#and his chest looks like lava and it could probabl burn off armour if he tried to wear it lol
wp100 · 9 months
i honestly wonder if blizz didnt give bolvar a breastplate to wear because it's just easier to draw and animate a character without clothes on
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for a week now 😫 how about a hc with Din accidentally walking in on reader taking a shower (but only sees their back or smn and reader doesn’t notice him) and he’s extremely awkward around them after that? Bonus points if they’re not together but there’s definitely ✨ something ✨ between them 🤧
gf, I love this idea 💞 get ready for flustered shy tin can 🤧 I wrote this very quickly probably doesn't have as much detail as it should but none the less hope you enjoy it! (I didn't do a taglist for this because I'm on mobile atm, but I am still taking request for head cannons while I finish the small bit of my clan din AU so it's coming soon to anyone who is wondering :))
Summary: Din sees reader back for the first time and gets really really shy about it.
Warning/Content: I really just had fun with this one, nothing sad or fluffy. Mentions of ass cheeks and nipples. Embarrassed Din.
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It was late, very late when the Mandalorian managed to return, bounty in hand but not for long as the hissing of carbonate freezes him without worry.
Din starts to pull at his armour to remove it, not really caring as it falls to the ground with a slight thump until all he's left in is the dark tunic and matching pants with one goal in mind: a shower and sleep.
He's careful, tip toeing around the scattered toys left by his son, reminding him to pick them up in the morning before you or the baby manage to face plant into the floor of the crest.
Fingers push the curtain of the make shift room to the side to meet a green, curled up ball. The blankets are tucked under, three pillow per his request on each side of him, slow low breaths fall from his slightly parted lips, tiny white teeth poke through.
Then press the button to open his own bed except it's empty, he expects the bed hog who's been . He must have been to tired to notice the sound of the shower running, thick, hot steam that cloud the lower belly of the Razor Crest.
The ray of light that comes through the crack of the door attracts him, reflecting off his helmet as he approaches, hand pressing against the door to close it, to insure your privacy but through the thick steam of the room it catches a long part of skin, naked and out on display.
He tries to look away, really does because this is creepy and you deserve better then having him peeping on you like some pervert but the small of your back looks so smooth, two points that form dimples would make the perfect spot for his thumbs to fit while he's -
He shakes his head, face underneath the helmet growing red, his skin hot with the thought of joining you, giving into this we love each other but can never be together game you have going.
The steam wraps around his throat, makes it hard to breath as it fills the helmet. Eyes drop lower and lower to the top of your ass check as he has to hold onto the wall for support, leaning against it but his hand misses it completely, catching himself mid fall but not before his helmet bangs of the metal wall with a loud shriek.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck
The Mandalorian is in full panic mode, fingers begin to tremble, trying to decide if he should just run away or answer to your, "Hello?"
His skin is so hot, it burns and pricks, forms small beads of sweet against his forehead as he squeezes his eyes shut. Despite being on the verge of a panic attack he sounds calm.
"It's... just me... I'm sorry, I was going to shower. I didn't want to bother you I was just going to go bed and tripped. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay, I'll be out in a second. Didn't know you'd be home, it's early. I had the worst headache, thought a shower would help."
He leans against the wall, hand meeting the metal forehead with a whine as he taps it, idiot, idiot. "Yeah, okay Cyar'ika."
As you clatter through the bathroom, turning the water off and drying yourself he's starting to recover from his embarrassment, it sounds like you believed him but he nervously waits and he's glad he does.
You step out of the shower with just a towel that barely covers you, it's pushed tightly across your chest but just enough that he can see the the way your body reacts to the change of temperature, nipples hardening almost instantly. The towel leaves little to the imagination and it makes him want to see more but all he does instead is snap his gaze back up to your face before mumbling something about going to sleep and walking past you to close the door.
When he returns he finds you in clothes, tucked comfy into the blankets of the bed, it's dark, you made sure for when he returned from the shower he could just take the helmet off to go to sleep.
"The baby was miserable today.. wouldn't let me sleep." Din doesn't reply, just lets out a small sound from his chest, he turns to face you except he's greeded with nothing but darkness. "Head still hurts though, I'm going to try and sleep."
"Goodnight Cyar'ika, sweet dreams."
The next morning Din wakes up to an empty bed, it's usual after a bounty, you wake up with the baby to let him rest no matter how much he tells you it's fine, but who knows when the last time he's slept a full night.
Feet follow the sound of babbling and cooing, followed by your calming voice. The baby instantly changes as he sees his father, happy for his return as he waddles and pulls on his pant leg with grabby hands.
"Hi, pal." Eyes shift over to you as he lifts his son, mixing a small bowl of fruit together for which he is guessing is for the child that presses his fingers against his neck, curling a small piece of hair that peaks from under the helmet. "Does your back feel better?"
At that very moment he is so glad the heavy, lousy piece of beskar hides his face as is hits up ablaze, visibly stiffening as you tilt your head in his direction. He clears his throat, "I.. um. I.. meant your head."
He's choked up, fumbling words as pure lava sets in his chest, throat closing. He's nervous, caught red handed as he notices the cocky smile against your lips.
"You look nervous Din." You're playing with him, enjoying this moment that makes the man seem so very human. Sometimes it's hard to remember when he looks so unhuman, but the way his chest blushes under the white shirt, free hand nervously fiddles the hem of the shirt behind his back, can't speak much like last night he was too busy staring at you to notice you caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. "My back feels very fine, would you like to see or did you see enough yesterday?"
Before your hands could even reach the bottom of the t-shirt he is walking away, defeating mumbling something along the lines of. "That's not funny."
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stellocchia · 3 years
This is part 2 of the comprehensive analysis of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship during the Exile Arc
Part 1
So, initially I was thinking of making only one post with only the important quotes from this streams but... yeah, not saying what I think about stuff is not in my blood. So now I’m stuck with this and I’m determined to finish it!
Once again, it’s all about the characters from here on out and I will be mentioning serious themes of abuse and gaslighting, so keep that in mind.
We’re starting this one off with the second proper exile stream: Tommy Is Getting So Much Worse in Exile...
Mushroom Henry is introduced at the beginning of this vod. Initially Tommy doesn’t like him, believing him to be a poor replacement of the real Henry. He then goes towards Tnret and finds it compromised as Lazarbeam had planted some tnt under it the day before during a visit with Vikstar and Technoblade (now, how much of that visit was canon? No one knows! But the tnt part definitely was). Also to be noted that Tommy already stopped fighting back against mobs, which is already rather worrying. 
Anyway, this is the stream where Tommy makes an enderchest with Fundy and Ranboo, so I will only write down some of the most notable quotes, and keep it rather brief. It is to be noted that Tommy’s depression at this point had already gotten worse as in the Nether time and time again he avoids doing the haybell mlg instead taking the full fall damage, he defends himself less and he’s already expressing feelings of loneliness. Also, he is now on the first stage of the exile skin set.
“Because if we can’t stay motivated then- then we won’t have anything to do (...) we’re gonna work out how to Keep Doing Things and not... sit around crying” (he has the need to keep busy to stave off loneliness)
“Now everyone, if you should know, we’re gonna go bach and reclaim everything at some point and kill Dream” (talking to chat)
“Music! It’s like a person but they’re not here!” (about Chirp)
“This is like, you know when you fall over? Or you know- or you know when one of your pets die? At school? And then all of a sudden you’re at school and you’re upset and all the people who are usually assholes to you start being nice all of a sudden. This is that!” 
This was quite interesting, so I want to talk about it briefly: but this is Tommy’s general mentality. He sees anyone trying to help him or giving him things as just pity from people who don’t actually care nor necessarily even like him. Basically, he feels betrayed and alone and doesn’t actually think that any of this people could possibly care. This however doesn’t seem like a mentality that’s born from exile (since he’s had it since the very beginning of exile) and we don’t actually know where it generated from. Though it could possibly be from the fact that he always had to be very independent since he had to fight in quite a few wars and even take the leading position in the Pogtopia times.
Other note: this is when Ranboo starts leaving letters for Tommy (You can find Tommy and Ranboo's mail exchanges here). At the beginning the chest they used to exchange them was situated on the Nether side of the original portal, which was a ruined portal a bit further away from Tommy’s camp. Also Tommy dies in lava (not canonically) a ton of times in this one and Fundy every times gives him some of his stuff to pretend like nothing got burned (which was kinda adorable).
“Fundy why didn’t you come with me when I got exiled? I was meaning to ask you. ‘Cause no-one came with me” “No-one came with you because it was- *sigh* Tommy I don’t know! It was- it was a shock to all of us” “You could have came with- yeah, but you just let me go. You just let go on me Fundy” “And- and just leave L’Manburg to Tubbo himself? Like all alone?” “No he would have had like literally everyone else on this server” “Like who?” (I just found this exchange interesting)
“I don’t think you’ll like it but Dream is uh, kind of proud of Tubbo. He- he’s actually acknowledging L’Manburg as a new country now” (and this is what the other side of the manipulation looked like from the outside)
“Wait wait! I could talk to the narrator! Then I’d finally have a friend!” (proceeds to start talking to the narrator)
“No no no. No no no Ranboo. Stop- stop complaining. Stop being weird Ranboo. You should be honoured to have a friend that’s close enough that he shoots you” “I don’t think that’s a ‘friend’, I think that’s just an assassin” (Ranboo with the common sense)
“This is where I used to live and then Dream tore it down” “Why did Dream tear it down?” “*sigh* I don’t know”
"Look guys: this is the song of a female astronaut named Clara” (about Chirp)
The vod ends with Tommy and Ghostbur’s attempt at saving Lazarbeam from lava and Ghostbur gifting Tommy the “Your Tubbo” compass.
Moving on: Tommy Is So Lonely in Exile with Dream
This is actually the first stream where Tommy starts off drowning (and he actually dies, yet again, non canonically). Also Puffy gifts him some blue wool, 3 diamonds and his own Christmas tree, specifying that it’s not out of pity so he actually accepts the present. 
“We’ve got some things to do. I’m still feeling um... I’m not feeling I AM very very very alone. Just- just so- just lonely all of the time... which isn’t, you know? Isn’t okay. I don’t know why I was at the bottom of the ocean just holding a bone”
Now, a bit to unpack here. In real time by now it had been 3-4 days technically, but in rp it has been specified already multiple times that it had been quite a few days since Tommy got exiled and we don’t really have any reason to believe that he received any more visits then what we’ve seen. Which probably increased his loneliness. Also we don’t have an actual explaination for him waking up drowning, my best guess for it is a mix of him being suicidal and general depression making it hard to get any proper rest (which we know was the case for him since he did mention at one point that he “didn’t sleep anymore”) which could have caused him to start sleepwalking since both “not getting enough sleep” and “stress and anxiety” are listed as causes of it. Now the actual subconcious reason as to why he was going in the sea and letting himself drown is unknown but, again, he was suicidal while in exile.
Also “How to Sex 2″ got burned by Ghostbur, not volountarily of course, he just had it on him when he died in lava. 
“I’m too lonely to be angry now, alright? We got to appreciate all the friends that we can get” (about Lazarbeam bringing him a present)
“The compass is nice though! We’ve got a compass that always will point to Tubbo... not that- not that he’d care” (beginning of the doubts about his old friends)
“Tubbo has one too? [referring to the compass] Oh he’ll just- if he’s got one he’s just using it for show... he’s- I’ve accepted that he’s the president now and I’m just- I’m just that guy he had to exile to show how powerful he was” (again, doubts)
Also Tommy makes his first path to Logstedshire in this stream. He also takes a liking to Mushroom Henry here after figuring out he could produce mushroom soup, meaning he actually had a sustainable source of food instead of having to relay mostly on handouts. 
“Guys we need some more coal” *Dream joins the game* “...ooooooh no please don’t come and visit me. Please please please” (I’m leaving this here, I believe this reaction speaks for itself)
“Hey! I’m- I’m above right now by the pretty Christmas tree that there is here” “Why are you here?” “I’m visiting you!” “Last time you said that you ruined me” “I- How did I ruin you?” “*sigh* Hi Dream!” “Hello~” “What have you- what” “Where are you at?” “I’m just com- why are you here? Every time you’ve been here you’ve done something destructive” “I- I what- I haven’t done anything destructive... everything’s been fine! I haven’t destroyed anything”
At the time there were a lot of people who were hesitant at calling Dream’s manipulation “gaslighting”, as that is a precise type of manipulation, but this right here? This is an example of gaslighting. Dream destroyed everything Tommy had every time he visited him and they both know this, still what Dream is trying to do here is convince Tommy that that never happened to keep up his friendly facade. Just because he isn’t saying directly “you can’t trust what you remember” doesn’t mean that that’s not exactly what he is implying. To reiterate this point they meet up right after and Dream, once again, blows up Tommy’s armour and diamond sword: 
“Hello~ take your armour off” “Why should I take my armour off?” “Um, drop it down here” “No, no! I worked really hard to get this. No!” “Okay... you can get it again!” “No! See this is what I told you about, that you’re destructive to me” “Tommy I’m not destructive... but, listen, you gotta drop it” (...) “No, no! I’m a rebellious teenager. I don’t listen to green punks” *Dream hits Tommy with an axe* “*screams* Okay okay okay okay okay”
Again, Dream hitting Tommy in this case is portrayed as physical abuse. And then Dream goes back to acting as if nothing ever happened, going on to talk about his day, telling Tommy that he knows about the 2 compasses and telling him that Tubbo went over while Tommy wasn’t there and that he is free to visit Tommy, he just hasn’t done it yet (all of this are actually true, but the implication that Tubbo didn’t want to see Tommy obviously isn’t). 
“Dream, I think I’ve realized why no-one’s came to see me” “Why’s that?” “It’s because- it’s because there is not an easy way to get to me and I’m gonna make an easy way to get to me today” “I mean, if you boat here, it took me 2 minutes” “No no-one wants to use the boat, it’s too far- it’s too far for people” “Oh you know what Tommy? I’ll do you a favour”
This is when Dream moves Tommy’s portal. Now, one thing that I want to point out is that Dream had already intercepted Ranboo’s and Tommy’s first mail book (we know this because in Ranboo’s message at the beginning of this stream he said that the first one disappeared) so he probably knew that Ranboo was using the secrecy of the further away portal to communicate with Tommy undetected. Of course Dream can’t have that, though he probably didn’t account for Ranboo not giving up that easily.
“Well it’s very awkward considering you exiled me and- and have banished me from being around all of my friends and now are trying to side with me it’s kinda-” “Tommy what’d you mean from all your friends? I’m your friend!” “Yeah... yeah you are” “I am your friend Tommy~” “Yeah I- Yeeeeeah, Dream” (just to clarify: Tommy is not agreeing with Dream here, he is being sarcastic. Also Dream starts harping a bit more on this point from here on out)
“Oh I just witnessed another suicide...” (second time this happens, the first was in the last vod, and he stays staring at the lava for a moment)
Tommy once again trying to push Dream into lava (again similarly to how he did in the first proper exile stream) and Dream just goes along with it (mostly just to flex about how that can’t actually kill him). I consider this couple of times as the first times Tommy started lashing out in exile. 
“Health and safety is important Dream! *staring at lava* Is it though?” “Yes, yes it’s important Tommy. It’s not your time to die”
“And then you’re coming over here giving me shit and also burning my shit. You’re just- you’re just a monster” “I didn’t burn any of your shit” “You blew it up! You exploded it! Man you’re ruining my life...” “I blew it up, I didn’t burn it though” (because that makes all the difference of course...)
“Hey man I could jump and you’d be able to do nothing about it and I’d- I’d be done-zo” “I- I ask you please not to” “Okay” “I need you alive and well”
Now I found this interesting when first watching as well, but Dream really did spell it out for us that he actually needed Tommy, huh? Like, in retrospect, what Dream then intended to do in the Season 2 Finale seemed kind of obvious. Also after that They have a discussion about the enderchest, but Tommy gets to keep it. Also Ranboo appears at the portal, though Dream doesn’t manage to see who it is and Ranboo manages to escape before he sees (thanks in part to Tommy distracting Dream). Now I want to point out that, even if outwardly people had the permission to visit Tommy, the fact that everyone was so scared about Dream finding out about it talks volume about how clear that was. Also this is when Dream gives Tommy the general direction of Technoblade’s cabin.
“Look at us go... hey why don’t you just un-exile me, you know? You know?” “*laughs* Well I think that I- I- I think that maybe there is a possibility at least in the- in the future that you could- you could- you know? Get a visitor’s pass...” (notice that he only confirmed a possibility for a visitor’s pass, not for actually going back, Dream literally never meant for Tommy to go back permanently)
Lazarbeam arrives to visit Tommy at this point to gift him Far and a fire resistence potion.
“See I told you! It was because I didn’t have a bridge that nobody was coming to visit me Dream! It wasn’t because it was me” “Yeah it must be...”
“Hey Dream come and listen to this man! [talking about Far]” “I-I’m-” “Hey, promise you won’t- If I get a new disc you wouldn’t mind would you?” “No I wouldn’t” “Okay, come and listen. I trust you now, now we’ve bonded” (Is this the second time Tommy invites Dream to listen to a disc with him?)
At this point Dream pressures Lazarbeam to mug Tommy with him and the whole scene is just pretty weird, but it boils down to Dream blowing Tommy’s armour up (again), while also hitting him a bit more when he doesn’t immediately comply (basically making this humiliating and making Tommy understand that he is not any safer with someone else there). Though Tommy does end up lashing out and killing Lazarbeam (not canonically) and Dream destroys his enderchest in retaliation. After that Tommy does become more submissive, not wanting to get killed. Now I want to point out that that same day Dream had agreed that Tommy could keep his enderchest without any conditions to it, but, of course, Dream’s rules are constantly changing. Dream does leave after that for a bit.
“I put your enderchest back by the way Tommy” “Really?” “Yeah. I just wanted to prevent you from putting his armour in there so... that’s why I broke it” “Thank you! Thank you” “You’re welcome” 
Wanna know why this is bullshit? Tommy didn’t even try to go towards the enderchest when he had Lazarbeam’s armour and immediately gave it up at Dream’s request. This is just Dream giving Tommy a “reward” for being compliant after punishing him. Also pointing out the fact that Tommy felt compelled to thank Dream even if Dream was the one who caused the issue he just fixed in the first place. Also Connor arrives as well.
“Yeah you can’t move into my home Connor” “Well I mean, of course he can because it’s not your home because you’re not going back” “What do you mean I’m not going back?” “Well as I said maybe potentially you could get a visitors pass” (reiterating a point from the start)
“Tubbo- Tubbo said that! Tubbo said it [the server] looked so much better since Tommy left. And I was like ‘wait what?’ and he’s like: ‘yeah it could be a coincidence though but I don’t think so'” (you manipulative green bastard)
“I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been constructing a- a uh- a prison and it is ginormous so...” (I did not remember Dream mentioning the prison this early on)
Anyway, the stream ends with Dream stripping for primes and since I need it, I decided that that’s canon.
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itmightbeneb · 4 years
Small post-prison Dream drabble
CW: (almost) panic attacks
If this gets a good enough reception, I may do more :)
It was raining, but Dream couldn't stop to appreciate it. Appreciating rain? Dream almost laughed at the idea, but after months of nothing but lava and obsidian, the cold and wet was a nice change of pace. There had been water in the prison, he supposed, but it was warm, heated by the lava all around him, warm and dirty after months of use. The cold was a nice change of pace. And this rain, this clean water, might actually do something to clean the blood of his skin. It was certainly soothing his burns and scars, burns and scars Quackity and Sam would have to pay for.
Dream needed more stuff, he needed diamonds then netherite, he needed enchantments and potions and farms, better food as well, he doubted he could handle another potato, he doubted he could handle much at all for the moment but that was a problem for later him. Bread would sustain him for now, although he did keep a few extra potatoes in his inventory just in case.
The problem was, he had nothing. Well that wasn't entirely true, he had some bread, a handful of potatoes and a freedom he hadn't had in months, but other than that, nothing. Not even a wooden pickaxe to his name and the entire server wanting him dead. Well then, better a wooden pickaxe than nothing, he thought. He had to start somewhere.
Breaking down a tree was more difficult than he remembered, or maybe he was just remembering what it was like with an efficiency V netherite axe. He might be weaker now, he might be more vulnerable, did the prison affect his muscles that much? He'd still managed to kill Tommy so he can't have wasted away too much, but then why was this stone taking so long to mine? He didn't have the weakness effect from the elder guardians anymore, but he wondered if the months of constant weakness had affected his muscles. Well that was just another thing on the to-do list, get stronger again. Maybe strength potions would work, but for that he'd have to go to the nether. He was a long way off being prepared for that.
After getting a stone pickaxe and axe, Dream wondered if caving or strip mining would be better. He didn't want to be in any cramped space if he could avoid it, but in order to get armour and weapons, in order to protect himself, he'd have to go in. Both had their benefits and downsides. Strip mining was more cramped, darker, closer to being like the prison he had only just escaped. But, if he was weaker after his stay there, it offered fewer mobs to deal with. Less chance to die right after he made it out. He couldn't die now, not after everything that had happened, not after he finally made it out. He had to get his revenge on Sam and Quackity, and that meant staying alive, getting gear, getting stronger. Punz as well, Punz had betrayed him. Went to Tommy and Tubbo and Sam to put him away. He'd cut ties with Punz though, he was on the list, just further down. No, it was Sam and Quackity that needed to pay the most. That meant going underground where there was no daylight and lava around any corner. So, strip mining it was then, less chance of dying was always a good decision. Plus, Dream thought, he couldn't let a stupid fear stop him from going where he pleased. He wasn't Tommy, getting scared whenever he was near a plains biome, he was Dream, a god, someone who had survived worse that a stupid obsidian box. And he was going to make them pay for putting him there.
He dug down to Y=11, finding some coal and iron on the way down. This was good, this was normal, he ignored the tightness in his chest. Although, it was eased by the chill air. He didn't know he could miss the cold, but here he was, feeling nostalgia over a temperature. A temperature, he quickly realised that he couldn't handle as well as he used to. Spending so much time next to a sea of lava, in the sweltering heat, had changed the way his body handled temperature, it seemed. He quickly made a torch and held it in his off hand. Fire would warm him up, enough that he didn't die at least. The furnaces smelting iron also helped warm him up. He made sure to note that wherever he ended up staying better be well insulated. He couldn't go for a desert though, the heat would be welcome but he wanted rain. Maybe a jungle? They were tricky to navigate which would help deter people from finding him. Warm, but not the heat of lava, wet, tricky to find. Perfect.
Enough iron had been smelted to make a pickaxe and a bucket. A good start. Strip mining had never been Dreams favourite, he got bored easily and, unless he managed to hyperfocus on the task, could never pay attention long enough to find anything. However today was different, while he did find himself getting bored and wanting to change tasks, he managed to force himself to continue mining, placing torches periodically to prevent spawns. The tightness in his chest eased a little at the moment.
Eventually he had enough iron for armour. It wouldn't be as strong as the netherite he was used to, the netherite he needed if he were to survive an encounter with another player, but it was better than nothing. Hadn't Technoblade beaten Quackity while only wearing iron armour? Although that was Quackity, Dream would need better armour to survive an encounter with a competent player.
Dream spotted diamonds, the last few he'd need for a full set of armour and tools. There was a problem though, they were across a large lava lake. He could already feel the heat, humid and heavy just like in the cell. The cell he'd only just escaped from. He could do this though, just bridge across the lava, grab the diamonds and head out. He'd need to deal with more lava in the nether anyway, this was nothing. This couldn't harm him. It just simply couldn't.
Dream shifted, edging across the lake. Slowly. He was usually so fast, it must have been the effects of the elder guardians, he told himself, his weakened muscles from the elder guardians, that must be it. Heat rose up to meet him, making him sweat under his heavy armour. His armour was so heavy, his muscles were weaker but were his bones as well? How long had it been since he had seen sunlight? There had been a small amount of time today, before he went mining, and it had been blinding. Too bright and yet not enough at the same time. He wanted to just lay in the sunshine with grass beneath his fingers forever. He had to bring his vitamin D levels up again. He wondered how many vitamins he was deficient in now, thanks to Sam. His body was wrecked and it was all Sam's fault, and Tommy's and Tubbo's as well.
The sound of the lava though, was what almost got him. It bubbled and popped rhythmically, always the same. In the cell there had been exactly three sounds: the elder guardians coming to weaken him, the constant ticking of the clock striking its way into his brain, and the bubble and pop of the lava preventing him from getting out. He knew every small sound lava could make, down to the smallest detail, and it was here again now. Except this time he had blocks and air above the lava. And, he realised while quickly unshifting and looking through his inventory, a water bucket. The hissing of obsidian being made was music to his ears, gone was the sound, almost. There was still a layer under the obsidian that was still quietly bubbling away, but the sound was obscured. Dream looked at the obsidian, that tightness in his chest was back. He ignored it, he had exclusively walked on obsidian for the last few months, he could do this again. He did. He walked, slowly, almost too slowly, over to the diamonds and mined them up. It was an eight vein, more than enough to complete everything. A couple diamonds to spare would always help anyway.
Next came enchantments, or the nether. He should probably check what he had in his ender chest, it had been so long he had almost forgotten anything that was in there, but the only ones he knew of were by where people lived (for obvious reasons) and he didn't exactly want to go there. So, he figured, off to the nether it was. Blaze powder and pearls were what he needed. Unenchanted diamond armour, he was prepared enough, he was over prepared if anything. Unless he found a player.Dream quickly found another lava pool, better to make a new portal than risk being found in a known one. The lava raised the same reaction as last time, but he needed it this time, he couldn't get rid of it. Well he could, he had a diamond pickaxe, but that was slow. Dream wasn't exactly known for being slow. He placed a block in the lava and the water next to it, steam came up to meet him as obsidian was formed. Breaking the block he placed caused more steam and more obsidian, but the base of the portal was complete. He made an upside down L shape with some cobble, placing water at the top. Now it was time to pick up the lava. Why couldn't he pick up the lava? He used to throw himself into lava for fun and how his stupid brain was saying he couldn't handle it through a bucket? Dream's breathing quickened, this was bad. He picked the water back up and made the rest of the lake into obsidian. The diamond pick would be useful after all. He told himself it was because he needed extra obsidian for an ender chest.
The purple spirals of the portal stared at Dream. He needed to go through. He needed to go through and find a fortress, not die, not have a panic attack, and get out. The first three points would be easy, the last? He had held it off so far, he could continue to do so. Until he was the most powerful person on the server again, he would not allow himself to rest enough for his brain to catch up on what happened. When he was safe, when he was feared, he could allow himself to examine his mental health, make it stronger again. He couldn't be seen as weak, they'd kill him, or put him back in the prison. He couldn't be weak. Dream stepped through the portal.
There were a few signs of life, but it didn't seem like he was in a well trafficked area. Not the best spawn, but he could work with it for now. He sneaked constantly, on the off chance someone else was around. The heat if the nether reminded him of the cell. At least there wasn't much obsidian around. He had spawned in a warped forest, so he quickly dug into the wall a little and stared at an enderman. He was too far for it to reach him, but he could reach it. It dropped a pearl. One half down, now he just needed to find a fortress. He added angry endermen to the list of sounds he wasn't sure why he missed, but did nonetheless.
The endermen reminded him of a certain hybrid waiting back in the overworld. He'd have to get into contact with Ranboo again.
He had never minded the heat of the nether before, but now it suffocated him. He longed for the wind, even the stale but cold air from caves, but he had to press on. He told himself the humidity, or the heat, was the reason he had difficulty breathing.
Eventually, Dream found a fortress. The blaze spawner was pretty easy to find as well. Finally, luck had decided to give him a break. The first blaze he killed didn't drop a rod, but the second one did. Blocking himself away, he pulled out a crafting table. The blaze rod got turned into power, then combined with the pearl to make an eye of ender. Finally, Dream surrounded the eye in obsidian, creating an ender chest.They have off a faint glow. Being boxed into the wall with netherack all around, the ender chest was Dream's only source of light. He had missed the darkness, the lava had always illuminated his cell, giving off a bright orange light that he couldn't escape. The chest was different though, softer, easier on the eyes.
Dream opened his ender chest. He found his spare set of netherite armour, not fully enchanted but he could make it work for now, he'd get books in a bit to make it stronger. He'd have to be stronger this time. This could never happen again. There was also a bunch of netherite, he'd upgrade his tools in a bit, once he was out of the nether. And, of course, there was his trident, his riptide III trident. Some small voice inside him hoped it was still raining when he got back to the surface.
He had God apples now. How appropriate, he thought, that the man who can bring back the dead, a walking god, get access again to his God apples.Dream ditched the diamond armour and tools, and pulled on the netherite. Nightmare. He still needed to train, get his strength back, brew potions. But he was back, and the people who threw him into the obsidian prison were going to pay.
He made his way back to the portal, back to the overworld. He had to admit to himself, however much he hated to do so, that he now hated the nether. It was too hot, too much lava, the bubble and pop sounding over and over and over just like in the prison, the stupid obsidian box. He'd use the overworld for travel when he could. But, he thought to himself, he couldn't show weakness to others, they couldn't know how they'd managed to infect his mind, he would travel via the nether when with others. If he ever was with others. Was there anyone left that didn't hate him? That hadn't left him? Dream pushed those thoughts aside, forced himself to climb back to the surface. The cold air of the caves was a relief from the nether, but it was the rain he was seeking.
Dream hopped onto the grass and just stood there for a few seconds, letting the cold soothing rain hit his face. He'd get too cold soon, he knew that his body's ability to regulate temperature was ruined by living next to lava for- how long was it? Dream didn't know, doubted he ever would for certain.He had a riptide trident, a water bucket, and feather falling netherite boots. Dream smiled, genuinely smiled for the first time in a long long while. Pulling out his trident, he pushed himself into the air. Wind and rain whipped his face, he didn't know he could miss this. Dream flew through the air, he was finally free.
Now time to grind, then hunt down Sam.
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It's that time once again when Diabolical plays in my head on loop.
Can I please get fic where Hels gets back on hermitcraft server? Causing some shenanigans and general trouble?
This was so much fun to write, thank you!! It also ended up being WAY more angsty than I expected but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it anyway, my friend :) Slight CW: minor descriptions of injuries
  Welsknight had been avoiding his nether portal as much as possible since he saw his doppelganger disappear through it. Something about the formerly harmless particles and whooshing noise when he walked past it now just about gave him an anxiety attack every time he walked past it. Once, when Jevin popped out of it to say hello just hours after Helsknight had left, Wels had reacted so violently that Jevin was STILL wary around him all these months later. 
  Nobody used his portal anymore. He made sure of that. 
  One sunny day, he finally worked up the courage to go to the shopping district, something he hadn’t dared to do in weeks in case something happened. He went straight past his own portal and flew all the way to Etho’s; there was no way he was going to use the portal his evil clone went through to go back to the hell dimension from which he had come. 
  The shopping district had changed a lot in the weeks Wels had been avoiding it. He couldn’t help staring around at the myriad of new shops that had sprung up. It almost seemed like an entirely new place. 
  As Wels entered the barge, he found another Hermit already inside, browsing the chest full of golden carrots. 
  “Hi, Joe,” said Wels politely, unable to hide a smile at the sight of his old friend. 
  Joe turned and gave him a wave. “Howdy, Wels. Haven’t seen you around here for a few weeks.”
  “Yeah, it’s been… a while. Just been busy, that’s all.” Wels awkward;y indicated the chest. “You, uh… buying stuff?”
  “Nah, I’m not dealing with diamonds this season. I thought Grian might be open to some kind of trading system using stuff other than diamonds but he hasn’t responded to my message yet, so in the meantime, I’m-.” He broke off with a frown. “Okay, I think I might have forgotten to actually send the message.”
  Wels chuckled. “You’re busy too, huh? You only start forgetting stuff when you’ve got a lot on your mind.”
  Joe matched his chuckle. “I’ve got quite a few projects going at the moment, yes. You wanna come over to my base sometime and I’ll show you what I’m working on?”
  “That sounds nice, Joe, thanks.”
  At that moment, the sound of a firework going off nearby caused both of them to look up. A second later, a figure glided through the door and landed neatly on the ground, his elytra closing as he took a few steps further into the room. “Hey, Wels,” Etho said, giving a friendly wave. “Man, you really got here fast.”
  Wels frowned at his friend. “What do you mean?”
  “Well, I just saw you over by Shade-E-E’s a minute ago. You said hello to me and everything.”
  “That…” Wels’s heart skipped a beat. “That wasn’t me.”
  Etho frowned back. “Well, then… Someone must’ve stolen a spare set of armour or something, cuz it looked exactly like you.”
  “Oh…” Blinking very fast, Wels let out a nervous breath. “Oh, boy… Please don’t tell me he’s back…”
  Etho and Joe exchanged a confused look. “Who?” asked Joe.
  Wels considered either making something up or dismissing his comment, but looking at the concerned faces of two of his best friends on the server, he decided to tell the truth. “The evil clone of myself that Beef and I accidentally created who ran off into the nether after I beat him in a rap battle when he tried to destroy the server.”
  Etho stared at him with wide eyes. 
  “I thought it might be something like that,” said Joe, nodding.
  “How can you possibly have been expecting that?” Wels said in disbelief.
  Joe shrugged. “I’ve heard weirder.”
  “Well… anyway. His name is Helsknight and he’s from a nether-like dimension called Hels, apparently. I thought I’d driven him back to where he came from but I should’ve known he wouldn’t stay away for long.”
  “To be frank, beating him in a rap battle isn’t quite as definitive as beating him in PVP,” said Joe. 
  Wels scowled. “The last time I tried PVP, you dropped an anvil on my head from a great height.”
  “Oh yeah.” Joe snickered. “I did.”
  “Leaving that aside,” said Etho, “it seems there’s an evil clone of you loose on the server, so we should probably deal with that. Helsknight, you said his name is?”
  Wels nodded. “He looks exactly like me except his eyes are red, his armour is slightly greyer than mine, and his hair is a darker shade of blond.”
  “Ohh, I noticed the darker armour,” said Etho. “I just thought it was the shade from my shop. I guess we’d better go find him, huh?”
  “Yeah, I need to find him before he causes any more chaos. You guys should probably warn the other Hermits so they-.”
  “No, we’re coming with you to find him,” Etho interrupted. 
  “It’ll be quicker if the three of us look together,” Joe added. “Plus, I’ve never met an evil clone before, so it would be rather thrilling to do so.”
  Wels frowned at his friends. “Are you sure? He’s really dangerous. I don’t know exactly what he’s capable of, but he’s from a hellfire dimension, so...”
  “As sure as the day is long,” replied Joe, patting his friend on the shoulder. “You need our help and we aren’t gonna abandon you.”
  As Etho nodded, Wels gave a small smile. “Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.”
  “No worries. So where should we look first?” asked Etho.
  “Well…” Wels thought for a moment. “He’s probably trying to cause some shenanigans on the server. If we check certain prominent places on the server, we’ll probably find him trying to lure me out somehow.”
  “I’ll check the rest of the shopping district, then,” said Joe. “He might still be here.”
  “I’ll have a look round the nether hub and the Upside Down,” Etho added. “You said he’s from a nether-like dimension so he might gravitate there. What about you, Wels?”
  “I’m going to Bdubs’s castle,” said Wels. “It’s the most medieval build on the server, so if he isn’t there now, he’ll end up there eventually.”
  “Okay, but be careful, Wels,” Etho said softly. “Don’t do anything reckless.”
  “I won’t.”
  With that, the group split up. 
  Wels flew straight over to Bdubs’s base. As he got closer, he couldn’t help marvelling at the sheer size and grandeur of the cliff and the castle sitting atop it. It was one of the grandest bases on the servers, so Wels felt sure he would find his clone here.
  He landed atop the cliff and started looking around. As he explored further, he spotted the person he was looking for standing at the entrance to Bdubs’s castle. 
  “If you’re looking for your little friend Bdoubleo, he’s in the nether,” crowed Helsknight. “I watched him go through his portal.”
  Wels glared up at his doppelganger. “You know I’m not looking for Bdubs.”
  “Are you here to rap battle with me again, then?” Helsknight grinned. “I warn you: I’ve been practising.”
  Shaking his head, Wels drew his sword. “No, Hels. I’m going to do what I should have done in the first place.” 
  Helsknight sighed and drew his own sword. “So boring. Come on, then.”
  His doppelganger’s relaxed, indifferent manner sent a bolt of anger straight into Wels. Letting out a yell, he charged to attack.
  Their battle lasted at least ten minutes, though to Wels, it felt like hours. He poured all his energy into his swings, attacking his evil clone with all the rage and fear that had threatened to consume him since Helsknight had disappeared into the nether all those months ago. He was done letting his negative emotions control his life. 
  Finally, Wels managed to knock Helsknight’s sword out of his hand and kick him to the ground, aiming his own sword at his evil clone’s neck. 
  Helsknight simply grinned evilly up at him. “You gonna kill me, Welsy? I wouldn’t do it if I were you; we Hels Hermits only get stronger when we die. If you kill me, I’ll come back with a vengeance. We have a special lava fountain in Hels that can-.”
  “Oh, shut up,” snapped Wels suddenly. “I’m not going to kill you, but not because of any stupid threats you make. I don’t care what you have in Hels. I’m not going to kill you, because I’m merciful. But if you ever come back here again, I won’t be so forgiving. Do you understand?”
  Helsknight simply stared back at him. “You’ve got some great friends here, Welsy. Better hold onto them in case something… happens.”
  Wels narrowed his eyes. “You stay away from them. I swear to god, if you-.”
  He hadn’t realised that he had lowered his hand slightly until Helsknight moved, fast as lightning, and kicked the sword out of his hand. Before he could react, Helsknight jumped up and grabbed him by the throat. He took two steps forward and threw Wels over the edge of the cliff. 
  The fall seemed to take only a split second, but the cliff was tall enough that Wels’s left leg broke immediately upon impacting the ground. He lay still in shock, too numb to cry, despite the searing pain in his leg, which was folded painfully underneath his body. 
  Helsknight appeared above him and effortlessly picked him up off the ground, again by the throat. He grinned, his face less than a foot from Wels’s.
  “You know what else we have in Hels?” Helsknight taunted. “Fire. Lots of fire.”
  He lifted his free hand, which was now engulfed in burning hot flames. Wels weakly struggled in his grip, trying to lean as far away from his counterpart as possible, as Helsknight slowly moved the fire closer to his face, taunting him with the fact that he couldn’t escape it. 
  The flames started to burn his face. He held his breath, trying not to let his pain show, trying not to give Helsknight the satisfaction. 
  But finally, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He let out a cry at the burning agony across the side of his face.
  Helsknight barked a laugh and retracted his hand, as if all he’d been after was a reaction from Wels. “Maybe you should stick with the rap battles next time.”
  With that, he dropped Wels on the ground and walked away.
  Wels lay where he fell, unable to move through the burning pain in his face and leg. His chest moved quickly up and down as he struggled for oxygen, still winded from the battle. 
  “Wels!” yelled a familiar voice from somewhere behind him. 
  Seconds later, Joe appeared on his right and Etho on his left, their worried faces peering down at him. 
  “Is he okay?” Joe gasped.
  “H-His face…!” Etho gently touched Wels’s burnt cheek. Wels could feel his friend’s cool fingers trembling. “Wels, can you hear me?”
  Wels couldn’t speak, couldn’t reassure his friends that he would be okay. His leg would heal. His face, he wasn’t sure yet. The only thing he knew wouldn’t heal was the crushing feeling of failure, of knowing that because of said failure, an evil clone of himself was still running around the server, potentially hurting people he cared about. The pain in his leg and face served as an agonising reminder that he wasn’t strong enough to stop his doppelganger. 
  How was he supposed to protect other people when he couldn’t even protect himself?
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jaideite · 5 years
Main 1-A (shoto, izuku, bakuhoe, and Iida) boys playing Minecraft with their s/o
*cries in ender pearls* I’m such a loser cause I don’t even remember most of everything that goes on in minecraft. Don’t @ me if something is wrong. Debating if I should buy Minecraft on my phone and play it
i felt bad bc i haven’t posted any good content so heres an old request ima shoot out the inbox for y’all I’m probably so rusty KWKD :(( <3
first time writing for Iida let’s see how well we do hMM ;))
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— doesn’t understand a single thing but still plays because you do
— he spawned into the world and moved two spaces
— he fell into a cave and survived
— then died because a cave spider attacked him
— “That’s rough buddy.”
— He’s one of those people who mines straight down and finds a whole bunch of diamonds
— “What are these light blue things in the stones?”
— “It’s an ore for a gem. You mine them and you get diamonds or emeralds. Is it like a really light blue?”
— you’re on like the other side of the cave you both went into so you can’t go over and mine them with a certain pickaxe you made specifically for mining
— you’re pissed because you always struggle to find them and here he is breaking the first rule of Minecraft and finding them
— jerk
— “So I should just get rid of them?”
— “Well I mean—“
— he throws them in lava and they make that burning “sss” sound and you just slowly look up at him from your screen
— “Shoto...what did you do with the diamonds?”
— he kinda just “oops” from his side of the room and you just rub your hands over your face and sigh
— “Oh god I’m in for a rude awakening.”
— he makes an underground farm and house and has collected sea lanterns as lights
— has collected all the diamonds in the world I’m not even kidding he just followed your rule of mining them with the gem pickaxe and diddly doo went off
— “This world sucks there are no diamonds.”
— “Oh I have some in the chest by my crafting table.”
— it’s literally a large chest and it’s full of diamonds
— you are just shook
— “sHOTO HOW—“
— lives in the side of a mountain too it’s actually kinda cute cause he used like stairs as chairs and stuff
— unless y’all are playing with some type of mod that allows chairs then other than that pfft your little “house” is decked out just like his bedroom
— your Minecraft beds are right next to each other too
— he thinks it’s romantic
— kinda looks more like an apartment lmaoo
— he’s more of a peaceful Minecraft player but he can survive survival mode if being asked to play
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— blows everything up
— but not with TNT and flint and steel oh no that’s too easy for him
— the easy way is not for him
— he’s going to learn how to set redstone traps so you walk into them and don’t know
— you walk into your house and you hear the click
— “What just—“
— next thing you know your getting eaten by endermites that have been spawned in
— or your screen just freezes because of all the explosions that go off
— “No No No my stuff—“
— you just watch from the ‘respawn’ screen while he moves into your house to steal your stuff
— “Haha, I knew you had some good shit in here—fucking taking these— what the hell is hitting me—OH SHIT! NO FUCK OFF STUPID RAT LOOKING FUCKS NO DON’T FUCKING KILL ME—“
— your rolling on the floor at the situation of him raging cause the endermites killed him
— katsuki works hard but karma works harder bitch
— raids your stuff when all else fails
— “They’re mine now bitch.”
— he is a survival mode player only
— no exceptions
— plays it at the hardest level and rages when he dies but manages to get the hang of it after a while
— the meanest and worst minecraft player to ever play with
— and on top of it all he only plays so he has your attention
— what a clown i swear
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— best one to play with tbh only second to mirio
— knows the basics and a little more
— if he made his own world he could survive pretty decently
— he keeps a notebook on the world you guys share with all the weapons and stuff you could need
— has memorized the most important potions needed like invisibility, etc.
— when you first made the world you had an icon that looked like you so you were looking for a little green haired character amongst the grass (assuming that’s where y’all spawned)
— and you are just so confused cause where is he
— “Izuku where the heck are you?”
— “By the flowers and grass.”
— “Oh no wonder I didn’t see you your hair probably—“
— and like once you finally get to the flowers you see him (or his character) and you just stop in your tracks
— cause there’s a tall, buff pixelated All Might staring back at you
— “Izuku—you know what? I ain’t even surprised.“
— “Haha...sorry.”
— you had to turn away because oh god the face on that thing was going to give you nightmares
— the armour—oh goodness the armour
— of course it’s customized to look like All Mights hero costume
— other than that—he’s a decent Minecraft player
— he has a secret world where he has built the city and all might fighting the villains
— it’s a huge flat world and it’s dedicated to all might
— he can survive pretty well at going off mining on his own but he won’t go without you just in case he dies and loses his stuff
— gets excited when he finds ores especially diamonds
— you get excited when you find emeralds because
— “Oh my god Izuku the emeralds look like your eyes.”
— all_mights_1_fan has left the game
— “Oh wow.”
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— y’all know those Minecraft books that they used to have that used to help you with like enchantments and stuff?
— Thats Iida
— he plays by the books
— has the complete handbook collection
— I do too lmaooo
— you ask him does he want to play and he just ??
— two days later he’s knocking at your door with the books in hand ready to play
— “I would suggest you go over these should we play!”
— “...Tenya—“
— when you guys play he immediately wants the rules
— “Theres only one.”
— “One—“
— “Don’t dig straight down.”
— he just stares at you mouth agape before he just starts going oFF
— “That rule is absurd! Surely there are more—“
— “NOpe that’s how you play.”
— he’s just ??
— no wonder you’re so chaotic you play games with oNE RULE
— what kind of g a m e has o n e r u l e ?
— so you guys are playing and yknow Iida isn’t having the best of luck
— he’s fallen into caves, burned by lava, and been buried alive by gravel and sand
— lowkey kinda feel bad for him lmaoo
— “This game is chaotic! At least these strange green fellows are coming to greet me.”
— “Strange green fellows?”
— “Yes! Some have no clothing on, but that’s alright!”
— you’re confused for a bit until it just it’s you
— when the first creeper explodes and he goes flying and he starts scolding it for doing that you know you’re in for a ride
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— also best person to play with
— a combination of everyone lmaoo
— he’s like midoriya except no notebooks
— can also survive on his own but like not in hard mode like katsuki that demon
— you guys play mini games like bedwars and are definitely a couples teams just like in real life
— you guys are like pros at playing
— “Get that blue bed guy over there.”
— “You have a yellow bed behind you, watch out!”
— wholesome is what it is
— if you are like me and just chaotic at Minecraft and life
— which includes missing almost everything, forgetting the names of stuff, and building a little house on the side of a mountain for the next seven days and being scared of everything
— “Babe where are you?”
— “Uh...I’m... I’m in a cave.”
— “We are in the jungle how are you—“
— “I saw a pig and I wanted to kill it and on the way I just dropped into a hole in the ground.”
— poor mirio is just exasperated
— oh boy y’all are in for a ride
— best therapy for him if he gets depressed about the losing his quirk
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whycraft · 5 years
The Three Body Problem: Chapter 7
AO3 | Wattpad | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
The victory was short-lived. Only one day after the infiltration, Team STAR sent Grian a message: [We need to talk.]
With anxiety clenching his chest, Grian met up with Doc in the middle of the battlefield.
Doc didn’t beat around the bush. “We know, Grian.”
“Know what?”
Mumbo, the Watcher realised. Grian, they know Mumbo’s a mole, it’s a tra-
Doc pressed a button laying inconspicuously on the ground, and Grian plummeted into a hole. But it wasn’t a hole: it was an infinity room.
“Bananas? You didn’t think we’d realise?” Ren was also in the infinity room. His legs and torso were hidden behind the item frame maps, with only his head and shoulders peeking into the room.
“I -”
Ren yanked a dishevelled Mumbo into the infinity room while Doc swung down from the ceiling.
“Needless to say, we’ve got a member on our team that we don’t really want,” said Doc. ”You can have him back, of course. For a price.”
“Whoa, hey, I’m not an animal. You can’t sell me,” protested Mumbo.
“What’s the price?” asked Grian.
“If you want to get him back… he has to lose his moustache.”
Mumbo giggled a little. “You can’t be serious.”
“I can’t believe they were serious,” griped Mumbo. “I look ridiculous.”
“You’ll look even more ridiculous when it starts growing out again,” Grian remarked. “Little peach fuzz.”
“If it’s any condolence, Team STAR’s base looks equally ridiculous now.”
“Why? What happened to it?”
Grian grinned. “Your moustache got relocated to the front of the turtle bit.”
Mumbo laughed. “No way.”
“Oh, wow, that’s perfect. I’m going to go check it out.” 
As soon as Mumbo flew out of the window, the Watcher said, We need to end this war.
“What do you think we’ve been trying to do?”
No, I mean we need to end it as soon as possible. What if they’d decided not to be merciful to Mumbo? What if they’d kept him trapped? We can’t risk anyone else getting hurt.
“It’s just a game, Watcher.”
“I guess we could make it into an actual game,” Grian mused. “Like King of the Hill, or something. Winner takes all.”
Would we win King of the Hill?
“I dunno. I’ve never actually played.”
Not King of the Hill, then.
“Capture the flag?”
Would we win?
“Maybe. Probably.”
Let’s do it.
So Grian called a meeting between both teams at the peace flag and proposed the idea of turning the war into a game of capture the flag.
At first, Doc was more willing to just launch his trident at Grian’s head, but everyone warmed up to the idea pretty quickly. Each team had three flags - green and yellow for Team STAR, blue for G-Team. Each team also had fifteen lives, represented by turtle heads on gaurdian heads on a wall near the peace flag. If someone died while trying to steal the other team’s flag, they had to remove a head from their side of the wall. There were two ways to win: through action, by stealing all three of the other team’s flags, or by default, if the other team lost all fifteen lives.
On G-Team, Iskall, Stress, and Grian had each been tasked with protecting a flag.
Watcher, you want to help me make a flag room for capture the flag? You’re great at making stuff like that.
Oh, thank you! I’d love to help. Maybe it should be two or three rooms instead of one room. They were getting excited at the idea of building cryptic puzzle rooms again. Oh, oh, we’ll have to add a maze! With traps, of course.
Of course. Something with lava. Alright, let’s go!
They dug out three holes branching off from G-Team’s basement, on for each part of the flag room. There was a parkour room, a maze with lava in the ceiling, and then the actual room with the flag. The room with the flag was an infinity room, with holes in the floor that were hidden using a trick with fence gates and item frames.
They managed to convince Stress to give it a test run. She died eight times. Grian and the Watcher mentally high-fived.
Team STAR is definitely going to lose a lot of lives here.
Absolutely. I hope it’s too difficult for them to even reach the flag.
But only two days after they finished the flag room, they got a message from Iskall: [dude, your flag got stolen.]
What? Already? Impossible!
Grian sent a response: [seriously? by who?]
[False, i think? i’m not sure.]
[did they lose any lives?]
[i don’t know. there’s still the same number of heads on the board.]
She must have cheated! It’s the only explanation!
She probably just hasn’t gotten around to changing the board yet.
That doesn’t change the fact that Team STAR has one of our flags! Grian, what if we lose?
Watcher, we’ll be fine even if we lose. It’s just a game.
We need to retaliate. We need to steal one of their flags.
What, right now?
At that moment, Mumbo flew back into the room, laughing. “Oh my word, I’ve just seen their base. It’s hilarious.”
The Watcher jumped into control. “Hey, Mumbo, want to raid Team STAR’s base?”
Mumbo raised his eyebrows. “Right now?”
“Iskall just sent me a message that they stole one of our flags, so I thought we should try and get one of theirs.”
“I - well, alright, then. I’ll just go get some gear.” He flew off again.
Watcher! Do you realise what you just did?
Of course I realise! they snapped, handing control back over to Grian. But you weren’t going to do it, so I had to. Now go get some gear, we’re invading Team STAR’s base.
“Have we got a plan?” Mumbo asked after they set their spawns outside of Team STAR’s base.
“Absolutely not.”
“I figured as much.” He surveyed the door to the base. “On three?”
“On three. One…”
They charged in and were immediately attacked by a flock of silenced phantoms. They almost fell off the staircase because it was so dark, and Grian got down to a heart and a half.
Abort, abort!
Grian and Mumbo quickly backtracked to the relative safety outside and shut the door behind them.
“Okay, so…” Mumbo rested his hands on his knees and tried to steady his breathing. “It’s a Hogwarts staircase room with phantoms, creepy music, and armour stands of me.”
“Right. Potions.”
They drank some potions and headed back in. Grian died.
It’s okay, we can do this.
Mumbo found one of Team STAR’s flags close to the bottom of the labyrinth. Grian followed close behind him, and both of them fell into a hole. Grian suffocated, but Mumbo burned in lava.
The Watcher screamed in frustration. Again?! That’s three lives!
They made their way back down to the flag room, more cautious this time.
“Oh, I see now!” said Mumbo, examining the flag room. “Oh, this is old school.”
“What is it?”
He indicated the redstone ore in the ground. “Updating the redstone by walking on it sets off the lava coming down from the ceiling. I think we have to enderpearl in to get the flag.”
“I’ve only got three enderpearls, so we can either do one-in-one-out or two-in-one-out.”
Mumbo chuckled. “One in, one out, I think. You can go.”
Grian lined up to throw the enderpearl.
“Make sure you don’t activate the redstone.”
He threw the enderpearl and landed neatly next to the flag. He removed it from the floor, muttering, “Please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me,” the whole time.
“Alright, now back out.”
Grian crouched and threw the second enderpearl. He landed at Mumbo’s side, flag in hand.
Yes! Now get out before you get caught!
They escaped the labyrinth and made their way across the battlefield back to G-Team base, making sure to remove three heads from their wall along the way. Almost giddy with victory, they hung the flag in pride of place in the G-Team meeting room.
The Watcher sighed, stressed but pleased. Well done, boys. Well done.
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nerf-ed-blog · 6 years
"Hey, Cayde?"
Kasia spoke through the intercoms. She was with the Hunter Vanguard, Cayde-6 and a friend of his who was the jailkeeper on the Tangled Shore - Petra Venj. The prison was having a riot, at least that's what they thought when they started. But with the new found information that the high-security prisoners are gone, the trio realized this was a break out. Petra said the escapees were going to bust out the bottom floor. The thing was, no one was even near there. Lucky for Kasia, she was quick on her feet and even quicker in mind.
The stakes were high, she needed to find away to get down to the bottom and fast. That's when she saw her golden opportunity.
"Kasia? What's up? Have an idea?" Cayde questioned as a response to her grabbing his attention.
"How many shots do you think it'd take to break that big wire there? The one holding that flaming hunk of metal in the middle."
"Uhh 3 or 4, give or take I mean depending on some stu-- wait. Kasia, no. Do NOT do what I think you're about to do." It was too late. Kasia had already jumped on to the metal and pulled out a fusion rifle, aimed, and took three shots. One right after the other. She began to feel weightless as the structure began to fall. She reached for a wire and gripped tight.
Adrenaline filled her veins as she fell. Kasia let out hoots and hollers laughing in the thrill. It was a feeling she was not unfamiliar with. She came upon a landing sticking out. Time seemed to slow as she met eyes with Cayde and Petra leaning over the edge. Kasia gave a big wave after freeing a hand as she sped towards the bottom. She would stop the breakout, if it was the last thing she'd do.
Everything hurt like hell. Kasia had landed on the very bottom of the prison and fought of waves and waves of scorn. It wasn't new, being a Guardian meant throwing yourself in the line of fire. It's because of the fancy little thing called a ghost, that Kasia was able to come back every time no matter how overbearing the pain could be. So, she summoned her little buddy to help her out. Little did she know, someone was waiting in the shadows for just an opportunity like this.
"Spence! Hey little light, mind helping me out a bit? I just need an extra boost then we can go home after wiping the floor with these guys" Kasia's voice was broken, the endless scorn really did a number on her. Yet, she braved it out - promising a future.
A shot rang out - quite, yet piercing. Spence burst into shattered pieces of a shell. Kasia's head spun. She achingly straightened her shoulders as she was previously hunched over from her wounds. They weren't done.
Kasia looked around, she felt exposed. Her armour, once matching with a strong elegance around it, was worn, battered, and brusied. Scuff marks from skidding on the concrete and metal, jagged edges from falls, and color faded and chipped from heat, knives and bullets. She felt like the word "shatter". She was utterly surrounded. This was her end. Spence, her only hope, was nothing more then the debris that already littered the floor. A Guardian cannot come back if they have no ghost.
Kasia closed her eyes. Millions of thoughts raced through her mind. She thought of her boys. Titan - he was such a young guardian and didn't nearly get enough time to see the joy of everything. He had his newly found light ripped from him just as he got it. Yes, he has it back now, but he's still learning. Kasia wanted to be there for that. She still had places to take him, like awesome hiding spots and the planets with the best loot--! Then Edwin, oh Edwin. She knew him too much to know he wouldn't take this well. He'd bottle it up until he burst. Edwin would run wild and become so distant. Would he still keep in touch with Titan? Kasia hoped they'd take care of each other. This was her end and there was no way out, all she had now was hope for the others and their future.
"Goodbye, guys," She whispered under her breath, "this one's for you." Her hands burned up as she called down all the light remaining in her to douse the area in flames.
Then, THWACK! Her body was tossed limp through a wall. When she came to her senses, she saw the face of Prince Uldren with all his lackies around him.
"This will only hurt, a lot." The distinct sound of a handgun popping through the air made Kasia's ears drum. A searing pain ripped through her chest. It was more then she could bare. She didn't even hear what he said as he loaded up the elevator with the other prisoners and himself - making his grande escape. She desperately wished the pain would stop so she could have tossed a grenade as a last ditch effort, but she had at some point fallen back on the ground.
"Kasia? KASIA!" A voice shouted through the now quite room. Kasia would never find out who it was, her last breath had left her long before they came to her side.
Edwin sat, hands folded in his lap. In front of him was a small stump of a tree delicately holding a picture frame that showed the image of an Awoken Warlock. She had bright pink hair in a mohawk, a truly defined fashion statement. Candles surrounded the stump and frame, the wax cascading down the candles and even stump like a molten lava from being burned so long. There was no breeze or sound of anything rustling in the woods. The world had seemed to go silent for her, as it should be.
Then the silence was broken. A fizzing sound behind Edwin got him to stand up and turn to face whoever was interrupting him. It was Washington. His book friend (as was called by Kasia) and fellow Hunter.
"Mourning doesn't look good on you." Wash said. His face as stoic as Edwin's own. There was an underlying respect, though. He knew Wash meant well.
"What other face should I don, then?"
"A face of peace." Washington stepped closer and rested a hand on Edwin's shoulder. "She's gone and it's awful, I know. I've been through this so many times, too. But this had happened before and will happen again. It's been two weeks. I know she would hate for you to be doing this. She's enjoying the glory and attention of all this mourning for maybe three days before she'd probably tell you to get off your ass and move on." Washington took a deep breath. "Have you thought about Titan? How he might be handling this?"
To be quite honest, Edwin hadn't even thought of him. Guilt now flooded him. Titan was very new to being a Guardian and had just Kasia too. He had to go check on him. He had to sit and be with him as someone to lean on. Edwin turned to look at the frame of Kasia. His friend lost to the hatred of another. She made things brighter and now she was lost. But Edwin shouldn't separate himself like this. He needed to be there for his other friend who was alive and here. Or he might just lose him too.
Wordlessly, Edwin parted from Washington and the alter.
Not a sound escaped Edwin's lips. In a far secluded part of The Tower, Titan was gazing off into the distance. Edwin approached the Guardian and leaned on the railing next to him. The healing process would be a long one, but they have all the time in the world.
Kasia felt her chest bloom in warmth as she watched on from The Traveler. Not from the gun shot, but from the love of friends. Her boys would be alright, they'll be there for one another, and they'll be alright.
Both Edwin and Titan swore they heard the giggle of Kasia that evening as they watched the sun go low and The Traveler loom over head.
"You've made a place where I'm welcome
And although I give voice to it seldom
Know I love you
Nobody's above you
And if you love someone then you tell them"
-Love Letters by Watsky
Phew, finished. Enjoy, @guardians-social-network 💗💗
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fxckmebuck · 8 years
Come back to me.
Request: "Can you write something about Bucky based on the writing prompt "I was nowhere near the neighbourhood, thought I'd stop by"? Thanks!!!!!! Xxxxxxxx"
Summary: After the decision is made to put Bucky back in cryo, your whole world falls apart and you completely lose control. Will your broken pieces ever be put back together?
Word count: 2,047
Warnings: None
A/N: I ran away with this so prepare for the feels to hit hard. I am aware this is low-key trash.
Italics are used to represent flashbacks.
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"Y/N, it's always such a pleasure to see you!" The strong, firm voice welcomed you as arms wrapped around your rigid figure. T'Challa had not always been a friend but as it now stood, he definitely wasn't a foe.
"I'm sorry for not giving you any pre-warning, I was nowhere near the neighbourhood, thought I'd stop by." You tried to make your voice sound comical, uplifting, you tried to make it sound like just being there didn't rip your heart to pieces with every breath you inhaled and every step you took but, deep down you knew, you weren't convincing anyone.
The worst thing being you had no choice, being away hurt even more - ever since they had chosen to freeze Bucky again you had been propelled at full force into a constant cycle of pain and destruction - Bucky was the love of your life, a love you would probably never see again.
"No problem, you're always welcome. Stay for as long as you like!" T'Challa couldn't help the sympathy that laced itself into his voice from showing, he always worried about how you were doing because it never seemed to be that you were doing okay.
As you watched T'Challa walk away, you suddenly forgot how to breathe. It always happened this way, every time you came here your body would undergo the same excruciating sequence. With every step closer to his body, your own grew colder than the ice that surrounded Bucky but your heart burned like fire as it pushed lava through your veins.
Steve had asked once to come with you. Personally, up until then, he'd always thought it was something you should do by yourself but once he was prompted by T'Challa of the fact that you had tried to use your skills as a pyrokinesis to melt the ice surrounding Bucky as well as nearly and unknowing setting aflame the whole city of Lagos - Steve thought it was time to intervene, time to help.
But, you didn't want help. Not because you thought you didn't need it, as you were well aware that you were spiralling out of control and therefore extremely dangerous, but because you were ignorant, selfish and madly in love with a man that had been snatched from your arms.
You and Bucky were the perfect team together, you kept each other sane. The presence of your smooth hair and soft skin at night kept Bucky's nightmares at bay and, in the daytime, his electrifying eyes slowed the erratic beat of your heart. However, when Bucky was put in cryo, who was there to save you?
Your soul turned sour and your intentions were malicious, soon enough you were compromising missions and getting other people killed. You put your emotions and personal grudges before your vow to save the lives of the innocent and because of that, you had to go.
Soon enough you ended up taking a "vacation", as Tony first called it, despite everyone knowing that it was because he had no idea how to deal with you anymore. No-one did.
You no longer were the Y/N they all knew and loved, you didn't even know yourself anymore. So, your three-month vacation turned into a couple of years and you'd only recently returned to throw in the towel.
Pressing your trembling hands upon the glass that separated yourself from your lover, you let your tears run freely.
"Hey Bucky," you whimpered, pausing slightly to wait for a reply you would never receive, "so I officially kicked myself off the team yesterday. I think they always knew if I ever came back it would be the last time they would see me but, none the less, hope radiated off their faces."
Composing yourself you turned to knock on the door just as it flew open, taken back you quickly looked up and saw a security camera pointed straight in your direction. Of course, as soon as you entered the city, F.R.I.D.A.Y would follow your every step, she would know where you were heading before you even did yourself.
"Y/N?" A voice gasped. Looking into the doorway you saw tears already spewing from their eyes, a look of complete shock and confusion written upon their face as they battled between not touching you in case you disappeared and launching themselves on you in a hug.
"Hey Romanoff, looking good!" You chuckled, winking at her with your usual bubbly nature and, with that, she picked the latter, engulfing you in love, a feeling you hadn't felt directed towards yourself in a long time.
"Y/N, you came at just the right time, everyone's here and we were just making dinner, you can join us. Please sit next to me! I swear if Tony steals you away to show you his toys I will tackle him to the ground..." Standing there, watching her rant on about everything you missed, broke your heart into a million pieces and not wanting to forget the way it felt to have a best friend, you took everything in. The way sunlight made her auburn hair shine and her eyes sparkle, how her face constantly portrayed a look of control and reservation, she was sarcastic and, oh so, beautiful.
Breathing in her sexy aroma, shivers ran down your spine, it was something you had once been incredibly jealous of. Guys had always looked past you and straight to the beauty that now stood in front you, it had always made you upset until you met Bucky. Then, you were happy to have their eyes pass over you as you knew Bucky's never would.
The rest of the evening was a blur as wide eyes and open arms greeted you - in an instant, everyone forgot the last couple of years and everything that caused the separation. No one asked questions, no one felt they needed to, you were back and you were safe - that was all that mattered.
"Steve was there, I don't know why I was expecting him not to be or, maybe, I was just hoping that he wouldn't be. Hoping that I wouldn't have to put myself through the pain and realisation that I'd been forgiven by him but never by myself."
The sound of Steve's voice brought you back into reality as he stared in bewilderment at you from the other side of the room. With tears racing down his cheeks, he ran towards you, engulfed you in a hug and stifled your whimpers as you tried to apologise.
"The really fucked up thing is I want to go back. I want to watch shitty films on movie nights, I want to prank people with Peter, I want to paint my nails with Nat and I want to train with Steve. I want to hug him, I want to spend the rest of my days making it up to him and I want you to be there with me. I want to lie in your arms and kiss you good night-" By now, you weren't technically even speaking English, it was more of a mixture between heart raking sobs and a few understandable syllables.
Taking a long, deep breath you composed yourself and continued.
"Tony gave me some gifts, I don't think he could resist. They're beautiful but dangerous, they remind me of you. Everything reminds me of you..."
"F.R.I.D.A.Y has been telling me all about your secret missions and I wanted to thank you by giving you a couple of 'small' gifts," Tony said, with a smirk planted firmly on his face as he led you through the maze that was the Avengers main base.
"Tony," you sighed, rolling your eyes, "you know I hate unnecessarily expensive presents."
"Oh no, you'll like these ones. Trust me!" Tony chuckled in return as he was reminded of all the times he tried to shower you in luxuries and all the times those luxuries were instantly returned back to the store.
You silently thanked Tony for respecting the fact you didn't want to discuss the missions on which the gifts were to be used. You knew Tony often watched over you, your personal guardian angel, ready to call for backup if any was needed, hell, if you were in trouble he'd fly in there himself without a second thought. But he also knew the more personal side to the missions, every one directed at a Hydra base Bucky might have stayed in an effort to find information on how to reverse the curse Hydra had placed on him.
The next couple of hours were spent working with Tony as he modified the armour and weapons he had designed and made specifically for you. Each piece was as perfect as the other, you cringed at how long Tony must have worked on them for. Motivated by the hope that one day he would be able to give you them in person, that you would one day come back alive.
As if reading your mind, Tony let out a sob, a sob so full of pain and hurt it was like a million knives had been stabbed into your chest. Sitting down next to Tony you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn off the camera and joined in. It lasted for about half an hour; both of you clinging onto each other for dear life - Tony crying as he felt responsible for your departure and the imprisonment of Bucky, as you cried knowing eventually you'd have to leave all the happiness you'd felt the last couple of days behind you.
"Soon enough, my time was up and I said my last goodbyes. I was finally leaving for good."
Taking a deep breath you knew it was time, you'd stayed for way too long already and if you stayed another day you felt like you would never leave.
It wasn't fair to do that to the team, forcing them to constantly be on the edge of their seats, forcing them to constantly anticipate your departure. None of it was fair, you knew you hadn't acted in the right way, turning up out of nowhere, interrupting the swing of things. You'd been selfish and you were about to be selfish again: break everyone's heart another time.
"Vision," you called out, "it's time."
Appearing from thin air, he entered the room with a solemn look on his face. "Y/N, I urge you to think about this, there must be another way, the only thing everyone wants is for you to be happy and safe. Your best chances to be those two things are here with us."
"Don't you think I know that?" You shouted, instantly sighing at the fact you'd accidentally and unnecessarily raised your voice, directing your anger at the one person who deserved it the least. Lowering it to almost a whisper, you looked down at your feet. "Vision, please ask everyone to meet in the common room in half an hour and, please, don't make this harder than it already is."
Once all your bags had been packed and gifts collected, you headed to your doom. Walking into the doors you found everyone gathered round the table; Sam and Nat were laughing with Cap about something or, more likely, laughing at Cap about something, Vision and Wanda sat together talking in hushed voices and Hawkeye joined Banner in a conversation about something way too complicated for this time in the morning. Searching for Tony, a hand enclosed around yours, giving it a squeeze. "You don't have to do this, we can work something out," Tony pleaded, without even looking, you could sense the tears building in his eyes.
Encapsulating him in a hug, you whispered in his ear, "Don't lie to yourself, Tony. We both know I have no other choice."
Silence fell as people noticed your presence and tension filled the air. Giving you one last squeeze, Tony kissed your cheek. "You always have a choice."
"I hate it all so much because I want to go home but even more than that, I need you Bucky, I need you to come back to me," With that, you finally, utterly and completely fell apart.
Moments later, arms wrapped around your figure - one inhumanly stronger than the other.
"Let's go home, doll."
A/N: Dun! Dun! DUNNNNNNN! Constructive crititism is appreciated!
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oldscarredlove · 8 years
AfterGone - Part 3/3
Part 1 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033060124/aftergone-part-13 Part 2 - http://scarredlove.tumblr.com/post/158033367624/aftergone-part-23 The Origins of AG
Swap > (Can’t remember) Fell > (Don’t know) Ink - @comyet Geno, Error > @loverofpiggies Mute > @sori4rt
—CONTINUE— According to Blueberry it’s been a lil over a month since I was first brought here to the Omega Timeline and believe me, it has been quite joyful. I enjoy hanging out with the other AUs and it’s funny to tease them, especially UnderFell since we tend to FIGHT a lot. They’d throw me a bone or I’d make one comment and then everyone stands back, at least it keeps me in shape.
Right now? I was drifting in and out of sleep one of the many love-seats, having one of my own now (or one I prefer to use at least). I’ve been sleeping a lot more, slowly trusting the others and losing the bags under my eyes, the nightmares have also been vanishing also or at least not been as terrifying as they used to be.
During my time here, I’ve gotten to know quite a bit of each AU whilst also gaining information from Blueberry. Turns out I’m the only Sans who has a claw instead of telekinesis like the rest, well, for now anyway. The main people I tend to speak more to, however, are probably UnderSwap Papyrus, Ink Sans and Mute Sans, each are quite unique to hang out with and I talk to them about different stuff.
With US Paps, we discuss my sister and my friends -and yes, it still is a touchy subject for me and I think it always will be.I do get emotional whilst talking about it, who wouldn’t? But it has kept me sane, lifting a weight off my shoulders which I never knew was there. Pap is the only one who truly knows about my AU, everyone else only knows that Chara killed everyone, they tricked me and killed themself to stop RESETS.
Ink makes me laugh, he’s been teaching me how to draw so I can put all my negativity and depression into something that isn’t self-loathing. I have to say I’m doing pretty good if I do say so myself although Ink is a master at art, welp, can’t control that. But when we’re not drawing, he talks about how he doesn’t have an AU like Error and Geno and how he’s kept himself sane. I look up to him for his humanity (although we’re the same height, heh).
Mute is a different case, since he doesn’t talk, Ink provided him with a pen and some paper, allowing him to communicate. It’s a slow conversation but I enjoy it, its rather peaceful to sit back and take a breather with a nice cup of either tea or ketchup. We talk about the other AUs and what ifs really, it’s kinda funny. CRASH I jolted up from my seat and scouted around, seeing SwapFell Sans and UnderSwap Pap in fighting stances with Blueberry looking upset. I groaned and rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous, I can already guess what was going on. Blueberry and Sourberry (yes, that’s his nickname) bumped into each other and Blueberry’s tacos had gotten all over Sour’s ‘battle body’, I could see the sause running down his armour and onto the floor with the rest.
I stood up and walked off, heading back to the corridor full of grey doors, to my AU. I basically spend half my time here in the Omega Timeline now, it keeps me from going mad and trust me, there have been several times when I’ve gone off the bend…
Thanks to a certain child… — I bet some of you are wondering:
“Hey, what’ja do with the souls?” “Hey, why haven’t you left the Underground?” Welp, first of all, I never left because I don’t deserve it, everyone’s dream was to go to the Human world and make peace and live among with them, I didn’t really care back then since I didn’t really care much about the humans in the first place. If we came up it was a 50-50 chance of making peace or another war would occur.
So now, with everyone dead and unable to come back when it’s now possible? I don’t think I should be allowed to go and live with them, besides, time has frozen down here so why should it be any different up there? This whole universe is basically dead now.
As for the souls… That’s much more complicated. During the…’incident’, the human and I found the souls. Since humans couldn’t absorb other human souls, they figured they’d destroy them instead rather than hand them to me. They were smarter than that because if I did have them? They’d either RESET or I’d kill them before they do anything. I would’ve been a god, or close enough to one. But there is one question I know you’re wanting to ask… “What happened to Chara’s soul?” …Fun fact: They’re still alive and kicking.
Just not in the way you think… —PAUSE— I shook the body of the human, screaming and begging them to RESET the timeline. To bring all the monsters back. To bring my friends back. My sister back.
After my voice had become a whisper and my movements became slow, I stopped and saw everything flash before my eyes, haunting me, taunting me. My thoughts only repeated one thing: what have I done?
I closed my eyes and covered my blood-coated hands over my jaw-hinges, trying to block out the image and sounds of the monsters, begging for their lives. Tears slithered and slipped over my cheekbones, my face hot from anger but my chest cold with sadness. I never should’ve gave the human what they wanted. I should’ve been more DETERMINED.
Instead I was weak. A coward.
I opened my eyes and gasped, falling off my knees and backing away in fear. The human I didn’t know, wearing blue, magenta and brown, their neck red with blood, was glowing.
I didn’t get what was going on until the light grew smaller and smaller, ending up being a circle in the middle of their chest. Their soul. A red heart came into view and floated up slowly, peacefully. I was shaking and I couldn’t stop. As soon as I saw the soul I had to make a quick decision: Capture it and lock it away somewhere or….
My movements however were quicker, I teleported to it and grabbed it, my own soul glowing weakly. I didn’t know what to do, I had the soul in my literal grip and all I could do was stare. I pulled the collar of my T-shirt lowere so my white, upside-down heart was in view and hesitantly brought it closer to my own soul, my skull sweaty with nervousness.
I fell completely onto my back and screamed, louder then I ever had and thought that my own jaw was going to break off. It felt like my chest was burning, being scolded by the lava at Hotland. I couldn’t breathe and during my agony I couldn’t think clearly but I may or may not have screamed for my sister and everyone’s forgiveness.
The pain was something I deserved though, I’d killed everyone, believing it was for the best of everyone so the human would stop. I was wrong of course but I couldn’t turn back time. Then suddenly it all stopped, the pain quickly faded and left me gasping for air although I had no lungs like humans or some monsters.
My skull was wet with tears and sweat, my whole body was twitching and unsure if I should move, risking the chance of going through the pain again. I sat up slowly after what seemed like ten minutes, happy to discover the pain really was gone. Groaning with the achy feeling, I rubbed in between my eye-sockets and scratched my skull, yelping in pain.
What the…?
I ran my hand over the left side of my skull and felt it, a crack going around my entire head. I was unsure of why it was still in place and hadn’t fallen to the ground but I was glad it was still in it’s rightful position, I took a peak at my soul too and was again shocked.
It still had the shape of a regular monster soul but it was now red with a crack that looks similar to the one on my face on the left side of it. Tears rose up again but after closing my eyes for a minute, they were gone. I stood up and looked back at where I came from… deciding I needed to clean this whole place up from its filth.
I bet Papyrus would be proud of my cleaning. — It’s been a week or something since that dreadful day. I hated thinking about it but what else was there to do now? All I could do was pace the whole
UnderGround, watch replays and old videos of Mettaton’s shows, Alphys’ anime collection and read his manga or train with Undyne’s non-magical weapons. I felt awful to even touch any of that stuff but I might as well make myself suffer some more. Who am I without my guilt and hatred? I can’t even remember what I was like when I was cheerful anymore.
After a few episodes of  the MTT Quiz Show, my soul started to beat rapidly and before I realised it, I was on the floor, curled into a ball of pain and struggling to breathe. I heard imaginary laughter, toying with me and my sanity, I knew who it belonged to and tried to see if the human was here, my eyes landed on a being but it wasn’t a human.
It was myself.
Their cheekbones were blushing pink, their eye-sockets completely soulless and had black tear-marks running down their face and their grin… It was the scariest thing I ever saw.
My reflection giggled and crouched down to me, I scrambled to sit up and moved away, hitting the wall with a bump, they laughed harder. “This is a great show! I never thought I’d see a more pathetic look of you Sans but you proved me wrong! Congrats!” They started to clap and winked at me, I growled in anger.
“Heya par’ner! See, I do keep my promises, unlike a certain someone!” They stood straight and walked toward the window. “It’s so quiet down here, so boring.
“If it’s boring, why end it?”
“Because!” They glanced at me and winked again, “it’s hilarious to see you in such a state!” They walked up to me and knelt, I pressed against the wall as much as I could. “How did it feel Sans? Killing everyone you loved? Killing everyone who depended on you to get their revenge in the previous resets?”
Those words… They were the ones that made me go off the edge… I was going mad, all my guilt and shame was making me insane. I couldn’t live on like this, I just couldn’t. What was the point anymore? I had nothing left and my life has no meaning…
Using my weakest moment to their advantage, they fully possessed me, taking over my body for an entire…. month? I had no clue how long, it seemed live forever. They sliced down the trees of the forest, they destroyed every puzzle, they tore up all the plants, wrecked Hotland and the Core and made the castle crumble to the ground, the barrier vanishing from sight.
I couldn’t wake up, didn’t wanna, what could I do to stop them? They were stronger than me and I’d always fall for their tricks.. but then we came across the Graveyard, they took pleasure at looking over the reminders of all the monsters that were slain. Then they looked at Papyrus’ grave… and their own.
I felt them weaken, like some small part of them acknowledges the fact that they are no longer alive. They never were. They materialized my claw and were ready to slice this place to nothing but rubble and splinters. It was then when I woke up, somewhere in the back of my skull, I kept telling myself to stay alive.
That I had to be DETERMINED to defeat the human.
Stay determined to defeat the human… The one thing I never did…. It felt like I was drowning, the human’s hatred was as thick and black as tar. I struggled to escape, I had to protect Papyrus and everyone! Even if it’s only their graves, their spirits must live on!
“WhAT arE YoU DoInG?” No way was I ever letting them control me again! Not after everything that had happened. We split apart, both gasping for air and balance, when I looked back at them they were staring at me with daggers. I sensed magic in use so I made sure I was quicker than them. I summoned a Gaster Blaster
I only had to hit them once. —CONTINUE— From then one, they never came back, sure I’d have my moments of anxiety and what not but that day was one I could never forget. They’re now one with me, their soul and mine are now finally in sync,and that’s why I’m happy with deciding to come back to the Omega Timeline, because they help me stay in control of my emotions, not the human.
After going to Alphys’ Lab, I’d accidentally hit a button or something and turned on his old monitor that showed footage from the cameras. I ended up watching them and found out that they were never there, it was my own mind screwing with me, meaning I’d basically went on a rampage in my own despair.
Time makes fools out of us all.
I stopped in front of Papyrus’ grave and knelt down, lifting her scarf up and over her tombstone. Whilst turning around and going back to the grey door to the Omega Timeline, I slipped on the blood-red scarf and opened the door, taking in the scene one last time. As soon as I returned, Error stood there looking both annoyed and arrogant whilst Ink looked unsure.
“AG, are you sure you wanna do this? You can’t ever-”
“Shut up, she’s letting me do my thing! Don’t spoil it for me!” Error glared at Ink. I sighed. “I’m sure Ink, I’ve thought about this for a while and this is the best solution I can think of, staying in my AU is making me ill and not to mention that it’s basically dead already.”
He groaned out of frustration. “Fine…” he leaned toward me and whispered. “Hey, how’d you even persuade Error to do this for free?”
I giggled and placed a finger over my mouth. “I don’t know what you mean!” Error’s blue threads wrapped around the door to my world, I lost my smiled instantly and watched it all unfold before me. Error looked like a child at a sweet shop, taking pleasure at destroying things.
The door shattered at the pressure of his threads, leaving a blank wall behind, he immediately walked off with a grin on his face and humming something. Ink rolled his eyes and the both of us cleaned up the mess he’d left.
I had tears going down my face, but this time it was tears of joy. I was at peace, I was finally able to move on, I shall live on for everyone. For Papyrus. —GAME OVER—
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