#and her names Siobhan and she’s awesome
julesmallow · 2 years
do u by any chance watch kelsey impichicce? shes awesome!!
i watched her last year!!
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18catsreading · 7 months
Buddy: I heard that these high school parties in Solace were wild, but whew, this is really wild!
Fabian: it's a new year and it's a new era.
Buddy: so your father got this house from theft.
Fabian: mm, well ...
Adaine: he was a privateer.
Fabian: no, no we don't say that anymore. We had a big fight.
Adaine: oh
Fabian: he was a pivate. He killed and murdered lots of people. Um. But I guess this ship was his.
Buddy: well, I know in my heart that in his final moments, he must have repented and gone--
Fabian: no. No. He's in hell now
Buddy: no!
Fabian: fighting the Devil himself.
Buddy: no don't say that about your --
Fabian: no, I've visited him.
Adaine: oh he's so happy there. He would not like it in Heaven.
Fabian: yes, he actually really likes it there. he got a third arm.
Adaine: his boat is made of a dragon. It's rad.
Fabian: you should go to hell sometime. I mean, I know you don't want to, but it's fun.
Buddy: so, I'm gonna give this milk back.
Fabian: are you sure?
Buddy: yea
Fabian: well, if you choose to be a bad baby--
Adaine: I'll take it
Fabian: yes
Siobhan: I'm double fisting bad baby milk
Fabian: we got a whole year for you to decide you wanna be a bad baby
Buddy: no, if I was gonna be a baby, I would want to be a baby that walks in the light of the corn God.
Fabian: oh that's so -- you know, our friend Kristen was a big cornhead when we met. I mean I guess that's rude to say. Was a big follower of Helio when we first met her.
Buddy: she was the chosen one
Fabian: yea
Adaine: sure
Buddy: she was chosen by Helio.
Adaine: who's the chosen one now? You're the chosen one?
Fabian: are you the chosen one?
Adaine: Are you the chosen one now? [Still double fisting milk and vodka]
Brennan: here, you see he gets kinda somber and he always [as Buddy]: well that's not really how it works. When Kristen left the church we lost our chosen one.
Adaine: oh
Fabian: mm
Buddy: how's things working out with her new God, though?
Adaine: oh my God, her new God is, like, rad
Fabian: so sick
Adaine: so sick, so many people love her
Fabian: yea, I follow--
Adaine: and they get on really well
Fabian: yea they have awesome -- there's this guy that they hang out with named Craig.
Adaine: oh that guy rules
Fabian: Craig is a firecracker
Adaine: and okay, like Helio chose her, but she chose Cassandra. And like, that's--
Fabian: yes
Adaine: -- important
Ally: I'm crying
Fabian: so you know, it's awesome. It's awesome.
Adaine: yea
Buddy: well, that's lovely. Is Kristen around somewhere? I mean, other than right here? Hi, Kristen. [Gestures to Fig, who is disguised as Kristen]
Emily: oh! I forgot I was here. [As Fig pretending to be Kristen]: uh, I'm glad you said all of those true things about me.
Fabian: of course
Fig/"Kristen": I'm gonna go do another shrimp jump.
Fabian: yes, hold it down!
Ally: another shrimp jump?!
Buddy: you're gonna do another shrimp jump? It can't possibly be as good as the first.
Fabian: oh, you'll see about that
Adaine: oh we'll see about that
Buddy: it can't possibly be as good as the first!
Riz: you're right it can't possibly be as good as the first, that's true
Buddy: okay
Riz: maybe just --
Buddy: okay! Hey everybody, we're about to see another shrimp jump! Here we go!
Fabian: rack em up! Rack em up! Rack em up!
Fig: hangman, I need you to move that fiery tartar sauce to light the ramp on fire so we can't do this, okay?
Hangman: you need me to burn the ramp so that it is unusable?
Fig: yea
Hangman: very well
Brennan: you see that the hangman says "ah, I'm going to put my shrimp costume back on" and then goes around a hedge and emerges in hell hound form. And you see that Buddy goes [as Buddy]: oh my God! A servant of the devil! [As Brennan]: And you see that he says [as the Hangman]: go fuck yourself! [As Brennan]: and then rushed off and breathes fire all over the ramp and sets fire to it
*whole group exclaims dramatically* oh shit!
Gorgug: smells good
Brennan: yea all that butter
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thetotomoo · 2 months
who are some of your favorite mc’s and why? 👀
Hello! 💛 Thank you for the ask
To preface, there are a number of MCs that I love learning about. Some I need to catch up on reading for, some that are more prominent because it’s what I’m reading currently, and some that are more “reader insert” with no particular name.
🌷🌷🌷 anyways:
Lucien Albrecht by @argentdeer is the sweetest! Ravenclaw. There’s innocence and charm wrapped in one and his budding relationship with Amit is so beautiful.
Siobhan Sloane by @sloanesallow has been a joy to read in numerous universes. Hufflepuff. It’s amazing to see all facets of her personality in different universes. Loved reading and still love reading her budding romances with Sebastian and Ominis in separate universes.
Tessa Wilkes by DeadEyeDoodles on Wattpad and AO3 “Heir of Sallow” and “Becoming a Sallow”. Love her! The Ravenclaw wit, cleverness, and eagerness to learn is just ugh! Also Tessa is super sweet. (And notable mention to Doodles’ Andrew Larson and other OCs). ❤️ Tessa is a Seb girlie.
Cassandra Montague by @cesqdarque who has amazing edits of her by the way! Slytherin. And being honored with some of her history by her creator, she is badass.
Elizabeth Smith by Harrow_7 on AO3 and WP. Ravenclaw. Muggle born. Absolutely amazing to read her journey. Clever, amazing duelist— and she fuels me to switch ships every chapter.
Elizabeth Wilson by Regenesis354 on AO3 and WP. Ravenclaw. Poppy girlie! 💛💙 Lizzy has had a hard life but she is sweet, loyal… her freaking family is awesome.
Maggie Darling by @toonedupfiction Slytherin. COMPLETE BADASS. She’s thrilling, not afraid of the darkest parts of the world, and she can match wit for wit!
Cassius by LittleLurker on AO3— I love him. Seriously. And his dynamic with Ominis and Seb? Chaotically amazing. His sweet self and good intentions have made me laugh on numerous occasions. Poor Anne has her hands full with this one.
Lila and Adanna by @cuffmeinblack . Lila and Richard’s story? Kept me on the edge of my seat. Loyal and self assured. And Adanna’s story with Garreth? 🫠 the pining!!!!! Brave and sweet!
Adelaide by LadySansas on AO3 from “A Tale of Two Adelaides”— her MC Adelaide is mysterious and I’m curious to find out more about her story. This is a series I will re-read over and over despite being a WIP.
Gibby by @galaxiasgreen Gibby’s dynamic with Ominis always puts a smile on my face. She’s very sweet!
Current MCs I’m falling in love with (and still have yet to catch up on my reading for a good number):
Damien by theladyofshalott1989 AO3 and WP
Aurelie by @morelikeravenbore AO3 and WP
Cassiopeia Black by booksnsallow WP
Notable OCs (because I do love seeing them in stories):
Astrid Cresswell by AurorSrag
Leyda Aldana by @azrielya
MCs in the following fics that have no name essentially reader insert but I’ve found have a wonderful character development and their own personalities:
“A Matter of Public Record” by @callmehopeless
“Timeless Shadows” by ChorlyMorly on AO3. I just want this MC to have a happy ending 😭❤️
“In A World of Boys, He’s a Gentleman” by wordswe_neversaid on AO3.
Sorry that was long!!! ❤️🤣 Thank you again for the ask!!! I do love getting to know more about people’s MCs and OCs. Especially more about their stories! I’ve quite a backlog and I still look for more!
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verosvault · 7 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:01:22
Video Length: 2min. & 12sec.
The recap with the shrimp jump! 😂
Ally doing the iconic hand-wave, the iconic glad-handing move and the iconic point and laugh! 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "It's always happy hour when you're at Applebee's." 😂
They met turncoats! 😂
Murph: "We did meet some turncoats." 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "Now, when you say turncoats, against whom? Like, what cause are they betraying?"
Ally: "Just like her" 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "Remember the mirror that Fabian was in love with at the beginning of the season?"
Ally: "She was a turncoat!"
Lou: "Ecaf!"
Emily: "She died."
Lou: "She's dead."
Brennan: "She died."
Lou: "We should have a funeral."
The awesome caption team: (overlapping dialogue)
Lou: "Oh, she betrayed us, yes."
Brennan: "There's so many lies Fig is living right now.
1. Gorgug defeated the Night Yorb.
2. Kristen jumped the ramp.
and 3. Ecaf died." 😭✋
Siobhan: "No, she didn't die, she ran away 'cause she's a freakin' turncoat, and we saw her running away into the distance. She's definitely not living a full life inside my jacket."
Brennan: "Exactly."
Ally: "I would say, like, we thought these new people were on our side, so they did technically turn their coat on us."
Emily: "Wait, which new people are you talking about?"
Murph: "The people at the party- that were trying to get us- to do drugs"
Ally: "All the hotties." 😭✋
Siobhan: "The hotties."
Lou: "All these absolute hotties."
Brennan: "We met two hotties. We met Oisin."
Ally: "We met many hotties." 😭💀
Brennan: "We met many hotties." 😭✋
Siobhan: "There were so many hotties." 😭✋
Brennan: "Max Durden? Yeah, I guess Max Durden-" 😭✋ (Max Durden is HOT, Brennan! What do you mean you guess! 😭✋)
Emily to Ally: "You just like the last name Durden."
Ally: "Like, that's a hot last name, sorry. Scumbag mole behavior." 😭✋
Siobhan: "Yeah."
Emily: "That's good."
Siobhan: "He had real line cook energy."
Brennan: "We met Oisin and Ivy, as well as Buddy Dawn, the last three members of the Rat Grinders who were present at the party."
Ally: "Honestly, also hot."
Siobhan & Brennan: "Buddy?"
Brennan: "Buddy Dawn?"
Siobhan: "Get it together."
Emily: "Seriously, do you need a cold shower?" 😭✋
Siobhan: "You're too horny."
Ally: *laughs* "no, no, no. I just mean you introduced us to all these kinda A-Lister, the ones in the nice, new black jerseys that are like, well-funded and have a German coach." 😭✋
Brennan: "I will say-"
Ally: "You know what I mean?"
Brennan: "I will say-"
Zac & Murph in unison: 'The Mighty Ducks 2 Reference.'"
Lou: "Yes."
Ally: "Name a hotter movie. I'll wait..." 😭✋
Siobhan: "I instantly was like, are you talking about 'Pitch Perfect 2'?"
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jq37 · 6 months
On the one hand, the Kids used up a lot of higher level spell slots and resources in this one, so skipping a boss battle was a very good thing. On the other hand, Final Form Baron looked pretty rad. Could've been fun. And I wish we could've gotten a better look at the mini for the Gilear-That-Never-Was. Anyway, great episder. I love these more elaborate Encounter episodes, where it's not just an arena, but also a dungeon or there's alternate win conditions other than kill everyone.
No recap this week because I was out of town (not that much happened plot-wise so I'll roll it into the recap for next episode) but I thought this episode was awesome! One of my favorite episodes of D20 and probably my fave battle episode ever. Like you said, it's great when a battle ep is more than just a slug fest. This had exploration and hidden roles and a fetch quest element. So fun! And everyone had such great moments! Since I'm not doing a full recap for this ep, I'll drop some highlights here:
-GORGUG!!!!! Or really, Zac with an assist from Emily. I had to replay his womping of Brennan like four more times before I continued the episode. What a legend. I totally forgot he had that ability so I was just as caught off guard as Brennan.
-Lou, king of commitment to the bit morphing into Baron to a horrified Adaine and outraged Siobhan was another easy episode highlight. I love Adaine insisting that she's SO nice to Riz and her, "What are you TALKING about????" It was such a fun moment and a great way to change the stakes and keep everyone on guard.
-Adaine was so cool this episode! Sure she got possessed (also very fun) but Kristen came in clutch yanking her out of it and then she immediately used a super sick spell (which according to the AP, she took specifically to get Kipperlilly, lol) and merced Baron before he could touch Riz (she *IS* so nice to Riz). Then, she one-shot fake-Zayn! Battle Wizard! Battle Wizard! Absolutely love that for her.
-This arena was totally made for Riz. It's so great when you're absolutely in your element and your build gets rewarded. This is the first time I've even considered playing a rogue. They're SO GOOD at high levels.
-Poor Fig but, "I would like to roll...a new character" was such a funny line. Also, girl why are you eating the cursed cottage cheese (or whatever it is)? You were JUST told not to do that and Adaine JUST broke the curse on you!!!
-There is something disturbingly endearing about Kalina snapping her own neck rather than attack the party--similar to how it's endearing that Cass tried her best to make a save haven for the group even though she was being corrupted and it came out wrong. Wrt Kalina only being able to say Ragh's name, there are some loose ends from Sophomore Year in the back of my mind that I haven't been able to check on because I've been AFK for the past few days but I wouldn't be surprised if they're related somehow.
-I also wish they'd showed us the thriving Gilear mini in the AP at least.
Anyway! Very fun episode and the Bad Kids have all this useful infernal energy to play with now. Stoked to see what they do with it!
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ghostlyhcurs · 4 months
NAME: Hillary | Hills (It doesn't matter to me!)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Direct message. I find it a lot easier compared to using Discord. No, I don't use Discord anymore.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: This is one is going to make me sounds terrible, but I will not write with anyone that uses * these * or use the format of: Kelly: Yes, that will be cool. Just no. I don't care if you're the nicest person in the world - I will not write with you if I see you using any forms of those two formats. It drives me nuts. It reminds me of my earlier days of role playing, and I cringe when I see role players doing it.
MUSE PREFERENCE: I really like canon and oc who fall under the supernatural / paranormal category. I've always had a soft spot for characters that are some form of monster or mythical creature. But I am always down for a human muse - they're awesome, too. to be honest, I'm not picky. I will write with pretty much any type of muse, even if they have a different background than my muses.
PLOTS OR MEMES: So, I suck at plotting. Always have. I prefer memes or unprompted asks, but I'm fine with plotting if my rp partner prefers that.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: It varies for me. One moment it would the morning - then it will change to the evening. It really depends on if I'm in the mood to write.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: I would say in some ways I am like Siobhan - now that I really think of it, her and I have some of the same personality traits. But I do think Siobhan is more bolder / outgoing than me.
TAGGED BY: @danielinhell Thank you so much!
TAGGING: @oddlies @stolsas @cheekypriest @bcrntalive and anyone else that wants to try this!
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panlight · 2 years
(I think I will just be asking for each coven shown in BD now.)
Same as before with the Amazons, but now what do you think about the Irish coven, their narrative role, how they were portrayed, their separate backstories? And do you think Siobahn has a gift, why or why not?
I think Siobhan is awesome, although the gendered violence she suffered was unnecessary. I think her friendship with Carlisle is delightful and is pretty much the only one of his friends that actually feels like a friend in a SHOW way because they do kind of have a teasing back-and-forth that does feel like 'old friends.' They have an inside joke about whether she has a gift or not that Bella and the other witnesses don't totally understand. It's like, GASP, a relationship outside the Bellaverse! That is SHOWN (at least a little) rather than told? Amazing!
Liam preferring to eat English soldiers and his mate being best friends with an English-American is also hilarious. Although Carlisle was never a soldier so I guess there's that, and Siobhan's 'will things to go her way' gift/not-gift might . . . encourage. . . Liam to play nice anyhow. They're also one of the few vampire couples with a "physical age" gap. I mean Bella is angsting about this idea and Edward points out there's 3 years between 23-year-old Carlisle and 26-year-old Esme like it . . . matters? I think Siobhan is like 20 physically and Liam is 36. But she had also been "20" for nearly 150 years when she met actually-still-36 newborn Liam so I'm not sure how the Immortality Math works out.
Maggie is interesting, too, but I don't feel like she was developed particularly well; she feels like she was mostly designed JUST so she could call Aro a LIAR!!!! in a super dramatic fashion. It's probably a good thing that she's a nomad because she would not be able to function in human society with her ability. There are so many little lies that get people through the day, from just polite lies like " that new haircut looks great!" to fibbing to your boss why you were late, to the lies inherent in advertising and politics, to big lies like, oh, vampire secrecy. Even if she could learn not to call out the lies, she'd probably be miserable surrounded by them.
I like to think Siobhan DOES have a gift, and honestly if SM had leaned into that more, the ending of BD would have bothered me less. I mean it's still annoying that they gather and train and plan for this big battle and nothing happens, and then all credit is given to Bella's shield. But there ARE mentions of Siobhan seeming to try and influence things, and she jokes about it after the fact, so maybe if someone was like "WHAT are the odds that Bella would figure out how to expand her shield JUST when she needed to and Alice would show up with a hybrid JUST when we needed her to?" and Carlisle kind of looks at Siobhan and mouths "did you do that?" who then sort of winks that . . . could have been a fun moment and at least been an in-universe explanation for the deus ex machina of it all even if it still was very deus ex machina.
Fascinated by the idea that Siobhan's gift is less power than it could be because she doesn't believe in it. It seems post-BD she might, and just imagine the feedback loop of willing your gift to shape reality to become stronger. She might be the most powerful being in the world.
Also I like that their names are totally 'normal' Irish names. She didn't go out of her way to find unusual ones. 'Siobhan' might trip up people not familiar with Irish names, but it's basically "Joan" so nothing unusual.
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thetomarrylibrary · 3 years
Lost & Not Found (18)
‘‘ Oneshot on AO3. During Harry’s battle with Tom in his fourth year, Harry casts a spell that makes them married. Tom orders him to keep it a secret, but of course Harry confides in Ron and Hermione. At one point, Tom gets a normal face again, and Harry wonders why he changed his appearance. Tom answers ‘because you didn’t like it.’  They argue about Bellatrix at some point during the story. ‘‘ [ FOUND That Which is Thine by RedHorse ]
‘‘ Tom Riddle meets and befriends young Harry. Harry has a pet snake and when Vernon finds out, he almost kills it by slamming a window down on it, and then beats Harry. Riddle, Lucius, and Snape arrive and rescue Harry. ‘‘  [ FOUND Chimera by shadowscribe ]
‘‘ Harry is a butterfly Animagus with wings like his eyes. He visits Voldemort, who tries to kill the butterfly, but it doesn't work. The butterfly reminds him of Harry. Voldemort becomes endeared with the butterfly and misses him when away. At the end, Harry lets himself get hit by a curse to protect Voldemort and turns back. Voldemort thinks Harry is just a spy for the order, but they get together. ‘’
‘‘ Harry has a past life where he and Tom were together. Tom is slowly going insane because of the horcruxes he has made, and after getting Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s cup from Hepzibah, he meets Slughorn. Slughorn lets it slip that Harry is actually pregnant, but Tom thinks Harry cheated. When they are alone, he kills the baby and makes it into a horcrux. Then he tries to get Harry to make a horcrux, but they are alone, so Harry dies and is the second horcrux. ‘‘ [ FOUND New Divide by Aisling-Siobhan ]
‘‘ Female Harry realises when she's young that, to be successful, she needs to be a "bad girl". She uses the alias Moriarty and does illegal stuff once she reached Hogwarts - basically becomes the leader of the underground. In second year she doesn't destroy the diary, and Tom Riddle follows her around like a ghost. ‘’ [ FOUND Moratorium by Darkpetal16 ]
‘‘ Tom and Harry were friends from childhood. I think Harry had issues with controlling his power, so when they were kids, Tom used some dark magic bug. ‘‘ [ FOUND Field Theory by machiavelli ]
‘‘ Harry marries Voldemort ( possibly to stop the war). He’’s an omega and Tom is an alpha. The story is short, around four parts. Tom gets kidnapped, he also sleeps with Draco (also an omega). Hermione is the one to tip Harry off on where Tom is kidnapped and brought to. ‘‘ [ FOUND World Burn by temptresslove ]
‘‘ No Magic AU. It’s just Harry and his friends in the beginning, and Harry was dared to go to the forest, where he meets monster!Tom. Harry heals Tom’s leg. Harry then goes to a party and gets drunk. He feels Tom grind on him, but doesn’t know it’s him, and moans for Cedric. Then he goes outside and finds Cedric dead .‘‘ [ FOUND I Will Possess Your Heart by LeontinanBowie ]
‘‘ Harry goes back in time and adopts Tom from the orphanage and also befriends a squib named Alex, who makes Tom get really possessive over Harry as a kid. ‘‘ [ FOUND Not Strong Enough by Sayon_170 ]
‘‘ Tomarry one-shot, which is set in a zombie apocalypse AU. Harry is with Ron and Ginny, and they find Hermione and Luna, who want to head to the WHO center at the centre of the zombie-filled city to find a cure. Harry calls Tom, who's in charge of a group of people. I'm pretty sure Barty and Rodolphus are also there in the end. ‘‘ [ FOUND One Way to Make Up by teecup_angel ]
‘‘ Harry was captured by death eaters and Voldemort erases his memory, then deages him and sends him back in time. It is later revealed that they get married and Tom is wicked possessive. The ones that are back in time get messages from their older counterparts, and one contains the recommendation that Tom allows harry around girls, and that the black women are especially awesome. ‘‘
‘‘ Harry is in Tom’s time. Harry uses Grindelwald’s war as an alibi for his background. They go to Hogwards and afterwards they travel with the Death Eathers to fight a war against Grindelwald’s forces. They tame dragons and I remember that Harry and Tom created Horcruxes (Harry regretted it, so it didn’t work). Harry was attacked and another time kinapped. Long story, with developed side-characters.‘’ [ FOUND Their Verdict of Vagaries by Angstier ]
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whatwouldvalerydo · 3 years
Carnage Circus 🔥
Part 2/? - The director
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Akira Crane belongs to the amazing @cursebreakerfarrier
Characters mentioned here belong to the awesome bunch that is @kc-and-co @lifeofkaze @the-al-chemist @that-scouse-wizard
The show happening before the audience was bright and captivating, each movement designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. It felt as if sequences at a fast pace developed right before your very eyes, a mix of hazy and blurred lights dancing before one’s vision.
Akira Crane opened the show, appearing in the middle of the stage in a puff of smoke, loud drums sounding from all around the tent. His voice roared above the crowd, his head lifting to take in everyone, face painted to look like a skull that appeared to still move even when he paused between sentences. His eyes always danced across the countless faces before him, dark jewels gazing into everyone’s soul, fingers twirling the cane with precise movements.
Men and women dressed in sinister clown costumes bound to give children nightmares for years to come invaded the scene, large distorted smiles plastered on their faces as they juggled and danced, Akira retreating during the entire commotion. In the middle they set a box, its lid popping open, the Marionette slowly crawling out of it, her movements inhumane as she adjusted all her fingers and joints in a macabre dance. If she were not moving, she would appear lifeless, yet even when she did, those strings that the staff were pulling on did make it as if it were a real life doll. But the person behind the act was as real as they got, and she was named Leila Hellebore.
A crack of a whip dispersed everyone, as a mighty roar drew the screams of certain children and parents alike from the audience, Siobhan Llwelyn running to the scene, from above circles set ablaze lowering. In unison a panther and a lion joined her, one to her left and one to her right, their eyes locking, the woman fearlessly ordering them, the animals obeying as if they were under her trance. She only had to turn her eyes to the circle she wished for them to jump through and they would execute, her not intimidated as they bore sharp fangs right near her face.
War drums sounded once more, a low murmur sounding over the speakers as the strongman entered the arena, a wolf’s mane covering half his face, making him appear feral. As the lion roared once more sensing his presence, Reuben Willows let out a cry, as if inviting the beast to battle. The crowd gasped as it lunged itself at him, the man effortlessly picking him up, lifting the animal above his head. As the animals took their leave, several men barely carried an odd contraption, multiple people from the audience being placed in the left and right cages. Silence followed as he placed his hands on the handle, slowly lifting a total of ten adult people under the applause of everyone.
Lights flickered after his act, the tent drowning in silence as the attention of everyone was cast to the ceiling, Selene Fraser leaping in the air, hands catching hold of the large metallic ring she used for her balancing act, quickly bringing her knees close to her chest, holding her breath as she managed to switch positions hanging upside down, blowing a kiss to the crowd below her. Lights came alive from her ring, the rest diming out as she spun with such force, for a few moments giving the impression she was one with the sphere of light. Her flexibility and grace guaranteed no one could take their eyes off her as the circle lowered closer to the crowd, mesmerising eyes capturing the hearts of many. Snapping her fingers, the lights died down once more.
From the ceiling a single light source revealed a set of ribbons coming undone all the way to the floor, a woman at the very top letting go. Several people gasped, others got up from their seats, Ethel Hexley tanging herself in the material before hitting the ground, the crowd exploding in cheers as she climbed back up, act being performed as if witnessing water running across the smooth surface of fine polished rocks. Her moves were fluid with each transition, a dance high up top, enchanting the people who witnessed her moves.
As she finished with a perfect split, being held only by the ribbons, fire burned bright on the stage, the focus shifting again as the last act started, Talia Crane as if emerging from the flames. Wielding two staffs, both lit at each end, she danced far too close to the burning embers. She payed no mind to the crowd, eyes cast somewhere in the distance as she danced, not fluid but wild as if there was no way she could sit still. Sticking one staff in the ground with force, her skin glistened under fire as she lifted her head to the ceiling, opening her mouth, swallowing the flames. Closing her eyes she pulled the tip of her staff still burning from her mouth, blowing with force, the flames erupting out of proportion.
Dropping the second staff as well, the lights came on, every member of staff on the stage, Talia taking a few steps back to join the first row, taking Reuben’s hand as they all took a bow.
As they took their leave, Talbott got up from his seat, finally stepping behind the backstage curtains, all eyes turning to look at him, none of them friendly. Ignoring them, he took out his badge, eyes searching for Akira “Where is he?”
“I’ve always been here detective.” He emerged from within the crowd of people, everyone stepping out of the way for him “Follow me.”
Leading him through a series of corridors, Talbott wondered just how big the tent was as he felt he could not make his way back alone. Pushing back a black curtain, they both stepped inside in what appeared to be a changing room. Sitting down in front of a large mirror, Akira poured himself a glass, turning in his chair to look at Talbott as he took a seat on the sofa, pulling out a notepad.
“Aren’t you going to take off your makeup?”
Sipping his drink, his lips quirked as he closed his eyes “No, the magic doesn’t end once the show is over. We are always who we are, not just on stage.” Reaching inside his pocket, he pulled out a cigar, lighting it up with a few good puffs “Ask your questions.” He looked back at him, Talbott lifting his eyes from his notes.
He circled the area with his eyes, casting them on various items, keeping silent for the moment. Placing his notebook on the table, he got up, noticing a moving curtain, one he chose to ignore “So how does this entire business work? I haven’t heard anyone talk about the circus yesterday, yet here we are one day later and it’s all everyone is speaking about.”
Tapping his glass, Akira followed him with his eyes “Have you ever seen a circus come to town? On the streets? Tents rising?” Talbott just shook his head “The same is for when we leave. Part of the show. One week from now, this place will be as it had always been…empty.”  
A nagging reminder for the detective on how his week would be. Regardless of his opinion, a job was a job and he had to provide his input on the cases. However the normal questions have already been asked. Interviews done over and over again, in an attempt to use the small window of opportunity they had. And until they had any solid evidence, thus was the dance, each and every time.
Approaching Akira’s mirror, he took note of several pictures hung to the frame “I don’t see the woman from the fire act here. How so?”
“She is rather new to the business, only joined a few years back.” Setting his drink aside, he frowned slightly when Talbott invaded his personal space.
“Regardless, she was here when the last crime took place.” He lowered his eyes to look at Akira “Of course, it didn’t happen on the circus grounds, therefore who can actually trace it back to her? Talia right?” a single nod provided.
Stepping back to the couch, Talbott also lit up a cigarette of his own, skimming through the notes once more “Last name?”
“Also Crane.” Talbott lifting his eyes to look at him “No relation if that’s what you wanted to ask. Just a coincidence.”
Barely letting him finish, Talbott spoke again “In this world there are no coincidences, mister Crane. Just like this place. Former Night Circus, now known as Carnage due to the deaths surrounding this place.”
Letting out a sigh, Akira leaned in his chair, forearms resting on top of his knees. Lifting his brows, the makeup on his face followed his movement, eye sockets appearing larger. Clicking his tongue, Akira’s lips barely appeared to move when he spoke “Carnage sells better. Also death is coming for us all, no way around it right?”
“Take off your makeup please. I like feeling like I am speaking to a human, not a freak show.”
The chuckle let out by Akira was deep and rich, however the malintent was still there, despite the subtle nuances.  Smirking, he puffed once more from the cigar before setting it aside in an ashtray. The shadows inside the room appeared to darken, all drawing closer to Akira, however those dark eyes kept looking at Talbott, like two onyx jewels glistening in the pale dim light.
Turning his back to the detective, he continued to watch him in the mirror’s reflective surface, hand taking off his top hat with graceful moves, bangs falling in his eyes “You know detective, if it were another, offence might have been taken. You should be careful how you address people, it’s not very professional of you.”
Scoffing, Talbott just rolled his eyes as Akira applied something to his face, paint appearing to melt away in a sinister display, morphing his face “I’ll be here all week just so you know, talking to your crew, seeing how they behave.”
“Be my guest.” Taking a damp rag, he continued to wipe away the makeup with slow movements, skin starting to show from underneath the entire display “Just don’t harass my staff, they have jobs to do as well.” Pausing, he looked over his shoulder as if to emphasise the point “Do not touch them.”
“There’s no need to use force if force is not inflicted.” Tilting his head, he put out his cigarette, closing the notebook “Do you like being the director of a circus?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” Turning back to the mirror, Talbott couldn’t help but notice as if despite the dark makeup coming off, he still could not truly make out all the features of his face. Opening a drawer, Akira pulled out a mask, placing it over his eyes, hiding them before turning back to Talbott “Now, do you have anymore business with me?”
“I’ll get back to you if I think of anything else.” Getting up he asked for the exit, Akira pointing to a curtain in the dressing room “Have a good day mister Crane.”
“You as well detective.”
Once Talbott was out of sight, Akira left the changing room, walking around the multitude of corridors, stopping at one point “Well?” a female voice was heard, a pair of pale hands emerging from behind the fabric of the tent.
“He’s different, nosy at best, but I don’t like him. Keep an eye out for him.”
The hands arranged his tie, before retreating “Don’t worry, he won’t get to your pet. I’ll make certain of it.”
Glaring, Akira cleared his throat “Make sure he doesn’t snoop around.”
“And if he does?” a chuckle followed.
“He has no business here, don’t make me remind you.”
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
*flexes hands* Okay, girl, you asked for it --
Siobhan Llewelyn. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and this lass by any other name would be as lovely! I absolutely love her firebrand, yet intellectual character, raised alongside dragons with no good instincts of how to deal with upper-crust social life. I love how rough her language can be, and yet how warm she can be with those who earn her friendship. I absolutely love what she does to her fire-breathing dragon boggart. I love her friendship/romance with Galen, naturally, as well as her friendships with Estrid and Ru! I couldn't be happier that my kelpie kiddo has such an awesome lass in their house and year who can have fun playing chess with them and watching thunderstorms in the Astronomy Tower. And finally, last but certainly not least, she is so unbelievably pretty 💙
Send me a 💛 and I’ll gush about an OC of yours!
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aaaa-mpersand · 4 years
OCtober Day 6: Luxury
Thank you @oc-growth-and-development for the prompt, as always. This is three bros, two of them roasting Pacific Rim to hell and back. I’m a big fan of this movie I swear. This is a continuation of the Exy AU, following Finley (from OCtober Day 2: Mercy). He’s in a new team, and he doesn’t need friends, they disappoint him. Very Regrettably for Finley, the friends don’t agree. Fluff with some mild angst at the end. We stan found family. Kaspar and Finley are my characters, Mantis/Margot is @statistical-improbabilities character. I also named dropped @statistical-improbabilities Mya and @carry-on-my-wayward-brain Dusk.
“This is absurd,” Finley said, watching the robot on screen slam a cargo boat into the monster’s face with a deafening crunch. 
They were sitting on the floor of Kaspar’s room, rough carpet under their legs, Mantis’ laptop in front of them as an action movie flashed on screen. Finley watched the big robot slap the godzilla-like thing repeatedly in the face, only for the creature to grab them by the tail and rip their boat-made-baseball-bat into half. He vaguely wondered, not for the first time that night, how he’d even gotten here. 
“I don’t know about that,” Kaspar said, a tub of ice cream in his lap as he put another spoonful of it into his mouth, never taking his eyes off the screen. “It looks pretty realistic to me.” “Please,” Mantis said next to him. Or Margot. She’d introduced herself as the former, but Kaspar used the latter almost exclusively. Finley had simply avoided calling her by name. “I’ve seen Green Lantern movies with better CGI effects.” “Touche,” he said, but didn’t sound the least bit insulted. He ate another scoop of ice cream. With a certain degree of fear, disgust, and strange admiration, Finley saw he was almost done with the tub. “Shhh, guys, the next part is my favorite fight scene.”
Mantis fell silent, so Finley turned back to the screen. The monster was now playing hide and seek with the robot. How anything as tall as a skyscraper managed to hide, even in a metropolitan like Tokyo, was beyond Finley’s comprehension, but he’d never been to Tokyo, so he stayed silent. 
A flashy action shot of the monster, oh so surprisingly, ambushing the protagonists. He let the lights flash from the screen as he thought about what had gotten him here. After spending hours on schoolwork in Mantis’ room, he’d been dragged along to dinner with the two of them. Kaspar suggested they all go to his room to relax before he and Finley went to the gym to do extra practice that night.
Finley hadn’t been pleased. 
“Come on, Finley, a little fun never hurt anyone,” Kaspar had said. When Finley had stared back, wholly unconvinced, Kaspar merely smiled fondly and rolled his eyes, as if he’d seen that same look hundreds of times before. “I’ll stay an extra hour to help you on overhead drills.”
“Dusk or Mya are going to get there first,” he muttered, but followed anyway.
Finley watched the monster beat its previously unnoticeable wings and lift the robot into the sky. Tension was supposedly rocketing as fast as that 500 ton beast could fly, which was apparently a thousand miles a second. He was owed a lot of overhead drills for this.
When the protagonists looked like they were about to die, all hope lost, the solution was found in a dramatic twist. The robot fell unceremoniously to the ground from an altitude of 50,000 miles above sea level. Everyone was unscathed. 
Kaspar paused the movie.
“Thoughts?” he asked, a smile playing on his ice-cream coated lips as he glanced over at Finley.
“If this movie wanted any shred of my respect, they should’ve both died right there,” Finley said. Despite the fact that he knew Kaspar had a good temper and couldn’t kill a fly, he glanced over to watch his reaction.
“Exactly what I’ve been saying,” Mantis said. Finley blinked in surprise “At the very least, the whole Jaeger should’ve fallen apart. It was way too big to have gotten out of that with just scratches.”
“Yeah, but then it wouldn’t have been as cool,” Kaspar said, leaning back lazily. He seemed completely undisturbed by the fact that both Finley and Mantis had been insulting what he had introduced as his ‘favorite movie of all time’ for the last hour. Mantis, who had evidently watched it a few times already, had said something sarcastic, but sat down to watch it all the same. 
In the last 57 minutes, she’d pointed out the main male lead’s horrible haircut, roasted his fashion sense, and cut into three major worldbuilding flaws. Finley joined her cringing, covering his eyes like a vampire in sunlight, when the female lead accidentally walked into the male lead’s room while he was shirtless. “Proper physics is cool,” Mantis said. She reached for the bowl of popcorn, and popped a few in her mouth, before washing it down with an energy drink. Finley didn’t want to know what that tasted like. “This whole thing doesn’t make any sense,” he said, irritably. 
“What about it doesn’t make sense?” Kaspar asked. Finley glanced at him. He seemed relaxed. Happy, even, with a content smile on his face. “Everything. Why are giant robots the best weapon in this scenario? They’re going to be rebuilding that place for years with the footprints it left on the roads, let alone the infrastructure damage. Second of all, how do the kaiju keep following the scientist guy around?” “Because he mind-melded with them,” Kaspar said, “The Kaiju are a hive mind.”
Finley snorted. “Why the fuck would anyone mind-meld with a hive mind race of monsters?” 
Kaspar shrugged. He tapped his spoon against his chin for a moment, thinking. “Science?” He said, almost to himself, and turned to Mantis questioningly. Finley pulled a look so skeptical he could’ve made Newton doubt whether gravity was real. Mantis, however, thought only for a moment before she nodded, “Science.”
“This is stupid,” he huffed. “To quote,” Mantis pointed out, matter-of-factly, “it’s either the most awesome dumb movie ever made–” 
“–Or the dumbest awesome movie ever made,” Kaspar said, almost gleefully, as he pressed the play button. Finley sighed.
He stayed for the rest of the movie.
He waited for Kaspar outside the dorms while the other man was grabbing his things to go to the court to practice. It was late by now, the sky ink black save for the few stars visible through all the light pollution. Cold wind made the chilly temperatures just that much colder. Finley waited under a street light, his things all ready, a change of clothes, water bottle, and a pair of gloves in his gym bag. With a sigh, he unzipped it, pulled out the gloves. They were black and maroon––ravens colors––and the only pair he had. 
He wrapped his arms around himself. Though years of playing exy had even him lean muscle, he was still scrawny, and not the biggest fan of the cold. Glancing at the door of the dorms, he waited. The two hours he spent watching a dumb action movie indoors would’ve been a luxury unheard of in the Ravens. Siobhan had never been a fan of movies, anyway, so there would’ve been no one for him to watch it with. For that, he was almost grateful; the movie hadn’t gotten better in the second half. 
Still, the image stayed in his mind. Kaspar and Mantis, exchanging quips and inside jokes. Mantis didn’t glance over for his reaction when she criticized the protagonist’s haircut to hell and back. When she had run out of her energy drink, Kaspar had promptly pulled another one out and passed it over to her. 
He tried to picture himself and Siobhan in those shoes. Finley didn’t have a favorite drink, and what Siobhan said was never a joke. 
But they had stood next to each other for so long. A menace on the court, the two of them. An impenetrable defense and an unstoppable offense. It had never been perfect. Admittedly, nothing in The Ravens had been, but still, he sometimes tried to find Siobhan’s triumphant grin on the faces of his new teammates. Her iron will in Kaspar’s eyes when he swung his racquet.
He sighed, staring up at the night sky. In another life, perhaps, though he doubted that concept was anything more than an impossible wish. “Hey, sorry that took awhile,” Kaspar said, stepping out of the dorms. He had obviously rushed, his shoelaces untied, and the horrible orange color of his hoodie clashing with the gold and red of his Trojans track pants. 
Finley merely huffed, and stalked down the path without him.
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rational-mastermind · 5 years
King’s Cafe Ch 1
HELL YES we’re starting this year off with a shit ton of writing!!
Now fair warning to the five others in this fandom and what few read my writing for the sheer sake of it: I’m not intending on making this a serious fanfic. Trilby won’t save the day or have any sort of epic quest to save the coffee shop. Just...more like glorified head canons than anything. How they meet. What others do with their modern-day life. A few consistencies, but nothing major. No over arcing plots. Hell no real plot at all. Just slice-of-life shit. That being said, enjoy.
Chapter 1 - Introductions
 On the corner, at the intersection between Bronwyn road and Kings street, sat a small cafe which was aptly named King’s Cafe. It was small and quaint and obviously trying its best. Nothing too fancy or special. A modest little coffee shop that got by on the average. It had its share of regulars and made decent enough sales to keep the employees paid.
 And one employee in particular, Siobhan O’Malley, was running late.
 She hurried into the store and closed the door behind her. She sighed disappointed and frustrated, knowing she’s likely to hear about her tardiness from the manager, Cabadath. But now wasn’t a time for self-pity. Now was a time for work. She came over to the door to the worker’s back room, grabbed her apron, punched in, heard the snide remark from Cabadath about being a few minutes late, and came out, ready to start her day.
 First she headed to the back to check on their resident baker, John DeFoe.
 John was an unusual lad. He was tall, pale as a ghost, and lanky, practically skin and bones. He had a gaunt face and hollowed eyes, but he wasn’t really as spooky as he appeared. He was actually very timid and sweet, but a hard worker as well.
 He always arrived first, bright and early, to get started on the cakes and doughnuts and pastries. It would’ve been a surprise that the cafe’s management even allowed him to have so much free reign, but it was no secret that his baking was what really brought in customers. Between his sweet treats and the way his twin brother, Matthew, would ice and decorate and customize each and every cookie, it was a wonder you could call it a cafe at all and not just a bakery.
 Siobhan peeked into the kitchen to check on him, the sweet warm smell of spices, yeast, and fresh brewed coffee already wafting about the air.
 “Morning!” she greeted cheerfully.
 John was in the middle of stirring up dough and looking at a recipe on the company’s laptop. He jumped, slightly startled, before his gaze became expressionless once more, as it normally was, and he fixed it on her. He gave a curt nod.
John was a mute. He could hear, and he often used sign-language as a means to communicate, though it was really only something Matthew understood. In all truth, it always made Siobhan uneasy and constantly in the dark of the lad’s real thoughts or intentions. She hoped the nod was meant well and she gave a thumbs-up in return, feeling momentarily stupid for doing so.
 “Morning, Ms. Siobhan!” Matthew’s sweet and excited voice rang out as he came in, from the pantry behind the kitchen, carrying a large tray full of different colored icing.
 Siobhan immediately started to lighten up and feel better. Matthew’s sunny disposition and youthful energy easily filled any room. A complimentary yang to John’s yin.
 “Hey Matt.” Siobhan smiled back. “How we looking today?”
 “Doing great! Same as always!” Matt replied easily.
 Siobhan came back out to the main room and looked up at the chalkboard. She noticed Cabadath had already scribbled in specials for the day and the cake display was already polished and gleaming. She got started on brewing a few of the coffees, and, when ready, made herself a Caretaker. A personal favorite of the unusually named coffees they served.
 Siobhan then went about the cafe, setting chairs to tables, setting out the old magazines no one looks at, and setting pillows up on the couches, where they belonged.
 “S’cuse me, Siobhan.”
 She turned and saw Theo standing behind her with a broom and dustpan. An expectant and rather bored look on his face.
 “Oh! Yeah, sorry.” she stepped out of the way and Dacabe began sweeping under the couch. “When’d you come in?”
 “Same time as you. I came in right behind you.”
 “Oh..” Siobhan gave a weak grin. “Ah.. Sorry, I didn’t see you.”
 “No one ever does.”
 She rolled her eyes and walked away. Theo was always a bit of a crybaby. He was the janitor though, so not only was it easy to overlook him, it wasn’t exactly like he had the hardest job. Not in Siobhan’s opinion at least.
 Siobhan came to the front and pulled away the blinds and turned around the open sign. She came back to the counter.
 “Morning!” Claire’s voice rang out, out of breath but still perky. She hurried to the door to the back office and soon reappeared, dressed for work. “Hey! Sorry! Sorry I’m late!”
 “You’re right on time, Claire.” Siobhan grinned.
 Claire hurried around the counter, said good morning to the boys, and came back to the counter and began helping set things up for the morning.
 “So, how’s it going?” Claire asked.
 “Same old, same old.” Siobhan sighed with a patient smile.
 Claire worked the counters with Siobhan. She was a sweet, short, bespectacled woman. The type who loved to collect cat figurines and make movie references. She was bubbly and kind and claims to be psychic. Some believe her, some don’t. It didn’t really matter to Siobhan either way. Working with Claire was always a delight.
 They got the store ready and opened. After helping a few early morning patrons, Siobhan looked up at the clock. 9:30.
 She heard the door jingle and looked over in time to see Dr. Somerset walk in.
 “Morning, Somerset!” she called out with a smile.
 “Morning.” he greeted with a small nod.
 “You ordering anything this time?”
 “Maybe in a bit.” he walked over to the same corner he always sat at, in the arm chair underneath the space poster, and pulled out his laptop from his bag.
 Siobhan rolled her eyes. Somerset was nice enough, but being a psychologist, trying to get into the field, he was almost always jobless. As such, he hardly ever actually ordered coffee. Instead he sat on his laptop, scrolling through the internet, busy with job hunting.
 Not 3 minutes later did the door jingle for another regular.
 “Siobhan!” Prof. Abed Chahal called out, as soon as he came in. He was a good man, a history professor for the nearby university. He always came in on the weekend, carrying a suitcase.
 Siobhan waved, smiling.
 “Morning, Abed! What’ll it be?”
 “Ah.. I’m feeling adventurous today.” Abed thought for a moment, looking at the menu. “I think I’ll have a Guide.”
 “Got it. Anything else?”
 “Do the boys have any pastries ready?” he glanced over at the glass display of cakes and tarts.
 “They’ve already been baking. Whatcha need?”
 “Mmm.. What would you recommend?”
 “Hm. I think I saw Johnny put in a sheet of cookies!”
 “Well that sounds perfect. I’ll have one of those when they’re finished.”
 “Alright then.” Siobhan jotted down the order and rang him up.
 Abed walked over to a booth to wait. He sat down his suitcase, opened it up, and began setting up the chess board he always brought with him. Siobhan chuckled and watched him set up all the pieces.
 “Who are you gonna play today?” she asked.
 “Not sure, yet. But I’m sure I’ll find someone. Perhaps Johnny will entertain me on his break.”
 “Hm. Maybe.” though Siobhan was sure he wouldn’t.
 Johnny almost always liked to keep to himself and stay in the back. Abed was likely confusing him for Matthew.
 Time went by, she made the coffee, got the cookie, came out to the counter.
 “Abed, you’re coffee’s ready!” she immediately turned to find Chris Quinn, just as he was about to attempt shouting and scaring her. “Morning Chris.”
 “Aw- what?!” Chris’ face fell in disappointment. “Bullshit, how’d you know I was here?”
 “Because you do it almost every morning.” Siobhan chuckled. “And I heard Claire take your order.”
 “She’s a sharp one, Chris.” Abed was chuckling as he took his coffee.
 Chris blew a raspberry and proceeded to act like he was deflating and drape himself over the counter.
 “You’re no fun, Siobhan.”
 “And you’re still a child.” she chuckled.
 “Here’s your coffee, Chris!”, Claire nudged past Siobhan and handed him a cup. “One Arrogant Joe.”
 “Hell yes. Thank you!” he grinned and quickly bounced over to the couch beside Somerset and sat down to bug him instead.
 Chris Quinn was an odd one. A man who supposedly wrote for a living. He was childish, excited, exuberant, and eccentric. He would’ve looked like a psychopathic horror, with the dark bags under his wide eyes and the long black trench coat that had red splatter paint on it.
He was a type of person Claire would describe as “bright”, but not in the traditional sense of being intelligent. “Bright” as in the way a 1000 watt lightbulb would be bright. He was friendly with everyone, had a horrible caffeine and  sugar addiction, and was only ever kicked out once when he made everyone uncomfortable after downing 5 lattes on a dare and began talking about talking dog heads and zombies. He was mostly harmless, but has warned most of his slight schizophrenic tendencies.
 After a while, the doorbell rang once more and the last regular of this cafe’s dysfunctional family arrived; Jim Fowler.
 Jim was less common compared to others, being generally busy with school himself, but often stopped by on the weekends. He was a good, sensible lad who was on good terms with the DeFoe Twins, despite being a year younger. They go to the same school and on weekends, like today, Jim sometimes hangs around the shop and studies.
 “Morning, Jim. What’ll it be?”
 “Morning, Ms. O’Malley. Um..” Jim looked over the menu, thinking a moment before finally snapping his fingers with an answer. “Y’know? I think I’ll have the Bridgekeeper.”
 “Got it.”
 “Any of John’s cakes?”
 “Plenty!” Matt came around, setting up another baked good for the display. “Whatcha need?”
 “What was that one..? You guys were talking about it the other day. With the caramel?”
 “Ooh! Yeah, the Salty Bears! We just finished those!”
 Matt quickly disappeared into the back to retrieve his dish. Siobhan chuckled and rang him up.
 “Jimmy! Why don’t you sit down and play a round with me?” Abed asked, looking up from his board.
 “Wish I could, Abed, but I got studies!” Jim gave an apologetic grin.
 “Nonsense! It’s just one round!”
 “Mm. He should really study.” Claire chimed in, closing her eyes. “Big test coming up.” 
 “You’re telling me..” Jim rolled his eyes. “My dad’s gonna be all over me if I don’t pass.”
 He hurried to another table and sat down, sitting his backpack beside him and started pulling out his textbooks.
 “Welp, everyone’s here today.” Siobhan said to Claire.
 “Yup. Another day in the King’s Cafe.” Claire sighed contently.
 Jim soon got his coffee and pastry, and then it was just another, slow, typical day in the cafe.
 Abed managed to convince Matthew to play with him on his next break.
 A few randos came in and went out.
 Simone Taylor droned on in the background on a small TV mounted to the wall in the back.
 Chris decided he was done bugging Somerset and struck up a conversation with Siobhan while waiting for his next cup.
 “So, can I ask a serious question, Siobhan?” Chris was asking.
 “But you’re never serious.” Siobhan chuckled, pouring the milk into his latte, practicing her foam art.
 “No, come on. Really.”
 “Okay, fine, what?”
 “When are we gonna stop playing these silly games with each other?” he grinned suggestively.
 Siobhan laughed. It wasn’t the first time Chris was a flirt, let alone flirted with her. But as opposed to most guys, Siobhan didn’t think it wise to have even a casual fling with a man like Chris. She shook her head.
 “Chris, I still don’t know what game you’re talking about? But if you’re looking for a date Friday, the answer is still no.”
 “Aw, come on!”
 The door jingled and rang. Siobhan handed him his coffee.
 “Just take your drink, would...ya…” Siobhan’s thought slowed as she took in the recent customer.
 He was tall.
 He was handsome.
 He was well dressed.
 He was soaked to the bone.
 His long black hair clung damply to his pale face.
 He took off a small gray hat, a complementary part to the three piece grey pinstripe suit he wore, and shook the excess water off.
 He looked up and smiled at Siobhan, politely.
 “Good afternoon.” he said in a soft, posh, baritone voice.
 “Um..” Siobhan quickly shook her head and smiled readily. “Welcome to the King’s Cafe, sir. What can I get you?”
 “Well let’s see um…” the man frowned, reading the menu. “I’m...afraid I don’t quite understand what some of your options are.”
 “Oh! Right! Uh, the King’s Cafe has a few specials, and ergo a fun and special lingo for the customers.” Siobhan chuckled. “It’s a little silly really, but I’ll do my best to explain anything that catches your attention.”
 “Well.. What’s the Guide?”
 “The Guide is basically a Mead Raf.” Siobhan explained. “Espresso with a shot of honey and topped with heavy cream. Bitter, strong, but a hint of something sweet.”
 “Actually that already sounds lovely. I think I’ll try that.”
 “Coming right up, sir. Do you like cakes?”
 “Not often...” he said, looking at his watch, frowning thoughtfully. “...Perhaps another time.”
 “Alright then. I’ll get that coffee ready.”
 She rung him up and he paid, but was so distracted he left to a table and sat down immediately. He was carrying a leather messenger bag and quickly sat up in a corner booth, pulling out several notebooks and a laptop. He immediately got to work on whatever and it took Siobhan an embarrassing amount of time to realize she hadn’t asked his name.
 “Uh, sir? Sir?” but it was too late.
 The man was already too engrossed in whatever it was he was doing to hear her. Siobhan simply sighed and looked at the cup. She shrugged and drew a trilby on it. And that was when she realized the newcomer had caught everyone’s attention. Even Somerset and the DeFoe twins were all looking over, trying to get a look at the strange man.
 “...Alright, come on you guys, there’s nothing to see. He’s just another customer.” Siobhan rolled her eyes and got to work.
 “He is kinda cute though.” Claire grinned, leaning over the counter to look better.
 “Claire.” Siobhan said disapprovingly.
 “Hell maybe he’ll wanna go out this Friday.” Chris grinned.
 “Chris, you’re not even gay.” Siobhan looked at him, confused.
 “So?” Chris immediately went over to introduce himself.
 Siobhan internally cringed. She hated when Chris did this with other customers. The one time it was funny because a guy named Philip clocked him in the face, but aside from that, it was usually just embarrassing and frustrating.
 “Hey!” Chris greeted, taking a seat opposite of the man. “So what’s your name?”
 The man didn’t skip a beat, and continued to type away on his keyboard, slowing only to reach over with one hand and hold up a notebook he was looking at. One hand still typing away while he read.
 Chris sat there for a moment before leaning over a little closer, looking over the notebook.
 “Whatcha working on there?” he reached to move the notebook down a little.
 “Your demise if you so much as touch this notebook.” was the sharp and quiet answer.
 Chris immediately retreated. The man continued on, unphased.
 “I’ve no time for idle chit-chat, thank you.” the man said politely. “I’ve a very important deadline.”
 “Then maybe another time? ‘Nother place?”
 “Here and now is plenty for me to worry about. I’ve no interest in any further plans.”
 Siobhan chuckled at how utterly rejected Chris looked. Eventually she finished the order and looked over at him. She wasn’t sure at first how to address him, but figured if she had to, she’ll go over and tap him on the shoulder.
 “Um.. Sir? W-with the trilby?” she leaned over the counter a little.
 At that, as if by magic, the man’s head popped up from his work
 “Hm? Me? Oh, yes.”
 He came over and grabbed the coffee.
 “Thank you very much, miss.” he smiled politely.
 “Wait, what’s your-?” He already turned and retreated back to his corner.
 “Maybe his name’s Trilby?” Claire suggested.
 “What kind of name is that?” Siobhan scoffed.
 “Hm, judging by his laptop and notebooks, it could be a pseudonym.” Somerset commented thoughtfully. “Likely an author or writer of some sort.”
 “You think he’s here to stay?” Chris asked.
 “Whatcha mean?” Claire asked.
 “Well I mean.. Look at us.” Siobhan shrugged. “Normally we’re all here at some point or another. Sometimes with Philip or Janine.”
 “Oh.. So you think maybe he’s gonna…” Claire looked back and Chris helpfully finished the sentence.
 “Stick around.”
 Everyone was looking at him curiously now, lost in their own thoughts and assumptions.
 Siobhan watched him for a while, serious and busy hammering away at his laptop. He occasionally paused only to look over his notes once more or to sigh, rub his chin, and soon enough get back to typing. Perfectly content and oblivious to the world around him. She smiled.
 “...Maybe he will.”
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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When Paisley and I first broke up in February 2016, I spent a few weeks in rapturous relief before realizing what a dire state I’d left myself in. I was nearly homeless, with a few car-loads of possessions that I was lugging from one temporary refuge to the next. She got the dogs, I got the RAV-4. It was dark days, and suddenly the reality TV star that everybody thought would’ve dropped out of the presidential race by now was getting taken more and more seriously. I didn’t believe the rhetoric, didn’t believe the people saying Donald Trump could win. He reminded me of Cam Carpenter, a right wing bully, and I hated him from the moment he started making headlines. 
What did interest me, though, was how he was using social media to his advantage. Here was a senior citizen weaponizing Twitter in ways that astonished me. The pundits were dissecting each tweet, word for word, while press releases from other candidates sat unopened in their inboxes. He’d found a way to circumvent the media, then make them scramble to keep up to the conversation he was creating. They were treating him as a joke while playing right into his hands. It was like watching a magic trick in slow motion.
I’d been a reporter in the Yukon when Obama first began campaigning, and I remember the sensation of giddy hope that came with the idea the U.S. was finally going to elect its first black president. It felt like finally, now, things were going to be better. Fast forward eight years and this sexist bigot was proving that there was plenty of opposition to progress, plenty of people keen to give this orange-faced huckster the reins. And coming to terms with that felt like accepting that the world was a darker, shittier place that I’d once thought. I was glad to have found my Kootenay refuge, but I feared for the future.
After crashing for a week with Niles, enjoying his John Cooper artwork and sharing joints over morning coffee, I ended up moving in with a newly elected city councillor named Anna Purcell. She lived with her husband Gary and a German exchange student I didn’t like. Anna had earned more votes in the election than any other councillor, and it was easy to see why. She had the perfect amount of Nelson quirk, while being ultra-articulate and incredibly passionate about her new gig. She was the type of person who walked her talk. When I interviewed her for the Star she’d been outspoken about the affordable housing crisis, so I knew she would understand if I asked her for a place to stay. She lived just a few blocks up from Paisley’s place, meaning I would have to pass by it every morning on the way to work. 
“When my ex left me, it was like the words were bonked out of me,” Anna said, sitting in her living room one afternoon. “I just couldn’t talk for a while after that. I literally couldn’t speak.”
I told her I felt embarrassed after writing that love-drenched introductory column for the paper, and making Paisley such a big part of my public persona. Now everyone was going to know I fucked up my family, and would be watching the fall-out like a soap opera.
“I feel like this is such a huge hit to my social capital, you know? Like I used to be a guy with a partner and a place and some dogs, now I’m just a guy. With nothing.”
Anna shook her head. “That’s enough. I don’t think it will be as big a hit as you think. It’s not like single people have less value, right?”
Once a week I would swing by Paisley’s place to pick up Muppet and Buster. We would take the train tracks to Red Sands, or trek along Baker Street and down to the Prestige, but I didn’t have a dog-friendly place to take them home to. Sometimes I just walked them around the block, hanging out at the Central School playground en route, then brought them back an hour later. At first I was having no problem processing my separation from Paisley, but with the dogs it was different. They were blameless, had no idea what was going on. One afternoon I sat on a random lawn and held them to my chest, weeping. I called my parents and sobbed into the phone.
“I don’t mean to be insensitive, but you need to stop crying in front of the dogs,” Paisley said, standing in the doorway of her house. “It really upsets Muppet.”
“How did you know I was crying?”
“Last time you took them she came home and she wouldn’t sit still, she was stressed out and wagging her little body around. She knows something is wrong.”
“Well, this feels wrong.”
Paisley was having no trouble transitioning into the next stage of her life. Her dessert business was thriving, she was dating new guys and making new friends. She posted so many pictures with her new roommate that people started to wonder if they were a couple. She had shaved her head, Britney Spears-style, in the midst of our breakup, but now her hair had grown into a cute pixie cut. She looked like Winona Ryder in Alien Resurrection, and when she stood with her hands on her hips you could read her tattoo: It Could Be Worse...
“What’re you eating these days? How are you feeding yourself?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Nachos, peanut butter and jam, stuff like that.”
She shook her head. “Peanut butter and jam?”
“You know I’m just keeping it simple. I don’t have many groceries.”
“But you’re still going to CrossFit?”
“Yeah, I told Ali I couldn’t afford it and she was like ‘just keep coming, and get the money to me when you can’. I think she knows what I’m going through, you know?”
“That’s nice of her. How’s Rock of Ages?”
Having something extracurricular to focus on had been crucial for me, otherwise I would’ve spent all my time either crying, smoking pot or sleeping. For the audition I’d ripped off my shirt and belted my way through an 80s power ballad, earning a spot in the chorus. I’d been given one half-sentence solo at the beginning of a song early in the show, and for the rest of the production I swapped my time between being the bartender of the Bourbon Room and a slimy producer who creeps on the female lead. It was keeping me just busy enough to feel stable, and made me feel like I was in high school school again.  
For the Star coverage, I did a photo shoot with the cast at an abandoned building near the Selkirk College campus. It was covered in the expected graffiti and looked like it would be a perfect setting for a horror movie. At the time there was a particular cartoon that had been popping up all over town, Thug Bear, and he showed up in a few of the shots. There was a main couple, then a rockstar named Stacey Jaxx who had been played by Tom Cruise in the movie version, and a quartet of sexy nymphs. The costumes were neon and pastel, with big wigs and plenty of bare skin. Though they were squinting into a harsh afternoon sun, I got an awesome shot that ended up on the cover. 
The rehearsals were more challenging than I was expecting. The choreography for the dance sequences was intricate, the pace that we were putting things together was faster than I was accustomed to, and I felt way out of my depth when it came to the singing. I’d been a soloist in the church choir as a kid, and I’d done a few musicals in high school, but I hadn’t sung in front of people for years. As the weeks passed I became increasingly more nervous, though I knew I was basically just background furniture for the other actors.
One day a woman named Siobhan approached me. She was part of the production, a swaggering farm girl with a sarcastic streak. Rehearsal was just about to start, and I’d just put down my bag.
“I’ve been meaning to thank you,” she said.
I smiled, expecting a joke. “Oh yeah, for what?”
“That picture that you took of Andrew Stevenson, the one where he’s handcuffed and being led into court? I wanted to thank you for taking that photo.”
I blinked for a moment, caught off guard. “Thanks, yeah. I was really happy to get that shot. It took me over a year.”
She took a deep breath. “Well, I was there in court for the proceedings, but I never got a chance to really see his face, not like you can see it in that photo. When I saw it, it honestly blew me away.”
I was confused. “So who’s this guy to you?”
“I was one of the bank tellers that day, at the credit union he robbed. He waved his fucking gun right in my face. Traumatized me. I’d been having nightmares about this guy for months, every night, and it was like he wasn’t human. With a black mask, jumping around and screaming like some sort of ghoul. That’s what I saw every night when I closed my eyes.”
“Holy shit.”
“Then I saw that photo, Will, and it changed everything. I saw he was just a human, just a normal human, just like everyone else. He wasn’t some supernatural monster who was out to get me. He couldn’t hurt me anymore. That’s what that photo did for me. So that’s what I’m saying thank you for.”
“I don’t even know what to say.”
She smiled warmly, and hugged me. “You don’t have to say anything.”
The Kootenay Goon
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 6/?
Lucy lazily opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to the light feeling the room, streaming from the beautiful arch windows near her side of the bed. Her head throbbed a little, she felt sore in places that hadn’t been used in quite some time, and she admonished herself for not taking some ibuprofen before falling asleep last night.
She tried to move but a firm hand gripped her waist, keeping her in place, digits digging the soft skin of her tummy. She turned her head, carefully to not worsen her headache, and regarded the sleeping man by her side; apparently, they were both stomach sleepers, arms under the pillow type of people and she wondered if that was uncomfortable for him, as he was not lacking on that department. Like, at all. She giggled quietly at her teenager mentality, studying the beautiful profile of Chris’s face, fingers itching to get closer, to lose themselves in the soft fur covering his jaw, trace the fullness of the lips that had driven her crazy the night before.
Ghost memories heated her skin as she slid out of the bed, padding softly to the bathroom, her thighs protesting the burn his beard imposed upon them, the sensation not dissimilar to the friction the pole created when learning a new move, but much more pleasant. She washed her face and used his moisturizer, the mirror showing her the purple marks he left on her neck and the top of her breasts, hair in disarray, and a small grin graced her face. She had been loved hard, and she reveled in every minute of it.
Lucy glanced at Chris’ sleeping form, grabbing his folded sweater and her socks and quietly slipping from the room, Dodger following behind her.
“Morning Dodger,” the stairs were cold on her bare feet as she descended. She makes quick work of his sweater, smelling the collar and folding the cuffs. She pulls on the thick socks while scanning the living room, locating her purse on a side table and to find a hair tie, tying a messy bun on top of her head. She grabbed her phone, opening the small bottle of Advil she always kept with her to grab two pills and walked back to the kitchen, where Dodger sat patiently by the door. “Listen, I’m not too keen on the idea of the alarm going off when I open that door, so I’m really sorry, but there won’t be any visits outside till your dad wakes up, alright?”
She could’ve sworn the dog ruffed before a small whine escaped him. Lucy spotted the treat jar on the island and gave the pooch two small ones as a peace offering. Satisfied, she opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the same stool she had occupied yesterday, unlocking her phone. She sends Penny a quick message saying she won’t be back till later because Chris is taking her to one of the museums and snorts when her sister’s reply is a bunch of eggplant emojis. Siobhan is next and she asks about Morris, quickly retelling what happens without naming Chris and promising to call soon. There’s a message from JP enquiring if Garret’s plan was to propose on Christmas’ Day, and she thinks it’s odd, ‘why wouldn’t he ask Garret directly instead of asking me?’, she ponders and decides to call her brother later. Her last new message is from Sunny, inviting Lucy to stop by whenever she has the chance. She replies explaining they’ll arrive early on the 23rd, maybe she could have dinner with the family that night.
Opening Instagram, she clicks the plus sign, it’s a habit to always post something about the latest football game she attends; a picture of everyone she’s with, a few words about the game and when the Patriots were involved, a sarcastic remark about Tom Brady. She scrolls through her photos and it suddenly hits her she can’t share the incredible day she had yesterday. Not only all pictures feature Chris, either smiling to the camera or in the background, but he’s also in every quip and every joke she can think of writing. Sure, her account was private, but when was the last time she weeded out her followers? She sighs and closes the app, adding the task to her mental to-do list.
“I was about to file for my missing sweater, but it looks so much better on you than it does on me.” Chris’s voice is right behind her and she jumps a little, but she smiles and spins the stool around to look at him. “Even when paired with those goddamn awful socks.”
“I have cold feet.” Her eyes follow him around and she licks her lips at the sight of the half-naked man turning on the coffee maker, sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips and she is almost certain that is the only piece of clothing he’s wearing.
“I kinda noticed that.” He pats Dodger on the head before disarming the alarm and opens the kitchen door, a very happy dog now bouncing on the fresh snow outside. “You might want to have that checked, I believe they’ve frozen some time ago and you just haven’t noticed.” Chris grins at her indignant face and she scowls at him, trying to elaborate a good comeback when he invades her personal space. “Good morning, gorgeous.”
He’s pressed right at her side when he speaks those last words, tilting her head back and kissing her soundly, the hands on her neck keeping her in place, and does she really need to breathe because she just wants to kiss him forever. Her whole body awakens, his touch moving like lightning on her skin. Her palms sprawl over his chest, fingers combing the short hairs covering the muscles and she’s delighted at the small moans coming from him. Sadly yes, they do need air to live and so they part, foreheads touching, fingers caressing and smiles on their faces.
“I believe it’ll be, yes.” She eyes him as he draws on her skin, following the pattern of the cherry tree branches on her arm, reaching the last flower perched near her inner elbow and she tenses. As wonderful as he is, they barely know each other, the scars on her forearm and wrists are part of the demons that plague her dreams, ones that she’s not willing to discuss. She feels better when his fingers skip the scars, going straight to her palms and tangle themselves with her own, bringing her hand up to kiss the knuckles.
“How about some breakfast?” He offers while his mouth skims over her hands. “There’s this great place right around the corner that serves breakfast till 3 p.m., we can walk over there and get my car afterward, go to the Museum?”
“Breakfast food for lunch?” her stomach grumbles at the mention of food. “I was gonna make a joke about it being so very un-Hollywood of you, but as you heard it, parts of me are already on board with the plan. But I do need coffee first.”
“As milady wishes.” He goes back to find two cups in the higher cabinet, grabbing the creamer from the fridge and setting it all on the island in front of her before seating by her side, “How are you feeling today?”
“I woke up with a bit of a headache, a little sore too, but I took some Advil when I came down, I’ll be right as new in a few hours.” She rests her chin on her hands watching as he scoots the chair closer to hers, knees touching as he runs slow circles on the small of her back.
“I’m sorry about the soreness baby, but damn, it was a tight fit, I almost blew my load when I first entered you, you felt so good.”
He says it like he’s commenting on the weather, not of giving her the best sex of her life. Her cheeks felt warm; the man had no filter, did he?
“It’s been a while since I last fooled around with anyone, it’s been mostly me and my hand for the past twenty months.” Apparently, she had no qualms talking about it with him either. Lucy felt at easy with Chris, from the first time they looked at each other she felt like a missing piece of herself finally found its way home. How would she keep going after today? She shook her head to clear her head, she wouldn’t think about that now. “And you're going around with a large concealed weapon in those pants. How do you get past TSA with that?”
He laughs with a deep bass guffaw, slapping his knee.
“Wanna give me a pat down, Officer Seabrook?” a waggle of his eyebrows had her chuckling before he got serious. “But almost two years baby, are New Yorkers that blind? You look smoking hot, do not give me that look, ‘cuz you do. I’d be following you around like a lost puppy for that ass alone.”
“There were plenty of opportunities, it’s just… It never felt right, I guess? I…” she stopped, unsure about giving up too much of her past. What was with this guy and the need to know all her secrets? And what was up with her and wanting to tell them all to him, hoping he wouldn’t run away screaming?
“Then I’m extremely glad it felt right yesterday. Because it felt right to me too, the moment you walked into that room? I was a goner. You had me at hello and all that shit.” He grinned at her over his cup, but she could tell his eyes were studying her and at some point, they would come back to this conversation.
“And all that shit uh? You’re such a romantic. Wait, the fact that you even know that the movie is awesome enough. It’s one of my favorites”
“Figures you’d have the hots for Tom Cruise being angsty as fuck” He laughed and batted away the packet of Splenda she threw at him.
“Oh shush, he’s not angsty, he’s had a revelation and it’s acting upon it. Plus, the ‘show me the money scene’ is already movie history.”
Chris lets Dodger back inside before grabbing the coffee pot, and he sits facing, a sheepish grin on his face while he poured himself a cup.
“So, if you had to choose, wine or coffee?” he asks as he prepares his drink; three sugars, a splash of creamer.
“Coffee, no doubts about it. I love wine but by this point in my life, I have coffee running in my veins instead of blood. There’s no way I could give the liquid gold up.” She pours half a cup, skipping the sugar and filling the other half of the cup with the creamer.
“What the hell,” he eyes her cup suspiciously, “that is not coffee baby, that’s an insult to anyone who drinks coffee.”
“Says the person who puts enough sugar in his cup to rotten teeth.” She scoffs before taking a long drink. “Delicious.”
“Oh my god, you’re one of those girls.” Chris grabs his chest, pretending it hurts. “You order a PSL at Starbucks.” He finishes with a low, horrified voice, whipping an imaginary tear from his eye.
Lucy was glad she wasn’t drinking when he finishes because she laughs so hard, she snorts.
“One hot, venti, two-shot, almond milk, no whip pumpkin spice latte. I’m a basic bitch who loves her PSL, so sue me.” She shrugs and brings her cup to her lips, sipping slowly.
“I bet the barista knows your name and draws a smile on the damn cup too.” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she smiled over the brim of the cup, giving a little shrug. “I knew it!”
“There’s a store on the same block of my apartment and it’s on the way to the subway, they’ve been there since I moved to New York, of course they know me by name by now.” Pouring more coffee into her mug, she acknowledges, “This is absolutely delicious though, it’s Hawaiian Kona coffee, right?”
“Color me impressed.” Chris grins, nodding his head. “It’s one of the few things I splurge on, I have the company send a few beans bags every month to wherever I am staying. I refuse to drink the goo they serve at most places when I’m doing press for a movie.”
“You’re a coffee diva.” She states, amused by his confession.
“Some people hate green M&Ms, I hate bad coffee.” He concedes laughing. “I even provide the coffee, it’s not like they have to go and buy it, you know? Just follow the instructions or let my assistant make it and I’m a happy guy.”
“What is that like, having an assistant?” Lucy glances at Chris, untrimmed beard, mussed hair, no shirt, ratty sweats and barefoot. Incredibly good looking, but more of guy-next-door than a movie star, she almost forgot he was more than Garret’s hot best friend.  Their worlds differed so much, she couldn’t imagine having someone on her beck and call, or worst, a publicist. That gave her pause and she pursed her lips in thought while he responded.
“It’s weird at first, someone controlling your schedule, telling you where you need to be and when. But you get used to it so fast, especially since they seem to know exactly what you need and they deliver it, you know? Almost like a superpower, they learn how to read you and anticipate your moods.” Chris pondered and looked away embarrassed when he continued. “It’s… convenient. If you’re not careful you can get lost inside the Hollywood lifestyle, get jaded by the lights and you end up forgetting who you truly are. It almost happened to me once and I swore I wouldn’t let it happen again. It’s one of the reasons Tobias stays in Los Angeles whenever I’m here, I can take care of myself, I can be Chris.”
His words reassured her, but one question lingered. He was famous, he had an image to protect. As Samuel clearly reminded her, most people only saw her as a glamourized, overweight, stripper. She turns to face him, “Do I have to sign an NDA? Would pictures of the two of us together be bad for you?”
“What, Lucy, NO.” he shakes his head startled. “First of all, NDAs are ridiculous, they rarely work, I know that first hand. Maybe if you’re into some hard kink sex and doing it with random people, then okay, an NDA would be ideal, but I don’t ask people who I sleep with to sign them. And no, a picture of us together wouldn’t be bad for my image, it might stir some pots because some people believe they can dictate who I date…” Shaking his head, he grabbed her hand, linking their fingers together. “I know we’re still getting to know each other but one thing you should know is that I rarely give a fuck to what the media or the general public think of me. I keep my people close to my vest, I don’t talk about friends and girlfriends in interviews, but that’s because it isn’t anybody’s business what I do on my personal time. But I won’t shy away from being around someone I care about either. If a picture leaks or if they follow me when I’m with someone, I set my publicist on their cases because they are assholes, but the one thing I won’t do is to acknowledge their presence or react to them. It’s what they want, and I learned to tune them out.”
“I’m sorry doing what you love comes with so much bullshit involved.” Her thumb rubbed circles on his palm, in a soothing manner, her free hand combing his tousled hair. “Just so you know, if you decide a week from now that maybe I should sign one of those ridiculous things, I’d do it.”
“Thank you. The fact that you offered is enough.” Chris leaned into her hand, almost purring from the feeling of her fingers massaging his scalp. He closes his eyes, enjoying the moment and Lucy wants to save this forever, a perfect reminder of their time together.
He tastes of coffee when she kisses him, molding her mouth over his, dragging her lips sweetly across his own. She tastes like cream when his tongue touches hers, light touches that entice her, coaxing her lips to follow his when he retreats, seeking more, needing more.
The whiskers on his face tease her skin when he drags a line from her mouth to her neck, nipping hard at the pulse point, sucking the skin to sooth the bite. She gasps at how pleasurable the tiny amount of pain feels, fingers splashed on his hair, pulling him back till she devours his mouth, taking the lead.
His hands are everywhere, cupping her neck to hold her in place, squeezing the soft flesh of her breasts, gripping her thighs, finally circling her waist to bring her closer to him, hiking up legs over his, making the sweater she’s wearing ride up, his eyes popping when he realizes she’s not wearing anything under it.
“Such a naughty girl you are baby.” Chris murmurs against her mouth with a grin.
“I’m full of surprises.” She pulls the string securing the pants and it pools on the V of his abdomen, his cock springing upwards to rest against his belly. “I see I’m not the only one not wearing underwear.” Fingernails rake on the hard muscles of his abdomen while her teeth do the same to his collarbone, biting his neck. A thumb grazes the silky skin of his head and he twitches underneath her palm, his soft moans delighting her.
Her sweater is halfway up her body now, a large hand cupping the globes of her buttocks, while the other is busy massaging a hard nipple. Ripples of hot lava dances over her with every pass of his finger.
“I love how responsive you are, how you look ready to cum just with me playing with your tits.” Chris lowers his head to take a hard peak in his mouth when Lucy hears the low rumble of his stomach, making her raise an eyebrow at him. He ignores it and shushes her with a kiss, slating his mouth over her giggling lips, bringing her back to the moment.
A second, louder rumble follows. There is a pause and their eyes open, green meeting blue, mouths pressed together turning to grins before they are both laughing.
“I guess I’m hungry.” He remarks.
“When was the last time you ate something?” a hand smooths down her sweater when she stands up.
“I had a pretty nice snack last night.” A wiggle of his brows had her punching him on the shoulder as she narrows her eyes at him, still laughing.
“Oh my god, you’re such a man Christopher.”
“Glad you noticed babe.” He embraces her, kissing her shoulder. “Come on, we can shower together and save time.”
Showering together did not save time, she remarks when Chris closes the door behind him. It’s almost noon when they finally leave his house, all bundled up, gloved hands clasped together. There was no snow right now, but it’s supposed to start back late afternoon, so the plan was to be back home before that.
Lucy wasn’t sure exactly what he meant. Would he drop her off at Garret’s house after their outing (she didn’t dare call it a date) or would they go back to his place together? Sure, she understood the concept of one-night stands; she’d had her fair share of them but spending the day with one of them was never part of the deal, they had never asked, always leaving her house before the sun was up. In the beginning, she didn’t care about them leaving, her walls kept her safe, away from heartbreak. She had given herself away twice before and she had the scars, emotional and physical, to remind her not try it again.
Being single wasn’t something that bothered Lucy like it had bothered Penny or Siobhan and, unlike her sister and her best friend, she had welcomed it, focusing her energy and passion into dancing. She was proud of what she had accomplished in the last twelve years, the dance studio was thriving, she had made a name of herself and was now giving back to the community as much as she could.
Yet she now yearned for more. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly when that happened but somewhere in the last six months the feeling snuck up on her and was now part of her daily routine, accompanying her from dusk to dawn. She pushed it aside, tried to bury it under her work but, no matter how late she stayed in her studio, how hard she danced, how tired she was, the loneliness that greeted her when she arrived home made her ache.
She wanted what JP had with Marianna. She wanted what she saw between Penny and Garret.
She had no idea how to get it.
Her eyes glanced over at the man walking beside her. Chris was funny, charming, interested in what she had to say and what she did for a living. It didn’t hurt the whole package was contained inside a sinful body, and boy, did he know how to use that body. She shook her head. This was a one-time thing, it’s not like he would want to see her again.
“We’re here,” Chris announced with a muffled voice, concealed beneath the heavy scarf covering his mouth, pointing to the red stone building that occupied the corner of the block they just turned. “The food here is amazing, you can’t go wrong with anything really.”
Lucy looks up before they enter and sees a neon sign with Mike’s City Diner written on it. The place had an old school vibe, a red, black and white theme that reminded her of the diner in Cooperstown, the one she went to almost every day after school for milkshakes and grilled cheese, or for family breakfast during the weekend. She’s about to ask if he comes here often when his name is called by a pretty brunette wearing an apron with the diner’s logo on it.
“Hi Chris,” the woman is all teeth and pink lipstick when she winks at him. Lucy tries to not pay attention to the way the hand, not coffee pot squeezes his biceps in hello.
“Hi, Corinne. Is my table occupied?” he questioned, removing his winter gear.
“It is, but the booth next to it is free, if you seat turned to the back wall, I’m sure no one will bother you. We’re past the rush hour anyway.” She grabs a couple of menus from the counter and leads them to the very back of the restaurant, away from the windows. “I’ll bring some fresh coffee for you.”
Chris helps Lucy out of her coat and mentions for her to get in first. He slides next to her and wraps an arm around her back, pulling her closer.
“I take you’re a regular?” She asked while reading over the menu.
“Yeah, I come almost every day when I’m not at my mom’s house. I’m an okay cook, but breakfast food is my favorite and I rather not screw it up.” He nods, not even looking up at the menu. “Very kind people, delicious food, most patrons are either engrossed on their food or too deep in conversation to notice me, which is a plus.”
“I grew up going to a very similar diner back home. My friends and I would spend whole afternoons at Patty’s, doing homework and playing the arcade games he’d kept in the back room. He was the sweetest guy, always looking out for the town’s kids, running fundraisers for a neighbor in need… And the food was so, so good.” Wistful eyes looked around the place, taking in the decor and the warm way the waiters would talk to the customers.
Corinne approached with a smoking pot of coffee, sashaying her mint skirt as she did. She poured Chris’s coffee and points the pot to Lucy in question. “Want some, sugar?”
“Alright, you guys know what you want?” she placed the pot on their table, whisking out a white pad.
Chris signaled Lucy to go first and she orders cinnamon walnut waffles with a side fruit, saying no to the meat.
“I’ll have the Dynamic Duo with bacon and scrambled eggs. And she wants cream, lots of it.” Chris says with a teasing smile.
“I can drink my coffee black, you know?” Lucy huffs after Corinne leaves them alone.
“Yes, but do you like it?” He gives her a pointed look, a lone eyebrow raised at her.
That was so unfair, who could resist that damn eyebrow?
“No,” she answers with a pout.
He laughs and steals a quick kiss. “So, no meat?”
“No meat. I can’t call myself a vegetarian because I love cheese and eggs and still indulge in some seafood, but it’s been almost ten years since I decided to stop eating red meat, eight since I last ate chicken.”
“Impressive. Hemsworth is thinking about adopting a plant-based regimen on our next bulk up. We’ve been discussing it for a while.” He plays with the empty sugar packets, sighing. “I don’t think I could do it.”
“Chris, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I don’t know the guy, but if he’s your friend I’m sure he’ll understand.” Her hand closes around his, giving it a squeeze. “Quitting anything is hard, my friend Terry has been trying to stop drinking soda since I first met him, sometimes he goes months without a single drop, other times he drinks Coke for breakfast, lunch, dinner and midday snacks.”
“Don’t I know it. I’ve quit smoking maybe a dozen times now. But I pick it back up whenever I’m stressed or if I go clubbing a lot.” He picks her hand up, dropping each finger on the table only to do it again. “I stopped after I broke up with my last girlfriend.”
Lucy pursued her lips. She once had called Penny to see how her sister was doing and throughout the conversation, Penny had been curt with her, until Lucy snapped and decided to end the call. That was when Penny apologized and explained she was mad by proxy because Chris’ girlfriend was being a bitch, divulging personal details about their relationship. Lucy didn’t know the actress was, but she instantly disliked the woman.
“Uh, so maybe a good thing come out of that?” her smile was sympathetic.
“Yeah,” Chris gave her a warm smile. “I was single when I met you.”
“And if you weren’t?” it was a serious question disguised within a light smile.
“Here’s the thing, I don’t cheat. I may be a shitty boyfriend at times, especially with all the traveling and time away from each other, but cheating? That is inexcusable.” His eyes were fixed on hers when he continued and the intensity she found in those eyes made her squirm in her seat. “Had I been dating someone I’d have watched you from afar, cursing whatever deity for giving me a glimpse of yourself when they’d know I couldn’t act on it… The truth is I would have left the game. I was drawn to you like a compass needle is drawn to the north and I wanted you. Anything from the moment we said hello would be considered cheating in my book.”
A flustered laugh escaped Lucy’s mouth; she wasn’t expecting any of what he said, admittedly his stand on cheating mirrored hers but the other half of his speech floored her. Never had a man been so candid in his interest towards her and she was at a loss for words.
She was saved by the arrival of a boisterous man who introduced himself to her as Jay, the owner of Mike’s City Diner. He and Chris shared that typical bro hug after he set down the plates.
“I took the liberty of making your waffle with almond milk when Corinne told me you said no meat.” He had an accent she couldn’t place it. “I hope it is to your liking.”
“That’s very thoughtful, thank you.” She took a bite of the waffle and moaned at the taste, speaking between bites. “This is amazing Jay, best waffle ever.”
“Thank you. I’m happy you like.” He looked between Chris and Lucy. “It is the first time you bring woman with you. Corinne was… disappointed. I can see why she can’t compete with your chosen fire head. Beautiful woman.”
“Keep it up and I’ll tell Janet you’re hitting on my girl.” Chris pointed his forkful of pancakes at Jay, before popping it in his mouth.
“Janet more prettier than Lucy because Janet is my wife.” Jay grinned at them. “I’ll leave you to your food. Wonderful day friends.”
She busied herself with another forkful of waffles and strawberries, trying not to focus too much on Chris calling her his girl.
“Don’t mind Jay, he’s a flirt. Didn’t I tell you the food was good?” Chris drizzled more syrup on his pancakes. “The man is a breakfast food king if I was a billionaire I’d hire him as my personal breakfast chef!”
“But you gotta eat more than just breakfast though. Who would you hire for dinner service?” she dumped most of the cream in her coffee, smirking when Chris cringed.
“Uhm… that’s a tough one.” He stroked his beard in thought. “Either Tyler Florence or Jeff Mauro… I’m going with Jeff Mauro; I love sandwiches and he is the king. What about you?”
“I don’t even need to think about it, it’s all about the good vanilla and the Italian mascarpone! Ina Garten is the Barefoot Contessa for a reason.” She observed.
“Now that would cost you an arm and a leg.” Chris countered. “And if you want Jeff to go make the cheese in a climate-controlled cave in Connecticut, then you’d be bankrupt by the next dinner service.”
“But she told me store bought was fine.”
“Store bought is never fine.” He gasped in mock horror.
Trying to contain her laugh had Lucy wiping away the moisture from the corner of her yes. “I can’t believe you watch Food Network, Chris!”
“Well, there’s just so many times you can play Boggle while on set. Sometimes you just want to watch something to take your mind off things you know?” He pushed his empty plate away, mirth in his voice. “Plus Chopped is psych! Scarlett, Sebastian and I place bets on our favorites. I usually leave a hundred dollars richer by the end of our marathons.”
The Museum of Science was somewhat busy for a Monday since most schools in the city were already off for the Holidays, making Chris lower his cap to cover his eyes as they entered the building.
Lucy’s eyes got big when she took in the place. “Oh my god, this is incredible! It’s almost bigger than the Museum of Natural back in New York.”
“I believe New York has more exhibits but we have more square footage or something like that. They grow everything big in Mass.” He winked.
“Don’t I know it?” Lucy waggled her eyebrows, laughing before grabbing the map she had picked up at the entrance. “Alright, what’s the plan?”
“I got us tickets to the Lightning! show at two, the Planetarium at three thirty and the butterfly garden at five pm.” Chris held her hand and lead her to the right side of the building while pointing things up in the map she held. “Maybe we could start with the dinos and make our way back to the red wing for the show?”
“Let’s head downstairs and see the Triceratops exhibit then, they are my favorite.”
“So, you like then horny, uh?” Chris whispered in her ear while they descended the escalator.
“Horny and big boned.” She whispered back with a straight face, a sneaky hand landing on the fly of his pants. “Small boners just don’t do it for me.”
A mother cleared her throat behind them just as they reached the lower level, and they moved quickly out of the way, looking sheepishly at the woman giving them a death glare before bursting into giggles.
“You’re such a bad influence on me.” Chris tutted at Lucy, bringing her close to his side and putting an arm around her shoulders.
“ME?” she protested with a laugh. “I was merely stating the fact that I like big dinosaurs, like a triceratops or a brachiosaur.”
“I’ll show you a brachiosaur when we get home.” He winked at her.
“If I recall correctly, your brachiosaur has quite a thick neck. Can I pet it? Maybe kiss it a few times?” She teased him, rubbing his forearm in a suggestive manner.
“Are you trying to make me pop a boner in public woman?” she saw him discreetly adjusting himself. “Come on, let’s see those dinos.”
The exhibit was fantastic, three full skeletons held the main floor, including a small, unhorned hatchling that made Lucy tear up. They admired the displays, taking turns pointing something they liked and debating which dinosaur would in against various superheroes, in the end deciding Hulk would probably join the dinosaur side, just to even things out. When they got to the T-Rex exhibit, Chris joked about this being Dodger’s wet dream and that he the only reason he wouldn’t steal a bone to take home to Dodger was that it wouldn’t fit inside his house, prompting Lucy to ask about it.
“The whole main floor is gorgeous, but I looooove your kitchen, it’s freaking amazing. If I ever move, I want a huge kitchen just like yours!”
“It was the first room I renovate when I bought the house last year.” Chris beamed. “Every detail, from the island to the fixtures have a history or a special meaning. I installed the backsplash myself.”
“Wait, you did it yourself?” Lucy asked, wide-eyed.
“The backsplash yeah, but I’ve had a lot of help from Dix and Garret during the reno. I also stained the hardwood and installed the mantle over the fireplace.” Chris grinned proudly and pulled up his phone, opening the gallery app and showing Lucy the before pictures. “Dix’s a contractor, damn good one too. We hired a design to come up with a general idea of I wanted and went from there. We’ve finished all the main floor, the master bedroom, and bathroom plus the staircase, but the other three bedrooms, the guest bathroom, basement and the backyard are kind of a mess. We only work on the house when I’m not filming, so it’s going slow.”
They walked over to the entrance of the Theater of Electricity as it was almost time for the show to start, and sat on a backless wooden bench, away from the main area, Chris straddling the bench and Lucy facing him, one leg bent over the smooth surface.
“Chris, the fact that you decided to tackle your own renovations when you could just pay someone to do it for you is remarkable. It speaks volumes of what you are as a person and what you want in life. My dad always quotes, we shape our buildings: thereafter, they shape us. You’re turning that place into a reflection of what you want for you and it shows.”
Chris regarded her for a moment, wistful eyes scanning hers.
“My ma’ always told me something similar before I moved to Los Angeles: whatever good things we build, end up building us. I’ve been trying to live by it, surrounding myself with people that want to build each other up, who share their talents with others in the best way they can. It takes a while to weed out the bad, especially in a place that thrives in being fake. There are many good, hard-working people in L.A. but there are at least three times as fakers and clingers who just want to use you. I love my house there, but sometimes it feels less like a home and that’s especially true now that I’ve bought the condo here. Ma’ was ecstatic when I told her I had found a place here, granted she wanted me closer in Sudbury, but I reckon Boston is a heck of a lot closer than Los Angeles. She helped decorate the living room and the big ass island was more of her idea than mine, but in the end, I loved it.”
“She’s got an awesome taste; I have the biggest case of kitchen envy now. I absolutely adore my apartment, it isn’t small by the city standards, but it doesn’t have much kitchen space. It certainly doesn’t have a big ass island, but it’s home.” She shrugged.
“I remember Penny mentioning you guys are from somewhere upstate, when did you move to New York?”
Lucy shifted in her seat. She would not think about him and what made her move back home.
“Late 2002. I had just gotten back from England; I went through a rough patch for a while and I wanted to start fresh some place where I could lose myself and not worry about everyone from the neighbors to the Mayor knowing your name. So as soon as I could I packed again and moved to New York. My father was supportive, but my Mamma was livid, she didn’t speak to me for a whole month.” she saw the confusion on his face. “That might not sound like a lot, but my Mamma is originally from Trento, Italy. She embodies all the stereotypes of an Italian woman you can think of. Not talking to me was maybe harder on her than it was on me!”
“My mother is like a quarter Italian so I can relate a little when she gets going is you better shut up and listen because she means business.” Chris nodded. He looked her over and Lucy had the distinct feeling he was trying to pierce some of her story together. He was much more perceptive than she initially thought, there would be no glossing over details with him. “England, uh? For dancing school?”
“Yeah… I joined when I was sixteen. Did almost six years with the company.”
He looked impressed. “That’s a whole lot of time dancing. What was the school like?”
“Demanding. We had to be the best one hundred percent of the time, you could lose your spot if you ever slacked on grades or on your dancing. I had a private tutor for classes, so I had no free time until I was finished with their version of high school. Then I got promoted to first soloist when I was twenty, so I barely know any touristy spots in London.”
“I keep wondering why you don’t want to tell me that you actually danced for the Royal Ballet of London and not some random school.” Chris gave her a pointed look and Lucy’s eyes widened. “Your sister is your biggest fan you know? She might have mentioned you danced with them once… or twenty times.”
Lucy looked away, her face heating up. Penny had been so supportive back in the day, even at thirteen, she was Lucy’s most supportive family member, encouraging her older sister to apply to the scholarship, staying in during the weekends so they could practice together. The events that preceded her return to the States still stung Penny and Lucy never thought her sister would look over them to hype her up to her friends.
“I don’t know really, I feel like I’m bragging when I mention their name. And some people look at my body and think ‘yeah right’ because a ballerina is supposed to be always this dainty girl and I’m now the opposite of that.” She waved her hand in front of her body. “I got rather crafty with not saying exactly where I studied, they mostly assume it was just a regular dancing school.”
“People are assholes.” He conceded.
The theater doors opened before Chris could comment further and they were ushered inside after handing their tickets to the greeter. They chose a seat near the middle row, moving all the way to the last seats, Chris pulling his cap down and slumping a little in the seat while everyone got seated around them. When the lights diminished, he righted himself up, removing his hat and running a hand through his hair.
Chris brought her arm over her shoulder, drawing her closer. He leaned into her, whispering in her ear. “I’m sure you were the cutest ballerina ever, but I much prefer the upgraded version of you.”
Even if she had any cute comebacks, and she didn’t, lights went up on the stage and the presenter introduced Professor Lightning, who proceeded to show the audience how Tesla coils worked and how to create lightning strikes at the comfort of their own lab. That was the first of the many corny science jokes of the thirty-minute show and Lucy lost herself in it, along with Chris.
“Maybe they’ll get it ready before we die, can you imagine it? A holiday trip to Mars?” Chris was walking backward while talking to Lucy, hands waving around in excitement, and she thought he looked like a little kid dreaming about what he’d do when he got older. It was the cutest thing.
They had just left the planetarium wing and they decided to head back down to the Starbucks locates at the atrium for some coffee. Chris had fake gagged when she ordered a Caramel Brûlée Latte and she made a show of drinking it slowly, moaning and making faces to get back at him. He ordered three double espressos in a grande cup, making the barista blink and repeat the order back to him.
They were now sitting by one of the many tables overlooking the Charles River, and Chris was dreaming of spending weekends on Mars instead of down in the Bahamas.
“I guess if you had thirty million dollars you could do it.” She agreed just to appease him. She saw his smile get bigger, probably already deciding which investments he’d give up being in that voyage. “You know, for each leg of the trip.”
Chris dropped his shoulder, defeated. “Maybe I could just go to the moon then. A quick getaway to look at Earth from another perspective.”
He looked serious and Lucy had a feeling he was indeed planning for that excursion.
“Would you really do it?” She inquired with a tilt of her head.
“Hell yes, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’d crap my pants while going up but man, that would be so fucking cool.”
Lucy watched as Chris got a dreamy look on his face and she contemplated if he would think she was crazy if she got him a Christmas gift. She just had the perfect idea for one.
“Send me a picture when you get there ok? You’d pay to go, I wouldn’t go even if they’d paid me.”
“Is it the heights?”
“Actually no, I love rollercoasters and I’ve bungee-jumped before.”
“You what?!” He stared at her with wide eyes.
“I did yeah! It’s such a cool experience, I’ll tell you about it sometime.”
“You better! So, if it isn’t heights, what is it?”
“I’m terrified of enclosed spaces. I can barely make out off an elevator without going into a mini panic attack.” Her body did a quick shake at thought of being inside a spaceship. “It’s not too much of being in a tight space but I need windows and I need to know I can quickly get out of the situation if the need arises. You can’t exactly do that while going to the moon.”
“I can see how that would pose a problem.” Chris nodded and finished his coffee. “How do you cope with flying?”
“I have a prescription for Xanax, but I try to avoid using it. I rely on lots and lots of distraction.” She picked her up her phone, unlocked and pulled up Spotify, showing him a playlist labeled Flying Sucks, and he scrolled through her picks. “I’m so glad I don’t need to turn off our phones anymore, I have my headphones on and music blaring from the moment I step into the plane.”
“I’m afraid to ask, but how does one go from Chopin to Slipknot in two songs?” He turned her phone back to her pointing from Nocturne op. 9 to Duality.
Lucy cocked her head at him, a grin on her face.
“My tastes are very singular,” she whispers trying to contain her laugh. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Chris paused for a bit and she saw the moment he got the joke.
“Did you… Did you just quote Fifty Shades Of Grey to me?” Chris was laughing so hard he dropped her phone on the table, his hand automatically landing on his chest. That was the third time she saw him doing that and vowed to try and make him laugh that hard again, it was the most adorable thing.
A few other visitors turned around startled by the sound of his laugh and Lucy shushed him, ineffectively. She saw a teenage girl squinting at Chris, trying to place the man sitting two tables away from her and Lucy immediately got up and stood in front of him, blocking her view.
“Let’s go, doofus, there’s a very curious teen staring at you and I say she’s seconds away from figuring it out who you are.” She gestured with a thumb to the table behind her. Lucy grabbed his hand and pulled him up, Chris lowering his cap while they left the cafeteria area.
“I still can’t believe you quoted that awful movie at me,” Chris said while tossing their cups on a nearby bin.
“And I don’t understand how you know that line at all.” She pointed at him, waggling her finger.
“They uh, may have offered me the role?” Chris glanced sheepishly at her.
“THEY WHAT?” Lucy shrieked and immediately covered her mouth. Chris pulled them into an empty alcove to get away from prying eyes. “I’m sorry for yelling but what?”
“They offered me the role. Twice. The second time they even threw veto power on whom would’ve play Anastacia.” He shook his head. “It was a hard pass from me. The sex scenes in the book were passable, but the plot felt iffy, very constricted and oversimplified.”
“You’re the first guy I know who actually have an opinion about the plot and do not dismiss it as being mommy porn.” Lucy praised him.
“I make a point of having an informed opinion and not rehash what others think.” Chris nodded. “If that means I have to read a book about kinky fuckery, hey, let’s do it!”
Lucy threw her head back with a laugh and they resumed their walk, discussing their favorite books and authors and soon it became very clear they did not share the same interests. Chris tended towards non-fiction, biographies, science and spirituality books while Lucy rarely picked up something that wasn’t about fantasy, especially vampires and wizards. They did agree on Harry Potter and A Brief History Of Time, so they called it a win anyway.
They circled back to the blue wing where the Butterfly Garden was located when a voice over the intercom announced that everyone with tickets for the five pm showing was now welcomed to enter the Garden, and they quickly made their way there.
They started the tour on the opposite side of the entrance, walking around a path brimming with the colorful wings of the kaleidoscope who lived there. Lucy took pictures of her favorites and marveled at how nature worked, turning into what most would consider an ugly nuisance into such an exquisite animal.
The thick, lush foliage extended all the way to the glass ceiling, the various shades of green a great contrast against the gray skies above. Each section of the garden filled with different types of flowers and plants to attract the butterflies, it was a cacophony of plants from all over the world, turning the area into something quite magical in Lucy’s eyes.
Chris stopped here and there to discuss whatever butterfly they could see, Chris pointing what he remembered of his previous visit and telling Lucy anecdotes of his time there with his family.
“Then he convinced Shanna to lick the picture! So she goes up, takes the mounted frame from the wall and low and behold, licked the fucking leaf!” Chris remembered laughing. “Of course, the moment she lifted the frame a silent alarm must’ve sounded somewhere, and two guards appeared out of thin air… and that’s how the Evans Family got banned from the MOS for six months.”
Lucy wheezed as she laughed, trying to control her breathing. “Poor Shanna! You and your brother were not kind with your sisters uh?”
“We’re vicious sometimes.” He agreed. “But we’re also very protective, I got in trouble once because I bit a guy for pushing Carly off the swing set. Granted I was six at the time, but man, I drew blood and everything! Dad had to pay for his hospital visit and I lost dessert rights for a month.”
He pouted, making Lucy giggle.
“Your family sounds amazing Chris! Are you guys doing something special for Christmas?”
“Mom’s hosting a huge party this year, so the whole family will be there. Lots of Evans and Capuanos, plenty of food and booze, games, I live for those parties, they are my favorite, so much love going on. Big breakfast in the morning, let them go crazy opening presents, then we take the kids sledding or to ice skate on a pond nearby and then we all gather to the party. How about you?”
“That sounds lovely. It’s just the immediate family this Christmas for us. Mamma insists on having all her kids there at least every other year, it’s a deal she makes with all in-laws when they become family.” She paused. Lucy was the only one who had never taken a boyfriend to one of their gatherings. She had mastered the art of ignoring the looks of pity her family sent her way every time she arrived alone, dodging questions about her failed love life now second nature. “We don’t have many relatives in America, mamma being Italian and Dad from Scotland, so we kinda created our own family traditions; we decorate cookies on the 24th, mamma chooses the Yule log, and we sit around talking about our year while listening to the Beatles and drinking wine. Then on Christmas Day we go ice skating, hold the ‘Annual Seabrook Snowman Challenge’, which I suck at by the way, and consume way too much wine and crostoli.”
“I love crostoli, my mom never got the recipe right from her grandma so hers it’s not so great… But I’ll deny it to my grave if you ever tell her I said that.” He tapped the end of her nose, making her giggle. “It’s been such a long time since I had them though.”
“Mom makes a ton of them to give the neighbors as gifts, I’ll save you some and send them back with Penny.”
“That’d be awesome, thank you.” He ran a hand through her hair and brought her closer, intending to kiss her. His lips almost touch her when a group of kids no older than six-year-old breezes by them, screaming ewwww and making kissing noises. “I guess you got cooties.”
They giggle and separate, but he clasps her hand while they toured the winding paths.
Walking further into the garden they got to a small section where hundreds of white or blue butterflies floated over the flowers, enjoying a rare ray of sun that filtered from the glass ceiling above. Chris took his phone out from his front pocket and handed it over to Lucy before embracing her, arms closing around her front and pulling her closer, her back molded to his front. She shivered at the full body contact and had trouble opening the camera app. Searching for the best angle, she took a couple of pictures of them surrounded by the clouds of wings, including one where a blue butterfly sat on Chris’ shoulders and Lucy had a surprised look on her face, which quickly become their favorite.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the museum will close in ten minutes.”
The voice over the intercom made them both jump, and Chris looked at the clock.
“Wow, it’s almost six already?” He looked surprised.
“Are you serious?” Lucy couldn’t believe how fast the day had gone by.
Yesterday had been amazing, all the teasing leading to a frenzied and amazing night of sex but if she had to choose her favorite time with Chris had been today. There were no awkward moments, not long silences where they didn’t know what to say to each other. As much as she was pressed not call it a date at the beginning, there was no denying today had been exactly that. And she loved every second of it.
Now came the hard part, letting go of Chris and going back to her own life.
“At least it’s not snowing yet, roads should be clear.” He talked absently. Chris scratched his beard appearing to miles away from the museum already and Lucy tried not to let it bother her.
The escalator had a line and the elevator was for seniors, pregnant women and people in need of assistance, so they took the stairs, keeping closer to the wall as to not draw much attention.
He picked up her left hand, drawing patterns on her palm before twisting their fingers together while they descended the stairs to get to the garage. Lucy noticed how touch drove he had been the entire day, always reaching out to her, holding her hand while they walked, circling her waist while they waited in line for tickets. It occurred to her he would distance himself from her while they were in public and she understood why he would do it but in a deeper level, she was elated when he didn’t. She thought back to that morning’s conversation; I won’t shy away from someone I care about’, and her heart skipped a beat. Could he care about her in a more permanent way than a one-night stand? She shook her head. No, that wasn’t possible, right?
Then how you would explain your own feelings? Her heart had terrible timing, as always. Okay, so maybe today had been better than good. I was a fucking great day okay, could you at least own up to that? And Lucy couldn’t argue because it really had been that.
At least she’d had the memories of their time together, the last thirty hours had been incredible, and she knew a smile would always accompany those memories, no matter what happened from now on.
They got to the garage after a few minutes, people shuffling around them to get to their cars as quickly as possible. They walked fast, not bothering with their coats, just wanting to get inside his car. Lucy was really looking forward to sliding against the heated leather seats.
“Fuck, it’s cold!” Chris exclaimed pulling her along. His wide stride made her almost run after him, air leaving her mouth in smalls white clouds as she breathed out. He hit his key fob a few meters before they reached the car and engine came to life with a hum. He opened the door for her, and she placed a sweet kiss on his cheek before getting inside. Chris quickly went around to the driver’s seat and moaned when the heated air hit his skin. “Oh, much better.”
“Do you think Audi would sell me just one of these seats? The heating at the studios sucks, I’d love to have one of these for my office!” She wriggled happily in her seat.
“Or you could buy a proper office chair that does the same thing?” He pointed at her when he got behind the wheel. Soft jazz music filled the air around them when he turned the key, the melodic sound swirling around them.
“Uhm I could, but then I couldn’t tell people how I convinced fucking Audi to make me a custom chair. Now that’s a story.” She chuckled and turned on her seat, facing him.
“So buy a chair, slap an Audi sticker to the back of it and tell the story anyway, how ‘bout that?”
“Uhm… There’s an idea.”
He laughed. “Why are we discussing this particular one anyway?”
“’ Cuz there’s like a hundred cars trying to leave at the same time and we’re stalling?”
“Such a smart girl.” Chris reached over the console and picked up her hand, playing with her rings. “Are you hungry?”
“Not really.”
He nodded and concentrated on the traffic inside the garage, managing to get out and merge into the exit lane, all with one hand, the other still holding hers.
Why in the world did she say she wasn’t hungry when he asked? She wasn’t, that was true, but they could have gone somewhere to just talk, she could have a few more moments with him and now she blew it. God, she was stupid. She thumped her head in the back seat, cursing herself. Was it too late to say something, hey, changed my mind, let’s go grab a pizza or something.
She kept her body turned to him as he drove, a leg bent on the seat, studying his profile, the little bump on his nose, the mole on his left cheek, how his beard was not dark blond but auburn like Penny’s hair. She wanted to commit it all to memory so she could relive it once she got back home. Maybe daydream about not being a fucking coward and ask him to take her back to his place instead of back to Garrets.
They drove in silence for the next ten minutes, the only sounds inside the car coming from the speakers. He pulled to the curb of Garret’s house and Chris killed the engine, turning to Lucy. She felt the intensity of his gaze while she studied his face, waiting for his final words. This was it. He would thank her for a good time, say she was a nice girl and send her away.
Was it even possible to have feelings for someone you’d met in person just the day before? Maybe it was just some leftover infatuation from the night before? Sure, she had heard of him from Garret and Penny, they were practically his personal cheerleader squad, but meeting Chris had been a whole different experience. She couldn’t remember the last time she’s had so much fun with a man. It wasn’t just the sex, which by the way had blown her mind after twenty plus months of celibacy, but how he’d made her feel like the most important person in the world when he talked to her, how he listened with his whole body, really paying attention to what she was talking about. How he laughed at her jokes, cracking up with that adorable and dorkable laugh of his. He had cut through her walls and her fears with his witty banter and a charming personality and she had been impotent to resist him. She liked everything about him. She was falling for the guy.
She had already fallen.
The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.
Stupid, silly girl. Why on earth would someone like him ever want more than a one-time thing with the likes of her?
She screamed at that poisonous voice to shut up, she didn’t want to hear it today. She concentrated on the affirmations Doctor Clark had given her.
She was worth it; she was not perfect but every being deserved love.
She was happy with her body; maybe she wasn’t a size four or even a six, but she was stylish, some days she would be so bold as to call herself sexy.
She was a good person; a loving friend, a kind person, a passionate lover,
She was deserving of love.
She closed her eyes, exhaling slowly, willing away all bad thoughts, breathing in and out, centering herself.
Maybe not his love, but he had awakened something inside her, if Captain America himself thought she was worthy of his time, that voice surely must be wrong.
She opened her eyes and leaned forward, resting her hand on his knee.
“Thank you for an amazing time, Chris. I haven’t had this much fun in quite a few years.”
She kissed his cheek, lingering just one second more. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she moved to open the door.
“What, no, Lucy wait.” He hit the lock button, breathing rapidly. “Just wait, give a man a moment to breathe, will ya’?”
“Chris?” She tilted her head, watching as he took deep breathes, counting on his fingers while murmuring what looked like affirmations, much the same she did earlier.
“Sorry, I had to run a few scenarios in my head. A trick my therapist taught me for when I get anxious.” He explained, tangling the fingers of one of their hands and pulling her to him, kissing her square in the mouth. “None of that cheek kissing thing alright?” he pleaded when he released her.
“Alright?” she had no idea what to answer so she nodded instead.
“Good, good. We had a great day together, didn’t we?” his free hand reached for a stray lock of her hair, twirling it between his fingers.
“I believe I thanked you for it already.” She looked nonplussed at him.
“That you did baby.” He kissed her again, this time biting her lower lip. “What if this wasn’t the end of that time?”
“What if instead of dropping you here, you get out, get your bags and go home with me?” his clears eyes shone with hope and he licked his lips, waiting.
“You know we leave after lunch, right, I told you that.” Her heart was speeding up and she was sure he could feel her hands getting clammy. Was he really asking her to spend the night again?
“That would give us more,” he checked his watch, “eighteen more hours together.”
“Are you sure Chris? I’m okay with this being the end of our little rendezvous, I really liked the day we had.” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.
His smile vanished.
“Oh, unless you don’t want to, I can understand that.” He chewed on his lip, defeated.
“Unlock the door, Chris.”
“Okay.” He hit the button and bowed his head. “Can I… can I kiss you goodnight?”
“Yes, you can kiss me goodnight.” She opened the door but didn’t move, waiting for him to look up. “You can kiss me goodnight after I have my wicked way with you after we get back to your place.”
“Yes! I was beating myself up for not saying yes when you asked if I was hungry.”
His face broke up in a huge grin.
“We can eat, then go back home.”
“I just want to spend more time with you, I don’t care what we do.”
His lips were cold when she kissed him, the outside air rapidly entering the car, but neither cared, too lost in each other to bother closing the door.
“I’ll go grab my bags.” She said when they separated.
“Hurry up woman, we have just nineteen hours and fifty-five minutes left.”
She threw her head back and laughed, getting out of the car and running up the stairs.
“Hey Lucy?” he yelled from the lowered window. She turned to him, after knocking on Garret’s door. “I hope you don’t have plans to sleep tonight.”
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themefo · 6 years
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A little sketch to go with the lovely story written for me by my dearest @tessa1972
For my beloved MeFo!
She woke up.
Her body was aching, just a little bit, her training yesterday evening was great, but maybe she was a tiny bit too harsh to herself.
Siobhan left the bed and stretched herself from head to toe.
Then she saw her reflection in the mirror.
Her cute short hair was a wild mess, but she didn't care.... A brilliant brown with this reddish touch, which was just visible, when the sun kissed her head.
Gorgeous eyes were staring at her. The eyes of a strong person - hazel-eyes with those flames of youth and the lust for life inside, with bottomless deep and night-dark pupils.
Siobhan smiled. Her lips curled.
A pretty smile.
A sassy smile.
A melancholic smile, too.
Those soft lips often said words of wisdom, words of hope, but also words of pain and anger. And sometimes she let just her eyes speak or her muscles….
A tough woman - this is what she saw, in the glimmering light of the awakening morning.
Was she really that tough? She wanted to be, she had to!
But there was also another person looking at her from the shiny, flawless surface of the mirror:
A cute and loveable human being!
Was it important to be always strong?
Was it important to be a woman?
Was it important to be awesome pretty?
Was it important to be a leader, a hero, a fighter?
But what was important in life?
To be part of a family?
Sharing trustworthy friendships?
Having a task in life?
Or simply to be happy?
There was a person in Siobhan's life, who gave her the chance to be just herself.
Young, foolish, fragile, vulnerable!
Just Siobhan!
S.I.O.B.H.A.N. - “The Maker is merciful”
Isabela was right, saying soft things about her, cute things, endearing things!
Once she said to Siobhan, she is spelling her name that way:
S - sexy
I - intelligent
O - original
B - beautiful
H - honest
A - adorable
N - necessary
And being necessary in another person's life is the greatest gift, isn't it…...
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jq37 · 6 years
sooo.... what’s the tea on the new ep? :)
**spoilers for family in flames**
I have so much to say I’m not drafting this on tumblr lest it crash and I lose a soul-crushing amount of yelling into the void.
And, I gotta say, THIS episode is the reason I haven’t posted my adult rankings list yet. THIS RIGHT HERE. I KNEW some crap was gonna go down and force me to make some HUGE adjustments.
Also, We are feeling vindicated in this house today! But let’s start from the top and work our way down.
“Raise your hands if you really care about your parents.”
Fabian having to be like, “Look, your parents suck but don’t you have siblings?” (Kristen: Ugh, I guess)
Adaine pointing out that she cares about Gorgug’s parents.
Brennan listening to them argue about what to do like he doesn’t know they’re about to be arrested for a whole ass MONTH.
Fig wanting to method act while texting the phone, pretending to be scared.
So is the arcade owner (Frank Dunford) relevant? Brennan had the name on hand. But maybe it was just him being a good worldbuilder and anticipating the question. I feel like it’s probably that because this is late in the game to be introducing new people who are super relevant.
“Gilear’s got a little knife”
I KNEW those arcade prizes were gonna be gear they could pick up! ALWAYS RAID THE ROOM. Some of that stuff might have helped in the fight. I loved the group silently reading the cards and exchanging them to whoever they thought it would help most in the background as Brennan did the ID spell.
“This has been, if I may say so, the *best* use of the identify spell.”
I love that Adaine thanks everyone, including her inanimate spells. She’s just a good person.
OK so this episode addressed a LOT of questions I had about how these literal children were getting away with all of these murders and such. Apparently, the adventuring academy kids traditionally just get away with this stuff because of Arthur’s influence and the nature of adventurers.
Adaine coming in hot with the diplomatic immunity and then remembering, oh wait, we’re at war w/ Falinel.
Fig immediately starting smoking when she gets arrested.
I love the federal agent outsider with perspective coming in and being rightfully horrified by the absolute nonsense that’s been going on the past 15 episodes.
Is Riz’s mom the only competent cop at this station? Is there a one competent adult per location rule?
Bill Seacaster Upon Learning the Bad Kids are In Jail: Did you try to escape?
“How are things going?”/“I mean bad. I’m in jail.”
Fig upon offhandedly and indirectly being called a vigilante by Sklonda: Thank you.
Emily loses it whenever anything happens in Gilear’s orbit.
Wild that Adaine decided to spontaneously call Goldenhoard considering what happened later. Like, it wasn’t a completely out of nowhere decision and it was totally logical but they could have easily overlooked that decision. 
Like, I know things happen later that make this kinda moot but I loved Goldenhoard’s conversation with Adaine in jail. “Don’t to talk to anyone without a lawyer and kill anyone you have to to get out. The school will pay for the rezzes.”/“That’s exactly what our plan was. God, I love this school.”
Although, sidenote, I feel like you can only easily rez someone within a minute? Like, I know there are other D&D spells that let you do it after a longer period of time but with the whole phoenix egg thing and the fact that they haven’t come up so far, I feel like Brennan isn’t using the in this setting for stakes reasons.
Man that whole conversation with Fig and her mom. Emily plays Fig so balls to the wall that I kinda forget sometimes that she’s actually an intelligent adult woman who knows what she’s doing with the character so I really shouldn’t be surprised with how well she stuck the emotional beats of this episode.
Gorthalax man! TyraWeWereAllRootingForYou.gif If he left, like, actually left and isn’t just held up somehow, then that’s gonna be really not great for Fig’s general psyche. 
Kristen COMPLETELY undercutting the moment by point blank asking if they had sex.
No wonder Sandra-Lynn was so worried about Fig. She was totally Fig growing up. Which, lol, she’s not even half tiefling. She was just *like that*
Oh so Gilear has always been super lame. Good to know.
Fig: I think I have mommy issues./The Rest of the Party: You have all the issues.
Fabian: You’re trying to hook up with a 25 year old adult./Fig: What do you mean trying?I’m successfully kissing him once every couple weeks. (Which, lol but also I’m glad that’s as far as it got…you know if it has to go any amount forward).
They just let Bill into the cell?????
Lou when Zac rolls a 1 for perception on Bill Secaster and he knows what’s coming: Don’t fucking do this. (Everyone else: Already trying not to lose it)
Zac’s Gorgug being contemplative and also completely wrong face is so funny to me every time.
“Why would you kill me?”/“Why would you know that?”
Who is more insane? Gorgug for suggesting him and Fabian could be twins (aren’t they different ages????) or Bill for thinking he’s so awesome he could somehow do that?
Kristen trying to help FIg distract Bill by blurting out, “Have you ever had sex?” After the conversation where he said point blank he’s slept with 100s of orc women. 
Fabian yelling at his dad is kinda undercut by continuing to call him papa in the most poncy accent.
I don’t think I’ve articulated this properly before but this episode really drove it home: Fabian and Bill have a *close* relationship but not an entirely healthy one. Like, better than Adaine and her parents by leaps and bounds but he wrestled his son in a jail cell while his friends just watched. Like, who does that?
Imagine if Riz had tried to get between Bill and Fabian. 
Also imagine being the rest of the party just sitting there, watching that go down.
“We’ve spent so much of our lives obsessed with our dads and we’ve completely ignored our moms.”/“You’re just again talking about yourself.”
I can’t believe Fig’s suggestion spell would have worked if head boss in charge fed lady hadn’t been there. Speaking of her, as soon as she showed up I knew they weren’t going to be able to shenanigan their way out of this one (which is literally the word Emily used, hilariously). I don’t think even a nat 20 would have gotten them very far. Remember last week when I said that I was sure there was going to be a prom finale but I was also pretty sure there was still a good chunk of time before prom? As soon as they got arrested and the feds showed up I was like, “Oh they are not getting out until prom for sure.”
Siobhan trying not to laugh while Emily tries a ridiculous plan that might have worked in a different episode honestly.
Ally trying to Pirates of the Carribean her way out of the jail cell.
The cops didn’t even take their stuff in a month!
“I’m glad this is in my head and no one else can hear things like this.”
I love how Fabian rolls his eyes at Adaine for thanking her spells but he always thanks the Hangman.
Realistically the Hangman would have told Fabian the plan before it happened but the way it played out was soooo good.
The return of Mr. Cubby!!!! I was hoping it would be him but man! It was still so awesome to see happen. I wonder if Brennan introduced that family specifically in case the group ever needed to be busted out of jail (a likely need).
“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group of a given nation.”
“You guys wanna make some bacon?”
“That was on fire the whole time? You’re so brave!” Adaine likes adults who aren’t her parents so much.
Riz being like uhhhhh my mom works here.
“To the AV club!”/“It’s been months!”
OK so they took a palimpsest from Bill in this episode. That was there to tip them off that he’s up to something I’m sure, but I feel like that could also turn out to be a Chekov’s gun for next ep. I’m sure the ability to trap someone’s should would be useful in the finale.
S/O to Brennan for his excellent foreshadowing throughout the episode and honestly the whole series.
Siobhan thinking to check the trash folder of his computer was a good move, even if it didn’t end up being the right one.
OK, strap in guys. This is where things get WILD.
Siobhan’s “Oh shit!” when she got halfway down the page of Watches and Wards and then that Harry Potter sounding sting in the background.
(Before I get any further, I love that Adaine’s first thought was well that means my sister isn’t Kal Vaxis because she thinks her sister is the root of all evil).
But WOW. After all the trash talking of the old oracle, it turns out Adaine is the new eleven oracle! And she has been since EPISODE ONE. I almost thought she was gonna be *that* elven oracle because of the questions the cast was asking but nope. It is, as Zac and Siobhan put it, a The Santa Clause situation where the last one dies and someone else gets the job.
Brennan’s faint amusement as they work through that is so good.
You know what’s kinda hilarious in hindsight about that? I said before that, so far, every person Adaine has pegged as trash has ended up being trash of the highest order and an enemy of the party and of course she’s been good at predicting things! She’s the literal oracle.
Am I reading this wrong or is the Religious Studies teacher name Yolanda Badgood?
Also the sheet says “Lunchlad (Official Title)” RIP dude.
Emily low key thinking this is going to be about pay disparity between the races.
Will putting the book back retroactively get rid of anything bad currently cast in school?
Brennan going, “Nothing happens.”/“You see an upside down waste paper basket.” Is such a GM mood. I had a session once where I spent half an hour just saying, “You’re looking at the door,” in various ways.
No one knows what Goldenhoard’s name actually is and it’s the second to last episode.
I feel like Brennan must have gotten forehead/cheek kissed a lot as a child because he’s constantly having NPCs do it. 
Are elves in this setting actually immortal (barring being actually killed) or just long lived? Because Adaine talks like she’s immortal but I wasn’t sure. Anyway, newsflash Adaine. You’ve been mortal this whole campaign! Because apparently, the elven oracle always eventually dies. 
I love that Adaine finally confronted the oracle about sinking on a ship and actually ended up kinda sympathizing with her. I can’t believe this is how that running joke ends.
Fabian at the ghost of the past eleven oracle who’s imparting wisdom on Adaine: Who are you?
Ally: Can I do something weird? (Dude, when do you not?)
Ally mumbling through an inspiring spell as Murph clues in to the paperwork discrepancy that blows the plot twist wide open. And then miming the whole thing in the background as the scene goes on.
“He was mean so I thought that meant he was a good guy.” More stern than mean really but yeah! Same Murph!
You know how you know things are about to get real? When the DM starts letting you do stuff like bust down doors without even rolling for it because there are bigger fish to fry.
The 69 glyphs of binding. Nice.
But in seriousness, Kal Vaxis (apparently it’s spelled Kalvaxus but I can’t be bothered to change that in this post) was apparently trapped by Arthur and bound to work at Aguefort (as Goldenhoard) because…he’s a wildcard I guess. Sidenote, can you imagine what this season might have looked like if Arthur hadn’t died? Or was that always the plan for him to die in some way? Like to resurrect an NPC maybe if the crew hadn’t lost 2 party members.
Man when he said last ep that the girls were going back to school I thought OK that makes sense because it’s the AV computer that Biz used or maybe it’s Penelope. But I totally overlooked teachers.
OK so the binding spell specifically says “as long as I live” and Arthur is dead. So….what does that mean exactly? And this plan seems to have been in motion from before Arthur died. What does that mean? Also, if that wording means he’s freed when Arthur dies, what was Arthur thinking killing himself???? Did he need Kristen to sneak him into heaven so he could talk to Sol and do some scheming or something? AHHHHH I have so many questions.
Also in the binding is a clause about tea. Now, first of all, Arthur, bro. Come on. Second of all, a lawyer really should have looked at that. “I will drink anything you give me”? I work at a law firm. I’m a lowly first year but even I know that’s a terrible thing to put in a contract. I’m sure y'all non lawyers know that too!
Karam-Kajam (the binding spell words) kinda looks like “magic maker” backwards. That doesn’t mean anything. I just wanted y'all to know I was freeze framing every thing that might be a clue.
OK ok ok, so I’ve been saying for a while now (in posts but mainly over chat) that all this bad stuff must be like connected to a central person in service of a central goal but the players were probably all unconnected wild cards acting in self interest. The one thing I couldn’t quite put together was what because these plots have been mainly unconnected. But now, we have it! All the weird things starting a war (by manipulating the harvestmen), getting 7 maidens (by manipulating Biz), and reinstating prom king/queen (by manipulating (?) Penelope and Dayne, also yes! my wild card guess was that prom king/queen was going to be part of a spell or curse or something. Guess it was prophecy but yes! vindication!) are parts of a prophecy on how to bring back Kalvaxis! (Along with him getting his “glittering treasure”?)
But yeah! No wonder it was so hard to put the pieces together! They all connected but only through a prophecy. Good job Bren!
“The sun shall fall from the heavens” is part of the prophecy which makes me think Sol or Helios might be involved in this somehow.
Ally: There are definitely going to be 7 virgins at prom. (That deserved a rim shot).
Good on Murph for making sure none of them were on the virgin list bc that would have been a pain in the ass to find out mid-fight. Also, I KNEW “Where are their bodies” was the question to ask last ep when Biz said they were going back to their bodies.
“Who told you that? An oracle?”
I hope Adaine just uses her oracle status to make sick one liners like, “I predict this is gonna hurt,” before she witchbolts someone. She never does her actual job. 
Adaine who hates her family, righteously indignant: Between our houses and the world, you expect us to choose our houses?
The rest of the group who loves their family: BYEEEEE.
Well, no. Kristen also had reservations before she remembered her brothers existed.
Adaine texting her mom: You should probably leave.
Siobahn and Ally fistbumping over their mutual not caring about their parents.
OK so what’s up with the rat? What’s so important about the rat? And what’s up with Zayne? We still haven’t figured out what’s up with him.
Still not clear on if the crystals trap your physical body or just your spirit and leave your physical body dormant irl.
So that’s how they got rid of the adults for the fight. Nice job again Brennan.
As far as I can tell, Brennan made up this usage of the word palimpsest and I’d never heard of the word before and now I type it so much. Wild.
“I’m calling an Uber. You use the minute to go look at as much shit as you can. Jump in the Uber with me, come to my house. Look Rudolpho will be here in two minutes in a Honda Civic. Use one of those minutes. Go.”
A Knight to Remember. 
They freaking Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to Kristen’s house.
I love how Uber Drivers in this world are still gunning for 5 stars.
OK, time for the most stressful 30 minutes of Fantasy High (so far).
I think the wagering mechanic Brennan used for the fights was brilliant. For each conflict a d20 was rolled. 1-6=epic fail. 7-14=bad but not awful. 15-20=favorable outcome. The twist was that if the person chose to help their family they could give up half their HP and 14 spell levels and he would roll with advantage.
Everyone quickly took that deal except Adaine who truly does not give a damn about her family (and also, reasonably, thought that they wouldn’t even be at home. Idk why they apparently were tbh).
When Emily said, “She’s a complex person and she’s allowed to be,” that was the moment I was like, “Oh yeah. She’s not actually Fig. IRL she knows what’s happening.”
Siobhan uses her divination roll of 18 to save Kristen’s family without having to risk anything but the Ally turns around and decides to take the deal to try and save Adaine’s family WHEN ADAINE DOESN’T EVEN CARE. But it makes sense that Kristen would.
Lou’s monolog as Brennan rolls about how nerve wracking and terrible it is to have no idea what’s going on.
“This is the worst thing I’ve been a part of.”
“I was wondering why my mom visited me and humanized herself and this is exactly why.”
Lou/Fabian: What if my fucking family dies? (F O R E S H A D O W I N G, albeit unknowingly)
Brennan (sagely): It couldn’t have been any other way./Siobhan: It could’ve been!
lol at Adaine trying to trigger that ice cream later wish at their darkest moment (so far). Also, not that I think Brennan ever forgot about it but now I’m for sure it’s gonna come up next ep bc if nothing else that would have reminded him.
OK first up, Fig and her mom.
“Dang they’re already organized with costumes?”
That was so boss, her mom getting revived and then IMMEDIATELY shooting two guys w/ her bow.
Emily LEGIT crying through that scene. The whole room was on an emotional tightrope. You can tell.
Where in the mountains Sandra-Lynn!? I want specifics Sandra-Lynn!!
I love the idea of her jumping out of a window onto a dope griffin’s back. Fig’s mom just bought herself a bunch of spots on my grown-up rankings list.
Next Riz at Strongtower
I knew Sklonda was going to be in the secret room!
I love that apparently Riz can recognize his mom’s gun by hearing it.
I know it was in the promo but Riz’s mom being like, “I was so scared you were gonna ask me to prom” was hysterical.
You just know Sklonda and Agent Angela have been fighting like cats and dogs this past month.
Riz and his mom high fiving. They have the best relationship.
Gorgug and the Thistlesprings
lol, looks like his parents had the easiest time wrecking their intruders.
But based on how it was described as compared to everyone else (bar Fabian–we’re getting there), it sounds like he got pretty dang hurt.
And I guess they have a tank (which they usually use to mow the lawn) and a bomb chest? Wild.
Anyway, if anything had happened to them insert Rosa B99 meme.
“You come to the tree, you better be ready to never fucking leave, you understand?” So boss. (Also, is that a pun?)
Gorgug’s parents launched a satellite while Gorgug was in jail.
Kristen and co.
Kristen’s dad (who is the worst): You think these guys were illegals, what?
Kristen: I’m gonna take the car, byeeee.
Kristen and Adaine bonding over their terrible parents.
I’m Concerned about Kristen’s brothers.
They poofed out. Idk why they were still there to begin with.
So the damage they took was supposed to represent the danger the took in their respective fights. Kristen got Adaine’s divination roll meaning her family was fine either way but she did take damage for Adaine’s family. But the fight was already over by the time they got there. So, in story, any injuries sustained must have been from the fight at her house, even though that wasn’t technically the deal.
Anyway, Adaine doesn’t care about her family so let’s not waste any time moving onto
Seacaster manor
OK, you guys. Let me tell you my buildup to the realization that Bill had to die.
In the first set of episodes, when tone was established, I said to myself, a parent is going to die. I don’t know who, but someone will.
Then, Bill gave them a training montage and I thought, curse of the mentor. He’s going to die. Besides, he’s one of the biggest parental figures and he’s larger than life–perfect for a fall.
Then Sklonda took down the Harvestmen and I briefly shifted my worry to her.
But then Fabian started clashing with Bill. And I remembered all the constant talk of his mortality.
And then, this ep, Brennan made him choose between his mom and dad and I was pretty sure. (sidenote: Fabian yelling at his mom the same ep Adaine said he has a great relationship with his mom. But, like, compared to her, maybe. Also, mean Brennan.)
And then Fabian lost an eye (with a description that still makes me wince) and I KNEW. Once he lost his eye, there was no way Bill could leave the fight alive, thematically.
Honestly, it was a wrap when Fabian played the video from his dad. I was worried he’d die before he got there. 
(It was a low blow, and I credit you that.)
Why were there Harvestmen attacking Fabian’s house and no one elses?
Fabian’s mom just drinking while the house is being raided.
I was so sure the tuxed Harvestman who attacked Fabian was going to turn out to somehow be Daybreak or something. Anyway, it has to come up again. There’s no reason for that level of detail otherwise. And tux sounds like prom attire.
Lou rolls a nat 1 and then rerolls it because he has the lucky trait. What’s funny is just started listening to NADNDPod and Murph (who reminded Lou about the lucky thing) disallowed one of his players from rerolling a nat 1 even w/ the lucky in the last ep I listened to. I don’t remember if the circumstances were different though.
Bill handcuffing himself up to keep fighting. Yikes.
Anyway, ugh that whole death scene. I would write more but this is closing in on 4k words and I’ve been working on this for hours. I just wanna say, that was a perfect way to go out for him. Killing 60 people and then getting stabbed by his son and exploding. So baller (as was Fabian jumping out the window onto his bike and catching Bill’s sword. He has so many cool swords now).
It’s a crime no one does animatics for this show.
We also got a piece of the puzzle. Bill was the one supplying the palimpsests (or at least one of the ones. who was doing it before?) not for an evil reason. Just a chaotic neutral reason of wanting to recapture the glory days. So now we know that.
I mentioned this before but…Fabian is Thor.
“I SHALL LEAP INTO HELL AND KILL THE DEVIL HIMSELF” and Bill Seacaster is dril apparently.
I love Fabian destroying the nice thing Bill said about him to preserve his legacy.
I appreciate so much that Lou knew his character so well that without any hesitation he stabbed Bill and that was the right choice.
Whew, that was a lot.
Also, not that I don’t trust Brennan but it’s wild that Bill, the most thematically appropriate parent to die, was the only one who failed his roll apparently. 
Aww at Zelda’s message to Gorgug. She made him a playlist! So 80’s high school. It gives him a bonus! Also I really wanna know what’s on the list. Like, is it all fantasy rock puns or actual songs? Yay for Brennan giving them cool items for good RPing. 
Live band. Nice.
Emily and Zac both rolled 20’s for initiative for next week’s fight. Hopefully that’s a good omen. We have no way of knowing because THERE’S NO PROMO FOR NEXT WEEK.
This isn’t edited. This is more than 4000 words. This is so long my computer is about to die. Thank you and goodnight. 
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