#i especially dont get the anne rice thing because anne rice vampires are like?
Something I'm glad has died down is people in vampire fandoms (Hellsing, Vampire Chronicles, etc) make fun of Twilight, as if we have a leg to stand on. Like I'm not going to sit here and say that Twilight is without issue (it is comprised largely of issue) but I also don't think Stephanie Meyer has described one of her characters pissing for two whole, entire and utterly godforsaken pages. Can we not all be cringe together?
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ca-suffit · 2 months
There's a new interview in which the interviewer asks both Sam Reid and Assad Zaman to describe their characters relationship to Louis. And is so funny to watch how they talk about them side by side.
Because, Sam Reid was like: "You know when you are a vampire there's a loneliness and a real fear people will leave you and Lestat thinks Louis can support being his companion in his inmortal life, and loves his strength and that's what they are soulmates."
Wherareas Assad Zaman is more like "Armand is very selfish in his love for Louis and that's the tragedy of their romance."
[This is paraphrased]
Which neither of them are completely wrong. But it is interesting to note how Sam Reid is more lenient, for the lack of a better word, with his interpretation of Lestat (I think his as selfish a bastard as Armand), and Assad Zaman is less generous with Armand.
I dont know if this is some great insight, but I do find it interesting how the fandom (and some interviewers) also treats their characters in a similar way. Like people are rightly calling Armand on his bullshit and giving him the hate he deserves for directing Claudia's linching, meanwhile forgetting Lestat stared in it.
Also, personally I found Assad Zaman's response to be more unique to Armand, I don't know, something about Sam Reid's made me think he was talking about all/any vampires not just Lestat. And it makes me wonder, if Assad Zaman is able to look at Armand through a more "objective" (still subjective ofcourse but less rose-colored) lense because his character is not being pushed as the favorite (not to say people don't love it) while in the other hand Lestat is said to be the protagonist of next season, so he needs to be seen in a more likeable light, and that is why Sam Reid is more kind to it.
Plus Louis & Lesstat being teased to reunite, meanwhile Louis & Armand finishing this season with the fastest divorce ever.
(PS. Using their full names because I feel weird about using just their first names)
I rly like all the ways ur looking at this and thinking about it. I wish ppl like u could be doing these interviews tbh.
reading this, I was also trying to remember if I knew assad's history with any knowledge of the VC stories beforehand. we all know sam read them as a teenager and all that, but idk about assad. that could also account for their different perspectives.
I do think that lestat and louis getting back together *is* a driving force of a lot of ppl (from cast to fans) softening lestat's actions. although I also wonder why they feel the need to do that tbh (I generally know *why* I'm just saying....it's literally not required tho).
I think there's two ways u could tell this story. most likely, given what they've said, they're leaning towards keeping it romantic and learning from past mistakes. but u could also tell the story of cycles of abuse and being unable to escape them. I think ppl not giving room for others to explore that second option, even if it's unlikely that's gonna be reality, is just shit tbh. let ppl explore things in fiction ffs. especially as a lot of these darker theories are coming from fans of color who are also usually queer and/or trans and don't have many outlets for exploring interracial abuse like this plot has given. shouting down all those experiences to say "well it's not what they're doing so stop talking about it" is fucked up. isn't that what fandom is for?? exploring why things are meaningful to u, using it as a tool to express urself in diff ways and connect with others over it too?? fuck anne rice forever for creating this selfish breed of rotten fans who can't let anyone else exist outside their own warped interpretations and hcs.
I'm kind of getting off topic lol but anyway. lots to think about.
4:05 at the interview here btw
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dann-art · 1 month
Hi! I find your post about Anne Rice's inconsistencies regarding Armand's heritage / background incredibly interesting, and this makes me want to ask, if you had the ability to rewrite aspects of it, what are some things you would change the most or have ideas on on how to improve on it?
Well, it's a very hard question. Especially for me. You see I read TVC like I read fanfiction. I don't have literally any expectations. I actually don't mind incontinences or mistakes. I come there for vampire romance, and that's all I care about.
From very basic level I would simply change like absolutely obvious mistakes, like geography, it's not that hard to look at the map after all.
But the point is, it need complete rewriting to make it correct in any aspect.
TVC is not the type of books I usually read, perhaps the interview but later parts? Man I read things like that only on ao3. And I really like it, it gives me a lot of joy, I'm very invested in it, but this books are just bad. The writing is bad, descriptions sometimes lazy. I'm sorry but this is not really quality writing. And that's fine, it's good entertainment.
But If I could rewrite it. I would love to do something I need sooo bad, and this is Vampire story, which is very connected to history, with careful reaserch, and where time and place really shows in charactera actions, thoughts and things he does. Because this books are written like It really doesnt matter if Louis was Turner during French Revolution, or liké hundread years later. You dont get period spirit anyway.
I would love to embrace what Is already there, but Just make It matter. Louis Is a plantator and slave owner, okay, fine, good, but make this affect his actions, thé way he thinks etc.
Lestat Is french? Well okay, actually he's good French représentation (jk)
I'm not a historian i dont knows much, Just what's i learn in school and some more on my few hyperobsessions so i can't say anything very specific rights away, but yeah. Give me something what plays with historical and cultural aspects and does It well. (Plus If the writing style would improve because Lestat i love you being a Mary Sue but how am i supposed to take this seriously)
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
i cant believe you had me thinking dream of lestat was real
Alright so I'm gonna go a bit more in depth about it here because the Dream of Lestat is something that really is interesting to consider within the scope of not only Anne Rice as an author but how we talk about spanning bodies of work in general, especially ones that weren't started in an internet age with pieces being more easily archived this is gonna get a bit long.
As is the case with many genre defining authors there is an insistence that critiques people raise these days were things that people just didn't care about back when the books were first being published... you already know where I'm going with this. I've been very open about how much I hate the sympathizing angle for White Lewis as a plantation(s) owner and especially a lot of the comments he specifically makes about black people in the book and while luckily I haven't gotten too much flack for that there are a number of older book fans who get mad when you bring that up as a negative. And bring up the idea of this sort of critique comes from a place of immaturity or is something "new" that people didn't really care about back in the day. The idea that no one back in the late 70s would have qualms with the way book Louis talks about those he's enslaved is not only bullshit on a basic level but laughable when you consider Anne Rice actually took those critiques to heart.
I think that playboy short story with armand has been making the cycles around lately but what people DONT know is that a bit after the release of the first movie (Interview with the Vampire 1994) conversations about White Lewis having slaves started popping back up again. And I'm totally blanking on the name of the journal but like some black lit journal I wanna say was like part of a college? Actually reached out to Anne Rice talking about some of that and not only did she respond she went ahead and shared a rough chapter for an unpublished short story that would have been The Dream of Lestat, which I wanna say? Is maybe the only part of the series with Lestat openly lusting after a real life figure..... Martin Luther King Jr. Just on like a base premise you can already see her ass didn't learn anything from whatever convo she had with the journal like I guess on one hand I wanna say that she did try????? And there is something that can be said about Lestat being this being of impossibility trying to do the impossible as well as merging in those ideas of personal redemption. This is like.... 1994 1995? And Body Theif was 1992 so we know she was already working with themes of Lestat struggling with immortality and his own concept of humanity and more importantly guilt and redemption. And said redemption in Dream of Lestat would be a bit more removed, a sort of attempt of mass redemption via one civil rights leader lmao???
I mean anyway like I said whatever bit got published in the lit journal was very partial and we're never gonna get the full. But going by the way Lestat talked about MLK in such like grandiose terms and with the knowledge he would DEFINITELY have some attempt at saving MLK's life-- most likely through damning him to immortality-- we can assume there would be some level of sensuality going on.... People got real mad when the show was announced that Louis would be black but listen man LISTEN Lestat has always been a chocolate chaser
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nopepsiisnotokay · 7 years
1-30 please :)
oh boy, okay
1.if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? 
they’d read the vampire chronicles by anne rice, watch the adams family movies, and listen to any of my spotify playlists
2.have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
not that i know of no
3.list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
okie, supernatural, i identify with dean. brooklyn 99, i identify with Rosa and Jake?? im a big fan of interview with the vampire, i identify with louis
4.do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
i really like my name, except when there is another person with the same name. fuck them.
5.do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
this is an odd question? cause like, i make art so i identify as an artist??? idk next question
6.are you religious/spiritual?
not even a little
7.do you care about your ethnicity?
i guess so?
8.what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
this is a real emo answer, but mcr and beartooth tbh, i dont know if its just because they have a lot of emotions or what but it gets to me
9.are you an artist?
yuppers, im a visual artist
10.do you have a creed?
i dont know what this specifically means so ???????
11.describe your ideal day.
waking up at like 9-10 am, having a coffee, either watching youtube or listening to music while painting for like hours on end until i remember that eating is a thing i need to do to not die, having a nap, eating some pasta for dinner and then staying up stupid late bc art
12.dog person or cat person?
this is a dumb question. both
13.inside or outdoors?
depends on what im doing? and if i have sunscreen
14.are you a musician?
heck nope
15.five most influential books over your lifetime.
all i read is horror??? so um, comes the blind furry john saul (it’s what got me into reading again) interview with the vampire bc fuck i love that book… thats all i got idk
16.if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
i dont think so, ive been told i was “bubble wrapped” as a child so who knows
17.would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
its a fair representation of one side of me, and my horror blog is a fair representation of another side of me
18.what’s your patronus?
19.which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
20.would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
middle earth
21.do you love easily?
not necessarily, i think i care easy, but it takes a bit for me to love someone
22.list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
1) sleeping 2) watching youtube 3) making art 4) watching netflix 5) drinking coffee
23.how often would you want to see your family every year?
at least a few times a month
24.have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
my old bestfriend tbh, i miss her v v much
25.could you live as a hermit?
if i could have cats or goats probably
26.how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
hella female, 80% straight
27.do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
definitely, especially my clothing, bc my personality can differ a little from day to day
28.on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
29.three songs that you connect with right now.
1)cigarette day dreams by cage the elephant 2)pillowtalk by zayn 3)white noise by pvris
30.pick one of your favourite quotes.
anything is a UFO if you’re bad enough at identifying things ( some person on tumblr said this i think)
so sorry for the hella long post but thanks for the ask!
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