#and him just doing that slow patient smile as he watches it hop along his shoulder
wri0thesley · 1 year
thinking about… about jing yuan this morning….
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pucksandpower · 3 months
Racing Hearts
Lando Norris x cardiopulmonary technician!Reader
Summary: you’ve had a way of making Lando’s heart race since the moment he met you
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You glance down at your clipboard as your next patient walks into the exercise physiology lab. “Lando Norris?” You ask, looking up with a smile.
The young British man grins back at you. “That’s me!”
“Excellent! I’m Y/N, I’ll be your technician today. We’re just going to do a simple cardiopulmonary exercise test to get some baseline numbers before the start of the season.”
Lando nods, looking around the lab curiously. “No problem, happy to be poked and prodded in the name of science and fast cars.”
You laugh as you gesture for him to take a seat. “Don’t worry, I promise to be gentle,” you joke. “I’m just going to put some electrodes on your chest to monitor your heart rate, then we’ll get you on the treadmill for the test.”
“Sounds good,” Lando says, settling onto the exam table.
You start placing the sticky electrode pads across his chest and ribs, trying not to blush at his shirtless state. Formula 1 drivers really are fit underneath those racing suits.
“So how’s preseason training going?” You ask conversationally as you work. “Think McLaren has a chance this year?”
Lando grins. “I’m feeling good! Me and the team have been putting in a lot of hard work over the winter. I’m definitely aiming higher than 6th in the championship.”
You smile as you finish placing the electrodes and motion for him to stand. “That’s the spirit. Alright, hop up on the treadmill and we’ll get you moving.”
Lando steps up onto the machine and you start it up slowly, increasing the speed in measured increments. “I’ll take you up to a brisk jog, then we’ll keep you there for about 10 minutes while I monitor your heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels,” you explain.
“Sounds gucci,” Lando replies with a thumbs up, his breath starting to quicken as the treadmill pace increases.
You make sure the electrode leads are secure, then step back to observe the incoming data on the computer screen. Lando’s lean legs stride smoothly along the treadmill belt as you keep a close watch on his vitals, making notes on your clipboard. After a few minutes, you frown slightly at the heart rate readout. It seems unusually elevated for an elite athlete like Lando, even at this moderate jogging pace.
“How are you feeling Lando?” You call out. “Everything okay?”
“All … good,” he huffs out, face flushed from the exertion.
You hesitate, glancing between him and the concerning heart rate values on the screen. “It’s just that your heart rate is a bit higher than I would expect,” you say slowly. “Are you feeling any chest pain or tightness?”
Lando shakes his head. “No, no, nothing like that. I feel fine!” He insists breathlessly.
You bite your lip, still frowning. “Your heart rate is quite high though, over 85% of estimated max. For an experienced athlete I would expect values closer to 70-80% at this pace.”
“Oh … yeah, maybe it’s a bit high,” Lando acknowledges, starting to breathe harder. “But don’t worry about me, I’m fit as a fiddle!”
You reach over to slow the treadmill slightly. “Let’s bring the pace down a bit. I’m concerned about these heart rate readings. We should really have you checked out by a cardiologist before the season starts.”
Lando grabs the front handrails, shaking his head stubbornly. “No, no that’s not necessary, really! I’m fine, just maybe didn’t warm up enough.”
You give him a skeptical look. “Lando, as your technician I have to advise getting this looked at. Your heart rate is elevated beyond normal parameters.”
Lando chews his lip, glancing away evasively. “Um, well … maybe there’s a reason for that.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “What do you mean? Like a medical condition you haven’t told me about?”
“No, no nothing like that!” Lando says quickly. He mumbles something under his breath you can’t quite make out over the whir of the treadmill.
“Sorry, what was that?” You ask, leaning closer. “I couldn’t hear you.”
“Oh, uh … it was nothing,” Lando mutters, face reddening further.
You stop the treadmill completely so you can hear him better, folding your arms over your clipboard. “Lando, if there’s something I should know that’s affecting your test results, you need to tell me. As your technician, I really think we should get your heart looked at just to be safe.”
Lando locks eyes with you for a moment, hesitation written across his features. He mumbles again under his breath, so quietly you can’t discern the words.
You hold his gaze firmly. “One more time, please. It’s really important that I understand what’s going on so I can interpret these results accurately.”
Lando breaks eye contact, looking down at his feet. He kicks lightly at the motionless treadmill belt, before finally whispering. “It’s you, alright?”
You blink in surprise. “Me? What do you mean?”
Lando glances up at you briefly, his face now tomato-red. “You’re … the reason my heart rate is high,” he mumbles.
You stare at him in confusion. “I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”
Lando groans, covering his face with his hands. “Because … I really fancy you, okay?” He admits, the words muffled into his palms. “You’re just … totally gorgeous and sweet and it makes me nervous and … my heart rate goes mad around pretty girls I like.”
Your eyes widen in understanding, feeling your own cheeks flush bright pink. “Oh! Oh ...”
Lando peeks out at you between splayed fingers. “Yeah, so that’s why it’s high. Not because I have some underlying heart condition.” He gives you a sheepish smile. “Just because my technician is really fit.”
You let out an awkward laugh, suddenly feeling shy. “Wow, uh … I’m flattered, Lando. I didn’t realize ...”
Lando drops his hands from his face, looking at you earnestly. “Sorry, is that weird? I know we just met and you’re doing your job.” He fidgets with the electrode wires across his chest. “Don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
You smile warmly back at him, feeling butterflies in your own stomach. “Don’t be silly. It’s not weird at all. Honestly, I, uh … also think you’re really cute,” you admit with bashful grin.
Lando’s eyes light up. “Yeah?” A wide, delighted smile spreads across his face.
You nod, laughing softly. “Yeah, I may have been trying not to blush myself with you shirtless here in my lab.”
“Well I’m certainly not complaining about the view either,” Lando says cheekily.
You smack his arm playfully. “I’m being professional here!”
“And doing a great job,” Lando says, smile softening. “But maybe once we’re done with all this boring medical stuff … we could get dinner? If you want?” He looks at you hopefully.
Your heart flutters with excitement. “I’d really like that.” You smile at each other giddily for a moment before you clear your throat. “But first, we really should finish your assessment properly.”
Lando laughs, nodding. “Of course, you’re the boss!”
You roll your eyes affectionately. “Alright, hop back on the treadmill. And this time just focus on your breathing and try not to make eyes at the pretty technician,” you tease.
“No promises there,” Lando quips with a grin as he steps back onto the belt.
You just smile and shake your head as you start up the machine once more, unable to keep your own heart rate from quickening in anticipation of what promises to be a very special dinner date after the test is complete.
Several Months Later
You glance down nervously at your paddock pass as you make your way through the crowded paddock. As an unofficial member of Lando’s training team now, you have full access to the exclusive behind-the-scenes world of Formula 1. But despite months of dating the British driver, the glamorous circus still feels surreal.
Dodging golf carts and important looking people with headsets, you head for the McLaren garage. Lando had told you to meet him there before the start of the race. Your heart flutters, as it always does at the thought of seeing him again.
“Y/N!” Lando greets you brightly as you enter the garage. Engine roars echo around you as mechanics make final tweaks to the cars before wheeling them to the grid.
“Good luck today!” You tell Lando, leaning up on your toes to kiss him sweetly.
“With you here, how can I lose?” He grins down at you. His energy is infectious.
You chat together as the cars are lined up on the starting grid, Lando bouncing excitedly in his race suit. You squeeze his gloved hand. “Be safe out there.”
“Always am, love.” He winks before pulling on his helmet and climbing into the cockpit.
You make your way back to the McLaren hospitality suite to watch the start of the race. Your heart pounds as the lights go out and the F1 cars launch forward in a roar of engines. Lando makes a clean getaway, slotting into P5 heading into the first turn.
The race unfolds smoothly, Lando maintaining his position in the top five. You watch tensely on the monitors, hands clenched.
But on lap 38, disaster strikes. Heading into a fast sweeper, the Red Bull of Sergio Perez attempts a risky overtake maneuver on Lando’s inside. They collide in a shower of carbon fiber and a plume of smoke.
You gasp sharply as Lando’s car spins off into the gravel trap, coming to rest against the barrier at an abrupt stop. The McLaren crew monitor the radio channels anxiously.
“Lando, are you okay mate?” His engineer asks urgently.
“Yeh … I’m okay ...” Lando’s labored voice comes back. “Bit winded but I’m alright.”
You breathe a deep sigh of relief along with the crew. The medical car is quickly dispatched to the scene. Lando climbs unsteadily from the battered car, sitting down in the gravel trap as he awaits assistance.
Your adrenaline surging, you take off from the garage the moment you see Lando is out of the car safely. Jogging through the paddock, you make your way swiftly to the medical center.
As you rush in, Lando is just being helped onto an examination table by two medics. He’s dusty and sweaty, his hair sticking up at all angles from where he pulled off his helmet. But otherwise he seems intact.
“Lando!” You hurry over, emotions welling up at seeing him battered but in one piece.
“Y/N, hey ...” Lando greets you with a weary but reassuring smile. He reaches for your hand which you clutch tightly.
One medic cuts away the top of Lando’s racing suit, placing electrodes on his chest to monitor his heart rhythm. You hover anxiously as they check him over.
“Heart rate is quite elevated,” the doctor frowns as he reads the monitor. He glances between you and Lando with concern. “Any chest pain or tightness?”
Lando huffs a small laugh, shaking his head. He looks up at you, his green eyes glinting. “Nah, doc. She’s the reason for the fast heartbeat.”
You feel your cheeks flush as Lando grins. The medic looks confused.
“See, ever since Y/N came into my life, she’s made my heart race a mile a minute,” Lando explains cheekily.
You smack his arm but can’t help laughing too. Trust Lando to still be flirting from a hospital bed.
“Ah, young love,” the doctor chuckles. “Well, your heart may beat for her, but let’s still do a full check to be safe.”
Lando nods agreeably, though his gaze stays fixed on you. He winces slightly as they palpate his ribs and abdomen, checking for injuries.
You cling to his hand, emotionally drained from the scare but overwhelmed with relief that he seems okay. Lando keeps stealing glances at you through the examination.
Finally the doctor steps back. “All done. Amazingly, you’ve escaped with just some bruising. No breaks or internal injuries. You were lucky today.”
The medic packs up his equipment. “Get some rest and ice those sore spots. But overall good news. No reason you can’t race in two weeks’ time.”
“Phew, that’s a relief!” Lando says. He thanks the doctors as you help him down from the table.
Arm wrapped supportively around him, you make your slow way out of the medical center towards the McLaren motorhome.
“Thank you for being here,” Lando murmurs, leaning his head on your shoulder as you walk.
You kiss his dusty hair. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You scared me to death out there!”
“I know, sorry about that, love. It happened so fast.” He lifts his head to look at you sincerely. “But I’m alright. Just grateful to have you by my side.”
You stop, turning to face him fully. Reaching up, you caress his cheek gently. “I’ll always be right here by your side.”
Lando’s eyes shine. “Is it cheesy to say you make my heart race in the best way?”
Laughing softly, you pull him into a tender kiss. For this brief moment, nothing else matters but the two of you.
Lando sighs contentedly when you eventually pull back. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
You squeeze his hand, smiling up at him. “The feeling’s mutual. Now let’s get you rested up. I want my favorite driver back to full fitness ASAP.”
With his arm wrapped warmly around your shoulders, you’re reminded that no matter what challenges life brings, your hearts will keep racing together as one.
It’s a quiet night and you and Lando are cuddling in bed together after a long day. Lando’s arms are wrapped securely around you, your head resting comfortably on his chest. His fingers idly trace delicate patterns along your back as you lay pressed close, breathing in sync.
Though it’s late, you can tell Lando’s mind is still wide awake, trailing far from the coziness of your shared bed. His pensive silence prompts you to prop yourself up on one elbow, looking down at him with a curious smile.
“Penny for your thoughts, love?”
Lando blinks up at you before giving a small, distracted smile. “Oh, it’s nothing really ...”
You raise a knowing eyebrow. “Lando, I can always tell when something’s on your mind.” You brush a lock of hair back from his forehead tenderly. “Talk to me?”
Lando chews his lip, eyes darting away evasively. Finally he lets out a long breath, arms tightening around your waist. “I guess … I’ve just been thinking about when I picked you up earlier today.”
You think back to the afternoon when Lando swung by your lab after work like usual. “What about it?”
“Well, when I pulled up out front, I saw one of your patients leaving the exercise center,” Lando explains. His brow furrows slightly. “Some tall, muscular bloke in running shorts.”
“Oh, that was probably Brandon — he’s a sprinter I had in for VO2 max testing,” you reply casually before pausing. “Wait … you’re not jealous, are you?”
“No! No, of course not,” Lando says quickly. But the way his eyes shift away makes you think otherwise.
You frown slightly, snuggling closer against his chest. “Lando, you know you have absolutely no reason to be jealous. I only have eyes for you,” you murmur reassuringly.
Lando sighs, arms tightening around your back. “I know, I know. It’s stupid ...” He trails off, looking conflicted.
You lay a comforting hand along his jaw. “Talk to me, love. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Lando meets your earnest gaze, emotions swirling in his eyes. “I just … I wonder sometimes why you picked me, you know? You meet guys like that every day. And I’m just ...” he shrugs self-consciously.
Your heart squeezes at the vulnerable admission. You tenderly stroke Lando’s cheek. “Hey … you listen to me. You’re the only one I want. All those other athletes are just patients to me. But you ...” You smile down at him adoringly. “You’re the one who makes my heart race with just a look. The one I want to spend all my time with. The one I love with my entire heart.”
The corner of Lando’s mouth lifts in a faint, tentative smile at your words. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely,” you whisper fervently. Leaning down, you capture his lips in a sweet, loving kiss. “You’re my once in a lifetime, Lando. My soulmate. Meeting you was destiny.”
Lando’s arms wrap tightly around you again, the last of the tension fading from his frame. “I’m sorry I got all insecure like that. I know I’m being silly.” He presses an apologetic kiss to your hair. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You nuzzle your face lovingly against his neck. “You were just yourself — that funny, charming, incredible guy I fell for the moment we met.” You lift your head to meet his eyes again. “I never stood a chance. My heart was yours from the start.”
A smile breaks across Lando’s face at last. “I really am the luckiest bloke in the world, aren’t I?”
“Damn right you are,” you say teasingly, making him laugh. Your expression softens. “But truly, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. My heart only races for you. It always will.”
Lando’s eyes gleam with renewed confidence and adoration as he rolls you both over so he’s hovering above you. “Well in that case, what do you say we get your heart racing again?” He murmurs playfully, brushing his nose against yours.
You grin up at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’d say you’re on.”
Lando’s smile widens as he dips his head to meet your lips in a passionate kiss. Your pulse immediately quickens at his touch, heart thrumming as you arch up into him.
When Lando finally pulls back for air, his eyes are dancing. “Yep, definitely racing,” he laughs breathlessly, lifting your hand to his lips to kiss your pulse point.
You shake your head in amusement, heart overflowing with love for this man. “You’re the only one for me. Today, tomorrow, and always.”
Lando’s smile softens to something tender and reverent. “And you’re my once in a lifetime, Y/N.” He brushes his thumb along your cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper. And as his lips find yours again, you let yourself get lost in his kiss, your racing hearts beating as one.
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64yrsold · 2 years
about you
“I don’t want to bother you…” my voice wavered on the phone, “But, I think… I think you should come and get me,”
“Where are you?” he replied immediately, and I told him the address. “Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
“No, I’m okay,” I answered, already feeling relieved knowing he was on his way. His voice was anchoring, and I listened to him like gospel.
“Alright,” his car started, “I’m headed out. I will see you in five minutes.”
“Okay,” I whispered, and hung up the phone. I sighed, watching my breath dissipate against the black sky. I could still hear my friends celebrating in the background as I sat on their front porch, but it all felt very distant. Maybe just a dream. I leaned against the paint-chipped railing, watching cars roll by, headlights reflecting off the slick streets.
“There she is,” he called, stepping out of his car.
I blinked. Had I fallen asleep?
“Hi,” I smiled, and he strode towards me, hands tucked into his coat pockets. He frowned, stepping closer.
“Were you…” he paused, “They didn’t come check on you?”
“I’m fine,” I insisted, and stood up, a bit wobbly, “It’s my fault, I just had a bit too much to drink,”
He offered a hand to help me down the stairs, and slung my arm over his shoulder.
“Shit friends,” he stated.
“I don’t know them that well,” I shrugged. He opened the car door, and unbuttoned his coat. He wrapped the heavy jacket around me, warm and soaked with his scent, and guided me to the passenger seat. He buckled me in, his hair brushing my face as he leaned over me. I wished he would stay like this. The seatbelt clicked in place, and he pulled back, looking at me closely.
“Precious cargo,” he winked.
He closed the door, walking around the car. He paused for a moment, staring at the house. A sigh. Then he continued, hopping into the driver’s seat. He blew on his hands to warm them, and turned up the heat. He pushed the vents to face towards me.
“Where to?” he asked, “I can drop you at home, if you’d like.”
“Sure,” I said, “It’s not too far from here. If you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” he said quickly, shaking his head. He opened his mouth, but closed it before saying anything. He shifted the car into reverse, and we pulled off of the driveway. I gazed out the window, the passing street lamps flashing by me. I knew if I didn’t look outside, I would be staring at him.
The car slowed, tires scratching against the pavement as he pulled towards the curb.
“This is the one?” he asked, pointing at my apartment building. I nodded.
I looked at my hands, fingers knotting together. The air was thick and warm, blanketing us in his idling car.
“Thank you,” I said, reaching for the door.
“Wait,” he said, grabbing my wrist, “Sorry.” He pulled his hand away. “I just wanted… Well, I guess, thank you.”
“Thanks for calling,” he said, looking at me with pleading eyes. “It feels nice, y’know, to know that you think of me.”
I scoffed.
“I think of you constantly,” I said, not thinking. Blood crept up my face, and I felt my chest tighten.
“Really?” he said. I glimpsed up at him, and was surprised to see his face soft, earnest. I nodded slowly.
“I’m consumed by you,” he admitted, and his hand cautiously brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s just torture without you.”
“Don’t joke about that,” I shook my head, smiling down at my hands, “Because I’ll really believe you.”
“I am not joking,” he told me, “I am not fucking joking.”
I reached a hand out to find his. He took it, tracing his fingers over my knuckles and bones. He flipped it over, pressing his thumb along the lines in my palm.
“Do you… Do you have to go?” he mumbled, pulling my hand to his mouth.
I shook my head.
“Thank you,” he smiled, kissing each knuckle. He held my fist to his forehead, bowing his head and sighing deeply. “I want to… I want to be careful with you.”
“Okay,” I murmured, and he sighed again.
“Just… You’ll have to be patient with me, okay?”
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Rushin’ through me like a fire Part 3
A Steddie Club AU
AO3 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
“You bought a bar, but you don’t like people?” Steve tilts his head curiously. 
“I’m an enigma, I know.” He flaps his hands around. “My Uncle Wayne always told me I’m as crazy as a rainbow trout in a car wash.” He laughs at the face Steve makes and scratches the back of his head. “Yeah, I never really understood what that meant either until I bought this place. Got in over my head with it all and it takes a lot of work to keep it running. Should’ve known better than to buy a bar when I barely graduated high school.”
“Seems like it all worked out for you, though,” Steve looks around appreciatively, as if he’s not already well acquainted with these fours walls. “Robin and I love coming here. It’s our favorite place. Unless we count our house.” 
Eddie cheeks flush a pretty pink color that looks delicious under the twinkling lights. “Such high praise from one of my best customers.” 
Now Steve’s blushing, ducking his head to hide his smile. He swirls his drink around in the glass. Deciding to be a bit bold, he says, “If I had known you were out here on slow nights, maybe I would’ve come in earlier in the week.” He takes a sip of his drink to stop himself from saying more.
“Are you saying little old me is enough to bring you in on a slow night?” Eddie leans forward, closing some of the space between them. It feels wholly different from when Austin did it, butterflies kicking up in his stomach and palms perspiring, instead of cold dread. The people sitting around the bar or dancing behind him have completely disappeared, his focus only on Eddie and the adorable way he’s biting his lip, playing up being coy but still looking secretly pleased at Steve’s attention. 
“I think you’d be enough to bring me in any night.” And Steve gets to watch his cheeks blossom a bright cherry red as a delighted zing of pleasure wraps itself around his heart. Perhaps he hasn’t lost his touch after all. 
“Aren’t you just a charmer?”
“Guess my lines do work, then, huh?” Steve asks, unable to wipe the goofy grin off his face. Pushing his luck, he asks, “Is the owner allowed to dance, or are you too busy?”
Before Eddie has a chance to answer, Gareth leans over his shoulder and says, “He’s not too busy.” Eddie elbows Gareth in the ribs. Gareth ignores him. “Go on, boss. Have fun for once.” 
Steve hesitantly adds, “It’s ok if you don’t want to. The rejection won’t crush me or anything.” And so what if he’s lying through his teeth and it would definitely crush him completely if Eddie backed away from him after all the electricity he felt between them? He’ll keep that to himself.
“No rejection here, sweetheart,” Eddie sheepishly grins. He drags Gareth away with him by the arm, both of them whispering feverishly to each other as Eddie rounds the end of the bar. The hairs on his neck stand at attention knowing that they’re definitely talking about him, but he tries to stay focused on Eddie agreeing to dance with him. 
With one last exasperated look, Gareth turns Eddie around by the shoulders and frog marches him over to Steve, who has hopped down from the bar stool to wait patiently along the edge of the dance floor. 
“He’s all yours, Steve,” Gareth smirks and pushes Eddie forward with a little shove, then runs back behind the bar to continue helping customers. 
“We really don’t have to, if you’re that uncomfortable,” Steve says once more, making sure that Eddie doesn’t feel pressured into anything. 
“It’s not you,” Eddie glances at the dance floor, eyes nervously darting around. “I wasn’t kidding before. People make me nervous. I’m not used to anyone touching me unless they’ve known me since I was in diapers.” He rubs at the back of his neck. “I’m afraid I won’t be very good at all of that.” He gestures towards the bodies moving together. 
“It’s not really about being a good dancer. At least, not for me,” Steve shrugs. “I like the release I get when I just let the music take over and it drains all of the stress out of my body.” 
Eddie has turned away from the crowd, staring intently at Steve’s face. “You’re still a good dancer, though.” 
“Are you admitting that you’ve watched me on those cameras of yours?” Steve can’t help the way his heart races at the thought. He wants to be the center of Eddie’s attention.
“I saw you earlier with that idiot,” Eddie tries to argue, but his cheeks are rosy and he looks a little skittish. Hard to tell if that’s a lie or if he really is that nervous. 
Steve reaches out to grab Eddie’s hand, keeping eye contact and hesitating for a second, waiting on Eddie to give him an approving nod. He wraps a hand around Eddie’s and takes a step closer. “You know what else I love about dancing?” 
It’s almost too dark to catch, but Eddie’s eyes flick down to his mouth. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and Eddie’s eyes track the movement, giving Steve a rush of confidence. 
“What?” Eddie asks, a bit dazed, like he barely heard Steve. 
“How it lets you get close to someone.” He takes another step closer. “You can feel heat passing between bodies.” Another step. “The way the beat runs through your veins down to your hips.” He places a hand on Eddie’s hip and can actually see the full body shudder run through Eddie. “You can pretend like there’s no one else in the room.”
Eddie nods along, eyes glazed over and focused on Steve’s mouth, like he’s hanging on every word.
As the song changes, the beat switches to something softer, a little slower. A sensual jazzy undertone that makes him want to turn off the lights and move his body in time with someone else. It’s exactly the opening Steve needs.
AO3 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
145 notes · View notes
jadedlavendergemini · 2 years
Number One Patient
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The med bay was having a slow day, not like if there were any real kind of battles going on. A mission every once in a while involving traveling to another planet to help other life forms with healthcare came along. But not today. You found yourself going through your inventory of supplies in the back, just trying to make your shift go by faster.
You were in the middle of counting packs of gauze when one of the other medics cut your concentration.
“L/N, patient in room one is here for you.” Lorne, one of the medics states.
You turn towards him. “Lorne, I’m in the middle of inventory, could you just take it?”
You watch as a small smirk comes across his features. “Actually, this patient is specifically requesting you.”
You sigh before tossing a pack of gauze at him, only for him to catch it. “Finish up for me then will you?
“Yes, ma’am.”
You exit the supplies area and make your way to one of the desks and fetch a data pad. Pulling up with the patient’s information with your credentials.
You prepare yourself with a kind smile but drop it once you see the patient’s name.
Commander Poe Dameron
You can’t help but roll your eyes as you pull back the curtain to the bed in room one to find your boyfriend sitting on the bed, legs swaying slightly as he waits for you.
“Poe,” you shoot him a look. “What is it this time?”
“Y/n,” he shoots you a charming smile. “My favorite medic.”
You sigh before taking another step towards the resistance’s golden boy. “You better have a broken bone this time.”
Poe let’s out a small chuckle before pulling his hand out for you to see. A large laceration reaching from his lower right side of his thumb to his pinkey on his right hand resides, slightly bleeding.
You nod, entering a few notes onto your data pad before setting it down on the counter. You moved around the room for a suture kit, gloves, bacta gel and numbing anesthetic.
Once you’re all set up, you glove up and begin cleaning the cut. “Any particular reason for me today? You know Lorne is just as capable as me.”
“Yeah but I like to have someone pretty to look at while I’m in pain.”
You scoffed. “Ah, so you do feel pain. By the way,” you add as you pull out you anesthetic. “This is gonna pinch a little.”
You try hard not to smile as his cocky attitude changes when you here him hiss. “Yeah, more like a sting!”
“Well, you certainly don’t want to feel it, do you?” You ask. “How did you manage this anyway?”
“Fixing up BB-8. One of his mechanisms was a little messed up so I tried to fix him up myself.”
“Poe, we have droid mechanics here on base for a reason,”
“I know, I know.” He shakes his head, a single curl falls on his forehead. “He’s my buddy though. Anyway, I accidentally came across a sharp scrap inside.”
You began your sutures carefully and you notice he’s either looking at you or away in general. “What? Does it still hurt? Do you need more numbing?”
“No, no. It’s nothing.” He says, tapping his other hand over his knee. “It’s just- has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes look when you’re concentrated?”
You stop kneading the thread and look up. “Poe-“
“I know, sorry,” he waves his good hand around. “I forgot no flirting in the workplace.”
Your cheeks burn as you go back to suturing his hand. “No more fixing BB on your own and please do not use this hand for a week. I need the tissues to heal correctly.”
“Doesn’t the Bacta gel to that?”
“Well yes, but if you’re constantly moving your hand around and disrupt the process, it won’t work Poe.”
“Right, right.”
You clip the final suture and remove your gloves. “Alright, I’m done.”
You move to bandage his hand and wrap it tightly in some gauze.
“Come back at the end of the week for the suture removal.” You say, typing in you final notes onto the data pad.
Poe hops off the bed and stands, careful of his now injured hand. “Thanks, y/n.”
“Anytime,” you give him a tight smile as you continued to type.
He moves past you but stops next to you. “When you say no activities with this hand for a week-“
Your eyes snap up to meet his smirk. “Does that include….?”
“Sorry!” He moves just out of reach when you moved to smack him with the data pad. “See you tonight!”
And then he’s gone. You loved that man but hated when purposely made those comments around your fellow resistance members.
I wanted to right more Poe so I had some time today! Enjoys!
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you.,
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Pairing: Eddie x Insecure!Fem plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Alrighty then. This is part ten. I wanted. So here we go. I hope y'all enjoy. Thanks for reading. And as always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya byyyyyeeee.
Warnings: 18+ language, body insecurities, fluff, secret pinning, angst, jealousy, slow burn, attempted suicide and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: The boy of your dreams is always just out of reach. If only you could get over yourself to see that he sees you too.
Part 10
The next morning Eddie woke up to you gone. He got up and pulled back his blinds. He scanned your place but he didn't see you.
Where did you go baby?
He opened the door and was hit with the smell of food.
He heard you laugh and it warmed his heart. When he emerged from the hall he was met with Wayne and you. You guys were sitting at the small table playing cards.
You gasped" Oh you cheater!"
Wayne chuckled puting down a card.
You threw your hands up and dropped them again." Oh that's it. It's on like Donkey Kong."
Eddie joined his uncle's laughter.
You turned to him with the biggest smile.
" Morning Munson."
" Morning Angel."
"I made french toast and bacon." You said happily getting up to fix him a plate.
Eddie hopped up on the counter and started on his food. Watching you return to the table and continued to play with his uncle.
" Oh. Oh. Play that one." He said with a mouth full of toast and pointing over your shoulder.
Wayne chuckled " Hey now. That's cheating."
You giggle while playing the card.
Eddie liked this. Seeing you here. Getting along with his uncle. Spending time together. He always enjoyed the time you spent alone with him. But something about this was special. Just absolutely wonderful.
When Eddie finished and the game was over. Wayne went outside to smoke while you and Eddie cleaned up.
This was nice. Being here in the morning. Sure you've spent a few mornings with Eddie and Wayne. But it was never like this. And after you and Eddie cleaned up there was this domestic bliss that came over you.
What happened yesterday was crazy. But you ended up in Eddie's bed. Which just made your night. However something was bugging you. You didn't know if you dreamt it or it was your imagination. But you thought you heard Eddie say he loved you.
As much as you wanted it to be true. You couldn't convince yourself that it actually happened. Even if it did, there was still that lingering thought of feeling nothing in the kiss.
You tried not to think about it. Because for the first time in your life. You were truly and utterly happy.
Later that day you guys were in Gareth's garage. They were setting up for practice while you sat patiently waiting.
Eddie watched you and Jeff talking. At first he was happy that you were there. He always wanted you to come. And he couldn't believe how long it took to actually get you here. Who knew all he had to do was ask? However, the kiss between you and Jeff crossed his mind.
Sure it was only for the play. Still, someone other than him got to kiss those beautiful lips of yours.
Eddie tried to not ruin the mood. So he shoved his jealousy away and went to plug in his guitar to the amp. He played one note and the amp had a short.
"Shit!" He shouted squatting next to it.
He tried everything and he couldn't get it to work.
He was pissed because amps weren't cheap and they didn't have enough money to get a new one.
He stood up and looked down at it shaking his head.
" What happened?" You asked, coming to stand next to him.
" The damn thing took its own life... Now I have a new addition to my graveyard of amps."
" So you're saying all those amps in your room are broken too?"
He sighed. " Yup."
" Then why do you still have them silly?"
" uhh they have history I guess."
" I see." You kneeled next to the amp and looked it over. " Eddie can I?"
Eddie looked down at you as you pointed towards it.
" Be my guest."
You reached over to unplug it.
"Safety first."
Eddie grinned at you and watched.
You struggled taking off the cover. But managed to get it after a minute. You looked through the inside and laid the amp down.
" I think I can fix it."
" Yeah?" Eddie said squatting again.
" Yeah. I'm gonna need a Phillips head, a flat head, an adjustable wrench and possibly a soldering iron."
Eddie looked at Gareth.
" You could use my dad's tools." Gareth put down his drum sticks and went to get you the stuff.
When he came back you quickly got to work. You opened up the amp more revealing its guts.
You started unscrewing things and pulled out the circuit board. You were talking about the transistor and what the semiconductor was made up of. Which all sounded like gibberish to the guys.
Eddie watched in aww. You were really something else.
" How do you know about all this?" He asked.
" Well you see. My brother's stereo went on the fritz one time. And I got curious. So I took the whole thing apart to figure out how it actually worked."
" Really? When was this?"
" Umm I think I was twelve."
" Twelve?!"
You laughed. " Yeah. I guess it was just something I liked to do."
" Did you fix it?"
You chuckled nervously. " Uhh no. I think I just broke it more."
Eddie grinned. " Well if you break this. I will be very disappointed."
You looked up at him with sad eyes.
" I'm just kidding Angel."
You bit your lip and returned to work. Once you were done you put the amp back together and plugged it in.
"Okay. Moment of truth." You reached for the on switch.
Please work.
You flipped the switch and the soft hum came out.
" Okay Munson. Try it."
He grabbed his guitar and strummed. His smile was so big your stomach got those butterflies again.
" It works!" Eddie said, lifting you to your feet giving you a hug.
" God I love that big brain of yours." He whispered in your ear.
You pulled away a little and blushed. There was no mistaking that he said that.
"Well whenever you need it. It's yours."
I'm yours.
You went to sit down and listened to them get in the zone. They were honestly very good.
They're definitely gonna make it.
The rest of the weekend was absolutely amazing. You and Eddie spent the whole time either watching movies or learning D&D. It was hard at first. Because there were so many dice.
" Which ones do you want Angel?"
" I like the black ones with the silver numbers."
"Good choice. Those are the dungeon masters dice."
Eddie clapped his hands rubbing them together after. " Okay let's get started."
He explained each dice and how to use them. All the while he kept trying to find a reason to kiss you.
" Let's fill out your character sheet." He said sliding closer.
He got terribly close. It was a little overwhelming.
He put his hand on your knee and leaned over the coffee table to pick up his notepad.
You tugged at your lip as he started to rub his thumb back and forth.
You pressed your thighs together squirming a little.
Eddie smirked to himself. He knew that body language all to well. But not wanting you to be uncomfortable he pulled his hand away.
" Y/n. Can I ask you something?"
"uh huh."
"The... kiss between you and Jeff. Did you like it?"
You held your breath. Not expecting that question.
" N-no. We didn't actually kiss. It was a stage kiss."
Eddie turned to look at you. "What do you mean?"
You swallowed gently and turned to face him.
" He put his thumb on my lips and kissed that instead."
"oh... Can...can you show me?"
Oh fuck!
" Y-yeah. Um okay."
You took his stuff from him and put it on the table. You were incredibly nervous. Yes you weren't actually gonna kiss but still. Having your faces that close was scary.
You moved his hair behind his shoulders and cupped his face after.
You leaned in and moved your thumb to the middle of his lips. You gave it a quick kiss and pulled away.
" Ohhhhhhh. Okay. Yeah our lips didn't touch at all."
" Yup." You pressed your lips trying to find something other than him to focus on.
" So...can I try?"
You looked back at him. "Oh-okay."
Eddie got closer and cupped your face. He ran his thumb across your lips gently.
Your mouth parted just a little as you tried to calm yourself. You braced yourself as he kissed.
When Eddie removed his lips he opened his eyes and looked at you. You still had your eyes closed.
His heart was pounding in his ears and he instantly got cotton mouth.
He moved his thumb away dropping one hand to hold onto your waist. He pulled you closer. Just as his lips were about to meet yours. Your brother came in.
" Oh shit! My bad."
Eddie moved away from you and silently cursed the universe.
" We were umm practicing...for the play." You said fixing yourself.
Your brother eyed you and smirked. " Right. Well don't mind me. Just came to get some stuff."
Eddie couldn't look at you or your brother. He was pissed. He had you in his arms. Your lips were right there.
As your brother disappeared into the trailer. The tension was so thick. It was almost suffocating.
You were gonna kiss me, kiss me? Why?
You softly cleared your throat. "Umm If you want. When it's our turn to play the parts. We can do that instead of the kiss on the cheek."
Eddie looked at you. He remembered seeing that body language come from you before. All that red in your cheeks. With you being so fidgety. You wanted to kiss him too.
Eddie beamed " Yeah. That's cool with me."
"Okay. So...character sheet?"
Eddie nodded trying to hide his grin. He scooted back to you. " Right. So Angel what do you want to be?"
The following Tuesday night you were getting ready to go to the Hideout. You were finally gonna see the guys in action. Eddie had left a little early to set up. So you were gonna meet him there.
You were in your room putting on makeup with your brother's girlfriend, while your brother was playing video games out in the living room.
" Guys common. You've been getting ready for three hours." He shouted down the hall.
You and Bethany laughed.
" Do you think I look okay?" You asked her.
You were wearing an open red and black flannel with a black tube top and faded tight blue jeans. With a pair of beat up white and black Chuck Taylors.
"You should wear your hair up. Show that neck of yours."
" What neck?" You joked.
"Stop it."
You frowned and looked in the mirror. You grabbed a scrunchie and put your hair in a high bun.
Bethany came and helped style it. Pulling out a few strands of hair around your face.
" Are you gonna put on your contacts?"
" No I don't think so. My eyes are getting real dry this winter."
" Oh. Well you look pretty with them too. You know. I would love to have a little sister."
" Well if my brother would get his head out of his ass and ask you to marry already."
Bethany laughed. " I'm sure he will."
" He better or I'm gonna kick his ass."
You both giggled.
" So what about you? Matthew told me you have a thing for the lead guitarist."
You pressed your lips together trying to hold back the smile from thinking of Eddie.
" Is he the one you spend all that time with?"
" For the most part. But we're just friends."
" Friends don't make you smile like that."
You shrugged. " He makes me happy. But I don't know. It's weird you know."
"How so?"
" I just get the feeling he likes me. He pretty much said it at winter formal."
" But?"
" but I don't know. I kissed him once."
Bethany's eyes widened. " And?"
" I didn't feel anything and he didn't kiss me back."
Bethany sighed. " When was this?"
" The uhh night we left my parents."
She nodded. "Well maybe it was just a lot to comprehend. Maybe what you guys went through clouded your mind to the point that you really couldn't grasp what was happening. As for him not kissing you back. Maybe he wasn't ready."
" You think?"
" Yeah. It's possible. But you should try again."
" I don't know. What if I don't feel anything again? What if I'm misreading the signals?"
"Do you get butterflies in your tummy or does your heart race when you're with him?"
"All the time. I don't think I ever had a minute with him that I didn't feel like that."
"And you guys are close right? Like he's always around. Even when he doesn't need to be?"
" Yeah"
"Sorry to break it to you sweetie. But he's into you. See guys know what they want. And when they pick someone, nothing or no one is gonna stop them from trying to get your attention. He already has yours and he still wants more."
Is that true?
"I'm still not sure."
"Okay I'll check him out for you. I can always tell when there's that type of connection between people. But I'm telling you sweetie, there's something there."
" We'll see."
"Yes we will."
The Hideout was unusually busy tonight. So much so that Eddie was actually nervous. Normally, he could get up on that stage and rock out without a care in the world.
However, tonight was special. You were coming. Eddie worried about a few things. He could trip and fall off the stage or mess up on a riff. He had silently prayed to the gods that he didn't look stupid in front of you.
He also worried about if the Hideout was safe enough for you. Sometimes a few drunks would get a little roudy. So hopefully they would behave themselves tonight.
He looked around the bar and saw Chrissy. She waved at him and he smiled. He never really expected her to show up. Especially show up without Jason. She wasn't alone though. She had a few friends with her that Eddie recognized from school.
He continued to look for the one person who was on his mind constantly. The set was about to start but you weren't there yet. Or at least he thought you weren't.
You were though. Somehow your brother got a booth way in the back of the bar. You wanted to be closer but it was the only one available. The bar was filled with truck drivers and motorcyclists. And a few of Hawkins residents.
The booth had a busted light above it so it was pretty dark. It got even darker when the rest of the lights were turned off and only the stage was lit.
Gareth addressed the crowd and announced the band's name. The crowd whooped and hollered for a second before Eddie started to strum his guitar. Then the rowdy crowd got even louder.
" Which one is he?" Bethany whispered in your ear.
" The beautiful one with the man bun." You whispered back.
"Really? Damn! What do they put in the water here? The boys from Hawkins are gorgeous."
You laughed and returned to stare at the guys. The audience was really into them. You were right. They were definitely going to make it.
After three songs you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. God it was disgusting but at least it had toilet paper. After you finished you went to the sink when Chrissy walked in.
" Hi y/n."
"Hey-hey Chrissy."
" The band is great huh?"
" Yeah. They're awesome."
You felt so awkward talking to her. But she smiled and said that she just needed to wash her hands. As you both washed your hands she asked a question that threw you for a loop.
She looked in the mirror at you and smiled. "So how are things with the boyfriend?"
" Boyfriend?"
" Yeah. You know. Eddie."
" Oh-oh. Umm he's not."
" No?"
" Yeah. No."
" Really? I thought you guys were together?"
You both grabbed paper towels and dried your hands.
"No. We're just friends."
She giggled. " I don't mean to talk out of turn. But, you guys would be perfect for each other."
" Uhh."
" I know it's weird for me to say that. But when I see you guys together. You guys look really happy."
You chuckled nervously.
You guys walked out together but stopped for a second.
" Hey. Do you want to have a drink with me?" She asked.
" I uhh I don't drink."
" Oh. No we can get a pop or something."
"Y-yeah. Okay."
You went to the bar and waited for the bar keep. As you waited you watched Eddie.
He looked a little exhausted and thirsty. So you ordered bottle of water for him and a diet coke for yourself. Chrissy joined you and started talking about how exciting she was for the play. Much of what she said was going in one ear and out the other. When you finally got the drinks you turned around to look back at the stage and was met with brown eyes now slits.
You picked up your hand to give Eddie a small wave. He smiled.
When he had a second he waved and held up four fingers and mouthed "More"
You chewed on your lip and nodded. Then you fucking lost your mind. Because this guy winked at you. Your body jolted a little when he did that. This damn guy then gave you the biggest smirk you had ever seen on that handsome face.
Oh you did that on purpose.
You shook your head and turned back to the bar trying to collect yourself. But then you and Chrissy were approched by two gentlemen.
" Hey there pretty ladies" One said
"Hi." You and Chrissy said at the same time
" What're you two lovely ladies doing in a dump like this?" The other one asked, getting closer to you.
You didn't say anything. But Chrissy answered.
" We came to see our friends perform."
" Is that right sugar?" The guy next to you smirked
" Y-yeah." You said turning around again to face the stage.
You met Eddie's eyes and he didn't look too happy.
" So do you guys have boyfriends?" The one next to Chrissy asked.
" Yes I do." She said with her smile fading when the guy started caressing her arm.
" And what about you gorgeous?" The guy next to you moved even closer.
You looked down at the drinks squeezing Eddie's bottle.
" uhh Chrissy we should go to the booth I want you to meet my brother."
You started to walk when the guy grabbed your wrist. Making you drop the drinks.
" Hey don't do that!" Chrissy tried to intervene but the guy next to her held her back.
" C'mon puddin'. We'll show you ours if you show us yours." The guy snickered.
Out of nowhere the guy who was holding onto you pulled down your top. You tried covering yourself but he pushed your hands away. All of a sudden you were blinded by a flash.
Someone just took a picture. Another guy was standing there with his camera pointed to you. You hadn't noticed that the music had suddenly stopped. But you did feel yourself being ripped away from the guys.
Eddie saw the whole thing. So did his friends. There was no hesitation at all. The guys put down their instruments and jumped off stage.
Your brother got there first. He was the one to pull you away and handed you off to Bethany before starting a fight.
Bethany helped you fix your shirt as your friends came and started to brawl. Eddie stopped for just a second to look and see if you were okay. But as soon as he knew you were fine, he got into the fight as well.
You, Bethany and Chrissy watched as a few more guys jumped in. It was an even fight now. You and Bethany screamed for them to stop. But of course they didn't hear you guys.
After a minute you had an idea. You and Chrissy went to the bar and asked for ice. While Bethany tried to pull your brother away.
As soon as you guys got it. You threw it on them while the bartender poured water on them as well.
Someone let up and the fight slowed to a stop. You saw that Eddie had found the camera and smashed it into pieces.
Finally the security got involved and kicked out the guys. Since the bartender saw everything he let your group stay.
The girls and you went to the restroom to fix yourselves.
You couldn't believe that just happened. You started to cry. Chrissy and Bethany hugged you.
" It's okay y/n." Chrissy said rubbing your back.
" Yeah sweetie. It's totally cool. You're lucky."
You looked at Bethany and wiped your tears. " How am I lucky? Everyone saw my boobs."
" Because you have really nice boobs."
You sniffled and laughed a little.
" Best pair I've ever seen."
You looked towards the door and saw Eddie rubbing the back of his neck with your brother next to him.
Your brother punched him in the arm.
" Hey man. I'm just calling it like I see it." Eddie held up his hands towards your brother. "No offense."
"Still my sister dude."
All of them laughed except for you and Eddie. You felt flustered again. You looked in the mirror and tried to clean off the mascara that was staining your cheeks.
God I look like shit!
Eddie absolutely loved that. Loved how nervous and fidgety you got for him. Though the shit that happened was really fucking bad. A part of him was happy to see your tits again.
You guys left the bathroom and your brother looked you over.
" I'm okay. Just embarrassed."
" Well it's okay. Don't be. Did you see how all of us came to help."
" Yeah. But fighting Matthew?"
" Sorry but the guy had to pay. You should be happy though."
" Why?"
" Because Eddie now has my blessing for sure."
" What?"
" I saw how mad he was. But he still stopped to check on you before he went ape shit...That guy loves you."
You looked at Eddie who was talking to Gareth and Jeff breaking down the set.
" I'm starting to see that."
Eddie met your gaze. He said something to the guys then hopped off the stage and started towards you. You brother nudged you and smiled. As soon as Eddie came your brother went to Bethany.
" I would hug you. But I'm all sweaty and smelly."
You shook your head. " I don't care."
You wrapped your arms around his waist. When he hugged you just as tight as you were hugging him, he kissed the top of your head.
" I'm sorry that happened Angel."
" It's not your fault." You pulled away just a bit to look down at your chest " I don't know what it is about these things that guys like so much."
Eddie chuckled. "I think it has to do with being reminded of breast feeding."
You laughed. " That's a little weird don't you think?"
"Couldn't tell ya. I'm definitely a boob guy. Not weird to me."
You turned your face towards him. " You're always coming to my rescue Eddie."
" Always just a little late."
" That doesn't matter... What matters most to me is that you always show up." You pulled out of his arms and hung your head. "You're always there. When I need you. You're there. When I fall you're there to either pick me up or catch me. When I'm sick, you're right there with soup. When I'm hurting and afraid, you keep me safe. And when I'm sad, you know just what to do to make me feel better."
Eddie was in disbelief. You're gonna do it. You were gonna say how you felt for him.
You forced yourself make eye contact with him. You couldn't make out his expression. But you kept going.
" You're always there to keep me warm when I'm cold. You gave me a shoulder to cry on when I need it. You've shown me a kindness that I have never knew before...and if you're not careful, a girl can fall in love."
Eddie's eyes moved back and forth between yours. " Maybe that's-"
" Hey Eddie. Let's go. I have curfew." Gareth interrupted.
Eddie almost cried. It was like the universe didn't want you guys together.
He turned to his best friend. "Hey man can you please please just give us five minutes?" Eddie begged
" I would say yes. But my mom's gonna kill me and she will lock us out of the garage for a month."
FUCK!!! He thought
He looked back at you. " I'm sorry."
" It's okay. I'll see you in a bit."
Gareth pulled Eddie away.
" I'll come by after okay."
You nodded and watched him go.
You sighed.
" Hey sweetie."
You gave Bethany a thin lip smile.
" Yeah. He's got it bad for you. And the feeling is definitely mutual."
" Then why is something always getting in the way?"
" I don't know. All I know is that you two are so in love with each other. It's actually crazy how you two don't see it."
You didn't respond to that. Have you been so blind? You were smart. You should have figured this out by now.
He loves me?
Eddie was kicking himself for yet again being interrupted. He wanted to scream and fight and cry. But the ride to Gareth's was quiet.
Okay! That's it! He thought.
He had enough. The second he saw you he was gonna kiss you. He pulled up to Gareth's house and practically yelled.
" Alright, get out!"
" Munson man. What the hell? We need to unload."
" We'll do it later. I need you to get out." Eddie said shoving him out the van.
"Damnit Eddie!"
" Hey you're lucky I even stopped."
" What's got into you man?!"
" I'm gonna get my girl okay."
Eddie pulled at the passenger door and sped off. The whole drive home he was nerve wrecked. For some reason he lifted his arm and took a whiff of himself.
" Fuck! I can't see her smelling like this."
He decided to just run home for a few minutes to shower. Then he was going to march right over and kiss the shit out of you.
But as he pulled into the trailer park there were cops parked at his place. You were sitting on his steps talking to the police with your brother and his girlfriend standing there.
What the fuck?!
He quickly parked and jumped out of his van running to you.
" What happened?!"
You stood up and went to hug him. With tears rolling down your cheeks. You buried your face in his chest and whimpered.
" Baby what happened?!" He asked again.
" It's An-Angela."
" What?" He said pulling away a bit.
" Angela was here....she tried to kill herself."
" WHAT?!"
" Mr Munson?" An officer approached you two.
" Y-yeah?"
" Son. Do you have any idea why..." The officer looked at his notepad." Why Mrs. Angela Clark came to your home and tried to take her own life?"
Eddie looked at you.
You sniffled. " You have to tell them."
You looked away and pulled out of his arms.
Eddie's breath was shaky as he sighed. He couldn't believe this
"Mr Munson?"
"S-sorry I uhh....we...we slept together." He paused for a moment. " I think she...she did that because I didn't want to do it anymore."
" I see." The officer started writing in his notepad. "I'm gonna need you to come to the station and make an official statement."
Eddie nodded. As he followed the officer he took one last look at you.
You met his eyes and shook your head looking away. He saw how hurt you were and he felt the tears coming.
God baby. I'm sorry.
@chloe-6123 @irishhappiness @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @browneyes528 @b-irock @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @eddie-is-a-god @screaming-blue-bagel
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janeykath318 · 1 year
The Kidnapping Of The Easter Bunny (TaserBones)
“You mean to tell me you’re calling in a Strike team over the damn Easter bunny? Have you lost your mind?”
Brock was incredulous as he paced in front of Hill’s desk. He couldn’t believe he’d been pulled off of his assignment over a kid’s fairy tale character.
“The status of my mind is debatable, I’ll admit, but the situation is no joke, I assure you,” Maria informed him. “Darcy Lewis donned the bunny suit to gather information about some suspicious activity in the dollar store parking lot. We……underestimated the situation a bit. Despite Darcy’s considerable talents in being completely unthreatening in an undercover op, something tipped the suspect’s off and we lost contact with her an hour ago.”
Brock swore under his breath as Maria pulled up Darcy’s picture and last known ping from her phone. He’d had an ongoing passing flirtation with her in the halls, but hadn’t learned who she was, due to the thrill of the chase. He’d been hoping she’d tell him her name voluntarily and he’d been patient about the flirting.
But now she’d gone and gotten mixed up in a mess that did not bode well for her. Brock really wanted to yell at somebody for letting her do this, but that would just waste precious time. He’d let Fury hear about it later.
After watching some grainy footage and briefing his team, they got their gear and headed out to the scene.
Witness reports were promising. Seeing a woman in a rabbit costume get kidnapped was hard to miss. The crime scene technicians were crawling over the area and going over it with a fine toothed comb.
Darcy, meanwhile, was pretending to be unconscious while plotting her escape. Her drug addled captors had not done a great job of tying her up and she’d quickly undone the ropes. Having had experience in the kidnapping department and knowledge passed along from Natasha, she wasn’t all that scared. Feeling in her pocket for her can of mace and stash of knives, she grinned in satisfaction. Those losers wouldn’t stand a chance.
Fifteen minutes later, a black van screeched to a stop beside the shield Escalade. It was surrounded within seconds.
“Come out with your hands up!” Brock ordered the driver.
A disheveled looking woman emerged, hands in the air and wearing a dirty and slightly tattered bunny costume.
“It’s just me, Darcy Lewis!” she announced. “I brought you guys some presents, Commander! Check the back of the van.”
“Better not be chocolate eggs, Lewis,” Brock responded, “You know how I feel about that shit.”
“Yes, I do, Mr. No Sugar,” she responded fondly, as Brock checked her over. “This present is the tied up drug pushers variety. They might just tell you where their boss is if you use your scary face on them.”
Brock stared at her and shook his head, a slow smile crossing his face.
“You’re unbelievable, Lewis. Don’t go anywhere.”
The van door was yanked open and found to contain three wide eyed, trussed up men, all of whom started freaking out and whining for mercy. Brock turned them over to the police once he’d gotten what he needed out of them, then he went to find Darcy, who had taken off the dirty rabbit costumes and been checked by paramedics.
Brock watched her polish off an entire water bottle and she heaved a satisfied sigh.
“Ah. Much better. Oh, hey, Brock. You got things wrapped up with Larry, Moe, and Curly over there?”
He snorted then nodded.
“Yep. Not the brightest bulbs in the shed. Care to tell me the whole story?”
“Gladly. So there I was, hopping around and waving at the little kids when these bozos show up. They’d been coming there every few days and one of them was on Shield’s radar, so they’d asked me to surreptitiously keep an eye out. Well, Moe got suspicious and decided to grab me. Being in a hurry and scared of their boss, they didn’t tie me up very well and they didn’t know about my stash hidden in my bunny suit.”
She pulled out the mace and not one, but FIVE knives.
Brock’s eyes rose.
“Spent a lot of time with Romanoff, Lewis?” He asked dryly.
“Natasha is a fountain of wisdom, Commander!” Darcy exclaimed, lovingly stroking one of the knives. “This one was a birthday present from Bucky,” she informed him, holding up another knife with a glittering pink handle.
“Barnes gives you presents?” Brock asked, sounding more jealous than he’d intended.
Darcy looked gleeful as she answered with a laugh, “Oh, he’s my buddy, but not like that. He’s moving to Louisiana soon to be with his love. They’re super cute together. You’re more than welcome to add to my collection, Brock. I bet you know a lot about knives, too.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at him and Brock fell right into her flirting trap as he always did.
“Oh, you know it, sweetheart. Wanna talk about it over dinner sometime?”
Darcy grinned. “Absolutely.”
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horizondemise · 2 years
Mahito in Unexpected Places: Pokemon (Paldea Edition)
How long have you been following this greavard? The little dog Pokémon ran up to you while you were traveling through the mountains, excitedly barking with the flame on its head dancing. So friendly, so cute. You didn’t think much about it when it seemed to want you to follow it.
So you’ve been doing just that. Trudging through the increasingly deep snow, along the mountain path. Following it even when it moves off the trail and wading into deeper snow. Nearly slipping a few times. Wondering if it might be leading you to its trainer or someone that needs help.
Any time you slow down or stop to catch your breath, it stops and patiently waits for you to catch up to it. You slowly realize that it’s leading you to a bunch of trees, where other greavard are playing in the snow…along with the largest houndstone you’ve ever seen.
All of them snap their attention to you when the greavard you’re with barks to them. The other greavard rush over to crowd around you and the houndstone shakes snow off itself before joining them. Circling around you and nudging you toward the trees
Once you’re closer, you finally notice the trainer perched on a tree branch overhead. He’s watching you with blue and gray eyes, a big smile on his mouth. When he hops down, you can see the stitches across his face and the loose grayish-blue hair falling forward over his shoulders.
“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you for hours,” Mahito pouts, bringing his face closer to yours. Cold fingers grab your chin when you try to lean away and his smile quickly returns. “You beat the gym around noon, right? I thought you’d come this way right after that.”
You vaguely remember seeing this trainer in town, as you’d made your way to the gym. That’s right. You smiled at him when you made eye contact, thinking he was just another trainer that just beat the gym. Something doesn’t feel quite right, as he strokes your jaw with a chilled thumb and his pack of greavard surround you both.
“It’s okay now, I guess. I sent my favorite greavard to bring you to me.” His smile almost looks sheepish. “And now that we’re alone, I’ve got you all to myself.” Mahito leans in closer and lips as cold as ice press against yours.
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You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t help it! Everything about him turned you on especially his eyes and hands. You loved the way he looked down at you as if you were lower than him. You loved the way his hands would run along your body and eventually find their way to your neck. He is so handsome and nobody could ever replace him. You were sitting on the kitchen counter watching him make you breakfast. You was wearing his t-shirt from last night and god you loved the way he smelled. He walked over to you with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and, toast. He smiled at you and handed you the plate of food you said thank you and he gave you a kiss as a you’re welcome. You took a few bites of the scrambled eggs and as you finished a piece of bacon he handed you a cup of orange juice. You smiled and took the cup and took a sip as you set the cup and plate on the counter he started walking towards you again. He put himself between your legs and put his hand around your throat and pulled your face to his. He said to you “did you really think you could make it through breakfast without fucking me? I could feel your eyes on my back the whole time, you’ve just been sitting on the counter patiently waiting for me to fuck you, haven’t you?” He then said “ I bet you are so fucking wet right now aren’t you? You little whore! Sitting here waiting for daddy to fuck you!” You couldn’t control yourself anymore you brought one of your hands down and started rubbing yourself that’s when you knew you had made the biggest mistake ever! He looked down at you in disgust and said to you “look at you, you little fucking whore you couldn’t even control yourself!” The worse part was that him looking down on you made you even more wet. He took his hand off of you and said “fine, if you want to touch yourself so bad do it! I’ll just stand here and watch you do it.” So that’s exactly what you did. You were rubbing and it felt so good to have relief but it wasn’t the same as him! You pulled your hand away and stared at him directly in his eyes. You asked “please daddy, come here and fuck me like the whore I am please?” He smirked at you and said “I knew you wouldn’t last long without my touch.” He walked over to you, pulled you off the counter, turned you around and started fucking you. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled it as hard as he could! God, it felt so good his pace never slowed if anything it got faster and faster and harder! You loved the way he fucked you he always treated you like a whore and you loved it! Then, as you both were about to cum you heard the front door open and the words “sorry I forgot my wallet.” He pulled his pants back up, you hopped back up on the counter and grabbed your plate of cold eggs and bacon to begin eating it again. As you took a bite of eggs your older brother walked in and said “hey, I just forgot my wallet up in my room had to come back and get it. Hey, why are you wearing his shirt?” To which you reply “ oh this is his? I thought it was yours I saw it hanging on the bathroom door this morning after my shower and put it on.” He said okay and left again. As soon as the door shut you felt an instant relief of pressure off your chest. He then looked at you and said “ you can keep the shirt princess, as long as I can keep this?” You looked at him and found him holding your thong you let out a giggle and said “yes, you can keep it.” I guess next time him and I will have to be careful. It sucks we have to sneak around but that’s what happens when you fuck your brothers best friend.
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bleachanimefan1 · 2 years
King and Queen of the Pirates Part 46,
Entrance to the Red Line,
Everyone stared down at the two men as they gathered around the table, narrowing their eyes at them. Aya had changed back into her clothes. She sat down on the edge of the table, leaning in, looking at them. L was completely unfazed and emotionless by the frowns and glares from everyone while Ichi was sitting with a wide sheepish grin on his face.
 "Alright, spill it. Why are you two here? And how did you even get on this ship?" Sanji asked.
"And what about your mother? She's probably worried sick." Aya spoke.
"She'll be fine." L answered.
"Yeah, our mom's really strong! She may be old but she's knows how to get around easily. She has her ways." Ichi grinned as he rocked in the chair. "It was actually her who told us that we were old enough to leave. And we've always been waiting for this chance! It's our dream!"
"Your dream?" Nami asked.
"We want to see the world for ourselves and have our own adventures." L explained as he told the straw hats. "So, we stow away on board the ship, inside sake barrels, without you guys noticing." 
"We were going to introduce ourselves, eventually, but for some reason the ship was rocking very violently so we decided to wait until it calmed down. When it did, we got hungry. Sorry for eating almost all of the food. But there's still some left." Ichi told them. "We can work for it to pay you back, if that's the case." Luffy stared at him, silently, listening.
"So, you wanted adventures of your own and your first thought was to hop aboard a pirate ship that's filled with pirates? You didn't even think about the danger or consequences of what would happen?" Aya asked them.
"Yep." Ichi nodded.
"Seem's about right to me." Luffy murmured.
"Don't agree with them!" Nami scolded him.
"Well, what should we do with these two?" Aya asked, turning to everyone.
"I vote that we toss them out into the sea." Zoro replied.
"Let's just dump them off at the next island." Sanji spoke.
"If you think that we're a burden, don't. We know how to handle ourselves. We can fight." L told them. "We've been training for this moment."
"We won't slow you down. Please, let us join your crew!" Ichi insisted, determinedly.
"They seem pretty dead set about this." Usopp said.
"What do you think, Luffy?" Zoro asked him.
"Alright, you can join my crew." Luffy told the two young men. Ichi and L's eyes widened, looking at Luffy in surprise. L made a small smirk while Ichi was practically beaming, cheering.
"I'm going to get the food started, well, what's left of it. What does any want?" Sanji asked.
"MEAT!" Luffy and Ichi both shouted.
"You just ate!" Aya and L both shouted. Ichi ignored them, chanting along with Luffy saying "food" repeatedly.
Everyone ate and celebrated with the two new members of the Straw Hat crew. Aya smiled as she watched Ichi and Luffy wolfing down the food in a competition on who could eat the most. Luffy won by a landslide. Ichi slumped on the floor, looking like he was going to puke. L sat down with Zoro as the two were drinking some rum, watching. L silently glanced over at Aya, staring and watching her as she laughed along with the rest of the Straw Hats.
The next morning came, everyone was outside on the ship enjoying the weather.
"Nami, shouldn't we reach the Grand Line, soon?" Luffy asked her.
"What do you think? We just left Loguetown a few days ago. It'll take some time before we get there. Just be patient." She told him.
"Okay!" Luffy grinned and rocked as he sat down the ship's figurehead.
"Ah, feel that sunshine. With weather like this, it's almost seems like that storm was just a bad dream." Usopp remarked. Aya frowned. Nami noticed, turning to her.
"What's wrong?" She asked. "You've had that strange look on your face for a while now."
"Nami, this may sound crazy, but it feels like we're not even moving." Aya replied. Nami's eyes widened a little. She looked around, quietly looking in the surroundings. Zoro hummed, noticing too.
"She's right, I feel it too. We're dead in the water." Nami looked up at the mast seeing that the sails, weren't moving.
"Now that you've mentioned it, the sail isn't appearing to be catching any wind at all." Then Nami's eye's widened in realization and she let out a scream. Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, jumped completely startled by the woman's scream. Ichi, and L looked up at her.
"What's wrong?" Luffy asked.
"Are you hurt?!" Sanji shouted in worry. Nami's eyes were filled with horror as her face went completely pale and started to sweat, nervously.
"We're screwed! WE'VE ENTERED THE CALM BELT!" She cried out
"The grand belt?" Luffy questioned.
"What's that?" Usopp asked.
"CALM belt, a part of the sea where nothing moves a muscle!" Nami told everyone.
"So there's mussels and clams?!" Luffy asked, excitedly.
"NO!" Nami exclaimed, furiously. Suddenly, the ship shook a little as something hit it underneath.
"What was that, an earthquake?" Luffy questioned.
"We're at sea." Aya deadpanned, frowning at him.
"All of this chit chat isn't going to get us out of here. Pull the sails and start paddling now. We have to get to get back on course." Nami told everyone.
"You can count on me!" Sanji smiled.
"Don't panic and besides, this isn't a sailboat. Why do we need to paddle?" Usopp asked her.
"Look, there's no time to argue, just shut up and do as I say!" Nami insisted.
"At least it's nice and quiet here." Luffy replied. Nami let out a growl in frustration.
"Fine! If I need to explain it to you, I will. We've ended up going too far south and now we're off course and stuck out here!" She shouted, irritated.
"So we've entered the Grand Line?" Luffy said.
"If we're at the the Grand Line, you think I waste my time explaining this!?" She exclaimed. Nami pulled out a map of their location, placing it down. Everyone gathered around, looking at it as she explained. "Now, look. The Grand Line is sandwiched in the middle between these two group areas we see here. You understand?"
"Sort of." Luffy answered.
"These areas labeled here are what's known as the calm belt. That's where we are. Nobody knows why but inside the calm belt there's no winds or current, it's like a void where everything's stagnant. Given the sail boats move by touching winds, this is more than a dangerous region. It could be fatal, get it?" Nami finished.
"Nope. But it sounds like we're in big trouble." Luffy replied.
"Good." Nami sighed.
"So, this is what that geezer meant when he said that it was dangerous." Sanji frowned.
"Well, that explains why we've haven't gotten a single gust of wind." Zoro murmured.
"How are we going to get out of this if our ship can't move?" Usopp asked.
"Maybe the wind will start blowing again?" Ichi suggested.
"Winds don't blow here, idiot." L frowned at him. "We're you even listening?"
"And that's not all, there's another reason why people call this area dangerous. It's infested with-!" Nami spoke before a harsh jerk, rocked the boat, knocking everyone down on the floorboards. Usopp caught Aya just before she slid off the ship. L grabbed Ichi before he was tossed off. The ship started to rise as they saw the clouds, moving a little closer. Everyone's eyes widen in shock, letting out horrified yelps and squeaks in terror, not moving a muscle, as they saw that they were onto of a giant sea monster's head. More came out from the sea, surrounding the ship.
"Sea monsters! They're gigantic!" Usopp cried out.
"The calm belt is also home to the sea kings. It's their main breeding ground. They're the biggest reason way people can't cross the calm belt!" Nami exclaimed. 
"Any idea on how we get out of this?" Sanji asked.
"Yes, everybody don't move a muscle. We don't want to give them any reason to stick around to eat us. Once they're gone, we'll paddle back, got it?" Zoro told everyone.
"YOU CALL THAT A PLAN!?" Usopp shouted. Nami and Aya quickly slapped their hands on the sniper's mouth.
"Shut up!" Nami hissed.
"You're going to piss them off!" Aya whispered.
Suddenly, a giant frog leaped towards them, heading towards the sea king that the ship was underneath of. It smacked right into the creature, before crashing back into the water.
"The giant frog is attacking one!" Usopp shouted.
"It's spotted us!" Aya shouted. 
"Hold on!" Zoro shouted. Suddenly, the ship began to rumble as the sea king underneath began to make strange noises.
"It's going to sneeze." L replied.
"Everybody hold on!" Luffy shouted. The creature let out a huge sneeze, knocking the the Merry off it's head, sending it flying. 
"Usopp fell!" Aya shouted. Luffy turned his head just in time to see the sniper fall overboard. A sea king was below him as it opened its mouth, ready to eat him. 
"Usopp!" Luffy quickly stretched his arm, grabbing Usopp and pulled him away just as the creature snapped his mouth shut. He pulled the sniper back on board the ship.
"Get ready we're going for a ride!" Luffy shouted. "It feels like we're flying!"
"In case you haven't noticed, we are flying!" Ussop shouted. The ship sailed away and landed into the water. Everyone felt the ship started to move again as the cool winds blew into the sails.
They quickly sailed away, getting some distance away from the sea kings, escaping unnoticed. Seeing that they were safe, Nami pulled everyone inside the kitchen and started to explain about the mountain which would take them to the Grand Line, as everyone gathered around at the table, looking at the map.
"Take a look. I'm familiar with the rumors and these drawings prove it. As unimaginable as it may seem, the entrance to the Grand Line is a mountain." Nami told them.
"So, what, do we crash into it?" Zoro asked.
"I didn't believe it either. The mountain appears to be riddled with small canals. So, we might have to go up and over it." Nami said.
"Sounds like fun!" Luffy smiled.
"What are you talking about? Even if there are canals or whatever, a ship can't climb up a mountain." Zoro replied, in disbelief.
"Well, the map says otherwise." Nami frowned.
"That's right. If Nami thinks something can be done then it can! You got that?!" Sanji shouted, angrily at the swordsman.
"Yeah but remember that map was stolen from Buggy the Clown. Can we trust it?" Zoro asked. 
"Guys, a little help? The rudder's stuck!" Usopp shouted as he tried to get it to move, pulling on it.
"Sanji, can you please give Usopp a hand. I can't think with all his shouting!" Nami told him.
"Right away, Nami!" The cook went over to help Usopp and the two tried to get the rudder to move while the rest of the crew tried to decide on what to do next about the mountain.
"What if it's the currents?" Aya suggested. Nami's eyes widened in surprise. She turned to Aya. "If there are canals in the mountain and it goes up it, then it must be the currents. It pulls anything that gets close into it."
"Does this current seem unusually strong to anyone?" Usopp asked.
"Usopp, what did you just say?" Nami asked, turning to him.
"I asked if anyone noticed the strength of this current." The sniper spoke.
"The current...that must be,"
"What is it?" Luffy asked Nami.
"The canals steeper up the mountain." She answered.
"We really have to sail up the mountain. It's the sea currents! If powerful currents from all four seas converge at that mountain. The waters would rush up the sides through the canals, collide at the top and flow out into the Grand Line! This ship is already riding the current, so all we have to do is steer. Reverse Mountain is a winter island, so when the currents collide with it, the upper waters are forced back under. If a ship misses the canal, it breaks up and is swallowed up by the sea. Get it?"
"In other words, it's a mystery mountain!" Luffy chuckled.
"Guess not." Nami sighed and she continued. "Anyways, since we're positioned on this current. We shouldn't have any problems getting to the summit of Reverse Mountain. The only thing that can hurt us now is if something went wrong with the rudder."
"Nami, you're a genius!" Sanji shouted.
"I've never heard of anyone sailing over a mountain before." Zoro murmured.
"I've heard a few stories." Sanji said.
"About a mystery mountain?" Luffy grinned.
"No, about the Grand Line." Sanji spoke. "I've heard you've got to be half-dead before you entered it. I knew it wouldn't be easy."
The crew headed outside, seeing that it was starting to rain. The winds were starting to pick up.
"Sanji, can you get the sail?" Nami shouted.
"Of course, Nami!" He shouted. "Luffy help me!" The two climbed up to the masts, tying the sails down. As Luffy was finishing up, he noticed something ahead in front of the shape. A dark shadowy figure began to slowly appear, getting closer. Luffy's eyes widened.
"There's the mystery mountain!" He exclaimed, excitedly.
"It's huge!" Usopp cried out.
"That's the entrance to the Grand Line." Nami said.
"Awesome! It's bigger than I thought!" Luffy grinned. Suddenly, a harsh jerk shook the ship, nearly knocking everyone off their feet, as the Going Merry got caught in the fast current. Luffy almost fell from the mast, hanging on tightly as his arms stretched.
"We're going to be sucked in! Steer carefully!" He shouted.
"Leave it to us!" Sanji and Usopp shouted. 
"Nami! Where's that entrance that you were talking about!? I can't see anything! We're going to crash into the rocks!" Luffy called out to her.
"There's a crack in that cliff. That must be it!" Nami replied.
"Nami, give us a direction!" Usopp shouted.
"Keep baring straight ahead!" 
"You can't be serious!" Usopp exclaimed.
"It's true! The ocean, it's the entrance to the canal, is rushing up the mountain!" Nami said. 
"Have we made it to the canal entrance?" Luffy asked Nami as he landed beside her.
"More than likely." She smiled. Luffy grinned.
"I don't believe it. It's impossible the ocean really is flowing up the mountain." Zoro said in disbelief as he looked at the canal entrance, through the pair of binoculars.
"We have to make it through those gates just right or we'll crash into the Red Line and be smashed into pieces!" Nami warned. The ship started to drift of course, leaning left as it got closer.
"We're a little off! More to the right! Right!" Luffy shouted to Usopp and Sanji.
"Right!? You mean star board! Here we go!" Usopp and Sanji, along with L and Ichi started to pull on the rudder, trying to get it to turn. It wouldn't budge. The four pushed harder with all their strength. Snap! The rudder had broken as it snapped off. Usopp and Sanji were thrown forward, colliding with the table. Ichi and L were thrown to the other side, falling on the floor. Aya's eyes widened along with everyone else as they gaped in shock.
"It broke." L deadpanned.
"The rudder!" Everyone exclaimed. The Merry was getting closer and closer to the gates. Without the rudder, to steer the ship, it was going to smash into the mountain!
"We're gonna crash!" Ichi cried out. Luffy jumped off the boat, putting himself between the ship and the gates to the canal. "Gum Gum Balloon!" He inflated himself into a ball. The ship crashed into Luffy and bounced off of him, veering right back in course.
"We're saved!" Nami cried out in relief. Zoro quickly rushed to the side of the ship, holding his hand out.
"Luffy, grab on!" Luffy stretched his arm, grabbing the swordsman's hand and Zoro pulled him back. Luffy was flung forward, and he crashed headfirst into the floor of the ship, smashing into it. The rain slowly began to let up and it completely stopped. The ship rode along with the current. Sanji, Usopp, and Ichi cheered as they danced together.
"WE MADE IT!" The three exclaimed. Nami grinned in celebration and taking off her raincoat.
"Now we just have to slide down!" She shouted. Luffy pulled himself out from the floorboards. He ran towards the front of the ship, standing with Zoro, seeing the current take the ship upwards to the top of the mountain like a huge rollercoaster.
"Wow, look how high we are! We're in the clouds!" Luffy shouted.
"We've done it, we've reached the summit!" Nami shouted. The ship reached the top and it was knocked up, tossing everyone into the air. Then it came down, taking them with it and landed on the next canal, riding the current down.
"Wow! I see it! The Grand Line!" Luffy grinned. "Somewhere, out there the One Piece is waiting and we're gonna find it!"
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yeommiedocs · 2 years
"I've been thinking about you all day" - Jimin (M)
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Summary: You come home from a hard day of work to a very caring Jimin who helps you in more ways than one.
genre: (M)ature - smut, fluff (Jimin being caring as always)
warnings/tags: established relationship, nurse!reader, idol!Jimin, dom/sub undertone, thigh riding, spanking (just one?)
Word count: 0.6K
It was pouring outside as you rode the elevator down to the 1st floor. As you ran to your car parked a little ways from your job you smiled to yourself. You were so excited to get home and get out of your sweaty and rain-soaked purple scrubs.
It was a three day weekend at your job so you had plenty of time to spend with Jimin when he wasn't working. You loved your job but you also loved Jimin and not doing work definitely beat doing two people's worth of assessing patients and giving meds because of your short staffed hospital. 
On your drive home you listened to a hip-hop radio station which was mostly playing commercials. You didn't care though because your mind was preoccupied with the thought of seeing Jimin soon. Jimin and you hadn't lived together for very long, only a week but coming home to him had you in the best mood. When you had lived by yourself you felt lonely coming home to no "welcome home" or kisses but now that you sometimes had Jimin at home waiting for you, you felt like it was meant to be. 
After you pulled into the parking garage and to your assigned spot, you fled to the elevator to go to the 3rd floor. Once the elevator dinged signaling that you had made it to your floor you walked off to the right toward your apartment # 313. After unlocking the door you stepped in and heard the TV playing in the living room.
"I'm home," you yelled.
"Me too," Jimin yelled back. 
You laughed as you walked over to the couch he was sitting on. He gave you a kiss and shooed you away to go strip from your scrubs and take a shower while he washed your scrubs like he always did. Once you were out of the shower you walked to the living room. Jimin instructed you to sit down and you did right between his thighs. He looked for a movie while you told him about your day and how one patient almost fell trying to reach for ice cream almost halfway across the room. You laughed with him and started to watch the movie then he bit your ear.
"I've been thinking about you all day," Jimin whispered.
"Aww that's cute," you said.
"That's all you're gonna say?"
"I missed you too baby" you said as you rolled your eyes.
He started kissing your neck and spread your thighs open along with his own. He started rubbing your clit through your underwear and you moaned. He kept going for a while until you were about to cum then slowed down. He instructed you to get up and strip. You did and he told you to get on his thigh. 
As you set your dripping core on his thigh he grabbed your waist. As you started to rock your hips, Jimin helped you by guiding your hips with his hands. You mewled loudly when he started sucking on your nipples, and you were getting closer to coming. Once he started leaving bite marks and sucking on your neck, you knew that you were about to come. One slap on your ass had you spasming from your earth shattering orgasm.
Jimin continued to guide your hips to let you ride out your orgasm, but you started to get overstimulated so you pushed him away. You wanted to repay him for your orgasm, but he told you to go get in bed and go to sleep because you could barely keep your eyes open. Once you went to the bathroom to clean up you went to bed dreaming of your sweet boyfriend, who was probably(most definitely) in the living room jerking off.
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bucksfucks · 4 years
messing with a gemini | chris evans
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gif credit.
SUMMARY || chris is a gemini, so you should expect nothing less than snide remarks, witty charm, and mind-blowing sex.
PAIRING || chris evans x reader
WORD COUNT || 1,902 words
WARNINGS || banter, teasing, cocky!chris, definite praise kink, light choking kink, chris goes down on the reader, fingering, oral, drinking, unprotected sex, both smutty, soft, and teasing — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
NOTES || mmmmgmmgmgmgmgmg yeah
     The sound of the door shutting can only mean one thing.
    “Look what the cat dragged in,” you greet him, not turning around to face him.
    “Sweetheart if you don’t learn to shut that pretty little mouth of yours, I’ll do it for you.”
    Another snide remark, another sly smirk, and another roll of your eyes as Chris slides past you with a cup of tea in his hands.
    “You couldn’t make me if you tried.” You spat back, narrowing your eyes at him as you watched him quirk an eyebrow; intrigued at your comment.
    “Is that a challenge? Because you know I never back down from you.” He replies cooly, folding his arms over his chest before taking a sip of his hot drink.
    “Ah yes, how could I forget,” you feign enthusiasm, “you’re a Gemini.” You deadpan and now it’s his turn to roll his eyes.
    He kicks his foot off the wall behind him, “you didn’t answer my question, sweetheart.” He winks, brushing past your shoulder as you scoff.
    He’s gonna out of your sight before you have the chance to say anything else, letting out an exasperated sigh as you will yourself to calm down.
    “Hey!” Someone shouts through the trailer door, “can you run down to makeup for backup?” You don’t get to answer.
    Before whoever it was slammed the door shut and you let out another frustrated groan.
    You knew what you signed up for, you weren’t head of makeup. You weren’t even assistant head. No, you were one of the nobodies.
    Someone they hire to run from one end of set to the other only to get yelled at for not having enough brushes or the right shade of a palette.
    It was almost poetic.
    “Hey, I’m here, what did you guys need?” You ask as you put on a fake smile and enter the makeup trailer.
    The trailer where Chris is sat getting his hair done.
    Your blood boiled, wasn’t he supposed to be a charmer? A sweetheart? Maybe he was just really getting into character?
    “Can you sweep the floor and make sure there’s no more hair?”
    You had to physically fight the urge to drop your face, “sure!”
    You grabbed the broom, feeling embarrassed as you quietly sunk into the background as you felt Chris’ eyes on you.
    A few medial, mind numbing tasks later and it was closing in on 2am. Your notification-less phone screen lit up the empty trailer you were left to clean up.
    Not that you really minded.
    You find solace in the only time of the day where things seem to slow down. You also didn’t hate being alone where you could listen to music and clean hairbrushes.
    “So this is what you do after we cut.” The sound of Chris’ laugh startles you as you let out a soft yelp.
    He has a soft smile on his face, almost unrecognizable without his beard.
    “I thought I was alone,” you reply meekly, turning the volume lower on your phone as Chris shook his head.
    “Oh, I know,” he laughs, “I don’t think anyone would be belting out Queen like that if they didn’t think they were alone.”
    Once again, you feel embarrassed in front of him, shaking your head.
    “Whatever,” you try to brush it off. “Did you need something?” You ask as he shakes his head.
    “I was just checkin’ in on you.” He replies and you’re a little taken aback.
    “Oh, well thanks, but I’m okay. Just finishing up cleaning.” You said with a tight lipped smile and a nod of your head.
    Chris stands there for a second, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looks over his shoulder before clearing his throat.
    “Well uh, some of the cast and crew are havin’ some drinks and pizza later, if you wanted to tag along.”
    The invite makes your stomach drop into your lower belly as you open your mouth.
    You have to take a moment to formulate the words.
    “It’s getting pretty late, I think I’m just gonna head back to my hotel room. Parties aren’t really my thing.” You joke, lightening the mood as Chris cracks a smile.
    “Sure thing, sweetheart. The invites always there,” he says before turning on his heels and leaving you to yourself.
    Chris Evans was an enigma that you didn’t think you’d ever crack.
    The soft knock at your door caused your neck to snap in its direction, uncrossing your legs as you slid off the too big hotel bed and looked through the peep hole.
    It was hard to make out the figure, but it looked like...no, it couldn’t be.
    “Chris?” His name slipped through your lips as you opened the door.
    He beamed a smile as he held up a case of beer and box of pizza.
    “Turns out, parties aren’t my thing either.”
    You couldn’t help but chuckle as you moved aside to let him in.
    “And you decided that coming to my room at,” you had to check the time, “3:16 in the morning was the logical thing to do?”
    He set everything down on the coffee table before hopping onto your bed, “yup.”
    You had to roll your eyes as you laughed, closing and locking the door as you stepped in front of him.
    “C’mon kid,” oh, why did that do something to you?
    “You work hard every day of the week, you deserve one night to not care about anything.” His words were gentle as he stood up to grab a beer.
    “Want one?” He asked, holding a beer up as you replayed his words.
    “Sure,” he was right, you do deserve a break.
    You both took a seat on the small, uncomfortable couch in the room as you took a sip. Well, it was beer.
    “So,” you broke the silence, “the Chris Evans doesn’t like parties?” You quirked an amused eyebrow as he laughed.
    “Maybe I wanted to escape to see you, is that so bad?” He said, licking his bottom lip; not breaking eye contact.
    You shook your head, “such a fucking Gemini,” you mumble as Chris smirks.
    “What did I say about that smart mouth of yours?” He eggs you on, leaning forward and giving your knee a squeeze.
    “I don’t remember.” You bite back, feeling your heart kicking in your chest as you feel his breath fanning over your face.
    “Maybe I should teach you a lesson or two then, hmm?” He purrs, running his free hand up your neck and resting it there.
    “I dare you,” you mumble, transfixed on the feeling of his warm hands on you.
    The dominos fall and Chris’ lips are meshed with yours, the faint taste of beer on them as you wrap your fingers in the collar of his shirt.
    “You know I never back down from a challenge,” he murmurs against your lips before taking you by the hand and leading you to the bed.
    He pushes you onto it, the sheets around you as the weight of Chris’ body pushed you further into it.
    “Ah ah,” he tsks when you let out a soft moan, “I thought I told you to keep quiet for me.”
    You swallow thickly, throat dry and lips parted as you gasp when you can feel the weight of him between your hips.
    “Can you do that for me, sweetheart? Can you be a good girl?” He purrs, absolutely knowing what it does to you as you writhe under him. 
    “Good,” he hums. “Now let’s see how good you are when I’m between your legs makin’ then shake.”
    His wink doesn’t go unnoticed by you as your clothes are shed, his coming off until he’s left in nothing but his boxers.
    There’s little left to the imagination, the outline of his cock clear as he wraps his hands around your ankles and tugs you down to the end of the bed.
    You yelp, sliding off the pillows as he sinks to his knees, hungry eyes just waiting to taste you.
    “Look at you,” he cooes, “drippin’ at the thought of me between your thighs?” He mocks, cocking his head to side as he keeps your legs open.
    Chaste kisses are pressed to your inner thighs, gently as you try to stop the plea’s that are begging to slip past your mouth.
    “You’re bein’ so patient for me too, good girl.” He praises, he breath over your core is hot as you grab for his hair.
    The feeling of his tongue makes you moan and squeeze your legs around his head.
    “Mmm,” he hums, “that good already?”
    If he wasn’t buried between your legs you might’ve, just might’ve had the courage to roll your eyes.
    His fingers tease your entrance as his mouth works over your clit.
    There’s no holding back now.
    You don’t care how loud you’re being, giving into the sensation as he works you to the edge, your legs shaking.
    “You wanna come, don’t you, pretty girl?” Yes, God, yes.
    “Well that’s too bad,” he taunts making you let out a whine.
    “Not until I’m buried deep ‘side of you,” he grunts, quickly stripping off the rest of his clothes until he’s crawling back over you with a condom in his hand.
    You’re still dizzy, slightly angry from your denied orgasm, but wanting nothing more than to feel him stretching you out.
    “You think you’re ready for my cock,” he smirks teasingly as you feel him at your entrance.
    You whine, bringing his lips to your but he stops you at the last second.
    “Uh uh baby, I wanna hear you beg for it.” He taunts, nose brushing yours.
    “Fuck,” you whimper, “please, just fuck me.” You beg, eyes meeting his.
    That’s all he needs before he’s slowly sinking into you, watching your face contort in immeasurable pleasure.
    “Feel so fuckin’ good,” he grunts, “so tight and warm.”
    Your fingers dig into his speckled back, finding your ground as you dig into the soft skin as he thrusts into you.
    Suddenly, the only think you can think about is how good this feels.
    “My pretty girl,” he whispers, bending your one leg at the knee to get a deeper angle.
    “Takin’ my cock so goddamn well,” he grunts, “gonna make me come.”
    His words send a shiver down your spine as your walls flutter around him. He drops on one of his elbows, getting impossibly close to you.
    “You’re gonna come too, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He teases, lips on yours swallowing every moan before you feel a hand around your throat.
    “Look at me when you come, baby,” he purrs, applying just the slightest amount of pressure to the column of your throat.
    “Wanna see you come for me,” he smirks, his thrusts getting harsher before you feel yourself giving into your orgasm.
    Your body shakes as your mouth falls open, his name a breathy moan before you feel his hips stuttering.
    He sounds exhausted after he spills inside of you, tumbling on top of you as you’re left in sweaty silence as you’re left with nothing to do but run your fingers through his dampened hair.
    “Gemini or not, you’re what made me weak in the knees, sweetheart.” Chris whispers, eyes on yours as you feel a flutter in your heart.
    “There’s somethin’ about you that I won’t ever grow tired of, that I’m sure about.”
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yuutasprincess · 4 years
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҉* Okkotsu Yuuta
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҉ Warnings: NSFW, noncon, dubcon, primal sex, pet play, marking, slight mention of blood, predator / prey dynamic, oral (receiving), Characters are aged up
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҉* Request: not to be soft but bunny y/n running through the woods, trying to get away from this big scary yuuta that just wants to close to them but oh no, they have to be such an annoying brat and run away. no worries, yuuta will just teach them their manners and show them that he only wants what's best for them! so even if he has his way with them, it's for their safety <3 and that's what counts,
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A weak heart that beats at the speed of light: 140 and 180 beats a minute that has left you with underlying fear of your heart stopping at any moment. “I hear bunnies have faint hearts so you’re supposed to have a calm life right?” his presence is so heavy you can’t help the heavy thumping of your foot and the way your knees lock as you crouch against the ground, “oh? isn’t that sign of distress?” his sneakers crunch against the dirt and you can’t stop the squeak you let out, his reading on your body language leaves you speechless, or maybe it’s the way he makes you feel so small. muscles shaking and trembling as you’re drowned in his shadow, his hand reaches out cautiously and lightly caresses your tense ears with the utmost care “so soft” his fingers dance along the soft tufts of fur as he forces them down flat against your head.
“Here’s what's going to happen bunny, I’m going to take you with me ok? I’ve always wanted a pet..” his voice drops on octave and fades out at the word pet. your tiny heart thumps against your ribs at the word- you’re nothing more than an insignificant animal to him. he laughs as you inhale through your mouth in desperation, you need air. your lungs feel so tight it’s almost as if he himself has taken your oxygen away. his fingers leave your head for a split second and you watch as his shadow stretches. he’s coming closer. your feet kick as your thighs tense to push yourself off the ground, you hop over loose roots and lunge over set traps that clang and bump your ankle. your heart slows with the distance you create but he’s so quick to close that gap. you’ve prided yourself on your speed, weaving past other hunters and animals but with him it’s different. he’s fast on his feet, slices through air as he stretches his arm out to try and grab your bouncing tail.
“This is fun bunny but-” sheathing his sword he speeds up and reaches for your wrist, he bends your arm painfully and pins it against your back as you tumble to ground, “I’m not too patient” he sinks his knee into the back of your thigh and wraps a hand over your ears to tug your head up, “you’re fast, good thing I’m faster huh?” you’re body quivers underneath him, cheek squished to the ground as tears well in your eyes. “Shh don’t cry, I’ll feel bad” you find yourself wishing your heart would stop for the first time in your life, you’re so scared. you feel completely and utterly helpless underneath him, “please don’t hurt me” your voice is so meek he has to lean over your body to hear you. “So you can talk! Im okkotsu yuuta, remember that ok?” his smile makes your heart slow for a millisecond before it starts racing again as you try to scramble away from him. if anything the upturn of his lips makes you more fearful, he’s toying with you.
“I don’t think you get it, if I leave you here someone else is gonna come and do terrible things to you. I just want what’s best for my little pet” his tongue peaks past his lips to lick a stripe up your tear stained cheek, it’s a tad salty on his tongue but he can't help the smile dancing on his lips when you cry harder. you’re so vulnerable under him, completely free for the taking as he tugs harshly on your ears to tilt your head to face him, “who do you belong to?” his question makes you sick but you decided you’re not ready, not ready for your rapid heart to stop beating. you don’t want to die here. not to him. “yuuta” is the correct answer. his mouth presses against yours but you never kiss back, you lay still while his tongue pushes past to lick at the inside of your cheeks, he sucks on your pink muscle and presses his nose against yours to get closer as he captures it between his teeth. his canines sink into your soft tongue until you're sniffling and kissing him back with hesitation, “not that hard see?” 
The knee on your thigh moves so his hips dig into the curve of your ass and the arm pinned to your back is released as it lays limpy by your head, it stings and feels as if pins and needles are pricking your skin. he’s truly overpowered you and left you feeling like nothing more than a helpless pet for him to do what he pleases with. the hand on your ear moves down to tap at your puffed tail, “I hear your tails are super sensitive” it’s barely above a whisper as he pokes at the twitching limb and your reaction is priceless, legs kicking out as your nails sink into the ground as your instincts scream at you to run away. your pathetic noises are music to ears, every whimper and sob only makes his pants tighten as he rubs himself against your ass, “How about here?” his hand moves lower until he’s cupping your cunt through your pants, his fingers are so thick you can feel him pushing against you to try and dampen the material. he stops for a moment to let out a thoughtful hum before he grabs you by the nape and digs your head into the ground so he can get off you. your nose is buried in the dirt and even if you had full your strength you know it would be impossible to fight back against the hand on the back of your neck.
He’s back on you in seconds, free hand pulling your pants down as he yanks them past your ankles while your knees dig into the earth “What a pretty shade of white” he coos softly into your shoulder, fingers gliding up your exposed leg to rub at the hem of your panties. he pulls the material between his fingers and watches you jolt as it slaps back against your skin, “Ha, you’re so sensitive” tugging upwards to knock his knuckles against your tail he laughs at the way you convulse. he has you pinned so tightly you wonder if your heartbeat shakes the ground, it smashes against your ribs and leaves you breathless in the most painful way. your ears burn from the grip he had and you're sure his nails have dug into the backside and left scorching crescents. everything hurts, it feels as if you’ll wither away with every passing breeze- and you aren’t sure if you’d mind. your instincts fight against the burning in your core, mind urging you to get away while you bite your lip and turn your head to flare your nose.
His fingers push your panties aside as he spreads your folds, “Awh look at my little pet, you’re soaked” his words flood you with embarrassment and shame but the way his thumb glides across your slit has your toes curling. your arousal hangs in the air, the distinctive smell makes its way to his nose and has his nails clawing into your neck. “hurts” the words barely leave your puffy lips as your airway starts to close before he realizes his strength. “Oh my poor bunny, c’mere” his tone is gentle, touch softer as he pulls your dirt painted face from the ground and brushes your cheeks off. he sits you on his lap so your ear is pressed to his chest, his heartbeat is so slow in comparison to yours. his fingers prod at the red marks decorating your skin before pressing his lips to your pulse point in an apologetic manner. you truly feel like a measly rabbit wrapped up in his arms. he rubs circles over your bare thighs and squeezes gently, hands nearly encasing your entire leg as his touch leaves your burning. you fall into his trap and then do you truly realize the vast difference between the two of you. he’s a wolf, one with sharp fangs and claws that dig into the meat of your skin.
Teeth nip at your shoulder until your flesh catches on his fang and he draws blood. “Such a cute little bunny” his large hands spread your thighs, fingers dangerously close to your clenching cunt as he hooks them into the delicate material of your panties and pulls them down your shaking legs. he moves you off his lap with precision, lays you flat on your back as you’re left frozen in fear. forcing your knees to bend he spreads your folds to dig his nose into your pelvis, “you smell so good, I could just eat you up” his long tongue wiggles past your tight muscle and laps at the inside of your wet cunt, the tip pokes at the spongy spot that makes you see stars before he pulls away to wrap his lips around your clit. you hate how good it feels, hate how your heart falls into a steady beat while your hips arch off the ground. his mouth glimmers with your arousal and catches the light as he sits up to capture your body between his with his elbows resting by your head, “I hear bunnies are in heat all year”
The sharp pain in your lower abdomen has your eyes shooting down to see his heavy cock kissing your spasming walls. the swollen tip is a deep shade of red and the head itself makes your jaw sore just looking at it. the base is wide and glancing towards your clenched fists you know there’s no way you’d be able to wrap a hand around him without straining your fingers. he looks at you like a predator would it’s prey and that’s when it all clicks- this is all some sick joke for him to prove his dominance. attacking and chasing some poor bunny for kicks, you can only fear the worst. you feel sick, stomach twisting as your legs kick instinctively out of fear. he simply grabs your ankle and tosses it over his shoulder, doesn’t mind the way your thighs try to shut as he easily overpowers you. your tiny cunt cries at the stretch, walls being split open as he tries to squeeze into your snug pussy, “I don’t think I’ll fit bunny-” he gives you a nervous smile, corners of his eyes crinkling as he has to pull out, “-kidding” with a calculated roll of his hips he stuffs you full, cock kissing your cervix and rearranging your insides as he lets out a guttural moan.
“Say my name” his voice is so animalistic you’re too afraid to disobey, “Yuuta!” glittery tears roll down your face as he sinks his teeth into your unmarked shoulder until the skin stings, “you’re gonna be such a sweet pet, we’re gonna have so much fun together” he sighs dreamily at the thought, fingers finding your ears once more as he flattens them down while rutting against you. your walls flutter with each body shaking thrust, stomach aching as you try to retract every time he moves forward and bumps your cervix. you feel so utterly full you can’t help the drool slipping past your lips, cunt gushing and creaming around him as you get impossibly tight, “don’t tell me you’re tired already” he sounds almost disappointed but drops it with a sigh, fingers dig into your ears and pull gently as he pounds into you until your eyes roll back at the warmth flooding into your womb. his cock is still hard when he pulls out, it slaps against his abdomen and slicks his skin with your cum. rolling his shoulders he lets his white jacket slip off to reveal a dark shirt under, he swings the material over your trembling body and presses your ears down once more, “I can’t wait to get you home bunny”
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Even though you’re just as stubborn as Dean, you can never stay mad at each other.
Word Count: 3.8k
Requested by @flamencodiva: “You did what?”
Warnings: injury, blood, little bit of arguing, fluff, kissing
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Dean Winchester
Fiercely protective of those he loves without a second thought on the matter. In fact, you’re starting to think there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to keep you safe, you knew there wasn’t. He’d go to the very ends of the earth if it meant you’d be okay, if it meant you were safe. He’d stop at nothing to keep it that way no matter what that meant for his fate. He was selfless and you knew that to be true for as long as you can remember.
With such traits came with the stubbornness should you try and do the same, came with hard stares and furrowed brows. It brought with it his reluctance to let you stray too far on a hunt; if he had it his way, you wouldn’t tag along on hunts at all. But Dean Winchester met his match when it came to you. Equally as stubborn, casting him the same narrowed stares and furrowed brows, the same determination to look out for him just as much as he did you.
It brought on a great deal of huffs and puffs, and that certainly hadn’t changed now.
When he’d caught sight of the fact that you’d been injured on a hunt he didn’t even want you on in the first place, he didn’t take too well to that. Not that you were expecting him to, nor would he ever. You had dreaded the very moment when he’d see the scarlet smeared across your cheek, knew for a fact that he’d be anything but thrilled to see you hurt no matter what it was. And you were right.
He’d pushed himself off the Impala, releasing his lip from between his teeth where he’d been biting it out of nervous habit. He came to you the moment he saw the cut grazing your cheek and the way you held your side cautiously, your face twisted partly in discomfort and partly to brace yourself for what was to come next. But he came to you immediately— always did and he always would. Yet the words that came to follow, the attitude, that was always something you could count on with all the certainty in the world. It was Dean.
The very first thing that came out of his mouth was a question of if you were okay, that was on the forefront of his mind as he’d made his way to you and Sam with quick strides. He was careful when he peeled back the bottom of your shirt, patchy blotches of crimson just barely staining through the soft cotton material to reveal a less than ideal scratch. Not deep enough to need stitches but enough for him to tense his jaw with worry. When his eyes fell on you, brow raised in anticipation of an answer, you had simply nodded in return.
“That was really stupid,” he muttered once he knew full well you’d be okay.
You rolled your eyes.
“‘M fine, Dean.”
“You’re bleeding, Y/n. And it could’ve been way worse than that, you know,” he said, voice raising a bit more than it was.
“Well it’s not,” you counter, narrowing your eyes only briefly before the action had pulled at the cut on your cheek that you’d seemed to have forgotten. Your wince, no matter how subtle, had only proved his point and only made you angrier.
“I told you to stay back on this one.”
“Well, I didn’t!”
“If you’re gonna fight with me, sweetheart, at least change up your comebacks.”
“I’ll do what I want,” you say, looking away from him only briefly to gather yourself, a huff puffing out from your nose.
You’ll do what you want.
That was the problem. You always did what you wanted, when you wanted to. It was something he loved about you more than he’d admit because it only brought with it fear. He admired your independence, your ability to handle things yourself, your stubbornness when someone tries to stop you from doing anything but that. He loved it and he hated it because he knew it all too well. It was reckless and dangerous to go off and do that on your own the way you did.
“I’ll be fine till we make it back to Bobby’s. I can patch myself up there,” you mumble, voice softer than moments ago.
He bit his tongue then, jaw tense and eyes narrowed down at you to meet an equally frustrated stare. As much as he loved how stubborn you were, as much as he admired your ability to hold your own and refuse to back down—those qualities about you had been working against him in that moment, had been pushing his buttons because now was not the time to be so stubborn.
You were hurt.
He wanted to tell you just how upset it made him that you’d gotten hurt, how guilty it made him feel that it happened on his watch because he felt it was his responsibility to protect you. He always felt that way even when he’d just been your best friend who was too oblivious to see you were the love of his life. He wanted to tell you how angry it’d made him that you went ahead and tagged along on that hunt even when he told you not to get involved. But there was no stopping you—you did what you wanted whenever you wanted and that’s one of the things he loved about you.
Though in that very moment he wished you would have listened just that once.
Even with everything running through his mind in a heap of worry and frustration, he’d left it at a tense jaw and a hard gaze but that had only lasted all of ten seconds with the way you looked at him. The argument that had been sitting on his tongue, ready to be spoken in harsh words and loud tones had melted away.
He was ready to tell you just how ridiculous you were to not let him patch you up right then and there, for thinking he’d let you do it yourself. But he didn’t. Instead, he purses his lips and clears his throat, offering a barely there not before moving around you to get in the car. He knew full well he wouldn’t let you tend to your own wounds, he would never let you do that no matter how angry he might be. But he decided not to say any more until you got back, didn’t want to argue any more than you already did.
That was where he left it the entirety of the drive back. No classic rock playing on the radio for a good while until Sam had decided the tension was far too unbearable for things to be absolutely silent. It was spent with you sulking in the backseat, your brows furrowed and the inside of your cheek between your teeth in your attempt to will away angry tears and stave off how much you wanted to give into the fact that your wounds hurt a little more than you let on.
His knuckles were white with how he’d gripped the wheel, his gaze flickering from the road ahead to the rear view in a constant pattern of glances just to see if you’re okay. And each and every time he laid eyes on your frown, at the crease between your brows all telling of your emotions— it made his stomach twist and churn.
When you got back to the house you were quick to try and disappear off to the bathroom, entering the house first as you rushed past a confused Bobby Singer without a greeting, Dean hot on your heels with just as much determination leaving the man to be doubly confused at the sight. It’s when he turns to Sam that he gets a little bit of an answer, the younger Winchester offering a shrug and an awkward smile at the ever present tension in the air.
“Will you slow down?” Dean asks when you pull the first aid kit from under that bathroom sink. You’re moments away from closing the door when he beats you to it, hand wrapping around the edge of the wood and boot stepping in the way of its closing. “I’m patching you up.”
“I can do it myself.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
Your gaze shifts to him and your jaw tenses at his insistent tone, he’s got a stare to rival yours and you knew there was no changing his mind on this no matter how tough you made yourself out to be.
“De,” you exhale, your initial anger beginning to fade some but just that. “Fine.”
With a huff and an eye roll you hop up on the counter, the smile on his lips less than sincere and more so that of a teasing act in favor of getting his way before a softer look falls over his expression. One that was still a ready display of his anger but not enough for you to think that he hadn’t cared, that he wasn’t clouded with worry.
That was one thing he was terrible at—hiding his emotions. He could bite back his words and stuff them down, bottle them up for a good long while. He could leave them there to simmer in the back of his mind with the help of some beer and whiskey until it all eventually boiled over in a show of anger and frustration. But he was bad at hiding the very emotions he felt.
You could see it with the way the crease between his eyebrows hadn’t left since you insisted on going on that hunt. You could see it with the way the tension remained in his jaw, intensifying each and every time he saw the scratch on your cheek or the ruby stains on your shirt. His lips will purse till those dimples show in the corners of his mouth, and his grip will tighten on anything he touches. Dean Winchester was a terrible actor.
He sifted through the old plastic kit, pulling the peroxide from the cabinet as he grabbed more than enough cotton pads and a few too many bandages from their rightful spots. He laid everything out on the counter, soaking a pad in the clear liquid before his gaze returned to you.
“This’ll hurt a little,” he mumbled, his other hand settling on your cheek.
“Can’t hurt more than this.”
He wasn’t happy with your words, that much was obvious, the look on his face telling you just how much before his expression softened. He brushed the material over the wound, the sting you knew all too well burning atop the fresh scratch as the peroxide bubbled over the irritated area. You moved back from him only slightly, his hand on your cheek keeping you from straying too far. He was patient, though, angry with the fact that you were hurt to begin with but patient.
“He really got you good,” he murmurs, gentle as he continues to wipe away the blotches of crimson sitting smeared around the mark adorning your cheek. You could hear the frustration in his voice despite the softness of his words, the pad of his thumb swiping lightly over your skin.
“I’m fine, Dean,” you say, less defensive than the last time you’d said it but it hadn’t comforted him in that moment.
“Would you cool it with the tough guy act, sweetheart?” He huffs, dropping his hand from your face and tossing the dirtied cotton pad in the trash.
A few moments passed before he sighed, focusing his attention on opening a bandage to let his anger simmer down some more. He crinkled the wrapper in his hand and tossed it in the small garbage can, his eyes moving back to you. You give him a half smile then, the corner of your mouth quirking up only slightly as you breathe out a sigh of your own through your nose.
The simple action seemed to cool him off as his shoulders relaxed a fraction, and you even caught a glimpse of a hint of a smile. One that faded just as quickly as it’d come as he pressed the small bandage over your cheek. You rest your hand over his, the action stilling the thoughts that had been swirling around in his mind for a few moments. It was then that he looked at you again, the close proximity having given you a flurry of butterflies in your stomach as if you hadn’t already kissed the Winchester a thousand times over. But you were sure that was a feeling that would never go away.
You smile then, one he sees immediately as he flashes you an inquiring look with a simple raise of his eyebrow.
“You’re cute when you’re angry, you know,” you say, paired with a tilted of your head and your smile widening, hand squeezing his.
You barely got the words out before he rolled his eyes, turning his head away from you in favor of hiding his half smile, an effort that hadn’t worked quite as well as he’d hoped but he tried his best anyway. He even shook his head in an attempt to stave it off, running a hand over his face.
“You’re a pain, sweetheart.”
“I know.”
He gave in and smiled then, head still shaking as he moved onto the scratch across your hip. He was just as gentle as the first time he peeled back your shirt, revealing a similar situation as the one he’d just tended to and he heaved another sigh that was more than telling of just how he’d felt about it. If it was possible, you were quite sure that steam would be coming out of his ears in that very moment, his fingers brushing over the sensitive skin around the scratch as he huffed through flared nostrils.
“I’m okay, Dean, it’s okay,” you remind him, trying your best to make him realize that though you know he won’t.
“It’s not, Y/n. Quit sayin’ that,” he grumbles, “it could’ve been worse out there.”
“You said that already,” you sigh, and he’s not amused but he refuses to admit the way he feels the slightest bit better at the nonchalance of your attitude. It calms him and stresses him all the same to be perfectly honest, but he’ll keep the former a secret for the time being.
“Yeah yeah,” he mumbles quietly.
He says nothing more as he works, gentle as ever as he cleans everything the best he can. You said you were okay but he notices each time you tense up, can see when you clench your fist or suck in a sharp breath no matter how hard you try and hide it. But a simple soft glance your way, a gentle swipe of his thumb over your skin was enough to make it all the more better each of those times.
After another minute or two passes things become more bearable than they had been, and you were beginning to become less focused on the pain that ebbed away and more on the man tending to your wounds. He’s got more than enough attitude for one person, quick wit and sarcasm falling from his lips even in the scariest of moments. His words could be venomous to those he’s not too wild about, but he can also be one of the sweetest people you’ve ever known all the same.
You couldn’t help the smile trying so desperately to show, one he’d noticed the moment he pulled his gaze to you.
“What?” He asked curiously before looking down once more.
“Nothing,” you say, spotting a small grin forming as he shook his head. It was not nothing and he knew it.
But that smile soon came back to tug at the corners of your mouth, a soft laugh falling past your lips that you knew you couldn’t help even if you had tried to. You were done stifling it at this point.
“Remember that time I baited that werewolf?” You ask, biting the inside of your cheek once more in an effort to stifle your smile.
He paused what he was doing, gaze lifting to meet yours as the crease between his brows deepened at the mere thought of it. His palms rested on either side of you atop the counter for a moment, lips pursed. “You mean that ridiculously stupid thing you did on that hunt? How could I forget.”
You give up on fighting your widening smile completely now, huffing out another soft laugh instead as you shook your head at his grumpy words. “I did it to save you, you know.” He laughs softly, a bittersweet one at that. “I did it today too.”
He barely finished bandaging your hip when his stare returned to you, narrowed with bits of anger seeping in more and more with each passing second.
“You did what?”
You give him a knowing look, one he’s come to know all too well. He wanted to be in disbelief, wanted to think you wouldn’t put yourself in danger just for the sake of saving him. He didn’t feel he was worth it, not enough for you to wind up with even so much as a scratch as a result. But all you do is shrug, you shrug and you give him that smile that makes him weak in the knees every time you grace him with it. That smile that makes even his angriest moments melt away in a single second. That smile that’s getting him to soften his frown and lighten the heaviness of his glare just by the simple sweetness of it even if he wanted to hold onto that anger so you know just how much he disagreed with what you did. But he couldn’t help it.
“You don’t need to save me sweetheart, trust me you don’t,” he says, averting his gaze as he busies himself with packing up the first aid kit just as it was before.
“You’re not always the quick witted hunter you make yourself out to be, you know. Somebody’s got to do it,” you counter, your tone nothing but light and teasing as your words grab his attention just as quickly as ever.
“Very funny. I meant what I said,” he grumbles, fidgeting with the bandage on your hip before picking at the loose string dangling from the hem of your shirt.
“So did I,” you say, head tilted and smile bright as you brushed the hair away that stuck to his forehead.
“Yeah, you’re a pain.”
You puff out a sigh as your smile stays, more sincere than the teasing grin you once held mere seconds ago. The grumpy look on his face became more amused, unable to stay too angry when you keep looking at him the way you do. The way you always do and he always knows just how soft it makes him, because if there’s anyone in this world that can make him feel butterflies of all things, that can even slightly sway him with even so much as a glance in his direction—it’s you. It’s always you.
You couldn’t stay mad at each other for very long.
You reached up and pressed your hand to his jaw softly, the more than obvious tension in it melting away under your touch. Those little dimples by the very corners of his lips were still very much there, though his humor was still shining through all the same. You could see each and every freckle that dotted along his nose and cheeks at this proximity, could see the ones that were hidden by his lashes and the ones that splayed all the way over to his ears. Each one was a different size and each one even cuter than the last, all complimented by the pale pink shade in his cheeks from the anger that once had him so burned up that day.
“You’re not the only one that gets to save the ones you love, De,” you say softly, an even softer smile on your lips to go with it.
He sighed at your words, an eye roll soon after as he pulled your hand from his face and held it in his own. You could tell he disagreed with that, you knew he would, because the thought of someone he’d cared about putting their life on the line just for the sake of saving him wasn’t one that sat well with him. Especially when that person is you.
“You keep sayin’ that and I keep hating it,” he murmurs, and you laugh quietly, the action causing the corner of his mouth to quirk up.
“And I’ll keep saying it.”
He laughed then, soft as it puffs warmly against your lips. He knows there’s no convincing you otherwise, there was no changing your mind on the subject just the same as there was no changing his. You were tough as nails and he could argue till he was blue in the face but there was no chance you’d miss an opportunity to protect him just as much as he does you whether he likes it or not. He doesn’t.
He leans in a little closer, so much so his lips brush over yours with each word he speaks in that moment. “You’re stubborn, you know that?”
“I think I know someone who just might be worse than I am,” you say, his hum sounding mere centimeters from your lips as cue to keep talking as if he hadn’t known just who it was you were talking about. “You see, he’s got these pretty green eyes and he’s devilishly handsome,” you start, his smile widening. “But he’s got a mouth on him, like seriously, he just might be one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever—”
“Okay, okay c’mere,” he sighs, amusement woven around his words as he quiets you.
His lips meld with yours and cut the rest of your own words short in favor of your affection, his smile pressing into your lips and lingering there as he makes no effort to stray too far from you. His hands come up to settle on your cheeks again, the pads of his thumbs brushing lightly over your skin in the sweetest of touches as he kisses you once more before his hands fall down your arms to rest over top of your hands.
“Try and be a little more careful, sweetheart?” He asks softly, the tip of his nose bumping against yours. In other words, I love you.
You simply nod, smile sweet as your forehead rests against his. It’s not his ideal answer, because ideally, he didn’t want you in danger at all. Ideally, he’d rather you stay back when it comes to hunts. But he knows you wouldn’t go for that idea, and he knows he’s got to deal with that though he’ll always put up that fight even though he knows he won’t ever win. You’re stubborn and he loves you.
He’s got you.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @dean-is-sams-apple-pie @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes
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leascorner · 3 years
j.b.b. | Marley
Summary: Eventually, Bucky gave his deepest secrets away and you let him know yours. Her name was Marley.
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x single mom!reader
Warnings: Mention of past and present relationships, parenting, mention of food
Word Count: 3.7k
a/n: This is my first story posted on here. I’ve been writting for +12 years now but for the last couple of years, I couldn't finish a single story. Turns out Bucky Barnes was all I needed to get over my massive writer’s block. Feedback is greatly appreciated. (Also, english is not my native language so if you spot any grammar mistake, please let me know!)
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It all began with his friend, Sam.
On a night they were out for drinks, he had made it his mission to find someone for Bucky. Someone or anyone for the matter. He talked to everyone in the bar that night, while Bucky drank his beer, sitting at the counter. When it was clear enough that nobody there that night would keep grumpy Bucky company, Sam turned his attention on the dating app his friend had downloaded on his phone some weeks ago. He probably went through a dozen of profiles, sometimes showing the phone screen to Bucky, to what he would just respond by rolling his eyes and drinking some more beer.
That was until Sam showed him your profile. Bucky stared a second longer to the picture displayed on his phone screen than for the others. He couldn't tell what that was: the smile on your lips, the wrinkles at the side of your eyes or simply your eyes; but he couldn't get his eyes off it. Sam immediately started typing a message for you to what Bucky obviously protested. He did not need company because he was just fine on his own.
Despite his super-soldier abilities, he wasn't quick enough to take the phone from his friend's hands. The smile that appeared on Sam’s face annoyed Bucky even more. "What are you afraid of, though guy?" Sam had asked and Bucky eventually backed off, letting him do whatever he was planning on doing. There was no point in stopping Sam. He knew you wouldn't be interested anyway... To be honest, who would be? Bucky got his phone back along with a smirk from his friend. There was no answer after that, and Sam eventually found another topic to annoy the heck out of Bucky.
When he woke up the next morning, your reply notification was patiently waiting for him. For a second, he thought of deleting it, without having a look first. What did he have to lose? Gathering his courage, he opened it. Your words were as genuine as your smile and it made him grin like an idiot, though he made a mental note to later murder Sam for his poor choice of pick-up line. It took him the whole morning to be able to type an answer and another afternoon to press the ‘send’ button. It was the first text of many. Eventually, a lot of texts turned into calls; that turned into meeting up in your favorite French bakery; that turned into movies and restaurant dates.
    This was nearly one year and a half ago.
Your relationship with Bucky was cautious and steady. He liked how you would give him his space, but still being right there for him. He liked that you let him stare at you in total awe or that you always had small kind thoughts for him like when you made his eggs the way he preferred in the morning and that everything was so simple - obvious even - by your side. Eventually, Bucky gave his deepest secrets away and you let him know yours.
Her name was Marley.
If Bucky was being honest, finding out you had a two and a half years-old daughter was quite the shock. Not that he couldn't have seen that coming; you would always make plans, your handbag was always full of snacks and hand wipes and for some reason, you would never be available between five and eight p.m. That was also what he liked about you. The stability.
The idea of being involved in a relationship with somebody that already had a child did scare him off. If he decided to continue the relationship, it would not only be a matter of breaking your heart in the process – and well, maybe his too - but breaking a child's heart too. And that more than anything, he was refusing to assume the responsibility, but he owed you that much. You knew his deepest secrets and still, you didn't run away from him. Worse, you trusted him to be around your child.
You both had a lot of discussions about him meeting Marley - Bucky even seek advice to Sam. And as for the rest of your relationship, you took it slow. It started with Bucky showing up to your Sunday walk in Central Park, feeding up the ducks and sharing snacks. You also spent some time at the carnival where he would watch you two on the carousel – sometimes joining the ride too - and he would help Marley win at pick a duck or buy her popcorn. Eventually, he would spend more time with the two of you. It started with spending at least one evening per week at your place, making dinner while watching you playing with Marley in the living room. One evening turned into two, three, five evenings per week. He still could step out if he needed. You still could spend time with your daughter where he wasn't there. You still spent time just the two of you, when Marley was asleep at night or he would take you on date nights. The routine you three put in place was nice, but Bucky wasn't planning on taking Marley’s dad place. God, he would never see himself as a dad and Marley already had one - though in Bucky's opinion, he would not be awarded father-of-the-year.
    Today, Bucky was picking Marley up from daycare.
He had done it a million times already, but this time was a little bit different. He was doing it on his own. The babysitter stood you up and you were stuck in an endless one-day meeting. You had called in utter panic, asking him to pick Marley up from daycare and taking care of her until you would be home. He had assured you he would do it and it would be fine. Now that he was standing in front of the building, he was doubting himself. He didn't know if he could do it on his own.
Another shaky sigh and Bucky entered the building. The childcare workers greeted him when he showed up at Marley's room. She was sat at one of these tiny tables making some kind of collage crafts. He planned on waiting for her to finish, just staring like he always did, before announcing himself, but Marley spotted him the second his figure appeared at the door.
"Bucky!" Marley cried out, leaving everything behind and running towards him.
"Hey Mar-Mar," he smiled. She always seemed happy to see him and Bucky wondered if she would eventually grow tired of him being always around.
After they hugged each other, Marley was called to put away her crafts and Bucky encouraged her to go do it. In the meantime, he collected her stuff - her panda backpack, shoes, and coat - so he could get her ready to leave. And he did just that when she got back to him.
"We are taking the train home. I'mna carrying you, is that okay?"
She wrapped her little arms around his neck in response and he lifted her up from the floor. After sharing goodbye to the childcare workers, they were heading home.
    On their way to the station, Marley explained in every detail what she had done at daycare that day; Bucky was listening carefully, sometimes asking questions - Carol, she is the one with the curly hair, right? Was Mark mean to you again? - but mostly he was just nodding along. They made it to the station just in time to take the 5:17 p.m. train. It was rush hour and Bucky mindfully chose to hop on one of the cars at the end of the train - the ones he knew would be the less busy at this time of the day. He had only seven stops, so he didn't sit and stood against one of the train windows. By that time, Marley had finished reporting on her day, and she was just watching around, smiling at anyone she would make eye contact with.
After the second stop, her eyes caught the sight of the dog tag around Bucky's neck. She fiddled it through his T-shirt, probably wondering what that was, before taken it out to have a closer look. In her tiny hands, the metal tag seemed to be huge. She looked up at Bucky, with bright eyes and he swore, he would do anything for these eyes.
"What is that?"
"Uh- " Bucky wasn't sure how to explain it in a way a three-years old would understand. "-Every soldier has one. It uh- has my name on it and some other information."
"Is it if you get lost?" she asked, her little eyebrows raised high on her forehead. She did understand a lot of the world around her for her age. "Mommy put a card with her name and her phone number in my bag."
"Yeah, it's something like that."
Marley smiled at him and returned her attention on the letters’ reliefs on the metal. By the fourth stop, she was resting her head on his shoulder while he was still firmly (but not too much) holding her with his left arm. She kept holding his dog tag in her tiny fist and was patiently waiting.
"She is very sweet," the old lady sat on the seat in front of them said to him before leaving the train.
He nodded shyly and looked back at the little girl in his arms. Marley looked so much like you. Her face had still some baby features, she just turned three after all, but she had the same nose and her eyes had the same color as yours. They were the same piercing eyes that when they’d look at him, he felt like they could read his soul. And she did not just look like you. She had also some of your habits and personality traits. She would always be smiling to people she didn’t know. She was always saying ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’. She was obsessed with any kind of animal; the Sundays walks would last forever if she could pet all the dogs she encountered.
The rest of the ride was quiet, and Bucky got off the train on the seventh stop as planned. At the station, people turned on them as they passed. Maybe this was an odd sight: a man in combat boots, dark jeans, and a black leather jacket, carrying a small child in his arms. Especially knowing the kid in question was wearing white leggings, a red fluffy coat, and a stuffed panda backpack. Bucky didn't mind and continued his way to your place.
    Marley stayed quiet for the five minutes’ walk to your place, but once Bucky had turned on your street, she wriggled to be freed of his hold. Once her feet touched the ground, she directly ran towards a car parked not far away. She squatted down and started clicking her tongue. A ginger cat immediately came out from underneath the car.
"Careful," Bucky called out. He knew it was not recommended interacting with stray cat as they could be sick with all sorts of disease. And to be fair, it got him a little worried the cat was getting this close to Marley. He could already see her getting bitten by the cat, getting rabies, and losing her arm, or worse: dying.
"That's Gus, he lives at number 7," she said pointing at the building they stopped in front. It had the number written on it.
Gus started rubbing itself against Marley's shins and she gently petted his back. The cat then went to rub on Bucky's combat boots, also greeting him even though they never encountered before. And it continued his way to the building's porch, where it lazily lay down.
"Mommy said we could have a cat when we get a house."
"I've got a cat," Bucky stated and Marley cried out in excitement. She asked him about a hundred questions. What was its name? What was it looking like? Was it friendly? Was it sleeping in his bed with him at night? Bucky never failed to answer one of her questions and they talked about that until they made it in front of your apartment door.
    Marley was already on her way to her room when Bucky turned around after locking the door. She had removed her shoes and coat on her own and left them behind without putting them away like you would always request it.
"Uh-uh, we go wash your hands first, okay?"
After that was done, she ran to her room for good this time. Bucky went back to the living room and focused on what he could do to help you. He knew you would get home exhausted from your day at work and he did not want to have you do all the chores you usually did. It was the least he could do.
Somehow, your place was always tidier than his, and he lived on his own. In the kitchen, he found breakfast dishes in the sink and the dishwasher full of the dishes that had been cleaned the night before. That was where he would get started. He put away the dishes easily; he had been around your kitchen a lot those last months and he knew exactly where everything was. He even knew where you were hiding away the chocolate and candies; somewhere Marley didn't have access to.
"Hey Bucky, can I have snacks?"
A look at the watch sitting on his right wrist, she had still a good hour and a half before dinner and he replied positively. He wiped his hands on the dish towel resting on his shoulder and took one of these bamboo sectioned plates he just washed. He was reaching out to the first cupboards in front of him when it suddenly appeared to him, he had no idea what he could give her.
"What does your mom usually give you?" He asked Marley, turning back to her.
Marley shrugged. "Carrots and hummus." And Bucky swore this kid was eating healthier that he ever had.
He started by the fridge, looking for anything he could give to Marley. Thankfully, she wasn't a picky eater so it would be easy for him. Tonight's dinner was in it, along with some vegetables and fruits. He chose grapes because it was the only food, he could see himself eating at that time of the day.
"Grapes and uh-" he looked at the cupboards right next to the fridge "- crackers?"
Marley nodded. Bucky prepared it all on her plate, making sure there was just enough for her to be full but not too much so she would still eat dinner, and handed it to her. She carried it carefully to the living room, Bucky following behind. She had laid out all her crayons on the coffee table next to her Paw Patrol coloring book. He knew about this cartoon because it was the only one Marley ever wanted to watch, she was literally obsessed with it, and she did make him watch some episodes with her. He knew that, when she was playing alone in her room, she would usually pretend she was saving the world with them.
Bucky sat on the carpet, next to Marley, stealing one grape from her plate. She threw him a death glance but offered him some more if he would help with the coloring. He happily complied.
    Before dinner was normally bath time. Thankfully, you had said over the phone you would deal with that in the morning. For some reason, Marley did not like baths. A little bit of water in her eyes or ears was too much for her to handle and he wasn't sure he could deal with her being so upset on his own.
He still got her changed in her pajamas - she obviously chose the one with the dalmatian puppy from Paw Patrol you had agreed on buying a few weeks ago; washed her face with a cotton pad and some cleansing lotion, brushed her hair and tried the best he could to tie them in a low ponytail. You would normally braid them for the night, but this was not something Bucky mastered at all - he made a mental note to watch some tutorials on YouTube to learn though.
"Will you and mommy get married?" Marley asked out of nowhere while Bucky was carrying her back to the kitchen to have dinner.
"I don't know," he said, confused. "Why do you ask?"
"I prefer you over my real daddy," Marley admitted. And it broke his heart. Bucky knew how her dad forgot about her third birthday and missed most of his custody days lately. He didn't really understand how somebody could have a child and knowingly decide not take care of them anymore.
The child in his arm was so precious. It amazed him every day how much she could comprehend of the world around her. She was smart, creative, kind. She knew what she wanted, would be very stubborn about it and would do anything to get it – you always said you didn’t understand where she got her fierce mind and Bucky laughed every time because he knew exactly from whom she had gotten it: you. You did such a good job raising her on your own. He also knew you would always choose her over him, and he had to admit, it made him fall in love even more with you.
"Even if I'd marry your mom, I still wouldn't be your daddy officially."
"To me, you would," Marley concluded as if it was as simple as that.
Living with you two permanently. Marrying you. Bucky never thought of it. He liked how this relationship was working: the kindness, the trust, the love. He loved the movie dates with you, the Sundays walks, and the evening just the three of you. He loved how simple it all was and how it made him just happy. Happiest he had been in a long time. And he wondered if he wanted more. The way his heart was fluttering in his chest made him realized, he did. He didn't know if he was ready though.
    Back to the kitchen, he put her down on her seat before getting the casserole of potato gratin out of the oven. He put a small portion in her plate, next to some chopped carrots and apple sauce he already prepared. He put it down in front of her and sat next to her.
"Will you eat with mommy?"
"Yeah, is that alright?"
She nodded, rubbing her eyes. They had stayed coloring her books a little too long and it was nearly her bedtime. Smiling softly, he encouraged her to eat. She did while asking some more questions on his cat in between each mouthful. How old is it? Why did you name it Alpine? Has mummy already met it? Do you think she'll like me? Turned out this little one never run out of question.
After dinner, Bucky gave her a small portion of chocolate from the special cupboard and they agreed it would be their little secret. Then, he carried her to the bathroom to brush her tiny teeth. It was started to be late for her and she was clearly fighting against sleep, the lack of it upsetting her.
"I want to see mommy," she cried, lips trembling and eyes full of tears.
"I know Mar-Mar, she'll get there soon," Bucky tried to comfort her. You hadn't text yet, meaning you weren't on your way still. He knew Marley would be asleep before you got home. "We can read a book in your bed while we wait for her, yeah?"
Marley nodded and let Bucky carry her to her bed. She had her head rested on his right shoulder the whole time. She crawled under the covers the moment her body was dropped off on the bed. She let Bucky choose the bedtime story and he chose the one he knew she liked so much.
He laid beside her gently and she immediately reached out closer to him. He wrapped his right arm around her, and her hands somehow found his dog tag again. A small kiss on her forehead and Bucky started reading the book in his left hand. Marley was listening carefully, helping him by turning the page.
At the end of the story, she was fast asleep against him, his dog tag still in her tiny fist. Bucky did not dare moving, afraid he would wake her up if he did. He observed the small child against him and listened to her soft breathes. She looked so peaceful and it made him thought of the way she had welcomed him into her life. Just like you, she had taken him as a whole; with his trauma, his insecurities, his quietness, and his staring habits. And now, she had him wrapped around his little finger. He knew deep in his guts he wouldn't let anything happen to you or your daughter. He realized that now. That made him think some more: maybe he was ready after all. And this time, he would not let happiness slip away from him.
  Bucky stayed like that until twenty minutes later, when you showed up on your daughter’s room doorstep. You looked exhausted yet still radiant. A smile had formed on your lips at the sight in front of you. It made you melt right on the spot.
"Hey," Bucky greeted you softly.
You came closer, walking on your tiptoes, careful of not waking up your daughter. You laid besides them, kissing your daughter little fist, and tucked yet another strand of hair behind her ear. You looked back at Bucky, who was intensely staring at you. His left arm was already wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you close. You kissed his jaw, making him smile gently. "Thank you for taking care of her. Did it go okay?"
"More than okay." He kissed your forehead while you snuggled closer to him. His heart could burst of the feeling of having you two near him forever.
He wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
hey, I absolutely love your writing!!!❤️
Can you maybe write a Bucky x reader with the fluffy prompt 31?
(the reader is afraid of something and she lashes out on Bucky... like she rambles on, and on to Bucky so that she runs out of breath... and Bucky forces her into a hug, which she eventually relaxes into and then tells her the promt)
If you can't write this, I'll totally understand... enjoy your day🌼🌼
♡ Hi! Thank you, I'm happy to hear that you like my writing! I love this request, and hope I was able to capture the essence of what you wanted. I know you've been waiting, so thanks for being patient! To summarize, the reader's doubts lead her and Bucky to explore the idea of what it means to add value to the world. That of course leads to some intimate dialogue and soft moments. Towards the end, I played around with an idea that relates to Bucky having enhanced senses, and I think it worked out pretty well. But I suppose that's up for you guys to decide. 🌼
♡ Prompt 31: “Shh, I can hear your heartbeat.”
What Comes Naturally
There was an abundance of memories to hold onto as summer began to bid farewell. Each of them sweet, and owning a small fraction of your heart. The days, once long, were beginning to grow shorter, and nature itself was slowing to the new rhythm of the atmopshere. It beautiful time of transition.
But a rather peculiar round of thoughts had started to cultivate within your mind. They were dense and somewhat dark, awaiting the moment in which they could release their rain.
Their accumulation had been on the basis of value. The value you were adding to the world, specifically; was it enough? Could you be working more, creating more? Did strangers walk away remembering you? Did you better the lives of those around you? There were as many doubts as there were questions. And they all seemed to have come out of nowhere, plaguing you suddenly.
It was an unfortunate headspace to have fallen into. All things considered, you should’ve been happy. Happier than you were, at least, because it was the dawn of your favorite season. Yet you’d woken up and found yourself wondering if you were doing enough.
That afternoon rolled around quickly. You were curled up on the couch when Bucky returned home from his routine run. He lifted his hand in a wave, to which you responded with a quiet hi. The earbuds you had in played a song that served as a feeble distraction from your worries. You watched as he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few big gulps. He focussed on you as he drank.
Then he set the bottle on the kitchen island, and dabbed his mouth with the back of his hand. A furrow formed between his brows as sweat glistened above along his hairline. “You okay, doll?”
The question barely registered, but you read his lips. Before speaking, you paused the song. “Yeah, m’fine. Just relaxing”
You might as well have been glass with the way his gaze went through you. “Okay, well, I’m gonna go hop in the shower,” he said, running a hand through his hair. A brief moment of silence passed. “We’ll talk when I’m done, okay?” There was a knowing to his tone.
All you did was nod, gratefully.
A couple minutes after he left the kitchen, you ended up padding to the bedroom as well. Rather than bothering with another distraction, you simply laid on your back across the bed. You stared at the ceiling as the sound of running shower water emitted from the bathroom. And though it was faint, you could also hear the timbre of Bucky’s voice as he hummed a tune. You closed your eyes, finding solace in the fact that he was near, and willing to listen.
By the time he came out, you’d dozed off into a light sleep. As soon he gave your knee a few gentle squeezes, your eyes fluttered open. There was a small smile on his face as he looked down at you. Damp locks of his hair fell into his forehead, and a beige bath towel was wrapped around his waist. You sat up with a soft grunt, and he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before moving to get dressed. You caught of whiff of his cedar body wash in the process.
“Love you,” you murmured, rubbing your eyes.
“Love you too, pretty girl,” he said. “Wanna start telling me ‘bout what’s going on in that mind of yours?”
For a few seconds, all you did was look down at your socked feet and kick them. You heard a couple of dresser drawers open as Bucky saught out the clothes he was going to wear. “I feel like there’s something more I could be doing,” you finally said, turning to look at him. He’d tossed his towel onto the bed put on a pair of blue boxers.
“Something more?” He repeated as he pulled a black shirt over his head. “What do you mean?” His eyes met yours with genuine curiosity, wanting to understand.
You sighed, picking at the bed comforter. “The world is so big and people are out there doing so many different things, and it feels like I’m not doing nearly as enough. Like there are ways for me to step up that I’m not acknowledging,” you explained. “Like I’m missing the mark.”
Bucky put on a pair of sweat shorts before walking to take a seat beside you on the edge of the bed. He looked intently into your eyes. “What mark do you think you’re missing?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know,” you said, tone raising slightly. “There are people like you who go out and save the world, and do all of these crazy, larger than life things. People who have huge, innovative ideas that change entire industries. People who massive followings because they’re encouraging, or funny, and whatnot. And they all add so much to the world.”
Bucky thought about interjecting, but decided to let you continue. “It seems like I’m hardly doing anything. I at least try to leave a good impression on everyone I meet. And I try to extend the best of myself to the people I care about.” You turned your gaze from him, and directed it to the floor.
“But now there’s something’s telling me that I should be trying harder. And I don’t even know what that’s supposed to look like.” Bucky had began to run a comforting hand up and down your thigh. You released a harsh huff of air, not even realizing you’d been working yourself up. “I don’t even know where all of this is coming from. I just feel off, and...”
You fell silent when he wrapped his vibranium arm around your shoulders, and pulled you into him. Pressing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, his stubble brushing against your skin. There was warmth radiating from his body, and he smelled good. So good. You let your head tilt to rest on his shoulder, and looked down to where your knee was brushing against his. Suddenly, it seemed as though everything you’d previously said was immature and incomprehensible.
“I’m sorry,” you started. “Maybe I’m just being—”
“Shh,” he coaxed. Then he said something that caught you off guard, and took your mind off of everything else, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“Wait, what?” You breathed. “No you can’t.” When Bucky chuckled, light and airy, you lifted your head. “Can you really?” Your voice was soft with a disbelieving edge.
“Yes,” he said, letting his arm slip from around you. “Lay down for a second.” You did, and he fell onto his back as well.
There the two of you were, chests rising with your breaths, looking up at the ceiling.
You waited for him to explain himself or say something else, but he didn’t for a while. The air was quiet long enough that you figured it was only a matter of time before you began to hear your own heartbeat, or possibly even his. You didn’t, of course, and Bucky eventually broke the ambience that had established itself.
“I can hear it,” he confirmed, turning to look at you. “But just barely ‘cause it’s not as strong now.”
“Because I’ve calmed down?” He hummed in agreement. You studied his handsome features and began to smile. "I didn’t know could do that,” you told him. “I mean, I knew your hearing was good, but to be able to hear a heart beating is… cool.”
“Yeah. I just have to be close enough and focus extremely hard,” he explained. “And you wanna know what I have to say about adding value to the world?”
You’d almost forgotten about what you expressed to him in the moments prior. Almost. “What?”
He propped himself up on his metal arm, and placed his flesh one on your chest over your heart. He could feel the gentle thump against his palm. “This, right here, is all you need to know that you’re adding value; the fact that you’re alive,” he said, smiling when you placed your hands overtop of his. “Everyday you’re adding value in a way only you can. Even if it’s not always through some big and over the top demonstration.
“Just be and do what comes naturally. One day that might be saving a city, another day that may be making somebody laugh. Who’s to say they aren’t equally important in the end? They both effect how the future plays out, right?” He quirked his brows.
It was moments like that when you realized just how much of life he'd lived and how much wisdom he'd earned over the years. Even if you had've racked your brain, you wouldn't have found anything capable of standing up against his words. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.
Thank you so much for reading! Consider sticking around for more. <3
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