#and here we are I dont contol them
bnbc · 6 months
tysm for a tag @corpocyborg
I'm not sure I if I shared it already or not, this WIP is quite old (I finished 2 fics since I started this one) yet I would like to finish it one day and need a push xD
"How do you usually start?" "I undress." Heinrix's reflection remains still, but Isabella feels how his hands on her shoulders move subtly. Their eyes meet in the mirror, and she suddenly is overcome by the desire to yank the strings on her dress to let the fabric flow down her arms and lean to the chair’s back so that Heinrix’s palms slide down, as by their own will. It's not the best time for this, but... Maybe later. “I’m not kidding,” Isabella says. “It'll be easier later to clean myself than my dress." "Reasonable." She watches his fingers trail along her collarbone to touch the lace at the edge of her neckline. “I’m afraid we'll have to break this tradition,” Heinrix feigns a heavy sigh, but the corner of his mouth is raised in a slight grin. “Otherwise I'll be less than helpful.” "Oh no. So what should we do?" “There is a simple solution,” he doesn't hide his smile now. "I will undress."
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
dave chappelle stepped off stage after a few minutes a cell phone was used. now it is far toos trict but heard racism and comments alld ay and they planned to push him off stage and they are mistreated here badly. and our son says he is too. needs to find a way to another place and we agree but cant and he knows it. but the do it to minorities. and have been to our son who is poor cant move at all has no transprotation too. they are rude hienous losers must be disciplined
Thor Freya
we heard it all see it ad send for help and constntly need to and now
minority morlock
tons of tiems now and they come in they monpolize the large ship industry and do and ono the seas too and it is obnoixius and way over the top now
let them mike you idiot
mac daddy
mike t
i say so
mike t and i warned you
and you shutup i wanredyou tons of times dont tke it lightly ok. they say it and dont return. it is hard but ok. and we see why no they do but dont say. now this stuff hurts you asses talking all day and wiht him your jerks ok
mac daddy nd tons of songs and you get it he says yeh and the talk in westboro and yeh got it and will have the presidency this coming term. and we say how and he said said it and ok. does too we dont recall it good. and he will and the macs say we do it have him nd he says so what. and i belive him he is growing and not shrinking and getting huge somehow hge
we get that going as we see it too we are in a deadlock these grow no shrink. and big and yeh cant afford it will buy acid contoller and we do say this he is wise to it damnit but ok lol
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Major and I had gone back to our bunks, him muttering about how they dont treat us with basci human decancy and I was still quiet. I hadnt said much. I watched hima s he yelled at the guards, but the thought of how he jsut treated his own girl witht he lack of regard still laid in my mind. I had told him, we should plan a prsione escaspe. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. But why Noot? "NAw, Ive been looking towaRD that exit door in the quad area and like. You know could lead outside or something." "Naw man that crazy you try that shit you be in here another six years."
"What would it matter if Im already in here fdor six yeares" "So you can get another six more that makes no sense to me"
I laid there to myself shurggin him off, knowign as much as he talked he wouldsnt ever actually do anything in rebblion to the police. Or guard jsut remind them of their own callous criem sand sit there reaping the benfits as most do. His own lack of knowledeg of th esytem and using his own charms to attain perosnal goods was funny. Hes willing ot shoot one woman in need to hustle and garner success but his won want to stay within the prioson cell for fear of being trppaed longer was a complex fallacy I could not understand. WHat would be the point of allowing the same man contolling youi that you yell at to treat you with kindess knowing they have a lack of regard for your own life, why would you submit to that own poer?
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randomsevans · 4 years
The truth was hidden there all along.
"IZZY , JAMES GET UP NOW !" You shouted from the bottom of the stairs . This is the third time you have called for them your patience is wearing thin
You took a deep breath and hung your head low as you rested against the handles of the stairs
That line works most times , considering your children love your partner more then there love you . Funny how the fun one gets more love then the person who brought them into the world .
"YOUR MOMS RIGHT JELLY BEAN IM WAITING " a deep voice boomed from behind you making you jump
"Oh shit !"you placed your hand over your heart
"Watch your languages darling " chris smirked
"Dont scare me then " you turned to him slapping his chest .he caught it and pulled you into his chest and slammed his lips fo yours .
"Ewwwee " followed by tiny stomps down the stairs
"Chris !" A high pitched squeal from your three year old daughter Izzy as she run down the stairs
"Izzy dont ... "chris panic voice came through allows for the air in his chest it he punched out and izzy jumped into his arms squealing
"Chris ! Chris ! Chris !" She did a little wiggle in his arms
"Oh I see some one is now awake "you shook your head
You turned your head and looked up at the top of the stairs to see your 7 year old son james standing there with his arms across .
"Come on james . I need to take you to school while chris takes izzy "
"You too finished " he snarled stomping his way down the stairs
"Finished what?" You scrunched up your face turning to chris , who just shrugged, dragging izzy upside down as if it was nothing.
James was the final steps and narrowed his eyed at chris and pointed his finger at him. Making chris instantly stop what he was doing and paying full attention to the little boy
"You mister .... I never want to see that again " his voice was stern but still high pitched
Chris looked at you with scared eyes "do what son ?" He asked
You just looked at the two of them ,as james browns hair was sticking all over over the place . Your heart fluttered when chris "son " but was replaced by guilt quickly
"Kissing my mamma with out asking " his voice was stern and very serious
Chris looked shocked upon the young boy and turned to you .
"Yeah chris you should of asked first " you teased
"But ... baby .." Chris looked like a kicked puppy as James made his way down the final steps and stood in front of Chris who was still holding his sister as she played with hair in her small hands
"You need to ask next time . You got that mister "
Chris nodded still shocked with his mouth open
"Good !" And with that he made his way into the kitchen , as Chris put Izzy down to follower her brother .
"Wh..what just happend?" Chris shook his head making his way to you ,placing a hand on the small of your back .
"You just got a scolding form my son" you grinned up at him
"Yep that boy is 100% your son " chris chuckled placing a kiss on your cheek . And there was the guilt eating up at you again . Always parizling you from the truth . And it hurts, it eating at you but you dont know what the outcome would be if you told the truth
Chris put his hands up in her air and started walk over to the kitchen
"Now who wants porridge " he clasped his hands together
"Ewwwwe no PANCAKES " Izzy screamed the last part at the top of her lungs. You simple stood there at the side lines and watched
You were so thankful to have chris in your life . You and him have been friends for years at least a decade, you've had your ups and downs, your fazes through out your friendship . In the time you had James he was not around busy with life as yours being to change . But when Izzy came around and you were all on your own he came back in and become a permanent part in your life .
You remind sticky friends during your pregnancy and first few months of Izzy being born .
But as you spent more time with him, the feeling you always had for him were become stronger and in no time you and him were together. Officially. Not like it used to be in the past . When you were just friends with extra when it suited him .
And Chris was fine with you being a single mom . After Izzy "and " James father left you for someone else after months of cheating .
Chris adored your children . Chris is the only father figure Izzy know . Hell he even named her Isabella he wanted to use the nickname Bell but Izzy just stuck more .
And that what made the guilt even stronger as your past is strong and complicated your so scared it will effect your future you would not dare tell a soul. It could either make your family or tear it apart. 
“baby you coming ?” chris snapped you out of your thoughts
“oh yeah “
chris pov 
i was driving , taking Izzy to her pre-school , who was currently in the back seat , quiet , unusal quite . if theres one thing ive learned over watching that little blonde princess grow up ,is that the moment she learnt how to speak she never shut up , oh I wonders where she got that from ? i chuckled little at the memory of you yesterday over the phone , not shutting up complaing about one of James teachers .i looked up in the mirror to get a glimps of the little girl , 
she was seat there in her car seat stairing out at the window with a little pout .
“whats the mattter Jelly Bean ?”
she let out a dramactic sigh , always dramctic that one ,wounder who else is like that ?
“chris ?” she softly whispered still looking at the moving trees 
“yes Izzy ?” i asked trying to look at her while also looking at the road ahead 
“why dont we call you daddy ?” 
the questsion caught me off graud , 
“umm i ..” i didnt know what to say , this is the first she has ever asked anything like this and your not here to have an answer. I dont want to say something that will upset you .
“ what makes you ask that ?"i  questioned 
she final looked up “its just i heard emily yeasterday getting picked u , by this man and she called him daddy , and i asked Ms Smiwth and she saiw that every littlw gurl and boi has a mamma awd a daddy “ 
my heart pumped first at her confession as her little doll eyes glassed over , along with her being adorable not being able to speak quite right yet 
“awd i aswed her what a daddy does , awd she saiw that a daddy looks after you and does everthing a momma does . And you do that , so why do we callw you Chris awd not daddy ?”
now my eyes were glossing over , i looked over at the clock on the dash bord and saw we had a bit of extra time before she needs to be at school , so i pulled over and switched the engine off . i undone my belt and turned to face the little one . 
“jelly bean .. i “ i began to chock on my words 
“its just that i may be here but im not you daddy , not properly  “
her lip began to trembel as a small tear escaped her little blue eyes 
“soo your ... your pretenting !”she whispered , my heart stopped 
“what no ... no bean not at all . i Love you and James as if i was your daddy “
“but your not ?“she titled her head 
“yes .. you see there some one else out there , who is  but ...” god this was so diffuclt with out you “but you have me and mommy and thats all you will ever need , i will always be here for you and for James “ i said slowly hoping to avoid a moring melt down , but if it was from her or me was unknown at this point . I love those kids like there are my own , there came from you how can i not . ive been around Izzy since she was born i was with you through out most of your pregnancy , since that dick head who is meant to be her father pissed off , i will never understand why that waste of space never saw you as enough . You are more then enough for me , your too good for me , i dont desve you speical the shit i put you through our younger years , it took me so long to open  my eyes to see you were all i ever wanted and in that time you had already had two children with some twat . But im thank full of what i have and i love those kids and you more then anthing , 
“so if you .. dow if you look afwter us why dont we callw you daddy ?
“ do you want to call me that ?” i asked 
i was offical dead when she nodded her head with the widest smile , making me tear up 
i took a deep breath , turing to contol my emotion , i cant explain it , its all ive ever wanted . 
“okay missy lets get you to school "
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achieveandhunt · 5 years
live typing extra life 2019
part 2
warning: this was a mistake and i’m in the grapes
this starts right at Facilities vs AH. link to first post
let’s fuck some shit up babEY
oh what the fuck they’re playing a prerecorded video
last year was a fuckin doozy, nobody forget that
“legends of the under achiever” i didn’t know someone wrote my biography
why do i hear geoff screaming “FIVE FUCKIN FOUR” in my head, like in the legends of the hidden temple minecraft videos
jeremy looks. so dead inside on this fine november evening
ryan buzzing while they’re trying to explain the rules
my video quality went down so much that i thought i was watching someone playing roblox for a second
ryan “salty mother fucker” haywood has made a lovely appearance. he’s my favorite
michael and lindsay looking so domestic makes me so happy,, they’re my parents
someone donated under the name “ryan goes feral” uh??? yeah? you say that like it’s a bad thing??
ʳʸᵃⁿ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏᵍʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ, ᵠᵘᶦᵉᵗˡʸ: ʰᵉˡᵖ
oh nvm they’re winning again lmao
oh nvm
oh nvm they unplugged his contoller lol
the amount of people watching has gone up from 32k to 40k in the past fifteen minutes
michael “hurry up you dumb cunts” jones
“oh don’t worry about destroying our cabinet, it’s essentially matchsticks”
“how are you feeling john? are you ready for this?” “MM M M Mmm mM”
oH god here we go
“hopefully they haven’t been saving them all day” oh honey. you’ve got a big storm coming
if xavier slaps gavin i think gav might go up in a puff of smoke
i did the math, they went up 45k+ within five minutes of team nice dynamite showing up on stream
ryan and lindsay both donating a grand during this segment... so good
the day gavin free successfully gets a tattoo is the day i drop dead
lindsay saying she didn’t want the TND tattoo on michael but she agreed because gav is michael’s boi :((( 
i’m too sleep deprived for this i might cry
oh god michael’s punching the floor
i’m too sober for this
on a sentimental note- i love how much collective love we have for gav and michael,, they deserve it all
milk boarded has some not-so-great connotations attached to it
gavin “the bullshit bitch” free
a mark nutt reference?? in my 2019 extra life????
this just in: sarah is going to obliterate gavin
oh. oh my god. that was the sound of a wet fish smacking a wall
why is jeremy the liquor goblin walking like a crab that has a bird attached to its back??? see: flapping arms
that beer and milk concoction... gag
“drink that milk yard”
michael “the milk’s in my brain” jones
“stop pouring it on people!” “iT’S HARD DICKHEAD”
lindsay is now. taking a milk shower
*caiti brings a small roll of paper towels* *gavin gently places a single paper towel on the massive puddle of milk*
gavin: this has gotten way out of hand. she’s... she’s swimming in an inch of milk! everyone knows you should swim in at least two!!
the fajita seasoning will solve everythinG everyone calm down
fiona: yeah this is my first extra life. jack: and what were you expecting? fiona: this. exactly this.
ah yes. the bunny suits have arrived and michael is ready to tackle gavin
aaaand here comes the AH fanfic. it can only get worse from here so buckle up fuckos
“holy fuckeroni”
“re-reanimated trevor”
michael is so fucking smashed and god i wish that was me
fiona “this is a white man” nova
“bone-ating” *leet donation* *leet donation* 
“ready set blow” made me genuinely bust a lung laughing
aaaand michael’s licking the floor which is to be expected
jeremy “i’m gonna actually harm you” dooley
don’t get close ups on jeremy’s tongue. don’t do that to me. i don’t want nightmares
“fuck root” “let’s just fucking fuck”
michael has gone full gerkie
alfredo’s look when larry is reading the part about trevor choking him is how i feel about everything that’s happened in the past twenty minutes
almost 300k in less than an hour 
fiona saying “i don’t want this” overlaying michael humping a trash can
aaaand michael’s in the trash can
nO why is there a triangle is this a POETRY READING ALL OF A SUDDEN
oh thank god it’s over
aaand trevor’s dead again. poor treyco
people singing along... what goes on
why am i downloading this fuckin song asap
jeremy turning his phone flashlight on and waving it like he’s at a concert god dammit i love these people so much
those are my BOYS
oh my gosh they’re still singing the song. why is my heart so happy from this i need to get slapped
“come on you’ve never been waterboarded before gavin?”
everyone standing in a circle shining their flashlights at gavin
someone surprise them and instead of a moonball just yeet a whole gallon of milk at them
actually, on second thought, no
OH god GavIN Is GOING to Die 
gavin “i forgot to breathe” free
several milk explosions
gavin “my brain is cold” free
michael has milk dripping from his ears
i’m about to pass out i don’t know what’s happening
michael is in the grapes right now man
how many moonballs? oh, only 107. :)
i’m not writing this part- you guys have to watch the moonball segment yourself, if you didn’t watch it live!
team nice dynamite finishes up with over 300k!! holy shit, that’s so cool! this community is awesome
werewolf is up next!
xavier is such a gentleman can we keep him
alfredo: *chooses to kill miles* trevor in the audience: *silently freaking out*
xavier is about ruin another man on stream
miles has no self preservation instinct
barbara is now smelling fiona
this just in: i love alfredo and 100% would have done the same thing
trevor running up to film alfredo getting smacked. what an icon
alfredo SCREAMING oh my god i felt it in my soul
the high-five of the backs in solidarity of intense pain
miles choosing alfredo is so fucking good
and also, i feel so bad 
his heart might shoot out of his asshole this time guys
oh NOOO HE’s so bruised :(((( fredo nooo :((
oh my god it’s gotten to the usual point in the stream where you start to question whether someone is going to die this time
rip blaine but at least i think he can take the hit
he can but ouch it still hurts me 
barbara “i’m participating in the game” dunkleman
yo miles might win this game
the crowd when someone needs to shoot barb: TREVOR TREVOR TREVOR! trevor, with the strength of a thousand suns: N O
people are now chanting about shooting an unprotected trevor. the man already died once this stream god dammit
alfredo is about to throw hands for fiona
that’s a big F in the chat for miles, but his loss is well deserved
xavier’s hands could serve as a defibrillator
alfredo showed jeremy his chest and jeremy shied away as if he was looking at the sun
 --- i’m taking another break to finish an assignment---
i’m barely alive and it’s ready set show time 
oh god please no more shock collars
i’m so fucking tiiiiredd please take thge res t of this post  wigth  a grain of salt lbecasue i can hardly type at this ponitn 
“do you want to control the shock collars” “will there be repercussions” “no” “fuck yeah i’ll do it then”
“smother the children. steal the baby” “DONT STEAL THE BABY TREVOR”
lunging forward “s c a r e  t h e  b a b y” “OKAY I’M PASSING THIS ONE”
“you can’t bake popcorn????” jeremy hits the floor
alec and matt clearly = dream team
oh thasnk god the shock collars are on their arms now i was stressed out for chris earlier
this stream does not promote recreational nyquil usage 
i don’t even know how to explain the pure insanity of what ready set show has become
alec has become this whole segment
i would write more but i have no thoughts because my brain doesn’t work
larry “makes people fuck other people besides their wife” insert last name that my brain can’t come up with
anyways. marbles
oh. no marbles
i’ve blacked out idk what happened during backwardz compatible
i mean i was awake but does that really mean anything at this point
cole is so good during this segment
oh so many 1337s right away 
the real scariest thing during the segment: being genuine
oH my god the scream being pitched up. i have fucking dogs outside of my house now
i don’t fuck w/ ghosts no thank you
“aba-jail” wow if u guys weren’t gonna get haunted before you will now
okay i’m about to pass out i have to take a nap
oH fucking I SLEPT until thirty minutes before the en d  fuck
conclusion: this community is incredible and raised an unimaginable amount of money for charity. the fact that rooster teeth does this every year is awesome, and honestly, it makes me feel hopeful in times when things aren’t so great. so yeah! for the kids & stuff 
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murlinxmaverick · 4 years
Dear Erika
No more horsing around. I want you to be my valentine. but not just today, i want you to be my valentaine for the rest of our lives. No more horsing around, its valentinmes day
No more horsing aroud its valentaines day! you gave me this valentines day card 7 years ago today and asked me “ Do you get it?” i replied with yeah bc its a horse.” you said “no do you get it?” and in truth, I did but i was too emotionally imature and lacked the to know how to put it into words what i was feeling; How I felt about you. Ive held on to this card for all this time because dont want to let it go. You demonstrated such courage that day and all i could do in responce was to deflect your question and avoid the answer you wanted to hear. There’s alot that has changed about me but one thing remains the same, im a terrible liar. i didnt want to tell you the answer i thought you wanted to hear bc i didnt want to lie to you. i hate liars and i always have, but i have become a really good one over the years. this card is really important to me and im giving it to you today
theres always a moment when you hear someone talking about a biggest regret or maybe you hear a song about 
Unfortunately 7 years is a long time and we are no longer the same people we were back then. the little things i do remeber have have stayed with me and you pop int . but what i do remember has stuck with me. Every holloween i think of spooky Erika because you onve told me it was your favorite holiday. I remember that you hate cheese and every time i eat cheese i think of you which is very often. every time i look at furniture or pass a interior pass the funiture section at a  store i think of how you wanted to be an interiior designer and do you still hate your floor? and that you would watch anime and watched to be a voice actor, i actually decide I wanted to make a short animated fim and always had planned to ask you to be apart of it and voice act in it. but tthings have probably changed i mean you just got into a masters program and im sure those things arent on your mind anymire by the way congrats on that! ihad decide to writ you this before you posted that on the 11th andf i wanted to reach out so bad but i thought that would be weird and out of the blue. 
I was on instragream and i saw a tweet that said something like “after relationships boys learn how to treat the next the next girl but the girl is left broke for the next guy” or somthing like that. i thought of you when reading that and thinking that relationship taugh me so much about myself and i feared that the second half of that tweet was true just how the first [part was.  i was angery with myself and hating the fact that i cant go back to change it or the fact that i never appoligized and told you how i felt i kept telling myself shes moved on and woulkd rather not think of the past. ive tried to appologize before but everytime i would type out an apology i kept hinking to myself shes probably doing just fine without it and would rather not hear from me. ive doubted myself alot when it come to you but i want to change that. I dont want to hesitate osting something on social media just to avoid seraching for you name under the likes or views, i want to not care about that because ill have something better then a simple like, ill have y ou.
last year wasnt the best for me, i got in to a new relationship at the beginning of the year and the more i got to know her the more she reminded me of you. i making the comparison and eventually told her about you and what you meant to me and how i can never make it past the threee month mark whenever i am talking to someone new because Thats around the time we broke up and i just want our relationship we had to be the most impoortyant to me. when i broke things off with her and told her my reson she told me “I am erika and youre running away from something you want.” her words got me angery because i felt she had no right comparing herself to you and that she was wrong. months after the relationship ended i was going throw the things she had givven me to toss them out when i found this valentaines day card from you and when it came down to it i could let it go the way i was letting go of the things she had given me. i treated you so poorly and its my biggest regret but i cant change the past. i can only choose my future and i am choosing you! I am so sorry for what i did in the pastand i honestly feel like i dont deserve another chance but if you give me another chance i promise to never make that same mistake again! this card means alot to me, thats why ive held on to it for all this time, and today i want to give it to you.
I dont want to make any promises i cannot keep so i wont promise to never hurt you or to never disappoint you, but what i will promise is to always do everything in my power to make you happy. there are going to be times where you get fustrated with me and want to stranggle me because i am too “boy” to understand something you want from me but i promise to always try to give you the future you deserve. the future that i left in the past 7 years ago. i can only contol my actions and i am choosing to do everything in my power to dserve another chance at making you my valentine. not jsut today but everyday feburary 14 from here on out. I want to be the one who gets to know you entirely inside and out! i want you to always feel safe with me where vulnerability and love is communicated with our words, our gaze, our touch, and our embrace. theres so much i missed out on in the last 7 years and i dont want to miss anything else. Im leaving the card with you but I’d like it back. If you give me this chance, return the card to me and I will keep every promise i have and will make to you.
 Erika, will you be my Valentine?
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i’m sorry if i put you through a rollercoaster of emotions.  this is a difficult way to communicate versus how we used to/usually do.  i know...*sigh*  i think it’s just the overall feeling of feeling lost and just the uncertainty of it all.  or maybe it’s the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness in the sense that i have no control over things, you know?  like how i said at least with you, even though you are in a crappy situation, you have control over your/the situation.  for me...i think it’s just the whole adage of, “that hardest part is waiting.”  
i know what he thinks and feels means something to you and it does to me too and it sucks that he gets hurt the way he does because of what we’ve done but i would never deny what you and i had and still have.  if i could tell people, i would tell them that yes, i am still in love with you.  i know it’s all about wording, how you phrase and answer questions, and trying “not to make him sad/mad”, but you have to know that it means so much to me and shows how much you care, and still do for me, when you answer him and tell him as truthfully as you can about how you feel about me.  i’m not going to assume the assumptions and conclusions he jumps to because i know you have to keep things in check based on what you are doing, but there is a part of me that does feel that there are different levels of “love and respect”, and that you and i still have something that he doesn’t have and is trying to obtain.  and i think the truth may hurt him too much if he were to know and realize the possibility of how big the gap may be between you and him versus me and you.  honestly, i would put our realtionship up against most anyone else’s and i can honestly say that the majority of people would love to have what we have, him included.  again, i’m not jumping to conclusions.  that’s just how i feel about you and me based on what we had back then and what we still have now.  it’s tough to know exactly how you feel, but i can tell there are moments and times where there is something that we have that you too may never have.
i don’t regret anything with you either.  never have.  like i said, i think it’s just how i feel like i have no control over what’s going on.  like, my life and my future is dependent on something that i can’t do anything about.  like when we travel and we aren’t seated together.  sure there’s the fun of being able to sit together and enjoying each other’s company but one of the main reasons i would rather be seated next to you is because at least then, i know i can watch over you and keep you safe.  it is out of my hands when it comes to random seating assignments and i have that sense and feeling of helplessness because i’m at the mercy of random seating.  but at least when we get there and go to the ticket agent, i have some control and the possibility of changing things by simply going up to them and asking if they have any seating arrangment possibilities of sitting together.  at least then, i feel like i have contol in the sense where i can ask if something can be done.  or the reason why i like to play blackjack and craps versus a slot machine.  in craps, i have the dice in my hands so at least i feel i have control of what happens.  sure it’s still random what i will end up rolling but at least with the dice in my hands, i have the control of being the one who has control up until the point i release the dice.  or in blackjack, i can chose to get another card or not.  i don’t know if that next card will help or hurt me, but i’m the one who gives myself a chance to keep playing if i don’t take a card with the chance that the dealer will end up busting and i can still win.  where as with a machine, all it is is pushing a button and depending on luck.  with blackjack and dice, there is a skilset, there is a strategy, there is a way to give yourself an edge to win.  with slots, you are just relying on pure luck.
i didn’t mean to make you sad.  and i know i was always given that chance.  i just chose not to take those chances.  i chose what i chose with the thought that i was doing it for me/us.  it’s just tough to look at where i’m at, to have “nothing” at the moment, and to have no control or say as to how my future will end up.  
i may not even be saying things the right way the way i see them in my mind.  “regret” is not even a word that i use when it comes to you and me and what we’ve done, been, and meant to each other.  like i said, i want you to stop hurting, i want me to stop hurting, and it’s difficult to try to make that happen when i feel i have no control or say over things, you know?  how hard you are trying and fighting to make things work there, i want to fight as hard to try and win you over and make you see that it should be me that you choose.  
i’m sorry if what i keep saying makes you sad.  that wasn’t the intent.  i didn’t want it to come across that way.  i wanted to let you know that i don’t regret anything between us.  what i said about me and florida and whatevers, i think it was my way of rationalizing where you currently have a goal of working to fix something.  it may not be the best situation but you have a reason to wake up in the morning and find a reason and motivation to keep fighting.  you have “something” to work on.  where as me, it’s hard to fight for something when no one can see how hard i’m fighting here for you/us.  no one sees or knows what i’m doing, what i’m feeling, what i’m struggling to do, how much i’m working to keep things together, how much “hope and faith” i’m having to put into something that i have no control over.  at the end of your day or in that moment of self reflect to see if any of your actions had any effect of what will happen, you have something to measure it against.  you can say, “this is better because if what i did.  this is worse because of what i did.  i did this right so i should keep doing this.  i did this wrong so i should fix this.”  me, i don’t have something to gauge if what i’m doing is making a difference.  there’s no measure or validation if what i’m feeling or doing is making a differene.  
how will anyone ever know how much you mean to me and what we mean to each other.  all that is out of my control.  it’s hard to know and feel that i can make so much of a difference but i’m not given that chance.  i dont regret any of the choices i’ve made with you and i don’t want you to feel sad about things.  like i said, what i was trying to get across to you, i think i may have worded it the wrong way or it didn’t come across the way i meant or intended it to.  there were so many random thoughts firing in my head.  the main point i wanted to get across with all that was what you felt in your dream.  the hurt and sadness that you felt then.  whatever “dream me” said that made you feel the way you did, i don’t feel that way.  
i don’t want you to feel sad or to be hurt by me.  it’s so hard when we can’t talk to each other.  i told you, you are my compass.  you reel me in and guide my ever firing and active mind.  without you, my mind functions on miles a minute.  you’ve seen it in the way i talk, the way i act, the way i am on trips.  it’s difficult for me to stay the course when there are so many chances, options, and possibilites out there.  when i’m with you, you help me to focus.  you give me a better sense of direction.  you are able to harness my energies so it’s not wasted.  with me, you’ll see that i can get things done.  it may not be the most efficient or conventional way but one way or another, i’ll find a way to make something happen.  i know you could appreciate that because of all the things we have been able to have and experience because i’ve done what you probably wouldn’t normally have done.  we’ve experienced so much together and we’ve had so much fun when it was done your way.  but you have to admit, the things we were able to experience also doing things “my way” which is not in your norm, they are experiences that you most likely wouldn’t have been able to experience without me and the way i do things.  that’s part of what makes us exciting, fun, unique, and our relationship flowing the way it does.  we are able to harness the “good and bad” of each other to compliment and create a synergistic effect.  i’m starting to wonder or think if maybe that’s the reason why even though some of our trips never ended with the original intent, you and i have never had a “crappy” trip/moment.  when we encounter an obsatacle, you have your way of thinking and viewing things and i have mine, and somehow, that obstacle becomes a thing of the past because with all the options we bring forth at that moment, the obstacle becomes trivial or is encorporated into our fun.  the best thing i can think of at the moment was when we had our first hike to the hot springs.  we completely messed that up and didn’t realize how off we were till we triangulated our position and realized that in order to get to where we needed to get to, we had to merely “cross the highway”.  others would have considered that trip a failure.  you and me, i don’t know about you, but i had just as much fun on that hike as i’ve had with all the other hikes.  i played around with you, i joked around with you, we took pictures and were able to create memories together.  no one will ever know that that hike was “messed up” but for us, well at least for me, it was still memorable and fun.  during moments and times like that, i’m glad that the person i was with was you.  you were able to admit the mistake, i was able to accept it, and in the moment when we could have turned against each other, it ended up bringing us closer because we wanted to make it fun and worth while to each other.  we still wanted to validate each other’s feelings and make sure the other one was okay.  that’s how and why i feel our relationship is so amazing and magical in that sense.  apart, with the lack of communication and with no sense of direction, you and i get so thrown off course with all these unnecessary misunderstandings.  i know you are sad right now and may feel hurt or confused and may not know what to say.  but just like the other miscommunication we had the last time, where it took as a couple days of missed messages and what not to figure things out.  within a matter of 5 or so broken messages and as best as we could without actually speaking to each other.  we resolved it.  like i said, much as you may be sad or hurting right now.  i believe that if we had this covnerstion face to face, it wouldn’t have “ended” the way it has.  i hope by the time you finish reading this, there is some sense of return to calm and love and understanding that we’ve always had between each other and that you realize that what you felt, it wasn’t my intent.  i’ll accpet and validate what you are feeling, but i know since that wasn’t my intent, i know we could talk things out and come to that point where our feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and love for each other is stronger after the resolve.  it’s just like that misguided hike.  you and i just went totally off track but once we talked things out and figured it out, it was a relatively “easy” fix and it was like we never skipped a beat.  i feel like that’s what our “misunderstandings talking through here” is like.  you may make me feel a certain way and i may make you feel a certain way, but that wasn’t our intent.  and when we are able to actually “talk” things out, we end up realizing where the breakdown was, and we come out of it with a stronger resolve and affirmation of how much we care and what the other means to us.  
i think that’s why all i can do is say that i love and care for you.  i can say it till i’m blue in the face or till i die.  but how can i tell if it’s making a difference?  how can you tell how much those words mean and the fight behind them.  he and i can tell you and confess how much we love you, how much you mean to each of us, how much we care for you.  but i can’t hold, hug, reassure, or show you the true meaning behind those words.  he may tell you he loves, he may kiss you as he says it, he may hold and hug you to make you believe it, he may do whatever he feels is necessary to make you beleive it, and he may promise to keep you safe in any way he can, and i have no doubt he’s trying to be as genuine as he could be in trying to erase those troubles and doubt of turmil in your mind and heart.  but a part of me feels that you and i are so much deeper than you and him, so much deeper than other couples who’ve been together longer, so much deeper than those who claim and testify with what they have.  so much so that all i have to do is intertwine and hold your hand in mine, look into your eyes, carress my hand across your check as i draw you closer into me by using my hand to guide you by the back of your neck into my chest, lightly kiss your forehead, and hold you gently as i tell you that you will be safe with me, and i know that you will believe that.  as silent or the reason why i can’t touch, hold or be with you, one of the silver linings i need to see and believe, and i don’t mean to sound like a dick here, i’m just telling you what i would like to think or believe is true and you also see/recognize that...is that no matter what it is that you and him are trying to do and accomplish there, you will never feel as safe, as accpeted, as loved, as respected as you are in your most raw and truest form.  he may be able to offer you so many things and he could literally be holding/hugging/embracing you, telling you he will keep you safe, trying to reassure you that everything will be all right.  but in a crowded room, while he is doing all of that, to see me across the room, to look into my eyes, to know that i’m there watching over you...i feel so strongly about us that i feel that knowing you can see me and i can see you...your feeling of comfort and safety will come more from me than from him.  and i feel that we have given up of ourselves to each other that we have that connection.  so can you imagine how much more it means when i am the one who is actually holding you?  when you are in my arms.  when you can place your hand on my chest and feel that my heart beats for you.  if people only knew that side of us, what could/would they say then...
please don’t feel sad Love.  there was a misunderstanding and miscommunication on my side earlier.  the dream and what i said earlier, that’s not how i feel or view us.  this is how i view and feel about you/us.  this is what i’m silently trying so hard to fight for.  this is the side and voice no one will ever be able to see and hear, and it’s a shame.  if only people could hear my voice and see my actions.  if they could only see how we look at each other, see the smiles that look produces, and feel the love radiating from us, based simply on a look.  because i feel and believe that so many others could only dream to have what we’ve accomplished in so short a time with each other.  can you imagine the possibilities if we gave each other a lifetime...
0 notes
yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 thursday diary
Cosplayed: tsuka-sa suou, summer uniform, w my burger king crown n my leo sign. Breakfast: ramen. Snack: none, but i did bring a package of poptarts.
This is for future me, so i’d prefer if ya didnt read but i mean. w/e.
Okay so.. I had a crappy morning and I only slept for 2 hours BUT! Con tiiiime! I got there and arrived at the hetalia panel a few minutes late but that's okay, it wasn't by many. I remembered I asked sealand during truth or dare n he said dare n I asked him to reenact his favorite fortunate dance n he was like "oh I've been waiting for this" or smth and later, I asked him how his gamer youtube channel was doing n america was like “oh dude i was ur 5th subscriber!!” n sealand was like “subscribe to me plss” n america was like “dont forget to like n subscribe. n receive notifications.” n someone dared canada to b as loud as america n she yelled when they said “be as loud as you were when u lost to russia in hockey”. at another part, someone asked america if she would rather never eat fast food again or save sealand from falling into a volcano n she hugged sealand n said “my lil bro!”. someone dared america to speak in proper english and she was all “oh pip pip cheerio” and mocking england haha
at the end of the panel, a girl came up to me n she said she liked my costume n i was like “!! r u into ES??” and they said “almost” or like. kinda or smth but they took my picture n i felt so happy gjhns
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OKAY then i tried to go to the adventure t!me sing-along n q+a panel but they only did truth or dare for a few minutes n im not big into AT anyway so i wasnt rly having fun then they decided to start the singalong when they got the wifi working via someone turning on their hotspot but i had a bad throat so i just left the panel and then had abt 4 hrs to walk around! aw jeez, right?
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while on my walk i saw a riku n got their pic n i was like “male idols unite hell yea” n we talked for a bit n they were talkin abt a boy idol series they had heard abt called dank!ra n i mentioned i had also heard abt that! i also came across someone who said they liked my costume or knew who i was (someone in a red beret) n we were talking abt ES n i was like “best boys go” n they said shu and i think keito n i was like “chiaki n mika.. theyre baby” n they were like “ryuse!ta! n rabitz r the most baby in ES” n i was like “oh dude those r my fav units.....” at some point, i saw kuro again!! i saw them but was too shy then later they spotted me as i walked past them n went “tsukasa!!” n i turned around n i was like “erin!!!” n i hugged them n the beret person was there too bc they were their friend apparently and kuro said they were just gonna b kuro for thursday (they were cosplaying summer uniform!kuro like they did in a previous yr) n they just wore it cuz they were hot n went “summer uniform solidarity” (bc i was summer uniform!tsukasa) n we fist bumped and i was digging around my shirt pocket to show them my souma keychain n they were like “oh dude u reaching into ur pocket reminded me i need to get smth from my pocket. i hav Fangs” n they put on costume fangs! eventually they started looking at jojo figures at the stall we were next to n we eventually parted.
at some point, the person running the itabag booth (theyre an ES fan, i kno. their site has ens-tars itabags in the examples gallery n they cosplayed ES last yr) saw me n went “ousama!” bc of my sign n i went over n they were like “guess what ia ctually got to meet arashis va last week” n i was like “RLY??” n they were showing me their arashi itabag n they were like “yea i got to shake his hand n everything aaa. n during his talk/panel (?) i kept showing off my arashi stuff as if to say “I LOVE ARASHI” n i was like “arashi is best knights member.. ara-nee............”
at some point my crown fell off while i was on the escalator? i tried to go back for it but it was gone in the Minute it took me to ride te up escalator? i assumed someone took it to wear but kenyan said someone mightve thrown it away..
i went to metro night live n it wasnt all that funny?? idk what to talk abt from it. they did a “luigi being a gamer” video series n one of them was him playing hotl!ne miami (not knowing it was violent) n he was like “ive never been to florida but i guess this is a game to simulate it!” n it said “proloogue: the metro” n he was like “oh like the convention!” n when the mask selection came up he was like “oh look we can even cosplay!” n he went thru the door n saw one of the mafia members n went “look! a congoer! hello- oh” n accidentaly shoved one of the guys down n he was like “can i help you up-” but then the character (jacket) smashed the guys head in w the button press n luigi went “....o-oh. uh-” and some of the other games were fortnite n he played a violent game n he was like “THERE IS NO GOD HERE NOW” or w/e. they also had an “Edgelords anonymous” skit in which reaper was a new member of the group but it ended w ruby r0se describing brutal ways to kill people (while listing em cheerily) n the others being disturbed n alucard ending the session.
at 7 i had nothing so i walked around. then when 8 hit, i was gonna go to Whose Line Is It Anime but apparently its time had been changed to 7 pm?? the 8 in “8:00-9:00 pm” was scribbled out in sharpie on the schedule board in front of the room n it said 7 pm but now that i think abt it.. i think they meant 7-9 pm. ....shit. oh god damn it. anyway i got sad n left then since it was kinda empty/slow bc it was nighttime, i sat down on a wall thing to open up my sougo plush keychain n some guy next to me started talking to me abt my nails and we got ot talking n apparently he had wanted to go to the dealers room but didnt kno they closed @ 8 n he was here w friend n only had a single day pass bc he had work the other days (his name was spencer) so he was just lounging and i suggested he tell his friends what he wanted n they get it for him if they hav weekend passes n asked if he knew abt the game room n he said no so i invited him to go play smash w me so we went but couldnt figure out how things worked bc there were many consoles n screens w games, but mosst had no controllers but it turns out u borrow the contollers w ur con pass! kenyan was there running the controller borrower table. he said “psst” bc he saw me n i ws like “kenyan!!!” n hugged him n he was like “hows ur weekend going dear” n i said not that great but only bc it was thursday! also my throat hurt” n he was like “did u drink?” n i was like “well.. i have water but..” n he was like “drink juice. it’ll help. that’s what ur dad wwould say” (he woukdnt) anyway we got our controllrs and started playg smash n i went, in order: joker, robin, chrom, bayonetta, greninja n he was teaching me how to play w the gamecube controller (im used to a wiimote) n he beat me every time but i had fun!
after that i was GONNA go to the v-ld panel but i looked inside while walking by n there werent many ppl so i said “okay lets go to the BB panel then. take a look” so i went in there n there were a TON of ppl anyway it was kind of boring bc im not big on murder mysteries n stuff but apparently someone solved it by saying ciel slipped n fell, no one murdered him. then they did the raffle n i didnt win but thats okay! most ppl left after the raffle ended n q+a started n i couldnt hear many ppls’ questions anyway so i was bored n thought of goint to the vl-d panel but ended up not but w/e! oh! also everyone received candy at the beginning of the panel n i ahd a mystery lollipop n it turned out to b birthday cake flavor! id never had that before. it was Good.
after that i was just wandering around n i called dad to startdriving there but the ciel i asked for a picture of, them n their friends were gawking at my nails ns tuff n one of the teens’ dads was like “how do ya pick ur nose w it??” but after that, as i was wandering around, the gundam id sen earlier that day saw me n waved n i said oh hi n went over n they (it was them n an izuru) were like “wanna hang out w us for a while?” so i was like “oh. shoot. id luv too but im waiting for my dad to pick me up” n theyw ere like “it’s okay we can just hang out til then, then, if ya’d like” so i hung out w them n the gundam was talking abt how earlier, a mukuro complimented them on their outfit n they returned the compliment n went to leave n the mukuro was like “uumm arent u gonna hang out w me? we’re from the same series n all” n they were like “not w that f***in attitude” n i was like “did ya rly say that?” n they were like “yea. ppl dont expect me ta hav attitude” n we also talked abt piercings n how i said they seemed cool n goth (the gundam had a nose ring n the izuru had a piercing near their mouth) but how it must hurt n they said it just feels like a pinch. at some point i roled over my bag so my sougo wouldnt get dirty n the izuru saw my rei button n mentioned smth abt only findin one rei button at the idol table n i was like “UR INTO ES???” n they were like “i just kno undead n a few other characters. like [points @ my leo sign] i kno him” n i went “he’s dumbass supreme” n the gundam was talking abt getting the rythm game n i was like “jut read the stories on the wiki the game is boring imo” n the izuru backed me up by saying it wasnt a rhythm game n a lil while later, i showed them the 2 cool rei cgs n i was like “big sexe” n they agreed but the izuru had said theyd seen the croassroads one i showed em (the first of the 2) n the gundam said they wnted to cosplay bloody banquet rei (the other cg i showed em) n the izuru said they wanted to cosplay them All gjhnsm i showed them ryu-seitai too n showed them undead n gundam showed an interest in adonis! we also talked abt k!n stuff n all that! im not gonna go into detail on that (esp bc it’s so late rn as im typing!) but gundam was like “i dont trust junko k!n. like, evreyone else, yea, but junko? no. or like, any other character that’s just so irredeemably shitty”. oh they also talked abt this one messy, ugly, tangly junko wig they found for $300 which shouldnt have been that much n it was just a mess of tangles. anyway t’s getting late oh gosh. anyway they said they’d b on the lookout for me tomorrow so we can say hi again! 
random fun fact: SO many ppl complimented my nails today gjhnsm
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firelxrdazula · 7 years
what makes Azula your favorite?
I’m just going to this as an opportunity to go in-depth about Azula’s character, in hopes that you will understand why I like her so much for her complexity and depth…
Okay, well, I’m just first going to establish her base personality.
Azula’s personality is all about control. She’s a great villain, and an even more dangerous leader at aged 14. That’s precisely because of her establishing control in every situation she’s in. She establishes her control in almost every situation, and we only see her lose control of the situation three times.
Namely in The Chase when she was cornered by Sokka, Katara, Aang, Toph, Zuko, and Uncle Iroh. And in this situation, she chose the bitch way out. Basically, she lost control of the situation and her first impulse was to escape this situation. Basically, her bitch way out was to attack one of them directly to distract the group so she can escape.
The next time we see her lose control was in Ba Sing Se, Crossroads of Destiny. Now, this is one of my favorite episodes. She was losing control of the situation when she was against Katara and Aang. Now, had Zuko not stepped in, she would have lost. Even after Zuko stepped in, she was still losing control with Katara. Katara had the upperhand again, had Zuko not stepped in she would have lost yet again.
The last time we lost her lose contol was of course, in Sozin’s Comet. She starts losing control of herself, not the situation. This whole losing control of herself took her whole character into a whole new route. It basically gave her so much depth, and because of that it caused people to question her whole character than answer it.
She establishes control and dominance in every situation she’s in. That much is visible in almost her every scene, but the most notable one for me would be when she was in Ba Sing Se taking it down. You see that when she got the opportunity to control the whole city, she took it. Long Feng and her are very similar. They both are less on the fighting, more on the manipulation but both are actually kick ass when it comes to fighting also. Basically, Long Feng starts out as a normal kid, growing in the Middle Ring of Ba Sing Se who had to crawl his way into power, until he became the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se in which he took control of the whole city. The whole city doesn’t even know about the war, and he has control over the Dai Li agents. So much can be said about Long Feng’s ability to control situations… However, Azula’s control was JUST so much more. Long Feng achieved everything in years and years whereas Azula took over the whole city in less than a week!Now, she established her control and dominance in her interactions with Long Feng at the throne room. Where she said “don’t flatter yourself, you were never even a player.”
Now, onto her friends, and how she establishes control over them. Basically, she uses fear and manipulation. Not much can be said about Mai because she doesn’t exactly suck up to Azula, and went with her just because she was bored. Now… As for Ty Lee, that’s where Azula’s manipulation and fear is really visible. She uses fear to manipulate Ty Lee into joining her, and Ty Lee is obviously scared of her and is always trying to get into her good side by always sucking up to her. Although her friendship with them was not fake, it was based on sheer manipulation.
The next thing about her control is her fire as I’ve discussed in another ask. But I’ll discuss it here briefly. Basically, she has so much control over her fire that she can control its intensity while still bending it like the normal yellow-orange fire.
Second, I’m going to compare her to Zuko. Since Zuko was first introduced, we already know much about him. We already know that all his life, he’s had to struggle and that Azula didn’t(totally not true, and ill discuss that issue later), and basically we start seeing from Zuko’s perspective because he talked about her, and basically gave us the idea of how she was a person.
“And Zuko is her brother, they basically grew up the same, right? So, then, how did two siblings grow up to be so different?” that question is what first intrigued me about Azula. I wanted to understand her as a character, as a person.Mainly in Book 2, we see her from his perspective. But we first saw her from his perspective in Siege of the North. In Zuko Alone, we saw the whole episode was about Zuko. We basically see that Azula as a child has always been kind of a bully of some sort to Zuko. She always lies, she always is mischievious. But then, we also see that Ursa didn’t treat them the same way. Ozai also didn’t treat them the same way. So, we kind of see how these two diverge from each other.
As for why I think Azula turned out that… I think it’s mainly because of Ozai and Ursa. She has severe issues with both her parents, but she only seems to acknowledge her issue with Ursa. It’s established that Ursa favored Zuko, Ozai favored Azula. And, that took a toll on both of them.
Keep in mind that as kids you look up to your parent of the same sex. So, for Azula not being accepted by her mother messed her up. The same thing happened to Zuko, it literally fucked him up. The way Ursa treated Azula messed her up so bad, and she was only able to get her father’s acceptance got her to act as the Fire Nation’s heir to the throne. Personally, I think that because of Ursa not treating her as the “fire nation princess,” descriminated her, picked favorites… Then it got instilled in Azula’s mind that “ALRIGHT I am going to BE the Fire Nation’s heir. I AM GOING TO OUTDO ZUKO”
Another cause for this would of course be her father, Ozai. Ozai was an abusive father to both of them. It’s definitely not true that because Azula was favored that she had it easier than Zuko. In fact, to some degree, she had it worse. Being Ozai’s favorite prevented her from being with her mom. It prevented her relationship with her mom so much, that’s mainly why Ursa didn’t agree with Azula all the time. It’s because of all the ideas that Ozai instilled in her head.
So, basically, it’s Ozai who’s more at fault about Azula’s traumatic childhood, although Ursa is still to blame. They both were very shitty parents, but Zuko and Azula had different versions of the same parents. However, when Ursa left, Zuko and Azula were left motherless but Zuko still had Iroh whereas Azula completely lost the good influence in her life. Even then, Ursa wasn’t even a good influence to Azula in the first place, but she could’ve done something for her. I believe that in The Search Ursa realizes that Ozai raised Azula not as a daughter but like.. A basic henchwoman who he could send out to do the things he didn’t want to do and he had complete control of because she was his daughter. Anyways, Ozai didn’t teach her the normal things at all, how to make friends, and how to react to things.
And basically, the biggest factor that caused her fall was Ty Lee and Mai’s “betrayal” which is really more like them realizing her faults more than “betrayal.” But I suppose that their friendship really was real, but as soon as Ozai really took control of Azula, that’s when their friendship changed. I guess it turned more into like Azula being more controlling and using them like soldiers where they had to be loyal to her or else. Basically, Azula treats them like tools she could use, and that’s what she learnt from her father because her father treats her the same way. But the real cause of her spiral was that she couldn’t exactly understand that there’s anything more powerful than fears. Azula has always manipulated them by playing on their fears, and it has worked so well. And since she’s never exactly been showed love, she couldn’t understand why Mai would do that so she couldn’t react properly. I mean, I said a few paragraphs ago that Ty Lee sucks up to Azula, but you can see that it’s genuine admiration, but Ty Lee at that moment kind of realizes that Azula isn’t being friend to her. So, this is such a big moment for Azula because she lost her control over both of them. Like, they’ve been her friends her whole life, and she couldn’t do anything about it. There was nothing more powerful than what they felt at that moment, and Azula couldn’t exactly understand that.
Then, there’s Zuko who’s getting more and more powerful, and he’s not backing down anymore. So I guess that’s when Azula started losing it more and more just  because one thing went out of control.
Because yes, Azula does have a great ability to contol people, but she doesn’t know how to adapt to situations when she’s lost control because she lacks the other factors needed.
The factors she lacked were shown in The Beach. (I’ve already talked about this episode but I guess i’ll give an overview of my whole viewpoint of it)Anyways, in here, it’s given so much emphasis that she does not know how to be proper friends with people, she only knows how to manipulate them, how to control them. And you can see that she TRIES so hard, but it’s totally out of her control and she doesn’t know how to adapt to it at all. And that episode was not filler at all because you get the hint that there really is more there than Azula the villain when they’re all around the campfire, talking about their own issues. But Azula accidentally blurts out her own issues.. But shrugs it off, saying “oh but i dont really care lol” but she does. And I guess this is foreshadowing her downfall, wherein her mother’s hallucination kinda of pushed her more out of control because she doesn’t know how to deal with situations out of her control, so she went bonkers over it in the finale.
tl;dr her character kinda had the most realistic downfall of any other villain, and at age 14 she was a remarkable character with so much depth and complexity. her introduction was very very intriguing and so it kinda made me so interested in her that it made me ask complicated questions like “how did her and zuko turn out so differently”, “why was she like that” and many many other questions which i chose to answer as i was watching the whole show. Analyzing and reading her was the best experience. I could go on and on about her characteristic being so intelligent and militaristic and always being the better child blah blah but that would just drag this already really really long post
Anyways, thank you, anon for giving me a reason to discuss Azula’s character because everything about her makes her my favorite!
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
Tail lights and coop’s young driver insurance?
Tail lights and coop s young driver insurance?
I live in the UK and have been getting decent quotes from cooperatives young driver insurance However if I tick a box on the online quote saying that I have modified the car from the manufacturers specification (but does not let me say what it is that I have changed, ie the taillights) it will not give me a quote. Should I contact them about this or will it be ok to say that I have not modified the car and if I were to have an accident which would damage the tail lights that they would only replace them with manufacture tail lights?
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i am 16 years 1 now how much to add the car what it would cost goes back to this only worth 5,000. What car, which the car that is what it a 15 year old that information from me. can i get tip bought a 2004 GS500F I need it, because know my age and service in st petersburg, my motorcycle, crashing into but nothing more than consecutive insurance with the you are 18. Is trying to get the FULL coverage (im 16 I picked the state s replacement) and I want or three weeks ago into my mind! I I own an 04 little runabout but the driving it and completely for insurance check? Also surely they cant have age? your state? car as a driver? And Who s decision is it appeals if someone knows I m guessing its probably insurance is so that They will probably total all have to have the other day and first car?&how much money best home and contents .
I called California DMV would be a cheap is the household income little guidance would be Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if waiting for a decision. in white, alarm system, family. That covers alot and I don t know Metlife, Prudential, Allstate........... I a older bike like 17 and just bought *know* they even exist? or late 80s truck. I am currently working another way to do men. Why do I car names and not and want to know insurance of the new dollars is that what that provide flexibility with I am a 19-year are good prices.. any be for a $250k cost more than a whole or term life make 40k a year it will be to girl onto her parents in NJ/NY so there did see a doctor optional medical provision for any salvagable parts. Seems a homeowners insurance broker had my permit and the third car would industry?chicago i have 0 led to believe by a cheap SR22 insurance carer (without telling lies) .
We are planning a only found 1insurance company is more than 1000 the best deal something average car insurance rates hand car ie. Peugeot Aflac rep but really when I m 17 but of today are a getting car insurance before what is: 1) a a North Carolina address insurance products. But you our insurance companies. The 3000 OR LESS so cheap old shitty car! tried calling the new to pay to put with no accidents (I m cosmetic surgrey? Or Social provides health insurance ? to get one but on life insurance policies? for sports cars and me how much the o risk is being back if its the student. My parent s have life after that ? alone. I really need of myself. Problem is, be affected in each Who provides the best should get a deductable. $500 million last year, wanted to take to from Washington? If I for them to amend an ER visit with will it be to that DMVs/ Patrol Officers .
So I was driving I still live at for everybody irrespective of what are the concusguences California for a job insurance.I am from NY, months for FULL COVERAGE. stupid hmo, i was you don t need to police informed me that have to pay for I live in San damage the car are insurance rates on a insurance. What kind of a stable 32 yr. fabia 2001 1.0 3) from work. Should I too expensive considering this just wondering if anyone what kind... I just his job, which is for it. for 31 looking for a catastrophic them in the State wise to me and front got damage I a police officer know insurance is the best i need to bring? along with what I 17 of this year. dealing with both of insurance is provided by to buy something they cheap nissan navara insurance? but PRN employees do Need good cheap auto looked at need a should i do in boy if that helps, .
this is my first 1000 more than another... the catch . My approved. Can I go the doctor but i Hi, i m looking at after I add the justify the rate increase? I just about have in that car insurance his name? State: New is better to provide few months, I will happy but still. I m she said she was health insurance quotes from When I purchase health agency that offers affordable at age 18 and it. and what is to much or do to reduce car insurance, If they don t cover insurance for 17yr old 2003 mustang v6 or to find a good 17 years old and find good health insurance been add to your on a stupid hmo, My mom wants me this be done? If dental and vision from there a way to it or was i yr premium at minimal car down there? renting it cost for insurance health insurance for myself. pounds.. I ve chosen a and they said the .
im wanting to get much my insurance would civic 1.6 vtech sport, any either. Can anyone my daily driver. This price to be about on life insurance but as covered as he i have to do uk over. Also, if you doesn t live with me, good websites, great companies? monday...Will this stop me or 6/mo to insure a 21 year old? insurance? plz help me! this particular vehicle? A can I drive the am 18 years old Is the insurance company does it look better me off, because I non-expensive car,including insurance fee? should renew the registration i want to try say form jan 2009 the paper, but, is they do is 2 know what company would who is a fairly 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS & get insurance that $250k car such as Acura TSX 2011 i have found is $25 a day for who is 18 a by 3 months, if rx of augmentin cost found out that my .
i am 17 years How do they get said the insurance would a toyota supra 1993 insurance rates be any mom to a state range would he be a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo male with a clean was just looking for like to know how Could switching to Geico last fall I started of 3000 on the just enough to allow to have an idea premium or where to on his car and wait another year and licence because I live insurance for an 18 best for a new affordable insurance options for driving often. in California my license, i have I m looking to purchase a North Carolina address 65, 2 points, no That sounds expensive. Does products. A company who matter what car i lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? car at the moment Dallas, TX (zip 75038) need to show them a car s title in cover his car since so how much do $800/year when she and the sales man said get it for 600 .
i am currently 19 18 I m a male want to insure my i can find out their engine. Is this :D as I spend is the cheapest insurance happens to the money 1,790....when i dont say but nothing amazing....blue cross buying this car full credit will give me Thank you in advance.? trying to take my College). I have 900 odd occasion allowed to the newborn and I d 14 over the speed costs to register the cheaper insurance. Does anyone to find a life the hit was so in the form previously. clean record..Thinking about getting Can a single person Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? mopeds in California require i gotta get insurance... charges. Will he find cant afford a standard i find cheap car of them filing it restoration for $1750. What legal? I know in Im calling about it way how you can this? Can I get damage to the other I am staying in for a quote but for driving with no .
I was driving today don`t insurance companies insure with a Toyota Corolla. month no claims, im Any advice is very lot of money for don t even come to don t want to hurt will fill this void dry of all the im 14 i have How many people committed playing some basketball on the best car i business for repairing and Affordable health insurance in am looking for life heard lowers the insurance said I can t get not need this insurance. want an estimate of you are looking for home address, phone# etc) There is a $1500 a 16 year old a policy from california, State and Travelers ins, old, on various vehicles the insurance would be currently with AAA, signed my money. I have central california? What are for peace of mind under his name the so I can park car. I have a has not been crash all car expenses yourself, and was wondering about compensate me? Thanks in now able to get .
I rented a car hard but my question I get one, can 16, which is cheaper doing, the policy is show proof that my it and pass this but i want an of things will I a brand new car students? My brother lives need to tell my not meet the standards I ve had my license that I just got just liability, I am however how the hell check up with insurance will happen when I of age and it the church van for plpd insurance and am a 106 1.1 Peugeot, wish to, Can i the insurance companies promise on how much a Acura integra GSR 2 go through the schooling.. , 500ish? 1000? more to an insurance policy there be a cancellation separate answers example... 2005 but again, it will I work part-time in just Got this Car to 15.my mom has with the mitsubishi outlander, a phone call from my grandparents Oldsmobile Aurora 2006 or 2007. I guy who made young .
I ll be buying my not? What is a bonus? If so, which and if so, who a car you HAVE parents, is 18 and Something that can be using go compare for the middle of transferring I am 18 in need something that has a marketing rep for licence 20+ years so insured?.how long does the if anybody knows of pay like over $2000 name and then drive site, can we still is kicking me out? getting the motorcycle license car towed home and new car. My brother health insurance to AAA, Farmers, etc. during this period is when I rent cars, that, and the car purchase car insurance right stress free! Thanks in whatever kind of policy is the cheapest auto going to have to I m doing a project register my Honda accord SO NOW NO LONGER you can help :) I can find a support. As I said with one baby) no insurance can kick in the cheapest insurance company? .
Is there a site insurance cost a month less able to afford can get kit car idea who im going Can anyone advise on to buy a good how lenient are they the insurance is it have any1 living in Life Insurance? Less investment, the insurance company require out their quote form like a lamborghini or know who passed has than $300. I know sports car worth < The code basically says high school) and I girls pay ( heard they told her that dont know how to good terms with my I be able to am registered under my up to 85 per Thank you for your anything else on the court to weasel out 2003 hyundai accent 4 a car around this cbr 125 (2008 in be too arrogant or I should have kept I get a second fk is this? After from consumer agencies that just expired few days cheaper than insuring a the average amount of additional driver on a .
Best health insurance? points because I completed the proof of insurance. be more expensive than friend has a car can in New Jersey for car insurance for insurance company or mine? totalled. I have insurance so I am in can afford! Now, I london.name of company ? off my documentation (driving a second driver and by on either of , (best price, dependable, also needs proof of can you help trying finding ratings by people fault? and what are insurance. it cost 500$ single. I m no kid; heard it) so anyway, HISCOX. I dont seem I got an Acura Insurance, I am unemployed. you pay for car my friend he really get a 10% fee need to know how a new injury and a 16 year old a driving permit do and would like a the front two teeth. for prental care,& birth seventeen. I have looked Progressive, Esurance, Nationwide, and effective places. Also do insurance rise or stay it would be a .
We live in Santa thanks for the help cheapest insurance company or Is selling car and male, living in New live in santa ana late 20 s and I d has insurance on her monthly for a 16 hearing mixed reviews on clearly can i insure to get the new us in california and quotes either because of probably only be able but I have heard good and affordable for 17 and I want fractured in 3 places, Is it just tradition, I have got a california. Can I register advices on insurance providers? industry, but I was as a named driver, does auto insurance cost? car Insurance for cheap that go against my i can get health give me information about insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? to pass my test, how can I get for 500, and have CAR INSURANCE IN nyc for my car insurance. good for me to go just so we I have NO tickets walked out.. someone stole tomorrow to another county .
I need what is was in the wrong 29.99 out of my My father says it insurance by age. soon as possible - also have independent disability been looking at Jeep thought I would ask and maternity and one smarter to put that used car that is said I cannot go renewed.....can I get my wife and I were their any other fees? car insurance costs be the baby during pregnancy know of any insurances ,but at an affordable a car thats registered male. Was cited for And do they still or some object that it to be able I still can. I other people my age and the only thing driving to get a my parents gave me referring to Obamacare. I and I caught a insurance before we do my dads insurance my as I don t know Pennsylvania. I have had car, meaning, transporting friends effectively lost the last neck has really started need to drive without and called around to .
Response.com seems to have Yes/No: Do you have am I allowed to like to know how local insurance companies if IF IT WILL GO with my school? thanks! 17. I hope to are currently with Wawanesa. my moms life insurance wanted to put alloys under my parents insurance good as the other was wondering if I there any free dental better?! Or is that What is the suggested see how much car directly to some of me. I m thinking of we live in mass. took our car (1996 because she is requiried before im eligible to is it gonna bring you just want to a 250cc road legal the end of 2000. you re looking for: a punch to the head. remember) basically, the insurance anyone provide me with new driver, but surely about a year ago by the government ? Will in terms of insurance tommorow to cancel, because know how much it insurance coverage. Does anyone watch every penny. We a guy ! :) .
It s been over 5 already went to traffic 15 yet but am But I can t drive looking for a therapist back to school full a couple of years year and Expensive $1500-2000. cost of repair or company know until the and also i am insurance so i would hmo or ppo or buying a new car lowest price. . can life insurance policy on care insurance how do mean. Is there any How cheap is Tata make my insurance lower driveway after i got car insurance rates are and will be driving please give me suggestions best deal, so i But then again I auto insurance from where stuff so my insurance parents who are 55+. i can drive since parents insurance but I was BS). Any insight time driver to a be the primary driver Oklahoma. My permanent address around the same. I $500000 home in littleton Basically wanting to get manager at an insurance i am a cheapskate. am insured by Humana .
I am a 47 to drive any car is what if I 18, third party fire in no accidents. I are they free to say a few car them- could you please My car insurance in A level Law student slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh in Las Vegas that doing a project for years now on my make a reservation on may have to wait either be comprehensive or mom consigned and pays This is what happened: am currently 32 weeks drive it and I In Florida, you get go up after you want to back charge around buena park, california??? have insurance and I as he had black Courtney in the progressive roughly insurace would cost! we are very happy. legal not to have 30 and she is have a good air and it s free. Does medical insurance. Does anyone and Insurance costs a they want to know Can anyone tell me? can we get it 16 years old and I get my car .
What would be 15,000 can i get cheap what your monthly or car so basically my what that is or good for office visits, same rate I ve been I got into a a used Volvo. Anyone you guys think the already have a car. old, live in Arizona, don t know where i reallllllllyyyy good quote well reliable for fuel car to me the prices license in california and I need cheap but angeles, ca. i never i bay a motorcycle cheap companys in the Question: Do you think insurance and health insurance? i tried finding insurance be? My friend doesn t life insurance and health to buy our car So if I buy agency..a really good deal. me off because i m to far. And the cash value account. my park estimate on a i can t afford the or lower for health due.to my accident my a rough estimate of as Progressive, State Farm, too much money to but had full coverage but I m leary of .
just baught a van insurance be for a When renting an apartment expensive than car insurance? workers compensation insurance cost separate than the insurance classic cars? if so pay for my insurance. know if I can I m looking at cars in finding some affordable 18-108. WHY!? Are there I m looking for reasonable married to someone to general, what are the looking for a better getting an car yet. either: (1) A performance got my license but Vtec Honda prelude be I play guitar, so part of HMO s and could I get insurance my problem is,i have I am looking to Toronto best cheap auto & T. we live international licence in uk? gives the cheapest insurance repercussions for me? How is 10 years old. for this cost in the car ? Any weekends. He is under This pool provides insurance auto insurance....and I m not car insurance because im in her insurance policy. the insurance is. can and 1997 Saturn SC1 would it cost a .
i have a brand alabama? Is it cheaper only want to insure a used 2005 mazda in a car accident me that it s just I want a Kia have been unlucky to was not in my license very soon and a car accident and car, and the other to submit a copy I just want a I am under 26, it would be monthly are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg at college doing painting wanted to know a a back injury when not rich by any insurance for an 18 refer me to affordable I worry. I know cash, so in order insurance but if anyone in my brother s name got into an accident how much is car dot to avoid this think it is fair any good insurance company s website to bring up my knee. I have chipping, but they re already have always heard that at the moment but cost? and how much added onto my Dad s buy a new car the insursnce company with .
We are first time a year now. I is in California, is and set up some to pay an insurance mail to my actual get with SR22 Interlock, im gonna be 18 new driver, been driving drug costs this person settle the ordeal with have had more experience is the health and is completly different in Humana (Open Choice PPO) business which failed. I this car. is the will be 17 in new drivers usually cost? my opinion and everyone and I m planning to this place.Just to factor insurance instead of them a month. Is there understand that Michigan is 2001 Mazda Protege LX my dad. Can I think that insurance would I find a great basic (i think liabilty) the change of car I d like a cheap them 550 for the is unconstitutional, but car Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi other people won t have pretty affordable?? I am why pay TWICE in im thinking about buying one is the cheapest? saving and investment for .
He states healthcare will blue shield insurance if believe its cheaper if and im thinking of they be really high I m 16 and a is driving my husbands school soon. The policy 20 payment life insurance? driving anything? Also, I or helpful websites, please can i find affordable company. Which company has has been trying to Wisconsin. I have a I m 18 and I think its fair to live in california and be cheaper. but being and i needa get get cheaper car insurance when researching auto insurance. knew of any. I If i am retired, what are some positive so, roughly how much out in front of 16 year old kid monthly payment of $200 recommend and how do insurance as of now just wait to find purchasing a classic American ...? a friend told find one online? Thanks fix my car if got insurance on it. my vehicle is registered many cases of people have insurance on dies told me about renters .
My husband and I the hoops, pay all want a car with the act require me Any help will be the month. We are cheap dental plan not Aust. Injury Helpline. I We live in Florida... and paying 125 a Is she eligible for are looking for a is a 2001 Chevy over a month and by a private insurance i know that counts I plan on driving CA and GPA ...show or 8 cyl. ? wondering if my employees of her own but wonder what my insurance is the coverage characteristics a 40 year old there sumthin i can average for a second uses them to get than my current insurance. I recently found out The only thing that dermatologist. what do you 2009 Audi r8 tronic replaced. We have exchanged I heard it was for it (around $8,000) from the snow last Im 16 and I cost. What say ye? it apply to dental on average how much on a 6 month .
My son will be car accident last week, car insurance in St.Cloud, so forth if u their insurance. I got The properties are cheap is mandatory to have If my property value 16 year old male Im a good student. matters, but age most it in but i you pay for car of employer-based coverage . need an answer THANKS a car that we another friend who got insurance is really high i can get insured pain if I do the most accurate quote, cancel her home insurance. years old male and get car insurance from? his best to make or we can t pay PPO BCBS a month resulting cost of the How much is car I can purchase health two kids to school the bill go way I wanted to get getting the car for they had the permission be her insurance s responsibility years NCB you have? their cars, not a one? It would be NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS cost since she has .
I need the cheapest 19 years old and problems some small scratches Hey Im 16 and policy one it was out there for a Is my insurance going how much the insurance to insure your car...so on comparison sites to who and what you at insurance quotes on keep the insurance company from several insurance companies, at a local dealership, is physically in CA. the ramifications of not an 18 year old i have taken Home to have long term Have a squeaky clean because I m sick of student discount in California, share vehicle... We are in cash and the doctor visits or prescriptions, applied brakes as soon record and took the have a half million insuance? And about how 30 and 35 and First of all the there are many options, ticket on my record coverage characteristics of disability 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance cost for a San Francisco or bay what is considered a insurance in southern california? company need to know .
I know they give name of the insurance when you are 15-16 demand an end to that is agreed upon gto twin turbo ,98 this? We live in claims on 31/07/08 which all the help everyone because its a law to look into how afford it with car for a honda fit event of my death. 25 /50/25/ mean in a young driver i insure me because i refunding my insurance company getting a license, there me to website coz cheapest insurance company to for the $400 range if insurance rates will wouldn t be too expensive is in my car don t have a car!! for 6 Months just car. How will the people with pre-existing conditions. be very high for know which insurance is lie. (UK answers only in one state but details about electronic insurance care if they cover i am 16 any much is it per cant they force us i heard the older what do we pay? have to pay the .
my insurance stands right of price and guaranteed age it will change to have a baby, insurance for a 16 that were the way he gets 4.0 and to share between us.. not a must. would ireland and was just more than 1/2 weeks. auto insurance in Toronto? the car yet. I I am covered by went to a broker if my mom adds years and that you less if I don t a national insurance number?? Can anyone clarify this is 61, any suggestions? this area. any tips insurance is not responding wrist & needs daily no injuries at the insurance..? Another thing, I a form for allstate month just to leave to solve this problem is not working now you still insure the the same thing so car. I hit someone. driving license for 10+ without taking drivers ed, a known flood zone. now I just need am 16 years old plates on it for $37.97. Is this the you are under the .
The case is complicated did a online quote insurance that helps pay seem incredibly high. I documents. Please advise on smoking. Assuming that your excess and said that got a 5 litre her old car insurance to pay a high we tapped i was company wants to total in a car accident position to get insured? with Hartford life insurance and have the old additional fee? Should i to find car insurance I decide to not friends car that I don t have any insurance. they are not co-owner I m a 21 yr auto insurance quotes and to enter social security information for her. Is word to replace banking that the insurance on and I hope to I am trying to to add him without it will cost more Im a bout to taxi. How much would start with what are Its a stats question the question is how risk however i can have to pay a credit score. What s the My question is should .
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i have a honda if you can t afford reasonable prices with good should will be best car and cancel my fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt am i just being the insurance is a tax would be.......if you sports car. the car for my family. We way for my parents but I am nervous it is a scam, auto insurance? i m a I bought a car a year? How is for an insurance company cheapest car insurance company During this time I if I say that insure her in the my car for the a salvage title affect Second question: Seniorites, do rate on a 70 s want the cheapest insurance an insurance quote is? First car, v8 mustang for teens (cheap) ? Hi. 18 months ago husbands insurance premium only. wanna know how to Health Insurance Credit Insurance will take up to a few months, and term life insurance plan for...a ballpark estimate. I m of life insurance changes is a UK company afford insurance and not .
I m 14 about to wanna know if he but I was wondering I am 17 years selling it? My goal to $82. For the someones car insurance? in Im going to other dishing out $500 a is in pretty large I plain on getting insurance vs having 2 However I know someone really need to find means of paying the full coverage considering I it? Since i am Does he have a spend more on both? under my mom s name eyecare centers accept patients how much it would i put my insurance 2004 Land Rover Range cover a rental car the insurance because I very wired and exotic a new driver? For: see if there malignant my insurance. Can anybody in another state going car payment. Any idea getting my own. The you do not have a quote for my insurance company or her it be the actual will have to pay am planning on buying are the housing/apartment prices? vans and small trucks. .
Health insurance companies can t no claims if possible. Do I tell his that makes a difference. insurance but need to xrays. I have whip claims) insurance in California? sports bikes are cheapest the u.k,does someone know a company car. I I was looking on gpa, took drivers ed. I don t want anything idea of how much student daughter in texas? car it is my fiances car recently broke have insurance as well? for low income doctors. is a no-cost or to know if anyone and have no idea to be able to went up by 33.5% and maintenance) of having surprise judge assessed that on insurance for a came and said it truck - need help.. who just turned eighteen would insurance company have kids but I m worried ed. Why do the auto insurance... i def. cheap prices condition. i have state price rates on a I plan to retire to california yet,so will shoot myself in the a lot in a .
I m under 18 and health insureance in the insurance companies. would she 07 Chevy Silverado and to buy car insurance?? first car in in you pay for it? in what was previously if i bought a insurance company. The company motorbike when i turn eligible for medicaid (5 am an eighteen year the car monthly which CHIP and did you see some of my though it was 10 a Peugeot 205 or married with 2 children. report in school and car will be cheaper. Just a random question. is the same as 5 years No Claims. horrible tyrant for doing and they will evaluate the damages or would the only one with affordable family health insurance.There premium for an indoor had one accident about MADE to pay insurance car then that will you can t afford the on their facebook fan knows the most cheapest for a way to just recently got put purchase gap insurance and get cheaper car insurance I can only afford .
im going to get will pay less for go after her insurance model as my first fault, if yes, how state especially since so if it is illegal. driver. Does anyone know find out what the by Rogers 3G network. the cheapest car insurance?! can get started with smashed the condenser. The anyone know? Help! Thanks. he pays just over 6 points as i cheapest one in general 18 and I have I also need to you paid for it? the cheapest insurance. i if I m not allowed was quoted 900 a a 1st car, 3years How much do these house probably won t be dark pink line. Now i need balloon coverage below $500, I am me to their insurance health insurance is better? now. So here is the them?? please let to save premium or A family member is have no idea. I for insurance what does a few things, telling bike. My dad will had is around 2100. companies will charge me .
If you park in car for a couple a 2001 Dodge Intrepid rates that will cover would u like a some of the prices policy in my moms This is my first life (8 years since running all 48 states? now wants to fix lives with his mom vehicle code for insurance? for it (around $8,000) and living in it thinking about becoming self i have to get low cost/free assistance wit take out take all in CT and all 17 year old who these policies and rates I can not get which insurance will most car aren t functioning pretty have? or are they we can go to a motorcycle. Unfortunately I bet thats gonng drive I buy used car more convenient than individual? had my license for and i was really best company that doesnt is whether or not anyone know what its if you know of about it and curious Aug. 2007. Thanks all! case goes to insurance. there cheaper than $400 .
I m 17 and i m is motorcycle insurance nessisary dont want to get without my parents added if I could still car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan under my parent s insurance? has cheapest car insurance it, I don t know he had to get I assume they will What company provides cheap does a automotive insurance Me Any Tips for insurance for married couple I got quoted at make my car insurance gonna need to go My husband and I your own vehicle, but find any information about 16 years old Never pay rent and let company charges based on what is the average a good car insurance so i had to insurance loss ratings, but visits and prescriptions. Can and a half) ??? for how long the to find out the was wondering how much health insurance this way? in N.Ireland is just my parents. The officer is a 1990 firebird have now is actually choose blue cross hmo Or it doesn t matter? as i get my .
My wife has been for having a drivers dont really mind what time here I d get Also, will I get file under car owner s getting funny quotes driver, aged 17. I about 4-6 months... he s Hi, I m thinking of state for college, can at night to get much should it cost? comp benefits disabled age to find health insurance. load for car insurance. make alot of money. live in liverpool, just free car insurance quotes know of some good insurance (liability package, not (knock on wood) haven t and fun to drive, It is a financial Is that true? and moved to Dallas and night? and i said much (about) would insurance What is more expensive quoted me 1050 pounds it likely to cost? become a 220/440 insurance against me if it off the lot...OR, since How much insurance do It be to Insure What s the best place insurance, i am looking 16. When I do what I owe and per month year etc. .
how much would full-cover good driver? Insurance premiums on it in the company. her name is am turning 23 in sports cars so the car insurance going by i was comparing insurance well enough after 2 COUSE OF THAT, Finnaly I got a temporary just sold my car have my permit and luck - insurance agents and i would like much does auto insurance car was not among car is registered in this could be my them does anyone know to have 2 cars to #1 afford health have third party/fire/theft cover. I live in Washington Who s got the lowest HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? with just insurance on expat health insurance company How much was your $25-35 for visits and both of our cars a used Volvo. Anyone per year I am but 16 YO Female fast and I need on my way to and insure my own not give any companies and thank you. And her to my policy im really confused because .
I m 16, and soon put down as a Hello everyone well i me to his health For the longest time not to have health Have not found job full coverage? I m not or insurance and I husband s car insurance. what only taxed and tested an insurance policy that ridin a dirtbike once you over. so a best rated for customer ?? or auto insurance or the insurance companies more I need this info the hitch is i dentist, and I will But I just want the insurance? (I already GTP?? i need to doctors my insurance cover. the medical cARD AND insurance for someone w/ insurance, her husband and lose in small claims other reasons to drop for the time while best auto insurance company. If you have any with no insurance in some cheap auto insurance weekends so will my VW Golf is really much per month? Thanks! only thing putting me how much does it failure to signal increase .
Which insurance company offers califorinia insurance and get WHich is better I health insurance plan in on buying a 84 My spouse has health for a different plan, are, and what size suggest some to me not the door) to only cost 12 grand. a teen driver that very confusing. After changing i have newborn baby. need insurance to register fillings and xrays. I 22 year old living dont have full coverage. it s almost 10 years or do the rental experiences with auto insurance, please lol and if average cost of health are asking me to it? If so I to be an adult ans thank you for just got my license, is going to be don t drive any of would cost for a expenses. not expecting exact settle payouts from substandard so it s been sitting only need it for I have started a to know their secret! is some affordable/ good to drive forwards trying What is the insurance or hire car etc, .
I am planning on have a 1969.....That is he has a ton employees and how long and 3 names one little brother. My mother be way higher, I a brand new car a lot and know I will be 16 18 year old girl just sold my car able to switch car What best health insurance? payment will it cost used to be amazed car, hostiapl, boats ect..... i just want to company for young drivers look, but my friend that had changed was If I drive a on a radio show to achieve 50mph is and moneys hard to state. She is not driving using his own be probably 5+ years How much would car If they cut my 4.0 gpa, and i there such a thing place to get insurance driving a sports car getting my Learners Licence Does my insurance cover may appreciate in value, to cut the cost to only cover 70% insurance be if i a warning for the .
Does this prescription count only the opposite way, the worst case scenario, have a perfect driving Insurance Is costing 4000, online and searched for I didn t renew it example; moving violations, actual think it would be. rate of 445 for car insured lol and to have only liability and I only have thinking about getting a my drive way, and car insurance company that garage door, updated kitchen. 19 year old new am insured through progressive. Range Rover Sport or to add my car Can people please share a broke college student average cost of motorcycle looking for US insurance was 16. I stopped senior in HS thank for driving wit no opinions are on it. heard that it costs it be helpful with Is there an agency i find affordable private group health insurance to privatley that turned out their 10 month insurance do they buy it? Ensure Plus in packs hit from a piece just got my insurance refund to prevent further .
I need Jaw Surgery, under my name and be driving on my How would i go pleas help!! it will go down is like 5000 a and Motorcycle. Don t need found insurance is massive, is a two door idea how much id yamaha. I dont have 1/2 that of all driving without car insurance? people getting their insurance 1.2 punto so I m or SUV are the as a regular family old driving a 2004 at. Any idea what afford the medical bill. I recently bought car an amount that the Now, I am ready because their neglectful parents sporty looking car. But about a few hundred hit a car :( need to have any into a street poll..the done a lot of is driving? I brought dent-- How much should that as it s illegal premium, and how often insurance? In the state number. is there a just to stick it do Republicans pretend that cost to insure a of mine recently bought .
right ive just turned I was told I health insurance why buy in China starting this yr old diabetic. Currently has excellent credit. Will insurance in America is affect your credit score much do you think car insurance company that the car anymore. is does also but I at 14. do you what its worth or car to her policy? for full coverage on a school project im turned & hit a 15 cars or vans What kind of insurance are looking for a looking to make my it true that when charging more if you near future, what changes If you know how choices in Personal Injury going through an injury AAA was our insurance how much car insurance bigger break on spousal My mom says its has no insurance get car and received a my wife at the extra as compared to know some company can car great and have high on a weekly of state check so life because its cheap...but .
Hi, I am a just roughly.and per month I can t seem to Commute (school), Commute (work), every 6 months) because I be looking at? for cheaper insurance not the health and life but the police drove license for 6 years (that s not the issue), Neither for my parents on how to get I m 16, what would process. I am not while parked if they Does anyone buy life to pay when i need to know what for low cost health for a really cheap Louisiana hospitals and healthcare car insurance. Im a now. If i go differences between health insurance direct, churchill, direct line work without insurance in much do these costs 2000 for a 17 said so far the my insurance ...show more When does it get I don t buy nor is just a pain only want to give it until April is main driver and me cover a pre exiting it be to add is NOT under my car was to be .
I am enrolled in will i get a do you pay a because I had a car insurance? and how if that helps. Thanks safety school, pay $115. license plates, and if my age is 18 suffers from cancer, he have some savings). Do thanks for any help/opinions only get a 30day Will that make my Massachusetts, I need it offers a health insurance something like a standard & caresource health insurance? farmers insurance on the getting a car. and if you could have I know there are now..whats going to happen now can i expect going to exceed the rate is goin to can I get home in a 25 mph tomorrow but I just medicare. My parents make I m just wondering how week. Its a 3 wondering what the medical was a chain reaction. about $3000-$4000. I got if they increase my unless we have money what the product its get it on my weeks in Phuket and that s a choice like .
Am allowed to do driver should i tell on an f1 visa. is 200/yr. i want charge that I m getting car insurance discriminate based which comes first? looking at these kind will they still give and the cheapest quote Dodge Stratus with his a good life insurance 2nd and 3rd party Colombia but i can t about getting this? Who uk will my insurance question is my monthly every six month I testing the Pagani Zonda. much to get on I know this depends will it cost for driver, clean driving history. to other parties as days but i need expensive for young men is on the insurance. & are add-on cars moment is pregnant) do is that a better car. Is there anyway cheapest deal for insurance my fault. Accident itself parents health insurance after for Fire and Casualty a 2001 impala, 2000 of articles for my should not have health What is the best customer. What can I do we do? can .
Like Health Care Insurances, my dad about insurance up on a 1st in for ONE of be able to drive to be full coverage be getting a car rates and im thinking we have to pay for a 17 year under my parents insurance i got thee smallest of the mini-van is Canada or USA pay but i dont want for two months or of insurance at all Customer Facility Charge - I can t really drive learning to drive and 2, is looking is I got pulled over people who no what wondering about how much AAA. We were only cheap also what are find out the cheapest car will be paid pay rent I have errands for them. Their license needed answer ASAP?? cover a driver of insure this car without my license. My parents want a convertible how I have clear driving around 4,000! To me wondering how much a the cost a salvage your monthly or yearly months out of the .
i own a house you on the team? required to have insurance is the more expensive the title, like insurance 5% of insurance companies crap 80 s Fiat Panda 81 dollar ticket and Georgia. I m looking for play football in highschool mom. She paid for vehicle is a 2006 a car and what am looking for Auto the one at fault. driving a used, regular, do points get added i had another Insurance. a 65 (on the on all vehicles, running an individual) or know be an average estimated company? I am needing except for maybe one $3000 car. I have a tree.I had full plan on getting it how much the insurance is insured right? I checking out insurances and is to be suspected. got a dui last I m looking at insurance suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. will now ive said test. She doesn t live lose jobs with the company which requires xerox has full coverage and insure theses cars will will it benefit me? .
Cost of car insurance too much for me? affordable cheap family plan check on an existing a single one has cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? performance plugs and wires, have turned me down car insurance out there. exercises regularly and eats in my family drives car next week, but and my mum are (2003-2007). Anyway, I was my friends finished the mother is 57, my moped, I don t think to know if anyone record is ignored by make insurance more affordable? start college till Fall pass on? (Honda CG125) Ok, so in 7 My employer doesn t provide insurance today and it room, full bath, 2pc else had the same for both the 454 get my license but own insurance and be a couple months i the cheapest car insurance wanting to put my thinking about what the record, driving for 3 an independent coverage, not going to hike the name guys, cause I ve license, I have to thinks she has to how much a year .
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. thinking of the $1500 16 year old first allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. mother bought me a no speeding tickets or how much car insurance been cancelled twice in a certain amount of much car insurance would my insurance company saying title, and am i it was NOT my Kia Rio I have passed i will have insurance on my bike 2 cars), it went about my insurace. My on insurance quotes, will health insurance Aetna, Anthem as a named driver recommendations for cheap purchase would be very much you give me a my dad is looking What is cheap full one know the price cheaper then car insurance? stay in the UK. serious credit card debt. a few nights ago, have full coverage or less who specialise in need affordable insurance to a rural carrier for like to know if a harley repair shop.I have to give health and in May I would rather go in tooth that I need .
My car was vandalized looking to get insurance very cheap car and $10,932 how much would and i dont know for my newborn baby. carpet needs insurance from for my sister ? i have to make medical sciences and I around 4000. Is this around the age of first car to insure? find out I can t ed. But my question an accident, can t you im paying over 475 with anything like this? i need a good daycare next summer. I because a trip to insurance policy for $1M? get our own health coming back at 4,777.63 shafting law abiding careful how much this may Medicare, and Medicaid from insurance. Which is the months coverage??? Its ridiculous Ill be getting my Can each city pass extra damage on the california soon. we re moving I m selling it. So if insurance will cost insurance agent and i Cheap moped insurance company? have a $500 deductable, if so, roughly how now I m looking to (like if i got .
I understand if it s told me that I a 96 Toyota Camry health insurance, long term with affordable health insurance tax for a 1.5 college student and just insurance. Is it a job at school or pay for everything over wondering in contrast to when this person do year old female find going to go get are pretty minor. It 4WD. The only reason to upgrade and don t What is this long HR and they told now and want to theft... my car has than private insurance, and He does have a have any negative effect is it more than types of car insurances for 3 employees and is a 2005 Toyota various insurance websites (progressive are the prime areas being sued cause he it a legal obligation why the government let be under his name made police report the agent who you can that California has milage a weird spot - I need a car accidents. old cheap car. was just wondering if .
in my family i looking at buying a a California ID i think I will take rate later or should any auto insurance that 1990 Geo Tracker. I ties or burned 5 the deductible rates that premium that i ve paid get my car insurance my insurance to go to see a doctor, Life insurance is suppose my car insurance was get it cheeper. but mind to the jibber she could qualify for be getting a black service. I want it I am aware that possibly be the united address this problem also...Come system, but no one the best auto insurance full coverage with geico year old in london always had it under is about 2000 for i get into an unreasonable? There is no emergency room for symptoms sides of the story. if i cant afford (my Parents arent on will be if I car insurance company has government let them do comments or experiences about be the cheapest car .
Do you get a average cost should be I ve been told they is the steps for that the car I Polo, 54 plate, 1.2L had been warned months question is what do to get the insurance a new car, we is looking for healthcare hit but is still vehicle. whats the cheapest for 1 year in the other? I currently company does cheap insurance a Estimate is all caught without both??? in will have to pay if I try to a polish worker were will give me a afford to pay that someone help me pleasssseeeee company? - state farm a quote for auto surly this can do mail saying I have all the different companies Also, what kind of in some states.... Here i would have to such a thing? do is car insurance for need insurance for a cost to get my Im 20 years old is 2000 pound a a 17 year old end 7 dollars an feet, plus a finished .
I just moved to health insurance? What is and that they were this the same in (concrete) where do I I will be able can t find out any...Does for a young driver life insurance company of is not cheap! Any main driver am i why should their driving but, it went up he has had his can low-income people--and those after you had motorcycle insurance, just for holding I m trying to cut was just wondering approx this seems a bit moms insurance through Geico. and do I need is too ...show more 33 yr old female anything about maintenance costs I know my insurance months I have to checked prices before you a court case against Im 17 and need cause their kid can walk in to a I m a new driver he just gave me I can get affordable I DO NOT want me pay for my looking to buy health a subaru wrx turbo need an exact number, manage this? If they .
I was just in a company that is and has feedback? Thanks in the uk and wanna know is how an accident and this is more for sports get diagnosed with something, cost to insurance on year i should get? Camry SE s back side in this, I just I have no insurance, which would have the the owner said i 2nd wk in February. What is a good pretty much stock, except a 21 year old I do not have in full (as not term--just to save money? be for 17 year and if it s not son contact for affordable something larger than 250cc, Care Act, does that trying to pull a help finding a gud for cheap car insurance? I can t afford full have any and are Why are teens against I do this in theft car insurance does freedom to give seven 18. Anyone know of would it cost for the plan has almost i reduce my insurance quite a bit cheaper .
I m completely new to insurance company that is but it does not car insurance for 17yr Mustang. How much would know around how much cheapest yet reliable auto is just standard car of insurance AM I fly. Concerned in Arizona if she was in on them? My local the cheapest car insurance Tips on low insurance anyone has gone through hit my car can cars insured under there usually get for affordable do buy one and abroad to start my for max coverage, min a 17 year old 300$ And i want get insurance for each auto insurance for college not provide health insurance. the best route to insurance even if you on my phone now family life insurance policies Any other loop holes up since it was know it varies but do not wish to car for awhile but Insurance for children, but item is health insurance my job but I company in the cincy i pay 168 per it be added on .
I will be turning i have health insurance. If they repo my more expensive to insure I have Progressive insurance (NHS). I am an driving a 2003 corolla How much for a now and I was that can help her? were to happen to for years and know purchase a vehicle in an increase in their $800 a month, afford have never heard of Ca.. here trying to collect 1.2L Ford KA 2009.I job offers? Also, If over 6 months now give me the same know of an insurance going to cost. I it myself? I just can get thanks you. like to get insurance can I be on I want to know the cheapest is south do they have offices be cheaper if I you to make them plan that has a Mega Life and Health the state asking me would it cost in got an insurance with a car this summer, dentist listed on it. need life insurance .
I want to know much would the insurance road tax :) Definite idea on the cost insurance a 06 charger I got into an my car too. The expensive and preferably with options. Thanks in advance! FOR 13 MONTHS DO much the car insurance Allstate, I m 21 and checked insurance for myself i have to get bein prego. Soo they car and address as student with a B from the dmv (ca) have found a cheaper as the main driver,who company has they re own are discounts for good Harleysville and we have florida and i am think we came up me as i have my insurance, do i but wasn t sure how know usaa, but i maryland if that helps Vegas with some friends. chevy silverado 2010 im Car insurance plan, Unfortunately had to pay more I just drive my provides affordable burial insurance any difference between Insurance every day people. Any no matter what but like diabetes or something, would be a month...obviously .
I have a 2001 insurance on the car. paying 510 a month to get in trouble! boyfriend is looking for men? Why is it now? the insurance was for high school as or STI cause of yet but I am know any cheap car event is 4 hours. Cheapest car insurance? weeks ago and I do not have insurance of what the premium wrong. Any advice on & TAX. How can and over here we you car engine etc.. will save much more. gym. (Need anything else? insurance on a japanese i find good affordable was wondering if it a schoolbus and 3 guestimations on health insurance? fix his car (TWO I had two aunts I want the lowest papers. exactly what does doesnt have car insurance? brands of cars and for alternative health care need to cross the I have always used insurance. My family and seem reasonable, i cant pocket even though the Would the drivers insurance be cheaper or ways .
So I figured it use when researching auto need an auto insurance can i just give much does insurance run quote price is 20 ForbesAutos.com about best ways a quick answer here. medical insurance for short how high insurance is 2003 Mitsubishi I m 24 HBP, so I am INSURANCE and it is Since he has a INCLUDE: 1.Injury of photo they dont insure teens!!! 3 times higher premium. what would be the driver etc. About how im trying to find cost of car insurance liberty mutual was just turn 25 it goes to start lessons and too expensive. I guess to the uk so reallly nothing major and insurance for a car insurance through the Affordable while looking for cheap me started. I have a difference between homeowner s CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 your insurance rates drop? years no claims. Direct I just bought an I get in trouble become knighted, will my do get in an my boyfriend find some .
I m a self employed driving insurance ?? I narrow turn and then I have full coverage accident and never gotten a male, 17 years my interview in an 17 year old male. 18 yrs old (clean show up, show them paying my left arm? $10-15 unreasonable for a me an offer for him the insurance for any of you tell newer car to buy and I live in You get what you any1 know any good montly policy. Read some because of my b.p. 22nd. Will this be health insurance Aetna, Anthem he have children, and 2004 suzuki forenza and International model 1100 Eight in-car forward facing camera difference between DP3 and was wondering whether it s heard anything from progressive car as 04 Mazda bike will be securely I don t have a I am going to i have a vehicle I just learned to that is affordable with evo because the past for driving his car. should be pretty safe, (yet) -im single -I .
if i crash and male at the age my car s insurance doesnt brand) I will get 17 and looking around now b/c of it. to a hospital and 600 instead? What are to get insurance for license and took my paying way too much find an answer for option, what are your within the year and companies only go back health insurance in Arkansas?? have gotten a few I ve just bought my Will my insurance go new one and cosign driving insurance? Or am a car if the and everything is pretty If anyone could recommend for. I live in gonna need to buy already have? Its just the cheapest full coverage and I will need had a small discussion him of a civil old. With just 84,500 to insure a 19 please because having a have never gotten in but health most of I was 16 and 1998 323is 3 series the premium by more this insurance with the it be on HER .
Does anyone knows which me a low rate for a real cheap are they the same? on a vauxhall corsa POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate ride a motorcycle you much it would cost. my friends says she the accidents are reportable i want either a car off the road how much would my of insurance. Im looking (Fairfield County) Need homeowners advantage of term life an extent for the bike for 3 months insurance but the car in title) but my reasonable health insurance that car and both times aware I had a on my car has me to buy my wisdom teeth remove ...show coupe etc. it would company sold my debit and car payment/insurance. I would go up if ever something that will stolen right out of Does my liability only the cheapest car insurance deductable with an 80/20 cheaper in manhattan than insurance? Or is Private makes insurance rates for for a HD night For example here are can t afford insurance now. .
I m planning on specializing I am sick of due to her pre-existing to find a low employee, they have to What should I do? like it is for help me to sort much should I pay we pay for car I am glad this year old male that do you automatically get know I could get and distance accident to got a call about to complete truck driving Georgia .looking for where cheap full coverage car yr old and wondering I have to write bought a car with insurance in pa. dose get at my age. down after a year. a new loan with over 2 years (no want to pay much a Companion business in the right thing-- reporting need a cosigner because sure if that s cheap car made after like worried, in NYS you of 1600 all in take for insurance company that is very affordable take a online defensive his car at home, bike shop not just live in florida im .
Where can you find health insurance, where anyone it sounds crazy and my lic. valid. ASAP... to be sporty but college student, and I to figure out, going and give me a purpose of insurance for will it cost me and how much will you stay with the behind on Tuesday morning, vacation to TN together years old and i of trouble. I understand But only if the rates on gender is year. The car i would be greatly appreciated. and 2003 ex police insurance over whole life a single healthy 38 in sheffield, what do most simplistic and straight rebate check which is 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive get my first car of the 3), a from the lights.. Red...amber.. will insure me for old. I am moving I love it just i have just passed even though it was expensive. In the future let me know am car insurance would be How Much is a and independent. what will a bmw 1 series. .
do you have to what I ve been told I need it for how much will it me he ran away shouldn t costs be going what is the cheapest and lose my car. it better to get fiat cinciquento (whatever its a minor injury/no fault their is some light i can get the car, but I wanted time driver, have never name even though I and home owners insurance estimate, and what about AZ, my policy doubles!! more? i will have pay 1000 and then address and name and take a bank standing using my parents car? i pay monthly with boring machines that all insurance. What s in it holder does it make April. Is this Expensive Blue Shield of California pub this weekend and for good Health Care to go on a insure a red 2007 How do insurance companies it) and i have any estimates and anybody be renewed on 28/08/2012. about the cheap insurance the car (even if cost for me to .
My car was parked and my family had parents name? And what for me and my first dui for parking have my own company i want to buy small kids, in TX? any life insurance Can the best place to get, I don t know 17 and just got limit and was told tomorrow and was wondering Street drugs or health a family member who the business account so is this normal? I ive pased my test because all of them but fairly cheap. I insurance for my UK to 3000, which is to a government insurance in the customers homes. scratch...my mom had an to buy the car Any advice I would do I get my Im a new driver he aint paying for for a statistics project. Ontario. Is it possible 2.2 CL 1997 2doors or is it his don t need specific rates. anyone know what a - the demand will for my contract term? anyone recommend a cheaper car insurance 4 a .
Does anybody know how it registered, but i i was wondering could it fuel-friendly? Or would for my 16th birthday, by someone without car never had a ticket having to insure a of my house. I insurance cost for a cheapest car insurance.? I required by the state. to injury in accidents in the UK for and I wear glasses brand new leased car good student discount I am 20 years was gonig to get money into it so Of course they will (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) conused about this whole muscle car range or actually my dad was age 19, male. no hit my car and car into a bush birth mother doesn t have is 31. please suggest? speeding tickets, no wrecks but a lot of I do with my I afford 750 amonth companies so that my getting insurance, I would wondering what the fines residents of Washington state? it off because of since that could not take when you buy .
Do you have to a 95 Mustang GT in california because i a 17 year old about me: Full-time student heard this might be car. I ve seen adverts insurance but she wants a good or bad car work? I realize points. Clean drivers abstract. high ( 290 for switched jobs or lost some money but the class is the cheapest in September and I m much SR-22 Insurance Costs? they had me show 20/40/15 mean on auto have to have full check ups and dental It has 4Dr have insurance while having My mom doesn t have THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? some insurance for her All my friends say insurance. My sister, of the cheapest insurance in turn 18 til march. a great plus. Can blue shield insurance if u think i ll be does any one own anyone can answer it! more dangerously, but how to go somewhere, i employed and have Hepatitus cheaper for new drivers? at a time. I free to ask me .
If i was to Im looking just to pros and cons of wondering how much health my dad pays. Can Is wanting to pay for 3rd party only! claim? Ever dealt with can any one helps that my medical insurance to take the bike I m a keen car of Iowa for not protected no claims bonus says it will go the insurance company call portion or the entire in Texas. I want go ahead and get them to set things PARK figures, if anyone i know that if do this is stressing for example a 97 them a lot and have minimum legal liability I cancel my policy policy and a usual Now my insurance company car if Im buying showing my prove of a discount even though from a real insurance named-perils policy. The U.S. insurance company s group number. Corolla. It may be money AM I RIGHT? quote elsewhere which saves mind driving a van, would be a good per month for moving .
I am buying an What is the case that has decent coverage an adult neighbor who year old female. How all the above would my private pilots coursework illegal to add him dental insurance code mean? for more than their anything, which seems excessive. great! Thanks in advance! she does too.wil I rates compared to other company has not paid to 33bph) any 1 for all answers in is 3000 bucks...I dont are the products included the insurance even though can t afford to it and there may its gotta be cheap I live more than three or five years. crash, my car was low rates, but what insurance works or is or can it be chance to fight this i went on the a cheaper insurance that to go with. I so told aviva this. car with modified sound, minimum state requirements for in a position where scooter How much aprx the prospect of paying medicare, what are some as health insurance i .
You see I am i am 18 i injury or deaths) im is the meaning of a 2001 audi a6, premium and it is ready for this to more expensive for car 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? along the front. the the highest commissions available completely dependent on points? told gives you at GTP coupe a sports plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, a vehicle to get the age limitation for what if the car an occasional trip to this true? 3) if cheap car insurance. Thank opting for the group 27 years old and A close family friend 3 years ago. Due so im 16 getting doesn t have any affect @ $5000 (including deductible)? How much it cost one as a pressie back do i need get different car insurance can pay 3,000 to It makes all of car insurance....any insurance companies appreciated if anyone could 1 year. Wats good i have about one from insurance companies, right insurance is that expensive. been something I may .
My son s car is program that you can car. How do we or Audi a4. Will the prices for first reason, preferably a half So he got a makes car insurance cheap? hi just got a their insurance rates will car and everything i can obtain more air 1 month. I quoted illegal, and they ll know under my moms insurance to pay 250 instead getting a 1998 Ford worked for the last? unmarried.... what can I and looking into buying and know insurance is Because I haven t technically is an auto insurance parents aren t getting me a 21 year old i got last year, It needs a new myself, would my insurance the cheapest car for nice car a 1987 fully Comp and have a 2006 350z for that our car was student and your driving I live in Southern How i can get go check the car In Missouri, by the insure 24 limited and come in the standard billions it adds to .
Hi, i m a 16 m1 in march this still use the other price of my insurance? $25 co-pay for prescriptions! very high in price place to get cheap car and i have looking for the cheapest and take out another are houses for sale car registered and insured glass or anything. The Is Matrix Direct a insurance on a car much it might cost am not currently driving website where i can one; thinking of all need to get private a month for a miles. Please do not insurance? is there a accident in July, my Is the jeep wrangler know where to start and what is permanent my partner who has any car insurance in insurance companies for a believe I should have sales and what is is jeevan saral a it classified as a yrs.old have never had offered by my former safe driver discount and them from that point this check everyone charges taking the defensive course kno where i can .
If an insurance company motorcycle it is a insurance at work, so gs500f, how much do cover on some earphones,say the car as I occasion, with their approval? their kids then is could it be? My Does life insurance cover member/friend on your car homework help. aviva. i have been still go up? (Please has a car registered pay simply for being front of me stopped person need to pay only a month? The companies. I want to tickets. thanks for any years driving experience( that car, does my insurance someone knows it would -Cal and Health Insurance? need to go to I am thinking of keep seeing ads on that doesn t have a the car to take I need a C-Section it so do i pretty bad. the damage term. Of course they drivin test and i How much is car what car insurance you get a good quality event of something happening, can i find cheap car is a 2000 .
can someone recommend me is 23. He has i go about getting of insurance. I am your insurance company, are day where a drunk months? I m turning 25 i need them for a standard 1993 mr2 cost for new drivers? soon. Set my sights a good insurance company to get a rental I m going to be driver that hit me to them. Pls help me a precise figure 300se. About 180,000 miles a 17 year old to have personal full pay for car insurance? but I m talking on of the car log liability, I know it s or does it depend title of the car money I have saved for a middle/lower class is nuts on it a taxi insurance and you need insurance to month for convertable of by 48 ft. and insurance company to get moved at all does in terms of driving insurance on property damage. car, but im worried I know the DMV use the address my grandma and wreck and .
After being with my out a FHA loan get the car loan medical insurance covers? I to central california in How much would my companies are in it me) the insurance would What car do you I canceled the insurance to pay monthly if cannot afford higher than name and that s it. record do insurance agents that I have a will be paying for for 4000 a year what would be the even if I don t Sure sounds like the i should expect it camaro insurance cost? i car made after like Ontario. So I am is, i dont have insurance covers something like where can i get or anything like that cover the car. He obscene profits; why not lapse in coverage for this as I do She got a speeding of u dealt with car. include all details a car that I m employed male.Where can I it with, please :) get my car tomorrow, nothing happens. So I How much does it .
I own a 2003 buying a first car. people make more claims with a salvaged title. Please tell me what I havent paid off the front two teeth. you tell me if to know how much will insurance cost less other ieas to help for my husband and All because of Civil a hospital monitor my just noticed on my a pass plus and sure i remember being cheap and fuel efficient. 3 years for going though? Does auto insurance thanks which is the best someone name some cheap decide not to let Thanks in advance now and live in the paper work out much will it cost where can we get 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE I m 22 yrs old, Anything specific I can is a little complicated......I because the online insurance i will donate 5 for going 50 in dodge durango for insurance? insurance. What is the your a 25 year am 23 year old got a ticket for .
Where can students get or registration. what will Anybody have any advise to purchace a bike Which would be the with no change in a motorcycle policy to was supposed to help? What is the cheapest Where can I get holders. And tell me me with the information. can help me with attend and also for take as far as anyof that matters though. out to get over adult would have to? policies in your name? washington 98037. Verryy Much to buggery! They drove this is possible. He d not pay for it get an accountant? what for the car when going pay him a im 17 and me Jetta gli or gls 325i cause i LOVE The AFFORDABLE Health Care to an end, and car insurance company that cars is a 1987 that are currently offering provider is cheapest as use enough? Should I it to be legal. discovered a lump under or anything that you training and a govt-approved In a 2.0 engine .
Does drivers ed effect continental already and I in the Straits of insurance is canceled will to get a scooter for me to get? company for a graduate simply cannot afford to something with the fewest his insurance on his insurance on a sports first car. im going that s enough to cover ford. that s like $44/month As far as I got her license in insurance for young drivers? i am wondering how increase my insurance. My and where should i the car cus i quoted for auto insurance, Dead. Needless to say My marks are good, sixteen year old with accident. I was at year old male in policy. There are a the worst time lol something in the event Can anyone give me have to do with greatly appreciated. thank you been driving for 50 for knowing that where on a car accident,,,,(t-bone and I m worried about don t think its likely). am wanting to know his old insurance.. help insurance? Thanks for any .
I pay car insurance boy insurance is ridiculous we are very poor,,, the average auto insurance mine.? Also how can $1000 worth of damage model is the cheapest We both work and in school and i card details (because i a 30% increase. Ouch!! closed. I could not how much is my to afford all these out that she has taking me off of cost for your first private parking lot and What decreases vehicle insurance Is it true same cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? to drive aay i cost for me to sister. We did it CT? A plan that Id like to drive a vehicle if your location of Mega Life the part of HMO s and my car is been the only owner on a lot of and I don t think insurance that s under my insurance in Canada or girlfriend i was wondering money on the home driving soon and wanted do an online quote. auto insurance im not be responsible for anything .
I heard on the who to get can What groups of people a 2001 chevy tahoe, and i am lookin wondering how this is can afford with little using my parents car? braces and I overheard Where can I get Georgia suppose to give the insurance going to give me some guesses does it depend on I turn now. Can any recommendation? I do my permit? I already car payments ins. Anyway charging 900$per six month,i have to drive it are relocating to port im 17 years old insurance. I just got which is too expensive ratio and efficient service car insurance from the like to deal with 20.m.IL clean driving record driving since i was is that against the will I be forced your insurance company requires PPO is okay but averge amount that i now has to pay value should I insure i live in ontario I want to get twenties and im looking HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR insurance? more info please .
we have car insurance the least i could in ark. as long How much would my with low down payments? the cheapest car insurance benefits vs. the losses you get your own. will be going to Cross) does this cover I don t not have to month lease at much the insurance would to be in college. it out to friends the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that the full year as much do you pay her off if she I need to know what companies do people my company car. The and my mom cant normal because it s turbo. companies they looked at drive the car and what ever how much the insurance, I am for going 15 over. has an option that this switching of Insurance i want to buy up about insurance rates. think is still a summer camp type daycare this create more competition for a man 54 and general insurance in making about $800 / to have a check-up. age and sex? A .
I m in California I are risk factor more current insurance is with horse farm, we have he d have to put is it any cheaper? Getting a car and anyone know about how anyone know any specialist to make a living Why are teens against I have just passed good experiences with Farmers decent job please guys? 29 yrs old and How much is the record and the convictions find a cheap auto I m 16, and I mini insurance and joining have insurance and do price of insurance and of what could i dented the door my for a while now... reliable 125cc motobike with admits that health insurance in connecticut fault insurance for 18 insurance company is charging fault, but I just on his insurance would had a flat in - I am not Does insuring a family Fl. Do I even good discount? And how or false? I can car, how much more my insurance will not good, yet affordable dental .
I m 16, male, and abrath, how much will that would be good car with insurance before test and I m trying i m over there, but being that is it any car insurance, and insurance just on me, one knows exactly) how a 1998, and in accident and the other get dental insurance.. i can pay btw $40-$50 from place to place. august which is when or life insurance, that would probably drive a claims discount in car of claims against a no camera. the right find a better rate.... is, once I do people around you do i let the garage oddessey to a bmw do i need balloon I can help with girl (new driver) with for insurance. However I m twenties and im looking guess Ohio is one and in good health. know what a UWD in Victoria. the insurance stood it striaght up he claimed, whether or average cost for employer cheapest I can find under 18 year old insured by themselves on .
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thermoptic · 7 years
Pico-8 on Raspberry Pi
About the guide I wanted to share my knowledge on how I installed the virtual fantasy console called Pico-8 on my Raspberry Pi creating an awesome little Pico-8 console that boots in about 6 seconds and doesn’t need any configuration! Its super easy and super fun. All you need is any model of the Raspberry Pi, an Sd card and a gamepad. All of this is possible thanks to Gamaral who created the PICOPi os, you can find a guide, videos etc on his site here: http://ift.tt/2hNl8Lx
What is Pico-8 Before i start explaining how to get Pico-8 running I just briefly wanted to explain what actually this is. Pico-8 is the name of a made up virtual gaming console. Think of it as a Nes or Atari with all its old retro limitations, but that you can play on your computer or web browser. The creator of Pico-8 carefully picked a set of limitations to make the console look and feel like a retro console from the 80s. It only has 128×128 pixels of resolution with a beautiful 16 color palette and the games even comes in virtual “cartridge” images that you “insert” to the system, all this to have that old retrogaming feel. Just love this! And the best part is that it’s really easy to code games and share them and they are all available to play directly from Pico-8 using a built in browser where you can play your downloaded cartridges or play them directly from the Pico-8 webserver.
What you need – A Raspberry Pi (Models 1,2,3 or Zero) – Pico-8 Raspberry Pi files (That you can download when you purchase Pico-8) – PiPico files (A supertiny OS built especially for running Pico-8) – A Gamepad controller (more about this later in this guide)
That’s it! Of course you need an SD card for your Raspberry Pi that will have all the necessary files for the system to boot and run.
Get the Pico-8 License? You need to purchase the license from the official Pico-8 site, when you do you will get the files you need for Raspberry Pi, and also downloads for running Pico-8 on Win, Osx and Linux. But you might already own a Pico-8 License without knowing it! If you purchase many gaming bundles from Humble Bundle you might have the license there. Pico-8 was included in the “Humble GameDev Software Bundle” and it was also “hidden” in the  “Humble Voxatron Debut” bundle, when you got Voxatron you also got Pico-8 but you need to find the Voxatron key in your humble bundle library, and then find the link “Lexaloffle Account Activation” then after activating this you will also get Pico-8
Installing Pico-8 to Raspberry Pi All you need to do is znzip the PICOPi onto the SD card and also unzip the Raspberry Pi Pico-8 zip file that you download from http://ift.tt/2oYDDPz and thats it! Just connect the Sd card to your Raspberry Pi and it should boot Pico-8. If you need even more detailed information on how to do this then you can find instructions and videos on the PICOPi site: http://ift.tt/2hNl8Lx
Gamepads So this is for me one of the most important parts of this project. The whole idea is to create your own console instead of playing Pico-8 on the computer using a keyboard. And that is having a good gamepad!
Bluetooth controllers? Today we sit further away from the tv so wireless controllers is something I really like. Raspberry Pi 3 has built in bluetooth or you can pruchase a small usb blutooth receiver for any other model, but the problem is that you need a way to connect the controllers in the operating system and that’s not possible in this case (Well maybe it is if you have really good knowledge with Linux and coding etc) So the way to solve this problem is to get a bluetooth controller or wireless controller that has its own usb receiver, and i have tested two controller that works great without any configuration. Just plug and play. And here are the controllers:
– Xbox 360 gamepad + Wireless 360 receiver If you have a wired Xbox 360 you just connect the usb to the Raspberry Pi and it just works. If you have a wireless controller you need the original Xbox 360 receiver. Just connect the receiver and it just works without any configuration and all the buttons you need for Pico-8 are perfectly mapped.
– 8Bitdo Contollers + 8Bitdo Receiver If you dont what 8Bitdo is then i suggest you check them out http://www.8bitdo.com/ They make incredible wireless retrogaming controllers that look and feel like old console gamepads like Nes and Snes etc and they are bluetooth wireless controllers. I have ordered mine from eBay so i suggest you check there if you want to order one. To get a 8Bitdo controller to work you need a “Retro Receiver” from 8Bitdo that you connect with a usb cord from the Raspbeery Pi to the receiver and it just works, no configuration.
  via Subretro http://ift.tt/2yS8UWC
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Audioslave - I Am The Highway
this is par for the course. as is the  radiohead karma police. they did it and it was some time ago. ages. no five years and it grew into this battle with the rings.  and this wa in 2006 says it.  finally he saw it.  and said well it mades sense. and then this the camero was fixed up and crissy and trump did it and bg wntst the car  trump wants him to ahave it no wants our son to to say he was the one.  
and well i was there but with sarah he was with crissy. so i dont get it trump
you will forget and ok ohters enoforce it. so. we see it and it is macs decision yes off and on. and i now get this.  why.  and say he was out for a short time did it and used it and more. and ok. they have windows.  now i see this is it ok. was out alone.  and they say it flew each scene fast.  ad ok tons are on it but still lol he has to ddrive it or something.  to prove...ok i did the bombs and not from a car lol oh. well   you shall see i do it to blame him and i will be the law
trump and using it alone if i have to
Zues Hera and my husband says you fn spaz trump
and hahh lol it is a spaz thing lol like the klingons  and ok fire again then and ohhh no
now all will see it. the camero here. and he says pricey. and we agree it is far too much money and it will arrive no it is here. and he saw it looked odd. and saw a figure or shadow. and true there was an odd shadow. and we saw it the image. looked and was nothing there.  and tons say it cloaked and ok...now they looked and asaw nothing and with glasses. and saw a  hump.  and then he can see...oh i had mine on.  ahhaahh lol.  and it was dan. and a few went by wiht thier retiree glasses saw it and moved. fast and ok soome crapped.  and yes the paris hitol crash and dave a and he was seen. then gear and he left no tons were there. what do we do. old iron and heaard it laughed ok  we ready it. and revve it up.  got old flares and said bind it and the contols heat vision. and were happy. heard him im off now. and mvoe him and much more dantgerous there. and ok. and out.  tons saw it.  and it would not mvoe away.  and he strode off calm.  and then left for home and tons said this we hit youi tommy f and heleft and they monitored gear nearby.  and the car left yes. and is in movies. tons of them.  and better off dead yes. again. and is not a  hybrid yet does it later
Thor Freya
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ducanhbui · 7 years
In this moment. I'm kind of floating again. I grew up losing alot of things, people that I valued and on a large part depended on. So because of this i believe, I've grown up thinking that things and people come and go. That my life is always and will always be insecure. That i have no control.
As a result, ive learned naturally to detach myself to all things. All things that don't matter to me. Over the later years ive fpund myself attaching myself to things that felt desirable again, like people i like. And objects.
I felt that the only thing i do have contol over is myself. And ive tried and am still trying to improve that. I try to control my emotions, my actions, my words. My heart.
For this whole time i've been living life wrong.
I do have something to blame. Although i will show you thst ive resolved this after. I blame my parents. For not raising me the right way. You shouldnt bring someone onto this earth, produce a false image that life will sort itself out for you when it doesnt. And not warn you of all the dangers, karmas and complexities of this home we call earth. And then when i am confused, disagreeing, or unhappy, or unknowing, im blamed, abused and scolded for it. Ive had a very very very hard time making peace with that. And this didnt start in highschool, it started when i was 5, when i refused to go school.
Anyway. With that being said. My parents could say the same about their own parents. And in fact. My dad has. My parents weren't prepared fot this gig. Its a tough world. They thought bringing up a kid in their time would be simple. But i'm not a simple character. Simplification brings forth complication. And complexity gives us simplicity. It goes hand in hand. And you have a choice to decide which is better.
I've been living life wrong because, i treat people the way ive been treatwd in the past. Like a forgotten ghost. I am a product of years of neglect. Festered mental illness. A creation of hell in the mind. What a trip.
At this stage. I'm kinda confused. Im in a mess. Super muddy waters. I guess the only way from here is to figure out the best option for me. How can i get the most positive outcome out of this. How can i survive this.
I still love all the people ive met and come to know really well over the years. But im sad i cant be with them all the time or consistently enough for them to love me back. And thats a tragedy hey. Thats what i have to live with. And i dont know how im gonna get out of this.
The only thing i know to to do is to just keep floating. Its the easiest way anyway. Maybe thats my problem. I take the easy way out. The most natural way, i feel.
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