#and he swears it just had cyrillic on it (not even sure if it wasn’t one of the many other languages that use that alphabet)
jaqdawks · 2 years
things my dad has accused of being russian malware, a comprehensive and ongoing list
My steam library tab
Java Minecraft
VPNs (all of the ones that don’t already come with your devices)
The subtitles I put on the TV
Hollow Knight
Paint Tool Sai
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anotherblinder · 1 year
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Previous Parts || Betrayal P1|| Reunion P2 || He Wanted His POV||
Summary || After finding Alfie, you go talk with Thomas
Word Count || 1.1k
Pairing || Thomas Shelby x Reader
Warnings || Alfie s4 spoilers, mentions of being shot, swears
Notes || Yes this series is still going! There will either be one or 2 main parts after this one and one side one like He Wanted. I hope you all enjoy! And since this is my story Reader and Alfie still have Cyril. special shout out to @runnning-outof-time for helping me sort a few things out for this chapter. please go read her her she's amazing!
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Rage, fear, pain. All those things you felt as you look at your husband. Lying in bed, nearly dead from a gunshot to the head. You’ve barely slept as you’ve tended to him. Alfie hasn’t woken up yet, it’s given you plenty of time to figure out what to say when he does. God, he thought the best way out was by having him killed. How selfish could he be? The deal was in sickness and in health. Did Alfie really think you’d turn away from him because of his skin cancer? Using the betrayal to Thomas as a way to get a quick death. Or maybe you were being selfish excepting him to fight through it. 
Damn Thomas Shelby for doing as he asked. He could have just walked away, he should have. You knew he was a man of his word though. It was something you admired about him. Even now. Sighing, you stood from your seat and lightly placed your hand on Alfie’s cheek as you leaned over him and placed a kiss on his head. Scratching Cyril’s head as he lay next to Alfie, you left the room. You had a destination in mind, you needed to talk to Thomas.  
A wave of nostalgia hit you as you walked through the door of the Garrison. You haven’t been here since that night. Could never bring yourself to come in because he owned it. Thomas would always be there and you never wanted to see him again. Now you wanted to shoot him in the head yourself. But since he’s been working with Alfie you’ve felt yourself slightly soften on him. Slightly. 
“I never thought I’d see the day when you walked through those doors again.” 
Turning your head to the familiar voice, a smile came to your face. One of apology and greeting. Polly gave you a smile, as she always did, as she walked up to you.  
“Neither did I, but I have to speak with,” You hesitated almost calling him a more familiar name, “Thomas.” 
“He’s home right now. But I have something for you.” Polly said 
Curiosity took over as you watched her walk away to the back office. What could she possibly want to give to you? Moments later Polly came back holding a letter. Now you were really curious. The smile she gave you held something you couldn’t really tell. She handed it over and you saw your name scribbled on top of it with his writing. There was a hesitation in taking it. You never fully forgave Thomas, so you weren’t sure if you wanted to take the letter, she was giving you. Sighing, after a moment you took it from her and stared at the paper in your hand.  
“Tommy always talked about giving it to you. Just never got the balls to do it. You need to talk with him.” 
“About more than one thing it seems.” You muttered 
You opened the letter and read over it. A feeling came over you, one you couldn’t place. It was obvious he wrote it after the fight years ago. You were tired, you missed him. Over the years you grew over your anger. The only one that stood right now is he shot your husband. Folding up the letter, you said goodbye to Polly and left the Garrison. The drive to Arrow house wasn’t bad as your mind was too preoccupied with what you were going to say. You wanted to keep a level head as much as possible. The car stopped and you stepped out. Not bothering to wait for your door to be opened. Walking up to the door you knocked and patiently waited for an answer. Not long after the door was opened, and you came face to face with a woman. From her outfit she is a maid in the house. You gave her a smile and fought the urge to just turn around and drive back home. Having some regret in coming to talk. 
“May I help you ma'am?” She politely asked  
“Yes, I’m here to talk to Mr. Shelby.”  
“I’m sorry he’s not taking people at the moment.” 
You held back a sigh as you looked at the woman. You knew she was just doing her job, but this was slightly getting on your already worked up nerves. Discreetly you let out a sigh and gave her a nod. Maybe you should just turn around and go home. This could be a sign to just say fuck it and never come back again. Then you saw the image of Alfie lying there in bed and couldn’t bring yourself to leave. You had to talk to Tommy, it was years overdue. 
“Tell him Mrs. Solomons needs to speak with him, please.”  
The maid paused at the door, and you could tell she was just as annoyed as you were. It was obvious most people just walked away hearing that. Only you weren’t leaving and if he said no, you were going to storm into his office yourself. Going home without a talk wasn’t an option. After a moment she opened the door wider and directed you to step inside. 
“Please wait here as I talk to Mr. Shelby.” She informed you  
“Thank you,” you replied as she walked away. 
It was a nice home; you were glad Thomas was finally getting the life he deserved. Well, some of it at least. You’d be lying if you said you never imagined this being your home with Thomas by your side. It seemed the future had very different plans for you. You saw the picture of Grace and still couldn’t help the pit of hatred you felt for her. Had she never gotten into his life, you’d still be in it. But she sabotaged your relationship with him. For that you’ll never forgive Grace. What you could feel happiness for, was the joy and happiness she brought to Thomas in the time they were together. For that you will be forever grateful to her. Heels clicking against the floor brought your attention to the maid coming back over to you. Seemingly annoyed but doing a good job masking it. Only you could see right through it.  
“Mr. Shelby will see you in his office. If you’ll follow me, please.” She spoke 
“No need, I can get there myself. Thank you.”  
You walked past her and walked over to his office door. There was no turning back now. Taking a deep breath, you entered the room. This wasn’t the first time you’ve been here. No, you’ve been a few times when Alfie had to deal with business and wanted you by his side. This was the first time you’re here alone. Thomas sat at his desk, but his attention turned to the door as you came in. Both of you stared at the other in silence before you fully stepped into the room and closed the door behind you. 
“Tommy, we need to talk.” 
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Tags || @violet-19999 | @dreamy-caramel | @selenaelena | @slytherinambitious | @andreead | @janelongxox | @bdudette |
if you want to be tagged/untagged in this please let me know! if i missed you i apologize!
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the-starry-raven · 5 months
ATWGD Chapter 2
TW: Violence, blood, swearing, angst, threats, google translated Russian and Portuguese
Taglist: @forestshadow-wolf @queermentaldisaster @27potatochips (as to be added)
ATWGD Masterlist
Character(s): Miguel "Rio" Costa (oc), Mykyta "Night" Kravchenko (oc), Malakai "Jaws" Aukai (oc), Sorin Blackwood (oc), Cyril "Atlas" Drakos-Carew (oc), Zephyr "Achilles" Drakos-Carew (oc), Aurelie "Voodoo" Madden (oc), Amos "Coyote" Rojas (oc), Jacob "Thunder" Sterling (oc).
Rio was cursing as he tried to focus on finding Sparrow, he had no luck with any of his flybys. “Shit…” He whispered as he then heard his radio crackle to life and a spark of hope jolted through him before it faded when he heard the familiar voice of his captain.
“Night to Rio, any lucky locating Sparrow or her crash site?” Mykyta’s voice rang over Rio’s side of the radio. The pilot reached over and clicked the button so he could reply, but paused and removed his finger. “Rio, do you copy?”  His voice crackled as he spoke to the Brazilian man.
“Negative. I haven’t been able to find her, but I did spot smoke. Not sure if it’s an enemy camp or her crash site.” Rio spoke up as he clicked the button again, his voice was shaky as he tried to calm his nerves while trying to focus on the mission.
“Roger that, pull back and regroup for the day. We’ll take a break before searching on foot. It’ll be too risky to fly now that they know we’re here.” The Ukrainian man ordered before he switched lines to inform the rest of the team. Rio switched himself over to the team’s line and listened.
“Voodoo, Rio, Coyote, and Jaws. I’m gonna need you four to search where Rio saw the smoke, Northeast. Atlas, Thunder, Achilles, and myself will head Northwest. Everyone got that?” Mykyta ordered over the radio. Rio stayed quiet for the moment but he agreed with that idea.
“You gotcha, Capt.” A Cajun woman spoke up. “We meetin’ up at the coordinates or will I have to find Jaws, Coyote, and Rio?” Voodoo joked as she spoke. “Watch it, Madden. We might sneak up on ya.” Coyote spoke up with a snicker. 
“Quiet, Rojas. We’ll meet at the coordinates so our resident vampire can patch anyone up.”
“You heard the captain. Get your asses back here, I wanna know who needs shit done before we get split up.” The resident vampire, as they liked to call Sorin, spoke up with a chuckle. The medic was always fun when it came to jokes like that.
“Jaws ‘nd I should be there in no time. His radio is shot.” Thunder spoke up and the sound of their teammate cursing in the background about how he was lied to about his radio being waterproof. It got a cackle from Coyote and Voodoo.
“I’ll catch the two when they swing around, it won’t be worth it to just go ahead when it’ll be safer with them. Power in numbers.” A deep masculine voice spoke up with a heavy Greek accent, Atlas managed to startle Rio when he spoke. 
“Damn it, Atlas. Can’t be scaring me like that…” Rio spoke up as he found the makeshift base they were using and prepared to land. He didn’t realize how far he had been flying until now. “Already there, beat you all there.” He tried to joke.
“Oh c’mon! No fair you got a damn jet.” Thunder grumbled, causing everyone else to laugh, even Jaws; he still was pissed about his radio though, but it was a good distraction for the man. “I’m still fuckin’ grounded.” The Oklahoman huffed.
“Keep it up and you will still be grounded when we get back to base, Sterling. Hurry your asses up. We’re wasting the darkness with this chit chat. Rio, so see Sorin and load up on medical supplies just in case.” Mykyta snapped as his voice crackled with the static of the radio. 
“Yes, Capt…” Thunder sighed before his radio was silent.
“On it, Captain.” He replied before he removed his finger from the button to focus on landing. When he did land, he hopped out of the jet and stretched. He wasn’t used to the night flying, that was Sparrow’s specialty not his. He didn’t complain though, especially considering she was the other captain of the team. “Sorin!”
The raven haired medic poked their head out of the medical tent to see who it was before they sighed. “It’s just you, Rio. Come in and get what you need.” The heterochromatic eyed medic hummed as they disappeared into the tent once more, leaving the tall ginger to follow them into the temporary medical area they had set up.
Sorin was packing things into their own bag, back to Rio as he packed what he needed. The raven haired enby must’ve seen the look in his eyes before they had turned his back. They thought about whether they wanted to say what was on his mind or not. They decided to say it.
“We’ll find her, Miguel.” They offered him a soft smile, hoping to give him some sort of hope so he wouldn’t be so sad.
Rio didn’t even look at them as his only response was a small hum, he didn’t know what to say now. Anything he tried to piece together in his head to say all sounded like something that didn’t fit the situation or just didn’t sound right to him. Sorin could tell that and was quick to add onto what they said.
“You don’t need to reply, I was just putting that out there… It helps to have hope when looking, and besides…I know she’s still alive. She’s a…tough cookie as Voodoo and Jaws would say I believe.”
Rio chuckled softly at Sorin's attempt to copy or well borrow a saying from their American teammates. “Yeah, that she is… Mykyta would agree, he’s known her the longest after all.” He spoke quietly, he was a lot less enthusiastic without his partner at his side. 
Sorin shifted their gaze over to the taller man beside them before their eyes caught the very man he had just been talking about. “Mykyta, how’re you doing?” They asked the captain as he walked in. Rio looked over and went quiet.
“Doing okay, but I’d be better when we find my second-in-command. All of us would.” He spoke up as he glanced at Rio, he could see how this was affecting him so much already. “The others should be here soon, do we have enough medical supplies to go around just in case?” He asked the medic.
Sorin nodded as they looked at Mykyta. “We do, but I’ll need to restock whenever we get back to base. I’ll be wiped clean after this.” They replied as they glanced over at Rio again. “I’m worried about him, Mykyta…” They whispered to him, the Ukrainian nodded slowly. The two continued to quietly discuss to each other, Rio piping up once and awhile to add his own two cents.
That was until they heard the familiar voices of their teammates, seeing two of them before the others due to their heights. Atlas and Achilles both spoke quietly to each other, while Coyote, Thunder, and Voodoo were talking about who knows what. The others besides Jaws could barely understand them due to how quickly they were talking and their Southern accents didn’t help shit with the translations.
“Alright, I’ll do a roll call just in case and then we’ll go over the plan and what to do if we find a clue.” Mykyta spoke up after he walked out of the tent, Sorin and Rio following behind him. The others looked at their captain and went quiet. “I’ll call last names and you know the rest.”
“Aukai,” Jaws raised his hand. “Blackwood,” Sorin raised their hand. “Costa,” Rio let out a small hum in response. “Drakos-Carew,” Atlas and Achilles both looked over, replying with quiet ‘here’s. “Madden,” Voodoo gave a small wave. “Rojas,” Coyote grinned and gave a nod. “And Sterling.” Thunder hummed as he waved a bit. “Alright we’re all here. Now the plan is simple, we find Sparrow and divide into our teams. If we find any clues, radio the group and we’ll shift directions. If you find enemies; take one or a few as hostages. We’ll need information to find Artamova.” He looked at everyone, earning nods from the team.
“Just a reminder of teams and directions. Rio, Voodoo, Coyote, and Jaws to Northeast. Sorin, Atlas, Achilles, Thunder, and I will be heading Northwest. She’s somewhere North as that’s the last direction Rio was with her. We need to find her as quickly as we can, we don’t want her to be any more injured than she already is and we don’t want information to get out; not that she’d say shit anyways.”
‘But what if she was already way more injured than she was from the crash? What if they already…’ Rio had to shake his head a bit to snap himself out of spiraling down into those thoughts. He damn well knew Sparrow was alive, he knew she’s been through worse. He was just worried about not making it in time when they did find her. He didn’t want to lose her, not yet. 
Mykyta and Sorin made sure everyone had everything that they needed before they left and there they went. One team going Northeast and the other going Northwest. Would this work? No one knew, but it was going to take time and an observant eye to spot any clues. 
Rio, Voodoo, Coyote, and Jaws kept an eye out for clues as they headed to the direction of the smoke that the pilot had seen. It was about three to four hours until they made it to the source. It was in fact a jet crash, one that Rio knew all too well as he had helped and spent hours with Sparrow fixing and repainting the outside of the jet. It was hers, it had Sparrow’s touches to it. 
“...Simplesmente ótimo…” He murmured, Coyote walked over close and gently patted the pilot’s shoulder and was about to say something before he was interrupted. Thunder had found something, but not just anything; footprints. Sparrow’s footprints. Voodoo and Jaws had gone up ahead and found something else, the group ran over after following the footprints and found signs of a struggle.
“There’s tire tracks about nine meters away, someone for sure took her. Might be who we were looking for in the first place.” Jaws spoke up as he looked at the group but mainly the now eerily quiet Brazilian man. Voodoo was looking at the tracks and deciphered how long since they’ve been made and which way.
Simplesmente ótimo - Just fucking great
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lullabiesofwoe · 2 years
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[ josephine langford, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ ODESSA WARBURTON ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ TWENTY-THREE ] year old child of [ ILEANA AND KARSH ] from [ TWITCHES ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ KIND-HEARTED ] but [ INSECURE ] and have [ 1 ] sibling. i could almost swear i heard [ ATLAS - SHANNON SAUNDERS ] playing when they appeared.
full name: odessa warburton
nicknames: dessa
age: twenty-three
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
parents: ileana and karsh
siblings: cyril warburton
LIFE IN COVENTRY was beyond peaceful after everyone assumed that thantos had been defeated. but with a force that was as powerful as the other once was, a dark mark was bound to be left behind. while light and good preside, evil too will always lurk in the corners waiting to snuff out the light. but that wasn’t something odessa truly concerned herself about during her childhood. sure, she knew of what occurred from the bedtime stories that her parents told her. but she naively believed just as anyone else, that things were safer now.
due to this false belief, odessa was able to live out her childhood rather happily. she was extremely close to both of her parents, learning how to hone in and use her birth-given magical abilities. but the person she adored the most in her family was her older brother, cyril. despite their four-year age difference, he never treated her as if she was any lesser than him. it was one of the many reasons she looked up to him and always sought him out whenever she needed someone. but as the years dragged on, she began to notice a shift in her brother’s demeanour. while her parents were quick to write the change off as ‘teen angst’, she had a feeling there was a more sinister root of the changes.
while she couldn’t explain it, there was this feeling that loomed inside of her. something bad was coming. with cyril slowly distancing himself from the entire family, odessa was left on her own. she didn’t have any friends outside of the royal family that her parents served and was far too introverted to even attempt to make any. most of her days from then on were spent reading, crafting, or playing pretend. but just before her brother’s sixteenth birthday, tragedy unfolded. the darkness that she saw festering in her brother seemed to win out and he stole his parents' wedding ring and fled coventry to a new dimension that he would rule over.
despite her parents’ efforts to retrieve their son and break the curse that had been placed upon him, their efforts were fruitless. their family was somewhat torn from that moment on, all three co-existing but never truly as the family that they once were. when odessa was finally old enough to do so and confident enough in her magical abilities, she tried to find her brother but her efforts too proved to be hopeless. she began to resent herself and her abilities, deciding that they were of no use to her if she couldn’t save the one person she loved most in this world. instead of using her powers freely as her parents encouraged, she only used them when needed. all ambitions and dreams were shoved to the side, instead deciding to settle for a path that was carved for her. she remained in coventry where she served as a magical adviser the current royal family: camryn and demitri.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
The Dragon Spell (2016)
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I see low-budget animated films make the same mistakes made over and over again. I don’t understand why. I’m not saying the people behind The Dragon Spell aren’t talented but they had to know they didn’t have Toy Story 4 money, so why do they and their kin try to reach for the stars when they could so easily go for the cookie jar on the counter instead? Clumsily written, ugly and stiff, I wonder who could sit through this movie and honestly say they had a great time.
Years ago, a ferocious dragon terrorized the world until a tanner named Ciryll (Mike Pollock) defeated it. Now, the dragon’s spirit lingers in the body of the sorceress Siringa (Melissa Schoenberg), waiting for the day when it can re-claim its true form and resume its reign of terror. Meanwhile, Cyrill's son, Nicky (voiced by Kate Bristol) is determined to live up to his father's glory. When he and a magical talking bat named Eddie "The Magnificent" (Allen Enlow) accidentally travel through a portal to another realm, they embark on an adventure to return home.
Trying to scratch together a synopsis for this film must have scraped at least a couple of months off of my lifetime. I feel like I’d need to go on and on to properly explain what this movie is about to make you understand why the writing is so bad. The film begins with a promising flashback showing us the tanner defeating the dragon. It’s all done via stylized, 2-D animation and looks great. Cut to the main story. You assume the dragon was killed thousands of years ago, that what we just saw was one of the cornerstones of the vast library of myths and legends this world has to offer, but no. What we just saw happened less than a decade ago. The tanner? He’s still alive. The dragon’s skin? It’s just up in the rafters of his home. When the camera shows it for the first time, Nicky wows. What? Why? Has he never seen it before? It’s been in his house since he was born, hasn’t it? The wizard, Adler (William Tost), knows the dragon’s spirit is after the skin but he hasn’t gotten the monster slayer to destroy it for…. reasons. Keep in mind, this is the first few minutes. This gives you a hint of the sort of penmanship we’re dealing with.
While the textures, hair, etc. are detailed and professional, they’re slapped on top of ugly character models. You get strong “Local grocery store chain” vibes from everyone. Objects don’t have weight, the bat’s anatomy is all wrong, and a flying wooden ship sails through the air like its pilot is a pro when they’re actually at its wheel for the first time. The dragon, meanwhile, moves as gracefully as a duck on land. It doesn’t make any sense as a deliberate choice. Even as something incidental, it’ll have you scratching your head. The people at work HAD to know this wasn’t going to work. I don’t mean story-wise, I meant visually, someone had to - at some point - say “Hey, are we sure the art director isn’t perpetually drunk? these designs don’t work together at all.” The worst offender is Rocky (Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld) and her sidekick, a female squirrel so grotesque you swear there’s something wrong with its genes. There’s a twist about Rocky that’s so badly fumbled I had it figured out, then second-guessed myself just before the actual reveal. It’s one of those movies that’s so predictable it circles around again to surprise you, except when we’re talking about the witch, whose ultimate role in this story is so obvious it would’ve earned the writer a big, fat, red ‘F’ from their teacher.
Conceived as a comedic adventure for kids, the only time The Dragon Spell is funny is when you listen to the lyrics of its only song. I don’t know what’s going on there. The words make no sense in any context. Key verses include:
Nothing can go wrong if you know the animation
Life is a movie and you’re the animation
Sometimes life can be like a lead hole
Let your life play out like a movie
Live the life shine it every day
Make your movie with the computer of the day
Yeah. You read that correctly.
While these make for some laughs - the equivalent of a delicious cheeseburger in the middle of a barren wasteland - it’s not enough to recommend the film, even as something “So bad it’s good”. Though the screenplay isn't good enough to make me think slam-dunk character designs and movements would've made a difference, that's a big issue with this film - and others like it. The film is too ambitious for its budget and can't compensate with "easier" elements of the filmmaking process. By this, I mean the writing, songwriting, voicework, etc. the kind of things a single, hardworking and dedicated person could polish off on their own. If you can't get the animation down, you have to make up for it in another department.
The Dragon Spell only lasts 85 minutes but it feels like so much more. I can't even say that it's enlightening or educational as a failure. It's just dull and disappointing. “Magical lands have their downsides” indeed. (English Dub, May 27, 2022)
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Day 14: Shooting Stars - Alfie Solomons x reader
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Summary: You and the little girl you’re taking care of always spend your days on the beach, bumping into a grumpy old man and his dog. Days go by and all Ellie wants to do is watch the shooting stars with you, the grumpy man and Cyril, and who are you to say no to her?
A/N: Now, I love Alfie. Love him with all my heart. But writing for him terrified me lol But I decided that I’d try, ‘cause this idea would not leave me alone, so here it is. Fair warning, I probably, very possibly, butchered his accent, but I tried 💕
Words: 2k
September prompts here
Margate was…something. Something you needed.  You had all but ran away from your city, leaving your job behind, and not much more. You didn’t have many friends, and none of them were close, no family, no lover, no relationships worth staying for, so you left. You didn’t even say goodbye, disappearing overnight, suitcases in hand, leaving only a note on your table with the month’s rent for when the landlord would come in.  You needed a new start, and Margate seemed as good a place as any. 
The first week went by slowly, with not much to do but set your new (small) apartment up, hang the few pictures you had on the wall and let some of your neighbours know that you were looking for a job. It was then that someone told you about Ellie, a little girl that lived down the road. Her mum needed someone to take care of her, take her out, after she had fallen ill and couldn't move much anymore. Ellie had spent many weeks indoors, waiting for her mum to get better, but eventually gave up on the idea. She needed someone to take care of her, and you were up for the task. 
“I wanna go to the beach!”  She loved the beach. Even if it was freezing now, she still loved to go, running on the sand and playing with the seagulls, and you had no problem going there with her. You met a few people on your walks, helping you fit in more and more with the people of Margate.  “Let’s go then.” She skipped along with you all the way to the beach, waving and greeting every person she met.  You reached the beach, running after Ellie as she sprinted towards the dog she had sighted not far away. She’d never learn. You told her many times to wait for you before approaching dogs, since some owners didn’t like kids around them, or some dogs could be afraid, but she loved them so much, she just couldn’t resist.  “Ellie!” you shouted when you reached her, trying to pry her away from the dog, who was licking her face, making her laugh at the gesture.  “He don’t bite.”  You turned at the voice, seeing a man sitting not far from you.  You nodded and stayed, watching the two play, until it was time to go. “Well, thank you…” “Alfie.”  “Alfie. See you around?” He didn’t answer, standing and calling for his dog, Cyril, lifting his hand as he walked away, a quick wave, you assumed. He was weird, but interesting. Something about him. Just like Margate, something you needed. “Why was his face like that?” “Hmm?” “His face?”  “Oh. He…” you didn’t know what to say. You weren’t sure what had happened to him, and you weren’t one to make stories up, so you just went with the truth. “I don’t know, I didn’t ask. But maybe you could try asking him next time? If he doesn’t mind he might tell you.”
It had become a habit to meet him on the beach. Same time, same place, same play buddy for Cyril. So you weren’t surprised to see him on the beach again, today, at the usual spot. Cyril spotted you and ran towards you, his tongue out and his tail wagging, ready to greet you and Ellie as he always did. You caressed him and played for a moment, before heading over and sitting with the big grumpy man. “‘Ello, lass” “‘Ello, you.” you mimicked him, sitting by his side, eyes fixed on Ellie, how she ran around, chased by Cyril, her laughter loud, bringing joy to the gloomy day.  You shuffled closer, feeling your leg brush against his. You liked him, you couldn’t deny it, and you loved spending time with him. He didn’t talk much, not when Ellie was around, anyway. Too afraid of swearing or scaring her. You remembered the second time you saw him. “Mister?” “Aye?” “Why is your face like that?” “Ellie!” you sent her a warning glance. It wasn’t the question, the problem, but the phrasing of it. You had gone over polite ways of asking delicate things, but she was so focused on the answer that she forgot all that you taught her. “Alfie, I’m sorry. She means-” “Ah, this? Right, I got shot right in the fuckin’-” “Alfie!”  Sometimes having both Ellie and Alfie around was like dealing with two kids, not one. You looked at him and pointed at Ellie, hoping he’d get it. He didn’t. “What?” “No swearing.”  “Ah.” You closed your eyes, waiting for him to carry on. “Got shot. In the face. Ah... yeah. ‘s all.”  Ellie walked closer to him, her hand gently grazing over his scar. He didn’t flinch, but nodded when she walked back, thanking him before running back to Cyril. “Fuckin’ ‘ell.” “I’m sorry. She was curious.” “Nah, it’s good. She’s a lovely little lass. Just don’t know how to be with kids.” “You’re doing good. Minus the swearing.”
“There’s going to be shooting stars tonight.” Ellie announced, holding her book up proudly. The wonders of Astrology were written in big golden letters on the front of the old blue fabric. You took it from her, reading from the page she had marked. “Indeed. Shall we ask your mum if you can stay up just a bit later so that we can see the stars together?” “Can we go to the beach?” “Sure.” “Can Alfie and Cyril come too?” “I… I can ask them to. You’ve got to stay with your mum this afternoon, yeah? She wants to spend some time with you since she’s feeling better. I’ll go look for Alfie and Cyril and let them know about tonight, alright?” “Yeah! Please!”  “Good. I’ll see you later then, dear.”
The walk to the beach was a quiet one, for once, your footsteps being the only sound. You reached the beach in no time, without stopping to greet everyone for an absurd amount of time. Adults were different. A simple “Hello” and they were on their way. Kids had all the time in the world, and they’d tell you about their favourite book, or how many worms they found in the garden, or what weird dream they had.  You spotted Cyril and Alfie and, before he spotted you, you could’ve sworn that Alfie was pacing around, looking for you and Ellie. You were late today, and maybe he thought you wouldn’t show up, but when he saw you he sat again, pretending not to notice you approaching them.  “‘Ello.” you teased, plopping down next to him, giggling when Cyril came over you to fill you with kisses.  “See, this is the kind of welcome I like, lots of kisses and cuddles, right Cyril? Your owner could learn a thing or two from you.”  His tail wagged quicker, but his owner grunted at your comment, shuffling away from you ever so slightly.  “Where’s the kid?” “Ellie’s home today. But she asked me to come and invite you and Cyril here tonight. We’re watching shooting stars. On the beach.”  He scratched his beard, looking ahead. You really hoped he’d come. You liked him more and more each day, and a small part of you wished that something more would come from this… friendship. “Right, I’ll come. But only ‘cause Ellie asked.”  “Sure.”  He looked at you to make sure you knew that he was joking, that you were the main reason why he wanted to come, but you had already started walking back home, your hand lifted in a wave. He cursed under his breath, scratching his beard again. “Women.” he muttered, shaking his head. 
The sky was covered in clouds, but you told Ellie that she could make a wish anyway, the stars were there, waiting for her. So she did. She wouldn’t tell you what she wished for, but she jumped happily afterwards, eying you and Alfie every few minutes. She played for a while, but eventually fell asleep on the small blanket you laid out for her, snuggling to Cyril while she dreamt. “We could make a wish.” You whispered, breaking the silence when you knew she had indeed fallen asleep, her snores loud enough to startle Cyril, at times. “Hmm?” “Shooting stars.”  You pointed up to the sky, attempting a smile. You knew that the grumpy man sitting next to you wouldn’t smile back, but you wouldn’t hide your own. He’d warm up to you, eventually.  “It’s fuckin’ cloudy, though, innit?”  “Yeah. But they’re there. Just ‘cause you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.” He nodded, his eyes trailing up to the sky, glancing then at you, your eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in concentration.  “The fuck are ya doing, lass?” You looked at him and laughed at his confusion.  “I’m making a wish!” “Well, that’s a dumb fuckin’ face to make. No one’ll grant you a wish like that.” “Did you make a wish?” “Don’t believe in wishes. What’s your wish?” “Ain’t telling. Won’t come true if not.” “I’ll tell ya what. You tell me yer wish, and I’ll wish for the same.” “That’s not how it works.” “I don’t believe in wishes, right, but you do, so two wishes are better than one, aye?” “Aye.” “Then tell me.”  “It’s…” You couldn’t tell him. You couldn’t tell him that your wish had to do with him, and you, and more time spent together. Alone. You just couldn’t. So you made up the first thing you could think of. “I wish you would smile more.”  “I smile plenty.” “You’re a grumpy old man. You’ve never smiled for me.” “Never given me a reason to.” “Ah, fuck off. Let’s make my wish and go.”  You closed your eyes, feeling him looking at you, but you ignored it, nodding and standing up.  “All done.”  “Aye.” he confirmed, looking up to the sky once more.  “Good night, Alfie.”  He didn’t believe in wishes. Maybe you didn’t either, but something inside you gave you the courage to chase what you desired.  Why did men always have to be the ones taking the first step? If you had to wait for this one to realise where you stood, you’d both be long dead before he even asked you out. You leaned down, placing a quick kiss on his cheek, feeling his beard tickle you as you did so, before turning away and kneeling down, scooping Ellie up from the ground and wrapping her in the blanket.  He walked beside you, not saying a word, but taking Ellie from your arms, deeming it right to at least help you take her home. It was the least he could do.  Her mother opened the door, ushering you in and leading you upstairs so that you could place her in bed.  “I’ll come by tomorrow.” you whispered, covering Ellie as you spoke. “Thank you.” said her mother, walking you back down the stairs. She was feeling a lot better, rest and medicine helping her a lot, but she still wanted you around. You were kind, and Ellie loved you, and she couldn’t ask for a bigger help than what you were giving her.  Walking out of the door, you didn’t expect to see him still there. “You can go home, Alfie. I know the way to my place.” you joked, waving, but he was back by your side, still not talking, but always there.  You lived just behind the corner, so the walk was short, but you still enjoyed the extra time together.  “Good night, then.” you said again, looking for your keys.  He waited until you had opened the door to reach for your arm, stopping your entrance and coming higher up the steps to face you, his face inching closer to yours until he found the courage and kissed you, his hand cradling your cheek before falling back down, taking a step back. You stared at him, waiting, but he just smiled, offering a nod before walking away, following Cyril back to their home.
He turned one more, his smile still there. So your wish did come true. 
And maybe he didn’t believe in wishes, but his came true too.
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The Love Yet Known Part 3
Summary: Tommy Shelby needs to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of his family. So he concocts a plan to marry off his sister to the one and only Alfie Solomons.
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             Late that summer after everything was settled with Luca Changretta, Tommy invited Eliza and Alfie to visit Arrow House in Warwickshire. Since Tommy was the one who initiated it, he figured it would be a nice, quiet few days. Charlie clearly missed his aunt dearly. The little boy was used to always having her around to entertain him. He always asked after her and became cross when Tommy said she was married, that’s why she didn’t live with them anymore.
            “Well, when is she not going to be married?” Charlie would ask.
            Tommy just chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t think there will ever be a day when that happens, my boy.”
            No one was blind to the growing affection Eliza and Alfie had from their wedding day on. In fact, it was quite a sight to see when the two were together. Such a shy thing like Eliza had a calming effect on Alfie, who rarely seemed to be in a sour mood when she was around. Likewise, he seemed to bring Eliza out of her shell a little bit. She had many friends in Camden and found herself more active in the community than she ever imagined she would be.
            Tommy never gloated, well he tried not to, but he liked to boast about how he made the match between Eliza and Alfie.
            Still, Arthur and a few of the other Peaky boys were having a hard time accepting Alfie into their sacred spaces. They considered him their sister’s husband, not a brother-in-law. They had a petty habit of writing to Eliza and addressing it with her maiden name. Arthur felt sick to his stomach if he saw his dear sister’s name next to a name like Solomons.
            Alfie wasn’t very hospitable either. He wouldn’t let go of old habits of trying to rile Arthur up. He only ever invited a few of Eliza’s family members to visit them in Camden. None of them even knew the married couple shared a beachfront home in Margate. Alfie would shudder to think if the Shelbys got an idea of inviting themselves over for a holiday.
            But all things considered, life was going well.
            Alfie helped Eliza out of the car. “This place gets bigger every time I visit; I swear it does.” He muttered.
            His wife laughed softly. “Well, hopefully, you don’t get lost.”
            Charlie came running outside to greet his aunt. “Auntie Liza!”
            “Hello!” Eliza beamed and stooped down to pick her nephew up.
            “Oh, love, be careful.” Alfie winced. It was a good thing Eliza wasn’t easily irritated. Because once Alfie found out she was pregnant, he became overprotective. He insisted on carrying things for her, let her sleep in as long as she liked, and had someone come in to take over any housekeeping duties that she might’ve done. Not that Eliza was keen on keeping anything clean anyway. Alfie knew he was being annoying, but he wanted to make sure that his child and the mother of that child was well kept. He felt it was his duty to ensure their safety and health.
            Charlie gave Alfie a side-eye. “Hi, Uncle Alfie.” He said in a less jovial voice.
            “You well, Charlie?”
            “Mhm.” The little boy shrugged.
            Eliza set him down and reached for her suitcase but Alfie stepped in. “I’ve got it. Go on ahead.”
            She gave him a kiss on the cheek and followed Charlie inside to find Tommy.
            At dinner that night, it was just the four of them. Tommy, Lizzie, Alfie, and Eliza. They chatted casually about things, nothing too consequential. Then, during dessert, Eliza felt it was a good enough time to tell them.
            “So, Alfie and I have news.” Eliza reached for her husband’s hand under the table and gave him a smile.
            “You’re pregnant.” Tommy finished for her.
            Alfie’s brow furrowed. “And what on Earth gave you that impression?” He snapped. He knew how important and special it was for Eliza to tell everyone about the baby, so Alfie was a bit ticked off that Tommy had affectively ruined the moment.
            Tommy glanced up from his whiskey glass. “Am I wrong?”
            “But how did you know?” Alfie asked again.
            “Because of the way you’ve been acting around her. Anyone could tell if they’ve known you long enough, Alfie.” Tommy answered casually. “I haven’t seen her carry anything at all today.”
            Eliza just chuckled. “Well, I didn’t know we made it that obvious.”
            “You and I will have a lot to talk about then,” Lizzie spoke up.         
            “Why? Oh…oh really?” Eliza’s eyes lit up. “You’re pregnant?”
            The two sisters-in-law got up to hug one another. Surely it was special knowing there was someone else walking a similar path. After all, it’s not like their husbands knew what it felt like.
            “Well, seems we’ll be coming around much more often then, Tom.” Alfie sighed. Well, if his wife was happy, then he would drive her back and forth from London to Warwickshire as many times as she liked.  
            Lizzie gave birth to Ruby when Eliza was still seven months along. Seeing and holding the baby girl in her arms was such a lovely occasion. It was almost like a hint at what was to come. It would be much more surreal though, that’s what Lizzie told her.
            “It’s so strange holding her. All of a sudden, you’ve got this little life. One you’ve waited so long to hold and she’s yours to care for and love. It’s really overwhelming.” Her sister-in-law tried to explain as best she could.
            Now all there was to do was wait a little longer. The nursery was all set up and ready. Meanwhile, the midwife was on call whenever the first signs of labor came.
            In the blistering cold of February, Eliza was due any day. Alfie started to work from home just in case she went into labor and he needed to be there for her. He didn’t get out of bed as early, but he was awake much earlier than his wife on most mornings.
            It was a peaceful time where he could just bask in the warm feelings of holding his beloved wife close to him, all cuddled up in bed. Cyril keeping their feet warm at the end of the bed. His soft breathing sometimes syncing up to Eliza’s heartbeat.
            Alfie would wrap an arm around her waist, resting a hand over her swollen stomach. There, he could feel his child kicking. The emotions that overcame him when he felt that little pressure against his hand were indescribable. He was thrilled, excited, nervous, afraid. He didn’t know how he would measure up as a father. Didn’t know how his line of work would impact the life of his child.  
            Every possible worst-case scenario had run through his head since Eliza told him she was pregnant. His worst fear was losing her and the baby. Or losing the baby and having to cope with their shared grief. Or losing Eliza and having to be a single father while grieving his wife.
            The possibilities kept him up at night, practically driving him mad with anxiety. But then there were the good thoughts. The joy he would feel when he first held his child. The pride of seeing every milestone from first words to first steps.
            It was overwhelming to think about and it didn’t help that the wait was making him even more anxious.
            But finally, the day came when Eliza gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was a relief to hear that his wife and son were both going to be perfectly fine. As Alfie climbed the stairs to see them, he felt his hands trembling with anxiety and anticipation.
            What if he did something wrong?
            What if Eliza thought he wasn’t a good father?
            What if he just wasn’t enough?
            All the self-deprecating thoughts seemed to vanish into thin air when he saw his son swaddled in his mother’s arms.
            Eliza gave her husband a tired smile. “He’s beautiful, Alfie.” She whispered with tears in her eyes.
            Alfie walked over to the bed and peered over. “Fucking hell, look at all that hair, aye?” He chuckled with tears welling up in his eyes as well. “Look at him, he’s about as perfect as you can get, ain’t he?” He kissed Eliza’s forehead. “I can’t ever repay you for giving me such a perfect gift.”
            “I think you can with a few dozen nappy changes.” She teased back.
            “Done deal.” He grinned and gently cradled his son’s head.
            “You can hold him.”
            Alfie’s nerves pricked at him again as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Eliza gently placed the newborn in his arms, looking over him with such fondness.
            “There you are.” He said softly. “Been waiting quite some time for you, mate.”
            Eliza rested her cheek on her husband’s shoulder as he spoke to their son. “What should we name him?” She asked.
            They had passed around a few names over the course of her pregnancy but none of them particularly stood out to either of them.
            “How about Asher?”
            “Is that Jewish?” Eliza asked.
            Alfie nodded. “Means blessed. Was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, back in ancient times.”
            She smiled. Truly, she felt blessed. Not just by the birth of her son, but by everything. She had found her soulmate, fell in love with him, married him, and now produced such a beautiful little boy. Her heart felt so full in her chest. “I love it. I think it’s absolutely perfect.”
            A month after Asher was born, Eliza brought up the idea of bringing him to Warwickshire to meet her family. Tommy was apparently arranging a dinner to bring the whole family together. That way they could catch up on things without being busy with work and the children could all see their cousins.  
            Alfie bristled at the idea. It was one thing to spend a couple of days with just Tommy and Lizzie. But to be around the whole Shelby family, it was not a pleasant thought. He almost felt as if he’d be alone, surrounded by people who didn’t quite trust him. People he didn’t really trust either.
            “Won’t be a pleasant trip, tryna get there with a newborn.” He thought of the mistake on the fly.
            “It’ll be fine, it’s not too far and I’m sure Asher will sleep the whole way there. If he doesn’t then it isn’t the end of the world.” Eliza assumed her husband was just concerned about the baby’s sake.
            “Then maybe we invite everyone here. It’ll be a little crowded but we’ll make it work.” She suggested to eliminate the idea of traveling.
            Having the Shelbys in his space, his territory was an even worse idea. “Tommy’s place is big enough, we ain’t gonna have that many people over here.”
            “So…” She looked at him. “Then we’ll go to Tommy’s.”
            Alfie didn’t want to outright say he didn’t want to be around her family. He was afraid it might break her heart. But he wasn’t going to pretend that it was a joy to be around them either. He stifled a groan, feeling backed into a corner for sure. “I mean…if it’ll make you happy, love.”
            “I want to see Ruby and I want everyone to meet Asher.” She replied, able to hold her ground against him when she chose to. “So yes, it would make me happy.”
            There was no arguing that. His wife’s happiness was one of the few things that mattered to him. “Alright then, we’ll go. I won’t be a bother about it.” He promised, earning a smile and a kiss from him.
            Asher slept through most of the car ride over to Warwickshire. Eliza appeared happy to be seeing her family and to introduce them to her son.
            The sun was starting to set as they entered the estate. Alfie felt on his guard as he walked in beside Eliza, already hearing the colorful language coming in from the parlor. There was laughing and yelling coming from upstairs, most likely the children playing with one another.
            Polly saw them coming in first and rushed over to embrace her niece. “Look at you. Motherhood suits you, my dear.” She turned to Alfie who was holding his son. “And there he is. Looks very healthy. You must be very proud, Alfie.”
            “Yeah.” He smiled slightly. Leave it to Polly to get on his good side even when he was tense. “He’s a lot of work, ain’t he, but it’s rewarding.”
            Polly could see the hesitation in Alfie’s eyes. He was holding Asher protectively to his chest, his eyes scanning across the room almost looking for potential threats. She decided he would have to warm up to the idea of handing his son over for anyone to hold.
            Eliza didn’t appear to catch onto her husband’s discomfort. “Alfie, I’ll take him.”
            “S’alright, love. I don’t mind.”
            “Well, let Polly hold him for a bit.” She suggested.
            “It’s alright,” Polly replied gently to her niece. “You two make yourselves at home. I’ll get you a drink, love. Alfie would you like something?”
            “No, thank you.” He replied a bit relieved that Polly hadn’t pushed the matter.
            But then Arthur swooped in and gave his sister a bear hug. “Glad you came, chey.”
            Eliza giggled and hugged him back. “Hi, Arthur.”
            “Good to see ya. Now, where’s the little one, aye?” The eldest Shelby’s eyes settled on Alfie with a look of slight distaste.
            Eliza stepped in to try and keep the atmosphere light and festive. “This is Asher, he just turned a month old.” She reached over to adjust the little cap on the newborn’s head. His dark hair was sticking out from underneath it.
            “A month already.” Arthur shook his head. “Well, wish we could’ve been there earlier.” He gave his brother-in-law a stern look. As if Alfie was purposefully keeping Eliza hidden away in Camden Town to keep her away from her family.
            “Arthur…” She sighed. But it was too late. The powder keg had already been lit.
            “Well, mate, it weren’t the easiest delivery. Eliza had to take a bit of time to recover.”
            “If Pol had been there like she wanted then maybe it wouldn’t have been so difficult.” Arthur wasn’t standing down from the challenge. In fact, he welcomed a reason to argue.
            “Arthur, that’s enough.” His aunt interrupted. “We’ve had this discussion before but it’s over. The baby’s already born.”
            But neither man listened to a voice of reason. “She had the best midwife in Camden Town there. Are you insinuating I wouldn’t get the best for me wife?”
            “I’m saying you’ve been keeping our sister from seeing her family.”
            “She’s got a mind of her own, mate, she can go wherever she wants whenever she wants.” Alfie crossed his arms over his chest.
            “Please, will you two just stop?” Eliza begged.
            “Did she have a choice when Tommy sold her off to you?” Arthur’s voice raised and Eliza knew she had to step in before the rest of the party started to take notice of the brewing storm between her brother and husband.
            “Alright, enough. You two are making a scene and it’s ridiculous.” She took Asher from Alfie’s arms when he was caught off guard and handed the baby to Polly. Before her husband could protest, she grabbed his arm and dragged him into another empty room of Arrow House.
            “You’re just going to leave him?” Alfie spat.
            “With my aunt who I trust with my life? Yes!” She snapped in an exasperated tone. “What on Earth has gotten into you? I thought this would be a nice visit, I didn’t think I had to tell you to be on your best behavior. But apparently, I should’ve because you’re acting like a child!”
            “Your brother started it!” His normally soft-spoken wife gave him a death glare. Alfie backtracked when he realized the childish response was exactly what Eliza was talking about. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “I just don’t like him treating me that way. Like I’m some monster who kidnapped you.”
            “Oh, Alfie.” She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close. “You know Arthur and you know that’s not true. You’ve given me everything and I’ve never been so happy. But we can’t make them see that. If they don’t see it then that’s their fault.” She kissed his cheek. “We know the truth.”
            He grumbled. Of course, she was right, seldom was she wrong. It just didn’t help that when they went back to the party, Arthur would still be the same. “M’trying, love.”
            “I know you are.” She smiled. “They’re difficult. But you are too.”
            He chuckled. There was no arguing that.
            “But now Asher is sort of a buffer. You just have to let them hold him.”
            Alfie looked disgruntled. He knew intuitively that none of the Shelbys would bring harm to the child. But there was still that protective instinct that he could never totally shake. If he let his guard down, bad things happened. The only time that wasn’t the case was when he was alone with Eliza and Asher. That quiet space where everything good in the world seemed to line up. Nothing outside of their warm home mattered.
            “Alright.” He relented. It seemed reasonable that if he played along, the sooner they would be out of there.
            Eliza smiled and kissed him softly. “Try to enjoy yourself.” She said before going to return to the party.
            Alfie followed and found Polly was still holding Asher. But Ada and Lizzie were cooing over the baby. Tommy was sat next to his aunt, holding Ruby and smiling at his new nephew. Even Arthur was nearby smiling at Asher.
            Alfie did his best not to hover even when his son was passed from relative to relative. It seemed to make Eliza happy to see her family holding her newborn. She spoke proudly about him. The meaning of his name, his blue eyes, how much Cyril adored him, and everything else that had happened in his short life.
            After a while, Alfie began to relax slightly. Although he always kept an eye out to see who was holding Asher.
            Toward the end of the night, his son was finally placed back in his arms. Asher was fast asleep despite the Shelbys having a good time with a good amount of alcohol. Alfie gently touched his cheek with his thumb. “They can be exhausting, aye?” He murmured quietly. “Better get used to it I suppose. Don’t think they’re going anywhere.”
            Asher yawned and shifted slightly in his swaddle.
            Alfie glanced up when he heard someone clear their throat. Arthur was standing nearby, a glass of whiskey in hand. “Mind if I sit?” He gestured to the empty armchair near the sofa Alfie was sitting on.
            “Ain’t my house, mate.”
            Arthur shrugged and sat down. “So, how does it feel, aye? Must get no sleep with him. And Liza, I doubt she ever gets up. Would take a train to wake her when she was younger.”
            It was a strange olive branch but Alfie chuckled. “Yeah, it’s tough tryna get her up to nurse him. S’alright though. Never been a big sleeper myself.” He admitted.
            “Yeah, war will do that to you.” Arthur agreed after a sip of whiskey.
            They were so similar, it was a wonder that they butted heads so often. They were veterans with deep scars, liked to solve problems with their fists, hardly flinched at death, and yet fiercely cared about their kin. But bad blood was hard to wash out, especially in their line of work.
            “I’d always be up with Billy when he was that young. It’s good, keeps your mind busy.” He added.
            “They’re a good distraction.” Alfie nodded, looking down at his son. “Changes a lot of perspectives on life.”
            Arthur looked across the room to see Eliza smiling at him. Of course, she’d put him up to it, insisting that if he wanted to see more of her, he would be nicer to her husband. Arthur complained but she wasn’t hearing it. It seemed that marriage and motherhood had really taught her when to put her foot down. But sitting there with his brother-in-law, Arthur seemed to realize that there wasn’t much else he could do. Here they were, both fathers to a son, both husbands. They were too old to be the vicious fighters they were as young men. It was too tiring.
            Alfie came to a similar conclusion. They could fight about the same things that happened so long ago. There wasn’t anything new to argue about. Just the grudges they both held. Which were equally as tiring. “Here.” He held Asher out.
            Arthur looked a bit surprised but decided not to make a scene out of it. He set his whiskey glass down and cradled his nephew to his chest. “Looks like Liza when she was a baby.” He chuckled. “She had so much hair. Our mother was shocked. I hope he doesn’t cry as much as she did. God, she was noisier than John ever was.” His eyes saddened at the mention of Eliza’s twin. It felt like ages ago that they’d lost John and yet, it was still so fresh.
            “That’s his middle name, you know,” Alfie said. “Asher John.”
            Arthur got a little choked up. “He’d be thrilled if he was here.” He tried to laugh off his grief but it was obvious how much it hurt. “Don’t think he’d ever stop bragging about it.”
            Eliza came over, so happy to see the two men getting along for the first time ever. She kissed Alfie’s temple as she sat down next to him.
            A quiet lull fell over the room. The warm chatter of family radiated with the fire and drinks. Alfie felt his shoulders relax while he wrapped an arm around Eliza’s shoulders. Things could be okay if he allowed them to be. So he did.
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @biba3434​ @kimmietea​ @karmezii​ @enrapturedbythemoon​ @vampgirl1997​ @tarafaithe​ @evelynshelby​
PB Masterlist
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Alfie Solomons - Snowy Morning
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I don’t know how long it has been since I wrote for him, but here is something!
Plot: Alfie wakes up to a snowy morning and a overexcited girlfriend.
At any given moment, Alfie was absolutely certain of two things. The first one was that he loved you with all his heart, and would do literally anything for you. The second was that the first one would be the death of him eventually.
He had been awakened at an ungodly hour that morning by a loud squeal, and with a cry of alarm he rolled to one side to reach for his gun. It was a reflex he didn’t figure he would ever outgrow, even if his enemies were resting in their caskets and he lived where no one could find him. Without opening his eyes, he had already taken off the safety and was sitting on the bed, the gun before him.
It didn’t surprise him anymore that you were the cause of the squeal, so when he opened his eyes, he let the gun on the bed besides him. You stood a few feet ahead, your face pressed against the window and still wearing your nightgown. Alfie let himself fall back on the bed and tried to get a few more minutes of sleep. You had a different idea.
“Alfie!” you called ou for him from your place. “Alfie, come here!”
“Can’t do, pet” he grumbled, dropping one arm to cover his eyes.
He could practically hear you folding your arms over your chest and pop your hip to the side, giving him that look that you always gave him when you thought he was being difficult. And even if he was know for being a grumpy man, he couldn’t help the soft, silly smile that appeared on his lips.
The man opened one eye and peeked at you between his fingers, the sight making his smile grow wider.
The side of the bed dipped down and suddenly there was a weight on his stomach. His arm was pried away with gentle hands and you pouted at him from where you were now straddling his abdomen. The light tan that you had gotten in the past summer was slowly disappearing, giving away your natural skin colour. You were still wearing a bed hair, with some lock standing in weird positions. And the way you were bulging out your cheeks only made your anger look less credible.
Alfie decided not to tell you how the position was making his back ache or how he needed to move, because he would never say anything like that to you. So he just chuckled and raised his arms until he could wrap one around your waist.
“All right, all right. I give in” he gave a light smack to your bottom. “What in the fuckin’ world is so exciting that you had to wake me before midday?”
It amazed him how easily he could stay in bed those days. Since he finally broke up with the business and decided to retire, his life had been much more calmer. And now, he could spend the mornings nuzzling you and enjoying life.
“It snowed!” your face lighted up like a lantern.
“And?” Alfie raised a brow.
“And I’ve never been out in the snow before!”
Sometimes, Alfie forgot in what circumstances you two met. Tom Shelby had nearly thrown you in his arms a few years ago, when he first met the man. After a huge argument with some Italian man, Tommy had taken his daughter with him and had killed him; his daughter, who had been locked up in a basement for years because of her father’s greed. Tom had just asked Alfie to watch you for a while, but your charming and innocent self had managed to make its way to his cold heart. Since then, there hadn’t been a day where Alfie had left you out of his sight, and enjoyed every opportunity of showing you something new.
No matter how much his back hurt.
“Need to have something to eat first, don’t we, pet?”
You leapt from your perch on his stomach with a nimbleness that always caught him off-guard – or maybe that was just the wind being knocked out of him as you launched yourself from the springboard of his diaphragm. Your nightgown spun around your ankles as you jumped up and down on your heels, the excitement barely contained.
“Or… we could have a winter picnic?” you proposed, a shy smile on your face. Alfie looked at you from where he had sat up on the bed.
Alfie thought that, even if it didn’t sound too normal, it didn’t sound bad. It had been years since he allowed himself to enjoy the snow, and he didn’t want to be the one to say no to you. To anyone looking from the outside, the idea would have seemed ridiculous. But Alfie just gave a loud, belly laugh and put on his worn out slippers, knowing he would have to change to the thick boots soon.
It had taken another fifteen minutes of debate before you actually ate your breakfast inside, as Alfie realized it was snowing, not just snowed. After the quickest breakfast of his life, Alfie had put on his winter coat and had insisted in covering you in thick scarfs. He wondered if he would ever miss the bakery and being busy all the time, or his life would just keep getting better day by day.
“You’re lucky you’re light” Alfie complained again.
His hands were cupped beneath your knees and your arms draped lightly around his collar. It wasn’t hard to be smaller than Alfie – while the man wasn’t certainly the tallest, his back was as broad as a trunk. The situation was that you didn’t have winter boots, and the five inches of snow accumulated on the backyard were no place for dress shoes. So he did what he always did and gave in when it was about you, and was currently carrying you around.
The sight in front of you was magnificent. You lived in a small cabin near the city, surrounded by trees and a large field that ended in a beach. In that moment, besides the white ground, there were falling cops on the trees, the sand was completely white and the water was calm. Your nose was red and cold, and you snuggled it in Alfie’s neck.
His skin rose with gossebumps and he shivered, although for you it was a faint movement under the thick cloth.
“Oi, you can’t do that. Get that bloody ice cube away from me”
“But I’m cold” you pressed your lips against the same spot, watching as he shivered again and didn’t complain. Something caught your attention and you almost threw yourself to the ground. “Look, Alfie! Look there!”
“Jesus, pet, don’t move so much” he groaned and adjusted his hands again. He looked towards where your hand was pointing.
“It’s a Christmas Rose!” you moved again. “Down there, in the snow”
Alfie finally noticed the little patch of pink-white flowers near the edge of the footpath. They were close to the small fountain that adorned the backyard, and if it hadn’t been so cold, he was sure Cyril would have already destroyed the vegetation. They were, indeed, beautiful. But to him, no where as beautiful as you.
“They’re hardy cold-weather plants” you explained, and rested your cheek on his shoulder. “I’d read about them, but I’ve never see one in real life. There’s a legend about them. It’s said that the very first – no, don’t pick it!”
You smacked Alfie across the head as soon as he bent a little with the intention of picking it. His hand stopped midway from where he had reached for it, his fingers already in the position to pluck it from the ground.
“I was going to pick it up for you” Alfie tried again but received another smack.
“Don’t pick it!” you repeated, and he finally straightened up “If you pick it, it’ll just die. I can see it fine from here”
Alfie rolled his eyes but resumed his walking around the backyard. You didn’t complain about the activity and he wasn’t going to get tired soon about having you sleepily resting on his shoulders. As he said, for him you weighted nearly nothing. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, covered in one of Alfie’s pants and with the thickest sockets he had found.
Every once in a while, one of you said something or you stretched your hand to catch some of the snowflakes with your fingers. Alfie told you some stories that involved winter, snow or cold, and you listened and asked when something interesting came up.
Since he had retired, that was his routine. He got to spend every second of his day with the most important person of his life. He left many things unattended, enemies that deserved their fair share of revenge and allies that could still benefit him. Maybe a cabin in the woods wasn’t what you expected when Alfie accepted to take care of you while Tommy took care of your father, neither spending your life with the grumpy man that said more swear words than actual words.
But he was careful around you, avoided swearing too much and made sure you had everything you could have dreamt of. And you didn’t need more than a quiet morning in the backyard of your house, white ground and thick coats. You kissed the side of Alfie’s face, his beard tickling you, and you smiled happy, knowing that the quiet snowy morning was the best you could wish for.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists​, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Hey! I love your story the gangsters daughter SO much and I was wondering if I could request something based on it?
Where it’s the night before Evie’s wedding and she goes to Tommy’s office to talk as she’s nervous and they have a fluffy moment where he doesn’t think he’s ready for her to get married! ☺️
Cold Feet (Parent!Tommy Shelby x Evie)
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A/N: Ok ok ok. First of all anon, how dare you be so fluffing cute?! And second, OF COURSE YOU CAN! I love Evie and I’m always looking for excuses to write for my baby. Also, I’m totally not crying at the thought of Tommy having to let his little girl go and get married and just wanting her to be happy... I just have something in my eye. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smoking. Let me know if I missed anything. 
Tommy had always known this day would come. 
It was as inevitable as death was for every single living thing on this planet. 
No matter how hard he’d prayed that he’d have just a little more time left, his luck had finally run out. There was no delaying it any longer now that the day was almost upon him when his life would change in a way that would alter his world forever. 
It was tomorrow, in fact, that Tommy would see Evie shed the Shelby name for another. 
True, he could not have chosen a more worthy candidate, and knew Toby would love Evie as she deserved to be loved. That didn't lessen the sting it caused though, to know his days as the only male in her life were now over. Soon, she would no longer be his, no longer living in the same house as him. She would be a married woman, and that filled Tommy with incredible joy, and incredible sorrow at the same time.
This was the curse of fathers. 
It seemed only yesterday that she was small enough to not even care about boys, let alone marriage. He remembered a particular conversation with fondness, when Evie had only been with them a few months or so. 
It had been in the wake of a row over Ada’s most recent conquest at the time. An annoying boy, Liam had only lasted three dates before being scared off by Arthur, John, and Tommy.  Despite being nothing particularly special, Ada had been incredibly enraged, yelling about how she wanted to marry him and that she’d never find love again. 
Of course, Evie had found the whole thing hilarious, if not a little confusing. Hence, when she’d sat up in bed that night, as Tommy passed by her room one final time, he couldn’t help but smile at her quizzical expression. 
“But, Dad. If she loves him what’s wrong with that? Besides, Mum had a baby on her own… if Ada did end up pregnant would it really be so horrible? She’d have a child, like me, and you all warmed up to me pretty quickly.”
“Well,” Tommy had begun, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of this discussion with his only recently recovered twelve-year old daughter. Polly was always far better at talking about this kind of stuff. “It’s… you see… people tend to only have children when they’re married.”
“It’s just how things are done.”
“Well, that’s stupid.”
Tommy smirked. “Most people would agree with you, but a lot don’t. They can be horrible and cruel, even to women who were in love but weren’t married when they had a kid. So, we’re trying to spare Ada from that. It’s fucking complicated, but at the end of the day, she deserves to be happy, doesn’t she?” 
“Yes,” Evie sighed, suddenly staring down at her bedsheets nervously. “But… does that mean Auntie Martha was right? That I have to get married when I grow up? But Dad, the only boys I like are you… and my uncles… I don’t suppose I could marry one of them?”
Tommy immediately bit back his laughter as he shook his head and held her close. “I’m afraid Martha would object to you marrying our John. Besides, you don’t want one of us old men when you can find someone young and handsome who you love very much.”
“But how will I know who that is? Or if they’re good or not?” she asked innocently. 
“I’ll help you,” Tommy offered, not without a little hesitation. To even think such a time would exist, when he would have to part with his daughter, when he’d only just found her again… “You can depend on it. Any unworthy bastards will be driven away by me, and the hounds.”
At that Evie spluttered into laughter, before pressing a kiss to her father’s cheek. “Now that, I would pay to see.”
Well, that day had come and gone and Tommy hadn’t released any hounds. No. The only hound in sight was Cyril, and he’d warmed incredibly quickly to the new member of the family. 
He hadn’t been the only one either. In fact, Tommy had rolled out the red fucking carpet, welcoming the man into the family. Sure, it hadn’t been without its challenges along the way, but as much as Tommy hated to admit it, Toby was a good man. More than that, he’d proved his loyalty to the family, and to Evie, over and over again. 
If he had to part with Evie to anyone, then at least it was to someone as decent as Toby. It made the whole ordeal hurt just a little less as he sipped his whiskey and stared out of the study window. 
Despite the late hour, there were still faint laughs and shrieks of delight echoing from upstairs. Ada, Lara, Polly and Lizzie were most likely to blame, having taken charge of Evie’s so called ‘last night of freedom’. Tommy didn’t know what that entailed exactly and he didn’t even want to try and guess. Not given how much champagne they’d lugged upstairs with them earlier, having returned from a busy evening dancing at a local club. 
If they weren’t all hungover as hell in the morning it would be a minor miracle. 
Still, as long as they got their asses to church on time and didn’t throw up on the minister, then everything would be fine. No. It would be perfect. Tommy had promised Evie that much and he’d be damned before he failed to deliver a promise as solemn as this one. 
She’d done the same for him, twice in fact, even if his union to Lizzie had been a far simpler affair than his first marriage to Grace. 
At least Evie hadn’t insisted on there being a ‘father of the bride’ toast - even if Ada had… Somehow, Tommy knew his would never be anywhere as good as the ones his daughter had given. 
She always had had a way with words.  
Tommy froze. 
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. 
He was startled by the sound of her voice, echoing from the open doorway, as if summoned by his worry. He’d almost thought he’d imagined it until he turned and saw her standing there, looking a little worse for wear in her finery. 
Apparently he’d been right; she’d had a very fun evening.  
“Evie?” he blinked, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself. “What are you doing down here? It’s late and I thought you’d be upstairs celebrating a bit longer. Big day tomorrow.”
Evie smiled, shrugging as she stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. She knew she never needed an invitation, having given up knocking long ago. 
“I was but… I don’t know. I just wanted to come and see you, if that’s alright?”
It would always be alright. Tommy hoped she knew that, even if the anxiety in her eyes said otherwise. Then again, he suspected the nervous energy wasn’t directly aimed at him.  
Over a decade later, he knew his daughter better than he knew himself. It was why he nodded, gesturing to the seat next to him in a clear invitation. “Of course it is, but won’t the others miss you?” 
“Oh, they’re all too busy finishing the last of the wine to miss me right away and… I don’t know why but I needed a minute away from everything. It was all a bit… much.”
“Yeah, well, welcome to my world. This family has always been a bit much,” Tommy teased. That was why they both loved them though. The Shelby spirit was strong and made them who they were. They wouldn’t change it for the world, even if it did drive them nuts on occasion. 
And Toby was willingly entering this family, why? 
“I’m almost scared to ask what’s being going on up there.”
“Probably wise, Dad. No one should see thing things I have tonight.” 
“I thought so.”
A laugh escaped Evie’s lips as she sat beside him, accepting the glass of whiskey he handed her without a second thought. It was simply routine by this point, the two of them caught in a silent routine on nights like this when they needed to simply clear their heads and think. 
It was an unwritten agreement between the pair of them. As was the somewhat confessional nature this room had taken on in its time under the Shelby household. So much had happened since they’d first moved in to Arrow House, from Charles and Ruby being born, to losing Grace, to Evie falling in love, Tommy’s ascension to Parliament, losing John and Esme, Lizzie and Tommy’s wedding… 
Only a decade or so, and yet Evie felt like a whole novel would never be enough to capture her family’s history or the almost surreal events that had taken place.
“Besides, it’s been a while since we had a talk like this, Dad,” Evie continued, shrugging as she sipped her drink and stared at the room. “Everything’s been happening so fast since Toby proposed. It feels like we haven’t had a moment to breathe, really. You’ve been so helpful, agreeing to everything and allowing us to turn this place upside down. I can’t thank you enough for that, by the way. I half expected you to be like Arthur yelling at the florist earlier.”
“It’s the least I can do, Evie. It’s not every day my daughter gets married - and he yelled so I didn’t have to. Fucking trying to sneak carnations in when the order clearly said Clematis with the centrepieces.”
Evie snorted, failing to hide the fact hearing Tommy Shelby raging about flowers was possibly the funniest thing to have ever happened. Ever. Good thing he hadn’t been there when someone had accidentally delivered the wrong amount of chairs for the tent erected out on the lawn. She could only imagine the carnage that would have occurred.  
“My knight in shining armour.” 
“Always. No ring changes that, Evie. I’ll always be there for you, whether it be to fend off blind florists or worse.” 
Despite the fact he acted as if he was merely joking, Evie knew her father meant each and every word. He always had. Even with their ups and downs, he had never abandoned her, always trying to do what was best for her, even if he went about it the wrong way from time to time. 
When she thought back now, to the day she’d first met him in that graveyard, on what had been one of the darkest days of her life, she wished she could tell her younger self not to be afraid. To not be angry or scared of the future before her and the wondrous people that would be in it, thanks to the wonderful man she got to call her father. 
“Dad, can… can I ask you a question? About tomorrow?” 
Tommy hummed softly. “I don’t know what I can tell you about weddings, but fine. Of course.”
“It’s not about the wedding per say, more the bit after. I just… I’m scared, Dad. I don’t know why but I am.”
The words made Tommy’s heart plummet before he’d even realised what she’d said. It took everything in him not to panic or try and express the pain he felt at the idea his daughter was scared about what was supposed to be a happy day - a happy and expensive one, even if Tobias had money enough to cover a lot of the costs. 
“Of what?” 
“I don’t know,” Evie whispered, almost as if ashamed to confess it. “I’m so happy and excited to start the life together Toby and I have talked about for years but, now that it’s here? I don’t know. I just … I feel like I’m going to throw up or pass out and I don’t know why. Is something wrong with me? Who gets terrified of their own wedding?”
“Every fucking sane person on the planet,” Tommy countered swiftly, a hand reaching out to take hers. “As someone with experience here, you can trust me when I say everyone gets scared, Evie. Everyone. No matter how certain you are that you love the person or that this is the right next step.”  
“But why?” 
“Because it’s a big commitment,” Tommy continued, “and it’s a new chapter in your life. That’s exciting but also terrifying. To know you have a chance to start a family of your own? To choose your own path? That’s nothing to take lightly, and if I didn’t think you wanted this, or that you weren’t ready, I would have said something before now. You can count on that.” 
He had a point.  
“And I know you, Evelyn Shelby. You have never let anything or anyone stop you from going after what you want, even if it’s scary or someone says no. If being with Tobias is what you want, then so be it. You’re a grown woman, as much as I fucking hate to admit it. I think you’ve proven over and over again that you’re the bravest one out of the lot of us, and I’m so proud of you. Your Mother would be too. She’d want you to be happy and to enjoy tomorrow for what it is: the start of another chapter in your incredible life.” 
The thought of her absence was enough to make Evie’s eyes sting with tears, as was the conviction with which her father spoke about her. The pride was clear, even if he looked a little scared himself at what tomorrow would bring for them all. 
“Thank you.”
Tommy nodded, knowing better than to argue as she threw herself at him, coiling herself around him as she often did. Ever since the first time she’d done it, he’d been unable to resist it. So what? His daughter’s embrace was one of the few in the world that made him feel loved. It was as if her presence alone was enough to restore him, to banish whatever was troubling him. 
The thought he wouldn’t just be able to have such hugs so frequently made his heart ache even more. 
He didn’t want her to go. 
In his eyes, she was still the twelve-year-old girl he’d first met. She always would be, no matter how much she insisted on growing up and being a so called ‘adult’. It was why he planned on keeping her room upstairs exactly as it was now, just in the case she ever needed or even wanted it. 
That, and because he physically couldn’t bear to erase any remaining traces of her from his home. Of course, Lizzie had teased him rotten about it, even if she understood. Still young, Lizzie hated the thought of Ruby ever growing up and leaving her for anyone - let alone a husband. 
At least they had some time left before that would be happening. Tommy didn’t know if he could survive anymore heartache so soon.
“I love you, so much, Evie,” Tommy whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and holding her close. “You’ll always be my little girl, and you’ll always be welcome here. Anytime, day or night. This will still be your home, and we’ll still be your family. If anything, we’re simply gaining more members, not losing any. Understand?”
“Yes,” Evie nodded, wiping her eyes as she shot him a watery smile. “I love you too, Dad, even if I swear I’m supposed to be the one telling you all this. Isn’t it normally the father of the bride who’s supposed to get all teary eyed and jittery the night before?”
“We’ve never been conventional, Evie. In case you forgot, we have politicians, the Lee branch of the family, and Alfie fucking Solomons all coming tomorrow, for fucks sake. Why should we start worrying about tradition now?” 
Evie’s laughter was infectious at the picture of the eclectic scene awaiting them, especially considering how excited Alfie had been at the prospect of attending a Shelby wedding. Oh, Arthur was going to explode at the sight of the Jewish gangster sat in all his finery. That, and when he saw the huge gift he had been promising her for weeks now.  
She couldn’t wait.  
“True. Well, traditional or not, I’m so grateful for the life we have, Dad. I’ll never be able to tell you how grateful I am that you were the person who showed up at that graveyard,” she confessed. “There’s no one else in the whole world I want to be my side tomorrow. You’ll still walk me down the aisle, right?”
Tommy beamed. “How can you ask that, Evelyn Shelby? I’ve always been right beside you and tomorrow is no different. Wild horses couldn’t stop me.” 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me,” Tommy whispered, “simply enjoy yourself and let me and the others take care of the rest. That’s all the thanks we need… and maybe call once in a while, just so I know you’re alright.”
Evie laughed, knowing she would probably still end up here most of the time anyway after she was married. But she agreed, pleased to put his mind at rest as well as he’d put her own. “I really do love you, Dad.” 
“And I love you too, Evie. Always.” 
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Winter Night - Malcolm Bench x Reader (Vertical Limit)
Holiday Fic 2! ⛄⛄
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Author’s Note: @mandy23b​ I know you still have to get to the end of this week to finish your finals. But Congratulations on your graduation! 🎉
I’m so proud of you - And I know I keep telling you that, but I’m just going to keep telling you!
Thank you for requesting - here’s some Malcolm for you, as a treat 😉😘
Disclaimer: Vertical Limit Not Mine / Basically a massive excuse to have 4000 words of banter / you better believe I got Tom McLaren in here / gifs and lyrics not mine
Premise: Malcolm Bench is back from K2 for winter break. You love snow, having to work in it 24/7 he does not - today you’re determined to change his mind...
Words: 4133
Warnings: swearing / sexual connotations
Have you seen the mistletoe? It fills the night with kisses Have you seen the bright new star? It fills your heart with wishes Have you seen the candlelight? It shines from every window Have you seen the moon above? It lights the sky in silver
Have you heard the boys all sigh When all the girls are skating? Have you heard the sweetheart's cry For all this time they're waiting?
Green is in the mistletoe And red is in the holly Silver in the stars above That shine on everybody Gold is in the candlelight and Crimson in the embers White is in the winter night That everyone remembers
Have you seen the children playing? Tiny hands are frozen! Have you seen them hurry home When suddenly it's snowing!
Waiting for Malcolm to return home from K2 was always painful, especially at this time of year. People liked their winter climbing getaways - but he liked to come home when it was a little too dangerous out on the mountains. He also wanted to take breaks to be with you: although wintertime was not always his favourite period to do so… because he saw snow 24/7 at work. He didn’t need to see it at home with you too. There was always the fear that it would be too dangerous for him to come back, and it wasn’t just the weather patterns there that mattered, but where you lived too. There had been plenty of times when his flights had been delayed, or he’d had to spend time in the airport overnight, because no planes were going to move under any circumstances. Luckily yesterday the plane home had at least taken off, and although the weather reports were all threatening snow storms here & the air was cold, the sky had been clear all day and not a flake had fallen yet. You prayed it would stay that way at least until you got him inside the house. But then you liked the look of the blanket of white across your front yard and the roads. Especially when it was freshly fallen and no-one had walked or driven through it yet. How it looked so crisp and sparkled in the sunshine; it always felt like you were a child again, when you used to play out in it for hours without a care in the world. Nowadays the cold got to you a little quicker, but that didn’t make it any less magical to you. As you drove to the airport, the weather again was interrupting your favourite tunes to warn of a particularly bad storm front coming. You didn’t think you’d greet Malcolm with this information - he’d probably grumble and turn right around to get on the flight back. 
 You received a text that he’d landed before you’d even reached the arrivals waiting area, which meant you wouldn’t be standing around too long for him. Bonus! But as you leant against the barrier you couldn’t help but watch everyone with their brightly coloured signs - awaiting the arrival of family and partners. You thought back to the day previous; all the girlfriends of everyone up on K2 had their own texting group and you all found it fairly cathartic to fret together (luckily that was seldom necessary) or share K2 news, or climbing photographs (at least one of you was up there every so often), or whatever you felt like really. And Tom McLaren’s girlfriend had texted you yesterday to let you know her man was back home, with a little note ‘And yours tomorrow! x’. If Tom was home then it really must have been end of season. They were due to get married soon - and their engagement often had you poking fun at Malcolm and subtly dropping hints as to when and where he was going to pop the question. Only for him to narrow his eyes at you and scoff and say “Well, I won’t be doing it like Tom fucking McLaren, that’s for sure!” You could only laugh. You had to agree though, the picture-perfect life of the Colorado Kid was not for either of you. Seeing Malcolm again always made you nervous, and you tapped your foot to a silent beat, taking controlled breaths - you supposed it was the effect of him being so far away for so long. Almost like figuring someone out all over again - as much as it was like no time had passed at all; always so giddy, like it was the first time you realised you had a crush on him. You received relentless teasing about that - probably because the Bench brothers were the two biggest idiots on K2. BUT they both had an insane amount of climbing knowledge, it made for an interesting combination; and you were definitely dating the sweeter of the two. You stood straight, on high alert, as the arrivals doors opened and Malcolm walked through, backpack slung over his shoulder. You were just going to give him a casual wave and let him walk over but his eyes scanned the crowd, looking fairly tired from his long-haul flight - and as soon as they locked on you, he lit up completely. And that cheeky little smile of his had you running - Malcolm stopped, bracing himself for your hug. “Ooof-! Geez, Y/N! Okay I get it! You’d think I’d be away for MONTHS!!!” He laughed so loud people started turning towards you but you didn’t care, you’d missed this goof like heck. And damn, that Australian accent. “Just let me miss you for 5 seconds dammit!” You pulled back with a smile, “Okay flight?” “As good as can be expected.” He checked his watch, “Annnnd that’s your five seconds, so I suppose within the hour you’ll be wanting to get me on the first plane back!” Your face burned; that was a joke one time and he’d never let you get away with it. “Weather permitting.” You placed a hand over your mouth, misremembering that you weren’t supposed to be saying anything about the snow. “Oh.” His face fell, “I knew it was all a little too good to be true.”
“Well, I suppose I should get you home before you grumble anymore…” He gasped, “You mean all that way and I don’t even get a kiss-!?” “Malcolm!” Okay, you took it back, his voice just had to be that loud, “I was getting to it!” You still had your arms around him and pulled yourself back to his lips. It was gentle and sweet and he wound his arms around you too, running a hand through your hair. Although when you pulled back you were a little shy, looking into his big brown eyes, “...Welcome home.” “Glad to be back!” He grinned, stepping out of your arms to take your hand in his, “Ah, civilisation!” You noticed the Colorado accent he put on and snorted, “Is that what you think he says when he gets home!?” “What, Mr. Fucking Perfect? Prince Charming of K2, Tom McLaren? Oh yeah.” “Well,” You shook your head and kissed him again, “I much prefer my little Australian hot mess.” There was a small smirk on his face, “Oh, you think I’m hot? I knew it!” “For sure! You can melt the snow all on your own-!” You winked, knowing he’d love that tease. “Ah, Fuckin’ have it-!” *** He was out of the car and bounding up to the front door before you’d even switched the engine off; you could do nothing but chuckle and roll your eyes. “So eager to be stuck in a house?” “Well,” Malcolm looked up at the outside for a minute, hopping from foot to foot and craning his neck, “it’s stuck in a house with you, ain’t it?!” He turned with a grin as you unlocked the front door, “I mean there’s plenty you can do stuck in a house…!” You gave him a sideways glance, “Give it a couple of days you’ll be screaming and wishing that you’re back in the great outdoors on top of a mountain.” “NOOOO-! Give it at least a week! I get to sleep in a proper bed!” “Mal, every time you come home you spend at least the first few days sleeping on the floor because you can’t get used to sleeping in a bed-!” “A’right, just pin me there-!” You blinked at him a few times as he leapt into the house, “I mean don’t tempt me, but I’m gonna need to tape your mouth shut too.” “Kinky, but I’d do it for you…!” He winked before hurtling towards the stairs and taking them in twos. You sighed, head in your hands. Why did you miss this? Maybe you’d be the one wishing he was back on a mountain… You glanced up at the ceiling - he also hadn’t noticed all the winter decor yet. But you supposed you’d give him time. You always liked theming your house for the season - not just the holiday within the season - and you always liked sending Malcolm aesthetic pictures, where he would graciously (if he was homesick) tell you that he wished he was there, and how pretty they were. Or sometimes just ask ‘what the heck is that!?’ and you’d have to put your phone down for five minutes whilst trying not to give up and throw it all away in a huff. When Malcolm trudged down the stairs slowly you noticed him looking around, although you broke the silence, “Did your brother get back okay too?” You knew Cyril was heading back to their hometown for the break. “Uh, he’s probably still in the air somewhere!” Malcolm leant around the banister, “I’m glad there’s no fake snow.” “Why have fake when you can have the real thing?” “Please no.” “Mal, I already told you the weather forecast says it’s on the way.” He pressed his lips together in his best attempt not to grimace; “Why can’t it be tropical when I get home?” “Babe, it’s wintertime, if you want a tropical vista you shoulda said and I’d have booked a vacation-!” Or he could have asked you to meet him in his native Australia, you knew it was summer there. He froze suddenly - so you knew he wasn’t listening - and when his face lit up you knew he’d spotted it; hurling himself over the banister Malcolm dropped to the floor none too gracefully - leaving you with your head in your hands one again. “My house isn’t a mountain face.” “Duly noted…” He pointed to the ceiling, “That’s mistletoe!” Yes! And mostly because he was coming home. “There’s mistletoe in here!? Come make out with me----!” You laughed as he joyfully whined the last word, and you were only too happy to walk forward into his arms, “Promise no more griping about snow?” “I’ll make no such promise.” You huffed. “Can’t blame me for trying…” He wound his arms around you and pulled you into a short sweet kiss. You were already giggling a little as you looped your hands around his neck, running them through his hair. You supposed it was just because you were giddy about him being home - getting to hold him this close again. With Malcolm’s body pressed up against yours, you were surprised his hands were staying so respectful; but there was time yet! The kiss was slow and soft, his tongue running your bottom lip gently, almost cautious about it. If you weren’t so caught up in it you would for sure have teased him about whether or not he’d forgotten how to kiss. This was your first ‘real’ intimate moment with him for months and months, and you were right, it was about getting to know each other again; even with the familiarity of this feeling. Like a jigsaw piece being put into place once more. You knew you fit right with him, you were happy to be back where you belonged. *** Inevitably his hands didn’t stay put, and you ended up laying back on your couch, his hands roaming over your body. You knew that it would be a few days before you actually slept together: you weren’t joking about him sleeping on the floor. If Malcolm slept in bed he was restless, and there was too much to get used to. Room temperature, mattress, sheets and you… sharing a bed with someone else. There’d be a lot of suggestive remarks and a bunch of almosts, like this one. Or forgetting himself for a moment over morning coffee, where he’d push you up against the kitchen counter - but you had to let Malcolm ground himself back on… well, the ground - a normal altitude - before he’d really be up for anything like that. Still, you weren’t about to lie - you kinda wanted to take that shirt off him when his hands were cupping your ass or grazing your bare skin where your own shirt had ridden up. You’d missed him a lot, and besides having him back, you had none of that other ‘normal’ stuff to get used to. You knew you had to be patient; but steamy making out on the couch was a good substitute, for sure. As you’d been doing this, the weather outside had been steadily changing; and you’d noticed the light changes in the room, but both of you had been far too absorbed in other things. However, when you paused for breath for just a second, both panting - clearly just not able to get enough of each other after months of waiting to kiss again (especially when the lingering memory of the last one was always the kiss goodbye, and hurt like hell) - you looked up to the window and immediately gasped. Flakes of snow were already falling; although not so thick yet, you could already see it settling over the grass and sidewalks… and on the road. You leapt off him, excitement rushing through you as you ran to the window. Immediately full-on child-like wonder. Malcolm stared at the snow for a minute and grimaced, hadn’t he just left enough of this? Why did it have to follow him here!? “What!? You’re kidding right!? You could be making out with me!” “Mal! Malcolm!!! Oh my gosh look-! LOOK! It’s settling!!” Snow had never lost its charm with you. It made you think of too many good memories: staying out in it and playing with your friends and family until your face was red and fingers and toes freezing, long romantic walks you had taken with past lovers, and ice-skating, you’d had skiing trips too, and some of your best snow memories truly were half way up a mountain with the Bench Brothers. But snow meant so much more: cuddling up under blankets with hot drinks and watching trashy movies - or good ones - both with family and the person you loved the most. And you loved those quieter moments with Malcolm too, even though he was so high energy. Those moments where there was nowhere to go, and nowhere to be but than with each other. You were grinning to yourself as you sprinted out of the room and up the stairs. Malcolm sighed to himself: “Oh my god- Y/N! What are you doing!?!” “Getting dressed!” You yelled back, rushing around to pull on a good coat, hat, scarf, boots and gloves. (Only because you knew Malcolm was about to lecture you on safety precautions, even when he sometimes sat out there on K2 in literally nothing.) As you finished getting ready and approached the window again the flurry was crazy - and you could barely see out of it for flakes of snow, building up nicely on the ground. That only made you even more excited, Malcolm looked from the snow to you and back. “Now before you go crazy, just remember, it may look nice but it’s a death trap!” “Malcolm. I’m not 10,000 feet up a mountain in thin air with no oxygen, will you stop lecturing me!?!” “You haven’t seen what I’ve seen! There is nothing good about that white stuff-! Even if you think it looks pretty!” That gave you pause for thought for a second - though truly only a second - had he seen bodies out there on his expeditions? Had he seen people die out there…? You shook that thought clear of your mind, now wasn’t the time to think on things like that. “- Then there’s frostbite! Hypothermia-! Heck, even a common cold is a bad thing; I don’t want you to get sick!” You reached for the door and he wedged himself between you and it, “What about when it pelts you in the face, huh!? Cold and painful! What about when your skin gets all dried and cracked and you start bleeding-!?” “Malcolm. Will you please shut up! I’m not listening…!” You yanked the door open, moving him, “You don’t have to come out, but you’re not spoiling it for me!!” By the time you had run to the end of your drive the cold air was already filling your lungs and you couldn’t help but laugh, tipping your head back to catch the snowflakes on your tongue. The neighbourhood kids were all outside now, parents on close watch, also shrieking and laughing and enjoying the first - but certainly not the last - heavy snowfall of the year. You didn’t know what Malcolm was getting at - couldn’t he just see the good side of snow, for once? You were a far cry away from what he was used to; out here everything was safe. You had a nice warm house to return to, what was his problem? Malcolm stood in the doorway, shaking his head at you and still grumbling to himself about the falling snow, before he closed it to keep the cold out and returned to the window to watch you. But as you stayed outside, admiring the scenery and greeting your neighbours, and passers-by - some of whom were asking how Malcolm was, considering they’d seen him come home (and of course you’d been talking about this day for the entire week) - you started walking up and down, and talking and laughing. Some of the kids were even throwing snowballs at you and you had no trouble joining in once or twice. That laugh was so infectious to watch, the way you lit up like that, the unbridled joy of being able to once again be stuck in a pretty winter scene and reminisce, the cold heightening the red in your cheeks. Malcolm found himself smiling and knew he was immediately done for. “Aw. Shit.” He laughed to himself, “Dammit… she’s gone and done it now…” Trudging outside and pretending that he wasn’t just so happy to see you happy, Malcolm put on his best grumpy face. You ran to him, but couldn’t help laughing at the fact he was dressed like he was about to attempt a summit climb. “Sooo it’s not all that bad huh!?” His eyes narrowed, “You’re kiddin’, I’m worried about you! Helloooo, bad things happen in the cold, weren’t you listening!?” “No. Not at all.” You gave him a teasing grin before trying to kiss that grumpy look off his face. It half worked, and Malcolm couldn’t help but grin before he tried to make himself look stoic again. You looped your arms through his as you walked slowly to the end of the drive and he also watched the kids rolling around in the snow and shrieking and having a good time. Growing up in Australia he didn’t have a lot to compare to this, but he could draw enough comparisons from other childhood memories to know what this must feel like for them. You nudged him; “See! The kids enjoy it, why can’t you!?” He pretended to grumble again, “Yeah, they’re kids. They’d hate it if they worked in it too!!” “I bet if you asked them, they’d love your job.” He laughed, “Great, they can have it and I’ll stay here with you-!” “Well, if you could be so persuaded…!” You leant into him and Malcolm turned to you with an eyebrow raised, ‘just jo-king.’ Although you caught that tiny smile lifting at the corners of his mouth as your joy bled into him. Malcolm could only admit, he was very happy to be out in the snow with you. The way the snow fell and settled on your coat, the tiny flakes in your eyelashes, and where it was melting and leaving sparkles on your skin. You were admiring the same on him; how it settled in his dark hair, and how the ones in his eyelashes were really bringing out that deep brown in his eyes, that were already getting accentuated against that white background. You looked back to the neighbourhood for a moment, glad that the cold could hide your blush. It was very cute; this winter scene just looked like one of those little painted postcards you’d often seen sold around this time of year.  
You didn’t get to admire the cold for long and almost screeched in surprise as you were hit in the face with just a little bit of snow. The cold against your skin was shocking. You spluttered as you turned back to your boyfriend; “What was that for!?” Malcolm smirked, raising his eyebrow slightly, “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you liked snow!?” You shoved him, which only made him laugh. “Not when your boyfriend is throwing it in your face like that!” “Just admit I’m right!” You swayed backwards, arms folded, look on your face set hard: “To you?! About snow!? Never!” This scrabbling around in the snow continued for a few minutes, until you were both flushed and giggling. You wiped droplets of water from your face, still not ready to concede his point about snow. He knew you weren’t going to either, rubbing the ice from his own cheeks - he was still right about it hurting as it pelted your face, though. You couldn’t help but sigh wistfully as you turned back to him, voice barely above a murmur. “I’m so happy you’re home to see this. And the good things about snow.” Malcolm’s smile almost became a knowing smirk as he hesitated for just a second: “Yeah yeah, what do you really want?” With the snow falling around him like that and the little look on his face, now his cheeks were flushing too you couldn’t help but take the tiny step to kiss him once more. He was only too happy to reciprocate and you shuffled a little closer to his body warmth, already looking forward to getting cozy back in doors afterwards. Even if he’d probably give you some kind of ‘I told you so!’ lecture. Right now you got to kiss him in snowfall and it got to be romantic - no-one's brother yelling at you to get a room, or other idiots at camp wolf-whistling at you (or getting emotional at not having their other halves right there. Which Malcolm said he never did, but how were you to know. You bet he did, secretly.) You just got to kiss him and enjoy the moment, and the soft snowfall. Suddenly you realised that Malcolm had snaked his hands under your coat and your shirt and he didn’t have gloves, AND he’d just been throwing snow around. And you shrieked as his freezing fingers touched your warm skin. “MAL! NO!” But it was too late, he grabbed you, laughing, putting his cold hands on every bit of skin he could possibly reach. You were screaming at him, but also howling with laughter as you tried to wiggle from his grip. “OH GOD! STOP!” You wouldn’t be surprised if the whole neighbourhood was watching you now and shaking their heads, muttering ‘crazy kids’. “Only if you admit snow is bad-!” “Shut up, you are so enjoying this!”
He dropped you back to the floor, chuckling, before he cleared his throat and folded his arms. “A’right. I concede. Probably about as appreciative of snow now than I’ve been in years.” Your face lit up again and you opened your mouth, taking a deep breath for your loud ‘I KNEW IT’ but he held his hand up to stop you, “But only because you’re here.” You immediately deflated, and knew you couldn’t fight him saying something so sweet, instead you punched his arm, “You sap.” Malcolm’s face became unnaturally serious; “You best be careful, Y/N, my hands are still cold!” “NO!” You were screaming again as he grabbed you, but this time he simply lifted you up into his arms, “You drop me in the snow, Malcolm, I swear to god.” “Pretty sure you wouldn’t have a problem with that-!” He grinned; but you weren’t about to let him win twice. Instead you looped your arms around his neck once more touching your nose to his. “Ah-! Now you’re cold-!” But he reciprocated. “I best think about getting you in doors.” “Just shut up about how bad the snow is, and kiss me already!” “Aw, the snow isn’t that bad… really… If I get to share the infectious joy of it with you. And maybe get you warm every so often.” Malcolm grinned, with a cheeky wink, before once more obliging you with a sweet kiss. Oh, you were so glad to have him home.
Thank you for requesting!! Thank you so much for reading! 😘😘
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beautifultypewriter · 5 years
Shelter Dog ~ Alfie Solomons ~ Part Two
Requested: Yes and No / Taglist: @kimmietea
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,713
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x reader
Summary: It’s a modern AU! It’s time for Reader to do a home visit with Alfie and Cyril. Neither of them have forgotten about the promise of coffee afterwards.
A/N: I loved the first part and I was considering writing more then someone inquired about a continuation, so I decided to do it.
You had gotten to the shelter early on this Tuesday morning. You wanted the morning rounds to be done before Sarah came in to cover for you while you went on Alfie and Cyril’s home visit. You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t thought about today countless times in the week leading up to the visit. You had done home visits before and luckily you never had a problem with anyone who adopted one of your dogs, but this visit was going to be different. There was no doubt in your mind that Alfie was treating Cyril well and you were sure that the dog was living his best life, but you were still nervous. You were nervous not because of the actual home visit, but of what was promised after. Coffee. It had been your suggestion and Alfie seemed excited about it, but you didn’t know how he would feel today. You jumped when the bell above the door dinged and Sarah walked in. She smiled at you, “Good morning, Y/N.”
 “Good morning, Sarah.” You straightened out the stack of papers that sat on your desk before stepping out from behind the counter. Sarah took your place as you grabbed your scarf and wrapped it around your neck. You pointed to the papers, “If you could file those for me, that would be great. Morning rounds are done. The dogs are still outside; you can bring them in soon, like 20 more minutes.” She nodded at you, watching you walk back and forth across the lobby, searching for your bag and your keys. You stopped and pointed at her, “Oh and Dr. Ross is coming in an hour to take a look at Lucky’s tail. I think he may have sprained it again. Silly dog is too excitable for his own good.” You went back to looking for your bag, letting out a huff when you couldn’t find it.
 Sarah laughed at you as she held the bag out to you, “Have fun.” She was smirking at you now.
 Squinting at her, you grabbed your bag, “It’s just a home visit. I’ve done a ton of them.”
 She winked at you, “Sure and where are you going for lunch afterwards?” Your face burned red. You had forgotten that you told her you were going to grab lunch after the visit and before coming back to the shelter. It was unusual for you to be away for so long, and she knew it.
 You tried to play her question off, “I don’t know. I’m just gonna grab a quick bite in a café or something.” You moved to the door.
 “Right and who’s going to be joining you in that café?”
 You waved her off as you pushed open the door, “Goodbye, Sarah. Don’t forget about Dr. Ross.” You stepped into the parking lot and practically ran to your car, trying to put as much distance as possible between you and your nosy friend.
 You pulled up to a small house just on the outskirts of your bustling town and down some old country lane. You stepped out of your car and made your way to the front door. It was a modest house, quite plain, and you liked it a lot. It was quiet and you knew that Cyril loved it here. You knocked and the door was pulled open almost immediately. Had Alfie been standing there waiting for you? He must have noticed your confusion because he looked down and you swear you saw his ears turn red. He motioned you into the house, “Hello, Y/N.”
 You smiled at him, “Hi, Alfie.” You unwrapped your scarf as you looked around the space, noting that the home seemed comfortable and safe for Cyril. Speaking of the devil, the huge dog came bounding towards you, his tail wagging. You grinned as you dropped to your knees and scratched behind his ears, “Hi, Cyril! How are you doing, buddy?” Cyril sat in front of you, his big head resting on your arm. You took the time to look him over. He seemed to be very happy, he was a healthy weight, and he didn’t have any marks or obvious injuries. Standing up, you looked at Alfie, who had been watching you the entire time you were with his dog, “He looks good. You’ve been following the diet and other care instructions?” Alfie nodded and you motioned to the rest of the house, “That’s good. Can I see where he sleeps?” Alfie nodded again and led you into the next room. His bedroom, you realized. You could feel your face start to heat up, but you willed yourself to calm down. You were a professional and being in Alfie’s bedroom right now should not be affecting you this way. Alfie pointed to a large dog bed that had Cyril’s blanket draped over it. You smiled, “Looks good.” You turned back to Alfie, “Can we sit and talk.” You pointed to the couch in the living room and as soon as Alfie nodded, you were moving towards it. He followed you and sat next to you on the small couch. Cyril came over and sat between the two of you, looking back and forth. You laid your hand on his head, “Well I’m going to be honest here,” Alfie looked afraid and you smiled, “I really like what I see.” With that, the fear was gone from his eyes and was replaced with something much more playful.
 He winked at you, “Do you?”
 Shaking your head, you rolled your eyes, trying hard not to laugh, “Yes. I think Cyril seems really happy here with you and he looks to be in good health. The space is appropriate for him and it looks like you took the time to integrate him into your home, which is very important. So now I have to ask, how do you feel about all of this?” You hadn’t noticed at first, but Alfie had been leaning towards you as you spoke.
 He must have just noticed himself because he leaned back and ran a hand over his beard, “I love Cyril.” He sounded so sure that it almost shocked you. He nodded, “I think we’re gettin’ on brilliantly.”
 You nodded, your heart so full that you were sure it was going to burst, “That’s good to hear.” Alfie nodded and it was quiet. You stared at each other, Cyril still at your feet and looking between the two of you. He laid his head in your lap and you scratched his head.
 Alfie held his hand out, “So coffee?” The moment you had been thinking about nearly everyday was here. Alfie stared at you, waiting for any response. Your mind was racing though, and you couldn’t figure out how to make your voice work. Cyril barked and kickstarted your brain.
 “Yes, of course.” Alfie let out a breath as he used his cane to push himself up to his feet. You watched him, without making it obvious that you were doing so, and stood yourself. You walked to the front door, Alfie following behind you, and Cyril following behind him. Alfie grabbed his leash and clipped it to the dog’s collar before reaching around you and pulling open his front door.
 “There’s a nice little café not too far, if you want to walk.”
 You nodded, “That’s fine.”
 Alfie started down the road, “The owner is very nice, and she lets Cyril sit on the patio.”
 You took quick steps to catch up with him, “That is very nice of her.” Alfie nodded and the rest of the journey was spent in silence, the only sounds to be heard was the earth crunching under your feet and Cyril’s constant sniffing.
 Alfie was right. The café wasn’t very far from his home and the owner was a very nice lady. She had winked at Alfie when he walked in with you, causing his ears to turn red and you pretended not to notice. After grabbing your coffees, you moved to a table on the patio and sat across from each other. Cyril laid down by Alfie’s feet and promptly fell asleep. You sipped your coffee slowly, asking Alfie about his job and how he liked owning a distillery. He told you about how he liked being his own boss, but sometimes he took on too much at work. He asked about your family and you told him about your mother who was living in Belfast with your younger sister. Then Alfie leaned closer to you, “So how did you get into the animal shelter business?”
 You smiled, “I’ve always loved dogs and I used to take in strays and try to get them into good shape before giving them to my friends. My landlord doesn’t allow pets, so I could never keep them, but I liked helping them. Unfortunately, my landlord caught me taking the dogs in and basically ordered me to stop or I’d be out on the street, so I decided to open the shelter. That way I could still take in strays, but I wouldn’t be kicked out of my place.” You laughed and Alfie smiled at you.
 “Not a bad story.”
 You nodded, taking the last sip of your coffee, “I think it’s a good one.” Glancing at your watch, you realized that you really had to get back to the shelter. You looked up at Alfie to see that he was already looking at you, “I should get back to the shelter. Sarah is going to need my help for the evening rounds,” Alfie nodded and you both stood up.
 “I really enjoyed seeing you, Y/N.”
 “I had a nice time too.” You tucked some of your hair behind your ear, “Maybe we could do it again some time?” Alfie nodded at you quickly and you smiled. Bending down, you scratched Cyril’s head, “See ya around, buddy.” He looked at you with sleepy eyes and wagged his tail. You giggled as you stood up straight and looked at Alfie. Standing on your toes, you pressed your lips to Alfie’s cheek, “Call me whenever.” He nodded as he watched you walk away, already planning on what he was going to say when he called you tomorrow.
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murderadawrote · 5 years
heyy,I wish if you could do an oneshot where Tommy, John and Arthur go to Alfie's house to tallk about business and find a pregnant young woman sleeping on the couch and get confused. It's Alfie's wife he doesn't tell anyone about her. (John being John and comenting about her breast and alfie threatening him)
A/N: first of all, I’m sorry I’m late but a lot happened recently and I kind of lost the inspiration I had for two days; however, here is the one shot and I hope you like it!🥰
john shelby must apologize | alfie solomons;
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summary: spending a day with alfie while he’s working isn’t the ideal way to spend your time, but when Y/N hears three pair of shoes next to the room in which she’s sleeping, she’s sure she won’t be bored anymore;
warnings: swearing, pregnancy (it isn’t a warning but yeah), slightly death treats;
"I don't know, Alfie."
"You don't know what, love?" Alfie asks with his raspy morning voice. "What is it now?"
"You say that I'm not fat-" I start caressing the soft blanket of our bed.
"And?" He turns around looking at me.
"I am fat." My voice is higher than before as I look at him. "There is no point in telling a lie..."
This morning me and Alfie woke up early. It was an incredible moment. Usually he's the one who wakes up early leaving me with a kiss to go to work. I'm the one sleeping and carrying the heir of the whole empire Alfie created. Being his wife and the future mother of his child feels absolutely tiring and beautiful at the same time. So when this morning we both woke up at the same time, we decided to spend our free time together talking about the baby or simply enjoying each other's company.
"You're pregnant, right, love." Alfie sits on the bed, shirtless and looking like a beast. "That's the most important thing you need to remember, right?"
"No." I shake my head looking at his closed eyes and relaxed posture. "I shouldn't get fat while you go out and live your life."
"The last time I checked, right, I still lived here." Alfie answers in the same position. "Are you tired, love?"
"Yes." I mumble looking at the sky out of the window next to Alfie's side. "And I feel like an elephant."
"An elephant." Alfie repeats smirking.
"Yes, Alfie. An elephant." I exclaim exhausted. "And my boobs are huge!"
Alfie suddenly wakes up and looks at me interested. "Now, this is an interesting topic!"
"Not really." I shrug sighing. "I just look at my reflection whenever I'm in front of a mirror and in my mind there's this evil voice that says 'you're an elephant'. At first it wasn't that bad but now I start believing it."
He sighs and I stare at his chest. His beautiful and toned chest, the one only a bear or a mercenary could have. I'm always awed by the way his chest would rise and fall whenever he breaths or talks or simply gets angry. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I hug him putting my arms around him; my head on his chest. I could hear everything if only I wanted to. At first I would hear his strong heart beating; then his emotions would talk to me, telling secrets only Alfie Solomons could hide with such grace; in the end, the warmth of his love would hug me, protecting me from the rest of the world. It's amazing how one single part of the human body could say all of these things!
"You're not an elephant, love." He slightly touches my round stomach. "And if someone tells you that then they're dead people for me."
He kisses me and goes to the bathroom to get ready for work. "Honestly, Alfie, you work too much." I stand up looking at him washing his face. "Sometimes I would love to spend the day with you here at home doing absolutely nothing."
Alfie looks at me through the little bathroom mirror. "One day, maybe, love." He mumbles adjusting his hair. "Not today."
"Not today, uh?" I narrow my eyes staring at him. "Well, you're wrong. I'm coming with you." I leave him in the bathroom to look for something appropriate to wear.
I hear him groaning from my place in front of the mirror. "Right, love, you can forget about it." He looks at me with those eyes I'm used to love and adore, but not now. "It's dangerous."
I scoff at his words and look at him with my hands on the hips. "I married Alfie Solomons, right? There's nothing that could scare me or kill me if I have you next to me, right?"
I don't know if the words were really that convincing or if Alfie Solomons simply didn't want to argue in that moment, but the moment he sighed and shook his head I knew that it would have been an interesting day.
"Close the door, Alfie." I say standing behind him, Cyril next to me. "You know what happened the last time when-"
"Do I look like a fucking idiot, love?" He always has to reply. That's something Alfie does daily.
"I don't know, Alfie, do you?" I frown trying not to laugh, then I gently move his head towards me examining it. "Let me see that pretty face..."
"You're right, love, I'm an idiot." He takes my hand and begins walking towards the car. "I have to be a fucking idiot if I married a woman like you."
"Now, you were supposed to say you're an idiot because you love me." I smile shaking my head. "We'll work on it, Alfie!"
The thing about staying in a room with Alfie while he's working is that he acts like the gangster he is. No cuddles, no sweet words, no kisses. He always had to keep up the image people have of Alfie Solomons. A brute, a beast, the product of years full of hard work and illegal activities. Alfie Solomons doesn't want you to look at him and think that maybe he's human. And just going to the bakery with him was something to hide. Alfie Solomons doesn't want you to think he has a wife and a baby simply because that means he has a heart.
I tried to stay still while he did his job. No words, no kisses, no hugs. I know the rules and it's impossible to forget them. However, if there's a pregnant woman who's bored because her husband keeps ignoring her, the woman must break the rules. So I looked at him a few times trying to catch his attention; I walked in front of him five times in the little room; I talked to him about what Cyril did the day before - adding a lie or two to see if he was actually listening to me. But nothing. Alfie Solomons doesn't want to break the rules. That's probably when I fell asleep.
However, I felt something wasn't right. Alfie was too calm and Ollie was too nervous. In my mind something told me I was missing a thing or two. I was waking up, still with my eyes closed and comfortable on the couch in the room next to Alfie's, when I heard the sound of three pair of shoes walking inside Alfie's office. It didn't take me a lot to recognize the accent, the voices and the vocabulary. Thomas Shelby and his brothers were here and that explained a lot of things. Probably opening my eyes and catching the three of them looking at me and asking questions wasn't the best option, so I simply listened to their conversations.
"Arthur!" One of them - probably John Shelby - was in front of the open door, quietly observing me. "Have you seen the woman?"
Arthur didn't answer the question and John continued without even thinking about who he was talking about. "You don't see a pair of tits like these everyday, uh?"
"Maybe it's better if the two of you shut the fuck up." I recognized Thomas Shelby's voice. "If she's here there's a reason. You won't-"
I wanted to listen to the whole conversation. Tommy Shelby defending me was undeniably the best thing that could have happened this day. However, Alfie interrupted the conversation from his office. His voice boomed in the whole building and I felt safe.
Now, Tommy Shelby defending me was strange but the fact that I'm sitting on the couch looking at some letters and I hear his voice makes me think about something even stranger. He's the first to talk, simply standing in front of the door looking curiously at me.
"Your husband, Mrs. Solomons, is a real beast." His eyes never leaves me, staring directly at my soul.
"It may be so." I leave the letters next to me and stand tall. "But at least he knows not to judge a lady, right Mr. Shelby?"
I think I see the ghost of a smirk. "John Shelby." He looks at me while talking to his brother. "Apologize."
John Shelby doesn't want to apologise and would love to tell me to fuck off. I read it in the way he looks between me and his brother, slightly frowning. "But Tommy-"
"What did Alfie tell you, boy?" Tommy whispers the words but I can still hear them. Alfie knows. "Now, apologize."
The fact that John Shelby actually apologised makes me think about the power Tommy Shelby has on his two brothers. He could have said to kill themselves for Alfie's wife and they would have done it without even blinking. After John says the magical words, they leave and I have the terrible feeling Tommy Shelby will always remember about this meeting.
Alfie Solomons is finally ready to take me home. And I'm ready to go to sleep and never come back to the bakery again. The entire day tired me up, making me feel useless and bored.
"What, love?" He mumbles probably tired.
"What did you tell that boy?" I look at him searching for the words he actually told John Shelby. "Tell me the truth."
Alfie looks out of the car's window. He doesn't want to answer and I wouldn't even care, but if Tommy Shelby has to be respectful of me and mentioned Alfie then I needed to know.
"Sometimes, love, men are pigs." Alfie sighs and then continues. "While I respect Thomas Shelby, right, his fucking brothers are a different story. No Shelby - no fucking gypsy - disrespects my wife, the mother of my child and the only woman I care about! John Shelby, right, was ready to tell me to fuck off, but I looked at Tommy and told him to leave my woman alone or the Shelbys would have had one more problem and one less helper."
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A Daniel Ricciardo and Cyril Abiteboul fanfic because @cute-abiteboul inspired my by putting this idea in my head.
Mentions of swear words, slight NSFW and smut!
He groaned. What had he gotten himself into with those two idiots? Currently, he was watching Daniel reply with cow to beef in their challenge. Esteban was already pointing out how this could not count. Both of them started laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Esteban was giggling while Daniel was openly laughing his typical Daniel laugh.
Cyril couldn't help but smile. As much as he tried to deny it, he was also irresistible to the Aussies charm.
The Aussie that would be leaving them after this season to work with McLaren. Whenever he thought about that, he could feel his insides turning. Not only had they truly hoped on Daniel to build a future for them but they had also paid quiet a lot of money for that to happen. And the Aussie had just made all of their efforts in vain.
Though, he couldn't blame him. Their season was not going how they hoped it and the improvements they made were still not enough to be close to the top teams. And Daniel was a racer through and through who aimed to win. He always had, even when he was still at RedBull.
And he deserved it. As one of the greatest drivers he just wasn't able to have the luck other drivers had when they also found a team that was at their best.
As much as he had understood Daniel's decision and wasn't mad besides the big lose of money, whenever he was confronted with the man leaving something still made him feel weird.
Maybe he had just gotten used to the other man's shenanigans and ridiculous nature. He was brought out of his thoughts by a loud "done."
Both of his drivers made to get up and go to lunch, Esteban already leaving. Daniel meanwhile was staying back, looking like he was waiting for his team principle. Quickly Cyril hurried to follow him.
"You know, I am going to miss this."
He turned to the other man.
"What? Arguing with Esteban about beef?"
The bright laugh of the other made something in his insides turn.
"No, the atmosphere. Aurelie,  the interactions with all of the team."
"I am sure she would come with you to McLaren if you asked her."
"Can't I just take all of you guys? "
At the implication of also taking him, Cyrils heart made a stupid little jump.
"I am sure McLaren are going to welcome you with open arms. And they will probably be more fun than us anyway. "
"Oh yeah, the little kid will be a delight. But they just don't have some of the things that are here, you know?"
"I don't know what you mean."
And Cyril would never, since they had arrived at their table and topic was dropped as soon as Michael joined them.
"Well, looks like I am not going to get that tatoo right now. Still great work."
And with that, most of the debrief was dismissed.
He could hear the other team members chuckle, he even couldn't hide a smile himself at the thought of getting a tatoo because of a bit with Daniel Ricciardo.
When he turned around, Daniel was just about to leave with Micheal.
"Do you want to tell me what it would have been?
Daniel's eyes glinted and he turned to symbolize Michael to leave and that he would catch up to him.
The fellow Aussie just laughed and went away.
Daniel returned to him and suddenly he noticed how close his driver was. Not only that but they were alone and the door to the meeting room had been closed.
When had all of that happened?
Daniel's eyes were full of mischief which didn't promise anything good.
Hopefully it wasn't something totally ridiculous but with the other you never know.
"I could still get that podium, you know? The season's not done yet."
"That is true but don't you think you should prepare me? An old man like me might get a heart attack if it's something outlandish. "
Daniel's eyes glinted when he whispered directly into Cyrils ear "I don't think it's that outlandish. "
Cyril gulped. This was way too close for his comfort and something in the others voice implied nothing good.
"What is it than?"
"Shouldn't you wait for the podium to find out? Wouldn't want to spoil the fun."
"I don't mind fun being spoiled."
"Are you sure?"
Something at the question made him stop. This was weird, even on the Daniel Ricciardo scale.
But then again, it couldn't be too bad.
Grinning the Aussie now leaned down and whispered "I want to fuck my hot, charming former Australian driver. "
Cyril splutred. He felt his heart beat against his rib cage.
"You what?"
His voice was breaking.
"Oh come on Cyril. I wouldn't have had it publicly displayed. Just where I could see it."
While he said that, the Australian had a giant smirk on his face and somehow managed to pin Cyril against a table.
"Daniel, stop this mischief at once. That's too far, even for you."
"Is it though? I have eyes and I am not blind you know. Might even take you up on that offer after your not my boss anywhere. But then again, sex with my boss has always been a fantasy of mine."
Cyril could feel himself blushing really hard and it was not only because of the indignity of Daniel's words.
"I do not want to fuck you and as your boss, I am telling you to put a stop to this nonsense right now."
An almost predatory look crossed Daniel's face when one of his hands sneaked to the front of Cyrils chest and felt the other ones fast heart beat.
"Are you sure about that?"
See, if Cyril had been a boss of a top team and a reputation to uphold, he would have fled the situation and had a firm talk with Daniel afterwards as this was no appropriate behaviour for an employee.
But Cyril was just a man that was currently confronted by the person who made caused a lot of conflicting feelings for him. So, the rational part of his brain was turned of for a bit which was why he said "Daniel Ricciardo stop this or I will do something we will but regret later."
"Who says we will regret it?"
With the last bit of restraint gone, Cyril leaned slightly into the other's touch which was apparently enough for Daniel whose hands quickly travelled to his hips and pulled him flush against the other.
In an instant he could feel the other ones lips against his and felt a fire cursing through his body.
"Well, do you still need to get that tatoo for that?" He could feel the other one's laugh against his lips and even he couldn't hide his smile.
Yeah,he also was a victim of the Aussies charm but that wasn't so bad now, was it?
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 3
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 3 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 3/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - The ending of this has me all soft.]
Elise and the Doctor looked out the window.
“Oh my god,” Elise breathed, “It’s beautiful.”
“It is. It’s amazing,” the Doctor said, putting his hands on Elise’s shoulders.
“Where are we?” Cyril asked.
“Technically, we're not anywhere. We've flown into the Time Vortex. You've what you wanted. Those idiots down there can burn your old home and you'll be safe out here. But these people helped you, and they're in my protection. Now help them. How do we get home?”
The Queen placed her hand on Madge’s shoulder. “Think.”
“Sorry? What?”
“She must only think.” The Queen stepped back.
“Madge, did you hear that? You said it, but did you hear it?” the Doctor asked, kneeling in front of her, “You've got to think.” 
“Think what?”
“Think of home. Just picture it, feel it! You have to really feel it. Can you do that?” The Doctor ran back over to the window, “Your mind is controlling this vessel. You can fly us all back for Christmas.”
“My head is full of trees, Caretaker. Can't you fly us home?”
The Doctor knelt in front of her again. “I don't have a home to think of. And between you and me, I'm older than I look and I can't feel the way you do. Not anymore. And you really need to feel it, Madge. Everything about home that you miss until you can't bear it. Until you almost burst.”
“Till it hurts? Is that what you mean, Caretaker? Till it hurts?”
“Yes. Yes.”
Madge took a piece of paper out of her coat pocket. “Well then, home in time for Christmas!”
The dome swayed and shook as they flew through the vortex.
Elise smiled and laughed. “She drives like you!”
“Oi!” the Doctor snapped, making Elise laugh even more.
“What's happening? Where are we going?” Lily asked.
“Show them! Show them!” the Doctor said.
The window expanded so everyone could see the vortex corridor.
“Ha! The Time Vortex. Your mother is flying a forest through the Time Vortex. Be a little impressed. What are you going home for? What's pulling you there? Please, try. Please, think.”
There was an image of a man holding a baby. It morphed into the man in uniform waving goodbye.
“Reg!” Madge said.
“Daddy?” Cyril asked.
“My Reg!”
Flashes of memories appeared on the screen.
“That's it, focus on Reg. Be careful, but focus on him,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, I don't know.”
“How did you meet? You and Reg. Tell me how you met.”
“He followed me home. I worked in the dairy. He always used to follow me home.” The memory appeared on the screen.
“Look at Father. He looks so young,” Lily said.
“He said he'd keep on following me till I married him. Didn't like to make a scene.”
“Just stay focused. Think of home. This thing, it works psychically. It'll find a signal and lock on,” the Doctor told her.
A fighter jet appeared on the screen.
“No. No, please. Don't show me that. Please don't show me that!” Madge cried.
“Is that Daddy's plane?” Cyril asked.
“Please, I don't want to see that! Please!” Smoke poured from the jet as it went down.
“No, no, no, no, no, Madge. Don't break the signal now. We can't break it now. I'm sorry, Madge!” the Doctor said.
“Not the night he died. I don't want to see him die!”
“What do you mean, the night he died?” Lily asked.
“Oh please don't make me watch him die!”
“Mummy? Is Daddy dead? Mummy!” Cyril cried.
“Goodbye, my love. Goodbye!”
The dome landed roughly, throwing everyone to floor. Now that was familiar.
The Doctor stood up and rushed over to Elise to help her up. “Are you okay?” he asked.
Elise nodded. “Check on them,” she said, gesturing to the others.
The Doctor walked over to them, waving the smoke away. “Cyril, Lily, are you all right?”
“Yeah,” Lily said.
The Doctor soniced the wooden King and Queen.
“Are they dead?” Madge asked.
“No, they're just wood now. They've been emptied,” the Doctor told her, “The forest has gone from your head too, hasn't it?”
“But where is it now?”
“The life force of the whole forest has transmuted itself into a sub-etheric waveband of light, which can exist as a…”
Madge gave the Doctor a look.
“The souls of the trees are out among the stars, and they're shining, very happy. And you got them there. Well done, Madge.”
“And where are we?”
“Home! Christmas morning.” The Doctor jumped up and ran over to the window. “We've taken a bit of a short cut. Haven't you always wanted to do that?”
“Mother?” Lily asked.
“Oh, look at you. You've been so brave, you.” Madge started to walk forward to embrace her children, but they backed away from her. “Look, we're home again, see?”
“What did you mean, watch him die? Where's Father? Where is he? Where's Daddy?” Lily asked.
Madge unfolded the piece of paper in her hand.
“Why are you holding a telegram? Well, what does it say?”
“Please, just tell us,” Cyril begged.
“Tell us!” Lily yelled.
“I imagine you'd prefer to be alone,” the Doctor said, remembering how it felt to tell your child the hardest thing they’d ever hear.
“I don't believe anyone would prefer that. Stay close, Caretaker,” Madge said.
“We'll be right outside.” The Doctor placed a hand on Elise’s back and they left the dome.
“Dad?” Elise asked when they were outside.
“Yes Ellie?”
“Earlier…when they said I wasn’t ready…does that mean…?” Elise’s hand came up to rest on her stomach and the Doctor smiled.
He cradled the back of her head and kissed her forehead. “Yeah.”
Elise threw her arms around him as her eyes filled with tears.
After a moment, they turned around to see a fighter jet on the front lawn.
The Doctor ran back inside and came out with Madge and her children. They stared in disbelief.
“Madge Arwell, who flew a whole forest though the Time Vortex, plus one husband,” the Doctor told her, “He did it again, Madge. He followed you home. Look what you can do, Mother Christmas.”
“Madge, what am I doing here?” Reg asked.
“It's Christmas Day, my love!” Madge said, “Where else would you be?”
“Christmas Day? How?”
“We took a short cut.” The little family was reunited.
A tear slipped down Elise’s face.
The Doctor wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple. “Happy crying. Humany wumany.”
The Doctor and Elise stepped out of the TARDIS to find Madge in the attic.
“Of course. It's you, isn't it? My spaceman angel, with his head on backwards!”
The Doctor spun around in a circle. “How do I look the right way round?”
Elise hid a laugh behind her hand.
“So you came back.”
“Well, you were there for me when I had a bad day. Always like to return a favor. Got a bit glitchy in the middle there, but it sort of worked out in the end. Story of my life.”
“Story of our life, you mean,” Elise said, joining him at his side, “I never got to thank you for getting him home safely.”
“You’re welcome. And thank you,” Madge said, hugging them.
“Oh, you did it all yourself, Madge Arwell. But thanks for thanking us,” the Doctor told her.
“Now, the last time I saw you, I went back the next day, but the police box had gone.”
“Yeah. You want to see how it's done?” The Doctor started to walk back to the TARDIS, but Madge stopped him.
“No. I want you to stay for Christmas, please.”
“Ah, well, you see, things to do, people to see.”
“Of course. Yes. Family of your own.”
“Well, no, actually.”
“Oh. Yes, yes, you said no family. But there must be people who love you. Friends.”
Elise smiled softly. She missed Amy, Rory, and River. The only family she’d ever really known.
“No. Well, yes, but. It's a long story. But they all think I'm dead. Never mind. Anyway, watch my box do its thing. It's really cool. You'll love it.” The Doctor started to walk back to the TARDIS, but Madge stopped him again.
“No. No one should be alone at Christmas.”
“I'm fine. We’re fine. We don't mind. We’re really very good at being...”
“I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about your friends. You can't let them think that you're dead. Not at Christmas. And what about Elise? Surely your daughter would want to spend Christmas with her mother.”
“It's complicated. Very complicated. It's far too complicated to explain right now.”
“You must tell them. At once. Off you go.”
The Doctor playfully rolled his eyes and muttered, “Yes, Mum. I'll think about it.” He kissed her on the cheek and Elise hugged her again. “Now, eyes on the box,” the Doctor said.
Elise and the Doctor headed for the TARDIS.
“Oh, Caretaker? What if I require you again?” Madge asked.
“Make a wish.”
They went inside and took off.
The Doctor nervously knocked on the blue door in front of them.
“Argh! If that is more carol singers, I have a water pistol!” a familiar Scottish voice yelled, “You don't want to be all wet on a night like this.”
The door swung open and Amy stood there. Her mouth dropped open in shock.
“Not absolutely sure how long…” the Doctor said.
“Two years,” Amy told him. She squirted him a few times.
“Okay. Fair point.”
“So, you're not dead.”
“And a happy New Year!”
Amy leaned in close to him and said, “River told us.”
The Doctor scoffed. “Well, of course she did.”
“She's a good girl. Well? I'm not going to hug first.”
“Nor am I.”
“Oh, out of the way. I’ve done nothing wrong,” Elise said. She threw her arms around Amy.
Amy laughed. “I swear you get prettier by the day!”
Elise blushed as she pulled away.
The Doctor and Amy spent about a minute trying to ignore each other, before laughing and hugging.
“Mister Pond!” Amy called, “Guess who's coming for dinner?”
Rory entered the foyer. “Whoa! Not dead, then.”
“We've done that,” Amy told him.
“We're about to have Christmas dinner. Joining us?” Amy asked the Doctor.
“If it's no trouble.”
“There's a place set for you and Elise,” Rory said.
“But you didn't know we were coming. Why would you set us a place?”
“Oh, because we always do. It's Christmas, you moron!” Amy snapped. “Come on,” Rory told them.
Elise followed after Amy and Rory, leaving the Doctor outside.
“So, how old are you now?” Rory asked Elise.
Elise shrugged.
“210? I think. In human years you’d call that a teenager.”
“Oh dear.”
Elise rolled her eyes and playfully slapped Rory on the arm before hugging him. “I’ve missed you Uncle Rory.”
“We’ve missed you too, Elise.”
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
Give my love to a shooting star
Read on Ao3!
Word count: 1,936
Pairing: Prinxiety
Warnings: there are a couple of swear words at the beginning.
Summary: During a night of shooting stars that isn't actually the exact one, Roman convinces Virgil to sneak out in the middle of the night to wish upon a star.
A/N: I will give a cookie to the first one that notices the meme reference. Guess who forgot about watching shooting stars on a certain night and wrote this three years later? To be honest I'm not exactly proud of my writing style in this one? It could have been better I guess?? Well, it was literally almost four am when I finished this, so that's the most I could do. (also i have no idea if the night of shooting stars is a thing only in Italy but if it isn't let's pretend for this one time.) That being said I hope you enjoy and I'll leave you to these fluffy pining idiots!
❝ Let your colors burn and brightly burst
Into a million sparks that all disperse
And illuminate a world that'll try to bring you down
But not this time ❞
Virgil bolted awake to the noise of a loud thump he was sure he had heard and that didn't just come from his dream. Then again, his subconscious often found delight in messing with his perceiving.
He looked to his right, noticing an odd source of light from the corner of his eye, only to find it was simply his phone's screen that had lit up.
Had the power just gone out? Was that a thunder that woke him? There was no sign of raining outside, though. An earthquake then? Powerful enough to pull his charger's plug but not violent enough to make him aware of it.
Or maybe he was just too sleep drunk to think of plausible ideas.
He took the phone in his hands to check the time and, before he could even find the strength in his body to push a button, the screen lit up again.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he read the most recent messages that appeared on his lock screen.
Why the fuck was Roman texting him at four a.m. and how the hell did he know his name in fucking Cyrillic?
Virgil just scrolled through an entire list of variations of his name in different languages until he got to the bottom of the chat, a single plain line lying on his own text box.
Look out the window, Rapunzel.
After a deep sigh, a single “What?” escaped his mouth. He begrudgingly tore the sheets off of his legs and made his way towards the required location.
When he opened the windows to take a better look of the night outside, he thought he had been lucid dreaming, everything just felt too real and he could have definitely gone back to sleep.
But no, there he was. Roman. Standing in the middle of the front yard, fully dressed like he had to take a trip somewhere. Instead of being in bed, taking time for his beloved beauty sleep.
Smiling like the insane gorgeous bastard he was.
« I could literally sue you for trespassing. » Virgil whispered before Roman could say anything. « And I am really tempted right now. »
« How about, say, you come down here and you leave with me for a resplendent journey? » Roman parted his arms, showing him that trademark detestable smirk that never failed to give Virgil unwanted butterflies to fly around in his stomach. Who had even invited them?
« You've got to be kidding me. It's four a.m. »
« We don't need light where we're going. »
Virgil took a moment to consider. Yep, he was definitely lucid dreaming. Because that just now didn't make any sense.
« I expect you to be out in five, bring your hoodie since it might get cold. Just wear something comfy. »
As much as Virgil had wanted to ignore him and pass out on his bed again, he would have felt too bad to turn him down, so he complied (obviously taking more time than necessary) to the crazy dead of the night plan.
He didn't miss how Roman had beamed at his sight as he got out of the door and approached him and his car.
The ride only took a few minutes and a couple of “I can't believe you're actually making me do this” for them to arrive at their destination.
Even though all Virgil could see was a hill. More precisely, a hill in the middle of the absolute nothingness, where no other human being could be seen.
Roman pretended he didn't notice the puzzled expression on his face as he gently took his wrist and tugged him forward, silently leading the way up the hill.
« I feel like I'm in a teenage romance movie that was given one star by the majority of rating sites. »
« It's because you still haven't sensed the magic of the night. »
« Okay, hold on a sec. » Virgil held his hands up, causing his arm to slip away from Roman's grip.
They stopped, halfway through their climb.
« You've been acting weird all night and I'm too stupid to understand anything right now. There has to be a meaning behind this. »
Roman looked him in the eyes, barely able to recognize the color with only the moonbeam as a source of light. And sometimes that was all it took for Virgil to melt right on the spot.
« You seriously don't know? » despite them being the only ones around, his voice sounded so soft and quiet that Virgil wasn't even sure he had heard correctly.
Seeing that he wasn't going to answer anytime soon, Roman let out a small giggle. Not to scorn him, but mostly because he could understand how the situation might have looked ridiculous out of context.
Virgil didn't realize he was holding his breath when the other paced forward and deliberately took his hands. « Aw, come on Virge. » he started swinging their arms. « The 10th of August. The night of the shooting stars! »
« Uh … I'm pretty sure you just made that up. »
Roman dropped his hands and sighed, a playful smile on his lips. « It's an Italian thing, actually. They say if you look at the sky on the night of the 10th of August, you will see shooting stars! »
Seeing the excitement literally glowing in his eyes, Virgil almost felt bad for ruining the moment.
« Buddy, I hate to break it to you but … it's kind of already the 11th. » he made a face, as if he was bracing for impact while realization struck Roman. A myriad of emotions could be seen on his face, but the most imposing one was the one you felt when everything went downhill right after someone said "well, what could go worse?".
Before he started internally screaming, Virgil tried to restore the previous peaceful moment. « But, » he tentatively took a step forward. « we could ignore that and see if we're lucky, I guess. »
Roman beaming with pure joy was the best reward he could have gotten for saving the situation. « You're not mad I took you here in vain? »
« As I think I've already said three times, it's four a.m. » Virgil resumed his climbing, only to look back at his companion once he was some steps ahead. « We might as well make this count. »
Soon enough, he was reached by a satisfied Roman, stealing furtive glances at his side. And the moment he locked his arm with Virgil he totally did it for safety reasons. What if one of them tripped over and hurt himself? He had to be careful in advance. There was absolutely no other reason.
When heat rose to his cheeks, though, he remembered the balcony bit in which Juliet thanked the dark of the night so that Romeo wouldn't have been able to see her blush.
Not too long after, they made it to the apex of the hill: the lack of street lamps nearby and the cloudless night both contributed to making that the best spot to stargaze.
Roman sat on the grass already looking up at the stars, rapidly joined by Virgil, who shifted the hoodie in his hands.
In no time, both of them were lying down, their arms stretched behind their heads, elbows barely brushing.
« What if we fell asleep? »
« Then we're going to see the sunrise. »
« Don't tell me you set an alarm. »
« Maybe. »
Roman took his phone and earbuds out, holding one for Virgil, who inspected it unsure before accepting it.
He had no idea why he was so fixated on simply stargazing, looking for shooting stars that probably would never show up, but noticing how kind and soft Roman had gotten for the occasion made him feel like a kid discovering the world for the first time. It was an endearing sight and he was not going to ruin that anytime soon.
Virgil relaxed himself, he let one arm on top of his chest while the other one laid beside his head. His eyelids though, they felt heavy, and he was being lulled back to sleep by the calm melody playing in his right ear.
That was before he heard Roman's sudden gasp, before he pointed to the sky and called out his name.
« Virgil, look! »
He opened his eyes, to be met with the remaining of stardust fading away before he could find the shooting star.
Roman turned to the side for a moment and faced him. Virgil wasn't sure if the stardust had actually fallen on Roman and he was now glowing brighter than any constellation or if it was only his sleep deprivation pulling tricks on him.
Either way, he wanted to reach out and brush some off of his cheek.
« Oh my- another one! » this time, he couldn't contain his excitement and took Virgil's hand almost automatically, immediately lacing their fingers together. He brought their joined hands over his own heart, beating at the usual high speed of when adrenaline rushed over him.
Virgil stopped caring how many shooting stars he missed as long as he was going to have that sight for himself only.
There was a moment of silence as Roman stared at the spot where the second shooting star had fallen for them. He sat upright, his earbud falling at his side.
« I've been trying to do this for years. » he admitted, Virgil could hear the smile in his voice.
Roman turned to him. « For literal years I've been waiting for this little opportunity. » it was stupid of Virgil to hope that he actually meant something else. That he meant he had been wanting him for the same amount of time he did.
Virgil saw a third shooting star right behind Roman's head.
Their fingers were still intertwined.
Would it have been stupid of Virgil to make a wish, too?
Roman leaned down at a dangerous distance, placing his free hand beside Virgil's head.
« Did you see that? » his soft voice was replaced by a low whisper, as if he were more focused on the person in front of him rather than his own words.
Virgil fought the will to close the gap and, instead, raised his hand to brush off that stardust from his cheek that made him so stupidly pretty.
He couldn't find it in himself to admit he wasn't able to speak because every aspect of that moment made him breathtaking.
His hand lingered as he felt Roman lean in his touch.
When the leaning started to move down again, Virgil knew he was done for.
A shooting star could've been falling on their heads and he wouldn't have noticed. It wouldn't have fallen harder than they had been for each other.
He couldn't understand the lyrics in his ear anymore.
Roman brushed his lips, savoring the anticipation right before the bliss. Then he melted into it, with small, quick and uncertain pecks at first that grew into slow, soft reciprocated kisses.
As one broke apart, the other pulled him in again, they met halfway, untangled their hands and let them wander on their cheeks, backs, hair.
Both of them were sitting when they were catching their breaths, unable to stop smiling despite how much their faces could have hurt.
Roman gave a quick glance at the sky, before directing all of his attention again to the gorgeous and messy work of art in front of him.
« Did you make a wish? »
Virgil chuckled silently as he started to lean in again.
« I don't think I needed to. »
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tommyhardyx · 5 years
Mr Solomons - Part 7
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Pairing: Modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader Word Count: 2.9k Summary: Six months with Alfie and life couldn’t be better. Alfie goes on a trip and sees an old friend, you get to know Hannah a bit more. Warnings: swearing, drinking A/N: Finally finished this chapter, sorry it took a while! Big thanks to @acciostilinski for helping me finish once scene in particular and as always just being an all round great friend! Hope you enjoy, please leave a comment to let me know what you thought.
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Six months with Alfie and everything in your life feels calm, settled.
Your time is split between your own flat and Alfie’s, time spent with him equally exciting and comfortable as you find him slotting into your life perfectly. Everything feels brighter with Alfie around, someone to share the good and bad with. He makes you feel safe and brings a newfound sense of balance to your life.
Though with the amount of time you’ve spent with Alfie, integrating into his life and in with those who are close to him you make sure you still spend time at home with Nancy, careful not to begin to neglect her or your other friends now you’re in a relationship.
“Fucking Birmingham,” Alfie grumbles. “Why do I have to go to fucking Birmingham?” 
The two of you sit in a coffee shop near the distillery, two laptops squeezed onto the small table between you. You decided to work outside the office today, and Alfie was happy to meet you here to keep you company while you work on your latest article, being his own boss coming in handy as he sits with you for hours at a coffee shop instead of in his office.
“What is it?” 
Alfie turns his laptop to face you, the page open on an email invitation that you quickly scan the details of. An invitation to an event for the owners of a select group of alcohol distilleries in the country from the CEO of a bar chain based in Birmingham.
“Alfie! This is good! Why are you complaining?” 
“Because it’s in Birmingham, I hate Birmingham,” he mutters, turning the laptop back to him, as he rubs a hand through his beard.
“Please tell me you’re not going to turn it down because you hate Birmingham, are you?” 
“Nah, I’ve got a mate who was invited too. Haven’t seen him in a while so I’ll catch up with him while I’m there. Meeting’s in the late afternoon so I might as well stay the night,” he decides, though he looks even more disappointed by the idea of spending the night in a city he hates.
“What about Cyril? Who’ll look after him?” 
“Normally I’d ask Ollie or Hannah,” he says, a hopefully hint to his voice as he looks at you over his laptop.
“But I thought I’d ask you this time. You can spend the night at my place, I’ll get up early and drive back in the morning,” he suggests. 
You snort at the idea, biting your lip to hold back the laugh as Alfie frowns at you. 
“You get up early? I’d like to see that happen,” you tell him as Alfie puffs up to defend himself.
“I get up early all the time!”
“Maybe so but you don’t fucking shut up about it,” you point out, Alfie scowling at the insinuation.
You grin, reaching out to pinch his cheek and laughing when he playfully slaps your hand away.
“Aw it’s okay Alfie, you know I like my big grump,” you tease, earning a roll of his eyes.
He grumbles something under his breath as he lifts his coffee mug to his lips, his complaint cut off as he takes a sip, his free hand reaching out across the table to take a hold of your own.
“So, will you look after Cyril or not?” he asks.
“Of course I will, if it means I get to sleep in your bed without having to deal with you hogging the blankets then I’m in,” you say with a smug grin that makes him lean over and kiss you.
Alfie shakes his head, the faint fond smile on his lips telling you he’s as enamoured by your little quirks as you are by his.
Following the meeting, Alfie drove all the way to Birmingham for, Alfie makes his way into the pub Tommy had told him to meet him in spotting his old friend sitting at the bar already a drink in hand.
“Thomas,” Alfie says in greeting as he sinks into the stool next to Tommy, hand reaching out to shake the other man’s hand.
“Alfie, it’s been a while,” he says, sipping his whiskey. 
“Yeah well you don’t get to London as much these days,” Alfie says.
He catches the bartender's attention, a woman who eyes up Tommy when she comes over to take his order her eyes only leaving his friend to make Alfie’s drink.
“You could always come here,” Tommy suggests, causing Alfie to snort.
“Mate, the only reason I’m in this shit city is cause of that fucking meeting, couldn’t get me here any other way,” he comments, Tommy giving him a hint of a smile behind his glass.
Alfie’s phone buzzes and he glances quickly at the screen before clearing the notification, shoving the phone back in his pocket but not before Tommy gets a glance at the photo of Alfie and y/n on his lock screen. Tommy doesn’t say a word, his eyebrows going up as he holds back a smile. 
“So, how’s the family then?” Alfie asks.
“Arthur got married,” Tommy says, and Alfie smirks.
“And I wasn’t invited? What’s she like?”
“She’s good for Arthur,” is all Tommy says, the comments he could make about his brother’s new wife unsavoury at best.
It’s then that Alfie’s phone buzzes once again, and with a second glance at his lock screen Tommy can’t keep his comments to himself any longer.
“Who’s that then aye?” Tommy says, inclining his head towards Alfie’s phone. “Got yourself a girlfriend, have you?” 
“Yeah mate, I have. She’s fucking brilliant she is,” Alfie says, rolling his eyes at the smirk that crosses his friend’s lips. 
“You’re going soft Solomons.” 
“Fuck off,” Alfie says, but he can’t keep the grin off his face at the mere mention of y/n. “She wrote that piece on me for The City Scoop.”
“I wondered why that interview was so flattering, fucked your interviewer did you?”
“Took her out to dinner first mate,” he says with a grin, making Tommy shake his head. “I’m telling you, it’s fucking nice having someone around who wil-“
“Suck your cock?”
“She is good at that mate. Nah I’m telling you, it’s nice having a woman around to keep me company,” he says, and Tommy rolls his eyes.
“Fuck, you have gone soft,” Tommy mutters, shaking his head.
“Maybe so. It ain’t that bad though. Maybe it’s time you find yourself a girl, might be good for you.”
Tommy rolls his eyes, downing the rest of his drink to avoid replying which only causes Alfie’s grin to spread wider his face lighting up.  
“Or do you already have a girl Thomas?”
“I’ve been talking with a woman yes,” he offers, though doesn’t elaborate as he orders another drink.
“Talking aye? And where did you meet her?”
“Tinder,” Tommy mutters, fingers itching to reach into his pocket for a cigarette the no-smoking laws the only thing stopping him.
Alfie scoffs, shaking his head as he runs a hand through his beard while Tommy glares at him.
“Fucking tinder? Can’t meet a girl the old-fashioned way, aye?”
Tommy clenches his jaw at the insinuation, choosing not to rise to the comment as his hand reaches into his pocket, fingers brushing against his cigarette case.
“Like having a magazine send a journalist to your work? That old way you mean?” He runs the cigarette along his bottom lip and glares at the bartender who moves to tell him that he can’t smoke indoors, piercing eyes daring anyone to test him. 
Tommy’s phone lights up and he immediately turns it face down, “besides, easier innit? Haven’t got time to be spending on women in bars or journalists I need to write a good profile about me because I punched someone without thinking.” 
The smirk on Tommy's face tells Alfie that he’s joking, but the bearded man takes a sip of his beer without a hint of amusement washing over his features. 
“Never knew Tommy Shelby to be so desperate that he’d turn to fucking Tinder.“ Tommy scowls and takes a long drag on his cigarette
“And I never knew Alfie Solomons to be so soft that he’d have his girl as the fucking wallpaper on his phone.” 
Alfie shakes his head, finishing his drink before standing his hand resting on Tommy’s shoulder. 
“I’ll be off now then,” he says, before leaning in to speak directly in Tommy’s ear. “And by the way mate, I was thinking before I punched Sabini.” 
Patting Tommy’s shoulder, he makes his way out of the pub turning back to look at his friend. 
“Nice seeing you mate, give me a call next time you’re in London.” 
When a knock sounds on the front door, Cyril is the first to react, his loud bark making you jump as he jumps up off the couch to rush at the door.
“Oh, calm down, it’s no stranger,” you mutter as you close your laptop, getting up to follow the dog to the door.
Cyril jumps up when you open the door, tail wagging madly as Hannah comes into view, a bag of takeout in one hand and a grin on her face even when Cyril jumps up on her.
“Cyril! Hello buddy, did you miss me?” she asks, patting his head as she eases the large dog back to his feet. “Hey y/n!”
Hannah pulls you in for a hug the second she’s able to, her thin arms surprisingly strong as she holds you in against her, her warm hug reminding you of Alfie’s.
“Hey Hannah, thanks for coming,” you tell her as you pull away.
Over the past six months you’ve seen plenty of Hannah, dinners with her, Alfie and Ollie, times when Hannah has come over to, in her own words, annoy her brother,  and even a few times she has dropped by the distillery at the same time you happened to be there, but in all that time you never really found yourself alone with her very much. You’d wanted a chance to spend time with her without Alfie or Ollie around for quite a while, and so a night with Alfie’s place all to yourself seems like the perfect time for it.
“Any chance to come hang out with Cyril without Alfie being around to growl at me, I’ll take it,” she jokes, taking the food to the table and fishing out a treat she’d bought for Cyril. “But seriously, I’m glad you called, I wanted a chance to spend some time with you without Alf around.”
“Yeah me too, figured it would be a good chance while he’s in Birmingham,” you make your way into the kitchen. “Drink?”
“Surely, he’s got a bottle of his rum around here somewhere, I actually really like it, a fact he will never let me forget,” she says, joining you in the kitchen to look through his cupboards. “Did you tell him you were inviting me over?”
“It was sort of a spur of the moment idea, he said he might facetime me tonight, so he can find out you’re here then,” you say with a shrug.
As Hannah pulls out a bottle of Alfie’s rum and pours the both of you a drink you move the takeout to the coffee table, filling Cyril’s food bowl before you do so to avoid him trying to steal your food before sinking into the armchair, leaving the couch open for Hannah to sink into as she places the two drinks on the coffee table along with the food.
“So, you’re a journalist huh? You like your job?” she asks, pulling her legs underneath her as she digs into her food.
“I love it! I enjoy profile pieces the most, getting the chance to meet people I’d otherwise never meet and get to know them is fun and it led me to Alfie so that’s a bonus,” you explain, unable to help the smile that grows on your face at the mention of him.
Hannah smirks around her food, having seen the same goofy grin on her brother’s face at the mere mention of you. 
“I’ve never seen Alfie this happy with a girl before. Not that he dates all that much, he mostly keeps to himself, especially since his last girlfriend, but you make him happier than I’ve seen him in a long time.”
A warm feeling of satisfaction spreads through you at the other woman’s words, a wide smile spreading across your face though you can’t help the hint of curiosity at the mention of an ex-girlfriend.
“He’s still a fucking grump most of the time,” she adds, making you laugh. “But he’s definitely happier with you around.”
“Don’t have to tell me how grumpy he is, I’m the one who has to deal with him in the mornings,” you mutter with a roll of your eyes. “But he makes me happy, I’m really lucky to have found him.”
Spending time with Hannah is easy, her easygoing demeanour setting you at ease around her when you were sure you’d be nervous spending time alone with your boyfriend’s sister. 
The two of you have more in common than just Alfie, the conversation flowing through talk of your favourite shows, to the mutual friends you didn’t realise you had, and even to the goals the both of you have for the future before it turns back to the subject of the man whose flat you’re currently sitting in. 
“So now that I’ve got you alone I need to ask, do you have any good embarrassing photos of Alfie?” you ask, her face lighting up at the idea of it. “Or just cute childhood photos?” 
“I do! Our mum took photos of us all the time when we were growing up and I kept all her photo albums, you have to come over sometime soon and we can go through them! He was an adorable kid and his bar mitzvah photos are spectacular,” she says, the excitement at the prospect of showing you photos her brother would definitely be embarrassed about clear on her face.
“Oh my god I can’t wait to see!” you laugh, wishing you had asked her to bring some with her tonight.
Soon enough Hannah heads home, Cyril whining as she gets up to leave causing her to stay longer than she intended to appease the dog before leaving you alone together promising to show you those photos of Alfie sometime soon.
Once she’s gone you make your way into the bathroom, makeup coming off and brushing your teeth to prepare for bed, glad to be able to have Alfie’s bed all to yourself for the night. 
Settling into the bed, your phone vibrates against the wood of the bedside table the sound of it startling Cyril who had just made himself comfortable beside your legs, clearly telling you that your wish to have the bed to yourself will not be coming true anytime soon. 
Running a hand over the dog’s head to settle him, you reach for the phone unsurprised when you see it’s Alfie trying to Facetime. You snuggle into the pillows just as you hit answer, Alfie’s tired face filling up your screen.
“Hello love,” he says, the greeting that still makes your heart flutter, and forces a smile onto your face even in times you don’t feel like smiling.
“Hey Alf, how was the meeting?”
Cyril perks up at the sound of Alfie’s voice, lifting and tilting his head as he watches you curiously trying to work out where his dad’s voice is coming from.
“It was alright. How’s my boy doing?” he asks, his face lighting up at the sight of Cyril moving into frame, his large head moving to cover half of yours as he leans in and barks at the sight of Alfie. “Hello mate! How’re you doing?”
You grin, readjusting your position to allow for the huge dog trying to look at your phone with you.
“He’s good, I asked Hannah to come over for a bit tonight, so he’s had plenty of attention,” you tell him, grinning as Cyril licks your cheek.
“Hannah came over aye?”
“Yeah, I wanted a chance to talk to her alone for a while now and tonight seemed like a good chance for it,” you admit, suddenly feeling the need to defend your choice though when Alfie smiles you relax a little. 
“That’s good love, I’m glad you two get along so well. Just don’t fucking believe everything she says about me yeah? I’m not as bad as she makes me out to be,” he grumbles.
You smile at the frown on his face, wishing you could reach out and take his face between your hands, feel his beard beneath your fingers the distance between you making you miss him more than you expected to.
A yawn forces its way out your mouth, your eyes becoming heavy as Alfie chats about his day. Cyril settles in against your side, his snoring picking up soon enough and you struggle to keep your eyes open any longer.
“Get some sleep love, I’ll see ya tomorrow,” he says.
“Night Alf, I love you,” you mumble, not entirely aware of what you’re saying in your sleepy state.
Alfie’s eyebrows go up, the shock on his face at your declaration unnoticed by you as he bids you goodnight once again and hangs up as your eyes drift shut. 
Tags: @eap1935 / @coolmaybelateruniverse / @sandyddt / @inkeducatednnerdy / @ravendor28 / @thisisjeany / @overitall2018 / @outofbluecomesgreen / @mollybegger-blog / @bilesxbilinskixlahey / @elemeph / @pointlessblogger99 / @marvelfangirl-x / @madbrilliant84 / @lotusbreathe 
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