#and he and geralt share the same terrible sense of humor
kingthunder · 2 years
trying to nail the characterization i like for geralt and jaskier is like trying to balance on one of these bitches
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bambirex · 10 months
It's A Game We Play: Chapter 11
Pairings: Geraskier, Yennskier, Radskier
Characters: Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Radovid, original female characters, Essi Daven, Priscilla, Ciri of Cintra, Valdo Marx, Vespula
Additional tags: inspired by Mamma Mia! (movies), crack, fluff and humor, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, omega jaskier, alpha geralt, alpha yennefer, beta radovid, awkwardness, jaskier is a good parent, protective jaskier, weddings, found family, post mpreg, confusion, banter, alternate universe-modern setting, jaskier is having the worst time of his life, valdo is here to make everything worse, insecure jaskier, internalized slut shaming, light angst, family drama, there was only one bed, sharing a bed, valdo marx being an asshole, valdo marx and his ukulele from hell, drunk jaskier, mild language, sexual humor, jaskier in a dress, well it's a skirt but still, jaskier is essentially a milf in this, mentions of depression, gender issues, not in the strict sense of the word but just in case
Rating: teen and up audiences
Full word count: 34,838 words
Chapter word count: 2,983 words
Summary: Jaskier's daughter is about to marry the love of her life, and she decides she wants both her parents at her wedding. Only problem is that Jaskier has slept with a little too many people in his youth, so the identity of the other parent is a mystery. That does not stop the bride-to-be from inviting three potential daddy candidates and unleashing absolute chaos in the process.
Otherwise known as Jaskier's terrible horrible no good past decisions leading to terrible horrible no good outcomes. Also known as the Mamma Mia! AU nobody asked for, but I wrote it anyway.
Chapter summary: Jaskier and Radovid re-learn each other during a dinner date. Geralt and Yennefer do some reminiscing of their own.
Author's notes: Next date is here! Also, that's not a typo in the title, that's just a horrible pun.
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Jaskier tried to talk Radovid out of spending so much money on him, but of course, he was insistent on spoiling Jaskier rotten. And, well, Jaskier was only human. There was only so much pleading he could do before his stomach and his heart prevailed, and he caved in to the fancy restaurant date. Radovid looked utterly smug that he won. That smirk certainly did not help Jaskier’s situation.
He had plenty of ammo to fire in this particular challenge, too, namely that deeply cut-out sleeveless blouse he picked for this occasion. Radovid managed to be all smooth, opening the car door for him and offering him his arm as they walked inside the restaurant, very much on top of his game- up until Jaskier took off his blazer and revealed what was underneath.
Radovid nearly knocked a glass off the table as his eyes landed on Jaskier’s chest.
“My eyes are up here,” Jaskier smirked. He crossed his arms over the table and leant forward, letting the lapels of his blouse slip further apart. Since his exes ogled him so openly and with so much genuine awe during the bridal shower performance, Jaskier realized a couple of extra pounds surely didn’t bother either of them, in fact, they all seemed to be digging a forty-one years old Jaskier just as much as they did a twenty-one. So, he let himself revel in the adoration.
“Sorry,” Radovid stuttered. He quickly pulled himself together while the waiter arrived to take their order.
“You still love shrimp, right?”
“I would sacrifice the entire goat herd for shrimp,” Jaskier replied with a grin. Radovid laughed.
“You would sacrifice those goats for a slice of dry bread.”
“Touché. They’re the bane of my existence.”
Radovid smiled at him over the rim of his glass. Jaskier found himself smile back easily. It all took him back in time, to that evening when they met, flirting over their drinks with the same playfulness. Many things changed in the meantime, and many things stayed the same. Jaskier needed to figure out what it all meant- until then, he would allow himself to enjoy their date.
Radovid’s phone pinged. He glanced at it and hesitated for a few seconds before he turned it off and upside down. Jaskier raised an eyebrow at him.
“Are we waiting for someone else?”
“No,” Radovid laughed. “It’s just Ezra. My right-hand man, so to speak. He’s managing the company while I’m away. He’s just letting me know everything went well on today’s conference.”
“I’ve seen you were getting like, hundreds of e-mails,” Jaskier said. To Radovid’s surprised look, he was quick to add, “I wasn’t going through your phone or anything like that. The screen just kept lighting up. Aren’t you worried about it?”
“The company?”
Jaskier nodded. Radovid hummed. He stared down at the napkin on the table while he collected his thoughts.
“Well, I would lie if I said I wasn’t,” he explained. “It’s a huge responsibility. Obviously, I don’t want it to fall apart. I kept everything in hand all alone, so… it is a bit worrying I don’t know what’s going on with it, yes.”
“Do you like it?” Jaskier asked softly. “Managing a big company like that?”
There was a beat of silence. The confidence seemed to waver in Radovid’s eyes.
“Sometimes,” he eventually said. Jaskier believed that was the most honest answer.
He knew that Radovid had a tendency to pretend like nothing could phase him. He was more emotional than Geralt, for example, but he also kept things bottled up in a way. While Geralt buried his feelings deep inside and refused to talk about them most of the time, Radovid pretended he had everything under control, even when he didn’t. It was a defense mechanism, the same way Geralt’s silence, Jaskier’s cheerfulness, and Yennefer’s coldness was. Luckily, the person sitting across from him at the table knew him better than to fall for this fake confidence.
“Put the positive and the negative into the two trays of a scale,” Jaskier said, “where does it tip?”
“The negative,” Radovid said, surprisingly quickly. It seemed like he was willing to let the façade go, just for a little bit, just for Jaskier. “I literally don’t have time for anything else. I haven’t even had a normal relationship in years, just some quick one-night stands. It consumes practically all my time. Franz Joseph died because of that.”
Jaskier stared at him in utter confusion. “The emperor?”
“My tarantula,” Radovid clarified. Jaskier nodded, still not feeling any wiser. He had zero idea Radovid owned an eight-legged pet at one point, but then again, he kept mistaking his mangoes for coconuts, as well. He clearly needed to re-learn him.
“Couldn’t even keep a pet alive due to those responsibilities. So, yes. I do enjoy the money that comes with it. And I do enjoy feeling important, as well. But it is too much, sometimes.”
“When you say feeling important,” Jaskier said, tapping his fingers against the table, “do you mean you feel like you cannot be important any other way? I mean, maybe… you feel like you need to prove something?”
Radovid stalled a little by re-filling Jaskier’s glass. He bit his lip as he leant back in his chair. Their eyes met. Jaskier waited patiently.
“Most execs in this business are Alphas,” Radovid replied, a little quieter. “My brother, too. My father was one. Betas… are a little bit looked down on. You know, we’re the boring ones. No heats, no ruts, nothing extraordinary. I do need to work twice as hard for people to see my worth.”
“Maybe it’s just you,” Jaskier told him honestly. He knew there was no point in beating around the bush. They weren’t kids anymore. “Maybe you’re telling this to yourself, even though other people actually do see your worth. Maybe… you just haven’t been told enough that you were good at what you do. I’m sorry about that. I know you’re extremely smart, and stronger than what people think of you at first glance. I know you’re caring, too.”
He looked down on the table. Their hands weren’t all that far from each other. Jaskier swallowed, his heart pounding heavily as he let his index finger brush Radovid’s faintly.
“You used to tell me I was special,” Jaskier continued quietly, “praised me to the high heavens. You deserve to feel the same way I did when you told me those things.”
He looked up, into Radovid’s eyes that bore into his deeply.
“You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Don’t wear yourself down for some old, wrinkly-dicked Alpha’s validation.”
That finally made Radovid laugh. He gently tapped his finger against Jaskier’s.
“Thank you,” he said earnestly. Jaskier’s smile widened. His heart jumped when Radovid said, “Actually, Amaryllis said that to me, too. She really is a lot like you.”
“The apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree, huh?”
“Yes,” Radovid’s smile brightened. “You know, I would be the happiest man if it turned out she was mine. Because everyone can be proud to call her their child, and because it would mean we created something together. You and me. Actually, I’ve been thinking. You know, I really like her. I like talking to her, getting to know her and everything, but… I’m not sure we’ll ever get closer to a solution like this. Why don’t we just take a DNA test?”
Jaskier’s heart dropped to his stomach. He swallowed heavily. That was the logical choice, wasn’t it? This mess would all be over with that. That was what they all wanted, right?
Then why did the idea seem so sour, suddenly?
“They don’t even need to draw blood, anymore,” Radovid continued, “they just use a cotton swab in your mouth. The results are almost one-hundred percent trustworthy, and they arrive in a few days.”
“And then, the winner takes it all,” Jaskier whispered, more to himself than to Radovid. “Amaryllis… and me.”
The waiter arrived with their food. They remained silent until he left. Jaskier felt Radovid’s eyes on him all the while.
“You hate the idea,” Radovid stated. Jaskier sighed.
“It just seems so final.”
“Is that not what we’re looking for?”
“Yeah… we’ll talk to the others about it,” Jaskier promised. He gave Radovid a faint smile. “Well, all in all, you still have the brains.”
At least Radovid’s bright smile made the strangely uncomfortable feeling inside Jaskier dissipate.
Geralt only needed to follow the sounds of loud giggling and excited chatter to find them. He smiled when he spotted them in the tiny vegetable garden behind the inn, all three of them dirty from their toes to the tops of their heads. Ciri had an unnecessarily large dirt smear on her cheek. Judging by the dirt on Amaryllis’s hands, it was safe to assume how it got there.
Yennefer had her hair pulled up into a bun on the top of her head. A few locks escaped it, framing her face. She was a lovely vision, Geralt had to admit.
Amaryllis noticed him approaching at first. She waved at him with a grin. Geralt waved back.
“Dad, thank God,” Ciri groaned, “this carrot is stuck in the seventh depth of hell.”
“We’ve been trying to drag it out for five minutes,” Yennefer added with a laugh, “it’s a stubborn carrot.”
Geralt went to his knees next to them. He inspected the stuck carrot. He couldn’t see that Ciri gently elbowed Amaryllis behind him, and that they fled the scene quietly giggling.
“That’s in deep,” he stated. He looked up at Yennefer. She crouched close to him, their shoulders brushing. It made something funny stir in Geralt’s chest.
“Are you sure you’re in dire need of that carrot?”
“That sounds so cheeky,” Yennefer smirked. Geralt stared at her in confusion, until the penny dropped. He felt his cheeks flush.
“Shit. I talk like Jaskier and Radovid.”
“Come on, as if you never made cheeky remarks,” Yennefer teased. She gently elbowed him. “Did you lose your flair or what, old man?”
This seemed to be Yennefer’s new favorite nickname for him. Geralt didn’t mind it as much as he was probably supposed to.
“Are you saying you miss my jokes?”
“They did make my life brighter.”
Somehow, Yennefer’s voice wasn’t nearly as sarcastic as Geralt expected. When he looked up at her, he saw something genuine in her eyes.
“Did they?” Geralt asked, genuinely curious. Yennefer bit her lip. Then, slowly, her lips curled into a smile.
“They did. We had fun together, until it fell apart.”
Geralt hummed. He grabbed the carrot and tried to ease it out of the soil. It didn’t even budge.
“I always loved making fun of stupid reality shows with you,” Geralt said, the words suddenly tumbling out without his permission. “You had the best narration.”
“We always said there was no way people are that stupid in real life, and look at us,” Yennefer laughed. Geralt snorted softly.
“I mean, we used to fight over the stupidest things even back then.”
“Because you put the empty milk carton back in the fridge!”
“You always mis-matched my socks.”
“All your socks are black, Geralt. You can’t even notice the difference.”
Geralt found himself grinning at her. Yennefer shook her head, but her smile was fond. Her eyes drifted to Geralt’s lips, then down to his arms, and then to the carrot.
“Maybe we can try and pull it out together,” she suggested. She placed her hands over Geralt’s. Her skin was so warm.
Together, they started pulling on it. Geralt deliberately slowed his movements to feel Yennefer’s hand on his a little longer.
“Stuck like your knots in Jaskier?”
The carrot popped out. Geralt snarled up at Valdo.
“Want me to shove this down your throat?”
“I bet Jaskier said yes to your question, I won’t, unfortunately. I have to say, seeing you struggle like that, I feel very lucky to be a Beta. I never got stuck in him.”
“This shit again?” Yennefer huffed. “No one believes you!”
Valdo only grinned. He looked down on their hands that were still intertwined over the vegetable.
“That’s up to you, love. Keep pulling on each other’s carrots, I won’t bother you.”
Geralt rolled his eyes as Valdo sauntered away.
“Does this man have some kind of built-in chip that activates his bullshit whenever we’re around?”
“I think he’s just like that,” Yennefer said. She suddenly noticed they were still essentially holding hands over the carrot. She pulled her hand back with a blush.
“Thanks for the help,” she said softly. Geralt smiled at her earnestly.
“I shouldn’t have had dessert,” Jaskier groaned. “I need a seatbelt expander.”
“Come on,” Radovid laughed, “you deserved it. We’re almost home, anyways.”
He caught Jaskier sending him a strange look. Radovid realized he accidentally called the inn “home”. He chuckled at himself. It did feel more homely than his expensive flat, but he needed to be more careful with his choice of words.
“I haven’t had lava cake in years,” Jaskier said with a dreamy sigh. “I mean, the actually good kind. Not the store-bought version where instead of hot chocolate sauce, a sad piece of dog poop plops out of the cookie.”
“Sounds lovely.”
“Yeah, that’s unfortunately all I can afford,” Jaskier replied with a chuckle. It would have sounded easy for the ears of someone who didn’t know Jaskier, but Radovid heard the slight ting of nerves in his laugh. He glanced at him, and indeed, Jaskier was chewing on his lower lip.
“You’re a business owner, too,” Radovid started, carefully choosing his phrasing. “But you seem to enjoy it a lot more than I do.”
“Well, it’s not a mega company,” Jaskier replied with a snort. “Just a small inn. But I love my staff, and the guests. I spent most of my childhood there, and then a big chunk of my adulthood as well, even before I permanently moved to the island. It has sentimental value.”
“How did you know there was a but?”
“I heard the way you hesitated. So?”
Jaskier shook his head with an amused little laugh. He looked at Radovid, narrowing his eyes at him.
“Sometimes, I hate you for being so observant.”
Radovid grinned. “I bet. Tell me.”
“Well, ugh,” Jaskier shuddered. “This is awkward. Talking about this with someone who could pull a diamond out of his pocket anytime…”
“Hey,” Radovid reached over and placed his hand on Jaskier’s knee gently. “I won’t judge you.”
“I… well, it is a small business. A seasonal one. In the warm months, it’s pretty nice, but in the colder ones… families do come here for Christmas, of course, but it’s not the same. And in this economy, well, people might not want to run to The Dandelion right away. So, I…”
“You’re struggling?” Radovid asked softly. Jaskier swallowed audibly.
“I can pay my bills, and I’m not on the brink of closing or anything like that, it’s just… like you, I manage it all alone. The Dandelion definitely brings in less income than your company.”
“I’m sorry,” Radovid told him, “you should have said something.”
“I didn’t want to burden you with this. Or Amaryllis. She doesn’t know either.”
They finally arrived at the inn. Radovid parked the car, still checking Jaskier’s reactions. He seemed to be deeply lost in his thoughts. Radovid didn’t like that frown on his face.
“We’re here for you, you know,” he said softly, “me, and Yennefer, and Geralt, too. And Amaryllis. You don’t need to carry all the weight alone.”
Jaskier looked at him. He gave a soft sigh, which turned into a smile.
“Using my advice to you to motivate me? Damn.”
“Is it working?”
“We’ll see.”
Jaskier unbuckled his belt, but he didn’t exit the car just yet. He glanced at Radovid again, seemingly hesitating a little.
“If we take that test,” he started slowly, “you know there’s a chance the results won’t have your name on it.”
“I know.”
“And how would you feel about that?”
“On one hand, if she’s Geralt’s, that would mean you were already pregnant when we had sex, so I double-filled…”
“Radovid, please,” Jaskier scoffed, “be serious now.”
“Right, sorry.”
He stared at the steering wheel. How would he feel? He wasn’t sure himself. He grew very attached to Amaryllis, and of course, his feelings for Jaskier were back with full force. If Amaryllis was someone else’s, he would lose it all. Jaskier’s love, his bond with Amaryllis, even his connection to Yennefer and Geralt.
But that was still the logical decision. Much better than running around like a bunch of headless chicken. That was what he needed to keep in mind, even if his heart bled at the thought that maybe his own idea will cause his demise.
“I guess I need to take whatever happens head-on,” he replied with a small smile. “Thank you, for having dinner with me.”
“I had fun,” Jaskier said softly. His lashes fluttered. Radovid felt like he was drawn like a moth to a flame as he leant in. Jaskier let out a little sound that made him halt.
“Can I kiss you?” Radovid asked. Jaskier looked down on his lap, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. Radovid waited for him patiently.
“On the cheek,” Jaskier eventually replied. Then, he caused Radovid’s heart to leap when he added, “for now.”
Radovid gladly took what he could get with a smile as he pressed his lips to Jaskier’s warm cheek. He smelled so sweet, and he made such a soft sigh. Radovid let himself linger a little bit, and Jaskier allowed him.
His smile was so beautiful when Radovid pulled back. Right now, Radovid decided that no matter what would come next, he could feel like he already won.
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dapandapod · 3 years
Panda panda panda Triss and Eskel, but as best friends. Doing the thing where you both sit in a meadow and pile grass on the other, or something else stupid
Ella-la my darling, I love this idea very much! And thus I give to you a much longer thing than I expected, but I hope you like it! <3
On Ao3 here, because I can’t resist it.  Thank you lovely @kuripon, my rock when grammar and words are my enemy! You are the best!
Here be swearing, pining and friends being there for each other when they try to accept things about oneself. Enjoy <3
As unlikely as it might seem, Eskel has a best friend. No, it’s not a goat. And no, it’s not Geralt, as surprising as that is.
It is a small sorceress with brown, unruly locks and a wicked sense of humor. Triss and Eskel met thanks to Ciri, and Yennefer, and Geralt, and somehow even that bard that pops up everywhere.  Again and again they ran into each other until they didn’t have a choice but to like each other.
Triss and Eskel are rather alike, actually. Most take them for even tempered, kind and stoic. Nobody suspects them if Roach ends up getting a dick shaved onto her butt. Nobody would suspect them to sneak a bit of dried fish inside Jaskier's lute. Nobody would suspect them of being behind the fishing with dynamite accident. Nobody but Lambert, because he was the one who got the blame.
Sometimes they seek each other out, to share herbs with each other or just a really good cup of tea. Eskel really likes her company and she listens quietly when he tells her about his scars. He too is quiet when she talks about hers, the hidden ones that run far deeper than they have any right to.
When Triss fell for Yennefer, it was Eskel by her side. Feelings always appear at the worst possible moment. Or at least, are realized. Sodden Hill was a terrible fight, and Yennefer had disappeared for many months. He held her hand on a pebbled beach far away from the world, watching the stars move across the night sky.
When Eskel realized he doesn’t fall in love, that he won't, she was there for him. He isn't sad per se. It is not a loss when it is something you never had. But it was yet another thing that made him different from others. She listened to his thoughts and worries, and assured him there were other more meaningful bonds to be had than romantic ones.
This is one of those times, when they have found each other. Triss found herself lodging in Vizima and he came to visit her. They don’t need horses, preferring to make the long walk out of town and into nature. They find a glade between crooked birch trees, the grass high and perfect to sit down and make grass people in. Better that than a straight up butt print, Triss tells him as she rolls around and waves her arms.
“Who is babysitting Lil Bleater?” Triss asks.
“She can babysit herself perfectly fine. It's Big Bleater I’m worried about.” Eskel replies, carefully choosing strands of grass into a bouquet. 
“Dare I ask?” Triss smiles, closing her eyes and enjoying the sun.
“I found a baby monster. Decided to raise it.”
“.....So you named it Big Bleater.” Triss deadpans.
“It’s a good name.” Eskel shrugs and picks another straw. “Lay still.”
He starts placing them in a shape on her stomach. Piling some into a big circle and then carefully placing out straw after straw.
“Am I getting pretty now?” 
“Nothing can help you, I’m afraid. Lost cause.”
“I will shave Bleater too, don’t think I will!” Triss threatens, dislodging some grass and Eskel sends her a warning glare.
“Which one of them?” Eskel says, picking up the fallen straw and patiently placing them back to where they were. It is starting to get a shape. If you squint.
“Both.” Triss promises.
“Best of luck, ugly one,” Eskel says, grinning. Triss sits up, grass falling everywhere and smacks his arms hard.
“Ouch! My goat!” Eskel rubs at the arm and looks dejected at the grass strewn all over Triss’ dress.
“If you are lucky, I might just turn you into a goat.”
“Kinky.” Eskel smirks, and Triss slaps his arm again. “Will you stop that?!”
“No. You deserved it.”
“What did I do?!”
“What didn’t you do?!”
“True! But in my defence, it was free,” Eskel counters, and tosses a fistful of grass in her face.
“You know what? I think I actually would like you better as a goat,” Triss says, looking at him appraisingly. The grass is stuck in her curls, and will probably stay there for the rest of the day. That’s a thought.
“Doubt it. I’m not as well behaved as the Bleaters,” Eskel says, throwing more grass in her hair.
“Fine. Then I’ll turn all your clothes pink.”
“If you do, I’m telling Yen you like her.”
Triss gasps. “You’ll do no such thing!!”
 The war continues on, and Eskel finds that he is smiling more than he has all year. They walk back together arm in arm, pausing to let Triss collect a weird snail they find by the trail. There is still grass in her hair, and as they walk through the streets of Vizima they get funny looks.
Eskel wishes he could stay, but there is a contract in a hamlet a day's ride from here that is waiting for him. He follows her to her door, and when she smiles and tilts her head at him, he can’t believe how lucky he is. Grass is still sticking out of her curls, and he has no intention of telling her.
“I’ve missed you,” He says, and she puts a hand up and cups his scarred cheek.
“And I you, my dear friend. I’m glad you came by.”
She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest. He hugs her back, and actually picks her up. She laughs, unguarded and free, as he spins them around and squeezes.
“Silly witcher,” she chides, but allows it all the same. “Next time I see you, I want to hear nothing about succubi, please,” she teases.
“And next time I see you, I want you to have kissed Yennefer.”
“Gods, I wish,” she mutters, and Eskel grins again. He had noticed Yennefer open the door behind Triss while they were speaking, but Triss had yet to notice.
“See you, little witch.” Eskel says, and hurries down the steps. He gives a small wave. “And nice seeing you, Yennefer!”
Triss twists around with a gasp, turning bright red. Yennefer looks equally stunned and they stare at each other for a second.
“ESKEL!” Triss shrieks, and Eskel hurries away. He knows there will be revenge, but he hopes Triss will manage to kiss that witch of hers before then.
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wherethewordsare · 4 years
Dinners, Disasters, and Desserts
For @thetinymm <3
He wasn’t even supposed to be there that evening, but there he sat, menu at his elbow, already read a dozen times as he had waited for his date. His date that was obviously not coming. This was the last time he let Lambert set him up. They never went well. But at least he seemed to be having a better night than the guy in the booth behind him. 
“I just don’t understand why we have to keep coming back to this place, Jask. The food isn’t even that good.” A haughty annoyed man ranted. This “Jask” only sighed and seemed to turn back to their menu. “You don’t even have a favorite dish that brings you back here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you order the same thing twice.” 
“Some of us enjoy adventure, Valdo.” Jask’s tone could have just as easily conveyed the passing of a train, an obvious and easily recognizable event. Geralt had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing. 
“And some of us have actual taste, Jaskier. Or has that gone along with your sense of humor too, recently?”
The plan had formulated before Geralt could talk himself out of it. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but suddenly, the need to save this Jaskier fellow was more powerful than his previous annoyance at being stood up. Again. Damn it, Lambert. 
“If you’re so-”
Geralt turned in his seat, leaning over and seeing that the man Jaskier was in the seat right behind him, given the voice. He made a show of tapping his shoulder and putting on his most charming smile, which at most, just passed for a smirk. 
“I’m so sorry to interrupt,” He mimicked the voice he had heard Eskel using so many times with the bartenders he always seemed to hit on. “But did I hear right that you’ve tried almost everything on the menu?” He made sure to keep his eyes trained on Jaskier and found that it wasn’t very hard to do. “I was just sitting here trying to figure out what to order and, if that’s the case, I’m sure you’d have some fantastic insight as to what’s good.” 
He kept his voice as even as possible and his stare about as casual as he could muster. What he had not been expecting was that this Jaskier was going to be stunning with soft brown hair and the bluest eyes. There was a light in those eyes that spoke of mischief and a shared conspiracy. It delighted him.
“Well, my handsome friend, I must say, you’ve come to the right place.” This Jaskier gave a smile like a thousand-watt bulb and for a moment, Geralt was completely blinded. His date behind him made a displeased noise and Geralt only looked over Jaskier’s shoulder and glared daggers at him. 
“First, land or sea?” It was obvious he had caught the glare as he was beaming impossibly brighter over the back of their adjoining benches. A stray lock of hair was sliding down his brow and Geralt had to clench his hand so as not to reach over and fix it. 
“Hmm.” he made a show of taking his time to think about it. Mostly he was buying his time. The longer this conversation went, the better this night would get. A small brazen part of him just thought ‘Ask him to join you at your table and leave this Valdo fellow to huff in peace.’ He wasn’t feeling quite that brave yet. 
“Is that a thinking ‘hmm’ or a ‘how do I say both hmm’? Hmm?” 
“Honestly, Jaskier, leave the man alone. I thought we were on a date.” Valdo all but growled behind him. 
“Hmm.” Geralt looked up and shot more daggers towards Jaskier’s date, his jaw clicking shut. 
“Well that was definitely a ‘Mind your own business’ hmm, Valdo.” Jaskier hadn’t even looked behind himself, winking at Geralt. And suddenly, the brazen part seemed to win out. 
“You know, I realize what I could really go for is some dessert,” he made a show of looking down at the menu and frowning, “but it would seem that they don’t have gelato here. What do you think I should do about that?” That’s it Geralt, put the ball in his court. Nice and easy.
Jaskier bit his lip, his head ducking slightly and even in the low light of the restaurant, Geralt could see the pink on his ears. “Have you ever tried Magnolia’s?” It was soft, almost conspiratorial. 
“I have not,” he lied. Magnolia’s was a weekly favorite of his and Ciri’s. “Are they close by?”
“Jaskier! Honestly!” Valdo was once more ignored. 
“You know, it might just be easier if I show you.” Jaskier reached for his coat, turning to Valdo. “This was… this was what it was, Valdo. I’ll see you around.” He winked before sliding out of his booth and standing beside Geralt’s, offering his arm. “Shall we, darling.” 
Geralt had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing. He grabbed his coat and pulled his phone out to shoot a quick message to Lambert. “Saved but for the grace of some flirtatious scoundrel on an equally terrible date.” 
“Geralt, wtf does that mean!?” 
“Did you just pick up a rando at La Mond’s!?” 
Geralt took Jaskier’s arm easily, finding it fit against his perfectly. He made sure to get the door for him and they walked to Magnolia’s Gelato down the way. 
“You seem awfully sure footed as to where we’re going for someone who has no idea where it is.” Jaskier commented, smirking. 
It brought Geralt up short and he laughed, pulling a slight grimace. “Would you have come with me anyways?” 
Jaskier pulled him to a stop, that beaming grin back in place, lighting up the whole street. “Oh, darling, I think I might just follow you anywhere.”
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bella-alva-lovat · 5 years
Hey @eccentricmya thank you for tagging me
Rules: Ten favorite characters from ten different things, tag ten people
Let's just say you gave me a lot to think about; anyways I didn't prioritize I just went with my gut choosing between the most recent and the most beloved characters of mine. Here goes:
Eric Northman of True Blood
Why not start with the best of the best? And not to mention Alexander skarsgard's portrayal was iconic and on point. Loved him in the books and series. Eric is like all those things I seek in characters roled into one cunning bastard
Hermine of Steppenwolf
She is a force to be reckoned with, had every single one in the palm of her hand. I loved how she made harry feel so exposed and yet a strange impenetrable sense of trust was about it all. She is all those things I can never be, and in truth I don't really have to be. But I sure as hell need one in my life
Lestat, the Vampire
My oh my. I'm torn between him and Eric, but I gotta say, Lestat is truly something else. Tom cruise NAILED it btw. More like, who doesn't have a thing for Lestat?!
Nik Ryder of Nightbound
If you don't play choices - which I doubt you do - you have no idea who I'm talking about. However, I couldn't rule him out. I loved his character, the only time the writers gave a damn to actually create something unique with a lotta complex layers going on. He's a bit like Dean Winchester, from whom its character got the inpiration, but if you ask me they aren't really that similar. To me, he was a protecter, very caring, took everything so seriously to his heart, got attached despite knowing his terrible lot, and gave much more than he had to unconditionally. I like it when they are loyal, for no reason at all. He also had a very laid back and direct sense of humor. Honestly, I believe he's got a lot more in common with Geralt than anybody else
Erik, the Phantom of the Opera
Dark, brooding, shrewd, tactful, and evil for the right cause? Check, check, check, and also check. I got it hot for these. To them pain is not an ending point, it's more like a shelter, from which new genuine ideas are born. They take what they were given, and turn it into a world of possibilities. They may be demanding to take so much from you, but they earned it. I adore Erik, I feel for him. He is indeed my Angel of Music
Circe, the witch in the Odyssey
I like classics too much. And this woman really caught my eyes. She takes seduction to the next level, and for the person who hates being played, she sure as hell plays so many games (me af). I especially like her straightforwardness. You want this one on your side
Louis Creed of Pet Semetary
We shared the same taste in music (Ramones), and the same fuckin intuition. Louis played his cards right, only he stayed too long in the game and got lost in the end. LOVED the book, absolutely hated the adaption. They took all the good stuff out of it
James Bond
Like I already said, I'm weak for a man who uses his wits as weapon. Guns and swords are more than cool, but show me some strategy. All that and he never sacrifices his sense of style. Respect
Kurda Smalt of Darren Shan Saga
Couldn't live this one out either. Back in the day I used to take a liking to Darren's world. He is a good author. I got very upset when Kurda was sentenced to death. He deserved much better
Túrin Turambar
Let's end with a bang. I know what you think, has she even read a single word in that book. Yes I have, three times in a row. Thing is there's a lot more to Túrin than destruction and ruin. And I wouldn't call this one unfortunate no matter what anyone tell me. And I quote him: perhaps it is better not to tell what you wish, if you cannot have it; but I wish Labadal, that I was one of the Eldar.' He got what he wished for, earned a reputation, and I really love the fact that the reason it all went wrong was his own choice to return to what was long lost, not any curse
I loved doing this one. I got ahead of myself again, but that's merely because I love expanding why I have certain preferances. Anyways, I tag the following who are more than welcome to ignore
@wifeofdarklordsworld @givesauronakiss @maironsmaid @boredhumanfan @tar-melkor @haldanare
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