#at least then they would have a CRUMB to base their ship on
strangeswift · 2 years
Wait no I think I do like Eddie's character actually. I just don't like fanon Eddie. I was rewatching s4 scenes for writing purposes and I do like him. I just.. forgot.
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Would you ever make a post compiling everything we know about Helki? (And your thoughts about him!) He just seems so interesting for a character who barely appears at all.
Almost forgot to answer this one! There's barely anything we know about him tbh, I compiled basically every time he shows up on this post.
The things we know about him for sure
He used to be one of the criminals under Milsiril (Each guard has two so there must have been another one but we don't know who it was)
He's male (yes this is information)
His crime has something to do with ancient magic since he's a canary
After Utaya he was pardoned most likely due to Milsiril asking
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He is one of the only elves we see Milsiril talking to willingly
He has tattoos which might be magic tattoos but we don't know what type of magic he uses
Things we can assume about him
He might be Milsiril's servant now based on this post canon extra where Fleki is asking to become Mithrun's servant
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He might not be Milsiril's servant based on him acting without her in the Rin extra and seeming to be casual towards her
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He and Milsiril probably get along and he's probably the closest to an elf friend she has
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Speaking of which, Kabru knows him, he's seen in Kabru's training montage both helping and being used as a dummy
For some reason he mostly wears canary uniform even after being pardoned but uses casual clothes when helping Milsiril out with Mithrun.
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My thoughts about him is that I love him, he looks like a gremlin <3
Wish we got more of this guy and more interactions between him and Milsiril since they mostly just stand in the same frames, I also ship him with Milsiril, come on Milsiril Kabru needs a father. He's probably more of an weird uncle to Kabru tho.
I also think he likes Milsiril as in she was probably a nice guard to him at the very least? I doubt she was anything like Pattadol and he goes to her to tell her about Rin so even tho he was one of the elves treating her like a novelty he actually remembered to relay it to Milsiril in hopes she can help Rin
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Considering Milsiril also vouched for his release I think it's safe to say she also likes him as a person that's why I don't think their relationship is because she feels superior to him.
Anyway I'm over here vacuuming any Helki crumb to survive
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riyangiis · 2 months
your best friend has a big game, you nearly die, something you've been waiting for centuries happens in one of the most unexpected moments.. pretty crazy week, right?
pairing , non-idol!yujin x gn!reader
genre , fluff, you deserve it 😓 also crack 😋
word count , 3.6k
warnings , lowercase intended, not proofread, smau included, highschool!au, near death experience, car accident (that's def not an accident), bullying, swearing, ocs, .. reader is implied to be filo? (BANANA KETCHUP ILY), both of them are down bad, yujin plays basketball cs I don't know how to write football games ✌✌, kissing.. well on the cheek, that's all I think..
[ note: this fic is based on another fic, it is recommended to read that one first! ]
[ see more? ] ─ [ og post ]
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you hear endless notifications coming from your phone inside your pocket, that's probably yujin. normally you would check it but the red light is so close to disappearing. why is it even here? there were no cars anyways.
you start making your way to the other side of the road as you stare at the white horizontal lines you're walking on.
you start to lose focus until.. did your headphones just die on you? great.
you start to walk slowly as you remove your headphones and keep them in your bag. you hear multiple people honking at one car that is going faster than what the speed limit is supposed to be.
wait a minute.
is that car going..
you turn your head to see the speeding car that those people got mad at.
you drop your headphones that literally cost a whopping 500 plus a shipping fee out of shock and run like you're sonic the hedgehog and you're running away from sirenhead. i'm not exaggerating.
you hear your headphones get crushed by the car as you stop near a street lamp. did you just survive a car accident? but clearly your headphones didn't and took the fall for you. well shit.
you try to take a look at the driver who literally almost killed you.. he looks familiar doesn't he? you just can't seem to remember who it is. the driver owns a car that looks really expensive though..
wait. is your mind playing tricks on you or is that..
"shit, gotta tell him about this.." you whisper to yourself and grab your phone out of your pocket. it seems like yujin's worried about you not answering right away.. too clingy for a best friend, but you like it though.
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the loud voice can be heard around the entire first floor. although, nobody really cares. eunkyung always throws tantrums that what seems like a loud scream, loud enough for others to think that she's getting murdered, is just nothing to the people living with her.
her father sighs and tries to reason with his bratty daughter. "listen I was speeding, even I wouldn't have survived that. that [name] is a fast thinker and just ran away like they're the usain bolt."
"ugh.. they always mess up my plans.. CURSE YOU HAN YUJIN AND [NAME]!!!" eunkyung exits the room to go in her own. her father watches as she goes up the stairs looking infuriated. what did he do to raise the definition of brat? the devil herself? he even got dragged in her shenanigans as well..
"there's no way that happened.."
kyungsoo, jiwon's girlfriend, also known as the better kyung, joined the drama session inside yujin's room. she took another piece of popcorn and tossed it inside her mouth. her other hand was playing with jiwon's hair whose head was laying on kyungsoo's lap. "ew.. lovebirds.." yujin muttered.
"yeah also have you guys heard about jiyeon cheating on hiro with-" the entire group of friends was waiting for kyungsoo to finish her sentence but was met with silence. kyungsoo tried to check the box to get more popcorn, she looked inside the box and saw nothing but crumbs.
"um.. there's no popcorn." yujin raised his eyebrow in confusion. "..can't you at least finish your sentence? we're like waiting for a new episode because the last one left us on a big cliffhanger.." kyungsoo gets off yujin's bed and gets the popcorn box with her.
"yeah.. I'm getting more popcorn, you'll have to guess who the mysterious person is!"
"what the? kyungsoo you can't just-" you get cut off as kyungsoo shut the door on you.. sigh, you look at the bed if there's any other food except for popcorn. guess you'll have to follow her and get more snacks. you get off the bed and walk to the door, "[name], where are you going?"
well.. who else would have a deep voice except for your best friend, yujin? you turn to face him and see a worried look.. "uh.. to the convenience store? to buy some snacks?" he sighs, "[name].. you just survived a car accident. and you're going out again? on your own?" he gets up and grabs your hand to drag you back to his bed.
"what the? yujin-" your sentence gets cut off, again.. when yujin yanks you a little aggresively. you held his waist for support, the both of you end up to be in a.. pretty questionable position for friends? yujin ended up being under you, your faces a little too close to each other.
you didn't move a single inch and just stayed in your position, speechless. you can feel your cheeks burning. the room was filled with nothing but silence, and the air conditioner. he looks into your eyes deeply, then your lips for a little bit.. did he just do the triangle method? lord, this boy makes you go crazy..
yujin hand reaches for your face, is he actually going to.. no way.. it's finally happening, well.. maybe you're just delusional. he just removed the stray hair that's blocking your face, but surely that means something? he looks at you and smiles softly. how could you not fall for him?
you decided to break the silence and say something. "uh.. I should um.. go.." you're still blushing after everything that happened, did he do that on purpose? does he know?
"woah.. that was pretty good for a loser like you, yujin."
"what the heck?" yujin turns to see jiwon awake. "I thought you were asleep?" jiwon chuckles at yujin's reaction when he found out that she was awake and saw the entire thing.
"gosh.. you do all that yet you can't confess to them yet. really man? and for the your question I was never asleep, I just got too comfortable in your bed.." yujin can't seem to say something against her knowing that she's right.. "I'll help you."
your day is so not going great.. first you nearly died in a car accident, and yujin.. is just yujin.. that boy.. you recently just got out of yujin's house and currently going to the nearest convenience store to get more snacks. the sun's almost down, meaning that you'll go back home after a few hours. fortunately, you don't have to go to the other side of the road to get to the convenience store.
you get closer to the store, but you start to hear footsteps behind you. it's probably nothing.. but why is it speeding up? you turn around to see who's the mysterious person behind you.. "WHAT THE FU-"
the person jumps at you for a hug. the both of you fall due to the fact that the hug was unexpected, you fall hard on your butt while the person lets go of you. "ouch... who the heck are you..?" you look up to see.. kyungsoo? what's she doing out here?
"..kyungsoo? why are you here?" she looked at you worriedly, that hug was one of the deadliest ones known to man, surviving death counter: 2.. kyungsoo lends you a hand and helps you get up, "I'm so sorry I didn't think it would end up badly.." she apologizes with a very worried look all over her face and holds both of your hands.
you groan at the pain in your butt, the sidewalk isn't the smoothest or flattest one that you've ever seen. it's very far from that actually.. "ow.. still doesn't answer my question though, why are you here?" you ask again incase she forgets.
"uh.. I noticed that we ran out of cheese powder for the popcorn and sour cream powder for the fries, so I went here to get more! also I noticed that the snacks in my house are running out so I decided to buy them too.."
"I see.. let's go now. the next thing you know the store will close.." kyungsoo holds your hand and walks with you to the convenience store.
.. great. you jinxed it. the both of you stare at the store and watch as the owner closes it. no snacks.. no flavor.. what will you do?
"I.. think I can handle popcorn with no flavor..? don't know about fries though.." kyungsoo breaks the silence, she's still staring and the broken sign with blinking letters. ".. just add salt and mix ketchup and mayo for the sauce?" you answer her, she finally turns to look at you in curiosity.
"you can do that? well, that is a.. rather interesting combination.. but I'll try!"
"WAIT!! it's recommended to use banana ketchup.. yujin already has it, I gave one bottle to him because he was curious.."
"hurry up then!!" kyungsoo starts running away from you, suddenly this turns into a race to see who gets to yujin's house the fastest.
for a pretty short time. the both of you are exhausted and sweating.. this sidewalk is also not the best place to run, what's wrong with this sidewalk? are there no good traits about it?
"wait.. [name].. I.. forgot to ask you something.." kyungsoo pauses a lot to catch her breath and also due to the fact that she's.. really exhausted... "huh? .. what is it?" you on the other half.. it's not that bad compared to kyungsoo. she's not the athletic person, she's very far from that.. you're even convinced that she's the opposite of athletic!
"[name] you.. you.. like yujin.. don't you?"
the sudden question caughts you off guard, you feel your heart beating faster. was it that obvious? or did jiwon give up on keeping her mouth shut and told her about it.. either way, avoiding the question makes it even more obvious, so you just admit it. "uh.. yeah.. was it really that obvious?"
"oh.. not really. jiwon just told me." knew it, that girl can't keep herself from telling her girlfriend everything. one of the reasons why almost no one share their secrets to her. "as expected.. she can't control herself when it comes to secrets.."
kyungsoo turns to look at you and smirks, "you and yujin huh.. I got a feeling that he likes you too.." you look away from her to hide your blushing face and your smile. "hey don't get my hopes up.." she giggles at your embarrassment. "okay okay.. but I'm not wrong though?"
today's the game.. you kept your promise to yujin when you said that you'll make a whole banner to support him, and also be annoyingly loud. unfortunately, your seatmates are from the other school..
currently the game is going well for yujin's team, you decided to take that opportunity to rub it in your seatmates' faces. behind you are jiwon and kyungsoo, you can hear them giggling by you having a fight with strangers from the other school.
you felt the need to fix yourself and go to the bathroom. you stood up and gave the banner to jiwon and kyungsoo, you walked to the bathroom expecting that no one would be there due to the fact that the entire hallway is empty and not a single noise is heard except the game.
you open the door of the bathroom and was met with the most awful person to ever live in this century, eunkyung. what does she want.. she smirks at your annoyed face, "it seems that you got lucky and survived.." you scoff, you get your phone out to ignore her and attempt to make her irritated.
"so you admit that you did it? try to look menacing all you want but you're just revealing your crimes." nice, now she's the one that's annoyed. ".. w-well, that would've been obvious. don't be stupid.." she stutters at her words, almost speechless about her unintended mistake. that's good.. you need to be more annoying and make her expose herself. she's definitely not the brightest person you've seen in the school.
"get your ass out of my way, I didn't go here to see your disgusting face." eunkyung gets offended and gasps dramatically, "should've made father go faster.. you know what, I should've been there with him so that you'd see this disgusting face during the last moments of your life!" she screams at you without thinking about the consequences, you smirk at the girl's stupidity.
you decided to stop having your fun before eunkyung thinks of another way of killing you. "good luck with that.. also, thank you." she stares at you with the word confused all over her face. you make your way towards the door outside. "..for what?" she asked you genuinely, but you never answer.
".. for everything you said." you whispered to yourself. you exit the bathroom and take your phone out, you smiled to yourself and paused the audio recorder.
you finally returned to your chair, you're lucky that you used that audio recorder after learning from your past attempts of trying to screw up eunkyung's evil plans. "[name]! why did you take so long? did you have gallons of pee or something.." jiwon asks you and gives you your huge banner back. "oh it's.. something happened again, I'll tell you later." you look around the place and catch eunkyung at your left staring at you. you sit on your chair and watch the game, well.. specifically yujin.
"your boyfriend is winning by the way.." kyungsoo whispers in your ear to tease you. "hey, he's not my boyfriend.." although you wish he was.. jiwon giggles and follows her girlfriend with teasing you. "yet!" you roll your eyes at them and continue to watch the game.
yujin gets called for a break and returns to his team. you finally get a close up of what he looks like right now, you can clearly see that he's very.. sweaty. to be honest he looks really handsome like that, but you've seen him like this a few times before and you were trying to keep yourself from giggling like a loser who's madly in love with their crush. okay you take that back you are a loser who's madly in love.. you're real lucky that jiwon and kyungsoo are behind you because you're blushing real bad..
he wipes his face and neck with a towel and looks at you. you notice and look away swiftly in shyness, you can feel your heartbeat speeding up and your face turning pink. you attempt to sneak a glance at him but find that yujin is still staring at you, he starts smiling and waves at you. you smile back awkwardly and give him a thumbs up with both of your hands, he chuckles and finally sits down. lord, this boy really makes you crazy.
you see a girl his age hand him a towel for him to wipe his sweat, he smiles at her the.. same way he did at you. what the heck? maybe you were getting your hopes up too much.. you unconsciously furrow your eyebrows and frown slightly as you watch their interaction. wait, why are you even jealous? it's not like it's your business or that you have the right to.. nevermind.
you stop staring at them to prevent yourself from getting even more jealous. you didn't notice yujin staring at you looking all angry, 'maybe I should do this more.. they look cute like that' he thought to himself. you also didn't notice jiwon and kyungsoo giggling at the both of you.
"you were right.. they look so cute together!" kyungsoo whispers to jiwon, "well.. we were like that before, right?"
"yeah.. I'm glad we could experience it again." kyungsoo lays her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.
yujin gets called again to go back to the court. ricky, that famous senior known for being "young and rich, tall and handsome", comes up to yujin and pats his back, yujin runs to the court and starts playing. whatever they're doing, not like you know much about basketball anyways.
some time passes as the game continues normally, with your school still in the lead and the other school catching up. you stopped screaming and cheering and also have the banner folded, you're spent.. so are your seatmates from the other school, all of you are just watching peacefully. you can hear a couple of people screaming as the game almost draws to an end..
the ball is currently at one of the guys from the other school, 'park, 8' on the back of his jersey. you have to admit, he's kinda cute.. got a few girls screaming for him.. he passes the ball to one of his teammates but one of yujin's teammates, gyuvin, ends up getting the ball. he runs and then passes the ball to yujin quickly.
the time almost runs out as yujin runs to the hoop, the screaming gets even louder.. you watch yujin closely and see how determined he is to score.. 'come on yujin... you can do it.....' you thought to yourself, you held the banner laying on your lap tightly.
yujin decides to shoot the ball at a pretty risky place, the crowd goes silent and watches if the ball gets in the hoop. the players can't do anything but watch it.
'so close...'
'you're running out of time, yujin....'
the people from your school shout and cheer loudly as the others can't do anything but sigh in defeat.. you stood up from your seat and quickly ran to yujin, both jiwon and kyungsoo watch, still in their seats, as you ran to your best friend. you saw him and jumped into his arms immediately without warning him.
"hey.. that's what I did to them!" kyungsoo told jiwon, she laughed as yujin fell from your sudden attack. "ouch.. what was that for?!" yujin says as he gets up and sits on the floor, you get off of him and help him get up. "you.. you won!! oh my gosh you actually, you actually did it!!" you hug him again, your arms around his waist and your head on top of his shoulder. he reciprocates the hug and smiles widely.
"oh my gosh I actually.. I love you so much.." he says unconsciously while hugging you tighter but you let go of him in shock, both of your hands cover your mouth that's wide open after what he said. yujin realizes and does the same thing.
"I-I'm sorry that was so sudden uh.. you.. don't have to say anything.." both of your faces turn extremely red, yujin slowly backs up from you in embarrassment and fear that you won't like him back. he turns his head away from you while you still stare at him, you run up to him and hug him again.
"I.. I love you too!! you don't know how long I've been waiting for this!!" you smile widely while yujin is still frozen due to your words. he turns his head to look at you all joyful and wraps his arms around your waist. he smiles back at you and stares at you lovingly, you let go of his torso and use both of your hands to hold his cheeks. you can feel them burning and getting hotter as you hold them softly.
you smile and laugh at each other for not knowing what to do, you ended up kissing the both of his cheeks, a lot. yujin giggles and then lays his head on your shoulder after.
"hey yujin!" a familiar voice interrupts the both of you, he turns around to see ricky. "not bad, kid.. seems like you got yourself a partner too." ricky teases his younger teammate and giggles at how yujin's face turns pink and how you still haven't let go of him. "let's celebrate later, ricky's treat!" gyuvin, beside ricky, pops up in the conversation. ricky looks at his friend confused. "hey I never said anything!"
"well too bad, it's on you now!" gyuvin says. the both of them continue bickering until ricky decides to leave the both of you together. and.. you hear another voice behind you again.
"so.. finally confessed to each other?" the both of you turn around to see jiwon and kyungsoo behind you. "you.. you were here all along? at this point you could be a spy.." yujin says to jiwon surprised about how this happened for the second time.. jiwon chuckles, "no. we just got down, kyungsoo was the one who told me about you two." kyungsoo smiles and realizes something. "hey! about what happened inside the bathroom.. I thought you were going to tell us?"
"I don't think I should tell you here.. maybe when we get out?" kyungsoo sighs about how she's going to stay curious.. you feel something on your hands, you look at it and see a new pair of headphones. the headphones that you sacrificed. you then look at yujin, the one who gave them to you.
"what? I promised that I'd give you new ones?" you smiled and kept the box of headphones inside your bag, you held yujin's hand and follow jiwon and kyungsoo as they go outside the court. "so.. what was kyungsoo talking about earlier?" yujin asks you, you get closer to him and whisper to his ear, "eunkyung admitted that she tried to kill me.. I recorded it inside my phone.."
yujin widened his eyes in shock. ".. what do I do with it though?" you ask him quietly. "let's not do something yet.. we need things to go smoothly. this is eunkyung we're talking about.." you nod in understanding.
and now.. your week comes to an end. should take the award for 'the most unexpected and maybe the luckiest week in your life'.. expect the unexpected I guess..?
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[ note: THEY'RE HAPPY NOW!! :33 AND KYUNGSOO IS BACK AS WELL!!!! honestly I was rushing to write this and it was harder cs I was planning to make yujin a football player 😓😓 YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW??? 😒😒😒 ]
taglist: @zahraism , @taesansidechick / @jelllijeans , @goldoie / @n-americano
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
The most ironic part of people defending Marinette in Ladynoir and Marichat is that hardly any analysis I've ever seen about her "being soooooooooooooo adoring to her Kitty uwu" ever EXPLAIN Marinette's feelings either.
Even her own fans mostly only write abuse and neglect excuses and talk about some endlessly vague softness, some at this point meaningless heart eyes, and whatever short lines of kindness of the week on her end of the ship are thrown in there.
Even Marinette's own fans apparently can't not go in depth on her "boundless love and devotion" for Chat Noir because the show drags everything down with her writing. It's always the same surface level crumbs. So how are WE supposed to get more out of it then?
If even her own defenders mostly only really talk about Catrien doing 95% of the work in Ladynoir and Marichat in Canon, then how are WE supposed to say something different? We are complaining for the same reason as they are focusing on Catrien: he's canonically actually contributing to the damn SHIP in ways that are pure enough to talk about.
All canon ever does for Ladynette's side is explain what use, excuses and comfort she gets outta his presence. That's also all her canon self ever truly highlighted in her crush era besides him bein hot.
Even her own defenders reduce her crush on him to thirsting. I've never seen anyone actually talk about the scenes in Passion where she for real showed effort and progress cause, I guess, that would require of her fans to acknowledge that she prior to this acted wrong in the first place. And of course the critical people won't make the posts cause when her damn fans can't be asked to acknowledge the rare REAL moments where she actually TRIES then I'll sure as hell not do their damn job.
Cause it's almost hilarious, right? For as much as Marinette defenders yell about us being too harsh, I've truly wanted to read analysis posts on her feelings for Chat to be convinced. But for 2 whole seasons her own fans failed her. They hardly say anything of substance and mostly count on Catrien to make up for her lack of contributions in the ships. Even massive fan Blogs like Buggachat for example are constantly showing that writing flaw in their content. That Adrien has to put up with and has to romantically do WAY TOO MUCH to make up for Marinette’s writing that sticks even in the most best faith (and often to at least some extent ooc, if not entirely) characterization.
When even her own fans spew nothing but endless excuses then don't blame us for picking up on that.
When even her own fans say hardly anything but abuse apologia to defend her then don't blame us for picking up on that.
When even her own fans say that she should be thanked and rewarded for having failed Chat Noir in basically ever possibly way, but hey, at least she stopped being an aggressive Jerk about it, then don't fucking blame us for picking up on that.
We're the ones who can at least argue with Canon scenes and whole episodes to make our point that Ladynette treats him badly. Her defenders say that canon doesn't count whenever they don't like it and otherwise point to their fanon as arguments. Forgive me for thinking that our side has the stronger case, our arguments are the ones that hold up when put to the test by Canon.
Yup. Stanning Marinette has to be based off vibes and made up stuff at this point, because the canon is giving us nothing to root for other than her being the protagonist. All the likable aspects of Marinette are so downplayed in canon these days, that the fans have to actively ignore canon to make her a better person they can view as an undisputed hero. And that's without getting into all the abuse apologia and excusing of bad behavior they engage in whenever they don't outright claim Marinette didn't do something she actually did in canon.
It's basically what that person who wanted writing tips for Marinette said; how can we make fanworks where Marinette is a good person who cares about her partner, when the character in canon, based on her canonical actions, probably doesn't care? Well, I try to avoid Buggachat’s stuff these days specifically because all I've seen from said stuff these days is trying to make the toxic stuff look quirky and cute. This isn't the only fanwork that's like this, though. Like, I remember when the Paris Special came out and people started wondering if the alter versions of the heroes were gonna tell each other their secret identities and work more closely together and all the fanwork with this concept was just: “Haha, the main verse lovesquare can’t count on each other for anything and the supposed villains support each other better! It's so silly!”
Like, the toxicity does sometimes get depicted in fanworks but it's always just funtimes, and not actually a problem because they treat it as a two-sided thing, where Adricat participates in the mess in their relationship, when he's the only one trying to be wholesome. There are so many comics of Maribug doing something absolutely horrible to Adricat and the artist’s comments are just: “they're such disasters, lol” when Marinette is the only “disaster” in the equation, but they have to be equally guilty, because then they can brush it off as just “communication issues” instead of Marinette being a self-obsessed jerk.
Like, the reading of the lovesquare as mutual communication issues is understandable to a point. In seasons 1-3, the typical dynamic was “Cat Noir hides his problems, because they're home-related, and Ladybug remains oblivious that he isn't always happy”. However, Cat Noir did tell Ladybug, all the way back in Syren, that he doesn't want to be left out of the loop, which is all Marinette does in season 4. The season 4 “Ladynoir Conflict” isn't based on Cat Noir hiding something Ladybug is oblivious to, even though everyone is used to treating their dynamic that way. In season 4 Cat Noir does tell Ladybug what's wrong, tries to do so repeatedly, only for Ladybug to shut him down by ignoring him, giving him excuses or by repeating apologies she doesn't actually mean because she has no intention of changing the way she behaves with him. The more I looked into what actually happens in season 4, the more I realized that the “the Ladynoir conflict is mutual communication issues” take is wholly inaccurate. Marinette alone is the one keeping secrets.
Marinette Stans have to make stuff up and ignore huge junks of canon in order to depict Marinette as a good partner and person these days, because the stuff the writers have her get away with keeps getting worse.
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lai-mar · 6 months
Can't wait till this blog is old enough so posts start showing in main tags, but for now, a salty lil rant
Shipping aside, I'm surprised by how Laios + Marcille even as friends doesn't get as much fan attention as I expected considering how heavily the series focuses on their development? I consider Laios to be the protag and Marcille to be the secondary protag but I can see the argument for the two of them being dual protags especially starting from around Thistle's house arc / Marcille becoming the dungeon lord. The protagonists are party members who bond over losing and finding a loved one. They save each other multiple times and live with each other in the end. They get copious amounts of screentime together and separate. They clearly care for each other and love each other (in whatever way). And there's no forced romance.
Before I read the manga, I saw all the yuri on my TL and was like YESSSSSS I'M READING THIS FOR THE YURI WOOOOOO and finished the Red Dragon anime episodes like "wow that was soooo good and gay. Let me go on Tumblr to see what people are talking about— people are shipping Marcille and LAIOS??? Probably annoying straight people who cannot conceptualize a friendship between a man and woman 🙄". So I started out with a squick for the ship. I think the fan perception made me believe F/M is canon and anything else would be like queer erasure? Except I later learned no ship is canon and was genuinely confused when the manga started giving us L/M crumbs (like the succubus chapter) because I thought the shippers were pulling this ship from thin air lmao.
The more I read, the more I was like.... "okay.... why are they kinda... okay I get it now... why am I.... oh shit... I'm really in it now" and I apologise because I really get it now 😭 and it baffles me to see people who have seemingly finished the manga going "Laios and Marcille have NO CHEMISTRY their only line of connection is through Falin". Like, okay, maybe that was how they were at the beginning (but I would argue they have chemistry even from the first few chapters), but that's the POINT and we get to see them evolve and get closer because they both love and miss Falin. Laios moves on from being "Falin's brother" and Marcille moves on from being "Falin's friend". L+M know about each other's deepest, subconscious desires. Marcille lives with the siblings at the end. No matter the bond, they are the two most precious people to her.
I was still squicky about romantic L/M even at the succubus chapter (which I know is probably the starting point for a lot of shippers) but THEN THE RABBIT CHAPTER. And after that when the Canaries found Marcille and she immediately jumped onto Laios I was like "Oh fuck. I'm really in this now fuck fuck FUCK". (Nothing makes me get into a dynamic more than having an initially squicky reaction because I'll need to have a strong enough conviction to overcome the squick LOL)
Anyways. Seeing people being annoying and pissy about L/M only made me like L/M more 🤡 because at least the shippers appreciate their bond. I'm a little desperate here. Even their platonic bond is kind of a rarepair in the English fandom 💀
I'm so glad the anime is going at the pace it is now because this is only the beginning of the L+M development!!!! The anime onlies will understand later!!! I made the same mistake and judged too early and I'm sorry!!!! So many anime L+M moments and panels and crumbs yet to be seen 🥺
Anyways. Laios and Marcille's bond is absolutely central to the plot and character development. But I wouldn't have guessed that if I didn't read the manga and just based it off fan attention.
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notebookishtype · 6 months
Hello, do you have any recs for star wars books and comics with the best lukeleia content? In my lukeleia era and I really wanna start reading some OT legends stuff but I don’t know where to start.
Stories that take place during, between, and shortly after the Original Trilogy? We are lucky to have decades worth of content set in this time period! It’s the only place we can find things published before the sibling reveal, and/or acknowledging that Luke and Leia were attracted to each other.
✨I’ve included links to every book and comic mentioned below. I don’t think it’s immoral to pirate from a corporation. If you (general) take issue with that, I have bought most items listed at least once, and I would lend it to you if I could.
✨Some of the comics are only available in large collections, you may need to scroll to find the correct issues.
Legends Books
The first that comes to mind is Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. It was published in 1978, Luke and Leia were still love interests, and it takes place after ANH. They crash land on a mining planet and discover there is an Imperial presence there.
Fun Facts:
This story was commissioned to be a low budget sequel if A New Hope flopped.
This novel also inspired some of the canon lore for kyber crystals.
I started an impromptu reread earlier this year, and I did not remember how shippy this book was. This is just four pages into the book:
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Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was also adapted into a comic in 1995… and it was still incredibly shippy? I recommend both if you have the time and executive function. If you’re low on focus or time, go with the comic.
I’ve been told the novelization of A New Hope also has the same vibes, and is by the same author. So if you enjoy Splinter thats another place to look.
As far as other novels, we’re mostly looking at crumbs. Off the top of my head I know both Shadows of the Empire and The Truce at Bakura acknowledge their feelings for each other.
Shadows of the Empire:
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The Truce at Bakura:
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I would only recommend these if you’re interested in the rest of either story.
Shadows is a take on what happened between ESB and ROTJ, published in ‘96. Want to see how the Rebels get the plans for the Second Death Star? Read this. Want to see Darth Vader forced to play politics? Read this. If Han and Leia’s relationship is a no go for you, you might consider skipping it. Content Warning: the antagonist attempts to “seduce” Leia via pheromones. Read: rape. He is a serial rapist.
Truce takes place immediately after ROTJ, and has some great character moments for our heroes, again a lot of focus on Leia and Han. I do, however, choose to view the fact that Luke’s love interest in this book is a young Imperial Senator who we are meant to compare to Leia, through a shippy lense. I cannot escape the idea that Luke is projecting. Otherwise this book is about dinosaur looking aliens using human’s life energy to power their ships.
If you’re interested in checking any of these books out I recommend looking here or here.
Legends Comics
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (1995)—as mentioned above.
Star Wars Tales (1999-2005) 15, Do or Do Not—Takes place immediately after ROTJ. Luke is processing after the Battle of Endor, and uncertain of his place. His feelings for Leia are acknowledged.
Star Wars (2013) 1-6, In the Shadow of Yavin—Takes pace after ANH. Leia is working with a handpicked X-wing squadron, to expose a spy. Her position in command causes friction between her and Luke. This is one of the few stories really leans into Leia having feelings for Luke.
Star Wars (2013) 15-18, Rebel Girl—Leia accepts a political proposal in exchange for a secure base location. Luke is a jealous brat about it, puts himself in danger, and plans to run away.
Marvel Star Wars (‘77–86)—I haven’t read these yet, but I’ve seen plenty of panels and pages posted on Tumblr that give lukeleia vibes, even some that take place after ROTJ. These have been gathered into several omnibuses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Disney Comics
Star Wars (2015) 1-6, Skywalker Strikes—After ANH, the gang is infiltrating an Imperial arms factory, Vader shows up, Luke has a crisis. The Luke and Leia interactions are primarily in issues 3 & 4, but it’s a solid story arc.
Star Wars (2015) 33–Actual Publisher’s Summary: The Hero of the Rebellion & the Princess of the Revolution! Luke and Leia finally get some time alone… Unfortunately, it's stranded on a desert island.
The Storms of Crait (2017)—After ANH. Our heroes travel to Crait, in hopes of establishing a base there. Luke is delightfully flustered by a kiss on the cheek from Leia.
Star Wars Adventures (2017) 4 & 5, The Trouble at Tibrin—Leia and Luke are on a diplomatic mission that goes awry. Leia rescues Luke in this one. Acknowledges Luke’s feelings.
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, Mind Your Manners—Another diplomatic mission gone wrong. Not all that shippy, but discovered it while making this list, so it felt wrong to leave it off.
Star Wars Adventures (2020) 7 & 8, The Princess and the Bog, A Twin Tale—Leia and Luke are scouting base locations. Luke is terrible at following Leia’s orders, and wants to pet all the animals.
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories (2022) 2–Another search for a base location. There are several cute moments between them in this one.
Deleted Scenes & Behind The Scenes
I know the ask was about books and novels, but I’d also recommend—if you haven’t already—searching for deleted scenes, alternate takes, behind the scenes photos and promo photos, etc. There are goodies from each film, but the most substantial stuff is from/for ESB.
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Is That Everything?
I doubt it. There are many other stories that take place in this time frame that I haven’t investigated yet. Here are some that are on my list:
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (Legends novel)
Heir to the Jedi (Canon novel)
Heart of the Jedi (unpublished Legends novel)
Star Wars (1977-1986) (Legends comics) (mentioned above)
Star Wars (2020) aka Star Wars V3 (Canon comics)
Razor’s Edge & Honor Among Thieves (Legends novel duology)
I’d bet on there being content down the timeline that reads as shippy, but that’s a whole future post.
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mimi-ya · 2 years
introspection ~ portgas d. ace x reader
6,100 words | she/her reader | nsfw
summary: being a marine isn't exactly what he imagined
masterlist | part 2
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His back is ram rod straight with hands folded behind and wide eyes on his face. Marine cap askew just a smidge, but enough that he should get a demerit for it. But what’s more out of line are the crumbs on his lips as he says,
“I can explain.”
“Ace.” Garp groans, rubbing a hand over his face and slumped behind the desk.
“Now just listen, Gramps!” Ace immediately jumps in, “I swear I didn’t know that there was some fancy War Lord meeting!”
“I would have left some behind if I did! Especially for that Mingo guy! I know he’s particular about his pastries. But if I’m being honest, wasn’t all that great. You think the navy could-”
“Ace! That’s enough!” Garp slams his hand onto the desk, “You’re lucky the chefs were able to whip something up before it was too late! Or your ass would be back to patrolling islands in the East Blue right now!”
Ace swallows, wringing his hands behind his back. It wasn’t the first time his Gramps had threatened him with reassignment, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
But really, how was Ace supposed to know the spread was for a War Lord meeting? You think he would have heard if those so-called big shot pirates were coming to base for the day! Well, maybe it was mentioned in the morning reports, but it’s not like he reads every page.
“And here I was hoping you could at least pull it together for the day you get promoted.” Garp sighs to himself.
“Promoted?” Ace perks up, all decorum thrown out the window as he sprints around the table, “Me?”
A repressed smile peeks out onto Garp’s face. As much as the boy is giving him gray hair, he’s still proud of him, “Not sure now. Can’t have a captain eatin’ all his crew’s food.”
“Captain!?” Ace’s eyes sparkle, “You’re not shittin’ me, are ya gramps?”
“What do ya think, brat?”
“Does this mean I get my own ship?” He starts yammering a mile a minute, “And no more shit assignments? And I can stop at whatever islands I want? Because I swear Gramps, I can smell good food from across the sea and-”
A quick fist comes down on Ace’s head, “That’s enough brat!” Garp huffs to himself, “Can’t even get a word in when ya fire off like that.”
 “I’m a captain you know.” Ace whines, clutching his head, “Shouldn’t hit me like that.”
Garp lets out a boisterous laugh as he pulls Ace up from the ground, “I’m proud of you Ace.” A genuine smile stretching on his face, “And for your first assignment!” Ace’s eyes light up with stars, “Swab the halls of your crumbs!”
“Place smells like shit.” Ace mutters, following the old man up the hill.
He misses home. Misses the salt in the air that would stick to his skin on humid days. Misses the red hibiscuses that would greet him every morning when he would run out to play.
“You’ll get used to it!” Garp laughs, “Hell, it’s something I miss when I leave!”
“You’re not staying?” Ace whips his head upward, suddenly nervous.
Garp sighs, bending at the knee and patting a hand on Ace’s shoulder, “Sorry kid, I can’t keep ya on the ship forever.” He gives Ace a squeeze, “But don’t worry, Luffy will be your friend!”
“Get your fill?” A teasing voice pulls Ace from his thoughts. He looks up from his poor excuse of mopping to see you leaning against the wall. A deep purple cape fastened around your shoulders, gloved hands drumming against your forearm.
With a growl to himself Ace focuses on the floor, scrubbing harder at the tile than necessary.
Heeled boots click against the floor, coming in sight of Ace’s view. He’s suddenly forced to look up when the butt of a sword lifts his chin. “What? No congratulations?” Your head cocked to the side with a smug glean in your eye.
Ace does not pout but comes pretty close when his eyes shift away from you.
Without seeing it, your hand reaches out. Fingers brushing lightly against his cheek and Ace will tell anyone who asks his eyes did not flutter at the sensation.
“Missed a crumb.” You whisper, close enough that Ace can feel the warm air of your words tickling his skin.
“Whaa?” He asks, still in a daze.
With a cackle you break his moment, slapping Ace on the shoulder, “Oh come off it!”
Ace sputters while you laugh and he fidgets to fix his hat, giving his hands something to do.
“What do you want, pirate?”
“That’s warlord to you.” You shoot back in the haughtiest of voices.
“Only took you three years.” Ace sneers, thinking of the length he’s known you.
“Movin’ up the ranks faster than you ever could.” You knock his shoulder.
Ace growls, tightening his grip around the mop, “I’m a captain now!” Coming pretty close to stomping like a child.
“Captains are dime a dozen!” You laugh, “As for me?” You spin in a dramatic circle, “Well I’m one of seven.”
Ace reaches down to grab the mop bucket, shouldering past you, “We’ll see how long that lasts.”
“Oh c’mon!” You follow after, “Upset you couldn’t arrest me before I got my immunity?”
“Still could.” Ace mutters, flinging open a closet and tossing the bucket and mop instead, not caring that water goes flying all over the ground.
“C’mon.” You nudge him with your elbow, “Buy me a drink to celebrate?”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I but you a drink.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ll be there to warm things up, Fire Fist.” You roll your eyes, “Now let’s go before they run out of the good stuff.”
“You could learn something from him, Luffy.” Garp knocks his grandson again, adding a third growing bump to the poor boys head, “That’s what I expect you to look like in a few years!”
Luffy moans from the ground, “Stupid?”
“Oh, come now Garp.” Makino giggles, helping Luffy back to his feet with a pat on the cheek, “Luffy will do great things too.”
“Yeah! I’m gonna be king of the pirates!”
Garp lets out a growl, already balling his fist but Luffy quickly ducks behind Makino who just laughs.
A loud wail interrupts the dispute.
“I can’t believe he’s a marine!” Dadan’s cries, “Damn brat turned out alright!”
“And it’s all thanks to you, boss!” Magra pats her face with a handkerchief.
“Yeah boss!” Dogra nods along, tears in his eyes too.
“The hell it was!” Ace snaps back.
“Just don’t come back and arrest us.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Ace grumbles, hiking the sack higher on his shoulder as he makes his way over to Gramps.
Luffy jumps around from Makino when Ace reaches them, puffing out his chest with a grin, “I’ll be stronger when I see you next!”
“And I’ll be stronger than that, idiot.” Ace scruffs Luffy’s hair, mindful of the bumps, “Don’t make me come back here to set you straight, ya hear?”
Luffy laughs, rubbing under his nose, “I’d like to see ya try!”
“Alright Ace.” Garp nods over his shoulder towards the marine vessel.
Ace feels his excitement swell looking at the ship. He’s one step closer to being the man he’d want his mother to see him as.
“Just so you know, I was gonna get a drink anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You brush him off, eyes already scanning the drinks scratched into the shoddy wall, “Whatever you say.”
Ace waves the barkeep down, ordering two sakes. When they’re placed in front of him, he pushes one towards you, ignoring the flutter when you smile.
“You know me so well.”
Ace looks away, grunting, “You’re indecisive as shit.”
You roll your eyes fondly, “So, captain? When that’d happen?”
“No shit!” You slam your drink on the bar, “Sounds like I’m the one who should be buyin’ the drinks.”
Ace shrugs, unsure what to make of your excitement for him.
“Can’t believe they’re sinking their claws deeper into ya.”
His head pops up, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You hum, swirling the contents of your mug, “Just seems like you have more in you that being a dog of the military.”
“Better than being scum of the earth.”
“You sure know how to flatter a girl.” Your remark earns you a scoff, “But c’mon now, we’re not all that bad.”
“Oh yeah?” Ace looks at you, “Name one pirate that isn’t a complete shit.”
You tap a finger to your chin, eyes turned upward for a moment before quickly snapping your fingers, “What about that new kid! Hell, heard he’s the reason I got this position! Uhh, strawhat something!”
“Luffy.” Ace immediately fills in.
“Yeah! That’s the one!” You laugh to yourself, “Word on the sea is he beat the shit out of Crocodile to help the Alabasta Princess. And I know what you’re thinking! Probably did it for the treasure, but last I heard he already moved on to Jaya and was pickin’ a fight with one of Doflamingo’s men.”
“Doflamingo, huh?” Ace raises a brow, trying not to seem too interested.
You wave your hand, “Just one of his lackeys. But Doffy seemed pissed when he was complaining about it to Sengoku!”
Ace rolls his eyes, “Whatever.” He takes a drink from his mug, eyes sliding over when he notices you haven’t come back with some quick remark, “What?”
“You know.” You drawl, pressing your arm against his on the bar. The heat from his skin seeping through the fabric of your sleeve, “Now that I’m a Warlord, I don’t have an active bounty.”
“No shit.” Ace snarks, “Always planned on buying something nice with it.”
“Maybe I can make it up to you.” Your voice drops with a bite of your lip.
Ace scoffs, starring into his mug, “Don’t need your stolen treasure.”
“As if I’d give you a single berry of my treasure.” You move your hand down to his leg, immediately twitching under your fingers.
Ace jumps in his seat, quickly twisting and crushing your hand in his hold, “What are you doing?” He leans in and hisses.
Ignoring the pain, you meet him closer, “Just thinkin’ ‘bout last time we were in a bar like this.” Your eyes flick to his lips and back up, “Probably the last time you didn’t have a stick up your ass too.” You smirk, “Not that I wouldn’t love to help with it though.”
Ace colors from his cheeks to the tips of his ears, throwing your hand back at you.
“Oh c’mon!” Your laughter rings out, attracting too many stares for comfort in the bar, “I was just kidding!”
“What’s the occasion?”
“First month on the Grand Line.” His boyish smile lights up his face.
“Really?” You lean a cheek into your palm, “Let me buy you a drink to celebrate.” You hold a up two fingers as you take the seat next to the young man. Reminds you of an excitable puppy with the energy radiating from him.
Wonder how long it’ll take for the Grand Line to harden that.
“No bed this time?” You tease, winding your arms around his shoulders.
“I’m sure as hell not getting on your ship, and I’m pretty sure you’re interested in getting on mine.” Ace’s fingers inch up under your shirt, grabbing hold of your waist.
“Can’t spring for a room with that captain pay?”
Ace huffs and you swear it’s a laugh. Hooking a leg around his hip you delight when he lets out a moan.
“Fuck, fuck.” Ace groans into your ear when he presses into you fully.
You let out a moan of your own, enjoying his weight pressed against your body. Your fingers slip up his unusually hot skin, scratching along the way before sinking into his inky hair. Just long enough for you to twist your hands into and give a harsh tug to pull him out of your shoulder.
“Don’t!” He chokes, panting loudly and causing you to freeze under him, “Unless.” He breathes harshly through his nose, “You want this to end right now.”
It’s then that you notice his arms are shaking, cock throbbing inside you like he’s about to spill over.
Your lips turn upward, “Didn’t realize you were that new to the Grand Line.” And the thinly veiled comparison isn’t lost on Ace, who has nothing to say to your quip.
With a push on his shoulder, you easily toss him onto his back, so pliant under your hands. “But that’s okay.” You coo against his cheek, and he’s clenching his eyes so tightly, chest quickly rising as he tries to get his breathing under control.
Just to be mean you roll your hips forward, and he lets out a sob.
“I’ll take care of you tonight, hmm?”
“You’ve gotten good.” You pant, his hips rocking against yours, “Who’ve you been practicing with?”
Ace eyes you with a mean glint, as if he knows your trying to regain control. So close to being the first to fall apart but not wanting to lose this battle.
But neither of you were ready to admit defeat so easily. He still had a score to settle from that first night when you rode him so hard and fast, he could barely keep up before he was crying out in overstimulation.
He could never get that night out of his head. Always popping up at the most inopportune times. Became sort of a ritual for Ace to grab a cold shower anytime he caught sight of your crew, whether it be in battle or your wanted poster.
A particularly harsh thrust rucks you up higher against the wall. Brick scraping against the back of your head. A hiss escapes your lips and Ace is quick to fit his hand between you and the wall.
“Give in already.” He mutters against your cheek, hand sneaking around from your thigh to your center. Ace is quite pleased with himself when your breaths turn to hiccups from the work of his deft fingers.
“Have another round in ya?” You lean over Ace.
“I don’t think I even had that last one in me.” He throws an arm across his face and you grin at the sight.
“Oh, come on now.” Your hand wraps around his soft cock, giving it a good squeeze that earns you a yelp as he jumps up. He scoots up your shabby bed as he protectively covers his sensitive bits and sending a glare your way.
Your laughter tinkles throughout the room, the early morning rays peeking in the port window. “You’re a cute one.” You fall into the sheets that do little to cover your nakedness.
Ace’s cock painfully twitches as his eyes roam your body. Swallowing thickly, he looks back up at you, clearly caught red handed.
So cute.
“Think your crew’s looking for you?”
“Have the night off.” Ace runs his fingers through his hair, “Wouldn’t have been drinking otherwise.”
“Night off?” You laugh, “Your captain keeps a tight leash on each of you, huh?” You roll onto your back, “I don’t think I could manage keeping tabs on my dumbasses like that.” Laughing to yourself at even the thought of wrangling them into a schedule.
“Your, what?” Ace asks weakly.
“They’d probably jump ship from the Orchid pirates before following some shit like that.”
“Pirates?” Ace croaks, finger hanging limply in the air.
You squint for a moment, eyes darting to his neatly folded clothes on the chair. You had thought it was odd when he took the do so, but now that you think about it.
“You’re not a pirate, are ya?”
“Just one?” You pout, watching as Ace hurriedly tucks himself back into his pants.
“Shouldn’t have even been once.” He mutters, throwing a look down the alley.
“Way to make a girl feel special.” And you can’t hold back the laugh when he whips his head up with a sorry expression.
“I- it wasn’t, not like-” Ace sputters and you take pity on him with a laugh.
“Imagine the scandal.” You tease, “Newly promoted marine captain Fire Fist Ace, fucked by War Lord of the sea.”
“I think I was the one doing the fucking.”
You reach out for his collar, pulling him close to your face, “Your pathetic whimpering said otherwise.”
Ace growls lowly in his throat, hand slapping to the wall against your head.
Voices carry from the street and Ace freezes, crowding closer against you as if to hide the compromising position.
“You sure about that second round?” You whisper into his ear, nipping lightly at his neck.
Ace fails to suppress a shiver, voice strangled when he answers, “Roll call at twenty hundred.”
“Pirates don’t have bedtimes, ya know?”
Ace extracts himself, taking an extra step back just to be safe he doesn’t do something stupid. Again. He clears his voice before nodding his head, “Have a safe evening.”
You slump against the wall watching him walk back towards his ship.
Ah well. At least he can’t make fun of the limp you’re sure you’ll have by morning.
“Maybe he wants a beetle. Beetles make me happy.”
“Shut up Luffy.” A second voice hisses.
Ace glares at the sky, trying to ignore the two voices that haven’t left him alone since he was dropped off on this shit island.
“What about meat? Everybody likes meat!”
Ace growls, getting to his feet and stomping into the forest.
He doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t want to be friends with those two wannabe pirates. And he really doesn’t want beetles or meat.
“Way to go, idiot.”
Ace wants to be back Baterilla. He wants his room and toys instead of a hut of bandits. He wants to be hiding in bushes from his mother instead of in a forest from a couple of idiots.
“Oh?” A menacing voice laughs, “And what do we have here?”
Ace looks up, his anger quickly turning to fear. Backing up, Ace prepares to jump into a sprint, but before he can he slams into another man behind him.
He hadn’t been paying attention when he stumbled into Grey Terminal.
Luffy and his friend were always messing around this dump and Ace made sure to stay far away.
“You wouldn’t happen to know two little shits who stole from me this morning, would ya?”
Ace opens and closes his mouth, no words forming as the man twirls around a dagger in his hand.
“Back off!”
Out of nowhere two small figures jump from the shadows, pipes cracking against the skulls of the men who stagger from the blows.
“Run!” Luffy laughs, already dashing back into the foliage.
But Ace is still frozen, scared of what might happen as the men are already back to their feet with snarls on their face.
“Come on!” A hand tugs on his wrist, dragging him back into the forest. Ace goes with, his feet working to follow the boys as the duck and weave around roots and branches.
Before long they’ve climbed up a tree and Luffy is still laughing.
“That was a close one Ace!”
“Sorry about that.” The other apologizes, “Idiot over here nabbed their food earlier and didn’t think to make a clean get away.”
“Oi!” Luffy stomps his foot, “You ate it too!”
“Anyway.” The boy grins his gapped tooth smile, fixing his hat, “I’m Sabo. Heard you have to live with Luffy, that must suck.”
Ace nods, his voice still lost from coming face to face with the terrifying men. He can feel tears gathering in the corner of his eyes, heart still beating too fast.
Luffy swings his pipe over his shoulder, “You kinda sucked back there. You don’t even have a weapon, how were you gonna fight those guys? Here!” He drops the metal in front of Ace, “Now you can join our pirate crew!” Luffy grins, “I’m gonna be the captain, but you can be my first mate!”
“Don’t wanna be a pirate.” Ace mumbles, wiping at his eyes.
“And you’re not captain, idiot!” Sabo tries to whack Luffy with his pipe.
Luffy doges Sabo’s attempt and ducks around to crouch down in front of Ace, “Why don’t you wanna be a pirate? They’re cool!”
Ace glares, reddening in anger, “No they’re not!”
Ace thinks of the pirate he’s heard so much about. Thinks of the photos his mother used to show him. But he didn’t care. Because if his old man wasn’t a pirate then he wouldn’t have left his mom. And if he had stuck around then maybe his mom wouldn’t have been so sick.
And then maybe she would still be here to weave flowers in his hair. And Ace wouldn’t have to be on this stupid island with stupid bandits and these stupid idiots.
“Well what do you wanna be?” Luffy cocks his head.
And then Ace thinks of the nice man who would stop by every few months. Who would carry his mom’s groceries in from town. Who would always have some little trinket for him. Whose shoulder he sobbed into the morning after. Whose boat he traveled on for a month.
Who told him to call him Gramps.
“I want to be a marine.”
“Boo!” Luffy sticks out his tongue, “That’s stupid!”
“No, it’s not!” Ace jumps to his feet with little fists, “Marines are nice and help people!”
“Not uh!” Luffy fires back, “Marines are bad guys and fight pirates!”
“Pirates are the bad guys!” Ace pushes Luffy to the ground.
“See!” Luffy cries to Sabo with a pointed finger, “He’s acting like a stinky marine right now!”
Ace shoves a finger right back in Luffy’s face, “And he started it!”
“Hey!” Sabo steps between the two, “Maybe Ace will be a good marine and maybe if you’re not such an idiot he won’t have to fight you.”
“He’s not gonna anyway, because I’m gonna be king of the pirates!”
“Not if I stop you first!”
Luffy grins, brushing a thumb across his nose, “I’d like to see you try!”
“So, you’re really Luffy’s brother?”
Ace stops in his tracks, the kid running straight into his back before he spins around with a hiss, “Who told you that?”
Koby’s face quickly matches his hair, “Uhh, well, Vice Admiral Garp said that he, well that you-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Ace cuts him off, “You better keep your mouth shut if you want to make it further than chore boy, got it?”
Koby gives a poorly executed salute and furiously bobs his head, “Yes, sir!”
Ace rolls his eyes, turning on his heel. While getting promoted to captain was a step up from almost being a chore boy himself, he didn’t know it would include being a babysitter to the two Gramps threw at him.
If he’s being honest, all the changes from standard marine to captain have been shit. More paperwork. More responsibilities. Less sleep. And he hasn’t stopped at a single island yet!
“Sir.” One of his subordinates runs up, “You have a call on the transponder snail.”
Ace sighs, looking to the ocean for a brief moment before he follows inside.
“You look stupid.”
“And you look like a criminal.”
“Well, I am a pirate!” Luffy’s grin takes up his entire face, “Wanna meet my crew? I’ve already got a navigator, swordsman, cook, doctor.” He counts off on his fingers, “And a liar!”
Ace leans against the wall, “Sounds like quite the bunch.”
“Yep! Now all I need is a musician!” Luffy cocks his head, “You know how to play anything? You could join.”
“I’m not going to join your crew, Luffy.”
“Ahh you’re no fun.” Luffy whines, “Sabo always said you were stuck in mud.”
“Stick in the mud.” Ace corrects.
“Whatever.” Luffy waves his hand, “I gotta get back to the Merry. Sure you don’t want to come? Sanji makes the best fried octopus!”
“Dumb enough for me to be lurkin’ with ya when White Chase is on the prowl.” Ace pauses, “I should arrest you.”
“I’d like to see ya try!”
Luffy’s laughter echoes throughout the alley long after he’s gone.
Ace glares in frustration and awe at the sight before him.
Luffy did this?
Three years ago, the kid could barely punch straight and now Ace is supposed to believe he took on CP9 and won?
And now he’s here to do the fucking cleanup.
Ace spent the better part of the day helping move rubble and debris out of the destroyed Enies Lobby. After his unit was cleared for the day, he headed down to the residential area, pitching in where he could.
Guilt swirls in his belly as he looks at the destroyed homes and displaced families.
If he had stopped his brother in Alabasta none of this would have happened. If he hadn’t let personal feelings get in the way of his duty, he could have prevented this.
“What a shitshow this place is.”
Ace spins at your voice, surprised to see you here.
“Can’t believe a crew no more than a handful did all this.” Your foot kicks a rock off the ledge, “Then again, not surprised that prick Spaldam went all out for some low-level pirate. Think it was personal?”
“Captain!” Koby’s voice rings out, “Vice Admiral Garp will be leaving for Water 7 if you plan on joining.”
“No.” Ace answers, the first thing he’s said since you arrived, “I will not.”
You watch curiously as the boy with pink hair opens and closes his mouth, like he has more to say. The boy decides the better of it and turns to head down the stairs to the port.
Looking over at Ace, it’s not hard to miss the anger that’s etched onto his face.
“You know, I heard Strawhat is hiding out in Water 7. Little surprised you ain’t barrelin’ in on a sea train yourself.”
“Tch.” Ace scowls, looking down at the marine vessel that he’s sure gramps is on right now. “Wouldn’t make a difference. Not like the idiot’s gonna get arrested.”
You cock your head and Ace feels his stomach churn at your appraising stare. He’s always hated when you look at him like that. Like you could see through him or something.
“Underestimating the Vice Admiral?”
“Only his sense of justice when it comes to his grandson.”
You’re silent for a moment before cracking a smile, “Sounds like the two of you never grew out of playing pirates and marines.”
Ace scoffs at your bad joke, “And he never grew up. Kid’s gonna get himself killed.”
“Aww.” You knock his shoulder with a teasing lit, “You care.”
Ace’s cheeks flush slightly, “Yeah well.” He kicks a rock off the bridge, “Not a good look for me to be sniffing round him when the Admirals show up.”
“Depends on who you’re asking.”
There’s something in your voice that makes Ace pause.
“Seems like you’ve had quite the day, want to grab a drink?” The question hangs in the air, the intent crystal clear.
Ace swallows, “Little busy.”
“And later tonight?”
He doesn’t answer. There isn’t any excuse besides the truth. That he feels a little too free when he’s around you. A little dangerous, like he might make a choice he wouldn’t regret.
“I see.” You say to yourself, “Well, thanks for letting a girl down easy.”
“There he is!” You call out, “I’ve been lookin’ for ya, Fire Fist!”
Ace freezes when he hears your voice. It had been little over a month since your last run in when Ace’s unit failed to stop your crew from pillaging a merchant ship.
You had locked eyes with him across the water, a cannonball narrowly missing your ship when you blew a kiss his way.
But now instead of the sea separating the two of you, it was a busy street. And you were crossing it towards him.
Would it be bad if he ran?
“Fire Fist.” You’re grinning widely in front of him, “Long time no see.”
Ace clears his throat, he wasn’t going to run! He was going to do his duty and arrest a criminal! “Pirate. As you have an active bounty with the World Government, I have no choice but to place you under-”
“Oh?” You cut him off with a cock of the head, “What? You save my name for when we’re alone?”
Ace colors, feeling a little warm under his marine cap. And it has nothing to do with his devil fruit.
“And who’s to say I haven’t turned a new leaf?” You bat your eye lashes, “Redemption and all that shit?”
“Have you now?” Ace asks, unimpressed.
“That’s neither here nor there.” You wave a hand in front of your face, “Heard you got honored last month for your bravery back on San Faldo. Making quite the name for yourself.”
A pleased feeling settles in Ace’s stomach that he immediately tries to squash down.
“Are we here to exchange accolades? Because if so, I have a list long enough to send you to Impel Down.”
You grin and Ace suddenly feels like he’s fallen into a trap, “Keepin’ tabs on me, Fire Fist?”
“Wha- no!” Ace sputters, “N- no! It’s my job, I’m a marine!”
Your laughter is full body as you lean back, eyes crinkled, “This was fun.” You say as you finally calm down, “Wish I could stick around but I hear there’s a pretty vault filled with jewelry on the south side of the island. Catch ya later.” With a quick salute you spin on your heel.
Not even a step further and Ace grabs you by the wrist, “You can’t be stupid enough to think I’m going to let you walk away after that.”
Your eyes slide towards his, narrowed with annoyance, “You can’t be stupid enough to start a fight when you’re out numbered.”
Ace’s face scrunches in confusion. He watches your slight nod of the head. Looking up he counts three, no, at least four discreetly placed individuals. Each staring at the two of you with unhidden interest.
“Like I said.” You growl, pulling your hand back. “I’ll catch you later.”
Ace waits until you’ve disappeared around the corner before beelining it back to the ship.
His anger at your outward taunting is doubled after nothing happens that evening. He’s reamed out by his superior for wasting resources on staking out an untouched vault.
Especially when a bank on the north side of the island is wiped clean in the middle of the night without a trace.
Sabaody always left Ace feeling off. Easily one of the seediest places in all the Grand Line. He tries his best to stay on the ship whenever he’s stationed at the archipelago.
He had almost been excited when he was called in to assist in with the round up of some pirate rookies causing trouble. But by the time he arrived all had been taken care of and he was yet again saddled with paperwork instead.
Ace snaps a spark from his finger, leaning over the edge of the ship. He watches the flames fall to the ocean before extinguishing in the water.
“You’ve got the damsel in distress attitude down to a tee.” Ace shoots up when your voice reaches his ears, not even noticing your approaching footsteps, “You need rescuing?”
Ace rolls his eyes, turning back to the water, “What are you doing here?”
“Called in to Marineford.” You shrug, “But can’t miss the chance to stop at my favorite place on the Grandline.”
“Figures.” Ace scoffs, “And what about on my ship?”
“Can’t I say hi to an old friend?” You ask with a pout.
“Friend is a bit of a stretch.”
You come up beside him, nudging your shoulder against him, “The melancholy isn’t a good look on you.”
Ace doesn’t answer because you’re not wrong. But it’s a feeling he hasn’t been able to shake for a long time.
“Well.” You slap your hands on the rail, “If you need me, I’ll be at a bar in grove 13. Shit drinks but the prices are decent enough if you have something to trade.”
He can feel you staring but doesn’t meet your eye. Afraid of what he might do if he looks at you. Enough time passes and you take your leave.
Ace wonders what it must be like to just do as you please. You always sound so light. He wonders if you wake up with plans in mind for the day, or if you wait for something to fall into your lap.
Ace knows how he wakes up. To a shrill alarm at six hundred every morning. Just to eat the same gruel for breakfast that he does every day before he sits down in his office to see his itinerary has already been sent over from headquarters.
Ace’s fists tighten on the rail, melting indents into the metal.
“(Y/N).” He calls, spinning around “Wait-”
His voice dies in his throat when it’s not your face he sees.
“Let’s talk.” Is all Akainu says.
Ace doesn’t say anything as he follows the Admrial through the ship. Marines quickly dropping what they’re doing to throw up a salute the moment they see the man.
The imposing Admiral walks into Ace’s office, taking a seat at the desk and lighting a cigar.
Ace watches ash fall onto the reports he spent all night getting through.
“Your grandfather has no ambition.” Akainu leans back in the chair, a circle of smoke surrounding his face, “Wasted talent.”
Ace swallows thickly, unsure how to respond. Did the Admiral really come to his ship to talk to him about Gramp’s work ethic?
“He’s doing the same to you, boy.” Akainu takes a deep inhale of his cigar, the smoke easily escaping him as he points towards Ace with lighted end, “You could be the top. Even with that devil’s blood of yours.” A frozen chill runs through Ace’s veins, lead dropping into his stomach. Ace’s eyes widen as Akainu cocks his head with a smirk, “Didn’t think we knew?”
“I-” It’s the first thing he’s uttered, and he can’t even get a full word out.
“At least Garp was able to set one of you straight.” He mutters while shoving the cigar into his palm, brushing off the ash.
“You and I are a lot alike.”
“Our devil fruits?” Ace asks before he can shut his mouth.
Akainu stares at him for a moment before letting out a huff, “Cute.” He stands from the desk, “I hope to see you on the side of justice.” He leaves without another word and Ace exhales a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
They know. They know and he’s still here?
Ace needs a fucking drink.
He barrels off the ship and sets off in a direction he doesn’t know.
“Fire Fist!” Your voice rings out, but Ace keeps walking. “Hey!” He can hear you running after him, but he doesn’t have time for this.
A hand gives him a strong shove into his back, causing Ace to stumble.
“What the hell?” He whips around with a snarl, fire erupting from his fist.
“What the hell me? What the fuck you! I was calling your name!”
“You think just cause some scum pirate wants my attention I’m going to give it to ‘em?”
Your face falls, hurt flashing across it before it twists into anger, “I’m going to let that one slide since I’m sure you’re dealing with your own shit right now.” You wave the newspaper in your hand.
“You don’t know anything about me.” Ace snarls, “You think you’re special because you’re a War Lord? You’re still nothin’ but a no-good filthy pirate. Remember your place next time.”
The venom in his voice shocks you a moment, never hearing such callousness behind it before, “Oh yeah?” You spit back, “And what’s that make you then? If you’ll sink low enough to fuck one?”
“Just reminding you of all you’re good for.” The words leave his mouth before he even has time to process what he’s said. All he knows know is that your face is screwing up in hurt, bitter tears filling your eyes.
“Fuck you, Ace.” Your voice only holds hurt as you whip the newspaper in his face.
“Wait, (Y/N)-” He starts, clumsily catching the newspaper. But the words die in his throat and a pool of dread forms in his stomach when he catches the printed words.
Strawhat Luffy to be Publicly Executed in 7 Days
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m1ckeyb3rry · 11 months
SitH thoughts under the cut for the roughly two people that have read that story:
- why is Y/N so shippable with EVERY character EXCEPT FOR COLT (literally the main love interest)
- like the conversation with reiner on the bridge??? so romantic and for what…wdym you wished you knew each other in a world where you weren’t both terrible people. wdym you’ll meet each other in another life some time. WDYM YOU’LL FIND HER IN THAT NEXT LIFE HUH REINER 🤨🤨🤨🤨
- her and hadrian have a narrative reason to be shipped so ig i can’t complain about that but i still can’t get over the impact that he has had on everyone reading the story. bro was there for 1.5 chapters max and he’s still on everyone’s minds even now. those pseudo-italian genetics are strong i suppose
- i have actually tried to figure out why it is that friedrich seems like more of a love interest than colt at times though (besides me being the BIGGEST victim of second lead syndrome) and i think i’ve finally got it!!
- the story is essentially Y/N’s life story, and while it was inspired out of a love for colt, the story more so focuses on the effects of things like war on a person (in this case Y/N), and how “cool girl boss beating up and killing people and getting no trauma from it” is a trope that just doesn’t make sense. so Y/N was created first and foremost to be a way to depict these impacts and to be a character that does questionable things and is faced with real consequences for them instead of just being hailed as a hero
- meanwhile colt is a character i’ve borrowed from isayama, so i can’t do much about his base characterization (although i’ve certainly pushed the limits on that), but i was the person to make friedrich, and as his writer, i can say that he was quite literally created just to love Y/N. of course he does other things and has other relationships and (hopefully) seems like a character that has more to him than just ‘being in love with Y/N’, but that doesn’t change the fact that at his core, being in love with Y/N is his narrative purpose, just like showing Y/N the other sides of war is hadrian’s. this is especially hard for me to navigate when writing because i have to show that while also trying to make sure that he doesn’t take over the story (which is after all a colt fic).
- i would say that in the beginning, her and colt were closer due to their more compatible personalities, but her during (and post) war personality is much more in line with friedrich’s just because he’s a lot more cynical and blunt. i’m somewhat limited by the canon in terms of how things like athyae affect colt because he does have a generally kind and almost naive?? personality in the small crumbs we get of him in the show, so i have to balance that with also making sure that everything he goes through does have an effect on who he is as a person the way it does on friedrich and Y/N
- this story is going to be so sad in the end. like it’s already probably my least happy work just because of the grim stuff that it covers, but i would like to reemphasize that Y/N’s life…is not that great. i think she’s my most tragic Y/N because everything that happened to her was brought about by a choice she made — to be a warrior candidate, which is not something she was forced to do. the L/Ns were decently well off, her parents loved her, and she was generally happy if not bored with her life pre-candidacy. but then she made that one fatal mistake and now she’s become what she is and she can never really leave and it leads to a general life of pain anguish and suffering (although i will say that my best friend heard my plans for the ending and said that it was relatively happy compared to what i normally write, so take that as you will)
- i forgot how self-aware the characters are at some points. there’s this one scene where friedrich and colt literally make fun of how many guys like Y/N (because at the end of the day she’s still Y/N duh ofc she’s beautiful everyone likes her) and it’s so unserious…even despite how heavy the fic can get there is some levity here and there which i forgot about tbh. but the story will literally go from Y/N having a crisis about something to friedrich and colt saying some bs like “i really admire [him] for not being one of the many men to instantly fall in love with you” “true seems like he really had remarkable self-restraint” “what a commendable fellow”
- i love marek and i am very sorry for what i put him through but would i do it again?? yes. also he and Y/N are rlly cute together
- at this point i’ve gotten so attached to these characters that i could genuinely write fics about them. like fanfics about a literal fanfic. fanfiception.
- atm i think writing one of those otome isekai stories (they are my guilty pleasure) with Y/N from this fic specifically would be so fucking funny and honestly i might do it just for personal enjoyment but idk if i would ever post it because it would be such a derivative work that anyone going into it expecting an aot fic would be angry and disappointed because the only aot character in it would be colt and idek if Y/N would end up with him in such an au
- okay most of these were about Y/N’s relationships with every character BESIDES colt but her and colt honestly are really sweet together
- he cares about her so much and honestly there are many times where i’ll be writing and i’m like “nah colt deserves better” because he is SO patient with her it’s insane
- on a similar note i think it’s crazy how we’re almost at 150k words and there’s been ONE kiss (which barely even counts because it WASN’T WITH COLT)
- but at the same time the lack of romance is kind of on purpose because Y/N is NOT in a mental state to be in a relationship atm and i hate that whole trope of ‘getting a romantic partner and getting over your trauma immediately’ as that’s just not realistic. colt and friedrich are there to love and support Y/N but all three of them know that the way they are currently is not conducive to being with someone long term. there’s a lot of trauma there that needs to be resolved and spoiler alert it will not be for a very very long time
- there’s so many interesting dynamics that Y/N will have with future characters that i’m excited to write but they’re all like 200k-300k words away which is killinggg me
- ship in the harbor will definitely be my longest story and i’ve changed a lot both as a writer and a person since beginning it, so it’s super special to me. thank you so much to everyone who reads it and comes up with theories about it and falls in love with its characters — i know it’s such a niche fic and it’s been rough at times and i’m so spotty with updating it, but i really do love this little version of the warrior candidacy program and what was going on in marley while the scouts were busy doing their own thing. here’s to many more chapters (but hopefully not too many more years) of me stealing what i want from isayama and filling in the rest as i please, so that this entire mess of a story comes together into something that’s somewhat comprehensible and makes at least one person cry
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zinnynia · 2 months
give ur opinions on every half life cast member go into details i want to see how ur brain functions
My opinion on the Half Life cast? I don’t have any/many opinions about most of them, so I’ll just not talk about those characters.
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I’ll be going from least - most thoughts and opinions, starting with Lamarr.
Though, not really about Lamarr, but headcrabs in general. Out of every alien and enemy in Half Life, Headcrabs and Headcrab Zombies are the scariest to me. Idk man, they’re terrifying, and the concept itself is depressing.
D0g + Eli and Russell are all three very cute characters. I always love seeing them interact with Alyx, and their relationship with her is very sweet. D0g was made by Eli, and Alyx kinda just continued to add more to him, making him the D0g we all know and love. I haven’t completed my Half Life: Alyx run yet, but so far, Russell and Eli seem like really nice parental figures for her. Russell is funny, and has genuinely made me smile and enjoy his company in stressful situations, and Eli just seems like an overall great father. I think I have daddy issues.
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I don’t really like Adrian. It’s not that I hate him, or like him at all. I mean, the art of him is kinda cute tbh, and maybe the angst and shit, but he doesn’t really hit the spot like Alyx, Gordon and Barney. I mean, his concept is kind of cool, I guess, but I really wish we could see more of him. Maybe in Half Life 3 (if it comes out), the G-Man could possibly use Adrian against Gordon, as sort of a way to “distract” the gang and make Adrian join the Combine ranks. ..I could be cooking some fanfic ideas for y’all, so PLEASEEE cook up some Combine Adrian AU fr fr. Make him hot too (I might have a thing for the Combine Ngl).
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Alyx is girliepop. She ate, slayed, and left no crumbs. What I really like about her is that she doesn’t really idolize Gordon, like what most of the Resistance does. She treats Gordon like a normal human being, and has shown from time to time that she genuinely cares about him. I think she’s well written, but what I don’t really like is that she’s the “love interest” of Half Life. I don’t really think there needs to be romance, because the story is already pretty good. I also find Freemance kind of… iffy. Gordon kind of knew her when she was a baby, and I can’t imagine popping out 20 years later and some kid I knew started crushing heavily on me, or their dad starts shipping us together. But that’s controversial, and if you ship it, you do you. Not my business, and it’s all fictional. Plus, they’re both consenting adults, just the idea is kinda weird.
The G-Man’s concept really intrigues me, and I feel like a lot could be built off of him in Half Life 3 (if it ever comes out). I’ve written a Half Life OC kind of based around it, actually! Basically, the G-Man manipulates and uses resistance members to distract the gang, taking and stealing them, along with Alyx. This causes the gang to feel stressed and discouraged, hopeless even. Barney is nowhere to be found (he’s safe and untouched), so it’s just Gordon and Eli. I feel like a lot could be done with this, and builds more on the G-Man’s manipulative and antagonistic character. It would also be cool if the Combine joins forces with the gang, and defeat the G-Man, then agree on a truce, leaving Earth or co-exist together. I also just feel like I’m intrigued by the G-Man so much, mostly because I’ve written my story’s main antagonist similarity to the G-Man coincidentally.. and that’ll be a story for another post.
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Last, but not least… Gordon and Barney omggg!!! Barney and Gordon are both my most favorite characters of Half Life, Barney especially. About a year ago, when I laid eyes on Barney, something inside of me literally just…. Clicked. I was like “I like this man. He’s my favorite character now.”
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^^^ Pieces of artwork I made when I first got into Half Life))
I didn’t really understand it, until I really started to look into the fandom, realizing him and Gordon were best friends, and how he practically missed Gordon for 20 years, holding onto crowbars and thinking about the beer he owed Gordon. This REALLY hit me, as I’m in an oddly similar situation.
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^^^ The him))
My childhood best friend and I were pretty close, despite knowing each other for only 2 years. We got split up, but met again, but never got the chance to reconnect and actually chat. But throughout the years, I always bought lockets, and sometimes items with sunflowers. Lockets, because he and I were BIG Undertale fans back then (also FNaF and Pokemon), and our parting gifts were paper heart lockets. Sunflowers, because of flower symbolism (wishful thinking, happiness, etc etc) and the idea of “Summer.” We always did everything together, like paper crafts. Another funny thing is that, after finding him again recently, our dynamic is somewhat similar to Freehoun in a way. Me being the more chatty one, while he’s a little more silent. My problem is that I'd rather hear him talk, because he’s really everything I’d want to talk about (no homo 4 him pls I swear). It’s also funnier that he’s a science guy and works out, and is taller than me. It’s giving……. Gordon to Barney.
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It’s also funny that a lot of the fanfics I’ve read and liked remind me a lot of us. One fanfic had Gordon and Barney have a conversation, talking about how they can’t “resume” where things left off. That reminds me about a thing he told me one night, about how we weren’t the same people we were in 2nd and 3rd grade, but truthfully I didn’t love him (platonically) for who we were, but for who he is. On the topic of fanfics, I’ve written my fair share (2), and they’re all vents about him in the form of Freehoun! Though, they aren’t technically romantic, they could be interpreted as romantic.
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^^^ Old artwork I made based off of my fanfic "Never Again."))
And speaking about Freehoun, I’m actually not much of a “Freehouner.” Sure, it’s cute, but I think they’re just really cute friends. The things they’d do in Black Mesa, and the beer. The way Barney looks at Gordon, and how upset his face was when he had to part ways in Episode 1. Anyways, it took me 7 years to finally have him back (technically 2 + 5, but we didn’t get time to really chat, so I add the 2 years), and I told him “I’d wait another 7 years if it means I’d get to talk to you again” and I also did kinda write him a 2 page (platonic) Valentines Letter that he DID kinda print out cus it was a google doc. Letters are kind of our thing, because I always gave him letters back then when I had a way to send them (via people/connections).
Plus, Gordon is kinda fine...... And Barney's really cute. Like??? PLEASEEEE who decided to make two good looking best friends like tf? And can we PLEASE TALK about how sad Barney looked at the end of Episode 1???? Shit still has be crying.
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credince--writes · 2 years
Better Off Dead
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson/John 'Soap' Mactavish/ Simon 'Ghost' Riley/Reader
It's been five years since Gary had come to terms with what he had left behind after crawling out of that pit. It just so happened it took an infestation of roaches to make it happen.
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It was a situationship.
Held on barely by a thread.
He knew they had been happy, maybe even finally getting over the fact that he had been dead.
He knew that Simon mourned. He’d even gotten a tattoo- not that he’d ever admit it. The spot on his back, where his shoulder blade met with the muscle of his back, the spot he always kissed when they lay in bed together.
He tried not to be jealous, finding out Simon had moved on.
But how could he not be jealous? After crawling out of that pit, alive, being abandoned. And seeing that bright-eyed Scot, hopelessly in love- like a puppy. No matter how many times Simon would clam himself up and kick the puppy to the curb, he’d always come stumbling over his own feet chasing back after any crumb of his attention he’d feed him.
So he inserted himself, trying to break them up- take that puppy love and keep it all for himself and leave Simon alone like he’d left him.
It didn’t work.
And their relationship had morphed into a strange one- to say the least.
The borders and confines of the relationship are vague but solid like steel at the same time.
Together- but so distant at the same time.
He’d gotten used to it, rejoining the 141 and within a year of being back on the team falling into some sense of normalcy.
The first year, attached to the hip with Johnny, they’d conspired against the ghostly man and paired their varying knowledge against him. For better or worse.
Nearing the second year, he’d finally forgiven and admitted his love once again.
In the third year, he cared for them both, helplessly smitten.
By year four, the definitions of their relationship were solid, no question to boundaries.
They were solid.
No longer a situationship of confused greetings in the morning and awkward conversations after rushed sex.
He felt loved again.
Everything felt right.
Gary would wake up in the morning, begrudgingly, groggily, knowing there were two bodies he was wedged up against that he would die for- and be happy for it to be for them.
They were being moved to a new base-
Fumigation- of all fucking things.
Of course, it wasn’t that Gary was angry. He wasn’t exactly too pleased even if his callsign was Roach, to open a door in a dark room, turn the lights on and see the little bastards scuttling for the walls.
He wouldn’t say it out loud, how much it reminded him of that place.
They’d begrudgingly packed their bags up- as much as they could without risking spreading the bases infestation, loaded up and shipped off like a well-organized flock of headless birds. Sitting in the back, Soap next to him on his right, and Simon on his left sandwiching him into the center while Price drove and Gaz bickered in the front seat about the radio.
The drive had been uneventful, the awkward sway of bodies crammed together in the vehicle, the unpacking and shoving bags into their new homes, getting food, milling about, and earning their bearings on the layout of their new base.
“Should probably get familiar with where the medics hide.” Soap joked. “We’ll be working with the Rookies still over here and Price mentioned we’d be using real knives next week in training.” He snickered.
“If they can’t hold a knife without bludgeoning themselves at this point it’s natural selection.” Ghost bluntly replied, no humor despite the snicker that Soap broke out into after he spoke.
“Still, I agree with Johnny.” Roach added.
“Of course you do, bug. I’m right after all.” Soap smirked, stepping to the side and making his way to the door.
“Then you two boneheads figure it out, i’m sure you can report back.”  Ghost grumbled, lifting a bag and dumping its contents out onto the bed. “I have paperwork to attend to.”
Roach and Soap made their way out of the room, quietly joking with one another as they made their way through the halls toward the medical building. To reach the wing, you had to pass the hangar, the mess, and the offices for the COs, leaving medical at the furthest end of the barracks. 
“Always seems like they get farther and farther away.” Soap grumbled.
“Can’t keep up?” Roach joked, looking back to glance at Soap as they strode through the hallway.
His eyes locked on a figure behind, and his body went rigid.
Soap was noticed near immediately, snapping his head backward to follow his line of sight and eyes locking on a large brunette man- a little taller than Soap staring at Roach as if he’d seen a ghost.
“...Roach?” Soap asked slowly.
“I… I knew- know him. Old team.” He explained. Roach stepped forward, walking towards the man.
The brunette strode forward, legs outstretching and pulling his large frame through the hallway to meet Roach halfway. “You can’t be here, Gary.” He suddenly said, voice full of urgency.
“What?” Soap said, voicing Roach’s silent confusion. “And why the ‘ell can’t we?” Soap defended, tone changing.
“I wasn’t talking to you, i’m talking to tha fuckin’ Roach.” He hissed back, head tilting down to meet Roach’s gaze. “Why are you even here?”
“We were moved, stationed here-”
“Fuck.” The man hissed.
“Look- I don’t know what your problem is, mate.” Soap stepped forward.
“Soap, stop.” Roach stretched out a hand to him, “It’s ok.” he turned and looked at the man. “So what, no hello Chic?”
“You’re fuckin dead to us, Sanderson. You need to figure your shit out an’ get outta ‘ere quick.” Chic stated.
Roach’s eyes narrowed. “Glad to know you haven’t changed, Chic.”
Soap was tense, Roach could feed the unease radiating off of the man.
“We were going to go familiarize ourselves with the location of the medical wing- since we will be here,” Roach stated, voice cold.
Emulating Ghost.
“It’s just over there, that’s all you need to know. You can leave now.” Chic replied.
“What’s your problem?” Soap started again.
“Him.” Chic stated. “Some things should stay dead.”
Soaps hands lashed forward, grabbing the man by his shirt and trying to push him forward and against the wall. Chic’s arm lashed upward, grabbing Soap by the throat and slamming him backward, and pinning him against the wall. His knuckles popped with the flex of his hand as he squeezed on his throat. 
“Knock it the fuck off! Both of you!” Roach snapped, and they pulled themselves off of each other. “You’re problem’s with me, not him.”
“Get your dog on a leash, Sanderson.” Chic growled, leaning forward. 
“Fuck you.” Roach snipped back, grabbing Soap and dragging him back to their room.
No matter what Soap asked, Roach wouldn’t speak much of it- not even cracking a work to Ghost. Not that had seen Simon much the last three days- him essentially holed up with paperwork shooting out of all holes.
Soap had decided to go out, clear his head by wandering through the building- making his way to the shop to hopefully poke out the front and go out back for a smoke.
“Come on ya’ big bastard, just fuckin give in already.” A gruff, female voice half- yelled, somewhere within the what he thought to be empty hangar. 
Soap followed the noise, hearing the sharp clattering sound of metal and a long, drawn out groan.
“Hello?” Soap called out, rounding around the corner of a truck for his eyes to land on a woman hanging from a wrench- multiple extension bars added on with her hanging off the end trying to get a bolt to give way.
Her head quickly turned to him, loosing her grip on the wrench and dropping to the ground in a huff. “Hey- come here. You’re a big bastard- hang off this will you?” She ordered him, thumb jerking over to the bar.
His eyebrow quirked in amusement. “Didn’t know they let kids work on the trucks.” He joked, walking over and helping her loosen the bolt with his weight.
“Oh, ya know, they need fun size mechanics to crawl in all the deep dark holes the man hands can’t fit.” She joked. 
Soap tensed the muscles of his arms, pulling down on the bar and feeling just how tight the bolt was on the truck. “Jesus-” he huffed out.
“Don’t know what moron took an impact to that bolt.” She seethed.
“You’re an American?” Soap asked, glancing over at her.
“And you’re a grown man with a mohawk?” She shot back, mocking his questioning tone. She waited a moment, soaking up Soap’s surprised silence before speaking again. “Yea, here with my team that sadly has a few more brits than good ol’ Yankees.”
“So… you’re?” He asked.
“Geeter, that’s what they call me. Mechanics and Medical- fieldwork. If it breaks I fix it- bleeding or not.” 
Soap nods, continuing to work on the bolt and trying to pull his weight down on it. “Soap- John MacTavish. You put things together huh? I blow em’ to bits.”
“Demolition meathead you are then, huh?” Geeter joked.
“How’d you know.” Soap laughed- giving her a grin.
“The questionable haircut for one.”
“Hey-” He defended, suddenly the bolt giving way and him catching one of the bars as the other clattered onto the cement floor. “Finally.” He sighed out.
“Thanks.” She nodded, grabbing the pole and tossing it into a bucket full of tools. “So I’m assuming you’re one of tha’ refugees from that roach coach of a base y’all were livin in?”
Soap snickered, leaning against the truck and nodding. “Just decided I wanted to take a vacation actually, heard this place had a great mess.”
Geeter laughed, leaning forward and fastening something under the metal plate she removed from the bolt. “That’s funny, wanna go get something from the mess then? I’m sick of this fuckin’ thing.”
Roach had slithered his way through the hallways, into Ghost’s temp office to whine until he come out to eat lunch with him. Roach trotting forward in a snarky victory as the Luitenant followed behind him like a lumbering shadow.
Simon was his love- one of his loves. He couldn’t say he was his first, but he knew that he could call him his last. 
Soap was his sun, and Simon was his moon. 
They made their way down the hall, rounding the corner.
Soap always made friends easy- it was a skill he’d had since he was a child. His personality and happiness was contagious to many, and the banter the newly acquired buddy he was currently jabbering at certainly filled a void. There was only so many times Soap could tell the story about the exploding toilet to Roach or Ghost before they popped.
“Ever put an airbag in your CO’s office chair?” Geeter smirked, and quirked a brow at him.
Soap swore, if he hadn’t been careful the bite of food in his mouth would’ve fallen out on his plate at that moment.
They were going to be.
“Geeter.” A voice spoke from behind, Soap's eyes flickering up to see Chic hovering above her.
Geeter lifted her head, nodding at the man next to her and motioning for him to sit with his tray of food while he glared at Soap across the table.
“Chic- this is Soap. Soap, Chic. Chic is our heavy machinery guy- he breaks a lot of shit too.” She smiles, nodding at him.
Chic dosen’t move, staring at Soap. The two engage in a weird staring battle, before Chic starts eating his food as if nothing was spoken, within his own world.
“....Ok then.” Geeter said. “I think he still might be concussed, sorry about him.” She excused him, giving him a weird side glance.
They continued to eat- Chic inhaling his food at a seemingly inhuman pace before bowing out and leaving the two for their mild conversation and normal eating speed.
“He isn’t normally that weird, he’s been on edge since all you refugees showed up.” She joked. “Literally looked like he’d seen a ghost, I mean he came into training on Monday with one of those looks.” She sighed, poking at her food for a moment. “But he’s nice.” She offered. “Promise.”
Soap nodded, dismissing the thought of that asshole being nice.
Chic exited the mess, knuckles burning and fingers twitching at his sides as his mind was reeling.
His eyes landed on Gary and some big, dark, looming bastard behind him.
Chic stepped forward pointing his finger at him and seething. “Don’t you dare.”
Ghost could about physically see Roach’s shackles rise at the sight of Chic, sending Ghost into red alert immediately.
“You know, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have to be.” Roach bit back, continuing to make his way to the door.
Ghost watched, staring at the man and Roach’s interactions- the familiarity between the two, the tension and anger.
“You can’t go in there.” Chic says again.
“Like hell I can’t.” Roach snarls, stepping forward.
Chic’s hand reaches out grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him backward.
Ghost stands still- like a statue, watching the scene unfold. He wouldn’t step forward- not get in between Roach and this man, no. Not yet.
Roach lunges forward trying to throw a punch, which Chic quickly disarms, spinning him and pinning him against the wall. “I don’t give a fuck, Gary. Really. You keep being the stubborn asshole I’ve always known you to be, but don’t go in that Goddamn room, if you know what’s good for you, don’t go in there.”
“Don’t tell me what to do-”
“Geeter is in there.” Chic seethes.
Roach feels like his world is going to crumble in on itself.
Ghost stiffens.
“You… So, you… You cheated?” She stood in Roach’s room, staring at him as he stood in his gear, dark purple hickeys sucked into his neck he was trying to hide.
“I-” Gary tried to speak, voice choking up. “We… We will talk about this later. I need to go.”
“No. We will talk about this now- you’re my fucking Fiance!” She cried, trying to grab for his chest.
“I told you- we will talk about this later. I promise, it isn’t what it looks like.”
It was exactly what it looked like.
And he left her there.
Five years ago.
That was the mission he’d left on.
That was the mission he ended up in the pit.
That was the mission he left his engagement ring on the sink of the bathroom, hoping to leave without having to face her.
That was the last time he has seen her, since he had died.
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bonebabbles · 1 year
hello, Mist and Night
So on one hand, it frustrates me that they decided to make it that River's Ripple doesn't actually figure out anything on his own. He doesn't teach himself how to swim, how to fish, or how to really do anything with the river on his own.
“That’s an impressive name.” Amusement twinkled for a moment in Mist’s eyes. River Ripple gave a small purr, guessing what the tom was thinking. “I suppose you mean for a cat who can’t fish.” Mist purred. “I wasn’t going to say it.” Night slid past her brother. “We’re going to fix that,” she mewed. “Every cat should know how to fish.” She looked up toward the moor. “Unless you’d rather live up there.” -Riverstar's Home, Chapter 2
That's legitimately a huge waste, and ruins one of the most interesting aspects of his character. That he is a weird, mysterious dude with a UNIQUE connection to the river that he shares with others.
But, Night and her brother Mist are here. So I'm going to let out my frustration with a sigh, and just meet it where it is.
Night and Mist. River gurus. Ok. River's Ripple has activated Tutorial Mode.
I'm actually really glad that I went in with spoilers though, because if I didn't, I would have a serious distaste for Night knowing these writers. It's really rare that a female WC character is just allowed to be close to a male main without it being setup that they're going to get romantically involved later.
At the very least, I will give them a scrap of charitability for a platonic relationship. Though that won't stop me from pointing out if there IS frustrating ship-tease content.
So I'm going to appreciate it and analyze it, with the knowledge that there is a good conclusion in mind, and personally "grade" it based on having a platonic ending as a goal.
“Is that a trout too?” he whispered. “It’s a young carp,” Mist told him. “How do you know?” “Shape,” Mist breathed back. “And it’s alone rather than in a shoal.” River Ripple had never thought about fish before, but now he realized that they must be as different and individual as birds. He watched, hardly breathing, as the fish neared Night.
A crumb of fish knowledge is also nice to see. Points for this, actually. Unironically nice line about fish.
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einsatzzz · 1 day
Hello ❤️ I have some meta asks for your ocs
Kana: What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
And (yes she gets two because I am biased and looking for crumbs)
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
Kurumi: What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
Yui: If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
- 🍎
Hello 🍎Anon 🫶✨👀 Thank you for sending this over and enabling me to yap more about my blorbos 🥰🥰🥰 I only know what to talk about when I draw them, but for pure text posts I often blank out on what to say, so I love asks! I will try my best to give you Kana crumbs too!
🍎Kana: What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
If Kana were a canon character, Kana and controversies/drama are like blood brothers, like soulmates. They are a set package. It wasn't there at the start or perhaps there will be initial discourse about her gender. But fandom will find out eventually that they have bigger fish to fry. As more and more layers of her character gets revealed, the more fandom discourse there is. She is certainly not a character for people who view things in a black or white manner or those with low reading comprehension 😭🤣😭🤣 *looks at those gear grindingly loud mfs on twi//ter*
On the surface, she would prob be reduced to either a some kind of siscon (memes included) or straight-up a cruel/heartless character with ulterior motives ("maybe her love for Kurumi is just a facade? and she has ulterior motives?"). If you peel off the first few layers, you will see that she really does genuinely love Kurumi and her family, for better or for worse. If you peel off more layer, you will see an asshole. If you peel even more layers, you will see an even bigger asshole banned from hell.
Also do you know that one meme where they keep putting Oi\\kawa (from Hai\\kyuu, a VOLLEYBALL series) in a line up of actual villains/war criminals?
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Kana would be there, except she kinda deserves to be there. People who don't get the joke would complain about why Oi//kawa keeps getting included in these fuckass lists that includes Kana and other messed up characters lmao (truthfully i didn't get it at first when i saw it and was lowkey pissed since im an oi//kawa oshi lmaooo now it's just funny every time i see it. still crazy to see him lined up with characters like d//io or aiz//en or gri//ffith like damn wwwwww)
Did you know? My favorite character from Monster is Joh//ann Lieb//ert hahahaha nothing important, just wanna say it haha,,,hahaha,,,,, pls ignore if you don't know Monster sdkjfsdhvfsd
🍎Kana: What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
The least spoilery thing I can come up with on the spot on is Hibari telling her "You're so stupid (affectionate & relieved)" after she does (and says) something objectively very stupid that could even give YuiRumi&family a heart attack & a stroke simultaneously.
Short, simple, effective. ME, personally, I will lose my mind and latch onto it even on my deathbed.
If you want something that could potentially come from a Kana POV, I do have a quote like this saved:
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🎀Kurumi: What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
For Kurumi, I think modern fandom would focus too much on her gender? There would be a divide in the fandom based on how they interpret the "Gender: ?" in her profile lmao We can see a lot of people insisting that she's non-binary. That's fine and all, everyone is free to interpret characters as they like (except if the creator has reiterated clear rules and boundaries for it). The problem is that we can also see people say that you can't refer to her as anything else but non-binary sjdgbhjsdfvhjsbfd
🤖Yui: If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
My understanding of this question is that it's asking for a Yui spin-off where he's the MC! It would be in a light novel format under the romantic comedy genre (with some sci-fi, perhaps? because he loves making robots hahaha inb4 it becomes a mecha story). The story's main couple would be him and Hiyori, because that's what Yui would've wanted. He is delusional and down bad.
In terms of shipping, we actually have three main ships we've committed to. It's just that I often end up posting about the two CanonxOC pairs more sjkdfjskdf but the third one is an OCxOC pair between Yui and Hiyori (YuiHiyo). Sowwwwyyy Yui! uwu Hiyorin is holding me at syringe-point and telling me to shut the fuck up about it.
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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privateerandking · 1 year
Like I know she’s just a recurring character this season which is understandable considering Sujaya was busy with another show (good for her!) but surely we have more behind the scenes content even just stills? Zoya is still one of the major characters of the entire ‘verse, I hope nobody over at Netflix is getting shocked at how popular she is especially within the book fandom which is still its core fanbase lmao. I’m not saying they should pick their social content specifically to pander to fan demands but like… damn. They did say this was a business so 😎
Shoutout to the people begging the official account to tweet about zoyalai for days before they even tweeted that though lol they were putting in the work for the rest of us 😭
Yes shoutout to the Twitter Zoyalai stans 👏👏👏
I fear that they are indeed shocked at how popular Zoya is. They watered down her role in the trilogy severely and I was hoping that was mostly due to scheduling issues like you said but a part of me also thinks they just didn’t realize people cared about Zoya that much. And I feel like we can see that not in just how much screen time she has but also how they’ve characterized her.
I almost think in their mind they thought it would please people to make her less of a “mean” girl and tone down her dislike of Alina sort of like how they toned down Mal’s jealously of Nikolai. Which is just not the way to go about it because her growth that way and her reflection on her younger selfs actions is part of what makes her such a deep character and the fact that she is “mean” and sharp and cutting and unapologetic about it but still a good person at heart is why we all love her so much and it feels like they’re sort of missing that point. Like so far in these seasons she’s done all her growth off screen which just leaves us maybe getting flashbacks.
I know that supposedly Leigh Bardugo had less involvement this season and I think the way they’ve handled Zoya shows that because Leigh is the one who gave her this redemption arc and made her a main character and made her a queen and I don’t think she’d let them sideline her and water her down like this without a fight.
It all just confuses me because I know a lot of if not all the cast and crew read the books and have done at least a little research into the fan base for them. It shows in the details and crumbs they put in for other ships. So how the hell did they miss the fandoms love for Zoyalai? Based on the care they put in everything else they shouldn’t be shocked by this.
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riacte · 9 months
Um hii so I may have something to add to the "duo name" discussion going on.
Fanmade duo names are generally established to separate them from shipping. Which is a good idea and we should continue to make an effort to tag shipping. But you know what else is a fanon concept? Not the idea of two CCs being good friends irl, but the fannish idea of shipping their characters. (Excluding CCs who are married / together). So instead of coming up with fanon names for platonic duos who are friends irl, I think we should come up with fanon names for the fannish concept of shipping (who are not together irl / whose characters are not together).
I'm not into QSMP so I cannot speak for that side and I know y'all have a different shipping culture, so this is more for hermitshipping / trafficshipping.
I can't verify this statement but in this post, OP mentions Joe and Cleo didn't want a duo name because they felt like a word + duo couldn't represent their years of friendship. And I can imagine this to be true for many duos especially in HC, which has been going on for so long. Instead of trying to “define” friendship with a word, we can shift the focus to making up a fan name for the fannish concept of shipping them.
Case study 1: Renchanting / Treebark
The ideal scenario: CCs make their own canon platonic name, shippers make their own fannish name for shipping. Treebark is a pun, it's vague, it doesn't overtly mention Ren or Martyn or their brands, and like the more niche duo names, you need to put in effort to understand what this means. Which makes it perfect for shipping in the sense we try to "hide" it. I know people have said it can be frustrating when you see a new duo and don’t know what it means, but I think it’s okay for ship names because they are by design meant to be obscure. You have to make an effort to look for it and understand what it means.
Case study 2: Convex / Cubscar (Ranchers / Solidaritek (?) also goes here)
I think it's called Cubscar based on Cubscar Week? Anyways, a slightly less ideal scenario than Treebark but still very very good. Canon name for platonic stuff, name mashup for romantic stuff. Less elegant that Treebark but it works so who cares. If it works, it works.
Case study 3: Flower Husbands
FH is different in the sense it’s a canon romantic ship and the CCs made the name themselves. I guess FH is still used for platonic but romantic FH would probably be best tagged with shipping to differentiate it.
Case study 4: Rendoc (aka. is this platonic or romantic or what) (Renskall also goes here)
Rendoc is like FH but?? It’s both a ship name and a duo name?? SHIPrendoc? They made it themselves hello?? Rendoc has been around long enough that we just use it for whatever. Like FH, romantic Rendoc should probably be tagged with shipping.
Case study 5: Fress / Stresskall
Long established ship names that sometimes gets used for platonic because it’s faster and we don’t have canon names (at least I think we don’t?). At least I use it for platonic too. It’s different from Rendoc / Renskall in the sense we don’t get a “haha yes ship us” from the CCs. And I think we have enough common sense to tell whether a post is meant to be shippy or not. Eg. “YESS FRESS CRUMBS IN NEW EPISODE!” (about canon platonic interaction), “omg fress in your au is so cute” (depends on context? What’s the AU?), “I think Fress should kiss” (overtly romantic).
These dynamics in particular have been around long enough that it feels weird trying to make a duo name for them (like Jleo). Like, I would rather call platonic Stress+Iskall with Stresskall than, fuckass allium duo or whatever. If it’s tagged with shipping, it’s meant to be seen as shipping. In the absence of canon names, sometimes using name mashups is faster and more efficient.
There are of course exceptions for everything: eg. Desert Duo is well established enough and it’s a good contrast to Scarian. But I think for more niche duos / ships, we can kind of get away with using name mashups? In the absence of canon names?
But I think name mashups are still seen as inherently shippy because that’s how other fandoms make their ship names. (Ironically one of my ships have the name “sniper duo” which is unrelated to mcyt duoification I promise, and is more used descriptively instead of as a tag) So we have to be careful with how we present name mashups especially in public spaces…?
I still think it’s better than making up duo names that few understand. And I think we should reserve our obscure names for the more obscure act of shipping instead. If it’s difficult to find out what it means, why not make it difficult by design? The name mashup tells you who they are, but the obscure ship name tells you explicitly it’s romantic. I know it’s hard trying to twist your thought process the other way because we’re so used to name mashups being for shipping (in other fandoms), but idk I just think it makes sense for fan names to be made for entirely fanmade concepts. And non fanmade concepts (friendships) can stay the way they are. Idk just some thoughts.
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wavytam · 10 months
Regarding your recent comment about SP having a high chance of being canon, it got me thinking if I had been deluding myself too much that SN will happen. Like you said, it's true Nami never confirmed her feelings for Sanji but I feel that Oda has been giving us so much SN crumbs over the years. It almost feels cruel to just turn the ship so late in the series if there is to be a ship at all. Am I overthinking all this? Probably yes.
I'm currently still catching up on the manga but I have taken a few peaks at the recent chapters and haven't noted any reference to Pudding from Sanji's side since they left WCI. Almost like he didn't think about her anymore after he left. I did see references to Nami which is no surprise since they are crewmates. Did I miss something? It feels like if Oda made SP endgame it would really would feel like all those years of SN hints had been all for nothing. Am I crazy to be feeling this way? Anyway trying to be realistic with expectations since OP is not about romance and I know none of us fans really know what Oda is planning.
I really enjoy your SN and general OP insights so I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this.
I don't think you are overthinking, let alone crazy. Like you said, Oda did give us a lot of SaNami moments. And, although ambiguous, they can be interpreted as romantic. The simple fact that Oda chose to make Sanji interested in Nami (even if he states he wants no romance amongst the crew) is... weird.
Instead of making Sanji get over his feelings for Nami early on, Oda chose to show us again and again that she is special to Sanji, more than any other woman.
To make matters worse, having Purin inserted in the story so late and still not letting Sanji know she loves him so he can move on from Nami is also a weird choice.
Does Oda want to keep SP as an endgame? Maybe. But again, Nami also does not know about the extent of Sanji's feelings for her and has been kept in the dark for years. Why? Wouldn't her knowing and (presumably) rejecting him so he can actually find his love partner be the better option? Wouldn't it actually help Oda skip the romance he so eagerly wants to avoid amongst the crew?
And yet, here we are. Right now, things are as confusing as many other plot points in the manga.
The thing is: we might only find out during Sanji's last development or once the manga is over.
I really understand you, and I don't think you're crazy at all for seeing that. This is all really strange, and we can only guess. But there is a reason for the SaNami fan base to be so big and have so many people see them as a great couple.
Now if you ask me what I think all of this is about, I'd say there is something Oda is preparing for Sanji that will have to do with his feelings for Nami.
It's not a coincidence he chose to make their first interaction be about Sanji admitting he would turn into the "devil" for her.
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And I agree that it would be a bit sad if Oda is just planing to make Sanji like Nami for the entirety of the manga without any other purpose, besides making her reject him in the very last chapter or something.
What you said about Purin is also weird: Sanji seems to have moved on from his entire experience with Purin the moment he left Whole Cake.
Oda could have used the opportunity to develop a small crush from Sanji's side so their (possible) reunion in the future could be even more interesting. However, in their last interaction (aside from the heart eyes moment after she kissed him), he was very cordial towards her and seemed ready to conclude everything with her in a friendly, peaceful note. Nothing more than that.
Oda could have at least made Sanji think about Purin once after WCI, and it would be enough. But my guess is that he will only remember her when he finds out she was kidnapped by Black Beard.
Not to tell that, if Oda knows how he will end the manga for a long while now, why didn't he foreshadow Purin more in earlier chapters? Doesn't he like to leave hints about characters, their deaths, and future arcs all around the manga and colorspreads? I don't recall Oda ever making hints specifically about her. Big Mom, yes, but not Purin.
Take Hancock, too, as an example. We have sketches of her from as early as 1999. Or even Sanji's brothers: the fact that Sanji's name has the kana for 3, already hinted that he had at least two other siblings. Oda planned that.
But I don't recall anything about Purin specifically and I doubt Oda wouldn't have at least thought about Sanji's endgame romance from the very beginning (as I said, love is a key factor in Sanji's storyline specifically, just as Luffy's is freedom and Zoro's is strength).
On the other hand, we have a lot of colorspreads, cover pages, and number/word plays that Oda used to adress Sanji, Nami and their dynamic - and we obviously have a ton of interactions directly from the manga as well.
As I said, my guess is that Oda wants to use that for a major moment later on in the manga, and I think he planned that from the beginning. Whether it makes SaNami canon, it's up to debate, but I do not think it's too far-fetched to think that they have a chance of happening.
In conclusion, please, don't think you're crazy. I think Oda is clearly leaving weird hints here and there, and he just doesn't say why because it might spoil our experience as readers.
I will choose to see this as romantic because I do think that Nami would be perfect for Sanji and vice versa.
I will keep on shipping!! And there's a lot that can happen yet.
Also, thank you so much for your kind words and for reading what I have to say! Whenever you feel like it, feel free to leave as many messages as you want!
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