#and i actually did fc them and it was just the game not showing me my results properly??
What in the world...
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Okay so for context: I was playing Pretty U to clear daily missions. And I had like 3 Goods and 1 Miss. And I figured "yeah, par for the course" and obviously didn't take a screenshot of those results (because why would I unless it's a full combo).
BUT. Apparently that still counted as Perfect Hits??? I guess it's a bug considering that that definitely shouldn't happen. But I recently had this happen with Fear too. Even though I tried fc-ing Fear for ages and just 1 Good would screw me over. And a long time ago that happened with Hot too.
I mean I guess I can't complain considering I did kind of get those shiny gold badges handed to me for free. But it just doesn't sit right with me that I didn't genuinely get a full combo on those songs.
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
Enemies Forever
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soo this is something i’ve had in mind since the el clasico and hope you enjoyyy💖 and please comment on it that really helps me a lot xx
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst
summary: you are a famous actress in Spain and a die hard barca fan. You unfortunately were also in a situationship with the Real superstar Jude Bellingham but try your best to not let it get serious
It was an intense match, to say the least. You were at the stands watching with so much anticipation you didn’t even realize the crowd filming you. It wasn’t the easiest being recognized everywhere you went but most importantly you didn’t want to steal the spotlight from what mattered the most, FC Barcelona.
You were raised as a fan religiously by your dad all your childhood, every match day was a chaos while all your close family friends and relatives came to your house and there was always a big feast before or after but never during the game. He even wanted to name you after the squad of Barca but luckily your mother intervened and named you something cuter so it was not a surprise to anyone that you were a big supporter. You were filming a series in Madrid as a young and successful actress so the game being held in Madrid was in your advantage for once. You always talked on interviews about your love for the club and went as far as being one of their models for a campaign last year which was a lifelong dream for you. And now, here you were anxiously watching the game against Real Madrid at Bernabeu VIP section with your Lewa shirt on. You decided wearing a youngsters shirt would cause so much more trouble even though you basically had all of them.
The game was head to head and it seemed like there would be room for another goal and it really happened, just not the way you wanted it to be. Bellingham scored right after the 90 minutes mark and everyone started screaming whilst you were devastated. With Fermin’s goal you really had hope for a win and since the season wasn’t going that well everyone needed it but it all came crashing down with a stupid goal from a stupid Madrid player.
Jude Bellingham.
You hated the way he celebrated rallying the fans further, you hated that he provoked everyone and anyone and most of all you hated him for scoring against your team. You and Jude had a complicated relationship, it was actually a few days after the first clasico at a prestigious night club in Madrid that you bumped into each other. You were seething with anger because a few days ago he crushed your hopes, again but he didn’t seem too concerned about your anger. In fact he looked like he enjoyed watching you try to shoot daggers at him and even had the audacity to come up to you late at night while you were completely wasted.
You sometimes wished that the story ended there, he came up to you and tried to flirt but you told him no way and walked away. But it didn’t. In fact, you and Jude had been meeting up pretty frequently over the last months and playing football definitely wasn’t his only talent. At first you told yourself it was all out of hatred, you did it because you were angry at him. In the morning you quickly dressed up and told him your team would be in contact to sign the non disclosure agreement and left in a hurry not even speaking to him properly. It was a shameful act but it was just a one night stand, right? Then came the second time you met, it was at your costar’s house party where only a few people were invited and he had to be one of them. Jude came up to you talking loudly about how your show helps him get better at Spanish and all this bullshit to throw any eavesdroppers off.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked him with furrowed brows “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to leave the house unless I had your approval. I also didn’t know we were getting that serious.” he winked and smiled but all you could feel was panic and frustration.
“No, it’s not what I- We’re nothing. No in fact we aren’t nothing, we’re rivals and we despise each other.” you stated pointing your finger at him but he just watched your poor attempt of scolding him with a boyish grin on his face.
That’s how you ended up sleeping with him the second time and the next morning tried your best to escape without him waking up but he beat you to it.
“Where are you going?” he mumbled in a deep voice as you were walking out on him.
“I have a scene to shoot this afternoon.” you lied without looking at his face.
“It’s only 7” he answered back as he reached for his phone on the nightstand.
“I know.” you said still refusing to turn back but soon heard shuffling and felt his arms reach around you and pull you in a hug. You stiffened in his touch, not sure what to expect.
“Why are you trying so hard to hate me?” he leaned his head on your shoulder trying to get a look at you but you turned your head slightly.
You were caught off guard by his question.
“I’m not trying.” you confidently answered using your acting skills. “I just do”
He sighed loudly and freed you.
“So let me get this straight, this, this whole thing we did last night, it’s all out of hate? I hope all the Barca fans who hate me won’t request the same treatment.” he joked you and you felt your anger return immediately at the mention of your team.
“Yes, I hate you. I hate you and your club. This, us sleeping together a couple of times changes nothing in my eyes. It was just a drunken mistake.” you tried defending yourself but knew your excuse was weak since you didn’t even drink much last night in hopes that would prevent you from getting in his bed, which was proven not to be the case.
“Oh, c’mon Y/N you know this isn’t just being drunk and wanting to fuck anything that moves.”
“But it is.”
“But it’s not and you know it. Yes, that would explain the first time but the second one, that’s on you. Look I seriously can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t believe it when you say you don’t want anything with me.”
“You practically begged me.” you raised your voice being in disbelief about how he was trying to pin this on you and also deliberately ignoring his last statement but unfortunately, your heart rate was pretty damn affected by it.
“Yeah, I did because I’m not a coward who’s afraid of what people might think of me and there’s obviously something between us Last night you had every right to stop me but you didn’t. So stop with this bullshit.” he said also in a raised voice. You were too stunned to make a comeback so gathered all your belongings and left his place. He was an annoying guy, sure but what got to you the most was the fact that he was right. You had every chance to tell him to stop or leave you alone but there was something linking you to him. You felt it too but was pretty embarrassed by it. Jude tried calling out to you but you didn’t stop afraid of what might happen and walked to your car leaving his place.
After that it was calm for a while but with Jude, this is never a good sign.
Your inner voice was right and there he was, standing at your door at 2 am. He looked out of it, his eyes were hooded, his phone screen was cracked and he smelled like a luxurious liquor store.
“Jude, how did you-
“I asked Ines.” he explained before you finished your question which was a good sign, his brain still half worked.
“Why would she give you my home address this is so irresponsible, what if you were planning on killing me?” you panicked at your friend’s poor judgment but Jude found it amusing. He bit his lip in order to stop himself from giggling.
“What are you laughing at? Are you here to kill me?” you raised a brow being more annoyed at him now.
“I’m here to talk.” he immediately looked more serious but it only made you sweat.
“Talk about…” you trailed off hoping he’d finish the sentence for you.
“The global warming and its effects on the society.” he looked at you like you were dumb for even asking. “I’m here to talk about us.” he said when you flipped him off.
“Jude, there’s no us and you know it.”
“But I don’t know it Y/N, I really don’t because you try so hard to act like you don’t feel anything but I see it every time we’re together. The you hating me and being disgusted by me is all part of the act and I know it because whenever we touch it’s electricity.” he tried pleading with you but you were adamant about this being nothing important. You were just mortal enemies having hate sex.
“Jude, I think you’re just reading too much into it.” you finally said and saw his shoulders drop immediately. You knew you were lying, you felt it as much as he did, you couldn’t stop thinking about him either.
“S okay, I’m sorry to bother you.” he turned on his heels and started making his way down the stairs of your house but all you felt was panic. You tried your best to stay strong and not let these weird feelings get in the way of your brain but they did and you called out to him. He turned back when you asked if he wanted some water but both of you knew this had nothing to do with any beverage.
He came in that night and you started to talk, for the first time without you taking jabs at him for anything he said or him making stupid jokes. You expected the talk to be awkward and have stretched out silences but to your absolute surprise it happened so effortlessly.
You talked about your upbringings and families, jobs (yes you still gave him a hard time about being a Real Madrid player) and anything and everything. It felt so good to open up to someone about some of the things you found hard and he did the same. In fact, the night went so good that you asked him to join you in bed after a while and he held you while you slept. Needless to say it was probably the best sleep you’ve had in your adult life.
The next morning you woke up to see Jude cuddling to you like a koala and couldn’t help but smile to yourself. You wanted to make some breakfast so tried slowly getting out of his grasp but it only became stronger.
“I’m not letting you escape.” he murmured still half asleep.
“Jude, this is my house.” you laughed but he still didn’t budge.
“I want to make something to eat.” you whined hoping this would make him drop you but he just opened one eye and looked at you skeptically.
“Don’t you have a chef?”
“Oh, I’m sorry not all of us has that kind of money.” you retaliated and his face immediately turned pink as he thought you were offended.
“I- I didn’t mean it like-
“Relax, I’m messing with you. I do but she’s on a vacation.” you laughed but he stayed pouting so you figured a kiss would do the trick and it worked wonders.
This is how your past months were, secretly meeting up at one of your places, having dinner and basically doing most things couples do but without going out or having a title. He tried to have ‘the talk’ but you shut him down because it terrified you, you had strong feelings about him but decided it’d be better to sweep them under the rug and Jude, begrudgingly respected your decision.
But today was different, it was the el clasico and you couldn’t stand Jude at the moment. You were pretty convinced people could see the smoke coming out of your ears but didn’t care and hastily exited the stadium to go home. On the ride back you missed several texts and calls from Jude about where you were and when you finally checked them you didn’t bother to answer. He should know how mad you were right now and give you some space.
Unfortunately, that’s not the kind of man Jude Bellingham is. You were sure of it when you saw him standing at the door with a smug face and some chinese.
“I’m seriously not in the mood” you tried to shut the door because just seeing him made your blood boil.
“Aren’t you gonna congratulate me?” he laughed and you suddenly had an urge to strangle him but while you were staring at him in shock he made his way in.
“Jude, I said I’m not in the mood.” you reiterated but he was busy making himself comfortable on your couch. You stood in front of him while he looked up at you.
“Oh, come on, you can’t seriously be mad. This is my job Y/N.”
“And that was my team you scored against at the last minute.”
“What should have I done? Miss on purpose?” he looked at you like he was stating the obvious.
“I didn’t ask you to do anything on purpose, I’m just not in the mood for your teasing or gloating.” you motioned to the real madrid shirt he had on.
“How is this gloating? I literally came straight from the game? I didn’t have anything else clean.”
“Well yeah, it’s pissing me off.” you yelled.
“Y/N you need to understand I’m a professional footballer and I was just doing my job. It wasn’t anything personal.” he stated more calmly so you sat down next to him.
“And you need to understand it’s nothing personal too. I just can’t or won’t deal with a Madrid player right now… Or for a while.” you added with your hands in your hair and he raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means.” you avoided his gaze.
“So you want to end this because I scored a goal.” he asked trying to remain calm but you could see his demeanor shift.
“Look, it was never going to work out anyway. We don’t have to make it a big deal.”
Now it was Jude’s turn to stand up angrily. He started shouting but you couldn’t even focus on the things he was saying, all you could think about was to wish you’ve never said all that. You didn’t even mean it but were just angry at the moment, maybe you wanted to hurt him just like he hurt you but you quickly realized breaking things off had effects on both of you. Jude stormed out after about two minutes of yelling, he looked so mad and defeated and you couldn’t help but blame yourself for hurting him.
This was for the best, you told yourself repeatedly. Maybe if you said it enough times it’d become the truth.
You woke up the next morning with a headache, not surprisingly. For a moment you reached over at Jude’s side to get some affection but was quickly reminded of last night’s events by the coldness of his side. Your heart ached and you felt so bad after seeing his state but couldn’t bring yourself to beg for his forgiveness. Maybe you should’ve done that, told him about all your fears and ask for a proper chance but couldn’t.
After taking a quick shower, you decided to check your phone. You wanted to do it the moment you woke up but was afraid there wouldn’t be any notifications from Jude. Not that you cared but still. And to nobody shock, there weren’t. You knew this would eventually happen. One day you’d push him too far and he’d leave you alone just like you told him multiple times but the thing you didn’t anticipate was him being the talk of the town. Well, you figured he’d be because of the game last night but it was actually for other reasons.
‘Jude Bellingham spotted leaving the club with an unknown woman after a magnificent goal’
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bloo-the-dragon · 22 days
Run Boy Run
A bit of an experimental one shot focusing on Bloodmoon (sams) and FC set when Bloodmoon was under Foxy and Monty's command many months ago, which is actually when i first drafted this lol. Woke up in a cold sweat and wrote most of it before forgetting about it until today.
So basically it's a what if situation where Stitchwraith shows up and Bloodmoon fulfils his command to protect FC. It's really not a redemption thing, more a what if they obeyed their command kinda deal. About 2.7k words!
(Also on AO3!)
Bloodmoon was guarding FC at the daycare. They did not want to be here. They would rather be anywhere else than stuck in this accursed place. Perhaps it would not be so bad if there was human children running around, but it was well after hours and it was just them and the little fox brat here. And he was under very strict orders not to harm the child lest they find theirselves swifted wiped from existence.
So here they sat, grumbling and clawing at the playmats as they were co-erced begrudginly into playing a game of castles by FC who wanted them to be the monster in the loch that surrounded his mighty castle made from those stupid barrels.
Admittedly the sight of the spherical objects made the twins a little uneasy, memories in the back of their shared mind of being faced with one held by a certain yellow animatronic, a flash of light and then nothing. But the barrels were supposedly safe now and no longer a danger. They remained skeptical of this, and so chose not to touch them leaving the fox child to stack them as he wished while they lay sprawled out on the ground, tearing fresh holes into the gross blue mats.
They wondered how much longer of this hell they would have to endure. One half was consistently egging the other to make a break for the doors, they could so easily clamber up the woodwork and squeeze between the gap toward their freedom. Multiple times the more logical half had to remind their erratic twin of the bomb planted so neatly into their head. And more so again as FC bonked them with a barrel to get their attention. They did snap their jaws in warning though, which ceased FC's actions and they snickered as the little fox suddenly startled and fell backwards.
However they quickly realised it was not them who caused FC to startle so. Hearing the sounds of uneven footsteps, they snapped their head around to see the Stitchwraith making it's way toward them.
Immedietely Bloodmoon was on their feet, teeth bared and claws out ready to attack. But experience had taught them to not immedietely jump and to be wary of the abomination as they knew it had many foul tricks up the cloak it wore. They made the mistake of jumping into action against it once, they would not do so again.
'FC' The Stitchwraith called out, drawing out the C' in a sickeningly soft voice. 'Come here, come to me.'
FC did not respond. He appeared to be too frightened, crouching behind the barrel that he had been hitting Bloodmoon with not a minute ago. Stitchwraith took another step forward and Bloodmoon growled, snapping their jaws in warning. The command to protect FC was starting to kick in in full and despite how much it sickened them, in the end they hated Stitchwraith more than they did the fox and his brat.
Stitchwraith seemed to notice their presence, and it called out to them next. 'Bloodmoon. Bring him to me. Now.'
Bloodmoon twitched at the command. They almost complied, the accursed instincts to follow orders activating. Plus it being Stitchwraith, someone they had unknowingly followed like an obediant dog for months.
But Stitchwraith was no longer their ward, their master. They had none.
Was Foxy their master? Coding said yes but Bloodmoon aggressively disagreed. 
The old fox had treated them well though, better than the others. While they were forbiddan to maim people they were still provided sustenance as meager as it was. Animal blood couldn't compare to human blood afterall. It was less sustaining. But it was something.
FC whimpered, as Stitchwraith called for him again. This time Bloodmoon recognised the voice, the so called 'nice' one. They knew it to be a lie. They knew that one was more a snake than the other.
The twins considered briefly their next course of action. One side, the more angry one wanted to follow as they had been told and to lunge, kill the Stitchwraith as was their command.
Attack ATTACK it is weak, we shall maim and tear and feast!
No.. Something is wrong brother. Surely you feel it too. Weakened as it is, i sense something is amiss.
Their spiral eyes narrowed, and they growled menacingly as they lowered themself to the ground ready to pounce or bolt. Yet there was something... off about the Stitchwraith. When they first spied it they immedietely noticed it appeared to be more damaged than it had been the last time they'd seen it. The steps it took were uneven and it walked with a heavy limp. They could hear a sickening grinding noise with every movement almost as if it were forcing itself to move. It did not sound comfortable. It sounded like it was in a great deal of pain.
And that meant it was weak. Less of a threat, easier to take down.
But still they'd held their ground. Past experience aside, the closer it got the more the twins sensed that it seemed to be almost more.. powerful than before. Despite how badly damaged it was, the red core that sat in the center of the mangled robots chest thrummed with such potent energy that even they could sense it.
The abomination's patience appeared to wane, as with a sudden burst of energy it took a couple of quick steps forward, claws outstretched toward FC.
'Come here. Now.'
Bloodmoon saw red. Quite literally.
The red core in Stitchwraith's chest began to glow and Bloodmoon reacted on pure instinct. Twisting their head, they clamped their teeth onto the scruff behind the tiny fox's neck elicting a startled yelp from the child before turning and bolting out of the daycare on all fours.
There was an angry shout, something that sounded like a 'No!' But Bloodmoon didn't dare look back, didn't slow down. They scrambled up the wooden doors and squeezed through the gap at the top just as one half had been pre-planning prior to this. As they lept down, the wooden doors cracked and splintered before bursting open with a looud bang behind them.
But the twins and the little fox within their jaws were already up the stairs. They ran faster, running in an erratic zigzag as bolts of red electrical like energy struck the ground on either side of them.
They dashed out of the daycare, their claws scrabbling to find grip on the marble floor that led toward the main entrance. They began making big leaps and bounds, almost like a bunny and at one point they even ran briefly across the wall before finally making it to the double doors leading to the pizzaria lobby.
They burst through the doors, nearly snapping one off its hinges in the process. They stop briefly to finally check behind them, to see how close the Stitchwraith was. They couldn't see it, they had managed to outrun it. But they knew better than to hang around in such an open space.
They looked around, the little fox swinging in their jaws as the red and blue animatronic searched frantically for a place to hide. One side pointed their shared view to a specific hole in the ceiling, meant for the elevator that sit broken by the escalators. It could work to hide them if they could get up there.
Wasting no time, they darted toward the giant glowing pillars that connected the elevator to the ceiling. They lunged and grabbed onto one, grunting and hissing as the bright light hurt their sensitive eyes. But they scrambled their way up it regardless and into the gaping space above.
They were able to only get up so far though as there was a metal barrier of some kind blocking the rest of the way. A safety measure should anything fall in from above they would assume. But they were up far enough that they should not be so easily spotted.
Bloodmoon adjusted theirself, finding purchase with their claws and supports for their feet to keep theirselves in place. FC remained scruffed in their teeth, and the little fox whimpered as he hung almost precariously, his eyes closed tight as to not look at the high distance between them and the ground below.
The red and blue jester hissed a low and dangerous 'quiet' just as the Stitchwraith appeared, slamming the daycare entryway doors aside and completely snapping the already broken one off the hinges.
Both Bloodmoon and FC went very still. They couldn't directly see Stitchwraith at this angle but they could hear as well as sense it. The eerie energy that radiated from it was all too hard to miss, as were the uneven footsteps and sounds of broken machinery as the mangled animatronic prowled below them.
'FC? Where are you buddy? If you hear me just call out! Did Bloodmoon hurt you? I'll come rescue you, don't worry'
FC didn't make a sound but Bloodmoon could feel him tremble, how the tiny fox curled in on himself even more tucking his legs and tail close. The smell of fear was strong and it took all of their effort to not give into the sudden urge to bite down fully.
More accursed mechanical noises, more soft calls carrying false words of encouragement and poisonous promise. At one point Bloodmoon spied the Stitchwraith as it moved below them. Their spiral eyes fixed on it immedietely following its every move with intense focus, their body completely still and tense and ready to lunge the moment the mangled robot turned its hooded head up toward the two.
But it did not. Instead the calls fell quiet and Bloodmoon could barely hear the angry hushed whispers to itself. With a sudden angry snarl accompanied by crackles of more red energy that had FC flinching harshly, Stitchwraith turned and stormed off in another direction once again leaving their line of sight.
However Bloodmoon dared not move, remaining completely still. Both sides were silent even in their mind, both being completely hyper focused with one side listening and looking out for the looming danger below them and the other holding back the bloodlust being triggered by FC's terror.
Even as the sounds grew softer and eventually disappeared entirely they did not dare to move. For all they knew, the Stitchwraith could still be nearby, waiting for them to come out of hiding so it could ambush them. They wern't taking the chance.
They knew not how long they stayed there. Could have been an hour, could have been ten minutes. Either way, FC started to whine softly the events taking its toll on the little fox. Bloodmoon growled a warning and that shut him up quick. But not a minute after, there were sounds of footsteps approaching which had both tensing up once again before a familiar voice followed.
'FC? FC Where are you? Bloodmoon? Either of you are you here?'
It was Foxy. FC perked up instantly, and with only slight hesitation called out to his dad.
'I'm here father!'
With that, Bloodmoon finally moved from his position, grabbing onto the accursed glowing pillar and sliding down it to where Foxy was waiting for them.
Bloodmoon released FC from their jaws, and the little fox instantly bolted away and over to Foxy. Bloodmoon twitched in a barely restrained effort to not automatically chase after him, but otherwise remained where they were, flexing their claws as they fought to calm their bloodlust as well as their own nerves.
Meanwhile Foxy checked over his son frantically. 'Are you alright? Did he hurt you?' Foxy immedietely shot Bloodmoon a glare as he noticed the faint bite mark on the back of his sons neck. While the faux fuzz skin was not torn, there were clear puncture marks.
Bloodmoon notices his glare and they let out a scoff, turning their head away. But FC is shaking his head drawing the older fox animatronic's attention back.
'No no! I am not hurt they... Bloodmoon saved me from the Stitchwraith!'. 
'I.. see' Foxy couldn't help the slight skeptisim from entering his voice but. 'Well.. Good. Glad to see you're capable of following orders then' Foxy directed his voice over to Bloodmoon. The red and blue jester shot him a snarl but they did not answer, instead plopping theirselves onto the floor and clawing halfheartedly at the carpet.
Foxy sighed, and turned back to his son. Aside from the bite mark he looked to be ok just a little shaken. 'I saw the Stitchwraith on the cams. Came here fast as i could. I'm sorry you had to deal with that but you're safe now.'
FC fiddled with his hands. 'Can we go home now?'
'Yeah kid, we can go home. Won't be back here for a while. I already gave Monty a call on my way down here so. He should be here soon, so just hang tight for a bit alright?'
'What if the Stitchwraith comes back?'
'Then we'll deal with it should happen. But i think it's gone for now and we won't be here for much longer.'
'Ok father..'
Foxy ruffled his sons head. 'Atta' boy.' He then stood and turned his attention to Bloodmoon, considering his options. They had done exactly as they were commanded which was... surprising honestly. Foxy had assumed they would have been torn apart by the Stitchwraith. Afterall their main purpose was to hold them off long enough for him or Monty to get down there. They had surprised him today.
Foxy hummed. He wondered.
While Foxy and FC were talking, Bloodmoon had tuned them out. They were starting to feel weary. The effort it took of holding back their bloodlust combined with the sudden burst of energy that had them bolting across the plex was starting to take its toll. The twins were tired and hungry and their arms and legs beginning to feel a little sore. Conflicting emotions swam within them from both sides. The satisfaction in their code of fulfilling their order to protect FC conflicting with the command denied to bring FC to the Stitchwraith as they were told to.
They hated this. Hated being stuck like this. Hated that they were bound to the commands of two masters. They knashed their teeth, wanting nothing more than to feast on soft flesh and warm blood before curling up and going to sleep.
They flinched as their name was called, flinching back as they realised the old fox was suddenly standing next to them. One half of them automatically hissed and swiped but the other half held them back as they processed a question that had been asked to them.
Foxy had his hands held up in a non threatening manner. A difficult feat to accomplish when one had was literally a hook. 'Negative O. That's your favourite right?'
Bloodmoon tilted their head in a confused manner, but they warily nod. 'Alright, ok good got it' Foxy replies, 'listen you did good today so tell you what. I'll get you one blood bag as a treat. Maybe two if you behave between now and when we get home. Sound good?'
The twins do not answer, squinting at the old fox in suspicion. Was this a trick? Some kind of ploy? For what reason would he do this? They did not believe for a moment this 'good behaviour' shit he was spewing. They had simply done what they were commanded to do, nothing more.
However, the prospect of having actual human blood, and their favourite type no less was too good to pass up. They inwardly agreed with one another they could play the little nice nice game for a little longer too if it meant getting an extra bag so they nodded their head again.
'Alright good' Foxy nods mostly to himself before turning to FC. He had noted Bloodmoon looked tired and FC was looking increasingly like he could use a nap, the stress finally starting to take it's toll on the little fox. Bloodmoon too, as they stopped clawing up the carpet and resorted to curling up on the floor. Nasty place to lie down Foxy mused but he wasn't gonna tell them otherwise.
Eventually Monty did arrive and set up the portal back home. Foxy sent Bloodmoon and FC through first, and quickly passed on his request to Monty to grab the two negative o blood bags for Bloodmoon to which the gator agreed. As he passed through the portal himself Foxy wondered if perhaps he could use this as a consistant reward for good behaviours in future to keep Bloodmoon in line.
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It’s time to play,
Headcannons! (Sams, Laes, Eaps edition)
1. While Solar actually brews the coffee, Eclipse just straight up eats the beans when he needs/wants it
2. Nexus will sometimes go up to DSun for no reason and start talking about something he’s working on. DSun puts up with it begrudgingly
3. Sun has a bunch of photos in his camera roll that are just of his cats doing stupid sh*t
4. Dazzle sticks out her tongue at random occasions to make Jack laugh
5. Neptor vibrates when he’s scared, like just actually noticeably vibrates
6. Solar has been pulled to the kids’ room many times when he’s home because Jack wants to show him something or have him join in on whatever game the two are playing
7. Adding onto that, Jack makes little “machines” from DIY tutorials when he’s not doing anything else, and then shows his dad when he’s done. Through this hobby he’s made his own gumball machine (out of cardboard pieces), a mini catapult (out of popsicle sticks), and a little marble race game to play with Dazzle (out of cardboard, paper, lots of tape, a few stolen scrap pieces, and paint).
8. Earth likes to play dress up with Dazzle and Jack when she’s over to visit, and I can just imagine perfectly Jack going up to Solar in a frilly pink dress and with makeup covering his face and saying “Father, I am a pretty princess!”
9. Molten gets his wires caught on sharp edges sometimes, so he tries to keep away from them when he’s playing with the kids
10. (This one’s angsty sorry) When Solar gets frustrated, he’ll sometimes resort to hurting himself (banging his head, clawing at his plates, etc.) because it’s what his Moon did to him whenever he messed up or something just wasn’t working. He usually stops when someone comes over and stops him OR when he draws oil (blood). The second option only happens when no one else is around and after that bit, he usually realizes what he’s doing and stops, fixing it unless it’s somewhere he can’t see (like his faceplate) with his own eyes, in which case he’ll wrap it up to stop the leaking and continue working until someone else can help him fix it. Everyone knows he does this, and though Earth especially has tried to get him to stop it’s just a response he does from the trauma he’s got from his old universe’s Moon. (No changing it sadly-)
11. Whenever Lunar finishes a Nutella jar, he keeps them to use for precise target practice later
12. Puppet would take FC out somewhere every week for a mother son day, and now since they can’t leave the pizzaplex, she takes him to different attractions and plays games with him when she finds the time to
And that concludes this long ass game of headcannons, these all have been bugging me for like three days now. So, here ya go!
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Plot Bunny Game: 911, Alberto Rosende FC?
Thanks so much for this, Charlie!! Also gonna tag my other 911 babes @stelstellakidd and @gabbysdawsons, as well as @praetoravila because I know she loves the show!! <3
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NAME: Barry Acosta.
LOVE INTEREST: Taylor Kelly.
SUMMARY: Growing up as the second-youngest of seven siblings, Barry had always been used to the camaraderie and chaos of being part of a big family. But when he’d decided, after a failed attempt at college, to move from Boston to Los Angeles and become a firefighter, he’d found himself, for the first time in his life, without a crowded house and the noise and warmth that came from a group of loving siblings. Thankfully, he hadn’t had to wait very long to get back into a situation that was kind of similar to the one he’d had growing up, getting assigned to Firehouse 118 soon after graduating the fire academy and quickly getting roped into the goofy antics and genuine love that encased every inch of this firehouse and its squadron. He gets to share heart-to-hearts with his captain, judge other people in Spanish with Eddie just like he would with his sisters back home, pull pranks on the others with Chim… it’s everything he could have ever wanted out here in LA, a found family who all worm their ways into his heart and make his life so much better. And after a frankly embarrassing first encounter with a beautiful, determined reporter who unfortunately comes to interview the 118th the same day they all accidentally get high, and a sweetly awkward conversation afterwards that goes a lot better, Barry finds the space in his heart for the loved ones he’s found in LA growing that much bigger.
A boyfriend for Taylor! Because I actually really like her and the writers did her dirty. So.
Basically the only member of the 118 without a tragic backstory. His childhood was great, his parents are loving, he has a great relationship with his siblings, and he really really hates that he’s in the outlier in this.
When Taylor comes to the firehouse to film and they’re all high on the LSD brownies Barry calls her an angel because he’s seeing this big white light surrounding her. He is, of course, very embarrassed about this afterwards, but Taylor assures him it’s fine and that she actually thought it was cute.
They are not actually a slow burn at all!! We’re basically pretending Taylor and Buck were never attracted to each other here, and even though Barry and Taylor are friends first Taylor asks him out pretty quickly and they become a really cute couple. <3
He and Buck are absolute golden retriever himbo besties. Hen likes to call them Thing One and Thing Two (she never specifies which is which, but she says it with love).
send me a fandom and a faceclaim/love interest and i’ll make an oc!!
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smash-64 · 9 months
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2023 Game of the Year Countdown #1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Nintendo Switch, 2023
For a fourth time since 2018, a Trails game takes my #1 for the year.
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Breaking from tradition, this Trails game has no sidequests. It has a very linear story, although technically there are three linear stories and you can jump from one to another for most of the game. In many respects, this is the “Trails in the Sky the 3rd” for the Cold Steel series. Not only is the story more linear, but we get redemption arcs from past villains, and we also get an absolutely disgusting amount of playable characters. Chrono Cross has 45 playable characters, and people often say that’s too many. Well…Reverie has 50. And each of them gets at least a little time in the spotlight. It’s fantastic for Trails fans, and I adored it. I put 150 hours into this game and I’m not sure I could have put less time into it.
Playing the game on Switch, there were definitely a few times the game chugged, so I can’t give the game a perfect 10. Many of the cutscenes in Crossbell City were bogged down by the sheer number of NPCs, and was noticeable to me, a person famously unconcerned with performance. I can see why people advocate for playing this on PC or PS4, but the portability of the Switch trumps all else in my mind. This is really the only downside I experienced with the game, although it did not affect my enjoyment at all.
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Having three linear storylines to follow in any order you want is phenomenal. You can keep going with characters you love, and are never forced to stick with the ones you don’t for very long. And with having a linear story, the pace of the game is potentially sped up a little bit from the traditional Trails experience where sidequests can often lead to very long delays in the main story.
The story itself offers a ton. Obviously I can’t spoil a game that is the 10th in an interconnected, on-going series, but I’ll just say that once the main story is over…the postgame story is equally as interesting and gives fans a peek at some of the series-long questions and issues brought up in previous entries. 
Combat is fairly standard as far as the Cold Steel games go. I love Trails combat and this game tweaks little, as nothing was broken. It’s perhaps a little bit more difficult than CS3 or CS4, since the Break mechanic was pretty OP in those two games and it has been toned down slightly, but you can still take full advantage of it if you’re smart and plan well. I also like how some of the accessories drastically increase specific stats, so min/maxing is actually fun in this game. I was able to get Tita Russell’s attack and HP to absolutely absurd heights in this game. She is no longer baby; she wants power!
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As previously stated, almost every single character gets their time in the spotlight. Some more than others, of course, but the fact that we get 50 playable characters, yet every one of them gets a chance to shine is a wonderful piece of work by the developers and writers. I’d say that perhaps Musse gets very little, but she had more than enough focus in CS3 and 4. Even Machias gets his own episode, and he is so often forgotten that even I forget about him at times.
Music is good as always when it comes to Falcom. I appreciate some of the battle tunes, like Elegant Prowess, and the game has its own unique sound that sets it apart from CS3 and 4. Maybe not to the same extent that Sky the 3rd sets itself apart from FC and SC, but the tracks unique to this game sound different enough that they are easy to pick out. There are dozens of returning tracks as well, since we revisit quite a few places from previous entries. 
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My favorite character is Estelle Bright, and I was glad to see a focused effort to put her in the spotlight more often. She wasn’t in CS1-3, and played a more supporting role in 4 than anything else. Meanwhile, Lloyd and Rean ran the show. Estelle is not one of the main storylines in this game, but it’s nice to see her back with some of her famous one-liners.
Overall, I can’t really say enough about the game. It’s an amazing JRPG experience, but one that requires playing the 9 previous games in the series. Maybe that’s a daunting task to some, but the good thing about trying out a Trails game is that there is always another one to play afterward.
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sungodded · 30 days
are you turkish/turkic at all? how did you get into turkic mythology? it’s just not a common subject, i love the fact that you are so invested 🥰
It's a long and weird answer but bear with me. 😂
A while back I played Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong, loved Galeb Bazory, decided to write him, saw he was originally from Constantinople, was an Ottoman Prince and son of Ahmed III and originally named Şehzade Süleyman. Deciding I needed to read up more on Ottoman history, watched a few documentaries, bought a few books, find out more about Constantinople, even buying games that were set there so I could get a basic idea of what it might have been like and stuff, I discovered Galeb was loosely based on the real Şehzade Süleyman, who was an actual son of Ahmed III.
From there, I decided I needed a Turkish fc so started looking online for any that looked similar to Galeb, found Onur Tuna. Ended up leaning towards the idea of Galeb having a distant descendent that was a werewolf because irony and angst, so looked for Turkish fc's again, found Can Yaman and thought he looked perfect for a werewolf OC. Because of this, I started to look deeper into Turkish worship, Gods etc, cos I wanted his family to have authentic Turkish beliefs, or at least carry some as stories and stuff to the pack and have my werewolf OC maybe mention them at times in conversation in comparison to other beliefs he comes across in his travels.
So, then when I started reading up on them, ngl, I was genuinely fascinated and started to try and dig deeper and ended up battling with the idea of actually writing one. I ended up thinking about writing Koyash most, but for literal weeks kept trying to put it out of my mind and while I was reading more about him to see how I felt about trying to write him, I saw that Marvel comics actually mentioned Koyash and others of the Turkic Gods, so that pretty much made up my mind for me and I really wanted to use Onur Tuna again, but from a different show where he shows more emotion and is generally shown in brighter and more vibrant settings so suit Koyash in comparison to the show I use him for Galeb where he mostly looks bored or annoyed.
Then as I've been writing him I was having more thoughts about writing other Turkic deities as well, such as Yulchuk or even Erlik, but as I was thinking about writing Erlik. Looking for a Turkish fc for Erlik, I found an actor who gave me feels of not Erlik but maybe one of his sons, so I got drawn into the idea of writing one of his sons instead and here we are. 😂
But no, I'm afraid I'm not Turkish at all, I've just found myself becoming very interested in it all and have even started to try and learn Turkish with the hopes of popping over someday and being the ultimate tourist checking out palaces and stuff cos I love history and getting to see things for myself. The closest I've been is seeing it from a beach in Rhodes, but I've never actually set foot in Turkey, unfortunately. 😭
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h-a-unted · 7 months
What are rare-pairs that you’re passionate about?
Who was your first OC?
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
Questions for the mun!
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Rare-pairs... oh my god I have so many of those that I'm drawing a blank right now. I think the one that comes to mind is strangely Da.igo Doji.ma and Goro Maji.ma from the Yakuza games lmao, maybe even Ichiban and Zhao from the same games, idk I just vibe with them. But Daiji.ma was my shit for the longest time. And also probably Kuroiwa and Yagami from the Yakuza spin-off, Judgment. OH! And also Soma and the professor dude or like... his subordinate Akutsu (but I guess that last one wasn't a rarepair) from the sequel of the spin-off. Does Maevelight count as rarepair? Cause they'd be my top rarepair as of now (and maybe Zack and Cloud if they count as rarepair) I'm wondering if I'll like Home.lander and Fire.cracker but that probably won't be a rarepair lmao.
My first OC, I am unsure if I can pinpoint... I think it was this servant girl called Lilian I made for a canon character, when I used to try and run from my male/male ships to be "normal" lmfao! My first OC here though was my AI, AIROS. My sweet bean, my lovely android who is trying to learn about the world without knowing he is a spyware watching over the people. I had a lot of verses for him... maybe I could add one for the boys, but he'd be too much of a good boy to be able to survive in that world... Though it'd be a good chance to give him a real-life FC I guess.
I have so many favorite canons that change with what I'm currently obsessed with. Like, before the boys it was Adler and I immediately 'hated' him as a mechanism of defense because I actually loved him a lot lmfao, his characterization was top notch in-game, so much that everyone really wants him to appear in the sequel despite the wrongdoings he did to the protagonist. Anyway, since right now I am obsessed with the boys and clearly But.cher is my favorite – it's safe to say I'm pretty satisfied with most of his portrayal in canon, as of Season 3. There is a leak that has me just a little doubtful about what they're trying to do with him going forward, but I'm hoping it's explained in a way I can get behind, they've done well, so far. Otherwise, I feel like they did a very nice, deeply flawed character that I adore. It hits all the spots I love in a character and, honestly, I feel it was tailor-made for me to love, at least the show rendition of him. I don't like the comics one at all. Aside from that, I think Raiden from Met.al Gear has been practically my sleeping agent all-time favorite or so, and I absolutely love what they did with his character (not me vibing with a "mood swings" type of character trying to do good, but also being unhinged). I miss him and his struggles a whole lot, wish they would've continued his games.
I describe rp as "I portray a character from a series or invent one and make up scenarios with friends on the internet who portray other characters. We keep the scenes going back and forth." Despite this, I don't think my mother gets it at all. My friends didn't get it at the start, until I made them rp with me via notebooks when we were in middle school, it turned into an obsession for all of us... Good times lmao.
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ur thoughts on ee and 32-2…so true!! it was bugging me for a while but u worded it so precisely ahh
i feel like making elysia and her pe reveal so perfect not only made the whole elysian realm arc super anticlimactic and discontinuous, but also sucked the meaning out of it?? losing all the tension and negativity to the jesus subtext kinda took away the conflict and agency of her sacrifice, and made it seem a lot less significant than it was…and it also made ee somewhat repetitive? even with the hoc imposter drama, i feel like if her pe reveal as the 13th went heavier on the tragedy/betrayal/misunderstanding, it would have contrasted nicely with the ce (especially the because of you animation!)
Yeaah they had this whole thing going where PE fucking sucked, and then ER was meant to show that despite everything being on fire, people still had hopes and were still human...
but towards the end they just forgot to include the "despite everything being on fire"
Elysia could just run off and have a banquet party. Casually. After 99% of humanity was murdered. There were balloons and games
It would've been so much better if they actually let the bad things exist and feel bad.
As an example, we're told Elysia was homeless for like, a decade, but it never actually has consequences, it's just used as more "look how nice and perfect she is" fuel when she still shares food with another kid.
You know how they could've worked that in? Elysia admitting she stress eats (something hinted at throughout ER) because she was living with food insecurity for so long. Yaknow. Trauma! Consequences! Explaining a character trait from before!!
Or maybe she could say how happy it made her to have a home again when she was recruited by MOTH, with Mobius calling her a weirdo because it's a pretty horrible place and she's a soldier in a war they probably can't win. That could've been used as a segway into Kalpas's true feelings, or just like, "I felt the same as him so I wanted to help him", letting them bond through that.
Maybe she could've said that she tried to find her village to visit but without resources she couldn't reach it. Maybe she tried to go home after joining MOTH but the village was destroyed by Honkai. We know she never met most of the villagers again (there's a few of EE's people who perceived her as a kid) so that would fit perfectly. It could've made her wonder about the futility of leaving, that maybe she should've just spent more time with them, but then she wouldn't have become the person she did.
For the banquet, maybe it could've been a real fight, but she fought in a wedding dress, because she wanted to embrace humanity, or because she had dreamed to get married and it made her sad to go so young, I dunno. Maybe we could've had the FCs who did go pleading with her to stop until Elysia reveals she was only acting. I DUNNO. SOMETHING A LITTLE LESS... SACCHARINE THAN A DANCE PARTY AND BANTER???? It was kind of cute but it also felt so... idk. Rose tinted. I was disappointed a bit. I hoped for and expected an angsty fight :')
Also her not having a divine key is BULLSHIT.
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mister-e-muss · 1 year
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The last time I posted something about my backlog, it was just a quick thing about setting a record for myself. I figured I’d make this sort of thing regular, and give my thoughts on the games I play at the same time.
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
I’ve wanted to get into .hack ever since Kite and BlackRose made appearances as guest characters in Project X Zone all the way back in the early 3DS days. I can’t say that I regret this at all.
This collection lasted me about 50hrs. I will say though, that these games are best played in short bursts. Wailing on the enemies until they’re ready for you to use a Rengeki on them is fun, but it can get repetitive very fast. Combat itself doesn’t become as fun as it could be until Vol. 2, where you can actually change weapons without going into the menu.
As for the narrative, I found the setting of [The World] fascinating in concept, but not the best aged in terms of visuals. The characters however, were a delight the whole way. Haseo is a great protagonist in that, he’s an asshole, but not an unbearable asshole. If you enjoyed Neku in TWEWY, you’ll probably enjoy Haseo.
Star Ocean: First Departure R
Full disclosure: I got this game because it was on sale and the Sci-fi/fantasy vibes called to me.
If you don’t have a tolerance for older ARPGs, then you might want to avoid this one, as its age does begin to show. That said, it’s not nearly as ages as it might seem.
The skill system was very engrossing, with level ups and new skills happening very fast. There were a few difficulty spikes, but I feel like part of that was on me for not engaging with the item creation/customization until a little over halfway through.
Finishing this left me wanting more in the best way. I can’t wait for November and Star Ocean 2.
Trails in the Sky FC
My experience with the Trails series has been a little bit. . . Bumpy. As someone who only owns a Switch and an HP Notebook laptop, the series hasn’t exactly been very accessible. Near the start of my sophomore year of college, I downloaded and played a demo for Trails of Cold Steel 3. I was, to my mild surprise, only slightly lost about the world and characters. I enjoyed my time with Cold Steel 3 but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. After finishing that game, I decided to play as much of the series as I could before diving into Cold Steel 4. This was my first step for this.
The Trails series’ reputation for deep world building is entirely deserved. I was surprised at how much space this game’s world has. As an example: there’s an orbment shop in one of the towns where a third story counter can be seen. There’s no reason to go there, not even any sidequests, but if you talk to the NPC there, he’ll explain that the third story is where they handle repair requests. It’s a small detail, and the developers didn’t have to make that extra room, but they did, and the world feels more real because of it. Even the magic-science techno-babble tends to make a degree of sense!
The gameplay is as solid as you could want from a turn-based rpg. The Arts and Crafts are great levers, and I never felt too weak for the enemies in any given area. It took me a while to realize that Arts using two turns was a benefit rather than a drawback. Using the cast times to manipulate the turn order is great fun.
I will say though, that I miss the additions of Master Quarts and Breaks that later games brought to the series. They’re not quite necessary, but they did bring a lot of good to the series.
Charting through the rest of the series is going to be a blast if this game is any indication!
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
What was your inspiration for Lyhra's quirky personality? Which of your oc does she get along with the least? What about the most?
This is very convoluted and probably not as interesting to read about as it was to experience but here we go!
Lyrha wass…. tricky. I originally conceptualized her as a character to ship with X'rhun for spicy reasons (can you blame me???). But remained stumped for MONTHS on how to actually develop her, what she should be like in personality and how they would ultimately connect. She was just in the back of my mind slow cooking.
I briefly merged her with another very loose character idea I'd never developed from my wolf rp days. Named Illaria. Illaria did not have a design, but she had some (very) basic backstory bullet points - taken as a young child, manipulated by a powerful male figure who claimed to be showing her "the truth", bitter when she realized she'd been used. I wasn't confident I would keep any of those story beats, I still didn't relate them to her FFXIV self, but at least had something penciled in.
I decided to draw wolf Illaria. Because wolves are still easier for me to draw on account of having so many more years of practice with them. So she needed a design.
Now for those unfamiliar with cartoon animal story land, a lot of people on websites like deviantart will sell a whole bunch of designs lined up in rows on one big image. And sometimes they get silly names to tell them apart so you can avoid any confusion about which one you are trying to buy. That probably happens in other circles too, but I know it from animal rp land. Several years ago I'd bought a design from one of these sheets and thought, well, I haven't used this one before. It will do! It came from a set named after food. It was named "Popcorn Shrimp." Behold Lyrha as "Popcorn Shrimp:"
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I shared the art with my FC and lamented my lack of any definitive progress. One of them was amused by the Popcorn Shrimp label. And then suggested I take inspiration from the name and make her a fisherman from Limsa Lominsa.
And me, liking my angst, went, why don't we take that a step further and say she was a pirate. A slaver, even. She can have a "shit, i have a conscience now" moment over the course of her Red Mage arc! Now we've got some drama!
That FC mate has an oc that was kidnapped from the Steppe as a child and sold into slavery. She escaped with the help of the Rogue's Guild in Limsa Lominsa. My character could be one of the ones that had captured her!
And me, liking my whump, thought - well, the Rogue's Guild could nearly manage to kill her in the raid. She could escape, be found wounded by X'rhun, and grabbed by fate against her will onto a better path. And Bam. There she was. I'lyrha developed pretty steadily from there, it all just kinda fell into place. Popcorn Shrimp.
A lot of her quirks then come from her background as a pirate/sailor, leaning into tropes like the superstitions, arrogance & greed, stubbornness, fiery spirit, flexible morals, a uh, high libido, in some form or another. While she's a serious character... I still want her to be entertaining, so I enjoy playing up the more extreme traits of hers.
The conflict between who she starts out as and who she eventually becomes also just provides a lot of opportunities for her to do things that don't quite make sense from a well-adjusted standpoint. She is incredibly smart, but she's a survivor of horrors. She comes from an upbringing that doesn't align with conventional thought (among Eorzeans). Her worldview is unique. She doesn't blend in, and for the most part she's ok with that. Lyrha definitely walks to the beat of her own drum.
And in that respect a lot of her starting traits are also meant to contrast or compliment X'rhun's personality. She's young and stormy, he's older and has self-control. She's jaded and self-centered, he's idealistic and charitable. They are both incredibly passionate.
In game X'rhun is... exuberant. He's pretty quirky, lets be honest. So it made sense that they should be kindred spirits, and that Lyrha should be equally capable of... exuberance. It's a way for her to connect with the Red Mage way of life. She's not a pirate anymore, but being a spunky little gremlin backflipping over an enemy and then setting them on fire suits her just as well.
As far as who she gets along with... most of them, actually! She's not BFFs with Nahte, but they meet through X'rhun and Alisaie. Lyrha never joins the Scions, but alongside X'rhun and Arya she does help them several times, especially at junctures in MSQ where, in game, you have to party up to clear a dungeon, trial, etc.
There are definitely other characters she doesn't vibe with, like the pirate captain who kidnapped her as a child, raised her for a few years as part of his crew, and then tried to sell her off when he got a high enough offer - though these belong to other people and aren't my ocs! As another bit of trivia, her and @seasaltandcopper s A'mahl had a one-night stand, years ago before they ever met their respective partners. He'd never been with a woman before. She hasn't let him live that down.
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99katarina99 · 3 months
New? Nostalgia? Or Both? Commentary? Non-Commentary?
I just finished filming Grand Theft Auto III Definitive Edition, and the Trilogy overall. Apart from EA FC 24, I need to find something else to film that would include actual commentary and my facecam. I film EA FC 24 on PS5, and filming with commentary is a bit trickier than on PC. Last time I did that, which was on PS4, my commentary jumped forward a few times, the overall sound was low quality and the clip skipped a second or two.
I'm pretty sure that YouTubers use a special kind of recording software to capture PS5 games (or TV screen itself). And, as far as I know, I can't use any kind of webcam on PS5, that it has to be the kind made for the console (forgot the name). All I can do is record it all separately, but I would have problems syncing it all. There is also the storage problem. PS5 doesn't allow recordings longer than an hour, and the USB stick I use to transfer the clips from PS5 to my PC can't hold the files that are bigger than 4 GB, but it can hold overall 30 GB. It's why I'm sometimes forced to edit my videos in Share Factory. I'm not comfortable doing all edits on console and with a controller, which is why I prefer editing on PC instead. I thought about using my father's Canon camera as a facecam, but I'm not sure in how much storage can a recording of, say 30 minutes, hold. As for microphone, I would need a longer wire from my father's PC to where I'm sitting and playing PS5 games.
To be honest, I'm not really satisfied with how my commentary keeps going. I keep silent there and there because I'm too focused on the game that I can't let anything out. Or maybe it's because English isn't my first language. But I didn't have these problems while commenting Criminal Case. Because nobody leaves a like or a comment on my videos (the last few I filmed), I can't grade my commentary. I was told by my parents that my voice sounds monotonous while commenting. I don't prepare myself much before filming (although I should), and I just get in it. The reason I started the channel was to show off my skills and have records of my achievements. Men get surprised when they see a woman play games, let alone be good at them.
Anyways, the next thing I want to record is, again, something from my childhood, and childhood from everybody born after 1997. I'm talking about Hunting Unlimited 2010. (Picture below):
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It's a hunting simulation type of game where you play levels (challenges) where you need to kill and bag animals, like real hunters, from elks and bucks to bears and elephants. I found out about this game at age 10 (I think), at one of my village neighbour's PC. He had this game, but only up to 6 tiers. I played and liked it, although I feared going up against predators, especially moose and buffalo.
My father got this game for me, and had up to 9 tiers, including hunting for wolves. I never managed to play all of the challenges, because of the fear of unknown when entering each challenge. I feared some predators, as said above, but also when the playing conditions included foggy weather, when you can't see if someone's coming for you. Not to mention the music score that plays when a predator comes after you (and you don't know where they are).
I feared even non-dangerous animals, including bucks, but only because, well... the death in this game is like in Crash Bandicoot. Mess up once, and you're dead. No health bar at all. You get in the way of any animals, you're dead.
I'm thinking about replaying this game, like I did with GTA San Andreas (without using the cheats), to finish something I wasn't able to do, and finish it without fearing anything. It would be the same as with The Evil Within, where I kept saying 'stay calm, stay calm' whilst Ruvik was hunting me in his own mansion. In this game, the tactics are neseccary. One thing is for sure: Don't get in the way of animals. Let them circle you, but don't get in front of them. Kill them before they get you.
There are only little bit of gameplays of Hunting Unlimited 2010 on YouTube as far as I know. One guy did a full non-commentary gameplay of it, and the rest are all old videos dating 10 years back without commentary, and not in good quality. I think I should make a difference. I had already tried to make a thumbnail for a single video of Hunting Unlimited: Here you go:
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I was trying to make it look like as if I'm a hunter looking at my target that is a moose. It's just missing the game logo and the number of the episode. I'm thinking about making those types of thumbnails, without a screenshot from the game itself, as I think it wouldn't attract so much attention. Something, unique.
The title of this post? Well, I might as well go and mix old and new on my channel, make it available for anyone, young or old, nostalgic or new gamers. I'm trying to differentiate myself from other YouTubers by providing content suitable for anyone.
Now, I need to ask my dad to find me Hunting Unlimited. Fingers crossed that the resolution of the game won't make too much trouble like it did with Fallout: New Vegas (I got lost in the game anyways).
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brokenhardies · 9 months
so im thinking of having jane actually get involved with the plot of the giggle instead of being shunted away, so here are some moments im including
-after the doctor's "humans are no darn good" speech, jane asks him if he truly feels that way or if he's just angry and under pressure because of everything that's happened. the doctor responds with "you shouldve left when you had the chance, jane" referencing how jane was planning on leaving following the timeless child reveal (and the reveal that the doctor knew the whole time) but chose not to which leads to jane referencing the "do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" line from dark water
-okay this is just a concept that probably leads into the next one but jane finds a wind up doll version of herself in the toymaker's realm that performs a version of dont tell mama from cabaret - which is a double whammy reference as the toymaker's actor and jane's fifth fc have both been in cabaret
-jane's game with the toymaker is actually a game with her 'not-self' from wild blue yonder, who, as it turns out, is one of the toymaker's pawns. idk how to summarize the game but its a game like tricky cups in which her copy shows her 6 tarot cards with one of them face down (based on the incarnations of the doctor jane has travelled with) and places the rest face down, asking her to focus on one card. slight problem is that jane winds up outsmarting her copy, because her copy seems to have forgotten that the card she picked was ten's card, and considering that both ten and fourteen have the same face, jane just focused on fourteen's card and process of elimination-d her way out of it
-and yes the 6th card - which is permanently face down - is based on fifteen, but jane doesn't know that :')
-during the "well thats alright then!" puppet show, the toymaker references the timeless child, the division and the fact the doctor knew the whole time while keeping jane in the dark. jane tries to rebut that the doctor didnt know about his past incarnation's connections to the divsion, but before she can finish, he cuts her off with "well thats alright then!"
-rose joins the doctor, donna and jane in UNIT, but because she has a zeedex on her - due to her main way around the giggle being the metacrisis and her not having travelled in the TARDIS - she stays behind while they all go to the past to confront the toymaker. the toymaker ends up using rose at one point, possibly in the hypothetical 'dont tell mama' sequence as a backup dancer? idk tho lol
-the spice up your life sequence has both jane and rose get manhandled by the toymaker as well, with him purposefully bumping them together to make it appear like they're kissing - diversity win, the trickster god from another dimension who is racist sexist and vaguely transphobic supports lesbians!
-its rose and martha who pull jane into five and six after she's hit by the galvanic beam. when rose hears jane v screaming after vi appears she immediately goes on the defensive :')
-back to the toymaker being gross he keeps referring to jane as 'herr jane' and 'the timeless child' - herr is the german equivalent to mr, meaning that the toymaker now adds being openly transphobic onto his list of grossness!
-also during the "well thats alright then!" puppet show, jane asks about ryan and dan, two companions who did not die and both left on their own accord. however, the toymaker specifically brings up jane's feelings for ryan, how she never acted on them until it was too late, and how she pushed him away before he left the TARDIS. much like when the toymaker brings up the flux, jane is understandibly a bit pissed that he made sure to emphasise that
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fredkanken · 9 months
Daily Commute, Elevated Style
neighbors are engaged with her emotional vigorCatherine Zeta Jones along with mirielle Douglas possess separate once 13 a great deal of wedlock, and as a result anna master, Zeta Jones several other attendant is usually talking out on her behalf close friends thought overall health lack of stability.excellent for their divorce comes only two which include half weeks subsequent Douglas top of the line stop by to obtain can range f malignant tumors. acquaintances and your beloved of the pair think that Douglas will quickly lso are evaluate this lifestyles, fantastic marriage ceremony is one thing that he know purely weren't am i right yeast infection.a resource nearby the couple shown : 'He figured this marital turned out to be over in nearly subject anf the husband showed pointless in going forward to reside a lounge. they know it is incredibly hard on their kids, however he lacks the goal of being able to view all the diminished amount of them. he has though their papa and simply he's going to continue to play the chapter inside of their experiences provided he is in a position. rather your partner's holy matrimony encountered turned into a cold, shadowy page and hubby were trying aside so he did find some kind of peace. could have been trying a mental issue physicians and has laid out plainly her life experiencing bpd. master is convinced which usually your girlfriend's partner spousal relationship being knocked through can easily click on Zeta Jones for the last edge.another so often can be really harsh and i am very concered about your sweetheart's, predicts runner. This undoubtedly distressing repeatedly brain condition may well be detrimentally infected,Zeta Jones a few weels ago been in persevering ringing in the ears her sickness in April as well as specific separating produces her mates involved this she could washing up bowl to produce a serious despair.okay it's been awfully possible for her to deal with the strain on Michael's health problem. she actually is basically,just exactly used an additional over https://www.cheapkankens.com/tag/kanken-mini-fog for the treatment
of her the illness along with when she are able to keep which experts claim down under this all worry or nervousness it'll be a miracle, alleged walker. Her momma dab is ready today, So fully grasp she will be operating in quite fists. furthermore at this present time there is certainly certainly only good prescribed medication that assists,can also be is proved that the couple is apart, a determination has not made on whether they will family. Douglas distributor probably would alone suggest, michael in addition to Catherine are taking some time away from each other to gauge on their work union, master tells me that this person witnesses that Zeta Jones couldn't want a divorce, And a person by any means to have great results, they'll.Catherine is very old-fashioned and never were going to ever go through the divorce, states walker. Her guardians have already been completely in excess of 50 a few years are her function in the game devices. my wife needed their relationships to be similar to theirs,simply to express towards social networks (starts advertising in fresh time frame)simply to talk about during LinkedIn (starts advertising in more windshield)basically to share with you over Reddit (starts up in unique screen)click on to share on the flickr (starts up in better display)go to to talk about at Tumblr (breaks in all new screen)select to share from Pinterest (starts up in spanking new pane)just click to express around cash (starts in fresh, new window case)select to share across Telegram (frees in newer windshield)click on to talk about in relation to WhatsApp (opens in beginner home window)finger tap to express using Skype (starts up in recent home window)
tired Cavalry FC happy to draw with HFX Wanderers FC of bubble home heating based in the actual 'Edward Scissorhfollow upds' to finally emmanuel ful
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baekhvuns · 2 years
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬
France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major
I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀
Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad.
Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs
Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN
Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick
But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc
Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
What is this Al Nassr squad??? At this point they should establish their own team, because 😬😬😬😬 //// France is always full of drama lmao. WHAT AM I HEARING KAKA LOOKALIKE, bestie did you know I used to be a huge Kaka girl when I was in primary school absjsjdbdjhshahshahsjaa. Okay but did Pepe even have hair in his life, he's like Zidane to me, seeing them with hair would be so weird 😭
ex-real madrid fc im into this actually,, france is so dramatic, from witchcraft to zidane slander 🔫🔫 KAKA LOOKALIKE BFWMBDKW BRO GOT A RED CARD AT HIS DEBUT W CHELSEA 😭😭 KAKA SON omg really??? bestie u were stanning the prettiest men i SWEAR & now ronaldinho’s son??? if he’s at the wc 2026 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that’ll be a game to watch omg, the magicians son on the field 🤌🏻 and barca madrid for supercopa again????
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no bc pepe suits hair,, zidane tho i think he looks better w none <3 but zidane’s wife??? 🤲🏻
Well, well, well Baek that's karma lmao. But I hope your knuckle is fine. An iron. Fell. 😭 My hair is indeed too long right now, gotta cut it actually. Can it be a braid instead? Not a fan of ponytails on myself 😅 //// TWO OTHER PEOPLE SENT ME THAT HARRY SHIT TO ME WHAT'S GOING ON, WE'RE LOSING THE PLOT HERE HENRY
LMFAOOOO HOW THE TURNT HAVE TABLES it is very fine just that internal redness <3 it looks nice tbh but its fading fbsbdhc YEAH. YEAAAAAHHH fun times i tell u <333 IM SORRY BUT QUIRKY YN ONLY GETS TO HAVE PONYTAILS tho ur bad boy only good to u can braid it for u 🥰🥰,,, NO BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON 😭😭😭😭 WE LOST THE PLOT BEFORE THE BOOK CAME OUT, “we want privacy!” “here’s my dic-“ HARRY HAROLD NO 🔫🔫 i cant escape them theyre eveyrwhere but i agree w this
Ooooh if they had a daughter she'd experience so much misogyny 🤡 but hopefully she wouldn't be out there proving Fr**d was right like Harry 🔪 but honestly I'm not sure, obviously things would be a bit different, but I don't think anything major //// I know Lookass' Chinese stans are obviously protecting him, but most international fans are against him, so... weird move. THIS COMPANY IS SO FUCKING BAD .Btw SM, I have some ☕ to spill from a trusted source 👀 //// Yunjin supremacy <3333 But?!??!! I'M CHOKING
oH UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT,,, tbh i think, hot take, ive heard charles and dianna rly wanted a girl as their second child and were disappointed it was a boy and how their marriage began to collapse from the small threads it was hung by,,, hot take but id think maybe their marriage would’ve worked 🤚🏻 MAYBE 🤚🏻 i believe the daughter would have brought at least some stability <3 i think it would’ve been a situation of siblings like charles and anne, the nicer siblings and not heir spare drama 🤚🏻 but then again charles only liked one person, so i guess it wouldn’t make a difference 😭😭
THIS COMPANY IS SO MAD THEYRE TRYING TO GET A WRESTLING BID UNDER THEM????? FOR WHAT??? TO PUT WHO AGAINST WHO???? the nct thing???? are they mad??? IN THE SAME HOTEL???? NO??? sm always setting their artists up i swear i think they’ve done this w exo before until it got out of hand,,, have they not learnt what the hell?? ok but imagine picking up a pizza delivery from ur door and u see yangyang at the end of the hallway dancing
omg please do tell, my ears are open 👀
Yes Eunhyuk the black haired one, he's so 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but Mr Dohwa has redeemed himself he's cute, maybe him and the girl end up as friends, so hopefully no love triangle, but let's be honest... we'll never escape the 🔺️
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we will never escape the love triangle and u know the miscommunication trope is also coming bc someone’s going to do something that someone will see at the wRONG TIME I CAN ALREADY SEE THE ANGER
I'm unfortunately a Draco apologist. I mean I wanna slap that lil bitch, but also he wasn't that bad. //// Damiano you're a 99 liner, there's no need to go to the army yet 🔪🔪🔪🔪 the day Ethan cuts his hair though...💀
he really wasn’t 😭😭 it was quite sad to see him go thru, and i made a mistake to see this and i don’t think i have wanted a redemption arc for draco so bad ,,,, the way he’s a 99 liner surprises me bc ive always thought he’s at least 27+ 😭😭😭 OH THE DAY HE CUTS HIS HAIR?????? I APOLOGIZE FOR THE PERSON I WILL BECOME
I'd be the last person to judge you for liking cat boys, so I get it osisoduejwhwiwjs //// Hwa on a dance show as a judge, yes, but meanwhile some people don't even consider him to be in the dance line so 💀💀💀💀
LMFAOOOO FBANBDWNHDKAHDKS i am actually obsessed liking a furry, i never knew id join ur group 😔 but to add to that list, brendan fraser in the mummy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 not consider him in the dance line???? what does he put a whole performance for ?? tbh all of them are dancers, it’s their best, strong suit is their dancing and if not for that maybe they wouldn’t have made it,, so it’s so weird that people don’t think of every one of them as dancers! ANON RHAKDJWK CORSET HWA
I think snakes are cool looking, I have snakes tattooed on me, but I'd never own one! Spiders especially the big ass hairy ones though?! I'M MOVING TO A DIFFERENT PLANET NO THX
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U DO?????? anon u surprise me every time, how big are they??? do u have a name for them, or is just lefty righty 😭😭 STOPPPP THE HAIRY ONES AND THOSE DIFF COLOURED ONES IM SHIVER ME TIMBERS ID PASS OUT U WONT SEE ME UNTIL NEXT TIME,, i once saw one crawl up someone’s leg, i disliked them so i never told them abt it <3
I'll die on my Tasir hill, idc, he realised he loved Latil and since she chose him as her main consort this can't end like this I REFUSE!!!! The story is probably fair from over though. Latil doesn't really care for her other baby and the baby father, so I'm not sure if the second time will be any different 😭😅
tbh why’s the story not even finished 😭😭 is this becoming a new true beauty or i love yoo again 😭🤚🏻 SEE TASIR IM SO GLAD THEY LIKE EACH OTHER BUT I WILL FORVER WAIT FOR SONNAUGHTS REDEMPTION I WILL NEVER LOSE HOPE ON HIM, MAYBE MY HOPE DIMS BUT IT WONT BLOW 🤚🏻 latil in her toxic era
Krystal's solo DO NOT EVEN /// Ravi??? 😬 if it's true then he's done for
brings back pstd,,,, krystal w her dark energy would’ve embodied the concepts,, the witchy red light type of mv too >>> yEAAAAAAH ravi’s,, i think theres some timeline mishaps 😭😭 and ppl are bringing taemin into this
God I'm obsessed with him. Anyways let me pass the fuck out real quick //// But he's so fucking cute?!?! totally the blushing man in a manhwa/anime vibes, kicking his feet, twirling his hair etc //// Shakira's diss track?! - DV 💖
this is seonghwa cullen, oh my god sTOP ONE MINUTE HES A VAMPIRE THE OTHER HE LOOKS LIKE A FANTASY KING,, this??? this is that bad boy hwa u wanted anon, he is alive and he’s KILLING ME TBEMBDMD & this guy here,,, he’s giving phoenix
shakira distrack and pique’s at his shitty behaviour again
and?? 😭😭😭😭 the song is actually rly good! reminds me a bit of teach me out to dougie x justin timberlake tbh dbdbdns
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kilopbuddy · 2 years
Bibliography for battman
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Bibliography for battman movie#
Seriously Alfred for me will be always Michael Gough not only that he acted much better than Michael Caine did he even showed more heart and caring in the whole Batman franchise than Michael Caine did. Michael Gough did a wonderful job as the butler Alfred Pennyworth Batman's helper. I think Vicky Vale is very underrated character from all other female lead characters in all Batman films. Kim Bassinger did a wonderful performance as her role Vicki Vale. Michael Keaton was just great as Bruce Wayne/Batman, he acted like the role of Batman was written on his skin.
Bibliography for battman movie#
This is my number 1 personal favorite Batman of all Batman movies this is my movie and I love this film to death! Jack Nicholson was well-cast as The Joker he was a wonderful in his lead role performance. Written by Jennifer Van Meter, it contains three stories by three of comics top illustrators: Guy Davis, Bernie Mireault, and Tommy Lee Edwards.The 1989 Batman is the original Dark Knight and Tim Burton's Classic Dark Knight film. It fleshes out the mystery, relating the frightening stories of other people who have had run-ins with the mysterious, mythical Blair Witch, a new staple of modern horror. This one-shot comic works in conjunction with the recently unearthed documentary shot by a film crew who never returned to relate their experience. Fearing Elly had cursed them all, the people of Blair fled, abandoning their town and giving birth to a legend. A year later, her accusers started disappearing under mysterious circumstances. In 1785, Elly Kedward was driven out of the Township of Blair in North Central Maryland. By Van Meter, Davis, Mireault, and Edwards. Signed by artist Tommy Lee Edwards and limited to 7500 copies with Certificate of Authenticity. MATURE READERS"ĭynamic Forces Exclusive "Stickman" Glow-In-The-Dark Cover Signed edition. Written by Jennifer Van Meter, it contains three stories by three of comics top illustrators: Guy Davis, Bernie Mireault, and Tommy Lee Edwards. Comes with numbered DF Certificate of Authenticity. The only trouble is, with her ego, no one else can fit in the frame! Plus, the girls get a scare at the fair when the fortune teller's predictions actually seem to come true in "Fortune Told Off," by Mike Pellowski & Jeff Schultz! Plus: summer fun aplenty! FC, 48pgs.ĭynamic Forces Exclusive "Handprint" Glow-In-The-Dark Cover. Guess who wins? Find out in "The Act To Attract," by Barbara Slate & Dan DeCarlo! In "The Scene Stealer," by George Gladir & Jeff Schultz, Veronica brings her camcorder to the beach to shoot an 'improvised' movie of her friends. Veronica uses a tidal wave approach, while Betty opts for ripples. Blondes, brunettes, beach balls and bikinis ? need we say more? It could only be Betty & Veronica Summer Fun! Riverdale's beauties romp their way through summer break in this 48-page special chock-full of beach stories and (of course) pin-ups! The most competitive game on the beach isn't volleyball when a hunky new lifeguard catches Betty and Veronica's eyes. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available.īy Various.
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