#and he either doesn't have them or isnt willing to act on them. i cant be his friend
spacexseven · 2 years
ok thinking about subordinate darling chuuya… I think we discussed mean chuuya together, but I can see the appeal of nice chuuya as well! I personally have a preference for mean chuuya because. reasons… but thats just me.
for nice chuuya, it would be a good cop bad cop scenario. dazai bullies you cuz he thinks its funny, chuuya swoops in to earn your trust. rinse and repeat. it might be out of true altruism on chuuyas part at first, but quickly devolves into more sinister intentions. I actually think this approach would probably kick dazai into gear a bit as the idea of darling liking chuuya more than him makes a cold dread settle into his bones. its a race for number one as dazai suddenly starts vying for your attention much like a child, with the hidden agenda of trying to rile chuuya up enough to get him to reveal the monster underneath the facade.
for mean chuuya… have you ever seen an old cartoon where two kids are fighting over a doll? and then start crying when they inevitably end up ripping it? yeah. both of them like you, neither one of them wants to actually admit this due to the fact they've convinced themselves they find you worthless and annoying up to this point, but they also don't want to give you up to the other. the tentative bond they formed from making fun of you together completely breaks in half as they become obsessed with winning, even if the prize is somewhat unclear. I think we get the concept of how DAZAI is mean by now, but chuuya is another beast. whereas dazai's cruelty, while unpredictable in method, is reliably consistent in intensity, motive, and frequency (up until his crush starts to muddle things); chuuya seemingly decides at random just how mean he intends to be and why. like, one day completely fucking up your given task only gets you jeered at and mocked, and the next making eye contact without permission gets you punched in the face. and some days he just acts like you don't exist no matter WHAT you do. hard to get a handle on, that one. he doesnt get "worse" when he realizes he likes you, just weird. like now he's a stereotypical romance anime tsundere about it. dork loser.
and uh, speaking of the doll ripping… if (when) dazai and mean!chuuya end up going too far… maybe they send you off on a mission that gets your kidnapped or almost killed… maybe one (or both) of them overestimate your resilience and give you an injury that cant be walked off… or maybe its just as little as noticing you're suddenly less combative and more timid towards them nowadays… you REALLY don't wanna know just how far they're willing to go to "make it up" to you. they might even work together on it, or maybe they'll try to sell the other one up the river and become your favorite. either way you're in for a ride. the idea of losing you will immediately make both of them drop all pretense, and what's underneath the "cruel, dismissive senior" act is NOT for the faint of heart.
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honestly i think its likely they end up pairing up just bc these two seem to get a lot more done when working together lolol Hope this isnt too long :<
if chuuya decides to play the role of the good guy, it's mostly because he wants to piss off dazai, and maybe a little bit of sympathy knowing that you really stand no chance against your superior. the more dazai gets on his nerves, the more he stops by to check in on you, knowing it gets dazai all riled up and angry—but since he doesn't want you to know it bothers him, dazai's more likely to bottle up his frustration, and to chuuya it's hilarious. eventually though, you sort of...grow on him. there's something about your pitiful state after yet another one of dazai's stupid pranks or derogatory comments, something about the way you try to hide your eyes tearing up when you sense him coming behind you that stirs something in him. chuuya's fingers twitch at his side, wanting to reassure you. he wants to coo over you, like someone would to a whimpering puppy.
and suddenly, it doesn't matter if dazai gets mad—chuuya just wants to be there for you. if he learns that the cause of your sorrow is none other than dazai, chuuya's punches to him are more harder than usual, and there's something more hateful about the glare he seems to always have directed at the other. he tells you something embarrassing dazai has done in the past, helps you plan and carry out your little revenge, anything to make you feel even a little better. and the way you smiled up at him was worth all of it.
maybe chuuya convinces mori to let you come on missions with him more often; after all, it wasn't like dazai had some claim on you. he treasured the little moments together—the devious looks you'd share with him before a surprise attack, the delight in your eyes when you dig into the desserts he gets you, and even the way you seemed to dim a little when it was over and you had to go back to working under dazai. obviously, that meant you liked him more, right?
dazai catches on pretty quickly to this white knight act chuuya's got going on, and it really doesn infuriate him, chuuya acting as though he isn't just as bad as dazai. sure, he's all nice to your face, but only dazai's seen chuuya brutally beat up some other member of the pm for insulting you, and only he knows that chuuya sneaks into your room regularly. if all it took to win you over was a few sweet words and outings, dazai would have you eating out of his hand in a week.
it's overwhelming to go from your usual experiences with dazai to him suddenly all over you and bribing you with sweets and trips to the aquarium. it's even more confusing when you see chuuya fuming at the corner of the hall when dazai starts telling you about how terrible of a temper chuuya's got and how easily dazai tricked him before. he eagerly offers to show you exactly how scary chuuya can be when he's mad, and assures you that he has a much better grasp on his emotions compared to chuuya. it's crazy enough already without having them actually start to argue in front of you, but that's exactly where this leads.
now for mean chuuya...
initially, his whole attitude towards you is more of indifference, a little bit annoyed because if you want to make it in the pm, you'd need to get used to this sort of treatment quickly. sometimes, he might find your reactions to dazai's torment sort of amusing. eventually, he begins terrorizing you for the fun of it; messing with the files you're in charge of or insulting you to get beneath your skin (i seriously doubt he'd be as bad as dazai but i agree w the unpredictable thing. sometimes he's even nice to you)
oh...if they think you're getting distant for whatever reason, any previous semblance of privacy or personal space is shattered. chuuya bombards you with gifts sent to your apartment, dazai is all over you, chuuya makes it pretty obvious he's following you, and dazai in turn sticks to your side like glue.
eventually, their rivalry is garnering too much negative attention, which may push them to the idea of working together or their rivalry gets worse whichever works out is based on the circumstances, and possibly mori might have a say in it if he thinks that this is disrupting the workings of the pm too much. honestly. them working together might be the better option, since to a certain extent chuuya might be able to keep dazai in check. alone, they are unpredictable and uncontrollable.
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lolotheparagon · 11 months
Has any of the ponies met the Arkham Knight? If so how did that go?
Arkham Knight/Red Hood: So let me get this straight. You little aliens are adopted by the Scarecrow?
Ponies: Yep!
Red Hood: And he's a good, attending father?
Ponies: Yep!
Red Hood: ...We're still talking about Crane, right?
Sweetie Belle: Well, duh!
Pinkie Pie: How did you know him, sir?
Red Hood: I used to be his second in command
Starsong: What does that mean?
Cheerilee: A second in command is a person who acts as a second authority to the head commander/chief officer. Hence the phrase "in command"
Red Hood: I was more of a sidekick, honestly.
Scootaloo: Woah, mister, you must have loads of stories about Mr Crow!
Red Hood: Yep, but none of them are flattering.
Scootaloo: Why not?
Red Hood: Trust me, from my experience. Scarecrow is a cold, ruthless cynical man who doesnt care about anyone. He wants to inspire fear and hatred to everyone unfortunate enough to be in his radar.
Toola Roola: Well, that last bit's true. He is a scarecrow after all.
Red Hood: (wait does these kids seriously think he's a scarecrow?)
Scootaloo: But that first bit's not true! He cares about us!
Red Hood: Cos he sees you guys as blank slates. He wanted to mold you guys into his image.
(Looks at the pastel ponies)
Red Hood: Which, by the looks of you all, I don't think is gonna happen. Like ever
Rainbow Dash: Phew! Thats a relief! I'd die before Id wear any icky dingy cloaks.
Scootaloo: Seriously, Mr Hood. Mr Crow is such a cool guy. He's powerful, scary and he loves my knack for causing chaos, and thats true Im pretty good at smashing up stuff and beating up bad guys!
Cheerilee: Funny, I never saw you take down a thug before.
Scootaloo: Im working on some new moves okay?!
Rainbow Dash: Mr Hood, with all due respect. We understand where you're coming from and we know that Mr Crow isnt the nicest guy around. But we still love him
Toola Roola: Im pretty sure he likes us too. I mean, he did give us one wicked Halloween party this year and he was willing to drive around every Bobby Burger's joint in Gotham just to get Starsong her Disney Princess Laffy Meals toys. But sometimes he can be a real meanie. Like he doesn't do a lot of activities with us unless we tell him to.
Pinkie Pie: He certainly isnt the hugging type either.
Red Hood: Yeah, that's Crane for ya. Being a dad doesnt come naturally to him.
Pinkie Pie: So do you have any advice for helping us with Mr Crow's grumpiness and get him to lighten up a bit?
Red Hood: ...
(These kids have no idea their dad is a supervillain. In fact, I dont even think they know what the word "supervillain" means. Well, they look okay for kids being raised by the master of fear and they sure do love him. Urgh, I bet Crane's acting like a good dad to freak everyone out. Sounds like something he would do. Well, just in case, I'll give 'em some defense tips)
Well, he's an old man. Grumpiness is part of his nature. But if he gets too mean like say he doesn't want to get you another round of ice cream or doesn't want to play tea party...Here are all of Crane's weak spots. He's got a crippled leg so strike at the back of his left knee to knock him down. And make sure to stitch up his mouth if he's saying anything stupid. Like a zipper mouth sorta thing. Also he hates loud music so whatever you got on your phone, blast it. Also, throw him off a bridge for me.
Cheerilee: Wont that kill him?
Red Hood: Nah, dont worry, he's a scarecrow. He cant feel any pain. Straw body, remember?
Scootaloo: I knew he was a magic scarecrow!
Red Hood: Exactly! So whenever he pisses you guys off, just (under breath) Oh crap, I shouldnt sworn in front of them
Scootaloo: Haha that sounds funny! Piss off! Piss off!
(all the ponies join in saying pisses off while bouncing up and down)
Red Hood: Oh god, I've set them off now.
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isekyaaa · 1 year
Kinda like the junk thing about stories about yandere and other characters that are generally charismatic but insane is that like... the stories usually go the same way. It's either that the other character are clueless or that the mc is hyperaware and tries avoiding them from the very start. But I mean I suppose that's how it's supoosed to go with horror/dark romance.
I kinda just want to read a story where the mc has an insanely high eq, but low sense of danger. They can tell there's something off about this dude. The mc has never met a serial killer before, but this charismatic dude everyone likes gives off massive serial killer vibes. But at the same time, the city they live is otherwise rather peaceful. There's nothing really happening at the uni in which they attend. So while they're receiving these vibes, they have nothing to base it off of.
While they don't seek this guy out, they don't avoid him either. He randomly got pulled into their friend group, so the mc sees him often enough. They don't act on guard, but they don't act overly friendly either. Honestly they don't even tip off the yandere's warning signals at all. They're practically an NPC in his life. He could really care less about them.
That is until he begins noticing little things here and there. The girl that had been ruthlessly pursuing him oddly gave up on him out of the blue. The classmate that'd consistently butter him up to copy off of his homework started bothering other people instead. Before he even realized it, people started treating him like a human being instead of putting him on a pedestal. He was losing his control over the group and he had no clue why.
It takes longer than he'd like to admit, but eventually he zeroes in on the mc. The mc is the only outlier in this equation. They're the only one that didn't become obsessed with him, either in infatuation or hate. Really, he should've realized it earlier. You were known as the older sibling of the group, after all. Everyone came to you when they needed to vent. And at the same time, you never treated him as something more. You never obsessed over him, not in infatuation and not in hate. Really, if anything, when you two were in the same room, you treated him as nothing more than an NP–
And then the obsession begins to start, on his part at least. For the first time, he begins to interact with the mc. He begins to pay attention to them. He begins to see them. And he is hooked. And the mc doesn't disappoint. With enough eq for days, they evade him with ease. They slip between his claws. They practically dance circles around him. And it only makes him want to capture them. To confine them. To swallow them whole. And the mc isnt an idiot. They know what he's doing as much as he knows what they're doing. They're not afraid either. They know the yandere. They know how low he's willing to go to get what he wants. They know him.
After going about it a bit, the yandere becomes shocked at the amount of control the mc has over this game of theirs. Because they know him so well, they've set the rules, the allowances, the limits. They did it without even trying. Even when he tries to catch them by surprise, the mc's handles it in stride. Even when he tries to play dirty, the mc doesn't bat an eye. The mc knows him. They know him so very well. He cant win this game no matter how hard he tries.
So he realizes he needs to change tactics.
He'll learn the mc so well he can exploit them as masterfully as they do him.
And the game continues.
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what's wrong w me
#shut up hanna#i didnt eat all day (nothing in the house)#so i finally left to get food#and i also got some ice coffee which was gross unfortunately#and by the time i got my food. it just. is so unappealing#i ate some of it but barely and i feel sick like somehow so full now#and now im j chillin in my car listening to the playlist i made abt him and its 80% taylor swift#ever since i saw that tiktok yesterday i feel like im going thru a breakup which is SO DUMB ????#but ig im just like. if i have these feelings and cant get rid of them.#and he either doesn't have them or isnt willing to act on them. i cant be his friend#like it sucks!!! but also. im so unhealthy its not a kind of relationship i can keep from becoming toxic.#if i was healthy i could do it but unfortunately id base my entire worth on how he felt abt me/treated me and thats bad ❤️#and i literally. like the posts i made a few days ago/last week (idk) abt how gr8 he is and loving our friendship#NOTHING HAS ACTUALLY CHANGED. WE HAVENT SPOKEN SINCE I LEFT HIS HOUSE#ALLLLLLL OF THIS HAPPENED INNNN MY HEAD#insane#but this tiktok just rlly fucked me up and now im like. how is this gonna end.#im gonna get hurt. so am i rlly gonna just let it drag on and fall more in love so it hurts more later#what's the point#but my friends are sickkkk of hearing abt it and its FAIR#hes just some guy !! but also ive genuinely never felt like this for someone#and i knowww romantics alwayssss say that (me) but it genuinely is different this time#im 21 years old and i have n e v e r actually been sexually attracted to anyone before#also usually a crush either has major chemistry or compatibility w u yeah?#we have Both in an honestly disgusting way#i feel safer w him than i ever have w anyone and yet.#i have to break up w him (in my brain) but Nothing has actually changed so my feelings arent even valid#anyway my tummy hurts and i thought dominos would heal my heartbreak but i barely ate any and i feel sick ❤️#god i honestly just hope something is very seriously wrong physically and i can just like. die#i know its probably just mono still but a girl can dream ❤️
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misterbitches · 3 years
i think what bugs me the most about people being lazy and not wanting to read or pushing a narrative of something you didn't say or do onto you, then saying something about the method of delivery, and then getting their hackles raised at anything that pushes back (i do this too. like many times i overreact because i didnt read something right, or i don't think that maybe i don't need to be heard, or i take on a more combative tone even if someone agrees. so i need to de-escalate for myself as well and be aware....) esp on the basis of length and some grammar and syntax issues—not necessarily the content itself—is that i like....edit for a living.
i have a dumb BA and i have my MFA. i copy-edit on the side as a side-job and i am good at it. i am a literal video editor, a script editor, a scriptwriter, and artist. so like not only did i "train" in that, i have experience, and like.... im good at it. but that's my WORK like that's LITERALLY MY CAREER so when im on the internet i'm not trying to write a fucking thesis that's so intense and edited. i do that for my career and it's effort. this is me time, leisure time, im not being judged or graded and i don't need to put my whole back into something that is largely inconsequential. i'm typing from the top of the fucking dome and that's it man like there's a diff between a thing that takes me 5m to write and something i have to edit a trillion times on top of my learning disabilities and adhd. which isnt a fucking death sentence. adhd helps me be more creative, my LDs are what lead me to art, i'm intelligent and talented even if i hate myself and it's painful. idk how many times i can say this you know. someone said to me once "you're obviously not a native eng speaker" and fucking obviously i am but that wasnt the issue it was saying i can't construct sentences or whatever when im literally just stream of consciousness and it is just so invalidating. i dont like saying it but it's literally people calling you stupid for something you're not trying to heavily regulate because you ARE ALWAYS SELF-REGULATING.
honestly i get shocked at my typos or ways i word things if i re-read them but in my brain it just comes out that way. it doesnt always make sense either idk i try and say it. but i dont want to call it ableist it's just weird. fucking weird and it feels soooooo fucking bad bc i already know lmao im sorry man sometimes commas look like periods and i think im typing in the right tense or the right word but im not idk what to tell ya. u can edit it for me if u want
yesterday i couldnt focus at all like i was watching history (surprise) and had to keep rewinding because my brain started to trail off and i would stare at this box. or ill be thinking about something else the whole time. then i get anxious and try and concentrate and i cant. it's a lot of adrenaline buddy and our brains are like rubber or whatever ok im built different ;-;
other things adhd makes fun:
- when you receive your THC and it takes you hours to use it because your brain is trailing off. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE TO WAIT FOR UR BRAIN TO STOP PROCRASTINATING TO HAVE FUN? dumbest thing ever esp since ppl w impulse issues <3 drugs cos we r sad every1 thinks we r STUPID
- when u literally just stare at the same page for like 10m. when it takes u all fucking day to watch 5 minutes of a stupid BL bc ur brain is like THIS THEN THIS THEN THIS THEN THIS AND WHAT IS THAT? THEN THIS THEN THIS THEN THIS esp for me as a FILMMAKEURRRR AN ARTISTE A PRETENTIOUS BITCH i cant turn it the fuck off
this is something i've talked abotu a lot and ppl who know me know that i really struggle with this. maybe that's why i turned to art i dont know but i think there is a gap between people who are willing to read and people who just aren't and then dont bother. but i feel like you should sort of take the time to maybe understand a person may have diff communication styles. like i can understand people or try my best if they dont have a great grasp on english. we know what the fuck communication is. there's this one troll i know of who literally just types nonsense because he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a dick, and he's not a native eng speaker. that's a time where i'm like i literally cannot with this person because i dont think he even tries lmao. i just ignore him bc he says dumb shit now so maybe if someone thinks that of me they should just move it righgt along ithink im just going to start being a dick and calling eveyrone ableist and start acting like the ~*~*~*snowflake~**~~*~* they dont like bc bitch if im sad we all sad now
i also find it IRONIC when non black ppl comment on a flow or whatever since u all love to use our words wrong bitch back off if u cant say nigga i take 0 writing advice from u
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all this is to say i know it's not cos of my adhd and learning disorders since i can do my jobs efficiently. i think that......people are just upset when u critique something that has nothing to do with them as a person but they tied their identity to it so now we all have to suffer im sorry that you...idk don't care about the world? who knows, what do you want? lol
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Shinsou fluff alphabet
Starting off this blog the right way
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He really likes your eyes
Hes definitely the type of person that puppy dog eyes work on
When you look up at him with those pretty eyes he just melts into them
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He would want a baby eventually
Like after you get married
But he loves the thought of having a baby with you
Seeing which traits come out from both of you
Or adopting a baby, he thinks that would be awesome too
He loves kids, hes just kinda scared that he doesn't know how to take care of them
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He is the c li n g I est mf
He acts like hes not but he is
He doesn't have a preference when it comes to being the little or big sppon
He loves holding you
Just wrapping his arms around your shoulders or waist and hugging you as tight as possible while pressing little kisses onto your forehead
And when you hold him he melts
He feels so loved and wanted
Play with his hair plz plz plz
His eyes will flutter shut and hell just be like
"Mmm... so comfy"
It's so cute
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Toshi is pretty spontaneous
So dates will either be
Let's go out at 3 in the morning and run around the city and buy junk food
"Babe, I got us reservations for this super fancy restaurant so make sure you get dressed up. Were leaving in an hour."
They're always fun tho, even the more formal dates are super silly with you two making jokes and just being crackheads
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
To Hitoshi, you are his inspiration
His reason for moving forward in life
Before you, his only goal was to become a hero - and even then no one seemed to believe he could
Then theres you
You who tells him that his quirk does not make him evil
It's super effective against villains
hell be a pro hero someday
Before he wanted to become hero simply because why not
But now he wants to become a hero for you, to show you that your positive words were not misplaced and he is someone you can count on
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was one night after he was training with Aizawa in martial arts (since he knows his quirk isnt the most effective in battle if he cant get it to work)
And he walked out of the field to see you standing there with this big smile on your face
"What are you doing here? It's late, you should go home."
"I was but then I saw you training and wanted to watch 😊"
He kinda gives you a weird look and is like why
"Cause you're super cool Shinsou! If I wanna be a pro hero I need to make sure I can get strong too, so I wanted to take some pointers."
His eyes widen and hes like- you think I'm cool??? Me who has to do this training cause my quirk is useless most the time?? Me who's quirk actually sucks?? You think I'm cool.
You just give him this big smile and you're like well ya anyways see you tomorrow
And he kinda is just like fuckfuckfuckfuckdu kkckcdudyhsj the whole way home cause wow you're super cute and you're the only person to ever praise him like that
He lies awake all night and is like I'm in love fuk
So ya, he was in love long before you even started dating
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Hes so gentle with you
Like hell brush your hair out of your face and move it behind your ear
When you kiss his hand kinda just cups your jaw and his thumb rubs your cheek
He presses little kisses on your forehead when you hug
Theres times when he can be more rough, but you're his baby and he cherishes you so much
He doesn't wanna scare you in any way and treats you so well
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
When you're walking he likes to place his fingers with yours and holds onto your hand tight
But other than that, he prefers holding your hand by placing his on top of yours and lacing his fingers while his thumb rubs your pinky
Hell pick up your hand and press kisses on it
Lowkey to tease you cause he likes to see you blush but still
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
His first impression of you wasn't the best? It wasn't the worst either tho
He first met you at the sports festival
You were fighting after he did, so when he was walking back and you were going out you saw him
So you were like "great job in the match!!"
And he thought you were teasing him cause he felt he horribly lost so he got kinda pissed
And was like "ya whatever"
He realized you weren't lying later tho, when you kept talking to him whenever you would see him at school
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oooooh yes, boy gets so jealous
You're HIS baby, not anyone elses
Hes put up with a lot of shit and a lot of shitty people and now that he has someone who loves him and he adores back - he doesn't like the fear of losing them
It's less of he gets angry when people flirt with you and more of he gets scared
Hes scared hes not the best and that you might decide you'll leave
He knows you love him and are loyal to him, but he cant shake that fear
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
So he initiated the first kiss
It was after your first date, and he kinda just kissed you out of nowhere (and you didn't mind at all)
While he does kiss you fairly gently, its lots of times a way to tease you
He loves to kiss you more roughly- the kinds of kisses that leave you breathless and your lips bruised
But he starts gentle half the time so that you get frustrated and have to try and make him kiss you deeper
Lots of tongue
Lots and lots of tongue
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You did
Again, He knew he loved you before you started dating
But he didn't wanna put you off by saying it too soon so he waited for you
He did things to help you know he loved you, but he waited until you said it
The first time you said it you were cuddling
You were lying on his chest and he was playing with your hair on his bed and you quietly said "I love you Toshi. So much.."
His eyes widened and he got the biggest smile on his face
"I love you too baby"
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you is probably one of your first dates
He took you to an amusement park
You were holding hands the whole time and you were so happy throughout the whole night
Hearing your beautiful laugh, being able to play the games with you and win you prizes since hes for some reason super good at them, getting to be that annoying couple that just cuddles in all the lines
He was in heaven
of course you had to do the stereotypical couple thing and ride the ferris wheel
But! It got stuck when you were almost to the top (if only it had been at the top - it would have been peak amusement park date romance)
You two were so ready to kiss at the top, but now you get to make out for like 30 minutes?? Awesome!
Getting to have a whole photo shoot together with all the pretty lights from the park and the city?? Double awesome!
Sitting in the cramped seat and being able to just talk and cuddle without worrying about school or anything?? Tripple awesome!!!
Everything about the night was perfect, and now you two love going on amusement park dates (tho none will ever beat this one)
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He won't Spoil you too much, hes broke anyways
Besides, hes not the most materialistic person anyways so he would rather give you gifts of like dates and stuff
When he does give gifts, it's more personal things
Hell spoil you for your birthday and anniversary tho, if you really want something hell do his best to get you it
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Because he loves that cute blush of yours ~
He teases you all the time, anything to get you to blush
So when he sees a pink, especially in the shade of your blush, he kinda smirks and is like aw
Also, its such a soft color, and you're his baby so he gets soft for you
So honestly pastel colors remind him of you too, but mainly pink
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
ANYTHING that will get you to blush
Hes tested out them all
Honey, sugar, babydoll, bub, cutie, EVERYTHING
But his favorites are baby, and kitten.
He likes cats so he tested out kitten and the BLUSH that erupted on your face, he was hooked
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
My dude he is so into ball room dancing
Like I guess that's modern if you're rich, but neither of you are so that's something you only see in like old movies
Dead ass he took you to an abandoned castle just to dance with you while he played music from like the 40s
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Loves rain
Wants to go play in it
He will drag you out into the rain so that you can run around and act like little kids
Then you'll come in eventually so you dont get sick and make tea and cuddle
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Hes more of the type that will just ignore his feelings when hes sad
Like it's no big deal they'll go away
But you got mad at him for doing that so now - he just tells you
Hell text you and be like "hey.. can we cuddle..."
And you'll immediately know what's up and run to cheer him up
When you're sad, he takes a more direct approach
He wants you to tell him straight up what's wrong, and hes willing to wait if you need time
Hell hold you until you're ready, but he won't leave until you're feeling better
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He loves gossipping
Like you two talking about dumb stuff your classmates do
Makes up like 70% of your conversations
Also about movies, or TV shows, hes into a lot of fandoms and loves talking about them
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
That's it
Hes stressed? He will plop himself into your lap and you just know
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He likes showing off his martial art skills honestly
Hes gotten good at them, and many of the students dont bother with learning any formal fighting style since they're more into just using their quirk or swinging as they please
So it's something hes proud of
Hes also proud of it cause the 2 people he looks up to the most - aizawa and you - are also proud of him for it
So he loves showing you new things hes learned, or showing you how to do them so that you can be safer
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Again, hes spontaneous, so it kinda just came out
You two were just goofing around one night - spending time with each other since soon you would go into working at an agency since you had graduated
He was just thinking about how much hes gonna miss not being able to be around you all the time
So this man deadass ran into a gas station that was still open, bought a ring pop, and ran back out and was like
"Shit babe I'm so sorry this is such a horrible proposal but I'm doing it cause I don't wanna back out so- (y/n), will you marry me?"
Hes down on one knee holding this ring pop and he expected you to start laughing (you did later) but instead you started crying and you just jump into his arms nodding
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Serendipity by BTS
His world changed when he met you, the love his life
Theres so much hurt in life, and you are his happiness
Even when you two fight, you only come back stronger
Hes so happy with you, and so hes worried that something will happen to take you away from him
This song kinda captures that
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
All the time
He planned it a few times fully before when he actually did, and they were all much more romantic than the ring pop
He thought of the ring and everything
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Do I even need to say that
He wants you two to be crazy cat parents so bad
Even tho the max you ever have at a time is 2
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