to you, after all, whether you wanted him around or not, and not to your brother. From that day on, H/N didn’t skip out on a chance to see you, even if it meant merely an exchange of a few words, or a simple greeting. And to his luck, you turned out to be equally as enraptured by him.
There was something about the untouchable, the forbidden, that attracted him to you even more. Plus, you were simply too precious to forget about. One morning, you dropped off a beanie at his place, which he had left at your house after meeting with your big brother the previous day. When he had asked if he could drive you to school as a thank you, you happily accepted. You had marked that day as the first day of your new life. First, it was harmless flirting. To be honest, you were under the impression he was merely messing with you. Because you were the cute little sister of his best friend. Because you would turn into an awkward shell of a person who had lost all ability to articulate, and your cheeks would burn as if they were on fire, whenever he charmed you.
But the flirting slowly reached newer levels, and before you knew it you were discussing your sexual fantasies over text messages and giving him bedroom eyes as you opened the front door for him. “H/N’s here!” you would then shout to your big brother. Then you would watch the two boys walk off to your brother’s room, pondering why life had to be this way for you. It wasn’t fair. Siblings were supposed to share, right? Why did you have to wait your turn until after midnight, when no one would notice, to spend time with H/N?
But to H/N, the sneaking around in the middle of the night and the secret messages you sent to each other, it all added to the excitement. Surely, there were days on which he wished he could just break the truth to your brother. The impact it could have on their friendship was enough intimidation for him to refrain, though. Things were better off this way, for now.
Today was no exception to your usual lies. When your brother asked if you would go out with him to do some shopping, you had played the victim and feigned a stomachache. Your parents wouldn’t be home all weekend. You’d have been stupid to waste a perfect opportunity like that. Who knew when you could have H/N in your bed the next time? Normally, you were restricted to his car, or to his bed in the dark of night. Yes, those places had something enticing at first glance. But the backseat of a car was only enjoyable for so many clandestine meetings. So today you notified him of your golden opportunity before your brother had even walked out the door.
The moment H/N texted you that he was outside your home, you opened the front door and dragged him to your room.
“Are you in control today, little one?” he asked, closing the bedroom door after you.
“Why are you asking that?” you replied, not wanting to talk at all but rather do so much more productive things.
“I don’t know…perhaps because you haven’t let me say a word since I came through the door,” he said.
“Right. Maybe I’m planning on tying you up, blindfolding you, and torturing you with ice and wax,” you joked in a casual tone, despite not usually requesting such graphic ideas.
“I don’t know if I’d let you do that,” he grinned with raised eyebrows. “Besides, I know you’d rather be at the receiving end of that. It’s a sweet idea, though. If we had some more time…”
“Think you could get away from me if I tied you up?” you said, but he was towering over you with the calmness of a king who knew he reigned over the situation.
“We both know I’m stronger than you, doll,” he said. You didn’t like it when boys called you weak. But you’d let it slide, knowing he was only joking and would never underestimate you outside of the bedroom. He put his lips right up to yours, so you felt his breath on them. His fingers came up to cup your face, but then slowly inched to your neck. When they closed around your neck, putting the slightest amount of pressure on your skin, you whimpered quietly.
“Need reminding?” he asked. As much pent-up frustration you had, and as much as your stomach was flipping upside down from how badly you needed him, you just had to play with him. You knew it would make for more fun.
“I think- “ you started, with a grin. Then you grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pushed him backwards, until he was stumbling. Although caught off guard, he was quick to pull you along with him as he fell onto your bed. You landed on top of him with a small squeal.
“Go on, let’s see who can throw the other off the bed first,” he teased with a superiority that only spurred you on. Then again, you would always be in the mood for the oldest childhood game you had ever known. Only now it wasn’t your brother, but his best friend you were playing against. It added a layer of excitement, and after only seconds, giggles had overtaken you as you struggled in his grip.
“No tickling is allowed,” you said. He nodded obediently with a smirk that told you he might not abide by your rules.
At first, you had attempted to hold him down by his arms. But your legs tangled, and he pushed his chest up against yours, like he was about to flip you over. Your plan seemed to be working only momentarily. You groaned a little as he grabbed your wrists swiftly and held his stance against your attempt to pull his upper body to the side.
“Cute,” he said. That’s when you realized, he was barely struggling, barely trying, even. While you were giving your most, he smirked like he was watching a kitten trying to fight a lion. It was child’s play to him, keeping you in check. Literally. With an annoying expression of amusement on his face, he let you have the upper hand for a while. Then, as if you had never had an ounce of advantage, he turned it around and pulled you into him. His eyes suggested he might just send you tumbling down onto the floor any moment now. Nonetheless, you weren’t going to give up so easily. Taking your chances, you let go of his arms and moved sideways, so you could have your go at pushing him towards the edge of the mattress.
“I don’t think so,” he said. Suddenly, he bear-hugged your body and rolled you both over. Before you could protest or defend yourself, your arm was dangling off the side of your bed and if you had moved a tiny bit further, you would have slid off the bedsheets and right onto your carpet. It was his turn to straddle you now. As if his actions hadn’t been enough declarations of his strength, he pinned your wrists to the bed above your head and gave you a challenging smirk.
“I was going to let you win, doll. But you weren’t trying hard enough,” he said. “What are you going to do about it?”
What were you going to do? He had you completely immobilized. “Just let it go, then. We get it, you’re super strong and super big and the coolest,” you said.
He seemed to take an instant liking to your declaration. “Say it again. This time minus the eye-rolling, sugar.”
“You’re stronger than me,” you said, trying to avoid the laughter that was threatening to come out. Could he read in your gaze how badly you wanted him to kiss you already? If he could, he wasn’t acting on it. Instead, he bent to the crook of your neck and spoke.
“Does it turn you on that I can overpower you?” his breath fanned your ear and you had to close your eyes to control yourself.
“Yes. Because I trust you,” you answered truthfully. The corner of his lips curled into a cocky grin.
“You know what? I think I’d rather you stay in bed with me instead of throwing you on the floor. There’s so many things we can do up here, isn’t that right, little one?” His lips brushed over your cheek and then over your lips as he spoke. The nickname had always made you weak in the knees and he knew it. When he finally enveloped your lips in a kiss, you swore you could feel an electric spark jump between the two of you. The mellowness of it turned into hunger rapidly, and as soon as his tongue flicked over your bottom lip, you whimpered like you hadn’t seen him in a year.
“Needy, are we?” he asked, running his hand up your sides and underneath your shirt. He could say that again. “Let’s get these off, then.”
The seconds in which you pulled off your clothes and couldn’t hang on his lips and feel his skin on your body should have been considered a form of torture in itself. Then, time always went by so much slower than usually.
When you had both shed off your clothes, he climbed back on top of you. Instead of straddling your hips he was now resting between your legs. There was nothing separating you from him, and it was apparent not only through the body heat that radiated off him. He reached down and whilst peppering kisses on your chest, slid his fingers through your slick arousal that was pooling in your core.
“You’re so wet,” he said in surprise, but couldn’t hide his approval and self-confidence in his voice.
“I know,” you said, rolling your eyes but simultaneously fighting the urge to moan at the smallest of touches he was teasing your with. “I’m so horny. Can’t we skip foreplay?”
“Poor doll,” he said. “I should’ve come over earlier, huh?”
“You know that wasn’t possible,” you said. With a desperate look, you pleaded him silently.
“I wanna taste you,” he said, but your put your hand on his cheek softly.
“Maybe later?” you said. “Please, I need to have you inside of me. Now.”
“You’re extra cute when you’re this needy,” he smiled. “Are there still condoms in your nightstand?”
You nodded and had never moved so fast to open a drawer in your life. Pretending to have any patience left, you waited for him to roll on the rubber.
“I love the way you look at me,” he said. “When you’re waiting for me. Could watch you for hours.”
“God, I hope you won’t. Come here, please?” you replied, making him chuckle. He lined himself up with your core, but then made no inclination to move ahead. His dark eyes and little head tilt told you everything.
“Don’t mess with me anymore,” you whined, reaching for the back of his neck to pull him closer. “Do it. H/N.”
“Beg for it.” His words twisted something in the pit of your stomach. Although you were burning with hunger, you could never say no to him. Then again, you were curious to see what would happen if you did.
“What if I don’t? Don’t you want to fuck me as much as I want it?” you challenged him. Something glinted in his eyes, and you knew you shouldn’t have even brought it up.
“I can always do this,” he said, and you followed his eyes down his body and to where he had wrapped his hand around his cock. Slowly, he jerked himself off, and you weren’t sure he was biting his lip because of the feeling or to discompose you. His small sigh should’ve been caused by you. This wasn’t what you had wanted. His tip was right by your slit. He could’ve pushed his length in so easily, and yet he wasn’t. Debating what to say, you kept your eyes trained on his hard member that looked so delicious in his hands. His deep groans rang in your ears. It didn’t take long for you to cave.
“Fuck. That should be me around you,” you said. “That should be my pussy you’re fucking and not your hands. Please.”
“Isn’t that right?” he said.
“Yes. Please, fuck me. I would feel so much better than your hands, and you know it. Please,” you whined. “I need you right now H/N. Please.”
You added another ‘please’ – for good measure – because the way his tongue darted out and licked his smirking lips could make you say anything if it would get him to fuck you.
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you,” he said. “Think you can take me?”
“Yes, yes-, I can! Please, fuck me,” you said in a waterfall of words, and he chuckled handsomely.
“Good girl,” he said, running a gentle hand over your head. “If it’s too much you let me know.”
“As always.”
The tip of his cock gently pushed into your core, making you hold your breath as he entered you slowly. It caused you to feel every inch with every second. Your brain felt fuzzy, and you sighed gratefully at the relief.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” he moaned. The carefulness in his thrusts paired with his moon eyes at you only remained that way for a few seconds. Then, he straightened up and grabbed your hips to drag you in closer. You moaned helplessly when he almost pulled out completely, so slowly it almost made you crazy, only to slam his length into you until his tip brushed against the deepest spot inside of you. It was an action he repeated over and over, until you were reduced to a puddle of desperate whimpers, and you clasped the bedsheets in your hands tightly.
“You like it this way, little one?” he asked. He was apparently finding enjoyment in your reaction. How you could barely keep your eyes open, and when you did, your eyeballs threatened to roll to the back of your head. How your fingers clenched around the closest plushie, and you cradled it against your chest in bliss.
“Yes- fuck,” you said. “Feels so good.”
Of course, right as you said this, he had to change things up. His thrusts turned lazy and messy as he leaned backwards slightly. With an equally lazy demeanor, his thumb flicked over your clit, rubbing circles on it.
“Let me hear you. Say my name,” he said, and you quietly moaned his name. You adored the way it sounded, voiced like this, with barely more than a breath underneath your soft tone. Now and then, his cock slipped out of you, making you clench around nothing and furthermore had you going completely out of your mind. When he would push himself into your opening again, it felt as if it was the first time he was entering you today. Except you felt it repeatedly, each time as incredible as the previous. Your mouth hung open, rendered speechless except for the little moans and whimpers sounding from your throat. There was a familiar knot beginning to form in your stomach, tying firmer with each passing minute.
As if he could read your mind, he decided then he was done with his sweet torture of teasing you to an orgasm. You couldn’t be mad at him, though, because what he had planned was just as perfect, if not better. His hands wandered to their original place on your sides, and he began to snap his hips into yours at a faster pace. A small cry of surprise left your lips, while he only smirked at you through heavy-lidded eyes. Impulsively, you lifted your legs a little, intensifying the feeling of his member roughly dragging through your velvet walls.
“H/N, I’m so close,” you whimpered.
“Me too,” he replied, not slowing down for a second.
His broad frame towering over your body was a sight you would never get enough of and his gazes at you were hot enough that they could have stopped your heart in its tracks. A few strands of hair stuck to his forehead and there was a thin sheet of sweat on his neck. It all just made him more breathtaking to you. The slight pain from his nails digging into the skin on your waist was staggering, and you could barely wait to see the masterpiece of marks he would leave tonight.
You were a moaning mess, flying on cloud nine and simultaneously overwhelmed by his treatment of you. It clouded your mind at took over your whole body like you were made for him to fuck you. His length filled up your tight hole and he did it with such force that your whole body rocked into your mattress in a steady, fast-paced rhythm. He let go of your waist then and supported himself on his arm by the side of your head. When his other hand went to your neck you shuddered in anticipation.
“You should see yourself with my hand around your throat,” he said. “So pretty, little one.”
“We can do it in front of a mirror sometime- ,” you suggested, but were cut off at the end of the sentence as his fingers tightened on your neck. Instantly, the effect of it hit you. The lack of oxygen made your head swim in a sea of pleasure and the unrelenting desire to come. Through fluttering eyelids, you peeked up at him. The way he licked his lips and then clenched his jaw, the gorgeous shape of his collarbones and shoulders – you sometimes wondered if he was even real. Every so often he loosened his grip on you. When he did, you took gulps of air and then instantly whined for him to choke you again.
“Let go for me,” he said. “Show me your pretty face when I make you come. I’m fucking you well, aren’t I?”
You nodded as well as you could when he was gripping your throat and you couldn’t breathe properly at the moment. It didn’t matter you couldn’t talk. He was probably not expecting you to answer, either way. In a pleasure-induced trance, you closed your eyes and let it happen, like he had asked it from you. Your hazy consciousness barely registered that he was reaching his high with you. Too overcome were you, with your thighs trembling uncontrollably and your back arching off the mattress. He had let go of your neck and was riding out his own orgasm with sloppy thrusts that only sent you into another frenzy and had you whimpering his name softly. When he had finished too, he slowed down and pulled you into a gentle kiss, rubbing his nose against yours sweetly.
“That was amazing,” he said, and with a blissful hum you nodded. Your lips changed into a pout when he rolled off you and got up. You were tired of sending him back home so quickly. As he discarded the condom in the bin, you put on your most enchanting eyes, so he would have no other choice.
“Stay a little longer, please,” you asked. You knew he wanted to, as well. So although he was aware that your brother could return at any moment, he tumbled back into bed with you.
“Just for a little while,” he said. “Mhm…you’re so perfect to cuddle, baby.” His embrace was warm and his scent comforting, as he hummed a lovely melody. The soft touch of his fingers running through your hair lulled you right into a light sleep. You were awoken rather abruptly, and with half a heart attack.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen my charger- “ your brother’s voice suddenly broke through the silence and you wondered if you would have to pack up and leave the country after this sort of embarrassment.
“It’s not what it looks like,” you said, knowing well enough it was the dumbest thing you could have said. But who could blame you? You had only woken up two seconds ago.
“Really?” your brother asked. “Because I hear H/N sneak into our house so often lately, I’m starting to wonder if his parents threw him out.”
His tone was surprisingly calm.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve told you,” H/N said to your brother. “I thought you’d hate me and that we’d be over as friends.”
“I know I told you once to leave Y/N alone. But now…I guess it’s cool. She’s been in a great mood lately, and if that’s thanks to you, I think I can approve of you two. Although I’m not looking forward to being a third wheel, I think I can get used to it if I try hard enough,” your brother said. You couldn’t believe your ears, and involuntarily smiled like a fool. No more hiding. No more secrets.
“I stole your charger. I’m sorry,” you said then, making your brother roll his eyes. “It’s by the sofa in the living room.”
“Great. I needed a reason to leave anyway,” your brother said. “I might approve of you, but this situation is still too awkward. I’ll see you tomorrow, then, H/N?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” the boy in your bed said.
“You’ll see me too!” you added as a joke, as your brother already walked away from the door.
“Unfortunately I will!” your brother shouted, with the unnerving tone only a big brother could possibly muster.
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wafermelons · 3 years
replaced MC au
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pairings: MC x brothers (platonic), MC x Purgatory Hall (platonic)
genre: angst
summary: in which there's a new human exchange student
a/n and warnings: some strong language, my spin on the replaced mc au :> not proofread!
pt 2 pt 3 pt 4
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you could hear the laughter of the brothers ringing though your ears. well, the laughter of the brothers and the new human exchange student.
diavolo had decided to do another exchange program, considering the first one went quite well despite a few bumps in the journey. this time, there were only one new student from the other two realms. for the devildom, there would be one new human and one new angel.
when hearing of the news, you were quite happy. no, ecstatic even. you could meet a new human who was like you! solomon didn't have any problems adjusting to the devildom since he was a powerful wizard, but when you came, you had no idea of how anything worked.
you thought you and the new human would become best friends, especially since diavolo announced that the new human would stay in the house of lamentation with you. you could guide them through the year and help with whatsoever they needed.
some of the brothers didn't seem too excited though.
levi dreaded meeting new people, "ugh, another normie?" he would groan.
"lucifer, don't tell me i have to take care of this new human too! i've already got a lot on my plate with MC!" mammon complained, as if you weren't the one keeping him out of trouble.
beel would think they had to share more food so he would get less and belphie still kind of resented humans, you and solomon being an exception.
satan didn't seem to care that much though, it was just another human. asmo was quite happy though, maybe he could befriend them and the three of you could dress up and go clubbing.
if lucifer cared, he didn't show it much. he was still in his work mode where he wanted to make sure everything would be prepared.
you were so excited on their day of arrival! a new student, a female human named laila.
she had arrived with diavolo and barbatos at the house of lamentation, barbatos carrying her bags that held her belongings. you figured you would be the first to greet her, lucifer was quietly talking to diavolo at the side.
"hi! welcome to the house of lamentation laila! my name's MC, these are the brothers," you said, gesturing towards the rest.
"nice to meet you, my name is satan," satan introduced himself, being the gentleman he is.
"hi deary! i'm asmodeus, you can call me asmo or anything else you like~"
she smiled and nodded, soft and warm, "hello, my name's laila. i'm from the human realm."
diavolo smiled happily, lucifer returning to join his brothers, "well! i'll leave it to you all then! barbatos and i shall take our leave."
barbatos placed the bags down and left, giving a gentle bow and following after diavolo.
you were the first to help laila, grabbing her bags, showing her to her room and helping her settle in. satan and asmo helped you show her around, telling her about all the fun times and activities that happened in the HOL.
she was kind, wonderful actually. she was so warm and patient, if you didn't know any better, you would have mistook her for the angel exchange student from celestia.
asmo was complimenting her greatly as he always did, talking about how healthy her skin looked and asking what brands she used on her hair. satan would answer the questions she would ask, he read a lot so he knew much more than you did.
the more you talked to her, the more you liked her, it felt as if you met her before.
until dinner that night and it all clicked.
"laila, i was told that you were actually from the same family tree as MC," lucifer announced.
you were surprised, this was your first time ever meeting laila.
"really? i never knew we'd be related!" you exclaimed, looking towards laila who was eating her meal.
the rest of the brothers looked in shock, you thought that it was because laila was in fact somewhat related to you, but that wasn't the case.
laila, but she acted just like lilith, the brothers' dead sister. no wonder the brothers were all so stunned. no wonder they swarmed to her like a moth to a light. well, all the brothers except satan, he didn't know lilith much anyways.
she looked nothing like lilith, but the way she acted, her demeanor, the way she spoke. it was all so similar. you were happy! the brothers would have someone that is related to a person that was once close to them and you would have a relative, be able to find out more about your family tree.
well, at least that was the case at first.
now, as you sat alone in your room, you could hear the brothers and laila having dinner downstairs. they didn't even acknowledge you when you went downstairs to bring you dinner back up to your room. they all had their eyes on laila.
it had been like this for the past few weeks. no, it had been like this for the past few months. whenever you hung out with laila in your room, one of the brothers would conveniently whisk her away, comepletely forgetting about you.
laila on the other hand always asked if you were alright, asking if you wanted to join or telling the boys that she would rather spend time with you and chill.
of course, you weren't one to keep laila from the brothers. even if you did join their little 'adventures', you'd be treated like a side character who would be forgotten.
belphegor would ask her to sing him to sleep sometimes, making sure to cuddle her. there wouldn't be any more space for you in the end.
beel would get her to bake pastries for him since she was practically a master chef. if you bought food from madam scream's, he'd be apparantly 'too full'.
she had the perfect body so asmo would ask her to model for him, doing skincare routines at night together and disregarding your routine that you had together.
she was always learning more about the devildom so satan would offer to teach her, she enjoyed reading books as well. satan would 'have his hands full' while teaching laila when you needed his help for homework.
she wasn't too good at gaming but was patient and willing to learn from leviathan since he'd always ask her to join him, forgetting about your nighttime gaming sessions.
mammon would bring her to the casino with him. she seemed to be extremely lucky too, helping mammon win big numbers. you were no longer his 'lucky charm'.
and of course, she had incredible grades. not missing a single day of class, no tardies at all, always handing in homework when due and getting perfect scores on her tests. lucifer would praise her, you on the other hand would be compared.
"why are your grades dropping? i exepected more from you MC, it seems i've been too lenient."
"sorry MC! laila and i's are goin' to the casino! i don't want you breakin' my lucky streak!"
"huh? MC? oh, i'm busy teaching laila how to play this new game. it's only a two-player game so there's no spot for you."
"i'm teaching laila about devildom history right now, MC. and this question is easy, you'd be able to get the answer if you looked inside your textbooks for once."
"MC? sorry dearie, but i'm bringing laila out shopping with me at this new luxury brand. and i don't think the clothes would suit you anyways."
"madam scream's? i'm a little full MC... i asked laila to make me some pastries just now. huh? oh no, i ate them all. you could eat madam scream's yourself."
"mmm... go away MC, i'm sleeping... there's no space for you here anymore."
as you were lost in thought, trying to complete your homework while letting your food grow cold, you heard your door open.
gazing up from your table, you were greeted with lucifer, arms crossed and having a disappointed look on his face.
"MC. i've seen your results on your recent test. why are you doing so horribly these past few months? if you knew you were lacking this much, you should've went to ask laila for some help."
oh, so that's why he came to see you.
"i've just been a little worn out lucifer... please try to understand, it's been... stressful for me, recently," you croaked out. your throat was dry from not drinking enough water and your eyes were tired from analyzing the same passage over and over for you assignment.
"stressful? MC, how are you the one that's stressed? you've been here over a year, that's more than enough time to adjust. laila has been here for less than half that time and she's doing incredible! her grades have been top of the board and she tops it off with perfect attendance. you on the other hand have been failing every single test and have been late for over half your classes."
"lucifer, i'm sorry, i'm just really stressed right no-"
"don't give me that excuse again MC. i'm extremely disappointed in you. why can't you be more like laila? she's a model student and wonderful at not causing me any more stress, you being the cause of it."
you bit the inner of your cheek, trying to stop yourself from frowning as much as you did currently. you were tired. so, so tired.
you stared down at the papers on your desk, trying to ignore the insults lucifer was saying by reading the text.
"lucifer, please, i'm just really tired..."
he ignored you, lecturing you over and over about how your grades weren't 'acceptable' and about how he should have dealt with you.
your tears fell from your eyes as you tried keeping your focus on the papers, fresh tear stains forming on your assignment paper now. you didn't dare look up because you know the look on his face would make you break but you needed to speak your mind.
"can't you just leave me alone?! i've been so fucking tired these days! maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you'd notice that the reason why i'm not doing well is because of you! you and your brothers! i love all of you with my heart but the way you have been treating me these past few months is terrible! and stop comparing me to laila! i know you love her soooo much because she's perfect and practically the reincarnation of lilith, but i'm not her! and of course laila is doing well! unlike her, i was killed within my first few weeks here! and all of you threatened me, telling me i was just some human! don't you remember that?"
lucifer scoffed, staring down at your figure. your voice was loud although you were choking on your words, but not loud enough to overpower the laughter that was apparent downstairs. all of them enjoying themselves while you were expected to sit here and deal with their shit.
your figure shrunk as you let your tears fall freely now, sobbing as your eyes were now unfocused. you could barely see through your tears as you felt lucifer's rage roll off him.
"scoff. blaming others for your faults. pathetic."
finally, he left the room, slamming the door behind him as you flinched at the sound. the loud chatter from the dining room halted for a short moment but continued with joyous laughter.
what was left of your slight appetite was now gone, fatigue filling your body as you let your head fall to your desk while your sobs filled the room.
they could really just forget about you like that, couldn't they? forget that you were the one who helped them mend their relationship as brothers again. forget that you were the one who literally sacrificed your life.
in a fit of rage and sadness, you grabbed your book of spells and slammed it onto the table.
solomon had told you about this before, a spell that was used to help people forget about bad memories, usually used to help victims of trauma forget about what happened. some called it a blessing, some said it was a curse. but as long as it worked, right?
it was simple enough, just write the few given words on the palm of your hand along with your name, then chanting the words written.
if they wanted to forget, then so be it. you'll do the same.
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04mxfutbol · 2 years
Forgiveness (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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A/N: Part 2 of You’re Not Sorry. Enjoy!  I hope I did part 2 it’s justice.
It has been months now, three to be exact. Alex has definitely been stepping up her game although you were one hard headed person. Trying to avoid the fact that you still loved her. More than anything.
Alex would constantly try and find you during the last days of camp, trying to get a second alone with you. But when she couldn’t, she simply grabbed your hand, placing a note in your palm.
You never read them as it pained you but ultimately they ended up on your desk.
“You look beat kid.” Megan says and you chuckle. There’s a knock on the door in which Megan walks up to see who’s at the door.
“I’m tired. My phone keeps ringing.” You say as you throw your phone towards the couch.
“Here’s some advice from a wise person, answer the call.” Sue says as she hands you your phone.
“Delivery for miss Y/L/N.” Megan says as she walks back in with flowers. “Again.”
“Telling you kid, answer the phone. Trust me, it would help you.”
“See if Alex put this much effort into something at least it’s into trying to get someone back and not murder.”
“Fine. I’ll answer. Also why do you call me kid? I’m not that young.”
“My god this house is filled with flowers and none are for me.” Sue says making you laugh as you walk to the room you’ve been staying at.
“Hey Y/N.”
“Shit, hi Christen. I thought you were Alex. Hence why I haven’t answered my phone.” You say, your eyes widening as you realize Christen was most definitely the person trying to contact you.
“It’s okay, Tobin and I will be near Tacoma tomorrow and wanted to see if you wanted to come with us to grab some dinner?” Christen asks and you smile.
“I could never say no to my favorite people.”
“Ouch.” Sue says as she walks past you.
“You’re also my favorite Sue.” You say as she walks past you.
“We’ll see you tomorrow Y/N. Take care.” Christen says and you hang up the phone.
You walk into the spare bedroom where you’ve been staying at since you had no apartment and weren’t necessarily on the best salary with the NWSL. Sue and Megan happily let you stay with them as long as you did help around and be their personal hype person when going out.
You laid down on your bed, scrolling through your Instagram and found your way to Alex’s profile. You clicked on her icon in which she had been posting. You saw that she was somewhere that looked familiar but you couldn’t remember where. It looked all too familiar.
You looked at the multiple vases of flowers that were in your room, the notes completely covering your desk, the notes were now completely read and you didn’t know how to feel. Alex’s hoodie she sent you on your chair. Alex was doing everything she possibly could.
Soon enough it was time to go to bed, excited that you’d be spending some time with Christen and Tobin. Two people who were also a source of safety and comfort for you, just like Sue and Megan although Sue and Megan were definitely a bit more fun. Not that Tobin and Christen can’t be fun but they’re rather more protective and well more parent like.
“I’ll be back later.” You announce to the two women who were all cuddled up on the couch watching some new show they found.
“Call us if you need a rescue.” Megan says and you laugh as you make your way out.
You get into your car, driving to where Christen had told you to meet the two players. You got out of the car and arriving at restaurant on the pier. You sat on a bench in front of the restaurant waiting for the two women.
To distract yourself you decided to just enjoy the view, looking at how every person walking by you had something to be doing. You always found yourself intrigued how every person has their own life and has their own things they go through. It sometimes blew your mind, how people could be in the same room but going through different things. Mind blown.
“Hey.” You hear, a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and you see Alex, a bouquet of flowers in one hand.
“Alex? What are you doing here?” You ask as you get up and walk around the bench to stand in front of her. “How’d you know I’d be here? I’m waiting for Christen and Tobin.”
“You wouldn’t respond to my messages and I had to see you, talk to you somehow.” Alex says as she hands you the bouquet of flowers. “Please. Please have dinner with me, just one dinner. Trust me please.”
You hesitated before saying yes. You walked to your car placing the flowers in the front seat and walking back to Alex. You silently cursed at Christen and Tobin for doing this. But also maybe appreciated it?
“You look great.” You say to Alex as you both walk to your table.
“You look stunning yourself.” Alex says and you feel your cheeks heat up. How Alex still had that effect on you, you didn’t know. Well you did but you won’t admit it.
You help Alex sit down and made your way over to your chair. Looking over the menu, and ordering. While waiting for your food you both awkwardly sat in silence.
“So.” You say as you look around and drumming the table with your fingers.
“These past months without you have been absolute misery. I know I wasn’t the best girlfriend, I drowned myself in work as a way to ignore the fact that I felt like I was losing you and I didn’t know why.” Alex says, finally breaking the tension. “I’m sorry I forgot so many important things but I was absolutely terrified that pouring too much of myself to you would make you leave me.”
“Oh Alex.” You whisper as you reach for her hand. “Alex all I ever wanted was to be able to love you and care for you. I just wanted to be your forever. I wasn’t mad you were forgetting everything I was angry because you seemed to push me away every time you got scared about sharing how you felt. If anything I was terrified you would leave me because a part of me felt like you were ashamed of me.”
“I could never be ashamed of you. You’re the best that’s ever happened to me.” Alex says softly, squeezing your hand as her blue eyes looked into your eyes. “I haven’t stopped loving you.”
“Neither have I.” You say faster than your brain could comprehend what was being said.
“Your food.”
Oof what a way to ruin the moment.
“I should have let you know how I was feeling. Instead I didn’t tell you and lost you.” Alex says.
“You didn’t lose me completely.” You say.
“It felt like I did, I saw you with someone else and it killed me every single second that you were with someone who wasn’t me.” Alex says.
“I’ve only ever loved you and I can’t love anyone else but you. Even if I tried I wouldn’t stop loving you, it’s not possible to love anyone else.” You say and Alex smiles.
“I want to make sure you know just how sure I am that I want to be with you. I want to build a life together.” Alex says. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness I know I don’t but if you were to just talk to me like friends I’d gladly take that.”
You give her hand a squeeze, looking at her and smiling.
“I’d love nothing more then to get back with you, but we need to start over. We have to trust each other and actually communicate. We’re both at fault when it came to communicating.” You say.
“Mostly me.” Alex says and you nod your head.
“Mostly you, yes. But it’s not all on you, I also didn’t want to confront you because I didn’t want to lose you. In the end we just both suffered the consequences.”
“I know. I know and I’m sorry. You’re too good for me, too good for this world.” Alex says softly. “So no more secrets.”
“No more secrets.” You say nodding your head. “More communication.”
“I can do that.” Alex says and you smile. “For you I’d do anything.”
“Forgiveness is the first step.”
You both eat and talk about how to help this relationship to grow and be stronger than before. Once you finish eating you walk out to the pier, to go on a walk.
Side by side you stand against the rail to see the sunset.
“I lied.” Alex says.
“What?” You ask.
“I lied when I said I had no more secrets. I have one more.”
“Do you want to share it?” You ask and Alex nods her head.
“I've lied to every girl I said ‘I love you’ to. I mean, I thought I loved them, but then... I met you and realized... I've never been in love before.”
“I did not know that.” You say softly as you grab her hands.
“When you and I, you know split up, it felt like my whole heart was just gone. Y/N I love you and if I were to ever lose you again I’d lose me in the process.” You smile as you wrap her in your arms, hugging her and loving the warmth she always gave you.
“I love you.” You say.
You both stay in the same exact position for about two minutes before pulling away.
“Did you like my notes? I actually hand wrote all of them.” Alex says and you chuckle. “Did you get my flowers?”
“I liked your notes. I did get your flowers ALL of them, even the one sent this morning.” You say.
Alex smiles as she looks at the most beautiful sight. You look at the sunset. Alex bites her lip as she turns your around to kiss you passionately. The unexpected action makes you freeze but you quickly kiss her back.
You both smile in the kiss and when you pull away, the smile still on both your faces.
“Sorry.” Alex says with a smile.
“You’re not sorry.” You say with a giggle.
“You’re right I’m not sorry, I’ve been holding myself back but I just couldn’t.”
“I think we’ll be just fine.” You say with a smile.
“I think so too.”
“No more secrets and more trust.”
Alex was indeed sorry.
Sure enough, you were both right. Although you both ended up more than fine. Happy. You were both happy, forever.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Your Favorite — Part 3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: As the summer comes to a close, Spencer and Y/N start feeling a shift in their relationship. Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Adults w/ age gap, thigh riding, exhibitionism, oral sex (male receiving), penetrative/unprotected sex, breeding kink, one line of daddy kink,  Word Count: 4.3k exactly, love how that turned out lol
NOTE: Thank you all for sticking with me through this long wait, I feel so bad for having to keep putting it off. But I��m very proud of where this ended up, and I’m so glad you’ve all been so excited about it! I had so much fun writing this story, so again, thank you very much for reading and indulging me in this weird fantasy lolol ❤ Love you guys! And, as always, thank you to the lovely Em ( @boldlyvoid ) for being my beta for this series! Your feedback and support has been a big help from the start, ILY
"I don't wanna hear a single word, understand?"
Not like I have a choice; As soon as the harsh whisper leaves Spencer's mouth, his hand is covering my own and my back is being pressed up against the wall of the storage closet.
But that's all he does. I wait for him to make a move, but instead he insists on being a tease.
"What? You've been trying to get my attention all night, and now that you have it, you're not gonna do anything with it?"
"I want you to do it for me," I mumble into his hand.
He shoves me harder into the wall and slots his knee in between my legs, spreading them apart and making me sigh.
"You wanted it so bad... So take it..."
Watching the amusement dance through his features as I grind down on his leg and whine into his mouth only excites me more, right next to the knowledge that downstairs the house is congested with people visiting to celebrate my mom's new promotion at work.
Needless to say, it doesn't take me very long to start feeling my stomach tense. My hips are wild as they roll over his leg, whines spewing from my mouth and into his hand. I look up into his eyes, doing my best to show him how much I could never grow tired of this, and he returns the favor by lifting his leg higher and giving me more friction.
In no time at all, I'm shuddering against him, feeling his hand press harder into my mouth to muffle the high-pitched whines that I can't help but expel.
"Nice and quick... Good girl..." Spencer muses, slowly peeling himself away from me. "You're really looking forward to being spoiled later, aren't you..."
The grin that spreads over my face is unwavering. "Definitely. Knowing Mom, she'll be passed out cold in like an hour."
I know I'm the one who brought her up, but it still stings a little when Spencer smiles fondly. "Yeah, she's a lightweight alright... You sure you can handle all this time without me until then?"
Despite the butterflies I get when he says it, mischievous and downright delectable, his hands reach out to grab my waist and pull me closer to him, I roll my eyes. "You underestimate me."
He studies my face for a moment, a pretty smile flashing before me in the dim light before he kisses my cheek. "Sure."
And when he leaves, I wait.
Minutes later, my skin still burns from his touch.
The moment my eyes open the next morning, it all comes back in flashes.
His lips are on my skin, travelling lower and lower...
His hands trail all over my body, featherlight in a way that leaves me with goosebumps.
His tongue starts slow, taking its time to taste me and savor every precious second.
His voice is like the sweetest prayer, whispering praises that leave my head dizzy and my heart pounding.
His lips languidly open and close around the most sensitive parts of my body, in tandem with that sweet, magnificent tongue as each action pulls sighs from the very depths of my soul.
His hands reach up and tangle with mine as he makes me come on his tongue, over and over again until I'm practically numb and the lull of sleep drags me under.
His hands now ghost over my bare skin, along my sides and down to my waist. I hum happily and push back against him when I feel it.
He's hard.
"How long before you think she wakes up?" he whispers in my ear.
"Not long... Maybe we... shouldn't risk i—"
The words fall off a cliff, never to be seen again when he slowly enters me, gripping my leg and forcing it over his own. "I'll be quick."
I can tell, though, that he doesn't want to be. It's present in the way he enters me, over and over with motions that feel rather stunted and definitely too rushed.
"Baby, no," I whine, reaching behind me to hold his hips still with one hand. "Fuck me slow... Don't rush..."
"But... Your mom..."
Spencer sighs, though not from exasperation. No, his breath is long and teeming with relief, hands gently roaming over the entirety of my body as his hips move slower. He's taking his time, relishing every second and feeling me gradually get more slick at his undoing.
His lips are on my neck, not providing marks to match the ones hidden on the inside of my thighs and my chest, but merely resting there. He kisses me in between gentle thrusts, letting out small whimpers of his own when I clench tightly around him.
This is different.
We've had slow morning sex before, but never like this. Somehow, I find myself drifting, like I'm being carried away by his current. There's nothing but me, Spencer, and our breathing... Our bodies, our air, our souls...
This is what I imagine making love feels like.
Which is why I barely notice when it slips from my mouth— Three words that should feel more daunting due to the weight they hold and the way they ultimately change everything. And yet, whispering “I love you,” in a nearly breathless string of syllables feels incredibly natural. It’s more sincere than anything I think I’ve ever told him, so much so that I don’t even think about what it will mean in the long-run. Instead I let it fall from my lips again and again without regret or consequence.
He doesn't stop, either. Spencer continues to fuck me softly, like it's all he knows how to do. In fact, my confession only seems to make him relax more.
And that's what finally pushes me over the edge.
His name escapes my mouth in a whisper that sounds more like a plea not to leave, and he holds me closer to him. Our bodies are flush together, my back resting perfectly against his chest as he takes a few final thrusts and empties himself inside of me.
If we stayed like that forever, I could die happy.
And actually, that wouldn't be far from the truth, given that if we did stay here forever, my mom would certainly find us and kill us.
The thought makes me sigh.
"You have to leave..."
"I know..."
Spencer pulls me closer, squeezing me tight and giving me a long, bold kiss on the jaw before he rips himself away and takes my heart with him.
Things are significantly different now.
After the morning I let slip that I love him, Spencer and I had been intimate once. We found ourselves alone while Mom was at the grocery store and instinctually came together.
It was quick, and it was fast and rough, and while it obviously felt good, something was off. But I knew it wasn't a physical problem. Like I said, it felt as good as any other time we'd been together, but it just wasn't right.
I hate it.
It hasn't even been a week since then, and I miss him. I miss our dynamic, and I miss the way I used to feel when he touched me.
So I stalk into the office and lean against the doorframe, watching Spencer as he goes through a large pile of paperwork. His hands and his eyes are moving at near light-speed, and the way he concentrates almost makes me feel bad for my intrusion—Honestly, I could have looked at him all damn day.
But there's a bigger plan in mind.
"What'cha up to?"
He looks up and greets me with a smile. "School starts in a few weeks. I'm just trying to get my coursework prepared."
"Oh... You... mind if I keep you company?"
"Not at all."
It's an innocent enough exchange, though I'm hoping I can change that. Mom doesn't get off work for another few hours, so it gives me ample time to do what I have planned.
I walk over and nudge his leg with my knee, and he lets me in. I climb on his lap, and after giving me a brief kiss on the cheek he returns to going through his paperwork.
My face turns and I nestle it into his neck. He hums softly when I kiss the skin under his jaw, once, and then twice, and then over and over in quick succession.
I can feel him smile. "What are you up to, princess?"
Hearing the nickname return in earnest makes me smile. I nip softly at his neck and run my tongue along it. "Mmm, trouble."
"Sounds like you," he mutters through a sultry sigh once I start going lower, kissing the top of his shoulder.
I slide my hands up the front of his chest and gently undo the top button, giving me access to more skin. "You love it when I make trouble..."
"Hmm, I'm not sure about that."
I slide off his lap then, crouching between his legs and looking up at him with a smile. "Really?"
All he does is look down at me, his pupils growing bigger by the second. So I continue my venture, sliding my hands up the insides of his legs until I reach the belt. "So you don't love when I do this?"
Spencer sighs, helping me by lifting his hips a little and letting me slide down layers of fabric until his dick is right in front of me.
I don't waste any time, taking him in my hand and bringing him to my mouth. He's still not entirely hard yet, but I don't mind at all. In fact, I let out a happy sigh just before I press kiss after kiss along the entire length of him. From base to tip, I take my time kissing and licking along the salty skin and giving him my full attention. I pull back and admire him, I smile, I kiss and I lick and I squeeze him with my hand... And when he's finally nice and hard, I take the head of his cock in my mouth and suck gently.
I hum around him, sinking further down until he hits the back of my throat, and then I come back up and repeat. It's slow. Maybe torturous even, but really I don't mean it to be.
Thankfully Spencer seems to be happy with my speed and technique; His eyes are on the verge of closing and his chest is heaving slowly, fingers gently caressing the sides of my face as I go down on him.
It's this same slow, steadying pace we'd taken before, and it's exactly what we needed.
I can feel his touch on my face, burning into my skin and marking me for all eternity. Likewise, the thick, throbbing weight of his cock sliding over my tongue and down my throat feels just like home— Like it's right where we're meant to be.
Once again, we fit together perfectly.
This epiphany sets a fire deep in the pits of my stomach, and just like that our spark is back again.
I look up and catch his eye, and he lets me keep it, forcing himself to keep his eyelids open to watch me. My pace remains consistent and slow, and and he brings both of his hands under my chin. The way he holds my face is so gentle, so loving and sensual that I nearly burst with tears at the sentiment alone, and it doesn't take long for him to start letting go.
He stutters my name when he comes, still using the pads of his nimble fingers to caress my throat. I take in and swallow each rope of cum until it's gone, and even then I keep him in my mouth, gently bobbing my head up and down just for the sake of feeling him inside me somehow.
But then he lifts me off of him and his dick falls limp in his lap. I sigh and lean down, kissing it a few times before just resting my head in his lap as he strokes my hair.
"You're right," Spencer says after a few moments.
"About what?"
"I do love when you make trouble."
We laugh, and I lift my head to look up at him.
"I know... It's your favorite."
"That it is, princess."
I wish more than anything that this orientation would just end. My left foot is anxiously tapping the cool white tile of the floor as I wait to be next in line to grab my paperwork and get on my way— To home for what I'm sure will be a long weekend trying to find free minutes to steal with Spencer.
In another life it might have gotten tedious and painful sneaking around for so long, but I found it excited me. Sure, my feelings for Spencer were growing at an exponential rate, but ever since I visited him in our home office, we seemed to be getting back our groove— With an added flair I might add...
Each time we were together was more intense than the last. His hands got more possessive, his kisses got deeper and more passionate, and the way he looked at me?
I could swear I felt him falling just as deep as I was.
The smile it all brought to my face in that moment fell a little short when they called me next in line, and I fell into a joyful step forward to collect my things.
When I get home, though, things aren't as joyful.
The first thing I notice is that Spencer's car isn't in the driveway or even on the street. He's usually here on weekends, so I wonder if he's out for something, or even out with my mom on a lunch date or something.
I try not to think about that thought too much and step inside, hoping to at least enjoy the silence for a little while, lest they really are out together.
I think I'm out of the woods when I hear the television, a laugh track of some kind, but then it turns into the Friends theme blaring through the speakers, and my heart nearly falls into the pit of my stomach.
There's only one reason Mom would be watching Friends. She swears up and down that she hates it, but it always ends up on TV when there's one specific thing she's going through, because "Hearing them complain about their stupid problems make me feel better about my own!"
Her own problem being a breakup.
For a moment I wonder if maybe Spencer had told her about us. Or maybe she found something somehow that would give us away. I make my way slowly through the space until I reach the living room, my brain making up every possible horrendous outcome— Not even to prepare for the blow, because I know that absolutely nothing could prepare me for the wrath of my mother in any situation... I simply can't help myself from feeling guilty and heartbroken as my stomach churns and my heart beats so loud I can barely hear the TV anymore.
When I come into her view, Mom freezes and lets out a large breath of shaky air. The small tub of ice cream in her hands shakes just as much, and I can tell she's trying her hardest not to burst into tears.
I've never seen her this upset before. Normally it's just anger and annoyance, but this time she looks utterly broken.
"M—Mom?" I stutter, even though she probably can't even hear what I'm saying over the TV. I still don't know if she knows about my involvement with Spencer, but I feel like she'd be more angry with me than sad, so I figure it's safe to come closer.
The moment I take a step forward, she sets the ice cream on the floor and opens her arms to me, a choked sob forcing its way out. It almost makes me cry, just seeing her this heartbroken, and in an instant I'm running to her and snuggling into her side as she hugs me.
"What happened?" I will myself to ask, even though I still have no idea what it means for me. Maybe that's selfish, but if he's taking himself out of Mom's life, surely that has to mean he's removing himself from mine as well, right? And if he's just leaving without saying anything... God, that would ruin me, too.
Still, I wait to hear what Mom will say.
"He broke up with me," is all she says, through a long and tired sigh. She mutes the TV and then holds me tighter. I can feel that there's pure sadness controlling her every movement, and it crushes me.
"I don't know, he just... He said he didn't love me, and he wasn't feeling it anymore."
"That's all?"
"Uh huh... It was so sudden, too, like... I thought we were really getting along, and I just... I don't understand how he couldn't feel it... I felt all of it, and he just... He felt nothing. How could he feel nothing?"
I really don't know what to say anymore... It seems to me like Spencer really told her the truth and ended their relationship because he didn't feel anything for her anymore, but... I always knew he had to have felt something... I guess I just didn't realize someone could fall out of it so quickly.
The guilt overwhelms me then, when it dawns on me that I made him fall out of it so fast. I was there, taking up small moments of his time until, eventually, I'd taken up so much of it that it wasn't just his time I was stealing, but also his love. His fire, and his passion... Month by month, day by day, I was draining the love he had for my mom and distilling it to meet my own desires.
And now, here I am, in my mothers arms as she weeps over a man she truly loved, all because he and I were selfish and treasonous.
If Spencer decides he still wants to be with me after this, I really don't know if I could do it. Even after all this time... After all this trouble and guilt and glorious treason...
He could never really be mine.
I knew this day would come from the moment I met you. Of course, I didn't know how far my feelings would take me, but in the end I knew I would one day have to leave you and your mother behind.
Day by day my feelings for you grew stronger, and it wasn't until you told me you loved me that August Thirteenth that I realized I loved you, too. What we had was always dangerous, but by then my heart was focused solely on you, and I could feel your mother slipping from my grasp.
I pretended for as long as I could, but now you've taken up so much space in my brain that when Eve pulled me near, I almost sighed out your name instead. I knew then that no longer could I "keep up appearances," as I often like to tell you.
Maybe one day you and I can find our way back to each other, but for now, I think it's for the very best that we go our separate ways.
In my wildest dreams I will think of you fondly, and I can only hope that you might do the same.
Always Yours, Spencer
There are so many things I'm thinking about when I come home tonight.
One: I'm a little tipsy and completely fucked out, which reminds me of that night I came home in the exact same state, only to find my mom's old boyfriend, Spencer, unable to sleep and to stop staring at my bare legs. The memory brings a smile to my face.
Two: My feet fucking hurt and I want to get these goddamned shoes off.
Three: The ghost of Spencer's smile when he saw me for the first time in seven years burns in the back of my mind, right next to the ghost of his hands caressing my skin like it had been the first time.
Four: How am I going to spend the rest of the summer back in town knowing what it feels like to have fucked him at all without an ounce of guilt attached to it?
Five: Am I going to tell my mom that I slept with her ex-boyfriend tonight?
Six: Fuck, I'm hungry...
My heels come off as soon as I step through the door.
The light is on, and I can hear Mom laughing in the kitchen with Adam from far away, which brings a fond smile to my face. I'm glad that she's finally happy, with someone who doesn't make me want to fall to my knees, thank you very much.
And truthfully, if I hadn't ran into Spencer at all tonight, I'm not sure I ever would have thought about that whole situation again— It was fucked up, he ended up leaving both of us, and Mom was so deeply devastated after their breakup that I didn't have the heart to tell her I missed him too. I just buried it deep down and tried to move on right alongside her, eventually erasing his memory from my mind, body, and soul.
Well, almost.
There were days, obviously, where his letter hummed inside my pillowcase where he left it, whether I brought it to college or kept it at home, or it sat soundly in my new apartment. His words were always there, spilling into my dreams and dancing with me through our memories; tangled tongues and limbs, wild nights and passionate mornings...
I'd wake up feeling hot to the touch and missing him completely.
Thankfully those days were few and far in between, and for a while I'd stopped thinking of him altogether.
But of course, it turns out that Spencer Reid is in fact, pretty damn inevitable.
That bar downtown was packed, so it was a wonder I'd even ran into him of all people in the first place. What he was doing there I didn't know. And neither do I now, because from the moment we laid eyes on each other, it was this constant state of shell-shock and fire, nothing else. He asked briefly about Mom, I told him she'd been married for four years, and then he joked about how he was surprised I hadn't tried to steal him from her.
Naturally, with that ever so playful look in his eye practically taunting me, I played to his joke and responded with a sultry smile, "The only one I ever wanted to steal was you, Doctor..."
The rest wasn't exactly a blur, but all I'm going to say is that we spent the rest of our time together at his apartment, "catching up on lost time"... And as much as I'd grown out of the submissive role sexually over the years, I found myself crawling back, submitting to him like I'd done it a million times over. And, really, I might as well have.
It's like we'd never stopped.
That being said, I declined his offer to stay the night and told him to give me a call some time before I left to go back to Seattle. Though, not without giving him a thousand goodbye kisses that were rather counterproductive.
Thinking about it makes my cheeks burn hot, though thankfully it's summer, and Mom won't have to question it. Though, if she does, I suppose I could keep it short and sweet and tell her the truth at the very least: that I met up with an old friend who showed me a good time.
"Hey'a, Sweetpea," she greets with a bright wave. She and Adam are obviously a little tipsy, more than me by the looks of it, but I pay it no mind. "How was you're night?"
"Great! Went to a few bars downtown, met up with some friends..."
"Oh, good, well we're glad you got back safe."
I snag a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge, then turn back around to see Mom and Adam snuggled in, sharing a smile that would make even the happiest person on the planet sick to their stomach.
Oddly enough, it reminds me of back then, when she was with Spencer, happier than ever and completely oblivious to what was going on in her daughter's life.
The thought makes my stomach flutter, taking me back to earlier in the night when he had his hands tangled in my hair and his mouth attached to my skin, spewing filthy words and praises that had me begging for more...
"I missed you, princess," he whispers, holding himself deep inside me. His fingers brush the matted hair from my face, revealing more of my saccharine smile and eyes that swim with mischief.
"I missed you too," I whine, reaching out and grabbing handfuls of his ass, shoving him even farther inside me and wrapping my legs around him tighter. "...Daddy..."
Spencer loses all semblance of cool, pulling back and slamming into me with full force. I—
I blink away his memory, reminding myself of where I am and what I'm doing, finding Mom looking at me with a curious gleam in her eye.
"What are you thinking about?"
With a small smile, I nod in her direction. "Oh, uh... You'll never believe who I ran into tonight."
PERMANENT TAGLIST (tags not working are struck out):  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams @emilyprsntiss @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888 @loveeee2134 @umbreonwolfy @ayla-1605
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luvdsc · 4 years
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Bad habits are hard to break, and you’ve made a terrible one of loving him.
pairing :: liu yangyang x reader genre :: fluff, angst ⋮ best friend + college au word count :: 10,500 words warnings :: none. playlist :: time lapse (taeyeon) ⋆ 2 kids (taemin) ⋆ daydreams (exes) ⋆ sharing you (lany) ⋆ august (taylor swift) ⋆ too close to love (will hyde) ⋆ sad stripped (lany) ⋆ strangers (taemin) ⋆ the 1 (taylor swift) author’s note :: can you believe that i literally wrote this entire 10k fic in one day aka today ??? whew this gave me the same rush that i got when i wrote my research paper in the class it was due for the day of, printed it out during break, and handed it in at the end of class :’) ↳ part of the almost collaboration series.
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Liu Yangyang is jumping fences to escape late night parties, shared laughter over childhood favorite cartoons on February mornings, midnight dancing in the refrigerator light, and November kisses stolen in between the shelves of the nearby 7-Eleven. He is obscure doodles in the margins of your physics notes, good intentions laced in December’s mistakes, strawberry lemonade and broken truths wrapped in summer bliss, and September endings with honest lies.
He is your August, he is your everything, but he isn’t yours.
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AUGUST 2018.
August has barely begun to fade away.
You’re eighteen years old, and you’re drunk off of your first taste of freedom, one toe already dipping into the shiny pleasures of adulthood. Your new roommate, Karina, has excitedly told you about the famous beach night themed frat party that kick starts every school year at your university. Everybody who’s anybody would be there, and your heart already races at the thought of going to your very first college party.
“Coral or blue?” Karina holds up a solid colored neon blue bikini and a striped, bright pink one for you to choose between.
“Blue.” You nod towards the first option, and she discards the other one back into the open drawer. You pull out a marigold yellow one and a black one lined with white strings, wordlessly gesturing towards them, and she immediately points to the latter.
“That one is gonna look so cute on you. Well, both would, but I love that one.”
You grin at her, silently thanking whoever decided to pair the two of you together for the random dorming. “Perfect, thanks. Do you know any of the guys hosting the party?”
“Yeah, Dejun? He’s really sweet and a year above us. I met him in the music elective I’m taking.” She turns to take off her shirt and tosses it to the side, pulling on her bikini and wriggling into a pair of ripped jean shorts. “You?”
“Kind of? Jaemin is in my project group in Intro to Engineering. He’s rushing for that frat.” You quickly change out of your outfit and into your chosen swim top and daisy dukes. You make sure to grab a pair of black flip flops from your closet. The bundle of nerves in your stomach grows as you step out of your dorm with your new friend, a bit anxious but also excited to attend your very first party.
Thank goodness for summer weather. It’s still a nice, warm 75 degrees Fahrenheit according to your weather app when you and Karina finally make your way to the frat house. The sun barely begins to set, but the party slash dayger had started earlier and is in full swing. There’s a DJ set up out front, blasting some sort of EDM music, and the lawn is absolutely covered in foam. You see the source of it shakily set up on the roof of the patio along with a couple of boys sitting up there, Hawaiian shirts barely covering their figures. You catch the eye of Jaemin, who happily waves at you from his vantage point, and you wave back at him.
“Oh my god, I love college,” Karina says, grabbing your arm excitedly as the two of you step into the foam. You reach down to pick up some of it before flicking it towards your roommate, who squeals before scooping some up and throwing it in your direction as well.
“Ready for our first shitty college drink?” You pull her through the mass of other students and towards the horribly decorated tiki bar stationed in the corner of the patio.
“Hell yeah, let’s do it.”
The two of you stumble over, still throwing handfuls of foam at each other amidst giggles before making a full stop in front of the bar. The older boy behind the makeshift counter lazily grins at you both, a shell necklace hanging loosely around his neck, and his unbuttoned orange Hawaiian shirt gives you a nice flash of his toned abs.
“Hey, I’m Johnny. What can I get for you two?”
“Two vodka shots, please.”
“Alright, ID?”
You freeze, and Karina’s grip on your arm tightens, and then Johnny laughs, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Relax, I’m just messing with you, freshie. Two vodka shots coming right up.”
He pulls out two small plastic cups and pours out the drinks for you. “How many do you want?”
“This is good for now, thanks.” You and Karina pick up the drinks, smiling a little nervously at him. He flashes another amused smile at you. “Alright, come back anytime if you want another.”
You move away from the patio, and Karina follows close behind. The two of you throw back the drinks and dispose of the empty cups quickly. The burning sensation in your throat disappears after a few seconds, and you turn to your roommate. “Should we find our friends?”
“I think I see Dejun back there! Let’s go say hi, I can introduce you to him.” Karina drags you through the rising foam, the bubbles clinging to your skin, and when you go past the DJ stand, you feel the pounding bass reverberating in your chest harder than ever. You trek past the gate and into the backyard where the foam has risen to your waist, thanks to the enclosed fences. She taps on the shoulder of a boy with the prettiest almond eyes you have ever seen, and you shyly smile at him when he greets you.
“Hey, I’m Dejun.”
Oh my god, even his voice sounds pretty. Older college boys are definitely better and hotter than high school boys. Heck, they’re better than freshman boys. Nobody wants to date a freshman dude, not even the freshman girls.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You extend your hand, but then realize how stupid that must be. You hastily start to retract your hand, but he laughs and warmly grasps your hand. Smiling at you, he shakes it firmly, squeezing your hand gently before letting go.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
The butterflies in your stomach grow in volume as the conversation goes on, and you’re positively enamored by the end of the night. Karina had given you a look earlier before walking off with Dejun’s friend and joining the dancing crowd. With the addition of his phone number in your pocket and a promise to show you a new song he’s working on with his guitar next Friday, you’re walking on cloud nine.
“Do you want something to drink? I need a refill, and I can go grab you one,” he asks, and you’re about to offer to go with him, but then you remember the teasing upperclassman and simply agree, asking for another shot of vodka.
After he disappears, you look around, eyeing the crowd and wondering if you can spot your roommate anywhere. You bump into someone lightly and turn around to apologize. Your eyes meet a pair of curiously bright ones.
“Sorry about that, I’m looking for my roomie.”
The boy gives you a Cheshire Cat grin. He’s wearing one of those dumb Hawaiian shirts, too, and it’s unbuttoned, but he has a white T-shirt layered underneath it. “No biggie, it’s a massive party and it’s crowded. Who are you looking for?”
“Ah, I don’t know if you know her, but Karina? She went off with this dude, Kunhang, I think?”
His eyes light up at that name. “Oh, I know him! I saw him earlier by the keg stands inside. Your friend might be there, too. I can—”
“THE COPS ARE COMING!” A loud voice bellows, and you freeze up. Suddenly, the music is shut off as everyone starts running away. You start to panic, the terror rising in your chest, and the boy in front of you grabs your hand and pulls you with him. “What are you doing?! Don’t just stand there! We gotta go!”
“Wait, but Kar—” You start to object, but cut yourself off when you bump into his back as he abruptly stops. He scans the backyard, quickly assessing the situation before turning to you.
“There’s way too many people trapped in here, we’re not gonna make it to the gate. We need to climb over the fence. I’ll hoist you up, and you can help me up from there.”
“I don’t even know you,” you protest, and he throws you a look.
“Hi, I’m Yangyang, nice to meet you, I don’t want to get my ass hauled out by the police and continue the icebreakers in jail, so let’s move now. We good?”
“Yeah, okay, we’re good,” you say faintly, mind still whirling around as you try to grasp the situation. “I’m Y/N.”
“Great, now up you go.”
He immediately picks you up without any warning, and you almost fall backwards, arms flailing before you grasp the top of the fence and pull yourself up. Balancing precariously on top of it, you grab his arm, tugging him up until he’s sitting right next to you, too. The both of you swing your legs over the fence and jump down to the other side. You let out a sigh of relief, squatting down as you clutch your heart.
“Oh my god, we made it. I didn’t get arrested at my first party.”
“What an amazing accomplishment.” Yangyang brushes off the back of his shorts. “We aren’t going to jail. Freshman year is gonna be a breeze if your bar is set this low.”
“Hey!” You frown at him, standing up and crossing your arms over your chest. “How do you know I’m a freshman?”
“It’s written all over your face.” You give him a look, and he relents. “Only a freshman would be this scared of getting caught.”
“So are you an upperclassman?”
“Nah, this is my first party, too. I’m rushing for Nu Chi. Hold on, wait here.” He sneaks around the edge of the fence, peering around for a few seconds before jogging back towards you. “Okay, the police are over there. I’m gonna have to wait a while before going back in.”
“You have to go back?”
“Part of tonight’s rush process,” he sighs before turning to you. “Do you live on campus?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna walk back now,” you answer, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “It’s late, and I’m not in a partying mood anymore.”
“I can walk you back,” he offers, and you shoot him a grateful smile.
“That’d be great, thanks.”
The two of you start the trek back, an awkward lull in the conversation making itself known. You wrap your arms around yourself, shivering slightly when a soft breeze picks up. There’s a light rustling noise, and you pay no mind to it until a soft cloth is draped over your shoulders. Eyes widening, you notice the colorful, palm tree-printed button down shirt wrapped around you and the boy next to you, looking straight ahead with his hands shoved into his pockets. Smiling to yourself, you slip on the shirt, loosely buttoning the front of it.
“So, Yangyang,” you casually begin, testing his name on your tongue for the first time. You decide you like it. It’s cute. He turns to you, raising an eyebrow, and you continue, “Since our lives are no longer in jeopardy, we can continue the icebreakers, right?”
His lips curve into a smile. “Alright, shoot. What’s your first question?”
“Captain America or Iron Man?”
“Oh, Iron Man, hands down. He’s so…”
You meet him in August.
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“Hey, where’s your cereal? The Reese’s one?”
February marks six months of your relationship with Dejun. It also marks six months of your friendship with Yangyang. It is time for your weekly Sunday rituals of watching old cartoons and eating breakfast, and you could’ve sworn that box was still half full last week. You rummage through the top drawer Yangyang had designated for snacks and other foods in his dorm as he takes out the milk from his mini fridge and carries it over to his desk.
“I ran out a few days ago. There’s Cinnamon Toast Crunch somewhere in there though.”
With a victorious cry, you manage to pull out the slightly crushed box of the aforementioned cereal from underneath the packages of flamin’ hot Cheetos and spicy nacho Doritos and triumphantly bring it over to your best friend. He already pulls out two bowls (which were stolen from the dining hall) and hands over the plastic spoons in his grasp (which was also taken from the dining hall).
“Thanks.” After dropping a spoon into each bowl, you shake out the sugary cereal squares before pouring the milk because you’re not an absolute heathen who puts milk in first, like Sicheng. Yangyang clambers up to his top bunk bed, and you carefully pass over the two bowls of cereal, milk sloshing precariously near the edges. You climb up afterwards, and he gives you your bowl once you settle down.
“So, Scooby Doo or Pokémon?”
“Mm, we watched Pokémon last Sunday already, so let’s do Scooby Doo this time.” He nods in agreement, pulling up the cartoon from the queue in Netflix, and the two of you lean back against the ginormous mound of pillows and stuffed animals of his that occupy nearly half of his bed.
You’re shoveling a spoonful of cereal into your mouth when he casually asks, “So how’re you and Dejun doing?”
Choking slightly, you quickly swallow. “We’re doing good. I think he booked a table at the Italian restaurant down the street for Valentine’s Day. Are you doing anything for Valentine’s?”
“I’m forcing Renjun to come watch that “‘Happy Death Day’ movie with me.” The faint sounds of the Scooby Doo theme song plays in the background as you hum in acknowledgement, mouth twisting into a mischievous smirk.
“That’s so sweet. So who confessed to who? Not gonna lie, I thought you had a crush on Hyuck, not Jun.”
“... I would shove you right now, but I just did my laundry, and rewashing my comforter is expensive and I’m out of quarters.”
You stick your tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes before lifting his bowl up to sip the best part of having Cinnamon Toast Crunch: the milk infused with all the cinnamony, sugary goodness. You let your spoon fall back into your bowl with a soft clink, a sudden worrying thought popping into your head.
“I bought him some customized guitar picks and a pretty composition book. Do you think he’ll like it?”
“That’s a pretty basic gift, isn’t it? It feels like something Kun would get him,” he teases, but his heart falls when he notices you chewing on your bottom lip, spoon held limply in your hand.
“Hey, I’m just joking, of course he would like it. He’s completely whipped. He’ll love anything from you.” Yangyang’s voice grows softer, and he fiddles with a stray thread on his comforter, avoiding eye contact with you. “I know I would.”
He looks up slightly and sees you smiling gratefully at him, eyes shining bright. He quickly ducks his head, turning away slightly to hide the hues of pink blooming on his cheeks. He feels you leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder with a quiet sigh, and his breath hitches in his throat.
“Thanks, Yang.”
Replaying the sight of your smile in his mind makes his stomach flip flop, and he resists the overwhelming urge to tell you you’re pretty, pushing it back into the farthest crevice of his mind.  Your head on his shoulder makes him feel like he’s carrying the entire world, and he doesn’t know what to do. He paints on a tight smile of his own, silently hoping you can’t hear the way his heart nearly pounds out of his chest.
Yangyang knows that having feelings for his best friend, specifically one of his good friends’ girlfriends, is something he absolutely should not be doing, but he can’t help it. His stupid heart refuses to listen to his brain. For now, all he can do is desperately hope that this dumb crush of his goes away soon because while 99% of his friends are oblivious (including you), Ten and Donghyuck are not. They’ll be able to spot his feelings from a mile away, like how Kun always knows when there’s a good sale going on at the Asian supermarket downtown (This week, it was the 50% off bean sprouts and chili paste).
Letting out an inaudible sigh, Yangyang carefully rests his head on top of yours. Clutching the empty bowl with one hand, he shoves his other one under his thigh to stop himself from reaching over and tangling his fingers with yours. He stares at the screen, watching until the bright colors blur together.
He likes you in February.
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AUGUST 2019.
The earth spins around the sun for another time, and August makes its presence known once again. It’s Thursday night, and you’re sitting on the countertop in Nu Chi Theta’s kitchen, swinging your legs back and forth as Yangyang struggles to make some scrambled eggs because the half filled carton of eggs the two of you managed to find is the only thing that isn’t expired (besides Jeno’s protein shakes, but neither of you are gonna touch that cardboard tasting monstrosity).
“Maybe I should make it.” You peer over at the frying pan, wincing when you see the full damage of your future meal. “Did you use oil?”
“Of course I did!” he exclaims indignantly before pitifully pushing around the nearly charred mess of yolk and whites around with his spatula. “I’m not Mark.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you mutter, waving your hand around to dissipate the acrid burning smell, and Yangyang throws you a dirty look. He grabs a fork and stabs a small chunk of the eggs. Picking it up, he brings it closer to his mouth before hesitating. His eyes dart to you, and you raise your eyebrows at him, a silent challenge in your gaze. The sad piece of egg hovers in the air for a few more seconds before he defeatedly drops it back into the pan.
“Okay, what if we just Uber Eats some McDonald’s?” Turning off the stove, he then tosses the remnants of his cooking into the trash and drops the pan into the sink.
“Stellar plan. Best idea you’ve had all night.” You hop off the counter to stand next to him, propping your chin on his shoulder to see him pull up the app. He immediately puts in your usual order along with his before holding it up for you to see it better.
“Looks good?”
“Looks perfect.”
He clicks the confirmation button, and the delivery is set to come in 30 minutes. You’re suddenly hyper aware of how close you are with your chest pressed against his back and hastily move away, warmth spreading across your cheeks.
Glancing over at your best friend, you don't miss the way Yangyang smiles down at something on his phone before his fingers fly across the screen. When he looks up, you immediately turn away, focusing your eyes on anything but him.
“Hey, you’re going to the Alpha Sig formal, right?” Yangyang calls out, and you throw on a teasing grin.
“You mean Alpha Sigma Psi, also known as the sorority I’m in?”
“Ah, right, yeah.” He flushes, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “But you’re going, right?”
You nod, the sudden realization creeping up on you. “Oh yeah, I am, thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot to ask, but do you want t—”
“Ningning just asked me to go with her,” Yangyang blurts out, and you freeze, failing to hide your shock for a split second before you regain your composure.
“Oh wow, that’s great, Yang! I’ll see you there then.” You try to give him a convincing smile. He wrings his hands, biting his bottom lip. Something is on his mind. You can tell. He’s not someone to hold back with his words, but this time, he is.
“I… I don’t know if I’m gonna go,” he says at last. Your heart picks up a little at that. Does that mean he doesn’t want to go to the dance at all? Or does he not want to go with Ningning? If you asked him now, would it make a difference?
“I’ve never slow danced,” he confesses, leaning against the opposite counter, and your heart drops. So that was it. Of course, he wouldn’t reject Ningning. She’s an absolute goddess, heck, you wouldn’t say no if she asked you either. You stamp out that last flicker of hope.
“What if I suck at it?” he continues, absentmindedly carding his fingers through his hair. “Oh god, I bet Yukhei and Kunhang are never gonna let me live it down. I can do choreographed dances, but I’m gonna mess up over a stupid slow dance. But where am I supposed to put my hands?! Like on her shoulders? Her waist? Do I hold her hand?”
Your eyes follow the way his hair ruffles slightly, and you wonder if it’s as soft as it looks. You swallow hard before saying quietly, “I can teach you?”
His hand pauses mid-movement, and your eyes fly down to meet his. His eyes widen, and he contemplates your offer for a split second before nodding excitedly. “Yeah, that’d be great! Can you teach me right now? While we wait for our food to come!”
“S-sure,” you stammer, flustered at the sudden acceptance and his eagerness. “Um, here? In the kitchen?”
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugs before straightening up. “The lights should be dimmed, right? We can kind of mimic that here to set the mood or whatever.”
He goes over and fiddles with the light switch, flicking it on and off, and you laugh, walking over and placing your hand over his. “What are you doing? Some kind of Kevin Nguyen mating call to look for a rave bae?”
“First off, I’m offended that you think I’d be one of them,” Yangyang narrows his eyes at you. “Secondly, I’m trying to make this feel more formal dance-y. Oh, wait!”
He turns off the lights for the last time and reaches over to pull open the refrigerator doors, the artificial fluorescent light pouring out and mixing with the faint beams coming in through the window from the street lamps outside. He grins at you, satisfied. “Romantic, huh?”
You roll your eyes, but the amused smile on your face gives away your true feelings. “Wow, Romeo, you swept me off my feet. The food is gonna go bad, and Kun is gonna kill you for the high electricity bill.”
“What food? Jeno’s protein shakes probably never expire.” He snorts before standing closer to you, his hands resting on either side of you on the counter. You can see the pretty gold flecks in his irises, and your breath gets caught in your throat. “And I guess this means you gotta teach me fast before we waste more electricity, right?”
You place your hands on his chest and lightly push him away, and he laughs, stepping back. You let out a shaky breath, remembering that your lungs need oxygen in order to, you know, continue living.
“Okay,” you clear your throat before pulling out your phone and putting on a slow song. “Ready?”
“You chose Ed Sheeran? Thinking Out Loud? Really?”
You raise your hands up defensively. “Hey, he’s the king of sappy slow songs that all girls want to be played at their weddings for their first dance.”
When your legs don't work like they used to before,
And I can't sweep you off of your feet,
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
“Is this the song you want played at your wedding?” He raises an eyebrow at you, and your face grows warm. You ignore the question, and this time, you’re the one taking a bold step forward, a few centimeters now separating you and your best friend. You see his Adam’s apple bob as he gulps lightly before meeting your eyes.
And darling, I will be loving you 'til we're seventy,
And baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three,
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways.
“So, your hands go here.” You take his hands and place them on either side of your waist. His arms freeze up. “Relax, Yang. Precious cargo here.”
He lets out a chuckle, loosening his grip as he starts to relax. You reach up and slide your arms around his neck, interlocking your fingers. You gaze back at him, saying softly, “Now pull me closer.”
He does so.
Maybe just the touch of a hand,
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day,
And I just wanna tell you I am.
“And now follow my lead. We’re going to take one step. And then another. We’re just slowly turning in a circle.”
After a few spins and steps, you stop leading and let yourself be led. Yangyang continues to hold onto you carefully, and you can hear him muttering a 1, 2, 3, 4 count under his breath until he finally gets the hang of it. He grows a little braver, pulling you even closer.
So honey now,
Take me into your loving arms,
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.
“Are you going with Dejun?” he asks quietly, and you stiffen at the mention at him before shaking your head.
“No, we broke up in July.”
Yangyang falters in his step before recovering. “Oh. You never told me.”
“Yeah.” You struggle to keep your voice level. “I just… he’s your friend, and I didn’t want to make it weird.”
“You’re my best friend though,” he says firmly, looking you directly in the eyes. His grip on your waist tightens. “It’s his loss. That dumbass just lost the best person who’ll ever come into his life.”
You give him a tired half smile, one that doesn’t quite meet your eyes. He hugs you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and securing you against his chest. You rest your head in the crook of his neck and hope that he doesn’t feel how quickly your heart beats in your chest.
Place your head on my beating heart,
I'm thinking out loud,
Maybe we found love right where we are.
“Thanks, Yang,” you whisper, your breath tickling his skin. He envelops you tightly, and the two of you continue to spin in slow circles, quietly dancing in the refrigerator light as the remaining verses of the song warble in the background.
You think you finally understand what Dejun meant when he said he’s breaking up with you because your heart was already occupied by someone else.
You fall in love with him in August.
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[ 12:54 a.m. ] yang 🐏🤪: hey you up?
[ 12:54 a.m. ] yang 🐏🤪: 7/11 in ten mins?
Tiredly rubbing your eyes, you stumble out of your dorm building, one of Jeno’s sweaters draped over your figure. November nights are cold, but this one seems chillier than usual. Yangyang stands near the front steps, and he stiffens up when he notices whose hoodie you’re wearing. He makes no mention of it though when you join him.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” He glances over to you as the two of you walk side by side to the small convenience store just on the edge of campus. You shake your head, shoving your hands into the front pocket of your sweater.
“I was up cramming for midterms. I could use a break anyway,” you shrug. A wisp of your hair falls in your face, and Yangyang starts to reach out to fix it, but forces himself to keep his hand by his side. You reach out to carelessly brush it away, tucking it behind your ear.
“What about you?” You look over at him, noting the bags under his eyes. “Rough night?”
He smiles tiredly at you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he kicks a stray pebble along the sidewalk. “More like rough week. Two more midterms left, and they’re for electromagnetic theory and linear systems.”
“Oh god, good luck. I took linear systems today, and it was absolutely brutal.” You wince, brightening up when you see the familiar neon orange, red, and green lights up ahead.
“Maybe I should just withdraw and take it again next quarter,” your best friend grumbles, kicking the stone as far as he possibly can.
“You really want another quarter with Hwang?”
“You’re right,” he sighs, “I just need to get a C+ to maintain my GPA. C if I’m pushing it.”
The two of you hurry over to the 7-Eleven, quickening your pace, until you reach the store doors, and you pull them open. Entering quickly, you push the door open slightly wider, and Yangyang slips in behind you. The cashier doesn’t even look up, texting away on his phone. You make a beeline towards the chips aisle, grabbing a bag of flamin’ hot Cheetos and a pack of sour gummy worms.
“What are you getting, Yang?” You call out over your shoulder, eyes zeroing in on the Red Bull stand at the end of the aisle. When you hear no response, you halt in your steps, turning around. Yangyang stands in the middle of the aisle, looking dazed under the fluorescent lights.
Putting your items back on the shelf, you approach him, reaching out and touching his arm gently. “Yangyang, what’s wrong?”
He jerks back before silently holding up his phone for you to see. There’s a slew of text messages from Ningning a few hours ago, and a quick scan tells you all you need to know. Your heart weighs heavily in your chest when you look back at him, a forlorn expression on his face.
“She dumped me,” he says quietly, shoving the phone back into his pocket. “She said our relationship was like a friendship. She didn’t feel anything. She said we could still be friends if I wanted to be though.”
He jabs a large bag of Lays potato chips angrily as his voice raises slightly higher. “But I don’t get it. Do friends take each other on dates? Do friends spend the night? Do friends hug each other and hold hands walking to class? Do friends spend three hundred dollars to do a surprise weekend trip for their birthday?”
He whirls around to face you, and he’s so close that you can see those pretty golden sparkles in his eyes again. Suddenly, his hands are cupping your face, and the next thing you know, he’s kissing you. Your eyes widen for a fraction of a second before they flutter shut, and you press your lips against his. The 90s pop station music playing overhead seems to fade away, and all you can focus on is that your best friend tastes like spearmint gum and grape soju. He pulls away abruptly, the realization of what he’s done finally hitting him as his chest heaves up and down.
“Do friends kiss like this?”
His voice is barely a whisper, but it cuts through the silence. You feel like you’re spinning out of control, a split second from careening and crashing.
“No, we—they don’t,” you mumble, and Yangyang sees the starstruck look in your eyes, and he wants to apologize: to say sorry for kissing you. But he doesn’t. Because for some reason, he doesn’t feel sorry. He closes his eyes, curling his hands into fists before exhaling slowly. He sees you looking back at him this time, and he wonders if you feel as equally lost as he does.
Because you’re right. Friends don’t kiss each other like that. Friends don’t feel like this about each other.
He kisses you in November.
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AUGUST 2020.
The sun still shines bright late into the day, and August greets you like an old friend. You’re absentmindedly doodling in the margins of your notebook designated for Quantum Mechanics. Yangyang sits next to you in the lecture hall, making a bunch of origami cranes before tossing them at Renjun’s head right in front of him. When the bird reaches its target for the sixth time in a row, the annoyed boy whirls around in his seat, glaring at your best friend.
“Stop that,” he hisses, and Yangyang innocently raises his hands in the air. Renjun angrily frowns at him before turning back around in his seat. After a few minutes, Yangyang flicks another crane towards his friend. If this was a cartoon, you would see steam blowing out of your friend’s ears. You silently watch as he wordlessly picks up his phone, seething as he presses on a particular number.
Suddenly, Travis Scott’s SICKO MODE starts blasting, amplified by the large auditorium-like room. The professor goes silent, and everyone turns to see Yangyang scrambling to pick up his phone. He fumbles around for a few seconds with it before finally shutting it off and putting it on vibrate mode. Cheeks burning red, he meekly puts his phone back in his bag and squeaks out a “sorry” before sinking down in his chair (You can see the culprit grinning like the cat ate the canary right in front of him. Karma’s a bitch who also goes by the name of Renjun).
You pat his arm consolingly as he sulks next to you for a few minutes, mouth jutting out into a pout. You decide to take pity on him and lean closer to him, whispering quietly, “Would it make you feel better if I bought you boba after class?”
Immediately, he brightens up. “One oolong milk tea, half sugar with white pearls and coconut jelly?”
“Yes, I’ll pay for your overpriced drink,” you huff, thinking about how his one seven dollar drink could buy you a whole rotisserie chicken that’ll last you a week. At least the fluffy dog at Cloudy with a Chance of Boba is cute and fun to play with. “I’ll even get the honey waffle fries.”
“Heck yeah!” he whisper-yells, fist pumping quietly before he suddenly deflates. “Wait, I can’t. I promised Lia I’d get lunch with her.”
Ah, right, there’s Lia now. Yangyang’s new girlfriend: the only other student who went to Düsseldorf, Germany to study abroad over the summer, and inevitably, the two of them became close. All you really know about her is that she’s pretty, she’s in Iota Theta Zeta, and she followed you on Instagram a few weeks ago (of course, you followed her back because of the unspoken best friend and girlfriend policy).
Her page looks carefully curated, and there’s a common pink tinted theme going on throughout her feed. She has over a thousand followers, and it seems like Yangyang fits perfectly in her magazine curated life, judging by how he occupies nearly every picture taken in the summer with her or how he’s tagged as the photographer. You can’t deny that they look good together, pointedly shoving the green eyed monster back under the bed.
You take a peek at your messy Instagram page where you only post pictures when you’re half drunk, so there’s no semblance of uniformity anywhere. You shrug at him, pocketing your phone.
“No biggie. I’ll see if Karina is up for some boba. She’s been holed up in the dance studio already, and it’s only week two of classes, can you believe it?”
“I remember Ten was the same way,” Yangyang hums, eyes fixated on his phone and fingers tapping away. He laughs quietly, lips curling into a pretty smile, and you glance over curiously.
“What’s so funny?”
“Hmm?” Yangyang finally tears his eyes away from his screen for a split second to look at you before another buzz takes his attention away. He’s distracted, lovestruck, and you wistfully smile before turning back to your notes.
“Sorry, what’d you say earlier?” he loudly whispers a few minutes later, and you barely glance up from the large bulbasaur doodle you’re in the progress of completing right next to the chart marking the wave functions for a bouncing ball that you had copied down from the blackboard.
“Oh, I just asked what was so funny,” you murmur, coloring in the flowers you drew around the Pokémon with your blue ballpoint pen.
He looks confused for a moment before lighting up. “Oh! It was just a German joke. It’s not really funny if I translate it though.”
“Got it, no worries.” You notice the professor starting a new example problem, and you abandon your drawing, focusing on the formulas rapidly filling up the chalkboards in front of you. A quiet chuckle echoes in your ears, and you pause in your note taking to look over and see your best friend still typing on his phone. You make a mental reminder to create a copy of your notes for him later on when you pass the library on the way to the dining hall.
“Hey, Y/N.” Yangyang nudges you gently. “Rain check on the boba?”
You offer him a soft smile. “Of course. Anytime.”
He gives you a quick grin in return before his attention returns to the device in his hand—or rather, the pretty girl behind those texts. Your best friend is sitting right next to you, but you’ve never felt so far away. You know distance makes the heart grow fonder, but you don’t think it’s possible to be even fonder of him than you are now. Bad habits are hard to break, and you’ve made a terrible one of loving him. No wonder it’s beginning to hurt so much.
You lose him in August.
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December is the coldest month of the year, yet it is also simultaneously the warmest with all the holiday festivities it brings. If Yangyang were to choose a month to describe you, it’d be this one. You are a walking paradox, a conundrum he might never solve, an oxymoron come to life. He doesn’t understand how you can be his best friend, yet feel like a stranger; a friend who he wants as a lover; someone who has created such an impact in his life, but disappears seamlessly here and there.
He wonders when you’ve gotten so distant. He wonders why he never noticed the way you seemed to slip away through the cracks until it’s now nearing the end of the year, and the last time he’s seen you in person was before the November autumn break.
But you’re here.
You’re standing right next to the punch bowl filled with spiked eggnog, wearing a garish knitted button down jumper with brightly colored Christmas lights decorating it. It’s perfectly in theme with the Ugly Christmas Sweater party Nu Chi is holding, and Yangyang is beyond ecstatic to know that you’re attending. He had texted you an invite two weeks ago, and you merely reacted with a thumbs up.
Yangyang swears he was going to follow up with you on that, but he got so caught up with midterms, then meeting Lia’s family for Thanksgiving, then studying for finals, and then finally, preparing for this party. Buying enough beer for twenty-three keg stands is a lot more difficult than it seems (Donghyuck’s car broke down halfway during one trip, and they all had to carry back the packs of beers to the house in 40 degree weather in their Sperry boat shoes and Patagonia long sleeves that definitely weren’t cut out for this kind of weather).
His girlfriend is somewhere in the room, wearing the other half of the reindeer sweater she forced him to put on, but all he can focus on is you. He hurriedly makes his way over, skidding to a stop in front of you, and you’re startled before a smile spreads across your face.
“Hey, you, I haven’t seen you in a while.” You grin at him, reaching out to poke the reindeer tail sticking out from the front of his itchy sweater (Lia got to wear the head half of the reindeer, while he was stuck with the behind).
“Yeah, how have you been?” He reaches around you to pick up a cup and pour himself some eggnog. He offers you one, but you decline with a small shake of your head.
“I’ve been doing good, a bit tired with finals coming up, but what’s new?” You joke, grabbing one of the sugar cookies from the table. You’re secretly surprised that they actually have real food (No, Hyuck, Jell-O shots do not count as real food). You suspect Jaemin has something to do with it. He always contributes to the annual Greek row bake sale.
“Are you here with someone? Did Karina come?” he asks, curiosity coating every word. He looks around for your roommate, but she’s nowhere to be found.
You shake your head. “No, I actually came with—”
Yukhei bounds over, slipping an arm over your shoulder. He hands you a new cup of apple cider, which you accept gratefully. He grins happily at Yangyang, who freezes up at the sight of his tall friend. “I asked her to be my date for the party, and she agreed. She also made our sweaters! Aren’t they so cool? There’s even lights that spell my name and play Christmas songs. She did a bunch of cool programming tricks to make them work.”
Yangyang realizes with a start that the two of you are indeed wearing matching sweaters, and that leaves a rather sour taste in his mouth (and it definitely wasn’t because of expired eggnog). The corners of his lips tilt downward as he presses his lips together tightly.
“So… you two are together?” He gestures between you and Yukhei with a forced laugh. Jealousy never did look good on anybody, and unfortunately, he’s not an exception.
“We’re just seeing each other and seeing how it goes for now,” you answer quietly, noting the way your best friend reacts. You have always been good at reading him, and you tread carefully now, not wanting to make a scene. Drunk Yangyang never holds anything back, and he’s had quite a few pre-game shots already (It definitely doesn’t help that he’s a lightweight, too).
“I see. How did you guys meet? Or I guess, start talking?” He attempts to look intimidating, staring down at Yukhei, but it’s a difficult feat to accomplish, especially when he’s trying to stare down a six foot guy who’s more like an overgrown puppy and his friend.
“Oh, she came by for one of your boba runs, but you were still out with Lia. So I asked if I could go with her.” Yukhei flashes his pearly whites at you, and you chuckle, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“I said yes, and we hit it off, I guess.”
“You guess? And you took him on our boba runs?”
“You were out with Lia,” you say defensively, and he blanches when he hears his girlfriend’s name come out of your mouth.
“You could’ve waited,” he mutters, but you still hear it, and you give him a scathing look, finally too tired of this push and pull game that’s been going on behind the scenes for nearly three years now.
“I did. I waited over an hour here for you, but you didn’t show up or even text me that you were gonna be late. Yukhei was nice enough to offer to go with me.”
He stays silent, and you gnaw on your bottom lip, unsure of what to say next. Yukhei looks at you in concern, but you reach up and squeeze his hand reassuringly, which your best friend doesn’t fail to notice, his lips pressing into an even thinner line.
“I don’t understand what the deal is,” you finally burst out, startling both boys. “What’s the big deal about me and Yukhei going out?”
Something inside of him finally snaps. “The big deal is that you’re basically sleeping through my list of friends and then breaking up with them! First Dejun, then Jeno, now Yukhei? Who’s next? Should I give Renjun a heads up? Pencil you into his planner? Or Sicheng?  Sungchan? You have a class with him, so you’re bound to flirt with him, too, right? When are you gonna stop fucking around with my frien—”
He gasps, stopping mid-outburst as he stares at you in disbelief. Apple cider slides down from his hair, dripping onto his face and soaking into his sweater, the sticky juice clinging to his skin uncomfortably. You’re absolutely seething, the empty cup crackling in your clenched fist. Shocked, Yukhei carefully tugs the plastic away from you and places it on the table before replacing it with his own hand, his thumb caressing circles on the back of your hand soothingly. Yangyang doesn’t dare to meet his furious gaze, lifting his chin to look at you instead. The entire room has hushed down by now, all eyes staring directly at the three of you in a mixture of surprise and slight terror.
“Screw you, Yangyang,” you say lowly, voice shaking with anger. Tears form on the edge of your waterline, but you blink them away before hastily brushing a stray droplet from your cheek. “They asked me out. I said yes. We went out. It didn’t work out. We move on. Just like how you’ve gone out with my  friends. And they didn’t work out, so you moved on. So what’s so wrong about that? What’s so wrong about trying again to find love?”
He can’t answer you, curling his hands into fists until his fingernails indent miniature crescents in his palms—until the pain overtakes the feelings that are threatening to spill from his heart. Yangyang may not be yours, but he doesn’t like the fact that he can’t call you his either.
Love. That’s what you want, that’s what you crave, but not if it’s from him. So what is he supposed to do with love that’s unwanted? It’s bursting at the seams, and he has nowhere to hide it anymore.
He loves you in December.
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AUGUST 2021.
August sneaks up on you this time around, and you find yourself in Kunhang’s apartment. All of your close friends are here, starting the last year of youth with one final first day party. You think back to that day three years ago: when your eyes met a pair of equally bright ones for the first time.
Curled up next to Yukhei on the couch, you look across the room and meet those very same eyes, although they seem hazier this time around. Lia is wrapped around his arm, and you think it’s quite ironic how both your and his relationships remain the same after all this time. Perhaps you both were bad luck for each other, leading to the other’s demise with short lived relationships. He looks away from you.
The rules of truth or dare are simple. You cannot ask the same person again until three other people have been asked first, and no one can be asked more than three times in each round. And, for reasons you can’t understand, everyone seems to take the code of truth seriously.
“I’ll start,” Kunhang announces, leaning back in one of the several beanbags he has in his place. “Goeun, truth or dare?”
Goeun sighs, leaning back on the palms of her hands. “Dare.”
“You and Mark, seven minutes in heaven.” Hendery points towards the coat closet, and the immediate reaction of hoots and wolf whistles has the girl rolling her eyes. With an exasperated huff, she stands up and pulls a red faced Mark along with her.
“Wait, you gotta pick the next person!” Donghyuck calls out, and she stops in her tracks, throwing open the closet door and shrugging. “You can choose for me.”
With that, she and Mark disappear behind the door, and Donghyuck turns toward the rest of the group, eyes glimmering mischievously. You pay no attention to him, absentmindedly playing with Yukhei’s fingers. You tug one of his rings off his finger, and he smiles, plucking it from your grasp carefully before holding your hand. He carefully slides it onto your right ring finger, but it falls off. Grinning, he pretends to try it on every single one of your fingers until finally settling on your thumb. The ring fits snugly there, and you admire it, wriggling your thumb around.
“Well, look at that. It fits you. I think that means we’re meant to be,” Yukhei says, smiling broadly, and you laugh, interlocking your fingers with his again before glancing down at the silver engraved band resting on your finger. The weight of the metal feels heavy resting against your knuckle.
“Yangyang, truth or dare.”
Donghyuck’s voice cuts through your thoughts, and you instinctively perk up in your seat at the sound of his name before freezing up in your spot. Yukhei squeezes your hand softly, and you tighten your grip around his fingers.
“You’re no fun,” Donghyuck sighs, slouching back against the armrest. Yukhei leans over and whispers something in his ear before settling back next to you, shifting slightly to wrap his arm around you. Donghyuck lifts an eyebrow at your boyfriend before shrugging. “Okay, here’s an easy one. Are you in love…”
“Yes.”  is his immediate response, and you notice how Lia absolutely preens next to him.
“… with Y/N?”
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you immediately turn your head to look at Yukhei, your eyes growing wide in horror. He looks apologetic, shoulders drooping. “I’m sorry, but just the way he looks at you, it’s so obvious, and I had to know.”
You whip around to face the boy in question. With bated breath, you look at him, but Yangyang stares at the center of the floor, struggling internally. Everyone is quiet, and it reminds you of the calm before a storm. At last, he looks up, gazing right at you, and you can almost swear that you see those pretty little gold flecks in his irises from here.
“Yes,” Yangyang confesses quietly.
There’s almost a collective gasp rippling through the room, and Yukhei lets out an inaudible swear under his breath. Your grip on his hand grows slack as you fumble to get a grasp on the entire situation.
He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.
The words echo in your mind like a mantra until it grows so loud that you can’t hear any of your own thoughts anymore. Lia is in absolute hysterics, demanding an explanation from him, but he merely shrugs her off. Standing up, he quickly moves to leave the room, glancing at you one more time before disappearing out the front door.
It’s like your body is on auto-pilot after this. You drop Yukhei’s hand, immediately standing up and rushing after your best friend, paying no mind to the hushed whispers that only seem to increase in volume once you leave. You step out onto the porch, and there he is, sitting on the steps.
You quietly stand behind him, contemplating what to say and carefully choosing your next words. But there’s only one question on your mind.
“Why did you say that?”
He stays silent for a moment, staring out at the moon shining brightly ahead. “Because I meant it.”
Your heart wrenches in your chest. “You shouldn’t.”
He finally turns to look at you, an indescribable look in his eyes. It reminds you of heartbreak. “But I do. And I tried not to for the past three fucking years, but I can’t anymore.”
“Since freshman year?” You feel the tears well up in your eyes, and this time, you let them go. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Yangyang grips onto the edge of the stairs tightly, frustration ringing with every word that falls from his mouth. “Because I was scared. And I thought you never felt the same way. You’re my best friend, and I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Yang…” You whisper, hand reaching out as you let it hover over his shoulder for a few seconds. Then, you pull back, curling your fingers into fists, pressing crescent indentations into the palms of your hands.
He stands up, whirling around to look at you, desperate. “Tell me I’m not too late. Please, Y/N.”
Something inside of you breaks. You open your mouth and start to say something when the door opens behind you. Turning around, you see Yukhei. His eyes widen when he sees the two of you standing there.
You know this is it. This is the moment. This is where you have to decide.
“I, I was just looking for you. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Yukhei awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, taking a step back. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna go back in and—”
“No, wait, it’s okay,” you gently interrupt him. You reach out and slip your hand into his, and he relaxes, giving you a relieved smile. You smile softly back at your boyfriend before turning to face him, eyes apologetic.
“I’m sorry, Yangyang.”
He and you are asymptotes: two lines curving towards each other, but never touching; two hands reaching towards each other, but never interlocking; two people tangling their red strings of fate, but never tying.
You give him one last glance before going back inside with Yukhei.
You break his heart in August.
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September is supposed to be a new beginning: the transition from summer to autumn. Yangyang doesn’t think he can let go of you as easily as the trees shed their green for gold and red. Wherever he goes, wherever he looks, little reminders of you bloom in every crevice. You’re absolutely everywhere and nowhere, and it drives him crazy.
He thinks he’s gone completely insane when he hears your laugh while he’s walking to the laundromat one day. He shoves his airpods in and continues on his way until he sees you. Walking across the street, there you are. You’re on the phone with someone, and he contemplates going over to say hello. But suddenly, you’re hanging up the phone and waving eagerly at someone. When he turns his head to look, his heart drops and gets buried six feet under. He hurriedly ducks into a nearby bookstore and watches as you run up to Yukhei, slipping your hand into his like it’s second nature to you now. The two of you walk off together, and Yangyang is left standing at the window of the store until the shop owner politely asks if there’s anything he needs.
He doubts a time machine is something they have in stock, so he silently shakes his head and steps out onto the street once again. It is now silent and empty.
He loses you in September.
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AUGUST 2022.
A lot can change in eleven months.
You’re twenty two years old, but you feel like you’re eighteen again. You know you’re going to see him for the first time since September at Kun’s housewarming. You had repeatedly assured Yukhei that you’d be fine. After all, life goes on; the world doesn’t stop just because you had a falling out with your best friend, even if it may have been a little more than that. Nevertheless, a year has nearly passed. Time is known to be the best healer, and perhaps your heart has shed its old skin and habits.
Your hand is safely enveloped in Yukhei’s, and the two of you walk towards your older friend’s new apartment. He playfully swings your interlocked hands back and forth, and you giggle, tightening your grip around his fingers. You stop in front of the door, the muffled sounds of a party slipping through the cracks. You suck in a breath, shoulders tensed. He’s in there.
“Are you okay?”
Yukhei squeezes your hand gently, voice laced with concern. You remember to breathe, exhaling slowly and relaxing before nodding. You smile up at him. “I’m okay.”
“If you want, we can go back home now, have another NCIS marathon, and drink this by ourselves.” Yukhei waves around the nice bottle of wine the two of you had brought for Kun. “We can even stop by the convenience store and get some ramen.”
You laugh quietly, the corners of your lips upturning with mirth. “It’s okay, I’m fine, Yukhei, I promise. Plus, I have you, right?”
He brightens up at that, practically beaming at you, and your heart skips a beat. “Right!”
You reach out and knock on the door. Kun greets the two of you, and you enter his apartment. Yukhei still doesn’t let go of your hand, and you follow behind him as you weave your way through the living room, greeting some of your friends. You hear Kunhang calling out to your boyfriend from the kitchen and feel him hesitate next to you. You squeeze his hand gently before letting go and nudging him in the direction of his friend. Yukhei gives you one last look, but you wave him off, smiling goodnaturedly and silently assuring that you’re okay. He swoops down and leaves behind a soft kiss for you before going.
You walk over to the alcohol table, pouring yourself something to drink. Leaning against the wall, you take a sip of your drink, your eyes flitting over the rim of your cup and slowly scanning the room. It feels like forever, like everything is moving in slow motion, like the world is submerged underwater, but it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds.
You find him easily. After all, it’s hard to forget someone whose features you’ve memorized over the past four years. Your eyes map the delicate outline of his face once more, and for a moment, you wonder if red is still his favorite color, or who he shares a carton of Ben and Jerry’s with nowadays. You wonder if he thinks of you sometimes, too.
But then, you wonder where Yukhei is. You search around until you see your boyfriend still standing in the kitchen, laughing at something your mutual friend said. Your eyes soften when you see him grab your favorite snack. You turn back around, your heart swelling in your chest tenfold, and your lips curl upwards, an endeared expression on your face.
That’s when you notice that he’s looking at you.
You brace yourself, waiting for the tidal wave of emotions to wash over you and the quickening of your heart rate to greet you like an old friend. Because that’s what always happens when you’re around him. After all, he is the biggest what-if in your life. He is someone you almost loved forever, someone you almost stayed for.
And yet, nothing happens. You wait a little longer. The world still goes round, and you’re still breathing. There’s no shortness of breath, no erratic heart palpitations, no sweaty palms, absolutely nothing. Liu Yangyang is a stranger in a familiar body, and your heart remains still.
You give Yangyang a faint smile, nodding towards him, and it feels like a sudden jolt in his heart. Time stops, and all he can see is you. You look beautiful. You have always been beautiful. This is his chance. Whatever higher entity out there has taken pity on him and given him a second try to make it right. He finally takes a step towards you, and the tender, encouraging expression in your eyes gives him the strength to take another one. After all, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Clutching his drink in hand, he pushes his way through the crowd. He’s only eight, seven, six, five steps away from you now. A smile grows on his face as relief curls around his heart like a bandage. You’re standing there, waiting for him, smiling at him.
And suddenly, you’re no longer looking at him.
You stopped looking at him.
Yukhei makes his presence known next to you, excitedly chattering about something and gesturing towards the kitchen as he hands you something to eat. It’s a snickerdoodle cookie. Your favorite. Your eyes are fixated on the tall boy, positively sparkling as you beam at him.
Yangyang feels like he can’t breathe. The bandage is ripped off, and all he can feel is excruciating pain like a thousand pinpricks into his heart before the numbness hits. He freezes, rooting himself in that spot on the scratched hardwood floor as his colleagues and friends continue to jostle around him. As his world crumbles around him, he can’t tear his eyes away from you. They stay on you, the barest traces of nostalgia lingering in the dimmed golden flecks of his irises that you had still admired all those months ago. It’s like he’s trapped in a silent film, stuck in a fish bowl and swimming in circles, and he watches in horror as you outstretch your hand and intertwine your fingers around Yukhei’s, leaning up to press your lips against his tenderly. Your boyfriend looks at you like you hung the stars in the night sky yourself (He would believe it if you said you did).
You don’t look at him like that anymore.
Yangyang remembers when you used to. When you used to love him. When you were almost his. He feels something inside of him break for a second time.
The world continues to spin, and yet, he’s still not moving. He’s stuck in quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper as everyone around him moves on—as you move on. He desperately tries to keep you in his view, and his feet finally pick up as he lurches forward. He’s not fast enough. You’re slipping away, walking away from him, hand in hand with Yukhei, disappearing around the corner of the hallway, and he can’t do anything about it. It’s too late. He’s too late. The sticky remnants of cheap beer run down his wrist, and it finally registers in his mind that he had crushed the flimsy plastic cup in his hand sometime in between now and then. In a crowded room full of people, he’s left standing there, alone and lonely.
Almost is the worst way to love someone, Yangyang bitterly realizes. It hurts to lose someone you almost love. No, it was never an ‘almost’. He most certainly loved—loves—you. And it should be impossible to lose someone who was never his to begin with, yet he has. All this time, he thought he had you, but it had always been the other way around.
He was your August, he was your everything, and he is yours.
But you will never be his.
You let go of him in August.
1K notes · View notes
fics-n-stuff · 3 years
A Nice Christmas
Thanks to @gayhistorynerd for the prompt, see here (I kind of deviated from it a little maybe a lot but the story still stemmed from this prompt)
Pairing: Wilhelm × Simon
Summary: Wilhelm may have denied being in the sex tape, but that doesn't mean that the world has forgotten. The Christmas break proves to be difficult for both Simon and Wilhelm, one suffering from ongoing harassment and the other feeling completely isolated, and they find that they can't help but be drawn back to each other.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This took me so long to write because I got writer's block right after I started it. This doesn't have a super happy ending because I wanted to try and keep it pretty realistic, but it is pretty sweet and wholesome.
Taglist: @probablyprocrastinatingrightnow @rika90 @angelwilhelm
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Wilhelm had never felt more alone than he did being home for Christmas break. He spent as much time as was physically possible holed up in his bedroom, not wanting to see or talk to anyone, especially not his mother. He hadn’t turned his phone on for three days, he had bitten his nails down to the nailbeds and he hardly had any appetite. The ache in his chest was constant and unyielding.
He lay in the dark most of the time, his curtains closed throughout the day and only sometimes opened at night to let the moonlight in. Besides that, he didn’t have much idea of how time was passing.
He did know that it was Christmas eve though. And it must be the morning because nobody had come to drag him out of his bedroom to join the celebrations. A cursory peek around the curtain confirmed that, as Wilhelm saw that the sun hadn’t even fully risen yet.
A deep breath settled the stone in his stomach, and he reached for his phone with a shaky hand.
When the device turned on it immediately started going crazy with notifications, and Wilhelm felt his heart rate increase with every buzz.
5 messages from August
10 messages from Mamma
2 missed calls from Felice
Wilhelm paused in swiping away the notifications. Felice had called him twice and sent him three messages. He clicked on the message notification, sitting back against the wall and holding in a breath without realising it.
Felice: Hey Wille, how are you feeling being home?
Felice: I just wanted to check in but I can’t get a hold of you, I hope you’re doing alright
Felice: You probably don’t want to talk but you can call or text me whenever you do
Wilhelm sighed. Of all the people that he thought that he could depend on, Felice was the only one that he still had. He swallowed the lump in his throat and called her back.
It rang for a while before she answered, and he’d almost decided to hang up the call when it stopped ringing.
“Wille, good morning.” Felice greeted, cheerful but clearly tired. “Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah, merry Christmas Felice.” Wilhelm replied feebly. His voice was hoarse from disuse.
“Are you alright? Do you want to talk about something?”
“Uhm, I- I don’t know, I just... I don’t know.” He stuttered, wrapping his free arm around himself.
“Okay, well, what are your plans for today?”
“I’m not sure, I haven’t really been talking to anyone. What, uh, what are your plans?”
“Oh, you know, just the usual. We’ll watch Kalle Anka's Jul and play some games before dinner, then we’ll open presents.” She explained. The tinny sound of her voice through the phone was actually quite calming.
“What about for the rest of the break?”
“Um, I’m going to New York to see Maddie for New Year, so that’ll be fun. And I’m going back to Bjärstad on Boxing Day to see Sara. I’m gonna stay there just for one night.”
“So you’ve been talking to Sara a lot then?” Wilhelm questioned, moving to bite at his almost non-existent nails.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Has she said anything about Simon? Do you know if he’s alright?” His words came out more rushed than he had intended. Clearly, he was more eager for some sort of information on Simon than he had thought.
“Um, she hasn’t said much but I think he’s pretty okay.” Felice replied, but it was followed by a small sigh that let Wilhelm know that there was more to the story. “Sara says that things have mostly gone back to normal, but Simon goes out a lot less and she’s had to make her Instagram private. I think they’ve had a few people show up at their house.”
Wilhelm swallowed hard, a feeling of guilt crawling under his skin. Simon’s Instagram account had been private ever since the video had been leaked, so it seemed that now people had found Sara’s too. They had attention on them that they had never signed up for, and Wilhelm knew that it was his fault and he felt terrible for that.
“Okay.” He replied shakily. There was a short silence before Felice spoke again.
“How are you, Wilhelm? Really?” She asked.
“Lonely.” He answered. “Listen, I have to go. I need to take a shower before someone comes demanding that I take part in the Christmas celebrations.”
“Alright well, call me back whenever, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Bye, Felice.”
“Bye, Wille. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.”
Wilhelm ran a hand over his face, letting out a groan of frustration and sadness. Why couldn’t he just be a normal kid?
He stared down at his phone in his lap, gnawing at the nail of his right thumb in contemplation. With a shaking breath and trembling fingers, he picked it back up, opened his conversation with Simon and typed a short message. He dropped his phone in mild panic as soon as he hit send, and rubbed his hand over his chest as he took a deep, steadying breath.
+ + +
“Simon, wake up. Rosh and Ayub will be here soon.” Sara’s voice stirred Simon from his sleep and he rolled over to look at her. She was already dressed.
“What time is it?” He asked with a yawn.
“Nine o’clock. Get up and come help with breakfast.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m getting up.”
Sara rolled her eyes and left the room, and Simon reached out to his bedside table blindly until his hand landed on his phone. He squinted at the screen as he sat up, faltering when he saw the notification on the screen.
Wilhelm: Merry Christmas Simon
He felt his heart race as he stared at the screen, only snapping out of it when he heard Sara shouting at him from downstairs. He blinked, dropped his phone and set about getting dressed.
Every Christmas eve since they were ten, Simon, Sara, Rosh and Ayub would have breakfast together and then go for a long walk. It was tradition for them at this point, but Simon found himself unable to feel excited for it this year. It was all well and good to pretend like life was going on as normal, but it was hard not to feel uncomfortable when people stared at him everywhere he went.
Rosh and Ayub arrived just as he and Sara were finishing up making breakfast, and they exchanged Christmas well-wishes as they sat down to eat.
“You’re being real quiet over there, Simme. You alright?” Ayub asked after a while, and Simon realised that he’d been completely zoned out.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
“About Wilhelm?” Sara questioned. Simon pushed a bite of food into his mouth and shrugged.
“You have to move on, Simon.” Rosh said. “I know you care about him but he’s not worth all the trouble that he comes with.”
“I know. That’s why I ended things.” He replied. “It still sucks though.”
“You’ll get over him eventually.” Sara told him, putting a comforting hand on his for a few seconds before going back to her food. Simon smiled slightly.
He didn’t tell them about the text.
Despite all of that, he was in high spirits when they set out for their walk, happily joking and laughing with his friends, and they made it half an hour before he heard the first comment.
“That’s the guy from the sex tape.” Muttered a girl to her friend as they passed, and Simon felt the smile fall from his face.
“Just ignore them.” Sara told him, wrapping an arm around one of his. He nodded, but it had gotten to him. For the rest of their walk from that point, Simon felt like every person that they passed was looking at him and judging him.
They walked both Rosh and Ayub back to their houses before heading back to theirs just a bit past noon. They had almost gotten home when they were approached by a group of teenagers probably slightly younger than them.
“Are you the guy from that viral sex tape?” One of the boys asked unabashedly, the group coming right up in front of Simon and Sara and blocking their path.
“Uh, I don’t want to talk about that.” Simon replied stiffly, still trying to be polite.
“Oh my god, it is him!” A girl exclaimed.
“Was it actually the crown prince in the video?” Another chimed. Simon felt lightheaded.
“He already said that it wasn’t.” He deflected, trying to sidestep the group.
“Yeah, but there’s a lot of people that don’t actually believe him.” The girl laughed; actually laughed, as if this hadn’t been an earth shattering event for Simon.
“If it wasn’t Prince Wilhelm then who was it in the video?” A boy asked, and that was when Simon spotted the phone filming him and his stomach dropped.
“I’m not discussing my sex life with a bunch of strangers.” He scoffed in disbelief, shouldering his way past the group with Sara close behind him. “Please leave me alone.”
“You could just tell us if it was actually the prince or not.” One of them pressed, the group now following after Simon. “If it wasn’t him then you don’t have anything to hide.”
“Oh my god, did the royal family pay you off? Did they make you sign an NDA!?”
“Were you, like, boyfriends? Or was it just a hookup?”
Simon kept walking, keeping his head down and not answering any of the questions being hurled at him. He could sense that Sara was just as tense beside him. The group followed them for a full block before Simon finally lost his cool and came to a dead stop, turning to face them.
“I’m not going to answer your questions. The fact that you’re following me is not going to make me answer your questions. I’ve had my privacy majorly invaded once already and now you’re invading it again. I’m trying to enjoy Christmas with my sister and you’re chasing me with a camera, I’m sick of people harassing me.” He fumed, making sure to meet the eye of every one of them at some point. “Whatever you choose to believe is not my problem. It doesn’t matter whether you think that the crown prince is telling the truth or you choose to make up some type of theory, I deserve my privacy.”
He didn’t wait for any type of response before he turned around and walked away, thankful to find that they weren’t going to follow him anymore.
“You handled that well.” Sara said quietly once they had turned the next corner. Simon didn’t reply.
When they got home, he went straight upstairs without a word. He slammed his bedroom door shut and buried his face in his pillow, unable to hold the tears back any longer.
By that same evening, the video was viral.
+ + +
I bet that girl was right and the royal family made him sign an NDA
If he didn’t want people to think it was the prince he would have just said that it wasn’t so either the prince was lying or this guy is seeking attention
He’s literally a kid why can’t people just leave him alone??
I don’t care if it was the prince in the tape or not, this guy is hot
The way he said that people are making up theories makes me think that it actually wasn’t the prince in the video
I feel bad for this guy, getting followed around like that must suck
Wilhelm scrolled through the captions and comments on the seemingly endless posts of the video of Simon, feeling like somebody had a vice grip on his heart.
The first time he saw the video had been right after Christmas Eve dinner. He’d had a full blown panic attack and locked himself in the bathroom for half an hour. When he came out, his mother had tried to talk to him about the politics of the situation and he had immediately retreated into his bedroom once again. He missed Erik desperately.
He hadn’t been able to sleep, he'd only gotten about three hours of broken, fitful sleep all night, and now he couldn’t pry himself away from his phone. He knew that it was bad for him, he knew that it was making him feel terrible, but he wanted to know what people were saying.
He had been hesitant to text Simon, especially since he hadn’t received a reply to the merry Christmas text that he had sent in the morning, but in the end he mustered the courage to reach out. He had asked how Simon was doing and apologised for getting him into this situation. He wasn’t surprised when no answer came.
Christmas day was proving to be probably the worst day of Christmas break for Wilhelm. His chest felt like it was bursting open and like it was an empty chasm at the same time. He didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, he didn’t respond to the knocks that came at his door. He felt like he was trapped in a glass box and someone was shaking it.
Wilhelm didn’t know how long he had been scrolling through multiple different social media platforms when his phone buzzed in his hand and an incoming call appeared on the screen. He faltered, sitting up and almost dropping his phone, when he saw that it was Simon. He ran a nervous hand through his hair as he raised the phone to his ear.
“Simon?” He croaked.
“Hi, Wilhelm.” The reply came through the phone, and Wilhelm felt his shoulders relax at the sound of Simon’s voice.
“Hi. H-how are you.” He fumbled, and Simon sighed on the other end.
“I’m okay, I guess. As okay as I can be after... well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry for putting you in this situation.”
“This wasn’t your fault, Wille.” Simon muttered. “I just wish things were different.”
“Why, um... why did you call?” Wilhelm asked. There was a short stretch of silence that rung in his ears before Simon answered.
“I just wanted to hear your voice, I guess.” He confessed, and Wilhelm couldn’t help the soft smile that pulled at his lips. “Honestly, I was kind of surprised that you didn’t delete my number or something.”
“Why would I have done that?”
“I don’t know, I guess I just thought that you weren’t supposed to have any ties with me since you said that it wasn’t you in the video.” Wilhelm winced at that.
“It's not like my contacts list is available to the public.” He replied, trying to keep his tone light. “I’m not gonna let that kind of thing get in my head again.”
“Is your mum mad?” Simon asked, and now it was Wilhelm’s turn to sigh.
“I’m not sure, I kind of shut myself in my room so that I wouldn’t have to deal with her.” He answered tiredly. “How is your family?”
“Uh, shaken. Sara’s off in her own world with her sketchbooks and mamá can’t go for more than an hour without checking on us both, but we’re handling it.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise.”
There was a silence again. Wilhelm ran his hand across his leg, back and forth in a soothing motion, not sure what he should say but not wanting the conversation to finish. In the end, Simon spoke first.
“Did you mean it, what you said before you left for the break?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, I did.” Wilhelm answered without hesitation. “I know it wasn’t a good time to say it, and you probably didn’t want to hear it, but I just had to say it out loud. At least once.”
Silence again. Wilhelm heard Simon sigh, and pursed his lips nervously.
“I miss you.” Simon said.
“I miss you too.” Wilhelm replied with a nervous yet relieved chuckle. “I miss you a lot.”
Another pause.
“Where do we go from here, Wille?” Simon whispered.
“I don’t know.” Wilhelm mumbled. “But I... I want to fix this. Or at least just try to fix it. You don’t deserve to be harassed like this, and it’s my fault and I feel terrible.”
“It’s not your fault.” Simon reassured with a sigh. “It was everything else. We still didn’t do anything wrong, and that includes you.”
“No, I did. I promised we would be in this together and I broke that promise.”
“I understand why you did it. And I’m not mad at you. Honestly, having thought about it, you probably made the best decision for my sake too. I mean, I’m getting harassed enough as it is already. I can’t imagine what it would be like if you had told the truth.”
“I’m still sorry anyway.” Wilhelm said softly, and Simon chuckled. “So, um, Felice told me she was visiting Bjärstad tomorrow.”
“Yeah, her and Sara have gotten close. It’s nice, you know, that Sara’s made friends. And Felice is cool.”
“Yeah, she’s great.”
There was silence again, and Wilhelm bit at his nails thinking that Simon was done with the conversation.
“Are you alright, Wille?” Simon asked after a while. “I know this is your first Christmas without Erik, and I guess things with your mum might be a little... well, I just hope you’re okay.”
Wilhelm swallowed. He could lie, pretend he was fine and wave away Simon’s concerns, but he knew the lie probably wouldn’t hold up. Or he could tell the truth and admit how painfully lonely he was, how much he hated being home because the palace felt empty without Erik and how much he longed to be with Simon with every fibre of his being.
“I’m coping.” He sighed, settling for a middle ground of vagueness. “It’s lonely here. The ceilings feel too high.”
“Have you had stuff to do?”
“No, not really. I haven’t really been in the mood for Christmas, but I guess none of us are particularly festive this year anyway.”
“Would you - I mean, if you would even be allowed to, but maybe if you could – would you want to come down here for a day?” Simon asked, and Wilhelm could just picture him fidgeting nervously as he stumbled over his words. The image brought a smile to his face.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He answered softly. “I’ll try and convince my parents.”
+ + +
Going to Simon’s house had been an absolute no go with his parents. “Just too risky” his mother had said. However, with enough persistence, he managed to wear them down to a compromise.
That was how he ended up in a car on his way back to Hillerska the day after Boxing Day. While Simon’s house had been absolutely off the table, it would be easy enough to get back to Hillerska without being seen. The only people who were there during the break were security and the people who came to take care of the horses.
He had been worried at first that the inconvenience of it would make Simon not want to bother, but when he texted to ask if it was okay he had been met with a quick agreement.
A security guard unlocked the door for him when they arrived, sworn to secrecy of course, and he headed up to his room to wait. He didn’t realise he was biting his nails until there was a knock at the door and he was knocked out of his anxious thoughts.
The door opened slowly, and Wilhelm felt like all of the air was knocked out of his body when he saw Simon step inside, dressed in his beloved purple hoodie under the coat that he took off and draped over the back of a chair that was within reach. The door clicked shut behind him, and silence hung in the air.
“Hey.” Simon greeted finally, and Wilhelm took a deep breath as if he was just remembering how to breathe at all.
“Hey.” He echoed. “How are you?”
“Better.” Simon nodded. “Did you get into a fight with your parents?”
“Yeah, kinda.” Wilhelm muttered. “It’s fine though.”
Simon crossed the room and took a seat beside Wilhelm on the edge of the bed, a good few inches of space between them. It felt like miles.
“You look tired.” Simon commented.
“I’ve been having a hard time sleeping.” Wilhelm replied weakly, eyes downcast, fidgeting with his hands. “I get that way sometimes. It’s fine.”
“Is it?”
He looked over to find Simon watching him, and he practically crumbled under his gaze. He took a very unsteady breath and shook his head.
“No, it sucks.” He mumbled. His hand drifted back up to his mouth and he gnawed on the nail of his thumb nervously.
“Wille, you’re bleeding.” Simon said, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away from his mouth. Wilhelm looked down at his thumb and saw a bit of blood pooling in the side of the nailbed, becoming aware of the taste of it on his tongue.
“Oh, I didn’t notice.”
“How much have you been biting your nails?” Simon questioned, pulling Wilhelm’s hand towards him to get a look at them. Every nail was jagged and uneven, bitten down to stubs. The skin around them had been bitten at too.
“I don’t know, I do it without realising.” Wilhelm shrugged. “Probably a lot.” He resisted the urge to curl his fingers around Simon’s hand and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.
“You shouldn’t have to bottle everything in, you’re destroying yourself.” Simon murmured.
“I don’t have anyone to talk to.” Wilhelm’s voice broke halfway through his sentence, a single tear managing to fight its way from his eye. “I used to be able to talk to Erik about at least some of it but now he’s gone and I don’t have anyone, and sometimes it feels like the ground is falling out from under me and I just don’t know what to do.”
He didn’t notice that he was hyperventilating until Simon pulled him into his arms. Wilhelm’s chest was tight, rising and falling rapidly against Simon’s body. Simon's arms were wrapped around him tightly, and Wilhelm was suddenly overwhelmed with how much he had been craving a hug as his hands grasped at the back of Simon’s hoodie and he hid his face in the crook of Simon’s neck.
Wilhelm had always been told not to cry. Ever since he was a child, whenever he began to cry he was told to stop. The seed had planted itself in him when he was very young, but the fear of letting himself cry didn’t truly grow until he once saw an article in a tabloid. He was barely eleven and he had fallen and hurt himself at an event. He had hardly cried, just a few tears and red cheeks, but the tabloid had had plenty to say about it. He hadn’t let himself properly cry since, except for when Erik died. Even then, he had waited until he was completely alone before he let his weakness show. But now, with Simon, he felt an overwhelming need to let his tears fall.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into Simon’s shoulder. He could feel the tears coming out of his eyes but they weren’t falling down his face, instead absorbing into the fabric of Simon’s hoodie.
“It’s okay.” Simon soothed, a hand moving up to stroke over the Wilhelm’s hair.
“I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be a prince.”
“I know.”
“I just wanted to feel normal. Just for once.” Wilhelm said through his tears. “You made me feel normal.”
Simon furrowed his eyebrows, sympathetic. He loosened his hold on Wilhelm and leaned back, sliding the hand that was on the back of Wilhelm’s head forward to rest against his cheek.
“You made me feel normal too.” He replied softly. “At school I was a social outcast because I’m not rich, and at home I have to take care of my mom and Sara. When I was with you, I didn’t feel like I had to take care of anyone or watch where I was stepping. Well, except that one night.” Wilhelm huffed a slight laugh at the comment, lifting a hand to wipe the tears off of his cheeks. “I’ve never seen you cry before.” Simon commented.
“I’m not supposed to.” Wilhelm replied with an awkward chuckle, his head tipping forward in embarrassment. Simon sighed through his nose and lightly touched his forehead to Wilhelm’s.
“You have to cry sometimes, Wille. Everyone cries.”
“I’m not supposed to be everyone.”
“Okay, but sometimes you need to stop worrying about what you’re supposed to be.” Simon told him. “I know you know that.”
Wilhelm took a deep breath. This close to Simon’s face, he could feel his breathing too. He wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t know if that would be okay. He nodded slightly, covering Simon’s hand on his cheek with his own.
“Yeah.” He breathed.
When Simon leaned forward and connected their lips Wilhelm responded automatically, though it took his brain a few seconds to catch up. Once his brain did catch up, his hand took hold of the back of Simon’s neck and pulled him impossibly closer, holding onto this moment like it was his last. Maybe it would be the last time he got to kiss Simon; he couldn’t know. He hoped it wouldn’t be.
“Thanks for coming to see me.” Simon said when they broke apart.
“Thanks for wanting to see me at all.” Wilhelm replied. “I really missed you.”
Simon hummed, a faint smile playing at his lips. He watched Wilhelm for a few moments before kicking off his shoes.
“Come here.” He said, shuffling over the bed towards the wall. Wilhelm followed suit and allowed himself to be guided down to a lying position, Simon’s chest against his back and arm around his waist. “You need to sleep.”
“It’s the middle of the day.” Wilhelm protested, weak as the protest may have been.
“People have naps all the time, and you know that you need it.” Simon said firmly, adjusting the pillow under his head with his free arm and finding Wilhelm's hand to hold in the other. “It doesn’t have to be for long, okay?”
“Okay.” Wilhelm nodded, feeling suddenly very relaxed. He took a deep breath settling into the comfort and warmth of Simon’s body around his as his eyes fell shut. “This is nice.” He mumbled after a while.
“Yeah.” Simon agreed softly. “Go to sleep, Wille.”
It wasn’t long until he felt Wilhelm’s breathing change, signifying that he had fallen asleep. He smiled, fondly but with an edge of sadness to it, and pressed a light kiss to Wilhelm’s shoulder before closing his own eyes. They would deal with the rest of the world when they woke up.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.1
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
Beautiful artwork was created by @starstruck-loner​! THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEETIE I LOVE IT!!!
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Snow freckled the chilly January day lightly, like powdered sugar over a freshly baked pastry, sticking to each layer effortlessly and creating a blanket that completely covered the woods and the cabin nested between the trees. The atmosphere was still and stiff, like frozen icicles that were not going to start dripping any time soon. The air was bitter and unwelcoming, which was probably why no living thing was outside today. Today was the perfect day to burrow and sleep and keep warm with your own body heat.
A crack through space-time cut through the air. The crushing of tiny ice particles followed as two twelve-year-olds ran, one chasing the other, as the time-tape was heating up and buzzing. “This thing is getting hotter! Hot! Hot, hot, hot!” Mabel attempted to save her palms from burns by bouncing the tiny machine between her hands.
“What are you doing?!” Dipper demanded as Mabel bounced the tape-measure too hard and her twin reached a hand to catch it. He managed to catch it perfectly, like an athlete catching a baseball, and then was gone in a flash of baby-blue lightning.
Mabel’s eyes widened in sheer panic and she held her arms as a gust of wind blew and nearly froze her to her core. It felt like her skin was being pricked by mean sewing needles. She looked around wildly for her brother, for him to come back to this time and place immediately, because surely he would use the time machine to come back, but seconds ticked by and she was still alone.
Puffs of smoke decorated the wintry scene as she held her shivering body and looked at the shack. It wasn’t as colorful and welcoming and loud as the shack Mabel remembered, but she made herself consider that it was because there was no big sign or tourist-y things, and it was winter. Then a light turned on, the hall if Mabel remembered her summer home correctly, and the door opened.
The hope that Mabel had in her chest of seeing her great-uncle was gone, and replaced with fear and confusion. This man looked very much like Stan, though much younger, quite chubby and youthful, wearing a black t-shirt and blue plaid pajama-pants. He had the same face as a young-Stan, but with a more pink than orange nose, a cleft chin, fluffier hair that reminded Mabel of her’s when it was short, and different glasses. 
Mabel didn’t know what to do or how to react or how to feel. People change a lot when they age, sure, but this much? It was possible this person wasn’t Stan, but who else would look so similar to him and live in this house? Maybe this is the guy who lived here before Stan, and they just happen to look very similar. This is Gravity Falls, and though she and Dipper were still new to the town, it was a weird place where something like this could happen.
It also came to Mabel how odd the situation was for the man: a little girl was standing in a sweater and skirt outside his house in the winter. Would he try to send her home? She had no home to go to. She didn’t know what year this was, but if it was a time Stan didn’t live here, it must have been way before she was born, maybe even before her parents met. She was stranded.
But the man looked at her sympathetically and he seemed kind and worried. He grabbed a trenchcoat and called gently, “Hello. Are you okay?”
Mabel bit her lip. His voice was definitely not Grunkle Stan’s. A gust of wind made her shiver and her teeth chatter, and the man stepped into some slippers and walked up to her, draping the trenchcoat over her shoulders. “There there, that’s a very nice sweater, but it doesn’t seem to be keeping you warm, is it?”
“N-No.” Mabel shivered. “I… I used breathable yarn for…” She stopped. She was going to say how she used breathable yarn for the warm California weather, but she decided not to.
“You used?” The man repeated, rubbing her shoulders to try to make the trenchcoat work faster. “You made this?”
Mabel saw his excited grin and she smiled nervously. “Y-Yeah. I knit sweaters.”
The man bent his knees in front of her and studied her sweater. She held out an arm so he could see and his brown eyes sparkled. “That’s very impressive! I love sweaters!”
Mabel gasped happily. “C-C-Can I m-make you one?!”
The man looked taken back, but chuckled and stood. “Of course, but first let’s get you warm. How does hot chocolate sound?”
“Y-Yes, p-p-please.” Mabel shivered, and allowed the man to walk her into the house.
It was scaringly like the Mystery Shack, but so much was different. It was the same layout, the same house, but there was so much that was different. A coat rack stood by the door, holding a white lab coat with black rubber gloves in the pocket, some safety goggles like the ones in Mabel’s science classes, and Stan’s fez. Mabel stared at it. Well, okay it probably wasn’t Stan’s fez, but it was a maroon fez with a golden fish and a black tassle. 
There was a wood-burning stove alive in the living room, with a small box full of wood by it and a tiny stool. Instead of Grunkle Stan’s armchair, there was a red-velvet couch, a large writing desk, and the room was decorated with books, desks, papers, and jars and experiments. It was all strange, but warm and cozy with the fire going.
Mabel smiled as the man pulled out the tiny stool and gestured for her to sit by the stove. She obeyed and the coat was removed from her shoulders, but quickly replaced with a dark-green blanket.
“There, do you mind warming up here while I make your hot chocolate?” He asked, draping his trenchcoat over his arm.
Mabel shook her head and held her cold hands in front of the stove. “Thank you.”
The man smiled. “You’re welcome.” And he turned and left for where Mabel knew the kitchen was.
Sitting alone and feeling better as her body was getting warm, Mabel thought it all over. This man was clearly not her Grunkle Stan, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t nice or couldn’t help her. Any minute Dipper was going to come back for her, but until then she had to stay where she was. That’s what grown-ups told her to do if she was ever lost. Stay where you are until you’re found.
By the time Mabel was very comfortable, the man returned with two mugs of steaming hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, and handed one to the girl. “Here you are, my dear.”
“Thank you, sir.” Mabel sipped and hummed in delight as the man sat on the floor next to her.
“You’re very welcome.” He sipped his drink and added, “Now then, I have to ask, what were you doing out there? Did you get lost?”
Mabel’s face dropped and she nodded. “Uh, huh.”
“Hm, very well. That can easily happen when playing on a snow day.” The man said with a smile. “Why don’t I call our parents and we can arrange to have you back home safe?”
Mabel swallowed nervously. She bit her lip, looking down at her mug. She didn’t know what to say to that.
The man looked at her and noticed how scared she was. “Is something wrong?”
Mabel looked up at him, was met with a kind face, and whimpered, “I can’t call them.”
The man smiled sympathetically. “I’m sure you won’t get into too much trouble. Maybe a little, but it’s for the best to call them so we can get you home soon.”
Mabel shook her head and squeezed her stinging eyes shut. “They’re… not around.”
The man’s face dropped as Mabel scrubbed at her eyes. “Oh. I’m so sorry.”
Mabel only replied with a sniff and she sipped her hot chocolate.
“Is there someone I can call for you?” The man asked. “I’m sure there’s someone out there worried about you.”
Mabel bit her lip. “M-My brother… He’s still out there…”
“Is he lost, too?”
Mabel shrugged.
“Well,” The man held his cleft chin in thought. “I’m sure he’s out there looking for you. Perhaps then you should wait here until he comes here, and then we can send you to your guardian.”
“It’s just us.” Mabel muttered. “Just us.”
The man smiled. Mabel hoped he believed her brother was much older than her, or at least old enough to take care of her. That way she wasn’t really lying, just letting this man believe what he wanted to believe. Nothing wrong with that. “Okay. Still, you may stay here until he finds you.”
Mabel sniffed and wiped her nose with her sweater sleeve. “Thank you, sir.”
“Please, call me Ford.” He said and held out a hand to her.
Mabel smiled and shook his hand. “I’m Mabel.”
“Mabel, huh? That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thanks.” She looked down at their hands and her eyes widened. One, two, three, four, five, s-...
Ford pulled his hand free, his cheeks reddening as he sipped his hot chocolate, but Mabel was grinning at him happily and she gasped with joy, “You have six fingers?!”
Ford blinked at her, reminding Mabel of a startled owl, and he cleared his throat. “Um, y-yes. It’s a birth defect.”
“Nuh, huh! It’s cool! Can I see, please?” Mabel sat her mug on the floor by her feet.
The researcher didn’t like people staring at his hands, but this young girl wanted to look, it appears, in admiration, so Ford hesitantly gave her his hands and she held them lovingly, her eyes sparkling like stars.
“Wow! That’s neat! No wonder your hand shake was so friendly! It’s a whole finger friendlier than normal!” Mabel was then reminded that Dipper’s journal had a six-fingered hand on it.
The girl’s eyes widened as she wondered if she was meeting Dipper’s idol. It was possible. The journal Dipper had dated it in the 80s, and Dipper said that the author mysteriously disappeared. As exciting as it was to meet the Author of the Journals, all it did was put Mabel more at ease. If anyone can help her, he can.
Ford laughed and gave her hands a soft squeeze. “I like you! You’re weird.”
Mabel grinned, distracted from her thoughts and grateful for it. “I like you, too, Ford!”
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Should've just asked - Part 2 - Oscar Diaz
One week, seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds, since he fucked everything up with y/n. Threw it all away because his own insecurities got the better off him, all because he didn't just ask.
He hadn't seen sad eyes since that day either, leaving him alone to stew in his own bubble of self pity. He hadn't left his home since that day, instead opting to send Cesar to the store when something was needed or delegating his Santo's jobs to other members. The bags that y/n and Sad eyes had left behind in the mall sitting against the wall opposite him, mocking him with their bright colours and smiling logos, he'd looked through them as soon as he'd gotten home, each one filled with balloons, banners, anything you would need to through a birthday, even a badge that read 'birthday king' in big bold letters.
Today was his birthday, his 26th, a day where he should've been out in the yard celebrating with one of his famous Santo's parties with the love of his life by his side but instead he was sat in an empty house, bar his younger brother, wallowing in a pit of self pity.
"You still sulking?" Cesar asked as he watched his brother stare at the blank space by his feet, interrupting his pity party.
"Fuck off." He muttered, reaching for the half smoked joint that had been abandoned in the ashtray an hour ago.
"It's been a week Oscar, you can't sit around moping all the time, yeah you fucked up, I get it, but sitting here isn't helping anything." Cesar sighed, this past week he'd seen a side of his older brother that he couldn't remember seeing before, sad and bitchy Spooky was not a pretty sight.
"You don't get shit." Oscar sighed as he lit his joint, breathing in the smoke before exhaling slowly. "I fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me, to us, I lost mi amor Cesar." He mumbled, his eyes filling with tears that he rapidly tried to blink back.
"I know, I know I've never had anything like what you and y/n have, how about we go to the mall? I need some new trainers for school." Cesar asked, watching Oscars face carefully.
"Can't you take your little groupie with you?" Oscar muttered, stubbing out his joint in the ashtray before leaning back and covering his eyes with his arm.
"Please Oscar, it'll help get your mind of shit." Cesar tried again, desperate to get Oscar out of the house and the hole he was currently wallowing in.
"Fine." He sighed, pulling himself up and heading towards the door, missing Cesar pull out his phone and send a quick text.
He's out.
Just down the street y/n grinned as her phone dinged, the text she'd been waiting for finally coming through.
"Hey Sad eyes!" She called into the spare room where he had been staying for the last week, opting to stay and comfort the upset girl rather than spending nights in his own bed.
"What's up?" He asked as he opened the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Were you seriously sleeping at 2 in the afternoon?" She asked with an amused smile. "Anyway, Cesar's managed to get Oscar out the house so I'm heading over there now, you coming?" She asked with a smile, excited yet nervous at the thought of seeing Oscar again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, just give me two minutes." The man grumbled before going back into the room.
Yes, y/n was still pissed about how Oscar had acted a week ago, calling her out for being a cheat in the middle of the mall after doing nothing more than planning his birthday. But at the same time the last week had been hell, she'd received multiple texts and missed calls from Oscar, all apologising for that day, for making a fool out of all three of them. No matter how badly he had embarrassed her that day he was still the only thing in her heart, the love of her life and she was determined not to throw it all away, they had fixed every other problem that had arose in their relationship and they was going to fix this too. Which is why her and Sad eyes were currently on their way to the Diaz household, ready to throw him the most surprising surprise party there ever was.
"Alright, you start to put the food out and I'll get started with the decorations." Y/n smiled as she went over to the bags sat against the wall, the same ones that her and Sad eyes had gotten at the mall. "I'm surprised he didn't throw this out." She mused, digging through the bags to find the balloons.
"I've told you, the guys borderline obsessed with you." Sad eyes laughed from the kitchen.
An hour later and everything was set up, banners covered the walls, balloons floated through the house and yard alike while the food and drinks tables looked immaculate, thanks to Ruby's help.
Everything was in full swing, music blasting, drinks in people's hands as she received yet another text that she was waiting for.
2 minutes out.
"Alright! Everyone be quiet, he's just coming!" Y/n yelled, the music being cut and the loud laughter turning to hushed murmurs as her nerves grew knowing Oscar was just about to walk through the doors.
The loud slamming of the front door caught everyone's attention as they stood anxiously waiting for the Santos leader, the faint 'what the fuck is this?' Making her chuckle only being able to imagine how confused Oscar must have looked right then.
"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as Oscar and Cesar appeared at the back door, Cesar sporting a grin as Oscars wide eyes roamed the crowd before landing on y/n.
"You did this?" He asked quietly, not yet making a move as his mind tried to decide whether this was real, if she really was stood right in front of him.
"Well." She smiled bashfully. "I had some help." She shrugged as Sad Eyes came from round the corner with two coronas in his hands.
"Happy birthday Spooky." He smiled, holding a bottle out for Oscar to take, smiling and clinking their bottles together once Oscar took one.
"Aye, listen man, I'm, uh, I'm sorry about hitting you, the other day." Oscar sighed, feeling weird having to apologise for punching someone who was basically his brother.
"No worries Spook." Sad eyes chuckled patting his brother on the shoulder. "Now go get your girl." He smirked, nodding towards y/n who was stood a few feet away talking to Cesar and Jamal.
"Hey, uh, can we talk?" Oscar asked walking up to her and rubbing the back of his neck from the nerves.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled, feeling her heart beating through her chest as she looked up into his eyes.
They were both stood staring at each other before Cesar clearing his throat pulled them out of whatever trance they were in.
"Hey Jamal how about we go find Ruby?" Cesar asked, raising his eyebrows at Jamal who just didn't seem to get the hint.
"What? Why? We see him all the time." The young boy shrugged, oblivious to the scowls he was receiving from the Diaz brothers and the amused look from y/n.
"Beat it." Oscar deadpanned, smirking as Jamal quickly turned and walked away leaving Cesar to follow with a chuckle.
"Was there any need for that?" Y/n giggled as she turned back to Oscar, looking up at him with an amused glint in her eye.
"Kid doesn't know when to take a hint." Oscar shrugged, not seeing the issue in how he spoke to Jamal in the slightest.
"Yeah well, he is Jamal." Y/n shrugged with a laugh. "Anyway, what was it you wanted to say?" She asked remembering why the Santo had come to her in the first place.
"I uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, ya know, for blowing up on you the other day, I know how stupid I was being and I called you out for bullshit you didn't even do." Oscar sighed, his hand that wasn't holding his beer clenching and unclenching at his side as he tried to find the right words. "Just uh, just the thought that you were out with some other cabrón made me see red, I didn't even think to ask, I just wanted to punch whoever it was in the face." He spoke quietly, y/n only just hearing him over the music that had started up again.
"Oscar, you're right, it was stupid." She snorted making Oscars heart drop his eyes going straight to the floor, it was too late. "But." She started, making his eyes flick back up to her immediately. "But I love you Oscar Diaz, I love you so fucking much that this last week has been killing me. I don't know what to do when I'm not with you Oscar, and I don't ever want to have to do that again." She sighed, a lone tear a sliding down her cheek which he quickly reached up to wipe away.
"I love you too mi amor, I know I get jealous and over protective but that's only because I don't want any one taking you away from me, not now, not ever." He mumbled shaking his head slightly before putting his bottle down on the nearest table.
"I know, baby, I know." Y/n smiled, reaching up taking his face in her hands, thumbs rubbing along his jawline gently. "You know if the roles were reversed I would've done much more to any hyna I thought was coming for you." She giggled, already having thrown hands with one before.
"Trust me, I remember, that shit was hot." Oscar chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers slid from his face to going around his neck, opting to rub the bottom of his neck rather than jaw line.
"Now what?" Y/n asked, her eyes flickering between his.
"What do you want?" Oscar asked quietly, not wanting to push her into anything that she didn't want.
"What do I want? I want you Oscar Diaz, I want you everyday for the rest of my life, jealousy and temper included." She laughed as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Good." Oscar smirked down at her. "Because I ain't never letting you go." He whispered, pulling her towards him, leaning down and planting his lips on hers for the first time in a week.
"I love you Oscar." She mumbled happily, resting her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her back.
"I love you too mi amor." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead and squeezing her tight.
"Also, watching you punch sad eyes in the face really turned me on." She mumbled with a laugh as she felt Oscar tense slightly.
"Is that right?" He chuckled, looking down at her. "Well it's been a week, we best take care of that." He laughed before pulling away and lifting her over his shoulder before heading into the house landing a swift smack to her backside.
"Woo! Spookys gunna get some!" Was heard as he carried her through to the bedroom, both of them laughing as he threw her onto the bed.
"You're so perfect mi Reina." Oscar whispered leaning over her as he stroked a few stray hairs out of her face.
"If anyone's perfect here it's you." Y/n smiled letting her eyes wonder his beautiful features. "Just promise me something." She mumbled after placing a quick peck to his lips.
"Anything." He answered immediately, ready to give anything and everything to make her happy.
"Next time, just ask." She giggled as he rolled his eyes.
"Putá." He mumbled as he leaned down for a slow kiss.
"But you love me anyway." She whispered.
"Always mi amor."
One week without seeing each other.
Seven days without so much as a smile.
168 hours without a kiss.
10080 minutes without an 'I love you'.
604800 seconds without each other.
One surprise party to fix it all.
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marginalmadness · 4 years
Summer Nights: 2/4
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Pairing: Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N
Rating: Mature (later explicit)
Genre: Hybrid!Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Synopsis: A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long…will it?
Warnings/Tags: This chapter involves Jungkook going into heat.
Author’s Note: If I called @johobi​ patient before, I fucked up the tenses to bad in this chapter, it took her HOURS to fix. But she approved of the chapter which I’m happy about because this is the one I was most worried about. Jungkook Goes into heat in this chapter, and I hope nobody wants to kill me when they finish it.  Chapter 3 is only a week away! <3
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Tags: @kookiebunny97​ @mintyrae​ @skswriting​ 
Word Count: 5.6K
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. The events depicted here are entirely of my own imagining, and have no basis on actual people or events.
I hope everyone is enjoying BE, and Life Goes On.
Summer Nights: Chapter Two
The next morning is the first day of your new-new normal. You wake to the sound of music coming from the living room. You pull yourself to your feet, shuffling from your bed to find the sourc
The next morning is the first day of your new-new normal. You wake to the sound of music coming from the living room. You pull yourself to your feet, shuffling from your bed to find the source of the enchanting sound. To your shock and delight, you find Jungkook hopping around the kitchen happily, ears and hair bouncing as he sings along to the radio and prepares pancakes. His voice is divine. You stand there enraptured, caught under his spell. He drops the spatula in fright when he turns to find you leaning against the wall, watching him silently.
 “Please continue,” you urge him. But he shakes his head, blushing and hiding behind his ears. “Your voice is so pretty. Please?” you coax, stepping towards him. Jungkook considers you from behind his ears for a second. Then, tentatively, he picks up the spatula and resumes his song while he washes it clean.
 From that day onwards, he wakes you each morning the same way, voice drifting through the bedroom door he leaves slightly ajar. There’s always a stack of warm, fluffy pancakes waiting for you in the kitchen, and beside it a bowl of yogurt-drizzled fruit. As soon as you’re seated, Jungkook extends a freshly brewed cup of breakfast tea to you. You eat together in the early morning light, the radio playing in the background. And while you get ready for work, Jungkook cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. 
 Domestic heaven. 
At the end of your work day, you come home and thank God he’s still there. Sometimes he’s typing away on your laptop. Jungkook signed up as a freelance transcriber as a way to make money while staying with you. It was something to do while you were at work, too, restless soul that he is.  Sometimes, though, you come home to find him flopped on his side in a patch of sun, having a nap as a bunny. 
You cook dinner together now. Well, when you say together, you mean you take his direction, since Jungkook is a much better cook than you. He uses some of his free time to look up recipes he thinks you’ll like. 
It’s ridiculously heartwarming. 
After dinner, as is your routine, you split the washing up and curl up together to watch some Netflix. On the days you do all the washing up, Jungkook doesn’t fight you for control of the TV. 
You still tease him over the first and only time you watched a horror movie. The first jump-scare forced him into rabbit form and he leapt into your lap in fright. Jungkook spent the entire movie there, shivering. And the rest of the night he spent pressed against your side in a tight, furry ball. Of course, the next day he insisted he wasn’t that scared, he just didn’t want to bother you by transforming back and forth.
He did a similar thing when you were watching a sappy romantic movie, but you don’t tease him about that. The second you noticed him sniffling at the lovers’ separation, he turned into a rabbit and hopped off his chair and over to you. You expected him to come cuddle, but he scrambled onto the back of the sofa and situated himself by your head instead. Every time there was a particularly romantic moment, he would nudge you with his nose and tickle you with his whiskers. And when he was feeling particularly bold, he’d grip your shoulder with his front claws and rub his chin over your cheek and neck. It tickled so much it made you squirm. 
After extricating yourself from his clutches, a quick search on the internet told you that rabbits do this to mark their territory. You have trouble looking him in the eye the rest of that day. You know he’s attracted to you; have done since that first night. But he’s been ever so respectful. For some reason, the thought of him marking you as his makes your skin flush and burn.
Shopping for groceries is an experience, too. Jungkook skips around the store, picking multiple things up, asking you if you like them before throwing them in the shopping cart. It doesn’t matter whether you need them or not, just if you like it. That’s good enough for Bun. He’s so happy and energetic, his smile wide and eyes sparkling until you bend over into a freezer to pick up some ice cream. When you turn back, Jungkook is clinging to the cart, his eyes wide and entire body stock-still. All but his foot as it wildly pounds the ground.
“You okay, Bun?” you ask with a tilt of your head. His mouth drops open into a shape as round as his eyes. Mimicking you, Jungkook tilts his head before blinking and shaking it. And then he coughs, practically vibrates, before muttering something about cereal and running off in the opposite direction of the cereal. 
Ever since that peculiar day, Jungkook has insisted on going grocery shopping alone. Something about getting out of the house and becoming more independent. But he blushes and averts his eyes as he says it, foot tapping wildly until he kicks over a plant pot. He cleans up the mess without another word, chewing on one of its stricken leaves and purposefully avoiding your eyes for the rest of the day.
Your weekends become different too. Before Bun arrived, you’d spent them relaxing after your work week, alone and in peace. Now you have a tiny, demanding rabbit that follows you around your apartment, tripping you up. And now you also have a fully grown, demanding man. A roommate - for lack of a better word - with which to do things. Now you have Saturday walks in the park and Sunday brunches. Imagine that.
 Jungkook is incredibly physical. Forever moving, rarely still, bouncing from foot to foot, wiggling when excited. When you praise him, he claps and dances. The day you get a promotion at work, he hugs you so tightly, lifting you up and spinning you in the air because he’s simply that happy. He binkies about in excitement just as much as he did in bunny form, long hair and floppy ears bouncing wildly as his eyes crinkle in happiness, sending things flying in his excitement. You’ve already replaced one particular lamp three times.
But then Jungkook starts marking his territory in human form, too.
You’re chopping something for dinner on some nondescript day when Jungkook approaches you from behind, hands sliding gently over your hips. You could shake him off easily if you wanted to. But you find yourself not wanting to. His chin rests on your shoulder as though he’s just watching you work, but then the subtle rub starts. Across your shoulder and into the crook of your neck, until an involuntary shudder runs down your spine. It snaps Jungkook back to his senses and he pulls away.
The day everything changed was the day from hell. Work had been awful, just one fuck up after another. None of which were even your fault, but all of which you were expected to fix.
You come home to a tidy apartment, subtle scented candles burning and soft music playing. Jungkook is in the kitchen cooking, and you’re sure the ingredients you can smell are ones he’s shopped for today.
“Welcome home.” He smiles over his shoulder at you. “Dinner is almost done if you want to get washed up.” He turns back to stir the pan on the stove. When you walked through the front door you were on the verge of tears. Now your eyes are misting up for the complete opposite reason.
You drag your sorry ass over to him and practically collapse against his wide, strong back, wrapping your arms around his tiny waist like he often does you.
“Thank you,” you practically sob into his shirt, screwing your eyes closed in an effort to not actually cry. You try to keep the emotion out of your voice but Jungkook knows you well enough to sense you’re upset by something. He immediately switches off the stove burners and turns to wrap his arms tightly around you, holding you without a second thought.
 “What is it? What’s wrong?” he asks, voice full of concern. Large, strong hands brush the hair back from your face.
 “I just had a really shit day, and you just—” You turn, arms flailing, motioning to the clean apartment and dinner on the stove. Jungkook nods in understanding. “—you made it all better.” His eyes go round as he blinks at you in shock, before melting into something warm. He tucks your hair behind your ears and tilts your head as he moves in, as though he were going to kiss you. Your eyes flutter closed as his nose brushes yours, but his lips never touch yours. “What’s this?” you ask in a whisper, blinking your eyes open to find him smiling at you softly.
 “A rabbit thing,” he says simply, resting his forehead against yours with a soft grunt of air. It doesn’t quite reach a growl. You know it's a rabbit thing; you researched. But you didn’t expect it in human form.
 “Okay.” You don’t push, don’t demand an explanation for a deeper meaning, just accept the affection from him. You lean in and brush your nose against his in return, causing him to gasp and grunt again, hand moving from your face to your waist. It lingers there for a few seconds before Jungkook gently, physically, pushes you away, his large eyes looking bigger than usual. His pupils are blown out, almost entirely black. Breath comes from his parted lips in short pants and huffs.
 “You should get cleaned up while I finish dinner,” he says softly, stepping backwards. There’s an arm’s length of space between you now. You nod at him, hands finding his, giving him a squeeze as you back out of the kitchen. You don’t let go until the space between you is too far for your fingertips to touch. His eyes don’t leave you until you’re completely out of sight.
 You close the door quietly, leaning your forehead against it and taking slow, deep, grounding breaths, trying to calm the racing of your heart. What was that? Sure, it isn’t the first time he’s done it; he did it on the night he transformed and kissed you. Somehow, though, it felt as intimate as him kissing you again. Is it wrong to feel this way towards Jungkook? He’s your Bun, your charge; you’re his caretaker. Are you taking advantage of him? Is he only acting like this because he’s thankful to you for taking care of him?
 You push off and away from the door, feeling heavy. It’s almost like there’s a rope connecting you to Jungkook and forever pulling you towards him. You change out of your work clothes into something more comfortable. If that more comfortable thing happens to be something just a little clingy in certain, flattering places, and it makes you feel pretty, then you tell yourself you need the ego boost after the day you had. It has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to look good for Jungkook. You head to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your hair into something more relaxed before returning to the kitchen. And Jungkook.
 “Nope!” Jungkook yells, stopping you before you can even enter the kitchen, two strong hands taking you by the shoulders, turning you around and practically marching you towards the living room. You pout over your shoulder at him, but he’s just grinning and laughing at your pouty face. You slump onto the sofa and he leans over the back of it, hovering over you, his eyes crinkling as he laughs musically. Ever so carefully he takes you by the jaw, rubbing his chin over your head, tilting you to the side so he can whisper in your ear.
 “Sit and relax, I’ll bring you dinner.” His voice is light and full of joy.
 You sit and pout, grabbing the remote to put some music on. At the exact moment you drop it back to the table, a bowl of food is placed in front of you. You blink up at a grinning Jungkook as he retreats eagerly to the kitchen, presumably for drinks. His enthusiasm is infectious. You pick up the bowl of pasta, twirling your fork in the creamy sauce and noodles, and take a big bite. It’s delicious. Delicious enough to have you moaning with pleasure and sliding back against the couch.
 “Kookie, this is amazing!” you groan, licking the sauce from your lips.
 Jungkook stares at you, eyes wide, focused on your tongue as it slides along your lips. You hadn’t even realised he’d come back from the kitchen. He places a glass of wine on the table in front of you, ducking his head and hiding behind his ears as he shuffles to his spot on the sofa, bowl in hand. You watch him slyly out of the corner of your eye. His face is so red, so glowing you can almost feel the heat radiating from it. “I made it,” he says, still staring intently at his food. “I found a recipe online I thought you would like.”
 “From scratch?” you ask, amazed. He nods, biting his lip and refusing to look at you. You reach across the space between you and thread your fingers into his soft, wavy locks, rubbing the spot just behind one of his floppy ears. “Bun this is amazing, it tastes amazing!” His head lifts up, eyes so big they sparkle in the low light. “You’re amazing,” you whisper in a soft voice. Jungkook ducks his head again, hiding once more behind his long ears and curly hair. He eats his food slowly, more picking at it than anything. You, on the other hand, tuck in enthusiastically, all manners and grace gone, letting him see and hear your enjoyment of the food. You know how much it pleases him when you unabashedly enjoy his cooking. When you ask for seconds, handing him your empty bowl, Jungkook binkies across the room to the kitchen, bouncing on his heels as he piles a second serving of noodles and sauce into your bowl.
 He hands it back to you soon after and sits beside you on the sofa, knees curling under himself. Reclining on the back cushions, he observes you as you eat, arms crossed and eyes sparkling. When you’re half way through your second serving and can’t eat a bite more, he whisks away the dishes and returns quickly to your side. 
 Jungkook flops over and places his head in your lap. “Will you…” He bites his lip, turning to bury his face in your sweater, his cheeks burning crimson again.
 “What? What do you want, Kookie?” you ask, carding your fingers through his hair and rubbing a thumb over the gentle fur of his ear. It twitches repeatedly.
 “Just this. Will you play with my hair? Stroke my ears?” he asks in a small voice. It’s unusually meek for him in his human form.
 “Of course I will, Bun. Anything you want.” You smile, running your fingers through his hair, nails trailing down his scalp. His leg kicks out, narrowly missing the coffee table. You hand him the remote. “Pick something to watch.”
Jungkook shuffles, turning to face the TV. With his head still in your lap, he curls up into a ball, enjoying your ministrations. You continue to pet him, running your fingers through his hair and stroking his ears, twirling locks of hair around your finger before releasing the resulting curl. You lounge there together, the stress of the day bleeding away from you thanks to a stomach full of good food and your hand tangled in the hair of—Jungkook—whatever he was to you right now.
You don’t know exactly when you fall asleep, but you wake to strong arms holding you, carrying you to your room. Jungkook places you delicately on your bed and you fling yourself backwards, curling up to drift off again. But before long you’re being shaken gently awake and sat back up. Soft, cotton pajamas are pushed into your hands.
“You need to get changed,” a soft, deep voice says firmly in your ear. A warm body presses against your back.
You pout, eyes resolutely closed, but begin taking off your sweater. Large hands help you when you get tangled on your arms. It’s even more of a struggle to unhook your bra. You flail for a while before dropping your arms and slumping back against Jungkook with a tired, pathetic whine. If you were properly awake you might have noticed how his breath hissed through his teeth, or how his nose rubbed your temple. 
With more force than is probably necessary, Jungkook grips you by the shoulder and props you forward. Then, with just one finger, he pulls your bra band away from your back, taking all care not to touch you at all. By some black magic he manages to unhook it, sliding the straps down and off your arms before discarding it on the floor. Not once does he look over your shoulder. He pulls the camisole of your pajama set over your head, guiding your arms through the straps before you wake enough to take over and pull both arms through.
“Now the shorts,” he grunts, low and gruff. It’s unusual enough that you pout at him over your shoulder.
“Bossy bunny,” you mumble, standing and kicking off the comfy leggings you had on. Somewhere in the back of your head you register a soft ‘”shit’” that you’re too tired to acknowledge. You pull on your shorts and sit back down, immediately flopping to your pillow. You feel your body being turned, tucked beneath the sheet pulled over you. Sleep comes easily to you after that.
You wake up while it’s still dark outside. Jungkook’s chest is hot against your back, his knees curled and tucked behind yours. A muscled arm hangs heavily over your waist, keeping you close to him. You lift it as carefully as possible and slide out of bed, tip-toeing stealthily across the soft carpet and out of the room. You head to the kitchen and grab a glass in the dark, in search of a drink for your parched throat.
You drink your fill and shuffle back to bed, bringing a glass with you just in case. Although you slip into your room as stealthily as you’d left it, Jungkook is awake when you return. He sits with his arms wrapped around his knees, bottom lip snagged beneath his prominent front teeth.
“Kookie?” you ask softly in the darkness, making your way back to your side of the bed. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“No, I just—I reached for you and you were gone,” he says, watching you place your glass of water down and climb back into bed. “I was waiting for you to come back.”
“Silly rabbit,” you coo. Jungkook rolls towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and tangling a powerful, muscular leg with yours. You settle back, stroking his head and mulling over his unusual clinginess as sleep comes to claim you. 
But then you feel a pressure against your thigh, and you’re suddenly very awake. 
Jungkook undulates his hips to a subtle rhythm. “Wha-” you begin, turning to look at him. But he buries his nose beneath your jaw, his breath coming out in soft,  heavy huffs in time with his movements. He grinds against your hip with a desperation. You swallow audibly, forcing yourself to ask as your face burns. “Jungkook, what are you doing?”
“Sorry,” he whines. “I can’t help it, I just—” He throws his thigh over your hips, shifting until he’s hovering over you, weight on his knees and forearms. His hips drop to roll against your stomach, a thick bulge straining the thin material of the pajama bottoms you had bought him. Jungkook ruts against your sweat-covered skin as you stare up at him, eyes wide, frozen in shock. Heat floods through you, stirring your insides until you’re panting. He is, too. His mouth hangs open as he huffs in time with his thrusts, lips grazing your jaw until they reach your mouth. He caresses it softly with his own, barely a whisper of a touch. Once. Twice. Just like that first night he turned. The third time, he kisses you. Your eyes flutter closed and you kiss him back. Nothing more than a delicate tilt of your head and a careful brushing of your lips against his. This is wrong, a voice in the back of your head whispers. This man is practically a stranger.
Only he’s not.
He’s shared your bed as a human for the past two weeks, and ten weeks before that as a rabbit.
You’ve spent evenings curled up together, watching shows you both enjoy. You know his moods, as he knows yours. Your hand feels as comfortable tangled in his hair as it does amongst his fur, and you can read his eyes in both forms exactly the same.
He’s your Jungkook. Your Kookie. 
Your Bun.
He exhales heavily, his tongue lapping at your lips for more. Warm breath fans your face and you practically tremble with anticipation. Jungkook tears himself away to run his hands down the curves of your body, and as you look up at him, your mouth dries at the sight of his godly form. The ever-present glow of the city creates a subtle neon halo behind him, heightening his otherworldly, divine presence.
“I-I—“ As suddenly as he came onto you, Jungkook scrambles backwards off the bed, falling ungracefully to the floor. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry!” he yells, eyes watery and wide with terror. He rushes out of the room so quickly he doesn’t even stand up straight. Just heads straight for the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. You follow too late, reaching your bedroom doorway just in time to hear the bathroom lock snap into place.
You drop to your knees outside the bathroom door, knocking on it gently. “Jungkookie, what’s wrong? Please, come out,” you call.
“I can’t,” comes a whine from the other side of the door. It almost sounds like a sob. “I have to stay here. Can I have a blanket please?” The voice is strained and tight; unsure. It’s not like the warm, bright voice you’ve come to know at all.
“Okay,” you agree. “I’ll get that for you. I’ll be right back.” When you return with the requested blanket, you let Kookie know with a small knock on the door. He cracks it open just enough for you to push the bedding through. In doing so, you catch a glimpse of his eyes. They’re wide and a little teary, his pupils huge. His face and upper chest is worryingly flushed. Jungkook notices you scrutinising his appearance and slams the door shut before you can comment. You hover on the other side of the door, not wanting to leave him. “I’m not upset with you, Bun. I understand if you want some space. Good night.”
You shuffle your way back to bed, curling up under the duvet for the first time in weeks. Because despite the heat and humidity of summer, it feels far, far too cold.
The fullness of your bladder wakes you, demanding you seek relief immediately. You can tell by the noise outside that it’s late morning, and you hope Jungkook is already awake. You roll out of bed and shuffle over to the bathroom, trying the handle and finding it still locked.
With a reluctant sigh, you knock. “Jungkookie? Bun, I need to pee. Can you let me in please?” A few moments later there’s shuffling behind the door and the soft click of a lock opening. A sunken-eyed Jungkook stands on the other side, eyes averted. The duvet you gave him wraps him like a shroud. It hangs over his head, hiding his ears, his hands clutching it tightly at his chest. He stares pointedly at his feet as he shuffles past you, and if it weren’t for your desperate need to pee you’d stop and talk to him. But that’s a conversation that can wait until you’ve made breakfast.
You finish in the bathroom as fast as possible and make your way to the kitchen, noticing how he sits curled up on the chair in the corner of your living room.
You pull out all the things you need to make pancakes and crank up the volume on an upbeat playlist; mostly songs Jungkook likes listening to in the mornings. “Jungkook, could you help me please?” you ask sweetly. “The strawberries and bananas need slicing.”
He perks up at that, ears twitching before his eyes dart over to you. He loves bananas, almost obsessively loves them. I knew that would work, you smile to yourself. Jungkook fiddles with the waistband of his pajamas and you try to forget the outline of his hardness straining against them. Try to forget how your skin flushed when he rocked it against you. You focus back on the batter, giving it an extra hard stir, making sure there’s no lumps in it. That’s the reason for you beating it so vigorously. No other reason.
You sigh, pinching yourself before switching on the burner on the stove.
Jungkook begins chopping fruit. Yes. You smile to yourself, watching him out of the corner of your eye as you work on two stacks of pancakes. The tension in the air between you two eases, and soon you’re both dancing to a song that Jungkook listens to often; its easy choreography something you developed together. The song changes into something new, something you’ve never heard before, but you sway your hips nevertheless as you ladle batter into the hot frying pan. Jungkook bounces from foot-to-foot, endlessly energetic as he works his way through half a bunch of bananas and the entire bowl of strawberries. He’s piling the chopped fruit up on plates when you push between him and the counter with a small, murmured excuse me. The step he takes back to allow you access isn’t quite big enough. Even then you don’t notice; so used to squeezing around one another in the modestly-sized kitchen as you are.
 Jungkook, however, notices.
Your ass slides firmly against him and he grips your hips almost painfully hard, pressing you into the counter.
“Ow! Jungkook, what are you—” Your question becomes a squeal of surprise when he buries his nose behind your ear and grinds his rapidly hardening cock into the cleft of your ass. Only two, flimsy layers of clothing separate you. 
“I need you so bad,” he growls as he rubs his nose through your hair, the underside of his chin skimming the column of your neck. You arch back into him, throwing your head back to expose more of your neck to him. You’re usually a lot more reserved with men—a lot—but something about Jungkook makes you want to be wild. Maybe it’s the way you feel so safe with him. His body is a solid presence against your back, his thrusting desperate and needy. Gone is the sweet, delicate Bun you’ve come to care about. He’s been replaced with someone who grips you, growls at you, and yet you still feel safe in his arms.
It’s Jungkook. He’d never hurt you.
You groan, something between a whine and a whimper being ripped from the back of your throat as he rubs himself against you. Then, suddenly - unwelcomely - cold air hits your back. 
Jungkook has torn himself from you for a second time. 
You turn but he’s not behind you. Spinning in place, you see a fluffy tail vanishing around a cabinet and a pair of light grey pajamas left in its wake. You follow fast enough to watch him hightail it out of the kitchen and across the living room, straight under the chair in the corner. He never sits in it as a human, preferring to sit next to you on the sofa, but it’s his favourite place to hide as a bunny.
You crouch, peeking under the chair, trying to coax him out.
“I’m sorry, Jungkookie. Come out and talk to me, please?” you beg to the huddled mass of fur under the chair. He stays where he is, shifting in a way you know means he’s settling in for the long haul. You stand up, running to turn off the stove before dashing to your bedroom and throwing on some clothes. After grabbing your bag, you check under the chair again. Jungkook is still there. “I’ll be right back, okay?” you tell him, before rushing out the door.
You all but run out of your apartment building, dodging people on the street as you head to the florist a block and a half away to get a custom bouquet made. It’s ugly as hell, but it’s not supposed to be for looking at. All of the flowers are suitable for rabbits to eat, and you get triple the ones you know Jungkook is particularly fond of.
You rush back to your apartment on a sliver of energy, taking extra care to preserve your gift, but the whole journey takes you less than twenty minutes. You discard your shoes and bag by the door and head straight for the chair, placing your peace offering on the floor before it.
“I have a gift for you,” you say, pulling a white hibiscus from the bouquet and presenting it to him. “Please come out and talk to me, Bun.” You watch as Jungkook hops forward, unable to resist the pull of his favourite flower. You untie the haphazard collection of flowers and lay them out on the decorative wrapping paper for him. It does the trick and draws him out from under the chair. You hold your hand out to him carefully, letting him come to you on his own terms. Jungkook devours a rosebud and hops forward, bumping your hand with his nose. You sigh, tension you didn’t know was building melting from your shoulders.
Somewhat placated, you head back to the kitchen. The pancakes are now cold but nothing that can’t be reheated. You store his breakfast in the fridge and slip a couple bits of banana onto the paper with the flowers. Jungkook leaps at them, devouring them with relish before following you into the kitchen and circling your chair as you eat your pancakes. He reaches up, nudging your foot to get your attention. And by attention, he wants more bananas.
Once you’re all done with breakfast, you move to the living room. There are several episodes of a TV show you and Jungkook have been watching together that you need to catch up on, and that’s your usual plan for the weekend. Jungkook, however, has other plans. He jumps into your lap, purposefully knocking the remote out of your hand. You tangle your fingers through his fur and feel him shudder under your touch.
“Do you want to tell me what's wrong now?” you ask softly, thumb rubbing soothing circles between his eyes. Beneath your hand, Jungkook transforms. He curls in on himself, doing his best to obscure his nudity, and buries his head in your stomach. You run a hand down his back and find his skin is clammy and feverish. “Oh my god, are you sick? Bun, you’re burning up!” you exclaim, panic injected into your tone.
“I’m going into heat. It’s why I keep—why I keep—” His voice is high-pitched and strained again.
“Why you keep rubbing against me?” you finish for him, raking your nails through his long locks. His ears and tail twitch and Jungkook whines. Nodding, he curls in on himself tighter. “You need a partner,” you say matter-of-factly, but he shakes his head in disagreement.
“No. I don’t need a partner...” he says simply, the implication left hanging. You move his ear carefully, brushing his hair from his face and cupping it with one hand. Your thumb strokes his cheekbone until his tightly-clenched eyes open.
 “Then, tell me what you want,” you whisper. His eyes narrow like he’s assessing you. Assessing the full implication of your words and trying to decide how to answer you.
 “Normally I’d mate with someone in a nest—” Jungkook starts before he’s racked by shudders. He buries his face in your stomach again and whines.
 “My bed,” you offer. “You can build a nest there if you need to.”
He shoots upward at your words, watching your face carefully. “But—” His eyes are wide, mouth agape as he draws the logical conclusion but not daring to hope. “--where will you sleep?” He asks as though he is scared of the answer.
 You carefully brush his hair back from his face, thumbing over a floppy ear. “I c-can—“ you stutter, before taking a deep breath. “I’ll figure something out.” You lean forward, pressing your forehead to his. Your lips are so close like this, close enough to brush against each other as you speak. It’s not quite a kiss, but your intention is clear. “If you need anything—if you want anything...” You trail off. 
 Jungkook wastes no time. He sits up and crawls into your lap, his bare, muscular thighs straddling yours as he kisses you deeply. His hands, no longer rough, cup your face delicately as though he can’t believe he’s been gifted something so precious. Even as his naked hips roll against your stomach.
 “Iwantyouwantyouwantyou. Need you,” he chants between kisses.
 And in an act of madness - or perhaps sanity - you give yourself to him completely.
Next Chapter
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mayo-advance · 3 years
Fake News
Installment 3 in Leo’s Welcome Back Fanfic Fest
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Description: Y/n just got themself a boyfriend and they moved together in Westview, however said boyfriend is more aware that something is wrong.
A/n: I tried to make this a one part thing but I failed so expect part 2 after the fanfic fest is over because I rlly loved this idea and want to write more of it.
It was a perfectly perfect day in Westview, as it always was.
You smiled to yourself as you thought that and not much else. You were walking happily down the sidewalk with a noticeable swing in your step as you made your way down to the Vision household.
You had very big and exciting news for Wanda after all.
Not that you knew what that news was.
But who needs to know what the news is when its much more exciting to focus on the people you need to tell the news to.
Wanda and you had been friends for a long time, you had accompanied her practically since the day she was married, maybe even before. You were well acquainted with her husband and had a very good time with her sons as they tried to teach you about their video games.
Yes. The Vision household was certainly the most lively and interesting place in town. There is nowhere better to be than to be at the center of all the fun.
The town was so quaint and small but that never stopped you from loving it. Its all you’ve ever known with its sweet old movie theater and all of the charming residents. As you made your way nearer to the Vision house you took in all of the neighbors enjoying the sunny, perfect day.
You smiled to yourself as you prepared to tell Wanda the news.
You came up to the front door of the household and raised your arm up to knock as naturally as if youve done it a thousand times. Promptly, you knocked out a little tune onto the door and waited for a response.
When you heard a faint ‘come in’, you paused a moment. You put on a face with an expression you don’t remember feeling a minute ago-
Of course you remember it. You have news and the news is so amazing it makes you feel as if you’re floating through a dream.
You turn the door handle and swing the door open, dramatically following in with an elated entrance. Wanda commented sometimes that you would make a very good sitcom star.
“Someone looks pleased with themself.” Wanda smiled, while raising her eyebrow a bit. Agnes stood next to her.
You smiled back at her, “Well I have some news.” You grinned so widely your face should have hurt.
Wanda walked up to you and offered to take your jacket. “What kind of news?”
You gave her your jacket. Since when had it been fall? “The best kind.”
The room feel silent as Wanda waited for you to go on. You didn’t know how to go on.
Agnes laughed, “Oh, that news.” She started towards you, “The news you told me over the phone this morning?” Agnes put a hand on your shoulder before turning to Wanda, “It really is exciting news.”
It came to you.
Of course it was exciting news, because you-
“I have a new boyfriend!” You exclaimed suddenly.
Wanda got excited with you, “Really?!?”
“Yeah,” you nodded getting excited, Agnes’s hand left your shoulder as she watched you two get excited. “I don’t know how I could have possible forgotten that but I got a boyfriend.”
Wanda let out a small laugh, “I guess me and Vis aren’t the newest couple on the block anymore then, huh?”
You and Agnes laughed at that.
“I wish Ralph had me this excited as your boy has you.” Agnes added.
Wanda looked at you, “So tell me about him.” She encouraged.
“Well he…” You had a boyfriend but what was he like? How could you not know what your boyfriend is like when you were so excited over-
Agnes put her hand back on your shoulder, “No need to be shy, you were gushing about dreamboy on the phone this morning.”
You laughed and it all came to you again.
Love an warmth flooded you as you thought of him. “He has this really strange silver hair that I love and hes so quick-witted. He always has a comeback but he gives the warmest hugs-“
You remembered a detail and felt the urge to say it right exactly now.
“He has your maiden name Wanda, hes a Maximoff so I don’t know if its coincidence or if he’s your cousin but-“
Wandas small smile fell a little bit, “Wait what?”
Someone knocked on the door.
Agnes looked behind the two of you, her hand never leaving your shoulder. “Speaking of-“
“Oh yeah! I invited him over today to meet you. Thats why I came over in the first place.” You mentioned it as if it was an afterthought.
How could your boyfriend coming over be an afterthought?
Agnes looked over at you. “Well? Aren’t you gonna answer it? I’m sure if you’re dating him that hes gotta be somewhat friendly.”
That lovey feeling came back, “Hes the nicest..” You smiled.
Without thinking you stepped forward and opened the door.
The door swung open to reveal the most gorgeous man you have ever laid eyes on. His eyes went straight to Wanda.
“Aw Y/n, when you invited me to your friends house I didn’t know you meant my little sis!” He grinned.
Wanda’s expression slipped but for only a second. You pulled him in for a hug and he gave you a small kiss on the forehead.
Of course your boyfriend was Wandas twin! You could almost laugh at how absurd it is that you met a man named Pietro Maximoff and forgotton that he was Wanda’s brother.
Agnes cooed from behind you, “Aw aren’t you two a couple of little lovebirds!”
You looked expectantly back at Wanda. This wasn’t how the script went.
She smiled nontheless, “You didn’t tell me you were going to be in town.” She sounded friendly but her eyes held some deep hidden emotion in them.
Pietro’s expression returned the same energy, “If I had known that the close friend Y/n mentioned was you I would have.” He closed the door behind him, “But now that i’m here, why not enjoy ourselves and catch up!”
Peter had no hecking clue how he got here. He barely even knew where here was.
All he knew about here was that theres a woman here who looks a lot like his actual little sister and that now he was walking home with this person who he was apparently dating.
He glanced over at you. You were smiling. He could have sworn you’ve been smiling since he first showed up at the door but it couldn’t be possible for a person to smile that much, right?
“So…. where do you live?” He tried to make conversation.
You laughed a little, but you didn’t stop smiling. “Piet, we live in the same house. Remember we moved in together?”
No he does not remember that. Nor does he know who Piet is.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he pondered this for a bit. You kept walking and smiling. If he was being honest it was freaking him out.
“Well then, if we live together, then how did we meet?”
You looked over at him with a confused smile. “Thats a silly question! Don’t you remember that we-“ Your smile faltered and you looked back to the sidewalk.
“We- uhm,” your smile fell further. You were no longer smiling. “Well… we….” Your eyebrows dropped into a concerned expression.
Peter looked at you expectantly.
Your eyes moved to a house and brightened, that artificial smile came back, “Heres our house! I cant believe you forgot where we lived.”
You didn’t bring up how you met again.
As you two made it through the front door you tried to go off into the house, but Peter followed you.
“Hey wait- where are you going?”
You looked back at him halfway into the kitchen, “I was gonna get some food.”
Peter followed you into the kitchen anyways and watched as you started cutting up an apple for a snack.
Something was wrong with this town he was in. Something was wrong with this town and something was wrong with you.
He needed to break down on that ignorant front you wore so he could figure out what the heck was happening.
You handed Peter half of the apple slices that you cut up.
Peter leaned on his elbow on the table and took one. He had a bit of food at Wanda’s too so he doubted that could be what was getting in your brain.
You weren’t smiling right now. You were just eating with a blank expression, you looked so tired. Peter could see the dark bags under your eyes.
“You should get some rest after this.” Despite the fact that he needed answers, Peter felt just as tired as you looked.
You looked up at him, smiling a little bit again, “Its only seven though Piet. C’mon this is like our second night here-“
“-everything looks like its already been put away in the span of a day-“
“We should do something fun like watch a movie or something.” you pouted.
Peter knew the pout wouldn’t last long.
The pout didn’t last long as you started smiling again. “C’mon just one movie. You can choose.” You begged, munching on another apple.
Peter gave in. But he wasn’t done trying to get through to you, “Fine. But if I’m choosing, I need to know what kind of movies you like.”
You made a small fist pump in the air as he agreed. You practically skipped out of the kitchen, with Peter following as you went to prepare a pile of blankets and pillows.
“I don’t have a prefrence for movies except no westerns-“ you started. You went on about stuff like animation and genres.
Peter wasn’t satisfied.
“The only western i’ll watch is back to the future three-“
“Whats back to the future?”
You went silent and looked over at Peter with a very lost expression. You looked like a puppy that had been scolded. “Peter we went to back to the future 3 on our first date.”
Peter felt bad for hurting your feelings but he had no recollection of the event.
He watched as your eyes went through the five stages of grief but you didnt stop at acceptance. Peter could practically see your mind zigzag from confusion to anger 2.0 to being confused again.
“…we didn’t have a first date did we..?”
Peter felt a spark of hope flare up in his chest, not that the smiley facade was bad, but this meant he was getting through to you.
Until he saw a tiny flash of red go through your eyes. “No. No we did. I remember we did.”
Peters brain screamed at him. No! This is the opposite of progress.
“When was it then? What size popcorn did we get?”
The red faded again, “No, you’re right.” You looked at him with the most sincere expression hes seen you with. “I remember popcorn too. It was a medium and I kept stealing it from you but that couldn’t have happened because I dont like popcorn.”
Your whole body deflated. Your shoulders fell and your eyes dropped to the floor as you thought.
Peter watched as you came upon anger 3.0.
“Wait… no you have a point. The last thing I remember doing of my own accord is going on a roadtrip with Wanda…”
A split second of heavy silence filled the room.
Peter felt afraid to breath as he watched your eyebrows fall into an angry grimace. “And?”
“AND SHE USED HER POWER ON ME SO SHE COULD PLAY HOUSE?!?!? WHAT KIND OF A DICK MOVE IS THAT????” You threw your arms up as you exploded, the pile of blankets long abandoned at your feet.
“LIKE IF SHE WANTED ME TO PLAY ALONG SHE COULD HAVE ASKED-no-wait yeA SHE COULD HAVE ASKED.” Your voice broke at the end of your little tantrum.
Tears fell from your eyes and Peter instinctively went to comfort you, only thinking better of it once he was close.
You didn’t seem to mind his proximity. “She could have asked…” you sniffed, furiously wiping your tears away, “I would have said yes.”
Peter sped to the bathroom and returned with a tissue. It only took a split second but when he got back you were staring between his face and the tissue with wide eyes.
He tried to play it off and ignore it. “I’m sorry you got treated that way.”
You took a step back. “Who are you?”
“I’m Peter Maximoff.”
You two reached a conversational stalemate.
You looked him up and down with suspicious eyes. “How’d you get here?”
“I don’t know.”
“And you’re apparently my boyfriend?”
You took a step towards him. Peter put his hands up a little bit to show his lack of malice. “So apparently you knew Wanda before this?”
You squinted at him, “yea.”
Peter smiled nervously, “Then can you explain whats going on and how this happened?”
You didn’t move for a solid minute and Peter was getting more nervous. He considered asking if he could crash on the couch tonight because its obvious the shared room in this house was set up for Pietro and Y/n as a couple in Westview. The bed was not intended for Peter and slightly more down to earth Y/n. It would be better than sleeping outside.
You let out a sigh finally, “Ok fine so basically-“
You and Peter ended up sharing a bed. You both agreed that you needed to avoid Wandas suspicion or you might fall under mind control again. A large pile of pillows that took up more room than either of you ever could also shared the bed with you because you two still didn’t know each other. However at this moment in time, the most trusted person you had was said stranger.
You were going to Wanda’s again today to babysit but Peter said he had something else he felt he needed to do. You couldn’t really argue without sounding stupid so you agreed to let him go as long as he reported back what else he found in Westview.
Halloween was drawing closer and Tommy and Billy were already hyped up on candy.
You laughed with exasperation. “Wanda, the town festival is tomorrow night, you couldn’t wait that long?”
Wanda smiled at you, “Trust me, I tried.”
You groaned and lied down onto the floor as the two boys bombarded you with questions on what your costume is gonna be.
“What if I was…. Black Widow?”
Most children you have met in your lifetime would have cheered because Black Widow was badass. But with these two instead you were met with, “Why would you want to be a spider?”
You could have sworn your heart stopped. Wanda didn’t even teach her kids who Nat was?
You had to act natural, you had to play the part. There was nothing you could do except make a mental note to tell Peter later.
You played it off, “Hmmmm… well what do you two think I should be?”
Someone knocked on the door. You groaned as you sat up. “You think about it while I answer the door.”
You weren’t surprised to open the door to find Agnes.
“Hey there good lookin’, any chance you know where Wanda is?” She smiled at you. Some part of it sent a chill down your spine.
You faked a smile, “shes in the kitchen if you need her.”
Agnes stepped around you in no hurry. “I saw Peter on my way here, he told me to tell you that he’ll be over soon.” She went off towards the kitchen.
Before she made it there though, it hit you.
“Do you mean Pietro?” Your whole soul felt as though it was sinking into the floor. How could she possibly know his name was Peter? There was no possible way she could know.
Agnes gave a small laugh, sending you another smile even more chilling and perplexing than the last. “My bad, I guess I slipped up.”
Something felt wrong. Nothing has ever felt wrong with Agnes before but now everything was falling away as you watched her make her way into the kitchen.
What the hell was going on here?
“Y/n?” Billy called, “Are you ok?” You looked over and both twins were watching you from over the couch.
You forced a smile. It was a bitter smile and you could practically taste it. You felt like you were gonna be sick.
You let out a small fake laugh, “Don’t tell your mom, but I also had too much candy and now I feel a little unwell. Thats all.” You walked around the couch and sat down on the side. The boys looked at you and then at each other, as if mentally communicating.
“Did you guys decide on a good costume yet?”
Tommy looked back at you and nodded, “Yeah, we think you should be a witch!”
Your smile became real. “If thats what you think will work.”
Another knock sounded at the door. The three of you looked back at it. “Pet-“ you cought yourself in front of the twins, “Piet can’t be back so soon.” He really couldn’t be back so soon, “he had stuff to do.”
Nonetheless, you still got back up and went to open the door again.
This time when you swung it open, your ‘boyfriend’ had his hair back a bit and was wearing a leather jacket.
“Agnes told me that Wanda needed me?” He smiled down at you but it did not hold any warmth.
You didn’t know Peter that well but this was not him.
The twins got excited, running up to ‘Uncle Pietro’ and both giving him a great big hug. The purple necklace around his neck hit the zipper of his jacket and that may be the only reason you noticed it.
It all felt so wrong.
Peter closed the door behind him, reaching for your cheek. His lips followed his hand as he pulled you in and gave you a small peck on the corner of your mouth.
Excuse me sir, boundaries exist and that ain’t it sis.
Last night you two agreed that forehead kisses were the only type you would give not only to respect each other but also to make sure no one got suspicious.
The corner of your mouth was a long way from your forehead.
Before you could protest though, Peter and the twins were off into the kitchen. As they entered, you saw Agnes exiting the kitchen on her way towards where you stood.
“He showed up a little quicker than I anticipated.” She commented, looking back at where he had been.
You were frozen. Your throat was dry like sandpaper and any words you could say were lost in the pile of mush your brain had become.
Something was terribly wrong.
“Are you okay there hot stuff?” Agnes made a fanning motion near your face.
You gave her a weak smile. “I’m fine, I just feel a little sick. Can you tell Wanda that I left to go rest?”
Agnes nodded, “Of course,” she cooed, that shiver went down your spine again, “I’ll tell Peter as well so you won’t wonder where you’ve gone off to.”
“His name is Pietro.”
“Whatever you say.”
You stumbled out the front door before you even had a chance to think of coming up with a response. It was all wrong.
Peter got home very late that night. You were sitting on the couch watching back to the future.
He didn’t say anything to you. Instead he just approached and sat next to you.
You fumed as you scooted away. “So what the hell was that today?”
“What was what?” He looked like a confused puppy.
“Kissing me on the lips and then dashing off without another word.”
He sat there in silence for a second. You glanced over and saw him staring at his lap. “I don’t remember that.”
You felt that anger rising. Did he care about it so little he forgot. You forced yourself to swallow that anger.
“It was when you went to Wanda’s, remember? Right when you stepped in the door.”
Peter looked up at you disbelievingly, “I didn’t go to Wandas today.”
Something was wrong. “Then where were you.”
“I was in town getting stuff for Halloween and looking for other strange things. I didn’t see anything strange but I did run into Agnes.”
You knew this had something to do with Agnes.
“And then?”
“And then I came home.”
Peter tried to scoot closer to you again, you didn’t scoot away. You were hung up on the word home. It must have just been a slip up but the idea of this being your guys’ home made your heart skip a little.
“But you were in town at noon.” You couldn’t believe he had been running errands all day.
Peter went silent again. “You’re right.”
The air in the room felt thick like a vacume. Everything was held in place by the tension.
“I dont remember what I’ve been doing all afternoon.”
Both of you sat there on the couch, shoulder to shoulder, pondering about the strange workings of today. Neither of you looked at each other instead zoning out in the general direction of the movie.
You exhaled, “I don’t think its just Wanda.” You looked ever so slightly over at Peter.
“You’ve obviously known Wanda long enough to say that.”
You nodded. “She and I became Avengers together.”
Something caught your eye as you looked at Peter. “By the way, where did that fancy purple necklace go?”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows and raised a hand up to his neck, feeling around. “What necklace?”
Shit was about to hit the fan.
Taglist: @pogueslandia , @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @aesthetixhoe
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Tokyo Revengers: Heavenly Kings RockBand AU
In this ice cream parlour even in the deepest hours of the night we want to forget about what happened in last chapter so here:
RockBand AU, the band called “Heavenly Kings” formed by 5 people, imagine them playing: Maneskin - I Wanna Be Your Slave
Singer: Ran Haitani
Solo Guitar: Takashi Mitsuya
Rhythm Guitar: Shion Madarame
Bassist: Chifuyu Matsuno
Drums: Ken Ryuguji
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, 18+
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“Not again pigtail!” a voice shouts from the backstage, “Draken dressing like this means having girls, having girls means selling our new album and paying the rent for the house!” Ran explains putting the long customed kimono, Mitsuya’s sister specially prepared for him. Every member of the band trusted Mana for their stage clothes, “I don’t mind using them, it’s comfy and I don’t want to disappoint my little sister” Mitsuya says calm while according his guitar, “THAT’S BECAUSE YOU DON’T FUCKIN PLAY THE DRUMS!” Draken shouts, reality was that he felt ridicoulous wearing those eccentric clothes, “Then we can decide by show of hands” Chifuyu suggest, Ran smirks looking at Shion who’s asleep on the couch, “Wake up idiot it’s time to play!” Ran says to Shion who confused, opens his eyes, “Let me fuckin sleep, that fuckin girl got me dried wanting my cock all the day!” Shion says vulgarly says “Whatever Ran decides it’s ok by me!” he continues. A sigh comes from a defeated Draken who gets off his hoodie and start to put his western kimono jacket with bare chest showing. Heavenly Kings’ trade mark, elegant jackets, chiseled chest and abs on the view, Chifuyu smiling happily turns to Mitsuya and says “Maybe tonight I will find a girl!” a loud laugh is heard from Shion who says “If someone notices you let me know, otherwise I’ll give you one of the chicks on the first line”, but suddenly an arm surrounds Chifuyu’s shoulders “No one wants the loose chicks who fucks with every musician in Tokyo Shion”. It wasn’t that Ran hadn’t experience with people, but he prefer choosing someone more reserved than some girls who just wanted him for his figures, Draken has Emma and he wasn’t even looking other girls, Mitsuya only wanted to play and Chifuyu well, we know.
“Ok guys it’s time” the club’s manager says, indicating the way to the stage, a door opened and bright and colorful lights alert people that the long awaited 5 guys were starting! “HEAVENLY KINGS HERE FOR YOU!” Ran says as soon he hits the stage making girls and boys screaming in excitement “Ran I love you!” “DRAKEN!”Emma shouts from the bar with Mikey and Hina, Rindou staied in silence embarassed to say anything about his brother. “Ok this is I wanna be your slave, let’s sing together!”  “ I wanna be your slave, I wanna be your master... I wanna be a good boy, I wanna be a gangster ,'Cause you can be the beauty. And I could be the monster!” guitars and bass start following the rhythm and Chifuyu starts to jump hyping, someone launch him slip making him blush and mistake some notes. Ran sinously takes Mitsuya mic stand and watching him he smiles making fangirls scream at the scene, Mitsuya just smirks and from behind Draken look up to the ceiling because he can’t believe that his singer can be such a stupid. Sweat starts to form on the drummer after a while and suddenly when he recognize it’s time for his solo the one of the drumsticks flees from his sweaty hand making the drummer takes one from his behind and standing up he goes crazy leaving his jacket and starts crashing the drums cymbal singing the chorus making the public follow his lead, the delirium is everywhere, people drunk moshing, girls with bare chest who screams everyone of the band’ names hyping them, especially Shion who suddenly jumps from the stage and plays his only solo in front of some girls who try to hug tim. Time leaps and when Ran announces the end of the concert thanking everyone from the public and presenting his bandmates, “And finally the dork! Our singer, the one who can’t help but tease everyone from the public with his charm, RAN HAITANI!” Draken and Mitsuya say together making Ran protest like a whiny baby.
“Did you really needed to do that?” Ran says cleaning the make up with some cotton wet with makeup remover “We needed, you’ve been such a tease! I told it wasn’t comfy playing with this jacket!” Draken replies trying to explain his mistakes, suddenly a knock on the door is heard, “Don’t want to reject the nth bitch who came to fuck whoever she wants” Ran says a bit pissed off, “Hey it’s just us nii-san” Rindou says opening the door followed by Emma and Mikey, “Ah ok sit down” he says smiling with half face with make up. “Fuyu, did you get the numeber of slip’s owner!” Ran continous as he even forgot why he was angry, “Ohh-oh she’s waiting for me at the bar!” he says blushing, suddenly a rain of condoms falls on him, everyone of the band launched different condoms, of different size and Chifuyu blushed “I’m not fuckin her idiots!” Chifuyu says, bewildered by his bandmates act, “Rookie” they say in unison only Mitsuya seems to have some mercy for the bassplayer “Just do what you feel to do, we take your things, see you tomorrow!” “Yee tomorrow virgin!” Shion shouts, “Tomorrow atta boy” Draken says patting his head, and Ran just smirks and says “Have fun!”.
“Bets?” Emma says suddenly making everyone flinch, “W-what?!” Draken replied shocked, “Mmm I’m in, 6 rounds the first one 1 minute and the others increase every of ten minutes everytime” Rindou says “I agree with Rin” Ran says, “Just two long 20 minutes each” Mitsuya says, “He runs away after coming 2 minutes after starting” Shion says placing a piece of 50, “Are we really using money’s merch to bet about Chifuyu first fuck?” Draken says still shocked, “The one that loose is going to bring back everything from here” Ran says as it was nothing “Ok I agree with Mitsuya, but then he will run cause he can’t leave Peke J alone for too much” .
Who’s gonna win? We will discover only on next story!
@httptamaki @thesimphouse​ @nymphoglia​ @nkogneatho​
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