#and have to learn how to family without yk. getting her killed. or letting the whole world find out that theyre assassins
the-kneesbees · 9 months
is...is it not common for people to know what a trope is...
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rowretro · 1 month
Baby daddy heeseung with pregnant wife? Possessive and protective (not rlly yandere yk)
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↬warnings: slightly suggestive, protective & possessive Heeseung,
Heeseung wasn't expecting to be married to his high school crush, who he always thought he'd have to admire from afar. Let alone, have a baby on the way, his first baby. Sure he was nervous, excited, worried and a little stressed, but overall just so happy. He's living his dream. He loves her just as much as the baby. now 5 months far long, there's a small baby bump visible through her clothes. He cant help but softly kiss it, especially before he goes to sleep.
If anything, he can't help but keep his hands off her knowing that his dear wife, his one and only girl is carrying his child. He'd snuggle her everyday, cook for her whenever he can, reading from recipes in maternity books, or learn from his mother. He's an absolute sweetheart, the dream baby daddy. It shows how much he loves his little growing family, he'd die for them, and if he had to, he'd kill for them...
Sure Heeseung is pure Bambi-eyed, lover boy. However, though he doesn't want to admit it, he can be very possessive, rooting from his protective instincts. God it pisses him off when some wide-eyed tall boy just comes up to his wife. Most often they have a phone at hand, another hand nervously running through their hair as they shoot their excuse of a "charming smile" "Hey uhm... can I get your number? you seem my type so" "can I get your snap pretty miss?" "dayum girl" none of them can be as good as him of course, he did after all impregnate her.
He'd go up behind her, kissing the side of her neck, as his hand gently slides over her barely visibly baby bump "How are my babies doing?... sweetheart, I found a café you and the baby might like." he'd say, making it clear to hold her hand, as she shyly, and cluelessly smiles up at him, he flashes her hand that had a very expensive wedding ring he bought her, he makes it clear she's his, and so is that baby growing inside. It's like she's a big win for him, and he needs to show her off to everyone, so he will.
He's not selfish or anything, he just loves y/n like crazy. She won him over with her love, without her he sees no life worth living. Heeseung can be a little overprotective though. Everywhere she sits will always covered in many many pillows, he'd never let her stand for too long, he'd always react whenever he feels she's in pain, the smallest wince, or a single ouch, he's by your side, ready to make a call. Overall, he's very excited to see what the future holds for him. With a wife who could talk to him with her eyes, as he holds her hand, taking a walk down the park, 3 small kids running near them, their kids.
a/n: im going through the requests rn im sorry if this isn't good, but i hope u do like it<3
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verdemoun · 6 days
Wait even Micah makes an exception to call Bessie 👀 can we hear about them and their relationship?
I always kinda imagined Micah would have a hard time with timewarping, he very much was a man shaped by his father and by the era, his sole goal was to survive, and by proxy whatever enabled that. I imagine he'd have had a hard time readjusting not only to the drastic changes, but also not having to constantly think about his next move yk
Yeah no Micah had a bad time timewarping.
Firstly, he died! He died and there was no consequences. Died and popped up in modern era. What is survival worth if death is seemingly not finite?
Second, he wasn't allowed a gun! This is magical modern au America with something resembling gun control. Whatever meager test he had to do to get a gun, he failed it. While Micah's infatuation with guns was very much linked to his overwhelming belief in survival, he also liked the power of a gun.
Third, Micah was weird with Dutch. He followed Dutch. He reunited with Dutch after Dutch walked away from him in Beaver Hollow. Why? Because he desperately wants something resembling family, and Dutch was part of whatever that meant to Micah. And his father was a piece of shit sure but Dutch shot him? Dutch took away everything Micah believed in only to indirectly warp him to a world where everything was ugly and foreign and he had nothing. And Dutch wasn't turning up for a while.
Fourth, the gang didn't immediately decide to trust Micah again. Can you imagine the anger the 1899 gang felt towards Micah? They didn't want anything to do with Micah! They were more than happy to let him walk into the woods unarmed and let him become a hermit, or die again of natural causes. Micah was the first 'bad guy' to timewarp and they hadn't really considered how they were going to deal with that. Micah was a traitor. What had the gang always done to traitors?
Bessie was not immune to the general anger the gang felt towards Micah but she was a self-made woman from the 1880s. She had to learn all about how the world had changed sociologically on her own. She had to unpack so many of her own issues. She wasn't going to let anyone go through that on their own.
She also had the bonus of being a historian. While a womens' history professor, she'd used to access at the university to research the gang in an attempt to figure out timewarp. She's read all their rap sheets. She knows Micah was only a boy when he committed his first murder alongside his father. She's read the few historians who are interested in the psychology of the Old West wonder if Micah Bell III, notorious outlaw, ever had a choice - if he ever knew life could be more than survival.
And she's just soft. She's a tough bitch who can fend for herself but give her a troubled outlaw who's that bit helpless and confused and she can handle the misdirected anger. So she helped him get his shitty trailer home, and sat at the table while he looked around the shipping-container sized building squinting suspiciously at the concept a permanent structure that was meant to be his private camp now.
It was almost like going through a foster kid cliche but with an adult man helping Micah adjust. He learned to drive faster than anyone else in the gang because sitting in 'camp' constantly was counter-productive to survival, and got a map so he could learn the layout of the area. Not having a gun meant he always needed escape routes. He kicked the windows out of his trailer.
Bessie would never say it because Hosea would kill her, but Micah without a gun really reminded her of teen Arthur. Just angry and scared and assuming everyone was out to get him. And Bessie is soft but she is no pushover. Micah make a comment like he used to with Grimshaw? She'll slap him. That doesn't mean she won't drop off leftovers and sit and try to make small-talk.
And Micah still has issues. He craves connection. Being completely isolated is counter-productive to survival. Bessie sets boundaries but she's for the most part more patient than he deserves and does what she can to teach him about modern era survival.
She helps him get a job so he can buy his dumb truck and takes him grocery shopping, teaches him about tracking money because Micah gave most of his money to the gang too in VDL days. He's not used to paying for things because he's always stolen what he needs. She buys him clothes and has to turn up to wash them because he is useless but little acts of kindness actually mean a hell of a lot to Micah.
He's still a brash pig at best most days but she notices the 'come near her and i'll fucking kill you' glares he gives people on the street because he's that little bit protective of his perceived family. And how awkward he sounds the first time he calls to ask about what the hell his frozen meal means when it says fan-forced oven.
Micah's sole goal, purpose, reason for being is still survival, because really what else is there? He still doesn't have anything to live for more than living for living's sake. Not pissing off Bessie supports survival. And maybe the little 'good work!' comments and praise when he does the bare minimum like actually putting clothes in a laundry basket completely alter his brain chemistry because he's never received praise for something that wasn't directly linked to criminal or gang activity.
So yes Micah makes an effort to talk to Bessie and sometimes when he's feeling more lonely and isolated than usual he knows Bessie will always answer.
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belit0 · 1 year
Could you make more scenarios of Sarada with the clan like more hcs yk? That’s only if that’s okay!
Of course it's okay!!
I didn't give much importance to Boruto because I was disappointed how Sarada knows nothing about her clan, I despair about her ignorance of the beautiful men who made up her family, so I abandoned it after the first few chapters.
Not sure who she is as a character now, but yeah, this is it!
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- Disappointment, pure and utter disappointment. This man expected more from his latest reincarnation. The fact he created such a weak creature hurts his soul.
- Yes, she is intelligent. Yes, she has potential. But what would she do in the face of war? Could she face the founder of her clan and come out of the fight alive? He doesn't think so. Indra expects more from all his descendants.
- He appreciates his successor's trying to rebuild the clan, but come on, do better Sasuke.
- If he came across her, he'd give her a dirty look and ignore her. If the girl tries to interact, he'd send her flying away with a light punch, given he doesn't enjoy murdering children (yet).
- "Any of my sons would eat you alive in a fight without even revealing a hint of power or interest. The remnants of my clan became weak, they lack a good war to wake up from their stupidity."
- Ew. Ew? Potential? Potential... With a little work, he could get himself something... eight hours of training a day under his own hand and traumatic events to develop her Sharingan... Maybe he can even pretend to kill her father...
- Of course, at first, it strikes him for the worse. Being a man raised for war and being the strongest Uchiha after his ancestor, he expects his entire family to meet a certain level of skill.
- He despises people raised in times of peace, disliking the serenity with which they live and how they are constantly susceptible to any enemy attacks. Sarada will be forged by his own training regime.
- He will aim to turn her into a mini-version of him, have a right hand to help him bring down the world the Senjus ended up forming. A second version of Obito.
- "Child, there is still much to learn, let me guide you and bring you to your greatest potential. Your father will be a joke next to you once we're done."
- Little Uchiha girl!!!!! Who would have thought his idiot doppelganger would be able to produce such a beautiful and perfect human being!!! The jewel in his heart, protect the girl at all costs.
- If Sarada has a problem with someone, he'll take care of it. He will bully as many children as necessary and stage their nightmares, don't touch my baby. Soon he will become the monster of the Uchiha clan, and kids will spread legends about the fearsome man who protects the newest born.
- He will destroy a few childhoods and traumatize many of them, but everyone knows not to mess with the little Uchiha. Izuna enjoys accompanying her everywhere and seeing the terrified looks directed at him.
- He fights with Shisui over time-sharing, finding the other man also wants to monopolize the girl. The two find a sort of bond, going everywhere together, and playing practical jokes on anyone who dares to mess with her.
- "Sarada, Sarada.... If someone bothers you, you must gouge their eyes out and smash them right in their face! Wait...first you gouge out one and squash it, so they get the point, cause if you gouge out both at the same time they won't be able to see you crush them...Yeah!"
- The one who puts a stop to Izuna and Shisui. He is reassured to know children have new opportunities and are not subjected to combat from a young age.
- He takes it upon himself to chase after both idiots so they don't get Sarada in trouble. The two have a strange concept of pranks and may end up with a house on fire. Obito will be there to prevent it.
- He likes spending time with her and enjoying her pristine, quiet, peaceful life. He loves her intelligence and likes to practice with her after Madara scolded the girl for not reaching his desired potential. He knows what it's like to deal with that grumpy old man, so he becomes an ally in this regard.
- He will help her achieve her training goals and develop her skills in a relaxed manner, contrary to what the other Uchiha sets out to do. He wants Sarada to live in harmony and tranquility, but being able to defend herself.
-"Alright, if we don't get you to perform this jutsu before your next session with Madara, he's going to make you fight him for hours. Let's try again, shall we?"
- An Uchiha kid free of war and destruction! He never lived to see such a thing and is fascinated! Just like Obito, he is very reassured to know the new generations will not have to go through what he went through as a child.
- A babysitter, even if the girl is grown up and doesn't need him. He will accompany her everywhere and will want to meet all her friends, introducing himself as her uncle from a few good years ago.
- He will fight for custody of her time with Izuna, who also wants to be her daily companion. Shisui will find original ways to win Sarada's affection and will get desperate when learning his money is no longer good and he can't buy her sweets (times change and so do things, Shisui.)
-Constantly begin Sasuke to lend him money for buying things, and take her to spend fun times together. He will become the best uncle in no time, and will grow very fond of the girl.
- "What are we doing today, Sarada? Are you interested in trying the new sweets at the fair, or are we messing with that blond friend of yours?"
- Peace, pure peace. He loves knowing his brother was able to have a family, maybe not under the best of conditions, but still. He enjoys his niece to the fullest and is very touched by her relationship with Shisui.
- He soon becomes her most trusted confidant. Sarada knows she can count on him for everything, and she turns to him for help when she needs advice or someone to listen to her. Itachi absorbs everything she tells him with patience, and speaks from the heart.
- His favorite thing to do is to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while listening about her day, how things are working at the academy, and how her adventures and wanderings are going. If her tale involves any Uchiha doing something questionable, he'll be sure to have a chat with them afterward.
- Itachi is the one who reassures her when training with Madara is too hard or when Sasuke isn't paying attention to her, quickly becoming her father figure.
- "Sarada... life isn't easy, and it certainly wasn't for your father. You must forgive him for acting so distant at times, and know that he loves you."
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imagionationstation · 2 years
I've seen a lot rottmnt separated aus and I'm thinking 2012 tmnt separated au. Like Donatello and Mikelangelo are left with the Shredder. Whilst Raphael and Leonardo are left with Splinter. What do you think would happen let's say they got separated by kidnapping, Shredder heard rumours of a "giant eat monster" in the sewers , initially he didn't think much of it until he saw on the news a shuriken with the Hamato clan symbol. He sends trained ninjas to investigate. Splinter still not used to his new form loses an eye and two of his sons . The B team are taken to The Foot headquarters to Shredder who decided to use them against Splinter , I mean he already took one child what's two more? They are raised along Karai as Deadly Weapons . What do you think?
I have a Mutant World au, MW AU, which is my 2012 separated AU-type project. Tis my baby. So young, but so full of trauma
Basically: In a world of mutants, Leo and Donnie are the only humans, raised and experimented on by Kraang until they escape. Outcasted and scared, they learn to stay out of sight, and take refuge in the sewers. A year or so later, two turtle brothers stumble upon their home. After Donnie stops Leo from trying to straight up murder them, a friendship is born, and not long after, in an hour of need, they meet the turtle brother’s adopted father. Soon, the only two humans find themselves a little less alone.
And stuff- wait, did I just accidental write a decent summary that wasn’t a million paragraphs long??? I didn’t know I could do that so how did I-?!
I have a bunch of notes, but no real story. Kinda prefer it that way tho. Leaves it open for possibilities~
I like it! When I think of separate Shredder AUs, I’ll admit that I usually think of Raphael getting taken with another brother. The rivalry of Leo VS Raph and Raph having a younger sibling who can keep him from turning completely to the dark side is a fav trope of mine. I can’t see him keeping them around unless he knows that they belongs to Splinter, because that’s what he took Karai. He felt like he had some right to her.
Shredder kidnapping two small children and using them against their father is definitely a road that I can see him going down.
It’s rumored that Mikey is the most naturally skilled, and it’s apparent that Donnie is a lil’ genius even as a tot- so maybe that has something to do with him not just doing away with the two freaks.
Maybe they’re toddlers- conscious enough to know when they’re being kidnapped by scary men, and old enough to have some memories that can be repressed for future “hey, wait, have we met?” familiarity stuff. So Shredder sees that they have potential to be useful and decides to keep them, teaching them to fear and hate Splinter and the Hamato clan.
Suddenly so in love with this idea- What if! While he’s repressing memories, Splinter is encouraging his sons to remember the brothers they lost. Then when they run into Donnie and Mikey on the surface, there’s just this ultimate moment of those are our little brothers that passes between them without question. I can see Donnie and Mikey are actively trying to kill them, and Leo and Raph sticking to defense because those are their missing little brothers! They can’t hurt them!
Mikey would definitely be the first to believe Leo and Raph’s insistence because come on, no matter what timeline he’s in, he’s Mikey- and Donnie takes longer because he’s the most loyal creature ever and “Mikey, they owe everything to the Foot! They’re still Yoshi’s disciples, and biology doesn’t actually make a family!”
And their big sis is a big bundle of jealous because these turtles are trying to take her little brothers away from her. I can totally see Karai bonding with Leo until Leo’s abruptly like: Hey wait, those are my brothers! >:0
Welp, playtime’s over now because she ain’t giving up her little brothers without a fight- wait, what do you mean she’s-? No, she’s Karai, not Miwa!
I’d like to think something monumental happens that changes Donnie’s and Karai’s mind- or maybe it’s just as simple as the series. They pretend to be life them to find the lair, only to discover by the photo or some other means that the Hamatos have been telling the truth. One things leads to another, and they all realize that they have a ✨true family✨ that has more than enough love to share.
And then Shredder gets mad and Karai gets turned into a snake and New York is taken over by Kraang and chaos ensues 0-0
Oooh, losing big sis trauma-
Michael’s in a daze, staring out the the fiery building beside Don as if expecting to see her emerge from the flames. Don gently pulls him back, tucking him into a hug as if to shield him from the sight. Very slowly, Mikey’s arms wrap around the scrawny shell, and he allows himself to break. Don’s misty gaze shares the same tint as the roaring flames. “We failed her.”
Michael chokes on a sob, squeezing himself closer, and Don says nothing. Leo sets a hand on his arm. “No, you didn’t.”
“You did all you could.” Splinter whispers as he comes up beside his eldest. “How could we have known… He called her daughter.”
“He was never much of a father.”
Don’s tone is detached, and Raph’s response dares the world to challenge him. “That tinhead has never been much of anything. We’ll find her- we’ll find her and we’ll fix this.”
“We found our brothers.” Leo agrees as he sets a hand on Michael’s carapace. “No matter what she looks like, we’ll find our sister too. We’ll bring her home.”
“Home?” Michael pulls away from Don to peer at him with watery eyes, and Leo offers a gentle smile. “Yeah. Come on.” He glances at the warehouse, devoured by flames and hate, and then to the horizon, where some hope might hide. “Let’s go.”
Splinter glances around the rooftops, checking for an sighs of further danger, his tone hardening enough to encourage them forward. “Yes, Leonardo. It is time to go home.”
Michael steps away from the still Don, and Leo consents to take his hand, leading him away from the horrors behind them. Raph slips an arm around his shell, turning him away, helping to lead him somewhere that he’ll feel safe enough to release the vulnerability that he keeps locked away.
Eventually, he does, and Mikey breaks harder still, but their family is right there for them when they do. Nothing changes, the nightmare is still a reality…
…But it helps.
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roobylavender · 2 years
(i apologize in advance this is probs gonna be long) okay i’m still making my way through dc canon so i apologize if any of this is nonsensical or ooc, but i can’t stop thinking about the alternate introduction idea u have for damian where he’s given up for adoption, and then his adoptive parents are killed and he’s with the loa for whatever time. idk i just think, if by some rule dick & damian had to develop a close bond as characters, it would have been interesting to see how that could be interwoven with au!damian’s story while still being cognizant of Talia & Bruce and the fact that neither would be as intentionally callous and shitty as they are in modern canon. I think it would’ve been neat to sort of set it up so Talia & Bruce are off together investigating the murder of Damian’s parents after a discussion turned argument where they (including Damian) tried to figure out what their son’s role in the investigation should be if any. Talia believes he should be involved if he wants to, that he has a right to justice for his family, it’s not like he has no training, and it gives him a way to work through his emotions on the matter, isn’t that what Bruce is doing? Bruce sees this side (obv, the robins exist) but having learned from his experience with Jason, and knowing there’s a lot of details of Damian’s time with the league after the death of his adoptive parents that he is not yet privy to, he is unsure if it is best to throw Damian into a battlefield after he was just freed from one. Ethical conflict between divorcees, who knows maybe they get intimate about it! Meanwhile, lets say Dick would have been called by Bruce, wanting to leave Damian in the care of someone who a) has the capacity to keep him in check if need be (as in a situation where Damian would be a danger to himself etc), b) can sympathize at least to an extent with Damian’s trauma, and c) someone who could be a positive influence on Damian through that relatability (& prob also dick being a bit closer to damian’s age than bruce is). And like, I think in this hypothetical Damian would really appreciate Dick because not only is Dick someone who has insight into his parent’s relationship to each other and why they may have given him up, but I also think he’d be really upfront in answering Damian’s questions and paint a pretty fair picture of who Talia & Bruce are as people. there could be that sort of sense of okay this is who damian feels at least somewhat comfortable to latch on to without any bs. I also think it would be sort of interesting to use Dick being put in the position of a temporary caregiver of someone who has a million questions about the man who raised him as a way to explore his current feelings about bruce and how their dynamic has shifted through the years, particularly irt to how he feels about being asked for this out of what may be the blue, and whether he’s glad to have been asked by bruce or not. internal man vs self vs father type stuff yk (& maybe whether he wants to take on that sort of responsibility in his own life, who knows) . i think it would help subvert the “golden bio kid” stuff to have bruce’s experiences with some of the other bats explicitly influence his decision making irt trying to parent damian, and though i didn’t give talia’s reasoning as well as i could have i think it would be interesting to explore how deeply her personal philosophy would influence her itr. and also i like the running theme of exploration of familial structures through both damian’s adoptive and bio parents. sorry for how insanely long this ask is, i just had to share that ur idea has made me a wee bit insane. hope you have a good day/night.
(the au posts being referred to) anon how have you managed in one condensed ask to chart a better path for damian and talia and bruce and dick as an interconnected collective than morrison or tomasi or whoever else could even hope to imagine. where is your publication deal with dc. when are you storming their offices and making the pitch and winning the hundred issue run guarantee with the best pencillers and inkers at your disposal like i am so serious right now this is insane i'm obsessed i can't get enough of it
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