#and hellsing has a catboy in it
Something I'm glad has died down is people in vampire fandoms (Hellsing, Vampire Chronicles, etc) make fun of Twilight, as if we have a leg to stand on. Like I'm not going to sit here and say that Twilight is without issue (it is comprised largely of issue) but I also don't think Stephanie Meyer has described one of her characters pissing for two whole, entire and utterly godforsaken pages. Can we not all be cringe together?
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The Wallachian Rose| Alucard x Female Reader| THE END
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“Love is fire that burns without being seen;
It is a wound that hurts and is not felt;
It is discontented contentment;
It is pain that goes wild without hurting.
It is a not wanting more than well wanting;
It's lonely walking among people;
It is never to be content to be content;
It is caring that you win by losing;
It is wanting to be imprisoned by will;
It is serving who wins, the winner;
It's having someone who kills us with happiness.
More, how can your favor cause friendship in human hearts, if so contrary to it, is love?
Louis of Cameos
And after sighing bitterly, you closed the poetry book. You were depressed, bitter... like when you were separated from Alucard three hundred and twenty-three years ago. Currently your mind was filled with many “whys”?
Why didn't you intervene more?
Why didn't you fight?
Why didn't you go with him?
Why didn't you kill that catboy when you had the chance?
Why did Alucard leave... just... so easily after 323 years?
The mourning you felt was shared and understood by Seras Victoria who now had Captain Pip's soul inside her, with a will of her own.
you found it very cute
You taught him how to regenerate his arm, he was still years away from mastering the various abilities of a true vampire.
"The fact that you lost your arm before becoming a true vampire has nothing to do with the fact that you can't regenerate it now, if that were the case, Alucard would have had no head..." you explained bitterly to your new appendage while trying to regenerate his arm for the ninth time.
Vlad... Alucard... every time you remembered those names a huge and unbearable pain invaded your chest. As if they were tearing your heart sinew by sinew over and over again.
The worst thing is that you were a total masochist, since you were still in the Hellsing mansion... and the logic was that you were in France, but you decided not to run away anymore and face the miserable and eternal life that touched you... without Alucard.
Thirty... thirty years have passed and Integra had already aged, she felt somewhat guilty, and she tried to reward you but you told her that she couldn't do anything about it anymore. You really didn't blame anyone, but if you accepted the small personal room that I ordered to decorate for you, it was a small room with a long piece of furniture, a table where you put all the books you were going to read for the day, and of course, your personal blood supply next to your coffin.
Sometimes on the loneliest nights, when Seras Victoria's company no longer satisfied you. You went down to the basement where Alucard's coffin was, and you caressed the sealed lid, you detailed the phrase carved in Romanian, and shed a few tears.
And to think that it was the only thing you had of him.
One night, specifically when it officially turned 30 years old. You decided that you would return to France the following evening.
And at that precise moment, the unimaginable happened, several shots were heard in Integra's room. You ignored the fact, Seras would take care of it.
How did you not feel her presence and smell her?
Alucard had returned, he had been shot on the floor of Integra's room.
"They're still just as noisy," the vampire says amused, dripping with blood.
"You took a long time, Alucard... a long time" she said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"My apologies"
"Where were you?"
“I was killing all the souls inside me, one by one, until there was only one left. Now I'm here and nowhere at the same time, that's why I came back” he answered without further ado, and after a silence he said “My queen?…” he asked Integra directly who after smiling answered.
“She stayed with us” explains Integra
"Oh really?" answered this.
"That's right, she has replaced you wonderfully... although, she's about to leave for France, you should stop being dramatic and go for her, it's an order" Integra says with a huge smile, taking a cigar from her nightstand.
As you looked at how the warm colors of dawn peeked over the mountains announcing the sunrise, you were almost ready to go, you just needed to pack a good dozen books for your trip.
Until you heard a voice, a recognizable voice, causing your skin to crawl, time to stop and your legs to shake.
"Are you going somewhere?" asked a male baritone voice. You turned slowly "I'm offended by the fact that you haven't noticed my presence" he continued speaking as he slowly approached you "because I felt every caress you gave in my coffin, and I felt every tear, and I heard every word" he expresses smiling, not even hell burned as much as the look he had on you, he was already close to you, stuck to you, he took you firmly by the waist. You still had your mouth open in astonishment "Shut your mouth, or a fly will get into you" and then I kiss you, being a king of passionate kisses.
I devour your mouth with enthusiasm.
You responded gladly.
But you were upset, you wanted to hit him, tear him to pieces, burn him, and after he regenerated, do it again.
But you had missed him so much.
Alucard purred, you were damn excited.
"What beautiful thoughts, I have such a sweet and loving wife" he had read all your thoughts.
You don't want to talk, but I didn't want to bother you either, not now.
After several kisses you decided to talk.
"Where were you fucking bastard?" Asked.
"Killing the souls inside me, there were more than three thousand, I was not going to finish in one day" he answered in his defense.
Does that mean not as "invincible" as before?"
"And now I'm here but not at the same time" I conclude caressing your face.
"That means... Are you like an illusion?... Are you not truly with me?" you questioned while melancholy returned to your eyes.
"You hear my voice" he whispers in your ear "You feel my skin" I run your hands over his face "you can taste my kisses and feel my body" and grope your waist "I am as real as the love I feel for you"
“This is unfading Alucard, it really doesn't matter what the fuck of beings we are. What we feel does not wither with anything, I love you" you recite caressing her chest
“Me plus My Lifeless Queen” and they inevitably made love for the thirty years they were apart.
Integra's last orders were that you and Alucard have a honeymoon outside the Hellsing facility and that we take care of his heir (but this is another story). Little by little Hellsing became a historical legacy that, like everything else, would be lost in the history of the world.
And in the distant future it would be seen as a myth.
With the advent of modernity, you and Alucard adopted a somewhat homely lifestyle with Seras Victoria. And they were part of the myths, it was fun to hang around the streets and hear people talk about vampires with three among them. Without expecting it, you had your long-awaited eternal honeymoon.
Count Vlad and La Rosa de Valaquia were already myths and legends.
Alucard the vampire hunter and Roses are part of the past.
Now they were just two avoidant beings who love each other.
And this story will not have the word "END" because as long as you and Alucard continue together and love each other, it will never have it.
This story shows how capricious and mysterious destiny is.
That love is not exclusive to humans or pure of heart.
And that monsters can love.
Always yours, always hers.
This Eviterna story has been consummate.
While in another different world.
A new love story between two young vampires is just beginning.
Coming soon: Hellsing and Castlevania crossover, don't miss it
With all your love, care and devotion: A Writer of Darkness
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Okay so the text of Hellsing makes it pretty clear that Alucard's wanton disrespect of Seras and his refusal to call her by her name was 100% because after becoming a vampire, she didn't drink anyone's blood; when she actually did so, he immediately triumphantly announced her name.
So here's my headcanon for a quarter-century-old manga: part of Alucard's attitude towards Seras is because she's basically a freeloader. In Hellsing, when a vampire kills someone by drinking their blood, they also basically consume the victim's soul and life force in the process, and the number of souls a vampire contains determines how powerful they are. Alucard is That Powerful because he has so many people's souls inside of him on account of being Straight-Up Actual Dracula. Seras Victoria, by contrast, is a failwoman even by regular vampire standards because she has zero people's souls inside her. She was only "alive" because she was mooching off her bloodsugar-daddy's life force.
Thus, it's a good thing she ate the merc-dude well before Alucard got dinged by Schro, because if she hadn't done so, he probably would've had to kill her soul in addition to all the others in the process of escaping from Schrodinger's Catboy's Paradoxical Hell-Dimension. So, uh, she kinda dodged a bullet there, too.
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jonmyblaze · 2 years
fanfic idea
Hellsing Castlevania.
baby alucard is awaken, by Millennium. Wants to kill Daddy alucard AKA Dracula
evil Catboy has a crush on him, baby alucard (Adrian) declines because one he's a child.
Adrian leaves millennium, Because they're evil Natzis
cat boys still has a crush,
baby alucard joins Daddy alucard, ,(enemy of My enemy is my friend) with stepmom Integra and new stepsister Sares.
Adrian convinces catboy to not kill himself, thus dooming the vampire N*zis plans of destroying Dracula himself.
Oh and some bastard crowned himself Pope, try to usurp the old Pope and starter crusade against Dracula,
All of the plans fail because of a young cat boy Had a big gay crush on effeminate man, and the man merely thinks he's an adorable kid That shouldn't waste his life.
I call it, schoolboy crushes can destroy fascist vampires, evil Catholic crusaders.
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nuclearforest · 2 years
For Claire and Briar ;)
blood: what would your OC would sacrifice everything for? what does “everything” entail—their life, or something else? how far would they go? fake: has your OC ever been lied to? what was the lie? how has it affected them?
idol: has your OC been in a position where a lot of people were looking down on (or up to) them? how do they handle the pressure of fame? of criticism?
Howdy Athena!!! Ty for the ask--I'm sitting here sincerely debating how or if I could ever draw Claire and/or Briar, but know that I want to. Also know that I want to do like. Full timelines and character bios for each and this just reinforces it lol.
Claire is a tough nut to crack here. Above all else she's come to value preservation of the human condition as a thing of beauty and inspiration; but she's also hella possessive over adopted son Schrodinger and mate Hans. So either thing she could readily burn herself out for, although there's yet to really be a threat significant enough to humanity to warrant pushing herself beyond her limits and finding out if there really is a way for that inner wildfire to burn itself to nothing. [Although her little completely non-canon power trip story results in the complete derailment of the Major's London plot when she outright murders everybody in Mill, if that event had gone down there would've been another competitor flying in after settling what happened in the states. Think "crashing the first jet she found that could make it to London into the Major's zeppelin with a cup of Starbucks" kind of deal.]
Briar, on the other hand is easy. She has nowhere near as much (literal) firepower as Claire but, similarly, would happily give herself up for mate Barrett (thanks, @rotten-hearts-sharp-teeth!) or the family she'd inevitably go on to make with him. Valued as a food and vitality source, she'd even offer herself up as a fae "pet" if that's what it took to keep him safe--which is pretty much the epitome fae nightmare of endless servitude and bloodletting. [Would Barrett let that happen? Never. But it's sweet that his little bunny is out there getting protective of him.]
Claire has been lied to plenty. As a young girl suddenly coming into immense strength with about nobody looking out for her in an age where she wasn't really given any credibility (even after she grows up), she's taken a lot of shit from the men that used to run the early anti-supernatural programs in the colonial states. Even, at times, the pre-Alucard Hellsings in British colonies responding to threats. But it hasn't been anything big, usually, because she's got a hell of a nose for bullshit.
The biggest overall lie is what drives her plot to go down to Brazil on a little sabbatical, merk all of Mill, and kidnap her mate: (at least in my verse) the CIA was getting involved with the Major and ended up trading weapons and intel for the catboy recipe. Needless to say Claire prevented another catboy situation early on, but had to find out a lot of things and bully a lot of people to get the information she needed to learn about the deal, especially given that nothing was on paper. In the end, she makes that trip for Murder in the late 80s and early 90s and gets a mate out of it. Not too bad a deal TBH.
Briar, on the other hand, hasn't really been lied to. She's sheltered. Grew up in a large fae family with 10 siblings (two older brothers only) and four parents. She still had to parent her younger siblings a lot (her brothers weren't expected to) but there wasn't really a lot they could get away with. She's too sweet to lie to and doesn't really dole out punishments. And outside the home, Briar has a very good lie detector coming from a fae background. So there's been nothing earth shattering, but part of her appeal is in how soft and squishy she is.
As the supernatural acting leader (and yes, there are human ones over her head for bureaucratic / organizational reason) of the US supernatural institution (I have not yet conceived of a name; probably Department of Something to match the trend that already exists), Claire is idol to a lot of folks. Even moreso because she has strong mentor vibes and can (and will) adopt anybody she comes across. TO that end she has quite a few understudies that are significantly less fleshed out as OCs. Overall, their relationships are positive and Claire is a good, if not mildly violent, influence.
That said, the pressure of operating in her position is no issue, even if she wished she got some of the lighter field missions, too, and didn't sit doing paperwork, reading reports, and sitting in meetings on most days. At least the supernatural research is entertaining? Anyway, the criticism side of things doesn't bug her and she's pretty impervious to most insults. Some is even considered good feedback so she can adjust herself. Generally speaking, her only sore point is related to her selection of Hans as a mate, which she usually shuts down before she gets pissed (because for as many complaints as there are about his origins... she also kidnapped him. And hosted him without setting him free for a long time until he outright settled with her anyway. So that is pretty damn sus).
Lastly, Briar was looked up to by her siblings. And it seemed normal at the time for her to carve away parts of her life to live for them (and she naturally falls into a very similar role at first with Barrett). So the pressure of mock parenthood and later literal parenthood feels natural, but any criticism on her handling of things or on her choices isn't usually well met. She'll get surprisingly upset being told she's wrong, or being yelled at and told the teen angst "I hate you!" or other stereotypical phrase. It's unfortunately easy to make her cry, and anybody who does had better hope that her lucky werewolf isn't around.
There's a bit more than this (see the looked down on, instead of being looked up to) but I'm not about to spoil shit on that end lol.
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I don't think anything in the past few months has given me more of an instant dopamine rush than watching Hellsing Ultimate Abridged and seeing Integra just fucking cap that goddamn Nazi catboy cunt
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sireluv · 3 years
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ALUCARD isn’t a fan of this, and will always want to be big spoon whether you like it or not. Considers it as giving him a hug and just not letting go. Isn’t certain if he likes it or not. You cuddle him in his chair. Just another weird human custom. He eventually warms up to it, because he’s a “hopeless romantic” and whatever makes you happy - he has to try at least once.
ALEXANDER doesn’t mind this. It’s so cute when you snuggle into him. Even calling him your “father” when you do it. Alexander has attempted to do this too and even thought about being the little spoon once. It does happen, and he’s so happy when it finally is his turn.
SCHRÖDINGER is the first one in the relationship to try this. Mostly the little spoon and this catboy always finds a way to nuzzle into your chest. Only wants to be the big spoon if he’s comforting you. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you.
WALTER isn’t new to this. You cant say if he’s had lovers in the past or not, but he certainly welcomed this with open arms. You two normally cuddle in the bed. He’s always the big spoon. He wants you to feel protected.
LUKE is an “elegant” cuddler. Literally, his cuddling is so soft. He’s normally very busy, so most of your cuddles will be on his couch or his lounging chair where he reads most of his books. Prefers to be the big spoon but from time to time will indeed be the little spoon.
JAN loves cuddling. It 9/10 turns into something more if Jan can’t keep his hands to himself. Prefers to be the big spoon but doesn’t mind being the little spoon. Does a lot of sweet talking while cuddling, specifically thing he wouldn’t say around Luke or anyone else.
PIP is in between. Sometimes he hates it because of how he gets but also loves it because he’s super close to you. Always the big spoon because of your smaller frame. Likes head scratches during cuddling or small kisses. If he falls asleep, there’s no escape when cuddling him.
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authorityissues · 3 years
I hope this isn’t too specific. Do you have any manga recommendations that are sexy, bloody, and or gory?
boy do i ever! this is kind of just my general running horror/eroguro/bloody shonen and seinen masterlist. some of them are “sexy”,a lot arent lol.
 id HIGHLY recommend getting a list of trigger warnings from me before jumping into any of these if you have any sensitivities. and if you do jump in blind like,please dont come into my inbox mad at me because an 80s horror manga has themes of sexual assault lmao. ANYWAYS...
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- yami no hou e (beautiful one shot)
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- anything by suehiro maruo
- chainsaw man
- dorohedoro
- devilman (tumblr user waaty did an awesome masterlist if you dont know where to start) ... i personally think watching devilman crybaby before reading the original manga will irreparably damage your perception on the series because they made some straight up bad narrative choices
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- kami no kodomo (brother and sister team...this manga is nuts and the art style is insssane!!!)
- innocent 
- litchi hikari club
- franken fran
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- anything by shintaro kago
- akira
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- parasyte (and its follow up anthology neo parasyte)
- hellsing (im rereading this now to see how poorly the uhhh.... nazi catboy holds up.... -__-;)
- helter skelter (psychological but too good not to include)
- cat eyed boy
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- golden kamuy (it doesnt quite fit w the rest of this list but it is VERY sexy and certainly violent)
UMMMM that’s all i got off the top of my head right now. i might add more later if they come to me. i tried to include links for stuff that hasnt been published in english! 
ive also been playing a lot of horror video games the past year (mostly old rpgmakers) if anyone’s interested some of my faves so far have been your turn to die (free AND you can play on your browser or download), angels of death, raging loop, corpse party, yuppie psycho, mad father, the zero escape series and tokimekiwaku’s liar liar games 
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bjornolf-bjarki · 2 years
I do think the hellsing fanbase is friendly including the ones who are fans of millenium and do not justify their actions. At least the characters including millenium from that world are not used for gacha doujin soft games since author himself is careful not to put them in lighter and softer games that downplay their moral reprehensible actions they have done in canon. He is lucky he isn't working for like say Konami who disrespected pyramid head's creator putting his character in crossovers.
This is a fair point. I think they're all wacky and zany characters that just do some really fucked up shit. It's the whiplash of seeing an adorable catboy in a Hitler youth get up or a cute marksman lady with a musket that has a swastika necklace and acts all kawaii. That's just mental to me and Hellsing as a piece of media is like a fun roller coaster ride of action and a bouncy plot that goes everywhere and anywhere. In other words, why must this be so complicated? Khouta Hirano himself literally just made this up for fun while also being a little serious. Plus I'm glad most of the visible Millennium character accounts denounce the ideology and say that the characters they rp as or whatever are evil villains.
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chaos-storm · 6 years
As a former Hellsing fan, I just want to say that the story is pretty conveluted and in all honestly not that good.
I've just been reflecting on how the author is a bit too interrested in WWII (concidering he has several works featuring the subject) and the fact that he did, in fact, (among many other questionable thing) make a sexy n*zi catboy that I know people are kinning, kinking and rp'ing as to this day
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nuclearforest · 2 years
tell me about your oc, any oc
I swear to you I did not forget about this and had a wedding in the family this weekend, so my reply was delayed. Ty for the ask! I will now proceed to infodump everything you would need to know and more about Claire, my precious little power fantasy baby. This whole OC talk is surprisingly fun for somebody still getting used to it.
-Born early 1700s in early colonial America to owners of an apple orchard
-Everybody there (except for Claire, who is about 8 at this time) proceeds to die a violent death in a wildfire that consumes the orchard. Magical in nature with an indeterminate source but ultimately (as the lady herself describes it) "settled in Claire's bones"
-My current HC is that the type of curse that turns you into a werewolf (or werewolf adjacent creature, as Claire calls herself because of specific distinctions between the more comment European and Quebecois breeds) varies based on the curse that does it. Most European cases like Hans (born early-mid 1800s in my verse) are cursed in a way that has the moon and/or wind drives their level of power. Claire, on the other hand, is a significantly rarer breed of werewolf common to areas with wildfires and curses, mostly the US and Australia. Their power isn't connected to any celestial bodies or other physical phenomena; instead being centered around their emotions and willingness to self destruct. So it tends to focus on using the negative as fuel for power. (Also, her breed doesn't tend to smell like a werewolf unless they've recently shifted, and even then, it's much more burnt wood than wolf.)
-Claire is fun in that sense, because she's extremely violent from a young age. Mellows out around age 100 and starts to carve herself a political niche as a yet undefeated monster hunter. So she's got the running theory that people tend to be violent their first hundred years of life (in her views, Hans fits that bill-- if not marking him a late bloomer!)
-Her current position (and just about any interesting story that follows her) would be centered around her rise as the US premier monster expert. She's stuck in a mostly bureaucratic job, but does get to hunt when something is deemed far too dangerous for a regular set of agents. Current approach is to keep the peace in the valley because in her experience, disruptions of the natural supernatural predatory ecosystem leaves gaps for new, more awful creatures to come crawling up. So a few losses here and there alongside some unexplained events keep things interesting. There is a somewhat tense relationship with allies, most of whom had their own approaches to the same issue.
-Claire was, at a time, allied with Arthur Hellsing! He was in charge of Britain's branch, and they were cordial, but when he died contact was lost and blocked by Walter, funny enough. But to Claire, the line went radio silent.
-In her verse she meets Hans just a few years before the events of Hellsing Ultimate. She had finally gotten wind of some shady dealings as early as the 60s when another branch of government traded weapons and intel to Millennium for everybody's favorite catboy recipe and some knowledge on vampiric soldiers. Montana agreed to it for the resources they couldn't get across the ocean AND because he wanted to see if the US would use it against the USSR. They didn't, but Mill got all the supplies they needed to stockpile a ton of shit and claim power in the spheres of every other awful Nazi that fled to South America following the close of WWII.
-When the events of the Dawn were going down, Claire had been dispatched to the Pacific front. Since the Hellsings had Alucard, the Atlantic was considered to be covered from the US POV.
-Anyway IMO the more interesting parts of her life come before Hans because that's all political intrigue. But I suck at writing that so instead her appearance fic is when she, again, caught wind of those shady dealings and infiltrates Mill. After a very flimsy excuse to keep her around, she warms up to Hans, goes on a rampage when he's gone, and pretty much forcibly relocates him home. Definitely leaning heavily on the power fantasy right there.
-Claire is also much more possessive of Hans than he is of her. He also tends to look at her through rose colored lenses because he doesn't often get exposed to the violent acts she's capable of committing. If he does witness it, it's only mildly unsettling at worst because she's a type of critter he isn't used to.
-But in the end they're a well rounded balance, both with sins of the past that they have to live with. They also immediately settle into an old, comfortable romance. No rush to do anything and all the time in the world for the other.
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