#and he died 1 episode into the 7th season
essycogany · 1 year
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments. Character Analysis.
A weird topic I’m more then happy to discuss.
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Mandate: “Sonic’s not allowed to get overly emotional.”
I’m starting to think the mandates do break in a few instances. This one specifically is something I’m quite interested in because this is probably one of the rarest emotions Sonic displays. Getting sad/emotional.
Hopefully this essay will be a positive outlook on the mandate.
(Despite being a discussion about negative emotions.)
Examples Of Sonic Getting Emotional
I might not include everything, but the examples I have knowledge of will be stated. If you have anymore examples, I’d love to see them.
SATAM: Sonic cried when he and the Freedomfighters had to leave his Uncle Chuck in Robotnik’s lab.
Archie: The times Sonic cried/teared up was when the weight of a situation got to him, when something tragic occurred and all hope was lost, or when he was filled with joy after those instances ended. Those moments like others, didn’t go too far. (For the most part)
Pretty sure he never out right sobbed.
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Underground: I think Sonic only cried when he was a little kid.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
X: In episode 52 Sonic allowed his tears to shed with his head turned away from us. He and Chris ran one last time before Sonic left through a portal to go home forever. It obviously crushed him even if we didn’t see his face.
Boom: Sonic cried/teared up in two episodes of the show. First when Tails was reminiscing about the Tornado and noticed Sonic wiping his eyes. Sonic replied, “What?” Then he, Knuckles, and Tails all cried when they thought the baby they took care of was gone. Also, in Archie when Stick’s rock friend broke or “Died,” everyone in team Boom morned it. Sonic included.
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IDW: Sonic shed tears in the Scrapnick Island Issue. Even if it was “Mecha Sonic’s” tears I’ll count it anyways because it’s a good loophole and it came out of Sonic’s eyes.
Movie 1: It’s implied he indeed cried during the baseball scene. The sources being a deleted scene and story-board of the film.
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Prime: This doesn’t really count, but Sonic teared up in the first episode when he was held captive by the Chaos Council and had light blasted in his eyes, when he was in darkness. Then Sonic actually cried in episode 7 when he ate a seadog. Either because he was home-sick or starving.
(In the last episode of season two it’s implied he might cry in the next episode. Especially with the shot of him looking on the verge of tears and then covered his eyes in the background of the last shot, but we’ll see.)
By the way. You can see the instant improvement from episode 1 to 7 of the tears animation. Just thought I’d say that.
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My Overall Thoughts
Hold on because this is going to be a long ride.
First thing I’d like to discuss is the mandate itself.
I personally don’t believe it means, “Sonic shouldn’t cry.”
(Which has been stated a bunch)
If that were the case, I don’t think this majority of moments (specifically the recent ones) would’ve happened. I think the mandate meant Sonic couldn’t and or shouldn’t go too far with his emotions. I don’t think the mandate existing makes any since, but I won’t get into that.
My point is, Sonic can cry, just not in an overly dramatized way unless it’s done for comedic purposes.
(I say that because of Sonic Boom and the 7th episode of Prime examples. Which are obviously not meant to be taken seriously)
My opinions on Sonic crying.
It’s not necessarily needed, but I don’t mind if it’s done well. I do believe Sonic shouldn’t go too far unless the situation does.
One Issue in Archie when Sonic’s entire life was basically ruined, is a good example. If you’re going to have such calamities happen to him, especially since he has zero ego or mask to hold onto, I think it’s a fair enough scenario for him to react as drastic as his misfortune.
But I believe if he were to cry in something like the Metal Virus. (Just for an example) it could be like how Espio teared up after Vector’s sacrifice.
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Crazy idea. Let’s talk about Shadow for a minute.
Shadow is one of the most stoic characters in the entire franchise. He barely smiles, gets excited, or displays any overly positive emotions. While Sonic rarely cries, gets angry, or shows any harsh negative emotions. Shadow and Sonic are opposites because of that.
Sonic’s overall a positive and outgoing guy who wants to keep moving forward. Whenever he has the time to worry, he runs. Faces his problems head on. Sonic only let’s a small amount of his true emotions out when helping someone else. In general Sonic’s a pretty optimistic character.
Shadow on the other hand is a reserved and serious guy. Who wants what’s best for the world too, but in a more calculated and planned out manner. But for some reason, in Sonic Adventure 2 after Amy encouraged Shadow to save the world, (Which reminded him of Maria’s real wish) He sheds a tear.
I repeat. Shadow is the most stoic character in the entire franchise. Who rarely shows his emotions. And yet he cries.
Why can’t Sonic? To be fair, Sonic usually doesn’t have time to think, let alone worry about how he feels. But if Shadow himself can have a short moment of releasing his emotional baggage, why can’t the blue blur?
Is Sonic even as happy as he let’s on?
I’d say he’s genuinely happy half of the time. Then the other half Sonic’s internalizing everything negative in him. Everyone knows Sonic’s overall upbeat, but we’ve seen plenty of times (In the Metal Virus specifically) when he’s thinking, or enduring the chaos around him, he doubts himself. Sonic has these insecurities and emotions he barely let’s anyone see.
Besides Issue #24
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Even in Sonic Prime while Sonic shows the most guilt, sincerity, anger, fear, and sadness in the show. He sometimes still puts on a front and acts like everything’s fine.
Sonic Unleashed I’m pretty sure was the first and only time we’ve seen him mope for a minute. All because Amy didn’t know who he was. So, he does have some level of insecurities lingering every once in a while.
Can Sonic crying even work?
How I interpret him crying is when he’s alone. Some people theorize in certain instances like SA2 and Unleashed with Shadow and Chip’s sacrifices, he cried a little. I’m fascinated by this idea. I believe it’s the most in character way to let him cry. Maybe even something like X when his face isn’t shown, but you know how he’s feeling.
Even if we do see Sonic’s face, him crying or tearing up could be shown without being over the top. Normalize it in a way that doesn’t fly off the handle. His expression could have a hint of frustration, anger, or exhaustion. Crying is normal and I don’t see Sonic crying as out of character because it’s been done plenty of times.
It’d be nice if it happened in order to make Sonic feel more believable and sympathetic. As long as the dude’s not on the floor whaling, I’m sure it can work.
Final Thoughts
There are other ways to show Sonic’s emotions. Again, crying doesn’t have to happen, but it does help the writing feel less unnecessarily limited of what kind of emotions can be displayed on this character.
Though there are benefits too. Like finding fun loopholes or small animated details like in IDW and Prime. Sonic not crying so much makes the times he does (or may do in the future) feel earned and impactful. The examples before prove it can be done without taking away what makes Sonic who he is. It just needs to be subtle, quiet, and quick. (Or humorous) Depends on what you think.
At the end of it all, Sonic’s a tough hedgehog. Him shedding a few tears won’t ever change that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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triple-u-vvv · 3 months
Ok usually I don’t feel bad for cartoon characters but after watching a few more smiling friends episodes I think that Pim should be going to therapy himself.
In the pilot episode he has an existential crisis. In the third episode he whitenesses a murder, and in the fourth episode he has a near-death experience when he’s chased by the forest demon. Not only that, but after he escapes, his peruser is brutally ripped apart, eaten, and burned at stake. In the 5th episode, he finds a dead body. In the 6th episode, he has MULTIPLE near death experiences, and in the 7th he’s threatened with violence. In the 8th episode “Charlie dies and never comes back”, his best friend is crushed by a tree.
And oh god. that’s only season 1.
From what I can tell, Charlie is taking most of the bullets for the beginning of season 2, but then things start to go downhill. In the 5th episode, he whitenesses yet ANOTHER death happen right in front of him. The alien episode was probably the wildest. From being abducted by aliens, to almost being eaten alive, to going on an alien drug trip, to being tricked into blowing a planet, to almost getting arrested by the police, just to find out that his perception of the earth as a whole was completely shattered. Episode seven wasn’t any better. He was sentenced to death by the leader of spamtopia, and again, saw even more people die right in front of him. And after he somehow manages to escape his would be brutal death, the entire population mocks his insecurities. Yikes.
Not to mention he almost dies from glitter asphyxiation after Jason grows wings.
I’m really hoping that I don’t have to add to this list after the finale comes out, and this is all just stuff I can think of off the top of my head.
And I know that this show was never meant to be taken seriously, but at least there’s and asylum next to the main building???
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
It Was Night When You Died, My Firefly
Emily died exactly 7 months ago and your life is not the same without her.
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: major character death, SUICIDE, graphic descriptions of death and early decomposition, mourning, substance abuse and OD, gore, flies.
Genre: Heavy Angst
Word Count: 2200+
A/N: This one can be really heavy and is definitely not directed towards all audiences. Please only read it if you are absolutely sure that you can handle the content described in the warnings. The plot loosely inspired by the song "Fourth of July", which never fails to make me sob uncontrollably. A big thank you to my dearest @nightmarish-fae for brainstorming this idea with me. Contains canon dialogue from Season 7 Episode 1 "It Takes a Village".
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-7th of October - 
You stared out of your apartments’ window, your gaze not focused on anything in particular, as the sun began to set. The city was slowly drowning in darkness in preparation for the upcoming night. You watched as the streets began to empty, leaving lifeless trails of souls previously wandering there. Your mind was numb, heavy and you could feel the last pieces of your heart and soul shattering with every passing second. Emily was gone. The love of your life was taken away from you exactly seven months ago, leaving you in an empty apartment only filled with occasional meows. But even they faded as the time passed. 
The pain in your heart only worsened, the never-ending ache accompanied you wherever you went, whatever you did. The tightness in your chest becoming unbearable and nothing seemed to settle it. There was nothing that could fill the ever-spreading emptiness within you, nothing that could aid the slow decay of your body still filled with life. 
The horizon spreading ahead of your eyes was now completely overtaken by night with only the weak light of lanterns desperately trying to break it. But you knew this light could only go so far, ultimately losing the battle. 
You closed your eyes as you slowly lowered yourself onto the floor feeling the same darkness overtake your own body, just as weak as the streetlights spread across the city. Laying down on the cold tiles of your living room, although the name did not suit it anymore, was the loneliest you have ever felt, knowing that the only person who made your life worth living was now buried in the cold soil of Washington DC, her lifeless body slowly rotting away. You shed a tear at the thought of what would be left of the beauty you once held so close to you, of the woman you still held in your heart. You knew that a part of you died with Emily, and tonight, you were ready to let the rest of you die with her too.                          
You didn’t leave a letter, there was nothing to say. The team wouldn’t ever understand the suffering you were enduring every single day. Each time you put a mask on, pretending everything was alright and you’re getting better, when in reality you were further and further away from the light. 
They moved on from Emily. 
Hotch and Rossi didn’t shed a single tear, Morgan was angry, but the anger passed with time. JJ was composed and quiet, which was infuriating at times. Penelope tried to talk to you, coming over a few times and then you saw her sadness filled eyes regain that spark they once held. And then there was Spencer, with who you spent countless evenings, listening to him sob over the loss of his raven-haired friend. But even Spencer moved on. 
They would move on from you too. 
You lifted yourself from the floor, gently stroking Sergio’s fur as he jumped into your embrace, “Don’t worry buddy, I’ve re-filled your water and food, it will take you at least 3 days to get through that so please save me for later, if nobody comes here you’re allowed to feast.” you silently chuckled as you continued stroking the black cat. “I’m sure Penelope will be more than happy to let you live with her, you know she’s got a soft spot for you” you added in a whisper as he jumped off of you, disappearing somewhere in the other room.
You walked through your dark apartment, not bothered to light any of the rooms up, slowly approaching the kitchen. You reached and opened one of the cabinets, taking the bottle of whisky you were gifted by Rossi on your last year’s birthday. You didn’t dare to open it until now after googling the price of the liquor, but the Italian man swears that Macallan is worth it.
As you headed towards your bedroom you picked up two polaroid photos that were standing framed on your kitchen counter. One of you and Emily that Penelope took during one of the nights out with the team, right after the two of you announced to everyone that you were together. You remember that moment in great detail, Emily’s hands quickly cupping your face and bringing you in for a deep, passionate kiss as the blonde woman snatched the picture, making this moment last forever. The second one was of Emily smiling in your direction as you entered your shared kitchen the day after the two of you moved in together, the warmth of her smile aching in your heart every time you remembered the sacred moments you have shared with her.
You made your way to the bedroom you once shared with the raven-haired woman, making sure to not fully shut the door. You pulled out a box of paracetamol as you laid down in the middle of the king-sized mattress. You made yourself comfortable as your preceded to ingest your poison one by one.
Closing your eyes, you only thought of Emily holding the two photos to your heart, how much closer to her you already felt. You wondered who would be the one to find you, would anyone even notice you were gone? When would the first flies arrive to colonise your lifeless remains? You thought of all the changes that your body would endure in the next days, would anyone recognise you? But none of that mattered, you were going to your Emily, to the only woman you have ever loved.
As you laid in your bed, you finally felt a sense of peace knowing you’ve almost reached the end of this journey. A stray tear escaped your eye as you prayed to any higher power to reunite you with your lover. Your consciousness started slipping away taking your vision with it. The physical pain was nothing to you, not after the agony of the past seven months. Your breaths became shallower and with your last heartbeat, just as the capital started filling with the light of dawn, the life slowly left you. 
-8th of October-
As the night fades away and the darkness recedes Washington DC awakens to a new date. The streets start filling with the souls that left them empty the day before. The sunlight filling every available crease. People continuing their daily routines without a second thought, with their unchanged lives. The early morning air was crisp, filling everyone with life.
This day started without you, the sun still woke up, so did the birds, but you remained still as death took over your body and began consuming your tissues. Your muscles still occasionally twitching ridding of the remnants of the electrical energy in your nervous system. Your skin gradually freeing itself of the colour that was once present, as a result of the lack of circulating oxygen. Your eyes remained closed, not allowing any discoloration to occur.
The BAU began their day as usual, the agents starting to gather in the bullpen. Penelope slowly sipping on her coffee, teasing Morgan about something he said the day before. Everyone is yet to notice your absence as they gather in the conference room one by one.
“Welcome back” Morgan’s voice breaks the silence as he sees Hotch entering the room.
“Thanks. Everybody please take a seat.” the other agent replies in a stern tone.
“Why? What’s going on, everything alright?” Derek questions, not giving into Hotch’s authority
Taking a deep breath, the unit chief begins to speak “7 months ago I made a decision that affected this team.As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle.” The man continues with all eyes focused on him; various expression’s painting the other agents’ faces. “But the doctors were able to stabilizeher. And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security.”
“She’s alive?” Penelope questioned as she couldn’t believe the newly introduced information.
“But we buried her?” Spencer whispered; his voice filled with newly emerging pain and disbelief.
The eyes of the other agents now piercing through Hotch, as he continues to speak “As I said I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues, they should be directed towards me.”
“Any issues?” Morgan raises his voice simultaneously getting closer to the other man “Yeah, I got issues!”
“Oh, my God” Penelope’s soft voice breaks the argument between the two agents.
Emily was standing in the door, just as beautiful and alive as ever. “I am so sorry, I really am” the raven-haired woman begins to speak as she looks around the conference room, her eyes trying to find you amongst the other agents “Where is y/n?” 
“Uh, she should be here by now, maybe she’s running late?” JJ implied as she reached to her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone. “I’ll give her a call; she would most definitely not want to miss this.” the blonde added with a smile receiving one in return form Emily.
Your number was dialled multiple times, each one resulting in an automated response from your voicemail. The worry started to spread across the agents as each one of them tried reaching your phone, none of them successful. 
Minutes passed with no response from you and Penelope was instructed to track your phone, or it’s last known location as the unsuccessful attempts in contacting you meant that the device was most likely switched off.  
The blonde returned to the team withing a few minutes, lacking the usual for her energy that was now replaced by worry. Your phone was off for more than 10 hours, the last signal from it pinging off of the tower right next to your apartment.
Everyone rushed out of the building and headed towards your home not knowing what to expect. In an attempt to calm their racing thoughts everyone started bouncing ideas off of one another as to what would be the reason for your absence. Maybe you just forgot to charge your phone before you went to sleep? Or simply switched it off and took a little break from the world, everyone needed that once in a while. 
Nothing could prepare them for what they would find once they entered the apartment. 
Emily was the first one to go in, the place she once inhabited remained the same, perfectly tidied, just like she always liked it. The team followed behind her, letting the woman take the lead.
Sergio did not waste a second and jumped into the dark-haired woman’s embrace, happy to have his human back home. “Hey bud, where’s y/n/n?” she questioned him softly as he meowed in response and snuggled further into her “Yes I know I missed you too, but I’ve got to say hi to her now.”
“y/n/n?” Emily called out into the darkness as she stepped further into the apartment, “y/n/n, honey, it’s me, where are you?” 
The space was consumed by the uneasy silence only broken by the carefully placed footsteps. There was a certain heaviness to the air filling the agents’ lungs. The tightness sin her chest only progressed as she was met with no response from you. 
She walked around the apartment looking for any other sign of life when she reached the bedroom door, she hesitantly pushed it, allowing it to open and expose the space to her sight. 
You were still laying in the middle of the mattress, holding the pictures of her closely to your heart. “y/n/n?” she almost whispered as the sight of your unmoving body filled her eyes, the empty bottles of Macallan and pills resting on the bedside table. She rushed to your side as the realisation of what has occurred just a few hours prior to her arrival hit her. 
“Oh my god, she’s here!” the raven-haired woman shouted to the rest of the team as she quickly approached your side, shaking your body in a desperate attempt to wake you. “No no y/n!” she sobbed as the tears filled her eyes, the other team members gathering around her. She checked your pulse, the last strings of hope she held ripped away from her as she didn’t find any sign of a heartbeat. The minutes that followed were filled with desperate screams and attempts to bring you back to life. The paramedics arrived at the scene within what seemed like a split second, announcing your death upon arrival.
“Emily” one of the agents dared to break her out of this spiral she fell into, not wanting to give you up “Emily, she’s gone” the pain filled voice sounded again, it was JJ speaking, her eyes filled with tears as the words were leaving her mouth. 
Emily held you in her arms, not willing to let you go, feeling the still-present warmth of your freshly deceased body. The tears were streaming down her face as she held you close to herself, already feeling the effects of rigor taking control of your lifeless muscles. Not willing to let you go.
If you ever find yourself in a very dark place please do not hesitate to reach out for help. You're a piece of art and this world would not be the same without your presence <3
@nightmarish-fae @inlovewithmiddleagewomen
join my taglist here!
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chaztalk · 5 months
My end-of-the-winter-anime-season rankings:
1. The Wrong to Use Healing Magic (one of the best isekai in a long time)
2. A Sign of Affection (really picked up after Itsuomi and Oushi became friends)
3. Chained Soldier (fun)
4. The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (surprise of the season)
5. Surgeon Elise (Linden and Elise are my couple of the season)
6. Classroom of the Elite (idk why but the episodes felt like they ended fast, but still entertaining)
7. Solo Leveling (fantastic if you like action)
8. The Witch and the Beast (Ashaf is my favorite character of the season)
9. Villainess Lvl 99 (started off strong, but the stupid misunderstandings and the CGI dragon dumbed it down)
10. Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside (wholesome, but Ruti having feelings for Red is not so wholesome)
11. Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun (although I’m fine who he ended up with, the latter half of the season was pretty boring)
12. Tales of Wedding Rings (ok harem, but that’s it)
13. 7th Time Loop (I know this may be quite the unpopular opinion with this being this so low, but I honestly found it boring for the most part; also falling in love with the guy that’s killed you multiple times is wild)
14. My Instant Death Ability is Overpowered (introduced way too many characters before the watchers could give a care about them before they died)
15. Demon Prince of Momochi House (weird, boring, not a lot of it makes sense to me)
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 7 months
so I am working - dragging my feet - through natla (1 episode left) and I thought I would share some of my thoughts and commentary:
Iroh: You must use your tact, your empathy-
Season 1 Zuko: [looks back at him]
Canon s1 ep3 Zuko: You... are working with Zhao. Willingly.
Show s1 ep3 Zuko: Yes? What's the problem? He is annoying but that's mostly it.
Other random thoughts:
[Suki proceeds to defy gravity with her fan to impress Sokka]
Me, exasperation incarnate: Suki, I didn't know you were an airbender!
[Previous incarnation avatar bashing sesh]
Me: [...] But I love Zuko-Iroh interactions
[The one scene. Zuko is shouting how they can't just ask around. Iroh is offering advice until he gets distracted by street food.]
Me: The fact Zuko stood there for a few seconds trying to figure what this proverb means before he realizes its very much not a proverb - cackling
Second-hand long-suffering friend, who is at the end of her wits after hearing me talk about the butchering of Kyoshi's character for 20 minutes: XDDDD He legit thought rice had sth to do with it XD
there is more but it's more of
Oh no, he is hot.
And oh no he is also hot
Why is every extremist hot?!
Bumi is very bitter. Very.... Jaded.
Aang has no situational awareness: He did not just ask Zhao (Zuko too) to let him go so he can go save other enemies of the Fire Nation. He didn't.
Also. Why the firebender this, firebender that. Are the Fire Nation non-benders saints or something??
Mai casually says Ozai sucks for not thinking Azula is perfect <- Me: I mean she is absolutely right but she would not say that.
Azula's whole. Thing. I felt the narrative was trying very desperately to make her seem competent and clever but the fact that Iroh's thoughts insinuated the frontal attack on the Northern Water Tribe was her idea left me in stitches
But yeah. They nerfed Azula
Zuko - feral, bloodthirsty, a loser. <- Me: Oh my god they captured his essence! Minus the honor thing!
Katara not having any emotions ::: Aang walks all over her saying he can't support her in her fight against the patriarchy that is actually just Pakku and Yugoda or whatever was happening in the 7th episode: Katara doesn't blow up at him. Sokka calling her a little girl and never actually apologizing about the whole Jet accusation especially when he did the same with the Mechanist. : Katara doesn't blow up at him
Me: sounds fake but okay
At this point when Toph comes along Katara will let her not be a part of the Team (no Gaang just Team Avatar) and not contribute and not bond and NO FOUND FAMILY TROPE
Aang teaching Katara waterbending, Aang not goofing off, No Kataraang (not even a smidge) - something in me shriveled up and died.
Why is Azula soft??????
And why is Ty Lee assertive and forthcoming??? Just?? Why????
And finally, my second favorite:
Azula, trying very hard not to mention Zuko's ludicrous tenacity: Commander Zhao is a great asset... Maybe he needs better resources to showcase his true potential.
Zhao who barely passed his exams according to Jee the gossip queen: Yes, I do need the best resources. Give me all the 'sources.
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eluminium · 9 months
Skizzleman and the number 3: Updated for the end of Secret Life
I have created multiple purgatories for myself and god damn if I'm not a woman of dedication. ANYWAYS, ALL THE CONNECTIONS SKIZZ HAS TO THE NUMBER 3 SINCE THE END OF SECRET LIFE! -Biggest of all, Skizz died third in both 3rd Life and Last Life. This was then broken in Limited Life when he died second instead of third, but the number came back in Secret Life when he got 13th place overall.
-Skizz missed Double Life, the third season of the Life Series
-He has only had 3 lives ever. Limited Life is an exception since lives worked differently but you could argue since there were only 3 colour tiers this still counts.
-In all his core teams, he's either been part of a trio or been teamed with three other people. In 3rd Life he was in a trio with Martyn and Ren, Last Life he had three other people with B.E.S.T, same with Limited Life, and in Secret Life he was part of a trio again with Tango and BigB.
-All of Skizz's Life series deaths, with the only exceptions being deaths in LimL outside of his final death and Ren's boogey kill on him in Last Life, has either had him be part of a trio or be surrounded by three people. Don't test me on this I HAVE THE PROOF!!!!!
-In 3rd Life, along with dying third, he also lost each of his lives three episodes apart and was the third person to become red.
-In Team B.E.S.T, S is the third letter.
-In Team T.I.E.S, S has three letters before it
-In episode 1 of Limited Life, he died three times in total. Two boogies and one creeper. He ALMOST died three times to the boogey but Martyn took pity on him at the last second.
-In Secret Life, three reds spent a big part of one of their episodes on hunting him specifically. Lizzie, Jimmy, and later Scar.
-In three out of four seasons he's been in, Skizz never made it past the 7th session in 3 of them, only recently breaking that curse in Secret Life.
-The Angels Blessing also ties into this but that will be its own post.
These are all I can remember for now, but there are probably more weird connections between Skizz and the number three that I've missed. Do feel free to suggest any if you find them because honestly, this is already beyond insanity so why not go a little longer?
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magicalmysteries777 · 8 months
The Bloody-Handed and the anguish of loving them - Chapter One.
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Summary: Almost a year has passed since Eddie Munson died and it feels like the only person that isn't moving on is Steve.
After spending the night studying a Dungeons and Dragons handbook, Steve is convinced he's figured out how to bring Eddie back. Not only that, but defeat Vecna once and for all too. Now he just has to prove it.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Vampire Eddie Munson
Masterlist: Here.
Chapter: 1 of 10.
Chapter WC: 2165.
CW: Drinking, depressive episode, PTSD.
A/N: Welcome to the ramblings of a girl who plays too much Baldur's Gate, has Steddie brain rot, and lives in constant delusion that Eddie is coming back for season five.
I hope you enjoy.
This story can also be found on AO3 here.
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March 7th, 1987.
Steve Harrington was, without a doubt, an absolute mess.
Long gone were the High School glory days filled with basketball games, parties, and echoed chants of “King Steve!” blaring down the hallways. Long gone were the days of trying to pick up girls at Scoops and Family Video with Robin’s so-called ‘guidance’. Long gone were the days he would spend ‘babysitting’ the six youngest of his odd group of friends, secretly loving every minute despite how much he would complain at the time. All that remained now was the husk of the man he once was.
On March 27th of the previous year, Steve’s life had changed monumentally. With the help of his friends, he had tried and failed to kill Vecna, resulting in the destruction of the town where they had all grown up. The worst part was that nobody else except for that small group of people knew the horrid truth.
The news had claimed that it was a 7.4 magnitude earthquake that destroyed the town of Hawkins. Reporters and camera crews plagued the town with their presence for the first few weeks - reeling on the devastation of the town for the sake of a story, whilst the residents quietly grieved their losses and began to rebuild the town.
Two weeks after the ‘earthquake’ Steve’s nightmares returned; unfortunately, he was no stranger to the symptoms that came with post-traumatic stress disorder. The last time he was showing symptoms Robin had quickly intervened before he could spiral too far down the rabbit hole. She had gone through everything with him - the capture, the drugging, and the torture. This time was different. This time he was grieving too.
With a half-empty litre bottle of vodka clutched in one hand and Eddie’s denim vest in the other, Steve let his tears fall freely. All he ever seemed to do these days was cry. He’d wake up, cry, vomit, cry some more, start drinking, cry again, get too drunk to cry, get angry, and eventually pass out. Losing his job just one month after the building had reopened did not help with his slippery slope of a coping mechanism.
It had been three months since he’d last seen Robin and any of his other friends. Looking back, Steve wasn’t surprised. Hangovers make him very short tempered and as of late, he’s an angry drunk. Opting for the English tradition “hair of the dog” as his preferred hangover cure essentially made him a 24/7 ticking time bomb. Jonathan pouring away his last bottle of whiskey at the latest ‘intervention’ that Nancy and Robin had orchestrated was the trigger. He cussed them all out for a solid five minutes in a blind rage, begging them to just leave him the fuck alone, before throwing them all out of his house, the empty bottle following shortly behind.
Pushing people away and losing his friends hurt, of course it did, but nothing hurt more than losing him.
One short week of really knowing Eddie Munson was all it had taken for Steve to fall head over heels in love with him - not that he realised it at the time. Hell, he hadn’t even realised he liked guys at that point. Not that it mattered any more, of course, because Eddie was dead. Dead because Steve hadn’t gotten to Vecna in time. Dead because Steve hadn’t kept his promise. Dead because of him.
Steve quickly chased his thoughts with another large mouthful of vodka, praying that he would soon be at the ‘too drunk to cry’ stage.
“Look at you, you’re a fucking wreck,” he spat at his reflection. He wasn’t wrong. Steve’s hair hadn’t seen a can of Farrah Fawcett hairspray in months, or a pair of scissors. His once infamous locks were now hanging limply down to his chest, knotted and frail. Swapping barbells for bottles had caused his six pack to fade away over the months, and the bags under his eyes were rivalling Hopper’s this time last year.
“This is all your fault. It’s all your fucking fault,” he cried, his forehead pressed against the glass. His grip tightened around the bottle neck, his knuckles turning white. “You didn’t keep your promise. He’s dead and it’s-”
“Steve?” Robin asked cautiously from the doorway.
“Robin?” exclaimed Steve, spinning around whilst wiping the tears from his face. “W- what are you doing here? How the hell did you get in?”
“You left the door unlocked. Look, Steve-” she began.
“If Nancy put you up to this again, you can leave now.”
“She didn’t. It’s just me, no hidden surprises in the living room this time. Please, Steve, just hear me out.”
March 8th, 1987.
Steve opened his eyes cautiously, the light blaring through the opened curtains stinging whilst they adjusted.
“Morning,” Robin greeted upon entering the room. Steve groaned and rolled over, covering his face with the pillow in an attempt to shield himself from the morning sun. “Steve, get up.”
“Would you please, for the love of god, speak a bit more quietly. My head is throbbing.”
“Get a shower before you come down for breakfast, we’re going to the barbers.”
Steve only emerged from under his pillow once he had heard the door close behind Robin. He sat up slowly, not wanting to aggravate his already swirling stomach, and reached for the bottle of vodka he’d left on the night stand. It was gone. He dragged himself to the other side of the room to get his back up bottle from the dresser. That was gone too. Robin had wasted no time in clearing out his stash while he was passed out.
It was going to be a long day.
March 14th, 1987.
On Wednesday night Steve attended what Nancy had claimed was definitely just a “small gathering for everyone to catch up”.
After two and a half hours of listening to all of his friends, along with Joyce and Hopper, take it in turns to say how much they missed him and how worried about him they were, Steve agreed to cut back heavily on his drinking, see a therapist, and start seeing his friends more often. That was how he found himself, rather begrudgingly, wedged between Jonathan and Robin on the three-seater sofa in Mike Wheeler’s basement on a Saturday night.
“No Vickie tonight then?” asked Jonathan.
“Depends what time she gets off work. Saturdays are still super busy, the novelty of going out again hasn’t worn off yet for some people,” Robin answered.
“Can’t blame them really though, can you? I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since it happened.”
“I can. We’ve been practising our song for the memorial three times a week for the last two months, I haven’t been able to forget about it,” Robin replied, rolling her eyes.
“The whole of Hawkins is going to be there, team, we must get this right,” Robin replied with a shockingly accurate impression of Mrs Baird, the Hawkins High music teacher
“Nance is pretty swamped too trying to get all the pages sorted for the memorial book. I’m helping where I can with the photos but she’s still pretty stressed,” Jonathan admitted.
“I think it’s hitting everyone a little bit. It’s like you can feel the tension in the air.”
“At least the kids seem okay,” he smiled, gesturing to the game occurring in the middle of the room.
“What say you, Will the Wise?” asked Mike, his Dungeon Master voice earning a small chuckle from El.
“Fireball!” roared Will.
“I didn’t think you liked D&D?” Jonathan asked, nudging Steve in the ribs with his elbow.
“What?” Steve blinked, realising he’d been staring at Mike’s Hellfire t-shirt a little too long.
“I said ‘I didn’t think you liked D&D?’ You’ve been watching them play for the last twenty minutes without saying a word,”
“Oh, right. Um, well, I thought perhaps I should give it a go,” Steve lied quickly. “You all said about getting a new hobby. Just trying to get the basics.”
“That’s a great idea,” encouraged Nancy, rejoining the group. She handed Jonathan a beer before offering Steve and Robin bottles of water with a sympathetic smile.
“Thanks,” Steve muttered.
“What character are you thinking of playing as then?” asked Jonathan.
“Uh… I don’t know. What is there?” Steve asked.
“You don’t have a clue what’s going on, do you?”
“No,” Steve admitted.
“Hey, guys, can Steve borrow one of your handbooks?” Jonathan called out.
“Really?!” beamed Dustin. “You’re finally going to play?!”
March 22nd, 1987.
Unable to keep up the facade when left to his own devices, Steve decided that drinking himself to sleep only when he really needed to wasn’t too much of a betrayal to his friends. Plus, what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. With the anniversary of Eddie’s death around the corner, sleeping through the night had started to become harder and harder.
“Oh God, Eddie,” Dustin sobbed.
“Bad, huh?
“No, no, we just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?”
“Alright, come on,”
“I think… I think I just need a second, okay?”
“…I didn’t run away this time, right?”
“No, no, you didn’t run.”
“Make sure you keep saving those… those lost little sheep for me… yeah?”
“No. You can save them yourself.”
“Nah, man. Say ‘I’m gonna look after them.’”
“I’m gonna look after them.”
“Good, ‘cause I’m actually gonna graduate. I think it’s my year, Henderson. I think it’s… finally my year…”
“I love you, man.”
“I love you too… Eddie? Eddie?! No, no, no, Eddie! Eddie?!”
Dustin’s screams of anguish for his deceased friend filled Steve’s head to the point where it was almost painful. He wished he’d never asked Dustin what they spoke about towards the end, as though not knowing would have made it any less painful. Perhaps it would have? He downed another mouthful of vodka, his throat burning.
“It’s not fair,” he thought, “not fair he didn’t graduate, not fair he didn’t get to have his big break, not fair he didn’t get to really live, not fair that he died and I-”.
He took yet another shot of vodka rather than finish the thought.
Three hours later, still very much awake and very much drunk, Steve fell onto his bed. His eyes locked with the book he had borrowed from Will Byers over a week ago but had yet to touch.
“Dungeons and Dragons: A Player’s Guide,” he read to himself. Was this the same handbook Eddie had started out with?
The contents of the book made very little sense to Steve, who had no idea what a bard or barbarian was. He flicked through the pages, eyes scanning the pages but not really retaining any of the information.
‘Character types include: Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Gnomes, Humans, Halflings, Tieflings, and Orcs.’
‘Classes: Cleric, Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard.’
‘Known Enemies: Demogorgons, Gollems, Kas the Bloody Handed, Lich, Mind Flayer, Trolls, Vampires, and Vecna.’
His eyes clung to the familiar words before him. Demogorgons. Mind Flayer. Vecna. It was one thing to speak freely about all the creatures he’d faced amongst his friends but seeing it written before him, in an actual book, made everything suddenly feel more real to Steve.
He knew the kids had named everything and everyone they’d fought after characters from their games, they told him the first time he had to ask what a Demogorgon was. What he didn’t know was why, although he has a horrible feeling he was about to get the answer to that question too. For the first time since picking it up, he read with as much concentration as he could muster.
‘Demogorgons: A large creature that can walk uprights or on all fours. Identifiable by its elongated limbs and large, star-shaped mouth. Highly dangerous with limited intelligence. Known to obey Vecna.’
‘Mind-Flayer: made up mostly of dark particles and/or any victims it can flay, this enemy can take on any shape it wants, however, it usually takes the shape of a large spider. Highly intelligent, it is known to possess its victims if necessary.’
‘Vecna: Also known as The Arch Lich or Lord of The Rotted Tower. A dark wizard with great power.’
There it was. Angry drunk. Angry at himself, angry at Eddie, angry at Vecna, angry at goddamn everything. He flicked through the pages quickly, hoping something would catch his attention and distract him.
‘Magical items: Horn of Beckoning Death, Staff of Rejuvenation, Sword of Kas, and more.’
Steve flipped through the pages containing pictures of different maps you could play on, one of them being oddly familiar. He flipped the page again.
‘Cantrips, Spells, and Scrolls.’
In an attempt to figure what the hell a cantrip was, Steve leaned back and began to read again. Three pages into the lists and descriptions, Steve’s eyes stopped in their tracks and widened. There it was, his answer.
‘Scroll of revivify.’
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imdonnalynn · 10 months
The Complete Dutton Family Tree from the 1st generation to its 7th.
Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883 Explained
The first thing you think of when you here Yellowstone...Dutton.
2nd Generation - 1883
・Mary Abel (2nd generation) ・1st unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・2nd unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・3rd unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・4th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・5th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・6th unnamed deceased child (Claire Dutton) (2nd generation) ・Elsa Dutton (2nd generation) ・John Dutton Sr. (2nd generation)
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1883; 1923 (narration only) ・Wife to Sam "Commanche Warrior" ・Daughter to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister to John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Aunt to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-aunt to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV April 9, 1865 - 1883 (18) Succumb to sepsis days after being shot with a dirty arrowhead through her abdomen. (1883 Season 1, Episode 10 "This Is Not Your Heaven")
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1883 ・Husband to Elsa Dutton ・Son-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother-in-law to John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Uncle to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-uncle to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? It is unknown how or when Sam dies.
2nd Generation - 1923
・John Dutton Sr. (2nd generation) ・Emma Dutton (2nd generation) ・Spencer Dutton (2nd generation) ・Alexandra Dutton (2nd generation)
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1883, 1923, Yellowstone (flashbacks) ・Husband to Emma Dutton ・Son to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Father to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Grandfather to unnamed micarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton), ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV June 23, 1877 - August 28, 1923 (46) Shot to death by Banner Creighton over land/lamb dispute. (1923 Season 1, Episode 3 "The War Has Come Home")
Special Note: He is the only Dutton to be in all series' in some capacity as his character John Dutton Sr.
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1923 ・Wife to John Dutton Sr. ・Daughter-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister-in-law to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Mother to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Grandmother to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - August 31, 1923 Suicide by self-inflicted gunshot to the head three days after her husband John Dutton Sr. is shot and killed in a land/lamb dispute by Banner Creighton. (1923 Season 1, Episode 4 "War and the Turquoise Tide")
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1923; Yellowstone (flashbacks) ・Husband to Alexandra Dutton ・Son to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Brother to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior") and John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) ・Nephew to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Uncle to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-Uncle to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV 1889 - ???? (34) As of 1923 Season 1, Episode 8 "Nothing Left to Lose" he is still alive.
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1923 ・Wife to Spencer Dutton ・Daughter-in-law to James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton ・Sister-in-law to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior") John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) ・Niece to Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton), Claire Dutton (Henry) ・Cousin to Mary Abel and 6 unnamed deceased siblings (children of Henry and Claire Dutton) ・Aunt to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Great-aunt to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? As of 1923 Season 1, Episode 8 "Nothing Left to Lose" she is still alive.
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1883 ・Daughter to Henry and Claire Dutton ・Niece to James Dillard Dutton (Margaret Dutton) and Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton) ・Cousin to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Second Cousin to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Third Cousin to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV 1867 - 1883 (16) Shot and killed during a raid on their camp in Texas headed to Oregon. (1883 Season 1, Episode 2 "Behind Us, A Cliff")
6 Unnamed Deceased Children of Henry and Claire Dutton
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1883 (mentioned only) ・Children to Henry and Claire Dutton ・Nieces/Nephews to James Dillard Dutton (Margaret Dutton) and Jacob Dutton (Cara Dutton) ・Cousins to Elsa Dutton (Sam "Commanche Warrior"), John Dutton Sr. (Emma Dutton) and Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) ・Second Cousins to Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・Third Cousins to unnamed miscarried child (child of Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Strafford Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton II (unnamed wife/mother) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to John Dutton III (Evelyn Dutton) and Peter Dutton ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・UNKNOWN RELATION to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton, John Dutton IV ???? - ???? It is unknown how and when all six children died, but it was before 1883.
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UNKNOWN RELATIVE Based on the date this was a 2nd generation family member. Had they been born in 1863 that would put them at the age of 20 in 1883. ・Cara Dutton and Jacob Dutton never had any children according to Jack Dutton. We don't see them around the ranch and Cara is constantly corresponding to Spencer Dutton begging him to come home, not a distant son we haven't seen yet. ・Claire Dutton had no remaining children when Mary Abel died it's why she killed herself instead of continuing on. ・That leaves James Dillard Dutton and Margaret Dutton possibly having a child that didn't travel with them? They could have stayed in Tennessee or been overseas with Jacob and Cara in Ireland or Scotland. This option seems to be the only option that has any chance of making sense. March 16, 1863 - ???? Unknown the who, what, where, when and why this Dutton family member existed.
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that-fandom-writer · 11 months
@my-shields-are-down asked about The Rookie timeline I was creating this is what I got lol
The Rookie Rewatch
@MANDY_rieger on twitter has been helping me with a few things I forgot to add in originally
so I am doing a rewatch of The Rookie while we are in a hiatus and I am tweeting about it while I am at it lol. I am also trying to make sense of the Timeline lol so this post is gonna be me tracking the time line the best i can lol
s1ep1 - Two days
s1ep2 - based on the beginning of the episode I think it is still the first week of training
is s1ep5 is a month
s1ep7 is 2 months in
S1ep11 is 4 months in. Nolan said “4 months together” to Bishop
S1ep12 is Valentines day so Feb 14th.
Would that mean that they started in october?
s1ep14 is 100 days in because that is plain clothes day
S1ep16 is march 19-march 20th, Capt Anderson died MArch 20th 2019
S1ep19 is about 6 months because they have their 6 month exam.
Also in s1ep19 during Talia’s meeting the IA officer said “this past october you failed to secure your vehicle”. Which means that the episode where the one dude takes selfies in the shop is in October, (s1ep3)
So season 1 is officially 6 months.
I CAN'T with this shit lol.
Ok so the opening scene of s2ep1 starts with everyone getting to the hospital, and it picks up right where it left off, but like legit the next scene is at Nolans new place with Jess and they were talking about the shooting the night of the quarantine and she says something about 2 weeks, then the next scene is TIm’s return to work. So like I’m assuming we’re at about 6 and half months now? Lol
S2ep2 - still at about 6 months. Grace and Nolan ran into each other again for the first time in years, and Grace asked Nolan how long he’s been a cop and he says 6 months.
S2ep3-s2ep4 Is 2 weeks. Rachel tells Lucy him and Rachel have been dating 2 weeks.
S2ep6- Wopez have been together for 5 months
S2ep6 They graduated the Academy sometime in September
s2ep6 - the dui they are discussing was March 16th.
S2ep7 Jackson is 26
S2ep8 as of this episode Tim has been a cop for 12 years
S2ep10- this episode is Dec 7th 2019, as well as dec 8th 2019
S2ep11 is dec 9th and 10th
Which means we are already at 14 months which is the most broken thing in this time line lol.
S2ep18 one year into being a Rookie. And they have 1 month. So they are at 12 months, but they hit 14 months already soooo this timeline is too broken lol hahahahahaha
S3ep1 picks up where s2 left off. Also we find out Angela is pregnant
S3ep2 Tim says Lucy has 25 days left of training
S3ep4 Nolan has said a dozen times this episode that he is 46
S3ep5 Tim says Jackson is 24. But when Tim and Jackson went to the football thing Jackson said he was 26 🤔😆
S3ep7 the missile threat was June 3rd 2019
S3ep9 is suppose to be 13 months but I mean come on now 😂 Angela says she's 14 weeks pregnant
S3ep10 is the first day of Lucy and Jackson as P2-which means it’s *suppose* to be 13 total
S3ep14 when Lopez is in guatemala the nurse says she is 29 weeks pregnant.
S4ep1 is suppose to 14 months because Nolan is at the end of is rookie period
By the end of the of the episode there is a 3 month time jump
S4ep5 is Halloween- pretty sure it suppose to be of 2020 technically as it is AFTER dod which was dec of 2019
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unlikely-course · 2 years
Since we know Allison’s birthday is December 19th (from her passport) I’m trying to math out Patty’s birthday over here. The road trip was November 21st, and 1x05 takes us through the 24th. 1x06 is all one day, and let’s say that we skip Thanksgiving because no one ever mentions it. 1x07 is bare minimum 2 days, 1x08 is two days, and on the second day Allison says "three days ago your life’s dream was to be a father” so we have one day between the two episodes. That means the earliest the season 1 finale could be is Dec 1st--a Tuesday! All of that on a Tuesday. Does Kevin work M-F? Nobody else would but he might. 
2x01 takes us through the 2nd. 2x02 is bare minimum 2 days. 2x03 is all one day (say the opening is the wee hours) and then 2x04 has one more day before the birthday. This makes Patty’s earliest possible birthday (assuming no gained days between episodes other than what was indicated) December 7th. However, it could be pretty much any time during the rest of the month. We know we don’t spill over into January; the most undefined space is between 2x02 and 2x03 but Kevin mentions the scary movie watch that he and Neil do “the 31st of every month,” which Allison indicates is wrong on like, levels. I mean the “31st” from November would be the 1st of December, but the earliest it could be is the 5th--this actually makes sense because that is the Saturday of the week and indicates 2x03 is contiguous with 2x02. So Gertrude had to die in December and therefore her death certificate had to be retrieved before the end of the month.
For reference, 2x05 is all one day. Patty has her new haircut and says “I haven’t heard from you since my birthday” to Tammy so that implies like, some time? Three days? A week? Two weeks? But it can’t be too much because again, has to still be in December. After this episode, though, we have no more constraints. 2x06 is seven days. 2x07 is five, the fourth of which is the day Allison goes on her “hike” and leaves. The funny part is that if all episodes were contiguous that would mean she “died” on her birthday, the 19th, which I would love, but we know that can’t be true because time passes between 2x04 and 2x05. Which means that Allison’s birthday happens at some point during the season! We just don’t get to see it, because it’s presumably in a space between episodes--it could even happen in that mysterious space between 2x04 and 2x05 in which Tammy was avoiding Patty (that would place Christmas between 05 and 06). I mean it’s more likely that it’s between 06 and 07, I think, but certainly not impossible. Writers do what you will with that.
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The heck is going on with chatgptdemo.net and giving the characters of FBI unneeded trauma, the wrong position/title, and other suff about them wrong
So I went to find a free version of Chat GPT because I'm not downloading the app which I found in ChatGPT VN (chatgptdemo.net) and me and my friend (we were on a vid call with each other) decided to ask if a few questions about science and Philippine history where we were satisfied with the answers.
So we ended the vid call and I made a new chat for just crime drama shit (because why not) and I asked a question about my fav tv show of all time aka Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (idc what others think it's a good show in my opinion) and another one about the 7th season of CSI: NY and the response was questionable since included stuff from earlier and later seasons (ie the f***ing blond b***h getting kidnaped, Mac proposing to said blond b***h [I'm a hardcore JAC shipper okay], Danny and Lindsay having Lucy, and etc.) which I just brushed off but oh was I wrong.
I then asked it about the characters of FBI and oh my gulay it did then s**t with departure episodes, cause of departure, positions/titles, and what they did before they joined the FBI all wrong and with a case where they gave the wrong name, another with the wrong actor, and one with a completely made up episode title and plot (the last two are from the same character). Character names will be found below the cut along with screen shots of the question I asked with the answer and my response to the answers they gave.
First "victim" was Dana Mosier
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Right position/title, right episode right episode of departure, but wrong reason. This feels like they changed the plot of the season 1 finale and changed it to what I could only explain as a mash up between the basis of the episode "Scorched Earth" and a horrible fanfiction idea where Dana dies instead of retiring.
But Dana's not the only one they f***ed up on; they f***ed up on all the main characters plus Nina, Mona, and Rina who are only included because why not and also out of curiosity.
Second "victim" was Ellen Solberg (aka the one episode/day SAC)
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They not only did they get her position/title wrong, but they also got her episode of departure and reason for departure wrong. First, she's also an SAC, second, she was ONLY in the pilot episode, and third she was only temporarily assigned there (or was she on a temporary assignment idk but I'm pretty sure it's the former).
Third "victim" was Rina Trenholm (aka the FBI's version of Linda Barnes)
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They got her position/title and episode of departure wrong but surprisingly they got the reason for departure right aka she got killed got though the cause of death is wrong. Rina was not a forensic analyst she was instead the ADIC which is a big difference that I will not go into. She also didn't exit the show during the episode "Legacy" (or the 15th ep in the 2nd if you need to know the season/ep it was) and mind you Rina wasn't even introduced in the show yet. her actual episode of departure was in the episode "Unfinished Business" though technically it was announced she died in the next episode "Fostered". Lastly her cause of death wasn't that a group on nationalists murdered her (though the murder part was correct) she was actually, and I quote her wiki page 'killed on order of Antonio Vargas'.
Fourth "victim" was Kristen Chazal.
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They got her position/title right (to some extent) though the season and reason for departure is wrong. Kristen was a FBI Special Agent in the second season though she was an analyst in the first. She also didn't leave in the second season but in between the second and third season and she didn't leave to take a job in the private sector but instead she transferred to the Dalas field office.
Fifth "victim" was Jubal Valentine
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Technically they got his position/title right though everything else is wrong. They're right to say he's an Agent though if we are to dive into the specifics he's an Assistant Special Agent in Charge or ASAC for short. They got the (ex) wife and kids' part though instead of a car accident that impacted him and his family it was him and Sam (his [ex] wife) got divorced and I'm 85% sure that at some point during the third season it was the fact that Tyler (one of his kids) had cancer (leukemia specifically) that was the 'problem'.
Sixth "victim" was Maggie Bell
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Yes, I specifically made the question about the serin gas incident. Everything about the first two 'paragraphs' where wrong. First the serin gas incident happened during the fourth season during the episode "Fear Nothing" and not in the first season during the episode "Exposed". Next the said incident didn't happen in the NYC subway station but in a lab of some sorts (didn't actually see the ep I only saw the trailer, okay?!). The third part though is most definitely correct since Maggie was able to make a full recovery and rejoin the team in the episode "Ready or Not".
Seventh "victim" was Mona Narari who is only on this list because I was curious
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They sure as heck got her position/title wrong since she's not even an analyst but is a US Attorney in the show. Her last/latest episode is also wrong along with why she 'left' the show. Her last/latest ep was not "Invisible" (she wasn't even introduced yet) but was actually "Charlotte's Web" and she hasn't been seen on the show since then. Either because she and OA (who's up next) broke up or something else though I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
Eighth "victim" was Omar Adom "OA" Zidan (and yes I just used his whole name because why not)
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I just asked who OA was in general since I couldn't think of anything that happened to his (probably because I'm very forgetful). They got his position/title right but the whole 'former US Marshal' this is completely cap... well at least the US Marshal part since he was a Army Ranger before he joined the FBI. Everything else seams to check out which means that so far his "bio" is the closest to canon.
Ninth "victim" was Nina Chase
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Before anyone kills me, what happened to Nina during the triple crossover event just popped into my head. Anyways they got her position/title, her surname, what happened to her, and the show that were part of the triple crossover wrong. For those who don't know Nina is a FBI Agent not an Analyst and her surname's not Garcia (that's the surname for three of my OCs) it's Chase. And before we address what happened to her during the triple crossover event, we need to address the fact that Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was NOT the third show in the crossover event but was actually FBI: International. With that out of the way we need to address what actually happened to Nina during the crossover the "answer" they gave me said she was abducted which didn't happen instead she was shot (which is kinda better but also worse at the same time).
Tenth "victim" was Stuart Scola
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They didn't even get his f***ing name since they basically took the name of another character and added his surname unto that name and (for some reason) made him a former Army Ranger and not a Wall Streeter (that's from his wiki page not me) but hey at least they got the FBI Special Agent part. Everything else seems right though.
Elevent "victim" was Tiffany Walace
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Got the name and position/title right but that's it. Tiff wasn't played by Kellan Lutz (he [yes they even got the gender of the 'actress' wrong] play Kenny Crosby in FBI: Most Wanted) but is played by Katherine Rineé Turner and she wasn't a former Army Intelligence officer (if that was the case then she and OA might have know each other) but a former NYPD officer instead.
Twelfth and final "victim" was Isobel Castille
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Before anyone asks yes, I specifically did that episode because I was curious. In the first pic where I used the ep title they got the season and plot wrong. It says second season and not fourth and it should have said something along the lines of a guy kill women in a position of power. In the second pic where this time I used the specific season and episode number they got the episode name wrong since they said the ep title is "All In" which doesn't even exist anywhere on the FBI/One Chicago wiki and the plot also seems to be non-existent on the FBI/One Chicago wiki as well. The last thing I want to say about Isobel is that can the woman get a break she's been through way too much pressure and stress.
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cleoenfaserum · 11 months
THE HIDDEN CITY OF SEATLE, and the destruction of its NIRVANA
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Washington State has always been a mystery to me. In my imagination, it was something so foreign as someone lost in the forest before freezing to death. It conjured up in my psychic absurdity. It was how I felt about the place in my teenage years in Canada. But Seattle was only a name in a State with lots of crazy gringos running around with no distinct character I could sum up, like a faceless person you only heard about.
814-1 https://youtu.be/OgeR2oqZGTs
Marcus Sakey somehow grounded out a spark. However, it was a TV detective series, THE KILLING, that gave me a sense of Seattle. It was an excellent series, sometimes a little bit dragged out, but good and tense which kept you wondering all the time with an unsuspecting denouement. You can see the series at: The Killing Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot Full HD online MyFlixer (myflixerz.to)
814-2 https://ok.ru/video/4400405744175
It is difficult to sumareis stories in such a way that you seem to get the whole picture in the briefest of time. Sakey does this second to none.
814-3 https://youtu.be/tAGnKpE4NCI
Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994) was an American musician who was the co-founder, lead vocalist, guitarist and primary songwriter of the rock band Nirvana. Through his angst-fueled songwriting and anti-establishment persona, Cobain's compositions widened the thematic conventions of mainstream rock. He was heralded as a spokesman of Generation X and is highly recognized as one of the most influential alternative rock musicians.
814-4 https://youtu.be/PbgKEjNBHqM
Cobain formed Nirvana with Krist Novoselic and Aaron Burckhard in 1987 and established it as part of the Seattle music scene that later became known as grunge. After signing with DGC Records, Nirvana found commercial success with the single "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from their critically acclaimed second album Nevermind (1991). Although Cobain was hailed as the voice of his generation following Nirvana's sudden success, he resented this, believing his message and artistic vision had been misinterpreted by the public. In addition to "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Cobain wrote many other hit songs for Nirvana, including "Come as You Are", "Lithium", "In Bloom", "Something in the Way", "Heart-Shaped Box", "All Apologies", "About a Girl", "Aneurysm",[1] and "You Know You're Right".
814-5 https://youtu.be/hTWKbfoikeg
During the last years of his life, Cobain struggled with a heroin addiction and chronic health problems such as depression. He also struggled with the personal and professional pressures of fame, and he had a tumultuous relationship with his wife, fellow musician Courtney Love. In March 1994, Cobain overdosed on a combination of champagne and Rohypnol, and he subsequently entered an intervention and underwent a detox program. On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead in his Seattle home at the age of 27; police concluded he had died on April 5 from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.
814-6 https://youtu.be/3_5mTTEF0qQ SOME BACKGROUND: https://youtu.be/zeH7gqoSUOQ
Cobain was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, alongside Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic and drummer Dave Grohl, in their first year of eligibility in 2014. Rolling Stone included Cobain in its lists of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time, 100 Greatest Guitarists, and 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. He was ranked 7th by MTV in the "22 Greatest Voices in Music". In 2006, he was placed 20th by Hit Parader on their list of the "100 Greatest Metal Singers of All Time".
814-7 https://youtu.be/pkcJEvMcnEg
I don't usually include other themes with the central topic I deal with, though I have done on several occasions. The series "THE KILLING" is, as far as I am concerned, worth the mention. I have included the following review of the show and the link to the pilot episode of season 1 episode 1. I thought the acting was great.
814-8 https://youtu.be/e5Lz4_VB5Tw
The Killing Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot Full HD online MyFlixer (myflixerz.to)
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arthur-does-tingz · 2 years
Okay the last time I’ve seen Netflix hype up gay characters this much, Adam got 2 minutes of screen time before he died and Shiro got a post credit scene smooch out of an 8 season show. I CANT DO THIS AGAIN GUYS!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Sometimes, I think about Scott Allie saying that he doesn’t think much about what year something takes place, in regard to the BtvS comics and saying he himself doesn’t believe the translation of show-year to real year was 1 to 1 either.
Only that it was though, time in the BtVSverse works exactly like in our real world.
Buffy dies in the season 5 finale, airing in May 2001, and her gravestone says that she lived from 1981-2001. We have the years of her graduation class too. Heck, the gravestone of Tara literally says the specific date that Seeing Red aired as her death day - May 7th 2002.
The thing that he brings up is how the characters didn’t really react to 9/11 in season 6, which started airing in October 2001.
And that argument just... stuck with me, because it’s so weird.
I do understand that Americans, even non-New Yorkers, had a very strong reaction to 9/11 that did outlast September by a couple decades.
But that’s the real world and we’re talking about a fictional world and I genuinely think that a group of young people who have faced the actual apocalypse, multiple times, and who have all had personal losses at the hands of demons are a bit more sanitized when it comes to a fully human tragedy that doesn’t directly affect them.
Not to mention that I have never seen 9/11 be brought up on TV for a longer period of time. I watched a fire fighter show that took place during it, and was set in New York, they dedicated two episodes to it and then mostly moved on. But, again, these were personally affected characters.
I genuinely don’t remember any show that took place in 2001 to actually dedicate time to a... reaction shot... to this real human tragedy? The only times it’s ever been brought up is if it directly affects its characters; either by them having been in New York during that time or having personally lost someone in the attack.
So if every random “modern day” set show from 2001 doesn’t have to dedicate time to discussing 9/11, I don’t entirely see why BtVS should have. This happened only months after the latest near apocalypse and Buffy is dead. Buffy is dead and they are scrambling to keep up the appearance that she is still alive, to keep the demons at bay.
Season 6 Scoobies, in particular, really had other things to worry about than to pause their plot to discuss the Twin Towers? And they had absolutely no ties to New York at all either. If any of them had family living in New York, or if a recurring character we’d known before had moved to New York, or heck if AtS took place in New York instead of Los Angeles, there would be a reason for it to come up, but New York is on the entire different end of the US and no character we know has any relation to it.
So why would that have come up. Why would these former child soldiers turned college student soldiers who just lost their best friend and are currently trying to prevent a demon uprising concern themselves with this...?
Again, I have absolutely no measurement how real Americans reacted to this during 2001, but if you’re talking about a fictional show, you ought to hold it to the standard of other fictional shows, who only bring it up as a point of discussion when it actually affected the story at hand, and you also ought to consider the personal situations of the characters you’re talking about - and neither of those really leave me with a feeling that I need to see Willow and Xander debate 9/11 while they’re patrolling the graveyard.
It’s just. It’s such a weird thing to say that you don’t believe BtVS runs on the same timeline as our world solely based on the fact that they didn’t have a proper reaction to 9/11 during its 2001 season.
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princessozera · 3 years
Season 1 Recap
*shitpost- written like a glee episode recap*
"So here's what happened in obey me in case you live under a rock or have been dating real people instead like a normal person.
MC was summoned to the Devildom for some exchange program by the prince of hell, Diavolo.
"Welcome to the royal academy of Diavolo!"
They turned into a sheep for some reason and although everyone here is magic no one bothers to help them change back. MC hears a weird noise and thinks it's a ghost but it turns out to be the missing 7th brothed locked up in attic.
He begs MC for help and MC has no self preservation instincts so they agree and start collecting the other brothers pacts like they're pokemom cards. Lucifer has no idea that MC's met Belphegor but he doesn't trust them so he proceeds to threaten this 2 foot tall sheep in the middle of a dance as if they haven't almost been murdered like 3 times at this point.
Solomon sees this and since he lives to advance the plot, he gives MC some of his power and we learn that MC has some super strong powers themselves- maybe even stronger than Solomon. After getting 5 of the 6 pacts MC admits to Lucifer that they know about Belphegor but before he can kill them, Belphegor shows up in the most dramatic way he possibly can, because of course he does.
Beel is furious at Lucifer for lying about Belphegor, and for locking him up. He almost fights him, but instead takes MC and Belphie to Purgatory hall and starts rambling on about the three of them living on their own. He doesnt get very far because Diavolo amd Barbatos show up and arrest Belphegor- yeah, turns out he really hates the exchange program and even threatened all of the human world to stop it which is like super illegal.
The brothers beg MC to fix this- MC doesn't know how to, but it turns out Barbatos DOES know because he can manipulate time and space so he sends them back in time to right before Belphie is freed. MC goes and manages to open the door to the attic and Belphegor is so grateful he gives them a big squeezing hug. Around their neck.
But it turns out not really because MC's super distant relative was actually an angel that was like a sister to the brothers and was actually the reason MC was chosen as the exchange student for the program. They ask MC to keep caring for the brothers and does some magic hoopla to give MC life again. Old angel magic I guess.
After talking to their ghost grandma MC finds themselves back in a body again so they run downstairs and see Mammon holding their dead and totally fucked up looking body. The body disappears and no one knows what to say aboyt MC being back, but they're done with this magic bullshit by now and makes Lucifer tell everyone about Lilth being reborn as a human after the war. Instead of this starting another nuclear war with the brothers they all mellow the fuck out a bit and knowing Lilith died happy makes Belphegor less stabby. MC saved the timeline and Diavolo even shares his birthday with them for being such a good little human, but they still have to leave after living the most taxing year in exsistance.
And that's what you missed last season on glee Obey Me.
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mjsparkour · 3 years
Okay, I asked you a while back for some fic recs and I am in need of more. Have you read any Gina x Ricky lately? Would love for you to share the ones you've loved
I’m so glad you liked my rec the last time, there have been alot of fics that have been written since you last asked so this list was super hard to limit. There are alot in this list alone (17 overall I think). I could always recommend more, Rina writers are just so talented. So here's a list of some of my favorites <3
The Story of Us by peculiarblue
‘gina learns that sometimes things have to fall apart so that they can fall back together, right where they were always meant to be’ This is a complete 2 part chapter fic
Thee Rina bible. It’s everything we could ever want and need. Everything we want s2 to be and more. It’s an absolute masterpiece in every way. So many parts where I nearly died, the angst in the fight scene, the tension before they made up (the dress scene that reminded me so much of that amylaurie scene I lost my mind a little more), them being absolutely gone for each other!!! it’s just perfect in every way.
When Your With Me and Were Alone by orphan account
‘Ricky Bowen remembers everything.’ This is a one-shot three-part completed series.
My favorite series, it’s gotta be. It’s the first of its kind for rina fics. Lore does an incredible job of realistically writing rina’s characterization and reactions to Gina moving and what would happen after. A wonderfully talented writer, utilizing the power of her words while minimalist carries an effect. 
You Know Me Better by This_is_Riri
‘Gina was moving. This would be her sixth move in seven years. She was used to it by now...only this time, it felt different. Post episode 7.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
This one really gets you at your gut. Heart-wrenching for both characters but mainly gina. The vents that happen to both characters, it just makes sense that so much more than their vunerabilities bonds them together. Perfect execution of the mutual understanding trope. 
and I know I’ve kissed you before by ptrprkrs
‘but I didn’t do it right / can i try again, try again, try again? or: 5 times ricky kisses gina + 1 time she kisses back’ This is a complete one-shot.
I love a good five times plus one fic. This one is heartwarming, cheeky and cute. It gives a healthy balance of the inevitable anguish that comes with pining (and not just for the character but for frustrated readers that just wanna put these kids together already) but also the sweet innocence and fluff from first love (or first love adjacent). 
what love might have done by rradioh
‘Ricky follows his gut. Everything changes. Some things stay the same.’ This is a completed one shot.
A good look into what could've been for season one. Reflecting moments that felt like they could’ve easily been placed in the show and showed the subtly of the growth of rinas relationship. It wasn’t something that was thrown into our faces but came gradually and this fic facilitates that growth with key moments that add to that. A Great one-shot.
And the 7th Thing I Hate The Most That You Do (You Make Me Love You) by iknowpIaces
‘It doesn’t help that he really does look good in his costume. God, she hates him. She hates him. She hates him. Then, he has the nerve to smile at her. And Gina hates how that smile alone sends her over the moon.’ This is a completed one shot.
SOOOO GOOD. No one understands, I love the trope where one person has a crush on the other and it's unrequited (or it seems that way) but eventually it's apparent that they're also just as gone for that person as soon as they start moving on, or feeling fine with having their feelings not reciprocated. Then they're both just mutual pining messes, ugh I love it. This fic handles the trope with care and rina just comes together organically. 
lesson in love by finelineholland
“Give me 4 weeks. I’ll help you out. Like… a crash course, if you will. 'How to be the perfect boyfriend for Nini Salazar-Roberts': A class taught by yours truly.” This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
A rom-com in the form of a fic. It’s so true to Ricky and Gina as characters and their dynamic. The writing is really good and gives so much in terms of plot. I really hope it updates soon because I love a good makeover/transformation fic, it gives she’s all that and geek charming in the best ways.  
take me to the feeling by peculiarblue
‘gina meets a stranger at a party she doesn't want to be at, and let's herself fall in love for the night, wherever it takes them’ This is a completed one shot.
Katie does it again. Another classic that makes us fall for rina while they fall for each other under the stars. You can’t help but feel something for them right off the bat because theirs something about the cheekiness of the dynamic and so real. You can’t help but fall for them, a must read.
The Last Time by mytearsricochet
‘this is the one where gina meets ricky and nothing is against them. except for a few misunderstandings, forgotten birthdays, wrong people, and missed opportunities. because as much as love doesn’t care about time, this is the one where time cares about love. and with time, everything falls into place.’ This is a completed one shot.
SO UNBELIAVBLEY UNDERRATED. This fic is too excellent, it's everything rinas could want. it’s an incredibly well done long slowburn that makes you strap in for the ride. With all those teasing moments where they're mutually pining and they're just on the precipice of finding out their feelings for one another only to hold back and stay friends (until the end of course). The end makes you work for it, but so worth it when you get to it. 
10 Days in “Love” by kindredspiritsxo 
‘It was almost the end of high school and nobody had it figured out. Especially Ricky Bowen. His parents had recently divorced, he had no idea what he's doing for college, his longtime girlfriend dumped him the month before and now he's been replaced by one of the most popular guys in school.
To make matters worse, he leaves for Europe in two days for his senior trip. The same senior trip that said ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend were going on. So, Ricky did what any desperate teenage boy would do to try and get his girlfriend back: he devised a plan. A plan that included the help of Gina Porter and playing pretend for 10 days.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
I love a good traveling fic. Sometimes all it takes to get a character to wake up about things going on in their lives or feelings for character b is a good change of scenery. This fic does a great job of utilizing the enviornment to facilitate rinas love story through one of my favorite tropes, the fake dating trope. There's some angst along the way because nothing can ever come easy but it's not without its reward. It gives me major spiderman far from home vibes just solely because of petermjs adorableness and how that energy kinda translates to rina in this fic more so in the beginning before they have this repertoire. 
on the line by peculiarblue
‘with everything in her life finally at a stand still for once the last thing gina needs is one curly haired skater to come in and give her a reason to change again
(or, gina lets ricky back into her life the only way she knows how, at a distance, through daily voicemails, until her heart remembers why she can't love him anymore.)’ This is a completed one shot.
It hurts in the best way possible! that is the best way to describe this fic. Were taken on a journey where I personally wanted rina to just talk to each other in person but the magic was all in the voicemails and the power of their connection. There was a satisfying ending, I couldn't ask for more. If you haven’t read literally everything written by Katie go read it, it won't disappoint.
but everywhere just brings me back to you by ptrprkrs
‘or, ricky is just a little in love with the voice of the girl at the starbucks drive-thru’ This is a completed one shot.
An amazing fic that hits every spot effortlessly, even the ones you didn’t know you had. Like Ricky being a lovesick puppy going to a drive-thru just to hear Gina’s voice for coffee, he doesn’t drink or like. All the while they’d been connected all along. I’m a sucker for any kind of soulmate implications or stories where people are unknowingly connected like that so this ones a real favorite for me. It’s sweet, lighthearted and funny and a great read.
About Love by goldenthread
‘a series of Interconnected one shots and canonical aus for Ricky and Gina <3.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
Here's where I enter some shameless self-promo...I wrote this recently. It’s just some loosely connected one-shots I have of rina based on canon. I write about an alternate first meeting, what would've happened if Gina had to understudy Nini in a rehearsal and (for a future chapter) a babysitting au (for what happened when Gina actually told Ricky the truth, she was babysitting her neighbor's kid when she talked to him at the skatepark). Check it out if it sounds like your thing!
in your eyes by finelineholland
‘you always try to hide the pain, you always know just what to say. i always look the other way. i'm blind, i'm blind. in you eyes, you lie, but i don't let it define you.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
There is something about Rina being written about from an outside perspective that is just so excellent. The story starting with Nini noting the obvious chemistry and their connection and being threatened by it, I don’t know it's just so pleasing to me. Another fic like that one of my favorites (one that I’m pretty sure I’ve suggested in my other rec list), pretend i don’t see it in your eyes by spobylol. Another absolutely excellent read that does not miss once. This story in contrast also writes from rina’s perspective as well which I also thought was well done. 
right from the start I knew by anonymous
‘“Uh.” Ricky really didn’t think this far ahead. To be fair, it’s not like he’s ever thought ahead about anything ever in his life, so this is really to be expected. “We - forget about it? Maybe. Or like - I don’t know. I think I have to figure out how to be like - a person right now. By myself.”
“Same.” Gina says absently. “I’ve spent what feels like my whole life thinking about what other people think of me. It’d be nice to - to be able to try looking beyond that for a change.”
Post-Season 1. Ricky and Nini break up, but that doesn't mean things work out right away.’ This is a completed one shot.
The most iconic love confession I’ve read in a rina fic to date. it’s just so good, a certified rush every single time. The mutual pining hits spectacularly especially when you see just how soon it starts to hit Ricky that he’d made a mistake getting with Nini and him paying for that mistake. The writing only amplifies it. Also Ricky telling Gina he’s obsessed with her? yeah, I automatically added this fic to my list of faves.
If they only knew by goldenthread
‘Ricky Bowen never really bought into the whole soulmate thing (except he did) but life got in the way and now he's sort of pretending to date new (totally not intimidating) girl Gina Porter to win back the one and only Nini Salazar Roberts. Not a single thing could go wrong.
The one where Ricky and Gina aren't so good at the whole soulmate thing and they fake date.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
More shameless self promo, sorry y’all but I’m super proud of this one. It’s a soulmate and fake dating au, combining two of my fave tropes into one to make this (surprisingly) long fic. It’s a whirlwind of emotions and a lot of moving parts in the story. I plan on updating within two months then after that there's three more chapters until its finished :) hope y’all enjoy it if you decide to give it a read!
you are the best thing & the worst thing (that’s happened to me this whole year) by tophsgf
‘Gina's roommate Nini is unbearable. What's more unbearable, however? Her very charismatic and totally off-limits sort-of boyfriend.’ This is a completed one shot. 
An amazing fic, I need more people to know about it! I really like fics where the development between Ricky and Gina is gradual, which seems to be the case for a lot of fics but for this one in particular I like its execution. Obviously, at first, he’s with Nini so it’s like the dynamic is at a point of comparison from the start but we quickly learn that thanks to good ole mutual understanding and overall compatibility Ricky and Gina are just right for each other. A fun read that hits all the bases.
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