#and i appreciate tht
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
while i love postgame N who is now filled with love and emotion and embraces his feelings out loud im a sucker for cold N who looks like a lifeless doll at times and has his hopes for humanity wiped out as he carries on with his mission like a man who has given up on a heart
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this man is on the verge of destroying himself from the inside out if it werent for the protag
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somanypetals · 3 months
Catradora: The Great War
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tomatoart · 2 years
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one shot click click click reload reload reload
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fadelikeclouds · 2 years
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So now I finally understand why this show is called hemp rope.
Win is afraid of losing Team. He doesn’t believe a red thread is strong enough to keep them together. After all the story of the red thread is a fairy tale (you know since they’re not Pharm and Dean who are reincarnated lovers meant to work through their past life trauma). Team thinks the story is fun, but he doesn’t believe that he and Win are “fated to be together”.
Both Win and Team want something stronger to rely on than the mythical red thread. They both hesitate to reach out to the other because they are afraid of what they will lose if they do so. People change, they fall out of love, and what is left is heartbreak. This episode shows that Win mourns the loss of his happy family. We know that Team lost his close childhood friend. To these two, love and loss seem to go hand in hand, so it’s no wonder they want some assurance that this time it’s going to be different. Hence the hemp rope. It’s thicker and stronger than a thread, and it’s something right in front of them. Rather than rely on superstitions, they’d rather act like dorks playing with a hemp rope, making light of their fears and waiting for the other person to give them confirmation that their love is real.
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z0mbies · 14 days
im so fucking brave.
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jakowskis · 6 months
30 Torchwood Questions!
Can be used as an ask game, or as a 30 Days of Torchwood challenge! I’m doing the latter (more on that later) and created this for that purpose, but then I realized it would work as an ask game as well, so here you go!  Gwen bashers DNI!!! Everybody else, enjoy! 
1. How did you first get into Torchwood?
2. Who’s your favorite Torchwood member? (And if it’s not one of them, who’s your favorite character?) Why are they your favorite? Do you have any secondary favorites (maybe a one-off or minor character that really stuck with you)?
3. What’s your favorite episode(s)?
4. What’s your least favorite episode(s)?
5. What do you think, objectively, is the best episode of the show?
6. Favorite season/series? 
7. Do you have any all-time favorite scenes? You can bring up multiple - a well-written scene, a silly scene that makes you smile, a sad scene that makes you cry, maybe a scene that just sort of stuck with you… your choice!
8. Are there any scenes (or even full episodes) that you can’t stand? If yes, and you could go back in time and rewrite them, how would you fix them?
9. Are there any characters you dislike? Do you legitimately hate them, or do they just kind of irritate you? What would it take to make you like them?
10. Do you have a favorite cast member? If you’ve gotten into the behind the scenes end of the show at all, do you have a favorite cast moment or story (from bloopers, TW Declassified, convention panels, etc)?
11. Do you have a favorite track from the score? Maybe the soundtrack?
12. Favorite location in the Hub? 
13. Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
14. Favorite friendship(s)?
15. Are there any ships you dislike?
16. Have you read Torchwood fic? If so, any all-time favorites?
17. Favorite kiss in the show? What was so special about it? If kisses don’t do it for you, were there any other scenes that stood out as particularly sexy and/or romantic?
18. Who would you say had the best character development? Who do you wish got more? 
19. Would you recommend the show to people? If you would, would you feel the need to include disclaimers in your pitch? Any particular scenes you’d want to warn them about first? 
20. Discuss Jack. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
21. Discuss Gwen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons? 
22. Discuss Owen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
23. Discuss Tosh. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
24. Discuss Ianto. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
25. Now that we know how you feel; shag, marry, cliff / fuck, marry, kill the team! (If you feel comfortable doing so, of course.)
26. Do you have a favorite antagonist? 
27. This is a sci-fi show, after all… any favorite aliens? Favorite gadgets, maybe? 
28. Do you like how tragic Torchwood is, or do you wish it was more light-hearted? Do you think the ‘dark and adult themes’ were explored sufficiently? 
29. Do you have a favorite quote? Serious or silly, or both! Maybe a favorite quip / exchange?
30. Why, overall, do you love Torchwood?
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cubffections · 3 months
cubbiest afternoonie my wubs ! ! c'mere lemme kiss ur cheekies cuz i missed u guys ! i do hope everyone is doing gud n smiling lots ! had a supr busy day yesterday ( per usual ) nd i fink today is gna be one tew :3 currently all dolled up n ready to stroll da town ^3^ oh oh not to mention i got these yesterday i'm soooo happi ! ! !
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nitroish · 1 year
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woke up in the middle of an anxiety attack last night and drew this when it was finally winding down
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zalrb · 2 months
I wouldn't feel bad if I killed someone like that through self defence but I would feel something. I wouldn't just go about my day like nothing happened. Taking a life has to affect someone.
Ok but it’s pretty much always presented the same way onscreen, “oh no, what have I done?? I’m as bad as them, I’m worse even!” It would be a lot more interesting to see a sense of anger at having been put in this position, being haunted by the basic fact of taking another life by someone attempting to harm you or you loved ones or at least I don’t feel bad for doing what I had to do but I wish I didn’t have to do it but no, I’m tired of the “omg I’m a monster” route when it comes to these situations much like I’m tired of the portrayal of oppressed/marginalized groups of people using violence to combat their oppression and then the narrative painting that as being the same or as bad.
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juxtp0se · 2 years
hjjonk honk imm sleepy goondjnight
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wooahaes · 9 months
regarding december fics [& life update]
hi. i really don't want to get into anything long n drawn out right now, so i'll just... keep it short.
december fics are unofficially on pause due to having a family member enter hospice tomorrow. i've been trying to avoid doing anything because i've managed to push and schedule at least one fic per day, but since getting this news hours ago, i've been... not that great?
if nothing else, i WILL write and schedule fics for christmas and new years for sure. those are holiday specific and writing is therapeutic to me when i'm able to sit down and put thought into it--i won't be pushing myself to write two quick fics when they're time specific like that. i'll go ahead and spoil and say they're for wonwoo and hosh respectively because why not.
for everything else... i'm still gonna call them december fics even though they're most likely going to end up being posted in january. tomorrow (12/14) won't have a fic posted for sure, everything else i'll play by ear and figure out. the "unofficial" part of the pause is just a way of me saying "if i post, then i post, but if i don't, then i'm dealing with offline things"
sorry to make a post like this. its kind of a huge downer and i genuinely kept holding off on the hope that things would get better. i'll still be here and writing in my spare time when i have something i can focus on, but i need to be with my grandmother as much as i can before i lose her.
happy holidays. sending all my love to those who want and need it during this time of year <3 and on the off chance i don't post between now and then, i hope 2024 treats us all kinder <3
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bylertruther · 2 years
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my vision of modern au mike wheeler in all his glory
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meatexe · 4 months
Top 5 horror films?? ❣️
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this is so hard </3 i will do my best !!!
1. sleepaway camp (1983). this is one of those comfort movies for me n i watch it repeatedly um i think if i could go back to a single moment in time, [spoiler for a movie that came out 40 years ago] it would be my first time ever watching that movie and hearing that little boy go “my god! she’s a boy!” as angela turns around covered in blood n screeching n it freeze frames. chefs kiss. + i have a signed poster from the main actress :3
2. hellraiser (1987). another comfort movie!! i love the entire series n how progressively goofy they get + all of pinheads one liners go hard for no reason at all. but i return to the first one the most. my weed stash box is a lament configuration ^w^
3. videodrome (1983). watched this one a date w someone once n they got violently upset tht i would show them such a bad movie but i think i just had a raging hard on the entire time. i think someone should be able to put a vhs into my stomach n reprogram me. for normal reasons .
4. possessor (2020). i love a possession movie. i think some of my earlier intentional horror movie watches were the exorcist, paranormal activity, evil dead n it kinda stuck w me. but as i got older i think it all kinda felt regurgitated but…..possessor my beloved…… it has the formula of a possession movie (vessel + desirous force) but the vessel isn’t unwilling n the desirous force is a computer? it was like watching 90 minutes of raw fucking
5. mandy (2018). the shots in this movie r amazing, i love the coloring, i cried at multiple points, the entire plot is ridiculous. truly don’t know why it ended up at number five bc few movies have moved me in the way tht mandy has um just bc she’s down here doesn’t make her any less important <3 if u haven’t watched mandy u should
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chrliekclly · 4 months
big fan of your art!! really cool :3! anyways, about that post, seeing trans boy charlie in the joyce tag is kinda frustrating, cause the trans charlie tag is already very predominantly tmasc, and it’s nice to have a specific transfem tag, but yeah
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i dnt hav to post n ther if it upsets ppl
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dogpixie · 6 months
we wnt to extended family party for easter and even tho it went fine and every1 was nice it left me feeling pretty drained and alienated and honestly just kinda sad :/ its like. im just rly a different kind of person than ur average "normal" person, i have pretty strong ideologies that a lot of ppl dont relate to, weird interests, and im very introverted. but im still good at being very friendly so "normal" ppl are happy to talk w me so it ends up being them mostly just telling me so much abt their lives and me sharing rly only 10% of my actual life back bc i dont feel like i can rly say all tht much abt myself w/o alienating them. just stupid small talk abt like what i do for work and then of course now sm baby talk which also sucks bc ppl cant get enough of talking abt it and every1 w a kid wants to give u their 2 cents and i blahh idk. im alrdy a naturally lonely feeling person and it makes me feel even lonlier...
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breezebloxx · 1 year
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was messing around on shutterstock & found these pictures from 07's ordeal by innocence that i hadn't seen anywhere before, so i thought i'd share ;0
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