#and i am ok with him dying cuz it was obvious from the beginning so not that sad but i do wish his death wasnt like.. pointless?
strangeswift · 2 years
Wait no I think I do like Eddie's character actually. I just don't like fanon Eddie. I was rewatching s4 scenes for writing purposes and I do like him. I just.. forgot.
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razberryyum · 4 years
TGCF donghua Episode 5 Thoughts (SPOILERS!)
Welp this is definitely my favorite episode of the donghua thus far. Holy crap where to even begin??? I rewatched it five times already to make sure I caught every little detail, but I'm sure I still missed something.
Ok first of all, couples fixing each other's hair is a super big soft spot for me, I love seeing that! I think it's so freaking adorable and sweet and domestic. Hell, this whole episode was so freaking adorable and sweet and domestic! It was so difficult deciding which moments were my favorite since I loved so many of them!
But before I get to any of that, I have to say, I am officially in love with this man.
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Gawds that look literally made my knees weak. Like, I kinda already loved him the first moment we saw him in the first episode (I mean, is it supposed to be a big secret who he is? Putting aside I already know from just being in the MXTX fandom, I think the donghua's been pretty blatant about his dual identity. Maybe it was easier to hide in the novel). I knew it wouldn't take much for me to love San Lang, I do have eyes after all, but the more time we spend with him the more I am just UTTERLY in love with him. I love his smiling eyes, his sexy aura, his personality, but I especially love the way he looks at Dianxia.
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I literally just love watching him watching Xie Lian. I can totally feel his love and devotion. It's like I can't take my eyes off of him because his love for Dianxia is like a magnet drawing me in.
Likewise, I also love the way Dianxia can't seem to keep his eyes off of San Lang either.
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And I really appreciate how the donghua plays it off as Xie Lian trying to figure him out, trying to determine if he's the Ghost King. I'm sure he sincerely is doing that but it's also obvious he is just fascinated by this man as well. And we know he thinks he's good looking thanks to his fortune telling attempt.
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I just about freaked out when this happened cuz I couldn't believe it. Look I know bros can share a bed and there's nothing untoward about it...
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...especially when they keep a respective distance apart. But there was just such a heavy air of sexual tension leading up to it that there was almost no way not to overreact to them sharing a bed straw mat. I mean, after all just a few moments ago, THIS happened.
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What was THAT all about?? 😂 What did Xie Lian think San Lang was going to do?? Am I wrong to think naughty thoughts?? I can only work with what they give me.
But given what little I know about their history, I'm puzzled by why San Lang seems almost sad at times when I would expect him to be nothing less than ecstatic. For example, when Xie Lian offered to share his bed with him, I thought San Lang would be overjoyed, but instead as can be seen above, he looked sad. Someone had explained that he was sad over the state of Dianxia's living conditions, which I can understand, but then felt like he should still be a little happy about sleeping next to the one he loves.
Then there was also this curious moment before that:
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One would think he'd be totally excited about having physical contact with with Dianxia, but he broke off the contact almost immediately and seemed distraught over it. UNLESS, I was supposed to read that as San Lang forcing himself to break contact in order to control his desire for Xie Lian? That just that little physical connection was already too much and he felt overwhelmed? Hence the trembling lips?
I think I'll go with the second option instead. Hotter that way. And if I'm way off base either way, don't bother to correct me. After all, half the fun in watching without reading the book yet is finding out the answers on my own and seeing how wrong or right my guesses and interpretations are.
Such as, Hua Cheng's eye. San Lang mentioned he guaged it out himself... I'm guessing it had something to do with him failing Dianxia in the past so he plucked out his own eye out of anger? Or was it a sacrifice on behalf of Xie Lian?
And then his ashes...I can't wait to find out if he already gave them to Xie Lian in the past without him knowing it, maybe Dianxia unknowingly even has them on his body now in some portable form, or he will be giving them to him in the near future.
Another thing I'm dying to find out about their relationship is how come Xie Lian has no memory of Hua Cheng or San Lang. Seems like there's some memory loss overall on XL's part based on some of the other gods' reaction to him. I mean, I guess HC could have been just a devotee from afar, but that would be, what, 800 years worth of one-sided love? Damn. Or is that actually the beauty and mystic of HuaLian's love?
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His words melted me. I am already a puddle of goo over HuaLian and I barely know anything about them. I hope I'll survive the emotional impact once I truly learn the entirety of their history.
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Also can't wait to find out more about his curse mark. Based on San Lang's reaction, I can only guess it had to do with him or he is just upset he couldn't stop it from happening.
Again, please do NOT tell me. I really look forward to finding out on my own...either through the donghua when they get to it or by reading the book when I finally get my shit together. I need to earn my worthiness of being able to worship at Dianxia's altar.
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burgerkang000 · 4 years
Email for better love lives
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im doing the read more thing, cuz u know scrolling ugh
@beyoncesdragon @aixy-hpsa (if anyone else wanna be tagged, let me know!!!)
This is a Yunho fic!
You met San at a compulsory public speaking class, where only you both had to attend for grades; it was filled with nerds who came voluntarily. And your bond begin with bored out glances at each other and loud sighs exchanged. And after that you guys hung out a lot, went to get coffee while doing homework, caught rides with each other, and waved whenever your paths crossed.
You met Yunho when San wanted you to meet his friends that he wouldn’t stop talking about, which made you slightly jealous; you yearned for a bond like that. You pushed that thought away, nothing good comes with jealousy. And while San and his friends would go about their own business, you would stick to the side-lines, not knowing what to say or do, even though they try their best to include you.
Yunho would be the one to keep you company, actively telling you about his day and attentively listen when you were asked about yours. He would also help you study and take you out to grab coffee when San would be too busy.
Anyone would be a fool to not fall for Yunho, with his smile that make his eyes crinkle at the corners, teeth on display, fluffy hair. Who wouldn’t fall for him, at least you could keep it inside, and no one had to know.
“Look at Yunho in this picture, he looks so handsome” San shows you the pictures from your quick break before the exams to the arcade. You take a glance, damn. You know that the moment you open your mouth, you’re screwed.
“I don’t like it when you’re vague” 
“Yes Yunho is cute” That’s all you plan on saying anyways, but you had to panic, because what if San thinks you’re not commenting on it too much and picks up that you’re crushing on Yunho? Ok, so you were overthinking.
“Too cute that it’s impossible he exists, I mean I see him every day but it’s not like I believe he’s real, there is a limit to being cute and all. I mean a recreation of a Greek god- I mean he should be a Greek God himself-”
You were cut short by San’s exploding laughter and as you voice your confusion to him, he still laughs until you violently shake him-
“Yah! Why are you laughing?”
He finally calms down enough to tell you-
“Just say you have a crush on him”
You open your mouth to deny-
“Admit it~” He says scrolling through his phone again.
You huff out, San was your best (read: only) friend, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, so you nod the tiniest bit, and San grins from ear to ear.
“I mean, I didn’t see it coming, but when you started rambling off like that, it was obvious.”
You sigh.
“You tell this to anyone, I will personally murder you”
“Sure sure”
And after that, he thankfully let you change the topic.
Ever since then, whenever you’d meet Yunho, right after that, you’d whip out your phone to text San; something vague like-
“He’s wearing a red sweater”
“He dyed his hair blue!”
“Kill me”
And then you’d go home and text San about how a person; a human, cannot simply be so beautiful, and ramble off about him.
“But sir, I don’t have an email” You tell the professor, who has just asked to submit your assignment by mail.
“Don’t whine to me, and make one, is there a student your age without email? How do you have social media accounts?”
“I don’t have them” you reply
“Just make one, it’s extremely useful, and won’t take much of your time” He said, in a brushing off manner, guess he doesn’t believe you.
You nod and sigh as you leave to the next class. If you can’t whine to your professor, you can whine to Yunho. Who listens to the whole thing like the god damn angel he is, and as you open your phone to create one, he gently coaxes it out of your hand, asks you if it’s okay if he creates one for you instead and when you nod he turns his attention to the phone, while you’re just dumbly staring at your hand, where Yunho’s hand made contact with yours.
“Look, I sent my self a mail using yours, lets chat on mail for a while, you can get used to it” He says, you nod, and talk for a while, and then Yunho had to go. You wave at him while he leaves and you text San.
“What’s your mail?”
And when you finally get it, you send him a mail.
[Image attached]
Later that day you get a reply from San saying that you’re too dramatic and an email from Yunho, which you didn’t think much about the time. He was the one who wanted to talk in mail, so you open it and-
And you realise you accidently send it to him too.
*cue freak out*
“So I must have send it to him too-” San blinks at you for a while and then-
Laughs at your face saying random things like
“This is gold”
“Never in my life- never”
At this point, you think he’s just spewing English vines that he’s been watching a bit too much to be considered healthy. And now you’re overcome with sadness, and as soon as he notices, he starts apologising and you bow you head, you think you look like a rag doll, and then cry. And san runs circles on you back, occasionally tucking strands of hair behind you ear and wait till you finish.
After a good while of snot- running type of crying, puffy eyes and ringing ears, you start to ramble, a habit that got you here in the first place.
“I don’t think I’m ready for rejection, I mean I was perfectly fine watching him from the side-lines. Heck I would watch him get married and I’d probably say nothing, like I’m not dying inside, proceed to get married, I’m crying tears of happiness-”
“What makes you so sure that he’s going to reject you?”
“I don’t know ok? But this isn’t a movie, he sees me as a friend and I had to go and catch feelings for him.”
San sighs.
“So, what’re you going to do now?”
It was hard, but you finally managed to blackmail San to help you avoid Yunho situations.
“And how long do you plan to do this?”
“Until my plane ticket and Visa to Alaska are approved and I change my name to Veronica Fall”
He looks at you, and the look speaks for itself, you’re being dramatic. You raise your arms in mock surrender and flop on top of the bed.
“Tomorrow everyone is hanging out, Yunho will be there, you coming?”
You pointedly grin at his cheeky expression, and he mimics the way you had surrendered just a few moments ago.
You stare at the response you had given to all the missed calls from Yunho.
I’m busy
Sorry, I was showering
I’m going to be busy for a while.
And you watch as the three dots move, and then stop and then move again, you feel as if your heartbeat moves along with those dots, stopping when it disappears, and then finally a response.
We need to talk, I gave you your time, and it’s not fair.
You feel like this is a new side of Yunho you haven’t seen, an assertive one. And you realise, just because you’re a coward, doesn’t mean that you can leave Yunho in the dark, even though you have fears of Yunho leaving you, getting awkward; deep down, you know, that Yunho, he’d never treat your feelings as something useless. And that makes you feel more in love.
And who knows unrequited love may not be so bad, maybe, just maybe; for Yunho it might not be so bad.
After sending the last text, you get up to clean the place, take out boxes littered about, and books and papers all lying about that you haven’t cared to put away. You do the dishes, and tie your hair into a pony, you’re distracting yourself from the real problem of facing him, for now you let yourself do it; later, you can scream at yourself.
And a right when you reach for the broomstick that you had tucked in deep behind the storage room; you hear a knock at your door.
You don’t think much about it, until you open the door. Low and behold; Yunho was standing at the doorway, a determined look on his face and he walks past you into the house.
You can’t help but think; geez, come on in. But you’re just salty.
And he opens his phone and shows it at your face, too close to read, practically in between your eyes, its touching your nose too. And you’re the dramatic one.
“Explain; explain this email, that was, I figure, supposed to be sent to San, explain why you’ve been avoiding me and my calls, and wherever I go right after I replied to this, I’m not going or letting you go until you do.”
And his voice cracks at the end bit, but you don’t notice, you’re in a bubble of thinking; thinking how to phrase this, just overthinking; maybe.
And moments which feel like hours pass, and you decide to do this the ripping off the band aid way. But it turned out more like the ramble it off way
“I like you? No, no that came out wrong… I love you? Yes, I’m pretty sure I love you, and don’t worry I know you’re not into me that way-”
And you don’t know what really happened; there was a hand on your face, right under your nose, and he was right in front of you.
“Sometimes, everything you say is nonsense.” He breathes, you open your mouth to respond, and he applies more pressure with his palm, to keep you quiet. You can’t help but think of the way your lips mouthed at his palm, not the time; not the time at all.
And then he continues.
“You don’t know how relieved I am to hear that, the moment I got that email, it took me a few minutes to understand, but when I did, I already pictured our five adopted cats, not gonna lie”
Your eyes widen in shock, did he just indirectly say he like you back, in the form of cats? This is why you fell for him in the first place.
“Did I creep you out? I must have creeped you out, forget I said that.”
And you laugh behind his palm, and he slowly removes it, moves it to your shoulder, drags it down the length of your arm, and interlocks it with your hand, a sweet smile on his face, the contagious one, so it’s only law that you smile back, teeth and all, since you can’t hold it back.
“We should go on a date.”
“That; we must.”
You were on one of your many dates, too wind up in each other to not notice the others who also wanted to hang out with you, you totally kept the news from San; you and Yunho are in this together, so he needs to also be comfortable with telling San, after a lot of thinking, you both settle on letting them find out, which may take years to get in their daft heads, but for now, you both have put fate in them.
San caught on way too quickly, the moment you enter the café and sit down, he says-
“So you’re not moving to Alaska? Or is your husband; Yunho moving with you?”
You blush and look down-
“Look, I can explain-”
And he breaks into a wide grin,
“I’m happy for ya”
You and Yunho were scrolling through many of the messages you have send to San; the ones fawning over Yunho, as much as he likes to get you flustered, he himself also gets flustered, so it’s a win-win situation.
“They haven’t caught on yet” you suddenly say.
It’s true, other than San none of them have caught on yet that you both have been dating, and that’s kind of weird, since it’s been almost a whole year.
But it’s not like you’re gonna sit them down and tell them. You and Yunho have a better plan.
Well you have a better plan.
“-and they walk in on us!”
“Or not?”
You end up inviting them over for dinner, and as they take their first bites, you happily chirp in that you’re dating and Yunho adds that you’re moving in with, leaving everyone to choke on their food, except San, who had a cocky expression, which soon turned into a choking fit, who’s cocky now?
And Wooyoung looks up, and goes “Wait, you’re serious” and continues choking, this time on nothing.
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aldbooks · 5 years
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What the everloving hell did I just watch?
Beware the salt... also the GIF use lol
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Basically... I fucking hated it. The entire time I watched it, the majority of the words coming out my mouth were some variation of “what the fuck? This is excruciating!” I honestly can’t believe I actually watched it twice 🤦🏻‍♀️
Ok so, first we start off with some quality Lukanette and even Marinette’s friends are all “Wow! Marinette and Luka are so cute together. What a good match they make. Maybe she should give him a shot instead of Adrien?!”
But then of course, Adrien shows up!... with Kagami. And Marinette, predictably, becomes Disasternette. At this point, we’re not even two minutes in and I already kinda wanna turn it off.
So then the gang goes above stairs to see what’s going on and Disasternette becomes even worse when Jagged Stone asks her to help him find a new guitarist. Everyone of course expects her to say Luka, cuz duh. But no. She picks 🥁... Adrien.
Who doesn’t even play guitar.
Then Jagged says “what about that kid wearing my face on his shirt with the guitar strapped on his back?” (Lol) and Mari’s like “oh, of course!” Cue short lived sigh of relief, cuz it’s immediately followed by “Luka can let Adrien borrow his guitar!”
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At this point I’m actually kinda angry. Because not only are they once again making Marinette look like an absolute fool, they made beautiful, selfless Luka look like a complete push over because he just gives the guitar to Adrien to please Marinette. Wtf??
And still, we’re not even four minutes in. At this point, I know this is going to be a very long episode.
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So, now the introduction to this episode’s akuma, Desperada. I ain’t mad it. Cool costume design, semi legit reason for akumatization, also, we now know what that random akuma from the Gamer 2.0 episode is that we were all like who the heck is that?
Fast forward a little here: Mari has a bit of an ah-ha moment with Tikki like “omg why did I give the guitar to Adrien? Why am I like this?” (Unfortunately it isn’t the development we’re hoping for though, as we find out very soon)
There are some quality Lukadrien moments as they both try to hide from Desperada and help Ladybug.
There’s a moment where Luka plays his guitar and both Ladybug and Adrien go all dreamy eyed, which I loved (Lukadrinette for the win) but my salty ass kinda wanted Adrien to see Ladybug getting goo-goo eyed over someone else and get jealous. Lmao
Anyways, so Lucky Charm gives her a gong and we all know that means it’s time for a new miraculous holder. Yay! Of course it’s obvious now this is Viperion’s episode but there’s a moment of confusion (and an epic face palm) when Marinette is all “I know the perfect person for the job! 🥁 Adrien!”
Seriously? Wtf.
Upon hearing that Ladybug wants to give the miraculous to Adrien, Chat Noir distracts Ladybug long enough to destransform so he can accept it.
Also see here how he pushes Luka back into the locker like “why don’t you just stay here 😉” so she won’t think to give it to him instead, when she can’t immediately find Adrien.
So Adrien and Plagg debate (read: Plagg tries to talk some sense into his idiot holder who completely ignores him cuz “omg ladybug needs me!” Um, yeah dipshit, she needs you to be Chat Noir) and for a hot minute I think we’re gonna get Snake Noir. But, Adrien wants Ladybug to fall in love with him as ‘himself’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ So never mind.
Also for a hot minute I think Adrien is going to actually do the right thing and refuse, but of course not, because this is ML...
Side note: Adrien’s acting when he opens the box and pretends to be surprised to see a kwami is on point.
Side side note: I don’t know what I expected Sass’s transformation phrase to be, but it def wasn’t “scales slither” 😒 and also, his transformation sequence is terrible and that costume is a travesty. (His end pose also kinda reminds of the gif of the guy from Road to El Dorado aggressively playing the mandolin😂)
Anyway, so for basically the first time ever, we actually see Ladybug explaining the miraculous rules and powers to the new holder. Adrien tells a corny joke and basically acts just like Chat, to which Ladybug giggles
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Again I think Adrien is about to do the right thing when Ladybug basically tells him to his face that Chat Noir is an unnecesary part of the team; so, naturally, he doesn’t.
Basically both of these kids act like selfish little shits so they can spend time together. For once I’m actually very proud of Plagg for calling Adrien out. “You’re supposed to be saving Paris, not flirting!”
What happens next is a montage of Adrien epically failing to save Ladybug with the Second Chance (do I sense a metaphor here? Is this foreshadowing? Ha! As if). He finally gives up the miraculous and good lord, thank you!
Then we find out he failed over 25k times before he finally made the right call...
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So Luka shows up and of course it’s Adrien who is all “Luka should have the miraculous” not Ladybug (because she can’t actually chose Luka herself for anything) And of course Luka just stands there while she kisses Adrien and thanks him for his help, blatantly letting Luka know he was the second choice (def a metaphor). *sigh*
Luka’s transformation of course is hella dope. I really wanted Ladybug to have an “oh no. He’s hot” moment, cuz let’s be real...
Also, why is Ladybug suddenly completely cool with civilians knowing the identity of a miraculous holder???
We’re now over 17 minutes into the episode, nearly the end, and I’m just now realizing that the episode where Luka is introduced as Viperion, isn’t even about him.
Luka then, after a couple of tries, actually is the one to figure out how to win, proving he was the right pick for the snake from the get go. He plays the damn Lyre, because of course he does, and they use Ladybug’s second Lucky Charm (a saddle btw. What the actual hell. This is some more weird, 50 shades type shit (see Reverser)) to defeat the akuma.
Back on the boat, Jagged again apologizes for being a diva and instead of getting some resolution to the Lukanette mistreatment at the beginning of the episode, we get Kagami once again being all “better step up Marinette before I steal your man” which is just the cherry on the cake really
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Other notes:
- in my opinion, this entire episode was essentially Adrien/Ladrien fan service
- as another poster astutely pointed out: Adrien acted basically exactly the same while Aspik as he does when Chat Noir, essentially blowing up Tom’s whole theory about Chat being the “real” Adrien
-Master Fu: this miraculous should be given to someone who won’t abuse it
Ladybug: gives it to Adrien- who proceeds to abuse it
- all I think we learned from this episode, is that both Adrien and Marinette need to get over their obsessions with Ladybug/Adrien because it severely impedes their ability to make rational, sensible, non-selfish decisions.
Also, that knowing each other’s identities really isn’t a good idea. Yeah I hear you, “what about Oblivio?” In Oblivio, they literally knew nothing about each other, other than they cared about each other and they worked well together. There was no ‘hero worship’ ‘he/she’s so perfect’ mentality to get in the way, just good old fashioned trust. So does knowing who the other is actually work for them?
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Ha! I’ve been dying for a good opportunity to use that set
I don’t think I’ve said it before on here, but def in my comments on my fic I Wanna Be Bad: I loved Adrien when this show started. Of the cast of characters, he def had the most potential. Lately though I’ve kinda given up on him.
He’s had zero growth. In fact, some times I think he’s actually gone backwards, especially as Chat Noir. He’s become increasingly petulant and childish and hasn’t learned a damn thing about respecting Ladybug’s boundaries or how to take being a hero seriously. It’s honestly killing the love square for me.
The writing on this show in general has become atrocious. For instance, this episode (according to reported production order) takes place after Silencer. Meaning Mari sat there and listened to Luka confess to her twice, and then goes and says he’s “just a friend” (yes, literally. She pulled an Adrien) and continues to humiliate herself for a guy who’s openly shown an interest in another girl.
It’s so painful to watch. Just as it’s painful to see Chat continually rip his heart out for LB even when she keeps turning him down.
Enough is enough already. We get it. Let them move on. Just because they date other people, doesn’t mean they won’t still end up together. That’s called reality.
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well--i-dont-know · 6 years
I wrote a radio drama for class
The Script is in the a read more Its called Excuses, and isnt in the right format but its there, this was actually really fun to do. 
By:Meghan Murphy
Opens with dramatic music, mimicking a hero's monologue
CHARACTER 1: My name is Mari Nara. Im short and out of shape, more often than not it looks like I just rolled out of bed. My mother says that I’m the smartest in my family, and I guess my grades from school reflect that in a way, but if i’m truly as smart as my mother says I am, then why am I sitting across from one of the most wanted men in the world.
Scene 2
Music shift to more homely noises and a radio in the background
CHARACTER 2: What are you writing a young adults novel as an excuse to get out of class? 1) that’s not your name and 2) Your teacher will see through your bullshit in a second.
CHARACTER 1: Maybe so but at least they would get a strong female character and a dramatic parallel to a dystopia compared our nation's current state in the process.
CHARACTER 3: And you still get marked as late.
CHARACTER 1: (sigh) Fine what would you say.
CHARACTER 2: Oo Say you fought a bear but add more pizazz . Like, Its was a dark and dreary night when you found yourself alone in the woods.
CH 1: Why would I-
Forest noises, with footsteps and rain as the radio music almost fades out completely    
CH 2: No interrupting. Alone in the woods when the heavens opened up above. As the rain poured down above you crashing upon every leaf on its way to the ground you looked around for a shelter. Having watched enough youtube tutorials you were of course prepared.
CH 1: More credit than I deserve but thank you.
CH 2: Knowing how to build a shelter with your bare hands you go to work looking for the proper sticks.
CH 1: What are we getting a play by play?
CH 2: You’re subtly teaching your teacher during the story how to build a proper wilderness shelter so your excuse is more practical and educational than the class would have been.
CH 3: Ok but can we get back to the forest Im dying to know how Megivver here makes a shelter.
CH 2: That's the thing as she was on her search for the perfect branch she stumbles upon a cave. Knowing that her chances are greater with less energy spent she decides to venture farther into the cavern for optimal living area.
CH 3: Naturally.
CH 2: So, as she ventures farther it gets darker and darker.
CH 3: Ah yes totally out of the ordinary for a natural cave, where is the room service and indoor lighting .
CH 2: Smartass, But our valiant Meg she didn't bring a light source with her, forced to feel around for the wall of the cavern.  Dark and damp, or well that's what she expected the wall to be. What she didn’t expect was a soft and warm mass to touch her hand.
CH1: Im guessing thats the bear.
CH3: No spoilers
CH2: It was (pause) a bear.
A roar and music gets intense
CH3: (Gasp)
CH2: As the bear acknowledges the new touch it arises from its slumber, turns around, and swings.  
Music picks up with a suspense song
CH2: Blows are being traded and both you and the bear are in what seems to resemble a bar fight.
Fighting sounds and bear roars continually
CH1: Yeah cuz both I and the bear know how to bar brawl
CH2: The secret life of bears man who knows. As you and the bear fight it seems as though our hero is coming out on top, and with one final blow the bear is down. Sleeping once more.
CH3: No bears were harmed in the making of this excuse.
CH2: I mean the bears pride maybe. Any way you have done it it seems as though the cave is yours.
Bear fight effects stop and music dies down
CH1: That seems too easy.
CH2: That is. . .
CH1: There it is.
CH2: Until another bear appears out of the darkness of the cave. Its mamma bear and this time she’s pissed. You just beat up her kid and she’s ready to fight.
Bear fight effects come back
CH3: OOOO I don't think Meg can take the momma bear.
CH2: Neither does she. That coward clearly being able to forsee the outcome of the match turns and begins to run out of the cave. That’s when. . .
Footsteps added
CH1: Oh god what now?
CH2: That’s when the momma bear pulls out a flare gun
CH3: That’s one hardcore bear.
CH1: And impossible but go on
CH2: The takes the flare gun and aims it in the direction of \
CH2(cont): her cubs assailant, and she fires. She fires as many shots as she can and Meg the hero that she is does her best to dodge every-single-one. She manages to dodge most but one catches her. And that's why she has a scar on her thumb. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Fade back to radio
CH1: There are so many things wrong with this story,
CH3: Name one thing
CH1: The fact of a bear had a flare gun or what about the fact of this wasn't about explaining the scar on my thumb, I got from cooking I’ll just add, but how will this get me out of class.
CH2: I don't know about you but I wouldn't mess with anyone who I know fought a bear
CH3: Yeah your not thinking about it the right way, but I still see your point. What if you tell the teacher that the dog ate your ability to get out of bed early in the morning.
CH1: that would probably work better than the bear story
CH2: It was gold and you’re just too much of a coward too see it.
CH3: Ok ok ok I have the perfect excuse for you. How about you tell her that you got kidnapped.
Scene 3
CH2: On a dark and dreary night
Action music begins
CH3: Oh god no no no, So this is what you tell her. That you      
CH3(cont): Were walking down the street after class yesterday, when some random person comes up to you wanting you to buy drugs off them. But you told them no cuz your a good christian girl.
CH1: ah yes as the jesus told me say i'm too broke to have fun habits so why would I want those kinds of habits, to drugs. And more importantly why is a drug dealer kidnapping me because I didn't buy from them?
CH3: I wasn't finished. So you say no cuz your boring, and then next thing you know there is a bag over your head and you’re being pulled into a van.
CH2: hope you only tipped your uber a dollar.
CH1: Hope they didnt drop my purse, that where I keep my pokemon cards.
CH3: You’re getting theoretically kidnapped and your worried about your Charizard
CH1: Limited edition one yeah
CH3: Anyway , your kidnappers take special care as to not bend your mint edition Charizard holo card
CH1: Now this story is realistic
CH3: And they put a bag over your head and knock you out.
Ch2: What was it like to have the best sleep of your life be because you were being kidnapped.
CH1: Yeah I’m jealous of this “me” in your story. Can I get that kind of sleep.
CH3: So your in the back of their van. Totally knocked out when a bump in the road wakes you up.
Ch2: is that even possible?
CH3: In this story it is so shush. When you awaken you start to struggle hoping to get out of the bondage the they have trapped you in. As you struggle the driver seemed to be obvious to the fact that you woke up.  
CH1: If i'm not becoming an action hero in this one I feel lied too.
CH3: Hero is a relative term, lets just say that the van ended up at the bottom of the ocean.
CH2: The nearest one is over one hundred miles away. How.
Car effects
CH3: And you and you Charizard card rode off into the sunset to live happily ever after.
CH1: And that's why I didn't go to class???
CH3: Fine ok how about you try to come up with an excuse if your gonna be so picky about it.
CH1: Maybe I will.
CH2: This is going to be the worst story ever.
Scene 4
Presidential music and an eagle in the background
CH1: It all started when the president of the United States
CH2: (disgust) ew
CH1: When he make the first good decision in his life and decided to name me President.
CH3: How Democratic of him, so your our president why does that mean you get out of class??
Ch1: Normally it wouldn’t, If I haven't used my new found power of being the President Of the United States to say the The President doesn't have to go to school.
Ch3: Smart
Ch2: Tactical I like it
Ch3: But can you make it so the president friends don't have to go to class either?
Ch1: (hisses through teeth) OOoo sorry now that I’m President I have to start taking things seriously, and making a law just for my friends would be selfish and not very presidential like. So sorry but I can’t.
CH2: Wow not even a full hour and she’s already forgotten where she came from
Ch3: I will say that she seems to have a stronger moral compass then the current Prez.
Ch1: So I can count on you for reelection right?
CH3: You got my Vote
CH2: I’m gonna need a little more lobbying for you to sway me.
Music fades back out to radio
CH3: Ok I have it the ultimate end all. Crazy idea here so don't just shoot me down immediately
CH1: (sigh) Your gonna tell me tpo just got to class aren't ya.  
CH3: absolutely.
CH2: buzzkill, but she’s right
CH1: I know, I just don't wanna say it.
CH3: Go learn things ya nerd.
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deer-doodles · 7 years
[doctors orders]
[WowWOwOwOWwowow ok guys, so that update amirite? I’m still dying over the fact that the fic I wrote was STRIKINGLY SIMILAR to what came out like, guys, hire me, we are clearly on the same page. I am so happy and in love. Anyway, this fic definitely follows the end of current Julian route, so there will be spoilers! Also I did not really feel the need to rate my last fic which was probably just a standard PG-13 affair, but things do heat up a lil bit here... so.... just to warn you..... no preview cuz... spoils.]
Rating: [the very top of] PG-13 Word Count: 1880
 They very faintest hint of morning light filtered in and the sound of commerce beginning to shuffle outside pulled Luna from her slumber. It sounded so soft, felt so familiar, she smiled softly as she stretched slightly in bed-- 
 Wait. This wasn’t… the palace… this was… 
 Her eyes flew open and she began to recall the night prior. The bit of filtered sun brought to life the dust floating about Mazelinka’s home. Her eyes widened further as she remembered more…. 
 She slowly shifted onto her back and turned her head to find a very much awake and warmly smiling Julian watching her. 
 “Good morning.” 
 She puffed her cheeks slightly - it’s not as if… she regretted anything from the evening before, oh no… she’d… she had definitely enjoyed it… but it had all just.. So much had happened! And all so quickly… She already found herself being drawn back in though. He looked so.. inviting. They’d both fallen asleep in their clothes, and his shirt had since found a way to unbutton itself further as they slept, it hung loosely off his shoulder and his hair was perfectly tousled in the way only a good night's sleep could provide.
 “M-mornin’..” she stammered slightly, turning further to lay on her side facing him. He wasted absolutely no time in leaning forward to steal the softest kiss, like it was the most casual thing in the world. Like he’d done this every morning for longer than they could remember. Her chest fluttered and a soft sigh escaped her. 
 Before her absolutely lovestruck stupor could set in, it dawned on her once more: this is not the palace.
 She shot up, so fast that she basically headbutted Julian, but only a soft huff escaped him in response. “Portia is going to be coming to wake me at any moment now.” In a frenzied panic she attempted to kick the sheets off herself but Julian, rubbing at his nose with one hand, reached over and gently took hold of her chin to bring her attention back to him. 
 “Quite the walk back, so you will be late regardless.” 
 She bit her lip, giving him a look that said she really could not argue with him. To which he shifted upward to lean in closer, his thumb idly ran over her lower lip as his nose bumped hers. 
 “Yes but-” 
 He silenced her with a soft kiss, to which she pursed her lips but did not outwardly protest. 
“But what will-” 
 Again he stole her lips, but with more purpose. He dropped his hand down onto the bed on her opposite side, trapping her where she was. Luna’s heart was nearly pounding out of her chest - she’d certainly never had any encounters quite like the ones she did with Julian… she hardly knew how to act under such circumstances. All she knew for sure was that she really didn’t want him to stop but.. 
 Pulling away with a slight gasp, she continued once more, “What will she tell Nadia when I’m not there for breakfast? She is your sister, surely you would not wish to see her reprimanded…” 
 He idly brushed some dark strands of hair from her face and chuckled, “She is a very resourceful woman.” He softly nipped at her ear and drew a path along her jaw with his lips, “I would not underestimate her.” 
 Well, she could not really deny that. Portia certainly had a way of working things into her favor. Still… 
 A soft surprised moan escaped her as his lips flirted with her neck. “J-Julian…”
 His response was a satisfied chuckle against her skin, “Stay a bit longer, won’t you?” 
 Her sigh was resigned, “Persuasion must run in the family.” Biting her lip, she let herself slip backwards onto the bed proper, her gaze dragging slowly up his body before meeting his. Her hands followed a similar path, fingernails raking softly against his exposed skin, through the ginger furls of his chest which elicited a very pleased and unflattering sound from Julian. Luna chuckled, drawing her hands up his and into his hair. Stupid… beautiful man. She couldn’t say really what drew her to him in the first place, but of all their encounters he… was kind, awkward, silly. Hard not to like. She found herself smiling up at him, content, her sentiment reflected in his face. 
 Julian leaned down, teasing her lips with a faint brush of his own, but failing his own ploy as he quickly stole them for something far more hungry. They both shifted around a bit so that he hung over her, one knee resting between her thighs. Luna didn’t really know what to do with all of this honestly. She recalled yesterday, that pleased groan as she pressed against that wound he took from her, the flush of his face. She wasn’t… well, as much as she could remember, she wasn’t uhm… particularly a fan of… hurting others. But that reaction… She couldn’t pretend she wasn’t curious how she might elicit it. Just that slight clawing up his chest had garnered a moan out of him. 
 And it seemed only fair, considering the shivers that ran down her spine as his fingers brushed up her side against bare midriff. Lucky for him all he really had to do was touch her to prove fruitful. Though she had no doubts her delicate touches would be pleasurable to him was well. A gasping breath escaped her as his hand slipped back down and grasped at her thigh, bending her leg at the knee. In an act of retribution she pulled back slightly, allowing a moment to pass during which his heavy lidded heated gaze roamed her face. His expression changed quite dramatically as she took his lower lip between her teeth and tugged lightly. See? That was fun. A thought that brought a smirk to her face as she admired the vibrant red of his cheeks and still slightly widened eyes. She bit down a bit harder as she bent the leg that happened to be between his legs, pressing her knee to a particularly sensitive part of his body. The absolutely pathetic whimpering moan that escaped him… she was a little surprised how much pleasure that brought her. 
 Releasing his lip she found her mouth overtaken by his in the most ravenous of ways. Her hands tangled into his hair, tugging lightly though her attentions were far too preoccupied elsewhere to put in much effort. His lips were hungry, begging her, tongue almost forceful, a bit awkward, teeth nearly gnashing together. His desperation was far more delectable than she could have even really anticipated. 
 “Luna…” he breathed haggardly, almost a whine, truly. His hips bucked slightly against her knee as he buried his face into her neck. Her chest rose and fell far more laboriously than she realized until that brief moment of catching her breath.  
“Luna, Luna…” he panted against her skin, kissing her neck haphazardly, grazing the curve of her shoulder with his teeth. Carefully calculating a spot that would not be immediately obvious, he sucked her skin between his lips, pulling a slight gasp from her lips. Her hands dropped down to his waist, finding their way underneath the loose hanging fabric of his top to claw up his back, to which a prominent moan tickled her skin where his lips were. 
 “I wonder,” his words were quiet, his voice low, tempting, “what you’ll say when they inevitably ask you where this mark came from~?” his tongue ran along his handiwork, the skin bruised and purple at the base of her neck. 
 Only after what he said did she realize what he’d done, and while she didn’t mind, he made a fair point. To which she withdrew one hand and smacked him upside the head. He laughed and kissed the sore spot tenderly. 
 “The truth, I suppose,” she started with a soft snort, “I was attacked by a vampire eel.” 
 He laughed again, kissing his way up her neck and bringing a hand to the side of her face. “Is that what I am?” He didn’t allow for a response though as he took her mouth captive once more. All giggles and groping hands, they were certainly lost to their own world.
Until the floor burst open.
An unapologetic Mazelinka spared them no embarrassment as she opened up the hiding hole she’d slept in that night, “You know I’m sure there’s somewhere more private you two could do that sort of thing than my bed.” 
 Luna nearly kicked Julian off her and scrambled to sit up. How had she not... damn, Julian really had a way of making her forget reality. Which… shit! “Ah… I… I was just… I need to go…” Frazzled, Luna nearly sprung up out of bed, hair absolutely mussed and clothes completely off kilter, trying to make a clean escape. “Oh dear,” was Mazelinka’s entire response as she looked over to Julian who simply watched Luna’s panicked movements. He slowly righted himself and looked down to the old woman that had sprouted from the floor at an entirely inopportune time, but… regardless. He was pleased. So said the dopey smile and puppy eyes that followed Luna’s every hectic twirl as she tried to straighten herself up just a tiny bit. 
 “Ahem- uhm.” Luna cleared her throat, looking down to Mazelinka, bowing very awkwardly, “Thank you so much for your hospitality I uhm... “ she looked at Julian, feeling like she should apologize but also felt like she really couldn’t swallow admitting all that they’d… just done, in this poor old woman’s bed. “....t-thank you….” pausing a moment she pursed her lips, almost glaring at Julian now, “Julian, a word?” she gestured towards the door out and stepped off towards freedom. 
 Mazelinka merely shrugged, “No reason to thank me, any… friend… of Ilya’s is welcome.” 
 Clearing his throat, Julian hopped up out of bed, a bit too quickly, his head bumping the low ceiling. Immediately upon closing the distance between the two of them he attempted to engulf her once more, but she pressed both hands to his chest to keep him somewhat at bay. 
 “I feel like I should be angry with you, but… I really can’t find it in me.” Luna huffed slightly, though she could not maintain the glare for more than a few seconds when faced with his stupid grin. 
 Seeming to completely disregard what she said, he craned forward just a bit, tilting her chin upwards, “Meet me somewhere. Anywhere.” 
 God he made her heart pound in ways she was certain she’d never felt before. “Meet me at my shop later tonight. It shouldn’t be an issue I can just say I forgot something.” 
 His thumb brushed softly against her jawline before he pressed closer, kissing her gently, “Mm, perhaps I can have my key back~?” 
 Luna grinned now, giving him a gentle shove back inside as she pushed out the doorway, “Oh I don’t know, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” 
 And with that settled, she made for the Palace.
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap Pt. 3
WARNINGS:SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper ( I still believe)
6.- Back on Eastwatch, we have this morons trying to not freeze, too late for Thoros tho, I mean dude was a walking corpse since the Hound had his fire vision, he was completely obtuse for the plot so they got rid of him. I feel nothing. Guess his conversation with Jorah (that I totally skipped cuz boring) was heartwarmming but still I knew he was dead as soon as the bear got him. They burn his body with his own alcohol.
7.- An invitation arrives for Sansa to go to KL, amd she is like LMAO I think no you trick ass bitch, my girl is not an idiot and there is no way in hell she’ll go, if Cersei wants to make her prisioner again she can damn well bring her ass to the North and try, and she sends Brienne in her stead, Brienne doesn’t want to leave her on her own with LF, Sansa has to snap and her and basically throw her on the street to get her to go (god Jon is gonna have a hissy fit when he sees Brienne at KL and knows Sansa is alone at WF with LF) very wise decision knowing LF wanted to get Brienne tagled up on his schemes.
8.- In Dragonstone Tyrion is trying to stop D from going to the rescue cuz he doesn’t want her to die even tho he is fine with the man that volunteered for this stupid ass mission that was his idea dying (consistent characterization where art thou?) but she goes anyway cuz #YOLO
Also this unsubtle shift to white clothes now that she is gonna do an heroic thing, she honestly looks kinda like Elsa from Frozen, where does she get this clothes anyway, did she brought a new wardrobe from Essos? Are the Dothraki sewing and knitting clothes??
Where are the Unsullied and the Greyjoys????
7.- Yeah so they just kinda waiting around for their Uber, but the Hound is taking none of this boring but safe bull, let’s throw rocks at the wights for funnsies. So he does and the wights get angry? Annoyed? Who knows really? And they begin to close in our heroes.
Jon thinks they’re doomed without D’s help but Beric points put that not really (Beric and his sexy ass voice are winning me over)“as long as they kill the Night King everyone else is gonna be detroyed (this sounds waaaaaay to convinient, almost as if d&d want to get rid of the WW as fast as possible so they can focus on the political/human problems) but Jon is not so optimist. So yeah we get some fighting in, and things are beginning to look real bad for the Wight Hunters when boom Khaliisi comes in rising and burning wights (and ice) as she goes! They are saved OMG what a relief! (excuse my sarcastic ass) everyone is getting on the Dragon choo choo, except Jon (guess we’re saving the dragon riding for laters) who keeps on fighting.
Now I guess this is relevant, he thought they were doomed until D arrives, she is burning her way through th wights like you couldn’t believe and Jon is visibly relieved, he is getting the hope that maybe they can win this war, he is clearly trying to fight his way to the NK, I thought he wanted to end it right there, go for the NK and be done with it that is why he refuses to go.
Now his hopes get dashed away when NK throws at spear at Viserion and kills him, now I’m really worried, did I broke something inside me? Why is it that I don’t care? Oh right we never got a scene with Viserion alone, if he had bonded with Jon last episode instead of Drogon (Jon still thought this giant lizards ugly af tho) then Hey maybe I could have cared, but this feels like super dramatic and emotionally manipulative from the writers tbh. I feel the whole purpose of killing him off was to have "Cool Ice Dragon” and for some rushed J/D moment (I have a lot to say about it) D is stunned by grief I guess? Jon gets angry but I don’t think it’s cuz he cared about the dragon or for D, i mean of course he must have felt sympathy for her she stated that she loved them just last episode, but i think his rage comes from the frustration of knowing he can’t end this right now, he can’t prevent more people from dying and now with a dragon in the army of the dead…
So yeah Jon tells them to go away cuz the crazy ass bitch wants to die I guess, and he doesn’t want anymore Dragons joining the wights.
The lake gives away, but Jon comes out of the water freezing to death, the Wights surround him but he is too weak to fight, when BAM! Magical convinient Uncle Ben saves him, Jon is clearly surprised and emotional at seeing the uncle he loved so much and thought to be dead (dammit those Starks are hard to kill) but Benjen is having none of that cuz he has to be a martyr saving your ass Jon! So he gives his stupid ass nephew his horse, Jon gallops away while seeing his uncle dying (OK my emotions are back, I love uncle Ben even if D&D made him this protagonist characters convinient saviour).
8.- Back at Eastwatch, you know the actual castle, D is waiting for Jon looking hopefully at the horizon, while Jorah is trying to save her the heartache (I mean if this had any realism anymore Jon would be totes dead) but here he comes riding and all that jazz.
Before we dive into that scene (you know which) I’d like to stablish some thoughts:
-I believe D’s feelings for Jon are real, but they are not based in real things. First let’s ask ourselves why is she even in love (if we can call it that at this point) with him? She is clearly attracted yes, but Love is different than lust, so yeah he is a great guy I guess? But she hasn’t really seen him at that, everything she knows about him is based on the stuff Tyrion knows about him: his brothers are dead, as well as his father,he was at the Wall, he has a wolf?? I dunno if Tyrion mentioned that cuz the only one who remembers Ghost exists is Sansa, and the mystery about the dagger to the heart. And that’s where I think this fixiation comes from, this man could be her equal he is not afraid of her and stands his ground (on her POV) and maybe he is as magical as she is, Drogon let the man pet him!!!
But what she sees vs what actually is, shows she doesn’t know this man at all, what’s more Jon doesn’t want her to know him.
-She talks to him about her brothers when she is telling him the names of her Dragons, perfect oportunity for Jon to talk about Robb,Rickon and Bran(Jon thought he was dead as well) but doesn’t.
-She is talking about Ned on her big speech on their meeting, yet Jon his biggest admirer didn’t jump to defend his beloved father??
-When she is talking about her Dragons he could have very well mentioned Ghost yet he didn’t
-Davos jumped to defend him, and was telling D all Jon went through but Jon stopped him, she asked directly about the dagger to the heart and he said nothing.
-She was happy for him when he finds out his siblings aren’t dead, but Jon doesn’t show any emotion about it.
-As a matter of fact he never símiles or seems at ease in her presence. Fuck it even jondry has more build up in their two episodes together. Jon smiled at Gendry and talks with him about Ned. (not to mention Sansa, she makes him smile like no other.
It all feels almost like he has no goddamned interest in getting to know her (she is always the one to share this information without him asking) as a person, he doesn’t want her to know him. Why???
Reminds me about this quote:
“When you are attracted to people, it’s because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.”

- Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home
Jon has never laughed or smiled near D, and that's the most telling stuff about this whole romance debacle in my humble opinion.
9.- Boat time! so Jon is just waking up (I knew my son didn't decided for himself to ditch WF and go to KL instead) and D is there (no I was just joking about the Twil1ght and 50s0g last week stop staring at people while they are asleep and shirtless is creepy) Honestly her eyes when she saw the scars on his chest made me uncomfortable (I could practically see her delusions about how magical Jon is and barfed, cuz yeah Jon is pretty magical, but the amazing thing about him is that he wants none of that he doesn't want t be a hero or a god, hells he didn't even wanted to be King!!) Anyway Jon's eyes focus on her and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is that he is sorry about Viserion?For real? Uncle Ben died to save you and you care about this? Of course not! Have some faith in Jon ffs! Goddamn it he got killed by the NW when he rushed from his office cuz Uncle Ben had returned!!! He loved uncle Ben, why would he care about Viserion?? He does not! This is another 'they are gorgeous beasts" he is bullshiting her so hard it's obvious.
She thinks he is her equal and defy her and all that jazz, but in all their interactions (except that time he said I am King to get away from DS) he caters to her, he is never sincere with her, for he has learned she doesn't listen.
She says she'll fight the WW and about how the dragon are the only children she'll ever have, doesn't mention a thing about kneeling everything seems almost too perfect, so why would Jon bullshit her?? Maybe I am just a salty shipper, but point is I don't think Jon trusts D a lot, oh yes he talked about trust when he wanted to get away from DS, and he did show trust going to meet her without weapons or a proper guard, but I stand by what I said last week she betrayed that trust the moment she called him a rebell and took his boat making him prisioner in all but name, not to mentionhe saw in frist row how she blamed Tyrion(her hand) for things going wrong and he doesn't have the luxury of having her turn on him, she is alright now but if another Dragon or one of her friends died what then? She could just go back to Essos, he can't afford that.
So he calls her Dany, and she laughs (bitch me too the fuck) but he doesn't smile at all, and he takes her hand, this gave me serious flashbacks of the Jonsa scene Back on S6 when Sansa takes his hand, or the scene from 7x01 when she takes his arm and he looks down, just his time positions are reverted, Jon is the one touching D (this gesture he has come to learn is very effective to have someone listen to you) and D looks down on their joined hands but Jon doesn't, he looks almost pained and guilty (he is an awful liar) Jon goes as far as to call her my Queen and saying he would bend. Seriously y'all think he was being sincere, why would he go from calling her stranger just last episode to being all Dany my Queen with no development in between the very next? No this doesn't make sense at all.
Why do you all think all this random ass conversations about Honor=Dead and "bending the knee is OK if you do it for your people's life" if not to foreshadow this? Jon himself said he went on the mission for the North, why would he seriously ditch his family and people for someone he just met? You can scream he is attracted to her all you want, I personaly don't see it, but it's a disservice to Jon to think he could mean any of this, he is not above using sex and romantic feelings (Ygritte) to do his duty, even if he developed feelings in the last situation he choose his duty and he will again because he loves Winterfell and he loves the Stark shipping aside. It would be ridiculous to have Lord Glover talking about foreing whores, Sansa warning about to be smarter than Robb and Ned, Tormund going on and on about Mance's pride, Jorah and Jon's conversations about Jeor and Ned and Beric talk about how thrones and Queens don't matter if Jon is suddenly gonna forsake it all in the name of a love we have no proof but Tyrion's and D&D's words (that we shouldn't trust cuz it's not likely they would give away such a twist) that it exists at all.
D eats it all up (I kinda feel bad for her, almost, only if she weren't such an entitled brat) and she tells him to rest. Jon clases his eyes and as soon as she is out he stares at the ceiling and sighs, again not subtle at all.
Anyway that is just what I think.
10.- The wights are getting Viserion out of the lake with some big ass chains, where do they even get this stuff? Hardhome? The had this big ass chains? A convinient again. Anyway so Viserion's out and his eyes open, and they are blue. Real talk the NK has had more bonding with him in this 2 min than D in all the seasons.
That's all I hope the finale is a bit better cuz this episode was hella boring.
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
I’ve managed to do a few in one sitting, so I decided to be extra nice. Here ya go, folks - Criminal Minds s01e03 Won’t Get Fooled Again review
Episode 03 – Won’t Get Fooled Again
Ok, let’s get started on episode 3. So from the title alone I can guess it has to do with the background of one of the characters. Sounds yummy. Let’s go.
We start with a guy creepily staring at another guy’s house while listening to the weather report … and I’m not liking the odds with that heat figures.
And we’re located in Palm Beach, Florida this time, exotic and high end… impressive.
You know, for a businessman he’s being awfully stalkerish, gives me the creeps. Also, the guy who is being stalked is the dad from “Even Stevens” LOL so good to have throwbacks.
Oh, wow! That was unexpected! It just went boom!
And Even Steven’s dad is on fire and screaming bloody murder. Yeesh. I hoped it was gonna be ok this time.
Five bombs??? That’s insane!!!
How the hell does Derek know all about bombs? He’s even more intriguing than I thought. A lovely wrapping on a lovelier package, mmm (smacking lips)
And a bomb just went off on a live news report, awesome PR for the bomber, no doubt.
And show’s intro – still pissed Kirsten isn’t in it. Oh wait, she’s a guest star???? What??? Oh God, I’m gonna have to keep up with this show to see her become a series regular. Oh boy.
Someone should explain what ATF means.
And Derek is still doubting Gideon’s capability in the field? What? Oh well, I guess it’s for the best cuz I trust that fictional man with all my heart.
Samuel Johnson: “Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.” – does that mean this episode has a copycat? Whoa, talk about foreshadowing!!!!
Aww Penelope’s cute cluelessness around the bomb is so amazingly adorable.
“Garcia, what are you doing in the FBI?” “I didn’t get into medical school” “Why does that noy surprise me?” “Ouch! That’s what my father said seven years ago!”
Hahaha I love their banter. I’m so excited they get a scene all for themselves.
“You sound like Gideon,” “Ouch!”
God, I love those two.
Morgan explaining the mechanics of bombs should not be this arousing.
“Boom! See ya later, unsub.” – hopefully.
“What does that tell you about our unsub? “(looking nauseated) That he’s one sick puppy?” aww babycakes.
Um, if you don’t understand that the police and FBI are in your house you should get your head checked, please calm down lady, they’re trying to help.
Oh, lovely, anarchist? What the frick are they trying to prove here?
Oh wow, they messed up his leg real good for this episode, nice. But he’s huffed up on painkillers why is he still coherent? Hmm, that seems oddly suspicious.
OK, if a geologist isn’t taking samples, that should be a red flag, you moron. How the fuck can ou afford that bigass house and have the brain of a dead coyote?
Oh snap, so Elle found a picture of a kid, who is their nephew… but seriously? A kid making a bomb? What the hell? Also, if he’s coherent, how the fuck is he NOT a suspect? Am I missing something?
Penelope’s playing Tetris while Morgan’s trying to figure out the bomb, I’m dying here. Wow. Did she just solve it? She’s amazing. I love Penelope Garcia with all of my heart.
Yay, going into a different scene in Gideon’s head. I love when they do that. It always excites me.
So he gets off on murder? Ew.
Oh, they’re going to prison, baby.
Yeah, it’s a “shocker” that Hotchner was a nerd when he was a kid. Like he isn’t now.
Look, Bale is jail, of course it’s a copycat, of course it is! He’s a narcissistic asshole who can’t share his toys, so why the fuck would he send someone to do his Devine work?
Oh this guy is just bananas all over the charts! Whew. I’m getting dizzy just from listening to this whackjob.
Oh shit, the kid is holding a fucking bomb. Oh shit.
Oh my god, that’s excruciating to watch. Why let a girl hold a box that’s supposedly a bomb? Damn.
“Office of Supreme Genius Puzzle-Solving, do you have a riddle for me?” if I wasn’t being monitored I’d answer like that at my job.
Wow, the guys in prison can access the internet? Maybe prison isn’t all that bad … weird. Oh, wow, now Penelope is gonna lure him out with pornography? That sick little lady, I love her so much.
“Sexy willing teen hot for inmate” – could you be any more obvious? For a tech kitten, you’re not very kitteny.
186 emails from the guy in prison? They need to roll back the privileges. Come on.
Haha they just got onto the unsub.
“Don’t marry the first guy who proposes” – why the fuck would you tell a woman that?
“I hope he’s not committing suicide, I won’t be able to collect on life insurance” – that’s healthy, Mrs. Walker.
Oh crap! That guy just totally turned his wife into roadkill. What the fuck is going on with this show??
Guy was obsessed with Bale. Eek! Talk about creepy assholes.
Aww, look at Garcia making her lunch all organized.
And why is Derek getting down on her for not eating or sleeping? Not nice. But I love him all the same. Please never change, or I will be forced to mishandle you, mister.
“Uh-ho! Somebody’s been taking notes!” “Medical school, schmedical school” someone staple those two’s lips together already.
Also, I love their cute little hand thing they got going on.
“Forgeries valued into millions?” I got to get in on that. Damn.
Oh man. They just sent a hostage with a bomb on him. Oh crap! That just got serious real quick.
I can’t believe I can eat while watching this show. I guess I’m really desensitized now. Really hoped not to get to this point, but whatever.
Three hours to diffuse a bomb? Damn.
So they’re going to negotiate with a bomber? Oh man.
Aww, he’s got a bumper mirror on a selfie stick! You’re so resourceful, Hotch.
What? Now Bale is in contact with Walker? Oh boy. He’s gonna blow the whole thing up like the fourth of July. Get the hell out of there!!!!!
Phew. Only Walker got fried.
Wait, what? They’re gonna give him the option to get out of prison? For a bomb on a civilian? That’s cute.
Oh come on! He already said he made an error in the beginning of the episode, why the fuck does he have to be such a fucking prick?
Wow. He’s a definite sociopath. Seriously. Just slap the cuffs on him and lead him to his execution, come on! Ugh.
4 minutes to diffuse the bomb.
Wait. Bale told him red and Gideon says blue? Why the fuck did that asshole lie to him? Now he gets nothing anyway!
Oh damn Gideon is one teasing little bitch, and I love him for it.
 This was such an intense episode, I really hope they keep it up. As much as I grumble and grouse over the graphic imagery, I love this so much. I’ll see y’all tomorrow night (yup, it’s 9:30 pm over here) for Plain Sight, alright? Thanks to those who read this. Mwah <3
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the fall 3.01 thoughts
the problem is that it seems we're just supposed to care whether paul specter lives or dies and i just don't. they've found rose now, i guess he was claiming to be leading them to the bodies of his other victims...but i don't care if he dies and i don't really get why stella does, either. he's not a 'i'm secretly rooting for him' bad guy. he's just horrifying and i wished him dead often in s2.
i like the coordinating doctor here with the pretty eyes. 'nurse ursula's runner, just because is.' i hope he's around a while and not just in these beginning scenes. #dr o'donnell of belfast general
dr o'donnell is so frickin cute i can't stand it. i'm really getting the feeling i know him from somewhere though.
so i waited a long time to finally watch s3, as i'm just quite sick of women being assaulted, on and off camera, no matter how good the show is. therefore i'm a little fuzzy on some stuff...good to know stella's boss is still an ass. #i can handle her i promise
oh, you poor boy. i forget your name but it's obvious you have way more feelings for stella than she does for you and that's very bad news bc she's got better things to do
WTF didn't they say they weren't going to put him next to rose???
oh ok maybe he's not. maybe they just wheeled him past her.
good to know the tiny idiot babysitter hasn't changed one bit. 'you have to go to hospital, you don't understand' *sobs as though she's dying*
i'm now waiting for the babysitter to kill her own mum to get out of the house and see paul
am i supposed to feel bad for his wife? cuz i really don't.
‘in that state of fear she might well have been compliant, she might well have submitted, but that does not mean she consented.’ DAMN RIGHT
so where is the female cop i know i liked so much in series one and two? did she die? cuz i get some of their names mixed up and am still not sure, since we haven’t seen her
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Lillie’s visit home
Idk where all my energy for shipping Lillie and Hau came from, but here it is
“No, the sign goes over there!” Mina yelled waving her hands at Sophocles and Kiawe. The surprise Welcome Home party for Lillie was being set up by the trial captains. Of course Hala and the Professor agreed the artist of the captains should be in charge of decoration. The only problem was, Mina didn’t know how to communicate as an effective leader.
Kiawe looked at her, the fire type trainer visibly very annoyed, “You told us to put it here not even five minutes ago!” He yelled, “I’m tired of moving this stupid thing around, just pick a place already!” Sophocles looked on as the two bantered, wishing he could get back to building something. Seeing the arguing teens, Burnet walked up to them.
“Alright what’s the problem?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hala and Professor Kukui put me in charge, and these two idiots refuse to listen.” Mina said calmly.
“Alright, that’s it!” Kiawe barked, jumping of the ladder.
“Oh my god, where is Kukui when you need him” Burnet muttered as she held the two apart.
Hau sat on the edge of the rock wall at the ferry terminal, waiting for Lillie’s ship. He could see the ship in the sea, slowly making it’s way to port. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the small object Lillie had given him just before she left. It wasn’t much, but it meant the world to him; it gave him the strength he needed to complete the island challenge. Looking at it, he thought back to all the adventure he, Sun, and Lillie had had. He shoved it in his pocket, hearing footsteps coming from behind him.
“Howsit, going cuz?” Kukui asked, dropping down to sit next to Hau. He had left set up in the hands of the captains to look for the young man.
“Nervous.” Hau said flatly. It’d been almost three years since he’d seen Lillie, of course he’d heard from her and video chatted her but… it’s not the same as in person.
Kukui chuckled, “Why would you be nervous? It’s just Lillie.” He was purposely prodding. Hau wore his feelings on his sleeve without even realizing it. It was obvious to anyone who knew Hau and talked to him that he liked Lillie. Any conversation, he’d find a way to say “Just like Lillie!” or “I wonder what Lillie would have thought of you doing that” (That was mostly focused towards Sun), he always wanted to talk about her.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Hau, you can tell me anything.”
“I like her… I have for a while.”
Kukui smirked, glad Hau had finally told him. “Don’t sweat it cuz. You should probably tell her how you feel this time around though. I know you meant to the first time she left.” Kukui said looking at him.
“Well uh… is it that obvious?”
Kukui let out a hearty laugh, “Hoo boy, you have no idea. But, it’s one of your best traits.” Hau looked at the professor questioningly, “You have love for everyone and you’re not afraid to show it. Not everyone’s like that these days.”
Hau smiled, looking off at the ferry, “Oi, it’s getting ready to dock.” he exclaimed, jumping up to run over to the other side of the port
“Woah wait up, you’re not the only one excited to see her!” Kukui chuckled chasing after him. He easily caught up to Hau, standing and watching them take care of the ropes. Hau was excited, unable to stand still as the ferry pulled in. “Lillie!” Kukui yelled, seeing the girl on deck.
“Hi professor! Hi Hau!” She called, waving her hand. “Alola!”
“Alola, Lillie!” Hau answered, doing the Alolan wave.
She ran off the ferry, getting a huge bear hug from the Professor, “I missed you all so much!” She cried, tears beginning to run down her face. Kukui set her down, allowing her to run to Hau, “Oh Hau, I missed you!” She said.
Hau hugged her back tightly, “Aw come on, there’s no need to cry” he said.
“Wait,” Lillie sniffled, pulling away to look at Hau, “You’re taller than me now! And you’re almost as tall as Kukui too!”
“Hey, he’ll always be a shrimp in my eyes,” Kukui laughed, ruffling Hau’s hair. Hau playfully batted his hands away. “What are we waiting for! Everyone’s dying to see you! Especially Burnet, she probably misses you the most.”
“Is Sun around? I need to tell him something.” Hau stiffened up, not liking the sound of that.
“He had some champion stuff to get to, he’ll be around in a bit.” Hau said, shrugging off his jealousy.
“I’m going to go on ahead, Hau why don’t you keep Lillie busy for a bit.” Kukui hinted, knowing that the party wasn’t going to be ready yet.
“Ok Prof, we’ll just go to the shopping center for a bit.” Hau said.
“Sounds good, see you guys soon.”
Kukui walked off, headed up to Iki town. “So Hau, how have things been around here?” Lillie asked. As they walked in the opposite direction.
“It’s been pretty good. Ever since the Pokemon League opened up, we’ve gotten a lot more tourists and trainers; pretty fun to battle everyone.” He explained. They walked in silence for a bit, reaching the square. Hau was muttering under his breath, thinking.
“Hau, are you speaking Alolan?” Lillie asked.
“Oh, uh.. No?”
“Yes, you were, don’t lie to me.” She said, playfully shoving him. “What were you saying?”
“Everything I’m too scared to say to your face.” Hau said sheepishly.
Lillie blushed, “Oh…”
“Lillie?” A voice said interrupting her.
“Gladion?” She asked.
The boy ran up to her, hugging her tightly, “Oh man, I forgot you were coming here today!”
“Yeah, I was just going to show her the new mall and walk around until about sunset.” Hau said, putting emphasis on sunset. Gladion nodded over Lillie’s shoulder, knowing that they needed to stall so her party was set up.
“You’ve changed” Lillie smiled.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gladion questioned as they pulled away from their hug.
“You’re not all dark and gloomy anymore. You seem happier.” She pointed out, “Who’s the girl?”
“What? There’s uh, there’s no girl Lillie.” Gladion chuckled nervously.
“Oh there’s a girl alright.” Hau assured. Gladion gave Hau a death glare, telling him to shut up or face the consequences. “It’s Acer-” Gladion clamped his hand over Hau’s mouth, mufflng the rest of the name, but it was too late.
“Acerola!” Lillie said happily, “I knew it!”
Gladion blushed, “Alright I’ll see you later, I’m gonna go do a thing.” He said walking away.
They went into the shopping center, Hau showed Lillie all the new shops and latest Alolan trends. A few hours later, they emerged. Hau holding all three of Lillie’s bags. “Come on, let’s head to Iki town” Hau said.
The sun was setting against the horizon as hau and Lillie made their way up the hill to Iki town. The silence between them was a comfortable one, but very unlike Hau.
“Hau, what’s on your mind?” Lille pondered.
“It’s nothing really.” He lied, looking at the ground.
Lillie stopped and put a hand on his shoulder forcing him to look at her, “Hau,” She said, he looked at her, “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“I know, I just-”
“ALOLA LILLIE!” A mass of voices shouted from within Iki Town; neither of them realized they had just entered the road. Lillie smiled, the captains ran to her, enveloping her in a group hug.
“Lillie, it’s great to see you again!” Mallow yelled. Hau stepped away, allowing everyone to say hello to her.
“Hi everyone, is Sun here yet?”
“Course I am, I wouldn’t miss this for anything!” He called from within the mass of people surrounding her. He squeezed his way through everyone, giving her a hug, “Missed having you on all my adventures”
“Alright, let’s begin with the celebrations!” Hala called from the battle platform.
The night had went on, there was amazingly good food and even better entertainment. The Masked Royal made an appearance, Hau the first person to battle him. And he had kicked his butt. Sun said he didn’t want to bother, he was beyond such things.
“Sun, can we sneak away for a sec?” Lillie asked him.
“Yeah, of course.” he told her.
They walked a bit into Mahalo trail. “Sun I don’t know how to tell you this… The professor in the other region asked me to, but you’re not going to like it.”
“What is it?”
“Your dad… He’s gone.” Lillie said sadly.
“Wait what?” Sun was horrified, “What… what happened to him?”
“He went crazy… it was almost like he had a run in with an Ultrabeast, his body was full of toxins. No one really knows what happened for sure.”  Sun looked off into space, tears slowly falling from his eyes. “I’m so sorry”
“It’s alright… I think I’m going to go home for now and be with my mom for a bit.” He said, “Catch up with you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Of course, I’m here if you need me ok?” She said, giving him a tight hug. He pulled away, walking down the trail.
Lillie sat and thought for a moment, before following. Now it was time to take care of Hau.
When she got back, the celebration had begun to slow… Or at least turn into a slow dance. She looked at her “adoptive parents” Burnet and Kukui  (They were everyone’s adoptive parents at this point) as they slowly danced. Burnet’s laugh like music as she laughed at her husband’s attempt at slow dancing. “Hey Lillie.” Hau said from next to her, “What’s wrong with Sun?” He asked.
“It’s a family thing, I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready.” She said.
“Ok, I got it.” He said. He swayed back and forth nervously, “So uh… do you want to dance?”
“I’d love to Hau.” She smiled.
She linked her arm in his, allowing him to lead her to the floor. He put his hands on her waist as she slid her hands up his shoulders. “You’re tense” she giggled. Hau blushed.
“Do you want to know what I was saying back at the mall?” He asked her.
“Yeah, it’d be nice to know.” She shrugged.
“ E Kipa mai e ku’u alola. Ku’u pa ‘ana ka la ‘oe. Ko alola makamae e ipo. Alola au ia oe, Nau ko ‘u Alola, No kau a kau.”
“What does it mean?” Lillie asked.
“Aw come on, I didn’t say I’d translate it.”
“Hau, please? Nothing ends up how you think it will… Take the risk.” Lillie told him. She had a feeling what he wanted to tell her, but she didn’t expect it to be so lengthy.
“It means ‘Come to me my love. You are my sun. You are so precious, sweetheart; I love you. My love is your’s for eternity.” Hau blushed.
“You’ve been holding that in for a while, haven’t you?” She asked.
“Yeah, I have… I really do like you Lillie, I’d like us to be more than friends.”
Lillie giggled,” it’s about time you said it Hau.” She placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
And so, they danced the rest of the night, only having a care for being in each other’s arms.
Moral of the story: don’t be afraid to tell your crush you like them, cause things don’t always play out as you’d expect them to.
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whatifjobhadablog · 8 years
let’s read 1 kings: 1-2
because i am a sucker for old testament punishment.
the context: king david is dying and there will be a bunch of new kings talked about in this book. solomon (not soloman, i had to go back and fix that) is about to become king for a hot second in the beginning of this book. apparently israel is going to fall into ruin.
questions that will be explored: why are bad things happening to israel? how badly have they fucked up this time? is this entire book a huge metaphor for the problem of evil? will we find out why God allows bad things to happen to people who really don’t mean all that much harm?
we probably won’t find out, but let’s read.
1 kings 1
someone brought a hot chick to king david but he can’t seem to get it on. this only incites adonijah (some other dude in succession) cuz he apparently can get it on. so he gathers like a bajillion chariots and horsemen to take the throne by force. he invites a whole shit ton of people to help but several notable people do not help, including his brother SOLOMON.
so apparently this works although they don’t talk about the battle at all and there is no CGI-inducing imagery. bathsheba (bath-shibe?), the mother of SOLOMON and adonijah gets pissed that adonijah is king ‘cause king david was like yo solomon is totes going to be king. so she goes back to king david and is like,
“yo king david wtf i thought you said my other son was going to be king duh.”
king david agreed that this was indeed some untoward shit that adonijah has just pulled so he calls a bunch of prophets to him including nathan and is like, “k so here is what is going to happen. have solomon (his son, apparently king david was able to get it on at one point with bath-shibe) ride into the city on a mule and anoint him and hopefully adonijah will shut up. this is v interesting since Jesus also went into the city on a donkey tho i do not believe any anointing was involved.
anyway, all of this happens and SOLOMON is anointed king while adonijah is literally feasting his brains out. so someone goes and gives adonijah the heads up and he gets the shit scared out of him bc he lowkey fears his brother SOLOMON. so he goes to the altar and is like “bro pls don’t kill me i am your bro” and SOLOMON is like “as long as there is no wickedness in you” and so i guess adonijah did a decent enough of a job apologizing for literally trying to steal the throne right out from under SOLOMON that SOLOMON let him go back home.
thoughts so far: is this entire book going to be game of thrones? i wouldn’t know since i won’t pay for HBO and don’t like watching TV. let’s keep reading for tonight.
1 kings 2
so after all that hubbub king david is dying and says to SOLOMON, “yo don’t let that scheisty bloke joab get away with the shit he tried to pull in that war we all fought in 2 samuel. don’t like kill him though, that will be too obvious. you know what, you will know what to do when the time comes.”
and so he died.
in the ESV version that i am currently reading there is a lovely diagram of SOLOMON’s temple on page 595 but also 594 since it is that large. it is the color of biblical clay which i imagine you all can picture even if you do not have this version or are reading online.
ok back to our regularly scheduled programming. BUT WAIT - it is about to get v real.
cue back adonijah, who is still a presumptious little shit and tells his mom, “mom do u remember that hot chick that my dad king david was supposed to get it on with but couldn’t? yea i’m into her do you think my bro SOLOMON will hook me up?” and she’s like, “idk son but i’ll ask if you want.”
so bath-shibe goes to king SOLOMON (her other son, keep in mind) and asks him. but keep in mind this is super weird bc that chick is strongly associated with king david, not to mention the fact that bath-shibe also throws abiathar the priest and joab in the mix by insinuating they had something to do with this hookup request.
CONVENIENTLY as it were these are two blokes that SOLOMON has it out for, since they pose a threat to his supposedly wise rule. so he’s like “mom no way my bro is out of line and today he will die.” so SOLOMON sends his apparently personal assassin benaiah to kill adonijah.
and so he died.
he also sends his personal assassin benaiah to kill joab, since this seems to qualify under the “YOU WILL KNOW WHEN THE TIME COMES” ambiguity that dying king david was going on about. and so he died too. and lastly some not-chinese guy named shimei who also was on SOLOMON’s no-fly list gets exiled to jerusalem for whatever shit he also did in the war and SOLOMON was like “yo, stay in jerusalem otherwise imma send my personal assassin out to kill you.” so shimei the not-chinese guy was like “aight” and he stays there for 3 years. but he gets cabin fever i guess and eventually SOLOMON sends his personal assassin benaiah out to kill shimei. and so he died.
and that my friends is only 2 books out of 1 kings.
what have we learned: SOLOMON seems like a pretty ruthless kind of dude. like i’m not sure who i’m supposed to be rooting for in this book. do i feel bad for adonijah? like maybe he was trying to prevent SOLOMON from doing bad shit. but also, all the people SOLOMON killed via his personal assassin benaiah all apparently did some pretty bad shit themselves in 2 samuel. but the Lord said SOLOMON should be king. so apparently the Lord is going to use SOLOMON in His plan even tho SOLOMON is kind of a little u kno what.
what did i pray about: honestly i mostly asked God to help me understand why i need to read about these people. on a serious note, trusting God in morally dubious circumstances can be v challenging. so maybe there will be some insight there.
tune in next time for 1 kings 3-4! or maybe just 3.
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