#and horrible climate disasters!
sunlitmcgee · 11 months
making an original setting is so funny. girl i have to look up how it would realistically affect the planet if the moon got split in half. it wouldn't be good for us btw. in case you were wondering
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headspace-hotel · 9 months
I had a look at r/collapse (for those that don't know what that is, it's basically climate doomerism subreddit) and behold, there you can find all the evidence you'll want for Doomerism making you into a complacent, misanthropic little bitch.
I mean there are many people on there that aren't horrible, just sad and hurting. But the community as a whole isn't so much "accepting" of oncoming climate disaster, as actively wanting it to happen.
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Theres a thousand comments and posts about how human nature is evil and wasteful, how we destroy everything we touch, how it was inevitable from the beginning of our species that we cause our own extinction (!!!), and though I think outright discussion of eugenics or genocide is banned there are still a lot of references to how people "breed" too much and how the human population needs to be reduced to under 2 billion or something
There's also a weekly post that's like "Comment signs of collapse happening in your area!" which is weird as hell. I clicked on one and the first comment was someone talking about how there are lots of stray dogs wandering around and animal control won't pick them up. What does that have to do with anything??
also people keep talking about being smarter than everyone around them
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fittingoutjane · 1 year
US Folks: Call your rep today!
Right now, Thursday June 8th, Washington DC is under an air quality emergency due to wildfire hundreds of miles away. I just got hit with the same disaster, so I can tell you: Unbearable stink, burning eyes and throat, apocalyptic orange skies, pollution numbers three times the immediate danger level.
This is horrible, but it creates an interesting political opportunity. Take a page out of our enemies’ playbook and never let a crisis go to waste!
The House and Senate are in session, so they and their staff are in town. They are enduring the pain of climate change firsthand, perhaps for the first time in their lives.
Call them today, and say something like, “Look out the window! Look at what climate change is doing! What are we going to do about reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change?”
Leave your name and town, if you are comfortable doing so, to prove that you are a constituent.
Senators’ numbers: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
House of Representatives’ numbers: https://www.house.gov/representatives
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hauntedraggedyanne · 22 days
Uncommon villain motivations
Just have some fun with them
—Protection of a loved one, because the hero’s actively pursuing something that would kill the loved one
—They represent a part of nature (illness, natural disasters, fungi, etc)
—They’re in pursuit of knowledge
—They don’t want to be forgotten. Easier to go down as a horrible person rather than a good person to them.
—Pursuit of something that can save themselves (ex: a cure to an illness)
—To make a statement about the current political/religious/community climate
—Forced to always do the exact opposite of the hero. They’re their shadow, and when the hero saves, the villain kills. You could make them a doppelgänger, or a literal dark reflection of the hero. (Okay I’m kinda biased I really like this one. If you’ve got any ideas for it please please let me know)
—They’re forced too, not by mind control or anything, but through their own will. Arguably that’s worse.
—To make change in whatever way they can
—They’re trying to rebuild whatever (or whoever) they lost
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mariacallous · 3 months
lol philadelphia inquirer bodying nyt
President Joe Biden’s debate performance was a disaster. His disjointed responses and dazed look sparked calls for him to drop out of the presidential race.
But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office.
In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?
To build himself up, Trump constantly tears the country down. There is no shining city on the hill. It’s just mourning in America.
Throughout the debate, Trump repeatedly said we are a “failing” country. He called the United States a “third world nation.” He said, “we’re living in hell” and “very close to World War III.”
“People are dying all over the place,” Trump said, later adding “we’re literally an uncivilized country now.”
Trump told more than 30 lies during the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world.
Trump’s response to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection he fueled was farcical. He said a “relatively small number of people” went to the Capitol and many were “ushered in by the police.”
After scheming to overturn the 2020 election, Trump refused to say if he would accept the results of the 2024 election. Unless, of course, he wins.
The debate served as a reminder of what another four years of Trump would look like. More lies, grievance, narcissism, and hate. Supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks. But he mainly spews raw sewage.
Trump attacks the military. He denigrates the Justice Department and judges. He belittles the FBI and the CIA. He picks fights with allies and cozies up to dictators.
Trump is an unserious carnival barker running for the most serious job in the world. During his last term, Trump served himself and not the American people.
Trump spent chunks of time watching TV, tweeting, and hanging out at his country clubs. Over his four-year term, Trump played roughly 261 rounds of golf.
As president, Trump didn’t read the daily intelligence briefs. He continued to use his personal cell phone, allowing Chinese spies to listen to his calls. During one Oval Office meeting, Trump shared highly classified intelligence with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador.
Trump’s term did plenty of damage and had few accomplishments. The much-hyped wall didn’t get built. Infrastructure week was a recurring joke. Giant tax cuts made the rich richer, while fueling massive deficits for others to pay for years. His support for coal, oil drilling and withdrawal from the Paris Agreement worsened the growing impact of climate change.
Trump stacked the judiciary with extreme judges consisting mainly of white males, including a number who the American Bar Association rated as not qualified. A record number of cabinet officials were fired or left the office. The West Wing was in constant chaos and infighting.
Many Trump appointees exited under a cloud of corruption, grifting and ethical scandals. Trump’s children made millions off the White House. His dilettante son-in-law got $2 billion from the Saudi government for his fledgling investment firm even though he never managed money before.
Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic resulted in tens of thousands of needless deaths. He boasts about stacking the Supreme Court with extreme right-wingers who are stripping away individual rights, upending legal precedents, and making the country less safe. If elected, Trump may add to the court’s conservative majority.
Of course, there were the unprecedented two impeachments. Now, Trump is a convicted felon who is staring at three more criminal indictments. He is running for president to stay out of prison.
If anything, Trump doesn’t deserve to be on the presidential debate stage. Why even give him a platform?
Trump allegedly stole classified information and tried to overturn an election. His plans for a second term are worse than the last one. We cannot be serious about letting such a crooked clown back in the White House.
Yes, Biden had a horrible night. He’s 81 and not as sharp as he used to be. But Biden on his worst day remains lightyears better than Trump on his best.
Biden must show that he is up to the job. This much is clear: He has a substantive record of real accomplishments, fighting the pandemic, combating climate change, investing in infrastructure, and supporting working families and the most vulnerable.
Biden has surrounded himself with experienced people who take public service seriously. He has passed major bipartisan legislation despite a dysfunctional Republican House majority.
Biden believes in the best of America. He has rebuilt relationships with allies around the world and stood up to foes like Russia and China.
There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be.
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The Editorial Board of the nonprofit Philadelphia Inquirer wrote the kind of column that SHOULD have been written after the debate by major mainstream media news sites--but which wasn't. Yes, it is understandable that many pundits think that Biden should step down after the first debate, but why weren't there also pundits demanding that Trump step down? Fortunately, The Philadelphia Inquirer did so. Here are some excerpts:
President Joe Biden’s debate performance was a disaster. His disjointed responses and dazed look sparked calls for him to drop out of the presidential race. But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office. In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump. Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that? To build himself up, Trump constantly tears the country down. There is no shining city on the hill. It’s just mourning in America. Throughout the debate, Trump repeatedly said we are a “failing” country. He called the United States a “third world nation.” He said, “we’re living in hell” and “very close to World War III.” [...] Trump told more than 30 lies during the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world. Trump’s response to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection he fueled was farcical. He said a “relatively small number of people” went to the Capitol and many were “ushered in by the police.” After scheming to overturn the 2020 election, Trump refused to say if he would accept the results of the 2024 election. Unless, of course, he wins. The debate served as a reminder of what another four years of Trump would look like. More lies, grievance, narcissism, and hate. Supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks. But he mainly spews raw sewage. [...] Yes, Biden had a horrible night. He’s 81 and not as sharp as he used to be. But Biden on his worst day remains lightyears better than Trump on his best. Biden must show that he is up to the job. This much is clear: He has a substantive record of real accomplishments, fighting the pandemic, combating climate change, investing in infrastructure, and supporting working families and the most vulnerable. [...] There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be. [color emphasis added]
I highly recommend that you read the entire editorial.
Although it looks like Biden might be suffering from some cognitive issues related to aging, Trump has alarmed experts by some of his own cognitive slipups during rallies. Just because Trump didn't show those issues during the debate, does not mean they don't exist, since cognitive slipups can come and go in the early stages of cognitive decline.
Regardless, as The Philadelphia Inquirer pointed out, Trump's debate performance was built on lies, and his hate-filled talking points did not bolster confidence in the agenda he might pursue in a second presidency. Trump's childish behavior towards Biden during the debate also reportedly contributed to Biden's being distracted.*
______________ *According to Newsweek, Biden told George Stephanopoulos during a recent interview, ""When I realized that even when I was answering the question, when they turned his [Trump's] mic off, he was still shouting, and I let it distract me." That Trump was doing that and the moderators didn't tell him to stop, is troubling. And since Trump's mic was turned off, the viewing audience did not realize it was happening.
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tanadrin · 1 year
because the pursuit of profit to the exclusion of all other considerations leads to disaster, such as the climate crisis and the sixth mass extinction
the annoying tic of pretentious writers who have to combine everything into a single blob of causation. the holocene extinction started somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 years ago depending on how you define it. the problems of the anthropocene are much more fundamental than "capitalism bad." plenty of horrible ecological catastrophes of the post-industrial-revolution world have happened in socialist economies! some of the biggest early sucesses of the environmental movement happened in capitalist countries! political ecology and the incentives around environmental destruction are so much more complicated than shallow anti-capitalism, and you will never fix these problems by fixating on only one aspect of them and attributing everything to a single economic Original Sin!
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japhan2024 · 22 days
Here is the first chapter of my 25k Smosh fanfic. I'm so excited to share it with you 💓 I will post a new chapter every day until the story is over. If you rather read it all in one go, that's okay too, it's all up on AO3.
Chapter 1: The campaign
Ian gets interviewed about his run for president of the USA. Amanda, an attractive and sharp reporter, catches his eye. Meanwhile at Defy HQ, someone else's adventure begins...
Chapter word count: 1.194
Rated: I guess general, or teen?
"So, you in fact did NOT have sex with your staff worker's sister?"
"What? Hell no! Why would I even? Okay look, I know it's very exciting for you and every other outlet that asked me this same question. Wow, a presidential candidate is single. But at least be a little classy? Don't go and snoop around my love life."
"Of course, mister Hecox. And what will you do, as president of the United States, to combat the climate disaster?"
"Look, miss Lehan-Canto, I think we both know I'm no expert on the subject. But I've been in talks with research institutes who devote all their time to finding solutions. That's who I listen to now, and I'll continue to listen to them when I'm in office."
"Very good. Thank you for this interview. People.com readers will be happy to hear you care about the future of our beautiful planet."
"Of course I care. Musk and Gates may have left orbit, but I'm sticking to Earth, thank you very much. As president I'll fight every day for our right to exist!"
"One last question..."
"Then why are you taking money from Defy Media, the consortium spreading propaganda for Big Oil?"
"Ah, I see you've done your homework. But, like, what am I to do? Not take their billions? I need to get my message out to the people, so they know their choices. And, as you well know, that costs a lot of money."
"But doesn't it compromise your integrity?"
"That's for the voters to decide. I think my platform is straight-forward."
"Thank you for your time, mister Hecox."
The room was very bright, with big windows and a high ceiling. It was perfect to take presidential-looking shots to publish along with the article.
Ian Hecox sat down on a modern, green arm-chair.
A tall, young man wearing a bandana took the pictures. "Uh-huh. That's perfect."
With every flash, however, Ian's mind conjured up all kinds of horrible scenarios.
His eventual and utterly unavoidable assassination.
Or if his adversaries wanted to be sneaky, a 'sudden' and 'unexpected' death.
How many minutes would he last as president?
"Mister Hecox," Bandana implored Ian. "You're looking very regal, but maybe a couple of shots of you looking relaxed would help your image of being a, you know, a more approachable guy?"
The reporter stayed around during the shoot. She gave Ian a look, like she knew something about him he himself didn't even know. It was strangely intriguing.
They wrapped up.
"Wow, you have REALLY blue eyes, man," miss Lehan-Canto said, taking Ian aback. "I was trying to ask some tough questions, but I kept getting distracted haha."
"Uh, thanks?" Ian stifled a nervous burp and tried to laugh it off. But the reporter walked up to him, until they stood closely together. She was very tall.
"I promised I wouldn't pry into your love life anymore... But I have to ask. How come you are still single?'
"Haha. I- Well," Ian tried to look anywhere except straight in front of him. "I don't know either. It's not like I haven't tried. It just hasn't worked out before. But truly, miss Lehan-Canto-"
"Please, call me Amanda." Amanda was rubbing Ian's arm with her perfectly manicured nails. It was wildly distracting.
"Okay, Amanda. And please also just call me Ian. Ever since I announced my campaign, I haven't had any time to date, or anything. I'm, I'm sorry. You're very beautiful. Gorgeous even. Ten out of ten. But I, I have to think of the people who put their trust in me to give it my all. To try and finally steer us in the right direction."
Amanda traced Ian's shirt's neckline, a disappointed pout on her face.
"I understand. Well, if you become president-"
"WHEN I become president." Ian gave her the old smolder. It worked, because she giggled. Her smile was white, wide and inviting. The skin around her big, brown eyes crinkled.
"-When- you become president, will you give People.com an exclusive?"
Ian softly put his hands around Amanda's waist and looked her in the eyes. "I promise."
"Very good." Amanda smiled as she turned around and walked away. Before exiting the door, she turned around once more and gave Ian a wink.
"Ian, that was very nice and all, but..."
"I know, I know."
Ian’s campaign team had been observing the whole interview from a corner of the large room. Shayne, his advisor, always worried most about optics.
"Do you, really? If that photographer took any footage of you cuddling it up with miss Lehan-Canto, they have blackmail material against you now!"
"Like I give a fuck if people see me flirting with a beautiful woman!"
"People need to know you are focused on your job, Ian."
"That was exactly what I was telling her, Shayne."
"That was what your mouth said, but your eyes and hands told another story," Courtney – Ian’s campaign manager – interrupted, trying to lift the mood.
"Ah, what can I say. I'm a red-blooded, all-American guy. And you two should talk! You guys have each other."
Ian’s campaign team was very close-knit. It was basically him, Shayne and Courtney. They also had a merch team led by Kiana. They’d developed a mutual trust very fast and were goofing off like this most of the time, when they didn’t have to be serious. Shayne turned to face Courtney, putting his hands around their waist, exactly like Ian had just done with Amanda.
"Oh, miss Lehan-Canto, you're so tall and beautiful! Please, will you kiss me?"
"Why, mister Almost-President! Anything for MY Commander in Chief!"
Shayne and Courtney started fake making out, but their body language couldn’t lie. They were really enjoying this.
"Alright, you made your point. Now go back and do your job!"
"Yes, sir."
They got their bags and went outside, down the hill where their vehicle was parked.
The surroundings were beautiful. Subtropical flowers everywhere, old trees and shrubs and a cobbled pathway downward. The heat made it difficult to enjoy the view, though. Wading through the outside was hell these days.
The Defy HQ boardroom was not much more than your standard office with a nice view. The table was fancy though, and the chairs just a little more comfortable than those in the rest of the building. One guy stood up, gesticulating while speaking to the rest of the board. They were all men in suits. But the guy just wore a shirt with rolled up sleeves, and glasses which were rimmed at the top.
“You know, in this crazy digital age, presidential campaigns need something to appeal to the younger demo.”
“What are you suggesting, mister Dilford?”
“I’m talking crazy memes and cheeky tweets!” Sweat was seeping down Dave Dilford’s temple. “We have to embed ourselves in pop-culture, swim in it! Or we risk losing to Watcher’s candidate.”
“You’ve got a point there. So, how much do you need?”
“That’s what I’m talking about! Together, we will make the electorate giggle all the way to the ballot box.” Dave walked around the room, fist-bumping every board member.
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brucewaynehater101 · 24 days
(offers you a dainty bone china teacup full of earwax)
Republicans have an uncanny taste for the inside of Donald Trump's rectum
Someone genetically engineered the noses off of my space sheep. The whole sniffer bloodline is being executed for smelly crimes. Also appearing on toast, THE FRIED TOMLINSON SPAM EGG CHIPS AND SINGERS!
Upon their second meeting he scolded her for upsetting the Queen of the Artichokes
Insallah, the [genocidal eugenicist] reptile shall be made into air conditioning
In this brutal, breakneck first-person booter, the Anger Foot introduces the ruthless gangs of dystopian cesspit Shit City to a fury of feet and firepower.
(in heavy Hungarian accent) Great bewbies, Honeybun. My lower intestine is full of spam, egg, spam, bacon, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, and spam. My n1pples! (I am dragged offscreen by a Victorian London bobby as Vikings chant loudly)
Does he have foreskeen eyes?
Massive swarms of cicadas devouring our crops, check. Rivers and seas boiling, check. Lots of natural disasters, check. Leprosy rates spiking among Americans who have never even seen an armadillo (a plague of sores and boils), check. (That last one especially so in Florida, I guess God hates DeSantis.) Speaking of which, false prophets, check and double check.
(but earwax isn't drinkable :( Is it to look at?)
"Republicans have an uncanny taste for the inside of Donald Trump's rectum." Is that a clever way to say they kiss ass???
Space sheep! Now I'm imagining star patterned sheep 🥺 Sucks they're all being killed off, though :/ Have you seen that one detective show where this guy solves crimes cause he can smell real good? Very curious how he vs the sheep would go
Idk wtf a Tomlinson is, but spam and eggs sound gross :( At least a singer is there? For the toast 🍞🥂
Artichokes are delicious. Would the queen be offended if I ate one in front of them?
"Insallah" is a cool as fuck phrase. I hope God approved of turning a genocidal eugenicist reptile into air conditioning. Fucker deserves it. Might as well get used out of the gross reptile
First-person booter?? I'm guessing "Anger Foot" is the name of the game... Booter, like kicking someone? Which makes sense later with the fury of feet and firepower. Ig Shit City would probably be a horrible place to live (but also fun?? As long as you are strong enough against feet?)
Well... I don't like spam or eggs and baked beans are alright... You seem to very much like them plus bacon if your lower intestines are full of it. Would that be a balanced meal? It seems like a lot of protein
Whelp... Vikings are cool. Wonder what their chanting would sound like. Though cops aren't cool in comparison :/ Bobby is a funny name for 'em, though.
Lots of questions about "foreskeen eyes" Is that foreskin eyes (which... would that make them reptile eyes??) or forseen eyes (fortune telling eyes [fortune eyes is a fantastic song])
Cicadas!!! Their carcasses are scary :( We do have a ton of natural disasters occurring (I feel like that's the wrong term cause they ain't gonna end).
I didn't know much about DeSantis. All I knew is that I can't visit Flordia anymore :/ There's some wild shit online about him, though. On the related topic, makes sense why climate is revolting against him.
Hmm... Who's the false prophets this is addressing? And, what would they need to double check? Perhaps double checking the lies (since they are false)?
Used camels be upon you... Hmm... What would a not used camel be? What makes them used? Is it bad that they are used? It's maybe good that they are used as a getaway (depends on the circumstances)
Dates, on the other hand, do not make good getaways. They are tasty, though
Wait... Are the dates slightly used? Cause I'm good. I will only consume unused dates
Garrys mod??? And the only thing I'm seeing for pootis is a weird looking bird :/
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fantasticanations · 9 months
Announcing: The Fantastic Game 1.NEW
An update to the The Fantastc Game 1.FUN
Including a number of quality of life improvements, as well as new content!
This will be released before the Fantastic Game 2: Limboside Dreams, and is a separate project.
Planned Features
Improved controls, including walking/sprinting!
Settings, including mouse sensitivity and volume controls!
Game save/load/restart
A proper ending!
More dollaz!
More secrets!
Built-in speedrun timer
'Streamers Mode' to convert all potentially copyrighted music into 'safe versions'!
Feeling Angry is no longer permanent!
The Fantastic Orb will finally be pink, as it was always meant to be.
Other surprises!
A beta version of 1.NEW will be released for beta-tier patreon supporters as soon as possible (this might be months so don't support expecting it tomorrow.
Currently, I am working on a game tentatively titled Abandonwarez with PW132 that will be hopefully released as part of the LSDJam gamejam by the end of February. Then I will focus on 1.NEW.
My only hope is that it will be released before I die of climate disaster, capitalistic oppression or horrible accident. Fingers crossed. 1.NEW will be officially available for everyone some time after the patreon-only beta.
Please don't ask me about it too much or I will cry and it won't come out for 10 more years. I am very sensitive. I love you.
Check the discord server, support at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=120215, or check http://fantastic-game.tumblr.com/ for updates.
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riricitaa · 1 year
Thank you everyone who messaged me or replied to last night's post, I gotta say it was one of the hardest nights, like you don't have a clue on what's going on, you imagine all kinds of horrible scenarios especially with how the political climate is right now, and the 5 magnitude earthquake added to the fuel, because we thought it was bigger than that in another city, but apparently it was the aftermath of the electricity generator's explosion, but we still don't know anything as the electricity keeps coming and going and we have no official statement... I'm happy I'm okay physically so as everyone else, but it was terrifying like imagine a blackout on the whole country at the same time. Felt like it was really the end... I hope there's nothing more to it and it's really some technical issue that caused the generator to explode due to the heat and mass use.
Anyway, the world has been so fucked up lately from natural disasters to political ones, and it feels so overwhelming and exhausting at times, but it is what it is, we have to keep moving and keep living, but we have to never forget to be kind and love each other.
I love you all ❤️
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endcant · 5 months
i try to mostly just broadcast the words of more informed people about recent atrocities, but ultimately this is my blog, so i’m going to talk a about it a bit. there’s no need to have reblogs on, since it’s not particularly useful.
i recently spoke with some people irl about the genocide israel’s been enacting against palestinians. it’s weird crying in public, seeing the same rage reflected in others, and feeling no relief from it. speaking candidly with others about current issues usually feels at least somewhat cathartic, especially when i barely know those people. it’s like, okay, so i&’ not insane. but the present atrocities are so horrible and just… stupid that there is only the monotonous and inescapable feeling of “it’s senseless. it’s senseless. it’s senseless.”
when i was growing up, i was taught by some adults that zionism and climate catastrophe were god’s grand vision for the future. like, these disasters are good, actually, because the world is supposed to end like this! (: added on top of typical 2000s islamophobic warmongering, a lot of adults i grew up around seemed to worship senseless murder in pursuit of the death of humanity, the destruction of the world more broadly, and the destruction of palestine more specifically.
i know there are colonialist and capitalist and such incentives for the US’s support of Israel, sure. but i also have experience to know that there are end-times deathcult reasons behind some americans’ support of the destruction of a people they don’t know the first thing about in a place they will never see. just because of this completely useless purely symbolic significance based on a reading of the bible that dates back like 200 years at most, or based on foolishly literal and misinformed contemporary interpretations of extremely old symbolic political commentary about roman emperors, or based on a fucking series of fictional novels published in the 90s that are somehow taken as prophecy. it’s just stupid. it’s stupid and shameful.
thinking on crying in front of people i barely knew a few days ago, i don’t know if i even managed to say anything actually coherent. i’ve found that when i cry to others about this i end up saying “it’s just so stupid” over and over and people think i’m talking about my own crying. but no like. i think crying is the only reasonable thing to do sometimes. when something is just so awful and crying is the only thing you can do right now in this moment to begin to grapple with the scope of that grief. that’s not stupid.
what’s stupid is treating the death of an entire people as a number on an end-times bingo card. it’s sickening. it’s senseless, senseless, senseless
i know that this is just a small facet of the whole………….. thing. it’s a really stupid facet though. it’s just ridiculous.
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dentpx · 2 years
I do agree that the pale is supposed to represent something more than climate change but I don’t agree that “if it was meant to represent climate change, they would’ve just made it climate change”. I think part of the strength of it as a climate change metaphor is we have grown so used to the seeming inevitability of the end of our world via climate disaster that a lot of us don’t think about it anymore, or force ourselves to not think about it. so then to hear a description of the pale as this horrifying force that is closing in and in on humanity and will end the world within the lifetime of all the characters, and you think “that’s horrible, how could anyone live with that looming over them-” and then you realize wait that’s what we do. that’s happening to us. it’s very sobering.
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fantastic-game · 9 months
Announcing: The Fantastic Game 1.NEW
An update to the The Fantastc Game 1.FUN
Including a number of quality of life improvements, as well as new content!
This will be released before the Fantastic Game 2: Limboside Dreams, and is a separate project.
Planned Features
Improved controls, including walking/sprinting!
Settings, including mouse sensitivity and volume controls!
Game save/load/restart
A proper ending!
More dollaz!
More secrets!
Built-in speedrun timer
'Streamers Mode' to convert all potentially copyrighted music into 'safe versions'!
Feeling Angry is no longer permanent!
The Fantastic Orb will finally be pink, as it was always meant to be.
Other surprises!
A beta version of 1.NEW will be released for beta-tier patreon supporters as soon as possible (this might be months so don't support expecting it tomorrow.
Currently, I am working on a game tentatively titled Abandonwarez with PW132 that will be hopefully released as part of the LSDJam gamejam by the end of February.
Then I will focus on 1.NEW.
My only hope is that it will be released before I die of climate disaster, capitalistic oppression or horrible accident. Fingers crossed. 1.NEW will be officially available for everyone some time after the patreon-only beta. Please don't ask me about it too much or I will cry and it won't come out for 10 more years. I am very sensitive. I love you.
Check the discord server, support at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=120215, or check http://fantastic-game.tumblr.com/ for updates.
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peskellence · 8 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now punished in the same way as crimes against humans. A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' be the thing to change this?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 5K
"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late to back out." 
Gavin was only vaguely tuned in to what Tina was saying as he rummaged through his closet in search of a ‘nice’ shirt. Nice was less of the primary concern, with the more pressing issue being that the majority of clothes were either horribly creased or visibly snug—a testament to all the morning jogs and laundry he’d been skipping out on. 
With all his usual favourites piled in a hamper, he settled for a long-neglected button-down pushed to the back of the hangers. He couldn’t remember where he’d gotten it, but he suspected it had been from a misguided Secret Santa a couple of years back. 
Maybe it’ll look better on, he thought to himself. With his phone on speaker, he slipped his arms into the shirt and fastened the buttons. "Ti, you were the one that said I have two options: Either I screw Nines or I screw a stranger. I'm opting for the latter; it's less complicated." 
Upon surveying himself in the mirror, any optimism he had dissipated. The shirt fit, but that was about all it achieved—with the wide cut creating a box-like shape and the red, satin material clashing widely with his usual style. 
"But is that what you want?" Tina pressed. "Gav, I'm worried. You haven't been this torn up over someone since Jake."
"This is nothing like Jake", he grumbled defensively. "We dated for five fucking years, and then he cheated on me. I've known Nines for five fucking minutes. He's my...."
Gavin honestly didn’t know. Maybe they had been friends—or something resembling that—before everything had gone to Hell. As things stood now, he would be hard-pressed to call them friendly acquaintances. 'Distant’ or ‘begrudging’ seemed more accurate. 
Leaning towards the mirror, he continued to scrutinise his underwhelming appearance. He noted the coarse bristles that had lengthened significantly around his jaw as he attempted to smooth down his hair. A dormant self-loathing churned his stomach, wreaking havoc on his already tenuous confidence—as he picked up the keys that he had set on his nightstand and readied himself to leave the apartment. "I've got to go." 
There was silence from the other end of the receiver. It was clear that Tina regretted the advice she had given to her increasingly volatile friend—but did not want to allow this to manifest as coercion or nagging. 
"Have fun", she said with an exhale, as if straining to keep her tone light. "And try to be nice. I know that can be challenging." 
"I won't bite his dick off unless he's into it." 
"Gross." She made an exaggerated gagging noise before chuckling. "Call me tomorrow, okay?"  
"Sure. If it's a fucking disaster, which it probably will be, you'll wanna hear all about it." 
By the time Gavin arrived at the restaurant, he was twenty minutes late. Waving off a doorman who had come to greet him, he quietly surveyed the illuminated bar opposite the entrance, looking for anyone resembling his date. While his search came up empty, the plethora of bottles that adorned the shelves quietly teased him. Unable to resist the growing temptation, he decided he'd order a drink. Or two. However many it took to quell his nerves.
As time ticked by, he grew increasingly suspicious that his date had given up waiting. While the loss of a prospective hook-up was disappointing, it was no major blow. All it meant was an evening free to enjoy more familiar comforts—like a fridge full of beer and a room full of cats. Downing his glass in record time, he sent a quick update to Tina:
Wanna see a pic of my date? 
He followed this up with a blurry snap of his right hand, to which Tina replied with a series of hearts. 
Actually Decent
[8:31 pm] Omg he's cute you must be so nervous.
[8:32 pm] Guessing you got stood up?
I mean I was pretty late. So I guess I stood him up
Just paid $10 for a whiskey. i'm going home. 
He was about to make his exit when he felt a light tap on his shoulder: "Gavin?"
As he turned to face the stranger, his interest subtly reignited. His date was more handsome in person. Tantalisingly tall and lean, styled impeccably in a fitted black shirt that hinted at well-sculpted muscles. After a respectable pause to savour the view, Gavin cleared his throat. "Last I checked. Alex, right?"
As it soon transpired, Alex was a talker—which made matters easier for Gavin, who was far from having the mental exuberance to exert into conversation. His voice was pleasant enough to listen to, rich in tones and inflexions that the detective was struggling to place the origin of. 
"—I’d been friends with the captain for a couple of years, but I was still surprised to be invited to play with them. They had always been pretty exclusive."
"Uh, yeah. Football." He made a strained attempt to reply, hoping to sound at least somewhat engaged. "I played for a bit in Middle School." 
His efforts backfired horribly as Alex put a premature end to his story, eyebrows pinched in confusion. "It was basketball…are you okay? You seem distracted." 
"Oh, yeah, I'm alright, just—" He stumbled with his words, trying to think of something to say. While the wine his date had purchased for them was providing a pleasant buzz, it was doing little to bolster his social skills. Any semblance of a filter swiftly abandoned him as he stumbled headfirst into a verbal swan dive. "You said your name was Alex, right? You don’t sound like an Alex." 
In what could only be considered an act of divine intervention, his date didn't take offence. If anything, he seemed charmed by the remark, chuckling around the rim of his glass before lowering it to reply. "It’s short for Alexei. I was born in Moscow, my family and I moved to America when I was nine. I have never been able to shift the accent, as much as I've tried." 
"Huh. Russian." Gavin cursed the vacancy of his reply, treating himself to a particularly large swig of wine. 
"Where did you grow up?"
"Down the street. I didn't get far, I'm not that interesting." 
"I wouldn't say that." Alex chuckled, his eyes focused on the glass that seemed perpetually drawn to the other man's lips. "You shouldn't be nervous. I'm enjoying your company." 
If their current locale was anything to go by, Gavin found that hard to believe. The tables surrounding them were extravagantly adorned with floral centrepieces and expensive silverware. Well-dressed couples stole sultry glances under the glow of candlelight. It was a far cry from the low-rent bars, and back alley fumbles that he was used to.
"This isn't really my scene." He motioned himself up and down, drawing attention to his less-than-polished appearance. "If I’d known you'd be slumming it going out with me, I probably wouldn't have messaged first." 
Alex tilted his head to one side as though taking some time to process the words. Gavin waited in anticipation for him to realise his error—to fold up his satin napkin and stand up, politely calling it an evening. Surprisingly, however, he stayed put, a soft smile creeping onto his lips. "I don't mean to undermine you, but I was the one who messaged first. Several weeks ago." 
More than a little dubious at the smoothly delivered claim, Gavin picked up his phone and opened USwipe. Scrolling back through the previous chat logs, he scrutinised them in greater detail. He soon discovered that the man was being genuine. 
"Huh. Guess you did." His voice was low and deadpanned in hopes of disguising his embarrassment. It seemed almost comedic for him to have missed such an obvious detail, especially given his profession. "I've been off the app for a while. Must have missed the notifications." 
"We're here now, so I’m willing to forgive you." Alex leant forward in his chair as he shot him a candid wink. "I'm sure there are ways you can make it up to me." 
Gavin only half-acknowledged the flirting, his attention divided as he methodically scrolled through the backlog of messages. Considering how blatantly out of his league Alex seemed to be, it was astonishing how persistently he'd been trying to flag his attention. 
"Damn, you were keen." He had not meant for the comment to sound as condescending as it did. 
Fortunately, the other man appeared to take it in stride, laughing exuberantly as he threw up his hands. "Guilty. Aside from the obvious physical attraction, you seemed like an interesting person, and I wanted to get to know you better." 
"Like I said, I'm not that interesting—
Which is why my profile is full of bullshit." 
"Oh?" Alex looked down at his plate, using his knife and fork to cut a piece of neglected steak. "You mean to tell me you aren’t really 6 foot?" 
"5'9 on a good day."
"Devastating. I’m unsure how I’ll ever recover." 
This managed to draw out a laugh from Gavin. "Seriously though, it's not all bullshit. I do have a cat, and I am a Detective." 
"Sounds to me like you were honest enough. About the things that matter." Alex forked a piece of meat into his mouth, chewing appreciatively. "Do you enjoy your work?"
Any temporary uplift in mood seemed to dampen almost immediately as Gavin stared into his glass, scowling. "For the most part, I do." 
"Why only most?"
"The case I'm on is taking a lot out of me and my partner." The words only exacerbated his rising anger. He gripped the stem of his glass tightly, trying his best not to let the unpleasant emotion get the best of him. "We don't see eye to eye."  
"I can understand difficult co-workers", Alex said attentively. "Is it a case of conflicting work styles, or is it more personal?"
"A bit of both, it's complicated."
Lips forming into a silent ‘ah’, Alex returned his attention to his plate. "Some differences can be hard to overlook." It sounded genuinely sympathetic as he spoke through another soft smile. "What department do you work in?"
He waited in trepidation for his date's response. There had been more than a couple of times in his life when prospective encounters had run a mile upon hearing what he did for a living. Perhaps it was the intrinsic involvement with corpses. 
His current company didn’t seem to mind, responding with an intrigued hum. "I know very little about the work, but I’ve always had an interest in True Crime. Have you worked on any cases I may be familiar with?" 
Gavin frowned, acknowledging this as the other response he'd grown accustomed to. People fascinated with the macabre, keen to know all the gruesome details. He was hardly in a position to judge, given his contentious taste in movies, but he'd always found it a little tone-deaf when applied to real-life suffering. 
His personal sentiments made little difference, however, as it was a line of inquiry he was obliged to shut down. "Can't really say. Confidentiality and shit."
Alex's expression fell. He promptly abandoned his cutlery, staring up at Gavin intently. "Of course not. I'm sorry for asking."
"It's fine, you're just curious." Reaching for the cooler in the centre of the table, Gavin retrieved the bottle and generously refilled his glass. Taking note of his date's dwindling supplies, he reached for the other glass when a hand shot out to stop him.
"I’m a bit of a lightweight", Alex informed, chuckling sheepishly. "Unless you want to carry me later, I think I ought to slow down."
Gavin scoffed, struggling to believe that the man was light on anything. Even seated, his imposing stature could not be concealed, with large hands and limbs that seemed to dwarf the perfectly average-sized table. "Couldn't carry you out if I tried. You're like 8 feet tall." 
It clearly wasn’t the first time Alex had heard this sort of remark, as he rolled his eyes with well-rehearsed dismissal. "Maybe I should put that on my profile. I've only lived here for a couple of months; is there much of a market for giants in Detroit?" 
"You'd be surprised how many people are into it—" Gavin smirked, taking a sip of his newly poured drink. "like to be thrown around."
"Are you one of them?" 
This uplift in confidence proved poorly timed, as Gavin nearly painted the table with a splattering of wine. If they were going to start talking about kinks over dinner, he would need something a lot stronger. 
"It's not a great time to be living in Detroit", he continued, trying to stay at least somewhat on topic. "For dating, or anything else, really." 
"It does feel like things have become a little…unstable." There was a looming severity to Alex’s tone as his gaze bore forward, intense and unwavering. "Rapidly degrading infrastructure and an increase in violent crime. Why do you think that is?" 
Gavin struggled not to laugh at the verbose question. It was glaringly obvious the sort of lifestyle his date was accustomed to, with 'sheltered rich kid' was all but tattooed across his forehead. "I feel like a lot of it has to do with the Revolution." 
Alex hummed in understanding, "I never had an android myself, but it must have been difficult for those who did. A bit like receiving a government mandate that your smartphone be granted equal rights." 
The same joke he would have laughed at a few weeks prior now left Gavin with a painful churn in his stomach. "A lot of people don't wanna believe it," he fired back, with a little more firmness than intended. "That the 'machines' they've been using and abusing for years think and feel just like us." 
"I imagine many can't believe it."
"This is getting depressing as fuck." The detective looked down at his bowl, absentmindedly twirling the noodles he had lost all appetite for. "Let's change the subject. What do you do for work?" 
"I'm a Senior Urban Planner." 
Gavin raised his eyebrows, humming in bemusement. "That would explain the sexy architect talk." It was undoubtedly an attempt at flirting, although perhaps not one of his best. "It's funny, you were starting to sound just like a—" 
Fucking shit. 
His fork fell into his food with a thud. It was hard to ignore that Alex conformed to a certain 'type'. One that he was developing a burgeoning taste for. 
"Any projects I'd be interested in?" he asked, trying his best not to dwell on the similarities between his estranged partner and the handsome stranger sitting across from him.
"The primary focus of my team is Historic and Cultural Preservation," Alex began, a glint of excitement in his eyes, "Tell me: If you had to choose between prioritising the restoration of more traditional establishments or focusing on ongoing modernisation, which would you pick?" 
Gavin shrugged, unsure how to answer. "Well, I'm not really a History guy, so I'd probably go with modernisation." 
The vibrant light was promptly extinguished. Alex moved back, lips turned downwards in distaste. "Not an uncommon answer, but still…a shame. Your city has a rich history, the appreciation for which is rapidly dwindling." 
With hindsight, the detective realised that he should have dialled back the honesty—or, at the very least, delivered it with a little more tact. "Okay, no more talk about work", he insisted. "You're up next on the 'small talk' draw, let's hope you pick a decent topic."
Alex laughed, returning to his previously relaxed state with remarkable ease. Either the man boasted a tremendous capacity for positivity, or he had a thing for 'projects'. In any case, he seemed completely undeterred by Gavin's persistent lack of charm. 
"Tell me more about your cat. What’s their name?" 
"Tiffany—and there’s not much to tell, really. She’s a furry little hellspawn with a diva complex." His lips pressed together in thought, and his gaze drifted to his phone. "...Wanna see some pictures?" 
"Yes, please."
Gavin smoothly adjusted his chair until they were seated side by side. As he scrolled through his camera reel, Alex appeared genuinely captivated. 
"This one is very cute," he commented, pointing to a snapshot of Tiffany snuggled rear-first on Gavin's chest, tail coiled around his face. "You should add it to your USwipe profile. I guarantee it would net a few more matches."
"Bit a cheap move, though, isn't it? Using my pet as date bait." In his absent scrolling, Gavin didn’t realise how far he was travelling back. This was until he landed on a picture of a much younger Tiffany being held in the arms of a smiling brunette. 
"Who's that?" his date asked casually, "A friend of yours?"
"My ex, actually." The admission flowed with remarkable ease as it struck Gavin just how little it hurt to say. "That was the day we brought Tiff home; she was a gift for our one-year anniversary. Lost the guy but kept the cat. Shit happens, I guess."
Alex cast him a look of sympathy. "Was the guy worth keeping?"
Lips pursed, Gavin examined the photo with greater scrutiny. Tina had been right after all. With small, beady eyes and large ears that protruded a little too much, Jake really did look like a rat. "Hell no."
"Then I'd say it was a fair trade-off." The man beamed with infectious enthusiasm, revealing a row of straight white teeth. "What breed is she?"
"The kind you find rooting around in the garbage." 
Gavin laughed a little too enthusiastically at the joke. Considering he'd been the one to make it, and that it wasn't all that funny. With self-awareness creeping back in, he went to re-retrieve the wine bottle, only to discover that it was empty. 
"I'm guessing you're a cat person." He pronounced each word carefully in an attempt to downplay his intoxication. 
"A hundred per cent—
Unfortunately, mine passed away recently."
"Shit." Gavin blurted out thoughtlessly. He silently lamented that he could not think of anything more comforting to say as Alex stared into space, trapped in forlorn introspection. 
"Her name was Coco, a Ragdoll-Birman cross", he wistfully recalled. "She was an old girl, had a good life."
"Don't suppose you're in the market for another cat? Mine just had babies, and I'm gonna go bankrupt if I decide to keep them all." 
"That's very kind, but I'll have to decline. I had Coco for fourteen years. I was very attached." He paused, watching the other man closely as he took a slow, measured sip of wine. "I would, however, love to meet yours." 
Despite his thickening haze of inebriation, the implications of this were not lost on Gavin. He tried his best to maintain his composure despite the small flutter of excitement blooming in his stomach. "Are you inviting yourself over?"
"That depends. Are you interested?" 
The question seemed absurd. The man was stunning, comparable to a model. Of course, he ought to be interested. Despite this, Gavin hesitated, with no clear reason as to why. 
This had been what he'd wanted, after all. A chance to release all his burdensome tensions. The opportunity was presenting itself on a silver platter, and he'd be an idiot to pass it up. "I mean, kittens are great therapy. Who am I to say no?" 
Upon leaving the restaurant, the AutoTaxi rank outside was frustratingly empty. With some persistence, they were eventually able to hail a ride in a driver-manned car. It wasn't long after its departure that Alex took advantage of the darkened surroundings, indulging in some stolen touches. 
A wandering hand settled down to stroke the contours of Gavin's thigh, travelling upwards until fingers were brushing the line of his zipper. The teasing did not progress much further, however, as a long, disparaging cough from the driver put an abrupt end to the advances. Alex moved away, showing a willingness to restrain himself for a little while longer.
This restraint extended to the length of time it took to enter the apartment—as not moments after Gavin had shut the door, hands were on hin again. A gentle grip encompassed his midsection, tracing the line between his navel and hips. The touches were light, almost tender until fingers dug their way in, firmly pulling back. The subsequent friction came with a host of silent promises as the shorter man was unable to suppress a gasp. 
"You know, I'm startin' to think that you don't really want to see the cats." Gavin leant into the touch, struggling to keep his bearings.
"I can want more than one thing." Alex mused, allowing his breath to teasingly ghost the nape of his neck. "How about we say a quick hello, and then you can show me to your bedroom?" 
As requested, the detective clumsily guided his guest to the bathroom, almost stumbling headfirst on a cat toy as he did. "Just keep your distance from mom", he advised. "She isn't great with strangers." 
The warning had been well-deserved, as throughout their time in the room, Tiffany's eyes remained trained fixedly on Alex. Her apprehension quickly morphed into hostility as she shifted to an upright stance, poised to strike. When the man made the error of leaning in to steal a look at the kittens, the cat swatted a paw toward him, hissing aggressively. 
"Hey, fuckin' stop it", Gavin chided, subduing his agitated pet with a gentle stroke of her back. "Sorry. Like I said, she's a little feisty." 
Alex seemed almost completely unfazed, chuckling gently as he drew back to a safe distance. "Protective, I'd say—of you and her babies. I think that's sweet." 
"Just don't take it personally, she's like it with everyone. The only person she hasn't immediately gone for is—"    
Gavin felt lips on his neck, forming a tight seal as they sought to leave marks. "She's lucky to have you caring for her." The low tones rumbled against his flesh as a scrape of teeth wreaked havoc with his clouded senses. "Tell me: When was the last time someone took care of you?" 
Swallowing a shaky breath, Gavin's reply was low and strained. "It's been a while." 
"Let me change that." 
Then he was pressed to the wall, a pair of strong hands securing his wrists as a tongue gently prised at his lips. Any anticipation that had been building promptly fizzled out, as the experience was immediately tainted by an unfortunate sense of deja vu. 
Gavin tried his best to indulge in the man's fumbled touches but found himself drifting subconsciously. The hands that bound him were a little too coarse, and the tongue too rough as it poked its way through. It left him feeling unfulfilled, wishing for something else.
Feigning enthusiasm, he moaned weakly into the kiss, sliding a hand up Alex's chest. Gavin waited for something to ignite, anything that might tell him he still wanted this—but found nothing but persistent numbness. 
His lack of excitement had not gone unnoticed by the other man, who seemed confused at the lack of activity when he ground their hips together. 
"Are you okay?" Alex asked slowly. "We can slow down a bit if you want." 
Gavin could have easily made an excuse about being too drunk—or pushed himself forward despite his reservations—but found himself unable to do so. It felt wrong to allow things to continue, knowing full-well that any intimacy shared would be plagued by thoughts of someone else. 
"Look, it’s not you", he sighed, eyes shut tight in frustration. "Obviously, it's not you. I’m just in a bit of a shit place right now." 
"I wouldn't want to force you into anything. We can cuddle—or even just talk—if you think that might help?" 
"I don't think so." He placed a hand on Alex's shoulder, encouraging him to move away. "I just can't do this right now'. 
The other man did not resist the touch, although he did persist in his questioning. "Have I done something to make you uncomfortable?" 
"No, you haven't, I just—" There was a nausea that was becoming increasingly harder for Gavin to ignore. He was unsure if the source was psychological or if there was a real danger he might be sick. "It’s really fucking complicated." 
A thoughtful pause hung in the air as Alex digested the information. Then he hummed as if arriving at a quiet revelation. "...Your partner. I see. That is unfortunate." 
"It's probably best if you leave", he replied, coming to his own sobering conclusion. "I'm sorry for messing you around." 
"I understand." The other man stood up, masking any disappointment as respectfully as possible. He seemed to take a moment to gather himself before finally speaking again. "Maybe it's not my place to say, but I can see that you're hurting. I hope that you'll act in your best interests and make the right choice." 
"Thanks." Gavin leant his head backwards, finding it increasingly hard to hold upright. He stared at the whirring extractor fan, trying to focus his vision. "And sorry—again." 
"It's okay. You have my number; if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be happy to listen." 
After Alex had left, Gavin sat alone in the bathroom for quite some time. The mewls of the kittens and the noise of the fan were the only things to ground him as he sank to a new emotional low. With fumbling hands, he grabbed his phone, opening an unread message from Tina:
Actually Decent (2)
[10:59 pm] did you jerk off yet
[11:00 pm] how would you rate the experience on a scale of 1-10
ti im fucked up 
its nibes
hes got my head messed up. i dont know what to do 
It wasn't until after he sent the message that he realised the time. There was a very good chance his friend was asleep and wouldn't see his text until morning, long after his crisis had ended. Spurred on by drunken reasoning, Gavin concluded that if he wanted to find any semblance of closure, he would need to confront the source.
It only took three rings for his partner to answer: 
"Detective Reed…?" His voice was slow and cautious like he was questioning the plausibility of the call. 
"Nines, this is fucked," Gavin groaned down the receiver, any sense of shame having deserted him with his sobriety. "It's all fucked up. Can we please just talk about it?"
The silence that followed was stifling. It was unclear if the android was working to decipher the man's disordered words or if he had simply hung up on him. Gavin lifted his phone to check when a voice called out, beckoning his attention:
"It is very late," Nines informed, in a way that nestled uncannily between reprimand and concern. "It would be best to defer this discussion until morning. After you’ve rested." 
"If I don't say this now, I never will." The man kicked out his legs, trying to find a more comfortable position, only to lodge himself awkwardly between the wall and the bathtub. "I don't want to ‘wash my hands’ of you. I like being partners, I like havin' you around, and I wanna believe that you do as well."
"You're slurring your words. I'm struggling to understand what you're saying." 
"If it means forgetting about the…thing that happened, I'm happy to do it." In an attempt to wriggle from his unfavourable position, he allowed his head to slip further back, inadvertently knocking the sink. 
The dull thud that ensued was clearly audible through the receiver as Nines was quick to address it. "Gavin, have you fallen?"
"Nah, I just hit m' head."
"Are you alone?" The concern in his tone had become much more apparent, "Do I need to come over?"
"I'm fine, seriously. I just want us to be fine as well. I know that sounds stupid; we've only been partners for a couple of weeks, but I really was startin' to feel…" He trailed off, rubbing his head as a sharp ache set in. "Fuck, that really hurt." 
"You're drunk", his partner concluded with a low exhale. "I suggest you go to bed before you cause yourself any further injury." 
Gavin grappled with another wave of nausea, sending him on a sloppy recline towards the toilet. "Can't. Think I might puke", he complained, retching as he did. "Look, just listen for a minute. There was somethin’ else I wanted to say. I need to think." 
"If I listen, will you promise to heed my suggestion? After you've emptied your stomach, of course." 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." 
As his head slipped into the bowl, Gavin realised he had no clear plan for what he wanted to say, having hoped that the words would find him in a moment of drunken enlightenment. Unsure how else to proceed, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "You're not a toaster. I don't know why I said that. I was just mad." 
"I believe you implied that I wasn't a toaster—as a toaster would be incapable of being such a 'cruel, vindictive asshole'." 
"Fuuuuck", the strain in his voice, combined with the echo of his current surroundings, lent a strange theatrics to the expletive. "That's worse, isn't it? I’m really sorry." 
Nines dismissed his concerns, albeit with an amused huff. "Don't be. My behaviour over the last few days has been deplorable. I was upset over a personal issue, and I took this out on you. That was wrong and deeply unfair. I hope you can forgive me." 
'Personal issue' invited more questions than Gavin would have cared for. While he considered pressing for more information, he ultimately decided against it. 
If it meant salvaging the budding connection they had established, he would delay speculation about what it meant—or what it might become. "If you're sorry too, does that mean we're okay?" 
"I sincerely hope so."
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devilbeans27 · 7 months
Something I find quite cool:
So, we all know life is full of pain and suffering. Throughout history there have been horrible illnesses and wars and natural disasters. And people die. Yet, despite this suffering and having to live in a cruel and dangerous would, humanity had found beauty in it and created art. Like, we're just animals on a floating rock in space destined to die but we all have little things that bring us joy and throughout history created Do many things. We've built castles and cathedrals and temples. We've We've creating really cool clothing that's developed so much over the centuries. We've created myths and legends passed down through generations. Weve figured out how to build instruments and record them into little devices to listen to. We've even worked out how to make pizza and so many other foods. If you stop to think about it, it's really cool.
And also there are people working so hard to find cures for the pains of this world.
Like, yeah, there are some awful people out there (there are a lot actually), and it really is an awful place. Especially at the moment with the genocides and wars and rights being taken away and climate crisis. Its all terrifying when you think about it, especially since there's not a lot us as individuals can do. But there are good people out there.
And also nature is dangerous but yet there is so much beauty in it. The world is scary but so amazing and impressive.
I don't know, I just find it so cool what humanity has done while living in a world thsts trying to kill us.
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